#i donate the hair that gets cut off to an organization that makes wigs for people who are going through cancer treatment
cursed-and-haunted · 14 days
Your hair grew fifteen inches in a year? 👀👀👀
Oh yeah my hair grows insanely fast. It was still at shoulder length after I cut it too
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austempered · 7 months
I cut off my hair and am donating all 12 inches to Children With Hair Loss along with a money donation, so they're sending me a super cute hot pink and black raglan shirt with their non-profit organization name on it.
They make and supply wigs made of real hair to children and adults who have lost hair for medical reasons at NO COST to them. If you want to donate your hair or make a donation, please help them out. It really does make a difference!
In other news, they pushed back my surgery date so my doctor can be there, which is very nice of her. Gonna try and get back with the writing and plotting.
Also, I had to get another undercut to assert my dominance:
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3rensgf · 3 years
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haircut eren yeager x reader
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word count: 860
warnings: none! just fluff <3. maybe scissors if that counts. eren is a dork.
notes: AAAA as soon as i got this ask i had to work on it right away bc its just so cute! i was actually thinking abt writing something like this in the future n now i finally have an excuse to hehe enjoy!!
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"You ready?” you asked Eren, stepping into the bathroom with arms full of hair products and a haircut kit.
Your boyfriend sat on the toilet, twirling a piece of hair on his finger. For once, it was out of his usual bun and resting freely on his towel clad shoulders. “I’m gonna miss my hair,” he sighed, letting go of the piece on his finger.
You hummed, organizing everything you needed on the counters. “I know, honey. I’ll miss it too. But you knew this day would come eventually.”
Last year while you were lounging on the sofa on your phone, Eren came running to you in tears, blubbering through his tears and holding his phone out to you. Immediately, you sat up and brought him into your arms, asking him what was wrong.
It took a while for him to calm down and explain why he was crying. Through hiccups and sniffles, he said he saw a video of a child with cancer getting a wig to wear on Twitter. He said he was so touched at the child's happy and gleaming face that it brought him to tears.
“Ah,” you said, patting his back to comfort him. “You didn’t know that they gave out wigs to cancer patients?” He shook his head no. “It’s been a thing for a while, Rennie. A lot of people cut and donate their hair to make wigs for cancer patients.”
Eren’s eyes lit up at your words, a hand coming to touch his short hair. “I’m gonna grow out my hair and donate it to cancer so a little kid can be happy,” he declared, a proud smile forming on his lips.
“Okay, baby. You do what you want to do,” you said, kissing his cheek.
Now, it brought you here. Eren's hair had grown long enough for him to cut and donate, something he’d been looking forward to for the past year.
“Alright,” you sighed, placing your hands on your hips. “We gotta wash your hair first. Go lean your head over the tub.”
Nodding obediently, he crouched over the tub so you could wash his hair. While he did that, you went to go get the water at the right temperature for him. You had told Eren to just take a shower before cutting his hair, but he insisted on you washing his hair for him. Spoiled bastard.
Detaching the shower head from the wall and flipping the switch to redirect the stream to the shower head, you got to work. Eren squirmed at the feeling of the water hitting his head, making it a little hard for you. He yelped at the pinch you gave to his arm, stilling right away. “It tickles,” he complained.
“You gotta deal with it for a little while,” you explained, shutting off the water when you deemed his hair to be wet enough. Shampooing and conditioning didn’t take that long either with Eren sitting patiently for you to finish.
“It feels nice,” he sighed at the feeling of your hands massaging the product out of his head. ”Thank you, Princess.”
“Of course,” you smiled, shutting off the water for good when his hair was free of any products. You wrung out any extra water from his hair to prevent it from dripping everywhere and patted his back, “Get up. We gotta dry it now.”
Eren stood up from his crouched position and shook his head like a dog to dry it. “Eren!” you squealed, holding up your hands in a weak attempt to keep the droplets from hitting you.
He giggled and brought the towel to his hair, drying it further. “Sorry,” he smiled, not really meaning it. As soon as he sat on the toilet again, you got to work braiding his hair. Good thing you’d researched what to do beforehand.
“You ready?” you asked, picking up scissors and snipping them slightly. Eren stared up at you with wide eyes, hands clutching the legs of his sweatpants.
“Good luck kiss first?” he asked innocently, puckering his lips a bit. There was no way you could resist, especially with now cutely he asked. Leaning in, you gave him a quick kiss, pulling away with a loud MWAH! from Eren.
“Alright, I’m gonna do it,” you said, bringing up the scissors to the braid, Eren held his breath, and you started snipping away.
His eyes widened further when you showed him his hair in front of him. Gingerly, he took it from your hands to inspect it. “Wow… that’s a lot of hair,” he said, astonished.
While he looked at the hair he was supposed to donate, you started cleaning up his hair to look neater. Gone were the choppy cuts, replaced with neater snips and an undercut.
“Done!” you grinned, picking up a mirror to show Eren. He swiveled his head around to see your handiwork while you gazed at him proudly. “Do you like it?”
“I look like I’m 15 again,” he said, setting down the mirror on the counter before standing up to hug you. “Thanks, honey!”
“Eren! You’re getting hairs all over me-- gack it’s in my mouth!”
“Sorry, sorry!”
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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simply-ellas-stuff · 4 years
Some Twilight Headcanons I have (Part Four) [Slightly Au?]
Rosalie Hale
Started a non-profit organization for rape and abuse victims within months of becoming a vampire, sometime after killing Royce and his friends, it was hidden under the guise of being a salon where abused women (of all shapes, colors, and sizes) could just talk to each other in a safe nonjudgemental environement.
Has a for-women mechanics progam in every country that's also hidden under the guise of something overtly feminine and no one knows where it came from - it's just been a place for women to go to, to learn mechanics and engineering for decades.
Consistently finds ways for abusers and rapists to end up prison, even if it's something simple like theft she makes sure they get caught. or she finds way for them to 'mysteriously disapear'.
Has an all-inclusive beauty line that's cheap as fuck but is still high-end, and all the money goes to whatever is left of her old family and the family of her friend, and her son.
Learned medical practices just like Carlisle.
Has used her engineering/mechanical skills to help create further tools for Carlisle's at-home medical practice and will make him spare tools for when he goes to third-world-countries to hand out to people who may not have the materials/tools or have broken theirs.
Is a trained psychologist and therapist, specialising in abuse and how to recogonize the signs.
Has specialty contacts made similar to her old blue-violet human eyes so when she hates her golden eyes, she has the contacts to make her feel more comfortable in her own skin - she also uses make up to bring more 'life' to her body and face.
Rosalie and Emmett didn't actually have sex for the first several years of their relationship, Edward assumed that's why they kept breaking stuff, but in truth their distance from the family and the act of breaking things in their homes was Emmett and Rosalie working together to make Rosalie more comfortable as a vampire and Emmett helping Rosalie come to terms with the abuse she suffered, and letting her work out the anger in the most violent ways she wanted to that didn't hurt others.
Rosalie apologized for calling Jacob, and the wolves, a dog. She went with Jacob to donate to the Quileute tribe.
Rosalie and Jacob eventually started car building together and became very good friends.
She still has PTSD and flashbacks from the night she was attacked by Royce.
She goes to therapy, it's over the phone but it's still therapy.
She knows how to do glass-blowing, how to create stain glass windows, and knows how to do construction.
She often spends time bird watching, and star gazing.
She consistently spends months trying to solve mathematical equations that humans have never solved. She's solved six of them so far.
She has considered cutting off her hair before, but she loves it too much and instead if she's in need of a change she'll let Alice put wigs on her.
She is a master of making Make up into a disguise so, if she wants to go out and doesn't want the attenton she'll dress up. She's a great actress. Alice is the only one with patience to do make up on others though.
She once put her fist through a concrete wall at school to scare the shit out of a quarterback because he groped a girl in front of her. The Cullen family moved away that night.
She has spent billions of Toys-For-Tots before.
She proudly supports Planned Parenthood as well, and is a proud donor.
Rosalie, Alice, and Esme go Christmas shopping together every year.
She organizes her room once a week, and yes, Emmett helps - they usually end up with a neat room.
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catharrington · 5 years
Been dreaming of a small Au. Older Steve who forgoes college to work at a local zoo or sanctuary around Indiana. They are not big but they have their own share of animals including goats for a petting zoo, a donkey and horse that was rescued from a circus, a whole area of outside bird cages with eagles and owls, some local reptiles that schools love to visit and teach about, and a small pack of wolves.
