#i dont really have a dedicated art space
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thebrassbat · 2 years ago
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Have my latest doodle.
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tofupixel · 1 year ago
Do you have any advice on how to get into pixeling larger scenes, or how you go about the process? I dabble in pixel art occasionally and am interested in pursuing it more, but whenever I try large scenes I always tend to fall flat
Love your art, by the way!
thank you!
my first step i always go get a ton of references. i think if you are struggling with pixel scenes it can help you to get some pixel art references too. for example if you arent sure how to render a tree, look it up on pixeljoint hall of fame im sure you can find something that inspires you.
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this is the moodboard for my current knight crowley/statue azi piece im working on (software is called pureref btw. i have a dedicated monitor just for this but you can do transparency and overlay it if you lack space)
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i think this is mostly preference but i always begin working with large areas of value/colour rather than an actual line sketch
i usually only save the wip process if im sending it to clients, so here is an example of how i worked through a commission
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at this point im just going for the vibes. colour is more important and shape/size and having random pixels everywhere doesnt matter cos u can just remove them later !!
its kind of an anomaly/doomsday thing so i wanted the red sky and chaos all over
i work really quickly at this point and try for energy
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just beginning to work my way through and detail things up. im still changing things around and adding more stuff in different places. its digital art so you can change things however you like, just keep moving forward
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final ver sent to client after some revisions. pixel art is 99% rendering so you just need to keep pushing forward
i also want to say i did like 3+ years of sporadic studies. mostly studio ghibli and shishkin. if you have someone who inspires you you can study their work and figure out how they do it.
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it cant be overstated how many of these i have done lol and im still not even close to where i want to be (its a process)
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anyway sorry for the long post but you really should go for it. ive done the same concept like 3 times over my career (so far) cos i enjoyed it and want to come back to it now that im a little better. so u dont have to make it perfect the first time but doing it is better than not doing it!
sorry for the long post but i kinda got carried away anyway lmk if u want more specific tips i like talking about pixel art :--3 GL with your art
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loveforquanrui · 1 year ago
the love I hold for you
제로베이스원 - jebewon as things they would definitely do as boyfriends!, gn reader. i dont think there is any disclaimers but let me know if i missed any!
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showing a different side of himself
would show his true authentic self with you <3
would be really protective of you
since he wants to show he cares without being too "obvious" he would also over offer his help
but its so cute so it cancels out!
would care and love you so much
introverted but clingly with you
hao is an introvert as we can all tell, and may need space but never from you
when he's tired, he would find so much comfort in your presence
constantly wants to be around you even if you guys aren't talking he just loves knowing you are there
you are his favorite
he chooses you over anyone else
planning dates in advanced every week
hear me out in this, hanbin is an observer
he would allow you to plan the first few dates, and in those dates he is taking mental notes of your likes and dislikes
now he will tell you, he wants to plan the following dates
and from then on its funnn
he would take you to many new places like a art gallery or even invite you to his dance studio as a fun date
somehow hanbin will always think of something different for a date idea
teach you how to play video games
i know we all saw this man play league of legends now-
i have a feeling he would try to get his s/o into gaming
he would try to teach you how to play, and he is very patient
since he wants you to play with him, he is willing to spend some time teaching and training you to play these games
he takes it very seriously too
if you ended up not liking the game he would try to find another game that you'd like
regardless if he's not into that game, he would learn how to play it just for you <3
perform for you
strong believer in simp taerae
he would be so deeply in love with his s/o that sometimes they are above himself
if you are anxious, he would sing your favorite song to calm you down
if you are trying to fall asleep, he would play a calming tune in his guitar until you are fast asleep
feeling bummed out, no worries, taerae is dancing the newest tiktok trend for you!
this man will perform for you anytimes if it will make you smile
if you wanted to film a little dance video he would do it proudly
ahh taerae is such a cutie :'(
attention seeking and physical touch
hear me out ricky can sometimes be dismissive
although he clearly cares about other i think the baby cat has some trouble expressing it sometimes
since ricky would struggle to tell you he loves you sometimes he would be surprisingly very cuddly?
he would want to constantly have his arms around you even if he wasn't speaking to you
small gestures like cuddling or holding your hand are a big deal to him
its his way of showing his love
he would also seek your attention in the same way
he has very grabby hands constantly wanting your attention without actually saying it
carrying extra items for you
gyuvin is a goofy guy but he is also always taking mental notes of you
he would notice your favorite snacks and items you constantly use
he secretly carries your favorite snacks in his backpack
in his backpack there is chapstick, germx, and much more items you use on the daily
you would say "i'm really craving __" and all of a sudden he pulls out the snack from his backpack
needless to say gyuvin is prepared for anything you might need
have a photo album dedicated of pictures of you
gunwook adores you
sometimes you catch him just starring at you deeply with a smile plastered on his space
he just loves looking at your face, as its a boost of serotonin for him
since he realized how happy it makes him, he takes about 3 pictures of you
sometimes you don't even know he is taking pictures, yet you still come out looking so good
and when he is in a bad mood or simply misses you he would go to his album titles Y/N and just look over all the pictures
he would be so smiley and thankful to have such a partner in his life
get you flowers at the right times
yujin would love getting you flowers
he knows how happy it can make you so he always gets you flowers
yet unbeknown to you he actually always steals one flower from the bouquet he buys
because that way he knows when he needs to get you more flowers
of course he doesn't tell you this, since he wants to be seen as cool
but it's a sweet gesture that he loves doing <3
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ahhh guys I did not post as much as I wanted to for a bit. Buttt i hope you enjoyed this. Let me know if you would like a part two or even a fic. Don't forget my asks are always open not just for request but also for any questions or just talks you want to have <3
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ganondoodle · 3 months ago
been trying to do some pixel art bc after putting another 60+ hours into stardew valley the want to make a stardew like game but *my* way is strong again ... but i keep getting hung up on thinking about game mechanics (screenshot at the bottom .. sorry for makign this so long again ..)
