#i dont know if anyone will recognize these characters but oh well
snurpy · 1 year
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dont look at me
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Ej, Lj, Masky, Hoodie, Masky, Ticci Toby and Bloody Painter x reader who draws them
Prize 5/5 for @reivelmin !! I hope you've enjoyed all of your prizes WOOHOO!! I had a blast writing them, hardly ever get the excuse to write for some of these characters EHEHEHEHE
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I've always headcanoned that Jack was always a bit of an artist himself, although the most he does it sketch every now and then to keep his kind busy. He points out some techniques he recognizes and asks you about it. It.. actually takes him a moment to realize that all of the drawings are him. You can practically hear the gears turning in his head before he tries to move on. This opens the window for the two of you to draw together every now and then.. though jack is always a little embarrassed.. flustered.. with the knowledge that you have so much of him in your book
Very loud when saying he loves it. Hes flipping through the pages before pausing, looking you dead in the eye. He makes a comment about how you must be soooooo obsessed with him. Hes teasing you, of course! He offers to draw you in return.. though dont expect anything crazy, Jack's not.. the best artist- and hes okay with that! Loves looking through your art whenever you offer it. Would kick his feet in the air while looking through the pages. Sometimes you give him sketches to color, to keep him busy while you have to go do something
He already knew what you were drawing him before you ever have the chance to show him. The man is silent and is constantly keeping an eye on you.. he does NOT know how to be a normal roommate!! You probably dont get the chance to show him yourself, because he points at a stray pencil marking that you forgot to erase. Worst jumpscare of your life, if you werent already aware of his presence in the room... he.. actually gives a thumbs up. Which doesnt seem like much but considering that he doesnt really emote, that's a huge thing... now does he think it's a little odd that you have a bunch of sketches where hes the reference? A little, but he does offer some good poses and lighting due to him tending to lurk in the shadows
Very similar to Masky but at least he pretends to not know. You walk up to him with your sketchbook and hes so obviously playing dumb but its.. sweet that hes pretending. He takes his time looking through all of the art, where some of the others get too excited and flip through it all. He doesnt talk, but he does communicate that he thinks it all looks great via sign.. oh he would definitely start leaving sticky notes with doodles around for you to find
I think Toby would be a little overwhelmed, he didnt think anyone would be interested in him enough to want to fill an entire sketchbook with him. He tries to cover up his shock by lightly making fun of the situation. Though every tease he tries to draw out falls flat, as everytime he goes to poke fun of something about the art he trails off. Besides, he couldn't bring himself to actually make fun of the stuff you make.. if it's a gift, you offer to take it back but he quickly shuts that down. Its like the Bob's burger friendship bracelet audio, "no fuck off its mine"
As an artist himself, he asks you about what materials you used as well as the techniques you used! Unlike EJ, Helen is more thorough in his questioning and knows a lot more fancy terms.. he points out the good parts of your pieces, and catches himself before giving his criticisms.. he at least makes sure that the criticism is wanted before just unloading (and even then hes constructive! Hes well aware that just dunking on someone does nothing to help them grow). It actually strikes his ego a lot that you would dedicate so much time and material to just him, and it inspires him to make something for you in return. If he didnt know you were an artist prior to this, he offers to paint with you.. whether as a collab or just simply working parallel to one another! Just please pay no mind to him staring at you more intently while hes at his canvas...!
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Lost In You: Part One
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Plot: When attending your friends costume party, you keep getting complimented on your couples costume. But you can't help but be confused, after all, you came to the party alone.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Gn!Reader* *A/n: Obviously had to go with Star Wars costumes lmao, and even though the costumes are of a male and female character, I believe it doesn't matter the gender of the character, you can still dress up as them anways. So besides the reader dressing "as" Rey, everything else is Gender Neutral, so please dont let that effect how you enjoy the story. The readers costume is not mentioned in detail, only vaguely to give a rough idea :)
-Meet-Cute Series-
Warnings/Notes: Brief mentions of alcohol, drinking, and drunk people. Reader is referenced to have drank, but is not drunk. Reader is a bit of geek (helps them bond with Seonghwa).
Words: ~2.4k
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Walking around the fairly crowded house, your eyes scanned over the mix of recognizable, impressive, unusual, and downright lazy costumes that people were wearing.
When you had been invited to your friend's birthday, being told it was a costume party, you were excited. You had been wanting an excuse to wear your costume for ages, having missed the opportunity the previous Halloween.
Waving to some people you knew, your eyes scanned the crowd for more of your friends.
Nearly bumping into someone, you said excuse me before you recognized them as an acquaintance.
"Oh hey!" you greeted cheerfully "Nice costume" you smiled down at their bright yellow kill-bill inspired jumpsuit.
"Thank you!" they grinned as they looked at yours "Oh! Love that you went with a couples costume!"
You furrowed your brow "Huh?"
Having not heard you they waved to someone nearby before smiling at you "Sorry, gotta go, I'll talk to you later yeah?"
"Oh yeah, bye" your voice was still laced with confusion as they walked away.
Couples costume? You hadn't matched with anyone, none of your friends were really into Star Wars, so they wouldn't have matched with you.
You shrugged it off, figuring they just mistook your costume for someone else as you walked through a small group of people, before spotting one of your best friends.
Grinning, you snuck up on her "Hey!"
Gasping, she turned around with a glare "Stop doing that"
You chuckled as you grabbed yourself a drink before looking around "A lot more people came than I thought would."
"Yeah, I guess adults really do love an excuse to dress up like kids again."
You smiled and nodded, agreeing with the thought. "I thought you were going to go with Harely Quinn?" You asked as you eyed her Batwoman costume.
"It was trash" she rolled her eyes "Tore as I was putting it on."
"That's what you get for ordering cheap"
She waved her hand dismissively "I know, I know"
"Where did you get this one?"
"Last minute favor from my cousin, luckily we're the same size, otherwise I would have shown up in that slinky red dress I have and called myself Marilyn Monroe"
"You have black hair, Betty Boop is more accurate"
Just as she opened her mouth to retaliate, a drunk girl stumbled up to the drinks table before the spotted your costume.
"Ooh, that's why he brushed me off" she pouted before her eyes rose to meet yours.
You rose your brow before you glanced at your friend who gave you a similar look of confusion.
The drunk girl took a step closer "You wore a couples costume, that's so cute, mm'jealous" she slurred with an even bigger pout before she spotted someone, squealed and ran towards them.
You let out an awkward chuckle as your friend looked at you "What the hell was that?"
"I don't know, but that's the second time someone said I was wearing a couples costume with someone."
She looked you up and down, "Well, since you're dressed as Ren-"
"...Rey, then someone is dressed as that tall evil black haired guy right?"
"Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo" you stopped yourself from explaining as you recalled your friends lack of interest in the franchise before you began looking around the crowd of people "I haven't seen anyone in an outfit like that so far."
She hummed before she glanced around as well "I wonder if they're cute."
You scoffed but couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Shrugging it off again, you turned around, just missing the cloaked figure walk past and into the next room.
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After a while, you parted ways with your friend. You made your way through the crowd again, having begun to grow tired of being bumped into, and having to strain your ears to hear anything anyone tried to say to you.
Your friend had clearly over-invited guests or overestimated how many people would show up, as the room grew hot and almost claustrophobic.
Spotting the doors leading to the backyard, which seemed surprisingly empty, you slid through a group of dancing people, desperately wanting to escape.
Feeling your costume catch on something, you had to tug yourself away, before accidentally running into someone just as you reached the doors.
"Oh sorry!" your voice almost mimicked the strangers, as you both apologized as your eyes met.
You smiled, "Excuse me" you added on.
"It's okay" he smiled sweetly, his voice soft.
Your eyes drifted down to catch his costume, and you felt yourself freeze as you noted the lightsaber hooked on his belt. His eyes grazed over you as well as he had the same exact reaction.
Your eyes quickly met again as your voices called out at the same time "You!"
You rose you brow in surprise and he chuckled "I've been hearing all night about someone I wore matching costumes with."
You smiled and let out a soft laugh "So have I!"
His smile widened a bit, and you realized just how attractive he was. He was intimidatingly attractive, actually, you told yourself as you suddenly felt a bit shy.
You cleared your throat a bit "Nice costume, it looks like really good quality"
He grinned down at his costume before he looked at you "Thank you. Your's too!"
You smiled, starting to feel a bit self-concious as his eyes seemed to have looked you over slowly.
Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice full of excitement "You're lightsaber! I have the same one at home!"
"You do?" you asked intrigued as he nodded with excitement "I collect a lot of Star Wars stuff" he confessed, and you saw a tinge of embarrassment cross his features.
'Cute' you thought as you grinned, "I collect a lot of stuff too! From Star Wars and other movies"
His face seemed to brighten a bit, as he wondered what else you might have in common.
As a loud song came on, you winced a bit as you looked towards the now cheering group of drunk people.
Seonghwa cringed as well, before he looked over at you and leaned closer. You turned and met his gaze, alarmed by his sudden closeness.
"Were you heading outside?"
You nodded, unable to find your voice as your eyes remained locked with his.
"Me too." Hearing a drunken scream you saw him wince as he motioned his head towards the door "Shall we?"
You let out a soft chuckle and nodded. You watched him opened the doors, stepping aside so you could go out. You muttered a thanks as you made your exit, your heart hammering in your chest.
The cool night air washed over you and seemed to sober any ounce of drunkenness you might have held before.
There were only a few people scattered around the back yard. A few in the pool, and some playing a nearby fooseball game.
You looked back at the house and shook your head softly, "I'd hate to have to clean up after this."
