#i feel like Chuuya enjoys cuddles a lot
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swagpatrolkitten · 4 months ago
Day 18 of @featheryphoenix skktober!!
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literatureloverx · 6 months ago
this might sound odd or silly but i have always thought that a person’s sleeping position tells a lot about them - and since you’re very good with fedya and have a good grasp of his character i’ve been wondering; how do you think him and his darling sleep? does he let you cuddle up to him? does he spoon you? does he prefer keeping his space? or does he want to feel his darling close even during sleep?
Wow, such a thrilling request. ♥️
I made this for all the BSD men I’m currently writing for because I could already sense the requests that would come in if I only wrote for Fedya…
So, enjoy, my dear. ♥️
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some BSD men being big babies (Dazai), some suggestive undertones, fluff.
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BSD MEN x sleeping positions with their darlings
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
I can totally see him as the dominant, protective type of big spoon.
He’d hold you close, his beloved princess, with his arms wrapped around you, burying his nose into your fresh-scented hair and neck.
The sound of your steady breathing would be so adorable and soothing to him.
He doesn’t sleep much, but when he does, he loves doing it with you.
He always feels more refreshed sleeping by your side than alone.
Having never been used to a clear routine, his cold heart warms at the sense of peace and consistency he finds with you—sleeping together being one of those cherished moments.
I don’t see him being strictly against cuddles, but he definitely likes to be in control of the situation and values his personal space.
That’s why he prefers being the big spoon—it gives him a sense of comfort and control. It would also be more comfortable for him if you didn’t overwhelm him with cuddles, allowing him to initiate physical affection on his terms.
He’s a very quiet and still sleeper, preferring when you stay in your place, right where you belong, close to him.
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Dazai Osamu
Dazai is the kind of man who GLOWS under your affection, radiating a feeling that might even come close to a will to live—or maybe not.
If you want to cuddle him, he’s all in, making the most adorable and exaggerated noises when you shower him with love before bed.
Most of the time, I see him as the little spoon, soaking up your warmth.
But when the day—or Dazai—has exhausted you, he’d switch to being the big spoon, extra clingy, hugging you from behind (especially if you’re trying to escape his endless affection).
Then there are those days... when he trusts you more deeply, when his heart aches silently, when his depression weighs on him.
When he’s afraid but doesn’t show it, feeling empty, but you’re the one keeping that emptiness at bay.
On those nights, he’d want to face you, watching you intensely as you sleep, making sure you won’t disappear like Odasaku did.
He’d stay awake all night, keeping an eye on you, unable to rest until you wake up and coax him into sleep with melatonin spray and soft, loving kisses.
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Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya loves holding you close, but what he loves even more is feeling like your big, tall, strong man.
He still makes you feel completely protected.
That’s why he’d either be the big spoon or have you sleep on his chest, the latter being more likely.
His strong arms would wrap around you possessively while your head rests on his chest, moving gently with each breath. He adores watching you fall asleep and only rests after seeing you completely relaxed. He’s entirely captivated by you, loving every second.
When spooning, his face is buried in your neck, breathing in your scent with possessive tenderness.
Occasionally, he might nip or kiss your neck, not to tease but simply because he can’t resist the urge.
He sleeps quietly, barely moving, and keeps the AC on just so you cling to him more—he loves every bit of it.
He’s all in for you, and in private, you have free rein to do whatever you like; he's always happy to be close to you.
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Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai thrives on surprises and excitement, making sleep a challenge when he’s around.
He finds sleeping dull and would rather engage in playful antics with you.
When you lie down, expect a mischievous smirk on his face as he tries to keep you awake with jokes, riddles, and philosophical debates.
His presence will be impossible to ignore—whether he's spooning you or not, your legs will always be intertwined.
He’ll roll around in bed, pulling you close and protesting dramatically if you try to move away.
Nikolai’s antics ensure that you can't escape his playful demands.
Just give in to his whims and enjoy the playful chaos, and maybe he’ll eventually get bored and let you sleep.
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Akutaga Ryuunosuke
He is distant, even when he wishes that he could be less stiff at your side.
He sleeps motionless, without cuddling you, spooning you, or doing anything else. He just lies there, staring at the ceiling.
If you wish to cuddle him, I see him being totally okay with that because you’re in private, in your shared bed, and he actually does love it—he’s simply not good at voicing his true feelings.
He loves it when you cuddle him and spoon him without him having to ask or face you while you’re sleeping.
He won’t tell you that, but it won’t change the fact that he prefers sleeping with you rather than by himself.
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animeyanderelover · 3 months ago
Can I request the pregnancy HCs with female Darling and characters from: D.Gray-Man - Millennium Earl (human form), Tyki Mikk, Komui Lee, Kanda Yuu, and Allen Walker; BSD- Mori?
Tw: Yandere themes, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, baby-trapping, pregnancy, birth
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Pregnancy Hc's
Mori Ougai
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🍷​Fom only observing the way Mori interacts with Elise you have always known that the Mafioso has a weak spot for doting on a little girl. He adores buying frilly dresses and cute outfits and even you aren't spared from being dolled up in the clothes that he wastes a lot of his money on. There has always been a hint of fear within you, a wriggling anxiety that comes alive within you whenever Mori muses during tea and cake time that he adores the thought of having a sweet baby girl of his own. Elise's jealous reaction and the way your body stiffens are always sights that he enjoys to observe but he has never gone further than voicing those little fantasies of his. The decision that he wants a little baby of his own is something Mori makes all by himself without telling you at all. You are left within the dark, ever so slightly skittish and anxious and this is exactly the position that Mori wants you in. With a mind ever so sharp and with eyes always watching you he notices the first symptoms before you do. Only when you're hunched over the toilet and empty your lunch within the bowl do you finally realise the situation you are in all whilst Mori cooes gently at you, a thrilled grin on his face.
🍷​Every little grain of freedom you might have had vanishes in front of your eyes just like that. Used to Mori's normally possessive behavior your utter and complete isolation this time around is partially fueled by his protective instincts. Confident yet not cocky, Mori always calculates the possible equation that something might happen, no matter how insignificant that chance is. Absolutely no information about your pregnancy is shared as only Chuuya and Kouyou find out about it from Mori himself, tasked with keeping an eye on you, especially if he himself can't be with you. Their lips are sealed tightly as they share those news with no one, not until Mori himself should decide that it is time to announce the joyous news. Kouyou in particular is someone Mori has a lot of faith in and her calm yet firm exterior proves to be very effective when your hormones get the better of you. Chuuya is a little hothead, unfamiliar with pregnancy and on how to deal with a pregnant woman yet he wouldn't let anything or anyone touch you if Mori tells him to protect you. Weirdly enough you do appreciate his short temper as it feels refreshing from Mori who always seems to be ten steps ahead.
🍷It is painfully obvious that Mori wishes feverently for the baby to be a little girl. He would adore nothing more than a little princess he can spoil and cuddle and dote on as much as his heart desires. Still, he knows that mere wishing will not give him a daughter so as soon as it is possible he determines whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. He cannot deny that even he feels the anticipation getting the better of him as he waits for the results. The moment he figures out that the baby will be a sweet, little girl he is unable to keep his giddiness contained. Creepily excited giggles escape his lips as he smothers you in kisses, his gloved hands eagerly rubbing over your belly which will swell over time with the daughter he cannot wait to see and hold. Within the same day where he has the biological sex confirmed he starts preparing the nursery. Now that he knows for certain that it'll be a girl he decorates the entire room as girlish as possible. The walls are painted pink, ribbons are hung up everywhere and he buys an entire amount of cute plushies for the baby. Elise complains about it to him, wants some plushies too and whilst Mori does buy her another one, he never gives her those he has bought for his baby.
🍷As a former military doctor there is some knowledge about the human body that Mori already possesses. Most of the times he is the one overlooking how your pregnancy is going as the thought of letting someone else that close to your stomach and touching it fills him with seething envy. It is only his privilege to rub your belly and feel the little girl within moving and during every medical check-up he is far more touchy than necessary, his hands never leaving your belly. You have always considered him as someone who has a hard time keeping his hands to himself before you were pregnant but now it feels especially exhausting and annoying. He doesn't want to miss the first little kicks of his baby, doesn't want to miss the way your belly will swell with his daughter so Mori is pretty much glued to your hips. Every time he has to leave you he laments dramatically about the absence between him and his two princesses, spends minutes smothering you and your belly in kisses before he leaves and even though he may only be gone for a few hours he acts like he'll be gone for months. You try to get the most out of those few hours before Mori returns, touch-starved as if he hasn't seen you in forever.
🍷He cannot get enough of the way your body changes during pregnancy, his heart always throbbing within his chest when he looks at you. The clothes he has you wearing during pregnancy are meant to enhance those changes within your body, especially from your babybump he can't get enough. One of his hands is always caressing over the stretched skin without fail, every little movement from within adding to his growing anticipation. Elise is disgusted yet jealous of the exaggerated attention and affection that baby receives despite not even being born yet, childish glares thrown your way though she would never dare to do anything. He reacts with the same giddiness when he feels her kicking around as he did when he first felt her moving, every movement from his daughter special to him. He's brainstormed for names already the moment he knew you were expecting and has an entire mental list with names for his girl by now. It is hard for him to settle for one final name though as all the names he has chosen sound cute and it is perhaps the only time during your pregnancy that he lets you decide something as he asks you for your opinion on it.
🍷The closer your due date crawls the more visibly fidgety Mori grows like a child on Christmas Eve waiting for its presents. To his greatest sorrow the little girl ends up being a few days overdue, painful hours he has to spend waiting for her arrival. Already his little princess seems to test him. When your labour pains finally happen 5 days after the estimated due date he glues himself to your side, unable to keep the grin out of his face as he knows that soon he will finally hold his precious princess in his arms. Your birth is the only time he allows a few other doctors around you, all women as he would undoubtedly slit a man's throat open if he were to let another man see you in such beautiful agony and let another man hold his daughter for the first time. He is sickeningly sweet throughout the entire labour, encouraging you to keep going and that it'll soon be all over. He is visibly shaking with giddiness and adoration when his princess is finally born, immediately taking her out of the nurse's hold the moment he knows that she is healthy and cleaned. A wet shimmer in his eyes as he cooes sweetly at her, already willing to burn down entire cities to keep this precious bundle safe.