at some point i thought the whole minecraft aspect is probably impossible to add into a 2d pixel game and im better off to cut that idea out of my head and instead make a dedicated area in which you can build stuff more costumizable and make the rest a more static thing id built so the worlds have more character and theres less problems with NPC pathing (since i dont want you to be able to escape Eadryas wrath if you overstay your welcome by building yourself into a circle or collision boxes .... though they would destroy anything in their path to you either way.. still)
but then i still want you to be able to change the ground in your little area (or maybe multiple ... idk im still conflicted bc i like the idea of finding a place and building your lil hut there ... unless i make it so you can build a hut anywhere but change the ground tiles only in certain areas ... ) and build little ponds and stuff ... so im back to the minecraft in 2d problem
i keep getting into these thinking spirals bc i dont want to draw all those sprites if im gonna scrap it all again anyway
the main point with this little ...... well, lets call it fantasy bc im not confident this 'project' will fare any better than any of my other projects (im a never finished a single project and keeps being haunted by it kind of guy and i hate it)
- is that i want a 2d game somewhat similar to stardew but set in my original story world and focused on the environment and nature, not on earning money, an intricate weather system and no time limit on your day, the twist being you are an ex-demon hunter and are on probation to prove you really abandoned the cause, given shelter and a place to stay in the demon world within the protective bubbles around gates into the human realm (bc humans cannot live in the normal environment of the demon world- this is an already long established thing but works extremely well to limit the space you are able to go in a game without making the world feel tiny plus allows me to give you several different environment designs bc those are gates and bubbles in different parts of the demon world) your task being to help clean up the poisoned land the celestials had caused and repopulating these parts with plants etc. ... there is a tracker that lets you know how well or bad it is doing and if you only destroy instead of restore (like chopping down all trees without planting new ones) you will be given warnings until Eadrya shows up and kills you since you are clearly still working to destroy their lands after all
i still really like this idea but im really doubtful it will go anywhere since i am so slow, need to learn at least two complicated new things (coding, music making) and already have so many things i want to do but never really .. do, the task is just too daunting and it keeps me from just having fun drawing pixel art bc i cant stop (over)thinking about mechanics
(see this is what i mean my brain just cant stop, it just keeps going and it keeps making me spiral into these thinking loops that prevent me from actually doing anything )
this is the same file i have been randomly doodling sprites on since april (by far not the only one, but the current one of multiple sprite tests i keep updating or changing)
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(i appreciate feedback or thoughts on this alot, its a little fantasy that i keep comign back to, all my attempts to throw it out of my head in hopes of clearing up some space have failed no matter how little hope i have of making it a reality ..)
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b1asho · 5 months ago
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Ok it's horse time
Rossetians have very nimble human-like hands, and are good at precise control of their drawing utensils. They tend to focus more on anatomy and get closer to realism, but they also like simplification and exaggeration from time to time, especially in logos (or if they dont spend their time practicing drawing people)
Speaking of that I should probably say that the drawings featured in the other posts and this one are mostly just a general view of their style, what any old guy could draw for you, not really a representation of their artists/people who dedicate all their time to art. Also just some species prefer to stay abstract, exaggerated, and simplified since that’s their culture. Anyway
Rossetians have family structures very similar to humans, composed of one/two adults and their kids (blood or adopted). Individual living spaces are occupied by only this direct circle, called a faction, with no extended family because , like humans, the kids leave home to live somewhere else. However, these factions are still considered part of the greater ‘house’ which is made up of all the kids (scions) of the parents/heads of house and their families. For a normal family, the most skilled provider is the one who has the say over what their kids do. However, there is actually a more esteemed legal title of “head of house” that is given through an important scientific or societal contribution they’ve made. The appointment happens in two parts, the proposal and the actual vote on whether to make them a head (this vote comes from within their own house and from the other houses at large,) so, there’s families with no head title and families with it, but the only difference is the ones with the title have more influence outside of their one job/house and more say in the government.
. (Ideally, this means the smartest have the most power, but popularity also has influence on whether they get voted for and some people’s needs aren’t always seen…) This also means that an original head of house can be usurped by their children or someone else if they are outdone. New inventions and advancements in infrastructure or medicine are fair game to make you a head, but no matter what your contribution is your influence depends on where the members of your house are (so your son or daughter can tell you no on getting a new building to live in if they invented a better X-ray machine than you. )
Heads of house have say over many of the actions of their scions (such as approval of job appointment, marriage, and property buying/building) because they are considered the most skilled and knowledgeable. It’s basically like of even as an adult you had to ask your grandparents and your parents if you wanted to move somewhere or get something. Through this, Heads are the equivalent of government officials and lead society through the reaches of their house. They can also appoint proxies from their own house to do their work and work with other houses.).
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jubileeeeee · 1 month ago
Hi just wanted to say i really enjoy your art and i wanna go nom nom everytime it pops up on my feed :] any tips on how to start learning to draw transformers im struggling a little bit
hello ohh my godd thank you so much :))
sorry its been taking me a little bit to get around to asks and such
im really flattered you find me qualified enough to give tips ahh !! heres a list of things I did/do when learning how to draw transformers:
SHAPES !!! draw a lot of cubes and rectangles and such . honestly learning how simple things look in a 3d space is incredibly helpful
TRACE REFERENCES ! related to ^^ learning the characters shapes is important if youre trying to depict them accurately. for example, i take screenshots from tfone and trace the characters to get a sense of what shapes/details theyre made out of and familiarize myself with them.
OBSERVE FROM PEERS !! another huge thing is learning from others ! theres plenty of tf drawing tips out there that are much better than mine lol, but a really helpful thing I do is look at how other people draw characters. how they simplify details, pose, shapes, faces, etc. identify what you like and keep it in mind !
BLOCK BEFORE DETAIL ! trying to immediately draw every single detail of a character can get really overwhelming and scary lol. when sketching, I block out a character and their pose before I start actually drawing any sort of detail. a cube for the head, rectangle for the chassis, etc.
