#i feel like i have forced a whole lot of firsts upon the fandom and i hope thats ok
allylikethecat · 1 year
Please post the fic asap, the 1975 tag is inundated with t swift fics 😬😬😬
Haha I will soon! I'm now second guessing myself now that I am more awake and want to give it a few more read throughs!
And on the topic of Taylor fics... I do have a chapter of my Taylor x Matty 2014 Fake Dating AU that I'm hoping to have fully ready soon 😂
Thank you so much for reading and for your support! I hope you enjoy the next installment of the A&E fic - when I do post it you will have to let me know what you think!
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Best (Fake) Boyfriend
Requested Here!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!reader
Summary: When you receive unwanted attention at a fancy restaurant, a handsome SWAT sergeant pretends to be your boyfriend to help you.
Warnings: pushy man is pushy and mean. Deacon is perfect and pretty. reader isn't rich (not necessarily poor, just usually unable to afford the vacation she's on). lots of fluff!! there's also a Psych reference and if you find it, we should be friends
Word Count: 2.0k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Kay Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“It’ll be fun!” your best friend insists.
“I don’t know,” you reply.
“It’s just a weekend. This is the hottest resort in LA and we’re never going to be able to afford it again. Besides, it’s an Uber ride away, if you hate it after the first night, just go home. We wouldn’t hold that against you, swear.”
Closing your eyes, you nod. The small group of friends surrounding you cheers. After they force you to pack a bag, you find yourself in the back of an Uber driving through Beverly Hills.
“How did you get a room here again?” you ask.
“I got an insane discount voucher when I went to the grand opening of that new organic restaurant in Santa Monica!”
“And we’re just spending a weekend in the resort? Swimming, relaxing,” you trail off, unsure if you believe the lack of ulterior motives.
“Yeah,” your best friend answers, “plus rich men from the Hills.”
The Uber driver rolls his eyes, and you can’t blame him... not at all.
“Save a whole school full of evacuees and you get a dinner reservation at a Beverly Hills resort,” Street muses. “I knew there was a reason I liked this gig.”
“You do know that place will be crawling with rich, single women,” Hicks begins.
“Yeah, we do,” Tan and Street cheer together.
“And badge bunnies,” Hicks finishes.
Street shrugs, and Deacon and Hondo shake their heads. 
“Do we have to attend?” Deacon asks.
“Why? Got better plans?” Street asks.
“A night in the hills isn’t everyone’s idea of a fun time, playboy,” Hondo answers. Deacon nods his agreement.
“Yes, you have to go. Mayor’s going to be there tonight, too. Every week like clockwork,” Hicks answers.
“Hey, Deac,” Street calls as they walk out. “What’s the real problem?”
“Just seems like a materialistic, money-based approximation of the worth of the lives we saved,” Deacon answers. “The mayor’s office just implied all those lives are worth approximately $650.”
“Those meals are over $125 each?” Luca gapes. “Sorry, I know that’s not the point.”
“It’s not the first or last time we’ll receive a monetary thank you, but at some point it becomes more about the reward after the job than the job itself,” Deacon adds.
“Maybe we’ll be there for a reason,” Luca offers. “But I get what you’re saying. We are focused on the job, and that’s all we can control.”
“Then I guess we should clean up. Places like that frown upon dirt covered tactical uniforms."
"Their loss; this is my best look,” Street jokes.
“Um, I can’t afford to look at this menu,” you say, pushing it back onto the table. “Maybe I should go find a diner or something.”
“It’s included,” your best friend whispers. “But we’re trying to play the part, so sit up and feel as good as you look in that outfit.”
Sighing, you straighten your shoulders, picking up the outrageously priced menu again and trying not to let your shock show. Indeed, you’ll never live like this again, but you’re not sure you’d want to even if you could.
“Would it be wrong for me to say there’s one for each of us?” Street asks, glancing over his menu.
“Yes,” Deacon, Hondo, and Luca reply in unison.
“They’re women, not suits, Street,” Deacon adds.
“Think I could land one?” Street asks.
“Playboy,” Hondo sighs. “You don’t have enough game for half of one of those women, kid.”
“Really? ‘Cause the one in the blue’s lookin’ over here.”
“Probably at Deacon,” Luca says, keeping his eyes on the menu.
“Right,” Deacon agrees sarcastically. “I- honestly, I don't know what's in most of these foods, so one of you order for me.”
He sets his menu down, his gaze wandering to the table of women Street was talking about. One of them catches his attention, and when the four other women get up, giggling as they walk toward the bathroom, he decides he’s looking at a kindred soul.
“Mind if I sit here for just a moment? My friends are running late, and the reservation is under another name,” a man explains, smiling as he looks at you.
“Uh, I don’t think-“
“Thanks,” he says, cutting you off as he sits beside you.
“My friends are coming right back,” you state. “So, you should find somewhere else to wait.”
“Sounds like you have time to kill, and I do, too. What’s your name?”
You don’t answer, fiddling with the bottom of the tablecloth as you watch the doorway for your friends to return.
“I can’t imagine someone ditching you.”
The man leans into your peripheral vision, and you turn your head away. When his hand brushes against your covered hip, you stand quickly.
“I told you that I didn’t want to talk, so you should find your way to your own table before I come back,” you say lowly before walking to the balcony entrance.
Deacon tunes out his teammates as he watches a man sit beside you. Your obvious discomfort makes him eager to help. He stops at the thought that one uninvited man in your personal space is likely more than enough.
“Deac?” Hondo asks. “Oh,” he adds when he looks at what is so worthy of Deacon’s attention.
“Didn’t think he still had it in him,” Luca whispers to Hondo.
Deacon stands suddenly, his attention on your back as you walk onto the balcony. Hondo notices that the man beside you looks angry, and when he jostles the table in his haste to follow you, he knows why Deacon is so invested.
“Go help her out, Deac, we got your back,” Hondo says.
Deacon nods wordlessly, buttoning his blazer as he follows in your footsteps. His team looks on, sure that Deacon has control of the situation but is prepared to jump in if the situation calls for it.
“Deacon comes back with her glued to his side or that starry far-away look in his eye,” Luca announces. “Trust me.”
“My money’s on the first one. You see how she relaxed the moment her friends left? She’s just like him,” Tan points out.
“Looks like you found your way to my table, too,” the man says behind you.
When you turn to face him, you step back. His jaw is tight, and his eyes look darker than they did inside.
“Change your mind about spending time with me, girlie?”
With your side to the door, you notice someone walk out, but don’t expect an arm to circle your waist a moment later.
“Hey, babe,” the man says. “What’s going on? Came back to the table and you were gone.”
Looking up at him, you sigh at the sight of his large, kind eyes. Trusting him, you relax against his side, raising a hand to press against his sternum.
“Sorry, handsome. This guy was waiting for his friends,” you explain.
“You need help finding your table or somethin’? This is a nice place, I’m sure they can help with that.”
The man clenches his fists at his side, looking between you and the man holding you to his side.
“Or do you need a different kind of help?”
The hand on your hip tightens, his touch still gentle as his voice drops. He’s defending you, angry for you, and though you don’t know why, you’re grateful.
“No, I’m good. Your ‘babe’ here might want to learn some manners, though.”
You press your hand against your guy’s chest when he tries to follow the man inside. Whispering your name to distract him, you sigh when his attention returns to you.
“I’m Deacon,” he replies. “Sorry for grabbing you.”
“Don’t apologize. Thank you. I don’t know what I was thinking walking out here alone.”
Your hand is still spread over his chest, his arm around your waist, and his hand rubbing soft circles on your hip. You know the moment has to end, but your desperation to draw it out outweighs your logic.
“Well, thank you, Deacon. You’re a great boyfriend; I’m sure there’s a very happy woman somewhere.”
Deacon’s hand moves to your waist as you move back, and he quickly raises the other to stop you. 
“There is no happy woman,” he responds. “I just- how often do you have to deal with stuff like that?”
“Not very often. Most guys get the idea, even if it takes a few tries. Never had to be saved like this before.”
Deacon sighs, disappointed either in you or the situation. You hope it’s the situation, and Deacon can practically read your mind.
“I’m a SWAT sergeant, and we have to watch for crossfire,” he begins.
You nod with furrowed brows, confused as to where this is going.
“I just will never understand how some men are so okay with not caring how many women they hurt in pursuing their own… whatever it is they’re looking for.”
“How? How is there no lucky woman?” you ask softly. “Between the kindness and the poetic speeches, you’re just begging to get snatched up.”
Deacon drops his chin, shaking his head as he smiles.
“Why’d you follow me?” you ask.
“You were uncomfortable. I noticed you before he sat down, and then when you stood up so fast I couldn’t just sit there. Especially when he followed you.”
“Then you can tell I don’t fit in here.”
“I can,” Deacon agrees before whispering, “because I don’t either.”
“Could you maybe ditch your friends?” you ask. “Let me call you handsome for a while longer?”
“You seem a bit too pleased to have a fake boyfriend who only came out here to scare somebody off.”
“Because my fake boyfriend is better than any real one I’ve ever had.”
Deacon smiles, pulling you against him. “I have to stay for dinner, it’s a work thing. But if you’re still up for pet names later, and tomorrow, and for a good, long while, I think we can work something out.”
“I will be.”
“Have your phone?”