Steve decides that he wants to take care of others but was never one for the gore of nursing, so he applied to be a keeper and was given the job of cleaning the wolf enclosure. He cleaned it diligently while listening and learning from the keepers who took care of the wolves.
Eventually he gets a promotion? To start helping feed the wolves more hands on. Cue Steve struggling with buckets of meat lol.
Steve realizes he loves and feels a want to protect these wolves just like how he babysat the kids and it makes him so happy to have found something he cares about that he can do for a living.
Billy is still living in town as a struggling musician playing gigs as he can get them. Thankfully with his Camaro he can travel out of town and into larger cities so he isn’t without work. He just doesn’t get paid or tipped for shit.
Steve and Billy because friends after Billy was released from the mind flayer and rescued by El and Hopper. Yeah he’s not dead thanks. They relate with the struggles of living in a shitty small town and dealing with fighting monsters.
They don’t see each other much and that’s okay because Steve has to hide how he likes likes Billy ;) but Billy visits when he is in town. He knows to come to the wolf enclosure. And even tho he won’t tell Steve he loves to watch him at work. Mutual thirst and not saying anything because what he’s not gay that’s weird to ask.
Robin is still Steve’s friend so she’s been very helpful in realizing that he’s bisexual and that’s okay but also don’t force yourself on straight people, dingus.
Jump to the conflict I’d love some big wig marketing company coming down and trying to rebrand the sanctuary into something it isn’t. They want to remodel it only for children and make it more hands on about learning and models and charts.
Steve questions does that leave room to actually see the animals? And the big wig says some animals are not great for children. They want to condense and focus on their strengths.
Aka the big animals have to go.
Like the wolves.
Steve is taken a back. These are all rescued animals that have no where else to go you can’t just pull the plug on them because a kid can’t pet them? The big wig says they will release them into the wild where they can live their life fully. But these wolves have never been in the wild they don’t know how to hunt or mate like a wild wolf they would die for sure.
Steve tries to tell everyone but they all don’t listen because sure the wild sounds like it would be nice. There is the older man who taught Steve all about the wolves who agreed it’s dangerous but he has no fight and just lets them decide without him.
I’d love to see Steve hopping around to the sanctuary owner, the wolf keeper, and the big wig getting flustered and stuttering but demanding to be listened to. It all falls on deaf ears tho.
Steve is meeting up with billy for drinks one night and he jokes about kidnapping the wolves and taking them to a better place but it’s a joke. Billy sees that this means so much to Steve so he tries to come up with something else.
Billy tells Steve about he heard that the land might be up for sale and that’s why the owner is rebranding so they can get enough money to not go bankrupt. Steve is confused about how Billy heard of that but he takes it at face value.
They look into it with Hopper who is still sheriff and for sure the sanctuary is almost upon foreclosure, they haven’t been paying their bills and Hopper knows about it because some people have reported that they haven’t been paying their workers.
Steve is heartbroken. He thought the place was heaven but not so much. Steve gets another idea to buy the sanctuary out from the owners and run it much better. But that would still cost thousands of dollars and Steve doesn’t just have that laying around.
Firstly he tries to get it from his parents and that doesn’t work because his dad says he should be working harder if he wants that money. And these wolves are just dogs just pets who cares what happens to them.
That makes Steve angry but he doesn’t know what to do. Even with loans and his stashed savings he doesn’t have half the money. He asks around the sanctuary and no one can donate much. And some people are hateful and don’t want to donate.
Some people even report to the big wig uUgh cue this ass hole being mean to Steve and pushing him around, gross old man get your hands off me and shit.
Steve just won’t give up tho he has to fight for his wolves!
Billy has his own plan to get money for Steve. He has some savings and plans to get money with a show dedicated to the sanctuary. But Billy has a secret. He’s got a sugar daddyyyy
This older man who books gigs for a bar outside of Hawkins promised Billy steady work and good pay for a good time. Billy agreed be sure he needed the work and the man isn’t bad looking. Salt and pepper hair and he takes care of himself but almost to an egotistical way. He reminds Billy a little of how he doesn’t want to turn out.
Billy mentions it to him that he would like to do a fundraiser instead of a typical gig and the man shoots it down. Saying that’s some kid friendly crap no one would care about. It wouldn’t make money.
Billy gets angry and says that it’s not about making money. The sugar daddy says isn’t it all about that, that’s why they are together for the money. Billy jumps to cutting their relationship off. He tells him to shove it and shove his shitty bar.
In hindsite Billy is pissed at himself for cutting it off but it was about time. If he was serious about his music he couldn’t have anything holding him back. Except who he wanted to grow with and help. That’s Steve baby.
Billy reaches out with the kids who are now much older and organizes a show for raising money for the sanctuary. They rent out the movie theater that is almost extinct and get all of Billy’s equipment and a small stage set up inside.
Steve is taken aback with how much the kids and Billy, who until then Steve thought still hated them, have worked to make this great.
Now they just needed the people. And they rally the town like Joyce to hand out flyers at the store and Hopper to go around and hang posters. The kids plaster the school with posters and even tho they are nerds Billy is just popular enough of a musician that other kids agrees to go.
Omg now it’s epic show time. The kids suggested the movie theatre because it’s old and cheap but also with the classic projecter screen they recorded and clipped together some film of Steve and the wolves in the sanctuary. Mostly the wolves but we can’t help but to film cute Steve with such a bright smile. What if Billy confessed his love for Steve after the last song right behind the big red curtain uwu
The raise lots of money and buy the sanctuary and pay all the workers and keep all the animals and shit it’s a happy ending.
Ugh I might write this thanks for coming.
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3wisellamas · 5 years
Mr Logic Headcanons
Because I’ve just been on a MASSIVE Logic kick lately due to a fic I may or may not be writing.  Some of these are from that fic, some are just random.
-Before Rad and Enid were hired, he would often help Mr Gar fight off Boxmore's daily junkfish attacks.  He stopped when Boxman finally switched over to the non-junkfish robots, though -- he'll fight them ONLY if he has no other choice.
-He literally only owns the one jacket, and never takes it off or tries to wear anything else.  While he removed it before leaving Boxmore, he dug it out of Boxman's trash the next day, and now considers it a memento of his old life and his most prized possession.  It's actually really tattered and stitched up in a lot of spots, because of scissor accidents.
-His plug "tail" is actually a LOT longer than most people would think -- he can plug himself in inside his shop and easily sweep/shovel snow several feet outside the door. He doesn't do that a lot, though, because it's a tripping hazard (and he's tripped over it himself multiple times!)
-He's secretly a Chip Damage fan, and totally called him being a robot YEARS before the bodega trio found out.
-He doesn't understand social media.  Like, at all.  What is the logic behind "media" being "social?"  What the heck are these "selfie" things his customers keep taking after they get their hair cut?  Why do so many people "like" that embarrassing video someone took of him tripping over his own power cord, that was posted entirely without his permission?  It just does not compute.
-He also has serious phone anxiety, and doesn't like using them at all. He can set up appointments for his customers, but actual conversations are either in-person or nothing.
-Basically, he's just an old fart when it comes to technology in general, ironically enough. He also doesn't own a computer or a TV, and just recently got his first cell phone, at Gar's insistance.
-He cannot eat any kind of food, like the newer Boxmore bots can, but he can still drink oil.
-With his business expertise, he makes TONS of money from running his barbershop.  However, as he doesn't have much use for it all, most of his profits get donated to charity.
-He once wrote one of those tell-all gossip books about Boxman under the pseudonym Mr Rationality, and actually published it.  To this day Boxy is still trying to find out who the fuck wrote the thing, and how its mystery author found out about that time he got drunk and sent an army of actual, organic fish to attack the plaza...without any water.
-That gem thing on his chest does in fact conceal a reboot button, like Darrell's and Shannon's.  However, since he never got to have a hivemind set up, nor was ever mass-produced when he was at Boxmore, it doesn't serve much purpose.  In fact he isn't even sure what would happen if he pressed it, but is understandably hesitant to try it out.
-While he can feel a full range of emotions, unless he's extremely comfortable with the people around him he has a hard time outwardly expressing them.  He'll sometimes even forget to emote at all, which can confuse people.