SIMPLIFY !! ^on that note, you dont have to draw all the detail anyway !! if you want to, more power to ya. but ! its your drawing, if u wanna draw a characters plating as just . a rectangle with a window on it . you can !! i personally try to go more for recognizability rather than accuracy
PRACTICE !!! I drew a LOT of transformers before I got the confidence to start posting. something that helped a lot was actually drawing traditionally. I have a sketchbook dedicated to transformers that I draw in only with pen. it helps build my confidence a lot but also embrace my mistakes and learn from them. I also just doodle them everywhere lol . the more you draw the better you’ll get and the more familiar you’ll become with drawing weird robots :))
Everyone draws and learns differently, what I suggest may not be helpful to you and you def dont have to take my advice !! finding what works for you is a process that involves a lot of trial and error. dont be afraid to mess up, dont be afraid to draw something you dont end up liking. not every drawing has to be perfect ! experiment until you find your groove !! also you dont have to draw the same way every time, embrace fluidity :)
I hope this makes sense, its a lot of words ehh.. I dont have any visuals prepared which would probably be a lot more helpful.. i’ll add to this when I have the time to actually show how I practice drawing tf characters and my process :))
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ldy11lc · 4 months ago
Artrick x theater kid moodboard?
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 theyre your biggest supporters, full stop.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 art is at EVERY single show with a bouquet of flowers in hand, ready to congratulate you and give you a giant hug afterwards. dosent matter if you were the lead or if you had one line, hes there (even if you only helped with the sets, he’s still there)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 patrick does his best to make it to your shows, but he’s on the road a lot for tennis, so he dosent always make it. he feels so guilty but he always makes a point of video calling you before a show while youre getting your hair and makeup done when he cant be there !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 every time he demands art record the entire show for him to watch after, even if it isnt allowed. art has gotten in trouble for this multiple times
ᯓᡣ𐭩 when he CAN make it though, you know it. he cheers and claps louder then anyone when you come onto stage, when you make a joke, even if it isnt that funny, he’s cackling, and he has gotten into a whisper fight turned accidentally too-loud argument when someone was talking during one of your big moments. (he apologised to you profusely afterwards)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 art has so many ticket stubs from your performances, that he now has a small box dedicated to only them, since there just isnt enough space on the wall (it’s probably definitely got some cheesy label with your name and a bunch of hearts and drawings on the lid) (he isnt ashamed)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if youre doing a shakespearian play, theyre in the audience doing their best to understand whats going on. if its a musical, they are whooping and cheering every single time you hit a hard note.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ALWAYS reassuring you and comforting you. you accidentally messed up your words on stage ? no one even noticed ! pre-show jitters ?? you’re going to do amazing, they just know it !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 theyre at every rehearsal they can be. its nice to watch you in your element !! plus seeing you out of breath and sweaty from the choreography isnt so bad either
ᯓᡣ𐭩 patrick CONSTANTLY talking about how good you look in the costumes and asking if they would REALLY notice if you were to take it home for just one night. everytime you say yes and that you cant but hes slowly wearing you down
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if theres any moment where you have to kiss someone else on stage, theyre doing their BEST to stay calm and supportive (they KNOW its just acting, they DO) but its hard. they’re silently fuming in their seats until they can see you again, and if theyre a little more touchy then normal ? well, that dosent seem like SUCH a bad thing…
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you have definitely almost been caught in compromising positions with them by excited co-stars coming to congratulate you after a show. every time you tell the boys its not going to happen again, but you all know youre lying.
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Notes. ᡣ𐭩
╰┈➤ aughhh !!! i really hope this is okay !! tbh ive never actually been involved in any kind of theatre (im WAYY too shy for that 😭😭) but i LOVED this prompt !! i just think its so cute !! i hope i did it justice with my limited knowledge <33 also just a fair warning for the other moodboards im going to do !! they are probably NOT going to be this detailed !! 😭😭 i really dont know what came over me for this but i just couldnt stop the words from coming !!
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years ago
i might be wrong, but think the shift away from tumblr being about the actual physical (digital...) blog to focusing strictly on the dashboard has really left a lot of people in the dark about what tags are for
yes, we talk and make funny comments in them.
yes, it can get your things seen by other users who look in tags for content
but theyre also for organizing your blog!
every time you use the same tag on a post youre collecting it into one space on your blog
if someone comes on my blog and wants to see all my comics, they just enter “/tagged/comic-stuff” after my url and only the comics will now show up
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or if they want an overall view of all my comics they can enter “/archive/tagged/comic-stuff” after the url and they can see a quick preview of every comic post i’ve ever done without having to scroll through them individually
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If youre an artist who wants people to still view your older art, (or a viewer who wants to go through all of someones works) this is important
This website isnt like twitter, your older art isnt as good as gone after you reblog a few new funny posts. And you dont have to make a dedicated blog just for art (though you can) If you make your stuff easy to find people will look at it and people will like it
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tricitymonsters · 16 days ago
Feel like Amir would find solace in Félix González-Torres' art. He's an artist who lost his lover to AIDs in 1991 and has made a few art pieces dedicated to him.
One well known one is the candy pile where people were able to take a piece of candy which is said to be the same weight as the average male and made the year of his lovers death. Some state that the act of taking the candy is akin to showing the slow decline of his lover.
A more specific to his lover one was perfect lovers, two clocks that are side by side and initially started in sync. However, over time they slowly grow more and more out of sync until one's battery dies leaving it unmoving beside the other.
There is also a letter from Félix González-Torres to his lover in 1988 stating: "Dont be afraid of the clocks, they are our time, time has been so generous to us. We imprinted time with the sweet taste of victory. We conquered fate by meeting at a certain TIME in a certain space. We are a product of the time, therefore we give back credit were it is due: time. We are synchronized, now and forever. I love you."
(Some showcases of his pieces have purposefully erased mentions of his homosexuality and lover as well)
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OW OW THAT HURTS Ooughhg what an observation though damn. I can totally see him spending extra time to just sort of soak in these exhibitions or maybe take a few brief notes just so he can always remember his initial reactions or feelings. Also, especially for a semi amorphous exhibit like the candy, I can see him making a point to stop and see it if it moves museums and happens to be on display where he is.
I think one of Amir's latent fears (like anyone who's had someone they love die) is worrying about the integrity of their memory and the fear of things fading out of clarity over the years so I think these would hit hard. Especially the clocks. He ended up with so much more time than Matias and while he doesn't question what he's decided to do with it, it is really hard not to desperately, constantly wish things had been different.
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jsdimensions · 2 months ago
I've made my own Dandy's World AU!!!
It's called...
Freeform AU!!
Here's Dandy's design...
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...a doodle...
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...and some work-in-progress concept art for the dorm room that him and Astro share!
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More information will be under the cut!! I'm really excited to share this AU with the world because it's very personal to me!!! TW for brief mentions of kidnapping and human experimentation.
