#i dont think things going wrong on the first day of the year could possibly get worse than what happened on new years day 2021
cosmicdisastr · 1 year
don't you just love seeing 1 tiktok about something that can be wrong with your body that you resonate with which leads you down a rabbit hole of research and diagnosing yourself with a new thing that explains everything you've been dealing with but didn't have the words for but you don't want to bring up official diagnoses with your doctor bc you either can't afford the testing or you're afraid you wouldn't be believed and/or told you're wrong even though you KNOW something is wrong w you but dont have the mental energy to pursue it and so you just walk around with a bunch of shit in your head about things you may or may not have but cant/wont do anything about and scream
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wigglepiggle · 2 years
happy first day of 2023 so far my family has burned some of the cornbread so bad the entire house smells like smoke and my momom just cut her finger with a knife and now it's bleeding 👍
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
────────── 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐜.𝐟
they did say that when two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find a way back to each other. however, are you ready to open your heart again to a person who has broken it in the past?
SEQUEL TO : you’re losing me
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“They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flame but not the fire”
It was true, for me atleast. I’d be lying if I said that I don’t love Conrad, because I do, I still do — no matter how much he had hurt me before, a piece of my heart is still beating for him.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
It wasn’t easy to move on, he made me feel things — things that I never felt before. He was different, he just was.
For two years, I had done my best to put the past behind me, but still, I would often find myself thinking of Conrad and wondering what could have been.
Until one day, when an unexpected text message popped up on my phone. It was from Conrad, of all people. Confused but curious, I opened the message. The only thing that it said was 'Are you free today?’ Could he possibly still care about me, after all this time?
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
I thought back to the words we had said to each other; the heartache that had been so painful that it had taken so long for me to move on. But still, here he was, wanting to see me. Was I willing to open my heart up to someone who had broken it so badly in the past?
Conrad asked me if we could meet at the beach near Cousins. I dont know why why I said yes, maybe I wanted closure — maybe I wanted to hear his side.
I stood on the dock, the ocean air getting caught in my hair. Although the sun was out and the sky a brilliant blue,
I couldn't bring myself to take in the beauty of the day. I was too consumed with my thoughts, instead glancing around, distracted and flustered.
I saw Conrad — standing at the end of the shore, a better vision than the view of the ocean I had become accustomed to.
I swallowed hard as I stared into his eyes - the same eyes that had shattered my heart months ago. He looked different. Older, strong, different from the man I had said goodbye to all those months ago.
But there he was, standing in front of me, arms crossed — pain pierced through me like a hot knife as I remembered fond memories I shared with him. Memories that were now tarnished by the hurt he had caused me.
I took a deep breathe and stepped forward — walking towards him.
“Hey Conrad,” I said tentatively.
He looked up with surprise, then quickly looked away. “Hey y/n,” he muttered.
“It’s been so long huh?” Conrad asked. I looked at him before answering “Yeah, It has. I just want to get to the point already. Why did you want to see me?” I asked him.
His eyes met mine, filled with regret and longing. "I never stopped thinking about you," he confessed, his voice laced with raw emotion.
I listened, my heart warring between the past and the present. Memories flooded my mind - stolen kisses, whispered promises, and the crushing pain of betrayal. And yet, beneath it all, the flicker of what once was remained.
"You broke me," I replied, my voice steadying.
Conrad reached out to gently touch my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "Please, Y/n," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "What I did was fucked up, you didn’t deserve that — you didn’t deserve to be ignored, I-I should’ve paid more attention to you”
"I messed up, I admit it. I was a fool to let you go. I've regretted it every single day, and I wish I could turn back time and change things." He said, taking a step closer.
I blinked back tears, trying to resist the pull I felt towards him. "Conrad, it's not that easy. You hurt me so deeply, and I've spent so long trying to heal." I said, backing away from him.
"I know," he murmured, his voice cracked with emotion. "But I'm here now, and all I want is a chance to make things right, to prove to you that I've changed. I want to be better for you.”
His words tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt a glimmer of hope. Could we really find a way back to each other? Was it possible to rebuild what had been broken?
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
The sound of crashing waves filled the silence between us, punctuating the weight of the moment. I looked into Conrad's eyes, searching for sincerity, I’m scared — scared of risking again. Scared of getting hurt again.
“I-I don’t know, Conn-“ I said looking down, he walked closer — his hands reaching for mine.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, just.. just let me love you. Let me be a better man for you.” he paused “I’ll wait for you”
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
I looked up at him, I saw the glint in his eyes — he was genuine, his voice sounded hopeful — his eyes filled with love. It wouldn’t hurt if I tried again right? maybe now, it’ll be right.
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loveforsatoru · 5 months
hello !!!!!!!!!
I don't have anything specific, so idk, satoru with a five years old daughter? he would be such a cute and loving father 😓 i’m done, this life where I can't have satoru’s baby is killing me!!!!
this idea is so cute. i literally think about satoru as a dad all the time and it gives me major baby fever.
you never once thought that you could ever be this happy. what did you do to deserve it? maybe it’s the universe paying you back for all the times you’ve suffered in life both alone and your relationship with satoru. you’d been dating since high school, but it wasn’t easy. there was so much ache, time spent apart, and issues that you didn’t know if you could overcome. sleepless nights, occasional arguments and interference from your jobs drove your relationship into rocky paths, but at the end of the day, he never forgot to tell you he loved you even when you felt like the most unloveable person alive. through all the difficult times, the highs and the lows, he was always there and never once intended on leaving, so he sealed that promise with a ring and his vows.
you got married a couple years after high school. you were only 22, but your life couldn’t have turned out more perfect. it’s been 10 years and the love never died down. if anything, it grows with each passing day. now that you have a five year old daughter together, there’s only more to look forward to in the days to come.
satorus been away on a mission for a few weeks and you still have no idea when he’s going to come back. it hurts your daughter just as much as it hurts you. everyday, she asks when he’s going to come home and it breaks your heart to tell her, “i don’t know, but it’ll be soon.” when you weren’t even sure yourself. thankfully, satoru could never forget about the two most important people in his life and remembers to call in the morning and before your daughter goes to sleep, never missing a day.
besides today. your phone hasn’t rang once and it’s making you uneasy, your head racing with the worst possible thoughts. you have faith in satoru and his strength, but you can’t help but worry about him. he works a dangerous job and coming home is never a 100% guarantee.
you’re snapped out of trance when you feel a tug on your dress and little voice. your daughter is looking up at you, small hands tightly balled around the fabric of your dress while her blue eyes, identical to her fathers start to well up with tears.
“what’s wrong, baby?” you ask, picking her up into your arms and brushing a strand of white hair away from her face.
she doesn’t say anything at first and just buries her face into your neck where she begins to cry.
you attempt to calm her down, patting her back and getting her to look at you once more, “please dont cry… tell me what’s wrong and i’ll make it better.”
she speaks through uneven breaths, chubby cheeks now stained with tear streaks, “i called daddy but he didn’t answer.” speaking these words only caused her to cry again and it breaks your heart.
“don’t worry, he’ll come back. he’s okay and he’s safe. he’s just busy.” but the words are a form of consolation to you too. you’re trying your best to remain strong for your daughter, but it’s hard. being a mom is hard.
you walk over to the couch in the living and sit down, setting her on your lap while you wipe away her stray tears.
“listen to me for a second, okay?”
she rests her head on your chest, her breathing still ragged, but she’s no longer crying.
“your dad works really really hard for us. he wants us to live a good life, so he can’t always be home and he can’t always pick up the phone, but he tries as much as he can. we just have to be patient and wait for him to come home again. but he loves you very much. if he doesn’t answer the phone, it’s because he’s busy, not because he forgot about you, okay? the last thing he wants is for you to think he’s forgotten about you.”
she nods her head in understanding before asking one last question, one you don’t know the answer to.
“but when will he come back?”
now, you’re the one who has tears prickling in the corners of your eyes as your throat begins to sting, “i don’t know.” you wish you knew. you wish you could tell her he’s coming back today or the day after, but the uncertainty nips at your thoughts constantly.
what you don’t expect is for satoru to be standing right outside the door to your shared home, overhearing everything you just said. it tugs at his heart strings, but he’s here now.
he digs through his pocket and pulls out his key to unlock the door, the familiar jangle echoing through the house and your daughter immediately runs up to the door, squealing when he makes his way inside.
he scoops her up into his arms and litters her face in kisses, holding onto her tightly, “i’ve missed you so much, munchkin.”
you stay frozen in your spot on the couch, going wide eyed as another tear falls down your cheek and you don’t even notice it.
he gives you a smile from across the room while your daughter babbles on and on to him about what he’s missed. he listens intently, cherishing the moments that she’ll be little for as long as he can.
“and at school, we went on a field trip to the park and i found a butterfly but it flew away,” she pouts, “daddy, can you get me a butterfly?”
he chuckles and nods his head, “of course i can.” he would never say no to her. she could ask him for a piece of the moon and he’d do it.
you watch as he tickles her belly and she erupts into laughter, grabbing onto his shoulder for support.
“i have a surprise for you,” he whispers, giving her cheek another big kiss.
she claps her hands together, “what is it?” excitement laced in her voice which makes satorus smile grow wider.
he shifts through his briefcase before pulling out a small box of munchkins, “munchkins for my munchkin!”
she lets out a near scream and takes the box in her grubby hands, already popping one in her mouth.
“daddy, say ahhh,” she says with a mouth full of munchkins.
satoru does as she tells him to and opens his mouth enough for her to feed one to him, “thank you, munchkin!”
your heart swells watching them interact. he’s a good dad. you both talked about being parents together so many times and now that it’s happened, it still doesn’t feel entirely real, like you’re dreaming, but if this were a dream, you wouldn’t open your eyes.
you stand up and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, tighter than usual, inhaling his scent which you’ve spent all this time missing. you feel whole again and your nerves have eased up.
he leans down and presses a chaste kiss to your lips, “hi, sweetheart.”
“i missed you.”
he wipes your tears away with the pad of his thumb before wrapping an arm around you, the other holding your daughter, “i missed you more. both of you. gosh, i felt like i was gonna die if i had to be away for another day.” it may sound like an exaggeration, but to satoru it’s nothing less than the truth. it was agonizing to be apart from his wife and the mini version of him. he missed waking up next to you, missed helping your daughter with her homework and reading bedtimes stories before bed.
but you’re together again and that’s all that matters. you’ve never been more relieved to watch a familiar face walk through the door.
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pavlovianfuckery · 7 months
how about a fucked up game of hot potato because why not
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linky for those AO3-ly inclined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42497385
anyone else a greedy indecisive bitch or is it just me? no? this got messy as fuck and i'm sorry, i was just unbelievably thirsty
5.8k of something vaguely???? i dont want to say gangbang but gangbang adjacent? adjacent-ish? whatever you wanna call it, it's under the cut
Going to bed on the night of your birthday is a somewhat gloomy affair. The day itself had been...fine, you supposed. Sure, there had been a bit of a party, a cake and a few thoughtful gifts from your closest friends. But that had been all. Nothing wrong with any of it. Still, you couldn't help being just a bit disappointed that the only one you had truly wanted to see today had been conspicuously absent. It's stupid of course, something so insignificant as somebody turning a year older would be laughably far beneath the notice of someone like him. And still.
Annoyed, you fully expect to have several sleepless hours ahead of you, so when you drift off as soon as your head hits the pillow, it's a pleasant surprise. Even more so is where you find yourself when you enter the Dreaming.
You'd been in his chambers before, of course. It might not have been very often or for very long, as the fleeting moments before waking up always seemed to pass so quickly. Arriving straight here was new. When his arms envelop you from behind you can't hold back a smile.
"Hey. I missed you today."
"Then I hope my absence can be forgiven," his voice is sly as he continues, tightening his arms around you a just fraction, "but I must confess, I wanted you all to myself when offering my gift."
Leaning back into him, you simply bask in the feeling of having him close.
"What kind of gift would that be? Nothing nefarious, I hope."
He rests his chin on your shoulder and clicks his tongue in mock disapproval, breath tickling your ear. "'Nefarious'? You wound me. That would depend entirely on what you wish for."
"I see. So the gift is a wish, then? Can I wish for anything I want?"
"Within reason, yes. Do you perhaps have a request in mind already?"
Being spoilt for choice isn't your strong suit and usually, this kind of situation would leave you at a loss and unable to make any choice at all, but for once you do know what you want. The real question is if he will go for it or not. Possibly mistaking your hesitation for reluctance, he makes you face him.
"I do have something I would like, but it's...silly." Biting your lip you turn your eyes away, unable to keep some embarrassment from showing.
"I have already seen your every fantasy, every dream. Nothing you could request would shock me," he reassures you."So go on my sweet, make your wish known, for I long to hear it."
"It's more of a combination of two different things, now that I think about it."
"Fortunately for you, I find myself in a very generous mood this evening." His tone is dry but his lips twitch into a small smile.
"Okay, so, first things first. Could I..." you take a deep breath, "Could I have more of you?"
"More in what sense?" The question doesn't faze him in the slightest, which bodes well for the other half of the request.
"In the 'more than one of you' kind of sense." Your cheeks are blazing and you almost can't believe that you just said that, but at least now the cat is out of the bag. Or one cat, at any rate.
"While we are here, in my realm, you certainly could. Is that what you want?" The way he looks at you when he asks makes lust coil in your belly, hot and heavy.
"Sort of." You plant a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth, "Do you remember..." you fiddle with the collar of his coat a bit, still feeling a bit shy about the whole thing, "when you showed me some of the things you used to wear, way back when?"
"I do." Judging by the look in his eye, he can tell where this is going. "As I recall, you rather enjoyed that."
"I did. Very much, in fact." The way he preens at that is kind of adorable.
"And was there, by any chance a...favourite?" He looks at you through lowered lashes, the way he fishes for another compliment not nearly as subtle as he would probably like to think.
"Well, you see, that's the problem, I don't think there was." You've never seen him confused before, but this comes pretty close. Figuring it's better to rip the bandaid off sooner rather than later, you go on; "I adored every version of you. How could I choose only one? I want all of you."
"Is that your wish?" You have a sneaking suspicion that he will be insufferable after this, because he looks like a cat that has eaten an entire flock of canaries, eyes gleaming. "To have one of me for every era? All at once?"
