#i felt personally targeted
ohhumbleoddity · 1 year
i can't believe Alice Oseman wrote Isaac's whole character Just For Me ur too kind u didn't need to do that Alice!
((mildest of heartstopper s2 spoilers in the tags))
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
had a conversation last week with a 10 year old girl about the s5 finale and i can’t stop thinking about it. she said nathalie is the best because she loves adrien enough to lie to him about his father so that he stays happy. completely convinced that emilie was resurrected at the end and shocked when i suggested otherwise. i’ve been dying to know what the children think happened and it’s so interesting
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
(DCxDP) Drowning in formaldehyde (Pt. 1)
Tw: one instance of canon-typical violence (DC), vivisection mention
Will be crossposted to AO3 eventually
(Prologue) - (Pt. 2)
(Subscription post/masterlist)
Danny has been working for Mr. Cobblepot for over a month now.
The first few weeks he was in the Penguin’s company, he couldn’t do much of anything. Instead, Mr. Cobblepot made sure that he was well-rested and beginning to recover.
Danny cried a lot in the first week that he was there.
He cried when he ate for the first time in years; the GiW had kept him on IVs and a feeding tube, so they wouldn’t have to move him from his surgical table.
He cried when he was given his own room to stay in, when he was brought clothes to wear, when he was given a bodyguard to protect him.
He cried when Mr. Cobblepot’s doctors told him that the damage to his vocal chords was likely permanent, and that he would never sound the same again. That he would find it hard to speak at any volume above a whisper.
Apparently, he had a lot more damage to him than he had thought.
The doctors said that the scarring in his brain stem suggested his entire brain had been removed and had regrown. Danny couldn’t really disprove that, and it did line up with a pretty substantial gap in his memory, but if that was the case then why couldn’t his voice recover too?
The scarring and incredibly new tissue that showed up in scans of several other parts of his body suggested that the GiW had done the same thing with most of his organs, as well as a few limbs, and all of the fingers on his right hand.
Danny could remember that. He just didn’t want to.
Perhaps it was the feeling of pity that kept Mr. Cobblepot so understanding of Danny’s slow recovery. That didn’t really matter much, though; Danny’s energy was focused on keeping his place here, ensuring that Mr. Cobblepot didn’t decide he was no longer worth the effort.
As it turned out, there was an easy enough solution to that.
Danny was the only one who knew how to properly operate and modify the weapons and inventions stolen from the GiW.
And so, Danny had a niche he could occupy. He could be useful, useful enough that Mr. Cobblepot couldn’t get rid of him, even if he wanted to.
And, as it turns out, Danny remembered quite a lot of the theories he heard while he was on the cutting board.
As soon as he had enough muscle control of his arms to do so, he was working away at the machinery created by the GiW and his parents.
No, not his parents.
Doctors Madeleine and Jack Fenton.
Regardless of their creators, he was able to understand them quite intimately.
Maybe it was because the ectoplasm flowing through the weaponry was his own, maybe it was because he had nothing to listen to for three years other than the excited chatter of his vivisectionists as they cut him open. Maybe it was because they were both simple weaponry without a purpose.
Danny found working on the machines soothing in a way that nothing else was.
The smell of oil and grease, the sounds of mechanical clanking and metal joints squealing, the feeling of cold steel beneath his fingertips.
The first thing he did to the machines was replacing the paint, from shiny white to a matte black. That way, they were recognizable as his own modified creations.
It was only a bonus that he didn’t catch his reflection in the metal surfaces this way.
Still, his reflection was starting to become more familiar to him. It was still strangely off-putting to see, but his face was beginning to plump out from consistent eating, and his skin was beginning to lose its unhealthy pale tone, going back to a more natural pinkish color.
His eyes still looked devoid of life, but that could be ignored as long as he didn’t look at himself for too long.
Danny sighed, leaning back in his chair as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He was working on modifying the ectoblasters so that they could properly hit humans, as per Mr. Cobblepot’s orders.
He probably should feel some sort of moral conflict over it, but really, Danny couldn’t find it in him to care. Maybe it was some sort of deep internal flaw, or maybe it was because he knew that they wouldn’t be shot at anyone without blood on their hands. Either way, he didn’t have any qualms with what he was doing.
As Danny reconnected the circuitry within the gun, the indicator lights on the side of the muzzle blinked to life, a familiar neon green.
Danny would have to change that color too, he thought. Maybe red would be nice instead, or an icy blue?
He was pulled from his thoughts by the door to his temporary workshop opening. Danny looked up, and smiled when he saw that his bodyguard was the one standing in the doorway.
