#i drew it for my friend while we were talking about yanderes
thechaotichorselord · 5 months
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oujch :[
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milaisreading · 9 months
hi hi hi how are you? i hope you're warm this winter season <3
i saw you were accepting yandere blue lock requests and i wanted to request one🥺:
yandere ness with his sweet/bold gf and kaiser turns yandere for her later on
🌱🩷: SURE! I hope u like what I wrote and thank u for the request!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. It's a yandere fic, so please don't read if u don't like those themes. Requests for Yandere Blue Lock are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Huh? Who is that?" The 9-year-old (Y/n) asked done of her classmates as they were leaving the school grounds. The two girls next to her turned to look in the direction (Y/n) was looking at, only to find a magenta-eyed boy playing alone in the snow, making some weird circles in the ground.
"That? That's Alexis Ness, he is in the same year as we are. Just a different class. Why do you ask?" A brown-haired girl asked.
"He seems... lonely. Should we go and play with him? It is a sad thing to play alone in the snow."
"What?! No way. (Y/n), he is a weird guy. Everyone stays away from him." A blonde girl said back, surprising the girl.
"Weird? He seems normal." (Y/n) said back as the brunette friend from before shook her head.
"You are way too naive, (Y/n). Trust me when I say he is weird."
"I heard he thinks he is a wizard and looks at some weird curse books. He even asked one of our teachers if our library has spell books." The blonde girl said as (Y/n) tuned them out for a bit.
'Spell books? He likes magic, too?' The girl thought in excitement as she observed the boy more. Suddenly, Ness looked up at her, his eyes widening in surprise. Smiling at his look, (Y/n) raised her hand, waving at him.
"Hii!! You have pretty eyes!" She yelled loudly, surprising not only her two friends, but also Ness. The boy blushed a visible red shade and said something, but nobody understood him since he was way too quiet with his reply.
"What are you doing?" The blonde girl scolded her silently, pulling her on one of her arms.
"He is giving me the creeps. Come on." The brunette girl added in, pushing (Y/n) away while the other dragged her by the arm.
"Hey! Don't be like that, he looks nice. And his eyes are pretty."
Ness watched the three girls leave, his eyes fixated on the (h/c)-colored girl as she repeated the same comment about his eyes. The boy's cheeks turning even redder as she repeated those words.
"My eyes... pretty?" The boy mumbled to himself, his heart hammering against his ribcage. A sense of disappointment hit him as the girl disappeared from his sight.
"As always..." The boy said, going back to playing in the snow. His thoughts were haunted for the rest of the day by the girl.
A week had passed since that incident, and Ness tried to forget about the whole incident. After all, nobody stays with him for too long. Why would that girl have-
"Hi! You are Ness Alexis, right?!" The boy jumped a little, looking up from the snowy ground and at the girl that was talking to him. The boy blushed a little, not used to this kind of attention from anyone, especially from a girl.
'It's her again?!' Ness gulped and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah, that's me. How do you know me?" The boy asked cautiously as (Y/n) crouched down, looking at the small circles Ness drew into the snow.
"My friends remembered your name!" (Y/n) said, smiling at Ness. The boy's face grew even redder, slowly nodding his head.
"Why... why are you talking with me? Everyone finds me weird, you know?" Ness spoke up again which caused the girl to raise an eyebrow.
"Weird? I don't see it. You seem normal to me. What are those circles about?"The girl wondered, pointing at the snow. The boy stayed silent, face red as he mumbled something eventually.
"Huh? What did you say?" (Y/n) blinked, looking up at him in confusion.
"It's... Uhh to summon things." Ness repeated as her eyes widened in surprise.
"Huh? How does that work?"
"Are... are you really interested to hear that?" The boy gulped nervously.
"Yep! Show!" (Y/n) cheered as Ness slowly nodded his head.
And that's how their friendship started. Ness didn't know what exactly he did to make her interested in being his friend, but he wasn't going to complain. He found her curiosity cute, flattering even. Finally someone tried to understand him, unlike his siblings, parents, and kids in school. And although her friends tried to talk (Y/n) put of hanging out with him, she rejected the idea, even stood up for him.
Moments prior....
The classes had ended for the day and Ness went to look for (Y/n) in her classroom, she was always the last one to leave. The boy was in a quite good mood and couldn't wait to show her a new spell book he found.
"I am serious, (Y/n), that guy is weird." Ness stopped as he heard a feminine voice coming out of the girl's classroom. He knew that voice, it was the blonde friend. (Y/n) mentioned the girl's and the other ones name, but he never bothered to remember them. Partially because he felt slightly uncomfortable when her attention wasn't on him.
"He isn't. Please, give him a chance. Ness is really nice." The boy felt his cheeks heat up as he listened more.
'She thinks I am nice...'
"You say that now, but watch him pull something weird soon. Please, we worry about you. Why do you like playing with him?" The brunette friend said.
'What does she mean by that?' Ness was offended now.
"I like him, and he is fun to talk to. You guys don't have to be friends with him, I won't force you. But I won't stop hanging out with him."
Ness felt his cheeks flush once again. Nobody ever did that for him. Nobody ever opted to hang out with him after confronted by others.
"(Y/n)...." Ness mumbled as he felt a strange warm feeling fill up his chest.
Present time...
"Ness! Ness!" The boy jumped a little, startled by (Y/n)'s.
"Y-yes?" The boy wondered, surprised how close she was now.
"Are you alright? I was calling your name for a good minute." She asked in worry, which made the boy all giddy inside.
'She is worried about me!' Ness thought, nodding his head.
"Yeah. I was just thinking about a lesson."
"Oh, ok!" She smiled in relief.
"You wanted to show me something. What was it?"
"Yeah, I found a new spell that I wanted to show you!!"
A few weeks later...
Ness was used to the feeling of sadness, fear and loneliness, but rage? Rage was an emotion he never felt... until he saw (Y/n), his one and only friend get punched in the face. What was worse is that she got punched because of him. A group of boys had started insulting Ness and (Y/n), being as protective of her friends as she was, started arguing with them to stop. The verbal arguments slowly got more intense and in the end (Y/n) got punched. Ness was glued to his spot, eyes wide as his breathing grew heavier. The shock slowly turning into something he never felt before. He felt like destroying something, or rather someone.
"You got quite a big mouth for someone who hangs out with that weirdo over there."
"Don't say that...." (Y/n) glared back while holding her bruised cheek.
"What? You are a loser and he is a weirdo, maybe you two should hang out-"
"Don't say that about him!" (Y/n) yelled back now, punching the boy back. That caused him to fall down.
"He isn't a weirdo, you dumbass!!"
Ness watched in terror as the two started fighting, while the other 2 boys went to get a teacher.
Later that day...
Ness and (Y/n) sat in silence in the nurses office as the woman went to look for some bandages. The boy looked at her bruised face in guilt and anger. How could he not do something? How dare that guy hit her? Were some of the thoughts Ness had in his head. The boy clenched his fists and held back a few tears as he spoke up.
"Why did you do that? Why did you get hurt for me? I am used to those words, you shouldn't have jumped in-"
"You shouldn't be used to that, Ness!" (Y/n) yelled back, glaring at Ness. But, she wasn't mad, she was sad that he was used to it.
"I... I just don't like seeing you like this. You don't deserve it. And I would do this again for you, Ness."
"Ah..." The boy gasped a little as he stared at her with wide eyes. Something... Something definitely shifted in Ness that day.
Years had passed since then and both (Y/n) and Ness grew a lot closer since their elementary school days. During those years, Ness had developed a love for football, and while (Y/n) didn't understand much of it, she supported him in his passion. And while she was developed her own interests in art and fashion,Ness would be the first one to tell her to show her mentors the recent idea she got. Ness dubbed himself her #1 cheerleader, after all.
One thing that came to a surprise to (Y/n) was Ness confessing to and asking her out after he got scouted for Bastard München. The boy had worked up a lot of courage that day, and was over the moon that she said yes to him. He worked really hard on not only building up his courage, but also om getting rid of potential love interests of (Y/n). That part wasn't really that hard, now that he thought about it, a few intimidating words with his signature smile were enough to scare people off.
Ness already had planned out their future. (Y/n) will move in with him as soon as he got an apartment, then he will ask her to marry him, and they will live a happily ever after. But... Ness failed to see one person coming into their lives. His name would be Michael Kaiser... Bastard München's star striker.
It wasn't until his and Kaiser's first official game with the team that they met, and when they did... Ness was less than happy.
"Goo, Alexis!!! What a great assist!!" The magenta-eyed boy smiled as he heard (Y/n)'s loud voice and he turned to wave at her.
"Nothing but the best for you, (Y/n)!"
Kaiser, who was a few meters away, raised an eyebrow at the boy's words and the kiss he sent her.
"Hm? Who is that, Ness?"
"Huh? That's my girlfriend, (Y/n). She is so sweet and her smile is as beautiful as the sun." Ness sighed dreamily as he waved at her again. Kaiser pretended to puke and he grabbed the back of Ness' shirt.
"Focus on the game, idiot."
"Yes Kaiser, but don't insult me like that."
While most people didn't pay attention to the exchange, (Y/n) did. Her eyes narrowed at the blonde.
After the game had ended, most of the players went to change and take a shower, Ness, Kaiser, and their coach stayed behind for a while, which (Y/n) used as an opportunity to sneak up on Ness.
"Alexis, you did such a great job! I loved every second of it!" The girl cheered as she hugged the boy from behind. Ness blushed madly and turned so that he could hug her instead.
"You think? I was a little nervous in the beginning." Ness chuckled as (Y/n) nodded her head, kissed him on the cheek a few times.
"I couldn't be prouder of you." She smiled, causing the boy to stop and look at her for a moment.
"Really?" He asked with a red face.
"Can you two stop that? You look so dumb." Kaiser's voice interrupted the two from talking further.
"Uh, Kaiser-"
"And you look like the rejected version of the Beast, what now?" (Y/n) said back, narrowing her eyes at Kaiser. The boy stopped for a moment and turned to look at (Y/n) as Ness tried to calm her down.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me." She rolled her eyes at his act.
"Now, mind your business." (Y/n) gave him a short fake smile and turned her attention back to Ness.
"Oh! I made you some dinner as well, since you told me you didn't eat anything. Come on." She said while pulling him towards the benches.
"A-ah... sure. Thank you, I completely forgot about that one." Ness blushed again. Kaiser was left both confused and shocked by what had happened. Not only did someone act like that towards him, but Ness didn't stop it either.
'(Y/n)... just what is wrong with you?' Kaiser thought as he looked at her for a while. He didn't even notice that he was staring until Ness glared at him.
'Weird... does she mean that much to him?'
For the next few weeks Kaiser spent some of his free time searching for (Y/n) on social media and observing her when she would visit Ness during practice. And every time she would visit, Kaiser would start an argument with her. It didn't even matter what the subject was, the weather, the clothes, the grass, they would argue. Ness would stop the arguments rather quickly, not wanting to get in trouble, but also because he wanted (Y/n)'s attention for himself. He deserved it! Kaiser won't steal those moments from him. He needed to stop whatever Kaiser had planned for (Y/n).
"Can you stop obsessing over my girlfriend, Kaiser. Get yourself another girl to fawn over." Ness asked, or rather demanded from the blonde as they changed in the locker room.
"What are you talking about, Ness? I hate her guts and you know it." Kaiset spit back as Ness sent him a side glare.
"Don't lie to me, Kaiser. I know that look, many guys had that same lovesick look around (Y/n), and all of them failed dating her."
Now, Kaiser wasn't usually the one to be confused, but this statement from Ness really took him by surprise.
"You must be stupid or blind, Ness. I do not like her, you can have her all for yourself. She just pisses me off." Kaiser repeated back with a much harsher tone. The magenta-eyed boy stayed quiet as he finished changing and then slammed the locker shut, surprising Kaiser.
"You better stay away, Kaiser. I won't let anyone get in the way of my happy future with her." Ness sent Kaiser a warning glare and left the room. The blonde stayed silent as he watched Ness leave, feeling even more frustrated now.
"That dumbass, can't he listen? I don't like that thing he calls his girlfriend!" Kaiser gritted his teeth.
"Her and that stupid know it all attitude. That stupid voice and those perfect eyes... and soft hair. The cute frown she makes when talking- What am I saying?!" Kaiser stopped himself as he realized where his thoughts were going. Slapping his cheeks a few times, Kaiser shook his head and continued charging into his clothes.
"I don't like that dumbass. She is just an annoying nobody. Ness can have her for all I care."
The blonde mumbled, trying to ignore the annoyance he felt from the last part.
That encounter happened last week, and Kaiser still to this day couldn't get Ness' words our of his head. Moreover, he couldn't get one particular line out of his memory.
'Can you stop obsessing over my girlfriend, Kaiser.' Repeated in his head whenever he caught himself looking at her pictures for too long, or whenever he found himself thinking of her. It was so weird, and it started affecting him to the point where he nearly injured his ankle. What was it about her that he even obsessed over? Maybe her personality? Or looks? It frustrated him to no end.
'I will end that dumbass once and for all-'
"Here." Kaiser's thoughts got interrupted by the same girl that was plaguing his mind for weeks.
"What is that?" The blonde wondered as he eyed the white container suspiciously.
"It's just some gel that is good to use for your muscles. Alexis said you nearly ruined your ankle the other day." (Y/n) replied back as she held the container in front of him.
"Why? Were you worried for me? I am touched." Kaiser smirked up at her, which made the girl a little angry, but she held herself back from yelling.
"No, I wasn't. I just don't want Alexis' team to lose because their star striker was too Charles's to look out for himself." She bit back.
'Because you idiot won't leave my head!' Kaiser wanted to say, he really wanted to put all the blame on her! But, he just couldn't bring himself to.
'Why?' The blonde wondered. (Y/n) stared at his silent figure, really curious as to what he was thinking, but she kept silent as well.
"Hmm... Alexis is back." She announced as the boy walked out of the locker room.
"Here, take it or leave it. I don't care. And, take care..."
Kaiser was shocked as he heard the soft tone in her voice and the gentle look that she sent him for a few seconds. The blonde looked back on the container that was put on the seat next to him. He hesitated for a moment, but then eventually grabbed it.
"Hmm..." Kaiser mumbled as he held the item and looked where (Y/n) was hugging and kissing with Ness. The blonde tightly grabbed onto it as his breath hitched up and eyes narrowed. What was this rage he was feeling? Kaiser bit his cheek as he kept on staring at the duo and wondered what it would feel like if (Y/n) kissed him like that.
'I wonder what her lips would feel like? Where they as soft as they looked?' Kaiser gulped, a red blush spreading across his face.
'And being so close to that scent of hers...'
Kaiser wanted to get lost more in his thoughts, but was interrupted as Ness opened his eyes and looked back at Kaiser, never breaking the kiss.
'Back off.' He could hear the boy say as he hugged (Y/n) tighter. And, in that moment something snapped in Kaiser. He didn't know what it was, nor did he care. The only thought running in his head was that he needed (Y/n). He needed her to be his. And his only.
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donutz · 7 months
Yandere Catnap x female Smiling Critter cat reader
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Request from Wattpad-! Here you go Buttmens(💀)☆
Being locked up in these cells is insufferable.
Catnap and I can’t do anything.
We both operate on sleeping. So we both have the red gas. We both used it, it was built into our system. Yet we end up into these cells for it. Apparently, it causes violent nightmares. From Catnap’s gas. Neither the workers nor I know if my gas causes nightmares.
