#i dont know enough about magic but.
almond-tofu-chan · 16 days
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the crossover of the century! cure feenie and cure trixie! ofc feat. molly as mofurun
bonus naven as headmaster kochou. and also a very confused rick who somehow got roped into being felice? ?
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theclassycandy · 10 months
just going on and on about how tyril's arc if ur romancing him now that mc has been gone for a year. more under the cut and in the tags!
When i tell you there NEEDS to be so much ANGST AND PINING. I love Tyril so much and I miss him so much but when I tell you want this story to go INTO DETAIL ABOUT HOW MUCH HE HAS YEARNED FOR MC. I want there to be PAIN and SUFFERING!!!!!!
He has been learning all about the realms from the best tutors in Undermount ever since he could remember so is he scouring libraries all over the land to find something???? Anything????? To find his beloved mc????
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I believe that this bow was used by mc (if you had the diamonds for it) and WHAT IF HE KEPT IT AS A WAY TO REMIND HIM OF MC AND HOW HE SHOULD NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR THEM AND FOR WHAT HE BELIEVES IN.
Does he think about mc and how they made him feel? Does the pain of losing them keep him up at night? Does he think about how unfair it is that first he lost his best friend, Kaya, was banished from Undermount, saw an evil elf take her place and body and the person that helped him seek justice for her, the love of his life, was taken as well? Does he think about how their kindness and heroism was only repaid by constant peril??? Does he think about they were supposed to return to Undermount together but he returned only to search for answers on how to get them back????? Does Adrina and his father have to check on him and how he's doing because they know he's neglecting himself to find answers for finding mc???? Does he cry to the Gods about how he hopes they look down on him with pity and mercy for them to be safe and alive to come back to him????????????? ESPECIALLY IF YOUR MC IS AN ELF - DOES HE MOURN HOW MC WAS SO EXCITED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEIR OWN PEOPLE AFTER NEVER BEING SURROUNDED BY THEM THEIR ENTIRE LIFE AND NOW HE THINKS THEY WILL NEVER GET THE CHANCE???????!!!!!!?????? DOES HE DOES HE-
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natjennie · 3 months
wait I feel like I didn't full grasp it until right now. the best plan they can come up with is literally to get as many people together as they can and eat all the dragon parts around falin.
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
i'm plagued by like a terrible crystal clear idea for an AU that I'll never write and would need way more context to be Anything but is still evocative enough to make me go oughhhhh I Want it.
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sualne · 6 months
Question why does law have uh skin discoloration....? In the modern au?
it's permanent scarring from Amber Lead Syndrome! in the au i want to explore stuff like disability and chronic illness, he's got nerve damage in the discolorated skin, his hair also got white patches but he dyes it to make it less obvious he's got ALS because of the everything with flevance.
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puppyeared · 7 months
if you're walking at 5mph, but your feet are on sideways, and the sky turns green at 2:53, and Keanu Reeves has been sent to Neptune, what's your favorite video game
i cant walk 5mph in the first place, im only 5'4 and i have to walk like marvin the fucking martian everywhere i go
if my feet were on sideways i would still manage to get my shoes on wrong because i cant tell my left from my right
if the sky turns green that means every single car on the road is allowed to go at the same time
keanu reeves cant be sent to neptune with an expired passport
my favorite videogame MIGHT be professor layton and the diabolical box just because ive never been able to get over the ending, but mario galaxy and deltarune also come to mind
#this was very fun to answer thank u :o) ive always loved multiple choice questions#maybe if i had more multiple choice in my life id be able to get things done faster just closing my eyes and hoping for the best#its amazing that i dont own a magic eight ball. it would do wonders for my natural indecision and superstition#also to be fair ive only played the first two layton games even though i have the 3rd and 4th games on my cracked cartridge#BUT thats because my copy of unwound future is ass and it freezes on the opening cutscene so i cant even play it. sigh#maybe i should consider getting the mobile remastered versions but im lazy and i dont even know if i have enough storage space#there should be enough space on my ipad though so maybe. or ill back up some files to make room idk#i would have also answered undertale bc i had a huge undertale phase when it came out but im gonna be honest. ive never actually played it#im actually wondering if i should buy a copy for myself for xmas using grays steam account#the only thing im worried about is my motor skills are bad with keyboard and im dreading the asgore fight bc i heard its hard#but ive also never watched a full playthru so i feel like id be going into the game blind which sounds exciting. and ill prbably cry a lot#besides that ive been replaying mario galaxy with gray and i forgot how good the game is.. i love the ambience and game mechanics#although the races are so nerve wracking and i hate the controls sometimes. did u know i died on loopdeloop galaxy TWELVE FUCKING TIMES#also deltarune because i love EVERYTHING abt it i love the lore i love SUSIE i love the whole thing kris has going on#yapping#ask
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lalalilylulu · 1 year
I said this before and I'll say it again.