"Can I?" The thought makes your insides quiver, want making you almost dizzy. "You're not...upset with me or anything?"
That makes his eyebrows shoot up, or as close to it as you've ever seen.
"My love, how could your request possibly upset me? If anything, I am flattered that you would hunger after me so." He cups your chin in his hand and brushes his lips across yours. "I would deny you nothing, but I do have terms of my own."
"Tell me." The eagerness in your voice makes him smile again and you almost regret the whole thing immediately, because if there is one thing he doesn't particularly need, it's an ego boost.
"As it happens, my request is also twofold. Firstly, I get to watch." He slides his arms around your waist and pulls you close, and his breath is hot against your ear as he continues; "Secondly, you may have each of me only once, and after you have had your fill, I fully intend to have my own turn with you as well."
"That sounds," the thought of him watching you like that makes the words stick as if your tongue was made of flypaper and you struggle to swallow, getting the words out. "Sounds fair. Why only once though?"
"I admit my motive for that is entirely selfish; I want you lucid enough by the end of it for me to enjoy properly." The way he says it is almost a purr, and if your knees weren't weak before they're certainly starting to get there now. That he would even be willing to indulge you like this wasn't a given, but him outright enjoying it makes you almost giddy.
"Okay. So, this is a bit embarrassing but...I have no idea how this is supposed to work. I didn't really think that far ahead," you admit a bit sheepishly. "Is there anything I should keep in mind at all?"
"Did your appetite get the better of you?" That earns you an outright chuckle, though not unkind. "No matter, I will take care of you," he strokes your cheek with a soft smile. The emphasis on 'take care' doesn't go unnoticed, and it makes anticipation buzz under your skin. "The only thing I require of you tonight is that you enjoy yourself. You need not treat them any differently than myself because, in every way that matters, that is what they are."
"And you're sure that you're alright with this? I don't want you to feel like you're being left out or anything like that." You frown up at him, feeling terribly selfish.
"Your concern is touching but unnecessary, my love." He rubs his thumb over your bottom lip, his tone airy as he continues, "Anything I create for you will be connected to me, and in part, I will share in the sensations."
Flicking his eyes over your shoulder, he steps closer and kisses you deeply, pushing you to take a few steps back until you hit something solid and pair of arms circle your waist from behind. Your heart is beating against your ribs like a bird in a cage and when another pair of hands join in and slides under the hem of your shirt, it feels like all the air leaves your lungs at once. When you whimper into his mouth, he pulls back and has the absolute gall to smirk at you.
"Go on now, indulge yourself to your heart's content. I will be right here, awaiting my turn."
And with that, he saunters over to the sturdy chair by the desk and sits down, in what might be the most nonchalant way you've ever seen. Leaving you there with, well, all of him.
It's a bit like being thrown to a particularly polite pack of ravenous wolves. Being surrounded like this is a bit disorienting and with the way they all eye you hungrily, the thought that you might be in over your head this time flashes in your mind. It's surprisingly gentle though, the way you get passed from one version of him to the next, all of them stepping in close, taking turns, putting you at ease. You've always marvelled at the softness of him, of his skin, but in this mass of bodies and mouths and grasping hands, it feels like you could drown in it.
The way they undress you is no less gentle, one pair of hands passing you to the next until your bare skin is pressed against the myriad of fine fabrics. Some questionable decisions aside he has always dressed well, every texture brushing your skin feeling nothing less than luxurious. It's intense, all the teasing little touches and kisses from every direction, and they don't stop even when you feel like you might implode. The entire time you can feel the way your Morpheus watches you, his gaze on you an almost physical weight.
It's overwhelming, and your knees start to buckle. For a moment you think that you might just sink to the floor, but strong arms steady you as the closest one pulls you to him, the cloth of his tunic so lovely against your heated skin.
"It's alright," he murmurs against your lips, "I've got you."
Pushing one leg between yours he guides your hips, encouraging you to grind against it. It feels better than it has any right to, and when he backs the few steps away to the bed and hauls you on top of him, you don't resist. You're not expecting to come like this, humping his leg like a bitch in heat and ruining his trousers, but the rest of him won't stop touching you and he's watching you and it's simply too much. His slightly longer hair tickles your cheek as you hide your face in the crook of his neck, and with one last slow drag over his thigh, you come, without even meaning to.
Some silly part of your brain feels like you should be apologizing, but when you open your mouth to do just that, this version is gone and you're alone on the bed. You shoot a confused look at your Dream, sitting leisurely in the chair still.
"Did you forget my terms, my love?" He looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth as he reminds you, clearly enjoying himself.
Not letting it get to you, you simply set your sights on the next one. It's not as easy as you might have hoped. It's a lot like being a kid in a candy store at this point, they all look so tempting and you just want to devour every single one.
You've always enjoyed a good suit though, and the suit he'd chosen for one of the more recent versions of himself was very good. His hair is shorter than you can recall ever seeing it, and with the ruby shining at his throat, he looks every bit the distinguished gentleman. The sharp lines of the suit are a stark contrast to the rest of him, making the plush pink of his lips look even more inviting. That's probably not the effect he intended, to look kissable rather than imposing, and the thought almost makes you giggle. It doesn't stop you from approaching him and doing just that, though, grabbing hold of his lapels as you do so.
The kiss leaves you winded, the fabric of the expensive-looking suit jacket rubbing deliciously against your nipples.
"This is a good look on you," the words are a bit breathless in their delivery, but they do come easier now, inhibitions crumbling away. The shorter hair feels a bit strange in your hand, not being as much to pull on. It still works though, and he gives easily enough, letting you bite his neck gently, scraping your teeth over the creamy skin. "You should wear a suit more often."
He's a bit too perfect though, still too composed. Undoing the buttons of the vest takes some doing, but you manage it, fingers barely shaking at all. The dress shirt is a lot thinner than what you're used to, and having him so close with almost nothing separating your hands from his skin is maddening.
"Perhaps I shall," the slight curve of his lips makes you want to kiss him again but he grabs your chin, his grip surprisingly gentle as he runs his thumb across your bottom lip. "Tell me what you would like."
You can't resist flicking your tongue out, licking the pad of his finger as you consider your options. When you suck the digit into your mouth he blinks at you slowly, and you can feel him stir through his trousers. It makes your mouth water, makes you know precisely what you want.
"I want to suck you." It comes out as a sigh, full of longing. "Want to come with you in my mouth." Stroking his thighs through the deceptively thin fabric feels wonderful, the muscles of his legs firm under your hands. "Can I? Please?" When you meet his eyes, they are barely blue anymore, the way they reflect the light betraying his true nature.
"You may."
He makes dropping to your knees so easy. Something about kneeling at his feet like this feels right, and as he gets his length out and rubs the tip over your lips you can't stop a small whine from escaping.
"You have the prettiest cock I've ever seen, have I told you that?"
"No." He strokes your hair, gently encouraging you. "Show me."
It's not an order, not quite. Still, he doesn't have to tell you twice. Everything about him is so smooth, his skin like silk as you run your lips over him. At first, you simply lick at the head, teasing fat drops of pre-come out of him, lapping them up like the most precious of pearls. The way they coat your tongue is heady and it always makes you feel oddly powerful, this tangible proof of the effect you have on him. Using your hand to cover what your mouth can't, you start working him in earnest, putting on a bit of a show as you let the drool drip down your chin, drawing the loveliest noises out of him.
The long, shaky exhale as he hits the back of your throat makes you ache.
"Touch yourself for me."
You can't respond, but you can do as he says, so that is exactly what you do. It's hard to do it effectively, but you don't have to be very precise, just the sounds you coax out of him as you bob your head is enough to bring you a good part of the way on their own. From here you can see your Dream from the corner of your eye, and it looks like he wasn't being disingenuous about the "sharing the sensations" part. His cheeks are flushed, legs spread wider than before as he breathes heavily, his eyes never straying from you. Even from here, you can tell that he is painfully hard, the tightness of his jeans does nothing to hide it.
Just to see what he'll do, you decide to press your limits, just a little. In the waking world, you probably wouldn't be able to do it very easily, not like this. But this is the Dreaming, so you relax your throat and take him even further. When you swallow around him the noise he makes above you is a strangled thing and he grabs onto your shoulder, steadying himself.
"Do that again."
When you do, the Dream watching you sags in his seat, knuckles white as he grips the armrests. It doesn't take a lot after that, hearing him and tasting him and watching the way he watches you. It's not as fast as the first time, but you still come faster than you wanted to, your own fingers pushing you over the edge with a few shaky rubs. With the way he fills your throat, you can't even moan as you spasm around nothing, regretting that you hadn't asked for more, to be filled there too.
You wish you could have kept going a while longer but you had agreed to the terms and he holds you to them, though it's less of a surprise this time around. Still just as frustrating though.
"I wasn't finished with that one," you pout at him.
"You were, though." His breathing is still a bit uneven. "Would you rather argue with me, or enjoy the rest of your gift?" Before you can respond he continues, "Or have you perhaps changed your mind? I can take it back if you'd prefer."
"Now you're just being mean." It gets you to your feet and moving again though, not wanting to risk finding out that he's serious. He always looks good so making any kind of choice is still difficult, but you manage. This one you trap against the edge of the desk with your body, caging him in with your arms.
"Why the fuck," you ask, kissing his neck, "are you dressed like a priest? On second thought, don't answer that."
"You seem to like it well enough," he murmurs as you grind your hips into his.
"It's absolutely ridiculous." Twisting the voluminous sleeves you wind the fabric around your hands, using it to pin his wrists to the desk as you bite his neck, perhaps a little bit rougher than you had originally intended.
"Never have I met a creature quite as greedy as you, my love," he groans as you mark him, bruises staining his pale throat prettily. "I would lay my hands on you, if you'd have me. Let me please you."
The way he says it makes it sound so good, so tempting, that you let him go, let him lay you out on top of the desk. This way you're close enough to touch your Dream, so you reach for him, pulling him down for a kiss. Being crowded like this feels better than you had ever imagined as they take turns kissing you, touching you, until you're almost dizzy with lust again.
"Is this..." you pant against his lips as one of his other selves sucks one of your nipples into his mouth greedily, "is it alright, like this?"
Every bit of worry or shame evaporates as he slides a finger into you, though, making you abandon the kiss in favour of watching his hand between your legs. The sleeves might look ridiculous but they feel lovely dragging over the insides of your thighs as he pumps in and out of you slowly. He's always known how to touch you well, and this time is no exception as he adds a second finger, hooking them just so. The way his fingers drag over that one spot inside makes you tremble.
"Can I have some more?" You can feel him grin against your skin at the question, but he doesn't bother to tease you, just adds a third finger, his thumb settling over your clit, just barely touching. The way he ghosts the pad of his finger over it makes you squirm, wanting more still, for him to rub you properly.
"Patience, my sweet," he admonishes you, "I will take care of you, if you let me."
With that, he plunges a fourth finger in and gently presses down on your lower belly, trapping that sensitive spot between the palm of his hand and his fingers. The way he massages you is slow and methodical, as if he has all the time in the world to pull you apart. Every brush of his thumb is light as a feather, and while it makes you want more, you don't strictly need it. You can feel your peak approaching, slow but inevitable.
"If you keep that up I'm going to, "you tangle your hand in his hair, gasping, "make a mess of your desk."
"I know." The way he looks at you then is so smug and just all-around indecent that you can't decide if you want to punch him or kiss him. You barely have time to settle on the latter before pleasure overcomes you, washing over you in powerful waves. You can't remember the last time you were this wet and he's not stopping, whispering encouragements against your lips as you pulse and gush over his fingers with a pitiful little whimper.
The last spasm has barely finished when he leaves you empty, splayed out alone on the desk. Or, not quite alone. This time, the choice isn't yours, another Dream stepping in between your legs before you've barely had time to catch your breath. Compared to the softer fabrics you're accustomed to, the fine leather makes him look sleeker, meaner, though no less inviting.
"This is...different." Running your hands over it, you revel in the buttery feel of it under your fingers. "I think I like it though."
"Of course you do," He doesn't bother to hide the pleased look on his face.
"Hold on, is that..." you pull him down closer, craning your neck to see. "You never told me you had an earring."
"Should I have? It hardly seems important." There is a small wrinkle between his eyebrows, confusion over why something so small could be significant at all. It's pretty adorable.
"Maybe," you hum, wrapping your legs around his waist, petting his hair as you catch the small ring in your teeth, giving it a little pull. He seems to enjoy that, letting out a short exhale of breath as he grinds his hips into you. He's half hard already, uncaring of the mess.
"You can have me like this, if that is what you want." Preoccupied with the earring still you don't respond right away, so he adds, "Unless you would rather play with my jewellery?"
"Sorry." You let it go, albeit reluctantly.
"No need to apologize. If you enjoy it so much, perhaps I should wear it again." His eyes sparkle with mirth as he kisses you, clearly amused by your dumbstruck expression as you imagine the present iteration of him with an earring. "Now, turn over for me."
When he asks like that you can hardly refuse, nor do you want to. At this rate, you're not sure how much more you can take. Being in the Dreaming can only stretch your limits so far, and you're starting to approach yours.
"Wider." The leather of his boots is smooth against your calves as he pushes your legs apart. Once you're arranged to his liking, he leans over you and kisses the back of your neck, his tip prodding your entrance as he rocks his hips gently, not entering just yet. Your Dream is watching you intently, reaching out to twine your fingers together.
"Are you enjoying your gift so far?" The small smile on his lips makes it very obvious that he doesn't expect you to respond in any coherent way. When his other self slides into you, burying himself as far as he will go, they both moan, his grip on your hand tightening.
The pace he sets is slow and deliberate but not very gentle, his grip firm on your hips as he nearly lifts you onto the tips of your toes. Still sensitive from your last orgasm, the way he drives into you with inhuman precision is its own form of torture, pushing you towards the next one with relentless focus.
"Morpheus please, I can't," the words come out in a garbled kind of plea, "it's too much, I can't."
"You can." He sounds so certain, not leaving you any room to argue as he presses himself against you and pushes you down to prevent you from wriggling. "You will."
And he's right, you can feel it. It's a slow burn, like petals unfurling, and it feels like you could swallow him whole, the intensity of it turning your legs to jelly. This isn't the kind of release you can chase, all you can do is wait for it, for him to bring you there.