Allen Walker
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🔴Poor Allen is not exactly the wisest when it comes to recognising the signs of pregnancy when they start appearing but to be fair, neither are you. Children have been a topic that the both of you have discussed a few times already with both of you arriving at the conclusion that neither one of you would mind but you have never specified when exactly the two of you were planning on having a baby. When your appetite starts increasing Allen is mildly baffled but quickly starts embracing your new surge in hunger, gladly sharing his food with you. It's eventually you who realises that something seems to be different as your period has been missing for quite some time now. You make the mistake of mentioning your suspicions to Allen whilst he is eating, causing the poor man to nearly choke to death whilst Timcanpy flatters around his coughing form clearly panicked. When he has finally stopped choking he just looks at you with wide eyes, the shock and surprise written all over his face. His brain needs a few moments to process your words, the silence only making you slightly nervous before he asks you with teary eyes if you're sure. The moment you confirm he starts shedding tears.
🔴Allen is elated with the news that he is going to be a father yet at the same time there is another part of him which is terrified as the realisation sickers in that he is going to have a child. He has left the Black Order, a Noah lives inside of him and he has currently more enemies than he has friends. How is he going to give his child a happy life? If there is one thing that Allen has always wanted for his own child is the innocent and happy upbringing that he could have never had yet now that future he has envisoned for a baby of his own is threatened and it fills him with guilt as he can't help but feel like he has already failed. Still, he decides to let none of that show when he is with you as he doesn't want you to think that he doesn't want this baby with you. His clinginess and his desire to protect you increase the moment he knows about the fact that you are expecting which leads him to never let you out of his sight as the two of you wander through the cities. There is a ball of stress and anxiety coiling within his chest as he has to watch out for so many threats all at once which could all harm you or the baby. Over time Allen becomes almost hyper-aware of his surroundings, always on the lookout.
🔴Despite the overall cluelessness that he has though all of your struggles are met with nothing but sympathy and understanding. Allen is far too enamored with you, especially as you grow heavier with his child. Whenever you get mad as your pregnancy hormones get the better of you and you let part of your anger out on him even though he has done nothing wrong he just sits there quietly and allows you to express your frustration and rage, a warm glimmer in his eyes. When you start crying for no apparent reason he does his everything to cheer you up even if he has to make a fool out of himself. Your appetite only increases as the months go by and he never once utters as much as a single complaint about your seemingly bottomless stomach. He knows very well that he has no right to talk, realises that perhaps it is because you carry his child that you experience his hunger which is why he encourages you to eat as much as you want. He even gives you portions of his own food so that you can eat more even if he has to eat less. You come up with some pretty interesting food combinations during your pregnancy but he always tries them with a smile on his face.
🔴I always like to imagine that due to Allen and Nea both existing within his body and mind that the Noah has also developed an obsession with you or perhaps it was even he who got obsessed first and dragged Allen into it. If Allen is the bright side then Nea is the dark side as both of them are essentially like Jekyll and Hyde. Allen despite his increased need to keep you close and protected tries to give you still enough freedom so that you can be happy as well. Nea always attempts to interfere with such decisions as he desires to keep you right next to him, his whispers constantly attempting to influence Allen or to even take over. It may happen that there are a few moments where the Noa takes over, Allen's grip on you suddenly tightening as golden eyes seemingly pierce through your soul, his hands gingerly caressing the curve of your tummy as a smug and satisfied look appears on his face. From all potential dangers which might happen to you Nea is the one Allen is the most aware of and it always spooks him when the man resurfaces and seizes control of his body. To Allen this baby is the physical manifestation of your shared love. For Nea it is a claim of possession of you, a way to control you.
🔴It becomes very obvious that you are unable to walk a lot of distance the further you are along as your body tires more easily. Whenever Allen notices your exhaustion he simply starts carrying you, muttering an apology into the crown of your head as he searches for a good place for you to rest. He knows that he needs to find a place for you to settle, a place where you can give birth and recover from it afterwards. He needs an experienced doctor and nurses just as much as he doesn't know how to help deliver a baby. There is no expectation within him that me will find a place where neither the Black Order nor the Noah family will find him but he at the very least needs a place where he can have you rest for a few months after you have given birth. Both of you find shelter in a small village within a forest where an elderly couple allows the both of you to stay in the room that used to belong to their child. Nea obviously distrusts, doesn't want other people around you but Allen wills himself to ignore those whispers as he accepts the offer gratefully, helping the couple in return as a way to pay them back whilst you rest for the final weeks of your pregnancy.
🔴The older woman actually recognises the early signs of labour within you and the moment she mentions that to the two of you Allen is practically already out of the door to retrieve the midwife. He panics, anxious since he left your side as he urges her to walk faster and at one point he is that close to simply lift her up and carry you to the house so that he can be quicker by your side again. When he returns Timcanpy is circling around your head, his wings flapping fast as an indicator of his own nervousness. Still, the golden ball tries to encourage you in his own ways as he rubs against your head to emotionally support you. Every time the pain gets too much for you and you let out a hiss or a scream Allen winces, increasingly light-headed and dizzy as the hours pass. He would never forgive himself if he were to faint here though, especially since you are the one in pain right now and not him. His heart is in his throat, his palms clammy by the time the baby is finally born and his shoulders sag visibly with relief when he hears that you and his son are both safe. He insists that you hold the baby first as you have done all the work, eyes shining with unshed tears as the boy is laid on your chest.
Kanda Yu
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💙​Yu has never really talked about his dreams with you before. Perhaps because he has never deemed it as necessary in a business with such a high death rate or because he simply doesn't have any visions for his future as he onl focuses on killing Akuma. His only real desire is for you to stay with him, emotions far too irritating and unneeded for someone who is normally as calculated and cold-hearted as he is. He is keenly aware that there is something that you are hiding from him. He senses the nervous glances you give him whenever you believe him not to notice, picks up on the way your body nervously shuffles around when the both of you are alone. Believing it to be nothing too urgent though he simply decides to wait for a while to see if you'll gather the courage to talk to him as he doesn't always want to be the one who has to force you to spill everything as it can be annoying at times. From everything that you could have told him though he didn't even consider the topic of pregnancy, blue eyes fixed on your nervous form before slowly trailing down to your stomach. The silence is thick and painful but even more is his exit as he doesn't utter a single word.
💙​A child is something which Yu has never even considered before as it has never been something he saw himself desiring. Children are loud, annoying, take patience and understanding to raise. Qualities which he doesn't believe himself to possess. Even though he isn't going to be truthful about it, Yu is actually questioning how good of a parent he could even be. He has sacrificed people around him all in the name of slaying Akuma as for him it has never been much about saving people but more about ridding the world of the greater evil. Now suddenly there is his own child present in his mind, his memories resurfacing of times where he couldn't save a child's parents or even the child itself as he instead chose to focus on killing instead of saving. Memories that have never haunted him much before suddenly weigh much more than he can remember, dragging him down into the inner hell of his own thoughts. Yu finds himself deeply buried within his own mind the following days. He doesn't even say a single word about your pregnancy as he acts like you never told him this and it secretly torments you on the inside as you wonder if he doesn't want this child.
💙​Still, you seem to know better than to pester him about this. So you let him sink into the depths of his mind where he spends a lot of time in. It's not an easy decision for him as he spends a lot of time doubting and second-guessing. Even so, after the initial shock passes Yu finds himself much more protective around you. He always seems to be somewhere in the shadows, unwilling to appear as overbearing yet at the same time unable to let you leave his gaze. He approaches you eventually though after he has finally managed to sort his own emotions and thoughts out and asks you how you are feeling about the situation and what you want to do. He listens to your own opinion and he even confesses his own thoughts about the pregnancy, clarifies to you about all the potential hardships that may arise, especially since he is lucid enough to know that his love isn't something you are comfortable with. The final decision he leaves up to you though and he is actually surprised when you decide after a lot of consideration that you want to keep the child. He masks that shock very well though and gives you a sharp nod, silently acknowledging that this is your decision.
💙​Yu doesn't plan to tell anyone within the Black Order just yet about your pregnancy. He can already estimate how people like Allen, Lavi and Lenalee would react and the last thing that he needs right now is a bunch of annoying brats pestering him about the pregnancy and cornering you. No, he takes the time after you have made your decision so that the both of you can figure things out and come up with a stable plan on how to proceed in the future. Neither one of you planned for this baby so both of you are utterly underprepared. Komui is the first person who finds out about your pregnancy and even he isn't able to hide the brief hint of surprise on his face. Yu ignores any cutting snark that he would like to give when he notices the amused twinkle in Komui's eyes. He's here to plan for a few days of break around your estimated due date and not to get into a petty fight that would leave him undoubtedly with a headache. Komui agrees to his requests, promises the Exorcist to see it through that Yu won't have any assigned missions to allow him to spend some time with you after you have given birth. A few curtly words of gratitude is all he receives in return though for Yu's terms that is a lot.
💙​If there are missions assigned to him during the following months Yu still completes them but there is a sense of urgency to finish them that has never been there before. He's a lot less tolerant of any bullshit his assigned team members may commit and he ends up hurting someone's feeling when he lashes out on whoever stalled the mission unnecessarily because they couldn't pull themselves together. When he isn't on missions he spends most of his time with you, his protective feelings growing alongside with your belly. He's usually always trailing behind you when you decide to take a walk, sharp eyes observing everything within your surroundings and the moment an unfamiliar face approaches you he appears behind you. You're kept away from his friends as much as possible simply because Yu is not in the mood for them to crowd around you and pester him and you both with their congratulations and questions. You may tolerate that but he surely won't. Over time he does warm up to the thought of the child but he is far from feeling like he is ready to be a father. The thought of having a family of his own still seems so unreal yet with every week that idea gets closer to becoming a reality.
