#i dont know if i actually said 'stop' allowed at any point but i was thinking it multiple times
britneyshakespeare · 11 days
i cannot be judged to give an accurate review of wisdom teeth extraction surgery because i was going to be panicked anyway, right? i'm not as sensitive to anesthesia as i wish i were, and oral pain has been some of the most intense pain i've ever experienced in my life (these experiences are common in natural redheads), and i was super anxious and unwilling to do this anyway. but. BUT. one thing i can say about that particular office that did mine this morning is. i have a particular allergy to a specific medication i was prescribed once via intravenous injection when i was 9. it gave me hives. i discontinued usage of it after a couple weeks. whenever i have to fill out any medical paper work since 2008 i have known the name of this medication and been prompt with informing correctly about it. and it is not a painkiller. but. they didn't tell me this after my paperwork, or during my consultation appointment, only AFTER i started crying half-consciously during the surgery when i was aware of my teeth being pulled and instruments being moved around in my mouth. only after the surgery did they tell my mom "yeah we didn't give her the painkiller because of her allergy to (specific medication)" and like. that's not really fun
#i'm still in pain but this morning during and immediately after the surgery i was awful#it was every bit as nightmarish as i feared the experience was going to be#i was aware; everything was just black. i could hear and feel everything i just couldn't move#i was moaning almost certainly bc i heard one of the ppl say 'aw why are you crying?'#i dont know if i actually said 'stop' allowed at any point but i was thinking it multiple times#the whole damn evening and early morning leading up to that i just kept thinking fuck it ive gotta get out of here#tales from diana#technically i didnt NEED my wisdom teeth removed like all that badly. they weren't in danger of rupturing#i think the biggest danger mentioned was one of my back lower wisdom teeth was sat particularly on a nerve#that could've led to loss of feeling in my lower lip#like the teeth were fully developed and everything and that was really all that i could've had as a concern#so i kept feeling like 'i dont even fucking need this why are they doing this to me'#i was very unreasonable to kaily when i got home since i had been crying like crazy. ive apologized profusely to her#she was like 'youre all messed up from the anesthesia' yeah maybe so#i also remember feeling like the things that the oral surgeons were saying were mocking/belittling to me but they probably weren't#like i was not in a situation where i could be consoled for what was about to happen.#eventually i took ibuprofen when i got home (a really large amount) and went back to sleep but i was surprised i could do that#what a horrible morning. and i didnthave the best day yesterday either#at least i never have to do that again
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man im just like. thinking about egg signs and how they've evolved over the course of the qsmp and how the qsmp has evolved over the course of the qsmp and just feeling so much love and affection for every part of the project. i dont have any grand overarching point with this just. like. here's a history of egg comms bc of the kind of person that i am
so wayyyy back ten months ago now at the start of the short and sweet egg event that was planned to last maybe a month at most, the eggs had their own custom, decorated signs!
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[ID: Leo with a pink sign with an egg on the bottom corner that reads "hello" in all caps. Her nametag reads Leonardo. End ID]
They were extremely simple, single word signs. There was hello, hola, story, feed, sleep, and maybe one or two more and each was its own separate sign. The eggs could only communicate the most basic needs in words and everything else was through minecraft body language or just hoping their parents guessed right.
But obviously, there was a lot more that parents wanted to hear from their children. I'm not sure who was actually first, but the earliest departure from this system I know about is BadBoyHalo giving Dapper a simple oak sign so he could name his pet slime. (Screenshot from @/lxrd-ren)
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[ID: Dapper wearing a diver's helmet standing next to a tiny slime in a boat with an oak sign reading "Bouncy (slmecicle but better)" End ID]
Parents quickly realized how much more convenient this was and pretty soon every single egg had stacks of signs to communicate with.
The next innovation came from Vegetta, who was the resident mod knower at the time. He knew about colored canvas signs and gave Leo signs in her favorite color purple because he loved her and gave her everything she wanted.
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[ID: Leo's bed in her room under some Fooligetta fanart with a purple sign reading "<3" End ID]
Colored signs obviously had a lot of advantages. Being able to tell at a glance which egg placed which sign was a huge step forward in eggs being able to have long, complicated conversations as well as leaving obvious marks of their personality everywhere they went. It took a little while for them to be standard for every egg though. Bobby never stopped using oak signs even after Richas and Pomme both showed up with colored signs.
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[ID: Two signs reading from right to left a red Pomme sign reading "we already started working on a guillotine factory" and a dark grey Dapper sign reading "thats the most french u have said so far pomme" End ID]
And this was the system for a while! And it worked pretty well for most people! The biggest struggle most people had was egg signs not being translated, but streamers adjusted to that by reading signs out loud so the translators would pick up on them. This also lead to adorable and fascinating dynamics like Richas swearing in signs he wrote for Bad and then warning Bad not to read them out. There was also the genuinely phenomenal development of Leolingo where Leo writes only in Spanish to Foolish because it's easier for her to write and he takes his time to puzzle his way through it and learn in a way that's super cool to watch someone else do onscreen.
Then Tubbo joined the server. And Tubbo himself had no problems at all with the system, but he is dyslexic and he casually mentioned offhand that it was getting kind of annoying to read signs after a ten hour long stream and the admin team Fucking Cooked.
Within 24 hours, they had TTS working on the signs. Within 48 hours, it was working on books too. I can't remember how long it took to get translation working, but it was definitely under a week.
And this opened up a whole new world of possibilities for the entire QSMP. The admin team has been on top of capitalizing on it for story purposes, but also just allowing the egg admins to speak in their native languages to everyone whenever they want has been so enriching for everyone involved. Leolingo is awesome but Foolish has been learning Spanish insanely fast and his process is a lot slower and more frustrating than most people can do in front of an audience of thousands of people without feeling discouraged. That's also one language. We've had everything from Foolish being able to check his work a bit more faster to Phil insisting on his eggs taking a day to speak to him in their native languages to Ramón writing a book for Fit in Cantonese, a language we haven't even seen on the server in any other context!
And all of it is fully understood and fully communicated! Sometimes the translators mess up but no one expects them to be perfect and people ask for clarification if the translator says something that doesn't sound right. It's not only a massive step forward in communication technology, but it's a great demonstration of how to use it and when you can and can't rely on it.
And finally, the most recent innovation! One of BBH's viewers sent him a dono saying they had trouble reading certain signs because they were too low-contrast. Bad, Richas, and Pomme just. Took it upon themselves to fix the problem right there and then. Based on One (1) bringing up their own personal struggle, those three came up with new signs that innovate tremendously on the originals.
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[ID: Two separate images of the before and after. The first is the egg signs in their original colors with the corresponding egg's name written on them to demonstrate the font color and the second is in the new, higher contrast colors with the same text. The new signs also have custom decorations for each egg. The second picture also has two signs from Pomme in all caps that read "Send all the love to Richas he spent a whole night making this he's the best <3" End ID]
There are three main innovations visible in the above pictures
1: Obviously, the colors are higher contrast. The signs with white text have darker colors and the signs with black text have lighter colors.
2: The colors themselves are lower saturation. Richas said this made it easier for him personally to read them so he corrected that way, but that's open to change if it causes difficulties for more people than it helps
3: The decorations are for accessibility reasons! People with various different forms of colorblindness will find different sets of colors easier or harder to distinguish, but any of them can look at the decorations and use them to identify whose sign is whose instead.
But! Those innovations are not why I made this post! It's these ones!
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[ID: The backs of the new signs when placed on the ground. Most visible are Chayanne's with vines and a hardcore heart, Sunny's with shining sunglasses, and Pomme's with an apple and the Eiffel Tower. End ID]
Richas added distinguishing marks to the backs of the signs too! This is something that Bad brought up specifically as something he wanted because it was hard for him to tell who was talking when he was using TTS from behind signs and couldn't see the colors at all.
We went from custom egg signs (a hotbar or so of words and nothing else to communicate with) through a long journey of expanding communication and expanding who we're bringing along on the communication and how easily they can join in and we've circled all the way back around to custom egg signs (they can say anything they want in any language they want and anyone will know it's them saying it from any angle)
and i guess i have enough feelings abotu that to write All This about it
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tgcg · 6 months
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bad mouther, hole master
TG: kissing with tongue is gross as hell
TG: what
TG: oh
TG: youre talking about it like its a goddamn military weapon or some shit
TG: some kinda scientific fuckin method to fondle a dudes mouth with your own mouth thats
TG: thats gross
TG: this isnt supposed to be a debate before fuckin congress on the pros and cons of getting your mack on
TG: its i would say a reasonably personal thing to react about and thats just my reaction man you dont gotta arbitrate it
TG: and like why the hell do they have to linger on it so long in these movies do they really want me to immerse myself in people necking each other that much
TG: roll the sounds around in my earholes like im swilling a fine fuckin wine
TG: well my professional opinion is that shit tastes and sounds mad gross and tbh i havent seen a single movie where it was close to being any kind of necessary
TG: its just a cringy waste of everyones time
TG: did you just homestar me
TG: hell no
TG: proving your point--
TG: bro have uh
TG: have YOU???