"You feel so good like this, so plump with pleasure," he sighs, rolling his hips into yours. "Let me feel you." Just hearing his voice brings you closer, he's watching and you're so very nearly there, and then your Dream is kissing you, drinking your every sound like a man parched and he's still talking.
"Come with me." He bottoms out then, and it's either the 'with' or the way he swells so deep inside of you that does it, but you do. It's like melting, like falling, but he catches you, holds you there as you go limp underneath him, hardly able to breathe. He hurtles over that edge right along with you, groaning as he does, but the noise your Dream makes right into your mouth is downright filthy.
Being left empty is no less jarring this time around, but you're more interested in him, the damp spot at the crotch of his jeans. He notices you looking, and lets out an amused little huff of not-quite-laughter, leans his forehead to yours.
"Don't worry, my love," he nips at your bottom lip, eyes dark. "I fully intend to have my turn with you still." He leans back in his chair and drops a kiss on the back of your hand. "Enjoy the rest of your gift. I will be waiting for you."
Flopped bonelessly on top of the desk, you do your best to catch your breath and clear your head. If you had known exactly what you were getting into, you might have been a bit more restrained and not asked for all of him like this, but you're not going to back out now. He's not really letting you either, his mind set on giving you exactly what you asked, for better or worse. When the next pair of hands touch you softly, gliding up the back of your legs, you lean into it, refusing to let him get the better of you as you turn to face him.
"Do you need rest?"
"Very well." If he doubts you, he doesn't show it, leaning over to take the tip of your breast into his mouth.
Something about this version of him is a bit too immaculate, too polished. Everything from the too-rich fabrics of his clothes to the touch of makeup around his eyes makes him look decadent, like a dessert that is just a bit too heavy to stomach more than a mouthful of. There is an honest-to-god ribbon in his hair, tied in the most infuriatingly perfect bow you've ever seen. The effect is maddening; he looks like something you'd like to ruin. And judging by the way he looks at you as he kisses his way down your body, he absolutely knows it.
It's a simple thing for him to haul you to the edge of the desk, leaving you open to him. All his finery makes him look entirely out of place kneeling between your legs, but you can't quite find it in you to care as he kisses you there softly, giving your clit a little flick with the tip of his tongue. Everything is just this side of too sensitive and you flinch away on pure reflex, but he doesn't let you close your legs, keeping them apart with his hands.
His breath is hot on you as he gently laps at you, soothes you with his tongue, almost impossibly soft. Rather than devour you he cleans you, his eyes fixed on yours as he takes every part of you inside his mouth, working his way from the outside in. And in.
The way his cheeks hollow as he sucks at you is nothing short of obscene. The sight alone is enough to make you want him all over again but then he opens his mouth, shows you his tongue coated in his own release and you throb. Watching his adam's apple bob as he swallows makes your mouth go dry and you're not sure what kind of noise you just made but it must have been something to make him smirk at you like that. When he puts his mouth on you again, you bury your fingers in his too-perfect hair.
He is nothing if not determined, wholly uncaring of the fact that you're nearing the limit of how much more you can take. Slipping first one finger into you, then another he sighs, kissing the inside of your thigh.
"I love seeing you like this, all undone for me."
When he puts your aching clit between his lips and gives it a few slow gentle sucks, you can't help clawing at him until the ribbon in his hair comes loose.
"Morpheus, please!" Everything is hazy around the edges and you're not sure if you're begging for more or less or something else entirely, "please, oh please, pl..."
And then there is a mouth on yours, muffling your cries, hands cradling your face. There is almost too much of him like this, so much to touch and his other self is still devouring you like you're the sweetest thing he's ever tasted until you're a quivering mess under his tongue, tense like a bowstring. It's a slow kind of falling apart and you can barely make a sound as he wrenches your release out of you, dragging it out hot and slow, bordering on painful. His hands are the only thing holding you up as he kisses you as if he could swallow you, take you into himself and keep you there.
When the waves of pleasure recede it's almost a relief, finally letting you breathe. Opening your eyes, you think for a split second that you might cry, the way he's looking at you is so soft. No tears fall, but your love for him rises and swells in your chest until it feels like you might burst at the seams, choking you as you wind your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
"Take me to bed? Please?"
And he does, they both do. You want to undress him, to peel him out of all those layers, you do, but you're shaking and your fingers can't quite obey, fumbling the buttons until he simply lets all of it fade away and you're pressed between both of them with nothing separating you.
It's a remarkably tender thing, the way they tangle their limbs with yours, kissing every inch of your skin like you're something precious. You vaguely remember how he said that he wanted you "lucid enough to enjoy" but that isn't what he ends up getting, not quite. He doesn't seem to mind though, even as he puts you on your hands and knees.
Despite the exhaustion starting to set in, having his cock right in front of your face like this is a temptation, one you don't bother fighting. Even your mouth feels clumsy as you take him in, wanting him in any way you can get. When his other self starts easing into you from behind you can't keep a whine back, overstimulated nearly to the point of tears.
"Shhh, just let me..." He whispers, pressing kisses to your back, long hair sliding over your skin like strands of silk, "just let me..."
And you do, letting him sink in as far as he will go. He rocks against you so gently, like he's worried you might break. At this rate, it feels like you might. Trapped between the both of them like this, the only thing you can really do is let them, let him, use you. When he puts his hand between your legs and starts stroking you, it feels like he might actually drive you mad.
"Just one more, my sweet," he whispers, his breath tickling the back of your neck, "one more for me, then you can rest."
Every slide of his finger over your swollen clit feels like ice, like fire, and you can't even move away. You feel like a worn-out spring being wound up too tightly, but he is utterly determined to coax one more climax out of you, not stopping even when you start whimpering. When your walls start fluttering around him, weakly at first, you swirl your tongue shakily over the tip of his cock, the shared sensations making him moan.
"You're doing so well," he pants, stroking your hair with a not-quite-steady hand.
You can tell that he's just as close as you are, swelling inside you and on your tongue, and you want him to come with you, properly this time. The noise he makes as you take him into your throat is a shattered thing, he's barely holding on and his eyes are black and that finally makes the tension inside you snap with a strength that wracks your entire body. When you swallow it's more on reflex than anything else but it's enough to push him over the edge right along with you, pulsing down your throat and in your cunt with a sound that isn't exactly human, either.
As you come down from your high everything is a bit of a blur, every part of your body is aching as the tension finally drains out of you. The only thing you have energy for is collapsing on the bed in an ungraceful heap. He wastes no time pulling you to him though, chest heaving for breath you know he doesn't strictly need. When you start shivering, he conjures a blanket to cover you, holds you close. He's never been a selfish lover but the tenderness of the gesture still makes your heart constrict in something like pain, knowing he might not be there for your next birthday. You've always known what he is so you try not to mourn prematurely, covering your worry with humour instead.
"Yes, my love?" He kisses the top of your head softly, content for now.
"Do Endless have birthdays?"
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v4mp-reads · 9 months
Hello. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I would like to request a Rhea X Pregnant Reader where reader is due in 3 weeks ( and with Twin babygirls if possible) and is backstage watching The Judgement Day open the show before getting up and walking to get something to eat before getting confronted by Karrion Kross and Scarlett who end up scaring her and sending the reader into early labor. If you can't thats perfectly fine. Thanks and Have a Great Day
Twist and turns
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Rhea Ripley x prego!fem! Reader
Tw: struggles with Ivf problems, many failed attempts at pregnancy! Early labor! Small pregnancy complications
word count: 1.3k
Y/n’s pov
I sit in the judgment day locker room alone to say, this is the first time in 9 months I’ve sat in here alone, but no one could sit in because they had a big promo they had to do. I hold my stomach feeling my baby’s move around, I’m so excited to meet them, they are going to be welcomed into such a lovely family. I thought as my mind drifted off to the years before. Me and Rhea got married when we where both 21, that was almost three years ago, this has been a very long possess, i sat up countless nights crying because we picked up yet another negative test, this whent on for about two years until the day i remember it like it was yesterday.
Flash back
Me and rhea sit in our bathroom floor, “darling..you know if this test comes back negative we will have to wait at least six months before starting all of this over” she looked up at me as we wait for the five minutes to past “dont think like that baby. I have a felling this time” i whispered softly, smiling at her, i move from the tolet to her on the floor as she holds me. “Beep! Beep! “ the alarm had whent off, rhea whent to grab the test off the counter when it falls off onto the floor, i glance down at it to see two lines, TWO LINES! I instantly began to cry tears of pure happyness “Rhea! Its postive! We are having a Baby!!” She jumps up picking me up and spinning me around kissing me like a million times, we where so happy, this was actually happening. We stayed in the bathroom for about half our just crying with happiness. Soon we walked back to our room and called the judgment day group chat. They knew today was the day I was supposed to take my test, and we called them every time even when it was negative, we tryed to hide the smile on our faces. Dom was the first to pick up, we waited for the others to join before saying anything. “Hey y/n hi rhea what’s it say?” Finn asked in a soft tone not wanting to hurt us anymore if it was negative. I couldn’t help but smile and that’s when damien caught on “oh my god!! Wait?!” He said loudly over the phone the other two boys looked so confused. “A little baby Ripley is on the way!” I yelled. They all cheered, dom even started crying with me, “oh my god I’m so happy!” I cryed into Rheas shoulder. It was the best day of my life.
End of flash back
In three weeks I get to meet my little girls, three weeks, every thing is planed perfectly, Rheas family is flying out in two weeks, Rhea and the rest of the judgment day are getting a month off in two weeks, I’m just so happy, all this excitement made me really hungry, and I was out of snacks in the locker room. I know I’m not supposed to leave the locker room that was everyone’s rule the second they found out, just because people would bother me to get at the others
I started to feel sick so I needed to get up and get some food, I got up putting on rheas hoodie before walking out of the locker room, no one was really out, so I made my way to the where I know they had food.
I must have made some turn the wrong way because now I find myself in some random hallways that’s kind of scary, I get this wave of anxiety come over me and I feel like I’m being followed so I continue to walk faster, eight almost nine months pregnant with twins, it isn’t easy to walk fast, I quickly realize that I have to turn around this hallways was a dead end. I turn around and instantly get met with karrian cross and his girlfriend or what not Scarlett, “um..” I say softly “miss little y/n Ripley, how are you and your little baby’s doing” karrian reached out to touch my stomach, I quickly stepped back “please don’t touch me” I said fear clearly in my voice “don’t tell me what to do Mrs. Ripley, I will touch you if I want!” He reached out once more this time I backed up and I ended up cornered, “please leave me alone, I don’t want any problems” I start to panic “please, please don’t hurt me or my baby’s, they are innocent, they are pure” I begged. I started feeling horrible pains in my stomach, and I panicked “Mhmm, I don’t know, I don’t know how innocent they are, saying how long it took you to get pregnant with them, what was it I heard? Two years?and you have struggled your whole pregnancy” Scarlett spoke, tears came rushing out from my eyes “please! Leave me alone!” I yell the pain in my stomach becoming almost unbearable. “Hey?!” I hear someone yell, “what the fuck leave her alone” I look up to see one of my close friends Sami zayn. That’s all I really before I passed out.
“Is she okay, are my girls okay?!” I hear yelling as I wake up to see a bright light in my eyes.. “R-rhea..?” I mumble out, instantly her head shoots over to beside my head, “oh my god, your okay, darling, what happed! Why where you in that hallways, why did you leave the lockeroom?” She questioned me, “are the girls okay?” I asked simply, “maam, you are in late stage, early labor, we are transferring you to the hospital, where you should be able to deliver with mild complications.” All I could feel was the pain, from what I was guessing was contractions, it made my head spin. Rhea held my hand as I cryed out in pain as we made our way to the hospital.
We soon made it to the hospital, where I had to be taken in for emergency cessation surgery, i remember waking up to rhea hold our two little girls in both of her arms when I finally woke up. “How are they..”I asked weakly “healthy and absolutely beautiful..just like their mother”she said before carefully handing me the girls “Athena, she’s the one with the darker hair..and Kyra she’s the one with the birth mark on her cheek” Rhea said before kissing me “I love you, I love you three so much” I said softly. “If it’s okay, the boys want to come over in a bit, dom tried to force them to let him come in right after the delivery.” She said softly “of course our girls need to meet their uncles, what about your parents?” I asked her “they are heading down tomorrow” she said.
I slid over in bed as I laid there with rhea and my girls, all three of them sound asleep, it was so peaceful, well that was until the boys got there, dom come rushing through the door, almost tripping when he got in causing Rhea to wake up. “Good going dom dom” I joked and gave him a weak smile, to which he returned with tears in his eyes “why are you crying dom?” I asked “I was just so worried about you, I haven’t slept. I’ve texted rhea and the boys all day, and I just couldn’t wait to meet my nieces when rhea told me that you guys where healthy” he rambled on before Finn stopped him “don’t talk the poor girls ear off”, they all walked closer seeing the two small baby’s in my arms, them asking their names, and us continuing talking, they stayed there for about two hours before leaving because I was tired.
The end! Thanks for reading! If you liked it please leave a request of your own!
Xoxo, v4mp-
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beezbeeza · 9 months
JJK Men As Your Husband
(SFW )
Characters : Yuuji, Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Nanami
Warnings : -All characters here are not minors pls dont cancel me😭🙏, mentions of cum, ass thighs boobs also mentioned
-First of all this man is so sweet he would do everything you asked him to do like hello? He is the type that would 100% always buy you flowers everytime he comes back from a mission
-He and you would prolly get a dog and name the dog “Mia” and this guy is so dedicated to the dog 24/7. Once you were in a meeting at jujutsu high when Yuuji called and asked if Mia was ok and everyone in that meeting was just staring at you like (-_-)
-He loves to sleep on your ass. He says its the comfiest spot on your whole body and sometimes when both of you are out in public he would squish it and give you the shittiest grin. He also enjoys laying on your stomach as he tells you about his day and you just combing through his hair
Scenario : You coming back after a long day of work
You walked through your house door with no motivation to do anything. Thats when your lovely husband came to greet you and he noticed something was off.
“Whats wrong darling you look like someone stuck a stick up your ass”
You just shrugged it off and went to shower. While you showering guess what? Yuuji casually walks into the washroom making you slightly embarrassed (even though he had seen you naked so many time)
He walked into the shower like he owned the place and let his hands slither around your waist
“Whats wrong my darling tell me anything that happened im your husband you know im always here”
And you just told him everything in the shower while he listened carefully. After both of you showered you layed on the bed with you on your stomach while he massaged you until you slept.