-He ADORES little kids, showing off his skills for them a lot, and KO is one of his favorite clients!  
-He honestly believes that you're supposed to use the entire bottle of shampoo at once when washing hair.  Nobody has the heart to correct him on this, even when his shop keeps running out of the stuff on a daily basis.
-He is sometimes a little sensitive about his past as a villain.  While he allows people he knows well, like KO, to bring it up, it can make him uncomfortable to get too into how he feels about it all, and especially whenever anyone asks if he misses Boxmore...
-(He does.)
-He's also sensitive about his teeth, since he actually has super sharp ones like the other robots and he worries they still make him look like a villain.  He tends to not open his mouth very wide because of this.
-He practices telling jokes in the mirror a lot when business is slow.  He has yet to make a client laugh with one, however.
-He usually doesn't sleep at night, since he doesn't need to.  However, Mr Gar once caught him taking a cat nap right in the middle of the day, curled up in one of his salon chairs...
-He sometimes sneaks back over to Boxmore, and leaves tiny anonymous presents for the other robots where he thinks they'll find them.  Shannon especially loves finding the colorful barrettes and hair ties he leaves, and uses them with her purple wig.
-He definitely helped Mr Gar finish building Lakewood Plaza Turbo, and on occasion can overstep his bounds a little and try to run the place himself out of habit, just like how he co-managed Boxmore.  For the most part, though, as long as he's not hurting anything or getting in his way, Gar just lets him do it -- it frees up some of his time for secret missions.
-He was also the one who rented Carol her dojo space (WITHOUT Gar's permission), as a part of this.
-Plazamo was his idea, if not partially his creation.
-He sometimes raids the plaza junkyard for spare parts, and over the years about 20% of his original body has been replaced.  Repainted Darrell parts tend to work best with him -- Logic suspects Darrell's teenage product line was originally intended to be his own, and that Boxman just changed around a few parts, painted them red, and reused them, but he'll never be able to actually confirm it.
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Beautician!Kenshin Headcanons
ALRIGHT SO I’M LATE, BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY #1 LORD AND LOVER, KENSHIN UESUGI! Here, have some personal headcanons I have for Beautician!Kenshin because I couldn’t stop thinking about him. -Admin Yukari
Being well-versed with a sword, it wasn’t strange to see Kenshin wield a pair of scissors and be extremely talented with it.
While Kenshin was good with scissors in beauty school, he had to really work hard to keep up with the other necessary beauty skills, such as dyeing hair, washing hair, and practicing quality customer service. Sometimes his instructors would tell him to work on smiling more instead of frowning.
He used to practice on Sasuke, Yukimura, and Shingen but that all ended when all three of them were too scared to be near him and a sharp pair of scissors. 
Shingen complains that Kenshin isn’t gentle when he washes his hair and makes a point that customers can complain about getting headaches. Kenshin scoffs and calls it nonsense since Shingen’s scalp needs the harsh wash to get rid of his dandruff flakes.
Once, Kenshin tried buzzing off Yukimura’s hair with a razor, and it did not end as well as he thought it would. Yukimura was left with a few uneven spots in his hair and he was mortified to go out afterward. After this, Yukimura told Kenshin to work on his skills before using him as a sacrifice again in the future.
When Sasuke, with hesitation, decided to offer himself up to Kenshin to trim his bangs, it ended with Sasuke screaming in horror as he saw the straight blunt bangs across his forehead after Kenshin chopped it all off. It wasn’t until Kenshin stylized it in its usual manner did Sasuke sigh in relief and felt his heart return to its normal beat.
Kenshin is not fond of dyeing hair or bleaching it. He’s not a big fan of the lengthy process or the smell. He always says that it “takes up too much time” and doesn’t like how it gives his clients dead hair a few weeks later.
If they were brave enough, some of Kenshin’s classmates would ask him if he bleached and styled his own hair because of its unique style, but he would quickly tell them no and that it was “all natural,” much to their disbelief.
After graduating from beauty school and getting his license, Kenshin started off by joining a well-known hair salon in Echigo. It was the perfect opportunity to hone his skills and develop them even more. 
Right after he had his own booth, the owner of the salon started to notice the increase in clientele and couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of Kenshin’s skills or just himself in general. 
While most of his coworkers refuse to cut hair for young children because of their fidgety habits in the salon chair, Kenshin doesn’t mind. He usually gets them to stay still and quickly works his scissors through their hair, all while telling them to remain still if they didn’t want him to accidentally cut them. 
Even though women (and sometimes men) come flocking over to the hair salon and demand to have an appointment with Kenshin, he’s usually booked several months ahead. People usually have to wait 4-5 months for his next opening because Kenshin doesn’t like to pack his schedule too tightly.
Once Kenshin was informed that the hair salon would extend into other beauty services, he decided to quit and open up his own hair salon. Doing makeovers and nails was out of the question for him and he didn’t enjoy it as much as he did with hair. 
After opening up his own hair salon, Kenshin decided to establish his own rules. Sake Saturdays would be a thing among his employees, and he would happily accept sake and pickled plums as payment from his clients. 
Surprisingly, Kenshin gets also booked to do hair updos for weddings or special events. He’s willing to travel to his clients if they promise him a quality brand of sake too. 
Kenshin always participates in hair donations for organizations that use hair to create wigs for cancer patients. He believes in good causes and likes to make his hair salon known for donating the most qualified hair. It’s good publicity! 
Has a poor habit of talking with scissors and pointing at things with them. If things get heated in the salon, you better pray that Kenshin isn’t snapping his scissors at you as his voice darkens and he speaks faster than usual. 
Kenshin doesn’t listen to the music his hair salon plays. Instead, he carries his own black earbuds and smartphone to block out the salon’s pop music. He prefers instrumental music or even alternative rock.
One time Yoshimoto came in after hearing about Kenshin’s success with his new salon and he “accidentally” changed the music playing in the hair salon to extremely loud screamo music. It wasn’t long before Kenshin chased him out of the hair salon with his scissors and banned Yoshimoto from ever returning.
Even though he was taught to interact with his customers in beauty school, Kenshin is not much of a talker when he works on his client’s hair. He prefers to just listen to his music in silence, only speaking when he instructs his clients to follow him to the sink to wash their hair or to look at a certain angle while he cuts their hair. 
Despite this, Kenshin’s charisma always draws his customers to come back to him. It’s hard to resist him and his prices for his services too.
Kenshin cuts his own hair when it gets a little longer. He doesn’t trust anyone else to do it. 
Keeps his hair salon clean and sparkling every day. Kenshin can’t stand seeing a piece of hair on the floor if it hasn’t been swept and he doesn’t like seeing empty bottles of hairspray on the counters either. Proper sanitation is a must.
Kenshin’s salon eventually becomes the #1 go-to place for hair in Echigo, and he’s quite proud of his hard work. It’s a victory worth showing off! To celebrate, he eventually comes out with his own professional line of hair products and it hits off well among his clients and Echigo.  
Kenshin avidly avoids gossip and drama and refrains from participating in it. He wants his employees to keep it professional, but that all changes when a certain client keeps coming back to his hair salon and Kenshin develops the desire to get to know her better. His employees tease him about it and ask “What happened to the “zero tolerance policy” for gossip?” 
Eventually ends up hiring MC to be his social media and marketing promoter for his hair salon. All of Kenshin’s works of art for hair can be found on his Instagram and other social media websites thanks to MC’s meticulous work. 
His budding romance with MC starts when she allows him to use her hair to create more pretty updos and to test new methods. It isn’t long before Kenshin becomes quite comfortable with MC and loves the feel of her hair. He’s sure he won’t find anyone as open and accepting as her when it comes to being his test subject.
Once Kenshin and MC planned to get married, he asked her if she would allow him to stylize her hair for the wedding, and she agreed! It wasn’t every day that she had the chance to let Kenshin play with her hair. 
If Kenshin had children, they would be set for life when it comes to hair. He would be their one and only hairstylist. He can’t stand the thought of them seeing anyone else. Yandere much?
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help! urgent! this is a serious cry for help, my mom has blocked basically every website on my phone including yours, i recently came out to her and she is very unsupportive. makes me dress extra fem and won’t even let me trim my hair. when i see a female with shorter hair in public i’ll always say “oo i love her hair” and my mom just says no. my dysphoria has been very bad recently and i was wondering if you had any tips to help me, but without links as i cant visit any websites including yours
Kii says:
Here are two posts from our transmasculine resources, but I linked to reblogs of them, so my personal blog is the origin site, not TTSG.
