#i feel like i’ve gifted the whole show but i wanna make some this afternoon
lucyllawless · 4 months
Anyone feel like requesting some Xena gifs???
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ssinnerplazahotel · 3 months
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*Chapter Two*
WC: 6k
Warning: 18+, age gap, smut, fluff
Pairing: elvis x black reader
Masterlist: Prologue, Ch.1
Disclaimer: full of inaccuracies, inaccurate timeline, inaccurate depictions of Graceland, historically inaccurate themes and items
AFTER THE WHOLE PILLAR DEBACLE, you figured things wouldn’t go back to the way they were when it came to Elvis. And you were right to assume so.
You also knew that he was gifted in his ability to scope you out no matter what room of the house you were in. But his advances towards you became increasingly more frequent as time continued. It started small, a few glances here or there, a good morning when he came downstairs in the middle of the evening, a goodnight when he finally went to bed in the morning. But he never did anything to give the impression that something was going on between the two of you, no matter how minute the feelings he had for you were.
As the weeks passed you could tell that he was becoming more and more restless, annoyed with not being able to talk to you freely. You had to admit that you enjoyed your brief encounters throughout the day, and you might’ve also enjoyed his restlessness.
“Hey, babydoll.”
“Watch it.”
He snuck up on you in the kitchen one gloomy afternoon. He stood behind you as he reached over your head for a glass, his hand resting dangerously on your hip. You shooed him away—preoccupied with checking items off your to-do list for the day.
“Dawn’s around here somewhere,” You said.
“She always is.” He walked over to the sink and ran some water into his glass. He would soon abandon it on the counter, merely using it as an excuse to be in the kitchen. “I’ve gotta get to a show t’night. You should come. See me in action and everything.”
“You know I can’t.” Even if you could, you didn’t see yourself ever going.
He hummed in thought but didn’t look too disappointed. “If you come by my room after I won’t be so sad to not see you there.”
“What?” He had a persuasive look in his eyes—it didn’t outshine the hope that lingered there as well. “Why?”
“Because I want you to, that’s why.” He smirked. “I wanna talk. I miss you.”
“You miss me?” You couldn’t help but laugh in amusement at the confession. Not because you didn’t believe him, but because his feelings seemed unwarranted. “We talk every day.”
It was true. You spoke on daily basis—so much so that the days that went by when you didn’t see each other felt strange. You didn’t realize it then, but looking back now, the days were longer. Quieter, perhaps, because you weren’t anticipating him like you did when you knew he was home.
“I wanna talk to you for real.” He peaked out of the propped open door before moving closer. “Without any distractions,” He continued in a low voice. “Just wanna focus on my girl.”
“Your girl?” You quirked an eyebrow. “Since when?”
“Since you almost fainted when I told you how bad I want you.” He toyed with the scarf hanging from your apron. “Unless you forgot about that already.”
Before you could even begin to recall the embarrassing experience, he plucked the scarf from your waist and held it out of your reach. “Hey!”
“Hey. You come see me tonight and I’ll make sure you get your pretty little scarf back, okay, honey?”
“If you don’t,” He hummed tauntingly as he walked away with the scarf. “You might never see it again.”
“I’ll see you t’night.”
You groaned lowly in defeat as he disappeared without another word. You didn’t see him again until that night when he and his entourage were heading out for the show. The pouring rain didn’t seem to put a damper on their mood. You were good about keeping your eyes to yourself whenever Elvis was around, but you couldn’t help but let your gaze linger momentarily when you saw your scarf tied around his neck. You looked around for any sign of Dawn, and your stomach dropped when you saw her coming down the stairs.
“Good luck, Mr. Presley,” She said in passing as she headed in your direction.
“Thank you, ma’am,” Elvis responded. He met your wide eyes and where he saw panic in your own, he seemed amused.
You turned around to dart into the next room but your aunt stopped you, handing you a basket of linens that needed to be washed.
“I’ll get them done now.”
“Did you lose your scarf?” She asked before you could rush off.
You looked down at where it usually would be. “I guess I did.”
Dawn hummed before continuing into the living room. You hurried off to the laundry room. You made a mental note to give Elvis a piece of your mind when he returned later that night.
Despite the panic coursing through you, you couldn’t help the tiny butterflies that erupted in the pit of your stomach. It seemed like you were in a constant battle with yourself when it came to him. Although you’d given up on trying to stay away, you weren’t able to let yourself go. Your hesitation seemed futile, even to yourself. There was no such thing as testing the waters when it came to Elvis Presley. Even if you tried to dip your toes in little by little—you’d eventually fall right in.
You could feel the house come to life when everyone got back that night. If the noise wasn’t enough of a tell, the energy everyone returned with was somewhat contagious. You felt your nerves ignite when you remembered that Elvis expected you to come to his room. It wasn’t that the thought had ever escaped you, you had just suppressed it all night in an attempt to not drive yourself insane. As you were trying to talk yourself into keeping your word there was a knock on your door. Your eyes widened. It had to be him.
“W-Who is it?” You smoothed the front of your mahogany skirt—subconsciously adjusting your hair while going to get the door. A voice that wasn’t Elvis’ responed, causing your steps to falter before you hesitantly pulled the door open. “Oh, Mr. West.”
You put on a polite smile. Sonny West. Dawn told you he was Elvis’ bodyguard. You always avoided talking to him, you didn’t know why. Subconsciously, you may have feared him.
“Can I help you?”
“Elvis can’t seem to find that marigold drinking glass of his.” He sized you up as he spoke. “Said you might know where it is.”
You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “Well, I’m sure it’s in the cupboard if it’s not in his room.”
“If you find it, run it by his room,” Sonny said. “He gets all nit-picky about certain things when he wants to.”
“I’ll go look for it now.”
“I’ll let him know.”
You waited for him to walk away before leaving yourself. Your heart hammered against your rib cage as you went to find the drinking glass. Out of all the glasses in all the rooms of the house, you couldn’t figure out why he wanted that one in particular. It wasn’t until you found the glass and got to his room that you realized it was just a ploy to get you there. You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation before knocking lightly on the door.
When the door opened you expected to see the usual wide-eyed, bushy tailed Elvis you’d grown so accustomed to. Instead you were greeted with a weary smile and tired eyes. He’d changed out of the get up he left in. Although he looked exhausted he still dressed presentably in a pair of black slacks and a midnight blue dress shirt.
“I see you got my message.” He leaned against the door. “You didn’t think I’d let you stand me up, did you, birdie?”
“I was actually on my way.” You walked past him. You looked around for a moment and took in the layout of the room. It was your first time seeing it for all it was and you instantly felt transported to another place entirely. “I don’t appreciate you sending Sonny to interrogate me like I stole something.”
“I told him to get you to bring me the glass, I didn’t know he was gonna be hard-ass about it.” He shut the door and took the glass from your hands. “I actually hate this thing. It always looks like it’s stained, dirty or somethin.”
“You look exhausted.” You pointed out. “Rough night?”
“Just coming down. You shoulda seen me a little while ago, I was like a live wire.” He made a crazy face that made you laugh and set the glass on the table by the door, adding to the endless clutter. He wrapped his arms around your waist—leaving your hands to rest on his chest. The physicality made the hairs on your neck and arms stand at attention as you anticipated what he would do next. You never could tell with him. A part of you started to fear what he might have been expecting from you. “Can I get you somethin?”
“My mother’s scarf, actually.” You tried to hide your nerves by toying with the top button of his shirt.
“So it’s your mama’s pretty scarf?” He hummed in enlightenment. “I see.”
“Yeah, and if I don’t get it back she’s gonna have a real problem with you. You didn’t lose it, did you?”
“Course not, baby. Come sit right here for a minute.” He pulled away from the embrace and took your hand—leading you to the bed and sitting you down. “Don’t move, stay right there for me. And close your eyes.”
“Elvis~” You started, cutting your eye apprehensively.
“Do it,” He insisted as he walked into his large closet. “I’ll tell you when you can look.”.
You did what he asked, keeping an ear out for when he came back. You sensed him stopping in front of you before you felt the bed dip beside you. A necklace was placed around your neck, the cool chain rested weightlessly against your collarbone as he secured the clasp with clumsy fingers.
“Okay, you gotta see it in the light.” You opened your eyes as he pulled you up from the bed and into the bathroom.
His words didn’t fully make sense until he pushed you in front of him to stand in the mirror. Your eyebrows furrowed momentarily in confusion before your features softened.
“Elvis…” You met his eyes through your reflection.
“I saw it the other day and it reminded me of you.” He stood behind you and put his arms around your waist. “D’you like it?”
It was a thin, gold-chained necklace with a golden lark charm attached. The diamond eye of the bird dazzled under the light.
“It’s beautiful, it really is.” You smiled. “But I can’t let you give me this.”
“Why?” Disappointment graced his soft features when he looked down at you.
“Dawn would think I stole this if she ever saw me with it.” You laughed—shifting in his arms to meet his eyes. “It’s thoughtful of you, really~”
“Honey, if that’s what’s stopping you, don’t let her catch you with it,” He said. “Wear it for me. She’ll never know.”
“I think she knows a little more than we think. Especially after that stunt you pulled earlier,” You said. “You should really be more careful.”
Elvis agreed, but he sounded distracted. “I wouldn’t want her gettin ahold of ya.”
“You’ve said that before.” The smile on your face faded as you tried to make something of his inscrutable expression. “What is it?”
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen.”
“You must be delirious.”
He laughed shortly—his tongue darting out to moisten his lips. “Nah, baby, I ain’t delirious.”
The space between his lips and yours steadily decreased as he stared into your eyes.
“You’re beautiful.”
You weren’t sure what your tone was meant to convey. Your brain short circuited. You didn’t want him to stop. You’ve never wanted anything more than you wanted him to kiss you, but you pulled away.
“E-Elvis.” Your lips were mere centimeters apart.
“What’s wrong?” He looked concerned when he turned you in his arms to face him completely. “Am I overwhelming you?”
“No, It’s not that, I just…” You trailed off, mostly out of embarrassment, as you forced yourself to finish your sentence. “I-I’ve never done this before.”
“Done what?”
“This, I’ve never done this.”
He processed your words slowly. A hint of confusion still remained when he spoke again.
“You ain’t never kissed anyone?”
“No, I haven’t. I’ve never been with anyone, ever.”
He fell silent—looking off to the side with that same confused expression.
“Well I’ll be goddamned…no wonder you almost hit the ground the other night.”
You whined as he threw his head back in laughter. You couldn’t find anything funny, only cripplingly embarrassing.
“It ain’t nothing to be embarrassed about,” He said through his laughter. “I mean, I’m sure there are plenty girls your age that haven’t.”
“If there are I don’t know any of them.” You crossed your arms and leaned back against the counter.
“You saving yourself or something?” He leaned forward against the counter with a hand on either side of you. Caging you in with an amused gleam in his eye.
“It’s not that.” It was true. You just hadn’t found the right person, you told him.
“Why do you think that is?” His tone sounded genuinely interested.
“I expect too much.”
“You deserve to.”
“That’s sweet.”
“You think I’m sweet?”
“…Sweet enough for you?”
You smiled softly and he slipped his arms around your waist again. He held you close to him and returned your gentle smile, his hands trailing over your hips and taking your hands in his before stepping back. He lead you out of the bathroom without a word, taking you back into the room and onto his exceptionally large bed. If you ever thought you had butterflies before that moment you were mistaken. You watched him with anxious eyes as he joined you on the bed. His fingers graced over the goosebumps rising on your arms. You craved his touch as much as you anticipated his every move.
Your breath hitched audibly when he moved to close the space between you and the smile on his lips momentarily deepened into a smirk. Your eyes fluttered shut and you held your breath as his lips moved to press gently against yours. His hands caressed your face and you melted into his touch. You parted your lips and let him invade your senses with a silent gasp.
You found yourself clinging to the front of his shirt in a moment of desperation before he broke the kiss. You were surprised to find his pupils blown—his jaw clenching as his eyes darted over your features. For a moment you thought you did something wrong, but you recognized the expression on his face despite your lack of experience.
He craved you just as you craved him.
There was a flicker of consideration behind his hungry eyes before he released a tense breath. He grazed his thumbs gently over the apples of your cheeks and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth. He lingered before pulling away completely. You watched him move down to the head of the bed and lie down on the pillows, gesturing for you to join him—which you did without question. He laid his head on one arm and the other draped over you.
He laughed at your expectant expression. “That’s all for now, honey.”
“Why?” You asked, earning another short laugh from him. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing like that. I don’t wanna hurt you, baby. I wanna be good to you and I can’t right now.”
You were suddenly aware of his tired eyes again and you nodded in understanding.
“Tell me about your day.”
You insisted he sleep. “You can barely keep your eyes open.”
“I want to talk.”
“Another time,” You teased, moving to sit up.
“You can stay until I fall asleep,” He said, keeping you there. “Don’t leave yet.”
You thought about it for a moment. You knew deep down that you should’ve left then, but how could you when he begged with his eyes like that? That subtle insistence that urged you to please stay? You settled back down. “Only until you fall asleep.”
He smiled in victory and pulled you closer—pressing another kiss to your lips before laying his head down and closing his eyes.
“Am I sweet enough for you, birdie?”
“Too sweet.”
His features softened and his breathing eventually evened out. You stayed for a while longer, watching him sleep as he held you. You never wanted the night to end, but you forced yourself to leave him there alone. You crept back across the hall to your room without anyone seeing you and climbed into your own bed. Exhausted by the events of the night—you fell asleep quickly.
You never hated your birthdays. You usually looked forward to spending time with your mother and what few friends you had in high school. However, high school was over now and your mother wasn’t there to make you breakfast or to tell you the story of your birth—which she had made a habit out of doing every year. Dawn had tried to feel you out for a gift but you insisted she not get you anything. You wanted to go about the day like normal.
It was just another day.
You were exhausted after preparing for Elvis’ Thanksgiving dinner party. Dawn sure you knew that working Thanksgiving night wasn’t for the faint of heart. It was a long week of preparation followed by a long day of making sure there was enough food to feed a small army. The excitement of all the preparation was starting to wear off and you found yourself slightly dreading the party tomorrow.
Your dread dissipated ever so slightly when Elvis knocked on your door that night. You hadn’t noticed the way your mood elevated when you saw him, but it was undeniable. Despite the way your heart raced as the butterflies soared in your stomach, you were still miserably tired.
“I know, baby, but I wanna show you something,” He insisted upon hearing your complaints. He walked into your room holding a bag.
“What’s that?” You wondered.
He turned to you with a smug smile before holding the ivory paper bag out to you.
“Happy Birthday.”
“How did you…”
He pressed his lips together, smothering a laugh. “I heard Dawn talkin about how it was your birthday a couple days ago and you wasn’t wantin nothing so~”
“You got me something?”
He took your hand and made you grab the bag. “I had to.”
“Take it, for me. So I’ll at least feel better knowin I got you something.”
You didn’t have it in you to deny him—he was so excited. “What is it?”
“Open it and find out.” He stood back and watched your reaction.
You reached into the bag and pulled out the white rectangular box inside, it looked like it came from a department store. You let the ivory bag fall to your feet as you balanced the box on your arm and opened it. Your eyes widened as you lifted the pure white nightie slightly from the box. It was lined with gold embroidery that twisted and turned into small flowers along the hem.
“You shouldn’t have done this.”
“You’re just terrible at receiving gifts, y’know,” He said with a proud smile taking over his features. “I-I was gonna get you a pretty little dress, but I knew you’d never wear it. Cause of Dawn and everything. So I got you this.”
“It’s beautiful, it is,” You said—still admiring the nightwear. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, doll.” He took the box out of your arms and set it on the bed. “Try it on for me, make sure it fits.”
“I’m sure it will.”
“C’mon,” He drawled, pulling your body against his. “Let me put it on you.”
You let out a nervous laugh. Your slick response died on your tongue when he reached for the hem of the old nightgown you were already wearing. His fingers brushed your thighs, waiting.
He smiled, happy with your response, and he ducked his head to leave a sweet kiss on your lips. “Good girl,” He murmured against your mouth before pulling the gown up over your head. Goosebumps rose on your skin as you stood before him, bare aside from the plain white panties you wore under your gown. You felt the urge to cover yourself, you had never been exposed to anyone like this. But something about the way his eyes shamelessly roamed your body made you forget your discomfort. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he grabbed the white nightie from the box. He slipped it carefully over your head—-helping you slip your arms through before letting it fall gracefully over your body. The silk felt like a cloud on your skin, reaching just before the middle of your thighs. It was a complete contrast to the polyester nightgown you were wearing before. He looked pleased as he helped you slip into the robe, adjusting it on your shoulders.
“Alright, now do a little spin.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he held your hand up over your head and spun you around.
You put your arms around his neck when you faced him again. Before you could speak he was kissing you, deeper that time. You parted your lips willingly, still unsure but eager to match his pace. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you felt so utterly inexperienced in his arms. He broke the kiss eventually, trailing a kiss or two down your jaw before pulling away completely.
“I wanna show you something else.”
“If it’s another gift—”
“It’s not exactly, but it kinda goes with this one, I guess.” He sounded amused.
“What is it?”
“I have a promise to keep, don’t I, honey?”
He only smiled as he bent down to kiss you—pushing the silk robe off your shoulders as his tongue roamed your mouth. You felt dizzy.
The further you inched towards the bed, the more eager you became. Your body lit up with want. He continued to trail kisses down your neck until he kissed the top of your breasts, exposed by the low-cut neck of the nightie.
He was gentle in the way he handled you. You thought he was maybe going easy on you– because he thought you were fragile. Perhaps he could sense how insanely hyper aware you were of everything that was happening. He continued on like this for a while, his gentle fingers roaming your skin and smoothing the silk fabric over your curves. After he’d had his fill of kissing you, he stripped you of your new nightie just as meticulously as he had dressed you in it—slipping the thin straps slowly from your shoulders until it fell into a graceful heap on the ground.
You felt a foreign feeling wash over you as he pushed you further onto the bed, laying you back as he hovered over you. You could feel the heat radiating from both your bodies as you pulled him closer.
“You sure about this, pretty?” He asked, lifting his head to meet your eyes.
“Yes.” You weren’t sure you’d ever been more sure.
He smiled, leaning up to leave a chaste kiss on your lips before continuing to kiss down your body.
Your breathing started to pick up as you lifted yourself onto your elbows, watching as he kissed the exposed part of your hip, just above the top of your panties, and hooked his fingers under the thin material before slipping them slowly down your legs. Your breath hitched in your throat when he continued to trail kisses down the inside of your thigh. He hummed in amusement when you shied away.
“Have you ever touched yourself?” His were voice the only thing getting through to your brain, you couldn’t decipher his words, however. He chuckled when you didn’t answer, kneeling between your legs to hover over you again. “Talk to me, birdie,” He said, meeting your unfocused eyes. “Have you?”
“No.” The only thing you could focus on was the way his right hand rested against your lower stomach, still and idle. “I-I’ve tried but I never…”
“I’ll show you how.”
Your body reacted to him in ways that you had never experienced. You crooned at his every touch and your breath heaved at every crude word that left his lips. Words that, prior to that night, you had only heard passed around by people at school. Yet, somehow, there you were, hearing them being utter by the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t disobey the urge you had to let him consume you. Your body was making its own decisions—leaving your brain to process what was happening after it was already done.
He didn’t make love to you like you thought he would. Instead, he slipped a calloused hand between your tender thighs and played your body like a song—letting each whimper that left your love bitten lips become its melody.
His melody.
He whispered in your ear all the things you wanted and needed to hear and you held onto him—bracing yourself. His words were enough to send you careening over that steep edge. Your eyes rolled and the feeling completely consumed you from the inside out. He didn’t pull away until a short sob left your lips, shushing you gently as he wrapped his arm around you. You were barely able to register him leaving your soulless body, but you missed the heat of his the second he was gone.
You forced your eyes open. You felt small in your bed. Your body trembled—still recovering from the intense fire that had been set inside of you. You almost felt alone as you laid there with the air turning cold around you.
“Hold tight, baby.”
His voice was muffled by the wall and the sound of the faucet running. It felt like forever before he joined you again.
“I’m gonna clean you up, okay?”
You flinched when he pressed the warm cloth against you, delicately wiping away your release before standing and disappearing into the bathroom again. When he returned he covered you with the throw blanket that stayed on the end of your bed before laying beside you and pulling you into his arms.
“I think I love you.”
“Don’t say that, birdie…you’ll regret it.”
You wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that love was the only word you could use to describe the things you felt for him. But you decided not to argue. Instead you allowed yourself to get lost in the scent of his musky cologne and the warmth of his embrace.
Nothing could’ve ruined that evening for you.
{It was thanksgiving day.}
You hadn’t expected to go downstairs and find your aunt talking on the kitchen phone with a grim expression on her face. She spoke quietly to whoever was on the other line. You hadn’t expected her to hang up and tell you that your mother wasn’t doing well. That she was taken to the hospital and they’d already done everything they could for her. It was the last thing you were expecting.
You’d spoken to your mother on the phone less than a week ago on your birthday and she reassured you that everything was fine, that she was actually feeling a lot better than she had been for months.
“Your brother thinks she’ll pull through,” Dawn said, holding your hands in hers as she broke the news. “But the doctors say we should start making preparations~”
“Oh god.” You pulled your hands away and leaned forward against the counter. You legs felt weak beneath you. “She told me she was fine, w-why would she~”
“I know.” Dawn’s voice was unsteady as she rubbed your back. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.”
“They say guests should arrive around one,” Cynthia, a fellow housekeeper that was close friends with Dawn, said walking into the kitchen. “Do you think we’ll have everything done before then?”
“A couple hours after if not,” Dawn managed to say, putting on a brave face. “Get the table linens from the dryer, hon.”
You nodded, thankful for the escape.
Your body was on autopilot as you followed her orders, your mind jumping from one thing to another so quickly you weren’t sure what you were thinking. You didn’t know how you were going to be able to afford a funeral, you didn’t know how you were even going to manage to put one together. You never thought the day would come when you would have to think about such things and it made your stomach churn, unsettled. You tried to hold on to the same hope your brother had that she would pull through, a part of you knew it was futile.
You felt guilty for hoping. Hoping that she would live to continue on with her life of pain and suffering, it was selfish.
Pain and suffering that you’d witnessed first hand, nonetheless, pain and suffering that you so desperately wanted her to be free of.
People started showing up a little after one, just as Cynthia had said. The house was all made up and filled with friends and family members, most of whom you’d never seen before. You tried your best to put on a polite expression despite how much you wanted to curl up and cry. You willed for the night to be over, desperately wanting to call your brother and at least let your mother hear your voice.
A few hours into the nights, as you cleared a tray of dirty dishes into the sink to be washed, your mind ran rampant with thoughts of getting to the train station to buy a ticket home. You wondered if you could make it there before the end of the day tomorrow, or maybe sometime later into the night. It didn’t matter, as long as you got there.
“Birdie~” You startled out of your thoughts, the glass in your hands slipping through your fingers and shattering onto the ground. Your eyes widened in horror as you knelt down to gather the larger pieces of broken glass. You grabbed it with your bare hands, which might not have been the best idea.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” You cried. “I’m so sorry~”
“Hey, woah.” Elvis knelt down and stopped you, making you drop the few pieces of glass in your hands. “Don’t do that, honey, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“I’m s-sorry,” You said again, tears springing into your eyes as you stood to grab the broom. “I’ll get it up, i-it slipped—”
“Slow down,” He said, standing with you. He stopped you with his hands on your waist and tried to meet your teary eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Dawn’s voice called out to you before you saw her entering the kitchen. “What happened?”
You shook your head, abandoning the broken glass on the ground as all your emotions suddenly came to a head. You rushed out of the kitchen, trying to make it up the stairs and out of sight before you let the tears in your eyes fall.
“I’ll make sure she’s alright, Ms. Dawn,” Elvis said before she could rush after you. “D’you mind gettin this up, I don’t want the kids or anybody hurtin themselves.”
He didn’t catch much besides a confused expression from Dawn before he left the kitchen, skipping up the stairs to your room where he found you sitting on your bed with your head in your hands. “Birdie,” He said, sitting beside you and pulling you into his arms. “W-What’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry a-about the glass~”
“I don’t care about the glass, it doesn’t matter.” He brought his hands up to cup your face, thumbing away your tears uselessly. “What happened?”
“M-My mother,” You tried to explain through your tears. “She’s…she’s not doing well.”
“Oh…” He trailed off, at a loss for words. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do,” You sobbed. “If I lose her…”
He didn’t say much in response, only a constant string of apologies fell from his lips as he tried his best to console you. “Breathe, baby,” he hummed as he rocked you in his arms. “You gotta try to breathe.”
Your bedroom door opened then and Dawn came in, quickly moving to take Elvis’ place. “I’m sorry, Mr. Presley, I’ll take it from here,” She said. “You should get back to your party.”
“It’s no problem.” He stood from the bed, lingering there for a moment. “She should take the rest of the night off. Both of you should, really.”
