#i don't think she acts this way without remorse though but having to be The Wife Of A Yakuza she isnt given the luxury of motherhood
From Daigo considering Kiryu a father figure and the substory with him in Y0 I assume Kiryu was there a lot to tell him not to be a little shit. Yayoi and Daigo do not have the closest relationship during his 30-year old rebellious teen phase, but I got the impression it wasn't always like that. The fact that 12-year old Daigo was hanging around Kamurocho with older kids does imply Yayoi wasn't keeping a close eye on him but I get the impression that what parenting she did do would have been vaguely in the right direction.
yeah yeah that's what i was referring to in me last ask: the fact that, through daigo's y0 substory, you learn that kiryu's pretty much been one of the only really consistent people in his life to hang out with him
when it comes to yayoi and her parenting though, she readily admits she priorities the clan over daigo's feelings and needs (not just when he's an adult, but admits that ever since he was a kid she and sohei have always chosen the clan over him). at the very least, she's incredibly self aware of how lacking she is as a mother, and so at the same time is remorseful about her inability to connect with nor help daigo when he needs it
all of that said, it's hard to gauge what her parenting skills are actually like. sure, daigo turned out to be a respectable man, but again kiryu- whether you like/hate him or question his capabilities as a father- had a key, significant role in daigo's upbringing and is undoubtedly the main influence on his personality and manners. considering how willing daigo was to bend to kiryu's word as a kid, it wouldn't be hard to assume that if yayoi was as hard on him as she is when he's an adult, he might not have had that rambunctious phase nor attitude. the most i can conclude about her parenting is that she's wholly neglectful (and outright abusive when it came to telling daigo she would be taking the role of acting chairman) due to her prioritization towards duty
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jihyoruri · 5 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ COME BACK TO ME(PLEASE ) kim minji x reader
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↳ warnings this takes place during ditto era, minji is down bad, 6th member reader
minji stood frozen, her gaze locked on the ethereal girl as she glided past without stopping. every movement seemed choreographed, every step a graceful dance. time seemed to slow as minji drank in the girl's beauty—a beauty so unique, it made minji question her own perception of the word beauty. 
it was the kind of beauty that transcended mere physical appearance, captivating minji’s senses and leaving her speechless and then that specific feeling started creeping upon minji.
the feeling of realizing you messed up the best thing that could ever happen to you.
yeah, that’s what she was feeling right now.
"oh no, don't give me that look," minji turned to hanni, who shot her a scolding glance. "you broke up with her, bro. don’t act all heartbroken just because your ego got in the way."
minji’s shoulders sagged under Hanni's sharp gaze, her expression a mix of regret and frustration. "I know, I know," she muttered, “she’s just so pretty.”
minji couldn't fathom why their ceo thought it was a stroke of genius to add yn to the group after pitting her and yn against each other the entire time. It felt like a cruel joke, especially considering the rule of having only "five people" for debut for the group only to suddenly change course and introduce yn months after their debut dropped. the decision felt like a slap in the face.
like everything she did was for nothing, like letting yn go was for nothing, being an asshole was all for nothing.
“she is.” hanni  responded with no remorse, not even flinching at minji’s glare, “and I don’t know what you were thinking.” she says rubbing salt into the wound causing minji to groan and throw her head back.
"I don't know what I was thinking either," minji whispered to herself, the weight of her own words echoing in the quiet of the room. 
with a heavy sigh, she pushed herself up from the couch, a weariness settling over her like a heavy blanket. "I'm gonna go lay down," she muttered as she trudged away, her steps heavy with the burden of her thoughts.
"don’t forget we're all meeting back in the living room in an hour to watch ditto drop!" hanni’s voice called after minji, her words giving a burst of energy that clashed with minji’s mood. but minji was already disappearing down the hallway, her groan serving as a half-hearted response to hanni’s reminder.
minji kept her gaze fixed on the floor as she made her way down the hall to her room, lost in her thoughts and oblivious to the figure approaching that makes their way down to opposite side of the hall with a bag of caramel popcorn in their hands, with a sudden collision, their bodies collided, eliciting a yelp from both parties involved.
startled , minji looked up, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes met yn’s. time seemed to stand still as they locked gazes, minji momentarily forgetting how to breathe in the presence of the girl.
while the girl stuffs an handful the popcorn she already had in her hand in her mouth while clutching the bag in her other.
minji observed yn’s awkward attempt to slowly chew the sweet popcorn, her mind racing faster than her mouth could keep up. "you're still obsessed with caramel popcorn?" she blurted out, the words tumbling from her lips before she could fully process them.
yn’s eyes flicked up to meet minji’s, a hint of sheepishness coloring her expression as she swallowed the popcorn. "yeah," she admitted but immediately hardening up, “that doesn’t matter though, since nothing about me matters.” she responds quoting the older girls words causing minji to cringe.
"I really don't want to hear it," yn interjected quietly, cutting off minji’s attempt to speak. "you said what you had to say already," she added, her tone tinged with a hint of vulnerability before turning and walking down the hall.
minji hand instinctively reached out as if to stop her, but she hesitated, the weight of yn’s words settling heavily in her chest. With a resigned sigh, minji let her hand fall back to her side, watching silently as yn disappeared from view, the distance between them feeling wider than ever before.
she felt the weight in her chest get heavier as she turned around and headed to her room, being around yn has been so hard, the more she interacts with the girl the more she feels like she’s going to explode in tears.
minji lets herself sink into her bed and closes her eyes letting her guilty tears fall, she pulls her blanket over her and lets sleep slowly take over.
and just as she closes her eyes she opens them, when she feels an excited hyein open the door of the room, minji looks at the time, it’s been an hour since she fell asleep.
“minji unnie, get up!”the younger yells, “we have two minutes.” she says before running out the room
minji stares at the ceiling before letting out a sigh and dragging herself out of her bed, she makes her way out her room and she immediately here’s the loud noises of her members.
despite her reluctance, minji knew she couldn't stay holed up in her room forever. with a resigned sigh, she squared her shoulders and began to make her way towards the source of the commotion, steeling herself for whatever awaited her on the other side.
as soon as she walks into the living room she’s met with danielle’s of hurry’s.
minji can’t help but smile at the girls contagious excitement, but that smile immediately disappears when she sees that only spot open is the one beside yn who hasn’t looked up from her bowl of caramel popcorn since minji entered the room.
taking a deep breath to steel herself, minji forced a shaky smile and approached the couch, taking the seat beside yn.
the air between them felt charged with tension, a silent barrier that seemed to loom larger with each passing moment. despite her best efforts to ignore it, minji couldn't shake that feeling she got in her chest around yn.
she opened her mouth to whisper a greeting but was cut off by the greeting and of the other girls as the countdown started.
she played with her fingers as the screams got louder when the music video started, she couldn’t help but smile at the music video, especially the scenes where it was just her and yn, she remembers how nervous she was when the director told her that her and yn will have multiple parts alone together, the filming was so awkward but seeing how nice it tuned out made her warm inside.
feeling a gentle nudge, minji turned to look at yn, who had her eyes fixed on the music video playing on the screen. furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, minji followed yn’s gaze down to the bowl of caramel popcorn nestled between them. 
