#i feel like Im being talked down to the entire time in his class though
altermay · 2 years
ENG101 :/
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Haloooo!!! I wanted to request something but I jus wanna say how much i adore your workkksss😭 not to shade other writers but youre probably my fave out of them, theres just something about your writings thats so comforting and I love it!! Can I request a academic rival trope for Remus and reader??🥹 Im excited to read it!! Thank you!!🫶
I'm so glad you enjoy them my love!! Thank you for requesting <3
cw: mention of skipping meals (never fear it is remedied)
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Remus is the only other person in the library. You’ve been hopelessly aware of him since he’d sat down four tables away from you an hour ago, and you’re positive he’s being distracting on purpose, because no one really eats chocolate like that. 
It’s abominable and should be punishable by death, honestly, the way he’s getting brown smudges all over the pages of his book. He’ll pop a chocolate in his mouth, let it get all melty in there, then slowly suck the remnants off each of his fingers, the movement distracted and tantalizing. Brow furrowed and eyes sharp, he looks entirely absorbed by his studies. 
You wish you could say the same. 
You’ve read the same page four times now, and the information keeps bouncing off your brain like someone’s put an invisible shield around it. Your eyes burn slightly, your back aches from too long spent in this wooden chair, but you need to know this stuff by tomorrow. Somehow, you need to make yourself retain it. 
“Do you mind?” 
You stop tapping the end of your pencil on the table, looking over at Remus. Your eyes narrow on instinct. 
“Do you?” 
He raises a brow. “I’m not doing anything.” 
“Yes, you are. You keep smacking your lips, it’s irritating.” It’s not, really, it’s…it’s something else. It’s not conducive to a distraction-free study environment, that’s what it is. “Are you even allowed to have those in here?” 
Remus sighs heavily. “Alright.” 
Before you can figure out what he means by that, he’s pushing back his chair, walking over to join you at your table. He holds your gaze as he sits down and then pushes his chocolates towards you, seemingly expectant. 
“What are you doing?” 
“You’re clearly jealous. Go on, have a few.” 
“I am not jealous.” You glare at him, arms folding over your book. It’s a habit, to hide the answers from him, but when you notice his gaze drop to the protective motion you feel silly. “And I’m not eating those. You’ve been licking your fingers and reaching in there, it’s gross.” 
“Oh.” Remus retreats slightly, cheeks pinkening. “I didn’t realize I was, sorry.” 
It’s gratifying to see him embarrassed. He’s the shyest of his group of friends (which is to say, he won’t automatically go and talk the ear off anyone within ten yards of him), but he goes about his day with their same unshakeable confidence, earned by social status and, admittedly, an intimidating academic prowess. Though you’ve always met each other head on in class, you’ve never felt up to par with him in any other respect. It’s nice to feel on a similar playing field. A bit endearing to see this tentative, boyish side to him, too. 
It doesn’t last long enough. 
There’s the barest shift in his expression, but you note with dread that familiar twinkle in Remus’ eyes. “Seems like you’ve been paying more attention to me than your book, hm?” 
Yup, the endearment is gone. 
“I’m basically done studying for the night anyway,” you lie through your teeth. “I was just finishing up.” 
Remus’ brow lifts. He clearly doesn’t believe you. “Good for you. How long have you been here?” 
“Since five.” It’s the truth this time, and you say it proudly. You want to show him that you work harder than him, are better, but your smugness fizzles out when he frowns. 
“That long?” Remus asks, looking less defeated and more…troubled. “You must be exhausted. I was only going to put a couple of hours in.” 
It nettles you, the implication that he can do better than you by studying half the time. You shrug with feigned insouciance. “I guess we’ll see who does better tomorrow.” 
“Did you miss dinner?” He breezes right by the challenge, leaning forward as his brows come down. “You must have taken a break then.” 
You cross your arms, appraising him as he does you. What is he playing at? 
“I don’t take breaks, Remus.” I work hard. I play to win. 
Remus hums, eyes still on you. It’s a struggle not to squirm under his gaze. After a minute, he sighs. 
“Okay,” he says, starting to pack up his things. He puts his chocolates back in his bag. “I would offer you some of these, but you’ve made your thoughts about that known. I guess all that’s left is to go to the kitchens.” 
You look up at him as he stands. “What are you talking about?”
“You can’t just not eat before the exam, love. It wouldn’t be fair.” 
“To who?” 
“To either of us. You need to do well, and I need to know you can do well so that I do well.” He leans against the table, a soft curve to his bottom lip. Like you’re friends. “Come on, grab your things.” 
“I can’t just—” You shake your head incredulously. “I still have to study.” 
“I thought you were done studying.” 
“I—not—not all the way done,” you hedge, cheeks warming. Remus smiles like you’re funny. 
“Let’s be done for tonight,” he says in a gentle tone. It’s not so different from his usual voice, and yet the sound of it caresses your nerves, lulling them to rest. “There’ll be time before the exam tomorrow. You’ve put in plenty of hours already, and those won’t do you any good without food and sleep.” 
You bite the inside of your lip, considering this. Though you’ve tried to ignore it, you are tired. The bone-deep, heavy kind, from a week of exams that have left you nearly in tatters. You’re afraid that if you take to your bed now, getting out again may seem more trouble than it’s worth. 
“And,” Remus adds offhandedly, “if beating my score is your goal, I like your odds. You’ve been studying all night, and I hardly opened my book a half hour ago.” 
You blink up at him. Remus seems to realize you’re not going to start packing up yourself and, with a long-suffering sigh, begins doing it for you. “Why aren’t you staying to study?” you ask. 
He shrugs. “I don’t mind going to the kitchens with you. And would you really go if I stayed here and studied?” 
“No,” you answer honestly. 
He gives you a wry, knowing look. “Then I suppose it’s a small price to pay.”
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turcott3 · 3 months
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come home
adam fantilli x fem! reader
warnings?: angst, light cursing, fluff on fluff, kissing, crying, did i mention fluff
“hello?” you hear your boyfriend groan through the phone.
“oh, i just realized what time it was. did i wake you?” you ask biting your lip, fighting back your threatening tears.
“i’m sorry.”
“no no it’s okay baby, is everything okay?” he asks sweetly, in sleepy tone.
“not really,,, just miss you.” you say, letting a tear slip.
“i know, i miss you too.” he replies.
“come home, please adam.” you say softly, voice cracking lightly.
“my flight is in the morning, i promise ill be at your doorstep as soon as i can okay?”
“okay.” you pause, leading to a few long moments of silence.
“baby i can’t sleep.” you finally admit.
“do you want me to stay on the phone with you?” he asks and you quickly reply with a yes.
“just go to sleep my love, i promise i’ll be home soon.” he says lowly, as soothingly as he can.
“okay goodnight adam.”
“g’night. i love you.”
“i love you too.” you reply, heart warming at finally hearing the sound of his voice. you hadn’t called him his entire trip, trying to give him his alone time with his family uninterrupted. even though he said you could call every evening. after a while of tossing and turning, just knowing adam was a word away was enough to send you off into slumber, before you know it, waking up to see adam still on the line.
“hello?” you grumble opening your eyes.
“morning y/n, our flight takes off soon, im glad you woke up because i was gonna have to hang up and i didn’t want you to wake up and i wasn’t there.”
“it’s okay babe, you could’ve hung up.” you say, eyes welling up.
“i just wanted to make sure you were okay.” he replies.
“i know.” you smile to yourself.
“okay i gotta turn my phone off, ill text you when we land.”
“okay, be safe adam.”
“always.” he replies before hanging up the line, texting you a simple red heart on imessage.
truth be told you just wanted adam home because you were struggling, just barely getting by. not making enough money, struggling in your summer class, and not being able to afford gas and groceries. you were overwhelmed. you hated that your parents were paying majority of your rent. you couldn’t believe this is what it’s come to. your roommates have no issue making money but when it came to you, you didn’t have a clue. you just wanted adam there so that all of those problems could disappear for a few hours. burying your stress temporarily so you could love on the one guy that has ever made you feel like you mattered.
you practically watched the hours tick by waiting for the text saying he’d landed. you knew tomorrow morning, or maybe tonight he’d be on the front step of your apartment and that held a little peace in your heart.
“i’ve entered this problem three different ways, what the fuck do you mean it’s not right still?” you yell angrily at your computer as you worked on your summer math class. every few minutes you flipped over your phone, waiting for “adam🤍” to be displayed on your lockscreen.
“fine you win.” you groan, slamming your laptop shut, a tear slipping from your eye. ever since you moved in, you felt insignificant. you weren’t a wimp, so you didn’t understand how people were still able to disrespect you. it almost felt purposeful, yet you didn’t know what you did to deserve it. tears pricked your eyes before streaming down your cheeks at a quick pace. you flipped your phone over and you finally saw the notification you had been waiting, a sigh of relief washing over your stressed body. you felt at ease for a moment knowing adam was a short drive away.
“hello.” you said quietly through the phone, sniffling your tears away.
“i’m on my way home, do you want me to come over tonight or tomorrow?”
“now. please.” you reply as your lip quivered.
“is everything okay hun? i’m worried about you.” he asks.
“no, but i don’t wanna talk about it over the phone.” you respond.
“i’ll be there as soon as i can, i promise.” he replies confidently.
“okay.” you sigh lightly.
“an hour tops.” he adds.
“i’ll see you soon adam.”
“very soon my love,” he replies, hanging up the phone. you sat on your couch staring into space an anxious and crying mess, waiting for his familiar knocks on your front door. you’d eventually stopped crying, the light taps coming just less than an hour after he promised.
“he-“ he starts and is cut off by you latching onto him.
“hi y/n.” he finishes, wrapping his arms snuggly around you, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. soon enough your cries returned, this time tears of relief mixed with your overwhelming sea of emotions.
“what’s wrong baby? what’s going on in that little mind of yours?” he asks gently, pulling away, keeping his hands on your waist.
“it’s everything. not our relationship of course but literally everything else.” you preface.
“okay,” he replies, urging you to continue.
“adam, i am struggling right now. with everything. i can barely afford to pay a portion of my rent because i don’t get paid enough and i don’t work enough hours. my parents are all but paying the entire thing. i can’t afford to get gas and groceries, i have to pick one or the other and even still the budget is so slim. my math class is kicking my ass. everything is just so stressful. and when you were gone i was all alone and didn’t know what to do.” you sob to him before he pulled you in for another hug.
“how long has this been going on angel? how long have you been letting your struggles build up?” he asks.
“at least a month.” you reply.
“why didn’t you tell me?” he coos, pulling away from you slightly.
“i didn’t wanna burden you. i didn’t think it would end up digging me a hole like this. i feel so stuck. i can’t even raise any kind of savings.”
“baby, nothing you could ever do would burden me. i’m here to help you, i’m here to catch you if you fall, i’m here to love you. i love you so much. i don’t ever wanna see you this torn up over anything.” he says softly, taking your face into his hands sweetly.
“i know, im sorry.”
“no don’t apologize, you’re struggling. i’m always here for you my love, i’ll take care of everything okay?” he says, looking deeper into your eyes than ever before.
“what do you mean?” you reply.
“the rent, the gas, the groceries. everything y/n. i’ll take care of it, i’ll take care of you. i’ll do whatever it takes to help you get on your feet. i don’t wanna see my girl struggling.” he finishes, running a gentle thumb over your cheek bone.
“i promise ill make it up to you.” you reply.
“no, you don’t need to do that. i’m doing this because i want to and because i love you, okay? it will make me feel better knowing that you’re completely taken care of and comfortable.”