The man laughed and agreed, as he stopped beside you. Looking back over at him, your heart jumped a bit as he was already looking at you.
He seemed to realize this too before he adjusted himself "I'm Seonghwa by the way."
You smiled at him "I'm Y/n."
His smile widened as you introduced yourself. Seonghwa's heart was beating fast, as his face felt hot, he hadn't drank much at all, so he knew it must just be you affecting him this way.
His eyes glanced over at a nearby couch surrounding a firepit. Feeling a bit brave, and far too intrigued by you to just walk away, he met your eyes again.
"Want to go sit?"
You looked back at where his eyes lingered and you smiled before nodding softly. Following him over to the couch you took in a deep breath, calming yourself.
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It hadn't taken long for you and Seonghwa to fall into deep conversation. You had a lot in common and found subject after subject to rant about to each other. From movies, to music, to friends and dreams, you wouldn't be surprised if you lost your voice the next morning with how much you seemed to be talking
So lost in each other's conversation, you hadn't noticed when the music died down, or how the back yard had emptied, leaving you two alone. Inside the house, nearly 70% of the people had gone home.
Nor had you noticed how much closer to two of you had become, literally.
When you sat down, you had sat on the seperate chair beside the couch, feeling too shy to sit beside each other. But now, you were both leaning forward, sitting beside each other on the couch now, faces merely a foot apart as you raved about a recent move you had both seen.
Seonghwa's arm was draped across the back of the couch, behind your shoulder, something he hadn't even noticed because it felt so natural already. When his knees brushed yours as you sat facing each other, you barely noticed.
Your voice cut out mid-sentence as you heard a familiar voice call out. Looking over, you see her walking across the yard, red solo cup in hand.
Her eyes moved to Seonghwa and you saw the look on her face that screamed 'Holy shit, he's gorgeous.'
Seonghwa however, did not see this, as his eyes became glued to you again, after only having glanced towards your friend when she first came out.
"Oh, hey!" you greeted.
She leaned on the back of the couch before Seonghwa finally looked over at her. They introduced themselves to each other before your friend looked him up and down.
"Oooh, you're the one that people kept thinking matched with Y/n."
Seonghwa chuckled and nodded his head "Yes, that's me."
She met your eyes, and a knowing look passed over her face, that you promptly ignored.
"I was surprised to see you out here though, you never stay at parties this long."
"What do you mean, what time is it?"
She rose her brow "One in the morning"
Your eyes widened as you looked over at Seonghwa, who had a similar look on his face. He took out his phone and you saw the time flash across his screen. 1:14am.
"I got here at nine" you said out loud to no one in particular.
She nodded, "And you've been out here...chatting" she glanced at Seonghwa "for about three hours."
You and Seonghwa locked eyes and he smiled somewhat shyly as he looked down at his lap.
"Oops." You chuckled as you looked back at your friend who wiggled her eyebrows.
"You said you were only staying until eleven, since you have work tomorrow"
"Oh God, I have work tomorrow" you put your hand on your face as fatigue washed over you, surely only because you now knew what time it was.
Seonghwa smiled as he watched you, thinking of how cute you were. Though, he also had to work tomorrow, and showing up to early morning dance practice after a late night was not his ideal.
You met his eyes, "I should go."
Seonghwa nodded his head "I should too, I also have work tomorrow." he chuckled.
You smiled at him as mutual shyness seemed to wash over both of you. Your friend looked between the two of you and smiled before standing up straight.
She tapped your shoulder, "Come find me after you say goodbye we can get a ride together."
You nodded at her as you looked back at Seonghwa. Both of you began to rise as you let out a soft groan.
"How did I not realize it had gotten so late?" you chuckled softly.
Seonghwa smiled, "We were busy."
He hadn't felt as though time had passed at all when he was with you. He got so lost in talking with you, so lost in you, that he didn't realize there was anything going on around him at all.
The way he was staring fondly as you made your breath hitch. You smiled at him as you felt your ears burn a little hotter.
"Yeah. It's been a while since I've met someone I could talk to about all of that stuff."
He grinned, "Me too."
Seonghwa, realizing you were about to say goodbye, felt panic rise in his chest. He didn't want to say goodbye, at least not forever.
"Uh- can I- do you think I could get your number?"
Your heart leapt as he asked, and you resisted the urge to respond with as much excitement as you felt.
You nodded, "Yeah"
"Great. And maybe...we could go see that movie next week?" he asked, referencing the movie you shared excitement about earlier.
You nodded a bit more fervently this time, "That would be fun"
He nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone. When you exchanged numbers you began heading inside, noticing immediately how the party had ceased since you were last inside.
Music was no longer playing. Empty cups and plates were scattered around, two people were passed out on the couch as the disco ball spun slowly on the ceiling.
You winced, "Yikes"
Seonghwa laughed before you looked back over at him "I should go find my friend"
He nodded, "I'll text you tomorrow?"
You nodded with a bright smile and Seonghwa almost felt like swooning at the sight. As he began to walk away, he gave you another glance as he waved.
You waved goodbye before you spotted you friend watching you with a grin from across the room.
When Seonghwa disappeared out the front door, you made your way to your friend who rose her hand.
"If you tell me you didn't get his number, I swear to God-"
"I got his number" you cut her off.
"Yes!" She cheered dramatically "I cannot believe how gorgeous he is."
"Right!?" You said with a restrained excitement.
"Are you going to see him again?"
You nodded, "He asked me to see a movie next week."
She clapped her hands as she led you to the door "You have to tell me all about him on the ride."
You nodded as you thought back on your night, and Seonghwa. You had never clicked with someone so fast before, it almost felt too good to be true. Almost.
xx End xx
-Part Two-
Ateez General Taglist: @soso59love-blog
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @acciocriativity
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ezziefae · 8 months
Thoughts on Chap. 3 of The Prisoner's Throne (SPOILERS)
hello readers, forgive me for the typos, there are so many things about this chapter that had me screaming. Enjoy my thoughts!!!
“I want—” he begins.
“No,” she tells him. “By the power of Grimsen’s bridle, get on your knees and be silent.”
Wren has to be one of the scariest characters ever written by holly black. 
Her mouth curves into a smile, but it isn’t a nice one. “By Grimsen, I command you to do exactly as I say from here forward. You will stay on your knees until I say otherwise.”
Oak should have left when he had the chance.
Nahhh! I knew since TSH that we were gonna see Wren use the bridle on Oak, but now that i'm READING THIS it's still INSANE that she's willingly using it to CONTROLL him fully, it makes me think of Jude and Cardan, and how Jude kind of sorta had control of Cardan, but only by Pledge. Jude also had a power to command Cardan whatever she wished him to do, but she never ordered him to do something like THIS. Wren seems to have no mercy on Oak. She could legit make him kill or hurt anyone, she could make him jump off a bridge or say anything. Kind of also reminds me of when Locke ordered the ghost to betray Jude and the court of shadows, and how the Ghost had no control over his actions, and how in TQON he asked Jude to kill him because he'd rather die than be controlled by anyone. Wren did not come to play. This is so scary!!!
He finds her fascinating. He’s always found her fascinating, but he is not foolish enough to tell her that. Especially not in this moment, when he is afraid of her.
Oak is literally being controlled and is bridled and these are his thoughts…he's so downbad that it could actually get him killed. 
“I am already bridled,” he says, feeling a little frantic. “You don’t need to lock me away. I can’t harm you unless you let me. I am entirely in your power. And when I did escape, I came directly to your side. Let me kneel at your feet in the throne room and gaze up adoringly at you.”
“I have to occupy myself somehow,” he says. “When I am between moments of gazing adoringly, of course.”
I have no words…Not Oak trying to use his charm on her, like dude, i dont think thats gonna work.
The door opens, and Fernwaif comes in, a single guard behind her. Oak recognizes him as Bran, who occasionally sat at Madoc’s dinner table when Oak was a child. He looks horrified at the sight of the prince on his knees, wearing the livery of a guard beneath a stolen cloak.
I absolutely LOVE that we’re getting past memories of Oak when he was a child. It also helps the readers feel nostalgic from reading the folk of the air series. When Jude, Taryn, Vivi, Oak, Madoc, and Oriana lived in peace.I hope we get so many of these moments…even though i have to say this paragraph is a little sad, how Oak recognized the guard as one of his fathers friends..
“You don’t know me as well as you think, Greenbriar heir,” she says. “I remember your stories, like the one about how you used a glamour against your mortal sister and made her strike herself. How would you like to feel as she felt?” 
NOT HER USING THIS AGAINST HIM!!! Love how that moment keeps being brought up. (And i predict that Oak will apologize to Jude about it in this book)
“I’ll slap myself silly willingly, if you like,” he offers. “No need for a command.”
“What if, instead, I force you onto your hands and knees to make a bench for me to sit upon?” Wren inquires lightly, but her eyes are alight with fury and something else, something darker. 
Wren.... I don't think that sounds like a punishment to him sweetie…
“Crawl to me.” Her eyes shine, fever bright.
Again, Oak’s body moves without his permission. He finds himself writhing across the floor, his stomach against the carpet. He flushes with shame.
SHES SO WRONG FOR THAT. SHE'S HUMILIATING HIMM! Not even Jude did these thing to Cardan *sobs* 
When he reaches her, he stares upward, rage in his eyes. He’s humiliated, and she’s barely begun. She was right when she said he didn’t understand what it would feel like. He hadn’t counted on the embarrassment, the fury at himself for not being able to resist the magic. He hadn’t counted on the fear of what she would do next.
