#i dunno i just felt like posting my admiration here
amaleu-antmat · 2 months
The case files of Jeweler Richard vol 8 spoiler!
Part 2?
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(Continuing from where I left in the previous post)
After Seigi and Catherine finished buying the groceries, Richard and Catherine enter a little discussion about the treasure hunt again, as the air grew heavy Seigi interjected to lighten the mood "Uhm, I thought I'd make seafood stew for dinner. I got some really delicious ingredients, Bouillabaisse is from this place right?" After Seigi said that the two other people look at him with almost scared? Lol faces, they moved in sync with other indescribable intense emotions, and that scare the hell out of Seigi, the poor guy think <what did I say this time? Did I make a mistake with the menu? Or are they allergic?> 😂
Richard "Bouillabaisse....wow."
Seigi "Wow, what?"
Catherine "Oh, Seigi...Bouillabaisse is a dish from Provence, but it's very difficult..."
Richard "The shrimp and fish have to be dressed just right, and the vegetables require preparation as well. It also needs to be simmer for an extremely long time. At any rate, it is an unavoidable difficult path"
Seigi "Don't worry, I can do it, it's not a problem"
Catherine "Just the thought of preparing a meal that takes so much effort makes me want to pass out. You should rethink this, even locals don't make it, it's too much hassles"
Richard "You didn't come here to hone your cooking skills. I strongly suggest you save your energy for other tasks"
Seigi "Ah..."
Mother and son duo are preoccupied because of past experiences, I guess 😆 and don't want Seigi to go through it. Seigi catches on the fact that they are both incapable of doing basic chores. He said to give him 2 hours and to not peek under any circumstances.
While Seigi cooks, he thinks that he should feed Richard so that he'll have the energy to solve the mystery of the treasure hunt like Sherlock Holmes. He finished cooking and came out, Richard had found other marbles in the meantime, he asked where Catherine was, and Richard told him that she went to check if the pizza place was open.
Seigi "I appreciate having a backup plan, but I really don't think we're going to need it"
Richard "So it seems...." 😆 (dunno why, but this part made me laugh)
Richard set the tableware, etc, and Catherine returned with news that it's closed for vacation.
Seigi set the pot containing dinner on the table and pulled off the lid, he looks at them and see.... indescribable tension, the mother-son duo peer at the pot, <was it admiration? For me? No. For the Bouillabaisse.> 🤣
(Here's a food pic, just so that you'll feel the hunger I felt when searching for it out of curiosity)
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Richard "What on...."
Catherine "C'est Magnifique! I can't believe it."
They approach the table with caution, unsure as if it was a crashed ufo...<I didn't put anything bad in it....> 😁 (I find it funny how careful he is acting right now, it's really like encountering your mother in law and trying to be liked by her, only, Seigi doesn't seem to realise this, for all this novel he is diveded between pleasing her and trying to make Richard happy at the same time? But when he is nice to her, Richard is a bit sulky)
Seigi began portioning the serving and encourage them to eat.
Catherine tells Seigi to say bon appetit, and when he does the mother son duo answer in unison "Merci" Richard pout, Catherine smiles. Seigi thinks that something of the sort must have happen in the past in this estate. Seigi ask what they thought about the Bouillabaisse, Catherine teary-eyed respond that it tastes like happiness itself.
Richard "...Well, he always has been a good cook"
Catherine "Richard, you are being rude. Thank Seigi this instant"
Richard looks mortified for a moment and then looks at Seigi <This feels like a standoff between East and West, but that would make me his opponent, and I'd be knocked out before I even got a swing in. It would never occur to me to pick such a fight, I'd just wind up on my knees begging for mercy for all eternity> Seigiiiiiiiii 😆
Richard look at him a bit bashfully "Seigi, I've known for quite a while now that you are a talented cook, but it seems I must acknowledge your skills once again. Bravo. Perhaps you could open a restaurant if you felt so inclined. But I have to ask, when did you learn to cook this?"
Catherine "what an arrogant way to say that. Does that even count as a compliment?"
Richard "Stay out of this"
Seigi "Ahh uhm, thanks Richard. Where did I learn this? Good question"
Wanting to alleviate the tension he confess to them that it's his first time cooking this and he just followed the recipe, the mother-son duo doesn't believe him and tells him to stop joking with a wave of their hand in front of them and the same expression. They gives example about how cooking is hard like if you cook an egg in high heat it'll burn or about how it will explode in the microwave if run for too long, and that the odds of Seigi succeeding in that dish in the first try was too low. 😆
Catherine think for a moment that it's a japanese men skills but immediately turn down that theory as she had a friend who married a jap man who couldn't even fold underwear. Richard blatantly asks Seigi what tricks he uses.
Catherine "Can't you just say thank you, I love it?"
Richard " I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but you have no right to interject here"
Seigi the poor potato "Oh, it's fine, I'm uhm used to it! Yes! Let's eat!"
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
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Doodle Dump
Been a while since I've posted a collection of bad sketches. Notes under the cut~
1-2) AC:OS Seals. So, I didn't want to give up on making those seals for you guys even though my enthusiasm for it kinda went away~ The melon soda seal feels like it's missing something, and I think the sea captain seal is giving too much Admiral Bobbery for its own good, so I might redo that one entirely. I don't hate them, but somehow they're not reading as very "Animal Crossing" to me. I think I need to get more creative about the facial features.
3) Pudding. Another attempt of designing Yuru's main mask. I think it's cute, but I'm still not sold on it. I like the colors at least, but I think I want the mask to have a big gaping mouth so he doesn't need to take it off to eat. I'm just having a hard time keeping it cute when the mouth is open.
I dunno if Pudding is gonna be their final name, but I guess it suits them.
4) Kun3h0 ver. 4(?). I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I just can't stop trying to redesign Kun3h0. Lately, I've been thinking that I'd like to try and make her a little less symmetrical for more visual interest. Originally the change was as simple as just adding the gauntlet to one arm (similar to be VERY early iterations of my "vtuber sona" with their one-paw glove), but then I started changing her more, and ended up with this. It's cute, but somehow I think it makes her theming even less apparent XP (her tummy lines were doing A LOT to sell the fact that she's a robot and not someone just dressed in sci-fi-ish gear).
I changed her eye color to green to draw in focus to her face (which is important for a V-Tuber design). Originally I thought I was achieving that by making the hair so much darker than everything else, thus drawing attention to the head, but I think changing the eye color to something unique helps even more with directing your eyes straight to the face.
I dunno. I like it aesthetically, but I feel like I'm losing the story here. In the last design, even though it was kinda generic, just having the clear indicator that she was inhuman did a lot to inform her character, but when I lose that, I lose the one real point of interest she had.
Then again, I've never truly had a good grasp on Kun3h0 as a character, so maybe that's what's wrong. Maybe if I sit down and actually write even a basic backstory for her, then I'd have some more direction besides, "girly robot Y2K inspired game character with a heart/bunny motif".
5-6) P2 Kliff (Banana Split/Original). So, I wanted to make a version of Kliff that fits more into my aesthetics. (Read: I wanted to make him pink). It isn't meant to be a replacement for him, just an alternate palette. In fact, I kinda liked this outfit enough to try it in his original colors too, and I think it works~
However, I dunno if I completely like the Banana Split colors
The outfit is based on this sketch from Kliff's original concept drawings.
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I have NO idea what's going on in his chest area. They can't be the buttons on the top because he's wearing a turtleneck (unless it's a vest, and he's seriously wearing 3 layers in this fit). I don't think it's a lanyard because he already has a name tag on his shirt.
So I interpreted it as a necklace. I dunno, I've always felt like one of Kliff's understated traits is that he's clearly fashion conscious given how much he accessorizes and that he has the confidence to even run around in a coat that yellow, so I don't think it's out of the question that he'd wear more jewelry.
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scarisd3ad · 6 months
Superstar | football player!Joel miller x popstar!reader
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Chapter six - obsessed
Previous >> next
Warnings - mentions of sex, cursing, body image talk, insecurity
Summary - when you find out about a certain football player showing up at your tour you decide to reach out just because of all the dating rumors, but what if thoughs rumors turn into reality?
A/N - it’s finally here, sorry for it being so late! But now that I’ve gotten this out of the way I’m aiming for the first chapter of jump then fall to be out sometime next week! re posting this chapter because my computer deleted the edited copy and I didn't notice till months after it had been published.
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The next day I woke up with an empty imprint of where Ollie had been sleeping, Joel's arms wrapped around me in a comforting hold, and about 5 million notifications. Mostly notifications from being tagged in posts and stories, but there were some from friends and family too. Like one from Tara with a screenshot of a 'TMZ' article titled 'popstar y/n l/n photographed with new boyfriend Dallas Cowboys star football player Joel Miller on a post-game drive' paired with a dramatic open-mouthed emoji. I rolled my eyes and sent back a 'stfu' before dropping my phone back onto the mattress.
I turned, hearing the bed frame creak quietly as I admired Joel's sleeping figure. He was lying on his stomach with one arm lazily wrapped around me. His hair was messy, but he still somehow looked flawless. Joel stirred as his phone, which lay on the nightstand on top of his wireless charger, began to ring. It flashed a few times, showing off a picture of his mother and him paired with the contact's name 'momma'. Unfortunately, the phone stopped ringing before Joel could fully wake up, letting him fall back into sleep.
"Joel," I whispered as I took my hand that wasn't tucked underneath myself to shake him. He groaned, his eyes not even opening as he hummed a quiet "What?" as his arm that was once lazily wrapped around me pulled me closer. "When's your mom 'sposed to drop the girls off?" I whispered as his head ducked into the crook of my neck, pressing lazy kisses to the length of it. "Dunno. She has a key. She'll let them in when they get here." My neck muffled his voice as he took a small chunk of neck flesh into his mouth and began to suck at it. "Joel," I giggled as I pushed him away, "can't leave marks, can't have any of that at any of my shows." He rolled his eyes as he pressed his lips to mine.
We were interrupted by the sound of childlike giggles running up the stairs. "Speak of the devil," Joel chuckled as he sat up, preparing to greet his girls. The door was thrown open, revealing Sarah and Ellie. "Daddy!" both squealed as they launched themselves into the bed. "We had pancakes for dinner last night!" Sarah said as she leaned her head against her father's chest. Both girls excitedly told their father what they had done with their grandparents the previous night as he took turns pressing kisses to each one's forehead. I felt like I didn't belong during moments like this, family bonding. I wasn't their mother who could sit back fondly watching with a small smile. I was just some stranger lying in their father's bed. They hardly knew me, and I hardly knew them. Thankfully, a call from my mother was able to whisk me away.
"Hi Mom," I said, standing in the bathroom, phone pressed to my ear as I stared into the mirror. "How are you doing?" she asked, her voice low as if she was trying not to wake someone. "Fine...I'm doing fine." I had another 3 shows in Houston next weekend, so that weekend and that entire week were just about relaxation and mentally preparing for my next 3 shows, which were very physically and mentally demanding sometimes. "Your dad saw you on TV last night. He got real excited seein' you." I wished every older man in his 50s felt like that about me right now. Almost every man from the ages of 16 to 70 was pissed off at me cause they 'saw me too much' last night. I wished I didn't let it get to me, but it did. I put up this strong front like no one's able to hurt my feelings but everything they were saying about me did because, for some odd reason, men thought not liking me meant they were allowed to call me a slut and threaten to kill me if I showed up the next game. I was just glad Joel hadn't seen them yet. "Yeah?" I let out an awkward cough. "Yeah...your dad and I are trying to make it up to Houston next weekend. Dad wants to see you perform again." I smiled, though my father never understood one thing about my interest in music and songwriting, he was always my biggest supporter. "Really?"
"Y/n can you hurry up? I've really got to pee!" I heard Ellie shout from outside the door as my mother asked, "Where are you?" I sighed, unlocking the door and letting Ellie rush in as I rushed out. "Um Joel's house...but I've gotta go, alright? Love you."
I walked back into Joel's bedroom. Both girls were now gone, leaving their father alone to scroll Twitter and find out for himself what was the trending hashtag of the day. #fucky/n. How original. How old were they? This was all immature, coming mostly from men over the age of 20. He was looking down at his phone, brows furrowed in a scowl, finger still swiping. He heard my footsteps and looked up, letting out a quiet "oh." I sighed, arms wrapping around my body. "Who was that?" he asked. "My mom," I replied as I walked over to the bed and took a seat. "You don't gotta go to any of my games again...if you don't want to," he whispered. His head cocked to the side as my brows furrowed. He interpreted my sense of confusion as an answer and said, "Y/N, you're getting death threats."
I shrugged my shoulders. "I've been getting them for the last 5 years. I normally just ignore them." He sighed loudly as if he didn't understand my way of thinking, before changing the subject. "You stayin' for breakfast?" I shook my head. "No. Gotta studio session this morning..." Joel nodded. "Can you keep Ollie for a few hours? The session is early and I'm not gonna have enough time to drop him off at home."
I was in my car, driving down the freeway when I got a call from Will. I had met William early on in my music career. For years, Will and I had been writing music together for his albums and mine, and sometimes even a duet here and there.
"you're late," he said, his voice almost drowned out by the sound of a few people in the background. "I know, sorry. Got held up at Joel's." I could almost hear the eye roll through the phone. Will wasn't the biggest fan of my past boyfriends. It had started with Will hating Andy; he must've seen the red flags before I did. Then he hated Harry because of his reputation of being a 'womanizer', and then there was Tom who he hated simply because he could practically see through him. And now the tradition had gone on to Joel. He didn't have a reason to hate Joel yet, but he'd find one eventually, he always did. "I know, I know, alright. I'll be there in like 5 minutes, okay?"
"Alright, okay, see you in 5," he hung up the phone, leaving me to drive the rest of the way to the studio in silence.
When I get to the studio, a crowd of paparazzi is outside the door waiting for me, and Will is standing by the door, holding it open for me. Will's hair is a lively shade of blonde, and it falls in abundant, floppy locks that twist into gentle curls at the ends. His glasses, while stylish, are slightly oversized for his face, and they add a charming touch of quirkiness to his appearance. His voice is deep, and carries a prominent british accent, which seems to contrast with his facial features. "morning," he says with a nod as I walk into the studio, letting the door slam shut behind me. "Got anything prepared?" he asks as we walk down to the studio we had booked for the day. "A little thought you could help me finish the rest," I say as Will pushes the door open, letting me walk in first before he does.
"Alright, let me hear it," he says as he sits beside a bunch of sound equipment. I unlock my phone and open the voice memo app before playing the most recent voice memo, ' Sparks fly? ' From a few nights ago.
The voice memo starts with me playing guitar before I start the first lyric, "The way you move is like a full-on rainstorm, and I'm a house of card. You're the kind of reckless that should send me running, but I kinda know that I won't get far," will nods as he pauses the memo before unpausing it and letting it play the rest through "and you stood there in front of me, just close enough to touch. Close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of. Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile. Get me with those brown eyes, baby, as the lights go down. Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around. Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile," The memo ends, and will look over at me.