A soft smile tugged at the corners of minji’s lips as she realized yn’s subtle invitation to share the snack.
minji reached out and scooped up a handful of the sweet and salty treat, the warmth of yn’s gesture washing over her like a comforting embrace. 
as she popped a kernel into her mouth, minji couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within her, a silent reassurance that perhaps, despite the distance that had grown between them, there was still a chance for reconciliation.
once the music video finished all the girls got up, they all agreed to make cookies after watching the music video, minji watched as they made their way around the corner to the kitchen, their conversation buzzing about the music video.
hanni shot minji an encouraging look before nodding to yn who still at bedside minji with her face in her phone probably texting her family members about the music video, she then turned the corner and made her way to the kitchen like the rest of the girls.
minji swallowed nervously, the lump in her throat betraying the turmoil of emotions swirling within her. "Um, yn?" she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper amidst the din of the room.
yn finally tore her gaze away from the screen of her phone, turning to look at minji with a raised eyebrow, a silent question lingering in her eyes. the weight of their unspoken tension hung heavy in the air, casting a palpable unease over their interaction.
minji took a deep breath, summoning the courage to voice the words that had been weighing on her mind. "I... I just wanted to say... I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice trembling with the raw vulnerability of her confession. "For everything."
"I... I don't know what I was thinking," minji continued, her voice cracking with emotion. "the pressure of debuting was just so high, and the fact that it was either me or you getting kicked out of the lineup made everything worse." She paused, her words hanging heavy in the air as she struggled to articulate the depth of her remorse.
"I let my fear and insecurity cloud my judgment," minji confessed, her gaze dropping to her hands as she fidgeted nervously with her fingers. 
“But that's no excuse for how I treated you. You didn't deserve that, and I'm truly sorry for hurting you, I don’t even know how I even thought of hurting someone I love so much, I need you to know that ever since that day all I’ve wanted was you back.”
the weight of her confession hung between them, the silence stretching taut with the unspoken hope for forgiveness. minji heart pounded in her chest, her pulse echoing in her ears as she waited with bated breath for yn’s response.
"the pressure was pretty high, huh?" yn echoed softly, her tone tinged with a mixture of understanding and resignation. she sighed, her gaze flickering briefly to the bustling activity in the other room before returning to minji’s troubled expression.
"I get it," yn admitted, her voice carrying a weight of shared experience. "we were all under immense pressure, and it's easy to let it get the best of us." she reached out, laying a gentle hand on minji arm, a silent gesture of solidarity. "but that doesn't excuse what happened between us."
there was a quiet intensity in yn’s gaze as she locked eyes with minji, a silent plea for honesty and accountability. "I appreciate your apology," she said softly, her words carrying a note of sincerity. "but apologies alone won't mend what's broken.”
minji felt her chest sink and it was obvious that yn could see it in her eyes, “I do see us together minji I really do, but let’s do this slowly.”
minji nodded, her throat tight with unspoken words. despite the ache of longing that pulsed within her, she knew that yn was right. rebuilding what they once had would take time and patience, a delicate process that couldn't be rushed.
"Okay," minji murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, I’ll do anything to fix this, I’m kinda obsessed with you.”
yn laughed and pressed a soft kiss to minji’s cheek, “yeah, it’s obvious.” obvious she teases before getting up from the couch and reaching out her hand towards minji, “lets go help with the cookies.”
minji couldn’t contain the smile that broke out on her face as she interlocked her hand with yn’s letting the girl drag her towards the kitchen.
she looks at yn and is completely mesmerized and just like always her mouth is faster than her mind, “you looked amazing in the music video, best way to make your official debut.”
“oh, shut up.”
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i think i've said this before but i want to elaborate on it. i genuinely feel like the spop crew wrote c//a as some sort of torture p*rn. they know that people usually find an enemies to lovers arc sexy and intriguing. but the problem with c//a was that their fights were never equal. i don't know about y'all but when i think of enemies to lovers, i think of a dynamic where both individuals are at least somewhat on equal footing. i don't think about a relationship with a huge power dynamic where one of the characters is helpless and weak while the other takes every opportunity to torture them.
adora never tried to harm catra apart from self-defense, she always held back when she was fighting catra. she tried to reason with catra or just hold her off. meanwhile catra never held back on hurting adora. not once.
and all of this is framed as “hot”. it's framed as “sexual tension”. it's framed as “gay pining”, even though it's not. not to mention, most of the “homoerotic” fight scenes are where adora is either weak or helpless in some way. she's either restrained or too scared to fight back or actively stopping herself from injuring catra. and catra takes advantage of her kindness.
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so what's the torture p*rn part of this? well. torture p*rn is basically a trope where a person (or multiple people being tortured) is the main attraction of the plot. c//a is supposed to be enemies to lovers, meaning they should be fighting equally, right? especially since adora is stronger and the “chosen one”, you'd think she'd definitely be defeating catra a lot more.
but no, most of their conflict is catra taking joy in harming adora. these scenes are framed in a more “intimate” way, with catra often touching adora without consent, saying vaguely flirtatious yet threatening one-liners and overall fueling the whole “sexual tension” part.
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just take a look at these scenes. i can't completely blame the fandom for thinking these are sexy or erotic because they are framed that way. the crew themselves have admitted that c//a were supposed to have some sexual tension (despite being teenagers for at least two seasons, mind you) and it shows. adora may look scared or uncomfortable but it doesn't matter because the writers wants us to think that this is hot.
villains being creepy and borderline perverted is not a new thing, it's something that mainly came with queer-coding villains. but people often only do this to villains who are supposed to stay villains. and especially with the context that catra supposedly “loved” adora during all this, it just adds another layer of discomfort. it just feels like catra is taking the opportunity to not only hurt adora but also make her deeply uncomfortable by touching and interacting with her in a way that she did not consent to.
keep in mind that whenever adora has the upper hand, the show never frames their fights as homoerotic or weirdly intimate.
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most of the time, she uses long range attack or she just goes on defense. the one time she attacked catra head on, she just decks catra in the face and is done with it. she doesn't cross catra's boundaries, she doesn't act flirtatious or touch catra inappropriately. the only scene where she can be described as “flirtatious” (though i would say she was just being smug) was when she wasn't attacking catra, but instead destroying one of entrapta's robots.
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(and of course with no remorse, catra orders entrapta to activate the self-destruct on the robot so that adora could be blown to bits.)
so yeah. just because catra is a villain doesn't mean she has to be a creep. if the goal was to make her sexy (which is still weird since she was a teenager but regardless), there are other ways. there have been plenty of villains who are attractive and have a charming personality without being a total creep to the protagonists. for example, azula from ATLA is widely known as a queer awakening for many young girls because of how attractive she was (i know she was also a teenager. these are not my words, i'm just quoting the general public). and yet, you never see azula being creepily intimate with any of the protagonists. she often used long-range attack and she only goes as far as using some condescending language. it's just weird to write a villain who we should sympathize with, but then also make them a total creep.
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acourtofthought · 9 months
I haven't seen this particular gem of a post but there is apparently one going around stating that everyone in the ACOTAR world has suffered more than Lucien, that he doesn't know suffering.
Just a little starter here. The first book began with Lucien's friend being murdered because they needed to sacrifice him in order to break the curse on Spring.
"Autumn Court is ...cutthroat. Beautiful, but his brothers see each other only as competition, since the strongest of them will inherit the title."
"Lucien fell in love with a faerie whom his father considered to be grossly inappropriate for someone of his bloodline." "His father had her put down. Executed, in front of Lucien, as his two eldest brothers held him and made him watch."
"Without his title protecting him, his brothers thought to eliminate one more contender to the High Lord's crown. Three of them went out to kill him."
"But he has never forgotten what they did to her, or what his brothers tried to do to him. Even if he pretends that he has."
"She took his eye as punishment. Carved it out with her own fingernail, then scarred his face. She sent him back so bloody that Tamlin...The High Lord vomited when he saw his friend."