You pull your phone from your pocket, unlock it, and hand it to him. He keeps one hand on your side as he adds his contact, sending himself a text with your name. After he returns your phone, he sighs.
“The moment’s over?” you ask.
 “The moment is on hold,” Deacon corrects.
“Enjoy your work dinner. I’m going to go have a free dinner and listen to my friends pretend they belong here.”
“Feel free to sit at my table if you need a break. I’m sure they’re talking about you already. Trying to decide if I’ll actually act on my feelings or just come back in alone and puppy-like.”
You smile, slowly separating yourself from Deacon. Walking in first, he holds the door for you, and you brush your knuckles against his hand before returning to your table. As you sit, your eyes stray to Deacon and never leave.
“That little hand thing counts, right?” Tan asks.
“Counts for what?” Deacon inquires as he sits.
“I thought you’d come back with your arm around her.”
“We’re, uh, we’re gonna keep talking later.”
“Atta boy, Deac!” Luca cheers.
“Why didn’t you invite her over?” Hondo asks. “This may be a work thing, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring.”
“I did. If she gets tired of her friends, she’ll be over.”
“Yeah,” you interject, pausing at the corner of their table. “I’m tired of my friends and your table seems like a better fit.”
Street, Luca, and Tan rush to pull a chair over for you, arguing over who gets the credit. You laugh at their antics as Deacon tells you everyone’s names.
“Nice to meet you. And thanks for letting me crash your dinner,” you say.
“So, what do you think of our Deacon here?” Luca asks, smiling kindly.
“I think he’s great,” you answer honestly. Turning toward him, you whisper, “And handsome.”
“Are pet names our thing now?” he asks.
“Hey, you started it, babe.”
Deacon dips his chin before his eyes rise to yours, and you think ‘beautiful’ might be a better fit for him. Luckily, he promised plenty of time to try all the pet names you can think of.
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guiltygearconfessions · 5 months
Submitting my thoughts as an Indian and Pakistani fan of GG, but I'm kinda disappointed that a lot of analysts who cover Zepp don't seem all too concerned with looking closely at aspects of South Asian culture and history or anything outside of India when it comes to Zepp. Yes it is Indian but you can't discuss India and just magically divorce it from shared cultural ties with Pakistan (and by extension Bangladesh, however I am not Bengali and thus can't speak much on it.) For example Gabriel's blue uniform is so clearly based on a veshti combined with the female air force uniform for Pakistan, or that Zepp's symbol is based on the Garuda Commando Forces logo- even the uniforms of said force match much closer to Zepp's uniforms than any stated "inspiration" I've seen. Hell even the slavery system within Zepp is a reflection that our countries still struggle with caste and class based slavery on a much larger scale (it's affected my own lower class family). This isn't even to mention Potemkin who seems much more tied to how Indo-Pak militarism, nationalism, and facism can affect areas like Kashmir. People are quick to call "German and Russian" influences but the only ones I remotely even observe as a brown person are literally just Pot and Gabriel's names. I dunno. It's just vexing to me. Like it's a country made by dissatisfied Indians post-crusades, so the idea that the old government was somehow less south asian is like. Weird to me. Like there's nothing to indicate that other than people conflating out architectural styles with Russian ones too. Like a lot of Zepp seems to resemble Rajasthani and Punjabi (both sides) architecture in particular but I'm just saddened knowing nobody will look that far into it simply because they might not have that same cultural attachment to it.
Side note I'm also not a fan of how Daisuke refuses to give names to Zeppian characters that match with their ethnic background. For every Leon Mining, Gabriel, and Potemkin, we could've gotten like... actual references to our rock and metal scene. Even "Zepp" as the country name dissatisfies me. Creators and fandoms have such a bad habit at making something or acknowledging something as "South Asian" and then refuse to elaborate on it beyond a few visuals. It feels gauche.
Something something the prevalence of ki not being touched upon for any of South Asia / Zepp by extension within GG is also a major annoyance when we share a lot of faith based aspects with regions like China and Japan.
This has been kinda long winded but holy shit fighting games really just annoy me sometimes with how they treat South Asia as a whole. I just feel it very strongly with GG in particular since Daisuke was very close to peak. So close. I will say he clearly put in a lot of effort that non-south asians probably wouldn't recognize at a first glance, but the smaller details surrounding Zepp and some of the assumptions made about Zepp fandom wise combine into a "nobody will get it like I do" situation.
It's genuinely very cool to see someone's perspective and analysis on it who has more experience and understanding than most western gamers. I appreciate you sharing!
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Fic: The Birds and the Bees
Read on Ao3
Fandom: The Last of Us (HBO)
Ship: Joel Miller x you (cishet f reader) / Ellie x Riley mention
Tags/warnings: underage child overhearing sex (but it's not weird I swear), queer thoughts, Joel is such a dad, Rough Sex, unprotected sex, piv sex, some mild dirty talk, trying to stay quiet during sex.
Summary: Ellie hears mommy (you) and daddy (Joel) have sex. I guess that's the plot.
Words: 2,257
A/N: WARNING can be a bit spoilery for episodes 6 and 7! Thanks to @rambling-in-purple for reading the Ellie part to make sure it wasn't weird <3
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Ellie is almost asleep when something draws her back into the real world, and for a moment she has no idea where she is. Where did these clean sheets come from, this comfortable bed, this warmth? It takes her brain a few moments to realize that she is in Jackson, the safe haven reached yesterday. Today. What time is it?
A sound makes her sit up in bed, heartbeats quickening with growing fear. She had thought this place was safe, but that sound is definitely not reassuring. She reaches for her knife on the bedside table, just as she hears the sound again.
A creak. And it's growing rhythmical. And along with it, muffled moans.
Ellie's first instinct is that there is a fight going on in the next room. A life or death struggle between Joel, you, and a deceitful Jackson resident. Or maybe the infected finally got in? Is Jackson already overrun with infected, or did a roaming band of bandits get in?
Another creak, then a louder moan that gets cut off, and it dawns on Ellie.
Oh. Oh.
Being shown around Jackson, you seemed relaxed for the first time in, well, all the months Ellie had been with you and Joel. It was nice to see you like that, and Ellie wished that Joel could unwind a little as well, but Joel wasn't a person who did that. Maria had taken you and Ellie to the house, Joel had gone to see his brother, and returned in a huff. Ellie, in clean clothes washed hair, had gushed to him about the hot shower, but his demeanor had been so dark that she had fallen quiet. Just then, you had appeared out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, and Ellie had seen the looks you and Joel exchanged. You excused yourself to have an early night and took to your bedroom - the one you shared with Joel. Ellie didn't think twice about you two sharing: she had understood long ago what you were to each other, in addition to the protectors, family, you were to her.
But it's one thing to understand that two people love each other, and know what people in love with each other do, and actually hear it.
Conflicted, she lies back down, turns onto one side, wrapping the pillow around her head to muffle the sounds. It's too intimate, too private. It's wrong to listen to it.
Still, the reverberations travel through the wooden build of the house, and she feels them on her skin. Rolling onto her back again, she lets go of the pillow and stares up at the dark ceiling.
It's not the first time she's heard people having sex. She knows what's going on between the two of you and for what it's worth, she's happy for you. There is something so comforting about your obvious feelings for each other, and how they have spilled over onto her. Ellie knows that she was more or less forced upon you but since that night in the Boston QZ, a lot has happened. You're her family now, and she's happy that you and Joel can be safe and comfortable enough in your borrowed bedroom to have sex.
And it is kind of exciting to hear it, even if it's private. Ellie may be a virgin but she's not frigid. The moans she can hear must be from you, and she wonders what it is Joel is doing that's making you sound like that. Not that she wants to think of Joel like that, God no, that's just gross. The whole idea of a man sticking his dick into her feels gross. But surely a woman must be able to make another woman sound like that? Maybe she could ask you. If she wants to talk to you about sex, and that's a big if.
It hits Ellie that if you're her family now, then it would be like asking her mom about sex. And whatever is going on right now is like hearing mom and dad have sex. And that image is just too much for her teenage brain. When the bedframe starts knocking on the wall between her bedroom and yours, she sits up again and bangs her fist at it.
"Keep it down, you two, some of us are trying to sleep here!"
The noise stops at once, and she grins to herself as she imagines your aghast faces - especially Joel must look absolutely shocked.
"Serves you right," she giggles to herself before scooting down and tucking herself in. Sleepy and amused, she wonders what sex feels like. If she will ever have it. If she even wants it. Is there ever going to be anyone that she'd care to do it with? Will anyone ever find her attractive? Her thoughts stray to Riley, and how sweet it would be to share this comfortable bed with her, whispering in the night, kissing, maybe more - but she quickly brushes those thoughts away. That wound is still too fresh.
A muffled thud is heard from the other bedroom, but she doesn't care anymore. Curling up on her side, she succumbs to exhaustion and the soft mattress.
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Your heart is pounding, your mouth is dry, your breathless profanity barely audible against Joel's cheek as he's buried to the hilt in you. He was in a mood when he came back from seeing his brother, and you knew there was no point in trying to make him talk about it. Even in a huff, however, the sight of you in a towel was rare enough for him to stop and stare.
"Take a shower," you told him, seeing that all he wanted to do was pull the towel off of you, "and come to bed."