This is actually very sad. Wren is treating him somewhat in a way that she had been treated. She's hurt, and I guess it's very understandable, I just wish she didn't have to inflict that pain on Oak. 
Oak cuts his gaze toward Bran, who has remained stiff and still, as though afraid to draw Wren’s attention. The prince wonders how far she would go if he were not present.
Two things!! Number one I literally FORGOT the guard  was still in the room and he had to WATCH oak crawl to her. Number two, That last line…..what kind of things would she has ordered Oak to do if the guard had not been in the room……(side eye) 
Wren turns to him. “Perhaps I ought to have you sent to the Great Hall tomorrow and command that you endure ten strikes of an ice whip. Most barely get through five.”
Oh my god, she really is EVIL DUDE. I've never seen this kind of evil in a holly black book. Now I'm scared. 
Oak looks directly into her eyes. “Why are you keeping me at all, Wren? Am I a hostage to be ransomed? A lover to be punished? A possession to be locked away?”
“That,” she says, bitterness in her voice, “is what I am trying to figure out myself.” She turns to the guards. “Take him back to his cell.”
OH IM VERY EXCITED TO SEE WHAT SHE'S PLANNING. Remember that Jude and Cardan are on their way to save Oak, if anything I believe Wren is somehow going to use Oak against elfhame. Maybe she’ll order him to hurt jude or cardan. THIS BOOK IS GOING TO END ME AGH I NEED IT NOWWW.
“Good night, Prince of Elfhame,” Wren says as he is led from the room. He manages a single glance back. Her gaze locks with his, and he can feel the frisson of something between them. Something that might well be terrible, but that he wants more of all the same.
I'm very curious to know how Oak is going to handle this mess. Like he's absolutely F*CKED. He's so down bad for Wren that he would do anything to stay by her side and protect her, YET he also wants to protect his family members who are on their way to save him and to kill wren. He cannot save BOTHHHH, meaning he will probably have to choose sides. Holly Black why are you torturing us!!!
49 more days till this book comes out. stay strong. 
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slutouttanowhere · 5 months
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Pairing: LA Knight x reader
Genre: fluff
a/n: I started this as an imagine over on Twitter but 140 characters weren’t enough. I fell asleep typing this, and I woke up to finish bc what else’s should I have done??? Anywho I hope you megastar girlies enjoy some Knight fluff, hes said himself that usually he’s a sweetheart, and I can absolutely believe that. Like, reblog and comment please
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Chelsea Green invited you to a beach party. At first you were reluctant as you really didn’t like crowded spaces, but she knew what to say. “Cmonnn, oh! LA Knight will be there.” She grinned, and just like that she got you hook line and sinker. Now you regretted even telling her that you had a thing for the Megastar, but she wouldn’t be your bestie if she didn’t know all your dirty little secret.
“I’ll think about it.” You smiled, but gave her no more than that. Of course you showed up anyway, late as hell, but at least you showed! After a few drink, you began to loosen up and mingle with everyone. You caught Matt Riddles attention, and he ended up talking your ears off. You sorta dont mind because most of his excitement made you laugh for a bit, but you were thankful when Randy called for Matt, thus saving you. Some people you recognized, but Chelsea had too many non-wrestling fans for you to feel comfortable enough socializing with them.
You wandered over to the bar to order yourself a fruity cocktail, when someone slid over next to you. “Well if it ain’t miss social butterfly.” LA Knight chuckled from beside you, he didn’t even bother to button his shirt putting his chest hairs on full display. A thin sheen of sweat covering his broad chest, and tricking down his toned stomach. Neither of you hid the fact that you were indeed gawking at each other. Despite seeing each other half naked every week, you were still taken aback by how handsome he is. His gold link chain glisten in the setting sun, and his baby blue eye held a look of admiration as they slid over your face taking in every detail. When his eyes lingered too long on your plump, glossy lips, you looked away bashfully.
“Oh so you were watching me fail terribly at living up to my hottest wwe star name?” It was really meant as a joke, one you didn’t expect him to take seriously, but he never liked it when you talked down about yourself.
“You’re the prettiest thing walking on two legs around here sweetheart.” He spoke sincerely looking you deep in the eyes, he could have told you that he invented chocolate just then, and you might have believed him. He’s convincing like that.
At that moment you decided to do something totally out of character for you, but you were feeling courageous. “Wanna dance?” Before he could answer you were already taking him by the hand and leading him in the middle of the large group of people. The music was a nice slow tempo, Lana Del Rey crooning into the summer breeze. You didn’t dare look at anyone else for the fear of possibly being judged might seep in. Instead you threw your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the nape of his hair. Naturally his hands fell at your waist, but they lowered to your hips.
His lips parted to speak but he thought against, desperate to hear what he had to say you blurred out. “Say it.”
“I’m not sure when it happened, we ended up spending a lot of time together on the road, and at first I thought I was okay with you just being my buddy. That’s the thing, I’ve been looking at you for so long I began to realize how sweet, and beautiful you are. And yeah, you’ve got a gorgeous face doll, but I’m talking about the inside, you’re such a genuine person…I crave more of it. I don’t even know if you feel the same way, or any kind of way about me. What I do know is that I’ve been wanting to say this forever, and I don’t think I could have waited any longer.” He finally took a breath, his gaze finally finding yours now that he’s said what was in his mind. To say you were shocked by this revelation is an understatement, you had put it out of your head long ago that he would ever go for a girl like you. Here he was confessing.
“Shaun…I don’t know what to say.” You breathed out, someone had bumped into, and pushing you and Shawn closer together. His eyes looked like the ocean, he watched you with pleading gaze.
“Say something.” His eyes searching yours for any drop of objections, but you had none. Your body relaxed in his arms, a tiny snake curled onto your lips, you leaned in close, and touched your forehead to his. Your bodies were not pressed together, his hands traveling up and down your back lovingly.
“Ive felt that way for so long, it’s like I’ve been holding my breath for three years.” You finally spoke in a whisper.
His face scrunched up in disbelief, “well why didn’t you say something dummy.”
“I am not a dummy, and I don’t know, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” You chuckled, now that you’ve said it out loud, it all seemed a little ridiculous that you held it in this long.
“Does this mean you’ll go on dates with me now?” He asked half joking, half serious.
“How could I say no to dates with a Megastar, huh? Yeah.” You loved saying his catchphrases and watching the serotonin hit in real time. Not everyone could swoon LA Knight, but you seemed to do it so effortlessly.
He let out an airy sigh, his eyes softened as he looked back at you with adoration. “Can I kiss you already?” He asked chewing on his own bottom lip as if holding himself back so he wouldn’t kiss me without my permission.
“Duh.” You giggled before pressing your lips to his, it was gentle, yet you could feel his desire for you. The butterflies in the pit of your stomach erupt causing you to smile into the kiss. When you pulled away finally he still lingered wanting more, the two of you swayed slowly in the sea of bodies. Eventually the two of you got away to the inside of Chelsea’s beach house to make out, tangle up together in one of the guest rooms. You knew she’d have a field day when you tell her about tonight, that’s if she somehow didn’t know already.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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@kinky-asexual I love myself having certain colors represent certain themes/events/occasions :) TYSM by the way!!
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I bring you this doodle! @greentrickster
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Dont know why I drew this but here you go. @wraenata Have an emotional support peepaw.
Anyways, Marcus Moncrief was on Saturday Night Live, live!! Donnie was rambling to Leo about the concept of freezing time by reaching absolute 0 in Kelvin :)
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Oh I have been waiting for someone to ask me something like this, you have no idea. Putting this ESSAY under a cut oops I wrote a ton (if the cut even works, sometimes they dont)
I am very aware of the norm of the usual take of Future Leo AU's, it was all those AU's and fics that mad inspired me after all! They are all so good and play on a very interesting concept! Issue is, it ended up being the only take I ended up seeing. With the whole future and present self having some form of resentment towards eachother even if it was just a little bit, or for only a short period of time. I honestly needed a fresh breath of air and it came to my attention as time went on that other readers also needed a breath of fresh air. So uh, I very much saw the opportunity here and took it, with the added bonus of it being in comic form since theres so many fics out there.
Yes my comic is absolutely the opposite of the norm and I plan on keeping it like that, I made it the opposite of the norm for a reason, and the reason definitely shows through the sheer numbers and attention I have been getting on this thing! I am so happy so many people are enjoying the series! I am so glad to heal everyones wounds from the anguish of the usual plotlines haha!
Sidenote, I would actually highly recommend this post by pinetreevillain, read the tags, words things better than I ever could. Not just the OP's tags, all the reblog tags too.
(There may have been fics were the Leos were actually nice to eachother, but either I did not hear of them/see them, or they were just overall not popular enough to be well known and recognized for the good relationship)
I understand that such a fast change in character meanwhile does not happen overnight. This here is probably the biggest issue I have within the series, though I do have a little bit of reasoning.
I am just going to be flat out honest, I personally find it hard for myself to sit and read through something about characters arguing, it makes me weirdly uneasy. Something something about characters who love eachother yelling it out just hits me in a way I try to avoid whoops. So if I find it hard to read something like that, it is even harder for me to write and draw it out myself, there will be no forms of these sorts situations in the series because of that. Though this does tie back into me trying to avoid the norm, having everyone be kind to Leo after the movie is a take you do not see often.
I actually attempted addressing the movie aftermath with Raph and Leo with this comic, it was the whole point on why I made the comic! Because yes! I These two really did need some new take, my own take, on the aftermath. I wanted to show in that comic that Raph is not mad, happy actually, that Leo managed to pull himself together for such an act. Leo proved on that day that he knew what he was doing, how to care for a team, and that he was truly meant for his role as the leader.
