#i feel like minecraft is one of those games that makes it difficult to make into a movie or show
fins0up · 7 days
(Small disclaimer: I don't blame any of the underpaid and overworked writers & animators. They deserved better than this slop, I'm sure of it.
like the general public, I too despise the trailer. Let me just start with the trailer itself.
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1.) Love how you can tell where the fucking green screen is. /sarc. Also the line "This guy is such a toolbag" they give her feels not only millennial, but fucking stupid jesus christ. You could've made a block joke there like. "...This guy is such a blockhead." "Yeah everything's made of blocks here." Or something AT LEAST TRYYY GUYYYSSS...
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2.) The artstyle I know everyone talks about it but the FUCKING ARTSTYLE OH MY GOOODDDD IM DYING why has literally no one talked about the wolf though LIKE???
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why is the wolf's body literally discord shaped. Why is Built like That. What the fact did they do to you??? Like, I just... I hate the combination of the realism and the blocks like??? JUST MAKE IT FULLY BLOVKY???? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIIIISSSSS GOD it's so fucking uncanny I hate it. I hate it so.
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3.) Love the whitewashed Steve /sarc. Fr though, are we surprised? I hate that Jack Black of all people is playing him like guys that was a joke people was making. Are y'all able to understand jokes? Or understand what a pos Jack Black is? Jesus fuck gamers he's not only ableist (supports Autism Speaks) but a zionist as well. But besides that Steve feels like. Hold on.
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Look at Steve. If he actually existed in the real world, I have a feeling he would be muscular (because he mines, builds, + farms like all day), and probably somewhere around his 20's-30's. You're telling me that Jack Black, an actor + musician who's in his 50's. Like, this isn't to say that Steve wouldn't have some tummy fat at all, he probably would! But like... Jack Black just doesn't... feel like Steve at all. Jack Black is like the exact opposite.
There's just like this... massive, icky vibe about the entire trailer that makes me hate it. I think it's a mixture of the live action "isekai" shit with the like... blocky textures that makes everything uncanny and gross to look at. And it feels like rather than taking the concept and saying "Hey, since the experience is so varied, let's take multiple characters and storylines and take proper care of each to tell a different story of the same game" (like Fallout the Show) they're just like, "Eh... I mean... I'm sure the Isekai trope will work again."
Not only that, but like over all it feels like rather than looking and seeing this game and being able to "laugh with" Minecraft fans (side note: I wouldn't mind Minecraft being comedic, admittedly, a block world is a fucking ridiculous concept. But, I'd still say keep the same sentiment that the game has which is, "You can build your own version of the world from the ground up, you are the master of your destiny") they're looking at it like that one mom from that AITA post and saying, "This is ridiculous and childish. Why do you like this? It's stupid. It's just some game about blocks."
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that fans can't be picky about videogame movies/tv shows at all. Because I enjoyed the Mario movie, despite some fans hatred of it. I can't ignore the fact that videogame movies tend to be 50/50 on how fans will react to them. But still, really? This is what you guys have to show after 10 years? This is what we get? It feels like a punch in the gut, dude. I hate so much. I can't stop thinking about it.
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blockgamepirate · 8 months
I think if I could give the QSMP team one piece of advice, it would be to hire someone who's a really good and experienced TTRPG gamemaster as a consultant
That's a very specific and difficult skill to acquire (I definitely couldn't do it) but it could do so much for the storytelling and the events. Even just small things that an experienced GM could tweak subtly because they know how to direct or redirect players smoothly in the directions they want them to go, without having to force it
And they would probably be able to predict certain player reactions and prepare for them better
I mean obviously it's not all transferable to this format, livestreamed Minecraft roleplay is very different from a tabletop roleplaying game, but I think a lot of it would be, understanding player psychology, etc.
And I get the feeling that the current admin team is maybe more experienced in like video game design? or maybe Minecraft adventure map design? rather than a fully interactive medium (I mean it would make a lot of sense to hire adventure map designers for a project like this, and it definitely seems like they have people who are very talented at those kinds of skills, so I'm assuming that was a priority in their recruitment efforts)
My point is, having a different perspective would help, I think, and good GMs are still such an underrated talent
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
141 Taskforce with A Flirt M!Reader Headcanons
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AN: Keep in mind I'm not a flirt nor have I ever been called one so this will be interesting but difficult lol. (Technically can be read as Gn as well but this is what was requested)
Captain Price
Let's be honest here he likes the compliments but gets annoyed from time to time.
Well depending on if it is repetitive that is.
He'll laugh off the compliments and flirty comments.
Laughs at the reactions of others especially at new people.
Will warn others that you're a flirt.
Will try to get you to use your charms to get free drinks, (9/10 it works).
"Try that again muppet and see what happens aye?"
John "Soap" Mactavish
Oh so you wanna play that game, well two can play that game
Will flirt right back at you, not the best maybe but they're good.
If/when you fluster him he will be blushing mad but will try to laugh it off.
To combat that he will try to make you blush back.
Others assume you two are a couple with how intense things get.
If you flirt through Minecraft (via putting your two beds together) he will do the leg kicking thingy. (Idk how to put it so I'll use a gif)
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On more than one occasion you've confused the rookies into thinking you two were together. (Ik I mentioned this already but I really just need to emphasize this lol).
definitely, the type to pull fake marriage proposals with you at restaurants just for free food (Random ik but it seemed fitting).
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Yk he is probably a mix of getting flustered, and trying to not let is faze him (It doesn't work)
Also will warn others of your flirty behavior, but will still chuckle at those who fall victim.
Also tries to combat your flirting.
Doesn't always work in his favor.
I also feel like if he was too embarrassed and he couldn't hide his face anywhere he would hide it on your shoulder or his hands.
When he gets flustered he laughs, idk why but it feels fitting with him.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
He's just standing there like "🧍‍♂️" as he listens to you.
With this man, it's impossible to tell when he is flustered but his little stutter gives him away.
I'm gonna be honest and say other than that he doesn't react much.
If he is too flustered to the point he can't talk he'll try to find an escape of some kind, 4/10 times it works.
Secretly laughs at the others' reactions.
If he starts getting annoyed he'll just put his palm over the mouth and tell you to "Shut up".
This is way more shorter than I hoped but I might add more in the future.
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tang0soda · 10 months
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I haven't seen a lot of discussion about RSD when it comes to ADHD discussions, so I thought I would do the honors since it's been affecting me for many years and I'd like people to know more about it!
I have had a diagnosis for ADHD but was never told- instead learning I had autism through therapy but still having some behaviors that I could never explain that just Happened.
