#i dont know what tags are good for this shit im not a boy who posts
localicecreambiter · 2 days
demi god LU time
the law of hyperfixations says you must combine interests at every given chance
adding a cut here as to not clog feeds!! its a real long post
i wanna hear thoughts too! so dont be afraid to comment. these are my personal opinions and i wanna hear if anyone agrees or disagrees :D (apologies for all the tags btw)
edit to add the stupid doodle
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the gods all have favorites, and ironically none of them are their own kids (save for hades: he loves his kid. doesn't make him a good parent, but you know?)
In a more Zelda timeline abiding setting; Originally they weren't all at camp halfblood at the same time, but time shenanigans decided they were to be brought together
Imagine Chiron’s surprise when 7 of his dead campers waltz into camp (this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME they enter camp. Dionysus is completely unfazed, knowing the bs time shit the gods are dealing with atm)
By the time they enter camp in Wild’s Hyrule for the second time he kinda understands (Wind and Sky didnt have a Camp Halfblood, for the record, for obvious reasons)
Alternatively, its some form of modern au where they’re just from different parts of Hyrule (skyloft, downfall, ordonia, windfall peninsula, hyrule town (different from castle town), the list goes on) which would make a lot more sense for this kinda au (the world would’ve just had a LOT of calamities within the span of a few years, some of the heroes knowing about camp and others not so much)
(i think Legend, Wars, Time, Wind (post WW) and Four would’ve known about Camp Halfblood while the others were just kinda on their own until after their quests) meaning over half of them didn’t have prophecies and just went to deal with the issue themselves, possibly meaning on their journey they learned of camp
Ok well, all of them but Wars, who grew up at Camp Halfblood
All Zelda’s are children of Athena, save for Skyward Sword Zelda since she's the reincarnation of Hylia (yeah, im keeping the original Zelda goddesses! What of it?)
At some point fairly early on, a Zelda only had a son, who got together with Athena at some point and boom
Sky: child of Zeus 
self explanatory 
God of the skies? his name is literally Sky
not to mention how fucking powerful he is?
he was the "first" Link; Zeus was technically the first God, it makes sense (this is such a stupid reason)
The skies are his home, Zeus finding someone on Skyloft and “falling in love” with their love of the sky too results in this bad boy right here
The demise fight? Only a zeus kid could harbor lightning like that
A camp counselor in the modern setting (ik typically once you’re 18, you’re no longer a camper really, but shhhh)
Wind: child of Poseidon 
Don't roll your eyes, i've got a reason!!
the 4 wind gods throw a fit anytime he's sent on a quest (they all love him even if they won't admit it)
A world purely ocean and islands? Poseidon would have a fuckin ball
The Great Sea needed a hero, Wind was brought about more for necessity than out of the want to have a child (this leaves a hard disconnect between wind and the gods, knowing his dad didn’t really have him out of love for his mom but because the world needed to be saved)
The irony of Poseidon being the patron of pegasi and horses and Wind not knowing what a horse is will never not be a funny thought
Has more control over the wind than he does the sea (for now) 
he, like Legend, pointedly ignores that he's a demi-god, especially since he comes after the Hero of Time (kinda hard to live up to that, even outside of a demi-god au)
The ocean and winds are his mood ring: you upset him the wind gods are after you
In a modern setting, the same reason applies kinda; a quest under the sea would be virtually impossible for anyone but a child of Poseidon, and hell knows a cyclopes isnt gonna be sent (gotta love those prophecies) 
Wind isnt a demigod
The wind gods still adore him, but he doesn't have the hero’s spirit and i think that’d kinda translate to not being a demigod, yet still being the one who was destined to go on the quest because there just weren't any demigods to do it
Still not set on which id go with
Legend: child of Hades 
Ah yes, child of the big three goes on so many quests trope. Love to see it
he's Apollo's favorite favorite (Warriors is jealous as hell. Thats his dad! Wdym he likes Legend more????) 
Pointedly ignores the fact he's a demigod (at least, he definitely tries to)
Blessed by (and beefing with) so many gods from his quests
probably one of the few heroes who's spoken to their godly parent (trust me, it was out of obligation rather than free will)
Prefers helping out the more minor, underappreciated, and not as needy or bitchy gods (like Hestia, for example)
curses the Olympians constantly, they've learned to ignore him, hes their best questing kid
Sort of a general camp counselor since Hades doesn't really have kids (its technically his last year but hes been there the longest out of everyone)
Managed to block the oracle over iris message
After his trip to the dark world and lorule, the gods go haywire around him, much to his delight (because it means they leave him alone)
Hyrule: child of Hecate 
adopted by Hermes (much to the dismay of all the Hermes children)
I was on the line between Hecate, Apollo, and Hermes; Hyrule’s affinity for magic and the blood curse resulted in Hecate to win 
Very detached from the gods, the help he receives is never outright but more subtle blessings
The gods like to ignore Downfall after Legend died tbh (outside of modern, obviously)
Well, they still ignore Downfall as a city/country. 
Only learned of camp thanks to Legend, otherwise he wouldn’t have had a clue it existed
Wild: child of Athena 
Also adopted by Hermes 
One of the more chaotic children of Athena
The idea of Athena being his godly parent sourced from his resourcefulness and quick battle (or just general) strategies, along with his pre-calamity self being stoic and more on the critical side
Completely forgot he was a demigod and just let loose, Athena is more than slightly perturbed by him and yet so infatuated
Supervises archery at camp
Warriors: child of Apollo 
exemplifies almost 0 traits of his father other than his looks and his affinity for medicine (shit archer, shit musician, can't write poetry)
blessed by Athena during the war since he was struggling so much, she always has a soft spot for the heros since they fight to protect her daughters so hard (aka pity blessing) 
Actively beefing with Ares 
Aphrodite likes to keep an eye on him, mostly for entertainment (she woulda eaten the whole Cia debacle UP)
Very notorious in camp considering he was a war captain at the ripe age of 17; once learning of the whole Camp Jupiter has apartments and college for half bloods insisted and led a project at CHB to get something similar built (which is where he, Sky and Twilight stay after turning 18)
Twilight: child of Demeter
His love for ranch animals and caring for his farm lead me to this decision
Also the whole wolf thing, that also counts
Appalled by the fact Wind doesn't know what a horse is considering he's literally the son of Poseidon (jealous the kid can talk to Epona and he can't)
After his journey to the twilight, the gods kinda flicker between Greek and Roman around him so they tend to avoid him like Legend
blessed/cursed by Lupa, hence the wolf thing
Teaches foraging lessons at camp
Four: child of Hephaestus
He's the smithy, I couldn’t not say he's a Hephaestus kid
received a lot less help from the gods since he was one of the first 
started advocating that heros receive help from the divine after LU concludes so those after him have a fighting chance (not in the modern setting)
I havent played many of his games, but the kinstones sound like a thing Hephaestus would scatter across the earth as scrap from his creations
Not one of the fire wielders (the only one that can wield fire is Red when split, mostly because of the elemental bs in minish cap)
After drawing the Four Sword, Janus (despite being roman (i like to think the four sword would be a roman artifact, it just feels right)) was suddenly pretty interested and bestowed what wisdom he had for the demi-god
Vulcan, Neptune, Aeolus, and Ceres all came together to forge the elemental stones; the Minish were still the ones to bestow the sword to Hylian people
The gods tend to avoid him too, for the same reason they avoid Twilight and Legend (dark world shenanigans and the Four Sword)
He loves the damn forge at CHB, and was ecstatic seeing the one at Camp Jupiter
He was asked by Chiron if he would be interested in running a forge class for young demigods (be it his siblings or anyone interested) but sadly declined 
Has that air of responsibility to him, being a seasoned quester (and while his 3 doesn't stand to Legend’s 6, its still pretty sizable) hes looked up to by the younger campers
Time: child of Demeter Kronos? 
The Kokiri were so Demeter core dont even tell me they werent
I guess they’d kinda act like nymphs and dryads in a sense??