Dawn nodded. “Thank you.”
He stood there for another moment, wanting to say something more but deciding against it. He wished you both a good night and left the room.
You moved away from Dawn, very obviously not okay even though you insisted that you were. “Leave me alone.”
“Are you sure?”
She sighed and stood to leave, patting your shoulder once before walking out of the door. “I’ll come check on you again before the end of the night,” She said as she closed the door.
“Is she alright?” Elvis asked, startling Dawn as she suddenly became aware of his presence in the hall.
“Elvis, honey,” She said with a hand over her heart. “I thought you went back downstairs.”
“I wanted to make sure everything was alright,” He said, not doing a very good job at hiding his concerned eyes. “I’ve never seen her so upset.”
“Her mother, my sister, she’s very sick,” Dawn explained. “She has been for a while now. It was just a matter of time, so...” Her eyes were glossed over with tears.
Elvis nodded, staring off with an unreadable expression. “I’m sorry…”
“You should get back downstairs.”
“No, I’m gonna…if they ask where I am tell ‘em I turned in,” He said, walking past Dawn in the direction of his bedroom. “I’m goin to bed.”
“But the party~”
“I don’t feel like havin a party anymore.” He walked away, his mood shifting suddenly. “Tell Sonny to take care of it. Please.”
Dawn stood there in shock as he retreated to his room and shut the door, leaving it up to her to relay the message.
As you laid in bed that night you heard your door creak open and shut softly before you felt the side of your bed dip down under Elvis’ weight.
“Birdie?” He whispered as he put his arm around you. You turned around in his arms, burying your face in his chest as he held you. “You okay?”
“I’m scared. I’m so scared.”
“…I’m sorry.”
Your mother died that night—over a thousand miles away with only your brother there to hold her hand as she took her final breaths.
You didn’t want to believe it. You so badly wanted to believe anything else. Even as you packed your bag for the trip home you didn’t want to believe it. The entire way there, and through the entire funeral service, you wanted so desperately not to believe it. You wanted to cry as they lowered your mother’s casket into the ground, you wanted to fall to your knees and beg god to take you with her, but all you could do was stand there and watch. Frozen and unmoving.
When the service came to an end and all was said and done you still didn’t move an inch. Staring at the uneven soil of the fresh plot that your mother was buried in.
You felt multiple hands lead your frozen body to the car before you were placed inside, your eyes looking at the green tent still pitched outside until they strained to see.
As numb as you were, you still felt the hole in your chest where your heart should’ve been. It was empty, hollow. Void. You were feeling everything yet nothing all at once and you didn’t know whether to lean into it or run away. Nothing felt right, nothing felt settled like it was supposed to be. You felt on edge, waiting for the moment that you would snap out of it and wake up.
You waited for the moment that you would open your eyes back in your childhood home with your mother downstairs cooking you a hot meal before school. A moment that, not even a year ago, had been your reality.
You closed your eyes as the dust from the dirt road surrounding the cemetery picked up around the car, praying that when you opened them you’d be back in that place with your mother and all her warmth.
As you drifted off into unconsciousness, you knew you’d never feel that warmth again.
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mermaidgirl30 · 4 months
Wip Wednesday!
Thank you for the tags @alltheirdamn @joelmillerisapunk @milla-frenchy @burntheedges @sawymredfox 🩷
I am working on a pile of things, and my docs are a mess right now. But here is a sneak peek at some things I’ve got in the works!
1. QZ! Joel
He cups your chin again, turning you slightly to him as his calloused fingertips brush a strand of hair behind the slope of your ear, breathing down your neck as you finally smell him. He smells woodsy, summer sweat kissing the air, cheap whiskey filling your senses. Then he looks deep in your eyes, one hand falling slowly to the top of the table, fingertips curling over the scratched wood, his jaw flexing as his eyes travel down to your lips for just a second, a breath in time. And suddenly you’re frozen in place, waiting for something to happen, something that shouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t, he’s not…
Another soft graze of his rough knuckles to your cheek and then the front door slams open, sending both of you back in your chairs.
2. Still chipping away at ch 5 of dbf! Joel
After you and Joel have showered and thrown on white, silky robes, you sit on the balcony and watch the sunset paint the sky purple and amber colors that look like a masterpiece. You lean into Joel on the reclining chair, letting his fingertips trace up and down your arms slowly while his lips brush against the shell of your ear.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” you ask, watching the waves slowly lap against the sand while he murmurs in your ear.
“Mhm, gorgeous.” He grazes his lips against your cheek and whispers sweet words into your ear. “You wanna go back inside? Let me make love to my girl,” he whispers as he trails another kiss over your cheek.
You spin around and smile up at him. “Okay, handsome. What’d you have in mind?” you giggle.
He smirks down at you and chuckles. “You remember when we were watching Scream on Halloween night, and I asked about the whole handcuff thing?”
You raise your eyebrows in question and nod. “Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, don’t exactly have the handcuffs, but that black silk ribbon I asked you to bring? Gonna use that to tie you to the headboard. Gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart. That what you want?” he asks with a long Southern drawl, eyes darkening as he speaks to you in a deep voice.
You gulp and nod your head. “Okay, daredevil. Take me to bed then,” you whisper into the shell of his ear.
3. Modern day witch trial Joel one shot!
He remembers everything. The pain, the loss, the absolute horror of living day after day in a town full of demons. And now he bleeds himself dry night after night, day after day. He has nothing left to give, no fight present in him. Now he’s just a hollow body, a broken man cursed to live in a place he so desperately despises. He wants out. God, does he want out.
But now there’s you. The woman he’s pined after for months. The rare beauty that captured his black heart, a ray of sunshine that showed him the light. It was the small smiles and grazing of skin, the gifted flowers, the afternoon small talks in the wildflower fields. He wishes he got the chance to kiss you, to tell you how much you saved him after his daughter was taken from him. But now it’s too late. He couldn’t save Sarah, and now he can’t save you. And it kills him, it fucking kills him.
He hears your gut wrenching screams, hears the crowd chant “Witch” repeatedly as his ears bleed dry. He covers his ears, kneels on the ground as dirt covers the fabric of his worn pants. He can’t hear it, can’t bear to know they’re torturing you. He wants to murder all of them, burn the whole goddamn town down, and maybe he will. Maybe this will push him to his last straw. He certainly won’t watch them burn you. No. He has to do something, anything.
No pressure tags and anyone else who wants to participate 😊 @janaispunk @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @syd-djarin @mountainsandmayhem
@its-dee-lovely @itsokbbygrl @katiexpunk @yxtkiwiyxt @604to647
@macfrog @ozarkthedog @aurorawritestoescape
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
May Queen
Pelle x reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: being indoctored into a cult, murder, suicide, basically the plot of midsommar
Author’s Note: This can be seen as a sequel to ‘Hug’ or it can be read on it’s own!
yeah i was a little excited that you guys wanted this one lol I don’t know if you can tell. I’ve seen this movie enough, it was about time I did something within the events of the film. I also referred to the script so some of the lines will be familiar! I hope you all enjoy!
Requested: by anon, omg your pelle fic wow; would you consider doing a sequel to it that either takes place during the events of the film or just before they arrive at Pelle's commune?
Requested: by anon, I would LOVEEE to see a sequel with pelle cause that was a pretty good fix and I think he deserves a bit more attention, I personally would like to see something happen during the events of the movie just because I think it would be interesting to see but that's just me
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“You think that Pelle asked you to go just because I’m going?” Dani asked, messing with her fingers. You were standing beside your bed, packing your suitcase slowly. Dani had already packed; she didn’t like to be unprepared.
“I don’t know...maybe he thought you would enjoy yourself more.”
“You’re acting like I’m the one who’s been dating him for these couple of months,” she told you. She was sitting on the bed, looking up at you. You nodded a bit, putting another pile of clothes inside.
“I know. I guess I’m just nervous. Meeting his whole group, going to where he grew up. I mean. I really like him. What if I fuck it up?” She shook her head and reached over to grab your arm. You looked her in the eyes.
“He really likes you. I can’t remember the last time Christian looked at me the way that Pelle looks at you.” Her eyes were honest. It made you feel bad. You should have gotten her to break up with Christian when you got the chance. But it was too late now; you were all going to Sweden.
“I suppose you’re right. Per usual.” She smiled weakly.
“Finish packing.”
Pelle almost wanted to tell you about the whole thing. When he was on the plane, it crossed his mind to let you in on the whole scheme of things. The May Queen, the festival, all of it.
But he bit his tongue. That was tradition.
You arrived in Sweden well and took the trek up to where the first stop was. It was beautiful. Truly, it was stunning.
Pelle held your hand the whole way until you arrived at the first spot. There were people around the grassy hills, scattered around. Pelle got out of the car.
“These are other people from America that my friends have brought!” he exclaimed. He gestured to the many people around. You looked around, gazing at the nice afternoon. He grabbed your arm and started to drag you along.
“Hey, don’t rip it off!” you joked and he eased up.
“Sorry, I’m quite excited!” You smiled sweetly at his happiness.
“Me too!” He approached some people and started to introduce them when a man behind you started to yell. You turned around quickly, surprised at the loud noise. Pelle turned around too and his smile only grew.
“If you’ll excuse me,” he said and then ran over to the approaching man. They embraced each other, hugging tightly.
“Everyone, this is my brother Ingemar. Ingemar this is Christian, Dani, Mark, Josh and my girlfriend, Y/N,” Pelle said. Ingemar followed where Pelle pointed, shaking hands with everyone. He paid special attention to you, his smile getting wider. You could tell that he and Pelle were related.
“Nice to meet you all. This is Simon and Connie from London,” he said, gesturing to the others behind him. “Simon and Connie this is Pelle and...all the names I just remembered two seconds ago,” Ingemar said laughing. Simon and Connie said hello. “Perfect timing by the way.”
Ingemar pulled out a bag of mushrooms from his pocket. Your eyes went wide.
“We just took these five minutes ago. Haven’t even started feeling the effects yet,” he explained.
“Oh shit!” Mark said, happily.
“Do you all want to take it now or should we get settled in?” Pelle asked.
“Fuck it, let’s take it now!” Mark said. You weren’t too sure about that. You trusted Pelle and everyone of course but in the new environment...it rubbed you the wrong way. Thankfully, Dani turned to speak to Christian about it.
“I think I want to get settled in first.” Christian was about to speak but you cut him off.
“Me too. You guys go and have fun, we’ll keep each other company,” you said. Pelle turned to you.
“Are you sure? I assure you it’s safe,” he said in a soft voice. You smiled kindly and put a gentle hand on his arm.
“I know! I just wanna get settled. Dani and I can handle ourselves, I promise.” He gave you a longer look, just to check that you were alright and then nodded. You turned back to Dani who grabbed your arm desperately.
“Thank you,” she whispered. You nodded.
“No thank you.”
It wasn’t until the next day, Dani’s birthday, that you were able to get on further. You and Dani played some card games that you had brought with you while you waited for the effects to wear off for everyone else.
Christian came over to sleep beside Dani, still high. Pelle came over to you and braided your hair and then unbraided your hair, making very long sentences that didn’t make sense to whisper in your ear.
But when you arrived at the commune it was bright and sunny. Pelle rushed around, hugging people and introducing you and the group to everyone. You were able to get some blankets to sit on the grass, while everyone got their things together.
There was a group of girls dancing around in circles, wearing all white.
“You should go join,” Pelle suggested, gesturing to you and Dani. She shook her head a bit.
“Oh no, I’m too scared,” Dani said sheepishly. You nodded in agreement.
“Maybe another time.” Christian stood up.
“Hey can I join…” he started turning to Pelle.
“You’re American. Just jam yourself in,” he said. Christian nodded and walked away. “I think I’ll join him,” Simon said and was quickly followed by the rest of the group except you, Pelle and Dani. There was a moment of silence as you watched them go.
“Hey, just real quick,” Pelle said, digging for something in his pocket. He took out two pieces of paper and handed them to you and Dani. You both opened them to reveal gorgeously drawn pictures of yourselves wearing flower crowns. “For you Dani, think of it as a birthday present. For you Y/N, I imagine it’s a thank you present.”
“Oh Pelle,” Dani said. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
“Thank you for what?” you asked, brushing your finger over it. He smiled and shrugged.
“Just a thank you.”
“Well thank you for it,” you said. “I got Dani a new sweater. Christian forgot.” Pelle raised his eyebrow and you shared a look.
“I forgot to tell him...it’s my fault,” Dani explained. You shook your head.
“I tend to disagree,” you muttered. You folded the picture back up and put it in your pocket. You put your head on Pelle’s shoulders “But I think Christian is rude.”
“Perhaps you are too judgemental,” Pelle mused. “But I tend to agree with you regardless.” You and Dani laughed a bit. “We should probably go and catch up with them in case they get lost.”
You got settled in in one of the large buildings, plenty of beds against the walls. Pelle was on the bed to your right while Dani slept on the one to your left.
“All right, beauty rest! Tomorrow’s a big day!” Pelle announced. You had one of the books you had brought open on your lap but you looked up at him.
“What’s tomorrow?” you asked.
“First of the big cerinomines,” he said mysteriously.
“So you’re just going to be weird and cryptic?” Josh asked, laughing a bit. Pelle pauses and then took Josh's notebook, writing something inside. You made an attempt to look but it was not a word that you recognized.
“What’s that?” Christian questioned. Pelle shrugged and laid down in his bed. You faced him, on the bed beside him.
“What is it?” you whispered to him. He gave you a teasing smile.
“It’s hard to explain.”
“I will come over there and tickle it out of you,” you threatened. He chuckled and turned around so he wasn’t facing you. But he put his arm back behind him, reaching across the space between your two beds.
You grabbed it and rubbed his knuckles anxiously.
There was a very odd breakfast the next day but you tried not to judge. You wanted to really appreciate Pelle’s culture and understand it. He had admired you for your understanding and he knew you would make an effort.
That’s why he chose to love you.
You were the obvious choice.
After that you walked out to a cliffside where most of the people were already out and lined up. You were curious to find complete silence. Everyone was silent as it happened and you were able to do nothing but watch as these two elderly people stood up on top of the cliff.
When the first person, a woman, jumped, you grabbed Pelle, putting your hand in front of your mouth. He grabbed you and wrapped his arms around you but it didn’t change the look of serenity on his face.
Simon was standing next to Ingemar yelling as the man approached the cliffside.
You had your face in Pelle’s arms. You were shaking.
“It is the way of life,” he whispered to you. Simon was still screaming. Another elder was talking to him and you could feel Pelle want to move toward them but he stayed beside you. “It is our way of recycling them and their gifts.”
You pulled away from him and shook your head a bit. You met Dani’s eyes. She wasn’t showing much emotion other than shock. You didn’t blame her.
“They’re dead,” you whispered. He nodded and put his hands on your upper arms.
“And it is an honor to have died that way.” You weren’t sure how to feel. You wanted to be understanding, to try and understand him and his ways. You would want that from him. But he should have prepared you more for that.
You walked over to Dani and walked beside her on the way back to the houses.
“I’m leaving,” Dani said.
“I don’t blame you.” She was already packing a bag. You sat down on your bed, head in your hands. You took a deep breath and leaned back on the bed.
“Are you coming with me?” she asked. Her voice was shaking. She was clearly shaken up by all of this.
“No,” you muttered. “I’m not leaving Pelle yet.”
“Not even after that?” Her voice was quiet but it was urgent. You shook your head a bit.
“I just have to talk to him. He should have warned us more, of course but....it’s what he’s been raised to believe is normal. I don’t think I should think of it as a bad thing.”
“We just watched people die!” You stood up off the bed and put your hands on your upper arms, steading her.
“You can go home and I will not blame you. In the slightest. I just think I should stay longer,” you told her. She nodded solemnly. She took a deep breath in through her nostrils and nodded again.
Before bed that night Pelle approached you. You were standing outside of the bed house, leaning against it to try and clear your thoughts. You almost completely ignored him but in the end you locked eyes with him as he approached.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you adequate warning,” he said sympathetically. He grabbed your hand and held it. “I thought you would understand but I know now that it was wrong of me to assume.” You shook your head quickly.
“I understand it was just...a shock,” you muttered. He nodded and kissed your forehead softly.
“You are completely safe here. I want you to know that.” He looked you in the eyes when he said it. You believed him. You nodded back and gestured to the house.
“Let’s get some shut eye huh? And maybe warn me if we see another person...you know.” You made a slicing gesture across your neck. He laughed gently and nodded, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you inside.
Dani walked up to you, still distraught but less so. You were standing beside Pelle the next day as he kneeled in front of the ground picking some vegetables. You turned to her as she walked up, ready to handle whatever she was about to throw at you.
“Hey,” you said, taking the step away from Pelle and toward her.
“Hi. Did you see Simon left without Connie?” she asked. You raised an eyebrow and shook your head.
“Seriously? What a dick.” She clearly felt a little bit off put by it so you lowered your voice. “You think it’s weird?” Dani nodded a bit.
“I don’t know...it’s a little weird. They seemed so close.” You nodded. They did seem close.
“I don’t know...something to keep in mind I suppose.” She nodded quickly in agreement.
Dinner that night was simple pastries. You were pleased. The last food they had given you wasn’t your kind of taste. You sat between Pelle and Dani again.
“Have you seen Connie?” Dani asked you quietly. You shook your head.
“Excuse me but I know what happened,” a man sitting beside Mark said. “Her boyfriend called the landline from the train station. She begged us to drive her so we took her down to the station.” You nodded slowly, glancing at Pelle. He shrugged, seemingly in agreement.
“Why would Simon leave without her?” you asked quietly.
“I can see you doing that,” Dani muttered at Christian. You wanted to laugh so you turned to Pelle, sneaking a smile. He shrugged with a smile on his face also.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Christian asked.
“You wouldn’t do that,” Pelle said quietly, so only you could hear. You ate a bite of the pastry proudly.
“You’re damn right.”
One of the important books was stolen that night. They announced it at breakfast.
“Where is your friend Josh?” one of the elders asked, after breakfast. You, Christian, Dani and Pelle all stood in front of the two elders, caught like a deer in headlights.
“I know. We have no idea,” Christian said.
“He and your other friend disappear in the same day. You understand how that looks.”
“Yes obviously, but we swear to you we are not a part of this,” Christian said. Dani shuffled a bit.
“We did see Mark go off with one of the girls last night,” she said.
“Which girl?”
“Inga,” Pelle said.
“But Mark wouldn’t have done this. Josh, though, he came to bed with us, and when we woke up, he was gone. And if he did take that book, I just pray you understand we do not identify as friends of his, or collaborators, or anything. I certainly don't vouch for him and we'd be so embarrassed to be connected to this in any way,” Christian explained.
“I feel responsible,” Pelle said. The elders nodded a bit.
“Well you and Odd can go looking. Perhaps you can redeem them,” one of the elders said. You didn’t want Pelle to leave. You didn’t like it when you were separated here. You believed him when he said you were safe but...it was still a little odd. “You two will be going with the women for the day’s activity,” he said to you and Dani. “And Siv asks to see you in her house,” she said to Christian.
You glanced at Pelle as he left. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, almost saying ‘do well!’.
You and Dani got dressed in white shirts with flower crowns. It made you a tad bit nervous but at least you had her.
She gestured to the drink they were handing out. Cups had been given to both of you to drink it.
“Can I ask what’s in this?” Dani asked one of the girls.
“It’s...tea for the dancing competition.” You raised an eyebrow but took a glass anyway. Dani looked back at you and you shrugged.
“I’ll beat you,” you muttered.
“Try me.”
You both took drinks of the tea.
Your head became fuzzy the second it hit your throat. You hadn’t taken those drugs before hand and you almost didn’t want to do it now but it was already done. Your feet were moving along with the girls, tossing bodies left and right it felt like.
You lost sight of Dani very quickly.
You were running and jumping and laughing until the elder lady yelled to stop then you kept dancing.
Dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing.
It seemed to go on forever. Your mind was hazed, your head hurt, your glances were so quick they gave you whiplash. You were smiling brightly when they announced they were down to the final eight. You finally saw Dani again, in the eight with you.
All of the fallen dancers had sat off on the side. You saw Christian, looking hilariously out of place. And Pelle.
Your heart swelled with love for Pelle. You could barely know anything else for a moment as you stared at him.
You couldn’t see it but in that moment, Dani believed she learned how much she hated Christian.
Then more dancing.
People were speaking and then it was just you and Dani, holding hands, dancing around in a circle, tired and out of breath. She stared at you and a smile went over her face as she held your hand.
And then she tripped. You stopped dancing and someone ran up to you, putting their hands on your shoulder.
“It’s over?” you asked.
“You are our May Queen!” they yelled. You were still hazzed. Each face looked the same. The people running up to you were strangers but you felt nothing but warmth for them. They placed a different flower crown atop your head.
Pelle ran up to you smiling brightly.
“Wow! May Queen, my love!” he said, giving you a strong kiss, both his hands resting on your cheeks. You were smiling brightly and then he was gone. You didn’t want him to go.
They carried you on a platform to a dinner table where you sat at the head, Dani beside you and Pelle on the other side as usual.
One of the elders stood at the end of the dinner.
“Now it is traditional for the May Queen to bless our crops and livestock. And after the luck you just inherited from that salt herring, we should all be doubly encouraged.” You looked around nervously.
“Can Pelle come with me?”
“No. The Queen must ride alone.”
You were starting to come to your own and realize how crazy this all was. How did you get here? How would you get out of here? You found yourself hoping you didn’t get out of here though. This felt like home. Some form of home. As you walked to the carriage you saw a glimpse of the pride on Pelle’s face.
It made you immensely happy.
They made you do a ritual in Swedish and you did your best with the limited knowledge of the language you knew. You went to Siv’s house, where she blessed you. You wondered where Dani was. You hoped she was alright. You should have let her become the May Queen. You should have let her win, just so you knew she was alright.
The women left you alone for only a moment where they ushered Pelle into the house with all of the beds where you were. He was still smiling that bright smile as he rushed up to you, hugging you tightly to him.
“You have no idea the amount of honor and pride you have brought to me. I am so very proud of you,” he said, cupping your cheeks. You tried not to get too flustered with your smile in return.
“So I get my picture up on that wall?” you questioned. He nodded pleasantly.
“Yes you will!” He kissed you passionately and you let him, allowing him to dip you a bit. “And you will be allowed to stay here, with the family.”
You didn’t even react. You didn’t feel the need to.
“With you?”
“Yes of course. You will be mine and I will be yours.”
You nodded happily.
“Where is Dani?” you asked.
“She is alright, she’s with the other women preparing. She is also going to stay.” You wanted to laugh of joy with that. “It is time for the final of the ceremonies,” he told you. “You will finally be able to give Christian what you think he deserves, if you wish it.”
He placed an even larger flower crown atop your head.
“And a dress as well, to fit a Queen.”
He gestured to the large flower dress in the room you hadn’t even noticed. He kissed you once more.
“It is time for the final ceremony. I’ll help you put on the dress. Are you ready?” he asked. He looked at you patiently. You nodded.
“Yes, I am.”
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spencersawkward · 4 years
hi i love your writing sm, could u do something w having sex w mgg in his trailer🦋
oh yes i can most definitely do that. i just did a blurb that included something similar but i have a whole other fantasy for this one that i think would be so hot. this is just like filthy smut i might have done a lil too much lol.
summary: reader goes to visit her friend, Matthew, on set. when he catches her doing something dirty in his trailer, he offers to help.
word count: 4.2k
relationship: Fem!Reader/Matthew
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, masturbation, dirty talk, face-sitting, degradation, Cocky Matthew, some semi-exhibitionism.
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my toes curl over the sheets and I let out a dissatisfied groan as I throw the abandoned vibrator onto the side table. ever since flying home from visiting friends in New York, I’ve been absolutely, embarrassingly... horny.
usually, my trusty toy is able to work wonders; this week has been rough, though. maybe it’s something to do with my stress-levels or maybe my body just doesn’t feel like cooperating. it doesn’t help that I have about an hour before I’m scheduled to visit my friend on the set of his show.
I haven’t seen Matthew in almost a year. between his shooting schedule and my own job getting more demanding, spending time together really hasn’t been possible. I miss his laugh and the way our conversations always flow so easily. whenever we hang out, it’s like we pick up right where we left off. and now, as I give up on trying to get one off before seeing him, I start to wonder what to expect. a tour? meeting his castmates?
to be completely honest, I don’t really want to do any of that. I’m sure they’re all very nice people and we’d have a good time, but the last week in the city was so full of group interactions that I’m really hoping to sit across from each other and just... talk.
there’s no point in speculating, though. instead, I glance over at my disappointing toy and sigh. maybe next time.
when I get there, Matthew texts me to wait for him so he can bring me to his trailer. everyone is bustling around, moving according to their own chaotic schedules. a couple golf carts occasionally roll through the space, toting actors and other personnel. it’d be overwhelming for anyone who isn’t used to it.
