#i feel like i'm that mom in Monsters University that is just listening to her tunes
bloomingonionbitch · 1 year
i have to prepare to teach with a very specific series of commute songs - one of them being "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine. Great song to sing-along to and love supporting my hometown boy Tom Morello, but let me tell you, the most transcendent parts of the song are the brief seconds of Zack de la Rocha's "UGH!" it's unbelievably cathartic so i captured and condensed the essence of the experience for y'all.
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insomniactic-daydream · 2 months
Princess- Bakugo x Reader
Bakugo x Support Course Shoto's Twin Sister Reader (Pt.3)
<- Previous Pt.2
Summary: Time has passed, and Bakugo gauntlets are almost done. However, due to a Todoroki family argument, Y/n decides she needs a break from her family by focusing on completing the gauntlets sooner.
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"The USJ? Like Universal Studios USJ?" your older sister Fuyumi questions you're twin brother.
"No, it's a training facility we're going to. Apparently, All might and another pro are coming to see us and how we perform, " Shoto says calmly. Your older sister has made a habit of forcing both of you to talk about your day.
You lazily eat your food, hoping Fuyumi can squeeze more out of Shoto rather than pestering you. You're day always seemed uneventful compared to you brother. Unfortunately for you, Shoto didn't have anymore words to spare; giving you the spotlight.
"How about you Y/n, does you're class have anything planned? Anything exciting." Fuyumi smiles warmly.
"Not really. I'm almost done with those gauntlets I've been working on. So I might get graded on that soon."
"That's great, I'm sure that student is excited for thier new gear. You're going to definitely pass" Fuyumi says trying to make do with all the silence.
"Oh, they definitely won't stop nagging me, that's for sure." You remember all the texts and in-person conversations you've had with Bakugo that always started with "Wheres my shit at?".
If he's not pestering you at the cafeteria, then he's found you hiding away in the support classroom to eat.
You almost feel bad for not having anything to say but you can't get past the old Fuyumi that has side against you for simply loving the only parent that'll look at you, to the one trying to make amends now.
"Listen... I think the both of you should visit mom some time soon. Her recovery is doing really well, and it might help her if she saw the two of you more." Fuyumi says hesitantly; causing you to drop your utensil down.
"I'll think about it" "No thank you" come out of the two of you simultaneously.
"Y/n come on please, can you try and make the effort." Fuyumi pleads.
"Why would I make the effort for someone who could barely stand me. Hell, I'm pretty sure I learned to crawl faster than  Shoto cause she couldn't bear picking me up." You spat.
"That's not her fault and you know it." Shoto defends his mother. "You know the reason why she struggled." He says in his dull tone.
You scoff. "Well, it isn't my fault I was born identical to Dad. But hey, at least my quirk allows me to fix that, huh? I'm doing all of you a favor, I guess." You say standing up, grabbing your plate to put away.
"Y/n that's not what-"
"Thank you for the food Fuyumi it was delicious. Sorry I soured the mood." You interrupt her. Not wanting to cause any more issues, you headed to your room.
Forgiving never came easy to you. I mean, how could it. Everything little remark or digust they have for actually giving thier dad the time of day really did a number on your mental health and how you act today.
It hards to accept how Fuyumi cares now all of a sudden to include dad, while she made you feel horrible for loving him in the past.
Don't get it wrong, Enjj Todoroki is no saint and Y/n understands that her mother is not a monster. But, her father at least tried to make up for the lack of attention your mother gave to you while focusing on Shoto.
Endeavor was also the blame for the dynamic, but your mother never opposed it. They had agreed that he would take care of the one she couldn't bear looking at, and she'd make sure the boy is healthy.
Shoto was the focus for Endeavor; he pushed your mother's priorities towards him. After all, a boy with split hair had more quirk potential than you with just red. That was until your quirks came
Endeavor had ended up training both of you till exhaustion. However, only Shoto was consoled by their mother at the end of the day. Only Shoto was defended to take a break.
Just a child wanting to be loved by her parents. But she still had to be appreciative cause it was more than what her older siblings get to have. But still.
Guess the death of Touya, and your mother being put away, really made it easy for your father to accept that you didn't want to be a hero and you found it more enjoyable to make gadgets.
After all, you remind him so much of his first son that saying no to your passion would be doing Touya a dishonor. At least Shoto was still interested in being a hero, not for your father but to show him he doesn't need his fire quirk. Maybe that's why Shoto gave you a hard time with you using yours.
You sigh into your pillow, contemplating Fuyumi suggestion. You wanted to try. So bad. But then again, if your mother really wanted to make amends, then wouldn't she try and contact you.
You toss in your bed, groaning in frustration. You inevitably grab your phone before typing.
'You busy tomorrow? I heard you're going to a training facility soon. I can get your gauntlets done this weekend, but only if you have a place I can use my quirk safely.'
Maybe you shouldn't have texted the aggravating blonde, but you could use his nagging as a distraction for at least the weekend.
You wait a little before you hear a notification go off.
'The old hag said we can use the metal shed in the back. Or is that not up to your standards, princess?' You read out. The nickname catching you off guard with pink cheeks, but you know he's only mocking your social status. (As if he didn't mention his parents are wealthy designers in an attempt to not feel inferior by you.)
'You're lucky I spent too much time on your gauntlets to melt them to a metal sheet just for that comment asshole.'
(Next Part 4) ->
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Little family angst 💜☺️
I'll admit that I haven't really fully caught up on the series yet. I'm only where dabi reveals his identity. So, sorry if the storyline is a little off or completely wrong.😅
Tags: @queenriki7
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ghostxrose · 5 months
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Summary ~ The war between humanity and aliens began in 2013 when the first Kaiju hauled itself out of the depths of the ocean. It rampaged through three cities, destroying everything in its path and killing thousands before it was finally taken down. As more Kaiju emerged from the sea, nations put aside rivalries and hatred in order to ban together and find a solution to save the human race.
Azusa had never imagined that this would be the world that she would grow up in. Mankind using giant robots to take down massive alien monsters sounds like the stuff of movies not the reality that she’s forced to live. She had also never imagined signing herself up to battle the monsters from the sea, but somebody needed to avenge her brother’s death and her father sure as hell wasn’t doing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Heyy, Lovelies! This fic is my twist on MHA characters in the Pacific Rim universe. I am absolutely obsessed with Pacific Rim, it's probably my most favorite movie! So this fic is my mash up of two of my fave things. It is xOC instead of xReader, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. I'm one of those readers who will imagine myself as the main chacter no matter what, so this can be read as reader-insert. Anyway, enough with my rambling, enjoy the story My Lovelies! <3
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“Get going, Azusa!” He says with urgency as he ushers her out of the kitchen.
“I’m not fucking going anywhere without you, Toya! I have a bad feeling about this one! Please listen to me, don’t go with Dad!” She pleads over the sounds of their younger siblings crying.
“Dammit Azusa, I have to! Dad doesn’t have another co-pilot! We’ll be fine, just go!” He borderline shouts at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” She cries, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door.
“Fucking let me go! This is a job, Azusa, and I’ve been called to go do it! Go help Mom with Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto!” He yells, ripping his arm out of her grasp and rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Dammit, Toya-”
Jolting upright in her bed, chest heaving and tears wetting her face, Azusa slams the button on her alarm. Letting out a groan, she wipes at her face and tries to even out her breathing. It takes a few minutes, as it always does, but she finally manages to recover and drags herself out of bed.
“Thanks, subconscious.” She mumbles bitterly as she makes her way to the bathroom. She goes through the motions of her everyday routine; getting dressed, putting her hair up, brushing her teeth, staring at the old family vacation photo on her dresser for too long.. Numbly, she finishes lacing up her boots, then stands up ready to answer the door for the knock she knows is coming.
The predicted knock does happen and she opens the door to greet her sister, “Morning, Fuyumi.” She says as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and locking it.
“Good morning, Azusa! You ready for today?” Fuyumi asks her as the two make their way to the elevator.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She says with a slight shrug as they step into the elevator.
After pressing the button for the Mess Hall, Fuyumi joins her sister in leaning against the back wall of the elevator. She bumps her shoulder against Azusa’s with a small playful smile on her face.
“It’s a big day for you, kinda thought you’d be more hyped.” She comments, her features taking on a bit of concern.
“It’s just another day, Yumi. Just another day of being one of his soldiers that he couldn’t give less of a damn about.” Azusa replies in an emotionless tone to cover up the anger burning beneath her skin.
Fuyumi lets out a heavy sigh as the elevator doors open, “He does care, Zusa… And I know that it won’t be the same without Toya there to cheer you on.. but it’s been three years. There was nothing more you could have done that day to stop him. He’s gone, you’re here, and you worked your ass off to get to this point. You deserve to feel excited about today.” She says tiredly as they walk up to the food line.
“Yeah..” Azusa responds quietly, letting the conversation fizzle out. They fill up their trays with no further conversation being made, then head for a table with open seating.
Unfortunately for both of them the only table with open seating just so happens to be next to the table that Katsuki Bakugo and his group are sitting at. Azusa rolls her eyes at the comments and praises she hears being thrown the blonde’s way as she sits down. It’s been two years since her group entered the Ranger Program and Bakugo’s arrogant personality hasn’t dimmed a bit. Not even being behind the scenes during humanity’s war against aliens has done anything to lessen his pompous attitude.
“Who do you think you’ll be Drift-compatible with, Bakugo?” Azusa hears Mina’s perky voice ask.
“I don’t think any of you extras could handle being in my head and I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any of your idiotic brains. I’m just gonna ask the Marshal to let me pilot by my damn self.” Bakugo replies with a tone full of annoyance, earning himself a few gasps of shock and a bit of laughter.
“Oh c’mon man, you know single piloting is impossible even with the tech we have now! Plus, I think we’d be Drift-compatible! We work well together and we’re both super manly!” She hears Kirishima exclaim and she lets out a small huff of laughter at the pose she knows he’s doing even without looking at him.
“I don’t need a damn co-pilot and if I am forced to have one, it better not be any of you idiots!” Bakugo bites out and Azusa rolls her eyes once again as she digs into her breakfast.
“What a jerk, Dad’s gonna be pissed if Bakugo actually puts in that request,” Fuyumi comments quietly before taking a sip of her juice.
Azusa silently nods her head in absentminded agreement as she takes another bite. Suddenly, everyone around her quiets down, their heads bowing in respect and words becoming low whispers.
“Good morning, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki greets, his booming voice echoing throughout the Mess Hall and demanding attention.
“As many of you know, today is the day that groups A through D will be testing to find their Drift-compatibility partners, or rather, their co-pilots. All other groups will be excused from their training to witness the event, but do not mistake this as a free day. Learn something from what you witness. As for groups A through D, tests will begin at 0800. Be prepared and be on time.” He continues, his stern tone making everyone give an intimidated nod of understanding.
“Ranger Azusa Todoroki,” Marshal Todoroki calls out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn toward the girl. Azusa clenches her jaw and her eyes meet the cold blue ones of her father.
“Come to my office once you have finished breakfast. Thank you, everyone, you may carry on.” He finishes with a slight bow of his head before he and his second-in-command, Marshal Shota Aizawa, turn to leave. Noise ensues once again with the disappearance of the Marshal’s presence. Meaningless chatter and the clattering of dishware fill the room, but one voice, in particular, catches Azusa’s attention as very much intended by the voice’s owner.
“Aww, the princess get in trouble, again?” Bakugo’s taunting comment grates at Azusa’s eardrums and her grip on her chopsticks tightens.
Other than the whitening of her knuckles, she gives no reaction toward the blonde, her eyes cast down toward her food tray despite wanting to glare at Bakugo. She numbly finishes her breakfast, tells Fuyumi that she’ll see her later, then stands to clear her place. She can feel eyes on her as she takes her tray to the trash bin, but she maintains her facade of emotionless neutrality as she walks out of the Mess Hall.
“The fuck does the old man want now?” She mumbles out angrily under her breath as she steps into the elevator.
Jamming her finger against the button for the floor that the Marshal’s office is on, she lets out a long breath. Stepping back to the middle of the elevator, Azusa crosses her arms over her chest and closes her eyes. A minute or two passes and the elevator groans as it comes to a stop. She prepares herself, mentally and physically, to step out of the elevator when the doors begin to open but pauses when she comes face to face with Marshal Todoroki.
“Marshal?” She questions, bowing her head slightly, confusion flashing over her features before she settles back into her neutral state.
“We will be going down to the Shatterdome instead.” Marshal Todoroki says, his voice taking on a much different tone than earlier.
He stares at Azusa with an expectant look as he waits for her to move back so that he can step into the elevator. Azusa shakes the confusion from her mind and dutifully steps back to let the large man through the doorway. Tense silence fills the cramped-feeling space as she presses the button for the Shatterdome. The elevator groans once again as it begins descending.
“Why are we going to the Shatterdome, Sir?” Azusa asks, tone neutral and emotionless and the Marshal lets out a tired sigh.
