#i dont even like the new changes in the Activity page
empty-dream · 1 year
I know Tumblr has glitches every now and then, but to be honest, I feel it has been smooth for me at least during the last 5 months (at least when I login and be active once in a month). Now I come back after 2 months and lmao everything is in shambles
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blughxreader · 2 years
hi! i dont think i can ever get enough of yan! platonic! Batfam 🥲 can i get a neglected reader who has successfully escaped, only to come back to gotham by some unprecedented causes a few years later? i have plans to write a fic like this and want some inspiration (and to fill the yandere batfam tag)
Platonic Yandere!Bruce, Dick, Jason with a darling who escaped and returned to Gotham
Headcanons, WC: 1,048
Notes: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! This ask is five months old lol. I had to cut out the baby boys to finish </3 If I can come up with ideas for Damian and Tim then I'll add to it.
The weight of Bruce’s mistakes hangs over his head every day, but his mistakes with you are by-far the heaviest.
He should have appreciated you more. He should have told you what you meant to him. Instead, he let you feel invisible. It kills him.
When you’re spotted in Gotham years later, he can hardly believe it.
He’ll drop everything and go straight to you, deploying all the boys to ensure you don’t slip away. If it’s daytime, Bruce Wayne will make a rare appearance and corner you with paparazzi, and if it’s nighttime, then Batman will swipe you off the streets before you can cry out.
He’ll forgive every outburst you give. You’re furious and he understands—he considers your anger entirely his fault so he’ll give you a lot of slack.
Bruce will drown you in gifts. Because Batman takes up so much time (and it was lack of attention that drove you away in the first place) he’ll try every means at demonstrating his love. Gifts, vacation homes, front row seats to events (with strict supervision).
This version of Bruce would keep you under 50 cameras and a body guard at all times, but he’s also very conscious of your mental health. Where he’d be able to guiltlessly lock you up forever if he hasn’t neglected you, he can’t in this timeline. Your life would be heavily supervised, but you’d also get a lot of perks.
He would make a routine with you.
Every morning, he’d eat breakfast with you, and every Friday would be a special dinner with just the two of you. His hours are valuable so it means a lot for him to carve out the time just for you.
Dick Grayson
Dick prides himself on his strong leadership and generosity. Ask anyone whose ever met Dick to describe him, and they could list pages of positive traits. So it's a wonder how you, his precious little darling, managed to be overlooked by him.
Guilt literally eats him alive. Dick begins to second-guess every interaction with you, going over all clues he might have missed. He throws himself into the investigation looking for you, investigating every single fact you've ever mentioned about yourself.
When you finally return, he's dead-set on making up for lost time.
Dick wouldn’t approve of your reasoning for leaving. You should have told him--should have insisted on being heard--instead of leaving. He feels terrible that you were neglected, but he feels worse knowing that you’d rather be thrown to the wolves than seek their help.
It's a steep learning curve for him to realize you're not the lonely child you once were, but instead a bitter, jaded young adult who confides in only themself.
Dick drowns you in attention. He tries forcing your innocence back, not accepting your refusals and anger. You're still so young, and even if the sparkling child-like hope is missing from your eyes, Dick still believes he can make things right.
Family bonding time is a must. He arranges play-time with you and Damian. He insists on Sunday movie nights. He learns how to cook new dishes with you and Alfred. He will keep you busy.
These activities are only a surface solution for a deeper problem. Fundamentally, you've changed, and Dick knows this. He has no idea how to treat you now, so he resorts to what he does know--your childhood he missed out on.
Jason Todd
Jason is particularly torn. He knows what its like to feel abandoned, yet he realized too late that he was the perpetrator.
When you are finally back in the arms of the Batfamily, Jason has no idea what role to take in your life. He sees you turning down the family when they offer love and he doesn't know if his heart could take your rejection.
Jason is stand-offish. Playing the role of "tough older brother" doesn't bode well, so he needs time to rework his philosophy on handling siblings.
Instead, he does your bidding. He would help fix whatever unprecedented reasons that led you to return to Gotham, no questions asked. If you need to pass a letter on to a friend, Jason is your guy. His regular possessive yandere tendencies are hampered by his guilt, so he'll be very lenient with you as long as it's nothing dangerous.
The fact that you escape and survived by yourself cast you into a new light in Jason’s eyes. He thinks you’re impressive, dependable, capable. He wonders how he didn’t see it sooner.
That being said—you’re his little sibling. You shouldn’t have to be so strong, and Jason wants to ensure you’ll never have another reason to protect yourself.
He hopes that over time, you'll trust him. He wants to be able to sit with you and talk about whatever is on your mind, to be able to hug you as he leaves for work, and to send you off to bed when it's late.
But right now, you need space. He'll let you heal, and he'll take whatever anger you give him. Because he knows that this is the only way you'll let him into your life again.
Bonus: Y/N
Considering Y/N was clever enough to escape the Waynes while also having the willpower to return to Gotham shows that they’re intelligent, good-hearted, and forged from steel.
They probably rank somewhere between lawful-good to chaotic-neutral. (A lawful-neutral would be infuriated by the Waynes’ underhanded tactics, and probably wouldn’t return to Gotham.)
Y/N is done yearning for attention (or, if they were originally kidnapped, done with playing nice), so they’re immune to the Batfam’s manipulation.
Upon first glance at the Batfam after all those years, they’d immediately go fight or flight. Y/N would pull every dirty trick in the book to escape, and would be as hateful as possible to kill any affection they have for them.
After being kidnapped, Y/N gets very good at playing mind games and deflecting their submission tactics. They’d be able to manipulate the household like a giant game of chess.
Y/N’s only weakness is the child inside of them that still cries for their family’s approval.
The conflict revolves around how the Batfam can extort this weakness vs. how well Y/N can stay true to their values.
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overandundertarot · 2 years
What kind of love do you crave?
This reading is interested in finding out the kind of love you crave; what exactly does that entail?
piles 1 -5
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Cards; Page of swords, Justice.
You are some one who is closed off in love. You have been afraid to get to know someone deeply and intimately, yet this is what you crave. You crave a love where you can be open and honest with your person. For them to see the real you and lay themselves bare in return. Healthy communication too, a love that can provide a foundation and support in your daily life. A love that can carry you through the dark times, ease you when you are stressed. The kind of connection where you spend all night talking to each other and have comfortable silences as well.
Cards; Queen of swords, 4 of cups reversed.
A new, exciting love. One that can help you move on from from past hurts and heartbreak. You have resolved not to let past experiences in love hold you back, and are determined to enjoy life to the fullest extent that you are able to. A new love that feels tender and sweet, even maybe somewhat innocent.
Cards; 5 of wands reversed, 8 of swords reversed.
A fighting dramatic love, one that can help you overcome your battles, or rises along with them. Heavy banter, snarky, witty. Enemies to lovers type of love. An active love, exercising together, competing toghether. There is this kind of tension where you can't quite put your finger on it and its giving you a rush of adrenaline. The kind of love that makes you change and challenges you to think differently. A lot of mental and intellectual stimulation, physical passion too. A couple thats coming to mind is Devi and Ben from Never Have I Ever.
Cards; High Priestess, 7 of swords, 7 of pentacles.
The love you crave is one that compliments your life. You quite value the material world you have built and you want a love that can enable you to stand in your full power. You dont want a lover that would hold you down, as you are independent and feel that you need to have your breathing space. Fear not, with healthy communication it is entirely possible to achieve this. There are also messages that the type of love you crave may not be socially acceptable/ you feel you may have to keep it secret. Or the secrecy excites you. The energy of this pile is quite feminine, but heavily dominating. You may want to dominate your partner and dont care to conform to society's gender roles. Like a powerful blackwidow who guards her web and devours her conquests.
Cards; High Priestess reversed, 2 of swords reversed.
Pile 5 you may have a tendency to enter toxic relationships and lose your sense of self, maybe using relationships as a form of escapism. The love you crave is earthshattering, one that can make you feel extreme highs and lows. However it is important for you to retain your sense of self and priorities, boundaries( and not just boundaries with other people but boundaries with yourself as well) may feel restrictive and tough in the beginning but they are ultimately for your highest good. It may be easy to be swept up and absolutely enamoured with your lover, and want them to be obsessed with you as well, this usually isn't the case and most people who present themselves this way may be looking to deceive you. Dont lose hope though. You can still experience wondrous, passionate and all consuming love, it might just take a little bit of self reflection and shadow work to reach a healthy balance of nurturing yourself and nurturing your relationship.
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candy8448 · 7 months
Nothing like opening my eyes to a new linked universe update
Dawn pt8
My occasional source of dopamine XD
Its very satisfying seeing how all the traveling layers are put on. You can really imagine this scene animated
So a lot of important things were discussed, stuff the fandom have noticed before but its good that jojo finally mentioned them herself:
Shadow is the only this associated with the portals (pg1)
I LOVE how so many traits and experiences of the characters are shown here!!
Wild taking the blame first, he's got one heck a guilt complex (pg2)
We are just hit with everyone's emotions right off the bat and i love that!
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I kinda like how blunt Time is
Wars talking about how "helping the wound isn't an option," things they must consider during war (pg3)
Legend trying to lighten the mood again like he always does (pg4)
I like to see how what they think of wolfie has changed now that they know it was twilight. Wars thinking its fine if the animal goes off alone cuz it doesnt understand but now making it clear that he doesn't like it
Secrets are getting in the way (such as wolfie) and hindering their process. Maybe it wouldn't have been so clunky if tgey knew exactly who wolfie is
WARS' SCARF IS BACK BABY! I got so excited when i saw it that page, dont worry guys, he has it back now!
