#i dont know i just want people to treat others like. people. thats all :0[
I think a lot of people on this website need to learn two things: how to use the block button, and how to be the bigger person.
Like if someone says something you don't like, you can just block them. Obviously in some situations they are harassing people/being super racist/etc. and saying something/reporting them is necessary. But in most situations, you can just block someone and move on with your day. You don't have to tell them to kill themselves. I promise you it wont help the situation. Like if somebody really does have as awful of an opinion/belief as you believe them to have, a Tumblr ask is not going to change them as a person. Getting them banned or run-off the internet wont make them change their mind. It really wont.
Don't waste your energy on being hateful. Use it to actually do something productive. Use it to go show love to someone who needs it. I don't think you need to show love to people when you feel they're being shitty, no. But there are plenty of non-shitty people on this website who could really use a kind anon, or a reblog, or sweet message.
Do you really need to spend your time sending anon hate to a random trans woman on Tumblr who phrased a post a bit crudely? Or a black person who is complaining about your favorite show in a rude way? Or a Palestinian being upset with the U.S. government in an unpalatable way? Do you really need to spen your time being hateful/condesending towards them? The problem you have with them, whatever it be, is it truly unsolvable by just blocking them? Do you need to spread hatred? Is it necessary?
Chances are, it would be 1000 times more beneficial to everyone involved if you just block the person, and instead use that energy and effort to do something good/kind.
Just because you feel someone is shitty (weather they are or not is irrelevant) does not mean that you need to be shitty back. In the long run, it will always have been better to walk away and try to make the online world a kinder place, than to harass a random person on Tumblr.
Like I mean, I obviously think you should try like. Listening to people first before blocking them. Sometimes people are saying very important things. But either way, if something someone posts is making you upset enough where you feel the need to attack them or be rude/mean/hateful, then you should step away. Maybe you just need to step away from that person, or maybe the internet as a whole for a while. Either way, you need to take second and ask yourself: "Do I really need to do this?"
I'm not exactly sure why this is so hard for so many people, because I thought that this was something that cartoons taught everyone when we were little kids... But hey, its never too late to learn, and its never too late to be kind. There are a lot of people who could use that kindness right now. Take some of that time you might have used to be an asshole, and please spend it on some of these causes;
click for palestine
sudanese fundraisers
congo rescources
lots of trans folks need financial help in the notes of this post!
check out some black creators!
read this post!
and last of all: try to find somebody in your space who is struggling- be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or financially- and send them some love.
Use your time wisely, please. You only have so much of it.
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skullvgirl · 2 months
GENDER : girlboss | barou
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incl. the bad boy, barou
warnings. fem reader, fluff, crack, school!au, established relationship
an's. this one is for @chxxrybxxmb ≽ܫ≼, this was fun to write, tysm for the idea.
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it was hard to talk to barou, he knew it was—he said it himself.
he wasn't friendly or cheerful like the rest if the team, he didnt have the social energy or demeanor they possessed.
people were scared of him to say the least ( not that he minded so much ) so scared in fact the only ones who would ever even talk to him besides the team was his teachers.
and you of course.
it was late afternoon and barou was just finishing up practice. you were here today ( on rare occasion ) to pick him up for dinner.
it didn't take you long to find the massive soccer field along with the massive team your boyfriend was on, he was loud as ever as he made the last goal, sealing the victory for the varsity team that seemed to playing the JV team.
"poor them, didn't even stand a chance" you shook your head. the score board read 5-0
you felt more comfortable making your way over to barou now as everybody was picking up equipment and packing up. it was a good time to snag his attention and let him know you'd be waiting in the car when he was ready.
"hey watch where you're fucking going dipshit"
it came from a JV player, whos name you didn't know, he purposely had bumped into your boyfriend as he was carrying equipment back, making sure it was hard enough to leave a bruise.
oh no
"excuse me?"
oh no this isnt good
barou didn't waste another second, immediately strutting towards the younger boy and yanking his shoulder back so now they were face to face.
"do we have a fucking problem?" barou stated agrily, cracking his knuckles together in preparation for what he was about to do.
the boy was shaking but didn't seem to want to back down, the whole fields eyes were on him now.
" i-I don't know, do we?" his voice came out cracked and shaky but he pressed on further, pumping his chest out in hopes of seeming intimidating.
it wasn't working.
no, no, no! shouei you stupid stupid man ! you could get kicked off the team for this !
you didn't waste any time, sprinting over and making your presence known to both your boyfriend and the bitter teamate.
"hit him and i will rip your balls off", barou acted shocked to see you here. he knew you were coming he just didn't think so soon.
barou's shoulders immediately untensed and he glanced over at the other players who watched in awe at how easily you were able to calm him down.
"thats what i thought, now get your stuff and get im the car, before someone really gets hurt" you said, not bothering to pay attention to the shocked faces of the team.
barou didn't say another word, but took one last glance at the other player at another last glance at you.
to the player he mouthed 'you are so lucky she's the boss of me, or you would be dead !'
and to you he said quitely "sorry love, won't happen again"
you only rolled your eyes and tracked his moving figure as he went back to the building, the other players however didn't move a muscle.
what the fuck just happened? they all thought.
you made your way to leave.
" wait a minute..."
you turned back, tilting your head to signal you were listening.
" you two are dating ??!"
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from then on out it was public news that the two id you were together , although you'd been in a relationship for months now it seems more people were aware now that the egoistic and selfish soccer player had a super cool sweet girl girlfriend who he treated like everyday was her last.
like in the cafeteria
he sits alone with you and eventually people realized he makes your lunch—everyday, because you're always asking what he is making for you tomorrow.
can you believe that? barou, king barou making breakfast everyday without fail.
or the library
people dont spy nessacarliy but this one time, you got caught brushing his very long and lushess hair while he practicallypurred like a kitten on your lap. he regrets it with his whole heart. he ended up on the BLLK HIGH Almost Friday Page.
and on the soccer field of course
the score it 1-1, no overtime and sudden death. barou has the ball, and although he practically 10 feet out of his shooting range, he decides to take a chance.
he shoots
he scores
the crowd goes wild.
it's not long after he's crowded by the many other players that he makes his way to you, picking you up and twirling you around in his arms, kissing your face softly while everyone was there.
pda wasn't really his thing, but he didn't really care. your support was more than deserving of his affection and he wasn't shy if the whole world could see.
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comradeboyhalo · 11 months
(not maintagging this because it comes out more aggressive than it means to be. this is just an unserious rant.)
first of all, i do think qsmp as a whole has been kinder to cc!bad. the qsmp’s more dnd-like format is more inclusive in general, there’s net 0 creators who constantly swear at him, and the fandom does treat him better (the bar is low though). i’m more than grateful for that. 
that being said. i dislike how everyone acts like cc!bad was bullied into a corner on the dsmp. yes, a chunk of creators and fans only saw him as a “language” joke, thats an unfortunate fact. but i see a lot of people ignore the fact that cc!bad saw this, and in response created a whole fucking storyline that was designed to allow everyone to join in on it. 
bad, ant, and sam created the egg arc because they disliked the current political storylines and wanted to experiment with scifi-horror. this was after the badlands were formed, and after they realized that they were locked out of a lot of l’manberg conflicts. they didn’t sit around waiting for lore to be handed to them, they created it themselves. to act as though bad didn’t have the chance to create a complex character on the dsmp, or that every cc didnt take him seriously, is devaluing his work. the ccs involved in the egg arc did see c!bad as a threat. they respected his work, they participated in his lore. and there were a lot of them! you just maybe just didn't watch them.
if YOUR streamer only saw bad as a “language” joke, whatever. if YOUR side of the damp fandom never paid attention to egg lore, thats fine. but dont act like every cc did, or that the egg arc didn’t have a following. its true that it was very underrated, but cc!bad is also not this helpless baby who needs his hand held to create an engaging character. he saw he was the largest streamer among the egg arc ccs, and used that platform to bring everyone else up. he put in the fucking work, and it’s not his fault that people still refuse to acknowledge it.  
i see ex-dsmp fans praise the qsmp fandom for respecting bad, and then turn around and beg him to not reference egg lore. the same people who love karmaland, ordem paranormal, and 2b2t references are telling bad that he can’t reference his story, that he put work in. why? for dislike of streamers who weren’t even involved in it? you cant be happy bad is seen as his own person, then turn around and boil his dsmp work down to bigger streamers you dislike.
again, i don’t blame people for not watching the egg arc. i don’t think anyone should be forced to watch every storyline, or keep up with every cc. i don’t know. it’s just frustrating i guess? me and other egg arc fans were creating content, character analyses, and lore masterposts all to hype up c!bad and it’s not our fault yall ignored it and are just now seeing bad’s a good roleplayer! idk! i know everyone’s trying to be nice, i love everyone who’s new to bad’s content, i dont want to gatekeep at all. but your dsmp experiences are not universal. the way your streamers treated bad was not the way everyone treated bad. 
