#i drag this guy everywhere with me and then just put it down for a fight
smallhatlogan · 4 months
People discuss crabs in Kenshi like "they're strong but since they can't move very fast they're better as solely a settlement pet" which ignores a very simple solution
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disgustingtwitches · 20 days
Working at a restaurant with 141!(Part 5)
The shithead owner decides that he needs to sign up for a "restaurant renovation" show. Chaos ensues.
"A fucking TV show?"
Gaz frowns while polishing glasses.
"Told him it was a bad idea."
Price shrugs, lighting a cigar. You are horrified, being on the screen for millions of people to see was nerve wracking. And it'll be the first time you meet the owner.
"Restaurant renovation... Lik' he gives twa fucks aboot renovating this shitehole."
Johnny ashes his smoke and passes it to you. You take a deep drag and sigh, this is gonna be a disaster.
Cameras are set up everywhere, everyone's mic'd up, there are too many people in too small of a space. Some obnoxiously loud man introduces himself. He seems to be an amalgamation of every TV host you've ever seen, wearing too much cologne and too much hair gel. He puts a hand on your shoulder,
"The place looks terrible but at least they got something nice to look at here."
He flashes a smile, cheap veneer blindingly white. You awkwardly laugh while Price steps in, introducing himself. You scurry away to the back where the rest of the boys are,
"I want everyone to be on their best behavior today. No fucking around. Don't make me look bad."
The owner is a bland man, average height and weight, with a shitty haircut and wearing an ugly flashy shirt. He turns around and briefly introduces himself, he already smells like liquor. Great. He gets waved over to get interviewed by the host. You and the guys watch from the other end of the restaurant. It's quite embarrassing, the host pointing out how run down the place looks, the menu is confusing and overwhelming, and then asks if he's drunk,
"I can smell the alcohol from here Carl... it's only 11am buddy."
The owner stutters and blinks,
"I- just uh, just a crazy night is all."
The host stares, unconvinced. Carl shifts awkwardly in his chair. The next segment was ordering food apparently, so you were up. You walk up to the table as the host asks you a barrage of questions,
"How would you say the fish is here? Is everything fresh? What do you think of the steak? Do you have any recommendations?"
When you say you only ate the fries from here and he laughs loudly,
"That is not a good sign folks!"
He stares at the camera, showing off teeth that were too big for his mouth before you walk off and punch in the order. There's a cameraman recording John and Simon cooking,
"Steak and potatoes."
John reads the slip out loud, they move around the kitchen while the owner watches. For such a simple dish there's a lot of chaos, Carl is yelling at them to move faster and cook properly, John is busy arguing with Carl and burns the steak, Simon plates up the food and hands it off to you. You place the plate down in front of the host,
"Oh...oh my God..."
You keep a straight face, hands behind your back. The host looks back up at you,
"Does the food usually come out like this?"
There's a tone of disgust and concern, his eyebrows turned up, you shrug. He stares back down at the filet and cuts into it,
"It's very impressive that one is able to overcook such a large piece of meat. That takes...skill."
You watch concertedly as he picks up a piece and puts it into his mouth, it looks like he wants to cry.
He goes on to complain about the quality of the food to the camera as he walks to the kitchen,
"At least it's clean back here. I've seen kitchens in wors- is that a fucking pigeon?"
Sure enough, there is. How the fuck did it get in here?
"Oh! I just left the door open to let some fresh air in..."
Carl awkwardly tries to catch the bird while the boys watch amusedly, even the camera crew stifle a laugh.
"Christ Almighty, what is wrong with you man?"
The host shakes his head, watching the whole scene in disbelief. Eventually, the bird is out of the building and the sweep of the kitchen continues.
"Food is not expired, everything is stored properly, it's all very well organized. I was honestly expecting worse."
The host walks up to the bar next, plucking up bottles and examining them,
"So, Kyle is it? How long have you been working here for?"
"Just a little over five years."
Gaz leans against the bar. There's a gasp and the host waves the camera over,
"Look at this shit,"
He points at the label,
"Expired in August,"
You look over at Gaz and Soap, they look like they're about to piss themselves, holding back laughs.
"Of 2012!"
The host looks disgusted,
"Why didn't you throw this away?"
"Carl told me to not toss anything."
Kyle shrugged. Soap is almost in tears, shaking, trying to bite back a howl of laughter.
The next two days are like this, you don't know why Carl hasn't pulled the plug on this fiasco yet,
"I think he's getting drunker as the days go by."
Johnny says, ashing his cigarette. There's a nod from Simon,
"I think he enjoys being embarrassed, seems like the type to get off on that."
'The big finale' as the host calls it, means getting a new menu, refreshing the cooks(John's) skills, and cleaning out the bar. The place is opened and there's a line out of the door. It's overwhelming, the customers are putting on a show, acting like dickheads and sending everything back even when there's nothing wrong with the food. Simon and John are on top of everything, putting out food as fast as possible, Carl is shitting himself running around the kitchen like a headless chicken. The night goes by fast and everyone is at the bar,
"So the cooks are for the most part competent, the waitress is amazing, and the bartender is well... The man can do no wrong. The problem here is you,"
The host points at Carl who is fucking sloshed swaying back and forth,
"I genuinely think this restaurant would be better off without you."
Carl starts bawling. The host is visibly uncomfortable. The boys and you are looking at each other. Then when all the cameras and lights are gone, it's all back to normal. Carl is looking for reassurance from anyone and you and the boys just pack up and head home, Price patting him on the back,
"You'll be alright."
A few months later, you're all sat on the couch watching the TV. Johnny's over the moon pointing at the screen,
"Look thare A am! See hou sexy A look?"
He's smiling and waving at the camera in the background of the scene where Carl is crying his eyes out. That gets a laugh out of Gaz,
"You're a sick bastard, Soap."
Once the episode dropped, the restaurant got busy for a few months. Most of the customers are horny women ogling at Kyle. On occasion you get the request to bring out "the scary looking one" and you just laugh it off.
"You're so lucky working with all these guys, I don't know if I'd be able to control myself,"
A particularly drunk woman said to you one day. You just smile while Kyle winks at you over his shoulder.
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
“Oh, fuck.”
The clatter of her practice sword on the ground is almost louder than the crunch that rings out from his wrist. He inhales sharply, biting back a shout — no matter how many times it’s happened, he will never get used to breaking a bone. That shit hurts.
“Fuck, fuck fuck. Fuck, Seaweed Brain, is it broken?”
“Think so,” Percy grits out. He tries for a smile, and Annabeth matches it, small and worried. He leans into the hand she cups over his cheek. “Not too bad, though. If I just dump my water bottle on it —”
“Absolutely not. Water healing leaves you achey when it rains, you know that.” Shifting to wrap her arm around his waist, she helps him stand, shouldering some of his weight like it’s his ankle that’s broken. He lets her, reaching down to squeeze the hand resting on his hip — I’m fine. We’re good. She turns her hand to wrap clasp their hands together — Okay. If you’re sure.
They walk together to the infirmary, taking their time. Aside from the pain pulsing from his arm, it’s not too bad — camp is as balmy as usual, and the spring break energy is practically visible, it’s so potent. The Demeter cabin has plants growing everywhere, flowers and fruit trees blooming as bright as a box of new crayons, and the air is filled with shouts of laughter and teasing. Annabeth’s steps fall in time with his, and she’s a comfortable warmth at his side, pressed from shoulder to hip.
“You still okay?”
“Yep.” He catches her eye, smiling crookedly at her. “Doesn’t even make my top fifty.”
She rolls her eyes, hipchecking him. “Don’t I know it, ya klutz.”
“Not sure I would call being flung from the St. Louis Arch being a klutz. Or exploded in a volcano. Or crushed under the sky. Or slashed by giants. Or chased by —”
“You’re talking, but all I’m hearing is Annabeth, please, please pinch me, as hard as you can —”
“Hey! Get those claws off me, gods you’re worse than an empousai —”
“— and when you’re done pinching me please put me in the tightest headlock you can manage —”
“I am injured! You are beating up an injured person right now!”
“— and then please just bite a chunk out of my shoulder —”
“Cut it out or I’m telling Mom!”
“Wimp,” she taunts, finally releasing him. “I don’t go running to Sally every time I lose a fight.”
“Wha — you do so!”
She ducks through the infirmary door, smirking like she can’t hear him.
“You literally — you snitched on me last week! I got grounded for two days!”
“And you deserved it,” she says primly.
He gapes. “I did not!”
“Anytime you two are done,” Kayla drawls, shoving a clipboard at them. They accept it with matching sheepish grins, cowed at her perfectly arched eyebrow and slowly tapping foot. “I got patients to deal with and older brothers to harass. Let’s get this moving.”
She is shockingly good at humbling people for a thirteen year old. The two of them turn to their clipboard, chagrined, letting her stomp away with an exasperated He’ll be with you soon! Don’t set off the sprinklers again!
“That was one time,” Percy mumbles, ears reddening.
Annabeth pats him on the back. “There, there,” she says mockingly. “The fact that it was one time definitely negates the fact that you flooded the entire Big House because you got jumpscared by a child.”
“Harley can be sneaky, okay. Let me live.”
“Literally no.”
Annabeth does most of the paperwork for him, ‘cause she’s a nerd because his wrist is far too swollen for him to write properly, so it takes maybe half the time it normally would. The infirmary is crowded as Hell, though (he knows, he’s been), so they settle in for the wait, amusing themselves by tearing little pieces off of a blank form, balling them up, and tossing them in increasingly harder places. Percy is winning 7-4, although Annabeth might just pull through if she manages to toss her paper ball into Travis’ wide-open snoring mouth.
“Hey, guys. Sorry for the wait.”
Aw. She missed. Percy was looking forward to that.
“Hey, Will.”
He drags his attention away from the son of Hermes to greet his friend, but frowns before he can open his mouth.
“Woah, dude, you good? You look exhausted.”
Will snorts. “Welcome to spring break, man.” He holds his hand out for the clipboard, scanning it briefly. “Sparring injury? Oh, thank the gods. I could use a break. Here, face me.”
He climbs up onto the minimal left over space on the cot, tucking his legs under his thighs. Percy turns to mirror him, hesitantly sticking out his arm — A break? he mouths to Annabeth, meeting her eyes over Will’s head.
She shrugs.
“Just spent four hours putting Jake’s nose back on his face,” Will mumbles, placing a careful hand on his fingertips and his forearm. Percy flinches — his skin is blisteringly hot. Like someone just dropped a hot stone onto him. “I never want to sing a skin cell hymn again in my life.” He prods at Percy’s wrist for a moment, gentle enough not to hurt. “Okay, hold still, I’m gonna fix ya right up.”
Healing hymns are familiar, by now, but Percy will never get tired of them.
The cool thing about ambrosia and nectar is that as pleasure food for the gods, it’s pleasant. It’s whatever taste you want, whatever you need to have most, you get it. But healing hymns are intentional the way nectar and ambrosia aren’t. Ambrosia and nectar happen to be healing for demigods — healing hymns were constructed to knit you back together, like you mother smoothing a bandaid over a skinned knee. They’re warm and sweet and deeply, endlessly comforting in a way most things simply cannot claim to be. They don’t feel like a medical procedure or a hasty patch job, they feel like someone gripping you tightly and promising you’ll be okay. They feel like getting carried to bed when you fall asleep on the couch. They feel like sitting down after hours of standing, like a drink of water when your throat is drier than sand. Healing hymns draw the pain and sick and ache from your body, and they feel like relief.
But this time, Percy can’t focus on it.
With every word, Will seems to get a little duller. Nothing like the horrible ash-grey he went in the war, dragging the poison from Annabeth’s body, but like his usual sunny disposition was dialed down a few notches. Enough that Annabeth frowns in concern, drumming her hands on her thighs, watching him closely.
“There,” Will says, pulling away. Percy turns his now-healed wrist, noticing the slight pant to Will’s breath, the strain to his smile. The shake of his blistered fingertips.
“You look overworked,” Annabeth says quietly.
Will holds his hands up in a what can you do gesture. “Spring break.”
“You said.”
“It’s just busy, is all.”
“Yeah, but —”
“Guys,” he interrupts, smiling tiredly, “there are two hundred ADHD demigods at this camp right now who have been trapped in a classroom for six months. There are three of us. I’m going to be a little drained; we’re all a little drained. But I’m fine, okay?” He gives them a second to scrutinize his expression, eyebrows raised in amusement. “I have been running my infirmary for years. I know how to pace myself, and I certainly know how to make sure my siblings are pacing themselves. If something goes really wrong, Chiron is a whistle away. I can go longer than you guys without sleep, anyway. Apollo kid health.”
“If you say so,” Percy says reluctantly. “I just — I can wear a wrist brace, man. Not every injury needs to be handled when it happens. You can tell people no.”
“I appreciate that, Percy, and I’ll keep it in mind. Anyways, I’ve got more patients. Stay off that wrist for the rest of the day, okay? It might be tender for a bit.”
Percy turns to Annabeth as Will leaves, frowning. He’s has never noticed the so-called spring break stress before (his camp spring breaks are usually a blast, but now that he’s thinking about it, he can’t think of a single spring break where he spent any time at all with Will, which is odd), but it can’t be good for him. There’s gotta be something they can do to ease some of the bruising under their friend’s eyes.
“I could set off the fire alarms again,” Percy suggests. “That’ll certainly get this place cleared out.”
Annabeth snorts. “I think that’ll cause more harm than good, Seaweed Brain. It’ll just fall in him to clean it all up, after.”
Percy counts nine of the forty cots currently unused. Will, Kayla, and Austin are rushing from cot to cot, handing out nectar, wrapping bandages, rattling off hymns at light speed. All three of them look exhausted, squeezing shoulders when they pass each other, knocking hips, exchanging tired smiles. This is so clearly something they’re used to.
