#i feel she'd make sure to be elected
rick-rayson · 5 months
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A/N: I'm back to feed my own obsessions hi hello beenaminit
NOTES: POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE FALLOUT SHOW!! Though I tried to keep it very ambiguous
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Let's be honest Lucy probably fell first, whether you're a Vault Dweller or Wastelander it doesn't matter. Despite the privileges of the vaults, Vault 33 has hardwired Lucy's brain to freely feel and act on emotions with vigor.
Having been raised in a meritocracy, Lucy believes the best way to win your affections is through active illustrations of her skills, knowledge, and attentiveness. Very much an acts of service person.
And very, very bad flirting.
"You're really well learned in enacting violence!"
"You're so good at- um- shooting. People."
"How's it going?" She asks as she leans on a rusted mailbox.
It breaks and she falls over.
Just. Really bad.
You're likely aware that she fancies you before she even realizes. She's not good at hiding her expressions at all.
Not so subtly checking you out or admiring you whenever you just, exist, tbh
Despite it all, she won't make the first move to save her life. Tiptoeing on the line of what ifs and what isn't. You're going to have to take one for the team.
She's actually a huge loser
Absolute girl failure
She's trying so hard though
Proximity is a must. If you're dating Lucy, you quickly become fundamental to her sense of peace.
At first it's a bit much, being in the wasteland kind of messes up her sense of boundaries a bit in a desperation to have you as much as possible.
You have to remind her flat out that it is not, in fact, the norm to follow your partner as they try to find a private place to pee.
She's a bit of a freak honestly.
SOMETHING is up with her but she's so much nicer and kinder than anyone on the surface that you don't mind much.
Uses terms of endearment but sparingly, mostly in private.
You could wake up and look like a feral ghoul and she'd still look at you with a big smile like, "Hey Doll/Hun. Sleep well?"
Craves softness and physical affection but feels as though she cannot have it. Everyone is quick to tell her what kind of person she needs to be on the surface so she's hesitant to express her affections sometimes.
But the more you show her that your touch is not meant to harm, but to love, she'll reciprocate.
Pretty touchy, subtle mostly, a hand on your back, a hand rubbing your arm, tracing your palm with her thumb.
When you two first started dating she very shyly asked if she could place her sleeping bag near yours, you could only laugh.
Whenever she scavenges food (or anything even slightly digestible) she's always offering it to you first.
Sometimes she just craves a really good make-out. She's good at repressing whatever bullshit the wasteland throws at her but she's not about to say no to a make-out session.
Whenever she finds cool knick-knacks she gifts them to you. Pins, random comic books
"I found another Grognak book-! Oh, oh wait, no, no we've already read this one :/"
hats. Lots of hats. Neat hats.
"Well don't you look dapper?" She grins as she places a sun hat on your head.
Honestly depends on you a bit. Though she's aware of the fact the surface is dangerous, it's a different thing to have to experience it.
Tells you all about Vault 33 and what her childhood was like over campfire. You learn very quickly why she is the way she is.
She can be an easy person to sway so she honestly needs you as her rock, her bad cop if you will.
Most nights she'll only sleep if you sleep first, watching over you for a bit before indulging in rest.
Kinda just stares at you a whole lot, but she means well.
Will always be the first to elect to take care of you, and gets a bit possessive in that respect.
Almost completely tackled Maximus to the floor when you got hurt and raced to use whatever she had on hand. She does not care if it's the last Stimpak they have, she WILL do anything to make sure you're okay.
She cares for you so deeply, as you're likely her first ever love.
She falls first, and she falls hard.
Always fixes up your clothes before heading out or patting down your garments, It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland, no one cares about appearances, but you know that Lucy does it to retain a sense of normalcy for herself.
A little thing that she's good at is being persuasive, it's a subtle thing, but Lucy is acutely aware that sometimes batting her eyelashes or giving a pretty please can get her to where she needs or what she wants.
She most definitely uses it on you.
And uh.. NSFW headcanons?
That is all. c:
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
Always Will
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After a bad game, Claudia takes her frustration out on you. You realize it runs deeper than just one game, and Claudia realizes that she can’t push you away very easily.
Shorter than normal, and probs all you’ll get for a couple more days, but I hope you guys like it anyway ☺️☺️
Claudia sat in the front seat, glaring out the window. Her anger was palpable from where you sat in the drivers seat. You were tempted to break the silence, assure her that she didn't really have that bad of a game, but you knew better. Your drive continued in silence, and you wanted more than anything to reach over to her, and grab her hand, but knew she wouldn't accept the comfort. You'd allow her time to cool down, and then you'd talk to her about it.
What you hadn't considered, though, was that Pina wasn't just frustrated with herself- she was frustrated with you. This was made clear when she bolted out of the car as soon as you pulled in, and slammed the front door shut behind her before you could reach it. You walked in after her, slightly bewildered, as you couldn't think of what you'd done to make her upset.
"Babe? What's wrong?" you ask calmly, watching as the striker practically throws her bag down, stomping into the kitchen.
"What's wrong? Are you being serious?" She asked, whirling around to glare at you.
"Calm down, Clau, and tell me what's bothering you." You work hard to keep your voice even, despite feeling yourself getting annoyed with the other girls' behavior.
"You!" she shouts, and you step back, startled. "It isn't enough that I have the worst fucking game of my life, miss every shot I take, but you have to hover over me afterwards like I'm incapable of handling myself. It was humiliating, y/n, you treated me like a child."
You assume she's referring to when you tried to comfort her after the game. Her frustration had been evident, and you'd just wanted to make sure she was okay. She'd ignored you though, until you pulled her aside in the locker room, and she'd told you she was fine, which you didn't believe. To be honest, what you'd done didn't really warrant this reaction, and you knew that she was just taking her frustration out on you.
"That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," you tell her, inching closer when you notice the tears in her eyes.
"Well, I didn't need you to. I'm fine. Now leave me alone, yeah?" she snaps, before marching off into the bedroom, yet again slamming the door behind her.
You sigh, running a hand over your face. Claudia got like this after she didn't play well, but you'd never seen her this upset before. Deciding to give her some space, you head into the kitchen, grabbing a snack, before settling on the couch and flicking on the TV. You'd showered in the locker room, and Claudia had not, so you expect her to do so now.
You tried to lose yourself in the show on, but your thigh ached from where you'd been stepped on. It wasn't a big injury, just a couple cuts and what was sure to be a huge bruise. You're sure Claudia didn't even see it, having gone right into the locker room when she'd been pulled off in the 80th minute. It had happened a couple minutes later, and the physios had thrown a bandage on it before sending you back in. That same bandage was wrapped around your leg now, under your sweats, and you elected to ignore it for the time being.
Claudia hadn't come out of the bedroom, and it had been almost an hour, which you judged to be long enough for her to have cooled down. Standing, you walked to the door and knocked lightly, before pushing it open.
Claudia was sat on the floor, chin resting on her knees. She hadn't showered, and she looked to be completely lost in her thoughts.
"Clau?" you murmur, trying to get her attention. Her head turns towards you, and your lips tug into a frown when you see her flushed cheeks and watery eyes. Deciding to give her a few more minutes of quiet, you walk over to her wordlessly, and hold your hand out. After a second, she grabs it, and you lead her into the bathroom, turning the shower on. You're about to reach out, and pull her top off, but her hands stop you, and she does it herself. Claudia seems intent on showering by herself, but you don't feel particularly like leaving her alone in this state, so you perch on the bathroom counter and pull your phone out as she gets into the shower.
She finishes quickly, sniffling every so often, and you pretend to be engrossed in your phone, when really you're watching her every move. It's unlike your girlfriend to be so quiet, and paired with her earlier behavior, it worries you. She remains silent as she dries off and you follow her out of the bathroom.
This time, though, when she tries to head to the dresser and get clothes out herself, you stop her, and nudge her in the direction of the bed. She frowns but does as you direct, sitting on the edge of the bed in just her towel. You grab comfy clothes from your side of the dresser, walking back over to her. You take your time, gently pulling the shirt and hoodie over her head, as well as a pair of shorts onto her legs.
“Stay here, alright?” You tell the brunette, heading back into the bathroom with her damp towel and return with her hairbrush. She’s right where you left her, staring at the ground. You’re trying to get a good read on her emotions, but her face is blank. The only thing that tells you she’s upset is her shoulders, a slight slump in her usually perfect posture.
You brush through the knots in her hair, and you’re almost done when she reaches out to grab your wrist, bringing your motions to a halt.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” She asks quietly. You realize the emotion playing across her face is one of guilt.
“Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?” You reply, setting the hairbrush down and stepping in closer to rest your hands on her cheeks. She shakes you off though, standing and walking a short distance away from you.
You allow her the space, but turn towards her, waiting for her to explain.
“I was so awful to you, and you’re acting like I haven’t done anything,” she chokes out, and you soften.
“Claudia, don’t worry about it, I’m not mad,” you tell her, because you’re not. She can apologize later, but now, she’s so upset, you don’t care about anything other than making her smile.
“You should be. I was horrible to you in front of the team, and—“
“— and nothing. You were frustrated and embarrassed and I wasn’t helping. You can tell me sorry later, love, but please let me hug you.” You insist, walking towards her. She shakes her head at your words, but you pull her into your arms anyway.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbles into your chest. “I don’t know why I acted like that.”
“It’s okay, baby.”
Claudia settles against you, relaxing slightly in your embrace.
“Why were you so upset today? I mean I don’t think you played that bad, Clau.” She scoffs in response. “Seriously, love, everyone has off days.”
“I feel like I only have off days. I haven’t scored in games, amor, I’m letting everyone down,” the striker responds, tears beginning to fall steadily down her cheeks. You realize that this goes deeper than just one bad game, and you curse yourself for not noticing earlier.
“Oh, baby. You’re not letting anyone down. It’s just a slump, you’ll come out of it.” You tell her, placing a kiss onto her head. She just shakes her head in response, though, and you sigh, before pulling her over to the bed. She sits on the edge, and you stand between your legs, guiding her chin up to look at you.
Her eyes are wide, eyelashes wet, as she gazes up at you. You can’t resist kissing the tip of her nose gently. It scrunches adorably and you smile, before you speak.
“You haven’t let anyone down, Claudia. Not me, and not anyone on the team. You have to be patient with yourself. You aren’t going to be perfect all the time, and no one expects you to.”
She looks only slightly reassured. “I just get so into my head. I don’t know what to do, I’m so stressed all the time,” she admits, and you frown down at her.
“Why haven’t you brought this up before?” You ask, because although you knew she was struggling slightly, you didn’t realize she was having an entire crisis of confidence. It explained her moodiness recently, and her outburst today.
“You’re stressed too, amor, I didn’t want to add to that,” Claudia dismisses.
“No, baby what stresses me out is not knowing why you’re so upset. Please, tell me when you’re feeling like this. You’re supposed to lean on me, Claudia, just like I lean on you.”
“Okay,” she mumbles. It isn’t much, but you can see a determination in her eyes that wasn’t there before, a spark. You know she’ll try to open up to you more, even if it’s a slow process.
She leans in, resting her head on your stomach, reaching her arms around you. In the process, her elbow clips your thigh, right over your wound. You let out a hiss, involuntarily jerking back.
“What? What is it?” Claudia asks, eyebrows knitting together as she scans your fully clothed body for injury.
“It’s nothing,” you say, leaning back into the hug. Claudia is insistent though, putting her hands on your legs to stop you. Again, you wince.
“You’re hurt.” She accuses. There’s an unspoken rule between the two of you that you always tell the other when one of you is hurt, which Claudia clearly feels you have broken.