Final little point: Lets be honest I dont think anyone will have the guts to even be mad at Leo after he sacrificed himself and his arm to save everyone. How could anyone be mad at that? Outside the fear of loosing him of course
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pure-incense · 5 months
Heya! Name's Reuniclus! (Yes!!! That is my actual name!! I didn't change it to that or anything!!) I'm a psychic type specialist from Unova! Obviously not to be confused with a psychic person, though working with the pokemon I do has led me to meeting plenty of those!!
I work with the Landon Foundation, although this isn't an official account by any means, and all opinions expressed here are my own. I wanted to mention that since I'll probably talk about the pokemon I work with a lot, and I'm totally open to answering any questions people have as long as they're something I can answer.
Considering my name, appearance, and the info that I work with the Landon Foundation, you might recognize me if you've ever heard of the group, especially Blueberry Students since Cyrano's been inviting us to do talks there for years, and I'm usually one of the speakers for that. For those of you that have never heard of it, The Landon Foundation is a group based in Unova that's dedicated to helping more stigmatized pokemon by educating people on them, both funding and running our own shelters and rescues, as well as helping trainers find forever friends in these often looked down upon pokemon! It's named after our founder's rescue deino, Landon.
Oh! Here's my trainer ID, but obviously with some stuff censored. Personal info, yknow?
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I promise I'm not as disinterested as I look in the picture!!
haha new pkmn irl blog. falls over. I made a whole trainer card from scratch from this cause i dont like having a random ass trainer on the pokecharms cards and editing them is against their tos so. falls over.
@cassi-pokeblogging-hub back at it again yippe. you know the drill. love wins. i was gonna say falls over again here but ive said it numerous times. who giva shit. boundaries and stuff over there of course. read those but the basic shit to note is that mun is an adult.
i block if i hate ur vibes. Reuniclus is meant to be a character i can freely interact with anyone with so. yippe?? im gonna be rbing so many posts with this fucker just cause i find i dont actually do a lot of interaction on my other blogs because im nervous so this is to get over that.
reuniclus is for the most part not gonna be related to any of my other blogs. i might rb my own posts to boost or if i think theyre stuff they'd rb ic but ehhh.
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seaweedbraens · 1 month
can I just say how much I Love the way you did justice by Piper?
She was always my favorite character in this fic, and you've made her resolution is so cathartic and beautiful, especially in regards to Shel.
One of the biggest issues I have with RR is how he treated Piper and basically ignored her trauma. Like, Piper had so much baggage and issues surrounding her relationship with Jason and gave her a new relationship just cause, literally in the next book.
The way you've written it, it's just really clear that she's hurting. She wants to heal, she needs to heal, but just slapping a new relationship on as a bandaid isn't going to do anything, and the way that you've written her coming to terms with her healing journey is phenomenal.
(I hope this made sense I'm just really emotional about her okay?)
piper's was my FAVORITE epilogue to write. it felt good to help her start to heal - she has been through SO MUCH and i think it is important for her to slowly come to accept the idea of love (in any form) again. to me shes the character with the most love to give, she is generally kind and accepting, and she has been hurt what feels to her in a way beyond repair. i think anyone in her situation would find it hard to let go and even begin to thinking of someone new, but it has to happen eventually and so i wanted piper to slowly come to terms with that and all that it entails.
in the end, i want piper to remember jason with love, but to also recognize that it is a love that has passed. that doesnt mean she loves him any less, but it does mean that she will one day open her heart up again. it doesnt have to be anytime soon, or at all, tbh, but in the meantime, she has her friends. :)
also lets get something clear i HATE canon shel. like first of all piper moved on too quick like who IS this woman, and secondly thats a stupid ass name, i made it short for shelby because i had to give her SOMETHING 😭😭 also the way we know NOTHING ABOUT HER LMFAOOOO @perseannabeth had to educate me on all things we dont know abt shel aside from the fact that shes native american apparently (which also i didnt know because i didnt do a SHRED of research so. whoops) but anyway. the good thing abt my version of her is that i made her a Person with a Personality because she was a blank canvas and now i quite like my take on her. oh well
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littlesheeneffect · 6 days
She's My Husband (Part 10) ❤️
Miles Maitland x yn (AFAB Genderfluid)
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So, Miles moved most of his things in to what I so loved to hear him call, "our home". Though, due to not wanting more ill light to spread, he made sure to spend his nights at Maitland Hall at least three times a week, and make it seem as though he still lived there. He said, "I dont want anyone to get any awful ideas into their dirty minds about the character of you, y/n. Having a man come and stay with you- they might get it into their heads that we are not married," he added, with that mischievously cheeky grin and clap of his hands.
Nina and Adam came over to visit quite a bit as well, wich was a very welcomed taste to how things used to be.
Miles newfound job as a part time editor of a local paper, one that covered the latest scandals and gossips, was a windfall. He could then keep a pulse on any suspicions around any of us.
A couple weeks went by like that.
We still shared my bed as it was the only one I had and there wasn't room for another. Yet to Nina's surprise, we would fall asleep holding hands and never so much as thought of doing anything more.
Then came a fateful day, that will forever live in my memory. A dark rainy day, not unlike many others.
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Miles had spent the last couple nights at the Hall, and had planned to come over after work and errands. I was busy finishing up some typewriting for a book I was writing. A book he so diligently inquired about, but I kept the story secret. It was half past three when a knock came at the door, and a familiar face was met.
In the heat of afternoon town, Miles gathered his few small items wrapped in brown paper from the shop and began walking down the cobblestone. A broad shoulder pushed past before a voice called, making him pause and turn. "Maitland, what are you doing here?"
"My, my- Tiger LaBeauchere; How on ever are you doing?" Miles turned, recognizing the fellow. An old admirer from a couple years back. "I'm good, how's it been with the gang? I hear some odd things. Terrible news about Agatha," he said drawing closer. "Oh, yes. Awful awful, she really is such a doll, poor thing."
Tiger nearly cut Miles off, "Say, um," he gave a few quick glances about before drawing even closer and continued, "I hear you've taken up a new lover. Is it true all I've heard about it?" Miles retracted and slightly furrowed his brow, "It?"
"Yeah, the, um, well- I've heard it's a she. But not. More like a he." The tone of his voice drawing a feeling from Miles he didn't have much experience with, though it rose his blood. "I believe it is none of your concern Tiger, but to get to your point, however deranged it may be- I do have a lover and I don't know what you've been told." He made himself mutter most of it to withdraw any unwanted attention.
"I didn't mean to offend you Miles," Tiger straighten himself and put a hand on Miles shoulder, as they continued walking. "I just, you are different than other guys. She is still a she, no matter how good her Masquerading is. And I know you," Miles paused and turned to him, calmly yet decidedly, "Well, clearly not. I intend to live out my entire life with y/n, and marry if she will have me. I know we thought we had good times Tiger, but I love her with all my heart. Nothing will stand in between us, except ourselves." Tiger was agast and speechless.
"Nice to see you Tiger, good day." Miles spun on his heel and headed home in the drizzling rain, in the light of the shops.
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I stood, shock reining my face. "See ya 'round, lovey!" The Scottish voice rang out as the man left down the street. "What if Miles doesn't want it?" I called. He turned quickly. "That won't be a big deal," he shook his head pettishly. I felt the jostle in my arms and had to tear myself back to the scene before me. In my arms, was a small baby. Thankfully it was a dog, yet none the less just as shock inducing.
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'Old english sheepdog, ay?" I finally got the mutter out, as I looked into it's squirmy little face. "What in the heck." I sighed, turning and going in the house.
After another half hour, I head the door unlock and Miles enter. "I'm home darling! And I brought you something I think you'll really enjoy," his look of blissful joy to be home, froze when I clambered into the entrance with a whining puppy at my feet.
"Oh Miles! I'm so glad you're back," I went to hug him but the pup ran in the way, making me draw back. "Wh-where did he come from?" He asked surprised. "Um, Ginger Littlejohn stopped by and said he didn't have any where to put the pup and wanted to see if I'd like to take him on. Trust me- I wasn't intending to keep him unless you want to!"
Miles' face showed a wave of confusion, and the shadow of deep emotion that I couldn't pin down.
"Ginger? From the night with, with the Bobbys. The redhead, he, he came here again?" He asked, not really looking at me. "Yes, yes he stopped by today. H-He," His sudden voice broke through my concerned one- "Did you invite him in?" "I did, but we just stood out on the stairs and he gave me the puppy. If, is there something wrong Miles?" I asked worriedly.
He shook his head and exhaled. "No l, it's just..." he looked off, embarrassed, angered even. I never seen him like that, and didn't know what to make of it.
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"He, he's stopped by before. I don't think he means any harm Miles, we should be alright." I tried, thinking he was concerned about people. "He has?!" Suddenly odd emotion broke forth, his eyes reaching mine. A threat of extreme brokenness in them- I was stunned. "D-do, do you, are you seeing him?" He near muttered holding back glistening tears.
"Miles" I gasped, speechless, "Why, wh-what would make you even think such a thing?" "He stops by when I'm not around, he brings you gifts, you never even mentioned it. It's like how it all felt the time the police were here," he replied shakily.
"Miles, I was only like that before to keep on our cover. I don't think anything of -" he cut me off with his hurt and tearful frustration, "Well, you sure didn't mind it! Him and his magic tricks, his flirting with you. You just went along with it, you are still going along with it, y/n. An, and I just," tears broke loose. But when I raised my hand to comfort him, he pulled away and shielded his face.
