#d. gray-man x reader
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animeyanderelover · 3 months ago
Can I request the pregnancy HCs with female Darling and characters from: D.Gray-Man - Millennium Earl (human form), Tyki Mikk, Komui Lee, Kanda Yuu, and Allen Walker; BSD- Mori?
Tw: Yandere themes, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, baby-trapping, pregnancy, birth
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Pregnancy Hc's
Mori Ougai
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🍷​Fom only observing the way Mori interacts with Elise you have always known that the Mafioso has a weak spot for doting on a little girl. He adores buying frilly dresses and cute outfits and even you aren't spared from being dolled up in the clothes that he wastes a lot of his money on. There has always been a hint of fear within you, a wriggling anxiety that comes alive within you whenever Mori muses during tea and cake time that he adores the thought of having a sweet baby girl of his own. Elise's jealous reaction and the way your body stiffens are always sights that he enjoys to observe but he has never gone further than voicing those little fantasies of his. The decision that he wants a little baby of his own is something Mori makes all by himself without telling you at all. You are left within the dark, ever so slightly skittish and anxious and this is exactly the position that Mori wants you in. With a mind ever so sharp and with eyes always watching you he notices the first symptoms before you do. Only when you're hunched over the toilet and empty your lunch within the bowl do you finally realise the situation you are in all whilst Mori cooes gently at you, a thrilled grin on his face.
🍷​Every little grain of freedom you might have had vanishes in front of your eyes just like that. Used to Mori's normally possessive behavior your utter and complete isolation this time around is partially fueled by his protective instincts. Confident yet not cocky, Mori always calculates the possible equation that something might happen, no matter how insignificant that chance is. Absolutely no information about your pregnancy is shared as only Chuuya and Kouyou find out about it from Mori himself, tasked with keeping an eye on you, especially if he himself can't be with you. Their lips are sealed tightly as they share those news with no one, not until Mori himself should decide that it is time to announce the joyous news. Kouyou in particular is someone Mori has a lot of faith in and her calm yet firm exterior proves to be very effective when your hormones get the better of you. Chuuya is a little hothead, unfamiliar with pregnancy and on how to deal with a pregnant woman yet he wouldn't let anything or anyone touch you if Mori tells him to protect you. Weirdly enough you do appreciate his short temper as it feels refreshing from Mori who always seems to be ten steps ahead.
🍷It is painfully obvious that Mori wishes feverently for the baby to be a little girl. He would adore nothing more than a little princess he can spoil and cuddle and dote on as much as his heart desires. Still, he knows that mere wishing will not give him a daughter so as soon as it is possible he determines whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. He cannot deny that even he feels the anticipation getting the better of him as he waits for the results. The moment he figures out that the baby will be a sweet, little girl he is unable to keep his giddiness contained. Creepily excited giggles escape his lips as he smothers you in kisses, his gloved hands eagerly rubbing over your belly which will swell over time with the daughter he cannot wait to see and hold. Within the same day where he has the biological sex confirmed he starts preparing the nursery. Now that he knows for certain that it'll be a girl he decorates the entire room as girlish as possible. The walls are painted pink, ribbons are hung up everywhere and he buys an entire amount of cute plushies for the baby. Elise complains about it to him, wants some plushies too and whilst Mori does buy her another one, he never gives her those he has bought for his baby.
🍷As a former military doctor there is some knowledge about the human body that Mori already possesses. Most of the times he is the one overlooking how your pregnancy is going as the thought of letting someone else that close to your stomach and touching it fills him with seething envy. It is only his privilege to rub your belly and feel the little girl within moving and during every medical check-up he is far more touchy than necessary, his hands never leaving your belly. You have always considered him as someone who has a hard time keeping his hands to himself before you were pregnant but now it feels especially exhausting and annoying. He doesn't want to miss the first little kicks of his baby, doesn't want to miss the way your belly will swell with his daughter so Mori is pretty much glued to your hips. Every time he has to leave you he laments dramatically about the absence between him and his two princesses, spends minutes smothering you and your belly in kisses before he leaves and even though he may only be gone for a few hours he acts like he'll be gone for months. You try to get the most out of those few hours before Mori returns, touch-starved as if he hasn't seen you in forever.
🍷He cannot get enough of the way your body changes during pregnancy, his heart always throbbing within his chest when he looks at you. The clothes he has you wearing during pregnancy are meant to enhance those changes within your body, especially from your babybump he can't get enough. One of his hands is always caressing over the stretched skin without fail, every little movement from within adding to his growing anticipation. Elise is disgusted yet jealous of the exaggerated attention and affection that baby receives despite not even being born yet, childish glares thrown your way though she would never dare to do anything. He reacts with the same giddiness when he feels her kicking around as he did when he first felt her moving, every movement from his daughter special to him. He's brainstormed for names already the moment he knew you were expecting and has an entire mental list with names for his girl by now. It is hard for him to settle for one final name though as all the names he has chosen sound cute and it is perhaps the only time during your pregnancy that he lets you decide something as he asks you for your opinion on it.
🍷The closer your due date crawls the more visibly fidgety Mori grows like a child on Christmas Eve waiting for its presents. To his greatest sorrow the little girl ends up being a few days overdue, painful hours he has to spend waiting for her arrival. Already his little princess seems to test him. When your labour pains finally happen 5 days after the estimated due date he glues himself to your side, unable to keep the grin out of his face as he knows that soon he will finally hold his precious princess in his arms. Your birth is the only time he allows a few other doctors around you, all women as he would undoubtedly slit a man's throat open if he were to let another man see you in such beautiful agony and let another man hold his daughter for the first time. He is sickeningly sweet throughout the entire labour, encouraging you to keep going and that it'll soon be all over. He is visibly shaking with giddiness and adoration when his princess is finally born, immediately taking her out of the nurse's hold the moment he knows that she is healthy and cleaned. A wet shimmer in his eyes as he cooes sweetly at her, already willing to burn down entire cities to keep this precious bundle safe.
Allen Walker
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🔴Poor Allen is not exactly the wisest when it comes to recognising the signs of pregnancy when they start appearing but to be fair, neither are you. Children have been a topic that the both of you have discussed a few times already with both of you arriving at the conclusion that neither one of you would mind but you have never specified when exactly the two of you were planning on having a baby. When your appetite starts increasing Allen is mildly baffled but quickly starts embracing your new surge in hunger, gladly sharing his food with you. It's eventually you who realises that something seems to be different as your period has been missing for quite some time now. You make the mistake of mentioning your suspicions to Allen whilst he is eating, causing the poor man to nearly choke to death whilst Timcanpy flatters around his coughing form clearly panicked. When he has finally stopped choking he just looks at you with wide eyes, the shock and surprise written all over his face. His brain needs a few moments to process your words, the silence only making you slightly nervous before he asks you with teary eyes if you're sure. The moment you confirm he starts shedding tears.
🔴Allen is elated with the news that he is going to be a father yet at the same time there is another part of him which is terrified as the realisation sickers in that he is going to have a child. He has left the Black Order, a Noah lives inside of him and he has currently more enemies than he has friends. How is he going to give his child a happy life? If there is one thing that Allen has always wanted for his own child is the innocent and happy upbringing that he could have never had yet now that future he has envisoned for a baby of his own is threatened and it fills him with guilt as he can't help but feel like he has already failed. Still, he decides to let none of that show when he is with you as he doesn't want you to think that he doesn't want this baby with you. His clinginess and his desire to protect you increase the moment he knows about the fact that you are expecting which leads him to never let you out of his sight as the two of you wander through the cities. There is a ball of stress and anxiety coiling within his chest as he has to watch out for so many threats all at once which could all harm you or the baby. Over time Allen becomes almost hyper-aware of his surroundings, always on the lookout.
🔴Despite the overall cluelessness that he has though all of your struggles are met with nothing but sympathy and understanding. Allen is far too enamored with you, especially as you grow heavier with his child. Whenever you get mad as your pregnancy hormones get the better of you and you let part of your anger out on him even though he has done nothing wrong he just sits there quietly and allows you to express your frustration and rage, a warm glimmer in his eyes. When you start crying for no apparent reason he does his everything to cheer you up even if he has to make a fool out of himself. Your appetite only increases as the months go by and he never once utters as much as a single complaint about your seemingly bottomless stomach. He knows very well that he has no right to talk, realises that perhaps it is because you carry his child that you experience his hunger which is why he encourages you to eat as much as you want. He even gives you portions of his own food so that you can eat more even if he has to eat less. You come up with some pretty interesting food combinations during your pregnancy but he always tries them with a smile on his face.
🔴I always like to imagine that due to Allen and Nea both existing within his body and mind that the Noah has also developed an obsession with you or perhaps it was even he who got obsessed first and dragged Allen into it. If Allen is the bright side then Nea is the dark side as both of them are essentially like Jekyll and Hyde. Allen despite his increased need to keep you close and protected tries to give you still enough freedom so that you can be happy as well. Nea always attempts to interfere with such decisions as he desires to keep you right next to him, his whispers constantly attempting to influence Allen or to even take over. It may happen that there are a few moments where the Noa takes over, Allen's grip on you suddenly tightening as golden eyes seemingly pierce through your soul, his hands gingerly caressing the curve of your tummy as a smug and satisfied look appears on his face. From all potential dangers which might happen to you Nea is the one Allen is the most aware of and it always spooks him when the man resurfaces and seizes control of his body. To Allen this baby is the physical manifestation of your shared love. For Nea it is a claim of possession of you, a way to control you.
🔴It becomes very obvious that you are unable to walk a lot of distance the further you are along as your body tires more easily. Whenever Allen notices your exhaustion he simply starts carrying you, muttering an apology into the crown of your head as he searches for a good place for you to rest. He knows that he needs to find a place for you to settle, a place where you can give birth and recover from it afterwards. He needs an experienced doctor and nurses just as much as he doesn't know how to help deliver a baby. There is no expectation within him that me will find a place where neither the Black Order nor the Noah family will find him but he at the very least needs a place where he can have you rest for a few months after you have given birth. Both of you find shelter in a small village within a forest where an elderly couple allows the both of you to stay in the room that used to belong to their child. Nea obviously distrusts, doesn't want other people around you but Allen wills himself to ignore those whispers as he accepts the offer gratefully, helping the couple in return as a way to pay them back whilst you rest for the final weeks of your pregnancy.
🔴The older woman actually recognises the early signs of labour within you and the moment she mentions that to the two of you Allen is practically already out of the door to retrieve the midwife. He panics, anxious since he left your side as he urges her to walk faster and at one point he is that close to simply lift her up and carry you to the house so that he can be quicker by your side again. When he returns Timcanpy is circling around your head, his wings flapping fast as an indicator of his own nervousness. Still, the golden ball tries to encourage you in his own ways as he rubs against your head to emotionally support you. Every time the pain gets too much for you and you let out a hiss or a scream Allen winces, increasingly light-headed and dizzy as the hours pass. He would never forgive himself if he were to faint here though, especially since you are the one in pain right now and not him. His heart is in his throat, his palms clammy by the time the baby is finally born and his shoulders sag visibly with relief when he hears that you and his son are both safe. He insists that you hold the baby first as you have done all the work, eyes shining with unshed tears as the boy is laid on your chest.
Kanda Yu
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💙​Yu has never really talked about his dreams with you before. Perhaps because he has never deemed it as necessary in a business with such a high death rate or because he simply doesn't have any visions for his future as he onl focuses on killing Akuma. His only real desire is for you to stay with him, emotions far too irritating and unneeded for someone who is normally as calculated and cold-hearted as he is. He is keenly aware that there is something that you are hiding from him. He senses the nervous glances you give him whenever you believe him not to notice, picks up on the way your body nervously shuffles around when the both of you are alone. Believing it to be nothing too urgent though he simply decides to wait for a while to see if you'll gather the courage to talk to him as he doesn't always want to be the one who has to force you to spill everything as it can be annoying at times. From everything that you could have told him though he didn't even consider the topic of pregnancy, blue eyes fixed on your nervous form before slowly trailing down to your stomach. The silence is thick and painful but even more is his exit as he doesn't utter a single word.
💙​A child is something which Yu has never even considered before as it has never been something he saw himself desiring. Children are loud, annoying, take patience and understanding to raise. Qualities which he doesn't believe himself to possess. Even though he isn't going to be truthful about it, Yu is actually questioning how good of a parent he could even be. He has sacrificed people around him all in the name of slaying Akuma as for him it has never been much about saving people but more about ridding the world of the greater evil. Now suddenly there is his own child present in his mind, his memories resurfacing of times where he couldn't save a child's parents or even the child itself as he instead chose to focus on killing instead of saving. Memories that have never haunted him much before suddenly weigh much more than he can remember, dragging him down into the inner hell of his own thoughts. Yu finds himself deeply buried within his own mind the following days. He doesn't even say a single word about your pregnancy as he acts like you never told him this and it secretly torments you on the inside as you wonder if he doesn't want this child.
💙​Still, you seem to know better than to pester him about this. So you let him sink into the depths of his mind where he spends a lot of time in. It's not an easy decision for him as he spends a lot of time doubting and second-guessing. Even so, after the initial shock passes Yu finds himself much more protective around you. He always seems to be somewhere in the shadows, unwilling to appear as overbearing yet at the same time unable to let you leave his gaze. He approaches you eventually though after he has finally managed to sort his own emotions and thoughts out and asks you how you are feeling about the situation and what you want to do. He listens to your own opinion and he even confesses his own thoughts about the pregnancy, clarifies to you about all the potential hardships that may arise, especially since he is lucid enough to know that his love isn't something you are comfortable with. The final decision he leaves up to you though and he is actually surprised when you decide after a lot of consideration that you want to keep the child. He masks that shock very well though and gives you a sharp nod, silently acknowledging that this is your decision.
💙​Yu doesn't plan to tell anyone within the Black Order just yet about your pregnancy. He can already estimate how people like Allen, Lavi and Lenalee would react and the last thing that he needs right now is a bunch of annoying brats pestering him about the pregnancy and cornering you. No, he takes the time after you have made your decision so that the both of you can figure things out and come up with a stable plan on how to proceed in the future. Neither one of you planned for this baby so both of you are utterly underprepared. Komui is the first person who finds out about your pregnancy and even he isn't able to hide the brief hint of surprise on his face. Yu ignores any cutting snark that he would like to give when he notices the amused twinkle in Komui's eyes. He's here to plan for a few days of break around your estimated due date and not to get into a petty fight that would leave him undoubtedly with a headache. Komui agrees to his requests, promises the Exorcist to see it through that Yu won't have any assigned missions to allow him to spend some time with you after you have given birth. A few curtly words of gratitude is all he receives in return though for Yu's terms that is a lot.
💙​If there are missions assigned to him during the following months Yu still completes them but there is a sense of urgency to finish them that has never been there before. He's a lot less tolerant of any bullshit his assigned team members may commit and he ends up hurting someone's feeling when he lashes out on whoever stalled the mission unnecessarily because they couldn't pull themselves together. When he isn't on missions he spends most of his time with you, his protective feelings growing alongside with your belly. He's usually always trailing behind you when you decide to take a walk, sharp eyes observing everything within your surroundings and the moment an unfamiliar face approaches you he appears behind you. You're kept away from his friends as much as possible simply because Yu is not in the mood for them to crowd around you and pester him and you both with their congratulations and questions. You may tolerate that but he surely won't. Over time he does warm up to the thought of the child but he is far from feeling like he is ready to be a father. The thought of having a family of his own still seems so unreal yet with every week that idea gets closer to becoming a reality.
💙​The closer you get to your due date the more he seems to be filled with a sense of unease. When he is excused from his work for a while until you have given birth Yu initially doesn't even know what to do with himself. He knows that he is very close to being a father and that thought fills him with many negative but also some positive feelings. When your water breaks and you are in the throes of labour he sits stiffly by your side, allowing you to clutch his hands tightly as he monitors the midwife and her every move very closely. He has never been the best when it comes to comforting you as he usually sucks it all up and locks it away which he knows you cannot do. So instead of saying something which may only hurt your feelings he decides to say nothing, only occasionally asking the midwife how everything is processing and how close you are to giving birth. The tension doesn't leave his muscles even after you deliver your son safely, blue eyes alert as he inspects the midwife closely as she handles the baby before handing the little boy to you. The reality of the situation still needs a couple of moments to settle in before he finally releases a long breath he has been holding in, finally allowing himself to relax.
Komui Lee
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👓​It is perhaps easy to forget that hidden beneath that lazy and whimsical attitude is a person who is not only the Chief Officer of the Black Order but also the Branch Head of the European Branch. Truly, with Komui's downright maniacal behavior it is sometimes hard to acknowledge that he is a man with such a high position, especially for newbies. Yet there is a very different side that Komui reveals when the time calls for it and it is in such moments that even you are reminded that there is far more hidden than the goofy facade that he often exhibits. In itself Komui doesn't have anything against the thought of having children. A part of him even wants it actively. Another part of him is terrified though. What if his children grow up to be Exorcists? What if something happens to them? There would be no greater pain than having to witness the funeral of your own child after all. Life isn't that easy sadly, not with the Akuma and the Noah family and even the unethical methods of the Black Order who sacrifices the lives of other Exorcists for the greater cause. I do not believe the pregnancy to be an accident though as Komui is too careful for such a thing to happen without it having been planned.
