#i dont have mutuals on this blog so its fine (dont have followers here and i need it to stay that way ngl)
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sundropclouds · 2 years ago
Ngl this new mutual culture on tumblr scares me so much. I feel like any mutuals i have arent actually mutuals because mutual clearly means very good friend and also most people will get mad at you if you reblog their post and youre not seen as a mutual by them and of course mutual doesnt mean mutual it means friend and if youre not mutuals and you interact people will think youre strange and invasive and annoyinf and creepy and
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theetherealraphael · 5 months ago
making a new intro post, because our old one is now outdated.
hi there! im raphael, host of @the-capricorn-system! im a minor!! i also use it/xey/fae pronouns
i have a whole bunch of disorders that im not going to get into here bc my parents check this account sometimes and i dont want them to know but uh feel free to ask on our system blog!
im also an angelkin, specifically an archangel. hence the name raphael! (and no, im not the fucking turtle. please stop asking)
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blinky made by @walking-at-nighttime-is-the-life!!
tagging system and such under cut!
raphael talks: talking tag.
ethereal reblogs: reblogging tag.
raph answers: answering asks tag.
raphs hoard of genders: now outdated gender hoarding tag. go see @raphs-hoard-of-genders for his genders now.
this is a queued post.: queued post tag.
personal vent: apparently raphael vents enough that its in our suggested tags.
qpp posting: for when im talking about my partners!
raphaels beloved mutuals:
qpp is @nanochittle, be nice to xem or ill fight you ::::3
@some-rando-with-internet: my older brother!!
@pennyroyald: younger sibling!!
@maryland-officially, @bored-dromaeosaur, @sarah-ankh, @homocidalpotat, @walking-at-nighttime-is-the-life: my friends!!
@cookie-block: our irl brother.
(oh yeah please lmk if you want to be untagged here!)
... i think thats everyone.
ill put a list of our sideblogs here later eheheh!
we done have a dni, but we do have a byf! (before you follow)
so uh. we dont support harrassing people, for any reason.
we are a mixed origin system, and are pro-endo, pro-willo, and pro-other system origins.
we dont really like radqueers, but we are rad-inclus.
we support bi lesbians, bi gay men, and just about every identity under the queer umbrella you can think of.
we swear like a sailor sometimes, and we dont tag for it
we will add tags for things of asked politely. if you ask and are an ass about it, we will block you.
we dont post fundraisers. for anything. except ourselves.
and etc idk just dont be an asshole and your fine to follow
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housemaiden-of-change · 7 months ago
Hi!! My name is Mirabelle (She/her), and I'm travelling with my friends Siffrin, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie! We're here to save Vaugarde from The King! This is my first time running something like this sooo I'm a little nervous, and I have a few personal boundaries:
- No NSFW or flirtatious messages please!!! I personally don't like that kind of stuff
- Please don't be too mean! Especially to other askers! We all see the world differently
- Art submissions are welcomed AND appriciated!!
- While I believe everyone is allowed to interract with my blog, I have some acceptions! No Homohphobes, transphobes, racists, MAPs, Proshippers, basically anyone who is "Anti-Change" Change is apart of life, buster! Deal with it!
- You don't have to ask me for a hug or to be your friend! To Dormonts house, you are a friend of us all! <3
- Bonnie has a blog of their own now! Bonnie rules semi-no longer apply! :3
Now for some words of the Blog Manager!
Hi hey and hello! Its me, @imlivinginyourtrashcan (He/Him) and I have finally caved! (Hope you are proud Siffrin)
Now for my personal boundaries for this blog, along with simple requests:
-My rules are the same as Mirabelles, but with my own ooc twist
-While Mirabelle herself is a She/Her user, I am not! I use He/Him, I won't tolerate purposeful misgendering
- I finished the game! Not in full, still have stuff to do some of the achivements, so be careful with spoilers still 🙏🙏🙏 (ask before you initiate, please, I didnt get Who Was The Phone yet so getting that ask qualified as a spoiler)
- Any godmod or metagaming request will be denied! Or, cleaverly intercepted by 《 The omnious unnamed narraror!~ 》. If you have to ask if its godmodding, it probably is! Don't do it!
- I have the right to deny or veto an ask, and you all have done a great job listening (except with the excess geese attempt), but if I, in character or not, say not to do it, dont!
- Anon is off. Maybe you can earn it back, but I doubt it. Run away, weirdos! [Sptzz sptzz] ....but if you were a nice fella and wanna remain anon, I can blur your name and pfp! Just say so in ask (same rules as Mundie)
- This Blog will follow the shennanigans of @a-traveling-star (King), @studies-of-nothing (Ninja), @defender-of-jouvente (Mundie), @snacksleader (Susie), and @loopadoop (Unsure if they want to be called smthn else yet)
Occasionally in the askbox, we'll get a rp scenario with "Suzu" thats our mutual friend @cookieeevee you should go follow them theyre so cool.