I learned I had ADHD over the summer, and with that, severe rejection sensitive dysphoria.
before reading, please keep in mind that this is mostly talking from personal experience and some skimmed research! not experiencing RSD doesn't mean you do/don't have ADHD, and it may not appear like how it appeared for me. I don't only have autism + adhd either, so those may also contribute to any differences! ^^
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RSD is the immense emotional pain after being criticized, rejected, or even teased (ignore my misspell in the panel). This rejection can be real or perceived, and we react like this because it hurts.
The pain can manifest as aggression, bringing on symptoms of depression (thoughts of s/h, isolation, demotivation, etc) and anxiety/panic attacks.
it can cause physical aliments like the above. For me, it causes my heartrate to skyrocket, heart palpitations, the feeling of being in a crisis, and extreme shaking to occur along with stomach pain.
(In fact, right now I'm going through it because making a post talking about this, despite having & dealing with it, makes me scared of other's opinions on it.)
RSD can also take the form of avoiding situations, people, or conversations where rejection or criticism is very possible.
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Like other types of dysphoria, it is out of our control and hard to manage. It can last from days to weeks to months, all depending on both the trigger* and the individual.
I had a RSD episode that was on-and-off for a little over a year or two; getting more tame and bearable as it slowly drifted and stopped haunting my mind with the incident.
Compared to the other times my RSD was set off, this moment was a rather big moment in my life and ended up permanently changing me moving forward - which can be the reason why it lasted so long.
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Despite how unbearable it can get, there are some ways to cope with it & lessen the effect it has.
Communicate - If you need time to process something that's told to you, you should say so (as difficult as it is). Tell the person(s) involved about your RSD, how you need time to digest information like this and take some time to relax. Trying to respond to the information while going through the head of the dysphoria will be very rough and might not be what you truly want to say.
Distract - This is really useful for me personally! Do something that grabs your attention or occupies your mind. One of RSD's main symptoms is rumination, thinking of something over and over again. I usually listen to music, draw, or play a game that won't frustrate me - like minecraft! (i'd say rain world but some of you would call me a maniac /lhj)
Perspective - This may require some communication, but it can really help and connect with others. See what the involved people thought / perceived, explain, talk. This doesn't always have the chance to end in rainbows and rekindling but at least you understand. Sometimes simply hearing the person explain their own side is enough to ease my RSD, being able to have someone explain themselves to me so i can understand them better.
I also wanna point out the "don't take it personally" thing that people try to use to deal with it isn't something i agree with since we're going to take it personally at first regardless. Later on, not really, but you're trying to cope with the symptoms... telling someone (or yourself) that they're too sensitive & over-reacting is the worse thing you could do.
With time, you can even begin to build up your 'armor' and be able to sustain yourself in situations you might get hurt in. Of course, some things may be able to sneak past and hurt you more than you expect, but at the end of the day, you're trying your best to go about it the best you can while taking so many blows. you're doing great.
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OK i dont have a lot more to add so if anyone else would like to talk about their experiences, please feel free! Character showcased here was my beloved fursona Shiki! i'm just a little neurodivergent + black artist from new york :]
hope you enjoyed it! sorry for the long post </3
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gladumfdoodles · 2 months
hey guys ignore the fact that i've been notably absent from original posts on tumblr lately, i'm here with some funky life series stats for those of you who write canon compliant stuff (and also for those of you who just like numbers) so a while ago I made a spreadsheet with a time converter on it, basically taking IRL time and transferring it into minecraft time. and thanks to a dream i had last night that i can't stop thinking about, i'm going to take the life series and start making numbers happen
numbers below cut cause it got quite long, i do recommend you read it though, i'm very excited by the implications of them :3
okay, so, i'm pretty sure that a session of the life series is 3 hours? i could be wrong, maybe it's 4, but i swear i heard someone say it was three hours before so
3 hours IRL = 9 days in minecraft (a day in this instance is a 24 hour period including the day/night cycle)
that means one session of the life series is over a week long for the cubitos/characters!! no wonder they get attached to each other so quickly
let's look at 3rd life: grian's series is 8 episodes long (i think most people's are?), which means that they spent 72 days in that series. 72 days!! that's two and a half months in a highly stressful environment, two months is a long time for a death game!
don't think about the cactus ring. don't think about them reminiscing on the past 72 days they've spent together, all of that time side by side. don't think about grian standing on the edge of the cliff, realizing that he killed his partner, his closest ally, his closest friend, the one person he spent months with.
don't think about renchanting dying seconds after each other, which in minecraft time would been around ten minutes. don't think about martyn kneeling at the side of his king, then standing to face desert duo, only to die shortly after.
last life was even longer, 9 episodes, that's 81 days. 11 weeks, nearly three months. i don't actually remember a lot about last life to be honest, but don't think about all those alliances crumbling to pieces after being together for so long. don't think about how the boogyman curse was something that lasted 9 days, 9 whole days of uncertainty and fear, staring at your teammates and your friends, wondering if they're going to kill you when you turn your back.
double life was shorter, only 6 episodes, but that's still 54 days! not quite two months, but close! also if you want to really break down the times in that series, that means scar didn't know who his soulmate was for 9 whole days. it was probably around the one week point that he decided to give up and just make the jellies his soulmate, which makes sense given the timeline! I don't know too much about the divorce quartet, but you can absolutely crunch the numbers to see how long they went without their respective soulmates, which could shed light on why they did what they did
don't think about pearl, alone for 54 days.
limited life was the same length as 3rd life, 72 days, but let's think about the implications of that. with the lengths involved and the amount of deaths, someone would have died basically every day, especially towards the end. imagine the psychological impact of that, with 3rd life deaths were few and far between (or at least it felt like that). with limited life? it was a constant event. also, Grian would have been AFK for 9 days. 9 days. don't think about the other two bad boys waiting for him to wake up, waiting for him to respond, beginning to feel scared as the one week point passed and still nothing from him. don't think about it.
secret life was the same length as last life, 81 days. They had 9 days to complete their tasks each session, which feels like a lot until you take into account the gravity of the tasks. could you dig a hole IRL that was four meters by four meters down to a very deep point in 9 days? I mean, maybe you could, i don't know you, but that would be pretty difficult for me.
also something i found funny is that jimmy would have been watching over grian for 9 days. can you imagine having jimmy in your head for 9 days??
anyway this got very long and rambley, i just....the time implications for the life series are so incredible.....you could break things down bit by bit, put times on everything, there's so much there that can be added.
i love this series
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coffeegnomee · 20 days
It fascinates me that in this entire conflict with Flame we have this battle between c and cc mindsets and motivations that are so interconnected that the story only exists through the blend of both. 