“Azusa, please, it’s just the two of us you can call me da-”
“I stopped calling you that a long time ago, Enji. Why would I start again now? Just tell me why you wanted me to meet with you instead of letting me go get ready for my Drift-compatibility tests.” Azusa bites out, cutting off her father’s words.
Marshal Todoroki’s jaw clenches and his fists clench before the tension deflates from his body and a look of defeat fills his features, “I want to show you something.” He replies vaguely and Azusa sends him an incredulous look.
“You want to show me something?? This is ridiculous! I need to be getting ready, not dealing with your feeble attempts at earning my forgiveness ba-” Azusa’s anger gets the better of her until she cuts herself off, clamping her mouth shut as the elevator doors open.
Marshal Todoroki stays silent as they step out of the elevator, only opening his mouth to greet others. They move through the hustle and bustle of the Shatterdome, walking past Jaeger after Jaeger and all of the people working on said Jaegers. They finally stop at the far end of Bay 12, both of them turning their bodies toward the Jaeger standing tall against the wall. Azusa’s neck cranes as she looks up at the gigantic robot, a tidal wave of emotions flooding her as she takes it in.
“Bravo Inferno,” Azusa whispers out, tears building up on her lash lines and the Marshal quietly nods from beside her. “The day Toya died.. I thought she was too destroyed to salvage, I mean, you barely came back in one piece.. H-how is she here?” She asks, her voice thick with emotion and tears slipping down her face.
“It took the repair techs a long time, but they were able to put her back together. In fact, she’s better than she was before.. on the inside, that is. I made sure the outside was redone to look the same as when she first came out of production.” Marshal Todoroki says quietly, his hands clasped behind his back professionally but his face full of emotions.
Azusa stares up at her brother’s old Jaeger with a mixture of awe and sadness. The blue flame-colored paint reflects the lights of the Shatterdome, giving it a pearlescent shine. Bravo Inferno’s emblem, a flaming phoenix, is stamped proudly on the left side of its chest along with the numbers from the year it was made. From head to toe, the Jaeger looks just like it had the day Azusa watched it leave the base being piloted by her brother for the last time.
“What was the point of this?” Azusa asks, coming back to her senses and remembering that she is standing with the man responsible for her brother’s death. “You piloting again or something?”
Still looking up at Bravo Inferno, the Marshal shakes his head, “No, my piloting days are long since over with. I’m passing Bravo Inferno on to you, Azusa. It’s.. it’s what Toya would have wanted had he thought the war would still be going on.” He says looking at Azusa with the ghost of a smile on his saddened face.
It takes a moment for Azusa to work past the lump in her throat, to straighten her back even though she wants to fall to her knees and sob. A strained “thank you” makes its way out of her mouth as she blinks away the tears in her eyes.
Azusa cracks her knuckles before crossing her arms and waiting for the tests to begin. She and the other Rangers who will be testing today are gathered around the training mats, most idly chatting as they wait for Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa. She does a quick glance around and sees some of the other Rangers stretching, so she follows suit.
“Hey, Azusa!” Someone calls out excitedly right as Azusa hears footsteps approaching her. Turning her head, she catches sight of Tetsutetsu and Kendo making their way toward her. She sends them a small smile and waves, Tetsutetsu’s bright smile making her want to put on sunglasses.
“Hey guys,” she says when the two get up to her, narrowly dodging Tetsutetsu when he tries to engulf her in a hug.
“You nervous?” Kendo asks when the three of them fall back into warm-up stretches.
“Nope. I just hope that I get a good co-pilot.” Azusa answers simply as she leans further into a leg lunge.
“How are you not nervous?? Literally, everyone will be watching; Rangers, Rangers-in-training, Marshal Aizawa, Marshal Todoroki.. You’re seriously not nervous about your dad watching the tests??” Tetsutetsu rambles out before he is whacked upside the head by Kendo.
“Dude, shut up!” Kendo reprimands and Azusa huffs out a laugh.
“No, I’m not nervous. I don’t care who’s watching.” Azusa says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Attention, Rangers!” Marshal Aizawa’s stern voice calls out and everyone stands at attention.
“At ease,” Marshal Todoroki calls out next as he steps up next to Marshal Aizawa. Everyone relaxes but keeps their full attention on the two men at the front of the room.
“We’ll go over a brief explanation of how the tests will work, then we’ll get started.” Marshal Aizawa starts as the bleachers along the walls of the room begin filling with the other groups of Rangers-in-training that aren’t testing.
“The tests will work like this; one-on-one melee combat with bo staffs. You all have been broken up into smaller groups based on your results from previous Drift simulations and screenings. These one-on-ones will help better identify who exactly you work well with. Remember Rangers, these are dialogues, not fights. The goal is to find a co-pilot that keeps up with your moves and keeps the scores even. Should one of you outright win a match then we’ll know that person is not a match for you. The cementing stage of this test will occur at a later date when you and your co-pilot are assigned a Jaeger and go through your first real Drift together.” Marshal Aizawa explains in his normal serious yet tired tone.
“Rangers Bakugo, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki, Kendo, and Hado, grab your bo staffs then step onto the mat. Each of you will have one match with each other then Marshal Todoroki and I will review your scores later. Your co-pilots will be announced tomorrow if we get through everyone’s tests today. Marshal Todoroki, if you would choose the starting pairings, please,” Marshal Aizawa says and Marshal Todoroki scans over the six Rangers lined up in front of him.
“Kendo with Bakugo, Tetsutetsu with Hado, and Kirishima with Todoroki.” Marshal Todoroki says, tone firm as always and his gaze already full of judgment.
“Rangers spread out across the mat with your respective opponent and assume position. You will begin when I say so.” Marshal Aizawa commands and the Rangers listen accordingly.
Once they’ve reached a space far enough away from the other pairs, Azusa faces Kirishima with her bo staff positioned diagonally in front of her. She takes in a deep breath, steadying the few nerves that have crept into her system, and bends her knees slightly ready to move to either defend or attack. Kirishima does the same, winking at her when their eyes meet with a playful smirk on his face.
“Rangers begin,” Marshal Aizawa commands, and the pairs begin their matches.
The match between Bakugo and Kendo ends quickly with the score being; Bakugou 4 and Kendo 1. That’s not to say that Kendo didn’t try her best to keep up with Bakugou, it’s just that the blonde was relentless. Despite them all being told that the matches were supposed to flow like dialogues and not fights, it’s just like Katsuki Bakugo to do his own thing. Tetsutetsu and Hado’s match ended a bit better with their scores being; Hado 4 and Tetsutetsu 2. In both of their typical fashions, they shook hands at the end of the match, both of them wearing confident smiles.
Kirishima and Azusa started out neck and neck, but that changed quickly when Azusa got the upper hand. Their match ended with the scores being; Azusa 4 and Kirishima 2. Azusa helped Kirishima up after her final time taking him down and wished him good luck on his next match. Kirishima, being the ever-bright ray of sunshine that he is, smiled warmly at her and thanked her for a good match.
The next three rounds of matches seemed to fly by while simultaneously feeling dragged out. Azusa had won by 1 point against both Hado and Kendo, which made her feel pretty good about ending up being co-pilots with either of them. She, unfortunately, lost by 2 points against Tetsutetsu and she was a little disappointed by the fact that one of her two best friends wasn’t a very good match for her to be co-pilots with. At the end of their, match Tetsutetsu gave her an encouraging smile and told her that he would have been honored to be co-pilots with her.
“Time for the final matches for the first six Rangers. The pairings will be as follows; Hado with Kendo, Tetsutetsu with Kirishima, and Bakugo with Todoroki. Get ready, Rangers.” Marshal Aizawa calls out, and Azusa’s entire being fills with dread.
“Prepared to lose, Princess?” Bakugo goads arrogantly as the two get into position and Azusa’s blood boils a bit.
Marshal Aizawa tells them to begin and Bakugo doesn’t hesitate to make the first move. Azusa blocks his bo staff a couple of times but ultimately Bakugo lands a hit to her shoulder.
“1-0.” Bakugo comments with a cocky smirk.
Not wasting another moment, Azusa swings her bo staff knocking the blonde’s bo staff away and rushing him. With quick movements, she brings her bo staff up, then swings it down, stopping it only inches from his face.
“1-1.” She says quietly, challenging him with her eyes while her face remains neutral.
They go back and forth for what feels like hours, both of them having stopped keeping track of the score after they hit 2-2. Both of them panting and sweating, their match continues on and on until a booming voice pierces the bubble they seem to be in.
“That’s enough! Bakugo, Todoroki, your match is over. Put your bo staffs away and get on the sidelines.” Marshal Todoroki sternly tells the two and Bakugo releases Azusa from the hold he had her in.
The blonde stands and walks off to put his bo staff away, not bothering to offer Azusa help. The two don’t even look at each other once they’re both situated on the sidelines of the training mat, standing as far away from each other as possible. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both send Azusa twin looks of surprise mixed with heavy confusion, but she chooses to ignore them in favor of watching the next group of matches.
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Note ~ I know that there may not be much to go off of but let me know what you think so far! Should I post chapter/part 2 sooner than planned? Idk, I'm just loving how the story is turning out and wanted to share it with yall! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Ps, @tr-mha-fan I'm doing my best to work on your (second) request, I promise that I didn't ignore your ask, Lovely! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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softpine · 7 months
I just remembered you haven't seen Twilight but I'm going to ask anyway! Do you know what teams your characters would be? Like team Edward or Team Jacob? Oh! Actually I'm also curious what Fandoms would they be in? I recent realized im a Bielieber
oh i have seen the first twilight movie!! i just wasn't a fan. but it was my best friend's favorite series so i do know a lot about it! was anyone actually team jacob? he's like gale in the hunger games. the only reason anyone would actually prefer them is because they're Not the main love interest (sorry to any galeheads out there...)
anyway now i want to imagine what fandoms each of them would be in, so:
🎭 caroline: well, she's a great artist and a monster fucker.. i don't think i have to spell out what she was doing online fjkjsdsj and she loved comic books as a kid, so i feel like at the start of the MCU madness she was really hype and then she got more and more angry with the state of things
💬 beth: she's written some star trek fanfiction more highly researched than her master's thesis and she loved nsync because what is a baby dyke without her emotional support boy band / comphet crushes
🎸 danny: music is the obvious answer, but i'm not familiar with musical history so i can't go into detail 😭 but his dad introduced him to bob dylan and taught him how to play guitar, then he learned piano, then he taught himself how to produce his own music from scratch. this was in the 90s btw so it wasn't very easy to learn. also he used to seriously follow skateboarding
⛅ mikaela: she loved old school country music from female artists like tanya tucker, reba mcintire, loretta lynn, etc. she's less interested in modern country but she looooves shania twain. and she's worked nights (first as a bartender, then a nurse) for most of her life, so she got really into daytime soaps
🌲 asa: he's literally the only one on this list where i'm like...... stumped. he doesn't pay attention to anything online, celebrities, music (he'll listen to whatever), movies (doesn't care), could never commit to watching a whole tv show, etc. he's very floaty and daydreamy? lmao he just doesn't have the headspace to get attached to fictional media like that
🎥 finn: we know he's always been a harrison ford fan boy and in any universe where he survives past the 80s he's a huge nirvana fan!! (if he and jules had a son, they would've named him kurt... he's deeply serious) he's also read every stephen king book that came out while he was alive. he was a big reader in general, particularly horror
🧸 stevie: canon seth rogen super fan, has seen every adam sandler movie (every last one of them) and i knowww she knows the fnaf lore... as soon as she finishes a show/movie she likes to find the weirdest fan art to terrorize her followers. also loves musicals and wants to see cats on broadway someday (a girl can dream)
🎀 elaine: she loves following celebrity news but she watches them like animals in the zoo; ie. she's observing from afar, she has no personal stake in them. she's a frequent flyer on gossip forums like fauxmoi. she was on the ground floor of lipstickgate and was SEATED for dramageddon. and she had a serious twilight phase
🎨 jada: SOMEONE on this list had to get assigned supernatural... i'm not saying it just to say it, i really think she would connect with (early seasons) sam what with the dead mom... fear of losing their humanity... having powers they don't understand... a hot girl manipulating them to use their abilities in sketchy ways... yeah. i'm sure she has favorite contemporary artists (painters specifically) that she'd be able to talk about on end but sadly i don't know anything about that world 😭 oh and she's kind of obsessed with hate-reading booktok books to feel alive
🏈 casper: sports count as fandoms and i don't want to hear a word about it!! his team is the patriots but he's kind of a fairweather fan (maine doesn't have an nfl team so he doesn't have that state loyalty factor). miley cyrus is his problematic fave forever but he's kind of a pop girlie in general
💋 coco: in high school she was a speedcuber if that gives you an idea of what we're working with here.... she grew up with pokemon, naruto, dragon ball z, she collected trading cards, etc. she still likes anime and video games and stuff, she just doesn't have the time to get invested like she used to, and it makes her sad because it reminds her of her late best friend liam. she makes time to play fortnite and minecraft with his little brother and she plays other games on twitch sometimes. has done a LOT of cosplay. she's a huge nerd basically
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metalmonki · 11 months
Supernatural, Hunting, Living and Love (Revisited) Part 2
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
4.5k word count
Summary After completely ignoring Deans warning you find yourself reunited with the Winchesters after a perplexing case brings them back down under.
fluff, idiots in love, friends to lovers
Warnings mention and description of death
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It's been a year since I met the Winchesters. I tried to return to my old life, but the knowledge that there were creatures out there that could kill me at any moment made it impossible to concentrate. So, I decided to hit the road. I packed my most important belongings into my car and left everything else at my mom's. I dropped out of university and began searching for other hunters. The Winchesters didn’t leave me a how-to guide on hunting monsters, so I had to figure it out on my own. I traveled far and wide, leaving messages for hunters wherever I could—monster books in libraries, notice boards, online chat rooms, you name it. After two months of relentless searching, I was finally contacted by a guy named Johnny. Johnny owned a roadhouse near Broken Hill, one of the few hubs for hunters. He gave me a list of known hunters' hubs, a list of essential tools, and a job to get me started. "An easy find and burn," he said. He advised me to call him for jobs for now and assured me that I would gradually learn how to find my own hunts. And that's how I ended up on the job I'm working today.