- Please no ship related asks, love you guys but I dont want a war in my comments section /lh
- Like the others have stated before, do not rush us! Please! None of you have done it to ME but my friends have reported it happening to them, we all have lives! We'll get to you eventually!
- I personally don't give a shit if an au self comes around, but don't force it into the canon please, time and place! But come say hi whenever!
- I'm fine with being adressed in ooc and will sign my name with ooc brackets, but just cuz im ok with it doesn't mean you should start pressuring other people to do the same. Some people wanna remain anon and thats perfectly ok :)
- Alsoooo~ Cuz this is an au, ill be tagging things [besides act 0] in their respective acts 🫡
Bye Bye!! ~
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mazzystar24 · 11 months ago
Im gonna break it down in the plainest way
1. I’m a buddie shipper yes but I’m loving bucktommy I’m enjoying the ride very much and I love the storyline, do I want bucktommy endgame or buddie endgame or both? It had to be buddie endgame for me
2. Have I seen SOME bucktommy fans be racist? Yes 100% just like I’ve seen buddie fans be toxic, misogynistic,etc EVERY fandom has its issues and assholes are everywhere but that doesn’t mean the whole fandom gets written off
4. Is multi shipping okay? Ofc go have fun, it’s personal preference tho so yeah like some people (myself included) won’t really participate in it but that’s fine
5. Why not just block the bucktommy tag? I as I said like the bucktommy content, I like the fics I like the posts and spec (not so much the endgame ones but still I like the for now stuff) and a lot of my mutuals/ blogs I follow are multi shippers
6. My motto has always been dont ick someone else’s yum, if you don’t like it ignore it, block it, do whatever but don’t be a dickhead to people let them enjoy what they enjoy as long as everyone is being respectful to each other
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teddy-feathers · 2 months ago
these bots pretending to be gaza people really piss me off. it also bothers me that people just post them because like i get that you want to help or you feel guilty or whatever but. theyre bots.
youre not helping anyone but the phishing scammers.
like they claim to be vetted. they link to gofundmes. you go to their page and see pictures of their children. you feel heartless not responding, blocking, or reporting these people. i get it.
but at the same time like. there are signs that these are bots, there are ways of fact checking. reverse image searching. hell most common advice for donations is give to charities and actually vetted things related to Palestinian relief and aid.
there are porn bots that do the same thing. People before this sent shit in about their sick pets.
none of them are usually following you, thier blogs have like three things on it - how did they find you, average non popular blog user? and if they created a blog specifically to talk about the issue theyre having, I ask again how did they find you, average non popular blog user?
like. yes,this is much more serious and an issue, but theyre still very clearly scams.
and people are just. out here posting them, giving them a veneer of legitimacy because "mutual wouldn't post a scam, theyd vet it first right?" because the appearance of doing something, however small, is more important than actually doing anything.
and im not saying you have to do anything! most of us are broke and it seems such a little thing to signal boost someones distress in the hopes that someone, anyone, can help alleviate it however much.
but like. its a bot.
and if im wrong? cool! there are, as i said, ways to sus out if it is a bot!
and if you dont want to do that? thats fine??? you dont have to post anything
the thing is, if you dont want to check and youre wrong youve let a scam loose to more people who are just as much of a bleeding heart as you (not a bad thing) and are more likely to think its real because its been though one potential fact check. if im wrong and you dont want to check youre one of hundreds of people who are receiving and circulating these messages! Other people have the spoons to vet them or add them to official lists of people in need!
you are just okay letting a bot that someone created to benefit off the plight of others go out and just do that? hurt both the people requesting aid and the people trying to help?
why? so you can look like you care or that you don't look like you dont care?
because again, the appearance of doing something is more important than actually doing something.
im not saying you have to do anything. you dont have,spoons time or money, then you cant do anything and you shouldn't beat yourself up for it. this is a site for hanging out and reblogging stuff. not a space for getting help or like. actual information. which means those legitimate people asking for help are asking for help through more realistic avenues as well.
just dont let a bot pretend to be the cries of the desperate and trick you into helping them trick others.
