#i don't want to know how it would be summed up in emojis! i don't want half the advert to be pop culture references!
jakeperalta · 7 months
I'm sorry to this author who is probably just trying very hard to promote something they worked hard on but my god nothing has ever made me want to read a book less than this advert
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featki · 2 months
Streamer hcs !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader — contains: fluff — now playing: 一子青葉
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Bro's definitely the type to stream for shits and giggles
Like yeah he likes streaming but he never takes anything srsly
Probably streams Genshin or overwatch, perhaps the occasional fortnite if Jake begs him enough to play
The first time he introduced you on stream was most likely an accident... Like you brought him food, not knowing he was streaming and he was just like "You guys thought i was single but I'm not cause I'm super hot and cool and have a super hot and cool girlfriend"
Fan's loved you obviously, and since they loved you so much he decided to keep having you on stream and videos
Honestly, he wanted to introduce you sooner but didn't get the chance to talk to you ab it, was kinda worried you wouldn't be up for it
Very relieved (and very happy) when you said you wanted to do more stuff with him
He started doing date vlogs
He didnt record all of your guys' dates cause he wants at least a little privacy, especially on more romantic dates
but def records the silly dates like going to the arcade or sum
If he's feeling clingy and you want to be in stream he'll have you just chill on his lap as he plays
Streamings probably one of the only places he's ok with pda...
especially because of all the girls that flirt with him in chat LMFAO
Most definitely jumped with excitement when you asked to do a baking stream with him
You guys baked strawberry - choco muffins one time and he got flour literally everywhere... naturally he put some in your hair and on your face which started a dual while the muffins were baking
Fans would always comment on how soft he is for you, especially compared to how he usually acts
he def gets all flustered and tells you to ignore chat cause they 'don't know what they're talking ab'
Niki's not a very clingy person when in front of other people but on stream he'll put his head on your shoulder (if your on his lap) or he'll let you play with his hair and hold his face in your hands just mindlessly
The main reason he's okay with it on stream is cause he sees all the comments flirting with you and so he'll smirk every time you kiss his head or call him baby
After awhile of being in his content, you'd get flirty comments on insta and shit and he would ALWAYS be the first to be like "that's my gf" with 13 heart eye emojis or he'd fight with the other dudes in the comments
If you lose the 50/50 for a character you wanted on your acc, he'd grind to get it on his acc since you play on his acc most of the time anyway
his genshin acc is practically just a farming ground for all the cute characters he knows you want
100% streamed for like a solid 5 hours trying to get kokomi for you... lost the 50/50 and so he whaled and just bought enough primos to get her
he loves showing you off on stream
And he most definitely loves having you in his content but if you were to get even one hateful comment or gross dm he'd immediately take down everything with you in it
even if you said he didn't need to
He loves you and is in no way going to let you be harassed and insulted online like that
Probably streams an explanation after fans asked ab you in every single stream
"She is NOT coming back till yall stop acting like incels"
and he is VERY srs ab it
doesnt even let you show your face once until he's sure you won't get any insults or anything
would eventually bring you back but would have a very long talk with his fans beforehand ab how they need to be on their best behavior
tldr; he loves you very much, he loves having you in his content, would totes let you take over stream whenever you wanted, would delete all his content and acc's in an instant if you asked him to for any reason, just completely whipped for you and its obvious
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@ featki
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Why is it that it *urks* me S so easily plays the narrative with these porn loving young girls?! All he works for and accomplishes, he disrespects himself allowing his reputation to be linked to those kind of very young women. How can it be okay for him to let people believe he is a *man whore* (as the group of so called haters say)? It's not like they could still play the narrative with a beautiful woman that does not post her body parts all over social media!! I just feel like everytime they link him with one of those women, I lose a little more respect for him. For me, it also takes away from the love I've always seen between him and C. Ugh! I feel crazy for it bothering me! Am I the only one?!
Dear Bothered Anon,
I am sorry for the substantial delay. Flu happened still, and I wanted to have a clearer and rested mind in order to properly answer your question.
I shall again be brutally honest and say I really don't care at this point what brought you here: sincerity or elicitation of shippers' reactions on this very meh week-end. It doesn't really matter, either: but since Mordor is regularly accusing us of spoliation of evidence, I thought your submission deserved a careful answer. I know that annoys the shit out of them, too - not gonna lie, I am always pleased to oblige.
For our readers that have a normal life and were not here for Marple's midnight stalking session, here goes a summing-up of the facts (I hope you don't mind):
A video snippet of what is probably a more extended FaceTime conversation between S and Amanda Tutschek ( https://paintedpeachla.com/), a topless artist and painting tutor (100 USD/hour/class) from Vancouver, BC (but currently active in Venice Beach, Ca.) surfaced on Marple's account, supposedly dropped in her DMs by a good Samaritan. It is a nine second snippet ("... yeah...I was gonna put this one up here... but so funny... I was literally doing this yesterday and I was thinking about you...") with the comment: "Pimping out @samheughan's walls in Ireland (IE flag emoji)". It stayed on Tutschek's Instagram account for about four hours and then was promptly erased.
You start by telling me "S is playing the narrative with" the #silly calendar girls crowd. Is he, in this instance and if so, how can you (or anybody) be so sure?
Two scenarios are at play here:
First scenario: S/his people leaked this on purpose. Therefore, S is a troll.
Second scenario: Tutschek posted it as an Instastory on purpose. Therefore, S is a victim.
If S is trolling the fandom and I believe he is (only not now and not like this), why would he leak this on purpose? To emphatically let us know they're 'obviously not together'? To stir the pot between Queen *urv and Marple? To consolidate his man whore image, just when he was taking part in a critically important event in New York? I can understand the Lord of the Rings rigmarole (grinned for days), but assuming he is behind this strange snippet would be stretching the fabric of facts a bit too much, to my taste.
Also, despite *urv's delirious opinion ("he had a bedroom voice"), I think he just sounded tired and vaguely friendly: yes, I do think it's his voice. Not earlier than Friday evening, I received a video call on Fb from M, a (Taurus, hehe) former high school mate and one of my best friends. She always makes a point of telling me stuff like "I was buying grapes at the farmer's market and thought about you, how you absolutely hate them, so I called"/"I am at the Opera with Professor So-and-So, I told him about my brilliant friend in Athens, wanna say hi ?" That doesn't mean M wants me, the woman is happily married with two teenage boys. But she is a kind soul, with a superb understanding about what a friend really means (including being candidly obnoxious and immediately forgiven for it).
If Tutschek posted it out of her own accord on Insta, the reason would be simple: coat-tailing for clicks, shits and giggles. The insistent Ireland reference would point to that: I mean, the woman scrolled all the way down to the flag emojis to make sure we got the point (and in the process, more innuendo, mayhap). That would also explain why she promptly took it down: either because she realized somehow she pushed things a smidge too far or because she was strongly encouraged to cut the crap.