👓​There is no spontaneous path that leads to you expecting a baby of his. In fact preparations have begun weeks before you were even confirmed to be pregnant as Komui and you had rather long discussions with each other where you found yourself exposed to a sober and serious side of him you very rarely witnessed. He's very vulnerable and see-through with you during such conversations as he admits his worries to you. A lot of things have to be weighted, a lot of plans are crafted before before both of you make the mutual decision to still try for a baby even if the world isn't quite as safe as it could be. That only serves as a motivation for Komui to work harder to create a safe environment for his child as soon as it is officially confirmed that you are expecting a baby. The fact that both of you have been planning for this for such a long time allows him to just fully embrace his happiness and joy instead of dwelling on doubts and fears of all the risks since he has already confessed all of it to you before. His reaction is as quirky and dramatic as everyone is used to as he actually gives the doctor a tight hug with tears in his eyes. Safe to say, everyone in the building hears his shouts of happiness.
👓​If you are an Exorcist it is safe to say that all missions for you are cancelled for a very long time and if anyone dares to object to Komui's decision they will get a short glimpse of his very protective and serious side which is sure to leave them baffled and shocked. Lenalee has most likely already known about the fact that both of you have been trying for a baby so the news aren't necessarily a shock for her but she is still happily surprised when she hears it. She quickly searches for the both of you and congratulates you for soon being parents. The poor girl has to endure having her ears talked off though because as soon as she is with Komui he instantly starts rambling about you. He has a very bad habit of gushing to everyone he works closely with about you and your pregnancy but Lenalee gets the most of it. During a scan fairly early in your pregnancy it is actually revealed that you are expecting twins and those news send Komui straight to the floor, his hands clutching his heart as if he has gone into cardiac arrest. His body twitches as incoherent mumbles leave his lips and it takes Lenalee literally kicking his ass awake for him to return to his senses.
👓​His poor co-workers have to essentially become professional hunters from that day on as Komui constantly tries to escape all the paperwork to spend his time with you. They have to chase him down whenever he attempts to flee to spend his time with you and his growing twins and one time he got extremely silly and tried to crawl through the ventilation shaft to reach you only to get stuck halfway. It is a story no one in this order will ever let him live down as it took five Exorcists to pull him out of there because he absolutely screamed in terror when Kanda stoicly stated that he'd just cut the wall open with no regards of whether Komui would come out unharmed or not. To tame his silly antics you start to help him in his office to keep you busy somewhat now that you can't go on any missions anyways. Or you just spend your time talking to the phone with him though that actually only distracts him more. Additionally he is like a waterfall as the words never stop pouring out of the speaker to the point where you sometimes walk away to do something all whilst he continues to ramble. It takes him minutes to realise that you aren't there on the other side anymore.
👓​He grows very touchy as soon as the bump starts to show. His behavior perhaps isn't quite fitting for the position that he has been given but whenever someone scolds him for his sappy antics he cries out that he is just human. He misses the first kicks of the babies due to being busy with work and it is your mistake to tell him this when he gets back home. He acts like he has been robbed of his most precious treasure, pouts the entire week after and cries to everyone who is unfortunate to cross his path that such a special moment has been stolen from him all because of the papaerwork he has to do. As foolish as Komui may look, he has a very detailed plan for you and all the medical check-ups that you need during your pregnancy as well as maternity leave and even the midwives who will assist you during birth. It's because he has already planned out all the important details and has scheduled everything thoroughly that he can allow himself to be so sappy in the first place. He sucks at choosing names though. It's not like he doesn't have an entire list of names he has thought about but he is just so utterly unable to choose that you have to step in and even let Lenalee help you to pick two names.
👓​The closer you get to your due date the more antsy Komui seems to get. He tries to soothe his nerves by drinking coffee but unfortunately this only has the opposite effect as he gets even more squirrelly as a result. He can barely focus on his work by now as he needs to read everything twice to let the words sicker in, his mind filled with you. When your water breaks he rushes so fast to your side that he actually trips and lands flat on his face only to wave all worries off even though his face is red from landing on the hard floor. He's experiencing a surge of adrenaline that has him forgetting all about the pain in that moment. It's comedical to see how hard he is trying to comfort you all whilst he is trembling like a leaf in the winds of autumn, his palms growing sweatier the longer contractions last. It actually helps you through the pain as his jittery exterior amuses you as it creates the impression that you are for more composed than he is right now. He is unable to stop gushing over the little girl and boy as soon as they are out of you, rivers of tears flowing down his cheeks that won't stop no matter how much he rubs them dry with the sleeves of his uniform.
The Millenium Earl
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🎃​As patriarch of the Noah Clan the Earl already has a big family with which he spends all of his time with. A life with him is rather unique as it is since his Noah form and his human form are so jarringly different to each other. His Noah form is very likely to frighten you a tad bit since it looks less human-like and every sweet word of his almost sounds like a honeyed threat to you. In his human form you feel better. As Adam he is softer, sweeter though also far more clingy and even more obsessed with having you close to him. There is a level of trust and vulnerability that he reveals to you as Adam though, something other Noah tend to criticise him for as they don't think that he should hand as much of his heart to you as he does. That's why you are very aware of Adam's wish to have a little child with you, to create a new life in this new era where all of them have been reincarnated in and have reunited once more. He would never force you but at the same time he is ever so slightly desperate with the thought, his heart longing for a baby to raise and cherish with you. Subtle pressure from his pleas increases when you are around other Noah who all seem to expect from you to fulfill his wish.
🎃​All members of the Noah family seem to share a very special connection with their kin. That's why I like to believe that they're able to sense the new creation of a being that carries their blood in its veins inside of your womb long before you are even suspecting anything. You are slightly shaken when you notice how they start to peer at you, especially at your stomach. It isn't until Adam himself slowly goes down on his knees, tears in his eyes as his fingers reverently run over your stomach as he senses the new life that your body will nourish and grow. His voice is thick with emotions as he glances up at you, thanking you for the new life that your body is bearing and only then do you finally realise what is going on and why everyone has been staring at you so much as of lately. Now, as much as other Noah may dislike you due to being a human, the moment they all know that you are expecting the Earl's child they all grow very protective of you and the little thing currently developing within your body. People like Road are much more amicable to you though. She's the first person from the Noah that actually walks over to you and congratulates you for being a mama-to-be.
🎃​The little freedom that you have fought so hard for slips right through your fingers. Everyone is against the idea of you being supervised by yourself and whilst Adam is not as strict with his words it is very obvious that he still shares the same mindset as everyone else in this family. He is terrified of anything happening to you as well as to the little baby within you that he already loves so painfully much. Considering that Adam is able to sense the sorrow of other people he is especially prone to being affected by your emotions and as pregnancy proves to make you especially emotional at times he seems to suffer alongside with you. It doesn't even matter how silly whatever it is that you are sad about he is emotionally right with you. It is slightly annoying but also weirdly comforting in a way to you as he supports you through your sorrow and tries to cheer you up with whatever methods he can think of. Often he resorts to using Lero as a way to cheer you up as he knows that you are rather fond of his golem. It is rather amusing though to see the flabbergasted reaction of Lero when he is told that you are expecting Adam's child as he is the last one from everyone to find out.
🎃​All of the medical attention that you receive is from someone within the Noah Clan. Overall no one would trust a human to assist in your pregnancy as well as your birth when it comes to a child from the Noah family, especially since it is the Earl's child that you are carrying. Wisely turns out to know surprisingly enough as he always inherits the memories of all of his previous incarnations and Road knows the one or other thing too considering that she is one of the oldest despite her young appearance. Even without any previous knowledge regarding pregnancy everyone from the Noah family always seems to know roughly whether or not the little one growing within you is healthy or not though and all of that because they can tell through the connection that they share through their blood. It makes you very susceptible for criticism from their side though as soon as they should sense that the baby isn't feeling well though one soft warning uttered from the Earl is usually more than enough to make all of them shut up. The Earl is even able to perceive the sadness of the baby at one point. His baby is always sad when you are as well as if sensing the sorrow of its mother.
🎃​Adam adores the way your body changes in order to nurture a new life within your womb. He makes it a point to constantly tell you just how beautiful you are right now, fulfilling a miracle by bearing his baby. He gets very emotional whenever he feels the baby kicking within you, his palms rubbing with tender eagerness over your baby bump to feel the movements of the baby. Technically he can sense if the fetus is healthy or not but feeling the pressure of their limbs from within is a tangible proof that tells him that his child is happy and healthy within you. He converses a lot with your belly as he wants the baby to get used to his voice, to remember it from their time within your womb after you give birth. He even sometimes reads to you and the child on nights when the little one is especially active and keeps you from getting the rest that you need the further you get. It works though. The baby within you starts to recognise his voice at one point, soothed by the loving and gentle tone of his words as they stop their uncomfortable kicks and movements only moments after Adam starts talking to them. Witnessing how much they love his voice has his heart brimming with love that he can't wait to give his baby.
🎃​Every member of the family gifts you and the baby something. Road for example gifts you and the baby matching outfits she has sewed herself as well as a little plushie for the baby, also handmade by her. When your due date gets closer, Adam starts gluing himself to your side. His heart is filled with a mixture of anticipation, excitement and silent fear. He knows how painful labour is for a woman and even though it is the natural order of a new life to enter the physical world his heart is aching nevertheless for you. His grip on your hand is almost equally as tight as yours when contractions finally start and remember that he even holds his strength back as otherwise he might shatter every bone in your arm. Tears are in his eyes as he watches you endure the pain of delivering his child, his lips constantly pressing kisses against your sweaty face as he whispers praises and apologies against your ear. The tears start rolling the moment the shrill cry of the infant fills the room and Adam starts sobbing quietly when he sees the face of his little daughter for the first time. So small, so fragile and so precious that he is terrified to hold her at first, afraid to hurt the little love of his life.
Tyki Mikk
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🦋​Tyki himself has never indulged much in the thought of children before and neither has his Noah Joyd but all of that slowly seems to change the moment you stumble into the picture. You see, the Noah are the true Apostles of God and for that deep down there lies an innate desire to repopulate so that the world will be filled with the original humans. It's a slumbering desire that awakens over time within Joyd who desires to have you bear his child and it is Joyd's downright feral desire that forces Tyki to be aware of the lust of his Noah side. It's very hard to balance those desires out though as Joyd gets especially feral once he has your quivering body beneath him and purrs in your ears about his desire to see you carrying him a baby. It's hard to ignore those words of his and he knows that it will spook you out so soon after those previously slumbering urges have awoken Tyki decides to confess to you about the nature of his Noah. He confesses to you that he doubts that those desires will ever go away and though he himself wouldn't want to force you into giving him a child he is honest enough to admit to you that he doesn't know how long he can stop himself.
🦋​It is with a great amount of reluctance that you agree after a while to the idea of carrying him a baby. You may not understand everything about his family but you are smart enough to understand that Joyd is an ancient being that you cannot stop by yourself. The moment you have made up your mind Joyd instantly has you pressed beneath his body, golden eyes gleaming with lust and hunger. His dedication coupled with his stamina soon lead you exactly where he wants to have you. You're pregnant with his baby, his Noah blood sensing the little being of his flesh and blood. Smugness and satisfaction are all visible on his face as his golden eyes focus on your belly, a purr rumbling through his chest as his fingers dance over your belly. His brother is delighted when he hears the news and congratulates Tyki for his incoming fatherhood. Road ends up stealing you away whilst Sheril gives his brother some advice on how to be a good father though Tyki probably isn't buying anything. Road herself is quite excited since this baby is going to be her cousin but she seems to also understand that the circumstances that have led to this pregnancy aren't exactly something you expected.
🦋​Tyki has expected that his possessiveness would definitely receive a boost but perhaps even he underestimated just how much more possessive he would grow of you now that you are pregnant with his baby. He always wants you within sight of him, golden eyes always following you like a hawk whenever you move around the room. A desire he has always carried within his heart to care for you and protect you only blossoms further, thick vines that hold his heart in a chokehold. He starts doting on you and his baby growing within you a lot long before you even start showing. The entire family finds out soon after and whilst some members are more iffy about the thought of a human bearing someone of their bloodline as soon as the Earl chirps his congratulations no one would even think about voicing any criticism. Seeing his family react overall so positive definitely fills him with a sense of pride, at least from his Noah side. Tyki makes it a point to be as involved as possible in everything though. He builds the nursery, he helps to choose a name for the baby and he sees it through that he takes care of you as you grow heavier with his baby. He loves taking care of you as you grow more reliant on him.
🦋​It's undeniably Joyd speaking so clearly out of him whenever he confesses in a smooth voice to you that he adores to watch you growing less mobile which in return forces you to rely more on him. There's nothing more precious and beautiful than caring for you all whilst you bear him his lovely child. When he is Tyki things are more casual and occasionally even awkward as he finds himself a tiny bit overwhelmed at times when your hormones get the better of you but he never once strays from your side. He gets you the food that you want and even though he may give you a perplexed look when you combine some... unique flavors together he never criticises you for it as he's worried that he might hurt your feelings which are already all over the place. He isn't necessarily very strict when it comes to the stuff you eat during your pregnancy but he still sees it through that you consume the meals that he prepares for you, more nutritious and healthy for you and the baby than what you may consume otherwise. The moment your bump starts showing one of his hands always finds a way to your stomach, his fingers gingerly tracing over the growing curve as a low purr escapes him.
🦋​Your comfort is Tyki's priority and once the pregnancy starts putting a strain on your body and the little one starts getting more active within you he pays more attention to you than ever. He constantly offers to massage you the moment your body starts aching from the weight of your pregnancy, draws baths for you to allow you to relax for a while and he even allows his Teez to keep you company. They would never hurt you but they so nib playfully at you. They do possess more awareness than you might have given them previously credit for though as they often place themselves over your stomach in an almost protective manner. Almost equally as your physical comfort to him is your emotional well-being though. Especially Joyd needs you to realise just how beautiful you are at the moment for nurturing a little baby that will be all his and all yours. If he should sense any hint of insecurities within you due to the unfamiliar changes that your body goes through he would be more than willing to prove to you just how pretty you currently are in his eyes. You're nothing short of stunning as the sight of you swollen with his baby is absolutely lovely and delectable.
🦋​The process of birth would be interesting mainly because his abilities would technically allow him to pull the child out of your womb without you even having to go through any painful contractions. However, I do think that this is a situation where Tyki and Joyd would sort of clash against each other. Tyki is a human and even though he is no woman he still wishes to spare you from painful hours. Joyd is his Noah though who wants to see you go through the painful but also beautiful process of giving birth to a new life and unless it is an emergency he refuses to use his abilities on you. Let nature take its course like it has done for thousand of years now already. This could honestly end up either way depending on who ends up having the stronger will though if other Noah are present during birth they will most likely also insist on you giving birth the natural way unless complications should appear. The pride and joy that he feels dwelling up within his chest the moment his son is delivered is the same either way. Golden eyes are filled with affection for you and for the little boy, a deep purr rumbling through his chest as he wraps the baby and you protectively within his arms.
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georgiapeach30513 · 4 months ago
With Your Touch, Part 8
Summary: There's some things that need to be discussed
Pairings: Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, D/s dynamics, teasing, fingering, degradation, praise kink, humiliation kink, toy play, slight voyeurism, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of cum play, bit of breeding kink, mentions of spanking, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.1K
Series Masterlist
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Lloyd leans into Lyla’s bedroom, smiling at you unable to leave her. You don’t say anything, or even move, you just stare at the precious Lyla Bee. A soft smile turns your mouth up. So often you show your love for her. It isn’t something you have to do, it’s something you choose to do daily. It’s the sexiest thing you can do. You love an extension to him.
He’d have to make it official. Eventually give Lyla a sibling. He’s enjoying playing with your body, but he seriously can’t wait to see you swollen with him. To see you around your father and he understands the love that the two of you have. And he knows what a good girl that you are.
Lloyd fully intends on exploring your sweet obedient ways. He wants to push you to your limits, with your complete consent as well. “She’s so beautiful,” you coo down at your daughter. You don’t want anything in this world to ever harm her. If you could keep her this little you would. Freeze time so everything stays this sweet always.
It’s an odd thing to accept that she wants you to be her mom, but also Lloyd. There’s no way that you could love her any more than you do, even if you birthed her. You could spend hours just looking at her. Watching how her lips pucker up, and she even makes smacking noises with her mouth when she’s extra tired. She learns something new everyday, and you don’t want to miss a second of her life.
Lloyd walks up behind you, wrapping both arms around your front. He settles his chin on your shoulder to stare at this beautiful angel with you. “She really is. She’s spectacular.”
“I don’t think her wants her daddy to go back to work,” Lloyd knows exactly what you’re trying to pull. You’ve been laying it on thick all week about his returning to work.
“I think her mama is trying to guilt trip her daddy into not leaving.”
“But it’ll be lonely out here,” he doesn’t have to look at you to know that you're pouting. He doesn’t want to ignore your fears, but also doesn’t want to let you know that this is fully working on him. He’d almost choose to never go back. But you need boundaries. And he has no problem giving them to you, and also enforcing them.
He inhales swiftly, turning his head to kiss on your neck, “I’m going to make it a point to come home every night. Sometimes maybe every other night,” you groan, pushing your ass into his back, and your eyes go wide. His soft kiss turns to a nibble on your neck as he walks you out of her bedroom.
“Why are you hard?”
Groaning, he cups your covered mound, and you whimper. His hands are so large. You’ve had them in you. You still haven’t gotten used to that. Lloyd Hansen has been inside of you. Swimming inside of you. “Lloyd?” You whimper, and he drops his arms from around you, sitting on the couch with a plop, and you see his tightened jeans. “Lloyd!”