Short summary: I noticed that many Dandy's World AUs (at least, on Tumblr) are heavily action-packed, so I decided to make something that's much more down-to-earth and slice-of-life...with various cartoony shenanigans that happen in between heartwarming friendships, discussions of mental health, and the slow journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and healing from trauma.
Plot synopsis: Dandy was once a 17-year-old human guy before being kidnapped, experimented on, and turned into a Toon. But he was quickly rescued by an underground organization called Freeform that rescues Toons from laboratories, and taken to their headquarters, which is a mix of a mall, a hotel, and an office space depending on where you go in the building. Freeform and their headquarters will have their own posts dedicated to it that expand on things, dont worry!
Dandy is the only Toon to ever have been human at one point (all the other Toons were born as Toons). There's many themes about coming-of-age, finding your identity, and accepting yourself for who you are that Dandy as a protagonist will explore. He starts out in the story very out of character, but ends up becoming more and more like his canon self as the story goes on and as he begins to grow more accepting and confident in both his body and himself.
There are many more Toons than just the main Dandy's World cast, but the canon characters are the main focus. Lots of characters will be re-written to have more depth and intrigue, such as Sprout and Every Single Woman Besides Shelly And Vee.
Thank you for reading this far if you have. Here's a Freeform!Dandy in a slightly more realistic style as a treat :))
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moth--moss · 2 months ago
Finally watching Grians video so I'm gonna summarize my thoughts for the hermits as it goes! This is gonna be a long one so all the summaries and thoughts below the cut :]
Ren: Absolutely love what he's doing with the Gigacorp stuff and the like, poisoned terrain and all??? Always a fan of ppl making stories and worldbuilding so we love to see it! I'm not watching Ren's pov but I've seen bits and pieces from other povs so its not completely new to me :] Ren's honestly just such a delightful person, love to see him stoppin by other ppls episodes!
Tango: One of my main povs this season, a surprise to nobody, absolutely love all the steampunk and his factory and everything he's got going on. Unsurprisingly he's found a new hole to live out of but who didn't see that one coming lmao. Tango rightfully has a place in my three-way tie for favourite hermit.
Cleo: this is my first time seeing their base this season! And damn what a shame its been this long cause I'm already really invested in the little story shes cookin up. The wizard tower is just,,,,, so cool??? I love the block palette for it! Not to mention all the armour stand work its so so cool, definitely gonna have to set aside time to watch their pov after this cause I desperately want to get the full story now! All of the spaces have character and feel very real with all the armour stand work and everything, definitely a master of her craft o7
Scar: So ive only seen Scars latest episodes and streams, i didnt watch anything before them, so it's like kiiiinda new? But also ive watched all of Grian's so ive seen most of this like, out the corner of my eye the whole time. Scar's builds always have so much story and character you love to see it, there's just so much soul and care behind his builds??? Ajcjdjacjs I got so scared seeing the creeper test tube thing empty I'm used to there bein a lil guy in there. The train is SO cool and scar is just So good at glass work??? The swaggon hat o7 emotionally i never left season 8. Scars one of my favourite hermits so i had a lot to say
Joe: another hermit i dont watch yet love dearly, hes just so much fun. Joe is just insane (/pos) and just so creative and imaginative in such a unique way, holy shit. I really need to watch more of his stuff cause the vibes are truly immaculate. Also as an aside this finally answers to me where Cubs labryinth is cause i had no idea until now lmao. That thing is MASSIVE btw. Joe Hills,,, just the whole scale of this whole thing is totally insane he deserves so much credit for this. I envy his dedication wowww.
Bdubs: Another hermit i dont watch but would love to, and who i see a lot of through other povs. Bdubs is like beyond any other builder in this game, hes like,,, a true artist, yhe way he uses blocks and everything is just ajdnfjwkdkw true art. Hes like painting, not building. Always absolutely blown away by everything he does in this silly block game. He wants to make ppl feel feelings and it DEFINITELY comes through. THERES WAS EVEN NYLIUM ON THE GROUND WHO DOES THAT! OHH and the FRAMING of it all?? The way this man thinks is just art on its own. I could look at bdubs builds forever i swear. Its phenominal. Note: keralis spotted in the storage cave <3 thats my guyyyyy. THE SILOS??? so so pretty. The way he uses thw bottom edge of the polished diorite to make those solid lines through it??? Aghhh its so cool. Blown away with how he makes depth on flat surfaces, its just insane. AND THE GRASS IS HAND PLACED? THE WATERFALLS??? Always lovely to see bdubs builds.
Cub: i know almost nothing abt what Cubs been up to except for the rockets, always lovely to see him showing up in other povs. Lovely to see him messing with sculk again, hes gone feral for it LMAO. All the sculk stuff is so interesting im probably gonna have to check out his videos also cause i am DESPERATE to know wth is going on with this because hes being so so cryptic with it. The rocket factory is just so cool? I love how much ppl can do now with the crafters.crqzy that he pulled the fireworks permit and decided to make it like a main part of his season. Just ALL IN with it. Respectable.
Etho: etho!!! Another of my main povs this season actually, which is new for me cause last time i tried to watch his season he made the shulker storage thing and it broke my brain and i couldnt understand anything. (This time it made sense though). I really love ethos base this season, even if his roof was still unfinished at this point in time lmao. I love his little pond and garden and balcony and all that. Also its not here yet in the tour but i LOVE the lighting work he did around the mailbox its SO good. Also obligqtory frogger is awesome. When the server download goes up at the end of the season there are gonna be SO many games to play o7
Impulse: impy!! We love him so much. Dont watch his episodes but love to see him around :] did not know his city was gonna be a game?? Thats so cool?? The citys already so cool and im so excited to see it finished cause its already looking lovely and i can tell its gonna be really cool all together :] love the lore and all around the city too!