Lee says:
Since you said “i cant visit any websites including yours” it’s probably easier if I just copy the text of the posts here bc I’m assuming there’s a chance that reblogging our post to Kii’s blog might not get around the block if she’s blocked all Tumblr urls and not just our blog specifically. 
You may be able to see our blog if you go to the public library and use one of their computers, but here it is in case you can’t
We get a lot of questions asking how to get short hair, so I’ve gathered some info that may help you in your quest to chop off your long hair and finally be free!
Take baby steps:
First cut it to just below shoulder length, then after a month or two to chin length.
After a month or two of that, say it’s inconvenient because you can’t tie it back with a hairband because it’s in-between long and short and you’ve been enjoying having less hair to deal with and get a feminine “pixie cut”.
Then just progressively got it cut shorter and shorter each time you go for a haircut.
Reasons and excuses to convince your parents to let you get it cut:
Short hair is easier to maintain and take care of! If you’re disabled or mentally ill this is a real bonus to having short hair.
Other ‘girls’ you know have short hair (if you’re closeted). If any of your friends who are girls (or who your parents think are girls) have short hair, point them out to your parents.
Celebrities who are women/girls have short hair. Find pictures of the celebrities that have short hair in the style that you want and ask your parents to get that haircut.
It’s hot out in the summer and short hair would keep you cool and or/ exercising makes your head/hair gross/sweaty.
You want to try the style for the summer and “grow it back if you don’t like it” (ie pretend the summer is a trial run and if you don’t like it you can start growing it back for school).
You want to swim/do sports and short hair would keep it out of your face. You could claim short hair will make you faster under a swim cap because you won’t have the bun and the weight or that it’s hard to keep all your hair inside the cap.
It looks cute/pretty and is fashionable and you want to try a change of hairstyle.
You’re tired of dealing with having long hair as it always gets stuck to/in things.
You want to keep it out of your face/or stop it from touching your face. If you have sensory issues, you could say it’s related to that.
It’ll make your showers quicker which is good for the environment, and you’ll use less hair product and it’ll save you time getting ready in the morning.
If you have OCD or trich, you could say you want it shorter so you won’t pull at your hair as often or you think it’d help reduce the urge to pull at your hair.
You have gum/glue in your hair. Stick some gum or glue in your hair, a bit closer to the end than you want the length to be when it’s cut. Say that it was done by accident (maybe you fell asleep chewing it) and then hopefully you can get it cut or have an excuse to cut it yourself.
You could say you’re experimenting, or it’s just part of being a “Rebellious teenager” if you think they’d allow it to happen if it’s part of a so-called phase and not permanent.
You think you’d look better with short hair/you think you’d be happier and more comfortable with short hair.
Short hair will help you pass better which can be important for your mental health and physical safety, and if you change your mind you can always let it grow out again.
It doesn’t matter what kind of face you have, anyone can rock short hair. The majority of cis guys have short hair. So does that mean every single one has the same type of face? Nah! Some of them must have round faces too. Nobody says anything about having the right shape of face to them, they just get their hair cut short automatically. Sure, some haircuts may be more flattering than others, but short hair can look good on anybody.
Say you’ll pay for the haircut yourself, and you’re X years old now and your body and your hair is your own responsibility, and nobody can make choices on what you want to do with your own body for you.
“I’m growing up and I think I should be able to decide how my hair is cut and styled. I think I can handle the responsibility of making my own decisions about my appearance.
Say you want to donate your hair to an organization like Wigs for Kids or something, and they prefer longer lengths of hair to make longer hair wigs for the kids, and you’re willing to have your hair cut short for a good cause and you’ve been thinking of trying a new style anyway
Act now and ask for forgiveness later:
You could cut your hair sort of short with a pair of scissors, like I did, just a few inches longer than you’d like it to end up. If you watch YouTube tutorials on how to cut hair, it might go better. Or ask a friend for their help.
Then go to the barber shop or hair salon if it didn’t turn out satisfactory (get a ride from a friend, bike, uber, lyft, or walk) and say you usually have short hair but you didn’t get it cut for a while so you let a friend cut it on a dare and now it’s messed up so you need a trim to fix it.
You can show the barber/person cutting your hair a picture of what you want it to look like, and say it usually looks like that.
You will need to have money to pay for your haircut, so check out the How to save money post.
You also should be confident that your parents will not hurt you when they found out you’ve cut it short. But once you’ve cut it short, they can’t magically make it long again so if they won’t react dangerously, it’s worth a try if you can’t convince them.
Helpful links:
Short Haircuts and the Barber Shop
Pos and cons of cutting your hair yourself
A website you can look at hairstyles on
Look at people’s hairstyles on trans selfie blogs for ideas
Gender neutral hairstyles
Get the Perfect Haircut: How to Talk to Your Barber
How to speak hairdresser
Best haircut hairstyle tips
FTM Hairstyle Guide: Tips and Inspiration
Four Great Haircuts for Trans Masc/FTMs
Haircut anxiety
Hair tattoo designs
Anything with one side shaved like this is popular in the lgbt community
15 Best Black Man Haircuts / 27 Hairstyles For Black Men / 22 Haircuts for Black Men
Can I pass with curly hair?
You can also look at people’s selfies on blogs like @brownandtrans for ideas
Here are two asks that have been answered about masculine long hair before, along with some other links:
On Being a Longhair
Caring for Men’s Long Hair
Long Hairstyles for Black Men
How To Grow Your Hair Out
It’s easier to look masculine with long hair if you’re on T, if you’re pre-T then having long hair will make it harder to pass.
5 Basic Tips for Healthy Dreadlocks
16 Terrific Long Hairstyles For Black Men
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may-self · 6 years
The Paradox of the Black Natural Hair Movement Growth and the Growing Popularity of the Human Hair Wigs
Disclaimer: I’m a young black African female
I have kinky hair and my hair has been on a fun journey I  could say, we’re not having as much fun as most women I know (Look at Rihannas’ hairstyle evolution) but that’s another story, today’s story is about the natural hair movement and its proponents' fondness for natural human hair wigs and hair extensions, the curly, the wavy and the straight, all time favorites of women who decided to go on a journey of acceptance and love for their natural God given kinky hair.
 As a black woman, length and volume have always been major issues I’ve been battling with in both phases of natural and relaxed hair. I’m sure a lot of people with 4c hair would agree with me, yes sure it can grow if you get dreadlocks or if you reeeeaaaaally take good care of it which implies hours and hours of pampering, infinite patience and a lot of money spent trying out “miraculous” products. So definitely weaves and wigs are a more practical option to achieve length and volume  in any desired hairstyle in no time rendering that instant dramatic change of look (hashtag flawless, hashtag goals, hashtag iwokeuplikethis, hashtag instabaddie). However, when we think about the essence of the natural hair movement and the origin of said “100% virgin" (Brazilian, Indian, Chinese) human hair they just don’t seem to go well together. The whole idea of abandoning relaxers and perms (and hair dyes) is to stop trying to chemically force the kinky hair to turn into the texture of other races' hair, it’s to try to stop copying other people's hair and embracing, liking, loving ours as it is. No?Let’s look now at the human hair million dollar business, this hair does not often come in kinky texture, it comes in straight, wavy and curly textures (other people's hair texture), and they come from the heads of real people, it grows, it’s cut, it’s unneeded hair. Definitely not our hair. So what’s the deal? How does wearing it contributes to us black women loving ourselves more? Undeniably, hair is a beauty accessory to women, grooming our hair is part of our femininity, it’s important. So the attention and time that we give to taking care of our hair is justifiable. It’s also justifiable to want to shorten this time but still achieve our desired result. However, there’s a catch,  this natural unnatural hair (at least the most expensive one) is reserved for special occasions: work functions, trips, birthdays, graduations, engagements, weddings... moments where women want to look their best and part of looking their best means tucking their own hair away underneath these expensive caps covered with hair strands that are foreign. Isn’t this a loss for the natural hair movement? In practice, most women don’t really care about the politics behind their hairstyle, they are just going with the trends, it became trendy to stop using relaxers they jumped on that train, how many women tried to get Rihanna's haircut or the ombré look? How about Beyonce's flawless curls? Weaves were always trendy but now with their improved quality, versatility and availability in the market and mostly with so many celebrities, beauty bloggers and overall influencers embracing this trend and advertising it, it just got unquestionably more popular, even the ones who were still a little resistant felt tempted to give it a try, I know I felt. But, let’s take a look, without the glamour lenses sold by the beauty business, at what wearing a natural hair wig/weave really is. Looking at it bluntly, my extremist side would compare it to growing our nails, clipping them and selling them for other human beings to use, which seems a little off. In a moderate thought I could compare it to an organ donation, someone is giving a part of their body that is not essential to their survival or well being to someone who needs it or to better say it “wants it” and hopefully said someone gets paid for it, doesn’t seem so bad now.  It seems a little vain to compare hair application to a kidney transplant, yet, there are many real life situations that would lead a person to actually need a human hair extension (cancer, alopecia, among others), in this situations, regaining your normal appearance would serve as a little but much needed self-esteem boost, the question is, are we black women in such a need of a self-esteem boost that requires a change of hair texture or our choices are merely due to lack of availability of the kinky hair extensions? Aren’t we falling prey of the same old western beauty standards?