“Oh, shut up,” it’s playful, he grins at you. He rubs his hand over his bulge, smiling, “You know, when she goes to sleep, it’s time for mama and daddy to have fun,” the sinful bastard, “But first, we need to establish some boundaries.”
Your brow raises, while you look at him inquisitively, “Dolly, it’s just to make sure that I never take advantage of your trust. You have no idea the ways I want to play and use your body, but you have to give me permission.”
“You have it,” you earnestly answer. Your feet swish back and forth, eyes going glassy as you stare at him. Naturally going into a submissive state, Lloyd has a deep urge to destroy you like this. Just so he can lift you back up. He can’t take advantage of something your body naturally craves.
“You truly don’t understand. Sit,” listening immediately, Lloyd grins, “Good girl. You listen well,” you preen, leaning towards him. “You do well with praise. Noted,” he hums, staring over your body a moment. You’re so reactive to him. Sitting up straighter, and shoulders shimmying. That slight smile tickling the edges of your plump mouth.
“I have very distinct — needs,” that didn’t sound bad. “I haven’t done relationships, and I fear that I could be too much,” that could be putting it lightly. He’s extremely needy, and is prone to stress. He needs you to unwind.
“Why’s that?”
“There’s this bit of a humiliation mixed in with degradation that I enjoy,” inhaling sharply, you find yourself staring at the fabric of the couch. You didn’t know how to press him for more information. “Do you want to be my slut?” You tremble, but nod your head. “Why?”
“I’m just yours?”
“Just mine.”
“That’s why,” Lloyd smirks, “If I asked you to stop, would you?” He makes a weird noise with his mouth, looking up at you, “What does that mean?”
“Sometimes in intense sessions, you say stop because you feel it’s what you should say, but you desperately don’t want me to stop. Hence, the need for a safe word, and the need for me to read your body language. Safe word?”
You think long and hard. You know it needs to be something you wouldn’t normally say out loud. Something easy to remember, easy to say, easy for him to understand even if you whisper it. “Nightingale,” Lloyds eyes blink rapidly, and you’re afraid you said something wrong.
“It’s beautiful,” the smile that lights up your face has him feeling all fuzzy in his stomach. The way your body reacts to him is too addictive. You’re more dangerous than he ever thought about being, “The nightingale is often associated with Venus. I think that’s perfect for you.”
“What do you mean by humiliation?”
Lloyd hisses between his teeth. His hands drag up his thighs, that one is a bit more complicated, “When my fingers are buried so deep into your cunt, do you want me to tell you that you’re taking my fingers like my sloppy little slut?” You look just like a puppy. Nodding your head, and scooting closer to Lloyd. “Do you want me to make you clean up your mess with your tongue for my own enjoyment before I let you fuck yourself with my cock?”
Gulping you nod, “Yes.”
“What about what I mentioned last night? Put the toy version of my cock inside of you, pulling your panties up, and asking you to pour me some bourbon. Maybe ask you to get on your knees to wipe something out of the floor, and I can stare at that toy puckering out your lingerie while you crawl around?”
“My god, yes,” you’re such a slut. Maybe it’s a slut for him. Possibly a slut for the praise, but regardless, a slut. “Yes. I want to play with the little Lloyd toys.”
He chuckles. Reaching over to a drawer, and retrieves out the little toy. He’s bright pink. “Ooh! I want to call him LJ,” it didn’t take a genius to know why you wanted to call the toy that. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to behave, and listen. Stop pouting,” his voice is still soft, but the command is obvious. “I want you free use,” you furrow your brows, staring into his eyes. “Anytime I want you, I can use you. With discretion of course. I will never fully share you. I will never let another man look upon your body if you don’t want it. I-I,” he stutters, “I want you to explore your sexuality. If you want someone to join us, I would consider it, but everything is with your say so.”
“Wait another man in the bed with us?” he watches your face intently. Making note of how you’re not disgusted, you’re curious.
“Or woman,” you scrunch your nose up, shaking your head no, “It’s not that bad.”
“I just don’t want to share you.”
“I know you don’t, sweetheart. But sometimes we just have to get it in when we can, and if you’re dripping with my seed, you’ll just have to suck it up, even if people are around,” you are a peculiar and funny little thing. Trying to work out different scenarios. “Let’s say that there is a visitor here, and we’re in the middle of something. We finish up as much as we can. But maybe I can’t fully clean you up. I get off on knowing that you're soaked in my cum, while we have company.”
“Yes,” one simple word is all that he needs to hear. You are truly a slut for him. For wearing him. He reaches over towards you, tugging at the hem of your shirt, and you pull it off with so much enthusiasm. Lloyd leans over just a bit for an open mouth kiss on each nipple. Kissing and sucking on the tender flesh until they’re peaked and pebbled up.
“Take off your bottoms,” you listen. “Such an obedient little one. Now, turn around. I want you laying back on my thigh,” this time you don’t move as quickly. Stubbing up and pouting at him. Refusing to listen to his command, and he slaps at the side of your rear. “Behave, and do as I said, so I can play with you and LJ.”
You may huff, but you listen. Laying back on him, and he taps on your thighs to spread your legs wide open. “What other colors of the little Lloyds are there?”
He leans over your body, gazing intently at your split before he barely flicks your sensitive pearl, “One is blue, and the other is purple,” he is too enthralled in your clit, and you’re becoming too aroused to pay attention. “What are their names?”
Waiting too long, he squeezes your bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger, causing you to arch your back in surprise, “What are their names?”
“L-L-Leonard,” that isn’t what he was expecting. “The blue one, he’s Leonard. The purple is — he’s,” you look down your body, watching as Lloyd plays with you. Comparing the thickness of his fingers to your body. But it’s not overtly sexual. He’s having fun exploring your folds. “His name is — Lennon.”
All L names. You would do that. “You do realize I could have you airtight without me ever being inside of you? I could have LJ in your tight little pussy, Leonard in your ass, and Lennon in your mouth. Watching you go dumb on three cocks that might be shaped like me, but they’re not. And then if you get extra desperate, I could push myself in your cunt. Right beside LJ. Do you think you can handle four of my cocks?”
“No,” he plunges a finger into your warmth, and you try To capture his eyes. He didn’t look disappointed, but he does seem less animated. You don’t like seeing him like that. You want him to look proud, “But I would try.”
“Such an eager little whore. That’s why I like you, you know. You would do anything to please me, wouldn’t you?” Breathlessly you answer him. Nodding your head as he dips another finger into your body. Having you spread out, naked, and vulnerable is his favorite. He’s fully clothed, but he gets to look at the work of art that is you.
Venturing deeper into your cunt, he watches your face with every small movement he makes. Learning what makes you tick, and what you enjoy. Listening to the change of your breathing, and the slight differences in your sounds. And then pulls out of you too soon. He caresses your lips with his fingers, making the pillows look glossy with your essence. And then his meaty fingers go into his mouth where he sucks off the rest of your honey, “Hmm, you taste so sweet.”
He licks his lips, reaching over to grab LJ, and brings it to your mouth, and you suck on him enthusiastically. Trying to show him how much of the toy you can take, but he pulls it out of your mouth, and lowers it to your entrance. Lloyd teases the toy around your hole, and without commandment, you spread out further. Angling your body for easier entrance. He slowly breeches through your walls.
His mouth falls open right along with yours as he studies your body opening up, and accommodating him, LJ. The sounds that your body makes is a symphony, ringing in your home. He becomes obsessed with you. Pushing and pulling out the hot pink toy. Your slick coats the fake version of him. Each push into you, he goes deeper.
Deeper still.
Until he can push it in balls deep, and he holds it there. You took every inch. Every thick veiny inch of the fake him. His free hand cups your breast, and he pinches on your swollen nipple. Perfect. You take him so well. While you may have your toys, he has you as his toy. The things he could do to you. It’s not even innately about sex with you as much as giving you pleasure. He finds pleasure in that.
You’re so reactionary to being filled with him that it nearly makes him weak thinking about you waddling around the house with this stupid dick inside of you. Have you get on all fours while you simulate backing up on him. God, your body is immaculate.
“Lloyd,” you pant out, looking between him, and the immobile toy. You need something else, and he’s not giving it to you. It’s both frustrating, and hot as fuck, and it confuses your brain, “Lloyd? Daddy?”
“Yes, baby?”
“I want to come.”
“You’re such a sweet girl. Can I just play with you?” Your body needs some release. It needs anything besides this torturous nothingness. “Why don’t you play with your clit, and let me just watch you get yourself off.”
His eyes look over to the clock, and he smiles. Still holding that stupid toy fully in you. The depth of it gives your belly a funny feeling. An ache you can’t explain. It doesn’t hurt, it’s not fully uncomfortable, but it is different. “Use both hands. Spread those lips far apart, and let me see that cute little swollen clit of yours.”
You follow his instructions. Letting him see the button before creating tight circles on your body. Your hips start to buck up as you imitate sex. Rocking on the couch just to make your tits bounce. Putting on a show for him so he will want to fuck you. Will want to at least let you come.
Your body climbs with pleasure, and you close your eyes. Envisioning that he is hovering over you. Pushing his length as deep as he can, and a lewd moan escapes your puckered lips. He feels so good deep in your body. He feels good with his weight over you. Filling you up with every inch of him, and with his load right in your belly. “Daddy, I’m so close.”
“There you go, princess. You’re right there aren’t you?” Giving him a head nod, he takes his hand off the toy. Bringing both of them to your tits, and he tweaks, and pinches them. Watching as your swaying body creates the friction with the toy you needed. Sucking the hot pink rod into your body, and lifting up so it pulls out. Little desperate slut, “Such a needy little slut. You’re taking every inch of that pretty little cock. But…”
Lloyd doesn’t get to finish his sentence. His fingers let go of your tits, and he pulls your hands off your body. Keeping them spread so you can’t touch yourself, but your body still searches for movement. “Shh,” he says, but you’re too busy trying to jump over the edge of euphoria. “Dolly, don’t you hear the doorbell ringing?”
“What?” You halt. Listening with haggard breaths, and the doorbell rings again. “Lloyd, no!”
“Don’t pout. Just get dressed. Leave the dick inside of you,” you gawk at him. “I said what I said, Dolly. Dressed, with the dick still inside your body. “It’s just Ari. He arrives almost directly on the dot when I ask him.”
You sit up, starting to pull the wretched pink toy out of your body, and Lloyd tsks you. “I don’t want this in me when Ari is here.”
“Do you remember what we said just moments before?”
“Yeah, but you tricked me. You knew he was coming tonight.”
He actually rolls his eyes at you before grabbing your chin, “What’s your safe word?” You shake your head no, “Either say it, or put your fucking clothes on,” you stare at him a moment, unmoving. “Each second I count is how many spankings you’re getting. One,” you don’t dare move. You can be just as stubborn as him. “Two. Three. Four. Five.”
You cross your arms over your chest. Trying to ignore him. “Six. Seven.”
“Fine!” Your voice is a bit raised as you reach for your shorts. Leaving the panties in the floor, and hope they embarrass him. And you grab your shirt. Asshole. He sits there with his legs crossed looking awfully proud of himself. “Aren’t you going to open the door?” You ask him. He got too comfortable, and now you’re dressed, and still aching to find some release that is just right out of your grasp.
“Nope. You are,” your mouth falls open. “Go on, princess. Let daddy’s friend in. He’s been waiting on you to act like the good girl I know you are,” fucking tease. Standing up. You wince. Not in pain but because the movement sends an odd sense of pleasure through your body. “Ari’s waiting. Go on, waddle for me, baby.”
You aren’t going to waddle. You won’t give him the satisfaction. You’re going to walk very oddly, sure. But you hold your chin up high. Refusing to let him know you see his cocky little smile as you make your way to the front door. Smiling up at Ari as you open the door.
His eyes drift down your front with a smirk before he walks past you and into the living room. And you stand at the front door, trying to regulate your breathing. You aren’t going to let him see you struggle. “Sweetheart, Ari and I would like something to drink.”
The fucking asshole. This is so wrong, and still there’s that part of you that enjoys it way too much. A sexual secret that you and Lloyd share, while you have company. Knowing that Lloyd knows what is inside of you. Wonder how he’d feel if Ari knew. If Ari saw. You get the most devilish grin on your face. You didn’t care if people knew that Lloyd could destroy you with his dick. And Ari is bound to know all the sick twisted ways Lloyd gets off.
“Did you mean for her to answer the door with her nipples hard as a rock?” Ari motions his head toward the discarded panties on the floor. Lloyd would get you all worked up right before Ari came here. Edging is his favorite hobby.
“You should see my dick,” Ari rolls his eyes as he settles back into the couch, and then he makes a face of disgust before moving to the chair. “Why did you do that?”
“You’re on a couch with a hard on. Your girlfriend is walking around in short shorts, bra less, and nipples protruding. And that spot was warm,” chuckling, Lloyd pops his fingers into his mouth, moaning, “You’re truly sick. You know that?”
“Have you seen her?”
“I think you’ve seen enough of her,” Lloyd scoffs. His crystal eyes roam down the hall, trying to listen to hear what you’re doing. He hopes you’re fucking yourself. Knowing how frustrated you are, he hopes you’re doing something to get yourself off. He’ll watch the footage when Ari leaves.
“Lloyd, everyone is getting restless. You either need to take an extended break, and let me resume power, or come back. But the mercenaries need to know what’s going on. You can’t hole up here with your slut forever.”
“You’re not saying that in a derogatory way are you?” Ari shakes his head no. “I mean, she is my slut. She’s my girlfriend, Lyla’s mom, my future baby mama, future wife,” Ari clears his throat, “What?”
“That’s another thing. Someone got wind of Candy sniffing around. Me thinks she knows how much you’re worth, and either she’ll hold Lyla over yours and her head, or you’ll have to pay her off.”
“Write her a check,” Lloyd grunts suddenly. The idea of that woman coming and taking Lyla from you is sick. She didn’t even give her daughter a name!
“See the problem with women like her, she’ll always come back for more. You need it legally settled that you and Dolly are her parents. The lawyers are drawing up a petition for adoption. You know, it’ll need to be legal. She will come back.”
“Then I’ll put a bullet through her head,” he’s so annoying and ridiculous that Ari can’t even comprehend his little tyraid. “She won’t have our daughter. Lyla doesn’t even know her. Do you know who puts her to bed every night? Who bathes her every day? Pushes her in that stupid expensive pram? Goes to mommy and me classes for singing and yoga? Who is teaching her to walk? And who has been planning a first birthday party for her? Not some fucking whore who wasn’t worth the money I paid, and who poked fucking holes in the goddamn condoms.”
You flinch walking back into the living room. Getting an apology from both men. You take a deep breath, handing Ari’s bourbon on the rocks to him, and definitely not waddling to Lloyd to give him his. He pulls you nearly into his lap. Leaning you so far onto him, your ass is pointing towards Ari, and you playfully look towards him. He sees it. See the outline of Lloyd’s little dick inside of you.
His lips curve up into a devilish smile, and he raises his brows. Holding his cup up as if to cheers you, and you wiggle your as a bit. Smiling right back before Lloyd smacks over the protruding toy, and you lift up, moaning so loud that Ari chokes on his bourbon. Your face heats up with the most delightful embarrassment and you hide it in Lloyd’s chest.
“Stop looking,” he warns Ari, who still refuses to look away.
“Stop putting it out on a platter for me to stare at,” Lloyd is too fast. Reaching into your shorts, he tugs out the toy, and drops it onto the coffee table. Leaving Ari to stare at something besides yourself. Now it’s a hot pink replica of Lloyd’s cock, shining in the light, and soaked with your honey, and…
“I knew it,” he whispers more to you, even if Ari hears it. “Now that everyone can get their mind out of the fucking gutter. Dolly, Ari tells me we may have some issues with Lyla Bee’s birth mother. It seems she is pushing for leverage, and she’s using our daughter.”
You sit up immediately. Going into mama bear protective mode, despite the soaked dildo on the table. “She won’t take my daughter.”
“Ari doesn’t seem to think paying her off is enough.”
“It won’t be,” Ari raises his cup towards you. “No, it won’t. Women like her know that you would pay anything to keep our daughter with us. She’ll know your weak spot, our weak spot.”
“So she needs a bullet in her head,” that isn’t at all what you meant.
“No!” Ari bursts out laughing, but you’re serious. “I know what you do. But maybe — I think we need, I mean if you’re okay with it, but maybe we should do something legal. I mean what if I adopted her. If she’s legally mine there’s nothing that woman can do, right?”
“Thank you!” Ari raises his hands up, and looks at Lloyd, “She gets it. So, I’ll talk to the lawyers and get the ball rolling. We’ll tell them the address of Dolly and Lyla are to be held off as long as possible. You know you’ll have to go through a background check, and,” he grimaces, looking at the stupid forgotten toy again, “It’ll probably be easier if you’re married.”
“Oh,” you answer in surprise, looking up at Lloyd who remains emotionless. his control on his emotions can be frustrating, “That will be something we’ll have to discuss. But — whatever it takes. I need my daughter,” it’s amazing how quickly you accepted her as yours. With as much time as you spent with her, it just made sense. And now you also get to share her dad. “Is that why you came by?”
“Yeah. And Lloyd promised me a show of you fucking yourself with the dildo,” you’re stunned. Unable to look at either one of them, and Lloyd is no help. He’s completely frozen in place.
