#i dont trust this thing to run steam
alullinchaos · 1 month
sending out the call, people, give me movies or shows to watch that you'd recommend. currently isolating from family to avoid getting sick with the plague (you know which one) and this means i do not have access to my big boy computer that has all my video games and stuff on it. i just have my laptop. which is not nearly as beefy. and so i ask the people, things to watch?
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princessbrunette · 7 months
pervyneighbor!rafe mixed w innocent!reader fhfufj .. imagine he's scarin off guys that leave her apt, workin behind the scenes to make sure he's the only man in her life she'll need. sabotaging friendships or relationships even. gettin a real ego boost outta her walkin across to his door like :((( the shower's broken again n i dunno how to fix it .. - 🍓
🌺⋆。°🧉°⋆. ࿔*:・🤍
the funniest thing is he acts like it’s a total inconvenience to him because he’s such a brat at his core, not sure how to express the softness he feels towards you without being a dick about it.
he feels like he’s hit the jackpot when he gets a knock at his door — opening to find you, a little damp, wearing a silk robe so thin that your hard nipples poke right through. you suck on a swollen bottom lip, eyes all worried and nervy.
“and what seems to be the problem today?” he leans on the doorframe, glancing behind you to see if his dad was lurking about anywhere before back at your sweet face.
“i’m really sorry to bother you, but my shower suddenly turned cold and won’t turn warm again. m’not sure what happened.” you huff and he nods slowly, scratching his cheek.
“and… you don’t have the phone number of a single handyman who can fix that shit for you, s’what you’re tellin’ me.” he licks his lips making you press your thighs together beneath your robe. you could have called a plumber sure — but you didn’t like letting strange men into your home when no one was around. you knew rafe — and he always looked after you.
“just trust you more…” you look down at your fluffy pink slides, awkwardly wiggling painted toenails as you await an answer. he smirks when you look away, knowing he’s always got you right where he wants you.
“damn right. lemme uh, lemme come take a look, yeah? probably something fixable.” he leads you back to your house with a hand on your back— just a step behind you so that he could see the way the skin of your damp ass cheeks cling to the silk fabric of the robe, the movement of them clear beneath their cloak.
he moves you aside to take a look at your shower, fiddling about with things, occasionally walking over to the boiler before you hear a small “ah.” and the water runs once more, steam eventually apparent.
“rafe! you’re so smart! what did you do?” you grin.
“dont worry about what i did alright— y’see this? dont turn this lever anymore. doesn’t work, thats what broke it. alright, sweetheart?”
“thank you rafe!” you wrap your arms around his neck, warm tits pressing to his chest through the silk. if he just pulled the string keeping it together, you’d be totally exposed. he feels his cock bloat at the thought.
“yeah, yeah. you don’t call anyone else if you’ve got trouble in here. okay? i’m your guy.”
“you’re my guy.” you repeat softly, before staring pensively at the shower. “would you mind staying? just incase it breaks again when i’m showering…” you pout and he huffs out a chuckle of disbelief through a smirk. you had to be messing with him.
“i’ll be just outside. yeah?”
you keep the door ajar, a perfect gift for him to peep through the gap into the mirror, seeing you lather your soft body through the steamy glass of the shower door. one of these days you were gonna pay for teasing him like this.
🌺⋆。°🧉°⋆. ࿔*:・🤍
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mokkkki · 1 month
been following your works since your AJA series and love your choice of allusions, references, metaphors, similes, and motifs - your intertextuality is so layered and insane and established so right off the bat (no pun intended). how do you do it?
hey gorgeous! okay, wow, this is a very big question and i will try to do my very best to answer, though i might miss some things just because of the ginormous nature of this ask.
read. the most important thing a writer can do is read. i love fic as much as the next person, but it's important to delve into works that have been professionally published. when people say this they dont understand that reading is only the first level (and ofc, the most important level) of this step. read fiction, non-fiction, comics, or whatever you want to write one day, and after you're done with that, read things that you would never, ever write. don't stick to a genre. don't even stick to a format! go to podcasts, video games, movies. all of these are based on scripts. it is so so important to be able to recognize those universal elements of good media. there are so many components to this: reading will give you more general knowledge that might work its way into your writing one day, it allows you to meet a vast variety of povs, it develops your critical thinking skills, and ofc, it can even provide a roadmap for your later projects. writing has no rules, but if it had one, id have to say this: a good writer knows good writing, and the fastest way to that is reading a lot.
research. this ties into the fact that reading a lot will give you more general knowledge, and i think that general knowledge is an important factor in being able to write well! you asked specifically about my intertextuality, and most of my intertextuality is historical or religious in nature. i chose to intertwine my characters with historical and religious figures because i like them and the information i have built in! "research" doesn't have to be some crazy note-taking adventure (though it certainly can be if you want it to), it can quite literally be reading a wikipedia article on the toilet. some fascinating aspects of history i personally enjoy reading about is the ancient world, which ties directly into mythology, and eventually flows into abrahamic religions. religious intertextuality is so built-in and inherent, just because of its universally applicable themes (death and rebirth) that apply to every story told. i think its a great place to start if you are trying to add intertextuality to something you've written! i also recommend looking at non-western history, because it tends to be overshadowed, and there is truly so many fascinating things contained within it.
write. like. duh! and im afraid this might sound a little discouraging, but i think that if its your first time writing (and your goal is to be a good writer, rather than a cute hobby on the side), you also have to know that on some level, your first draft/project will suck compared to published novels, just a little bit. but you can't let that discourage you! you just have to keep going. its still something you've created, and even if that thing is ten pages of a bathing grandpa's stream of consciousness, it is valuable and important. i literally mean that with all my heart. i think that writing is a really tough discipline sometimes, just because it's a solitary activity where you type out what is, for all intents and purposes, an extended daydream you are having, and its for that reason that people tend to just run out of steam halfway through a project. you have to be able to motivate and push yourself. write like the wind! write poems and short stories and scripts and fanfic and novellas and epics, experiment with different styles, and above all, know that the content you are creating has value, simply because it came from you.
okay, i think that's everything! thank you so much for trusting me to answer such an important question, and if there is anything that seems unclear to you, please don't hesitate to leave another ask or even send a draft over <3 lots of love!
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I’m not going to try to convince people to vote for my fave polycule (Leverage OT3) because not everyone has seen Leverage and I respect that. However, before everyone finishes voting, I urge those who haven’t seen it to just. Give it a try! You don’t have to watch all 5 season and the reboot. Try even just the ones others have written in about. The love Hardison, Eliot, and Parker have for each other is built on such a strong foundation and they just all get each other. They have each others’ backs no matter what. And don’t get me started on the chemistry, the HISTORY they all share.
These other polycules are amazing and fascinating relationships, and some are very longstanding! However, the pure emotion, strength and trust that drives this OT3 are just inimitable. Not to mention seeing all of the characters learn and grow into these relationships in Leverage is just magical. I routinely find myself rewatching this show and noticing new things that I love about their dynamic. It’s warm and comforting, like laundry fresh from a dryer or a steaming cup of tea on a cold day.