Seriously, whatever. This is just another episode of low-cost fuckery, irrespective of the two possibilities I just discussed. Her art is not as memorable as the bosom she generously shares with the world. It is borderline depressing and nothing to write home about, if you ask me. And the fact that the fandom quickly placed her in the same social circle with Quarantein Gia and Paparazzi Clarke, well... another major eyeroll, just here. The expected effect was exactly the one you described: to quietly gnaw at people's respect of S and also to chip a bit more of the fairytale.
This will happen only if you let them. These people, whoever they are, cannot challenge your reason, because there is nothing interesting or even logical about idiotic tidbits like this one. But they can and they are challenging and playing with your emotions, in order to instill doubt, insecurity, fear or disgust. I will not discuss Marple's editorial policy here (like her legally disingenuous use of someone else's material), simply because I do not want to give that derailed jukebox further space on my page. It is my sensible choice not to let these people in my world more than they deserve to be (very little). Maybe you should try it too, Anon. It could work for you as it did for me, once I came to terms with it.
I am not even sorry about the length of this answer. Haters gonna hate. I could not care less. Thanks for dropping by.
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wolfsetfree-if · 7 months
okay so i have three mcs currently (will probs make three more, so i have two of each wolf type). this will get LONG so. sorry? maybe?
my mainiest main: my gamma boy. he has curly dark brown hair and one brown and one green eye, he's average height and has a lean build, a bit lanky honestly, plus he'd want to wear oversized soft clothes and would probably look skinnier than he actually is. his wolf form has long fur dappled with black and would, in dimmer lighting, probably look totally black, but in the sun i'd imagine the warmer brown would come out. like a little surprise. a kinder egg. lol.
he is currently having A Bad Time. (obviously). in the beginning of captivity, he would have been very jittery and tense and constantly tried to find ways to escape (and we know how that ended, so), but now that hyper-vigilance has taken a toll and he's honestly quite disassociated and numb. very tired, but also can't stop being on guard. he has had no control for so long, but knowing/seeing exactly what was/is happening around him helps a little.
as far as being rescued... he's glad to be free, obviously, but he doesn't trust the pack (even if he's grateful) and doesn't know how to even begin to process his emotions, so he's feeling both overwhelmed and numb at the same time, and can't really believe it really. he has not taken any chances to get closer to the pack (so no pets or cuddling), because any touch sends him into an anxious spiral. plus he's naturally quite introverted and being around people can be overwhelming and tiring, and now that's amplified times a billion. but when he feels a bit calmer and safer, i think he'll honestly like a little bit of cuddling and being petted and might discover that he's a bit touch-starved. he will bond with the pack eventually, though, and enjoy spending time with all of them. he would love to learn how to knit, for example, or help out in the garden or play card games or draw or paint or maybe help the pups with schoolwork. he'd be good at that, i think. he's very patient and actually good at School Stuff (mostly math and science). i think he'll fit into the pack nicely eventually, and one day it will feel like a true home, and a real family... HIS family, and it will probably be the happiest day of his life, when he realizes that.
my second main: my little but actually giant omega. he is actually tall, but he's like. an awkward/skinny/shy/gentle giant, lol. he has blonde hair and brown eyes, and his wolf form (long fur because fluffy and soft!) has white patches. sort of like a cow print. which is very cute.
the captivity... it was just very sad for him, honestly. obviously wearing a collar and being petted like a dog wasn't good or nice, but he's extremely touch-starved and wants to be around people. he's shy, like i said, so he doesn't necessarily want to be in the centre, but he wants to be with family, a pack, and the djinn wasn't that, of course, but it was something other than bare walls and cage bars, yknow? he feels extremely sad and lonely.
then he's so happy and overwhelmed at being rescued and he has latched on to bela very strongly. he takes any chance for pets and feels safe and protected around the alpha (since they're so kind and gentle and welcoming). he loved the pups. he wants to adopt them. he wants to be a full-time nanny for them. he also loved cuddling kesha. they can be cuddle-buddies forever. honestly i can sum him up with this emoji: 🥺
my third: my alpha. a small ball of rage. well. sort of. he's just the teeny tiniest bit shorter than average (if you ask him), but he has that angry chihuahua vibe for sure. he has black hair and intense blue eyes, and is quite muscular. but like athletic more than buff gym-bro. i don't know if a trans mc has had the opportunity to have any surgeries, and if they haven't, he would feel quite dysphoric in human form and wear a binder pretty much 100% of the time (not healthy! bad!) and his wolf form makes him happier, or at least more comfortable. wolves don't have boobs.
as for the captivity... he has been in a perpetual state of rage (well, despair + loneliness + hopelessness, too, but it all manifests as anger because it's easier) for years, and he's not about to stop now. the feeling of being powerless and having any and all autonomy and choice taken from him has been devastating in a way i can't even describe, and he has no coping mechanisms aside from anger and fighting.
being free now is. fuck yeeeeeaaah. fuck the djinns and fuck that cage and fuck his old pack. he's very happy about being out of that stupid cage and away from the djinns but he's very tense around the pack (even if he likes them, so far, mostly), because letting his guard down would mean showing weakness and he's refused to do that for so long, so when he eventually manages to settle a bit and start to process his trauma i think he will really struggle with accepting that the anger was also grief and fear. but he will eventually come to trust and love the pack so much and feel so protective of all of them, because they'll be his real family, and he won't have to be all alone ever again.
mm. well. as i said. very long. hope you enjoyed lol
You have one wolf better than the other I swear. I love how they are all at different stages of acceptance and elaboration of their grief and captivity. And I love how they all have different attachment styles with the pack.
You'll get to experience all the different variations with them!
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chrlotpony · 2 months
one time I was joking around in a gc and said sum like "she's all mine😈" and then immediately had to announce to the chat that I felt physically ill and unwell after saying that. I am a big hater of keeping somebody to yourself like that, even though I know it's supposed to be a mutual feeling.
for a while I thought I was just desiring a poly relationship because of stuff like that, which I think does sound cool but then I got confused over the fact that being in a romantic relationship with multiple people feels the same as just with one.
I then landed finally on aromantic. not without the other confusion that even tho I'm aromantic, I really liked the affectionate actions of a typical romantic relationship. this was true since the last time I was close with a best friend, I'd enjoy sending hug and kiss emojis/gifs, giving them gifts, complimenting them a lot, general typically romantic things with platonic intentions, and I would receive the same. and I didn't mind at all. butttt if I would think about a future with them, I'm either alone and happy, or we'd be roommates, with her in an actual romantic relationship with a girl like she wanted and did I wish to be official with them at any point? a big no. and this was before I identified as aromantic.
but a bit after I identified as aromantic, I felt like the definition alone was leaving a vague description of me. I know I don't like romance all that much and I don't want a romantic relationship, but I still like to be "romantic" with close friends. I also often got mad that actions that are seen as romantic... are seen as romantic. ugh, valentines, amirite? felt that way about the holiday since I was a itty bitty child lmao.