"Kay, I like it. What were the cords you were playing?" shit, I hadn't written them down like I usually did before studio sessions. "Um fuck, I don't know...I think I played A, F, C, and G? Maybe those," he picks up his guitar that had been discarded beside him and begins to play almost identically to how I was in the memo. "Aright was the end the chorus?" I nod a quiet "mhm." "Alright, you got anything else?" I nod before saying, "Yeah, keep on playing." He continues playing his guitar, trying to fill in the missing pieces to continue on the song's instrumental part. "My mind forgets to remind me, your bad idea. You touch me once and it's really something. You find that I'm even better than you imagined I would be. I'm on guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good." 
We finished off the rest of the song, tweaking some lyrics here and there and even recording the music before we decided to head out. I'm in my car driving by 11:30 when I get a call. The caller ID shows up on the screen on my dashboard. Joel <33. I answered the phone call, and Joel immediately started talking. "Hey baby, what you doin'?" he asks. I can hear him inhaling and puffing out air, letting me know he's probably out on his back porch smoking a cigarette. "Driving. Whatcha need?" he sighs out "nothin' really. Just wanted to know if you want to stay for dinner t'night" I laugh as my car comes to a slow stop at a red light. "Yeah, sure, what you guys havin' tonight?"
"Probably pizza doesn't feel like cooking. The girls will be happy with that," he says, punctuating his sentence with a loud inhale before a matching exhale a few seconds later. "So, how long do you think you'll be?" I hum, pondering a bit as I hit the gas, following after the car in front of me. "maybe 7 minutes? I'm a few lights away," I say. I hear him slide open his sliding glass door and presumably walk inside. "Alright, I'll let you go and Rangle up these kids before you get here. See ya in a bit." The almost piercing beeps as he hangs up fill my ears before my phone begins playing the song it had been playing before Joel's call. 
7 minutes later, I pulled up in front of Joel's house to see him sitting on the porch, cigarette hanging from his mouth, while the girls sat on the driveway drawing with chalk. I chose to park on the street so I wouldn't disturb Sarah and Ellie. I leave the car, shoving my phone into one pocket. "y/n!" Sarah leaps up from the pavement, dropping the chalk stick in her hand before running towards me. Tiny arms wrap around my body as she hugs me. "Are you staying for dinner? Daddy ordered pizza," she says excitedly as Joel walks up behind her. "Go on and play with your sister, Babygirl. Let me and y/n talk, alright?" Sarah pulls away, nodding, before running back towards her sister.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says before pressing a short but sweet kiss to my lips. "Pizza'll be here in about 10 minutes. I ordered it right after I hung up with you," he says as he places the cigarette he had pulled from his lips a few seconds ago, slotting it against his upper and lower lip. I nod as I lean into his body. "How was your thing," he asks, arm wrapping around my waist as we walk back towards his front porch. "good," I reply simply as he unwraps his arm around my waist and sits down. Somehow, being in a relationship with Joel Miller was so easy I forgot how my life used to be. My entire world now revolved around football games, touring, Joel, and his girls. I almost forgot that 3 months ago, I was still rotting in my bed, sobbing over the ending of a relationship I thought was going to be forever. The moment I took one step into Joel's life, I was sucked in and hoped to God I'd never be pushed out.
"y/n! can you come draw with us?" Sarah asks from her spot on the pavement. I look at Joel, giving him a look that almost asks, 'Is that okay?' he nods, saying, "Go, we'll talk later." I walk over and sit beside Sarah on the still-hot Texas pavement. Ellies sat across from us, so deep into her drawing that she didn't even look up to greet me. Her knees are scratched up, probably from the pavement, and her forearms and hands are covered in different dusty chalk colors. "Look at my drawing," Sarah says, pointing at a larger drawing to her right. 4 stick-figured people, 3 female, one male, and one stick-figured cat, are drawn to the left of the smaller stick-figured humans. Each is labeled 'Daddy,' 'y/n,' 'Sarah,' 'Ellie,' and 'Ollie.' I almost want to cry at how adorable it is. She smiles up at me, so proud of her work. I wanted to take a picture but decided to take one later.
I want to stay here forever, or at least have something similar to this forever. Joel sat puffing on his cigarette a few inches away, admiring from afar as I interacted with his children. Interactions that make him wish he could have met me first. Before the Barbara's, or Annas. Interactions that make me wish he was the man I met 7 years ago on a red carpet, wishing I hadn't spent 7 years delusionally praying for a ring from a man who fell less and less in love with me every day.
A car with a bright red and white Papa John's logo attached to the top pulls into the driveway. It's almost like the girls have a routine for pizza nights. They both jump up, leaving the chalk on the sidewalk and run into the house, squealing, "Pizza!!" as Joel snuffed out his cigarette against the pavement before walking up to the young brunette man with a wad of cash. I, similarly to the girls, discard the chalk on the pavement and walk inside. I wash my hands before meeting the two girls at the table. Their father already passing out slices. 
"Cheese or pepperoni, Ellie?" Joel asks. Ellie, who sits up on her knees in the chair, says, "Both!" he shakes his head. "Nope, you won't eat it all, one or none. El's pick one," she pouts as her arms cross over her chest. "Peperoni," she mumbles under her breath as she sits back down on her butt. Joel nods before placing a slice of pepperoni pizza onto a red plastic plate and sliding it over to her. "Cheese," Sarah says before her father even asks her.
My elbows are on the table, and a half-eaten cheese pizza sits before me. This is something taken straight out of a movie, with the family sitting at the table casually talking about each other's days. Sarah told her dad about the funny joke her grandfather had told her last night. Joel chuckles, recalling the same joke being told to him more than 20 years ago when he was her age. It all felt so surreal. How could I be a part of this? I met these people less than 3 months ago and am already at family dinners. Sometimes, it makes me feel insecure; at moments, the thought of feeling so left out because this is not my family, even though I'm sitting at their family dinner. He's my boyfriend, but these are his children, not mine; I've known these people for less than 3 months and have only been actually dating Joel for one of those months.
Three loud, sharp knocks at the front door pull me from my thoughts. Joel sighed, dropping his slice of pizza before getting up and mumbling about how he'd 'be right back.' The dining room is silent as we hear Joel's hushed voice whispering to whoever is on the other side of the door. Sarah stood up slowly, walking over to the doorway so she could get a look at whoever was at the door. Ellie follows as usual. Monkey see, monkey do. A loud sequel-like shout makes me get up just in time to see Sarah running to the woman standing at the door. "Mommy!" 
She looks like Sarah, with similar but tighter dark curls and a slightly darker complexion. She is beautiful. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and though she's only wearing a tee shirt and jeans, she pulls it off fabulously. Though there seems to be not even one wrinkle on her face, I can tell she's closer in age to Joel than I'll ever be. Joel stood at the door uncomfortably as Sarah hugged her mother.
She's tall and thin, thinner than I'd ever thought about being. I could tell she was a model not only because of her stature but also because I'd seen her online. Probably an Instagram account, though I can't recall what platform I saw her on. "how've you been, sarbear?" she asks as she hugs her daughter tightly. "good," Sarah giggles as she steps away from her mother. The woman's eyes now fall to Ellie. "Hey Ellie, how have you been" Ellie shrugs from behind me. Being her usual Ellie self when it comes to people she doesn't know well.
Joel tilts his head almost as if he's saying, 'Come here.' I comply, walking over to him with Ellie trailing close behind. Joel wraps his arm around my waist as the woman's eyes fall on me. She looks me up and down about 2 times before smiling, "And you must be..." She drags out the 'e' sound of be until I answer back meekly, "Y/n...I'm y/n." She nods, a genuine smile on her face like she's actually happy to meet me, which is not a regular occurrence when an ex meets a new girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Barbara, but you can just call me Barb," I nod, smiling, trying to match the genuine smile she had on her face because despite the millions of insecure thoughts swirling inside my head, I was genuinely happy to finally meet her. "How long have you two been together?" she asks, eyes flicking up to Joels. "Um, bout 3 months, right honey?" he says, a fake smile gracing his lips as he leans his head down a bit to press a kiss to my temple. "Yeah, about that," I say with a forced giggle as I lean into Joel a little more. Right at this moment, my insecurities flood back in, realizing I look nothing like her. She's thin, her body fills out right where it needs to, she has no hip dips, scars, or stretchmarks. she was perfect. If this was his ex, was I not his type, or was she not?
I was looking at her body and then comparing it to mine. Wondering if he liked her legs better than mine? Did he like her hips more? Her boobs? Her butt? Her eyes? It's almost like I'm looking at her like I want to be hurt. I don't know if I'd rather him tell me straightforwardly what he liked better or me sitting here riddled with my own insecurity. I wonder if she could smell the insecurities practically dripping off of me.
"Barb, why are you here?" Joel asks; she looks at him and just laughs his words off. "I'm here to see my daughter," she says with a scoff as her hands placed on her hips. Joel rolls his eyes. "it's not like you wanted to for the last 2 years." I know this is my cue to take the girls and let them have their 'adult conversation', so I pull away from Joel and say, "Common girls, let go play with Ollie?" both girls excitedly race upstairs towards Joel's room, where we had put Ollie while we ate. 
I sat on the bed with the girls, my anxiety and insecurities festering inside me as the girls swooned over my cat. Would Barbara's reappearance randomly rekindle their relationship? Would I just be left in the dust? I know he was acting like he was annoyed with her downstairs, but I bet if she tried, he'd get back with her, right? He'd probably rather be with the mother of one of his children than me.
Sarah deserved a perfect family, a mom, a dad, a little sister. She didn't deserve whatever she had right now; I know Joel knew that. And I know he didn't want it to be this way. From what I heard, it seemed like she was not around a lot, and that was why he was so uncomfortable with her being here, but if she proposed to start their relationship again, I'd bet he'd agree. Her having him would mean she'd stay. Even if it wasn't for Sarah, she'd stay, and Sarah would have her mom back for good. There would be no need for some 'pretend mom' anymore. No more revolving door of girlfriends, though I desperately didn't want to be a part of that revolving door. Joel barges into the room, instructing his daughters to get ready for bed before slamming the door shut behind him. Leaving just him and me in the bedroom, alone.
 "She's staying the night." He grumbled, arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me close. I don't ask why, feeling as though it is none of my business. I hum with a slight nod. "I was just bout to head out then," I say, pressing my head into his shoulder. Our 'sleepovers,' if you even can call them that, typically only lasted one night, maybe till dinner the next night, but definitely not a second night. "You're leaving?" I can almost hear the frown on his lips. My brow furrowed in confusion. Normally, he wouldn't budge when I said I was leaving. A few kisses, and I'm usually off, but not tonight. His arms instinctively wrap tighter around my waist as if to say, 'Don't go.' but his ex is here, Sarah's mother. Isn't that awkward?
"I thought I'd just go...cause she-she's here. But if you don't want me to leave, I can stay," I whisper, pressing a few soft kisses to Joel's exposed neck. "Yeah," he mutters with a nod. 
Barbara is on the couch downstairs, both girls are fast asleep in their beds, and I'm still awake scrolling mindlessly though Barbara's Instagram. she's got millions of pictures posted dating all the way back to 2014. she's nice, and I really like her I do but I can't help but feel jealous of her when I get posts from 2015. most with Joel who looks so much younger, I can tell she's pregnant in most of them. 
I can't help but obsess over every part of her body that doesn't look like mine, wonder if he prefers her body over mine. I wonder how she was during their relationship. was she good in bed? better than me? did he prefer sleeping with her? did he ever think about her? was she still friends with his friends? did his mom like her better than me? and it doesn't make this any easier on me knowing he's got a kid with her and not with me. she's forever attached to him because of Sarah but me I'm disposable. his children aren't my blood, they aren't from my womb he could forget me easily if he really wanted too. he can't forget her because he sees her every time he looks at Sarah.
I'm trying to pick out something for me to hate her, and the only reason I've come up with is because she's basically abandoned Sarah. I guess I'm turning into will. the only photos posted of Sarah was 8 years ago on her birthday July 20th, 2015, baby Sarah all swaddled up being held by Barbara who laid in a hospital bed, Joel stood next to her admiration and joy gleaming in his eyes. then 2 months later Sarah being help by Joel with the caption 'favorite people'. then after than nothing radio silent it's like the baby disappears. people in the comments must've thought that too because every comment for the next few months of posts are along the lines of 'where's the baby?'. I'm guessing that's when she left.
I know Joel loves me, and that I'm probably going crazy, but I can't help but obsess over her. "you're still awake?" Joel slurs, voice deep from sleep. I turn off my phone immediately and turn so I'm facing him. one of his arms wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him. "can't sleep" I mutter as he presses open mouthed kisses to my neck and jawline.
 even as he's practically sucking hickeys into my neck all I can think about is that he's probably done this to her, while she was laying on the same side I was as he whispered quiet 'I love You's into her neck. I can't help it as tears form in my eyes that are quickly blinked back. I can't let him know how insecure I actually am. I don't want him to know how insecure I've gotten in the last few hours because I know there's a chance, I could get hurt. 
"wha's wrong? you're tense" he says pulling away from me. I freeze staring him in the eyes as his brows curl into a furrow. "what's wrong?" his left hand reaches from my cheek caressing it softly. "nothing" I mutter leaning into his soft touch. he hums questionably like he doesn't believe me but goes onto press his lips against my none the less. 
I'm so obsessed that once Joel goes back to sleep, I can't help but scroll her page. I don't even know why I'm so obsessed, it's not like I'm ugly I'm just not anything like her so maybe that's why I'm letting it get to me. deep down I'm terrified that she's his type more than I am, that maybe her long legs, perfect hair, and confidence will sweep him right back off his feet and I'll be all alone again. I'm terrified of him leaving and stop loving me like Andy did. I don't want to rot in bed again over a man I have stupidly fallen head over heels in love with again. I don't want to this to end because of how deeply have fallen into this. I don't want him to fall onto my long list of ex-lovers and have yet another reason to be called a slut. 
@taylarxse @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @ktheunready @camixkami @skysmiller @mars743 @tylrswftss @alyhull @jenna-mcgraw19 @h4teh3x @lexloon @greensabereyesforcevictim @cozylibraries @celebrities-imagines @nezukos-number1fan @abbysgirll @marispunk @hopelessromantic727 @fairyain @joeldjarin
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His Lips Taste Like Cherry Maraschino on a Summer’s Twilight
🩹 Dazai POV 🩹
Light suggestive??
The beach. 
A central place for adults and children alike to go and get terribly sunburnt. I’ve never been a big fan of the beach, I hated showing off my body to every single person there, such an uncomfortable feeling. 
However, when sunset fell, and people started to leave, that was the prime time to arrive. 