Strangely enough, he did as he was told, but even hot water wasn't enough to keep him in the shower for more than a few minutes. When he came out, naked and dripping after barely having had time to dry himself off, he joined you between the threadbare but clean sheets.
"It's been too long," he told you, breath hot against your skin, hands already cupping and squeezing and claiming. You hummed your agreement as you let him cover your mouth with yours, sucking the breath out of you as he laid on top of you, his broad frame blocking out everything else. His weight on you, his clean, naked skin against yours... it had indeed been far too long for indulgences like these. You remember stolen fucks and sleepless nights in the QZ, clothed on cold hard floors during runs, but the last time you could take your time like this? And even with all the time in the world, both of you were in a desperate hurry. He sank his thick cock into you before too long and you welcomed him deeper by wrapping your arms and legs around him. When you moaned, he covered your mouth with his large hand and grunted in your ear:
"I know, pretty girl, I know, I feel it too, but you have to stay quiet for me."
You whined into his palm, and he replaced it with his mouth, swallowing your moans as he thrust into you with a renewed fury. The bed creaked but you were too far gone, too cock-hungry to care if Ellie heard you.
Which she did, of course.
Joel froze at the banging on the wall, and he inhaled sharply when Ellie yelled out her request for silence. Mirth replacing dismay as you recognize the teasing tone of Ellie's voice, you start to tremble with held-back giggles. With a grunt, Joel heaves himself up on his elbows.
"It's not funny," he lets you know in a morose voice. You raise your hands to his cheeks, feeling the heat in them. It's too dark to see, but your tough, no nonsense man is fucking blushing.
"It is a little funny," you whisper back and pull him in for a kiss. "She's fucking with us, you do know that, right?"
"We're gonna traumatize her - "
"This is gonna traumatize her, and not everything else she has lived through and seen?" you scoff. Your hand slides around to the back of his head and grab a fistful of hair. "Wise up, Miller, and fuck me."
"We can't - "
"I swear to God, Joel, if you don't get me off, I'm gonna go naked into the street and find someone who will!"
Your threat, unfounded though it is, gets him back on the right track.
"Yeah?" he breathes in a low growl, lowering his face over your chest, his tongue licking a wet trail around your knotted nipple. "You'd let just anyone touch you? Let anyone do this to you?" He licks your nipple into his mouth and sucks hard, making you arch your back as you clench your teeth against the moan threatening to spill out of you.
"Hush, my pretty," he hisses, sliding one hand to your breast and burying his fingers into the plump flesh as he lowers his mouth to your ear. "You have to stay quiet if you want me to fuck you till you cum. Can you do that?"
Your whimpered yes is followed by a choked cry when he slams into you anew, this time wrapping one arm around your thigh to get in deeper. You hold onto the bedding, the headboard, willing it to creak less as Joel picks up where he left off, doing his best to resume his devastating pace yet without causing any more noise. It's difficult, but when Joel puts his mind to something, he always follows through. He braces himself against the bed and you whine when he takes his weight off of you. You want to be deliciously crushed, taken, rendered breathless and immobile, but now you are free to rub your clit as he fucks you. Your slick walls clench around him at once.
"Fuck, that's tight," he groans above you, baring his teeth. "So fucking tight when you do that."
You stare up at him through the dusk, caress his flexed neck muscles with your half closed eyes as the pressure rises inside you. You whisper bitten off words, as if Joel needed your words to know that you are so close to exploding, imploding, the mesmerizing rise and fall that you so desperately need. He dips down to steal your breath away with a kiss and you suck eagerly on his tongue while simultaneously panting for air.
He almost slips out when you cum, your slickness and spasming muscles nearly pushing him out. You press your lips together, will yourself to swallow the sounds that threaten to come out when your body trembles under him. Your body, so sensitive all of a sudden, wants to push him away, but instead you pull him down over you and move with him, desperate and wanton.
"Cum," you beg of him in a whisper that might just as well be a scream, you have no idea as the blood roars in your ears, "cum, baby, cum in me, please cum."
Your overstimulated pussy feels the heat of his load spreading inside you when your words rush him to his climax. The strangled sound he emits is one that you've never heard from him before, and you wrap your arms around him, holding him tightly to you. His heart beats rapidly against your chest, where your own heart trying to match his rhythm, and when he tries to catch his breath there's only a stutter. He's sweaty but you can smell him and it's clean, fresh perspiration. His hair is still damp, and you run your fingers through it, smelling the shampoo which no doubt is handmade of herbs by someone in Jackson. He clearly took the time to wash his hair, which surprises you.
It feels nice. Normal.
"You smell nice," you murmur to him, sniffing his sideburn demonstratively.
"You do too." He brushes his lips across your face in a light peppering of kisses, each one a lingering declaration of love on your skin. "You felt so good, baby, this was good."
You hum softly as he slides out, slick and seed trailing in the wake of his softening cock.
"Might want to go again in a minute," you warn him with a happy smile that you hope he can hear, even if he can't see it. Joel groans as he rolls over onto his back next to you.
"Too old for twice in one night."
You chuckle, feeling the post-coital relaxation weighing you down in the most delicious way. Once was definitely enough. But you wish that every night could be like this.
"You think she's still awake?" Joel asks, and for a moment you have no idea who he's talking about. You had quite forgotten that the two of you were not alone in the house.
"I'll talk to her in the morning," you offer with a yawn. "Woman to woman."
"And tell her what?" Joel sounds both cynical and troubled, which amuses you greatly.
"About the birds and the bees," you giggle, shoving him playfully. "And what happens when two adults like each other very much."
He scoffs but takes your hand and brings it to his lips for a kiss before placing it over his heart. The conversation is over for his part, so you lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.
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aerkame · 1 year
Adding another fandom to writings
I am considering on adding Welcome Home to my list of fandoms that I will write for (Currently Transformers & Trollhunters right now). I'm just more concerned about the asks I might get. BUT, I have writing rules so there's that. I do have my own headcanons on Welcome Home based on theories I have on it, it's more horror centered though since Welcome Home comes off as 4th wall breaking obsessive behavior towards the reader or whoever visits the website.
So, for now, I will write these as an x reader on Welcome Home based on what I think might be happening. If or when I do decide to write for it, they will be based on these headcanons as somewhat of a guideline. (Mainly because there is not enough information on Welcome Home yet).
Welcome Home did start out as a children's show of course, that's how all puppet shows are. But something went wrong, leading to the cancellation of the show, recalling toys and merchandise of the characters. Not a single puppet toy could get out to the public. Not one. With nothing left from the show anymore it would be forgotten as the years went by...until someone(s) came upon a handsome little puppet. There is something off about Wally, his friends can feel it, but Wally is their best friend, he wouldn't mean any harm, he's here to help them and have the best of times! Right? Sometimes the others will notice Home acting different...and Wally has been staring quite a lot recently, often whispering back and forth with Home, listening to the squeaks and creaks as doors and shutters swung back and forth. Everything was perfect here, everyone was happy, everyone was friends. The best of friends. Best friends. One day, Eddie Dear was given a veerrry special letter to deliver. The address was set as Wally's Home. Wally looked so happy then when he opened the letter and read it, but he wouldn't say what it was, only that he would be away for a little while!
All of the dust made it feel like you were going to sneeze your lungs out, but you stuck around to see what this antique store might have. There wasn't much that stood out until something colorful had caught your eye. It was a cute yellow puppet with a hairdo that reminded you of Elvis and clothes that even Mr.Rogers would envy. You gently picked up the colorful puppet and brought to the front of the shop to buy. A small twinkle of a light shone in the once dead eyes of the toy, what wonders does this little guy have in store you wonder. Wally is your best friend. Won't you come visit him?
This is just to get me started on a feel of what I want to do/how I want to write for the reader inserts/x readers for Welcome Home. In case you didn't catch on, I personally think Wally wants the reader to join him and the others in their own world whether they like it or not. A reason I might make the first fanfiction more horror. No gore or anything, but more psychological horror like obsessive behavior and kidnapping (Magical world kidnapping? Does it count as kidnapping if you're forced into a whole other world full of cartoonish characters?)
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mastercherry · 2 months
Ghost x Soap prompt
Oh. Okay. I remember what I wanted to post on here earlier. You don't know this, but I totally had this idea earlier today and want to share it with the world but I got distracted and forgot all about it. But here I am.
Back at it again with a Call of Duty, Ghost and Soap fic prompt.
I don't have a lot of experience with the games. I just got my first one, MW3, like a month or 2 ago. I know a little bit of the storyline, and I've looked up a few canon things, but most of my experience is with fanfiction so far. I know there's some mixed feelings amongst the fandom as far as the fanfiction goes so I want to do my best to contribute in a positive way.
I encourage feedback and comments or additional ideas. Also, I'd love to join a Discord server about the different ships in the game so invite me if you'd like.
Without further delay, here's my COD Ghost x Soap prompt from earlier today:
You know the Underworld series? With the vampires and the werewolves? You know, specifically, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans?
*<*<*spoiler alert for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans to follow*>*>*
*<*<*spoiler alert for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans to follow*>*>*
*<*<*spoiler alert for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans to follow*>*>*
You know near the end when Lucian and Sonja are tied up, unable to reach each other as the sun rises? And it's stressful and painful but beautiful. And she looks up as the sun roof begins to open, but he's just begging her to look at him.