“i love you.” you smile, adam kissing away the last few tears on your cheeks before finally pressing his lips to yours. the feeling of warmth spreading through your whole body. you missed his kisses and the way they made you feel like floating, butterflies flying through your stomach.
“since you’re paying can you at least….. move in with me?” you ask hesitantly after pulling away.
“if that’s what you want.” he replies.
“more than anything.” you smile back.
“there’s that gorgeous smile. god, i missed you so much.” he states, picking you up. your legs wrapped around him quickly, a giggle exiting your mouth.
“you can never leave again.” you stated as he sat down on the edge of your bed, your hips plopping in his lap.
“you’re coming with me next time baby, i wanna show you italy. i wanna show you the whole world if i can.”
“sounds like a dream.” you reply as he kisses you sweetly, bringing you the comfort you’d been longing for, for over a month.
you knew your struggles were long from over, but you knew you were protected and that he would never let you sink.
he truly loved you and that is one thing you would never change. never in a million years.
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lovexjoe · 3 months
Make a vampire smut where Armando kidnaps the reader
A/N: This is the 3rd request for vampire Armando and I got y’all 😫
Synopsis: Vampires can imprint 😌 Armando didn't realize what happened during a shootout when he first saw you. His heart stopped, the world slowed down and all his thoughts were consumed by you. A mix between vampires from twilight and vampires from tvd
It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve been trapped in this house with Captain’s killer. It probably had to do with the fact that Mike and Marcus made you tag along on a mission when you were suppose to be dropped off at home. Uncle Marcus had ONE JOB. Pick you up from class and drop you home, but no. With the discovery of Mike having a warlock son, you got caught in between everything. There was something odd about Armando. He made sure you had food, clothes and let’s you shower etc. He lets you roam around the house during the day time. At night though? He locks you in the basement. He was gone as soon as the sun set. He was handsome even you could admit that. It was a bit distracting since you got here, sometimes you couldn't help but stare at him. It was 9pm and you were insanely bored. You tried your luck by opening the basement door, to your surprise: it opened. Maybe this is your chance to escape? What was even out there? You looked out the window to see you were in the middle of nowhere and decided that it’s probably best to find a phone. Taking a risk in the forest is probably not the best way to survive. You rummage around the kitchen to see if you could find any device that you could use to contact your Uncle but no.
After 10 minutes of trying to search around you decided to give up. Yes you were kidnapped, but you weren't technically in danger. He is Mike's son after all he was probably just keeping you as leverage. You opened the fridge to grab some water and your heart stopped. No fucking way You heard Uncle Marcus and Mike talking about Isabel being a witch, but what in the entire fuck did she do to her son?!? The fridge was stocked up with blood bags, a few had a bite marks you didn't even want to identify. No....FUCK no. No wonder he was taking care of you, he was preparing me for dinner! You saw this bullshit on tv, but you didn't think it was actually true. You backed straight into someone and let out the first scream since you been kidnapped. Armando covers your mouth, his eyes a golden yellow with bloody veins. You were trying not to have a panic attack.
"Just relax. I was going to tell you." He slowly removes his hand from your mouth and honestly you should be heading for the fucking hills but your feet was planted in place.
"Why?!" If you were in his position you would've kept this to yourself. He constantly scans your face when he's talking to you as if he's trying to read your mind. Well I hope the fuck he can't cause I've thought some unholy shit and now im thinking of killing him!
"My mom did this to me. I don't think my dad realize that she was a vampire as well. We...we imprint on people whose suppose to be our soulmates. When I saw you during the shootout, I imprinted on you and I just took you away from everything" He leans against the island, looking at you. Wishing he could read you, but for some reason he can't.
So that confirms that you weren't leverage, but you were actually kidnapped cause he likes you. Hm. Do you scream now or later?
"If you come any closer I'll kill you!" You stated as you move quickly trying to find a way to escape. He appears in front of you and you slam full force into his chest. You grabbed a vase and threw it at him causing it to shatter all over the floor. You looked for the largest piece and cut yourself horribly trying to pick it up. You start to panic as he holds your hand filled with blood. He's gonna kill me, he gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me. He rips his shirt, creating a bandage to wrap your wound tightly. Your head starting to feel a little funny.
'A-armando I don't feel good" After that sentence you passed out into his arms.
Armando POV.
Sigh. I can't read her mind at all. She is the only person I have ever come across that I can't read her mind. Being a vampire is a curse and a blessing. The only reason I've been such a successful drug dealer is because I know what the other person is thinking. Always a step ahead, but with her? With this stupid imprint, I am lost for the first time. I find myself caring. I find myself wanting her. This shit is pathetic. During the shootout my first thing after imprinting was getting her away from the danger. Sure having her as leverage was a bonus, but now that she is under my watch I am not letting her go.
She passed out in my arms, I laid her down in my bed for the first time instead of the basement. Cleaning her wound, her blood smelled divine, I fought myself from taking a little taste. My body wouldn't be able to control itself and I'd feel too guilty if I were to hurt her. I tuck her in bed, sitting in the lounge chair in front of my bed, trying my hardest to read her mind. What could she be thinking of? ...fuck...
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚:  
The next morning you were sat on the barstool at the kitchen island. Armando was cooking breakfast. You admired his biceps in his white tank top. Your hand feeling a slight sting from last night's incident. You didn't mean to cause such a wreckage, but apart of you felt happy he took care of you last night. Waking up in his scent, under his covers did something to your core. He's leaving his mark on you and he hasn't even touched you. He's a vampire for god sake. You wanted to speak, but you couldn't find the words. After your steaming hot shower, Armando cleaned up your wound once again. Seeing you wrapped up in just a towel, your hair wet, body radiating coconut vanilla: it took his entire being not to touch you. You wanted him to touch you. It felt wrong but you wanted it.
"Armando.....I want you to kiss me" You blurted out. He turns around looking at you surprised. He turns off the stove, picking you up and carrying you over to his bed. You pulled him in for a sinful kiss. His lips are so soft. Where the fuck was this coming from? Yes you felt this, but it was wrong. Your mouth and body was already doing things before you could even think. Is he controlling you!?
Before you could even process a thought, clothes were ripped completely off and you were on top of him. His size was the biggest you ever came across, but you held him close and you rode him.
"Y/N" He moans out, his golden eyes drunk with lust as he guides your hips on top of him.
"B-bite me" You moaned out. He shook his head, he didn't want to ruin this moment by hurting you. You started to bounce up and down faster on his length.
"Bite me please! I want it!" You cried out, close to your orgasm already. In an instant, his teeth sinks into your shoulder and you let out a gasp.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚:
You jumped out of your sleep, sweating profusely. A set of golden eyes staring back at you seductively. Out of breath you looked around the room realizing it was still dark out, you still had on the same clothes from last night....
It was a dream....
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anzulvr · 1 year
i really like your writing so i was wondering if you could write karma with a s/o who appears to be super soft and shy but is secretly a huge delinquent. like maybe someone insults karma and they just go off on that person with insults till there crying, idk i just thought the idea was silly. take your time and feel free to ignore this request if you’re uncomfy ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Karma x sweet (secretly delinquent) Reader!
Thank you for requesting and thank you for liking my writing!! You’re so sweet! This was super fun and sorry this took so so long!! (I have a lot to get to still so to anyone reading im sorry if I haven’t written yours yet!!)
— Your kindness is one of the things Karma likes the most about you, he admires it in a way.
— It’s one of the things the entirety of class E admires about you really.
— It wasn’t often you got into big arguments and fights and no one had really seen you like that, not until today atleast.
You and Nagisa walked past the main campus on your way home together. Even though you were an class A student you and Nagisa hung out frequently, it was something many of your peers looked down at you for; they didn’t understand how you could still be friendly with people after they dropped to end class. They especially didn’t understand how on earth you could be dating Karma Akabane- the end class student with undoubtedly the worst reputation.
Like all relationships, dating Karma didn’t come with only good and you had your issues along the way. What’s surprising though, is most of the issues didn’t even come from Karma himself but from the nosy students of the main campus.
They’d make up lies about how you’re only dating him because you’re scared or gossip about how sad it is to see an A class student so desperate they go for one of the school’s rejects.
You never really say anything not wanting to argue; that was until today.
“Right? [Name] has to be an total idiot to believe that psycho actually likes them.”
“Karma is such a pain, he’s E classes wannabe savior. Can you believe he beat Ren up for messing with some E class girls.”
“That entire class is worthless to society [name] needs to get their boyfriend in check.”
That was enough to drag you off the ledge but before you could confront them Nagisa stopped you
“[Name], who cares what they think lets keep going.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
You were about to drop it until they mentioned you directly “look there’s [name] now with another Eclass low life.”
“Guess the Psycho wasn’t enough for them.”
at this point they’re laughing about it until you walk up to them and they get serious.
20 minutes later you’re all still fighting and everyone is down eachothers throats. Minus Nagisa who is awkwardly looking around as if he were a lost puppy talking back once in a while to back you up.
(I know Nagisas a little crazy too but he’s letting you take this one. He had a long enough day already 😭)
“Hey what’s-” Karma who seemingly appeared out of nowhere is now behind you both and stops mid sentence when he notices you’re arguing with someone.
Before he can finish his sentence one of the girls goes “we’re done keep living your miserable ass life and stay away from us [name].” They both start to leave before anyone else can reply and when Karmas about to say something you stop him
(NOT IN A : this isn’t you😕😕 way LMFAOO JUST IN A “let’s go it’s a waste of time” way)
“Damn.. just as I was about to start recording..”
On you’re way back Karma asks what that was all about.
Nagisa replies for you “[Name] got into a fight over you.”
“Over me?”
“Yeah they were talking crap about you and [Name] got all heated.”
You can practically see the devil horns form on his head
“Really [name]? I didn’t know I had that effect on you! That’s so cute.”
Nagisa shuts up again ambling along wondering what Karmas definition of cute is.
“Oh please, it wasn’t over you! They were being so arrogant it pissed me off.”
“Rightt and it had nothing to do with them talking about you’re precious boyfriend?”
“Precious is the last thing I’d call you.” You say feeling your face heat up
He spends the rest of the way poking fun at you for getting angry on his behalf calling you his “knight in shining armor”.
He thinks it’s cute you’re willing to stand up for him. He’d do the same for you any day.
(<3 sorry for any typos I try to edit before posting but I always miss something haha)
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Ahhh i dont really know how Tumblr works (this is my first time requesting someone) but i see that ur request was open
i want to request an academic rivalry trope hcs with riddle or Azul or both (bcs i absolutely LOVE the way u write them 😞 it makes me giggle)
Thank u in advance and have a great day or night (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
SUMMARY: Riddle & Azul with an academic rival!!
COMMENTS: omg i love you for this!!! this is one of my favorite tropes ever and these two are so emotionally constipated they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. i hope you have a lovely day too anon <33 and im so glad you like how i write them hehe azul is the loml so it means a lot when people say that!!
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Riddle doesn’t know what to do about you. He feels so incredibly frustrated every single time you score higher than him on a test because he should be better. How can he pride himself in being Heartslabyul’s Housewarden if he can’t even be at the top of his class?
So what does he do with that frustration? He studies harder and harder because clearly he isn’t trying hard enough. His health deteriorated, and if it wasn’t for Trey, Riddle would be even more of a wreck.
Then he finally does it. All of that work culminates into Riddle finally scoring a point higher than you on his Magical History exam. He stares at the board smugly, really admiring his name above yours (which is how it should be, in his mind.)
You approach the board too, and he expects you to say something about how you’ll score higher than him next time or how you can’t believe he’s finally beaten you, but instead, you nod cheerfully and walk away.