“The sunset looks good, doesn’t it?”, I ask, looking at the red head next to me. “Well, it’s okay, I dunno why you wanted to come out here so bad”, Chuuya grumbled, looking out into the horizon of the ocean, as colours of blue faded into orange and pink, creating an ombré only the luckiest would be able to see. 
“Well it’s pretty, am I not allowed to take my gorgeous boyfriend out here?”, I say, before I poke Chuuya in the side, making him flinch and lean away from me. “Don’t start trying to charm me now”, Chuuya rolls his eyes, as I snicker. 
The two of us were sitting on the sand of the beach, both our t-shirts lingering behind in Chuuya’s car, I felt kind of nervous taking it off, but I had to do this right. “Say Chuuya, I think we could use a swim”, I say, looking into Chuuya’s eyes, the shimmering blue reminded me of candy. 
“No, I washed my hair today, I’m not getting it wet with salty ocean water”, Chuuya scoffed, as if I asked him to put his newborn baby in a meat grinder. I release a chasmic sigh, before I stand up, looking down at Chuuya. 
“Whatever”, I say, looking as Chuuya let his guard down again, before I reached down, ceasing Chuuya’s wrist and dragging him towards the water, that was reflecting the pulchritudinous sight of the sunset. 
“Hey! Goddammit mackerel! Let me g-“, I cut Chuuya off by pushing him into the water, giggling as I see him emerge from the water, his hair soaking wet. “Bastard”, Chuuya grumbled, before he snagged my hand, pulling me in with him, making me shriek dramatically. 
I gasp as I lift my head from the water, shaking the water from my hair as I look at Chuuya cackling. “Okay fine, you win”, I say, before I rise, looking forward at the sunset. I then look at Chuuya, feeling my heart start to pound. 
His hair was wet and dripping, his hair matched the sunset, as it shimmered. Chuuya pushed the hair from his face, before his eyes met mine, the deep blue was like a vast ocean, and his pupils a hurricane, threatening to suck me in. 
“Osamu? What’re you looking at, dammit?”, Chuuya raised an eyebrow, with his hands on his hips. “Just admiring your beauty…”, I say, before I move towards him, the water sloshed around my legs, before Chuuya’s eyes widened when my thin and dexterous hands traced around the sinuous curve of his semi snatched waist. 
“What beauty-“, once again, I cut Chuuya off, by barely leaning down, to kiss him. The taste of cherry maraschino and sea salt mixed, his lips have always had that taste to them, the taste that left behind a sweet aftertaste, that left you begging for more. 
Chuuya looked surprised, before soon, he sank into the kiss, melting like a popsicle that’s been left in the summer sun for too long. A soft groan left his lips, kisses always seems to be the key to his heart. 
I broke the kiss a few times to take a sharp breath, before leaning right back into it. Eventually, he pulled away, laughing softly. “Okay okay, relax, save it for later”, Chuuya smiled, he’s always had the sweetest smile, the one that made his face glow like a beacon. 
“Okay fine”, I say, still holding onto him, before I press one last kiss to his cheek, watching him leer, he was grinning like he’d just received the worlds greatest compliment, I loved when he smiled like that. 
And for a moment, we just stared into each others eyes, it couldn’t have been more than 3 seconds, but time seemed to slow. I swore I could see hearts dancing in the pools of ocean blue that I was staring into, with that stupid smile on my face. 
A/N: ao3 cross post!! I hope you guys enjoyed <3 this wasn't proofread so if there's any mistakes then oops. but anyways, likes are always appreciated and tysm<33333
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skynapple · 7 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 6
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
Jeremiah is dragged along and encounters some thistles.
Oh, Xavier would die if he were here. If only he could see me right now...
The night market was two blocks of Linkon City's downtown district, lined with booths selling trinkets, crafts, art, food trucks, and a few games that were easy enough to tear down and store away. They arrived at a themed booth that looked like it was representative of a popular toy brand he could have sworn he recognized. 
It was some kind of toss-in-a-hole game but with pebble-like stars that looked like they barely fit in the holes on the board. They stood in line and watched child after child try and fail, the angled edges of the stars often catching the edge of the hole causing it to bounce right out.
Jeremiah immediately failed to see how it was a two-person game. "So, how exactly is this two-player?" He said, always one to speak what he was thinking.
"Well, look how hard it is!" She deflected quickly. "If it was just me, I wouldn't have that many chances. But with you, I'll definitely have a better shot."
"Ok. But, why-" 
"NEXT!" The irritated teenager called out to the line, interrupting his thought.
She seemed to know what he was asking anyways. "Well, I also wanted to thank you for helping me the way you did before, maybe get you away from the shop for a little bit? I dunno..." She looked at her shoes, shyly. "And like I said, all my other friends were busy, so I thought, why not?"
It warmed his heart to hear her so sincere.
"I thought I'd mentioned before, no need to thank me. Any friend of Xavier's is a friend of mine. It's an honor to help out a Deepspace Hunter." He pretended to roll up his sleeve. "So don't you worry, ma'am. We'll definitely win this."
They definitely did not. 
Sure enough, their handful of stars each bounced right after the holes, try as they might.  "These stupid stars." She said, gritting her teeth bitterly as they turned away after both of their turns had passed. "Yeah!" He agreed, "I can't believe they made it like this! It's impossible." A familiar feeling settled in his heart. In a strange way, it reminded him of losing a wanderer fight. He turned to her, resolved as her own words to him from so long ago came back to him.
Sharpen your sword, Jeremiah.
He may have had no idea what the prize was, but he was not going to let her back down so easily. "What are we waiting for?" He nudged his chin towards the line, already hurrying to the back of it.
After an hour of playing over and over, the teen attendant felt bad and admired their persistence in being the only ones to try again and again. "Yeah, it's kinda rigged not gonna lie." The kid said with a wink and handed one of the prizes over. "It's day one. No one's gonna know if one's gone.
And so she'd finally obtained her prize.
"This is what you wanted?" He remarked at huge succulent thistle plushie that she needed both of her arms to hold onto. 
"This is the same one they have at my favorite arcade! But this one is Linkon limited edition and they only have it here! I'm trying to collect them all. I can't believe I got it!"
He laughed. "It's so cute! Glad I could be of service."
She buried her face in it, taking in the artificial scent. "Let's get a picture?"
"Yes!" He quickly agreed and slung an arm around her shoulders to take the photo with his phone.
"Can I post this?" She asked eagerly after admiring the selfie.
A wicked grin grew on his expression. "Of course!"
He was mentally preparing to tease Xavier when the feeling of her warm hand fingers clenched around his palm interrupted his thoughts. It lasted only a millisecond -just a quick squeeze, to say thank you- but it left his heart pounding.
"Thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you."
"Oh-..." He stammered. What in the world? "No problem."
Suddenly he felt like it was the first time he really looked at her. Inexplicable emotions rising as he stared. Would the woman he'd known head have spent so much time attempting a plushie? Who would have been at her side then?
"Something on my face?" 
"Hmm? No. I was just wondering how in the world you're going to get that plushie through your door."
She laughed. "That's why it's squishy!"
Before he could say anything else, she was pointing out a food stall.  "After all that effort, I'm starving! Oh, and foods on me. No arguing. Everything here is so good. But you know what's really good here? You can get hot dogs dipped in fried potatoes. Have you ever had one?"
"I can't say that I have..."
Jeremiah had no idea what to think as he followed her, barely hearing her as she began to point out the other stalls over the thoughts swirling in his head. Part of him was pleased that he could spend so much time casually with her like this. It was a refreshing replacement to all the negative memories spent at war, and nice to be around her in such a joyous, youthful way. It was nice to feel like she was his friend again.
But she's not. She has no idea. I'm just a stranger. A friend of a friend.
Maybe if she knew who he was, he'd feel better about it. He'd know where he stood; he'd know his place with her. With this in mind, the other thoughts were about how jealous Xavier would be. While at first it was funny and he was never one to shy away from making him more jealous, he never actually wanted to get in the way of anything between them. For as long as he'd known the both of them, they'd only ever had eyes for each other and that was not something he felt like he could or should interfere with. A sinking feeling grew in his stomach that maybe this was too far?
No, this is fine. This is casual. If I was any one of her other friends, she'd be doing the same. Now he chided his racing thoughts. This is nothing. He can't be too mad about this. Just helping her out, like always.
"Any of those sound good?" She was asking. Even though she'd spent so much time listing all their options, he hadn't heard a single one.
"Well, my mind kinda stayed on the Korean hot dogs. What did you say, potatoes, huh?"
"Yes! Ok, you're going to love it. Let's get in line!"
He smiled. "Yes, ma'am! Lead the way."
This is nothing.
When he got home later that evening, he had half a mind to gloat to Xavier and send him the picture he'd taken, but hesitated.
He's going to kill me.
Right when his thumb hovered over his contacts, a notification from a new sender lit up on his screen.
Miss ma'am: [Had fun tonight :) thanks for the help! It got through the door!]
He pursed his lips together and thought long about what to reply. [Np! Had fun too.] Was all he was going to leave it at.
She replied less than a minute later. Miss ma'am: [Btw I need help tomorrow. My real succulent died :(]
[Send pics.]
Miss ma'am: [Its too dark rn. I'll pop by the shop tomorrow.]
He thought about it. [Closed tomorrow.]
Miss ma'am: [Oh ok! I'll send pics then.]
He thought about it some more. [I'll swing by?]
Miss ma'am: [That works!! Do you have Xavier's address? Same building. I can let you in.]
[Ya. What time?]
Miss ma'am: [Noon?]
For a while he tried not to overthink it. It was just helping out an old friend, for which he felt he owed her a lot anyways.
...This is nothing.
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Underwater Exploration (Dom!Johnny Knoxville x Reader) [Smut]
Yes, the title is a double entendre for shower sex. Hope y’all enjoy this, I think the requester was anonymous. I remembered I hadn’t posted a fic for Johnny in a while, so consider this a present!
Description: You and Johnny are taking a shower together, he asks you to jerk him off, and that soon leads into the two of you having shower sex for the first time. That’s all! Porn without plot.
Warnings: Female Reader, Cursing, Smut, Shower Sex, Slight Dom/Sub dynamic where Johnny’s the dom but it’s not super intense or anything like that, Dirty Talking, Praise Kink and Slight Degradation Kink (Johnny loves complimenting you but also loves calling you his little slut so yeah best of both worlds here), You suck on Johnny’s fingers a bit cuz why not
@asskickedbygirl tagging you in all my stuff as you’ve asked!
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“Alright, sugar, what are we feeling? Strawberry or ocean breeze?” Johnny held up both bottles of body wash, grinning at you as you got wet under the shower nozzle. You laughed, staring at the bottles in contemplation. “I dunno, what do you suggest?” Johnny lifted the cap of each one and sniffed them, handing you the strawberry one without hesitation. “Definitely this one. If I walk by you and smell strawberries, I’m pouncing.” You took the bottle and squirted some of the soft pink liquid onto a washcloth, moving to rub it into your arms and chest. “You make a very strong case, Johnny.” Johnny good-naturedly took the cloth from you and pulled you towards him. “Let me get that for you, sugar.” He admired your naked body as he helped you wash off, wolf-whistling with a mischievous smirk on his face, and you playfully rolled your eyes. “We take showers with each other all the time, babe, I don’t know why you always act like it’s the first time you’re seeing me naked.” Johnny grinned, pulling you towards him so your back was against his chest as he ran the washcloth over your tummy and chest, gently kissing your neck. “It always feels like the first time, sugar, that’s how goddamn pretty you are.”
You laughed. “Stop sweet-talking me and get my back for me, baby.” Johnny dutifully rubbed the washcloth over your back, chuckling to himself. “Yes ma’am, anything you say.” He kissed the back of your neck again, wrapping his free arm around your waist to pull your back closer to his chest, and the two of you quietly enjoyed the hot water and the smell of your body wash for a few moments; the two of you showering together was far from a rare thing, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable. After a minute or two, you felt something hard poke against the back of your thigh, and you looked up to shoot Johnny a look. He grinned. “Sorry, sugar. I warned you about that strawberry body wash.” You laughed, moving your hand back to grab at his hard cock, and Johnny groaned, leaning his head back against the shower wall as he guided your hand to wrap around his shaft. “Fuck, that feels good, sugar.” You turned around to face him, and he pulled you closer to him to kiss you, hanging the washcloth up to free his hands so he could grab at your hips as he smashed his lips against yours. The shower water made Johnny’s cock extra slick, and your hand slid over it with ease as you pumped his shaft with a quick speed, rubbing your thumb over his slit as he sucked on your bottom lip.
He pulled away with a sly grin. “Have we fucked in the shower before?” You thought for a moment, smiling and shaking your head. “Nope, don’t think so. Usually when we’re in the shower we just wash off. You know, the thing showers are meant for.” Johnny raised his eyebrows. “So you don’t want to fuck in here?” You grinned, leaning up to kiss him again. “I didn’t say that.” Johnny cupped your face, his large hands moving to push your soaking wet hair out of your face and then sliding down to grip at your hips and ass, bucking his hips against the grip you had on his cock. You rubbed your palm over his tip, jerking him off with a teasingly slow pace that made his whole body shiver. “Now I know you can go faster than that, sugar, you’re not fooling me. Save the teasing for the next time we do this, this is our first time fucking in here and we need to be as fast and rough as we possibly can to really break it in.” You obediently sped up a bit, laughing softly at his very poorly disguised attempt at an excuse for having rough sex in the shower, and Johnny leaned his head back against the shower wall again, relaxing his body as he enjoyed the handjob; the water from the shower trickled down his body, making his well-defined chest and stomach all the more noticeable as his muscles jerked from your touch.
Your fingers slipped over the slick head of his cock again, and Johnny groaned loudly, grabbing your wrist to stop you. “Stop right there, sugar, if you keep going I’m gonna blow my load before we even get to the fun stuff.” You put on a look of fake innocence. “This isn’t the fun stuff?” Johnny grinned, leaning down to kiss you again with his hand shielding your eyes from the hot water of the shower nozzle. “Not even close.” He switched places with you so he could push you up against the shower wall, rubbing his thumb over one of your breasts with his right hand as his left hand slid down your belly towards your pussy. Johnny pressed a line of kisses down your neck as he rubbed at your clit, pushing his fingertip inside you. He slowly pushed his finger in further, the water helping him slide the digit in with ease as he stretched you out to prepare you for his cock. You sighed softly at the feeling, parting your thighs more to give him better access; he leaned down to take your nipple into his mouth, drifting his tongue over it and looking up at you to gauge your reaction. You smiled, keeping one of your hands on the back of his head as you stroked his hair encouragingly, and he pressed his lips to your nipple and grinned at you, pushing another finger inside of you as he moved away from your boobs.
