#i don't respond to ''hi'' messages or the like. sorry :L
son1c · 6 months
it's strange to me that i get so many dms asking if i want to commission the sender. like. with all due respect that's not how it works
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beomboomboom · 5 months
Accidental Intentions
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genre: fluff, friends to lovers
pairing: Vernon x reader
summary: Seeing the message was an accident, but clicking onto the notification that brought you to Seungkwan's chat with Vernon, was definitely not one.
warnings: a little bit of swearing, kissing?
note: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I was busy with finals this entire month so I wasn't able to post much. Anyways, I've been wanting to write a Vernon fic for awhile! Enjoy reading this fic <33
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It was an accident.
Okay maybe, only partially one.
Regardless, you were just trying to check the time while Vernon was in the bathroom, you really didn't intend to see Seungkwan's message to Vernon.
Kwannie🍊: You should confess to her today 😏😏❤️
Seeing the message was an accident, but clicking onto the notification that brought you to Seungkwan's chat with Vernon, was definitely not one.
In your defense, you were just curious.
Even though you and Vernon were friends, he rarely mentioned any crushes or girls he was interested in. So, could who could blame you for being a little curious as to see who the lucky girl was? Maybe a little jealous too, but that was irrelevant.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest as you scrolled through Seungkwan and Vernon's chat. Knowing very well that any second now Vernon could walk out of the bathroom and catch you red-handed as you went through the messages on his phone.
Kwannie🍊: I KNEW IT! Kwannie🍊: HAH I HAD A FEELING IT WAS HER WHO U HAD A CRUSH ON You: shut up You: I swear you better not run your stupid mouth and tell her Kwannie🍊: hehehehe 😛 Kwannie🍊: It was kinda obvious ngl Kwannie🍊: you always make excuses to be around her and you smile with your eyes around her You: how- You: stalker You: was it that obvious? do you think she knows? Kwannie🍊: nah, she seems kind of oblivious Kwannie🍊: but it seems like she likes you back Kwannie🍊: You should confess to her today 😏😏❤️
With every text message you scroll past, you feel more and more conflicted. On one hand you're curious to see who is the one who has captured your friend's heart. But, on the other hand you're the tiniest bit disappointed at the fact that it's not you who he has a crush on.
Of course, you were still happy for Vernon. Vernon was your friend and he needed some love in his life, just like any other person. But you would miss the weekly movie nights and the way you could always go to Vernon whenever you needed something. When he would get a girlfriend, all of that would go away.
In a sick kind of way, you wanted to be greedy. You wanted Vernon all for yourself.
Just as you're about to scroll further to see who exactly this lucky girl was, you hear Vernon's voice behind you, catching you like a deer in headlights and making your blood run cold.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Oh Shit.
Turning around slowly to face Vernon's questioning eyes, you push down the urge to run and escape this whole situation that you got yourself in, the regret of your actions already seeping in.
"I-It was an accident," you stutter out, your eyes wide as you rush to defend yourself. "I swear, I didn't mean to see Seungkwan's message. I was just trying to check the time, and then his message about you confessing to someone popped up. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."
You watch nervously as Vernon's eyes go from confused to panicked to fearful to nervous.
"I'm really sorry, I swear it was an accident I didn't mean to see Seungkwan's message," you apologize, silently placing Vernon's phone back in his hands. "Please forgive me."
Vernon lets out a small sigh of defeat before responding. "It's okay, it's no big deal. Just...how much did you see?"
"uhm...just a little. Just the part where you said you had a crush," you admit, eyes regretful and apologetic, avoiding Vernon's sharp gaze.
"You didn't see who it was, right?" Vernon asks after a beat of silence, his voice calm but his eyes telling a different story with the way they were shakily looking in your direction.
"No, I didn't get that far," you respond, watching as Vernon's shoulders visibly deflate. "So, anyways, who's the girl?"
Now, you know those moments when you say something without thinking, then immediately regret it because of how incredibly stupid it is?
This was one of those moments.
The silence that follows your question makes you want the ground to swallow you whole.
"uhm...so about that...", Vernon finally says after an uncomfortable minute of silence. You can tell he's conflicted on what to say with the way he slowly shifts his gaze away from yours.
"Just tell me," You say, your eyes silently begging Vernon to let you in on his secret crush, as you begin to ramble on, "I swear I won't tell anyone! I can even be your wingman and we ca-"
"It's you," Vernon admits, interrupting your rambling, his face flushed a light shade of pink as he avoids eye contact with you.
"I like you," Vernon explains, "You're the girl I was talking to Seungkwan about."
You feel the world stop in that moment.
No way.
You must be imagining things.
"I...I don't know what to say," you stutter, frozen in shock.
"It's okay, you don't need to like me back. I understand. Everyone has their own fee-," Vernon says, immediately rushing to reassure you that he wasn't trying to pressure you into liking him back, but completely misunderstanding your response in the process.
Reaching gently, you silently press your finger to Vernon's lips, stopping his rambling. Brushing your hand through his soft brown locks, you give him a fond smile before connecting your lips with his in a kiss that gets more and more passionate as each second goes by.
When you and Vernon finally pull away, both of you speechless and silently leaning into each other's touch, you finally find the words to respond to Vernon's confession.
"I like you too, you idiot."
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wand3rlustm3 · 9 days
can you do best friend txt x reader confessing love for each other with a bunch of tooth rotting fluff/smut 🙏🙏🙏 (sorry if this isn’t very detailed i’m very tired 😭) love your work btw 🫶🫶🫶
Writer's Note: Thank you so so much, anonnie <333 I love you and appreciate your kind words very, very much. I'm so sorry for my late response, I actually saved this in my drafts a long time ago and forgot to post it. I am sorry if this isn't what you asked for, if you want me to change it I will happily do so, also I will upload part 2 soon! :)
Warnings: angst :( SORRY, fluff, smut :3
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It seemed like these days you couldn't get through to him no matter what, It just didn't make sense. Why was he actively going out of his way to avoid you? You missed him, you missed his presence, you missed every ounce of him because being with him became a habit. It was to the point where your other friends kept asking you where he is, and you were tired of answering with the same, "he seems like he got busy"—a blatant lie to keep others assuming that your best friend is not even your friend anymore.
Soobin seemed to find any and every excuse, but it wasn't because he hated you. It was because of the very opposite, he knew that if he was around you for any longer, he simply couldn't take it. He'd have to confess to you that his feelings are much deeper than the feelings a person should feel toward their best friend, and he didn't want to ruin what he already had with you. In that fear, he'd coop up in his apartment and scratch his head at the many questions dabbling in his head. What if you didn't love him back? What if you'd be disgusted at his advances and find him creepy? What if— just too many "what ifs".
So at this point, you had to take matters into your own hands and angrily drag yourself to the doorstep of his apartment demanding an explanation. You were not letting him off so easily, there was no way that you'd let someone like him go without an explanation. So logically, you knock on the door multiple times, but since he doesn't open it, you speak through the door.
"Soobin, open the door. I need to talk to you right now. I don't know what's happened between us but you need to explain to me if I did anything wrong since the past two weeks you've been ignoring me. You haven't responded to a single message I've sent you, you haven't even been taking care of our cute little digital pet, you haven't even reached out once or at least told me what happened. Not only am I worried about you, but I'm scared that I'll lose you..." you spoke with a strong tone, but your voice cracked at the end and Soobin could just tell that you were going to cry.
"Y/n—please, go home." Soobin attempted to respond in a monotone voice, but you heard his voice shake as well.
Hot tears begin to roll down your face at his response. "Am I that terrible—? A- am I that terrible that you won't even say goodbye?" You stutter and speak through your light sob.
In that moment, Soobin can't control himself anymore. He pulls the door open as fast as he can and he pulls you into the tightest embrace. His strong arms wrap around you almost as if you'd slip away any moment, and he only lets go of you to put a hand over your chin to tilt your face upwards to him. "Y/n, it's actually the complete opposite. I'm so sorry, I'm an absolute idiot, aren't I? I didn't avoid you because I hated you, I've been avoiding you because—well, because I love you more than a best friend, I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I was scared that I'd lose everything I already had with you. So please, just....don't leave me y/n." His voice was shaking and there were tears rolling down his face.
You gently hit him in the chest and cry into the nook of his shoulder. There could be no better situation for you than for him to be in love with you, someone as perfect as him and kind could only be seen in fictional settings.
You speak as you sniffle, "Soobin, I love you too."
So the next thing you feel is his large hands gently cupping your cheeks as he leans down into you for a kiss. It's salty and sweet because of the tears that you taste on him, and you don't let go. It's almost as if your lips were made to mold together, as if your entire life—this is where you were supposed to end up, in his arms.
"I need to make you mine, please y/n?" Soobin breathed out as the bulge in his jeans became more evident as he grinded against you. His sexual frustration had been evident from his feelings being pent up for so long.
"Please take me, Soobin. I've been yours all along." You softly smile at him as you peer up at him. He makes you wrap your legs around his waist as he pushes you to the nearest wall, kissing down your neck as he deftly removes each piece of clothing of yours. He gently puts you on the ground only as he removes the last piece of clothing he has, until you're wrapped around his waist once again.
"You're soaking wet for me, y/n. A- ahhh, feels like—fuuuuck....feels like you were made for me." Soobin moans out as he dives his cock into you.
"Nnghhhh...soob please— I'm so close..."
"I'm—I am close as well...Cum with me y/n. Please baby, please do it for me. I love you, I love you so much, can't mmmh- can't live without you y/n..." Soobin almost begs you as he holds you so tight.
You're unable to register when it happened, but all you could see was white as you came all over his cock. His cum dripped out of you and down his cock as he was still inside. The warm spurts of his cum filling you up as his hips stutter and buck into you.
"You know that I can't live without you either, Soobin." You say as you kiss him once again.
You had always known that your best friend was popular with girls since whenever you'd go around with him, you'd notice the nasty stares the girls would give you even more than usual.
There was an abundance of whispers that were intentionally loud enough for you to hear implying that you weren't good enough to be with him, and even more who would silently judge you. But, you'd brush it off since you were his best friend anyways. It had absolutely nothing to do with you, and could bother you less, but you had Yeonjun by your side and there's nothing more you could ask for. He was available at every call and beckon of yours, and neither of you questioned it. It was almost like it came to him naturally.
What you'd not understand is why so many people thought you were a couple when you were simply best friends. If only you'd have noticed the glimmer in his eyes and how they'd soften each time they landed upon your beautiful features. How his fingers would wrap around yours tighter when you'd walk across the crosswalk, or simply the change in his expression when he'd notice other men staring at you. Yeonjun realized that you're absolutely clueless to his feelings, despite thinking that he made it obvious.
Regardless, when you go to your favorite café to pick up your order, you suggest a way to pass the time quicker.
"Junnie, Let's have a staring contest! Winner gets to bake something and loser gets to wash the dishes, okay?" You speak in an excited tone, he wishes to express how he loves when your voice goes up a few decibels simply because of how excited you are, but he sticks with giving you a pretty smile of adoration instead.
"Okay y/n—1, 2.....3, start." He gently speaks as he intertwines his hands with yours and looks into your eyes. The both of you not blinking as you sit quietly in the middle of the café, easily being mistaken for a couple by any passerby once again. But, Yeonjun gets an idea to kill two birds with one stone. His expression softens even further, as he pulls the back of your hand to your lips and gives it a kiss.