“I’m fine,” you dismiss, but Claudia is already standing, pulling your joggers down your legs, and carefully pulling the bandage off, then dramatically gasping at the sight of your injury. It’s really not that bad, but Claudia is looking at you like you’ve been hiding a gunshot wound.
“Claudia,” you begin.
“No! Now I’m mad!” She says, lips twisting slightly into a smile, and you know she’s only joking. She turns, heading to the closet where you keep the first aid kit.
“I didn’t hide it!” You call after her and she sends you a glare over her shoulder.
“What would you call not telling me you were hurt?”
“Well, if you hadn’t stormed into the locker room before the game ended, or shouted at me when we got home…” you say casually, dodging the box of bandaids she throws at your head, laughing.
“I thought you weren’t mad,” she says, beginning to treat the cuts on your leg. You don’t tell her they’ve already been cleaned, enjoying the gentle way she’s pressing a light kiss to each cut before running the alcohol wipe over it.
“I love you,” you say suddenly. The way her attention has completely flipped, from her own horrible day, to your slight inconvenience, laser focus on making sure you’re okay, makes your heart flutter.
Your girlfriend looks up at you, a small grin on her face. “I love you too, amor.”
Claudia wraps a new bandage around your leg, before heading off to get some ice for it. When she returns, she finds you tucked under the covers already. She puts the ice pack on your leg, before settling into your side.
“Thanks for making me feel better, even when I wasn’t very nice.”
“Always, love. Always.”
She presses a chaste kiss to your cheek, before resting her face in the crook of your neck. You hold her tight, like you always will.
Lord I hate writing on my phone. Also I think this ending sucks. But! Hope you enjoy anyway :)
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 6 months
Disney TVA Platform Fighter
Last December, I thought it'd be neat to have a Disney-focused platform fighter especially since Nick had some success with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. So I figured... why not a Disney one? For those who don't know, platform fighters are a sub-genre of fighting/party games - the most famous and primarily example being Super Smash Bros.
And so, with that idea, I asked a friend to assist me in aiding with creating a graphic for this hypothetical game's roster, lo and behold:
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Pretty neat, eh? Now you might be asking... why Disney TVA specifically? For one, focusing on the animated tv production side might be more feasible compared to the whole Disney library, that, and it allows some spotlight on very interesting and varied roster choices.
And for another... I just like the animated series side of Disney better. Now, the most important thing to remember is that this encompasses strictly the Disney TV Animation production label only, so any animated series not created under that studio will not be included (more so to keep consistency). I've also elected to choose some more unconventional picks (Yzma, Genie, Bonkers, for example) just to give some variety.
And what's a fighting game without DLC characters, eh? So here are the three waves of it:
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(Wave 1, featuring Stitch, Wasabi, Kick Buttowski and Shego)
I'll admit that Shego's placement as DLC over base roster in favor of Drakken is purely thinking from a marketing standpoint, but it does make sense on the long run. In Stitch's case... I mostly forgot Lilo & Stitch had an animated series while making the base roster lmao.
Wasabi was left out of base roster because of limitations, and I felt Hiro, Go Go, and Fred offer a more balanced variety of size and playstyles but I still didn't want to leave him out, so I figured DLC is his best bet.
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(Wave 2, featuring Mike Wazowski, Marcy Wu, Spinelli and Zurg)
Color me surprised that Monsters At Work is a Disney TVA production - Mike was chosen over Sulley or Tyler as the main rep for that series because he feels like he'd have a lot more interesting potential and material to work off of with his general slapstick and comedy routines.
Figured I'd complete the Calamity Trio with Marcy as DLC - just like Wasabi, she was left out of base roster because of limitations.
I figured people would want a Recess fighter, so I chose Spinelli since she's one of the more popular character and she'd serve as an analog to Helga in the first Nick All-Star Brawl.
Zurg was originally meant to be a boss character only, but I opted to put him as DLC because well... it is Zurg. I feel like you could incorporate a lot of Dr. Doom's MvC moveset on to him and they wouldn't feel out of place lmao.
And finally, they're here for you - they're the third wave of the DLC crew!
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(Wave 3, featuring Oscar Proud, Simba, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur and Oswald)
This is... definitely the most experimental of the DLC waves. I think I've exhausted a lot of the picks I wanted at the time so I figured we could do with a more different direction.
Oscar is definitely there to ride on the coattails of Hugh Neutron in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 1 as a funny joke pick. I haven't actually watched The Proud Family so I don't think I would know if there are better picks, but still... I enjoy the wacky picks, they make a fighting game a fighting game.
Simba was gonna be in as far back as Wave 1, but I held off because... I'm not really sure why, but I forgot about him until I was making the third wave, so there he is now!
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur are definitely there for being the main Marvel series under the Disney TVA label (alongside Big Hero 6, by technicality), and would definitely make an interesting choice considering Devil's size - you'd probably have to shrink him down to a point where he still manages to be big, but not... gargantuan big, which may seem like a disservice to a character who is a large T-Rex but I think you can still make it work (it worked for Ridley in Smash, and Iron Giant in MultiVersus).
Oswald is included by a mere technicality, due to having a small cameo or two in the Paul Rudish Mickey Mouse shorts, and I figured he has a big enough fanbase to warrant an inclusion, so yeah there he is.
And just for fun, we also have a bonus character:
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Powerline! From A Goofy Movie!
Powerline seems like a very out there choice, but I figured you could make a moveset for him entirely out of his theming of electricity! And if you think he'd overlap with Megavolt... then, yeah I guess you are right on that part. But I figure you can differentiate them with how they play (Megavolt being a zoner, Powerline being a rushdown). Note, this doesn't mean he's only available through pre-order, but you'd get him free with it - otherwise you'd have to pay, but he's separate from the DLC characters.
So yeah that covers the playable roster. I understand that there are still a lot of series I didn't rep mostly because of limitations, or I forgot to put them in (Fish Hooks, for one) but I'm only human in how I make these, mistakes do happen so please understand...
I do hope that Disney takes a dabble on this someday, although I'm not sure how keen they are on their characters fighting each other in a silly fighting game. Still, it'd be an interesting thoight, what do you think?
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caeli0306 · 2 months
Chapter 5 of Violet Sorrengail's Guide to Spinning a Scandal is now up on AO3!
Chapter 5: Make Counter-Accusations is now posted on AO3: READ HERE
WAIT THIS IS SO CRAZY DID WE JUST FINISH WRITING VSGTSAS? WE TOTALLY DID! Hope you enjoy this 22.4k chapter bc hoo boy was it not fun to edit. On a more serious note, THANK YOU to everyone who loved this fic and cheered me on as I wrote it. It's such a privilege to be a part of such a supportive fandom. See my end note for full thank you :) For those unfamiliar, this is my @rq-gift-exchange fic for the wonderful @witch-and-her-witcher who has been so insanely patient waiting for their gift fic to be finished! I'm going to go sleep for three days straight now, brb.
Violet Sorrengail is a highly effectively political crisis consultant. Xaden Riorson is poised to win his late father's old senate seat. The hatred between the two runs deep, but its been years since their fiery classroom debates in college, and Violet was certain she'd never cross paths with him again, until her expertise is required to keep doctored stories that could sink Xaden's campaign from gaining traction just before the general election.
The chemistry is off-the-charts, the tension has every other staffer fleeing when the two end up in the same room, and the fire that existed between them is as hot as ever. But as time goes on, Violet begins to realize exactly how true the saying, "There's a thin line between love and hate," really is.
I lean forward, closing the short distance between us, and strain upwards to brush my lips across his forehead the same way he’s taken to doing. When I pull away, I see my own feelings reflected on his face. Once this is over, once I’ve pulled off this final spin, I need to give him the answer I should have given him a year ago. “Thank you,” I say softly, not breaking eye contact so he knows how much I mean it. I’m thanking him for so many things, and I’m not even sure he knows. I twist my hand in his grip, so our fingers intertwine, and I squeeze just a bit. The smile Xaden gives me in response is soft – a word I rarely use to describe a man like him, so full of sharp edges and jagged lines. But with me, when he’s just Xaden and not the businessman or politician people expect him to be, the word fits in the best ways. “Like I said, Violence – I trust you implicitly.” His free hand comes up and boops my nose, and my face scrunches up on instinct. He smirks. “Besides, solving problems is what you’re good at. I can’t be sidelining you from what you do best.” I grin. “Truer words were never spoken.” Xaden’s thumb begins moving back and forth against my hand, a soothing motion. 
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sapphirerogers · 6 months
মনের মানুষ - Soulmate
[Steve Rogers x Indian!bengali!GN!reader
Summary: your heart is aching for a home that no longer exists. Steve finds you in the middle of emotional turmoil.
Warning: homesickness, childhood trauma if you squint, mention of political disturbance, fluff, cursing, Steve being an absolute sweetheart, Steve also getting the feels]
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After the third round of knocking incessantly at your bedroom door, Steve huffed. He didn't want to intrude, in case you weren't decent or something.
"Sorry y/n," he muttered before twisting the handle, fully expecting to find it closed, unyielding.
His eyes widened, first in mild surprise at the ease with which he'd made it in: no locked doors. Then in shock, since his favourite person - you - was currently curled up on the floor, facing the sunset. Knees pulled up to your chest and tears streaming down your face as you whimpered softly now and then.
The next emotion was confusion at the music playing in the room - something that sounded like a folk song sung by a gravelly male voice in a language he didn't understand. However, he'd heard you speak or sing in it to yourself enough to know it was Bengali.
He joined you on the floor, quietly tapping your arm.
You turned your head to look at him, making no effort to wipe away the salty moisture on your cheeks. "I miss home."
Three words. Just three words from you tugged violently on his heart-strings, making him scoot closer and wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer. You let him engulf you, finding comfort in him.
He didn't bother asking any questions. He knew the answers. Unfair elections and totalitarian practices had completely destroyed the political opposition in India five years ago. You'd watched democracy fall apart slowly but surely within fifteen years. Your beloved state of West Bengal, safe from the ruling party till then, had been overpowered too.
You'd run. You'd wished you could stay and do something, be a patriot, but you'd run. Forced yourself to throw yourself and your best efforts into medical school, even if your heart had ached for a different subject instead. You'd clenched your jaw and survived five years of suffocating dictatorship (nobody ever called it that but that's what it was) and communal riots. Then, the moment you'd graduated, you'd packed your things and left your homeland for a stable future.
You hadn't taken anyone with you. Your family wasn't the best and you'd made the decision to go no contact with them while still in high school. You'd lied to them about where you would be living, promised them you'd call. At the airport, just before boarding, you'd sent your mother the final text you'd silently prepared beforehand, listing everything she'd done wrong and refused to make up for and why you felt wronged. You'd apologised for being so harsh, and for abandoning them, but explained that you needed to protect yourself and you couldn't do it while staying with them. Then you'd thrown away your phone.
It was for the best, for your best, but you still missed the carefree life of your early years. Carefree, not in the sense that you weren't being hurt over and over, but carefree in the sense that you were naïve enough not to realise you were being hurt. You were alone in this new environment. Yes, you'd found friends, you'd found Steve. But a part of you still felt lonely.
Steve knew all of this. He'd held you close the day you poured all of it out. And he held you close now as the homesickness returned.
"I'm a fucking coward," you sniffle. "I should've stayed and tried to fight. Spoken up. Done something. Said something. Anything. I didn't even try. Like a selfish bitch."
He pressed a kiss to your head, stroking your hair and shushing you. He'd save that conversation for later. Right now you didn't need a response from him, you needed to let your feelings out. He'd always be here to wipe your tears away and get you back on your feet.
You hugged him tighter, and he pulled you into his lap, leaning against the bed as he closed his eyes, focusing on the song playing on loop.