Johnny withdrew his fingers, sucking on them to taste you, and then he grinned, wrapping his hand around his shaft to press the tip of his cock against your entrance. “Hold on tight, sugar, or you might slip and fall.” You playfully rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his back to keep yourself steady, and Johnny gently pushed the head of his cock inside you, keeping one of his hands against the shower wall to support his body weight as he thrust his hips forward. You leaned your forehead against his, hands grabbing at his back as he pushed his cock deeper inside you with a low groan. “Fuck, sugar, you’re wet.” You smirked, glancing pointedly at the shower nozzle. “Hmm, I wonder why.” Johnny leaned down and pressed his lips against your neck. “Don’t be a smart ass, baby.” He thrust his cock all the way inside you, gently biting down on your neck, and you moaned softly, running your nails down his back as he stretched you out. “You like that, sugar? You want me to go harder?” You nodded, digging your nails into his skin, and he pulled his cock all the way out and slammed it back in, smashing his lips against yours as he stimulated your clit. The warm water from the shower nozzle felt good against your skin, and it nicely slicked up you and Johnny’s bodies as he fucked you with his chest pressed against yours.
When he pulled his cock out of you again, Johnny grabbed the back of your thighs with his hands and lifted you up, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist as he thrust his cock back inside you at a much deeper angle. You threw your arms around his neck for support as he fucked you, your back still flat against the shower wall to help keep the two of you upright as his cock head pressed against your sensitive spot. You buried your face in his neck to hide your moans, and Johnny laughed. “You like taking my cock, baby? You like when I fuck your tight little pussy like this? You’re just a little slut for my cock, aren’t you sugar?” You moaned affirmatively in response, pressing your lips against his neck as he thrust his cock inside you once again, and he smiled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re so pretty when you’re taking my cock like this, baby, I love that look you get when I’m all the way inside you.” You blushed, and Johnny set you back down and turned you around, pushing you up against the shower wall so your back was to him as he lined his cock up with your pussy from behind and thrust inside you with an even faster pace; he gripped your hip with one hand and used the other to force you to look back at him, rubbing your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.
“Let’s put those pretty lips to good use, sugar, what do you say?” He pushed his finger into your mouth, and you obediently wrapped your lips around it, sucking on the digit as you stared back at him needily. “Yeah, sugar, just like that. Suck my fingers like a little whore, you know it’s what you’re best at.” You sucked even harder, egged on by his dirty talk, and Johnny groaned loudly at the sight of it, his cock twitching inside you as he thrust his hips especially hard, clearly close to cumming. “Fuck, sugar, you drive me crazy when you act like such a slut for me, just keep doing that and I’ll cum inside your pretty little pussy, you want that?” You nodded eagerly, coating his fingers with your saliva and moaning loudly as the head of his cock stretched you out, his balls slapping against your ass as he fucked you from behind, his fingers digging into your hip hard enough to leave bruises as his thrusts began to get sloppier and more intense. The water from the shower nozzle trickled down his back and chest, letting his chest slide against your back easily as he shoved his cock all the way inside you and just barely humped his hips against you to rub the head of his cock against your sensitive area, bringing you to the brink of orgasm. “Come on sugar, cum for me, I’m not cumming til you do.”
You ground your hips back against him, letting the tip of his cock rub against your clit until you came, tightening up around him with a wanton moan as you threw your head back against his chest; Johnny pushed his entire body up against your back as he came too, burying his face in your neck as he shot his load deep inside you, his hands rubbing at your hips as he did so. You felt his hot cum dripping from your thighs as he pulled out of you, pressing gentle kisses to your back and neck as he cooled down. You breathed heavily, resting your forehead against the shower wall as you came down from your orgasm. Johnny turned the water temperature down just slightly and gently turned you around to face him, leaning down to kiss you as his hands soothingly rubbed your hips and back. “You did so good for me, sugar.” You playfully rolled your eyes, resting your head on his chest and looking up at him adoringly. “I didn’t do anything, Johnny.” He grinned. “You looked pretty for me and took my cock like a good girl, what else could I ask for?” He adjusted the shower nozzle so the water was aimed at you, picking up the abandoned wash cloth to help you clean off his cum from between your thighs. “Guess we’ll need to use more body wash. Strawberry or ocean breeze, baby?” You laughed. “Ocean breeze, no more strawberry. I think you’ve pounced on me enough for the day.”
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I just wanna say how heartwarming it is to see people loving on their biases and working together to spread positivity in the name of their bias. I’m OT7 and my bias is Yoongi and I saw you mention in a post about a Jimin praise kink and I feel like I have a unique kinda kink where I seek out all the members’ individual fandoms and observe how they work to uplift their biases lol. I only do this to positive fanbases (no akgaes/other member antis). It’s like I’m watching a family discuss and organize what their doing to better their household (household meaning their bias). I dunno why I love doing this but I spend several minutes (or hours) a day perusing many of the members biggest fans. I like how PJM’s (and you and many Jikook blogs) are coming together to lift up Jimin and share streaming strategies and how to proceed for his album debut. I just came from lurking a KTH community and how they were discussing how to show Tae more love after people were hating on his insta follow. I watched how some KSJ’s where brainstorming ways to keep Jin’s presence alive to fill the void until he returns from enlistment. The MYG’s are thriving right now with Yoongi’s new brand endeavours (and his long hair haha). I really liked the conversations I heard from the KNJ’s about how they are proud of Joon for expressing himself well in his recent album and how proud they are of him speaking up when his private conversations were released by the press. JHS’s are always having a great time it seems supporting every new thing Hobi does and hyping up his solo career. The JJK’s are humouring me with the way their setting up their own cute little restaurant tours based on Jungkook’s. It’s not always rainbows and sunshines when I visit these little communities for each member because it always seems like they face a ‘challenge of the week’ but I admire the efforts of these fans to maturely discuss how to pull through as a team/fanbase. Of course I follow group related accounts who speak positively on BTS as a group but I just love visiting the individual stans to see what conversations they’re having and what ways they decide to support their biases. I literally have a Twitter list for each separate member (not so much for charts/voting/streaming) for kind/cute/funny accounts that like to discuss among themselves on the current status of their bias. It also enables me to be scarily updated on each members’ every move since their Stan’s get the newest info right away. I have almost found a community for each member on Tumblr too but it’s a bit harder on here since the anon asks sometimes brings negativity against other members which I don’t like. I dunno why I felt the need to share this with you Storm lol sorry if I’m cluttering your inbox. xo
This is nice, just a nice message about fandom to recieve instead of people just complaining. There are a lot of postives here too 🥰 also somewhat related.... people reacting to Yoongis music are some of my favorite to watch. So if anyone has good recs, let me know too!
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Thanks anon!
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pepaldi · 1 year
Thousand apologies for the wait. Kept forgetting. Blah. Then the bloody heat showed up and, oh boy. This past Monday and Tuesday I was totally out of it. Slept and spent most time in the bedroom. Felt drugged.
Oh it’s okay, I completely understand, I hate the heat, summer is a nightmare for me and I feel just like that when it’s too hot, drugged, overwhelmed, weak and very angry 🥲
OK, enough of that. Oooh, I really like your url name.
Ohh thanks! It’s a thing from my favorite video game (Klonoa 2, if you’re interested)
I have TV on in the background and one of the characters just said the word overthinking as I read the above part. I dunno why I am telling you this. Might still be the heat. And yes, he would. Yeah, pretty sure he would.
What a moment, hahah, love when this happens (just yesterday I was eating a meat sandwich and the characters on TV were discussing exactly that, meat sandwiches 😁)
Think though, even though he was flawed it still feels like he was a really special guy. Really one of a kind. Just now thought, if any of this other kids would write a book about him what would that look like? The experience Julian and Daniel had was a bit different than Violet's. And of course Mollie's was incredible different.
I would love to read their stories, I think they would show a very responsible and “straight” side of Harold (he changed a lot after he married Erica, he literally sobered up, but his sweet nature was still present). I never really thought too much about Julian’s and Daniel’s childhood, because even though they were raised by Erica instead of Anne, Harold was still their father. Mollie, however, is the one I think about the most, because she lived her most important developmental years without Harold, she was already fully raised and formed when she met him. And I don’t know if I should, but I relate to her a lot, because I see Harold as a father figure sometimes, and it hurts me immensely that I wasn’t raised by such a warm, open-minded, compassionate, and patient person. Harold was a flawed man, like you said, but still one of a kind, and his qualities far outweighed his flaws.
I just need to get of my lazy ass and write and finish what I started. Also start new ones. Hmm, I probably will post something but the real hmm, weird ones, I dunno. Though mind you I have seen fan fics that made me go .. "what the hell am I reading?" (Not in the GB fandom though.) So weird ideas are out there. Not that I do not mind weird ideas (I love weirdness) but there are a few that .. were .. ehm, just beyond that.
I relate to that, I also have ideas and unfinished fics that I really want to get through to post (if it’s any encouragement to you, I’d love to read your stories, even the ones you consider weird. Weirdness is good, indeed 😌). Oh yeah, the “what the hell am I reading” experience, I’ve been on the internet enough years to understand this feeling too~
Haha, addicted is good. Well, to a certain degree. That GB logo is such a classic. Comfort pieces are good. Oh, that is so nice. What photos do you have? If you do not mind me asking? What does the locket look like? Personal Q's there.
(I quite like personal questions, so here they are: 😄)
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I had, well still have a locket (just not on me these days) with photos of another man I admire. I found a locket that had words from one of his favorite poems and so had to get it. I do not wear jewelry much but I wrote that one a great deal. My tattoos are my jewelry.
I love how we do this, I think it's a fundamentally human thing, to seek and get attached to objects that remind us of someone or something we love, as a way to feel closer and connected to it. Tattoos or jewelry, it's all from and for love.
I understand. It is one thing to agree to be with other people but the fact that he fathered a child could be seen a kind of betrayal. I am glad they got to know each other though. Violet's and Mollie's friendship and sisterhood is adorable. None of my business but I would also like to know more about Harold and Mollie's relationship. I understand if Mollie might not want to share it but well, you know what I mean.
What “comforts” me is that he was willing to be part of her life if she wanted to, he understood he messed up and apologized (not that Mollie herself is a mistake, of course not, but you know what I mean). And yes! Their friendship is the loveliest thing, I wish nothing but happiness and success to both of them. Violet talks about Mollie’s and Harold’s “relationship” very briefly in her book, I also wanted to know more (I think Mollie is as fun and witty as Violet, and she also writes, I would love to read anything Mollie decides to share, hopefully she will)
Totally understand. I am interested in the good times in those years like Mollie and Violet singing to Harold in the hospital. I can not help it. Possible cause we know so little of those years. Hmm, maybe I have already said that. When I wrote what you said bout his last words I got some images in my mind of either him having told his love one that he loved them. If he couldn't talk maybe he put his hand on his heart or held hands and looked at them with that sweet smile of his.
Oof that almost made me tear up, this is both so painful and so sweet… I can imagine that too, especially because he really couldn’t speak at some point, just stare, that hurts to think about… Such an intelligent, funny guy, unable to speak, feels so awfully unfair, and he had the most beautiful laugh too… (see, this is why I avoid thinking about his last years, I get sad so easily)
Took a look at your list of songs that remind you of Harold and am not familiar with them but you better believe I am going to listen to them. Thank You for sharing that. Listening to them soon. Promise.
Ohh, thanks for listening then! Hope you like them too! Music is very personal to me, so whenever I get a chance to share my playlists it’s like I’m sharing a piece of my own self ☺️
I would also like to meet Harold in the 2000's. Sure, young Harold might be fun but prefer older Harold. Not sure what I would talk about cause I'd probably talk so much he would have to ask me to slow down and take a breath so he would understand me. Or I get so nervous I would go quiet and he would talk but might try and get me to talk back. Maybe. Hmm, perhaps.
That’s adorable actually, shows that you would trust him enough to pour out your thoughts with no restraint, or that you love him so much that you’d become speechless (either way, something tells me he would be honored to get those reactions from a fan). I would cry. A lot. I would (try to) tell him how much I admire him, how amazing he is, but I wouldn’t stop crying, not for one minute.
I do not know how many actually. Some I saw years ago and hardly remember. I have not watched all and not sure I will. I have a strange relationship with movies. I know it might be lame but Ghostbusters is my favorite cause it introduced me to Dan and Harold who I both adore so much. Wait, might have seen Dan in SNL but I do not remember if I did before ,,, If nothing else it cemented my love for them and I do have a fascination for Ghosts.
I see, well, some movies are worth watching (like GB), some others I just disliked a lot, so I understand. And I don’t think it’s lame, he really did a fantastic job in Ghostbusters, there’s a reason why it’s so popular and loved. I’ve been planning to watch some of Dan’s movies too, he was just great (and he also had a fascination for ghosts, didn’t he? 😙)
That .. is .. beautiful. Such a lovely thing to do. That must have been nerve wrecking. Way to go!! We know how much Harold loved to sing so I bet he was beaming right down at you. Ok, reading that got me teary eyed. That .. was .. an incredible sweet thing of you to do. Beautiful!
Wow, thank you! You really made me smile with that, to think he’d be proud of me makes me emotional again 🥲 Thanks a lot ❤️
And usually I re read over to make sure I got it all but I am so warm I need to step away from the computer.
I checked the weather forecast and it still seems to be really warm over there, but I hope you feel better now!
Oh, oh. The profile photo. Love that photo. Then again very few photos of the man I do not love.
Oh thanks, it’s one of my favorite photos of him (and I say that about all of them, every photo is my favorite photo, every decade was his best decade, you know how it is haha)
Also, because I’m already used to asking you questions, here goes another: other than GB, do you have other favorite things you’d recommend? (movies, tv shows, music, even food recipes, anything~)
As always, lovely talking to you! Have a wonderful day/night! ❤️
Hello, hello.
Ugh, been lazy .. again.
And this might not be as long answer as before. I am having some kind of mind block and I really did not want you to have to wait even longer for my reply.
And I don’t know if I should, but I relate to her a lot, because I see Harold as a father figure sometimes, and it hurts me immensely that I wasn’t raised by such a warm, open-minded, compassionate, and patient person. Harold was a flawed man, like you said, but still one of a kind, and his qualities far outweighed his flaws.
I get what you mean and I am sorry you were not. My own experience with my dad is totally different but I am ok with that. I mean, He has always been there for me when I needed and though we do not have that that closeness (my dad is incredible social and I am an incredible introvert) I am good. I do feel for you though.
Also, Harold and his flaws. Was recently reading a bit of the script for Look Who's Talking and some of the things said by Albert aka Harold bugged the hell out of me. But yeah, we all have thrm. Some more than others.
I relate to that, I also have ideas and unfinished fics that I really want to get through to post (if it’s any encouragement to you, I’d love to read your stories, even the ones you consider weird. Weirdness is good, indeed 😌). Oh yeah, the “what the hell am I reading” experience, I’ve been on the internet enough years to understand this feeling too~
Careful what you wish for. Hehe, no but that is sweet of you to say. Ah yes, the internet can be such a cesspool. Not just in fanfiction. Or rather there are far, far worse things on the net that ff's.