Lucien's brothers lurked on the edges of the crowd - no remorse, no fear on their handsome faces. Amarantha sighed. "I thought you would have learned your lesson, Lucien. Though this time your silence will damn you as much as your tongue." Lucien kept his eyes shut. Ready - he was ready for Rhysand to wipe out everything he was, to turn his mind, his self into dust.
"but only after she made Tamlin bestow Lucien's punishment. Twenty lashes." (remember, because he tried to help Feyre in her trial? Also she prevented Lucien from being able to heal).
"Lucien lay chained to the center of the floor on the other side of the chamber, his remaining russet eye so wide that it was surrounded with white. / Again he was to be Amarantha's toy to torment."
"Don't give me that look, Lucien." SIlence again. Then a vicious snarl, and a shudder of magic rocked the house. Tamlin's voice had been low, deadly. Do not push me on this. I didn't want to know what was happening in that room, what he'd done to Lucien.
Thoughts slammed into me, images and memories, a pattern of thinking and feeling that was old, and clever and sad, endlessly sad and guilt-ridden, hopeless -
"She - she didn't act that way at..." Lucien. Lucien had hated her. Had made vague, vicious allusions to not liking her, to being approached by her. I was going to throw up. Had she...had she pursued him like that? Had he...had he been forced to say yes because of her position?
He might have completed the Great Rite with Ianthe of his own free will, but he certainly hadn't enjoyed it. Some line had been blurred - badly.
I waited the five minutes it took Tamlin to decide not to kill Lucien, and then smiled. I wondered if Lucien had pieced it together. That I had known Tamlin would come to my room tonight, after I had given him so many shy touches and glances today.
"Back off". "Do not touch me," he growled." Where Lucien stood, back against a tree - twin bands of blue stone shackled around his wrists. / And in this case...holding Lucien against that tree as Ianthe surveyed him like a snake before a meal. She slid a hand over the broad panes of his chest, his stomach. And Lucien's eyes shot to me as I stepped between the trees, fear and humiliation reddening his golden skin.
As the youngest of seven sons, I wasn't particularly needed or wanted."
"Did you think it was mere hatred that prompted my brothers to do their best to break and kill me?"
The circle of people who now claimed to be Feyre's new family...It was what, long ago, he'd once thought life at Tamlin's court would be. An ache like a blow to the chest went through him.
"I am Lucien. Seventh son of the High Lord of the Autumn Court. And a whole lot of nothing.
"I do not belong in the Autumn Court. And I'm willing to be I'm no longer welcome at h- the Spring Court." Home, he had almost said.
"The same things he does now." Helion waved a hand. "Belittle her, leave bruises where no one but him will see them." (So to recap, Beron physically and verbally abuses his WIFE, killed Lucien's love and people think he had an easy childhood with this man?)
It would explain why his father and brothers detest him so much - why they have tormented him his entire life.
I hadn't asked Lucien any questions about that visit - to Tamlin. Lucien hadn't explained the black eye and cut lip, either.
"I don't have anywhere else to go." "You ruined any chances I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but to the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit" - Side note but even knowing this, about how the people feel about him because of Feyre's schemes, Lucien still allowed the NC to permanently station him there in SF. It's really cute of E/riels to think Az is having such a rough go of it, living in the Night Court with the brothers who love him, while Lucien just has it so easy, right?
The male had grown up alongside Eris. Had dealt with Eris's and Beron's cruelty. Had his lover slaughtered by his own father.
This paragraph is about Eris: Beron had tortured his own son for information, rather than thanking the Mother for returning him. / The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege - on paper. But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him?
So with that said, If that's how Beron treated his own son how do you think he treated the son he suspected belonged to another man?
Cassian knew Beron had murdered Lucien's lover. If the High Lord of Autumn had been willing to do that, what wouldn't he do?
So by all means, I'd love to know how a character who we have canon evidence of suffering from his younger years all the way through the present has it so much easier than everyone else?
Someone's selective reading is showing!!
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meospseo · 3 months
Maki, Toji, and Freedom
I think the worst parroted talking point in JJK discussions is that "Maki just becomes Toji 2.0". It's an idea that commonly comes up in any discussion or Maki or female characters in JJK about how she was reduced to a facsimile of a dead male character the author prefers.
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I think this is a gross misunderstanding and oversimplification of Maki's character arc and does a disservice to both characters. Yes, there are many very deliberate parallels in the manga, textually and sub-textually, that discusses their mirroring. But these are usually from the viewpoint of others or from the manga discussing her abilities and growth.
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While Maki does undergo a personality shift after awakening, she does not begin echoing Toji in any capacity. Toji is arrogant, flippant, and selfish; a man willing to kill kids and sell his own son for cash. He is at the end of the day a broken man who threw away all personal relations after the death of someone he deeply cared about.
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Maki on the other hand is at first blunt, determined, and brash; a woman who only decided to become a sorcerer to spite her family. although she has moments of levity and kindheartedness, she is still motivated by revenge.
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When Maki awakens after losing Mai, the person she cared most about, Maki retreats inward, becoming more distant and bitter, but still equally determined; a woman living with the burden of having killed her own parents.
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On a surface level, it's easy to see how Maki acting more emotionally detached mirror's Toji's grief, but it's just that; grief. both of them have lost who they cared about the most and it would be strange not to see them retreat inward emotionally.
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The difference is in how they deal with their grief; Toji becomes solely self-destructive, selling his own services and his own son only to gamble it away. he is completely lost without his wife. Maki on the other hand becomes outwardly destructive, desperately trying to honor Mai’s and her own dream to destroy the Zen’in clan. Even with these differences, Maki still continues to grow, expressing remorse over indulging in vengeance. Where Maki makes a mistake and learns from it, Toji dies for it.
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These differences exist beyond their personalities, even with the same abilities, they utilize their skill sets in different ways that reflect their personalities. Toji is known as the Sorcerer Killer, he is an assassin and hired killer. In Hidden Inventory, instead of attempting to assassinate Riko outright, he delegates the work to others by putting a fake bounty up to tire down Gojo. Toji doesn’t work for free, he isn’t a man held by ideals like pride, loyalty, or friendship. His true self is an opportunist, and when he deviates from that, he dies.
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At least, that’s what he tells himself in his last moments, but his desire for self-affirmation, to completely discredit the apex of jujutsu sorcery and spite the Zen’in clan, says otherwise.
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I don't think it's a coincidence, either, that a discussion of Maki's abilities and being shunned by the Zen'in family is immediately followed by Mei-Mei's comment about connections based on money, the same belief that brought about Toji's downfall.
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Maki, meanwhile, is a woman defined by strength, both physical and mental. Maki’s determination to spite her family is the core of her motivation for much of the story, it’s what drives her to be stronger. Though Maki is far from dumb, she manages to figure out and counter Naoya’s technique in a matter of moments, she never relies on trickery or plans the same way Toji does. This stems from the fact that Maki has the luxury to rely on others; though Maki desires self-affirmation through internal strength, she isn’t stubborn enough to turn to isolation. Toji meanwhile, is completely alone and forced to fight through unorthodox plans – strength exists merely as a means to an end for Toji, while strength exists as a source of pride and a goal in of itself for Maki.
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Freedom is perhaps the greatest line connecting the two stains of the Zen’in clan. Free from cursed energy, free from expectations, free the constraints of a cursed technique. It’s what really, truly motivated Maki in the first place; the freedom to choose what to be, to leave home. Maki refused to live a normal life and fall into a hole serving her family with Mai and instead opted to become stronger.
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Toji, meanwhile, is described as a man who escaped fate and broke the chain of destiny keeping the star plasma vessel and the six eyes together.