"Look at me, look at me. Keep your eyes on me."
And she takes strength from his gaze and she's able to face what happens next because he's there with her.
"I love you," he says.
"And I love you," she replies as the sun roof continues to open. She keeps her eyes on him until the end.
And he just screams in anguish and pain when she's gone. And the whole castle can hear him calling her name.
You know what I'm talking about?
Okay. So THAT idea but Ghost and Soap.
Hear me out. It's somewhat of a sci-fi/fantasy world. Ghost doesn't know what he is, not really. There are others like him, born from death, unkillable as far as he knows. Some sort of creature that humans start to call a Reaper. He's never really cared. And he's never really wanted to die.
Until he met Jonathan Riley.
And this was like maybe 2 or 3 hundred years ago. We're talking castles and horses and witch hunts. The supernatural world is unknown but humans are starting to learn. They're starting to see. They're calling anything non-human evil. It's bad. Werewolves, vampires, witches- all real. All in danger during these dark times.
And here he meets Jonathan Riley. Nothing special really. He's from a poor family, with several siblings, barely enough food to eat. He helps his dad in the stables, helps his mom in the kitchen. Keeps the little ones busy. Picks up odd jobs around the small village Simon only visits every other week. And really, he only does it to keep up the appearance of being a normal human.
It's one of these visits where he quite literally runs into Jonathan. And it's all history from there. Jonathan might not be anything special to the village, but he's everything to Simon. He's the world. Suddenly, life is full of color and wonder.
When a disease wreaks havoc on the village, killing almost everyone, it's only Simon and Jonathan who come out unscathed. Fingers to be pointed. Whispers start to poison what remaining ears are left to listen.
And so Simon and Jonathan are put to death for witchcraft. At least, Jonathan is. They try to break Simon down and all they learn is that he can take a beating and not break. They know he's something else. A demon maybe. And he gave the magic of witchcraft to Jonathan who will be burned at the stake.
And here's where we have the Underworld Rise of Lycans scene. Simon is beaten and broken, chained down as he's forced to watch the pyre burn down his whole world.
When he's eventually freed he brings death upon everyone who played a part in taking Jonathan's life. He becomes the demon that they feared.
He wastes away for a while after that, not caring about anything. Not eating or sleeping, just wandering. Watching the dull gray fog of time pass him by, wishing he could die and join his beloved Jonathan in the after life.
Eventually, the supernatural world is fully revealed. It takes a while for the two worlds to work hand in hand, but one day there's hardly anyone left who remembers the time when supernatural creatures had to hide. There's just Simon and the few others like him who can't seem to die.
He lived so long in the shadows as a ghost that he still, to this day, doesn't know how Price got a hold of him. How anyone got a hold of him. But they found him. Recruited him. And when they asked for his name?
Simon Riley.
It gives him a purpose again, being part of the 141. They call him Ghost. How right they were. He was just a shell. Nothing more than a directionless shade until Price came along.
And then, one day, the world bursts back into amazing wonderful color and warmth.
Enter in one John "Soap" MacTavish.
Long story short, Soap is the reincarnation of Jonathan Riley.
And they get to fall in love with each other all over again.
Sorry this is so long. It got away from me a little bit LOL
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ficfinder-general · 11 months
I'm new to Codywan. Doyou have a list of Must Reads or Fandom Classics or anything like that? (Bonus points for longfic!)
Funnily enough, I'm not sure I'm an expert on Fandom Classics, but I do think that the long Clone Wars rewrites/fix-its are a perfect way to start! (And then you can move on to shorter fics and crazy AUs haha) So these are all longer, and can be fit into TCW continuity, even if they diverge at some point because the writers can't help themselves and will fix canon (as they should).
{recs under the cut, please mind the tags listed on ao3}
in our hearts some ancient song by whimsicalimages (@keensers)- Fives discovers the chips, he's on the run and gambles his life on the assumption that there's something going on between Cody and his general, so they would help him. Some amazing lore in this fic. 40k words
Golden Shield of Brightness by NerJetii (@nerjetii)- Soulmate AU, your soulmates' (romantic and platonic) names are written on your wrists. "Only" 15k, but I would recommend it even if you're not a fan of soulmate AUs (=they don't fall into each other's arms just because they're soulmates). Focuses on Obi-Wan, mostly, but we also learn a bit about how the Kaminoans treated the clones.
I am teaching myself how to be free by tattooedgreenhouse (@gershwyndl) - this might be THE Clone Wars rewrite for me because the author has taken upon themselves to literally retell the whole series from Cody's AND Obi-Wan's POV. It's ambitious, I'm pretty sure it's technically canon compliant, but we do get our happy ending. Appropriately, it's 113k long.
i'll orbit your flickering star by sunskippa (@sunskippa) - Also a Clone Wars rewrite (by this I mean that it goes through the events of the series from Cody's POV), also canon compliant, 78k words. Might be my favourite ending in the genre, beautiful. I don't even know how to sell this, but it's a must-read imo
|to failure sweet victor| by littlekaracan (@cillyscribbles)- 20k words. In case you've read all those rewrites and you just want to skip to the part where Cody leaves the Empire and they find each other again on Tatooine *with a twist*
you read my mind, I'll read yours series by sospes - This is very much canon divergent. Starts off as a mission fic, Cody and Obi-Wan discover an artefact that creates a Force-bond between them. Misunderstandings ensue. Look at the tags/ratings, some of the works later on are spicier/angstier. But you could also read the first one and call it a day if those aren't your jam. (The whole thing is 166k long at the moment.)
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene (@birdiedoessw) - an outsider POV (Rex's) on Cody's and Obi-Wan's relationship. With the extra twist that they can't stand each other at the beginning of the war. This is something I would've loved to read when I was getting into codywan, it's a great way to start. (25k words)
shoulder the sky series by Night Fury (@shootingstarpilot) - Last but not least, an ongoing series (all but two works are finished, more than 200k words atm). You'll have to "get through" the first work to read the more codywan-focused fics (and I don't mean this in a bad way because the story is a m a z i n g. Just so you know.) To be honest, I think it might be a bit confusing to read at the moment because as far as I can see a work was removed from the series, but it's still up? I'm not sure what happened there, but I suppose you could simply read all the author's works in chronological order :D This series is pretty much Obi-Wan AND clone troopers focused and relies a lot on the Jedi Apprentice series (which isn't canon anymore) but you're gonna be fine if you haven't read it.
(If anyone reads this, please feel free to add your own suggestions!)
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bloodyshadow1 · 6 months
since I've been forced back into the PJO, HoO, and ToA fandom against my will (due to my adhd forcing me not someone forcing me) I have some thoughts on HOO.
no one should have been in a relationship other than Percabeth in the Seven, at least not at first. Don't get me wrong, I thought Hazel and Frank were cute together, but there was no reason to make them a couple in the book they're introduced.
Personally, I never really liked Piper and Jason together, despite liking both characters as people. I felt like it was a weird start and a weird choice to keep them together. To make matters worse, they get together really offscreen which means we don't really know them as people. I think it would have been more interesting if they had feelings for each other but were unsure if it was real or just from Hera. And I think it would have made their stories better if they realized that the friendship they forged between them was just better than the romance that was forced upon them by Hera.
Them not being actually together in the end I think would fit better with Jason's flip flopping between Greek and Roman. It kind of feels like him choosing the Greek side, while it does have to due with his own character, a lot of it feels like him wanting to stay with Piper. Personally I never felt like their relationship was that strong to earn that.
Speaking of Jason, I feel like there was so much wasted potential with him. I think Rick should have let him keep the coin or had Hera give him a spear at the end of Lost Hero since it would be a good way to differentiate him from Percy. Or him having a weapon that could change forms that he's a master of both would separate him from Percy who has only felt comfortable using Riptide. In fact using both weapons could have been a way to reveal his issue with not being able to choose Greek or Roman as a metaphor if he's good at both but never a master of either because he spent so much time learning both instead of focusing
I wish Rick also toned down the worf effect moments with Jason, I know with 7-9 main characters and having to make sure every character gets a shot is important, but it feels like Jason got shafted a lot of the time. There's a reason a crack ship in the fandom is Jasonxbrick. Jason from the beginning was brought up as Percy's Roman foil, being just as much of a badass, but while he has his moments, he never feels like Percy's equal, just another powerful demi-god on the boat, despite also being a child of the big 3. With Percy, we had 5 books of him being a badass and failing as we watch him go from 12 to 16 and while he does get worfed and nerfed sometimes during HoO, he gets as many awesome moments. We're introduced to Jason when he should be at his most badass, and he does have cool moments, but it feels like he gets tossed around or knocked out more than he has cool moments to get the other members of the Seven something to do.
I also never really understood the whole Greek and Roman divide inside of him storyline that he was having. I feel like either more time needed to be devoted to that or have it drop as a plot point completely. It seems kind of moot since one of the whole plots is working together and basically stop the fighting between Greek and Roman sides. I think it would have been more interesting if he had more scenes with Frank who is a child of two worlds and them realizing they don't' have to chose because both are part of them. I don't really understand why Jason would want to be more Greek than Roman anyway, while I personally prefer the Greek stuff, but since we don't get a lot of Jason in Camp Half-Blood, and what we do have is an atypical time. It kind of feels like a no brainer given how little we see of Roman side of the world, but I don't know, would have preferred Jason defending the stuff he grew up with rather than abandoning it.