Give Leverage a try, please! It really is worth it.
Anyway, fellas (gender neutral), it’s been an honor.
i respect u so much for how u started this like thats super nice and valid but also i think its ok to vote for snth u dont know! maybe the propaganda convinced u!! i think thats whats fun about the propaganda posts, that and the new stuff i now wanna get into lmao
as for which ep to watch, if ppl dont wanna go look at other propaganda: i myself have never seen leverage but theres multiple tags saying The Run Down Job (i think thats the name?) is the most polyam one
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without-it · 1 year
ok i lied i love to update u guys. heres updates and general tips and goals for the next fast ❤️
said id wait till thursday but at my core im a little silly guy who loves to lie and tell untruths!! so heres the fasting tea abt wrapping up that last 90 hour fast and starting this one
first off, the refeeding and weight gain update from the two days of eating "normally" : weight update this morning, from my last weigh in on monday, i gained about 1/3 of a pound (i lost just over 10 pounds so really good return) so really happy with that honestly. refeeding is such a huge and often overlooked aspect to fasting, and if its handled wrong it can often negate all ur hard work.
when i refeed i focus on PLAIN low calorie foods. if you end a fast with curry to be perfectly honest ur gonna shit urself to death and have a fucking miserable time lmao. my go to is a PLAIN UNSEASONED steamed veggie dish (usually steamed broc and corn, broc bc low calorie and corn bc i am a corn GIRLIE), and often with miso soup to go with it. unseasoned foods help with the upset tummy after ending a fast, and get ur body used to actually processing glucose again. and miso soup is just a nice low calorie simple food to add some fun into that meal. pls dear god do not eat sweet foods / high salt / high seasoned in general / or heavy meat or sauced dishes as a fast breaking meal. if youve fasted for more than a 4 days im not joking you can literally end up dying from that so just be responsible shawtie damn. (look up refeeding syndrome im not a doctor so im not gonna give u the lowdown)
things to focus on during the fast to help prevent rapid weight gain: drink ur god damn liquids. i dont care if ur getting water in thru diet soda or tea or fizzy water or even coffee. that is water, that is a pro and do not listen to ppl who say that water "doesnt count". when you restrict liquids during a fast you will obvi lose more weight in the short term, but during refeeding if u start drinking normally again (as i really hope u are lmao) you will gain this water weight rapidly. u turned ur body into a desert for a few days, and best believe the second u have more liquid ur body is gonna hang on to that for dear life. its better for u and less stressful in the long run to just keep up ur liquid intake during fasts trust me.
and then this is my go to routine for every fast:
every day i take these suppliments: high strength collagen, iron, zinc, a womens multivit, and the unsung hero of fasting? FIBER TABLETS. bro i can fast for over a week and still not be constipated bc im on my SIGMA FIBER GRINDSET
and then my daily intake: at least a liter of water every day with the "Endura brand low carb sugar free electrolyte drink" (in lemon lime flavor) (i put 2 scoops aka 2 serves per liter of water) the taste is super mid but honestly drinking that every day on my last fast made things such a breeze. literally like no headaches, no cramps, minimal dizziness, and my sleep was mostly uneffected.
then i also have either a can or two of coke zero. yes i know it has 1.1 calories and diet coke would be technically more appropriate for a fast, but i hate diet coke and u will not catch my ass drinking it
and then a cup or two of green tea with a 0 calorie sweetener. no recommendations on the sugar bc honestly i swap between brands depending on whats avail at my grocery store that week lmao.
all this liquid and high variety keeps me kinda full, and provides fun taste enrichment so i dont literally go monkey insane drinking plain water for a week. cool if u can do that but ur literally a psycho and not to be trusted frankly
so current goal is at least lunch time saturday. i have plans to do lunch w my friend but honestly if im not rly hungry then and i wanna keep the fast going im just gonna cancel that lunch or even push it to dinner to just get a few more hours in!
as usual, expect weight updates every morning. the starting situation is: 87kg exactly ( 191.8 pounds) , 20% of my weight loss goal achieved. see yall tmro for the update!
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mindmojis · 2 years
dont know if you'll ever see this but like. thank you for your emojis. never see anything related to delusions in emojis and somehow it makes it so much easier to tell the people i trust when i'm experiencing a delusional episode (or about to. usually i can tell when i'm about to go off the rails, but not during an episode) so yeah. you've probably saved me. some damage. thanks.
i'm so glad i can help you with that!! that's exactly why i made these emojis, i want them to be as useful as possible to the people who need them. i'm really glad they helped you, it means so much to hear that and really motivates me to keep this blog going /gen/
& speaking of that - my blog is inactive right now because of college and personal life things, but i'm working on getting it back and running as soon as possible! just ran out of steam and need a bit of a hiatus (its been months. "a bit of a hiatus" my ass /lh/)
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demoiselettes · 2 years
hellooo! i would like to request a matchup please :D\
i am a demigirl and i have no gender preferences but i mainly use she/they pronouns, but i honestly dont mind if people use other pronouns for me.
i am 5'2 , i have shoulder-length black hair with bangs that go to my eyes, brown up-turned eyes, slightly turned up ears and sort of a fairy like appearance (now that i think of it, maybe its because of the makeup)
my personality is almost like mitsuris (gets flustered easily, shy, emotional, big appetite, hopeless romantic and kind (i think)) but i think im more outspoken and sarcastic than her (?) i like drawing, baking, cooking, playing piano and singing! but i dont like arrogant, oblivious and selfish people (ew)
my favourite colour is either pink, yellow or sage green! my love language is quality time, i do enjoy cooking and baking a lot and i wish to be either a chef or a baker once i finish school :D
i think thats it, please tell me if theres something i missed and thank you!!
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I match you with Genya Shinazugawa!
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•You thought i was gonna match you up with Obanai hah/j
•Honestly, i don’t know how either of you like, ever hang out around each other
•The moment he sees you, he’s running the opposite way even though his original plan was to talk to you but now he’s completely stumped because of how beautiful you are and he feels like he swallowed his tongue and-
•So yeah, it’d take a heck ton lot of courage for him to decide to stay in close proximity to you for more than a few minutes
•Trust me, it isn’t because he doesn’t like you or anything
•But Genya is just pretty shy in general despite his brute exterior, and so him hanging out with someone like you carries 100% risk of him passing out
•He practically worships you in his mind, he thinks you’re the prettiest thing alive
•But of course you’d never know that..