I want to be affectionate and close with people I enjoy being around without the intention of our actions being romantic or the possibility of being in a relationship with them because being in a relationship or doing things romantically is undesirable and makes me uncomfortable, that's where I land on the spectrum.
at some point, I just decided to search up the definition I felt. and luckily, I found a microlable that I fit the description of perfectly. so now I don't only identify as aromantic, but specifically bellusromantic. I know people who just don't get it don't know why to just not identify as aromantic alone if it's a spectrum but like... they just don't get it☹️ and besides, I always liked to lable myself, I feel great about labels.
me being bellusromantic also affects the way I like to enjoy my media and characters. as much as I like shipping characters, I like to ship characters platonically more. "boating" if you will. that's why I often prefer the best friend characters staying best friends in my head. but sometimes, they are also traditionally romantic in a platonic way, and that's how I like to portray my feelings a bit in the media I like.
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karmas-chameleon · 5 months
A quick lil writing
Damon Gant gives Manfred relationship advice
(or, how Damon signs his death warrant)
“Hello, Damon,” Manfred von Karma called as he entered the chief’s office.
“Manny!” Damon Gant clapped his hands together with a cheerful grin, looking up at the prosecutor from his seat in front of a large pipe organ. “Close the door behind you, take a seat. Make yourself at home.”
Manfred narrowed his eyes. “You told me you had information vital to my current case. I'm not here to chat.”
“Ah, well, you may have misunderstood me, Manny. When I mentioned your ‘current case’, I wasn't talking about anything criminal. I simply meant the little…situation you're in with your assistant.”
“I'm leaving.”
“Now hold on!” Damon cried, making Manfred halt halfway to the exit. “I’ve prepared a speech and everything. If I don't give it to you, I might just have to pour my heart out to someone else, you know? All relevant background information included.”
Manfred turned back with a scowl. “You’re blackmailing me?”
“I'm trying to give you some advice. It's hardly my fault you make that so very difficult, is it?” Damon smiled innocently, and patted a seat next to him. “Now, please, make yourself comfortable.”
Grumbling under his breath, Manfred closed the door and sat down, glaring at his would-be tutor. 
“Manny, I realize it's been quite a while since you've dated anyone,” Damon began, waiting a moment for a response and only receiving an icy expression in return. “...Or, a while since you've ‘courted’ someone, to put it in your language. I just wanted to help you out, make sure you're up-to-date with the sort of dating that kids do nowadays.”
“She's not a ‘kid’. The prosecutor’s office doesn't hire children.”
“Yes, yes, I know that. I wasn't speaking literally - I simply meant that she's not of our generation. Girls- women like her, they would've grown up with the internet, and come of age in a time where the way to meet someone new was through their phone.”
Manfred paused his glaring for a brief moment, as his expression turned to one of disbelief. “You're not saying people really meet for the first time like that, are you? Without seeing each other?”
“A few pictures, and a little paragraph that sums up their life, that's it. I'm telling you, Manny, it's a whole new world out there.”
“I suppose it is,” Manfred muttered.
“And that's why you've got to start learning. Once you two get close, she'll start doing all sorts of things you don't understand. Has she ever texted you before?”
“I haven't given her my number yet. But I do know how a phone works, Damon. I believe I can handle a text.”
“Oh, you think you can. But tell me, do you know what an emoji is? Would you know what it meant if your assistant sent you a picture of an eggplant?”
“I don't-” Manfred squinted at the chief, “an eggplant? What are you talking about?”
“See, I thought you wouldn't know,” Damon said, smiling and nodding knowingly. “You've got to learn these things.”
“You're messing with me, aren't you?” Manfred returned to his scowling.
“I give you my word as District Chief of Police that I've said nothing but the truth, Manny.”
“Now, there's just one last thing I have for you: a gift. I'm sure you can acquire flowers and chocolates on your own, and those will certainly still work these days, but-” Damon reached behind him to grab a paper that sat on his organ. “What I can help you with is finding just the right words to appeal to a modern audience. I've got a poem here that's sure to have her head over heels for you.”
“Poetry, hmm?” Manfred took the paper, and scanned over it. “...Never going to give you up?”
“Ah, it's never gonna give you up, actually,” Damon poked at the paper. “You have to say it just like that, or she'll think you're out of touch.”
“I see. Well…thank you, I suppose.”
“Oh, it was no trouble at all!” Damon beamed. “Just let me know how she likes it.”
“I will.” Manfred stood from his seat and headed to the door, glancing behind him one last time. “You know, for all the grief I give you, Damon…you're not so bad.”
“Right back at you, Manny.”
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🧊, 🪷, 🍋‍🟩, 🫧 for the ask game!
HI!! Thank you so much for the ask hehe!!! I'll do this one for Finn!!
🧊 - how would your f/o text you? would they use proper punctuation/capitalization, or type more informally?
Finn is not a very text-y person, bonus points for him having a flipphone. The few times he does normally text is with Leland, and they have their own special like.. texting code language that would need to be deciphered. He spares me from it and just texts me regularly though! The few times he does text me, it's very short texts, sometimes even skipping over words if it means shortening the text but the point can still be get across. That doesn't stop him from properly punctuating and capitalizing it all though.
🪷 - if the roles were reversed and your f/o was the one selfshipping with you, what would their blog look like?
I don't think he'd have the usual selfshipping blog. Truthfully, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell that it's a selfshipping blog! I doubt he'd even go into the selfshipping tags either. The blog would probably mostly be just a bunch of reblogging of different pictures and quotes and aesthetic things that he'd find that reminded him of me. He'd probably have like a total of two original posts and that's it. Nearly a big pinterest board, in a sense.
🍋‍🟩 - similarly, what would your contact names be for each other?
My contact name for him is typically just his first name and that's it, but sometimes I'll mess around and make it something silly or a nickname that I occasionally give him, like "Finny" or "Finnigan" or "Dearest" things along those lines! Maybe throwing in an emoji or two depending on how I'm feeling.
At first, his contact name for me was just my last name, but then at some point it shifted over to just being my first name! I don't think he'd be particular about it, probably just straightforward short and sweet. I think the only time he'd change it is if he had some concern that prompted him to do so, but then he'd make it something completely obscure, and probably change it after each call.
🫧 - what song(s) remind you of your f/o?