I had driven through the night to get back to Sydney, to the suburb of Blacktown where my story began. It was the first time I'd been back since everything that happened with the boys. This time, a similar case had brought me back: a ghost causing accidents at the local pool, leading to 11 deaths so far. Something needed to be done soon. The latest incident occurred just a week before. A paraplegic kid had seemingly stood up from her wheelchair, climbed onto a diving board, and dove headfirst onto the cement below. The ghost was escalating its attacks, putting this case at the top of my list. Before tackling the case, though, I needed to rest. I decided to book into a hotel, take a hot shower, eat, and sleep. I had only enough money for one night, so I found a cheap hotel close to the pool with vacancies and pulled in. As I parked and hopped out of my car, a certain vehicle caught my eye. Everything else was quickly forgotten as I ran to the room the car was parked in front of. I stopped to catch my breath before knocking on the door.
"Well, well, look who we have here," Dean said, crossing his arms with a smirk as he opened the door.
"Hey, Dean," I smiled.
"Y/N, is that you?" Sam asked, appearing behind Dean.
"In the flesh," I replied. "What brings you two back to town?"
"We're working this case," Dean explained. "A friend of ours called after getting a tip from a hunter here—some ghost killing a bunch of people at a pool."
"What a coincidence. I'm working that case too. It's been on my radar for the last three months, but it's really ramped up in the last month, so I figured I should probably get my ass back here and take care of it."
"I thought I told you to stay away from all this," Dean suddenly snapped, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
"I tried, Dean. I really did. But I couldn't shake it. I was second-guessing everything and everyone, and I felt like I needed to do this to feel safe," I said, recoiling at his words.
"I told you there were other people like us doing this job so you could be safe. Trust me, this isn't the life you want."
"You packed up and went back to the States. You left me here where there are barely any hunters. What did you expect me to do?" I snapped back.
"I expected you to listen to me!" Dean yelled, jabbing a finger toward the ground.
I flinched away from Dean, and he immediately noticed. The regret on his face was clear. He tried reaching out to touch my arm, but I moved back. Sighing, he stepped aside, allowing me into the room. Sam motioned for me to come over to the sole table where he was working on his laptop. Dean, meanwhile, moved to sit on his bed on the opposite side of the room. Sam ran me through everything they had found so far. He mentioned a friend of theirs named Bobby, who had been contacted by a local hunter overwhelmed by the case. It was something I had noticed too, and it had only motivated me more to become a hunter. Over the past year, I had been taking on the harder cases that other hunters struggled with. I had made contacts at all the hunters’ roadhouses in Australia and had hardly had a day to myself since. I told Sam about Johnny, a name he instantly recognized. Apparently, Johnny had been the one to call Bobby, requesting the boys' help after many other hunters had come up short.
"What have you found so far?" I asked Sam.
"Well, the earliest accident recorded at the pool was two months after it opened," Sam replied.
"I found that too during my initial research. She was running, slipped on the wet floor, and got impaled on a sign pole. Not a nice way to go, but it doesn't seem like something to create a vengeful spirit," I said.
"My thoughts exactly," Sam sighed. "But I can't find anything about the place being built on a burial ground or sacred site or anything."
"So, what you're saying is there's no reason for these deaths to be ramping up at this joint?" Dean finally joined the conversation.
"Well, none we can find," I said. "This is why I've avoided the case for so long. Every time I've looked into it, I haven't been able to find a reason. Nothing I know of could be causing this, nothing Johnny knows of could be causing this. Maybe Bobby might know something?"
"I'll call him," Sam sighed.
Sam grabbed his phone and left the room. I looked at Dean in confusion. We were working this case together, so why would Sam leave? Dean mumbled something about Sam thinking best when he was walking around. I just shrugged and stayed at the table, waiting for Sam to come back. Dean and I fell into an uncomfortable silence. I knew he wasn't happy with me being here and giving everything up to become a hunter, but I didn’t see any other choice. I understood the dangers; I knew a hunter's life was often short. But if it meant making a difference while I was still here, then so be it. Dean needed to understand this.
"Save it. I know I won't be able to change your mind, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let you leave my side," Dean said, looking over at me. "I wanted to save you from this life. I wanted you to walk away and never look back. I don't want you to end up broken like me."
"It's not like I have anything to lose. My father abandoned me, my mother and I barely talk, and I don’t exactly have any other family. Just friends, and as far as they know, I came into a small fortune and I'm off traveling the world," I sighed.
"Sounds like every hunter origin story I've heard before," Dean chuckled coldly.
"Why? What's your story?" I asked.
"Mum died, Dad abandoned us, then he died. I'm one of the lucky ones, though, because I got Sammy. And I guess now I have your dumbass to look out for too," Dean smiled at me.
"You make that sound like a bad thing," I laughed.
"Oh, it is. You're a pain in my ass," Dean laughed too.
"Who, me? Nah, I'm delightful."
Sam walked back into the room, greeted by the sight of Dean and me laughing our asses off, a stark contrast to how he had left us. He looked between us before awkwardly starting to explain that Bobby would investigate the situation, contact some other hunters in the area, and call Sam back if he found anything. Until then, Dean decided it would be best if we grabbed some food and called it a night. Dean left Sam and me to clean up the table while he went to get what he called the world’s smallest McDonald’s burgers. Sam and I just shook our heads at him and continued to tidy up. We talked about what the guys had been up to since they were last here and everything I had done. Sam was quite impressed at how quickly I had learned to spot signs of the supernatural and my ability to research and handle problems. It turned out they had heard from Bobby about a badass new hunter on the scene out here, but they had no clue it was me. It didn’t take us long to clean off the table, and soon Dean returned with the food. He dumped the bags on the table and began tossing burgers at each of us, cursing when he reached for the fries and found they had all fallen out in the bag. Sam and I shook our heads at Dean and started on our burgers while he fixed the fries. After we had eaten, we all agreed to get some sleep while waiting for Bobby to get back to us. Sam went off to shower first while Dean kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the bed. I, on the other hand, moved toward the door, planning to book my room for the night.
"Where are you staying?" Dean suddenly asked, stopping me in my tracks.
"Going to book a room for tonight, then probably sleep in my car until this is over. Why?" I turned back towards Dean.
"You can't be serious."
"Well, normally I'd loo or a free campground, but we're in the middle of a city. Luckily, I recently found this really cool inflatable bed thing. You move the seats forward, put it in the back seat, and it acts like a real bed. It's actually pretty comfortable," I rambled.
"Like hell you're sleeping in your car. Take my bed, and I'll take the couch," Dean grumbled, getting up from his bed. "Besides, it saves you the money you'd spend on a room for a single night."
"Dean, I can't kick you to the lounge again," I sighed.
"Nonsense. Hunters need a safe place to sleep."
"We don’t exactly get paid, Dean. I do odd jobs in the towns I’m in between or sometimes even during hunts, just to get enough to eat and to put fuel in my car. I can’t afford a hotel room."
"And that’s where credit card scams come in," Dean smirked.
"How? I mean, you’d need fake IDs and birth certificates, not to mention the limits. Eventually, they’d cut the card off."
"Bobby hooks us up with a whole host of fake IDs—cops, FBI, CIA, you name it. The trick with credit cards is to get the card with the highest limit. For instance, a card with a $10,000 limit before repayments are needed. Use it for the case, and before you get out of dodge, withdraw the remaining amount. That way, when they come looking for Mr. Hector Rodriguez, it looks like he never left town."
"Jesus, Dean, that’s insane."
"That’s the life," Dean shrugged, making himself comfy on the lounge.
I took off my shoes and made myself comfortable on the bed while waiting for Sam to finish with the shower. I had planned to use the bathroom to change, but I must have been more tired than I realized because I nodded off. I woke up the next morning to an empty room and noticed that Dean’s Impala was gone too. They must have heard back from Bobby and headed off to chase a lead. It kind of sucked that they didn’t wake me up first, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, mostly for background noise, before heading to my car to grab a change of clothes. With clothes in hand, I went to the bathroom for a shower. I always found that the shower was the best place to organize my day. I turned the water on, cranking up the heat until it was almost unbearable. As the shower screen fogged up, I began to write out my plan for the day. First, I needed to find some breakfast, then I needed to locate the guys. The problem was, I didn’t have either of their numbers and wasn’t keen on driving aimlessly around the city to find them. After washing up, I begrudgingly turned off the water. As I reached for a towel, I was horrified to realize there were only two towels in the bathroom. I rummaged through the room but found no additional towels. I returned to the bathroom, eyeing the two towels on the rack. At this point, I was almost dry, so I grabbed the obviously unused towel and quickly dried myself off, hanging the towel back as neatly as possible when I was done. Once I was dressed and dry, I grabbed my phone and keys before heading out to my car. I was honestly surprised that Dean had managed to pick out which car was his and which was mine. The engine roared to life as I settled into the driver's seat. I drove to McDonald's to grab a breakfast deal. After I got my food, I figured I might as well continue investigating the case on my own. As I waited in the drive-through, I pulled out my phone to continue my research. It was then that I noticed a text message from Dean, which caught me off guard since I hadn’t saved his number.
Hey sleeping beauty, when you get this, give me a call. If I don’t answer, I put Sammy’s number in your phone too.
I chuckled to myself before dialing the number. After a few rings, Dean picked up.
"Hey, enjoy your sleep?" Dean laughed.
"It was great, thank you. Your bed is very comfy."
"At least someone’s enjoying my bed," Dean chuckled.
"Yeah, you should really try it sometime. It's so comfy and warm, it would put you straight to sleep," I taunted.
"Pfft, who needs an awesome bed when they have a perfect lounge to sleep on?"
"Where are you anyway?" I laughed on the phone.
"About to head to the pool," Dean sighed. "We’ve exhausted the library. They have nothing on the pool that we didn’t already know, so the only place left is the pool."
"Have fun with that. I’m just getting breakfast. Oh, and here it comes!" I squealed, winding down the window.
"Yeah, yeah, stuff your face then get your ass over here," Dean chuckled, hanging up.
I took my food with a thank you before pulling into the parking lot. After parking my car, I started on my breakfast. It didn’t take me long to finish, and I tossed my rubbish into a nearby bin before heading to the pool. When I arrived, I parked towards the back of the lot and went inside. It annoyed me more than it should have that I had to pay to enter the pool, even though I had no intention of swimming. It felt weird paying just to watch, but being on my own, it seemed the only option. I walked down the ramp into the main pool area, which featured a wave pool, a splash pool, and two 25-meter pools. It wasn’t overly busy, so it didn’t take more than a quick glance to spot Sam and Dean. It also helped that they were the only people in the building in suits. They were standing near the wave pool controls, talking to a lifeguard. As I started making my way towards them, I was suddenly halted by the sound of a giggle. It was a giggle I would recognize anywhere, sending an ice-cold shiver down my spine. I almost turned around and fled back to my car, intending to wait for Sam and Dean to finish. The only thing that stopped me was Dean spotting me and giving me a wink, which caused the lifeguard to look over her shoulder towards me. I squared my shoulders, held my head high, and walked over to them. Upon reaching them, however, my mouth started spilling out words before my brain could catch up.
"Hey, babe," I said, leaning against Dean's side. "I thought I’d come for a swim while you take care of things, but I don’t have any swimwear." I winced inwardly at the cringe-worthy line.
"Oh, hi Rachel! Haven’t seen you since graduation. Still lifeguarding, I see?" I greeted, trying to mask my awkwardness.
"Y/N, yes, I am. It pays quite well. How did you end up with such a handsome man?" Rachel asked, crossing her arms and giving me a disapproving look.
"Well, as you probably heard, I’ve been traveling the world, and during a trip through America, I found this handsome man," I said, smiling up at Dean.
"Lucky you," Rachel scoffed.
"Yeah, lucky me," I replied, still smiling at Dean.
"Anyway, baby, here’s my card. Go get yourself some swimwear and have a good time," Dean said, handing me a card.