 I’m a big believer of freedom of choice and wearing your hair as you please is an exercise of that right, I don’t frown upon any hairstyle natural or unnatural, if it looks good, if the woman is happy with it then great, it’s 2019, I’m not trying here to suggest how black women’s hair should ideally look. My only concern is that a subliminal message might be sent that although having your hair natural is a healthier choice, this other slick, bouncy, shiny hair represents an enhancement of beauty, a luxury good, a symbol of finesse and an investment to make if we want to look neat and flawless, because it is at the end of the day, just hair and not ours/ just not our hair. -M
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transssexualheart · 7 years
flower crown- when did you last sing to yourself?earlier today bc i was trying to learn the song on guitar
fairy lights- if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?do my friends actually love me
daisies- what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?honestly? not ending it lmao
1975- what is the first happy memory that comes to your mind, recent or otherwise?this is weirdly specific and not even particularly happy but i remember this one time when i was little it was late at night and my dad had been reading alice in wonderland to me beforehand and he had an apple that he was cutting into thin slices and eating it as he went and he would give me the slices because i was sitting next to him i don’t know why i even consider it a happy memory
matte- if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?i’m not sure. i think i might just kill myself before it happened lmao because the ideal would be “do things that make me happy and be happy before i go”, but doing certain things aren’t going to make me happy, what will make me happy is years of work towards that happiness so what would be the point of still living if i knew that i only had a year to be happy because i will not make it to happiness in time
black nail polish- do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?i don’t have one
pantone- describe a person close in your life in detail.wow this made me realize i’m not really that close to many people. anyway no
moodboard- do you feel you had a happy childhood?lol no my parents divorced when i was too young to remember them originally deciding to get divorced, they were fighting for custody for at least a year, my dad died when i was eight, a lot of shit went down
stars- when did you last cry in front of another person?does crying in the same room as someone else but it being dark count? because if so that was just last month
plants- pick a person to stargaze with and explain why you picked them.whomst the fuck do yall think and why lmao
converse- would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?only if we probably would never see each other again
lace- when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?i can’t remember when but sometime this summer and probably with you 
handwriting- if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?not to be a cheesy motherfucker but “i love you” and probably to u bc like, i would be dying
cactus- what is your opinion on brown eyes?i have them and i used to hate them, but after seeing a lot of love for them i hate mine less
sunrise- pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.shit i can’t think of one
oil paints- what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?An Absolute Shit Show
overalls- what would you do with a billion dollars? in the future use it to pay for meds and therapy and a nice college and constantly spoil my friends and spoil myself kinda bc honestly anyone that says you’ll donate it ALL is a big liar don’t act like you aren’t gonna buy some nice sweaters beforehand, and donate to ppl who need money like u kno those posts that are like “help a trans disabled woman leave her abusive home” i would throw my money around at those and other such good causes that i believe in
combat boots- are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?i’m not sure? i mean if someone fucks me over and never apologizes then no i won’t forgive them but if someone makes a mistake that they recognize as a mistake and apologizes for it then i will forgive them 
winged eyeliner- write a hundred letter word to your twelve year old self.hey. i would really like to say to you that things have gotten so much better but they haven’t really. but here’s the thing. you have a therapist now and you don’t fight with your mom and stepdad as much because you figured out how to stay out of it. you have a friend that supports you and loves you and will do her best for you, which is exactly the friend that you’re probably being a dick to right now so cut that shit out. my point is, you’ll get worse. but you’ll start to get better. it’s okay.
pastel- would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?fashion wise? probably pastel
tattoos- how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.i have two tattoos and i want more, i would love piercings but i’ll probably get them infected.
piercings- do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?i do, because it makes me feel more confident and it’s fun
bands- talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.i don’t think i really have one 
messy bun- the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.“i’m gay”
cry baby- list the concerts you have been to and how they made you feel.i’ve only been to two and neither were life changing or any of that, i saw twenty one pilots and the 1975 and both were fun 
grunge- who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?idk man
space- do you have a desk/work space and how is it organized/not organized?i have a desk for my computer and it’s covered in random shit like dead batteries and candy wrappers
white bed sheets- what is your nighttime routine?get in bed, turn off lights, don’t fall asleep for another three hours due to my depression keeping me up at night
old books- what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?everything
beaches- if you had to dye your hair, how would you dye/style it and why?dye it pink bc i wanna and i can’t really style my hair its too short
eyes- pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?what the FUCK is that
11:11- name three wishes and why you wish for them.to be happy, to be loved, and to not be made out to be a freak by cis ppl for obvious reasons
painting- what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. idk i guess last years bc i styled a wig with hairspray and everything
thunder- what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?become a racist shit bag
storms- you can only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?oooh man hard choice. i would have to go with one person bc if i can only listen to one song how will i play piano or guitar but if i can only not see the person i can still have other friends by calling or texting
love- have you ever fallen in love? describe what it’s like to realize you’re in love.i have, here we goit feels like being hit by something hard and fast. because what the fuck? suddenly you miss this person too much. more than you used to and more than you know you should and it makes sense because you’ve been thinking about them all day but it still doesn’t make sense because why is this happening why did things just change like this. and it feels weird and new but in a good way, and you like that breathless feeling and the way your chest feels like it’s going to explode and you can’t stop smiling even though you know you’re so fucked because you feel alive and in love and it’s everything and suddenly all the music you listen to makes you feel like you’re in a movie and everything seems so perfectly fucked up and you like it whether you want to or not
clouds- if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?i’m a boy and i would rock that nail polish i’ve done it before and i’ll do it again
coffee- what’s your starbucks order and who would you trust to order it for you, if anyone? i’ve never had starbucks
marble- what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?whomst the fuck do u think
i can always rely on u to ask me shit thank u
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boldstrands · 6 years
Discovery: Illumination
What do I already know?
A hair donating service offered to anyone.  
What is the product?
The product is a service provided to people to help facilitate the process of donating their hair.  
What is the client?
Anyone who is capable of growing out their hair.
Is there a name?
What does it do; are there special features?
This service will make it easier for people to donate their hair because the package will come to them instead of them having to seek out a specific place that could take their donation. It will also be available all year long rather than focusing on certain months like other companies. Other special features will include interacting with the person receiving the hair.  
What is the problem or opportunity?
The opportunity is to create a service for anyone to be able to donate their hair in a simpler way as well as an interactive way.
Who am I talking to?
Any age group who would be interested in finding ways to help the community/ people. Any age group who is in need of hair donations.
(help identify the audience)
What is the age group?
Any age group would qualify to be able to donate their hair. Young adults and adults would be able to complete it on their own. Adolescences would need parental permission and supervision to be able to donate their hair.
What is the gender?
The focus would not be specifically for female or male it would be for any gender. Any gender can donate and receive the donation.
Where are they located?
This service would be geared towards people who are into giving back to their community.
What is their economic status?
People don’t have to economical stable to donate their hair. It does not necessarily cost to grow hair.  
What are their values?
People who are involved in giving back to the community or taking care of the community.  
What is their perception of the product?
This service will facilitate the process of donating their hair any time of the year. As well as give them the opportunity to interact with the person receiving their hair that is in need.  
What image do I want to project?
This service will have be seen as a way to give back to the community without having to actually go out and volunteer or donate money.
What emotion do I want to evoke?