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puckpocketed · 5 months ago
on the topic of mutuals actually ! (+ my thoughts on blocking) long and winding non essay under the cut.
mutualism and friendship
it's come up semi-regularly in conversation in the past month-ish and i've been marinating on it so I guess I should write my thoughts down here.
i'm sure this isn't a groundbreaking brainwave no one has ever had before but uh . i think this is probably a product of having grown up with very little social media but i just dont particularly care for the concept of mutuals. i dont think about it. i think of people on here as friends first and mutuals second. "mutuals" is barely meaningful to me as a label other than shorthand for friends, and even then it is rendered useless by the fact that I think of some non-mutuals as friends.
idc if you follow my blog back, if we're regularly interacting and having fun then we are friends regardless of mutual status. the focus on "being mutuals" is, to me, a little impractical (and sidebar,, honestly its kinda crazy how divorced it is from the real human phenomenon of connection and friendship. hello!!!!! why we letting social media button supplant friendship and connection. not to be Old Man Yells at Clouds but what are we doing raising this generation to think about being mutuals and commenting/liking posts as some friendship obligation, on the same level as smiling at them or laughing with them. hello. what are we doing giving them anxiety about whether or not enough people liked their posts. what are we doing???? does someone wanna talk about this with me because it eats me up lmao)
I'd rather people follow me because they, idk, enjoy the little character bits i do + my unhinged liveblogging + occasional gifs and baking - rather than out of some obligation because we are friendly. don't put yourself through the ordeal of being flooded by sharks magma whenever they play a game just because we're friends LMAO i wouldn't do that for anyone if the situation were reversed !!
^on this topic, if I don't follow you back it doesn't mean I don't like you, I might simply not vibe with your blog. the decision to follow is not predicated on whether or not we have good rapport. it's literally just choosing to see your blog on my feeds. speaking as someone who has done a fair bit of leg work to curate my internet experience, following/not following is part of that. and I think of other people's choices this way as well. i think not vibing with my blog is fine! it is incredibly scattered and the content is NOT for everyone and that's okay.
on blocking
blocking simply aint that big to me. I don't take it seriously or personally if i somehow realise I've been blocked, and blocking others isn't personal for me either. to me it is, again, simply an act of dashboard curation. I think i'd be way more anxious if i thought about blocking in terms of liking/hating.
I block people for all sorts of reasons, silly or serious. Sometimes i'm just annoyed that day, sometimes they say stuff that is deeply offensive to me. There's a whole spectrum of feelings about the blogs subject to my blocking habits that fall between the two extremes. at the core of it, it's about not wanting to see them in my feeds. simple as that.
(by the by, I block from my main blog and not my side blog, so people can still see things from puckpocketed if they want, and I don't have to see them! WIN-WIN!)
blog =/= blogger. I try to keep this distinction clear in my head. when a person makes a post on their blog and I have a problem with it, whether it annoys me mildly (stupid rude shit on my posts) or genuinely offends me to my core (racism or something), blocking them is not about saying "fuck you". it is not the "I have moral highground" button. not to me.
everything falls under this umbrella: racism, misogyny, completely out of pocket comments on my posts, being mildly annoying. Blocking isn't personal because I don't actually know anyone well enough to hate them, and the act of curating my feeds ain't praxis. blogging isn't praxis. I have bigger fish to fry so to speak. I have a real life and people to care for and communities to build. I have poetry to read and dogs to say hello to. i got a whole life to live!
the content of someone's blog is a TINY portion of who they are when weighed against the rest of their existence. it is but a sliver of their life and their personhood. I see it like this: wouldn't like it very much if someone made sweeping conclusions about my personhood based on my blog posts, and so I try not to do that either. key word is try. I don't always succeed and I think that's okay. we are all doing what we can on this bitch of an earth <3 what is most important is I'm trying to give people the grace I'd want for myself. like . shit. isn't that what its all about?? (mini confessional: I was a mean and angry person for a long time. in some ways i still feel like i am. but learning kindness by studying it instead of having it baked into my brain chemistry or however the fuck other people get it has taught me that we have to try)
anyway if u are still reading this hiii!!! I'd say sorry i just wanted to put my thoughts somewhere but . well. its MY blog and i get to paste weird magazine cutouts and glitter to my walls if i wanna !!! thank u for ur time
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mzhydes-funtimes · 6 months ago
Hello! I'm not sure if pinned posts explaining your blog are popular but i did it on my alt. acc so imma do it here.
This is my general blog for all things I enjoy, some stories and my art.
Some things I enjoy and you will find here is:
Fable, Pokemon, Minecraft, D&D (and other ttrpgs), Magic the Gathering, card games, video games, Super Smash Brothers, Kirby, Sonic (not in the annoying way), some fashion, guitar, theater, music, and some other things I'll add when i remember
So I've realized I'm apparently attractive enough for people to want to date me so I wanna say, for my own sanity: I am NOT looking for a relationship, I may post lesbian yearning posts but I am not looking to date anyone online so I'm not in more pain than I already am
I will also be putting my stories and art here, I plan to post 1 story from writing-prompt-s every other day
I have a second account @hyperactivetransdrone, so if i follow you or if I tell you about this account I like you (in a friends way and you havent been creepy, ive had a few bad nsfw expeiences over there so this is sort of how I escape without letting them know I dont like them) I have a few mutuals over there that i have to tell about this acc. but I'll get around to it.