TG: come on
TG: i walked into this stupid conversation with a fucking shovel and by god am i digging myself a damn hole big and wide enough for every dave across time to squeeze in so i might as well get cosy in this shit before we all start collectively shoving dirt in our mouths
TG: bet your ass im taking you down with me though
TG: grab your spade and get digging man
CG: GRAB MY WHAT????????
TG: just tell me
CG: ???????!!!!!!!!
TG: karkat
TG: f-
TG: wait no
TG: oh my god dude
TG: you can spin that shit all you want but you can do it the hell away from me
TG: i do not need to be hip to your weirdo foursquare fantasies
TG: patently not my business
TG: ……..
TG: way to defuse the situation solid work
TG: real gold star effort grabbin that lit wick and blowing on it
TG: ok first of all you asked me first so dont act like im the one being a weirdo about this
TG: second of all i didnt mean it like that and you know it
TG: THIRD of all what the hell was the point of engaging the knightly theatrics then if you cant even verify that shit
TG: youre
TG: oh gimme a break
TG: bro youre going apeshit over something you havent even done
TG: you know what that sounds like to me it sounds like an overcompensating fake fan who doesnt get any
TG: you heard of troll napoleon complex
TG: -- oh yeah i bet huh
TG: -- not a real thing you just said
TG: stop saying nub
TG: not too much worse than being a perpetual fountain of emotional diarrhea
TG: dude did you actually run out of insults
TG: okay this is getting concerning
TG: youre the international dude of verbal dunks
TG: that can not be happening
TG: you cant run out of em youre like the ultimate peddler of hate
TG: feel like ive done some damage here
TG: alright bud time to calm down
TG: okay whatever!
CG: WHATEVER!!!!!!!!
TG: jeez
TG: here
TG: yeah
TG: really glad stuff like this happens in private
TG: what conversation?
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t0rturedangel · 4 months
How about the Hazbin hotel gang with seraphim child reader who just somehow appeared after ep 8
╭ . . . 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 ੭
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𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ⿻  𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦??
⌦ 𝒲𝒜𝑅𝒩𝐼𝒩𝒢𝒮 ﹕angel dust - swearing, just him being him. Alastor - ill intent, possible swearing. Mentions of killing, mentions of blood. Nifty - she tries to kill you, dw you dont die. this too me so long im gonna cry
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ okay, firstly just know that the crew goes fucking crazy- I mean they just fought an entire army of exorcist angels and killed Adam, the first man Adam!! So they all think that you're sort of there to try and punish them all for it, so they all get ready to attack (even though you're LITERALLY a child, children are wild though)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ that's until Charlie, bless her heart, recognizes you (and depending on if you tried to defend her in court just like Emily) and rushes up to you, holding her arms out happily- thats until Angel Dust surprisingly tries to stop her
"It's you!" Charlie gasped, her eyes widening in a pleasant surprise, you were the third and youngest seraphim and much like your older sister Emily felt the need to defend Charlie and her idea of redemption- the thought of allowing those who suffered to see the error of their ways and correct them and then given their reward of eternal peace sounded brilliant, much like Emily you were horrified to learn of the exterminations. You were the first one to openly agree to what Charlie had said despite Adam's comments and facial expressions, you also helped Emily in trying to make the court see what was wrong with this method, unfortunately your plans did not work, though Charlie remembered your efforts and clearly she enjoys your presence. At the glee in her tone, you smiled and stepped forward, wanting to give a hug to the princess of hell though paused in confusion when someone looking oddly like a spider stopped her.
"Woah there toots!" the spider called out to his friend, grabbing her arm to halt her movement- Angel dust was staring both you and Charlie down- a look of uncertainty and distrust painted all over his face "Why ya going to rando angels? what if they were sent down here to finish the job for Adam?", Angel did have a point- you appeared put of no where and was just standing outside the hotel? pretty suspicious.. though Charlie is quick to cool things down "Oh no no no! They're alright, they're a friend! They mean no harm at all- in fact [name] was one of the angels who supported my idea!" she turned to you joyfully, smiling from ear to ear "We can trust them!" ... "okay but how did they end up here? in uh hell?" Husk piped up, his voice full of boredom- or annoyance (you can never really tell with husk, what an odd man) "Oh I fell! ... or rather- I threw myself out of heaven" you happily answered the question, giving everyone a quick second to process what the actual fuck you just said.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ thats how you joined the hotel! Pretty nice innit??
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Charlie adores you! you're such a sweet little thing, you're a sweetie and are just so kind to everyone!! (at least that's what she likes to think)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she thinks of you as a little small sibling!, after all you're the youngest of the team and act just like her, plus she always wanted a little sibling so you're perfect!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ any ideas she thinks of or any redemption exorcises she runs them by you- to see if they can be more or less effective to get her friends into heaven
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Since Charlie could only stay in heaven for so long, she loves to ask you about heaven and how it was like- always being so invested in your stories, she honestly cannot get enough of them!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ also, Charlie is... painfully aware that she can never get into heaven, ever. Afterall, she's not only a hell-born but also literally the heir to the throne of hell so yeah there is no chance for her redemption, something she cannot handle- she cries knowing this but now that she has you- someone who ran from heaven, actively choosing to leave and come here gives her comfort. Now she'll never be alone, she has you and you have her!
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ At first, Lucifer was startled and untrusting of you- you're a seraphim, someone that was just like him and could possibly actually take him down despite you being an actual child.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ over time, the king of hell did grow warmer to you, after all he sees a bit of himself in you. Both ex-angels, both hate heaven.... it's like you're his second little one!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Sometimes, when lucifer isnt busy with his actual child, he hangout with you- entertaining you with his magic while you return the favor with little stories and things, sometimes you even create little gifts like flowers for him.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Lucifer vows to keep you safe, even though you can easily take down hundreds of sinners and even overlords, it's paternal instincts what can i say?
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ this man totally makes you ducks- he has enough experience in making ducks so you know own a few dozen in your hotel room- how lovely!!
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ oh this man, this radio demon. He's out for your soul, absolutely hell-driven to get it, and it's all for power (who could have guessed)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He doesnt like kids, in fact he can confirm that he absolutely HATES children though he will act all kind and lovely to you- remember though it's all an act! don't fall for it, he just wants your soul (if he gets your soul, your angelic soul? fuck- he'll be even more powerful than before, having an angel's soul would make him practically invincible!)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ This guy, funny fella really. HE CANNOT BUGGER OFF. Whenever you need help with anything he's the first to appear and offer a helping hand- and then in return as a favor back asks for a deal- is he serious? (yes. he always is)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Alastor though also, much like everyone else becomes a a bit soft for you- occasionally creating those little weird shadow creatures to play with you, since everyone around you are adults and are busy it's a way of keeping you entertained when they're busy
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He, also, understands that you are more powerful than him- and knows that if he gets on your nerves enough he'll probably become dust.
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ at first, Nifty only had one goal: to kill you (hey don't blame her! Charlie told her to stab and she's still under that impression)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ good for you though!! coz you fly up right as she even tries to stab her dagger through your chest- Charlie and Vaggie immediately grabbing nifty to stop her from moving and killing you.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ after the whole misunderstanding, Nifty actually enjoys begin with you! you're clean, and help kill bugs (well really it's you pointing the bugs out to Nifty and her killing them)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ You're, unsurprisingly, taller than Nif so she likes to climb up on you and sit on your shoulders or stand on your back while holding onto your shoulders. She finds you the most comfortable to climb- plus she can hide in your wings and be used as a secret weapon.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she adores playing with roaches with you- while you are grossed out by it slightly, you still play to entertain Nifty (then after you sanitize your whole body about ten times)
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ angel tends to avoid you, not out of hate or spite or anything- it's just.... well he is aware of how he is and well he doesnt want to ruin you in the sense of his dirty talk and swearing.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ though occasionally he finds himself stuck looking after you, which is.... fun.... no i mean really its fun as fuck!!! Angel makes all sorts of jokes, offers you alcohol (you did almost take it if it werent for husk and practically everyone else to all collectively pry the bottle of vodka out of your hands)
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ angel dust also teaches you some very creative swear words! so now, whenever you feel like talking you run around screaming weird insults at people, Alastor has heard you shout "EAT ASS AND DIE HORSE FACE FUCK BITCH!!" a few times to random sinners
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ The... star, is actually proud of teaching you those words- hey if you wanna stay in hell you gotta act like it!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ hides you away from Val- though somehow you still find out about him, and when you learnt how he treated your spider-friend.. uhm, the studio was in smithereens and val was close to death- now permanently loosing his right arm (just his right arm for now)
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ to you, Husk is like the weird- drunk uncle who just got out of prison. Though, he's the cool drunk uncle.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Husk doesnt really speak to you, which is brilliant coz you dont really speak- so the two of you communicate through looks and gestures, leaving everyone in the hotel watching you two 'talk' very confused.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ never gives you alcohol, no matter how much you ask with 'cherries on top' and if he does catch you with any intoxicating drinks he snatches them off of you- scolds you a bit then drinks the beverage himself.... hypocrite
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Husk helps you avoid Alastor, he doesnt want to see you being under his clutches, you dont deserve that you're just a kid.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ He also teaches you how to do magic tricks just incase you ever want to become a magician... and sometimes he teaches you how to play card games- or how to gamble
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⿻ㅤㅤᱺ In all honestly, Vaggie is very much threatened by you- because like, do i even need to say it?? YOU'RE A SERAPHIM !!!!!
