#i dont know how to articulate or describe anything!!
hpdgirlfriend · 2 years
having a . um.
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alright everyone hear me out. they would be the most autistic power couple
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first of all, they simply would not piss each other off. i rest my case
jk i have more shit to spew. they have so much in common it’s insane—the autism runs rampant through their veins
they would just fucking get each other you know ?? i cant stop thinking about how lynette literally uses “robotic” language to describe her energy levels and sometimes even fucking pretends she’s a puppet or doesnt deny rumors about that because it helps her avoid social interaction. her idea of a good time is recharging by petting cats and drinking tea. like holy autism
kuni would probably think she’s chill and maybe the least annoying person he’s ever met because she just minds her business, speaks with honesty, does not engage in small talk, and generally doesnt give a shit what he thinks. and that’s kind of really amazing for him because that means he doesnt have to put on a show. she’s not concerned with offending him, and she pretty much doesn’t ever take offense at things he says, so he neither has to worry about his words nor her perception of him.
they can sit and do nothing together. they can drink bitter tea and say nothing and pet cats and be content while he works on his thesis. they dont assume anything unspoken, they communicate if they want to say something, they dont have to worry about mysterious underlying social rules with each other, they dont have to sugarcoat anything.
basically what im trying to say is they share a brain cell
both concerned with protection, afraid of losing people/harm coming to their loved ones
lynette is incredibly strong and resilient, but that doesn’t change the fact that she was a victim, and the people who know what happened to her (like lyney) (and in this hc, wanderer :3) would protect her so fiercely like aaaa idk if it’s just me projecting but i just really love the idea of them clinging to each other because they are so desperate to protect each other and aauauauayau heheaheheahah the angst
they might (MIGHT, im stretching but hear me out) know each other/have heard of each other because fatui (i think at the very least lynette would have certainly known about scaramouche as a harbinger, and it’s not too likely he’d have heard about her specifically, but he would probably be aware that the knave is the “father” of the house of hearth, so he’d be familiar with her affiliation in that way)
so anyways all i can think about lately is them growing close to each other and then being basically telepathic
like they just know how the other is feeling at any time and since they share many of the same feelings about people and socializing, they would just get each other and know what the other needs like AAAH I CANT FUCKING ARTICULATE WHAT I MEAN EXACTLY AND ITS SO FRUSTRATING I JUST. I THINK THEY WOULD UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER AND. YEAH. FUCK
also theyre cats🔊🔊🔊🔊
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queerautism · 2 months
ugh sorry to rant in your inbox but im going insane when reading trans discourse these days. idk how to articulate this but i dont think people think afabs are as capable of complex thought as amabs.
trans spaces or cis spaces, it feels like theres no place where afabs can be treated seriously or as capable of being able to handle nuanced conversations. in cis spaces, this is obvious with cis men being outwardly misogynistic towards ciswomen/afabs. but ive seen too many posts in trans spaces about transfem issues where people are in the notes are saying that "the tmes would have a meltdown over this" and its like. really? are we really doing this? yes, there is a massive problem of afabs minimizing and derailing posts about transfem issues and this is disgusting and undoubtedly transphobic and transmisogynistic. but ive seen so many posts where a transmasc is talking abt the issues they face as a transmasc and people in the notes are talking about how transfems have it worse. these comments go absolutely unquestioned even though they're derailing the post and minimizing the transmasc issues brought up in it. i hardly ever hear anyone talking about how transfems dont know the struggles of being afab (other than the terves, but they always go after the wrong points and have bad faith takes, natch). an afab will NEVER know the horrors of being a transfem in the transmisogynistic world we live in, but neither would an amab ever know what it's like to be transmasc. but transfems are treated as being capable of understanding all issues (transfem AND transmasc AND misogyny towards ciswomen) while transmascs are treated as being unable to understand ANYTHING, even their own struggles.
its really annoying how any attempt by transmascs to find a word to describe their unique struggles or experiences get shot down as either transmascs trying to coopt transfem culture or trying to say that men in general are oppressed. transmascs are told that their struggles are not unique and are "just" misogyny and "just" transphobia so they dont need a word for their experiences. which really fucking sucks.
and im NOT pointing the finger at transfems for this at all. im not mad at transfems. ive seen just as many transmascs say and do these things as transfems. this is NOT a transfem vs transmasc issue. this is just something ive noticed in my time scrolling online that im very very sick of.
I think most trans people know we all have it really hard, in sometimes similar and sometimes different ways, and would rather unite in solidarity. These are just loud assholes looking for a justified target, as usual. It fucking sucks to deal with but remembering that helps me tbh
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ashlynbannerofficial · 4 months
How do you feel about each one of your friends individually? Like opinions and such. Tyler answered this earlier and I think it would be interesting to hear different responses as well as his :)
ah well
im not the best at articulating my emotions but i can try
taylor is really sweet, and i love her so much. she puts in the effort to make sure my voice is heard despite how quiet i am and it really means alot to me. i appreciate her a lot
i love talking with logan, hes very well articulated and i feel like he just is a genuinely good person i want to surround myself with. i admire him, actually
i feel safe with ben. i feel like i can be my real self around him and he will have that persons back no matter what. i think hes an amazing person and i want to be better friends with him, but sometimes i get nervous about interacting with him
tyler is harder to explain. i give him a lot of shit for a lot of different things, but its not like i dont care about him. i do, i really do. i admire his work ethic and hes much more responsible and down to earth than i initially thought. he loves his family more than anything, and above all he has my respect for that. even though sometimes i want to pull his hair out, i am loyal to tyler
i guess that leaves aiden-
i dont know how to describe how i feel about aiden.