"Thank you," I said, taking the card and giving Dean a quick peck on the cheek before darting off.
As I was leaving, I heard Dean say, "Now, if you don’t mind, we’d like to ask all the staff about the incident."
I went to the main counter and bought a swimsuit—one of the things I had left behind when I packed up and left, thinking I’d never use it again. With the swimsuit in hand, I headed back to find Sam and Dean to return Dean's card, thank him for his help, and apologize for putting him on the spot. As I wandered back into the main pool area, I quickly spotted Dean standing at the edge of the splash pool, talking to a lifeguard. Just as I was about to approach him, a hand suddenly came down on my shoulder. I jumped and spun around, ready to punch whoever had touched me.
"Wow, easy there," Sam chuckled.
"Sam, why would you do that?" I slapped him on the chest.
"I didn’t mean to scare you. Just figured I should fill you in before you blow our cover story any further."
"Yeah, sorry about that," I muttered, dropping my head.
"Oh, it’s fine. No harm done," Sam smiled. "Anyway, we were researching the deaths this morning, and one of the victims was a young girl on holiday from America. So Dean and I decided to come in and ask some questions, posing as representatives from the American Embassy investigating on behalf of the parents."
"That’s actually pretty smart. I’ll go change into these swimmers and stay out of your way. Also, can you give Dean back his card?" I handed it to Sam. "I feel kinda bad for taking it."
"Well, it’s not our money anyway, so nothing to feel bad about," Sam smirked.
I laughed at Sam's comment and walked away with a wave towards the female changing room. Only two other people were in the changing room when I walked in—two young girls, probably no older than 18. It seemed they had just finished their swim and were getting ready to shower and change. I ducked into an empty changing booth on the opposite side of the room from them. They were giggling and whispering between themselves as I walked by. If only they knew what was happening here, what was happening in the world. I quickly slipped into the swimsuit—no easy feat when both you and the suit are as dry as the Sahara Desert. Just as I bundled my clothes in my arms and was about to open the door, the room was suddenly filled with a blood-curdling scream. I dropped my clothes and threw open the door. One of the girls from earlier was now pressed up against the wall on the opposite side of the room, while the other lay motionless on the floor.
I ran over to the girl on the floor and dropped down by her side, assessing her for any signs of life. She was gone; her neck was clearly broken. Standing up, I walked over to the other girl as more people began pushing their way into the bathroom. Sam and Dean were among them. Seeing the scene, they began pushing people back and asking for someone to call emergency services. I took the other girl into my arms, shielding her face from the horrific sight and encouraging her to look away. I nodded to Sam and Dean, knowing they would need to leave the building quickly but quietly while I stayed behind to answer questions. I tried to ask the girl what had happened, but all I could get was the word "why," spoken in a whisper between sobs. I just held her, rubbing circles into her back while waiting for help to arrive.
It felt like forever, but it was probably no more than 15 minutes before the police and ambulance arrived. The police stood back, allowing the paramedics to do their work. Once the paramedics confirmed there was nothing they could do for the girl on the floor, they turned their attention to her friend. They checked her over and then escorted her to a waiting ambulance. The police followed, making sure I stayed put in the room. Returning to where I had discarded my clothes, I gathered them up and sat on the bench running the length of the room. Holding my clothes to my chest, I suddenly felt naked in the now-empty room. It wasn’t the first time I had seen a dead body, and living the life I chose, I knew it wouldn’t be the last. But that didn’t make it any less jarring. The absolute stillness of her body, the lack of the normal rise and fall of her chest, the absence of any movement, the fading pink hue of her skin—it was all so stark, so sudden. I closed my eyes and prayed she went quickly.
The quiet of the room was soon broken by the arrival of crime scene techs and coroners. They completely ignored my presence and went about their tasks, examining the deceased girl and the room. The only interaction I had was with a woman who came over and asked for my clothes. Confused, I asked why, since they hadn't been near the girl. She insisted it was needed just in case and that they would get them back to me as soon as possible. Reluctantly, I handed over my clothes and filled out the paperwork she provided. With no other address to use, I gave her my mother's address for the return of my clothes.
I watched as the coroner bagged the girl's body and removed it from the room while the techs continued to take pictures and discuss their theories about what had happened. Eventually, after what must have been 30 minutes, the police returned to the room to speak with me. They asked a flurry of questions that blurred together: Did you know the victim? No. Did you see what happened? No. Do you know Samantha? Was that the other girl? No. What were you doing here? Changing to swim. On and on, question after question. They questioned me for over an hour. It felt like a waste of their time, as I had nothing to offer—they were asking a witness who hadn’t witnessed anything. Before they let me go, I asked what Samantha had said about the incident. They gave me the usual response: they couldn’t divulge much but assured me that the investigation would reveal the truth.
I thanked the officers and left the room. I fell into a sort of autopilot. Before I knew it, I was out of the pool, in my car, and back at the hotel, with no recollection of the drive. I parked next to Dean’s Impala. As soon as I shut off the engine, I began to shake uncontrollably. I took a few shaky breaths, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I climbed out of the car and walked to the room door, knocking and waiting for someone to answer. When the door finally opened, it was Dean standing there.
“They took my clothes,” was all I managed to say before the weight of the day hit me. In the year I had been working cases, I had never seen a dead body or witnessed someone die. I had only read about it, keeping a safe distance from the true horrors. The only dead body I had seen before this was my grandmother’s, and I had hoped she would be the only person I would have to see die in my lifetime. Today’s events had dredged up all those memories and emotions I had tried so hard to bury.
As I broke down, Dean pulled me into the room and shut the door. He wrapped his arms around me, offering a safe, warm refuge where I could finally let my emotions flow.
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the-white-soul · 7 months
*Flowey smiles cutely at the child, then looks to the mother.* Little people are the most nonjudging of humans and monsters alike. Let's take their example and start on a clean plate. Then you can judge us from there.
I'm Buttercup! And this is Papyrus, Toriel, and... *Saying Clover's name is Clover while also having the overall same look at the evil one would look suspicious and open up a whole different rabbit hole about alternat universes. We need a new name.* Uhmmm..... Clove! *Flowey snatches off Clover's hat so now he looks completely different- at least according to Flowey logic.*
Clove is a human who has traversed the underground before and faced many difficulties as well as fun experiences and friends. After being isolated for who knows how long, monsters forgot what humans were like and blindly attacked them. Clove didn't fight back. Instead, he rationalized what was really justful and decided to befriend them first. Every time, the monsters that attacked him grew soft to his kindness and came to their senses, showing monsters aren't creatures of bloodlust, but we're mislead into thinking humans were bad until proven wrong.
I think most humans suffer the same way. Since monsters and humans were separated for so long, I can only imagine there must be some misconceptions. The only way to fix that is to do what Clove did, so both races have to open their hearts. And that's why we're here today! To plead our case, make friends with you, and apologize. You don't have to forgive us for hurting anybody. To be fair, plenty more monster lives were lost in the past war, and that doesn't make the taking of human lives any better, but I'm trying to say we both wronged each other and we should take responsibility for that.
And even if that happened, that doesn't mean we can't be friends again! Doesn't being angry and going on a neverending cycle of revenge sound exhausting?
*Flowey let's go of a big breath.* (I really hope I did good with that. It's a lot more nervewracking when whatever I say isn't reversible.)
(Mom) "You don't know who I've lost. You know my child. They came years ago because they escaped, and then I saw two things. A goat and my dead child. My dear Chara. You must know what I've done to that goat. I burned the crap out of them, stabbed them, and watched them scream. They refused to fight back. I kept asking if that was what you made them feel, and he kept saying, 'I didn't do that to them.' The stubborn goat didn't want me to get the satisfaction of the reason. Now, I see him in every single one of you. One to be burned as that goat did. How do you know what it feels like?"
(Toriel) "My son died one day. Anger rose in her eyes. I believe it was on the same day as the other one."
(Kara) "CUT TO CLOVE!!!"
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(Kara) "Slaps their own face Did you just insult Clover? I know they are evil, but that's the last thing we want to do now."
Tension was building faster than anyone would've ever thought
(Mom) "Clove, listen here, little buddy. I knew nothing about that child. They could've been an absolute psychopathic megalomaniac. That said, even if they were, I'd rather have them in charge than any monster. Clove, from this day forth, you are a monster. Also, you look similar to that goat that killed my oldest child. I'll say, he screamed so loud my ears bled."
Toriel started to run to the Mom, and the police gathered her up
(Toriel) "I will never forget what you did to my child."
(Mom) "Same, goat lady. See you in hell."
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littleladymab · 8 months
FebruarOC - Elżbieta
MY DARLING GIRL WILL SOON RETURN FOR SEASON 2!!!!! Once again keep your eyes on @sagasofthesunlessreach for those details but please enjoy the rebroadcast of S1 for her introduction 8') 
Um so yeah I love her a lot! And at the top, a huge shout-outs to Zach for inviting me to play in the campaign even though I was (and still am) the pathfinder baby of the group, and being patient as I fumbled through learning how to play on stream. Not nerve-wracking at all. 
Elżbieta is an Investigator that I gave the "Bounty Hunter" background to in order to flavor it as she was sort of like a Witcher, someone who hunted supernatural creatures because no one else would (or could). You know what they say about a vampire, right? Its greatest enemy is a dhampir! Aka a half-vampire. 
(Not-spoiler alert, Elżbieta is a dhampir). (Worst kept secret, but it's one of those things where all the players were in on it so it was hard to make it feel like a secret, you know?) 
Her father is a bum-ass vampire who has gone and fucked off (her words)! She doesn't know where he is! Her mom sure as hell isn't telling her! So she's using her monster-hunting background and investigative know-how to hunt him down. Does she find any clues about him? Well, I'm going to have to suggest you listen to find out ;) 
For her physical appearance, I had just finished watching Netflix's Shadow & Bone and Daisy Head as Genya was just BIGGEST INSPO. In a lot of Slavic folk-culture (and beyond, tbh, but I was pulling from a lot of Slav culture), red-hair is indicative of demonic lineage and they were considered witches or devils etc. And she's got flame-red hair, which she would try to keep as inconspicuous as possible, hiding it beneath a broad-brimmed hat. Pair that with a paler than usual (for a land with no natural sunlight) skin, and, well, she has perfectly normal teeth and blood why do you keep staring at her like that? 
Mechanically, the first time I built her in 2021 it was before both the guns and gears and the book of the dead contents were released for Pathfinder, so I relied some on 'ghost hunter' dedication and haunt lore, which didn't quite fit the setting (it was useful Once), and had her start to take feats from rogue dedication at the end. But since it's an in-universe year between the two campaigns and I have these two new books to play with, I'm able to instead give her the "undead slayer" dedication which is MUCH more her speed for flavor and give her gunslinger dedication at later level! Which is specifically that she bothers Sorren to teach her how to use guns better because she picked up a musket in session 1 of the campaign and tbh didn't go back (Elżbieta voice "is this how you flirt????"). I think I used the nightstick once? I super wanted her to have a firearm but didn't know it could be a thing (and it was a roughshod thing at that) but now! Officially able to use gunslinger abilities. 
She came into this campaign as a "lone wolf" of sorts because well, she's a dhampir and doesn't trust like that. She wanted to find her dad and kick his ass. But now things have shifted slightly and she's looking to take down the bad guy with the power of friendship and this gun she found. But more seriously, she's interested in creating a space for half-bloods like her (or just generally non-humans in similar circumstances). And if that involves taking down the bad guy then so be it. They're the ones that are helping perpetuate the stigma against people like her! 
Her glow-up for S2 is going to be no hat and wearing her hair in a ponytail. Look at her go, not being afraid her defining features anymore!
Here's the character card with art by Bitmap that just is TRULY peak Genya Saffin vibes, and here is art I got done of Elżbieta and Sorren by Jack! And can't forget her pin board. 
And, last but not least, please enjoy rocking out to her playlist! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, GO LISTEN TO SAGAS OF THE SUNLESS REACH @sagasofthesunlessreach!!
If you want to see the S2 Hero Forge mini I made and see her character sheet, they're up for free on my patreon!
PS If anyone can get me a copy of "Essays on Russian Folklore and Mythology" by Felix J Oinas for not $60 you'll be my favorite. 
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rivka-kopelman · 1 year
Delivery Lemur Logbook : 14-B
January 1st, 3432
New Year's Day
Hot blue death sparkled in the night above. My jaw slackened. Lopcorn let Welker slide onto the ground.
“Miss Menosky,” I breathed. She can't be gone. My scalp tingles. Tears are blurry in my eyes; I rub them and watch the faraway lights blinking out. I stare hard at them. Every little pop is a massacre.
I really only care about my friend. Somewhere in that
Lopcorn was squinting, shocked and impatient. “What the hell is going on?”
“Oh wowza,” gasped Plum, gazing up in awe, as though at a fireworks show.
“Safe... Oh, finally...” the murderer was saying.
“What did you do? What did you do?” I'm screaming. I land on Welker and grab his head and scream right in his face. “What did you do? Why did you do that?”
He's serene, he's in bliss, he looks so relieved.
His demons will never get anyone else.