His abilities use to relate to his mother until the events of his first quest: the Ocarina of Time was designed to slowly corrupt the user, being a creation of Kronos’
However, it wasn’t really designed with a demigod in mind sooo…
Also self explanatory, the titan of time? Duh… huh?? what do you mean he was taken over?? What do you mean he was a child of Demeter?? No he wasnt lol that Neverrr happened
the reason he's the only “child” of a titan is mainly because of the fierce deity mask literally making him god-like, meaning he has a lot more power harbored in him sooo (the second he dawned that mask he discarded his old identity for that of a titan’s child, since it was also cursed object)
Don’t ask how he came to being Kronos’ kin, no one knows, not even he does (I do) (no, it does not imply a Hylian wandered into Tarturus and got out alive to have the baby)
Avoids interacting with the gods at all costs, he's weary of them as they are of him (even if he saved the world twice)
Extras :)
Ravio: child of Pluto 
blessed by Minerva for his natural quick witted nature and clever war strategies, if her own daughter can't succeed she might as well make sure ONE does
can tell if a rupee is real or not by glance alone
Sheerow scares the fuck out of the gods, which in turn means Ravio puts them on edge, a thing very few can achieve
the gods never gave him much thought until the events of albw, to which he suddenly gained like four pair of godly eyes on him
can and will plan one of the worlds most successful heists, refuses to participate 
also beefing with Ares (not Mars, Ares)
Based on my personal HC that Ravio’s some sort of artificer (be it replicating magic dungeon items or just flat out creating new ones) i think Vulcan has his eyes on him too
Hilda: child of Minerva 
by far the strangest child Minerva ever birthed
exemplifies the traits of a hero rather than a ruler
a little jealous her mother likes Ravio more than her
gods be damned, she's not going to let them neglect her kingdom anymore 
a force of fucking nature that single handedly forced a meeting with the gods and somehow forced them to agree to start restoring Lorule (she got the idea from Legend, who has done this multiple times for multiple different reasons)
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croutondave · 1 year
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hey help name him. hes sweet and gentle and tolerant. and huge. other suggestions welcome
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the way i wish there could be more good faith analysis and fic about billy having adopted racial prejudice from his dad and then learning to properly recognize it and grow past it in order become a better person. i wish there was more posts and fics that tackle the bullshit lucas has had to deal with as a black kid in small town indiana because the duffers never even considered it. but the sheer puritan black and white thinking and performative activism or moral virtue signaling or whatever the fuck that is so pervasive in this fandom means that even the few posts and fics that dare to try and actually tackle racism tend turn it into either a punishment narrative, are depressingly shallow about it, make it about hating and liking the 'right characters', or miss the mark entirely
like i get it, homophobia/transphobia is easier to explore and talk about for most fans. it's complex and multi-layered just like other types of oppression, but so much of fandom is queer and dedicated to shipping and labels that yeah, i can see how talking about it is just. easier for a lot of ppl. also a lot of fandom is white. and lots of white gays get weird about discussing racism in their spaces. y'know the deal, but i digress. from what i can see, very few ppl want to explore how racism affects our favorite characters and the stories they live in. i know some ppl are probably afraid of getting it wrong, or they don't know anything about it and don't feel like they should. it's like, my blorbo is queer and so am i, so why wouldn't i talk all day about that? i get it. but it honestly just means a lot when someone tries earnestly. i have read beautiful fics about trans love through hardship by cis authors and such genuine fics about connection in the face of racism's poison by white authors.
there is just SO much untapped potential in exploring lucas and max and billy and patrick and argyle and all the other characters directly and indirectly affected by bigotry and racism within the narrative that never got the acknowledgement it deserved. plus it's super weird being used as a 'gotcha!' by white fans that hate billy (as if poc fans of billy aren't capable of seeing it for the bullshit it is) or seeing lucas' treatment in the show get brushed aside like it's nothing or how argyle gets sidelined an awful lot in the fandom (and don't even get me started on how messy the classism in this fandom can be, the borderline erasure of eddie's poverty and its effects on who he is as a person in fic is insane sometimes)
anyway. idk if any of this makes sense, but i can count like maybe 3 good fics and maybe a dozen good posts about billy that actually address this in good faith and only maybe a dozen more for every other character i mentioned. and i desperately want more. i am brown and queer and i want healing and love for all of these characters and i am going to have to start churning out more of it myself at this rate.
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fardf150 · 8 months
ig my problem is that when ppl who ive never spoken to who dont and will never have a reason to refer to me ask my pronouns it feels too much like the "are you a boy or girl" question. like im cool when theyre asking everybody bc they plan on knowing and talking to all of us. but when they approach me and only me and i dont know them it's like Oh youre just uncomfortable with the fact that i confuse you and you need to be able to classify me
#also it's always cis ppl who do this. lol#ik they dont mean it like that and ik they think theyre being Progressive and Accepting#but it makes me feel unsafe. tbh. like theyre jst telling me that they Know#and i need to either out myself or lie and misgender myself#kind of why i dont tell anyone unless weve spoken before and they ask#much more comfortable to have plausable deniability while not rly forcing myself into the closet#i present the way i do for Me not so you can come up and say 'hey youre confusing and weird what should i call you'#like leave me aloneeee#and it's kind of insulting bc im as much a butch girl as i am a trans guy and it feels like i cant rly be that first one anymore??#like i Am trans but not every percieved girl who isnt feminine is and same with nonmasculine percieved boys#and unless that person tells you they are or someone who knows the person refers to that person that way then you shouldnt assume#idk. like it feels too close to those 'transvestigators.' even with the best intentions why are you looking so close?#like my cis dad actually made a rly good point abt it once#he was @ an orientation when he went back to college and everybody had to write their pronouns on their name tag#and obv he had the whole Old Cis Dude thing of 'im a dude cant u tell'#but also he was like 'why do you need to talk about me. when im talking to you my pronouns are you/yours and i/me'#like yeah!! why ARE you talking about me???#teachers i kind of get bc sometimes when bringing up a point someone made or saying whos in a group they use the 3rd person#but fucking Stacy sitting behind me in chemistry or some shit doesnt need to know#if u rly need to refer to me idk maybe ask what my name is??? or just say 'that person.' it's not hard.#like this last bit is just a Me thing bc both r technically correct. but id rather have someone assume one way or the other#They'ing me w/o me telling u to when u dont do that to other ppl might as well be outing me w/o us ever speaking#like i dont like being theyed for other reasons and generally i do think it's one of the more respectful options if you dont know someone#but dont!!! only refer to visibly trans/gnc ppl that way!! ur not being nice and depending on the place u cld even be putting us in danger#fred.txt
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lewisvinga · 9 months
my american boy! | logan sargeant x fem! reader
summary; despite living in a country halfway across the world and rarely seeing logan, y/n will always love her american boy
fc; ningning
warnings; 1 kinda suggestive comment
notes; requested!
masterlist !
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 840,023 others!
yourusername: when you’re out n about & american boy sends u $$$ to buy flowers 🥹🥹
username: ‘american boy’ IMSICH I LOVE THEM
username: i need an american boy too
logansargeant: anything for my girl from the other side of the world ❤️‍🩹
yourusername: getting on my knees for u fr🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
logansargeant: ft??😁
yourusername: ON IT
lilymhe: BARLBARK BARK (louder than logan)
yourusername: BARKBARKBARK (louder than alex)
username: the way he’s in hungary but still manages to buy her flowers 🥹🥹
username: how’d they even meet?
username: she used to be neighbors w him when she lived in miami for a few years! they started dating right before she moved away to her parents’ country!
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; when bae lets u rant for an hour about the annoying mcdonald’s worker] [caption 2; goodnight 🩵 ]
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and 1,034,837 others!
logansargeant: american boy got hacked from the other side of the world XXD
alex_albon: oh dear
yourusername: i can steal ur gf dont test me albono !!
lilymhe: she’s right she can
alex_albon: logan wouldn’t appreciate that
logansargeant: he’s right i wouldn’t
alex_albon: normal typing! it’s actually logan!
logansargeant: maybe i’m still y/n
alex_albon: no :p :D :3 , i know that’s you logan!
username: SHES SO CUTE
username: i love them your honor
yourusername: woah who is that cutie?? is she single 🤩
logansargeant: no she’s happily taken by her favorite american boy😁
yourusername: i bet her american boy is very very cute 😵‍💫😵‍💫
oscarpiastri: awh you made him blush!
logansargeant: don’t believe him
username: he trusts her enough w his instagram pw???? IM GOING XRAZY
username: logan is the biggest green flag
username: ‘XXD’ how can u hate her?????