Your locket is lovely! I love how you have choosen side profiles to match the locket. Very nice. And from different decades. It might be the photo but I actually love the blue hue on his hair in the second photo.
Maybe Mollie will share her story one day. I find it sad how people cut her out of their life cause of the paternity. She is the innocent one in it all. I find it a bit heartbreaking how Harold asked Violet about Mollie when he was sick and Mollie wanted to be there but thought it might be a sad reminder. Something like that. Can not have been easy.
Such an intelligent, funny guy, unable to speak, feels so awfully unfair, and he had the most beautiful laugh too… (see, this is why I avoid thinking about his last years, I get sad so easily)
Always sad when a brilliant mind has such a fate. Gene Wilder got Alzhemeirs. Terry Jones got dementia. So tragic.
Ah, the songs. Darn it. Have not listened much I'm afraid but I will. I keep forgetting. Happens .. to .. me .. a .. lot.
Two films with Dan I really loved and liked is My Stepmother Is An Alien and Dragnet. The first one I have seen multiple times.
Favorite things, oh boy. Ehm ..... So bad at this.
I do like documentaries.
Wild Wild Country on Netflix is a truly wild ride. Really good. About a cult. So many twists. Netflix has several good True Crime stuff if you like those. I need to catch up on some myself.
Another one is House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths. You should know this one is disturbing to watch and what they talk about. Good though. You can see some of the comments I got on a post of it here.
Some Tv - Shows ... I like animated series so American Dad, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama and Simpsons. British TV like Granada's Sherlock Holmes, Inspector Morse, Doctor Who and Monthy Python to name a few. NCIS, Doom Patrol (so weird), Married with Children (cult tv), The West Wing and well, depends on mood but those are good shows.
One of my favorite music albums is by George Michael. Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1. It is brilliant.
Oh, I recommend watching Randy Feltface. So funny. Foul laungage some but so darn good.
I feel like I gave forgotten half of what I was gonna say. Bleh!
The weather has changed a bit. It was raining and then some sun and now raining again. Suppose to be raining a lot now. We will see.
Sorry to make it so short this time.
Hope you are well.
And it is always great to talk to you too. 😊
Bless. ❤️
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NAC, AND THIS ISN'T AGAINST THE ADMINS. Okay, I'm the one who was unblocked because I couldn't interact with the blog as a whole afterwards. Nurse already apologised, I accepted the apology, and that was that. I told someone I didn't feel safe posting here for a bit, but I think I gotta have this out. I don't feel safe posting here because it feels like ppl mistake everything as disrespect towards the admins, which is something that wasn't really happening, and reading the anon asks it still feels true. The whole conversation was weird and felt extremely invalidating? Yes. Is it grounds to attack Nurse? No.
But before anything of that happened I hadn't seen anyone attack anyone. And I still haven't. Calling out someone on an action that looks problematic isn't attacking, and we're all human, we all make mistakes and have lack of concise communication. Being told so isn't wrong, it just can help us grow. (Unless it's done with the intent to harm, then it's an attack). It just feels like if we disagree it's equaled to disrespecting, and that's not the case. We all have defended admins and other users when things escalate unnecessarily. There's been trolls, and people trying to provoke fights, and I feel like we've all tried to stop them when they get through, am I wrong? But reading asks like that, talking about ppl invalidating boundaries and stuff, it just feels like it's not a safe place to put an opinion out anymore. Because I haven't seen that. It was infuriating not being able to interact just because there was a disagreement, when there's been hundreds, but it was resolved... So now what happened...? I dunno if I'm making any sense. The admins do the job I'm sure half of us wouldn't want to do, and I admire their patience, specially Faerie's. They deal with stuff that would make a lot of us lose it and stress out, and that's a fact. And I think the majority of us respects them and shows them the respect they have earned and deserve. So... where are all these asks coming from...?
I don't know how else to explain this to you guys but....I DID NOT block anyone on this blog. Wayward Victorian Confessions. You were not blocked from WVC, i blocked yall on my PERSONAL account. the one i use for things unrelated to this confessional blog. I was not aware that me blocking on my main blog would make the block universal through all side blogs as well. No one did. I was very confused and discussed it with Faerie, after i realized my mistake i corrected it. yall were not punished or silenced from wvc because we had a disagreement, it was simply an accident due to the fact i wasnt aware of the way blocking worked. I don't know why you guys want it to seem that way so badly but please, just stop. I've apologized to you (the person sending this) personally and fixed my mistake and explained how it happened so many times. Im trying to be patient and kind but i'm starting to feel like a broken record. There has been harassment through the inbox and i've seem comments of people being private messaged and insulted over this situation. I really think it just needs to end. If you're uncomfortable, no one is forcing any of you in interact. I unblocked you (person sending) so you could have the option because i'd never want to take that away from anyone. You're free to do whatever, (not talking about the sender) but making me out to be some evil, power-wielding, rude admin is unrealistic and mean. I know being an admin means there's at least a bit of a power dynamic but i'm still a regular person. I'm able to make mistakes because i'm human. that's why there are asks in my defense. Theres nothing wrong with having different opinions. theres also nothing wrong with blocking people. my boundaries were disrespected when i asked for the discussion to end and was met with more and more paragraphs.
~ nurse admin🦷
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badlandsatlove · 8 months
I think I want to talk about Taylor Swift on my main blog so badly because I trust and like a lot of people over there and I want them to understand that their vitriol toward an artist I like is frustrating and unfair and honestly kind of pathetic and hypocritical
I could write a 10 page essay on how fandoms I've been in twice as long as I've been a swiftie are nearly as weird as the swifties are
but here's the thing
the other main reason I want to talk about Taylor Swift on my main blog is that I don't want to have a Taylor Swift blog and have to follow other Taylor Swift blogs because shit be crazy over there sometimes
I love her music, I think she's incredible, I KNOW she's the fucking GOAT and I'm vibrating with excitement just thinking about my upcoming Eras tour date, but I also don't love every thing she's ever done, including recently, and I don't think all of her music is good and she's nowhere near my #1 pop artist (hence this blog being Halsey-themed)
A lot of the things I see some Swifties praise/admire her for or celebrate about her or even just gleefully assume about her are things I don't like at best and while that could comfortably be a difference of opinion, the notes on those posts, as well as the language, tend to make me feel like I am going against a consensus that going against earns me a warning from an army
I want to celebrate the art I enjoy from an artist I admire but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place where the internet spaces I've been a part of since before I knew of Taylor Swift (aka right before debut) are overrun with snooty, pretentious takes that are honestly correct at times and the spaces I would like to enjoy as a fan of Taylor Swift who lived through the Wildest Dreams video, who jolted with confused excitement at the media blackout and first snake video, who grimaced through the Lover rollout, who hugged folklore during some really rough times and still tears up when I hear seven... those online spaces just don't exist for me, anywhere, as far I've searched for them. and I've searched quite far!
I think, honestly, at this point, I am going to Eras just to get it out of my system
I have been to some epic tours in my time but nothing seems so epic as a 3+ hour celebration of nearly 20 years of music from the greatest songwriter of my generation
I want to see Paramore, one of the greatest bands of their time, one of the most important bands of my life, whose lead singer Hayley has been friends with Taylor for 15 years, open for her and feel the energy of many tens of thousands screaming to their hits in a way I haven't seen and felt before
I want to experience that elation and joy and pure euphoria of hearing songs I've memorized and that have mesmerized me echo through the throats and hearts of even more people, pouring out into the sky of a major city with incomparable exuberance and once-in-a-lifetime vigor
but I don't see this claustrophobic, exhausting feeling of being a fan of Taylor Swift when I neither praise nor condemn the ground she walks on going away if I keep engaging online
maybe it's a me problem. maybe she's reached a point of stardom that I can't interface with on a regular basis. I dunno. but come the end of August, I might just leave and never look back.
or maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll find my place amongst the strangest, most dedicated, most insufferable, most passionate fanbase of all time
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faydingrain · 2 years
A Rose by Any Other Name
Drowning in the silence and gentle hush of wind through the trees, Maggie sat alone. On a cold bench outside the school, she ran these revelations through her head. Over and over, spiraling onto either end of her decision-making spectrum, the thoughts cycled. And it felt like the more she thought on it, the harder it became to figure out what she felt.
That is, until Zeke meandered up to her. “This seat taken?”
She met his relaxed, half-lidded eyes. “How did you know I was here?”
“I didn’t,” he said. “I was just…on a walk. You okay?”
She shrugged, gaze drooping to the ground. “I don’t know.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
Hesitantly, she replied, “I guess we can.”
“This is about Ana, right?”
He slid into the space beside her. “What’s on your mind?”
“I…I don’t know. A whole mess of things.”
“...Ana is…someone I thought I knew, and cared about, and trusted. But…to figure out this of all things? It’s just…”
“Well, she’s your friend, right?”
“I…something like that, yes.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“She’s a criminal, Zeke!” Her voice raised to a near-shout. “The Avispón family! Do you know just how much trouble her family has caused mine alone?”
“That’s…” he shrugged, “True, I guess. Her family isn’t her, though.”
“But she’s actively been a part of her family’s misdeeds! I…I can’t just ignore that!”
He hesitated. There was a lot on the line for him too regarding how this conversation ended. But, if Maggie could handle one big secret, then she could handle more. “She has her reasons.”
“What reasons? She’s done criminal activity just like the rest of her degenerate family!”
“This world isn’t all roses, Maggie. As much as I’d like to surround you with them. And even then, those roses harbour thorns.”
“So, what, just because there are sinister people in the world means I have to associate with them?”
“No,” he replied calmly. “I mean that everyone has a dark side. But sometimes you can put that aside for the sake of people you love.” Without thinking, he lifted a hand and brushed her hair from her lashes. “Maybe there’s more to this story you’re not aware of either.”
“Like what?”
“I dunno. But you have to decide if this is worth sacrificing your friendship over.”
She froze. ‘My…”friendship”.’ Is it worth cutting off Ana because of her truth? But Ana was so kind, and Maggie looked up to her as a member of the Disciplinary Committee, and as a person, and as a friend. “Friend”. Was all of Ana’s identity soured by this fact now? 
While she lost herself in thought again, Zeke snaked his arm around her shoulders and began rubbing his thumb on her arm.
Her mouth opened, but she closed it again. This was her decision to make, not Zeke’s, as difficult as it was to do so. But it went against every angle of her moral compass to simply say ‘So what if she’s a criminal? She’s my friend!’ and ignore the shadows behind her. She wanted to ask more questions, to get more clarification, but she was afraid of those answers.
Wait…but why?
She pulled out her phone, scrolling through the feed again. Several students were jumping to defend Ana, but Ayan…Ayan wasn’t about to bend so easily. Maggie had trusted Ayan long before she really started talking with Ana, and admired her strength to take action, but all the same…something about seeing her cut off Ana like that…didn’t feel right either.
Beside her, Zeke’s eye twitched at the sight of Miss Disciplinary Committee Head on Maggie’s feed. She liked a post from the girl, and he had to resist rolling his eyes. She was such a Goody Two Shoes, but maybe corrupting that was part of the intrigue.
Maggie felt Zeke hug her towards him, and she relaxed into his shoulder. It was the only thing keeping her from throwing her phone or crying or screaming because she just couldn’t make a decision and it hurt so badly. If this was anyone else (or maybe, nearly anyone else), she could cut them off in a heartbeat. Why couldn’t she do the same with Ana? Or rather, “Eliana”, as she revealed.
But…was “Eliana” different from “Ana” somehow?
Scanning through threads, she found the one from Rin. (Rin was sweet too.) Going through it again, the negative side of her thoughts were beaten back. Then she found the one from Aurora, the trusted Student Council President. Ana had saved her life, and this thread divided her warring mind in half for the umpteenth time.
“Hey,” Zeke coaxed her attention towards him, tugging under her chin with a finger, “you don’t have to decide right now. Maybe take a break from the app for a while.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think my mind will stop until I reach a conclusion.”
“What can I do, then?”
“...What do you think?”
He let out a deep breath. “Well…she’s kind. She…upheld her duties.”
“But she sabotaged them!”
“Yes…but…do you really think she intended to betray the person she loved?”
Maggie’s emotions welled up, then halted again.
“Maybe you could ask.”
But she couldn’t shake that same feeling. She didn’t want more answers. She wanted to call Ana a traitor and cut her off and be done with it.
What was stopping her?
Every smile felt like a lie. Every comment felt like deceit. Every time she called them “friends” felt as though the word was used to manipulate her. And yet, there was a part of her that denied that. A part that said, “That isn’t Ana.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I feel like…I feel like I want to yell at her. And call her a traitor, and call her a filthy thief and a liar! And ask ‘how could you do this to us?! I thought I could trust you!’”
“...Would you be happy with that?”
“...I don’t know.”
“Then, what else are you thinking?”
“...That I don’t want to let go. But another part of me is telling me that I should.”
“Is it telling you that you should for your sake, or someone else’s?”
A stuttered sound came from her mouth. What did he mean by that? Though, it still managed to make her think. As if she knew an answer deep down in her heart, but her brain wasn’t about to unearth it.
“What do you think is best for you, Maggie? If no one else’s opinion mattered but yours, what would you choose?”
Gaze retreating back to the grass, she bore a hole into the ground. “...I…”
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ladyvikingtea · 2 years
Fractals, Ch. 7
They were going down.
“I can fucking see that, now shut the hell up!” the pilot barked. “Strap in and fucking hold on!”
“The plane has appropriate water landing floats-”
“Yeah, vampy-boy, but if I can’t keep ‘er upright, it’s a damn moot point!”
And that appeared to be quite a problem. Every few yards, the plane dipped on one side or the other, they were losing altitude, and streaming angry black smoke from one of the engines. Tifa was nervously belted into one of the passenger bucket seats, but the tether felt flimsy and pointless at best. Nanaki was clinging desperately to cargo netting swaying from the ceiling, paws akimbo and struggling for solid purchase with bared claws and finding none while every hair on his body was fluffed in alarm. Barret was wrapped around Aerith like some kind of insane airbag, as if it would help, and Cloud and Vincent were… quite literally… hanging onto the wings for dear life.
If anyone had a right to complain, it was those two.
“I thought you said the damn thing was up-armored and bulletproof!” Cloud shouted, keeping an admirable level of bravery in his voice even as his tired grip slackened and tightened with a creak.
“Resistant! Bullet resistant! Fuck, there’s a difference! Ain’t used to being fired on with such high goddamn caliber Shinra shit!” Cid grunted and wrestled with the controls that were desperately trying to put them all out of their misery with a nosedive. “You really got their attention!”
“Should we jump out over the water, or-” Tifa tried, but a violent shudder in the frame of the Tiny Bronco silenced her.