All ages are welcome as this is general buuut if i do hornypost here please, same rules as my alt. if your 17 you can like and reblog that post with no tags (or like #reblogs or #queue those are fine) but please dont interact with that post otherwise.
I have ADHD and Autism but its not too bad, I am also a bit depressed, and anxious so please bear with me. I have type 1 diabetes so thats pain, I am not on HRT yet but I am a trans girl, and i think thats all i really need to say.
Side Blog for archiving writing tips: @story-tips-and-ideas
Also I dont have a job or a checking account so i cannot give you money if you begged me to
One last thing: If anyone wants to play a game with me or wants to friend me in some games here are some of my accounts:
Minecraft/Microsoft: PureShadow12345
#Cami's Writing (my writing), #INFOPOCKET (updates and important info), #Cami's Art (my art), #Story ideas (reblogs of good ideas i may use as inspiration), #Cami's QnA (asks), #People Teasing Cami (people in my asks teasing me), #Cami's Selfies (my selfies)
Important Infopocket:
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hotchfiles · 9 months ago
Lari, I apologize in advance, but I really want to add to the discussion of writers supporting writers, because it makes my blood boil sometimes, lol, and I'm sorry if this gets long, and if i sound like a bitch but....
Okay, first off, interaction is important, period! Doesn't matter if you have no followers, if you are a writer with a few followers, or a writer with a lot of followers interaction is important, in every sense! And writers with a lot of followers should be VERY aware of that, because once upon a time, they were a smaller blog too, wishing for people to interact with their works.
Writers especially feed on the interaction, and especially seeing people's thoughts and opinions on their works, and that's where the comments and reblogs come into play!
One thing, that apparently, some big blogs seem to either forget, or not give a sh*t about anymore, because they are just too big now. People are interacting with their works, so they've made it, right? Wrong, because once again, your readers, and their interaction with your works made you big! So, instead of being high and mighty, return the favor by boosting the works you liked reading, written by smaller blogs! (Side note, I'm not hating on anyone, calling anyone out specifically, or etc. But I was a writer in another fandom once, and it was much the same, and it grated on my nerves then, and it's grating on my nerves now)
I was a writer that only used to like, when I was running my old blog, but on this one, reblog, reblog, reblog. Doesn't matter that I don't have a huge number of followers that can benefit from recs, I'm supporting the writer, and to me, that's the most important.
On the mutuals matter, I think you said it right. My works might not be my mutuals cup of tea, or theirs might not be mine. One thing i wanna add here, even if I have mutuals, who's works I don't read because x, y, z, every once in a while I'd reblog a work of theirs and be like "check out this person's works, they write great (character) fics". To me that's just a way to boost your moots, and who knows, maybe someone that follows you actually likes their works.
On indirectly being asked to read their stuff, I think there's nothing wrong with that, BUT! Like you said, if I'm going to support you, I'd expect you to support me too. It's not hard. I myself have asked others to read my works (on my old blog), but I've made sure to interact with them via asks, read and interact with their works, before and after asking! And not because I want to be transactional or anything, but because I genuinely enjoy their works, and asking them to read mine, yes, it might boost me up, but i just want to hear what some of my favorite writers think about something I've written. Later, those same people became my mutuals and I loved that we lifted each other up!
Finally, if some people aren't comfortable interacting, that's completely and totally fine!  What I wrote is for the writers, that honestly should know how tumblr and the community works, well enough to know that boosting people and interacting with people makes for a greater overall experience!
And to the anon that started this whole thing (if they are even reading this, lol), continue being supportive and interesting with the blogs you love, and the works you enjoy! If you still want to read the works of the writers you talked about, be a silent reader, lol. Like you said, they're doing fine! Devote your time and energy and interact with the people that will support you back, and are sweet and kind to you! And, be the person you are now, supportive, because it seems some writers tend to lose sight of where they came from when they grow, and to the ones that don't, you rock!
Again, I'm so sorry for this being so long, lol🥴 (also, if I'm being too bitchy, feel free to ignore and delete this, lol)
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i dont even have anything to add you said it perfectly
i love that you mentioned the transaction part because YEAH its not about being a transaction or anything of the sort, its about being reciprocal, and treating others works like you want yours to be treated
i genuinely love reading and helping so i dont mind at all when people ask for me to do that, i just feel like that if you enjoy either my fics enough for that, i should be seeing you reblogging or commenting my fics and the people (really, people, it happens quite frequently) i mentioned just never ever ever reblogged or commented on any of it 😭
i honestly thought i was exaggerating it but it seems its been happening to a lot of writers so
please, writers (especially if you complain about comments and reblogs)
be reciprocal
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hacksawboy · 7 months ago
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💉 18, MAY 5 2006
🫀 TF2
just the bottom 3 right now, but i will begin rebbloging GTA stuff soon
im 18 years old. im fine with minors interacting, but unless were friends or mutuals already i dont wanna be mutuals with anyone under 16. im black, gay, trans, and autistic, so i tend to say the n word, f slur, t slur, and r slur sometimes. if you dont think any of these should or can be reclaimed, just block me and move on, i am completely uninterested in engaging in internet arguements with strangers. some stuff i repost may contain gore, all of it is fake and fictional, i will never repost real gore ever (if i do take me out back). i don't tag anything i post or put trigger warnings on anything as i don't expect them to leave my bubble.