“Maybe next time.”
“I was only kidding. I know he has a weird little obsession with his dick, and his toys,” the toys of his dick, or you as the toy? You aren’t sure how Ari means, or if he means both. Doesn’t matter. “I’m sure I’m going to leave, and he will make you perform for him though, and I suppose he’ll want to look and see how wide your cunt is spread,” Lloyd clears his throat.
“Have the two of you watched a girl do that together?” Ari answers yes quickly, while Lloyd groans. “Oh. So you’re really close?” The two seem close. Possibly more than colleagues because who watches a girl masturbate with their best friend with them?
“We didn’t have sex with her at the same time. It was more or less entertainment, and you’re not a paid for show. Anyways,” leaning forward, he places the cup on the table before lifting himself up. “You two have fun with that conversation,” and he leaves.
You swallow deeply, keeping your eyes on LJ. Contemplating how you want to start this conversation. “Do you want to share me?”
“I want you to be happy, and I’ll do whatever experiences you want to keep you that way. If you don’t want Ari to see you riding the toy, or just playing with yourself, you don’t have to. It is not a requirement, and I’m perfectly satisfied with that. Your pleasure is my pleasure. I do enjoy watching you pleasure yourself. I enjoy staving off my own arousal to watch you get off. I like that desperate feeling when I finally sink into you.”
Inhaling deeply, you take off your shirt, and step out of your shorts. Grabbing up the dildo of Lloyd, you suction it to the floor, and stand over it. Keeping your eyes on Lloyd, and he scoots the table to the side, and leans back on the couch. Your knees slowly bend as you sink to the floor. You’re not performing. You’re just watching him. Seeing what it is he truly likes.
Getting to your knees, you hover over the nine inches that make up Lloyd before sinking over him. He stares so hard at the toy splitting you open. He doesn’t even touch himself. He just watches as you slowly bounce over it. “Would you want Ari to see me like this?”
“Would you want him to?” He answers a question with a question, so you pinch your nipples. Trying to make him squirm, but it does nothing.
“Then maybe,” infuriating. He can’t even fully answer.
“Would you would want Ari to fuck me?” Straight forward is the best way.
Lloyd sucks in a beat of air, “I’d prefer he didn’t.”
“Would you want Ari to watch you fuck me?”
“I wouldn’t mind it, but only if you wanted it, and were comfortable,” at least he’s being honest. Lloyd’s kink isn’t about sharing you. It’s about showing off what he has.
“Would you let Ari touch me, while you’re fucking me?”
“You know Ari is a bit of a cuck, right?” Your brow raises as you look at him. “Ari enjoys watching people have sex. He enjoys fingering a woman when she’s filled with cum so he can make a mess of her used hole. He enjoys writing on her body how much of a slut she is before he watches a man fucks a load into her. Or him. He doesn’t care who is getting fucked. He likes watching. He enjoys cleaning cum out of her pussy. He enjoys fucking women, and men fucking him. Ari enjoys the art of voyeurism that turns into participation. He enjoys the art and beauty of sex and pleasure. It’s not about love as much as it is about enjoyment. So tell me Dolly, do you want Ari to finger you while eating my cum out of your swollen pussy?”
You don’t know how to answer that. It’s so much information all at once. It’s raw and vulgar. It’s hot as fuck. But to have someone do that to you, you just don’t even know. It’s too much happening at once. Way too much. “You don’t have to answer now. But now that you understand Ari’s odd little choices in sex…”
“Have you ever fucked Ari?”
There’s a bit of a hesitation before Lloyd shakes his head, “No. It’s not like that. He participates, yes. But…”
“Your love has remained platonic?”
“I think you think he’s a third. Ari has no problems finding partners. But he enjoys the ways that I can degrade, humiliate, and praise a sub all at once. You couldn’t handle him,” you didn’t know what that meant, and you no longer have a desire to discuss Ari. You want Lloyd inside of you immediately.
“Fuck me,” he cocks up an eyebrow, smiling. “Fuck me like you love me,” he stands. Removing his shirt, and pulling down his pants and underwear at the same time. The pretty cock springs free as he walks out of his pants and towards you, and lifts you right off the toy, and onto his own cock. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he carries you into the bedroom.
He crawls the two of you onto the mattress, and lays you down gently. His body weight lowering on top of yours. Lloyd uses his nose to pet around your face. Smoothing his skin across the perimeter of your jaw, inhaling your scent as he lifts your arms above your head. Weaving his fingers in yours before he rolls himself in and out of you.
A steady rhythm of thrusting. He’s so soft and deliberate with his movements. Continuing to trace your face with his nose. Whispering your name, “I love you. We don’t have to invite anybody into our sex life. You’re more than enough. And I need you to understand that. If you don’t want Ari to ever see you in the position he did tonight, I need you to vocalize that, okay?”
“Okay,” you pant out. Arching your back to take more of him. You want him all over you.
“You can take all the time in the world to decide that. You can change your mind at any time,” the idea of Ari is exciting to him, but not necessary. Especially if it meant losing you. That is what mattered; you and Lyla. Not some kinky sex and cum play.
“I know,” he knows this is the worst time to try and get you to comprehend what could be a difficult sex life. But he isn’t lying. It isn’t a performance. You’re his obsession. Just you. You are more than enough for him. “What did you know earlier?” your chest heaves as you try and get the question out. “When you took LJ out of me.”
“You left your cream on the toy,” he laughs up against your neck. His mouth and hips are both a work of art, and the most sinful parts of him. “You got yourself off before you came back into the living room didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” he bites your neck, starting to suck on the skin hard. “You’re going to leave a mark!”
“Tell the truth,” he demands before sucking even harder. Sending every synapse in your brain into overdrive.
“Yes! Yes, I was leaning over the counter, and — and I was — I was — Lloyd!” He stops his movements, and you squeal. “Stop!”
“Then answer me.”
He starts a steady pace again, and then pounds into you so hard you see stars. His pace changes to slow, but rough jabbing movements, “I was just playing with my clit, and — and humping air. I was pretending it was you. Daddy!”
You’re wrecked. His movements are so slow, but they hit every right spot. Maybe it’s the blinding stabs into you that has every muscle in your body tightening up. He fucks into you so hard that the hairs on your body stands up, your toes curl, and your fingernails dig into his hands. You wish you could touch some other part of his body. You’re a goner.
Each thrust becomes harder. Deeper. Just. Right. There.
In. The. Perfect. Spot.
“Daddy!” Everything blurs. Lines disappear, and your body is numb with pleasure. Breathing so erratically as stars light up your vision. “Daddy!”
Jolting your body up the bed higher. Until your hands hit the head board, and he drops them. Slamming his hands above you, and he rockets himself into you. Pounding you so hard that your body lurches higher on the bed. Your head starts to knock against the padded board, and you start speaking in tongue to the heavens above as pleasure so deep in your body locks your bones into place.
Lloyd grunts, gritting his teeth as he remains pistoning into your clenching cunt. Your body is locked down, and this high lasts so long that you forget how to breathe. How to even be a human. Bright light floods into your mind, and then a loud, “Fuuuck,” before warmth spews inside of you, and your walls pulse around his cock. Milking him dry.
“My god, if you want me to marry you, I’d do it tomorrow,” you hum as he settles over you. He kisses around your neck. Using his fingers to trace the delicate lines on your neck and collarbone. Something is missing, and now he knows, “We’re going to have to fix this before I go back to work,” he still has to deal with The Verb, and your disgusting father. But he’s going to make sure everyone knows that you belong to someone. Even if you didn’t understand the significance, others would. He’s sure the neighbor down the street that stared at you when you dropped the keys to your car too long would understand exactly what it meant.
He had to make it be known that you were claimed, and unavailable. In every way possible. “Yeah, you’ve got a nasty little hickey on your neck.”
“What?” Your hand feels around your neck where he bit you. Thinking you could see with your eyes before you roll over on top of him. He sighs when he feels himself drip out of you. He doesn’t even care that you’re giving your own mark on him because you’re also grinding your greedy little twat on his stomach. You’re just as insatiable as him.
You nip on his creamy skin. Sucking and kissing over him. You want this ugly thing to last. Moving lower to give him another hickey. And another. If he’s going to leave you, you’re going to make sure everyone knows that he comes home to you. Home to fuck you. And home to his family.
You sit up on him, smiling at your handy work. “There. Now you can go back to work, and show everyone how you have a slut living with you.”
“Yeah yeah. Just keep grinding, and get yourself off on my stomach. I’ll walk around with this stupid thing if that makes you feel better. And I’ll worry about those seven spankings another day,” you forgot about that threat. But he didn’t.
In some weird way, you like knowing that he’ll walk around with red bruises all over his neck. Not that you didn’t trust him. It’s just fun to think that everyone knows he’s getting laid on a regular basis. That he can come home to his Dolly. Home to you. Home to your daughter. And his family.
And you have every intention of letting him use you.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai
@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@pandaxnienke @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @buckybarnesisdaddy @patzammit
@xoxo-ls @rebeccapineapple @slutforchrisjamalevans @marvel-wifey-86 @jesevans
@ughdontbeboring @infantasywonderland @vampy-doll @i-like-to-read-13 @missacidburn928
@charmed-asylum @superflannel @hisredheadedgoddess28 @lostinspace33 @abbyyourlocalmilf
@saranghae012 @rogersbarber @tas-renee @kmm-fluv
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animeyanderetalker · 6 months ago
Imagine arranged marriage scenario, but with Gojo/Tyki/Muzan. With Gojo, higher ups/his clan helds something above his head. With Tyki, Earl tired of his hard resistance and took the matter in his own hands. With Muzan, it's being another unfortunate wife for his cover.
They hate your guts, belittle you, make fun of you, even hurt you, so you sad because of them and hate them too. But with time later, they are slowly fall for you, you are not as bad as they thought of you. And knowing that you understandly don't greatlt favour them, those man WILL give you their love and make you fall for him.
Kibutsuji Muzan is the worst option for any of this. If you were married before he took a shallow interest in you your husband will be simply gone, brutally murdered by him. In public he may keep up the appearance of a normal husband but in private he is cold, brutal and harsh. You really only find peace when he is gone because only then are you free from condescending words, painful touches and the feeling of sharp nails digging into your flesh as he doesn’t tolerate disobedience in the least.
The thing is that if Muzan wants something, he will obtain it by force. He’s not going to court you and change for you. You should be grateful that he not only chose you as his cover but that he also has an actual interest to keep you alive. After all he is the perfect being whilst you are but a mere human.
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Tyki Mikk is probably going to be the best option if we’re talking about how they act before they fall in love with you. Not only is he actually a gentleman and polite to women but he also has respect and love for his family which means that he still tries to follow the wishes of the Earl. He’s not very affectionate and there is a cold air around him but he won’t cheat nor would he treat you purposely bad. He’s just not spending a lot of time with you and ignores more personal requests of you, especially if you try to get to know him better.
He’s going to be the least intense one as well after he’s fallen in love with you. Tyki is charming, handsome and manipulative but in a more subtle way. He doesn’t want you to be forced to love him as he would much rather orchestrate everything so that at the very least you are under the impression that you fell for him naturally.
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Gojo Satoru isn’t necessarily very fond of his clan nor is he close with any one of them. He knows that at the end of the day he is just a valuable asset of theirs so whilst he won’t openly complain when they arrange a marriage for him he won’t value the wedding vows either. He secretly can’t help but let his spite out on you though he’s subtle about it. He’s constantly comparing you to other people and always makes sure how they are so much better than you and rarely spends time with you. If he decides to take you with him he usually quickly surrounds himself with other people whilst ignoring you. Nanami scolds him for his hurtful behavior, tries to cheer you up as good as he can when Satoru is somewhere else again.
He should have expected the whiplash of his actions and at one point in time he really didn’t care but things are different now. Gojo is desperate and clingy, showers you in presents and constantly wants to do everything you used to want to do with him. Only that now the roles are reversed and you’re the one not in the mood to hang out with him. That’s fine though. If he’ll isolate you until only him and you exist in the world he’s sure that you’ll have a change of heart. You have to…
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white-shadow25 · 8 months ago
Hi, can we have an scenario with Fem!Reader and True Noah Tyki form? Like the reader (also his lover) thought that he will hurt or kill her in this form, only to be forced to cuddle with him on floor, while purring in deep and loud voice 🤭
I am so, so sorry about how long it took me to get into writing ಥ‿ಥ Honestly, I was kind of sick when the requests started coming in, I think, I'm not sure of the exact dates but it must been pretty much close to it.
Moral of the story, don't have COVID and dengue altogether, you will suffer.
(Also I wanted to thank those who sent me nice words, I've been wanting to answer since I received them but I was too weak and have been thinking about it since then but just never answer.)
Now, in more optimistic news, I write something! I translated it with the help of ChatGPT, (I write in a pretty bad Span-English most of the time) it was far more quickly than it usually takes me to translate things, and with my very limited English knowledge, I would say is fine, if you notice something's off let me know so I'll never use it again  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Two days passed since the Ark incident. Two days in which Tyki hadn’t awakened. You stayed by his side the entire time, sitting in a chair next to his bed. You hardly slept; he didn't allow you to. Every now and then, you would hear him, and it broke your heart to see him writhing in pain in bed, his moans and groans keeping you alert.
In these two days, you hadn't been able to get rid of the oppression in your chest that’s been overwhelming you since Adam returned to the new Ark with Tyki slung over his shoulder. Your mouth had gone dry, and your stomach churned. You rushed to them, and the Earl told you what had happened in a more optimistic tone than you would have liked to hear at that moment. He left Tyki in your care, fully trusting that you could handle it alone, and then he left, leaving you with the unconscious Noah. Since then, you've stayed by his side, wiping the sweat from his face and managing to feed and give him water.
Road visited you, but you noticed something was off about her. Her movements seemed oddly calculated, her eyes lacked their usual sparkle, her voice was weak, and you were sure her hair color dulled occasionally. You deduced that she hadn't come out of the battle unscathed and was tired, whether much or little. You sent her to recover, and somewhat reluctantly, she obeyed, not without warning you to be careful, the man you were caring for so lovingly might not be your partner. After reminding you to call her or Sheryl in case of an emergency, she left.
A growl brought you back to reality. Tyki was trembling, curled up. You dampened a clean cloth in fresh water and tried to uncover his face, which he kept hidden under the blankets.
"Tyki?" you asked, leaning over him on the bed. "Love?"
The Noah's growls grew louder, and in a movement you didn't fully understand, you fell to the floor along with the chair you had been anchored to for the past two days. The blankets moved as if there were a fight underneath, and you knew what it was.
The tentacles were not new to you; you had seen them before, hours after the Earl returned with Tyki, to be exact. You had already learned not to get too close in those moments. The small cut on your right palm started to bother you—a mark that would stay as a reminder of the first incident, a visible and tangible sign of the lesson learned.
Without standing up, you slowly crawled away from the bed. You sat in the corner near the door in case you needed to leave, and with your eyes fixed on the movement of the sheets, you waited. The growls intensified, the sheets tore, and the tentacles waved, twisted, and abruptly stopped. You could see how the Noah's back slowly straightened. His hair, now long, cascaded from his shoulders, and you couldn't help but shiver. The cold silence of the room chilled your bones. Your trembling fingers tried to grip the wooden floor, scratching it. In a blink, the Noah's figure towering above you.
And you could see his golden eyes. Those eyes you had seen thousands of times before, the same eyes that not long ago looked at you with the love and tenderness of the most devoted lover, now stared at you coldly and expressionlessly. This wasn’t Tyki.
You automatically understood the situation. You scanned the room frantically with your gaze, looking for Lero, but he wasn't there. Your breath caught, your heart stopped, and you bit your lips to stifle the small sob that fear had left in your throat.
You slipped a hand under the skirt of your dress; you had some talismans hidden in your stockings for emergencies, thinking, you could stop Joyd long enough to find Lero and improvise from there.
With a rough shove, the Noah pulled you from the corner and dragged you to the carpet in the center of the room while you took out the talismans and hid them in your sleeve. Before you could even remember the spell to use them, Joyd straddled you, a predatory smile on his lips and a sadistic gleam in his eyes. He leaned closer, buried his face in the crook of your neck, and inhaled deeply. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. You could see his posture relax, starting with the muscles in his shoulders followed by his back. He rested his forehead on your shoulder and slid his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly and nuzzling into your chest.
You waited for him to do something else, but that something never came.
"Tyki?" you asked again. Your shoulders tensed involuntarily when you heard him growl. "Joyd!" you corrected yourself immediately. "Joyd, Joyd," you repeated. "I'm sorry."
He nuzzled against you a bit more, and you couldn't help but giggle. Moved by tenderness, you hugged him back, and you could swear he started to purr.
It wasn't Tyki who controlled the body, but it was his body, and you remembered this when moved by instinct, you planted a soft kiss on his forehead before cuddling him to your chest. His body was so familiar that touching it felt easy, natural, right.
You stayed embraced for a while, the tik-tok of the clock and the loud growls of Joyd lured you to rest until he lifted his face slightly, just enough for your eyes to meet. And there it was. They were still the same golden eyes but now shone with an affection you knew by heart.
"Name?" Tyki asked in a husky voice. His eyes were half-closed, like someone who had just woken up.
"Yes?" you whispered, holding his gaze, your voice a fragile and warm murmur. A sound that felt comforting in the cold silence of the dark room.
He buried his face in your chest again. "Nothing," he sighed. He was too tired and in too much pain to think. The warmth and comfort of your embrace kept him sleepy and calm.