Ohhhhhhhmigosh I knowwww this is my blog and my answer to an ask game but don't get me started cause we will be here all day and all night if I do!!!! You've seen those posts of me exploding over things like this!! Or someone has, at least. But, staple song for me and him, sums up our entire interaction and story and everything, I could write an essay- nay- a novel on this, but La vie en rose by Michael Bublé, feat. Cécile McLorin Salvant. There. That's it. There's particular lines in there that I could narrow down but then I'd break out into essay mode. One of the few songs where every line applies, and YES I'm including the parts in french. Bonus bonus points cause Finn knows French. Too, too many of Michael Bublé songs I've ransacked his spotify playlist with. I want to buy a music box that plays this song one day if I can. I really love music boxes and this song would be perfect on one. He played it on his piano once and I started crying. I have to cut myself short before I go on for any longer but wow, oh wow, what a special spot this song holds in my heart cause of him. This is like.. THE song for us. There's other songs that are really good ajd fitting, but this is THE one, the staple song, the first one that always pops into my head. I shall stop myself here before I carry on for any longer. Finn, I love you.
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vault81 · 4 months
🌈🧁✨⚡️- for the emoji oc ask, for whichever oc strikes your fancy (or all three of them? 👀)
ty so much for the ask!! you know what, I'll def do all 3 of them!!
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Jack: Well, the colour I associate with Jack is, Orange! not only because I absolutely love his neon orange hair colour. But I also just love the colour! it's warm, it's cheerful, kinda enthusiatic? all traits I heavily associate with Jack! It's a very comforting colour to me, and that's what I wanted to embody with Jack, just a warm, friendly, cosy person that would befriend an empty room (if that even makes sense lmao)
Eliza: for Eliza's colour I would say its.. a Dark Red, it just embodies so much of her character. anger, rage, willpower, courage and longing. I'd also say that it captures her love as well, not only the love for her friends and family, but for the world around her. It may be subtle, but it's there and it burns deeply.
Stephen: The colour I associate with Stephen is definitely Blue (not just for Piper's nickname for him!) but again, what it means to him as a character! It's a very melancholic colour, which sums up how Stephen feels about his post-war life, despite his flippant nature. But also it's got a coldness too it, something that Stephen is at the beginning of his journey. But that melts away into trust and peace by the end of it, so I just love how the meaning of the colour just comes full circle for Stephen's character.
🧁 - When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all?
Jack and Eliza: As twins, they share a birthday! July 13th 2258! For celebrations, they would go all out when they lived in the Vault, big celebrations surrounded by all the people they care about, well mostly. (srry Butch!) They'd be lively occasions, lots of music, laughter and games. When they've left the Vault though, I feel like their birthday's aren't that big of an occasion anymore. I think they'd become smaller, more intimate? just a small gathering of just a couple of friends having drinks together, something very casual.
Stephen: I gave Stephen the same birthday as me lmao, October 12th 2043! I also think that Stephen is the kind of person who doesn't really celebrate his birthday. He grew up quite poor so his parents couldn't really afford those big birthday celebrations, or really get him any presents. So he grew up thinking that his birthday really wasn't all that special, to him it's just a sign that he's getting older. Post-War I think this changes, much to his complaint. His friend's would def throw a surprise party for him! Again, I would say its just a casual get together with friends around a campfire maybe. Just having a few drinks, presents and enjoying another year of friendship. Maybe he even (secretly) learns to look forward to his birthday now.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
Jack: to Jack what makes him happy the most is watching the Sunrise/Sunset, he just find's it peaceful and relaxing. It's time he gets to just himself, time to just shut his brain off (like its on anyway) and just bask in the moment, one day he want's to fix a camera so he can capture it. I also don't think he shares this with anyone, the only real exception is his s/o.
Eliza: for Eliza what makes her happy most is fixing things, tinkering with tech. It's satisfying to her, to learn what makes something tick, or to create something. I also think it's a subtle way of her expressing her affection for others, mention that your watch is broken? oh wow it's suddenly fixed the next day, no idea how that happened! Also just show her some Pre-War tech and she'll start vibrating internally, it took all of her willpower not to fixup the orbital death laser at Helios One.
Stephen: I'd say what makes Stephen happy the most is just being in the company of his friends, it makes him feel complete. It's comforting to him to have people who he can just truly relax with and rely on! he want's to spend as much time as possible with them! Which means his home is constantly abuzz with the coming and goings of his friends, it really just becomes their hangout spot.
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
Jack: for Jack, his most unusual fear is probably rain, he never had to experience that growing up in the Vault! so when he finds out sometimes water just fucking falls from the sky randomly? nope, don't like that. especially if it's heavy rain, he's terrified, he hate's how loud it is as well, which makes storms a very shitty experience for him. He's working hard on overcoming this fear though!
Eliza: her most unusual fear is probably space, which sucks considering she got abducted by aliens. Just her first night out the Vault, looking up and seeing the millions of stars in the sky? part of her was awed by that beauty, but another was deeply unsettled by it. I think the main thing that throws her off is just the scale of it all, it messes with her brain and she does Not Like That.
Stephen: I'd say his unusual fear is probably the Cold. He'd probably develop this fear after being in Vault 111's Cryopods, just constantly being thrust back to one of the most traumatic times in his life, of just being completely and utterly out of control of his situation.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
The Buried Dagger 2
Loken??? repeated sparkle emojis
Loken: hey how about we don't torture or mistreat the traumatized rescued prisoners in an attempt to make them coherent
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aaa loken you really did have a good character arc an actual positive one!!! a miracle in this series
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okay, i will say, i am intrigued by the story of this psyker ultramarine or former ultramarine waitttt 1s i gotta check something in Know No Fear I think he got one scene YES HE WAS THE GUY I WAS THINKING OF he got a headache the day before the attack but because the emperor got rid of the librarius he ignored it because they weren't supposed to use their powers any more
oh boy we're back with mort and….people have begun getting sick wow this is very gross
oh wait he's STILL ALIVE yikes oh noo mortarion tried to mercy kill him but he's still alive and suffering oh back to the past mortarion is feeling Emotions seeing people reunite and of course some of them wanted to kill typhon and mortarion mortarion gets exposed to "laughter" and "music" he has friend (!!!)