They still put me in containment. Plus, I was similar to Catnap, not approaching the kids. So they were all wary about me and that gas product.
Even when Catnap and I are locked up, we still communicate. Not verbally. Telepathically, you could say. We intertwine our tails to communicate. Our tails are very long so it’s not hard.
Catnap’s planning to kill the people in this place. To work with Experiment 1006, seeing him as a god, and he’ll save us. Considering Catnap is just a kid(Hmm… I wonder why I bolded, underlined, and italicized the word kid… Hmm…)
You’d think he’d be joking because he’s a kid. But, considering who Catnap is, he’s not. At random times of the day he’d whisper, “THE PROTOTYPE WILL SAVE US.” Or something like that.
I’m not sure if I’ll follow Prototype—
“Hey guys…”
The sound of your bright friend’s voice interrupted both of your thoughts.
“Uhm. A kid drew both of you, they were wondering if you were going to come back…” He gave you two the kid’s drawings, it was sloppy, but you appreciated it.
“Do you… Know, when you two are coming back…?” You said no, while Catnap didn’t answer.
You reach your paw out the cell, and put your finger on Dogday’s head. You then move it to his ears, petting him.
“We’ll come back, Dogday. Eventually.”
Moving to the underside of his chin, you give him scratches.
“Mm.. Okay!” His tail was wagging pretty fast, as he is a dog.
Then you gave him a small poke on his nose, “Now you go on and make the kids happy, okay?” You said.
“Mhm! Bye you two!” He waved his paw, signaling his goodbyes.
Normally, from you doing that to someone. Catnap would get pretty jealous. But it’s Dogday. So it’s okay. Catnap trusts Dogday, he knows he wouldn’t do that. Not to Catnap.
Though you could still see the jealousy on his face. He gave you that spooooky scare, silently communicating on why you did it.
“It was because I knew he needed some comfort Catnap. We’ll stay together until the end.” (Not in the romantic adult way, like the way when kids got little crushes on each other or somethin. The type you’d see in little kids shows, it’s rare, but it’s there. I will NOT make the reader feel that way about Catnap).
Then he stopped looking so jealous.
Now it’s the day. The day Catnap will act out, he’s already out of his cell, because he snuck the worker’s keys. Then he let you out.
“Do you… Want to kill with me…?” He asked.
You weren’t too sure. Not the critters, not the toys. Not any of the toys. Just the bad adults and stuff.
“Only the bad adults..” You answered, you weren’t sure if he’d accept the answer, but thankfully he did. He then left.
You were alone now.
‘I should alert the critters.’ You thought.
They were all in a room, then you rushed into it.
Screams. Men and women, kids. They were all yelling and screaming. Out of fear, not of joy. The critters were confused? What were you talking about? Why did they hear someone scream? And why wasn’t it from joy?
“GET THE KIDS. NOW.” They were all asking questions, but followed along. Well, Dogday mainly did, as the leader he multitasked. Getting the critters and kids safe. Though it wasn’t very successful. 
You had to run. Run over to kill the ‘bad adults’. Like you said you would.
A few minutes later, you were managing to get the kids to a safe place while looking for your targets. You found it. The man who tortured and teased you and Catnap.
You can’t go back on this now.
You scruffed him with your paw and hesitantly ate him. Your pupils dilated. The taste was wonderful. You didn’t care about the kids anymore, you killed them. Threw them roughly to a wall, stomped on them, y’know, to put them out of their misery before you ate them?
You still had somewhat of a heart. Even killing all of these innocent children.
Ugh. That sounds gross, the adrenaline wore off for a second, and you could see the murder you caused.
All the blood, dead bodies. That was because of you! Catnap's so proud of you for doing such a good job!
He's quite surprised that you even got the courage to kill people. You were on the nicer side, trying to not have Catnap escalate things in his cold head(Even at his young age).
So to see you murdering people?! It was very entertaining.
You were looking at the bodies. Just staring. Then you saw Catnap. He walked up to you.
“Good… Job.” He praised.
Your pupils dilated from that. He rubbed his head against yours, cuddling with you slightly.
You could hear his purrs!
You cuddled back, purring. Just you two being cats. Extracting all of the— blood. That's spread around the place.
You're just a cat ^_^.
After the hour of joy, Catnap and you were just searching over the place, making sure there were no survivors. Though, Catnap sped away, possibly looking for someone.
You hoped Dogday was safe.
10 years later, you now ‘worshiped’ Catnap.
The way you thought about Catnap is the way Catnap thought about the Prototype.
Sadly, Dogday didn't believe in the Prototype. So he's… Chained up. You comfort him at times, Catnap doesn't really let you be around him. But you know he won't do anything, as long as he's watching.
Other than that you two were the cuddliest kittens ever!!!
Such a cute cat duo!!
You two would be a star if you didn't murder people.
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thehusbandoden · 8 months
MHA Boys x Couch Surfing!Reader (kinda) -Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki and Tamaki (separately)
A/n: here you go @sour-patch2000, so sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy!
And as always, feel free to reach out to me to rewrite any part of this or if you want to request again! <33
General info:
Genre: fluff/comfort/slice of life..? \\ wc: 1,159 in total (roughly 300 each) \\ posted: 01/25/2024 \\ requested
Warnings!: Hawks' real name, slight mentions of Hawks' and Shiggy's past, Dabi is over protective- kinda yandere? And I think that's it! Pls let me know if I miss any! <33
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Dabi: (251 words)
Dabi gently stroked your cheek as you slept peacefully against his side, your head against his chest, one hand splayed across his torso while your other arm wrapped around his upper back. Anger swarmed in his eyes as he stared at the tear stains on your cheeks. 
He wanted- no needed to figure out what happened and who he needed to kill. No one is allowed to hurt his love. You were at the back of his apartment in the middle of the night, soaked from the rain and sobbing uncontrollably.  
Dabi immediately pulled you inside, hugging you against his warm chest, cooing comforting words as he stroked your head and kissed your face gently. You could have mistaken him for someone else entirely if it weren’t for his soothing scent, deep voice, and scarred hands.  
After a while you slowly calmed down. He didn’t let go until you did. He gently asked if you wanted to talk about it, and when you shook your head, he fell silent. He drew you a bath and complied to what you wanted.  
If you wanted to be left alone, he would be cooking you a hot meal (which ended up burning); or if you wanted him to stay with you, he would. You fell asleep snuggled against the person you loved most in the world, clad in his clothes as pajamas and surrounded by his comforting scent.  
You were safe with him. He loves you, and he would do anything to protect you.  
(Dabi's masterlist)
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Takami Keigo: (321 words)
“Okay- is this enough?!” Keigo calls from behind a heap of blankets in his arms. The fluffy material hid his face, his gorgeous wings poking out. “I hear women get really cold at night- if this isn’t enough, I can go buy more!”  
Your troubled frown lifts at his playful antics, before you could say anything he continued ranting on. “How many more do you need?! What brands do you like- what sizes? Money doesn’t matter so tell me honestly! Oh, and what fabric? What col-” you silenced him with a playful jab to his side.  
“This is too many!” You giggle ever so slightly, beginning to forget about the traumatic events you went through in recent weeks.  
“It is?” Keigo pouts, dropping the fluffy blankets on the floor next to the couch. As he sees your amused smirk, he puffs his chest out proudly. “I knew that! I know everything!” Keigo teases, grinning ear to ear as he sees your bright smile come out.  
“Sure you do, Birdbrain!” You giggle, sticking your tongue out at the goofball in front of you. The two of you have been friends for a few years now, though something tells you that you may end up as more.  
“Oh! I know how we can use the blankets!” Keigo’s honey eyes go wide with excitement, causing you to giggle fondly.  
“And that is~?”  
“We can build a huge blanket fort! We can use the entire flat! We’ll have to buy a lot more blankets though!” He grinned, his wings shuddering in excitement.  
Giggling, you were about to tell him that that was silly when you remembered how he didn’t have a proper childhood- or adulthood for that manner. He needed some pure fun in his life.  
“Of course! But- I call dibs on the fluffiest blanket we can find!” You giggle, putting your shoes on.  
“Hey- that’s not fair!” He playfully whined.  
“Is to!”  
(Keigo's masterlist)
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Shigaraki Tomura: (246 words)
“Kurogiri, clean my room. I want every inch of it cleaned and the stench of smoke nowhere near it by tonight.” Shigaraki commanded, crossing his arms across his chest as he stared at his loyalist servant.  
Many would think that he was being rude and bossy- but Kurogiri could see that he was anxious about something. Putting the rag down, Kurogiri nods. “As you see fit, Shigaraki Tomura. May I ask why?”  
“Someone very close to me needs a place to stay until further notice. She deserves the best we can offer- so she gets my room. It can’t stink from all of these idiots’ smoking habits.” Shigaraki snarled, scratching his neck.  
Kurogiri’s eyes widened before softening. So that’s why he’s so anxious... “Of course, Shigaraki Tomura. I will have only the best provided for your special one.”  
“Good. She arrives in a few hours; I expect it to be done by then.”  
“Anything else, Shigaraki Tomura?”  
“Kick that burnt arsonist out of his room. I’ll be staying there for the time being.”  
“As you see fit.” Kurogiri bows before walking away. Once Shigaraki was out of eyesight he smiled softly. Shigaraki has never cared for anyone but himself that much since AFO took him in.  
It made him happy to see his master getting along with other people. This was good for him... really good. As Kurogiri begins cleaning, he can’t help but imagine how special this woman is to capture Shigaraki Tomura’s broken heart...  
(Shiggy's masterlist)
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Amajiki Tamaki: (316 words)
“I-it’s not much b-but I hope i-it'll do...” Tamaki muttered anxiously; eyes glued to the floor. 
As soon as you told Tamaki you needed a place to stay, he offered immediately; surprising you, Mirio and Nejire. Tamaki has labored the past two and a half days to make sure his guest room was perfect for you.  
Mirio and Izuku helped him take out his several bookshelves and desk out of the room. Once the furniture was out of the way he deep cleaned every inch- including the carpet. Once he was positive that the room was in top condition, he began shopping. He bought a full-sized bedframe and mattress. 
He begged Nejire to find out what your dream room was- and she agreed after about the fourth text- which was a lot for Tamaki if he were asking for something.  
He did his very best to make it your dream room, buying you several pieces of furniture and decorations. He did a pretty dang good job too! He bought a few things for a few of his favorite hobbies, snacks, drinks, and left an envelope of money for hygiene products –and more-.  
He wanted you to be comfortable, if you wanted to be alone you had everything you needed inside your room or right outside of it and if you wanted company, he would be willing to talk.  
Tamaki immediately started panicking as he saw tears form in your eyes. “Y-y/n I’m so sorry! D-did I do something wrong?! Is it the wrong color!? Is the bed too big or too small?! Do you not like the-”  
“No Tama, it’s perfect.” You whisper, hiding your face in his shoulder. Tamaki immediately stopped talking, his ears turning red as a flustered smile makes its way on his lips. “Thank you.” You whisper, sealing your gratitude with a kiss to his cheek.  
Tamaki’s brain literally stopped functioning. He stuttered an incoherent sentence before blushing in embarrassment, hiding his face in his hands. You giggle fondly, letting him be.
(Tama's masterlist)
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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mysticmellowlove · 4 months
can we get another yandere chat / yandere streamer please I really wanna know where the three people went
note; omg i'm fucking alive holy shit. i'm in exam period right now and i swear the universe is trying to take me out. shit's rough out here lol. I've been rattling the bars of my enclosure waiting to get out and write some more. missed you guys, cute lil friends xxx
warnings; yan chat is back, yan streamer, reader 'sugar', yandere tendencies, gang violence, they mean frfr,
word count; 1123
After logging off for the day and raiding one of his friends Streamer found himself checking on his discord, in particular the chat he had going on with three of his long-time fans, affectionately titled his three musketeers to respect their anonymity. The ones that had been with him since the beginning when he had no viewers and a silly dream of becoming a popular creator.
To think that he had that in his foreseeable future, it was intoxicating. Fans, money and most of all influence. Of course, he couldn't forget about his lovely mod as well.
His eyes scanned over the private chat with a satisfied grin on his face, they had found him. For a while now there was one particular chatter that was getting on his nerves. No matter how much Sugar banned them they always seemed to find a way back. He had been trying to appeal to Sugar for weeks now, always mentioning them and gifting various rewards that were specifically aimed towards the beloved mod.
Streamer knew things sometimes got a little parasocial when it came to internet personalities. Still, something about this creep trying desperately to get close to Sugar had his blood boiling as if he was using the chat as an e-dating server. He wasn't the only one either, it seemed.
A call button appeared on his screen for a moment before he adjusted his settings and answered it, the people chatting on the other side becoming more and more apparent.
"The man of the hour." One of them jovially said, a playful lilt to her voice. Porthos always seemed to be the one ready to talk, with perhaps a little too much energy to seem natural. It seemed her words had set in motion the other two greeting him, one with their ever-present modulated voice covering their identity and the other sounding like he'd just finished smoking a pack of cigarettes.
"Hey you, I see some interesting things in the chat." He hummed as he took a sip of the coke he had next to him, waiting for the three to fill him in.
"Yeah, we tracked down the guy in the chat that was bothering Sugar, it was laughably easy." Porthos mused, the low hum of who knows what buzzing in the background.
"He had his details all out in the open, turns out using multiple emails all leading to the same IP is a dead giveaway." She said before a sniffle interrupted her.
"Don't take all the credit, it was only because I have access to the city records that we even found him," Athos noted.
"Technically I did most of the work." The final of the three, the one who hid behind the voice changer, Aramis chimed in. The other two seemed to stop talking as soon as they spoke up, for good reason as well. There was something different about Aramis, but their knowledge was gladly welcomed.
"I assume you're all waiting for the finale?" They monotonously droned as the sounds of clicking came from their mic. Not long after a window popped up, fileshare. Without needing to do anything the file opened to a video and began to play.
The camera work was jittery but it was obvious what was in the middle of the screen. On the ground, legs and arms bound, was a middle-aged man wriggling. There was a group of men surrounding him, masked and dressed entirely in black with a badly stitched logo on their jackets.
No sounds came from the men as they drew ominously closer, that's when things really picked up. Their feet began to slam into the sides of the bound man, muffled screams coming from his gagged mouth as he tried desperately to wriggle away. Hands ripped at his clothing, showcasing the darkened bruises on his skin as the men continued their assault. The video tracked for about twenty minutes, all of it consisted of the men beating the shit out of the man on the ground. Screams turned to groans turned to whimpers as a mixture of piss, tears and blood mixed on the ground he was on.
His body seemed to turn entirely blotched with bruises as the video went on and on before no more sounds appeared to leave the man. Then the footage cut.
The silence seemed to wane on for a moment before Athos spoke up.
"That's some dark web shit or something." The only response he seemed to get was a clipped laugh from Aramis.
"I like supporting local businesses." It was no secret that Aramis was the only one of them who dared to play around on the darker side of the internet but damn were they good at it. Who knew what they got up to after hours, but it wasn't hard to tell that he had hired someone to beat the shit out of the creep.
"He's gone, probably being sold right now, well that parts of him that made it out unscathed. Don't worry, these guys are newbies but the group they're part of don't play around." A low whistle left his mouth as he listened to Aramis ramble about the exploit.