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Buttt as long as Charlie is okay with you and you don't pull any stunts to try and sabotage the team you're alright! Just dont try anything.... please
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ she accidently treats you like a soldier sometimes- a habit from her exorcist days, speaking of you could immediately tell she was one of those angels and while you did not like her at first you grew to like her- viewing her as a second older sister
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ you and Vaggie sometimes sit and remember old times in heaven- and you'd ask about the exterminations, though quickly stopped after noting her discomfort.
⿻ㅤㅤᱺ Vaggies also likes to try and swap weapons with you- to see if she and you can handle other weapons (unsurprisingly you both adapt quite quickly)
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Ill talk about it more actually on stream as I feel like whenever I post something on other sites it just causes more discourse because of how the site works and I feel like this reaches a good amount of my community. Its really really hard to like call out specific behaviors online because a lot of the time it just ends up putting the idea in people's heads and ends up making some problems worse. Basically i've said this before and I know sadly im probably going to have to say it again but dont send people racist things or harass them simply because you dont agree with something they say about me? Like I really dont take any criticism of my content to heart because I understand that it isnt for everyone! And thats okay! No ones content is ever for everyone and people are allowed to have a negative opinion and I welcome people who watch me to say "hey I think you could have done this better" as it allows me to improve? If you actually cared about my content enough to do those awful things you would actually allow criticism. Like I dont know what more I can say at this point and I know me doing this isnt going to get anything to stop simply because the people doing this are idiots. Please if you dont like something someone says about me just ignore it! If you really dont like it then block them! Internet arguments are useless 90 percent of the time and only lead to the people involved just feeling worse! So maybe instead of like harassing people because of an opinion they have about me, just post something else! Dont make random arguments from tiny things! A LOT of the time a lot of things people argue about are just their opinion, and if you feel so strongly about it that you resort to harassing them then YOU NEED TO GO OUTSIDE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Im not even going to say anything about how it affects me because if racism, transphobia, or any type of discriminatory language being JUST WRONG isnt enough then I dont want you watching my content to begin with! And to my bipoc audience, Im so sorry that you guys have to put up with this like every month or so and I cant thank you guys enough for helping me call this out. I appreciate you guys so so much. Ill talk about this more on stream soon.
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staryuee · 5 months
Hii friend <3
I dont know really know if requests are still open but i wanted to ask if you could do any genshin characters with a rude s/o?
If not you're always aloud to delete the request :)
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꒰warnings꒱ cursing…obviously LOL
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . you wouldn’t call yourself rude just…”free-spirited” and liberal in your word choices~! ^_−☆
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . eula, xiao, thoma, ei, furina, navia, wriothesley
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . if i had a victorian era shilling for the amount of times my friend has called me rude after i’ve made a comment about something i would be the next ebenezer scrooge (⊙_⊙)
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EULA — 优菈
now while eula would normally abhor at the foul language and insults that so easily spew from your precious lips, she actually can’t help but be oddly bemused.
i mean her expectations for linguistics are awfully high, one mustn’t speak with little eloquence but your brashness was oddly…charming, and refreshing in a way. you weren’t afraid to offend people, and simply enjoyed the motto of “i won’t apologise for what i said, i’ll apologise for how it made you feel.”
eula is of course someone who’s treated like the poster-woman for the concept of rudeness given her past and current feigned ego, so honestly you sort of make her feel better about herself — not in a negative way, in the way that she just simply doesn’t feel that lonely anymore.
if anyone has so much as a word to speak against you due to something you’ve said, they can speak to her first. the entirety of teyvat is allowed to shudder if she so much as so breathes, but when it comes to you? vengeance will be severed with a side of wine.
XIAO — 魈
stop. please. xiao is already overwhelmed enough by the varieties of his duties, all his patrolling — and now he has to make sure his lover isn’t in an argument with someone or being threatened to literal death.
he frankly doesn’t really care about the way you speak, sure it’s surprising at first since the majority of people in liyue hold themselves in a way that seems a bit more…calm, but then again sometimes that within itself can be seen as a rude attempt at pacification of genuine feelings.
you’ve never been mean or rude to him, directly at least, so he literally doesn’t care how brutal or venomous your words are, so long as you don’t get yourself in too much trouble. people haven’t seen the yaksha so an edge whenever a person opens their mouth since, well, ever.
he’s never brought up your attitude or personality; he loves you wholly, even if some parts of you are a bit more prickly than rosy.
THOMA — 托马
“haha, they were just joking!” you ticked off another five on your little notepad with a careful swoosh of your pen.
thoma has had to repeat that very phrase so much to the point you’ve been keeping a safe tally on a notepad of whenever he says it. to be honest, you don’t even believe five can be multiplied this many times…
your rudeness and foul language comes as an innate package, and thoma has no problem in neatly tying that package up with a little bow to placate whoever you managed to horribly offend that day. you fear that one day, if thoma isn’t there, you’ll find yourself being interrogated by kujo sara, maybe in a more lucky scenario heizou, herself.
“thoma can you do this f—“
“i— wasn’t asking you??”
“you didn’t need to, now fuck off (๑・̑◡・̑๑). don’t be incompetent and you wouldn’t have to ask someone else to constantly do shit for you.”
if not directed to herself directly, she finds you absolutely amusing. she literally cannot be a spokesperson against rudeness after her uhum many self-made and self-fulfilled tragedies, plus she herself can be rather verbally off putting therefore, she has little problems with how you address others.
she does, however, keep a very keen eye on you to make sure you don’t stir up trouble with the wrong crowd.
but, hey! the great thing about dating a highly revered archon is the fact literally no-one will speak out against you.
“[name] told me to kill myself when i said hi in the morning…” and guess what? all of a sudden they have a long voyage to the fiery volcanoes of natlan planned out. criticism is only allowed if it’s aimed at her, not you — you’re basically an extension of her, if anyone so much so demeans you because of your attitude, it’s almost like they’re disrespecting the electro archon herself.
that’s a crime the citizens of inazuma have long learned the lesson of.
FURINA — 芙宁娜
she loves you purely for the theatrics and dramatics you always managed to find yourself in. it always seems like drama follows you wherever you simply step — and hey, she’s an actress, it’s no wonder she’s so easily charmed and swayed with the way your voice rings out blunt responses like it were second nature.
and to be fair, she’s a massive instigator of conflict. on the sidelines of course. so when you perhaps “accidentally” rub someone the wrong way, she can’t help but use sarcasm to throw fuel into the fire and watch the hellish flames burn as she kicks back with a cup of tea and a slice of cake (you know, like a true mirror to marie antoinette)
i think your duo would be even funnier and more undoubtedly chaotic if you have british humour and or slang equipped because let’s be so real if this was modern furina would force neuvillette to act like her roadman guard-dog while she sold 50p sweets during break time to the year 8s. throw in a little “yute” or “op” and she has heart eyes all over you (i promise this is all for the sake of comedy…)
NAVIA — 娜维娅
the best part of being in a relationship is being able to chat shit about anyone and everything, because well, you’re each-other’s everything already, why rely on the kindness of strangers for validation?
you and navia do the thing where you’ll subconsciously glance at each-other from the corners of your eyes when someone (or people) say some dumb silly shit. the problem being, neither of you can keep quiet and immediately will begin giggling and will make it inevitably worse by whispering to one another “stop!” and “don’t laugh—“ while holding your mouths to stifle yourselves.
this leads to people being rather nervous to speak to navia when you’re around. usually, navia is very friendly and softly spoken; often she’ll be a rather happy-go-lucky and caring girl who smiles no matter what — of course this doesn’t mean she’ll allow people to walk all over her, but hey she believes in second chances — but when you’re around…people will loiter around creepily before gathering the courage to ask for help or whatever they need.