“Y/N!” Matthew’s voice cuts across the din of the set as he waves. he’s leaning out of the side of a golf cart that he’s driving, which makes me nervous as he pulls up to me. I raise my eyebrows in surprise as he stops the cart and hops out to wrap me in a hug.
he smells good, like expensive cologne and cool air. as he withdraws, he sets his hands on my shoulders and grins at me.
“you look great! how are you?” as usual, he’s talkative. I smile back, though, and take in his appearance. he’s always been handsome, but right now Matthew is looking especially good: the breeze has swept his curls, he’s got on a colorful button-up short-sleeve with parakeets on it, and there’s some stubble growing on his face that’s new. he looks older, more mature.
kind of sexy.
“I’m really well. cool ride you’ve got.” I nod to the golf cart and Matthew laughs.
“you wanna know a secret?” he smirks. I raise my eyebrows and he leans down a little to reach my height. “I’m not supposed to drive that.”
“how’d you get it?” I frown. knowing him, he probably managed to charm his way around the rules, but I’m sure there’s a funny story behind it as well. he’s full of weird anecdotes.
“one of my cast mates distracted the guy who runs the warehouse where they keep them.” he winks, then gestures for me to follow him. I slide into the passenger seat and before I can really process what’s happening, he’s swerving in a wide circle and speeding off.
“I’ve been meaning to call you,” he practically yells over the sound of the motor. “but I know you’ve been busy.”
“yeah, I actually just started writing for this new show.”
“you’re downtown, then?” he glances over with a smile and then we’re slowing to a stop. an enormous trailer sits among rows of other enormous trailers, presumably for his cast mates. he turns off the cart and turns his body to face me while I talk. zeroes in on me in a way that makes my stomach flip.
“for right now, yeah.” I can’t help the smile. it’s been a while since I’ve worked in Los Angeles; I was working as a writer on one of Matthew’s independent films when I got an offer in New York and decided to relocate. and even though it was amazing there, I missed California sunshine and I missed him. we were inseparable before I left.
“so, what I’m hearing is that you’re now legally bound to hang out with me.” he grins in that dazzling way of his. I laugh and nod, climbing out when he does. he opens the trailer door for me. “I have to go back to work in about twenty minutes, but afterwards I wanna take you to dinner.”
“oh, I could have come later. I’m sorry.” I turn to apologize, but he’s quick to wave it off.
“it’s fine. as long as you don’t mind spending an hour in here, it shouldn’t be too torturous.”
I peer around the space, noticing the little ways in which Matthew has made this place his own: aside from all the complimentary gift baskets and notes, the trailer is occupied by strange trinkets that he’s collected, random books and notebooks that scatter the couch and what looks like an attempt at a desk.
“wow.” I say. he sidles up next to me, sighing and realizing that it’s a bit cluttered.
“sorry about the mess. I haven’t really had time to clean up.”
“no, no, I meant ‘wow’ in a good way.” I walk over to the couch and sit down, patting the spot next to me. he smiles, pushes an acting theory book out of the way, and sinks into the cushions a safe distance from me.
“tell me about this job, then.” he immediately starts. I shrug.
“it’s nothing huge, just a teen drama. everyone I work with is brilliant, though.”
“that’s amazing. have you had a chance to work on your art?”
I think back to all the times when Matthew and I would spend free afternoons doing doodle competitions of the crew, usually on random scripts. they were judged by other cast mates, anyone who would take the time to look. I don’t think I was supposed to be on set as much as I was, but it was worth it.
“I wish. my schedule is so busy now, I barely have time to make dinner for myself.” I laugh. he leans back into the corner of the couch, resting his arm on top of the back. I pull one leg beneath me and mirror his actions.
“that’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing some new stuff.”
“I don’t think any of my co-workers would particularly enjoy the representations I do of them.”
“sour sports.” he says. the strangeness and vehemence of the sentiment makes me snort and I glance at the notebooks around the room.
“how about you? any new masterpieces?”
we go on like this for a while, just catching up and slipping into our inside jokes and memories as if they aren’t from a different time in our lives. although I was excited to see him today, there was a lingering nervousness about it going as planned. sometimes you try to reconnect and the spark is just... gone. but Matthew is still Matthew, and I’m still me.
he ends up leaving to go shoot sooner than I can believe, time passing quickly, and tells me to feel free to read any of his books or look through his sketchbooks. he never hides anything, and it’s admirable.
once he’s gone, I settle onto the couch with a used Ray Bradbury anthology that I found beneath a bag of sour candies and start to read.
my mind wanders, however, as I try to concentrate on the page. I think about how Matthew looks now, how the stubble makes his jaw even more defined. those wide, hazel eyes that always seem to glitter with enthusiasm. I don’t know if I’m still frustrated from the unsuccessful session with my vibrator earlier, but the thoughts begin to turn over in my mind and mingle with other ones.
there were moments with him that I remember, quiet ones where we’d be about to say goodnight or moments where he’d fall asleep on my shoulder in my apartment, where I’d look at him and consider the possibility. we get on so well, and he’s arguably one of my best friends. distance hasn’t changed that. there are things I would tell him that I haven’t told my other friends.
and when he’d brush against my skin, or grab my arm to get my attention, and my imagination would run wild. heated kisses and closed doors. finding the way to my bed in the dark, his hands on my waist while he crawls on top of me. things that never happened but that I imagined as if they were real memories seared into my mind.
and now, sitting in this trailer with this book and on this couch that smells like him, those feelings return like something lost, then found: rushing, feverish, overpowering. the images come in a flux, his weight on top of mine and his teeth dragging over my tits. on this couch, that’s all I want.
there’s a blush on my cheeks as I drop the book on the floor and undo the button on my pants. it won’t take me long; I can feel how wet I’m getting and I haven’t even thought that much about it. the pent-up excitement from earlier will overtake my senses. he said I have an hour, and this might take ten minutes tops.
as my fingertips brush over my panties, I close my eyes and imagine they’re his. curious, gentle, teasing before reaching below the waistband and cupping me. I whimper, starting to trace over the wet folds of my entrance with an eager hand. it feels good, right, and the heat of my body tells me that this time, it’ll work. my head is full of thoughts of him, and I dip a finger in, clenching around the digits. the heel of my palm presses into my clit and I moan, starting to work myself.
I imagine Matthew coming in here after he’s done and kissing me like he’s wasted enough time waiting; like he can’t wait another second to be with me. my pace quickens at the memory of his hands, veined and strong and sure, pumping into me. taunting me.
“Matthew...” I whine, removing my fingers to circle my clit with a hurried pressure. every second burns across my skin, reminding me that what I’m doing is wrong. I shouldn’t be touching myself in his trailer while he works, especially not when he’s coming back soon.
but it’s hot, too, and the rhythm I create is impossible to resist. I switch between fingering and toying with my bundle of nerves while clenching my free hand in the couch cushion. my eyes are squeezed shut as I get closer to orgasm, the knot in my stomach tightening with every moment.
“o-oh my god,” I hum. “Matthew--”
the sharp intake of breath makes my entire body freeze. my eyes fly open to see the bastard himself standing there, lips parted. he can’t seem to figure out where to look: my face, which was just contorted in pleasure while I moaned his name, or my pussy, which is almost completely on display now that I’ve managed to push my jeans down to my knees.
“oh my god.” I stutter, immediately removing my hand and sitting up. my cheeks are on fire and everything around me seems surreal. this can’t be real. “y-you weren’t supposed to be back for an hour.” I say stupidly. shit ton of luck that hour did me.
“we, uh, wrapped early.” he averts his eyes, then glances cautiously at my face. “I promise I walked in here before I knew. I never meant--”
“no, it’s fine.” I pull up my jeans, still too shocked to make any sweeping movements. he doesn’t seem quite sure what to do with himself, and I speak to break the silence. “sorry, I know I shouldn’t have done that.”
“I wonder what you’d have done with an actual hour.” he says it like he’s attempting to lighten the mood, then winces as he realizes that he shouldn’t have said that. “sorry, bad joke. I’m just-- surprised.”
“Matthew, I’m so sorry--” I start. there’s literally no other direction to take this conversation. I feel like I’ve ruined our friendship within the span of a few seconds.
“were you saying my name?” he asks, eyebrows slightly raised. I would like to sink into the floor and never come up again, I think.
“well, the thing is--” I take a deep breath. “I don’t normally, um... do that in people’s trailers?” my frown makes him smile a little as he relaxes. now that I’m fully clothed, he doesn’t seem so daunted. I scoot up on the couch and glance between the open spot and him to get him to sit. standing only makes it weirder.
he obliges, watching me pull my knees into my chest before I start to explain. guilt is building in my chest now, so much more real after being caught.
“I don’t wanna make this even more awkward than it is, but I feel like I should make it clear that there’s a reason why I was doing it in here and I’m not some freak who, like, contaminates people’s space. like, I was just gonna be super quick about it and be done because-- and now I’m justifying it, which is even worse--”
“hey, Y/N, relax.” Matthew reaches out and touches my wrist, his fingers soft as they pull my attention to his. when I finally muster the courage to look him in the eyes, he’s got a small smile on his face. “I’m not mad or anything.”
“okay.” I sigh, spine going a little less rigid.
“you were moaning my name, though, right?” he smirks. my eyes widen.
“don’t get too cocky,” I try to play it off. “I haven’t been able to get off for the past few days and I only tried it to see if it would work.”
“looks like it did.” he glances between my flushed cheeks and the hand that was playing with myself, which is now sitting on my jeans. how is he being so fucking smooth right now?
“whatever.” I turn my face away, knowing that anything else would be damning.
“are you still... frustrated?” he asks. his voice is low. my face snaps up, jaw dropping. one of his hands is covering the crotch of his jeans, trying to hide something.
“I can help you out. only if you want to, of course.” he says this in complete seriousness. my gaze passes over his features once again to make sure I’m not absolutely dreaming. every line in his face, the intensity of those pretty irises, feels too real to be fake.
“like...” I think about his hands, about what he’s offering. it’s heavier than just sex, but also maybe not. it doesn’t have to be; we’re adults. our friendship wouldn’t be shattered by one encounter.
“like I’ll eat you out right now and fuck you until you can’t take it anymore.” we’ve moved closer on the couch, our faces inches apart while he says it so quietly that I wouldn’t hear it otherwise. the way he licks his lips, stares at me, tells me that we’ve already passed the point of no return. there’s no use in holding back anymore.
“mhmm.” I nod. if I say anything more, I’ll reveal more than he wants to know. that I’ve wanted this for a while, even though I tried to forget the way he makes me feel.
“come here, then.” he beckons me forward and I impatiently crash my lips to his. he responds immediately, threading his fingers through my hair and pulling me to him. he’s greedy, but not in a way that overwhelms. like he’s trying to enjoy the moment. his nose brushes my cheek when he deepens the kiss, my hands looping around his neck. he begins to bite on my lower lip, tugging to get me to moan. I let him explore me, those features that he’s seen so many times but has never touched.
we’re hopeful in our embrace, and my mind feels like spring and how I imagine the earth feels when it’s in full bloom. excitement in my veins as we get more heated. when his fingers unbutton my jeans, he pulls away to take a moment.
“sit on my face.” he breathes out, feverish. I nod, getting up to shrug off my jeans. he watches, licking his lips when I pull down my panties and step out of them, then take off my top and bra. he leans back as if to sink down onto the couch for me, but I shake my head.
“take off your clothes first.” I tell him.
“you wanna see me naked?” he knows the truth, but wants me to say it. the smirk on his face makes me annoyingly aroused. I just start to go for the buttons on his shirt.
“yeah, I wanna see you naked.” I reply. this makes him grin and he helps me out by working on his jeans. we strip him down and then we’re both there, looking at each other.
“c’mere, beautiful.” he grabs my hip and pulls me closer until I get on the couch and position myself. he lies down flat, gesturing for me to scoot up his chest until my core is right above his face. “perfect.”
I’m about to poke a little fun at him for being so confident when he reaches up, wraps his hands around my thighs, and pulls me down against his face.
I yelp, overwhelmed by how he moans against my heat and starts to eat me out. his tongue moves expertly, lapping at the wetness that’s gathered between my legs before teasing my entrance. I release a series of noises that are downright sinful, but the red marks he’s leaving in my thighs tell me he’s loving my reaction. his nose brushes against my clit and I start to roll my hips against his face, falling apart already as he switches between sucking, licking, and sliding his tongue inside me. I grip onto his hair, mumbling like a prayer.
he takes the opportunity to quickly slap my ass before returning to my thighs, burying his face and working with a divine acuity. I can’t believe how good it feels, throwing my head back and arching my spine while I hold my tits. Matthew moves my hand and massages one while he stares up into my eyes, lust evident in every sound and motion.
“Matthew, please--” I gasp. “don’t stop.”
he groans, running his nails down my stomach while I ride his face. I’m needy for him, only uttering his name and more pleas for his tongue. and the sensation of him holding me down like he can’t get enough makes the knot from earlier return easily. I lean back a little, swirl my hips, and then it comes like a white-hot wave.
“oh my god—“ I can barely get it out, moving with abandon. “it’s so fucking good.”
he lets my body slow to a reasonable pace, drawing out the high until I’m swallowing all the air I can get and pull myself away from him. Matthew’s grinning, mouth glistening while he sits up a bit.
“such a wet little pussy.” he tells me, licking his lips. I’m pretty much resting on his chest and I start to move off of him when he quickly straightens himself, wraps his arms around my waist, and pushes me so I’m laying on my back at the other end of the couch with him leaning over me.
I brush his curls out of his face, appreciating the hunger in his face. he craves more of me, and the erection he’s pressing into my inner thigh is proof. I look up at him.
“you’re good.” I concede. he shrugs, smiles. butterflies.
“I just think about it a lot.” the response is simple, but it’s the right one. I blush and he grabs his dick, pumping it a few times before lining it up at my entrance. I search his eyes, those widened pupils, as he shoves into me.
“shit.” he moans, jaw dropping once he’s reaching the hilt. “give it to me, baby.” I can feel him deep inside, cock twitching against my walls as he settles. one of his arms is over me, supporting himself on the arm of the couch, while the other holds my waist.
I don’t speak, only bite down on my lip and whimper through the initial shocks of him. it isn’t until he pulls out that I get more vocal. he starts to roll his hips, never breaking eye contact while I arch my back and moan.
“harder.” I whisper. he tightens his grip on me and slams himself inside. my body instinctively moves up away from the pressure, but he brings me right back down.
“is this what you were thinking about?” he breathes out. “me fucking you like a slut?”
I nod urgently, but he uses an index finger to tilt my face back to his.
“tell me who you belong to, little slut.” his tone is low, laced with lust when he bites his lip and watches my reactions to his cock.
“you.” I whine quietly, grabbing his shoulders for stability while he plows into me.
“louder, sweetheart. you were plenty sure before.” he mocks, pausing after to moan in my ear like he’s absolutely losing it. he roughly tugs me further against him and the sensation makes me cry out.
“y-you-- fuck!”
“c’mon, baby.” he pants. we’re definitely rocking this trailer with the way he’s ramming my body right now. I can feel him like he’s in my ribs.  
“Matthew, oh god--”
“show me how you cum, Y/N. lemme see you fucking break.” the final word is punctuated by him bottoming-out within me, his noises their own stimulation to my senses. I’m trying to breathe but it’s so hard with all the thoughts firing in my brain. he doesn’t go easy on me.
“I’m cumming.” my hips jerk up into his, pussy fluttering like it’s trying to push him out. but the tension only makes him thrust harder, further, chasing his own release as I claw at his back and squeeze my legs around his torso.
“can I fill that tight little cunt up, baby?” he moans into my ear, our bodies like undulating waves. I nod and buck against him, which drives him mad as his thrusts get sloppier. we’re filthy together and it’s otherworldly. “good girl.”
he lets out a whimpering sound while he stills inside my body and cums. I feel him twitching, shooting his load into me. I’m writhing while I clench around him, both of us falling apart. for all his cockiness, he’s lovely when he’s orgasming-- mouth open, eyes rolling back into his head before focusing intently on my face, a sheen of sweat that glows on his cheekbones.
when he finally withdraws, leaving me naked and panting on his couch, his eyes run over my body appreciatively.
“that help?” he smirks as he straightens. I glare at him, kneeing him in the ribs, and he leans down to kiss my cheek, giving me a tender look. “I’m joking. are you okay?”
“more than okay.” I smile. he doesn’t say anything for a moment, closing and opening his mouth as if debating whether or not to say something else.
“you’re really beautiful, you know that?”
“thanks.” as if this man hasn’t already fucked me senseless, I blush, look away shyly. he grabs my clothes from the floor and hands them to me.
“do you want some water?” he’s worried about giving me space. there’s a question lingering between us that I’m afraid to ask, especially now that he hasn’t. Matthew has always been the more bold between the two of us.
“uh, sure.” if it means he takes his eyes off me long enough for me to regain my bearings, yes. I watch him pull on the rest of his clothes before standing and going over to his mini-fridge. I’ll need to clean up soon.
“so...” his voice is measured, hazel eyes slipping over my form.
“dinner? and then breakfast?” he suggests. my eyebrows raise at the second question, one that he hasn’t mentioned until now. the implication makes me laugh.
“you think you’re getting this again?” I try to act nonchalant, as if I’m not already imagining it.
“oh, wait--” he frowns, hesitates. “that’s not what I meant.”
“what did you mean?” there’s a grin taking over my face, hopeful as I await his response. I guess we’re about to answer that question after all.
“I wanna finally take you on a date.” he smiles softly, surprisingly shy. I don’t even hesitate to answer.
“I’m in.”
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Word count: 1,9K
Warning: angst, kinda messy writing, bad grammar
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
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You were always a hopeful person. Trying to be positive no matter what. Seeing the good in people. Even in Loki.
You first met him in his glass cell in helicarier (a/n i have no idea how to spell it, it's that big flying thing in Avengers 1). You two talked and got to know eachother. He told you how his father lied to him, how Thanos tortured him and how he doesn't want to hurt anyone. You believed him. And promised him he will be okay.
Two years after the battle of New York you finally talked to your team mates. You made an entire power point presentation for Avengers to show them Loki is not evil anymore and they should at least give him a chance, like you did.
That's how you and Loki became close friends. Always spending time with the other one, talking about your interests, your cultures, books, movies, anything the both of you came up with.
You comforted him, when he had nightmares. He cuddled you when you watched horror movies and got scared.
He always came to you for advice and opinion and you were more than happy to help your best friend. He always hugged you afterwards as thanks.
Sometimes he even brought you a cake and some flowers, just because he 'felt like it'.
One rainy day he fall asleep on your lap in your room. As you played with his black silky hair you realized you don't view him as your best friend anymore. But as a crush. You felt a shy blush come up to your cheeks as you imagined how would it feel like to cuddle him whole night, to be held by him, kissed by him.
You caressed his cheek and hoped one day he would feel the same.
And as always, you became hopeful. You started to remember all those times he was very close with you, doing something only couples do (like the afore mentioned cuddling, falling asleep on your lap or even the freaking flowers) and hoping he is developing feelings for you.
You were wrong.
You remember that day clearly. It was nice and sunny outside. A perfect day for a walk in the park. You walked out from your room and started looking for Loki. You wanted to have a walk with him.
You heard some voices coming from the kitchen below. Including a velvety one you knew all too well.
You jumped down those 20 stairs. Voices got louder as you came closer. There was Loki and some woman in the kitchen. And nobody else. Your name fell from one of their mouth's.
Quiet as a mouse you stood behind the corner just outside the kitchen and listened.
"Don't tell me she's not annoying! She's practically your shadow and trails after you like a lost puppy. And not even a cute one!" the woman giggled. From her tone of voice you imagined her as a classical blond plastic fake gold digger. You expected Loki to stood up for you, like any good friend would.
He only chuckled. "You are right! She is always behind my back. So bothersome and clingy..." you heard gulping. Maybe they were drinking some alcohol. You prayed for him to be just drunk and not knowing what he's saying.
"So why do you keep her around so much?"
A moment of silence. "I don't really know. For fun, I suppose? She was only good for me to get out of prison. She's so naive to really think I am her friend it's hilarious!"
You couldn't breathe. You stood there like a statue. He was only manipulating you and playing with you. All this time.
Tears clouded your vision as you walked away from them. The whole world looked like a big grey blur to you.
You still went out. Better than stay in the same building with him. Sitting on a bench in the nearby park, listening to birds chirping and watching dogs play with their owners was somewhat comforting. The pain in your chest was still too big though. How could you trust someone who's a 'God of Mischief' or a 'Prince of Lies' of all people? He really did go out of his way to make you trust him, didn't he? All those gifts, hugs, hanging out, watching movies under one blanket. All of that was just him pretending. And you believed him.
You groaned and hid your face in your hands. You're friends with spies and trained soldiers, what if they're pretending just like him and they secretly love when you aren't with them? What if everytime you talk to them they secretly wish for you to shut up and leave? Paranoia and anxiety just won't leave you, will they?
"It will get better after high school they said," you stood up from the bench, "you will be more confident they said. My ass-" suddenly you tripped over a string and fell on your face. Your right cheek stung, your knees were scraped. As you were standing up a wet tongue started to lick your face. A golden retriever's way to greet you, apparently.
"Ollie, stop! I'm so sorry," the dog was yanked back by his leash. Ollie's owner held out his hand to help you stand up.
"It's okay. It's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," you dusted your clothes when you were finally on your legs. Ollie was jumping up and down, still trying to lick your face. Even through your emotional pain you couldn't resist and smiled.
"He's still an untrained pup, sorry if he's bothering," the unknown man was trying to calm him down once again, but you stopped him.
"He's not bothering," you bent down and scratched behind his ears. "Hi there little fella, aren't you one cute boy? Yes you are," you scratched and caressed his fur.
"He is cute, but quite handful. Still I wouldn't exchange him for anyone in the world."
"Anyone?" you asked.
"Yeah, you see I got him when I found out my partner cheated on me. I felt so betrayed I thought I'll never trust anyone else again," he said and sat down on the bench you were previously sitting on. "Sorry, I'm telling way too much than I should."
"No, it's okay. I know exactly how you felt. Something similair happened to me too," you looked away sadly and stopped scratching Ollie's fur. "That's why you got a dog? To replace that somebody who was previously in your life?"
He nodded. "At first I though I needed a pet to distract myself from the pain, but in reality all I needed was a life long friend who will never betray me. And what's better than a man's best friend?" he hugged his goldie and he licked his face.
You smiled. Maybe that's what you need. A loyal dog to keep you company. To give you emotional support through cuddles and to never leave you or lie to you. Unlike certain someone.
You chatted with him for few more minutes and then made your way to the nearest dog shelter.
The cutest little fluffy german shepherd was dozing off in your arms when you walked into your room. You naivly thought Loki will greet you and pretend to be nice again but he was nowhere to be found. Actually, none of the Avengers were nearby. 'That's okay' you thought. 'I'll at least be alone with this cute guy.'
You let him run around your bedroom, sniffing every corner of his new home, chewing on everything he could reach with his tiny snout. You threw him some of the squeeky toys you bought and watched him play. It lifted your mood, somewhat.
The dull ache from your chest didn't leave. Even when it got dark outside and your new companion dozed off in your lap. Soft laughter was coming from the party deck, which was quite far from your room so in reality it must've been much louder.
'So they returned, huh? Didn't even check on their supposed friend' you thought. Maybe you were right afterall. They never concidered you a friend.
Your phone started buzzing, a silly selfie of you and Loki lightened up the screen. 'What does he want? I don't wanna talk to him.'
You picked up. "Yeah?"
"Y/N!" hearing his voice nearly made you cry. "Thank Norns you finally picked up! Where are you?"
You squinted your eyes suspiciously. "Why?"
"I've been trying to reach you all afternoon! I couldn't find you anywhere and I have called you 5 times already. Are you okay?" he sounded worried. He really should've been voice actor.
"5 times? I didn't hear anything."
He groaned. "Yes, 5 damn times. You made me really sick with worry."
"Whatever. I can do things even without you, you know."
"Why the attitude?" he asked a little less worried.
"You know what Loki? Do me a favour and leave me alone," you hung up sooner than your voice could crack. Silent tears streamed down your cheeks.
As you were standing up with the little pup in your hands and putting him in his bed Loki practically smashed down your door. You jumped back startled and nearly let go of your little friend who woke up and started barking.
"What the fuck Loki?!"
He looked at you, mix of fury and happiness in his eyes. "Okay, I don't know what I did that made you react like that to a simple 'where have you been the whole day' but you could've at least tell me you were going out. What if someone attacked you? And I wasn't there? What if-" he took a deep breath, anger leaving his eyes. "I'm just glad you are home and safe."
Your puppy stopped barking and started wagging his tail, excited to have a new friend. He is just like you. Naive.
"Oh, and who is this little bundle of fur?" he reached out to pet his tiny head but you backed away.
"He's my new best friend. This is Rex."
Loki's face turned into confusion. "Darling, I thought that's my title," he laughed awkwardly.
You glared and hugged Rex to your chest. "Not anymore. Not after what I discovered about you."