Zedaph: a hermit i watched quite a bit of last season but nothing yet this one, lovely guy always a fun time :] no surprise at all to see hes doing something else fun and silly this season. This really is a season of minigames! This guy is absolutely wild and just so much fun
Pearl: another i havent been watching, to my own sadness as pearl is one of my personal favourite builders on the server! Her whole solarpunk aesthetic this season is just DELIGHTFUL. Another hermit ive been meaning to watch for a while now cause i just love how she does like,,,, everything? I love Pearl builds just so so much. Absolutely love the sunflowers in the floor of her storage (my favourite flower) and all the yellows just in general its just such a bright build and so so lovely. Theres so much character and all the build flows together so so nicely. Also her dye qnd flower shop??? SO nice with all the layering qnd the glass roofs and just how open and fresh it all feelsand qjdjfjsjdsj i just love how pearl builds so much she is KILLING IT this season
Doc: so im currently watching through docs pov and i kiiiinda dont want to be spoiled on any big projects and crazy farms hes planning, so im actually skipping his segment of the tour. Though i will still say doc is absolutely insane and i love all the crazy game breaking stuff he does, i just want to see it all as it happens :] if i do catch up eventually i may circle back to the tour episode later but for now no spoilers!
Skizz: what a delight! Havent seen his episodes but we love skizz so much, such a big heart on that guy and so glad hes here. Love him and all his gift hoarding and hes just so iconic. His big pyramid is all a big psychology metaphor and stuff and thats,, very very cool i didn't know that! Truly a season of minigames i love it!
Mumbo: ive watched some of the early stuff for his season but i had a solid like 6 months where i wasnt really into anything like at all, so i stopped watching after some of the early stuff, though i do plan to get back to his videos sometime because i love what hes doing this season! (Oh noo some of the stuff id written got deleted so i gotta try to rephrase) mumbos been getting so good at building lately and it really does show with his work this season! I absolutely love all his work with the concept art and everything, its my favourite kind of excessive and "unnecessary" worldbuilding that makes a project feel that much more alive.
Joel: I've seen joels first few episodes but dont really watch him much. Hes absolutely incredible in just how much detail he shoves into every little space. His whole base this season just feels so real and its all so intentional and well planned and thought out. His build feels almost like its just been torn out of a real city and dropped straight into minecraft, theres just so much characters and attention to his builds. Just a place i would love to visit and explore. One thing: i mean this in the best way, but his little songs give me the WORST second hand embarrassment its so hard to listen to LMAO thats most of why i have a hard time watching his videos. Hes so cringe and i absolutely LOVE it. Never change, joel
Keralis: remember what i said about my three way tie of favourite hermit?? Keralis firmly holds a place right up there <3 another of my favourite builders and always holding just the most DELIGHTFUL vibes and just the sweetest face on the whole server. Embarrassingly i am... not fully caught up on his episodes, ive only seen up to episode 10. In my defence i only came back to hermitcraft in the last few months so i have a lot to catch up on! Though unlike with doc i have no qualms about spoiling myself because its not like lovely builds from keralis are anything other than my expectations :] Ive only just started his part of the tour but i know im gonna be smiling the whole way through <3 absolutely beautiful base i want to go here for vacation asap and never leave, beautiful trees and booshes and all the little huts, i love it all so so much. Also i would absolutely love a tour where keralis shows every single tree individually you dont even understand i would happily sit there and watch the entire thing <3 keralis why are you so hard to come up with a good design for i swear ill find one eventually hes just such a bug to me. I just want to sit along the side of one of the paths with a nice tropical drink its just so so lovely. If yall let me talk about keralis i will NOT be shutting up any time soon, if this mini essay is anything to go by. While on the topic id like to also talk about his season 9 base becau[character count exceeded, the following 10,319 characters have been archived and removed from this post (/j)] jokes aside, absolutely love everything keralis does, will never not be obsessed with everything he does <3
Xb: you know i gotta love him, just such a sweetheart. I dont watch him but you tend to see a lot of him if you watch a lot of keralis like i do. Absolutely delightful guy and such a sweet face :] love his little modern starter house too. Ive never actually seen his monument base thing but its so impressive. I, too, love prismarine so so much, and the oranges too its all so lovely, one of my favourite minecraft mobs <3 absolutely love his storage too with the guardian aquariums?? Amazing
Grian: another of my main povs! Love how open concept it is this season, how loose hes playing the game and how freely he's been playing it out this season, its been a really fun watch! Absolutely love the vibes of the chamber of sea critters its so atmospheric. Always love a grian build :]
Gem: another hermit whos building style i love yet dont watch sadly. First of all i just love how gem does the bright coloured roofs? Theyre very bright and i love the gradients she used with the moss and bamboo its so pretty. I didnt know her base was based on Dredge! Thats a game ive been meaning to check out and now im just more interested lmao. Gems another hermit who does just so much story with her builds and its all so interesting, definitely another high up on the list of hermits i really want to watch. Also i LOVE her little starter boat, its so cute and simple and so well executed. As well as the lighthouse! Honestly just seeing the collectors house now its gotta be one of my favourites, the colours and shapes and forms just look so nice? Nothing but praise for Gem tbh her builds this season are just lovely o7
Xisuma: we finally get to the 3rd and final hermit in the tie for my favourite! Despite the fact that... i havent watched like any of his episodes this season... i do tend to watch X more from his streams though in my defence, and hes the watchthrough im planning after i finish catching up with doc tbh. Not skipping his though cause ive already seen a lot of his base so theres not much that feels all that much of a spoiler. Plus i cant miss out on any Xisuma content <3 also to mention, i would love to be able to draw X one day but,,, i cant draw armour. One day o7 back to the topic of the tour though! I love the vibes and palette and everything hes going for this season! Its so structural and i just love the aztec inspiration! Its very natural and overgrown and its just amazing and impressive. X is just always just so delightful :] i honestly love his storage too with the walls of shulkers and all the colours and everything, and all the sorting and stuff its so cool. X does just so much impressive, i envy his organization especially. Honestly such a delightful person and i always love tuning into his streams and videos alike, and hopefully i finish my doc binge so i can watch xisumas season 10 episodes finally cause im really looking forwards to them in particular! He definitely doesnt give himself enough credit as a builder (a common theme among some hermits sadly). I love all the farms and stuff! I really want to get more into farming and stuff in general personally cause i love automation in any way i can, ive just yet to learn it for minecraft. The Golia copper machine is so cool?? I remember the big aging machine from i think last season, where it spread all the stuff out and brought them together when it was aged or something? Idk i love copper farms even if they are a little less useful now... x is just so cool and delightful :]
Wels: Tbh i know very little about welsknight, hes a pov i dont watch and one that doesnt really interact with my main povs, but hes a very pleasant individual! i really like his build and can appreciate a man with a distinct aesthetic! the silhouette and shapes of the castle is really nice! its just a very solid base :]
Beef: i dont watch beef personally but i did see quite a bit of him at the start of the season through... a certain unnamed perspective that i watched when the server first started, and also because he does show up through some other povs i watch too! He's a really nice guy and its always lovely when he stops by other povs :] i really do like how hes done his base this season with the big open farm, hes done it well!