navia is at heart however, a very loving and respectful person so she will remind you of when you’ve stepped out of line. sometimes rudeness is just an innate quality that people have and it’s sometimes not intended out of malice; even petty things like lateness or speaking out of turn counts as “rudeness”, and navia is here to either make excuses up for you or to defend you from criticism ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
oh he absolutely eats this shit up. every argument, insult, fight etcetera you’ve ever had is kept in a personal file somewhere in his cabinet just for memories sake. wriothesley’s life is already quite dramatic and hectic as it can be, the fortress of meropide could honestly sometimes be described as a form of circus within itself especially if you’re involved, but he revels in your antics nonetheless.
you’re literally so fucking hilarious, each time he hears those heavy doors heave open beneath him he just KNOWS shit has gone down and you’re about to dramatise it for him live.
you best believe he’s an instigator the same way furina is; whispering to you and then giggling when you use his encouragement as some sort of reference while you practically spit venom at the person who’s unfortunately become your centre of focus.
he won’t allow you to stir up too much trouble in the fortress of meropide but being his partner you get the perk of not getting into nearly as much trouble as you would if you were one of the criminals down in the fortress (unless you are then…well you’re special so it doesn’t matter!)
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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hyugaruma · 7 months
hii, I have a request could you write something about Binzo x f reader
something where he'll be a bit awkward (cause thats how I think he should be haha)
anything you want Im sorry I dont have much ideas
I love your writing keep going !!
Meet-Cute (Binzo x Reader)
re: you meet a strange guy on the subway… he’s not so bad
i wholeheartedly agree, i think binzo would be an awkward doof, but also a bit too honest for his own good. thanks for requesting!!
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You could feel his eyes on you, boring into you like some animal. You tried your best to ignore it, opting to pretend to scroll through your phone as he sat directly across from you on the subway. Every time you would look up to try to catch him in the act, his eyes would frantically dart away as if he hadn’t been staring you down for the past five minutes. Your better judgment should’ve told you to be worried about some strange man’s eyes being so keen on you, but something about the way he twiddled with his thumbs so anxiously, or haphazardly drew his hand through his messy hair, made you feel like he wasn’t a threat. Strange, sure, but threatening? You didn’t think so.
You glanced back up again, and again his eyes flickered away quickly. He looked wild, untamed, but somehow equally as shy and awkward. You watched as his tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth as he pretended to read the advertisement displayed above your head. You wondered if he even knew how to read, because his eyes certainly didn’t seem like they were actually focusing on any of the words.
You slowly tucked your phone away into your pocket. If this was a game he wanted to play, you could play it too. So, you decided to stare back at him while he pretended to be preoccupied. You could tell by the way he was starting to fidget that he could feel your gaze on him, saw it from the corner of his eyes. It was making him nervous. You leaned forward, propping your elbow on your knee and letting your chin rest in your palm. Now you were making it obvious. Served him right for doing the same to you.
His leg started to bounce, and he turned his head to pretend to stare between the throngs of people standing in the subway carriage. A hand came up to nervously scratch at his neck. But you didn’t let up. You would make him acknowledge you. As you casually watched him, you couldn’t help but notice that despite his wildness, he was actually kind of cute. Like, in the way one might think a rabid squirrel is still cute despite its savage nature. You almost laughed at the thought, biting it back, but still allowing a smile to draw upon your lips.
It seemed he couldn’t take it anymore, your smile not managing to escape his attention, and he finally looked back to you, your gazes meeting. You gave a little wave. “I couldn’t help but notice that you keep staring at me,” you said. “I thought it was only fair that I should get the chance too.”
He swallowed thickly and tried clearing his throat. He opened his mouth once, decided against whatever he was going to say, and shut it. He contemplated, fingers wrenching at a frayed string from his jean jacket. He stared at you hard for another moment before finally speaking. “Oops.”
Oops? You couldn’t help but chuckle at his response. He was weird, that was for sure. A bit endearing, though. “What’s your name?”
He pointed to himself incredulously, like he had no idea why you would want to be bothered with knowing his name. “Me?” He asked.
You nodded, leaning back in your seat again and crossing your arms over your chest. The overhead comm system dinged as the subway screeched at the arrival of a stop, “Toarushi,” it announced. “Next stop: Nagata.” He didn’t move, and neither did you. The train doors closed, and it was off again.
“Ah, um…” he cleared his throat again. “Miyauchi. You can call me Binzo. If you want.”
“Binzo? Do you want me to call you Binzo?”
He nodded vigorously, some of his anxiety seemingly dissipating at the casual conversation. “Er… What’s yours?”
You responded with your name, and a wide, upbeat smile overtook his face. You felt your heart jump at the sight of it. Okay, maybe kind of cute had been an understatement. There was definitely something novel about him that seemed to draw you in. The next stop was yours, so you wanted to get in as much conversation with him as possible before it was time for you to depart. “So?”
He tilted his head, waiting for you to continue.
“So,” you repeated. “Why were you staring at me?”
His eyebrows shot up, as if it was an obvious question that shouldn’t have even necessitated his answering. Like he couldn’t imagine why you even needed to ask. “Because you’re pretty,” he answered, leaning forward slightly. “Is it okay? If I look at you?”
Your face suddenly became very hot. Now it was your turn to be the nervous mess. But, you hadn’t expected him to answer so bluntly. Usually guys would walk their way around things, try to not-so-subtly subtly let you know that they were attracted to you. But this? This was a new way of flirting, certainly. Though, it didn’t really feel like he was trying to flirt with you, more so just being strikingly honest. “Well, you can look at whatever you want to look at,” you said. “I can’t stop you.”
“I’ll stop if you want.” His earnest eyes bored into you now just as intensely as they had before.
You felt your palms start to sweat. “I don’t mind,” you replied, trying to be equally as honest but finding it hard to stay as unaffected as he was. You shifted in your seat, trying to somehow find the high ground in the conversation again. “Do you normally stare at people you think are pretty?”
“No,” he answered, crudely sticking a finger into his ear and giving it a dig. You almost snorted. “Not normally.”
“Just something you thought you’d try out?” You joked.
He looked at you seriously as he slowly stuffed his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket. He looked like he was contemplating your question. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as pretty as you.”
This time you couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, I appreciate it. You’re not so bad yourself.”
You took note of the almost indiscernible pinkness that erupted over his neck at your words. Now it was his turn to shift in his seat, his foot ticking like it so badly wanted to start tapping anxiously at the floor. You could tell he was having trouble with responding, so you decided to bail him out by continuing. “When’s your stop, by the way?”
“Uh… The one we just left?”
You gawked at him. “You mean, you missed your stop?”
A grin split his face again. “You were talking to me.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “It’ll come back around.”
You would have facepalmed if not for how endearing his blatant earnestness was. This guy was like no one you had ever met before. Though, you couldn’t help but to feel similarly to him. The blur of familiar buildings from beyond the subway windows told you that your stop was coming up. And yet, you didn’t want to stop talking to the oddball in front of you. “You didn’t have to miss your stop for me,” you said. “It’s not like we won’t talk again.”
“Huh?” He craned his head to the side, bewilderment on his face.
You smiled as you dug your phone out from your pocket, unlocking it and reaching across the aisle to hand it to him. His head remained cocked as he eyed your phone curiously. It was clear he hadn’t the slightest idea as to what you were insinuating. You rolled your eyes. “I’m asking for your number,” you clarified.
His eyes widened as they flashed back and forth between you and the phone. “Huh?” He said again.
You huffed. “So we can talk again? If you’d like?” The train began gradually screeching to a halt, having finally reached your stop. You started to pull your hand with the phone back as you spoke. “But, if you’re not interested—“
Just as the words started leaving your mouth, Binzo’s hand shot out and snatched your phone from yours with such an excitable ferocity that it almost startled you. “Yes!” He blurted, like he was afraid you’d change your mind. He started childishly one-finger tapping at your phone to put his number in, intense concentration on his face. “I didn’t think you’d be interested, is all,” he quietly muttered, more so to himself than anything, but the words still reached your ears.
The subway came to a stop as he finished putting his number in your phone, handing it back your way. You couldn’t help but notice the way his hand shook slightly. Purposefully, you grazed your fingers against his palm as you took the phone from him. He dazedly looked down at his hand where you had touched him.
You laughed as you stood up, his gaze snapping back up to meet yours. The subway doors opened with a shrill squeak, as if announcing your departure. You sent Binzo a soft smile and a wink, making him go pink again. Oh, you could get used to this. “I am very interested,” you said over your shoulder, crossing the threshold to exit. “See you next time. It’s a date.”