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eunkitarot · 4 months
Hello 🍀 Can you do Heeseung as a boyfriend reading just like u did for jayy ... btw I loved ur reading on jay as a bf 💌🤌🙆‍♀️💖
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Hi sure,a tarot reading for Heeseung As a Bf
First of all there is one extra card for his reading. I dont usually read 6 but 5 cards. So I think he has more qualities to him than usual.
'I want to treat you better than you think you deserve'. Is what I am getting.
So lets get into the cards pulled,
Queen of pentacles: as a bf, heeseung is someone that is soft with you. Nurturing and patient. He is practical when it comes to the relationship but at the same time very warm. You know the cold but caring man. Tsundere? Yeah he is NOT that. He is going to shower you with love and be very obvious that he likes you. As a bf he is going to be generous with you, whether it being emotionally or physically. He can be clingy. Queen of pentacles, is an energy of maturity that is attentive to your needs and he will spoil you. He will buy you gifts and presents.He is the type that is aware you have flaws but he will overlook them just because he love you so much. Heeseung will cherish and appreciate you.
Strength:with this card heeseung believes in mutual support, emotional resilience, and enduring affection. These qualities imply that he wants a relationship that is sturdy and rich. One where both partners uphold each other in times of hardship and maintain a lasting affection that withstands the test of time. He believes in sticking with you through high and lows. He wants you to be like that too. He wont leave you when you are going through something. Even when you push him away. Im imagining a scenario where you are sick and u want a break up bcs you dont want to burden him. He will refuse to break up with you. In fact, he will stay by your side till u get better. Something like that. Very loyal. The strength card is about not giving up and I think heeseung wont give up on his people easily.
9 of wands: is so similar with the strength card. Its abt pushing through and being reselient. Heeseung knows that obviously relationships are not smooth sailing all the time, there are times where things dont go the way you want . But he believes that if you want to work it out together, the problem can be solved. Its all in your willingness to fight for the relationship. As a boyfriend,Heeseung would be supportive of you and when i say support i mean your well being. So in a sense that if what youre doing is damaging to you then he will not support it. Because he still wants the best for you. He will tell you accordingly, prioritising what u need to hear than what you want to hear.
Six of cups: as bf , Heeseung would want you to treat him like a bestfriend. He would want to hear everything about you from the gossips to your beefs with others. He is just curious abt your life. And he would do the same thing and tell you everything. Nothing to hide. He would tell you about his day, what he eats , what he wears the list goes on and on. He would even tell you if he shit that day. To that extent.He would yap and also listen. You will realise that you would go everywhere together, Heeseung is the type of bf that you need to make sure you tell him that you have friends you need to meet up. Because if not, he will be carried away. As if the world only have the 2 of you in it. So thats is something you need to tell him about because i think Heeseung himself unintentionally do that. He enjoys too much that he lost track of time.
The fool: as a bf heeseung would be someone that is excited to be around you. He would be very playful and teasy. He will make you laugh alot. He just wanna have fun with you it doesnt matter where you guys are. The fool is a 0 card. So its giving a clean slate. I interprete this as heeseung falling for his person over and over again everytime he spend time with them. Its like his feelings get reset. And it becomes stronger and stronger everytime it resets. Something like watching you eat an ice cream, and he will just think "omg she is stunning".
Bonus: A song came up. le sserafim prod. Imase JEWELRY just played in my head. For this fool card🤭)
Bottom of deck/ overall energy 9 of pentacles:however even though he can be clingy, overall he believes that having a healthy mix of independence and love between the two of you is important. He likes the fact that you guys are flourishing as a couple and as individuals. He appreciates this deeply, and he is grateful for what you have together but also as your own person. Having your own identity. He wants it to be 2 different ppl that come together to meet in the middle. 2 different puzzle pieces fitted together.
So in my opinion, as a bf he is very caring, loving at the same time playful. He is extremely loyal. I know he has this playboy kinda image going on. But from this reading he is not. He is actually a complete opposite. Once he likes someone he can be emotionally invested (explains how he can have a crush over 2 yrs) and overwhelmed in fact. So there is no way he can have emotional spaces for others once he secure someone he really love.
I hope yall like this readd dont forget to give a like 💗
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terrorismreports · 7 months
how can you just forget
my friends dying sorry its annoying or something but this is what hurts the most cause now everyones gotta die. starting in 93 and up.
sober as a gopher it doesnt matter with what they have you guys dont know what to tell an addict if your main goal is your own drugs just to keeps yas calm. dont ever know the repercussions of who poisons the wells when you get the drugs after it gets confiscated.
faggots can keep ajaxing the redesigners and only giving those certain names good drugs.
extremely experimental transgender and plastic surgery wiki leaks there faggot grayce. i just got all that cause you wanted to play me as a faggot in kensington. and no one wants to do anything but set it up moree as grayces fault.???/
so you all can live carefree and in retirement?
the party where heath ledger killed himself after the better role making shit in hollywood and you guys are supposed to be a form of underground and crashed 30th st station. but grayce is the pirate bay leak? wikileaks and jace and jc fanfics on the cartel and you guys are just running around big as shit or something
doing whatever you want.
because you all just want what you want. so get the repercussions of saidd actions . opposite or equal and there are many other perspectives
how can i get away from parents that dont even want me my whole life cause when i was born i ruined whatever bullshit you all had going on. dont even know where im born dont even know where my dads from.
want to say you treated me like this cause this was the kid i was or something when shes still even scared to hear you yell or disappoint any of you.
but keep living all your real lavish big rich fucking lives.
getting all the Disney trips all the gatherings and all the bullshit i never got to go to nothing of mine produced income sorry martha stewart moved her estates cause grayce again is the one that coinnstanly needs funds unlike all the girls you guys have been doing all this shit with isnt the issue or anything. or paying people to keep trheir mouths shut. but i really cant get a fucking job or do anything like a normal human ive been having this issue since i hit my head when i was pregnant but its cool no psychological issues and nothing is wrong with me. life circumstances not a good excuse
anxiety ptsd definitely not a good excuse anymore
victimizing people so they get some recognition also a dying trait.
thank you entire family for havbing the religious background and the rehab aa na whole book on what to do while youre all so engulfed by your own personal problems im just still hearing sometimes 9i have to do what i have to do. thats the griffiths way i was told when i didnt want to have sex with someone but they still initiated. more than once so ill be a rat bitch the rest of my life. so now all of you still trying to fight for rights for kids to party with mike johnson because hes so good lo9oking and we need to desensitize uh pedohpiles whilke "training " kid to even just accused a 10 year old of raping the 14 year old girl but no you guys arent voting kids on kids trying to p-lay shoot your local heroin dealer over pilkus. and not understanding what we are saying everything that has been backing this i hope there arent more that feel like this.
cause if i wanted to do this my whole life i would have had a better stage set like all of you actors and actress wanna be
the 0 sugar diet comes from what entity in this fight? why is it at my moms and my dads if my mom still hates on my step mom how do i forgive and not let you suffer. how do i not let all of Hazelton suffer?
using my no religion rule you're also going to have to accept scotts excuse since he grew up in church and they went preaching on indian reservations out west. and now you all have your own religion and it has had adverse effects on me my whole life. so im the anti and now everyone needs some form of comfort.
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dumbbitchfrommars · 1 year
i know for a fact that my manager is deeply, completely, head over heels, simperingly in love with his wife. i adore it, the way she’s always on his mind and it shows, by the way every word out of his mouth always circles back to her. 