those who believe jewish = zionist / pro israel
school shooter fandom
dream / wilbur soot / gnf fan
if you actively post abt mediscout, any other medic or scout ship is okay (except spyscout, spyscout fans fuck off), this one just makes me very uncomfortable . its fine if you ship it i just really dont wanna see it
while this one isnt nearly as strict as the others, id prefer if enstars fans didnt interact with me unless were already friends or mutuals. i dont have anything against the game or fandom, a lot of you are actually quite sweet, but i do have a lot of memories attatched to it that i wouldn't like to remember.
18+ BLOG @hacksawman | SIMS 4 CC BLOG @cxcxcct
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geckobrains · 1 month ago
Φ okay hi Φ
its about time for a new pinned. and a proper one. so okay.
we are a 🏳️‍⚧️ collective who lack a collective name. geckobrains is fine for the time being (despite the fact we only have 1 singular gecko).
we are 22 human years of age
(not to imply that any of us are human θΔ)
minors do not follow us, you will be blocked. not that there's anything necessarily explicit here, just a preference, and we may occasionally get a little close to the line.
the primary members of this collective are:
• riley 🐕🐇 (it/its) (the dog writing this)
• theta 🐺 (he/him, it/its)
• sunny 🐱 (it/its, she/her)
there are many others. dont worry about it too much though. sometimes we will announce who is making/reblogging a post. sometimes we will not, but chances are if you know anything about us its not hard to tell.
other important things:
(and also some less important things)
• lastfm account
• aesthetic blog (we dont use this a lot anymore but will on occasion)
• bluesky account (this account is also 18+, again not due to anything explicit i just like it that way)
• riley has an NSFW sideblog. mutuals can DM to ask for it
• mutuals who do not have us on discord can DM us and we will add you
and finally
• if you are our friend and genuinely actually want to know who is fronting, you can add us on Simply Plural: An app made for plural systems to let both non-plural and other plural friends know information about your system (Most important of which is letting you know who's fronting) (there is also a web app version if you do not want to download anything)
thank you. thats all. bye bye.
(this post may be updated in the future if any information changes or needs to be added or removed)
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limpfisted · 1 year ago
your blog is makimg me want to get into RP but idk where to start 😔
Rp blogs are great! Its the easiest way to get involved writing fanfiction and headcanons with a community
I dont roleplay that much any more on here obvs bc a bitch is off his/her meds however
Here's how to start a tumblr rp blog!
First. Make a new account. Not a sideblog. Sideblogs are fine but it can be confusing and messy and it's just not the ideal experience for ur first blog
Pick out a url that relates to your character and their themes/motifs or the themes you want to write
Pick out a container or minimalist theme on @theme-hunter a simple one! Doesnt have to be too fancy!
Make, commission, or draw some graphics. Some people will make incredibly detailed icons. I got lazy on this blog honestly and I hate all my graphics so we're going thru it, struggle bus on limpfisted dot tumblr dot com, but a lot of people have a nice aesthetic header, a nice aesthetic icon, and a nice aesthetic pinned post. Plus promos
You don't honestly have to do that, but its fun, and you get to learn photoshop editing, which is a great skill that impresses my parents. U also don't have to use photos hope, i use clip studio paint on my tablet, and tbh i like it better bc its not so fucking SLOW. I always used to make my own .psds anyway so it's whatever. There a lots of tutorials, Google it, but have fun with it!
Go to the tumblr search and look for a Google doc template or carrd template. This is for your rules/about page. Its mobile friendly for suckers like me without laptops. Write basic rules (ie no minors shit of that nature), then write your characters backstory and important information.
Then head over to ur brand new tumblr and click the new post button. Make a pinned post. Put ur little graphic. Put a little poem. Put a link to your carrd/Google doc. Put ur online name pronouns and age range and ur characters name and pronouns. PIN that shit.
Then go and hit the new post button again and put the little graphics you made for your promo. Write a little poem. Tag it "bg3 rp" and "dnd rp" and "oc rp"
Then bobs ur goddamn uncle. You're a roleplayer. You did it!