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But Toji’s defiance only shatters others chains, as he never truly escaped the shadow of the Zen’in clan, being haunted by them and the fate of his son in his last moments.
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Maki, meanwhile, makes peace with the fact that she can never really make peace, that she can only look forward and keep moving.
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Maki Zen’in is arguably one of the best written characters in the series, and to see any discussion or her reduced to “she’s good but Toji 2.0” is disheartening and a rejection of reading characters on even a basic level. Reducing characters to their powers and abilities is literally exactly what the story is actively disparaging in current chapters! When all you can see is someone’s strengths and abilities, you’re dehumanizing them into a monster; and Maki deserves better to be known as nothing more than a monster.
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ickadori · 9 months
hai anon here to thirst over sukuna. MALE AND FEM !!!!!! think... fem!sukuna with a nasty attitude. maybe even worse than her male counterpart. (she's tired of being underestimated. she's the queen of curses for goodness sake!) all conniving looks, nasty grins, and bloody canines to go along with her with her ichor lined lips. (she even has a cute cupid's bow ! don't let her catch you calling it cute though..) when she lays her eyes on you she is utterly struck. aren't you cute. she considers you quite adorable considering youre a weak human :p she strides towards you, and youre in a bloody puddle of the remains left by her... village visit. fem!sukuna who kicks aside a severed limb--who can hear your blood rushing, heart pounding. your eyes are wide as you glance up at her. wide and glossy. ah! how cute, you resemble that of a bunny about to be devoured by pray. no, she wouldn't devour you as she does her usual humans. "...i won't hurt you, brat." she spares a glance down, at your chest and neck. oh. she sees the slope of your tits through your flowery kimono; and your bare neck just laid out. as if begging for her to press her slender hands against your voicebox and squeeze-- see what pretty noise comes out. (if any) maybe kiss, too . . . mm, yes. perhaps f!sukuna will devour you another way. (i already sent u another brainrot ts week but ive been thinking sm abt sukuna....!!!!! urgh!!!) i rlly wanna be sandwiched in between fem!sukuna and regular sukuna and just fuck around and find out what happens. -L
cws for mentions of murder.
forgive me for hoarding your thirsts 😭😭 STOPPP I LOVE THISSSS IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT SINCE YOU SENT IT<33 i like to imagine that fem sukuna is like .. a savage! bad mannered, foul mouthed, long wild hair, absolutely no sense of etiquette and just all around uncouth. male sukuna is similar, but he has a bit more tact about things.
fem sukuna always gives into her desires and wants, no matter if the situation allows for it not. thats how she ended up toying with you in the middle of a bloodbath - her curiosity had gotten the best of her when she saw you standing stockstill in the middle of the madness, likely frozen by shock. your village folk were dying all around you, their blood spraying across your skin and tattered clothing, and you had just stood there, mouth agape and eyes glossy as they dropped at your feet.
you looked…appetizing in the midst of it all, trembling in fear and covered in blood, and fem sukuna had never been one to ignore her hunger, no matter the occasion.
AHHHH i feel like she acts like a cavewoman!! loud, brutish, simple (but not dumb, y’know). she eats with her hands, and tries to feed you the same way, and she can’t understand why you cringe away when her messy fingers near your mouth, some kind of undercooked meat dangling from them. she insists on feeding you herself, and she’ll keep you locked down in her lap until you humor her and finally give in.
her and male sukuna have the same abilities, but she prefers killing with her bare hands, as you were unfortunately able to witness firsthand as she ripped apart the people from your village without an ounce of remorse.
she dresses herself relatively simple, although she gravitates towards traditional male clothing such as hakama’s rather than kimono’s - it’s also not unheard of for her to neglect to wear clothing altogether. you, on the other hand, are garbed in the finest silks and brightest colors. she gifts you with dresses that would make noblewomen envious, and jewelry that could purchase entire towns and villages.
while male sukuna can be a bit stingy with his affection, rarely touching you in public unless it’s a possessive hand in your shoulder, waist, or the back of your neck, fem sukuna never learned the concept of personal space. her hands are always on you; fixing your hair just to mess it up again, tugging on strands and curling it around her fingers, pulling you into her lap petting you all over, randomly pulling at your cheeks and mushing them together just to childishly laugh at the face you’re forced to make.
your hand is clasped in hers on every walk, and sometimes she just simply scoops you up into her arms and carries you around that way, completely ignoring your protests.
she gives you your own room for sleeping and privacy, and yet every night you find her curled around you, arms locked around you tight and legs threaded through your own. you also bathe with her from now on, and she insists on being the one to scrub you clean…just for you to inevitably get dirty again when her hands begin to wander.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Stop the Harassment
After everything that's happened, you guys sure make it easy to quit a fandom. Let's be real here, who wants to be in a fandom where you harass minors, bully people so much so that they try to commit? First it was cosplayers, now even creators who caused no harm are being violated and bullied.
Sure I might lose followers but I sure as hell won't just be staying silent about this, not when my friend has already suffered through enough, I know the culprit, I'm just staying silent on behalf of my friend because they don't want this thing escalated. I shouldn't even feel like I'll be targeted after this because what kind of community have we created that we should expect the worst?
My friend has been nothing but nice to the rest of you and for you to treat them this way after they've been through so much after what you guys did in the first place just sickens and disgusts me to my core. Even before this whole thing they came to Tumblr for refuge because of their difficult time but you guys don't care about that right?
No because apparently what you do in this fandom is you tear someone apart who found comfort here to make them feel so bad that it's either they quit or commit.
She took responsibility saying that it was a mistake but no, apparently people have to be flawless for any one of you to accept them right? Is being a minor a crime? Is that it? Because last time I checked, Tumblr was an ages 12+ app so why are we so concerned? Regarding the allegations, they don't interact with mdni, even if they did in the past it was probably by accident.
Regarding minors reading and writing nsfw shit, I've said it before and I'll say it again, blocking is a thing? Can't y'all all comprehend that? Is it really that difficult to understand that you even have to spread personal information to others? For all you know my friend could now be targeted and preyed on by some creep because they found out they're a minor.
People are gonna ask me who it is but I can't answer for them, they just want peace and I want to clarify some things because I can't just let people think my friend this apparently "horrid" thing within the fandom without defending them, you were the one who interacted with them first (WITHOUT MDNI IN YOUR BLOG) and now they're getting pinned and taking all the blame when you didn't even care to tell her that suddenly you put it in your blog?
Not only this but what do you have to stand to gain in all of this? I wonder what was your motive to tear someone down and let your little minions do it for you because you don't wanna be involved.
The fact that you let this spread and let people do this to them without taking accountability for how this started or at least telling people to stop because what you caused just baffles me because how can someone have such inability to feel remorse and guilt, you've been awfully silent haven't you?
Probably because it's better to have someone take the blame regarding the harassment right? Because some people are standing up for them, though I know that some refuse to talk, I know they're also here to support them. You are one of the only people who knew of their age and damn did you make it easy to find you.
I don't even know how one person is capable of doing this to another, which I suspect you've been leaving some of the anon asks to them too when they've been nothing but nice to you, the least the rest of you can do is cut them some slack, Dms is a thing right? Block and move on, as simple as that. But no, the rest of you just had to spam it on other creators' accounts with the mixing of some false allegations.
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Not only that but this? Can't y'all just leave them alone? You all act as if they personally killed your parents or something, it's like they committed some sort of crime in which they didn't.. you all did by spreading their PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL information. None of you truly knows what happened and yet you all act like you're some sort of detective, have you all not learned anything from what happened to Vincent (Inquisitore) and Viper, apparently Milo is now also getting targeted for some silly video?