“I said just hang on, ain’t nobody bailing out now!” The steering column began to rattle erratically, and the pilot stood to wrench it with more leverage. There were no further warnings, but everyone felt the impending impact coming.
They all held their breath…
_ _ _ _ _
Author’s Note: First time posting, don’t know what I’m doing, but here’s a snippet of a fanfic I’ve been working on. Slowburn CloTi over on Ao3. This is the first scene after they meet Cid in Rocket Town and are trying to make their escape. The whole work is essentially a “What if...” for Remake, a possible direction they might be going in, and almost a highlight rewrite of the original story. I may start posting just snippets of scenes in progress (for my other stories too) or just random drabbles I want to get out, even if they’re not ready for being posted as a full story. I DUNNO. HALP. TOO OLD TO LEARN TO TUMBLR.
Read on Ao3 -
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winterpopcorn · 6 years
gawd... wow... uhm... yeah... wow...
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gud-soup · 2 years
All that she wants (JJK SMUT)
(Poly n*sfw f!reader x Gojo x Geto)
a/n: sorry for not uploading, I’m preparing myself for my finals, and I’m quite stressed out to be fair, but I felt like I had to upload something…
This story was inspired by my previous post, had it in the drafts for a loooong time, but heh here it is!
Lmao the intro is fucking long, but I didn’t want to write straight up p0rn, you know?
I know that I suck at not sfw, maybe it’s because it’s weird when I write those instead of reading them, but I do want to practice and challenge myself, so let me know whether it was alright :)
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"Dude! I’m telling you that she prefers the red one!"
"Well, I’m telling YOU she would look better in white!"
"Well, It happens that I’m HIS BOYFRIEND and I know what she wants"
"I don’t think so…" he mumbled
"Excuse me?"
Suguru couldn't see it, but his lenses hid reddened eyes, tears almost forming. What he said was true, at least for him. He hated himself for it. He shouldn't have these constant thoughts, but how could he? It was you afterall, of course he couldn't help himself. That lustful desire should have stopped after a while, but it just grew bigger and bigger, he wanted you, he craved you, it wasn't healthy anymore.
His wishes turned into fantasies projected into other women he claimed; he would imagine your face, your voice, your body, your expressions, hugging him, marking him, begging him, saying his name, but it wasn't enough, it was never enough.
"Stop making a scene and what is that supposed to mean anyway?"
Suguru hissed looking around, as everyone was now paying attention to that white haired guy's scream
"Exactly what I said" he breathed, quickly escaping the store
"You’re not going anywhere Satoru, what the fuck was that supposed to mean?" a hand reached Gojo's arm, stopping him
"Nothing. Just leave me alone." he scoffed walking away
"I’m not going anywhere until we solve this. You think I didn’t notice? The way you look at her? The way you talk to her? The way you treat her?" Suguru calmly said, but his tone, his feeling said otherwise. He was angry, madly furious.
He never wanted to admit his jealousy, besides, you surely were a work of art, of course you were admired, even by his best friend, his one and only.
He never cared much that Satoru would suddenly appear during his dates with you, he didn't even mind Gojo's behaviour whenever he talked to you "He's just being the usual flirty man, fun on the outside, lonely in the inside, he just wants attention and good company".
But that good company became a usual trio hang out, till none of you had free time anymore; Suguru couldn't even remember when was the last time he went on an actual date with you only, when he was alone with you, heck, he didn't even remember when was the last time he touched you. He missed you and he knew the reason, he was just too much of a coward to admit it.
"Dunno what you’re talking about" Gojo lied, avoiding eye contact
"You like her, don’t you?"
"He's my friend, my best friend, he would never, no matter how much of a hoe he is" He would repeat like a mantra, but his words towards Satoru got harsher and harsher everyday.
Part of him kept denying the evidence, but the hints were just everywere. What hurt him the most though, was that you noticed too and never minded Gojo's attention, but rather enjoyed it and played along.
"Like who? I’m THE Gojo Satoru, you forgot?"
"And because you are, I know if there's something wrong with you"
He witnessed it. Gojo Satoru changed, drastically. He became more quiet, more observing, kinder, sweeter, but for you only; he seemed the happiest, yet the loneliest, it was a rollercoaster which he wanted to leave, but couldn’t get off. It was devastating both for Gojo, who always avoided feeling these uncontrollable strong emotions and Suguru, who saw everything happening right in front of him, yet he did nothing to stop it.
"Oh shut up! You know nothing. Leave me alone"
"Wait! Satoru! Wait!"
"What now?"
"I have to meet Y/N in a bit, join us, we have to talk"
"No thank you, I'm actually a busy person, you know..."
"Oh really, and what's this important thing you have to do instead of being with your best friend?"
Gojo lifted up his gaze and carefully looked around
"Her" he pointed to a random girl nonchalantly
"Oh please, you're better than tha...you're ok...SOMETIMES... you could...there are some rare times were you don’t act like a dog in heat" Suguru tried to reply
"That was very comforting of you Geto" Gojo sighed leaving his best friend alone
"Wait! Satoru!" Geto unsuccessfully replied
That was it. Gojo was never seen again neither from you, nor form Suguru, and you two have never felt this unhappy before.
Your smile went from a fake, to an extremely forced, to nonexistent. You missed him, heck if you did, you loved his company, his joy, his laugh, his entire existence and it just vanished, without even a warning.
Geto never had the heart to tell you the truth, he opted to remain silent, but when you decided to do so as well, he felt heavy on his chest. Guilt and sadness filled him up, although it was never his fault, seeing you in that state and feeling the same way you were feeling, just made your relationship worse.
No more talks, no quality time, just emptiness.
“White one you say?”
“How did you find me?” Gojo asked not even turning around
“A best friend always knows. Catch” Suguru said while throwing Satoru's favourite drink
“We need to talk” he continued while sitting next to him
“Yeah… we do”
“Suguru listen I lov-“
“I know. I love her too, and because of that, I’m here. Me and Y/N came to an agreement. We have decided that you might tag along, in some of our activities, but let’s not go too far, she’s still my girl, and I’d like to spend some time with her alone.”
“Yeah, I get it, I guess”
Minutes of silence passed. None of them wanted to talk about the matter, it was still an open wound, but they knew, that at the end of the day, things were going to get better for the two of them
“Still thinking the red one’s better” Geto casually blurted while sipping his drink
“That’s because you have no style Suguru, look at those trousers”
“What’s wrong with my trousers?”
“The fucking size of them!”
“It’s to not publicly show my big dick”
“Or maybe it’s to compensate what you don’t have”
“Hey now”
“White is better. It compliments her soft skin, her eyes will just be so pure of light, and-“
“Yeah yeah I get it, red is still better, you haven’t seen her like I have”
“That doesn’t mean anything”
“Alright, wanna bet Slenderman?”
“Hello darling” your boyfriend surprised you from behind, lightly holding your waist, leaving a soft and delicate kiss on your shoulder
“Suguru I’m not really in the mood”
“I wasn’t aiming at anything, really, I just miss you, this, us, I think that lately we’ve neglected our relationship and I want to do better, so, I’ve brought you a little gift”
“What? Why?”
“Why not? Come on, try it”
“O-ok thanks”
Guilt was your only feeling. You didn't know why lately things were going downhills between the two of you, but it seemed like a light was just turned off and you couldn't see any happiness in it.
You knew that Geto was the best man in the world, he would shower you with love and affection, he would always come over with any kind of gift, even the smallest ones; there wasn't even once were he wouldn't think about you; yet, here you were, treating him like shit, for no reason.
You knew that it was your fault, and because of that, you tried your best to go back to how things were, though, everytime, this unusual feeling would overwhelm you, obstaculating your positive intent.
"Not this time though, I will do my best to go back as it was, to be happy again, to love him again, I miss us too, Geto" You said to yourself while taking the little bag your boyfriend handed to you, as you walked in the bedroom's bathroom.
“You look stunning baby” Geto breathed in all honesty, his eyes full of adoration, not leaving you for a single moment
“Oh yeah I see it, still think that white is better, but you look very hot Y/N” Gojo replied grinning
“Gojo! What are you doing here?” You asked purely shocked, trying to cover yourself for the embarassment
“It’s not Satoru anymore?” Gojo playfully asked now standing, carefully holding your chin, as his gaze was focused on your pretty features
“Easy now buddy” Geto firmly said watching you two with arms crossed
“Don’t act like you weren’t wishing for it darling. I saw you staring at him with hungry eyes, so quit playing. Do you really think I don’t know why whatever was between us wasn’t working anymore? It’s because you’re a slut? Aren’t you? You just wanted to have all eyes on you, including his” Geto calmly said standing up and walking towards you, there wasn't any bad intent in his tone, it seemed more like a mockery trying to cover his sadness and anger.
To each word he told you, you unconsciously just moved backwards, towards the edge of your bed
“That’s not true” you weakly tried to reply avoiding eye contact
“I said stop lying, didn’t I?” Suguru asked holding the back of your head, while pulling your hips close to him, preventing your fall
He pushed you on the bed, holding your wrists tightly, towering you
His eyes were different from before, they were pure of lust and anger
“You asked for it, now get the consequences” he smiled as you hissed at the sudden sensation of his knee right in your sensitive area. He laughed at you struggling to hold your whimpers, as he slowly started rubbing while passionately kissing you, still holding your wrists together with one hand, as the other was holding your legs open
You could hear a low chuckle on your side as Gojo was just sitting next to the bed, enjoying the scene
Geto's movements were getting a little rougher, he pressed his knee harder, right on your sweetest spot, receiving a loud gasp followed by a soft moan from you.
He let your wrists go, now fully dedicating his attention to your entire body, peppering your face, going down to your neck, leaving a few bruises here and there, to your collarbones, marking particularly your most sensitive areas, that he knew they made your eyes roll back all the time.
You started painting heavily, your boyfriend had never stopped loving to worship you, you were everything to him, he knew every single detail of what you liked and what you didn't, like the back of his hand
He slowly started to go lower, his hands sliding carefully on your abdomen, as a soft and loving caress, that tickled your stomach; you both looked at eachother with pure loving eyes, which almost felt like a lost memory, adoringly smiling to eachother, as you sat back up, eyes to the same level, never breaking the gaze
"I love you" You muttered, almost whispering, like a secret shared only by the two of you. His smile grew, tears almost forming on his eyes, that quickly faded away. He gently kissed you, pulling you closer, hoping to never let you go, and cherish you forever. You hugged his neck tightly, as he gently pulled you down
"Let us take care of you baby" He soflty said, to which you nodded
He smiled again as he went back to you, slowly removing the brand new red bra he carefully chose, as your breast were being reaveled, both the men's eyes became hungrier and their desires needier
Geto carefully proceeded to kiss the soft skin of yours, each time getting closer to your hardened nipple. As soon as he got there, he lifted up his gaze, looking for your consent, to which you soflty smiled, caressing his hair; he quickly kissed your nipple, followed by his wet tongue, lightly flicking and sucking, as his hand was cupping your tit and the other was going back to your clit
You suddenly heard Gojo standing on your other side, smiling as he looked at you, while you replied smiling back. He slowly took your hand and held it as the most fragile and precious thing on Earth.
"You know, Y/N, I'm aware I shouldn't say this, but for me, you're the most stunning and beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on, I'd really wish if you could give me a chan-" You stopped him before he could say more by pulling his arm to you as he felt over, only a few centimeters apart from your face. You looked at him with the most innocent eyes, as he replied the same; you leaned closer, filling the gap, as Gojo followed, lips caressing eachother, full of desire, breaths held, eyes closed, you smiled taking intiative, slowly letting him touch you more.
The kiss was sweet, loving, caring, nothing compared to what was going to happen next. Satoru shakingly held your chin, trying to deepen the kiss, as you cupped his face, asking for more.
Your passionate makeout slowly grew into lust, as you tried to remove his shirt and he quickly obeyed
"Slow down you two, I'd like to savour every moment, every inch" Geto said, as he looked at you two, then eagerly at your body again, his breath tickling you. Satoru and you exchanged a few glances giggling, he kissed you one last time, guiding himself to your other breast
"May I?" He asked, to which you smiled, gently offering to take his hand and kindly laying it on your chest. He took it as a signal and proceeded to please you as much as he could, never letting you go, as this was what he had always wanted, it almost felt unreal; he wanted to remember everything: your scent, your skin, your voice, your kindness, your beautiful face, your kiss, your touch, your voice and expression; he never wanted this to end
You sighed in pleasure as you closed your eyes for a second, with a smile never disappearing, who knew, that the two most beautiful men in the world were both right here taking good care of you? Seeing them so dedicated made you feel butterflies in your stomach. The feeling in your clit was way more intense, as Suguru fastened the pace. You whined, recognising that warmth, closing your eyes and clenching your fists, as you rode your first orgasm
"Seems like you're ready for more, pretty" Suguru said smirking, as he slowly started removing your underware cursing under his breath at the wonderful sight. He slowly inserted a finger, as you gasped for the sudden action; he looked at you with a big smile, as he inserted a second one
"Be a good girl and cum for me again" He said as he kissed your swollen clit, making you whimper
His hand movement was slow and steady, while he was sucking, and eating your pussy: it felt divine, besides, you didn't have sex for quite a long time
Gojo watched amused, wanting to be part of the party as well. Not resisting anymore, he quickly unzipped his pants, already hinting his very hardened cock. You watched with curiosity, unconsciously lifting a hand towards the woodened area, shamelessly palming it, as he poorly tried holding back his moan. His impatience grew bigger, and immediately got rid of his boxers and unbashedly started stroking his cock in front of your face, frowning and shutting his eyes closed
"He's so pretty" You thought when admiring him, while caressing his reddened tip as he moaned louder. Suguru watched the scene, and unconciously started pumping his fingers faster, eating you hungrily, as you arched your back in pleasure, screaming his name
Gojo hurriedly took his dick and placed it at the entrance of your mouth
"Could you please do this little favour for me, please? I need you” he didn’t know why he was so submissive, he would never ask so kindly to anyone, he would never have tears forming on his eyes for desperation, but you, you were so different, you were his biggest desire, he couldn’t think straight anymore with you around.