Alec and Lily's friendship is underappreciated
Here is the tidbits of their growing friendship throughout the series (mostly happened in short stories, cassie i need more of them)
“One of the Nephilim,” said Lily, bad girl that she was, and she drummed on the table of their booth with shining blue fingernails. “My, my.” “Hi?” said Alec. —What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
“I think I saw you earlier,” said Alec hesitantly. “You were—making out with a faerie girl?”
“Why, you want to make something of it?” The woman bristled. “How happy I am to see the Nephilim constantly crashing our parties. Were you even invited?” “I’m a plus-one,” said Alec. The vampire girl relaxed slightly. “Oh, right, you’re Magnus’s latest disaster,” she said. “That’s what Raphael calls you. I’m Lily.”
“I’ve decided I detest you,” Lily told Alec. “It’s mutual,” Alec said dryly. Unexpectedly, that made the vampire woman smile, before Raphael dragged her away.
“Someone dropped a piece of roof on me,” Bat told him, blinking in a way that was more owlish than wolfish. “Inconsiderate.” Alec realized Bat was not so much on a murderous out-of-control rampage as mildly concussed. “Easy there,” he said, as Bat tumbled against his chest. He looked around for the most trustworthy person, for someone to be on his team. He took a gamble and dumped Bat into Lily’s arms. “Watch him for me, will you?” he asked. “Make sure he gets out all right.” “Put that werewolf down immediately, Lily,” Raphael ordered. “It really hurts that you would say that,” Bat muttered, and shut his eyes. Lily considered Bat’s head, pillowed on her lavender bosom. “I don’t want to put him down,” she announced. “The Shadowhunter gave this DJ to me.”
—The Red Scrolls of Magic
"Don't waste my time, Lily," Alec said. "What do you want?" "I want you to sit down and help me, I suppose," Lily grumbled. Alec had sat down. **** "I like Alec so much," Lily told Magnus at a party months later, slightly drunk and with glitter in her hair. "Especially when he gets snippy with me. He reminds me of Raphael." "How dare you," Magnus had replied. "You are speaking of the man I love."
"LIGHTWOOD!" Lily bellowed, charging in. "Ah yes, Lily Chen, I believe?" said Robert Lightwood, turning to her with the dignity of the Inquisitor and no sign of surprise. "I remember you were interim representative for the vampires on the Council for a time. Glad to see you again. What can I do for you?" (...) Lily did not care. "Not you!" she snapped. "Who even are you?" "I'm the Inquisitor?" said Robert. "I was the head of the New York Institute for over a decade?" Lily rolled her dark eyes. "Oh, congratulations, do you want a medal? I need Alexander Lightwood, obviously,"
"I do not talk to Nephilim about Downworlder business," Lily said severely. The Lightwood parents stared at her, and then swung their heads in sync to stare at their son. Lily waved a dismissive hand in their direction. "Except for Alec, he's a special case. —"
"You're sure the werewolves have this in hand?" "Yes," said Alec. "You didn't need to charge to Idris and spill Downworlder business in front of my whole family." "If they're your family, they know you can handle a little thing like this," Lily said dismissively.