“Goodnight my doll :)” he said softly
-This guy is so cheeky about being your husband like he would def show you off all day if he could. For your 1 year anniversary this man planned a whole trip just for you and him to go to Italy since he heard you talking about italy being your dream vacation! This guy made sure everything went well just to end your vacation with a long night of his seed in you.
-Did i mention this man is rich? Not any rich but old money rich rich. If you stared at a chanel bag for too long.. the next day its almost guranteed you have it on your bed waiting for you to use it. Not only that but everytime he sees something that reminds him of you he will buy it😭
-Gojo is also really good in cooking suprisingly! If you were too tired when you and him get back home from work he would cook for you and his meals are yummy asf so the only right thing would be to ask for another plate :D
Scenario : You and him going on a date
Both of you had just showered and its 5pm. You both agreed to go on a date after a tiring week of defeating curses non-stop. So like a good husband gojo is, he drives the car and is giving you all the princess treatment you could ever get😩
When both of you arrive to the bougie restaurant a waiter guides both of you to the table and gives you the menu. Your eyes wandered through all the possible dishes you could order while gojo already knew what he wanted and was staring at you.
“You know gojo, staring isnt polite” you said jokingly while calling for the waiter
“Hmm a man cant stare at how divine my wife is?” He replied back which made your chest flutter
You chuckled and decided to plan another week of funess since both of you were on break for a week while waiting for your food🥰
-im praying for all of yall put there this man is big inside and outside🙏 he would randomly throw you over his shoulder to grumble about how much he loves you and you would just be there processing what the hell happened
-He loves when you lay on him whether its on his lap, chest, shoulder he just thinks you look so cute and will snap a few pics of you :3 Nonetheless this man will throw a pillow at you to wake you up in which you get revenge by making him sleep on the couch (girlboss y/n)
-Toji loves to style your hair if you want him to. If you found a pinterest hairstyle you want him to do he would make it look better than the picture itself like this man is so dedicated to his little precious wife and will tend to all her needs
Scenario : You asking Toji to style your hair
It was a very bright summer day when you saw a cute hairstyle on pinterest which you asked your husband to do for you. The moment he reached your cozy house, you jumped into his hands and asked for him to do the hairstyle
“Toji can you please to this hairstyle for me pleaseee” you asked with puppy eyes that your husband could not resist!😨
“Fine brat come here i bet you it will make you look like the prettiest doll”
And he was a man to his words because it actually did turn out better than the picture! But of course you had to pay him by cuddling and pampering him at night in your massive king size bed.
“My love you look so pretty under the moonlight i just want to eat you alivee” you said which made toji feel concerned but fluttered because of the way you complimented him
“Yeah, yeah whatever princess just get some sleep before you get all grumpy in the morning”
You chuckled before you drifted off to sleep not long after.
-Being the wife of Sukuna would probaly fear anyone that you have so much power over him but in reality you could walk this man like a dog on a leash! He looks big, strong, and all that but he just wants his wife in his arms every second of the day
-He loves your boobs more than anything like at night he would just get under ur shirt and lay on one boob while his left hand massages the other boob. You dont mind but sometimes he also lays on your stomach and you play with his hair.
-When the sorcerers (yuuji and the gang) taught you how to use a phone you showed sukuna and boy oh boy this guy almost broke your iphone 14 pro max! Whenever you both take selfies he looks like (•_•) but thats just his way of smiling
Bonus hc bc i love this man too much
-Once, you were massaging sukuna so you were on his back while he was on his tummy and this man moaned loudly which made the maids curious because they taught he got hurt and when they checked in the bedroom, the saw you massaging him! Of course they immediately legt but sukuna sliced their body into 4 pieces😭
Scenario : Teaching sukuna how to use a phone
You opened the gigantic doors to sukuna’s throne room and yelled “Sukuna the sorcerers taught me something today!”
“What did those hooligans teach you this time woman?”
You climbed up the stairs of the throne to sit on his lap while explaining the mechanics of a phone and what it does “this phones are also really useful because when you or i am out we can contact eachother” you said with stars in your eyes
“Why do i need to contact you when i can just bring you out with me?”
“Ugh sukuna my love you dont get it do you?”
It took nearly the whole day for him to understand what a phone is, how it works, why we need it and so on. The next week you got your king a phone and those maids were scared for the life since he would scream st the phone because it apparently ‘wasn’t working’ while you were next to him teaching him why it ‘wasnt working’
Overall you think he made good progress since he came accross a website which showed what makes a good husband and now you definitely get more kisses and compliments🥰
-You honestly have no idea how you got this man like he is such a gentlemen and treats you better than anyone of the list so far. Oh you started your period? He got you pads, your comfort foods and he is your personal furnace.
-He also loves to accompany you when you go the supermarket and just help out! (This guy is a literal angel) If something is out of your reach he would get it for you and ask if anything else you need is out of reach so it takes less time since he just wants to be in your arms😍
-Loves watching movies with you in bed. You always surprise him with his favourite snacks when your in bed or on the couch ready to watch a new episode that both of you guys have been following for some while now. He would drift of to sleep when he is laying on your chest, arms around your waist with you stroking his golden locks!
Scenario : Going to the supermarket
Your kitchen pantry and fridge had been empty for 3 days now so you decided to go to the supermarket with your handsome husband. After you arrived you had no list but just worked around the place to find all the ingredients you need and some things your husband wants.
“My darling are you sure we need 3 packs of popcorn kernels? I love popcorn but isnt that-“ he was cut of with you adding even more popcorn to the nearly overrlowing cart.
“Nothing is too much Nanami and plus you have been working so hard so why not give yourself a treat?” You said cheekily. The man just accepts his fate and continues on shopping for food with his lovely wife.
In the end you guys return home with 2 overflowing carts and a pantry and fridge that could feed a family of 16 people (yay ig?) thankfully it did not cause a hole in both of your bank accounts and that night you watched a movie with nanami and slept peacefully :)
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scribblemetae · 1 year
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For the first time
Warnings: Sub!Soobin, Soft!dom reader, love, fluff, smut, inexperienced Soobin, first time together, Soobin wears a collar with your name on it, desperate Soobin, oral (m and f), pantie sniffing, ownership, you're both just getting a feel of each other intimately, unprotected sex, cream pie, whiney Soobin.
A/N: This is a complete re-write of an old story that I wrote. Whilst I was looking at my old works I loved the story for this one but hated how I had written it and dont think it fit the person id writen it for as much as I would have liked it to so I went back, got a feel of the story and this is what came up with, its basically the same plot but completely re-written with Soobin in mind.
This is the first story I've posted in so long, so I'm scared, I hope you enjoy it.
Word Count: not exact but around the 9k mark (will add when I'm not on my phone)
Soobin was the sweetest person you'd ever met, you'd been friends with him for about a year now and in a relationship with him for a month. His cheeks were bright red as he asked you to be his girlfriend while you were sat with him and his friends watching a movie, it's almost like he forgot everybody was around until they all started celebrating that he'd finally asked.
Since then It's been a month of cute dates, romantic nights and some of the sweetest memories that help you through the day when he's not around. Honestly he was the perfect man and sometimes you thought he was born just so one day he could come around and make you the happiest girl in the world.
You'd never felt so close to somebody after only a year, and there was only one thing that you could think of that could make you both closer, and that was sex. The two of you had never had sex with each other before. In-fact, you'd never touched him sexually at all.
Not long after you first started dating Soobin told you all about his first time, he was happily in a relationship and then just after losing his virginity to his then girlfriend she cheated on him leaving with all kinds of personal hang ups about relationships and sex. You didn’t care, you would wait a lifetime if it meant he would be comfortable but that didn’t mean you weren’t human. You had sexual urges and you wanted to share them with him. You wanted to share the intimacy of having him close to you and share himself with you. 
He wasn’t completely closed off, he had talked about sexual things with you. He mentioned his preference for being submissive and being dominated from what he gathered from his porn preferences, and how he loved being praised and called a good boy. He talked about how he loved going down on you and getting off at the idea of providing pleasure. In-fact this was something he was so sure and content about that he’d done it a few times, He’d taken your pleasure into his hands and mouth, the both of you loving every second of it. 
The both of you had such healthy communication that you knew nothing could go wrong. You were lucky, you had somebody who was able to have a conversation with you about something he wasn’t even one hundred percent sure about himself.
Due few times the two of you had been intimate, with him only touching you, he managed to find a confidence within himself, so much so that his comfort with you increased and he bought himself a collar with your name on. When he first introduced you to it he explained that it was his to wear when he went down on you, wearing a collar and you claiming ownership of his was something he'd talked about possibly liking to you in the past, and this was his was of allowing himself to dip his toe into a submissive role. The gentle face and the blush on his cheeks could only be compared to an indescribable beauty, and the clenching you felt in your centre when he took it out to show you how he looked in it for the first time was hard to ignore.
Once you managed to shake your head out of the fluffy daydream and stopping yourself reminiscing on your relationship you realised you were still at work and it had only been about 10 minuets since you last looked at the time. The day had been considerably normal when it came to work, but when you checked your phone it turned out that when it came to Soobin and the texts he was sending you through-out the day, things seemed a little off. Not off in a bad way, but in a different kinda way. He was usually very caring and loving in his messages, asking how your day was going and if you needed anything but this time they seemed a little bit blunt. 
‘Can I come round tonight?’
‘What time will you be home?’
‘Do you want food?’
‘Will you be going to sleep straight away when you’re home?’
‘Will you be home soon?’
There was nothing wrong with these questions, all completely valid for him to ask, it was just the way he was asking that threw you off. Usually they’d be embellished with loved hearts and kisses and maybe a few little add-ons with him telling you he missed you but in these there was none of that. You knew you were being dramatic but you could feel something was off or different, not enough to worry you but enough to let in linger in the back of your mind.
"I wont be home to late Binnie don't worry, my shift finishes at 9pm so you can meet me at mine if you want to xx"
When you got back you were slightly disturbed by the lack of Soobin, he said he'd meet you here so when he's not in the living room watching TV waiting for you it was a cause for concern ,However when you make it to your bedroom everything seemed to make sense. There he was was standing in your bedroom wearing nothing but the collar around his neck and a pair of tight, black, Calvin Klein briefs, you were equal parts foaming at the mouth and struck with love and adoration. When he looked up at you and whispered a shy ‘I'm ready’ you felt a huge rush of emotions. He wanted you, he was finally ready to take that step and allow you to take over his body and his pleasure. More importantly, he was ready to trust and give himself to you.
He was looking at the floor, arm wrapped around his chest so his hand was grabbing onto his other arm. He'd managed to make himself look so small considering how tall he was. His bottom lip was stuck inside his mouth and you could tell he was nervously gnawing on it while doing everything he could to not make eye contact. You wanted to make him feel calm, let him know that if he was too nervous he didn't have to do anything but he was eager to get started. As you started to talk to him, ready to discus this before hopping into it he stuttered and moved towards you with one of his hands slightly out ready to grab yours, hoping he could rip the band aid off quickly and finally enjoy you without thinking too hard about it he politely shushed you with a smile and kissed your lips softly. You couldn’t have that though as much as you wanted to get lost in the moment with him you needed to make sure there wasnt even a shred of doubt within him. Before anything went to far you slowly had to push him away from you without making him feel bad and talk it through with him.
You didn't want to baby him, he was an adult and could make his own choices but at the same time you knew just how important this all was to him and you had to make sure he wasn’t rushing anything. It didn't take long, no more than fifteen minutes of a sweet heart to heart you knew he was ready. Nervous, no doubt, but so ready.
It's not long after that, that you’re on your knees for him in nothing but your underwear as he stands in front of you, towering above you. You wanted him to start in a position of control to try and ease him in but, he was still so visibly nervous. His eyes are on you but they’re barely open. Your hands are grazing over his thighs, nails slowly dragging down them as his legs shake slightly. You’re trying to keep every touch delicate but intentional, letting him know that you're right there. As you slowly lean forward you can’t help but start a very soft and slow trail of kisses that start from his knee to his inner thigh, faintly sticking your tongue out to lick the smooth skin that graces your lips. With each centimetre your mouth moves, Soobin's body shakes ever so slightly and a small, barely audible whimper leaves his mouth. Slowly his hand come out to your surprise roughly dug into your hair as he attempted holds himself up. The little whimpers leaving his mouth could convince anybody you were doing more than just kissing him. 
“Ah Ah, baby boy who said you could touch” He said he wanted things to be normal, keeping the dynamic the both of you had, and that included him staying more submissive and you taking a dominant role. At first you weren't sure if that was the right way to go but he insisted. You let him know that if he wanted to change it and things got to much for him, all he had to do was say so. You were still going to be careful though, he had a tendency to push himself and you had to make sure that he wasn’t doing that now. You’d take everything slow, start with teasing to get his blood pumping and keep his mind in the moment.
You bite down on the fabric of his briefs pulling on them as they snap back onto his skin and he gasps. “Let me touch you please, please” The words coming out of his mouth were music to your ears, it was strange but so sexy hearing him beg for you. If this was any other man you’d hate it, pulling your hair and ragging you around but with Soobin you know that's not why he’s doing it, he's not doing it to have power over you, he's doing it out of desperation and need, and that turns you on so much more. “Don't make me let go baby, never wanna let go”
He was already so lost in the moment, as your eyes flicked up to watch his face you could see he was a man starved of affection and attention sexually. his eyes were closed shut, almost looking like he was about to cry. So desperate and needy and the two of you hadn’t done anything yet. He was grabbing onto you and whining out so lost for breath.
He pulled your face closer towards his body trying to hold you close, accidently pushing your cheek against his restrained cock, but as soon as he felt you against him he cried out. Slowly, he started humping, feeling the friction of your face against him. You could see he was struggling to control himself when you saw how lost in the feeling.
You’d never ever had anybody act this way with you, your cunt was clenching thinking about he needy he must be to stand there rocking his hips against your face to get himself off. His head was thrown back in pleasure, and he was humping away in his own little world, cock so hard against you that you couldn't help but get more and more excited.
A loud gasp of pleasure from his lips caught your attention and you couldn't help but pull back to look up towards him, it was only then that he snapped out of his haze and realized what he had been doing.