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, and 893,827 others !
yourusername: weekends in summer ^o^
tagged; lilymhe, logansargeant
lilymhe: i love my boyfriends boyfriends girlfriend 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yourusername: and i love my boyfriends boyfriends girlfriend !
username: her relationship w lily >>>
username: gorgeous gorgeous girls !
username: williams wags>>>
logansargeant: the prettiest girl to ever exist, thank you for always supporting me❤️❤️‍🩹
yourusername: ur #1 cheerleader from wherever! :p
logansargeant: also, how did you get the last picture? i’ve never???? seen it?????
yourusername: i might have a source that is around u all the time to send me pics of u (alex)
alex_albon: snitch!
username: those cupcakes look so good omgg
username: the way they make long distance relationships work gives me hopes for mine 🥹
username: yall think they’re gonna hang out during summer break??
username: i really hope so:/ it’s been months since they’ve seen each other :/
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 2; serious girlies before going on girls trip:p ( + stinky alex )]
alex_albon replied to your story!
that’s a lot of shit talking for someone who just bought u an iced oat milk latte
thx lily’s bf
logan used to buy me lattes 💔
what a surprise you’ll have *deleted*
yeah yeah you’re welcome for that croissant too🙄
lilymhe uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1: before boarding the plane;] [caption 2; 5 mins after boarding the plane ( the plane hasn’t even left ) ;]
logansargeant replied to your story!
and she doesn’t have a single clue?
do u know ur gf
she’s as clueless as a ladybug
yeah true , but i love my clueless ladybug
she’s been talking about u a lot more than usual
she’s upset that you had ‘plans in miami’ during the week of your 3 year anniversary
she keeps talking about u logan HSLP ME
i get to cancun tomorrow early morning
keep her stable with iced oat milk lattes and croissants till then
alex and i are already one step ahead of you🫡🫡
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,039,826 others!
logansargeant: surprise! happy 3 years, my pretty girl. i love you 💗
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: WAHHH
alex_albon: that’s how u sounded when he surprised you
yourusername: happy 3 years 💓💓 i love you sooooo much , my american boy, i’m gonna kiss u rn
logansargeant: omw to the room 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
username: mother and father are together again for their anniversary 😭😭😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
username: a relationship like them pls
username: he surprised her in cancun??🥹
lilymhe: cute n all but can i have my gf back ?😕
logansargeant: no. i haven’t seen her in months. you saw her last week. 🤬
alex_albon: lily???🧐
yourusername: tee hee :P
alex_albon: thank you so much alex for making sure y/n didn’t get lost in the airport, plane, or the hotel !
alex_albon: you’re welcome, logan! so nice to be appreciated !
logansargeant: thanks i guess 🙄
alex_albon: … i’ll take it!
username: awh a williams vacay!
oscarpiastri: surprised logan didn’t spoil the surprise sooner, he would’ve told the whole paddock if i didn’t stop him😭
logansargeant: hey! i tried!
yourusername: leave my american boy alone !!😞
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normansnt · 8 months
Almost got you, bitch
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(Hazbin Adam x fallen angel!Male reader)
No warnings I think perhaps cursing
You were a fallen angel.
You questioned heavens doings after finding out about the extermination, and of course heaven didn't like that.
When you fell, your best friend, Adam, was the most pissed off. Granted he was the one who told you about it one night when he was drunk and you had to get him home but he didn't know you were gonna make such a fuss about it.
You were in heaven, everything was fine you had your friends there, no one important to you fell before you, and most importantly you had him there, your best friend. Why would you care about those misfits in hell??
All though he shouldn't have been surprised, even though you put on a hard shell and make very similar jokes than himself you are a kind soul, a very kind one at that always helping others. But still, you fell, you are not here with him anymore. That sucked.
Heaven was a pretty new invention and adam and eve were trying to settle, for that god sent an angel, you.
When you knocked on the door adam went to open it.
"Who the fuck is here this early?" Was the first sentence he ever spoke to you.
Now you aint gonna take shit from nobody.
"Im the fuck who is here get you asses moving cuz we're going to heaven" you said with an equally annoyed tone.
Thats when Adam knew he liked you. And with the same amount of sass to each other the two of you became fast friends.
"I Almost got you, bitch" yelled Adam. You guys were playing flying tag cuz he just got his wings and they were completely new to him.
"You wish, fucker" you answer with a shit eating smirk. You were the one to teach him how to fight, the one who helped him through his divorce withe eve, you were his best friend.
*end flashback*
"...Shit" adam called seraphim, an idea occurred to him, how about they move up the next extermination, that way he has a reason to get down there sooner and bring you back, also slather some demons.
When you woke up in hell, the first thing you saw was someone trying to cut out your organs.
"WAAHH...MOTHERFUC-- WHAT THE HECK R U DOING??" You jumped up and started yelling at the demon.
"Calm down pretty boy, the cannibals pay good money for fresh organs like yours."
"Well guess what jackass I dont give tiny rats ass how good those fuckers pay you my organs aint for sale" and with that sentence you quickly kicked him in the nuts and when he fell to the ground brocke his neck. Yeah...you were kind but god help people who mess with you...literally.
"Well shit, never had to fight without wings."
"...Interesting, and here I thought I would have to come to your rescue in exchange for your soul." Came a...static voice from behind you.
"Uhhh...thank you?? I guess, but there will be no taking my soul." You looked at the grinning man in a red suit.
"Such a shame, you'd be my first fallen angel"
"...Ok, listen can I help you with something ooooorr??"
"Not particularly I just wanted your soul, but alas that ship has sailed, however since you just fell I assume you have no where to stay" his grin stretched a bit as he said that.
"Well, you assume correctly but Im not gonna agree to any deal you have to offer just for a place to stay"
"Well, well, you are smart one even though angles can be so gullible, but no there is no deal the only thing you'd have to do is perhaps act nice"
"I can do that." you answered finally smiling at the strange man.
"They are coming" you whispered to yourself. After you arrived in hell, Alastor offered you a place in the hazbin hotel and you were happy to take it. This was over 7 months ago, in that time you grew close to everyone who was there, they were your found family and now you will protect them even if its against you first family.
Today was the day of the extermination, the day you'd have to fight heaven, the day you's have yo fight Adam. Even though you never admitted to yourself you had deeper feelings for him than friendship, but since he literally went around fucking bitches that kind of lowered your hopes.
The fight was raging on. Since you were the one who literally trained these exorcists they were no match for you. However Alastor was supposed to take on Adam, and that worried you. You knew how powerful Alastor is supposed to be but you have seen Adam's powers first hand.
Just as you suspected Alastor couldn't take on Adam. So Charlie had to take over which made you even more worried. You climbed up and saw Adam hitting Charlie into the hazbin hotel sign.
"NO" you yelled
Adam turned towards you with a smile that said he was ready to kill, that disappeared however when he saw that it was you.
He looked at you for a moment when someone punched him out of no where.
"Oh shit" you said while looking at Adam flying away and than back at who punched him. Lucifer.
"Lucy?" U asked baffled. You met him when he was still in heaven. Personally you loved his creative ideas while the making of earth so you guys would talk a lot. You also found it highly unfair when he fell and considered going after him, but Adam held you back.
"...Who--? SHIT (Y/N)? Omg why tf are you down here??" He asked half pissed half happy to see you.
"Well a little this, a little that, you know, also I fucking fell so." You replied while hugging him.
"How many of you fuckers do I have to beat before I can take (Y/N) home with me" said Adam very pissed after crawling out from the window he was punched into.
"What?" You asked
"I'm the only one that matters, you messed with my daughter and now Im gonna fuck you" said Lucifer proudly smirking. Everyone went silent while you were trying to hold back your laughter.
"Khmm...its fuck you up, dad" corrected Charlie
"Wait what did I say?" Asked Lucifer confused.
After this a kind of...fight started between Lucifer and Adam. Well, only adam was fighting Lucifer was mostly changing forms.
It was quite funny to watch.
At the end Lucifer won over Adam and he wanted to kill him, but your body moved on its own and you threw yourself at Adam.
Charlie also told his dad to stop.