"You drive me crazy, y/n." Yeonjun says.
And somehow, you start blinking to piece together what he means. He's told you he loves you before but not like this, he's kissed the back of your wrist lovingly, but not like this.
"W- what, what do you mean junnie?" You stumble over your words out of curiosity and shock.
"I mean it. I love you y/n, I want you to be the woman I wake up to every morning. I can't keep hiding my feelings for you anymore, I have to come clean and tell you the truth. I don't know how—but you never notice the smile on my face whenever someone asks if we're dating fade as you quickly call me your best friend. It's almost as if it's a horrible reality check, and I can't keep living like this. I want you to be my woman, I want you to be proud when you're walking with me on the street. And, more importantly, I need you." Yeonjun softly speaks to you as if every word of his was coated in honey, sweet and soothing.
The ride back to your home was extremely quiet and Yeonjun was as patient as he could be with you who were still shy from his confession. You hadn't uttered a word from that moment, and your face was hot to touch. After you got home, Yeonjun was afraid that he might have made the wrong move by confessing to you so suddenly. He didn't want to push you away. So, he slowly opened the door to peer into your room to ask if you're okay and apologize if it was out of line of him to say what he said.
"Y/n? Is everything okay? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He spoke with his signature pout on his plush lips in a sulky tone as he sat down onto your bed.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, I mean— junnie, it's just that I'm shocked—b- but in a good way! I d- didn't think y- you meant it in that way—" You stutter and the words stick to your tongue as if they're afraid to come out. But, Yeonjun's attentive eyes that have studied your expressions for so long know exactly what you're trying to say.
"Y/n, can i kiss you?" Yeonjun politely asks with the cutest smile on his face.
You simply nod yes, and that's enough for his lips to be on yours. As his lips slot right into yours, he drinks the taste of you in as if you were the most expensive and rare bottle of alcohol, he gets drunk off of you fast and can't seem to get enough. "Y/n....fuck. I've been waiting so long to tell you, I can't seem to get enough of you mmmh..." He speaks between his kisses.
"Junnie...please..." You say as you squeeze your thighs together now that he's hovering above you. "My baby wants me to take care of her? I've got you my love." Yeonjun knows all of your sensitive spots as he kisses them, making you feel a way only he can. Something so special behind each kiss he leaves behind, every kiss different from the previous. Yeonjun slowly lifts the hem of your shirt and looks into your eyes to check if there's any signs of hesitation, only taking it off when he knows you really want him as well.
Once all of your clothes are off, Yeonjun places you in his lap straddling him. His belt undone as he lifts his hips to rid himself of the confinement that are his stiff jeans, giving his boner no place to breathe. You drip onto his cock as he splits you apart with his hands tightly gripping your hips, slowly moving you up and down on him. "Mmmh—junnie...can't take it anymore!" You plead, and Yeonjun understands as he speeds up and bucks into you to match the way your hips move on him.
"Fuck baby—m' all yours...give it to me. Give me everything, you're mine—nnngh!" Yeonjun grunts as he spills into you, and you feel fuller than ever. You remain in his lap even as you shake in his embrace, so safe and so happy. And most importantly, you're all his, and he's all yours.
Beomgyu and you had a lot of history, I mean, you basically knew him your whole life. If anything, you've memorized every expression, every tinge of emotion, every sarcastic comment, and most of all, his way of being himself. You couldn't tell if it was your intuition or what, but you felt as if something had shifted between you and Beomgyu. It wasn't that he was acting any differently— he was still beating you at every single game you played with that classic cocky smirk on his face, he was making you laugh just as much, and everything was the same. You brush it off as simply overthinking and change the topic, "Gyu! Give me your controller, the player one title is putting you at an advantage!!!".
"What if I said sitting next to you is already putting me at a disadvantage?" Beomgyu looked into your eyes and said it in his usual tone, so why did it make you so sad? It made no sense.
"W- What do you mean, gyu? Do you want me to sit somewhere else? I can g-" You sulk and say as you shift away from him on the loveseat you sat on, until you feel a warm hand gently but firmly grasp your wrist. With the stern look on his face, tears threaten to spill from your glistening eyes. "Gyu— please...I'm sorry for being annoying, I'm sorry for sitting next to you and being so loud, I'm sorry for being annoying, I'm sorry—"
"Y/n, no— that's not what I– just please stop crying, baby"
The silence in the room was so thick that you could almost hear your teardrop fall down your face. Did he just call you baby? Were you hearing things now? Beomgyu mentally cursed himself multiple times because, firstly, he made you cry. Secondly, he just accidentally (on purpose) called you baby.
"G- Gyu? D- Did you just—" You ask until your words are cut off by the feeling of Beomgyu's lips on yours. They're so soft and you forget why you were crying. You believe that if heaven had a feeling, it would feel something like this. Beomgyu reluctantly pulls back to finally tell you what he's wanted to for years now.
"You always talk too much, think too much, and jump to conclusions. why can't you just listen for once? I said it's a disadvantage to sit next to you because I can't focus on the TV screen, your eyes suck me in like some black hole and i just can't look away from all of those cute expressions you always make when you can't win against me. And, it's not even that, I lose my mind each time you call me by my nickname. You don't even know what you do to me." Beomgyu's hand lightly snakes up the side of your face as he wipes your tears away with his thumb. "Please stop torturing me, I need you to be mine."
You give him the same smile you did when you both first met long ago, and he swears that he feels exactly the same he did, he never seemed to get used to how it seemed like you were made for him. "Then why did you not give me a hug properly earlier? I've been thinking you're angry at me." You speak between sniffles.
"It's because I can't stand it when your body is pressed against mine, It physically hurts to feel how warm and soft you are and not be able to have all of you." Beomgyu spoke in a serious tone while looking into your eyes hazily. You felt horrible now, because you now realize why he always has a pillow on his lap when he comes over.
"Gyu m' sorry, let me make it up to you", with the cutest look in your eyes, you drop to your knees and get on the ground in front of the loveseat. It wasn't out of guilt or pressure, you just felt pathetic because you knew how frustrating it was to try to get yourself off after he left as you moaned out his name. "Y/n...." Beomgyu sighed.
As you sit eye level with his hips, you realize how bad it was for him, only making you move faster as you unzip his pants and pull out his leaking cock from the confines of his underwear. Your hand strokes him a few times as he lets out whiney moans while you continue your ministrations. "Ahhhh y/n mmh, fuck" Beomgyu moans out as you take him into your mouth as your tongue traces the veins on his cock as if to memorize those as well.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuck. Oh my god. My fucking woman, my goooood, my pretty baby...hah—gonna fuckin cum. Take every last drop.....take it. take it. take it fuuuuuckkkk." His hands lace into your hair, somehow using the last bit of self control he has left to not start fucking into your throat. You continue bobbing your head as you suck him dry and swallow every single drop. Beomgyu's mind foggy, but only with the idea of how he's going to make sure you know how many feelings he's been holding to be exact.
"I'm going to show you just what you mean to me, baby."
\(>_<)/ ty for reading
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
Hello!! I love your writing☺️☺️ you’re such an amazing author.
If it’s okay can I request an abyss walker rafayel sneaking into princess reader’s birthday ball to spend time with her. (It is a masquerade!!) I think he’d totally snatch up every dance so none of her time will be occupied by the other noblemen.
thank you!! im still learning l&ds writing so i hope this little influx im doing helps their voices get a little better
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You left Rafayel a note on the railing, hoping that he'd see it in time for the ball. You really didn't have any hope that he'd receive the message with how busy he is. He's got a lot of things on his plate and concerning him with your birthday felt like such a trivial task considering the routine hunt and kidnapping of his people.
You were bored beyond comprehension, staring out into the vast ocean of people, praying that something would break the monotony of the evening. Everybody was here to celebrate you and funnily enough nobody seemed to really see you.
And yet, there he was.
Your eyes widen as you realise Rafayel's arrived, kneeling at your feet and brining your hand to press a soft kiss against the knuckles.
"Sorry for the late arrival Princess. I hope you can forgive me," he says in that ever present teasing tone of his.
"I suppose I can forgive you," you respond in kind, following after him as he leads you to the dancefloor.
"Did you pick the theme specifically with me in mind, Your Highness?" he whispers into your ear as he pulls you into his arms, brushing his nose against your cheek.
"N-no!" you deny, knowing that you did ask for a masquerade ball in hopes that Rafayel could join in the festivities easier.
"I'll let you off easy - just for now," he laughs, twirling you easily in a step that's far more elegant than anything you were ever taught.
You're happy to spend your whole night with him, not even noticing the envious stares the two of you get. Of course people want your attention by virtue of your noble blood but some are also envious of the fact you seem to be dancing with an incredibly handsome man.
You don't know when it happened but you find yourself resting your head against his chest. The music has slowed and you have no idea how much time you've spent holding him. To you, nothing matters but the faint feeling of his heart thrumming against the tips of your fingers as he holds you close throughout the evening.
Rafayel eats up all of the attention, knowing that he could never possibly truly stake his claim on you. Having you like this is all he can ever hope for, imagining a world where nothing else mattered but the love the two of you shared. He'll steal you away for as long as he can, pressing your bodies together so intimately that even air would take pause to come between the two of you.
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chao-thicc-hcs · 7 days
OMG PLEASEEEEEE MAKE A PART 2 ON THE BONTEN TRIO SLAPPING THERE S/O, I need to know what happens after sanzu isn't High and drunk🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😞
A/N: I am so sorry I couldn't imagine Sanzu giving a damn that much
Slapping you accross the face | the aftermath
ft. haitani brothers ; sanzu haruchiyo
warning(s): ran's is very lewd in the end, toxic relationship, mentions of drugs (duh), stalking, murder, sanzu is a bitch (shocker), mentions of domestic violence. MDNI, please, or I will cry, blood, weapons,,, and sanzu
!reader is non-binary but there might be a trace of femininity
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Usually, when you get a taste of something awfully bitter, it fades away and you do not remember it.
This was not the case for our main character here.
Days grew colder, so did his bed, his apartment, his meals, his interactions with others. Behind the facade of a man unbothered by the world around him, carrying a leisure smile and a carefree attitude around his mates, Ran was still a human being.
The loss of someone who carried light within them was heavy. Ran found himself daydreaming everyday while doing his duties - about both of you dancing around your home again, going out on expensive dates, coming back home to your "nagging", having someone to hug and kiss before he falls asleep. Alas, you were gone, far, far away... at least mentally.
Physically, he saw you every other day. He stayed in the shadows, observing your every move and trying to eavesdrop your conversations with friends. You never noticed him again. Maybe because you wanted him gone so badly, or maybe because you couldn't forgive yourself that you were capable of overcoming this.
Ran was unaware of the state you were in. Staying in a relative's place meant getting accustomed to things without your lover. You were like a ghost there, nobody wanting to listen to your words, nobody caring about hygiene, general rules and norms returned you back to when Ran would look you in the eyes with this naughty spark in them, listening to your ramblings as he occasionally hummed to them, to how your shared apartment smelled like a dream, to how he would help you with chores.
Whatever mark the slap left your cheek was now long gone. You couldn't bring yourself to hate this man, even when you were reminded that he was a criminal. It felt like torture being away from him, despite his outburst. It was only that what made you feel despair, but it couldn't overpower the numerous things that man was good for, how he made your life worth it.