You slid a hand through his hair, lulling him, while the other traced circles on his back.
"I'm glad to hear you again."
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cherry-writes-stuff · 5 months ago
🍒 Cherry-sama 🍒 Can I request an scenario where Allen sees her crush naked accidentally, and both have a similar relationship like he and Kanda have, and her crush gets angry at him but he's like "I want to be the only man who sees you like that"? Not necessary dirty, more like something Fluffy. Thank you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
It was a mistake.
No, really — it was!
He was the devil incarnate (which, to be fair, he sort of was) who’s favorite past time was spying on naked women.
Your aim was increasingly in its accuracy, however, when a hard covered book almost poked his eye out. Allen snatched it from the air, brought it back against his chest. “ Will you stop?!”
“I don’t know, will I?!”
He found himself, once again, at a cross roads. He could stay here and fight with you, in your current, fumbling, half naked state, or he could get out and close the door behind him, and with it his feelings — because obviously this was never going to work, what, with you trying to squeeze his eyes out his skull with your bare hands and a flimsy towel you had scrumbled to snatch from your bed only a bit too late.
(don't think about bare anything!)
Just — leave his feelings at your door to gather dust. That would be easier than fighting with you everyday, as enjoyable as it was that sort of endearingly abysmal aspect of your relationship was about to give, any day now, and you would be remiss to remind him just how much you cared; dirt under your shoes and all that sweet talk Allen loved and sought after a hard mission.
He realized, very early on in your relationship, that this didn’t exactly painted a healthy picture of the two of you. Allen was Allen ( except when he was Nea, then Allen WASNT Allen) and you were you, each your own person with individual strengths and weaknesses.
He had learned all those weaknesses just as he had learned how to work his tongue between your legs.
All this shouting, all this atmospheric tenacity he could taste if he poked out his tongue — Allen felt it in the air, it made his blood boil, though less so than the clear image of the angry tears burning hot at the corner of your eyes as you scrambled to save your dignity.
Oh — there went your sword, flying past his head and missing an inch. Allen hoped that Nea was warm to the concept of a chunky haircut, perhaps some parts of his scalp too.
(You always fucked his hair up anyway, but sitting on the floor of your bathroom between your legs, your nimble and warm fingers in his hair as you demanded silence in favor of concentration — “don’t want to fuck you up,” you’d mumble and if Allen loved you a little less, he’d tell you, laugh at you, “too late, sweetness”, but he never did. Never did and probably never would. Speak of a wish outloud and it would be taken away.)
“What the hell is going on here — HEY!”
It was only out of thought for your dignity that he grabbed Levi just as the red headed bastard rounded the corner, no doubt attracted by all the rucus you two were causing in the dorms, and pushed him away from your door which you were now trying to close on Allen's face and unfortunate fingers with a newfound strenght.
He would've laughed if he found the prospect funny; someone other than him seeing you in your most vulnerable state, soaking up the sight of your naked skin, your trembling eyelashes or the redness beneath your eyes whenever you felt wronged or tormented — pain or pleasure. it was all the same.
Allen didn't stop to see whether Levi was alright or not, simply leaving him kocked on his ass, gaping up at him.
(He’s going to apologise later, he knows.)
You were spluttering too now, one hand raised and clutching a stuffed animal you'd taken from your bed (Allen knew, he had spent countless nights in the very same bed, sourounded by them becasue you refused to put thme on the floor, if not because you liked them too much, then because you wanted to annoy him to hell and back), ready to decimate him as you threw it at him, backing away as he slammed the door shut and locking it.
He started to advance towards you. "Sweetheart."
Your legs hit the edge of your bed and you yelled as you fell, towel and all, on top of the comforter. "You fiend, don't call me that!"
You made to scramble up but Allen was faster.
He climbed onto the bed after you, knees on either side of your hips as he straddled you and grabbed your wrists. Leaning down, he tagged those wretched, offending hands up up to his lips and kissed the inside of your wrists, feeling the pulse of your heart as it hammered away beneath your chest, warm and alive and pounding.
His clothes were getting wet fromt he water that clinged to the towel. Allen couldn't say he cared. You spluttered, probably cursing him to spend an eternity in hell when he died, as if his fate wasn't already forfeit to such fate.
His existence was cursed in its entirety and you, you were the only clean spot in it. Even if you hated it, you could never refute it.
You spat out curse after curse; you brute, you fiend, you damned man, (you knew him best, after all), you clown!
Allen laughed at the last one, laughed at the sour expression on your face after too — and promptly sank his teeth right above your pulse point on the inside of your wrist.
You were going to kick him in the solar plexus tomorrow during training, throw his ass down the stairs and try to wringle every essence of life out of his neck when you had the chance.
And he'd let you.
Allen let go of your hands, finally laying his body on top of yours. "Don't be angry with me," he said as he nuzzled his nose to your neck.
You sighed. "Why did you do that, you idiot. God knows what Levi will think now."
"I want to be the only man who sees you like that," Allen asnwered, unprompted, like a fucking freak, and laid his head on your chest, right on top of your heart.
You gripped his hair so tight that you could take a piece of his skull with it if you pulled. "Prepare yourself; I am going to stab you tomorrow."
"I know."
"I really mean it."
"Oh, I don't doubt you for a second."
Every scar Allen had gotten from you he treasured immensely. If it meant that you were around to give him more, take another inch of his skin, spill his blood, cut off a limb even — whatever it was that you wanted from him, he'd only be too glad to let you have it.
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alienaiver · 7 months ago
i know this is a bit old-school tumblr style posting., but the tags and search engine of tumblr stresses me out, so ill do it this way!
id really really like to follow more active haikyuu, bnha, dgm and jujutsu kaisen writing blogs! (and maybe catch some new moots as well ahaha jk! ....unless?)
i am a sfw gender neutral reader-insert writer for hq, dgm and bnha myself! im 29 years old and i dont mind following blogs that also write nsfw, as long as its properly tagged. just beware i will generally only interact with your sfw parts !!
so if youre writing any of the aforementioned fandoms and post semi-regularly (any posts are fine, writing is an ebb and flow, so reblogs count in activity for me). please reblog this post and ill follow you !! (specifically a reblog so that it will reach more, thank you!!).
i will follow from my main blog, @/lordpopuko.
i try my best to reblog fics and foster community as often as possible. i also like adding several comments to the fics that i reblog, so theres no downside to having me follow you ehehehe 🥺 <3 (check out this tag of recs to see examples of my type of comments if ur curious?)
if my moots or other followers would be kind enough to reblog this as a boost, id be eternally grateful in my quest to find more activity on my own dash. ill send you all a gift basket filled with cookies, berries and plenty of snøfle fur to go round thank youuu🥰
ps i also wont expect follow backs btw i just need more on my dash :) so no obligation to do so! only if youd like to !!! ✨
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lovelywritinglady · 10 months ago
Can I request HC and reaction for Allen, Lavi and Kanda meeting an mythology/cryptid/monster/were/etc female Reader. They met Reader, when they were saving someone, destroying Akuma and dodge/run from danger in true form, while using magic that not belong to neither Noah side, nor Order side.
D.Gray-Men reacting to a mythical creature
Characters: Lavi Bookman, Allen Walker, and Yu Kanda.
Fem!Reader, Violence, cursing, reader is not human. Using 3 different mythical creature descriptions for each boy.
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Lavi Bookman-
Lavi pov
“These damn Akuma!” I screamed out feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount. It felt like I had been here for hours.
“Help!” A small child screamed in the distance. I dashed to save them.
“Big hammer little hammer, grow, grow, grow!” I exclaimed ready to take out the nasty akuma.
A loud whooshing sound flew past me with speed that I had never seen before. They slayed the akuma with a strange power blast coming from her fingertip, saving the small child. After the dust cleared, I noticed it was a woman, and a beautiful woman at that. However, with closer inspection, I noticed that she definitely wasn’t human. She was glowing f/c with f/c butterfly wings attracted to her back. She looked ethereal and I felt my knees going weak. I guess she noticed me and set the child down flapping her wings up in the air.
“No wait!” I exclaimed wanting to talk to her
She turned her head as she kept herself in the air. Now I had a perfect view of her. Her mesmerizing e/c eyes were sparkling and her hair looked like it was in water. She was stunning.
“Who are you?” I asked trying my best not to scare her away.
“Y/n.” She responded simply looking into my eye. She then descended turning into a human?“You?” She asked with a confused by look on her face as her new form shone in the moonlight.
“Oh me! I’m Lavi Bookman! It’s nice to meet ya, y/n!” I spoke excitedly as a furious blush erupted in my face.
“You as well.” She whispered, turing back into her previous form and going back into the sky.
“Come down!” I asked her
“I’m sorry, I need to go.” She responded flying away much to my disappointment.
“Wait!” I examined running slightly after her. But she was too fast and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen flew away.
“I know I’ll see you again.” I whispered into the night. I then sighed turning around to make sure the child she saved was okay as I thought to ask Panda what she was knowing full well that that power she used wasn’t innocence or anything else I had ever seen.
“She was so pretty.” The child spoke looking up at where she flew off.
“Yeah, yeah she is.” I whispered.
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Yu Kanda-
Kanda Pov
“Now Mugen go!” I yelled slaying three akuma that were laying waste to a small town.
I jumped in the air once more trying to attack more akuma. Just was I was about to attack a sudden blast from a level 2 Akuma was sent my way. I blocked the attack just in time but it sent me flying back into a stone wall. The air was knocked out of my lungs making me cough. The same akuma came lunging forward and I tried to fight but my body wouldn’t move like I wanted it to. Just as I grasped my sword something grabbed it. Vines?
“What the hell?” I muttered getting up ready to face whatever was next.
“Die, scum.” A mysterious voice spat crushing the akuma with its vines.
A forest green vine like creature with e/c eyes and the body of a woman took out a level 2 akuma like it was nothing. She looked at it with the same look that I’ve seen so many others make before except I had never seen such a power before. She wasn’t human in fact I’m not even sure what she was.
She then looked at me and the angry look in her eyes faded showing a softer look. She gave me a small smile before turning back and walking towards the woods.
“Hey, wait. Who are you?” I whispered as my voice was horse.
She stopped without looking at me and spoke in a voice so soft that any normal person wouldn’t have been able hear. And then to my surprise, changed her shape into a human like one.
“Y/n.” Was all she spoke before changing back and disappearing into the forest.
After I regained my strength, I battled every last akuma. I fought until it was dawn until the last one was slain just as the sun peaked through the horizon, completing my mission. The remaining towns folk thanked me as I made my way back to the Black Order, desperate for some answers. All the while my mind couldn’t get rid of her. How she liked, how quickly and easily she killed a level 2, and how soft her voice was. I needed answers and most importantly…
“I know I’ll see you again, y/n.” I spoke aloud as a strange sensation filled my chest.
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Allen Walker-
Allen pov
“Tim-campy, go notify the nearest exorcist that I need some backup.” I shouted at tim.
There were too many of them, even for me. And I desperately needed to save the people of this town. Too many have already died due to many high level akuma terrorizing them. I wish Lavi or Kanda were here to give me support.
“Shit.” I exclaimed as I noticed an akuma just about to kill a small family.
I leapt to destroy it and save the soul trapped inside. However, I was shoved back by an akuma attack. I flew back into the ground coughing from impact. I tried getting up but more akumas began surround me and the small family. I began to panic a little, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the situation at hand.
“Dammit, I need help.” I spoke to no one in particular.
I killed the three akuma that were before be as they were blocking my path to the family. I acted as quickly as I could manage. Just as I was about to reach the family that was screaming for their lives, I say fir?
The figure swooped in slashing all of the akuma ;that surrounded the family, saving them. I was awestruck by the sight. It like a wolf but it was standing on its hides legs. It looked at me and I noticed it had yellow eyes and grayish hair. It was a scary, but interesting sight. However, it turned to the family and I worried that it might attack them. So, I rushed at it knocking it out of the way. I heard it whimper and I felt a small pang in my heart at the noise.
“Are you all alright?” I asked the family as they all nodded still in shock at the events that happened tonight.
I looked at the creature only to find the body of a beautiful woman getting up instead. I was shocked by her. How in the hell can she do that? Was it innocence? I couldn’t have been as she wasn’t wearing any clothes nor did I see the familiar innocence green. She looked at me and I could tell she was pissed. I couldn’t blame her considering how hard I had hit her.
“Are you okay, what’s your name? Are you okay?” I asked her feeling really bad for hitting her. She gave me a blank stare looking into my eyes with uncertainty and confusion.
“Y/n. That’s my name.” She stated
“Nice to meet you. I’m Allen Walker.” I told her stepping forward trying to greet her.
However, that only scared her as she immediately ran at an incredible speed truing back into her previous form.
“Wait, please! I just want to talk to you. I’m so sorry for earlier!” I pleated with her feeling disheartened.
She was gone. I shook my head forcing myself to refocus on the task at hand. It seemed that with her help, all of the akuma were slain. I smiled to myself thinking about her. She was pretty, maybe the prettiest girl I’d ever seen.
“I’ll see you again y/n, I know I will. Take care.” I whispered before going back to tend to the family and by others that were wounded in the village.
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Thank you so much for reading ! 💜 I’ll definitely write more Head Cannons and more D. Gray-Man fic in the future. Thanks to the person who requested this! I hope you like it(it’s my first time writing these) I put my own twist on this.
Please feel free to like, comment, request, and reblog!
Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
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whyreyousoobsessedwithme · 20 days ago
The concept of isekai in already existing stories is so interesting, but it's so hard to find good fics that aren't discontinued 😔 🤧
14 notes · View notes
kandasdog · 2 months ago
Minors don’t interact ewwwww.
Hear me out… HEAR ME OUT‼️‼️‼️
Kanda is an A$$ GUY. Imagine him slapping your ass and when you are in pure shock because of his out of character gesture, he pretends you were on his way and blah blah. BUT HE SMIRKS WHEN YOU ARE NOT LOOKING, THE MDF IS A DEVIL, HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING‼️
Also Kanda eating ass— just suggesting , JUST SUGGESTING!!!!! Your ass is up (ass up babygirl *bites lower lip and bleeds rivers*) your back is arched and he does it from behind, maybe a kitchen counter— AGAIN JUST SUGGESTING! Maybe a small slap here and there as he does that, his facial expression: 😏(face card never declines amen).
Obviously just a silly suggestion (I’m auto-cannibalising myself as I speak, the pain to exist only to have mere thoughts like Kanda, ass slapping and eating. Ohh, there is a burden in thinking, the burden of life).
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animeyanderelover · 2 months ago
Can I request the HCs with female Isekai'd Darling (from our universe) and characters from: D.Gray-Man - Millennium Earl (human form), Tyki Mikk, Komui Lee, Kanda Yuu and Allen Walker; BSD - Mori, Fyodor; JJK - Geto, Toji, Nanami?
I have already done this concept with Fyodor in the past.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, guilt-tripping, isolation, abduction
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @lovley-valentine7
Isekai'd darling
Mori Ougai
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🍷​If you ever desire to curse someone for the fate that awaits you in this world then curse no one but little Elise. It is Mori's ability which alerts him of your presence as she senses that there is something different about you. Normally there is little interest that she ever expresses in others so her declaration that there is something different about you perks his interest just a bit. Are you an enemy? If you should prove yourself to be an obstacle then there is no doubt that Mori will get rid of you. Yet upon initial observation you look lost and overwhelmed more than anything else. It could all be just a bluff as Mori knows the one or other thing about a fake appearance to fool others as his gaze follows you, trying to search for any indications that will give you away. Perhaps you feel the eyes of the evil resting on you though, a cold sensation that travels down your spine as you carefully turn your head around as your gut churns as if warning you that there is something terrible about to happen. When you meet the magenta eyes watching you it is already over. You are unable to hide the recognition, the fear as you are met with a man you know to be a dangerous person.
🍷​As both of you are in a public space there is no grand spectacle that Mori can summon as of now but the predatory grin that he gives you with a tilted head is message enough. You know something that you shouldn't know. For that alone he cannot allow you to roam free. Abducting you is relatively easy as soon as the night falls and you stumble still blindly around without a concrete goal in mind. You are not killed as of now though as there still remains the question to be asked where you came from. A question that you struggle to answer and one that More can't find any answers to either. He has caught something within his net that he is unable to identify and that intrigues him but also means that if you do not cooperate will mean torture for you. It is this aspect that forces the answers quickly out of your mouth, praying that Mori will believe your words. It is obvious from the way that he tilts his head and the way his magenta eyes seemingly look into your soul that he tries to decipher if your words are a lie. When he finds nothing though does he start considering your words. You do not strike him as the deceiving type. No, you appear much too honest for that.
🍷​Your abilities would be of great use to him over the course of the story considering that you can predict the events that will go down and Mori plans to abuse that, marking your position as a precious prisoner. There are no games of pretend played from his side considering that you already know just what he is capable of which means that you get relatively early on a front seat to the cruelities that he is capable of. You are a unique chest piece on the board that defies the known positions and perhaps that is why he treasures you so much and keeps such a smothering hold of you. You fascinate him like no other does which kickstarts his entire obsession with you, accompanied by frilly dresses, pink ribbons and a new life as his darling doll. You are kept close to his side under all means necessary with your only playmate being Elise. It is a sad and lonely life that you lead but Mori is not quite as composed as the eye may perceive. No, he is painfully aware that even you have no idea how you got here or if you will ever return and it is this nagging what-if scenario that only serves to make his whole obsession more suffocating as he smothers you every day with the fear that by the next you might be gone.