This service will evoke a hopeful emotion for the receiver and a satisfaction emotion to the giver.  
What tone of voice do I want to use?
This service is giving which may come off as more settled, but it is a bold move that people take when donating hair. The tone of voice this service will use is bold because the consumer is letting their hair grow and then cutting it to donate it.
Options for overall personalities that may apply: Traditional / Casual / Professional / Hip / Sophisticated / Serious / Innovative / Casual / Technical / Young / Playful  
What are the unknowns?  
-how funding will be obtained
-how competitive it may be
-finding enough resources
What/ Who is the competitor?
-locks of love
-wigs for kids
-chai lifeline
-children with hair loss
-pantene beautiful lenghts
-hair we share
-track where hair is going, donation salons across the US, under 18, and adults facing hardships
What are the competitor’s weakness/ strengths?  
-since 1997
-accept color and permed hair
-acceptable lengths 8 in, 10 in, 14 in
-provide just an address to mail the hair to
-certifications available after donation  
-just for kids/ women/ charge after 21
What is the competitor’s message?
Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children free of charge.
What are my products strengths/ weaknesses?  
Strengths: No other donation service allows for the interaction between the donor and the receiver. Will be for any age level not just kids.
Weaknesses: finding the funding needed to provide the box where the donors will place the hair, finding donations that can be used as gifts. Figuring out a way to specifically match the donner with the receiver.    
How am I different from the competition?
Our services will make the process of donating the hair interactive unlike the other facilities that already exist.  
Employ ethnography to find out about your competition or clients  
What are the parameters?  
What is the deadline?
There is a deadline within the donation service. The person donating the hair will have to have their hair to a certain length to donate it, but they may be able to let it grow longer that what is needed.  
Is there a schedule?
People sign up for the service then they receive a letter with information explaining the process and information about the person who will be receiving the donation.
Is there a budget?
This will be a none profit organization, people can give donations if they would like but the focus is to be a non-profit organization.
Is there a short term or long-term goal?
The long-term goal is to get more people to donate their hair in the easiest possible way. As well make the process of donating hair interactive.  
Are there production limitations?
Yes, not receiving enough funding to provide the services.
Are there any no goes – absolutely nots?
Cannot accept hair that has been damaged, such as dreadlocked, highlighted, permed, bleached.
Who has to approve?
What are the final expectations?
A service to facilitate the process of donating hair that will also be interactive.  
What is the goal or aspiration?
One of the goals is to get more people to donate their hair. The second goal is to give people in need hope, and while doing so help create an interactive experience while completing the process.
Is there a single message to communicate?
The single message would be donating hair made easy while interacting with the receiver at the same time.
Is there an overall impression to present?
The overall impression to be received is that this is a service that gives back but both the giver and receiver feel satisfied once completed with the service. Both parties win meaning both ends satisfied and not just one-person benefits.  
What is the expected end product?
The end product would be that both parties end the service feeling complete and satisfied. The person donating will expect to feel complete by having the opportunity to donate their hair but will also feel satisfied by giving back. The receiver will feel hopeful after receiving their hair, as well as joyful to be able to interact with the person donating the hair.  
A hair donation service where any gender and age group is allowed to participate. The process of donating will be interactive between the donor and receiver.  
This service is geared towards people who are into giving back to the community. It includes all genders and all age groups. 
The personality behind this service is bold and life changing. It is bold because the giver is committing to growing their hair and then making the bold move of cutting it. It is also life changing because the receiver is getting something that will change their life completely.
The other hair donation services mostly focus on getting donations for children under 21. Some servers are not as interactive as others, some just provide their adress.  
One of the goals is to get more people to donate their hair. The second goal is to give people in need hope, and while doing so help create an interactive experience while completing the process.
Hair donation service that helps the donner and receiver get to know each other from the first package while keeping it simple for the donor to donate their hair.
Name List
-With love : nonprofit organization helps foster families (withloveoregon)
-Bold beginnings : BOLD Beginning! All things childhood in ohio  
-Strand hearted (warmhearted)  
-Gracious strands : wig company
-Hair hearted  
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Star left-hander to donate hair for cancer-stricken children
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/star-left-hander-to-donate-hair-for-cancer-stricken-children/
Star left-hander to donate hair for cancer-stricken children
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SEOUL, March 26 (Yonhap) — South Korean baseball pitcher Kim Kwang-hyun has cut off his long locks for cancer-stricken children.
The SK Wyverns in the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) said Monday that the left-hander got a haircut for a good cause following his start Sunday. He will donate his hair to make wigs for children who’ve lost their own hair following cancer treatment.
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In this photo provided by the SK Wyverns baseball club, Kim Kwang-hyun, the team’s starting pitcher, gets a haircut on March 25, 2018, in Incheon, 40 kilometers west of Seoul. Kim will donate his hair to help make wigs for children who’ve lost their hair following cancer treatment. (Yonhap)
The Wyverns said it will hold a ceremony to mark the occasion before their home game against the KT Wiz on Tuesday at SK Happy Dream Park in Incheon, 40 kilometers west of Seoul.
Kim, who hadn’t previously worn his hair long, had been sporting flowing locks since spring training. The 29-year-old pitcher decided to grow his hair after learning that his manager, Trey Hillman, started growing his to help children with cancer.
After missing the entire 2017 season following an elbow operation, Kim won his first start of the 2018 season Sunday, thanks to five shutout innings against the Lotte Giants.
“I am pleased to keep my promise with fans that I’d donate my hair for children suffering from cancer,” Kim said in a statement released by the Wyverns. “Now that I’ve cut my hair, I will be supporting my manager (Hillman) the rest of the way. I hope you will be behind him as well and pay more attention to children with cancer.”
   In addition to donating hair, the Wyverns will be running a blood donation campaign for the entire season. At every home game this year, the Wyverns will offer discounts to fans who bring their blood donor cards.
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Kim Kwang-hyun of the SK Wyverns gets ready for a Korea Baseball Organization regular season game against the Lotte Giants at SK Happy Dream Park in Incheon, 40 kilometers west of Seoul, on March 25, 2018. (Yonhap)
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
4 Places You Can Donate Your Hair To Make Wigs For Cancer Patients
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/4-places-you-can-donate-your-hair-to-make-wigs-for-cancer-patients/
4 Places You Can Donate Your Hair To Make Wigs For Cancer Patients
4 Places You Can Donate Your Hair To Make Wigs For Cancer Patients Niharika Nayak Hyderabd040-395603080 November 8, 2019
Do you have long, luscious locks that you’re tired of sporting? Would you like to make a difference in a stranger’s life? Then why not donate it to make wigs for cancer patients?
During chemotherapy, many men, women, and even children suffer from some form of alopecia (hair loss). The hair loss is usually temporary, and it starts growing back a few weeks after the last treatment. Oddly enough, re-grown hair can sometimes change in color, texture, thickness, or style.
In some rare cases of cancer, permanent hair loss can occur. Chemotherapy related alopecia is more common in women, and their hair thins at a much faster rate than men.
So How Can I Help?
There is a reason most NGOs prefer making wigs for cancer patients and survivors using natural human hair. This is because human hair is stronger and more durable than synthetic hair. It can also be custom made to fit the client’s head and looks more like natural hair than the other.
There are a variety of NGOs that would accept your hair (preferably if it is over 12 inches long). We’ve noted down a few names of places that will take your hair and turn it into wigs for survivors of cancer.