Your finger trembled over the "send" button but the desire was stronger and you pressed it with force, then you threw your phone on the other side of the bed.
Being the busy man he is it took him more than two hours to respond, which increased the anxiety brewing inside of you. You kept checking your phone, refreshing the messages, restarting it, even muting the messages and calls of everyone but Ran. The second you heard a notification you rushed to take your phone... it was finally him.
Your shared apartment never felt as suffocating as the first time you got in after the incident. However, in less than an hour, Ran made you feel home again.
He was now thrusting deep inside of you, holding you and squeezing you in a way that gave out how much he's been missing you these past few weeks. The air was filled with the whimpers and moans of both of you. Your bodies were connecting, resonating with one's wavelengths once again. It felt so good being able to kiss him once again, run your fingers in his hair, feel his skin against you. His voice felt like a forgotten melody you re-discovered again, and your voice felt the same to him.
"I am so.. agh.. sorry for hurting you, my dearest.." exclaimed he with a shaky from pleasure voice, his hands squeezing you tight against him, slowing his pace "please, come back to me.."
You placed a finger on his mouth and cupped his cheeks after.
"Don't.. say anything... I have already forgiven you, Ran.. I can't live without you.. this slap will never mean anything in comparison to how amazing of a lover you are... just don't do this again.".
With this the lecherous dance continued... both of you finally being at peace from your reunion.
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The dress that he ripped apart was now on the ground, untouched since you last were in the room with him. His only company was the air filling up the room, mixed with the scent of your body mist he occasionally sprayed just to help himself imagine you around him better.
"It's no use, Rindou. You acted like a douchebag, you suffer the consequences. Hell, how could you get jealous of me? Y/n is not even close to my type."
Ran's words rung in his skull, piercing its walls. He was well aware of this fact, he wanted to run away from the guilt, from the responsibilities.
Well, safe to say he succeeded. He blamed you and only you, refusing to acknowledge the truth - that he was the one who hurt you, who suffocated you and belittled you as a human being, who only saw you as a possession. Days went by agonizingly slow, plagued by constant thoughts of you in his arms, his embrace.
It was hard living without you, as hard as swallowing the lump of responsibility that grew bigger in the man's throat.
Every victim of Bonten now looked like you in his eyes, every woman that approached him looked like you. You were impossible to be forgotten so easily, and this is why he wanted to believe that you were somehow a "curse".
Just like any deranged man lacking self-awareness and self-control, Rindou got rid of every person who dared showing romantic interest in you. They either "mysteriously vanished", or were forced by him to tell you that you are "unattractive." All of this was an evil little scheme of his. It all went well, after all. His plan was executed perfectly.
You grew self-conscious. You thought you indeed carried some sort of "curse" inside of you that repelled any potential lover, hell, even a platonic relationship. Gloominess engulfed your consciousness, forcing you to willingly isolate yourself from others, avoiding to create new possible connections with people.
Who knows? Maybe in the end you thought about returning back to him? Fool. Of course you are better than that. You burned everything that man ever gifted you, you got rid of everything that reminded you of his presence, including electronics.
Rindou's satisfaction grew stronger with realizing this. "An angel got its wings chopped, hm? Well, I shall sew them back. Now, precious, come into my arms.."
All of this was futile. You were still back in his embrace. You figured out that now after deeming yourself as a "cursed" individual, there was no use of you fighting for your freedom anymore. Faith has ordered that you shall be his forever - nothing is of power to separate you.
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Your body was aching, your legs were giving up on you after the night spent under Sanzu's manipulation.
He was a god in making you feel good and forgetting the fights you had occasionally because of his dimwit mentality. Empty promises of ditching the drugs and alcohol, of quitting his beloved activity of tormenting innocent citizens.
The clothes scattered on the ground were now curled in a ball in his hands. ''Who gave you the confidence to believe that you had the right over me? Why do you think that your tears have enough power to melt my heart and change me?" his words were poison, his glare was sharp. He made you feel so small by looming over your sitting form on the bed, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him. ''You are awfully quiet, doll. Maybe I should be slapping you more often so you stay put, hm?"
A powerful man over your conscience, indeed. Even after the effects of the drugs have worn out. Sanzu was a man who had created his own world, with its own rules inside of it to follow. Mikey was the center of it all, and if you were not him - well, do not expect him to adhere to your whims so easily.
Your naked body shivered under the cold autumn air. It was a hassle getting your clothes on. Sanzu was already leaning on the door frame, piercing daggers in you with his glare. ''By the time I come back home from work, I expect this entire mess to be cleaned.'' spat he, playing with his weapon in his hand ''I deserve to be pampered after you angered me.'' and with this last scoff he left you in the dark room.
''Sanzu...'' you mumbled pathetically to yourself, as if this was going to teleport him back, radically changed. The last string of hope cut itself when the lonely feeling seeped in you.
Running away from that man was the best option you could do, and maybe the worst at the same time, for you never knew how hard the drugs might have hit him this particular evening.
Thankfully, Sanzu was unaware of your presence until the very next morning, when he thrashed everything that caught his eye. Bloody hands gripping his pink locks, tearing some apart, tangling others. ''I will make them pay. No, no, it ain't possible that they've ran away.. right? They can't live without me!" and such tomfoolery echoed in the room he used to share with you.
It was not that he missed you. He missed being able to control someone. Perhaps, physical torment was not his only forte.
There was no trace of you. You'd managed to collect everything from your shared home before fleeing away in another town back to your parents. Sanzu's frenzy was swiftly gone when he understood that you were no different than the next person he was going to court.
However, nobody runs away from Sanzu without any consequences. He found out where your relatives lived and just couldn't resist showing you what a.. ''treasure'' you lost. Weekly, he sent you anonymous ''gifts''. You knew that it was him, because they had most of the time dead animals with a note saying "this could be you~ they ran away just like you did, but they didn't manage to escape~", used lingerie of women he fucked and came on, limbs of his tortured victims, foods he knew you despised...
Fear always remained inside of you, surging in your veins and forcing your heart to jump out of your rib cage. You knew he was insane. You were now living with the thought of him attempting to abduct you.
No remorse nor regret was left in this man's heart, it only opened itself to tremendous amounts of hate, violence, and lecherousness.
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are appreciated
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princessmaybank · 6 months
Good Girl
Pairings: Boyf!Rafe x Gf!Fem!Reader x JJ
Warnings: Cheating, nudes, spanking, degradation, spanking, 3some, p in v, oral (both), fingering, voyeurism, creampie, etc.
Summary: Reader accidentally sends a nude to the wrong guy.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing something like this! Please be kind! I hope you enjoy!
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Fuck. Rafe had me so fucking horny all day. It's not even his fault..I have been thinking about him dicking me down since lunchtime. The ache between my legs was almost too much at this point. My core was begging to be touched, but unfortunately Rafe isn't home. He went on a business trip with Ward, leaving it to me to pleasure myself. He did tell me to message him any time I feel horny and he would try his best to help, so I might just have to do that.
I was home alone because my parents were making some deals over dinner with some new clients.
But before I do anything, I really want to take a shower, I feel disgusting after work every time. I work at a little restaurant called The Wreck with my friend Kie. She got me the job when I told her I didn't want to work for my parents, at least not yet. Since I started working with her, I've met her friends and they seem to like me, well for the most part. JJ is still warming up to me, and he hates Rafe for some reason. All of them do. I understand he can be an asshole sometimes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate him.
After I took my shower I didn't bother putting clothes on. I wanted to send Rafe a little surprise while he was gone.
Y/N: I took this for you baby
Y/N: Photo
I quickly hit send because I was nervous about his reaction but deep down I know he'll love it. I heard a ding from my phone, letting me know I got a message.
???: All for me? Damn Y/L/N...maybe I was wrong about you
My eyes nearly popped out of my head as my heart was beating against my chest. Then I heard another ding come from my phone.
???: Photo
Only a second later and another message came through.
???: That one's all for you.
I sent my fucking nude pic to JJ?? And he sent me one back? How the hell did that happen??? I started freaking out, knowing that Rafe would fucking kill him..and me, but mainly him.
JJ: What made ya come to your senses?
I had no idea how to respond to him. This has never happened before. Maybe I should just be honest.
Y/N: oh hey..can you just delete that and pretend you never saw it...? that wasn't meant for you JJ...
JJ: if it was sent to me, I was meant to see it, the universe just works that way ;)
He saw that I opened the text and that I wasn't responding. Those three dots popped up as he was typing.
JJ: okay, hey I'm sorry. where u at rn? I'll come meet ya n we can talk bout this
My heart nearly bursts out of my chest when I read that message. I'm nervous and I don't know what to do. Fuck. I should clear the air with him.
Y/N: my house..
JJ: drop your pin
I hesitate before sending this man my address. This could go horribly wrong, and I don't have Rafe here to protect me. Whatever, I'm already in this deep and it's just JJ what's the worst he could do?
Y/N: 📍
JJ: omw
I stood from my bed and started looking for an outfit to wear. I don't know why I cared what I looked like for JJ..I shouldn't, but I did. I ended up choosing a little white skirt with a cute blue crop top to go with it.
It took maybe 10 minutes before I heard a knock at my door. I still wasn't entirely sure if I should answer it, knowing who was on the other side, and knowing what he just saw...
I decided that I should just open the door and hopefully he'll understand the mistake.
My heart started pounding again as my hand reached for the knob. Suddenly I was greeted by a familiar face...but it wasn't JJ...
"Rafe?? " I question sounding more shocked than happy. "What are you doing here?" My anxiety was through the roof at this point, knowing JJ is probably just around the corner. Rafe let himself into my house by grabbing my face and pulling me into a heated kiss. He used his foot to kick the door closed, then pinned me against the wall next to it.
"Wanted to surprise my princess. The job got done early. I landed 30 mins ago, rushed over to see you." He says all while rubbing me up and down. "Look at this fuckin outfit, almost like you knew I was coming over princess.." He reached hand up my skirt and soon realized I wasn't wearing any panties. "Naughty girl.." Rafe smirked before attacking my neck.
About a minute later there was a knock on the door. He waved it off and said to just ignore them and they'll go away. Another knock pounded from the other side of the door. "Y/N?? Are you home?" You recognized his voice. Rafe pulled away looking slightly confused before looking through the peephole.
"What the fuck is JJ doing here?" He said gritting his teeth. I toyed with my fingers and bit my lip not knowing how to tell him the truth. Next thing I know he swings the door open.
"Hey ba- Rafe?? ...Was this a fuckin set up?" JJ questioned. I shook my head no as both men stared at me.
JJ came inside and closed the door behind him before joining Rafe and I in the living room. I was told to sit on the couch so I obeyed. The guys stood in front of me towering over me with their arms crossed, trying not to kill me or each other.
"What is he doing here?!" They both asked angrily at the same time. "Can you two sit down before I continue?" I ask shyly. The guys responded with a harsh 'No' timed almost as perfectly as before.
"Okay so here's what happened..." I trail off and explained the entire situation before Rafe turns to face JJ, looking like he is about to murder him.
At some point Rafe lunged at JJ and I had to get in the middle. Rafe grabbed my shoulders trying to move me out of the way. JJ had his hands on my hips trying to keep me in between them. It felt like they were going to split me in half.