💙​The closer you get to your due date the more he seems to be filled with a sense of unease. When he is excused from his work for a while until you have given birth Yu initially doesn't even know what to do with himself. He knows that he is very close to being a father and that thought fills him with many negative but also some positive feelings. When your water breaks and you are in the throes of labour he sits stiffly by your side, allowing you to clutch his hands tightly as he monitors the midwife and her every move very closely. He has never been the best when it comes to comforting you as he usually sucks it all up and locks it away which he knows you cannot do. So instead of saying something which may only hurt your feelings he decides to say nothing, only occasionally asking the midwife how everything is processing and how close you are to giving birth. The tension doesn't leave his muscles even after you deliver your son safely, blue eyes alert as he inspects the midwife closely as she handles the baby before handing the little boy to you. The reality of the situation still needs a couple of moments to settle in before he finally releases a long breath he has been holding in, finally allowing himself to relax.
Komui Lee
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👓​It is perhaps easy to forget that hidden beneath that lazy and whimsical attitude is a person who is not only the Chief Officer of the Black Order but also the Branch Head of the European Branch. Truly, with Komui's downright maniacal behavior it is sometimes hard to acknowledge that he is a man with such a high position, especially for newbies. Yet there is a very different side that Komui reveals when the time calls for it and it is in such moments that even you are reminded that there is far more hidden than the goofy facade that he often exhibits. In itself Komui doesn't have anything against the thought of having children. A part of him even wants it actively. Another part of him is terrified though. What if his children grow up to be Exorcists? What if something happens to them? There would be no greater pain than having to witness the funeral of your own child after all. Life isn't that easy sadly, not with the Akuma and the Noah family and even the unethical methods of the Black Order who sacrifices the lives of other Exorcists for the greater cause. I do not believe the pregnancy to be an accident though as Komui is too careful for such a thing to happen without it having been planned.
👓​There is no spontaneous path that leads to you expecting a baby of his. In fact preparations have begun weeks before you were even confirmed to be pregnant as Komui and you had rather long discussions with each other where you found yourself exposed to a sober and serious side of him you very rarely witnessed. He's very vulnerable and see-through with you during such conversations as he admits his worries to you. A lot of things have to be weighted, a lot of plans are crafted before before both of you make the mutual decision to still try for a baby even if the world isn't quite as safe as it could be. That only serves as a motivation for Komui to work harder to create a safe environment for his child as soon as it is officially confirmed that you are expecting a baby. The fact that both of you have been planning for this for such a long time allows him to just fully embrace his happiness and joy instead of dwelling on doubts and fears of all the risks since he has already confessed all of it to you before. His reaction is as quirky and dramatic as everyone is used to as he actually gives the doctor a tight hug with tears in his eyes. Safe to say, everyone in the building hears his shouts of happiness.
👓​If you are an Exorcist it is safe to say that all missions for you are cancelled for a very long time and if anyone dares to object to Komui's decision they will get a short glimpse of his very protective and serious side which is sure to leave them baffled and shocked. Lenalee has most likely already known about the fact that both of you have been trying for a baby so the news aren't necessarily a shock for her but she is still happily surprised when she hears it. She quickly searches for the both of you and congratulates you for soon being parents. The poor girl has to endure having her ears talked off though because as soon as she is with Komui he instantly starts rambling about you. He has a very bad habit of gushing to everyone he works closely with about you and your pregnancy but Lenalee gets the most of it. During a scan fairly early in your pregnancy it is actually revealed that you are expecting twins and those news send Komui straight to the floor, his hands clutching his heart as if he has gone into cardiac arrest. His body twitches as incoherent mumbles leave his lips and it takes Lenalee literally kicking his ass awake for him to return to his senses.
👓​His poor co-workers have to essentially become professional hunters from that day on as Komui constantly tries to escape all the paperwork to spend his time with you. They have to chase him down whenever he attempts to flee to spend his time with you and his growing twins and one time he got extremely silly and tried to crawl through the ventilation shaft to reach you only to get stuck halfway. It is a story no one in this order will ever let him live down as it took five Exorcists to pull him out of there because he absolutely screamed in terror when Kanda stoicly stated that he'd just cut the wall open with no regards of whether Komui would come out unharmed or not. To tame his silly antics you start to help him in his office to keep you busy somewhat now that you can't go on any missions anyways. Or you just spend your time talking to the phone with him though that actually only distracts him more. Additionally he is like a waterfall as the words never stop pouring out of the speaker to the point where you sometimes walk away to do something all whilst he continues to ramble. It takes him minutes to realise that you aren't there on the other side anymore.
👓​He grows very touchy as soon as the bump starts to show. His behavior perhaps isn't quite fitting for the position that he has been given but whenever someone scolds him for his sappy antics he cries out that he is just human. He misses the first kicks of the babies due to being busy with work and it is your mistake to tell him this when he gets back home. He acts like he has been robbed of his most precious treasure, pouts the entire week after and cries to everyone who is unfortunate to cross his path that such a special moment has been stolen from him all because of the papaerwork he has to do. As foolish as Komui may look, he has a very detailed plan for you and all the medical check-ups that you need during your pregnancy as well as maternity leave and even the midwives who will assist you during birth. It's because he has already planned out all the important details and has scheduled everything thoroughly that he can allow himself to be so sappy in the first place. He sucks at choosing names though. It's not like he doesn't have an entire list of names he has thought about but he is just so utterly unable to choose that you have to step in and even let Lenalee help you to pick two names.
👓​The closer you get to your due date the more antsy Komui seems to get. He tries to soothe his nerves by drinking coffee but unfortunately this only has the opposite effect as he gets even more squirrelly as a result. He can barely focus on his work by now as he needs to read everything twice to let the words sicker in, his mind filled with you. When your water breaks he rushes so fast to your side that he actually trips and lands flat on his face only to wave all worries off even though his face is red from landing on the hard floor. He's experiencing a surge of adrenaline that has him forgetting all about the pain in that moment. It's comedical to see how hard he is trying to comfort you all whilst he is trembling like a leaf in the winds of autumn, his palms growing sweatier the longer contractions last. It actually helps you through the pain as his jittery exterior amuses you as it creates the impression that you are for more composed than he is right now. He is unable to stop gushing over the little girl and boy as soon as they are out of you, rivers of tears flowing down his cheeks that won't stop no matter how much he rubs them dry with the sleeves of his uniform.
The Millenium Earl
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🎃​As patriarch of the Noah Clan the Earl already has a big family with which he spends all of his time with. A life with him is rather unique as it is since his Noah form and his human form are so jarringly different to each other. His Noah form is very likely to frighten you a tad bit since it looks less human-like and every sweet word of his almost sounds like a honeyed threat to you. In his human form you feel better. As Adam he is softer, sweeter though also far more clingy and even more obsessed with having you close to him. There is a level of trust and vulnerability that he reveals to you as Adam though, something other Noah tend to criticise him for as they don't think that he should hand as much of his heart to you as he does. That's why you are very aware of Adam's wish to have a little child with you, to create a new life in this new era where all of them have been reincarnated in and have reunited once more. He would never force you but at the same time he is ever so slightly desperate with the thought, his heart longing for a baby to raise and cherish with you. Subtle pressure from his pleas increases when you are around other Noah who all seem to expect from you to fulfill his wish.
🎃​All members of the Noah family seem to share a very special connection with their kin. That's why I like to believe that they're able to sense the new creation of a being that carries their blood in its veins inside of your womb long before you are even suspecting anything. You are slightly shaken when you notice how they start to peer at you, especially at your stomach. It isn't until Adam himself slowly goes down on his knees, tears in his eyes as his fingers reverently run over your stomach as he senses the new life that your body will nourish and grow. His voice is thick with emotions as he glances up at you, thanking you for the new life that your body is bearing and only then do you finally realise what is going on and why everyone has been staring at you so much as of lately. Now, as much as other Noah may dislike you due to being a human, the moment they all know that you are expecting the Earl's child they all grow very protective of you and the little thing currently developing within your body. People like Road are much more amicable to you though. She's the first person from the Noah that actually walks over to you and congratulates you for being a mama-to-be.
🎃​The little freedom that you have fought so hard for slips right through your fingers. Everyone is against the idea of you being supervised by yourself and whilst Adam is not as strict with his words it is very obvious that he still shares the same mindset as everyone else in this family. He is terrified of anything happening to you as well as to the little baby within you that he already loves so painfully much. Considering that Adam is able to sense the sorrow of other people he is especially prone to being affected by your emotions and as pregnancy proves to make you especially emotional at times he seems to suffer alongside with you. It doesn't even matter how silly whatever it is that you are sad about he is emotionally right with you. It is slightly annoying but also weirdly comforting in a way to you as he supports you through your sorrow and tries to cheer you up with whatever methods he can think of. Often he resorts to using Lero as a way to cheer you up as he knows that you are rather fond of his golem. It is rather amusing though to see the flabbergasted reaction of Lero when he is told that you are expecting Adam's child as he is the last one from everyone to find out.
🎃​All of the medical attention that you receive is from someone within the Noah Clan. Overall no one would trust a human to assist in your pregnancy as well as your birth when it comes to a child from the Noah family, especially since it is the Earl's child that you are carrying. Wisely turns out to know surprisingly enough as he always inherits the memories of all of his previous incarnations and Road knows the one or other thing too considering that she is one of the oldest despite her young appearance. Even without any previous knowledge regarding pregnancy everyone from the Noah family always seems to know roughly whether or not the little one growing within you is healthy or not though and all of that because they can tell through the connection that they share through their blood. It makes you very susceptible for criticism from their side though as soon as they should sense that the baby isn't feeling well though one soft warning uttered from the Earl is usually more than enough to make all of them shut up. The Earl is even able to perceive the sadness of the baby at one point. His baby is always sad when you are as well as if sensing the sorrow of its mother.
🎃​Adam adores the way your body changes in order to nurture a new life within your womb. He makes it a point to constantly tell you just how beautiful you are right now, fulfilling a miracle by bearing his baby. He gets very emotional whenever he feels the baby kicking within you, his palms rubbing with tender eagerness over your baby bump to feel the movements of the baby. Technically he can sense if the fetus is healthy or not but feeling the pressure of their limbs from within is a tangible proof that tells him that his child is happy and healthy within you. He converses a lot with your belly as he wants the baby to get used to his voice, to remember it from their time within your womb after you give birth. He even sometimes reads to you and the child on nights when the little one is especially active and keeps you from getting the rest that you need the further you get. It works though. The baby within you starts to recognise his voice at one point, soothed by the loving and gentle tone of his words as they stop their uncomfortable kicks and movements only moments after Adam starts talking to them. Witnessing how much they love his voice has his heart brimming with love that he can't wait to give his baby.