I wanted to post the other less filtered version of this post because I was so mad for my friend but in regards to people in my blog, this is as filtered as I can get it. If any of you ever harass her again, we WILL find your account and you best believe I'll have no shame to tag you, even more so if you've blocked me.
What's up with always hiding behind anons? You're scared of what people might say to you because YOU as an ADULT has been harassing a minor? That's what this is right? The rest of you are scared if the consequences of your actions because you know to yourselves that you've done SOMETHING wrong.
This is such a shit show, what even is this fandom anymore? I swear that not onec have I been in such a shitty one and I've been through all sorts of fandom, never as toxic as this one, great job y'all, you guys just beat the toxic k-pop stans in my list.
Though some of you are so kind and wonderful, there are still THOSE bad people out there who seek to tear someone apart for whatever petty reason.
I'm taking a break from all this and though I still will be writing behind the scenes so that I'll have the strength to keep going, you all disappoint me as a community.
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wouriqueen · 3 months
IWTV S2 finale - General thoughts
Hmmmmmmm okay so. Top notch episode until the official end of the interview.
Post Daniel ending the session... eeeeeeh. I was disappointed. My fears about how they were going to wrap it all up ended up being founded :/ Maybe this is just because it's a first watch but Idk. The things I enjoyed were:
Jacob Anderson thank you for this 15 episodes of excellent acting, your performance will always be a classic in my house.
watching Louis be happier - I love him enough for that haha
Daniel's ending was satisfactory to me, aside from the fact that I feel we should have seen his turning for his arc to feel complete, again we needed another episode.
Here's what I didn't like or still need to think about under the cut.
No time to see Louis process the reveal + break-up. I didn't hate his reaction, though it only makes sense if he suspected it in the back of his mind, which I maintain he must have a little. The issue? We don't even see him process 77 years of Armand lying about choosing him and being sad about Claudia and/or 77 years of him lying to himself. Not even a montage. Despite the fact that it was 77 YEARS. And that seconds before Daniel threw the bomb Loumand were falling back into fond reminiscing.
Armand taking "going with the flow" to the extreme. This one might be a matter of my own competence but I don't... get it? I understand he's a character who gaslights himself into believing he can't change things. I understand he's someone who derives his own identity from serving a person or a purpose, from playing a role, and clearly is too terrified to step outside of them. But the fact he didn't take ANY independent significant step throughout the Paris era is something I'm going to have to sit with. Did he do all that because he believed Louis couldn't get rid of the coven without his help, aka without him taking action, and since he doesn't do that, everything else was an inevitability? I think what's jarring to me is that this means he never actually chose Louis in any capacity that mattered. I know he loved him but. ??
The whole Lestat thing... absolutely unearned. I just could not care because it wasn't resolved. We don't get answers about his presence at the trial. If he wasn't coerced, I don't get his defending Claudia on stage. Are we supposed to believe he only felt remorse when she looked to him for help? Sounds insane. And if he was coerced, we should have been told here. Because I can't believe Louis just... not asking these questions. Time heals, but I don't see how Louis can skip to forgiveness without any explanations given.
The "equal wrongs" vibe of the Louis and Lestat's convo. Lestat apologized for the drop, but not for everything else. As for Louis' thanks, we have seen nothing to explain this sudden appreciation for the gift. And even of we say it's been a gradual process, at the end of the day, him saying he didn't realize vampirism was a "gift" doesn't make sense because back in 1910s he was a Black man in Jim Crow America! And the gift could certainly not do for him what it's doing now! He was also losing his family in real time, which while perhaps inevitable, wasn't something he could have just chosen to not feel anything about...
Claudia. I also didn't like Louis' speech about Claudia's turning, because while factually true, the way it was written and the emphasis on "saved her from a fire only so she could die in the light" felt like he was falling in line with the whole "she shouldn't have been made "anyway". Turning her was a sin but it wasn't the only one perpetrated against her. And maybe I'm being too hard here because that's a line fandom has used, "it's sad but she shouldn't have been made", as if that diminishes the weight of the wrongs done to her. As if these vampires had any right to decide in advance that she would not make it and then make the time she did have on Earth a living hell. "It's not all on you" Louis you still haven't asked him why he was there????
Louis saying "I own the night" Wouldn't the vampires threatening him be old of part of other covens? Has he gotten strong enough from Armand's blood + Magnus' blood for that? Out of context, that was weird.
We don't see Daniel turning. Again I know we lacked time, but it would have made his arc come full circle. Especially with how present the topic of his death was in the last episode.
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onecantsimply · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are having a nice day!
I just wanted to make a small request for a headcanon ¿How would Jack react to a reader gn who has a similar personality to Yugi Tsukasa? (just removing the evil and sadistic) if you don't know the character, it's ok, just ignore this request ^^
P.D: I love the way you write, I feel that you do it very much according to the character
P.D 2: I'm sorry if my level of English is not the best
Yes you may- My apologies for the lack of updating-
I haven’t watched Toilet Bound in such a long time-
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• Well, you’re contracted to him, which means that he knows very well of how childish you are, and how attached you can be to your older brother. This slightly influences Jack to treat you as if you’re a child, in which you can protest about.
• He thinks of it as adorable.
• You’re pretty cheerful, and usually float around to find things that Jack may enjoy. Perhaps tea leaves or things like that? Well, Jack enjoys it anyways, which is all that you’re really looking for.
• Sometimes, you use the small koku-joudai to make play tricks on others out of mischievousness. Even Jack himself. Though, he realizes it due to a certain pattern you have while manipulating them.
• Though, it does work on Hlökk, who you enjoy playing with. She’s like your little version of your older brother’s friend.
• Anyhow, seeing as how Jack does tend to be a night owl, and doesn’t get much sleep, you like to change that. So, you just make him sleep with a sleep induction so he wakes up better energized. Let’s say he wasn’t used to it, and seemed more tired than before- However, the more you used this, the more he got used to it.
• While you can be playful and childish, you can also be strong. Even if you are a spirit contracted to Jack, if any God dared to even insult him or Hlökk, you would make sure they paid accordingly if you were allowed.
• If you weren’t, you would simply have to tolerate it and float next to the pair with a dangerous smile on your face.
• If we are saying you were contracted with Jack since he was alive, you definitely weren’t as chill as you are now. People in Mother Goose didn’t stand much of a chance against a spirit, really. Sniper bullets and blades, as well as razorwhips or physical strength just didn’t phase you one bit.
• You were capable of doing things like killing without remorse. And you still are, you just don’t do it often because of how Jack doesn’t really allow you to. Additionally, who needs killing when you have a little sister figure to tease-?
• That being said, you do like to cause chaos somewhat. Nothing is known as to what amuses you that much to cause this amount of chaos. However, Jack somewhat connects it as you enjoying the facial expressions of people when they decide to stop holding back. Somewhat alike to his own addiction to seeing the color of fear or despair in his own victim’s eyes.
• After the fight with Heracles, Jack is shown to believe that he doesn’t exactly want to do things with violence anymore. Nor does he want to see the fear in anyone else.
• He knows fully well that you believe that the supernatural should act as you want, which is why he only made a suggestion to stop killing. You abide to it as you can, but sometimes, you can’t restrict it with how much of an asshole people are. Jack understands, of course.
• With a childish and playful personality, can come a manipulative one. You have definitely manipulated Jack into something, but he just doesn’t remember what. Nor does he remember that you’ve manipulated him.
• As a spirit, you can also be controlling. However, it never does occur often.
• Though, this ain’t what we talkin about-
• Your relationship with Jack has never been specified as platonic or romantic. All people know if that you two are close, and have been for at least 130 years.