•Your interactions are basically you talking to him while he’s trying his hardest to keep it together in the back
•He’s rather protective of you
•He considers you to be one of the few people he has left, alongside his brother and the Kamaboko squad, so don’t be surprised if he just jumps at anyone who looked at you the wrong way
•You might think he isn’t fond of you, cause he tends to be rather rude and aggressive, but he just has no idea how to act around you ☹️
•With time(and help from Tanjiro, an extremely jealous Zenitsu and a very annoyed Shinobu) he’s going to soften up a bit and you’ll see a gentler and sweeter side of Genya
•The shyness will probably never go away though
•He adores it when you get flustered too, for two reasons
•1) it’s relieving for him to know he isn’t the only one who’s shy around you- it’s a bonus if you get flustered when you’re with him though it’s likely he won’t notice
•And 2)..he thinks you look adorable
•He tries to deny it, but the fact that you’re shorter than him inflates his ego by a lot
•Would definitely tease you about your height, only it mostly comes out as insults.. he really doesn’t mean it
•He’d buy an entire ramen shop for you (if he had enough money to do so and Gyomei’s approval)
•No, really, he takes note of your appetite and gets you food whenever he can
•Gyomei’s definitely noticed something going on between you both and so he tries to help out with cooking as often as he can
•You might find Sanemi being nicer to you too..
•I think he’d be willing to sit and listen to you gush about love
•He wouldn’t input much, but he’d simply listen and maybe his mind would wander..
•Your official taste tester
•Always there to try your new goodies, and he isn’t afraid to tell you if your food’s missing something so you can improve !
•Then he’ll eat everything
•Would love to listen to you sing, but when you begin he’s red and steaming to the point where you think he’s having heat stroke
•Like you, Genya isn’t fond of arrogant people
•Growing up, he didn’t have the best financial situation and it did happen for him to chance upon wealthy folks.. it didn’t go well
•You being generous is probably what draws him in in the first place
•Actively supports your dream of becoming a chef!
•He finds it so adorable how much you enjoy cooking & baking, if you can carve out a career from that, he’ll try his hardest to be the best taste tester you can get :)
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
oh my god this fucking tumblr dash i frogort aobut it already and my figner are fucking freezing so i cant tyoe for shit
anyways so i was browsing like you know one of those websites that streams a bunch of shit for free, and i saw a show called BEEF, just BEEF, it wasnt an acronym or anything. so fo course i had to see what was up duh?? so i finished the first episode. and i fucking love it. i mean the whole time i was lowkey chanting "kill someones kill someone kill someone" but you know how good media does that to you right. but yeah so when the episode finished, i noticed that my heart was beating really fast, like as if id drunk coffee. like lowkey i wouldnt have been surprised if i had passed out onto my desk. but so if my bodys reaction to the show is anything, i enjoyed it. im going to watch the next episode when i either A: feel like i can handle my pulse rising like that again without freaking out or B: i wanna get an adrenaline rush because im really depressed and need to feel something. but yeah this is totally just like that time i watches thor ragnarok, and it took like multiple weeks for me to get through it because i just couldnt handle tom hiddleston. but thsi time i refuse to believe that its any of the actors. i am trying to convince myself that im not that shallow. tbh i just loved the last scene where uhh,,, hold on whats her name okay its Amy. so i loved that scene where she got to fuel all her anger into running after Danny and yelling shit at him. like i know its not for a good reason but i feel like my girl really needed just some way to let some steam out. anyways yeah i am going to go read something that i give zero shits about now because my body is still on alert from that. it feels like im planning on having a voluntary social interaction with someone, which i am not. aka i am anxious as fuck but in this way where i kinda dont want to be, but my body just reacts so strongly that i really cant fight it. ya know social anxiety. except sometimes its triggered by just a good tv series.
honestly its probably just that im excited, because that episode was good,, but because this jittery and kind of stressed feeling isnt really like, often present in my life in a positive way, i just can't tell excitement apart from anxiousness. ya know. normal " i have awful social anxiety" things. or more like "i am severely mentally ill and am not getting the treatment i need" kind of things. pick one. or both. tbh the adults suggested uhh like occupational therapy, and i got a list of therapists from my doctor. but my trust in any kind of help the adults try to give me is so fucking deteriorated that i cant imagine it ever actually helpoing me. and if i told that to an adult i know they would say some shit like " well i f you go in all negative of course its notgonna work!! you gotta want to heal for it to work" and oh my god im drviing myself into abreakdown here so haha i wish that the adults would fucking understand that i fucking have severe anxietyy and trust issues. and that not believing a form of therapy is going to help me, isnt the same thing as not wanting to be helped. do you fucking know how badly i jsut want someone to finally give me some type of actual support or aid or help oh my god. okay my fingers are getting really aggressive on the keyboard. im gonna go fr now. i fucking hate adults. and im tired. and i have trust issues. and i ahve anxiety. and while my medication does help me to go about my day a bit easier, because i dont find myself digging mental holes for myself. it doesnt help for shit when im in a situation that in and of itself is anxiety inducing for me. and i dont fucking like how i cant tell the difference in my mood between the lighter and stronger dose. because i cant fucking say that its not heloing. because i dont know that. oh my god i am so horrible at stopping myself from venting. going now. okay. bye.
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dumbbitchfrommars · 1 month
friends talk to friends
i feel like im out of alignment because im chasing rather than attracting
i dont know what i want or what im looking for so the universe is just giving me things at random and i dont actually want any of it
i am completely lost and dont know what im doing with my life
i dont know if i should go back to uni and do a phd, go to beauty school and commit to makeup or find something else and completely restart my life
i feel like im sinking again. my mind isnt a really safe place, try as might to be a safe person for everyone else. for me, im barely afloat.
my confidence is low because i dont trust myself. i feel out of balance because i look to everyone else for guidance instead of myself, because i dont trust myself. but when i try to do things for myself, i convince myself im doing it wrong. or its just not as... good. because its me. i feel singled out all the time because im too sensitive.
i dont trust anyone. i feel like everyone is so flawed, and while i appreciate that its normal, so many people in my life can hurt me. and i want to get them out - but then id be left with no one. so i feel stuck... because i want to level up, but im too scared to be alone.
maybe being alone is what i need? what is the path of least resistance? cause right now it feels like im chasing and chasing and obsessing over things that i want. so much that theyll never become a reality because of my mindset.
i just for once, for one second, want to turn off the constant overanalysing of everything. i just want to move forward. i want to grow. im not growing. i feel like im falling behind. i feel like im so fucking far behind. how can that be fair, when all ive done is work and work and work to get ahead? how can it be that after all this work, all the fighting and fighting - i end up so far behind? what? because i was fighting against toxic people that kept me in the same place for all that time? not realising that there were other people in the world just going full steam ahead - because they had people who were genuine and supporting them and mutually growing together with them. but instead i was stuck trying to grow when i was being constantly shoved into a tiny box in the corner of the room. i finally got out and everyones grown so big they take up the whole room already. and im still trying to stretch my legs. im still finding my way...
im sinking.
i feel like theres one person who could make me feel better, but in reality he couldnt. only i could. but i cant. i feel like i cant... i can. im the only one who can. but i have been so mean to myself lately. i feel so insecure, because ive fallen victim to believing the way other people treat me is a reflection of me. but its not. its them. and i deserve to feel good about myself. especially because of the way they treated me. because when i feel depressed, they win. my happiness is my rebellion. my happiness is me winning. i cant let them see me crack. but here i am at home... sinking a little. but i know exactly what will make me feel better. and thats flying.
tomorrow i will go for my first run. well, hike. but i want to run again. i felt high. i was tripping. i was alive. i was happy. i will chase that feeling outside of substances. i will be sober. i will take care of my body. and i will live for the adventure - because that is clearly what brings me a sense of excitement for life again. i am alive. i wont forget that... i need to remember it. i need to honour this life. i need to honour myself. what brings me happiness? reading, romance, adventure, spontaneity, change. ive got this. i just needed to adapt. i just need to adapt. and it will all work out, and itll all come to me. i need to stop asking questions and start waiting for the answers. ive got this. i believe in me. i believe in me. and i wont let myself sink.