"You're a freak for real." Porthos laughed, seemingly having gathered herself, "Now that's dealt with I think we should get something in exchange, don't you?"
He rolled his eyes as he scanned the now blank screen.
"I'll organise something." He began before he was cut off rudely.
"Not something, we know you know where they are so why don't you get us all a little gift." Athos drawled. A harried sigh left his mouth as he tugged at the strands of his hair. The three of them were his fans, their support over the years had helped grow his platform greatly and they did fund most of his activities but... that also meant he had to keep them pleased.
Athos eluded that he was a well-known figure in the city, Aramis had ties to the black market and Porthos seemed to have no boundaries... they could very well take him down if they wanted to.
"Sure, I'll pick something up." He finally managed to get out, his voice obviously strained. All that greeted him was a chorus of laughter as the call ended. He stared at the screen for a moment more, thinking about the logistics of breaking into Sugar's apartment before a notification came through.
'Good boy' With a scoff he closed the application and got off his chair, annoyance swelling inside him. He was still closer to Sugar than them, he didn't have to panic yet.
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Tell me about your favorite pieces of work. What's an art piece and a writing piece you're just really proud of?
Oh boy Oh boy, it’s my time to shine ✊🏽
Among my writings, I have many that I am attached to mostly because of the love you guys have shown have really helped me be proud of them but at the top of them I have Demonically Adorable
I wrote the first ‘fight scene’ that I was genuily proud out, I think it was actually my first one in general and I think a smooth job in it.
I ‘ve also struggled with those types of fics where you introduce a Reader into a canon series of events because I struggle to find the balance between keeping it true to egents but also not making it a copy paste.
The funniest part about this is that this fic was I think the first request I rejected. I was telling @cosmocup1d, the requester, bless their heart btw, that I had spent days trying to think of a plot but I had failed only to get inspiration a day later. And man on my I was in the zone. I loved how it turned out from start to finish, which usually I end up insecure about one part of the fic but this one I felt so accomplished.
That being said I also feel great accomplishment for Hungry for truth, the one shot that I had written thanks to you and 💧’s prompts and ideas ( please let me work with you guys again, i am in my knees begging you). I think I have mentioned it before but I am a fan of yandere but am horrible at writting it. I gave a try on Delivery for one and Locked Database and I felt okay about them, I liked them but Hungry for truth was top of the top. It was something that I felt so proud to show both you and 💧.
With it I felt like I had truly ashieved that dark theme, yandere theme that I had attempted to reach with the other true but failed to truly achieve.
Now on to art, it’s funny I don’t think many of you know I draw 😂, thats how this blog originally started and was intended to be, an art blog but then you inspired me to actually try to publish my writings and so here we are.
I did many types of art, including the abstract art lgbtia event where I published a couple of them every day in pride month. I like those but they were pretty simple, fast, something to show my pride more than the art. Now if we are talking about my favorite one’s it has got to be this one.
In it I drew my oc Alexa ( the pink haired girl) along with the representation of two other friends who back then were anons who identified themselves with the 🧶 and 🌻 emoji. I felt proud of how I did the backround, something that I had been practicing for a while and finally aces to the creation of emoji representations like them. The autumn representation I did is also up there, I remember at first it was just a witch but when I started doing a bunch of hair do I was like wait pumpkin? (Please ignore the words on the post they are a mess of pretend family tree that even back then I din’t understand)
And an honarable mention to my soulmate compass, less up there because most of it was simply tracing the photo of my actual compass with just a pretty backround
So yeah there they are! My proudest pieces. Thank you so much for asking quin 😂, I love answering questions of the stories I write, what was the thoughts behind it and I like even more interacting with each and every one of you.
As promised take your smooch
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
Hey hey! Requesting a one shot of Yoshikage Kira x a fem reader who is a reporter in morioh trying to find a scoop about the large number of missing person cases?
Thank you for your request! I hope you like it.
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Reporting From Morioh (Yoshikage Kira x Reader)
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Small Summary: You're a well known reporter in Morioh taking a case on the rise of missing people
Small mentions: SPOILERS, f!reader, murder, hand fetish... (It's Yoshikage Kira what do you expect lol), Yandere, mention of stalking, a bit of strong language
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"Hello, Morioh my name is Y/n, reporting to you live from the recent site disappearance. Last reported that a man and woman that live here in this apartment complex have not been seen in over a week. We've spoken to the landlord and other neighbors none of them knows where about it. But, one neighbor reported having seen another man enter the apartment before running off and not being seen again. Authorities have stated that a curfew has been placed until further notice." I looked at the camera, "Thank you Y/n for your scope in this serious matter. Be safe on your way back home..." The camera guy did a single letting me know it was over, and the red light over the camera turned off. "Good job Y/n. You wanna go for drinks today with us?" They packed away the equipment. "No thanks, maybe next time. I'll see you guys tomorrow." We said our goodbyes, they drove off.
I looked at the apartment building, this is the twentieth case of someone going missing since I became a reporter. How can someone just disappear without leaving a trace behind? Murders normally go back to the place where they've killed their victim, I'll just have to stay near the area and hopefully find something useful that's worth a case or will get more views. I waited until Ten PM and found nothing. I headed home for the night and went to sleep.
It was now morning, I don't work today which gives me time to look at the killer's next location and interview some people as well. I prepared my breakfast, and afterward I took a look at the map of Morioh. The last disappearance took place at those apartment complexes which means that whoever is causing this disappearance has moved to that area now. Taking a look at the map his next target is most of within that area or possibly where that Cafe is. I have to go to Cafe De Maigot to get a better look and maybe ask some questions while I'm there. I took out the sketch I drew of the description that was given to me by the neighbor that saw that man the other night. I looked at the drawing carefully capturing the features best I could. He looked like the type of man who could blend into the background and no one would suspect him.
I made my way to the cafe but kept feeling like someone was watching me, I push the feeling aside and continued walking, "Have you seen Yoshikage Kira?" I overheard two women talking. "I hope he's okay. I haven't seen him in a while... Not since his hand was missing." A missing hand? How did he lose it? "That image still haunts me." I need to talk to them, "Excuse me ladies can I have a word with you?"
"Oh, you're that reporter Y/n. What can we help with?"
"I wanted to know if any of know you may know about the disappearance that is taking place in Morioh or if someone you know has gone missing?" I took out a small recording device I have disguised as my pen. "Well, we do have a friend that we haven't seen in a while. Last we saw him he was in terrible condition and even had a missing hand. We haven't seen him since."
"Do you think you could describe his appearance and his name, please? I'd like to find him and ask him a few questions." The girls gave me information about his address, and what he wears, and even mentioned that today was also his day from work. "Thank you, ladies. I'll see you around." I waved goodbye and walked to the address they gave me but there were what seemed to be police and officers at his home. I guess the police might have been tipped off.
"Excuse me..." I called to one of the officers, "I'm a reporter, I just had a question. Does Yoshikage Kira live here?" I showed him the sketch, "He did. We haven't been able to find him. You should quit while you're ahead. He's a dangerous man." I gave the officer thanks and walked home.
Is Yoshikage Kira that dangerous? From what those ladies told the he was a man that didn't try hard to stick out, even as to turn down an invention from them to get lunch together. It does seem like he tends to fade in the background... Could he be...
I bumped into a man knocking over some of his papers, "I'm so sorry sir." I was so lost in thought I wasn't looking where I was going. I bent down picking up his papers, "It's quite alright..." He got down and started picking them up, "Hey aren't you that Y/n the new reporter lady?" I gave him the papers I picked up. "Yes, I am. Just taking a walk around town." He stood up placing the papers away. He took out his hand, I placed mine in his and he helped me up. "Well, you shouldn't be out here by yourself. A lot of people have been disappearing in this town." I removed my hand from his. "I know. Just needed to get some air is all."
"Would it be okay if I walk you home?" I looked at him, studying his features, He does slightly resemble the description that the neighbor had given me... but his hair doesn't quite match it or the height they mentioned. "If that's okay. I know we just meant and it's a bit weird for a strange to offer such a service... But we have to protect each other to avoid any more losses." He is right, "Sure but just up to the Morioh train station."
We began walking together, "I never got your name." I looked at the man briefly, "It's Kosaku Kawajiri. It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n. I'm a huge fan of your reports. It's an honor getting to meet you in person."
"Thank you watch our channel." I smiled slightly... something was off about this man.
"Twenty missing people..."
"I'm sorry..." What did he say? "A total of twenty people have gone missing since you became a reporter. A useless child, a hairdresser, some douchebag, and his girlfriend are the most recent cases... Am I wrong?" He looked at me, my heart began to race. He was the one that killed those people, it wasn't that they ran away from home, he must have killed them all. "Judging by your reaction, I'd amuse I was right." We continued walking; since there were people around I couldn't make a scene since I wasn't sure how others would react or what he would do. "What do you want?" He got closer to me. "Make a turn to your left in that alleyway over there." I did as he said and we entered the alley. "So... Are you gonna kill me like the other... Kosaku Kawajiri?"
"Not quite... I've grown quite fond of you and your hands." He turned to face me. "My hands?" I looked at them and then at him. He grabbed my hands placing them close to his face and kissing them, "Yes, they're like nothing I've ever seen. So soft, so beautiful, I've always seen your hands on TV and thought about how much I'd want them for my own."
I pulled my hands away, "You're sick. Let me leave and I won't tell anyone about this okay." He loosened his tie, "I can't let you go since you know the true nature and identity of I Yoshikage Kira..." So he's Yoshikage Kira, "I'll let you live but only if you drop the case report you're working on." I started feeling like there was something heavy curling by my should, I could see tire tracks on my cloth. "What did you do!?" I tried removing the coat I was wearing to get the thing off my arm but it wasn't budging. "That's Sheer Heart Attack that's on your shoulder it's a type of bomb that I've created with the help of my stand Killer queen."What is talking about, "I'll make the bomb explode in a matter of ten seconds if you do not agree to drop that report you've done on me? If you don't then you'll explode and I'll take your beautiful hands with me."
"I- I'll -I'll drop the case! Just please let me live! I'll do anything you want please!" The heaviness went away, "Exceinlt chose My dear Y/n. Now you said you'd do anything. Take me to your house. I want to see the report file you've collected."
We took the train and made it to my house, "So you're not married judging by the furniture and state of your home." My house was a bit messy I had articles and other things on the table and the couch, "I'll be getting rid of all of these things." In a blink of an eye, the papers had turned into dust. "My, sweet Y/n," He took my hands again and kissed them, "How I waited for the chance to meet you in person. A woman such as yourself deserves the best anyone has to offer." He placed a ring on my finger. "Never take this off... The killer queen touched the ring and placed a bomb. If you remove it or have anyone touch it you will die and so will the person that touched it."
He let go of my hands pushing me against the wall, "You're mine Y/n. You belong to Yoshikage Kira."
After a few days after my encounter with Yoshikage Kira it was reported that a man had died via an ambulance crushing his scole. It was later revealed to be Yoshikage Kira himself that dies in that way.
"Excuse me?" I talked up to a group of high school students, "I'm a reporter for the Morioh new channel and would like to ask you a few questions about Yoshikage Kira. I heard one of them had a close encounter with him."
"Sure we'll answer some questions." The pompadour said, "Wait Josuke you can't just give random people information about him Mr. Jotaro said we needed to stay quiet about it. Sorry miss but we can't talk about that." The shortest one spoke.
"I understand... I just had an encounter with him myself before he died. He placed a ring on my fingers and told me that Killer queen has made it into a bomb, I haven't taken the ring off since then. Is there any chance you can help me? Or know someone who can?"
"We need proof of your encounter before we can help." I took out my recording pen, "My apologies, I recorded my encounter with him on my pen... Is that enough proof?" They all looked at each other, "Come with us we'll find someone who can help you." Josuke spoke. "Thank you boys so much."
They took me to a man name Jotaro and we all listened to the recording. "Y/n, remove the ring, Josuke you knew what to do."
"Wait what!?" Are they going to kill me for being a witness? "We're not gonna kill you, I have a stand that can heal you before you explode. I know it doesn't make sense now but it will later."
I nodded and removed the ring, it felt like I exploded but nothing happened, "There it's done." I thanked them all, "Is it okay if we take those recordings you've got? I need to send them to the speed wagon foundation." Asked Jotaro. "Yeah, sure I copy at home here." I handed him the pen. I thanked them all and headed home...
I think this is the last time I take on a reporting case on missing people in Morioh
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Request for One-shot are open!
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majesticuser · 2 months
His light
Yandere!Mafia!MOC x FMC
Synopsis: One of the fishes in the pond of Cornell University was Lynn Wan. A hardworking girl attending her dream college, pursing a career she’s passionate in, and living the normal college life. Everything was going great as she was lucky to be perfect in all aspects - looks, grades, achievements and money. How ever stunning it may sound, this didn’t make her the most stunning fish of all - Cornell was full of people like her. But to the handsome William Huntley, she was THE star.
warning: tiny bit of stalking, soft yandere behaviour.
Note: this is my first story I’ve ever posted and I’m kinda proud of it. FYI the writings in bold apart from the titles are William’s Dialogues and internal dialogues.
William’s POV
It was the first week of spring, semester 1. His 4th and last year. You were like a little innocent doe. He found himself observing you from a far for weeks, using his friends as an excuse to see you read, talk to your friends or do your assignments. Your magnetic beauty drew him in - silky black hair and brown almond eyes that goes so well with your quiet and neat character - but most of all, when your clear beautiful face turned into a bright smile that radiated the golden retriever energy when conversing with your friends. He wanted to see more of that. It was all so innocent until the yearn became stronger and turned him into something else. He fantasised about having all of you and he is done looking from the outside, he needs you to be by his side no matter what. You are going to be his.
As son of a crime syndicate leader, he was granted a right hand man to be by his side at all cost. Michael has always been the heir’s bodyguard and right hand man when he came of age. He is to give up his life for the young master if ever needed and always serve him, even if it’s looking up on a silly college girl.
He knows where you live, what state you’re from, who your parents are, the high school you went to, your hometown your perfect gpa, your social media, your part time job bartending in a pub that he owns and your little side hustles - modelling and OnlyFans. He smiles mischievously.
Lynn’s POV
“Hi” said a husky voice that sounds like he’s directly in front of me. Right I am, he is indeed in front of me. William Huntley, son of Alexander Huntley - businessman and investor. Just a typical nepo-baby from a typical old money father. Quiet, brooding and mysterious, I already know where he’s going with the way he’s staring. His face is mocking me, like he knows something I don’t.
“Hi” I said anyway to avoid gossip about my anti-social tendencies.
“Writing an article for the media assignment?”
I look up at him, intrigued “you’re in media too?” Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
“My friend is” he lied. Most of his friends major in business related subjects. Working in media is below them.
Never mind.
We continue to sit in silence while I consciously endure his hard stare, writing an article on an Italian tradition.
“So what’s your article about” he says, eyes not moving. I’m so close to getting up and go, but you don’t do that here in Cornell otherwise you’ll regret it.
“I’m writing about the Carnevale, it’s just around the corner, so I’m writing this for travellers to prepare if they go to Italy at this time” I say as casually as I can, ignoring his intimidating stare. Seriously what does he want?
“Well what a surprise since my grandparents are throwing a Carnevale next Saturday. My grandmother is Italian”
I feign a surprised look. There was nothing new about rich people throwing parties.