You stood up from Adams body.
"Take your angel army, and go home" you told him in a soft tone.
He painfully stood up and looked at you with sadness...and something you couldn't quite place.
"(Y/N)..." come with me, please. Is what he wanted to say, but he knew you are still mad at him and that your answer will be no. Or he just didn't want to seem vulnerable in-front of demons.
"I Almost got you, bitch"
Your lips twitched upwards a little bit.
"You wish, fucker"
And with that the angel army and adam flew up to heaven.
When adam arrived in heaven, something downed on him.
"Fuuuuuuckkk..IM GAY-"
Is he an (at best) mid white man who thinks he is the shit?
Is he a fucking loser though and a lil bitch
Also yes.
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🦖🧡
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diorsluv · 5 months
casual , part 7
“ you said ‘we’re not together’ ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by vivianliu, dylanduke25, and 100,299 others
yourusername i’m on that hot girl shit
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username91 the mirror pics 🤭🤭
username40 gimme sum of the hot girl shit babe 🙏
lhughes_06 yes queen be confident!! don’t let my douchebag of a best friend bring down your happiness
→ yourusername who are you and what have you done to my brother
→ mackie.samo limp wrist culture
→ markestapa 🍊🍓🍎🫐🍐🥭🥝🍏🍋
→ dylanduke25 fruit bowl alert
→ rutgermcgroarty 😟
→ lhughes_06 STOP THIS I BEG OF YOU
_quinnhughes i have a few friends who want to get to know you a bit better
→ yourusername wait a second..
→ _quinnhughes yes i know i never let you talk to guys 😑 BUT THIS IS AN EXCEPTION.
→ yourusername is it what i think it is 😱
→ _quinnhughes THIS IS A ONE TIME THING ONLY yourusername
rutgermcgroarty yay
→ yourusername ☺️
→ rutgermcgroarty 😁
→ yourusername 🥰
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤗
→ lhughes_06 what the hell is this
→ luca.fantilli goddammit they’re communicating in emojis again
_alexturcotte AYEEEE NICE
trevorzegras SHES BACK??
→ yourusername IM BACK
→ trevorzegras are you happy
→ yourusername i’m happy!
→ jackhughes she’s not happy she called me last night bawling her eyes out
→ yourusername THAT WAS STRICTLY SIBLING BUSINESS jackhughes
username48 who’s gonna tell her she looks absolutely GORGEOUS
username93 drop the workout routine babe
→ username22 fr i’m tryna get a waist like that
luca.fantilli i think someone might feel a bit regretful
→ yourusername i wonder who 🤨
→ luca.fantilli i think you know who
→ yourusername i won’t know unless he tells me himself
→ luca.fantilli IM TRYING TO HELP YOU
vivianliu oh my god
vivianliu mother
vivianliu you’re so hot
liked by yourusername
vivianliu who needs your little boy toy when you have MEEEE
→ yourusername ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 i’d rather you date her instead of him
→ jackhughes me too
markestapa he has so much pride i apologize
→ yourusername 🤷‍♀️
→ yourusername you know how i am with my toxic men
→ _quinnhughes yeah you’re obsessed yourusername
→ trevorzegras LMAOOO
→ mackie.samo goddamn 😭
→ vivianliu stop don’t do her like that
→ _alexturcotte violation.
→ dylanduke25 💀💀
colecaufield hello i see those are the headphones i generously gifted you out of the kindness of my heart
→ yourusername i dont like where ur going with this.
→ jackhughes he wants you to go watch him play when they play the wings on thursday
→ colecaufield JACK.
→ yourusername AWWW OF COURSE I WILL (can you get me good tickets 🤨)
→ colecaufield i already got you behind the bench don’t worry
username14 i’m afraid you ABSOLUTELY ATE 💕
username55 mom and dad are fighting again
→ username71 mom and dad??? they didnt even hard launch babe 😭😭
edwards.73 nice
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liked by adamfantilli, markestapa, and 93,447 others
edwards.73 spent time with the #1 bro tn
tagged: markestapa
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dylanduke25 i always knew you had favoritism
→ edwards.73 it’s true mark’s my favorite
→ edwards.73 my mom said never lie
→ markestapa i love you too babe 🥰🥰 edwards.73
→ edwards.73 😘
username36 this is so frat boy
adamfantilli this is completely unfair
→ edwards.73 you berated me last night on ft
username16 i’m waiting for you and rosie to make up
username5 ethan’s cheating with mark 😱
mackie.samo let’s address the allegations
→ edwards.73 hell no
→ dylanduke25 what allegations?? 😟
lhughes_06 why can’t you just stop beating around the bush for once
jackhughes i hope you know she cries herself to sleep every night
→ yourusername stop exaggerating it was one time 😒
username17 listen to the hughes ethan please 🙏
username3 i’m so confused what’s going on
vivianliu you should’ve spent tonight with her
→ edwards.73 well i didn’t so 🤷‍♂️
→ vivianliu oh my god you drive me insane just make up and fuck already
→ markestapa what’s with the change of heart vivian 🤨🤨
→ vivianliu i give up
colecaufield 👍
→ edwards.73 🙏
username45 ayeee that’s what we like to see
username90 whyd you post a mirror pic too
→ username22 can he not post a mirror selfie?? 😭
_alexturcotte just makeup and makeout
→ trevorzegras whaaat 🤯
→ edwards.73 thought you were so against me what happened
→ _alexturcotte we’re so tired of you two
luca.fantilli am i #2 at least 🥹🥹🥹
→ edwards.73 yes bro ur #2 🙄
→ adamfantilli #2 literally means shit
→ rutgermcgroarty awww luca you’re shit 🥰
→ luca.fantilli hahaha ur so funny
yourusername stop ignoring me please
username37 ethan and mark best duo ⁉️⁉️
username74 let’s talk about the fact that that’s a whole ass mural in a house???
→ username59 frat house go crazy
_quinnhughes stop ignoring her ethan
→ edwards.73 i’m not
trevorzegras should’ve invited me fr
→ edwards.73 buddy you’re on the other side of the country
→ trevorzegras PLEASEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺
→ edwards.73 ew god no
username16 this is so old chase atlantic coded
→ username44 LIKE THE NOSTALGIA EP??
→ username60 YEAAA
rutgermcgroarty PLEASE she’s sobbing uncontrollably and i know it’s killing you too
→ edwards.73 mmmm
→ rutgermcgroarty i see you on life360 outside her apartment dont even try to act all mysterious and shit
→ edwards.73 STOP STALKING ME??
→ rutgermcgroarty if i don’t see you still at her apartment when i wake up in the morning i’ll make sure you never wake up again
→ adamfantilli calm down rut 😭
→ colecaufield i see you’re a bit protective aren’t you rutgermcgroarty
→ mackie.samo why are we threatening each other
→ lhughes_06 okay why are his words effective but mine aren’t 😔😔
→ markestapa what the hell is going on
→ dylanduke25 FIGHT??