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marcusoseman99 · 6 months
Songs of the isle Pt 11
Apollo: can I have one night where I just sleep.....kill me.
*Apollo gets out of bed and grabs a long wooden sword that is resting by the door, as he gets out of the bed you can see he is in the shirt from the intro that is now bagger and wore out with the jogging trousers that he was wearing when he was with Vick, he walks through halls until he reaches the fire pit room then leaves the fortress, within the walls of the outer part of the fortress is training dummies, pull up bars made of wood and a collection of rocks of varying sizes*
Apollo: if I am awake at least I can do something useful, and if I am lucky maybe It will tire me out enough so I can get some sleep.
*Apollo walks up to the dummies and stabs the sword into the ground infront of one of them then walks over to one of the another dummies and takes up a spear and shield, he walks back from the them still facing the dummies then places the weapons down slowly before rubbing some of the mud from the ground into his hands while he closes his eyes.
He takes a deep breath then as soon as the breath is finished he picks up his weapons and shield in front of him while his other hand holds the spear like you would hold a shopping bang by the handles then slowly lowers his stance before thrusting his spear into the dummy.
He throws up his shield to block the phantom attacks from the opponent his mind has mustered up to challenge and poke through Apollos stances, foot work and his every being. He pivots his feet while his hips twist giving him more power with every strike, he releases a breath that sounds like a steam train whistle his whole body acting like a faithfully constructed machine that has been made for one purpose and it is excelling at it.
The scene cuts to Apollo with a sword and shield with the other dummy his motions more fluid but still his lower body is sending power to every strike, he eventually throws the shield toward his straw opponent then charges it hitting his new unmovable adversary from head to legs with strikes, that mixed with offensive and defensive aspects till Apollo falls to the ground covered in sweat and mud.
The sun rises as Reegan approaches Apollo, he lowers himself to Apollos level*
Reegan: Thought i was the one that doesnt sleep?
Apollo: fuck up.... i got couple hours maybe hard to tell.
Reegan: You know I can’t stop you but take one day to rest up that cut is probably gotten worse because of this training.
*Apollo lifts his shirt to show that that cut has already become a scar and even then, it is fading*
Reegan: We both know werewolves don’t heal that fast
Apollo: Drop it.... i am just lucky or sometihng
Reegan: You release how dumb you sound, right?
Apollo: I just dont want to think about.
*Apollo stands up and is about to go inside but Reegan stops calls to him*
Reegan: Are you going on a patrol?
Apollo: Yeah....you gonna try and stop me?
Reegan: I can’t.
*Reegan hands Apollo a blue plastic bag, Apollo takes it and looks inside it has his hoodie and a couple of snacks*
Apollo: Thanks, Reegan
Reegan: we are running out of supplies can you talk to Herms soon?
Apollo: Yeah sure.
Reegan: Hey.... are you ok?
Apollo: Yeah just tired.
*Apollo weakly smiles*
Reegan: Shit you are bad at lying.
Apollo: I know but ill live.... trust me.
Reegan: That does not help.
Apollo: yeah......I know.
*Apollo starts to walk into the forest then the scene returns to Vick still looking through the grimoire then his Papa knocks at his floor door*
Papa: You coming down for breakfast, Vick?
Vick: Of course be down after I shower.
Papa: Ok, son.
*Vick looks down at the grimoire*
Vick: today I am going to get some answers from that wolf....man well boy....thing?
*Vick runs downstairs his hair still soaked, he grabs a piece of toast and goes to leave the house*
Papa: Hey, son what’s the rush
*Vick turns to Papa and Debbie sitting at the dining table*
Vick: Oh sorry I just really want to go back to the forest.
Papa: You like it in there?
Vick: Yeah it I don’t know its fun...... I guess.
Debbie: well be careful.....Vick don’t want you getting a cold this time.
*Vicks eyes light up as soon as his name exits his grandmother’s mouth then he gleefully leaves the house Papa turns to Debbie*
Papa: Glad you could see reason.
*Papa leaves the dining room while Debbie sits sheepishly in her chair poking at her cereal*
*Vick walks into the tree line of the forest then knees down and takes out his compass and places it on the ground before taking out a cheese cutting knife, He places it next to the compass then with his final journey to his pockets he pulls out a folded piece of paper he unfolds it and starts to read from it*
Vick: blood yeah device for locating bla bla bla......ah ok drip your blood onto the instrument of choice then think of the place or person you wish to locate simple enough.
*Vick pricks his finger with the cheese knife and bleeds a little on the compass then pulls open the paper again*
Vick: ok find my thought.......blood as payment. 
*The Compass starts to spin around in circles stopping a few times before it stops suddenly set in one place*
Vick: Mmmh Witchcraft is really handy.
*Vick starts to walk further into the woods fixating on the compass*
Vick: finding Apollo will be a piece of cake now.  
6 months later
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323398149 · 11 months
You dont need to sort through it as “quickly” as possible. Take a deep breath. Now take some more. Go easy on yourself. No one would be so annoyed that they would hurt you. And if someone were to ever hurt you then please let me know so I can hurt them….take things one step at a time. See what you actually want out of life. You have to know what you actually want before making concrete steps in that direction.
I cant know who this was from but I've read it a million times in the last year or two from whenever it was sent.
I just logged in thinking, this is a tumblr vent not a finsta one.
I'm so overwhelmed by life and growing up (the usual, am I not always in this state? Jk I guess a couple years ago, no, that wasnt what i was talking about on here lols)
I was gonna be like nobody prepares you for interviews and job applications but technically they do in grade 10 careers but gee the real deal is so much scarier and like.... it really is just based on you. Like some ppl just got it and others don't. I have no social skills lol and out here in the real world it really shows.
It's like gr9 RUSH all over again. I went from being the cream of the crop in my cohort in uni and being amazing at leading meetings and connecting with classmates to suddenly being back at the bottom of the barrel. It feels like they poured us from one barrel to another bigger one except you know how the foam gets left behind when you pour steamed milk into a cup? It feels like that. It feels like I'm just hanging out there by myself still stuck to the sides of the first barrel when everybody has moved on and I don't have the social or even technical skills honestly to get myself from the first barrel to the bigger one without the flow of the rest of the crowd to carry me. As soon as we hit 4th year it became every (wo)man for themselves and stopped being collective. Like for the 18 years before that we all progressed forward together every year at exactly the same rate yknow? I got complacent.