• Whichever the case, people just don’t know how you two see each other other than the best of friends or simply contractor and spirit. You two are unknown, even with how people may look into Jack’s file. Whenever they do, information gets blocked out, even if it isn’t supposed to be doing that.
• Well, that at least says that you’re protective over him.
• No one knows where your file is either, so no one knows your backstory. Though, they do go to your older brother, who seems hesitant to reveal things.
• They couldn’t get much out of him either.
• Back with you and Jack, you two seem to enjoy walking or floating around while talking. Perhaps sitting by a good garden and having some treats. Naturally, he enjoys your presence, especially how your color looks.
• He’s looked at it for 130 years and hasn’t grown tired of it. Get a man that looks at you like that.
• You two are in Hlökk’s room? No problem. Just have tea and treats in there. You sometimes bury yourself in the plushies she has. May or may not jump scare anyone that walks by if they do. You say it’s comfy.
• All in all, your relationship with him is unknown. But people know fully well that they’ll find out whatever the hell you two are.
• You two have no idea of whatever the hell they’re doing.
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empirearchives · 1 year
NAPOLEON - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube
Do you see this bullshit, your majesty? Seriously, I'd like to know your opinion, because I don't think it looks very good. Basically, it seems like a truncated and simplified version of the 2002 French miniseries with Christian Clavier, and that one already suffered from having to cut corners in terms of time allotted to various historical events...
Yup, I definitely think it’s going to be oversimplified. Napoleon deserves a 10 hour series *minimum* to get anywhere close to grasping the whole scope of his life and legacy. But they can’t really do that with a single film 😅 Unfortunately, I think they have to cut a lot of stuff.
I have a lot of thoughts about this trailer.
About Napoleon:
I’m not sure why he’s mumbling so much. It seems like the actor is intentionally acting stiff and I don’t know why. Napoleon was described by his contemporaries as “energetic” and “electric”. Not mumbling and rigid. He should be very charismatic.
My guess is that the reason they are depicting him in such an emotionless way is because they want to portray him as a tyrant who doesn’t have any remorse or feelings and only cares about power. But I’m hoping they show more to him and his character in the actual film. Fingers crossed.
His age is wayyyyy off. He should be in his 20s, the age he was in the 1790s. 34 when he became emperor. Not 50s or whatever the actor is. That’s the age Napoleon was when he died.
About Josephine:
Okay I have a lottttt of thoughts but I feel that I need to see the film first before I make any judgements. First off, I like the actress they casted a lot (despite the fact that she’s younger than the Napoleon actor). I’m really intrigued with how they are characterizing her. I like that they are not depicting her as completely submissive and without any influence. I was worried they would try to portray her as powerless, which I don’t think she was. Instead it seems like they are doing the exact opposite. I had difficult time understanding everything in the trailer, but I think Josephine in the film told Napoleon that he was a “little brute that would be nothing without me.”
Um…… that’s an interesting take.
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There’s a lot of little things I’m curious about, such as the depiction of Brumaire, the pyramids, etc. I guess we have to wait until it comes out to see those scenes in its entirety though. I’m also really excited to see their depiction of Talleyrand!!
The cinematography is really cool!! I noticed some shots which match real life paintings, which I love! 😊😊
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The trailer actually gives me some hope that it might be a really good film despite the issues. I am hopeful but cautious! If it ends up being bad, at least we will have some more aesthetic shots to enjoy lol
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andorerso · 1 year
i was wondering if you could talk a little bit about why you don’t like marva? (loved the new chapter of don’t say you love me)
Hoo boy, where do I begin? Put under a read more for spoilers, and for the anti-Maarva rant incoming.
First and probably biggest reason is the kidnapping. Drugging and taking a child from his community and his only remaining family, a child who's terrified, who's clearly never seen technology like theirs before, who doesn't even speak their language... She's quite literally the textbook example of the white savior trope, and most baffling of all, this is portrayed as a mostly positive thing. (Well, not even mostly. Other than Cassian still looking for his sister and their relationship being strained, I struggle to see where the show called out Maarva for her actions because well. It didn't.)
Then there's the way she treats Cassian after that. She's belittling, dismissive, borderline emotionally abusive, constantly puts him down and talks down on him, always criticizes him... She treats Bee kinda shitty too, mind you (for example snapping at him to shut up rather cruelly if you ask me.) Then she abandons Cassian when he needs her the most because now she suddenly cares about fighting the empire? And once again, it's portrayed as this selfless heroic act because I guess fighting the Empire is more important than anything. Fine, if that's what you wanna go for. Except that she doesn't fight them. She doesn't do anything, and this "noble" act of sacrifice is completely meaningless. It does nothing else but hurt Cassian. She took this child from his home, never took accountability for it, never treated him right as a mother, and now when he has no one else left and he's just begging her to go with him because despite everything, he does love her and he doesn't want to be alone and he doesn't want her to be in danger... she turns him away? And for what? So she can stay on Ferrix, sick and stubborn and refusing to take her medication and just being a nuisance to everyone? So she can die alone a month later without having any closure with her son? Okay. Makes sense. Oh wait, I forgot. She makes a speech. Groundbreaking.
What's especially annoying to me is that the narrative fully takes her side and never bothers to call her out on any of this. Yes, some people just don't have good mothers, and that'd be fine as a story, even though I'd still dislike her, but what makes me hate her even more is that the story doesn't seem to consider her a bad mother. The story wants me to like her. We're told she's a beloved part of the community, that she's a selfless mother, that she's an inspiring leader. Except that's not what they show us. Fiona Shaw herself talks about what a selfless hero she is for quote-on-quote rescuing Cassian, and it feels like I'm getting whiplash because did we watch the same show? Rescuing Cassian is not how I'd put it. She full on drugged and kidnapped a child, that's not a noble or heroic act of self-sacrifice.
Maarva never shows any warmth towards Cassian. Even in episode 7 when he goes back to her and episode 11 when he tries to call her, it feels like a boy desperately trying to please and live up to his mother's standards because she never made him feel like he was good enough. And that really is just the last straw. I wouldn't forgive her for kidnapping him, but I had hoped, initially, that there'd be consequences to this, that she'd show remorse at least. But I don't think Maarva ever really thought she did anything wrong because the story doesn't think she did anything wrong. And instead of trying to make it up to him like Clem seemed to have tried, she just gives him even more emotional damage.
I just can't tolerate her. Even her love for Cassian seems selfish at best, so there's nothing redeemable about her in my eyes.
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deadbydangit · 6 months
I was referring to "Getting into an Argument with them" with Vittorio, Feng and Jonah, sorry for not specifying
I believe I can. I'm sorry this one took me so long, I didn't have very many good ideas for it. I still really don't. But, please enjoy anyways.
Getting into an argument with them: Vittorio, Feng, Jonah
Vittorio Toscano
He's pretty mild-mannered in general.
Vittorio tends to be very passive.
He's that, Make Love Not War, type of guy.
And he's able to let most things go.
So would take a lot for you to get into an argument.
Something really bad would have to happen.
Something along the lines of you putting yourself in great danger.
Or you doing something unbelievably cruel for no reason.
If it's the second reason, he wouldn't talk to you for days.
Depending on how cool it was, he might even leave you on the spot.
He's seen enough unnecessary cruelty in his life. He doesn't want to see anymore.
Especially from his partner.
Now if you put yourself in danger, that's a different story.
He doesn't get as mad as he gets hysterical.
He'll make a big deal out of the issue, dragging it on for days and days till you're annoyed with him.