You just walk away. You don't even look at him. You’re satisfied with yourself?! Riddle feels rage bubbling up in his chest, and he almost screams at you right there and then in the hallway. What is wrong with you?!
It doesn’t help matters when Crewel assigns a huge project that's to be completed by two people, and places you and Riddle together. He’s so hell-bent on avoiding you the entire time, even when your face grows annoyed at his inability to cooperate.
“This project is a long one, you know.” you tell him one day, staring daggers into the side of his skull, “It takes six months to complete. If you want to get a good grade you’ve got to lay down your pride and talk to me. I’m not put up with this for half a year.”
Riddle hates that you’re right. He hates it so much because he’s always supposed to be the sensible one. He’s studied the rules over and over and yet you stump him. You make him wrong.
Is he wrong to resent you for that? Is it wrong to want to destroy your pride? Is it wrong to hate that you seemingly get everything you’ve ever wanted so easily while he’s worked hard for it?
Is it wrong that he wants to cooperate so hard and so efficiently with you that you take back everything you said to him?
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Azul wants to get you in his debt so BADLY. He isn’t at the very top of his class, no. That title belongs to Riddle, who has refused his offers for a contract time and time again. Maybe there’s something you want, though.
He will find it. He will examine you every day and pick apart every insecurity and moment of sadness. That smart little brain of yours may be good for tests, but when it comes to manipulation, you have nothing on Azul.
It’s a small comfort if nothing else. You may have the entire school wrapped around your finger and the Leech twins might be fascinated with you, but that doesn’t matter.
Well, it doesn’t matter until you show up at the Lounge of your own volition. Azul is shocked when he hears the twins call your name, and you enter his VIP Room looking far too calm.
Floyd almost hacks up a laugh from laughing too hard when you ask for tutoring. Azul is baffled as Jade snickers, wondering why the person who outscores Azul continuously would ask him for tutoring.
But this is his chance. And so he writes up a contract, asking for something vague because he doesn’t know what he’ll need from you yet but he’s certain you’ll come in handy in the future and suddenly—
You wrinkle your nose and hand the contract back to him, pointing at one of the conditions. “I don’t like that one. Change it.” you say, and Floyd starts cackling again because no one has ever read them that closely.
It’s a condition that states you will come to the Lounge whenever Azul summons you. It’s vague enough that the signer may not realize he truly means whenever, but outlined enough to make them assume that it only applies to the time frame in which the main part of the contract is in effect.
It’s sneaky, and you caught it. Azul’s eyebrow twitches as he stares at you, forcing a smile on his features. Why, of course he can change that for you! What would you like it to say instead? You should know that he’s on home turf right now, and he never loses in the comfort of his VIP Room.
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thisisxli · 3 months
Shinso x amab reader who is momo's sibling headcanons?
Omggg yes! I already have so many headcannons in mind for this!!💗💗 Im rlly glad I'm getting reqs, tysm for sending them in. :)
Shinso in s7 is SOO fine too😭 he's always been fine. he needs more attention so I'm rlly glad to write abt him!!!
Shinso Hitoshi x GN!Reader(amab/momo's sibling)
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Rs: Shinso Hitoshi x GN!Reader (amab)
Warnings: mild angst, mentions of war, small break up, mentions of disability, suggested themes(small nsfw)
Tags: Shinso finds out he's prob bi or gay, Shinso is MEAN, fluff, awkward Shinso, sweet GN!Reader, Reader is super down bad for Shinso(I don't blame), Reader is injured badly but they're okay, Reader gets permanent injuries, Shinso lives happily with reader
wc: 1.3k
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First impression/how you met:
You both met each other through Bakugou after the sports festival was announced to start soon. To be quite frankly, Bakugou was being rude and was talking MAD shit on other people that was in other classes. You seriously didn't want any enemies. You weren't super smart and analyzing like your sister but.. if there was one thing you were really good at was being civil or.. friendly? You didn't even know if that was like a talent thing..
When you first saw him, your first thought was literally the word 'cute.' You didn't talk to him though. You just watched him as he talked.. you were kind of embarrassed because of how hard you were staring.
When Shinso first saw you, he didn't think much at first. It wasn't until he saw you going at it at the sports festival that made him want to work with you at the calavry battle. You were huge help and he could almost thank you, but he didn't. He could also even say he was sorry for brainwashing you.. but he wasn't.
How feelings started to develop:
You were pretty pissed at him after the sports festival.. But after awhile, you let it go and started to see him in the halls a lot more often. Not only was he just 'cute', he started to become FINE to you. You assumed that's when you started liking him? He was super laid-back and weird in a good way, super attractive to you. Your hormones told you occasionally from time to time to have him to choke you with his biceps. You noticed he was starting to bulk too. Even in your big and grand walls, your sister was disgusted with your fantasies and was constantly flustered by how far they could go. "(Y/N)! Who's been teaching you all these things?!?!"
Shinso had to work on a project in his class and he decided to pick someone from the hero course. Of course, he was closer to some in class 1B but your class had way more experience with combat outside of training and went head on with villains. You took the opportunity immediately when you saw it but... Unexpectedly, he was rather.. rude at first. That was a major turn off. So while working on his project, all you two did was bicker almost the whole entire time. When he was painting his canvas to a much more white color, you had tripped and face planted onto the canvas, earning a huge laugh from Shinso from which you had never heard of before. Half of your face was white. You quickly cleaned your face with some wipes you created before you dipped your hand entirely in the paint bucket, smearing it all over his face. That's when it was your turn to laugh when he stopped.
"S-sorry! Sorry! I'll wipe it off," you smile at him, ripping more wet wipes and rubs at his face. While you were attentive on cleaning his painted skin, he was staring at you the whole time. Blushing furiously. The white paint helped on concealing it. But boy did he really want to kiss you. It was odd. He didn't really.. have this kind of feeling for someone that he didn't really consider a girl. He didn't know at this point, oh well.
How you get together:
Although you don't see each other very often due to being in different classes, you both would see each other after school ended. He was very hesitant at first and was sort of nervous... but he stuck through with it and asked you out on the walk home.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" It was an odd way of asking someone out that way, but you found it really sweet because it symbolized how he felt about you in a way. But of course, you said yes.
Kisses/first kiss:
He never kissed before so needless to say, it was very... awkward and stiff. You lightly laughed it off and offered to teach him which he embarrassingly accepted. He came to your house which was really large.. And he was allowed inside your room which was like 5x the size of his room?! How was your walls not paper-thin?
You two cuddled in your bed watching movies on your big ass TV before you decided to lean up against him, pressing your lips firmly against his. "Just follow my lead, 'kay?" He wasn't really religious but boy was he praying so hard at that moment trying not to fumble. He moved his lips with yours, matching your pace slowly. It started to become a little stuttery and sloppy just when you licked his lips. You two started to french but was caught by your butler. Your butler quickly waltzes his way out the room, promising not to snitch when he quietly shuts the door.
Small-break up/arguments:
"'Toshi!" You were running after him after he told you that your relationship couldn't work. Simply because you both didn't see each other enough and that knowing what big fight was coming up, he didn't want to lose you. He knows your class would be the first to throw themselves out there to beat ass or to get their ass beat. No in between. You were nearly on the verge of crying and he was just walking away from you, trying his best to ignore you but you didn't know. So you left him be.
War/aftermath of War:
You were injured. Badly.
Shinso stayed by you almost full time but when you woke up, you vividly remembered him. To him, this was almost every man's nightmare. He didn't want you to forget him; no, not at all. Not after what he did to you. He hurt you. He didn't mean to, he truly didn't.
You didn't completely forget him which was fine... but you did have to try to recall on things you barely remembered and just went by the information that Shinso was.. your ex? Your boyfriend? He wasn't so sure of himself.
Even then, you started to find him cute again. You gained feelings. And you fell in love, again. Over time, some memories that were vastly missing came back.
"I'm glad I got to fall in love with you all over again, 'Toshi," you murmur in his ear, hugging him tighter. Shinso nearly cries at that.
Meeting your sibling:
Momo was... wary of him at first. She kept her filter whenever he did something she wasn't very fond of but nonetheless, he was okay. Maybe there was a few screws loose and he needed to work on his sleeping schedule sometimes but other than that, he was okay. She was just glad that he made you happy.
What he loves about you(Adults) :
He loves when he comes home from work and sees you sprawled out in bed, knocked the fuck out with a merch blanket of him wrapped around you.
He LOVES teasing you in public sometimes. He's not really one for PDA most of the time, but he plants his hand to your thigh from time to time before it slides up a bit, squeezing a part in your thigh that was a little too close up to the groin.
He doesn't love it when you're in danger, of course not.. You were perfectly capable of handling yourself but since you weren't really a hero anymore because of an injury, he swoops you right off your feet when something happens. He cherishes it every time to see your eyes sparkle at him.
Loves rubbing your lower back for some reason. Sometimes his hand just lays on top of your butt... But you don't question it and just let him cling to you.
Fun Fact:
Before you two started dating, he was supposed to send you an embarrassing picture of him as a kid with a buzz cut, but he accidentally sent it to Monoma who leaked it throughout the entire grade of first years.
He was very sulky and pissed but you reassured him that he looked very cute and made sure you gave him lots of attention and kisses.
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a/n: sorry for the small delay :) I hope you enjoyed it. Check out my other works if you enjoyed. <3
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totheblood · 2 years
Hi, can you do hc’s of ellie having a crush on/dating a friendly and outgoing girl ❤️
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a/n: hey, im taking time today to get to my inbox and write for ellie my beloved… i feel a lot more confident now given that i am just ab finished with part one of the game but still, reserving my time for writing! so send requests, i have a few but still 🫣 anyways, thank u anon ilu
ellie is such an ambivert so whenever she’s around someone more introverted she’s determined to pull them out of their shell, but when she’s around you, an obvious extrovert, she can feel herself drawing inwards
she first noticed you on her first day in jackson and found herself dumbstruck as she watched you tell what seemed like an interesting story to a group of people your age. they all seemed so entranced, and ellie couldn’t lie, she was too.
she felt like such a stalker after that day, writing down your name in her journal with small doodles of your face and side profile. the way you so effortlessly drew people in, how you made everyone feel welcome and included, everything about you left her in a daze.
quickly after arriving she fell in with dina and her group of friends so she would find herself sneaking out at night to drink and play games in dina’s basement.
to her suprise, you were there. not to her suprise, you were there with a guy, and whatever hope she had of ever being with you was crushed. you didn’t even look like you liked the guy, she thought, as she watched you subtly push his hand away from your face.
later that night ellie cornered dina to ask her about you, the one drink in her system showing itself suddenly.
“what do you know about yn?”
dina snorted. “what, do you have a crush on her?” it was meant to be a joke, at this point ellie had not made it clear that she was into girls, but when dina saw the way her face faltered she completely changed her tune.
“oh shit, you do!”
“shut up, i do not.”
“well, get in line.”
“you have a cr-?” ellie was confused.
“what?! no, but practically every guy here does, she never pays them any mind though.” she said gesturing to you, again as you looked completely uninterested in the guy in front of you.
“oh.” was all ellie could say.
from that day on she interacted with you infrequently, occasionally having short conversations with you during class where her cheeks would burn a bright red whenever you laughed
plus, her crush went away for a while when she had a fling with cat. but as soon as that was over she was right back to stealing glances at you at community events
so here she was, harboring a four year crush on someone who didn’t even know who she was, it felt pathetic
it all came to a head when she started getting assignments around the town and was paired with you in the stables
she was shocked when you greeted her with a wide smile on your face
“hey! ellie, right?”