MAPICC: “I don't care bro. He can't just get away with anything he wants to because he’s Flamefrags. I actually don't care” 
It is so cool how it’s BOTH:
“the villain of the server can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s the villain” 
“Flamefrags the person can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s Flame” 
One is a fully justifiable, and even honorable, story motive: to stop the evil rampage of the evil villain, 
the other is a respect and learning moment for a real person to learn that you have to work with others and not steamroll because you think you have the right to whatever your idea is. 
It is so fully both of that at the same time. 
Flame does it too, he met the story as a story; he said specifically to Zam in DM’s that he’s leaning into a character with blowing up spawn. 
But then when it comes down to it, it’s his video and he just wants to make it, and he's willing to hold the whole server hostage to do so.
He takes both to be true, though he disagrees that the second reason is any justification to oppose him, which is the whole point to what Mapicc is doing. Mapicc is trying to teach him that his actions have consequences and you have to embrace them WHILE doing your video, not separate your video from your actions.  
And that, on a greater level, lifesteal is never about just you, it’s about who you team with and about the server as a whole. Every interaction matters. 
And Mapicc fully embraces that actions have consequences and that he’s going to get shit for blowing things up because now people can say of him, “Mapicc can’t just get away with anything he wants because he’s Mapicc”. He thinks he's in the right, and flame deserved it, but as they walk around the destroyed castle he reflects saying, “yea and then when I cancel the duel I’m the dickhead. Well I mean, no what I did-” and doesn't finish the thought. But he gets it.
And THAT’S what makes lifesteal so interesting.
It’s not just an unscripted story, it’s other people continuing their lore during your lore, because of your lore, which messes everything up and doesn't lead to perfect stories being told. 
It’s a never-ending, ever-building conglomeration of difficult stories, real stories, actual shit going down, and pushing thorough it anyway. In a word: Resiliency. 
And then suddenly it’s not EITHER of those two above options, resiliency is necessary as the dual conflict of above boils over into a story about self worth and communication. Not about a video, not about a villain arc, the barriers of character break down, the story of the server which was once wrapped up in the easy rebuttal “It’s minecraft not real life” starts to crumble and suddenly it feels all too much like a real life problem stuck within the veneer of a character, forced to play out because it is in the context of a game, unable to be resolved until the person himself battles against his inner self.
And our villain is stuck under the thumb of someone else, despondent, weary, and just wanting to give up. Anything to end this endless agony that boiled from one mistake, one weak moment in listening to the devil on his shoulder, and has now brought real sorrow and massive stress. 
He talks of Wemmbu having leverage against him, a mysterious hold that keeps Flame from having any leverage in return. What looked like one type of character has boiled into something far more 3dimensional. 
And suddenly I’m getting flashbacks to the greatest story lifesteal has ever told. 
FLAME: “How can I control another man’s decision that like, he just logs on and starts blowing stuff up. Bro. what can I do” 
ZAM: “well, [laughs] telling him that’s he’s griefing your video! Tell him that he’s griefing your video! It’s so obvious!”
FLAME:” he wont give a fuck!” 
ZAM: “HOW? He obviously cares. He obviously cares” 
FLAME: “he does not give a fuck bro” 
ZAM: “You can just talk to your teammates, did you know you can just communicate with them? That is something that you can do that we cannot.”
[…] FLAME: “its not that easy” 
ZAM: “but it should be. It should be, Flame” 
ZAM: “they’ve been going against your motives this entire time? How is that not betraying? How is that any different?” 
FLAME: “bro they have leverage bro” 
[…] ZAM: “flame the way you’ve described this is that you’re being betrayed constantly by your teammates, your teammates are constantly going against you, always. And now you’re like scared of them as well, […] The way I see it is you’re having a communication problem, I don't know” 
FLAME: “I can’t do anything with somebody else’s problems” 
ZAM: “but it’s not someone else’s problem. It’s your problem […] you teammates are being terrible to you, your teammates are mistreating you” 
FLAME: “where the hell am I going? There’s nobody left that’s gonna want me on their team. And that's my fault” 
ZAM: “that’s not necessarily true. You just have to look […] you don't have to betray them, you could just leave the team on good terms”  
FLAME: “that doesn’t exist” 
ZAM: “[conceding] fair”
FLAME: “okay tell me what- in this scenario, put yourself in my shoes.” 
oh he’s BEEN there. He has been there. Don’t worry Flame. 
Standing up to your purple teammate is never easy. Especially when you’re so attached to the third teammate in the group. Hopefully Zam and Pangi can give helpful enough advice, but then again did Planet and Bacon and Branzy’s advice give the best conclusion to that relationship? Was communication possible or was the only possible response upholding a boundary and leaving to show how serious he takes it? Putting his foot down and standing up for himself? Is it possible to do that without breaking apart the team while still being serious about what is going on? 
And then there’s Mane saying “flame said that?” “Dumbass flame :sob:” “we already said we’d stop after he asked LMFAO” 
Where this will lend up, I don’t know. But this is the most interesting lore lifesteal has had in such a long time. I’m getting so many flashbacks to how it felt to watch s4 and I couldn’t be happier. 
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
obsesseddd with the thought of kidnapped reader living in the cabin soap and ghost dragged her out to keep her in, being given colouring books and games as rewards for being the sweetest best behaved girl in the world, maybe they give her minecraft or lego’s as a way to distract her and keep her little mind busy while they work around you doing things around the house or fixing things, johnny lies on the sofa with you while you play, his face so close to yours asking you what your building and what each thing is and requesting a kiss every five seconds, making you giggle and blush because he just loves you so much and can’t get enough of you. he wants you in the house on the sofa playing games and colouring in all day every day for ever and ever because you’re his best sweetest most well behaved gorgeous girl. simon watches from wherever he’s standing working and is so proud of himself for finding something that is successfully distracting you enough to giggle and laugh and let soap kiss u all over ur face instead of seizing up or making an effort to get away. you’re settling in just fine and he couldn’t be more proud of you.
to me this is very much so giving DDlg which isn't really my thing, but I do loooove how soft and nice this ask is so I'm gonna play with that aspect of it :)
this is one of those asks that applies really well to a reader who... doesn't really mind being kidnapped. two big strong men want to squirrel her away, take care of her every need and desire? uh, yes please!
but they're still soooo scary :( because they're serial killers!!!! they killed all her friends - even if her friends did end up being really mean to her after all :( they're sweet to her but they also come home covered in gore, and it's very very difficult for her to not get scared when johnny spreads that gore over her face
i really enjoy the idea of this reader forcing herself to be soft and sweet. she's so so scared, tears streaked down her face, but she's got to smile and color with her crayons when johnny sets them down in front of her.