I would have liked more with Reyna, I'm not sure what, but I would have liked her with the Seven for a while and forming relationships or the the lack of being able to is why she is willing to leave with Nico to deliver the statue.
Additionally with Reyna, I wish she had more time to just talk with Jason. At the end of Lost Hero, there's some implication that Jason has some sort of strong feelings towards Reyna, romantic or other we don't know, and we know from early on that Reyna had a crush on him in Son of Neptune. Then in Mark of Athena it doesn't matter, I don't think they even talk really as things go wrong so quickly and Jason and Piper got together offscreen. We see Reyna's reaction a bit, but even if they weren't romantic or even if it was a failed romantic relationships because Jason is with Piper, I feel like there could have been more. They were friends for a long time and I'm not sure if Jason and Reyna ever talk without someone there in the 5 books. I dont' want them together either, but I feel like something between them would have been nice.
This is ToA stuff but it happens to do with Reyna so I'm putting it here, but I don't really like that Reyna ends up joining the Hunters of Artemis. this is going to sound shitty, but I don't like that as a plot device and as a way to reveal she's AroAce. I know being Aromantic is a spectrum, but the implication of joining the Hunters is to swear off romance completely. I get that it is some people's dream, but I just don't like how Reyna's coming out was protrayed. She had romantic feelings for Jason and slight interest in Percy. Neither went there for obvious reasons, but I feel like there could have been more done with her being AroAce. Like it feels like her coming out as AroAce and joining the Hunters is because she never got the guy, not because of who she is. For example, I think it would have been interesting if she talked with someone about always going after guys who she could never be with specifically because she didn't feel the same way about romance that other kids her age did.
I will also say that part of me kind of wanted Piper and Reyna to pull a Korrasami before Korrasami was a thing, because I didn't like Piper and Jason together. It's selfish and I'm all for Reyna being AroAce or being AroAce on a spectrum since I know some and Reyna actually feels demiromantic to me personally. It would also have been nice for Reyna to give Venus the middle finger by falling in love with a daughter of Aphrodite after Venus said no demigod would heal her heart and made Reyna feel like she was broken all this time. I feel like it was supposed to be about self love or realizing she was AroAce but it's shitty thing to say it that way to a 14 year old
I think Leo was good overall as a character, but I am not a fan of his relationship with Calypso. I don't like the slap slap kiss kiss dynamic they had and with Leo kind of flirty because he felt like the odd one out of the Seven being the only one not in a relationship, I think his story would have been better if he realized that he wasn't actually the odd one out and his friends did love him. sort of him failing at romance but learning to love himself and find a place in a new found family. I will say, if there was someone for him to fall for, I liked his brief meeting with Echo far more than his relationship with Calypso and I think they all deserve better than canon, Calypso included.
Piper unfortunately so much of her character revolves around his relationship with Jason which is why I would prefer the Seven to not have romantic entanglement or let it grow or wither as the story went on. Don't get me wrong, she has some amazing scenes, but I feel like Rick didn't know what to do with her all the time, which I think a lot of characters in HoO suffered from.
I wanted to see more of Camp Jupiter. I get that quests are the driving plot of the whole Percy Jackson series as a whole so we can't spend that much time in one place. But the fact that Camp Jupiter was supposed to be the opposite of Camp Half-Blood, yet is a city state compared to a summer camp, it feels like we didn't spend nearly as much time there as we should. Like with Jason foiling Percy, we had 5 books of seeing bits and pieces of Camp Half-Blood we only got glimpses of Camp Jupiter.
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hyperactivewhore · 8 months
In your opinion who is the best mother in the TVD universe? I think it has to be Hayley. She had made a lot of mistakes, but at the end of the day, Hope has never once doubted that her mother truly and unconditionally loved and supported her. Hayley practically raised Hope by herself. All Hayley wanted is for Hope to have a normal, happy childhood. And unlike many people I don’t think she ever abandoned Hope. Yes, she sent her away to the Salvatore school - but I think that’s because she knew that Hope couldn’t live a normal life in New Orleans and she thought that the best chance of Hope having a semi normal childhood is if no one knew who she was. And in legacies, it’s said that she still visited Hope at school frequently.
Hayley Marshall without a doubt was the best mother in tvdu, especially considering the events regarding her pregnancy, daughter and her daughter's family.
Hayley loved Hope from the very beginning, don't bring up how she tried to abort Hope because that's just rubbish: she wanted to do it because it would be better for both of them, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it. Claiming Elijah was the first person to care about Hope is so wrong, he didn't give a damn about the fetus but what it could mean to Klaus and his fucked up family at the beginning, he only saw his niece as her own person when she was fifteen years old.
Motherhood was forced upon Hayley and she had no other choice but to accept it, Klaus and Elijah made that very clear and it sickens me how people brush over Hayley herself saying how terrified and scared she was during this period of her life. She was barely an adult, thrown into the most dangerous family to ever live just because she happened to carry a baby and was killed twice because of that same family.
Saying Hayley was a bad mother is crazy, she loved Hope and put her above everyone almost always (I won't praise her for this, though, loving your child is the bare minium a decent parent should do) even if it was above people she cared about. People always bring up how she "stole" Hope in season two to try to put her in a bad light and it's embarrassing every time.
Was it a dangerous and risky choice? Obviously, yes, but Klaus, the father of her daughter, was jeopardizing Hope at the time with his paranoia and refusal to trust his family, and at the time everyone believed he had killed Aiden, a member of Hayley's pack, of course she would panick and run away with their kid. It was wrong nonetheless because she was putting in danger her whole pack, her husband, her daughter and herself, but I'll never blame her for it considering how much shit she went through only because of the Mikaelson.
Like Klaus, Hayley was scared too and this is often "forgotten" by the fandom: like him, she never had any good parent, but this didn't make her stop talking to Hope suddenly. The fandom often justifies Klaus abandoning Hope because he had daddy issues and because of The Hollow, but was it that hard to write letters, answer her phone calls? He ghosted his own daughter when she was nine because she saw him murdering someone, but somehow Klaus is the better parent in tvdu and the one Hope loved the most. Make it make sense.
Caroline was away too from her daughters, but she didn't ghost them the way Klaus did. Hayley was co-leading New Orleans, a whole city full of supernatural creatures, but she didn't abandon Hope either: as you said, Josie herself said she used to come to Mystic Falls frequently just for her daughter. Sending Hope away to school after nearly dying and losing her father was too soon, and while Legacies made everything they could to make these women look like bad mothers (Hope being basically depressed as a child, wanting to belong into the Saltzman family, her line in season three "my mom and dad will come back for me" - though I'm not sure if it should consider it proof, considering it was a weird Star Wars episode -, Lizzie feeling neglected by her mother, etc) they simply weren't.
Caroline and Hayley were both forced to be mothers and both proved to be better than everyone in the series. People should start criticizing the actual bad parents in this show instead of them.
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cncozutarapoto · 7 months
fun. x ATLA
Idk if anyone else in the fandom listens to fun., but I'm a big fan of pretty much the whole Some Nights album. I was listening to it last week (yes, even the Some Nights - Intro, which I don't vibe with) because it was speaking to me in terms of ATLA characters (certain songs reminded me of certain characters).
"But Turtle, Nate Reuss wasn't focused on ATLA when he was writing this album"
Ok, and? I'm gonna have some fun with this!
So here's each song and the character I think it fits (not all are exact fits & not every song is included, but most are)
1. Some Nights - Sokka
"This is it, boys, this is war/what are we waiting for?" feels very Sokka to me, especially since he considers himself a warrior and is the protector of Wolf Cove after Hakoda and the other men leave to fight the fire nation. Also "I still see your ghost" could reference Kya, but more likely Yue, since Sokka says that he sees Katara's face when he tries to remember his mother. The line about the martyr reminded me of Suki. Ok also the "miss my mom and dad for this" line?? Come on. Ok BUT "my heart is breaking for my sister and the con she called love/and then I look into my nephew's eyes" is just SCREAMING a Zutara or Kataang fic of some sort. Come on, right?? It's just begging to be written. Overall, this is very existential crisis-Sokka to me.
2. We Are Young - Katara
Ok so I wasn't fully sure what song to give Katara and it just didn't feel right to leave her out so I deadass just gave her this one like 5 minutes ago, but it still works. It would also be AU-based, but hear me out. I'm assuming y'all are most likely to know this song out of all of them. So Katara's at a bar after breaking up with her boyfriend (Aang) and the Gaang's all here. "My seat's been taken by some sunglasses askin' bout a scar" would be Zuko asking about the scars on Katara's hands that she couldn't fully heal after Aang's firebending accident. "But between the drinks and subtle things/the holes in my apologies/you know I'm trying hard to take it back" feels very Aang to me, especially since he's immature. Then right after, I feel like it switches to a more Zutara vibe for most of the song. Also "the moon is on my side/I have no reason to run" with Katara is such a sick combo omg.