i know i trust aiden. i trust him with more than i should. trying to describe how i feel about him is like describing sunsets. i like sunsets, i like to go outside and sit in their presence, feeling the fading warmth on my skin. i feel safe in the dimming light. and sometimes i get scared after the sunset leaves, like i wont see it again. it makes me sad. but i always know that no matter what the sunset will return tomorrow, just as beautiful as it always is.
aiden reminds me of a sunset, i guess
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bitchslapblastoids · 2 months
"i definitely don't think someone is morally reprehensible because they....posted about sex on their....own twitter account? "
i dont either! :) i do it all the time. maybe if you actually looked into what i told u and u saw the multiple teens who showed proof of berry talking about smut with them one on one we'd be on the same page? or are all of us here incapable of hearing something that challenges a topic we feel personally touched by for some reason??
rps spaces should never be safe spaces for people who cannot act appropriately to minors. i feel like we should all know this by now? but i'm "salty" for believing what has been shown and admitted to. why are we defending someone like that hm?
I really don’t feel great about having this conversation about a specific user on such a public platform, so I do wish you would just dm me tbh. But I also don’t want you to feel like I’m dodging or cherry picking your points.
I have made it clear every time I’ve spoken on this that I do not think it is okay for adults to be directly engaging with teens about sexual content. In everything I have seen about this specific situation, I haven’t once seen anything about this user directly talking to minors about smut. If true, that is certainly not okay. But I did just go scan through twitter again, because obviously this isn’t something I want to be talking out of my ass about, and I couldn’t find anything that aligns with what you are describing. If I’m mistaken, I will eat my words for mischaracterizing this situation and I sincerely apologize.
I will maintain that how I saw the situation play out, it was first a mad rush to “protect Dan and Phil and don’t scare them off again by talking about sex” with all the typical rhetoric of that argument, which, okay. And then it seemed like people tried to retroactively up the stakes, which is when what I saw as a bad-faith argument was introduced, which was the implication that this user was deliberately putting explicit content in front of young people, behaving as a groomer, etc. And then people ran with that.
I agree that rps spaces shouldn’t be safe spaces for people to act inappropriately towards minors. I would hope nothing I have said implies that I think that kind of direct interaction would be okay. But I don’t think a person online should be held responsible for tracking their own audience’s age demographics nor tailoring their content for an all-ages audience.
And to be frank at the risk of being misconstrued, I don’t think minors simply following accounts that talk about sex is actually all that scary? Many teens engage with sex irl, and they engage with sexual content online. That’s just a fact. I don’t think they should be encountering sexual content unknowingly, and I don’t think adults should be engaging with them sexually, obviously. But I don’t think them reading it on their own terms (which I’d say following an 18+ account is) is particularly problematic. If I were to find that problematic, I think it’d be hypocritical of me to support d&p, for reasons I’ve already explained. Hopefully I articulated that well enough, as I know that can be a controversial opinion. I hope we can put this to rest and that if you’d like to continue talking, you message me?
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doll-elvis · 10 months
I AGREE SO MUCH ABOUT CHILD BRIDE. i went into it knowing nothing about the author, and in the forward shes really emphasizing how crazily obsessed she was with priscilla so i guess i was expecting it to be a sympathetic view of her😭 definitely not. what is suzzanes problem dear lord. shes so convinced and desperate to tell you that priscilla was some evil teenaged succubus out for rockstar blood. jesus christ. like girl even if she actually was who gives a shit????? same goes for currie grant. i dont care if he showed the author concrete evidence on a golden platter that he was telling the truth. hes just such an obvious sleazeball. just disgusting……. and she dedicates like 300 chapters to him saying over and over again that he fucked 14yo priscilla and that she was into it. babe they couldve had a steamy decade-long affair and NOBODY would care because he is literally just some random creep ass loser 13 years older than her. and when it comes to his attempted rape of her hes literally like “no i didnt try to rape her i just [decribes attempting to rape her]”. i really dont know suzzanes backstory but she is insane.
but uh. anyways that aside i did enjoy parts of the book for the more in depth view of the story. like suzzanne has such intense bias that really shows throughout but even with that it was still a great way to understand some of the situations a little better… i wish elvis and me was a little more detailed but i can appreciate how and why it is. and i am strangely curious about the actual nature of priscilla and curries relationship (i dont think they ever had consensual sex but i do believe he attacked her before elvis left germany and that leaves me curious as to why she still hung around him afterwards... i.e. those pictures of her to send to elvis that he took)
sorry for the huge wall of text im just.... very .. intrigued? by the book? its just so bizarre and raises a lot of questions lol.
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“Currie’s like “No I didn’t try to r*pe her I just [describes atttempting to r*pe her]”
if I could, in my own words, summarize the transcript of the conversation between Priscilla & Currie it would be this ⬇️
Currie: I didn’t r*pe you
Priscilla: You forced yourself on me
Currie: I didn’t force anything, you just weren’t into it
Priscilla: So you didn’t try to kiss me?