I didn't realize we were just walking towards the starting line for a race and were expected to start running at the whistle of graduation. It's like I didn't even know the route of the course that we were on and now I finally just got a hold of a map. Or it's as if I'd never heard a whistle before so I didn't realize that was our cue. Or lmaooo like I sneezed at the exact same time as the whistle and ended up not hearing it. So now I gotta figure out how I can keep going even tho I can barely see everybody turned some corners and I can't even see what's on the other side of the bend yet.
But the point is that I've found the map now so imma just have to figure out a route on my own and trust it and keep going.
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mzsupernova203 · 1 year
My letter to you.
Good morning love. I think you may think I’m crazy by now. I’m really not. You may think I’m being too clingy or just a lot to handle but I’m not really. You see, I just never felt this type of way for anyone and I just don't know what to say or how to say it or even how to act. My emotions are so strong at times that they get the best of me. I know you have alot to process about me based off of what I been writing but in person I’m just a totally different person.I just need the chance to show you. Im not a jealous person unless you give me a reason to be. I am very trusting,very loyal,very flexible, I am not the controlling type, I am humble and would give you the space you need when needed.I wouldn't have any issues with you hanging out with the guys or going out because guys need time too. I am not the type to call you a hundred times a day. I am very nurturing, very affectionate, very grounded. But also very passionate about things too. I’m an ambivert. I'm not the type that likes to go out but once in a blue just to blow off some steam. I'm a homebody. I like Netflix and chill type of days over going out. I like movie nights at home and game nights too. I take a lot on; TOO much sometimes, I always want to do for everyone.But that’s just me. I am very generous but to the right people. I am thoughtful and love the small things over big extravagant things because it’s the thought that counts. I give a lot, like randomly giving gifts because that’s MY love language. I am very chatty and love to have conversations but then some days I don’t talk at all. I am goofy and fun loving, child like, joke around type. I love pranks I love being silly. I love to laugh. Especially with the kids. I am a mom before anything. I love to dance, to sing, to cook, to help people who need it. I am adventurous and daring. I love nature, and car rides to no where. I love doing random things. I have a love/hate relationship with planning things out. It stresses me.😖I love food! 😂 I love music. I hate conflicts and fighting, I don’t start trouble. I worry a lot and always need to be self assured. And if you’re having a bad day I would lift you back up and make you feel better. I’m good like that. I am no psychic, so I DONT know when you are feeling a certain way and you would need to communicate and make things crystal clear to me. I always need clarity. Otherwise my mind would run on a thousand, like it is right now.
I don’t ask for much, just love and respect and loyalty. I’m a really good person I would take care of you I wouldn’t care if you didn’t have a job or you were homeless or didn’t have a car or have the finer things. Those type of things don’t matter to me. I am a very independent person and don’t need anything. I don’t expect gifts at all or anything for that matter. Im not the type of person that cares about looks or how people dress. As well as what people think about me for that matter,I could care less. As long as you treat me right and you have an awesome personality is what matters to me.( And by the way you are the sexiest man I know and that’s a fucking FACT!!) I would definitely remind of that and show you for the rest of your life. I would be your hype man. I would support you in anything you want to do and only make you more confident. But I also would let you know if things aren’t right or a bad idea. I give my opinions. I also want to be taken care of too.. but most of the times I’m self sufficient. On my sick days it would be nice if someone took care of me. I have never had that. I deserve it. To be babied. But most of all I’m the type of person with a big heart. And a lot of love to give, but to the right person who deserves to be love. I’m tired of being a second opinion because I should be the first. I’m not a perfect person at all, because I have many flaws and insecurities but for the most part I’m very confident. There’s so much more that I could say but that would be left for you to find out. So I want to just tell you that I love you so much and I know things happen so fast but I do, I don’t know how and I don’t know why but I do. And I don’t want you to lose me. I’m rooting for you.I know that sounds very cocky( trust me I’m not at all) but I just want you to be the one. Now I don’t know if you feel the same but if you do it would be a good idea to let me know so that I have a reason to stick around. Because you are it for me. I see a future so bright with you. I can picture a blended family with a lot of love and blessings. You are perfect for me in every way. I don’t care what you say is wrong with you. I accept you because of who you are. And people that love other people do that. I’m patient for the most part. Especially when things are clear to me. Now if you don’t feel that way and just see me as a friend and want to work things out with her let me know that too. Don’t be afraid to let me down. Don’t be afraid to tell me or hurt me, because not telling would be worse and lying about it would hurt me even more than not saying anything at all. I don’t want to be lead on. I don’t deserve that either. I deserve much more than that because despite everything I think I’m a great catch. (This is my confidence speaking). So I hope this helps you figure things out a little better. I’m very transparent about things so if you have any questions or there is anything else you want to know just ask. And be open to my responses. I wanna move forward with you with openness, no lies only truth. With a new start and start off on the right foot to building a solid foundation with you. Even if we need to start off as friends it better than not having you at all.
And now your gone🙏🏻🪽
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thegeminisage · 2 years
SUPERLIMINAL WAS SO FUN i hated the apple part though. I had to look up how to progress i was so frustrated >:(
i haven't gotten that far into the hotel yet so I'll have to report back on that
so first off, there IS a demo for slime rancher on its steam page, which was great for me bc i love demos. more games should have demos. also there are cat slimes so. two points. as far as i know there's no multiplayer, i'm not very good at multiplayer games, i get frustrated too easily trying to explain what I'm trying to do. so far I'm just kind of running around and trying to make some money to buy upgrades. idk its fun and chill and there's no time limits asdfghjkl im not very good at describing games.
my main hold up on trying out hades is the camera angle :/ i do not like a fixed camera like that. it was recced to me by the same person who recced outer wilds + dishonored + psychonauts, and while i STILL have not gotten around to dishonored, i have massively enjoyed the other two, so i trust their taste in games.
oh nooo! i don't know how much i actually talked about bloodborne. at least i didn't try talking about outer wilds or i would have started bawling. i have literally started crying bc i thought too long about the characters. i have the soundtrack on my phone and everytime it comes up on shuffle, i start tearing up. i love taking psychic damage. oh look. its happening again. brb gonna go cry for a few minutes bc i love this game so much.
SLIME RANCHER DEMO thank you this is the push i needed. i had to look up a few puzzles on superliminal too so dont feel too bad!!!
im hopefully gonna try hades soon so i'll report back and let u know how it goes...im not sure ive ever p[layed a roguelike before but i have a feeling i'll like the story and its good to branch out sometimes!!!
im so happy you love bloodborne so much. i think we should all aspire to love at least one thing enough that we cry about it when we think about it too hard <3
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tatakaebomb · 3 years
Just for you
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ꕥ Pairing : Yandere! Suna x Reader
ꕥ Synopsis : Don’t trust strangers. Especially not good looking celebrity ones who like lasagna.