🎃​Every member of the family gifts you and the baby something. Road for example gifts you and the baby matching outfits she has sewed herself as well as a little plushie for the baby, also handmade by her. When your due date gets closer, Adam starts gluing himself to your side. His heart is filled with a mixture of anticipation, excitement and silent fear. He knows how painful labour is for a woman and even though it is the natural order of a new life to enter the physical world his heart is aching nevertheless for you. His grip on your hand is almost equally as tight as yours when contractions finally start and remember that he even holds his strength back as otherwise he might shatter every bone in your arm. Tears are in his eyes as he watches you endure the pain of delivering his child, his lips constantly pressing kisses against your sweaty face as he whispers praises and apologies against your ear. The tears start rolling the moment the shrill cry of the infant fills the room and Adam starts sobbing quietly when he sees the face of his little daughter for the first time. So small, so fragile and so precious that he is terrified to hold her at first, afraid to hurt the little love of his life.
Tyki Mikk
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🦋​Tyki himself has never indulged much in the thought of children before and neither has his Noah Joyd but all of that slowly seems to change the moment you stumble into the picture. You see, the Noah are the true Apostles of God and for that deep down there lies an innate desire to repopulate so that the world will be filled with the original humans. It's a slumbering desire that awakens over time within Joyd who desires to have you bear his child and it is Joyd's downright feral desire that forces Tyki to be aware of the lust of his Noah side. It's very hard to balance those desires out though as Joyd gets especially feral once he has your quivering body beneath him and purrs in your ears about his desire to see you carrying him a baby. It's hard to ignore those words of his and he knows that it will spook you out so soon after those previously slumbering urges have awoken Tyki decides to confess to you about the nature of his Noah. He confesses to you that he doubts that those desires will ever go away and though he himself wouldn't want to force you into giving him a child he is honest enough to admit to you that he doesn't know how long he can stop himself.
🦋​It is with a great amount of reluctance that you agree after a while to the idea of carrying him a baby. You may not understand everything about his family but you are smart enough to understand that Joyd is an ancient being that you cannot stop by yourself. The moment you have made up your mind Joyd instantly has you pressed beneath his body, golden eyes gleaming with lust and hunger. His dedication coupled with his stamina soon lead you exactly where he wants to have you. You're pregnant with his baby, his Noah blood sensing the little being of his flesh and blood. Smugness and satisfaction are all visible on his face as his golden eyes focus on your belly, a purr rumbling through his chest as his fingers dance over your belly. His brother is delighted when he hears the news and congratulates Tyki for his incoming fatherhood. Road ends up stealing you away whilst Sheril gives his brother some advice on how to be a good father though Tyki probably isn't buying anything. Road herself is quite excited since this baby is going to be her cousin but she seems to also understand that the circumstances that have led to this pregnancy aren't exactly something you expected.
🦋​Tyki has expected that his possessiveness would definitely receive a boost but perhaps even he underestimated just how much more possessive he would grow of you now that you are pregnant with his baby. He always wants you within sight of him, golden eyes always following you like a hawk whenever you move around the room. A desire he has always carried within his heart to care for you and protect you only blossoms further, thick vines that hold his heart in a chokehold. He starts doting on you and his baby growing within you a lot long before you even start showing. The entire family finds out soon after and whilst some members are more iffy about the thought of a human bearing someone of their bloodline as soon as the Earl chirps his congratulations no one would even think about voicing any criticism. Seeing his family react overall so positive definitely fills him with a sense of pride, at least from his Noah side. Tyki makes it a point to be as involved as possible in everything though. He builds the nursery, he helps to choose a name for the baby and he sees it through that he takes care of you as you grow heavier with his baby. He loves taking care of you as you grow more reliant on him.
🦋​It's undeniably Joyd speaking so clearly out of him whenever he confesses in a smooth voice to you that he adores to watch you growing less mobile which in return forces you to rely more on him. There's nothing more precious and beautiful than caring for you all whilst you bear him his lovely child. When he is Tyki things are more casual and occasionally even awkward as he finds himself a tiny bit overwhelmed at times when your hormones get the better of you but he never once strays from your side. He gets you the food that you want and even though he may give you a perplexed look when you combine some... unique flavors together he never criticises you for it as he's worried that he might hurt your feelings which are already all over the place. He isn't necessarily very strict when it comes to the stuff you eat during your pregnancy but he still sees it through that you consume the meals that he prepares for you, more nutritious and healthy for you and the baby than what you may consume otherwise. The moment your bump starts showing one of his hands always finds a way to your stomach, his fingers gingerly tracing over the growing curve as a low purr escapes him.
🦋​Your comfort is Tyki's priority and once the pregnancy starts putting a strain on your body and the little one starts getting more active within you he pays more attention to you than ever. He constantly offers to massage you the moment your body starts aching from the weight of your pregnancy, draws baths for you to allow you to relax for a while and he even allows his Teez to keep you company. They would never hurt you but they so nib playfully at you. They do possess more awareness than you might have given them previously credit for though as they often place themselves over your stomach in an almost protective manner. Almost equally as your physical comfort to him is your emotional well-being though. Especially Joyd needs you to realise just how beautiful you are at the moment for nurturing a little baby that will be all his and all yours. If he should sense any hint of insecurities within you due to the unfamiliar changes that your body goes through he would be more than willing to prove to you just how pretty you currently are in his eyes. You're nothing short of stunning as the sight of you swollen with his baby is absolutely lovely and delectable.
🦋​The process of birth would be interesting mainly because his abilities would technically allow him to pull the child out of your womb without you even having to go through any painful contractions. However, I do think that this is a situation where Tyki and Joyd would sort of clash against each other. Tyki is a human and even though he is no woman he still wishes to spare you from painful hours. Joyd is his Noah though who wants to see you go through the painful but also beautiful process of giving birth to a new life and unless it is an emergency he refuses to use his abilities on you. Let nature take its course like it has done for thousand of years now already. This could honestly end up either way depending on who ends up having the stronger will though if other Noah are present during birth they will most likely also insist on you giving birth the natural way unless complications should appear. The pride and joy that he feels dwelling up within his chest the moment his son is delivered is the same either way. Golden eyes are filled with affection for you and for the little boy, a deep purr rumbling through his chest as he wraps the baby and you protectively within his arms.
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lissrissye · 1 year ago
𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔭𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪… 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫?
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✿•˖* ㅤ synopsis ; they bought you makeup when you went shopping yesterday. you wanted to test it out on them because they had the perfect features! long eyelashes, plump lips, etc. (or you just did it for fun-)
✿•˖* notes ; i got lazy so i may or may not post the “they slap you during an argument”, sorry ya’ll ! 😭🙏💗
✿•˖* includes ; osamu dazai, nakahara chuuya, ryunosuke akutagawa, edgar allan poe, and fyodor~ ❥
✿•˖* genre ; sweet romance, fluff, safe for work !
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ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ is quite playful when you first asked if you could apply your makeup on him. He doesn’t mind at all, and he likes to play around with you as you test your makeup on him. He has soft, plump lips, so you decided putting some of your brand new lipsticks on him. The bratty brunette smudges the pink lipstick with his thumb once you take a step back to see how it looks. His specialty is to annoy you, really. Of course, you crossed you arms at him, but he just charmingly smirked at you in response, making your heart melt. —“Do I look like a beautiful princess?~”
You hated how he could just get away with anything with that smirk you loved oh too much. As you started to put eyeliner on your beloved, since he has perfect-shaped eyes, your beloved just decided to move around and mess you up. At this point, he was irritating you.
You had to offer him cuddles and kisses later for him to cooperate. You took a step back, taking a quick picture before you were about to wipe the makeup off him. However, he wanted to show it off… He ended up walking around Yokohama with the full-face of makeup on, not ashamed. You were humiliated by your detective lover’s behavior.
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ɴᴀᴋᴀʜᴀʀᴀ ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ is annoyed when you request to put your makeup on him. He accepted in the end, but it took a lot of begging—… you had to go on your knees and plead him with your sad, adorable puppy eyes. Your arrogant, ginger-haired boyfriend could never say “no” to you anyways, you were his only weakness. During the process, he would complain, grumble, or groan loudly to get your attention, trying to demonstrate just how much he doesn’t like this at all.
—“Just know I’m only doing this because I know nobody else would put up with this bullshit.” The Port Mafia executive spoke with his signature scowl as you put mascara on him. You know just how much he despised being or looking vulnerable and inferior, especially in front of you. Though, he secretly enjoys this moment because he’s with you. That was the one benefit to him in this. You didn’t notice it, but a soft smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as you were occupied looking for blush.
Once you turned around, he quickly dropped the grin of his and acted all tough and irritated again. He was trying not to smile so hard… you look so excited, it was adorable to him. He had to look away to prevent himself from letting a smirk come across his face.
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ʀʏᴜɴᴏꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴀᴋᴜᴛᴀɢᴀᴡᴀ is flustered when you abruptly approach him with the objective to test your brand new makeup products on him. He was surprised at first, then his face slowly turned red in embarrassment. He didn’t want to just shoo you away, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to look pathetic with makeup on… those sad, pleading eyes of yours looking up at him… how could he just send you off?
—“Fine, just not to much… okay, my… lo-love?” Your dark-eyed dear told you. He was such a sweetheart in the interior, hesitating to call you a cute name, even as simple as ‘my love’, since the poor boy had never received love before, making it difficult for him to be romantic with you. When you sat him down, you feel his body is tense. He was unsure about this. You then instructed him to shut his eyes tight so you can put eyeshadow on him. He was obedient despite how much it hurt ego. After you’ve finished putting eyeshadow on Akutagawa’s eyelids, you noticed his cheeks a warm, pink hue.
—“Huh, I don’t recall applying blush on your cheeks…” You thought, and in response, Akutagawa just looked away in silence. He tried avoiding the subject so you wouldn’t realize he was really flustered because of you.
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ᴇᴅɢᴀʀ ᴀʟʟᴀɴ ᴘᴏᴇ is shy when you distracted him from writing his mystery novel for Ranpo to solve, with the desire of adding your makeup products to test on him. He immediately looked away with a bright, cherry-red face as you sat on his lap, putting your products on his desk and moving his novel aside for a moment. With shaky hands, her puts his hands on your hips to support you, as the last thing he wanted was for you to fall off his lap.