(pulling up Godblight (?) quote)
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And you get a horrible backstory and you get a horrible backstory
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he wants to actually fix things
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Man, what happened to you In the end, he once again became the death dealer of an evil overlord okay so the villagers are getting ready to harvest the wheat and You may be able to tell from this sentence where this is going
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picking up the scythe first as a farming tool rather than a weapon
(But also like it does take practice to figure out how to harvest wheat with a scythe I too have read Island in the Sea of Time I know how this works I kind of hate how every time I have an objection of this nature it can be handwaved away by "primarchs are just built different")
OwO Girl got trapped under the cart with all the wheat and it’s broken So Mort pulls a Jean Valjean Uh oh overlord interrupt
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And on that note it’s back to the present Interesting choice of cutoffs
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This explains the poison drinking I guess
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I kind of want to stab him a bunch for this But then I think the story is gonna do it for me
The spooky sickness has somehow spread all over the fleet despite zero contact
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Bruh What about your super dramatic speech at Nikaea Mortarion: covid lockdown time
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lmao Mr I Have No Theatricality Unlike Some People Oh boy one of the ships tried to leave the warp and uh got crushed Everyone on board is dead
back on the Terra plot thread and Malcador has a very creepy library
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malcador is basically a supervillain mastermind and Rubio is being called out for taking initiative and taking the Silent Sister they rescued to White Mountain even though it was what Malcador says he would have ordered him to do anyways anyways as you might have guessed I'm not a Malcador fan
oh yeah they put together what all the captured sisters were saying and it looks like it's Horus trying to negotiate a truce
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….thinking of it as arrogant sure is revealing something about you. but also really does sum up the imperium huh
aw, Loken
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;-; okay hey we have timeline! it's been 7 years since the war started
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it's hard to think of a path the emperor could have taken that would have created less peace
malcador and the emperor had good intent but absolutely abysmal macro and micro planning skills
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"oh yes it's just the fault of the bad advisor the emperor of course can do nothing wrong" bleh
horus somehow, possesses rubio or he was a sleeper agent or sth welp this is why we can't have nice things
Okay so mort is keeping a daemon imprisoned in a secret compartment That only he can access And he is going to visit Oh dear the warp whispers to mort
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Daemon: and it slaps. Cancer is great
Back in time again They’re winning, but still...
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he actually has a sense of humour!
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Hm. Foreshadowing. Mortarion, don’t make your friends drink 150 proof….
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Why does he sound like my mother
typhon does mortarion analysis
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oh dear typhon thinks about how if they used warp shenanigans they could end the war in. weeks or even days
back over to Loken he's fighting pro-Horus groups on Terra
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that's loken, all right also Malcador continues to be dramatique
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sweetmage · 1 year
VIOLENCE ASK: Number 12 🥺
Thank you for your ask! :D
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Probably predictable coming from me but these guys for sure! (I was inspired by your choice of emoji lol)
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I certainly get why a lot of people might hate Sebastian and feel uncomfortable about his stances and behaviors and I'm certainly not here to say that isn't valid. However, a lot of other "critiques" of him come from people who either have never taken him with them or who have misunderstood his character. His internal struggle with himself goes much further than just Prince vs. Brother and I think he is a very compelling character, albeit unfortunately underrealized. Perhaps this is cheating but I would like to attach some other people’s meta that dives into his character’s nuances and motivations much better than I could! On how Sebastian’s performative adherence to chantry propaganda conflicts with genuine values and actions. On how Sebastian victim-blames himself and has used some parts of his faith as a bandage for his unaddressed trauma. Oh Sebastian’s admiration of the wardens, his love of violence, and his desires for cut and try good vs evil conflicts (it is hard to sum this one up, I recommend just reading it for whoever is interested)
As for more of my own thoughts, I genuinely find him to fascinating. He is a walking contradiction in every regard and he is as impulse as he is uncertain about everything (those two traits playing off of each other frequently). He is a victim of abuse, neglect, and abandonment who latches on strongly to people and ideals that give him purpose and make him feel useful and like he belongs, he performs to fit those roles even if they go against his nature. He is genuinely kind and thoughtful though kind and thoughtful don't always go hand and hand with the Chantry's definition of good and virtuous. I think he is genuinely funny, he has about as much snark and sass as the rest of the crew if you actually take the time to listen to him. He treats Merrill with kindness and respect and is open to civil discussions about her faith and way of life which is more than can be said about some of my other faves. More of a headcanon but think there is a very delicious and angsty tragedy to the Last Straw if you play a mage and support Anders (which I always do, of course). I wrote a little about that here and drew a comic about it here if you are so inclined to read it! None of this is to say that I agree with or condone his actions, I certainly do not. I will always be pro-mage and, performative or not, many of his actions and statements against mages as a whole and characters who are mages are entirely inexcusable. I also want to clarify that I do not think his faith is ENTIRELY performative or fake, I think he genuinely believes and receives comfort from his faith, but is the actions he takes because of it (conscious or subconscious) that do not align with the ways he conducts himself otherwise and I think he has a lot to sort or morality wise and a lot of impulses to deal with. But it's okay, I can fix him :)
Embarrassingly I do not have nearly as much to say about Tamlen lol. He is just my favorite of the origin companions and his story really really punched me straight in the gut and then much later punched me straight in the gut again. I think he is very sweet and goofy was written realistically in a way that he felt like a real friend I might have had when I was younger. I know a lot of people like him and think of him fondly, but I would love to see more fanart of him and stuff. I would love to shoutout this beautifully drawn and absolutely heartbreaking comic about him that I keep coming back to. Also I will be obnoxious and self-promote my bittersweet AU and series of artworks I have in which he survives and recovers... but at a price!
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
for all three?
Aw ;; thanks dear, these are super cute!!
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
She doesn't, but she does, but she doesn't, but in truth she really craves that kind of romanticism even though she'll never admit it. I picture both her and Alistair as two overgrown kids so their love language can be translated into showing each other gross stuff and laughing, or just saying "eww" whenever the other is being too cheesy. At the same time, they're just very serious about their feelings, they just don't talk about them. They're more actions >>> words, so the content of their letters can be summed up with "yeah dude I kinda miss you" and the reply is "Clingy much?" Absolutely horrible.
He does, but he's more of a "I wanna know what you're up to" kind of writer. He wants to know the daily challenges, the happy and the sad, the "you had to be there!"s. He'd write about the weather in detail, the things he misses about being together, he writes down memories that he's sure would make Fenris smile... A total dork who thrives in normality.
She never ever exchanged love letters before entering a relationship with Cullen, but when she received her first, heart wrenching, letter in Crestwood she completely fell in love with the idea. They weren't together together at that point, but there was some tension going on between them. Although he wasn't sure about the possibility of a romantic outcome, he wrote her anyway, because she was veeery missed in the war room and reports didn't really tell how she was feeling and such. And she replied instantly, sending him the most awkward letter she had ever written. Backstory of their correspondance aside, I think Cullen's writing is not flowery, but rather descriptive and pragmatic, besides when he tries his hand at metaphors they suck big time. Same goes for her. She does have a rational approach on letters too, but with some twists here and there when she physically needs to add some humor to mask her desperation towards long distance - or events that make her struggle emotionally. Oh, and she's a tease! Unfortunately, Cullen absorbed that trait so he's now a tease as well. Whereas she's a poker - as in she likes to drop hints - he's a finisher, raising the temperature of her threats to inhumane levels. It's not only like that tho. He finds the cutest, terrible, cheesiest nicknames for her, making her giggle like a teenager. During her time at the western deserts of Orlais, she was used to write small diaries to send him every four to five days, attaching souvenirs and various items that he could appreciate whenever the correspondance arrived. Also when it's risky to communicate in ordinary ways, they insert cryptic messages inside reports so to let the other know they're fine. I fucking hate these two, really.