"Discovered about me? What are you talking about?"
"Drop the act. I heard you. I heard you saying how I'm naive enough to think I'm your friend, how I'm bothersome and clingy and I was only good for you to get out of prison!" tears were flowing freely but you didn't care.
"Darling, what are yo-"
"I wasn't finished! I really thought you were honest with me. I thought all those times we hung out meant something to you! That you at least respect me. But no! You used me. You were pretending to be nice. All those times! And I believed you!" you started taking steps towards him, he was backing away.
"You misunderstood, I-"
"No! I don't want you to tell me anything! I'm not your plaything anymore! I grew a spine. And you can bet your ass I'm training Rex to bite you whenever you get close to me again!" his eyes started glistening but that must be just your imagination.
"Love, please let me ex-"
"Get lost Laufeyson," with those words you slammed your door in his face.
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hizashis-lil-bunbun · 4 years
BNHA Valentine’s Day Headcanons!
Happy first day of February! Some of my Discord friends and I were brainstorming how different My Hero characters would celebrate Valentine’s Day. So let’s give ‘em a whirl! All characters are adults or aged up to be 18+ in these scenarios.
Big thanks to @varnienne, @emmappelle, @sweet-darling91, @donica95​, and @katsontherun for letting me bounce ideas off of them. 💖
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
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Gotta start with my blonde bby. And the best way I can describe his ideal Valentine’s is BIG and LOUD!
He’s never been one shy away from telling you how he feels, but he’s especially talkative on V-Day. Going on and on about how lucky he is, how much he loves you, etc.
It’s love songs all day, baby! From blasting modern pop songs while he makes breakfast to sweet, old-fashioned tunes that he makes you slow dance with him to in the living room. He’s a true romantic (and a surprisingly good dancer to boot).
And he might even (re: definitely will) serenade you. The man is a musician after all! In fact, don’t be surprised if Hizashi wrote a song just for you.
As far as gifts go, Hizashi goes all out. He’s a hero and a celebrity, with the salaries to match. So you can expect a few big ticket items. Plus, he’s a good listener. If you ever mentioned something you needed/wanted/expressed interest in, chances are it will arrive wrapped up in red and pink paper on the day.
“Hey little listener! Remember how ya said you might wanna try painting? No? Well I turned the spare room into a studio for ya anyways! Maybe you can make me something to hang up at the station, yeah?”
But just because his gifts are expensive and flashy, that doesn’t mean he devalues your own. Hizashi will blubber and gush over anything you give him, from lavish luxuries to a something as simple as a homemade card. Loudly I might add. Make sure to have earplugs handy.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of having a radio star as your partner is that he’ll most likely have to work on Valentine’s Day. It’s even worse if he had teach that day as well. So don’t count on any fancy dinners until after the 14th.
But if you tune into his station on the day (and you will), there will be at least three or four songs dedicated to “his favorite little listener.”
Even if he can’t be with you on the actual night, he’s definitely going to make up for lost time. Mood music, candlelight, the whole nine yards. He wants to romance you. To make you feel as good as you make him feel everyday.
Oral and overstimulation are the name of the game, and Hizashi is a giver through and through. He’s happy as a clam once he’s got his face buried between your legs, making you cum for the umpteenth time that night. Seriously, does he ever come up for air?
Praise is also a big thing for him. It flows from his mouth like the sweetest wine. And with his quirk, every whispered word and groan against your body feels just as intoxicating. Good vibrations indeed.
He also loves it when you’re vocal. No love song can compete with the way you cry and moan under his touch. He’ll make you sing for him all night long and into the morning hours.
“Damn, baby. I love you so damn much. Love the way you look cumming on my tongue. Think you can do it again?”
Eijiro Kirishima
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Okay. This boy adores Valentine’s Day! Like it’s his favorite holiday.
And how can he not? Everything in the stores is red! He can stock up on red merchandise for the rest of the year in the span of a week. And believe me, he does.
This means his partner should expect a lot of the cliché gifts on the big day: teddy bears, heart-shaped boxes, and red roses to name a few. Oh, and he’s definitely got a stockpile of cheesy, punny Valentine cards centered around his and his friend’s hero personas.
His favorite is the one that says “I think you’re a Red Riot! Be my Valentine?” But maybe that’s partially because it came from you.
Kirishima doesn’t just shower you with crimson trinkets; he buys treats for everyone! Especially his closest friends. To him, Valentine’s is all about showing the people he loves most just how much he cares. And it’s honestly adorable to see him practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when he finds a little red treasure for this year’s celebration.
“Babe! Look at that red shark plushie. It looks just like me! So manly!”
*proceeds to buy seven of them: one for him, one for you, and one for everyone in the Bakusquad + Tetsutetsu*
But at the end of the day, once all the chocolates and stuffed animals have been given away, he’ll make sure you know there’s no one he loves more than you. He spends the final hours alone with you, eating a home cooked meal and cuddling on the couch. Times like these are his favorite, just being to hold you close and appreciate your presence in his life.
Fair warning though. You’ll probably end up watching some some cheesy romcom, cuz he loves those too.
Of course, the red theme continues in the bedroom: red rose petals, red sheets, even a set of red lingerie he bought just for the occasion. Which he proceeds to rip apart minutes after you’ve gotten them on. Hope they weren’t too expensive.
Kirishima tries to be gentle with you, he really does. Savoring your pleasure and letting your orgasms crest and fall naturally. He wants to see you cooing and boneless by the end of the night.
But sometimes he underestimates his own strength and gets a little rougher than expected. Maybe he gives too sharp of a love bite, or squeezes your hips a little too hard. But it’s all done out of passionate love, so you don’t mind too much.
You might actually prefer it if he gets a little rougher.
However, if you wanna get kinky, there is one thing Kiri’s always down for: pulling you over his knee for a good, old-fashioned spanking. His quirk is perfect for it, hardening the palm of his hand just before it smacks down on the soft flesh. It’s like he has a set of built-in paddles. Trust me, if you let him get into a good rhythm, by the end of the night your ass will match the Valentine’s decor perfectly.
“Not pushing you too hard am I, beautiful? I know I can be unbreakable sometimes, but I never want to break you. I love you too much to do that.”
Mirio Togata
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TBH, before he met you, Mirio was a bit of a player (which is kinda canon). Like “has a different date every year” player.
And can you blame him? He’s a total heartbreaker with that (le)million dollar smile and those baby blue eyes. He got so much Valentine’s chocolate from girls in high school, it was sickening! But with you, things are different.
For starters, he’s not so big on material gifts. Giving or receiving.
“How could I want anything more when I’ve got my sunshine right here?”
No, this sweet himbo is all about making memories with his partner! Sharing experiences and spending as much quality time together as possible.
So he plans everything days, sometimes weeks, in advance. Budgeting his time and money to squeeze as much love into a single day as humanly possible.
The moment you wake up on February 14th, he hits the ground running. Quite literally! He’s practically doing laps around your bedroom in his excitement to get the day started.
Valentine’s Day with Mirio turns out to be a marathon of couple activities. Bike riding to a local café for breakfast. Sight-seeing in Tokyo followed by ice cream in the afternoon. He even manages to sniff out a carnival for you to go to in the evening, letting you run amok on the rides and games. And yes, he definitely spends too much money trying to win you one of those giant stuffed animals.
By the end of the day, you’re thoroughly spent and just want to snuggle up next to him. And maybe have a late night snack of chocolate. Mirio is more than happy to indulge you, even offering to carry you home. Anything to be close to his precious sunshine.
Despite your sleepiness and aching feet, Mirio insists he has one last surprise to give you. So he asks you to lay face-down on the bed and wait for him. Naked of course.
Once he finds what he’s looking for, he straddles your tailbone with his thighs and squirts something slippery onto your back. You yelp at the cold sensation and that earns a laugh from Mirio. He tells you it’s massage oil. One specifically designed to relieve muscle tension.
It’s like he knew you’d be sore after his day of non-stop adventuring. Almost like he planned it... What a smooth criminal.
It makes sense though. Maybe it’s because his quirk requires him to pass through things, but physical touch is his primary love language. Nothing grounds him quite like having you in his arms, worshiping every inch of your body.
He works you over, kneading at the muscles in your back, hips, and legs with steady pressure and prescision. He even rubs your feet, making the earlier pains melt away into bliss.
You’re almost too sleepy and relaxed to realize one of his hands is creeping up your body until it’s too late. Next thing you know, he’s curling his fingers into you, amplifying the pleasure of the massage in a new way. Like I said, Mirio’s a smooth criminal when he wants to be.
“Feeling good, sunshine? Yeah, I’ll bet you are. You always look so cute like this... just makes me want to kiss you all over. Maybe I will! But I think you’re still a little tense right... here.”
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anxious2dsimp · 4 years
oooooh heLLO i really enjoyed your denki fic, very cute, 10000/10. since requests are open, could i get kirishima and kaminari with an s/o that Really Likes anime? headcanons or a drabbe, or whatever else you feel comfortable with :DDD
😭 Omg hi! Thank you so much, I appreciate it a ton :) You’re my first ever request & I go really excited about the idea, hope you like it! I decided to do it in Headcanon format bc there’s so much I wanna add omg I hope it isn’t too long...
Kirishima and Kaminari with an S/O that loves anime
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Pairings: Kirishima x Reader, Kaminari x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Headcanons​
Warnings: None! Some light cursing courtesy of Bakugou :)
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Kirishima Eijirou:
I don’t think Kirishima watches anime regularly, or if he would even know any shows at all.
Let’s face it, he probably just watches workout YouTubers and regular action-packed movies.
HOWEVER, he loves knowing more about you, so he’ll be interested when you bring it up to him!
You probably first talked about it during a random conversation where he asked what you were currently watching.
So you just told him the plot of whichever anime you were watching atm, and he liked it so he asked for the name.
You told him it was an anime, and he was like: “so a cartoon?” sigh
*cut to you explaining how anime is more than just cartoons & how it’s a whole thing with genres and everything*
Tbh, Kiri probably wasn’t that sold on the idea...
but seeing how you lit up talking about it he wants to know more just to see you all excited and hyped
I love him sm😭
He’d probably not watch any shows by himself but watch whichever you decide to watch together to spend time with you and see your reactions <3
He’s probably paying more attention to you than the show, but he does get invested in the story since all the characters are so “manly”
Sometimes you’ll just be cuddling and you’ll rant to him about what happened in the latest episode of whatever show you’re watching on your own since he knows he won’t watch it.
And so you’ll just tell him all about the plot and the characters, and the unexpected twist and your theories...
He’ll just be attentively listening to your shenanigans thinking; “god I love them so much”
If he ever sees you crying over a show, you best believe he’ll bring you tissues and a snack, he doesn’t judge!
One time you were just sobbing on the dorm’s common room couch, still getting over your favorite character’s death in the episode you had watched the night before.
Bakugou was just like ?? and since Kirishima was getting a drink from the fridge apparently not even remotely concerned he asked:
“Shitty hair, shouldn’t you like check on your s/o or something so they shut up?”
“They’re fine, just getting over a character dying in their show. I snuggled them up in the blanket, so I’m getting them something to drink & they’ll be fine in a few hours.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes SO HARD, but Kirishima doesn’t even notice bc he’s on his way to cuddle you.
If you ever want to do something anime-related like go to a convention or go buy manga or merch he’d gladly come along.
Expect him to get you the coolest little anime-related gifts for your birthday or Christmas (along with whatever he had already planned to get you) since he knows how obsessed you are.
Overall, just a really supportive bf <3
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Kaminari Denki:
Unlike Kiri, Kaminari LOVES anime! Idk why, but he gives off massive weeb vibes to me (in the best sense)
The thing is, you had NO IDEA of this because at first he hid it from everyone.
He initially had merch in his room but Bakugou & Mina teased him about it so he hid it whenever the bakusquad would hang in his dorm :’(
He did it too when you two started dating, bc he wanted to seem cool in your eyes & not like a dork...
Oh boy how wrong he was
You didn’t hide your anime obsession but never brought the topic up bc you didn’t think anyone else in the class liked it
So you can imagine your surprise when you found out
You two were hanging out in his room, and while he was setting up a movie on his laptop you got up to grab snacks where you saw him usually take food out of.
The second you open the drawer and Denki’s brain registers it he just screams “NOOO!” at the top of his lungs.
You literally jumped so high, it really caught you off-guard lmao
So now you’re just standing there, confused asf, because all there was in there was a figurine from one of your favorite animes and snacks.
As you take it out and examine it, turning around to face your bf he’s just panicking
He’s just staring at you like a deer caught in headlights and thinking:
Omg they’re onto me, will they even know what that is? what do I say when they ask? Will they believe me if I say it's someone else’s? They’ll think I play with toys or something please let the earth swallow me, someone help!
“This figurine is sick, where’d you get it? I’ve wanted one from that show for so long!”
Kaminari just blinks at you.
Did he hear that correctly? By the look on your face, it looked that way. He thought there was no way you could possibly become even more perfect in his eyes, but you just did.
Needless to say, you two ditched the movie and spent the afternoon talking about anime.
Since then you started going to conventions together, even cosplaying for fun a couple of times (just imagine him cosplaying Zenitsu from Demon slayer & you Nezuko or Tanjiro 🥺)
You’d watch SO MANY SHOWS TOGETHER OMG, and once anime season starts you’d get together once a week to binge all the new episodes.
Also gets you cute gifts and you do the same for him (considering he doesn’t hide his anime stuff anymore).
Honestly, he doesn’t even care who teases him bc you think it’s cool and that’s all he needs to know :’)
Loves making anime references or jokes just to get you to laugh while everyone else just looks at you two like tf???
Speaking of, brace yourself because he will absolutely use anime-related pickup lines on you lol
You get to exchange mangas and wear his merch hoodies from shows you also love.
Overall just couple goals, I ship it so much
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obae-me · 4 years
You Are My Gift
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Happy Birthday to our beautiful money boy! This is a small fic based on his birthday event, talking about what happens after his party, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2282
Warning: Mentions of Alcohol 
Unbelievable. It was his special day. His. And somehow after having a bit too much to drink, his precious human had wandered off. The birthday celebration was still on in full swing; even Lucifer was feeling a bit tipsy, telling Mammon--again--how much he loved him. Mammon didn’t mind the attention, but when his older brother got personal, he hated the annoying emotions in his chest. Satan and Asmo were both handling their drinks well, just a bit drunker than Lucifer, each of them deep in a giggly discussion that the second-born didn’t have the wherewithal to pay attention to. Levi and Belphie were the lightweights of the family, completely wasted. Levi had been muttering slurred words to no one in particular about how much he hated this new show he was watching. Belphie passed out a while ago, and Mammon wasn’t sure if it was due to the alcohol or the fact that he had skipped his afternoon nap to join the party. His twin, Beel, was nowhere to be found. Simeon and Luke never drank, being as uptight as angels typically were, but they were each enjoying some sort of sparkling fruity juice, making sure those who were drunk were pacing themselves and drinking water. Solomon was speaking to Barbatos, both of them practically sober, each of their eyes twinkling with specks of mischief. Diavolo seemed to be having the time of his life, pestering Lucifer to no end, and enjoying the frivolities that came with birthday parties with a loud boisterous laugh. And Mammon himself, well, for once, he wasn’t that drunk, he actually wanted to remember this whole thing for tomorrow. Sure, his head was tingly, he felt fantastic, and his feet wouldn’t walk as straight as was normal, but he could think fairly clearly. Right now, what was on his mind was, where in the world is MC?
He checked the kitchen first, seeing as how it was the nearest room to the dining hall. No MC, only Beel, finally found, who was raiding the cupboards for extra snacks. His excuse was that the alcohol was giving him the munchies, even though Beel held his alcohol so well, he had barely been tipsy once in his life. Mammon left him be, heading to the next logical choice, MC’s bedroom. He was so well acquainted with the direction of their room, he could walk there with his eyes closed. In fact, in a passing thought, he realised he probably spent more time in their room than his own. He opened the familiar door, convinced he’d see their face, but it was empty.
Memories flooded through his mind. Times of countless days where he’d open this very door to see his human greet him with a smile. Didn’t matter what it was for. Movie night? He fondly recalls staying up way too late with them, watching whatever they wanted. They’d giggle at his commentary and open emotions. If the movie scared him, he might accidently jump and cling to their side. They’d pat his head and make him feel safe. If he cried, they’d hand him some tissues and let him be emotional, making sure he felt better afterwards. Hiding from Lucifer? It had worked the first few times, after all, why would he want to be in a human’s room? Now, of course it doesn’t work, it’s the first place Lucifer checks. Once, he had hidden under MC’s bed and the human lied for him. It didn’t end well for them obviously, but after they endured the lecture together, they found themselves laughing about it. Bored? He’d go to their room and they’d find something to do. Excited? They never downgraded his accomplishments and eagerness. Upset? They’d not shoo him away, they’d invite him in, letting him talk about it no matter what it was. They’d ensure he knew his feelings were valid. No matter what, no matter the reason, he’d always wind up right here. Right by their side in any situation.
Irritated MC wasn’t where they should be, he wandered the house for a while. He should be at his own party, he should be among his family who, for once, was celebrating him. But it wasn’t nearly the same without MC around. Nothing he did anymore was. Somehow, this human enhanced every aspect of his life. He walked a little bit into the wall at the thought of them. Maybe he drank a bit more than he thought.
He was about to walk clear past his own bedroom when he noticed light peeking out from under the doorframe, some soft music gracing his ears. The melody sounded somber. He quickly opened his own door. The lights were dim. He had to scan the room a bit before he saw them. MC was sitting on the floor, back propped up against the wall, a glass in their hand with more drink left in it. Their cheeks were red, and they hadn’t even noticed he had entered yet. The music was coming from their D.D.D. a vastly different tune than what was playing at his party.
“MC!” He called, relieved to have found them, but upset they had left him and the group behind.
They snapped their head up at him, a grin curling their lips. “Mammy! Mamo. Mamoooooney.” He could tell they were wasted. Demonus didn’t have an affect on humans, so Lucifer took it upon himself to find a similarly strong human replacement. Maybe it had been too strong, and Mammon had half a mind to chew his older brother out for making his human wind up like this.
He felt his face grow hot at the nicknames, but he shook his head, using a finger to adjust his glasses. With his hands on his hips, he confronted them. “Why’d you leave the party, eh? We’re supposed to be celebrating me, you know! This kinda stuff doesn’t happen everyday!” They looked confused, like his question didn’t make sense. Instead of an answer, they went to take another sip. Mammon found himself taking the glass from their hands, placing it on a shelf. “I think you’ve had enough, huh? And when that’s coming from me, you know it’s serious.” He bent down, grabbing them by the arm to get them to their wobbly feet. They latched onto him, tightly, leaving him incredibly flustered.
“You’re being such an adult, where’s the real Mammon, what did you do to him?”
Again his chest fluttered, and he gritted his teeth. “Hey! I’ve always been an adult! I’m thousands of years older than you, ya know!” They giggled as he settled them down on his bed, detaching them from his body. They swayed a little as they sat still, and Mammon found himself shaking his head. “Look at this sorry state you��ve gotten yourself into, forcing me to be responsible, on my birthday no less!” His eyes almost twitched at their disheveled clothing, revealing some of their left shoulder and a bit of their collarbone. Adjusting their clothes to cover them back up, he found it hard to breathe.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me?” MC’s breath was hot, the mixed smell of his cake and their adult beverages wafting in the air. He blinked to realise he was close, much closer than he had intended to their body. Just a few more inches and their noses would be touching. His eyes flickered over their lips before reeling back and rubbing his own chest. His heart was almost painfully beating.
“Ask you what?”
“Ask me what I got you for your birthday.” MC swayed a bit more, and with his arms extended as far as they would go, he held them up by the shoulders. Then he thought about what they had said. He didn’t even think of the fact that the only one who had yet to bring him a gift was the one he cared about the most. Just them being there, giving him the letters, their smile, their support, the way he treated them--not just today--but all days that he was important, that had been enough.
“You...got me a gift?” He perked up a little, shifting around on his feet. MC chuckled some more, a sweet smile on their face, leaning to their side more so Mammon had no choice but to tighten his grip and straighten them.
“Course I did, it’s your special day.” On those last two words they attempted to touch the tip of his nose with their finger, but they ended up missing, touching his mouth instead. When their arms dropped, he bit his lower lip to keep his emotions at bay. “Wanna see it?”
“I-I-I mean, it’s my birthday, I deserve a gift! So...yes.” He covered up his true feelings with selfish desire like he so often did. MC rummaged through their pockets and handed him another envelope, addressed in the same fashion as the rest of them during this whole event. He let go of them temporarily to open it, sitting by their side on the bed so they could lean into him for support. It was labeled For Your Gift. Opening the envelope, he found it was devoid of a letter, containing a small key inside. He raised an eyebrow.
“It opens something in this room,” MC hinted, mumbling hazily against his arm.
“Ah, that’s why you squirreled your way in here huh?” Nerves in his body tingled with excitement. He scanned his room for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Then his gaze snagged upon a little treasure chest on his nightstand. It was as wide as a good-sized book but half as tall. It was a dark black color with a silver lock and hinges. A golden bow was wrapped around it. How he had missed it before was a mystery, but he suddenly felt giddy, looking at MC with a goofy grin before crawling over his bed to get to it. He snatched it and placed it in his lap. MC followed him, collapsing face-first a few times on the mattress before they reached him, sitting opposite from him to better watch his expression. Their legs touched, threatening to intertwine, but Mammon hardly noticed. With the matching silver key, he opened the lock, lifting the lid to look inside.
His expression flattened, but not because he was disappointed, but because he had to process what he was looking at. Inside the box was what could only be described as memories. Train tickets, four of them, all stapled together, the ones from the trip to London. A shiny rock MC had found, one that they said reminded them of Mammon. A necklace, one Mammon had stolen to pawn off only to discover that it was a convincing fake, but ultimately worthless. He and MC had worked hard in trying to prank one of the brothers to buy it anyway, only for him to give it to MC to keep. Pictures from that time they had borrowed Satan’s camera to have an at-home photo shoot. One of Lucifer’s feathers from the time they had a contest to see who could get one plucked from his wings first. A cheap prize from that cursed Devildom Claw machine, one they had spent more money than trying to get than was actually worth. Trinkets, goodies, random knick-knacks, all these physical reminders from all the good times they had spent together. A tiny note was tapped to the underside of the lid. It read, For When You Want To Remember Me.
MC’s hand touched his knee, worried. “Do...you not like it?”
Drops of water suddenly fell onto all his little treasures, and as he blinked, Mammon realised he started to cry. His breath hitched as he observed the many contents of the box once more. Swimming in his head were all the memories. Thoughts of him and MC together, every event they shared. He placed the box off to the side of him, hesitating for just a second before pulling MC into his arms, burying his face into their shoulder as he cried.
MC stiffened, sobering up just slightly from the shock of his reaction. “Mammon, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong, I just…” He snaked his arm up around their back so he could place his hand on the back of their head. He never wanted to let them go, he could stay in this moment forever and be happy for eternity. “You gave me you, MC.”
“Never mind...thank you, that’s what I meant to say.” It was hard for him to explain in words. That box was filled with MC, essentially. Every connection to them he ever needed was in their gift. He held them tighter, hoping that maybe they were drunk enough to forget tomorrow how much he sobbed into them, how softly he was holding them. MC mimicked his actions and buried their hand in his hair. He let out a soft sigh, trying not to melt into them as his tears started to dry.
“Happy birthday, Mammon,” They leaned their whole body into him, the alcoholic influences letting them share more than they typically would’ve intended. “I wished there was more I could’ve given you. You’re so so special to me. I can’t afford anything fancy or designer, though I know that’s what you would’ve preferred. I’d give you the entire world if I could. The three worlds!”
Mammon shifted so his face was in the crook of their neck, feeling MC’s head settle against his own. “MC...listen...this is perfect, and even if you didn’t get me anything, I wouldn't have cared. Everything you’ve done today is enough. Everything you do is enough. You yourself are a gift to me enough.”
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Too tall part 2
Raph x tall! Fem! Reader
So here we are again lol I liked writing it so here’s part two!
“Yeah he was a douchebag.” You agreed, tapping the seat nervously. Sure you were glad to have conversation but it didn’t need to be any info dumping. Quickly, you turned the conversation back around to him. “You kept calling yourself a monster earlier. Do you guys get called that a lot?”
You could easily see the nervous expression on his face shift to something more... bitter.
“You could say that.” He grunted.
Immediately you felt bad. It makes sense that he’s get called that. To be honest, the word ran through your head when he and his brother fell from the roof. But to call someone that to their face? That’s cold.
You straightened up, desperate to fix what you’d said. “I personally don’t see it. Well, other than you guys breaking my phone that is.”
He looked up at you with a glare, only for it to melt slightly when he noticed the grin on your face.
“Who knows, maybe that perv was on his way back with a few friends and you guys dropping down was exactly what I needed to get rid of him.” You shrugged, watching his golden eyes intently. Sure you just met him but you needed him to have the right impression, even if you might not see him again.
