act-paw · 3 months
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act-paw · 3 months
How To Join :
Follow Base @ACT_PAW and Sub base @ACTPAWRENT.
Make sure you read and understand all our rules.
Check the muse you want to use is available or not.
Fill our form in grand opening or open batch day.
Retweet all pinned and don't forget to promotion!
Confirm in the tweet below if you have already filled out the form. Tag at least 5 (or more) fellow actors and actresses with the message: 'The Ductores, I, (your OC name), am ready to take care of our furr babies with you' + your twibbon.
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act-paw · 3 months
Rules :
Only for GENRP and Selfol.
We only accept ASIAN actors and actresses.
One account per head. Side accounts are allowed as long as they are active, but we’ll appreciate if you use your main account.
No twins allowed, except if your characters are originally twins.
Loyal with your muse.
Love Wins.
Free username and name, as long as they are related to your muse.
Only accepts Asian Actors Actresses with at least 1 project.
The maximum number of following is 750, and the minimum is 50, with a minimum of 100 tweets.
Active in GDM and Timeline.
Maximum 3 Act SQ and OA including Act Pawrent.
NSFW hours start from 10pm-05am.
Respect your friend and caretakers.
Participate in our games, events, and weekly missions. Because our time is limited, we hope you can join all of our activities, but if you can't, please let us know.
Note: ❤︎ GEN!RP is a general roleplayer, which means a roleplayer who uses a name and username, like the character's real name. They do not use the character's name in dramas or create other stories like OCRP / MVRP.
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act-paw · 3 months
Forbidden :
Doing circles within circles, and making indirect remarks.
Using nicknames unrelated to the character.
Participating in wars or dramas, either as oneself or in other people's wars or dramas.
Discussing out-of-character (OOC) and real-life (RL) matters unrelated to roleplayers and your characters. Use brackets appropriately. Example: doing jbjb, qrt in drama or film base.
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act-paw · 3 months
Temporary Swap :
Temporary swaps are allowed, a maximum of 2 times every 3 weeks.
Maximum of 3 days.
And make sure to report it to us.
ಇ If you have a mission from SQ or OA that requires you to temporarily swap your character, please let us know.
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act-paw · 3 months
Hiatus :
A hiatus is only granted once every 3 week and can only last for a maximum of 7 days.
You can take hiatus only be done 1 weeks after verification.
However, if you have very important matters, you can contact and discuss with us.
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act-paw · 3 months
Change Character :
Make sure the character is still available.
The maximum character changes allowed is only once, and it can only be done 2 weeks after verification. Please be loyal to your muse.
If you want to change your character, please let us know.
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act-paw · 3 months
Move Account :
Make sure the character is still available.
You are only allowed to move your account once, unless your account is eaten by X.
Contact us Via DM.
Tell us the reason why you want to change your character.
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act-paw · 3 months
Univerfication :
You will get unverified and block if you are inactive for 24 hours after verification.
Any inactivity on the timeline for more than 3 days automatically triggers a warning. If you wish to stay active, you will be granted 24 hours to begin being active again.
If you do not interact with fellow pawrents for more than 3 days, you will receive a warning.
If you violate the rules three times within a short period after we give you a warning.
After a hiatus, you do not have any updates for 24 hours, we will unverify you.
If you are AFK during an event or do not participate in our activities after we have given you two warnings, we will unverify you.
If your account is suspended by X, we will give you 7-day for you to contact us via DM or contact your friendmate, we will unverify you.
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act-paw · 3 months
The Ductores :
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act-paw · 3 months
Royalty Card System :
Pawrent will be given three pet options to take care of: a cat, a rabbit, and a dog. You will receive one of the pets you choose, and it will grow with you over 40 days. However, the pet can die if not cared for properly, so you must take good care of it.
We will provide you with a Royalty Card containing several stamps that you need to collect to feed your pet.
You must feed your pet at least twice a week. If you don't, you will receive a warning indicating that your pet is at risk of dying.
Earning stamps is very easy, you just need to participate in our games, events, and weekly missions. Each participation will earn you one stamp.
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