it's a type of sadism that would really work for johnny in particular, i think. he's watching you struggle through this drowning fear to be just what he needs. and you can't fully tell if he even knows you're scared (it's obvious, but you think you're a better liar than you actually are) so you try and cover it up as well as you can.
imagining you playing with legos, or jenga or smth, and being a little shaky and scared but trying to not show it. you glance up and just see ghost, looming in the shadows, blood not washed from his hands or face, just watching you with this deeply intense look. you flinch, lose knock over your little tower or lose jenga, and cry out a little at the loud noise. simon smirks at the reaction, and johnny coos real sad and sweet at you, leans forward to stroke your head.
and you sort of condition yourself to enjoy these things. you don't love coloring at first, but... but it is kinda fun. johnny and simon seem to love your drawings (they put it on a little heavy, you think) and their endless praise feels undeniably good. is it so bad to color something you think they'll like? no, of course not.
so you let yourself enjoy the little childish things - coloring, all the stuffed animals, building little lego castles - because it does feel relaxing.
and all they want from you is your softness, your sweetness. they just want you to be their sweet little baby girl who makes her drawings for them :( give you a Bear Johnny and a Bear Simon (secret little nanny cams) so they never have to really leave your side :( make meals for you and place you on the counter, swipe batter across your nose and watch you giggle :(
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hey! (just wanna say I really love your writing and especially the ones on mental health)
could I ask for more of the reactions to an Australian accent, but with the cricket crew instead? (those who are okay with x reader ofc)
tysm!!! have a wonderful day!
ah omg thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I've been working really hard esp on those ones + the fact I've always kinda struggled w mental health stuff so I rlly pour my heart out into those ; and he's of course!! sorry if I misunderstood you on that last one by the way LMAO ; gonna keep this as a oneshot tho because it was way easier than a preference format for some reason ; also I wish we got more freddie, tommy, tubbo & ranboo pics while we could 😔🙏
HANDSOME BROS ; australian accent
summary ; youre the only aussie in a group of british kids (and an american)
warnings ; language, lots of ball jokes (sorry tommy)
word count ; 1.4k
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Showing up for Tubbathon 2024 was a wild one.
Having your hand duct taped to Tommy's was also a whole thing in itself. At least you weren't working with Ranboo, who had no idea how to cook, unlike their poor partner Freddie. Recipe For Disaster was probably a horrible idea to join.
You and Tommy, Green Team, versus Ranboo and Freddie, Orange Team.
You'd never really talked on stream before. You either communicated through Minecraft signs or in-game chats. If you did speak, however, you'd often use a voice changer to make you seem a little more understandable, as you knew your accent was a bit difficult to understand sometimes.
You'd also met with your friends in real life before, of course, but you made sure the entire trip you strained your voice to sound a little more understandable.
But, now cooking with one of your long-time friends, the big guy TommyInnit himself, you didn't seem as worried or insecure when you spoke. I mean, you'd barely spoken, but you were in a comfortable environment - Tubbo's house - and were accompanied by friends you'd known for a long time now.
The stream had started and Tubbo had explained your rules, leaving the two groups to get to cooking.
"Hey, mate, can you hold the bowl while I stir the eggs?" You kindly ask Tommy, wriggling a whisk out of the jar between the stations.
The blonde blinks in silence, staring at you, "Your accent went 0 to 100 very quickly, Y/n/n" He giggles.
"Wait, what?" You glance about, feeling a little nervous as you plop the whisk into the measuring cup, needing to stir the eggs.
"Not in a bad way! Like, I never noticed your fuckin' accent was so, like, heavy before? You didn't sound like that last time we met up, or talked" He shrugs as he explains himself.
"Oh" You shrug, watching as he secures his free hand around the handle of the glass measuring cup. You begin to whisk the eggs, poking at the yolks to make it go a little bit faster. "I mean, I usually use a little voice changer to make me a little more understandable"
"Ohhhhh, wait, that makes sense" He nods, "Ow! Calm down, I'm not trying to get surgery on my wrist now!" He quickly pulls his hand away, feeling something pop.
"Shit, I'm sorry! Are you alright?"
He bites his tongue, nodding as you reach for his hand. "I'm good"
You gently grab his wrist, quickly and lightly kneading the area for him.
Ranboo looks up, seeing you two distracted in your green aprons. "They're taking a massage therapy break already" they comment, tapping Freddie on the shoulder.
"C'mon, man up, Tommy! You'll be okay" Freddie lightly smiles, cracking a few eggs over the measuring cup, which they'd just struggled to find.
"Dude, I just had surgery on my crowned jewels, I don't think I will!"
"Good God, help me now" You chuckle
Ranboo and Freddie go silent for a moment before the boy with the red hair speaks up.
"You weren't kidding about the voice changer, were you?"
You shake your head no, "Why would I lie about that, mate?"
The two shrug, hearing Tubbo fake yell at them for cheating since they were conversing with you. The four of you jokingly plan a rebellion that you'd put into place for later, deciding to focus on the food right now.
"Tommy, Tommy, the plate, not the floor! If you drop that I'll actually kill you"
"It's on the damn plate!"
Tommy quickly sets the pan down to help you fold the guacamole together, using his one hand to hold the bowl while you rushingly mix it all up. From the avocados to the lemon juice, you got it to a nice consistency, and, with a struggle, get a dab of it on the paper plate you were given next to the burrito.
"I think he's gonna like it either way, considering most of what he eats, he orders." You shrug, setting the bowl of guacamole down.
Tommy lightly laughs, "Yeah, that's true"
You were finished before the timer, luckily, however, Freddie and Ranboo were still working, using each hand to do their own tasks to work a little faster.
"Tubbo, can you understand me with my accent this thick?" You shout into the other room, purposely making your voice and accent sound a bit thicker to try and mess wirh him.
It's silence until he answers, like he needed to translate your words. "Barely!"
You and Tommy laugh, chatting away while the other group works.
"What's Australia even like? Just like... giant spiders and kangaroos?"
"Holy shit"
"I'm serious! It's not like I'm going anytime soon"
"Well, it's not that. It's like the UK but much warmer, and yeah, kinda scarier. It's like a real-life Better Minecraft mod"
"You guys have armored skeletons attacking you??" Tommy laughs as he teases you.
"I hate you!" You laugh
"I love how you say 'you', it sounds so dumb"
"It sounds like how you Brits say it!" You smile, using your free hand to try and fight him in a playful manner.
"Dumb in a nice way! Dumb in a nice way!" He shouts, trying to use his free hand to protect himself from the cat fight. "They weren't lying when they said you Aussies fight like wild animals, what's next, you gonna kick the shit out of me?" He asks, egging you on.
"I'm gonna kick you in the crown jewels if you don't shut up!" You joke, making him scream in terror, probably killing the viewers' ears as well.