Currie: Well yeah I was trying to kiss you, you just wouldn’t kiss me back. You were very cold
again that was just my own words so not the actual transcript but that is exactly what I got out of that conversation- which is Currie denying he forced anything on her while simultaneously describing just how unresponsive she was to his advances, so THANK YOU for articulating that perfectly
He is an absolute sleaze-ball as you said, and clearly did not realize he was incriminating himself throughout that whole exchange
like even if Currie’s version of the events were true (I highly doubt it), he still committed statutory r*pe. Perhaps Suzanne and him don’t understand the age of consent but a fourteen year old girl cannot consent to intercourse, so anything he may or may not have actually done to her is still R*PE, whether she seemed willing or not. I’m completely abhorred that a biographer would give a man like that such a large platform and not only that, but agree/go with the story he tells- I’m sickened by it
and god, his reasoning as to why he wouldn’t need to r*pe Priscilla is just the most insane thing I’ve ever read ⬇️
“I had at least ten girls that I could call any night and go have sex with them,” countered Currie. “I’m not bragging—at least ten. I didn’t need to rape anybody ”
excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
okay like?? Ted Bundy had a longtime girlfriend and yet he still went out and s*xually assaulted and murdered women… what’s your point, Currie?
what also bothers me is that Suzanne Finstad is sitting on the full audio tapes of that conversation between Priscilla and Currie, and knowing her history of misquoting people and writing things that don’t line up with other testimonies, I wouldn’t be surprised in the very least if parts of that tape have been conveniently left out, or transcribed wrong, as she converted it from audio to text
like the whole 1961 photoshoot, as you mentioned, is something that I just wish I could hear Priscilla explain for herself
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Priscilla Presley and Currie Grant in 1961
It does raise the question if what she said transpired was true why would she ever want to be alone with Currie again, and better yet, why would Elvis willingly put her in a situation like that?
Especially when he was aware of the attempted r*pe ⬇️
MARTY LACKER: “There was a guy who used to bring Priscilla around to Elvis’s house some, over there in Germany. He would take her home to her parents’ place, and then he’d go back to the barracks. Well, he was a scumbag. He was using cute little girls to get into the house, to be around Elvis. And he tried to put the make on Priscilla one night when he took her home. She says in her book that he tried to rape her. But he didn’t succeed. Elvis told us about it, himself”
excerpt is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
The only explanation in my mind that makes sense is that perhaps Currie Grant was Elvis’ only remaining contact in Germany- or at least the only person in contact with Priscilla- and since he was so desperate to see her again, maybe thought that the reward outweighed the risk
And obviously a 15-year-old Priscilla was still reeling over him leaving Germany and would likely agree to anything to please him…plus since it was Elvis who asked Currie to take the photos, maybe she thought if Elvis trusted him to do that, she could trust him as well ?
And although I doubt she intended too, Suzanne inadvertently said something similar when trying to do one of those logical fallacies that she does throughout the duration of “Child Bride” ⬇️
“Priscilla, despite her claim that Currie tried to rape her, was thrilled to oblige, “desperate” for word from Elvis, through Currie”
excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
I feel like Suzanne is basically answering the dilemma herself despite her attempt to point out the inconsistency in Priscilla’s behavior (her being afraid of Currie, but also being around him)
Priscilla was willing to be photographed by her attempted assaulter as she was desperate for contact from Elvis and Currie just happened to be that link between them
and I have to say, my original response to the ask that I received about “Child Bride” was something that I was worried about posting as many of the more passionate anti-Priscilla crowd tend to treat it like it’s their Bible but WHEW- I am beyond relieved that so many people have also seen just how outrageous that book is, especially the narrative that Suzanne Finstad goes with- like as you said, trying to make a fourteen-year-old Priscilla out to be some “teenaged succubus” LMAOOO (that took me out 💀)
I honestly consider myself to be Priscilla-neutral despite what some people assume of me based on some my posts 🤧 and so because of that, I am very open to reading and discussing the valid criticisms against her HOWEVER- I have no time in my day to take someone like Currie Grant seriously so that is why the first half of “Child Bride” (chapters about Germany and what fourteen-year-old Priscilla may or may not have done) are just what ruin the whole book for me
And it’s a shame because again, there are some very valid things that Suzanne points out about Priscilla, especially the things that were left out of “Elvis and me”; like her inconsistencies in recalling certain events, her sometimes questionable character (treatment of others), her possible greed (suing and more suing) and the biggest one to me- her involvement in Scientology… but all of that is just dampered by Suzanne’s god awful commentary and god awful judgement
also girl please do not apologize for sending this in- I sincerely thank you for adding to the conversation about this book as I think these kinds of discussions are so beneficial and I’m just truly grateful to be able to have them with y’all- I’ve fr learned so much from your guys’ insight
and since there is such a surplus of information about Elvis (and Priscilla), I feel like the best way to navigate through it all is by breaking it down like this, and so if y’all ever want to talk about another book feel free to send in your thoughts <3!!!