The man, known only as Derringer, was 6’2”, built like a tank, and known for his love of unusual firearms. He was also a big fan of card games, and had been teaching Danny how to play Blackjack during their meals.
He gently closed the door behind him, strolling into the workshop.
Danny hopped out of his seat, hugging the man tightly. Derringer laughed, patting Danny on the back as he clung to him like a koala.
“Good to see you too, kid,” the man said, his deep voice rumbling in his chest, “you just about done in here?”
Danny nodded, letting go of the bodyguard. He picked up the gun on the desk, handing it to Derringer, and pointed to the target resting in the far corner of the room.
Derringer glanced down at Danny, shrugging before aiming the gun.
He pulled the trigger, and a large scorch mark appeared in the center of the target.
Derringer whistled appreciatively, walking over to inspect the damage.
There was a deep dent in the center of the metal target, around an inch in diameter, and a large scorch mark surrounding it. The metal of the dent was white-hot, and the area around it was somewhat warped.
“That’s real nice, kid,” Derringer said, “don’t know how you do it.”
Danny grinned, baring his teeth at the man. He smiled back, ruffling his hair.
“The boss is gonna go forward with the Arkham raid soon, so long as your guns are ready,” he said, “he’s eager to try them out for real. You think you’re up to talking to him?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, nodding to the man.
“Good,” Derringer signed back.
Mr. Cobblepot, not wanting Danny to be limited in his speech by the damage to his vocal chords, had ensured that all of the people who interacted with him knew at least the basics of ASL.
When he wasn’t working on the ectoblasters, Danny was practicing his ASL with a dedicated tutor, or with Derringer, who learned the language when his mother had gone deaf.
“Can I eat first?” Danny signed, “I forgot to.”
“You forgot, or you didn’t want to leave your work?” Derringer asked, signing as he spoke, the corners of his eyes crinkled with amusement, “and yeah, the boss wants to talk to you in thirty minutes. You’ve got plenty of time before then.”
“Thank you,” Danny signed, “let’s go.”
“Hey, just a sec,” Derringer said. His face had dropped into something unusually serious.
Danny nodded, tilting his head as he signed a quick “what’s wrong?”
“You’re a good kid. Even after what you’ve been through, you’re…you’re a really sweet kid,” Derringer said, looking away. “But you…you can’t keep being sweet to everyone. You gotta act tough, alright?”
“You just…” Derringer sighed, combing a hand through his thick, curly hair, “a lot of the guys think that you’re too weak to be here. They’re calling you the Penguin’s pet project, and the problem is that they’re not really wrong. You gotta be scarier to survive, alright? Gotham’ll eat you alive if you don’t. Just make up a persona and roll with it.”
Danny nodded slowly, processing his words for a moment.
“Like a mask?”
Derringer laughed, a bittersweet smile on his face.
“Yeah, like a mask. Just don’t start fighting crime while you’re at it.”
“Okay,” Danny signed, his movements slow. “I can do that.”
“Good on you, kid,” Derringer said, ruffling his hair once more, “now let’s go get lunch.”
The two of them ate quickly, Danny’s mind on Derringer’s advice the entire time.
He was right, and Danny knew it. He’d seen the way that some of Mr. Cobblepot’s men had looked at him.
He wasn’t anywhere near big enough to pull off the looming intimidating look that Derringer did; his doctors back in Amity had told him that he would grow to be over six foot, but his time in the GiW seemed to have stunted his growth significantly. He was only around 5’6”, and it seemed that he was going to stay that way.
In the same way, he wasn’t nearly frightening looking enough to pull off the terrifying stares of the smaller individuals working under Mr. Cobblepot. He just couldn’t get the glare right; his face would always fall back to a blank, dead stare.
Though, maybe if he played into that…
A few minutes before they had to leave, Danny excused himself to go to the restroom. He stared into the mirror, looking into his cold, dead eyes, and let his face drop.
When he adjusted his stance, and kept his eyes a bit wider than usual, he looked downright unnerving.
Danny had already noticed that most of his mannerisms were…unusual, after his stay at the GiW base. Put simply, he had forgotten what it was like to be a human.
He had noticed that most of the people around him would avoid being in his presence, and had begun mirroring their body language as much as he could to seem more normal.
Maybe, though, it would be better for him not to.
He could lean into the whole thing. An unstable young adult, experimented on by the government for years.
Danny looked into the mirror, and wide, icy eyes stared back at him.
Danny left the restroom. Derringer turned to greet him, jolting when he did. After a moment, he nodded.