He yelps, falling back as he drags you down with him, having slipped on himself.
"Jesus Christ, they've broken each other's backs off that floor, I heard it" Freddie lightly laughs, holding the paper plate up for Ranboo so they could put the food on it. "I think Y/n's dead"
"Tubbo! We need the ambulance!" Ranboo laughs, "Get Eryn back here, they actually can't get up! The tied hands have impaired them tremendously"
"Tommy, just stand up!"
"My balls hurt!"
"Then let me stand up, I can't when you're holding your dick together!"
Eryn quickly rushes over, helping the both of you stand up slash getting Tommy to release his tied hand from his crotch. You help him up and pat him on the shoulder with your free hand as Tubbo wraps up the time.
In the end, your groups nearly tied, you and Tommy one point behind Freddie and Ranboo. Honestly, they did deserve the win.
"I still can't believe you fooled us with the voice changer, even changing your voice in real life. I swear, you sound totally different," Freddie lightly chuckles, freeing himself from the apron.
"In a good way, though" Ranboo adds, "Your accent is really fucking cool, trust me"
You lightly smile, freeing yourself from Tommy's sweaty hands. "Thanks- ow, holy shit!"
"You think that hurt?" The blonde teases, having ripped the rest of the duct tape of your hands.
"Piss off"
After the stream ended, Tubbo turned on some music while you guys cleaned up. He and Eryn were sorting out the lights, cameras, and microphone while the four of you cleaned up the kitchen. You decided to clean each other's messes, trying to make it a little more enjoyable, which none of you minded.
The music, picked my Tubbo himself, was an early 2000s hip hop mix, titled something like 'Greatest 2000s Hip Hop Hits' or something. And of course, Ranboo and Tommy were getting down to it, mostly leaving you and Freddie to do the cleaning while you laughed at them singing and dancing along.
Tommy was bouncing around, not focused on cleaning whatsoever as he tugs on your hand, wanting you to join in.
"Y/n, Freddie, cmon!"
"This isn't High School Musical, dude" You reply
"You deserve a break!" Ranboo shouts, pulling Freddie into whatever fucked up dance trapezoid you guys had going on.
You sigh and set down the cups you were washing and turn the water off. You spray the water from your hands on Freddie, starting a war as you join their little dance party.
Freddie gasps and smiles, throwing the little bit of water in the measuring cup at you in retaliation.
"Australian versus Brit! Who will win!?" Tommy shouts with a little laugh.
"Hopefully not the American"
You fake shudder and nod. "Yeah, I agree with that, Ranboo"
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wastingawayinmyroom · 27 days
I feel like if James was still alive, his fav games would be Minecraft and beatsaber
he’d be one of those people who does beatsaber on like the hardest level on youtube and gets evERTHING RIGHT and sirius tries it once and just. rages. like beatsaber is so difficult 😭😭😭 (at least for me) but he makes it look so easy ohmygahddddd
also he’d probably make the craziest builds on minecraft creative. like, everyone meets him and thinks he’s lowkey stupid but then they they see the rebuild of the colosseum that he made on minecraft at 3 am
this is random but sometimes we get to make minecraft builds for school projects and that DEFINITELY reminds me of james
subkajnkwnoq i need to stop projecting lmao
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beatthegame · 4 months
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I just beat the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. It's a direct sequel to it's predecessor, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is a first for the franchise? Perhaps Hyrule Warriors? Or Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link could be an exception but even that was a huge pivot from the original Zelda. But I digress...Storywise, Zelda games typically occur generations apart from each other. But this game is unique in bridging two games together within a couple of years. Nowadays, good sequels are rare. We usually go backwards through the prequel route but this game takes place just a few years after the events of BOTW. Not many sequels live up to outshine their originals. Often falling short in certain aspects. And Breath of the Wild, as a stand alone game, is an absolute masterpiece. One of the greatest adventure games I personally experienced. So when the developers announced that there would be a direct sequel to one of the greatest adventures ever made? It left a LOT to be desired. But does TOTK truly live up to the hype? Let's try to fuse all these elements together and try to make sense of it...
In a nutshell: It's like Minecraft in Hyrule! You take the same open world template from Breath of the Wild. Triple down on the map & add heavy emphasis on crafting abilities. Combined with hundreds of side quests, treasures, characters and challenges sprinkled across the largest open world in gaming history. (If you can find a larger open world in a game, please let me know.) When you boil it down, Tears of the Kingdom should be considered tears of joy!
The Good: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a BEAST of an adventure game! The cel shaded anime inspired graphics are simply gorgeous. These screenshots would be good enough for the artwork inside the 8-bit game manuals of years past. Trying to imagine those details on a 8-bit platform was great for the time. But being able to control those stillframes now like a beautiful moving painting is like a dream come true. Most open world games are pretty rich in terms of a playable area with missions sprawled across the land. But I don't think I've played a game world this deep? And I mean that literally. You have the vast continent of Hyrule to explore. Same map from BOTW. All of it's valleys, lakes, mountains, islands and more. And when I say more, I MEAN MORE. Because now you have islands hundreds of feet in the sky to explore. In addition to the underworld depths hundreds of feet below the surface. The deepest bowels of a planet you can think of? And it goes DEEPER than that! I find it difficult to express myself through words, how packed this game map is. But you have the freedom to explore it all, however you like! And boy, does this game offer a rich variety of CHOICE. Something I feel is an gift AND a curse in this game? For now, let's talk about how AMAZING it is to create almost ANYTHING your imagination can handle...based on the items scattered throughout the land.
Your Sheika technology from the previous game has been replaced with new Zonai fusion technology that will allow you to combine all sorts of objects, monster parts and broken vehicle pieces to construct all sorts of cool contraptions. From simple suspension bridges to complex flying automatons with rocket launchers! There's a bit of a learning curve to manipulate pieces and placing them in functional spots. But once you get the hang of it, it becomes 2nd nature. You can even save your creations to quickly assemble duplicate machines, which is convenient at times. But that is only ONE fraction of your creative capabilities. You are also able to create custom weapons, armor and arrows to expand your arsenal. You will need these abilities to explore the land, skies and depths of Hyrule. It's an experience that can grow beyond your imagination. Which sounds amazing. And it is, in so many ways. However, it also one if this game's many problems...