It took a while but I eventually got them to go talk it out in my room. I can't speak guy, so maybe they would have an easier time hearing it from each other.
After a while I didn't hear them talking anymore, which was concerning, Rafe may have actually killed JJ..
I went to my room and knocked before entering. I was greeted with a naked Rafe picking me up before laying me on my bed. He placed his lips on mine, giving me one of the most intense kisses I've ever had. "Rafe- whe-wheres J-" I tried to question. "Don't worry about it. He's fine. Enjoy this." He kissed down my jaw and to my sweet spot, sucking on it for as long as he could, in order to mark me.
Rafe doesn't usually give me hickies unless he is angry-fucking me. He must have sent JJ home after their talk so we could have this moment. At least he's not mad at me anymore.
"So you wore this slutty outfit for Maybank huh?" He asked and flipped me onto my stomach, hiking my skirt up above my ass. "And no fuckin panties. You really are a fuckin slut." Rafe huffed before giving me a hard slap across my ass, causing me to yelp as a tear prickled in my eye.
"I'm gonna make you choke on my fuckin cock.." He smirks before flipping me back over. He comes over and hovers my face, his knees on either side of my head. Rafe dipped his cock into my mouth slowly before full on fucking my mouth. "Mmm yeah, suck that fucking cock you whore!" He somewhat gently slaps my face, still pushing in and out of my throat.
As I was gagging on Rafe's dick I felt something down between my legs. A cold, wet, tongue met the heat between my legs and I couldn't see it. "Wait till you see her face Maybank, she makes a pretty face when you fuck her." Rafe announced which resulted in a hum from the mouth attached to my clit.
JJ was eating me out...while Rafe was fucking my face...
I moaned onto Rafe's dick as he continued to fuck my throat. In turn, my moans made Rafe moan. "How'd you say she liked it Rafe..." JJ questioned before shoving his cock inside of me. A loud moan escaped the best it could when he filled me up. "...by surprise, right?" He chuckled as Rafe nodded.
JJ's thrusts caused Rafe's thrusts to go faster and harder. But they both stopped suddenly. Pulling out of both of my holes and they stood next to the bed, hovering me. "What was that??" I questioned, now blushing from seeing JJ's dick for the first time.
Of course he noticed and had to be an ass. JJ smirked at me while stroking himself. "Don't pretend you didn't like it princess.." He slows his motions down before he eventually stops. "Not saying I didn't like it- just confused. You two were literally just about to kill each other, and now you're fucking me." I say confused.
"We came to a conclusion baby. You lead JJ on..and you cheated on me. But we are ready to forgive you, if you let us have some fun with you babydoll.." Rafe simply stated, making me feel like shit because that was not my intention. I tried to counter what he said, but he just shushed me.
"Whaddya say princess?" JJ asked with a smirk. "Yea I mean...it's the least I could do.." I smile sheepishly to them. Rafe stepped between my legs and gave me a long kiss. "I love you, but I want you to understand that this is a one time thing so JJ doesn't have to keep pining after you. So whatever you want from him, make sure you get it from him now, you're still mine." Rafe explained. I'm surprised he's acting this way. He never lets anyone touch his things, especially me.
"What's first?" I asked the guys. "Just let us make you feel good baby, you won't have to do any work, unless you wanna." JJ said settling on the bed next to me. "You said anything I want?" I looked up to Rafe with glossy eyes. He nods with his arms crossed.
"JJ can I suck your dick while Rafe fucks me?" I started to blush because never in a million years did I think this would be happening. "I'd love that princess." He smiled at me.
I got off the bed and got to my knees in front of JJ. My hands sat on his thighs as my mouth lowered onto his cock. "Hmmm fuck.." He moaned out, placing his hand on my head. I felt Rafe come over and line himself up with me. "I love this fuckin skirt baby.." He says before slipping into my wet pussy, which caused me to moan on JJ's dick, which caused JJ to let out a moan of his own.
The guys were trying to set a steady pace between the both of them. JJ was bobbing my head up and down in time with Rafe's thrusts, and boy did it feel, so fucking good.
At one point they made me feel so good and I let out a long moan.
"Good Girl "
I heard them both say at the same time. A string of moans were escaping us all as they continued. Rafe was pounding into me as fast as he could. JJ was now standing with a fistful of my hair, fucking my face. I popped my mouth off of JJ and replaced it with my hand. "If you two don't stop going full force- I'm gonna cum right now.." I whine out.
They both groaned as they pulled away. I got back on the bed and sat in between them, one hand each, shooting to their hair, and massaging. They both started feeling me up, placing kisses wherever they could reach. The moment was over as fast as it came. JJ sat with his back against my headboard and pulled me to sit between his legs.
Rafe crawled onto the bed after JJ put his legs between mine to keep them spread open. I couldn't close them even if I wanted to. Rafe laid between my legs and started lightly sprinkling kisses on my lower lips.
JJ attached his lips to my neck, giving me a hickey, opposite to the one Rafe had made earlier.
Rafe moved to my clit with his mouth and inserted a few fingers into my hole. I gasped and JJ put his hands under my shirt in response.
"Why ya still wearin' this baby? Shoulda been gone a long time ago.." He says before taking my crop top off. Leaving me in my bra and my skirt. He groped my tits as Rafe sucked and fingered me. I was a moaning mess. Everything felt too good. "Guys- l-like I said before..." I say but it's too late and I cum all over Rafe's fingers.
Rafe sat up before placing his fingers in his mouth, sucking off every little drop that was left of me. "Good girl.." He smirked at me. "But, you gotta cum for JJ too princess.." Rafe stated.
I was still coming down from my high. "Cum again..?" He only nodded before sitting in the chair in front of my vanity. He turned it so he could see us sitting on the bed.
"Go ahead Maybank..." He smirked. Just as he was given the green light, JJ flipped us over so he was hovering me. "Hey there princess..." He smirked before planting a kiss on my lips. This felt so wrong to do so I looked to Rafe for some guidance.
He just sat there slowly rubbing his dick, watching us. He nodded for me to continue.
Suddenly this felt so right. I was supposed to have fun with JJ, for Rafe. JJ leaned down to my ear to whisper. "You looked so fucking good in that picture you sent me." He started kissing my neck. "I know you sent it on purpose, don't worry I won't tell him." He whispered.
His hands lifted me off the bed to take my bra off. JJ threw the garment to the side, landing in front of Rafe. He kissed me so hungrily and so passionately it almost hurt. "Jayj..." I whimpered into the kiss. He started grinding his hips against me, his dick touching my clit every time. "I know princess.." He whispered. "C'mere, I wanna make you cum in doggy." He says then plants another kiss to my lips.
I got up on my hands and knees before JJ could move me. "Wrong way baby...I wanna see your face when he fucks you..." I heard Rafe say from the chair. I turned around just like he asked. JJ got behind me when I was settled. I heard a spitting sound and a second later I felt his hand lathering my hole. "Mmmm" I moaned while I grinded back onto his fingers.
"Patience baby.." JJ said before slapping my hole which resulted in me letting out another moan. He grabbed his cock and started teasing my slut with his tip. I moved to lay on my forearms with my ass in the air. My eyes wandered over to Rafe, he was still stroking himself slowly while watching us. His lips curled up into a smirk when he saw the face I made when JJ pushed his length into pussy.
I let out a loud moan and looked Rafe in the eyes as JJ slowly rocked his hips. As JJ quickened his pace, Rafe did too. Almost like he wasn't to cum with us, but didn't want...involved..?
The room was filled with the sounds of moans and skin slapping against each other as JJ fucked me senseless. Rafe had rolled his head back but his eyes stayed on us.
I felt JJ reach for my hair and pull it back, making me arch. The slightly new angle was enough to push me over the edge. "You're such a a good fucking girl for me..." JJ says as I moan out. "JJ harder.." I couldn't say anything else. It was odd moaning another mans name but they both loved it, which made me feel dirty.
JJ gladly fucked me harder. I was going between watching Rafe fuck his hand and watching JJ in the mirror. "Fuck you're so tight princess..." He dragged out. "I'm so close Jayj..." I announce with a whine. Rafe caught my attention with a low groan. I looked over and saw his cum shooting up onto his stomach.
He was still yanking himself, riding out his high, when he said "JJ I want you to cum in her fucking pussy". I couldn't help but moan, feeling JJ's thick cock in my pussy, watching Rafe cum, and him saying THAT.
JJ let go of my hair and held my hips, bringing them backwards to meet his. We were both a moaning mess and Rafe was just watching, sitting there in his mess. He looked afraid to blink, like he was going to miss something. I pushed back onto JJ's dick, wanting more, he was making me feel so good and I didn't want it to end.
"Fuck Jayj- i-im gon-gonnaaa cum" I squeal out. "Me too princess. Are you ready?" I nod after he asked. He counted us down before with both released together, screaming each other's names. I fucked myself with his dick, riding out my high.
"Good girl.." He said biting his lip, helping guide my ass. He slipped out when we were done and gave me a long sloppy kiss, trying to savor the moment, knowing it would never happen again.
Rafe walked away at some point to clean himself up, JJ and I just continued to make out to fill the silence and need. When Rafe returned we all sat on the bed talking about what just happened. "How did it feel?" Rafe asked me. "He's really good.." I say panting, getting butterflies from the recent memory. He smiled at me and JJ before speaking.
"Y/N, I loved the way your face looked when JJ was taking you from behind..." He said while rubbing my back. "I suggest we make this a regular thing." I nearly choked when I heard him say that.
Rafe Cameron...never...shares.
"I 1000% agree" JJ said almost too enthusiastically which made me giggle. "That was both the craziest and sexiest shit I've ever been a part of. Of course I'd love to." I say smiling.
He smiled and I could tell he had a mischievous thought. "Next time I wanna try something new." He smirked to me and JJ.
"I will do whatever you two want if it feels that good.." I blush, looking between both of them.
"Good girl " They are so creepy with that shit...but it's so sexyyyy.
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Watching u <3
I've been working on this for a while. Off and on since late June. Believe it or not, I have actually been having ideas throughout my entire hiatus, it was just a case of not being able to really write anything down...
This is probably darker than some of my other stuff, I just feel like I should say. Please do not read this if you're uncomfortable with this. Thank you, and have a good day/afternooon/night.
Warning(s): yandere behaviors, explicitly fem reader, death, some sexist stuff (it's not as bad as it probably could be but it's there), incel Idia I know he isn't in canon please don't be mad at me for making him one in this fic, delusional yandere Idia, non consentual kiss, blood hemorrhage mention, unwanted comments about reader's body, implied past trauma, doxxing, breaking and entering
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It was a long day of boring classes for Idia. Today was one of those days he was forced to actually attend class in person... ew. He hated it, being around people for that long. But he had a test today, and apparently the professor didn't trust him enough to do it remotely from his dorm room.
Luckily though, Idia had something to look forward to. At the end of the day, when he gets back to his dorm room, almost exactly... something he looks forward to all week will finally start.
What is this thing he is so looking forward to?
Well, what other than your weekly livestream, of course!
He loved everything about you.