→ jackhughes more like a murder dylanduke25
→ vivianliu i stand by rut ‼️
username20 please just have makeup sex already i want the old posts back
→ username2 yeah i think they’re doing that 💀
next chapter notes ) soooo yes they’re a little toxic but i love my toxic men 🥴
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months
tldr: @buddyaldridge is a 30 year old weirdo proshipper who talks shit about ppl behind their backs, block em and report if you can/want to
just wanna let everyone know theres a omegaverse mpreg dallyboy writer whos been an all around WEIRDOOOOO cause their brain is LITERALLY porn rotted and they cannot fathom ppl actually having fun at all, their @ is @buddyaldridge aka @pelopsides previously known as @madelynprior
in 2020-2022 the outsiders tumblr they used to be @madelynprior and theyre a hardcore dallyboy stan which is already fucking weird, but on top of that, they would make teen pregnancy omegaverse smut fics which??? and im not gonna give you the ss, nigga im givin yall the LINKKK to see it with your own eyes so you know im not crazy
how ik its them is bc on their acc RIGHT before they switched to their buddyaldridge acc, and before that acc was named “pelopides”, they used to go by “madeleinepryor”, how ik its the same person is bc on a good chunk of their post, theyd tag it as “#madeleinepryor dispatches” on top of that, they just straight up linked their ao3 acc😭😭
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heres what the link goes to, they linked their ao3 acc, they just changed their username on ao3 as well from madeleinepryor to greasers
now me calling them a proshipper isnt me talking out of my ass, they say it themselves like ughhhhjjj
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as for them talking about other ppl, i wont share ALL the screenshots bc idk if the ppl theyre talking bad about would rlly feel comfortable w those being posted, if they know, they can feel free to post it on their own accord, so like i said, wont share, but i HAVE seen some and i can conform that they have done it, its ABSOLUTELY NOT above them
for now ill post the ss i CAN post rn which just proves my point
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now ignoring that theyre talking smack, theyre just so odd and obviously didnt rlly think this through bc 1967 is ALREADY IMPLIED in the 60s, youre just incapable of reading things that arent about teen boys getting it on w each other PLEASE get a grip on reality😭😭
theyve talked about 14 year olds and their post on their acc just to shit on them, once again, GROWN ASS PERSON TWEAKIN OVER THE IDEAS OF A 14 YEAR OLD🗣️🗣️
NOW maybe your asking “how do you know the discord user and the tumblr user are the same person” AND I WILL ADMIT, while i DO have strong feelings they are the same person, its not 100% proven, HOWEVER buddyaldridge DOES go by buddy and that discord users name is buddy, so while its not concrete, the link IS there, once again, feel free to come to whatever conclusion you wanna come to about that
but what ISNT disputable is the fact that theyre a proshitter
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additionally just this??? reblog from them????
on its own, not MUCH, bit considering the fics they make this is SO weird like??????
and finally, ive heard that theyve specifically came for me about my haitian shepards and maybe even my heritage, saying that they hated race hcs??????like using me as an example, they ss my acc and talked shit, someone contacted me about it and they dont have ss of it specifically, but they can vouch for it, and im not just gonna dismiss that, bc while they dont have ss, they do have ss and proof of everything else, so i do believe them, and theyve said if they find it they would show them to me, do what you wanna with this info
ANYWAYS buddy, your brain is unironically pornrotted, ur being a lil baby who cant do anything but cry and moan online on discord of all places and ur doing all this as a 30+ year old, and its CRAZIER bc youre doing all this while having “minors dni” in your pinned post, while also writing about minors, in a fandom MOSTLY OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!!!! (aka minors!!! ik age is hard for you to grasp) on top of that, literally ANY and ALL race hcs is way more believable and enjoyable than any “ideas” you’ve been cooking up in that odd demented, shriveled up pea brain of urs
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anyways yea, that all i have to say, and im speaking for myself here, but i mean this with every fiber of my being, i dont know how you function in life but i DO NOT want you to go any farther, and i think others would/DO feel the same, ive seen what makes you cheer and i am PROUUUDDD to make you BOOOOO, you shouldnt be near minors at all, fictional or non fictional, you should BARELY be near other adults
plus if you go onto their acc rn, notice how when anon called them out, buddy aint even say they were wrong?? JUST SAYIN🗣️🗣️
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im tagging everything i can tag bc i DO NOTTTT want mfs interacting w their blog, and want as many ppl as possible to be aware, dont say anything to them, dont give them attention bc obviously they’ll think this is funny and post it on their shitty discord server or whatever and giggle like they arent a grown ass nigga w bills to pay, trying so hard to cling onto their high school days, making fics about a canon middle schooler getting banged and pregnant, pls block and report do whatever u wanna do, just plssss dont let this proshitter on this damn sight near kidssss😭😭
dont take this as me WANTING drama, i dont, i just dont want ppl coming in this fandom thinking posting this shit and doing this is ok, youre bullying ppl for doing harmless things meanwhile your just making straight porn about a weird ship left n right, thinking YOUUUUU of all ppl have the place to talk about anyone or anything like your opinion on anything is valid😭😭
you NEED stones thrown at you
if anyone has anymore ss send em to mmeeeeee, but in the mean time ill be doin my own thing wooooo‼️‼️🔥🔥
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ch3rryb0mb3rr · 4 months
Tldr; please put warnings on smut and have it below the cut and stop sexualizing minors in media. Especially if they just came out of middle school thats weird. Write what you want but tag and put warnings when needed.
I get so pissed when im going to read something about my favorite character, and it's smut WITH ZERO WARNING.
No 18+, no NSFW, no MDNI and it isnt even in the fucking tags. I dont wanna read that shit. Put the damned warnings there for the love of all that is green on this earth it takes two seconds. maybe a bit more, but if you could pump out 3.4k words of pure porn, I think you can handle a couple of tags and warnings
I am a minor, and i use those warnings, so I dont read straight-up porn!! I also dont need to read about incest accidentally because there was NO warning, and it was NOT in the tags!!
(And for those of you who do put warnings, i thank you and wish the best in life!)
(I am also well aware that a lot of people dont listen to dnis like that, but it's helpful for the people trying to avoid reading stuff like that)
Also, while im on the subject, let's not sexualize minors in media. Yeah their hot, i can see that. But i dont want to see the start of an NSFW alphabet for a 15/16 year old. Aged up my ass. Just put the beginning below the cut?? And not after the first four letters??
I do NOT need to know a fav characters preferred body part is the tits thank you very much. I definitely do not need to accidentally read that they wanna suck on it like a damned bottle.
'This character as your friend is soo perverted he wants to steal ur panties hehehe' NO HE DOESNT. HE'S A TEENAGER AND LIKES CATS. TF?? theres adults in the majority of the show that are reasonably attractive. Write that shit about them.
'Oh, they have this list of kinks,' and its shit only someone who has read hardcore smut would have. They are 16 and most probably haven't had sex because the creator cant give them a fucking break from trauma.
'He would be soooo toxic and blahblahblah [insert romanticised assault and abuse and trauma]' NO. that boy is my age and is a nerd. Motherfucker wants to study at princeton and has absolutely no flirting ability. You're only saying that because he's black, most of that shit reeks of racism.
These characters are kids, CHILDREN, and you as an adult (if you are one) should not be writing smut about them, aged up or not. You should not be thirsting over a sophmore when theres PLENTY of good looking adults that you can be.
Theres a difference in growing up liking a character and having a crush on them and growing out of it when you're an adult. And being an adult thirsting over a teenage boy. It's not cute. it's not 'oh, it's fine because he/she's not real'.
Its really fucking gross actually.
At the end of the day just tag your stuff correctly. That way its easier for everyone else to find EXACTLY what they wanna read. Because at this point im just gonna start reporting fics with no warnings at the beginning.
Someome younger than me with no parents looking through their devices could stumble on that, and not know what it means, read it, and be scarred for life.
I was reading that stuff way way way too earlier and its fucked up my mental state a bit so if we collectively start putting in the effort to help prevent this from happening to another 11 year old or younger than we should do so.
Start gatekeeping fandoms like creepypasta from young kids, start tagging shit correctly
Another child does not need to end up somewhat hypersexul with very violent intrusive thoughts by the time they hit high school because their parents wouldn't look out for them, and the fandom did NOTHING to try to prevent it.
Its not your job to parent the kid, and to look over their should. Thats not what im saying.