“Maybe.” Was all he offered.
Well, maybe sitting in the quiet was better. Running your mouth might have the wrong effect.
“Got a pretty good punch.” He commented after a moment of silence. He wasn’t sure what else he should say but he didn’t exactly want the conversation to die... purely because it would be awkward. “You...uh... you box at all?”
You examined the hand he’d previously wrapped, grateful you weren’t the only one talking. “No just had to learn to beat up guys when they messed with my friends. I’d like to in the future though.” You cleared your throat nervously. “Do you? Do you box?”
He nodded. “Yeah, a bit.”
You nodded as well. “Very cool.”
The conversation began to dwindle again so he picked it back up.
“If ya’d like... I could show ya a few moves.” He immediately regretted offering the moment he spoke. He.... he couldn’t help it! What was wrong with him? You’d said a few words he’d never heard before! That was it! And... well, you also cracked a few jokes with him... denied him being a monster... hell you even apologized to him. Apologies weren’t things he got often. “If ya ever in need ‘a course.” He covered himself quickly. “Got lots a spare time an’ a punchin’ bag.”
You blinked in surprise. A giant, mutant, teenage turtle... was offering you boxing lessons?
Raph mentally kicked himself for saying that. “Neva’ mind ya probably got other places to be-.”
“I’d like that.” You sat up a bit. “It’s not everyday that I get offered a boxing lesson by a mutant hero.”
The term ‘mutant hero’ threw him off. He was used to ‘monster’ or simply being referred to as ‘giant turtle’. But ‘mutant hero’? That was a title he could get behind.
“Can’t have ya goin’ around breakin’ the skin on your knuckles again.” He clarified quickly, gaining a bit of confidence back. “An’ I noticed that ya had your thumb in your fist when ya hit the guy. Coulda broken it.”
You snorted. “Yeah I wasn’t exactly thinking about that when he attacked me.”
“Impressive though.” He commented. “Thought we’d have to jump in an’ save ya.”
“Instead you jumped in after I did all the hard work and broke my phone.” You raised an eyebrow jokingly.
He looked down in embarrassment. “Yeah you can blame Mikey for that. Dumbass wanted to make bets about how long it would take for you to take the guy down.”
You flushed a bit at the thought of them watching you take your rage out on the creep. “I don’t really know what to say to that.”
He nodded, not really knowing what to say either. He was new to the whole conversation thing. Usually Mikey or Leo carried the conversations.
“Well looks like you’re all good.” He leaned back once he finished wrapping your hands. “Guess you can get your phone and we’ll get outta your hair.”
You stood up, backing up a bit when he did to. Man he really towered over people. “Well, except when I come back for that boxing lesson.”
He was surprised to be honest. You really wanted to come back?
You pointed your finger at him jokingly. “I’m holding you to it. You offered and there’s no backing out now.”
“Yeah... sounds like a plan.”
It was a plan indeed.
In fact, it became the plan for almost every afternoon.
You brought over your homework to finish up (with Donnie insisting he could help), chatted a bit with Splinter (he loved having new company), finally got to the boxing lesson (your favorite part), and then played video games with Mikey to cool down.
You had to admit, you were nervous the first few times you came over. They were to. You, of course, cracked many nervous jokes and accidentally made far too many cookies on your first trip back. You were excited and scared! Food was then way to peoples hearts right? They seemed nice and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to make out of the ordinary friends.
They’d definitely been surprised when you showed up with about 3 tons of chocolate chip cookies but they were teenagers; it was eaten within the hour.
In your opinion it helped you break the ice. It was hard enough to find things in common when they’re completely different species! Cookies had become the common ground.
Being different species wasn’t the only thing. They were HUGE! For once you were the shortest out of everyone in the room.
Well, until you met April.
She’d been talked up so much that you couldn’t wait to meet the girl that helped them save New York.
She barely went to your shoulder.
But you two got along. Sure she was an adult and it was a bit awkward that she was smaller than you, but you managed. In fact you even liked having someone smaller than you around when you were with them. It made you feel more... normal.
“I was a bit awkward the first time I came here to.” She admitted as you two sat on the couch. You two were supposed to be trying to figure out calculus but it was fruitless. “They’re just so... huge!”
You nodded as you erased your work. “Yeah, I’m used to being the tall one. But now it’s like I’m gonna get stepped on!”
“Well you’re pretty tall yourself.” She waved it off. “Does that ever give you any trouble?”
You set down you pencil with a sigh. “A bit. It’s... hard to find a guy that will like all 6 feet and 4 inches of me.”
April shook her head. “Psh. Men. What do they know.”
“Absolutely Nothing.” You grinned. “The only thing they know is that they like small girls.”
“Eh, I can think of a few guys that like tall girls.” She hinted slightly, disappointed when you didn’t seem to notice. “You’d just have to... branch out.”
You shrugged and leaned back on the couch. “I’ve tried that.”
“Maybe you just need a different... angle.” She held up her hands to fully frame your face. “Maybe there’s a reaaaaally tall guy out there for you. Someone who won’t care that you’re 6 foot 4 inches.”
You snorted, wrinkling your nose at her. “Yeah, let me know when a seven foot guy shows up in New York. Preferably, he has to be my age, and my type.”
Just then, Raph walked into the room. “Done chattin’ it up or are ya gonna go for another hour?”
You jumped. “What in the hot tater tots, dude!” You put your hand over your beating chest as if that would calm your heart down. “I get that you’re a ninja but come on! You’re gonna give me a heart attack showing up out of nowhere like that!
“Ya gonna box or what?” He rolled his eyes, mentally facepalming himself.
You weren’t like his brothers.
You weren’t even like him.
He had to be more careful. But he wouldn’t make it obvious of course. Stealth was clearly his thing.
You rolled your eyes right back at him, grateful that he was at a point where he felt he could joke with you. “Can you let my soul return to my body first?”
He frowned, unsure of what that meant. “Uhh... you okay?”
You jumped up off the couch, breath finally caught. “Alright I’m good. I’d rather get another lesson in then have to deal with calculus anymore.” You kicked your notebook a bit.
“You could... I don’t know... get Donnie to help ya with it?” He offered half heartedly.
You shook your head. “Nah, I’d rather do boxing with you.” You patted his arm as you passed him on your way to the training area. “Let’s go!”
His face flushed immediately.
April raised an eyebrow from the couch. “Damn. You got it bad don’t you?”
Double shit.
He glared at her as the blush on his face grew hotter. “Shut up. Don’t know what the hell youre talkin’ about.”
She pursed her lips and tried not to laugh. “Of course. Just can’t help but notice that you never offered me any boxing lessons. Strange.”
He turned before he could get anymore embarrassed. “I don’t know what you’re on but you’re dead wrong.” And with that, he left.
“So these are your katanas?” You asked leo curiously, holding the weapons as gentle as possible. He’d let you look at them while you waited for Raph to show up. Never did you think he’d let you actually touch the blades.
He did, however, stand cautiously next to you. “Yeah, Master splinter gave them to me. Wanna see a few moves?”
You nodded eagerly. “Maybe when I’m actually good at boxing you can teach me some as well.”
You watched as he swing the blades with ease, talking you through each move and it’s purpose.
“Mikey, I’m NOT using my tech to fit every cheese and meat in the world into one pizza!” Donnie stated firmly, walking in with his younger brother right on his tail.
“Why not?” He begged. “It would be genius! We could offer it to the world! Give it our blessing!”
“The world wouldn’t take it from us.” Donnie rolled his eyes.
“Then we give it to Y/n in our honor!” He gestured to you. “She could give our gift to the world.”
“The world don’t want no gift of ours.” Raph commented, finally walking in.
You perked up immediately, altho you were unsure why.
“That’s why we label it as y/n’s” Mikey protested.
“I’m not gonna argue with you about this!” Donnie brushes past him and you.
“Then just say yes!” Mikey exclaimed, accidentally shouldering you.
Now these guys are pretty big. When they shoulder someone, they really move them out of the way.
And unfortunately, out of the way was closer to where Leo was practicing with his katanas.
“Shit!” You hissed quickly when you realized how close you were.
You’d have been chopped up into finely slice pieces if not for the arms that wrapped around you and moved you away quickly. Your feet left the floor before you could even realize what was going on. All you could feel was your back pressed against something solid and hands at your waist.
“Mikey watch where you’re goin’!” Raph shouted, setting you down gently.
“Sorry bro!” He called over his shoulder.
You took a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to stumble when your feet touched the floor. “Wow, that was a little too close for my liking.”
“Ya good there, short stuff?
At this, your eyes flew open. “Short stuff? Excuse me?”
He saw absolutely no problem with the name. “What?”
You placed your hands at your hips. “Never, in all my years, have I been called short stuff.”
He snorted. “Get used to it. Around here, you ARE short stuff.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as he prepared the boxing gloves. How was he so casual about this?? You were never talked to like that! “If I were in the human world, I’d be treated with respect because I tower over all the underlings.” You attempted to joke to cover up your surprise.
He found your reaction... amusing. You reacted better than he thought you would actually. “Well you’re the only underling here, SHORT STUFF.”
You tensed, so very very VERY unused to nicknames. “Come on, you can’t make an exception for human standards of height?”
You didn’t hate it, you just hated that it caught you off guard. Being off guard was the last thing you wanted.
“Nope.” He tossed you a pair of boxing gloves. “Now let’s get to it.”
Why did that name make you feel so... giddy? You couldn’t help but play that scene over and over in your head as you sat at the lunch table with your friends. Was this how all your friends felt when they got called stuff like that? Was this what you’d been missing out on?
And you’d never been picked up before. Not like all the other girls in your grade had.
It was strange... and you liked it.
“Hey, again, I’m sorry about what happened.” Your friend apologized. “I know it’s been a month already but it’s clearly eating you up!” She took your hand understandingly. “I know that whenever this happens you lock yourself away but I’m here for you.”
You snapped back to the land of the living. “Oh! Actually... I’ve been fine!” It was almost like you hadn’t had time to be sad about what happened when that guy stood you up. Like other stuff took his place in your head.
She frowned at you. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, a smile creeping on to your face. “Positive.”
She gasped suddenly. “Oh my goodness. You met someone didn’t you?!” She shook your arm before you could answer. “Don’t deny it! Who are they? What’s their name??”
You shook her off. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But your blushing face said otherwise.
“I don’t believe you.” She pursed her lips. “Can I just have a name? Does he go to our school?”
You snorted. “Dude, I don’t like him. He’s just a friend I’ve been talking to lately. He’s been giving me boxing lessons-.”
“Oh my goodness you two are basically married now.”
“Wait what?”
“Personal lessons? Girl he’s got it bad!”
Her words stuck with you the whole day. Even when you walked into the lair that afternoon. They spun in circles like a loop, playing over and over.
Psh you didn’t have feelings for Raph!
No way.
And he had a bad for you? No. No, your friend just misread the whole situation.
Just friends, as you’d been for the past month or so.
But the moment you walked in and saw him... you weren’t too sure.
He glanced up at you and then back at his phone. “Hey, you’re here early.”
You shrugged, setting your bag down. “Didn’t feel like heading home right away.”
“Donnies in his lab area if you’re gonna do more a’ that math shit.” He offered, eyes not leaving his phone screen.
“Actually I don’t have any homework today.” You started slowly. “And if you’re not busy...” you waited to see if he would catch on. You continued when he didn’t, “then could we skip ahead to the boxing?”
Now he looked up. “Really?”
He attempted to cover his reaction. “I mean, yeah I got time I guess.”
“Alright, then let’s get some water and get started?”
“Sounds good to me.”
Mikey, Leo, and master splinter were all in the kitchen.
“Hey didn’t hear ya come in!” Mikey grinned, patting your shoulder.
You jolted at the strength he put behind it, unready.
“Ay watch it.” Raph ordered, guiding you slightly away from Mikey.
It was just that he didn’t want Mikey to hit you too hard. Because... then you’d give up boxing too soon for the day. And then he’d have nothing else to do.
“It’s fine.” You waved him off, flushing a bit as you uncapped your water bottle. “Can I get through guys?”
Unfortunately Leo and Raph had started an arguement about the way Raph handled Mikeys action and now no one was really letting you get to the sink.
“Fine I’ll do it myself.” You tried to go around Raph, and succeeded. He backed away immediately when he saw that you had moved. But getting around Leo and Mikey? Not so successful.
With Leo’s strictness turned to Mikey, the two began arguing.
You tried to dodge them but Mikey took a step back.
“Oh my goodness your brothers aren’t making this easy.” You complained to Raph.
“Tell me about it.” He rolled his eyes. Suddenly.. he got an idea. “C’mon short stuff.” He grabbed you and set you on his shoulders so you wouldn’t get squished by one of his idiot brothers.
“Holy shit!” You squeaked suddenly. Now it was you that towered above everyone else. “Should I get used to you grabbing me randomly or is this only a temporary thing?” You held onto his shell as he shouldered past his brothers.
“Possibly.” He shrugged, “but it’s funnier if ya don’t.”
You hit his shoulder. “So you’re doing this for FUN??”
“That, and you gettin’ hit by Leo or Mikey would be an inconvenience.”
Wow where was all this joking coming from?
“Then I guess I gotta stop reacting.”
From then on it was a contest.
He would move you randomly out of the way and you’d do your best not to react.
You never did get used to it but he didn’t need to know that.
He never gave you any warnings either, which didn’t help.
You’d be standing in the tv area and he’d pick you up and move you out of his way, smirking while he walked by if he got a reaction.
You had fun with it though. It was fun... and you enjoyed having something like that in your friendship.
You flopped down on your couch after your hard day at school. Today you had no boxing lesson planned and only a few chapters to read. You WERE planning on relaxing by yourself but...
Mikey sent you a message.
Shreks_love_child: hey are you planning on coming over?
You frowned at it. Didn’t he know you had the day off?
You: I’m just going to relax at home today
Shreks_love_child: could you do that another day and come over? Raph’s in a mood
You: why would me coming over help anything? And why is he in a mood?
Shreks_love_child: no reason. He just doesn’t yell as much when you’re around
That wasn’t true... was it?
With a bit of thought, you responded back.
You: fine I’ll be there in a bit. But you better give me a better explanation when I get there. AND you owe me
“Mom I’m headed to my friends house!” You shouted, slipping on your shoes and heading out there door before she could make you do something like doing the dishes before you left.
You walked down the street, enjoying the scenery.
Why would Raph be in a mood?
And why would you being there make it better?
Well Mikey better have a good reason.
Just as you were about to come upon the sewer lid that lead you to their home, you recognized a person walking your way...
...the same guy that had stood you up.
His eyes widened when he seemed to recognize you to. “Hey, Y/n!” He shouted.
Nope nope nope.
You began walking faster, turning the corner and heading towards the lid quickly. You had to act fast. You absolutely did NOT want to get caught face to face with him.
You lowered yourself and placed to too heavy lid over yourself as fast as possible, moments before he turned the corner.
You let out a sigh of relief.
Dumbass. Why has he wanted to talk? He made it clear how he felt and what he thought.
Whatever. You didn’t need to think about him now.
You could already hear the sound of shouting.
“Mikey I told ya not to touch it! It’s not finished and ya coulda broken it!”
You made your way down the ladder and through the tunnels quickly. From the sounds of it, Mikey was close to being murdered.
“I’m sorry! You left it on the counter dude! I didn’t know what it was!”
You rounded the next corner, coming face to face with two defensive turtle boys. Raph held a small object protectively in his hands and his brother backed away.
“That don’t mean ya gotta mess with it!”
“I already apologized bro!”
“Apologies are shit! Ya got pizza sauce all over it!”
You cleared your throat, letting yourself be known.
Both of them turned to you immediately.
Relief washed over mikeys face. “Hey! It’s y/n! Whatcha doin’ here angel cakes?” He rushed over quickly, practically standing behind you to protect himself from his older brother. “Today was your day off! Huh. Well now you’re here, right?”
You rolled your eyes at him, moving your attention to Raph.
His whole demeanor had changed. He no longer looked ready to kill. Instead he stood up straighter and held whatever the object was behind his back. “Why ya here?” He asked with a frown. “Today was the day off.”
You decided to not give Mikey an even harder time than he was having and not rat him out. “Thought maybe I’d just hang out with you guys if that’s okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah I’m cool with it.” He narrowed his eyes at Mikey as if he suspected what he’d done. Unfortunately he couldn’t hurt him in front of you so he turned his attention away from his younger brother.
“Cool cool.” You nodded as well. “Wanna watch a movie or something?” You leaned closer a bit to see what he had in his hands.
“Yeah, just let me go get my... my phone from my room.” He closed his fist over the object and moved aside.
“Whatcha hiding?” You raised a brow at him. “Candy?”
“Not hiding anything.”
You followed him to his room with a smirk. “If it’s candy you gotta share.”
“Nope. Not candy.” His face darkened as he grew embarrassed about the possibility of being caught before it was ready. “Just go wait on the couch.”
You rolled your eyes and held up your hands in surrender. “Fine. But I hope the shame of candy hoarding follows you forever.” You turned on your heel and walked to the couch.
Just as you sat down, your phone buzzed.
Hey, I just wanted to apologize for what happened. Are we good?
The absolute audacity. That guy ignored you for practically five months! And now he was apologizing? And he wasn’t even giving you a good reason??
You wrinkled your nose at the screen as if it were his face.
It was a stupid idea I just wasn’t ready for anything serious
You shut your phone off and tried to swallow the temptation of throwing it at the wall.
You know it’s rude to ignore people right?
The phone hit the brick wall with a thud.
It had an otter box case it was fine.
You took a deep breath and held your face in your hands, elbows resting on your knees.
“You good, short stuff?”
You groaned into your hands. “Just let me die.”
Raph frowned, unsure of what to say. One moment you were excited and bugging him. Now you looked like someone stole your dog.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
You sat up furiously. “Yeah this dipshit guy keeps texting me!” You paced the room, snatching up your phone as you went. “He stood me up the night I first met you guys and now he wants to talk?? And he’s calling me rude for not responding!” You shook your phone angrily. “Either I’m gonna die or he is!”
“The douchebag?” Raph attempted to clarify. “Ya still got his number?”
“I didn’t have time to delete it.” You admitted. “I got so caught up with you guys! And then he tried to talk to me on the way here!” You sat down beside him with a huff. “Fighting crime is your thing right? You think it’s justified if I run to his house and kill him? Would you stop me?”
“Wouldn’t try very hard.” He huffed. “He’s a dipshit. Don’t see what’s right in front a’ him.”
Crap out of room. To be continued!
@sophiedoodles-blog @fanlovedlt
40 notes · View notes
thatslikely · 4 years
Seeker Pt. 2 - D.M.
Seeker Part 2- Draco Malfoy x fem!reader (unspecified house but not Slytherin)
Warnings: None! Just a fluffy sequel :)
Word Count: 3.0k
A/N: You can find part 1 here if you haven’t read it already!  Sorry this took so long, I’ve just been trying to make sure its a worthy sequel.  I wanna thank everyone for over 150 notes on Part 1, I never expected such astounding support!  Also keep your eye out for the mini surprise at the end ;)  Also I would really love feedback since this is my first sequel, especially to my first ever fic.
Just a reminder: Y/N is Your Name and Y/L/N is Your Last Name
Meet me at our spot tonight at 11.  I’ve missed you.
You slid the perfectly-written crisp parchment back into the expensive black envelope it arrived in, to hide it from your nosy dorm-mates.  Draco’s owl perched patiently at the open window of your dorm, barely making a chirp. You handed the well-trained bird a small piece of chocolate, which was previously stowed away in your nightstand, before sitting down at your desk to pen Draco a response.   
The holiday break had been relaxing, especially since you got a long break from Quidditch practices.  You loved Quidditch, you dare say almost as much as Oliver Wood did, but your muscles were perpetually sore, much to your displeasure.
You hadn’t seen the Slytherin Seeker, who you now affectionately call your friend, since the day before break began, and you were desperate to see his handsome smile again.  You missed the glow of his hair in the moonlight, the ambitious and determined look in his eyes before a match, the soft touch of his hands as he held your shoulder or less frequently, your hand.
The line between friend and lover had always been blurred with him; often people accused him of being your boyfriend.  Some days he reluctantly denied it, but some he just gave you a charming wink as he grasped your hand firmly.
It would be idiotic to deny your abundant feelings for him.  At first, it was the subtle ways you’d pick up the little habits about him: how he fiddled with his rings when he was nervous, or how he always polished his broom every afternoon before a game or even the way he swiftly brushed his hand through his platinum blonde hair the moment he saw you walk towards him.
The blush that crept up on his alluring face every time you were near signalled that the feelings were thankfully mutual.  He was painfully obvious, as you were sure you were too, so it was only a matter of time before he’d ask you out on a date to Hogsmeade.   Hopefully, it will even be tonight.
The blonde’s owl had flown away by the time you realized that you had yet to jot him down an answer.  You could always send him an acknowledging wink at dinner since you always purposefully made sure to position yourself for a picture-perfect view of him in all his glory.
Dinner came and went.  The food was delicious per usual, you were constantly glancing at Draco from across the Great Hall, you chatted with your friends about the upcoming Potions test, which Draco would surely insist on helping you study for.  And of course, you sent him a playful wink as promised.
His silver eyes weren’t off you either.  He loved to admire the way your face morphed into a lively laugh or the soft, warm glow that bounced off your face, courtesy of thousands of floating candles overhead.  He loved everything about you, inside and out, and he was ready to show it.
By the time eleven rolled around, you were thoroughly prepared.  You ensured your hair was perfect and your outfit was warm but eye-catching.  You clasped a delicate hand-wrapped forest green box, which’s lid was held on with a beautiful piece of starlight-silver twine.
It was a tradition to get your friends presents upon returning from the snow-speckled break, and Draco would be no exception.  You were certain you would receive no gift in return, but you didn’t care.  Draco, for lack of a closer term, was your friend, so he was no exception to your tradition. 
Draco had definitely gone soft on you, and his fellow Slytherins didn’t fail to notice.  Every time he snuck out even a second past curfew to see you at the Owlery, or Astronomy Tower, or anywhere really, they’d crack some sort of joke at both his and yours’ expense.  
He had not only gone soft on you but perhaps the whole school, in a way.  He was less prone to impulsively hexing first years, instead opting for slightly rude remarks.  He was even a tad bit nicer to the Golden Trio. 
He was still smart and sharp as ever though, maybe even paying a little bit more attention in class, in case you needed help studying.  
One thing didn’t change about him though, and that was his attitude regarding Quidditch.  He was fierce and strong as ever, and there was no way he’d back down during a game, even for you.  Even when he wasn’t playing against you, he’d play extra competitively, in an attempt to both intimidate and impress you.
And whenever it was you on the broom and him in the stands, he always cheered for you as loud as his lungs allowed.  You always wondered why his voice was hoarse after you won a match the night before, not thinking that it was his yells that rang the loudest through the pitch.
The steps up to the Owlery were icy, just as you were afraid of.  Your knuckle was white from gripping the freezing stone rail up the endless steps.  Finally, though, you reached the top, unsurprised to see that Draco had beaten you up here.  He was always one step ahead, after all. 
“It’s felt like ages since I’ve seen you, Y/N.  How was your holidays?”  His face lightened at the sight of you peeking elegantly through the cracks of moonlight.  You looked as gorgeous as ever.
“It was wonderful!  I got a brand new Quidditch broom, so be prepared to eat my dust, Malfoy,” you said with a smirk.  Your hands rested suspiciously behind your back, carefully concealing Draco’s present. 
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Y/L/N.  Remember, I won’t hesitate to push you off your broom, even if it kills you.”  Draco’s words, even the taunting ones, sounded like the most eloquent poetry to your love-struck heart.  
“Right back at you.  I actually practiced my shoving techniques every morning back home.  I bet I could push you off your broom 23 different ways if I really wanted to.”
Draco chuckled at your comment and you let your sarcastic expression fade into a genuine smile.  The blonde slowly inches even closer to you; your face is eventually so close to Draco’s that you can see every detail imprinted on his pale skin.  He accidentally brushes his ring ornamented hand against yours, causing your cheeks to become pink and warm, imitating the effects of sipping some freshly-steeped tea.   
“Well anyway, I have something for you.  For the holidays, you know.”  Draco pulls out a small black box from his matching black trousers with a charming smile.  His rings reflect the pale moonlight magnificently, and you catch yourself staring at the back of his hands.
You slowly accept the box from his hand, your hand half holding his as you take it.  You say quietly, “You didn’t have to get me a gift, Draco.”
 “I didn’t have to.  I wanted to, love.  I care about you, more than you’ll ever know.”  You felt the corners of your eyes prick with tears at his kind words.  Everything he said somehow managed to hit you directly in the heart.  
You carefully opened the inky-black box.  Draco looked down at you anticipatedly, a hopeful grin painting his face.
Laying perfectly inside of the box was a beautiful, ornate, and expensive silver serpent necklace, identical to the rings that he wore daily.  The glimmering eyes of the snake were magnificent, crystalline emeralds, which precisely matched the bold hue of Slytherin’s Quidditch robes.