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angelthingy · 7 months
hiii so queer discourse post ahead!! im sorry if i say anything wrong please correct me if i do!! also pls read to the end if you would like to comment because its very much a "stream of thought" kinda post so i go through a few opinions before settling on anything-
saw an argument under a poll recently about how detransitioners who hadnt gone through any sort of medical transition shouldnt be allowed to call themselves trans if they had reverted to a gender that matches with their assigned sex and. honestly i feel like this is one of those admittedly rare moments where i dont really know what opinion to take? i mean i do believe that a detransitioners experience is unique so its entirely reasonable for them to identity more with a trans experience but- relating to what the argument was about- should someone born a woman be able to call themselves a trans woman if they had briefly thought they were trans then. changed their mind before having taken any steps to transition? i really really really!!! dont want to gatekeep identities, its just as people pointed out, being TOO accepting can just open up a loophope for ppl with umm. other intentions, such as chasers - which is, not that great? im just bringing this up because admittedly part of me is worried about both of these positions- one seems really gatekeepy but could also be helpful in allowing trans ppl to have a term to describe specifically themselves; while the other kind of means that the uniqueness of a trans experience is taken away if ppl can say they're trans without having ever transitioned or facing any of the experiences of trans people (dont wanna say issues because defining trans ppl by the issues they face isnt that helpful, though yes obviously those as well)
after having written this out i partially think i may have been influenced by conformity tbh (whoaa psychology reference) because like. the VAST!!! majority of the notes in that poll was that they shouldnt call themselves trans but while im here typing this out im finding myself disagreeing with that position more than not- like ultimately i feel like people should be able to use whatever labels they think fits for them as long as its genuine to their feelings at that moment, and in the cases where they're using them harmfully/disingenuously then thats like. the exception and not the rule- right?
anyway i just wanted to talk about this because talking about things helps me articulate my thoughts!! i guess i did actually end up coming to a conclusion with what i believe in the end so it worked, yippee! but if anyone wants to discuss this please feel free because i am interested in other opinions, especially those which come from experience :D
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c0rpseductor · 3 months
bitching and moaning post
i know the satanic panic was completely nuts and that nothing that was alleged in it actually happened in any way. i still hate seeing it mentioned so much bc so many people will bring up fucking false memory syndrome foundation talking points in response, like "they implanted false memories in kids to make them say this shit, remember that it's what happens to everyone who says they had a 'repressed memory' and that's always how they 'retrieve' these things in therapy, DID came out of the satanic panic and it's not a real diagnosis and the people who claim to suffer from it...uhhh idk made it up for attention and weren't really abused i guess!"
it's so fucking exhausting. i know i shouldnt have looked in the tags of that post and it's my own fault for upsetting myself. i just wish people wouldn't say shit like this. i hate feeling like nobody would believe me about what abuse i suffered in my family just because i had such difficulty with recall. like yes it is possible to forget parts of a trauma and still have it affect you that's why it's part of the diagnostic criteria for fucking ptsd. not everyone who claims to have forgotten something is making shit up or talking about like. remembering things bc of fucking hypnosis therapy. when i was in therapy most of what happened was me describing fucking actual abuse that was happening in my family right then and having nobody give a shit bc Kids Are Dramatic. nobody was trying to make me think i was abused because nobody listened to me about the abuse i was even able to articulate was happening.
and like. saying DID was fucking invented by the satanic panic isn't even fucking Accurate, but i'm just so exhausted of hearing it anyway. like ok so clearly the reason ive had all these symptoms since i was very young before i even understood DID was not "for television" (bc i legitimately thought it was like, a fictional parody of schizophrenia) is because um. ?????. yeah. no youre right when things happen to me i should definitely accept that i can't tell what they are and listen to the people who tell me that i'm stupid and nobody has ever abused me and that i can't ever trust anything i remember. you guys definitely have my best interests at heart. my dad was innocent! it was all a sexual fantasy just like freud said! nice men would never do those things! like. ugh. i just hate it i hate that i doubted myself all my life and felt so miserable going through abuse alone and being gaslit and people are STILL FUCKING DOING THE GASLIGHTING!!!!! bc they dont like. know what actually happened during the satanic panic and think loftus was right. everyone who was involved in the false memory syndrome foundation should be shot.
like. i dont want to question myself anymore. i dont want my first thought whenever i have flashbacks or get upset to be "i'm making this up. if i remember something bad it was imaginary, because nobody can forget and remember something bad. it must be satanic panic pseudoscience, somehow." why do some people think they're doing a service to survivors when they trot this shit out. idk.
i know it happened. long after i began remembering stuff my mom has alluded to my dad doing the exact same things to her, having the exact same attitudes and patterns and everything, and i think the only reason i remember anything more violent than she reports is because he understood i was forgetting things and could get away with doing stuff to me that he couldn't with somebody who would remember it. like, everything i remember is horrible, but it makes complete sense and is totally possible and doesn't contradict anything about like...my parents or my life before i began remembering or just basic things like "can someone physically do this." like my dad wasnt an evil cult wizard he was just a normal thug and rapist. idk. i just really did not need to expose myself to this stuff and it's my fault i did but. ughhh
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schizopositivity · 2 years
hello, very sorry for the essay this turned into, but how do I explain to the people in my life that knowing that my life isn’t easy right now isn’t harder than struggling with hallucinations?