Weirdly, it felt like home. Nevermind that he understood nothing. There was something earthen and rustic about the song and its ambience, something that called to him. He thought of his mother. A little voice in him said she'd love this music too. He felt his own eyes water as well, and blinked to prevent them from spilling.
You turned in his arms a little so now your back was to his chest, and you both watched the sun go down in silence.
When you'd calmed down, he brought one of your hands up to his lips. "Do you feel like going out and getting some ice cream? Or brownies?"
You giggled - despite the surge of emotions earlier. "I'd love that. Thank you," you met his calm and loving eyes, genuine gratitude in your own.
"Of course, honey."
Minutes later, as you held on to him from behind while his motorcycle wove in and out of traffic, you felt some of the weight lifting off your chest. Life had been rough, but it was better now. You were better now. Safe and loved. You'd be okay, right?
You rubbed his arm softly. He found your hand and squeezed it three times at a red light.
Yeah, you'd be okay.
[AN: This is the direct product of me being homesick, while sitting in my hometown, and being terrified for the future. Steve is my comfort character so I wrote this solely to calm myself; this is the most self-indulgent piece I've ever written. I know most of you won't relate to this much, but I hope that for once, you can put yourself in my place and at least try to understand the emotions in this fic rather than agonise over the details which don't apply to you.
AN 2: India is quasi-federal in structural, meaning while there is a Prime Minister to govern the entire country, every state also has their individual Chief Minister and Cabinet of Ministers for the affairs of said state. The party in power at the Centre isn't always the ruling party in every state. West Bengal is one of such states where the part in power is different from the one at the Centre...so far.
Current affairs in the country are really bad. Abuse of legislation, silencing the national press, completely altering the Constitution, bribing the judiciary, rigging the polls - it's all happening. It's bad enough that the UN and even other countries have criticised the central administration here. This fic is me being super scared that what I mentioned here will actually happen. Elections are this month, and like many other civilians, I'm desperately praying it doesn't take a turn for the worse.
AN 3: The song linked above is the inspiration for the title. মনের মানুষ (moner manush) translates to "soulmate". It is one of the most popular Baul songs. Baul are a category of Bengali folk songs which have double meanings. Most songs, at first listen, appear to be aimed at a lover, however, they can also be meant for God. It depends on how you wish to interpret them. They're a highly respected part of Bengali heritage and can be easily identified by the sound of the ektara in the instrumental, a one stringed musical instrument.]
Tagging my desi friends:
@mainly-marvel @slut-for-henry-cavill @averageambivert
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proqhetic · 6 months
out of all the yj girls, who'd you think would maintain their duolingo streak RELIGIOUSLY? personally, I could totally see taissa treating that shit like it's the most important thing in her life (especially adult timeline) and you'd always catch her in a public setting just making sure she gets her streak—even if it's at some important political place. also, obviously misty does a lesson everyday, I feel like she'd do it when she wakes up every morning though, and it's like part of her routine.
taissa is on the duolingo leaderboard and she is NOT backing down just for a state election 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
misty’s is also super plausible, her on her lunch break doing her daily lesson. (she’d make edits of the duolingo bird and think that mascot is the funniest thing ever) also super into duolingo character lore
i feel like jackie would’ve downloaded it because she thought it could help her improve her french. she managed to keep up her streak for about a week before forgetting one day and then never logged back in again LMAOO
shauna would’ve downloaded it after that in an attempt to pass jackie’s one week record, but gets pissed at the app so easily 😭 especially the speaking bits. she would have rage quit by the day 3 and pretended this never happened
not exactly a yellowjacket, but coach ben….. 🤷‍♀️ just saying he seems like a duolingo guy !
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Star Spangled Seresin
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption. Political situations. Unrequited love, one night stand, military and political inaccuracies. Smut. 18+ Minors DNI. Banner Credit: @thedroneranger
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Chapter 1: (I was) Enchanted to Meet You:
After you had left the apartment, Jaycee decided to take some time to herself and get some writing done for work. She was halfway through her article when her phone chimed. It was a text from Jake.
She took a deep breath. She shouldn't have given Jake her phone number. Jaycee didn't do relationships. Not after what happened. But Jake was sweet and made her cum three times and then fixed her breakfast the next day. So, in a moment of weakness, she gave him her number.
She checked his text. It was a message checking to make sure she had made it home okay. After confirming, she was fine, he asked her about her day.
Feeling bold, she snapped a picture of herself with a messy bun, glasses, leggings, and her oversized Georgetown sweatshirt with her laptop. Jake chuckled when he received the image before texting her back a selfie of him in a US Navy tank at the gym.
Jaycee blushed before typing back, "I figured you'd be the kind of guy who works out shirtless 😉." Jake quickly replied, "Normally, I do, but my back had a run-in with some nails last night 😏."
Jaycee's face turned red. And before she could fire off a response, Jake texted her again, "When can I see you again?"
Jaycee sighed. She wasn't a second date or first date, whichever this was kind of girl, but Jake did seem sincere, a nice meal, and some good sex did sound appealing. Of course, she'd have to keep it a secret from you, but that shouldn't be too hard. So, before she could talk herself out of it, she texted him back that she was free on Monday.
Moments later, a smiling selfie of Jake graced her screen with the message, "Fantasic. Meet me at Marcel's at 7:30. The reservation will be under Seresin, party of two."
Jaycee collapsed against the throw pillows of the couch. Was she really about to do this?
The rest of the afternoon was spent texting with Jake. She learned all kinds of things about him, from where he grew up, to his time in the Naval Academy, to his career in the Navy, and some about his family. Jaycee shared more details about herself than she had in a long time. She was about to order some takeout and text you to see what you wanted when she got a message saying you'd be out late and wouldn't be home until after midnight. Something with the campaign.
Jaycee rolled her eyes at how dedicated you were to your job before placing her order.
She'd just settled down to enjoy her orange chicken when a FaceTime from Jake lit up her phone.
"Um, hi?" She said as she answered it. "Hey." Jake said smoothly. "Sorry, I probably should have texted to see if you were busy, but I really wanted to see you again." Jake said.
"It's fine. I just got some takeout and was about to watch some true crime." She told him. "Oh, true crime? Are you more unsolved mysteries or serial killers?" Jake asks. "Unsolved mysteries for sure. And I love a good conspiracy." Jaycee replies as she grabs her chopsticks.
"Conspiracy theories are fun. Once Bradley and I get elected, I can't wait to learn all the secrets they keep locked in the Library of Congress. After the inauguration, I'm heading straight for the JFK file." Jake says without missing a beat. "Why JFK? Is it because he was assassinated in Texas and you're from there, or is it because he was a Navy man, too?" She asks him with a mouthful of noodles.
"Both." Jake confirms
Jaycee snorts out a laugh. "You know that secret section of the Library or Congress is a myth, right?" She tells him. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe you and I can look for it together after the election." Jake tells her with a bright smile.
"Yeah, maybe," Jaycee shifts uncomfortably.
"So, other than run for office and fly planes, what do you do for fun?" She asks, changing the subject.
"I like to hike. If I am back home, I love riding horses on my family ranch. A pickup game of football or basketball is fun every now and then. I'm a great bowler, but even better at darts and pool, and I'm a sucker for a good musical or theater performance. My sisters were in drama and dance in school, so I always went to their shows and then started seeing a few shows on my own." Jake tells her.
"Oh, so you have culture?" Jaycee teases him. "What's your favorite show?" She asks him. "Hamilton, obviously." Jaycee can't help but laugh. "Basic." She teases him. "But it could be worse. I figured you would have said something like Oklahoma." She says.
"No self-respecting Texan would ever say their favorite show is Oklahoma." Jake says in a serious tone.
"So what about you, other than grilling potential vice presidents, what do you do for fun?" Jake asks her.
"Um, I like hiking too, I've never rode a horse, I like yoga, and reading, and mini-golf, and kickboxing. And I, too, enjoy the theater."
"So, what's your favorite show then?" Jake asks her. She can tell he's waiting to tease her.
"Wicked." She admits sheepishly. "Oh, and I'm the basic one." Jake rolls his eyes dramatically. "Hey it's a great story about fighting for what you think is right and denying social norms!" Jaycee defends herself.
"If you say so. I've never seen it." Jake shrugs. "What!" Jaycee shrieks. "You said you have sisters. How have you never seen it?!" She asks him. "I tried once. The flying monkeys creeped me out." He admits.
"Okay, okay. I get that." She tells him. "So, I had a really good time with you last night." Jake tells her.
"So did I. Three really good times." Jaycee admits. "I was talking about at the bar. Like, don't get me wrong, the other stuff was great too, but I enjoyed getting to know you." He tells her.
Before Jaycee can answer, she hears keys in the door, and your voice calling out to her. "Jaycee, I'm home!"
"Oh, shit, Jake, I've gotta go!" Jaycee says before quickly ending the call.
"Hey! I thought you said you wouldn't be back until after midnight?" Jaycee asks you. "Yeah, Bradley and I finished up early. Who was that on the phone?" You ask her.
"Um, no one." Jaycee says quickly. "Wait—was that Mr. Tongue Tricks? You gave him your number? Where you guys having phone sex?" You ask her.
"No, no, and ew, no." Jaycee says as she cleans up her mess in the living room. "Okay, whatever you say." You sing-song back to her.
"Hey, do have plans Monday night? Candice and Talia are going to be in town and want to get drinks." You tell her.
"Actually, I do have dinner plans. Sorry." Jaycee tells you. "No worries." You respond before heading to your room.
All of Jaycee's Sunday is spent texting Jake. The two of them talk about everything under the sun. He makes her feel good— happy even, something she haven't felt from a relationship in quite a long time. But then—
Jake had brought up the topic of dumb things he did as a teen and told her about the scar on his ass from a bull. Jaycce laughed at him. Then, he texted, saying how he loved how she had turned her surgical scar into something beautiful. She asked him what he meant. And then he replied, "The one on your side, that's the quill tattoo. Did you have your appendix or something removed?"
Her heart sank, and she dropped your phone. The scar he was talking about wasn't from surgery. It was from the worst moment of her life. She quickly got up and went to the mirror in her room. Jaycce lifted her shirt and traced the jagged lines that ran across her right side.
You had convinced her to get the markings tattooed as a way to reclaim them, but even though she had tried to make them beautiful, they still carried ugly memories.
Flashes of that night flooded her brain, the yelling, the glass, the blood —so much blood. She shook the thoughts from her mind.
Jaycee quickly changed the subject, but suddenly, her heart wasn't in it anymore. Who was she kidding? She couldn't date Jake, she had too much baggage for a guy like him.
On Monday, she barely texted him. And that evening, just as you were able to leave to meet up with your friends, she came out of her room dressed to go out. "Hey, wait up!" She called to you. "You're coming? I thought you had plans?" You ask her skeptically.
"They got canceled. Let's go get drinks!" Jaycee cheered as the two of you walked out the door.
At 7:10, Jaycee, you, and your college friends got a table at the bar right across from Marcel's
At 7:15, she watched Jake enter with a bundle of flowers.
At 7:25, he texted her that he was there.
At 7:30, he asked if she was on her way, and if she was running late, that was fine.
At 7:40, he tried calling her, and she immediately sent it to voicemail.
At 7:45, she stopped checking her texts.
At 8 p.m., she watched a deflated Jake Seresin leave the restaurant. Jaycee finished her drink and excused herself to the restroom.
Once she was alone, she turned off her phone and allowed a single tear to slip down her cheek.
"This is for the best." She told herself in the mirror." But she knew she was lying to herself.