Your eyes continued to grow misty; your hand that wasn’t admiring every microscopic detail of the necklace was covering your mouth in awe.  Draco’s lips quirked into a cocky smile at your reaction, clearly pleased with himself.  
Without hesitation, you clasped the necklace around your neck.  You couldn’t stop fiddling with it until Draco grabbed your hand, using the connection to pull your chest into his slowly.  He softly muttered, “I like you, more than you’ll ever know” before leaning in for a kiss.
Draco’s lips on yours were like nothing you’ve ever felt.  He felt magnetic.  You would never be able to let go of this moment, the way his hand cupped your cheek gently, the way your hand glided from his chest to his shoulder, pulling him impossibly closer.  You felt whole.  
When you finally pulled away, your electrified lips yearned to touch his’ again.  Instead of kissing him again though, you barely managed to squeak, “I like you, too.”
The next Quidditch match came by faster than you expected, and you were scrambling to prepare for your battle against the Slytherins once again.  Draco had been gloating all day about how much he and the team had improved since your previous game.  
“You may have gotten lucky last match, Y/L/N, but this time you’ll like a first-year learning how to fly next to me.  Do you think the gold of the Snitch will compliment my hair?”  Draco swept his hand through his perfectly-styled platinum blonde locks, a cocky expression unsurprisingly on his face.
“You won’t even have to worry about whether it matches your stupidly gorgeous head of hair or not since it’ll be me who gets it in the first place!”  You retorted, rolling your eyes at him instinctively.    
“Oh, really?” he asked flirtatiously, before giving you a small peck.  The sudden kiss caused you to become so flustered, that you couldn’t do anything but shut up; he grinned triumphantly at your reaction.
The game started not long after yet again another boastful interaction with Draco.  You hovered high above the ground on your new, polished broom, ready to beat your Slytherin ‘rival’ once more.
Draco could be seen across the field, cracking his knuckles in an attempt to look intimidating.  While his Quidditch record would ordinarily frighten a Seeker such as yourself, you knew the real Draco, and he didn’t scare you one bit.  
A booming “brooms up!” echoed through the pitch, and immediately you flew directly to the top of the pitch, looking down at the whizzing flashes of green like a cat peering attentively through a fishbowl.  
Draco soon joined you up at the top of the pitch, following your exact movements just as he had done before.  He spat, “Scared, Y/N?” almost identically to the last match.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” you said with a knowing smile.  He playfully rolled his eyes at you, and the corners of his mouth raised to an adorable and goofy smile.  
“Remember, I won’t be going easy on you, even if things are different.  Just because I fancy you doesn’t-” he was quickly cut off by the shimmer of gold seen out of the corner of his eye.  His expensive and sleek black broom immediately flew him to the well-manicured grass that lined the ground of the pitch.
By the time you had caught up with the cocky Seeker, he was mere feet from the Snitch.  You quickly flew to his side so you two were parallel, both of your hands, which had been intertwined so many times before, now opposing each other in the battle for the elusive winged sphere.
It seemed the game that you and Draco had played against each other last time, which results you wished so desperately would repeat, was doomed to change.  He clashed his torso into yours harshly, in an attempt to throw you off.  
Instead of toppling off your broom, you tried to give him a taste of his own medicine; you felt your bones shake after jerking your body weight into him, but he looked as if he had only been hit with the force of a leaf languidly fluttering in the wind.
Draco emitted a snarl after you rammed into his side, but he was undaunted in his pursuit of the Snitch.  His pupils were practically glued to the medal-colored blur, which was darting rapidly in any direction it could.
You knew you couldn’t beat Draco this time.  At least, not like how you had been playing so far.  Your arm was too short, your broom too slow, so you used the last of what little energy you had within yourself to pelt all of yourself, including your heart, at him. 
Instead of colliding into your green-glad admirer as you intended, you were only met with the cold and terrifying emptiness of oxygen.  
The ground felt so close, your tongue could almost taste the metallic copper bite of blood.  You could vividly see the way your side would slam into the spiky grass like a ragdoll, your bloodied nostrils filling with the smells of grass and the morning sun. You could envision players draped in uniforms of clashing hues dashing to your pain-ridden body, ready to carry you to Madame Pomfrey. 
But due to Draco Malfoy, that horrifying situation remained trapped only within the confines of your mind.  
You never thought you could love Draco as much as you did right now.  
His arms were outstretched and strong as you landed into them, light as a feather.  The blonde strands of hair that clung to his forehead in sweat and the unwavering confident look in his eyes drew you closer to him unconsciously.  His biceps, which were nicely toned due to his years of Quidditch, set you gently in front of him on his broom.
He wrapped one of his arms securely around your chest, which soothed your increasingly rapid racing heart exponentially.  His other arm was held high above his head, valiantly boasting the Snitch that resided within his glove-covered hands.
The crowd that resided in the green and grey towers of the pitch were erupting with joy.  You were almost too shocked from your near-fall to roll your eyes at his huge display of cockiness and pride, keyword being almost.  You leaned your head against his chest, listening to the ego-boosted beating of his heart, a stark contrast from your own.
The final moments before the two of you drifted to the ground were spent with him cheering in pride, and you taking comfort from his compassionate embrace.  And maybe you were wafting in a bit of his pleasant-smelling cologne, too.
Your house’s common room looked dreary and deflated, comparable only to that of a seven-year-old’s birthday party- where nobody bothered to show up.  While everyone was sympathetic for you, you couldn’t help but sense a slight tinge of resentment hidden beneath every soft pat on the back or obligatory smile.  
The Slytherin common room, however, was filled to the brim with its cunning house-members.  Firewhiskey was flowing through the crowd like pouring rain after centuries of drought.  The music was pounding so loud that the intricate chandeliers hanging from the top of the dungeon were shaking violently along with the beat. 
Draco and his posse stood at the corner of the alcohol-drenched room, leaning against the signature green walls, away from the large mob of partiers that had accumulated in the center.  
While the Firewhiskey normally would have clouded the blonde’s head by now, tonight his mind was crystal-clear.  
He couldn’t get Y/N out of his head, and frankly, he didn’t want to.  He should be focused on how utterly heroic he was during the Quidditch match or his huge victory for Slytherin.  But instead, he thought about how you felt under his arm, how your head softly rested on his chest.  It felt like the final puzzle piece had been placed, his love and need for you cemented.
He wouldn’t be able to live without your embrace again, he was sure of that, but maybe he wouldn’t even be able to last five more minutes.
He muttered a quick, “I’ll be back,” to his surrounding house-mates before shoving his green half-full cup of Firewhiskey into one of their hands.  He walked confidently through the mob of intoxicated partiers towards the enchanted stone wall exit.  
His eyes darted around the corridor as he paced towards your common room.  You wouldn’t be found in your common room, however, for the sulking of your house-mates was too much to bear.  
You instead could be found seated at a desk in the library, channeling your pent-up guilt from your performance at the Quidditch match into vigorously studying for a Potions exam on Monday.  
Your beat-up textbook was littered with dog-eared pages and bookmarks scribbled with helpful messages; it lay open on the page for Amortentia.  Your hand gripped your quill tightly, carving notes onto your piece of parchment.  Your eyes were briskly darting from one word to the next.
You were so wrapped up in your work that you didn’t notice that Draco had taken a seat next to you, enraptured in your presence.  His elbow lay pressed on the desk, head in his hand.  Your concentration was broken with a clear of his throat, followed by, “Hey darling, what’re you doing?”
“I’m studying,” you said, before adding meekly, “for Potions.”
“Oh love, you know I could’ve helped you,” he said with a disappointed smile.  His eyebrows furrowed as he flipped through your notes, noticing you were writing about the infamous love potion.  You let the quill in your hand go, letting your hand melt under Draco’s large palm. 
In an attempt to cheer you up, he said, “You know, I have a hunch on what I would smell in Amortentia, want to know what it is?” you nodded, “tea, warm autumn’s breeze, and maybe the faint smell of sweaty Quidditch robes.”
You let out a small laugh, adorning your now-pink face with a genuine smile.  “You know what I would smell?  Expensive cologne, green apples, and maybe a bit of sweetness under a cold exterior.”
“I’m not sweet, but if I was it’d only be for you,” Draco said with a sarcastic grumble.  
You looked up at Draco, who simply let his eyes take in all of you, adoring every single angle of your body.  The loving look in his eyes was enough to make your heart explode; your legs felt like jelly and your heart was beating out of your chest so loudly, you were sure he could hear it.
And soon he could, as his body grew slowly closer and closer to yours.  You pressed your forehead against his’, his molten silver eyes piercing through your own.  
Finally, after moments of staring longingly at each other, you tugged his green and grey pin-striped tie in for a kiss.
(Bonus) Epilogue:
The Three Broomsticks was filled to the brim with students from the Wizarding School across the bend.  Tables were littered with half-drank glasses of butterbeer; a few students could be seen snogging in the back booths of the tavern.  
You sat across from Draco Malfoy, your amazing boyfriend, as he rambled endlessly about Potter.  You weren’t listening to a word about the famous Gryffindor, instead, you were watching the way his lips articulated every word that spilled from his mouth.
“Right, darling?” Draco asked expectantly.
You nodded supportively.  Draco, instead of looking satisfied, quizzically asked, “so you think I should poor my butterbeer all over your head?  I’d be happy to.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t listening.  You just look so good when you talk, I got distracted.”
“It’s fine, love.  Well, I’m glad we finally got to go to Hogsmeade together.”
“After three months too!  Why couldn’t you have taken me sooner?” you asked overdramatically, tugging on your bag full of sweets from Honeydukes.  
“I’m sorry, but I seem to recall it’s your fault.  Study, Quidditch, study, Quidditch, study, Quiddit-”
“Okay, okay.  I get it.  I’m just not as naturally smart as you, Mister Potions Master.”  You rolled your eyes as he grinned at his title.
“Do you only flatter me so I do your essays for you?  Because if so, I hate to admit it’s working.”  He tucked a loose piece of your hair out of your face and behind your ear tenderly.
“Oh, Draco.  You don’t need to know.”  You fiddled with the silver serpent necklace that hangs around your neck that had been kissed so many times.  
You were head over heels for Draco.  Luckily, you were all his, and you would be forever. 
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.2
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: Nightmares related to PTSD. Little NSFW. no further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥Thank you for the likes and follows, I appreciate it them so so much! If you wanna know when I’ll be updating the next chapters, you can follow me on Twitter @LawIsMyWaifu, come interact I love to have mutuals that love Law and One Piece as much as I do ♥
Word count: 4.1K
» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 2.
The sound of his low, raspy voice resonated all over my head, making my body react instantly. I gasped as I felt a strike of pleasure travelling down my stomach to in between my legs. Closing my eyes, unable to move, I didn’t want to move, I wanted him to keep whispering, to kiss my neck… “Hahahaha, I’m sorry, I’m just fooling around, your face, you look astonished Y/N-ya”, he said while laying back on the bed, laughing. I chuckled as I stood up brushing my clothes as if I was trying to fix them. “Stop it, I’m not into that you ass. Goodnight”, I said trying to dissimulate how agitated and embarrassed I was.
Almost running, I left the room, directly to mine, holding on my hand my underwear. I jumped to my bed resting violently on my back. “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” ... a little time passed until I passed out.
Hard knocks on my door woke me up. “Vice-Captain!! wake up! breakfast is ready!!!” Clione shouted from the corridor. “God damn how many times I have to tell this whole crew I fucking hate being awakened with shouting?” I mumbled annoyed, covering my face with the sheets.
I was brushing my hair when I remembered my “memory box” for some reason. Opened my drawer and found the little velvet red box that holds my “treasures”. Inside, there is a photo of my parents with me when I was 7, happy, eating some ice cream with them. It was taken during one of “the white parades”, on Flevance, before everything turned into hell. A little blue bow that my little sister used to wear, some photos of Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and me when we were the only members of our crew. And, a necklace Law made with some seashells as a gift for my 15th birthday, were also inside.
I got watery eyes while looking at it, “I must be getting old”, I thought, “I got emotional over the memories” ... laughed and put everything back to its place.
“Morning..” I said, greeting the whole crew that was already devouring their breakfast. I noticed Law wasn’t there, so I had to ask. Uni told me he was in the control room preparing for the arrival at the next island. I took a few pancakes and some tea and headed to the control room to ask my captain if he needed help.
“Good morning, doc”, I saluted him. Law that was seated facing the controls, turned the chair to look at me nodding. He has more dark circles as always, so I asked him, “Oi, did you sleep last night? are you feeling sick again?”. “I’m ok, I didn’t get much sleep last night. I got caught up with the book I was reading”, he answered with his usual unfriendly tone. “Yeah, right” I answered back, rolling my eyes, and proceeded “Let me know if you need something before we get to the island”.  Left the control room and went back to my room.
I knew him well to know he hadn't slept because something was worrying him, and not because he was reading the old comic book of “Sora, the warrior of the sea against the evil Germa 66”. But hey, Law never shows any emotion besides annoyance if he is not sick.
A few hours later, the submarine got to the shore of some winter island, and we all got ready to accomplish our assigned tasks.  “Ok everyone, we will meet here at 7 pm, is that clear?” told my crew members, everybody agreed and headed to the island.
The temperature was pretty low, and it was snowing. Law was wearing the long black coat with yellow dots and our Jolly Roger that he used to wear at Punk Hazard, his hat and of course the Kikoku over his shoulder. I love when he wears warm clothing, he looks so cozy, hiding his mouth behind the collar. (He does it so his lips don’t get chapped with the cold breeze, haha).  I don't like to wear the boiler-suit when we get to explore islands, so I decided to wear a long yellow coat with a hood, also with our crew's Jolly Roger emblazoned on the left side of the chest.
We asked a few civilians where to find a pharmacy and headed to the destination following their instructions. Law didn’t say much during the walking, as he normally does.
The island seemed a little bit deserted, yet it had picturesque streets, full of colour that stand out from the snow.  It has cobbled lanes, some canals of crystallized water, there were wooden houses and shops with little lights that garnished their architecture giving the place a romantic aura. The scenery behind the city center included big snowed mountains and a big castle over one of the highest peaks.
I saw a boutique with some cute sweaters on display that caught my eyes and I wanted to try them on. “Law, would you mind if I enter here? I want to buy a new sweater.”, I said. Law looked at me and made a gesture with his hand as he was saying to go ahead.
While searching for the sweater I like on one of the clothing racks I saw through the shop window that a few kids approached the captain. The seller asked me if I needed some help, so I stopped looking at him and l directed my gaze to the girl in the shop. So, I forget about him.
After buying two cute pullovers, we continued walking through the picturesque streets.
When we finally arrived at the pharmacy shop, it seemed like it was closed, but the door was open, so we entered. I rang the bell over the counter and waited for someone to show up. Law walked in front of me and had his hand over his sword. I knew he was alert and trying to protect me even if he didn’t say a word. I didn’t think we could be in danger, yet he never fully relaxes when we are outside. After all, he is one of the most wanted pirates of our generation, so it's understandable he trusts no stranger.
After a minute or so, an old lady approached the counter from the inside of the store. She seemed a little weak and perhaps a little sick. She coughed, covering her mouth with a handkerchief, and then greeted us. “Good afternoon, how can I help you?”, she asked. Law handed her a list of supplies we needed, and we waited. “Oi, don’t you think she looks bad? I mean, she is probably sick, should I ask if she is ok?”, I told Law who gave me a disapproving sight. I rolled my eyes, and said, “Fiiiine…”, “You know that I hate you rolling your eyes at me, you did it yesterday and now too. Stop it.” I looked at him with an “excuse me?” face and while I was about to spit an insult to him the granny appeared. “I’m sorry, I put on the bag some of the supplies, but I don’t have everything you need. We are short on medicines'', she informed us and started coughing harder. “Excuse me, Mrs. Are you alright? are you sick?”, I asked as she seemed to lose composure from all the nagging coughing. Law, that hated when I don’t give a fuck about what he had just said, gave me the look of death. “Oh young lady, we are pretty much sick, a strange illness is hitting the island. Even the only doctor in town fell ill. The orphanage, though, is getting the worst part. All of the kids are bedridden”, as she said, the memories of Flevance and the amber lead disease hit me.
Law's expression changed to a more compassionate one and asked about the symptoms they were experiencing. He might be serious, he might not want to get involved in a lot of things, but he is a true doctor. And he can't let people die if he can help.
We decided to visit the orphanage in hopes of helping the sick people, so we asked the old lady to give us directions to it. She said it was pretty far from the city center and told us her husband would take us there with his cart.
"Thank you so much for offering your help, young doctors", said the old lady's husband that later told us his name was Gerald. The cart was pulled by two brown percheron horses that opened their way through the white landscape.
We had a small talk during the journey, until Gerald asked, "how long have you been together? Are you already married?". Despite the freezing cold weather, my cheeks turned to fire, and I could sense Law hiding his head even more into his coat and hat. Almost as if clarifying that we were no couple was a life or death situation I said, "WE ARE JUST BEST FRIENDS!". I realized I almost shouted and felt mortified. Gerald looked at us with a little smirk and kind eyes, excusing himself for the mistake.
A few minutes after we arrived at the orphanage. It took us almost 30 minutes to get there and the sun was starting to set on the horizon.
When we entered the place, the situation was worse than we thought. There were kids and adults lying on the ground, some of them shivering, others coughing while others were straight unconscious. A few nurses were working in order to maintain them, but the situation had clearly surpassed them.
Immediately Law and I started working. While I helped the nurses, Law used his ope ope no mi power to scan the bodies of the sick people.
We got to the conclusion that what they were suffering was a type of bacteria that caused the respiratory symptoms and the fever.
During our duty, there were times when our eyes interlocked, and we smiled at each other. I wouldn't say we like people suffering, but, we certainly enjoyed working to save lives together.
A few hours passed since we arrived there, the sun was already set, and outside it seemed as if a snowstorm was beginning. I've lost track of time until my portable Den Den Mushi started to ring. "Oi, y/n, where are you? Is Law with you? Are you alright? We've been waiting for you on the shore! It's 9 pm already and we were supposed to meet at 7!", shouted Shachi from the other side of the line. "Oh my God I'm sorry I forgot to tell you!... you see …" I explained to them what we've been doing and that we were probably not going to return to the submarine in a few more hours.
The kids and the other people began to get better and those who were helping there offered us some food that we accepted happily.
While we were having dinner, Gerald got back from outside, who's been in the forest collecting some firewood. He informed us that the weather was getting really bad so coming back to town would be pretty dangerous.
Law and I agreed that staying there for the night was the safer choice.
One of the nurses, Sister Alley, told us we could spend the night in the cabin next to the orphanage. "I'm really sorry guys, I wished we had a better place for you, we owe you so much. The cabin has a fireplace, Gerald would start a fire to keep you warm”, she said. We both smiled at her and thanked for it.
We walked some meters through the forest until we started to catch sight of a wooden cabin. Despite being a strong pirate, I’m the queen of the clumsy people, so I slipped off with what I assume was an ice patch on the already snowy ground. I was about to hit the ground when Law grabbed me by the waist and saved me from a few bruises. His face in front of mine, the feeling of being safe on his arms, I wished it has been eternal. But the romantic moment was destroyed by Law mocking me. “It must be the devil fruit; how come you are so clumsy? Be careful”, he said, and I told him to shut up, this time I wasn’t embarrassed, but I was almost angry at him.
“Here we are, let me help you with the fire”, Gerald said, opening the wood door that creaked as it moved. The inside felt cozy, there were a few cushions and pillows on the ground next to the fireplace. There were no separate rooms, so in the middle of the lounge there was some kind of mattress with a few blankets over it. Our “host” asked for forgiveness about the lack of separate beds, but Law intercepted him and said, “It’s ok sir, we are grateful to have a warm place to stay until tomorrow. If you need help with any patient during the night, just please tell us”. It might be ok for you, damn Law. Was I supposed to sleep with him? - I mean, I wanted to, but, he was still my best friend, and those thoughts should have been erased.
Gerald wished us a good night and returned to the main building.
I hung my coat and as I love to explore, I started to do so around the little wooden house. The kitchen seemed really equipped, so I grabbed a kettle and some cups. Gerald was kind enough to give us some tea bags, so I thought making some tea was a great idea.
Law was next to the fireplace, wearing only a sweater and his jeans. Apparently he has already hung up his coat and his white spotted hat. I saw him once more with a lost sight that seemed to contemplate the firewood.
Looking at him with my face resting on my arm that was over the breakfast nook, I got lost worshiping his profile. I’ve always adored his upturned nose, his spiky black hair, his facial hair, the contrast between his grey eyes and the tanned skin. How come he has always been so handsome, but I’ve never seemed to fully realize?.
The whistle of the kettle intensified as the water started boiling, but I was so into admiring my best friend's beauty that I didn’t notice. Law turned to me and woke me up from my reverie shouting “Oi, Y/N, the kettle!”. My stupid smile quickly erased from my face, and my whole skin turned red. “Sorry”, I said straight away and turned off the burner.
I served two cups, noticing that the tea has an amazing scent. I believe it was hibiscus mixed with some other spices, perhaps some cardamom and maybe a little hint of clover. The smell of the tea mixed with the slightly one from the logs burning, was wonderful.
I walked to where my captain was, “Here, I think you may like it”, I said and handed him a cup. Our fingers brushed softly when grabbed the tea, he looked at me and said “Thanks”. I sat not so near him over one of the cushions and sipped a little bit of my tea. Law looked at me and stood up from his place. I could sense how awkward he felt when he made a little pause, and then walked away.
Why is he leaving? Did I make him feel uncomfortable?, I asked myself trying to hide little stings of pain on my chest that traveled to my throat. Somehow I felt like crying, and when my eyes started to get slightly watery, Law approached me placing his hand over my right shoulder.
I turned my face to him, looking up with a slightly pouty face. I was about to cry, and I didn’t even know why when I noticed a blue little box on his hand.
He sat next to me and said, "Do you remember when we were 15?, that day when I gave you that necklace I made myself for your birthday? I looked at him confused but I answered, "yes, of course, I got it on my memory box, I'm afraid to wear it outside the polar cause it might get lost and I wouldn't forgive myself if I lose it". He was now looking at the little box moving it around nervously and finally said "I got you a better one". He handed me the little box still not looking at me.
"A present?? OMG Law, thank you very much!" When did you buy it??" I almost shouted in excitement while opening the box. Inside there was a fine rose gold necklace that has a little anatomical heart figure as a pendant. I grabbed it and admired the beauty of the jewelry I had in my hands. The heart had a little red stone crimped on it, that shined with every movement.
"Law, this is too much! It must have cost you a lot of Berries, I don't deserve such a fine jewel!, thank you so much", I expressed with a big smile on my face.
"You do deserve more than this, you know. I'm glad you like it", he said, a little embarrassed. “When you were buying the sweaters, I asked some children there if they knew a jewelry store, turned out it was just around the corner”, he confessed.
“Thank you so much, it is just perfect! You know how I adore hearts; they remind me of you.. “Doctor Heart Stealer”” I almost shouted, realizing I have said too much…
I tried to put it on my neck, but I couldn’t clip it right, so I asked him for help. He stood up, kneel at my back and passed from behind the necklace around my neck.
Some branches hit the window violently as they were suffering the merciless wind of the snowstorm outside.
He struggled a little and finally fastened the collar and when he did, the electric power went off. The fireplace was the only source of light, the dance of the fire created figures with shadows and highlights all around the walls of the cabin. We remained silent, maybe a little scared or even surprised, but enjoying the sound of the weather and the creak of the fire.
He was still behind me, and after a few seconds he placed a soft kiss on my back that sent a shiver through my spine. Once again I was unable to speak, did he… did he just kiss my back?.. Before I could say or do something Law stood up and headed to one of the windows. “The storm seems to be even worse than earlier; don’t you think?”, he said, trying to device something through the window.
I couldn’t focus on anything else than the kiss he softly planted on my nape, minutes ago.  He suddenly yawned and walked to the mattress that was in the center of the room, on the floor. He then took his jeans off and hopped inside the bed, naturally. I remained on my spot, contemplating his actions. “How could he be acting so normal?, I’m right here. He just gave me a necklace, kissed my skin and now he just goes to sleep?” I said to myself, still with a confused expression on my face.
“Oi, aren’t you coming to bed?”, he asked me, freely. “Yes… give me a second”, I said, and ran to the bathroom. The toilet was pretty tiny and basic, but enough for me to hide for a few minutes. “Come on, Y/N you slept with him two nights ago, it’s ok, he is like your brother, it’s ok…” I thought, trying to calm myself down.
I finally left my hiding place and headed to the mattress. Law was lying there, he took off his sweater, probably while I was in the bathroom, so he was only using a white tight undershirt, that molded his torso anatomy. Some blankets were covering the under part of his body from his hips. He had his forearm over his eyes, covering them with his neck stretched back.