“yeah,” ellie let out a breathless laugh “you know my name?”
“town’s not that big, ellie.” you laughed as you watched her cheeks grow red like they always did when she spoke to you
since you could talk to a brick wall it was no shocker that you and ellie talked throughout your entire assignment
everytime elle would make you laugh she would feel so accomplished even though a part of her knew you were just being nice
after that day ellie practically begged maria to put her on the stables with you, even going as far as to say she would take two assignments a day if she just got to do the one with you
you were so good at making her feel comfortable, and a part of her felt like you were flirting with her half the time, but her insecurities got the best of her
soon enough you were inviting ellie everywhere… to secret parties, to show her a flower you found growing behind the stables, and even just to get a sandwich with you at the tipsy bison
ellie knew that you were nowhere close to hers but she couldn’t help but get jealous when she would see how well you interacted with others… she knew it was your nature but it still burned
whenever she would see you laugh a little too hard at a joke she wanted to turn around and throw up, but she didn’t… the sound of your laughter was peace enough
one night she decided to walk you home and after she had finished saying good bye you reached up and kissed her
she was so dumbstruck that she just stared at you, and how beautiful your eyes looked with the snow catching on your eyelashes. she was so wrapped up in your beauty and by the taste of your lips still on hers that she didn’t even recognize the horror that was painted so clearly over your face
“shit.. ellie i am so sorry, i don’t know why i did that. i thought there was something between us but i so clearly misread that and i shouldn’t have assumed just because of cat that you would like me. god i feel so dumb especially since this has happened to me where people think just because i’m nice to them they can kiss me or something but i should have nev-“
you were cut off by ellie pressing her lips to yours again, her hand gripping the back of your head
you couldn’t tell how long you had been kissing but when she pulled away her lips were swollen and you were dizzy
“you didn’t misread anything.”
“obviously.” you laughed.
after that the little invites you gave ellie began to feel more and more like dates, especially since they almost always ended with your hands down her pants
when you became official, ellie knew she had to find a way to be secure with you
she knew you wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, but it wasn’t you she didn’t trust. it was the people who often took advantage your kindness
so she would be extremely protective over you, everytime you two were at a party together she would have her arm wrapped around your waist, her fingers brushing the top of your hip
she would occasionally pull you in for a sloppy kiss whenever she would notice someone staring at you for too long. even though she hated PDA she felt it was necessary when being with you so people knew exactly who you were with
even though it made her nervous she would never ask you to change. it was just who you were and it was one of the things that made her fall for you in the first place.
whenever you would get antsy at a party because you wanted to go and talk to large groups of people she would gently push you towards them with a “go fly, my little social butterfly.”
she was more than happy to take a backseat and watch you thrive
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leaentries · 1 year
Bad day
luke hughes x chubby!reader
a/n- hey y’all! so guess who’s not dead 😋 i’m so so sorry i’ve been so inactive this past month! i’ve been dealing with college starting back up and my new job. but now that i’m back to semi-normal schedule, im hoping to start posting more! so please don’t be afraid to send in any thoughts or requests you may have! also, im so sorry if this is shit, i didn’t really know where i was going when i started writing. i just wanted to get something out for y’all to read😭
p.s- gif is not mine, credits to the owner!!
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some days truly never seemed to end.
even though it was only a wednesday, the bleakness of the sky and air ruined every seemingly good thing coming y/n’s way. her day started off great. waking up next to her boyfriend who gave her plenty of good morning sleepy kisses and “i love you’s.” luke even went the extra mile and warmed up her morning shower, paired with a fresh towel straight out of the dryer.
as she stepped into the shower, she felt confident that she was going to have a fantastic day. her classes were easy on wednesday and only lasted till early afternoon. although she knew that luke would be gone for practice by the time she returned home, she was excited to lounge around and be lazy for the day.
only, her day took a turn for the worst.
walking to her first class of the day, the coffee she held in her hand, that luke put so much effort into, somehow managed to slip from her grasp. the cup went tumbling into the pavement, leaving ugly light brown splotches in its wake. frustrated, she picked up the soaked cardboard.
y/n took a deep breath and quickly disposed of the cup, before continuing her journey to class. even though she felt bad for wasting the coffee, she was still set on having a great day. her class went by decently fast, ending when the professor decided to go on a tangent about his recent disk golf tournament.
on wednesdays she only had two classes, her next one being the longest. sitting down for her next lecture, she noticed the thigh portion of her jeans had begun to rip. y/n couldn’t help the feeling of dread that filled her body. those were her favorite jeans and the store in which she bought them, had discontinued this style.
sighing, she placed her head down on her arms. she decided to close her eyes, since she got to class early anyways. what seemed to be a few seconds, quickly turned into her feeling a jab to her side. she lifted her head, eyes squinting due to the bright lights. she looked over to her desk partner. julie looked back with concerned eyes.
“dude, are you okay?”
puzzled, y/n replied, “yeah….why?”
“you just slept through the entire lecture. which, by the way, prof decided to assign some stupid essay on. he said it’s gonna be due friday.”
with wide eyes, y/n stared at the clock on the wall.
i slept through the whole thing?
hitting her like a train, she turned back to julie.
“wait wait wait. an essay? shit, i don’t even know what he talked about today.”
worry gripped her like a vice. how the hell was she ever gonna get an essay done about a lecture she didn’t even listen to? there goes her plan on being lazy for the rest of the day.
“don’t worry, i got you girl. i made sure to take some major notes for you.” julie handed y/n the purple notebook, “just make sure to bring it to class on friday.” with that, julie gathered her things and left the classroom.
still stuck on the fact that she slept through the entire lecture, y/n slowly began to pack up and make her way home. rushing to her car, she made the drive as fast as possible.
not to her surprise, she was greeted with an empty apartment. she would normally be a little sad at this, but she took it with grace. the quiet will give her time to go over julie’s notes and start her essay.
by the time luke found his way through the door, it was easily past six.
“angel?” luke called into the open apartment. “y/n?” he called again. when he still received no response he walked to their shared bedroom, only to find her hunched over a desk with headphones in her ears.
he walked up to stand behind her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders and a kiss to the top of her head. her body jumped slightly, startled at the sudden touch.
“what the fuck, lukey?” she turned to him.
“awww, im sorry baby.” luke responded, chuckling slightly.
though his smile began to fall from his face when he saw the deep line of worry and distress around her eyebrows. luke felt his own furrow.
“what’s wrong, angel?” luke felt his own worry begin to set in. he could have sworn she was in a great mood this morning, recalling when she told him her plans for the day.
frustrated tears began to fill her eyes, “today has just utterly been shit. first, i spilt the coffee you spent so much time making me. then, i fell asleep durning my lecture and missed the entire thing. and to top it all off, my professor decided to assign an essay on said lecture. so now i’m having to bullshit this assignment, which means i’ll probably get a horrible grade.”
by the end of her rant, hot tears found their way from her eyes and down her cheeks. luke’s hands quickly reached to wipe them away.
“don’t cry, pretty girl. it’s okay.” luke said in a hushed voice. he swiveled the chair around, crouching to look up at her down casted face. he placed his hands on her plushy thighs, not failing to appreciate the warmth they radiated under his palms.
“hey, hey. look at me, y/n” at the sound of her name, she tilted her head up slightly, meeting his concerned filled eyes.
“you did nothing wrong. that coffee took me all of about 30 seconds to make and i can help you with your essay. i promise you, you are doing great, baby. you’ll do fine on this essay and it sounds to me like you needed the sleep anyways.” his hand reached to cradle her damp, round cheek.
“i’m sorry. i don’t know why i’m upset. it’s not like anything horrible happened. it-it’s just today was supposed to be so good. a-and,” a small sob cut through the air. taking a deep breath she continued, “and i’ve been doing this essay for the past 4 hours. i feel like i’m getting no where.”
luke’s heart hurt at the sight of his girlfriend so drained. it was a complete 180 from the cheerful attitude she had that morning. he slowly stood up, reaching over to close her laptop. she opened her mouth in protest, but was quickly cut off. “before you try and stop me, you need a break, sweetheart. you’ve made plenty of progress on your essay for today. come lay down with me. we can call in some take out and watch a movie.”
luke’s eyes gazed pleadingly into her own.
“but what if i can’t get it finished by tomorrow? it’s due at the beginning of class friday.” luke was fast to ease her worry, “i promise i will help you finish it tomorrow. i don’t have practice, so we can spend the whole day making this essay a+ material. now, go change and meet me in the living room.”
with a smile and another kiss to her head, luke walked out of the bedroom. attempting to brush off the last thoughts of her essay, y/n got up and walked to the closet. she grabbed a pair of sweats and one of luke’s big sweatshirts. putting it on reminded her of how thoughtful he is, always making sure to get them a size bigger so they’ll be extra oversized.
she smiled as the scent of his cologne filled her nose.
now completely changed, she walked out, only to be met with what seemed to be every blanket in the house set up on the couch. next to it laid plenty of her favorite snacks, along with her favorite drinks. with wide eyes, she turned to meet luke’s nervous form.
“w-what’s all this?” she gestured toward the couch. luke walked up to her, placing his hands on her full hips.
“i just wanted to do something for you, make your day a bit better. do you like it?” luke’s eyes were hopeful.
“of course, i love it.” she looked up at luke’s face, “thank you. for everything.” luke flashed his beaming grin.
“anything for you, angel,” he whispered. luke leaned down to press his lips into her soft ones. his hands pulled her hips to meet his, deepening the kiss. y/n found her own hands finding home in the curls on the nape of his neck. she gripped his hair, slightly pulling at the intensity. luke’s light groans filled the apartment.
forcing themselves apart, y/n placed her hands on luke’s shoulders as he tried to chase her lips. a whine escaped his throat, “whyyy? i want to kiss you.” a laugh bubbled out of her mouth, bringing a smile to luke’s face.
“as much as i would love to keep kissing you, i want to go lay down. and that movie isn’t going to watch itself.” with this, luke took liberty of going to lay across the couch first, opening his arms to welcome y/n into them. she didn’t hesitate to find comfort in his arms, laying her head on his chest.
luke grabbed one of the many blankets, covering them both. he placed his chin on the top of her head, grabbing the remote lying next to him.
“alright angel, what do you want to watch?”
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pucktoxicity · 1 month
i had a whole message ready to go and dropped my phone, so this might end up being shorter. first, as context, i went to a massive hockey school and was with my boyfriend who was on the team throughout our time there and after. still talk with him, but i’ll be honest and say that all the sh*t that comes with having a relationship with someone that’s high profile was just too much.
1. the reading stuff is hilarious. obviously they can read—they just don’t HAVE to read. even in college. was at a party at one of his teammate’s places and opened the fridge to grab something and there were textbooks, still in the plastic, sitting on the top shelf. it was a class i was also taking. when I confronted the guy about it as I held said textbooks in hand laughing (it was near midterms) he said “it doesn’t matter. i’ll pass.” he passed and it definitely wasn’t because he understood a damn thing in that course.
2. cliques exist on teams. ill break that down further. my boyfriend hung with like five of his teammates and a handful of athletes from another big sport at my school. those were who we were around on any given day. on weekends after games, or if there was a stretch with a break from some games, the entire team would go out. your ass better be at those team events or if not you better have a good reason why you’re not there. there was an issue off the ice involving the team and there was definitely a rift afterwards because a few of the guys were not there. it made for a really bad season with a team that should have done well.