ꕥ Word count : 2.4k
ꕥ A/N : not my best work but hey ho… requests welcome
ꕥ TW : yandere behaviour, kinda slow burn, SMUT, cockwarming, somniophilia, dacryphilia, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome (?), extreme gaslighting, mentions of rape, non con, dub con, mistrust, deception, y/n being a dumbass, praise, insecurity mention, praise kink, slight misogyny, suna creepy, nipple play, tweaking, mentions of punishment, confusion, paralysion (?), repayment, rough sex, probs more warnings overall suna just weird creepy yandere. 18+
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'Americano. Black. Take out please'
You sigh as you put in another order, the time was 6pm and you were done for the day. The last few orders were always the worst, you would have your typical customers, the ones that linger for just a bit too long nearing closing times, the ones that would talk to you while your hands are filled. But you always had to keep a smile up, that's your job.
The cafe you worked at was quaint. Out of the way from majority of the centre however was fairly popular, more particularly with the old people. That's why it took you for a slight shock when you saw the volley ball player standing before you, fresh from practice as he tapped away mindlessly at his phone. Eyes glued to the screen as you attempted to check him out.
'Do I ask why he's here... no dont be weird y/n..' you thought to yourself, steaming the coffee and pouring it into the paper cup. Head swung in the middle of nowhere.
'Here you go. One americano to go.' You placed the top on the cup and handed it to him, a slightly larger smile for a celebrity. But you were too embarrassed to show your a slight fan, attempting to ignore him standing tall infront of you.
'Thankyou. Here you go.'
He looks up from his screen to hand you $2. Taking it you took out his change reaching over to hand it back to him only for him to be gone.
'Damn didn't even get to speak to him.' You groaned, emptying your hand into the till and moving to clean up the remaining tables.
As the days progressed you soon became familiar with his presence. He would come in 6pm sharp every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. He was extremely closed off, the only words passed between the two of you were hi and bye really. He was just a regular customer at the end of the day, consuming your black coffee and leaving.
'Lemme guess, black americano? Take out?'
'Yep' he laughed, handing you the change in your hand as you turned around to make his order. Grounding the coffee in the machine as you placed hot water into the cup.
'What's your name?'
'Hm? Oh y/n. Well I would ask yours but I'm already familiar with who you are' you chuckle, glancing over your shoulder to see him smiling down at his phone. Not sure if he just ignored you or just couldn't hear you.
'Here you go sir. An americano to go.' You handed the cup over to him, his eyes still glued to his screen.
'Call me suna.'
He finally looked up from his screen, a small smile being passed from between the two of you as you glint in triumph at his request.
'Sure thing...suna.'
Grabbing his cup he quickly left, your eyes attached to the way he walked off and out quickly, his volleyball shirt still on as fans rapidly recognised him and chased after him, even with his mask and hat on.
What a nice guy.
'Ma'am I cant do that'
'Useless bitch don't you own this place?'
'I'd appreciate if you don't swear at me or else you can leave.'
The woman standing behind the counter, pointing her finger at you for whatever reason was really starting to get on your nerves. Ticking you right off, patience running extremely low. Your teeth gritting in an attempt to not tell her to go fuck herself infront of all the rest of your customers.
'You know what. FINE. I'm leaving now. MOVE!' She said, shoving the next incoming customer out the way. Your fingers moving up to rub against your temple as you exhaled out your stress. Day getting worse by the second.
This Saturday was hectic. Customers shouting and complaining whilst your hands piled with dishes. People wanting refunds from the coffee or updates from what's going on. You could hardly deal with all the commotion happening.
'She didn't seem to happy.'
'Hm? Oh hi suna. You okay?' You smile, finally someone who doesn't annoy you walking into the shop.
'Yeah. You?'
'Never been worse. Oh I already prepared your americano. Here you go.'
You pushed the drink towards him, popping the lid on top as you handed him the optional stirrer he likes carrying.
'Do you want some help?'
'Wh- No. No no your my customer I cant do that. Thankyou though. The drinks free by the way.
Refusing the offer you open the till, voiding his item and letting him have it on the house for being such a committed customer.
It was generous you won't lie, running this place was hard enough as it was, especially when there's only 3 of you working. Even just the offering was enough to get you back into a good mood. It wasn't often that someone was overly kind to you at this place.
'Here. Atleast take a tip. You know for having the order ready before.'
He emptied his change out into the pot at the front of the till, all of his coins almost filling the small cup to the brim. You were slightly shocked at how much his wallet actually contained.
'Thankyou...wow erm-'
And before you knew it he was gone.
Every now and then he would come and over pay, over tip even. As the days went on so did his generosity, but he acted like it was just nothing. Breezing through his phone, grabbing his coffee and leaving. It probably was nothing. He just wanted to make someone's day.
Wiping the tables down your head span with the amount of stress leaving it. Closing time had finally came. 6:30 on the dot you closed every day. It was a tiring Sunday, and a dramatic end to the week but your happy it happened to come to a close so fast.
Pulling the shutters down you walk outside, earphones plugged in your ears as you walk down the cold streets.
'Shit- sorry are y- suna?'
Looking up you saw the tall figure towering over you, his keys phone and wallet scattered across the floor from the collision. Rapidly, you offered a helping hand collecting his things for him and passing it over.
'Sorry I should've watched where I'm going...' he muttered, flickering his phone on and off to check if it still works properly. News flash, it does.
'I'm really sorry about that, that was completely my fault.'
Peering down at you, suna took in your smaller figure. Eyes darker from the dark sky and moonlight reflecting off you. Small hoodie draped over you and a larger puffer coat keeping you warm. A smile wrapped slightly at the sight of how cute you looked right now, gloved fingers intertwined with each other as you nervously figured out what to do. Although his phone was smashed, his mind was elsewhere.
'Just a screen. I can get it fixed.'
'Are you sure? I'm so so sorry please I- I didn't mean to I should've seen where I was going but I was too dis-'
'It's fine.'
'Can I make it up to you?'
Your offering made sunas eyes widened slightly, mischevious gleam in his gaze as he knew you'd do anything right now. Don't wanna lose a valued customer right? Especially one whose a celebrity...
He didn't wanna deny it you were pretty, a pretty girl. The type of girl he loves. The type of girl to not take shit but also so sweet and kind-hearted when it comes to it. The one you can rely and fall back on for anything. ANYTHING. You were his perfect woman. But suna wasn't a relationship type man, he knew how they all ended.
'Erm- you know how to cook?'
The question caught you off guard, cook? Sure you can cook. Bit of a weird ask but gotta do what you gotta do...
'Yeah- yeah I can cook...'
'...Wanna come back to mine and maybe make lasagna...'
You never thought you'd be in THE Suna rintaros house. The one and only. You were trying not to go full fan girl mode at this time but it was so hard not to. Your jaw was slacked open at the sight of how beautiful his kitchen was. The LED light ringed around the table as the counters around it were spotless. Not a speck insight. For such a beautiful luxury it doesn't really seem like he used it much.
'The pots and stuff are there, cutlery there and...I don't really know what you need but I have everything in the fridge.'