The Bad: I hate to say it, but this game is the very definition of "trying too hard". Breath of the Wild is off the charts fantastic! Almost a perfect game. So when you're tasked to make something great even better? Sometimes adding more ingredients to a stellar dish ruins the meal. Like, imagine the best 5 layer cake in the world...perfectly frosted, with sprinkles and a cherry on top...and now add a tomahawk steak, and a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, and nacho cheese fries with frosted flakes sprinkled on top of that? A bit much, right? That's how this game is... You have an entire world of objects and machine pieces and monster parts. But there's only so much you can do to actually function well in the game. What's the point of building an elaborate hovercraft when a crude assembly of logs & rocks can get the same job done? Which leads to the weapons. One of the main things I hated about BOTW are the fragile weapons that break after a few swings. This game not only brings back the shitty fragile weapon system, but now you have the burden of crafting your own weapons. Which is FUN... for about 5 minutes. But when you are in the heat of battle? Quickly assembling weapons or sifting through my entire inventory under durress was more annoying than it was fun. And don't get me started on the Blood Moon. A couple of times would have been ok but like every 10 minutes?! Give me a fucking break! Let me build this wooden helecopter in peace LOL!
But refocusing on the positive, overall, this was a fantastic gaming experience! But even though this play-thru was satisfying. There were too many flaws that effect the final score. Tears of the Kingdom would have been a decent spin-off game. Like, focus on the Sheika Lab team and have them rebuild Hyrule and deal with the Ganon threat with building gadgets. Harvesting minerals underground. Rebuilding towns devastated by the Calamity. That would've been cool. But as a Zelda adventure? It falls short when you compare it to the other masterpieces throughout the years. But when you put aside the competition? Tears of the Kingdom is a stellar game experience!
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imflyingfish · 4 months
Tbh i think that even if/when the mimecraft series gets cancelled for its 2nd season or whatever, its not going to be the biggest deal for me since theres still the game.
Other series don't have that. If the series ends, thats it. No more content for that franchise. But minecraft already is a game, so you can still enjoy the world anyway. Heck, if its bad theres still those fanmade animations on youtube that have been around for god knows how long.
Additionally we have no idea how long the series is supposed to be. It could be 5 episodes long and it would count as a series. There could be 10 episodes but at 5 mins an episode. There could be 15 episodes at 20 mins an episode.
I dont really see them doing shorts as that feels very similar from youtube animated shorts from the community and i feel like theyd want to stray away from that, and i feel like if those were created they'd be created for the youtube channel. On the other hand, they have concrete proof that those fanmade animations are popular, so they could go for that anyway. We dont know. So its kind of weird to be worrying about the show cancelling for seasons when we dont know if the show will even have seasons.
Also, i feel like a lot of people who have critisised the fact that netflix is taking it also arent excited/expecting the worst anyway, so why does it matter if it gets cancelled for you.
Personally I'm really excited BUT im also the type of person who watches the minecraft youtube channel promotion animations and music animations for fun with a big enjoyment for the default skins. So Im an increadibly niche demographic.
I do hope that it doesnt suck for obvious reasons. However if it does then it'll just be one of those rhings that people meme on for a bit and then forget about. Which i dont like, but thats the way its going to be. People make fun of minecraft anyway
In whole, I do think that mojang has treated minecraft with some decent respect in terms of updates, media and merch, often keeping that more chilled out/cool/optimistic aesthetic in game music and animations, and updates. Merch is a little more difficult tbh because minecraft merch is almost impossible to make graphically pleasing without running out of ideas. However i do think that the way they treat their brand is consistent and leans towards relaxing and bubbly, so id hope they continue this on in the animated series without trying to be abrasive and random. Tbh i liked mcsm and wouldnt mind it being similar to that.
My one wish is that they dont make steve talk though. Oh also that the minecraft live presenters arent there because i dont. Like thejr acting and it would be weird.
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squea · 4 months
omg i didn't know that they came together!! thank youuu!
do you have any tips for gameplay and/or mods you recommend? 💕
omg no worries at all!! im gonna put this below the cut bc it ended up being so long whoops
for gameplay I really recommend like.. taking ur time. minecraft is one of those games that if you do what you think youre supposed to oNLY then youll get bored quick bc its more of a sandbox game where the main challenge is whatever you decide it to be. thats why people often refer to having "2 week fixations" on minecraft because realistically you can complete the game in like... one or two sittings. or at least what is defined as completing the game. its a game about finding what about it you really enjoy. like some folk love to build, farm and others like to mine and loot and grind for the best equipment!! ive been playing mc for so long that I actually rarely play vanilla for the exact reason I said like I just get bored after a while BUT thats where mods come in!
modrinth is a great site and app for minecraft modpacks. you download the app and from it you can not only make your own packs of mods, you can dl premade and popular modpacks! these modpacks range from insanely difficult realistic ones to ones that turn your game into a pokemon game so its a fun experience just browsing them. my personal favourite is better minecraft (fabric version) which im currently playing a lot. despite adding SO many mods, it still feels very minecrafty and true to its "vanilla +" theme. I dont enjoy big game changing mod packs because of the learning curve required with them, but better minecraft is really enjoyable to just explore and discover without feeling overwhelmed. another great modpack which is wildly different to that is cobblemon (fabric) which is based on the pokemon mod for minecraft with the same name! its quite different to your regular mc experience but still super fun!
ps heres some screenshots of me playing cobblemon
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
what sorta games would the fpk family play? together or separate, digital or physical
I'll answer the last part first since it relates to all of them. I tend to place the modern AU somewhere in the early 2000s, so during the time physical games were still dominant. Though I won't limit the game choices to that era, so I suppose we can assume that all those games I'm going to mention released way earlier than they did. Or just not think too much about it hahaha
And they very often play together, they'd have a Minecraft server for sure. They also often play in pairs. Vyrm and Grimm play co-op games, with Grimm doing most of the work and Vyrm fumbling and feeling a little embarrassed about it. Holly and Zote play sometimes, though Zote also joins Hornet as well. And Vyrm also likes to join Holly whenever they're playing their relaxing games, if there's co-op available.
Vyrm - he's not much of a gamer, I don't think it's his first choice when it comes to free time, at least. Well, unless he gets into a game that really sparks his interest, then he won't leave it for hours. Minecraft is a big one (particularly the redstone mechanics), though I imagine he would be a big fan of Cities Skylines or any similar game. He'd also enjoy simulator games. His ideal game is something he can play to sit back and relax, while also getting his brain cogs into motion. He wouldn't like mechanically challenging games, and if he ever plays an action game of anything of that sort, he's going to choose the easiest difficulty, and usually ask Grimm for help with all the quests that he struggles with. As for whether he prefers to play together or alone, I think he gravitates towards playing with his family whenever possible, though he definitely has moments where he wants to be left by himself so he can focus, especially with something like a city builder.