Annabeth’s head rests on his shoulder.
“It wasn’t always like this,” she whispers. “When it was fully staffed…”
Percy exhales heavily. Yeah. He remembers. There was a lot less complication, once upon a time. The most chaotic the infirmary would get was when Lee would challenge his siblings to Hymn Karaoke — trying to heal with pop songs. There was a lot more laughter, at one point. A lot more people.
Percy sighs, squeezing his eyes shut. It never does well to dwell, but he — gods, he wish they all had more time. To sit with it, to acknowledge…everything. Siblings. Friends. A camp that’s smaller than it’s supposed to be.
Annabeth squeezes his hand again, and he squeezes back, resting his head on top of hers.
“Hey,” she murmurs after a moment, pursing her lips at the front door. “Look.”
Slinking through the entrance like a criminal is Nico, in all his dork ass black camp shirt glory. He looks around shiftily, like he’s trying to make sure no one sees him, and when his gaze lands on Percy and Annabeth his eyes widen. Annabeth smiles at him, but it does nothing to ease the spooked look to his face, back arched like a startled cat. He turns to leave, but before he can slip back out the door —
The son of Hades whips back around so quickly he brains himself on the doorframe. Percy ducks his head and bites his lip, hard, because he can feel Nico’s glare at the side of his head like the press of hot coal, and if he laughs as badly as he wants to then the infirmary is about to look like a Spirit Halloween.
Will turns back to his patient, squeezing his eyes shut and rattling a hymn off so quickly it makes a burst of light pop from his whole body, and rushes over to where Nico’s standing. He only trips over two things, which is remarkable for him. Percy would be proud if he wasn’t a little embarrassed on his behalf.
“Nico! Hi!”
“He-ey, Will,” Nico says, voice cracking badly on every vowel. Annabeth shoves her face into Percy’s shoulder, body shaking.
“I didn’t know you were coming! I thought you were in the arena all day.”
Nico shrugs, shoes scuffing the floor. “I am. I just — uh, I got hurt? So. Came to see you.”
Will’s beam is so bright it hurts to look at, a little. Percy squints and realises that’s not just the excitement, actually — he really is glowing, faintly. His hands flap slightly at his sides.
“Well, you’re in the right place, then.”
Neither of them say anything for a minute, rocking back on their heels. Will watches Nico closely, biting his lip. Nico looks resolutely at the floor.
“We weren’t this bad,” Annabeth whispers, “were we?”
Percy shakes his head. “Nah, there’s no way.”
“Gods. It’s so — I don’t know whether to smile or take a dip in the Lethe. It’s embarrassing and endearing at the same time.”
“Painful to watch, but I can’t stop looking,” Percy agrees.
“What’d you hurt?” Will asks, finally. “Did you pull your shoulder again?”
A look of panic flits briefly across Nico’s face until he smooths it to something neutral, aloof.
“Yep. Totally. During — sword fighting, I swung — I did this really big thrust, actually. Just — hugely powerful, training dummy exploded on impact.” He clears his throat. “Some might say too powerful. If you can imagine.”
Percy cradles his head in his hands. “Oh my gods — ”
“Don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh,” Annabeth chants, “oh my gods, don’t laugh —”
A light flush dusts Will’s cheeks. He brushes a strand of hair behind his ear, fiddling with his earrings. “Woah, really? I’ve never heard of that before.”
Nico smirks, standing up a little straighter. “Well, it’s not the first time. I tend to go pretty hard.” Remembering his supposedly hurt shoulder, he exaggerates a wince. “Too hard sometimes, I guess. Could you do the — the energy thing?”
“Oh — gods, yeah, sorry. Hold on.” He stares at Nico’s shoulder, hesitating. “It, um, works better with skin-to-skin contact.”
“I have seen crystal vases less transparent,” Annabeth says, aghast. “In two years he’s going to remember this and try to drown himself.”
“I will be counting down the days,” Percy says gleefully.
On rare, rare occasions, the gods answer his prayers. Clearly, both Nemesis and Aphrodite are looking at him kindly today. Percy makes a note to scrape some of the good stuff off his plate for them both today. Hell, maybe he’ll skip the portioning and toss them an entire roast chicken each. Or something. They deserve it.
Will places both hands — interesting, Percy notes, his wrist was snapped cleanly in two and he only needed one hand, wonder why that was — on Nico’s shoulder and closes his eyes, screwing up his face in concentration.
“Huh. I’m not feeling much damage. You said it was your right shoulder?”
“I heal quick,” Nico says loudly. “I mean, some of the damage might have — um.” He clears his throat. His face glows a faint crimson. He clears his throat again. “Y’know?”
Will’s face is a similar shade.
“Right, right. Yeah. Um, brace yourself.”
Instead of starting to sing, Will closes his eyes, holding completely still. After a moment, the tips of his fingers begin to glow; soft, ambery yellow, flickering like lit candles. He opens his eyes again and focuses intently on Nico’s bare skin, tracing patterns around every defined muscle, leaving a trail of light behind. He lingers, for a moment, when he connects the last string of light, waiting until it has faded entirely from Nico’s skin to remove his hands and shove them in the pockets of his coat.
“That better?” he asks softly.
Nico swallows. “Yeah.”
“Good. I’m glad, Nico. It means a lot that you — came to me. When you needed it.”
“I trust you, I guess.” Nico looks away. “You know what you’re doing.”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth a little,” Percy says thoughtfully.
Annabeth laughs, shoving his shoulder. “Don’t be mean.” She pauses. “Me too.”
With a sigh that can only be described as besotted, Will steps reluctantly away.
“I have patients,” he says, in the same tone of voice Percy usually says I have midterms. “So I gotta…”
“Yeah, no, go. Do your —” Nico gestures vaguely. “Doctor thing.”
“Right. Yeah. I’m gonna — go.” He turns, walking back towards a group of Hephaestus kids who appear to be tightly entangled in some kind of net. After a few steps, though, he pauses, biting his lip, then darts back over to Nico, pressing a lightning-fast kiss to his cheek — “Um, bye. Thank you for visiting. Bye,” — and then runs back over to his siblings, shy smile on his face.
Nico’s jaw is brushing the floor of his father’s palace. He stands, still as a statue, for four entire minutes.
“I think he just died,” Annabeth observes, eyebrows climbing higher and higher up her forehead with every passing second “Damn. Survived so much only to literally die because a cute boy kissed his cheek. A true hero’s end.”
Percy, because he is a kind, concerned friend, clears his throat loudly.
“Yo, di Angelo, you alive?”
Nico startles so violently he falls right over. Percy shoves his fist in his mouth to keep from cackling.
“Shut the fuck up,” Nico hisses venomously, scrambling upright. “Both of you, shut the — not a word —”
Percy and Annabeth make the mistake of looking at each other and simply erupt. Percy can’t feel his stomach. His lungs have abandoned ship. He’s glad as hell he’s in the infirmary because he is heaving for breath, tears streaming down his face, entire body convulsing. Nico stands in front of them literally shaking with rage, entire body redder than one of Apollo’s sacred cows, trying and failing to string together a threat that will ease any and all of his suffering. Annabeth screeches, almost falling off the bed as she cackles. Percy cannot even find the strength to catch her, his muscles are so weak.
“I fucking — I hate you! Both of you! You’re dead to me!”
“Your face!” Percy shrieks.
“Percy Jackson, I am going to turn you to fucking dark matter! I despise your very essence! I —” He stomps his foot. “I’m leaving, and I’m going to leave a rotting corpse in your cabin! Screw you!”
“Oh my gods,” Annabeth wheezes, digging her nails into his arm. “Oh my gods, that was —”
Percy wipes a tear from his eye. “I love being alive. I love being alive so much.”
“It really is great.” Composing herself, and biting back the leftover giggles that keep bubbling out, Annabeth looks back towards Will. He stands much straighter, now, smile back to full brightness. His siblings, too, look rejuvenated, snickering to each other and making kissy faces behind Will’s back. “So many beautiful things to witness. I’ve never seen his face go that red.”
Percy sighs. “This is genuinely going to carry me through the semester. I think his soul died a little. And Will just — gods, that kid is bold.”
“Oh says you, Mr. Do I Get A Good Luck Kiss.”
“Hey, I earned that.”
Annabeth grins, punching him in the shoulder. He grabs her wrist and tugs her towards him, chasing the curve of her smile. She laughs into his mouth and it taste like strawberries and freedom, and he presses a kiss to her cheek, to her jaw, and the side of her neck, resting there, breathing against her skin. After a moment her hands come up and slide in his hair, gently untangling the knotted mess.
“He is one thousand percent going to put a zombie in your bed, you know,” she says after a moment.
Percy snorts. “Yeah, I know.” He smiles. “Worth it.”
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mrsimpurity · 24 days
can’t stop thinking abt logan as a ex boyfriend, he would be so annoying in a hot way! constantly scaring off all the new guys you talk to, texting ur number still saying your his, showing up to parties you’re at and telling you to stop showing off or he’ll teach you a lesson . Don’t even get me started on the breakup sex hes never letting you forget him. God he’s annoying but he’s hot💔
oh logan is never getting over you. he’ll be absolutely everywhere, blowing up your phone. and when you finally give in to his demands and see him one last time, like you promised yourself… well, let’s just say the cocky bastard made it impossible not to come back again.
“no one’s gonna fuck this pussy like i do.” logan whispers in your ear, your ankles locked behind his back, cunt greedily clenching around his cock.
“all. mine.” he grunts, accentuating every word with a vigorous thrust.
on most nights, the two of you don’t even make it past the kitchen. the whole evening, he watches you from the corner of the bar, nursing a whiskey. and when he finally snaps, he grabs your wrist and drags you away from the hungry eyes of all the fuckers begging to undress you. he puts you down on his kitchen counter, fuming at the sight of your stupid mini skirt, scrunching it around your waist in a hurry. then he makes you cum on his tongue, again and again, his hands so angrily squeezing and keeping your thighs open, you’re sure there’ll be bruises on you tomorrow. marks. 
“thought you never wanted to see me again? why’re you sucking my cock then, doll, hm?” he says, softly caressing your hair, pulling the stray strands out of your face. you could hear the bastard's smirk. but his calloused hands and the comfort of his touch brought back distant memories which you didn’t want resurfacing. it’s only sex, you’d lie to yourself. so you pick up the pace, bobbing your head up and down, tracing the vein on his cock with your tongue until he cums in your mouth.
“let me see, doll.” logan says, lovingly holding your face by your chin. you open your mouth and stick your tongue out.
“that’s my good girl.”
and when he finishes, he’ll make you get yourself off on his cock, watching you play with your tits desperately, his name like a mantra on your lips, all dignity thrown out the window.
“that’s it, angel.” he says, his hands behind his head, watching you struggle and whine, begging for his help, for a roll of his hips, anything. 
it’s only sex, you’d remind yourself. but that’s not what logan thinks. so he waits by your house every evening, the annoying fucker he is. because he knows you’ll let him in. night after night.
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leaderwonim · 7 months
i’m just a teenage dirtbag baby ( like you. )
based on this edit !!
pairing. troublemaker!nishimura riki x goody-two-shoes!fem!reader
summary. nishimura riki was infamous for being handsome and also quite the character. he’d purposely throw papers everywhere, bump into people without a care, and ditch class like it was nothing. you were the complete opposite, but deep down, nishimura riki knew you were just like him
warnings. cursing, smoking, riki destroys someone’s private property 😭, riki is your typical teenage dirtbag, he also calls her sweets
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Nishimura Riki slides onto the seat right next to yours, blinking twice as much as he should be. You knew it was one of his teasing habits, meant to make you shift uncomfortably under his gaze.
“What do you want Nishimura?”
He puts his hand over his chest, pretending he’s wounded by your words. “Nishimura? We’re on last name basis sweets?”
“Shut up,” you say, pushing his face away with your index finger. “I have exams to study for.”
“Let me see.” He ignores your protests, flipping your textbook to his side as he eyes the papers. “Ew, mathematics? You’re a bigger nerd than I thought sweets.���
“Don’t call me sweets.” You say, sticking out your tongue in annoyance. “And get out of here.”
He lifts both hands in surrender, “alright, alright, I’ll leave sweets. Gotta meet Jungwon anyways.”
You thank whoever above was listening to your pleas of making Riki leave. Turning around to face the desk he was in, you realize he hadn’t pushed in his chair.
“Nishimura!” You groan out loud, pushing it in with your foot. This earns you a shush from the librarian, which only fuels your hatred towards the Japanese boy.
“Y/N! Is that you?” There was Nishimura Riki’s annoying voice again, the one voice that you dread to hear everytime you entered school.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than annoy other people?” You ask, face clearly unimpressed.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed.”
You glare at Jungwon’s unneeded input in the conversation, which makes him snicker and look away.
“You guys are ditching again?”
Riki and Jungwon shrug, making you roll your eyes. Of course the two were ditching, why did you even ask?
“We were gonna stop by the cigarette shop and get a pack or two.”
Jungwon elbows Riki, as if he wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.
“What? We can trust Y/N, isn’t that right sweets?”
“You still call her sweets?” Jungwon groans. “Gross dude. Let’s go.”
Jungwon starts walking, Riki closely following behind him. Just before they exit the school corridors, the boy throws you a wink, one that you roll your eyes at.
“You’ll love me one day sweets!” He shouts.
“In your dreams Nishimura!”
It seemed like nothing was going your way. The next week had approached and even though it was barely Monday, your teachers decided it was a good idea to assign a bunch of exams on the same day.
With quivering hands, you tried not to get the tears that were currently coming out of your eyes onto your physics paper, which was marked with a 68.