"What?" Lily asked, looking up at Alec and sounding shy suddenly. "I always liked children, when I was alive. People said I was good with them." She laughed, a little self-consciously. "It's been a while." "That's great," said Alec. "You'll be willing to babysit occasionally, then." "Ha-ha, I'm the head of the New York vampire clan and I'm much too important," Lily told him. "But I'll see him when I drop by your place."
She stood on her tiptoes in high-heeled boots, kissed Alec on the cheek, and sashayed out. "I do not like that vampire's attitude," said Robert in the silence following Lily's departure. "Lily's all right," said Alec mildly.
—Born to Endless Night
“I thought I might bring Lily,” he told Magnus. “She can speak Spanish. And I thought it might cheer her up. She likes Jem.” Nobody at any Market would question Lily’s presence. Everybody had heard of the Downworlder and Shadowhunter Alliance by now, and it was well known that members of the Alliance helped each other out. Magnus raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I know Lily likes Jem. I’ve heard the nicknames.”
“Do you . . .” Alec coughed. “Do you want to talk?” Lily tipped her head back to stare all the way up at him. “About feelings? Do we do that?” “Preferably not,” said Alec, which made her smile. “But we could.”
There had been a time when Alec was unsettled by vampires, but Lily had always so clearly needed someone, and Alec had wanted to be there for her. They’d been teammates running the Alliance with Maia for long enough now that Lily felt like Aline Penhallow, a friend close enough to be family.
“So you’re Alec Lightwood,” said the head of the Buenos Aires Institute slowly. “Then this must be your Downworlder whore.” There was a terrible silence. It was broken by Lily, who blinked and said: “Excuse me? Have you been living in a hole? Are you not aware Alec is dating famous warlock Magnus Bane and is not interested in ladies of any persuasion?” There was a rush of whispers. Alec didn’t think everyone was stunned by this information. They were stunned that Lily would say it, as if they expected him to be ashamed. “Let’s be clear on this matter. This is my friend Lily, the head of the New York vampire clan.” Alec put his hand on his seraph blade, and the whispers hushed. “Think very carefully,” said Alec, “about how you wish to speak of her. Or of Magnus Bane.”
“You can stay here,” he agreed grudgingly. “The Downworlder cannot.” “Like I want to,” Lily sneered. “I don’t stay in places where the décor isn’t ten out of ten, and this place is a minus fourteen thousand. OK, Alec, let’s make a plan for where we will meet up after I find a nice windowless hotel room. Do you want to—” “What are you talking about?” Alec demanded. “If they won’t have you, I won’t stay here. The hell with this place. I’m going with you.”
“Leaving aside your destined honey lamb and all, I know there was Jace. Is it just guys with golden eyes?” asked Lily. “That is a very particular taste you have there, friend. It really narrows the playing field. So no other crushes besides Jace? Even a teeny tiny one when you were young?” “Why are you leering like you know something I don’t?” Alec asked warily. Lily giggled.
Lily was sitting cross-legged on the ground, one elbow propped on Alec’s knee, to be near the child. She tilted her head toward Rafael and asked him if he would please get on with it, because the sun was rising and she’d have to go to bed soon.
“Lily’s vulnerable during the day,” Alec said. “I’d rather stay with her. Will you be all right in the windowless room, Rafael?”
Alec rose and guided her, a hand on her trembling shoulder, to the bed. He pulled a sheet over her as if she were Rafael. Then he positioned the chair between Lily and Rafael and the entrance, and took his place there. “Sleep, Lily,” Alec said, gently. “I’ll watch the doors.”
“Are we going to smuggle our way into the house in laundry carts?” Lily asked Alec excitedly. Alec blinked at her. “No, we’re not. What laundry carts? I’m a straightforward person. I’m going to knock on the door.”
“I know Rafe stole your phone,” said Lily, “but who stole your sense of adventure?”