I’m trying very hard to look at it from their perspectives because I don’t know what it’s like to watch a loved one hear voices. It’s just very confusing to be simultaneously told that my experience is difficult to understand and that they are so deeply empathetic towards my situation that they don’t want me to ever complain bc it makes them feel bad and all they want is to see me happy. But that just makes me feel like I’m not allowed to be anything but happy, which means I’m not allowed to be honest
Describing them this way is doing them a disservice. I know they mean well and that they respect me. but isn’t it also true that I’m allowed to want to feel supported and respected?
it’s just stressful to me when everyone is so so confused by me and my condition when I feel like I explain myself every single week and tell them precisely what to look up (which they do! They do look up anything I ask them to, it’s just that they then turn around and say that they’re spending hours doing research only to never visibly out those strategies into practice)
Maybe they’re just overwhelmed and/or feel like I’m trauma dumping on them bc my friends and family aren’t professionals. Should I apologize for that? it’s just very isolating when every time I’m honest about how I’m doing, they say that I should pursue professional help even though I am in therapy
I feel like this comes across as me having really unsupportive friends and family, but this is only the least flattering facet of the story and I don’t think I was terribly articulate about it either.
my goal is to maintain these relationships, but I’d like to improve them by communicating. I just don’t know what to say or even if this is fair to bring up. It sort of feels like in this situation is doing their best and everyone is failing a little. Any advice?
no need to apoligize! i appreciate asks no matter how long they are
i think it would be important for you to try and understand what support you need or want. like do you just want to be listened to with no advice? do you want them to try to do things to help you? do you want to be able to be honest and talk about the bad stuff without them telling you its hard for them?
because once you figure that out, you can tell them what you like
i think for me i like to open up to people and just have them listen and not try to give advice, that way i can just vent and let it all out, and not have to worry about them saying something they think is helpful, that really just upsets me, cause if people odnt understand they try to sum it up in the wrong way, or try to get you to look on the bright side, and i dont like either of those replies
thats great that youre in therapy, maybe if you notice what you like about therapy or how the therapist talks to you about things, you could ask them to do something similar, like i learned from therapy that i like to be told im safe when i start to panic, and my partner knows that so they tell me that when they notice me panicing
you could let them know that you talking about the bad stuff actually is helpful, and its worse to keep it bottled up inside, that you cant be happy all the time (no one can) and that you need to be able to express yourself to process and work through it
i know these people love and care about you, but if they dont understand its easy for them to say or do the wrong thing, that doesnt make them bad people just a little ignorant, but it also doesnt make you a bad person for not liking the things they say or do, its totally okay for you to ask for what you want or need from them, no one is bad here, there just needs to be some more honest communication
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(this is a vent and I get nasty so possibly don't read)I've got no idea as to why this has become a thing recently or how to properly articulate myself rn but here I go: When I analyze characters I don't just look at how their actions are framed, i take off the frame. I take off the edgy and dramatic lighting and the very emotionally charged/biased language, the edgy outfit they got put in and I look at what they actually did what actually happened, i look at their actions alone (well not alone I still need context) and that has me being labelled media illiterate. 'the story said they where a bad guy! Look at how they are being framed! Look at what language they used to describe them! The story is telling you they are bad' and like I know that, I know im supposed hate them but when I look at there actual actions and what they've done without the frame they aren't that evil to me, i know what im being told but i dont buy it because once you get past very loaded word choices and the unflattering picture the creator used... They aren't doing anything bad in the photo, it's just at a bad angle. when you replace the emotional language and make it more neutral language (without changing the story) and you can see plain as day that.
King magnifico wasn't a villain, he's just an asshole with emotional issues, Ironwood while a villain was being demonized for the wrong reasons, he was facing an ethical dilemma alongside team rwby no matter what the show did neither side was 'right' nobody was gonna come out of that shit smelling like roses no matter if you were pro ironwood or pro rwby (maybe the writers could've learned something from ever after high about these sorts of situations you know the show for little girls handled shit like this better) and belos and the collector feel very contradictory? Like very different people each time we got some development from them. The fans who got excited over the idea these two where more complex than story states weren't being stupid, they saw the compelling ideas and interesting contradictions and got excited, and if I like a character that's supposed to a hate sink maybe I'm not stupid maybe the show didn't do its job right, maybe I don't want the writer to hold my hand maybe I want them to explain the story better and maybe I don't wanna do wikipedia homework to understand the show.