Start following blogs and let the mutuals come rolling in
Come join us, wyll warrior! We're waiting for u!!!!!
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likeadog · 1 year ago
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making a copy of this bc op disabled reblogs and i just got reminded it existed and would like to not lose it
ok so . im outing myself to the world but thats fine this is too funny to not share
so. ive run a roleplay blog for a few years. i keep it separate from my main, yknow, its just a side hobby and ive been doing it since i was like, 12. its cringe but hey yknow at least im not 30 and writing ya novels
now its pretty common for rp blogs these days to have rules. right? you dont want to just bag any weirdo on this website, and as you can imagine bnha roleplayers are batshit crazy (see: conversion therapy todoroki) so mine are pretty strict and detailed. because ive been doing it long enough to be exposed to what counts as carbon monoxide poison from a screen. one of those rules is "if youre mutuals with people who write porn of the kids even aged up im blocking you we're keeping a ten foot pole on this". because as a 20 year old man i have a healthy disinterest in seeing paragraphs of teenagers fucking
so the dash is astir with talk of a guy writing age up bakugou porn and im like ok whatever. make a post bitching about it . mutual likes those posts but then the mutual is turning around and being buddy buddy with this guy so i dm the mutual like hey whats going on here . mutual is like "well why dont you talk it out with him hes not as mean as he seems i prommy" and im like sure whatever i can have civil conversation and if it ends with One Less Person writing weirdo porn then i might be able to get into heaven
so i dm him and he loses his fucking mind. it lasted all of 10 minutes because he was sending paragraphs like this and i was too tired to give a shit
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(take note of my icon thats a special tool thatll help us later)
(also he goes by the name rxgelord. WITH the x. thats also important just because its funny as fuck)
so the guys clearly bothered by the idea that people might possibly talk about him without his permission and im a little miffed after being misgendered (which hed do again later) so i just post our dms. swing first and hey batter batter lets play ball i dont give a shit this is bnha roleplay
once again: loses his damn mind. he makes a psa post about me talking about how im just some pussy infant and hes too HARD for me and shit and also they do bakudeku muffin roleplay in the comments of that post which is fucking insane
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anyway. at one point while joking about the whole thing i called him a "wannabe bakugou kinnie" as a joke and apparently he felt a very serious need to address this
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and im like holllllllllllllly fucking shit
you may have noticed that his posts are incredibly over-formatted. this goes for everything he does he is pouring a LOT of time and energy into typing his 9 paragraphs about how im an insane bitch or whatever. (if theres literally one thing i can give him credit on its that his graphic editing skills are kinda good. i will be honest) his rules document is also just as insane and features gems such as:
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(this dude thinks hes pulling bitches on a bnha roleplay blog)
so we're just full on ragging on him at this point and hes getting MADDDDDDD MAD. he misgenders me again and when i point it out he has the following excuse:
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(art by @/pcktknife. anyways)
after a certain point i get dmd an old copy of a 130+ page callout he had a year prior and im like WHAT and it included his yugioh rp blog career and various allegations like having been involved in gang violence, doxxing, etc. also a picture of the hickies he bragged about leaving on his uwu pink glitter gf which looked more like he was trying to go for the killing bite but hey. yknow. apparently im a toddler idk how that works
along in this we also find his twitch account, which was under the name rxgelord, and it featured edited graphics of his real life face with bakugou. he posts selfies a lot too i wont share them even if theyre public but he has knuckle tats and a goatee and uses the greyscale filter. if this gives you an idea. he also had 5 twitch followers and detailed his desire to be a rapper/dj and im like holllllly fucking shit this guy cant be a real person. holy fuck.
anyways. skipping a lot of unnecessary bullshit and paragraphs of text with gifs from 2013 attached hes constantly going on about how we wont just "say it to his face" which i think is hilarious bc i was, the entire time. but im like ok fine you want me so bad
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so i send him this. he posts about how "he won when he got all might" (for some reason hes calling my ex mutual by the character name. i dont know) and then hasnt posted in 4 days. he deleted his twitch. im a little worried bakugou. dont say that. may have actually chased this man off the internet . to go have real life sex with his real life girlfriend so he isnt so mad
anyway we ended up turning one of his posts into an eminem uberduck
im honestly probably forgetting something this was so much and it was so fucking funny and honestly im glad to have been there
update: he has not in fact posted since last summer. god bless.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
Not that anon but I don't think anyone sane can hate on you for hating a ship as long as you don't like call a fucking crusade on all the unpure and unholy lol! Funny fact I follow you and hate Kubosai , but I love your blog, you have genuinely great takes.
And I ship things you'd dislike l and that's probably fine because we are civilized and the Saiki K community isn't big enough for us to split into a holy war like fucking Supernatural Destiel and Wincest so we all gotta get along even if we don't ship the same ship!