Alec bundled the woman into Lily’s arms. Lily was small enough that it was difficult, but she was strong enough to bear her weight. “Take her. I have to get the others.” “I don’t want to go!” Lily shouted over the crackling fire. “I don’t ever want to abandon anybody again!” “You won’t. Lily, go.”
“Ah, there’s that smile,” said Lily. “It’s been two days, and I missed it.” Alec stopped smiling and made a face at her, but when he looked at her properly, she was fiddling with the zip of her leather jacket. There was something about the set of her mouth, as if she’d set it determinedly so it wouldn’t tremble. “Thanks for coming with me,” Alec said. “Also, you’re the worst.” That made her smile. Lily wiggled her fingers in farewell. “Don’t you forget it.”
—The Land I Lost
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sorrowsaint · 1 month
im going to bed
heres a song i like goodnight
#......................#.............................................#..............................................................................#thats probably enough of a buffer.#last night i dreamed i was in the hollow below the tree that my body was in. when i woke up in the morgue all i wanted to do was curl up#my bones remember i think. even if i dont. sometimes i feel a phantom emptiness on my chest#like the arrows. like the knives.#its scary. its so scary.#im just a kid#will i remember it forever? how long will it haunt me?#people die all the time. people die and come back. people die and come back and they remember but it doesnt haunt them#i was trapped in death and i think thats... its not gone. maybe it is magically but i still feel it.#all i had for so many months was the vague knowledge that i was dead and this overwhelming sense of sharp coldness#my body remembers. i remember. how does anyone forget things like this? i dont want this. i dont want to remember.#i like it under my bed. ive put pillows and blankets down here. the vent that blows in cold air is here too so it feels comfy#and maybe it reminds me of being under the tree. and i dont know why but thats something im actually okay with#my body was under something for so long. the soil was cursed but i loved those woods. i miss the woods. my body hurts.#my mom is missing a leg and sometimes she talks about phantom pains. like her leg realizes it isnt there and screams#can you feel that way about a hole in your chest and your neck. can you feel that way about a tree above you.#can you feel that way about death#maybe i should get angry. but alone. so so alone so i dont hurt anyone.#i cant prove him right. because he was wrong and everything he ever said was wrong and he sucks and i hate him#im not like him.#im like gertie and my parents.#im so tired. im so tired. i want to sleep in dirt for a few more months. maybe sort myself out somewhere dark and quiet.
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rhythmmortis · 8 months
kh lovessss making the girls interesting anf giving them major potential only to push that all aside and do almost nothing with them. WE NEED A FEMINIST RETELLING OF KINGDOM HEARTS ‼️
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the game we deserved
#kh#ok but genuinely i think about aquas role in bbs and 0.2 so so so so much#theres that one cutscene in the keyblade graveyard where ven gets frozen and terra gets hit with the old keyblades and aqua saves him#she is fucking POWERFUL#ventus getting his shit kicked in and thrown off a cliff and terra getting barraged#and AQUA SAVING THEM BOTH??? HER MAGIC IS SO POWERFUL IT LITERALLY STOPPED HOW MANY KEYBLADES THAT WERE GOING FULL FORCE#theres also a quote from the nort reports in bbs saying 'let his darkness strengthen the light and the light deepen the darkness' about ter#and i think CONSTANTLY about how easily that couldve been twisted to fit aqua; someone already blindly following eraqus's tutelage#to a fault. she also proved she was stronger than terra enough to become a master. all of this to say#I THINK ABOUT A BBS WHERE AQUA HAD A SIGNIFICANT ROLE AS A POTENTIAL VESSEL SINCE XEHANORT DID CONSIDER IT I BELIEVE IN ONE NORT REPORT#and even if she didnt get norted. 0.2 makes me LOSE IT i swear to god this is literally her in THE hell dimension and slowly losing herself#i know its a kids game but like. a 0.2 horror-esque game (moreso than some of the elements it already uses) wouldve been INCREDIBLE#and dont get me started on how i think 0.2 shouldve ended tragically and with aqua at least hinted to falling to darkness#and not in a single scene in kh3 that is literally not even about her. im so fucking mad about anti aqua in kh3 still#thank you for giving me an outlet to rant about aqua im. !!!!!!!!!!! OOOUOHUOUOGUOHHUOG
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Favorite to least favorite schools?