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
Absolutely not, even if she took painting classes - that she dreaded. I think that if abstract painting was a thing she'd be a pro. But she'd never try it, really, she's not interested <<
Professional doodler of penises in the corner of textbooks pages. He needs to draw alchemic circles and plants in his grimoire for future reference, but he's not really good at it.
She can and she's pretty amazing at technical drawing! Can draw straight lines and almost perfect circles. Anything else like portraits, flora and fauna, and all things slighty organic are a bit of a flop tho.
Emoji Ask Meme
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lalka-laski · 2 years
Do you believe you’ve met your soulmate or one of them?: I can confidently say I have.
When did you last have grape juice?: Last weekend I made a delicious batch of "faux champagne" with ginger ale, club soda, white grape juice, and grenadine. It was a hit!
Have you learned anything today?: Every day's a learning opportunity, isn't it?
Have you been to any parties here recently?: Well, it wasn't "here" but I went to a Galentine's day party last weekend. It was a blast!
Are you good at reading body language?: Honestly, not really. I see what I want to see. Or rather, what my anxiety wants me to see.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: 7ish maybe?
What were the last 3 emojis you used?: Pink heart, heart eyes face, and a donut. Boy, if that doesn't sum me up entirely...
Is it currently warm where you live?: It's been much warmer than a typical February. Or at least it was 'til today.
Do you use Facebook?: Yeah, kind of obsessively.
Do you like the smell of coconut?: I went through a major coconut lotion & perfume phase but I overdid it (go figure) and now I have a hard time stomaching it.
Do you prefer longer or short socks?: Short, if any at all.
What size shoe do you wear?: 9
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?: Twist!
Do you or anyone you know have sleep apnea?: I know a few people
Where is your favorite place to be?: These days it's my bed with the lights turned off and some sort of "ambient" scene playing on my TV while I read my Kindle. Bonus pints if a candle's lit. It's bliss.
How many times have you fallen in the past year?: Too many.
Do you like to leave your window open at night or do you use a fan?: I love leaving the windows open when we can. But I still use a fan for white noise.
Is there a celebrity you dislike for no reason other than they annoy you?: Selena Gomez. I can't stand her but I can't provide any justification.
If you find a spider in your home, do you set it free or kill it?: I let 'em hang out and sometimes even name them.
Would you say you’re addicted to social media?: Yep.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime?: 3 bunnies.
Do you sunburned easy?: Within seconds!
Of all the houses you’ve lived in, which was your favorite?: I guess my current apartment.
Do you or would you ever use online dating?: I had a few brief stints on OkCupid and Tinder. It was a bad idea every time...
What do you wish you could get paid for?: Sleeping? Shopping? Eating pizza?
What did you get into trouble for as a kid?: Not much, honestly. I got up to typical mischief once in a while but I was a rule-follower for the most part.
What’s something good that has happened here recently?: I got a promotion!
Do you remember the first time you’ve ever driven a car? How did that go?: Yeah.
Who did you last say “I love you” to?: Glenn.
When did you last feel beautiful?: Yesterday I had a little "moment."
Are you currently frustrated over something?: Yeah. Our wedding photographer hasn't gotten back to me regarding the status of our photos and I'm livid. And panicked.
Would you ever like to travel to Ireland? Or have you ever been?: I'd love to someday.
Have you ever had a yard sale?: I don't think so.
Do you enjoy going to yard sales or garage sales?: Not particularly.
Do you know someone with a big ego?: Yeah.
What color is your most used blanket?: It *was* white once upon a time but it's much more gray these days.
Does it annoy you when people type in all caps?: I guess so?
Do you like gummy bears?: Love 'em.
Where is your favorite place to grocery shop?: Wegmans or Aldi.
Have any plans for the day?: It's Friday! Kathleen's picking me up in a little bit and then we're gonna go grab food and have a sleepover.
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zhongrin · 1 year
Yes I need it Rin, but I already get it by looking at pics from him <3 (and the one you drew for me, PLS IM STILL LOSING OVER IT)
Oh you bet he wants you to show it off, after all - he wants everyone to know you're his and his alone. <3
Dw I already record it for you hehe 💞
LMAO PLS IM SO WEAK, I won't be able to lift him up, so ig I just drag him home by his legs or sum LDBSOISBA
what camera, hehe 🤭📸
🤨 sus.
Ofc ofc I will! (And I will fluster myself while at it! <//3)
OMG ITS BEAUTIFUL DISHSKKA such a thoughtful gift from you <33
But Alhaithams too PLSSS a hawk cuz of his constellation I'm losing it dksbsosnw
Relationship goals frfr
Baizhu and me aren't that gift givers, our gift is the love we show to the other one. <3 but he gifted me a necklace once and I wear it like.. always under my clothes, the necklace is green with a flower in the middle <3 and I gifted him a bracelet he wears too. Its made out of balls with small dendro symbols in it (selfmade) 💞
FoODBEKSJWIWIW RIN. RIN. RIN. RIN. DONT GIVE ME IDEAS and don't fluster me pls don't touch me dksbjwowbsnsk, I'll take it as deep as he wants
Pls that sounds so Zhongli like omfg;; and him pampering you?? Plsssss and the scent kink I smell it LMAO. 💞
Yes. 1 in all, Alhaitham thinks it's too time consuming to have multiple ones, I gotchu not only when you give him head
Hehe <33 I saw through u Rin 💞
Yes Zhongli seems like the guy who sleeps at 1am and wakes up at 6am fully rested LMAOOO (pls Rin I feel u 🤝) akifhjsk KITHES!! 💞💞
Mmmm I see I see, I understand<33 and totally valid - yes, weekends are there to rest hehe (or third option, ya are having fun *wink wink*) LMAO ALHAITHAM SO RUDE. but ngl he would sorry :(( but how do you wake him up then, if you would? (And Zhongli too?)