Obligatory just my opinion and disagree away but I hope you find the ask interesting! :3 ~meowmeowanon~
OKAY OKAY THANK YOU LMAO im sorry, i flood all my discourse related posts with things like "JUST MY OPINION! NO HATE! PLEASE DONT HATE ME!" because ive had situations before on the internet where people misunderstand me or hate me just because we have differing opinions and they think that means we cant get along, and ive lost cool mutuals because of it so.. idk i can just be a little paranoid about stuff like that lol..
plus, i have seen some people on here get pretty defensive ? luckily, the people WITHIN the shipping community on here dont actually get that bad from what ive seen, its more sexuality hc discourse that gets real heated in this fandom lol.. (so its more the shipping side as a whole that gets hated on instead of us hating on each other..) but either way, i just try very hard to basically put the fact that im very welcoming of differing opinions in flashing lights because i just hateee the idea of being hated because of a simple misunderstanding.. (plus, i LOVE friendly debates when it doesnt get too genuinely defensive.. thats why i enjoy posting that kind of thing so much even though im afraid of negative consequences !! i love being given reasoning for why people would think differently..)
also, i love that kubosai haters can follow me despite almost my entire blog being kubosai.. i love you lol youre a real one.. (EDIT IM ADDING THIS TO SAY THAT I ALSO FOLLOW MULTIPLE PEOPLE THAT R ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY TORISAI WHICH I DONT LIKE AS PREVIOUSLY STATED SO. I GET IT LOL.)
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thecatspasta · 1 year ago
[New intropost]
Haii, Im Rosette and the fine owner of this blog
This blog is supports Palestine and will block anyone whos neutral or for Israel
My pronouns are they/he (among others) and Im somewhat aroace
Im an artist and animator with a special interest in the Magnus Archives, Malevolent, Mother Mother and How To Train Your Dragon. I have autism and ADHD along with a few other things and my memory is ass so dont be surprised when I forget everything
My tagging system is:
#pasta scribbles - My art tag #garlic breath - Rambling tag, normally not reblogs #dragon!au - Dragon tma au. I turned everyone in tma into dragons #pasta's social life - Posts related to my friends (new tag, not used much) #youre only dreaming - my mental health/venting tag
My current interests are:
The Magnus Archives Malevolent Jack Conte Mother Mother Radiohead
And a lot more!
My PUBLIC sideblogs areee:
@pastasrebloops - where I reblog stuff (used when i have an active hyperfixation and want to reblog art and keep my main somewhat clean) @pastamurdercats - my warrior cats sideblog. All warrior cats content goes here. This is kept separate for personal reasons @cupboard-of-npd - mental illness blog. I talk about myself for extended periods of time and reblog stuff relating to mental health @pastadrawstma - TMA art goes here. Posts everyday at 3am NZST
Those are the only ones that I regularly use, so you can follow them if you want. There are 3 other blogs but Im really only sharing those with friends and mutuals I trust
BYI under cut
I am a minor, do not interact if you are 18+, NSFW or minors DNI
I have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and while its not the theme of this blog, it does come up a decent amount. Im can be incredibly attention seeking and self centered. If that bothers you dont follow :3
Do not follow me expecting one specific type of content forever, I hyperfixate on many different things
The word narcissist being used as an insult or an adjective or literally anything that doesnt refer to narcissistic personality disorder makes me INCREDIBLY uncomfortable, do not follow me if you do this. (same with believing in narcissistic abuse)
I do not want to participate in discourse and will not. I have my beliefs and I will discuss those among close friends, do not ask me what my opinions on stuff is
If I have gotten something wrong PLEASE tell me about it in PRIVATE. Not only am I more likely to see it but I am also more likely to give you a proper response rather than just deleting everything
Please never tell me about issues you have with stuff I enjoy, that normally results in me getting defensive and blocking you
I am uncomfortable with being called empathetic, as I am not so please avoid calling me that
Art is tagged as #pasta scribbles and rambling is #garlic breath
Carrd is here
That should be all, thanks for checking out my blog!!
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justsurvival · 6 months ago
SHIPPING INFO — answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
multimuse that mainly writes ocs i will ship w anyone n everyone dont ask me to choose my favorite there isn't one (i lie . my favorite is Us. )
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
all ship dynamics are equally valued here ! yes that includes antagonistic, platonic, etc. i am an angst enjoyer first and foremost and can't lie but i love u hurt / no comfort. fluff is. meh to me? unless it's a brief respite between the horrors. i may write smut i may not. i enjoy talking about it if it comes up, but i defer to my partner's preferences. i love you dynamics between exes i love you older characters i love you mutual obsession and unhealthy / toxic dynamics (**not abusive) i love you mentor/mentee dynamics i love you thinking that everything is going to be fine and it only getting worse i love you becoming something worse than lovers
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
involving a character under 25, i stick to 5 years. older than 25, i'd like for them to have not known eachother from before the younger was 25. frontal lobe development <3 ummm immortals are. waves hand. more nuanced. im straight up stealing from cupid now sorry smooches
Are you selective when shipping?