Okay! Here we go yall! Taglist: @daggerspare-standingby @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @seresinsbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @soulmates8 @xoxabs88xox @avengersfan25 @blackwidownat2814 @loveforaugust @mak-32 @cottagecori @amysteryspot @heyimmadisonn @princess76179 @bradshawseresinbabe @sunlightmurdock @lewmagoo @cassiemitchell @die-cunt @mj-l4 @shipinabluebottle @malindacath @violyn20 @imawkwardlysoc @books-for-summer @blackroseboulevard @recordblues @desert-fern @luckyladycreator2 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @sebsxphia @roosters-girl @diorrfairy @je-suis-prest-rachel @dakotakazansky @mizzzpink @a-linabean @amklibrary @gretagerwigsmuse @jstarr86 @actuallyazriel @krismdavis @bradshawsbaby
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Look, we thought pairing my LDB up with freaking Yrsarald Thrice-Pierced instead of Ulfric would be funny.
It wasn't. It was just sad.
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As I told my dear sweet @elder-dragon-reposes, it's one thing for one of Ulfric's followers clear across Skyrim to get heart eyes for Ulfric's girlfriendsword arm, but it's another matter entirely if it's one of his generals. In his own city.
Yrsarald remembers the Dragonborn from when she came to call Ulfric to the Greybeards' council. He remembers that she was soft-spoken and adamant about the World-Eater. She's hopeful and compassionate, and that stands out to him, even if she is an elf.
Ulfric doesn't seem to mind her ancestry, so Yrsarald elects to ignore it untilunless it becomes a problem.
News comes that Alduin has been banished, and the Dragonborn is about Skyrim, helping people. It's . . . nice that the foreign half-elf seems to care so much for the well-being of Skyrim and her people. Yrsarald keeps tabs on her through the informants and spy networks. It's a matter of security if the Dragonborn turns traitor to Skyrim and helps the blasted Thalmor. Galmar isn't keeping up with it, so for Ulfric and the Stormcloaks' sake, Yrsarald is.
But all he hears are good things. She wins admiration everywhere she goes, but she doesn't belong anywhere. Balgruuf the Greater is trying to tie the Dragonborn to Whiterun, but she's as flighty as Kyne's winds. Somewhere in there, Yrsarald learns her name is Leara Ormand and she's from HIgh Rock. She grew up on magic and chivalry. She probably sees life as a fairy tale. He may disdain her for it.
But then she comes to Windhelm. They've had troubles of their own, being stretched between the care of the city and fighting a war. And she solves problems. He hears she's investigating the serial killer in town . . .
. . .then finds the Butcher, and she's hurt? Ulfric is concerned, but Yrsarald finds himself livid. He cannot see his Jarl's worry for his own shame that their hero came to help them, and all she got in return was a bleeding wound and permafrost on her skin.
Imagine being so in love with an otherwise mythic figure, a celebrity, that you can't see that your friend, your brother, is also in love with her. How can you see it when you aren't ready to admit your own feelings?
Leara is renting a room at Candlehearth when Yrsarald decides he needs to pay his respects to her. She is surprised when he meets her near dinner. He has never seen a woman so precisely featured before. She's not in armor (he's only seen her in silver plate); her hair is down (curling in blood rose vines) and she's bundled in a cornflower blue dress (it's loose to accommodate her bandages). He wants to sit down and talk to her, but he doesn't. He thanks her, though, and she smiles. He stops by the counter later to make sure Elda sends her a dessert .
"But don't bother her with who it's from." "Well if that's how you choose to show your appreciation."
Yrsarald buys Leara sweets after that. She doesn't know it's him. She knows it's someone who appreciates her service and feels bad about her getting hurt, but Elda won't crack. Drat the woman.
Leara wonders if Ulfric is gifting her the sweets. She wants to hope it's Ulfric. She wants their past to be past and for her to appreciate everything she continues to do not for him, but to his benefit; she wasn't drawn in by his smile or anything. Who else would it be if not him? Ralof? He's not in town. General Stone-Fist didn't seem too bothered about her.
Leara's still healing. She's not bedridden or anything, but she's not fit to go beyond the city gates where there are bandits and dragons and necromancers (oh my!), so she decides that visiting the court wizard might be a fruitful investment of her time. She shuffles off to the Palace of the Kings. She runs into Jorleif right off and, on telling him she'd like to visit the court wizard, he's ready to take her to Wuunferth because she's been to see him before, and after all, she is the Dragonborn.
And this is that delightful moment when fate can swing either way because if Ulfric shows up and offers to walk Leara, that's all she wrote. Yrsarald's lost his chance because now that soft smile from Candlehearth is directed at the Jarl, not him, and Yrsarald will never get it back.
But maybe, just maybe, if Yrsarald gets to Leara before Ulfric does, if he captures her attention in conversation, maybe she'll look at him.
For a general commanding troops, it's terribly hard to be brave before a woman.
He would ask her how she's healing from the attack, and Leara would sigh, tired with herself but patient in her speech, because she's healing but she feels like she's letting the people down. And the tips of her ears might turn pink (Yrsarald didn't know elf ears did that) because Leara didn't mean to be that candid and trouble him – but Yrsarald is tripping over himself to tell her that she's done more for Skyrim than anyone (why is his neck red?) and it's reasonable for her to convalesce after an injury.
"Rest and eat apple tarts." ". . . how did you know I was eating apple tarts?"
Yrsarald coughs (he did not mean to tell her that). Leara is staring at him. They're at Wuunferth's quarters. She blinks at him before thanking him for guiding her through the palace. Then she's gone, and Yrsarald is kicking himself for being an idiot.
He's smitten.
Soon (too soon) Leara has healed from her injury and she's at the palace again, but this time she's offering to help Ulfric negotiate a permanent peace between both sides. Ulfric's seen Leara at the table, he knows what she can do. Galmar is more skeptical, but when Ulfric looks to Yrsarald for his opinion (and Leara's too-blue winter deep eyes follow) he says to let her have at it.
Leara needs to be brought up on the Stormcloaks holdings and Ulfric says he'll help her, but then Galmar needs him for something else and Yrsarald (does NOTdoes) jumps at the chance to help the Dragonborn. She's attentive and quiet, and asks the right questions about supplies and movements. And Yrsarald realizes as he's talking to her that Leara has been in a war before.
"Were you in the Great War?"
The stiffening of her shoulders is almost imperceptible. He'd have missed it if he weren't watching her so intently.
Her reply is measured. She does not lie.
Because everyone was in the Legion then. Back when it fought for Skyrim. He wouldn't fault her if she was . . . why is her face sour? Her mouth is pinched.
"It doesn't matter–" "It does."
Why does it matter? He wonders, why is he pressing?
Her eyes are wide. So wide and too-blue.
Leara looks ill.
And then he knows.
He knew from the beginning she couldn't be trusted. She was an elf. All elves scurried back to the Thalmor in the end. She was here for that blasted Thalmor "ambassador" – she would betray Ulfric and the sons of Skyrim to their deaths!
There's a breathless scream.
Yrsarald doesn't realize until then that he has her on the ground. She's so small and too precisely featured. Her eyes are too blue. She's a traitor, a liar, a fraud–
The Dragonborn does not care for Skyrim.
"Yrsarald, please–"
Yrsarald growls.
Why is she crying? Doesn't she realize what she's doing to Skyrim? – Done to him? All this time and Yrsarald realizes he let Leara lure him into a fairy tale, only for her to shatter it with frigid reality when he thinks, when he thinks . . .
He might love her.
But elves can't love.
"You will rue the day you stepped foot in Skyrim, elf!"
She's sobbing. If she were really a true Dragonborn, she'd try and Shout him off, but Yrsarald wonders if she lied about that, too. High Elf illusions.
"Yrsa–" "What's going–?!"
Then Yrsarald is yanked back forcibly. Galmar is there. And Ralof. And Ulfric.
Ulfric is on the floor with her. Kneeling beside her as she gasps and tears turn her white gold face into wet porcelain. Kneeling beside her as if the elf wasn't going to sell Ulfric and everything they'd worked for to the Thalmor!
Yrsarald strains against Galmar and Ralof. He grits his teeth.
"She's Thalmor!"
Galmar stills. Ralof pales. Ulfric's head is bowed. She isn't making any noise but she struggles to breathe and it's tearing Yrsarald apart and enraging him all at once.
"I know."
And with those words, Yrsarald questions everything he ever knew about Ulfric Stormcloak. Ulfric knew she was a Thalmor spy? Was he coming to stop her – but . . .
Then Ulfric is lifting Leara from the ground, helping her to her feet, and it's too gentle for a King about to arrest an enemy.
Her hands are grasping Ulfric's arm, her eyes wide. Ulfric's face is drawn.
"We will discuss this later."
And he walks out with her. And the elf is free. And Yrsarald doesn't understand.
And then Galmar speaks:
"What in Oblivion did you do?!"
Yrsarald . . . doesn't know anymore.
What he learns later is more than he could stomach. Leara was a member of the Thalmor and she was a member of the Blades before that, and during the war, she smuggled information from the Dominion to the Blades intelligence networks and then defected while smuggling Ulfric Stormcloak from captivity.
He's nauseous when Ralof tells him this. Respectful Ralof – save this time there's steel in his eyes and disdain in his voice.
Yrsarald realizes he deserves that.
Later, when she finds him at Candlehearth, drinking his weight in ale, he realizes he does not deserve the understanding and forgiveness and the self-loathing in her face.
"I know why you did what you did. I can't fault you for it, not when I could've sold your Jarl and cause out to the Dominion. But I–"
Leara's eyes trail off.
"I'm sorry."
He chokes out the words. Her eyes slip back. She was far away.
"I think it's for the best if we're not alone together anymore."
Then she's gone.
Yrsarald buys another round.
The next day, Galmar says Ulfric wants him in the Pale. Far away from the Dragonborn goes unspoken between them.
Yrsarald goes. Ulfric's face is hard when he bids Yrsarald goodbye. The Jarl is not as easily forgiving as the Dragonborn.
Yrsarald is in the Pale when, a month later, news comes that the Dragonborn is handling an armistice in Whiterun. Skyrim divided. What was she thinking? She's thinking for Skyrim, Yrsarald realizes. That's all she's thought about this entire time.
It's a year before he returns to the Eastern capital of Windhelm, and only then, it's because the High King is getting married.
Yrsarald sees her. He doesn't stay long after that.
After all, Ulfric would protect her. Had protected her. Even from Yrsarald.
He could live with that.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
For the character ask game, Iris West?
Gladly! I adore her:
How I feel about this character: I love her! She’s amazing and awesome and overhated
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Barry, Eddie, Caitlin. Sometimes Felicity, Kara, and Patty. She’s the fandom bicycle and I’m tired of people not realizing that ✋
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Cisco! Though I do ship them as part of Barriscowest, I usually don’t ship them separately. I adore their friendship 💞
My unpopular opinion about this character: Her saying “you are not the Flash, Barry, we are” is not that bad, people need to let it go. First of all, it’s a metaphor—if I couldn’t understand a metaphor, I’d keep that to myself. Second of all, Barry has basically said that twice to her before this...and after this, he is the one who says “we are the Flash” verbatim. This joke isn’t funny, and it never was.