"No, no. I am fine. If you wanted someone else, you could've just told me, y/n. I will never stand in between you and your happiness again." He added coolly, before suddenly gathering himself and heading to the door. "Wait, Miles- I, it's not like that. I, I would never, please" I stammered on the verge of breaking down myself.
He quickly opened the door before choking out, "Good night, y/n. I, I am going back to, to the Hall."
.... To Be Continued......
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boogeyalltheway · 9 months
Sanders Sides Character Recaps and Fortune Telling, what fun
let me start by saying I have suddenly been thrown back on the Fander train without my consent and this is the result of that. its a doozy, but if anyone wishes to discuss further id be delighted. so:
Virgil: came a long way, accepting being accepted, he's still dealing with the guilt of his past i spose. getting more familiar with everyone, him and logan are cute (platonically). Of course as Anxiety, he still struggles with lying (because we get nervous when we think about getting found out) and intrusive thoughts (what if im a bad person) but as a person(?) hes learning to come to terms with that, well on his way with a few crises coming his way, theres that whole thing with saying Paranoid to him, hope we face that. I see self discovery and good things coming his way, a win for all you virgil fans!
Roman: clearly, getting pretty emotionally beat, yknow, sides with Janus to be shot down, goes against Janus to be shot down again, significantly lacking in wins recently, you wonder abt his self esteem. Still doing his job great, which seems to be the only thing hes got going for him which is concerning. in the You vs Yourself vid hes very unsure about his moral views because he recognizes hes not Morality and when he proposes arguments they are based on endgoal, just like hes usually been as Passion, creativity, career drive, you might say? I dont see his arc being addressed in his near future, but I'm sure it will come to that. I see dark times before his good times roll, hang in there Roman fans, he'll get his moment.
Patton: Hes really been going through it, hasnt he. I mean, recently he just found out there was so much more complications to his job that he wasnt prepared to handle and to be faced with it all at once must be really challenging, especially when everyone is expecting results from him and he doesnt even know what to do and theyre all judging his decisions when hes just trying his best with all these new factors to consider with his job as Morality. Its easier for him to come to terms with Janus as deceit than Remus because he can easily see how lying can be good (even though he knows its also not a lot of the time) but he still doesnt really know how Intrusive Thoughts are helpful to Thomas or good in any way. I see in his future, job related anxiety and insecurity. It will be adressed, and its also good he was allowed his breakdown early (You vs Yourself, you can tell I really like this episode despite a severe lack of Virgil and Remus)
Logan: Well. we all know how this is going, I mean, hes the talk of the town lately! As a Logan fan, I can attest to the fact that he did used to be more lighthearted and smile more and I can also attest to the fact that Thomas is very aware of his development as a character and I don't think he'll let yall down. just, what I can glean from his videos. we're all waiting for him to go apeshit, and I with you, and i do think its coming very soon guys, hold on to your proverbial hats! I do enjoy that hes clearly indifferent to the new additions and not thrown off like the others. due to the fact that he is Logic. Id also like to point out that logic can be wrong and everyones logic is different. even if its less so compared to how anxiety is. so. logic is still susceptible to human whims. anyway theres been plenty going aorund abt ignoring logan and the orange side, and I'm always up for discussion on any of these guys. Hes really been just going ham into his job, huh? search for purpose, hmmm? ponder on that morsel. more alcohol in his life as well, an interesting observation.
Janus: oh, the snakey boi. How hes grown. he does a lot of drinking too. what for, I wonder. I do think the preposition to his song reveals a lot, like how Patton is talking to him more, how he knows truths and knows that some need to be hidden and its healthy to lie sometimes even when you know its a lie. Hes confident in himself and his abilities and knows when the criticism is ignorance vs actual criticism, which is why he values Logan's perspective on his arguments and brushes off Roman's jabs to his ego. Hes safely on the ride, and I dont see any heavy existential crises or anything in his near future, as in, he (and Remus, I'll talk about it later) will probably be the only mentally stable ones as the Light Sides are having their purposes reevaluated. Confidence is surprisingly key. who'da thunk it?
Remus: My favourite rat man. True to his name, hes very intrusive, and I admire his determination in his fight for acknowledgement. I think it will serve him well, the "face it bluntly hands on" tactic compared to Janus, who understands where he stands in the others' eyes and will slowly but surely snake his way (see what i did there?) to the table. Remus, and I love it about him, is just running forward to acceptance MACE ABLAZING and I hope it takes him good places. the WTIT ep was very revealing. his confidence in himself, like Janus's, will carry them through the generally rough patch that I predict is coming their way. i do think he is salty abt being ignored, which I interpret as the biggest difference between him and Janus (who might also be, but I dont really see it? I might also be in denial cuz this theory is really working for me) and Remus is wounded by it and trying to hide the fact that hes salty with his craziness and randomness that no one understands. its why he feels mor menacing than Janus. who knows, Janus might be just as peeved but hiding it better? settled himself in for the long game?
both dark sides certainly seem bent (and betting) on getting Logan to lose his marbles, but idk whether thats for Logans good or so the Reasonable Light Side (tm) will see what its like? and by proxy everyone else...? the tail end of the theory is escaping me now. its also 5 am.
Cant wait to see how the orange side manifests, wont that just be plenty of fun for all?
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wri0thesley · 2 years
nat oml this thought has been plaguing me for AGES
ok i dont have a lot of time atm to write a full brainrot for this, but what are your thoughts on the ragnvindrs + the quote "it runs in the family"?
like, adelinde and elzer are implied to have already served the ragnvindrs for a long time, right? what if crepus himself was a yandere, who kept his beautiful wife locked away inside his mansion and hushed the city (and swiftly maneuvered around her powerful friends) when they started looking for her? it's kinda weird that we don't see any keepsakes/paintings or any sign of her in dawn winery or hear anyone talk about her like they sometimes do about crepus, and i don't think diluc had a bad relationship with her. so what if the reason why we don't know what she looks/was like is because crepus (just like diluc in my other yan!diluc ask) hid her away from the world and burned most of her paper trails?
how do you think adelinde and elzer felt when they watched their former master go from a respectable and virtuous man to... that? watching his descent into obsession and madness couldn't have been good for either of them, and maybe it's those years spent doing all they can to keep the lady of the house ("a rumored member of the hexenzirkel, if you could believe it." "well, our master has always been quite ambitious.") from escaping and throwing any interested parties off their master's trail that might have formed some of their shadier hobbies and skills. it's difficult to say if the guilt still lives in them even after all this time, but conflict has become an integral part of their characters now. they know that what they did was wrong, that they were essentially accomplices to multiple crimes, but as servants to the ragnvindr household (as head maid and head butler, respectively), their duty comes before everything.
and what do you think they'd feel once they recognize their old master in the way diluc and kaeya move now?
oh i LOVE this . . . ahh. i actually really love adelinde as a kind of 'enabler' to diluc; you know, the young master really deserves something to call his own, so if the situation calls for it adelinde is more than willing to be a helping hand watching over darling, ensuring they are safe, reminding them that their life could be so much worse and they are lucky to be diluc's - and in a situation like this? where perhaps she has even convinced herself she is in the right? master crepus, after all, was a greatly revered and respected man and diluc does still wish to make him proud, so--
and it also gives an entirely new meaning to diluc's character stories and the way he loved hearing "that's my boy", too. of course he'd follow in his father's footsteps! crepus would be proud. crepus would understand why diluc does what he does, would happily indulge diluc's saviour complex where his darling is concerned--
and though kaeya might make snide comments occasionally, off-the-cuff remarks that only someone who knew everything about the ragnvindr clan would truly understand . . . the fact is, if he were in the same position, he would do exactly the same. kaeya admired his adoptive father just as much as diluc did; and if it worked for crepus . . . well. who is kaeya to deny that the thought of having someone who was just his - who could never abandon him, who would be there for him through everything - is appealing in a thousand different ways.
if he needs to use dawn winery for such purposes in the future . . . better to let diluc get on with it for now. perhaps their darlings might even be friends. who knows if a little companionship might keep them sweet.
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gralunaisland · 1 year
One thing that grosses me out abt Gruviugh shippers besides like a bunch of other things is that they call a child a "lovechild" like even if it's fictional that's a child, not some object to "prove" their ship. It reeks of "I only care about myself and my enjoyment of this ship and not what it could say about me and my worldview"
The Dark Side of a Gr///vian "Love Child"
Oh man, I dont think I’ve heard about them using that term, but just hearing the term "love child" gives me a cringey feeling. I actually wasn't sure what it meant so I looked it up, and apparently it means "a child conceived through lust (usually a one-night thing). The parents never marry and sometimes never see each other again". In other words, it means "the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents".
What we must note here is "illegitimate" and "unmarried".
Let me preface this by saying that I don't think people have been thinking that deeply about this, and I'm sure most people who make fanon ship children don't mean any harm.
However, there are some criticisms to be made.
Moving on, now, I have no clue if this is an unpopular opinion, and feel free to disagree with me, but I think kids should be born within wedlock because it statistically tends to be a more stable home (though of course it doesn't guarantee anything). It at least shows that the parents can be in a committed relationship recognized by law, which hopefully means they'll both stick around more since they're legally obligated to.
That's where the illegitimate comes in. A legitimate kid in the eyes of the law means that the child comes from a married couple, and that allows the child to be entitled to child support in case of a divorce and to receive an inheritance. If the couple is not married, that makes the kid illegitimate, and that means the father is not obligated at all to take care of the kid.