Looking at you with eyes wide in panic “I’m sorry baby, fuck I'm so sorry baby” One of his hands untangled from your hair and reached for his neck, his fingers started to slowly touching the collar that adorned your name as he looked back towards the celling “I’m so sorry, I'm supposed to be good, but I just" He moved his hand back so he was softly stroking your cheek, but every time he looked you in the eyes while you were leaning below him he seemed to lose it just a little bit more "-fuck-” he pulls you back to him this time your lips placed against the extremely hard bulge as he started thrusting again with much less control than he had the first time “But you just feel so fucking good” 
You couldn't help but giggle at his desperation as you quickly suck his shaft through the fabric, leaving a nice wet spot on his underwear as you push him off you making him step back slightly. He only whines as you smile up at him, your hands not leaving the solid length in front of you. You’d seen his length before when he played with himself after touching you, but you’d never touched it, and you never realized just how perfectly hard he could get.
“Calm down baby, I'm not going anywhere, don't worry and I'm not mad at you, tonight is all about you.” If you had to remind him all night then you would. He might care about his sexual role but you didn’t, when more time past and your experience together grew, then you’d start punishing him. For now though, all you wanted to do was make sure he was comfortable in letting go with you.
 You shuffle your knees closer to him so you're centimetres away from his clothed member making sure to look him straight in the eyes as you stick your tongue out ready for him. The look on his face is that of a dream state. His freshly blonde hair fell forward as he looked down at you, framing his face so well that just looking at him like this was made you want to speed things up a little and give him everything. You wanted to pleasure him, you were so turned on at the idea of him finally feeling the pleasure you can give him.
“Promise?” The word from his lips soft, cascading off his tongue like a heartfelt song with the most meaningful lyrics. You knew he was referring to you saying you weren’t going anywhere. It was something he’d always been worried about, always thinking you were going to up and leave him whenever you had the chance. He was insane to think you’d leave, look at him, pretty bunny like face and tall frame matched with his sweet, caring and attentive personality hat couldn't be matched, and that's if you ignore the big, rock hard cock that made you clench your thighs while you kneeled in front of him.
For a second everything is silent. Just Soobin looking down at you, collar shining from his neck as his body was on display for you, and you, kneeling for him nearly naked at his feet. Your hands gently caressing his thigh in comfort. “I promise, Binnie'” You reassured him as you wrapped your lips around the tip of his covered cock and sucked as he gasped out for you. 
“Oh God baby, yes” his voice was loud and solid as he moaned for you and Soobin's next actions were quick as his desperation overtook him. Both of his hands dropped from your head to his own hips as he clumsily pushed his briefs down just below his ass pulling his cock free, touching it as it twitched for you. He quickly starts pumping it as he whimpers looking down at your face that is glued to the show he's putting “Own me please baby, please I’ve thought about this so much but I never though i deserved it” he stops for a second to move the hair out of your face and catch his breath “I dunno, I'm just, I'm sorry, I'm so sensitive” 
Fuck how could he look this pretty, sitting here on your knees watching him from this position, pumping his cock in front of you was mouth wateringly hot. The skin on his shaft looked so soft that all you wanted to do was feel it against your tongue. “Don't even think about it Binnie, please, just enjoy yourself baby, you’ve been such a good boy for me you deserve this” You take one hand off his cock as you replace it with your own but changing the pace so it's much slower. “You look after me so well Binnie, you’ve earned so much” 
You couldn’t help yourself, the way he was panting and moaning above you made you want nothing more than to bring him the pleasure he always strives to bring you. You lean in and place the flat of your tongue against his balls making sure to lick and suck them, giving them all your attention pulling a grunt of pleasure from him. You ran your tongue up the bottom of his shaft making him tense up and grip onto your shoulders tightly. His moans were light and airy and fuck it made you even wetter, the sound of his voice, so deep but so lost in need, it was so perfect. You look up as you drag your tongue along him and you can see the veins in his neck as he tenses, nearly bursting out of the pretty accessory around his neck. 
You’d heard Soobin being vocal before, when he touched himself but this was something you’d never witnessed. Purely his own pleasure taking over him. Pleasure that you were giving him. He would let out the softest -Ahs- mixed in with the deepest grunts as your tongue licked up and down his shaft. 
“Your tongue feels so good, feels so fucking good” Were the only grunts and groans that leave his mouth as he pants through his words “I'm really yours now"
There it was, the ownership that he'd told you he craved so much.
As you heard him moan for you, your desire only grew, wanting him to fall apart, so as your tongue once again reaches the head of his cock you decide to take the tip into his mouth. You could taste the pre-cum on your tongue and the neediness of him got you just as lost as he was. You were quick to push your lips down his shaft and Soobin couldn't help but whine out the word ‘yes’ over and over again, prolonged and stuttered.
"Fuck, ___, fuck, yes use me. This feels so fucking good. Oh shit" His words were nearly unintelligible at this point, a mix of cries, squeaks and moans and all you had to do was swallow around his cock for him to start shaking. Once again he holds your head close to his body as he starts a slow staggered rhythm thrusting into your mouth.
"No wait, stop baby, you're gonna make me cum, don't wanna cum yet" despite his words he continued using your mouth. You made sure to use your tongue and make this as wet as possible for him, you wanted the wetness on his cock to resemble what was between your legs. It was his first ever blow job from you and you were going to give him everything he could want. You were going to take away his fear of intimacy and see sex as pleasure.
“Oh my god, no please, please baby I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum" You both could have stopped him at any time. His movement was so shallow and staggered that it wouldn't take much, but the grip around the roots of your hair told you he didn't want to stop. The fact he was still using your mouth as his head fell back and moans were leaving his lips told you he never wanted this to end.
“I don't wanna cum so fast, fuck, I'm sorry, fuck I'm so sorry” His words were all but a squeak as he trust into your mouth, hitting deep this time releasing down your throat. You barely got a chance to taste it, it shot far down your throat all you could do was smile and swallow while he moaned above you.
“Don't fucking stop *oh, ugh* yes ___, yes ____, yes. Fuck!”  despite the fact he'd just lost himself to you completely he didn't stop. Once his cock stopped twitching in the back of your throat he only started to move his hips again. 
Despite it being one of the sexiest things you’d ever experienced, you try to pull away, sure that he was going to be struck by oversensitivity once his brain started working again but he didn't, he only hugged you tighter to stop you leaving.
“No please, don't stop please keep going *fuck*” he'd become insatiable with his need for you, keeping his thrusts slow so you could look up at him. Sweat had formed all over his body and he looked completely exhausted, but there was a fire in his eyes that was impossible to miss. Oh, what one glance in his eyes could do to you.
“But Binnie, you just” You pull him out of your mouth and try to reason with him. The last thing you wanted was him over-exerting himself, he'd looked after you so well that you wanted to do that for him.
“No shh, baby, please please don't wanna stop there” He slowly grabbed his length and rubbed it against your lips and you could feel that he’d managed to stop himself going completely soft after his orgasm “Please keep sucking it, keep me hard for you. I wanted to be with you, let me please”
Now you were the one rolling your eyes and grunting. His words were so sexy that it made your pussy clench around nothing. The whole point in this was that he wanted to be with you, finally share his body with you and if he was okay with continuing then you weren’t going to take that away from him or yourself. You’d never been with anybody who managed to go again straight after he’d cum but of course, Soobin could, he was just so perfect in every other way that you’re not surprised it didn’t stop when it came to his stamina.
You looked him in the eyes, opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out ready for him. Ready to give him anything. Your jaw was aching and there was drool slipping from your lips but you didn’t care. This was all about him.
His excitement takes over and you can see his small smile as he strokes your cheek, putting his cock back into your mouth and sighing loudly. This time he takes your head and moves it back and forth rather than thrusting, you can see he's trying it out looking at you quizzically while he thinks about what he prefers. He's moving your head excruciatingly slow while watching your lips around him as he smiles in relief slightly. No only was he in heaven because of your lips around him, but he was proud that he'd managed to stay hard for you. 
“Yes, fuck” His eyes didn't move from yours this time, he was usually such a sweet angel but currently he had nothing but lust radiating from his face, his entire body “I’m so hard again for you baby, you feel so good” 
He pulls you off him completely as he kneels down at your level, pushing his lips against yours and his chest pressed up against you. He moved so quickly it took you by shock, one second his cock was inside your mouth and now his lips are against yours as his arms enclosed around your body pulling you close to him. After a few seconds he delicately runs his fingers over your skin, gently gripping your left hand, using your palm to caress his chest as he slides it up towards the collar on his neck, wanting you to feel it. His other hand slowly pulled your right hand down to press against his cock.
“Look what you do to me ____, you’ve always done this to me” voice soft but kisses slightly rushed, the contrast was dizzying. His lips moved and started to kiss your neck, starting at the back of your jaw then down towards the front. He occasionally nips at your skin and you can’t help but whimper, your nipples are so hard and you wish you weren't wearing a bra so you could feel them pressing against his chest “You own me, you make me so hard and needy. You own my heart, my soul, my cock. Take it, please baby take what you own”
His words were like a drug to you, you couldn’t help but want to do everything he asked. You had no idea you'd enjoy hearing him say that you own him as much as you do. Your underwear was ruined now, all because of him. When his words were so sweet, but filthy in your ear as he touched you, you could feel your heartbeat in your pussy as your blood rushed around your body. His hands skirted around your skin feeling your hips, thighs, arms and anything he could get his hands on “Fucking use me, please baby.” This is the most demanding he’d ever sounded, his want to be owned and used making your eyes roll to the back of your head as his lips were still against your neck.
It's with that, that you let out your own growl and pushed him back slightly so he was leaning on his hands, watching you stand up, and take the rest of your clothes off. You threw your bra and underwear to the ground towards him and watched as he crawled over to you discarded panties, bringing them to his nose and smelling them right there at your feet. 
“You really do like my underwear, don’t you baby boy” This isn't the first time he’d sniffed your panties, but usually they were still on your body. He looked so pathetic when he whined over you, his behaviour was completely different now he was crying out needily for you. The contrast in his long toned body that tensed every time his sweet doe eyes cried was unbelievable.
"Can I taste you again? Please I miss it so much". How? How did he look so sweet and innocent while asking form this. You never thought any words could affect you this way. He made your head spin, it made you feel powerful and soft all at the same time and you loved every second of it. Nobody was able to make you feel this confidence, and it was that confidence that currently ran through your body allowing you to freely play around and have fun with him.
You sat back on the edge of the bed looking down at him while he was looking up at your from the floor and started slowly opening your legs. His eyes were stuck in pure bliss, wide open as you bite your lip wanting nothing more than to feel his tongue once again "You wanna eat my pussy, Binnie?"
His head nods up and down, no words coming from his lips. It's amazing how speechless you made him when he made you so loud and proud. He had so much to say when he stood above you but now, but now that he was where he wanted to be, under your control, with your body in front of him, he turned into a mess.
He shuffled on his knees towards you and started kissing up your legs, finger tips ghosting all over your thighs and calves as if you were made of glass, as if one touch could break you. You could feel each kiss get slightly heavier with each passing suck, to a point where his head was between your thighs so close to where you needed him and he was just sucking on the skin, licking it and kissing it over and over.
His hair was so beautifully framing his face as he looked up towards you, his eyes were so shiny and bright, his dimples making him look adorable even after everything the two of you had just done. He took turns looking towards your pussy and then back towards you again. He couldn't get enough of you, he wanted to drive you mad and taste what you had to give him. You just wanted him to devour you. As his face looked at you, you were confused by his frustration until you realized what he was waiting for. Permission. Something else he'd mentioned he loved the idea of.
"You can eat my pussy, baby come here" You quickly laced your hand into his hair and pulled his head towards your centre and he let out the loudest groan as he connected to your pussy making you arch your back instantly.
He was quick with his mouth, making sure to explore every part of you once again. He usually took this much slower, enjoying the moment and the pleasure he brought you but right now his tongue was all over you in long quick strokes. He made sure to touch and devour every part of your centre. You couldn't help the gasp that came out of your mouth with every messy lick and suck he delivered to you. It's been less than two minutes and your eyes are already rolling back in pleasure, his soft tongue really flicking around your clit and your folds in reckless abandon. You could feel the pleasure shooting to your toes.
He was loud and unapologetically enthusiastic, slurping on your folds as he sucked them into his mouth tightly, releasing them only to quickly reconnect with them and groan. It was so soon for your body to be shaking but you couldn’t control it, you were even letting out small laughs in between moans at the sheer surprise that your eyes were rolling back and your body was twitching.
When you looked down you could see his mouth wide open as the tip of his tongue started working on your clit and you just lost it. You tugged on his hair harder accidentally but he loved it. He couldn't help but groan out loud and place his open mouth on you, sticking his tongue inside you and wiggling it around. 
You were struggling to breath and as your eyes continued to roam down you saw how painfully hard his dick was between his legs causing you to let “Fuck, Soobin you’re so good, you love pussy so much don’t you” tumble from your lips. The immediate nod of his head at your words sent your head spinning, you needed him, and you needed him now.
You reluctantly start to pull away from him, your own body angry at your for denying him, but you needed to get fucked so badly you were getting restless. "Fuck baby, shit, come here and fuck me please" and as much as it pained you to pull away from him, you could tell it pained him more.
"No, no no come back please, just a little more" his hands grip around your hips and he moves forward so that he can keep himself attached to you "just a little more I promise"
Rather than licking you this time his tongue plunges straight into your hole again and you can't help but let the whimpers fall from your mouth. Your back finally hit the bed as you allowed yourself to get lost in the pleasure "Just wanna taste you some more."
He was a man obsessed, drunk on pussy as his whimpers left him “Love pussy” - “Love tasting your pussy” - “Wanna eat your pussy forever” His words were nothing but muffled breathless whimpers that vibrated against you and caused the tightness of your orgasm to appear. Each lick was shooting sparks up your body and as he sucks on your clit your body just shakes with pleasure.
"Fuck, Soobin I'm gonna cum" Your words were barely there, maybe even just pants at this point as you stopped thinking about anything but his mouth. How was he so fucking good at this? You could hear him moaning your name between licks and he groaned against your clit every time he sucked it making the pleasure even more intense.
"UGH, please cum, come all over my face please" This was the clearest thing he’d said at this point, his begging for your cum becoming consistent. You started to hump up against his mouth, your hips taking over and doing anything to chase your high.