Fellas is it a sign of media iliteracy to not take the story at face value and eat what we are being fed without looking to see the ingredients or if its properly cooked? I genuinely got convinced by the owl house fandom that I was stupid for having complaints that I was clearly incapable of the higher thinking required to understand the story and if I didn't like it I clearly wasn't analyzing things deeply enough but when I did analyze the story deeper I found even more issues, my problems originally where with the coven system, coven heads, Darius and Eberwolf turning out to be secret rebels and the fact luz and hexside broke a major law with zero repressions and that Belos's plan was weak, analyzing deeper made me realize the magic system was weak and while i had massive issues with the finale already (fuck the dream sequence light glyph nonsense, and i hated the titan reveal because of the chosen one nonsense especially the titan saying he did make philip's life harder on purpose- which made the fact that he. Still discovered the glyphs impressive) i said I could still watch the show pre finale but after looking deeper I noticed the 'us vs them' mentality was through out the show - not just the finale i didn't like that philip's complexity got erased or that Luz was a chosen one and again i fucking hated the dream sequence, the light glyph nonsense was confusing, (that also helped me realize if the magic system got developed more maybe they could've introduced a mechanic that explained that shit) i also hated that the principal at luz's school was framed so badly- I'm autistic im latina i am a lesbian- im not an ableist racist homophobe- i would've demanded Luz get in school expulsion, and if she got into another incident that she go to summer school, and do community service or i would press charges- still a pretty light punishment but God he was not a bad guy I only saw that problem in the finale when I was told I was dumb I decided to try and reanalyze the show again and came out with an even more negative opinion
Maybe instead of insulting people's intelligence and acting condescending you can just say 'well if you look at the story from my perspective' and share why you think what you think because I do see the appeal of belos's ending and death I do see the appeal of this show- or another here's another idea just agree to disagree and not act high and mighty calling everyone who disagrees a nitpicker a 'stupid Steven universe fan' or lily orchard simp but no Doug walker having a mostly positive opinion of this show while still sharing his minor critics was a sin! I can't believe this is the fandom that made it so I defend nostalgia critics opinions- i genuinely don't like that guy but some of his critique aimed at the show is valid. I feel like this post is pretty meanspirited and I'm sorry for anyone who decides to read this tagless mess but I can't stand smugness or the idea that looking a story deeper makes you stupid. Im just salty and this is a dumb vent over old shit but God I'm pissy still.
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im going to vent some anger that i know is mostly irrational here rn. if you dont want to read that then turn back now, and please dont judge me too hard for what im going to say, but i havent been able to articulate it in a vent to any of my friends, and i just need to try to get it out, because it's lived in the back of my head for over a year now
june or july or something of 2022 was fucking awful and i remember the moment i was scrolling througb discord trying to fucking find something to take my mind off things and i clicked on some rando in hkmain's profile and their status was something along the lines of "RIP technoblade and RIP schy" and that fucking set me off. i never talked abt it, or expressed my anger to anyone else, but that made me cry so fucking hard. that was one of the trigger points but not the reason it was the amount of people i saw expressing condolences, but had only heard of schy and didn't really have a clue who they were. and it showed in a unique way you would only see in a parasocial relationship between someone who is a fan of an acquaintance of them. it feels different when you say "i lost a close friend" and someone says "im so sorry for your loss" and when you say "i lost a close friend (who was a speedrunner)" and someone who barely skimmed the leaderboard once goes "wait, schy died??? it's so horrible that the world would take such a talented person away" actually no shut the fuck up. the amount of people i saw like this over and over and over at the height of my fucking grief. do you care about the person they were? do you only care because they had a wr or something? shut up. shut up shut up shut up you didn't know them. you think you knew them because they were cool and superhuman to you but they werent and they were barely even appreciated for the person they were and they always felt that. and i am so pissed at any single thing that ever made them sad for a moment of their short life. you called them a "TAS" "WR grinding machine" or whatever the fuck but did you call them kind? caring? hardworking, smart? no the fuck you didn't because you didn't see them as a person. that's my friend you're talking about. fuck you. a few days ago someone replying to a comment i made on some other runner's channel asked me "how did he die". you don't even know their pronouns. you don't even know who they are. the video talks abt their runs but doesn't talk abt them. you learned nothing from this video and your first thought isn't "im so sorry" or to appreciate anything i said abt them as a friend but to misgender them and blatantly ask me to describe what happened. no tact, no sympathy nothing. do you have absolutely no shame? how about it's none of your fucking business? shut up. let them be a person. i asked fire to remove the comment and he did (thank you fire) but despite that little moment ending well i am still pissed and so tired. the insensitive words are gone forever but how many more will replace them now? how much more shit like this am i going to have to see? i don't want people to stop talking abt them i want them to be remembered forever and ever but not like this. this isn't what they wanted. this isn't what i want. im tired. fuck you.
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mirmidones · 1 year
orchid + mahonia + papyrus <3
hiiiiii <3 sorry im late!
orchid : what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
this is an impossible question... like perfect is such a reductive thing for a song to be... and i am very much into songs that are a little off...... however, come into the water by mitski is a perfect song <3
mahonia: what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
gonna be super basic here but: walking and music. and walking while listening to music gets me to the height of my. creativity? i guess? it just helps the flow of my thoughts. when i was writing my friend a silly booklet about him going on adventures i would keep on stopping on the way home from school to write down in my notes app ideas i just had or snippets of dialogue or a specific wording of a sentence that made me laugh. i still think those are the best funniest most ingenious parts of the booklet :')
papyrus: if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
"io sono una finestra" by grazia di michele and mauro coruzzi. oooooooh my god ok ok so it's an italian song about being trans and it means the world to me. i wish i had the words to describe how it makes me feel and why it moves me so much but i can't seem to be able to articulate anything. just. "i never know who i am, yet i am and i live". i dont know, i feel like actually it would get Canceled on here for some reason or another, like im sure there are many Problematic things about it but. i guess it just happens to capture the core of my feelings and thoughts about my gender and it is very special to me because it's in italian. because the words are in italian. sometimes something doesnt exist unless it exists in our native language. when i listen to this song i feel impossibly real.