3. they’re not tagging pics in real-time. they’ll post stuff a few days later with the tags on the locations so people think they know where they are if they post anything at all. that’s equally true for public and private accounts where tracking can be controlled. im sure most people recognize this, but i’ve never seen it stated outright. i was even asked to hold off on posting things until we were somewhere else even though my accounts are private. if they want you to know where they are, you’ll know where they are.
4. for the love of god do not send them nudes. not unless you want that entire team and possibly more to have them. getting nudes was a game to them.
5. which brings me to—they are ALWAYS involved in some sort of game or challenge with one another. the nudes was one, i can’t give anything more specific because i’d likely dox myself. not really feeling up for that blowback. just—they’re always betting each other over something and keeping tabs/score with something likely unrelated to hockey. sometimes it’s funny and sometimes “ew.” but there’s always something.
6. the sh*t they do off ice is hilarious and often unexpected. one of my best friends is the biggest a-hole on the ice, led the team in penalties, etc. off ice he’s the nicest human you will ever meet. he doesn’t read for fun, but he’s a nerd over a specific genre of movies that you wouldn’t expect. video games are pretty constant. they’re psychotically competitive even with those. watching giant man children rage quit video games is hilarious. oh and some of them have the weirdest habits. can’t really elaborate on that one. if anything i’d send it another time.
7. as someone that had a whole school watching my every move and then a whole city watching my every move, i can tell you it gets old fast—for everyone involved. i had people (guys and girls) show up where i lived. 95% of the sh*t i read online that was supposedly about me, him, me and him, etc was not even close to true. take what you see about any of the players or the people involved with them with a grain of salt.
8. sadly some of the worst guys are the ones in the longest relationships, or had families, etc. that was really horrifying to me. strictly anecdotal to my experience with two teams and their circles, but yeah. it was bad.
9. because the question comes up a lot—where? i met my boyfriend at mandatory study hall freshman year because im also an athlete. we never talk hockey. i talk hockey with my other friends and family, never with him or his teammates. he’s in it all day everyday, it’s his job, just like when im done with work i know i don’t want to talk about it, they’re the same way. if he brings it up, sure, but i’m sure as hell not gonna be the one to do that.
and for those keeping score: tall and natural blonde. many of his teammates over the years dated brunettes but they almost always ended up dying their hair blonde. so I don’t know if it’s blondes initially all the time. if anything i would just add that WAGs are their own beast with all the peer pressure and competitiveness of a team. the going blonde thing might be due to the pressures within that group.
way longer message than i intended but hopefully some valuable insight for those who have asked. as you’ve said, they’re humans like anyone else, their job is just different. oh, and summers were mostly working with skills coaches and rehabbing injuries/getting surgeries that are overdue that weren’t publicized. the public doesn’t know half the sh*t these guys are playing through.
everyone thank this anon for her service because this is absolutely perfect, no notes.
the ones i can most agree with / corroborate from my own experiences: she is 100% correct. do not send these guys nudes (i never have & never will, but know that they get them spread around quickly!!), and the same goes for competing over things. good lord, it’ll be the stupidest shit sometimes too but somehow it becomes a competition 😭 it’s crazy! and the same goes for schoolwork. it’s not just hockey. i have a friend who went to an SEC school with a historic football team (and sorority rush, cough cough), and she said the same thing about football players. they’ll pass. no matter what. doesn’t mean they’ll have a 4.0, but they’ll pass enough. i’m sure it’s the same with big hockey schools up here and the midwest as it is in the south with football. that doesn’t surprise me at all, unfortunately.
also, that last line. the public doesn’t know half the shit these guys are playing through. YUP. the things their bodies go through in not just a season, but in one game, are absolutely insane. and she’s very correct about privately-handled, unannounced offseason surgeries. 🙂‍↕️
i think the most interesting thing for you guys to see is her insight that most brunette WAGs end up going blonde & that whole explanation of the blonde WAG stereotype in every level of hockey.
whoever you are, i adore you, this was an amazing read, and if you ever want to talk privately in dms and stuff, i’d love to! if not, no worries, and thank you for stopping by & talking to me 🥰💋❤️
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
members are fwhip jimmy lizzie mog sausage oli rendog katherine pix shubble scott eloise zombiecleo. modded smp. stream only i think. fantasy themed.
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he logs in and has to choose an origin. seems very dnd-esque? but ive never played dnd so. im guessing here.
he spends 10 minutes choosing just to settle on half elf. he gets to pick 2 skills so he picks quicker regen and most movements wont trigger sculk sensors.
he spawns in :D cleo is there :D but jim hasnt set up voice mod so. they dont talk yet. cleo just starts circling him and its really funny to me
HE GETS SET UP. cleos immediately like youre not small :( (her chat told her he would be) and he was like. well being small is fun for a stream and then it gets a bit annoying doesnt it. which i have Thoughts about
they spawned in like a tower thing. cleo goes down and dies instantly to a bunch of mobs. after cleo dies jimmy goes down and also dies instantly. theres some weird spawn protection thing going on meaning they literally cant beat the mobs
jimmy experiences Modded Minecraft and gets scared. why do his buttons do things. why is there things everywhere. his keybinds have been super messed up so hes having A Time
sausage died and cuz of voice mod he screamed and cut out immediately which is my favourite thing. the entire smp is a mess theres like a million mobs. ive never seen jimmy rage this hard at dying before
fwhip joins and he chose one of the small classes. jimmy starts making fun of him so fwhip crits him like 3 times. jimmy then steals fwhips wood and fwhip tries to kill him again.
it takes establishing that jimmys a half-elf and sausage is a high-elf before the elf superiority starts.
katherine joins and shes ALSO a half elf. sausage starts calling him their daddy. its been 20 minutes
jim and oli meet up (and katherine follows) and olis like. im gonna show you my secret if u give me 6 things. so jimmy gives him 6 things and turns out oli can. go invisible????? and jim and katherine are like :o and are surprised he didnt pick bard. olis like well i already did that. im a mushroom guy now. and takes off his armour to show his skin (he says something about it being similar to his larp outfit which is cool) and jimmys like whats with the glasses. and oli full on whines and goes JIMMMMMMMH :( theyre my mushroom glasses.
they both die within a minute of exploring. cant say its unexpected. they get their stuff back easily enough though
after talking to like everyone jim splits off. he finds a zombie playing bagpipes and i lost my shit
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it just played folk music the entire time he was trying to kill it
meets up with everyone. they talk for a while but nothing super notable to be said
(jimmy got up to get a snack and the stream chat started talking to his chair. it made me giggle)
he got super fast shoes. everyone is jealous of him. bitches love him and his super fast shoes.
i look away for like 5 minutes and hes now. wearing a whoopee cushion on his head. and a crown!
jimmy and sausage beat up a boss and it drops a ring. sausage picks it up and asks jimmy to marry him. jimmy IMMEDIATELY rejects him. no hesitation
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^ little chicken hat :) cleo has a little pig hat and they match and its really cute.
jimmy gets a big axe and is like omg its so big!! and cleo AND sausage immediately jump on like oh tell me how you got it so big jimmy. and hes like guys. guys please.
sausage gets an ancient gong with unreadable runes on it. he obviously hits it multiple times. nothing happens at least.
they find ren and he has a little sheep hat so now 3 of them are matching. sausage feels very left out.
jimmy and oli meet up. oli does a bit of being like.. the spirit of the forest. oli gives jim a sapling and jim gives oli an invisibility cape. oli ends the bit and comes back as himself. he has a bow on his lower back and jimmys like wow you have a bow on your back. oli calls his ass big and juicy. frowns
oli tries to hit jimmy like 20 times and its just not working. jimmy is invincible i think.
oli and jim go to a village and make a bit of stealing childrens lunch money. idk why but they are. it doesnt work.
they meet up with lizzie and oli does his "spirit of the forest" bit again. he starts to give lizzie a riddle and says "what is wet and long- and not dry-" then gets confused and just. doesnt finish it at all.
lizzie mentions jims large weapon. jimmy voice "nothings too big for me" oli voice "nothings too big for jim" why have 2 separate groups made the exact same joke.
lizzie crashes and oli calls her and it goes to voicemail and he leaves a message and he ends it with a bunch of chappell roan song names. when jimmy doesnt know what he means olis immediately like THIS GUY IS NOT AN ALLY.
^ like 5 minutes after that they kiss so.
jim gives lizzie an ocean necklace after she logs in again. crazy
oli and jim are potentially basing together. we MIGHT be back.
uhhhhh stream end :p double upload on sunday (one main channel one roblox channel) not sure if im gonna summarise all these streams if only bc i have. No Idea whats going on. i dont understand modded mc at all. despite that it is a chill vod if u need background noise for anything
YAYYY JIMMY STREAM SUMMARY yeah this SMP came out of nowhere. I heard nothing about it. Fun that Rendog is here though!! And Cleo!!
"well being small is fun for a stream and then it gets a bit annoying doesnt it." OFF TO A NOT GOOD START GRRRRRRRR JIMMY..........my son..... ESMP2 haunts him... And then he goes and makes fun of fWhip LMAO. Not going to fault him but also not going to fault fWhip for almost killing Jimmy a few times, deserved
Sausage's humor making me want to end myself as usual. But Jimmy immediately rejecting his marriage proposal did put a smile on my face. If it weren't for moments like this to balance out Sausage just. the way he is. I would actually be infuriated if I ever watched SMP streams he's in. Sorry Sausage fans
"jimmys like wow you have a bow on your back. oli calls his ass big and juicy. frowns" ?????? Oli?? ok whatever its. whatecver
"Oli starts to give lizzie a riddle and says "what is wet and long- and not dry-" then gets confused and just. doesnt finish it at all." ok thats funny lmao. hurt himself in his own confusion . deserved
Omg Oli and Jim kiss though <3 and them basing together potentially yes please
Ok yeah that sounds both chill and very confusing. I also don't understand heavily modded mc. But why is their humor sense just sex jokes again can they sprinkle in some other jokes every once in awhile PLEASE IM BEGGING
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 months
hi, I saw you're back, I'm happy, man! If it's open, can I request makoto with a tall man who randomly carries him (on his back, arms, etc.) and runs everywhere? Or does he offer a ride on your back? Idk, I hope that doesn't sound weird, haha
(Idk english, so I apologize if that was bad)
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TALL S/O WHO CARRIES HIM • makoto x male reader
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im so thankful that people are happy im returning! it gives me more motivation to write, since i know people find enjoyment in what i do. and your english was good, dont worry! i hope you enjoy these headcanons, and that you have a good day.