He knew everything there was to know about you. He even knew your name, despite you hiding your identity behind a fictitious catgirl persona~
(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). He loved that name of yours. It felt like honey in his mouth as the words spilled out of him... calling you by your real name without you knowing~
Idia considered you a friend- no, even MORE. He wasn't friends with you, no no no no no! You were his lovely little girlfriend! Cute and submissive and everything... ohhh, he loved you so much. Hearing your voice... listening to you... answering you like you were right next to him... donating to you every time you streamed, copious amounts of money... participating in chat every now and again, to have an actual dialogue with you... he didn't like talking with other people, oh, but he ALWAYS made an exception for you.
You two have even started chatting outside just your streams. He's a mod for your streams now, as well as on your personal server... you were a bit apprehensive about that at first, but don't worry, he convinced you!
One time, you confided in him about some... serious issues you went through irl. It was so cute, imagining you in that situation.
Oh, you've been through so much together... you're practically dating at this point! Oh... but maybe he should actually ask you, just to make sure you know you're dating him. Just in case. Just in case.
Idia happily logged onto your stream, anxious to watch you... and to pop the question later~
But as he logged on... he... he heard you... say... something...
"Sorry I wasn't able to stream last week... something came up in my real life!" He saw your semi-3d avatar smile, responding to your real expression, no doubt. "I know it sounds crazy, but somehow... I'm dating someone!"
At first, Idia decided to optimistically think about how, maybe you're referring to him... but, as the pre-stream chitchat continued... it became obvious you weren't.
In a fit of anger, Idia unsubscribed and blocked you on absolutely everything.
...but then, he thought of something. A nice plan... one that would hopefully make you dependent on him... you'd dump whatever loser you're dating right now... and he would be your only source of comfort.
He unblocked your accounts on his main... and then, he logged onto an alternate account, one that doesn't connect back to him in any way; sorta like what you tried to do with your stream persona, but actually unconnected, unlike yours.
He sent you a message from his sock puppet...
Your stream ended for the day, and... you were confused to see a message from an account you didn't recognize. You thought that maybe it was just a fan deciding to message you, as you get that a lot, but once you accepted the message request to see what they sent...
[xNDRWRLDx] : this u?
...you saw... a picture of yourself... one a family member of yours posted a few years ago... you tried your best to make sure that your online persona didn't connect back to your real life at all, so... how... how did this person get this picture?!
As terrified as you were, you chose to ignore this message. About an hour later, you received another.
Despite your thoughts, screaming at you to not give this person the time of day... that last message just set you off. You decided to respond.
[xNDRWRLDx] : ignoring ppl is rude
[xNDRWRLDx] : u know that, right?
[xNDRWRLDx] : or is ur thick skull not able to comprehend that
[xNDRWRLDx] : lmao yeah, thats prob the case
[xNDRWRLDx] : u could get a much higher paying job if u quit streaming & decided 2 use ur tits & ass 2 ur advantage
[xNDRWRLDx] : getting railed all day would b easier than streaming. u wouldnt have 2 pretend u have a personality beyond "uwu im a girl who plays video games arent i cute??"
You suddenly saw a string of numbers appear on your screen in the next message from this person. Is that your IP?!
[n3k0-ebi] : who tf are you??
[xNDRWRLDx] : o right, u said smth abt not being comfortable w/ talking abt stuff like that
[xNDRWRLDx] : lmfao weak much??? cant even take a joke
[xNDRWRLDx] : wat a pathetic excuse of a human
[n3k0-ebi] : whats your angle dude
[n3k0-ebi] : are you just trying to make me mad on purpose? it wont work, so just leave me alone.
What could this person know? Just what you look like in real life?? As much as you don't want people to know, it... it isn't that bad. You're not going to pose like that. You're not even going to give this person the time of day anymore.
[xNDRWRLDx] : look familiar?
[xNDRWRLDx] : just saying u would look adorable laying under me w/ ur mouth agape & drooling w/ ur eyes half shut <3
[xNDRWRLDx] : maybe if u send me a pic of u looking like that i might consider not sharing wat i know w/ ur entire audience
[xNDRWRLDx] : ur choice bitch
You log off for the night, not giving any more thought to this person's likely hollow threats.
The next day, you woke up, not realizing what happened over night.
You took a nice, relaxing, early morning shower...
Strangely enough, as you left your washroom, you could have sworn you'd seen a strange, blue light outside your hallway window. Probably just your eyes playing tricks on you... or light reflecting off something...
You make your way to your living room, and sit yourself down on the couch, comfy in your bathrobe and hair towel. You turn on the tv so you can half watch whatever comes on, and focus the rest of your attention on browsing Magicam.
...that's a lot of notifications.
You decide to look through your mentions first, and... you see a post from that account that was messaging you last night. It details your full legal name, your address, your partner's name, your parent's names, your homeland, every personal detail you could think of was listed in this post.
In a sudden moment of not thinking, you decide to message them.
They... they just sent you... a picture of you coming out of your shower... and then another, of you sitting here on the couch-?!
[n3k0-ebi] : what the hell is wrong with you?!
[n3k0-ebi] : you fucking doxxed me?!
[xNDRWRLDx] : i told u it was ur choice didnt i
[xNDRWRLDx] : u chose 2 not send me that pic i wanted
[xNDRWRLDx] : so really its ur own fault <3
You look out your living room window... but you don't see anybody.
[xNDRWRLDx] : ur not responding?
[xNDRWRLDx] : rude
[xNDRWRLDx] : little missy cant think of anything to say huh
[xNDRWRLDx] : idk wat i expected lmfao
[xNDRWRLDx] : typical 4 a female pretending 2 know stuff cant even hide ur identity properly
[xNDRWRLDx] : wat an idiotttt
The next month is a chaotic one.
Being stalked by so-called "fans"... yourself and your family members being sent weird letters and death threats... your regular workplace firing you... your family and friends cutting ties with you... your partner breaking up with you...
...why did this all have to happen...?
Is this your fault...? Maybe if you had just sent that picture... no, no don't even think about it. That person probably would have done this to you anyways...
Oh, you... you have a notification. Since what happened last night, you haven't checked any of your notifications, but... this one... it's from someone you trust...
Idia was absolutely enraged. He could barely even believe what just happened. You have nothing. He is the only person in the world offering you comfort and support, and you just... YOU JUST WRITE HIM OFF LIKE HE'S NOTHING?!
[Gloomurai_] : hey, is everything OK w/ you?
[Gloomurai_] : i just saw you havent rlly been online since what happened
[Gloomurai_] : not that i blame you obv
[n3k0-ebi] : hi gloomy
[n3k0-ebi] : things haven't been great... lol.
[Gloomurai_] : i heard youre single again btw
[Gloomurai_] : that must suck
[Gloomurai_] : i hope this doesnt sound too forward but uh
[Gloomurai_] : is there anything i could do to help?
[n3k0-ebi] : definitely not, but thx for offering
[n3k0-ebi] : it's enough to just know you're there :)
...but, all of a sudden, the anger leaves him. Everything leaves him. All rational thought is gone from his head... and he smiles.
"Ortho... tell the vice leader he'll be in charge of Ignihyde for a while."
"What-? Big brother, why would you-"
"I need to go home for a bit." Idia closes the chat log, and stands up from his chair. "I won't be gone long. I just need to... make a copy of a file on my pc back home and bring it back here. That's all."
Ortho didn't entirely believe his brother...
...it's raining.
It's dark, stormy, the dead of night...
And most importantly, you're alone.
You used to like being alone. Not so much now, now you just feel... unsafe.
What with all the death threats, general threats, your home address and real face now being known... you don't feel safe in your own home anymore.
It's not a pleasant feeling, yet it is one you've felt before. One you never hoped to feel again. It's such a terrible feeling, knowing you might not be safe, in the place that you very well should be...
There's a knock at the door.
You are NOT going to answer it.
There are a lot of things that can happen in the exact moment of danger. Time feels like it slows down, and you have to make a choice... fight or flight, your natural instincts.
The door is kicked open and you drop down to at least somewhat hide yourself thanks to your couch. Maybe that pepper spray you lost last month is under there??? Hopefully...
And then... you hear a voice. A strangely familiar, sickly sweet voice.
"Ohh (Y/N)~" It calls out... "Where are youuuu~???"
That voice... you know that voice... you've been in a voice call with that voice before... that voice...
It's Gloomy... someone you thought was your friend...
"(Y/N), I know you're in here. Just show me where you are already. I-I won't hurt you~!!"
You frantically run your hand along the floor under your couch, looking for your pepper spray. You can't help but hope it's under there...
You hit something that rolls out from under your couch... it's exactly what you're looking for, but it also shows him exactly where you are.
A blue glow comes closer as the long, flaming hair drapes over your couch, the tips barely touching you as you lay on the ground. Then you see his face... piercing yellow eyes, and a terrifying, sickening smile full of sharp teeth...
"There you are!"
You scramble away from him in a panic, taking short glances at where the small canister rolled...
"There's no need to look so scared, (Y/N)." He smiles. "It's me, Gloomurai, Gloomy, Idia, your boyfriend."
"W...w-what... the hell... are you talking about...?"
"Are you fucking stupid? I think it's really clear what I said, isn't it?" He scowls at you... not just any scowl, it looks like he completely despised you... before quickly returning to a sickly sweet, and clearly fake smile. "I'm your boyfriend. You're my girlfriend. We've been dating for a long time, and I'm going to be taking you home with me now! I love you so much!"
"W-we've talked a few times... a-and I guess we're friends, but... but we aren't dating!!" You yell, clenching your fists tightly. You're absolutely terrified, but you don't want to just agree with him. There's no way in hell you're going to validate this...
"Yes we are. Do you not remember? Is your single braincell working overtime trying to understand what you already know? Aww, cute kitty..." The intruder suddenly pulls something out from his pocket.
He thrusts the object at you as you avoid it by crawling on your hands and knees as fast as you can towards your small canister. You stand up in the best defensive position you can, being sure to hide your spray from this creep.
"Ugh. Why are you so stubborn?? It won't hurt as much if you just stay still!!" He rushes towards you with the object, it's clear to you now that it is a syringe...
You spray him directly in the eyes as he screeches out in pain.
You run for your front door, hoping you can get away while he writhes in pain... but you feel something prick into your neck... and being flushed into your veins...
"YOU BITCH. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!" He screams at you as you collapse. What is this... what in the world would work this fast...?
"...wh..." You try to ask what this is, before you feel a sudden metallic taste in your mouth, and blood begins to pour out...
"You don't need to know what it is. It's better if you don't know." The intruder shushes you. "I love you so much. I love you. We'll be happy together... me and a better version of you... I'll recreate you perfectly."
...he kisses you on the lips. He wipes your blood off of his face as he pulls away... when you realize he's wearing gloves.
"It won't be long before you hemorrhage all your blood... this stuff works really fast~" He smiles. "At least you'll look pretty as you die."
Idia's life entirely went back to normal after that. In fact, it's been a year since what he did.
Your body was found, but evidence to his crime was not.
Idia is a model student at NRC, despite almost never attending class in person. His grades are phenomenal, he hands in all his assignments in time, and he's going to get a good job when he graduates...
And... in his spare time... he's programming.
Idia is programming an artificial intelligence, based on a certain someone he used to know.
His lovely girlfriend.
"Don't worry... we'll be seeing each other again soon... I'm sure of it. I'll do everything I can to make it true... I love you, (Y/N)."