Grimm - he likes reading and so I think he'd enjoy story-driven games, especially those which let you affect the course of events, he'd love messing with it to see how far he can push the limits of the system (and how much chaos he can cause). Aside from that, he shares Vyrm's love for Minecraft, though he's more of a builder - he can make some very impressive builds, he has the eye for details and unconventional solutions that push the game's simplicity. Whenever they play together, he loves making Vyrm's redstone farms look pretty from the outside. Speaking of building, he also loves the build-buy mode in The Sims games - he's the type to spend hours making beautiful houses and then not move anyone in.
Hornet - she's the competitive gamer for sure, and quite a toxic one as well since she gets angry easily. FPS games are her favorite, and despite her tendency to do things by herself, she plays a lot of team-based games (and gets into shouting matches if she's on a losing streak). I think she also enjoys very difficult games, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, anything else of the sort. That said, she's not opposed to more relaxing experiences, like The Elder Scrolls games, of Minecraft with the family. In those cases, however, she tends to be the type of player to play it in the most efficient way and constantly look for challenges. Though very occasionally she stops to for a while to admire the view or enjoy the music, showing that despite how moody she might seem on the outside, there is some softness hidden in there.
Holly - definitely the chill and relax type of player, even more so than their father. Similarly to him, they don't have the best gaming skills, and the tend to gravitate towards the relaxing experiences, especially those based on routines. They're the one to have a little farm in Minecraft and spend the whole time tending to it instead of progressing. Stardew Valley, Paleo Pines, Animal Crossing - those are some of their favorite games. As long as they can sit down and have a relaxing time while also taking care of a little farm and cute animals, they will enjoy it. Anything more fast-paced and chaotic often becomes overwhelming to them, though they don't mind watching others play.
Zote - he plays competitive games just like Hornet (they sometimes even play together, though that usually ends with them arguing and blaming one another). He's not good at them but I suppose the determination is somewhat admirable. Despite acting like he's already a pro, he does secretly look at guides and such to improve, if only to beat Hornet and show her that he's better than her. He doesn't have the patience for relaxing games, though he often plays with Holly. For example, if they play Stardew Valley together, while Holly tends to the farm and makes friends with the NPCs, Zote goes to the caves and gets himself killed over and over before eventually ragequitting. But he does come back eventually, so there's that.
Lewk - he's a big fan of Minecraft, he also loves games like Spore. In Spore, he'd play the most peaceful creature almost every time, he really enjoys those little minigames that let you befriend other creatures. He doesn't quite understand the stages after the creature stage, though, they're too complicated for him at this age. He's a little too young to really comprehend most games so most of the time he watches the other family memberd play. Grimm often lets him sit on his lap and play whatever he's playing for a while, even if it gets him killed over and over in the game. Vyrm shows him various redstone contraptions or the cities he built, which Lewk finds very entertaining. Holly shows him their farms and lets him pick things to buy and name their farm animals. And Hornet, like I mentioned in the past, lets him play around in the character creator in games like TES, it's one of those occasional moments where she takes a step back and relaxes a bit. Zote doesn't let Lewk play, if anything, he'd be the one fighting for the controller with an actual toddler.
Milo and Asta - they're too young to play, so they just watch. Sometimes when Grimm lets them sleep on his desk while he plays (he puts a little bed there for them), they'll walk across the keyboard like cats to cuddle with him. Milo sometimes tries to catch the mouse cord while still in his little nest, while Asta gets brave and attempts to climb Grimm's shoulder or bite his hands. Same thing happens while Vyrm and the others play, I just loved the mental image of Grimm focused on his game and having one of his babies chew on his hand, it's such a funny thing to imagine considering he's a god of nightmares hahaha
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I have had the good fortune of being given a used Nintendo Switch which means I'll actually be able to play the LoZ games that aren't for the Gameboy. I have never played any Switch games other than Mario Kart 8 so I would like to ask if you have any recommendations? I would just start with BotW but I'm really, really bad at puzzles. (I am so bad at puzzles I need a game guide for MC. 😅)
WOAAAAAAAH OKAY OKAY OKAY SO. SO!! (i am also bad at puzzles sometimes)
For Zelda: I do really like switch Skyward Sword, some puzzles can be a LITTLE hard but it ain’t too bad I don’t think. I also really really like Hyrule Warriors (big shocker i know /j) and there really aren’t puzzles at all in that one. DE or AOC are both good
Other Games:
1. …okay now there are some that aren’t so puzzle based, and some of the puzzles can be a little difficult but I seriously love the resident evil franchise. I’d recommend starting with either re1 or re4 og (i started with re4 og), i’ve had to look up a guide once or twice but they’re not open world so i don’t find them TOO difficult. they’re not REALLY horror games but there are zombies and shit and the games can be scary sometimes but I seriously like em a lot they’re a lot of fun, 12/10 would recommend. i really like playing them, they’re not too hard but those kinda games arent for everyone
2. Animal crossing is just fucking addicting to me i lose my mind over it
3. i recently got minecraft and i was worried it was a bad financial decision because i was scared i wouldn’t play it often and i cant play with other people so i was scared id get bored of it, but i kinda lost my mind recreational lake building and have like 20 hours i fear….. i’ve only played it for like…. 4 days-
i don’t have it but i know you can get skyrim, and skyrim is fuckin epic, tho i feel like it could be powerful enough to make the switch explode so who knows
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Not ask-blog related, then, but how would you get into role-playing?
honestly, just find an RP space/community (that's accepting new members) and hop right in. If you're nervous about your writing not being up to snuff, RP spaces are in my opinion the way to build up your writing. We all start somewhere and RP spaces are a great place to start and often full of beginners. You will pick it up and improve very quickly, have no fear. The general rules to be aware of in any RP space is basically just be nice and don't powerplay (which means don't do stuff like start controlling other people's characters, or deciding things for other people's characters without their permission, don't make everything in the RP about only your character, etc etc. Generally just treat everybody else and their characters with general courtesy). Also if everybody else in a space is doing only script or only paragraph format rp, try to match that. And try to make sure your writing is legible as a general courtesy cause otherwise people will have a hard time joining you in RP even if they want to - so avoid letter replacement/typing quirks (unless it's specific to the RP - see: Homestuck, though even with HS rp there is sometimes a site toggle to turn typing quirks off or similar) and do a quick scan to make sure your posts aren't super full of typos or etc.
more advice below the cut cause whoops this got long:
The finding the space is really the hardest part - RP-designated spaces are becoming more difficult to find since forum boards have started disappearing (though they have also started making a resurgence!). My old forum stomping grounds have since become an adoptables pet game site - though I do know a lot of online pet game sites have very active forum communities that usually had plenty of rp. I know for a fact Flight Rising has an active RP community. Rarely you can also find some other forms of RP-designated sites, like MSPARP used to be the big one for Homestuck and had some pan-fandom offshoots, but I don't know exactly what the status is for that stuff over there. I believe MSPARP doesn't exist anymore and I don't know anything about the rest of all that.