'Do you not know how to cook?'
'Wanna learn?'
A nod to his head had you smiling, grabbing the saucepan and pouring the oil into it. A knife and chopping board being handed over to him. A onion laid flat in the middle of it.
'Cut down the middle, and dice it. Then just put it in there.'
Listening to your words he slowly cut, the bubbling oil on the sauce pan getting louder as you prepared the mince and other vegetables. He couldn't help but glance over at you, you were such a natural in the kitchen, moving so fast and getting everything into position. You'd be such an amazing girlfriend.
'Done. Do I just put it in here?'
'Yeah, then just let it simmer and add the mince.'
He listened to your words, and shortly after ended up scrapping together a pretty neat lasagna. He was quite shocked with what a small bit of help could really do. But he didn't wanna touch it, knowing that you helped him make it, you put love into this...
'Taste test?' You cupped your hands infront of yourself, rolling on your toes slightly as you waited for him to take a bite.
'I'm not really that hungry, I'll eat in a bit...'
He knew he wasn't gonna eat. He just couldn't touch such perfection, not when someone as beautiful as you was around him.
Grabbing a chair you say next to him, head leaned into your hand as you peered at him, his green eyes staring back at you admirably.
'Now that I think about it I might've trusted you a bit too easily. For all I know you could be a mass murderer.' You chuckled.
It's true you really were stupid.
'Yeah, luckily I'm not though...just a standard volleyball player after all.'
Blunt humour had you chuckling, the sound of your giggling was like music to his ears.
He loved how much you spoke. How a simple question about what you study was enough to have you blabbering for the next hour. Suna was always a listener. He's all ears for you. The giddy amph in your voice had him swooned, enough to have him wrapped around your finger.
The clock was ticking, time was passing. Sighting upwards you saw it was almost 1am. You needed to return home at this point, at a strangers home till the new strike of day? Are you stupid.
'Thankyou suna... your house is beautiful i really do appreciate it...' you smile. Pretty eyes looking up into his. Shimmering gloss in your pupils, his hooded lids stupor into yours.
'Thankyou for teaching me how to cook, I'll put that to use...'
‘Ah no problem, better than you using your phone all the time. I'm really sorry about, you know, your phone screen...' you grit, completely forgetting about what made you come here in the first place. But never had suna ever been so happy for any type of damage towards his phone.
'The lasagna made up for it. Honestly.'
The lasagna he couldn't touch because of you.
Waving a hand you was about to walk off, but he couldn't let you. You couldn't leave, not when you were so domestic. You cant lead him on like this surely? It might be a bit entitled but suna deserves atleast a kiss on the cheek or something?! He's a celebrity sparing his time for YOU. What does he do?! Quick suna THINK THINK SHES GOING AWAY-
Waking up dizzy you felt your head spin, body unmoving as you felt your legs go weak, cunt throbbing harshly as something was plugged at your cunt.
'Wh- ah- AH-'
'Fuck- your finally awake hm...'
Looking up through hooded eyes you manage to see the outline of suna, sweat dripping down his forehead as his hands cupped around your waist, your body stripped naked as you were relaxed against his chest, cock warming him .
'What's going on?! GET OFF OF ME?!' You screamed attempting to push yourself off but his grip was way too harsh, he smiled at the sight of you being so spoilt.
'No way. I've waited far too long for you.'
His lips move to attach to your neck, your head slinging back giving him more space to move as he rolled his hips gently inside of you. You beginning to feel the knot in your stomach come together as much as you tried not too.
'You'd be such a pretty house wife y/n. Cooking and cleaning, serving me. I promise I'll pay well. I'll treat you so- so fuck-fucking good-'
His fingers trailed up your body, stroking at your nipple as his lips moved lower towards your stomach, gentle kisses placed around you as your back arched into his touch. Head spinning from the concussion.
'You cant expect me not to pay you back...knowing my orders? Always greeting me with a smile... teaching me how to cook. Your so sweet to me.'
His hips thrusted harsh inside of you. A moan ripping aloud as your eyes fell back at the feeling of his ripped girth inside of you. The more you attempted to reject him the better he made you feel.
'Suna no- no pl- ah- please... I don't want this..' you refused. Gentle hands pushing against his chest as he began fucking inside of you. Sloppy sex noises filling the room as you reluctantly began biting your lip, tits moving up and down with every slow hit he made. Your clit untouched and puffy.
'You do baby...I know you do...'
Slamming you on and off of him he built up the pace rapidly. Lips attaching to yours, fingers pinching your jaw open whilst his tongue explored your mouth. The taste of black coffee lingered on your tongue as he couldn't help but smirk at your bitter expression. Laying you down on the bed his hips rocked faster, your arms mindlessly moving to cup around his neck as your wet pussy clamped around him. Moans finding their way down his throat, his dick urging for the need to cum inside of you. To make you his...
A slap to your face had you whimpering, eyes streaming with tears at this point. Doe eyes staring up at him as he spat down your throat, smirking at how you spit mixed with his.
'Complain again and your getting whipped I Promise. Your so pretty when you cry baby...'
You felt yourself nearing your end, body shaking as he kept kissing you. His soft lips prodding at you as your legs began to shake, pussy quenching at the feeling of your g spot being repeatedly hit. Body not processing the idea of what's going on right now as your salty tears streamed down into your mouths.
‘Yea- yeah…’ you cooed, tongue lolling out slightly as your drool fell onto the blankets under you. Your fingers intertwining into sunas hair as his growled ripped down your throat. Fingers harshly tweezing at your nipples as you began to cry harder at what’s going on. You couldn’t stop this, not with how good he was making you feel right now.
‘Sun-suna I’m g-gonna cum…’ you babbled, heavy panting shared between the two of you coherently.
‘Good girl baby I knew you could take me…c-cum princess…’
His praise had you swelling, forgetting all about his despicable behaviour, the knot in your stomach breaking as your back arched off the bed, tits pushing into his chest as you gushed all over him, juices spilling out as he did the same. Mixed cum dripping down your legs as his head fell on your shoulder, teeth slightly sinking into your shoulder.
‘Suna- why…’ you cried. Body finally realising what’s happening…
‘It’s for your own good y/n. You need me…I need you… please baby.’
His guilt trip was enough for you to give in so easily. You did have a little crush on the celebrity. You knew you did, and he would treat you well… right…
Submitting to him, the smile on his face was enough to make your day. His frantic kissing around your mouth and cheek had you smiling, body dumbified to the way he just molested you. But it’s okay right? He did it because he loves you.