OOOOOO A QUESTION so okay this is an interesting one for me because not only are my faves tied for first place BUT I have such a limited knowledge on the schools I don't play as often so the list is gonna be super wonky HSLABDIRKE BUT HERE, LET'S PUT IT INTO WORDS:
Most favorite school(s): Storm/Death
So we all know I love Storm and it's for No Reason. Like I can't even say it's because of the game mechanics or whatever I just love Storm and there's no reason why. Even as a kid I immediately knew that I wanted to be the Purple Lightning Bolt School before I even took the book of secrets test. Like I swear I kin Storm but like. Kin-lite if that makes sense. Like I'm NOT Storm itself but IDKKKK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I love everything about Storm; the aesthetics and the color scheme and the lore behind it, it all just SPEAKS TO ME so yeah I never grew up. Sjsldjdi
But like narratively? Lore-wise Death has to be my favorite because not only is there so much that goes into the Magic itself but like so many important and well-lived characters are Necromancers. And in my PERSONAL opinion some of the most compelling tales come from Necromancers alone because OF WHAT THEY GO THROUGH SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY ARE NECROMANCERS. Like yeah I relate to that shit and honestly? The game says that the three Primordial forces are the most powerful magic but I feel like Death (along with Life and Balance of the main schools) is one of, if not the most powerful. Also because dead stuff and goth girls are my two most favorite things in the world so
Next Favorite School: Myth
Actually if I, myself, was the young wizard instead of my homunculus puppet I think I prooobably would be Myth. Like I think that's just literally who I am and even though I don't think my aesthetic lines up with Trolls and Cyclopes that much I just literally feel in my heart I'm just so...... (gestures towards myself) that I'm quite fit to be a Myth wizard. Lore reasons only. Like the "imaginative" Wizards is so mecore. I like Myth a lot but it's definitely below Storm and Death
The school after that: Balance
This time it's a mix between aesthetic and lore a lil bit. I like the fact that Balance doesn't even really seem to be a unique Magic that it's its own thing but rather a bit of each and every existing school (including the Astrals and Shadow) that it just became something entirely new and on its own???? Like it's familiar in the sense that you can see it in other Magic schools but there's still something in the core of Balance that makes it Balance. If that.... even begins to make any sense (I'm sorry my vocabulary is fucking shit. I know no words to describe things well). Also this is just my personal headcanon that Balance is one of the hardest Magic schools to master because it's so complicated. Like Balance in the Spiral is like Physics or Chemistry in our world
So this is where I start to fall out of groove with the other magic schools because I don't know shit about them so I'm gonna have to just rank them off vibes alone at this point:
The next favorite school: Fire
I was a fire wizard like years and years and years ago before I listened to my autism and went with Storm and honestly Fire fucks!!!! It's a cool school and idk how popular it is in terms of game mechanics (I think Ice and Life and Balance is most popular I think? idk I don't play the game) but I've always thought Fire was just super pretty to look at during battle. The color scheme may be a bit basic (red and orange for fire mhm) but it still works and honestly???? Personal headcanons that Fire wizards are actually one of the most mellow-headed wizards out of all the schools (commonly mistaken with Ice wizards; remember kids "Calm" doesn't equal "Aloofness") and that Pyromancers are typically daycare teachers or people who are normally in charge of/care for the youth
Some of y'all are gonna hate me for this but I can't really put Life or Ice above or below each other because I just don't really think about either of them that much HALSEHRKSH: LISTEN I DONT HATE EITHER OF THESE SCHOOLS, they just don't really....... stand out to me that much and my life and ice wizards aren't that far enough along yet where I can spot a significant difference between those schools and the ones I actually do play. Aesthetically wise yeah they're pretty!!! And then that's it DUDJSJSO I APOLOGIZE TO MY LIFE AND ICE MUTUALS/FOLLOWERS