Lopcorn pulls me off him and holds me.
“What is going on? Text me. Type it out for me.”
I wipe my eyes and my nose. I take my phone out but I can't hold it steadily enough to type anything. The baby starts bawling and Plum tries to soothe it.
It could just be that, couldn't it?
I run away.
“Where are--?”
Lopcorn follows me.
It doesn't take a minute.
I'm here, are you okay? Where are you, Miss? There's... a genocide happening, you have to get far away from the sanctuary
Lemur ~ What did the normies do?
Her voice is so tiny! She's so shrunken! It breaks my heart! It's so wrong! It's very wrong! Mocha is broken!
Why did they do this?
She feels my fear, and she opens her eyes to mine. She's at the conservatory; A tiny structure orbiting Febris. it wasn't hit.
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It's a miracle, Miss Menosky
It's ~ murder. We were ~ only living ~ we didn't do anything
Like looking through a telescope, the feelings zoom in on me, and I perceive the grief, the sheer cold
Intellectually I know there are pockets of the psy population living outside the sanctuary or on ships and ZUD stations who must have survived, but 95% or more of her people were just culled.
She knows what I know
I was ~ listening to music ~ now, I don't know how it goes ~ the song is over
We can come get you. We'll be safe together. We can find the survivors. The perpetrator's been caught, and
Let's see ~ how the normies like it. Just ~ stop breathing ~ you monsters
Lopcorn coughed. He swayed and fell over, rubbing his neck around his throat. It was Mocha.
I knew it was the whole city, and beyond, and beyond, and beyond. She's in my mind and I feel her reaching out, inconsolable, insensible.
Stop breathing. Stop breathing.
It's everybody in the world
She's strangling everyone. The birds in the trees, snakes and fish and hens and old dogs and every horse, every lion, the humans, bats, cats, everybody. At home, asleep, and in the streets, and in the floating cities. All around me and tucked into aloof corners, everywhere in the distance, floating on rocks, every member of the out-of-sight far-flung universe-spanning society. She's suffocating them with pure pain, she's in their heads, cutting off the will to live. She's killing everybody she possibly can.
Not you
Stop that! Don't hurt my mom and dad! What are you thinking? Stop!
Everywhere in the 8 Galaxies they're dropping dead. Ships with strangled pilots crash into asteroids and into each other. Families slump over at the dinner table.
Numb fury is burning out the light of civilization, but I am untouched. Mocha wants to end the world
Lopcorn is fading. His face shows pure confusion. It's the most pitiful thing. I can only hold him.
Mocha stop right now! Look through my eyes and see! Look at what you're doing to him!
If only they left us alone ~ but they're too cruel ~ If only it was just us ~ I'll make us safe
You're cruel! You're worse! You have to stop!
No one stopped Welker
So kill him!
I can't find him ~ but you can
My head turns (against my will). A hundred meters back over the rubble, I saw Plum first and the others with her.
My arms let go of Lopcorn and my legs carry me back. I pick up a heavy chunk of concrete.
Kill them
Her presence is scrubbed away. Sindla Syndrome. I'm near enough to the infant to be protected. I drop the concrete slab. What the hell?
Franz is there, leaning on Plum who's cradling the baby.
The Zag IX census; did Welker know there was a psy that could do this? Was he right all along?
Shit, I've got to get Lopcorn over here. Then he'll be able to breathe.
I turn back. A step later and she has me again. Oh this is too much.
I'll need a good sharp stone, of course. With a good sharp stone I'll be safe / by killing them
I'm bedbugs. I'm that knife you're always thinking about (the end). I'm battery acid. I'm sunstroke, I'm your subdural hematoma. I'm dark gelatin caking the folds of your grey matter, caking it fatally, shiny slime congealing into opaque greasy dead blood in your living skull. You know I'm going to get you.
Yes, I'm the life-ending thing. That's it for you!
There's a little oxygen left in the red freeway tied around your vital organs. (drooling)(disgusting mouth)(shut up) There's a dwindling little bit of self that blows away like dust / she sees you and shes sweeping it up. You better avert your tiny bug eyes, hang your head, suffocate, stop your life, go to bed for today, so, even though I never realized it before, I'm the grim reaper, even though I like kindness and tried to fill my life with light, I'm really the killer.
(The scars won't matter if you actually do it)(stupid coward)(ugly coward)(you know you're actually worthless)(you know)
dont think about anything, just die, and go to bed, and burn in hell. This is just what you do, so get it over with already. Eat your own lips, I'm telling you
I turned back into myself. I dropped a long shard of glass. Plum and even Welker were gaping at me in terror. She's yelling something.
“Listen,” I pant. “There's a disaster going on. It's revenge. You killed the psys. Let me take that kid, just so I can go get Lopcorn, he can't breathe.”
“Never,” Welker vowed, quaking. “Plum, Don't let go of Nikolai.”
Plum held the baby close.
“Oh you bastards. Okay, I'll just carry him.”
I hurry back to where Lopcorn is motionless on the ground.
But now
I'm death.
I can't dance back and forth like this, get out of my head! Get out of my head!
I need to drag Welker away from his protectors. I'll fling him from the rooftop.
Lop's not moving. It's too late anyway.
Get out of my head. Give me back. You're disgusting. I wish I never met you, I wish I never heard your voice. I wish I could be someone that never knew you. You're the worst person I ever met. Leave me alone. You're a freak. Freak!
I bolt. My legs are mine again and I'm gone. Don't care where. The city's dead and so is the world.
The sky is dirty and oppressive. There's nothing but dead bodies up there now. The glittering sky is only a revolving graveyard now.
ghost towns rot away,
brick buildings full of skeletons, row upon row, town upon town, world upon world, star after star, forever dead.
There's no one to light it up again.
Roving over the debris of the battle, I see a tilted tower that half-collapsed into the pediment of Lugdunum's senate dome. I climb up and up through slanting stairwells. The highest storeys were mushed under the mostly-caved-in roof. From here I can see just how much of the city's superstructure had fractured off and been lost to the fog and gravity.
The tower shifted. I kept my balance. The last bit of standing wall supporting a section of the roof gave way. As the hunk of concrete dropped and rumbled down the gap between buildings, a bundle of braided steel cable connecting it to the crossbeam under me was snapping a strand at a time under the weight. When the last wire split, it sounded like a whip-crack.
I fell over for some reason.
I stand back up. actually I don't. I try to get up and I cant do it right. I laugh at how clumsy I am.
How hopeless!
ah I'm bleeding. it's my tail. my tail is gone.
cut off.
my beautiful tail?
it's so cute. its fluffy, and, and, and my mom used to count the stripes with me when I was growing up, and even though I'm grown up now, i hope she'll count them again when I come home
so you can't take it away I have to find it
I go somewhere, I go real quick. I'm bumping into stuff. Ahah! This is too much today
I run for what feels like 40 miles. But it's not that far.
I think there's nowhere to actually go
Don't know where I am or what I'm doing.
Well, I can't run any more
I'm so tired
I just can't keep doing this
I want to eat something and have a hot drink.
I sit. And that's it.
The dome up above is bowing in on itself. The crushed foundation can't hold it up.
It's cracking. It's gonna flatten me.
I can't walk another step. My life depends on it, but I really can't.
If I had another chance I'd be better. I don't know why I could never muster the little bit of focus it would take to tackle my responsibilities. I don't know why I act so dumb. Maybe I could have been better.
I wish I tried. I should have tried while I still could.
I want to do stuff. I still want to fly. If I could just fly away from here, I'd start doing everything right.
I'm not getting out, though. The ceiling is going to land on me in a minute and turn me into a pancake.
If I could just pause and gather my thoughts, I think I'd feel better. Or if I could eat something.
I check my pockets. Got nothing.
I wish the ceiling would just fall and give me a quick end.
Oh. I don't mean that at all. I don't want to die.
I try to stand but I can't even wiggle. I must have lost tons of blood. I think about my poor tail, lost somewhere, probably getting full of dirt. I'll never see it again. Or my ship or my beanbag chair, my toothbrush
Lemur ~ may I whisper with you now
It doesn't matter. Uh, I mean, I don't mind.
She thinks of holding my hand and I feel hers there.
I'm so sorry ~ for everything
I know. Miss Menosky? Miss? I'm about to die.
Lemur ~ You are the only one who ever made me feel safe. My dearest ~ is there any dream you want to see now? I can show you something if you want ~ anything
The obvious first impulse is for Lopcorn and my parents, and the world given back. Renewal. And your sweet face. But that makes my heart ache.
Show me something nice please. I don't know.
The dome came down. I had a vision. Before the ceiling touched me, it turned into the viewport. My control board lit up. Reactor's hot and ready to go.
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There's my starry open road. I press the
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prosecutingfairy · 1 year
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g r e e t i n g s
i'm clyde and i thought i had to do this post even thought it would be cringey
i speak turkish(mother language),english(fluently),and some german but not really fluent
im both an artist and a writer,so double the creativity and the pain
im aceflux and panplatonic (idk if that term exists or not,i feel platonic attraction but make it pan) and i use they/she. im still a cis female though,i still prefer they/she.
here is some useless info about me/getting to know about me:
im an infj 7w6
i went to...skopje,ohrid,prishtina and prizren (basically macedonia and kosovo)
im interested in law and willing to be a prosecutor?( i might turn into franziska or edgeworth.)
possibly neurodivergent.
i will possibly say sorry to everything? everyone says i shouldn't but idk i think im standoffish and an asshole sometimes.
jujutsu kaisen,the study case of vanitas,ace attorney,ENA,dumb ways to die (if it counts),deltarune,undertale,honestly idk
things i like(bands,hyperfixations and shit)
so...im going to ramble some shit out so you can skip this)
nirvana,pink floyd,guns n roses,foster the people,penelope scott (some of her songs),jack off jill,some turkish rock (i normally cant stand turkish music even it is my own countrys,but there is some specific bands like maNga,yüzyüzeyken konuşuruz etc. but idk much.),pinkshift,law,my ocs,writing,drawing,my ocs,my blanket,frogs,cats,astronomy,science,simple affection,colorful things,love letters,flowers,gardening,shopping,rambling,anyone listening to me,my fandoms...but yeah lets go on
1. harper to the end of the world(dünyanın sonuna harper in turkish)
trigger warning: cringy,maybe some trauma,edgy teenager,narcissism,kind of venting and ranting,some spoilers?
harper is my kind of self-insert oc,when most people ask i say "a character based off me." so yeah my life is like shit and most people judge me for whateverthefuck i do. homever stabbing them is illegal and prohibited in Islam. i always wanted to control them and make them be sorry for what they did. i cant mention their irl name tho,i will get in trouble.(our advisory teacher and the counselor are such jerks,i don't like them.) and then harper gets the ability to...control them?
i admit i was trying to drag attention to myself in 6th grade,but that was the literal past and as my dear friend(i don't know if he still sees me as a friend.) mr. nobody,"the desire to drag attention to yourself comes from the lack of attention you are having." i couldn't agree more. i was a loner back then but i found some people that arent assholes but i don't know if they like me or not. theyre cool though. im a standoffish and attention addict girl as the girls gossip in my classroom but they talk about wanting a "big boy" or a "starboy" like wtf aren't those songs 💀 AND THEY LIKE A BOY WHO LITERALLY PULLED OFF A GIRLS HIJAB AND THERE IS RUMORS THAT HE LIKES ME 💀💀💀
but, what if there was someone who actually gave a fuck about me? yep,here comes my ocs. i get dragged into another universe where harper's and my other oc's dreams actually happens,but they have to fight with monsters and evil people etc. harper becomes a fairy and gets frogs and other pretty animals 🩷
2. interworld(dünyalar arası in turkish)
so,these characters.im going to write their name in english and turkish.most of the names have to do nothing with their original turkish names,but it suits them.
trigger warning!!
a good-looking teenage model,which is actually very nice,but doesn't want to model because the influence he gives on people,and doesn't want any bitches.also being verbally @b#s#d by his brother,the ceo of the big fashion company. xavier,our protagonist. (his name is Yıldırım.yep,thats his name.btw his mom dies after she gives birth to yağmur,her younger sister.)
a government agent,who just wants to live her teenage life. she was really depressed after her mom got fired and had to leave her for good.. has to go on murdering sprees sometimes. an ultimate spy,depressed(has tried...some things,i don't want to trigger people.) but dresses really cute. "monika" jenny. monika is her spy name,and she has a fake id for good. our protagonists best friend and lover.the turkish name doesn't change
xavier's stupid but nice,also a great listener cousin,getting emotionally neglected and verbally @b#s#d by his parents,again. He likes science and psychology. also looks like and almost is apollo justice.elliot,the protagonist's cousin.(şimşek in turkish.there is also a side character called fırtına[hurricane] and my friends call it "a weather forecast")
a standoffish but emotional and awkward fairy which is a selfish asshole to herself but actually a real mess? she either does a manspread or turns into a cat. thinks everyone is judging her of her apparence or hyperfixating. yes,thats harper,the "not ladylike" girl. i will explain the dynamics between stories later. she screams or meows often,when she doesn't want to talk/can't talk.
a monster/demon boy,that is awkward but really nice,stupid but smart,introvert but extrovert,shy but confident,basically complicated.likes to tease people .also says sorry really often. more gentle than the others but cant control himself when he's scared.he got @$$ault3d by his aunt.asterix,the fairy's lover. he will also send you shrek memes to make you smile at 3 AM. he likes cats.
a poc girlboss trying to dress like the kidcore/indie kid aesthetics? she is also a cancer survivor and she grew some hair too. but she used to get bullied by some bitches that were the complete opposite of kidcore,so she wants to dress like that way and she likes the aesthetic- marble,the confident one along with xavier. she likes makeup and still watches barbie movies.(she goes with "mermer" [marble] in the book)
these traumatized humans form a team with a void+man thing which gives them powers,and fights the evil. in the other universe. if you want to read it or have any questions,you can ask.
xavier x monika,asterix x clyde and marble x elliot looks good but xavier and asterix are gay so yeah xavier could fuck anyone honestly(he is bi).but since its going to be published in a homophobic country,theyre all straight because i need a shelter.
so uhm,this is the end.
sorry for the long post,i like introducing myself,and you don't have to read it all so...
yeah im sorry. im not trying to be edgy or attention seeking.