Legend with his puzzle mind :))) my legend-centric brain is happy (pg5)
But his teasing almost boastfullness ("it just got lucky") but then turning in to actual contemplation, i love that he is also taking things seriously
Its actively seeking them out, Hyrule is wary that it will find them, like in his adventure (pg6)
They need to get better at teamwork
Four bringing in the joke about friendly fire. He definetly knows a lot about that (im reading the four swords manga for the first time and am near the begining sooo)
They need to use their arsenal
I just gotta say that i love this shot, very pleasing to my eye for some reason. But im so excited to see how everything goes with this! Im guessing in the near future, they will be taking these but to the extreme that it hinders them so they need to practice or something
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Oof poor hyrule so tired of strong monsters, his games were HARD (pg7)
The power up on the sword! Ive seen a post about it before so its cool that they are noticing it, very important too!
I like the firmness with sky and time's ideas of the sword. Even though time says nothing about her we can see it, and the fact that she still sees him as her master (obviously!) It seems like they both need to sort out this dissagreement in order to not impact them even more (Pg8)
I love this especially because i just made a fic about exploring sky's and others' relationship with the master sword
I can't help but think that sky is thinking about more than just this quest in this update and back to his own adventure and maybe ghirahim. More bits in this update also make me think that ("he wants to fight" "yeah, 'cause he wont")
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Wind being the one most eagre to fight! And Hyrule being the one most ready to go! I love that!
I was just thinking a few bays ago about what happened to those letters, i guess we get to see now! It seems like it might be one more update before we set off properly again (pg9)
Sky looking so happy about the mail at the end :)))
We really do get a piece of everyone and their personalities in this one
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Im so excited for them to be on the road again!
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agoracactus · 2 years
Golden Crush - Heimdall
i just have to write something since i saw that one beautiful pic of heimdall reading, i dont have the pic nor do i remember which lovely ppl posted that sorry
also merry christmas!!
also's also idk whats wrong with me having the urge to write every time when its super late and my eyes half closed fml
Pairing: Heimdall x reader
Word count: 1545
Warning: no proofread goodnight!
<Your POV>
He's the most beautiful god you've ever seen.
You're not sure how you started to feel this way, but it's too late now- not like you're looking to change your mind anyways.
You love staying away and stealing glances when he's around, knowing he's either feeling bored, or enjoying belittling someone, or trying to impress the All-father. You tell yourself this works out perfectly- having a crush on a god with a stick up his ass that absolutely no one likes- means you won't fall in love with him. You don't need to fall in love, there are things far more important like, life, and living one.
You were tasked to clean up Odin's hall that afternoon when everyone was out training. So you went, pushed open the heavy door with your back, with your arms full with a half-filled bucket, a rug and a broom, humming a tune you made up.
You froze when you saw him sitting by one of the tables, reading.
The golden sunlight poured in and he bathed in it. You watched his braids shimmering in the light with his slight movements, purple eyes focusing on the pages, slender fingers breaking a piece of cheese next to him and gently pushing it between his thin lips-
You blinked.
Those eyes were looking right at you.
"These tables aren't going to clean themselves." he had a slight frown on his face.
" -! Yes, sorry." you quickly averted your gaze and rushed to the tables furthest away from him, flustered.
Did you stare for too long? How long? Did he get a read on you? Did he know?
Your mind was such a mess that you didn't even know if you were doing your job right. You tried to focus on what you were doing with your back turned towards him, but you couldn't help but feel the burn on your back.
You didn't know if you want to take as long as possible to clean this side of the table- risking him putting his attention on you and getting scolded again, or getting it done as soon as you can- and move on to the table he's sitting at and risk getting his attention again. But all cleaning has to come to an end.
You squeezed the cloth dry and took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to move on to the table he was at. You turned around- someone was standing right behind you.
Water in the bucket splashed out with your sudden stopping, drenching your shirt.
He of course was right out of the zone of dirty cloth water.
"Indolent and clumsy, tell me, who decided that it would be wise to let you clean for the All-father?" he took a disgusted glance at the dirty puddle at your feet.
"I, I'm sorry..." You panicked, quickly kneeled down to clean up the mess you made. He crouched down, watched for a second, then snatched your wrist. You weren't sure what was the purpose of that, did you do something wrong again?
Before you could form a reaction, he suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips upon yours.
Your eyes widen, frozen in place, staring back at those sparkly purple eyes.
<Heimdall's POV>
At first, it was simply curiosity.
He was passing through the training ground, and felt something different. He had to do another glance-around to figure out where it came from, then saw you quickly turned away.
He wasn't sure what it was. Usually people's intentions towards him were very clear, it's either fear, frustration, jealousy or any sort of hostility. This was something new.
He started doing his own little experiments. Taking paths he didn't normally take, engaging in activities he didn't have to take part in, putting himself in the center of the attention, or hiding away in the corner... Then he was finally confident to come to the conclusion that you only have that weird emotion when he's around, and you only react to him.
Of course he had read it before, sometimes from teenagers hiding away in the back side of the houses, sometimes in the hall between some einherjars... Never towards him. Which intrigued him even more.
He felt your presence immediately when you pushed your way into the hall. He felt you staring. And somehow it became very hard to suppress a smile. He couldn't pay attention to what he was reading anymore, instead he kept listening to what you were doing. He found himself getting impatient at how slow you were cleaning that one row of tables.
He didn't even fully comprehend what happened when he's been shoved and fell backward onto the ground. He heard you running away and the door of the hall closing behind you.
What went wrong? Did he read you wrong?- No, impossible, he is the God of Foresight, he'll never read anyone wrong. Confusion soon turned into anger. Did you just reject him? How dare you?
He wanted answers. But you were nowhere to be found. For days, he patrolled everywhere he had seen you, but he couldn't find you, not even sense you.
It was at a huge drinking party where he found you- in the corner, serving people.
A sense of success washed over him before he swiftly parted the crowd to stand before you- and the somewhat cheery feeling slid away when he saw your warm smile turned into an awkward grin.
What's the intention he's getting now?
He heard you mumble something before slipping away into the crowd, eyes never meeting his.
And what's this feeling in the pit of his stomach?
<Your POV>
You've been avoiding him since the day he kissed you.
You still weren't sure what happened, a part of you thought it was all just a dream. Perhaps you thought about him too often. It couldn't have been true, no, it would be more likely that you approached him and assaulted him... On second thought, it could be exactly that. You took advantage of the Asier god and twisted the memory in your head...
Most likely he already knew your feelings towards him. That's why. He's always been a jerk, he just wanna make fun of you. Or perhaps you did something and that's his way of punishing you?...
Either way, it's better that you keep your distance.
It took you a lot of effort to stay out of the way. You saw him showing up at all the places you had to be, and had to take a hard turn and duck out of his sight. But you couldn't run forever.
You found him outside, at the back of the drinking hall, drunk.
It got you worried because he was never drunk. But he was, here, slouching against the wall.
"...Heimdall?" you approached carefully.
"...Look who's here," he raised his empty mug, "Pour me another drink!"
"You're quite drunk." you tried to take his mug away. "Aren't you here to serve? Serve!" he raised his voice, swatting your hand away.
You stood there, staring at him.
"...What is that?..." he squinted his eyes, "Is that pity?... How dare you..." he tried to stand upright, but the moment he left the support of the wall he started leaning right. You quickly step forward, held onto his arm, and helped him lean back against the wall.
"...How dare you change your mind..." he mumbled. "I'm sorry?" you gently took the mug from his hand. "You!" he frowned, "Don't you like me?"
You nervously gripped the mug with both of your hands, "...So you do know..." eyes fixed on the rim of the empty mug, "...Did you, kiss me just to mock me?"
You waited, but there's no response. You raised your gaze and met those purple eyes.
"...Your eyes are beautiful." he said, almost in a whisper.
"...Don't change it." he took a step towards you, wobbly. "...Change what?" "What you feel, towards me." he leaned forward, putting his arms around you, "It's quite nice..." resting his head on your shoulder, "...And stop running..." his words ended up slurred. You froze, feeling his weight on you.
No response.
He already fell asleep, standing.
You woke up with a pleasant sigh, eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing your face, hearing the chirp outside the window
And a low chuckle.
Your eyes shot open.
The Aesir god was laying next to you, one arm supporting his head. The morning sunlight gently fell upon him, on his golden braids, his perfect skin, leaving sparkles in his purple eyes.
"Mornin' sunshine."
...Is this a dream?
"Who knew y/n would seduce a drunken god-"
Your hands reacted faster than your thoughts, pressing firmly over his mouth, "Nothing happened! You fell asleep! I can't just leave you there!" you quickly explained.
"Tell yourself whatever you want." he gently pulled your hands down, "It's too late now."
"...What?" you couldn't take your eyes off of him, as he was bathing in the swirling golden particles.
"I will let the whole Asgard know, that y/n got me drunk to lay with me." "-! That's not true! I-" He smirked, gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.
He whispered against your skin, "Now you can never run away from me."