All that to say, it's super gross if people call the made-up kids of gr///via "love children" because, if they know what the term means, they're basically saying they just want Gray and juvia to have kids and don't care if the kid's life has the added stability that would come with having married parents. They clearly just want it to be canon that Gray and juvia have had sex.
That would just show that they don't really care if Gray and juvia have a solid foundation for a relationship (though, let's face it, even if they were married, they already lack a solid foundation because of juvia's abuse), which is essential for bringing children into this world and raising them. Whether they mean this or not, this is just another instance of certain Pros promoting unhealthy dynamics for these two, only this time it's almost worse since it includes another human being, a child, as well.
They would rather focus on the "lust" aspect of what a love child entails, which totally throws the kid by the wayside.
That means they only conjured up the kid just because it helps to "validate" gr///via. You put it perfectly, saying that the child's sole reason for existing is to prove the "love" between Gray and juvia, which literally reduces the character to being an object, a plot device, a ship device. The kid becomes a mere product of "doing the nasty" that's "evidence" for a ship and nothing more.
And yes, before anyone goes thinking I'm just saying all this to be a stick in the mud (though I admit I am one x_x) I understand people not caring that much about fanon children of ships, because they're made up and just for fun mostly. I'd say most of it is harmless probably.
However, still, I agree with Anon, that it's icky to throw insensitive terms around, and doing so exposes these fans' intentions of just trying to find even more (uncanonical) avenues to bind Gray and juvia together, as if they didn't already have years of abuse and shoehorning and character assassination doing that job for these two. It's less malicious and more thoughtless of these fans.
All in all, I'm not saying, "don't ever create fanart or fanfics of children from your favorite ships!", I'm just saying let's not reduce them to being ship devices. It would be great if thoughtfulness could be given to them, because I don't think treating children, even fictional ones, flippantly is a great thing to promote.
And y'all all know my stance on fiction affecting reality.
Anyway, thank you so much for your ask and your patience, Anon! Sorry for taking forever and a day to get to it! I hope this post made some semblance of sense, because even I was getting confused. I hadn't thought about the ramifications of a "love child" before.
And sorry to the rest of my readers for being AWOL, having to deal with lots of stressors nowadays, but hopefully it'll get better soon!
Have an amazing day, everyone!
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razette-moved · 2 months
We finished season 3 of Bungo Stray Dogs. We are basking in the Wan! episodes before the agony of the next seasons. Cant even find relief in the manga; the manga readers are coping hard in the tags! youre all so brave!
Thoughts so far;
Dazai is a mood. Theres so much wrong with that man. hes suffering. his smile is a knife. All ive seen is the anime and Im kinda desperate for more, so Im gonna have to invest in all the light novels immediately.
Atsushi being told to run away from Akutagawa immediately on sight, and then meeting him 20 minutes later is hilarious imo. he did not run on sight. do you think they tell all newbies that? If it were me I wouldnt have even recognized him. Id forget his name and his face immediately. Dazai wouldve stepped in and Idve been, oh i thought hed be taller.
Atsushi and Akutagawa passing therapy tips and tricks back and forth is great. Theyve been fighting the whole time nonstop. theyve only fought like 3 ish times total so far. theyre already so over each other. theyre fed up. get this guy outta here!
Why do they ask for kunikidas advice and then not take it? its not really a critique, i actually find it funny. its a coin flip. he's right or hes a stick in the mud. Man is coping hard. he cares so much. he cares too much.
I like to pretend the tanizaki siblings arent blood related. not real sure that fixes anything but im coping.
i dont really think i should go read the classics just because im watching an anime, right. Theyre worth reading on their own; im just lazy. but i kiiiinda feel like doing so would give me better understanding of this story? I can tell im missing a whole dimension by not doing so. is that wrong?
I think im gonna have to cave and call Chuuya my favourite character. Every scene hes in is great. there should be way more of them.
Im the kind of person who loves like 95% of all ships. youd be a little hard pressed to find a ship i dont care for. Im usually only neutral at worst. unfortunately skk is has consumed my soul.
calico cat man is trans. or intersexed. cant change my mind.
The americans are hilarious. southern belle. evil preacher. money man. work a holic ability. but theyre not treated as just a joke. theyre all great characters.
when life gives you lemons use them to make bombs.
lemon balm pun?
there are not enough kajji gifs.
I wonder what Jun'ichiros training looks like. He is way too good as a potential assassin to not be receiving any. I wish we could see more of him and kenji
I told my partner about kouyou x yosano. they said theyd sell their soul for it. then they squinted at me and asked if it was a crackship that never meets in canon. I said I have no idea.
Actually the ranpoe ship is SO CUTE. What do you MEAN he keeps trying to write better and better mysteries to impress beat Ranpo? And Ranpo is delighted every time. Ranpo defeats each one and then slips a complement between singing his own praises. do you think Poe lives for it? i do.
tbf Edgar Allen Poe the irl author is actually one of my favourite authors. someday when I have money im gonna start collecting.
Fyodor creeps me out. I know he is supposed to because he is a villain, but i always feel bad about it. I want to like him as a villain more than I do. i think villains should me more appreciated. a well written villain is like nice butter to steak.
I think those are my loudest thoughts so far. Im waiting to hear good or bad news from the manga readers before I start reading the manga. I am much weaker and cant handle the pressure.
anyone want to talk about their favourite parts?
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HHP - Ch. 14 - Ethan *Part 3 (18+MDNI)
I cannot stress enough the grotesque nature of this chapter. Yes justice has been served but please understand that I do not condone this type of behavior and the contents of this chapter is merely for the story. It is not at all representing the members of Enhypen or their character. Also, there's alot of references to chapter's 11 and 12 in this as far as character dialogue, so if you see the parts that are between the ........................ note that is a reference to one of the previous chapters. crucial, so if you haven't read them or are new and jumping into the series, please start from the first arc (MGR) because there is a reference in here from that arc as well.
Warnings! Sexual assault with foreign object, blackmailing, murder, assault, framing, restraining, gagging, rough sex, pain kinks....guys, literally every dark and twisted element is in this chapter. so please enjoy, it's a good read, but be warned if you are light hearted (absolutly nothing wrong with that) i just dont want to offend anyone with my creativity, because that's merely all this is. can you tell i'm nervous? lol
In a slurred and painful rotation, he shatters Scott’s nose, but didn’t stop his motions even after breaking the nasal cavity. Grinding and continuously applying immense pressure, he continues to rotate every bit and piece of the man’s feature, which had become completely loose and detached from the nasal bone.
From left to right as he pushes inward deeper, damaging more than just cartilage. Heeseung continues to palm the man’s face. Crushed bone and cartilage loosens, cracks, and peels from their connected state, the feeling of bits of bone, and pieces of cartilage are felt from under Scott’s skin beneath Heeseung’s palm.
In complete shock after experiencing indescribable and longing pain, Scott nearly blacks out as his voice, which blew out from the overwhelming screams of pain, can no longer be heard.
“Hmph.” Heeseung scoffs as he smirks, falling back into the hands of his full Ethan side, who releases Scott’s distorted and stunned face.
Dance for me, like a flower that blooms dead I just wanna dance on, endlessly Like a curse, I can't stop myself Woah, again, chaconne now
Undressed, bare, and exposed for him to feast on, Eden is pressed against Ethan’s broad frame as he wraps his arms lovingly around her. She whimpers softly as her face is buried into his shirt, slightly muffled by the material that covers her face.
‘Oh my girl…does it hurt? I know…but you can take it…I know you can.’
Reaching over as his arm keeps her firm in his embrace, he reaches behind, opening the top drawer, taking out a black leather belt covered with dulled, semi-pointed metal studs. One that he occasionally wore with his leather jacket and all black attire, the man did have various taste and diversity in his fashion sense after all.
Your Eden side sets her sights on the leather strap he brings forth, wrapped around his wrist.
She recognizes it.
Through you, the memory of meeting ‘Ethan’ for the first time as Vicky’s roommate, had emerged, you recall the attire he had on as the image of him donning a full get up of skinny jeans, combat styled boots, a metal band themed t-shirt, hovered by a leather jacket and his cap. All in black.
Around his waist, was the belt he now snaked around his arm.
Softly shuttering at the view of it, with the silver studs sticking out, Eden’s breath hitches. Her chest issues a vibrating sense from the pause, which Ethan noticed.
‘Oh? You recognize this, don’t you? Mmm…my beautiful girl. How much I love you, you have no idea how much you continue to fascinate me. I wanna see more.’
Demanding for his Eden to undress him, she does as he bids as the glistened streams on her face begin to dry, yet her eyes remain moist and red.
‘This sensation…it’s….’
Feeling the painful effects of his affection, Eden renders her screams and tears of pain, yet, there was a yearning for more of it. A shattered burst of flutter and tingle emerged from inside her belly as she felt his roughness. The way he was looking at her…it was a look of fascination, love, lust, and desire. Somehow, she knew that by putting up with the intense, aching process, the result in the end was going to be beyond satisfaction.
With the two embracing one another, completely nude and kissed by the cold and crisp air around them, Ethan, snaking his hands behind her thighs and lifting his Eden, takes her into a seated position as he relaxes his ‘wife’ on his lap.
Once stationary, his hands roam upwards, grabbing on to her waist, with both hands, he snaps the leather belt, cracking a loud snap to shatter any peaceful sense inside the room. Lining the belt around the narrow part of her waist, he reverses the strap for the studs to be in contact against Eden’s skin, where he makes a full wrap and locks it in by feeding the tail through the loop ring, and holding on to the excess length, pulling it taught.