"Shit baby, Binnie, you're so fucking sexy. So needy for me, shit" your moans were so loud you should have been embarrassed but you weren't, your screaming for him and everything he was doing to you. His head was between your legs, mouth and chin and even the tips of his hair completely soaked as his eyes were closed focusing on his favourite taste. His hands stayed gripped on your thighs tightly holding you in place as he drowned in your pleasure..
"Umhum, so needy, 'm so needy, need you, please cum" His words were frantic as he pulled you closer to his face, not wanting to part with you for even a second as he got you close to your high "Please cum all over me"
At his words your pleasure started bubbling and tightening in your stomach and you knew it wouldn't take you long now. With each flick of his tongue against your body you twitched little bit more "Good boy Soobin, fuck yes I'm gonna cum"
His moans matched to when you were sucking his cock, and you knew he got just as much please eating you out as he did when you went down on him. You kept moaning out loud warnings of your high approaching and that only made his tongue fuck you even faster. When one of his hands finally reached around and started to rub your clit you couldn't help but finally let it all go.
"Fuck! Soobin! Fuck, yes!" Your entire body started shaking and your legs closed tightly around his head as you rode his face through your orgasm, his whimpers only letting you know that he didn't mind one bit. Your toes curled and you completely lost control of your body and voice, back arching and straining yourself, but the pleasure that was running through you was more than you could take as you screamed out for him.
You were slow to come down for your high. It lasted a lot longer than it usually would and all you could hear was Soobin between your legs moaning out in a painstakingly needy voice "More, fuck, more don't ever wanna stop please"
You had to pull yourself away from him or he’d suck all the juices out of your body at this point. If you weren't so out of breath you’d be giggling at the desperation. This time when you moved he didn't follow. He only fell back onto his calves and basked in the moment. His bottom lip was in his mouth as his head hung back, collar round his neck looking so beautiful and shiny. His jaw was clenching as his deep breaths left his nose. 
His cock looked hard as stone as you stared at his body and you were surprised at how quickly you wanted more. Was this how he felt all the time? Needy and ready to fuck you at any point? That's how he said he always felt, even when he wasn't ready to be with you physically he didn't shy away from telling you how much he wanted you. God, it made you feel bad for him. It made you wanna give him everything if he felt like this all the time, but most of all it made you want to give yourself to him "Tell me what you want Binnie?"
His eyes darted open to look at you, who had started to rise back up onto your elbows while you checked up on him. "You, I just want you" he said while nodding his head, agreeing with his own words. 
You didn't want to take your time with him anymore. You didn't want to tease or play you just wanted the pleasure that would finally come with his cock, you’ve just cum, but your pussy feels so fucking empty you just needed to be filled "come up here and fuck me like you've always wanted to"
He was careful about his movements, standing up and crawling over your body scared that you’d change your mind at any second. He moved over you while you moved further up the bed, head now on the pillows, he was hovering above you cautiously.
"Do you want this?" You knew he did, the hardness of his cock let you know that before anything else but the careful demeanour he was showing made you want to make sure. He didn't say anything, only nodded his head quickly forgetting that he could speak.
"No baby, don't nod your head. Tell me." You needed to hear it, mainly to make sure he truly did want this, but also to selfishly allow you to indulge in his need.
"God, yes, I wanna fuck you” You weren’t expecting the strong voice that came with his words, the confidence that came out of the timid man. He lowered his body slightly and started grinding against your pussy, his firm cock pressed against your body nicely as he looked deep into your eyes “wanna fuck you so bad. Wanna fuck you non-stop and hear you cum over and over again. Wanna be good for you baby"
You knew it was mean, but the feeling of him grinding against you had your sensitive pussy gushing all over again making you want to play with him, wanted to tease him one more time before you were to fucked out to do so "Tsk tsk, you sound awfully like a bad boy to me Soobin, a very bad boy" 
The panic that set into his eyes as he placed his forehead on top of you shaking his head in defiance "No! No I'm good for you, so fucking good, only ever good"
You’re not sure what compels you to do it, but you kiss his lips as he cries out for you. A simple but deep kiss and as you pull away, you can feel him trying to keep his lips on yours but you wanna tease him just a little more.
"Good boys don't say such naughty things Binnie" you reach your hand down to grab his ass and push him against you harder moving his hips so his cock aligns with your slit and you both moan out, Soobin slightly stuttering his hips as he tries so hard to control himself.
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I'm such a fucking pervert. So perverted for you. You make me wanna cum so hard all the time" His eyes were tightly closed now as he continued to fuck against the slick lips of your pussy. You could tell he felt guilty and you knew it was time to stop, time to give him everything he wanted.
"Shhh, baby it's okay" you were soft for him as you raised your hands to his cheek pressing a quick, deep kiss to his lips. He kept going back for more kisses when you pulled away and it made it even more sweet and intimate, you’d never stop kissing him if that's what he wanted. 
His eyes opened "It is? Its it okay, I mean, for me to be naughty and perverted for you?" He was really asking, he needed you to tell him that it was okay. He was really playing into his role, possibly even losing himself into a submissive state completely. You really tried to make this no kinks attached and all romance but clearly Sobin couldn’t help himself, this is what he wanted and what he needed, and you could only oblige.
His cock was thrusting against your pussy and he still managed to make you soft, he made your heart beat faster and slower all at the same time and it would never fail to amaze you. You wanted to make him feel so good, you started to raise your hips slowly against him helping him with the friction.
"Maybe I even kinda like it when you're all perverted and pussy drunk Binnie." You could feel the wetness between your legs getting out of control covering your thighs and you pushed your head back into the pillow slightly moving your face away from him. You bite your lip and spank his ass a little, making him gasp. You grab a handful of his ass cheek and squeeze it in your hand, feeling how tense it is when he grinds on you
"Fuck please tell me you like it, need you to say it baby please" His forehead was pressed against yours now as he asked you tell him you liked him being naughty. His desperation was adorable and so fucking hot that you couldn’t keep teasing him, as much as you both loved it you needed to give him everything, all of you.
"Only if you fuck me good. Like the naughty boy you want to be, " His grinding halted as his head threw back, eyes rolling to the back of his skull, desperation seeping through his groans.
 He never thought he’d like to be called bad or naughty, his submissive side leaning more towards being good but the way you said it made it feel so scandalous that it only served to make his cock harder. He was whimpering and whining now "Yes, yes fuck" he was looking up to the ceiling as you were sure you could see tears starting to spill from his eyes. God, he was so cute like this.
You had to put him out of his misery "How do you want me, Binnie?"
"I.." Your question caught him off guard, obviously unsure of how to answer, his inexperience and need to please shining through "how do you.."
"Ah Ah,” You were quick to interject, you knew he was going to ask you how you wanted to do it, but you needed this to be about him. If he really wasn't sure then you’d help, but you knew Soobin too well. He clearly had preferences and he wasn’t scared to submit to them, you knew that he was asking due to doubt more than anything else, and you were here to eliminate all doubt from his mind “I asked how you wanted it. How does my bad boy wanna fuck me tonight?"
He was slow to crawl back onto his calves, bottom lip sucked into his mouth as he chewed on it slightly. You give him time, allow him to collect his thoughts as you could tell he was trying to ask you something, just planning on how to say it in his mind. "Can you?, erm, can you lie on your front and…"
The words got stuck in his throat a little bit, stumbling and blushing at what he was asking, first time nerves getting the better of him. "You wanna fuck me from behind?" you slowly flipped yourself around and pushed out your ass, face comfortably in the pillows as you danced your hips softly from side to side letting him enjoy the view.
"But lay flat and,... and keep looking at me, still wanna see your face. I mean, please" He was quick to interject with his shakey voice when your face hit the pillow so your head was to the side and you laid your body flat to the bed it made your heart beat fast. Even in times like this, he managed to make it romantic. You loved him so much
You looked over your shoulder, admiring the absolute sight in front of you. "Like this baby?" If you weren't so busy trying to keep your wits about you, making sure this was all perfect for him, then you know you’d have lost your mind just at the sight of him there, on his knees, trapping your legs between his, drooling over you.
"I'm ready Binnie, are you ready?" Ready was an understatement for the both of you. Your pussy was so wet, a mix of your cum and his saliva covering it, ready to be fucked. It'd been so long for you now, and as much as you didn't care how long he needed, you were desperate now he was ready.
"Can you…" his hands reach down to play with your ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them softly his hands. He parted them slightly so he had a full view of your pussy lips and he moaned with excitement "will you tell me you want me?"
His voice was so soft and cute you could have pouted at him. He flip flops your emotions like nobody else "I want you Soobin" You matched his soft tone as you looked him in the eyes. His big, doe ones were flicking back and forth between you and your pussy.
"I want you so bad, I'm so wet for you" you're egging him on with your words, doing everything you can to make him feel special and wanted, and it worked.
Soobin had little experiance with this so he was still a little clumsy and excited. He shuffled over you, trapping your hips now slighly and started lining his cock up with your cunt.
He was teasing himself and in the process. He'd dip the head of his cock in and pull it out quickly, moaning and groaning while watching for you face contort with the feeling of being filled with just his tip for the first time.
"F" every time he dipped it in you could help but whimpering out fuck, but never managing to finish the word because he'd pull straight back out. "F" the tip of his cock was so fat it was enough to make you crazy, streching your walls so good "Fu" You didn't want to rush him, letting him do what he needed to, to enjoy this as much as he could but you were about to lose your mind. Luckily for you, so was he. "Fuck” finally you managed to get the whole word out, elongated, as he slowly slid his cock inside of you “yes, oh my god!" 
He finally pushed himself in all the way, making you relax into the pillow with your eyes closed, feeling blissful. How nice it felt to be stretched out on his cock finally, it sent you straight to heaven as your pussy started pulsing around him. You were being stretched out for the first time in what felt like years and Soobin's cock stretched you wide, you were finally fully and it was phenomenal.
"Keep watching me please" his voice was breathless as he was quick to set up a steady rhythm.  As you looked back you couldn't help the loud moan you let out. His eyes were glued to where the two of you were joined, sweat beading from his forehead as he gnawed on his bottom lip every few seconds speeding up his thrusts "watch how hard I work for you" 
Every sentence from his mouth made your pussy flutter and your eyes roll back. You loved every little perverted thing that came from his lips. His cock was deep inside you and his grip on your hips was hard as he continued pumping himself I'm and out. All you could hear was the wetness of your pussy along with the whimpers coming from Soobin.
"You" as you tried to praise him his thrusts would knock the breath out of you making you mind go slightly dumber every time "work.so.hard.for.me" you must have resembled a porn star at this point. There was something about his need to have you watch him while he fucked you that was playing with your head, only making your pussy clench and twitch harder around him. 
As your moans got louder and the pleasure got more intense you were starting to lose control of yourself and your body. Declarations of love leaving your mouth constantly "fuck, love you so much, love this so much" and your body shaking the harder he went.
Soobin's head fell back the second he heard you declarations. He was consumed with you, he was annoyed he waited so long and yet so glad he did, because this is perfect "I'm your baby boy, fuck im yours, fuck"
He starts leaning forwards, one hand running through your hair and his face was now closer to your ear, not once ruining his pace that was driving you insane "Want you to cum all over me baby please, ____ please cum for me"
"There! Yes" with the slight shift in angle he started hitting so deep, nudging your G-spot perfectly that you had to cover your mouth with your hand to stop the embarrassing screams you were letting get too loud. With one hand now grasping the pillow and one over your mouth your moans started becoming cries of pleasure.
Despite your attempts though your hand made for a weak silencer. "Binnie you're so fucking good at this" Your words were still clear, much to Soobins glee and it was obvious your orgasm was finally starting to build up again  
"Umhum, just for you ___, just for you, wanna fuck you all night and day. Wanna feel your cream all over me all the time, fuck yes, oh my god, pussy. Pussys so nice" His filthy mouth was unmatched but his constant, random moans for pussy is what was sending the constant tingles to your centre.
His face was now finally next to yours, hand still gripped in your hair, pulling your head up only slightly so you were no longer covering your mouth. The smirk on his face as he heard your moans clearer showed you that's exactly what he wanted.
"Fuck you're are a dirty little pervert aren't you?" You knew that would turn him on beyond belief judging by your prior conversation. It only spurred him to fuck you harder and faster, desperate please and cries leaving his mouth "Fuck, yes, yours"
The clench in your core when he said 'yours' fuck, you were just as into this as he was. Your orgasm maybe have been building slow due to you just having one but this started to feel more intense "Yeah, mine, my dirty little pervert"
"Cum for me, please ___ cum for me again" he was begging so hard, and if he didn't just bury his head in your neck you once again would have seen the tears pricking out of his eyes. His thrusts were becoming sloppy but hard, so hard you body was pushing itself up the bed
"Come back, come back shit, yes." Soobin's hands snaked around your body, squeezing you tight and keeping you still so he could keep hitting that spot that made you scream. You were so tightly confined against him and the bed that you felt trapped, but that only made this all feel better, Soobin was such a pleasure chaser.
"Binnie I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum so hard" Finally your orgasm hit you like a fucking brick. Your entire body shaking on his hold, pussy and legs quivering as you ride out your orgasm wave after wave after wave.
"Cream on me, yes, Fuck, cream all over me" He seemed equally as blissed out as you did. You were held so tightly in his arms that you could barely move when your senses came back to you
You went slightly limp as he shifted himself upwards, sitting up and looking down at you like you were an angel. His eyes were glassy, and one of his hands started to trace around your cheeks delicately. He was enthralled by you, so in love and so turned on just from you. He struggled to understand the emotions he was feeling, never having love and lust play in tandem together like this. 
You didn't know the thoughts that were swimming round in his head at that second but you could tell he was caught up in the moment, a swell of happiness filling both of your hearts as you kissed and held each other. Silence filling the room as you both basked in the moment 
"Shit that felt so fucking good"  You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, breaking the silence, but as you shuffled you saw Soobin knot his eyebrows together looking distressed. At first you thought you did something wrong, worrying that you ruined a moment that Soobin was still basking in but it didn't take you more than five seconds to realise that wasn't the case.
He was still hard, your mind clouded as you came and you just assumed he did at the same time as you but no, this whole time he's been stiff inside of you probably just waiting to keep going after letting you have your moment.
You slowly started wiggling your hips just to create a small amount of friction between the two of you, testing the waters. "You didn't cum? you still need to cum don't you baby?" 