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seeminglydark · 3 months
good news! i finally got a job after being unemployed for a few years. it’ll be at least a year or two before i’m able to move out due to trying to pay off my credit card debt but i’m excited that i’ll be able to leave town and get away from unsupportive family. i’m trying to spend as little money as possible on entertainment stuff and i have a massive book collection that i’m excited to read and sell some of it i don’t feel like i need them anymore. you’re comics have been very helpful for me to be able to understand and express myself. it has given me a lot of joy since finding it especially after the loss of my cat a month ago.
any tips for a queer punk trying to escape and start over with no support system?
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
ANON! I'm so proud of you, thats incredible! i am wishing you all the best on your journey forward and out. it sounds to me like you already have a good handle on things, paying down your debt is a great place to start. depending on how much debt you have, (most of my advice is US based I'm afraid, since thats where i grew up as a poor lonely punk so hopefully it can help you, or someone else) you may be able to find a financial counselor or coach, (not adviser!) to help you get rid of some of it immediately. there are ways to 'challenge' things on your credit that have been there for a while, and many times the creditors will either drop it cuz they dont want to deal with paperwork, or reduce it to a much smaller payable sum because to them something is better than nothing. a lot of cities has free nonprofit programs to help with this, and other non profit organizations offer them as well depending on your community. This will also help improve and build your credit score cuz even a punk might need to buy a home or rent an apartment one day.
i know there is an allure to big name cities when you move, i lived in one myself while poor as dirt and it kinda sucked (Austin tx specifically) because it was so expensive. look into where you want to go before moving there, look at cost of living, and public transit, things like that. it looks like youre waiting a while before going, look into job transfers so you might not have to start completely fresh from the bottom.
thrift stores are great but they are getting more expensive by the year, but when youre a poor guy in a new place, dumpster diving might be an option. please dont ever get a mattress from a dumpster ok? bedbugs are a thing and often why those are thrown out, but other things like tables, chairs, shelves etc. check your local papers and neighborhood boards, sometimes hotels and such renovate and when they do they auction furniture off dirt cheap. Thanks Mr Marriott for furnishing my house for like 40 bucks in 2005!
When you move out, if you are still struggling financially, you can look into fixed rent apartments, you usually have to get on a list, but there are places out there to help you get on your feet. a REALLY good resource for many things if going to be your local library. librarians are like gods and they know SO MUCH that can help you.
speaking of libraries. you do deserve a little joy, i would think about perhaps getting a electronic reader, did you know that you can rent books and audio books from libraries with one? plus it reduces the bulk of books you may have to move later. i know the vibe is different from getting to touch the pages, but the pleasure of reading is still there. The library is also going to be a great place to meet people and find a circle of support and new friends. many of them have clubs and community activities ranging from book clubs to everything in between, you can even suggest a club yourself that they might consider hosting. don't deprive yourself of happiness, itll be helpful on the days when it gets hard to move forward.
its been a hot minute since i was alone and starting over, and things have changed a lot so im not completely sure all of this is still relevant, library is ALWAYS a good place to start. if my followers have any advice, please feel free to chime in the comments as well! im so proud of you anon, and keep us updated as life goes on. <3
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bisquuet · 3 months
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hi! still alive! AN UPDATE: LONG READ :D no new devlin content since im focusing on my oc comic :( ( speaking of comics. remember that other comic i posted here like once and never talked about it again?? yeah.. ) - lets talk about that. will i ever go back to that comic? -yes, when? i don't know.. i realized i went into the comic very.. unprepared.. or less prepared than i thought i was. so it got me second guessing things and getting confused..!! i have a VAGUE idea of how I want it to go, or atleast i DID, now im not so sure.. I think i need to sit down, splurge out my thoughts and ideas and go from there,, now i technically have a WHOLE post that is done that was supposed to be dropped shortly after the first one. but i thought to myself, oh ill just work on the next update and once im halfway THEN ill drop the second one! i never got halfway. i ended up just sketching more up ahead and adjusting and ''fixing'' things in the second update. making me loose track of time and getting behind, not only i had school to deal with too! so i just have a LOT of storyboarding of pages...that im slighlty afraid of looking at cuz i know that ill want to fix it but ill be unmotivated to actually fix it.. (bad rawr!!) eventually i have to get to it..!! >< ANOTHER major factor of the delay was my confidence, i wasn't satisifed and even frustrated at times when something didnt come out as good as it did in my head. i REALLY like the first update pages! especially devlins scene! but i think i got too ahead of myself and put WAY too much onto my plate, raising expections, of others and myself, mostly myself.... and I was trying to copy to a manga style, rather than convert my style normally into a manga setting, if that makes any sense. so i wasnt.... 'comfortable' drawing.. i dont know how else to describe it! but ever since then and even before, ive been getting less confident with my art and my style, feeling like its ugly or its getting worse. forcing myself to keep drawing, straining myself trying to make something that looks good to me. i have lots of fun and joy drawing for others, the reason i draw is BECUZ i just want to share what i make! as shallow as it sounds i like creating content for others to enjoy! it makes me happy and proud of what i draw! so. when i make something i dont like, i cant bring myself to show it cuz I dont like it.. others may, but that wouldnt change how i would feel about it. i felt that way deeply with the second update, which is why i kept tweaking it,,, and so I just let myself get caught up with other things.. feeling upset and guilty that I kinda just.. abandonded the comic..! saying that ill pracitce and oh ill do that , i Need to do this and this and this when i havent even done ANYTHING! i think, and i genuinely mean this, i think ive only recently started to ACTUALLY do things.! like development for my OC comic, writing for it, making content and sharing about them to whoever would lend an ear! so in a way the seewar comic walked so that my OC comic could run, hopefully.. so, unfortunately ill be focsuing more of my attention on my OC comic, and i honestly can't promise anything. the only thing i CAN say is that i will share the second update that i finished long ago.., no matter how much internal rawr doesnt want to, i feel like thats the first step to overcoming this fear and dread ive associate with the comic, which is something i DONT want. ill be scheudling to drop this weekend since ill be away.. i dont know when ill actively start working on the seewar comic again becuz i genuinely want to finish it and share it, i just have to not be too ambitious and plan out whats necessary. anyways.. now that school is out im finally paying all of my debts and owed art.. its rough but it has to be done. thanks if you have read all of this,, i greatly appreacite the support, from friends and followers, fossils, (thats what my fans are called wink wink) love yall fr <3
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meruz · 8 months
another ask post
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i mean i also read it because a friend whos rly into queer SFF fiction circles recced it but she did kinda lead with "the writer used to write hs fanfic...tasmyn..taz...?" to which i replied
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of COURSE I read the locked tomb because i heard taz had written a book. of course. ill consume most any media made by a beloved homestuck bnf. thats also why i played undertale. and read like..snotgirl. and idk... watched the new dub of neon genesis evangelion.
if u made homestuck fanwork 10 years ago and havent even made it since chances are I still remember and I love you for it.
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sdlkfhsg its funny you sensed that because that drawing did in fact start kinda more........ well, I'd be lying if I said my hands never wrought a drawing toeing over the pg-13 line LOL...
NOT to say i have a secret stash of porn or anything. in general im more interested in the implication of sexuality or mature themes over any explicit depiction. like everything i draw is so softcore itd almost feel silly to make a nsfw acc for anything.
but im not rly jumping to post anything on main either bc i get the sense i have a lot of kids in my social media following. it varies from site to site and fandom to fandom but the themes in my work often circle around childhood, coming of age etc and in general i like stories about kids so the fandoms i draw for have a lot of kids in them. even stuff like IT (stephen king) which is about kids but isn't necessarily for kids.. there were a lot of kids in that fandom lol.
actually thats why ive been censoring swears in comics lately because the tmnt fandom comes across to me as a little young...IDK I've had MULTIPLE people ask me what "sodomize" means because of the joke in this post and I'm like... I Cannot be the one to explain this to you. you have to look it up on your own klfsdhsdg like i wouldn't be doing this if i were doing a comic for mgs or even homestuck wherein the characters textually swear constantly LOL but sometimes u gotta change tacks depending on the faces u see in the crowd yknow.
i HAVE been thinking abt drawing nsfw of sunspot/richard rider/kobak from x-men red just because that comic seemed to be really asking for it. who knows.. if the need rly arises maybe my separate account policy will change.
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its rly more a matter of the fact that i havent read/watched much of any other iterations... im sure id like most lol. I like most things related to my interests regardless of quality. i rly like the marvel ultimate alliance games for instance. sometimes seeing my fave guy is enough he doesnt have to be well written LOL. i dont exactly have a wealth of free time tho thats the real impediment.
i did watch the 2007 movie on new years eve and found it quite charming overall. and i have read about 30-40 issues between the mirage and idw comics. still feels like im barely scratching the surface but i liked em. i rly want to read all the sophie campbell stuff bc i think her work is interesting. jason aaron will be a mixed bag i think lmao. i say as the worlds biggest Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) fan.
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hmm this is kinda hard bc i feel like i naturally draw very loose and the hard part for me is tightening it up. maybe some suggestions tho...
1) hand excercises. i think its easy to forget this when many artists sit in front of the computer all day but drawing is a physical activity u do with ur actual...bodys...muscles lol. if u feel urself tightening up it might help to strech (any google search for "artist hand excercises" should yield good results) or do a page of loose practice strokes like..big circles. long lines. scribbles. that kinda thing. whatever feels good for ur hand. this is also just good to do as a general warm up before u sit down for any drawing sesh.