The doors closed, just in time for you to hear Binzo’s voice echo from inside. “Huh?!”
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whumpsday · 11 months
my unhinged rant about the whumptober discourse, below the readmore for the benefit of ppl who dont wanna see that crap. im just gonna go insane if i don't say this somewhere bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
this drama is genuinely so mind-blowingly stupid it's unreal, and it's been bothering me so much that i just HAVE to talk about it or i'm gonna go insane, if for no other reason than to get it out of my system. i honestly never expected the whump community to go on the kind of bad-faith tirade that's taking place.
disclaimer right here that i do not support AI scraping creative works without permission (like chatgpt and a whole host of AI art programs do) or these AI-generated works being passed off as legitimate creative works. obviously that stuff is bad, and literally everyone on all sides of this agrees it's bad. i used chatgpt exactly once one week after it came out, before i knew how shit it was, and haven't touched AI stuff since. because it steals from creators and it sucks.
saying "whumptober supports/allows AI" when their official policy says plain as day:
"we are not changing our stance from last year’s decision"
"we will not amplify or include AI works in our reblogs of the event."
"we discourage the use of AI within Whumptober, it feels like cheating, and we feel like it isn’t in the spirit of the event."
is bonkers! whumptober is a prompt list, there is nothing TO the event other than being included in the reblogs. they literally cannot stop people from doing whatever they want with the prompts.
someone could go out and enact every single prompt in real life on a creativity-fueled serial killing spree and the whumptober mods couldn't do shit about it. it's not like it's a contest you submit to. it's a prompt list! someone could take every single prompt from the AI-less whumptober prompt list, feed it into chatgpt right now, and post them as entries. and the mods of THAT wouldn't be able to stop them either. because it's a prompt list.
the AI-less event have also made just... blatantly false claims, like that grammarly isn't AI. grammarly IS AI and they openly advertise this. hell, this is grammarly's front page right now:
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and this is a statement from grammarly about how its products work:
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its spellchecker / grammarchecker is AI-based! claiming it's not AI is just... lying. saying "this is an AI-less event" and then just saying any AI that you want to include doesn't count as AI is ludicrous.
and you know what? whumptober actually pointed this out. they said they don't want to ban AI-based assistive tools (like grammarly) for accessibility reasons. this post has several great points:
"AI is used for the predictive text and spellchecker that's running while I type this reply."
"Accessibility tools rely on AI." this is true and here's an article about it, though the article is a little too pro-AI in general for my tastes, there's nuances to this stuff. it's used for captioning, translation, image identification, and more. not usually the same kind of AI that's used for stuff like chatgpt. THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS!
"But we can't stop that, nor can we undo damage already done, and banning AI use (especially since we can't enforce it) is an empty stand on a hill that's already burning, at least in our view of things."
and people were UP IN ARMS over this post! their notes were full of hate, even though it's all true! just straight lying and saying that predictive text isn't AI (it is), that AI isn't used for accessibility tools (it is), that whumptober can somehow enforce an anti-AI policy (they can't because it's a prompt list).
in effect, both whumptobers have the EXACT SAME AI POLICY. neither allows AI-generated works, but both allow AI-based assistive tools like grammarly. everyone involved here is ON THE SAME SIDE, they all have the exact same opinion on how AI should be applied to events like this, and somehow they're arguing???
not to mention that no other whump event has ever had an AI policy. febuwhump, WIJ, bad things happen bingo, hell even nanowrimo doesn't have one.
and you wanna know the most ridiculous part of this entire thing? which is also the reason why none of the above events have an AI policy.
no one is doing this. no one is out there feeding whumptober prompts to chatgpt and posting them as fills for whumptober cred. it's literally a hypothetical, made-up issue. all of this infighting over a problem that DOESN'T EXIST.
to the point that people are brigading the whumptober server with shit like this:
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saying "everyone who participates in whumptober is a traitor, you should go participate in this other event with the exact same AI policy but more moral grandstanding about it" is silly. every single bit of this drama is silly.
in the end, please just be nice to people. we're ALL against the kind of AI that steals from creators. the whumptober mods are against AI, the AILWT mods are against AI, whumptober participants are against AI, AILWT participants are against AI. there is no mythical person out here trying to pass chatgpt work off as whumpfic. let's all just be civil with each other over this, yeah?
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pt 2/4: little changes (gun park x reader)
...except the main character is goo and reader only plays a role in little dialogue. hear me out.
(pt 1)
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while in secret
summary: goo starts to notice little changes in gun, influenced by you. the thing is, gun is keeping his relationship on the low, so here are goo's antics of being annoying and trying to find out who you are.
warning: one part of these moments has implications of gun and reader in bed!
a/n: i dont rmbr how i got this information but at the time i wrote this, i heard gun couldn't drive so... yeah lol
(ironically i forgot gun's first appearance is him literally driving crystal around. but tbh, just bc i think its funny, i wanna keep it a headcanon that he can't drive LMAO)
"Make sure you don't text and drive."
"Hah, how old do you think I am?"
"Just saying! You text often on your travels so I wanna make sure."
"Don't worry, I always make my coworker drive."
. . .
The red stop light finally gave Goo a chance to snap his neck towards the passenger seat where Gun sat.
"Must be so nice to just sit there, huh?"
"Eyes on the road," Gun replied flatly, his gaze still glued to his phone. Nearly the entire ride he had his eyes on it. And it looked like he was texting.
Suddenly curious, Goo acknowledged Gun's comment with, "We're at a stoplight, dumbass," and then asked, "Who's so important you can't stop texting them?"
"Why is that the assumption?"
Goo scrunched a brow, lips twisting into a frown. "What does that mean?"
"I could be typing notes in my phone."
"Stop bullshitting, you and I never take notes."
For a second Gun looked like he was going to admit Goo was right, but then he just looked up and said, "The light's green again."
Goo looked back in front of him, only to see a red light. He deadpanned and turned back to Gun, staring down at his phone.
"Seriously, who're you texting? I've driven your ass around for twenty minutes and you've done nothing but stare and text on your phone."
"That's none of your business. How close are we to our destination?"
Goo tsked and sucked in a breath of sharp air, bringing his eyes to the road. "Almost there."
There was a pause as the light actually turned green this time and Goo pushed down on the pedal, pushing the driving limit like he always did. He decided to keep bothering Gun in the meanwhile.
"I know you're not texting the boss, he'd rather call you, and he only talks to us for business reasons. I'd guess it's also probably not Crystal since your conversations with her are always short and to the point. And you don't have any friends. Just who are you texting?" He kept on rambling his thoughts out loud, while Gun sat silently.
When Goo eventually gave up, he suggested Gun drive sometimes so he could just be on his phone for twenty minutes.
"I got Candy Crush levels to beat, ya know."
"You won't be alive to beat them if you allow me to drive."
Memories of a burning car with him and Gun standing in front of them flashed in Goo's mind three times--a different car each time--and he nodded.
"I don't know how you can fight a seven nation army but can't drive a car."
"That's a mystery to me, too."
Goo wanted to facepalm.
"That selection of jewelry looks so nice."
"You know you can buy it, right? My card is yours."
"No, Gun, we are not doing this again. Last time you let me use your card you ended up nearly buying the entire store for me."
. . .
"Rubies, eh?" Goo held up the necklace he picked up, embedded with emeralds. He glanced back and forth between it and the ruby necklace Gun was holding. "You buying a necklace?"
"No, I don't like jewelry."
"The hell are you doing here then?"
"I'm buying a gift."
Goo snorted. "Very funny, now tell me the truth."
Gun stared through his sunglasses, not a single muscle moving on his face.
"Oh?" Goo leaned in, staring more closely at Gun's face like there was some hidden movement of an expression change or something. "Who's it for, huh? I didn't think you'd be the type to buy jewelry for someone."
"I'm buying it for someone special to me," Gun answered surprisingly honestly, leaving Goo flabbergasted for a moment.
"Uh." He leaned back to compose himself, adjusting his glasses. "First off, that's so cringe. Secondly, you actually have a friend?" Or maybe a lover or crush? Usually that's what someone special meant. Still seemed unbelievable, but just in case, Goo added in, "...Or something?"
Gun made a slight smirk. "I'm not incapable of creating bonds."
Goo shivered. "Ew, why do you always talk like an alien? Just say you made a friend." He followed Gun as the latter turned away to look at bracelets. "Who'd you become friends with? Some new successor you're trying to impress through jewelry?"
"When have I ever done that? Of course not."
"Then who?"
"Does my personal life matter to you?"
Goo swatted at his shoulder. "I could care less, but you've got me curious now. Who's this 'special someone' to you?"
"Stay curious," simply said Gun, picking up bracelets with his free hand and comparing them to the necklace in his other hand.