Hypno: Another hermit i really dont know well, for similar reasons to welsknight, since he didnt really do a tour theres not as much i can say because i really dont know much of anything about him, to be honest. his base is really cozy though! ive only ever seen his exteriors as people fly past/over his base, but its really cozy and warm! ive always been a fan of pink and brown together in general :]
False: another hermit i dont know all that much, admittedly, but another lovely member of the server, i also dont really know what shes been up to this season, but i really like it! The colours, texturing, and shapes are all really interesting! I love the industrial underbelly, its so interesting and cool! False is actually another hermit i really would like to check out at some point! I love the vibes :] I also love the little hints of lore! the trees and terrain is also very nice! id like to see more of what shes been working on! if any false fans see this feel free to hit me up id love to know more abt her and all that!
Jevin: another hermit i dont know very well but i do see him on some other hermits streams sometimes and he is also a very good vibe when hes around! ive never seen his base before but i really love the enchanted forest! never get enough of those. plus the ambience and sounds are so unsettling and its just so cool. i love the palette and its very interesting! I love how dark and moody it all is, theres a really nice atmosphere to everything hes done so far!
And obviously finally the shopping district, what a lovely mishmash of all the hermits and their building styles and its all so lovely. Absolutely loved this video even though it took me like two whole days to get through. im so excited to watch more of these povs that ive gotten new interest in, not to mention the reminder that im only caught up on one of my three favourite hermits, im really overdue a few proper binges, huh?
If anyone actually did read all of these little blurbs thanks so so much for bearing with me, I know I definitely gave some hermits a little more time to talk about than others, and i feel bad for the first few because i may not have gone in depth about how i felt about them as i may have if theyd been later on, but i dont want to worry about revising all my thoughts on everything, this has already been a massive little project for me to basically journal these thoughts as i watched and i dont have the time to do it all over again lmao.
I love each and every hermit so so much for all they do, and im so glad grian did this mid-season tour so we could get a full look of the server all in one place! its lovely to get to see all the work everyone is putting in and how everything is coming together, i know theres always so much from the seasons before this i watched that i still know next to nothing about, so its really cool to get to look at it all!
Thanks for joinin me for this essay of thoughts and ramblings if you took the time, again i really do appreciate it! lmk what yall thought too im so curious to learn so much more that i may have missed in my watchthrough :]
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trebuchet151 · 6 months ago
If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear more about Corey! What kind of villain he is, what his goals are, anything you’d be willing to share? No pressure of course! Love seeing your art
Starting with a heartfelt thank you for your interest in them, I think my blog has gotten more attention today bc of your reblog than it has collectively since I made it lmao. I am a huge fan of your sidestep too actually, I've only recently quit being just a lurker on this site but I've always loved seeing Richard cross my dash.
I'd LOVE to share about Corey!!!
I'm not 100% sure on a canon route yet, but for now this is one of my favs
Under a cut for length
Back during the sidestep days, they were known as a vigilante, specializing in tech and tactics. Once Anathema and Ortega broke the ice, they really opened up and became very social (comparatively anyway, theyre still a homebody) and were very involved in their community in like a local cryptid way ("honey, the masked stranger that cut the boot off my tire is on the TV lurking in the background of a rangers interview"). Very stray cat affection style, went from "i hate you dont touch me" to being in Themmy/ Ortega's space constantly. They have absolutely terrible mental health that was somewhat on the mend thanks to the support of their friends until they went and got the "taste the metal"/"one more day" path during the heartbreak incident .
During Rebirth, they're much more withdrawn and dissociative. In the time since the heartbreak incident they have become much more cautious and try to avoid combat whenever they can, taking telepathic boosters and speed/jump-jets as their armor enhancements. They blow up the museum while maintaining a no kill status and take the villain name "Heartbreak" (i love the angst that one brings). Corey blames themselves for what happened to them and their friends (sidestep/past self nemesis), and their motivation is their anger over everything that's happened to them.
Corey changes nemesis/motives between rebirth and retribution. Their more social nature starts coming back as their relationship with the current rangers and mortem improves and they go to therapy, which mellows them out a lot. They begin to wonder if they're doing the wrong thing (current self nemesis) and change motivations to "show the world the truth". Heartbreak becomes an anarchist, dedicated to exposing corrupt politicians with the least amount of violence possible. Their irresistable urge to monologue about how fucked up things are makes both Ortega and Chen sympathetic and suspicious.
For now, Corey's got a mirror image puppet named Mallory. Ideally, the puppet would be a woman for maximum gender crisis, but I love the scene in Ortega's romance that has him call the puppet by sidesteps name, and that only triggers with the mirror image achievement.
I have played ALL the romance routes and adore everyone, especially Dr. Mortum (Corey's new best friend), but the friends to lovers with Ortega wins me over, so Ortega is winning the canon route by a very thin margin.
I'm having a very hard time figuring out Corey's gender issues, bc we have dysphoria in opposite directions. I *think* they're agender, but that might change over time who knows. They're gonna come out during the story whenever that gets addressed, so He/him and They/them are both applicable
My favorite retribution ending so far is where Corey goes to see HG themselves, crashes, and is revealed as Heartbreak, but Ortega breaks them out anyway.
Thank you so much for your interest in Corey! I love them so much and am thrilled to share <3
I'll put together a more coherent summary of their lore eventually, but hopefully this is good for now :)
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szilverer · 4 months ago
made this blog primarily to dump oc content (so much oc content) & liveblog my playthrough. (its my first time engaging in a fandom space like this tbh. do lemme know if i mess up with tagging or etiquette or smth. more about me here)
my main FL acc (Hreisz) is from 2016 but i only really started playing last august! ive finished my ambition in october but theres still a lot i dont know about the lore n stuff. recently made two alts & am slowly getting around to write/draw nice profile pages for everyone. very very slowly.