Hair Crown, Tamil Nadu
Hair Crown is an NGO based in Theni in Tamil Nadu. It was established in the year 2014 and accepts all types of hair— colored or treated. However, they do insist that the length of the hair be between 12 to 15 inches. The process of donating to this NGO is simple— firstly, one must shampoo and condition their hair. No styling products should be used on your hair other than the two mentioned prior. Once done, gather your hair at the nape of your neck and tie a super-tight ponytail, make sure you measure the length before taking a pair of scissors. Measure the amount of hair you wish to cut, place it in a padded envelope, and mail it to them. (1)
Cope With Cancer, Mumbai
Cope with Cancer is a non-profit organization based in Chembur, Mumbai. They accept hair that is a minimum of 12 inches and say that length is more important than thickness. According to one of the members of this organization, each wig is made from hair donated by at least 6 to 7 women. This NGO, too, accepts hair that has been treated or colored. Just read some of the stories of women who have donated their hair to the organization on their website and you’ll get a better idea. (2)
Sargakshetra Cultural Centre, Kerala
This organization is based out of Kottayam in Kerala. They have been running for the last six years and have made over one thousand wigs. What’s interesting about this organization is that it accepts donations from both men as well as women. The minimum length required to donate here is fourteen inches. It takes hair donated from three to four people to make a single wig, and so far, they have received donations from over four thousand people. Their hair donations come from across the globe, and there is no monetary exchange of any kind. (3)
For You Trust, Kerala
Based in the city of Kannur, Kerala, hair donations between the length of ten to fifteen inches are accepted. While most of the instructions remain the same, one must remember not to send hair that has been swept from the ground. Wig makers will not use hair that has fallen to the ground. The package has to be sealed and sent in with your address and name. (4)
Be Careful Where You Donate
There have been plenty of cases of donated hair going missing or being illegally used for other purposes— to make hair for entertainment purposes or other hair weaving procedures. There have been many cases in the news involving ‘hair mafia’s and them stealing hair meant to be donated to cancer patients. These mafias only cut off six inches of hair versus the minimum of twelve that is required to make a shoulder-length wig. Some have gone so far as to organize drives in schools and use the hair donated by the students for other purposes.
A while back, a few fraudulent individuals in Thrissur conducted a hair donation drive using the name of Amala Hospital. However, when the hospital was contacted, they claimed that they had not conducted the drive. In places like Kannur, Kozhikode and, Thrissur, cops have become extremely vigilant and they keep a stern eye on any activities or drives related to hair donations. (5)
All in all, one must be careful to check their sources and make sure they donate to reputable organizations and follow up with where their hair is going. Donating your hair to someone who can’t grow their own or who have lost their hair is a beautiful way to show your support.
Have you ever donated your hair? Did it feel good? Share your experiences with us in the comments section below.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/places-you-can-donate-your-hair/
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zenruption · 7 years
A chop chop here, a chop chop there
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By Christina Lords
The first time I chopped off all my hair was because of a boy.
After 10 years of starts and stops, and a love that was always more one sided — mine — than a healthy partnership, he finally told me in no uncertain terms that we would never be together.
Cool, brah.
I cried. I bought an obscene amount of cupcakes. I didn’t leave my bed for days.
And then, after substantial amounts of wallowing, I did what any sane woman would do: I walked into a salon I had never been to and told a woman I had never met to chop off a foot of my hair.
It sounds silly, but I told myself I needed to look in the mirror and have a daily, physical reminder that I could make a permanent change and cut this person from my life.
My hairstylist told me that while my change seemed soul-crushing, the donation of my hair could make a difference for people across the country going through much more significant changes of their own.
She unceremoniously handed me my sawed-off ponytail, a plastic baggie, a stiff orange envelope and a donation form for Locks of Love — the organization that provides hairpieces to children who have long-term hair loss from a medical diagnosis. And she sent me on my way.
People were stunned. My perpetually un-dyed, long, infamously thick brown hair had been a part of my identity since I had an identity. It hadn’t been shorter than my shoulders since it grew below them when I was 3 years old. At the time of the first chop, I was 27 — a solid 24 years with hair down to at least the middle of my back.
I wasn’t ever scared of cutting it. It just was a part of me, like my left pinkie finger. I wasn’t chopping off that anytime soon, either.
But as soon as the hairstylist put that form in my hand, I knew immediately I wanted to grow it back just so I could be in the chair, donating it again.
After about two years, it had grown long enough to donate. But for some reason, maybe because two years did feel like a long time and I wanted to enjoy the sense that I was back to being me — the girl with the long, thick brown hair that cleans up pretty nice when you wrangle a curl or two into it — I couldn’t pull the trigger.
A year passed.
Then, on July 19, I joined a table full of women at the Idaho Press-Tribune’s table at the Snake River Stampede’s Pink on the Dirt event. The luncheon supports the rodeo’s Stampede for the Cure efforts to raise money for mammograms to diagnose breast cancer, a diagnosis one in eight women will face in their lifetime.
There I heard the story of Nicole, a mother of two who is celebrating seven years in remission. Of Danielle, a 34-year-old registered nurse and survivor who has been in remission for two years. Of Amy, a two-sport College of Idaho athlete who received her breast cancer diagnosis at age 20, 10 years younger than I am now.
Of Jodie, Roberta, Melissa, Myra, Mary, Esperanza and Brenda, who all faced down breast cancer on terms of their own.
The survivors allowed the audience to get a glimpse of their battle, of how radiation weakened their bodies and chemotherapy stole their hair from them at the most vulnerable time of their life.
Survivors at my table teared up to these stories while remembering their own, and I absentmindedly reached up to the back of my neck. I twirled my hair, a subconscious habit I do dozens of times a day, and had a feeling it was time.
On Saturday, I blew a fuse blow drying my hair, and my whole apartment went dark.
OK, universe. I feel you.
On Monday I visited my favorite salon, The Chair in downtown Meridian, Idaho and my favorite hairstylist, Jessi, who has helped me stay patient and keep growing it out over the last three years. She chopped.
This time I’m donating my 9 inches of hair to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths program, which donates wigs to women fighting cancer so they can feel like themselves again.
It’s something I hope to do over and over again — grow it out, chop, grow it out, chop — as long as I’m able.
Because at the end of the day, my long hair is one tiny element of my identity. I’m hopeful my donations can play a small part in helping the women facing cancer rightfully take back theirs.
Christina Lords is the assistant editor. Email her at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @IPTLords.
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The scissors snip together slowly making that unmistakable crunching sound, and 14 inches of hair that I spent two years growing are now gone.
But the strands didn't just fall to the ground to get swept up and thrown away.
Instead, my hair is now on its way to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, an organization that partners with the American Cancer Society to distribute free wigs to cancer patients.
I have donated my hair to charity three times now. In my experience, donating your hair is a much more personal gift than sending a check to a charity.
You're sending a piece of yourself to a kid or adult who has a disease that's caused them to lose their hair.
This time around, I still had some major questions about the process.
Where does my hair go once it's cut off my head? Who gets the wigs? Who makes the wigs? Where do they make them? How many people can it help? Which organization is best?
Before I made that final cut, I found the answers. Here's what I learned.
Which organization should I choose?
The first two times I donated my hair (I guess it's a thing I do now), I sent it to Locks of Love. But hearing they sell wigs to make a profit gave me pause.
It turns out Locks of Love doesn't charge kids for the wigs — but they do sometimes sell the hair if it's too short or grey. Once I dug into why, though, it made sense.
"Shorter hair will be separated from the ponytails and sold to offset the manufacturing costs. Although the shorter hair cannot be used in the hairpieces, it still greatly helps to reduce costs," the organization says on its website. "We can accept donations of gray hair. Because we only provide hairpieces to children, we cannot use this hair in a hairpiece but will sell it to offset our manufacturing costs."
None of the three organizations I looked into charge recipients for wigs. They do have slightly different requirements and missions, though.
Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids both give their hair donations to kids with any medical hair loss, while Pantene Beautiful Lengths focuses on adult cancer patients. Here's a breakdown of the three organizations:
Deciding which organization to donate your hair to is a personal choice. I went with Beautiful Lengths this time because I wanted to help cancer patients.
Where does the hair go?
Once you send your hair in, the organizations process it and send it to a wig manufacturer.
A Pantene spokesperson told Business Insider that once Beautiful Lengths has enough hair donations at its collection location, they send a shipment to Hair U Wear, one of the largest wig manufacturers in the world.
Hair U Wear makes the wigs at its factory in Indonesia and then ships them back to Pantene, which gives the well-traveled hair to the American Cancer Society to distribute at its wig banks across the US.
Who gets the wigs?
Jessica Melore, 34, describes losing her hair as "an outward manifestation of being sick." It's a constant reminder that her body is fighting cancer — in the drain when she takes a shower, on her pillow when she wakes up.
She just finished chemotherapy for her third bout with cancer and said that getting a wig was an important boost for her wellbeing, making her feel like herself again.
"It's a little bit of sadness like, 'Oh there it goes, I'm on my way to being bald,'" Melore told Business Insider. "But you have that reassurance that the wig is there and you feel good about it."
This time, before she lost her hair, Melore donated it and got a wig from the American Cancer Society all in the same day. She broadcast the experience on the via Facebook Live with the ACS:
Pantene partners with the American Cancer Society to distribute the donations at its 43 wig banks nationwide. The Beautiful Lengths program has given out 42,000 wigs made from 800,000 real hair donations since it began in 2006. (It takes about eight ponytails to make one wig.)