It IS your job to, again, tag shit correctly, put warnings for gore, bluring violent images, saying outright that a certain game/book/story/etc your recommending is NOT for kids due to its violent nature/sexual content/etc. Reporting accounts of children under the age limit for social media (i.e., a 10 year old with discord or instagram) (it is breaking the T.O.S)
Act like that one lgbtq+ chat room website I was on for a couple weeks where all the adults kinda looked out for me a bit. And supported me figuring out who I was and collectively riped a guy to shreds after I blasted him at a failed attempt to groom me. (And told me I had done exactly the right thing in this situation. Also, hi, if you know who I am from there!!!) (Story time if ya'll want I look back and think its the funniest thing ever how I dealt with him 💀)
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qoqurt · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ⋆ BIRTHDAY .ᐟ (ethan’s version)
just a small blurb for mr ethan edwards bc roro ( @wintfleur ) let me know that today was his bday .. so a little commotion for him actually … takes place BEFORE luke moves to jersey and a little after he daisy and ethan get together ok <3
read about daisy, ethan and luke | au masterlist
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liked by dreagraves, jackhughes, and others
tagged : lhughes_06 , rutgermcgroarty , entersteller
daisydoodledoo i literally blocked ethan for this bc i wanted to post my gift for him without him knowing ++ it’s literally 11pm im a HUSTLER 😮‍💨 (ft. luke watching — he signed the card dw!!) shoutout to stella and luke and rutger for reassuring me that the gift is good 😭 there’s more but i’ve decided not to add it here :3
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trevorzegras and tell me why rutger is tied up in slide 2 🤨
daisydoodledoo icl i couldn’t tell you .. i was writing the card one minute and the next my ribbon went missing
entersteller i’m just a girl ok ☹️ he needed some nice ribbon !!
lhughes_06 are you planning to give him to ethan or …
rutgermcgroarty and if she was 😽
dreagraves the build a bear frogs 🥹
daisydoodledoo luke thought it’d be silly if we dressed them up like him and i for ethan actually LOL so i made them clothes
dreagraves you make me sick (that’s so cute shits)
jackhughes shoutout luke for just sitting there
lhughes_06 i just breathed 🙄
davidungh blocking 1/2 boyfriends is actually crazy
daisydoodledoo if you don’t shut the fuck up ur next 🥰
lhughes_06 added to their close friends story .ᐟ
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edwards.73 replied to your story ‘where are you guys going without me 💔’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘BACKSHOTS 😮‍💨’
lhughes_06 who want backshots 😼
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘no but srsly wtf how did i forget the damn cake 😭 can’t believe we had to walk back’
mark.estapa replied to your story with ‘where is she scrambling off to now’
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rutgermcgroarty added to their story .ᐟ
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ahndaesee replied to your story ‘he hasn’t a single clue does he?’
rutgermcgroarty ‘i almost blabbed but luckily stella changed topics before i could’
ahndaesee ‘good. ur off the hook for now ig 🙄’
🎵: glue song — beabadoobee
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liked by lhughes_06, stellahughes, and others
tagged : edwards.73
ahndaesee ethan on film for ethan day 📸 .. but in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of my favourite guys in the whole world. 🩷 i’ll never stop being thankful for the way you make me smile till my cheeks hurt. love you to the moon and back, ed.
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📍edwards.73 thank you pretty girl ❤️ i love you
ahndaesee 1/2 of my boys 🩷
edwards.73 speaking of which where is he
ahndaesee 🤫
edwards.73 what does this mean
davidungh cakes and candles ethan 🎂
ahndaesee cakes and candles…
davidungh am i not allowed to wish my brother in law a happy birthday
lhughes_06 too late :)
edwards.73 brother in law thank you 🥰
lhughes_06 happy birthday pretty princess ❤️
ahndaesee edwards.73 found him
edwards.73 thanks lucky 🫶🏻 i love you
pshoon2002 happy ethan day !!! 🥳
stellahughes you know the relationship is good when sunghoon approves 😭
ahndaesee EL OH EL ur so right 😭
edwards.73 lhughes_06 we made it 🥹❤️
lhughes_06 feeling real grateful rn 🥲
stellahughes u did him justice daisy 🥰
edwards.73 are you calling me ugly
stellahughes and if i am
ahndaesee you and your bf are really the same
rutgermcgroarty and if we are 🥰
lhughes_06 im gonna be honest im a bit afraid
dylanduke25 is your boyfriend single
_alexturcotte asking for a friend
ahndaesee no.
lhughes_06 double no.
ynaniu happy birthday ethan!! 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes 🥳🎂
luca.fantilli daisy can you be my photographer too
ahndaesee $30 per hour flat rate with $30 service fee:)
edwards.73 added to their story .ᐟ
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lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘happy birthday e ❤️ i love you :)’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that cake n pasta look so good.. hope u saved leftovers’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘love you birthday boy ❤️’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘my gf looks so good here 🥰 tell luke to hop off pls!’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘i hate couples 🙄 happy birthday though 🥳’
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note from mei ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ happy ethan day everyone !! i hope everyone likes this .. it’s so long (i’m very sorry)
pookie tags : @lovings4turn @iceflwers @wintfleur ( owner of stella hughes oc )
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: grrr friemd<3
lyrics that fit the current vibe: i love you so much it scares me half to death, how did i get here, how did this happennnn, babyyy?
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 49%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- faggy but in the most aroace way possible
- as far as gender, boy-ish
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats, the silt verses,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (in other words im physically disabled)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Bakugou with an s/o who is NOT a morning person!
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Request:-Can you do baku with a s/o who is like super grumpy in the mornings and how he'd handle them 🛐 ��� Like I bet he's a morning person bc he goes to bed at 8 30 pm 💀 and like how would he react/handle someone who was the opposite? Goes to bed at like 5 am and sleeps in until 3 or if they do get up before 10 am they're super grumpy and irritable •He gives me "im not dealing with your shit" vibes ♡ like brat tamer( @cloudy-zephyr )
Scenario:- bakugou With a reader who is a night owl~
Pairing:- bakugou x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- oneshot
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Well i think if you went to bed SIGNIFICANTLY later than him it’d irritate him but if you explain whyy you do he might not be as harsh.
Yh he hates not bein able to hold his s/o close at night but if your happy he learns to bear it.
Now on the subject of getting up late
Cos like he wakes up and wants to start his day with you right?
But no
But then again,he tries,to bear it to live with it
But eventually even he gets sick of it.
After about four weeks of this he decides
Nope you NEEE to get ur shit togetherrrr
so he’s DETERMINED to fix ur sleep schedule
He starts with waking time
Let me tell you,you went to bed at five thirty that morning
You woke up dazed,confused,scared shitless,and PISSED
and when you looked up,you saw yo mans
A smug smile on his face and the aforementioned airhorn in his hand
“Good morning sleepyhead”
Ohhh no
‘Nah ah’
Were your thoughts in that moment as your head fell back onto your pillow while you covered your ears with it like in the movies
“Piss off boom boom boy” was what came out in that moment and Bakugou kneww you were pissed
But he seriously didnt give a shit
You were gonna get used to waking up early
Whether you liked it or not
You on the other hand had a different plan,
Bakugou had tried this whole thing before but your commitment to not listening eventually made him give up
So you knew all you had to do was wait it out until history repeated itself.
And you did
For four continuous weeks but he wasn’t stopping
And on the first day of the fifth week you found yourself waking up on your own(much to your dismay)
You walked into the kitchen,pissed as ever and and there stood bakugou with a sarcastic smile on his face
As you sat down at the kitchen table he slid you your breakfast and you begrudgingly ate it
Bakugou was an asshole but he was and even better cook
“Well good morning sleepy
Were the first words to come out if your mouth
“No,”was your reply,”bad morning”
He scoffed and started on his breakfast too
The next week onwards he started getting you to sleep at a reasonable time
How? Must be your question
He would physically grab you and carry you to bed
Or else the threat of unpluggin your device worked too
This was fairly easy for him to get you used to,because,to be frank,you loved katsu-cuddles
So maybe sleeping just a lil early wasnt so bad
Youd talk and cuddle eachother till you fell asleep and then wake up together the next morning
Even after you got used to this routine you were still no morning person
But hey!
Progress is progress right?
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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sugar-omi · 8 months
I came here to ask for Rockstar! Cove rambles and saw the Rockstar! Baxter art you reblogged omfg it's so good.