He loves you. You love him…
Everybody makes mistakes…
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
Give us the pegging Steven hc NOW🤤🤤
Alrighty first of like four lol. Stven Grant Pegging Headcanons  cw: pegging obvi, sex onbvi, praise/degredation kink, femdom (but kinda reads like trans male too so) Jake Lockley’s good natured bullying, and obviously sub!steven grant. mndi please god i dont want to be sued
Alright to start off he 100% does not bring this up the first time. He wants to, desperately, but the words can’t escape him. He feels like his jaw is glued together permanantly everytime he tries to bring it up.  You bring it up casually, over dinner, and he almost chokes on his veggie wrap. He flushes red and his eyes widen and he looks os sweet sitting there with a leg suddenly thrown over the other.  He’d finish chewing and clear his throat, running a finger around his collar. Lockley in the back of his head making some snarky little remark, something about him being  pillowbiter he doesnt know for sure. He’s focused on your warm hands pressing against his cheeks.  He’staring up at you in a daze, eyes a little hazy. You get scared for a moment because you’re genuinely afraid you broke the poor thing. Until he pouts a bit and goes “Here I am working up the courage to ask and it’s like you’ve read my mind”  It probably forces a little “HA!” out of you, your own cheeks heating a bit.  He leans up and kisses you a bit. You hadn’t been planning on doing it this afternoon but he’s making you want to. 
Needless to say you order your equipment. A nice soft beige colored harness and the smallest dildo the website said was good for ‘begginers’, whcih you felt was safe to assume of Steven.  He’s bubbling over with excitement when the packages arrive, scooping them up in strong arms to drop on the bed and unwrap while you’re at work.  He stares at them for a good bit, lube, toy, harness, all laid neatly on the made bed. He psychs himself out, once, twice, and then decides he trusts you with this with some coaxing from Marc and some gentle teasing from Jake. 
You return home to a shirtless Steven Grant which is odd but not unwelcome. He’s fidgety, keeps throwing you simmering little nervous glances. His cheeks and ears seem eternally stained pink. “We uhh, we got a few packages in the post today. Thought- Well I thought I’d let you know.” He states what he hopes is casually.  He’s burning up inside and he fucking HOPES you can’t see actual steam rolling ot of his ears like some silly cartoon Jake watches.  It makes you laugh through your nose, hi lack of subtely. He’s been walking around half naked (by his standards at least) all evening and he knows the only things you’ve ordered have been the ‘equipment’. It’s sweet of him to try. 
He ends up on his back, holding his left hin to keep himself open wide enough for you to work betweeen his legs. HIs thighs quiver every couple of seconds, He’s whimpering and keening quitely as you work him open, slow and sure. One hand patting at his thigh as the other rubs at his hole gently, dipping in for a few seconds every now and then. 
He has his head thrown back when you finally wiggle two fingers in. He’s relaxed and pliant underneath you, staring dazed up the slanted ceiling.  “Feels so good...” “S’so sensitive lovey..” “Oh please love...”  He’s talking to distract himself from the overwhelming feeling and his stiff cock laid against the softness of his tummy. He swears you spent an hour getting him worked up and now you’re spending another hour stretching him open.  “I’m ready, I’m ready please sweet thing. Wan’it so bad.” He whmipers pitifully, arms lsung over his burning face.  The first stroke in has him gasping for air he cant seem to get. It worries you for a moment, but the drip of pre that slides from the tip of his pretty cock makes you stop short of stopping our hips.  When you finally slide hom he drops from his seized position to partially sprawl himself across the bed, a dizzy little grin on his lips. 
“That feels lovely,,” “I’m so full darlin...oh its heavenly..”  He gets praisey when he feels good, knows how much you like to know he’s enjoying himself. This is one of the only times he feels brave enough to voice it.  The first couple of thrusts pull out little choked sounds from deep in his chest. He almost sounds pained but the bliss in his eyes is enough to tell you he’s not.  ONce a steady rythym is built, hes moaning like a common whore and you tell him as such. “Sweet boy you sound like a slut..” “Sound so pretty bub, know you can be louder though, don’t think the neighbours can hear you yet.”  It’s all in good nature, and you know he knows if his answering groans are anything to go off of.  His cock is slick when you grasp it, thumb sliding up and around the tip just to make his hips twitch for a minute. He’s desperae to cum, eyes honest to god a little teary, looking pitiful in a way only Steven can. It’s endearing honestly. 
Your own thighs feel a little slick as you watch him unravel beneath you, on the silly bright pink plastic cock you’d bought just for him.  When he cums its with a punched out little sound that you can tell comes from deep in his tummy. He tries to curl in on himself but he cant, so he makes a mess of himself, flushed head to toe, making little whimpering sounds as he comes down, tears finally leaking from the corners of his eyes.  He falls to the bed in a haze, euphoric bliss written across his face.  You kiss his chest and praise him gently. Telling him how well he took it, Telling him you’d definately be doing this again.  He giggles a little when you lean up to kiss all over his damp cheeks and forehead. 
He obvously eats you out like a man starved after he calms down a bit, absolutely heartbroken at the thought of leaving you unsatisfied. 
anyway! hes a slut and i love him :(
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mtsodie · 2 years
Please talk more about wigglersim!! I’m curious :0
OK SO. wigglersim. you raise randomly generated grubs and kick em out when theyre old enough. thats it right. nah.
you mightve noticed the empress tab at the top. now thats when things start ramping up.
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see. there are the stats on your grubs; which arent rlly important but u should still raise em high. especially for your fuchsias as they have a random chance of being empress WHICH then controls how you play the game. for the default empress up there the stats are always the same no matter what version of the game u have. same with the allowances. no timehole stuff no tree stuff no name etc. nothing
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heres my current empress which. allows p much everything. you can gamble with your empress to earn more money but dont bet on that too much ok. you will lose a shit ton.
now theres the TIMEHOLE. you can get grubs from other players this way. which p much all of my grubs r.... theres 2 ways to do this. TRADING which is just throwing a grub in there and getting another back. and ADOPTING which costs exactly half of your money so i would. suggest trading LOL... you cant choose which grubs u get and which ones u dont so its just random chance to get the one u want.
you can peer into the timehole which will lead u to this page
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two odd things. the canon trolls (which are always there no matter how many u manage to adopt). theyre there just as a fun easter egg. also theyre from carcinogeneticist so i think you can draw your own conclusions there
and the weird lookin grubs (which are also always there). they are corrupted/purified (i think u can get purified here??? idk i havent got a purified one yet) the corrupted ones actually spread their corruption which looks like this
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so if u dont want that on ur normal trolls dont let them play until one of them is cocooned. the purified ones are immune. ill get back to the ghost bear ok.
ok so. trees. there sure are a lot of mentions for them in a game about raising wigglers huh. theres a reason for that. LOHAE (also known as treesim) is a game connected to wigglersim and viceversa. doesnt rlly seem like it at first but trust me. also be sure to scroll down. plant trees and buy the yellow disc when you can. and the flashlight. always buy the flash light
also if u plant a lot of trees u might notice the border trees change to either flowers pumpkins or straight up bare. im sorry but you are super close to encountering nidhogg. theres multiple ways to get rid of him but playing the yellow disc is the easiest way. then u can collect ESSENCE with the ghost bear and PLANT IT. which grants you grubs (and a brand new nidhogg). if ur empress allows it you can raise those grubs back over in wigglersim but do note if u havent purified nidhogg yet ull only get corrupted grubs from there
theres more but i am running outta steam
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