"What were you thinking? Are you insane? Do you know how hurt you could have gotten?"
"What would I do without you? How would I continue to live knowing I let you get hurt like that?"
If anything, he's more upset with himself for not stopping you sooner.
Make sure you give him lots of affection and lots of affirmation.
And a very truthful and honest promise that you'll never do what you did again.
After that, just grab a book and read to him.
Or, just lay in his lap and allow him to keep you close by.
That's a surefire way to help him feel better.
Feng Min
She's usually pretty laid back.
But she has a couple things that will send her into a rage.
But these things are usually easily avoided.
One, if she loses a game in some cheap way.
If that happens, just avoid her for at least 30 minutes.
Or discreetly give her another game to play.
Then she'll go back to her usual self.
Another is if you interrupt her during a game that she can't pause.
If that happens, it's better to back out of the room, quickly apologize, and talk to her after the game.
If you needed her for something, she'll come and get you after her game.
She'll even thank you for waiting.
But there are times when she just gets unbelievably angry.
And during those times all little things set her off.
Her controller isn't where she left it.
Her hair is in her face.
It's too hot in the room.
Things that you can't control, she'll blame on you.
If anything, she acts more like a spoiled brat.
You can say that, but that's only going to make things worse.
She'll yell and stop her feet before just leaving.
In about an hour or so she'll come back.
And it's obvious she's feeling really bad about it.
But, she's too proud to say it out loud.
She'll apologize, but it won't feel like much of an apology.
She'll get you snacks though.
If it was a really bad fight, and she knows it was her fault, she will come back very remorseful.
She's not a big fan of talking about her feelings,but she'll do it this time.
For you.
And only you.
Don't worry, there will still be snacks.
Jonah Vasquez
Jonah can be very high strung.
Considering his past, you can't blame him too much.
However, unless you do something really bad, he isn't one to usually get angry with you.
However, one thing you could do that would anger him the most is scare him on purpose.
Again, considering his past and everything he went through, it's a pretty understanding issue.
Now, if you did it by accident, like you open the door and he wasn't expecting you, that's a different story.
He might be a little shaken up, but he'll brush it off soon after.
If you do it on purpose?
He might start yelling.
But, at the same time he's shaking violently.
And hyperventilating.
And he won't let you touch him.
He might even physically push you away if you try.
He'll want to remove himself from the situation as soon as possible to try and calm himself.
And if you pursue him, he might snap at you.
And his words can be hurtful.
He doesn't mean it, but you did something to him that he's asked you to never do.
If anything, he feels betrayed and it's justified to speak to you like this.
You'll need to give him some space and time.
Depending on how badly you scared him, it might be a couple days before he's ready to talk to you again.
And make sure you make sound when you're near him.
That way he knows you're around.
If you don't, he might think you're trying to scare him again.
Once he's ready to talk he'll sit you down and explain the situation.
He's aware he didn't react as well as he could.
But, in his defense, he's asked you not to do that.
It will be a time for both of you to apologize for what you had done.
He won't cry, but he'll definitely give you a long tight hug and make you promise to never do that again.
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vylad243 · 5 months
What's Lyric's personality like? And will there be more of her in the future fics?
Cuz I already love this child and she sounds more like charlie ngl :3
And Vox mpreg 😭 will there be a fic during he's pregnancy? I already see the angst the way you worded it 🥲
Lyric is a ball of pure chaos. She is basically if Alastor was left alone too long and had Vox's ADHD
Lyric is a lot like Charlie because Charlie babysat her a lot while Vox is recovering! Alastor went through a phase of postpartum himself at the sight of his partner barely being alive, and he spiralled from there. He didn't try to blame the baby, but he blamed Lyric's pregnancy a lot before he found out what Mammon was doing, which led him to feel disconnected from her and he didn't ever want to leave Vox
Lyric adopts a lot of mannerisms from Charlie, such as singing to connect with people and talking a lot with her hands. She has way more energy than Charlie does and actually uses more dark magic than her own hell-magic since her powers are so weak. She's pretty flexible and can make everything and anything work if she wants to. She's also really good at manipulating people, but she never realizes she's manipulating people under after she did it. She doesn't hold a lot of remorse for her actions as she has to think things through a l o t because she has to do certain spells or pay the price later. She's a lot more calculating, but underneath all of that, she really is a sweet girl. She does have a few daddy issues because Alastor was pretty disconnected from her for a while, but he does try to make it up to her, and she does forgive him. She understands he was scared about raising her by himself without his partner because no one knew if sinners could die from childbirth. She's pretty positive overall, though, and she's a lot more animalistic than Alastor because, as a kid, she used to mimic Vark and never grew out of it
I tried to work a lot off of Vivie saying Alastor wouldn't be a good father while also trying to preserve how Alastor acts in my series so I think I did a good job with trying to decide their relationship!
As for the mpreg! Oh yes there will be a lot of angst coming your way. I already have a few angst moments planned and one is when Vox is in his third trimester, crying to Alastor that he can't do it anymore and how he doesn't have enough strength to do it anymore. Mammon really used all the power he could. All the other sins held back and stopped production once they were halfway through the second trimester, but Mammon decided he could use all the other sins' power they they left for Vox
Attention can only do so much for Vox when all the power he gains goes to the baby and to Mammon. Alastor really was the only thing keeping him going because Alastor kept giving up his power to keep Vox and Lyric alive
It's probably going to be one of the larger one-shots because of how much I have planned, but it isn't easy on anyone. Sinner pregnancies are rare, and most sinners who can fall pregnant don't have as much power of influence as Vox does, which naturally some sinners viewed as a weak point and tried to take his ranking of Overlord while he was pregnant.
It doesn't help that Alastor and Vox refused to use sinner doctors because 'they're in Hell for a reason, Charlie' so they would only use hellborn ones, and they're quite hard to find in Pride because they're usually killed off
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
OMG billy dunne renaissance? I used to pray for times like this🙏
Ofc I have to bring up Miss Swift everytime, but ur blurbs about him def remind me of Is It Over Now?
But specifically these lyrics:
“You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor. You search in every model’s bed for something greater”
“And did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights, at least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight. Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs. Oh, Lord, I think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running and say the one thing I've been wanting. But no.”
OOO and (spoilers if anyone else hasn’t seen the show) about your blurb about eddie pining for her, if she pulls a camila and actually sleeps with him bc she’s hurting abt billy, this line would actually hit:
“Baby, was it over when she laid down on your couch?Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?”
But also!☝️There is another blondie who’s songs i think fit perfectly. Miss Sabrina Carpenter 😌 Specially Tornado Warnings, Vicious, How Many Things, and Read Your Mind!! Ahh so good!
“Don't understand how quickly we get right back in our rhythm without missing a step. And logically, the last thing I should have on my mind, but I want you there sometimes. I guess maybe that's why I'm lying to my therapist. I keep saying things like, ‘I never saw him and we never kissed.’”
“You don't feel remorse, you don't feel the effects. 'Cause you don't think you hurt me if you wish me the best. I shoulda known all along, I was only the next one to take your love songs as a promise.” !!!!!!!!!!!!
“I consider you, I'm not trying to. It doesn't matter whether not I want to. I can't help it, it's a habit. Your corner in my mind is well established”
“You say that you need to be alone, but night and day, want me at your beck and call. You say you know that you might be crossin' the line. Wastin' all our time. To think that we could be casual. You're not my friend and, baby, you never were. Why the fuss? If you say you just wanna be mine. I can't read your mind”
But yeah HAHA thank you for feeding us billy dunne content <3
I'm here to deliver times like this 💋
yes I agree they are serving major is it over now? except it's ever really over
she's an attacker, she does not mince words about how she feels in the moment and is attacking full force, if he's a lying traitor she's saying it, but on the flip side she's also the type to always tell him how good he's doing, soft kisses, adoration at the best of times. and he's always got more groupies lined up, but none of them compare. and the media tearing her apart as the younger girlfriend of billy dunne who has nothing else except a rich dad and famous boyfriend to her name.