(I assume anon meant like, the schools you start out with and not the schools you learn about later so I left out Shadow and the Astrals but if I had to put them somewhere on this list Shadow would definitely be right under Storm and Death, Moon would be below that, Star would be after Fire and Sun would be just kinda hanging out on the outside somewhere)
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theygender · 11 months
This has been on my mind for weeks and I talked to my therapist about it today and told my girlfriend about it too so now it's time for me to update the gay people in my phone: I may have schizotypal personality disorder
#this is like the equivalent of telling the bees to me#rambling#like ive been thinking about ever since i learned that autism shares a lot of similarities with schizophrenia and looked into that#and then learned about negative/cognitive symptoms and realized i related a lot to them#and then i learned more about schizotypal personality disorder and it was fuckin scary how much i related to it#what with the magical thinking and the severe social anxiety that doesnt go away when i get to know someone#and the ideas of reference and the eccentricity and the communication difficulties and the strange thought patterns#and then i specifically learned about avolition as a negative symptom which describes the exact thing thats ruining my life rn#and. i was scared to talk to my therapist about it bc i was worried it could be used against me somehow#but it was good to talk it out with her and get some additional perspective on whats going on in my brain#and if it means i could maybe possibly work on fixing the avolition and the social anxiety (my two biggest issues for years)#then it would be 100% worth it tbh. and its also kind of helpful to have some sort of framework to understand whats happening in my brain#funnily enough when i told my girlfriend (who was previously mis?diagnosed with schizophrenia and considering autism)#about it she related a lot too. so i guess we'll see how that goes#its. crazy how much of an overlap there is between schizospec orders and autism#i feel like i might should write up a post going into detail about different schizospec disorders to raise awareness#bc like. it is so much more than just hallucinations and delusions#in fact its not even required to have both of those for any schizospec disorder. some only require one and others dont require either#there is so much to the schizophrenic spectrum that i was unaware of and I'm sure that's probably true of other people too
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stellarana · 8 months
Goals for DXP
(written as <skill> <current level> - <desired level>)
Attack 75 - 80 DONE
Constitution 75 - 80 DONE
Mining 76 - 80 DONE
Strength 75 - 80 DONE
Agility 79 - 80 DONE
Defence 75 - 80 DONE
Herblore 73 - 75 DONE
Ranged 73 - 75 DONE
Cooking 93 - 99 (probably not going to get that, but I'm allowed to hope, right?) (UPDATE: I just got 95, might actually pull this off!)
Magic 67 - 70 DONE
Runecrafting 65 - 70 DONE
Slayer 68 - 70 (UPDATE: I HATE TUROTHS SO MUCH NOW!!!) DONE (thanks to menaphos corrupted scarabs. Also got squishing lvl 120)
Farming 70 - 80 (UPDATE: it's just dawned on me that I haven't done any farming training yet and this is probably not going to happen) (UPDATE: Actually maybe i can do this...)
Construction 74 - 75 DONE
Dungeoneering 74 - 75 DONE
Invention 23 - as high as I can get it without becoming completely fed up with training invention (UPDATE: lvl 37)
Necromancy 40 - hopefully around 70 or something just found out necromancy not affected by DXP, so nope.
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poptartmochi · 9 months
meeting gale as a sorcerer moodboard
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
good morning having thoughts about gale and afhiri
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sparklehoard · 2 months
Noooooo lease locator is by subscription only now 😫😫😫😫😫
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freakazoidstate · 10 months
foaming at the mouth they should make a rwby mtg set. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL? team rwby pre con oz pre con and salem pre con. creature type grimm. COOL FULL ARTS OF THE MAIN 4. A FUCKING PYRRHA CARD. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. DO YOU?????
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