"H. Reisz", aka The Twilight Phantom // The Clawed Captain | LF (Looked Upon Fondly) | Oneirotect Silverer | ???
Hyacinthe R., aka The Sombre Pursuer | Nem | future Correspondent & Seeker | English-Romanian
"Zé Brito" or "Sev", aka The Zealous Backlander | BaL | future Monster-Hunter | Mixed Brazilian-British
cameos & headshots for everyone here.
feel free to send a CC or even just random in-character letters & menace help reqs :3c im a lil rusty but i'd love to write more
always open to asks/interactions here as well, just keep in mind i might take A While to respond as i am but an hermit with the barest of executive functions
trying to use this hyperfixation to practice digital art so there'll be random experimental doodles here as i try to find out wtf i am doing. everytime i open a canvas its a surprise. youve been warned
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#chaindoodles -> art tag, #chainrambles -> text tag #fl liveblogging, #fl memes, #flore (fl lore) #london as a catch-all for stuff that reminds me of the setting
#the twilight phantom -> the (main) blorbo
#nightmarriage -> my blorbo hoards trash. block this to be spared from witnessing their arguably most questionable decision (i.e chaining their stalker to themself so they won't be alone)
content warnings:
#light fingers spoilers (also general tag for LF) #nemesis spoilers, #evolution spoilers, #railway spoilers
just to be safe, i tag eyestrain/bright colours for some art.
#suggestive in case i draw (or write?) smth that can be perceived as saucy, spicy, horn knee, overtly kinky or implied nsfw. there wont be anything Actually explicit here though
i like #blood and injuring my characters both mentally and physically. so uh. that. possibly violence.? jokes aside, i like exploring heavy themes: mental health & psychological issues; abuse; general horror; death & grief; alienation; one's relationship with pain & self-destruction, intentional or not - these are all concepts that are gonna be present in the things i make one way or another. some mild religious iconography as well bc although im not religious i was raised catholic & i like playing w/ the aesthetic.
#body horror (mostly the shapeling arts kind)
#poor edward
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So who's this "Twilight Phantom"?
I play a strict game with myself when it comes to my main blorbo: 98% of what the FLPC does, in the exact order i do it, is canon.
This also applies to small things like their possessions/wardrobe, for example - they pretty much only have the in-game items I own in the account to wear. Finding out reasons to explain why they keep the things they own is part of the fun. (this game made them out to be a weirdo, naturally)
It's been lots of fun to see this clean slate (and i do mean clean - i knew nothing about the setting/lore, or who they were as a person, so. well. this guy didn't either) get shaped by RNG, the narrative, And my mechanical wiki-fueled optimization decisions.
another extra rule i made for myself as a treat was making them a sponge to compensate for their inherent emptiness. this means they incorporate something from each important NPC they get involved with. they are a singer because of Clara and her twin. they only own a lab & got interested in studying & research bc of Dr. Vaughan. they got a taste for exercise bc they accompanied Hephaesta's workouts for so long. and so on and so forth.
they are also hyacinthe's (nemesis spoiler). write-up on the mechanics here.
ill make a better, dedicated profile post eventually but for now have a playlist + an old vague intro + some early refs below:
[last updated: never. this is my self-callout to write abt recent developments bc ohh boy evolution was an entire year's worth of timeline progression.]
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The first thing you notice about them is the cowl lazily draped around their head and shoulders, swaying behind their back like a cape in the colours of sunrise-- or, perhaps most familiarly, the velvety twilight that the newest star every so often provides to London.  The second thing is the deep scars covering one side of their face, and the third thing would probably be the heavy eyebags under their sharp, dark eyes.
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A relatively freshly-minted Silverer, H. Reisz spends more time in Parabola than London nowadays. Not that they had been in London for too long anyway, and it's not like anyone knows where they were before that either. The surface, yes, but it's a big world out there, right? They don't actually remember seeing the sun, or the sky, but H cannot deny the soft colours of twilight and sunrise have a special place in their heart. They recognise it without the memory of experiencing it, just like they recognised love in the depths of a certain Labyrinth. Hmm, two Labyrinths, actually. There was that one heiress too... and the Orphanage was inside one hell of a maze too... if they had a coin every time they found themself inside labyrinths, they'd... Uh, where were we? Well, anyway, being a new face, they had nothing to be known for so they simply gave out their surname instead. Or well, what they assumed to be their surname. "H. REISZ" were the letters sewn-in on a diminute corner of the tattered black veil that wrapped their head back when they woke up for the "first" time. They were surrounded by near-empty bottles of dried mouldy honey, absinthe, and who knows what else. Ah, the decadence... they couldn't even remember what honey could do at the time but they could recognise the stench of self-destruction right away, haha.  Alas, if things were so bad they got to that point-- maybe this explains why moving on was so easy. Maybe they had somehow lobotomized themself on purpose. Who knows? They sure don't. It was only now, a year or so after waking up, that an epithet has started to stick around-- specifically by their actions as a Silverer and the services they provided. From nightmare-slaying to fishing out vestigial memories (the irony of an amnesiac doing this is not lost on them) to guiding and safeguarding lost dreamers, their glimmering signature cowl and the way it flowed rather phantasmagorically in Parabola started to leave an impression. To many dreamers, seeing a hint of pastel twilight colors signaled safety. It signaled someone you could trust to get inside your head. :)
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animation-is-my-jam · 3 months ago
Whats a fandom trope in Wordgirl that you love? You were in the fandom for six years right? Im curious on which. (Btw ive been lurking for a year on ur blog! I love your version of ToBecky since I dont usually ship them but the family you made of them is cute) (also botsford family enjoyer here)
Heeyy!! Thanks, that's so cool one of us! I didn't know I could have lurkers aww. And yes, at this point, I'm coming up on 7 years of being a dedicated fan now. I still don't count as a veteran fan, but hey, I was around to remember all the character ask blog accounts interacting and Scotty7s art, so I'm basically there. But for a Wordgirl fandom trope that I love? Noo that's too hard! As much as I seemed to give "hot takes" about things, I do purely encourage fans and people in Wordgirl spaces to just love their personal headcanons or interpretations. It's your creativity, and you don't have to listen to me, freedom!