Fine, Goo didn't care. It was probably some one night stand Gun just really liked the work of and wanted to keep around.
Actually... Gun had never said anyone was special to him before. It was cringey to hear him say that before like Goo stated, but now curiosity grew in him. What could it mean...?
"Oh, shit! I just remembered your meeting!"
"Damn, I lost track of time."
"It's fine, we both did, now hurry!"
. . .
Mr. Choi strummed his fingers across the table, not hiding his annoyance. "Gun, late again?" he questioned, Goo snickering.
Gun bowed his head slightly. "You called in a sudden meeting. I apologize for not being prepared, sir."
Goo was sitting leaned back in his chair, feet kicked up on the table. "Why do you look like a mess?"
Gun straightened up, finishing buttoning his shirt up and running a hand through his hair. His tone was much more sharper when replying to Goo. "I just said I apologize for being unprepared."
"So? It's late at night, what were you doing? Lounging around and being messy?" joked Goo.
Mr. Choi narrowed his eyes. "Or did you just come back from 'messing around?'"
Goo's jaw dropped when Gun's head slightly lowered once more.
"You youngsters..." Mr. Choi pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No fucking way!" Goo immediately started cackling as he leaned back, nearly falling from his chair. He moved to sit properly while giggling in between. "Sorry we interrupted your little fun~"
Gun ignored him and just mumbled an apology when Mr. Choi lectured him with, "I know you're an adult with the freedom to do as you wish, but don't be so careless by losing track of time."
The meeting began right after that, and Goo listened, of course. But he couldn't help but be mildly distracted by thoughts about the person Gun was "messing around with." Did they really do him so good he would lose track of time? Or did this person matter more to him than this meeting so he stayed back a little?
Probably the first, and it was also funnier if it was true. If the second was true though, that'd be interesting. Still kind of funny, though... Goo felt like he could never imagine Gun getting emotionally invested in anyone.
"Have fun at the party!"
"Ugh, I don't even want to go... promise me you'll still be here if I come back early. Which I probably will."
"Pft, sure."
. . .
Goo had a little too much to drink during this party. But he was having fun so who cares?
While chatting up some people, he saw Gun walking away to the exit of the room and ran after him, leaving the people he was talking to confused. He wrapped an arm around Gun's shoulder once he caught up, slurring, "Where're you going, huuuh~?" Gun shrugged him off but Goo just moved to hug his arm instead. "The party just began!"
"Ugh." Gun pulled his arm out of Goo's grasp. "I don't like parties like these."
"But you never leave this early! Come on, there's more to drink and eat!"
Gun sighed and looked around until he spotted a certain someone. "Crystal!"
"Hm?" She looked over at him, pausing from grabbing snacks at the tables.
"Keep this guy busy."
"What?" Gun was already sprinting away. Crystal started shouting, "Gun! GUN!! YOU ASSHOLE!!"
"Where's he going?" Goo wailed, heading to Crystal to lean onto her. "It's like he's sneaking away to see someone!"
Crystal shoved Goo away (or attempted to, because he kept falling on her like he didn't have a skeleton), saying something under her breath as she shook her head.
Goo didn't hear, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't remember tomorrow morning anyways.
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a-writers-blurbs · 1 month
A bit of a disclaimer ig...
Hi guys,
This is going to be a long post that sounds slightly rant-y & I'm going to apologize in advance for that. I am going to make exactly ONE post (this one) about this topic, and I will not be discussing it further or posting about it again. I will also not be responding to any negative comments but deleting them instead.
These are my personal opinions and [...not *trying* to sound rude, but there's no other way to say it...] a bunch of random people online aren't going to change my opinions.
My husband is an artist. He does canvas painting & draws comic books (think anti-hero dark horse). I paint furniture (kinda mini murals) & make chibi drawings. I've also been writing fanfiction since the late 90s.
That being said, this post is about AI art.
I get the controversy, I do. But I've heard this argument before, when fanfiction became more popularized. The whole "You're just stealing someone else's work & changing it up to call it your own" is (at its core) the same argument against AI. The only difference is that instead of you yourself changing it, you're allowing a machine to do it.
But I digress...
Over the last week, I have received several messages about my use of AI art. First & foremost, my stuff is appropriately tagged as AI.
Second, I don't sell or advertise these pictures in any way. In fact, none of them have been posted anywhere but here (as of 6/1/24).
Third, and probably most important, I DONT MAKE THEM FOR YALL. Fanfiction & fanart are a HOBBY. It is something that I do because I enjoy it and it destresses me. I DO NOT do it, hoping I'll get 1000s of followers, views, likes, etc. Every story I write, I print & bind for my library. I will now be doing the same with my AI pictures.
I have a condition that has a symptom called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because of this, my head is full of an alarming amount of excruciatingly detailed & unrealistic scenarios and images. (To the point that it affects my everyday life).
I can't necessarily recreate the images in my mind without help & the only way to get rid of the random scenarios is to write them out. So I do write them. And now I use AI to help me get a BASE image. I do still go in myself and edit/redraw parts of each generated image to fit them to the characters I want them to represent. I do thus using digital art.
Granted, there's a whole other group of people that think digital art isn't real art... but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway...
I use AI art & will continue to despite some people's dislike. I will continue to delete any and all comments left publicly that are malicious, rude, or condescending. My stories & are are for me. If others enjoy it, great, that's freaking awesome. If not, there are literally thousands of other fanfic authors you can follow instead of me.
Again, I apologize, I know this sounds rude. But I need to be 100% transparent on this one. I am extremely grateful for every folllower & reader I have. I won't lie & say comments/positive interaction isn't a serotonin boost because it is. Yall also give me more motivation to actually complete a story vs. moving on to the next idea. But I'm not going to change the way I do things to appease someone I don't even know.
This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in my free time & have been doing it for 25 years now, and in the last 5 or so years ALL fandoms have gotten so toxic its hard to enjoy anything anymore. Last time it got like this, I simply stopped posting. I'd rather not do that again, but if people (who aren't even following me) don't leave me alone, I'll probably have to do it again, sadly.
But for now, hopefully this post will give people with different opinions to go ahead and block me from their feed. We're not going to agree so instead of wasting energy arguing, let's keep the peace & agree to stay off if each others feeds.
I won't judge you on your idea that you feel it's your duty to harass people over their choices & you won't judge me for enjoying something. 😉
Thank you for listening. Love yall & and I hope your day is blessed!
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thebearemoji · 10 months
I had some thoughts today about why I still gravitate to children's media as an adult. Why i still have opinions on them. And why they still maintain at least a small plot of real estate in my heart to this day. I realized that many of the cartoons I consider to be classics from my childhood (avatar the last Airbender, Danny phantom, teen titans, and later in life, star wars clone wars as a few noteworthy mentions) are a coincidental combination of the things I seek most when searching for media.
Much of a medias first impression can be tied to aesthetics. The appearance/tone/setting of a show can determine whether someone stops watching halfway through the first episode, or remembers the content for life. So what was it about those shows that stuck with me?
The least helpful description I can give of my aesthetic preferences is "escapism". I want to engage with a universe that is so compelling that it distracts me from the reality of day to day life. It can be enormous fantasy, fascinating sci fi, or just a place more fun than reality.
In addition to that, I like character designs and scenery that are colorful. There are so many drab live action shows that you can take a still image, and it would be completely indistinguishable from a thousand other shows. Good cartoons don't have that problem, they are loud to the point of iconic. It makes sense, designs from children's media are meant to sell toys. But it turns out that designs that are marketable are also often memorable. If only shows like succession were pitched with the intention to sell a line of action figures with different vibrantly colored suits /s
Looks alone don't make a series memorable. I assume I'm not alone in knowing I've watched a few GORGEOUS anime or other properties because I liked the art style, and yet when I reflect on them, I remember few if any details of the actual content. What the shows I listed above do is two-fold. Both retaining my goldfish level attention span with their visuals and entertaining me with the stories they tell.
As I said previously, I engage with media to forget my troubles. And as a result, I don't enjoy watching properties that take themselves too seriously. I need time to breathe, relax, and sometimes laugh when watching content. And cartoons have humor baked into their DNA. A bunch of silly lil guys doing animated things very naturally becomes amusing. So funny (or at the very least light-hearted), and colorful. That can describe plenty of cartoons, but the final trait is what makes my favorite truly exceptional to me.
Nothing invests me in a media like in depth character examination. I want to see those little shits emotions on full display as they face impossible odds. I want to see them scream and cry and struggle, in a way the toxic masculinity that has infested Hollywood won't allow a lot of popular properties to do. I want to take a break from marvel one liners and block buster explosions and silent dark brooding that fills every movie and every show to LOUDLY FEEL SOMETHING!