but more is always better no? <3 (byehsldjflksjdlkfjskldf you're too sweet vi pls <3 <3 <3)
y-yes sir hsldkfjdsf man i'm so down bad
good it shall be forever immortalized and passed as a family heirloom
oh yeah so like this lmao-
double hit noice it's ok sweetie as he said he'll take a very good care of you :)
pls i saw it in a market once and i went THIS BUT DRAGONS FOR MY HUBBY <3 <3
i am now imagining kaveh going on a cleaning spree (bc let's admit it we all have gone into cleaning mode to procrastinate work-) and haitham freaking out (internally, like that emoji of his) bc he thought he misplaced the bookmark.... when kaveh just put back the book he was reading onto the bookshelf lmao
awwww that's adorable.... a necklace!!!! and a bracelet!!!!! pls i love love love jewelery gifts bc you can wear them all the time yesssss!!! i can also kinda see baizhu regularly giving you flowers somehow. probably overused the "these flowers are radiant, aren't they? yet none of them compares to you" line too lol ;))
he'd moan shakily when you do that, and momentarily his fingers might tighten a little around your hair, but he'd immediately release them and give you a choked out apology. please forgive him, you're just too good.... <3
the dragon instincts likes what it likes ykyk 🐉
"it's efficient and it works. i don't understand what your problem is." - al haitham when kaveh and i confront him about his choice in soap probably. u right he probably does it too while he fucks me from behi- /bonked
you're both so smitten with each other please i can't shldfkjsljdklfjlksdf <3 <3 <3 he'd admire every little thing too. the way your eyelashes flutter, the way your skin look under the sunlight, the way your lips are temptingly seducing him- ;)))
or he'd go to bed at 3 and wake up at 6 still looking like a GOD see what i did there LIKE HOW TF (cries look i love cooking but it's not my fault i'm not talented at it and lacks common sense with measurements-) how do i wake zhongli up? hmmmm on the very rare occasions that he's asleep unfortunately he's as still as a rock (ha). there is. there is nothing i can do to wake him up vi. i've tried kisses. i've tried bites. he's not waking up if he doesn't want to wake up hsldkfjlsdf
fun cough cough yes indeed we really should soundproof our bedroom huh he's a bastard but i love him nonetheless hsldfkjsd i guess i'd have my payback tho. since he's being rude with waking me up, whenever i have to do it, i'd do the same to him lmao probaby would do morning blowjobs that always start out the day strong-
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if ever you wanted to surprise us with a chapter before sunday i think this next chapter would be an excellent one to do so 🙈 and i dont think i’m alone in that sentiment… also, i just saw your response to the CMA anon and absolutely WHAT do you mean “when the actual angst hits n ben messing up happens” like no i’m sorry no i cannot do that you will be receiving the bill for my er visit after those chapters bc i fear my heart will have irreparable damage to it once that happens 😭😭 (and i live in america so it’ll be one hefty sum of $$) i hope you’re prepared for that 🙄
no but seriously this chapter was so good 🥰
my heart fr dropped to my ass when lottie showed up n told clover about the duel, i’ve never been so upset by a fictional character 💀 like how could he tell anyone BUT clover the news first?? i get that they’re besties or whatever but what happened to the LOVE benedict like cmon that is your WIFE, you absolute fool
i’m EXCITED for clover to tear his ass up, he deserves it 🙄 i kinda love what cma anon said about clover leaving the house and going to her aunt’s or josie’s for a few days… that’s probably letting him off easy cause knowing clover she could fully explode if she wanted to… although i want to believe so badly that she’s healed (at least a little bit, i feel like being around someone as gentle and kind as ben would have that effect) and grown emotionally that she wouldn’t fully crawl back into her shell i still fear that ben not telling her will have catastrophic consequences 😭
the next chapter will be painful for us all and you’ll sit there laughing evilly like i’m sure you do every time watching the messages and comments flood in… in my mind you are this 😈 emoji personified
i didnt realize i had this much to say 😭 all in all, excellent chapter, chefs kisses, two italian hands (yk when they do this 🤌) and dare i say slay the house boots down houston i’m deceased.
Omg I mean I would love to darling but I haven't even started writing the next chapter yet 😂
Loll when the actual angst hits...😏 I have so so many plans for that! ❤️ But it'll be fun! 😈
Oooh I'm glad you brought that up because I want to ask you guys what you think about it ❤️ I actually don't think Benedict even considered telling Clover about the duel? 😏 Like, the whole reason why he told Charlotte is that 1)they're besties 2)she showed up when he was there 3) he was still riding the adrenaline wave 😁
i want to believe so badly that she’s healed (at least a little bit, i feel like being around someone as gentle and kind as ben would have that effect) This is a really good point! ❤️ I agree, being around him helped her heal just a little but not completely yet 😏 So she will be furious at him for putting himself in danger like that ❤️
the next chapter will be painful for us all and you’ll sit there laughing evilly like i’m sure you do every time watching the messages and comments flood in… in my mind you are this 😈 emoji personified I AM SCREAMING OMG-
Can I just say that you're absolutely right? 😂 You should see me after an angsty chapter checking them, because I am like;
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Darling I absolutely love this, thank you so so much! ❤️❤️ You're so awesome! ❤️❤️❤️
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druid-delaluna · 2 years
What happened in that official discord
I will not be listing anyone's names. Use your context clues or whatever I don't care, just don't send hate to anyone involved. This is just me trying to sort out my feelings on the situation and get some closure.
Okay, for context, I've been in the eddsworld official server since it opened in February 2019. I was a very active member and if you remember druid/laly that was me. In 2021 I was given the chance to become a curator thanks to an old admin(Also there were barely any adults and mods had to be adults to sign their NDA)
Another fast forward to July 2022, the mod team was told a few days prior that the server would be Patreon only. We made our case for being against the change but after a meeting with Bing, he change a few mod's minds (I still held onto it being a bad idea but it wasn't really like I could change the situation). The day happened, the announcement was made, and all hell broke loose. You can imagine what happen when you tell over 11,000 fans that their server is going to Patreon only when it has been free for the past three years.
So why am I speaking about my experience? Well, I wanted to put it to rest, I wanted to go into the new year not feeling like I held my tongue on a shitty situation. What happen is this artist during the situation made a comment about how happy they were about the change. Now I'm all for opinions, speak your mind you know. But in that situation where the mods are scrambling to handle a SHIT TON of angry and upset kids, it wasn't the time nor place for that. Also, I knew that this artist would get hate, so I reach out and told them pretty much to not fucking do that. It was taken wrong, maybe my tone or message wasn't clear of my intent? But this artist is an adult, they should have known better. And I honestly was just saying it, to help them out. They later come on to say they got death threats and I'm just thinking, what did you think I was trying to do by telling you to knock it off?? I knew that shit would happen and wanted to prevented it.(now I DO NOT condone death threats, earlier I told the mods to close their dms because I knew it would happen and it did) .It's the evening and this artist seem to have gotten their friends involved?? And I notice this tone and reaction to anything I do or say and I'm not one to beat around the bush, I ask what's up, get shit in return, okay whatever. It was when troll accounts were brought in to mock only me. Mind you there are other mods doing the same thing I'm doing, but I was the only one targeted by these trolls and members. Now I would think nothing of these trolls, we get them all the time. It's the fact this artist, their friends, and then crew members join in reacting to the trolls messages mocking me, with smiley emojis or something (I have screenshots of all these situations due to the server channels all getting deleted in the Patreon change). Mind you I am trying to help in the situation, I'm trying to calm people down, and do my job and this is how I'm getting treated, like horseshit. And I wish I could say this was one time, but no, myself and other mods have been treated like absolute crap by certain crew and server members. And nobody higher up did anything and it finally click they weren't ever gonna do anything.