3. Carry On - Zuko
The lyrics are very angsty. "You swore and said we are not/we are not shining stars/this I know, I never said we are" feels like a very Zuko & Iroh interaction to me. And also "though I've never been through hell like that/I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back" !!!! Like that feels very Season 3 Zuko to me. Also, no matter what, Zuko is forced to carry on, whether it's with Ozai, Azula, the Gaang... Although don't get me wrong, Zuko does take back his destiny, but I'm referring more to how he can't give up. Also Ursa tells Zuko and he later says how he struggles and fights, even though it's hard. "And we talked and talked about how our parents will die/all our neighbors and wives" Zuko is very familiar with the concept of mortality, he nearly died and he loses his mother at a young age. I'm sure he worries about when Iroh will die, as well as his friends. I feel like Zuko has a line about people leaving him, but I can't find it. Ok next point "and it's nice to know when I was left for dead/I was found and now I don't roam these streets/I am not the ghost you are to me" is very reminiscent of Zuko's relationship (or lack thereof) with Ozai. Also "may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground" feels like a very Iroh line. Last point, "on our darkest day, when we're miles away/so we'll come and we'll find our way home" is very reminiscent of Zuko's redemption arc and how he returns home and retakes his place in the line of succession and becomes Fire Lord.
4. It Gets Better - Katara?
Honestly the "yes, I know it hurts at first/but it gets better" reminds me a lot of Katara. I also liked the line about fire in the sky and snow on the ground. Not too much else to say.
5. All Alone - Mai
I really encourage you guys to listen to this song, it was really interesting. The lyrics reminded me of Maiko, especially how Mai seems to not care about anything. The girl's voice reminded me a lot of Mai throughout the series, especially her interactions with Zuko. "I gave her to you/I don't need a toy/I thought you might appreciate it/I don't like the way it moves" reminds me of their interaction when Zuko tries to give Mai the shell on Ember Island. "How do you cry with inanimate eyes/you're never gonna smile/with the way that you're wired" also reminded me a lot of Mai's character throughout the series.
(I really like All Alright, but wasn't sure who it would fit well with)
6. One Foot - Toph
"I put one foot in front of the other" is very Toph, she is a fighter first and foremost. "I don't need a new love or a new life" also feels very her, Toph doesn't care as much about the more material things compared to the rest of the Gaang. I'm sure there's more that can be said about this connection, but I didn't really vibe with the song so much. Sorry Toph.
7. Out on the Town - Aang
Okay, Aang fans, I'm asking you to stick with me here. "Cause I know I'll never take the time/to unpack my missteps and call all of our friends" feels very much like season 3 Aang, where he doesn't face consequences for his actions and Bryke kinda places him on this pedestal of sorts. Also, this is a kataang breakup song to me. The chorus really feels like Aang to me, putting his feelings before those of other people, causing a scene, there being consequences (that he somehow gets out of, but that's not today's discussion). "But I'm waiting for the day you come back and say/'hey maybe I should change my mind'" reminds me of the first 2 times Aang kisses Katara and how he expects her to change her mind on how she feels about him. Also the repetition of "open up your heart".
Overall, I found the entire album to be very Zuko-coded.
If you read this far, I appreciate you!
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itscubetime · 1 year
Honestly, I fee like a lot of Osemanverse fans treat the books rather unequally. Let me explain.
I'm going to make a ranked list of all of Alice Oseman's books/series in order from most loved to least loved (based on my observations in social media and the availability of different books). I hold no biases in this list, since I have read/watched all of them. Only observations and some opinions.
Heartstopper. I'm pretty sure most people who have heard of the Osemanverse heard about Heartstopper first. You can find elements of this series everywhere, from all the webcomic platforms like Webtoon and Tapas, to the physical books in bookstores and libraries, to reposts of favourite moments, to the piles upon piles of fan-art and, of course, to the Netflix adaptation, which had immaculate casting and has already been green-lighted for two more seasons. I think this series deserves to be high up on the list - after all, the representation is casual and exemplified in the right places, nothing feels forced, the love story is healthy, but no so perfect that it's entirely unrealistic and the characters all have their spotlight moments. However, I feel like the series sometimes overshadows the other books, which I find interesting, considering this is the only book/series that is centred around a romantic love story.
Solitaire. This is probably the most well-known YA novel for a couple of reasons. One, it is the debut novel, the one that is praised in the front cover of every other Oseman novel, with the familiar phrase 'The Cather in the Rye for the digital age', so most Osemanverse fans have heard of it. Two, it's the novel that ties in with the Heartstopper story the most, by far, especially considering that the main character of Solitaire, Tori Spring, is the older sister of Charlie Spring, one of the main characters in Heartstopper. Three, its depiction of mental health issues, particularly Tori's implied depression, is healthy, realistic and educational. Overall, it deserves the love it gets, especially considering how dark it can get compared to Heartstopper.
Radio Silence. Honestly, I think that this could be tied with Solitaire in some cases - it was, after all, the book that first introduced me to the Osemanverse. It doesn't link with the Heartstopper universe as much as Solitaire, but it does focus more on Aled Last, one of the side characters in Heartstopper, and one of Charlie's friends, although it appears that the two drift off before the events of Radio Silence. I absolutely love this book for two reasons. One, the amazing relationship between Frances and Aled, the two main characters, never goes beyond anything platonic, showing that a boy and a girl don't have to be in a romantic relationship to thrive together. Two, it's the first book in the Osemanverse that shows explicit ace rep - better yet, demi rep - for Aled, which was so nice to read even before I began questioning if I was aspec. I love the cameos it gets in Heartstopper too, especially with Aled in the same shot lol.
Loveless. I'm so mad that this book is so far down the list, but I understand that's because it's the latest one. Firstly, PLEASE READ IT!!!! It follows the first-person perspective of Georgia Warr on her journey to discovering that she is aroace. This book has done wonders for the aspec community in giving them awesome representation and increased attention from the rest of the community, because yes! we exist and yes! us being aspec doesn't mean our lives are sad and lonely and YES! not all love has to come in romantic form!!!!! The fact that Oseman was alluding to their own uni experience in this story is just so amazing! Secondly, it deserves so much more attention in the Osemanverse fandom. Oseman put her whole heart and soul into this book and we are gonna love it like it deserves!!!
I Was Born for This. And now, we come across the book with the least amount of copies sold, available in the least amount of places and talked about the least in the fandom, despite it literally being about the fandom (eyyyy). This was the only novel I had to buy because it wasn't at my library (edit: it is now but it wasn't before) and none of my friends had it, but it is so good and criminally underrated. I understand every other story has something going for it. Heartstopper has impactful rep, Solitaire is the debut novel, Radio silence has Aled and the Universe City and Loveless has aroace rep. However, this book deserves love too!!! It focuses on the chaotic mess of fandoms and the impact it can have on the* artists behind the content, because gaining fame doesn't automatically make everything better, in fact it can make thing worse, like with Jimmy's anxiety. The story also having a muslim MC is also really awesome to see, especially since I haven't read many books with prominent muslim MCs (should probs change that soon lol). Anyway, this book is so so good and you need to read it somehow aaaaaaa!
Anyway, this has been sitting in my drafts for a year now and everything beyond the *asterix has been written today, but most ideas in this still stand. Most of the low-ranked books focus on queer people just existing without the plot being carried by a love story (no hate to the latter but i would like to see more of the former too). Anyway, it's time for the post to be brought into the world, especially considering Heartstopper season 2 coming up in August (yayyy!!!).
What did we learn today, kids?
Give all of a creator's work a chance, not just the most popular one! You will discover many gems!
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 months
The Tragedy of the Trix; Rehabilitation vs Punishment
Saw this post on reddit asking if the Trix are tragic characters and at first I almost said no. And then I thought about it a bit. On the outside they seem to handle things very well and they seem to be delighted and content with being evil for the lols but honestly, that happiness is probably super hollow and fake. And they might not even realize it. It has the same energy as someone super wealthy who has a lot of nice things but very little love. Anyways I decided to share my response on tumblr.
I've got several points here that I might elaborate on later if I get some time because I feel like there are a lot of topics here that the fandom doesn't talk about a lot; like Light Rock and the treatment of witches overall.
Honestly yeah I kind of do think that they are tragic characters. It is mostly self-inflicted and we don't really know what happened to them (unless we're counting Icy's last minute backstory) to make them the way that they are. So I can absolutely see them having grown up in rough environments.
The thing that I think makes it a real tragedy as that no one really ever tired to help them. Griffin actively encouraged their mischief and bad behavior until it became a little too evil. In the 4kids dub they didn't even get expelled for the deed itself but because they got caught. And Griffin took little to no responsibility for her hand in all of this; she's the adult, they were still probably teens when they started at Cloud Tower. So in some sense she did have a duty to guide them (and every other student). She praised them for the things that they would eventually be imprisoned for. Which is the next issue; they just kept getting imprisoned and punished with no real attempt at rehabilitation.
I would not call Light Rock rehabilitation. Based on the 4kids dub it had cult vibes more than anything else; not even the guards were allowed to leave and one of them said he felt like a prisoner rather than a guest. The whole scene opened with a debate over the morality of trying to force people to be happy. Light Rock was less about rehabilitation and more about brainwashing. So the Trix never really did get a shot at true rehabilitation and help. It was all punishment. I feel like Light Rock overall was a waste of potential; there were some implications there that really could have made for a cool plot point.
But yeah I feel like not only were the Trix neglected and heavily misguided but they were actively pushed in the wrong direction. The witches in general (not just the Trix) have such a stigma about them that even when they're doing good or minding their own business, they get accused of being evil. And so no one should be surprised when they just embrace the image.