You smiled, wiping his tears as you slowly messaged his length kissing his sensitive tip, as he trembled. You looked at him with the most innocent eyes and took him without a warning while he loudly gasped. You smiled bobbing your head, following the rhythm of your boyfriend’s fingers
Wet sounds and moans filled the room, you were at your limit and so was Satoru, you arched your back, closed your eyes, as Gojo did the same, calling your name on repeat; a wave hitting you as you came on Suguru’s fingers while your mouth was full of his bestfriend’s semen
"So sweet, and all for me, your pussy is the best Y/N" Suguru said once he made sure to not let even a single drop fall in the sheets
"Not fair, I want to taste it as well" Gojo said, still panting from his previous orgasm. He moved towards Geto, sitting next to him, admiring the beautiful sight of your pussy, mouth watering. He looked at you and then at Suguru, the both of them smirking, as they went together to taste your juices, humming at the unison, as you held your breath for the immense pleasure and overstimulation
Geto's fingers were shoved back in you, immediately hitting the spot, as you pushed his head deeper, curling your toes, while screaming his name "That's it baby, tell him who you belong to" Suguru smirked
"Not fair princess, I want to hear mine as well" Satoru replied pinching your nipple, as you screamed in pain. He grinned now delicately massaging it, to alleviate the sting
The two of them kept making out with your pussy, as you started trembling, tears forming on your eyes, tired and sore, digging their head in for more, your nail on their scalp, finally squirting all over them, who made sure to keep you entirely clean
"Suguru was right, you taste the best darling" Gojo laughed, as he approached you and roughly kissed you, by pulling your hair and neck towards him, making you taste your own cum
Geto looked at you two amused, as he took all of his clothes off, palming himself at the sight
"Ready for the grand finale?" He whispered in your ear, not even waiting for your anwer, as he grew impatient, inserting himself inside you
"Wait, Suguru, I wanna join as well" Gojo said as he carelessly lifted you up to lay above him and placed his dick on your ass
"Do you think you can handle it baby?" Satoru teasingly asked, kissing your neck
You were just too shocked to reply, as the two of them slowly started putting their dicks in, moaning for how tight you were hugging them
The movements were regular and coordinated, but the peasure was way too intense for you to process, as you were already extremely sensitive. No proper words were coming out your mouth, just sounds of delight, while Geto kept cursing, grunting and sometimes would pull your chin to quickly kiss you, Satoru was moaning uncontrollably and loudly, blabbering your name, and pulling you close to him
You started shaking again, arching your back, digging your nails in Gojo's arms and wrapping your legs around Geto's waist, begging for more
The two of them started moving faster, both hitting your spot, the double pleasure making you a sobbing mess, as the wet sounds and the clappng became louder than before
You cried, not nowing if you craved to receive more, or asking them to stop because it was too much for you to handle. But before you could even mutter a word, you came as they followed you immediately after
You were now laying down, sandwiched by the two hot men hugging you, trying to catch their breath, smiling like never before, thinking about how lucky you're supposed to be, being wanted by both just made you feel butterflies and see the stars
"By the way, you noticed how she said MY name while coming, Satoru?" Your boyfriend teased as you turned red on the face "Are you dumb? She clearly said mine!" Gojo replied offended
"You sure you can tell by how loud you were being? I almost heard only your annoying voice... such a turn off"
"Fuck you Suguru!"
"Just did, but don't mind for more" he said pulling you closer to him
You tried to get up, to avoid hearing more from those two idiots, but your legs failed to follow you and a pair of hands caught you from behind
“Where do you think you’re going darling? You still have to try the white pair”
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Hey! Hey! Hey you! If you’re reading this part, congrats for reaching the bottom, hope you liked this meh writing :) Here’s a treat! (N*sfw)
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rott3nc0re · 2 years
The Artist & The Freak
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iv. Head Over Heels
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warnings: smut!, protected sex (ya gotta wrap it before ya tap it kids), missionary, oral (fem receiving), dirty talk, foul language, eddie just being hot and soft at the same time <3
a/n: guys the way i was so excited to write and post this chapter 🤭
other chapters: i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x
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Even while sleeping, she still dreamed about what happened last night. She kept feeling that hand on her waist but her mind wandered somewhere else. It was her on her back, him on top as he was kissing her neck. Soft little moans slipped from her mouth as she grind her hips up to meet with his. “So needy, Sinclair” he made marks on her neck, her hand tugging his hair. He pulled away and looked down at her, his thumb rubbing against her cheek. “Let me take care of you, sweetheart” and before anything can happen, she woke up by a constant noise coming from inside the house. She groaned, the ache from between her legs not going away anytime soon. The noise kept going, causing her to get up to see what was happening.
With an slight annoyed expression on her face, she walked downstairs. “What the hell, Munson?” she said annoyingly, seeing a bunch of pots and pans out in the kitchen. He heard her and his playful smile appeared. “Hey, sorry that I woke you up. I just wanted to make breakfast for us, well for you specially”. Her face relaxed after hearing that, admiring him that he’s putting an effort to cook something for her. She sighed, “Eddie,” and giggled at him.
“What were you trying to make?”
“And do you how to make them?”
“Not really, no”
She smiled, a huge one as she got a bowl. “Let’s make some together, if that’s okay with you?”
Although the kitchen was slightly a mess, the two of them still had fun making breakfast together. After eating, she took care of herself in the bathroom, getting ready for another day in hiding. She came back downstairs to find Eddie in the living room watching whatever was on tv. She heard the walkie-talkie static coming from her bag and went straight towards it. “Hey” she answered back.
“You guys are okay? Need anything?”
“We’re good, Steve. How about you guys? Found out anything about Vecna?”
“We kinda have a lot to catch up on but uh, we caught up with Nancy and told her what’s been happening. And it turns out that someone else got murdered, the same way Chrissy did”
Steve explained, her mouth felt like it was sewed shut. “Leo? You there?”
“Yeah, yeah i’m here that was just a lot to take in”
“Yeah, but I gotta go. We’re doing more investigation stuff” the last part made her giggle because of how he sounded annoyed. “Alright detective Harrington, stay safe and tell everyone to stay safe too. Love you lots”
“Love you too, and you two stay safe too. Don’t forget to ring me when something happens”
And with that they said their goodbyes and placed the antenna down. She slipped it back in her bag and went into to the living room where Eddie was. “What are you watching?” she sat next to him, turning her head to the tv. “Dunno, it was just on so I left whatever this is on” she giggled at that. She laid her head on his shoulder, kinda catching him by surprise. But he gave in and wrapped his arm around her, indulging her in a cuddle. She looked down at his fingers and started playing with his rings.
“Where’d you get these from?”
“I stole them from my uncle a first years ago” he said nonchalantly. She pulled back and looked at him, raising her eyebrows. “What?” he chuckled at her.
“You stole them from your uncle?”
“Cause he told me that he was gonna give them to me one day but he was taking forever to give them to me”
“So you stole them?!”
“Yeah! Look i’m a little impatient when it comes to some stuff” she laughed at that, kinda understanding him in a way. “I get it but you could’ve ask, Eds” the new nickname threw him off a little but he liked it. “Too late now” he shrugged. “You like ‘em?” he asked her as she continued playing with the rings. “Yeah, they’re really cool” she responded as she looked up at him. His eyes were sparkling on its own, something she’s never seen before but god were they pretty to look at. “Yeah? You wanna try ‘em on?” he asked her with a little smile. “You see my fingers? They’re not gonna fit” she laughed.
“C’mon, you gotta see if they look good on your fingers or not”
“Alright, okay fine” she gave in and agreed, taking each ring off of his hands. She placed them on her slender fingers and cracked up as she saw the size difference. “They look good!” Eddie said excitedly, laughing with her. “No, they’re really big on my fingers” she chuckled as she took them off and gave them back to him.
She laid down on his lap, her head on his lap and the rest of her body on the couch. His legs were spread as his left arm was on top of the couch and his right arm was on the arm of the couch. He looked down at her, smiling down at her. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he said softly, stroking her cheek softly. “Just thinking about how you’re probably the coolest person i’ve ever dated” she smiled up at him. “Yeah? I thought our first date sucked” he playfully rolled his eyes, getting her to giggle. “No, our first date was amazing. Even if we were just in a boathouse and talking, I still loved it” no words could explain how happy that made him. He truly found a girl who actually liked him, didn’t find him weird or a “freak” and didn’t find him as a murder. He just smiled down at her, stroking her cheek again. “Well it sounds like you wanna go on that second date to the Upside Down?” he asked her, his hand now resting on her hip. “Maybe our second date could be here, tonight?” she suggested, looking up at him. Their fingers were laced together as his right hand was still on her hip, rubbing soft small circles on it.
“And what would we do tonight?”
“We can have dinner” he liked the sound of that.
“Can I make it?”
“Absolutely not, Munson” she laughed at that, a fake gasp coming from him. “C’mon, I can try to make something for us” he put on a fake pout for her, getting her to giggle.
“You really wanna try?”
“Yeah, I really do”
“Alright, but I swear if you burn the house down-“
“I won’t! I swear”
She smiled at him and reached up to give him a peck on the tip of his nose. “Well whatever you’re making, i’m excited to eat it” and he blushed, squeezing her hip softly.
“Good, cause i’ll be kinda hurt if you wasn’t”.
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Eddie looked through each cabinet in the kitchen only to find two cans of ravioli. “Yeah,” he scoffed, picking up the cans and looking at them, “you’ll do” and closed the cabinets. The sun was setting and while Eddie made dinner for them, Cleo was at the dinner table sketching. There was radio on the table, deciding to put it on. Running Up That Hill was the song that played and decided to keep it on as she was sketching. She was humming the lyrics, dancing a little in her chair as well. “You finished yet, Munson?” she shouted above the music to get his attention. “Almost, pretty girl!” he shouted back. She was surprised to not smell anything burning or an alarm going off. She looked up to see Eddie coming towards her with two plates for him and her. He set it down in front of her as she placed her sketchbook to the side. “Well thank you kind sir” she said in an awful fake British accent. “Of course, m’lady” he returned the same energy back.
“Canned ravioli? Not bad”
“It was the only thing I can find here”
She smiled and started eating with him. She turned down the volume a little bit on the radio so they could talk and hear each other.
“You got a favorite song?” she asked him. “Not my favorite song but the first song I learned on electric guitar was Dazed and Confused” he smiled at her. “Really? That’s so cool!” he loved how she got. “Yeah but, I overplayed it too much and got sick of it. So did my uncle” he chuckled. “How about you? You got a favorite song, Sinclair?” he asked her. Coincidentally, her favorite song started playing right as he asked the question. She squealed and turned up the volume (not too loud though) and got up. “I’m assuming this is your favorite song?” he chuckled her. “Yeah! I’ve been nonstop playing Head Over Heels ever since last year” she said as she was dancing. She smiled and turned to him, holding out her hand.
“Come dance with me, Eds”
“I don’t know how to”
“It’s okay, we’re just gonna be slow dancing”
“Like we’re at prom or a somethin’?”
“Yeah! Come on, it’ll be fun”
He shrugged and took her hand. She pulled him in and she placed her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her hips. That familiar feeling from yesterday sunk in, her blushing and smiling up at him. He was enjoying this, not really slowing dancing with someone before but he seemed to enjoy it with her. She sung most of the lyrics and she sounded so pretty to him. He loved her voice and so much so to where he was just staring at down at her.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Just the thought of kissing you right now”
Her eyes widened, her heart sunk and her cheeks grew hot. But she gained some confidence from nowhere and looked deep into his eyes. “Then kiss me” she said softly and before she knew it, their lips were on each other’s. She stood more on her tippy toes as their lips perfectly molded together. His hands went down to the back of her thighs, slightly tapping on them to lift her up. He carried her up to the bedroom, the sound of the song ending softly getting lower and lower as they traveled upstairs.
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He gently placed her on the bed, breaking away from the kiss to look down at her. “Hi” she smiled at him, her hand was resting in his as he kissed it while looking at her. “Hi, pretty girl” and he went back to kissing her, but the kiss becoming needy and passionate. “Eddie” she mumbled in the kiss and pulling away. “Yeah?” he looked so pretty with the dim lights in the room. “I might be head over heels for you” she giggled, causing him to smile at the little joke. “I think I am too” and went in to kiss her once again.
She pulled him down, deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped in, causing her to leave out a soft moan. His hips pressed into hers, grinding a little bit against her. She let out a little soft whimper as his mouth attached itself onto her neck. He kissed and bit it (softly), making sure to leave some marks on her. Her hips lifted a little to grind against his, causing him to lightly chuckle against her neck. “So needy, Sinclair” the same exact thing he said in her dream and hearing that right in front of her made butterflies erupt in her stomach. She lightly whined at his words and continued grinding against him.
He pulled away from her neck, enough marks for anyone to see littered on her neck. “Can I take this off?” he tugged lightly on the bottom of her shirt. She nodded, giving him the go to take it off. And he did, tossing it onto the floor. “Fuck,” he rasped, her half naked body presented to him. “You’re gorgeous, sweetheart” he started kneading her soft brown breasts, causing her to smile at the compliment. To thank him she pulled him down to give him a kiss. His lips left hers and landed on her chest. It attached itself to her right breast, sucking and licking circles around her black hardened areola. As he did that with his mouth, his hand was caressing the other breast, pinching the other nipple every so often.
This felt so good to her, she’s never felt this good before with anyone but the man on top of her. She had done stuff in the past but nothing like this. Nothing this pleasurable. She wanted to make him feel good too, reaching down in between them to unbuckle his belt. He detached his mouth from her breasts and looked up at her.
“No, this is about you. Let me take care of you”
“But I wanna make you feel good too”
He smiled before pecking her lips, “you’ll get to when i’m inside you” he whispered before going back in to kiss her lips again. His lips kissed down to her chest, down to her stomach and just above where she needed him most. She loved how he was taking his time with her but she really needed him. Super bad.
“Can I take these off too?” tugging on her shorts before doing anything. She nodded and he pulled down her shorts carefully and threw it on the floor. “God you’re so pretty” he muttered before going in between her legs.
He placed her legs on top of his shoulders, all while looking directly up at her. “I can look at you all day from down here” he said, causing her to giggle and let her fingers tangle in his wild curls. “You look so pretty from this angle” she said to him, feeling a kiss from her inner thighs. He hummed in response, the contrast of his skin with hers felt perfect to her. “Eddie”
she whined, tugging lightly on his hair. “Okay, okay. I’ll finally do something” he chuckled.
He pressed a soft kiss on her clothed heat and gently pulled it down, finally revealing her beautiful nude body to him. “Fuck I know I keep saying this but, you’re so gorgeous” she just blushed and smiled, not knowing what to say. But a tiny gasp left her lips as she felt his tongue making small circles on her clit. He gripped on her thighs softly while her hand never left his hair and tugging on it. Her back slightly arched at the pleasure, softly whimpering. He pulled away and kissed her inner thighs again, his mouth glistening with her wetness. “Such pretty noises you make” he said as his thumb made circles on her clit.
But to add more pleasure he added a finger and she just watched. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he saw her reaction, blood immediately rushing to his cock. He wanted— needed to be inside her. He’s needed this ever since he laid his eyes on her. “You’re so fuckin’ wet, all because of me” his words made her even more wet. His words, his thumb rubbing on her clit, his finger— now fingers curling inside her and reaching that spot just felt overwhelmingly good to her. She needed to release.
But somehow he knew she was getting close and stopped everything he was doing. She frowned and whined, watching him hover over her.