—“Ok-okay… please don’t overdo it th-though, sweetheart…” Your timid darling spoke in a quiet voice as you start to put foundation on his face. You lifted the hair from his face just to see him already looking down at you with a gentle, loving and affectionate look. He allowed you to tap foundation on his forehead, use your brush to put blush on his cheeks, use mascara on him, etc. He was okay with it as long as you didn’t use to much of your products on him.
When you had finished, he turned you around so he could continue working on his novel with you on his lap. He felt very hot, so you wondered if he had a fever. In reality, he was just so humiliated that his entire body felt hot.
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ᴅᴏꜱᴛᴏᴇᴠꜱᴋʏ ꜰʏᴏᴅᴏʀ is neutral when he felt your arms embrace his torso from behind, seeking to use your makeup products on him. He turned around, carrying you to your shared bedroom, setting you down and sitting on the bed. You sprinted to your desk, grabbing hold of all the new products he had purchased for you.
—“You have my permission, myshka. Just as long you remove it once your done.” Fyodor cooed with a soothing voice in your ear, stroking your smooth hair with his pale, cold hands. You smiled brightly as you reached for red lipstick and lipgloss to start off with. It was wine-red, and your terrorist beloved seemed to enjoy the color. He kissed your cheek as soon as you finished layering the lipstick with lipgloss, leaving a mark on your cheek. He knew just how to fluster you. You didn’t even bother to rub it off and just proceeded to put highlighter at the corner of his eyes, as well as contour on his nose, etc.
As you were finishing up putting highlighter on your boyfriend’s nose, Fyodor was in a trance, captivated by your beauty, as if he got hypnotized by you. Though, your didn’t pick up on this.
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oikasugayama · 1 year ago
Hi can I request a chart on bsd boys with a super shy s/o ☺️
of courseeeee <3 i was horribly shy as a child and still am to some extent, so some of these assumptions are based on my own experience!
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Though he likes your shyness, he sometimes finds it annoying
Akutagawa (likes that you keep to yourself in public so enemies tend to overlook you, but he doesn't like having conversations on your behalf because you're too shy to make a phone call), Fyodor (likes that you're quiet and keep to yourself when other people are around, but doesn't like when you get shy toward him), Jouno (likes that you don't approach people or start conversations, but hates when he has to guess what you want because you won't just say it).
He likes that you're shy and finds it very cute when you need him to help you with social things.
Nikolai (you cling to him in public; sometimes he likes to disappear and watch from afar as you panic and search for him because the look of joy and relief when you finally spot him goes straight to his heart), Ango (feels like you're safe from harm because you keep to yourself and let him run a lot of errands for you; he loves feeling needed by you), Sigma (is surrounded by bold people, so you're a breath of fresh air being fairly quiet and calm; he'd do anything for you at the drop of a hat and doesn't even realize you need the help because you're shy), Junichiro (is also fairly timid, so he likes having a quiet, introverted relationship with you; you spend a lot of time at home playing games and cuddling; he can overrule his own anxiety to do things for you), Bram (is endeared that you're quiet and shy when others are around; he hates when people consider you his trophy wife or ask if he has you under a spell; he'll get in fights with people over this), Poe is the only person you've ever met who's as shy as you are; he hides in public, he trembles when he has to ask for something; only you and Ranpo know how fun and silly he actually is, and only they know the same about you), Mori (adores your timidness and enjoys controlling you as much as you'll let him; it's not necessarily toxic but it can certainly get there...), Oda (considers you as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in the spring after a dark, cold winter; he'd do anything for you, no questions asked), Chuuya (enjoys protecting you, helping you, cheering you up; he does wish you could have a bit more confidence because he wants everyone to know how radiant you are, but he's content keeping your shine to himself).
He generally finds it cute when you get shy, but wants to help you be more confident.
Fukuzawa (understands that it can be scary to talk to people, so he never pushes you and while he happily does things for you, he also gradually coaches you into being more confident), Dazai (selfishly loves that you cling to him in public and need him to do things like order at restaurants on your behalf; he just wishes you knew how much power you have and thinks it'd be hot if you acted really confidently sometimes), Tachihara (feels so important when he gets to help you, but sometimes he wishes he had a bold, dynamic partner who would go out with him and do all the crazy things he wants to do without shying away), Atsushi (finds you very cute and is happy to do things that you're too shy to do, but he recognizes his own lack of confidence in you and wants you to blossom the way he did), Tetcho (thinks that you're sweet if not a bit naive and wants to make you happy; he also thinks you'd be happier if you didn't need to rely on him so much).
He gets annoyed when you're "overly shy" and wants you to be more confident.
Ranpo (doesn't understand why you can't just say what you want to say and do what you want to do; has no concept of anxiety and is not helpful), Kunikida (gets frustrated when your shyness messes up his scheduled plans; he wants you to be more confident for your benefit but also his), Fukuchi (tells you he doesn't want a partner he has to take care of, and tells you to get used to doing things on your own), Mushitaro (is very independent and wants a partner who is equally so; he gets annoyed when you need help or cling to him in public and constantly tries to make you more independent). (Bonus discussion on the longevity of these four relationships.)
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makomoto-chan · 2 months ago
Bsd requests open? Say no more!
What about bedtime headcanons for Chuuya xPortMafia!reader? With their hours it must be crazy but I often wonder what their wind down routine is! -✨
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since both of you work at the Port Mafia you don't have much time to spend together. between your missions, the days Chuuya has to stay out city and the paperwork you barely have fre time.
when Chuuya is on long missions and he has to leave for several days he makes sure to keep contact -both because he misses you and to let you know he's fine.
he doesn't like texting via messages so he would probably send you love letters written in a messy handwriting (he tries to make it look nice anyway) or call you to hear your sweet voice again.
when you two finally manage to be together he instantly takes you out at fancy restaurants or theater to dress nice and look cool with you.
when both of you are home he insists to cook.
you have a large bed with lots of cushions and he loves cuddling there.
I think he'd love to be hugged with his head on your shoulder or chest and just relax feeling your fingers running though his hair.
he's the little spoon but he prefers sleeping on his back and having you on top of him or just your head on his chest.
night? say no more! it's drinking time! I mean, really, he has the best wines ever and he has no doubt he wants to drink them with you. he'll just sit there, on the sofa or an armchair, holding a glass of wine and telling you to sit with him and enjoy your time (he does it more oftenly on the armchair because there's not enough space and you have to sit on his lap).
he loves when you just start kissing him and cuddling with him.
he loves to put music on and dance with you. his favorite options are tango and waltzer but he'll do as you wish.
when you're in bed you usually cuddle until you fall asleep,
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ackermommy6 · 5 months ago
Bungo stray dogs characters and their types
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒅-Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Oda, Fyodor.
Side note- sorry everyone, I’ve been so busy with work, then I got really sick. That’s why I haven’t been writing as much but I’m getting back into it! My requests are open though so y’all can request anything. Thank you for reading loves, hope you enjoy! 🫶
Dazai Osamu
Needs someone that can put up with his ass BAHHAHA
He likes all woman, he says but he does have a type.
Feel like he likes someone that can take care of themself, and also take care of him in a motherly way?
Basically he wants you to take care of him. He lovessss someone that can cook, clean, make him take care of himself.
He wants someone that can make him go do something and he can respect.
If your with Dazai, you kinda gotta act like his mother. 😭
Someone that can put up with his silliness and be the same sometimes.
This man is touched starved, so he needs someone that can cuddle him, touch his hair, kiss him all the time.
Needs someone that can understand him. After all Dazai is not a very understanding person. No one really knows Dazai, even if your close to him. But he needs someone that can understand him like non other.
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuu likes someone that can take care of themself.
He wants someone that’s sweet and caring but scary when needs to be, and knows how to take care of themself.
He would love someone that he can laugh with and be himself around because unfortunately he doesn’t get to do that often.
He’d want someone that is sweet, like taking care of a stray animal, helping someone in need.
He needs someone that can respect that he isn’t home a lot due to the mafia and wouldn’t be able to spend much time with them.
Someone that is romantic like him. He wants you to set the dinner table when he gets home and wine at the table too. He’d love to go on fancy dinner dates too.
Someone that doesn’t keep to themselves, is very honest to him. He wants to know everything that’s wrong and he will do the same. He’ll be very loyal and understanding.
Ranpo Edogawa
Like Dazai this man needs someone that can take care of him and his laziness. 😭
He needs someone that can take care of themself and him at the same time.
Clean the house, cook for him, make him his little desserts, he doesn’t know how to do much because he usually makes Fuzazawa come over and do everything. So yes he is clueless.
He wants someone that can bake. After all this man is obviously obsessed with candy and desserts.
Spoil him. Spoil him. Spoil him.
Needs someone that will get him candy, buy him things, cuddle him whenever he wants.
Has I thing for bossy people . 🤷‍♀️ Man is obsessed when you mouth off to someone.
He likes mature people and more laidback. He needs someone that can tell him to calm down when he’s getting out of hand.
Oda Sakunosuke
I’m his type, WHATTT???
He’d want a calm person
Someone that’s artistic, if not it’s ok too!
Needs someone that likes kids and does good with them obviously.
Someone who he can do something very chill with him like watch the stars, take walks in the park, read books with him, take naps with him.
Like Chuuya he wants someone that is very sweet and loving. Someone that will help someone in need, while you do so he’ll watch with a smile.
Someone that is very neat and polite. We all know man is very tidy and he’d love someone that’s the same.
Most likely someone that isn’t in the mafia like him. He couldn’t take you getting hurt or killed.
Needs someone that is as understanding as he is.
fyodor dostoevsky
Someone that is patient, it’ll take little while for him to get used to you.
Someone that isn’t touched starved. I feel like he doesn’t like being touched and cuddling, maybe later into the relationship small things but definitely not at first.
Someone that’s creative and passionate like he is.
He doesn’t show his emotions a lot and he’s blunt. So he needs someone that won’t be upset if he says something a little to rude.
Who isn’t scared of him. Fyodor is a scary person, he wants someone that will think that he’s divine.