I used to also play some RP-dedicated multiplayer games and those can be a great option, depending on the game and your personal tastes. The main one I used to play a.) i would not recommend to people lol and b.) i'm pretty sure is very dead anyways so I don't have any exact recommendations there. I hear Roblox is a good place to find RP servers in a similar vein to that type of stuff but I never got into Roblox so I cannot confirm/deny that. You can sometimes find public Minecraft servers that have rp spaces but those are harder to find nowadays. There's a ton of discord RP communities you can join though. It's a bit more difficult to search around and get a feel for them just with how discord is but there's definitely plenty of 'em.
And I am not very in the tumblr RP community spheres (or other social media rp spheres - though i have dabbled) but to my understanding with those you either find an active group and ask if they're open to new members/if you can join, or you just jump right in to making your own blog/account/etc for it. Make some prompts/rp starters for people to potentially hop in and join you with or otherwise just kind of find you and rope you into their rp group or whatever. And of course you can always start a group with your friends.
The major things with RP is just kind of figuring what type of RP you want to be doing cause that informs everything else. Do you want to do script rp (usually formatted along the lines of [CHARACTER]: *runs around*) or paragraph/prose rp (the "[Character] ran around in circles before coming to a halt before the door." type format)? Do you want to do more of a video-game type rp where you have an avatar? Do you want to do something more like a TTRPG/D&D? Do you wanna do just straight up LARP (i can't really help you with that one much that one. you'd just have to search for local LARP groups - sometimes you can find them at your local conventions)? All those things are going to point you in different directions for what you want to do. In general, if you can find RP forums you can usually find both script and paragraph rp though paragraph rp is more common. Chatrooms and video games are more likely to lean script rp format due to chat limitations though this is not always the case. Social media rp is kind of it's whole own beast and everybody does it differently or different groups do it differently but if you want to do RP stuff primarily on your own and maybe pick up a group as you go then in-character social media can be a fun route for that. Or if you're not particularly looking for collaborative RP but want to do some interactive story stuff in a similar vein, then making an askblog might be more your style.
In general right now though, looking for RP discords is a relatively easy one or you can start your own and advertise it. Tbh if you find Warrior Cat RPers they may very likely have a designated area for non-WC rp (in the past Warriors RP sites/groups/etc ive been a part of, this has been the case in all of them). Also Warriors RP is like, everywhere. You will find it. It's like a constant of the universe or something. Actually doing a quick search i found some newer WCRPG forums and they look beautiful and yes, they do have non-Warriors rp sections. Idk much about RP communities in other fandoms but you can always count on Warriors. And as mentioned before, social media RP is an easy one.
Hopefully something in all of that helps a lil bit.
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artemis-rian · 2 months
Hello, this is a very brief intro post and i will most likely look into some resources to make a better organized one.
this is a Disney-Twisted Wonderland RP account, in which i will be talking as my oc, Artemis Rian. his name is pronounced Art-aye-miss and his surname is pronounced like Ryan.
there are a few rules i ask you to follow, its not much.
-any homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, fatphobia, body shaming, bullying, incest, pedophilia, or anti-semantics will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances.
-please dont sexualize my character.
-Please dont be fucking weird (in bad ways)
-Please dont judge anyone for their interests.
~My character is open to shipping with characters of his same age. please DM me about it beforehand.
please be a decent human being. if you break any one of these rules i will lecture you in dms then block you.
Some additional information about Artemis.
~ Artemis is eighteen
~ When Artemis is talking, there will be a tag that says "artemis rian"
~ Artemis is a Junior in the Ignihyde dorm.
~ Artemis is typically soft-spoke, and rather introverted. he has a difficult time initiating interactions with people, but he does infact enjoy talking to people.
~ Artemis is cisgender male and uses He/Him pronouns.
~ Artemis is part fae, part human. his mother was a human, and his father was a fae.
~ Artemis is Omnisexual, with a lean towards masculine people.
~ Artemis is only 168 cm tall, or inbetween 5'6 and 5'7. he is not very tall, he's got rather long legs, but is rather skinny, due to the conditions of his past.
~ Artemis is a bit timid, to say the least. he often is zoned out, and has not a great memory. he often forgets important things such as his own birthday.
~ the picrews were not very great, so here is a brief explanation of his character design/appearance.
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Artemis is a young man of average height. he has very dark brown, somewhat curly hair that's a bit fluffy, which is cut to the base of his neck. the tips of his hair are dyed red. he has pointed ears, as most fae, and he has his lobes pierced. he often wears hoodies, and likes ripped, baggy jeans. his eyes are a deep emerald, and are rather thin and a bit downturned.
~ Artemis is rather well at art, and likes drawing messy sketches of scenery, typically with charcoal. he dislikes painting. he also enjoys video games, especially competitive ones, which he is rather good at. some of his favorites are Mario Kart and Splatoon, he also likes survival games such as Minecraft, Raft, and similar.
Please feel free to ask anything you would like about Artemis!
A few additional things about me, the person behind the screen.
I am a transgender male, and use he/him pronouns. most private messages will be ooc unless stated otherwise. I am a bit indesicive on names, so you may call me mod, admin, artemis mod, or the similar.
I work throughout the summer very often. please do not expect me to be chronically online.
I am medically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), so i may misinterpret things, or jokes may go over my head. please be patient with me. i also ask you to use tone tags. if you are not certain what those are, please do not be scared to ask.
My DMs are open! please feel free to come talk with me, i dont bite, and i would love to make some friends. socializing is hard for me, as someone who can be considered similar to Idia, when it comes to socialization. i also meant to create this account awhile back, but someone i knew was on here who made me feel like i couldnt speak freely. they are inactive now, i believe, with that, please dont involve me in any drama.
A few of my interests include alternative fashion, though I am in a bit of a financial crunch and cant afford such for myself, i play splatoon, and have played all the way through splatoon 1, before it got shut down, and im nearly done with the splatoon 2 hero mode, but ive finished octo expansion, and ive played through splatoon 3 hero mode, but im yet to finish side order ive been playing splatoon for about five years. i also like painting, especially bob ross follow-alongs, they are calming. i also love surfing and beaches (especially the ones with the pretty, clear water.) i sometimes teach surf and swim classes in summer. and i love twisted wonderland very much, its one of my favorite games. I emjoy horror games aswell, and reading older literature is another hobby of mine.
when i am speaking there will be an OOC// before the text and a tag "ooc"
please note that I use Tumblr on my laptop. I will not always immediately respond
Oh god this was a lot longer than i had intended... apologies. i will upload Artemis' backstory as soon as possible.
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