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 2 years
Preyna ~ Distance
"I miss you."
Gods. This guy knows how to make a girl blush.
"Hello to you too, Percy." I took a second before adding in a sigh : "I miss you too. Hence why I message you."
His goofy smile turned concerned then soft a second. Clashing with his straightforwardness.
"You're tired."
"Well, nothing new."
"Is it about the elephants ? What happened since Friday ?"
We talked about nothing and everything for three or four more drachmas. I had missed that too. The simple talk, with someone who I know truly cares about my answers. It was a nice breath of fresh air from the Senat, the cohorts, heck, even Frank sometimes. As good of a friend and partner that he was, he wasn't Percy. No one had his smile when he listened to me, his laugh when I had something not so pleasant to say about the Lares and senators, his words when I felt down and tired, or his kisses when I was tense.
Not that I could experience those soon.
"Just another week and I'll be here with you."
"You're sure you don't need me to fly there to help you move out ? I don't like the idea of you crossing the country with monsters on your toes."
"I'll be fine, love." Love. And here goes the blushing again.
Percy knew I don't like nicknames, or at least that I don't know how or to use them myself. He's better than me. Way better.
I was so focused on this simple endearing word that I almost missed what he said next.
"Plus, I won't be alone, Annabeth is coming to retrieve those plans you told her about and Grover is tagging along."
That eased me a little. I had grown very found Percy's best friends those past two years and I knew what a great support they could be for him. In every senses.
"Will they need to be escorted back ?" "No, don't worry. Grover has some nature wildlife related mission on the West Coast and Annabeth wants to pay a visit to some family. They'll help me settle, Annabeth will try to explain to me what metaphysic is supposed to be one last time and they'll be on their way." This reminder made me play with the drachma that was in my hand, waiting to be tossed in the garden fountain.
Percy was coming to move in with me. He was signing on New-Roma University where he'll have mathematic, philosophy, history and many other classes, and he was doing it to be with me.
I wasn't used to that. To being put first. To being chosen. Something that the anxiety Percy freely let me express didn't hide well.
"You're sure of your choice ?" "I am." He answered immediately, as if he was expecting this question, which he probably did. "No regrets ?" "None." "How many times did we have this discussion, again ?" He smiled. "More than five."
I sighed. "Sorry. I just need to be sure." "You worry too much." "I'm worried about you. That's a reasonable thing to do." "Hey !" "Don't act as if the chimera thing hadn't happened." "This story will follow me to my grave." He grumbled. "Be grateful it didn't brought you there." "Grateful to you."
He smiled that beautiful smile of his. That beautiful smile that he doesn't even know about. But I wasn't so lucky.
"You know I'll go wherever you are just because you are there." He used his soft voice for that. Do I need to point out that I was blushing again ?
I had to change the subject and quickly.
"What about your mom ? And Paul ? Are they around ?"
The laugh he obviously held back let me know he had seen right through me but let it slide. "They're out. Date day. See, another good point for New Rome. We can't do that here, you and me."
I was always impressed and taken aback by how casually he talked of our relationship while for me it still had this 'impossible' and 'dreamlike' feeling to it.
He was right, I really did miss him.
"And believe me, they're having fun." He continued. "Oh and you're not ?" "Well, you know, date day for them always means-..."
"Rea !" The sudden new voice calling me with half the syllabus of my name wasn't unknown to me. And quickly, a bright smile enlightened my face as Percy reached out of sight to bring baby Estelle into view.
"Hello you." "Reya !"
I laughed at the progress.
"Yeah. Date day for them means babysitting for me." She grabbed his hair. "Us ! Us ! Alright !" I laughed with Estelle at her brother's demise. When I was with those two, or really with anyone of the Blofis-Jackson family, it really felt like it. Like home. No matter the miles.
I couldn't imagine what he'd feel like when Percy and I would really share one. Barely a week to go through.
"RA-RA ?" I came to my senses in a second and with a glare that made him laugh. "I tried 'Rey', but that didn't work."
My glare and smile disappeared for a frown when I heard a knock on my door. I turned back to my boyfriend, sighing.
"That sounds the death knell on this exchange, Jackson." Estelle was now climbing on his shoulder, tapping his head. "You seem busy." I added with a tight smile that he offered me back.
"Take care of yourself. I'll call you tonight. Mom will probably want to reach you too." "No problem. Just tell her to-..." "Do so before bath time. Once but not twice, don't worry." I winced at the memory but smiled anyway, gathering all my paperwork.
"Hey." I looked up one last time at the sound of his voice. "I love you."
Thank you so much for that.
"I love you too, love."
And with that I moved my hand through his image to end the call. Just after witnessing the crimson reaching his cheeks with a smug grin.
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lastoneout · 3 years
nyehehe how about surveyshipping for the ship ask? (╹◡╹)
Who’s the cuddler?
Laventon would literally cuddle with Cyllene 24/7 if he could get away with it.
Who makes the bed?
See I wanna say Cyllene...but have you seen her office?? Laventon's isn't any better but he at least folds up the quilt on his couch that he totally doesn't sleep on so it legit might be him.
Who wakes up first?
Cyllene is one of those crazy people who's up with the sun literally no matter what. Laventon does not wake up on his own because he's A Cold Bitch who wants to stay in bed, so there are three ways he gets up: If he's sleeping in his office Cyllene wakes him up when she comes into work, if he's out in the field Rei or Akari wakes him up (Rei rudely by shouting because their familial love language is taking digs at each other constantly, Akari also semi-rudely, but she at least like, brings him some coffee or tea or something), and if he's in his and Cyllene's quarters he wakes up when she gets up and leaves 'cuz his brain is like "wife is gone, why is wife gone :( this is a disaster".
Who has the weird taste in music?
Probably Laventon, though I don't know much about music from the 1860s so?? Modern AU it would be VERY funny if Laventon only likes classical music and Cyllene is like that mom from Monsters University just blasting heavy metal.
Who is more protective?
I love the idea that Laventon is always worried about Cyllene that this fic opened my eyes to, and tbh in the fic I'm working on rn one of the plot points is that part of the reason Cyllene stays in the office most of the time(and like 50% of why she's scared of bug pokemon) is that back when they were first building Jubilife Village there was an incident with a bunch of combee and a vespiqueen where she got hurt REALLY bad and while she pulled through her injuries left her with chronic pain and can genuinely be disabling at times and thus Laventon is worried about her a lot and gets a more than a little protective whenever she's out in the field. (Which actually puts a bit of strain on their relationship at times and is something Laventon is working on.)
Who sings in the shower?
I feel like Laventon would be the kind of guy who's always making up little songs about things while he's working so def him.
Who cries during movies?
Laventon absolutely 100% he is 0.5 seconds from crying at any given time and not just at sad things at cute stuff too or sappy things he's a mess. Cyllene on the other hand is a big softie deep, DEEP down but it takes a LOT to get her to cry.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
I'ma say Laventon just because I HC that part of the reason that he orders so much food at the Wallflower is that he wants to make sure Akari and Rei eat enough and if he gets the food they don't have to feel bad about asking for more, which would hit his budget a little BUT it's worth it. Also, Cyllene seems like the type who has simple tastes does enjoy small luxuries like snacks or nice soap but doesn't buy them for herself, but Laventon ain't having it!! His wife deserves nice things!! So he buys some of them for her and she's like "ur an idiot stop wasting money" but inside is blushing and melting and happy.
Who kisses more roughly?
Their first kiss involved Cyllene accidentally headbutting Laventon you can't change my mind.
Who is more dominant?
Both and neither of them. Cyllene is more confident at work and is in charge and Laventon is a good person who drinks his respect women juice and listens to her, but when it comes to romantic things Laventon is way more confident(even if that confidence leads to him being a bit of a dumbass at times and doing things like proposing when they're being chased by angry wild pokemon) and Cyllene gets kinda shy about it when push comes to shove so he gets to sweep her off her feet ALL the time.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
5 billion just 10000/10 the best ship I would die for them that's my emotional support mom and dad and they love each other so much
send me a ship
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thewistlingbadger · 3 years
Monsters inc is gay
Spoilers for monsters inc, monsters university, and monsters at work
And before you even argue with me that it's not gay, I'm gonna remind you that the movie is about being in and out of closets. And that theme song?? Have you HEARD that theme song?
I wanna address the gay metaphor that's monsters university. Mike gets bullied in school because he "isn't like other monsters". This is to the point where every school field trip he gets paired up with the teacher because none of the other kids wanna be with. Even his own COUSIN doesn't wanna be his partner. Because of being an outcast, it pushes him to be the best that he can. He joins a university were every step of the way, people are telling him that he shouldn't be there, he doesn't meet the qualifications for being "human" (oc he's not human but you know what i mean), and that she should switch majors and stuff. But he doesn't listen to them and continues to be himself. He ends of joining a fraternity with all the other outcasts PLUS a jock. (I'll get to Mike and sully) We got an old man, a young man who lives with his mom, two twins who are good at magic and dancing, and a hippie who's been to jail before. It couldn't be gayer if it tried. And then there's Randall who originally was friends with Mike but he wants to get in with "the cool kids" and once he does he tells mike to "not mess this up" for him. He even gets rid of his own glasses to conform with them. The same cool kids who tell Mike that he doesn't belong and the same cool kids that sully wants to be with.
When we first meet mike and sully, they are living together. These two balance each other out. Mike gets sully through the morning routine and sully gets them to walk to work where they have playful or *flirty* banter. But what about Celia!! I hear you asking?? Celia seems to be the first girl that Mike has good interactions with imo. The only girls he meets in college are fans of OK, randomly girls that are just there, or competitors in the competition. All of his friends are males in college. At work, Celia and Roz are the only girls there i think and we all know how he feels about Roz. So the possibilities of how him and Celia came to be are endless. They could have bonded over common interests and Celia developed a crush on him or she was the only girl that he's ever had feelings for and that's why he's dating her. As for Celia, i mean c'mon. She wears a short dress and has snakes as hair. I think it's safe to say she's queer. Mike in monsters inc has changed a lot since monsters university. He's more assured of himself and he no longer has the need to prove himself. (He's ecstatic that hes in the commerical even tho his face isn't shown in it. Also while this happens, he calls *Sully's* mom about the commerical. We can also see that the two have their own chairs and Sully's smirks when Mike sits in Sully's chair. Not to mention that we don't see Mike's room in the apartment.) He's no longer uncomfortable with himself and he knows who he is. (He's more socially comfortable, saying good morning to neighbors and coworkers, joking around with sully and openly flirting with Celia.) When they see Randall in the locker room, Mike says "one day... I'm gonna let you give him a piece of my mind." If you've seen monsters inc then you know the dynamic these two have and them being gay for each other isn't that far of a stretch. Monsters inc could be a metaphor in the sense of sully being ready for the next step of him and Mike's life, (kids) while mike isn't ready to have kids. And then not to mention the scene of them when they get banished! "none of it matters? Sully, what about everything we've worked for? Does that matter? Huh? What about Celia? I am never gonna see her again. Doesn't that matter? What about me? I'm your pal, I'm your best friend! Don't i matter?" And then the scene where they make up! They're an old married couple. And DON'T GET ME STARTED TO MONSTERS UNIVERSITY! IF YOU NEED A REMINDER, GO WATCH THE MOVIE! ALL I GOTTA SAY IS ENEMIES TO LOVERS.
As a wrap up my essay, I'd like to address the other characters.