Allen Walker
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🔴​Allen is no ordinary human for he not only houses a Noah within his soul but his left arm and his cursed eye will also perceive what his human eye is unable to perceive. If it wouldn't be for those listed factors it is likely that it would take the boy a lot longer to catch on to your secrets. Yet Nea senses that you are no normal person, a first stirring of curiosity which carries over to Allen. His arm senses a strange energy coursing through your entire body when he touches you, an energy unlike anything he has ever experienced. And then there is his cursed eye which is able to see your soul but not trapped within an Akuma but within this very world, a sight that he struggles to process and understand the first time his cursed eye observes you. Allen hesitates to tell you what he senses but now that he has been made aware that there is something very different about you he realises that you indeed act very strange. Customs, fashion and the daily way of life seem to be such foreign concepts to you yet at the same time you harbor more knowledge about Akuma, the Exorcists and even the Noah family when he briefly mentions them to you. Allen doesn't believe you to be an enemy though.
🔴​Eventually he is led to talk to you about the things that he has discovered, partially influenced by Nea who feels a growing urge to understand what he doesn't you. His brain needs comedically long to properly grasp your words though as the idea of the existence of another world is something out of old alchemists fantasies even with the world filled with mysteries that Allen lives in. What he understands immediately though is your desire to return home and with that he wishes to help you though he has no idea who to ask or where to even start. The situation is not made easier by the fact that not even you seem to know why you landed in this place in the first place but Allen remains optimistic, especially since you are prone to drown in your pessimism. That is the start of the journey that the two of you take as Allen is not only a familiar face to you but also capable of protecting you from the dangers of this world which you might otherwise fall victim to. Additionally Allen fears that the Noah family might come for you if the Earl were to find out about your unique existence. Having you as his companion makes him feel less lonely as he has someone to talk to, the beginning of his growing affection.
🔴​It is the growing discomfort that he feels whenever you bring up the feelings of longing and the homesickness that you feel the longer you are stuck with him in this world. It's a terribly selfish notion that even Allen can recognise as such. As much as he would like to blame those feelings of obsession on Nea though, he knows that some of those thoughts and feelings are born from his heart and not from Nea's. He shouldn't feel that way as you don't belong in this world which is filled with so much more horror than your own home yet his heart is weeping and screaming whenever he imagines the day where you disappear and return to your own place. Thoughts of your laughter and your smile haunt him even in his dreams, venomous words from Nea threatening to seep into the essence of his mind. He doesn't dare to voice any of his internal struggles as the two of you continue your journey though. Actions are still taken as his own feelings of selfishness start to mingle with the good intentions that still exist in his heart. He avoids people who he fears might know of your transportation from one world to another, delays the entire journey to have as much time with you for himself as he can.
Kanda Yu
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💙​You are brought to the Black Order precisely because you seek their help out and offer them in return your services as you decide to sell the knowledge that you posses in order to get home. A fair offer, a valuable offer which they cannot pass on as otherwise you might seek out the Noah family. For that sake you are delivered to the head quarters where you meet Yu for the first time. The moment his cold eyes rest on you, you already know that he does not have a high opinion of you. Whenever he is around you there is this burning silence that you desperately wish to break yet you do not dare to utter a single sound as you fear that he would not appreciate that at all. Yu is someone who has been trusted with your true identity and it is precisely because of that knowledge that he doesn't feel comfortable with you. It feels lika a breach of his own privacy that you know so much about his past, his present and his future which he doesn't want you to know. His attitude is borderline rebellious as he constantly tries to go against the knowledge that you have to prove that his future is not carved in stone. The first few months his behavior is colder than the snow storms in Antarctica.
💙​It takes him a lot of time to slowly warm up to your presence and to treat you kinder as he starts not treating the time with you as an order that he begrudgingly finishes because it is his job. That doesn't mean that things are suddenly all sunshine and rainbow between the two of you. The tension is still there though now it shifts into awkwardness which is in some aspects worse as you recognise his subtle attempts to be a tad bit nicer to you only to unintentionally say something or do something rude and cold once again when he retreats as he senses the awkwardness of the situation. Still, baby steps get the two of you somehwere until the atmosphere between you eases and becomes more bearable for the both of you. Sometimes you even tell him of the life you have led in your own world though you never try to talk too much as you don't think that he would appreciate if you were to ramble his ears full. Truth be told, you don't even know if he is listening at all sometimes but you just need to get your emotions sometimes out of your chest. Yu is in fact listening though he never utters a single word, absorbing your feelings and words silently.
💙​The beginning of his obsession puts the two of you almost back to level zero as his feelings threaten to crush and overwhelm him, clawing at his icy composure that he has always kept around him. His obsession alienates Yu from you. He takes more missions in order to spend less time with you but never dares to ask Komui to be excused from his guard duty permanently, afraid that the head of the branch will catch on to his troubling emotions. In your absence the possessive feelings grow though, the uncomfortable knowledge that you seek a way to return to your own home with the help of the Black Order. Against his better judgement he meddles with the entire process as he needs to know how far the research has already gotten and if there has been any way found to bring you back. When he finds out that there still has been no theory made how to bring you back, something within Yu eases as he finds himself to be less agitated and on edge. His priorities shift once more with time as he settles into his obsession as he suddenly insits on taking over most of the guard duties, viewing other Exorcists as too incompetent and inexperienced to look after you and protect you.
Komui Lee
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👓​Komui observes you the first time you are brought into his office with a confusing mixture of caution, fascination and the silliness that most of his co-workers are familiar with. Though he may not look like it, there is a deeper understanding of the humans ways and feelings that he has adopted over the years that he has been the head of the European Branch. He trusts his ability to inspect a person and figure out whether they have bad intentions or not. You do not strike him as someone who has a bad thought in their head, your demeanor instead scared, lonely and lost. Still, it is the vast amount of knowledge that you possess that has been the reason why you were brought into the headquarters to begin with as Lenalee picked you up during a mission after you confined a worrying amount of information to her that no one is supposed to know. Komui spends the entire time pouring you coffee and offering you biscuits as you honestly confess to him what has happened, who you are, from where you are and how you got here. By all accounts it is a story that no one should believe yet he does not sense a single lie in your face nor can your words of knowledge and wisdom be ignored.
👓​The Black Order is quite happy to keep you protected and within their reach as the knowledge that you have might just ensure their victory against the Noah family and their goals. They agree to help you to find a way back but only if you share with them everything that you know. Komui is one of them. He has not abandoned his humanity and he sees how much pressure is put on you, pressure he attempts to shield you from as good as possible. At the same time he is dedicated to the course and the goal of the Black Order. Your knowledge could save lives and reduce the casualties that the organisation so often suffers. It could save his younger sister from death or vast injuries if you simply share everything that you know will happen in the future. As the head of the European Branch he spends surprisingly much time with you though not solely for extracting information from you. No, in fact he uses you as an excuse to avoid his paperwork as he only appears to question you about important matters when in reality he is just chatting excitedly with you about your own world, fascinated to hear about how it works all whilst relentlessly pouring you coffee and feeding you biscuits.
👓​Very much in tune with his emotions despite his silly exterior, Komui is a surprisingly terrifying person to have in such a situation. He has one of the highest positions attainable, your life in those headquarters is pretty much in his hands and all scientific research to find a way to bring you back home can and will be stalled by him. He has always been confronted with difficult decisions that have made him look more than once like a heartless person yet deep down he has always felt guilt and pain. The decision he makes after he has acknowledged his obsession with you goes through no different process of emotions. Behind the scenes he starts meddling with the research, informs himself of any theories that might have been created only to find a way to rebunk them and might even put the research on pause for a longer while. None of that reaches your ears though as he lies perfectly to your face, keeps up that peculiar and strange facade around you to distract you from digging too deep. You cannot leave. You are much too valuable for the Black Order and the lives that he partially holds responsibility over. You're much too precious to him too, his feelings something he knows he can't stop.
The Millenium Earl/Adam
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🎃​Adam is bound to sense that there is something special about you, an energy that he has never felt in any other human before. No Innocence but something entirely different that draws him to you. What exactly it is is something that he fails to put his finger around and so he decides to ask no one but Wisely to take a deeper look into your thoughts. What the younger Noah reveals to him afterwards surpasses anything that he could have ever predicted and immediately he knows that he has to have you. Not yet as adam but as the Earl who would greatly profit from having someone who knows so much about the future of this world as well as its past and hidden secrets. Eager to finally meet you himself, the Millenium Earl decides to take on the role of your abductor. Your horror is kindly ignored as he introduces himself to you with that signature bright grin on his face. His voice filled with the eagerness and the thrill of having someone as valuable on his side and hopefully achieve his goal before you are put into unconsciousness and are carried back by another Noah. As the Earl he is quite different, his words sweet but always laced with subtle threats if you should not comply.
🎃​The moment he reveals himself as Adam to you all of that changes. His human form is only something that he shows you after he has already gained his obsession for you and has realised that as the Millenium Earl he is bound to always frighten you no matter how kind he might try to be. The guilt seems to fully hit him whenever he is Adam as he reconsiders the behavior he exhibits around you as the Earl and even he has to silently recoil when he realises just how borderline creepy he tends to be in his other form. In this form he attempts to undo as much of that damage as possible though deep down he is still understanding if you are still too frightened to spend much time with him even in his human form. Pressure is on from the other members of the Noah family though who all have long recognised the Earl's feelings and fully back him up even though not all of them necessarily hold the highest opinion of you. Considering your peculiar circumstances though the blow of their dislike might be softened though. They often force you in situations where you are stuck with him. Adam knows of those attempts and whilst he doesn't fully support them, he doesn't stop them either.
🎃​Wailing guilt crashes with a biological need to keep you with him, to always have you by his side. Your longing for your family and true home pain him. How could they not for he is also all too familiar with the loss of family? Yet his very soul is weeping with the thought of assisting you to find a way back home. He loves you after all. It may not be the love in fairy tales but he views it as a pure love nevertheless. Adam is very open with those wishes to you, desperate to have you understand even if only a bit. He's only met with tears and betrayal, a sight that cuts so much deeper than Innocence ever could. His decision may waver with such incidents but it never crumbles for his need to love you and have you outweights everything else. You are a part of this family now and he dearly hopes that eventually you will grow to accept that and even love your new life here. That future is not guaranteed though as Adam knows that even your arrival remains elusive, a riddle unsolved. The phenomenon may struck again though, only that it might take you back to your own world this time. A thought so terrible that it only fuels him to cling to you tighter, pleading in his heart for you to not disappear.
Tyki Mikk/Joyd
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🦋​Tyki is no ordinary human. He is something more than that and it is his Noah which reacts so strongly to your presence, something that stands out from the crowd of other humans. There's something different about you but it is no Innocence. It is something that not even Joyd can categorise and it is the failure to understand what makes you so different from the rest that puts unbeknown to you a target on your back. He may not eliminate you as he still needs to learn what it is that makes you so different but if you should turn out to be a threat he will be forced to do something. For now Tyki decides to spy on you though in hopes of figuring you out. His human form has always worked as a disguise yet never before has he seen such a reaction from any human before. Distrust, wariness, a gaze that seemingly transcends what a human eye should perceive. It is a short spark in your gaze but it is a spark of recognition nevertheless, one that lets him know that he has been found out before he could have done anything. If you know so much about him already, what do you know about the rest of his family? Some part itches to get rid of the potential threat but he is civilised enough to allow you an explanation.
🦋​He struggles to believe you when you see yourself backed against a wall and forced to reveal to him what you are. Yet he does not sense any dishonesty on your face. Your story seems rather far-stretched though and you sense that he is struggling to accept that story. With no other option left as you have already caught his eye now you offer yourself that he could ask his nephew Wisely to read your mind. The casual mention of a member of his family as well as the awareness of his abilities startles him, his eyes narrowing in hostility before he reluctantly agrees. The hostility is partially replaced when it turns out that you are speaking the truth but that is quickly snuffed out by hesitation and a cluelessness on how to treat someone like you now. The Earl seems rather keen on keeping you though. Your knowledge would be useful in their hands and he cannot let you be found by the Black Order. Additionally you are such a special human, from a new world completely. Now, Tyki feels a tad bit guilty for essentially making you a prisoner of the Noah family and he attempts his best to provide you with some sense of normalcy amongst all of the chaos you are stuck in.
🦋​Perhaps it is your knowledge that allows you to bear more understanding for his family even though you don't agree with all of their goals. Nevertheless, you are indeed a very strange human and that stirs a growing fascination that Tyki and even Joyd have for you. He's a member of this family who spends arguably the most time with you and has plenty of chances to discover your personality and little quirks. A sick pride and possessiveness fills his chest whenever you entrust him with your thoughts and secrets, basking in the knowledge that you reveal so much of yourself to him. His human side and his Noah side are quite torn apart as his obsession festers. However, your freedom is not a decision that he is capable of making, no matter how guilty Tyki may feel. You have already gotten too deeply involved with his family to escape and it is this unchangable fact that has Joyd almost purring. You're not going anywhere after all. He lays claim on you pretty soon, something that all other Noah realise pretty soon with the way he behaves around you. The Earl welcomes it, giddily proclaims you as a new family member. As part of the family they will find a way to forever keep you in this world.
Fushiguro Toji
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🪱​The decision to actually save Toji is one that is surprisingly hard for you, especially once you meet the man himself. Still struggling to settle in this world, it is an almost mocking twist of fate that you end up working in the tiny restaurant where he often likes to hang out. He has an infamous reputation in that place due to his rude and cocky personality and it is not hard for you to see why. After all he is quite an unbearable jerk. And the smell! He reeks like he has been sharing a rubbish bin with racoons as his home. It costs you quite a few customers and against your better judgement you make the unfortunate decision to stand up against him. After all the owner of this place was kind enough to offer you a job and you will not have your wobbly life be ruined all because of him. He only gives you a lazy glance when you start lecturing him angrily, demand of him to be at least a little bit less of a jerk and behave himself. Then he goes back to ignoring you, infuriating you even more. You persist though until you finally manage to get on his nerves and he towers over you in all of his glory. God, you are terrified but stubbornly refuse to be intimidated by him. Oh, you only end up making everything worse.
🪱​Toji finds your presence to be quite amusing as you become his favorite plaything to rile up and make all angry and mad whenever he visits the place you work in. He seems to genuinely enjoy messing with your emotions if you would have to judge based on that shitty smirk on his face every time you lose your temper. He appreciates the bit of spunk that you have and the pathetic attempts of yours to have him behave better. Do you believe that you can fix him or some shit like that? You are the only person he has actual interactions with though most of them exist of him provoking you and watching as you look like you're torn apart between crying or screaming though you always hold it in and just glare stubbornly at him as you refuse to give him the satisfaction. Still, you keep up with him and deep down some part of him appreciates that. You're a little mystery yourself as he has one time actually tried to look into your past out of boredom only to find nothing. He isn't bothered by that though as he lives only in the present and the only thing that matters somewhat that he gets to be entertained by your antics. Everything boils down to when you spot him with Shiu Kong and realise that his death is close.
🪱​You try to be friendly, try to stir him away from that path only to be rudely told off. His insensitive words tip you over the edge and that is when you explode and reveal far too much only to conclude that you won't give a shit then and he can die if he wants to. No one will miss him. In the next moment he slams you against the wall, his fists cracking the solid material behind him. Your words have triggered memories he has been pushing away and now you have brought it all back. How do you know all of that? He leaves you no choice, smells your dishonesty and refuses to let you go until you have spat everything out. For the first time he actually finds his demeanor shaken, the troubling emotions even briefly visible on his face before he pushes it all down. Then he just knocks you out and brings you into some cheap hotel where people won't question him carrying your unconscious form into the room. When you wake up, there are a lot of things that he would like to talk about with you. He doesn't feel like dying, a notion that has only recently spawned into existence because of you. You know, maybe he will listen to your advice. He has other plans. Plans that involve you in every aspect.
Geto Suguru
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​🗻​Monkeys. Filth that Suguru believes has to be eradicated from this earth as peace will only exist in a society with sorcerers. Non-sorcerers are worthless as they produce the very curses so many sorcerers die for. Suguru sees the curses, senses Cursed Energy. However, around you he senses absolutely nothing. No Cursed Energy leaking out of you, no negative emotions that would only produce more curses. Your very presence is an anomaly as even curses pass you as if your presence is invisible to them. Your very existence is a great irritation to Geto who has always believed sorcerers to be the superior humans. You should by all accounts be a monkey as you do not see the curses around you yet at the same time curses have such a peculiar reaction to you as they cannot sense you properly nor can they latch on you. He doesn't know what you are as you are neither a sorcerer nor a monkey and that triggers Geto more than it should. It's like your very existence is a thorn in his eyes. He observes you with great hostility as he tries to figure out who you are. When he approaches you, he hides all of his ill feelings though. Only for you to stir away from him as if he is the plague.
​🗻​That certainly triggers him. You dare to treat him like that? You, a monkey who has no worth to your existence? Oh, now you have provoked and angered him. The abduction is sped up and he willingly allows the people he sends out to be rougher with you as you have punched his ego the wrong way. His face reveals all of his emotions when you are thrown in front of his feet. The disgust, the anger and above all that frustration of not knowing in which category he should put you in. He attempts to intimidate you, to reveal to you of his world and all of the curses yet his eyebrow can only twitch when that triggers no shock or fear out of you. Instead you look at him before firing right back at him, revealing that you already know. You know? How do you know? You cannot see curses! You have no Cursed Energy! It is pitiful as you observe how he loses his temper in front of you for a few seconds and the way you look at him only damages his ego further. It takes him more willpower than it should to regain his composure, his eyes narrowing before he grabs your chin harshly. Oh, he will teach you how to behave properly in front of someone like him. He will figure you out.