eeeeeeeeh ? if you're here on this blog and we are mutuals i will ship with you? like that's as selective as i get. i have some characters that are more ship-selective because they're very hard to ship with, i have too many similar dynamics with them, or some other thing. i generally prefer a good mix of chem + plot to ship. also if ur obviously face chasing... i dont care ? but like. please care about my character and their personality / backstory. thankies.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered USFW?
i'll be real with you i can't remember the last time i actively wrote something usfw on the dash. i'll dm you if i feel its heading that direction.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
is this a safe space to say i do think some of my muses would be fun (terrible) with eachother.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
yessssnoooo? easiest way is to send a hey lets ship message or waowow im feeling smth between them are u message. i will likely agree with u. also open to being sent shippy inbox prompts if we don't have a ship on the contingency that you still need to explicitly tell me you're interested in shipping. i am autistic i have a hard time picking up things especially through the internet so i appreciate having a clearcut 'i would like ships' message because i generally will otherwise default to a platonic relationship. (this doesn't include those who i have many, many ships with)
How often do you like to ship?
Are you multiship?
my public characters are multiship, yes, but if we have a dynamic between our characters that is impactful enough to my character's development, i'll go single ship on that. any muses i make specifically for a ship / are listed as private are single ship <3
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
obsessed but i always always include non-romantic dynamics in this.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
stares at you with my big brown eyes. i write mostly ocs in original lore.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
please just ask its the easiest way for me otherwise we are gonna dance around it for eternity. holds ur hand. just message me.
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transgendz · 1 year ago
I got an ask this morning that I've taken some time to consider. I will not be replying directly to it, because its an anon, and someone claiming to be a mutual for years so if they wanna talk they can dm me, but this can be a more full breakdown than an ask can reasonably get.
I've posted proof of the cost of my roommates last ($500) appointment within the past two weeks. If anyone wants to dm me for more proof, I really don't mind.
Those who have been following me for years probably remember why I don't feel safe sharing much info outside of dms at all. It's stalking and abuse, but if anyone needs more details, I dont mind answering that either.
We have been in various stages of getting out of homelessness and seeking treatment for disability for a while now. Fought for my roommate's legal documents for years. A lot of this stuff has been going on for years before we ever asked for help online or otherwise. We got evicted as soon as the rent moratorium ended, and not long after, we got covid that almost killed us. That left me permanently more disabled and left my roommate with a brand new disability on top of the existing ones. For a point of reference, even before the pandemic, I was his full-time caregiver. I still am.
On that note, he spent most of this time last year in and out of the hospital. I am still his full-time caregiver. He still has thousands in unpaid hospital bills. Again, dm me, I do not mind providing proof of all of this. I have his medical records and permission to share them if I remove the super sensitive info such as social security number.
My posts are generally phrased similarly or the same because if I think I phrased it correctly the first time, I will phrase it that way again. I am autistic, and people who talk to me enough to get to know me know I speak on scripts, and I am very repetitive. The people in my life irl remark on it. I don't really know what else to say, except I'm far from the only person on here who does that. I'm not even the only person who does that for the same reasons. I update my posts when I get a notification, and I check my email frequently most days. I do not thank every person who helps us, and I'm sorry. I try, and will keep trying.
Food is our biggest cost due to me and my roommate both having life threatening allergies to dairy, soy, and gluten. I don't know if you can understand how expensive that is until you live it. We are trying to reduce costs though. We have a garden, are expanding to that daily, as well as a greenhouse that was already here when we moved in which we have filled. And fruit trees and berry bushes.
And pretty importantly, all of the supplies have been given/loaned to us by a family member. A lot of the plants were previously planted and came out of dormancy in the last few weeks because it's currently spring. If half of what we have planted now does well, we will be fine on food. If anyone wants proof of all that, I would actually be overjoyed to share about our progress in that. I am really proud of our plants.
I have been looking for a job, I've mentioned that in posts before, but I am still applying. I am a full-time caretaker of a disabled person while also being disabled. I am limited to online work. If anyone has anything I can apply for oh my god I would appreciate it. I will be doing yard sales now that its warmer to help unclutter that previously mentioned family member's house of antiques and collectibles, and I'll get money from that. I do commissions at my art blog @theartistrans I have been doing gig shit and trading labor for goods and dogsitting. I don't have a regular 9-5, but I work.
And I do have a second roommate. She just largely takes care of her own for now, although that's been on and off some in the past as major things happened in her life.
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