Randall is a gay man in denial
Fungus is a twink
Waternoose is be gay do crime
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Then there's the blue and red monster. I don't know their names but I know they're dating
Just loon at the characters for a minute
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Let's go left to right
The crab like monster is named cutter and is good a fixing things. And don't we all love our local she/they butch lesbian who works at home depot? The yellow monster? Her name is Val and she is the pansexual friend who drags your closeted ass to pride. She's bubbly and can't shut up for the life of her because deep down she's lonely and just wants you to like her. The purple monster, Tylor, is a gay himbo so of course he's the main character of the show. He's a jock who now that school's over he doesn't know what to do other than acknowledge the fact that he likes men. The green freak behind him? His name is Duncan so i really don't have to go into detail about him you already know he's a gay homophobic man. Him and Tylor are classic enemies to lovers. Duncan calls him college boy and he even called him pretty boy once. Which you know, that only gay people use that term so that's pretty much a closed case. The next guy is just an old gay man. As for sully and Mike, they endure the hardships of running a business together. If you watch the show, it'll become very clear to you that mike sully and celia are in a relationship.
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Summary - Dean Winchester rescues you from the Djinn. Some hard truths are learnt when you wake up and find him arguing with his brother.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings - Fluff-ish, Angst, too much angst, Swearing, Verbal Altercation.
Word Count - 2.1k+
Square filled - Domestic!AU ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - Thanks to @miss-nerd95 for giving this a once over because I was nervous that it got too dramatic (damn you Bollywood)
This is also a submission for @winchesterxfamilybusiness' Make Me Swoon Challenge. Prompt is in bold.
Series Masterlist
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“Are you sure this will work?” Dean hesitated.
“Well, we gotta try and we have to hurry. Clock’s ticking,” Sam said, as Dean swallowed the herb.
Five hours. That's how long you were unconscious. Dean had carried you back to your room, placing you gingerly on the bed. His heart clenched at the sight. You were home, but this was not how Dean wanted things to go. He had pushed you away in hopes you will be safe from the supernatural but the universe had other plans.
Dean wouldn't admit, but he was terrified at the thoughts of invading your dreams. ‘What was your happily ever after?’ That question was haunting him. The Djinn always lets you see your heart's desire and Dean was scared to find out the answer to that, but he had to take the step because this was the only way you could be saved.
Sam had agreed to take the African dream root, but the older Winchester had stepped in, saying, “She's in that state because of me. Let me take those.”
The herbs worked their magic and soon he found himself in your dream.
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“Happy birthday, baby,” your husband wrapped his arms around you, “I have plans for tonight.”
“What about the kids?”
“I have asked your Mom. She will take them for one night. The kids are excited to spend time with their Mee-maw and Paw-paw,” Dean said.
“Hm, I see you have planned everything,” You smirked.
“Uh-huh. Down to every last detail. Even the things I will do to you in bed tonight,” Dean’s eyes darkened at the thought, “I bet you never got such a gift. You won't be able to walk properly for weeks.”
“I may or may not have a return gift planned for you too,” you winked, “something I bought from the Victoria Secret.”
“Fuck me,” Dean breathed out.
“Gladly,” you said, “but you gotta wait till tonight.” You gently patted his chest and walked over to the kids’ room to get them ready for the evening, unbeknownst to the fact that the real world Dean Winchester was watching the whole interaction with wide eyes, heart breaking into a million pieces.
“Y/N,” you saw your husband jogging up to you, with horror in his eyes.
“What? Baby, you okay?” You asked, your movements coming to a halt. Dean's breath hitched as he heard you call him ‘baby’. “Okay honey, you're scaring me. What's wrong?”
“This-this is not real Y/N,” Dean said.
“What?” You chuckled.
“This is all a dream. You need to snap out of it,” Dean insisted.
“What is this? Some kind of stupid prank?” You crossed your arms, “I gotta go check on the kids honey.”
“Kids?” He frowned.
“Yeah right, Mister. What, next you're gonna ask me if we are married or not?” You said, clearly getting annoyed.
“Marr-wha-no….Y/N, y-you don't understand. This is a dream. Y/N/N, you are dreaming! You don't have any….kids.”
“Dean Winchester, don't you dare say that,” you crossed your arm and gave him a once over.
“Sweetheart, you gotta believe me! I know this all seems a bit strange but your husb-that Dean i-is not real. He is just a figment of your imagination. I-I'm real,” he pleaded.
“Did you hit your head somewhere, honey?” You were now genuinely concerned about him.
He shook his head and grabbed your hands, dragging you back to the kitchen. You cocked your head in confusion as you kept looking at Dean rummaging through the closet.
“Dean! If you dare to mess up my kitchen, I'm gonna kill you,” you warned. He looked at you and grabbed a knife and made his way towards you. “Dean? Babe, what is it?” You asked with the frown on your face deepening at his actions.
“See, I-I can show you this is not real,” he said and stabbed himself in the chest
“Stop it Dean!” You gasped in horror, “Wha-”
“I'm not dead! I am not even bleeding. Look at this,” Dean exclaimed. You looked down to see the knife sticking out of his chest but he was alive and there was no blood.
“What? I-I don't understand. This is not-all this while I-I've been dreamin’. But it all felt so real. How can this be….De, what's happening?” You were on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“Sweetheart, listen to me carefully. You are in a Djinn-poison induced dream state. They mess with your head. I know; I've been there.”
“I'll explain everything but first you need to wake up, Y/N/N,” Dean begged.
“How?” You cried out.
“You need to kill yourself,” he said.
“Yes. If you kill yourself in your dreams, you will wake up. Now come on,” he said and handed you the knife.
“You sure?”
“Do you trust me?,” he asked you.
You were frightened and confused but you believed Dean. Nodding your head at him, you took the knife and looked at Dean one more time.
“It's gonna be fine. Trust me, sweetheart.”
Your heart was beating loudly against your chest as you tightened the hold on the knife. You sucked in a breath as you stabbed yourself in the stomach.
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Gasping loudly, you sat up straight in the bed.
“Y/N,” your eyes met with Dean’s worried green ones.
“Dean?” You asked, your head filled with various questions. Dean pulled you into a tight hug.
“I-I thought I lost you sweetheart,” he croaked, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“It's okay. I'm here,” you looked around, “where am I?”
“In the bunker,” another tall man came into the room and said.
“Who-who are you?” You asked, as Dean let you go, “I-I'm so confused. What happened? Dean, how did you-I was….was I married?”
“Y/N you….uh-you were attacked by a Djinn. They are supernatural beings and we hunt them,” Dean said, “you were in a dream state and you dreamt of things like….m-marriage and uh-kids. Djinns usually show you your heart's desire.”
“Are you kidding me? You hunt them? You hunt monsters? What next, are you gonna tell me that Drac is real? And he runs a hotel for freaks in Transylvania?”
“I know it's a lot to take in but it's true, not the Dracula part but me and my brother, Sam, we hunt them. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, everything is real,” Dean said.
“Sam?” You looked at the other man in the room who was staring at you silently.
“Hey,” the man who was standing patiently at the foot of the bed, cracked a smile at you.
“What is this place?” You asked.
“This is the bunker. Our home, workplace, everything,” Sam said, “You also-”
“You should take some rest now,” Dean interrupted his brother, getting a side glance from him.
“S-sure but why didn't you tell me about this the night we met?”
“Our job is not a conventional one. We can't go around, telling everyone that monsters exist,” Sam said, “It's better if people don't know about things like this.”
“Okay,” you looked around the room again, fear seeping into you which faded quickly as Dean placed his warm hand on yours, giving it a small squeeze of reassurance.
“You're safe here, sweetheart,” Dean gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“I never thought I would meet you again.” Your heart fluttering in your chest at his touch.
“Neither did I.”
“Thanks for saving me. Thanks to both of you,” you said, and the brothers smiled at you before stepping out of the room to give you some privacy.
Even though you were living in a dream for the past few hours, you were exhausted so sleep came easy to you.
You didn't know how long you were asleep before you were woken up by some muffled screams coming from outside the room.
Your ears perked up when you heard Dean's voice.
“No I can't!” He yelled.
“You have to tell her, Dean!” The other voice, probably Sam’s yelled back. You winced as you got up from the bed and went out of the room, the voices getting louder and clearer. Your whole body screamed in protest with every step you took.
“I-I can't,” Dean let out a defeated sigh.
‘What are they arguing about?’ You wondered as you finally made your way towards the brothers. The halls of the bunker felt oddly familiar to you.
“Do you think she is safe like this? She is a huntress Dean!” Sam exclaimed, “This-this is her home. She doesn't even remember the bunker! She doesn't remember me!”
“What am I supposed to say?” Dean asked.
“The truth!”
“She won't believe me and telling her the truth means sucking her back to this goddamn stupid life!” Dean shouted at his brother, “And I won't let that happen.”
‘Were they talking about you?’ You wondered and moved closer to the brothers.
“How can you be so selfish, Dean? You are only thinking about yourself! You are not the person I looked up to as my brother!” Sam shoved his brother hard.
“Well people change with time,” Dean said in a bitter tone, “and how is it selfish? I won't let her die because of me.”
“They do, but their feelings remain the same amd you're scared. You still love Y/N and it would be stupid if you let her walk away!” Sam scoffed. Your eyes widened at Sam's words.
“You don't understand,” Dean gritted out.
“At least she will understand!”
“No she won't! She was married in her dream - she had kids; that's her happily ever after! Not with me-”
“She was married to you, Dean!” Sam retorted, “that's her happily ever after - with you. With us, in this bunker. She is family and we don't give up on family then how could you push her away? Don't do anything that you will regret later on. This is probably your last chance to fix the mess.”
“I-I can't. She is gonna hate me. It's better this way. It's not like she remembers being married to me,” Dean mumbled.
You gasped in shock grabbing the attention of the brothers.
“Y/N?” Dean asked.
“I thought I was only married in my dreams but I-we were married?” You asked him.
“I-uh….Y/N you should go re-”
“Don't tell me to go and rest!” You exclaimed. Dean glared at his brother, taking a deep breath.
“Stop running away from the problem for once,” Sam muttered in a low voice but loud enough for his brother to hear him.
“Y/N, you are….we are married,” Dean said, squeezing his eyes shut.
“But I don't remember it. Dean? Sam?” You gulped.
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“How can you do this, Dean Winchester?” You asked, your blood boiling in anger.
“I did it to protect you,” Dean calmly stated.
“Great fucking job with that because last time I checked I was almost monster food!” You shouted.
“You don't understand!” Dean retorted.
“Then make me, asshole!”
“You got almost killed, because of me! I almost killed you!” He yelled.
“Shut up! Just fucking shut up!” You said, as you sat down in the chair, trying to wrap your mind around the new facts you just learnt. You were married to Dean Winchester. You were a huntress. Then what about your friends, your job, your life in Idaho? What was true? You didn't know what to believe.
“Y/N, sweetheart, say something. Please.” Dean begged.
“I'm not your sweetheart, Dean. You lost the right to call me yours the moment you took a life-changing decision for me and pushed me away,” you said, tears forming in your eyes.
“I-I….I did it to protect you. You mean everything to me,” Dean said.
“Then why did you push me away? Why did you erase my memories? We could have dealt with this together. Why, Dean, why? I can't even hunt anymore! I don't even remember the basic ways to protect myself. You made me helpless. Tell me Dean, how did you protect me?” You asked. Dean kept quiet.
“Y/N, maybe we can fix it. Maybe Cas can fix it,” Sam said, who all the while stood in the war room as a silent observer.
You scoffed, “I don't-I don't even remember Cas. Great job, Dean! Great fucking job! You think you are so great, trying to protect me, but all you are a selfish asshole. You destroyed my life, Dean. Destroyed it! Congratulations, Winchester!”
“I thought-”
“From next time, don't think because your thoughts always destroy something good just like it destroyed us!” You were angry and sad. You couldn't believe Dean could do such a thing.
“I loved you, Y/N, I still do and I-”
“Well newsflash Dean, I don't love you anymore,” you scoffed, “Because in case you didn't know, I don't even remember us - what we used to be.” Turning on your heels, you went back to your room, leaving behind a heartbroken Dean Winchester.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
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the-white-soul · 6 months
Yeah, of course! We’ll do a lot better than last time, I promise. *Flowey feels an even greater attachment to Chara now, after hearing that specific deal of their mother starving them as punishment. Nothing like that should ever happen to them again. To go along with the soul-amplified empathy for Chara’s situation, Flowey also feels vengeful and proud even, to have killed their mother.*
*Flowey burrows back to Kara, unsurprised by the commotion not only because he was warned in advance, but also because it’s just a common event at this point for physical fights to break out. He doesn’t bother to step in yet though, since everyone else seems to have it covered. He stays at the ready just in case.*
Jeez, what do people have against you, Kara? You’re like a battle magnet. I think you should run from the battle this time since you’re already hurt. Undyne will have the anon distracted for a while.