BUT! my capricorn influence calls me to be the quiet observer, when im not calling all attention to myself with my aries fiery-ness. in those moments, i see the way he loves all that female attention he gets. and i try my best to be as respectful as i can, and i only wonder... is he always talking about his wife to make sure i know he is in no way interested in me? is he compensating for a teeny, eensy, weensy crush, perchance? 
deluded. i know. but it incites a sense of excitement. i dont really want it to be true. and i dont really want to have a crush on my manager. mainly for the fact that we work together all the time, and i dont want his wife to give me the evil eye if through her marital psychic powers she realises that i have been obsessing over her husband. to be fair, if that were the case, she’d well and truly know by now. 
my next point is that i think he mostly spends the time he works with another team member with me, and the rest on his own in the mornings. he controls the rosters, so he obviously prefers my company the most. this is easily the case, but it also is hard to deduce as a crush, because the other options are really pathetic. we have the most in common and i am young and open minded and interesting. 
moving on. he is a CANCER! and cancers and i have historically vibed on a transcendent level. i always catch myself remembering moments where he was surprisingly caring to me in a protective/friend way. and he is a brilliant and invested manager, more so than anyone ive seen before. which is surprising, cause where does someone even learn how to be like that? 
tbh, the truth is there is completely 0 evidence that he treats me different than any other woman in his life, because he is a sensitive soul, and he’s well trained by his darling wife. so i will mind my business. i just wanted an excuse to get all these thoughts out, cause i’ve never met someone like him before. i really appreciate him, and look up to him. as a friend, and as a role model, cause one day i can only hope i find a partner who loves me as much as he loves his partner. except i hope i find one who shares my love for children cause damn that man is afraid of them. 
ill take my wins as wins and losses as losses. i dont feel much attraction for him in reality. its more like a, it could never happen, hes completely unavailable, high risk attraction. and the fact that he has acknowledged my attractiveness, and somehow we are equal in his eyes? someone as beautiful as that? and so cool? he thinks im hot and cool too?! thats so fire. im cool by association. we are the baddies of the workplace. a platonic power couple. 
also on consideration of my earlier comment. i am but a fly on that womans radar. i know what she looks like (its hard to not stalk when shes all he talks about) and they are the definition of sexy, bdsm, and intimidatingly hot. she’s probably witnessed shameless women hitting on her husband in front of her. and i’m CERTAIN he has witnessed the same with men. she is sexy as fuck. frankly, i want her more than him. lol. but anyway, im just this random, 21yo, naive, butterfly who hasnt got a clue about anything to them. sigh. its pretty pathetic i could muster up an entire essay about people who dont even know or care about me, but i cant talk about this, so into my electronic mind-hole it goes. 
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yutadori · 4 years
it really will always be so weird to me that we can meet someone and learn so much about them and build such a pleasant and love filled relationship together but then like... one day it can all end so quickly just like that. like for the longest time, whenever i became good friends with someone, i would always think that we’d be friends forever, that it’d be long lasting and never ending. like... i know it’s clear that’s not true but i guess because romantic relationships are usually portrayed as something that could end and platonic relationships aren’t really talked about in the same way, it just... never occurred to me??
but as i got older and had to start ending friendships because of how harmful they were or simply because we weren’t fit for each other anymore it.... was so weird?? there were some times where i didn’t feel sad, where i was just waiting for the day that i could cut our ties, but i almost always ended up at least a little sad later on. like when i would sit and reflect on how i knew this person who i once cherished and adored, who i would go out of my way to do so much for to make them happy, who i would message to tell them that i saw something that reminded me of them and how it made me smile. like.... god it’s so weird and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to like... fully process it?? like.... how can this person that i know so much about and used to care about so much like... become a person i no longer talk to? and possibly a person who i dislike and think about with disdain and bitterness?? how did all the love and affection turn into animosity like that 
and like... living with the fact that they’ll forever exist in my memories and in my mind. like... i feel like no matter how hard i try, i’ll never be able to forget about these people who i knew and i think ! that’s maybe a little evil !!! like. i may have cut them out of my life but like.... they still exist in my mind. when certain days of the year pass, i’ll think ‘oh it’s x’s birthday today’ and i dont even actively try to remember it. it just comes to mind just like that????? or when i look at something or smell something i’m instantly reminded of them and it’s like okay i Did Not ask for this 
#like i know theres that saying that even if people end up leaving your life the positive thing is that they taught you something etc and YEA#but.... i do not want to think about them anymore ! ^__^#like thanks for the trauma but please exit my memories and my mind#on jan 1st.... it will mark the first year anni of when i ended a friendship..........#new years... of ALL days that i chose to do it lmao ...#but also thatll be the first year anni of when i wrote kosai so ::3#sun texts#i just.... h#i think about this sometimes and its just so ??? to me. like how is it that i have so much info on this person and we're no longer#commmunicating or caring about each other. ok....#and i also dislike how platonic relationships are treated in the sense that they're seen as lesser than romantic ones like i think ghosting#is so cruel !!!#i dont... think ive ever been ghosted ?? but id imagine that itd feel absolutely awful. like even if you reassure yourself that youre fine#that you did the best you could and that you dont think you did anything wrong i feel like the wonder will always be there. like why did#they suddenly stop talking to you why didnt they say anything to end the rs ?#i feel like... thats so haunting....#like i always try my best to talk things out when ending a rs even though it can be soooo hard and anxiety inducing and you just feel#so terrible for the other person but it's like. as hard as it is i feel like it's better that way. like i feel like it's unfair to the other#person to just silently leave without a word... like even if you dont disclose why youre cutting ties i think the closure is so important#it allows them to move on better than if they were met without a reason 0:#yeah...#its just.... thinking about this all.... h.....#v wow....#and like because of this i sometimes think about my current relationships and how i love my friends so much but then it also makes#me think like . wow . fuck . this could easily end just like that . one thing or a silent accumulation of things could lead to the end of#this. like... and it scares me !! ): it scares me that it could end at any moment and that it's possible that all this love i have for this#person can turn into disdain ..... or vice versa they could end up hating me. and its just like... wow
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superworldunkown · 2 years
Like Father Like Son: Part 3
It’s been several minutes since I’ve posted. I’ve been spending my days recovering from surgery and 2021, But, this brings me joy. I hope it does for ya’ll as well. 
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Below are facts that I’ve made up in my head that Katsuki Bakugou would 100% simp for his significant, just like his father Masaru. As always, i envision Bakugou’s S/O to be that of a melanin queen, but feel free to insert your own OC into the mix. 
Link to PART 1 
Link to PART 2 
Always at your Service: Despite the fact that Katsuki has a big ego and a mouth full of opinions, his words come up short when he’s around you. His true love language is acts of service. He listens, and responds. That one time on one of your first dates when you nonchalantly mentioned that you liked going out to dinner because you didn’t have to do dishes; when you two moved in a few months later you never had to lift a finger in the kitchen. Honestly, you didn’t even know you had a dishwasher. Also, your favorite takeout would magically just plop itself on your desk while at work when projects were due and timelines where shortened. Bakugou just happened to be patrolling the area, thats all.
His compliments are explosively blunt: While he is more of a shower than a teller when it comes to his affections, he knows you need a little verbal affirmation every now and then. Whenever you are nervous or questioning your abilities that Katsuki knows you possess, he’ll blurt out a little “You’re the best out there Y/N. Don’t know why you’re so in your head about it...” Or, that one time when you bought that new outfit and nervously fidgeted with the fabric in the mirror for the eleventh time. You turned to ask him how you looked... Boy lifted his head from his phone only to scoff, “Like a god damn queen but you already knew that.” And let’s not talk about what he says to his fellow heroes when you’re not around...
He’s committed to your self care: Bakugou learned over the years the importance of finding positive ways to regulate stress (bottling up your emotions, looking down on people, exploding objects out of rage etc, can only get you so far in life). But when it comes to YOUR routine, he’s in it to win it. Theres the notorious story of when he, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari we’re playing videos games in his apartment and Bakugou suddenly shut off the console mid game to warm your house slippers in the dryer and draw you a bath so it was at perfect temperature when you got home.  Needless to say his houseguests were shocked at his behavior (Except for Kirishima; taking care of your partner is SO MANLY). When Kaminari made his, well Kaminari-esque quip about his odd behavior “Geez Kacchan, you really do treat Y/N like a princess.” Bakugou simply responded with, “Queen, dumbass. Seriously, I dont know how Ears puts up with you...” 
He takes your feedback (and yours alone) to heart: Growing up her never understood how his father could just bend over backwards to his mom’s every whim and wish. Like, seriously; one day he walked in on his father sporting a tiny mustache. When young Bakugou asked why he’d do something so ridiculous to his face Masaru simply responded, “your mother said I’d look good with one.”  Now, he gets it. Whatever you say, goes. Yes, he’ll argue and put up a huff, but in reality he values your opinion and insight. You say jump, he says “Damnit...how high?” When you notice small details about what he’s wearing or how he did fighting a villain, it makes his heart beat fast and his face flush. He wants to do good by you, But he’s will not grow a mustache...UNLESS you say he’d look good with one. 
NSFW - He goes from 0-60 in 3.5: Bakugou has a short fuze and an even shorter temper. And, when it comes to intimacy between the two of you. Well...things can go BOOM rather quickly. Needless to say when it happens Bakugou becomes utterly embarrassed and sulks under the covers. You on the other hand, you’re quietly beaming while attempting to soothe his shattered ego. (AN: I feel like I need to write a oneshot about this).