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x0llaz · 4 months
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Sungchan x Reader
ANGSTTTTTT SOWWY, fluff at the end, hurt comfort, self doubt, burnout, mentions of twilight
WC: 3k
pt 3 of my lil sungchan series. pt 1, pt 2
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YN assumed that all was well in her relationship- situationship? Flirtationship?- the two had gone on their second official date, and hung out plenty of times beside then. She thought she and sungchan were doing great, until he stopped answering his texts. 
They had just seen each other before then- he took her out to dinner and bought them milkshakes. He had spent the night in her apartment, as he had grown used to doing, and they fell asleep playing video games on her couch. He had left the morning after after giving her a kiss on the cheek and saying ‘Talk to ya’ later, cutie’
The first day, YN assumed it must be he’s away from his phone- he doesn’t have to respond right away, and she didn’t need him to. 
But when another day passed, and then another, YN became skeptical. She began to criticize herself for texting him the usual good morning/good night texts when she got no response. Whe texted him asking if he was alright, but got no response. She asked him if he was going to a party Yunjin had invited her to, but her message was never read. She kept trying, but kept getting nothing. She felt pathetic. 
Eventually the days turned into a week, and still no word from sungchan. It confused her- they had been so close for weeks before, why drop her now? A week turned into two weeks, and YN felt herself lose her will to keep trying. Too many texts left on delivered, too little communication to justify her continuing to text a ghost. 
Had she done something wrong? She wracked her brain for anything she could’ve done to offend him, or make him upset, but couldn’t think of anything. She wondered if maybe he was talking to someone else or… maybe he just wasn’t interested anymore. 
She thought about their times together, their first date that was so perfect she almost thought she dreamed it. Kissing him when he showed up at her door, or when they’d snuggle up on her couch and watch movies they never really paid attention to. It all left her wondering what happened. Why was sungchan suddenly MIA?
She just felt… useless. 
YN decided to go out as a pick-me-up. Yunjin walked at her side, knowing of her struggle with sungchan, and more than willing to help her get her mind off things. Regardless of what was going on in YN’s mind, Yunjin was always a great pick-me-up.
“I mean we could go to a party tonight?” She suggested. 
“You know I hate parties,” YN rolled her eyes. 
“We wouldn’t stay long, plus, it’s a mostly girls party. It’s kind of exclusive,” Yunjin wriggled her eyebrows. 
“I’ll let you know if I want to go,” YN replied, her arms locked with Yunjin. 
“Well we gotta do something to get your mind off of sungchan,” 
“Pffft, it’s not like it’s that big of a deal. I’m fine, I promise,”
“It certainly hasn’t seemed like it.” Yunjin watched YN tilt her head to the side. “You seriously haven’t realized you’ve been mentioning him non stop for days?”
YN paused for a moment. “I didn’t think it was that bad,” she mumbled. 
“Oh, it’s bad bad. You can’t stop talking about it.”
YN looked down, embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore, now feeling too exposed for how she had been really feeling.
Yunjin paused her steps, looking over to her friend. “Oh, no, don't apologize! It’s okay, I understand why,”
“I just feel bad, I really didn’t realize how much it was on my mind,” YN explained, staring at the pavement below her. 
“It’s okay, really,” Yunjin assured her. “It just makes me sad seeing you so sad over a man,” She shrugged, squeezing YN’s arm reassuringly.
“I really liked him though… and I thought…” She trailed off, sighing and shaking her head. 
“And that’s normal. It’s okay to be sad about stuff like this.” Yunjin told her. “Now perk up, cutie, We’ve got a weekend to waste, and a man to forget about.” 
The Two walked around the market, looking at handmade goods, and fresh pick fruits and veggies. For a while, YN began to let her mind wander from Sungchan. She enjoyed her time with Yunjin, joking around and talking about drama that had been going on in recent weeks. It was easy to forget about things when she was with Yunjin, it was easy to forget all her sorrows. 
They heard something from the distance, and perked up once more when they realized there was someone calling their names. 
“Is that them? Yunjin? Yunjin!” someone shouted from the distance, weaving through the crowd. “It is them!” He called, tugging someone behind them. “YN, Yunjin!” They recognized shotaro at a distance, smiling and waving at them. YN froze when she saw who was right beside him. 
Jung Sungchan. The man who had been ghosting her for two weeks. 
YN turned to Yunjin, her anxiety clear on her face. “You’ll be okay,” Yunjin whispered, keeping their arms interlocked. 
YN watched as the two of them approached, and almost immediately locked eyes with Sungchan. She stood there staring at him before tearing her gaze away and looking at the ground. WHen she looked up, Sungchan stood at a closer distance, a smile on his handsome face as he looked at her, holding his hand up in a friendly wave. If he hadn’t been ghosting her for weeks, her heart would’ve melted, she probably would have swooned. But alas, she was in no mood to swoon. 
“Hey guys!” Shotaro greeted cheerfully. “It’s good to see you, we’ve been meaning to hang out,” He nudged sungchan, whose face dropped a bit when YN avoided his gaze. 
“Yeah, it’s good seeing you guys,” His gaze was still fixed on YN, who had her phone pulled out, fingers typing away at something. 
It wasn’t long until Yunjin and Shotaro fell into a comfortable conversation, and Sungchan took a step closer to YN. 
“Hey,” He smiled, his voice soft. 
“Hi.” YN replied shortly. Sungchan took note, shifting his weight a bit. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, slightly concerned. 
“Yeah why?” She lied, folding her arms. 
“You just seem… more closed off.” He thought of their last time together, how close they had been, the stark contrast of this moment compared to then. 
“Well sorry, I’m not sure how to talk to someone who’s been ignoring me for two weeks,” YN glanced at him, voice stern. 
Sungchan furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” He asked in confusion. 
YN rolled her eyes, not wanting to continue down this path. “Yunjin, I’m gonna head home. I’ll text you about the party,” she said before turning on her heel and walking out of sungchan’s sight. 
“So… why is YN mad at you?” Shotaro asked, taking a bite of his food. 
Sungchan shrugged. “I really don’t know? It kinda confused me.” The look shotaro gave him told him to continue. “She said I’d been ignoring her,”
“Have you been ignoring her?” Shotaro asked, knowing the answer, but wanting Sungchan to hear the truth from himself. 
The hesitancy Sungchan felt made his heart drop a bit, realizing that he had been ignoring her. “I… i didn’t think I was ignoring her,” He pulled out his phone to see the old messages he hadn’t taken the time to look at. “I didn’t really mean to,” 
“Yeah, well, you did,” Shotaro sighed. “When did you last see her?”
“I forget, but it wasn’t that long ago,” sungchan answered. 
“Okay… and when was the last time you texted her? When was the last time she texted?”
“She texted me a couple days ago…” Sungchan put his phone down, taking a few bites of his food, as if he could avoid talking if he had his mouth full. 
“Sunghcan,” Shotaro looked at him with a disbelieving expression.
“This food is really good,” Sungchan didn’t meet his gaze, stuffing his face with more food.
“Seriously, when was the last time you hung out?” Shotaro asked once more. 
“I don’t know, it couldn’t have been too far back,” sungchan shrugged. “I think… two weeks?”
“Two weeks????”
Truth be told, Sungchan had no intentions of ghosting YN. Hell, he barely realized he had been. 
When Sungchan got focused on something, it was almost like everything in the world stopped existing. That something happened to shift from YN, to his upcoming exam. It was the majority of his quarter grade, and in his efforts to study, he had unintentionally ignored nearly everything around him. Shotaro had begged him to go out for an hour or two that day, which was a struggle in itself. 
Needless to say, he had been burnt out, not even realizing it. He barely had been out besides classes, and his social life had taken a pretty big hit. He had been tired, focused so much on passing the quarters exam, that he neglected one of the biggest parts of his life. 
He hadn’t realized until he saw YN, how little time he had spent with her. In his time away, he never had the chance to think about just how much he missed her. Sungchan hadn’t thought much about the girl he liked so much- not because he lost interest, but because he was buckling under the pressure of school. 
Sungchan rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing in his own frustration. “I know, I know,” he looked up at shotaro. “So?”
“So what?” Shotaro asked.
“So what should I do? I messed up,” Sungchan shrugged, looking at shotaro hopefully. 
“Are you stupid?” Shoptaro asked. Before the younger could question his words, he said, “Apologize to her! You can’t get anywhere if you don’t talk to her,” Shotaro told him. “Make it quick before Yunjin gets involved.”
Sungchan Nodded. “Noted.”
When the two of them parted ways, sungchan walked with his hands in his pockets. He walked to his apartment, making a mental list of ways he could apologize, how he could make things up to her. He was never great at things like that, but he knew that he would change it for her.
When YN got home, her mood was brought down even more seeing there was still nothing from sungchan. It Was partially her fault, leaving before he could get a word in, but logic did nothing to brighten her mood. The worst part of the citation was how much it made her get into her own head. 
She began doubting her bond with sungchan, doubting herself. Was she that forgettable that he could go weeks without talking to her and not even realize? 
She sat down on her couch and pulled a pillow over her head, groaning into it as she laid back. In her own house, with nothing to distract her from her own doubts and fear, she felt the tears well in her eyes. It wasn’t her first experience with heart break, or with a failed relationship, but nonetheless, it hurt. She had let herself get used to sungchan, gotten her hopes up with him. Was she stupid to think they’d be more than a situationship? Tears streamed down her face before she could bring her hand up to wipe her face.
She thought back to their first date, and questioned how she ended up here. Crying on her couch because of a guy who wasn’t even her boyfriend. Crying over the guy who took her out for lunch and who she convinced to stay a little longer. Did it mean anything? Was this just how Sungchan was?
She wiped her tears and turned on her side, resting her cheek against her pillow as her phone lit up with texts from Yunjin. 
Jen: you okay???
Jen: you left rlly fast
Jen: Did he do smth???? I can kill him
Jen: should I come over?
She sighed, not wanting to involve Yunjin even more in her boy problems. 
YN: no i’m ok
YN: thanks tho 🙂
YN dropped her phone on the coffee table, closing her eyes and curling into herself. It wasn’t that late, but the tears streaming down her cheeks, and the flashes of her time with sungchan that came up every so often made her tired, made her want to escape. 
Within a few minutes, she drifted off to sleep, not wanting to think about sungchan anymore, hoping her tears would dry themselves. 
Hours passed, and YN woke up from her spot on her couch. Her back ached from the uncomfortable position, cheeks a bit puffy from crying. She went to shower, dousing herself in water to soothe her skin, and ease the pain that came from her uncomfortable sleeping position. She changed into pajamas, and dried her hair before putting it up. YN knew that since she had woken up when it was late, she wouldn’t be able to sleep well. Given that, she decided to treat herself. She wouldn’t go to another party with Yunjin, she wouldn’t spend her night crying over sungchan, she’d just let herself relax. 
She reached for her phone so she could order herself some food, but a notification made her stop for a moment. 
Channie <3: hi
Channie <3: can we talk pls?
Channie <3: i miss u
YN scoffed at the messages. Two weeks and her turning him down was what it took for him to take interest again?
She didn’t respond and placed an order for delivery. She had Wine in her cabinet that she saved for special occasions (or nights when she needed a little pick me up) and a pint of her favorite ice cream. She brought out her favorite blanket and sat down on the couch, trying to pick what she should watch, settling on twilight because what could take her mind off of things with sungchan better, than a YA romance movie.