“I was so close, Eddie”
“I know” he cooed. He sat on his knees, taking off his shirt. He revealed his tattoos she was curious about and his guitar pick necklace that was sure to be dangling in her face. She thought he had such a pretty body, lean but not having abs and a happy trail which made her more feral. “C’mere” and she did, sitting on her knees in front of him. “Take these off for me” and she did, starting with taking off his belt. She pulled it off while his hands landed back on her breasts. She unbuttoned his jeans, not breaking eye contact with him. His hand moved up to her cheek, caressing it softly as she pulled out his cock. She started stroking him and placed her lips onto his. He laid her back down on the bed, her hand still stroking his cock in between their bodies. She stopped and pulled down his pants all the way, along with his boxers so he could be completely nude like her. He pulled away to take off his pants and boxers and climbed back into bed.
He took his cock and rubbed the tip against her slick, causing her to whimper. “Please” she looked beautiful like this he thought, just all spread out and a whiny mess in front of him. “Just wanna admire you like this, sweetheart” he said, still teasing her. “And we need protection don’t we?” she giggled at that as he reached over to the bedside table for condoms.
“How’d you know they were there?”
“…No reason”
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t wanna question him further. He ripped it open with his teeth and she swore she could just cum right there. He rolled it onto his cock and hovered over her. He placed a gentle peck on her lips and looked at her. “Ready?” he asked softly. She nodded and pecked his lips. “I’ll go in slowly okay? If it hurts just tell me and we’ll stop” she nodded, loving the way he cared for her and he pleasure. He gently and slowly slipped in, just the tip, causing her to gasp. “Can’t even get all the way in, you’re so fuckin’ tight” she softly moaned at his words as he pulled out. He slowly entered again and was able to be all the way inside. “Shit, you okay?” he asked in a breathy tone. She nodded and he started thrusting in a steady pace.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips were on each other’s. He felt so good, so full inside her. His lips moved back to her neck, biting the flesh softly. “Squeezin’ me so tight, gorgeous. Gonna make me cum so fast” just anything he said like that made her moan, her back slightly arching as well. He hovered over her and picked up the speed on his thrusts. His necklace was dangling right as he was just staring right into her eyes. “You’re so perfect” she moaned, scratching his arms. “Fuck, can’t be sayin’ stuff like that” he had a toothy grin, groaning as he kept thrusting. “You are, you’re so fucking perfect” she moaned, causing him to softly moan at her words. “You fuck me so good, Eds. Keep going” and he did, going faster.
He leaned down and kissed her, biting her bottom lip as he was pulling away. He dove back in to kiss her more, her nails digging into his back. “You take me so well, sweetheart—” he said against her lips and pulled away. He sat back on his knees, placing her legs on his shoulders. He started rubbing her clit as he kept thrusting at this new angle.
“—It’s like your pretty pussy was made for me”
“It was. Fuck! It was made for you, o-only you”
“Atta girl, responding to me so well” he groaned. “So close” she babbled, the pressure on her clit and the way he kept hitting that spot just made her a mess. “Me too, gonna cum with me?” she nodded as fast as she could, a breathy chuckle coming from him. He stopped rubbing her clit just to focus on thrusting faster.
The headboard started banging against the wall and he hover over her so hold it. “Cum with me, Eddie” she whispered as a moan. He cursed as he kept going until she started shaking underneath him, squeezing his cock as she came. The sight of that made him cum inside her, well inside the condom, following after her release.
They were both out of breath. His tired body sat up to carefully slip out of her so he could throw the condom away.
He came back to lay down next to her, pulling her to lay her head on his chest. “You okay?” he looked down at her already to find her looking up at him. “Yeah. Are you?” she asked him as she placed soft kisses on his chest. “Absolutely, sweetheart” he answered. She reached up to kiss his lips and pulling back to look down at him. “Although, i’m a little hungry” she giggled, causing him to smile. He gave her a kiss on her temple and stood up. He was still nude and seeing that made her bite her lip from smiling. “Well i’ll go fix you something to eat but in the meantime,” he said, leaning over to kiss her lips. He pulled back, looking at her.
“Just wait here and continue being the most gorgeous girl in Hawkins”
taglist: @serpenttines @trvlllx @munsonmyloml @ayoitsmickey @playgurlxoxo @rindousworld
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topofmythighs · 2 years
omg hi, i literally just discovered your blog but i saw this post and was wondering:
could you do "breathless kiss" with Sam? maybe with a college student reader who hasn't seen him since he left (and maybe like S1 or S2 Sam)?
absolutely! i apologize for this taking so long, life has been up n down a lot lately.
stanford sweater
sam winchester x gender neutral reader
rundown: yknow, the pilot episode! sam, somethings wrong with dad! he’s missing on a hunting trip! ugh, but dean, i don’t wanna leave my amazing reader! fine i will, but we’re twin flames so obvi we’re gonna find each other again
warnings: none, this is fluffy and cheesy (get over it)
word count: 2,208
my masterlist
gif creds to tumblr user @/guchie
Tumblr media
“well,” they say, awkwardly placing their fork back down onto their plate. sam clears his throat to cut through the silence. “uhm, your dad, how is he?”
the last time they were together was years ago, back when sam was still a student at stanford. after meeting each other at some random stoner’s bonfire in first year, the two became inseparable. so many nights were spent in each other’s dorms with the intention of completing homework, but with the outcome of heated kisses and mumbled compliments.
there was nothing hard about loving sam, and there was nothing hard about loving them. when sam was around them, his heart felt complete.
“i dunno how you did this to me,” he would mumble to them as they laid on his chest. their dorm room was decorated with muted browns and greens, making the room feel that much more comfortable. once they hummed in question, sam mentioned how they made him soft, mushy even.
“i’m supposed to be tough for you,” he’d grumble. “but you make me soft and-“
“adorable,” they would giggle before stretching up and kissing his lips. “you are adorable. and you still are my big, tough, protector, but c’mon sammy, you’ve always been such a softie.”
sam swats away their hand that is pinching his cheeks and he blushes, his heart filling with love, heat, and admiration for his partner. when he was younger, sam often felt like the butt of the joke, an outcast. but when he arrived at stanford, he felt at home. he wasn’t sure if the feeling of belonging came from being away from his family or if it came from the heavenly, sparkly-eyed person who fell asleep on him every night.
he realized that deep feeling of security came from them when his brother visited him at school.
“sam, it’s about dad,” dean said, eyes bouncing from sam’s to his partner’s, then back to sam’s.
“dean,” sam started. “i told you, whatever is going on, i don’t want to be involved in it.” sam’s mind was running a thousand miles a minute, and he wished his legs would too. he came to school for a reason, and he left his family with the promise of never being part of the winchester business again.
“well,” dean sighed. “he’s on a hunting trip, and no one’s heard from him in a while. just wanted you to know.” dean nodded at sam’s partner, who smiled back. “hopefully you can get your head out of your ass and come help, sammy.”
dean left sam’s dorm, destined to get lost, but too hard-headed to ask for directions. sam and them sat on his bed, and they adjusted his grey stanford sweater around them tighter, feeling cold from dean’s presence.
his eyes met theirs, and they were darker, glossier even, than they had ever seen them. he smiled tightly, and shook his head to himself, looking at his lap.
“i came here to run away,” he whispered, his heart bubbling with emotions.
“i know that, sammy,” they whispered, taking his hand in theirs. his hands were rough along the palms, but fingers soft. it was a lovely combination to them. “but it’s your dad, and it must be pretty serious if your brother came to tell you about it.”
sam sighs, squeezing their hand tight. “how am i supposed to leave everything here and go back?”
they were confused, scared to read too deep into what sam was saying. his dad was disconnected from his sons, an action that was clearly foreign to the boys; why wasn’t he rushing to go and find him? what was so terrible about helping his brother find his missing father?
through hours of convincing and reasoning, they assured sam that helping dean find their father was the best decision he could make.
the next morning came too soon. all of this was too rushed, they could agree on that, but sam’s angelic partner reassured him that his departure wasn’t what should be tugging on his heart. he loved that they always tried to put him first, but he feared their heart was hurting too much, and that he may not be able to mend it. they understood the importance of loyalty and family, though, and couldn’t justify holding sam back from helping.
“i will still be here when you come back, sammy,” they said, tears welling.
“i know, angel,” he whispered, his hand on their cheek. dean was putting boxes of sam’s things into his shiny car, grunting and kind of ruining the moment. “i just don’t want to leave you.“
the wind was strong on the frigid march morning, causing them both to shiver and hold each other’s hands tight for warmth. the fog was still rolling in, making campus seem like a salem based fiction novel. sam’s charcoal grey jacket made his shoulders look even broader, making his partner’s desire to snuggle into him even more compelling. so, they wrapped their arms around his waist, nuzzling their face into him. he kissed the top of their head, wrapping his arms around them too.
“i’m gonna miss you, sammy,” they sighed.
he squeezed tighter. “i’m gonna miss you too, angel. but i’ll call you, yeah?“
they nodded and pulled away. “please do.”
with soft smiles, a small kiss, and a solemn wave goodbye, they never saw sam again. they never heard from him, or dean, even. eventually, after a few months of desperately trying to reach him, crying into some sweaters he left for them, and coming to terms with their apparent breakup, the sparkly eyed past lover of sam’s moved on.
they dated here and there, nothing ever coming close to the feeling they had with sam. there was never a spark, let alone one that came back every time their hand was held. there was no scent that could ever hold up to sam’s. the loss of him left a chunk out of their heart, especially.
it wasn’t until just shy of two years later that they saw sam again. his hair was still the same, messy from his head shakes to get it out of his eyes. his stature seemed more muscular; the way he held himself seemed more confident. when they caught his hazel eyes for the first time in too long, they seemed dimmer and agate. he had blinked them a few times, as if he was focusing on them from across the diner. he smiled doubtfully, insecure and unsure. he held his hand out to dean, gesturing for him to take a seat, and he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans.
he walked up to their booth, their eyes never leaving his since the bell of the diner door chimed. his heart squeezed when he noticed that they were wearing an oversized stanford sweater, clearly one of his own.
“hey,” he sighed out, smiling shyly.
“hey,” they replied, looking up at the man, once a boy they had fallen in love with.
“uhm, can i?” he asked, gesturing to the seat. they nodded, and before they could smile in reassurance, sam started to ramble. “i’m so sorry. i was a total dick and left you high and dry without another word, and i’m so sorry that i fucked up the way i did. there hasn’t,” he sighed again and looked around the diner, scared to meet their eyes. “there hasn’t been a day where i haven’t thought about you and how whole you made me feel.”
“hey,” they repeated, this time not as a gesture, but as a reminder to sam that their heart never held a grudge. the soft sound of their voice lit his heart up again. “it’s okay. really, sam. it’s been a long time. it would be immature of me to feel any kind of resentment towards you. you did what you had to do.” they smile softly, and their waitress comes by to ask sam what he wants.
while he asks the waitress for a coffee and the house special, dean catches the eyes of sam’s old partner, a small smile coming onto his face. they smile back, trying to not make things awkward.
so the two talk, getting used to each other again. it’s small talk, sure, but they’re both remembering the inflections in each other’s voices on certain words; sam listening for the slight lisp of the letter s that they speak with; them hearing the grit in his voice.
it’s mindless small talk. “well,” they say, awkwardly placing their fork back down onto their plate. sam clears his throat to cut through the silence. “uhm, your dad, how is he?”
sam grunts and shifts awkwardly in his seat. “he, uh,” he begins, desperately trying to remember the story he and dean said to law enforcement to cover up the death of their father. “he passed away on that hunting trip.”
they sit back in their seat, quickly muttering an apology to sam.
“it’s okay, really,” he says. “we’re getting through it.”
they nod, instinctually reaching for sam’s large hand. their hands rest together for a brief second before they try to pull away, but sam holds their hand instead. their fingers interlock, and it’s a little awkward to hold hands over a table, but they’re feeling those sparks that they’ve only ever felt with sam, and suddenly, everything’s feeling okay again.
“i really missed you, sammy,” they say, shy eyes meeting his again.
“i really missed you, angel,” he replies, squeezing their hand tighter.
“so,” they say, clearing their throat and moving their hand from sam’s. “do you live here now, too? or just visiting town?”
he awkwardly smiles, moving his hand from the table and back onto his lap. “uhm, just visiting. you?”
they shake their head to themselves, disappointed that their reconnection won’t last long. with their optimistic eyes, they reply, “i live here now. want to go for a walk and i can show you around?”
sam blushes. “that would be really nice.”
after paying, sam telling dean to go do his own thing, and walking out of the diner, the pair make their way down the street. they tell him about the cool buildings and explain all the businesses inside them while sam feels his heart light up from their voice.
he does something he doesn’t feel like he has the privilege to do, but grabs their hand anyway. when they feel it, they glance down at their hands, and instead of tugging away like sam assumes, they tighten their grip on his hand and keep showing him around the block. the autumn air is crisp and the setting sun is still warm; sam feels like he can breathe again.
they find their way to a small park, sitting on a bench to be entertained by the dogs and children running around. red and orange leaves paint the ground, a familiar scene from the year the pair met. there’s not much conversation between the two, as they’re both just focusing on the presence of one another.
“hey,” sam starts, catching their eyes. he smiles, his teeth as white as they remembered. “thank you for this.”
they nod, smiling back. “of course, sammy.”
he squeezes their hands tighter. “i missed you.”
with a small frown, they reply with “i miss you, too,” feeling their heart yearn for him. “please,” they whisper, looking at his crystal clear hazel eyes. “don’t leave me just yet.”
his heart squeezes from the plead, his mind cursing himself for ever hurting someone this way. “i wasn’t planning on it.” there’s a few moments of the pair looking into each other’s eyes, admiring the feeling of being together again. sam places his hand on their cheek, the other hand still holding theirs.
he fears he’s overstepping again, but leans forward to kiss the lips of the first person he fell in love with. it’s a small kiss, just a peck - he really didn’t want to overstep.
they release his hand, and for a mere second, sam’s heart drops; but, their arms wrap around his neck and kiss him repeatedly. the feeling is so familiar, eliciting smiles from them both.
his hands find their thighs, resting on top of them and feeling the chilliness of their skin through their jeans. he grabs gently, hoping to warm them up. they giggle, pulling back and looking into sam’s eyes. their faces are close together when they whisper, “sam winchester, you are somethin’ else.”
he laughs and touches their noses together, kissing them again quickly. “as are you, angel.”
they sit on the bench still, their bodies close together as they talk about what should come next. sam tells them how empty he’s felt, how they make him feel at home. he explains how he doesn’t want that feeling to go away ever again, promising them that he wants to make this work again.
they beg for reassurance, for a solid and sure promise that sam will never leave them again. he assures them that he will do everything he has to for them to stay together.
“it’s nice to feel this way again, sammy,” they say, eyes squinting from the setting sun.
“yeah,” he agrees breathlessly. “it really is, angel.”
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