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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most people in the class are taller than naegi, so he's used to having to crane his head up just to talk to people properly. he didn't really mind, it just came with the territory of being smaller. what he wasn't used to though, was being carried, especially being carried by someone much taller than him.
the first time you did this was after pe class, everyone had to run around the track as long as they could and by the end of it, makoto's legs were killing him. back when you two first knew each other, you quickly got along, so he went to you to complain about his achy legs.
in response, you suddenly carried him bridal style as everyone walked to the lockers. makoto grabbed onto you in surprise, and his face was tinted red as he became too speechless to ask you to put him down.
to him, it was... kinda nice, actually. the pain in his legs was still there but being carried helped alleviate it, and it was very cozy to be carried by someone bigger. he enjoyed it, even if he got playfully teased by the others for it.
and that started the cycle of you wordlessly carrying him if he ever talked about having any pain, even if it wasn't leg related. some back pain? you offered to carry him on your back to his dorm. a small headache? immediately lifting him in your arms on the way to the cafeteria. a little neck pain? instinctively handling him so you can place him on your shoulders.
the others joked that makoto's legs muscles will become weak if you kept carrying him so much, and its become a little inside joke within the class. everytime someone needed to be lifted up or carried, they'd call it "pulling a naegi", you both thought it was funny.
the first time you ran with him in your arms, he was so confused and shocked that he didn't hold onto you, and almost ended up falling butt first to the floor. you two both got a good laugh out of it afterwards, with him playfully telling you to atleast warn him first before doing that!
now, everytime you run while holding him, he will scream very loudly. you always somehow manage to do it when he least expects it, and it always catches him off guard. he'll cling onto you for dear life while you run around the classroom with him, trying to avoid taka's scolding.
makoto definitely prefers piggy back rides over anything else. its the position where he can cling onto you the most, and the position where he worries least about falling down. he also enjoys resting his head between your neck and collarbone, but he'd never admit that.
until you two developed feelings for each other. you carrying him felt alot more intimate than it used to be, and him holding onto your shoulders while placing his chin on you felt so much more affectionate. the blush on makotos face would never go away when you lifted him like you usually would.
the entire class got sick of watching you two beat around the bush while being incredibly obvious, and also with you still insisting on carrying makoto, which would just make both of you flustered messes.
kyoko and byakuya convinced him to confess, and to everyones expectation, you both became a couple, and they thought they'd finally be spared all the skinship. they were all very wrong.
carrying became like a love language between you two. you loved hearing his surprise yell whenever you carried him and started running, while he loved the wide smile on your face whenever you did so.
makoto would finally start seeking you out in order to be carried around, feeling more comfortable to admit he actually really enjoys the feeling now that you two were dating. there were times where he would just go up to you, smile at you and ask "hi s/o, can you please carry and rush me to my dorm? i forgot something there." and then you'd immediately get on it.
everytime classes ended and everyone headed back to their dorms, you would piggy back carry him there while sprinting down the hallway. no matter how tired you were after a long day, you always made sure you had enough energy to do that, the laughs he would let out after the initial shock wore off was worth it.
feeling him hold onto you made your heart skip a beat no matter how many times its been done. feeling your arms hold onto him firmly to make sure he was safe made him turn red even if you two did it everyday.
carrying was such a special thing between you two. it meant so much more in your relationship, and you both loved it. the closeness it provided, the trust it required, the significance it had in the development of you two becoming lovers, it all meant so much to him, and he'd never trade that for anything.
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Hey ive a small request. I just thought of yoosung route with an mc who....actually knew him for a long time and had secretly crushed on him and admired him when both of them were in school. It is pretty canon that yoosung was a popular kid at his school and had many girls crushing on him. One of the girls happened to be mc who cant help but admire him from afar. Back in the day yoosung was the first guy who had been kind and sweet towards her and that stuck with her for the rest of her life. She never confessed her feelings, thinking that she might be "too weird" for him (since she was one of the "weird girls" of the class because of her shyness).
She however never found out about his grief regarding rika, she has a faint memory of him appearing sad on the day of graduation and she has no idea why...it just felt very unusual of him from her perspective. She mustered up some courage to ask him why he is sad but he pushed her away by plastering a fake smile and saying "im actually fine dont worry", she knew he was lying but that day she couldnt ask him more and force him to talk. Few days later she moves out to a different country with her family
Fast forward to current time she ends up being stuck in the apartment because she could not say no to an obviously shady man and finds the same guy she had once admired.
Because the mc here is a very socially awkward person, I am pretty sure she would end up only inviting a handful of people so its going to be the normal ending instead of good ending (which basically means that she would meet him at the hospital and not at the party)
So how do you think the reunion will be. I love your writings very much i want to see your take on this
Life can be so peculiar.
You can meet people by who's side you will end up spending the rest life with, by pure chance. Or, you can lose the one person you thought understood you more than anyone else could. It's unpredictable. And that's a thought that is both terrifying and relieving to ponder over late in the night, when there is nothing else fot you to do but just lay there and stare at the ceiling of your bedroom, deep in thought.
It was unexpected to meet Yoosung again, to say the least. It seems like such cliche story, ripped straight from some generic k-drama and not real life, doesn't it? A shy, closed off kid meeting their popular high school crush further down the line, when they are both now established adults with their own individual lives. But, then again, maybe it wasn't as strange. It's not like you went through some mind-boggling 'glow-up' in these few years, like characters in k-dramas usually do. You were still the same introverted and kind of nerdy dork you were in high school, just a bit more capable of putting up a somewhat acceptable front in public.
Yoosung, though? He was almost an entirely different person.
Well, not entirely, but he was still a far cry from the popular and academic boy you knew back in high school. Not in a bad way, per se... But, it still shocked you quite a bit once you got to know him fully. Then again, it's not like you have really known him at all until now. That doesn't mean your past crush on him was superficial by any means, but it was still rather innocent and puppy-like on your end. You wanted to get to know him better, to see sides of him you couldn't see when he was in public... but, you were far too insecure and skittish to be so bold.
Alas, life had other plans for you.
His hair was not the same neatly styled brunette you remembered. In its place, was a new bright blonde hue that fit him surprisingly well, layered in an adorably casual look that made your heart skip a beat the moment you saw his selfie in the chat, when you first joined. His choice of clothing was more free-spirited, less classy and uptight. The type that made you wonder how his shirts would look and feel on you if you were to borrow them. And his overall attitude seemed to have become a bit more carefree and lighthearted. These major changes surprised you. But, they weren't unwelcome by any means. They intrigued you. Made you want to talk to him, and learn all the ways that he has changed in these couple of years.
Thankfully, you were a bit more chatty behind the safety of your phone.
With chatting, you could take your time and make sure your wordings are correct. You didn't have to just say the first thing that came to mind and then follow through with it. You could express yourself accurately. And you would use that lucky opportunity to its full potential.
Yoosung's apparent active neglect of his studies was surprising to you. The straight-A student you knew back in high school was completely different from this older Yoosung. Maybe you should have been put off by this particular negative change of his, but it only made you grow concerned for him. The more you talked, the less... happy he appeared to you. Sure, his attitude was cheery and carefree on the surface. But, sometimes, you would read upon a phrase or two that would make you pause, your brows furrowing in concern and your heart clenching in your chest, despite it being passed around like a light joke or something.
I don't really know what my talents are.
I don't really know what I want to do.
I just play games to get rid of stress or feel less lonely.
Trying to find what you're interested in itself is a luxury.
It felt like... he just gave up on himself. On his future, and, subsequently, his own happiness. That thought was gnawing at you. It's like he didn't... believe he was capable of finding fulfillment in life, so he gave up on trying altogether. It wasn't right.
Although he may have neglected his studies, he remained the same passionate and lively person you fell for in back in high school. His drive was still there, but it was almost like it got fizzled out due to something you couldn't quite figure out yet. You did remember him seeming rather... downcast back at your graduation. No, he looked downright crushed.
You have a distinct memory of wanting to approach him and inquire about his wellbeing. Maybe you could have offered for him to come and spend some time with you. Yet, as always, you were far too big of a scaredy cat to do so.
Things had changed since then. You may be shy and timid, but you weren't going to let your fears and insecurities hold you back from doing something you knew in your heart was right. Not when life has given you a second chance like this.
And so, that's how you got here. You finally got to see him face to face after eleven days of complete and utter rollercoaster of emotions. Meeting Yoosung in the hospital ward wasn't how you planned it... but, you were just glad to see him smiling and safe.
Furthermore, his smile was meant for you. An observation that left you reeling as you walked sheepishly into his hospital ward, knowing that everyone has left to give you some alone time. It was just you and him now.
He smiles wider, as if he's excited to finally hear your voice in person, no longer muffled by his speaker phone. You can see him straining a little bit to sit upright, but ultimately deciding against it. "Hi."
So much to say, yet so little time... You find yourself just staring at him for a few moments, before deciding to just go for it. Considering everything that happened during these eleven days between you two, there was no need for you to be cautious or distant. He was pretty straightforward with you about his feelings. Much more upfront than you could ever be. And, some part of you was still in disbelief that he has actually come to love you in such a short amount of time.
It was too good to be true.
You reach his bedside and sit on the chair placed neatly next to it. Without thinking much about it, you reach out and place a gentle hand on his palm, his skin soft and warm under your touch. It makes you smile almost inadvertently. "It's... so good to finally see you. Are you alright? We were all so shocked when Seven..."
"-I'm okay. You don't have to worry." Yoosung cuts you off in a soft tone, his smile turning a bit bashful, and you feel his fingers cautiously intertwining with yours, almost like he was testing the waters, wanting to see if you will pull away from his touch. Of course, you didn't. He sighs, seeming to be enjoying the comfortable silence for a brief moment, before continuing, his thumb warmly brushing the back of your hand. "I promise I'll tell you everything a bit later. There will be no secrets between us. I just... I want this moment to be about us, you know?"
Your heart flutters in your chest as you nod in response to such sweet words. You knew what he meant, though. You really did. He was brave enough to say it openly while you weren't. "What... do you want to talk about?"
You opt to give him the initiative here. To see where this would go. He hums softly, pondering for a few moments before replying, his eye always fixed on you. Not like you could blame him. Finally talking to him face to face and not having to imagine what he actually looks like, was having the same effect on you. You two might be more similar than you think.
"...I just... I can't help but think that this was fate, you know? That Rika really did bring you to me. To help me find what I have lost back when she left us. To help me move forward with my life." He licks his lips, and you give him an encouraging nod, letting him know that you are indeed listening. Rushing this was not necessary. He seemed to appreciate your gesture, with an adorably sweet smile tugging at the corners of his mouth that made your heart swell. "It's funny... I was so popular back in high school, I had so many people I called my friends, and yet, I barely have seen them since then. Yet, the one who made their way back into my life like a hurricane was... you."
You can't help but chuckle and shake your head a little bit. "I would say it was the other way around... but, I am flattered to hear that."
You sway in your seat, unsure if you should mention it or not. In the end, you make the decision to be truthful. You two are technically a couple now, after all. It's only right to be honest with him. And... a huge part of you was always longing for a chance to tell him what you were far too scared to tell all those years ago.
So, you go for it.
"...How surprised would you be, if I told you that I actually had a huge crush on you back in high school?"
You watch his eyes widen and his mouth fall open as he just stares at you for a few moments, completely taken aback by your revelation. It was both endearing and a bit embarrassing to witness. You chuckle nervously, feeling your cheeks grow warm as you look down at your hands locked together, suddenly far too shy to look him in the eye.
"You just seemed so out of my league back then... You were the popular guy - one everyone liked. And, I mean... who was I? Just an anxious mess always sitting in the back of the class. Invisible and weird. So, I... never really approached you about it." You pause, your expression growing a bit somber as you call back to the day of your graduation. An event that was meant to be a moment of triumph and joy. A celebration of the start of your future. Yet, for you two, it wasn't anything like that. "What I always regretted the most, though... was not talking to you back at our graduation. I could tell that something was wrong, but I was too much of a chicken to actually do anything about it. So, I... when I walked into that apartment, and realized it was actually you... I don't know. I just felt like life has given me a second chance. To make things right this time."
There are a few minutes of silence between you two, nothing but the muffled noises of the hospital bustling with life on the other side of the door, and your shared breathing. Despite this, it's not suffocating or uncomfortable at all. It's oddly peaceful. You know he's processing all that you just told him, and you feel strangely calm as you give him all the time he needs before he responds.
Yoosung gently tugs your hand, a silent request for you to look up at him, and you grant him that request without any reservations on your part. His rosy eye is soft as he looks at you, and his brows slightly knit together, but it is not an expression of displeasure or unhappiness. Rather, it's a look of curiosity and disbelief that makes your breath catch in your throat. You remain silent, though, just waiting for him to come up with his piece.