She got up and grabbed the wine from her cabinet, pouring a bit into her glass and talking a few sips before reaching around for the ice cream in her freezer. In the midst of her search, she heard a knock on her door. Not realizing it was too quick to be her food order, she went over, and opened the door. 
He stood in the doorway, eyes wide, as if he had ran up the stairs like he had the night of their first date. 
YN just sighed. “What are you-”
She was cut off when she felt his arms wrap around her, his head buried in her neck as if he wanted to crawl inside her. She heard him let out a shaky breath and her eyes widened, confused as to what was going on, and why he suddenly showed up. 
“I’m sorry,” he said into her skin, arms tightening around her. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, I promise,” His voice was soft, almost fragile sounding.
YN was stunned for a hot minute, standing there and letting him hug her before hesitantly bringing her arms to wrap around him, relaxing into his grasp. They stayed like that for a moment before each pulling away. YN led sungchan further inside, leading him to sit on her couch. She sat next to him, an awkward distance away. 
“What’s going on?” she asked hesitantly. 
“I wanted to apologize, and like… explain why i ignored you,” 
YN looked at him expectantly. 
“So, I have a big exam coming up, and it makes up half of my quarter’s grade. And if I failed, my semester exam would also be sunk, so-” He paused. “Not important. When I get into something really intensely, I have a bad habit, that I’m gonna work on, of kinda forgetting everything else. Even Shotaro struggled to get in contact with me. He had to drag me out earlier today.” 
He looked at YN and sighed, seeing her hesitant expression. 
“I really am sorry that I hurt you. It wasn’t my intention, but I know I did, and I promise, I’ll make it up to you,” He reached for her hand lightly. 
YN looked down at their hands. “I thought you lost interest in me,” She said quietly. 
“What?” Sungchan asked, confused if he heard her correctly. 
“I thought You lost interest. I thought you lost interest and started ignoring me.” She said a bit firmer. 
Sungchan’s heart dropped hearing those words. “YN,” he brought his other hand to her cheek, tilting her gaze towards him. “What I did was a mistake. A mistake I promise, I won’t make again,” his thumb brushed her cheek. “And I promise, I swear on everything, I’m still pretty crazy for you,” He gave her a light smile. 
His words made YN smile, intertwining her fingers with his as he leaned in to give her a soft kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other once more, not letting go of each other even as they just sat on the couch, covered by the blanket. 
YN got up when she heard a knock on her door, much to sungchan’s dismay. She brought back the food she ordered, plus the ice cream and wine. When sungchan reached for some, she swatted his hand away.
“Thats not for you,” she shook her head with a playful smile. 
“I thought you weren’t mad?” Sungchan sat up a bit, concerned.
“I’m not, but i ordered these for me,” She poked his stomach. 
When Sungchan stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, pleading for some food like he had been starving all day, YN rolled her eyes. 
“Fine,” she said, and gave him some food, and poured him a glass of wine. 
They found their places back on the couch, snuggled up against each other, sungchan’s arm draped around her waist as she rested on his chest. In the middle of the movie, while the Cullens played baseball, sungchan spoke up. 
He asked her, “Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?”
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whoopee!!! I finished pt 3, stay tuned for the next parts, I pinky promise they'll come out sooner.
taglist: @oftenjisung , @vhuteryh, @skzhoe4life, @cheederzchez , @so-lychee , @leehanascent
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jkslipppiercing · 1 year
Jailbird teaser | jjk
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♤ summary: He's a jailbird. You're an officer. A forbidden love story. But is he really who he claims to be?
♤ pairing: prisoner!jk x reader, officer!reader, morally black!jk.
♤ genre: prisoner x officer, forbidden romance, slowburn, strangers to lovers.
♤ WC: 400 words. (teaser)
a/n: so so so excited about this! a bit different from Bumblebee, but i hope you'll like it! dont hesitate to share your thoughts with me about it :)
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"A woman?!"
"Whats a girl with those curves doing here?"
"Is she that much of a dumb bitch to come here, dressed like that?"
At least one hundred pairs of eyes stare at you through bars.
You were told this was a small place in need of some help.
Oh boy, is it the furthest thing possible.
This has to be the biggest place you've ever been in.
"Y/L/N Y/N?" You jump at the voice that suddenly appears behind you.
You turn around too abruptly, losing your footing and almost stumbling into the arms of the man before you.
He rolls his eyes at your clumsiness, doing barely any effort to stabalize you. He holds a flimsy grip over your forearm, a mere attempt of keeping you from kissing the floor.
His hand leaves to join his side as he waits for you to quite literally get it together.
"Sorry about that." Your cheeks pink, flushed with embarrassment. The whole situation calls for awkwardness. The hushed voices tuned down to low murmurs, now turning curious at the interaction unfolding under their watch.
You grow even more conscious when the man strangely stays quiet, only pinning you down with a hard stare.
It's then you notice the lines of tension decorating his face, brackets of irritation framing his mouth. Deep purplish eye-bags grow heavier once he looks down at you, making you feel humiliated.
He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.
"This is not a playground. Nor is it a play house, miss." His harsh tone sends a pang to your chest.
That's strange. You havent felt those in so long, that it feels foreign. You've grown so used to the feeling before, that you almost miss it.
You push those thoughts aside, a frown pulling your eyebrows together as you grow confused.
Before you can respond, he beats you to it.
"If you're not willing to co-operate and take this seriously, leave."
Your mouth hangs open in shock.
That was straightforward, but it was also incredibly rude.
Who does this asshole think he is?!
"I think you know your way out," Your mouth opens yet again, just to close immediately after he brushes past you- rather roughly- bumping into your shoulder and causing you to stumble.
You're speechless.
"You have thirty minutes to get your bearings together and meet me in my office." He looks back and your eyes lock- not in a passionate way, more like in an I-can't-wait-to-make-your-life-a-living-hell-way.
"I have shit to do. Don't be late."
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@hoseokteardrop @nochuel @kaitieskidmore97 @nays2112 @jksoftii @yu-justme @meadow-in-spring @bunnykoos @looneybleus @fushigurosdarling @alpha-mommy69 @junecat18 @xjiminsthighsx @tanniesdolls @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @whoa-jo @ahgasegotarmy116 @jksusawife @frgetmenotz @baechugff @partyparty-yah @army130613210521 @drugerlime @allisonstone @hopekive @llallaaa @tarahardcore @hopetookmysoul @betysotelo18 @harmonic55 @ecrvea @awesomebabyyoda @peterstarkchrishiddleston @pinkrockstar19 @sweetestseoul @luv--youu @mochminnie @coletaehyung @whitelies2248-blog
(please please please private message me if you don't want to be included in jailbird's taglist, maybe you'd only want to be mentioned on bumblebee updates?)
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writing-whump · 2 months
Sensory overload
☕️-anon wished to see how Hector and Arnie were doing in the meantime, so here we go. A bit of Arnie and Hector plus Olive and some emeto.
Arnie found Hector glaring at his phone on the couch at 7 pm.
"I don't think you can make it bend to your will that way," Arnie said as he rubbed at his eyes.
Since Sunday he had trouble sleeping for some reason, waking up at 5 or 6 am although he was never a morning person. He would turn in bed for two hours, trying to get himself back to sleep, but to no avail. It left him tired and grumpy, cause he wanted to sleep but couldn't.
To compensate, he took frequent naps during the day, like the one he just woke up from. Probably worsening the problem by not being tired enough to sleep through the next morning again.
Hector grumbled something, leaning back with his coffee only for his eyes to return to the phone screen 10 seconds later.
"Who's not answering?"
Hector scoffed, like the name wasn't worth saying out loud. Arnie kept quiet and watched him until his older brother finally caved. "Isaiah."
"Oh? It's so rare for you to message him." Arnie sat down behind the table, still disoriented from sleep.
"Yeah. And just when I do he ignores me. Isn't it weird?"
"I told you he planned some special anniversary thing with Seline on Saturday. That's why we weren't meeting. And then she likely stayed over so he had his hands full over the weekend."
"It's Tuesday," Hector protested.
"It's summer break," Arnie reminded. "More busy with free time with his pack and stuff."
"That's why I..." Hector turned his head away to scowl at the twilight behind the window.
"What was that?" Arnie gave up on the table and went to sit down next to Hector instead, grabbing his untouched coffee from his hand. "Look, you have been super busy during the holidays. You work 25 hours from 24 each day or train or claim some new territories you don't need. Isaiah can't be waiting around for you to make time for him."
Arnie didn't mean himself at all when he said it. He felt more than a little neglected by Hector's constant 'work' excuses. It was his last holiday before starting university and Hector was nowhere to be found.
Hector growled at the cup being taken out of his hand but said nothing. "That's why I wanted...never mind."
Arnie took a sip and grimaced at the taste. No sugar. "Wanted what?"
Hector bared his teeth at no one in particular. "I thought we could plan a trip, okay?! Just the three of us. I'm fed up with the city, so I thought we could do mountain climbing or some shit in nature. And when I suggest it, he doesn't respond. Asshole."
Arnie sighed. "That's really nice, Hex. I'm sure he will like it once he sees it." The younger blond leaned back on the couch. "You know how Isaiah is with the phone detox thing. He likes to take breaks from screens and being available."
"It's the girl," Hector spit out angrily. "Just when we get him back he has to have a girlfriend and a new pack to piss me off."
Arnie rolled his eyes. "We are not losing him to Seline, come on."
"Women always destroy families. Especially brothers. And wolves."
"I'm sorry, how many experiences do you have with that?" Arnie said with a snort.
"Oh, not you too!" Hector crossed his arms on his chest, sliding farther away from him on the couch.
Arnie chuckled. Delaney and Hector's other closest wolves have been bringing it up from time to time now. That Hector should be looking for a partner soon, ideally a witch to cement his position as branch leader.
Everyone knew wolves couldn't rule alone. Stability came from relationships, from functioning compatibility. A leader should have a witch to lead with, to offer to the pack, to bring them all together.
Hector, who had zero interest in dating since Arnie could remember, saw this part as particularly annoying.
"So. You gonna be in this splendid mood for the rest of the evening or we putting on something on Netflix?" Arnie yawned, putting the coffee away.
Hector got up, pacing the living room. "Can't sit still. I'll go for a run."
"You gonna leave me here alone?" Arnie pouted. Free evening and Hector was gonna spend it away again?
"You can join me," Hector said with a knowing smirk.
Arnie groaned. Hector knew he was not very keen on exercise. Being around a superhuman you could never hope to keep up and who would never let you win even knowing this was rather demotivating.
"I thought so. Enjoy wasting your life on useless Netflix shit, I'm leaving."
Arnie huffed and slid down on the sofa into a more comfortable position. Agitated Hector needed the exercise to keep his shadow calm. It was for the best.
If you looked for a piece of quite in a crowded city such as Vienna, school grounds were the safest bet during summer.
It was tiring for wolves to be this surrounded by humans, noise and scenes all the time. Hector felt like the proximity of the buildings got only smaller, squeezing the air out of him.
He needed open space. Nature. Something green with a free view of the sky and the horizon.
Hector ended up back at the university campus at the bench near the ditch he found Matthew passed out not that long ago.
Of course he wanted the campus for himself now. He spend so much of his time there because of the uni that it felt like a base to him.
It was surprisingly lively on the way to the Messe, lights and people coming and going like fireflies drawn to light of the giant exhibition building. None went through the dark space around the bench though, for which Hector was grateful.