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phoenixfangs · 2 years
Dying at the tag on the opinion bingo djdkdkd. But I’d like to see ur big brain thoughts onnnn the naruhodous (Phoenix and Ryuunosuke). And a beloathèd character of your choice xoxo
apologies because this is going to be LONG but i do not want to put it under a readmore or anything. u WILL look at my opinions
first up my pal ace :3
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i mean like fuck dude. what HAVENT i said already about my favorite guy in the multiverse. he is my everything. nobody understands him like i do.
im going to be a bit unorthodox and actually explain in relative detail why i filled in (or partially filled in) what i did
everyone but me is wrong about them <3 - this is simply true. nobody gives this man enough credit, nobody sees him for all of his facets, its like people pick One trait (friendly, loyal, snarky, emotional, etc.) and decide thats Him. like they miss the forest for the trees with phoenix. people just dont get it. other peoples headcanons are also just wrong. some correct phoenix headcanons: he can cook but his luck is so terrible anywhere BUT the courtroom or the hospital that he comes out of any cooking encounter with cuts, bruises, stains, etc. there has never been a single instance where he has not hurt himself making a meal; he is a restless person and frequently suffers from mild insomnia, and also wakes at the crack of dawn and at any mild shift or sound in the room; he knows the lyrics of sweating bullets by megadeath exactly and can sing the entire song at will, and has for a disbelieving apollo
theyre like a blorbo to me - self explanatory.
theyre deeper than they seem/not as deep as they seem - not fully filled in on either because this is tricky. related to the above because i think he is made of a lot of really complex emotions and moving parts BUT he is also just a guy. people love to give him a really tragic backstory, usually with him being shuffled around the foster system (for reasons i dont understand), but its like. his backstory is vague purposefully for protagonist reasons but also i think thematically its important for him to be just any other guy? like, its aspirational that this random dude who happened to make friends with a lawyers son becomes the guy who spearheads fixing the entire legal system. idk man its hard to explain. i am the only one who knows where the balance between "just a guy" and "objectively the most important person in the aa universe" truly is
i like them enough to project my own issues onto them - when i start deciding the character has my traits it is Over. i dont know how to go into detail on this without being more longwinded than im already being (and without embarrassing myself by dumping my issues all over this post) but just trust me that i like him A Lot
they got done DIRTY by the fans - again, no one knows how to treat this man niceys as a CHARACTER. fanon phoenix (and to a greater extent fanon feenie) makes me want to rip and snarl and stab and bite (the only exception with fanon feenie is the feenie in electricity aside, i will not budge on this that that is the only interpretation of college phoenix that is appropriate and feels like phoenix.) people take it TOO far projecting onto him, is my main problem, to the point where they project traits onto him that do not fit his character at all (this is horny territory sorry but. why are there more than 0 fics on ao3 where he calls miles daddy. he would never do that. are we thinking of the same character.)
im mentally ill about them - i have adhd. self explanatory.
wow... they are LITERALLY me - not Quite a fill in because i do not kin phoenix wright, but a sort of fill in because phoenix wright kins me
ryunosuke! my buddy
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theyre deeper than they seem - not a full fill in because i Believe this but i am not the authority on ryunosuke. i do not know this man as well as i would like to. i need to have a coffee with him some time and pick his brain
they got done DIRTY by the fans - people who woobify ryunosuke to make kazuma the cool one in their dynamic make me angy. ryunosuke has anxiety but he is not like a tumblr user with anxiety (ie, cannot ask for extra napkins at mcdonalds). also again sorry horny territory, but i have seen TOO many nsfw things with ryunosuke where hes written/drawn like an uke teenager or something. im sorry for the yaoi term but i dont know how else to describe this phenomenon of feminizing and babifying a grown man for the sake of gay shipping. stop it.
i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog - i think hed enjoy the ride, give him a break from everything for a moment so he can just relax
they work better as part of a dynamic - again, partial fill in because i dont really Know if this is objectively true, like if i did have that coffee date with him maybe id change my mind, but i do think he works incredibly well as part of a dynamic. on his own hes perfectly fine but he is infinitely better next to kazuma, susato, iris, or sholmes imo
alright controversy time. beloathed character: clay terran.
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dude fuck this lamp
wasted potential - this is almost a pity fill in because like. WHAT potential right. but he could have been MORE than just a stupid prop. we dont even get a proper scene with him. we get a flashback of a still image jpeg and i believe thats the only time he speaks, if he has any lines at all. im not saying EVERY character has to have the same level of character writing as the main characters, but if ur gonna try to convince me to give a shit about them and say theyre an important person to a DIFFERENT character i like, i need reasons
not as deep as they seem - genuinely sorry to the clay terran enjoyers but he is not a character. u are collectively creating an oc and using his face. he is more shallow than a shadow. he isnt even a character
they got done DIRTY by the fans - okay actually on second thought i think the fans got done dirty. the fans lost in this exchange. they were given a lamp and convinced themselves that it was their new husband, when in reality it is just a lamp with a hat
they got too much screen time/i actively dislike them sorry/why was this character in the work at all - perhaps this contradicts my ‘wasted potential’ stamp but like. that stamp was for what i WISH we could have gotten from clay. but what we were actually given is a prop that exists for one case and afaik never brought up again afterward. AND  YET he was supposedly this very important influential figure in apollos life. NO HE WASNT. i keep joking that clay is a lamp, not just because of that parody blog, but because the story is fundamentally unchanged if clay were replaced with any inanimate object. the writers could have said ANYTHING had sentimental value to apollo and it wouldve been the exact same, and if u disagree with me ur deluded sorry
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hai and welcome :0]
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my name is: Rex / Quill / Finch
i use these pronounz: he / it / bit / byte
im a justa queer fat boy-girl-animal-thing trying to live in tha world. idk what to tell you. if you take gender/sexuality labels super seriously well then i do not think we can be friends! lol!
i am very shy and paranoid all the time so please be niceys. okay thank you. i love you
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important info & my tags are below this read more!
-by the way! if somebody says they are something, then thats what they are! someone says "hi im a lesbian dogboy" then okay! they know themself best and their identity is none of your/my business to argue about! please leave me alone if you make other peoples identities your problem! i think there is maybe a cockroach in your brain that makes you care too much about enforcing the gender binary! And pleaz stop trying to create new gender binaries to seperate people by 😁 It is getting very old! Gender/sex are made up and can not actually definitively tell you anything about a person or their experiences 🥰
-if you think that fiction/jokes/kinks/etc. can't ever affect reality then please leave!!! imo some things have to be treated seriously okay. i know stuff has complexities but like... don't go around playing with racism/the sexualization of kids/incest/other shit like that. and also please, please, please treat people and their bodies with respect regardless of your attraction to them. fetishizing someones existence is like. not cool. thanks. <3
-if we are mutuals it would make me super duper happy if you would tag sugary foods, as they make me sick just to look at or think about! just a "#sweets" works! if you dont wanna thats okay though, but thank you so muach if you do!! :0] (cupcakes, cakes, cookies, anything with icing or frosting, chocolate, or marshmallows on/in it)
my tags:
#hashtag awesome - (usually) for cool art
#hashtag beautiful - (usually) pictures/art of people i see and go "woaw. beautiful."
#hashtag fav - my favorite posts
#hashtag ultra fav - my favorite posts (cooler version)
#hashtag beastly angels worthy of worship - posts containing transmission towers
#hashtag freddiez favorite wordz - poetry, stories, words, etc.
#hashtag cool ass clothes - i want these clothes they look cool
#hashtag yimyum - things i want to eat/chew on
#hashtag need this - i need this item
#hashtag real - posts i look at and go "omg so real/true"
#hashtag squaking - thats me baby!
if you need something tagged let me know :0]
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
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2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
no i hate it! it hurts! its unbelievable to me that people would not be hurt by it! i hate it!
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
its been ages since i read anything but ive been known to use receipts, scraps of paper, straw wrappers, yugioh cards, really whatever i can get my hands on thats flat enough to fit in there.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
i dont/chai if available
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
i think smiling is the only way i look even half decent
7: do you name your plants?
i dont have any plants but if i did i would name one charley.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
side! left side, specifically. can manage right side if necessary, and back only if im not in bed. stomach is right fucking out.
12: what’s your favorite planet?
used to be saturn but these days im leaning more towards good ol' Earth <3
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
probably something that happened in disco elysium, i havent done anything but watch my friend play that all day.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
the first thing that came up is something i already knew but its also one of my favorite space facts so, the sun is 400x bigger than the moon, and also 400x farther away, so thats why they look the same size <3
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
i dont 'really want' to dye my hair at all but if i had to pick, id go ginger.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
like. probably ff14 lol.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
does spearmint count?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
my fc leader makes smiley faces like :> and i think thats the cutest shit
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
sleeping with socks is a one way ticket to foot rot. i like socks but i cant wear anything that comes past my ankle. unfortunately that means they often slide down my foot and i have to keep fixing them. i mostly wear white socks bc its easiest to find thin enough socks in white. the more colors they have, the thicker they tend to be. and i prefer them very thin.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
i like pretty pens but i dont use writing utensils often beyond writing dates on my calendar.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
really hate Friendly Teasing. really hate Lateness. really hate people treating me like being trans is an important part of my life. the important part is being Girl.