Please can we get some of your Rockstar! Cove (and/or Baxter if you feel like it) rambles 🙏
(Hope your holiday has been great 💖)
this is more. rockstar!cove backstory but YKW ITS FINE BC ITS BEEN WHATS ON MY MIND LATELY we'll have to talk abt him again bc this post was getting LONG especially w baxterrr
tags : SFW, headcanons, step 2-4, rockstar au, so ooc, bullying mentioned, fighting, baxter's tags are below before his hc's
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im ngl. i want him to be maybe a little toxic. a lil crazy.
or into things he's not canonically into/does often
at least he's rough n impulsive at first
whenever he can get away with it, and before he got famous, he loves taking a long ride on his motorcycle
compared to when he was a young teen, he tries not to take drives when he's angry
bc when he was young, he'd put on some music and blast it as loud as it could go, and he'd drive and drive and drive...
ended up with a few warnings and speeding tickets that way because he'd get lost in riding n his thoughts n the music
but now that his life isn't so turbulent, he doesn't do that anymore
i wanna imagine he doesn't grow up with you next door n you didn't know each other until junior year of high school
he sees you n he's sold...
thinks you're so fucking beautiful/handsome and he sees you laughing n smiling w your friends n he's so, so whipped for you
he's still a sweet shy boy, so it takes forever for him to talk to you
n it's terry who introduced you two!!!
he's all flustered, bc you're even more lovely up close
n if you're all bubbly n extroverted, he thinks you're like sunshine
if you're more reserved, he thinks you're very cool or that it's amazing how calm you are all the time
if you're shy/easily flustered, will sometimes (and now that he's grown, always) mention out loud he thinks it's cute when you blush...
either way, just loves your personality n thinks you're amazing n cute
you actually calm him down. you ground him.
he used to get into fights kinda often.
i like to think rockstar!cove got like this bc his parents stayed together longer than they did, n there was no brilliant neighbor to reach out to him
he n his dad were still like oil n water, and the kids at school were less than friendly but usually didn't dare fuck with him
key word is usually.
just had a thought actually... cliff's family living nearby
not his parents. he moved as far as he could
and with him n Kyra on the brink of divorce, her moving out the house, n all cliff has to do to keep them afloat..
he didn't think his equally shitty cousins would be a problem.
but surprise!! they're a few doors down n too happy to "catch up"
cove n cliff avoid them pretty well, n cliff really didn't need to tell cove to avoid his cousins bc he was already 2 steps ahead of him
but his cousins dont get that message, they also think its a good idea to pick on cove...
so between the short patience of most hormonal 13 year olds, his parents (finally) separating, cove's intolerance for bullshit....
cove ends up rocking his 2 cousins shit when they snatch his glasses off his face, bending the frame
ignores his cousins mom yelling at him n cliff to apologize for hurting her kids. feels a bit warm when his dad tells her his son is more well mannered than both her kiss combined, even laughs when he says a rabid raccon has more sense n poise
but is even happier when his dad, after a moment of silence in the car, asks him if be used the right hook he taught him
n tries to hide his smile when his dad ruffles his hair n goes "that's good. good job son."
he does hear the whole, "violence isn't always the answer" and "pick your battles" thing
but he shrugs off the lecture when he and cliff have a tub of ice cream each n cliff holds a bag of peas to his face
professional at sneaking out n sneaking YOU out
cove at 4am: wanna get mcd's?
dont even bother saying no bc he's already outside
dont pretend to be sleep either bc he FUCKING SEES YOU.
will leave you alone if you genuinely don't wanna fuck around in the middle of the night, but how can you say no to him?
ah. before i forget
Will kiss you if you're bandaging his face
asks you to ice his bruises...
kryptonite. creep. p!nk and lady gaga PERIOD. all of it
serenades you with his guitar and/or voice
sometimes he's just fiddling with the strings, switching between cheery beats and trying to rick roll you but the beat is wayyy off
loves when you fall asleep to his music too, plays the sleepiest tune he can think of
you being his biggest supporter is what makes him fight to make a name in the music industry
after supporting him in his personal life, through all his lows and highs, then supporting his music that he was too scared to go for
he puts his best foot forward for his sake and yours
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+ TAGS: mention of FWB, toxic baxter <3, so ooc ofc, mm implied partying/drinking
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now rockstar baxter....
i want him to be a problem. he's the toxic one here
compared to cove, who is soft n sweet but impulsive and always willing to fight, rough but well meaning...
baxter is your situationship
your friends with benefits
friends if a loose word, since you hardly ever talk since you've met and unless arguing, bickering, or sexting counts as getting to know each other...
than you're best friends!!!
he's the big headed musician who always asks "wyd" and "u up?" whenever he's in town
at least he sends you money to doll up or eat, or whatever before he gets in town
"make sure you eat before i come. bc im not letting you go once i get there"
so.... if you want commitment. he's not it...
just saw *this tweet, and rockstar!baxter IS the type to email you after you block him
omfg. if any of yall have read armin x reader fanfics... yk how he is in those fics? all toxic n shit?
thats baxter.
not THAT bad. like baby trapping bad or cheating on you, manipulating you etc.
but he's bad
definitely the dumb choice you make at 18-20 smth years old n once you mature, you drop him because he doesn't grow up quickly...
he won't even have the realization that you're the one until he's MINIMUM 37-40+ YEARS OLD. AND FLYS UP FROM THE BED LIKE HE'S SEEN A GHOST
curses n curses himself to high hell and low heaven
now depending on how bad he's fucked you over, or you've moved on, etc... he understands if you don't wanna try being together, bc he was a fucking mess
at least, if he sees you catching feelings or himself, he does break it off
but there's still good times between you!!
he sends you things for your birthday
and when he's not on tour showing his ass, he comes to spend it with you
is very happy if you come to spend his birthday with him!!!
starts to look forward to it, but he doesn't really show it
although after the first time, he can't help crying, thought the first time was just a one off thing
unless you make the first one a big thing, than he cries then
even if all you did was get/make a cake and decorate your small apartment, he's so so happy
mm i started thinking abt smth
i don't think he's that bad, impulsive, etc. before his career
before, he's pursuing music because his parents hate it. its "not a useful career" and "embarrassing"
but then he starts to love it, its an outlet for him and then it's become a passion
but once he gets a deal with a record label, it's just a downward spiral
puts everything into music, ignores everything else and doesn't take breaks like he should
i think what breaks your "relationship" is him getting caught up in the darker side of the music industry, and losing himself.
he doesn't laugh or anything like before
doesn't make random trips to see you anymore
in fact, probably ends up flaking on you or suddenly canceling, or going weeks without talking to you
its rough. and you two definitely need time apart for him to grow and realize that this is serving anyone besides the companies pockets well
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shygirl4991 · 10 months
SMG3 Sussy Notebook
ima tag smg3 sussy notebook spoilers and have the pics of the notebook under read more so you can pick if ya wanna see the notebook! These are highlights and not every page!
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now that we have the pw for club penguin we can all log in and get all the cool skins, honestly i feel if mario just guess the password it wouldnt take him long to get it xD be faster then stealing the notebook and all
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ah yes the start of the worlds longest slowburn its a super funny thought that right out the usb he gets his notebook and goes this bitch here ima make him my life rival
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oh shit shout out to these two that showed up in SMG3 Gauntlet of gloom
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suuuure buddy keep telling yourself that, seems even tho SMG3 marked him as his rival and hated him over what happen in college he still wanted to hang out with 4 and be friends but its not like he cares or anything...baka!
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lmao the censor on what happen in the igloo ah yes nothing but hugging happen there nothing to M rated xD im guessing the real book in universe might have it a bit more detail given the big deal it was for wotfi 2023
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we really dont talk about that hug
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did...did i call it in my fic that this man legit is crazy about beans and hot sauce im dying i guess when your the bad guy with low budget for food you get use to the good classic beans and hot sauce
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oh honey thats not how that works xD this man is smart but also oh so dumb i think he gets that from his avatar that and he is a few years fresh from the usb Update: @alianarepasa let me know its from a mad max episode i manage to miss it was a fun watch and now i understand what this means xD these peeps really went wild without internet poor toad
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pifft im guessing he has masters degree specialized in psychology? other wise idk how he is a psychologist and he seems to be a good one from what we have seen but who knows he could be bullshitting his way through how evil xD
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both our boys are ready to ride forklifts into the sunset someone draw this please xD
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im laughing i guess SMG3 isnt much a fan of boopkins but seems he really enjoys being with the crew he wont say it but im sure he is a happy bean to finally be with the cool kids after years of being jealous.
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he says but give this man eggdog or eggdog memes and he becomes Tari in a second
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hey lads we found the page from SMG4 We Dont Talk About What Happened in the Elevator
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he wants a castle but ended up with a sick lair in a coffee shop i think thats better!
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okay putting my shipping heart away this is so interesting to me like he starts off thinking 4 is a loser and makes him his rival then gets jealous he has these friends and he isnt apart of them. We know SMG3 is lonely and lost as he doesn't know his purpose before becoming lord of the graveyard now being apart of the crew and now knowing who is he, SMG3 is much happier and closer to the crew. But the way he writes this feels like he likes the close contact with 4 and while he doesnt want to admit it could it be he legit does have romantic feelings? idk i feel these past episodes and this part really gets me thinking they have something here to really make smg34 canon naturally and not have the way they act with each other be to different might go more into this later.