With his slight pull, the metal studs dig into her skin.
Leaning her head back as she moans in pain, Eden mentally thanked God that the belt had semi-pointed tips, though as dull as they were, the sting started to come in as the pyramid shaped metal pieces were digging into her soft skin as he continued to slowly pull.
The sting grew more intense, causing Eden to lift and slam her hands on his bare shoulders as she jolts, causing her weight to break from his lap for only a second. His hold on the belt that was tight around her waist allowed him to pull her back down the very moment he felt her warmth separate from him.
Through painstaking sting and anguish, he controlled her movements. Telling her to lean her head back towards him, he demands a kiss from his queen, slightly pulling the tail end of the belt once more.
Wincing in pain, Eden yelps and does as he bids, giving him the most passionate kiss, one that she could give through her painful whimpering.
As Ethan was conducting ‘business’ with Scott, the painful screams of agony can be heard across the minimal hollow space, where Tiff sat across, with Eden before her.
Eyeing a suitcase off to the side, Eden’s curiosity was perked as she makes her way over and opens to reveal the contents.
A variety of erotic devices and toys stuffed into the large case, Eden’s brow raises. Grabbing on to a variety of the shapes, sizes, and lengths of each item, Eden selectively chooses one that had looked the most…painful.
Walking over to Tiff, Eden glares at the ground as she reaches down with her free hand, grabbing the girl by the hair, forcing her to go from her kneeling state to stand, facing Eden.
“Now I have to know…” Eden calmly starts as she admires the length and massive girth of the phallic toy she held in her hand, stroking the shaft as she guesses the measurement of the resin made item.
’15? 16? Hmm…maybe even 17 inches?’
Eden continues with her statement as she mentally assumes the length of the toy.
“I have to know…just how many girls did you recruit and trick to fall in the hands of that man?”
Eden’s glare switches from the toy, which she assumes had been used in the most violating manner against innocent girls, ones that, unlike yourself, couldn’t be saved from such undeserving assault.
She stares at the timid girl, who stood wide eyed and breathing through her nostrils deeply as her own shirt had been removed, twisted, and used to gag her distorted face.
“Was it all for petty cash? I bet it wasn’t for much…probably only enough to fill your gas tank…” Eden continues, tilting her face as she studies the girl’s face.
“Is that what they were all worth to you? You planned, arranged, and paid that man to do terrible acts just because things didn’t go your way?...How childish.” Eden whispers.
Whipping the toy over to her side, Eden swings, hitting Tiff’s face with the tip of it.
“It looks real…doesn’t it? But I bet it feels a lot harder, more…unpleasant. It’s also quite large…” Eden continues as she admires the toy as if it were a sword, crafted by the finest steel.
Turning her head off to the side, Eden observes as she hears Jake walking towards herself and Ethan, along with the offending pair at their mercy. He carried two gym bags, seemingly filled with something that caused a clinking noise as he walked.
As he reaches towards the end of the van, Jake glances over to Tiff, issuing a harsh smirk which ultimately caused her to wonder…to suddenly realize…
‘Uh..I’m the friend of the owner of this phone. Who is this?’
Answering Heeseung’s phone, Jake speaks, acting out a confused tone as he picked out whatever bottle he laid his hands on, adding it into the cart.
‘Whatever, where is Ethan?’
‘Ethan? He’s out at the moment…’
‘Where is he? I need to speak with him right now.’
Noticing the sudden realization on her face, Jake issues a sly smile.
What with overhearing the story that Vickey explained to Heeseung in the car, he had never found himself so disgusted with a human being in his life.
But also…
Recalling the image of when you were taken, as the van pulled up from behind, it was nearly impossible for him to shake off the sight of the two men, masked, come up and sucker punch his girl. Not only that, but sitting atop of her as they pushed, and shoved her into the pavement, and laughed as they dragged her and tossed her around like a ragdoll, creating those awful scrapes to appear on her doll-like legs. Those legs that he took great pleasure in kissing and brushing his fingertips along the contours of their length, knowing how much she loved it.
Seeing her in distress, and helpless, he ran. He sprinted…but he was too far, all he could do was continue to run as he lost his breath and witness their filthy hands on….her. His delicate and pretty little (Jakes) y/n.
 This…was just as personal for him, as it was for Heeseung, Vicky, you, and the countless girls in the past, ones like Vicky’s dear friend from high school.
Placing the bags down by the van, he begins to unzip each one, releasing the contents carefully as he takes each bottle of hard liquor and stages it beside him.
Ethan walks over and begins to help Jake, who doesn’t say a single word. His face remained predominantly emotionless, yet…there was a hint of a smirk of satisfaction on it as Ethan approached and assists with the task.
Taking out all the bottles, the pair uncaps every single one, dowsing the van inside and out, the air was filled with the stench of hard liquor, it was so overwhelming as the boys kept pouring, one bottle right after the other. Who knows just how many bottles there were, the moment a bottle had been emptied, it was either tossed into the hollow van or smashed against the pavement.
Once the deed was done with the emptying of every bottle, Jake walks pass Ethan, issuing a hidden and low hand slap as he continues to make his way over to the opposite direction of where Ethan and Scott were.
Scott, still in painful shock from his face being broken, is lifted by Ethan’s grab of his hair, walks him over to the driver’s seat of the van. Removing the extension cord that bonded him, Ethan tosses it over towards the nearby equipment. With the state that Scott was in there was no way this man was going to run or do anything, he was severely weakened and injured to even think, let alone act out.
Rolling down the window, he shuts the van door. Walking over in the direction that Jake went, the duo returns with Scott’s crew, all blind folded and led by the cords wrapped around their necks, chain linking them into a single line. Releasing their restraints, Jake and Ethan toss each crew member inside the back of the van.
Watching with horror on her face, Tiff stares as she prepares to witness the worse to happen.
Taking out a brand-new pocketknife, Jake handles it with a cloth, passing it over to Ethan, who takes the cloth and grabbing on to the knife, he tosses it through the window of the van, where it lands on the floorboard of where Scott sat.
Walking behind Tiff, Eden stands behind as she wraps her arm around her neck, essentially forcing the girl to remain facing the vehicle. Pulling her skirt up, while dragging her panties down a bit with the toy in her hand, Eden begins to stroke the outrageously large toy in between Tiff’s thighs.
Trembling, never thinking that things could amount to the level of insanity she was witnessing. Not with ‘you’ or…Ethan….
She never saw him like this. He was evil, maniacal, insane, and insidious. His calm, and reserved nature that she knew all throughout high school was nowhere to be found, yet it was there for a moment when he met up with her at the parking lot initially, asking her if she had the ring in her possession.
For a moment, in her own head she finally realized that she had gone too far…regretful…but also too late. Not only did she have her warning, or her chance…she had years where she could have stopped…. could have developed remorse and repented for her part in ruining all those girls’ lives.
‘Too late…’
Beginning with the tip, Eden begins to shove the bulging resin tip of the toy inside Tiff’s cavity.
With no preparation to take in something that was too large, not meant to be taken in the manner that Eden was disposing, Tiff screams in pain as she feels herself becoming entirely stretched out by the foreign object.
Not only was her face going to be ruined…but her….she will forever be ruined.
“I told you…I was going to do what no other man could ever do…” Eden speaks softly as she admires a gaze to the van, continuing with her assault.
Inch by inch, she shoves the object in. Twisting, churning, and pushing it in, until it nearly was all the way in.
Tiff, rendering to the pressure and terrible pain, viscously breathed through her nostrils as she felt the pain of the pressure and lack of oxygen affecting her chest.
Letting go of the object, Eden lets the object remain steady as it rests inside Tiff. With her arms, Eden loosely embraces them around Tiff, petting her hair as she whispers against Tiff’s ear…
“Shhh….just relax….and watch…” Eden issues.
Closing all the doors to the van. Jake extends a hand, palm facing the sky. Ethan, issues a swift high-five once more, as they pass one another.
Heading back to the car to attend to his delicate (Jakes) y/n, Jake disappears in the dark shadows as he makes his way back.
Ethan, crossing his arms on the door of the driver’s seat, peaking his head slightly through the window to face Scott, gives him an ultimatum.
“I’m going to give you a choice…” he calmly speaks.
“You can all sit here and burn. Or…you can take that knife and slit your own throats…consider it my parting gift.”
Reaching over Scott’s lap, Ethan grabs an open pack of cigarettes, along with a lighter that was nearby.
Taking out a slim, he places it inside his mouth as he cups the end while lighting it, blocking the small gust of wind that grazed against his frame. Tossing the lighter back through the window inside the van, Ethan enjoys a puff or two. Not a smoker at all yet, the one thought that remained in his head kept aching his core…to the point that he needed something to take the edge off…the biggest of his fears that was tearing him up inside.
Taking a puff, Ethan explains to the mentally incoherent Scott, with his friends trembling in the back seating of the locked van.
“You know…” Ethan looks on the ground as he places one hand in his front pocket of his jeans, while the other cradles the cigarette between two fingers. His athletic wristbands taking in the scent of cigarette smoke as it elegantly drifts onto the soft material. He tilts his head down to look at the ground, his cap completely hiding his eyes as his nose and mouth had been the only part of his features to remain visible the entire night.
“For me to find y/n the way that I did…that might have been pure luck. I had no idea…no fucking clue how or where…to start. I had no idea where or who took her. I’m still in shock on how the fuck I pulled that off. I don’t know if it was luck, or if I’m just too fucking smart to be fooled…maybe it was both…or maybe…you and that bitch were too dumb to realize just who you were fucking with. You can fuck with the world…but no one fucks with mine. The fact that I could have easily lost her just as I had found her….that just…fucking is tearing me up inside. The fact that it was all by chance….”