2) draw further away from the canvas. as a general rule...when ur painting traditionally you do the big strokes with your whole arm outstreched and a long handled brush. and when you do the details its smaller wrist movements and a shorter handled brush. so it might help to take a step back or push back from ur chair a little.. or hold ur tablet a little further away. and hold your pen further away from the nib.
3) change mediums / brush types. some brushes and mediums are more suited to loose sketching and some more inclined towards detail work. so changing ur tool could help. also! i personally have this problem where sometimes if im using a brush i feel really familiar with the pressure to make a "good" "finished" "perfect" drawing is greater... if i want to force myself to loosen up ill switch to a tool i dont use as often so it feels like the pressure is off. a lot of times for me this is switching from digital to traditional. but sometimes its switching from a small pen to a big marker. or a smooth pen to a textured one. or a nice brush to a shitty dried up marker.
but also every body is different so i dont think these tips will work for everyone. u should listen to what ur body and mind tell u and how drawing feels to you
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bro just sign up and set it up i dont think theres much to it... i dont rly think too much abt my itch.io store because its digital goods so u just upload the file and let it do its thing. no distribution work needed on ur part. youll notice i barely even advertise my itch unless i have smth new on there lol.. its easy. but good luck!!!
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idk if im the best person to ask this im more a comic fan than i am a comic professional... a comic hobbist.
well. scott mcclouds understanding comics and making comics are good books on the craft. i think i had to buy them for a class in art school once.
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other than that idk just keep at it. comics are really laborious i think for a lot of people the hardest part is sitting down and doing it.
i think a lot of people have a very instinctive understanding of how to read comics and what they look like so whatever you think seems like good way to tell the story you have in mind, its probably right. if u get stuck, study comics that have done something similar. most people in comics are relatively self taught and actually it can be problematic bc you can tell when a lot of comic artists are all copying the same like 5 old white guys LMAO. but on the flip side if you make sure to reference and study broadly your comics will almost assuredly feel unique.
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sorry im responding to this anyways. this is just a really nice ask. i like when people reference my older work bc i feel like sometimes theyre subtly implying it wasnt very good LMAOOO. but its true! at least compared to the work i make now ^^ and the fact that im still making art is whats keeping me from being embarassed abt how much of my old art just floats around online lmao im never ashamed to be growing and learning. isnt that a nice thought <3
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intothe0megaverse · 3 months
Insanely long Omegaverse worldbuilding post. Seriously. there's pages of hand drawn diagrams. Get a snack and settle in, because this issssss...
Scents 101
As mentioned, this is long, and quite complicated. This idea was one of those you get right before falling asleep and then you scribble it down manically before passing out. After a good night's sleep, I worked out wtf i meant and wrote it down properly. I've been brainrotting about scent communication for a hot minute, so finally figuring out how i want it to happen is Neat!!! Anyways, if you wanna use this PLEASE DO!! and tag me in any products i wanna see❤️
Nerd fun under break...
Okay, first, there's three layers to any given basic, non-mated, non pack person. I will first explain those layers.
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Firstly, you can observe here thar the squares are of diffrent sizes. It's simple, alphas "throw" more scent (meaning their pheromones are stronger/projected outwards more). This is to attract a mate! Betas project the "normal" amount, they dont really rely on scent as much (theirs is more volatile). Omegas throw less, simply to garner less attention, and therefore be safer. Fem! Omegas are on average pretty dainty, so they hide even more, it's nearly Impossible for a stranger to know whether someone is fem!O or fem!B.
Next, what the layers mean:
-Yellow layer: The top layer, easiest to make out. Basic info about health, Sex, wellbeing, Mated (yes/no)
Blue layer: Baisically markers on who their parents/birth pack were, who raised them etc. this layer will be explained more in depth later!
Red layer: More volatile compounds, such as emotions and "active" communication, like someone purposefully souring their scent as a threat, show affection, etc. The volatility means this is harderst to read from a stranger, therefore it's at the bottom.
Omega-Spesific scent: As a measure of self defense, Omegas can throw a pepperspray-like pheromone compound which causes distress, lethargy, fear, nausea and lack of motivation in its victims. It is temporary. It gets thrown on the upper and base layer, unless the Omega has any conditions that cause the constant production of the compound.
How does a new pack form?
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A Beta is neccesary for pack forming, only their scent is volatile enough even when grown. They act like sort of a "crucible", cooking up the new Pack scent by taking the upper two layers of the others and mixing them with their own (green here). The base is too volatile to mix well in packs. Once the Beta has a fully mixed pack scent, they may "give it back" to the other pack members via scenting, or gifting clothes, or whatever they are into.
Hey, it looks as if the beta looses their own scent in that process?
Yup, they do. Well, it mixes with their friends, causing it to shift into a pack scent. Whether they have a pack or not, Beta scents shift around all the time, as they dont expirience a "cementing" of their scent Profile as part of Presentation (more on that later).
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Here's a visual of just this phenomenon! While A/Os keep part of their historical scent, Betas do not. None of these have mates, though...
What about mates?
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As we've learned, (unmated) Omegas throw less scent that alphas. To be considered "mated", There must be enough mixing of ALL scent layers to be noticeable. As we've just learned, Neither As nor Os actually Change their scent after presenting. Meaning that a mating must be kept up near CONSTANTLY. Be it with close proximity, biting, sex, cuddles, emotional closeness. It has to be maintained. SAME GOES for Pack-structures. Pack scent will fade if not kept up (this is a Beta task, obviously)
Here's what a scent profile for a Mated Person would look like, if they had NO pack.
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Betas, again, don't keep their historical scent. Once mated, An Alpha will throw less, an Omega will throw more. Because the A doesn't need to show off anymore, and the 'Taken' scent is safer for an O, and they may need it to bond with their kids.
Beta base scent is quite strong (it's all they get individually afterall, it's easier to read out), so the mated bit doesnt touch it.
What if they are mated AND in a pack??
Good that you ask, here is that config!
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Actually, I've decided to put the forming of a childs scent in another Post!!! itll come out right after this so keep your eyes peeled!!
Any and all opinions on this insanity are super apprechiated!! asks, tags, comments, of youve made it this far pls come talk to me :D
buh bye!!
102 here!!!
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carpenoctxrn · 2 years
Doctor. Doctor. (Spencer Reid x FemReader)
Chapter 2: The Revelation
Chapter 1 is here
Hey guys join my taglist so you dont miss any of my works!
Warning: Masturbation. No Penetration just clitorial. Threesome but not with reader. Degradation not of reader. Praising but not of reader. Cussing. Watching porn.
Yawning I woke up to the annoying noise of my alarm on my phone. It read 2:03pm. Slowly I got up and began cleaning my mess from last night. Thankfully I had zero dishes to do and decided on just vacuuming my house and folding the blanket before I went to clean myself up.
Looking at the time now it read 3pm, continuing on with the series from last night I finished my chores and decided on a good shave of my legs. 
Running inside my bathroom I turned on the hot water and decided to draw myself a bath. I poured in Margot Elena’s blend of Dark Vanilla, ambers, and Bergamot bubble bath solution, into my bathtub. The hot water seemed to have activated the aroma and it made me roll my eyes back in pleasure. 
Grabbing my exfoliator and hair removing cream I asked Alexa to dim the bathroom lights for a sunset ambience. At the last minute I turned off the T.V and searched for my phone to take to the bathtub with me. 
Entering the warm bath filled to the brim with bubbles I felt excited. A familiar sense of excitement entered me. The kind that got your heart beating a bit louder and a certain region swelled for release. 
It has been a while.
My thoughts rangout only to be shot down by another.
3 days isn’t a while.
“It is if I’m a mildly nymphomaniac whore,” I spoke against the thought.
Grabbing my phone, my hands went to the familiar website that aided me during these times. It belonged to an anonymous man. His page was filled with audios that catered to my taste.
A dominant man who's drunk from just the sight of you, and you only. His addiction with you only fuels his ferocity as he inches deep within you. Using you. Caressing you. Fucking you.
His voice was average and wimpey at first but it would always change as he got deeper into the audio or video. His videos were beyond squirt worthy. 
He wore a mask but he would have various different women within the video that would become submissive to him. His body would be adorned by a suit or formal attire. The only skin he showed was his majestic hand at times as it was pushing itself deep within a woman's opening….either of the three openings. And his brown curly tousled hair that he would flick out from in front of an all black plastic mask.
His name was Doctor. 
That’s it.
His mystique filled anonymous persona drew me in, but his ability to fuck like the man of my dreams made me stay. 
A new audio has been uploaded. 20 minutes long. I knew that I wouldn’t last even ten minutes but rubbing myself in the tub was a new territory, so who knows. 
A woman with vibrant white hair was suspended from the ceiling in a hogtie position but reversed. Her black skin was showered with red candle wax. Whilst another woman with vibrant green hair had her hand and legs tied to a chair with her pussy exposed. Her mouth was at the perfect height to eat the other woman out. The green haired woman had hickies littered all around her white skin. 
Noticing the string that came out of the tied woman’s pussy I could see she had squirted already multiple times.
“Start licking Ivy, Start licking if you want to cum” Said a voice from behind Ivy Addict the pornstar I recognized now. 
“Yes Doctor,” She whimpered as she began slowly drawing circles on the pink haired pornstar whose name is Pinkstar.