How on earth did you get a 68? You were so sure you knew the formulas that were needed for the exam, but what was on the test looked completely different from what you expected.
You could barely find it in yourself to walk home, legs practically dragging across the concrete floor as you wipe your tears away with your windbreaker.
Although your normal self would snarl at the nickname and the voice it belonged to—you found yourself too tired and miserable to care at this point.
You wipe your eyes again, vision clearing in enough to make out Riki leaning against one of the large trees a few meters away from the school.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweets?” He takes the cigarette that was currently dangling on his mouth out, squishing the head of it on the dirt floor beside him.
“Are you smoking again? That’s bad for you and you know it.”
“Geez sweets,” he laughs, finally standing up. “You looked like you just bawled your eyes out yet you still have enough energy to lecture me?”
“Shut up.”
“Ah, there she is again.”
Riki makes his way closer to you, head peering down to reach your level.
“Don’t cry.” He says softly, and it’s the first time you heard him in that tone. “Makes your eyes all red and scary.”
He laughs when you hit him on the shoulder, sound that used to make you frown but you were weirdly enjoying it now.
“I’m kidding sweets!” He slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. “You’re pretty, even when you have tear stains all over you.”
The two of you continue walking, you not too sure where Riki was even taking you.
“Where are we going?” You sniffle, looking around the area.
“This new arcade, cmon, I’ll drive us.”
The two of you are in front of his beaten down Toyota, although it looks pretty clean from the inside. You thought Riki’s car would be an absolute mess, but it seemed like he was a clean freak when you opened the door to the smell of vanilla and cinnamon.
“You actually clean your car?”
“I’m offended you thought I didn’t sweets!” He says, frowning. “Thankfully, I don’t hold grudges.”
He puts the key in, hands tapping against his leather seat. “Wanna tell me why you’re so sad?”
He places a hand on the head of your seat, body twisting back with one hand on the wheel to pull out of his parking spot. He looked incredibly handsome doing such a basic task that it almost made your ability to speak go away.
“I got a 68 on my physics test.” You say, shoulders defeated.
“No way.” He continues driving, eyes glancing back and forth from the road to you. “Mr. Yuji’s class right? Fucking hate him.”
“Yeah well, I do too.”
Riki takes a road that you’re unfamiliar with, and he suddenly stops the car in front of a house.
“What are you doing Riki?” You say, watching as he opens his trunk and leaves the car.
“Doing something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
He pulls out a bat, and your eyes widen when he smashes it against a mailbox, crushing it in completely.
“Holy shit!” You shriek, eyes widening as Riki throws back the bat into the trunk, closing it with a loud bang.
He runs back to the car, slamming the door behind him.
“And that’s for Y/N motherfucker!” He yells before driving off, his boyish laughter could be heard from a distance.
“You’re crazy.” You breathe out, body still in shock from what you witnessed. “Who’s mailbox was that?”
“Mr. Yuji’s.” He smirks, eyes still on the road. “Let’s just say—this isn’t the first time I’ve been to his residence.”
“Wow.” You rest your head against Riki’s cold windows, still taking in what just happened. “Thank you?”
“You’re welcome sweets.” He smiles, teeth practically shinning like the movies. “Now how about that arcade I promised you earlier?”
After hanging out with Riki at the arcade on Monday, you realized the boy wasn’t as bad as you thought.
He had won you a gigantic brown teddy bear, a cliché that you never thought would have happened to you after failing your physics exam.
He made you name it James The Third, and made you promise that it was your child and you had to take care of it while he was away.
“I heard you hung out with Nishimura this weekend!” You swore nothing could go past Byeol, who was currently geeking at the sudden news of you and Riki being so close.
“Shh, keep your voice down!”
Byeol wiggles her eyebrows, giggling at your stressed state. “You two are so cute! Opposites attract!”
You start to walk away from her, using the excuse that class has started. Sure Riki was handsome and weirdly—nice—you weren’t sure what your feelings about him were yet.
You basically flinch out of your seat when you see him right next to you. He had a can of soy milk and a slice of chocolate cake with him.
“I brought you soy milk, hopefully you like it.”
You give him a small smile, not trusting your words enough to actually speak. Thankfully for you, the teacher entered right after, starting her lesson on trigonometry.
“Nishimura Riki, do you really have to eat in my class?” The teacher stops writing, placing her chalk on the board as she stares directly into Riki’s eyes.
He looks up from the bangs poking at his eyes, giving the teacher a stupid smile.
“Yes Mrs. Park, I’m very hungry.”
“Very well.” She wants to scowl at Riki, you could tell by her furrowed eyebrows. But she doesn’t, instead, picking up her chalk again to continue the lesson.
3 minutes don’t even past when Riki’s chewing gets incredibly loud and obnoxious, making you place a hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing.
“Is the chocolate cake that good, Riki?” The teacher asks, trying not to completely snap at the boy.
“It’s sooo good.” Riki says, smiling fully with his teeth.
The class blurts out in laughter and hysteria, making Mrs. Park practically crush the chalk that was in her hand.
“That’s it! Go outside Nishimura Riki!”
He rolls his eyes, standing up from his seat. “Fine, but I was just eating cake.”
He looks over to you, who was currently giggling underneath your breath. He gives you a small smile, flicking your forehead softly before leaving the room, leaving you a blushing mess.
You turn around, already knowing who was on the other side.
Of course Nishimura Riki was there.
“I’ve got two tickets to see Arctic Monkeys, come with me Friday night?”
You shake your head softly. “Oh I don’t know Riki, I have to study.”
“Don’t say that sweets,” he groans, head slumping into your shoulder. “Have some fun!”
“Shhh!” You look around, thankful the librarian wasn’t here to scold you guys. “Okay, okay, I’ll go. Just be quiet.”
“Yay!” He cheers, and it’s the happiest you’ve ever seen of the boy. “I’ll pick you up, okay? Friday night, 8pm exactly.”
“Okay Riki,” you say. “I’ll see you.”
Friday comes by in a flash, and you weren’t sure what to wear to the concert.
Despite it being your last year of being a teenager, you still haven’t attended one. So you were in a real struggle to pick what would be perfect.
You decided to go with a plain black top and cream colored cargos that hugged your waist, one without straps so your shoulders could be out. You were sure it’d get hot in the concert with all the people that would be attending.
“You look cute.” Riki says as he rows down the window. “Get in.”
The stadium is only 20 minutes away from your house, and you’re starting to get nervous when you realize how many people were attending.
“Hey,” Riki says, taking ahold of your hand when he notices it shaking. “It’ll be the most fun night of your life. I promise.”
And he was right. Although you were sure you weren’t going to enjoy it all that much, you found yourself singing and swaying along to the music.
The stadium was dim, making the music hit even ten times harder.
When I wanna be yours started playing, your vision was focused on the band whereas Riki’s eyes were focused on you.
“Hey!” You giggle, catching him staring at you. “Focus on the music dummy! You’re the one who bought the tickets.”
“Yeah yeah,” he says, smiling ear to ear. “The concert’s great and all but you’re even better.”
You don’t get to question his words before he crashes his lips onto yours with the lyrics wanna be yours blasting in the background.
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saturnrings77 · 4 months
intoducing sleazy!rafe
note: this was not supposed to be smutty. I got carried away 😭. i need more dialogue... HOW DO I ADD MEORE?!?!? I gave up at the end, im sorry
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oh, how you ignored all his red flags just because he had a pretty face and striking blue eyes. you've come to regret it and there's not much you can do about it.
on your first date, rafe shows up half an hour late, in a wrinkled, orange polo shirt, high with a freshly rolled blunt behind his ear. there's remnants of white powder along the edge of his nostril. his hair is greasy, and you wish he had put more effort into his appearance with all the dirty stares you were receiving.
he lazily chuckles at god knows what. his pupils are blown and his eyes are lidded. he has to tilt his head slightly up to be able to see you.
"let's eat?" you're unsure at this point, hesitating to call up one of your friends fo an excuse. your friends warned you about this. did you listen? no. you didn't want to prove them wrong though, always seeing the best in people.
"yeah... yeah"
when you flip you hair over your shoulder he says "i wonder how many times it'll wrap around my wrist." you freeze.
you fight every nerve in your body to refrain from rolling your eyes. gosh, he was so high.
the whole date went by with him making crude remarks directed towards you and the alcohol you guys were getting served was not doing anything to help the situation. you were buzzed and horny.
his gaze kept dropping towards your glossy lips and chest accentuated perfectly by the silk dress you were wearing. with the way he was licking his lips and shifting in his seat, there was no way he was letting you go home without him.
you felt exposed with the way he was eye-fucking you and you felt all the more turned on, your nipples hardening and poking out through the thin fabric.
you, were no better. you mirrored his actions, eyes constantly flicking down towards his lips every time he licked them, suggestively taking food into your mouth and leaning down enough to expose as much flesh of your tips without flashing him your nipples. something about his nasally, rich kid voice had you hanging onto his every word.
"y'look sexy." rafe's licking his lips, undressing you with his eyes. you squirm in your sit at his gaze. "got such a beautiful little thing sitting in front of me."
he's hot, that's for sure. maybe, one night wouldn't hurt.
"wanna go back to mine?"
"mhm" the moment you affirm your answer, he throws a wad of cash on the table, grabs your bag and drags you out the restaurant. he's taking large steps, much to large for your stiletto clad feet. "rafe, slow down." he slows down and looks back at you, before he starts walking towards you and throws you over his shoulder.
you squeal and he gives your ass a firm slap making you yelp. "what a slut. y'ass is basically hanging out." you gasp at the delicious sting on your cheek. "fuck, I don't think I can wait." he hissed as his truck came into view.
unlocking his truck, he pushes you into the back-seat, grateful for his illegally tinted windows. and then his lips are on yours.
he's everywhere, all at once. hands grabbing whatever he can, wherever he can. thighs, cheeks, ass, tits. he's groaning into your mouth, tongue pushing past your lips and fighting with yours.
short, heavy breaths fill the vehicle. your flushed with need. a needy moan leaves your lips as rafe starts undulating his hips into yours. your hands snake to his belt. "I need you." you whisper against his mouth. he just hums and rolls his hips with more insistence into you, chasing his own pleasure. he clasps both your hand between his and puts them above you while his other hand continues groping your tits.
he trails his kisses down to your shoulder, nipping and sucking along the way. a particularly harsh suck has you hissing, knowing it would leave a mark. he bites the strap of your dress, pulling it down your shoulder. he does the same to the other side, his hands finding the zipper on the back of your dress, pulling it down.
your panties are drenched, sticking to you like a second skin. the friction of rafe's tip underneath his jeans, rubbing against your clit has you mewling in pleasure.
"I'm gonna cum" he snaps out of his horny daze and stops moving. he pulls his lips back but attempt to chase after him yet you fail. there's a string of saliva connecting the both of you together.
rafe fumbles with the buckle of his belt and leans over to open the centre console. he pulls out a condom, putting the edge of the wrapper between his teeth and tugging to rip the foil open while pulling himself out his boxers. you pull your own panties off, chucking them at rafe's face.
he rubs his tip along your folds before pushing in all the way. rafe looks at you to find you already staring up at him with doe eyes and your bottom lip between your teeth. a nod from you, and a roll of your hips is all he needs before he starts pumping in and out of you. fast.
it's not long before you hear the squelch of your pussy and the sound of skin slapping. "fuck. y'feel s'good, baby," rafe grunts out. a desperate, whimper escapes from your lips at his praise and you wall flutters around his thick cock. "y'like that, don't you?"
you let out a needy whine. "more." rafe flips the two of you over so that you're straddling him. one hand gripping your hip, the other grabbing handfuls of your ass as he starts fucking up into you.
rafe's focus goes down to your tits and the way they jiggle every time he slams his hips into yours. he brings his mouth down and starts sucking on your nipple and you choke on a moan.
he brings one hand down to your clit and starts rubbing, listening to the way you let out an unrestrained sob, the pleasure becoming too much.
"w-wait" you feel the familiar tightening in your stomach and squeeze if your pussy, trying your best to push yourself away.
"y'bout to come, hm?" you nod your head, getting a small, breathless "yes" out. "cum f'me, baby." you feel your body convulse as your orgasm washes over you, however, rafe keeps fucking into you chasing his high, finishing moments later.
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scary-grace · 2 months
blind date (shigaraki x reader)
After endless failed attempts to help Tomura up his game, his friends have settled on their last resort: A blind date. Even before you show up, it's not going well. No quirks AU, 2k words.
this was originally in the x reader lovers community, but I figured I'd release it into the wild as well!
Part 1 Part 2
Part 1
Tomura gets being a little late. “A little late” is practically his middle name. He waits until the last minute to do almost everything, and that means any complications mean he’s running behind. Hypocrisy pisses him off so much that he tries to avoid it all costs, so that means he has to put up with it without bitching when somebody else is a little late, too.
Except half an hour isn’t a just a little late for anything, let alone a blind date Tomura didn’t want to go on in the first place. He’s been waiting outside the bar you were supposed to meet at for half an hour, and he’s pissed.
“That’s it,” he says after the eighteenth time a woman his age has walked past and hasn’t been you, whatever the hell you look like. “I’m out of here.”
“Just a little longer, honey,” Magne says. She’s smiling, but she’s also got her arm around Tomura’s shoulders, and if she squeezes any harder, Tomura’s going to pop like a balloon. “She’ll be here.”
“No, she won’t.” Tomura crosses his arms over his chest, tucking his hands in so nothing will bite them. They’re on the waterfront, in the summer, and there are insects everywhere. Whose dumb idea was this? “You showed her a photo of me and she changed her mind.”