39: what color do you wear the most?
assuming the white/black spectrum doesnt count, probably blue?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
the only one that means anything to me is the ring i wear all the time. my dad bought one for me and one for my brother when i was 16 i think. it's got a garnet in it. he said it was something of a family tradition, iirc. he has one, and i think his dad had one. i just know id spent the 16 years up to that point looking at his ring and wishing i could have something like that. id never voiced this desire but it was really nice to actually get one.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
probably my mom and some other people who were in utah with us. you can see a lot more stars out in the desert.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
hrm. well if youre putting me on the spot, you can have this exchange i had with my friend on the drive out here. the premise is, a mafia man treats every job like the last job, and thus he has his dick out for every job. what are they gonna do, fire him?
"Ay, Cock-Out Tony! You're endangerin' the mission!"
"That was my father, call me "Cock-and-Balls Anthony"!"
"That's a bit of a mouthful"
"It's SUPPOSED to be a mouthful!"
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
vegan cat food
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
probably. the dark? idk. now it's probably also the dark. but more complicated.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
scars from cat scratches but not by choice.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
toss-up between rubbing harmless virginia creeper all over my face and body to prove to the boy scouts that it wasnt poison ivy, and sending my mom a big bouquet of flowers on father's day apologizing for not wishing her a happy mother's day, to prove to my dad that 'fuck you for getting passive aggressive about that bullshit'
59: what’s your favorite myth?
vampires real
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
god i wouldnt have any idea. my memory of gifts is either really bad or ive only given really mundane gifts.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
mmmmm not particularly? i dont generally crave in-person hangouts. i want to hang out with my gf but we have not done that before so the 'havent seen in a long time' doesnt super apply.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
spider lillies
68: what’s winter like where you live?
cold and sometimes snow happens. i hate it. its so dry.
69: what are your favorite board games?
whats that one called. where a couple people are spies and have to sabotage the mission? idr. that one was good. there was also a board game that the board game club at college invented, which was really fun.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
a luigi board?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
id say yes but theres no guarantee it would help me remember it
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
a goblin with no limits.
75: tell us about your pets!
Little Boy is my cat! he is a sharp and pointy boy. very talented at curling up against my arm when i am sitting at the computer. his goal in life is Eat Phone.
Little Girl is my other cat! she is a sphere. hates bare skin, only interested in sitting on jeans. smarter than little boy. her goal in life is Eat Crumbs
Destiel Cannon Spanish Dub is my other other cat! she is very good at pawing so softly at my knees when i am in the bathroom. not even stabbing me a little bit. very distinctive meow.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
nope, im not interested in tattoos generally.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
anime mom whos about to die tragically
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
convalesce in this hotel room, take pain meds
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
future, probably. would not have to deal with the logistics of recovering from surgery AND i would be cuter <3
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grown-clone · 3 years
djtlhboxn marchups please!! my pronouns are they them and please dont give me an underage character i have no specific gender preference but since im 20 i wouldnt want someone younger so your hands are kinda tied.
now that thats said if i had a quirk i already know id use it for myself and not even try to be a hero and im convinced hero society should fall so do with that what you will. my mbti is entp if that means anything, im probably really annoying too but i can read cues and stop so i dont make someone uncomfortable (i dont stop if theyre a dick though)
i like anime and manga a lot clearly, i think im really funny but i guess older people just find me concerning. ive never worked a day in my life but im in a really good uni with a 4% acceptance rate so thats pretty cool, im not special for it or anything i just have decent memory and pressure to succeed drives me.
im crazy patienten with people, ive been spending the last 8 months getting closer to someone eith anxiety and we've had 0 issues so id say i could get along with anyone however long it takes. though i do like taking everything this slowly cause i am terrified of getting into rushed relationships - GOD like i can't explain it well, english ismy 3rd language. i dont want to just ever date someone because then you break up and i cant sleep around cause thats so boring to me so id need to take a long time of getting to know someone and then actually dating uhhh yes
anyway i guess my love language is quality time and im really awkward with physical affection
thank youu so much this was probably a lot thank you
OKAY OKAY OKAY i got JUST THE IDEA(this was also the perfect amount of information bby)
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Fatgum met you after you and your business partner Clone(who totally isn't the author) opened a new café a block away from his agency. Filled to the brim with treats and drinks, but you were tucked away on the other side of the Cafe with a mini library/bookstore, complete with all sorts of books, art supplies, computer/pc equipment and more! He caught sight of you flipping a page by waving at it with your hand, which was technically illegal quirk usage, but you weren't hurting anybody so he didn't really care. He thought you were smokin hot like a good meal, and your tattoos and piercing gave your overall look a sharp edge. He walked over to try a see about a book for Tamaki, and maybe your number. But when you looked up to see the hero customer waiting, the smile fell off your face. You were curt, maybe even a little cold, and simply gave him two of your recommendations and checked him out. Fatgum walked away over to Clone, the baker and maker who he actually never caught the name of, to pick up his takeaway of drinks and treats for his interns.
"Uh oh, that's a sad face there! Whats wrong big guy?" Clone asked. Fatgum handed over his Yen and sighed. "Your business partner over there doesn't seem to like me very much. I was hoping to get to know them!"
"Well, you're gonna have a hard time cracking that walnut! Y/N doesn't really like heroes, or how hero society turned out."
"What? How can you not like heroes?" Fatgum asked, already taking a bite out of a doughnut. Clone shrugged with a smile on her face, and tucked an extra couple of treats into the bag.
"Maybe you should try talking to them about it?"
Fatgum would have turned around and talked to you right then and there, had his youngest intern Kirishima not burst through the door begging for some backup. So he carried his snacks and off he went.
You peaked around the corner of a bookshelf, eyeing Clone with a fierce intensity. "Is he gone yet?" You stage whispered, and a few customers shot you a look or two for breaking the near-silence. You shuffled over an sighed. "Ugh, I thought he was never going to leave."
Clone rolled her eyes, moving to the kitchen to brew some more tea to chill overnight. "You're quite dramatic when it comes to heroes, aren't you Y/N?"
"Its not my fault that they're all selfish, money grabbing idiots who don't actually care about anything!!!!! UGH!! Did you SEE the way he was just staring at me?"
"You mean like he wanted to get to know you?"
You shoved Clone away, almost causing her to spill the sugar everywhere. "Ugh, you're so lucky I enjoy your presence. Otherwise I'd throw you against the wall and dump sugar everywhere with my Quirk." You sat on a stool and crossed your arms, humpfing like a child. Your quirk, Atom-force, let you manipulate nonliving matter atoms like telekinesis. But, you learned how to use it on peoples clothing to hold them in place, or remove all the oxygen from their lungs.
"You're lucky I didn't give Tashiro your number! I mean, you're friends with me and I'm a hero!"
"Clone, you're a vigilante. That's not the same thing. Heroism isn't what it used to be. Even in America, there's still more vigilantes than pro heroes. And the pros get all the credit!!! Its a broken system, I say. We should be able to freely use our quirks without being labeled as a villain."
Clone was about to respond to you until a scream echoed from the cafe. You both dashed out into the mess, tables turned over. Glasses shattered. Drinks spilt and tea cakes crumbled. You watched as a villain with prehensile hair tried to stab Kirishima, the young intern who frequented the cafe with Fatgum. While you may not agree with hero society, killing teenagers who were mostly untouched by the toxic workfield were OFF LIMITS. Especially the one who was always so respectful and nice to you.
"NO MA'AM. NOT IN MY CAFE!!!" You crossed your hands over each other and flung them to the side. The Villains ponytails snapped out in opposite directions. She screamed as her hair pulled her both ways. Clone's body seemed to seep red energy, and a long, red spear formed in her hands. She held it at the villains neck. You walked over to the red haired-hero in trainging, helping him up.
"That....was....so.....MANLY!!!!! Oh, sorry! HUMANLY!!!! Y/N, I didn't know you had a quirk like that!!! Amazing!!!" Kirishima momentarily forgot about the villain attack as he gazed at you with wide, energetic eyes.
"Kirishima!!!" Fatgum, slightly smaller due to his burnt fat, bolted over to his intern. "Hey there Red! You took a bit of a tumble, didn't ya? Oh, thank you kind civilian!!! Those two little heroes out there mean the world to me, but its hard to watch then twenty four seven, you kno-Oh! Its you!!! Well, thank goodness you guys are around!!!" Tashiro smiled at you, and nodded his thanks. You nodded out of respect and left.
"Mate, come ON!!!" Clone growled as she drug the villain out by her hair. You laughed.
That was the first time you really met Tashiro.
You walked aimlessly around the mall, simply needed to move and maybe impulse buy some shit you don't really need. Your apartment could use some decorating since you had just about paid off your student loans, you could afford to splurge. The cafe(called The Librewery) was doing excellent and, lets be honest, making bank. You had been offering your services to teach basic English to support item makers looking to reach out to I-Island. All in all, you were looking pretty stacked with Yen. Well, not stacked, maybe piled.