I would say that my obvious answer would be making almost every character lgbtia xD that every fandom does, but in the Wordgirl fandom, that's a given of a thing we do, and if you don't like that...(shows door) You can always leave mad.
But the real answer is the fandom really going deeper into Becky's character struggle of being a hero and her identity. Not necessarily in making Becky's struggle darker or edgier, but I guess just emphasizing it more. Like some would with any protagonist of a kids show and just going deeper. I guess it just does me good in knowing that people do like Becky and are interested in her as character beyond just making her an asset to (legally distinct British boy and Rat man). No shade if you do, I almost did fall into the trap at some point bc I liked one character too much, but a strong sassy girl protagonist was something not usually seen at the time Wordgirl came out, and it is special to prioritize Becky herself and any conflicts we lmao come up with for analysis or because we think their was more intrigue with her responsibility as Wordgirl.
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jacenotjason · 1 year ago
What was i doing
Sally funfacts n not so funfacts round!! Right!! Ok!!
Fun Facts!!
She is a lesbian! At least in this au. Her sexuality isn’t confirmed (I don’t think) so to me shes a lesbian until it’s confirmed!
She is a REALLY good dancer. You spend all day inside online you’re gonna end up on some K-pop dancing tutorials.
She sits like a goddamn gremlin. Like fuckin L from death note but worse posture
Her computer is a Commodore 64 (or C64), aka the best computer you can get in like the 1980s.
She does all sorts of things on her computer, share art, talk to Julie, troll in chat rooms, play games, talk to Julie some more, look up recipes she’ll never do, order her food, and talk to Julie, of course!
^ she’s actually really goated at like most games, esp shooters
Her favorite food is microwave noodles :3
She really loves Julie. So so so much <3. She thinks shes the prettiest girl in the world and nearly faints every time she gets a kiss. They’re so cute. I’m not normally super into wlw ships being a dude, but these two are just- a- theyre so wholesome and cute and i love them they have a special place in my heart.
She owns a lock of Julie’s hair lol. Not because she was a creep and like snipped it when she wasn’t looking, Julie gave it willingly. it went something like this: “Julie your hair is really soft…” “Aw thanks.. do you want some of it lol?” “…kinda..” “why didn’t you just say that then, here..”
She really likes hyperpop and breakcore music! Julie thinks its weird, but loves her anyway lol. (I actually have a playlist dedicated to each character and Sally’s is mostly breakcore)
She was originally going to be a moon, but i liked the star better. I just like drawing the loopys
Sally smells like Julie because Julie regularly sprays her with perfume bc she smells kinda bad. (��Sally, I love you, but *spritz* thats better”)
Not-So Fun Facts
Sally is an addict. Mostly narcotics (cocaine), but she has a collection of prescription drugs, too.
She came to Home recovered, but Howdy got her hooked again
She regularly hallucinates being outside, despite not having left her house in about six years.
I imagine her hallucinations are really unnerving, like liminal space. Something just isn’t right.
Some people have argued with me that Sally shouldn’t “be in such good shape”, but shes really not. She’s just thin, doesn’t mean shes healthy, in fact she’s just thin because she regularly skips meals either because she forgets or because shes high. Cocaine skinny isn’t in shape, PSA lol
Sally’s house is really, really gross. Sally wears shoes all the time in her own house because you literally can’t see the floor anymore and she’s scared of what she’ll step on. Its all trash, boxes from packages, noodle containers, definitely does not smell pleasant.
She fears social interaction so much, if she were to overdose, she would rather die then call for help. Not even her survival instincts overpower her agoraphobia.
I don’t think I missed anything this time! Thanks for reading :D
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tinukis · 1 year ago
FINALLY SHOWING OFF MY COLLECTION !!! i finally reorganized a little bit buuut it still feels incomplete... anyway!! it's a mix of one piece and pokemon... ft other things but mostly one piece
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again, mostly pokemon and one piece. i've been collecting pokemon plushies/merch in general since 2018. and to be completely honest with you, i feel like my life didnt start until 2018. i have no recollection of anything at least irl before 2018... i have a bunch of pokemon plushies still that arent even on here or theyre just hiding from sight! (like behind gladion is a steven stone plushie nfmshd) OH AND I HAD MY GLADION AND MIKO PLUSHIE MADE !! i just drew it and then gave the designs to a manufacturer :3 my next goal is to make another two but with their alt outfits this time :D
also on the top shelf, other than the action figures and plushies, are artbooks! for original sun/moon, usum, scarlet/violet, and it's hard to see but artbooks for the great ace attorney/dai gyakuten saiban as well !! also the gladion acrylic standee blends in well with wano zoro jfkdhjd omg do yall think gladion could do a closet cosplay of zoro (miko got him to do it <3)
also im not rlly big on pop funkos, theyre just gifts <3
AND TWO BINDERS OF POKEMON CARDS... i dont play i just collect them bc i like pretty art
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SO UM. SECOND SHELF. one shelf dedicated to zolu, asl, and ace and sabo :3 behind the zolu figures are tiny plushies of them and rubber straps but well, its hard to see em </3
i got into one piece since like. early september and now i have an entire display dedicated to one piece 😭 + other things like persona lol
feat my pokemon boxes and unboxed one piece figures. ofc, this isnt Everything i have but it's Mostly everything
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the last two things i'll show and the second post wont be posted until i update my stuff more
so heres my poorly made luffy cutout that was literally made with sweat and tears... in fact i startwd this project like a WEEK after starting one piece 😭😭😭 thats how you know i was strapped in for life
and my corkboard!! some cool one piece works and the wano zolu sc :3 it's really cool to have these things hfmhdjd
the ace print, frobin charms, rubber pins, and stickers i just pinned on are stuff i got from a con. everything else from jp mercari !!
tbh, the sealed gladion acrylic standee is like my most prized treasure... not that i dropped hundreds on it but i got it for a lot cheaper compared to the other sealed ones online :'D + his postcards too are one of my most prized possessions... i wonder who my favorite pokemon character is
honestly idk what to fill the empty space in with but i wanna balance out this corkboard with pkmn and OP so maybe i'll try to hunt for more pkmn stuff
this is all i'll share for now but the next post will show my two ita bags that i have :0 !!! and my comically large arcanine plushie that i named ace 😁🫶
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