I totally believe she slept with eddie at least once and felt terrible about it because she feels like she's betrayed billy even though it was during one of their off periods and he constantly cheats on her. at first it wasn't necessarily sleeping with others, but I think coming up to the final full breakdown it becomes that and she can't take it anymore. but it just makes eddie pine for her more.
yes yes yes my girl sabrina
her and billy have venomous fights where he breaks her down and she tries to bite back, but then the moment he calls or shows up or she is suddenly at a rehearsal they're acting like nothing happened. seamlessly back to being in each other's arms, kisses, laughter, leading up to ofc another meltdown.
and billy never apologizes, not until after rehab and everything, but usually it's just songs and acting like nothing wrong happened at all. and he's not consciously trying to hurt her, but he is.
and she can't stop thinking about him and be can't not think about her. she can try to move on but it'll always be billy and he can say there are others, but he'll always end up wanting her instead.
and the way he calls her his girl but won't actually put a label on it and always says she's not special when he's upset. he also expects her to always be around for him and gets pissy when she's not even though he won't say that they're really really together. and it's so fucking confusing for her.
ofc pookie ❤️❤️❤️
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terraco-07 · 8 months
I'm gonna start this off by being self aware. Vriscourse in 2024 is so funny and kind of silly in a way so take as little or as much of this as you want. I think I should lead in with Vriska is divisive on purpose. Her entire story is rife with places where you can either hate her, love her, or find shades of grey. I love Vriska as a character, but I want to be perfectly clear. Vriska Serket is NOT a good person, but imo very few people are. Narratively speaking Vriska grows up on a hostile planet where she's forced to kill for her Lusus. She also has the influence of Mindfang's journal to contend with. Vriska never knows who she is, she's always living in someone else's shadow and constantly hating it. Yet at the same time she's trying to live her life by some grand formula. Let's take Tavros for example. By virtue of Karkat and the descriptions we get of Alternia we see the word pity used several times when describing Flushed feelings. Can we take it with a grain of salt and assume that Karkat a known romance over enjoyer is being an unreliable narrator? Sure, we can. That said I think that wording is relevant here. In Vriska's head she feels bad for this guy and thinks that she's the only one who can fix him. On top of that you add in that her hero was flush with a powerful bronzeblood and you've put massive blinders on yourself. She becomes so self absorbed with this idea that she ends up going way too far in her efforts to bring him around and pushes heavily past his consent and boundaries. (Looking at that kiss scene). Even after his death she says maybe 2-3 things about ahh man maybe I shouldn't say bad things about that guy anymore or am I bad for killing (another) friend. She's young but I think the lack of remorse is something that matters here when looking at her in adulthood which is what we're really trying to get to here. As for the previous murder it's barely even touched. There's an air of well Aradia killed me back so we're all good. Even though she ascended to God tier and initially Aradia was just a ghost who had to deal with it while Sollux had to cope with the fact that physically it was his body that killed his matesprit. General other beats are the arrogance, easy to anger, and lack of empathy. Which we actually get to see some development on those from pre retcon Vriska! More on that here in a second.
Holy shit Gil, you're rambling so God Damn much why do we care? I don't know, don't ask me, but here's why all that foundation matters. If we're thinking about the theoretical for any Homestuck character as a whole I feel like we have to consider who they are in adulthood. Tons of discussion and debate all circles around "well they were kids!" Okay, well lets talk about what they could be as adults. So with everything we've already brought up about Vriska, how does she act in her 20s? Personally I think she struggles post game. She has no mental purpose for a while and she's in a place where she doesn't have to fight just to live so that means tons of time to sit around and think. We've seen from pre retcon Vriska that when the stress is off she does actually consider what she's done to a degree. Do I think she thinks about Tavros or Alternian sins all that much? No. I think she doesn't like her younger self (like most people) and does what she can to avoid being like that anymore. That comes with painfully slow growth and still a lot of bridges in need of mending. Those same traits of being self centered and needing attention are there but they're a little more tempered. She can at least listen now and has the emotional intelligence to realize when she's hurt someone and actually care about that. In summary: Vriska is a complicated and flawed character and saying that she did nothing wrong but also saying she did everything wrong are both incorrect. There is nothing defensible about her acts (She fucked up bad) but we can understand why she may have done them without condoning them. As an adult she is still kind of an asshole but she's not to that same level and she gets to grow into a somewhat reasonable adult that is still a dick at times. Also if you got this far then enjoy my shameless Vrisrose propaganda. They get in fights all the time and want to beat the shit out of each other nonstop. Both of them suck and it's so funny.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
In my last Little Mermaid post, I probably said something controversial by claiming that King Triton isn't an abusive parent.
The last thing I want is to trigger or offend anyone, and there's nothing I personally hate more than when people defend parent or guardian characters whose behavior clearly seems abusive to me. I never meant to defend Triton, per se.
Maybe what I should have said is that the movie doesn't frame him as an abusive parent. It just frames him as an overly strict, misguided parent who redeems himself in the end.
(I'm only talking about the original 1989 film, by the way – nothing else is canon to me.)
I'm not claiming he's a good father or that the filmmakers meant him to be seen as one. He's controlling, he's bad-tempered, he won't listen to Ariel's point of view, he's bigoted against humans, and even when he's not angry he's a little egocentric, since we first meet him hosting a concert where his daughters literally sing his praises.
It seems to me that the writers meant us to see him as basically an ordinary too-strict father, flawed yet sympathetic. He's clearly motivated by fear for Ariel's safety, because he sees humans as dangerous barbarians, and not without cause – whether it's canon or not that humans killed Ariel's mother, they constantly kill marine life in brutal ways. When he reprimands Ariel for going to the surface, his language is that of an average parent scolding a rebellious teen, almost stereotypically so (e.g. "Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady! As long as you live under my roof ocean, you'll obey my rules!"). Nothing worse than that; no insults or threats. And after Ariel swims away crying, he regrets having been so hard on her.
Of course the destruction of Ariel's grotto is a different thing. That's a truly cruel, inexcusable act. It's a horrifying scene. But it's also a one-off incident. There's no hint that he's ever gone to such extremes before, or that he ever would have again, or that anything less than Ariel falling in love with a human could have driven him to it. And his expression afterwards does show that again, he instantly regrets what he's done – although arguably his remorse doesn't count for much, because he doesn't apologize.
And in the end, he redeems himself with two enormously selfless acts for Ariel. First by sacrificing himself to Ursula to save her, and then by making her human again, even though it means losing her. Then, Ariel's wedding scene culminates with Ariel hugging Triton and telling him she loves him, and Triton blessing her marriage with a magical rainbow.
Again, I'm not saying this means he was a good father all along. But would a father who was meant to have been outright abusive be redeemed that way and get such a warm, positive sendoff?
Now of course it's possible for a parent character who wasn't meant to seem abusive, just overly strict and misguided, to come across as abusive anyway. I could probably think of a decent-sized list of other fictional parents and guardians who obviously fit that description, and I loathe seeing people try to defend them. Just because I don't think Triton quite crosses that line doesn't mean there's no one on earth who thinks he does cross it.
But all of the above is what I meant when I wrote that Triton isn't an abusive parent. What I probably should have written instead is that the movie doesn't frame him as one.
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