“Oh really where from if you don’t mind?”
Definitely in the Mafia.
“That place is gorgeous, I went there to visit archaeological sites, the food was the best” Can’t say the same about Italians.
He knows.You were 15 visiting Selinunte and Valley of the Temples with your mum who is an Archaeologist.
“It is isn’t it? Why don’t you come to our Carnevale? You can take notes there?”
I perk up instantly. It’s not exactly a real Carnevale but the Huntleys will sure get it close to one or maybe even better. It’ll be an advantage to really experience it. Professor Laughlin would see your effort. It’ll be so much better than that small community Carnevale you were planning on attending.
“Are you serious”
Your eyes were wide like a doe, hopeful and surprise. So cute.
“Mmhm, you just have to be my date”
So that’s why. You were glad it wasn’t something else. But you couldn’t help but ask why you and not some other eligible date.
“But why? couldn’t you ask anyone else?”
“They’re all taken. Plus you caught my eye. Unless you don’t want to I can-“
“No. I’ll go I’ll be your date”
He internally smirk. You were so easy.
“Right, be ready at 6pm Friday next week”
He got up ready to leave.
“Wait you said Saturday”
“Got to catch a flight first”
My brows furrow
“Sicily where else?”
My jaw drop before I could give it the permission. He was walking away
“What about my address don’t you need it? And my contacts?”
“I already got everything”
“What? How”
He smiles a little mischievously, slowly walking towards you. Staring you down. Now you were scared. Bending down to grasp your jaws. You can’t comprehend anything anymore.
“You don’t wanna know Doe. We Sicilians Mafias have our own ways.”
I look up at him in horror, eyes wide. My excitement vanished as I realise what he is. Is this a threat?
He walked away nonchalantly like he didn’t just introduce himself as a Mafia member. Leaving me alone in the library, dumdfounded that I get to experience an event that costs 3 weeks of my pay, and horrified that I’m going to go with him.
To be continued
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wiihtigo · 7 months
As Wolfgang has popped up in my dreams a few times, I must ask: 3 (where'd the benny stuff come from?), 7, aaand 17
ask game
3. Do they have a love interest, and was that their choice or yours?
it was...IT WAS DESTINY.....WOLFGECKO FOREVER 2024...I JUST BECAME SO ATTACHED TO BENNY WHILE I PLAYED FNV FOR THE FIRST TIME I WAS ENRAPTURED I WAS OBSESSED....wolfgangs character is pretty much developed by how i played fnv for the first time so the way i kept trying to help benny get out of his own fuckups alive and also kept falling for his tricks i took to characterize wolfgang as the sort of the big stupid yandere we know and love today. the comic i drew of him beating tf out of the legion was based on a moment when i was streaming the game when i tried freeing benny from the fort like 800 times but he kept dying so i was eventually told to just cheat code go godmode so i did killed everyone in sight and got that funny dialogue where bennys like Dear lord. I thought it was so funny
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it helped along the characterization i have where wolfys big and strong and scary and yandere. hes so cutes.
from there i just kept thinking about their relationship and what that might look like past the confines of the game! obviously he keeps following benny around. does some real Misery shit to him. they live the rest of their days in the house from courage the cowardly dog in the middle of nowhere
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heres some artwork from both me and my friend andy of tiny (andys oc and wolfgangs friend) coming to visit them
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7. What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
OUGHHHH well maybe some stuff i think could be misconstrued is that he genuinely never wants to hurt benny? hes always working to keep him safe and close to him (forever...! /dracula music) .even though hes big and scary and punches people to death its more in like a...(knocks on his head) (its hollow) like hes kind of without malice. he does things without thinking too hard on them, be that good or bad. he doesnt hold any ill will or grudges towards people, even his blowing up the legion was kinda like "they wont let benny go and theyre cruel to some people that have helped me so ill get rid of them" HE DOESNT REALLY HAVE ANY MORALS UNLESS A BEAUTIFUL MAN TELLS HIM TO. LOL... humm also he def can talk but hes quiet, and doesnt talk a bunch at once. and mostly only speaks when hes spoken to
17. Is your character holding any grudges? Are they likely to stop?
ohh..kind of answered above LOL NO HE DOESNT you might call him forgiving but its more that hes not offended by much in the first place so theres nothing to forgive. this is probably something that fucks with bennys head, completely convinced that one day the other shoe is gonna drop and its gonna be him splattered against the wall next (well good, he should feel scared. it was fucked up what he did to my boy)
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 24: Vampire au for your otp
Summary: Koga x gn! Reader
Cw: Yandere themes, vampire shit, death, description of a corpse
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Your family had decided to betrothe you to some rich man's kid.  You'd never even met them, and while you knew it was your duty to follow through, that didn't mean you were happy about it.
So you'd gone to the woods to talk to him. Koga had been your "woods buddy" for several years now. You had fled to the woods one day, and you'd met him there. The two of you grew very close very quickly, despite his tough exterior. So you were hoping he could give you some advice. He'd always been extremely wise in the past and you knew you could count on him.
His reaction had you startled.
"Why would you go and do something like that? Are you stupid or somethin'?"
"I didn't do anything, it was my parents!"
He let out a low growl and plopped onto the ground. You sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Koga, I'm not sure why you're the one who's so upset here. I'm the one who's being forced into a marriage I didn't ask for," you gave a dry laugh.
He sighed. "You're right. It's not your fault. I just know how this'll go. You'll get married and your fiance will want to know where you are at all times, and I'll never see you again."
You laughed, this time with more mirth. It explained why he was so upset. You didn't get the impression he had a lot of friends, considering he never made appearances in the town.  You'd never let him be lonely though.
"I promise that won't happen," you ruffled his hair, and he growled at you again, more playfully now. "If my fiance tries to keep me from visiting you, I'll eat their shoes or something so they can't possibly stop me." He snorted, but he seemed to relax.
"Got any advice for me?" You whispered.
"I mean, I've never been married. So no. I can ask some friends of mine though, see what they have to say."
You nodded, then rested your head on his shoulder. The two of you stayed that way until the sun began to set, and you both made your way home.
Your fiance was dead the next morning. You'd been forced to go to the funeral, and you'd never seen a dead person look so…well….dead. They looked like a shriveled version of a human, chalky skin, blue lips, and an aura of terror hanging off of them.
Had it just been them, one would have thought it was a complete freak illness. But the next night, it was your neighbor. The night after was some boy down the street. Then it was your parents.
A priest had been brought in to examine the bodies, and his response set the town straight into chaos.
The town bell had been rung. Everyone gathered to hear what the announcement was, only to see four cloaked figures standing by the bell.
Three of the figures had their hoods obscuring their face, and a man with dark hair and red eyes had his hood down. You felt like one of the figures was definitely watching you, but with the hoods, you couldn't see their face.
"Citizens!" The dark haired man began. "Thank you all for gathering so promptly. In case you haven't figured it out, we are the ones who have been feeding off your town."
"Hellish bastard!" A man in the crowd drew his sword and ran at the man, only for him to snap his fingers, and render the attacker into ash.
The crowd panicked. Screams, pleas, and prayers all over lapping one another as one of the figures rang the bell again for silence.
"Please, we are not uncivilized," the black haired man spoke again. "We are willing to leave you all forever, if you give us the thing we want."
"And what's that?" Someone cried.
"We'll give you anything!" Someone else screamed.
His gloves hand pointed at you.
"Them." He said with a calm smile.
Before you could even react, the people on either side of you had restrained you and pushed you in the direction of the vampires. You cried and fought but you were no match for an entire town. You ended up in the arms of the black haired vampire, who held you in an iron grip.
"Pleasure doing business with you," he said, and the world around you faded.
You quickly were in a new building. It looked, from the room you could see, like a lavish mansion. But you didn't have time to think about it, as the dark haired man shoved you in the direction of one of the cloaked figures.
"Here's your treat! Good boy!" He said affectionately as he and the other two figures left you alone.
You quickly tried to wrestle out of his arms, until he pulled down his hood, revealing it was…
"Koga?" You choked out.
"Calm down, it's just me." He said, wrestling you into a position where it felt more like he was holding you, than grabbing you.
"I'm sorry it had to be like this, but I can't lose ya. This is gonna hurt, but just trust me, okay?" He shifted a hand to your forehead, pushed your head to the side, then sunk his fangs into your exposed neck.
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Sea of tears
Fem reader x potential yanderes Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor and Ras's Al Ghul (vampire Au)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: This is a "adventurous" fiction, the reader, you, will choose a route and it will end in something much more different than the others, hope you enjoy it! sorry that it took a while for me but I had to write all of them before starting a new fic, each choice will lead to another complete fiction.
Summary: you have to choose where you'll end up and what you future will be...little you know that your choice will shape the future of the world!
Tw: mentions of death and slavery
"I didn't do anything wrong!" Your screams echoed inside the sewer, the sound of the water pouring in silencing most of the sound you made. "You shouldn't have been nosy...you knew what's waiting for nosy people, I forgave you for knowing what you shouldn't have known and still you sold me and my whole gang to the police!" You panicked more when the sewer's entrance was closed by several bars, keeping you away from your freedom. "Please! I had to do it! They had my mom! Please let me go!" You begged as water reached your hips, lifting you off the ground, you pushed your legs so you could stay on top of the water, panting for air.
You looked up at where the water came from, your former boss watching closely as the sewer got filled to the brim with water. "P-please! I'll do anything!" You said as you reached the bars, it meant the sewer was nearly filled, the water quickly drew closer to the opening, fear taking your mind. "Tsk...I'd told you...you know I won't forgive you...so why don't you shut the hell up and let the water do its work?" Your fingers were crushed under the heavy boots of your boss, but you still kept holding on to the bars for dear life.
You opened your mouth to beg again, but water reached into it, stuffing your throat as you tried to breathe, but there was no air. Your lungs desperately tried to take in air but it was just water that came inside, and after painful struggles to breathe, your body gave in. Your vision turned dark, your body feeling heavy as you sank into the water. Darkness had fully engulfed you when a hand reached out for you, pulling you out of the darkness-
"Ow!" Your roommate's whimper made you come back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry!" You apologized quickly as you patted Rosie's head, making her huff. "Don't you have eyes? My head hurts! Brush more delicately!" She said as she glared at you in the small mirror attached to the wall,  Rosie and you had managed to get your hands on a mirror, it helped you get ready faster than the others. You pouted "Sorry! I was just thinking about what's going to happen today!" You said, and it was partly true. Your worry for the future reminded you of your unpleasant past.
Rosie sighed "I don't know about you Y/N but I'm the most hard luck of all! I'm sure I'll end up with a butcher or something like that and I have to cook for him my whole life!" You slapped her head gently "Oh shush you! Don't talk like that! The dark gods may hear you and you know how mischievous they get when they want to play with your fate!" Rosie hummed "You're right...but let's be honest...they are playing with yours more than mine right now..." the realization of what she had said made your whole body shiver as your breath caught in your chest.
"Rosie, will you stop giving Y/N a heart attack?" Jacob said as he glared at her over the letters he was reading, making the maid shut her mouth quickly. You looked at the butler as he went back to reading the letters, your heart beating faster as he looked at the three different envelopes, reading them closely. You didn't know the language of the nobles so you had asked Jacob, one of a few friends you had in the mansion, to read them for you. "Anything interesting?" You asked Jacob in a hushed voice as you continued to brush Rosie's hair.
"Shhh!" Jacob said as he glared at you as well "How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking while I'm reading something?" You silenced yourself as well as you quietly continued brushing. You could feel your heart beating like a drum in a parade, you were not the one to worry about things a lot, but this was the most urgent thing in your life in recent years! Since the time you had entered the mansion of your master, you didn't face anything as important as what was going to happen today.
You sighed and tightened your grip on the brush. You could feel your fingers tremble and tears well up in your eyes, if it was not for your make-up that you and Rosie had spent a lot of time doing, you would have cried for a solid hour to let your anxiety subside. Your life was turning upside down again! You were just feeling a little better, Master had given you more freedom now that you had proven your worth, you even had found the luxury of having your props as a slave! But suddenly your master decided on selling everything he had, and you, his precious jewel, aka his most expensive slave, were among them too, and it meant your master was in a dire situation.
Everyone including Rosie and Jacob thought that it was because of your master's countless debts to different banks and noble houses. As an alchemist who was interested in doing revolutionary inventions, your master spent too much money, and even if he was one of the few remaining human nobles, he had run out of money soon, so he had to take it from others, and without any specific income, your master was destined to meet a very harsh end. But it was not the case, only you and your master knew that the reason for this sudden rush in selling his property was you.
You, a mere human that was found in the fountain of a ruined temple of the old gods, and was taken in by humans as a slave as a form of punishment, you had stolen food from the chief of the temple, were the reason for his misery. But how could you? You were just a human, a smart one, but still illiterate to the language of the dark lands and weak, without any magic, how could you make your master lose everything he had? People didn't know why you were so precious to your master, or why you were sold at such a high price, you were as valuable as a castle! But you knew why.
When you were killed by your boss, on earth, in the world you were living in, remnants of a deity which later you'd find were the deity of lightning, pulled you between dimensions and had given you its power, the power of clean, powerful, electricity. You were given another chance and inhumane powers. But the powers that could only be used by professional alchemists. You had turned into a magical battery and your outlet was in hands of the alchemists. Despite your luck, your chance was ruined by your hunger when you had stolen from the chief priest of the temple you were found in, you were enslaved and if it was not because of the scholar nun that was examining you before the audition that you were sold in, had found out about your powers and worth, you would've been sold as a slave to the dark masters, or the noble vampires who ruled the dark lands, the world now you were trapped in. And who knew what was going to happen to you if that was your fate?
You were bought by your master and had aided him to invent devices that worked on their own with help of your energy, and if he could sell those he'd be the richest human in the dark lands. But luck was not on your master's side, because his previous head butler, who he had gotten rid of after finding out about his disastrous actions, had found out about your master's secret, the man had spat out everything in a tavern, and the tea was spilled. Most of the people were not even understanding what he was saying, but a few had, and three noble houses had found their way to your master's house and you, his precious jewel, were going to be sold to one of the noble houses, or he was ruined by their power.
How did they had managed to agree on using your consent as a way of stopping the others to take you away? you were not sure. Maybe it was related to the fact that vampires used consent to do their filthy deeds? You had heard they couldn't feed from a victim before having their consent or they'd turn into ghouls, so maybe it was like that? You didn't know...all you knew was that you had to choose from the three invitations the noble houses had sent, and be sold to them as a concubine. It was more like a slave but with a more beautiful name, you were going to be used as a pacifier for your new master's lust and greed at the same time, you hoped they were not going to make things hard on you, well, they couldn't use you if you were dead right? Vampires were famous for being brutal to their slaves.
You were scared to death, your pale face showed everything that was going on in your mind. Jacob cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You drew a quick breath in "Well?" You asked and Jacob sighed deeply as he ran his fingers in his hair, looking down at the three invitation letters. " I have found some things in general that they three share and I have bad and good news...which one I should tell you first?" "Good news I guess?" You said as you put the brush down, sitting next to Rosie who held your hand so you wouldn't feel alone.