“It’s a blind date,” Magne says. Like Tomura’s supposed to know what that means. “She doesn’t know what you look like, either. That’s why you have to stay right here and keep wearing that baseball hat. Otherwise she won’t know it’s you.”
Tomura hates the hat. Right now he hates everything. “So she got here on time, saw me, and left. Can I go?”
Magne shakes her head. “You promised you’d try.”
“I showed up. I waited for fucking half an hour. I’ve tried.” Tomura finally shoves Magne’s arm off his shoulders. “I’m done.”
Tomura wishes he could say he didn’t know how he got here, except he does. One of his friends is getting married, and there’s supposed to be a wild bachelor weekend in Vegas, one last blast of stupid before settling down. Most of the groomsmen are planning to hook up with as many people as possible, and that’s where the problems start. According to his friends, Tomura has no game. Zero game. Negative one hundred game. If he was rolling for his game stat, it would be a critical failure – and none of his friends want to babysit him when they could be getting laid.
Tomura wouldn’t want to babysit when he could be getting laid, either. His solution was to skip the bachelor weekend and just show up for the wedding in his stupid rented suit. But apparently his friends really want him to come to the party, and they decided that what he needed was to get some practice in before the trip. Which means that for the last month, Tomura’s spent every Friday night and weekend getting dragged through his own personal hell.
They made him try dating apps, which were a disaster, even though Tomura let Toga set up his profile and make the first move. Then they tried traditional online dating, which also sucked, because Tomura’s too picky and other people have standards. Hanging out in bars and clubs worked exactly how it’s always worked – it doesn’t – and when Dabi pulled out the big guns and dragged Tomura to the sex club where he met his fiancé, the only people who talked to Tomura were guys. Tomura thought that was sort of a good sign, even though he’s not into men, until he remembered that guys will fuck anything with a hole in it. He’s not high on himself on his best day, but that was a really shitty night.
He thought they were going to quit after that, but his friends had one last ace up their sleeve – a blind date, Magne’s idea, which Toga enthusiastically signed off on when she saw a picture of the woman Magne wanted to set Tomura up with. Toga’s type and Tomura’s type line up, sort of, and Spinner giving the photo two thumbs way up sealed the deal.
It’s not like Tomura was hopeful or anything. He just wanted to get his friends off his back. Still, rejection sucks, and ghosting sucks worse. He’d rather have you show up and tell him to his face that you weren’t interested than stand him up.
Magne collars Tomura again, but her phone starts ringing at the same time, Toga’s contact info popping up. “Don’t go anywhere,” she warns Tomura as she raises the phone to her ear. “We’re here. She’s not here yet. Can you tell him –”
Tomura ducks out from under her arm and books it into the crowd of people on the waterfront, figuring he can make it to the metro stop before Magne figures out which way he’s going. But even that can’t go his way today, because he runs into somebody who’s moving at warp speed in the opposite direction, colliding at the shoulder hard enough to make him stagger. Tomura’s not confrontational, but it’s the wrong fucking day. “Can you watch where you’re going? It’s not like you matter to whoever you’re going to –”
“Are you Tomura?”
Tomura’s heart lurches. He stares hard at you as you right yourself, picking up the backpack you dropped in the collision. There’s no way this is happening. There’s no universe in which his blind date would be someone like you.
He can see right away why Toga and Spinner approved of you, but he thought you’d be someone in his league, not somebody who’s several kilometers above it. Maybe Tomura’s too excited that you actually showed up to evaluate what you actually look like. He looks away, then looks back. Nope – you’re still pretty, even though your face is flushed and you’re breathing hard like you’ve just been running. Did you run here to meet him? Only one way to find out. “I’m Tomura.”
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “My boss held me back at work, and I missed my train –”
You’re wearing some kind of work uniform. Scrubs, maybe. Are you a nurse? “And then I couldn’t decide whether to wait for another train or just run, so I ran – but I don’t really run, so it took even longer –”
Tomura doesn’t run, either. When he was doing the stupid online dating thing, he sorted out everybody who said more than one sentence about working out. You pause to suck down a breath, then keep talking. “I know everything I just said sounds like an excuse, and I know you’re leaving,” you say, “but I was hoping I could catch you so I could say I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I get it if you want to call it off.”
Before Tomura can answer or even think about what he’s going to say, Magne bursts out of the crowd. “I told you not to run off,” she scolds, collaring Tomura again. “If you don’t stay put, there’s no way she’s going to – oh! You’re here!”
You nod. Magne looks you up and down. “I told you to dress cute,” she scolds. “And to get here on time. I practically had to chain him to a streetlight so he wouldn’t escape.”
“I’m sorry,” you say. “My boss –”
“Of course,” Magne says, scowling. “He’s never met a good time he doesn’t want to ruin.”
Magne knows who your boss is? “How do you to know each other?”
“She’s a pharmacy tech at the place I go to pick up my E,” Magne says. “She’s the only one who works there who isn’t an asshole, and her boss is the biggest asshole of them all. I only go in there when she’s on and he’s off. But let me introduce you the right way. Shigaraki, this is – ”
Tomura misses your name the first time Magne says it, catches it the second time, but it barely registers except as something he probably shouldn’t forget. You’re pretty. You’re not an asshole, or at least you’re the same kind of asshole as Magne and everybody else Magne’s friends with, including Tomura. Your boss is the wrong kind of asshole, which means you probably didn’t blow Tomura off on purpose. And you ran here so you could meet him even when you knew you were really late. You must have really wanted to meet Tomura. What did Magne tell you about him?
Tomura can ask you about that later. “So?” Magne is saying expectantly. “Can I leave you two alone, or are you going to run away again?”
“No,” Tomura says. “You can go.”
You look surprised. “Um –”
Magne cackles. She snatches the hat off Tomura’s head, ruffles his hair, and slaps him on the back hard enough that he staggers. “Have fun! I want all the details later!”
“Sure,” you say, bewildered, as she kisses you on the cheek. Tomura’s going to have to talk to you about that – any details you share with Magne will be fair game for the rest of Tomura’s friends, and he’s not sure how much he wants them to know. “Um, bye.”
Magne waves and vanishes into the crowd. Now it’s just you and Tomura standing on the sidewalk. You shuffle off to one side, out of the way, and Tomura follows you. “Are you sure you still want to do this?” you ask once you’re both leaning against the railing. “I get it if you’re not in the mood. When I’ve gotten stood up, I haven’t wanted to –”
“You’ve never been stood up in your life,” Tomura says, and your expression changes from confused to offended. “Look at you.”
You look down at yourself, then back up at him. “What does that mean?”
“I didn’t know anything about you and I got here on time. If I knew what you looked like beforehand I’d have been two hours early.” It sounded like a compliment in Tomura’s head, but he can’t tell if you’re taking it that way. “People like you don’t get stood up for dates.”
“I wish that were true,” you say. You look away. “I know how it feels. I get it if you don’t want to go out anymore.”
Tomura pretends he’s thinking about it. “How far did you run to get here?”
“Sixteen blocks.”
“You ran sixteen blocks to meet me. That cancels out being late,” Tomura says. You look up, surprised for a second or two before the relief kicks in. “I still want to go out.”
“Me, too,” you say. You smile at him. Women don’t usually smile at Tomura. People don’t usually smile at Tomura. He doesn’t know what to do with it. “Thanks, Tomura. For giving me a chance.”
“Yeah,” Tomura says. “What do we do now?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. “It’s been a while since I went on a date.”
“Same,” Tomura says. ‘Never’ counts as a while in his book. “I don’t know – grab drinks or something?”
You nod. “Can we find somewhere to sit down for a second first? I don’t usually run that much, and I don’t want to pass out on you.”
“You can pass out on me if you want,” Tomura says. You blink. Tomura facepalms even though you’re looking right at him. “There are benches back there.”
The crowd on the sidewalk is only getting denser. Tomura doesn’t want to get separated from you, so he tells you to hold onto the back of his shirt. You grab his hand instead, and you’re still holding it when the two of you find a place to sit down. Still holding it once you’re both settled, searching for something to talk about. Tomura’s not optimistic about this. You’re too good to be true – the kind of woman who’d run sixteen blocks to meet him and hold his hand is a kind of woman who doesn’t exist. Even so, it’s – nice. Tomura laces his fingers with yours and decides to enjoy it while it lasts.
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maxlarens · 3 months
lando + 18 😛
18) squishing the other’s cheek
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You can feel the beat of the music in your veins like another heartbeat as Lando drags you through the packed crowd. He's got a grip on your hand like someone's about to tear you away from him, or the crowd is going to swallow you whole. Which doesn't seem likely to happen, given the force with which you're also holding his hand.
He looks back at you, teeth worrying away at his lip, like you might have been replaced by someone else without letting go of him.
"What's wrong?", you shout, getting closer to him so he can hear you over the ditz ditz of the music and the cacophony of voices in the club.
He shakes his head, keeps dragging you, heading in the direction of the bar. He's moving fast and you're stumbling along a bit, spilling the drink you've got in your other hand. You're four or so drinks deep so your balance and coordination isn't as good as you'd like it to be.
"Lando," you shout again, "Slow down. I'm spilling my drink everywhere."
He stops, so suddenly and with so little warning that you thump right into the back of him. Your face hits his spine, you feel cartilage crunching as your nose goes numb and tears involuntarily spring to your eyes.
Fucking ow.
"What the fuck," you're saying as he blurts out,
"You still have that drink?", frantic, panicked in a way you don't hear from him often, "Have you drank any? Tell me if you've had any?"
You've got your hand on the bridge of your nose, trying to quell the tingling feeling spreading through it and hoping it doesn't start bleeding. You frown, meeting your friend's concerned, almost angry expression with an equally as confused one.
"Lando. What are you talking about?"
"Have you had any?"
You shake your head adamantly, something a little sick, a little worried starting to creep into the pit of your stomach, "No. No, I haven't. Why?"
He releases a ragged breath that has his shoulders sagging in relief, but sets your heart rate spiking. You shake your head less in frustration, more because you're not quite sure what he's trying to tell you. You put your drink down on a nearby table, throw a napkin in it for good measure.
"Lando," you press, grabbing his bicep to keep his attention on you as it keeps drifting off into the crowd while he searches for something, "What's going on?'
He opens his mouth, closes it, then guides you into an out of the way corner, tucked behind a booth. Then he says, "I– there was some weird guy before. Like, leering at you, or whatever. I just thought—”
“—you think he spiked my drink?”, you ask, your heart beating a skittering, nervous rhythm in your chest.
Lando nods, lips pursed into a thin line.
“He’s gone now,” he reassures you, “I think. I can’t see him anywhere.”
Your chest feels tight with something— with many somethings. Fear, relief, panic, gratitude. You’ve been introduced to a problem and then had it resolved all in a very quick span of time. Your brain is still playing catch up. There’s music thudding in your ears, Lando’s looking at you like you might turn to dust right in front of him, your nose hurts, your head is spinning from the alcohol, your skin is prickling from the stare of a man who you hope isn’t there anymore.
It’s too much. So you gather it all up in a ball and you throw it away. You take a half step forward and squeeze Lando into the biggest hug you can manage. A little overwhelmed by your affection for him, but unable to throw that away so readily.
You’ve pinned the tops of his arms to his side with the force of the hug and you can feel his hands grappling for you, grabbing at your waist as he tries to hug you back. You press your temple into his cheek, your still tender nose into a groove at his collarbone.
“You’re sweet,” you mutter.
Affection for Lando, unbridled and made worse by alcohol, rises into your throat. You groan into his shoulder, squeeze him even tighter.
“Christ,” he squeaks out a nervous laugh.
You reel back, letting him loose of the crushing hug and sliding your hands to grip his shoulders. You shake your head, biting down on your bottom lip. A strangled noise slips from your mouth, eliciting a raise of Lando’s eyebrows while you reach up to squish his cheeks in between your hands.
“Oh, fuck off,” he groans, but it comes out muffled and incomprehensible as he swats at your hands— not making any real attempt at trying to push them away.
He’s trying not to smile at you, but his toothy little grin punches through chubby cheeks regardless.
“So cute,” you laugh.
His cheeks grow warm under your hands. He wraps his fingers around your wrists, tugging you away.
“I was worried,” he sighs, “And don’t call me cute.”
“I know,” you bite down on a grin, “Thank you Lan, really.”
His tongue moves to worry at his incisor, he’s fighting the grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. Intentionally not looking at you.
“Don’t call me cute,” he says again, tipping his head back and exposing the line of his neck so he doesn’t have to look you in the eye.
You snort indelicately, then coo, reaching out to pinch his face, “Aw, is that too much for little Lando Norris?”
“God,” he groans loudly, trying hard to pretend he’s not enjoying whatever this is, “You’re so annoying.”
“You love it, Lando.”
“Fuck off,” but there’s no heat in it, only affection.
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kirbsecrets · 4 months
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Boyfriend!Sukuna R.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
you whine. For 2 hours straight sukuna has been ignoring you. You’ve been trying to get his attention, sticking your lower lip out more; pouting.
You realized as soon as he came over to your house, he’s been quiet scrolling through his phone. It seemed like he wasn’t listening to you.
“ kuna~~” you whine once more before just staring at him, trying to get him to look at you.
However nothing was working. You started to get very annoyed and tried to grab his phone out of his hand. Key word -tried.
Sukuna continued to scroll through whatever as his hand was now on your forehead stopping you from grabbing it.
“Sukuna why are you ignoring me?
What happened?” The frown evidently on your face.
“Tell me please” You beg.
All of a sudden, he puts down his phone and just stares at you. His gaze unwavering from you. His aura basically saying you know what you did.
You play the most recents things him would be upset about but nothing came out of the ordinary. Suddenly, there was one thing that stood out.
“Are you serious…kuna it’s was only a peck”
“It doesn’t matter that’s considered cheating,” Sukuna exaggerates.
