boldstrands · 6 years
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Refined Logo and Type
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boldstrands · 6 years
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Logo Finals: Black and white / Color
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boldstrands · 6 years
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Final Logo Placement Choosing 
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boldstrands · 6 years
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Refining Logo
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boldstrands · 6 years
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Roughs, Project1. 
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boldstrands · 6 years
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boldstrands · 6 years
Value Proposition
Our (product)
Helps (user or group of users)
Who want to (intent)
By (how)
Unlike (differentiator)
(point of view of who is participating: the donor)
Unlike other donating hair facilities where donors just mail in their hair and the process ends, Bold Beginnings, will provide a simple interactive process to people wanting to donate their hair. Those who are ready to make a difference and create new beginnings will follow simple steps to mail their hair while getting the opportunity to introduce themselves and get to know the person receiving their donated hair.
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boldstrands · 6 years
Discovery: Illumination
What do I already know?
A hair donating service offered to anyone.  
What is the product?
The product is a service provided to people to help facilitate the process of donating their hair.  
What is the client?
Anyone who is capable of growing out their hair.
Is there a name?
What does it do; are there special features?
This service will make it easier for people to donate their hair because the package will come to them instead of them having to seek out a specific place that could take their donation. It will also be available all year long rather than focusing on certain months like other companies. Other special features will include interacting with the person receiving the hair.  
What is the problem or opportunity?
The opportunity is to create a service for anyone to be able to donate their hair in a simpler way as well as an interactive way.
Who am I talking to?
Any age group who would be interested in finding ways to help the community/ people. Any age group who is in need of hair donations.
(help identify the audience)
What is the age group?
Any age group would qualify to be able to donate their hair. Young adults and adults would be able to complete it on their own. Adolescences would need parental permission and supervision to be able to donate their hair.
What is the gender?
The focus would not be specifically for female or male it would be for any gender. Any gender can donate and receive the donation.
Where are they located?
This service would be geared towards people who are into giving back to their community.
What is their economic status?
People don’t have to economical stable to donate their hair. It does not necessarily cost to grow hair.  
What are their values?
People who are involved in giving back to the community or taking care of the community.  
What is their perception of the product?
This service will facilitate the process of donating their hair any time of the year. As well as give them the opportunity to interact with the person receiving their hair that is in need.  
What image do I want to project?
This service will have be seen as a way to give back to the community without having to actually go out and volunteer or donate money.
What emotion do I want to evoke?
This service will evoke a hopeful emotion for the receiver and a satisfaction emotion to the giver.  
What tone of voice do I want to use?
This service is giving which may come off as more settled, but it is a bold move that people take when donating hair. The tone of voice this service will use is bold because the consumer is letting their hair grow and then cutting it to donate it.
Options for overall personalities that may apply: Traditional / Casual / Professional / Hip / Sophisticated / Serious / Innovative / Casual / Technical / Young / Playful  
What are the unknowns?  
-how funding will be obtained
-how competitive it may be
-finding enough resources
What/ Who is the competitor?
-locks of love
-wigs for kids
-chai lifeline
-children with hair loss
-pantene beautiful lenghts
-hair we share
-track where hair is going, donation salons across the US, under 18, and adults facing hardships
What are the competitor’s weakness/ strengths?  
-since 1997
-accept color and permed hair
-acceptable lengths 8 in, 10 in, 14 in
-provide just an address to mail the hair to
-certifications available after donation  
-just for kids/ women/ charge after 21
What is the competitor’s message?
Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children free of charge.
What are my products strengths/ weaknesses?  
Strengths: No other donation service allows for the interaction between the donor and the receiver. Will be for any age level not just kids.
Weaknesses: finding the funding needed to provide the box where the donors will place the hair, finding donations that can be used as gifts. Figuring out a way to specifically match the donner with the receiver.    
How am I different from the competition?
Our services will make the process of donating the hair interactive unlike the other facilities that already exist.  
Employ ethnography to find out about your competition or clients  
What are the parameters?  
What is the deadline?
There is a deadline within the donation service. The person donating the hair will have to have their hair to a certain length to donate it, but they may be able to let it grow longer that what is needed.  
Is there a schedule?
People sign up for the service then they receive a letter with information explaining the process and information about the person who will be receiving the donation.
Is there a budget?
This will be a none profit organization, people can give donations if they would like but the focus is to be a non-profit organization.
Is there a short term or long-term goal?
The long-term goal is to get more people to donate their hair in the easiest possible way. As well make the process of donating hair interactive.  
Are there production limitations?
Yes, not receiving enough funding to provide the services.
Are there any no goes – absolutely nots?
Cannot accept hair that has been damaged, such as dreadlocked, highlighted, permed, bleached.
Who has to approve?
What are the final expectations?
A service to facilitate the process of donating hair that will also be interactive.  
What is the goal or aspiration?
One of the goals is to get more people to donate their hair. The second goal is to give people in need hope, and while doing so help create an interactive experience while completing the process.
Is there a single message to communicate?
The single message would be donating hair made easy while interacting with the receiver at the same time.
Is there an overall impression to present?
The overall impression to be received is that this is a service that gives back but both the giver and receiver feel satisfied once completed with the service. Both parties win meaning both ends satisfied and not just one-person benefits.  
What is the expected end product?
The end product would be that both parties end the service feeling complete and satisfied. The person donating will expect to feel complete by having the opportunity to donate their hair but will also feel satisfied by giving back. The receiver will feel hopeful after receiving their hair, as well as joyful to be able to interact with the person donating the hair.  
A hair donation service where any gender and age group is allowed to participate. The process of donating will be interactive between the donor and receiver.  
This service is geared towards people who are into giving back to the community. It includes all genders and all age groups. 
The personality behind this service is bold and life changing. It is bold because the giver is committing to growing their hair and then making the bold move of cutting it. It is also life changing because the receiver is getting something that will change their life completely.
The other hair donation services mostly focus on getting donations for children under 21. Some servers are not as interactive as others, some just provide their adress.  
One of the goals is to get more people to donate their hair. The second goal is to give people in need hope, and while doing so help create an interactive experience while completing the process.
Hair donation service that helps the donner and receiver get to know each other from the first package while keeping it simple for the donor to donate their hair.
Name List
-With love : nonprofit organization helps foster families (withloveoregon)
-Bold beginnings : BOLD Beginning! All things childhood in ohio  
-Strand hearted (warmhearted)  
-Gracious strands : wig company
-Hair hearted  
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boldstrands · 6 years
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Word List/ Mind Map
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boldstrands · 6 years
CREATION: Mood Board
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boldstrands · 6 years
Illumination: Discovery
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