I also feel as though some of the punishments were disproportionate to downright cruel. Like them getting sucked into a void in season 7. Heck, even Light Rock was cruel; it's brainwashing, an attempt at manipulation, and psychological abuse. It's usually passed as a joke but honestly, they have experienced the horrors. Of course they're going to come out more resentful. The comics are almost worse for this. Again it's usually the result of their own schemes but their suffering in the comics is literally played for laughs.
I think that that's why I liked season 8 upon rewatching it; more compassion was given to the Trix. Bloom told Icy that she saw good in her. And, what do you know, Icy was receptive to it. Instead of taking the power for herself, she helped the Winx save the magical dimension. I really would like a follow up on that story line. It was nice to see them humanized a bit more.
Tl;dr: Yeah the Trix brought a lot of their troubles onto themselves but they were actively being praised for doing evil until they did something too evil. And there was no genuine attempt to help them.
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voiceofsword · 2 years
every1 that voted rinne as worst husband is so wrong... its literally canon that he cares SO much and fakes his insane persona hes just awkward and embarassed when he gets noticed
i have so many things i can say about this but im really bad at words but theyre stewing around in my brain explodes
what were your thoughts?
i do agree with the ones that mention niki haha those are true rinne is absolutely smitten but the ones that say its like. because hes rinne amagi. and others thay were probably filtered out by the OP... people that either didnt read the main story or just dont want to look further lmao
(cracking my fingers) okay. this may or may not be long. i fear you have struck a bit of a nerve with this (NOT YOU but just as like. a general statement. i feel like u dont know what ur asking. but that is ok)
this whole thing might seem really aggressive at times bc this situation did get me a little heated... plz keep that in mind going in! AGAIN IM NOT ANGRY AT YOU ANON ILY AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING you just happened to ask abt smth i feel very sourly about – not the poll itself but the answers to it – but i tried to be as. tactful as i possibly can while talking abt this
overall im very disappointed in a lot of the answers given for the voting so ive stayed off twitter almost all day today and yesterday. i fear like with stuff like this a very silent population of eng side shines through, the one that specifically Doesnt actually engage with the story and goes off fanon interpretation. look, im not saying its necessarily a bad thing. but when it comes to stuff like this, where people grossly mischaracterize a grand majority of charas or narrow them down to be the butt of a joke, or use it as an excuse to be plain racist/ableist, i feel like people really need to reassess where all of this is coming from. like. not rinne, but KANAME couldnt even be included because the answers used for his votes were, in their majority, apparently ableist, and op (definitely in the right, i think this was the right choice to make) chose not to post at all because they feared the qrts would be just as bad. because for some reason people seem to think that because they're fictional characters that being ableist is somehow ok, that saying they would "pull the plug" on charas like him and eichi is fine because theyre not real people – as if there werent disabled or chronically ill people in this fandom, in every fandom, or hell, around you?
and lets not mention tatsumi and people blatantly misinterpreting his christianity as something he would force upon others – first of all, western christianity does not apply to tatsumi. at all. i understand that people might find it easy to just associate him with that and make "haha, he would make me convert" or "haha he would be a homophobe" quips, and obviously its not necessary to have extensive knowledge on kirishitan history in japan and how they are, to this day, a minority that was persecuted for a lot of japan's modern history. LIKE, EVEN FROM HIS DIALOGUE IN ANY STORY.. when has he given off that impression? cite your sources, he's literally one of the most inclusive and accepting charas in the whole cast! not a prejudiced white christian middle aged mom...
i think that if you absolutely must reduce a character to tasteless jokes, stereotypes that arent even funny to begin with, and you refuse to even read the source content at all to correct yourself, you really need to think about how you engage with any media, not just enstars. if you want to look at the pretty characters just say that! but dont be like this, and don’t speak on things you don’t fully understand as if you did just to make a point or be funny! 
OKAY RINNE SORRY LOL i hate it. i hated all of it and judging by the ratio many people seemed to dislike it as well (god bless!). if you havent seen it i wont link it bc tbf i dont feel like looking at it again (peace and love) but the answers summed up are like "oh he would steal my money" "hes selfish and would take stuff from me and not gaf about my wellbeing" "hes married to niki already" the last one being the only one i agree with. and it makes me think about a lot of issues with how a good portion of the fandom sees rinne. ive seen a lot of people read rinne in bad faith, regardless of whether theyve read main story, hot limit or any story rinne is in. and i dont get it, genuinely. YES he can be upsetting! he can be an asshole, he can be rude, he DOES steal money from niki! but these people neglect to see or mention that he gives it back and then some. they fail to talk about how he spends a lot of his time trying to make niki see his self worth!! since hiiro was BORN he's been trying to get him to understand that he's deserving of love!! that YES he can be a dick but ultimately treats crazy:b and his friends with love and wants what's best for them! these are the same ppl that think he's abusive or something idk i can only assume. like yeah rinne has a carefully crafted persona where hes a complete dickhead and ig some players cant really bother to see past that act
unfortunately rinne himself is built on a few harmful stereotypes of ainu culture irt the drinking, being portrayed or viewed as more 'uncouth' by other characters, etc which is why the initial more explicit ties to ainu culture were removed altogether from his and hiiros design and background. it is understandable, which is for example why it's not really my place to say whether he can be interpreted as ainu or not, and even so, i try not to rely on those aspects of him because it still veers into sensitive territory. and its an unfortunate part of his character, but undeniably, rinne amagi DOES drink, (he's one of the only characters in main cast of drinking age anyway) does partake in harmful behaviors, but fsr suddenly that means hes nothing but a drunkard, to a lot of people. when reading rinne you really have to take these things and ofc, consider that theyre relevant to his character, but it's not all there is...? in the slightest..? there used to be a tweet thread explaining this link further but it's either been taken down or the account has been locked. either way, just a bit of googling goes a long way. i'd rather not go into too much detail here because i don't feel informed enough beyond pointing these issues out, and i personally feel like it's not really my place. if anybody wants to add onto this post to cite more specific sources please feel free
he's such a fun loving, cunning, caring guy who helps people get jobs (dance of the white tiger), who volunteers to play with kids at a daycare (asobi), and wishes so badly to become an idol and grant everyone the same opportunities if theyd like to be, as well (main story, sudden death SUDDEN DEATH IS MY FAV STORY AFTER HL BUT THE TL IS DOWN....SORRY. but i really really think it's one of the most important ones when it comes to rinne's character and motivations. also if u can read it in app it's even better bc it's voiced and theres a line where he's like "oh this guy's [niki] is engaged to me" when talking to kohaku's sister AND HE SOUNDS FULLY SERIOUS TOO....)
don't get me started on people who dumb him down as if he wasn't one of the most clever characters in the game. and unknowingly, people that continue to make rinne's character out to simply be a gambling flirty drunkard who doesn't know how to control himself, as if there weren't other facets of him – they lean into stereotypes, bordering on racism, even if its not malicious or theyre not aware. and it makes me so sad. a lot of the time these interpretations are spread around and then liking characters like him becomes some sort of moral debate, esp in current fandom (which is one of the reasons i think this stereotyping? happens? b/c ive found that fandom sometimes has the tendency of grabbing characters and mischaracterizing them so BADLY that liking them makes you a bad person..? not necessarily villains either! i promise it's okay to just dislike characters without making stuff up!)
that aside also suggesting he'd be an awful, neglectful spouse is simply incorrect. i very firmly believe that if rinne is devoted, he will drop every vice, every pretense, to make the other person happy. he's Like That in the story and towards niki because they keep tiptoeing around the subject but the second he gets an inner monologue, or is truly being genuine, you can tell he would do anything for him, if niki would just let him. to say that rinne isn't capable of being a good partner because he'll treat you badly or not care about you just proves to me that you're not reading any scene he is actually in. if rinne loves you, romantic or not, he will go big or go home. read hot limit btw
im not about to pull the story caps out no wait yes i am lol rinniki4ever ✌️
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these arent in order bc i had to scroll up like 2k pictures because i take caps of this game every time i blink. i was considering adding hiiro caps, to show his dedication to him as well, but given that this is for like a marriage poll id rather not. either way he cares about his family and loved ones a lot. read chapter 155 if you want to know the exact scene i was thinking about/referring to while typing this
um ok (breathes out) im fine now. theres things i didnt address because it's 1 am and i want to go to sleep. congrats kuro on getting #1 most marriageable tho u deserve it KURO NUMERO 1 CAMPEAO DO MUNDO 💯💯💯🔥
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sunshineoftheheart · 1 year
A dissertation on Forcebook (Advantages of Tumblr... I can write a lot 🤣)
I'm a recent forcebook fan. Stumbled upon some tiktoks of them and got curious. Their banter reminded me of taynew in a way but with an even easier connection (understandable given how long they've known eo as later I found out).
Saw a boss and a babe. I had read about the show but hated the name, so give it a pass. Dumb decision. It's a good show, that makes sure to include some important messages (marriage equality, some BL viewers hipocrisy, gay acceptance) which personally I love. They acted well and have good chemistry.
I read bad reviews on Enchante but also watched it. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. Theo doesn't come off of it looking nice but at the same time he never expected the whole charade to become such a huge mess. So I get his character was unlikable for some and made the story unloved. However, I repeat the hate is not deserved.