You told your truth. Now, it was his turn.
"All this time... All this time you were right there, by my side, and I didn't even know it. You really are my blessing, aren't you, Y/N?"
His voice shakes as he speaks, his throat bobbing as he clearly attempts to swallow his emotions. It doesn't seem to work, though, as you can see his eye glistening slightly with unshed tears. So much for not getting emotional. As you gently squeeze his hand, you feel yourself becoming quite choked up too. A small laugh escapes you: a natural response to a rather emotional exchange happening between you. "I wouldn't call it that... I was too much of an anxious mess to do anything for the majority of that time. I'm still that awkward, scared kid, to be quite honest. Just a little bit more mature now."
Yoosung shakes his head, and an adorable pout takes its place on his cheeks. He almost seems offended when he hears you talk about yourself in this manner. "You are so much more than that."
"Yeah?" You smile, finding his insistence rather cute.
"Your words, your encouragements, your trust in me - it all gave me strength to let go of my grief and move forward with my life. Before you came along, I... I was just adrift. After Rika passed, I... I honestly felt like a big part of me died with her. I no longer knew who I was, or what I was meant to do, or if there was any point to what I do, if all my efforts could be just ripped away from so cruelly. I gave up on myself. Truth is, deep down, I didn't believe I could be happy. But, you..." he squeezes your hand, laying his other palm atop of it now as well. "You came along, and you believed in me, when no one else did. You encouraged me and told me that it's never too late to seek out that happiness I thought I lost. You never judged me, never made fun of me. You just... listened. Listened and accepted me for who I was. No, you saw things no one else saw, not even me. I can finally say that I am proud of who I am, and that's because of the way your words have motivated and encouraged me. You are the most brave and amazing person I know. And I'll be damned if I don't tell you that every single day from now on."
You're at a loss for words when faced with such a heartfelt speech. It's just too much. In the best way possible. You are pretty sure you can feel a couple of tears sliding down your cheeks now, as a tiny laugh slips from your lips. You wipe your eyes with your free hand, sniffing.
"...I forgot how great you are at giving motivational speeches."
Your blunt response makes you both laugh, a new lightness filling your chest as you suddenly feel all your nerves fade from your mind. Yoosung didn't make you nervous. Not at all. You knew you were safe with him. Just like you always took his problems and struggles seriously, he would do the same for you.
"I wasn't the class president for nothing, you know."
"That you weren't."
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mukuberry · 1 month
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spill the beans.
ooooooooookey dokey boss, i dont have any pictures of them though :( just some pages in my phone notebook..... I'll do my best to summarise them!! i probably wont ever do any proper ocgram thingy with em so ill just spill their secrets hehe... theres 13/14 so ill put them under a cut!!
001! most of them dont have names yet lol i hate picking names 😔 but he's wonderful.... he's 11 and he's a lil silly ^^ he grew up with a single mother who began dating a very abusive man and then they both started abusing him, so he's extremely distrusting of adults. she got pregnant and he realised he needs to protect his siblings, but knows he cant hope to fight back against his parents, so instead he decides to secretly kill the baby after theyre born to prevent them for suffering. He's done this 3 times! He has alot of angelic imagery since he views himself as a saviour. Uhmmm OH his cover songs are Cosmic Rendezvous-> Psychogram-> Mirai Yo. Im not super happy with the picks tbh so they might change...
002! She's 43 and her first name is Yukino :) no last name yet.... she's based on a Kazui theory i saw when Cat came out that's definitely not true and was talked about in a pretty discriminatory way, so ive decided to steal the idea and make it better. She craves violence/abuse and has a gore kink, but has done her very best to repress those feelings and live a normal life, believing herself to be a monster for having these feelings and thoughts. She definitely has OCD. She has a daughter and had a husband, but abandoned them both after seeing her child do the same things she did as a child when her interest in violence started building, thinking that its her influence that caused it and that her child will be normal without her around. Also because if she's got no one tieing her down, she can maybe indulge in her fantasies instead of living a proper life. Her husband, not being able to handle the abandonment + knowledge that the one he loved was fantasing about him suffering the entire time + not being able to look after a child alone, takes his own life.... im not too happy with the murder tbh i might change it later......... she's great though i love her. Her cover songs are Hibana -> Animal -> Mosquito!
003! No name but he's baby. Actually he's 16 but to me he's baby. The first thing he does in milgram is demand a lawyer and tell the warden his murder was self defence (it wasnt). He forces all the other kids into doing his study club while they're in there... he's very 'proper' yknow. He's kinda like Nervous from the first novel if uve read it, went to middle school and became so anxious with being mistreated by his classmates and the adults that he tried to be perfect... and it worked! Until he entered high school, and there's this one girl in his class who is just slightly better than him..... so he pushes himself more and more, secretly hating her and himself for not being good enough. One day, late at night, she finds him on his own, at a pier. She tries to befriend him, since she's just like him, and wants to help him with his burdens and for them both to drop the perfect act...... unfortunately for her, he (again) hates her and cannot comprehend that someone could see through his act and would still love him, has a slight mental breakdown and beats her to death with debris near by, and dumps her body in the water. He gets to be perfect again yayyyyy ^_^ he's the most developed in terms of milgram routes, but I'll maybe talk about them another time.... his cover songs are Angel Hair-> Antibeat-> Theory Of Negativity
004! Kanae ♡ she's a complete hermit! A childhood schizophrenic (18 now) who was neglected by her family and outcasted at school, she's completely dependent on her psychosis, as it gives her companionship and purpose she doesn't have elsewhere. She's aware that she's schizophrenic, but has no intention of getting better. Upon entering milgram her psychosis has come to a (temporary) stop, so she spends most of her time in the prison with 010, since 10 (Kanami) never shuts up and is fine with Kanae not saying much in return. She can't stand silence. She had a younger sister (10ish?) who she was expected to look after since her parents aren't home much, however considering her mental state she can't really look after a child... so after not being fed in awhile, said child tries to make herself food! Only for Kanae to leave her room for the first time in days and finding her sister dead from accidentally poisoning herself;; oops! Her cover songs are Nocturnal Kids -> Liar Dance -> MKDR
005! Probably my favourite ♡ he's one of 3 explicitly queer characters, canonically being in love with his victim and being trans-coded... not explicitly trans but damn can u read his story as a trans story!! He's 17, popular, pretty, rich, has a loving family, his grades aren't perfect but they're still good, and he's genuinely pretty nice to people... he's living his best life! He doesn't know why he's in milgram, he hasn't killed anyone, he swears! A kid went missing in his class sure, but they weren't close, he knows literally nothing about that! Atleast thats what he says ^_^ teehee.... i wanna keep his murder a secret its more fun that way... he's probably the 3rd most unforgivable person in here :) his cover songs are Cinderella-> Secret Feast-> Ghost Rule
006! Haruki :) a lil shy but really nice! She's 28, but when she tells people they don't believe her since she acts kinda childish... she's also a system! But she thinks she's a spirit medium since she keeps introjecting dead people... her system has 6 alters in total, maybe 7 depending on what happens in the prison... but the story only really focuses on 4/5 of them. She lives in a shitty apartment and mostly lives of the money her grandmother sends because she can't hold a job (she tries her best!), her victim is her closest (and only) friend, they met a few years back at an old job and have been inseparable since.... they spend most of their time together. This friend however has lived a very difficult life and struggles alot with suicidal thoughts, basically only staying alive for her sake. She's learned to not tell people about how she's basically 'possessed by ghosts' after growing up being treated like a freak for it, but watching his mental state get worse and hearing him talk about how he wants everything to stop, she decides to tell him the truth. Both because he's important to her and wants him to know this very personal thing about her, and because it's basically like saying "hey when you die you don't actually stop existing, so you should just stay alive 😁". Unfortunately, he hears this and thinks "wow if i die i get to be a part of my favourite person 24/7???? hell yeah" so he convinces her to help him kill himself ^^ she refuses at first, but eventually gives in and watches him get hit by a train. And thus, she gains another alter...... her cover songs are Two Breaths Walking -> Zombies -> Undead Alice!
007! He's a bastard. He's sarcastic, blunt, rude and thinks everything sucks forever. He's 24. He's also based on a kazui theory! Mine from t1 thats definitely no longer canon... so ive taken it and made it much worse!! But from an outsiders POV it looks more like fuuta's story, with it being centred on toxic online groups,, he lived a very normal and good life! He was popular in school, graduated with top marks, went to a good college, graduated, went to a good uni, graduated, got into a good job, got a girlfriend- and surely he'll marry her and have kids and move into a big house and watch his kids grow up and die. That's what he's been told to do, that's what everyone does! Except for some reason he can't comprend, he feels completely dead inside. Theres a ball of dread in his chest and its building everyday until he can't ignore it. Everything feels empty and numb outside of this feeling. So he looks for answers, and while he doesn't find any, what he does find is a group of people on social media who feel exactly like he does. They don't try to lie and say everything's fine and that he needs to just power through, everything sucks and they're the only ones admitting it. They don't encourage eachother to get better, they help eachother get worse, because life is terrible so why shouldn't you just do what you want? And 007 gets sucked in completely. He quits his job, cuts off his girlfriend and friends, and moves back in with his parents, to their dismay. That was 6ish months ago. He's obsessed with social media and will do anything to feel alive in this terrible world. So, of course, when one of his online friends tells him she wants to die, why wouldn't he wish her luck? Life is terrible, he's kinda jealous that she can actually do it while he can't. And then he wakes up in the milgram prison ^_^ his cover songs are Chimera-> Otome Dissection-> Rabbit Hole!
008! She's even worse ♡ actually when writing this i kinda had a better idea for her story, but since its just came to my head I'll have to think on it a lil more.... uhm for now though she's 32 and also thinks life sucks but she's (kinda) over it now. She's used to being at the bottom of society but takes out her feelings by looking down on people even lower than her. Until i figure her out more thats all i can say TT her cover songs are Psuedo-hope Syndrome -> Delusion Tax -> Mono Poisoner!
009! Taisei Furukawa... he's the second one i made so he has a full name yay :] he's my second canonically queer character, he's gay and has had one boyfriend basically his entire life! They met as kids in the same elementary school, his bf came from a very shitty family and Taisei was the first person to treat him kindly and stick by his side no matter what. Unfortunately, his boyfriend kinda sucks, and is lowkey highkey abusive, isolating Taisei from everyone so they both only have eachother. Taisei only realises just how much his boyfriend had ruined his life at 25, and he's pissed ^_^ he knows he can't just break up with him, his boyfriend definitely won't let that happen, and he has no one to turn to for help. So the logical thing here to do is to turn the tables on his bf and try to convince him into a double suicide. Taisei doesn't have much desire to live after being worn down for so long, and he needs to make sure his bf won't just find and abuse someone else once he's gone, so a double suicide is the best option. Sure, he could do a murder homocide, but after how long he's suffered, he kinda wants his bf to feel how he feels... and it works :) the both jump of their apartment building, his boyfriend dies and Taisei wakes up in the milgram jail with a fucked up leg, needing crutches to walk. He's kinda antisocial and grumpy in t1 for understandable reasons (though he helps the kids with the study group at times), but if he's forgiven he becomes alot warmer and friendlier :) there's alot of art symbolism in his story... his cover songs are Turret Of Justice-> 118-> Shinkai Summit!