Also, y’all who say “go fight the reverse flash then, Iris” should remember that Iris literally shot him with the pulse rifle in s5...and in the comics, I’m pretty sure she killed him once
(Also y’all would’ve cheered if Caitlin or Patty said that, but that’s a whole different conversation)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she'd figured out the Flash secret on her own and confronted Barry about it, or that he’d told her 😭 I’m still mad neither of those happened. I love the lightning touch, but it was a cop-out way for her to find out
Oh also, they were pretty inconsistent about showing her as a journalist post-s1 until about s5. That should’ve been a constant sideplot of every season. That's literally her passion in s1 and beyond, bffr?? (On that note, I’ve never liked that it seems like Barry pushed her to take journalism and then she liked it. In my AU, I’ve tweaked that so she always loved journalism but just needed a little push from Barry to take that elective in college, because she wasn’t sure she’d do well in a college-level journalism class and she worried it would kill her love for the subject)
(I also wish Westhallen or Barriscowest had happened but yk. The writers didn’t want to make them outright canon 😔)
character ask game!
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lasagnaeatsu · 9 months
(Repost cuz my phone is being dumb)
OKAY SO NINJAGO MOVID AU W ARIN, SORA AND WLYDFYRE SO HERE WE GO! But first big thanks to my friend @imotakkun who helped me come up with some stuff for this au 🤩‼️
First off, the ninja, when we saw them in the movie they were all highschoolers. But if we'll still applying some rules from the show we can assume they're all adults by now.
Now, at first, I was gonna have them be in college, but we have to take in how the movie ended. However, I did more thinking, and ninja's identities have been revealed, so it's safe to assume college and any part of their daily aspects have been affected.
So what happens? Well, first, I'm trying to figure out something equivalent to the merge, but I'm not sure if it's gonna an actual event this au as I don't want it being exactly like the merge.
But for the ninja, I came up with an idea. However, it's quite angsty. Well, Garamadon is now good, so the ninja have no one to defend ninjago from? What if this caused them all to slowly distance themselves, but before the final blow, what if Wu went missing? Wu going missing is what can be the final straw, and the ninja go there separate ways.
Yeah, that'd be pretty painful, I think.
Now I'm thinking that right after Wu disappears, something happens that like the merge can happen and cause all these people to go missing, and can open a new book of possibilities? But I'm still thinking, so if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to share!
Anyways so after this event, that's the end of the original ninja, and years go by and no one has seen them. Like in series I'll add a timeskip, but this one will be confirmed (lol) I'll say 5 years.
Now something like the merge has happened, all these new developments in Ninjago City, all these new people, and the world has adjusted. So when this big event happened Arin and Sora could be like 10 then after the timeskip they'd be 15.
OKAY, now to Ninjago High School!!! Let's start with Arin and Sora. In the series they seemed to get along with people well in the crossroads, so I would like to apply this to this au.
Let's start with Arin, first off, he's a huge ninja fan, who doesn't like the ninja!? I would like to imagine that the school has a ninja fan club which he'd absolutely be the president of.
Also, he's extremely friendly, so I think he'd be pretty popular having a great personality, being a ninja fan, and making some pretty delicious pies.
To add on, he'd also definitely be into an elective where he can bake, he'd also most likely be a huge history nerd. (Since in the show tells Lloyd about all the types of pie crust, also ninja fan sooo)
Now, to the angsty part of Arin, in the big event, like in the show, he lost his parents. And well, I'd kinda wanna make this au a tad more realistic, so, following the disappearance of his parents, the world's all in chaos. However, after a while since school is mandatory here, perhaps one of his teachers caught onto this and he was put in foster care.
Unfortunately, his current foster parents aren't all too nice :( So he spends most of his time in school anyway. Not that he minds, it just gives him the chance to better his school record for college.
Luckily for him he has a great best friend!
Let's dive into her story. So to start off, she's definitely a stem girl, loves stem, is a huggeeeee stem nerd. I'd imagine she's as popular as Arin. They're just seen as that duo in the halls. I mean, why wouldn't she be popular? She's super skillful, independent, and smart! (Perhaps trans? 👀)
She's also really easy to get along with. She reminds me of those nice popular girls you see around school who are crazy talented and in all these extracurricular activities.
Speaking of Sora most definitely loves all things cats, and is a huge music nerd you cannot convince me otherwise. Though I can also see her being a huge gamer so she'd definitely be I'm her school's esports club.
Now, as to her backstory...like in the show, she's a runaway, and she often compares how much better her new school is compared to her old one. Especially since her hometown sucked.
Now, no one really knows where she came from. She was just there for freshman orientation. Since she'd good at tech stuff (and she's a good student), she'd be able to escape getting put in the foster system. Whenever someone checks her records, she can just hack them.
Now, for where she lives, this would be kinda tricky, but I'd like to imagine her working at a library, and her boss (Mr frohicky) let's her stay in the library over night.
And it's not all bad! Sora even discovered a secret room hidden in the library, which she turns onto her own room. (think of Amitys secret room in the library from the owl house) She just really loves it, and it's definitely her safe space.
Sora often has sleepovers with Arin in the library. The two get a bunch of books and blankets and make a tiny fort.
And since the library has computers and free wifi it's the ultimate spot for sleepovers.
Arin would often geek out about the Ninja and ninjago history, showing Sora books, videos, photos, and stories of the ninja.
And in return, Sora would show Arin a bunch of video games, music, and her current experiments.
The two talked about everything! Heck Sora even offered to hack Arin out of the foster system, he denied, though, as it was too risky, plus he didn't want her getting caught and also being put in the foster system.
But it was fine, as they spent most of their time in school, the two did almost everything together. They were the it duo of the school. They were friendly, skilled, and straight A student, so it was a no-brainer when they were called into the office to show the new student around!
Wlydfyre, well, she's wild, I mean, what can you expect from a kid who grew up in the wild? She would often go to the nearest junkyard and do what she could with what she found. Sometimes, she'd get caught, but she's too slippery to actually get caught. She'd often use her powers, too, which appeared out of nowhere, but she didn't question it. How did this girl never get restraint? Who knows?
Until she found someone like her, a guy with fire powers?? Kai had found the girl and, after a bit of talking, decided, 'I'm adopting this child', and without all the paperwork! It was a win-win situation, adopt kid, no paperwork, yayy!!
So Kai being Kai... sent her to a highschool...yeah kinda questionable on his part, but eh governments have done worse.
But that's a story for another time. What Arin didn't expect was seeing his best friend gain these magical tech powers?
It even shocked her. You see, they were in a tight situation, causing them having to defend themselves, so Arin did his fanboy spinjitzu, and Sora discovered her magical tech powers. Through this baby dragon??(where had he come from?)
After the two got away, and the baby dragon just?? Disappeared, they were wondering if they were both collectively hallucinating. But that thought would be broken when the police appeared and ARRESTED THEM?
Welp can't do much when you're in jail. Both were in a sort of panic as Arin didn't want to deal with his foster parents, and Sora had no parents, so she'd definitely get caught.
Luckily for them, they were released by their older cousin.
EXCEPT THEY HAD NO OLDER COUSIN? It seemed to be this blonde guy? They couldn't really see his face as he wore a hood, but something about him was familiar to Arin.
After they left the station, both Arin and Sora were pretty cautious because...well, stranger danger? But he did bail them out.
That was until the guy took off his hood which made the two do a double take.
It was THE green ninja, Lloyd Garamdon?
Lloyd had gone years without seeing any of the ninjas, that was until he and Kai had recently found each other again. And when he found out Kai had found a kid from the wild? And he took it under his wing. He definitely didn't think he'd see the day where Kai was taking on a mentorship kinda role, yet here they are.
But anyways Lloyd was lonely, and to put it lightly really, really sad. He had been alone for about five years. He'd often visit his parents, but they were currently off on a vacation, so it was just him. Man he really missed his friends.
He decided to be the sneaky ninja he was and go out at night and see what's up.
Well, what he didn't expect to see two figures, one doing spinjitzu and the other had..Elemental powers? Before he could go up to the two, the police got to them first.
Good thing he was a master of disguise.
Once he got them out of jail, he did NOT expect to see just two lil teenagers. It reminded him of when he was in highschool and well.
I'm assuming you've all watched the ninjago movie.
So when asked who was doing spinjitzu and using Elemental powers during the street fight. The two younger duo were well surprised.
Especially Arin, poor boy, was about to faint. As the two explained that it was, in fact, them, Lloyd was getting confused now.
They both achieved these skills, WITHOUT training?
He silently cursed Wu in his head. Well, he thought he could take them under his wing just like his uncle had done! How hard could it be? Right? Right?
Everyone screamed when the baby dragon from earlier appeared out of NOWHERE.
Yeah, Lloyd had his work cut out for him.
OKAY SO THATS WHAT I HAVE SO FAR, sorry if the writings not that good...I've never made a full au before EVER, I'll try and make some art for it when I have the chance. I kinda wanted to add some type of realistic affect to this au this yk talking about foster system and just generally child services (as i and ppl close to me have experinced it sooo) ALSO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. Heads up stuff abt this au is bound to change, AND IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS OR IDEAS FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!! but yeah that's it for now :D (also I need an au name so hand em over 😈)
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ms--lobotomy · 2 months
Thanks @pickpocketing-your-gender for letting me borrow Rosemary! I love gay sex. Also this is bordering on x oc, there's a lot of specifics about the reader. Maybe I'll make an oc someday.
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Summary: Rosemary (transfem space marine) does it for the first time with someone newly out.
Word Count: 892
Content Warnings: SMUT, gay t4t sex, some toys, impact play, descriptions of dysphoria, p in a, voice kink, soft power dynamic, GENITALIA REFERRED TO AS COCK FAIR WARNING
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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You looked over your shoulder, feeling the blood rush to your face. Your drab serf's clothes were on the ground now, and you were bare in front of her. The air was cold on your back, the bed soft and warm.
She towered over you. She was as big as one of the shorter Primarchs, specifically Konrad when he slouched. But she regarded you with such a kind light in her eyes, something that shouldn't be possible. Not for a space marine, most definitely not for a Night Lord. And not for a woman of her reputation. You felt a shiver go down your spine, and a slight grin cracked your face.
"Are you sure it's going to fit?" you asked with a chuckle.
She chuckled, running a hand along your ass. She spread you slightly, showing the little toy she'd inserted. You felt a light slap, and you had to stifle a moan.
"Positive," she replied, running a hand over your other cheek. You felt so small under her. It was refreshing, really, when your height usually made you feel like an outsider among women. Your hair hadn't grown out so long yet, and your chest was painfully flat. She was a fully grown tree, complete with blossoms and shady leaves. You were but a sapling.
You closed your eyes, expecting something as large as a Space Marine could pack, but something much more gentle went into you. You relaxed on her, letting out a soft sigh.
"That's it," she said, pressing herself into your back. She wasn't wearing any armor--she wasn't wearing anything. Her chest pressed into your back, and you felt her breath hot on the back of your neck. The hairs there stood up as she continued, voice deep and gruff but most definitely feminine. You felt another finger join the other in your ass, and you gripped the sheets and buried your head in the pillow.
"You're so tight, sunshine," she mumbles, "even after you had that toy in for me."
You can't bring yourself to utter a full word, instead electing to moan into the pillow. Your cock was hard against the bed, already dripping precum. She fucked you on her fingers for a minute, mumbling sweet nothings into you.
"Hard for me, sunshine?" she asked before taking them out of you. You whined, looking over your shoulder at her to see her lining up her cock with you. Your eyes widened. It was bigger than you expected, the length not dissimilar to a carrot and the girth larger than one.
"It's... it's going to fit, right?" you reiterated. Your eyes widened and your mouth hung agape slightly.
She chuckled before she slipped the tip in and you gasped.
"Rose-- Rosemary!" you cried out, gripping the sheets tight again as your head fell against the pillow.
"What is it?" she asked as she slowly slid in. You felt her voice reverberate through you, her pitch black eyes regarding you mirthfully.
"Nngh!" you moaned again, your eyes shutting tight while you arched your back into her.