“It was in the cheek, and plus it was your brother, he’s only 6.”
Sukuna huffs, looking somewhere else other than you. You couldn’t believe this is what he was upset about.
“kuna look at me,”
… no response
“Ryomen Sukuna,” his head slightly turns but he’s still not looking.
“baby~..” you drag out hoping it would work somehow.
To your disappointment he doesn’t react, anger starts to ooze off from you. Sukuna had never done this before; a handful of times he was joking about ignoring you however this time it was different.
The pout becoming more prominent as you seemed to run out of ideas. Then, all of a sudden a thought makes it way to the surface.
You take sukuna’s face in your hands and try to place a kiss on his lips. Suddenly his head is ripped out of your hands as now he is lying on his side facing away from you.
A silent whimper escapes you, as tears start to fall down your face.
“I just want you to stop ignoring me I don’t like it” your emotions spewing everywhere.
“I want a kiss” a sniffle comes from you as you just stare at his form.
“Fine you brat as long as you stop crying,” sukuna says as he suddenly pulls you into a kiss.
As much as it pained sukuna he could never admit it. During the kiss he softly wipes your tears with his calloused hands. Which were rough on your soft pale skin.
“Just don’t do it again, I want you all to myself” he whispers as the night goes on- you guys are cuddling and kissing, embracing in each other warmth.
Authors note: It might be bad I was trying to hurry up and finish it it’s not proofread.
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paegei · 3 months
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pairing - joshua x fem!reader
summary - a supposedly cute beach date takes a heated turn because your boyfriend is insufferably attractive.
a/n - when joshua posted these... i cried. i creamed. missed my bf so much guys (>人<;)these pics destroyed me
SMUT warnings under the cut !
SMUT WARNINGS: public sex (obv), marking, breast play, fingering, praise, pet names (baby, sweetheart, love), no penetrative sex. they’re on the sand okay but let’s just pretend it didn’t get everywhere .ᐟ.ᐟ
the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and joshua was driving you insane. AGAIN.
what was supposed to be nothing but a cute beach date, an excuse to get outside the house, was slowly becoming not so innocent for you.
joshua had been learning to surf recently, and wanted to show off what he’s learned. you, being the great girlfriend that you are, agreed to sit back, relax, and shamelessly gawk at your boyfriend under the guise of “criticism”.
as expected, joshua, straddling a board, wet hair and all, caused some heat to pool further south. it’s not your fault okay ? his thighs are on display. the thighs you have claimed as your seat multiple times. the thighs that you were in between just 3 hours ago.
you were trying your hardest not to jump his bones every time he turns back to check if you’re watching. but the small smile he sends you does nothing for the ache in core.
“babe !” his shout of glee interrupts the dirty thoughts clouding your mind, and you watch as he jogs up to you. “c’mon babe, swim with me !”
he ignores your small murmurs of "no i'm okay, baby". he grabs your hand and attempts to drag you towards the sea. seeing his grin up close, the way the sun was shining on his face, the thoughts from earlier left your mind, your love for the man in front taking over. suddenly, swimming didn't seem all that bad.
the two of you giddily walk hand in hand towards the water, joshua humming a little tune. suddenly, he turns to you, grabs your waist, and flings you over his shoulder. despite your pleas of “put me down !”, “let me go !” as well as various giggles, the way he manhandled you was all you could think about. god when did he get so buff and strong and handsome and -
he does a quick spin with you on his shoulder, before he slowly put you down, his arms still wrapped around you. he leans forward for what he expects to be a small smooch, but you place your hands on the back of his neck, and pull him closer, prolonging the kiss. your tongue slips passed his lips, granted access due to the gasp he let out. he has a little moment of hesitation, before he begins pulling you impossibly closer to him.
the kiss was hot. tongues and teeth clashing, sounds of lips smacking seemingly overpowering the harsh waves crashing onto the shore. listen, as confused as joshua was, he was not going to pass up the opportunity for a hot makeout sess with the love of his life, okay ?
the two of you stand there, middle of a desolate beach, tongues tied together. joshua begins to trail his hand lower and lower, stopping when his fingers graze between your thighs.
“sweetheart…” he mummers into your mouth, seemingly unable to detach himself from you for even a second. “s’ wet for me.”
his fingers begin to slowly ease back and forth across your bikini bottoms, as you begin to whimper lowly into his mouth. as the two of you continue, you guide each other to lay down, joshua hovering over you.
his previously light touches turned harsher, more desperate, and his kisses soon turning to nips peppered across your neck. the sharp pain of his teeth had you letting out whimpers with each bite.
even though this had been all your idea, you started to remember ( very slowly with how little your brain was working ) where the two of you were laying. resting your hands in his hair and tugging, attempting to signal for him to stop, you began looking around. the tugging on his hair did not stop him however. in fact the result it had was for him to let out a guttural groan before sinking his teeth into your neck much harsher.
after checking your surroundings thoroughly, and coming to the conclusion that the two of you were alone, or at least, have some time alone, you shoved him off you, before straddling him yourself.
your lips immediately connected again, joshua now moving his hands to move underneath your bikini, now beginning to roll your nipples between his fingers. you had taken on the task of beginning to grind your hips down to meet his, the feeling euphoric. the two of you moaned into each others lips. the kiss was no more as it had delved into nothing but heavy breathing into each others open mouths.
joshua left one of his hands on your tits, as the other roamed your body. rubbing your back, grabbing your hair, pulling your hips down to meet his rougher. the feeling of his hands on yours, his lips on yours, his erection rubbing against you, on top of the public setting, made your pussy throb.
his hands left a trail of fire. you felt hyperaware of the marks of his fingers. the fire slowly, once again, returning to down south. this time, however, he did not let your panties stop him, slipping his fingers passed to finally make contact with your soaking body.
no words had been exchanged up to this point. nothing but grunts and moans as the two of you lost yourself in each others bodies in the wide open space. joshua couldn’t handle not telling you how good you were for him, so he broke the silence.
“god.. just like that love- fuck- keep grinding f’me”. despite his need for speaking, he did not move his lips from their new home in the crook of your neck.
not one to disobey your lover, you continued the pace of your hips, albeit a bit harsher, as you now began to grind down on his fingers. his other hand began to hastily shove your bikini upwards, desperate to see your breasts.
after he was done with the task, you all but yanked him down to your chest, hoping he’d get a move on. he seemingly absentmindedly began to lick and suck at your nipples, as if it was second nature to him ( it really was at this point).
his fingers left your slit and travelled, finally beginning to play with your clit. the gasp you let out was sharp, sudden, and your body lurched forward from the pleasure. joshua left your chest as his hand returned to your back to support you, his mouth going to kiss your check.
“s’ok love i got you” he murmured into your ear, as your whimpers and reactions got more intense. he knew your body, and he knew you were almost there.
knowing what you needed, his fingers slipped inside, reaching to massage that certain spot, as he continued nipping and sucking at your neck. the hand on your back began to move up and down, in a comforting manner. a total whiplash to how the hand below your belt was abusing that spongy spot inside.
“let go baby, c’mon cum for me sweetheart”
your sounds grew in volume, indicating your high, before, like the waves right next to you, it crashed down hard. you hips lost control, mindlessly humping his hand, while your arms wrapped around his body, tightly wrapping your whole body around him.
“there we go love. there we go. so good for me. fuck- i’ve got you”
his words were muted at first, nothing besides the sound of the beach making its way into your ears. your body was shaking from the intensity of your orgasm. you could faintly feel his hand slip out of you, and the other still rubbing soft circles on your back.
pulling back, josh smiled up at you. you hadn’t seen his face much during that whole act. you kinda missed it. you leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips before muttering a quiet thank you to him.
“it’s okay love. bit intense ?”
you nodded your head, words feeling like too much at the moment. joshua slowly began moving you off of him, before attempting to get himself up.
waking up from your trance, you quickly tug him down. he lets out a small shriek before plopping down. his gaze towards you is quizzical, and also slightly pouty.
“babe ?”
you respond to his question by placing your hand upon his shorts, right where the tent is visible. a hiss slips out of his mouth as his hand reaches for yours. his fingers interlock with yours as he tugs both your hands away from his crotch.
“wanna finish this in the car ?” he smirks, bringing your hands up to lay a kiss on the back of yours.
he barely has time to see your excited nod as you all but rush to your feet, dragging him behind with you.
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not proof-read ! lmk if there's any mistakes (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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changisworld · 5 months
Skz biggest kinks & pleasures (maknae line)
18+,MDNI, I’m not putting smut warnings as a surprise for readers but it’s all just smut, don’t read if underage
Word count;3,335
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here
hyung line version here
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**this is not proofread so sorry for any errors x**
I genuinely cannot imagine Han having a dominant bone in his body & also cannot ever imagine this guy being 'vanilla' in the SLIGHTEST!! Whenever you guys have sex, he is always shaking, whining & drooling absolutely everywhere & he hasn't got a single bit of shame.
You both experimented sexually within the first three times you slept together. You have both experimented with vibrators, strap-ons, handcuffs, wax etc & it did the trick.. until it didn't. Han could orgasm from these things, don't get me wrong, but since he had gotten 'used' to these things, he hadn't gotten bored or anything but you could sense he wanted more now.
You have just put the small stick candle onto the bedside table after letting it drip onto his abs & perky pecs as he is handcuffed to the bedpost, his face red as he squirms slightly, humming as the wax dries into his skin, cooling down.
You settle in between his legs before crawling up his small frame, your knees touching his balls as you kiss him (full of tongue & spit obviously) when your knee moves & puts a lot of pressure on his poor, filled balls & he squeals into his mouth. You instantly move your knee & sit up, both of your eyes wide, but for different reasons.
You are scared in case you genuinely hurt him as you look down at the site, but you then notice an even bigger puddle of precum on his lower stomach, his cock twitching & jumping as he blushes, boba eyes staring at the same thing you are.
"Did you like that Hannie?" you question, voice raising at the end, not wanting to do something & scare him. His mouth opens but he stutters for a few seconds. "Uhh, I-I don't know, it's new" he word vomits out, cheeks & ears getting more impossibly red as he looks into your eyes, trying to see your reaction.
You hum at his response before your hand reaches down & you take his balls into your hand before squeezing them, not too hard but there is still force behind it which makes him hiss as his hips jerk up, his cock dribbling at the tip which makes you chuchkle.
"My baby likes having his balls hurt, hmm? what about your pretty penis too, Hannie?" you question as you put more pressure on his balls as you flick the head of his cock a few times, making him thrust his hips as he tries to escape but also get more of the feeling. He nods enthusiastically, tilting his head to hide his reactions as much as he can despite handcuffs making him unable to use his arms to cover his face.
You don't like the way he is hiding his pretty reactions so you slap his dick with the back of your hand which makes his head jolt back to its original position, making you smirk. "Tell me if it's too much, mkay? Sit pretty f'me." you tell him, joking since you know he's not going anywhere. You get off the bed & dig through the bedside drawer & return holding a small cock ring, much tighter than any other one you have both tried, never having the right moment to try it.. until now.
You straddle his thighs, you slowly grind to feel friction as you struggle due to how much the man beneath you is hissing & squirming around but eventually roll the cock ring down to the bottom of his shaft, it beginning to turn a dark reddish/ purple colour almost instantly which makes you both drool, only hans drool actually leaves his lips.
You lean over & begin kissing his soft lips as you begin to lightly dig your nails into his cock as you drag it up & down, digging harder the closer to the tip you get. He struggles to kiss you back & loud but muffled whines escape his lips, his hips jolting & his cock twitching uncontrollably. "P-pinch my b-balls y/nnie, pu-pulease" he begs, hair almost blocking his view due to how much it's sticking to him. "You're so dirty Hannie, so slutty." you remark before beginning to kiss his neck as you do as he asks, sucking a few hickies into his neck as you begin pinching his full balls before slapping them, then repeating the motion & you're convinced you can orgasm from his noises alone.
His bottom lip is the same colour as his cheeks now from all the nibbling on it he has been doing, his eyes watering & his cheeks getting stained from the tears, not even having one thought in his head anymore, which you notice.
You sit up as his legs begin thrashing around, shaking as you use your other hand to start flicking the tip of his cock, residue sticking to your fingers coming from the area as you start to pinch in a rougher way, twirling the skin in your hands as you look at Jisung, in his own world.
"This is all it took to get you all floaty? You're so weird for enjoying this, you're seriously gonna cum from getting your dick slapped?" you laugh as you ask him, not actually meaning what you're saying seeing since you could probably fill a glass with your own juices you're that turned on. You admire Han, not even expecting an answer, drool puddling the pillow as more drool is drying into his chin, just to have even more drool cover it, his cheeks soaked with tears & also sweat.
You put his entire cock in your hand as you tighten your hand around it as much as you can & he lets out a squeal as you begin jerking him off & despite his cock literally purple because of the cock ring, you are convinced the cock ring didn't do a good job as he cums in record time, it spurting out ropes of it all over your hand & his tummy, him rattling the handcuffs, trying to get away from the sensation as his eyes completely roll back, panting heavily.
You let him ride out his high & you quickly remove the cock ring, trying to not overstimulate him too much since its the poor babys first time experiencing this before you lick the cum off his tummy to avoid having to leave him before crawling beside him & letting him nuzzle his face into your chest, before falling asleep almost instantly.
Nothing turns Felix on more than being able to have a constant reminder you belong to each other & what better way to show one another off when you're not together than having a hickey or two on your necks?
I can't be 100% sure if he enjoys giving or receiving them more but if i had to pick one, I'd say he enjoys giving them more seeing since he has more freedom to choose wherever he wants, unlike you seeing since he is still an idol, meaning you need to be way more cautious which makes him sad since he would do anything to have loads of hickies littered all over his neck.