“That what we’re going with?”
“Yes. Is it good?”
“Yeah. Freaky. Gonna take some getting used to, but yeah. Now,” he said, getting up from his spot at the break room table, “let’s go see the boss.”
Danny felt anxiety bubbling up in his chest, his entire body beginning to twitch. If Mr. Cobblepot didn’t approve of the weaponry, or if he thought they were underwhelming, would he be thrown out? Would he be tortured again, or killed?
Danny shivered when they came to a stop in front of the door to Mr. Cobblepot’s office. Failure wasn’t an option. He had to make sure this went well.
“You’ll do great, kid,” Derringer whispered, pushing the door open.
Mr. Cobblepot had been talking with a few other people, but their conversation died out when Danny and Derringer entered the room. Danny’s skin crawled.
“Ah, Danny! Just the person I wanted to see,” Mr. Cobblepot said, a large smile on his face, “Do you have one of your guns with you?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, nodding.
“Wonderful. I was just telling my associates here about your work. Do you mind giving a demonstration?”
“Where should I shoot? Do you have a target?”
Derringer was quick to translate. Mr. Cobblepot nodded, gesturing for a hired hand in the corner of the room to pull out a small wooden board, holding it up in the air.
Danny paled. He would definitely burn the man’s hands if he hit the target, even if he aimed for the furthest corner of the board.
Still, he was more terrified of disappointing Mr. Cobblepot than he was empathetic towards the man, so he drew a blaster from the holster on his leg and aimed carefully.
The blast hit the center of the board. The man holding it howled in pain, dropping the target and drawing his hand close to his chest. The nauseating smell of burning flesh filled the room.
Danny breathed shakily, in and out.
Mr. Cobblepot, for what it was worth, looked like he couldn’t possibly be happier. He and the others inspected the board on the ground closely, ignoring the hired hand as he ran out of the room, still cradling his damaged hand.
A large hole had been blown into the board, and a good portion of it had been incinerated.
“Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! I told you that Danny would deliver, and deliver he did! Imagine if that had been a person instead! Danny, what would you say would happen?”
Danny paused, trying to wince when he realized that the question wasn’t hypothetical, and Mr. Cobblepot actually wanted an answer.
“It would give them S-E-V-E-R-E burns,” Danny finger spelled the word that he didn’t know the proper sign for, “mostly S-U-R-F-A-C-E. It can’t P-E-I-R-C-E, because there is no bullet, just energy.”
Derringer translated for him.
Mr. Cobblepot frowned, and Danny frantically continued, “but it can be L-E-T-H-A-L! Burns on the head kill fast. Burns on the body make S-H-O-C-K, and kill. Strong I-M-P-A-C-T, too.”
“So they do still kill, just not instantly?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, “they’re fast. They hurt bad. Bad way to die, hurts a lot.”
“Well,” one of the other men in the room piped up, “I guess he’s not completely hopeless.”
“Of course he isn’t,” Mr. Cobblepot replied, fixing a terrifying glare onto the man, “it was my idea to bring him in, after all.”
“Danny,” Mr. Cobblepot said, turning his attention back to him, “we’re going to be collaborating with these fine individuals in the future. I’m going to need twenty guns ready for use in a week. You can handle that, can’t you?”
Danny nodded frantically.
“What kind?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Mr. Cobblepot said, waving his hand dismissively, “semi-automatic is preferable, but handguns and shotguns also work. Just make sure they work perfectly.”
The room was silent for a moment.
“Well, that’s all. You can leave now, and I’ll finish discussing the details with my associates.”
Danny nodded, signing him a quick “thank you, goodbye,” and slipped out of the room alongside Derringer.
They made their way back to Danny’s workshop in silence. Once they were inside, Derringer heaved a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair.
“You really think you can make that many guns that quickly, kid?”
“Yes,” Danny replied, “but I need your help.”
Derringer groaned, a smile on his face.
“Of course you’re putting me to work. I should’ve expected it. Now, what do you need me to do?”
“Well, first, hold this…”
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originalaccountname · 1 month
my tragedy is that I don't like the "you've always been the only one/there's never been anyone else" romance trope but I also love to read fics about my ships. and guess what.