He was starting to look a little helpless and needy as you moved your hips against him. The once delicate and adoring features turning back into needy whines and a blissed out expression. "Need to cum so bad" it was almost a growl, the deep groan in his voice a complete contrast of the soft features of his face.
You can't help but pull your bottom lip into your mouth, biting on it while watching his expression. You've just come, you have a little more clarity in your mind and all you can think of now is his enjoyment "Awh Bin, let me help you"
You reposition the both of you, you're now sat on his thighs, his body facing yours as he lays underneath you. You used your hands to stroke his legs, body, arms, anywhere you could to reassure him that you were still here with him.
As your fingers reached up to his neck, you gently tugged on the collar, slowly outlining the metal letters that spell put your name. "Play with yourself, think of me, and play with yourself"
His reaction was immediate "Ah, ah" his hands flew down to his cock as he started pumping it. You sat up, giving him all the access he needed to his own body. You've watched him play with himself before, it was one of your favourite things, but you've never been this close,always giving him a comfortable amount of space. 
"That's it baby, tell me what you're thinking" you could tell he was enjoying this. His head is thrown back into the pillows but his eyes aren't leaving yours. He didn't care about how he looked or what he was doing, he just enjoyed every second of the feeling.
Once again you worried you were taking it too far, but the excited and sloppy way he pumped his cock showed you this was exactly what he wanted. 
You stroked his thighs as you encouraged him to find his voice "Come on Bin, tell me what you're thinking of"
"Thinking of filling you up" one of his free hands reached out to squeeze your thigh as his words came out in breathy pants  "thinking of you riding me and kissing me. Thinking of you claiming me. Shit I'm so close"
You couldn't stop yourself. You needed to give him everything. "Is it anything like this baby?" Sliding your body up you position yourself so the tip of his cock touched your entrance and you slowly slid down on it, rolling your eyes back and quickly starting to bounce up and down on him.
You don't take time with him, you want him to cum and you want him to cum quickly. You’re so full of him that it's hard to keep your composure. The temptation to just sit on it and grind your hips, feeling him touch everything inside you, but no, this was about him. "God! Yes! It's better, fuck you're so much better".
"Soobin, my sweet, good, baby boy." Words of praise kept slipping from your mouth, a babbling mess of love and need all for him. He isn’t fairing any better. He's just as lost for words. High pitched moans coming from his mouth as his eyes don't leave your tits, breath lost and little whimpers of the word ‘Pussy’ leaving his lips.
"Fuck, Binnie, are you pussy drunk?” at your words he throws his head back into the pillows and starts nodding wildly. His hands start running through his pretty locks and his back starts to arch as the moans and whimpers only get louder and louder. He's close, and the arching of his back makes his hips move and push deeply inside of you making you lose composure 
“Cum inside me" At this point it was more of a demand. You weren’t sure how much more you could take while keeping it all about him. He was hitting his peak and you wanted to feel it. You’d found a much more dominant side to you as you watched him writhing around in pleasure on the sheets as you did everything to bring him pleasure. 
"Shit cum inside me right now" and he did. He did exactly as you asked, noticeably enjoying the demands that were coming out of your mouth. His arms engulfed your body pulling your chest against his as his hips buck inside you harshly. His body shakes as he starts whining loudly in your ear as his cum fills you up. 
You could feel his cock inflating inside of you and it made your eyes roll back. It was perfect, and as his body stopped shaking as hard and his arms around you started to loosen up and you slowly rolled off his body making sure to keep contact with him though, letting him know you weren’t going anywhere
He was breathless, body completely spent as he kept his body close against yours tucking his head into your shoulder where he could.
“Soobin, that was amazing” You could see his blush on his face, but no words left his mouth. He felt shy. You knew him well enough to know that. All you did was kiss his head and allow him time to bask in the bliss of the moment staying with him for as long as he needed and making sure that he was never reluctant to be intimate again.
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Aita for blocking a friend on instinct? So i (f16) have this friend, (m16) we can call him D, who i've been friends with since kindergarten.
About a year ago, i started growing very close to D through our friend group's dnd campaign we held every friday. I knew him for a long time but that was the first time we had started hanging out out of school. We were talking on snapchat every night just chatting and after a while he started to send much more... revealing snaps. Just his bare shoulders but like without a shirt. He said it was because he had to let his medication for his back dry. I was a little uncomfortable, but we were friends so i didnt think that it would escalate into anything weird.
After about a month, D starts sending snaps in a towel and pictures of his chest which made me very uncomfortable. I kind of let the chatting die down after that because it was the only way i could think of that would be enough to gently let him down easy (i was wrong). I stopped going to the hangouts with that group and kind of distanced myself because how uncomfortable D made me. This only made D try harder to get my attention.
I was still friends with the others in the group so i would often have one-on-one hangouts with the others and watch tv. One thing we watched was Miraculous and we laughed and joked about it all the time. D overheard us or something and went home and binge watched the entire series in a week. Then everytime i ate lunch with that friend group, D would always make direct references to Miraculous or sing the theme song really loud. This wasnt once a day, D would make miraculous references every single minute. He became obsessed with the show (which, for reference of how weird it was, D is a very religious Christian boy. He gets upset if he gets an A- and never drinks caffeine (no problem with any of those things but just understand that kind of guy being deep within the fandom of Miraculous out of all shows 😭)). It was so bad, and it once again was making me very uncomfortable.
Eventually, it got to an insufferable point where D changed his route to go home and made sure to pass me every day after school and wave. I started avoiding him in the halls, he would always ask obscure questions that werent that important. I couldn't understand why he couldn't get that i didnt want to be friends with him anymore so i set boundaries.
A text i sent to D: i apologize if i ever caused any misunderstanding, but i would like to make it clear that im not romantically interested in you. i can see that you have been trying to grow closer, but i dont feel the same way. i don't appreciate being followed around, and i dont like when people force themselves to like the same things i like. its not attractive to be a copy of someone. i enjoy being your friend but it's difficult to disregard these things. if im being totally honest, when you do things like this, it makes me really uncomfortable and borderline creeped out. i know crushes wont disappear overnight but i would appreciate more space. if youre looking for a girlfriend, this isnt the right person, nor the right way to get it. and i wont tell anyone about this so dont worry about word spreading or anything. thank you
D's response: Oh, I'm so sorry I made you think that! I don't have a crush on you, I just noticed how you don't hang out with our friend group as often and I just wanted to make sure that I was being as nice as possible to make sure you weren't mad at us or anything. I did start to think that maybe me trying all that made me seem clingy or annoying, so I'm really sorry for all of that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll try to do better now!
This didnt sit right with me because after all of that i cannot fathom how that translates to "i wanted to include you". This made me question a lot about the situation.
Reasons i feel like i MBTA: i'm over thinking things and D could be a genuinely a nice person. Its hard for me to read the room and i need to work on that and probably apologize to D.
Reasons i feel like i MNBTA: i should trust my instincts rather than ignore them. I've had a psychological abuser in my family before and the situation could be a stalker behavior that i've learned is not ok to have.
What are these acronyms?
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That is the thing: I do think it’s possible that Lilith never actually died: like she entered Hell alive, with Lucifer.
That's what they pretty much animated in the intro. Which is a really shitty thing to happen. According to what we witness through the story telling. Lilith was created, refused not to be consider equal to Adam, ran off and Lucifer found her. "They fell in love and together wanted to gift humanity the gift of free will" Which, shows Lucifer making the gesture of offering not Lilith. She was just standing aside witnessing. Then because of the act, evil found its way to Earth and Lucifer and his love was cast away.
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Lilith as we know so far, did not commit any sins to earn the damnation she got. She basically got damned for loving Lucifer and standing by to support him.
There going to be a campaign supporting Lilith now. "Lilith hasn't done any wrong"
I know Lilith is painted poorly right now with how the season ended with her appearing to be lounging on the beach in Heaven after being a deadbeat for 7 years. But I think its purposely a cliffhanger that also a misdirection. I believe Lilith has to sacrifice her time and place to be with her family and ruling hell and has to step away to save them.
Your dream theory from the last post could be very well the reason too. Heaven and/or Lilith felt Roo becoming more active and stronger. So, unsinned Lilith had to be in a safer place until its time to face and try to conquer evil.
(dream theory from last post here)
I would imagine she'll try to take Charlie too but must be an explanation as she not "pure" as she Hellborn.
But now, I had a few days to think about your dream theory the more I'm into Charlie being "one of the untouch by sin". I mean, Charlie is very easily set up to be a "Chosen one" trope
Charlie is the product of (fallen/well meaning intention) angel, a neutral (first woman) human of earth, and hellborn. She a product of all realms. Despite living in Hell...she used her free will to be good...and do good. with no expectations of anything to be repaid for it. Just free will goodness. Trying to do good by helping sinners be rehabilitated to become and do good too by their choice
I think her using her gift of free will to be and do good plus her being the product of what was mention, mix it together....and bam you got a chosen one to defeat Evil.
Someone make a fic about this please. I dont have the attention span to multi chapter a huge epic quest of defeating evil.
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newwavesylviaplath · 1 month
more dumb music opinions!! this is long and ik most of u don't care but whatever this is my platform i will post how i see fit. also im not proofreading this at all its 1:26 in the morning and im literally falling asleep as im writing this so apologies in advance if this isn't the most well written or coherent post ive ever made
okay yall i fell down a rabbit hole of people on tiktok criticizing chappell roan and now im all worked up so here i am giving my opinions no one asked for;
so something i've been noticing a real influx of is people bringing up her hot to go performance at outside lands (a festival) where she says something along the lines of "vip thinks they're way too cool to do this.. you're not fun!" mfs have been getting online to talk about how chappell was being SO RUDE!!! and NOT EVERYONE KNOWS HER MUSIC WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!! but like anyone with common sense who has seen the vid/heard the audio can tell she was being playful?? like come on now. i also saw someone post abt how she was being mean to jimmy fallon?? 😭 first off, while im not sure abt this one in particular late night shows are usually scripted and secondly im starting to believe more and more that these people have just never interacted with a drag queen before. chappell roan is a STAGE PERSONA and the majority of drag queens are characterized by having this larger than life attitude- take for example that one rupaul /jimmy fallon interview (u guys know which one) like idk i feel like it's very obvious that chappell is playing it up for the sake of entertainment, not cuz she genuinely believes she's above everyone else.
the other thing i've seen ppl whining about is how a) she doesn't wanna take a picture with fans, therefore she believes her shit doesn't stink and b) the two tiktoks she posted a day ago where she was voicing her struggles openly without policing her tone. first off, CELEBRITIES DONT OWE U PICTURES. don't get me wrong, taking a picture with a celeb u are a fan of can be a great experience and a fun story- but people are acting as if it is their god given right to get a photo with whoever they want whenever they want. "oh well she brought this on herself it's the price of being famous" are u stupid omfg acting like chappell signed a contract giving up her autonomy in order to get on the billboard charts. she quite literally did not choose this and even if she did that doesn't mean ur automatically entitled to a pic with her as if she's some kind of zoo animal like?? the two vids she posted to tiktok essentially telling ppl to leave her alone was met with backlash because she 'sounded rude' again im going to put this in perspective for everyone. her family is being stalked. she is being harassed both online and in real life. being upset because she comes off a little brash in a video where she is practically begging yall to stop with the harassment should be the least of your concerns. this is a twenty six year old who was virtually unknown six months ago- her meteoric rise to fame was not something she could have been prepped for in anyway possible. i feel like some people just aren't trying to wrap their heads around how insane the reality of this situation really is. the phrase "fifteen minutes of fame" used to be a lot more hyperbolic than it is now. i'm exhausted
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transhoverfish · 7 months
so a few days ago, krafton (their publisher), apparently had this like presentation of their plans over the next like 2 years. and during that they talked a bit about sub 3!
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and this obviously creates a LOT of questions. not to worry, though, because unknown worlds added on to this:
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im honestly not surprised by this. iirc, when below zero released they said it would be a WHILE before the next game, and they only announced this back in like... january? now, the first game's release was in january, and bz was in may, so it's definitely possible early access with be in spring of 2025. those games did not have multiplayer aspections tho! its possible we'll wait until mid 2025, and full release will likely not be until 2026. but who knows? the first game took like ten to be fully finished!!
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and honestly. THANK GOD. i can't imagine any subnautica game having BATTLE PASSES or LOOT BOXES. i would have just straight up ignored this game 😭
i do wonder what these updates will entail! "many years to come" is definitely something interesting to me, because other than bug fixes... i dont remember sub or bz getting many updates post full release. is this referring to bug fixes, or is it implying that it will be in a state of early access for much longer? are they going to just keep adding new things (like the building update for sub1) and taking fandom suggestions? very interested!!
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maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but i actually,,,, dont want multiplayer. now i do like bz, and these games arent really intended to be horror games, but also bz is very noticeablely less scary than sub1. and some of it i think definitely has to do with all the extra characters and dialogue. its hard to feel isolated when you know al-an and marg are nearby. so im very happy that it's optional, bc i know i will probably enjoy single player a lot more enjoyable!!
so now... SPECULATION.
so the first thing im curious about that the development team didnt mention:
"uncover the mysteries on an entirely new alien planet"
apprently we are NOT returning to 4546b. which im kind of sad about!! ik the story is very obviously done there, but it feels weird that its going to be some other planet this time around. THERE WONT BE PEEPERS!!!! (well there could be but it would be weird if some other random planet had the exact same lifeforms)
now my next immediate thought is: is this a direct continuation of below zero? my opinion is: no. probably not.
mostly because it mentions up to four players, and robin and alan are, if you look very closely, only two people. now they COULD just create two new characters to go alongside them (my fanfic brain loves the au idea of marg and ryley 🥺) but im just going to assume that with the addition of a new planet, we're going to drop the old storylines. which means no more degasi, sunbeam, aurora, or ayou sisters. we might move away from architects/precursors altogether! (my basis on this is absolutely nothing and i could be wrong, this is 100% just theorizing)
also, i imagine that it would be difficult to keep the plot the exact same with two established characters and then two new ones, depending on how this multiplayer aspect works. if its another crash, it would be a lot easier to just have the extra players die/survive, then try to work in a balancing act of one guy playing al-an.
(also i like keeping the ending of bz vauge. if they show up again, they would have to mention what happened to the rest of the architects, and i think it's much more fun if thats a mystery!)