You are straddled on top of Felix as your lips are locked together as your lips are locked together & he is playing with your puffy clit. You are grinding against his fingers as your eyebrows are furrowed together, letting out small gasps as his fingers are working like magic.
"Fefe, inside, pretty please." you mumble through kisses & who is he to deny you? He slides his ring finger inside your wet walls as he prods around a bit to find the gummy spot & despite him having short fingers, he is good with them & only takes a few seconds to find it & as he does, he slides a second finger inside too, rings touching your lips which makes you twitch due to the coldness.
You start whimpering & you break the kiss & start to grind against his fingers as you clench around him, making him swallow deeply. He takes this opportunity to begin kissing your jawline & working his way down as he helps you work yourself towards the first of probably very many orgasms.
His lips suction to your neck as he lets his teeth take a few playful bites which make you twitch from the slight tickle, making you giggle a bit which he returns. He litters some kisses around the left side of your neck before lightly pushing your head so he can access the right size before doing the same thing.
He begins to suck on your neck, humming at the light scent of the perfume you put on earlier in the day & also because of the taste of your skin, you both think he's addicted to it.
Your fingers wiggle their way into his hair as you lightly push at his head, somehow wanting him even closer to your neck as you melt further into him if that is even possible.
You can feel his teeth grazing every once in a while against your skin which makes you leak even more arousal as you tense up as your orgasm washes over you, Felix holding onto your waist to keep you from falling off his lap due to the amount your legs are wobbling on each side of him.
Once you come down from your orgasm, Felix slips his fingers out of you & you guide his hand up to your mouth before sucking your own juices off of him as he smirks at your reddened face, admiring it.
"So pretty f'me aren'cha babe? Made you a new necklace too, want you to give me some on my thighs, princess. pleeeaaasseee" he flutters his eyelashes to you as he give you his iconic beautiful smile. You hum a 'yes' response before you're sliding off of him, legs still a bit like jelly as you pull his sweatpants down, him raising his hips to make it easier for you, pulling his boxers down too with them.
You begin to jerk him off slowly as you kiss his balls & thighs before you begin nibbling on them playfully, before giving him the same, dark purple marks he just gave you as he lets out hums of approval, giving you butterflies.
The reason you & Seungmin have always got on well sexually is because of how much you both have in common when it comes to kinks & how much you both love to explore together, & that is how you both eventually found out how hot you both find piss to be during sex. It started off with how much & how dying he was to help you squirt & it just developed from there.
Seungmin is laying on his back with his head on the pillows of your shared bed as you are sitting on his face (another one of his biggest pleasures is eating pussy while barely being able to breath because duh) grinding against him as his tongue is working its magic, pushing you towards your second orgasm within the last five minutes.
You are whimpering out above him, pulling on his hair to get him impossibly closer to your dripping core as his hands have a firm grip on your ass cheeks, fondling them in his fingers as he tongue fucks you.
"Min-Minnie, g'na cum." you push the words out as the feeling begins to bubble over, but before it has a chance to fully do so, he removes his tongue & pushes your hips up so you're now hovering above his face as you basically scream from the frustration as you can feel the almost orgasm dissapearing again.
"You know what I want before I let you cum, baby. Don't be so nervous, we both want it, mkay? Wanna taste you as much as possible. You deserve to let go, so good for me all the time." he says to you in a soft tone as he gives your ass cheek a small slap before letting you sit back on his face.
Despite everything you have tried together, pissing on him has always made you shy, but he always reassures you before, during & after.
He begins to suckle on your clit this time, slurping up all your juices as his spit mixes with it. He lets out small moans & grunts at your taste as one of his hands leave your ass to come around to your lower stomach before he begins prodding at it & putting pressure on it, hinting at you what he truly wants.
You try to hold off for a little while longer but the added pressure makes it impossible & you let go. Your golden stream begins to dribble out of you & straight into Seungmins mouth & face, making him moan at the taste of you, but he can tell you're holding back. He bites your clit & you yelp before your piss begins to spray out, making him hum in satisfaction.
Your moans get twice as loud as they were a minute or so prior as you see your piss now soaking his face & towel beneath you, along with his hair now getting wet, the same as your fingers since they are still weaved through it & your orgasm hits you like a car. Your legs shake around his head as your stream & also orgasm comes to a stop.
Your breathing is erratic as you take deep breaths, hair stuck to your now shiny face. "Such an angel for me y/n" he breathes out, panting as he helps reposition you so you're now on the only dry patch of the bed as he leans in & kisses you, your orgasm & piss soaked all into his chin & cheeks. You taste yourself on his tongue & it makes you moan quietly.
Your hand worms its way down into his boxers but you can feel a big wet, sticky patch which makes you break the kiss & look down & the result makes you chuckle. "You came in you underwear for me Seungmin? I'm honoured." he 'tuts' before beginning to blush. "You expected me to be able to hold off when you just did that to me? You're insane." he murmurs before kissing your neck while playing with your hair.
Is this any surprise at all.. HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FINGERS? they're made for pleasure i swear, they're so long & just hkvedbvbv. I feel like poor Innie is still a bit too nervous to try anything too 'taboo' or 'out there' but the things you have both agreed & have tried together, you both love.
You're on the bed laying on your back as his fluffy hear & gorgeous face is between your thighs for the third separate time that day. He is making out with your clit sloppily as he has three fingers buried inside you, scissoring in & out of your leaky opening, driving you towards your second orgasm from just this session alone & to say you're a moaning mess is an understatement.
You're uncontrollably squirming on the bed & your legs are thrashing around as you're babbling random swear words & his name as but he is keeping you grounded by having a firm grip on your pelvis with his free hand as your fingers are pulling on his pretty locks.
"Innie, gonna cum again." you whimper out as your back arches off the bed as your eyes roll to the back of your head, your pussy not getting a break even for a second as Jeongins fingers keep pistoning in & out of you & his tongue simply swallows your juice & orgasm while continuing the same pace.
Your orgasm fades but the sensation doesn't. If anything, it intensifies as the over sensitivity takes over, which makes you begin to hiss & grumble. "Too-too much Innie." you pant as your fingers do their best to pull his hair & face out from your dripping hole. "Cmon, y/nnie.. you've only orgasmed twice today, can't even just take one more, hmm?" he questions, knowing you can't say no. You've already orgasmed twelve times today & you both know this but he knows you'll do anything to please him.
You give a weak nod & he gives you a cheeky smile before diving straight back in, fingers speeding up & him taking your swollen bud back into his mouth, suckling on it before moving down to make out with your other set of lips. Your squeals are bouncing off each wall in the house no doubt & your third orgasm of the past twenty minutes washes over you as you begin trembling & shaking so much Innie decides to take pity on you & unlatches himself as he gives your swollen pussy a small slap.
You are in the middle of trying to get your breath back as Jeongin grabs a pillow & places it next to you before moving you so you're hips are now resting on it & your ass is facing upwards.
"spread your legs a bit for me, hunny. You can take it, can't you? I'm so hard for you y/nnie." he groans out as he jerks himself off behind you as he helps you move your legs just enough so he can slot himself in between as he spits onto his cock for extra lube as he drags the tip of his cock up & down your burning sensitive folds, making you hiss.
He begins pushing in & the hair gets caught in your chest as he bottoms out, releasing an animalistic groan. Once he feels you clench around him a few times, he begins to start a sharp pace & you begin to bite the duvet to try silence your screams.
His long cock hits the same G-spot that his fingers have been abusing all day & it makes you yelp as you reach back & push your hand against his pelvis, trying to stop him from going as deep but he quickly yanks your wrist away before holding it against your lower back as he leans over you, back to chest as he moves your hair out of your face to kiss your cheeks as he keeps fucking into you.
"I-innie too- too much, too big, s-slow down." You whimper as your eyes scrunch closed, trying your best to hold on as much as you can to give Jeongin the chance to orgasm. "You can do it hunny, just stop running from it n take it mkay? You're clenching so tight around me y/n, so good." You get all flustered & get butterflies in your belly at his words & you keep whining as your toes begin curling as your now forth orgasm hits you & Jeongin lets out a deep moan as he cums too after feeling how tightly you clench around him & you feel the warm liquid fill you which makes your orgasm go that extra bit further.
You both lay like this for a minute, catching your breath back before he pulls out & you let out a deep sigh. Jeongin begins to move off of you but you reach & take him by the arm & using the rest of your strength to pull him back down. "stay like this, you're like a big weighted blanket." you mumble out, eyes feeling as heavy as rocks.
Jeongin chuckles before kissing your cheek but getting off you regardless & shuffling down back to your pussy, looking at the cum dripping out along with your slick. "I'll have my dinner first then we can cuddle as long as you want, jagi, okay?" he giggles before sticking his tongue out & beginning to kitten lick your pussy again. You knew this is a long night.
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hockeybabe · 6 months
Family Skate | M.Knies
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Not my gif
Parings: Matthew Knies x gf!reader
Summary: you and mattthew are new to the dating scene and he makes it official to the public by inviting you to the family skate.
Warnings: pure fluff, swearing, insecurities, kissing, slight cocky Knies, ngl rushed af
Word count: 756
Note: this has been in my drafts for a while. Also requests are open, send them in! And I saw Olivia Rodrigo!!!!
The moment you met Matthew, you two instantly clicked. You had lived in Toronto your entire life working for the leafs. To the team you were like their little sister and the John well you were like his kid. When the leafs called up Matthew you had lost your apartment and John was there to help you.
So gradually you lived with the Tavares residence, along with Matthew becoming professional babysitters for John and Aryne. But what the outside world didn’t know was that you and Matthew were a little more involved with each other than just friends. 
You were a couple. One that you kept away from the world because of people not always being accepting. It was your idea. You had seen it happen to so many and while they could handle it; you weren’t sure you could. However, after multiple talks with Aryne and other girlfriends, they finally convinced you to be shown off.
And what better to have it done at the family skate.
“Babe, you ready.” Matt called for you pulling on his jersey. “Yeah.” You said fixing you scarf and pulling your hair out. “How do I look.” You turned around showing him your outfit which consisted of a handmade leafs jacket with his name on it and black leggings. 
Matthew stared down at you with a cheeky smile gabbing you hands at your sides and leant down giving you a kiss. “You look perfect.” He mumbled. “We should probably get going.” He said heading for the door. As he walked away you slowly feel your nerves creeping up. Matthew notices you lack of presence.
“Y/n,” he calls out. “Everything alright?” He asks once you come to the door. “What if they don’t like me?” You asked, twiddling your thumbs. “Who’s not gonna like you?” He asks clueless making you groan. “The fans, you dummy.” You placed your hands on his chest, looking up at him. “What are they gonna do? You’re mine and I’m yours. They’re just gonna have to accept that.” He says, putting loose hair behind your ear.
“But-” “If they judge, they judge don’t let them tear you apart. I love you.” He says, opening the door. “I love you too.” You mumble. “What was that?” You groan, “I love you too.” You said louder. “That’s my girl.” He said, watching you exit the house and getting into the car.
Once you guys got to the rink, you trailed behind Matthew as he waved to the fans what you didn’t expect were the amount of fans calling your name. You had no clue how they knew who you were, but they were cheering for you.
“Looks like you don’t need to impress anyone.” Matthew turned around, looking down at you with a smirk. You gave him a smile, tightening your grip on his hand as you gave shy waves to the fans. When you finally got to the rink, you sat beside Steph. “Looks like they love you.” She commented.
“Could be a facade.” You shrug. “Fans are brutally honest about liking people. I guess they realized that because you've been dating for a while, then there’s nothing they can do.” She said as she watched Mitch and Matthew grab their girl's skates.
“Hi baby,” Matt said, kneeling down and tying your skates as you told him when it was tight enough. “You know you’re going to be dragging me everywhere, right?” You laugh. Matthew chuckled, “I got you.” Once your laces were fully tied, you took his hands and walked to the rink.
Matthew set foot into the ice first and took your hands, holding you tightly as you slightly wobbled in his grasp. “You doing great.” He cheered as he strides across the ice, pulling you with him. When the two of you passed close by the fans, they’d gush about how cute you two looked.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you look with rosy cheeks?” He smirked, making you blush. “I would slap your chest, but I’d probably fall.” You grunt. “And now you’re saying you’ll fall for me. How great.” He gave you a goofy smile, making you groan.
“Thank you.” You said to him. “For what?” He asked, confused. “For letting me see past the negatives. I love you.” You said quietly. “What was that?” He said, leaning down. “I love you.” “I love you too.” He responded by leaning down giving you a kiss as the other players' sticks clacked with the ice as they cheered with their partners. 
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starkeyisthelastname · 8 months
@rvfecamerons has asked me to write this amazing idea she came up with. I hope this didn’t disappoint. Thank you again babe! 💕💕💕
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You had never really been much of a troublemaker, always listening to your elders and being respectful to everyone, even those less fortunate than you. After you turned 19, you started to become more independent. Going out to parties, taking trips to the mainland to shop by yourself, and even to her dismay, talking to boys.
Rafe had been the one to suggest getting the AirTag to put in your car. He wanted you to always be safe and to ease her worries, at least that's what he told his wife. The real reason being much darker than that. He had been sickly obsessed with you since the moment he laid eyes on your pretty self. No boy was going to touch you as long as he had control of it, and getting the AirTag installed was just the kind of control he needed.
For the last month, he had been stalking everywhere you went through the handy app on his phone. Even got in his own car and drove by a few places to check and see if the damn thing was working. Your innocent little self didn’t suspect a thing either, which is what made you so naive to the situation.