The sight before made me aroused. I began envisioning myself as both Ivy and Pink. The duality of my position gave me power but also submission. It was my perfect mix. My left hand was gripping the phone while my right hand was running small circles around my nub. Not giving it too much attention but just enough to keep it excited.
“That's a good girl,” Doctor said as he turned on a remote that made Ivy involuntarily twitch forward and moan at the sensation.
“Aughh,” sounded Pink “Bite me again Ivy, please bite me,” begged pink. 
This resulted in a slap on her pussy by the Doctor’s whip. She moaned at his sadistic gesture and she ogled at him with sex haze clouding her eyes. 
“I’m in charge Pink,” He said as he whipped her again. 
“Say my name,” He said as he whipped her again. Pink yelped at the pain caused by the repetition of Doctor’s actions.
“And just for that” the Doctor spoke as he traced his hands across Pinks pussy, moving it up her stomach, up her breast, up her neck, and stopping at her lips, “I will fuck her make you beg for the same pleasure as her,” his voice spoke. Dripping with the power he knew he had over these two women.
“No Doctor. Please fuck me please please please,” she continued to beg as the Doctor moved her pussy away from Ivy’s mouth and positioned her to see the Doctor and Ivy fuck.
“Before I have my way, I have to add on to your punishment Pink,” He said as he stepped forward to Ivy.
Ivy was looking up at him with the same sex haze Pink had. The Doctor's fingers entered Ivy’s mouth and he asked her “Good Ivy. how does she taste?”
“Like a whore,” degraded Ivy.
“Yes! Yes! I’m a whore please fuck me like a whore I am. Please, Doctor. Please fuck me. Please fuck me while I suck her clit,” Droned and begged Pink. 
The Doctor ignored her and reached down to Ivy’s pussy to pull out the viberator. It was slicked in her juices. 
He turned around and placed the 5 inch bullet viberator inside Pink’s mouth. 
“Keep it warm for her,” He spat in a degrading manner to Pink. I could see her eyes involuntarily turn back from his words. 
As he was degrading Pink, my fingers applied a bit more pressure to my clit. My hips began to move slowly at the pleasure that spread through my pussy. I was excited at the thought of being degraded like Pink but also being praised like Ivy. My eyebrows were furrowed as I closed my eyes and began to focus on the noise.
As the Doctor entered Ivy she let out a moan. 
“Oh Doctor, you feel so good, oh so good-Ah” she said as I heard the Doctor begin to pound harder and faster.
The rhythm of his pace and the noises she made allowed my fingers to move faster. To press harder. My high was approaching. Which was evident by the arch of my back against the cold tub. The water around me moved as my hands did.
“Oh Doctor, please don't stop. Please don't stop. Fuck me like this doctor. Fuck me like the good girl I am Doctor,” Ivy begged as the Doctor continued his brutal pace.
Opening my eyes I saw that the Doctor had released Ivy from her confinements to the chair. He positioned the chair so she could use the head part of it for support against his brutal pace. Her green hair was in the grasps of Doctor as he was fucking her ruthlessly. 
Pink watched, suspended from the air. She was still and her pussy was dripping. 
“Watch me while I fuck her,” Doctor said as he put a hand across Ivy’s mouth to quiet her down. And the other hand gripped the chair in front of her. 
“Let me tell you how she feels so you can try to make me feel an ounce like that,” His words echoed in the warehouse that he filmed his video in.
“Her pussy clenches around me everytime I push in. She is so wet and soft that I can hear every movement I make,” He spoke as he slowed down his pace a little. 
“Her little pussy, can’t even take all of me in, I doubt any of you can, But she’s trying her best. Aren’t you Ivy?” He said as he moved her hair to the side to allow his words to hit her physically as well as mentally. She shook her head yes frantically as her hands were groping her tits.
Oh suddenly I lost it. I went crazy at the sight, at the idea, at the thought of being praised so sweetly like that. My hips lifted off the tub and the water sloshed around me. In the background I could hear that the Doctor began pounding into Ivy at a brutal pace. But only his groan was obvious to my ears and the ones that quietly left my mouth.
I began to rub myself faster and harder. I could myself become wetter and it wasn't because of the water I was in, it was my own secretions. My own evident sign that I was about to convulse from the sensation of my fingers and the sounds around me.
I opened my eyes and I felt it swelled with tears. I turned to look at the Doctor. I focused solely on him, his breathing, his hands, and the rhythm he kept up. My fingers mimicked his rhythm. 
The fast and hard pace continued on for a minute. A minute filled with ecstasy, heat, and pleasure that was numbing my mind. My mouth open with drool spilling from the side of my mouth. My breath was heavy and tears formed in my eyes from the pleasure. 
“Oh fucking god,” I said as I felt my clit release a familair sensation. It heated up my stomach and made me suck in a deep breath as I closed my eyes. The tears that had formed now escape my eyes as I begin squeezing my eyes harder. I continue to rub my clit. Enjoying the slight sting of over sensitivity.
Drawing in a deep breathe a small sex induced smile adorned my face. Clearing the tabs out of my browser on my phone I turned on netflix and played Monkey King.
I took the exfoliator and began scrubbing my body away from the dead skin cells that had formed. About twenty or so minutes I felt confident in my scrubbing and stood up to drain the tub. I turned on the shower and began washing away the dead skin cells. 
I grabbed my shea butter infused with hydrochloric acid body wash and lattered it all over my body. 
Washing my hair with my sage and warm vanilla infused shampoo, I washed my body and hair off the suds. Then I added my conditioner that mimicked the same scent as my shampoo. 
Deciding to use the hair removing cream for a smoother and silkier feel of my skin, I slathered it on and waited a few minutes before washing it off. I also used the bikini area removing cream for my regions that were just convulsing minutes ago.
After another 30 minutes I was done with my shower and my newly hairless leg was sensitive to everything that rubbed against it. And so was my pussy. 
Wrapping a towel around my body and my hair in a silk towel, I headed to the closet in my room. Opening up the door for my Walk in closet I felt something tight would be perfect. 
Going to my collection of body con dresses I grabbed a black long sleeve dress. The back was in a deep v shape and the front was a square neckline. A slit was obvious on the right side of my leg. It would go up higher from my thigh but due to my height it stayed till my mid thigh. 
It would pair perfectly with my silver heels, diamond earrings and diamond necklace that sat close enough to my throat for it to be mistaken as a choker. 
Lathering my body with an unscented lotion by aveeno that had lactic acid I went back to my bathroom. Realising I had yet to brush and to do my skincare routine. Quickly doing so, I grabbed my phone and saw the time that read 4:30pm as I made my way back inside my room.
With my face moisturised and my body clean a sudden feeling of hunger came upon me. My stomach growling from the emptiness. I didn't want to eat a lot as I knew that there would be food available at the gathering, so I decided on ordering soup from the local Thai place. Since it was a Thursday I knew the delivery man that would be working is a Cambodian bodybuilder named Alex.
He was a delicious treat to look at, his voice was menacingly husky whilst his face adorned a dimple that was seductive whenever he spoke or smiled to me. Calling the restaurant I was greeted by a woman. Asking for a Thai sweet and sour aka tom yum soup with chicken and carrots and onions only, she recognized my name and I didn’t need to give any further information.
I’m a whore for great food and eye candy. 
Knowing I had twenty minutes to get ready before my order came, and I would have to leave my house around 6:50pm to make it to the party at 7:30pm, I decided to wear something else.
Bit more revealing and seductive I decided to wear a tight silk lace up body con dress. The tightness of it would rub against my nipples, making them stand from the luxury my skin was experiencing. Deciding on not wearing a bra or panties I felt very naughty at the idea I was presenting. 
If I do fuck this dude then eating out there would be really weird. And I genuinely don’t see this relationship growing into something more. 
I guess in reality I just want to be a piece of menace that taunts men by showing my interest in them but forbidding them from pursuing it. 
In my own train of thoughts the doorbell rang and I saw the time. It had been 15 minutes since I last placed the order. It takes 8 minutes to drive here and another 2 minutes to get to my apartment since it is the last one amongst the corridor on the third floor. So in Five minutes they had my order prepared. 
Putting on a spritz of perfume and tousling my hair a bit I looked at myself in the mirror. All I was missing was a bit of pink lip liner overlining my lips to make them look pouty. Whilst a dash of blush on my cheeks to make me look like I am getting ready to go somewhere but also as if I am coming back from somewhere. 
The doorbell rang again and I walked briskly to the door. With excitement I opened my door. Ready to see the shocked look on Alex’s face. Only for me to have a shocked look adorning my face. 
“Ummm…..Hi…my umm…my name is Dr. Spencer Reid and I’m your neighbour,” A tall figure said as he was awkwardly looking at me. 
I felt embarrassment wash over me as I came to senses with the reality in front of me. My face was visibly turning red and I had to hold on to the door for support as my knees felt weak.
“Hi. How can I help you?” I asked with a smile as I realised I was slowly losing my breath due to the embarrassment I was feeling. 
“Oh um well I know Lisa Douglas. Doctor Lisa Douglas.” He explained as he moved a bit closer to my door. 
“Oh that's great!” I said faking enthusiasm as in all honesty I had no idea why this man was mentioning such facts right now. 
“I work with Luke Alvez,” He said, hoping to make sense of what he was mentioning. 
“Oh that makes sense” I said as a familiar feeling of calmness and intrigue washed over me. “Wait, does he know where I live?” I asked with a puzzled look on my face. 