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this sparks joy thank you for including this and thats it for my ted talk thanks for reading again this is just my highlights i dont want to post the whole notebook here just stuff that gets my mind going!
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
rubs my hands all maniacally😍
a little birdie told me that your requests are open!
i was thinking abt the bsd boys reacting to a s/o that eats the weirdest food combinations LMAO
i eat cheese puffs and hot sauce aND WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I ATE APPLES WITH KETCHUP BAHAH
anyways that’s all 🙏
chara list: tecchou, jouno, ranpo, poe and dazai,
i made them all little skrunklies in this >:))
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-IM SORRY IF I SPELLED THAT HORRIBLY WRONG I ALWAYS CALL HIM KATCHOW (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
-omg yall would be married instantly
-he has the papers signed
-feels so understood
-has had to protect you from jounos plots of world domination against weird food lovers and plots to murder you
-yall have a list of ur favorite food.
-so sexy
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-(he looks so cute as a skrunkle anyways)
-dont even try to sneak it with him. he may be blind, but his other senses are at their prime and HE IS READY TO THROW HANDS
-might actually throw hands with you, like HELL JUST SMACK THE FOOD OUT OF YOUR HAND AND BE LIKE "n o ."
-so silly in theory but when he actually does slap it away it makes you want to beat him up so bad
-ugh i love the sassy skrunkle (ignore the fact he can kill you instantly)
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-WITH HIM, it all depends.
-it depends on how it tastes.
-because if it tastes actually good, HE WILL BE SO HAPPY
-"i knew you had good taste Y/N (人*´∀`)。*゚+"
-if it tastes bad to him tho...
-would look like you just insulted his entire bloodline real
-it would take a long amount of sorries and sweets to get him to forgive you.
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-ok ok so listen
-would probably see you eating the weird ass shit, blink a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, then go back to reading
-if you asked him to try it, he would be like "oh sorry i just ate a 5 course meal Y/N" (he's a terrible liar)
-but with him, you could probably convince him to try it 😈
-theres a very high chance he hates it, i know we don't know what their eating habits are like, but poe gives off picky vibes...
-would probably be like "w-wow Y/N thats uhm...that's really good for you Y/N................"
-would never try it again </3
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-i feel like he would at least try them, and if he didn't like them, he would CHUCK THOSE BITCHES
-more as a joke then an actual insult, UNLIKE SOMEONE (jouno)
-swears hell pay for them after (he never does)
-one day you threaten to throw him across the room like your damn food he keeps throwing
-he threw extra food that day
-would beg convince you to try dog treats (fun author fact: i used to eat dog food when i was a kid. it sucked ass but i was hungry)
-honestly just another way to bond with you
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atrophiedemotion · 2 months
hey Cast! uh so this ask is about. alien stage. but imma send you another about some random shit because why not. anyways
the tags that you had on that previous post with me and plip (the one about ivan and till and how they show honesty differently and how we know about their characters a different amount because of how forthcoming or not they are) and my question for you is, how many of Ivan's actions do you think are representative of his true emotions? I don't think his body language, in general, is very forthcoming but I do agree that his actions can be pretty revealing (he strikes me as an acts of service person especially with trying to escape with Till) but uh yeah I'm wondering if there are any specific examples that you think of as being revealing of his actual thoughts or specific examples of him pretending to be someone else?
thanks for listening to me yap uh I hope you're doing well and that you have an awesome day!
rock... oh boy... this is gonna be a long one. wonderful question. thank you for the ask, i hope you have a great day as well!!
so, i didn't fully explain in the tags because i didn't want to write a full length essay on plip's post (ty plip for dealing w the rambling)(i was also very tired so i wasn't fully articulate lmao) but i meant that ivan shows his emotions through the outcomes/projected outcomes of his actions. he certainly isn't very forthcoming in the way he acts and portrays himself, but there is undeniable truth in the intent and meaning behind everything he does, even things that seem counterproductive.
i think that since ivan genuinely cannot fully be upfront and honest (due to trauma, his lack of self worth, and his decided survival strategy) his main truths show in the deeper meaning of the things he does for other people and himself. with ivan, it is all about intent. i've said before that the only way to understand ivan is to dig deeper and this is very much true here. he uses a lot of subterfuge to throw people off from his actual intentions, but they're there.
ivan often uses unconventional, roundabout ways to achieve his goals/get what he wants- especially when they mean something to him. he is a guy who is caked in layers upon layers of meaning only if you pull back the acres of curtains he's covered them with. he doesn't want people to know what goes on in his head, so he covers it up valiantly. this is due to his low self esteem of course, but also full on survival. in order for his plans to work, no one can be in on it. no one can know what he's thinking. all of his true feelings and thoughts need to be hidden in order to achieve success, but in the end it's fucking hard to not leave a trace of your true feelings.
with all that being said, examples!
the biggest and most obvious examples are mainly related to till (of course they are) and i also feel like they're the most telling. ivan's teachers specifically pointed out that he was only childish around till (they were relieved by it, too, because he was so damn serious the rest of the time and didn't behave like a child should). ivan has the hardest time hiding his true emotions around till, which makes sense, because till makes him feel the most emotion when his are always dulled. that doesn't stop him from going the 'i must hide my crush by pulling his pigtails' route but, y'know.
since most of these are talked about frequently and i dont want to keep beating a dead horse in an already long post, here's a (hopefully) brief list:
-the biggest one, the meteor shower. going through all of that to escape with till, specifically during a meteor shower that it seemed ivan was desperate to show till (to introduce his shooting stars to each other or smth im sure). ivan offered till freedom and denied himself of it when till turned around and he followed him back without question.
-his good behavior can arguably be considered to be due, in part, to the perks an obedient pet gets. this isn't just a till thing but ivan's obedience is very telling of his need and drive for survival, which considering his uhh,, track record is likely largely so he can protect till. gaining perks and learning insider information, like how to take collars off and gain access to isolation cells, assist him in assisting and caring for till.
-the sometimes silent companionship they share. the way ivan will poke at him to get his outright attention but is still at times satisfied with just existing in till's space and enjoying his presence says a lot about his genuine adoration and admiration of till
-his sacrifice. i don't think i need to say much about this as it's pretty self explanatory lmao but it is a Great example of what im trying to convey. ivan does honest things and has to cover them up at the same time. the 'violence' was to end the round of course, but it was also kind of like a familiar bandaid over the painfully honest feelings he conveyed with the kiss. even if he didn't really hurt him he couldn't just be honest
there are definitely more (most everything he does in regards to till tbh) but i wanted to talk about some others too
the comic conversation with sua about her sacrifice! such a big one. ivan's feelings about sua are very complicated, but to me i feel like he cares about her to an extent, almost pitying in a way. he's horribly jealous of her and the love she has, but he sees so much of himself in her that what he says in that conversation is probably at least half projection, even if he's not aware of it.
the way he looks at her without trying to hide his distaste feels like the way he would look down on himself. the whole thing shows not only his disgust with himself, but his anger towards someone who is so similar to him that she makes the same plans in her head even though she has something he believes he'll never have. it's envy, tried and true, and he doesn't even hide it at the time. he hides the self loathing behind it, but still. that might be the most honest we've seen ivan aside from the end of r6.
that conversation also does kind of show the fact that he cares for sua and mizi. sua in a way he acknowledges less to himself, but certainly mizi.
and speaking of mizi, my last example for right now is the way he watched round 5 like he was barely holding it together and sort of did his own recreation of it in round 6. the strangling was reminiscent of the way mizi lunged at luka and he almost certainly got the idea for his method of sacrifice from what she did. it kind of feels like an ode to her, in a way. an ode to mizi while offering himself up for till, which. is very sad but almost a little sweet, that he had a piece of mizi in what he was doing for till.
okay okay im sure i could keep talking about this but ive been writing for. a long time LMAO so i will stop here but! yeah. ivan shows his emotions inadvertently through his actions and about fifty levels of subterfuge. but it's all we get, so...
thank you for the ask again my dude, i really enjoyed answering it!
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