010! Kanami Shimizu!!!!!!!!! The girlie ever!!!! And the 3rd and final canonically queer character, she's a trans lesbian. She's 23 and so full of life and love and she's so so kind and energetic and kinda annoying but she's just so happy to be in jail with everyone!!!!!!!! She's the first one i made... however i kinda scrapped her murder awhile back since i didn't like it, but i don't have a new one yet :( but whatever her murder is, her personality and ideals remain the same! She's been hurt alot in life, and when she looks around she realises that everyone is the same. She can't live in the real world, it'd crush her, she knows this, so she wants to make a paradise where everyone can be happy forever... and milgram is the perfect place for it!!! So you have to forgive everyone for her ok ^_^ if you don't she won't forgive you. She won't let you ruin this for everyone. Her cover songs are Home -> Please Show Me -> Hedgehog!!
011.... doesn't exist!!! Not anymore i killed him sorry. I didn't like his story that much, but I'm too commited to following the og milgrams male/female prisoner pairings to just leave it at 11 prisoners, so I'll just wait for a new guy to appear in my mind.........................
012! She's 12! No name! My most recent one (except for the former 011 rest in peace). She's being a nuisance for everyone in the prison, she has alot of rage and she will make sure everyone hears it!!!!! She's friends with 001 and she tolerates Taisei but everyone else is her enemy and she WILL fight them if they cross her, which would be scary if she wasn't like 5ft. Her murder is just teenage rebellion went a lil too far........ she doesn't fit in at her new school and acts out, but all the adults in her life don't really get involved, just saying it's a phase she'll grow out of. This only makes her act out more, and more, and more, until it gets out of hand and someone dies. She didn't want any of that to happen, but in milgram she insists she's happy about it and is very very evil and scary so you should listen to her before she kills you as well. She has alot of animal (specifically bear) imagery :) her cover songs are Parasite -> Aitai-lians -> Lonely Shit!
The warden! Our beloved Es he's such a loser. He enters the prison not really taking any of this seriously, and does his best to be as annoying as possible to everyone, he's convinced he's the biggest freak here and he will prove it. Unfortunately for him he is definitely not the biggest freak here and by the start of the second trial he's learned this the hard way. He's an efficient warden despite everything, knowing what to say to rile the prisoners up so they spill information, however he quickly starts losing control of everything and it's kinda pitiful....... his cover song is Salamander!
Jackalope! She fucking hates the warden ^_^ she's secretly a lil fond of him but she'd never admit it. She's very no-nonsense and constantly lectures him to do his job properly, and usually ends up cleaning up after him.... she's not a very good Jackalope, she gets attached to everyone too easily, even if she pretends to be aloof. Jackas dont have cover songs, very very sad....
Mmmmmmmm thats everything!! That was alot more than i thought i wont blame u if u dont read everything.... was fun to infodump about though, thanks for asking lol. Im gonna screenshot everything i just wrote incase tumblr eats it like it did last time,,
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spitdrunken · 2 years
man :( i may need to dust off a sfw blog to write a longer fic version of this but im thinking about rollo man... 
becoming friends with rollo when you’re both first-years. he’s not the most expressive, and he’s often the tallest in the class already, but contrary to his appearance he’s kind and thoughtful. he’s also clearly a very gifted mage, and you are very average, but this doesn’t influence the way he interacts with you at all. rollo never hesitates to share his notes and happily tutors others in his free time, including you, if you ask, and always seems to be helping out others in one way or another. his love for noble bell college and the entire city is palpable, and if given the chance, he’ll happily rattle off facts about its history. you think he’d do charity for all of the citizens, if he could. a hint of a smile plays around his lips when he does so. he overworks himself, while telling you to avoid doing exactly that all the while. 
more than anything else though, rollo loves his family. he goes home to visit them every break, always with gifts. his mood before leaving and after returning is significantly improved, and he talks about his younger brother quite a bit as well. rollo isn’t the type to complain much, but he speaks of his brother’s irresponsible behaviour and the trouble he causes from time to time, though never with much bite. 
a week before everything changes, rollo asks you a question. how do you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? there’s a heaviness clinging to his mood, to the eyes that seem to stare right through you. from the bits and pieces he lets go at your prodding, you figure his brother has either gotten involved with a wrong crowd, or is pushing his magic to the point it’s wearing him down entirely. it seems incredibly difficult for him to talk about. 
he leaves, for a while. when you see him again, you are both second-years. you don’t need to be told what’s happened. when rollo returns, he looks hollowed out. there are deep bags underneath his eyes, and his skin is paler than ever. he’s distracted whenever you speak to him, no longer as attentive as he used to be. his expressions have shifted from calm, to blank. he no longer tutors other students or helps them practice their spells, instead isolating himself in his room to ‘study’. often, you see him scrawling away in a book he always carries on him. he eats less, sleeps even worse. though he was never the most talkative, he enjoyed sitting down with other students and listening in, hearing what was going on all around the school. now, he no longer shows up. with noble bell being relatively small, everyone knew everyone, and word always spread fast. so do the rumours about rollo and his health, but no one who goes in to check on him succeeds in breaking through his hell. your words don’t seem to get through to him, either.
one day, he sits you down, and rollo asks you a question. how do you feel about magic? you must not have given the right answer because, at the end of your conversation, he simply tells you that he’s sorry for you. one day, you’ll understand. then, he will come to you again. after that, while rollo never grows unkind, is never mean or dismissive to you, there’s a distance. a gap you simply cannot bridge. as he moves up in the ranks of the school ever further, climbing up to the rank of council president, you are left below.
when you are both third-years, you only observe rollo from a distance. he carries the bell around his neck and the staff in his hand like a burden. he has grown taller, yet skinnier. to you, he has become unrecognizable. the rough lines of the person he was are still there, at his core, he’s still the same, but the details- the way he carries himself, the way his expressions shift, the way he speaks to others... have been altered. looking at him hurts, but your efforts have long since been futile. when you speak of him, you no longer call him by his name, but rather refer to him as the president.
how do you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved?
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anzulvr · 5 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 04 ୨୧
Prev || 04 Oblivious || Next
— Since the entire student council was present and the library was notably crowded with students who had signed up for the lecture, [Name] entered the library on her own.
She felt guilty, having to ditch her plans with Karma after an unresolved argument they decided to brush over. To make matters worse, she has to sit through a two-hour session and watch Ren shamelessly flirt with every girl in the room. On the brighter side, this ordeal counted towards her volunteer hours.
"You're late. You missed my introductory speech."
"My fault, I'll make up for it by working extra hard!"
She mentally thanked Karma for convincing her take the longer route, saying, "It's not a big deal if you're 10 minutes late... or 30." It was impressive how Gakushuu's speeches managed to put her to sleep every time, missing it was a win in her book.
Koyama called him over, something about a broken printer and an angry librarian.
 ...aaand she was all alone again.  [Name] decided to go check on the group at the back table.
"Oh, [Name] made it—she can help us!" The first year, Chisa blissfully smiled.
"But I wanted Asano to help. [Name] could you please ask him to?" Chisa's friend insisted, clearly not as enthusiastic about the anyone-whose-not- Asano's arrival.
[Name] tried not to let it bother her, being the only girl in the student council came with a lot of pressure.
She’s just as helpful and capable as the rest of the group but no one seems to acknowledge it. Everyone calls them the “Big Five” even though there’s technically six of them as her scores tie with Seo.
"He's busy with Koyama, but maybe later."
The girl groaned and sulked laying her head on the table. Chisa looked apologetic for her friends dramatics. [Name] offered them a polite smile and said, "Let's get through your assignments then."
After half an hour of helping the girls turn in missing work, [Name] decided to take a short break. She left for an empty table in the very corner of the room, the short break turned into a long one when she got distracted texting Karma.
‧₊˚ Message Log ‧₊˚
[Name]: can we talk? im super bored!!
Karma: Whose fault is that?
Karma: should have ditched to be with me the whooleee day
[Name]: ugghhh don't. Can you believe I still have another hour of this 
[Name]: anyway what are you doing?
Karma: I bumped into Nagisa on my way back from the library
Karma: now were at Maehara's house with Rio and Fuwa.
[Name]: Rio?? That one beautiful, smart, sweet, blonde girl in your class?
Karma: Sounds like you like her alot.
[Name]: She makes me nervous
Karma: Hey that's how you used to talk about me before we went out
[Name]: I can hear the disappointment through the text lmaoo
‧₊˚ Message End ‧₊˚
"You haven't even been here for an hour and you’re already slacking off on your phone?"
"Gakushuu! Geez you came out of nowhere." [Name] shut her phone off and patted the seat next to her.
To her surprise he slumped down next to her instead of insulting her and walking off, like he usually does.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm exhausted to say the least. This was a stupid idea no one is making progress, well no one but Ren, he managed to pick up quite a few desperate ones today."
"That's not completely true, I helped Chisa and her friend turn their C's to A's. As much as I hate being here it's not useless. Useless was the Bakesale we tried last year where the cupcakes we sold tasted like horse crap. It was funny watching people pretend to love them and hold back the throw up because they came from you."
"Could of stopped at the first half, but thanks, I think. My father said I wasn't being organized enough, that this would be a failure on my half and an embarrassment on his."
"That's a little harsh, you're doing your best and you've done more than anyone else in the council. Ren's been giving out his number more than he's been lecturing, Seo has been in the bathroom for 20 minutes, Teppei has been stuck on the same group this entire time and to be honest Koyama is hard to look at. Im pretty sure I saw the girl he was teaching closing her eyes while he was talking."
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
"You're right I'll go yell at them in a few. It's not a big deal though, My father has said much worse."
"To be fair, I haven't exactly kept my promise either. Hard work turned into hiding in a corner to text my b- actually I should get back to work, actions speak louder than words!" [Name] stood up to leave. Asano grabbed her sleeve, it was impulsive and the immediateness of it made it all the more awkward."
"Uh, Asano? Is there something you still need?" She crinkled her eyebrows.
His cheeks became somewhat pink, [Name] thought he couldn’t have been blushing, maybe it was allergies.
“No, just don't get distracted on your phone again."
"Yeah Ive got it!" She waved him off and went back to work, 
Gakushuu sat there slightly conflicted with his thoughts and his feelings, He faulted the all nighter he pulled last night, sleep deprivation does negatively impact mind clarity. He decided he should get back to work too.
Meanwhile ☆ ༄
"Let me get this straight, instead of asking me like normal people the class collectively decided to stalk [Name] and I?"
"Pretty much... but I was against it the entire time!" Nagisa replied sheepishly, to his surprise Karma's response was a relaxed nod.
"You're acting weirdly cool about this."
It sent a shiver down his spine, in a weird way Karma was scarier when he didn't react. Not knowing what he's thinking was an uncomfortable feeling.
"It's not a big deal- unless you guys tell people, that's when things will leak."
Fuwa's voice highers a few octaves in concern "What things?!" 
"Telling you would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it?”
Maehara, reckless as always chimes in “I wanted to go and see [Name] but I couldn't. We were almost a thing before you stole her ya know?"
Nagisa, being the good friend he is, rushes in to save him "That's not it at all! Isogai told us she rejected him a bunch of times since he's a womanizer!"
"I'm not a womanizer, I'm smooth."
"Smooth is the surface of the floor you'll be on when I knock your sorry ass out."
Maehara quickly moves behind Rio who changes the subject with a flood of questions;
"How long have you been dating? Why would anyone go out with you? Did you scare her into saying yes?"
"I’ll tell you if you buy me soba. Better question is: Why wouldn't someone go out with me? I’m tall, handsome, smart, charismatic… and I have a sick spice collection.”
“Im also all of those things.” Maehara jokes, cautiously this time, using Rio as a human shield.
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