"Such a good girl," she says as she started to fuck into you. "Saying my name, arching your back for me?"
You panted against the pillow, already worked up from her bucking into you over and over. "I... I am?" you asked quietly, inaudible to anyone but a space marine.
"You are," she said as if you could respond for more than two or three words. "You've always been a woman, you know."
Despite her filling out your ass for a few minutes now, this is when you felt the familiar feeling of your face going warm. "I..." you start, your mouth opening while you think of something to say. Your mind is focused on taking her, stretching you out as you gasp again. "I am."
"Good girl," she said, her pace quickening in you. You clenched on her. She grunted into you, her words becoming more incoherent as her eyes rolled back into her skull.
"Close," you can hear before she finished in you. You took load after thick load, feeling her throb up against all the right places. You cried out, finishing on the bed as well.
"Fuck-!" you cried, "Your bed!"
"I can change the sheets," she replied calmly, picking you up with one arm and pulling back the soiled sheets with the other. "You just rest that pretty head now, ok?" There was a soft gruffness to her voice that turned you into putty in her arms.
You grumbled, leaning back into her. "Okay," you replied, closing your eyes as she laid back and pressed you against her.
"You did well," she said, "you're a serf, right?"
You nodded, eyeing the beige clothing on the ground. "I am," you replied as you wrapped your arms around her neck. You pressed your head into her neck, and she let out a little purr.
"How would you feel about being my personal serf?"
"Picture this. You do your job like normal, but it's for me, and at the end of every day I get to rail that beautiful, beautiful ass. Hm?"
Your voice caught in your throat before you sputtered out a "Yes! Yes!" into her throat, curling up into a ball on her. You nuzzled into her neck, and she chuckled while she watched you drift off.
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Taglist: @bispecsual @justeverythingnothingelse @bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae @historitor-bookshelf
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persimmonsimmer · 2 months
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Nadya: "Jeremy! I'm so glad you and Meda made it!"
Jeremy: "Well, we did say we'd stop by. Probably can't stay for too long, though--"
Nadya: "Oh, of course. I'm sure Meda is just exhausted these days, poor thing . . ."
Jeremy cut in quickly, "But while I have you, I did actually have some thoughts about the town. You know, for after the election."
"Oh, wonderful. Well, let me hear them!" Nadya said brightly.
What a surprise. Does anyone in this town not think they know what's best for it?
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It really didn't seem like it. A bit later, after Nadya had cracked open a bottle of wine and set out snacks, Hannah Chen launched into an appeal for more school funding.
Hannah: ". . . and what we could really use are more updated materials. I'm making do, but even the newest textbooks I have are all from at least a few decades ago. I've seen traders with books published the very same year that . . . you know . . . but they don't come cheap."
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And a bit later still, Leonor Morales subjected her to an argument in favor of tax breaks for new business owners.
Leonor: "Panorama still lacks many basic amenities. Like any real place for people to gather, besides the graveyard or the town square, for instance. And you know, it's like, tough to start a new business when the town is still so small and you have to hope you get enough business from traders to stay afloat. But if people were given more incentive . . ."
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Nadya smiled and nodded noncommittally through it all. Making people feel heard was what earned votes. Running unopposed or not, she couldn't get complacent.
Come to think of it, it would be ideal to complete one more town project ahead of election day. The town-wide plumbing system was a real feather in her cap, but people could have awfully short memories . . . when it came to good things, at least.
Hmm. One more small, easily accomplished but noticeable project. She'd have to give it some thought.
* * * * *
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Farah: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Having exhausted most other quiet means of entertainment, the twins had turned to a classic diversion: makeovers.
Mariam: "It's just a new hairstyle, Far. I promise it'll look good."
Farah: "Fine. OK. Just don't cut anything."
Mariam: "Just a litt--"
Farah: "No."
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. . .
Farah: "I'm serious, Mar, change it back. Change. It. Back!"
Mariam: "But I'm telling you, you look cute--"
Farah: "No, I look weird. Change it back!"
Mariam: "Fine. Watcher, some people . . . "
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ohcitron · 1 year
ranking kaguya sama characters by their coding abilities/familiarity:
ishigami: he probably knows basic html from being super online all his life. has general education coding knowledge but probably understands it at a deeper level due to past experience. has the knowledge and expertise the average extremely online boy on a stem track. and he definitely has a bunch of failed attempts at making a game in rpgmaker or unity.
miko: knows a bit from general education and possibly an elective, but doesn't know much past writing simple if statements and for loops. just barely has enough knowledge to know what an object is. considers it a useful skill to some extent but doesn't really know enough that it'd be useful in any sense.
chika: you'd expect her to know little to none but i feel like maybe she has some strange esoteric knowledge from some linguistics/cog sci perspective. like one very specific spike of knowledge of one very specific use case. she's chika
kaguya: about the same as miko. i dont think she'd go out of her way to learn the skill but would be plenty good at it due to the way her mind works, just does not prioritize it.
shirogane: i know his ass has used matlab. theres definitely coding for astrophysics and im sure he's done some self study in that regard. i cant remember clearly but he's probably studying business in college rather than astrophysics but i can dream. maybe he's fintech related coding now or something. sigh. well my point is i think he definitely has background knowledge in mathematical modeling.
hayasaka: i think she definitely has more expertise on the hardware side of things. in general she definitely and like canonically has a ton of knowledge of networking and sniffing and things like that. extremely practical/useful skills. i think if you showed her a C function pointer though she might start running away
disclaimer: i am kind of ass at coding. take this with a grain of salt.
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So very excited your requests are finally open!
There's not much love for Vincent's on here!
With that being said I would love to see a scene with him and a plus size reader who wears glasses. Perhaps she's having an insecure day and just needs a little reassurance so he pulls her into his lap even though she is afraid she'd hurt him or takes her out somewhere special.
as a plus size woman who wears glasses, I 10000% approve!
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Most of the time when you look at yourself in the mirror, you can’t see any reason why VINCENT would be attracted to you.
Are you pretty? Well, sort of. Maybe. But looking at yourself, thinking about yourself, your mind strips that beauty away for all the things you think don’t make you pretty. Your mind beats at you with two things specifically ― “If you didn’t have these glasses, you would be so beautiful. If you weren’t bigger than other women, you would be so beautiful.”
While you don’t doubt your lover when he says he finds you pretty, you just wonder exactly how he can.
On any average day, you don’t feel too badly about yourself. You go about life, you do everything you need to, and you spend time with Vincent. You’re happy, on the whole.
Sometimes, however, these thoughts just creep into your mind. (Quite obviously, and rudely, without your permission.) While you do your best not to get too terribly down, when these days happen, there must be something about it that shows in your face.
When Vincent walks out of his study and downstairs to where you’re curled up on the couch reading, there’s very little hesitation on his part. He sits down next to you, immediately setting a hand on your thigh. “My, look what I’ve found. Some kind of fairy queen, relaxing with her nose in a book.”
He’s so… silly, sometimes. What in the world does he even mean by that? You’ll never know exactly what goes on in his head. It charms you just the same, though.
“Taking a break from work?” you ask softly. One of the big giveaways, you’re sure, is that you don’t look over at him.
“Mhm. I needed to come see my darling.” He scoots himself a little closer and kisses your cheek. His free hand comes up to rest on your shoulder, the one on your thigh giving a small squeeze. “You look lovely today. As always, of course. But there’s something a bit more special about how you’re glowing today.”
What a flatterer. How can he even mean things like that…? Is he looking at the same person you see in your mirror? What is he doing?
Maybe he knows how you’re feeling today. Vincent is incredibly perceptive, and there are times he’s known what you need before you did. It’s not like he doesn’t give you such over-the-top compliments normally, of course; he just seems to be laying it on thicker than usual.
You lean into his touch anyway, closing your book. If you struggle to find where you left off later, you don’t think you’ll be complaining. “Glowing? It’s probably just the glare off my glasses. Don’t confuse yourself.”
He chuckles. You love that sound more than anything. It’s deep and rich and coats your whole being. “I’m not confused in the slightest, my dear. My eyes are as sharp as ever.”
Before you realize what he’s doing, you’ve been tugged (gingerly) into his lap. “Ah, there we are! Now I can get a close up.”
“Ah―! Vincent, what are you doing??” Regardless, you quickly bury your face against his neck. “I’m… I’m going to break one of your legs or something…”
He laughs again, then presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous. If you haven’t broken any of my bones with all the other things the two of us have done, you simply sitting in my lap won’t do it.”
You feel yourself blushing all the way down your neck, and you elect not to make a response to that particular statement.
“Do tell your insecurities to quiet down, won’t you?” he murmurs against the shell of your ear. “They’re making it difficult for me to kiss my beautiful girl properly.”
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ribesrubrum · 6 months
under the mask of pride (fear rises as a guide)
//so i feel...honestly, a little guilty for how little i've been around as of late, especially since things are picking up drama-wise. irl debuffs aplenty will do that to you. but i wanted to get some writing out to kind of describe Carmine's mental state, so. here we are.
//fair warning: this fic is technically kind of offscreen rp in that it's at least canon that ren and carmine talked like this, though i'd greatly prefer it not be spread as a rumor or leak or something. but it also does talk about some heavy topics; namely very heavy self loathing, some mention of parental abandonment and abuse (heehoo headcanoning carmine's parents/why she's like this), mentions of bullying, self harm in the form of hair pulling/trichotillomania, and uh. ...look i'm not gonna beat around the bush, i don't wanna edgelord, i wanna treat this with respect but i also don't wanna sugarcoat it, this gets about as close to implying carmine was about to take drastic measures to alleviate her suffering as i'm comfortable with getting. the less implicit version of this warning will be in the tags. please uncollapse the tags before reading. dead dove: do not eat is in full effect here.
//this is going to be pretty heavy, and also stupid long. feel free to click if you're okay with handling that.
Carmine's listlessness has only grown as the days have worn on, she's finding. It doesn't help that her knuckles are still raw from punching her wall a day prior--she's thankful it seems like the wall fix went off without a hitch, and all she got was a rather stern talking to about making noise so late at night before the teacher that spoke with her went off. Cardigan's been sticking close to her side since Leavanny elected to stay near Kieran at least for a time, but even now, she feels pathetic for it.
Pathetic that she can't help her brother. Pathetic that she can't help her girlfriend, who simply wants to make sure that the whole club that they built together and maintained isn't destroyed because of Drayton's boneheaded move. If Carmine looked deep within herself, she'd be looking at Kiki's actions too, that he allowed this, that he's possibly setting himself up to lose everything. That Drayton's encouraging it, and she's been more on edge than ever and ready to tear someone apart for it. If she doesn't wind up punching him out when all is said and done, she's going to be very surprised.
Cardigan trills a bit from beside her, and she looks down to the flower-less Lilligant, pausing a bit as she looks down. She recognizes that trill, and knows that she's probably being concerning right now. Emotional regulation is still something that Carmine struggles with, even now, knowing that she can't and she shouldn't scream her feelings out to try and get people to understand, that yelling doesn't help, that you have to see other's perspectives. Even if sometimes, they trounce all over your own. Carmine looks down to Cardigan, giving the Lilligant a tired smile.
"...Sorry, Cardi. I know I'm probably not making your job very easy." It's soft in a way Carmine never usually is. In a way that Carmine never allows herself to be--she's all bravado and arrogance because for years, that's what kept her safe. That's what kept her and her brother safe, even if it clipped his wings and made everyone around her hesitant to approach either of them. It was safety, the thorns and briars that she metaphorically planted around herself, letting them spread where she walked and lashing them out at anyone who would even for a second think of hurting her. It was safety, it was lonely, but it was home.