“Oh no. He just mentioned that Lisa asked you to be present at the party. And he also mentioned that you were going as Phil’s date since you only know him besides Lisa. And I realised that your name sounded familiar so I asked our technical analyst to check to see if you were the correct Dr. Y/N Monterey that lived in my building. She confirmed and I decided to introduce myself to you so you would know someone on the team.” He said rambling. The entire time he held eye contact with me.
The only thing I could do was smile and nod, whilst my thought rang out shouting “you're talking to a strange men with no bra and panties. With no bra and panties. With no bra and panties.” 
“That is so sweet of you Dr. Reid,” I said smiling genuinely at his actions. An awkward silence dawned over our interaction and I took that as a sign to invite him in. 
“Would you like to-” my words cut off from the loud ding of the elevator followed by the horrible metal sound of the door opening. It drew our attention away from each other.
The elevator door opened to reveal Alex holding my order whilst wearing nothing but his skinny jeans and his tight shirt. His tattoo showed off on his left arm. A smug smile on his face as his eyes made contact with mine. 
“Doctor, Doctor, Doctors…” Said Alex as he made his way towards us. 
“So I guess all the doctors know each other,” Alex spoke as he looked between me and Dr. Reid.
“Of Course we do,” I spoke with a sassiness lacing my voice as I felt confident in knowing my intended audience for the look I had on was finally here. He couldn’t see me entirely, just my head.
“Oh really! And why is- is - is that?!” He exclaimed as I slowly came into his view. His eyes were lingering on the open flesh of my hips and the side view of my breasts. Not to mention the front view as well. 
“Isn’t it obvious by now Alex?” I questioned whilst shaking my head to exaggerate the “obviousness” and also the way my boobs moved and how my mouth pouted with a look of fake innocence over my eyes.
“So we know which soup gives us more stamina,” I said, hinting at something not so innocent. The wide look on Alex’s eyes and the confused look on Dr. Reid's face made me giggle.  
“For all nighters and all. Right Dr. Reid?” I said completely avoiding the true intentions of my word. 
“I guess?” He said as he looked at me. 
“Here is your soup,” Alex said and I handed him a twenty and told him the change was his tip.
“Your very sweet Dr. Y/N,” Alex said as he bowed before turning around to leave but not until he said bye to Dr. Reid.
“Would you like to come in now, Dr. Reid?” I said whilst gesturing to the soup in my hand.
“No, no I’ll let you be. I have some things to do before the party. So I guess I’ll see you there at 7:30pm.” He said, nodding his head and waving a quick bye as he stretched his thin lip into a smile.
Waving a bye back I closed my door and just breathed in for a minute. The interaction was uneventful but not everything could go the way a person plans. Taking the soup out of the container it came in and into a bowl I cosied up on my couch. The little clothing on my body was a partner in crime for the somewhat cold air that had breached my warm home due to speaking with Dr. Reid.
Dr. Reid now that was an interesting topic. He felt like such a funny person. He was cute but it seemed like he was always uncomfortable at the things around him. It was severely kind of him to do what he did. 
Coincidences and faith is such a funny notion. I live next to the dude that is working with my Best Friends boyfriend for who knows how many years and how we meet up. Only because of a party? And because he kind of memorised my name? Interesting to say the least.
After finishing up my bowl of delicious soup, I felt happy. Food always provided comfort for the Doctor and the whore in me. Sighing I looked up and saw the time that read 6:17pm. 
Oh fuck, I’m gonna be late.
Quickly I placed the rest of the soup in the fridge and my dishes in the sink. Running to my room I sat down by my vanity. Deciding on some tinted moisturiser, lip tint, and eyeliner I began my first wave of beautification. Adding on eyebrow tints, lip gloss, and blush on my nose and cheeks I felt complete.
Spritzing on some setting spray I was ready to put on my dress. As I was standing my phone in an awkward position underneath my vanity. As I reached for it one side of my collarbone collided with the edge of vanity. Cursing at the pain I adjusted myself differently to reach towards my phone again only for another assault to appear right underneath from where it was originally formed.
Oh fuck. That's gonna bruise in a few hours.
After using the tip of my toes as a means to grab my phone I picked it much more carefully now. I then headed towards my fridge to grab an ice to help with the bruising that was slightly pink but painfully obvious.
Carefully I began slipping on my dress over my body. The velvet fabric of the dress clutched around my body. The feeling it provided on my freshly hairless legs made my toes curl in pure gratification. Each movement so agonisingly palpable from the swift touches of the dress on my legs, knees, calves, and thighs. 
Walking towards the vanity again I slowly brushed out my hair. I added in some oil at my tips and placed it at the end of my hair for some shine and control when styling. Deciding on just a low bun with some loose hair framing my front face I was done with my hair in 15 minutes. Although those 15 minutes surely as hell felt like an eternity to my aching bicep muscles. 
Looking at myself in the mirror I was astonished at the person staring back at me. My usual night outs I wore very minimal clothing for obvious reasons but this dress on me was even hotter. The control of how much skin I showed made me feel modest but authoritative. I looked like a personification of luxury and my ego was feeding it all up. It's been a while since I have dressed up like this.
Reaching for the jewellery box I opened up the box I placed the diamond necklace on my neck. It was a gift given to me by my cousin Ly, she is a jewellery maker and she made it just for me.
I need to buy her babies Christmas presents.
Adjusting the necklace properly on my neck I added on the pair of earrings I bought myself for my Sweet 16. Feeling a bit bare, I decided on a bracelet on my left hand and a silver ring on my right ring finger.
Spraying a little bit of Vanilla Berry perfume on myself I felt confident in my look. Grabbing my black clutch I quickly stuffed in my lip tint, lip gloss, blush, and perfume. My phone turned on my dresser and I walked over to see who it was only to see the time that read 7:03pm.
Holy Fuck I’m late.
Chapter 3 here
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nettlewildfairy · 1 year
Tumblr made that big long post and a lot of people are angry reacting to some like surprisingly reasonable suggestions that solve widespread long time  complaints
i dont know how they plan to solve everything just yet but as someone who knows some things about the industry and jargon here are my 2 cents
Here is a link to the referenced post
Principle 1: Expand the ways new users can discover and sign up for Tumblr
in an age where most social media sites are making it aesoteric and difficult to share posts offsite /app tumblr is considering making it easier to do
yall do you know how hard it is to link a long tumblr post with like a comic or funny string of replies to share with my friends who arent on tumblr? i have to take like 15 screenshots every time. IF staff is priorizing making it easier to share posts that would be so much better oh my god 2 High quality content on launch.  the pessamistic assumption is that this could mean a mandatory algorithm but if you read carefully you’ll notice they never fully say thats even remotely what they are going to do. This seems to be a suggestion that the default new user experience will change. 
If you like me made an account 10 years ago this looks like it won’t affect your experience whatsoever. 
but like trying to sort through tags to find blogs and curate my own feed actively took like over a year to get to a place where i’m happy when i did it in 2011/2012
if feeds and tags Worked that would be good. the for you page and exploration features on tumblr do, admittedly suck right now. there SHould be easier ways to find and search for stuff on tumblr. if their search worked better and finding stuff you wanted to see was easier that Would improve the experience for most people on this site.  3. facilitate easier user participation in conversations folks if replys could be threaded in some way it would be 1000 times easeir to have convos with them. like i do not get what people are upset about here. like a person shouldn’t have to reblog their own post 15 times in a row to reply to different people about the same thing. they could make this so much better.  4. Retain and grow our creator base
 it IS hard for art to see and get seen. if i had a nickle for every time i saw a post begging people to reblog art i’d have like so many nickles.  I would like to see more art. and ttrpg creators. there’s like stuff i have to go to twitter for and its small time ttrpg, art, writing, and literary magazines because even when those folks are on tumblr its extraordinarily difficult to find them with the systems currently in place.
 like i don’t know that tumblr has a good plan to make this kind of thing easier but if they did figure it out it would rule. and its good to know that this is a priority for the company 5.  Create patterns that encourage users to keep returning to Tumblr
throttling notifications rules. i have commented on tumblr staff posts dozens of times for like 5+ years asking for this, thank GOD. if you reblog a lot of posts you get a lot of notes even if you have like 15 people regularly interacting with your stuff on 100 posts a day thats like 1500 notifications. it collapses some by post or interaction type but that is NOT enough and the notification bar always says 99+ unless i checked it less than a minute ago, im dying please make notifications meaningful and not overwhelming. 