"The good news is, the concubine part is optional, and it depends on you, I mean...it's about consent and stuff like that but we both know those bastards use magic so consent is nowhere to be found in their logic...you'll be treated well and earn freedom if you do as what they say..." you leaned closer "And  the bad news?" "The conditions of your freedom..." you gulped, feeling the lump in your throat suffocating you already, you wanted to drown again so you wouldn't worry about your future like this. "And what are those?" "The house Luthor has the condition of having you in his house for 20 noble years..." "Hey, it's literally 200 human years!" Jacob nodded to Rosie who had said that as he continued "House Ghul is offering you freedom if you manage to please your master without dying for 20 humans years...and house Wayne...well...you have to have 6 children of your master who reach adulthood before gaining your freedom so no abortions or dying children before or after birth will be counted..."
"Why did you say there is good news? It's all bullshit!" "Well Y/N can stay in their house as a concubine for the rest of her life, you know it's better than being out there roaming the fields where ghouls and werewolves are, we know that normal people won't give her a place to stay when she leaves the noble house, even if  she's not turned into a vampire at that time which is highly unlikely." You sighed as you leaned to Rosie, your head resting on her shoulder. Why nothing turned for the better? Now you were hating the deity that had saved you so much, you wished that they were truly killed by the dark gods that now were ruling the land so you wouldn’t have to live in such misery! You just wanted your tears to take the form of a sea so you'd drown in it.
"What if she resists the invitations?" Rosie said "Are you out of your mind? She'd be in big trouble if she was going to do that!" "Well, she'd run away!" "To where? To the town where people would turn her in again? Or to the fields and forest where the monsters are so she gets eaten by them or even worse?"
You sighed as you tried your best to not cry.
"Isn't the Master of the house Wayne infamous for sleeping with the king's concubines?" Rosie said, gaining your attention "Yeah...you know how vampires are, if they don't find their true made they'll become the true forms of debauchery. And since house Wayne is one of the most powerful ones in the king's court, for sure the head of the house would turn into such a person. Head of the house Ghul is like that as well...but he has...better taste to be honest, instead of king's concubine he had affairs with the king's siblings and other court members. As the most powerful house of the court, the house ghul is indeed unbreakable." You frowned "How do you know these?" "Well servants have their connections and you know how people like to gossip when they have nothing to do!" Rosie said.
"What about House Luthor?" You asked, he seemed the more reasonable out of the three, he was not at least into ravishing you for decades. "Well, house Luthor is one of the pretty new houses, the head of the house is a Dampier which is truly rare in the court and is a rival of the house Wayne, house Luthor is after the House Wayne's place in the court." You hummed to yourself as you looked down at the letters. You were going to ponder about your past and possible future again when one of the maids knocked on the door. "Master's guests are here..." the maid said, making your blood freeze. "May the old gods be with you..." Rosie said, "I hate them!" You said as you stood up, fixing your best dress and striding out of the room, but before closing the door you made sure to turn around and share a worried look with your friends. You wished you could perish...
"What is your choice, my dear?" Your master's voice made you look up at the three men sitting in front of you. One of them seemed older than the others, with parts of his hair turned gray, his black eyes piercing through your soul. He was Ra's Al Ghul, head of the Ghul family. He tilted his head to the side as he scanned your form once again, stroking his chin.
At Al Ghul's right side sat Bruce Wayne, the head of house Wayne, a tall man with piercing blue eyes, you could feel as if he was going to search through your mind just with a single glance.
And at Wayne's right side was Lex Luthor, head of the house Luthor, his gleaming green eyes making you shiver in fear.
You looked back at your master who was looking at you with both regret and expectations, it was time for you to choose...you knew that they wanted something more than your flesh, they were greedy and dangerous, and no one knew what they were going to do with your powers. But if you resisted you and your master would be in so much trouble...
what to do? What to choose?
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House Ghul House Wayne House Luthor Resist
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 - Tickling
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Prompt: Tickling
A/N: This piece of writing is strictly 18+. NSFW. Minors DNI.
Warnings: yandere, dubcon/noncon, mild angst(?), jealousy
Your muffled moans struggled to come out. Bounds restrained your arms and legs as you felt like you were being tortured. Well, because you were.
It had all started back when Lilia Vanrouge, your upperclassman from Diasomnia, had taken a liking to you. That's definitely what he would call it, not an obsession. Lilia's infatuation started when he was able to get closer to you and meet you during the time preparing for the Magical Shift tournament. His magenta eyes shifted with wonder as he watched you try to solve who was causing issues for multiple players across the school. Since then, Lilia had taken a secret liking to you.
Recently, Lilia had spent more time trying to court you, sending small gifts and talking with you more. Retelling his memories from the fae war was one of his favorite pastimes. He could feel the excitement radiate off of your body and your eyes were so cute. "Wow, Lilia-senpai! Sounds like you were really tough back then, that's so cool!"  Your voice repeats in his mind, sending sparks to his heart. Flashing you a sharp toothy smile whenever you made him laugh, looking at you with large, almost expectant, eyes. To say the fae was entranced with you was an understatement. He felt like he was so very close to asking you to become his partner.
That was until he noticed you embrace his fellow club-mate, Cater. A smile was visible on Lilia's face as his heart wrenched. He approached you as usual, brightly exclaiming your name. You turned to face him, still smiling after your interaction with Cater, who had already left.
"Oh, Lilia-senpai! Hi!" you giggled as the bicolored hair boy was close. "How are you doing?"
"Hi (y/n)! Ah, I was just wondering if we were still going to my room later to hang out." His voice was cheerful, but carried a bit of tension, which you had yet to notice. "I thought we could go into another… history lesson?"
Your eyes lit up at the idea, excited to hear another one of Lilia's stories. "I would love to! I'm finished with everything, so let's go now!"
"Mm, I love your enthusiasm (y/n)." Magenta eyes turned dark as he took your hand and led you to Diasomnia.
Lilia's room was cozy and familiar. You sat with him on the side of his bed as he joined you.
"Hm, I think it would be interesting to discuss how we… interrogated our enemies." Lilia's voice trailed off, maybe in a way where he was thinking of the past.
"Oh, like… torture..?" You asked, unsteady. He turned to you, his smile back on his face. "Yes! And if it's okay, I'd like to show you, with a demonstration."
You were confused, yet intrigued. "I- okay," you started hesitantly. "Is it gonna hurt?"
The fear in your voice only made Lilia's heart soar. You were so cute and you were all his. "No, my dear, I assure you it won't. If anything you might like it..!" He giggled as he shook his head.
Your eyes scanned the floor, searching for words. Eventually, you returned his gaze. Y'know what? Sure, show me, Lilia-senpai!"
"Heh, I knew you'd do this for me~"
Your arms were tied to the upper corners of his bedpost with your legs free. Your jacket had been placed neatly on his chair. A cloth was stuffed into your mouth. It all felt so… weird for some reason, even though you already verbally agreed. Trusting Lilia should have been enough, though, he had been so nice to you. There was nothing to fear.
Suddenly, as you felt the sides of your shirt lift, you couldn't help the surprised whimper that fell from your mouth. His cold fingers descend onto your exposed sides, causing you to start giggling in joy. "MMPh!!!" your core was contracting with the laughs that wracked your body.
"Aah, my sweet (y/n), your laughs are so precious. I want to hear more!" Lilia's eyes grew darker as his grin extended. He crawled on top of you, sitting on top of your crotch. His cold fingers tickled the sides of your body once more. He reveled in the way you writhed under him.
"Nnnh!! hh- hmm, MMH!!!!" You did your best to shake your head and kick your legs, signalling you wanted him to stop.
"Oh, you want me to stop?" Lilia questioned innocently, turning his head to the side. You nodded profusely, sighing in relief when he finally did.
"What were you doing with Cater?" it came out as more of a demand rather than a question. His tone automatically brought sweat to your face. In the confusion, you could only manage to say a measly "huh?"
"(Y/n). I saw him touch you, earlier. He likes you doesn't he?" Lilia's smile was slight, still there, but small. And his eyes seemed like they looked in yours, but were almost looking beyond you.
"How about this, I'll remove the cloth so you can talk to me." As soon as it was removed, you breathed in and out rapidly, gasping for air.
"I- Lilia-senpai, Cay-kun and I are just friends…" You said, gulping. Yet, his expression hadn't changed.
"And, even if he did hug me, I didn't do anything wrong! You and I are just friends too, so you shouldn't question if other people like me or not…"
Wrong answer. Lilia's smile faded and he seemed visibly upset, crossing his arms.
"Hm." Was the only noise he released as you felt the tickling begin at your sides again.
However, his eyes were still trained on you, and his arms still crossed. Looking down, you saw green feathers moving on their own, tickling up and down your sides. You laughed - laughed until it really started to hurt. There was pain in your abdomen that only worsened over time. Your kicking legs suddenly felt as if they were bound in place, probably also due to Lilia's magic.
"Ah, aahn- Lilia-senpai, s-stop!! Please!!" You cried, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
"Hm, let's amp this up, no?" Lilia brought his hand to his mouth, smiling deviously.
Lilia's weight was lifted off of your body along with the torturous ministrations the feathers wreaked on you.
Chest heaving up and down, you felt as if your body was too tired to do anything. However, as soon as you felt your pants being unbuttoned and undone, you spared some energy to lift your head.
Lilia's fingers dragged your pants down to your knees, chuckling once he saw the arousal in your underwear.
"Aah, my sweet (y/n), I guess you don't really hate this, no?" He teased, bringing a finger to swipe at your clothed crotch. “Hmm, you’re so wet for me!”
"Oh!!" You turned away from Lilia, embarrassed about your own situation. "Lilia-senpaaai~, please, haanh, stop…!" You moaned, finger still rubbing at your arousal.
Again, the feathers started to torture you. The tickling brought pain and tension back into your body. Your screams molded into moans, heat coming straight to your cheeks as Lilia's fingers were still stroking you through the thin cloth.
"Hm, I'll think about it! How's this, I'll stop once you tell me you love me. You'll be my sweet (y/n) and I'll be your boyfriend!" Lilia's eyes shone, staring into yours. Goosebumps littered your skin as you heard his words.
"Ah, wh-what!? N-no..!" You protested, still writhing underneath him.
"Tsk, I guess you've chosen this then…" The speed of Lilia's fingers quickened their pace, ultimately slipping under the waistband of your underwear, stroking you directly.
"Oh- ah, oh fuck… " You couldn't help but let a curse slip from your mouth. "Lilia-senpaiii~ don't… stop…" You close your eyes in shame, as the sensation of Lilia's fingers invaded your senses.
"My sweet (y/n), oh my darling." Lilia coos, "It seems like you really like your punishment, don't you?" His tone teased you.
"Haah, fuck, I- I love it, so- aanh~ much..!" your babbling only grew as your climax approached rapidly.
Your moans only grew louder as you felt the feathers now tickling your pert nipples.
"Lilia, Lilia, haanh, Lilia-senpai!!!" You repeated his name like a mantra, breathing and growing more and more erratic.
Your moans were making the fae's cock twitch in his pants, yet he held himself back. He wanted to really take you when you were lovers. But that would be soon enough, wouldn't it?
"(Y/n), am I making you feel good?" Lilia's voice drew out. His voice was deep with lust and only sent tingles throughout your body.
"Y-yes, fuck! Lilia-senpai, I love- mmh, it feels so gooood~" you moaned, eyebrows furrowing together. You felt sinful, in pain and yet also pleasure. The tickling was stimulating your nipples while Lilia's fingers kept going faster.
"Lilia-senpai~ I- I'm gonna cum…" you turned into his pillow, muffling your moans. Drool was spilling from your mouth and you didn't even realize it. "Please, Lilia-senpai, make me cum!! I love it!! I- I love you, Lilia-senpai!!" you screamed, teetering on the edge of your orgasm.
Lilia moaned with you, absolutely loving your drunken confession. "Yes, my love, my (y/n)!" Lilia groaned. "Cum for me, my darling. Then we will be bound together!" His fingers stroked you with fervor, feathers teasing your body even more.
You reached your orgasm, screaming as liquid spurted out of you. As you rode your high, Lilia's fingers slowed. The feathers' torture on your body also ceased, leaving you to breathe heavily. Your arms were unbound, and you didn't even realize you were shivering from head to toe. Even with the freedom to move you couldn't.
Lilia's lithe body found its way to slump next to yours, arms wrapping around your form and pulling you close.
"I love you, (y/n). You're mine, now." Lilia's voice whispered softly into your ear.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hiii, it's my first time here !! I wonder if you could ask my question, if possible of course of Yandere Geralt of Rivia...
Imagine a scenario where the reader is from our world and went to Geralt's world, then the reader find him at him and tells his story and asks for help to return to his home... Of course, as time goes by, Geralt becomes "sick with love " for the reader to the point of becoming Yandere.
Note: the reader sees Geralt as best friend or older brother.
Thanks for your request ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
You were simply relieved you weren’t alone. 
There were a lot of terrible things that could happen to you, reaching from being mauled by a monster to cut down by a sword, and so, so many gruesome things more. Whatever Geralt saw in you, you were glad it didn’t make him leave you alone to your misery, no matter how strange you were.
Truthfully, you weren’t even a good choice as a squire, but aside from grumbling about your unhelpfulness when it came to battle, Geralt hadn’t driven you away. Despite being rough around the edges, he truly was the hero you needed in your predicament, and for that, you were thankful. 
Whatever you could do, you did, may it be fetching water or helping set up a tent. While the life of a traveling witcher was nothing you wished to pursue forever, you put up with everything you could so that you wouldn’t end up on your own again. The first week spent stumbling through the wild and running from monsters had been enough bad experience in this world for you. Now, your mind was only on one thing: Getting home.
It probably was a luxury to have Geralt’s help in not dying and achieving your goal, but all the more, you were relieved that whatever power made you fall into this strange world had enough mercy to send you this angel of a man. No matter how many dirty, uncomfortable looks you got for being with him whenever you two came into a town, you would endure them, knowing Geralt was the key to make this situation just a memory and send you back home to your family.
Home. It sounded heavenly. 
You sighed deeply, slowly awaking from your slumber. It couldn’t have been long that you fell asleep, the campfire still burning lively next to you. You still felt tired, but something was different than usual. Heavy even.
Pulling down the blanket you had wrapped yourself with, you saw the big arm laying around you, making you realized the heat of a second body in your back. Geralt never slept closer than necessary to you, but without the need to guess, he was definitely sleeping right beside you, spooning you from behind. 
With a flushing heat rising to your face, you were too embarrassed to say anything, even though his arm alone was too heavy to fall asleep with again. He might have accidentally fallen asleep next to you after having some drinks before bed and mistaken you for someone to cuddle up to. But waking him wasn’t an option. Geralt struggled with his sleep enough as it is; you wouldn’t dare to interrupt him and cause a scene. But the reality was very different from what you assumed. 
You heard him take a deep breath as he buried his face into the nape of your neck, not shy to pull away the fabric covering you and pushing his face into your skin. As you listened to him mutter your name, you felt a cold shudder run down your spine, but you tried not to make him notice you were awake. “[Name], [Name], [Name]...” he mumbled, and you bit your lip. The way he said your name always made it sound reproachful, despite you not remembering what you did wrong that day. 
“Look at you, letting your guard down. Don’t you know that I...”
His voice trailed off as you felt him shift suddenly. You reacted quickly, pretending to be fast asleep with your eyes closed and lips slightly parted innocently. Geralt let out a small chuckle before you felt him reach over you, dragging his thumb over your lip. “What are you dreaming about? Your heart is racing.”