I bite my lip, as a reaction for such a tempting scene. I was enjoying it, watching him breathe peacefully. I started feeling hot, so I took off the sweater but not my jeans and approached the “bed”.
I thought Law was already asleep, so I got in bed trying not to wake him up. I muffled myself up with the sheets. I remained still, hearing the snowstorm, fixing my eyes on the wooden ceiling, as the memories of my childhood flooded my mind. It must be the snowstorm, the wind, the cold that triggered these memories. eventually I fell asleep.
“No, stop it, my family, leave us alone!!!!”, I screamed. “Y/n-ya! Y/n-ya!, wake up!” said Law, pulling me out from the terrific oneiric world I was submerged in. I got lost into his eyes, and remained there with tears streaming from my eyes, rolling into my cheeks. Law was holding me close to his body around his arms. “Are you having those nightmares, again? why didn’t you tell me?”, he asked, worried. “This is the first time in ages, I think it must be the storm, perhaps the orphanage, the children…”, I expressed amid tears. My best friend brushed his tattooed fingers through my hair, moving it out of my face, and then wiped the tears from my cheeks.
“Oi, do you remember what happened when I gave you the first necklace?” he asked, trying to distract me. A feeling of warmth invaded my insides, suddenly I felt happy. “I do...” I said, laughing timidly, and continued, “It was my first kiss”. He smiled back at me, and said, “Mine too”.
For a second we both closed our eyes. I was grabbing the pendant with my left hand cherishing it and the memories of our younger days when we kissed for the first time. We haven't had much time to think about love while striving to survive so we forgot about it, letting the days, months and years pass, leaving the experience as a mere child’s play.
Suddenly we started laughing, Law didn't let go of me, and our faces were pretty close. “Everything's better when you laugh, I hate it when you cry, it makes me so sad…” he said, rubbing his thumb over my right cheek. I stopped laughing, as he got even closer. Almost as if the point of our noses were about to touch. I could feel the warmth of his breath over my lips, and he did too. My heart started racing, and the only thing I could hear was the blood pumping on my ears. I wasn’t moving, I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted to kiss him… I just didn’t care that he was my best friend, I just needed him to kiss me.  What is taking him so long? Why am I not moving if I wanted this more than anything?. After a good minute, that felt eternal, he exclaimed “Fuck it”, and plant the sweetest kiss over my lips. A feeling of happiness filled my insides, I’ve never been so joyful in ages, it felt the same way as the first time. I was like a teenage girl experimenting love for the first time. Both smiled still with our lips pressed. I doubted for a second if succumbing to my deepest desires was the right thing to do until he decided to turn the cute kiss into a more passionate one. From then on, the desire I’d been accumulating inside of me took control of my body…
We kept on kissing; Law slid a hand under my shirt timidly caressing the skin of my tummy. The kisses migrated from my mouth to my neck, mixed with little bites that surely would turn into hickies tomorrow.
“Law…” I gasped when his hands reached my breasts. “What?” he replied, whispering next to my ear and pinching one of my nipples in between two fingers…
Chapter 3
Ch1: Link
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
GOT7 as college professors
Pairing: - 
Word count: 3.1k
Genre: Headcanon | It’s kinda crack I’m ngl
Warnings: - 
Tumblr media
Teaches music and film production 
Dresses very casually (oversized shirts/hoodies and oversized pants)
Gets mistaken as a student a lot 
Has a picture of all of his cats on his desk 
Intimidates students at first glance, but all of them agree that he’s actually one of the chillest professors on campus once they spend time in his classes
Always late to class 
Which is one of the reasons that made the students realise he’s more on the vibey side 
He doesn’t seem to have anything planned when he walks into class 
Places bag onto the table, sits down, looks at everyone and pulls his phone out to play music while he teaches 
He’ll ask them what they wanna learn before he actually even starts the lesson because he’s interested in what they think about the course
When he’s not in class, he’s usually seen with Youngjae and Mark
Avoids talking to BamBam and Yugyeom because he knows that they’re just gonna bully him the entire time 
Always eats at on-campus café that has a pet daycare for anyone who needs to leave their pets while they go off and do work
He spends his time there petting the cats 
The students who own the cats are in love with him because of that 
They come in and it’s like 
“Professor Jaebeom…?”
“Oh, is this your cat? She’s so cute”
They stand there and watch him play with their cats if they didn’t already love him before, they love him way more now
The entire music and film production department is IN LOVE with him 
The students, the other professors, the janitors
They all love him 
They think he’s the sweetest man ever 
Until someone treats his class like it’s ass
Then Jaebeom goes OFF 
The entire class is quiet 
Completely stunned 
Because he is a n g r y 
The student who was purposefully being an ass is staring at him like O-O 
Because no one really expected him to lose his cool 
But if you treat Jaebeom’s class like it’s not worth your time, he will get so mad 
Wouldn’t hesitate to kick you out if you shit on his hard work 
He doesn’t want to let one single person being an ass affect the whole class, so he’ll try to move on from them as quickly as possible
“If you think my class is not worth it, then get out. You chose to take this course, so don’t go around wasting other peoples’ time”
Teaches mathematics
Dresses in smart casual most of the time, but occasionally dresses fully casual 
Has gotten mistaken as a student a couple of times 
Has a picture of Milo and his family on his desk
Intimidates students because he’s more on the quiet side 
But some of them have seen the way he acts around his friends, so they’re a little bit more comfortable around him 
Cries at graduations
Always arrives to his classes on time except for that one time where he had to clean Milo’s crap off of his carpet
The students actually like him a lot 
He’s very patient with them but has the tendency to get a bit more strict 
Always has his plan ready by the time he’s in class 
Understands that not everyone likes maths and that’s why he’s pretty patient 
Takes his time with students who have a hard time understanding the formulas
Spends his time in-between classes with Jaebeom and Youngjae
Students will see them chilling at the skatepark or at the pet café
Youngjae’s usually just watching them do tricks whenever they’re skating
“Youngjae, do a trick”
“Hyung, I can’t skate”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t try” 
Has most of the campus fawning over how school he looks on his skateboard because he uses it to get around the place 
“Good afternoon, Professor Mark”
The group of students burst into giggles the moment he waves while skating past them 
Is honestly one of the coolest professors on campus 
Even the other professors agree that he’s cool as hell even if Mark won’t admit it 
Usually seen talking with Youngjae about their precious fluffy, white, dog babies usually arguing about which dog is cuter 
Only for Yugyeom to pop in with a picture of Dalkyum 
They stare at him before completely ignoring him because the argument is about two tiny fluffy white dogs 
Then BamBam and Jaebeom come in talking about cats instead and the two of them just give up 
Rarely gets angry in class 
Has once blown up only because someone was being rude to another student in his class 
“Why don’t you do the whole class a favour and just stop being an asshole?” 
The student shuts up immediately 
He gives them a glare before moving on with the lesson 
If he hears them starting shit again then he’ll lose it 
“Dude, if you’re just gonna sit there and shit on someone then just leave” 
That’s enough to get the student leaving the class out of embarrassment because no one had ever gotten Mark pissed off enough to tell them off twice in the same lesson 
Afterwards he just pretends nothing happened and continues to teach the students like normal 
“Who doesn’t understand this concept?” 
Teaches literature and philosophy 
Campus DILF 
Always dresses formally and has never gotten mistaken as a student before 
Has one single picture of him and his friends from when they went to Italy together on his desk
Everyone’s scared of him 
Who wouldn’t be? 
His resting bitch face makes students scared of attending his lessons sometimes 
Has made a few students cry just by looking at them when he was asking a question
Usually ends up staring at them like :| but can’t do anything about it because his face is just like that 
He wasn’t even angry, he was just… looking at them
Spends most of his time with Jackson but also looks like he tries to escape him half of the time 
Jackson calls him in the middle of a lesson and Jinyoung’s slightly concerned because he thinks something is wrong
“Jinyoung, did you look at the picture I sent you? It’s funny!”
“Professor Jackson, I’m in a class” 
The students find their dynamic really cute 
But it doesn’t make them less scared of Jinyoung 
He walks around campus with so much confidence and ass 
The entire campus fawns over him because they think he’s such a hottie 
He usually denies the attention whenever any of his friends see a student being a bit friendlier towards him
The student in question literally bends over his desk and flirts with him
He kinda ignores their advances because he’s professional like that 
Treats all of his students equally and knows all of their names 
Pays extra attention towards the ones that struggle with the course because he knows how difficult it can be to have to fully understand either literature or philosophy
Has never yelled in class, but the students can tell when he is angry 
Knows exactly who’s paying attention and who’s not because he’s really good at reading his students
Whenever someone disrespects him or the course he’s teaching, he turns around slowly, clicks the cap back onto the marker and gently places it onto the desk 
“What poem are we currently analysing?”
If they get it wrong he gives them this very blank look that has them pissing themselves because they’re already halfway through discussing this one single poem and they’ve spent about two weeks on it
“Wrong. Get out.” 
The student hesitates and Jinyoung lets out a heavy sigh which has them just scrambling straight out of the class 
He picks his marker back up and turns to the giant whiteboard
“For those who don’t bother to even pay attention, we’ve been studying this poem for the past three lessons. Now, can someone tell me what I’ve covered in this lesson alone?” 
Teaches sports science
Is literally the most friendly professor on campus 
Gets mistaken as a student all the time because 1. He’s always mingling around the students and 2. He barely ever dresses formally 
Everyone on campus just absolutely loves him because he’s so easy to get along with
It makes his lessons very comfortable to be in 
The students love how he jokes around all the time 
Acts completely unhinged sometimes and likes to bother his friends in the middle of their lessons 
Mostly barges into Jinyoung and Mark’s lessons because he knows the others will barely pay him any attention
“Mark hyung, I learned a new trick”
Straight up does a backflip in the middle of Mark’s classroom
“Professor Jackson, you’re so cool!”
The students love him so much
Basically, everyone on campus knows who he is and everyone just loves him because he’s everywhere at once 
No one minds whenever Jackson shows up unannounced because he usually ends up leaving a mark on the students that has them more excited 
Spends his time with Jinyoung where he’ll drag him to the gym
Will be sitting on his desk, cross-legged by the time students come into class
Will start his class with a joke just to get the students to feel more comfortable with engaging
Every student has had a crush on him at least once
Has had a few students walking into his classroom with gifts and trying to ask him out 
But he just laughs and declines politely 
During graduations, he gets a lot of ‘thank you’ gifts from his students
His heart just melts whenever he gets surprise cards on his desk from students basically telling him how much they enjoyed his class and him in general 
Has the tendency to get distracted in the middle of a lesson but is also able to get back on track really quickly 
Has gotten angry in class once 
And when Jackson’s angry 
He is
Would full on yell if he needs to
It’s usually a student that’s bullying another student
He can take disrespect to him, but he does not tolerate disrespect towards his students 
“Treat my students like that one more time and you’re not allowed to step foot in my class ever again” 
The person in question is just frozen 
Because, my god, how much of an asshole do you have to be to piss off Jackson 
“Actually, no, get out of my class” 
Jackson won’t ask twice 
He’ll just glare at the student until they leave and when they’re gone, he checks up on his students to make sure they’re okay
“Did they do anything else to you?”
“N-No, sir”
“If they keep bothering you then just let me know. I’ll handle it” 
Teaches performing arts 
Dresses in smart casual 
His smile and laugh lights up the whole classroom 
He’s very gentle with his students and they all appreciate him for that 
Has about four pictures of Coco on his desk 
Will show everyone pictures of her in a cute dress he bought 
Will also brag about how well trained Coco is 
Sometimes arrives to class late because of Coco 
Basically, he loves his daughter and he makes sure everyone knows that he loves her 
He even brings her to graduation because some of his students end up growing attached to her
The students love how calm and chill he is 
Tells a lot of dad jokes that everyone laughs at because they don’t want to make him feel sad or awkward 
Will cheer up everyone and anyone 
Spends his time with Jaebeom at the pet café because that’s where Coco is when he’s on campus 
Sometimes brings her to class with him 
Gets vvvvv flustered if any of the students flirt with him 
Super flustered
He’s blushing all over and he’s completely shocked that they’d mustered up the confidence to approach him that way 
But he always turns them down
Once had his class ended because he tripped over a marker that rolled off of his desk 
The entire class just watched in horror 
Stood up with an awkward laugh before gathering his stuff and bolting out of the classroom because he’s embarrassed
“Professor Youngjae, you didn’t have to run out of class like that…”
Pretends the whole incident didn’t happen
His class is really chill to attend 
Youngjae just wants his students to feel comfortable in his class so he puts in the effort to do so
Tries to be as early as possible to have everything set up before his students show up
Loves all of his students 
Of course there are a few bad seeds here and there, but Youngjae rarely ever gets mad 
There were a couple times where he would scold them for a half-assed assignment or a disruption in class over something really dumb 
But if someone really pissed him off, he wouldn’t blow up 
Youngjae’s not as scary as his members but only because he’s more open with his softer side 
So if he feels like someone in class is either being a disruption or is hurting someone, he doesn’t exactly blow up
He’s very calm about it 
“I’m emailing the counsellor about this”
“I don’t need a counsellor”
“I don’t care if you ‘don’t need a counsellor’. If you’re being an asshole, then you need a counsellor”
Teaches fashion design
Is the most stylish person on campus 
Wears all of his gold to class
Doesn’t have physical pictures of his cats on his desk because he has his cat family as his phone wallpaper 
However, he does show off any awards he’s gotten from designing clothes for celebrities in his office 
Has every eye on him when he’s on campus because of how well he dresses
Usually brings his students out for graduation dinners
Is known as the campus stylist 
Students sometimes come to him for fashion advice even if they’re not in his class the college staff do this too
Spends his time with Yugyeom where they spend their time at each other’s office or just walking around campus together 
Will be seen together whether its on campus or off campus
They walk around campus like they own it because they’re that powerful together
Students are intimidated by him at first because he looks so… expensive, but once they actually attend one of his classes they realise that he’s got a heart of gold and is super easy to talk to
His class is extremely chill 
But can also be a bit chaotic sometimes
BamBam’s a really professional person that does very well with trying to make sure the people around him are comfortable
He allows a small bit of chaos to fill his classroom because it relieves any tension 
And by chaos, it’s allowing Jackson  to come in and basically teach the lesson with him 
What’s a sports science professor supposed to know about fashion designing?? 
BamBam just sits back and watches while Jackson stares at the sketch of a model that’s being projected onto the screen 
“So, uhh, you need to make sure they have… sleeves”
“Uhh… the dress is ugly?”
“Anyone in the class can answer what the problem with this sketch is?”
A student raises their hand and BamBam nods to allow them to answer 
“Sir, the colours aren’t that nice together. The green is too bright and just doesn’t go well with the pink at all”
BamBam’s style also helps when he’s conducting a lesson 
Uses his own outfit as examples
“See this white blazer? This outfit wouldn’t be as eye-catching without something contrasting my black turtleneck ” 
Does not tolerate assholes 
Students aren’t exactly scared of him
Has a handful of admirers, but no one’s mustered up the courage to actually talk to him about it because the one time someone did
BamBam kinda 
Then he felt bad about it because he realised they weren’t joking
Because he’s so young, it's easy for students to relate to him 
But when he gets mad at someone who starts to disrespect him, oof 
BamBam isn’t scared of swearing in his class and neither is he scared of lashing out if he feels like he needs to
Especially if someone is intentionally disturbing the other students because they’re being an ass
“Get the fuck out of my class” 
“B-but, sir”
“Another word out of that mouth and you’re not seeing me for the rest of the semester”
Teaches modeling 
Has pictures of him and his friends and Dalkyum on his desk 
Dresses casually most of the time but asks BamBam for good outfits for when he needs to show examples to his class 
Bambam likes to style him up every once in awhile which helps Yugyeom a lot
Spends his time with BamBam the two of them make a very powerful duo
They’re only so powerful together because when you combine Yugyeom’s modeling with BamBam’s style, you get a pair of the hottest professors on campus 
Is on time for his classes but sometimes is late because he spent the previous night having dance competitions with Jaebeom and Jinyoung
His class is actually really strict 
Because modeling means having really good control of your entire body to be able to express what you’re trying to model for 
Yugyeom takes it very seriously
Students are very intimidated by him 
They know when to be playful with him and when not to and during class is when they have to be professional
Is really friendly with the students when he sees them around campus 
Allows only Jinyoung into his class because he knows that the others would end up causing chaos if they’re together 
Sometimes lets him model for his class 
“Hyung, could you pose for my class, please?”
Is very professional with his friends if he’s conduction a lesson 
But outside of it…
“Hyung, you looked like a vulture when you entered my class”
“I’m never modeling for your students ever again”
Is more on the quiet side like Jinyoung is 
His looks can kill 
He doesn’t have a resting bitch face like his hyung has, but he knows how to intimidate using his face
And he uses it against his students whenever he needs to
He’s also not that scared of going off either 
But it’s more of the very quiet kind of angry
Will not hesitate to kick someone out if they’re not cooperating 
“Get the fuck out of my class before I physically go over there and kick you out myself”
Which is why a lot of the students are very scared of him whenever he’s teaching 
He doesn’t tolerate any kind of bullshittery and if he feels like you’re half-assing his class, then he’ll go off on you 
But if he thinks that you’re just struggling to keep up, he’d be more than happy to help 
Is very kind and very patient if someone needs extra help understanding something 
Because he genuinely wants them to succeed 
“Is there something here that you don’t understand? I can get one of the other students to help tutor you if you’d like” 
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
coping mechanisms
pairing: Chongyun x Xingqiu
summary: Chongyun musters up the courage to confess to Xingqiu, but it doesn’t go as planned
word count: 3,343
warnings: angst that fluffs at the end
notes: i woke up wanting to make chongyun cry so here u go
Chongyun closed the door by leaning back on it, kicking his shoes off haphazardly with a sigh. “I’m home,” he said quietly. If his little cousins hadn’t been waiting for him, the rest of the family wouldn’t have known he came back.
“Big brother!” They screamed as they jumped into his arms. “Play with us! Play with us!”
Chongyun grunted when he caught the two, exhausted mentally and physically from the day. “I’m sorry, guys. Maybe later, I want to lay down for a bit.”
“Awww no fair!” They frowned when he put them down.
“Now, now,” Chongyun’s mom walked the corner slapping her palm with a wooden spoon. “Give him some space. He’ll play with you two later.”
The kids run off laughing to continue whatever they were doing and Chongyun’s mom walks up to bring her son into a tight embrace. “Well? How was your date?”
Chongyun sighs into her shoulder, her immediately picking up something was wrong. “What happened? Did something go wrong?”
Chongyun pulled back and began walking upstairs to his room. “I don’t wanna talk about it,”
Her eyes follow his movements as he disappears upstairs. “Chongyun, you know I don’t like when you bottle things up,” she calls out, waiting for him to respond. “It makes it more difficult for you to perform exorcisms!”
Chongyun balls his fists in frustration, throwing his bedroom door open. “I’m fine!!” He yells back, slamming the door closed once he was inside. He throws himself onto his bed, the mattress bouncing for a bit as he listened to his family talk about him downstairs.
“That boy,” his mom breathes. “He’s got some temper, you know.”
“I know, honey,” his dad replies. “Just give him space. I’m sure he has his own coping mechanisms. He’ll be fine.”
Chongyun smothered himself beneath his pillow. Normally he would be fine. But this wasn’t some failed exorcism or messing up during practice. He peeked from under his pillow up at a picture on his wall. It was taken after he and Xingqiu had come back from a haunted house-- to which Chongyun believed was a genuine haunting. Xingqiu wore a silly costume pretending to be a zombie and he stood next to Chongyun with his mouth hanging open as if to bite the exorcist’s neck.
“Why am I so stupid!” Chongyun hissed, kicking his legs and thrashing about. Xingqiu was the most important person in his life. He couldn’t imagine living without him. That’s why he used today to make sure Xingqiu had a wonderful, memorable day.
Recalling the day’s events, Chongyun began by picking him up at his house. Xingqiu looked dolled up as usual. “Hi Chonggie,” he smiled with a wink. “You said you had a surprise for me?”
Chongyun blushed, now feeling like his gift was a little dumb. “Yeah,” he nodded, pulling out a small piece of paper from his pocket. “Although I guess you wouldn’t really need it.”
Xingqiu took the paper and read it quickly, a toothy smile spreading across his lips. “A coupon to Wanwen! Thank you Chonggie!!”
The scholar grabbed the exorcist's hand and dragged him off. “W-Wait, I have a schedule for us—”
Xingqiu looked back at Chongyun as they hurried down the bustling streets. “But now we gotta go to Wanwen!”
“O-Okay, you’re the boss…”
Chongyun stood there pouting as Xingqiu took his time going through all the books on the shelves. ‘We’ve been here for an hour,’ Chongyun thinks. ‘We’re supposed to be flying kites right now…’
Xingqiu clutched a book tightly to his chest. “Chongyun, I’ve been waiting forever for this book! I gotta tell you all about it!”
Chongyun couldn’t help but feel his frustration dissipate when he saw the sparkle in Xingqiu’s eyes. He had forgotten that today was supposed to make Xingqiu happy, not to follow a schedule. Xingqiu grabbed Chongyun’s hand and led him to the counter. “Yes, I look forward to hearing it.”
After the bookstore, Xingqiu wanted a nice quiet place to read and sip tea so they sat at a nice secluded area and had tea for an hour. Then, he wanted to walk along the port so they walked and talked for an hour. Then, he wanted to go shopping, so Xingqiu spent another hour bartering with the vendors and buying things he wanted.
Chongyun was getting more and more anxious the closer the sun got to the horizon. Xingqiu could tell because Chongyun grew quieter and dozed off more frequently. “Chongyun!” Xingqiu said suddenly, extending his hand out. The exorcist snapped back to reality and reached out to catch whatever was in the other boy’s hand. He dropped a bright colored sphere. “Candy! We just got some imported from Fontaine. Try it!”
Chongyun delicately unwrapped the sweet and popped it into his mouth. His eyes lit up from the flavor. “It’s yummy!” He exclaimed, chewing on it. “When will it be on the market? I’ll buy some.”
Xingqiu put his finger to his lips in thought. “I don’t know yet. Dad wanted me to go back before sundown so that I could be there to listen.”
“Oh,” Chongyun sighed, looking back at the pink and orange sky. “Then we should go back now.”
The walk back was quiet and awkward, which was unusual for the two. Xingqiu couldn't stand the tension, but he didn’t want to pry it out of Chongyun either. If he wanted to talk about it he would.
Xu greeted the boys with a polite bow as they ascended the stairs. “I had fun today, Chonggie!” Xingqiu stretched with a yawn. “I’ll see you tomorrow—”
“Wait!” Chongyun interrupted, looking away shyly. “There’s something I want to ask you…”
Xingqiu held his hands behind his back nicely. “Okay, what is it?”
The boy was quiet for a bit, looking away nervously and fiddling with his fingers. “Xingqiu, I…you’re my best friend in the whole world. I wouldn’t want to ruin what we have.” Xingqiu stood expectantly, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. “I…I have been spending every night thinking about this and…and what I’m trying to ask is— is, will you be my boyf—”
Xingqiu looked away and scratched at his cheek. “Don’t be silly, Chonggie.” He chuckled. “We’re just friends, that’s all.” Xingqiu looked over Chongyun’s shoulder and at Xu who looked uninterested, yet uncomfortable with the situation. Chongyun’s shoulders trembled with hurt, his lips quivering uncontrollably and tears welling up along his lash line. “I’m sorry, I really must get inside now. I’ll see you later!”
And now, that evening Chongyun sat at the edge of his bed, a tear-stained picture in hand and ripped it half.
The next morning, Chongyun got up extra early to catch his dad and other relatives in the early morning prayer. He sat down next to his father, his hands on his knees with his palms facing up and hummed.
“Good morning, Little Chongyun. It’s good to finally have you in prayer.” His dad nudged him with his elbow playfully and smiled. “Feeling better?”
Chongyun furrowed his brow. “Prayer is supposed to be silent, I thought.”
His dad sighed and kissed his son’s cheek. “You’re right. Let’s pray.”
Chongyun threw himself into his exorcism practice. He spent many more hours than he usually did, even sat down and studied seriously for once. Days had gone by since he had left his house. Days had gone by since he had seen Xingqiu.
Chongyun sat in the pavilion in the backyard praying when his dad walked into the kitchen and snaked his arms around his wife’s waist. “I’m worried about him,” she whines. “He’s still only sixteen. He needs to be outside playing.”
“He’s doing this of his own volition,” his dad muttered into her shoulder. “It’s his way of dealing with what he’s got going on.”
“Overexerting himself isn’t going to make his problems go away!” She pushed her husband off and swiped a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water from the tap. “I’m going to tell him to rest—”
The door knocked with a visitor, Chongyun’s parents sharing a knowing glance. “I’ll give him the water,” his dad said. “And I’ll tell him to take a bath too.”
His mom untied the apron from around her waist and hung it on the hook, walking over to the door knowing who it was. “Good afternoon, Little Xingqiu,” she smiled.