"Definitely enough to get these Pop figurines....Oh, and maybe that plant!!" you muttered to yourself in the home decor area. So with some figurines(and a couple herb plants for Clone because she's psycho for them) you head back to the cashier.
And smack into a very solid body.
"Oh, geez, I'm so sorry about-Hey you! Long time no see!." Tashiro's bright smile stared down at you, and you realized he was a lot smaller than he normally looked.
"Oh. Hey,uhhh...."
"You can call me Tashiro when I'm not on duty."
"Alright....I guess you can call me Y/N."
He nodded, offering out his hand. "Hey, lets go get some lunch, on me! My apology for running into you!!" You were about to object, when Tashiro's stomach did a perfect imitation of a whale's mating call. He stuck his hand behind his head and laughed awkwardly.
"Please excuse that! Patrol last night left me running on fumes, I was so tired I couldn't get myself to eat anything! And that's worrying for me!"
What the hell. It was a free lunch right? Maybe the you could afford one more pop figure.
SO here you sat, both of you munching on ungodly amounts of mochi and takoyaki. When Fatgum gets food, he gets the whole kitchens worth. You made small talk, and surprisingly your seething hatred of him for playing into a STUPID FUCKING SYSTEM OF QUIRK OPPRESSION AND FEAR TACTICS!!!!!! Actually ebbed away. He was nice!! And even sent you home with three meals worth of leftovers, promising to visit the cafe for another book for his shy intern. And honestly? You were looking forward to it.
That was the second time you really met Tashiro
It was the fifteenth time Fatgum had returned to the cafe, and the third time he brought both his interns.
"Hey there Y/N! Got any new recommendations for us?" Fatgum and Kirishima grinned mouth-hurting grins, while Amajiki clutched his arms and stared at the floor. You chuckled, and pulled two new manga's you had gotten in yesterday from under the counter. Kirishima grabbed his like a lifeline, flopping on a beanbag you had placed next to the counter. Amajiki simply sat at a table, after thanking you because he has manners, and silently read.
"I've got something a little different for you, Mr.Pro." You pulled a newer book from your personal shelf, Quirks, Quantities, and Queens: A collection of works from the survivors of the Battle of New Castle. The book was your first taste into the injustices of hero society after an en masse villain attack left thousands upon thousand of civilians homeless, defenseless, and in danger. After they began using their quirks to survive and fight back, the state of Delaware mass-arrested anyone caught using their quirk. It was bloody, brutal, and absolutely heartbreaking. "Maybe this will open up your eyes about the society we live in. You also might want to have the tissue ready for the poem by Amaya." you warned, passing him the book. Tashiro was open-minded compared to some of his pro-hero coworkers. He always read every article you sent, and immersed himself in your conversations about the hero world. And often times, he found himself agreeing with you.
"Actually Y/N, I was thinking maybe we could read them together? Maybe grab some snacks and have a little get together like at the mall?" And he just stared at you with his big wide eyes, full of the whatever emotion is similar to please say yes please say yes please say yes.
"I think that sounds great." You said.
"Oh, great! Its a date! WAIT no note a date! Like, a date....on a calendar....that we don't even have yet." He looked like a big, golden retriever who dropped his ball behind the couch. Totally betrayed by his own mouth. You laughed, knowing that Tashiro was not a man to cross boundaries, especially yours.
And that was the seventeenth time you really met Tashiro. And you found yourself enjoying every moment. So you continued to really meet him, and he really met you. Around a year later, he asked you on an official date and the night ended with you becoming his significant other. He took you into his agency, and you could see that this was a man who truly wanted to be a hero to save people, not for the money or the fame. He took you into an office in the back, and handed you a stack of books. It was every book you'd ever given him about quirk discrimination and hero society theory.
"I've uh, gone through all of these at least twice and whipped up a couple changes to the agency's policies I'd like to get your opinion on, what do you think?"
You think you've found someone, one of the last, who really wanted to do good for the sake of doing good. And it warmed your heart just a little bit. After you revised a few of the policies, Fatgum spread them around to several other agencies around Japan, and these policies eventually spread around the globe. The hit social media like wildfire, and you could see small changes here and there that seemed to make things easier on the little guy in the picture. Including the newly named "Heart of a Hero" law. A pro could vouch for any civilian who used their quirk for self-defense or defense of another, and all charges if illegal quirk usage would be dropped.
And you? You mother fucking did that you sexy bitch. You gave Fatgum books one day because he got you some banging mochi, and you butterfly effected a whole ass LAW. How does it feel to be that powerful, anon?
tysm for reading, and I hope you like it!!!! I was originally going to go full villain for you, but I preferred to try the "Heart of gold freedom fighter" route and see where that went!!
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ☁︎
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Summary // WinWin is feeling uncertain that Tali likes him, but then finds reassurance after sometime with her.
Characters // Talia Flores + Dong Sicheng (ft Taeyong, Mention: Jisung, Chenle, 127 members)
Era / Year // January 2017
Word Count //
Italics: Chinese
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Its obvious EVERYONE loves WinWin, everyone is whipped for him, even Jaehyun who is a person who doesn't do skinship that much. But all the fans wonder...why doesn't Tali swoon over him.
For example Tali gushes over Chenle and Jisung a lot. Mostly because they are younger but she also does to the older members like Taeyong. So they always wonder why doesn't she gush over WinWin like Taeil or Yuta does even Mark. Like if WinWin does something cute, she just smiles and moves on. For a moment the fans thought Tali and WinWin had beef but that was debunked when WinWin was clinging on to her during a music show.
Its even shown WinWin purposely acting cute infront of her or just making eye contact and her just smiling at him and then going back to what she was doing. Then the members laugh him sulking when she doesnt give him much of a reaction and Taeil and Yuta comfort him.
Tali is known to not be charmed easily for example the amount of times she gets shown aegyo to, it has been to the point she doesn't show much of a reaction. If you want to her to fall for an aegyo make Chenle do it and she just for some reason can't deny him. Which makes WinWin sad, he feels like he did something wrong for her not to acknowledge him as much as the others. So usually you see him try to get her attention or him clinging on to her like a half backhug or holding her hand. Which makes Taeil and Yuta jealous of her honestly.
But in reality, Tali LOVES WinWin she really does, its just she has noticed he doesn't like to be smothered or clinged on to he seems uncomfortable and she thinks that since she is a girl be would be more uncomfortable with her hugging him so she doesn't.
He didn't really know what to do so he went to a person he could trust...
Taeyong looked back and saw a sad WinWin.
"Hey whats wrong?" He asked and went to him and sat him down.
"Do you think Tali likes me...she seems not to." He said pouting, and it took all of Taeyong's power not to squish him.
"No, no ,no Tali loves you of course-"
"Then why doesn't she act like she does when she is with Jaehyun, or Haechan?" He said with sadness.
Taeyong huffed, he knows for a fact Tali loves him, but he also doesn't know why she just doesn't gush over him like the rest.
"I-...I know she loves you Sicheng, she does, but I don't know why she doesn't treat you like the others, you are gonna have to ask her yourself." Taeyong reassured him.
WinWin has always been comfortable with Tali like asking her for stuff and her knowing Chinese helped a lot. But he always felt that he wasn't in her heart. He just nodded her head and left...at that moment Taeyong felt powerless to help his friend.
That exact same day Tali went live...
Tumblr media
LOveWinWin: why don't you love WinWin??
Tali looked at it weirdly.
"I do like WinWin, what makes you think I don't?" She frowned
Winwin45: cause you never really give him that much attention and etc.
The fan clear up, Tali made an :0 face. While other fans were trying to reassure her that its was fine. She smiled at them.
"Its okay its fine, you guys are probably wondering too, I do like WinWin don't worry." she giggled
"Its just he is not a big fan of skinship, then Im like the only girl which I think, I think would make him more uncomfortable you know?" She said explaining why, and emphasizing the I think.
"I just don't wanna cross the line since everyone is different." She clarified
All then fans were like oh okay, that makes sense.
Tali looked at her phone and saw it was late.
"Ah, sorry guys its late and I would like to leave before dark, bye everyone~" She waved by to everyone and ended the live.
She quickly started packing her things since its was running late, then she heard the door open and she looked up and saw someone she wasn't expecting.
"Oh, hey WinWin." She smiled at the shy boy. He waved at walked to her, he looked like he was about to say something but hesitated.
"Is there something wrong?" She gave him a worried look and he shook his head no.
"Then whats wrong?"
".....you don't hate me?"
Tali's heart sank when he said that.
"Oh no no, of course I don't, even if I did I don't have a reason to." She smiled at him sadly.
"So you-"
"No, I dont hate you, the reason I don't hug you and etc is because is because you seem so un-"
She was cut off by his tight hug.
"Thank you...I was so worried I did something wrong or said something...thank you."