I often see people imply that continuing to hold affection for cartoons as an adult is immature. And you know what? If that's what I have to be to enjoy what I enjoy, then that's alright. There's worse things I can be then immature.
I wanna laugh and cry and forget for a little while. That's all. I mentioned clone wars above specifically because I didn't watch that show until i was in my 20's, but during its best episodes it made me feel the same way i did watching the cartoons from my youth. There's also the spiderverse movies, which are in a league of their own as far as exceptional animated content, I was captivated watching them. So I dont think nostalgia is a factor for me, i think i just... like good cartoons. And I'm done allowing other people to decide for me that I shouldn't.
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mychlapci · 7 months
Glad you enjoy the Drift piss as much as I do
A different session with Ratchet, Drift's on his knees rocking slightly side to side to help him hold it in. Eventually his hands migrate down to his crotch, holding tightly. Face red and internal fans on overdrive, he knows its not going to be very long before his frame gives up.
Ratchet, of course, reminds him that he's not allowed to touch himself. That any orgasms that do happen belong to him, and may only be done with his permission. Being the kind mech he is though, he lets Drift grind against his thigh to keep his waste tank in check.
Drift comes over, thighs practically glued together the whole time. Ratchet makes him open up his panels before anything happens, and congratulates Drift on keeping everything all in so far. He was almost certain by his little potty dance that he was already leaking. The comment is embarrassing, and like electricity to Drift's array.
Ratchet's praise doesn't stay true for long. Upon finding a good rhythm on his thigh, Drift starts to forget to hold it in. As he grinds his node and spike down, he focuses more on just how close he can get to cumming without Ratchet noticing. A few drips, a squirt, a leak, he vaguely remembers the goal and clenches to stem the flow. Ratchet's thigh is slick and warm with waste as he tries to be a good, obedient mech and grinds down harder
i dont think i even have to add anything to this. this is so good. that said, read more time bc i do have a lot to say about this actually ⬇️
Drift already knows how their sessions operate, he knows how mean Ratchet can be when he wants to, so this time around he puts in extra effort to really, really impress him, holding it in even as he can't stop his face from twisting, wincing, legs quivering as he fights the urge to press his hands against his groin again. He can barely walk over to Ratchet when ordered to, that's how full he is. And the humiliation of having to waddle over while Ratchet says such demeaning things makes him stumble.
Despite that, Drift manages to hold it in as he sits his bare valve and spike onto ratchet's thigh. The stimulation makes his waste tank pulse so hard he starts slowly rocking back and forth to try and keep it in, gasping when the pleasure only intensifies. Ratchet holds his waist, helping Drift move, kissing his cheek, saying disgusting things right into his audial. Meanwhile, Drift is shaking, holding onto Ratchet's shoulders as his valve and spike drip lubricate... Everytime charge surges through his frame, his thighs squeeze around Ratchet's leg, and a little bit of piss drips out of him, the momentary relief so great he's immediately brought to the edge of an overload, quickly snatched away when he remembers that he has to hold it in. He clenches, valve twitching. It repeats so many times that over time, he visibly stains ratchet's thigh with his waste, getting a scolding for daring to sneak little squirts when Ratchet specifically told him to keep it in, for just a little longer, Drift, seriously, for such a big scary swordsman you're so weak-willed, it's embarrassing...
Drift is so worn and high strung he's shivering in Ratchet's hold, so, so close, but not sure to what- he doesn't know whether he'll overload or piss himself the next time he lets loose. Then, at some point, Ratchet's thigh impatiently bucks up against his valve and before Drift knows it, he's overloading and pissing himself at the same time, pelvic floor so weak with pleasure he's unable to pinch it off... He makes a mess of himself and Ratchet, whose disappointed glare is only making his spike throb harder...
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quartergremlin · 4 months
avatar live action first impressions:
i like the sets!
i dont really like the cgi bemdimg, but it's not egregiously bad either. I don't like the pacing of the starting fight, and the earthvemdimg is missing that good ome-two pumch, but it's something that if it hadn't already been pointed out to me, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
i also like the idea of small-scale resistance of the earth kingdom (besides jet, jet was framed as an outlier). I appreciate that out of everyone who lost their homes and their families and their livelihoods, there were more options in the earth kingdom than 1: moving somewhere else and hope it doesn't happen again or 2: ve rich and stick your head in the same. oh this is im the past nevermind-
that is some pretty impressive costuming! however. that fake beard. jesus.
i do like the "avatar stairs" that seems like. the shittiest place to spend eternity. Hope you didn't ignore leg day when you were alive. Are they allowed to sit down?
i dont know if I like the fact that aang is the only one flying around or not. probably a sound decision. that many fake flying people in the background.... yeah this is for the better.
i also like how the war is framed in the past outside of aang's perspective. As a kid, it would have seemed like,, the war just happened one day. "The fire nation attacked".
aamg just. taking some time instead of intentionally running away is. a choice. that will have some repercussions for his character. but I trust we all understand that without me writing a dissertation about it.
that guy: im a monk, but... 💨💨💥
that said I was prepared for monk gyatso to suck all of the air out of the room in a desperate final stand, but whatever. it's fine. that was fan speculation anyway. makes sense they didn't think that hard about it and just did a regular fight.
zuko keeping tiny avatar statues! i do love and understand that.
so if I'm getting this right:
aang never ran away. so any guilt related to him doing so ever. is just. fake! yes that guilt would still be there, but without like. an actual purposeful action that aang took, the answer is always going to be that he "didn't mean to". He was going to be the avatar (he was going back), but he got caught up in the storm. It was an accident. Where is the arc?
sokka has no misogyny arc, so he's p much right about everything ever. Still doesn't care about bending, but he's being reasonable about the responsibility that they have to their home. He's going to keep doing that for the entire series herding these kids like cats. is the plan to just. have him respect Katara's bending and that's it? Where is the arc?
Katara. since sokka is like. a reasonable guy and not just telling katara to go do some "women's work" what little anger she has is less justified. it feels like she's been de-fanged in response. my least favorite thing in a female character. Sokka shouts her down and she's just. fine with that. upset about it, yeah. but where's the anger, the passion? she was trying to get the boat and duped it up. The problem here is her lack of experience. not lack of control. Where is the arc?
Takeaway: i'll give it a three. I've watched worse things. But the misunderstanding of characters pisses me off and im not sure if I want to stick around to see if they get it together. if I stop, it will probably be because I got bored. Mismanaged pacing is the real killer if it's not ugly as sin.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Your alive?! || Peter parker
Warning: Shouting, swearing, Fighting, Arguing, mentions of attempt of suicide.
Pairing: Peter parker x Stark reader
Summary: Your Tony Starks daughter. Peter and You have a big argument, which leads to you finding out you have powers. These powers you couldn't control in that moment, so Peter has to fight you to calm you down. But then Peter ends up getting hurt.
Hi, I'm Y/N Stark and I'm sixteen years old. Before you ask, yeah I'm Tony Starks daughter. No one knows that he has a daughter, well only the avengers know about me.
There's nothing really interesting about my life. I've mostly been kept away from the world because of my father. He thinks it's too dangerous and that I'm not capable to protect myself. However I think he's wrong, I can protect myself very well.
All the avengers are nice to me though, that's the only good thing. Maybe that's a little lie though as one of the avengers, Spiderman, isn't so nice. Peter Parker his name is. He's sweet, cute and kind to others but to me he's rude.
I don't know why he hates me so much or why he's such a dick but he's been like that from the start. I'm only rude to him because he does the same to me.
"y/n Stark you are staying here" my Dad argues back. All I asked was If I could join on the small mission today, or even just watch it.
"Please Dad! You never let me do anything. I'm sixteen! And you let Peter go on missions" I argue back.
"Peter is Spiderman. Y/N yours just-"
"I'm just what?....Yeah I'm just me. Just because he got bitten by a fucking spider doesn't mean he's any special to anyone else" I snap.
"Language" Steve shouted.
"Fine then. Peter will stay here with you" My father said.
"What!" me and Peter said at the same time.
"I'm not staying here with this fucking nerd" I shout.
"Y/N DONT BE SO RUDE! I have to go now, we will talk about this later. And your grounded so stay here" And then he ran out of the room.
Me and my father always argued about things like this. He just never let me try things on my own. I can look after myself and he clearly doesn't realise that.
I then heard the front door shut.
"Well your going to be here alone because Im going out" I go to walk out of the room.
But before I could even leave the room Peter spoke. "Your not allowed out. Mr Stark said your grounded" Peter grabbed my wrist.
"I don't fucking care what 'Mr Stark' thinks" I mimic the way he calls him 'Mr stark' and not Tony, yanking my wrist away from his grip.
"Your being childish y/n" Peter chuckles.