“Hello, ma’am, is Chongyun able to come out today?” The boy stood so cutely, she thought. He poked at his fingers and smiled so sweetly. But she could see the nervousness in his eyes and the way he clenched and unclenched his jaw.
She sighed, hating lying to him. “I’m sorry, honey. His dad has him sweeping the backyard today.”
“Oh, okay.” He said simply with a hint of disappointment. “Thank you for your time ma’am,” he finalized and turned to walk away.
“You know,” she said, making him stop in his tracks to look back. “You don’t have to come everyday…he’ll show up when he can.”
Xingqiu peeked behind Chongyun’s mom’s waist and saw him walking in from outside, his little cousins following him behind. He was jealous of how close Chongyun was with his family, even if they had to live so uncomfortably close together. “I know,” he grinned again, hiding the hurt in his face. “I just…want to come to him, for once. I’ll come back tomorrow, good bye.”
Chongyun closed his eyes and prayed over his food, thanking Rex Lapis for giving him and his family life and providing food for the city to enjoy. But when he opened his eyes, half of his plate was missing and his cousin’s plate miraculously grew more full. He smiled and ruffled his cousin’s hair. “Where did my food go?” He asked sarcastically.
“Here, honey,” his mom came from behind and shoveled more of the chicken onto his plate. “You need to eat a lot if you’re going to keep working so hard.”
“Thanks mom,” he said, giving her his cheek for her to kiss.
“Are you and your friend doing okay?” She asked suddenly. Chongyun froze at the question, his dad giving her a questioning look. “Normally it’s hard to keep you home, but you’ve been home all week.”
“We’re fine,” Chongyun mumbled into his food, shoving his chopsticks into his mouth.
“He came by yesterday!” His cousin calls out. Chongyun coughs, hitting his chest to keep the food from choking him.
“Yeah!” His other cousin confirms. “And the day before that!”
“And the day before that!”
“And the day before—”
His mom comes up and scoops the little kid from the chair. “Okay, that’s enough.” Chongyun chugs his water down trying to help the food go down. “Are you okay, honey? Do you need more water?”
Chongyun grips at his chest and waves his hand frantically. “No— no, I’m okay. Did…he say anything?”
His mom holds his little cousin on her hip and starts spoon feeding him there. “He always asks the same thing: is Chongyun able to come out today?” She said pretending to be him. “I don’t want to get between the two of you so I said your dad had you doing work.”
The boy was quiet, staring at his food. “Maybe you should open the door tomorrow,” his dad chimes in.
“Yeah!” His mom agrees. “That’s a great idea! He comes around two. I’ll let you know when he’s here.”
Chongyun stood quietly, pushing his chair in and picking up his plate. “I’m not hungry anymore. I’ll be in my room.”
Chongyun hung his arm off the side of the bed, staring out the window to watch the pink and orange sky turn black. He swung his hand around, his fingers hitting the rim of his trash can. He peeked over and saw the torn picture he had thrown away. He felt bad now that he looked at the picture ripped in half. He had separated them in the picture and also in real life.
He had no idea that Xingqiu had been coming over. If he had known the first time, he probably would’ve fallen all over himself to get to the door. He’d been making Xingqiu come by everyday. Taking that walk by himself only to be turned away every single time.
He took the halves of the picture and squeezed them together. He pinned them back on the wall where they were but it would never be the same again. Instead of having a perfect, flawless picture of a happy day, he’s now reminded of his mistakes and how he was to blame for their ruined friendship.
When he woke the next day he felt ill. His head was pounding, he was drenched in sweat, and his stomach was doing flips. His mom switched out the towel on his forehead and put a newly washed rag instead. “My poor baby, it’s because you’ve been working too much.”
Chongyun groaned through the pain and winced when his mother touched his face. “If I can’t do these simple things, then how can I call myself an exorcist?”
She rolled her eyes. “Do you think I became an exorcist overnight? No! Your father and I were just like you and Little Xingqiu. We always snuck off to be together. But look at us now, we carry the family on our backs. You’ll get there, sweetie. Enjoy this time as a teenager.”
Chongyun pulled the blanket over his head. “Mom, I messed up.”
“What’s wrong honey, what happened? Did you two fight?”
“No…I told him how I felt about him. And I asked him out…but he told me we were just friends…” Chongyun sucked in a breath. “I messed up…how am I supposed to hang out with him now? He makes my heart beat so hard, but I don’t do the same for him…”
His mom pulled the blanket down a little to see his eyes. “Chongyun there’s more to life than that. Life is about making memories and going on adventures. But even so, if he didn’t care about you as much as he does, he wouldn’t come over looking for you and acting so pathetic when you’re busy. I think there’s more to it than you think. Ask him about it today.”
Chongyun didn’t get out of bed the whole morning. He drifted in and out of sleep, trying to quell his illness. But he woke once more when he heard soft knocks from downstairs. He heard his mom greet their guest cheerfully and say, “he pushed himself too hard so he’s upstairs resting. Go and wake him up, he hasn’t eaten lunch yet.”
He waited anxiously as the footsteps climbed the stairs, came down the hall, and stopped at his door. It was quiet, and time went by so slow before there were knocks at his door. “…Chongyun? Can I come in?”
Chongyun mustered all of his strength and sat up. “…Come in.”
Xingqiu pushed the door open slowly, peeking his head inside before coming in. Chongyun was still in his pajamas and his hair was all askew from being in bed all day. “Pfft,” Xingqiu shot a hand to his mouth to cover the laugh breaking through his lips. “It smells in here, have you even showered yet?”
Chongyun flushed red and turned his head to the side. “No. Sorry if it’s offensive.”
Xingqiu dropped his smile in guilt. His heart ached remembering how Chongyun looked everywhere but at him during his confession. But the last time he remembered the direct eye contact was when he picked him up that morning. He cursed himself for not being able to remember what they looked like. Blue…like his hair? No, lighter than that…right?
He laid in bed reminiscing on the feel of Chongyun’s rough, calloused hands in his. The way he was so delicate and particular with his fingers, picking up the candy as if it would break if he squeezed too hard. The way he blushed so easily and stuttered when he was embarrassed.
“No,” he said barely over a whisper. “I was just…teasing.” He padded over and sat in front of the exorcist who stared out the window. “I heard you’d been working a lot,” he said, trying to break the silence. Normally he had a lot to tell Chongyun, but now he struggled to even find his voice.
“Yes,” he responded, still with a hint of tenderness despite the anguish. “I spent a lot of time neglecting my duties. But with all this newfound free time, I might as well be productive.”
“I missed you,” Xingqiu said quickly, as if panicking. Chongyun looked at the scholar from the corner of his eye, making him flinch under the sudden gaze. “I’ve…thought a lot about what you said.”
Chongyun exhaled deeply and looked back out the window. “It’s fine,” he said curtly. “You don’t have to sugarcoat it. I understand.”
Xingqiu scratched the back of his neck, looking at the crooked picture with a prominent tear down the middle hanging on the wall. That was such a fun night, he thought. Remembering how he ran to Chongyun at the port when he saw that annoyingly pretty, blonde traveler talking to him. Chongyun was so cute, saying that he wanted to come too, but Xingqiu told him that only two people were allowed at a time. It wasn’t true, but why did he say that? He eyed the traveler up and down, his long and beautiful hair braided so elegantly, his crop cut shirt that exposed soft skin. It made him irritated that he thought he could come. But seeing the tear in the middle, perhaps…he should’ve let them go together. Maybe then Chongyun would’ve confessed to him instead. Maybe he would’ve said yes, and instead of Chongyun lying here wallowing in pain, it would’ve been himself. Alone in his room, without a friend, without love…
“Chongyun, I wish I was born into your family.”
Chongyun laid back down, pulling the blanket up to his chest. “Yeah. Then we’d be together without me falling in love with you.”
Xingqiu blushed, his fingers wrapping around his ankles nervously. “No,” he bit, a little aggravated. “Because your family loves you for who you are. Not what you can do for them…” Chongyun peeked at the boy at the end of his bed from over the covers. “They…encourage you to be yourself. Even if they don’t understand. But my dad…he’d disown me for loving another man…but I— I’ve missed you so much.” Xingqiu wiped at his eyes, the tears proving difficult to hold back. “I laid in bed every night thinking about you. Thinking about what we’d be doing at that moment if I hadn’t been an ass.” The boy sniffed. “Maybe we’d be at our usual hangout spot, looking at the stars. Maybe we’d be at the pond fishing. Maybe we’d be exploring somewhere outside of the harbor. Maybe you’d have been there laying with me, holding me and kissing me and loving me.”
Chongyun sat up once more and listened as Xingqiu spoke. “Maybe,” Xingqiu continued. “I wouldn’t wander the harbor alone and sad because you’d be with me. You make me happy, you make me feel pretty, you give my boring, redundant life meaning.”
“Xingqiu,” Chongyun reached forward to cup the boy’s cheek.
“No!” Xingqiu swatted his hand away. “I don’t care what my dad says! It’s my life, not his!” Xingqiu grabbed Chongyun’s hand and cradled it between both of his. He looked Chongyun in the eyes, tears streaming down his reddened face. “Be my boyfriend!!”
It was more of a demand than a question. There was hardly a demand of his that Chongyun denied, but he still feared that he was going to say no. “Okay,” he said plainly with a wide, goofy grin.
Xingqiu wailed, jumping into Chongyun’s arms. He sobbed into the shirt, wiping his snot into the boy’s chest. “Don’t leave me again! I’ll kill you!”
Chongyun snuggled up to his boyfriend and giggled. “You’re the boss,” he smiled.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
I’d love a platonically blurb ab them applying to foster/adopt kids 🥺
i love you for this request but also it made me very soft and emo and how dare you
It ended up being a little less about them actually applying and more just them deciding they wanted to adopt or foster and discussing their options because i can't read but perhaps i could do an actual fic later about the process involved and them meeting their kid and stuff?? idk...dad ben makes me 🥺🥺🥺
Anyway, here's the second last blurb in my Platonically event!
Words: 1,683
Warnings: Nothing much really, discussions about children including pregnancy, adoption and fostering, a little mention of sex but nothing explicit.
“I wanna be a dad.”  You weren’t surprised to hear Ben say it. You’d seen the signs. There was the way he’d befriended and doted on the adorable toddler who’d played his daughter on a TV project. Every day he’d come home and his face would light up as he talked about her – how she babbled little kid nonsense at him all day and how they’d played silly games sitting on the floor of the set while the cameras were set up around them. You’d almost expected him to bring up the possibility of having kids then but he’d surprised you and not mentioned it. You could tell he was thinking about it though which made you think about it too. It made sense to at least discuss it and see where you both stood now that you’d been in the QPR for a while and knew that it worked and that you made a good team. You asked about it one night while you were washing the dishes and Ben was drying them. “Do you ever think about kids? Like having one?” “Yeah, sometimes,” he said, bumping your shoulder gently with his, but the conversation didn’t go any further than that.
It wasn’t until about three months later that you heard him say it. It took one of his mates having a baby with his wife for Ben to bring it up. You’d gone over a couple of weeks after they left the hospital, gifts in hand (a cute little spotty onesie and soft toy elephant that he hopefully wouldn't grow out of as quickly as he would his clothes). It was a lovely afternoon, catching up with the new parents and meeting brand new baby Bertie who just stared at everyone who cooed over him. You each had a turn holding Bertie too, marvelling at how anything could have such tiny hands and such big brown eyes. Ben happened to be handed the bundle of blankets that Bertie was swaddled in as the baby began to fall asleep. He didn’t mind though. When the new father asked if he should take Bertie and put him in his crib Ben waved him off. He said he didn’t mind sitting there a little longer to make sure Bertie really had dropped off. The parents didn’t argue, a little relieved that they were able to take a break and just relax. Both of them excused themselves for a moment to get some more food and use the bathroom which left you and Ben and the sleeping Bertie alone together. Quietly you stepped towards the armchair Ben was in, sitting on the arm so you could run your fingers through his hair. “I wanna be a dad.” Ben glanced up at you as he said it, and you could see how much he meant it. “Let’s talk about it tonight,” you reached out to stroke Bertie’s pudgy cheek as Ben lent his head against your side, his attention turning back to the baby.
Neither of you mentioned it on the drive home. In fact you both specifically avoided mentioning it, though not from fear of what might be said but rather just wanting to make sure you had adequate time to go over it without rushing. Once you were inside, shoes kicked off and the kettle on, you opened the discussion.  “So....a baby?” Ben nodded, as he settled into the couch, body angled towards you, “I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, it’s not just because of this afternoon but that did help. I really want kids and I think I’m at a place where I feel ready to. Is that...is that okay?” “It’s wonderful Ben. Honestly, I’ve kinda been waiting for this conversation for a while. I’ve seen you interact with kids and I knew it wouldn’t be long before you wanted your own.” He laughed and inclined his head in amused agreement, “So does that mean you like the idea?” “Yeah I do.” “Really? Just that I know you weren’t really sure about it when we first decided to be partners.” “I might not’ve been then, but I am now.”  “What changed?” “Well...you, obviously.” “Me?” He seemed surprised. “Look, before we got together I couldn’t imagine being in a relationship that didn’t make me feel at least a little uncomfortable. I figured I’d be single forever and I was okay with that. I’d considered just having a kid on my own – sperm donor or whatever – but that seemed like a really hard thing to do and I wasn’t sure I’d ever want it bad enough to do that. But then you showed me that it was possible to be in a partnership that felt good and, I don’t know, I started thinking about the possibility of having a family with you, and the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea.” Ben smiled as if he was trying not to look as pleased with your answer as he felt, “So we’re doing this then? For real?” “Yeah I think so. Weird.” “Bit weird.” There was a pause as you both just sat with the knowledge that you were planning a future together, that you both wanted to go ahead with it. You never would have guessed you’d get to that point with anyone.
Ben was the one to break the moment, “How would you want to...I mean how should we...How do you feel about being pregnant?” You bit your lip in thought, “I’m not sure. Honestly, it still kinda freaks me out.” “That’s understandable.” “I mean, if it was a dealbreaker for you then I would. I’m not entirely against the idea of carrying our baby and it would mean we’d get to do the fun part of making it.” “We do the fun part a lot as is,” Ben laughed, “But it’s actually something I thought about a lot.” “The fun part? That doesn’t surprise me.” “No, the you being preggers part,” he said exasperatedly, “I knew you weren’t super keen on the whole thing so I got thinking about whether or not it really mattered to me and I don’t think it does. I think I could be just as happy with a kid that came from someone else. And,” he paused as if giving you time to prepare for what he was about to say, “I might have looked into our options for adopting or fostering.” “You did?” “Mmhmm. It’s kinda complicated so we shouldn’t rush into anything and we should probably contact some agencies to ask questions and stuff.” “How complicated are we talking?” “Well, basically, if we want to adopt I think we have to put our names down with an agency and then there’s an interview process and if they think we’re suitable candidates then they’ll put our names in the system and find us a kid. And I guess it depends on the age bracket you’re looking for. I think if we wanted a newborn we’d be more likely to get one through adoption but it might still take a while whereas older kids are a little easier to find, so that’s something we need to consider.” “What about fostering?” “It sounds even more complicated. Like adoption you put your name down and go through an evaluation process but then there’s a few different options. There’s short term fostering where we’d look after kids for a couple of weeks or months while plans for their futures are finalised. Then there’s long term fostering which is usually for kids who can’t go back home but don’t want to be adopted out of their birth families and they mostly stay with you until they’re adults. Emergency fostering is another option which is a few nights or weeks at most but it’s for kids who need to be moved quickly and you don’t always get a lot of warning about them coming to you. And like, there’s possibilities to end up adopting the kid or kids you foster depending on what they want and how it goes.” You puffed your cheeks up with air and slowly blew it out, head swimming with the sudden influx of information, “That does sound complicated.” “Yeah. We’ll really have to consider out options and decide what sort of family we want to have. I think reading about adoption and fostering made me want to do it more though. Cause like...” he paused as he tried to find the right words, “These kids are out there without good homes and I really believe we could give them that.” You noted Ben was getting a little misty eyed, blinking more rapidly to hold back the emotion, so you tried to make him laugh by nudging him and calling him a sap. But you loved seeing how much he cared.  It worked a little as he chuckled softly and shrugged, “Look, either way – adopting or fostering – it's probably not going to be easy. There’s challenges involved in fostering for sure – kids with trauma we won’t be able to understand, kids who are grieving the loss of their birth families or who’ve had bad experiences with other foster carers and who struggle to trust anyone. And the kids who are up for adoption might not have the same problems, especially if they’re younger but, I don’t know, I think finding out you were put up for adoption would leave its own scars. Issues with abandonment and things like that. So I think we have to be really, really sure before we put our names down anywhere. But I also think we could properly help someone doing it, maybe more than one someone. So, if you’re up for it then so am I.” “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” “What are you thinking?” More pros and cons lists?” You both
laughed at that but Ben grabbed your arm, encouraging you to leave your seat and sit on his lap instead. He wrapped his arms around your waist and tilted his head up for a kiss which you gladly gave.  “I’m really happy we’re talking about this,” He almost whispered, squeezing you a little tighter. “Me too. I guess we should start by going through all our options and seeing which ones would suit us best.” "I've got some websites bookmarked and a few documents downloaded so why don't I go get my laptop and you make us a drink and we'll start working through it, okay?" "Okay,"
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hailhydra920 · 4 years
A Chance Protector Pt. 1
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Pairing: Lumberjack!Steve x reader
Summary: Moving to a small town to get away from your ex-husband, you find that love can come to even the most troubled of hearts.
Warnings: None
Part 1
           “Mommy, I have to use the bathroom.” Your little six-year-old girl, Dawn, said from the back seat. “And I’m hungry.”
           “I’m hungry too!” Your four-year-old boy, Ronin, added. “Can we get cheese boogers?”
           “Ew.” Dawn gagged. “It’s cheeseburgers, Ronin.”
           “About an hour more, how about we stop at McDonald’s for lunch, then head to the new house? Sound good?” You asked as Dawn and Ronin cheered.
           You parked at McDonald’s and rushed inside. Dawn having said she might explode if she didn’t get to the bathroom. You took Ronin inside the bathroom, telling him he should probably go too. After ordering your food, you guys picked a nice corner table, and began eating. Ronin got ketchup all over his hands and tried to wipe them on Dawn, which caused her whine and quickly scoot away from him.
           “Ronin, be nice to your sister.” You scolded as you wiped his hands.
           “Sorry, Mommy.” Ronin said before taking a sip of his apple juice, and then suddenly asking, “Do you think Daddy will break out of jail and find us again? I don’t want Daddy to hurt you again Mommy.”
           You looked at Ronin whose face had now turned scared. You kissed his chubby cheek and hugged him. “He won’t find us. There’s no need to worry. You’re Daddy and I aren’t together anymore, so he doesn’t get to know where we go. Let’s just focus on happy things, okay guys?” You said hugging Dawn and Ronin.
           “Okay, Mommy.” They both said before going back to eating.
           Steve walked into Bucky’s shop, wiping sweat off of his brow. He saw his friend underneath a car, earbuds in, his foot bouncing with the beat. Smiling, Steve walked over and nudged Bucky’s foot. Feeling someone, Bucky rolled out from under the car, popped his earbuds from his ears, and wiped his greasy hands on a rag.
           “Hey Steve. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
           “I have your load of firewood. Where do you want me to put it?” Steve asked tightening his work gloves.
           “Oh, yeah. Um, back of the shop is fine. I’ll help you unload, and we can catch up.” Bucky said following Steve to his truck.
           “So, what do you think the new girl will be like. I hear she has two youngins.” Bucky said grabbing an armful of wood.
           “Don’t know. We haven’t had anyone new in a while. This place isn’t even on the map. But ever since Mrs. Summers died, her house has just been a sad part of the community. It will be nice to have some new people bring joy to the house once again.”
           “And maybe you can try something new and start dating again. Peggy would want that for you.” Bucky said grabbing Steve’s shoulder.
           “I don’t know if I’m ready yet.” Steve refuted, stacking the heavy pieces of wood.
           “It’s been three years since Peggy’s death. Everyone in town wants you to be happy. You can’t just drown yourself in work.”
           “I’ll think about it.” Steve huffed as they stacked the last pieces. “But no promises.”
           “Hey, she should be coming this afternoon. The whole town is doing a welcoming party. You’re coming, right?” Bucky asked grabbing his wrench.
           “Uh, I guess.”
           “Great. See ya there, pal.” Bucky said before popping back in his earbuds and rolling underneath the car again.
           Steve hopped in his red truck and sighed as he looked in the rearview mirror.
           “I better go get cleaned up. Don’t wanna scare the town’s new company.” Steve grumbled as he backed out of Bucky’s shop.
           Ronin and Dawn had there faces pressed up against their windows, drinking in the small town that they would be calling home. As you drove past a small candy store, Ronin and Dawn wiggled in their seats.
           “Mommy, can we please go there? Pretty please?” They begged.
           “Maybe after we’ve checked out the house and greeted the neighbors.” You said as you turned.
           After a couple more minutes you saw your new house. It looked like it was newly painted and had a stack of firewood beside it. Once you parked, Ronin and Dawn were unbuckling and hopping out of the car.
           “Look Mommy!” Ronin shouted. “We have a big yard! Maybe we can get a puppy!”
           You laughed. “Maybe. Let’s check out the inside.”
           You unlocked the door, and Ronin and Dawn rushed inside, their tiny eyes trying to take in everything.
           “Wow! This is much bigger than our old house.” Dawn said in awe. “Are we really going to live here?”
           “Yup. I’ve gotta grab some boxes from the car, so you guys explore.” You said walking to your car with a smile.
           Rumbling down the road, Steve whistled an old tune as he drove toward Sam’s house. He had borrowed one of Sam’s ties on Sunday and was going to return it to him. As he was driving, he noticed a car parked at Mrs. Summer’s old house, and saw you grabbing boxes. Being the helpful man he was, he pulled into your driveway, and hopped out of his truck.
           “Excuse me. Would you like some help?” He asked as he saw you struggling.
           You looked at the man in front of you, his wind tossed blond hair, tight flannel shirt, and charming smile was enough to make your knees weak.
           “Uh, yes, please.” You managed as he took the heavy boxes from you with ease.
           You grabbed a lighter box and you both walked inside the house. You set the boxes on the floor by the couch, and Ronin and Dawn stared at Steve.
           “Who’s he Mommy?” Ronin asked eyeing Steve carefully.
           “Um…” You turned toward Steve and he smiled.
           “I’m Steve. I live nearby, actually. Just down the road.” He said crouching to Ronin’s height. “And who might you be?”
           “I’m Ronin. I’m the man of the house.” He said puffing out his chest.
           “Wow.” Steve chuckled. “You must be what? 25?”
           “I’m four.” Ronin laughed showing Steve with his chubby fingers.
           “What? You’re so mature. I thought you were surely 25.”
           You smiled at Steve’s interaction with Ronin. His father was never like this with Ronin. You were glad you had picked a nice town like this one. You watched as he started talking with Dawn, and how she started to giggle at something he said. Steve then stood up and stuck out his hand.
           “Steve Rogers. I’m the town’s lumberjack, and occasional mechanic when I work with my buddy Bucky at his shop. Nice to meet you.”
           “I’m Y/n. Thank you for helping me with my stuff. I don’t suppose you were the one that stacked some firewood outside?” You said shaking his hand.
           “Ah, yes. That would be me. Just a little welcoming gift.” He shrugged.
           Before you could say anything more, a knock echoed through the house. You excused yourself from Steve and opened the door. A woman with beautiful red hair and nice smile greeted you at the door.
           “Hi, I’m Natasha. I brought some cookies.” She said shaking the plate she held.
           “Oh, thank you. I’m Y/n. Please, come in.” You said opening the door wider.
           She stepped inside and her eyes landed on Steve. She sent a smirk Steve’s way, and Steve pretended he didn’t notice.
           “I see you’ve already met Steve.” She said setting the cookies on the table.
           “Uh, yeah. He helped me carry some of our stuff inside.” You said as Ronin and Dawn rushed toward the table.
           “COOKIES!!” They said as the reached for the plate.
           “Only one right now.” You said as they nodded. “And what do you say.”
           “Thank you!” They said before shoving the cookie in their mouths.
           Steve chuckled and saw Nat giving him a knowing glance. Nat turned back to you and smiled.
           “We’re having a welcoming party for you guys at 2 at the community center. Just a little welcome to the community. It’ll be fun.”
           “Oh, thank you. We’re not used to such hospitality.”
           “Well, I best be going. Gotta make sure my husband, Clint, isn’t burning down the house trying to make Ramen. See you at the party.” Nat said as you thanked her again for the cookies and the visit.
           Once she left, Steve tugged on his flannel shirt. “I should probably get going too. Uh, welcome to the community.”
           “Thank you once again for carrying the boxes, and being so kind to my children.”
           “Don’t mention it.” He said with a smile before exiting the house.
           He walked back to his truck and ran a hand through his hair. You were not what he expected at all.
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