Patti Allen, the senior director of mission delivery for the ACS of New York and New Jersey, told Business Insider that while they have styles for both sexes, mostly women come in for wigs.
Each ACS wig bank across the country has a salon where cancer patients can come pick out a wig and have it individually tailored by a professional stylist just like Melore did.
"It's not one size fits all. My hair is not like somebody else's hair. We really try to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible," Allen said. "It's hard enough that they're going through treatment that has altered their lifestyle. The wig is the least thing that we can do to try to make them feel a little bit better about what they're going through."
How can I donate?
Each organization has slightly different donation requirements, which you can find on their websites.
Pantene takes non-dyed hair that's less than 5% grey and at least 8 inches long. Locks for Love accepts hair that is grey or dyed (but not bleached) over 10 inches. Wigs for Kids will take grey, but not dyed, hair that is at least 12 inches long.
For all three, you can stretch curly hair out to reach the minimum length, but the shortest layers have to meet that number or they probably won't be used.
Make sure you put the hair in multiple ponytails or rubber bands before you cut it so it stays together when you send it in.
The hair has to be completely dry before you send it, too, so it doesn't get moldy. They have to throw hair away if it is.
Ask your hair salon if they will give you a discount or even cut your hair for free if you're donating it (mine did!). Wigs for Kids has a search function on their website to find a salon that works with them.
How can I get a wig?
While many of the 650,000 cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy every year in the US are able to grow their hair back after they complete treatment, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause permanent hair loss. Over 6.6 million Americans have alopecia or will get it at some point in their lives, according to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, and it often begins in childhood.
If you have cancer, alopecia, or another medical affliction that has caused you to lose your hair, reach out to the organizations to see if you can get a wig. Pantene is the only one of the three that offers wigs to adults, so keep that in mind if you need one and are over 18.
No matter which organization you choose, your hair can help someone who no longer has theirs.
"I had been familiar with the American Cancer Society through their fundraising activities and the research that they do," Melore said. "But [it was comforting] to know that there was this whole other side that is dedicated to supporting you and making you feel like yourself, which is I think part of the whole experience, too, because it ties in with your whole sense of wellbeing. This is such a wonderful service."
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Getting short hair
Lee says:
We get a lot of questions asking how to get short hair, so I’ve gathered some info that may help you in your quest to chop off your long hair and finally be free!
Take baby steps:
First cut it to just below shoulder length, then after a month or two to chin length. 
After a month or two of that, say it’s inconvenient because you can’t tie it back with a hairband because it’s in-between long and short and you’ve been enjoying having less hair to deal with and get a feminine “pixie cut”. 
Then just progressively got it cut shorter and shorter each time you go for a haircut.
Reasons and excuses to convince your parents to let you get it cut:
Short hair is easier to maintain and take care of! If you’re disabled or mentally ill this is a real bonus to having short hair.
Other ‘girls’ you know have short hair (if you’re closeted). If any of your friends who are girls (or who your parents think are girls) have short hair, point them out to your parents.
Celebrities who are women/girls have short hair. Find pictures of the celebrities that have short hair in the style that you want and ask your parents to get that haircut.
It’s hot out in the summer and short hair would keep you cool and or/ exercising makes your head/hair gross/sweaty.
You want to try the style for the summer and “grow it back if you don’t like it” (ie pretend the summer is a trial run and if you don’t like it you can start growing it back for school).
You want to swim/do sports and short hair would keep it out of your face. You could claim that it’s hard to keep all your hair inside the cap or it’s uncomfortable to shove it all in there.
Short hair looks cute/pretty and is fashionable and you want to try a change of hairstyle.
You’re tired of dealing with having long hair as it always gets stuck to/in things.
You want to keep it out of your face/or stop it from touching your face. If you have sensory issues, you could say it’s related to that.
It’ll make your showers quicker which is good for the environment, and you’ll use less hair product and it’ll save you time getting ready in the morning.
If you have OCD or trich, you could say you want it shorter so you won’t pull at your hair as often or you think it’d help reduce the urge to pull at your hair.
You have gum/glue in your hair. Stick some gum or glue in your hair, a bit closer to the end than you want the length to be when it’s cut. Say that it was done by accident (maybe you fell asleep chewing it) and then hopefully you can get it cut or have an excuse to cut it yourself.
You could say you’re experimenting, or it’s just part of being a “Rebellious teenager” if you think they’d allow it to happen if it’s part of a so-called phase and not permanent.
You think you’d look better with short hair/you think you’d be happier and more comfortable with short hair.
Short hair will help you pass better which can be important for your mental health and physical safety, and if you change your mind you can always let it grow out again.
It doesn’t matter what kind of face you have, anyone can rock short hair. The majority of cis guys have short hair. So does that mean every single one has the same type of face? Nah! Some of them must have round faces too. Nobody says anything about having the right shape of face to them, they just get their hair cut short automatically. Sure, some haircuts may be more flattering than others, but short hair can look good on anybody.
Say you’ll pay for the haircut yourself, and you’re X years old now and your body and your hair is your own responsibility, and nobody can make choices on what you want to do with your own body for you.
“I’m growing up and I think I should be able to decide how my hair is cut and styled. I think I can handle the responsibility of making my own decisions about my appearance.
Say you want to donate your hair to an organization like Wigs for Kids or something, and they prefer longer lengths of hair to make longer hair wigs for the kids, and you’re willing to have your hair cut short for a good cause and you’ve been thinking of trying a new style anyway
Act now and ask for forgiveness later:
You could cut your hair sort of short with a pair of scissors, like I did, just a few inches longer than you’d like it to end up. If you watch YouTube tutorials on how to cut hair, it might go better. Or ask a friend for their help.
Then go to the barber shop or hair salon if it didn't turn out satisfactory (get a ride from a friend, bike, uber, lyft, or walk) and say you usually have short hair but you didn’t get it cut for a while so you let a friend cut it on a dare and now it’s messed up so you need a trim to fix it.
You can show the barber/person cutting your hair a picture of what you want it to look like, and say it usually looks like that.
You will need to have money to pay for your haircut, so check out the How to save money post.
You also should be confident that your parents will not hurt you when they found out you’ve cut it short. But once you’ve cut it short, they can’t magically make it long again so if they won’t react dangerously, it’s worth a try if you can’t convince them. 
Helpful links:
Short Haircuts and the Barber Shop
Pos and cons of cutting your hair yourself
A website you can look at hairstyles on
Look at people’s hairstyles on trans selfie blogs for ideas
Gender neutral hairstyles
Get the Perfect Haircut: How to Talk to Your Barber
How to speak hairdresser
Best haircut hairstyle tips
FTM Hairstyle Guide: Tips and Inspiration
Four Great Haircuts for Trans Masc/FTMs
Haircut anxiety
Hair tattoo designs
Anything with one side shaved like this is popular in the lgbt community 
15 Best Black Man Haircuts / 27 Hairstyles For Black Men / 22 Haircuts for Black Men
Can I pass with curly hair?
You can also look at people’s selfies on blogs like @brownandtrans for ideas
Followers, feel free to add on!
Followers say:
guiltyidealist said: If you’re needing a short haircut, but you aren’t out to your guardians/they aren’t accepting, show them this list of female celebrities that have short haircuts.
amthsts-remade said: wake up one morning, chew up some gum or get like a big lollipop, and just fuckin tangle it in your hair. make yourself cry and tell your parents you fell asleep with gum/candy in your mouth and bam. you’ll get some shit from your parents but it’s not really possible to say no to that lmao
gay-jesus-probably: for the glue/gum option, if you want ultra strenth never coming out MUST cut it, silly putty. just stick silly putty in there. It happened to me once by accident as a kid. Had to cut it, that shit would not come out. Alternatively, if your hair knots easily and you can get away with it, quietly don’t brush/wash your hair for around a week, maybe two. It will feel disgusting, but by the end of it the knot will be so bad that you’ll have to cut it out, or spend several hours tearing at it....
experimentalreality said: I started complaining about my long hair (which at the time was down to my hips) for a week or 2 and then i just asked my mom if i could cut my hair super short like my grandmothers (its good to name girls in your family that have short hair and say you really like how it looks on them)
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