"I'm being Childish?! He's the one who never lets me do shit! IM STUCK IN THIS TOWER 24/7! AND IM FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONES SHIT." he really pissed me off and so has everyone at this point.
"You need to calm down and stop being a bitch y/n. Your not going out end off because I'll just get Mr stark to come back"
"I actually hate you so much Peter. Fuck you! I'm going out" I tried to walk out the door still mad, however I felt Peters hand on my wrist yet again.
"Let go of me Peter, I'm warning you" I say.
"You can't do shit y/n. Remember I'm Spider man and your just you. Y/N Stark who is a nobody and the biggest bitch ever" He spits in my face, my blood now boiling. This just made me so angry so I punched him in the face.
How could he say that?!
He then groaned in pain, but I didn't care. I felt so angry and sad after what he said.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Peter looks at me. He was looking at how flames were now flaming out of my body.
I had no time to react, I had no control over myself. Next thing I know, I was throwing fire at Peter and I couldn't stop. He luckily had his suit on but I was still hurting him.
"Y/N Calm down. I didn't mean it-"
"WHY PETER! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO RUDE TO ME" I shout at him, my anger taking control over my body.
"Y/N CALM DOWN" He webs my wrist but that makes my powers go off more. Fire came out of my hand and went across the floor.
When I realised what I was doing, I started to get worried. "I CANT STOP IT PETER" A tear rolled down my cheek.
"AH SHIT! Y/N THE TOWER IS ON FIRE" Peter kicked me onto the floor and I groan in pain.
"PETER GET OFF ME" I punch at him whilst he holds me on the floor and webs me up.
"Not until you can control-" he didn't finish his sentence as I somehow blasted him into the wall. He smacked his head against it and fell on the floor.
Reality then hit me, "Peter?" I look at him passed out on the floor, not moving. Finally my powers that no one knew I had calmed down. I wasn't on fire anymore and I just felt dizzy. "PETER! Wake up stop joking around" I shake him but it was no use.
"PARKER! WAKE UP. I'm sorry please. PETER IM SORRY! I'm begging you, I didn't mean to. GET UP. I'm sorry-" and that's when the door slammed open.
"Y/N STARK WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" My dad came over to me, whilst the other avengers helped put out the fire.
"It was an accident, I couldn't control it. I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD POWERS" I cry, going to stand up.
"Peter?!" He pushes me out the way.
"We need to take him to the lab!" Bruce shouts.
"He's gonna be okay though right?" I panic looking at his lifeless body.
"I don't know y/n! HE COULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!" My father shouted. My heart felt as If it had been stabbed lots of times.
This can’t be happening!
Did I kill Peter?
What have I done!
"What happened here kid" Nat asked.
"I-I think I should leave. I've done enough damage to the tower and now I might've k-killed P-peter" I run out of the tower.
Shouts were all I heard the others call after me, I just ignore it. To be honest, I didn't know where I was going, couldn't really care less. I just had to run away and be far away from everyone as possible.
Skip 6 days:
It's been six days now since everything had happened. I just can't deal with all the pain I've been experiencing right now. Im standing on top of a roof, preparing myself for what Im gonna do. I know I shouldn't but it's the best way to stop all this pain.
"I'm sorry Dad that Im the worst daughter ever. I just wanted to be more like you and Peter and everyone else. I'm s-sorry Peter. I loved you so much and you didn't even know. I lost control over myself. I didn't know I had powers and that's why I have to do this. I deserve it after all. I'm gonna jump now and I'll be with Peter" I say to myself and walked back.
As soon as I was about to Jump I heard a voice.
"I wouldn't do that If I was you" That made me turn around and I saw him. Standing in his suit with his mask in his hands and red puffy eyes.
"P-Peter?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.
"hey" he smiled.
"Your alive!" I run to him and hug him for dear life.
"This is nice" he hums whilst he hugs back.
"I-I'm so sorry Peter. I didn't mean to do that, I had no control. I t-thought I-I k-killed you" I sobbed into his chest.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry. It's not your fault, I'm alive see. I deserved it"
"NO! You didn't deserve what I did" I look up at him.
"I'm fine now though. Everyone's worried about you, you've been hiding really good. Did you mean what you said?" he stroked my cheek.
"Mean what?"
"That you love me" I just nodded.
"Well I love you too. And the only reason why I was so mean to you was because I've had a crush on you for so long now. Im really sorry about that. How about I make it up to you? A date?" he smiled.
"A date it is" I leaned up to kiss him on the lips, which he returned back.
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What is the controversial opinion then? If you're not comfortable sharing feel free to just delete this but I like reading other people's opinions on media so I'm curious 👀
i told a mutual about it last night, and it turns out it is something coherent, so i will allow the masses to know
(im referencing the conversation so i can phrase this well, but i will not be including any of their messages- dont worry!)
a lot of people really love stan and really hate ford. a lot of said people will try to put ford down in order to lift stan up. lift stan up, in order to put ford down
ignore stan's faults, or downplay them, in order to emphasis ford's faults or give him ones that were never there
that is not the opinion. that is a pattern i noticed and it needs to be stated for context. here's the opinion-
people who do this do not care about stan.
because you cant really love something if youre just using it as a tool to make something else look worse.
and you cant really love something if you cant acknowledge that it has faults. stan has done bad things. he has lied, he has hurt people, he never apologizes for anything. he can be stubborn to the point of causing problems (see, the zodiac gone wrong)
and we love him for that. we love him for being written like an actual human being. we love him for making mistakes and always trying to fix them. why are so many people so adverse to that? he feels so much less real when you take away his faults. he stops being written to be a human and starts being written to be a weapon
that first point is a filbrick tactic, may i add. what did he do? use ford as a weapon against stan. this is the same. the only difference is that stan is the weapon here and ford the victim.
im very sorry if any of this sounds aggressive, but its just. disheartening, i suppose.
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dojae-huh · 5 months
Why do you feel like doyoung's annoying? I already watched that episode but I feel like on the surface level, lee dong's the more annoying one? I dont know why we read it so differently hahaha. Could you elaborate why you think that way? I also think both taeyong and jaehyun are pushovers loll like in daily activites, not on major life decisions ofc
Haechan is an annoying person, many neos told us this. However, it is a tool for him, he uses any means to attract attention. As a child with abandonment issues, it is a normal way to cope. It is also was a protective mechanism, a shield, probably. Attack first. And, of course, now it is part of his entertainment repertoir as an idol. The older Hyuk becomes, the more he shows his serious side. He is actually more on a calm side, he is an observer and can demonstrate patience. I think the way he can pair with Taeil so well for creative work is a reflection of that. As well as the way he dresses for himself (old professor type, heh), and how he interacts with the fans, his attitude to his own career.
Doyoung is annoying by nature, he was a noisy kid who didn't want to sit down, a menace to teachers. He said he joined clubs and student counsils because he was bored. He needs to be busy non-stop. With him it is the other way around: life taught him to hide this side of him, to be more pleasant, more pleasing. We are used to seeing Doyoung in Parent role, when he focuses on someone else, channels his energy into a single beam, so to speak. When he on his own, when he puts himself first, his energy is scattered in a chaotic way around him. I always compare Doyoung's brain to a beehive. Now imagine this hive buzzing and bees flying around it. This is the image of "annoying" Do gives. He can sting at any moment.
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2Dong's Mokchu was Haechan's idea. In the 0 episode Doyoung played the supporting role. He praised Hyuk for his wit, he accepted Hyuk's greeting ideas, he didn't try to be main MC, he let Hyuk lead. 2Dongs had a good rapport, everything progressed smoothly (and the editing helped). This is why you didn't read anything as annoying. On the whole it wasn't.
However, they filmed late at night, Doyoung was tired and hungry, he was in the company of his bestie and managers he knows well, he allowed himself to relax and partially shed the idol persona. He was himself more than we usually see.
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Doyoung micromanages, interrupts, gets distracted, argues, challenges your opinions, teases, makes jabs at you, gets amuzed at your expense and laughs every other minute. People like Haechan, Jaehyun or Taeyong can deal with it. People like sensitive vulnarable Yuta or seeking peace and calm Taeil can get overwhelmed and annoyed.
I think I can use the adjective "abrasive"? Doyoung is not agressive, he is just noisy, reactive, demanding. I'm not saying it in a negative way. I'm just pointing out that the real him is not for everyone to be comfortable with.
Take the moment with Doyoung interrogating the male manager why he didn't like the restaurant Do recommended to him (You didn't like my choice? Dare to explain why?). Do was so into getting the answer out of the man, he stopped listening to Haechan and paying attention to the task at hand (shooting the programme). And later was like "Eh, I wasn't listening. Repeat what you said?" to Hyuk, heh.
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