​🗻​Suguru forces you through a lot, doesn't stop until he has the information that he desires and the respect he believes you owe him. The truth you do reveal to him though not out of fear but spite when you manage to trigger his temper and he seethes about the useless existence of your kind. That shuts him up for a good while. You even imagine a glimpse of terror on his face before he storms out of your room. Indeed, you have seen fear within him. He tries to ignore the words, attempts to have you admit that you have been lying to him but even if he were to force you to say it, the truth would still be in your eyes. The news of his death shake him, the knowledge that his body will be used for other goals even more. In front of your seemingly all-knowing gaze he suddenly feels vulnerable and exposed and he despises that feeling. There has been a gravid shift in the power dynamics between him and you and it has tilted in favor of you. No matter what he does, the damage is there and is there to stay as well. Still, Suguru refuses to let you leave. You know too much, are too valuable even though it pains him to admit that. He will fix that twisted imbalance between the two of you though. You just wait.
Nanami Kento
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💛​As a sorcerer Nanami is bound to notice that there is something off about you as soon as he meets you but he decides that as long as you are no danger to others, he will not dig too deep into the matter. You do not question him too deeply about his past and he decides to return that favor out of respect. You struggle within your own life a lot as you seem to be new to the city and try to find the right balance yet you are always very kind to him when you see him. Almost too kind in Nanami's opinion as you try your hardest even when you had a visibly bad day. He assures you time and time again that it is not neccessary for you to be that kind-hearted to him but you always insist until he just caves in. He doesn't mind the occasional appreciation but yours feels excessive to the point where Nanami gets suspicios. Something feels wrong even though he cannot wrap his finger around it. The more suspicious he gets though, the more he starts paying attention to your strange existence. You are no sorcerer yet you do not create any Cursed Energy. You are not like Maki though which leaves him with little clues to work with. Your behavior around him is strange as well, the sadness and guilt in your glances confusing the man.
💛​He doesn't believe you to be a bad person but the longer time passes, the more the lack of information about you as well as the unusual way of your very existence start to bother him. Time has forged a tight bond between the two of you, one that has made Nanami very attached to you. After a long and tiring day you seem to be the light at the end of the tunnel, a little paradise where he can just relax for a while. With that attachment follows a need to protect you though, to know about where you are at which time so he can assure that nothing will happen to you. He is not blind to his emotions for you, knows what they entail yet it has never been as difficult for him to control his feelings as it is when he is with you. In his future where he so far has only seen him enjoying his retirement he suddenly envisions you by his side, an image that refuses to be pushed away. Subtle attempts to question you about your past are usually quickly shot down by you yet the flicker of guilt is always there and it starts to bother him more and more. Once he starts courting you do you end up rumbling, the guilt eating you out alive. You can't do this anymore.
💛​You sit down with him, you confess everything to him. Initially you can see that he doesn't believe you but the more you start revealing, the more you notice the shift in your expression and body language. When you get to the Shibuya Incident and arrive at his death he suddenly shuts you up, his lips pressed into a thin line. He needs a few seconds before he finds the strength and the right words to speak again, immediately asking you if you have told anyone else. When you shake your head he instantly warns you sternly to not tell another soul. Everyone would try to either eliminate or capture you to make use of you power if word were to slip out. This is a secret that will remain between him and you for now, for your own safety. Everything makes sense to him now. The kindness you always showed him, the guilt he would always see when you were looking at him. All because in the future he is going to sacrifice himself. All the information you have entrusted him with haunt him at night and rob him of his sleep, a simmering frustration as he realises that there may not be a future for him. If there is no possibility for a future with you, at least give your presence to him and let him be selfish just a bit.
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femmejournal · 2 months ago
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Hello all! I'm starting to write again so here's the obligatory rules + about pinned post
Banners by @cafekitsune
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28, capricorn
Lesbian, she/her
Likes: cats, "girly" things, anime/manga, cartoons
Dislikes: math, lizards
Top kinnies: lucy heartfilia, mitsuri kanroji, nezuko kamado
Blorbos: kanda yu, mina ashiro, gilbert nightray
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I write for: kimetsu no yaiba, kaiju no. 8, d gray man, bungo stray dogs, black clover, pandora hearts, vanitas no carte, fairy tail, and magi: the labyrinth of magic.
5 characters per request. I do headcanons and prose depending on the content.
I dont write nsfw. I may reblog it but I don't write it well so, nah. I also reserve the right to deny any requests I'm uncomfortable with.
I'm too old for fandom discourse so please do not ask.
Be patient! I work full time :)
Pls do send requests! 🩷✨️
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animeyanderetalker · 4 months ago
I am chubby and love food/drinks, so:
Me 🤝 Nanami (foodies buddies)
Me 🤝 Gojo (he totally consumes a lot of food because his body uses a lot of energy)
Me 🤝 Sukuna (canonically loves eating)
Me 🤝 Tyki (likes eating, not picky about it)
Me 🤝 Allen (canonically eats a lot)
I would agree with almost everything on here except Sukuna but more to him later:
Allen is a typical shounen protagonist who eats a lot and he is gladly going to share the food with his darling. Whenever he devours something he always offers you bites and when he discovers something especially delicious he is especially excited and insists for you to take a bite.
Tyki is a man who adores providing for his darling and due to his human and his Noah personality that is going to show itself in different ways. As Tyki he is pretty much just a commoner who enjoys good food and shares it gladly with you. Yes, he isn't going to serve you a five-star meal like his brother Sheril constantly does but sometimes a simple sandwich or soup is the best. If his Noah personality takes over his standards rise and then he is going to feed you much more expensive food.
Genuinely speaking and perhaps going against common depictions, I can see Nanami letting his darling continue to work if the relationship is going smooth whilst he stays at home and plays the part of the househusband. He's going to clean, to cook and will also tend to the children if him and his darling should ever have a few. As a househusband he is going to provide in a different way by always welcoming his darling back with a perfectly cleaned house and a delicious dinner already prepared. He is going to keep his darling well fed, making sure that he creates a good balance of healthy and nutritious meals whilst also indulging his s/o with their favorite food/sweets at times.
Gojo has a confirmed sweet tooth, he's constantly chewing on something or on his way to buy something since Six Eyes and Infinity demand a lot of energy. There's always a snack he carries around and as soon as you are there he makes it a habit to stock up on even more sweets to share them with you. Once he finds out that you are a foodie as well you can bet your arse that he is going to drag you around and make it his personal mission to try out all bars, restaurants and café with you.
Sukuna loves eating, that is true. His diet is very different from his darling though because he feasts on human flesh. Honestly, he's just plain sadistic and is probably going to point it out if his darling is on a more chubby side and depending on their reaction he is either going to bully them if they feel insecure about it or will let it be if it doesn't trigger anything. If you love food though he is going to ruin that for you simply because he can. If you enjoy food so much why don't you join him for his next meal then?
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bittencandy · 1 year ago
Tyki Milk NSFW Alphabet List
Note: This isn't proofread yet because it's like 4am here. I'll go over everything when I have time.
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A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex): 
 When he was younger and still a little inexperienced, he was awful. Truly, truly awful.
He was absolutely the type to get what he wanted and immediately dash - often while the person he had just slept with was still recovering from their recent romp and too dazed to really be aware that he had even left.
On the flip side, he had even (embarrassingly) passed out a few times after he and his current lover had reached their peaks. Snoring and still covered in cum, in a stranger's bed. He's been slapped awake and thrown out onto the street on many occasions.
If only he had a nickel.
He can at least say that's all in the past, and he's since then learned that aftercare is an important step after sex. It's even become one of his favorite aspects of it. He's usually a bit sluggish afterwards, body heavy and sapped, all relaxed and malleable like heated wax. All he wants to do is bask in the afterglow. The scent of sex in the air, the salt of your skin, the heady fragrance of your shampoo and lotions, it's all an intoxicating cocktail.
After days, weeks, sometimes months apart acting out missions for the Earl or working the mines with the boys, all he wants to do is enjoy being with you. Feeling the warm shape of your body pressed up against his after so much time apart. Murmuring sweet nothings in your ear, gently kissing the water-colored marks and bruises he left behind like little apologies, and just whispering and joking together. Just holding you against his chest and feeling you while he breathes in the nicotine of a post sex cigarette.
So, if you're eager to clean up afterwards you may have to nudge him to do it. He'll groan and moan about it but it's all in good fun. If you're in the mood for another round and goad him into cleaning up by having him join you in the bath, he'll have you up in his arms and out of bed so fast it'll make your head spin.
B = Body part (their favorite body part belonging to themselves and their partner): 
His dic-
No, but on a serious note if he had to really narrow it down, it would have to be his hands. He usually channels his abilities through his hands. Cloaking them with dark matter to block enemy blows or slice through an opponent. Releasing Teez through his palms to subdue Exorcist and Finders alike.
But he likes them best because of the effect they have on you. His hands are rough. Calloused and worn from working in the mines. From grappling an axe for hours on end to split and break apart the earth, gripping the worn splintered wood of a breast auger to twist it into the face of coal like a comically sized bottle opener. It's grueling work. But the way you react to the beaten texture of his hands is enough to make it all worth it. The way you shiver and writhe under his palms, arching against his touch.
Yeah, probably his hands.
It's so cliche, but your eyes for sure. The shape, the color, the delicate bend of your eyelashes - he loves it all. He has a thing for eye contact, so whenever he catches you staring at him it's a stroke to his ego. He can't help the mix of pride and sappy adoration that inflates his chest whenever he notices you watching him. That you're just as infatuated with him as he is with you. That you can't help but look.
When he locks gazes with you and your eyes flicker away, skipping off like a startled deer. Visibly embarrassed that you had been caught. It's so cute. So sweet. He eats it up every time. But sometimes when he meets your vision you don't look away. You level him with a flirty glare, weighted and sweet like warm honey. Your eyes dark with barely contained want. It's a proposition for a challenge. A call he can't resist.
He loves that look just as much.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): 
He's utterly filthy with it. If you leave the decision of where he cums up to him, he'll be divided that's for sure. It's a 50/50 split between pulling out and marking your body with his cum or staying deep inside and filling you up completely. He loves the way it looks against your skin. To cover you with it. To smear it across your body as a way to please that possessive little voice that nips at the back of his mind.
But he loves to watch it drip out of you as well. To push it back inside with his fingers, making sure none escapes. Of course, he can always just give you another load if it does.
Sometimes, unable to resist, he'll duck between your legs and scoop it up with his tongue. Moaning at the taste of you both. Sucking your collective mess into his greedy mouth despite how sensitive you still are. Pinning you down by trapping your twitching hips underneath a forearm so that he can lap at your dripping cunt, smearing your cum all over his face.
D = Dirty secret (a fantasy, fetish or kink that they may be reluctant to share): It's probably not all that surprising for someone like him and you've probably already had assumptions about it yourself, but he's entertained the idea of a threesome more than once.
Tyki isn't the type to be embarrassed about his kinks or new things he'd like to try in the bedroom, but this is something that he himself is on the fence about. 
Back before the two of you became involved and put a name on your relationship Tyki had been involved in many threesomes. Hell, he's been a part of orgies before. You'd be surprised the sort of parties that the bored and wealthy may throw. And as Lord Sheril's bachelor brother with a reputation for sleeping around he's been invited to many. So, there's no insecurity in that department. 
But what he is, is hesitant to do is to share you. 
It's no secret that he's a possessive lover. And as bad as it may be, it's a quality of his that you actually enjoy. 
But the thought of someone else putting their hands on you in the way that he does, seeing you bare and naked. It makes his blood boil. 
But it also excites him too. To be able to just lay back and watch you writhe on your king-sized bed, to see someone else take you in their mouth and make you cry in ecstasy. 
He'd love to make you keep eye contact with him while someone else eats you out and he jerks himself off.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?): Very experienced. Even before he was taken in by the Earl and realized his status and identity as the Noah of Pleasure, Tyki had always loved sex. The joy, the intimacy, the closeness, the trust, the pleasure that comes from it. 
Everything about it, the lead up, the game of seducing someone beforehand, the feel of skin on skin, the grip of fingers combing and gripping his hair, the relief and contentment that comes afterwards. It's all so good. It's familiar. It's peaceful. 
He spent years learning to read what someone wants just based of the pitch of a moan, the way that a body twitches or clenches, the sort of look someone gives him. It's a language all on its own. One he's perfected. 
That's not to say that his first times with you wasn't a learning experience. But that's what made it so exciting. Figuring out what you liked, what made you melt for him, cum the quickest. 
He caught on quick. Perhaps too quick. It left you breathless, lost gasping in a torrent of new sensations, clinging to him as some sort of support. 
It's safe to say that he knows what he's doing. 
F = Favorite position:
Doggy style: He loves watching the recoil of your ass hit against his hips. 
Full nelson: There's nothing like holding you and thrusting into you while you moan like a helpless bitch. 
Cowgirl (includes reverse cowgirl): He loves it whenever you take control, using him for your benefit. But if he feels like assuming control, he can always hold onto you and thrust up into your dripping cunt. 
Sixty-nine position: He's aware that it can be a tricky position, so he saves it for special occasions like an anniversary or a celebration. He loves that you're both simultaneously bringing and controlling each others pleasure together. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Ect.): It depends on the mood. It can be serious, and intense with him regardless of which one of you is in control. Completely trapped in the moment and each other's pleasure. 
You can get so lost in each other that it only feels like it's the two of you left in the whole world. 
But if someone manages to pull a muscle or hit their head or roll off of the bed and onto the floor, he's quick to laugh it off with you. 
Sex is funny sometimes. Awkward even. 
And he's glad that you love him enough to shrug off something unplanned happening. That it doesn't ruin the mood but just changes it. 
Unless of course someone pulls a muscle. Then the sex can be put on hold and a warm bath and massage is in order. Some aspirin.  
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Ect.): It depends. Back when you weren't dating, he tried to keep everything neat and clean so that he was always prepared. You never know ya know? 
But know that you're together, if he's off on a mission that'll keep you apart for a long stretch of time with no chance of you popping up on a surprise visit, he won't keep up on it too much. Mostly when he's back wandering around with Clark, Eeze and Momo. He spends hours down in the coal mines, typically around 11 to 12 hours a day, if not more. So, by the time he's back on the surface and is able to take a shower he's not really concerned about his pubic hair. 
He's busy scrubbing off layers of dark soot and dirt and sweat from his skin. Sometimes just sitting under the spray of the shower nozzle (or if he's less fortunate sponging it off from a bucket of water and hoping for the best). But if he's back home and has the means to he'll keep himself trim and clean. 
As for the carpet matching the drapes, yeah all of his hair is the same color. A gorgeous dark black color. If you squint the hair on his head is just a degree lighter because of sun exposure.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect): If he isn't in love then there's no mistake that it's just sex and that's all it is. He's not necessarily rude about it, but the boundary is definitely there and clear. He was the unobtainable bachelor before. The one that women and men alike fawned for and hoped to tie down. In his eyes you'd have to be completely disillusioned to think you'd have a chance with him apart from detached sex.
But now that he's with you, someone that he does love (even though it took his dense ass forever to open up and realize it) he makes it very apparent.
It does depend on the mood. There are times were he just wants to fuck you, to take out all of his frustrations and not think. To have sloppy gross sex that leaves you both covered in sweat and struggling to catch your breath. Sometimes he wants you to do the same to him. To just use him for your pleasure and forget all of your troubles and just be in the moment.
But other times he just wants to love and be loved. He wants you to know that you're the only one that ever truly made him feel like this. That it's you. Just you and no one else. That he loves you so much it hurts.
J = Jack off (masturbation head cannon): His libido is insane. There are times when you're having sex that you genuinely think that he's going to kill you with too many orgasms. Yes, he has made you cum so much that you've passed out. And no, he has not forgotten it. It's inflated his ego to dramatic proportions and every time you try for marathon sex, he aims to best his record.
So, it's safe to say that when the two of you are apart that he's chewing at the hypothetical bars of his enclosure.
Whenever Tyki goes without sex, he gets pent up, and when he gets pent up, he gets cranky. Touchy, pouty even.
There's a permanent scowl on his face, and a perpetual furrow on his brows.
Mild inconveniences that he would usually brush off now ruins his entire day. A quip from a hated coworker at the mines that he would usually deflect with a sarcastic jab of his own nearly sets him off. Clark and Momo have to hold him back, dragging him off with sheepish apologies thrown over their shoulders. He almost punched the supervisor once. Thank God Momo was there to catch him before he could.
It's safe to say that he jerks off at least once a day. And if he isn't able to- probably too exhausted to after a day of labor- he wakes up with an attitude.
All he has to work off is memories and a couple instant film photographs he has of you, usually stuffed in the pocket of his worn work pants or the inner pocket of his frock coat depending on the job.
If he has time, sometimes he'll edge himself for as long as he's able to and pretend that it's your hand gripping his hard cock instead of his own.
It's safe to say you're in for it once he gets back home.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
Oh God, there's so many. . . Where to even start? Maybe we'll just try and narrow it down to a few.