((also also, im gonna drop a bomb on u all for a second. i actually,,, dont like al-an. i have a deeper connection to probably every single other character in bz. i think they really fumbled al's character and story and he is so incredibly bland to me. it feels like they go nowhere with how he was responsible for the kharra outbreak because the game ends immediately after he confesses! it would be nice to give him another chance, sure, but i personally dread the idea of even more al-an. sorry everyone for this horrible news))
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i hope they bring back some cut content creatures for this!! i noticed this new area looks VERY similar to the safe shallows, and several of the fish seem to be variations of ones we've already seen (im already seeing bladderfish and hoopfish color pallettes, and the shark resmbles some early concept art for the shadow leviathan, but with the ice worm's colors...)
will there be more land areas?? is it going to entirely underwater?? more kharra?? NO DISEASE AT ALL?? AAAAAA!!!!
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Dubcon mating with alpha dream except hob knows EXACTLY what hes doing:) hob has been all but throwing himself at dream all semester all "ohh wow i would NEVER leave MY alpha like that.. too bad i dont even have one :(" hell cut it as close as possible going to class through his pre heat just to hopefully give dream a wiff of how slick and fertile he is. Dream does not seem to notice. But hob is one of the few omegas in the school this year so hob thinks his chances are pretty good to be able to get him in rut. He follows dream to his office all smug and confident. But he wasnt prepared for how overwhelming getting held down and rut fucked was!! Hes trying to crawl away despite himself but only gets hornier when dream physically drags him back. Hob has fooled around before but never done more than some over the clothes stuff with an actual alpha.. dream gives him his first knot and latches his teeth to the back of his neck to mate him as well. Hob is a bit teary and dream still hasnt come back to himself.. his pants were ripped off his body along with his underwear but dream lays on top of him so hes not cold. Hob is determined to keep his alpha though. Hes got his gym clothes in his bag and he drags dream off to his own room, planning to hide long enough that the bond solidifies and an emergency break wouldn't be possible anymore :) good thing dream isnt awake to make hob see someone for that!! Hes got a weird sense of honor and hob is doing all he can to make the bond permanent before dream can get in his way :)
Oh YES. Sneaky, sneaky Hob. This is excellent.
Hob is ambitious, ok? He’s been told all his life that he’ll never get anywhere or be anything. He sees it as his job to prove people wrong. So he has a plan: put himself through uni, get a fantastic fucking job, and get himself the most eligible alpha he can find.
Not necessarily in that order.
Dream is just perfect. Clever, rich, handsome. Hob can’t understand why anyone would leave him, but he’s not complaining. With Dream’s previous mating bond gone, Hob is free to make his move. He’s a little scared of how it will work out, but Dream has been nice to him and shown an interest in Hob! Not in a sexual way, but that’s only because he’s too professional. Hob is sure that Dream won’t object to them being mated. Hob isn’t the perfect omega, but he’ll do his best. He’s (mostly) a virgin, and he plans to take good care of his alpha. What more could Dream want?
And once he becomes lucid again, Dream is surprisingly compliant. He doesn’t seem angry. He panics at first, but once Hob assures him that he wanted Dream to fuck him and mate him, he just kind of… accepts it. He takes Hob home to his big empty house. He just seems pleased to have an omega around the place!
Hob gets his comeuppance for his sneakiness, because the house isn’t entirely empty. Dream soon introduces Hob to… his son. Orpheus is preschool aged and spends his time split between Dream and Calliope’s homes. Hob is suddenly thrust into the role of step-parent to a child who could conceivably be his sibling, while Dream breathes a sigh of relief because he really needs all the help he can get with Orpheus.
But Hob doesn’t believe in giving up! He rolls up his sleeves (figuratively and literally), speedily reads a couple of websites about blended families, and decides that he’s going to be the best fucking step-parent anyone has ever seen. He does regret his underhanded behaviour a tiny bit, but he’s made his bed and now he’s going to lie in it.
And he still gets to ride Dream’s dick at the end of the day, so… it could be a lot worse. Every time Dream grabs him at the waist and pulls him back onto his cock, shoving his knot more firmly into his hole, Hob remembers how it all started… and he’s honestly really looking forward to his next heat. Dream fucked him so good in his rut, so Hob is pretty sure that spending a pheromone loaded heat with him is going to be amazing. And maybe they’ll even make a little sibling for Orpheus :D
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onlyplatonicirl · 13 days
boom explosion. guess what its been 2 years since i came into your ask box to bother you about blogverse!!! as usual its the roleplayer behind the first lorelcest kid Oleander, Mercury, and most importantly to me, Bv!Shandyo
genuine apologies if you dont enjoy these! thats pretty fair and i get that it didnt affect everyone else as strongly as it did me, i just feel like its important that you know how much youve affected my life positively.
so, i was a bullied, neglected kid with unsupervised internet acess when blogverse happened (still a kid just less, woo!) and blogverse, especially your blog was probably the only part of the internet that i genuinely believed changed me for the better.
the sense of belonging, escapism, and the opportunity to create a character and show them to others like me was incredibly beneficial for me as a person and an artist in the long run, and to this day making OCs, writing, and especially drawing are passions that i consider deeply important to me- passions that blogverse and its community didnt exactly start, but they played a big role in fostering it. i know you just accidentally one day made an entire community that lasted two months but i cannot stress to you enough that it changed my life and i cant thank you & queenie (unsure if they still go by that, sorry) enough for it.
I also majorly admired you (and many others in a lot of the communities you associated with, but especially you) greatly as a person, artist & writer!!! you were my art goal and while that's changed as ive grown, striving towards this goal nurtured a hobby that i now know was/is a special interest to me.
while probably seeming like minor interactions with some kid who didnt know how to write a consistent character to you, to me your patience, kindness & continual creation of art genuinely helped me retreat from my abusive home life, gain a sense of belonging as a bullied autistic child, get better at art n writing, & grow as a person. i still lurk in communities like blogverse, but bv was my first and forever will be cherished in my memory.
so yeah. the things you do affect people whether you think so or not, and while i dont majorly interact with your content anymore, i hope youre well n you keep being great. :)
I want you to know that I’m at a friend’s house right now and she’s cooking herself dinner. I’m reading this paragraph and I literally start tearing up in front of her and she asks me what’s wrong 😭😭😭
Legitimately I feel like I have somehow won at life, like I won a lottery, because I don’t possibly know what I did to deserve messages like this and it makes me feel so amazing to know that I have positively effected the life of another person. That’s all I can hope for in life, and I can feel how much heart went into this letter so I’m trying to respond in turn
Even though at the time of all of this I had just around turned 18 years old, I was still very much a kid who was also trying to escape from a less-than-ideal home life. I never expected an audience when writing tcoti, it was purely my own self-indulgent passion project with my own hyper-specific headcanons. The fact that other people resonated with it so much and it created so many other inspirations as completely unexpected and absolutely baffling to me. I could have never seen it coming in a million years. It changed MY life for the better to know a my own silly utmv ideas literally inspired like. Countless others
I’m also going to share this post with Queenie, because they NEED to see this. Blogverse was her passionate project and I think to know you were as touched by it as she was and loved the writing is amazing. Also I’m showing Slime. @cosmic-chronologer look at this post with your eyes. I didn’t contribute with the writing as much as I should have because of how busy I was, and the real masterminds behind the project go to Slime Queenie and Achro. I hope they see this message!!!!
Thank you for telling me about the positive impact me and the others have had on you, it genuinely makes me so happy to hear. I’m SO happy you’re still continuing to create!! Most of my utmv friends back from then have left the fandom obv but I’m still in contact with most of them :) it means so much to me that you told me, because otherwise I would have never known how you feel!!!!!
I wish you have been well all these years. I loved all the ship kids you made :))))))
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Saw your thing about mha rewrites, thought i'd throw my hat in the ring. I've had a fic in mind for a while now that involved keeping midoriya quirkless, but instead of him just waiting for a quirk to happen, he'd actually been taking martial arts classes and such in preperation ( something that i find baffling that it didnt happen in canon) where the main issue for Izuku is pushing himself to far to prove a point. but in this, he distances from bakugou, the martial arts training giving him a better sense of self-esteem or atleast a better sense of where his energy is best spent. I plan to try to focus more on the ORIGINAL trio, uraraka, Izuku, and Iida....and i wanna give uraraka OFA bc i think playing around with what improved gravity manipulation could do. i think she'd get it after the torunament arc. Given how smart Midoriya was shown to be early on, I figure he'd make a lot of use of gadgets. infrared goggles, bo staff, head gear for better threat detection, and other possible improvements that he figures out throughout the year. All Might in this basically supports Midoriya's dream by providing the funding for the needed suit and gear. and instead of HIM having the iron man suit with everyones quriks somehow....lets give that to Midoriya, to represent his entier class pushing him forward as a symbol of hope for anyone who thinks they cant be a hero just bc their quirk sucks, or bc they dont have one. Nedzu is the traitor instead of aoyama, bc hes playing a game of 5d chess with AFO and knows once allmight loses his power, everythings going to go to shit, so he engineers events to happen at school with the lov to force the students to where they will have to be to survive the dark times to come. ie, doing a horrible thing, but he believes he has a solid reason for doing so. Bakugou loses to uraraka in the tournament. seeing midoriya so sucsessful without a quirk has made him impatient and desperate to prove himself so he goes at uraraka full boar. now, im not going to make this an insta win, that just dosent feel right, BUT this loss will be the second in a series of losses for bakugou to start going ' what am I doing wrong?' one of the other losses being that Midoriya completes the test with him and bakugou fighting allmight, but with Bakugou unconcious bc like in canon, dude flew off the handle and tried to solo the worlds strongest hero, while Midoriya was more tacticle in his approach. subsequently....bakugou dosent get kidnapped by the Lov, Midoriya does bc they think ' hey this kid is quirkless we can get him to turn' and its bakugou that fails to save Midoriya bc the students that failed their exam were all asleep during the time of the attack of the training camp. he wakes up and comes up short of saving the day, bc he blew his chance of victory. but heres the problem. i have the first couple chapters hammered out...but this is all a lot, and theres so much more that i know is either going to need to be covered. like the hero comercialization, the hero system relying solely on allmight to keep things in check, the lack of proper aid to those with quirks that would require some extra guidance etc. I have the idea....but the idea of writting all of it feels daunting to say the least XD if youd like i could also ramble more on other points i have in mind for this fic idea
Ngl, this sounds really good. OFA!Uraraka isn't something I see often, it's nice to see her get some love. Izuku working hard to become a hero on his own merit is always nice to see, and we love supportive All Might. I'm a firm believer that if Izuku had asked at any other time All Might would have given him a different answer. Izuku just happened to catch him when he was in a place of self-loathing and immeasurable chronic pain.
No, it doesn't excuse his actions. But it's realistic. He also tried to suggest that Izuku seek out a similar dream, like becoming a cop so it wasn't like he said what he did out of malice.
Also, don't be afraid to completely rewrite Horikoshi's terrible canon system! It's filled with a ton of contradictions and inconsistencies anyway so if you need to change it all to make sense, 100% go for it
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schizosupport · 2 months
this is going to be very long and rambly, i apologize. you can answer any, all, or no parts of it, i guess i just really need to blurt it all out to *someone*
for the past 3 or 4 years, ive been having mild (?) transient stress related psychotic symptoms. i suspect i have a cluster b pd which could possibly cover that
at first it was mostly paranoia i think ? usually the standard "theyre out to get me" type thoughts, both with people i knew and nebulous entities i couldnt define. it doesnt happen too frequently, but it seems to have gotten worse with time. this past fall / winter was especially bad bc i was already doing poorly mental health wise and was very isolated. a lot of the thoughts are still paranoia based, but some lean more towards delusions now (e.g. being afraid of the music i left to play from my phone speakers bc i felt it was hunting me down) as well as some that are fully bizarre (e.g. believing that ive been an angel stuck inside a human body my whole life, thinking theres a force field around my apartment thats keeping me stuck inside). for a while there was also this... pervasive sense of unreality almost ? like i would get frustrated that things werent operating on dream logic, or have difficulty differentiating dreams and reality in general. for the past couple months since then, ive had pretty much no issues
i always retain Some grasp on reality, whether its full on double booking or a vague sense of "something is wrong with me right now", which is enough for me to hide away from people and try to calm myself down and ground myself back to reality (... can you even do that with "real" delusions ? talk yourself out of them ?). the symptoms only last a few hours "at their peak", though the unsteady / unreality feeling may stick around for days or weeks surrounding that. im still able to be mostly functional for that part though. as such, nobody knows about any of this.
i just. i dont know. i dont have a therapist (i need one). im too afraid telling my friends will change their views on me irreparably even though they too struggle with (other) deeply stigmatized mental health issues. ive spent a lot of my childhood being called insane and incapable and i dont want it to happen again after ive finally found people that respect me. im worried ill have a full on psychotic break at some point (what the hell counts as "a break" ? can i call what ive been through "episodes" ?), or lose my ability to double book, or display symptoms in front of people i know. i just dont know what to do so im. spilling it out all here. so someone at all besides me knows
-- elias
Hey there,
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you.
It definitely sounds to me like you are experiencing some level of psychotic symtoms, and it sounds like it's causing you significant distress. You asked whether you can "talk yourself out of" a "real delusion" - and well, not as such, until the delusion passes, but they can be more or less long-lived and come with more or less insight.
The types of episode that only last a couple hours at full intensity are sometimes referred to as micropsychoses. When people talk about "a psychotic episode" it usually refers to a prolonged loss of reality that may last days, weeks or even months. But plenty of people on the schizo- and psychosis spectrum don't experience full-blown psychotic episodes. That doesn't make their psychosis un-serious, and it also isn't a given that these people will go on to develop worse psychotic symptoms.
I think one of the reasons the diagnosis of schizotypal exists, is because we needed to acknowledge that not every person's endpoint on the schizo-spectrum is schizophrenia, but that doesn't mean that their experience doesn't come with distress or disability.
I think you could try to do a vibe check with your friends to see how they react to the concept of psychosis and psychotic disorders. If they seem cool, then you could try to bring up your own experiences. It might be nice to be able to talk about those things, and get to experience that it doesn't have to be the end of the world, and not everyone will judge you for it.
I hope you all the best, anon!!
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