Realizing you forgot the first thing about Witcher - their heightened senses - you didn’t know how to help yourself other than stirring a little in your sleep, putting on a frown. Sure enough, that made him halt in his tracks and back away a little, as if he feared you waking up. Only when you settled down again did Geralt relax as well, returning to his spooning position. 
“Seriously...” he kept muttering. “How am I supposed to go on like this? Every time we meet a Sorceress, I am afraid she will have a way to send you home.”
Something about his words gave you a sad impression. Almost as if parting would hurt him, but you weren’t sure if this was just your impression or if the tiny bit of his past that he told you about actually gave him this fear. In your eyes, Geralt was fearless and kept his composure no matter what, but what if you had misjudged him?
“I’d like to keep you all to myself. Lock you up and never let you go. Maybe when we get to Kaer Morhen, I could--”
This time, his voice halted suddenly, and he rose again from behind you. “Are you awake?” he asked, quiet still as if he was hoping you were asleep after all. You simply remained in your pretend sleep, taking an audible breather and hoping it would fool him. He remained in this careful stiffness for a while before he finally drew back. Immediately, you were surrounded by the chilly air of the night as his body disappeared, but before you dared to attempt to move around, you heard more of his mumbles.
“No, I can’t. I shouldn’t... It’s not right...”
What couldn’t he do?
You were ready to blame all the gibberish you had just heard on the mead you two had before bed, but the questions didn’t seem to stop circling your mind. Geralt seemed to fall asleep somewhere a bit further away, while you felt wide awake now. You couldn’t believe that Geralt - of all people! - could have developed any kind of feelings for you. But why else would he be worried about your return? Why would he say those things about locking you up?
Way too freaked out, you tried to make sense of what you had witnessed. Certainly, he didn’t want you to be awake as it went down, but now that you knew, you were left conflicted. Part of you kept getting goosebumps as you remembered the feeling of his face pressed into your shoulder and his words echoing in your ear. The other part tried to justify it with any and all reasons like the alcohol, loneliness maybe. There was no sleep for you after all, and Geralt kept stealing irritated glances at you the following day until he finally asked, “Are you okay?” 
You flinched after being suddenly addressed, not even your exhaustion able to tear you out of your thoughts that still pondered about the last night. “Oh, yeah! I’m fine,” you tried to assure him, and he contemplated your response for a bit before replying, “There’s this place we should go to next. Maybe we can find some books on portals there.”
“Sounds good,” you chuckled. Nervosity spread inside of you as you hoped he didn’t mean the place that he was talking about last night. 
“I grew up there. You might even be able to sleep in a bed for a change. Kaer Morhen is also safe and...”
After that part, your mind simply shut off as the word kept repeating over and over in your head. Kaer Morhen. Kaer Morhen. Kaer Morhen. Kaer Morhen.
Kaer Morhen, lock up, never let go.
“...and it isn’t far from here,” he finished his explanation, looking at you as he waited for an answer while you could feel the horror showing in your expression. The red flags were so abundantly clear by now, but you absolutely refused to think this way about him. He wasn’t a bad man, he would never... or?
There were a lot of terrible things that could have happened to you on this journey, but you had put all your trust into Geralt to keep you safe. To help you. To be a companion so you wouldn’t be lonely. And until the end, you hoped Geralt wouldn’t turn out to be the monster or the sword you feared so much.
But who could tell what he’d do when he finally had a taste of living out the things he desired?
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bibbykins · 3 years
Double Date
A/N: Hello my dears! I'm not done with the Jin and/or Hobi confession yet but I did write this little flashback last week and think I'm finally ready to post it! This is the situation in which Jimin discovered MC's reaction to yelling, just to clarify. As always, please hop into my ask box and give me some of that lovely feedback!
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Note: This is a flashback as part of the drabble series The Household's Bunny, which I recommend reading the installments of prior to this one
Word Count: 4.2k
Pairing: Soft Yandere! Jimin x Chubby! Reader
Warnings: Lying, fatphobia, usage of the word "fat" as an insult, talks of sex, yelling, vomiting, implied previous trauma, bad friend, loser date, verbal argument, implied stalking, yandereish behavior
Summary: On a double date was not how Jimin imagined your first date with him going. Let alone, a double date in which you both are with someone else. The torture of sitting next to his ex and watching you with another man was well worth it to see you up close. He could only hope you and his "date" don't mind his blatant staring at you.
Jimin often wondered how he ended up so stupid sometimes. From prodigy orphan to absolute idiot. It was a little tragic. Here you were, back from the hospital, a smile on your face, sitting across the table from him… and he was on a date with your friend Yoora.
Sure, Yoora was fine, but she wasn’t you. That’s why they had broken up in the first place. He just… didn’t like her. Of course, he omitted the fact was that he liked someone else.
You, on the other hand, were on a date with some lowlife he hadn’t even bothered to remember the name of. Yoora had begged Jimin to go on a date, to which he vehemently denied. He had dated Yoora and things fizzled out quickly, so he saw no value in going on a date again. He only budged with her begging when she said it was for you, who was apparently too nervous to be on a date alone with this other guy. He sprung at the chance to see you outside of class, something he could only hope Yoora didn’t notice. Although, Jimin couldn’t help but wonder why you would go on a date with someone you weren’t comfortable being alone with, but maybe he was just bitter you were going on a date with someone that wasn’t him.
You flashed Jimin a brief smile in between your chat with Yoora, making his mind go blank. Fuck, you were so pretty. You wore a simple white turtleneck with a brown plaid skirt and brown loafers with white socks to match. You looked unbelievably cute, even against the aged neon fabric of the chairs at the bowling alley. Not that your date appreciated just how divine you looked, hardly paying you any mind, instead looking around constantly and only really responding to Yoora.
Not that Jimin was being much better to Yoora. His eyes were constantly fixated on you, but both you and Jimin unaware of this blatant fact. He hadn’t been this close to you outside of the classroom in… well, basically ever. He watched with hearts in his eyes as you bowled your second gutter ball. He laughed as you bowed cheekily before returning to the table right as your date went to bowl.
“I’m so full!” Yoora exclaimed as you sat back down, the pizza you both agreed to share only having two slices out of it as you reached to make it a third, “I don’t know how you can eat more than one slice, y/n! Good for you.” She giggled obnoxiously as your moves faltered in setting the pizza on your plate.
Jimin’s eyes landed on Yoora’s form for the first time in the whole night with a displeased look. Her form shrunk under his sharp glare and any future taunts she had planned died on her tongue as you searched for the words to say, “She’s just keeping herself nourished for me, aren’t you babe?” Your date spoke with a slimy voice as he slid in the booth next to you and Jimin watched confusion fill your face. Jimin’s smile noticeably dropped.
"It's a little silly to imagine everything she does is for you, no?" Jimin gave your date a pointed look, all with a smile on his face, as your date also shrunk, nodding awkwardly.
The most input your date ever gave to you directly was about how hot you were or to chide at your poor bowling skills. It was a little painful watching your smile fade throughout the date, and Yoora joining in to try and make you feel even worse wasn’t helping. Jimin couldn't imagine a scenario in which any of this would make you happy, and he just couldn't hold his tongue the entire time.
“I’m just hungry.” You shrugged, figuring Jimin was just being a gentleman in lightly scolding Jihoon, “I eat when I’m hungry, hence the pizza.” You spoke simply as you took another bite. You knew what Yoora was doing. Passive-aggressive slights to your weight in front of romantic partners were not shocking to you in the slightest.
This was why you didn’t want to go on a double date with Yoora. Sometimes she was nice and funny, but other times she was like a mean girl straight out of a teen movie. This was why you considered Yoora more acquaintance than a friend since she only talked to you when she had no other friends around. This dynamic was fine enough since you hadn’t made any friends in college, so having someone to interact with was nice enough, but you drew the line at her getting this intimately involved. However, she insisted she should bring herself and Jimin along for your safety. You had joked you’d like to see Jihoon try to carry you away to kidnap you, but she didn’t laugh.
It was ironic that your weight was only funny when she was making the joke.
Yoora shrunk a bit as she watched a smile grace Jimin’s features again while you ate, “I’m gonna use the bathroom.” She spoke hurriedly out of nowhere and you gave her a small wave.
Your date resumed his survey of the building before his eyes caught sight of something and went wide, “Shit, a friend from my bio lab is here.” He murmured quite loudly before turning to you, “I’ll be right back.” He spoke in a similarly rushed tone as he made a bee-line to the restroom.
You gave Jihoon a weak smile, waving him away when you realized he didn’t even look at you for a response before getting up. Well, there goes another liar. Last night it was, “Baby, you’re so beautiful. I could see myself marrying you. Let me take you on a date and then we can come back to my place and seal the deal.” You were no longer so naive as to think a simple handjob would make Jihoon a romantic, but you did hope it would be enough motivation for him to reciprocate with skill. You hated liars, especially liars who do it to get into your bed. On top of that a horny liar with no skill.
Jimin noticed your date dodge the line of vision of his friend and sneak to the bathrooms and frowned, “Why is he going to the bathroom if his friend is right there?” He mused to himself.
“To hide.” You sighed, making Jimin jump, shocked you heard him. You looked up and saw his confusion before sighing, “He doesn’t want to be seen with me, so he’s going to the bathroom.”
Still short-circuiting from the direct eye contact he was making with you, he sputtered, “Wha- Why would-”
“Look at me.” You poked the sliver stomach between the hem of your top and the top of your skirt. Jimin admired the plush skin before snapping himself from the trance.
He shrugged, “I am, and it makes even less sense.” He finally had the determination to hold eye contact with you without his mind going into overdrive and right as you opened your mouth to respond, your phone vibrated.
You looked down at it with a frown, “Yoora wants me to meet her outside.” You mumbled, before looking up at Jimin, “I don’t think I was supposed to say that to you.” You looked at him with a sorry look, “I’ll be back.”
You pushed the front doors open to see Yoora standing with her arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently as she looked around, as if she didn’t send you the text message a mere minute ago. She caught sight of you and her eyes went wide before settling into a smug gaze, “Ah, there you are!” She smiled and it was sickly sweet, “I wanted to tell you Jihoon and I are leaving.”
Ah, she must have been looking around for his car to come around. Well, that’s saving you the awkward conversation of rejecting him, so you shrugged, “Okay.”
Evidently not wanting the nonchalant reaction you gave her she scoffed, “Seriously? You have nothing to say?” For some reason, Yoora would sometimes make it her mission to push your buttons, usually, this was by making you flustered, so you’re not sure what happened to spur on such unadulterated malice.
However, you didn’t really have the energy to dissect it so you shrugged a little more incredulously, “What is there to say? No?” You scoffed, “You guys are consenting adults, you both made a choice-”
“God, you’re so annoying!” Her increase in volume made you jump and also caught the eyes of fellow students and unaffiliated customers just trying to have a night out.
Nevertheless, you blinked wildly, “Me?!” You guffawed, “You’re the one that brought me out here to tell me you’re ditching me and your date?” The whole thing felt so ridiculous.
“Yes, you!” Her hands gestured to you wildly, “My date is oogling you and so I decide to seduce yours and you just say ‘okay’?!” Her volume was increasing and you could feel a familiar nausea pooling in your stomach, “Let me be pissed at you for stealing my date!”
“It’s not my fault I’m hot, nor does that make you less hot.” You countered, not really believing it was you Jimin was interested in, but more so Yoora he wasn’t interested in, “He just doesn’t like you. You said you knew that.” You pointed out, making her falter because you were right. Yoora told you Jimin wasn’t interested in her but she was trying to change that despite your words of caution.
“You? Hot? You’re fat!” Ah, there it was. She was evidently running out of sound reasons to be mad at you but was still not ready to just face the fact that she felt shitty her date looked at the fat girl more than he looked at her.
You couldn’t contain your laugh, “Oh, no shit? I am?” You mockingly looked down at your form, which only seemed to fan the flames.
“Just get fucking mad at me!” She shouted, wiping the smile off of your face
You sucked your teeth, “Stop yelling. You know that yelling makes me-”
She rolled her eyes before losing her mind, “What do I know about you?! You won’t even tell me why you were in the hospital-”
Now you were getting really queasy and annoyed, wanting this to end because at this point she was just yelling at you to feel like less of an asshole, “Because you’ll just tell everyone, and it’s not their business- or yours for that matter!” You felt a little bad criticizing her gossipy nature, but you knew you were going to puke any minute now.
“I’m your friend!” She spat, ironically, in a rather unfriendly manner
You scoffed, “You’re going home with my date!”
This seemed to catch her off guard, almost, almost, making her realize she was simply being an asshole, but she stuck to her guns, “He-He doesn’t even like you!”
“And yet, if we’re such good friends, you’re still going home with him to what? Prove a point to me?!” You were exasperated as you heard his obnoxious car pull up behind you, “I know now he doesn’t like me, that’s what the date was for!” You were beyond tired as you watched her eyes dart between you and the red Mustang, “But now I know that you don’t really like me either.” You sighed and this made her sight settle on your form, her gaze significantly softer.
“Y/n…” Her voice was lower, surrendering.
“It’s fine. You’re not required to like me.” You insisted, “I just wish you wouldn’t lie about it.” This time, you felt a little hurt at your own words, but the bile in your throat wouldn’t give you much time to reflect on it, especially as Jihoon honked his horn, like the gentleman he was, “Well? Go on.” You gestured to the obnoxious car as Yoora got in with her head down.
Not even bothering to wait for them to drive away, you ran to the alley on the side of the building with a hand clasped over your mouth. The moment you made it to the dim-lit hallway of brick, you puked your guts out. The bile burned your throat, but you could still feel a careful hand pulling your hair back ever so gently as another hesitantly rubbed your back. The touch was calming and void of judgment. You figured someone assumed you were drunk and was used to being a hero. However, when you were finally done and stood up, you were faced with the most sought-after man of the Arts department.
“Are you… okay?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth and you had no real energy to be all that embarrassed. Vomiting took all the life out of you almost every time.
You simply turned back to look at the mess you made and cringed, “Oh shit.” You spoke slowly, “I should clean that up.” You sputtered.
Jimin merely smiled and shook his head as you turned back to him, “It’s an alleyway, come on, someone will just make a worse mess in an hour.” He handed you a water bottle, “Go ahead and rinse.” You looked at him with pleading eyes, his looks were more than enough to make you feel flustered. He seemed to read your eyes as he turned around.
“Thanks.” You spoke up after you rinsed, “But-”
“Let me drive you home.” He waited to hear your footsteps behind him before pressing onward.
He ignored your protests the whole way to his car, brushing them off with a wave of his hands. You had figured it was just him being cool, but the reality was that he was mentally hyping himself up. Now with his anger at Yoora and your date dissipated, he was back to a bumbling mess when it came to you, even if the nagging worry of what could have happened to you to make you throw up at yelling was an ever-present weight he took on his shoulders. The girl of his dream would be in his car, sitting right next to him, and that was enough to make him short-circuit. His face was getting redder and redder just thinking about it. Not that your polite and melodic voice insisting you can just take the bus helped any. Surely you had to know how beautiful you were? He never doubted you knew until today, and the notion made him frown but also, thankfully, calm down.
By the time he opened the door for you, any hints of redness on his face were obscured by the cloak of night over the sky and the dim street lamps. You gave him a short smile and he had to fight a squeal in his throat. Instead, you were met with a strained look, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he even liked you or if he was just being kind. You entered your address on his phone and he feigned looking at the route as if he wasn't familiar with the area. He then texted one of his housemates a name and a license plate number for information and wordlessly began driving.