"Oh noo, I care about you sooo much and honestly I don't think you can ever change that." She hugged him back.
"And by the way you can hug me all you want I won't get uncomfortable...i-"
"No yeah I will no problem."
She cut him off quickly already knowing what he was gonna say...
He was caught off guard but just smiled and thought nothing of it.
"Hey let me walk you home it looks dark already."
"Oh you don't ha-."
WinWin gave her a pleading look, she huffed and nodded her head. He gave her a big smile, they started to go back home until he got an idea.
"Hey, lets stop at the store, I wanna buy you a snack."
"Oh noo, you don-"
"Nope, I wanna spoil you, I wanna get close to our only female member so, indulge me." He dragged her, while she was shaking her head.
They got some sodas, chips, and ingredients to make a chocolate cake.
"Are you sure? I can pay atleas-" She was cut of by doe eyes staring right at her. She huffed.
"Okay okay..."
He smiled and back hugged her with joy. They got to the dorms and they started baking.
"O-okay where do we start?"
"Uh....okay get me....two bowls...and 2 whisks...yeah."She seems unsure, but really wanted it to work out not to waste WinWins money.
"You sure?"
Tali looked at him and looked at the ingredients infront of her.
"Ah, no, this is where google comes in."
She took out her phone, while WinWin laughed at her. She smiled shaking her head.
"Ah okay lets...." and she started giving instructions, they somehow successfully made the batter and now had put it in the oven.
"Thats...was way harder then its should have been."
"Agreed" Tali huffed.
"Lets clean so Taeyong won't scold us when he wakes randomly."
"Yeah, sometimes he wakes up randomly, Im planning to go to the pharmacy tomorrow morning and get some melatonin so he can get proper sleep." She said while she started to clean.
"Do you get enough sleep at night too?"
Tali was caught off guard, she looked at him weirdly.
"Yeah of course-"
"Then how do you know?"
She didn't know what to say. Its true, insomnia has been taking over her lately aswell.
"Tali~ after this lets put you to sleep ok?"
"Ah no you don't ha-". The timer rang for the cake, she quickly grabbed the mittens and got the cake out and put it on the cooling rack. While WinWin was looking at her with sad eyes.
She turned around to him.
"Tali...you can sleep in my room I will sleep on the couch." He tried to negotiate so she would sleep, since the cake is out and they could finish it tomorrow.
"Ah no, I cant.."
"No take my bed."
They looked at each other then Tali ran for the living room. Winwin held her back before she could get to the door frame and they were laughing while wrestling. Winwin somehow got on the couch before Tali and Tali was just standing beside him pouting.
"Nooo, WinWin~ let me sleep on the couch."
"Nope." He shook his head cutely.
"Okay, how about this, how about me and you sleep on the bed..or both on the couch, cause there is no way I'm letting you sleep here." She whined while pouting. He went soft for her cause how can he not with that face.
"Fine." He sighed
He got up and Tali smiled in victory.
"But tell no one that we slept in the same-"
"Can se cuddle?"
She asked hoping he would say yes, it was rare for her to ask, she mostly asked because she knew the bed was alittle small.
"Sure...wait this is the first time I will ever cuddle you."
"Is...that a problem?"
"Nope, come on I will treasure this." He shook his head.
They went in bed and she layed her head on his chest and surprisingly they both fell asleep really quick.
To WinWin there was something about Tali he feels so relaxed around her, like home, so cuddling together was quite peaceful.
The next day came and Taeil barged in wanting attention from WinWin but instead got greeted by Tali and WinWin cuddling.
He yelled loudly which woke up WinWin but surprisingly not Tali.
"Whats wrong." WinWin said with a raspy voice, still holding on to Tali in a protective manner.
Everyone barged in worried.
"What's wrong?!" Taeyong asked worried why the oldest yelled, then they saw a half awake WinWin holding a sleeping Tali. They all sighed in relief it was just that and some glared at Taeil.
"Why did you scream?" Johnny asked while some where leaving back to their room to sleep. The people that stayed were Yuta from shock that WinWin and Tali were cuddling and Taeyong also wanting an answer.
"I wasn't expecting Tali and WinWin in the same bed okay? She's not that affectionate with him." He reasoned. The two just shook their head and went back to bed. Yuta still looking at the two, he decided to take pictures.
"Now this is gonna be a memory."
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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littlebabycrybtch · 3 years
tbh... we have absolutely FAILED ppl with ea/ting disor.ders so fucking unimaginably bad, especially the visibly underweight ones. and we are still failing them to this day by avoiding valuable education out of discomfort and demonization. its genuinely appalling sometimes, to see just how Dangerously ignorant ppl are about this shit. bros listen 2 me rn. you are not a doctor, and you are Not going cure an ed with your almost laughably ignorant and malicious ‘reverse psychology’ bit where you call someone an ugly skeleton knocking on deaths door whos body needs to be banned from instagram forever, because you’re just ‘so scared theyre gonna die’ or w/e so you can legit pretend they dont exist, holy fucking Shit dude. that shame-and-shun tactic is so unbelievably dangerous. like, if you knew Anything REAL abt these disorders or frankly any mental health issues and cared enough to apply that then you would understand how thats just... pure cruelty. im sorry to be blunt but yeah this isnt a joke, it needs to be said that you are easily going to KILL SOMEONE with that kind of unfiltered uneducated IGNORANCE. it is inexcusably selfish, harmful, and ableist behavior, we have to stop this already.
imo there’s a Lot to be said about the toxicity spiral thats become the pro recovery movement and how much it rejects and speaks over the people its Supposed to support, becoming more about ‘anti symptoms’ than pro anything, but if you are gonna understand Anything new today at least learn this;;; hating yourself at unhealthy is Never ever going to be the key to loving yourself at healthy. being ashamed of yourself FOR being unhealthy, will NOT make you healthier, it’ll make you worse every time. im not tryna be mean but honestly how the actual FUCK do yalls brains work, it is SO wildly damaging to let yourself perpetuate this type of mindset, and then still claim pro recovery or w/e like recovery doesnt have to start at unhealthy??? like itll just happen overnight??? like that’ll help??? like if ppl catch you displaying symptoms of the disorder you LITERALLY HAVE, you arent allowed to talk abt it in any form without intense open negativity towards it and yourself, so ppl know ur definitely totally against it tho and not enabling urself, bc if you dont talk abt ur shame and embarrassment for it that means you arent recovering and need a mob after you??? thats how you think people are gonna get better????
ffs dont try to viciously shame yourself out of bad habits and treat your disorders like taboo, respect and love yourself wholly, the good and the bad, if you want to form better habits!!! ppl NEED to be encouraged to love themselves at unhealthy if they ever want to improve. you are not going to accidentally make them worse by not constantly shaming all their ‘flaws’, they are not MADE of ‘flaws’. by showing support for the mentally ill, you are not fucking supporting their ‘symptoms’, you are a supporting THE FUCKING PERSON EXPERIENCING THEM. and you DESPERATELY NEED TO DO THAT!! there is MORE TO THEM than their symptoms! there are things to COMPLIMENT them on besides their body! its gotten to this point that like. ppl are actually Afraid of just being nice to ppl with eds. they dont even wanna treat them like Humans outside of their disorder, all they see is a disorder. everyone is just SO afraid of ‘enabling’ them by not being vocally against their symptoms that they avoid them like the plague and dont even try to build them up, which is what they fucking need more than anything dude!! 
ppl think refusing to ever let an underweight person feel pretty or love their body where they are at is what they need and will force them to recover, or they think giving them goals like ‘you’ll be so much happier with a bigger body’ and ‘keep going one day you wont look so sick’ is at all different than their own internal dialogue, when the Truth (that people need to fucking know by now!), is that shame with mental health is incredibly dangerous, eds are diverse but theyre most often rooted in starvation as a form of self harm from an unwavering self hatred and feeling of failure or lack of control, one they already have deeply ingrained and will usually feel at Any Size, which is why so many feel unsatisfied and keep going and going till they die. the answer to this problem isnt gonna be inflicting more fucking self hate or pressure. thats gasoline on a fire. you cannot just try and. UNO REVERSE CARD THE ~RULES~ OF THEIR FUCKING MENTAL DISORDER and expect RECOVERY... oh my god dude, please, id laugh out loud if this wasnt so malicious.
listen, if you wanna help, like actually Care about Helping the way you claim the root of your attitude is, you need to make that person feel like they can love themselves, not try to make them ‘realize’ how ‘bad’ they are and how uncomfortable and scared they make you and how Not Allowed their behavior is, bc 1. body dysmorphia is a delusion,,, denial is a common association with addictive/self destructive behaviors,,,, you are going about it wrong if thats the first thing you try to accomplish, and 2. whether you like it or not ‘bad’ is gonna be your first checkpoint! who would be motivated to get better when all you’re doing is giving them an already failing grade and pushing them back??? 