Fyodor likes someone that is going to be submissive, he is going to be dominant.
Likes someone mysterious, even if he’ll figure you out in no time. He still is very interested.
Someone that understands that he’s going to be distant, he’s literally a criminal and is on the run so he won’t be around much.
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done-with-the-shit · 2 years ago
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3🤭)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with us🥺
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switch😤
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling you😩😩
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold back😩😫
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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can i request hcs about cuddling with nikolai, jouno and maybe chuuya or tetchou? 🤭🤭 they’re so cute and i love the way you write fluff🫶🫶
A/N: Thank you for requesting! I'm really sorry for taking so long and I hope you like it. <3
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Cuddling with the BSD boys
feat. Chuuya, Nikolai, Jouno, Tetchou
Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
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He really enjoys cuddling with you.
Sadly, he doesn't have too much time to do that because he has a lot of duties since he's a member of the Port Mafia.
But it is his favorite thing to do at the end of the day.
After a long day, he feels very tired, and the best way to relax for him is to cuddle with you.
He likes to cuddle with you in various positions, but if you happen to be taller than him, he prefers being the little spoon.
He's so comfortable with you, and he feels he can let his guard down and let you be more dominant during those moments.
While you guys are hugging each other, he would talk to you about his day, complain about some boring mission Mori gave him, ask about your day, etc.
It would be one of the most domestic moments you guys share together.
He especially loves it when you play with his hair or pepper his face with kisses.
He also enjoys playing with your hair.
I'd imagine having dinner together with you, and afterwards, you hold each other close while in the comfort of some fine wine.
He'd have his arm around your waist and would slowly bring your glass close to your lips, helping you take a sip.
You had just prepared a delicious meal for Chuuya and yourself. He comes home late on some days, and today was that kind of day. You were sitting alone at the table staring at the food that would soon go cold.
Suddenly, you had heard your front door unlock. You ran to the door and greeted Chuuya. Immediately, the two of you began engaging in a fun conversation. Luckily, your meal was still warm when he arrived.
You watched him fill up your glass with some expensive wine.
"I'm really sorry for coming back so late. It's just that I had an awful lot of work to deal with, and I couldn't delay it. "
You smiled at him as he sat down next to you. You quickly felt him wrap his arm around your waist. He held his glass of wine and urged you to do the same.
"Cheers!" You both say as the two cups touch.
It had been a few hours since your dinner, and it was already past midnight. Two almost-empty wineglasses were on the table. You were spread out on the couch, and Chuuya was cuddling you with his head against your chest and arms around your back. The two of you were drunk. You thought he had been sleeping since he had his eyes closed and hadn't been talking for a while, but your thoughts were proven wrong when he suddenly said:
"You looked lovely tonight. I'm so glad we're together, and I hope to spend more nights like these with you. I love you.." And with that, he was fast asleep.
You yourself were barely awake, and the only thing you could respond with was, "I love you too."
He's definitely a huge cuddler.
His top love language is for sure physical touch. Like, have you seen him?
He's super cuddly and in the mood to do it all the time.
He also prefers to be the big spoon because he doesn't want to feel trapped in between your arms like a "bird in a cage."
Although he has his whole "being free" philosophy, he does enjoy laying between your arms from time to time.
He's got a huge soft spot for you.
I think that he never really intended to be in a romantic relationship in the first place until he met you.
I also think that, at first, he didn't want to pursue you because that would reduce his freedom.
But here he is, in your shared bed, laying next to you.
He couldn't stand being away from you and opted to get rid of you, but he changed his mind after hearing you confess to him.
It was because when he heard you utter the words: "I like you..romantically", he felt his heart overlap with joy and felt that he could truly free himself from those agonizing emotions of hiding his love for you by actually sharing it with you.
He loves to lay your head on his lap and caress your neck (and you also love to be laid upon those godlike juicy thighs of his (I want him to crush my head with them (lord have mercy))).
He also likes for you to sit on his lap and braid his hair.
While cuddling, he'd also wrap his coat around you (extra protection yk).
He can't imagine spending his morning any other way than snuggling closer to you first thing when he wakes up.
Also, after he comes back from a successful mission, he expects you to cuddle and kiss him as a reward.
You were scrolling through your phone while on the couch, when suddenly your beloved boyfriend appeared out of thin air in the room. He waved his coat and caught your attention. A thing that also caught your attention, however, was the fact that his clothes were completely stained with blood.
He walked towards you, opening his arms to greet you.
"My sweet dove! How have you been while I was away?"
As much as you loved him, you couldn't help but feel repulsed at the sight and smell of so much blood on him. He went up to hug you, but when you backed away and covered your nose, he stopped.
"What's wrong, dove?" he asked, looking concerned. You just stared him head to toe once again until he finally realized the state of his attire. "OH! I'm so sorry! I'll get changed right away!" And with that, he disappeared again.
A few minutes went by, and you were still standing in the living room waiting for him. He finally appeared before you with clean clothes.
"Quiz time!" he yelled. "What did I do on my mission?"
"You murdered people?"
"Bingo!" He then threw himself in your arms and spinned you in a circle. "I've missed you so much, my darling!"
"So did I," you replied, and the both of you plopped down on the couch. He sat you on his lap and started rubbing your back while telling you all the gruesome details of his recent mission. You rested your head in the crook of his neck and just listened to him.
I'd imagine Jouno isn't a very cuddly person.
Don't get me wrong, he definitely likes to cuddle with you from time to time, but it isn't something he likes to do often.
He much prefers spending quality time with you.
However, when you guys do cuddle, it's really nice.
He would wrap his hands around you, and you would bury your head in his chest.
I think that he refuses to be the small spoon and always wants to tower over you.
In the mornings, he would wake up next to you, but since he's a Hunting Dog, I'd guess he's very busy so he wouldn't have time to snuggle with you.
He would, however, treat you to a cuddling session after work or whenever he's free. Just don't expect it to last too long.
I'd say, on average, he spends about 30-60 minutes max cuddling you each day.
But that excludes the time you go to bed because then he always has an arm around you.
This asshole will probably use his ability to get away from you when you really want to cuddle him.
You would desperately reach out to him, and he'd just disappear into little specks.
Then he'd snicker at you.
But eventually, he would stop teasing you when you get too irritated and he'd pulls you onto his lap.
Then, he'd probably make it up to you by playing with your hair (he would 100% do that again in the future).
Jouno was on a hard mission that day. In fact, he hadn't come back home for almost a week. You were sitting on your couch and were trying to distract yourself from his disappearance while watching TV.
Suddenly, you noticed small specks in the corner of your eyes, and just like that, Jouno had managed to creep inside silently and was now in front of you.
"Did you miss me?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
You ignored the question and stood up to greet him. As you flung your arms open, you expected him to embrace you as well, but when you hugged him, he used his ability and transferred himself a meter away from you.
You hadn't seen him for almost a week, and he decided that now is the time to pull his sadistic shenanigans. You were, understandably, upset, and he could hear your heartbeat quicken. He decided that he should quit amusing himself and went towards you, opening his arms. You, however, were petty and decided to ignore him, so you turned away going back to the couch. He didn't expect such boldness from you.
"Aww, did I upset you? You know that I love you, right? I never intended to do that, my love! Please, don't ignore me like that", you knew that he was slightly sarcastic as he said that, but you missed him a lot so you gave in and he immediately sat next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He pulled your legs off of the floor and onto his lap, and he leaned in to kiss you.
"I really missed you," you admitted, and he smiled.
"I missed you too, dear," he replied and kissed you once more.
That whole night he spent cuddling with you.
He likes cuddling with you.
Every time he feels stressed or tired, he always goes to you, but he especially likes to cuddle with you when he is cold or you are.
He likes being the big spoon, but he loves being the little spoon, too.
In fact, he is the little spoon most of the time.
He enjoys feeling your warmth around him, and it makes him feel safe and loved.
He likes to have his head on your lap and loves how you play with his hair.
After a long day, you two would be cuddling like that, and he would talk to you about work, his day, what he had eaten (dear lord), etc.
He also loves having you on his lap, kissing him all over the face.
It makes him feel so special.
He also loves kissing you.
Sometimes during a cuddling session he would start kissing your cheeks, neck and hands, then he would begin kissing your lips and turn that into a make-out session (which would sooner or later go further into yk what)
Each time he wakes up next to you he spends at least 15 minutes laying with you and appreciating your company (although most of the time the both of you spend an hour and a half extra in bed).
You were awakened by light kisses planted all over your face. Despite your tiredness, you managed to open your eyes and were greeted by Tetchou's warm smile towards you.
"Good morning, dearest," he said, and you couldn't help but smile at him as well.
"Good morning, love," you replied.
"How did you sleep?" he asked, and after answering him, asking him the same question and him replying, you buried your head in his chest, and he covered you more with your warm, cozy blankets. He proceeded to kiss your head gently. Usually, the two of you would just lay together, but today, he felt especially affectionate.
You raised your head to look up at him, and he smiled.
"You're so pretty, my love," he commented, and you giggled. You pecked him on the lips and turned around, and slowly tried to exit the bed.
"Let's go make some breakfast," you suggested, but he had something else in mind. His grip on your waist became tighter, and he quickly pulled you back to him, shocking you a little.
"How about we stay for a little longer..?"
"Whatever you want, sweetheart," you sighed and gave into his touch.
He continued kissing you, this time on the back of your neck, and you guys didn't leave the bed until lunchtime.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want me to write something for you, my requests are always open.
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glitch-karma · 2 years ago
Bsd hcs with a very chill (but still lowkey badass) s/o? 🧎 Very much down for anything and not really one to bicker all that much, but still with a bit of an attitude and goofy jokes 🙏
Absolutely LOVES it
Although you never put up with his banter and Suicidal tendencies (which is annoying to him) he loves the side of you that will do just about anything with him as long as it's fun
Although his suicidal ways annoy you most times, there were at least once or twice you tried suicide with him
It obviously didn't work
Plus you got a scolding from Kunikida which was not pleasant
When it comes to work, you and he are teamed up a lot
Which has allowed him to see just how kick-ass you are
There was one time you took out an entire group of Port Mafia members without his help at all
Although he did fall first, that was the moment he fell for you hard hard
I feel like on missions he's like a damsel in distress on purpose just to allow you to save him
Your relationship is always full of excitement that's for sure
He's very cautious around you that's for sure
You do have the courtesy to do your work semi-on time,
But also your laid-back attitude scares him sometimes
He knows you're strong and can take care of yourself, but also fears that one day you'll be in over your head and he won't be there to help
But you definitely are the one thing that calms him down at the end of a long day, which he is incredibly grateful for
God, he is smitten with you
He falls more in love with you every day
He admires your laid-back attitude so much, the way you can just do something without thinking is amazing to him
During fights, it's typically you saving him a lot
You holding him in your arms is an amazing feeling to him, he feels safe with you
It's usually you paying for food with him since you impulsively go out to eat a lot
Omg he loves it
His snacks? Always refilled.