It had been like any other night. Your mother and you had gone out to dinner while Rafe worked late. She being oblivious to the fact you were texting your guy friend, who had invited you over. She never thought you would actually sneak out, you were too much of a sweetheart to do that. It was much to her surprise though, when your room was empty and car was gone at 1:00 in the morning. She immediately thought of the AirTag, Rafe had installed a moth prior, running back to their shared room.
This was the moment he had been waiting for. To catch you being the little slut he knew you were. The GPS on, he zoomed towards your location until the icy white Mercedes with a bedazzled North Carolina tag came into view. The only car there. He shut the truck off, letting his muscular 6’2 frame stalk towards the door. His usual light blue eyes, turned pitch black as soon as he barged through the door. “Bozo’s” tongue down your throat as you laid on the couch.
Gripping the shirt, the boy wore, Rafe teared him off of you. His fist immediately connecting with the boy’s jaw. You sat still, in complete shock by multiple things. Your head was spinning, how did your step-dad find you? How did someone punch one time to have teeth falling out? You knew that your step-father had a violent past but to quite literally see the boy you liked getting beaten to death, had not only scared but something else. Something that made your princess parts tingle.
“Rafe.” You whispered, the boy you had been making out with now bruised and battered as your step-father towered above him.
One look up and Rafe’s hand was gripping your arm, yanking you off the couch. He took your keys and purse in the other, dragging you towards the still open door. You winced, trying to get out of his grip but ultimately failed as he literally threw you in the passenger seat of his truck.
The tires screeched as he sped off, zooming down the empty roads of Kildare. His jaw was tight, the vein in his forehead protruding as he boiled in anger. “I knew that innocent act you pull all the time was a load of shit.” His voice so low it made goosebumps rise on your skin.
“You think I’m stupid, huh? That I don’t know you are a fucking slut. You can hide it from your mom, but not from me. I could tell you were a slut from the moment I met you. Batting those ridiculous lashes at me.”
“Not a slut..” You mumbled, looking down. He was berating you with every sentence he spoke, his words nasty and degrading.
The laugh that came from him was sarcastic almost menacing, he glanced over at you for a moment, truck swerving in the process. “You know I told your mom that girls like you need some discipline. Been too fucking spoiled all your life.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, tearing your gaze away as you tried to stay relaxed in the car ride from hell. You noticed Rafe turning a few streets too early, making your frown. The street leading towards Figure 8 was nothing but trees, making it dark and desolate. You were about to ask what he was doing when the car came to a hault. It came too fast, one second you were being yanked out of your seat and the next you were being pushed against the bed of the truck.
“Rafe.. what are you doing?” You whispered, feeling the cool air hit your exposed bottom from the short skirt you wore.
“Shut up and listen.” His voice boomed, a hard smack to your ass from his hand, making you squeak out. “I’m a proactive type of person. So that means when I say I’m gonna discipline you, you are going to get disciplined.”
You weren’t expecting him to spank you, your ass cheek now stinging from just one hit. You hated yourself and more importantly your cunt for clenching around nothing at the pure wrongness of this. You felt just how damp your panties were getting, wishing you hadn’t worn a skirt or better yet had not even snuck out that night.
The sound of a zipper being pulled down and the clank of a belt, had you turning your head. It was a quick look as your head was roughly pushed down onto the hard plastic of the bed of his truck.
“Rafe..” You whimpered, head burning. “No..”
The taller man behind you, yanked your skirt up, tearing your soaked panties in one go. The dark sounding chuckle behind you was all you needed to hear to know that something bad was about to happen.
“You wanna act like a slut. You get treated like a slut.” His voice rough as he shoved his length inside you with no warning. “Show you what real dick is, since you wanna find out so bad.”
He was huge. Bigger than anything you ever could have imagined. You had only lost your virginity a few months prior and hadn’t had sex since. The burn and stretch to your hole was brutal, tears pooling in your eyes from the pain. The control he had over you though was powerful and you couldn’t bring yourself to fight back.
“What was that earlier? Not a slut.” He growled, yanking your head up by the hair. His hand came to grip your jaw tightly, dark blue eyes boring into your soul. “Why you dripping down your thighs, huh?”
Truth be told, you didn’t know why. Your step father was gorgeous to look at, and a part of you didn’t want to ever disappoint him. That was no reason to be soaking his cock though as he held you down against your will.
“Cat got your tongue?” He laughed, ramming inside you at a cruel pace, making you take his monster of a dick.
“Too.. too much.. please.” You begged, your lower stomach on fire as your first orgasm was already approaching. His hand moved down to your throat, clasping it in a tight grip. You felt your oxygen being cut, the lightheadedness coming to your brain as he squeezed hard.
“Awe don’t please me, pretty girl. You shouldn’t have been such a disrespectful little bitch, if you didn’t want to learn this kind of lesson.” Rafe’s words making you clench around his cock.
You tried to cry out, the pleasure of him taking over your body whether you wanted it to come or not. You quite literally thought that this was it. Being strangled to death, while your step-dad’s dick was buried inside you. But as you came down from your orgasm, the grip from your neck released, making you gasp for breath.
“I sure do hope that you don’t think this is over.” He breathed heavily. “Your daddy’s girl now little bitch. Got that? I catch you fucking around with another clown, I will kill you.”
You knew he had never been more serious.
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robinsno1lesbian · 2 months
Can u do a Robin smut where she like teaches the reader how to eat pussy? Like she has the reader go down on her and gives her tips to help make her cum
warnings: SMUT!! oral sex (robin receiving), inexperienced reader, first time, pet names (baby, good girl), dirty talk, praise kink, hair pulling, established relationship. (1.1k)
a/n: thank you guys sm for all the requests!! your feedback obviously means a lot + reading your suggestions is definitely a great inspo so, if you have any ideas yourself, keep it up! <3
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you’ve never gone down on anyone before her. you had pictured it, in the safety of your own room, had envisioned the taste of her slick against your tongue, the way she’d squirm and moan for you.
but you’d never gotten the chance to, well, practice. and while your lack of experience had never been something that necessarily bothered you, it gets to you now: the fact that you don’t exactly know how to please her, no matter how badly you want to
now that you’re face to face (face to cunt?) with her, you have no clue what to actually do.
robin has her thighs spread on your bedsheets, revealing all of her to you with a soft smile on her lips. she lets you take in the sight patiently and watches with a bemused, blissed out expression.
“like what you see?” she rasps with a gentle nod of her chin.
“mhm” you hum absentmindedly, your gaze still fixated on her. your fingertips gently trace her outer lips and you watch her way she opens up in amazement. robin is pretty, endlessly pretty, with freckles that really do reach everywhere on her skin. she’s wet with arousal, pink and wanting, framed by curls just a shade darker than her dirty blonde hair.
she chuckles, two of her own fingers coming down to rest between her legs, forming a V-shape and spreading herself open for you to see.
“fuck” you mutter underneath your breath. robin is breathtaking, all of her is. you can see her clit from where you’re laying on your stomach. it’s throbbing for you.
“i don’t-“ you finally admit, eyes darting upwards to meet hers. “i don’t really like…know what i’m doing, i guess”
“oh baby” robin whispers, her free hand cupping your cheek so her thumb is running over your bottom lip. “that’s okay. it’s okay. i’ll show you”
“you’ll-“ you tilt your head as you repeat the words. “show me?”
“yeah” she promises assuringly, the pad of her finger still tracing patterns over your skin. “don’t worry. i’ll guide you and tell you what to do yeah? i promise it’ll feel really good”
“okay” you finally agree, eyes darting back to the task at hand. “okay”
“good girl” robin whispers, a little smile flashing over her features.
the first thing you notice when you put your mouth on her is the way robin sounds. her raspy voice gets high-pitched and carries more of those familiar cracks in it. her fingers tighten in your hair and she mutters a quiet “fuck y/n” under her breath.
and then, then you notice the way she tastes. it’s unlike anything you’ve ever had before, her wetness slick against your broad tongue. your eyes roll back in your head involuntarily at the mere taste as you lick through her folds and feel the way she parts for you.
curious and with her voice whispering words of encouragement, you drag your tongue all the way through her, up to her pulsing clit, where you swirl around it in clockwise circles.
“oh my god, baby” robin groans, lifting her head to look down at you. “you’re a fucking natural, y/n, fuck”
spurred on by the constant praise (that sends pleasure right to your core) you flick your tongue against the bud of nerves. robin’s legs tremble around your head as she tries to hold them open for you, her ankles crossing over your back to cage you in.
“you have to- ah- suck it” she explains, her eyes heavy lidded and hazy with want. “suck it baby, wrap your lips around it and- oh! oh, yeah just like that”
you hum around her clit, sending vibrations through robin’s entire body that have the woman above you shivering.
there’s nothing but robin. the taste of her, the scent of her, the feeling of her hands as they grab you by the hair and pull you just a little closer.
“is that good for you?” you gasp, lifting your head from her pussy to catch your breath. the lower half of your face is smeared with her wetness and your spit,
“so fucking good” robin praises, her hand loosening its grip ever so slightly. “gonna make me cum like that? with that pretty mouth of yours?”
you nod, eagerly diving back in. your mouth wraps around her again, sucking like she instructed you to. you’re craving her praise, craving her taste and the way she moans above you.
“oh, right there!” robin gasps, back arching against your mouth. “holy fucking shit baby”
you’re eating her out with determination now, eager for robin to reach her height and release over your mouth. her breathing grows ragged, her hips grinding against you impatiently. robin’s moans are enough to encourage you further, her praise like music to your ears.
cries of “a little to the left” and “you’re doing such a good job for me baby, such a good girl eating my pussy like that” and “oh! right there! right there” are the only things echoing through your room for the next few minutes, only accompanied by the sound of your tongue lapping up her arousal and your own, occasional moans.
you could stay there forever. she could suffocate you with her pussy and you would die for it happily.
eventually, robin’s thighs close around your head, practically crushing it between them.
“y/n” she rasps, browns drawn together in concentration and pleasure. “baby i’m- oh my god your mouth, fuck. i’m so- i’m close”
you double your efforts, eating her out like your life depends on it. you feel it before robin seems to sense it herself -the way she throbs.
and then she cries out.
“oh my god” she rasps. “baby i’m gonna cum! you’re gonna make me cum!”
robin’s eyes meet yours then, in that very moment you push her over the edge with one final, harsh flick of your tongue against her clit before you suck it past your lips.
her legs clamp down around your head and her entire body goes rigid when she reaches her height. her hand reaches for yours. you’re not even sure if she notices any of it but you gladly take it, squeeze it in your own to anchor her as she cums.
you knew robin was pretty, obviously. the prettiest girl you had ever seen, precisely. but this, her face contorted in pleasure, her body heaving, naked and in bliss, might be your new favorite sight to see.
she’s still trembling when you lean back, a string of saliva connecting her pussy to your mouth. she looks down at you hazily, her lips curling up in a proud smile.
“oh y/n” she chuckles breathlessly, craning her neck to see you. “and you were worried you wouldn’t be good at this? god…”
you wipe your chin with the back of your hand right before she pulls you in.
“come here” robin laughs and you kiss the smile right from her mouth. “time to make up, yeah?”
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hyunjinsjeans · 5 days
Breakfast in bed (Bangchan x Reader)
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Summary: going with Chan on his trip to America you can’t let an opportunity to give it a try to have that baby you talked about pass you by.
Type: Fluff 🧸, NSFW 🔞
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, unprotected sex (don’t do it, guys!) , little proofreading.
Word count: 2263 words
Related: He Knows (Chan ver.)
Masterlist Here
AN: This fic is a part 2 to Bangchan’s version of the He Knows Series. It can also be read as a stand alone. There is so little plot, I’m a little sorry. I’m also a little shy around smut still but I’m trying guys 👉👈This is the first one! Let’s go!
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You breathe in the morning air. America has been wonderful, after Chan decided to bring you along only a few days before the departure date, you had to get the days off from work and plan accordingly.
Chan finds himself dragging you behind him everywhere, he cannot help it. While he is in his leader mindset, he is also so unable to disconnect from you. You experience his bossy side first hand. He is strict and direct, and he does not play games with the boys whenever they begin having too much fun during dance practice.
Chicago has been kind to the boys, even though they have spent little time on their own personal interests, you still find yourself having a great time seeing them all do what they love. Their set was a massive hit, the boys had great fun and Felix went a little overboard on stage… You enjoyed the show from a spot backstage with some of their staff as well as Changbin!Reader and Felix!Reader who had made it with their little ones.
“Hey… what are you doing all the way over there?” He drops his arm over his eyes as he lays on his back in the bed.
You hear his voice and smile from the open balcony. You turn in your old snoopy pj shorts and shirt and look at him, forgetting about the birds that fly above the busy city. You’ve already made coffee on the coffee machine in the small hotel room, the small mug between your hands.
“Morning, sleepy head!” You step aside and close the balcony sliding door. “I was just having a second with my thoughts, how’d you sleep?”
Chan sighs but does not move a muscle, still tired. You walk up to the bed, leaving the coffee on the bedside table and sit next to him, placing your hand on his forearm you pull the limb away from his face and whisper.
“Mmm, that good?” You arch an eyebrow and watch him whine.
He rolls on his side and wraps his arm around you, dragging you down onto the bed beside him. “Yeah, it’s nice to share a hotel room with you…”
You complain as you drop on the bed, hands go reach out to him on instinct. “Chan!” You can hear him chuckle at your plea. “I’m telling Lee Know you don’t like sharing rooms with him.”
He smiles and wraps his arms around you, “tell him something he doesn’t know…”
You push his messy hair away from his face and examine his face. Eyes closed and expression full of glee. He takes a deep breath and you put your hand against his cheek, he smiles and puts his hand on top of yours, turning his face to kiss your palm.
“I’m so glad you could come. I miss you so much when you stay home.” He admits in a soft voice.