That's what kinda started the downward spiral of my position there. I was heading out of state on a trip so I stepped back and focus on that and the trip itself and when I came back it was the end of the world party. I made that eddbot art, which pretty much sums up my feelings. I didn't take part in the party really. The change happen, 11k drops to 150ish. Now, mods DID NOT have to pay for Patreon. That was our gift from Bing/Matt (along with a store discount, which I never got). We were allowed to stay in the server with the paying members. The new main channel was the old Patreon one, so still emotional about that troll event, I looked up my name. Yeah....Not very good messages but I didn't want to cause trouble. So I just took it on the chin..again and kept my head up. I thought you know what, maybe it just was me and with time everything will calm down.
Then the Patreon leak happen. Once again, I never had access to Patreon, because I did not have to pay to be in that server. I saw the leak on Twitter and Tumblr, and I rb to my tumblr to keep an eye on it because wow that was fast. Went to bed, next day it was the talk of the server, a member earlier was caught sending leaks to other servers and was scolded but not kicked. It was brought up again and I told them, its on tumblr as well, thinking it be helpful for them to understand the situation. Then that one artist friend chimes in with a screenshot of my tumblr with the leak, pretty much saying this you?? So of course, I can't lie, I'm honest, my bad. Then two crew members come in and I kinda realize yeah this might be it. Due to one of them disliking me due to things that happen in the past between us. (whole another story). I delete the rb and apologize. I go to another server to chat and then see, I've been kicked from the server. I admit, did not take it well. My mod friends are all confused because none of them did it, and it comes out that the crew member who dislike me, kicked me even tho they arent suppose to act as mods. (it a whole mess man). The reason I was kicked was due to they thought I was the leaker?? Once again, did not have access to the Patreon, so wasn't me.
After my moment, I realized that I would be constantly dealing with shitty people and my socials being stalked to find something to charge(??) me with.... this was the push I needed to leave that situation behind. Most of the mods left after that in support of me. Bing reached out to me a few days later apologizing on that crew member's behalf, that I wasn't in the wrong and that I was more than welcome to come back. I declined and promptly removed bing from my friend list to cut contact with him.
And that's where it ends, I've blocked eddsworld, all the crew, and those artists' socials and been doing grad school and my own thing. I believe it was just a very emotionally charged situation and that nobody was thinking clearly. After the server change, it was the majority of adults but that meant absolutely nothing in common sense or correct ways to react to situations. From what I've heard thru the grapevine the server has spiraled into very toxic environment if you arent buddy-buddy with that artist who had an issue with me and their friends so take that as you will. I just want to get my voice out there so I don't feel inside that I let myself get hurt and did nothing to defend myself?? Look I get that I'm difficult to understand or I've rash and impulsive but I honestly never acted out in malice, I did a lot of things, in defense of others or just the greater good. I've stood up to the crew a lot due to shitty situations and still, I stayed because I thought well I can make someone's day, make it a good time in the server. I didn't stay for fame or to be featured in their spotlight just to make the day-to-day good. But it was a very hard lesson to learn that I can't save it all, that server crashed and burn and I felt I wasted time of my life on something that would eventually stab me in the back in a way...But there still good memories and I made wonderful friendships. Everything gone now, but I hope the good memories are alive in others spaces. So yeah, that what happened and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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rhetorical-moldz · 1 year
[hi everyone! its advin (heehee, a pun on my name and admin.) here. if you happen to follow the @.schleichen airy arg blog, you'll know how this works already!! if not, go check that out too.
basically, i'll be summing up what this is + some basic guidelines. (and emoticon info! this is necessary as charlotte will use one-eyed emoticons similar to airy.)
this is an arg/roleplay blog of/revolving around the hfjone character charlotte (aka moldy). you are free to dm her, send asks/submit posts, and interact in other ways (such as tagging in posts, comments/reblogs, etc.) on this blog! if you want to talk to me (the blog owner ofc) for whatever reason, send a dm and ask!
anything really. just don't be (heavily) nsfw or aggressive. (jokingly is fine, but this IS charlotte after all. expect aggression [hopefully playful!] back. remember this is a roleplay blog and all in good fun!) and i have the right to not answer an ask/dm if it makes me uncomfortable or i think it would be weird to ask for charlotte.
please do not antagonize/attack charlotte. she may be a bit of a toxic friend, but this is a roleplay blog all in good fun and i like to stay loyal to my characters. i won't be writing her less-great traits out of her. she isn't a villain and she isn't an antagonist, ok? and she isn't necessarily bad, either. (i am also not glorifying or defending her actions! please do not attack or antagonize ME, either u_u charlotte has still done bad things and some of those can't exactly be glorified or justified, mental illness or not! i myself have done bad and quesrionable things, too. i understand this.)
of course! in fact, i am even willing to designate certain anons. however, please don't use emojis, if possible. my browser won't let me type them, so i literally won't be able to tag you in it! you CAN designate an emoji, though. for example:
"(ask) -fish emoji anon" or "(ask) -frog emoji anon" are fine. if i ever find a way to type emojis here this will be updated!!!
if you see emoticons like ;) or ;( or <;) or ;| she is NOT WINKING. charlotte only has one eye/can only open the one due to her mold, and therefore uses emoticons/kaomojis to match. (i don't know if she'd be caught DEAD using some kaomojis though...)
emote guide:
HAPPY >> <;) ;) C; c; >_^ ~_^ << | SAD >> ;( <;( ;{ <;{ ;'( <;'( << | EXTREMELY SAD (THESE MIGHT BE USED IN MORE SERIOUS SITUATIONS.) >> <;'{ ;'{ << | ANGRY >> >;( >;{ D;< >;[ >;/ |;/ << | BORED/IRRITATED >> ;I ;/ ;\ |;/ << | WINKING >> ;3 |;3 |;P [;P << | FLUSTERED >> ~///o ~////u ~////< )//^//( << | OTHER >> ;P ;3c (NOT WINKING FACES! ;P IS USED AS A GENERAL TONGUE OUT FACE AND ;3c IS USED AS INTEREST OR HAPPINESS. THE OTHER TWO ([;P AND ;3, ETC) ARE USED AS WINKING OR PLAYFUL/CHEEKY.)
and thats about it! if you have any other questioms feel free to ask!]
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