His need to go out of the office and do something? Fulfilled.
His need for someone to cuddle and take a day nap with? BOOM, BOOM BOOM
You two genuinely will do anything with each other
Poor baby worries about you a lot
He loves when you're carefree, but much like Kunikida worries for your safety
You run a lot of errands for him, which he is grateful for
But he is very much an introvert, which means it's hard to get him out of the house
Which means you two do a lot of stuff inside rather than going out
He's both very impressed by you, but also terrified for you
Your fighting skills are incredible, and he knows you'll always be there to catch him when he falls
But he's also terrified of you falling instead.
Chuuya has lost a lot of people in his life, and he's honestly terrified of losing you
Weekly dinner dates are definitely a thing, followed by whatever you wanna do after
This has made a lot of random long stories about you two getting into trouble
Both being port mafia executives have made you two close-in combat, meaning he has gotten to see you fight up close and personal
Definitely has flirted with you in the middle of fights because of that
Omg he's in love with you
You always are down to do anything with him which he loves
You help within the Doa and typically are with Nikolai whenever shit goes down
Nikolai's ability protects him very well, but the few times you've had to step in he's constantly screeching and flirting in the midst of battle
Nikolai never is one to worry about you at all, he just enjoys doing anything and everything with you
Oh boyyyy he is so scared for and of you
You're a helper in the casino which is typically an easy job
But he's seen the way you recklessly say and do anything which scares him a lot
the few times he has seen you fight, he's amazed but also horrified for you.
Lots of reassurance and comfort after for this bb
He doesn't humor you like many of the others do
You can beg and beg for him to do anything, it just makes him amused at you
Typically your days are full of training
Fighting, however, is when he lets you have some fun
You fight any way you wish and he'll just stand by and listen for if you need help
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mncxbe · 1 year ago
Hello! I really enjoy your posts they are really nice to read or re-read! I was wondering if you could do Fyodor headcanons (you could add chuuya dazai and more if you’d like) but fyodor x Gn!reader headcanons and how they would get ready for the holidays? Maybe make gingerbread houses or set up lights together? Feel free to ignore! :3
your ask just made me realise how close Christmas is goddamn~ I loved writing this. hope you like it anon♡♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓, 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒐 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ silly
☆ I'm gonna start off my saying that Fyodor most likely isn't particularly interested in the winter holidays, but he enjoys spending time with you. as long as he sees you smile, he's happy
☆ he's a big fan of baking; gingerbread, cupcakes with white and red frosting, deer shaped cookies. he loves it. although he doesn't always get involved, he spends hours on end by your side in the kitchen
☆ as for lights I think he likes those simple golden fairy lights; the flashy ones exhaust him fr
☆ hates to admit but he lowkey enjoys christmas movies; there's something extraordinary soothing about watching those sappy, same script films. it's a break in his routine
☆ I see him playing christmas music on the cello; but don't make him listen to commercial songs on the radio, he'll throw it out of the window
☆ he tells you stories about Russian christmas traditions or any other culture really
☆ he loves cuddling up to you under fluffy blankets while you two enjoy a cup of tea
☆ he's a sucker for the scent of oranges and cinnamon, so he'll buy some scented candles and place them around the house
★ you guys know those advent calendars with little chocolates for each day of December? yea, he has one of those
★ Dazai has never had the luxury of doing such mundane things as a kid; the Port Mafia isn't exactly a place to celebrate Christmas. so he puts a lot of effort into everything
★ loves to hang colourful lights around the house and other little ornaments (striped socks, christmas globes with that fake, glittery snow)
★ one evening he shows up with cookie shapes and asks you to make gingerbread with him
★ a marathon with Christmas movies is a must; you two sprawled on the bed with a mug of hot chocolate while the films roll in the background
★ he kisses you under the mistletoe every morning to "practice for the Christmas evening kiss"
★ he definitely wears a santa hat or reindeer horns while decorating the house. and knows "All I want for Christmas is you" by heart (it started off as a joke but he can't stop)
★ keep the mulled wine away from him
☆ because of work he's often too busy to help you decorate the place, but his heart swells with joy when he comes home one evening and finds your shared apartment nicely adorned with lights
☆ I feel like he also prefers more dimly lit lights, or even candles
☆ does his best to find time to bake something with you. he's a big fan of Panettone and sweetbread with sugar frosting
☆ buys you early presents for sure, to compensate for his absence
☆ look me in the eye and tell me this man doesn't wear fuzzy Christmas socks
☆ loves listening to jazzy music while you two spend time together. period
☆ he may not be that involved in the decorating process, but he does spend Christmas with you and does most of the cleaning after
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nxathyx · 2 years ago
Chuuya dating headcannons!!
This is my first time writing anything so it's probably shit
Trigger warning: swearing, Chuuya is absolutely smitten😭, slight mentions of aftercare, there's seperate parts of reader being picky, intimate settings, the reader has mentioned female anatomy in one part
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I think it's a generally known fact in the fandom that Chuuya is romantic. Personally I feel like his love language is acts of service, so it'll mainly revolve around that.
So with Chuuya being a true romantic at heart you can probably expect a lot of fancy restaurant dates or just him cooking something nice for you two while you drink some wine
However if you are a picky eater I feel like he'd just make himself something fancy, and make you something simple like pancakes, or whatever it is you like <3
I can imagine him just randomly calling at like 9pm and saying "I'll pick you up in an hour".
After he picks you up he takes you to the fanciest restraunt
Once again for all my picky eaters (love y'all)
If you wouldnt like anything on the menu he'd just take you to McDonald's and get you whatever you want, it's all on him
You want a happy meal? Sure darling
You want that's humanly possible to get at McDonald's? Say less
He'd probably think you're so cute and silly if you got yourself a happy meal (the toys are shit now)
Sometimes the workers offer you like those papers you just colour in and since Chuuya is competitive as fuck he'd have little competitions with you
Although Chuuya is quite the romantic i also feel like he'd adore very chill settings, just being sprawled out on the bed with you in his arms or him in yours
Chuuya doesn't have a preference when it come to boobs or ass, he loves both, no matter the size!!
If you have big breasts, he'd be okay with holding them for you, not even in like an intimate way
Imagine you're just laying down, your back against Chuuyas chest and he puts his hands under your shirt and just gently cups your chest
As for ass he'd just randomly slap your ass
Like you'll be cuddled up with him, your leg over his body slightly as you two are just discussing something and he slaps you right above your knee, but it doesn't hit
Reader: that was shit,like that was so bad im actually embarrassed for you
Chuuya: yeah, whatever
And then he slaps your ass and you just glare at him
This man always asks for consent and is very strict about boundaries!!
I feel like Chuuya would like a soulmate who he can be lovey dovey with, whilst insulting each other or something, someone who has a sense of humour
You two are just cuddled up first calling each other petnames till they get worse and worse, than it turns to insults and then inatiment objects
For example
Darling > pookie > bitch > home depot floor board
Or some random shit like that
I feel like he enjoys being little spoon, it makes him feel safe.
For aftercare I feel like he'd let you cool down from your high, go get you some water and a towel if you're to exhausted to actually bathe
If not he goes to prepare a nice bath for you two to just lay in, I feel like he'd be resting his head on your chest as his fingers run shapes and sizes on your upper thighs and hips
I feel like he'd be your gossip buddy. Like you two just go and sit in the bath, with two wine glasses some wine a few candles and just gossip about everything and everyone
He loves when you play with his hair but he prefers playing with yours
For petnames I think he'd use the very classy ones, like love, darling, honey an occasional doll or dolly
I don't know why but I think he'd love getting called Spanish petnames, like mi amor, mi vida, cariño ect.
Man's is smitten for you and will do whatever you want
I feel like once he made you dino nuggets at like 4am
He takes amazing photos of you, you look like an absolute god/goddess
Deep talks at night!!
You two would just be sitting on your balcony or porch, with maybe some snacks and drinks and you just talk about life and all it's struggles
If Reader is from the agency he'd try to keep your relationship a secret for as long as possible
I feel like you two would be parental figures for like Akutagawa and Kenji (i adore that one interaction im not sure if it was fan made or not but yes)
Overall great boyfriend 10/10
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rishas-pepero · 8 months ago
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warning: overstimulation, sex, and mentions of moaning and whimpering. Minors dni !!
author's note: some of these are inspired by some hc's i saw on tumblr, but i sadly forgot their username(s) so pls tag them if you can! thank you 💞
genre: smut/headcannon's
Chuuya Nakahara ✦.˚
sfw ミ ♡ ៸៸ : : ·˚
• Chuuya is an easily flustered man, any type of affection's you'd give he'd flush immediately. Even hiding his face in the crook of your neck to hide his flustering
• Isn't really the type to give affection's but would definitely do some other things to show his love for you, like buying you flowers, giving you his black card ( yes my man's rich 😘 ), and etc etc etc.
• After a hard day at work of course he'd like to come up to you and lay on top of you, like cuddling to calm his mind now even if he isn't really that affectionate, he still likes cuddles y'know? so you better give my baby good cuddles
• Would volunteer to tie your hair if you don't know what type of hairstyle you wanna do ( this boy seems like a really good hairstylist ngl )
• If your to busy on your phone or whatever you'd doing he'd give a blow on your neck to get your attention.
• Definitely would bring you to bar dates a lot, well also restaurants but bar is the only date that you guys mostly go to, i think it's quite understandable since this man's a huge drinker so ofc he would bring you to bar dates with him <3
• Would go to cinemas would you but mostly prefers watching indoors cause he thinks the two of you watching a movis/show alone, is the best.
let's go to the interesting parts.. 🥰🥰
nsfw ミ ♡ ៸៸ : : ·˚
• he's most definitely a switch fr.