Also watched their real show. It's sooo good. They bounce off each other really well and are super funny. They know how to host and entertain the viewers.
Overall, their work is good and improving. I'm looking forward to only friends. If I have any complaint it would be the kisses on Enchante were better than ABAAB. Still all good and I'd never manage to kiss a best friend like that any way.
Now... I see a lot of hate or disregard towards them that I feel is undeserved. First of all, they don't look a like. How can people mistake them is beyond me. Book has a lighter skin and bigger eyes, Forces eyes are smaller and his skin tanner. This even during Enchante. Now, Force clearly has a bigger build and Book is leaner.
I feel a lot of BL fans prefer the stereotype of one taller than the other or bigger (enter the top /bottom discourse). True that they are almost the same height and Force only recently got buffer. There's a lot of prejudice and stereotype even (or especially) among BL watchers...
Read some say "oh they were bad actors" but they adore other actors that besides visuals can't act to save their lives. In any case they've been growing as actors.
They're also apparently genuinely nice guys and I love how politically active Book gets and Force supports. Also both speaking up for marriage equality and pride month. A lot of BL actors (even big ones) do zero for the community, just using BL as a stepping stone to move to regular dramas but everyone turns a blind eye to that.
So I'm hoping their Fandom grows but remains non toxic and respectful. The odds aren't in their favor for all the reasons above but it's going well I think.
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00queasy00 · 6 months
9 Fandom Folks To Get To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @cealesti!! :3c
Three ships you like:
oh god this is hard okay okay uuhh the ones on my mind rn 1. tomarrymort / soulseeker (hp) - i find them so iconic, you know? their ideals, their parallels, their similarities, there seems to be new things to discover about them at every turn, just keep putting them in situations and watch them wreck havoc. the soulseeker fandom is filled with so much amazing amazing people so kind and creative, i feel like i have accidently stumbled upon the holy grail, the paradise that never ends <3 2. radiodust (hazbin hotel) - i ship them as literally the queer-coded villains that have nothing in common, yet they bond over being the meanest hottest couple in the hotel together and know the ideal make-up brands to go into territory battles in. theyre like two drama queens on different ends of the spectrums. i like them toxic, i like them dramatic af, i like them in pink and red hahaha XD 3. lawlight (death note) - tbh im fairly new into the ship, despite being a longterm death note fan :0 i was more into mellodramattic before lawlight era hit me recently lol. i love how people, pretty much, turn them into their personal anime yaoi dolls and force them to kiss lol.
First ship ever:
uuummmmm im thinking hetalia ??? XD uh England and America <3 i can never get over the angst. the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay dynamic.
Last song you heard:
La Vie en rose (alastor cover) by Paranoid DJ Please check out PARANOiD DJ's fan songs for hazbin / helluva, theyre so good!!! The Lucifer, Alastor, Stiker, and Verosika songs are my faves!
Currently reading:
Vicious Circle by Bakuko, cyberslut404, estnedo I barely started chapter 1, so no thoughts yet besides I am excited to check this story out !! The Emporer and The Star by wynnebat I am rereading this story <3 I enjoy it so much and the confusing and deadly feeling Harry is having with his Seer abilities.
Currently watching:
I am actually watching a few things rn, I jump around a lot depending what I am watching with who: -Gurren Lagann - my lovely partner never seen it! i had to change that! one of my fave fave core animes. -Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - a comfort show with gorgeous. gorgeous designs and a fun twist of traditional ghost folklore. -Heartstopper Season 2 - my wife loves the comic, so here we are. -Trolls Dreamworks Movies - watching with friends <3 the designs are so adorable and are very fun! i am always so blown away with how creative the team uses different craft textiles throughout the movies! the second and third movie are my fave <3 theyre like an hour and half long each! fairly short, but i HIGHLY RECOMMEND for a good time!! -Harry Potter Movies - watching with friends on saturdays <3
Currently consuming:
Water!! Stay hydrated folks!! <3
Currently craving:
to listen to magnus archive from the beginning again -- but rather wait for the whole story to be revealed first before restarting it again x_x
Tagging (no pressure!!): @raehb336, @i-dream-of-libraries, @liquidluckandstuff, @laserswordtraining, @chaos-bear, @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts, @tommarvoloriddlesdiary, @isalisewrites, @cloverwoodss, @kagariasuha @duplicitywrites @crowcrowcrowthing and whoever wants to join! if you havent been tagged and see this, I TAG YOU! come join its fun :3
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evelhak · 8 months
Akashi for the ships tier list ? :D I thought about asking for Kuroko but i assumed you only ship him with Kagami
I'm going to give you both. : D I know my shipping capabilities are probably annoyingly limited, but it's like... Yes, I don't really truly ship Kuroko or Akashi with more than one person because I have a story brain, like one-linear-chain-of-events brain, and yes, I could expand, and yes I've tried, but I'm just the happiest this way, it's the most natural way for me, so even though it's frowned upon by fandom generally, it's just me and that's how it is. It's not satisfying for me to simultaneously entertain multiple possible storylines, I just need to be on one track until the end.
So in that chain of events in my head both Akashi and Kuroko are in a commited monogamous relationship. So basically the only way I ship more than one ship is if characters break up and have another relationship during the course of my head story, or if they are polyamorous, which neither Kuroko nor Akashi have been at least so far.
But also that doesn't mean there's nothing else going on besides who they date. People's feelings are hardly ever black and white, and I do give space to complexity and general human nature, that's kind of the whole point.
I realise this intro was probably not necessary, I just wanted to express myself better about the "only ships KagaKuro" thing, because it's like... Yes, but also not really? Because do I see them having another significant other for the rest of their life? No. Do I actually root for and actively want to see them with other characters? No. But do I think their feelings and relationships with other characters are also complex and have multiple layers and phases through time? Absolutely.
Also, I felt really self-conscious about this, debating whether I should include my OC in this, because it still feels obnoxious to me, no matter how much I try to express love for OCs. But there's no denying that my only long-term ship for Akashi is my (and my ex's) OC Azumi, so the list would be kind of meh without her.
So, here we go. I felt like getting creative with the tiers to express my thoughts.
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*So, yeah... I ship Akashi with an OC. She's a collaboration of several years of exchanging elaborate headcanons with my ex about what kind of person we saw for Akashi. This is the only time I've actually created an original character for the purpose of being with a canon character, and it happened almost by accident because it wasn't my thing at first, it was for my girlfriend who loved Akashi. Not in the way that she would have wanted to date him herself, it's more that she related to him in some ways, and just wanted to imagine him with someone who was good for him and would grow with him and be a positive force in his life, and so we kept developing this relationship over the course of a long time, and I merged it into my headcanon about the rest of the story. A lot of the inspiration was also what we didn't like seeing in Akashi fics, such as sadistic Akashi and a meek poor girlfriend. We wanted someone who could be an actual power couple with him, and most of all, someone who could give him security, and the feeling that he doesn't need to be in control of everything and take care of everyone.
*I don't see long-term potential in AkaFuri but it's too funny to ignore completely. The idea of Akashi being Furi's bi awakening was too juicy for me to ignore, it makes for good comedy and sweet and heartwarming growth on Furi's part when he struggles with his feelings. It's all been one-sided in my headcanon so far and Akashi has no clue. Whether or not their paths actually cross later much at all remains to be seen but I have some ideas how that might be relevant and, well, cathartic.
*Azumi slightly resembles Aomine in some ways, which lead to a comedic dream Akashi had about Aomine in my head... Also I don't really see Midorima and Akashi being attracted to each other, but I bet they have wondered.
*The last row just looks aesthetically cute with Akashi but I don't really see anything there. Their relationships mean more to me as platonic friendships.
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*Yeah... you know my feelings about KagaKuro. It's the truest love ever.
*There's something deliciously tragic about an almost, isn't there? The person who you probably would have ended up with, had things gone another way? I wanted to explore that concept in my fics, so, there was Ogiwara.
*I think Kuroko enjoys Kise's attention more than he admits and Kise probably thinks all his friends are hot, but he's not actually interested in a relationship with any of them. But I do think when Kise manages to pull the right string to get Kuroko out of his shell and Kuroko manages to pull the right string to get Kise comfortable exploring the deeper meaning of life, they may sometimes get excitement out of it that isn't strictly platonic. It's just not strong enough to act on.
*I would be lying if I said I didn't see at all where people are coming from when they say Aomine and Kuroko have bitter exes energy. I don't think they were together, but that kind of makes it the more satisfying to explore. They definitely have grey-area feelings for each other. They would be terrible in a relationship, and they know it. All of that causes friction which feels awfully lot like chemistry, especially as long as none of this is ever voiced. But would they make out if someone smashed their faces together? Absolutely. Would they enjoy it? In a twisted way, probably at least a little. Would they regret it immediately and wish it had never happened? Definitely.
*Again, the last row means more to me if they are friends/found family. I totally get what you said about Kuroko and Momoi having that pastel aesthetic. I even have a scene in my fic where Kuroko's dad tells him he should date Momoi (instead of Kagami) because they look so good together, like a pastel coloured painting.
I hope that wasn't too long. I am actually very into exploring the different flavours of all kinds of relationships, so it's not always as easy as do I ship it. I hope you didn't get bored. 🙈
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