You simply looked out the window as he seemingly studied his phone, not wanting to make his possible dislike of you worse. Although, you would prefer him not to like you at this point. You were kind of over people “liking” you by now. Jihoon had done no less than confess his undying love for you mid-orgasm and you were ashamed to admit how excited that had made you feel despite the emptiness that could be felt in the air. You had convinced yourself that could just be how love felt. How would you know any otherwise? Part of you knew you were deluding yourself, even if you would never know what love felt like, you knew it wouldn’t feel like that. It wouldn’t feel like the bittersweet taste of settling for less than you deserve in exchange for an escape from the all-consuming loneliness that surrounded you no matter who you hooked up with.
“I’m, uh, sorry Yoora did that to you. Jimin blurted out, making you look to him and making him clench the wheel.
“It’s not your fault.” You reassured him, “The whole point of the date was to see if this guy actually ‘loved’ me, or even liked me for that matter.” You couldn’t stop yourself from talking, “That post nut clarity must have made him realize he’s a huge liar.” You couldn’t hide the bitterness in your words before you took a breath, “So, how much did you hear?”
“I walked out when I heard her calling you fat.” He stumbled against the words, clearly uncomfortable even repeating Yoora.
You hummed, “Yeah, well, I guess you’re all caught up.” You looked back out the window and Jimin could relax ever so slightly, “I don’t know how I can make her feel threatened. She’s so… loveable.” He frowned at this, “I know I’m pretty, but that doesn’t make me loveable.” He wanted so desperately to say you are loveable. If you weren’t, what had he spent the last year doing? He wanted to slam on the breaks and finally tell you how captivating you are in more ways than one, but the fear of misstepping caged him into his spot as you continued on, “If there’s one thing I know, it’s that no one is obligated to love me.” You seemed to be letting all the exhaustion hit you, not even bothering to stop yourself, “It’s okay. I have the next best thing, sex.” Even you seemed to be unconvinced, “Maybe if I ask everyone for sex I’ll feel as content as Jihoon.” You seemed to be getting more and more upset as you dwelled on the topic.
“Why haven’t you asked me for sex then?” Jimin wanted to slam his head on the wheel and call it a night when he heard his voice speak what should have been an offhand thought.
You giggled a bit at this, relieving Jimin a bit, before shrugging, “I don’t want to use you like I let people use me.” You blew a breath, "You called my bluff. I don't wanna use anyone."
“Why do you let-”
“I, too, get horny and lonely.” You laughed bitterly, “People just lie to me that it’s something more when it’s not. Thank goodness I’m a psych major, or else I might believe them each time.” Judging by the melancholy in your words, Jimin doubted you didn’t not believe some of them, and the notion tore his heart in half. However, he was so pinned down by his fear, he couldn’t conjure the words needed.
“I mean, there are people out there who would like you and not just your body.” He spoke and he swore he was breaking a sweat by now.
You shrugged again, unconvinced again, “I’m glad you never asked me for sex.” You murmured and he glanced at you.
“Why?” Was he not your type?
“Because I think you’re a good person,” You gave him one more smile as he pulled up to your apartment complex, “and I’d like to keep thinking that.” You placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, “Thank you, for everything tonight.” He merely nodded in acknowledgment, throat strangled with a million emotions as he watched you go into your apartment.
Jimin let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding and drove, as if on autopilot, and let his head plop lightly on the wheel, “Pathetic display, Jimin.” He scolded with a strained voice. He hated this about him. He hated that each time emotions got too real, each time he could not hide behind a charming smile and playful banter, he would choke up. He had been a dance prodigy since birth, since getting scouted by a private school, since Mona adopted him for his career to go even further. And yet, he couldn’t confess to the girl he’s liked for over a year. Instead of staring, he wished he had just asked if you were okay.
He had never imagined you would be nearly as lonely as you felt. Anyone on campus would look at your smile and assume you were doing peachy, but by now, with his observations, he could see when you were faking. Why had he never approached you more to make you smile for real? Why did he remain complicit in fuckers like Jihoon and Yoora’s plight to make you feel less than the perfect girl you are? Who had instilled such an intense reaction to yelling in you? How many times have you thrown up in an alley alone because of the people who knew how to use someone as caring as you? Maybe if he had sat down and eaten that cookie with you, he would be driving the both of you home together.
He wondered if he would ever get the chance to do so at this point.
“...Jimin?” Your voice snapped him from his thoughts as he looked at you, all dolled up and a little sweating from performing your final for the class he was your TA for, “You still here?” You giggled as you waved your hand in front of his eyes. You had been the last one to perform, so you figured his brain was fried from watching dozens of dance performances.
His smile grew with yours as he caught your hand in his, interlacing your fingers, “Yeah, I’m here, just got swept away in your performance is all.” He responded cooly and you rolled your eyes mockingly, “I’m serious, it was beautiful.” He brought your hand up, placing a kiss on your palm.
“Well, I had a wonderful training buddy.” You interlocked your fingers behind his neck as he laced his fingers on the small of your back. The PDA made you feel giddy, like a girl in her first relationship showcasing her wonderful boyfriend to the world, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
He studied your face, your form, your everything for a moment. He basked in the glory of having someone as beautiful as you within his reach at long last. He thought back to each practice session and each kiss that came with it and couldn’t help the glee that spread in his chest. The glee was only further amplified by the very emotion on your face and he couldn’t fathom how he ever lived with himself seeing a fake smile on your face most days.
“You know I love you, right?” He blurted, making both of your eyes widen. Had he seriously just done that? Had he seriously confessed his love to you while the rest of your dance class waited to be dismissed? The air was still before he spoke again, “Could you do me a favor and beat the shit out of me?” He asked, making you giggle. Your joy was contagious and he found himself laughing too, in spite of the millions of emotions at confessing his love so suddenly.
You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips even if you tried. There was something so weightless about Jimin’s love, yet so meaningful. Where Yoongi had been intense and passionate, Jimin was bashful yet honest. It was this floaty feeling that made you lean up to his ears and whisper, “I love you too.” You beamed at him with a genuine smile and his heart soared.
“You do?” He asked excitedly, “You don’t have to, you know?” He reassured you and you could only chuckle.
“Oh well, if I don’t have to…” You joked as you moved to pull away from him, but he pulled you closer.
“I take it back- You have to.” He hurriedly spoke, “If… If you mean it.”
You nodded, a blissful smile on your face as you leaned up to kiss him, “I mean it, and it’s really nice being able to know you mean it too.” You whispered in his ear and in a moment of pure joy, he lifted you and spun you around, not caring about who saw or stared. You squealed at this, enjoying the moment of careless affection. He set you down with a slow kiss and you couldn’t help but melt into his form.
“You ready to go home?” He asked with a gleeful tone. You nodded excitedly and watched with hearts in your eyes as he dismissed the class with his hand in yours. He was always happy to display your relationship, even telling the professor in case he didn’t want Jimin grading your work. He announced it to the class with a blissful look and posted you all over any and all social media accounts he had. He had never been more proud to have someone by his side, and it made you emotional more than once. He held your hand in his as you walked to the car, swinging your arms just to hear your melodic laugh.
You checked your phone as Jimin closed the car door when you got in, “Oh, Hobi’s flight got delayed until tomorrow and Jin has to stay late tonight.” You mumbled, deep in thought for a moment, “And everyone else has something going on, so I guess it’s just me and you for dinner. One last night of freedom before you have to be busy too.” He placed a hand on your thigh as he drove and he'd be lying if he said he didn't have to mentally hype himself up to do it each time.
“Do you want to pick up dinner or just cook at home?” He asked cooly, masking his sheer glee at the domestic implications in his question.
You hummed, “I can cook something if you want,” You noted before a mischievous smile grew on your face, “My love.” You teased the pet name, making Jimin brake abruptly as he was getting out of the parking spot, his arm holding your body back from pushing forward. You gasped before you dissolved into laughter.
“Hey! Are you trying to make me crash?!” His face was beet red as he lectured you about car safety and how words can shake his whole world the whole ride home, and you had never been more enchanted by a flustered lecture in your life.
Eventually, he was finished lecturing you and the car was filled with laughter and light quips. He wondered how he ever lasted this long without you by his side, but he was glad he would no longer have to.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hi Kate! ^^
I finally can have a rest after a lot things that I been go thought and I just wanted to spend the time with your precious and gorgeous writtings! I really love to read them honestly.
Moreover, after reading a Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates with Teen! Reader I had an idea...and I made a art of it! Well..it's not really done yet but I really like the way I drew Pops!
That's why...if you- if you feeling okay with this. Can you..Can you maybe make a Part 3 of it?. Please?
After the first day after the Y/n's brother and father disappearance - she actually feeled free a bit. No one shout ot on her, No one is verbally hurting her or physically- she is kind of safe.
However, after days passed (it was already week after they disappeared) she started to worry about her brother and father which little surprised her. It's not like she was sick worried , it's more of a wonder where they were.
Usually she could always see her brother with his friends at the places that they liked to go - but he wasn't there, only his friends having fun together. Without him.
She could understand why father is not coming home for days - he was always stressed because of work which is really easy to understand. But she knew that he would always came home at weekends and at night time. But he didn't.
While Y/n was starting to worry about the disappearance. There was just a..a simple conversation between Pops , Marco , Vista. About what to do with the two bastards. Should they make them suffer from long and miserable pain or mentally destroy their minds until they will beg to kill them instead of letting the go?
While right now, Y/n is sitting behind of the door thinking of does this man watching me all the way to my home to kidnapp me too?
I'm really sorry if it's way to much-
I just couldn't not to think of the Mad and Protective Pops and his sons who is pissed that some stupid bastards even dared to touch their little precious sister/daughter-
Sorry, anyway if you feel uncomfortable with it - ignore this message and go eat something healthy and relax.
Have a great day!
🥺thank you so much, Cherry, for the nice comment. It makes me so happy that you like my writings. I am glad to write for you as well!
Also, can I see the art when your done?! You can totally pm me, only if that’s okay, of course! I would love to see it.
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Yandere Whitebeards Stalk HCs Part 3
Of course (Y/N) feels free!
At first she didn’t really notice her father and brother missing. She thought that maybe they went somewhere without telling her. It wouldn’t be the first time.
She felt relieved. Able to run around the home without getting yelled at. Or coming home without her own family glaring at her.
She didn’t have to hide away in her room.
A week of silence and calmness, for once, she started to get a little nervous. Her family may be mean to her, but they are the only family she has.
So (Y/N) looked around for them. Made sure that they were at least okay.
She stopped by the restaurant her brother likes to hang out with friends. His friends were there, alright, but not her brother.
“Have you seen my brother?” She asked them.
“Nah. Haven’t seen him around.” One of the friends say, quickly going back to talking. They were smiling like nothing happened, or they didn’t care.
She moved on. Days of looking for her family and she couldn’t find them anywhere. (Y/N) didn’t feel too sad about it, but she couldn’t help hit worry.
But on her way home, she heard some men talking in an alleyway. She was curious, hiding behind the door to listen. Maybe she’ll find something about her family.
“What should we do? They definitely don’t deserve anything good for what they have done to her.” Pops asks the other men.
“Let’s make them suffer miserable pain!” Marco suggests.” Marco says excitedly.
“Or mentally destroy their minds to where they’ll want us to kill them.” Vista says with a more even voice. He was more serious.
“We’ll have to think about it. For now, watch over (Y/N) and make sure she doesn’t find out.” Pops says, ending the conversation.
(Y/N) was terrified. She quickly headed home, sliding to the floor and hugging her knees.
“Those men….are stalking me…? They said my name….! Are they going to kidnap me, too?!”
It was best for her not to leave her home, until she knew more about these men.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
You, Me, and Him | (dark)Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: the worst thing about the man who did this to you is that he’s convinced he isn’t the one who did this to you (or, brainscrambled bucky decides to keep the gift that the winter soldier left for him)
word count: 4k
warnings: smut (noncon), yandere-ish themes, stalking, kidnapping, very unstable/erratic bucky, slapping, creampie kink, praise
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When you opened your eyes, you wondered why your room looked so strange.  What possible angle could you be looking at your ceiling from that it would be like this?
However, when you turned your head, you suddenly realized that you were not in your room at all.  The next thing you realized was that your hands were restrained— shackled, specifically, and suspended above your head.  Obviously, this realization shot ice-cold terror through your veins as you began to try to understand how you’d gotten here.  Now that you thought about it, you didn’t remember going to sleep in your room: no, you’d been out shopping, in the middle of the afternoon.  Why couldn’t you remember anything after that?  
Your head spun when a door nearby opened, and the man that awaited on the other side brought it all back.
He was following me.  I tried to lose him, I turned a corner, but he was right there— and there was a syringe in his hand… and he must have—
“Oh my god,” the man gasped, “shit— are you okay?”
You stared at him in confusion, already starting to cry as you put two and two together about all this.  Generally, only one thing happened after a man drugged a woman and chained her to a wall.  The part that didn’t add up was the terror on his face as he rushed to you and knelt down in front of where you were lying— why was he worried about you?
“Oh no, oh nonononono,” he whimpered, mostly to himself, “oh god, I didn’t— this wasn’t… oh fuck.”
“Please let me go,” you started to plead between sobs, “I don’t know what you want, but I don’t have any money… I’ll give you whatever I have, I won’t tell anyone, just let me go, please—”
“No, no, no,” he shook his head quickly.  Either he wasn’t listening (bad) or he was denying your request (worse) and both possibilities just made you cry harder.  He, meanwhile, was rocking back and forth in front of you, covering his ears with his hands to muffle your cries.  “Oh god, what have I done, what have I done— what did I do?”
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whimpered.
“No, no, I won’t— I would never do that…” he sighed.  “I would never do anything to hurt you.”
You squinted as you tried to make out what that meant, sniffling as your crying subsided a little (mainly from being distracted by the confusion of it all).  “Do I… know you?”
He chuckled a little, scratching the back of his neck nervously.  “Uh, no, not really, I’m— my name is Bucky,” he explained, “I— you might have seen me on the news, but that wasn’t really me, that was this other guy—”
“Why did you do this to me?” you interrupted.
“No, see, that’s the thing: I didn’t do this to you.  It was… it was somebody else.  He’s… he’s in my head, and every once in a while he takes control and sort of does his own thing…”
Not that anybody who kidnaps somebody is totally right in the head, but this guy is certifiable.
“And he did this to you.  Don’t worry, it’s gonna be okay,” he assured you, though it wasn’t comforting at all, “I’m not gonna hurt you, I would never— I won’t do that, okay?  I’m just gonna… I’m gonna let you go.”
You sighed with relief, although some voice in the back of your head told you not to trust him just because he seemed regretful.  Regardless of his strange excuses, this was still the man who kidnapped you.
“You don’t believe me,” he realized with an awkward smile.  “It’s okay, I understand.  I wouldn’t believe me either— god, I must sound crazy, right?  But I’m not crazy.  I don’t think…”
This time your sigh was less relief and more irritation.
“See, I was, uh, tortured.  Experimented on.  That was a long time ago, and I’m mostly over it, but this other guy— he’s a soldier.  I guess I am, too, but he’s… more on the war crimes side of things.  Like, assassinations and stuff.  That’s a whole other story…”
I think I’d prefer to hear that one.