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lepidopterologism · 1 year
any non romantic albatrio fans out there please raise your hands i need to see more of my own kind
their dynamic means so much more to me when they aren’t dating or pining or anything, they’re just buddies :] they’re friends and that friendship is the strongest damn bond you’ve ever seen
I’m a firm believer in “platonic friendship is just as (if not more) important than romance” so maybe that’s skewing my beliefs but like albatrio where they’re the best friends you’ve ever seen to the point where they ARE in love, just platonically. like brothers and sisters are. they hug, they fight, they’re odd and confusing to a stranger but to everyone that knows them it’s “kinda just how they are”
bonus they’re all collectively Ollie’s older sibling figures but they have different styles of raising children so gillion is trying to train him in the art of the blade and being a hero and whatnot while jay practices gentle parenting and chip trains him in the art of being a little rascal
the riptide crew is one big family and i would not trade that for a canon romance any day of my life
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awkwardtuatara · 8 months
The more I think about it the more I like how unstructured The Boy and the Heron feels. It encapsulates the experiences of dealing with grief and being a child growing up so well.
Something happened that you don't really understand, and now everything's changing, and the world is so much bigger than you thought it was. Sometimes you're forced into engaging with how much more there is to life. Sometimes you choose to step forward, even if you don't know what it means yet. Sometimes you are alone, sometimes you will be by people who annoy you but whom you help anyway, oftentimes there will be people to help you through it. You are much more clever than people would expect, and yet you feel impotent when you can't do anything about the things you care for. What do you even care about? The memory of what you've lost hits you at random moments, making you cry just when you managed to distract yourself; you look back even as you walk forward. You don't understand why you do the things you do. It just felt like the right thing to do. It just felt like it would help, even when it hurt you. Maybe you'll find their meaning eventually. There are so many things that are new and beautiful, and yet the things that matter are familiar, even painfully so. There are people who want you to take on their legacies, shoulder new burdens even when they seem ridiculous to you - and yet you cannot turn the possibility of change away. There is a history that calls to you, but you don't know how to express it. There are chances for you to turn back, but you're never quite done yet. You have to carve your own path. You have to see things for yourself. You remember in your own time and learn, even when some say forgetting would be kinder. One fleeting beauty is exchanged for the contentment you have built. How do you live? You stumble, and discover, and embrace the memories, and bring them with you as you keep moving. You don't know how you live, but somehow you do. There is time. And maybe, someday, leaving and going home will feel the same. Maybe you'll build home again.
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macroglossus · 1 year
actually really genuinely makes me so incredibly sick and sad to think of s1 will, who was terrified and losing his mind and no one helped him, especially not the people that he trusted. that line he has that goes "sometimes, at night, i leave the lights on in my little house, and walk across the flat fields... when I look back from a distance, the house is like a boat on the sea. it's really the only time i feel safe." and i think about how scared he was and how he had to leave that person behind, because he would've died, and in that sense he really died anyway
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colorisbyshe · 2 months
while scrolling thru twitter for todays festivities the #1 ad i kept getting was yakuza mpreg and i can’t tell if i was getting that ad because the algorithm jsut thought i would like it or if it’s because i’ve just blocked every other advertiser there
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fanatics4l · 2 years
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that entire scene of billy being taken can literally be interpreted as a metaphorical rape scene. he's dragged downstairs by his ankles to an abandoned basement in the middle of nowhere while he's thrashing and screaming for help. the mindflayer holds him down and enters his mouth while he continues to struggle. when he's free, he runs away to his car and drives off to the nearest phone booth because he's terrified that it's following him.
he doesn't know what to tell the 911 operator, would they believe him? it all seemed very unrealistic. he has flashbacks and starts dissociating, replaying the scene in his mind, specifically the scene when it enters his mouth. and then he's faced with himself. the other billy represents the side of him that feeds his degrading emotions.
this is literally a metaphorical rape scene i don't know what to tell y'all. the way will's kidnapping can also be interpreted as a child predator holding a child hostage and violating him. joyce's initial thoughts must've been that her son was kidnapped by a sick person. and the fact that they found will unconscious with something forced in his mouth?? metaphorical assault scene.
and billy's shower scene? the black veins represent the phantom touches and pain left behind by his rapist. he's showering because he wants it off him but it's not going away. he's starting to dissociate and the memories are hitting him full force again.
do the duffers realize this connection? the show would be outstanding if they acknowledged the general theme of vecna/the MF representing an abuser/rapist who specifically targets troubled children because they're easier to manipulate.