...It's no wonder she likes grass types so much. The Lilligant's gaze only seems to get sadder when she says that much, gentle, leafy hands going to take one of her own as Cardigan stares up at her, as if trying to communicate something with those amber eyes that almost seem pleading. Carmine's hand trembles a bit, because once again she doesn't understand, she can't understand, why can't she--
Carmine hears footsteps, and immediately, her guard is up. She's immediately ready to go on the attack, in case anyone saw her, in case she has to defend being out for a walk in the Canyon Biome with her therapy Pokemon, something she's already received plenty of jabs about--but no. There's a familiar mop of blue hair, and that silly, dorky looking Orthworm is following them and waving with them, as Terry and Mio seem to take over where they left off. Ren's an idiot, in the bluntest of terms, but there's a sense of safety that comes with them. That they can see her, at her worst and most cruel, and laugh and let it slide off their back so easily. Because they were her age once. Her gender once, even, though that's largely irrelevant. They always seem so certain and keep their spirits so high, even if she's the only one they've trusted with some of their worries. And Carmine in turn, has trusted Ren with some of hers.
...They're about as disconnected from this entire situation as they can be, even though they met during that trip. It's as Carmine is contemplating going up to them and being a bother and just turning heel and walking away that the choice is made for her, as they turn around, start walking and see her--
"Oh! Miss Carmine, hey!"
She could walk away. She could just tell them to piss off and lash out, and destroy one of the few unconnected relationships she has with this entire mess, one of the few things that's genuinely hers. She could recede inside herself, lock herself away like she did after she reached her breaking point, when she nearly...
"Hey, Ren. Finally getting your nose out of those cameras?"
The barb is light, half-hearted at best, and could probably make someone deeply passionate a little upset at being teased. And yet Ren takes it in stride, laughing easily as they walk up, Lulu going to Cardigan and just kind of talking with the Lilligant for a moment. "You know it, girlie! Arc, all of these worms are doin' so well, they ain't overwhelmin' the environment nor gettin' overwhelmed themselves--everything's so perfect right now, it's really amazing! Ohh, I gotta tell you about some of the babies, they're just--"
For a brief moment, Carmine thinks she can just get away with Ren going on a hyperfixation ramble and forgetting her own worries in favor of focusing on the things her rival has accomplished. Because it is quite the accomplishment, even if Carmine's definitely harped on them for trying to downplay it before. But their gaze goes to Cardigan and Lulu, falling quickly and their words fading off as Carmine looks, and now everyone looks concerned.
Carmine's posture tightens as she realizes she can't get away with this so easily. She feels their gaze dart back to her, and she's already sure her expression is stormy, and...
"...I think that's enough about me." Fuck. Their voice has softened considerably, and she knows she's done for. "Miss Carmine, are you--"
"I'm fine, Ren." It comes out too sharp, too defensive, and there's a brief moment where she's hoping Ren will just walk away at that. She's shaking, she knows she is, and her gaze averts a bit only to feel not just Cardigan, but Lulu--that stupid, brainless worm--take her hands, wrapping them both in leaves and tendrils, and it feels disgusting and bitter and she wants to run and hide, she wants to tear her hands away--
"...Miss Carmine." Ren's voice sounds so soft, so...sad for a moment, and there's a pause as more footsteps can be heard--Carmine doesn't even bother to flinch, but she feels a tug on both of her hands as she opens her eyes, seeing Ren nod at both Pokemon before looking to her with a smile that's both soft and sad.
"Come on, Miss Carmine. Let's go somewhere else to talk, okay?"
The trip back to her room is arduous, even though it barely takes more than fifteen minutes. Every agonizing second feels like a walk of shame, but she realizes something along the way. It's only so long because Ren knows their way around here like the back of their hand now; they know where people aren't, because they aren't some social butterfly who likes to help in every club. They take her through an easy but arduous path that leaves her alone in her head, and it takes a couple of second after Ren's stopped for her to stop too.
"...You must have a lot on yer mind to be makin' mistakes like this, Miss Carmine." Ren's voice is soft, non-judgemental, and they don't even flinch when she turns back to face them with something of a severe expression. It's the kind of care and kindness she doesn't deserve, she's sure, but as she unlocks the door to her room and ushers Ren and their Pokemon inside, it's something she finds herself internally thankful for.
Carmine's room is a mess, perhaps moreso than usual. Stress eating will do that, bags of chips and other sweet and savory alike strewn about. Cardigan doesn't even seem surprised, but Lulu, bless his stupid little soul, seems taken aback by it as he draws himself inside. She hears Ren's footsteps as they close the door behind them, a small sound escaping them as they walk in front of Carmine.
"You want some help cleanin' off that bed of yours?" Carmine looks over at her messy, disheveled bed, and it's many snacks and wrappers as well. It's an absolute Tepigsty, more than she'd ever allow anyone to see. She feels herself listlessly nod her head as she looks over to Ren, who's concern hasn't dampened even an inch as they move to help in an instant. She's thankful she's got a vacuum and that it's early enough in the afternoon that nobody's likely around the dorms; Cardigan and Lulu both assist as well as they help clear it off, at least enough to let Carmine sit down on it once they're all done.
Cardigan hops on the bed with Carmine as she sits down, and Lulu rests his head near Ren's feet as he gets himself comfortable on the floor, and Ren looks to her, finally broaching the topic, "Ya look like you got a lot on yer mind, Miss Carmine. You sure everything's okay?"
It takes Carmine a lot longer than she'd like to respond. Cardigan gently takes hold of one of Carmine's hands, gently petting it with her own leafy appendage. The eventual response she settles on is a bitter laugh.
"...I don't know." It comes out so soft and uncertain, it feels like she's a different person entirely when she says it. "I thought everything was fine. I thought...I don't know, I thought that everything would be okay. I really let myself believe that now that I made up with my brother, that everything would go back to some sort of normal, but..."
Carmine's voice pitches higher and higher with every word, and she finds herself shaking a bit. She can't even look at her rival right now, how pathetic can she even get?
"Oh, Carmine..." There's not even that weirdly respectful 'Miss' at the beginning of her name, and a part of her hates that, that she's being seen as sympathetic for even a moment when she doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve this, if she'd just trusted Kiki-- "Nothin' is ever that easy, but I remember how relieved ya were when Kiki actually bothered to respond."
"Yeah." Carmine confirms that much, listlessly, but a ghost of a smile traces her face. "...It really filled me with hope, for a second. That maybe things could go back to some sort of normal, that I could really see Kiki for all he is. It wanted to be seen and come into it's own, and I...I didn't know how to do that, but..."
"...But you wanted to try." Ren's words softly intervene. Carmine nods shortly after.
"I wanted to try. I still do. But it's...that big fight happened, and now everything's just...it feels like we're right back where we started."
Carmine's voice breaks a little bit, and try as she might to rein it in, it's harder to get back on track. At this point, she feels, she might as well just give up.
"...I don't know what to do."
Carmine's gaze stays down, because she can't look at Ren, she can't, she just can't. But Ren's words; soft, steady words, a contrast to the cold steel they loved so dearly, pour out none the less.
"...It's a tough position to be in, Carmine. Ya got your brother and it's undyin' need to win on one side, and ya got Miss Amarys tryin' her damnedest to hold everyone together on the other, yeah?"
"Yeah. And it's like--I don't want to destroy the relationship I have with my brother. I want to rebuild it, to let it come into it's own. But I...my beloved is right, even if I worry about saying it. She tries so hard to uphold the rules of the club, of this school, and these--these jerks keep sending her horrible, disgusting things for it. And for what?"
A quiet settles over the room, and she's sure Ren expects her to elaborate, but she doesn't. Not even she knows what, and she's sure Ren gets it by the time they speak up next.
"...I ain't gonna go makin' any assumptions, but...I don't even think I know the answer to that, Carmine."
It's soft, when Ren admits it. Sad, even. She can only imagine what their face is doing right now, and it gets Carmine to laugh a bit. Bitterly, wretchedly.
"Neither do--neither do I, Ren. And do you know how much that kills me?"
Carmine's voice pitch rises, and she feels her free hand drawing into her hair, Cardigan's trills of concern becoming more apparent as she tries to hop over and dislodge it--
"I love Kiki! I love Amarys! I love them both more than life itself and I--if I say anything at all, I'm going to hurt one of them. Both of them, even, maybe, whether I intend it or not! And the little Mandibuzzes on here, flying around and trying to hurt everyone in this school, they'll be on it in an instant, they'll--they'll hurt them both, they'll turn them both against each other, and I--if I do anything, they already know it's my fault from the start, that all of this is, that I was stupid and boneheaded and lied to my brother because I was scared it could've gotten hurt--"
"Miss Carmine."
"--and I told Juliana to lie, yes, I got so worried that Kiki would just get so excited and that Ogerpon could've hurt or done something worse to it, but then my grandfather told me to keep my mouth shut about helping Ogerpon and I--I didn't--"
"Miss Carmine."
"--And then it--it stole her mask, and I've never been more angry in my life at it, and it just--it keeps stomping on others feelings, and it won't believe anyone, and I don't know what I can actually do--"
"Miss Carmine, please--!"
Carmine's shriek practically causes her to lunge at her friend, the firm tone in that moment making her see someone else. Wide yellow eyes fiercely stare at bright blue ones, as Ren startles a bit at the ferocity in her tone. The quiet over the room is tense and uneasy, and Ren already sees a few strands got torn out because of it. They take a gentle breath in as realization hits Carmine, but she's still for a moment. Still as Cardigan trills with concern, as Lulu looks up with even more concern on his dopey little face, though he looks ready to hold Carmine back more than anything.
Ren's surprisingly quick on the uptake, at least, and they speak up again before Carmine can.
"Isn't that somethin' you should be askin' of yourself?"
Ren's words are confusing, and the confusion must be apparent on her face as they reach her ears. Ren gently breathes, and continues, "I mean it. You've been talkin' this entire time about Kiki this, Amarys that, and I ain't gonna disparage you for that. Sure puts any rumors of ya bein' self centered to bed, not that I believed 'em anyway. But..."
"What is it that ya want, at the end of it all? Isn't that a question that's come up even once for ya...?"
Carmine can't even believe what she's hearing.
"Why does that matter? I've taken what I wanted for years, I--"
"Okay, you hold on a second here." Ren's words are still soft, but there's a firmness to them now that cuts through her words like butter. "When did that stop bein' a question you asked yerself?"
"It doesn't matter--"
"It absolutely does matter? Girl, yer gettin' tugged in two different directions and ya sound like yer long past the end of yer rope."
"Why does it matter when I've been nothing but a selfish bitch this entire time?!"
And that startles Ren enough to actually get them to stop for a second, completely taken aback. Carmine's gaze goes downward, and she's shaking, horribly.
"Those anons were right, okay?! I ruined Kiki's one good friendship because I'm a bonehead, I'm a failure of a girlfriend who can't even help the girl I love so much with her anger and problems other than just being there like a useless cardboard cutout, I deserve this, all of it, even all of the hateful words and it would've just been so much easier if I had--"
Something stops Carmine in her tracks from speaking. Multiple of them, really. Cardigan's hands, for starters, wrapped firmly around one of her own hands; two of Lulu's tendrils wrap around the other, and even Carmine has to admit that she's surprised by how little an Orthworm's head seems to weigh as he rests his head on one of her legs with concern.
The final thing, that she didn't even hear, is Ren getting up and putting a firm, supportive hand on her shoulder, tiny as said hand is. When she actually gets a look at their face, they look like they're about to cry, and for a brief moment she wonders if she's just gone and ruined another friendship.
"Don't--don't you dare talk about yerself like that again, you hear me?"