Shaking his head in irritation as he takes another huff, he parts his lips just slightly and allows the smoke to emerge slowly without any assistance from his exhale, his gaze peers off to the side, focusing on the pavement.
“As much as I tried to give you and Tiff the benefit of the doubt…though it wasn’t much…I still gave it. But you…you and her…you guys couldn’t just take the fucking warning and be done. You could have just told her to fuck off when she hired you…but then again…”
Recalling Vickey’s story from her experience with Scott in high school, while he was away as a Senior, he snarls his lip.
“I guess it’s within your nature to do this shit.” Ethan sticks the cigarette inside his mouth, takes out his phone and opens the camera feature. Hitting the record button, he takes the cigarette, with one final huff, he exhales out the smoke and tosses it through the open window.
The van torched up as Scott and his crew all ramble in chaos inside. Howling and screaming in pure madness and aganozing pain.
With the scent of murder filling the air, everyone stood and watched. Unsure if they ever took it upon Ethan’s token of mercy to slit their own throats to avoid the slow torturous pain of being burned alive, or if they managed to grab the knife and slit their own throats, either way it didn’t matter. With the flames reaching the engine in no time, as black smoke emerges and waves into the night sky, a loud boom accompanied by the burst of flames flashes out, sealing everyone inside to perish nearly automatically.
Taking the recording, Ethan sends it in a text message…
Walking into the medical facility, after being painfully reminded of the occurrence from what happened in high school, Vickey couldn’t stop thinking about her dear friend. Reaching out to her fiancé, who’s prominence and status as the heir of his father’s company, allowed him connections that reached and found her friend, whom she lost contact with right after the terrible event.
Entering the ward, upon finding out the girl never healed from her emotional wounds of the disastrous assault against her, Vicky is led by a staff member that guides her to a closed room, where a peaceful and relaxed set up is arranged. The room had a TV, bed, windows that could not be opened, and a small bathroom.
Sitting on the bed, with her head hanging low, was the recognizable face of what used to be filled with life and vibrant youth.
Ridden with insomnia, unable to sleep the painful memories away, Vicky made efforts to express her emotional support after it took Sunghoon no time to find her.
Bringing forth a bouquet of flowers, Vicky sits next to the girl, who gazes up and looks at her visitor. Upon recognizing who it was, the girl bursts into tears, laying her head on Vicky’s lap.
“I’m so glad I was able to find you…” Vicky responds. There wasn’t anything Sunghoon wouldn’t’ do for her, upon hearing the tales of her painful memories, he offered his fullest support, which consisted of his private jet, private investigators, and special arrangements once she arrived at her destination.
Petting the girl’s head, Vicky sympathizes with the girl who had been her assistant cheerleader all throughout middle school, and prior to the incident, their time as Freshmans. A very dear and best friend at one point…until she was taken away and dropped out of school for lack of emotional stability. Who could blame her?
Hearing the notification of a text, Vicky checks the message….
‘Ethan, tell me what I need to do.”
“…You still engaged?”
“Did he give you a ring?”
‘Okay I’ll do it…but Ethan… can I ask…what are you going to do once you get to them? What are you going to do to Scott?....’
‘I’ll still do it. And by all means, don’t take this as me encouraging you…although judging by your voice…and the fact that this happened to y/n….Ican already tell….’
‘Whatever you do, Ethan…if you do decide to go and…you know…..could you do me a favor? Please don’t ask me to explain, just tell me either yes or no.….’
Seeing the message displayed a video, Vicky smirks as she leans in towards the damaged girl.
“Here…” Vicky gently issues as she lends her phone over to her former friend.
Playing the video, which clearly displayed Scott’s broken face, the girl’s eyes widen as she began to feel the trauma and fear upon recognizing him. Those horrible memories.
“Its okay…I promise…just watch.” Vicky gently reassures her as she cradles her head. Stroking her hair.
Upon watching the video till the end, for the first time since the horrible act the man committed against her, the emotionally damaged girl….
Flared a faint smile.
Flashback – Vicky’s Story
“….I’m so sor-…I-I”
Unable to speak, Vickey, after just witnessing the disturbing recording, which she couldn’t watch after reading the caption attached to the recording, describing the act that took place against her poor friend.
Watching her dear friend that she had known since childhood, sitting on the floor before her, Vicky broke out of her own trauma, issuing tears as she watched her friend sit motionless, unable to produce her own tears. She was broken, violated, and harmed in the worst manner possible. Unable to take the sight of her friend, who was the sunflower of her childhood, Vickey sobs and begs out of desperation.
“….Please….wh-what can I do? I can’t…I can’t see you like this…..”
The girl, looks up at her pretty little friend, still adorned in her cheerleading outfit, the same one that she has hunged up behind her door…but will never wear again…for she was forced to wear it as the assault took place. The echoes of that man’s voice emerges from her memory…
“Yeah…that’s it. Take it you little cheerleading slut. You like that don’t you?”
The girl, dead inside, watches as her dear friend, sheds tears for her. Begging her to tell her what to do. How to fix this.
With a barely toned whisper, the girl softly tells Vicky…
“….I just want them dead…I wish they all would die. I feel like I can’t live anymore.”
Upon hearing her damaged friend speak with absolutely no life in her tone, Vicky sobbed hard. How could they do this to her? How could they do this to her best friend? Her dear friend…..forever ruined.  The worst part…was that she couldn’t do anything to help her….she couldn’t give her what she asked for.
Watching the video that Ethan recorded, Vicky took in great delight as she and her once, dear friend, begin to smirk and gently laugh together, cradled in a friendly and familiar embrace.
‘Yes…my dear friend. Smile again. Know that, justice has finally been served…for you.’
With the studs digging into her skin, Eden grabs on to Ethan’s arms, his length and girth thrusting into her repeatedly. Her naked body bouncing relentlessly on his shaft as his fluids mixes in with her own, dripping down as it secretes from her cavity.
“Ahhhh!! E-Ethan!!” she screams as her rear smacks against his thighs.
With one hand maintaining the hold of the belt, pulling it taught with each quake he feels in his gut from the overwhelming sense of pleasure, his other hand reaches around, grabbing and cradling his hold on one of Eden’s rear cheeks, furthering enhancing the bouncing motion as he slightly lifts and pushes down.
Thrusting, riding, grinding, with his skin popping against her rear each time she is brought down with such immense force, Ethan’s length twitches and pulsates inside her as he grows near his release. Eden following close behind.
“Fuck…you’re going to make me cum baby…” Ethan exclaims through gritted teeth as he smirks upon admiring the sight of his shaft re-entering inside Eden’s cavity.
With a final thrust, as deep as he could possibly go, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her to melt into him as he releases inside her clenching walls. The feeling of her gushing fluids, swirling around his shaft and rushing out as she experiences her orgasm furthers his flickering motions, causing Eden to feel the tapping against her fleshy walls.
Grinding into her as he remains fully inside, his hands grab onto her rear, guiding her to a waving lap dance. Slow and steady, to his rhythm, Eden rides him as her gut trembles from the stimulation of sensational pleasure. Guiding her with the hold of her rear, his shaft slightly pulling, entering, thrusting, and re-entering, he hums out the tune that she rides to…
“Dance for me, like a flower that blooms dead I just wanna dance on, endlessly Like a curse, I can't stop myself Woah, again, chaconne now Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh Again chaconne now Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh Chaconne now”
As Eden remains behind Tiff, she reaches around and cradles the girl’s chin, forcing her to watch the torching of the van, with Scott and his terrible crew inside.
“I’m going to give you a choice…hopefully you make the right one this time…” Eden issues.
“You’re either going to turn yourself in, confess to your offenses against all those girls from the past, while also taking the hit for this. Or…..” Eden leans in towards Tiff’s ear.
“You can join your friends right now as I toss you inside while it still burns…” Eden whispers.
Tiff’s eyes widened. She’s seen enough to know better than to say anything smart or assume their bluff. This girl…this Eden…she was not y/n….she was different. The same one that assaulted her inside the campus building.
After so many years, so many lives ruined, and so much pain and torment caused by her hand, Tiff finally learned her lesson. Her life was over…it was done. Her face, her body, and her soul…everything was gone. Whether she would agree to it or not…it was all her fault. Justice had long been overdue.
Tiff nods her head to reflect her compliance with taking in the responsibilities of her crimes.
Eden smiles.
“Hm. Smart. But also know this Tifffff…even if you don’t rot in jail, just know that…if you ever are free again…it will be wise for you to stay away from me…and my Ethan. Just know, that beyond the bars that will contain you, you are not safe…”
Unbeknownst to Eden, the eyes of her beloved Ethan stares intently at her as she issues her warning to Tiff. His eyes…wide, piercing, and stabbing through her unaware state as he becomes overwhelmed with an intense sensation.
Fascinated…intrigued…and falling hard in love all over again, Ethan’s chest paused in it’s inflection as his breathing stopped for a second. His mouth parts slightly as he takes in the sight of her….God she was incredible. So beautiful. So sexy. So poisonous. So much like him.
He wanted her…now.
With the fact that, not only did the love of his life witness and supported his vicious act of the night….but she even partook in it. She stood by him. She understood and communicated love, the same way he did.
Not knowing how she does it…but he was falling for her all over again.
As he stared he hears the last bit of Eden’s words to Tiff, he replays her voice.
‘…you are not safe.’
‘And unbeknownst to you my dear Eden…neither are you….’
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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micamone · 4 months
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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