you’re all just... so paralyzed by ignorant fear every time you interact with someone with an ed bc you are so fucking detached from it as a concept, but you wont LEARN how to BEHAVE AROUND THESE PPL! LIKE! and then you claim you act this way ‘because you care'. ok then why do you feel like you dont have to listen or learn??? why dont you see these tactics as needlessly cruel when its explained??? bc oh you cant ‘’’’’trust’’’’ ppl with eds to tell You how to help Them, right??? they’re probably lying, you know better than them ofc. smhhh, every other mental illness community gets to speak for themselves to the ppl without their experiences and therefore the ability to hurt them, sure, but not the sneaky ed people, they created pr.0/a.na/, (the ONLY existing space for encouraging mentally ill ppl in self destructive behaviors, obviously), so they dont know what they need, they have to be Told by Normal people bc their irrational brains are Just Too Broken. (/s)............ like.............?? it is Sooo fuckin prejudiced and disgusting tbh. we gotta do better than this. 
eds are almost completely left out of communities for mental health these days. its seriously so disappointing. if you ACTUALLY ‘care’, then ok you need to swallow your pride and do better, you need to Listen and not let your personal discomforts (genuine triggers excluded!) with their appearance or behaviors get in the way of how humanized and committed your decent treatment of their disorder is. tbr, sometimes you arent just ‘concerned’ about a person, sometimes how you go about your feelings is rooted in your inner urge to validate your own discomforts with them, which means it might end up more about you than about them, which hurts them. i mean for the love of god, these ppl are not ‘irresponsible’ for existing around others with their ~unhealthy bodies~, they are not a walking trigger and cant be treated like one, they arent contagious, they will not benefit mentally from hearing you say you think they should be physically banned from posting selfies or w/e, that isolation WONT prevent eds from ~~~spreading~~~ and will severely harm the person in question, you are not making a heroic decision to try and bully them away to ‘save’ others from ever being around them or save them from being around an “enabling” (supportive recovery/not shameful) community. you are not ‘fixing’ them by making them hate their underweight bodies. you’re LITERALLY just ignorant and prejudiced and ableist, your ideas are actually Very harmful, you are not a savior, you are making it worse, plain and simple. Please just start doing better already, its kind of a life or death situation here
#tw eating disorder ment// /#long post// /#tldr;;; hey guess what guys. you know what you should do if you think you see a body check??#compliment em. just avoid the topic of their weight/size/etc or their disorder (even to encourage them to recover. dont start there)#literally pm them and tell them you like their hair. their clothes. their voice. their personality. their art. their username. ANYTHING#that HUMANIZES THEM AS A PERSON OUTSIDE THEIR DISORDER#and BUILDS FOUNDATIONS FOR SELF LOVE!!!!!#/UNCONDITIONAL/ SELF LOVE that reminds them their value lies in MORE THAN THEIR BODY TYPE#that is so unfathomably fuckign IMPORTANTTTTT YOU GUYYYYS DONT UNDERSTAND I#literally please at the very least if u arent comfy with that just stop . Insulting. underweight bodies. that is literally.#'''enabling''' their habits. u have to be literally impossibly ignorant to think that wont make them worse. so. fuck you#if you actually 'care' abt these suffering ppl the way you claim uhhh improve your behavior after hearing all the flaws with it pointed out#puhlease#?#instead of just. sticking the r3xies in the corner and saying 'it makes me uncomfy so if i cant see it it doesnt matter'#like why tf do ppl assume so much of this is about 'attention' or rather positive attention for self destruction#and therefor ANY ATTENTION AT ALL must be bad and shunning is the right answer. like????#bro just. put in literally an ounce of effort here and give them the right KIND of attention which is easy to figure out if ur educated.#godddddddduhh#yes im sorry but the mentally ill slowly dying ppl DO require your attention actually. if ppl are in danger 'for attention' its uh.#more important that you just. dont ignore that and figure out the most nuanced responses Later actually#yall just dont want the responsibility on you if you say the wrong thing and im sorry but to an extent thats just... kinda... selfish#they need ya buddy you dont have to be bffs with every single one of em but you could just like. treat em like a person at least shruugg#all im asking is that yall educate yourselves a little better and stop this horrible shit
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
Hard agree on you about CDPR's characterization of Johnny. It's not only that he doesn't show up as often as he should, and that his lines are a bit wonky sometimes (side gigs mostly), but they also kinda made him more of an asshole than he actually is? Like, they made Rogue say that he cheated on her. Three times. That is not in the actual lore. Why did they add that??? In the actual story they even share a sweet moment with him saying she's the best and calling her by her actual name.
Part 2 For Context: Another thing to add to my post, TTRPG Johnny also buys entire warehouses and converts them into living spaces for homeless artists and such. He does free concerts to expose NCPD brutality. The guy even felt bad in 2013, when he made the people rally against Arasaka bc he didn't want any of them to die. Like, he's a shit, but he's actually a very decent man too. I guess 2077 Johnny is just an engram and not the real one, but still, could've done better with his writing.
I'm trying to think carefully of how I wanna word this. Because I know when discussing problematic character behaviors, its a slippery slope at times. So, I wanna preface by saying, I am by no means justifying his actions by any means.
However, my issues with his characterization have less to do with me wanting him to be nicer and/or closer to his TTRPG counterpart. I'm not someone who was heavy into the TTRPG, I never played, I've just done some cursory research into it out of curiosity after playing the video game. Mostly out of curiousity of what still could or would fit into the video game. I've talked a bit of how I think the Silverhand Studio warehouses could fit as a project he tried when he was younger that failed. And I could easily see the police brutality awareness concerts still being something samurai did, cause Johnny in cyberpunk 2077 still cares about and is passionate about those issues; but he's a giant fucking asshole disaster who treats people like shit. At least thats how I see him.
And like, again, not justifying his actions but from a character and narrative standpoint. I like the decision to make him an asshole. Because to me, personally, his growth and redemption is the best part of the game. Like, obviously I love a lot of other things in the game and it has value beyond that. But to me his redemption and changing is so critical to the plot. That if he was just good guy johnny who is still good guy johnny by the end, it would take a lot away from the game to me. Which may or may not be fucked up that I prefer an asshole who becomes nicer than nice man who stays nice. But a journey is more interesting than a sit, ya know?
But my issues are generally; at times inconsistencies, consequences for his assholery, and just wish we saw more.
Ive talked somewhat about how he can be inconsistent in his development between main quests and side quests. He can be very erratic, which that also is probably just part of his character rather than an inconsistency. But those things can make it hard to understand him and can feel odd. But that also can just come from sidemissions being mostly nonlinear. In my ideal world where cdpr gave themselves more time; i would have liked if side quest/gig dialogue changed based on Johnny and V's relationship, the same way it does in the quests with kerry and in the endings/embers. Like if he do a gig with 0 affection, he may not show up or be a dick. But if you do that same gig with 70% he for sure shows and is more concerned for V. Like just that little level of consistency. Which i know it'd require more time and getting keanu back in the booth but, it'd have been nice.
Ive talked at length before about how I wish Johnny faced some more consequences for being a dickhead, so I wont bore anyone with more of that.
As far as the Rogue stuff you mentioned, that kind of goes into my issue of wishing we'd seen more. Cause V is suppose to have Johnny's memories lurking around their skull but we only see 2 memories??? Rogue says at the date: "lets go back in time before i knew what a bastard you were" there was a time when he was at least on some level decent. I refuse to believe he managed to convince Rogue and Alt to date him, being an asshole out the gate. There had to have been softer moments. But we the player dont get to see them. We only see the worst of Johnny in the past, despite supposedly having all his memories as V.
Like Johnny who cheated on Rogue and the Johnny who was soft with her and called her by her real name: very much can be the same guy and both having happened. Johnny getting attached and that scaring him so be does dumb shit and destroys everything. Johnny having genuine feelings but being unwilling to embrace them fully. Johnny giving breadcrumbs of affection to keep people around then snapping and doing something devastating when he worries they've gotten too close. Then regret it and give another breadcrumb of affection because he does feel that affection, he cares, but hes fucked in the head. Intentionally or not, stringing the people who care about him along. He's whiplash and a whirlwind. And that all makes sense and fits his in video game character to me, because hes meant to be a toxic asshole who really does care but has to get his shit together big time. But we dont see the nicer moments enough, we dont see what drew Rogue, Kerry, and Alt into his life. We dont see enough of those moments in my opinion. The closest is, when alt dies, if you choose the nice goodbye to kerry, and the way he tried to smooth things over with alt in the alley way before she was kidnapped, oh and the little hand hold. You get really brief moments but you mostly just see the assholery. It would have been nice to see how he met the people who mattered to him, seen more of his good, more of that charisma he claimed to have. In general, I would have liked more exploration of his character and his relationships
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