(Kara) " I guess the more people know me, the more people hate me. Luckily, my arm will improve soon enough if I replace it with a mechanical arm." (Dess) "I didn't promise that. Kara gives Dess the side eye. But we do have the tech. You will still be technically different, though. It might even be able to control from others." (Undyne) "While fighting I never thought an Airbender was real since Alphys told me anime was fake. Anyway, I can't fight alone for much longer." Kara swings their sword at them and,
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(Kara) "I guess that's a win?" (Sans) "You didn't die." (Kara) "True." Everyone gets an alert on their phones except those who don't live in this universe. There's a news article. (News) "Today, we're finally revealing that Asgore will be tried in court for the murder of 6 kids in a few weeks. Now, if the people think Asgore should be found unjustified in those killings, the penalty will be no less than death. If found justified, then no penalty shall be placed. If it's not a unanimous vote in the jury, it'll be up to the Prime Minister. If you remember the laws, you might realize that the death penalty is strictly prohibited. However, this does not apply to monsters since they don't have similar rights. Thank you for listening, and keep notified to see more about this case." (Dess) "Starts laughing Wow, this is hilarious now, just how much evil is in humanity. Using the death penalty? PFFT, and they call America evil. I wish all humans would just kill each other already! It's obvious total extinction will come when they all A-Bomb themselves anyway. Why can't I kill them?" (Kara) "Smacks Dess in the face. Listen here, you little shit. Humans, I'll admit, are sometimes evil. But you want to kill them all? What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you were a good monster. At least that's how you reacted to Noelle and…" (Dess) "NOELLE'S DEAD!!! I say those who are dead don't care anyway." (Kara) "Wait, has all this backlash and anger been because you miss Noelle?" (Dess) "What? No, I'm fine. I'm just a jerk to everyone I meet." (Kara) "It's okay if you are sad. Can you let it out to me?" Dess looked in the opposite direction, fighting back tears. (Kara) "You know, I remember when we all used to go to ICE E's Pizza's. We all used to sit down and talk. Remember what you did when Noelle got scared because the ICE E's mascot came through." (Dess) "I would hold her in my arms. I would say, 'Shh, it's okay, he won't hurt you,' and she'd be happy. She couldn't hold it in and cried. Kara, Sniff I miss our childhoods. I miss when we used to be friends and be happy together. I miss my dear father. I miss my little sister. I even miss my Mom. I've tried to start a new life with all these people, but they're never as good as us. And seeing you with Flowey shows we are about as far apart as ever. You have friends and no longer need me nor love me." (Kara) "Hugs Dess Listen to me. It doesn't matter if we're friends, lovers, or acquaintances. We make our lives better by being together. That's all that matters." They cry for what seems like forever until finally, they both stop. (Dess) "Alright, we can continue."
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mrfandomgage · 3 years
Chara, asleep: I... didn't want to fall back asleep
Night: No wonder people don't like you, you're rude and self absorbed.
Chara: Stop patronizing me with my own thoughts
Night: Force of habit.
Chara: Whoever your father is, he raised you poorly.
Night: Which one? The one that laughed at my funeral, or the one that watches over me now?
Chara: So why are you still here?
Night: I... just like being around others.
Chara: Alright, so what's your real name? No way am I going to believe it's "NiGhT tErRoR"
Night: I don't like my old name. It wasn't given to me for any other reason but to just simply give me a name. You, you were named by your mother before she died! That at least came from a place of love!
Chara, tears streaming his face: you like all of my bad locked down memories don't you?
Night: . . . It was Frisk, and It was Chara. Long story Short. I'm Night Terror. I will not discuss my name further. You can call me Nighty or something like that.
Chara: Frisk and Chara?
Night: I said No!
Chara: ... Frisk?
Night: STOP IT.
Chara, crouching down and ruffling through her hair: Frisk is a cute name
Night, looks frustrated: ...
Night, swats Chara's hand away, and she cries: That's not my name! That's not my name! I'm not her! So stop calling me her!
Chara: ... Who is she?
Night: She... oh... Stop bothering with my memories!
Chara: but that sounds interesting, and you already dug on my past, so why can't I know more about you?
Night: it's a long story
Chara: I have all night
Night: ... you will always be talking to "Frisk" when you talk to me, Chara is forever asleep in our soul. She... she was nice, maybe a little sad... But I'm not her anymore!
Chara: Come on, why was she sad?
Night: She... She had to live as a dream in a world of nightmares. I don't know how it happened. I honestly don't want to know why. She was supposed to be a bright beam of positive energy, in a world so negative, it wanted to crush her. Can... Can I stop?
Chara: I just said I have all night
Night, looking more tired: one day, she couldn't handle the verbal and physical abuse. She was beaten til she woke up, and screamed at for her to hope she'd never be awake again. Hearing of a legend that she may never be able to wake from. She woke up once more, but this time, in a nightmare with monsters. She wasn't just beating, but torn apart. She wasn't just yelled at, but broken til she killed herself by banging her head into a tree, or wall. Somehow, she sought to it to wake up... Chara I... I'm really tired
Chara: is your story done?
Night: ... one day, in her nightmare, she found a friend. Rare was it she had someone to talk to. Sans. He was like a father. She could cry to him, hug him, he'd listen and care. Waking up wasn't so bad anymore, he was there to help her. Then, he had a job. She found him and he did his job. Over. Over. And over. She cried, she wept. And at one point, she was too distraught to move her legs. She had to crawl to him. He still had his job. She then gave up. Forgot she had existed, and accidentally just continued walking into him. I... I can't remember how I ever got passed him. I just remember being stabbed with a trident, I don't even remember the pain. Just being impaled and thinking "where am I?" After that... she kept going. She wanted to free these people even though she couldn't remember a single thing. Her brain was empty. Her crying meant nothing to anyone, her pain meant nothing to anyone, her life meant nothing to herself but only as a means to wake up and continue and help people she didn't know. The next thing she remembered hearing, was encouragement, apologies, and worse of all, her friend trying not to cry... I... ... ...
Chara: who was her friend?
Night: Sans, he seemed so distraught about something. It confused her, reawakened some of her senses, she remembered the pain mostly, and the thorns cutting her body at the moment, making her warm blood spill to the ground pooling around her bruised knees. She began crying. She thought she fell asleep and when she woke up, she was still crying. She saw her friend as one of the many ashamed individuals in front of her. With that, she went home. Her parents were happy, then she came into the house. Oh how I think of them. I found out I had nothing coming back home. A few months passed... she was walking home from school, in her old, grey clothes. Lifeless she walked, and lifeless she was about to be. Her throat was slit, and thrown to the ground. She finally, and absolutely gave up. She was unimportant, she was worthless, she was nothing. Her soul broke. But something kept it together, at least half of it. Something made it whole again. I awake, because my soul consumed another, someone happy, someone cheerful. Someone filled with the negative energy that surrounded me. Someone to keep forever asleep in my mind while I use his soul for what I want. I took his soul, and all my hatred, my anger, my pain. It was forced to become one with mine, no matter what. I woke up. My throat was burning, and I sat up in my casket, wearing traditional purple clothes, for special events. I wanted yellow. I had desires of my own in such a long time, and the main thing that got me going was the idea of wearing the color yellow for the first time in my life. I left my funeral, sneaking around. I made... an arrangement to make it a closed casket. My first kill, it was so much fun. Do you get my point ye-
Chara: Continue
Night: what?
Chara: Continue, I want to hear more.
Night: I... don't want to
Chara: Continue, Fri-
Night: NO! I'LL CONTINUE! Please just don't call me her name... I remember going to the front doors and there were two people smoking, and that was my father and mother. Laughing that their daughter just died. I hid about and left somehow. I walked all the way home, it was Sunday, people were at church. I'd be praying too if I were them. I got home, and slept on my parents' bed. I knew they'd be at least an hour, I needed a nap. But oh. I got my parents soon and hung them from the lights. My mom was trying to pray, as my father fought and swung, til he had no breath to part his lips. All I could do as I watched them struggle was laugh. Then, I went out in the night. School kids who bullied me, bled their beds and their parents screamed. A lot of people died, but I don't know how most humans died to be honest. I only remember the monsters. I remembered Sans. So I killed his brother and saved him for later, I killed every monster. Hunted them down, one by one, and took their lives. After everyone else was dead. I gave Sans a note, telling him where to find me. We met. He was smiling as always. I told him that he had a job. All he did was nod. So I came at him and he... he did nothing as I cut him down. All I did when he was dead was... all I did was... all I did was laugh. Laugh and laugh.
Chara: ... you're lying
Night: What do you mean? All I did was laugh, I-
Chara: you were crying, laughing as a way to cope with the pain
Night: No I wasn't! I-
Chara: you're crying right now
Night, rubbing away the tears streaming down her face: ...
Chara: how long were you crying?
Night: ... I... I'm not Frisk. I can't be her. She died, never hurting anyone or anything. I Killed my friends, my family, children, I killed everyone that knew how to love. I killed Frisk, and I still do that. I don't care about her.
Chara: you're just a kid.
Night: That doesn't excuse COLBY JACK, I still did everything, because I wanted to, I still killed everyone, because I was... because I... was... because I'm a real monster! Just because I miss Sans now doesn't mean I'll stop! Just... I'll take breaks... and maybe one day I can permanently die. I haven't found anything to do that yet.
Chara: Who is your dad?
Night: he's pretty cool. I don't feel like I want to hurt anyone while around him. I got my education in one universe, he taught me magic in another. He feeds me and cleans my hair. He's pretty strict on what I can do at home, but he's worried about me. Maybe you can visit some time.
Chara: Maybe, your dad sounds cool.
Night: please, just, don't call me Frisk. I'm not her
Chara: You are her. You're just confused, and a bit more aggressive than average.
Night: ... a bit?
Chara: long story.
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protectbrowngirls · 4 years
(1) hi💕 it's the same anon who was asking for advice about mom's unstable behavior here... things haven't really improved...she's refusing to see a therapist and is letting out all her anger on me, even though i'm struggling with multiple health issues right now and doctor suspects i have a brain/neurological disease😔
(2) we had an argument the other day where she completely exploded over a small thing i did, calling me a "monster", a "demon child" and saying she wishes i was dead, that she will die soon and it will be my fault, that god is watching and listening to all the (apparently) horrible things i say and do (this isn't even the tip of the iceberg). she is also threatening to cut me off financially, which is incredibly scary for me as a college student...maybe i sound dumb, but is this emotional abuse?
(3)all of these regular instances with her where she explodes, her constant body shaming, the stress of my college degree and not being able to see my friends because of the covid rules is getting to me - i feel like life isn't worth living anymore and i don't know what to do...i've been strong for so long and i just can't do it anymore 😔 i would really appreciate your advice and i'm really sorry if i'm bothering you by sending an anon ask again 
You are not bothering me at all! You’re welcome to send asks, or even message me privately. I’m happy to help to the best of my ability.
You don’t sound dumb, either. What you’ve described absolutely sounds like emotional abuse. It is abusive to call you names and constantly criticize and belittle you. It is abusive to threaten you by saying god is watching (and implying that you’ll be punished). It is abusive for her to hold her wellbeing hostage if she doesn’t approve of your behavior. It is abusive to use financial support as a means of controlling you.
Unfortunately, many emotional abusers are not interested in changing their behavior. Maybe they don’t see anything wrong with how they’re acting; maybe they enjoy having control over other people; maybe they’re emotionally stunted and don’t know how to deal with their own emotions. Regardless, you can’t reason with abusers or try to engage with them rationally -- they won’t approach the conversation in good faith. They don’t care that their behavior is harming you. They might even think you deserve to feel bad because you’re refusing to cooperate with them. When your mother is hurling abuses at you, try to remember that she’s wrong and is actively trying to hit you where it hurts. It doesn’t make it hurt less when she says those things, but it might make it easier to gain perspective, and to remember that you have worth, even if she doesn’t acknowledge it.
Life is worth living, but it will be easier to believe that if you’re able to put some distance (whether physical or emotional) between you and your mother. Of course the most concrete way of doing this is to move out, but that’s easier said than done. Still, you may find it beneficial to start creating an exit strategy. Can you live in a college dorm or share an apartment with a friend?
I also recommend seeking a therapist. Another thing that’s easier said than done, but you’re dealing with a lot right now. A therapist will be able to help you process your mother’s behavior and your resultant emotions, as well as help you develop healthy coping mechanisms to get you through all this. This isn’t something you should have to deal with alone. As a student, you may receive some free sessions with a counselor at your university. Otherwise, there are links to low-cost therapists on my resources page, and many therapists offer cheaper sessions if you can’t afford to pay for therapy. Just ask for sliding scale pricing.
In the meantime, I would suggest creating small, regular things you can look forward to, especially things that get you out of the house or make you unavailable to your mother. Commit to treating yourself in at least one small way each week, whether by stopping to take in the sunset or buying a pack of cute stickers or listening to your favorite song. Maybe you could set up biweekly Zoom hangouts/game nights with your friends to make social interaction a part of your routine. And maybe you could spend your days or evenings “studying” on campus (if social distancing is feasible), doing activities like going to drive-in theaters, or offering to run errands, so you aren’t around for your mom to yell at you.
It takes some effort to remind yourself why life is worth living, but now more than ever, it’s crucial we make that effort. You’ve been really strong! I know it gets tiring to be strong all the time. I know you desperately want a break, so you can stop being strong for a bit. But things can get better, I swear they can. There’s so much still to live for: sunrises and sunsets and fancy chocolate and cat cafes and new TV shows and hugging your friends again. I hope you’re able to experience those things sooner rather than later.
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