6: Performance, stability and quality
this is generic and means very little obviously anyone making an app wants it to crash less often.  bonus: ive seen people get upset at the implication that they are instituting a mandatory algorithm but the site has had an option algorithm for like ages, it doesn't imply its mandatory anywhere or that they're taking away our option to turn it off. there are already artist showcase things on the dash on the regular, if you have adblock on you can’t see some of those, but they've had them for fully years. 
its highly unlikely that they would get rid of one of the main selling points of tumblr.com they’re like a real company thats done bare minimum market research, like folks no one other than musk would do something that boneheaded
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cartoonrival · 1 year
like after all that shite even tho it stretched him out like saltwater taffy naruto is truly not not not not mad at sasuke for any of it. he doesnt hold anything that sasuke did actually against him. in a technical sense hes like yeah you probably shouldntve killed those guys. but he fully blames sasukes circumstances and the pain that hes in for everything that he did. he cant stay mad at sasuke. rolls my eyes. cause he recognizes what drove sasuke to act the way he did and that the world is so so fucked and even if he should hold it against him naruto really does not want to he just wants his best friend back. sasuke tried to kill naruto because sasuke loves naruto and hates himself, and naruto recognizes that this is the reason. and that you have to be in so much pain to want to do that as badly as sasuke did, and he could feel it too every time he looked at sasuke or just thought about him he felt like he was being ripped in two. he realizes that sasuke has growing and learning and changing to do but he doesnt consider sasuke to have " put him through" anything like. naruto put himself through that and i think he'd be the first to tell that to you. im saving sasuke because i want to save him. that was the premise of the whole conversation with sakura in the land of iron like "why are you doing all this for sasuke" -> "because i want to". and i think if anyone tried to be like look what he put you through!!! he'd rip them a new one. which i mean a bunch of people sayig that to him is what pushed him over the edge in such a fashion that seeing sasuke face to face and swearing to die alongside him was the only thing that could bring him back from the brink.
anyways i just do not think sakura has the bandwidth (understandably) for that perspective considering i dont think she feels like she's choosing to go after sasuke in the same way that naruto does. and its not rightreally to call it a choice because obviously he doesnt get in bed every night and be like tonight i will think about sasuke and feel like im dying over and over again, but he decided to. this is two different posts but im stream of consciousnessing it into one. he very distinctly decided not to give up on sasuke i mean there was like. literally the scene where jiraiya was like drop it its not worth it go after your dream only a fool would keep going after sasuke now. and naruto says if thats what a fool is then ill be a fool my whole life. gag. anyways. obviously sakura wants to help sasuke 10000% she wants to help naruto she wants him back she wants the old team 7 back she loves sasuke etc im not trying to say none of that is true, but i dont think she feels like she is quite as active an agent in that decision as naruto does. while naruto thinks theyre on the same page about wanting to save sasuke because they both love him, sakura is quite quick to believe that naruto wants to save sasuke because HE feels obligated. she gets fed up with him for choosing sasuke every time over and over no matter what, she's sick of it! she cant do it anymore! she decides to kill sasuke because she feels driven into a corner, she feels like she has to because she DOES CARE ABOUTHIM and theres NOTHING ELSE FOR HER TO DO. SHE FEELS LIKE SHE HAS TO. ALSO part of her resolve to kill him is that she feels guilty for leaning on naruto so mcuh and relying on him to fix things, so she wants to deal with this situation for both of them which makes this like. very potently an obligation for her. she is killing him as (in her eyes) a noble act. she's tired bro SHES TIRED!
she drops it because naruto gives her hope that theres another way, not because she shares naruto's refusal to accept that there ISNT another way; she has to be shown what it is (understandably so, narutos route is bonkers insane that boy is unwell.) she has absolutely been put through the wringer BY sasuke more than naruto has (in terms of their own povs; in actuality idk im not commenting on that) and chasing after him feels less like an active choice on her part and more of an obligation to the memory of the old team 7, especially in the tail end of shippuden. and again she doesnt understand why sasuke acted the way that he did like naruto does, so immediately the room for understanding is way more narrow on her end in terms of blaming his circumstances rather than him. so for her to be not really able to stand him and way less quick to drop it all, in comparison to naruto, makes soooo so soosoo much more sense than whatever the fuck happens actually. she should be so mad
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overandundertarot · 2 years
How can you find comfort right now?
Hello! This pick a pile is going to focus on how you can find comfort right now, whatever situation you may find yourself in, just some advice that could help soothe your soul.
Here are the piles(1-3):
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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These pictures are not mine, i found them on pinterest. :)
Pile 1;
Cards; 2 of wands, The hanged one, The devil and 4 of pentacles.
Life may be a bit boring right now, you may find yourself just going through the motions. As I write this, my heart is feeling heavy. Maybe you are being weighed down by your own expectations on yourself, and society's expectations as well. Also for some of you, you may be experiencing blockages in your heart chakra. What can help you to find comfort right now is doing something for yourself, I'm getting less of in the physical sense like a spa day or vacation, but something more spiritual in nature. You may be so caught up in the material world right now, making money, paying bills etc etc but you need to take some time to nurture yourself. Your life is lacking that sense of spark that is present when you arre contented and spiritually and emotionaly fulfilled in life. Some of you may want to change what you do and take another path in your job/career? But what you want to do may be quite different and maybe even frowned upon or considered weird. Advice for these people would be to combine your creativity and what you feel inspired to do with the structure that you may already have in place. A partnership would also be beneficial for you. Overall, what can give you comfort right now is turning inwards, nurturing yourself and your desires. Maybe start a hobby that you've always wanted to do that can allow your playful and childish side to come out. I'm getting something like drawing or painting colourfully, something you can do with your hands or something very active.
Cards; The fool, The emperor, 5 of wands reversed, Knight of pentacles reversed.
Pile 2 you have soooo many opportunities and a lot of potential right now. You may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to go forward regarding whatever it is you want to do. For a few of you in this pile I'm getting that you may be starting over from a time in your life where you felt like the rug was pulled out from under you and your whole life came crashing down. A few of you may have devoted a lot of time to something but it never worked out the way you wanted, like a cruel twist of fate. ( but only some of you, it was a specific message). What you can find comfort in right now is routine, building a new routine to channel and direct your energy will give you a sense of stability that you need right now. Also, joining a course( like a university degree) or something that may give you an outlined path to what you want to do. Being rational and disciplined right now will help to bring a sense of comfort in your life.
Pile 3;
Cards; 5 of wands, Page of cups reversed, 8 of wands and The fool.
Pile 3 your message is really clear, lol. What can give you comfort right now is being silly and having fun. Following your desires and impulses and having fun without thinking much about it, not taking life too seriously. You may be worried about something like a competition or a debate? Or something of that nature has ended recently. Either way, whatever the outcome was/is, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and not let yourself be carried away by anxieties or fears that may pop up. Allow yourself to be childish and treat yourself as well. I'm getting the image of a child at a festival/carnival just running around, playing games and eating icecream.
Thank you for participating in this pick a pile reading!!! I would really love to know if this resonated with you so please dont hesitse to give feedback or ask me anything on my blog!!
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virtueisdead · 1 year
tumblr is the only corporate social im willing to use at this point, purely because of how vastly different it is from its contemporaries, structurally and culturally, but they're very clearly doing something that is quickly turning me away. for lack of less sensitive term, staff is practically gentrifying the platform. (forcing shit from other socials that tumblrs lack of were the only reason i still used it)
given i use spacehey daily, im sure youre already aware that im not a big fan of the contemporary concept of the "social media". i wont go on my whole pedantic/esoteric rant about distinguishing the definition of a social media and a social network because thats a whole other essay for another time and its not worth the argument given im already trying to discuss something else at the moment. (ive literally written a research paper about this because i seriously am that obnoxious about the subject)
so; one of the most substantial changes that happened to social websites in general over the past 2 decades was the introduction of algorithmic feeds. for those unaware, tumblr is in fact the very last major social platform that still doesnt operate (primarily) off of algorithmic content, and this is direly important to the continued use it receives from older bloggers. the majority of people who regularly use tumblr today and have for years are still here because it is the last bastion of chronological dashboards. this also plays a huge role in why theres such a dramatically different atmosphere on tumblr compared to other platforms.
reblogs are literally the only way that things can "go viral". posts do not ever spread if people dont actively decide "i want to share this with my friends" and hit the reblog button, as well if their friends dont think the same. whats especially important is that this system is entirely end-viewer-oriented; it does not particularly favor reactionary content like an algorithm does. on a platform like twitter, any kind of engagement at all (replies, likes, qrts, etc) will be taken by the algorithm as an indication that the post is likely to resonate with people in some way, regardless of whether the post in question is receiving positive or negative engagement, and regardless of whether or not it is thoughtful or warrants that- not to mention how this problem is even further exacerbated by the character limits on microblogging social media platforms like twitter.
so people love tumblr for the fact that posts that you wouldnt share with your friends simply will not garner any popularity most of the time. this fosters a far more unique and interesting community and types of viral content, but youll notice that a little while ago, tumblr quietly added the "for you" page. realistically, nobody who actually has used tumblr since before that tab was added would ever even touch it because it is a spit in the face of what makes people love the platform. but they they knew most people dont vocally give a shit like i do.
the first problem arises when you consider that new users from places like tiktok and twitter will naturally assume the tab was always there and likely use it as their primary means of discovery. they wont learn or understand the way that the proper system tumblr uses of follows and reblogs actually works, which is steadily creating an enormous and frankly insurmountable divide between new and old users of the platform. its already fostering the kinds of passive interaction from people who dont understand tumblr's mechanics that is honestly genuinely harmful to the community overall. people misusing the tools that the platform has due to not understanding their function or assuming similarity to things they already know from other platforms. honestly, this in itself would not even be that much of an issue because we could simply ignore the new users who refuse to make the effort to understand how to use the app and fall for the advertising trap that is the for you page...
but the problem is getting way bigger as tumblr is slowly but surely pushing the "for you" page onto other dashboards. youll see posts with a little "based on your likes" banner at the top crop up more and more. theyre quite literally trying to subtly force an algorithm into place where there wasnt one before. (ive been made aware you actually can turn this off from within an entirely seperate settings menu from the regular one that you open on the notifications screen for some reason?? the fact that i didnt even know this after using tumblr for this long is wild, but it doesnt invalidate my argument in that they turned it on automatically without asking or telling users) its not egregious enough to make me leave yet but its definitely been happening more and more frequently to the point that i am seriously doubting if i should consider continuing to use the website/app. this is the biggest structural issue, but its not the only example of what im talking about where tumblr is trying to pretend to be like other contemporary social medias in order to lure in new users without teaching them how things work so that they can use them as advertising guinea pigs.