Oh. That's not what she expected at all; Ren's voice practically trembles as they say that, and it hits something in her. Carmine's eyes well up with tears of her own, and she can practically hear herself sniffling.
"...I'm sorry, Ren." Her voice is so soft, so delicate, so fragile in the moment that she wonders if it's her own. "I'm...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm..."
"I know you are." Ren's voice softens from that point on, and their grip becomes a little easier. A little more slack, but still there. "When did ya stop seein' yerself as someone not worth considerin' the feelin's of, girl...?"
"...I don't know. It was...before that. Maybe when Amarys and Kiki fought that one time. I--I don't know." Carmine's voice is shaky as she struggles to keep herself together, and she feels Cardigan shift and pull her arm into a hug, and the tears start pouring down at that. She can't stop them, even if she's not a sobbing wreck with no dignity. Yet, at least. "...I don't want to lose anything else."
That gets a pause from Ren, who does their best to calm themself down. "Anything else...?"
"...My parents are divorced. My dad was...he was awful. Just a screaming, bumbling oaf who went from job to job while my mom stayed home and took care of us. Though she was...she was way more focused on Kiki..."
Ren listens carefully, nodding their head as Carmine continues.
"I haven't seen either of them in...years. We usually live with our grandparents, when we're not here. Last time I saw my mom, we got into an argument. I asked her why she stopped caring for me. Why she just...tried to leave me with him--"
"...She what?"
Carmine spares a quick glance at Ren's face, when they say that--practically seething with an anger they don't usually express. "...Yeah. She--she said she could only handle one of us, and that I was Dad's favorite, so..."
"Girl." Ren's doing their best to keep their tone level, but the anger doesn't leave. Hell, if anything, it mixes with the sheer unholy audacity of what they heard, leaving them flabberghasted-- "What the fuck is wrong with your mom?"
Carmine laughs, and while it sounds bitter, there's almost some mirth to it. "Yeah. Like I said. We got into an argument last time I talked to her. I told her I wanted an apology for her trying to abandon me, before Dad went and ran away. I...haven't spoken to her since."
"Carmine...what the fuck, that's so..."
A silence hangs over the room as Ren trails off, but Carmine breaks the silence after a few moments.
"...Between this, and the rest of the shit I dealt with at school...I...I didn't want Kiki to turn out like me." Carmine sniffles, tears still coming unbidden. "I thought you had to be tough and mean to make it, but I just...I wanted Kiki to grow up happy. I wanted it to have a better life than me. I was this bitter, mean girl, but I thought I could at least make it so my little brother--it'd have a chance at growing up to be a gentle hearted little dork who had something happy in it's life. But all I did...it all just amounted to...to..."
There's a few seconds more of sniffling before the dam finally breaks, and Carmine just starts to sob without an end. She's pretty sure her makeup is running down her face, if it hasn't been already; she finally just breaks, her tears pouring and pouring down as she sobs wretchedly and loudly, her hands finally being relinquished so she can try, in vain, to wipe those tears off. But still they come; the pain of so much more than a simple inciting incident, but still mostly that.
Ren uses their own free hand to wipe away the tears falling from their own eyes, as they just let her for a bit.
"...I want to stop hurting." Carmine speaks up, and Ren starts for a moment as they listen. "I want to stop feeling like the evil person that everyone thinks I am. But what if I'm just born evil, and there's no changing that...?"
"That's--" Ren speaks up, briefly, but Carmine speaks again and they let her get it out of her system.
"I want to make things better. I want to just know if it's all my fault, I want to know if I'm just--if I'm justified, in being unable to forgive Kiki for some of the stuff it did." Carmine sniffles again, wretched sobs still escaping her. "...I want to be able to be happy again, without feeling like I'm walking on eggshells. I want to make my girlfriend's pain go away--I want to make Kiki's pain go away, and fuck, maybe even Atlas' and some of the others. I want the world to just stop for a bit, at least so I can stop aching like this. I...I think I just want, more than anything, for someone to tell me I've suffered enough for this, or at the very least, that I just haven't grown up to become a little clone of Dad."
"...Is that so much to ask?"
The question is soft, full of despair, but it at least feels...somewhat good, to try and dislodge some of the thorns in her. It's painful and it feels dizzying, but Ren's hand remains steady, even if their own tears come down hard.
"...You're a teenager. A teenager shouldn't--you shouldn't ever have to ask that kind of shit of yourself." Ren's words are soft, with an empathy forged in the same shit they went through. Just without a depressive spiral and a shut-in phase. "You deserve to be happy, Carmine. You made a dumb, boneheaded mistake, but that doesn't mean you're evil. And it sure as fuck don't mean that you've gone and become your Dad."
Carmine pauses a bit, her sobs coming slower as she tries to listen.
"None of that shit yer askin' about, none of it's too much. But how's anyone else gonna be happy--how can ya share happiness with others if ya ain't gettin' happiness for yerself, y'know?"
"Because ya do deserve it. Whether ya want to admit it or not. Yer not evil, yer not your dad, you're literally a confused sixteen year old girl who should've never been made to feel like that."
It's shocking to hear, really. All of it is. Ren says it with so much conviction that Carmine almost believes it.
"...I don't want to talk anymore. I...I think I just want to...cry..."
"...Cry as much as you need, girl. I'll be here as long as you need."
"Don't--don't tell anyone about this, Ren. Please. Everyone has enough to worry about, and I...I don't want to put more on them. Please, I already feel bad enough burdening you..."
Ren manages something of a soft, warm chuckle at that. "...No worries, girl. What we talked about is stayin' in here, I swear on my life."
"...Thank you, Ren."
Carmine cries herself out eventually; by the time she's done, the two of them have shifted from the bed to the floor, bringing Carmine's mattress down to floor level so they could distract themselves until Carmine fell asleep. It's no easy fix, listening to a friend, but...if it makes the burden lighter, then Ren has no problem with it.
They were in a similar place many years ago with no one to help them, after all. It's the least they can do.
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bitchfitch · 6 months
The town called Starfall looked exactly like every other Tago had passed through since escaping and that made his scales chafe. A sandy main road lined with businesses preying on the ranch hands of the surrounding lands. A sky that never held clouds. An energy of everyone distrusting the outsider amongst them even as they smiled and welcomed him to open his wallet in this boot shop or that inn.
It was to be his home for however long it took for him to be chased out again. Coco, his dear mare, deserved a stable to call her own after all she'd been through getting him here.
There'd been a stranger in town for a week now and no one thought to warn Whiskey about it. That had them getting short with every patron that they knew had met the new snake in their midst. Whiskey may not be elected like the mayor or sheriff, but there was no denying that Starfall was Their town. They were who it was named after, if anyone cares.
Sure, people didn't Usually need to tell them when a stranger was passing through, but the snake had hidden himself so fully it wasn't until their daddy sent him to drop off a cart of new stock that they even knew he existed.
He was tall. Whiskey didn't like that. What's a man need to be that tall for? Scaled with eyes like a cottonmouth, snake inside and out this one. And he wore a thick rag tied around the lower half of his face and another over the top of his head, his hat holding it in place and making it look like long hair from a distance. Whiskey didn't like that either. What's he hiding?
He's hiding a lot that is. Whiskey could tell you every little thought that happened in this town, but this snake? Not a single hint as to what was going on in that bald head. They could feel the outline of his mind like coils wrapped around a rat so they knew he Had one. They just didn't get to see it.
It didn't help one bit that the snake stared. The entire time Whiskey was counting over the stock of bottles and jars to make sure this "Tago" fellow didn't pocket anything he just stared at them. Kept his head down so his eyes were in the shade.
"Uh, my apologies. I was only told one of y'all's name..." he finally drawled out. He had a nice voice, Whiskey didn't like that.
"It's Whiskey, Whiskey Rivers," they responded using both of their mouths. He should know they were only one person even if they weren't connected. If he weren't guarded against them he wouldn't have even had to ask such an awkward question.
"Both of you- uh- I uh, I've never met twins with the same name," he scratched the back of his neck, "Tis nice name. I get why your folks would use it twice?"
""We" aren't twins. I'm Whiskey. That's me too," they pointed to themselves dismissively. "Whatcha take from this?"
"Nothing Ma'am- I mean Sir I mean-"
"Just Whiskey is fine."
"Nothing Whiskey. I'm real grateful to your father for giving me work, I'm not stealing anything from you all."
They eyed him up. They didn't like not being able to see in his head one bit.
"What's wrong with you?"
"I asked, what's wrong with you? There's something going on no hiding it. I can tell you aren't right. Anyone else? I can see inside their head no problem, but You? It's like youve got nothing. I can't tell if you're lying or telling the truth."
Tago wilted the entire time they spoke. his polite and straight posture curling and getting tense as he finally looked away.
"Nothing I did. Promise. I don't know what would cause it. My adopted mother, she was a witch. Must've done something to me," he rambled. "I got to go, just let me unhitch Coco and I'll be out your hair."
"Mhh -hmm. Get," Whiskey kept an eye on him the entire time he got his horse free from their daddy's cart. He moved quick and it made his jacket ride up just enough to flash the handle of the shiny revolver he had tucked in his pants.
"What a man like you need a gun like that for?"
"Uh-" his hand went to pull his jacket back over it, "It was a gift. I'm a good shot. I promise I don't mean to start any trouble in your town."
"Let me guess. You don't mean to start nothing but trouble finds you anyway?"
"Yeah, something like that..."
The next time Whiskey saw that Tago fellow he was being true to his word, at least.
It wasn't that trouble had a tendency to find Tago, more so it was that trouble is hunting him down to collect on a bounty no amount of begging for his life could match.
Today trouble looked like two of the ranch owners spotting him while he was walking down to the Starfall Saloon to drop off a gift for Whiskey on behalf of their daddy.
The two men didn't make their approach subtle. Tago could have pulled Missy out of where he kept her holstered and ended the encounter before it began, but he was liking his life here too damn much. Maybe he was mishearing them. maybe he wasn't the snake faced motherfucker they were looking for. Maybe he could make it to the saloon before they worked up their courage.
He walked faster, kept his shoulders straight. The soft blue painted doors were in his sight. No fighting on the saloon, Whiskey may not like him, but they seemed the sort to not let their rules be crossed.
Rapid steps behind him and then a shock of pain through his jaw as he was tackled through the saloon doors. Tago managed to stop his fall, but the impact with the floor sent a knife of agony up his bad arm. He twisted in the grip around him. Instinct more than active thought driving him to snap at the face of his assailant. His fangs closed around nothing but his own face cover. The rancher having pulled back in time to avoid a lethal bite. Tago's head wrang as the brute knocked his head back against the wood boards with a mighty strike. His knuckles bruising the skin under Tago's scales.
"What do you lot think you're doing!?" Whiskey was there. Both of their halves grabbing the brave rancher by the back of his shirt and hauling him off Tago like he weighed nothing. "What's my one rule Steve? It's no fighting in my damn saloon."
They shoved him back, Tago couldn't pick his head up to watch. The room was spinning bad enough to make him feel like he was back in his home river getting whipped along by hidden currents.
"There's a bounty on that one worth a 100 head herd-"
"And do that mean you get to break my rule? No. Out! Stevenson you too, I want to see none of either of you until you learn your damn manners."
One half of them, the one Tago had mistaken for a man, comes to bend over him, their nighttime black eyes squinted as they tried to decide what to do with him while the lady half dealt with the ranchers.
Tago's head was too fuzzy to put two thoughts together, but he'd come here for a reason dammit. He reached into his jacket to pull the small, slightly crushed, parcel he'd been sent to deliver. Holding it up to them as his vision started to go grey.
"Y-your d-daddy sends h-his regards."
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