“Anyways, sometimes I get sort of… messed up?  Up here?” he gestured to his head, leaning back to sit on the floor in front of you with crossed legs.  “Like, I can’t tell what year it is or how long it’s been since I’ve slept.  My psychiatrist says I’m ‘losing time’ and that it’s normal for people with… whatever it is that I have.  But it’s scary, you know?  Because I don’t know what I’ve done in that time.  So today, I woke up and had no idea how I got where I was—”
“And I came down here and… you’re here.  I didn’t… I didn’t do this, I can’t stress that enough.”
“So… this other guy…” you tried to understand, hoping that appealing to his twisted sense of logic would get him to tell you something actually useful, “he did this?”  Bucky nodded.  “Does he do this often?”
“What, kidnap women?  No this is… this is new.  As far as I know.”
“Why me?”
“Uh…” he stalled, looking away.  “God, this is sort of embarrassing, but… it’s probably because I sort of have this, um, crush on you…”
“You don’t even know me,” you mumbled.
“No, you don’t know me, but I… I know you,” he nodded confidently.  “Do you remember a few months ago when you went to that art gallery by your apartment?  It was raining that day, I couldn’t tell for sure if you came in to look at the art or if you were just trying to get out of the weather but, anyways, you had on this big puffy coat— ‘cause it was cold out— and you took off your hood and you just looked around… I saw you, cause I was in there to look at the art, too, and you looked so beautiful.”
You were getting anxious.  He said he would let you go but he hadn’t really made any progress on that goal.
“And I sort of followed you after that, and watched you— I mean, that sounds really bad, it wasn’t like that, I just… I just wanted to make sure you were safe and—”
“Let me go, Bucky, please,” you interrupted, getting more desperate.
He shook his head with a sigh.  “You’re right, you’re right, I’m sorry… I just haven’t had anyone to talk to… you’re a good listener.”
Yeah, everybody’s a good listener when they’re tied up and forced to listen.
“Just let me finish my story and I’ll let you go.  I was kind of in the middle of something.  You know, it’s rude to interrupt people.”
Oh fuck.  You’d angered him.  It was subtle, but he was clearly irritated; he looked at the floor, and his jaw tightened a little.  It must have been that this candid talk made you forget he was unstable and that you needed to tread lightly.  You couldn’t afford another mistake like that.
“I’m sorry, Bucky, finish your story,” you offered.
“Okay,” he nodded, “well, anyways, when you came into the gallery you looked around for a while but there was one painting you kept looking at— do you remember it?” 
You shook your head.
“Really?  You must’ve stared at it for half an hour.  I swear I saw you tearing up a bit,” he smiled.  “Clearly it had an effect on you.  I wasn’t sure if you were considering buying it, or if it would make you upset to see it in your house every day, but the way you looked at it… it changed everything for me.  You smiled at me as you left, just a quick glance— I’m not offended that you don’t remember me just from that, if anything it’s good because it made it a lot easier to trail you, but… I knew then that you were such a kind, soulful person.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, “I remember… I remember that.”
It was so cold out that the rain was nearly frozen.  You’d gone in to escape the elements, but one painting drew you in.  Someone else was there, a man that you remembered thinking was attractive but a little eerie with the way he just stood there, seemingly even more purposeless than you.  He smiled at you as you left, and you smiled back.  You were just trying to be friendly.  No good deed, though, right?
“Do you remember the painting?” he asked again, leaning in a little closer with innocent hope sparkling in his eyes.
“Yes,” you nodded, “it was… it was a woman, and she was looking away from the viewer, out over the water.  She looked sad, but determined, like she was thinking about something impossible to describe.”
He smiled wide then, apparently impressed by your description.   “Look,” was all he said as he pointed to the wall beside you— and as you turned your head, you gasped as you saw it: it was the painting, even more hauntingly beautiful than you remembered.  You started to cry again, because somehow it was this show of disturbed affection that made you more sure than ever that you weren’t going to get out of here.
“Don’t be scared,” he soothed, moving closer again and wiping the tears from your face gently.  “It’s gonna be alright.”
“Please let me go,” you whispered shakily, looking back at him, straight into his eyes, as if maybe you could find some sanity there to appeal to.
He frowned a little as he pulled back, bringing his thumb to his lips to chew the nail nervously as he thought.  “See, here’s the thing…”
“Bucky, please—”
“I don’t think I can do that,” he sighed.
“Please,” you cried, the word starting to lose all meaning as you just fought to be able to speak past the force of your sobs, “please, please—”
“You could tell somebody— and I know it wasn’t me, but the police aren’t gonna care about that.  I always have to take the heat for what he does… and I would just rather not go to prison.”
“I won’t, Bucky,” you feverishly defended, “I wouldn’t tell, I swear— we’re friends!  Friends don’t tell on each other—”
He interrupted you as he grabbed you by your shirt suddenly, pulling you towards him as you recoiled.  “I don’t have friends,” he growled.
“We… we could be friends,” you offered weakly.  “I could be your friend.  Do you… do you want to be my friend?”
He studied your face, the gaze of his bright blue eyes burning through you instantly.  “I can’t say that I do.”
You whimpered as he leaned in closer, taking a deep breath right against the side of your face.
“You smell so good,” he whispered, his left hand— bionic metal, much to your horror— reaching up to trace over your face and hold you close to him.  “We aren’t friends, silly; we’re soulmates.”
You shivered, gut sinking as you closed your eyes and thought there might still be a chance it was all a horrible dream.  This isn’t happening to me, this isn’t happening to me, this can’t be happening to me—
“Hey!” he yelled, slapping you on the face suddenly.  “Keep your eyes open!”
You cried but tried to do as he asked, knowing it would only be so much worse if you didn’t do whatever he wanted.
“The point is, even if you didn’t tell, letting you go just isn’t… economical for me,” he explained.  “‘Cause the truth is, even though I didn’t want to kidnap you, right now I wanna… I wanna keep you.”
He didn’t even let you start crying hard again before he cradled your face in his hands, refusing to let you turn away.
“No, baby, it’s okay— it’s gonna be good!” he promised.  “I would never do anything to hurt you.”
“Please, Bucky, don’t do this,” you sobbed.
“Shh, shh, don’t you get it?  He did this to help me— he knew I couldn’t do it alone, ‘cause I was too afraid to talk to you, but he brought you to me, and now I’m gonna make you understand how good we are for each other.”
He scooted closer, his hands rubbing your legs through your jeans as you cried silently.
“And that’s why he didn’t touch you,” he continued.  “He just left you for me, cause he knows you’re— you’re mine.”
He kissed you suddenly, and it was awkward and sloppy against your unwilling lips.  His tongue eventually managed to force your mouth open, exploring and filling it as you struggled and failed to turn away.  His hand on your jaw was almost tight enough to choke you, a looming threat of what awaited if you didn’t kiss him back.  You couldn’t exactly put much passion into it but you tried your best.
He was smiling when he leaned back and broke away from you, still holding your face and seeming almost proud— of you or himself, you weren’t sure.
“You are so perfect,” he praised quietly.  “I can’t believe I finally have you… god, it’s like a dream come true.”
Or a nightmare, you responded internally.
You jumped when he pulled the knife out from a holster on his belt.
“Oh, this?  I won’t hurt you with it— so long as you stay still,” he explained gently as he leaned forward and started to cut off your shirt while you tried desperately not to shake.  
He looked at you with the reverence of a man at the altar as he tore the shreds of your clothes away, cutting slowly until you were just in your bra and panties.
"Stop," you whispered, but it was so quiet he must not have heard you— or he just didn't care.  He gingerly slipped the knife between your bra and your chest, tugging out to snap it off.  
He took a breath to steady himself; he seemed nearly as nervous as you, just in an entirely different way.
"Baby," he mumbled under his breath, "god, I just wanna do everything to you."
It was hard not to tense up when he said that, or when he brought the knife between your legs to cut off your underwear, but you willed yourself not to shiver because you really weren't ready to lose anything important if his hand slipped.
With them cut and tossed aside, you forced your eyes shut— because you couldn't stop him from seeing you, but at least you didn't have to watch.  As your legs instinctively closed, he gently guided them back open, metal fingers cold on your skin but flesh ones unbearably warm.
“You have such a nice body, I don’t know why you hide it in those baggy clothes,” he chuckled as he ran his hands over your skin.  “I watched you shower a few times, you know, and I saw you look at yourself in the mirror before you got in…"
You opened your eyes, but he wasn't looking at your face, instead taking a long moment to take in everything else.
"You looked like you were disappointed," he continued, "but— but you’re beautiful, and you should know that.  You need somebody to tell you that.”
You felt your face heating up even though you should be horrified, not flattered.  To be fair, it was a bit of both.
“Do you think I’m, you know, handsome?” he asked awkwardly, glancing up to your face again.  “People used to say that about me, a long time ago.  Are you… attracted to me?”
You shook your head, lying.
“Then why are you so wet?” he sing-songed with a mocking grin, thick fingers spreading your lower lips and gathering the arousal they found there.  You whimpered when he brought those fingers to his lips and sucked them hungrily.  “Fuck, you taste incredible— I mean, I knew you would, but wow, this is so much better than just smelling those panties he stole.”
You shivered with disgust, realizing that he was responsible for the pair you thought were lost in the laundry.  
“Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that,” he laughed.  “Yeah, it was his idea and all, I didn’t do anything but… I’ll tell you a little secret,” he smirked as he leaned in, right against your ear, whispering: “I got off with them, and on them, and it felt soooo good…”
He quickly pulled his cock out of his trousers as you started to struggle against the chains again, getting a quick glimpse before looking away as you wondered how he could possibly fit that in you.
“Do you like knowing that?  Do you like knowing I stroked my cock and thought about you?  I imagined you were laying under me, begging me to fuck you… and now you’re here, and it’s real, and it’s gonna be wonderful.”
You gasped as he suddenly pushed in, trying not to react but knowing he was watching your face intently and saw it all.  “Fuck, baby,” he breathed, “you’re so tight, god, I knew you’d be perfect…”
You cried as he started moving inside you, holding your hips steady and filling you completely until it actually hurt to be stretched so wide.  You were sure nothing had ever been so deep inside you, and it was making your whole body jolt with each thrust.
“Does it feel good?  Do you like my cock in you?” he asked— but it didn’t sound like dirty talk, it sounded like he was genuinely asking.
You shook your head, lying again.
“What if I do this?” he offered, reaching down and circling a calloused thumb over your clit.  Your back arched into his touch, and he grinned proudly.  “See, doesn’t that make it better?  I bet I can make you come.”
One final lie for the night, you shook your head.
"Oh, doll," he soothed, kissing away a tear that had trailed down your cheek, "it's okay… it's okay to like it.  You don't need to pretend."
He reached down and pressed his hand into your lower belly, making you winced as he applied pressure until it took everything you had not to scream.
"Feel that?" he cooed.  "I can feel it.  We're finally together, baby, you never have to be alone again… isn't it incredible?"
Sobbing, your back began to arch up against the wall you were chained to.  With his hand pushing on you, it was impossible to ignore the head of his cock slamming into your g-spot— hard enough that your entire body shook with each thrust.  It was unlike anything you’d ever experienced before, and not just because you’d never been kidnapped before.  As he leaned down to suck on your neck hard enough to leave a mark, it was hard not to feel like he was claiming every part of your body all at once.  You bit down on your lip, afraid to moan too loud, but he heard the muffled noises and pulled up to tut at you disapprovingly.
“Don’t do that,” he frowned, “I wanna hear everything, pretty girl.  I wanna hear you beg for me.”
You whined as you tried to resist it, but getting railed like this made you want to do whatever he told you to.
“Come on, baby,” he encouraged sweetly, “just let go, I know you want to…”
It was bubbling up in your chest faster than you could stop it, each cry louder than the last until you couldn’t hold back anymore.  “Bucky!” you shrieked, hating yourself as you heard him laugh happily right by your ear.
“Oh I know, I’m right here, doll,” he soothed gently, holding you tightly; your hands wiggled inside their shackles, and you shamefully realized that you were craving to wrap your arms around him, run your fingers through his hair.  The desire to push him away was lost to the need to reach your peak.  “Say my name just like that when you come on my cock, sweetheart.”
Your walls were already convulsing and you were moaning so loud you thought you might lose your voice.  Pleasure built up faster than you could comprehend, and so intensely that little black dots were dancing on your vision.  
Oh god yes, right there, don’t stop, yes, you would’ve cried out were it anyone else doing this to you.  Instead all you could do was whimper his name, somewhere between begging for more and begging for mercy.
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck, I can feel you coming for me— you’re so good, so fucking good,” he groaned, “I’m close already, can you believe it?  I should slow down, so I can make you come again, but you feel too good, I can’t stop.”
Most of that was lost to you, though, because everything had gone numb and fuzzy in the wake of your orgasm, your body limp in his grasp.  The way he pulled your hips into his made you feel used, like a— well, like a doll, fittingly.
“Oh god, babygirl— can I come inside?” he asked gently, but when you weakly shook your head, he just smiled.  “It’s gonna feel so good to fill you up.”
Before you could make it clear that you were saying no, he leaned forward and kissed you— aggressive and rough as he started to breathe deeply and moan against you.  You kicked your legs to try to get him away but all you could do was uselessly scrape your feet against the floor.  You could feel him pulsing inside you, growling against your lips until suddenly warmth began to paint your walls.  Whimpering, you slouched limply as the fight left you.  
“Oh my god, angel,” he sighed, pulling back and smiling as he traced his thumb over your face, following the path of a fresh tear, “that was… you’re incredible.  I’ve never come like that, you feel so fucking amazing.”
He kissed you again, gentler and slower than before.  
“Is it weird that I don’t wanna pull out?” he asked just louder than a whisper, chuckling as his nose brushed against yours.  It was like this guy thought he was in a Hallmark Christmas movie while you were in a Lifetime thriller.  “I could just stay inside you forever… but I won’t.”
He watched in awe as his hips pulled back and his softening cock slipped out of you.  Your face burned with shame as you felt a gush of his come (and yours) leak from you.  
“Wow, look at that,” he mumbled weakly.  “Can you push it out, baby?  I wanna see how good I filled this pretty pussy.”
It made you feel disgusting, but you summoned the last of your strength to do as he asked, unable to see the results but watching him stare between your legs and bite his lip.  
“Fuck, babygirl, that’s… that’s fucking gorgeous.  I stretched you out pretty good, and you’re all swollen…”
Strange enough, he pulled you into a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“You’re so perfect, sweetheart… my pretty little doll.”  When he pulled back a bit, he moved a stray hair that had stuck to the sheen of sweat on your face, admiring you with a small smile.  “God, I can’t believe you’re finally all mine.  Guess he was lookin’ out for me, bringing you here.  I oughta thank him, somehow.”
He must have known what you were imagining by the way you tensed up, and he laughed softly.
“Don’t worry, baby, I won’t let him touch you.  I won’t let anyone touch you but me.  Now let’s get you out of these chains and into a hot bath, how’s that sound?”
Weakly nodding, you let your eyes fall shut as he reached up to unlock the metal cuffs around your wrists.  Holding your hands in his, he softly kissed the marks left there from when you’d still been fighting, before finally scooping you up into his arms.  He didn’t struggle at all to lift you, and you were too exhausted to notice the way you were leaning into his chest as you dozed off.
You dreamt that you were looking out over still water, contemplative but determined, before falling right in.
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