• he would most likely prefer to dominate you instead of being the submissive whore, but would definitely allow you to top at some occasions
• but when he's dominating you, he'd like to tie you up with a belt and fuck you dumb till you cry, would definitely comfort you though and praise you for doing good.
• if your mad/upset about something, he would allow you to top him just to make you feel better.
• but as soon as he gets bottomed, oh lordddd 🤭🤭
• this man is very vocal, even in dominating you, but mostly he's super loud when your the one topping.
• he loves hates it when you praise him, it makes him feel all flustered and red, but hey, red suits him a lot anyways soo..
• and ofc after your finished with him, you have to take care of him, he's very tiredd so he'd definitely appreciate you bringing him to the bathroom and wash off the bodily fluids off his body and tell him that he was so good for being such a good boy for you.. 🤭
• and he loves it, i think he definitely prefers the aftercare more than the sex part but that doesn't mean he didn't enjoy it though.
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diagonal-queen · 2 years ago
This another requesting 😭
Maybe with Fyodor,Dazai and Chuuya with s/o who have trust issues and are traumatized because of their best friend's death?
i hope that this isn't indicative of what's happening with you at the moment...if it is i'm so sorry. sending all my hearts to you <3
Reader with trauma and trust issues
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do these men react to a reader who has trust issues and trauma from their best friend's death?
♡ cw: Reader has trauma and trust issues, mentions of violence and death.
note: Surprisingly...Fyodor is not toxic in this one. Yay! Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He feels for you, knowing that losing someone you care about must be difficult, and as such he'll do what he best thinks will help you open your heart again and get you to trust him
This mostly manifests in him being very protective, but also being very patient and gentle with you
Would actually give you a lot of cuddles if you wanted him to. He likes being your safe place, it makes him feel stronger
Fyodor is more than happy to listen to you when you need something from him and provide whatever it is- he'll treat you like royalty <3 (honestly he'd do that regardless though)
He doesn't really say anything about your friend's death or your trauma and usually just waits for you to bring it up if you want to talk to him about it (he doesn't want to catch you off-guard and cause an attack or anything like that)
If you want space he'll give you space, but he'll also worry a little but about you (he would never tell you that though lol)
He feels that there's not much to be done about it besides move on, so he also sometimes tries to...distract you in a way? He'll try to take your mind off your grief by keeping you busy or spending his free time with you
He'll sometimes talk about life and philosophical stuff with you when you talk to him about your feeling, and that makes you feel a lot better about everything
Right, so he's in the same boat as you are. He knows exactly how you feel and so he's probably the best person you could have chosen to be your S/O in that regard
He actually opens up about Odasaku to you! Just a little bit though, just so you know that he does get it
Dazai really gives you a lot of space if he knows that you have trust issues, because he doesn't wanna make you feel overwhelmed and as if he's rushing things
Might just behave a little too distant at times though, you gotta let him know that giving you space doesn't mean ghosting you totally T-T (he doesn't WANT to ghost you he's just worried that he'd otherwise be too clingy, which he is kinda)
Never takes it personally when you want to take your time progressing your guys' relationship, he's willing to go as slow as you need him to
Lowkey turns up the charisma a little because he wants to make you feel happy sometimes even if it's because of something kinda silly like a smooth pickup line (lol)
He really just hates to see you sad and will oblige you a lot of the time if it means you'll feel better
Dazai loves you so much that he'd even forego attempting suicide (as much as he already does at least) for your sake, making promises to you that he won't leave you or break your heart either
He also knows what it's like to lose people he loves so he really feels for you and wants to help you feel better
Encourages you to be open about your feelings with him so he can understand better and so you don't bottle them up. He's a really good listener and won't really interrupt you or anything (he'd respect if you didn't want to talk sometimes though)
He also lets you cry on his shoulder whenever you need and when you do he's there to hug and comfort you
Always thanks you for trusting him after you divulge private information or otherwise act vulnerable around him (and is also lowkey pretty flattered about it)
Chuuya will also purposefully separate you from his mafia life to keep you away from violence and otherwise dark stuff because he doesn't want to distress you or traumatise you any more
Every now and then he asks if he's being too overbearing and if you'd like space (he doesn't want to you find him suffocating or anything T-T)
Honestly just handles your grief and supports you super well, and overall does help you heal and move on
Also he will promise to never hurt you and tell you he loves you like every single day until it sticks in your brain
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you guys heard Hard To Love by Rosé from Blackpink?? fuckkk that song is literally me
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
Chuuya x male reader !!
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just like i said i’d do :)
took a bit of time tho 😅 (i almost forgot. almost.)
if he didn’t already realize he liked guys he’d be extra flustered once he does
not ashamed
he just doesn’t know how to act around you
like he knows not to treat you terrible like dazai
but you may not be into feminine things
wait this is low key so much easier
bc he knows how guys THINK
because HES ONE
okay nvm no need to panic afterall
honestly he’s still just as romantic doesn’t matter the gender
will pummel anyone who has something negative to say about you two
if your a big scary guy he feels proud he bagged you 😭
he’s thinking “yeahh me and my s/o are so bad we so cool😎”
yup u sure are chuuya
if your a more nonchalant person or just don’t care for romance
it may seem more like bromance 🤪
if your into cars he’ll buy you the coolest, most lavish brands
if your a feminine dude he can buy you makeup or whatever it is you want
he doesn’t know you gotta tell em
just as willing to cuddle you as he would a woman
wants to be the big spoon tho
he wants dominance over everyone disregarding gender so of course he does
he thinks he’s chad
def practices how to act around you
wants you to think he’s cool so bad
he’s more likely to be more ‘tsundere’ (for lack of better words😭) in public
you know it’s just a farce
ngl he low key gets angry if someone asks who’s the dom tho
like he wants it to be visible that he is
but don’t ask
he finds it somewhat disrespectful
since its pretty much comparing you to a hetero couple
like does it matter?
why do they get to be the standard 😐
i hope you like wine as well
its easier to gift each other wines more than anything
trying each other’s wines and criticizing or complimenting them
chuuya enjoys late quiet nights with you
watching the stars
maybe some deep conversation here and there
gets angry if your taller and he has to get on your level to kiss you 😗
if your short as well he gets a confidence boost
his kisses are sensual and long if you have enough time
holds your neck and waist
loves to pepper kisses on your neck if your doing paperwork
if you work at the port mafia too it would likely be if your doing overtime
btw the port mafia is highly likely where you met
what better place to meet a cool guy??
if your not as strong don’t even worry about it he’ll always protect you
pretty cocky about it too
loves if his smirk can make you melt
if you give him a genuine compliment his eyes widen, he starts blushing and he gets butterflies in his stomach
‘tch’ *blushes and turns away*
loves to team up with you in fights
especially against dazai
appreciates if your physically strong bc then you can beat him up
since it seems to be his weakness
will subtly compliment you if your a good cook
thinks it’s better than restaurant food
“no need to eat out anymore i guess”
“you’d put 5 star restaurants out of business”
lowkey admires if you have a lot of skills/talents or hobbies bc he doesn’t have many himself seeing as though his jobs takes up a lot of his time
even if he learned some before he joined he can’t practice often
thinks it’s cool if you can find a balance
likes to watch you do things you enjoy
doesnt mean in it a creepy way of course
he just likes to see you content and happy
enjoy masculine readers! :)
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a-random-weeb · 1 year ago
hi could I request a “bsd/Genshin impact men when their s/o flinches in an argument?” Thanks!!!!!
Absolutely! I don't know too much about genshin impact but I know enough. Just sorry if the characters are a little ooc.
I didn't know if you wanted oneshots or headcannons, so I did what I wanted to for each character. If you want me to redo one in a certain way feel free to ask :)
Characters: dazai, Chuuya, Diluc
All that can be heard are the sounds of yelling and screaming. Dazai came home, teasing you and being more annoying then normal, and it didn't help that you had a bad day. You kept telling him to leave you alone but he wouldn't, so you snapped and yelled at him, and so, an argument ensued. He's yelling at you, but it gets to the point where he actually looks scary, and so you flinch. He freezes, taking a second to process the fear in your eyes, but once he does, he pulls you to his chest, clinging to you tightly "i-im so, so, so sorry belladonna, I shouldn't have pissed you off like that after you had a bad day!" You cry into his chest and he buries his face in your hair. He picks you up and carries you to the living room where he cuddles you in the couch "I'll do better, I promise..." he whispers softly, and you both pass out on the couch.
"I-Im sorry!" You choke out, but feeling your own anger slowly bubble up inside you. That's how it started, the worst argument of your life. You too went back and worth, yelling, for at least an hour until Chuuya finally loses it completely. He smashes a glass cup on the floor and it shatters everywhere, that's when you flinch. He notices, but doesn't react and first, too caught up in this to relise how scared you were. It wasn't until you backed away did he relise he screwed up. You two stand there in silence for a good 30 seconds before he slowly reaches out to cup your face.
"I-Im sorry..." he mumbles as he begins to cry, pulling you close "It wasn't supposed to be like this, I know you were just trying to surprise me with a nice meal, even if you failed and burnt it and yourself...." he grabs a cold cloth and holds it to your burn. He spends the rest of the night tending to your burn and apologizing, and when you forgive him he cuddles you all night.
Genshin impact
SMASH! You knocked over some of the wine glasses at his bar while fooling around.
"You were careless!" He yells and the argument slowly escalates into something, much, much worse. Dilucs not one to scream, but at some point in the argument, he screamed at the top of his lungs "JUST SHUT UP!"
A look of absolute horror crosses your face as you back away, flinching. All that can be heard is a deafening silence. You were so hurt... tears began to spill from your eyes as he stares at you in shock for a moment before to cup your face in both his hands, wiping your tears as well as mumbling apologies. You also apologize, after all, you broke a lot of glasses, it was your fault.
"It wasn't completely your fault, I lost my temper instead of helping anything..." you both clean the glass up and go home, passing out in eachothers arms.
I don't think I know enough about any of the other genshin men. I mean, I know kaeya too and I tried to write for him, but it turned out way to cringe and ooc, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!
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