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michaels-wifi · 1 year
log entry:
5/15/23 - It would seems like when you are in any position in power you are always going to have people who wanna see you destroyed. Scytale, Mohiam, Irulan, and Edric planning to overthrow Paul. 
I am not understanding how they arent being figured out... they said that Edric is the reason why Paul cant see them plotting against him because of something? I might have it wrong. SO far I havnt noticed or read anything bad about Paul. The conspiracy is trying to make their own Muad Diab so they can control it.. because Paul is the head guy and they have no power over him.. they see that as a problem. 
Dam... power. Power to get what ever you want. Love, money, sex, higher positions... just things going your way all the time. 
Chani.. I love her character. I am in love with her. The way she is being described in the book.. what more can a man ask for in a woman? Someone who compliments the other... (i dont know if that makes sense). 
pg 57 “ He has trees in there, you know- trees from many worlds”. ( I would love to possess many trees from different worlds one day. 
5/20/23: I still feel like I need to get better and reading deeper into these books but I try to get something out of the book and take it with me. I am enjoying this book aswell... the first was is still my favorite but the second book.. I cant hate on it. Its Good!
page 78 Paul noticing and telling everyone that he has limitations aswell is pretty cool. The most powerful “being” in the universe says “ I have limitations”
Idk that kinda remind me that Paul started off as a human being and you kinda remmber that he is still a human. 
-New word: Martyr: someone that dies for their religion/beliefs. 
Pg 81: I think this passage was very interesting and for some reason it relates in a way... something about “He tried to force himself into tranquility of many balances where he might shape a new future” 
Something about that line hits; Its hard to explain but it makes 80% sense but articulating feels very very difficult (also trying to articulating it...I dont know something says dont try.. or Ill ruin.. something)
(_ something also about being vulnerable and staying open; “my cup is never full” -keep filling up my cup). _
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
I would be absolutely honored if you made art inspired by my poems. *insert blushing reaction image here*
As for my feelings on this one, on one hand, I wrote and sent it out quite quickly, so it feels rushed. I’m not sure I like how it turned out. There are a lot of things I would’ve rathered to fix about it and I feel as if I should’ve waited a bit longer. But on the other hand, and I’m not sure how much of this came across in the poem itself, it’s quite personal to me and feels, honestly, like a call out.
The narrator is. Kind of an idiot. Charcoal toothpaste is whitening, but it doesn’t work right away. It takes a long time to see results, and before then, there will be plenty of blood. And even then, whitening is cosmetic. It doesn’t fix the underlying problems. So what’s the point in trying to fix anything when there’s so much wrong with your teeth? It feels overwhelming and hopeless to begin to heal from that, especially when it means getting rid of things you’ve depended on. There’s just so much.
Beginning that healing process, scrubbing off the gunk you’ve been living in so long, is so incredibly stressful and leaves you feeling dirtier than you were before. So you go back to it. And you keep returning to your old addictions because you don’t know how to cope in a healthy way and you’re not even willing to try. Not even if it could improve the future.
So you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Hurt yourself and everyone around you, or do what feels completely impossible. And if you fail this impossible goal? It is absolutely devastating.
It’s a lot. And that’s why I wrote it, even if I could’ve done a better job.
—Poem anon.
also personally i dont think it seems rushed and i really enjoyed it (and sometimes saying 'fuck it we ball' and posting something your not 100% satisfied with is the best way to move forward lol)
and yeah i definitely got the 'call-out' vibes bc i definitely relate to some of the themes of the poem. i've absolutely been stuck in that mindset and wasn't able to escape it for a very long time. so its. VERY relatable. and holy SHIT you are hitting the nail on the head with how you are describing it (both in this ask and in the poem itself)!!!!!! idk its like. you are very good at articulating your thoughts in prose and outside of it. if that makes sense.
and i honestly think you did a great job with this one. i really like your poems, and hearing about the process behind them is really interesting :D
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komoreangel · 3 years
𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 (𝐫𝐞𝐪)
pairings: scaramouche x fem!reader, childe x fem!reader
scenario: one of the fatui’s new recruits is too quick to act, and the consequences will be disastrous. 
request: Angst Idea: Scaramouche and Childe with a s/o who was killed by a new Fatui recruit, who thought she was an enemy? She isn't part of the Fatui, but she's just there to watch them
reply: i can already hear the hearts breaking,,, thank you anon :) 
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they told him there was no use trying to save you
some beginner mage had accidentally cursed you while trying to protect him
how were they supposed to know that it was one of the most ancient spells in all of the history of teyvat
originating from guizhong, goddess of dust
any victim of the curse would begin to break apart, and eventually they would fade away
the goddess was not cruel, and so made it a painless death
but is any death truly painless?
and so here you were, lying on a cot in his tent, withering to pieces before his eyes
"i don't want to go yet...i can't go yet."
you were gripping his shirt, tears staining your face
"there was so much i wanted to show you. the sakura forest. the..the waterfalls in jueyun."