another example would be the abrupt and frankly pointless introduction of tumblr live, which is entirely unnecessary and has received near unanimous criticism from older users. but a bigger one is something that a lot of people, especially newer users, mobile only users, or those straight other platforms have probably not even noticed- the completely silent removal of subdomain urls. (which is why people here call usernames urls in the first place) this one is way more apparent of an issue as far as my questionable use of the term 'gentrification' goes.
if i asked you the question "what is tumblr?" what would you say? more than likely, you would answer that its a social media- and to be clear, you would certainly not be incorrect in that assessment, but thats not the important part. as far as i can see, thats the first thing that comes to mind when they think of what tumblr "is" in its contemporary state. but if i asked somebody that a decade ago, they would likely give a completely different answer; they would say its a "blogging site". that's because fundamentally, that's what tumblr actually is and is supposed to be. a social blogging host platform. the dashboard and tumblr.com screen was always only half of it as far as the functionality went.
everyone used to have a personal website for their blogs, and people would often hook their tumblr blog up with its own custom domain as well. tumblr was first and foremost simply a blogging platform with social elements. while that subdomain (personal website) functionality does still exist, and you can see it on my blog because i customized my blog's css themes, they actually completely silently added a switch that gets rid of it, and they automatically turned it off for anyone that hadnt fully configured that page already which slowly consolidates everybody towards the exact same uniform tumblr-blog style like what you see on the mobile site. it forces a uniform visual aesthetic and functionality, which is one of the things i hate the most. in the first place, the enormous number of people who hadnt set up their page properly is largely because tumblr has for a few years now actively discouraged, hidden, or obfuscated the 'personal website' aspect of the service for whatever reason they may have using a method ill get into in a moment. it may be because they thought it was too convoluted for newer internet users who dont understand, or it may have been a more calculated effort to abandon older infrastructure and replace it with replicas of more contemporary systems like are used in other social medias, but it doesnt make a difference to me.
blogging is all about self-expression, and restricting that defeats the point so fucking hard. on the mobile app, my page will look something like this.
Tumblr media
though this screenshot is taken on desktop. the url here is "https://www.tumblr.com/virtueisdead". this is an entirely separate and pretty recently added functionality called the profile view, which is entirely different from how the website used to operate, which is demonstrated for clearly by the fact that this is not what my blog is actually supposed to look like. in fact, you cant even see what blogs are supposed to look like on the mobile app at all. if you open your browser and go to my actual blog url, "https://virtueisdead.tumblr.com/", you can see the intended design, which is very similar to my spacehey profile.
Tumblr media
im honestly not unconvinced that they intend to eventually completely distinguish the old blogging system (akin to wordpress and blogger) from the social media aspect of the site entirely, though thats more of a crack theory. the fact remains that they began to silently get rid of people's actual blog pages, slowly forcing uniformity with the mobile app. (this is less important, but another part of that that drives me up the fucking wall is that i cant even use the tumblr website in my main browser anymore. they made it so it only works in certain browsers, and im sure i dont need to explain why that is absolutely insufferable behavior)
tumblr is absolutely trying to mimic other social media platforms like tiktok and twitter in order to attract users from them or give them a more 'familiar experience' and its absolutely a detriment to the experience for people who use tumblr specifically because it isnt like other corporate social platforms. this is a separate gripe, but...
ive said before and will say again, twitter users should not look for an alternative to twitter, they should just stop fucking using it. thats like going from smoking a cigarette brand that uses slave labor to one that doesnt. youre a more ethical person but youre still giving yourself lung cancer.
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The Prince of Wales and The King Charles III
“please dont jump on the hating William bandwagon just because some of his fans like him better than his father. i never expected Charles ascending to lead to MORE hatred and death wishes thrown his way”
I will take this anon’s comment to add my opinion.
I intentionally chose to title my ask with the new roles Charles and William are dealing with at the moment.
I noticed a very hard tendency since the Queen died of some people to actively blame William and KP and their strategy blablabla and blindingly praising Charles. On the other hand, those that always didn’t like Charles blame him unconditionally without reason like I read someone side-eying Camilla because she wore the Albert brooch and that was a sin against Catherine because “we all know who should have worn that brooch since it looks like a bigger version of Kate’s ring and she should also have precedence on anything sapphire”. Like William has his mom’s sapphire brooch, if Kate wants she can wear that. Why should Camilla as Queen avoid wearing sapphires because of people thinking Catherine owns the colour and stone? I wanted the Girls of GB&NI tiara to be worn by Catherine at the coronation, but reading comments like those I wish Camilla will wear it first 🤣 just because some people are really silly with things that actually belong to other people.
What I’m saying is that you can say William as Prince of Wales and later as King and also Charles in his new role as King are still learning and growing up into their new roles.
Saying that doesn’t mean we hate William or Charles. Growing up and keeping on learning is actually positive and it means you aren’t anchored to your old self. If you stop learning even at 70 or 80 orr 90 than I’m sorry for you, but people should strive to learn to be a better self until the day they die. Otherwise you become dull individuals like Meghan and Harry
The fact that William woke up to and finally accepted his destiny and understood what means duty and service for the country some years ago during an engagement at the Grenfell tower with the Queen (he said that) is very telling on how he is conscious he still has much to do and learn. He said himself he was learning from his grandparents and father, so why people saying he sjould watch his dad’s and grandparents’ lifework would be hating on him? It’s actually sth very lovely to wish him as he would be better prepared when he becomes king (and he won’t have many years to fully mature in his stateman persona like Charles did as I don’t see Charles reign being more than 15 years sadly).
On the same page I’m about Charles: rainbows aren’t shining out of his ass. He just got a new role and even though he exceeded my expectations so far, it doesn’t mean he is perfect. He will have to learn a thing or two too.
The reason is in the middle. Learning from more experienced people is not bad. It’s how the world works. Once learned the rules you can decide to change them or apply them wirh your own contribution.
So yeah William as The Prince of Wales still have to learn a lot like he needs to start to build his statelike persona and this means meeting head of states and attending the Commonwealth meetings. Building a relationship with foreign royals would be amazing too.
Charles as king needs to learn the ropes of that position too and till now he is doing good. 
Let’s reserve judgement for about a year or two
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limbolandscapes · 1 year
Been A While.
Hey. How's it going. Been pretty busy these past months, which meant no activity on this page. But, I want that to change soon. I've been getting into the whole "liminal space" subject again, and it reminded me of this page on tumblr I made a while ago. That's just a bit of what I wanted to talk about. Something is on my mind recently. I don't have any pictures for interesting abandoned places or familiar locations you swore you have seen before, but this does have something to do with those. Abandoned malls. You have seen them, those eerie, empty places with nearly nobody. Quiet music echoes around the halls and the buzz of the yellow lights to accompany it. Somehow stores can still reside in those halls, even if the mall has around 100 visitors a day, with around 12 of those visitors actually purchasing goods from the shops, or expired candy from the rusted machines. Play places sit still collecting dust, carousels and other little rides become inoperable. Why am I bringing this up though? It's December of 2014. People are rushing to buy presents for loved ones, roads are filled up with cars sitting in traffic, going to different stores and restaurants with family and friends. People sit outside of popular thrift stores dressed in well built Santa costumes, ringing a bell and giving their merriest "Ho, Ho Ho!" waiting for people to slip a coin into a red bucket beside them. That is exactly what I saw, while my parents drove me and my sister to a local mall, that was exploding in popularity. It was very hard to find a parking spot, but eventually a lane was found where my parents rushed to pull into. I remember being so excited, just waiting to see what was in store, and what was in stores too. I was still building my Christmas list at the time, and I was taken there with my sister to get ideas. It was, to say the least, extravagant. The large halls were crowded with people talking to each other, navigating to shops to buy gifts for their families and friends. Candy and vending machines were nearly empty, with lines of kids my size waiting to try new bubblegum flavors, and new stuffed animals that they knew they couldn't get. So many red and green decorations were scattered throughout, from snowflakes, to streamers, to little icons with snowmen, Santa, elves, and other such family favorites on the walls. Charity organizations and stores had their sponsored signs across the walls and on pillars, with merry signs to attract customers and donors. Christmas songs would play through the speakers, though you could barely hear it through the footsteps and chattering of hundreds of people. I don't think a single person there wasn't smiling. Finally, my dad guided my into a gift shop. I couldn't get many ideas as half of the shelves were empty, because all of the popular toys were sold out. It seemed like a scene straight out of my favorite Christmas movie Jingle All The Way. I got to sit on Santa's lap and I excitedly told him exactly what I wanted - a huge marble run set. It was probably my dream toy, to make my own marble courses and show them off to my family. I would go through all of the shops finding gift ideas for myself and my family, taking notes on a little notepad I had brought with me. That, was probably the best memory of my life, that single day. I was so happy, travelling through the mall, and the rest of town. I was so young, and even the littlest thing would make me so happy. Good things dont last forever. (PART 1 OF 2) - Wyntre Woods 2023, posting on Limbo Landscapes
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