You hum and lean in to kiss his nose. “I know. I feel weird when you’re travelling.”
Chan opens his eyes and meets your gaze, his hand reaches out to touch your face too, his fingers drag along your temple and fix a strand of your hair behind your ear. You lean against him and let him turn to lay on his back again, now pulling you softly into his chest. You wrap your leg around his and let your arm rest on his stomach while your head finds the perfect spot on the crook of his neck.
“Remind me, what time are we supposed to check out?” You rub your nose against his skin, inhaling his scent with a soft smile on your face.
“This afternoon. I think they said at around 3…” his arms squeeze you against him, he closes his eyes when you start nipping at his neck, “babe, what are you doing?”
You smile and slip your hand slowly up his chest and neck until you reach his jaw, “I’m spoiling my husband, what are you doing?” You say playfully.
He chuckles, “well, obviously I’m being spoiled!”
You laugh against his skin, kissing his neck before throwing your head back to look at him.
“Should I stop?” you wait for his reply.
Chan’s grasp on you tightens, “I never said that!” He complains and you giggle in response.
“Oh, so I am allowed to give you hickeys?” You press your lips on his neck again.
“No, no, no!” He puts his hand on your hair and pulls you away softly, “I’m still the only one allowed to give hickeys.”
He stares at your neck for a moment and then his eyes meet yours, all sleep has disappeared from them all of a sudden.
“Mm, actually… let me fix you with one…” He dips his head into your neck and pushes his plush lips against your neck.
You close your eyes as his breath hits your skin and you feel him nibbling on the sensitive spot right under your ear. Your head falls on the pillow and you run your hands up and down his naked chest. He presses his body against you and you grip onto his shoulder, pulling him on top of you as you roll onto your back.
“Looks so pretty, babe.” He whispers when he pulls away and watches the small mark on your neck.
With a cloudy mind you sigh, while he is fully awake now you feel like you’re being put into a trance.
“Chan,” you whisper, combing his hair back with your fingers. “You do realise I have to walk behind you at the airport, right? Now sporting this thing on my neck.”
He smiles and chuckles, “couldn’t help it…” He brushes his nose against yours. “I remember seeing you dance and jump around last night. You looked so cute, so excited to watch us perform. I’m glad you had fun.”
You nod with your head still on the pillow. Looking up at Chan you understand a little better why he wanted you to come. It has been a couple of months since you two decided to grow the family, encouraged by those members who already had kids. The night before you had helped Changbin!Reader with her two year old, Hajoon. She was an excitable little girl and you had a lot of fun holding her and dancing, playing with her small hands as she giggled with her big noise cancelling headphones. Obviously, Chan was eager to watch you have that same kind of fun with a child of your own.
“Aw, are you getting the baby fever?” You tease him, “welcome to my life, be thankful LeeKnow!Reader couldn’t be here, I’m a fool for their baby boy!”
Chan giggles, giving your lips a soft peck.
“Don’t worry, you can be a fool for our baby too. Let’s work on that, yeah?” He proposes.
“Oh, you’re on a schedule now? Is it time for that?” You tease.
“Mmmhm,” He kisses you, smiling into the kiss. “It’s time.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and play with the hair on the back of his head, letting his tongue into your mouth once he licks your bottom lip. You bring your leg up to his hip and feel his hand pull it up against his side. Your hand goes to find his arm and you hold on to him, his fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin. He kisses down your neck and bites every so often, making you gasp and let out little whispered sounds. He pulls your shirt and shorts off and has you laying on your back naked in a few minutes. His hands touch your legs from the ankle to the back of your knee, to your thighs and then his strong hands grip your hips. You reach up and touch his naked chest.
Chan grabs your hand and brings it to his lips, kissing your knuckles and the back of your hand, before leaning down and kissing your stomach, right above your belly button. You whine under his kiss but let him kiss an agonisingly slow path down your belly and between your legs.
He really gives no warning before his face is buried into you, his hands holding your legs apart over his shoulders.
You gasp under his mouth and put a hand on his hair, fingers tangle with his dark locks while your other hand holds on to fistfulls of the bedsheets. You throw your head back as his tongue works on your most sensitive spot, making sure you are absolutely ready for him. You pant with a strong string tightening inside you, breathing seems so difficult as he laps at your folds, his nose rubbing against your sensitive clit. He hums into your sensitive knob and you gasp loudly, legs shaking in his grasp. He keeps going, eating you out like a starved man, only stopping after you cum on his mouth. You call out his name, your back arching off the bed as you do. He kisses your thighs and then your belly and up to your chest, his hands now eager to grope your breasts, he speaks against your chest, lips brushing your skin as he does so. “So pretty, babe… you’ll be even prettier with our baby…”
You nod, lazy hand landing on his shoulder. “Mmhm,” you kiss his lips, “I can’t wait…”
He leans into your kiss and struggles to kick off his boxers fast enough, you laugh as he has to step off the bed to get them off. Smiling, you sit up in the middle of the bed and wrap your arms around your weakened legs and stare. He looks back at you with a sheepish smile on his face as he stands fully naked before you.
“What are you laughing at?” He climbs onto the bed again, his hands land on your knees and he pulls them apart slowly, still face to face with you as you sit up.
“I’m thinking I love you,” you caress his cheek. “And that I am so eager to have your baby one day, hopefully soon…”
It is not spoken, but as the time has gone on and you’re still a couple months into trying for a baby, the two of you have relaxed a lot about the topic. Especially you, since the stress of it was not doing you any good. Chan feels his heart fill with hope when you say those words. He wants the same thing you want and he knows the uncertainty of the situation is hard to cope with, everytime you get a period it’s both of you who deal with the disappointment. Everytime you’re together like this, you remind each other that it’s not a “task”, that you’re doing it because you want to, because it means something.
He sighs and his shoulders relax, he laughs to himself and grabs your face. “I love you too, Y/N. And I can’t wait either…”
You cup his face and bring your lips to his, he leans the rest of the way and he pushes you down slowly, hovering over you as you wrap your legs around his waist. He slips his hand between your bodies and guides himself inside you. You grip his shoulders and moan into his ear as he starts kissing down your neck. You feel him sink in, all the way in until there is no more space between you. He whispers in your ear but at that moment he starts moving. His hips snap against yours and you plant your feet on the bed, head thrown back.
He hums and groans into your skin. Picking up the pace, it becomes almost unbearable the way he reaches the most sensitive spot inside you, your legs shaking with the imminent release approaching. You dig your fingers into his back and meet his every move, hips meeting his.
“...so close, Chan… ‘m so close…” You let him know in a whine.
He pulls your legs up, his hands find the back of your knees and he pushes them against your chest as he keeps going.
“It’s okay, babe… I’ve got you,” he basically folds you in half as he continues with a fast pace.
You grab onto the bed sheets and soon find the drag of his cock inside you too much, a loud moan falling from your lips as you cum. He gasps and fucks you through it, his hips stuttering a couple of times before he suddenly lands a hand on the headboard behind your head.
“That’s it babe, I’m going to… gonna cum too.” He announces.
Only a couple thrusts later, his warm cum is spilling inside you. You reach up and pull his hand down kissing his bicep before he lets go of your other leg and you can fully wrap yourself around him.
You let Chan kiss your lips, your cheek and your neck before he pulls away and peppers your collarbone with kisses as well.
“You’re so extra…” you joke, he chuckles and asks why, “because you didn’t have to put me in a mating press!”
He breathes in, “oh, you love it…”
You put your hands on your face, unable to deny his statement. You hear him laughing and cannot help yourself but smile.
“See?” He kisses your hands still on your face. “Hey, I’ve got a good feeling about this…”
You let him take your hands away from your face and smile at one another, hopeful but unaware this would be the moment that would change your lives.
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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reidsdimples · 5 months
Confetti 🎉
Spencer Reid x bau!Reader
Just cute 💝
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“It’s not too much! How could it be too much?!” Penelope exclaims as she tosses confetti onto and around Spence’s desk.
You frown, especially because she picked the tiny confetti that finds its way into everything. Spencer will hate it.
“You just wanna torture him,” you shake your head and grin.
“You remember that time he filled my office drawer with those spring loaded snakes? Nearly gave me a heart attack! He gets what he deserves in the form of too much confetti love,” she quips as she dumps the smaller confetti into his drawer.
“Baby girl, you have your own office. We’ll never hear the end of what you’re doing to the kid,” Derek cuts in and drapes an arm over her shoulder.
“Shh! He’ll be here any minute!” Penelope says.
“Lights out, he’s in the elevator,” Hotch says more stoically.
The surprise party probably could have happened anywhere. But he would be least expecting it in the bullpen and as a result of a late night text from Hotch.
You crouch down and fiver nervously with the horn noise maker thing. Emily drags JJ behind a desk as the elevator dings open.
Spence pauses before opening the glass door, suspicion painted over his soft features. He glances through the glass briefly, furrows his eyebrows like he does when he’s thinking, and sighs.
“He’s suspicious,” you whisper to Penelope who swats your arm.
Just then Rossi exits the elevator. Your saving grace and plan B in case he decided to back out.
“I wonder what Hotch has for us,” he smiles knowingly at Spence before ushering him through the glass door. You can tell he so wanted to back out.
“SURPRISE!” The team jumps out with a roar of noise makers and clapping.
“Happy birthday Spence!”
“Happy birthday kid!”
An onslaught of attention is turned towards him and he sweetly smiles and takes it all in.
“Wow I didn’t expect this,” he lies. “Thanks everyone!”
“Happy birthday, you,” you nudge him sweetly. His face lights up when you talk to him, causing your heart to flutter.
You’re starting to think this crush isn’t just one sided. You hope, anyway.
Spencer kind of took you under his wing when you arrived at the BAU six months ago.
“It’s everywhere!” Spencer exclaimes upon inspecting his desk and drawers.
The team collectively points at Penelope who smiles wide with pride.
“That’ll teach you to put spring loaded critters in my desk!” She teases.
Spencer bites his lip and nods in a touchè manner and you find yourself smiling almost too hard. His cheeks are reddened and it always so cute.
Pizza is delivered and cake is cut while everyone socializes. You see that Spence occasionally turns his attention to picking confetti off of his desk, it seems to really bother him.
While he and JJ converse with Rossi, you decide to start emptying his drawers so you can dump the confetti out. It doesn’t take very long, mostly folders and a few fidget toys are scattered within them.
You’re dumping out the second drawer when he appears.
“What are you doing?” He asks and sits on the edge of the desk.
“It seemed to really bother you,” you answer as you tried the contents of his drawer.
“I’m pushing the meeting to ten am tomorrow, go home and get some sleep!” Hotch instructs the team abruptly. It was one am so there was a collective sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” Spence smiles. “I can do the rest tomorrow.”
“No it’s okay, I don’t mind,” you insist. “Go home and get some sleep. It won’t take long.”
“See you tomorrow, Y/N,” Emily hugs you and then JJ.
“See you guys!” You wave them off.
Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, and Penelope leave in tandem. Penelope offered to help you clean the confetti but you told her to go home, she had already decorated the entire office. You could clean it up.
“Shouldn’t you be going,” you point to the elevator closing on the rest of the team.
“No I’m going to help. You can’t get rid of me so don’t even try,” Spence teases you playfully.
You huff a small laugh, smiling to yourself as you shake your head. He’s so cute.
“Huh?” Spence says suddenly. Wait, did I murmur something?
“What?” You turn to him, flustered.
“I swear you said ‘so cute,’” he tilts his head as he pops a balloon in his hand. You jump at the sound.
“I- uh- no,” you stammer. Your cheeks heat which is a dead give away.
“You’re stuttering, your breathing increased, your face is red… you’re lying,” he seems amused.
“I didn’t mean to say that!” You slap his arm with an embarrassed smile. You rush past him back to his desk to keep cleaning.
The next few minutes drag on awkwardly, neither of you knowing what to say next. Spence seemingly having little experience in the flirting department.
“Okay fine, I thought it was cute that you insisted on staying and helping despite the mess driving you crazy,” you cross your arms and lean against the wall.
You watch him closely as he turns his head toward you from where he’s leaning over his desk. His long hair and sharp jaw line causes your heart to skip a beat. His brown eyes meet yours as he articulates what exactly he’s going to say.
“You think I’m cute?” He asks, standing to his full height with all of his attention on you. No I think you’re fucking drop dead sexy but sure cute works. A small grin plays in his lips as he awaits your response.
“It’s a crush, really a small crush. And I’m sorry. It’s so inappropriate. I shouldn’t have said anything,” you ramble off and turn away from him.
Something about admitting this makes him intimidating. Especially because he’s walking towards you, fixated and silent. The gears turning in his big giant brain and you have no idea what he’s thinking.
“I like you too,” his voice comes out hoarse, a near whisper and he’s right behind you.
You turn back towards him as he pushes his hair back, he swallows hard, his face and neck now colored pink.
He’s nervous, disheveled, adorable.
You push yourself up on your tiptoes and kiss him quickly, just a small kiss. It shocks him, his eyes widening. His tongue runs across his bottom lip and then he’s grabbing your face in his hands.
He kisses you softly, sweetly. Your hands run down his arms and tangle into his shirt. You’re against the wall and his kissing you slowly, as though to take in and taste you completely. His soft lips taste better than you could have imagined as you push your tongue out to find his.
The moment goes on in perfect passionate kissing and touching. His hands find your waist, your hips, your lower back, and your body comes alive for him. Small breathy sounds escape as you both fight for air and dominance in the kiss.
Finally you break it, pulling back and looking up at him. His lips are slightly swollen now, his pupils blown wide, and his hair messy from your hands.
“Happy Birthday, Dr. Reid,” you whisper against his lips before kissing him again.
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