you were practically spitting out any words you could think of, the fear overriding your ability to articulate your words
he could hear the fear in your voice
"i want to stay here, please, don't leave-"
you broke into a coughing fit
he couldn't stand seeing you like this
"i wanted things to stay like this forever. you and me."
this time he couldn't hold back his tears
this wasn't fair
what did he do to deserve this?
that was an easy question
but what did you do to deserve this?
and all because you chose to be with him
this was indirectly his fault
he clutched your head close to his chest
"i don't want to die."
your voice was barely a whisper in the wind
no, not yet
not yet
give it a minute
just one more minute
he wasn't ready
don't take her yet
he blinked back the burning in his eyes
and you were gone
the lover he had held in his arms so many times, with care that you'd think was impossible for someone like him was nothing but a memory
no body to bury
one of the medics came into the tent
"my lord, is everything alright?"
he stayed silent
he knew if he talked, his voice would break
waiting for them to leave felt like eternity
he closed the entrance and stared at your cot
as much as he wanted to he couldnt break down into tears
he hadn't experienced death before
most people usually felt sad
at least from what he'd heard
but the only thing he felt was an intense frustration
he should've been able to save you
you weren't supposed to go like that
he wanted to scream out, to shout, to kick something
should've, could've, would've
cant. couldnt.
without you he lost all regard for his own wellbeing
whether he lived or died no longer mattered
he was more reckless, and he who once looked at the world with interest, as if to see what it could give him, now gazed upon everyday life with a cold indifference
anyone could see that
it's safe to say he never loved anyone again
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his chest heaved up and down
he couldnt breathe
he couldnt see
it was like someone had taken a baseball bat to the world
as it fell apart like glass at his feet
you were in his arms
however, you weren't moving anymore
but that had to be impossible, right?
why would you stop moving?
it's the same as asking, why would the sun stop rising?
he was running
somewhere along the way you had stopped talking
but what had you been saying
something about...the sky
that couldn't be true, it was pitch black outside
you two had been on a date
he had come back to snezhnaya for the month
after being in liyue for days on end, it was easy to say that you missed him
he had planned the whole day out for you two
it was supposed to be perfect
'it was supposed to' isnt that what everyone says about death
wasnt supposed to, shouldnt have
they all describe it as an unfortunate accident
a mistake
and looking down at you thats what he wanted to believe in that moment
he wanted so desperately to believe he was dreaming
that any second now he'd wake up
but if life's taught him anything
it's that the world is all to fond of killing dreams
and when the ones who protected them aren't there anymore, what happens?
one of dottore's new assistants had mistaken you for an assassin when he handed you one of his knives to toy with
and as the tsaritsa trains her people to be quick and diligent...before he knew it, four daggers were sprouting from your chest
you fell into his arms, heavily breathing and your eyes focusing in and out
in the end, all it took was his bare hands
he supposed he should be appalled at that
you would've said something
he doesn't even know where he's going at this point
all his sense of reason has gone out the window, it left the moment you cried out in pain, the sound of a blade whizzing through a body all too familiar to him
the weight of what had happened suddenly too heavy, he sinks to his knees in the grass
he would pray, but to what god?
what god out there would give someone like him mercy?
it was like suddenly, the world had decided to take one of the few good things he had left
after you're gone, his family can tell that he doesn't care for anything that much anymore
he loves his family, of course he does
but simple things that used to make him smile dont anymore
some would even go so far as to say that the abyss had its hold on him again
he walks around, a husk of the person he used to be
lost in memories and broken promises
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a/n: im just going to apologize because i am SO bad at writing angst like i have no clue what im doing lmao but i did try my best-
and i have one more request pending before i open them up again so <3 wooooo :D
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charlottefree · 2 years
have u thought about starting your own cult?
if you ask me "have you thought about (insert literally anything here) the answer is usually yes
i dont have enough answers to be a cult leader, and i would never want to manipulate people into thinking i know more than i do, which is essential to lead a cult.
that being said, the Starcastle and even the sidereal viitality stuff can reach very esoteric levels that i don't openly share, for there is no one who i've found who would be able to understand it or comprehend it the way i do, but thats mostly on me as it's very layered and difficult to articulate to others unless im in a rare mood. trying to get better a that. i do have quite strong beliefs and i would like to get more people to understand them, for 2 reasons: 1, being that i am really concerned about the status quo rn, the rhetoric and mentalities currently floating around are just so toxic, performative and fake. 2, i am insanely curious about the hidden forces in this world and will interpret and analyze that as much as i can until i die, constantly looking for answers and coming up with my own conclusions and interpretations, and to do that with others as well. hopefully i can get better at writing and communicating, my education was severely lacking so that's a struggle for me ( a cult leader would never admit they struggle like this) i'm just so determined to touch something divine in my lifetime. something thats bigger than me or anything that i could make. i want to be made to feel so small, to discover true gods/god or true magic, i don't know how else to describe it. I hope the [singularity/AGI/blah blah blah qunatum kdsjfhksjfh] can somehow bridge ancient religions and beliefs with modern technology and some of these hidden forces will be worked out and understood somehow. I wanna be aether-powered. i want nicola tesla shit. i want ancient buddhist prophecy to meet modern space faring. this all seemingly isn't connected but i promise it all is.
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