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roseworth · 4 months
oo who are your top dc picks for rapunzel?!! mine are raven from teen titans, wally west, halo and jason todd (in an unhinged way where he leaves the tower to commit murder)
cass cain is my #1 forever dc rapunzel <333 the way she never got to experience the world outside of the narrow view she was shown by the person who raised her, then got a glimpse of the life she wanted and chose to leave said parent and experience it for herself. soooo rapunzel-coded <3 plus the way she believes in the best for everyone and refuses to see people as evil or irredeemable <33333333 theyre the same character to me
also!!! mia dearden!!!!!!! trapped in a life by someone who claims to love her, then some guy (with a goatee) comes along and makes her realize that theres a life outside her "tower" so she fights the person trapping her then leaves to hang out with the guy that saved her :') obviously not a one to one comparison because i am NOT saying that mia & ollie are the same as rapunzel & eugene since. ollie is her dad. but the idea is there
and im giving rose an honorable mention because shes not as much of rapunzel as the other two but if you don't think about it too hard nightwing #112-115 can be tangled with rose as rapunzel, dick as eugene (PLATONICALLY), and slade as gothel 🥰
anyways thats all i have to say but im using this opportunity to go on a new rose tangent
rose can also be eugene-coded. take my hand. sort of an orphan (both technically have alive fathers but their fathers didnt raise them) that turns to a life of crime because they feel like its the only thing they're good at (and in fairness they ARE really good at it) and they like doing it. theyre selfish and kind of an asshole but they have so much love in their hearts and genuinely want to help people but they look out for themselves first. then theyre given a chance to have a family & leave it behind so they do but no one trusts them bc they've hurt everyone around them before even though they've changed now </3 they also cover up every feeling they have by being an asshole and the only people that get to see their actual emotions are the people close to them. then once they show a genuine emotion then the dam is broken and they can never stop
all this to say. cassrose tangled au now please
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slam-dunkrai · 14 days
wrt Recent Events detailed on this blog — it sorta had not hit me until all that happened that a lot of my aversions and fears around, say, taking up too much space, expressing myself in a healthy manner, and never knowing how to adequately resolve conflict were probably abetted by growing up around an emotionally abusive older sibling. nor had it really pinged off as abuse until I'd spent a few years living away and then come back home, honestly. I do feel a little lucky that I've had this realisation right as he's lost all his power over me (in the sense that we don't share a home anymore, but also in the sense that we both seem to have realised he actually is nowhere near as capable of physically overpowering me as he thought — or even to the extent I'd really expected) but, like.
y'know. a little sour to recognise this late in the game that turns the latent fear someone will needle away at, threaten violence against, and disown you if you upset them actually has a clear cause and has had a generally negative impact on my ability to form normal two-sided relationships with people as an adolescent and then a young adult. probably also explains a big part of why I've felt so uneasy about the idea of "going home", in the past; a lot of that apprehension probably does stems from fearing a lack of safety or privacy. (even if this town generally still just kinda sucks ass.)
Oops! Ah Well! at least I'm cognisant of that now, I suppose; these are behaviours that can be unlearned with time. better I'm like this than like him, lol
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valewritessss · 1 month
People are using “and the world kept spinning” as a way to invalidate issues that are actually issues instead of a way to tell someone that the thing they’re complaining about isn’t a very big problem compared to actual things we need to worry about.
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retordedd · 6 months
I never use this blog because the eddsworld fandom is genuinely the only fandom I've been completely fucking miserable trying to engage with. It's full of trans people and yet the community is SO hostile towards non-afab or non masc aligned in some way trans people. I've had people blatantly refused to respect my pronouns after saying they would. I've been misgendered in a server full of trans people where literally no one else was misgendered because there were pronoun roles. In that same server, while I was uplifting trans people making jokes about being proud of their bodies, they made fun of me for not having breasts. I've had multiple people debate my boundaries like it's a topic of discussion because I asked not to be called dude, a GENDERED TERM. I've had people gang up on me to the point of tears because I dared to describe my experiences being raised with an unconventional relationship to gender. I've been accused of holding grudges and being aggressive for even daring to speak up when I'm tired of being treated this way
And these events don't refer to a bunch of random assholes, they refer to people well known in the fandom. People I've seen on multiple servers. People whose names you say and it gets recognized
The eddsworld fandom has a HUGE transmisogyny problem and it needs to be discussed. The way I constantly feel unsafe when in a fandom surrounded by trans people is completely unacceptable
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qtubbo · 6 months
All users on that list can sue btw, false accusations of stalking is serious and all evidence you provided and called “stalking” is not and will never be considered that. My recommendation is to delete or edit your posts before someone’s parents decide you hurt their kid too much to leave it.
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paranormalglass · 7 months
if you ever write me an email please note this is how it finds me.
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
was feeling v feminine and cozy and strawberry today 🍓💕
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