Scent kink: It may be a strange one to some people, but there's something about your particular scent that drives him crazy. It doesn't matter if you puff on layers of perfumes or scented products. He'll love the way they interact with the natural aroma of your skin and your hair.
He especially loves it when he can smell you on his person or clothes, carrying a bit of you with him wherever he goes.
And he loves it when he can pick up his scent on you. It satisfies the possessive side of him. It's a way to telegraph to others that you belong to him and him alone.
This kink (like many) gets amplified once his inner Noah, Joyd is awoken.
Whenever he takes control of the body, he likes to cling to you using his arms and tentacles to keep you pinned to him, purring like a cat while he nuzzles his face against yours. No doubt making sure to spread his scent all across your person.
Primal play: Another one that Joyd defiantly enjoys as well, perhaps even more than Tyki if that's at all possible.
Tyki has always found pleasure in hunting you down. Especially when he's in his darker state.
He always makes sure to give you a head start of course; he doesn't want the game to end too quickly.
Precautions are always set in place, a pack full of a fresh set of clothes, snacks and a canteen full of water is within the vicinity of area of choice. The safe word is always repeated before the game starts, even though it's yet to be used. But he understands that he can be a bit intense when he's in this state.
This is something to be enjoyed, the last thing he wants to do is to harm you, even if it's an accident.
He always acts cocky during your games and at times downright feral. The longer it takes him to find you the more he loses his composure. His voice will become frayed around the edges, calling out cocky taunts into the night air, tight with shaky self-restraint while he has to physically hold himself back from sniffing you out too quickly.
He really wants to enjoy this, but damn if you don't make it difficult sometimes.
There are times when he gets worried that he's going overboard, that he needs to reel in the nasty snarl in his voice and dampen the crazed grin that pulls at his mouth. To hide the nasty fangs that his teeth had sharpened into.
But that's when he smells it, sweet and heady, curling up and settling in his lungs like an aphrodisiac. He nearly moans, he can almost taste it on his tongue.
It's arousal.
Your arousal to be specific. So very familiar but he never tires of it.
Yeah, you're enjoying this just as much as he is. And that's all it usually takes for his resolve to snap. For him to slink out of the shadows with the grace of honed predator and tackle you down onto the ground. You always let out a little squeak whenever he snatches you. But not out of fear but of complete uninhibited joy.
. . . well maybe a bit of fear but you like anyways.
Dirty talk (that has roots in degradation and praise): Dirty talk goes both ways for him, but he absolutely loves dishing it out. His ability to build you up with a little praise and sugared words or leave you a whimpering mess from a little degradation inflates his already massive ego. The way he can mold you into whatever he wants, his good girl, his sweet baby or maybe you're being a brat, a filthy slut that needs to put back in her place.
Regardless of the mood, with enough time and patience on his part and a few words he can have you a cross-eyed mess.
. . .
"That's all you are, isn't it? A little cockdrunk slut for me. All it takes is a little dick for you to go stupid. "
Your brain was complete mush at this point, useless and too overloaded with the pleasure encompassing your body to even register what he was saying. Far too focused on the drag of his cock thrusting in and out of you to even care. Repetitively hitting that devastating spot inside of you that had your body spasming like it was struck with an electrical current. Drool smearing past the corners of your mouth and your eyes nearly rolling back, all you could do was keen and weakly nod your head in agreement.
" Yeah? " He cooed mockingly, snickering under his breath. Your mushy brain had managed to catch that. That cocky shit. You'd snap at him with a snarky quip if you had the brain compacity to do it. But that is what got you in this situation to begin with. Instead, all you could do was lay and take, struggling to meet the brutal pace he had set.
" It's alright baby. I'll give you what you need," he crooned. His mouth twisting into a lethal grin. Peering at you in that intense golden shade from underneath his lashes, molten gold flashing like a warning.
He cups both of your legs from the bends of your knees and stretches them up and over his shoulders, folding your body like a sheet of paper. The change punches the air out your lungs, it lets him move so much deeper.
You didn't think your brain could lose much more of its grip. But Tyki shoves himself forward, completely trapping your body underneath his own, and grips the headboard above you to better support his weight and digs in deep.
You go boneless. Settling into the mattress completely limp. You can't even moan anymore, the drag of his cock punching the air out of your lungs with each thrust. All you can do is just sit uselessly. Lay and listen to the way the old wooden bones of the bed creeks in protest, the wet smack of skin on skin, the slick sounds of his cock thrusting in and out of your pussy.
"Aw look at that. " You can just barely manage to make out the silky cadence of his voice through the haze of it all. "And I thought I had you dumb before."
All you can do is let out a broken drunk sob, choking on air in a weak hiccup.
Then you feel him moving even closer to you, eliminating as much space between you as he can without throwing off the devastating rhythm he set. "It's alright, baby." He assures, like he isn't fucking you within an inch of your life. He takes your earlobe into his mouth, nipping and sucking before he lets it go. "You just have to lay there and take. After all, that's all your good for."
L = Location (favorite place to do the do): As long as you're alright with it, Tyki will fuck you just about any time, anywhere. He has little reservations about it. Plus, he likes the thrill of nearly being caught. 
On the beach, the grounds of Sheril's estate, in the hallway of the mansion while a lively party thrives downstairs, anywhere any time. You name it he'll do it. 
He even fingered you at the dining room table while the Earl was trying to close a deal with a possible benefactor. Don't worry, no one figured it out (apart from Wisely, obviously. You two couldn't look at each other for about a month afterwards). 
But if he had to narrow it down . . . probably somewhere private. Somewhere where you'd feel comfortable enough to ride and fuck him without abandon or worrying about being caught. 
So probably his private beach house in Portugal, miles away from any village, city or settlement. At most there may be a sailor's boat bobbing on the cerulean waters off in the horizon, far too distant to spot anything explicit happening.
On his fishing boat, in the ocean just off the shore, on the beach, or in his house you two can do whatever you want. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on? What gets them going?): You. You do. Every facet of you. Are you shy and uncertain? That turns him on. The fact that he has that sort of effect on you. That he can make you so flustered. 
Are you bold and self-assured? He may just want to break that confidence. To remind you who's in control. Or maybe he won't. He likes you in control too. Guiding his pleasure, telling him when to cum. Punishing him if he does something without your permission.
But honestly it all gets him going. The scent of you on the wind, the sound of your voice, the way you look at him, the feel of your hand on his body. All of it. It doesn't take much to set him off. 
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs): He doesn't want to genuinely hurt you. Listen, Tyki is a sadist in his own right. Yes, he likes rough sex. To mark your pretty body and be marked in return, to blot your gorgeous body in blue and yellow and green and to feel you slicing red rivulets down his back, to feel your gasping throat underneath his hand and have you grip him by his wavy locks and shove him face first into your pussy. He loves it. The pain and pleasure
But he'll refuse to do something that will cause you long lasting pain. It doesn't matter if it's days of pain or months, it's a downright loud unapologetic no!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): Just about fifty-fifty. 
He loves giving oral. To break you down and leave you a helpless quivering mess. To have that effect on someone despite only using his mouth. It gets him off. 
But he loves receiving as well.  
Feeling the pressure of your hot mouth wrapped around his throbbing cock, aiming to suck him of all he has to offer. God, there's little else that compares to it. 
If you offer to go down on him after a long taxing mission this man will absolutely melt for you. He's willing to just lay back and let you do whatever you want to him. But if you're alright with him fucking your throat and use you like a toy for his pleasure, he'll eat you out for hours if you want.
Seriously, he won't stop until you tell him to. 
P = Pace (are they face and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.): As stated before, it depends on the mood. There are different sides to sex, and in his eyes and just sticking to one is like going to a buffet and just putting a single thing on your plate. 
Why not indulge in all of it? 
Some days he wants to fuck you hard and fast. The kind of sex that leaves you aching for a week. Bruised and walking around with a limp, a reminder of what he did to you. Of how good he made you feel. The way you gasped and keened and whimpered like a mindless little thing whose sole purpose was to feel pleasure and to please him. 
On the other hand, he wants you to feel loved and cherished. You were the first to make him fall in love. Sure, he's had a few crushed over the years, and at one time in the past he did think he was in love. Hell, maybe he did love them. Back when he was young and regularly fishing off of the docks of a quaint town in Portugal, snatching bread off of carts that were parked along the main street. But they left him to survive. Marrying into a family to survive. 
He couldn't blame them despite the hurt. 
But now he has you. 
And you didn't reject the love that he displayed, in fact you went after it. You chased it even when he was too scared to. Scared of what it meant. The consequences of it. You pursued ahead. You fought. 
 So, he'll slow. He wants you to feel it. All of him. Every inch, every part. Every hideous side of him that may be alien, despite the fear he may feel. You accepted it all. 
The Earl, the Noah, Joyd, him. You accepted it all. Not without challenge but you would fight for him despite your reservations. 
He'd do whatever you wanted.
Q = Quickies (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He's a whore for a quickie. Admittedly he does appreciate it whenever he's free to take you apart piece by glorious piece and leave you a shaken mess. But he's also pressed for time. He is rarely able to indulge in his time with you without the fear of being called to hunt down an Exorcist for the Earl or to assassinate a political rival that may jeopardize his brothers standing. 
He's always trying to fuck you if he has to opportunity and you're willing. It may be the last time for a long time that you two can be together. He wants to take advantage of that.   
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.): He's willing to take a risk. As long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable or unravel all of the efforts that his family has made then he's pretty much sold.
As long as the stigma is just attached to him then he'll even fuck you at a fully packed soiree. He doesn't care. He really doesn't care if his social standing is stained. In fact, he welcomes it with open arms despite his brother's protests. 
But God forbid someone bad mouths you or spreads rumors. They'll probably be found dead from "mysterious circumstances".  
But yes, as long as no true impactful harm befalls you, he's down for just about anything.   
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?): His stamina is insane.
 As stated, marathon sex is definitely a thing. He has fucked you to the point of unconsciousness. And if consented he will continue to use you while you're no longer awake. 
His libido is wild. It's honestly one of the many reasons why he way hesitant to get in a relationship in the first place. He didn't know if he'd be able to find someone that would be able to keep up with his drive. And he doesn't mean that to be cocky, it comes from a place of actual concern. 
He's insatiable. He'd like to blame it on his inner Noah, but the truth is that he's been like this since he's started having sex. 
His mood plumets if he goes without you for too long, so once he's finally able to have you he's insatiable. He'll be your shadow once you're finally reunited, following you around like a lost puppy until you're somewhere isolated enough for him to snatch you up and have his way with you. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): He doesn't need them to get you off. He knows that. You know that. But he can't deny that they're fun. 
Nipple clamps, anal beads, vibrators, butt plugs, a spreader bar, whatever you like he can use to his advantage. Toys are allies not enemies. 
Want him to use something on you and he absolutely will. He'll wreck you with it. Leave you a crying mess, muscles seizing and gripping at the sheets in hopes of orienting yourself. He doesn't care.
You have a toy? It doesn't matter. it's nothing for him to be insecure about. It's a tool not a replacement. You have a favorite dildo that you like, it's okay he'll exploit it.
It's nothing compared to him.  
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?): Oh-hoho, he loves to tease. To tease you as much as you tease him, whether it's completely intentional or not. He'll edge you for hours if you let him. Please let him!
Slurping at your cunt and moaning into you, sending sweet vibrations up the walls of your pussy.  Holding you close by your thighs and basking in the way that you grind your sloppy pussy against his face. Sucking your throbbing clit into his mouth until you're on the edge of ecstasy and tearing himself away at the last second.
It's as painful for him as it is for you. 
He gets off to the way you cry, the incoherent moans of protest, the way you beg him to just let you cum. He loves it all so, so much! 
Please grip him by his hair and grind yourself onto his face. Please stimulate your clit on the point of his nose. It takes everything for him not to thrust down against the bed like a dog in heat.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): If he's in control then his groans might be subdued, short and sharp. He wants to be the one that has reins on the situation, and he doesn't want you getting the upper hand, no matter how good you feel to him. He's the boss right now and he doesn't care how much of a brat you're being or how long it may take to remind you he's the one that holds your pleasure in the palm of his hands. 
The sounds that you get out of him are clipped and guttural and low.
But when he's desperate and hungry for you he's whinny, uninhibited moaning into the air like a common whore. And you love it. He loves it. 
Unless you're inclined to gag him, the entire country will be privy to how desperate he is for you. 
W = Wildcard (a random head cannon for the character): It's nothing crazy that you probably haven't already assumed, but before you he has turned to prostitutes to quell his sexual desires. It's nothing that you hold him guilty for of course, but he appreciates it, nonetheless. 
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes):He's a little above average, about 6 inches (15.24 cm) when he's hard. Uncircumcised.
He has two veins, one that runs along the side of his cock and another less prominent one that runs underneath and fades just before reaching the head of his dick.
Lightly suck on them or trace them with your tongue and it's an easy way to get him worked up and breathless.
He's on the thicker side. No matter how many times you take him, when he splits you open there's always a bit of a stretch. Not enough to be painful, but it never fails to build a delicious ache inside as he fills you up inch after inch until he's settled deep at the base.
Y = Yearning = (how high is their sex drive?): I'm sure that you've gathered by now that his libido is off the chain. If he hasn't had it in a while, he gets irritable and whinny. Honestly from an outside perspective, it's almost pathetic how ornery he gets without sex. All sharp remarks and unforgiving sarcasm.  
He's looking for an excuse to fight at this point, which can be unusual considering that he can be forgiving towards rivals that he isn't required to mark (i.e., he was willing to give Daisya Barry and out as he was not on his list, but the Exorcist prompted a fight with him regardless and Tyki then took his life). 
But when he's strung out and desperate and you're unable to see each other it's the enemies that cross his path that suffer. He doesn't tell you this. He doesn't want you to feel guilty for their deaths. The way that he played with them like a barn cat with a mouse. 
It's not your fault. 
The yearning he feels that he has to stave in off with violence. That it's the only way to even get a sort of emotional release that even nudges the sort of relief he feels when he's with you. 
He's always missing you. No matter what. if you're apart, you're on his mind. He craves you constantly. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?): He can fall asleep fairly quickly if he doesn't have a need to stay awake afterwards. He's typically tired afterwards after weeks apart. 
He'll force himself to stay awake if you're hard pressed to get clean afterwards. But as soon as your wiped clean and settled he's out like a light. He has a lot on his plate, between keeping up with orders from the Earl, maintaining his relationships with Momo, Eeze, Clark without suspicion and keeping you satisfied without feeling like your relationship is excluded the man is spread thin. 
All he wants to do afterwards is lay back and pass out with you in his arms.
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smallangstdemon · 8 months ago
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Here is the form! And my AO3!
Don't hesitate to share, thanks ♡
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yada9y9 · 1 year ago
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( ̄- ̄) \ (^_^ )
hsy & lenalee
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alienaiver · 1 year ago
now that its cold again and i am, once again, too cheap to turn on the heat in my apartment, i am back in my allen era...
"but why won't you turn on the heat?" he asks, confusion laced into his question. it's not out of place, his inability to understand your logic.
mostly because you don't want to tell him your plan.
hanging out at allen's small apartment is always cold and you always sneak in a way to have his arms wrapped around you. but lately, ever since his stove stopped working and the landlord's taking his sweet time to fix it, you've been spending time at your place.
allen's not good at initiating cuddle times - it's awkward and straining for him to ask for the affection you'll freely give and you can be stunted too, in making the moves that are sometimes needed to push you both.
so, after lavi's suggestion, you decided to let the heaters stay turned off, because this will make sure that you're cuddled up for warmth shortly after dinner. it's a secure deal.
except, allen won't stop asking questions.
he does it out of worry. are you short on money? did the heater break and you dont know how to fix it? are you suddenly self-conscious about his choice of letting it stay off for as long as possible? should he take an extra shift at work to help you replace it?
you try to shrug off his question again, wiping down the countertop after dinner and deflecting, "should we continue 90 days fiance tonight?"
(allen's official stance will always be that reality tv like that is staged and shallow - but that won't stop him from being dramatically invested in the bad choices of these people desperate for love.)
he huffs out a breath and lets his shoulders sag. then, he shakes his head and reaches out for your hands.
with both of his. a recent development you've been more than thrilled about - yet you're too afraid it will make him uncomfortable to mention it.
you squeeze his and muster up the most nonchalant expression you can before you lean in close and talk before he can ask another question, "we can bring the duvet and bedcover into the livingroom with us."
if you think it's rude that he rolls his eyes at you, you don't say it out loud. instead, you inhale sharply before you kiss him. he grunts unexpectedly - he loves kissing you, feeling the shape and warmth of your lips, but he's not used to it yet.
he sighs and locks eyes with you, "you promise everything's okay?"
you laugh and swat his shoulder, "yes."
he eyes you for a moment like he sometimes eyes kanda when his definitely-not-friend-but-also-close-friend says something suspiciously kind to him.
you kiss him again, "it's embarassing to say out loud but i promise that my intentions are good and that there literally isn't any issues. can you please be a good boyfriend and come cuddle with me now?"
he thinks it's underhanded, how you use the term boyfriend, fully aware of how flustered it makes him. you smile victoriously before you grab onto his left hand and drags him into the living room, caressing his scarred skin with your thumb all the way. you can't wait to be covered in blankets, duvets and the scent of him for the rest of the evening, listening to him revert to his rude speech pattern as the people on screen makes the worst choices or says the worst things publicly. it's still early, but you think you love him.
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