Not until his name suddenly echoed through the whole park.
Olive pushed her way through the crowd, which was quite an achievement since she was so small. "Hector! I didn't expect to see you here!"
Hector shrugged. "Just passing by." It always fascinated him how happy Olive seemed whenever she saw him. Her whole face lit up, her smoky gray eyes so big like a doe's.
"Oh." She stopped at the bunch, a cute little pout to her mouth. "So you are not coming to the expo?" When he looked perplexed, she continued, "Illusion and light play exhibition! It's just here for a few weeks."
Ah. That explained the liveliness.
Olive shuffled her feet. She wore a white button-up that hugged her slightly chubby figure, an orange-red necktie, short black hair hidden under a red beanie, and bright red shoes. Hector internally shook his head. Artists had the weirdest tastes.
"Would you...like to come too? I have been there several times, I know the best parts!"
She got excited so easily about the smallest things. If an exhibition or a nice sunset or a collection of crayons could make him so happy...then again, why not? He was not managing to stop thinking about Isaiah's unread messages and he could use a break from thoughts about his duties and goals before they started turning in circles too much.
"Whatever." He got up to his feet, which made Olive almost bounce on her feet.
"You are going to love it!" She actually grabbed his arm, dragging him forward.
Hector blinked at the contact. He wasn't sure how he felt about her being so comfortable touching him. On some level, he suspected she didn't realize he was a wolf or who he was in that world, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. It was amusing how relaxed she was, how she treated him with such friendliness. Was that normal with girls around guys?
Besides, it made him feel all smug he managed to throw people off his scent as a wolf. Managing this degree of control to not be recognized by the energy and danger wolves emitted or the thickness and reactiveness of their shadows was a point of pride for civilized wolves.
As they got inside and he automatically paid the ridiculously small tickets for them both, he wondered if there wasn't something else. Hector liked who he was. He was proud of who he was, and he never pretended to be anything else.
He was the Executioner's younger brother. He was Vincent Wolfson's son. He was the pack leader's nephew and chosen branch leader in a city as big as Vienna, in the heart of Western and Eastern Europe. Destined to achieve something big, to take over one day. That was his aim—he wasn't secretive about it.
But with Olive he was...just a guy. A stuck-up economy student who could be too blunt at times, but that she, for some reason, found amusing.
The exhibition's theme was the universe. There were seperate rooms projecting different light plays, from infinite space to exploding suns, kinetic installations, Milky ways changing colours, labyrinths of mirrors and light sculuptures.
Olive kept dragging him around, showing him her favorite pieces and projections, flooding him with background information and cool facts he didn't have the vocabulary to understand.
His eyes were beginning to hurt. The constant onslaught of lights that were actually everything but regular, the flashing patterns and ever-changing chaotic rooms...there were no points of reference. And worse, there were so many people—smashed together in an even tighter space, like a city, but smaller.
Hector felt a dull, throbbing headache building behind his temples. It reminded him of the subway, but worse. The lights were too much, the noise was too much. The rooms were spinning and turning, blending together and then spitting him out in confusing directions.
His stomach felt unsettled, waves of queasiness coming and going. Sweat was forming on his upper lip and at the back of his neck.
"O-Olive..." he blinked and screwed his eyes shut, stopping where he was, reaching with his hand in search of something solid. A wall or a door, something that wasn't moving.
"Hector? Hey, wait, what's wrong?"
"G-..." he gulped, his stomach feeling impossibly heavy. Heat went to his face and chest, intensifying the nausea. He gagged, slapping his hand against his mouth. "Get me out-"
He couldn't see in the confusion, the hall was too dark to contrast the effect of the rooms.
"Okay, just a second." A small hand closed around his. Hector squeezed it, maybe too tightly in his disorientation, mouth overflowing with saliva. Damn, he needed to sit down. The claustrophobic feeling was back and he gagged again, splash of acid against his throat.
Her small hand and trace of scent led the way and he let her, the only familiar focus point in the chaos of people and lights hurting his eyes. He crashed against the door on the way and cursed, but the pain of something solid against his side was a relief.
"Just a couple of steps," Olive said, tugging at his arm. "Almost there, I promise."
Hector unglued himself from the door with great difficulty, one more door coming up, when finally, finally he was hit with a wall of fresh air.
He gulped down on the semi-clean night wind greedily, panting to breathe against the nauseating sensation. Almost winning the round, if his stomach didn't cramp that moment and he groaned.
"Okay, okay, let's sit you down, okay?" Both of Olive's hands were wrapped around his arm, using all her weight and strength to steer him to the side of the entrance.
He couldn't tell where the bench was or where they were going. The ground was tilting again, all wrong and his knees buckled, sending him to the ground. Olive didn't let go, going down with him.
"I guess not. Okay, let's stay here, it's fine-"
Hector gagged, the world going deaf for a second and then retched as his dinner came out with a splash against the yellowed grass. At least it wasn't the pavement, that would have splattered more.
Olive was still under his arm, pressed into his side. Her hand snaked around his shoulders, tapping gently. "Feel better?" Her eyes were so wide again, glittering with concern.
"Sorry," he rasped. His body heaved with another retch but he fought it down. "Don't know what-"
"The lights. I'm sorry, I didn't know. The movement and lights can be overwhelming for more sensitive people-"
Hector scoffed, rocking up and down in attempt to catch his bearings. Why was he always throwing up around this girl? "I'm not sensitive."
"I didn't mean it like that," she said sharply, indignant now. "I mean, prone to motion sickness or with senses like shadow wolves. You can't say they are sensitive, can you? But there is even a warning at the entrance that it isn't good for them, cause there is a higher risk of sensory overload."
"Ah. That makes sense, then." He let himself fall back to sit on the ground properly, spreading his hands out. The world was still spinning, but it was slowing down a little.
Olive let go of him, kneeling at his side. "Huh?"
"I'm a shadow wolf too, Olive." Hector focused his eyes on her, wary of her reaction. "You really had no idea."
Her mouth made a little o, looking even more winded than he was. "Oh wow."
Hector cleared his throat. "So what? Scared of me now?" He shifted away. Normally, he enjoyed people being wary of him, of respecting his power, but the idea of Olive being scared of him wasn't appealing at all.
Maybe that was also one of the reasons he was in no hurry to correct her.
A flush crept up her face. "No, I'm not! I'm..."
"I wasn't hiding it, you know?"
"Right. The turf talk, and the people always behind your back. And how sick you felt at the subway...I just didn't...I never spoke to a wolf before. What does that- what does that mean now?" She covered her mouth with both hands. "Does that mean I was breaking all the rules of interaction? I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
Hector chuckled dryly, which turned into a cough and into another small gag. "Damn it."
Olive lifted herself up on her knees, gripping his shoulder. "You still feeling icky?"
Icky? What kind of word was that? He felt comforted by her unconscious touch though. On some level, he still didn't feel like a wolf to her. "Nah, almost good." He closed his eyes for a second, breathing through the sudden heat wave, letting out a loud burp against his hand before letting it fall to his side again.
"What does that mean for me?" Olive asked in a small voice. "You are not going to kidnap me or eat me or something, right?"
Hector had to laugh again. "No. That's not in our rules either." He looked at her hand on his biceps, realizing for the umpteenth time he didn't mind her touch as much as he should have. Not at all. Somehow she had touched herself into his shadow's graces and sense of space. "You don't have to follow any rules. Not with me. I'm too high up to mind," he reassured her.
She ducked her head, and when he tried to straighten up to catch her eye, he lost his balance and flopped right onto his back.
"Oh, so high up," she said with an involuntary giggle, leaning over him. "You okay?" Her hand climbed higher on his arm all the way to the top of his shoulder. "You are so sweaty."
"And dizzy," he admitted with a grimace. His arm shot up to grab onto her hand that was touching him. "A little warning, Olive. Wolves tend to think anything they are touching is theirs. You keep doing that," his eyes rose slowly over her arm to her body, "and I might forget how to let go."
Olive blushed even more, her round cheeks furiously red. Oh, he could get used to that expression.
Part 2
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jeannineee · 7 months
part one: exile
(satoru gojo x f!reader) — “friday, im in love” series masterlist
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author’s note: if you wanna be tagged in future parts, comment below or message me!! hope you guys enjoy <3
summary: you meet with the dean, and receive bad news about the upcoming semester. afterwards, you meet with a colleague--and old flame--to discuss the news.
warnings: none, really? there will be sexual content and angst in future parts. if you don't like coffee, sorry cause reader definitely does in this series!!
An impromptu meeting with Dean Yaga meant one of two things: you were fired, or your third semester teaching forensic chemistry was on its way to being a shitshow.
As you kept your gaze trained on the golden nameplate before you; hands folded in your lap to hide their shaking, you were less than excited to find out which fate awaited you. At present, you were the poster child for what it was like to be moments from a mental breakdown. Lucky you.
Yaga, at least, seemed to be unbothered by your blatant display of worry. Eyes trained on his computer screen, clacking away at his keyboard. It had been several minutes since you entered his office, and so far, he hadn’t said a word to you. The deafening silence did little to ease your nerves.
Another sixty seconds, and you couldn’t stop yourself from nervously clearing your throat. “Sir? Why exactly did you call me to your office?”
A quick, bored glance your way, and then Yaga’s focus was back on his screen as he replied, “Ijichi turned in his letter of resignation this morning.”
You loosed a breath you didn't even realize you were holding. “Oh.”
How does this concern me? Was this worth summoning me to your office?
Questions you hadn’t the heart to ask aloud.
Yaga continued, “I know your plate is full with the semester starting next week, but I need someone to pick up the work that Ijichi is leaving behind in general chemistry. His lecture days are opposite yours, so it can fit into your schedule. You’ll be compensated fairly.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, fidget with the hem of your skirt. “That’s quite a lot of work for one person, even with the help of teaching assistants.”
“I know. Which is why you’ll have someone helping you split the work.”
Shoulders sag in relief at his words, all of your prior stress dissipating as you ask, “Who will be helping me?”
“Satoru Gojo. He teaches organic chemistry. You’ve met him, I presume?”
Understatement of the century.
You strain to maintain your politeness as you respond, “Yes, I’ve met him.”
Yaga claps, rises from his chair. “Excellent! Between the two of you, I expect no issues. You’re both intelligent; efficient. More than capable.”
You stand as well. “You know, I would actually be alright taking over the extra work by myself—“
“Nonsense. You and Satoru will work together.”
A tight-lipped smile. “Alright. Anything else, sir?”
“Yes, actually…” Yaga trails off, reaches for a paper on his desk and passes it to you. “Here is Satoru’s information. I gave him yours as well. I’m sure he’ll be contacting you soon.”
It was in fact, not great.
“Alright, Ms. (Y/L/N). If there’s no concerns on your part, you’re free to go.”
You swore your eyes twitched with the effort it took to preserve your composure, but luckily, your mouth took over before your brain could. “Nope, no concerns, sir. Have a great day.”
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You were certain that you were now living a nightmare, as you received a text message from Satoru only minutes after arriving back in your own office.
Hey (Y/N), are you free to meet for coffee this afternoon? Wanted to map out the lectures for next week.
Part of you wanted to ignore the message entirely. Another part wanted to respond, just to say no.
Unfortunately, your fingers worked against you.
Sure, what time?
Satoru seemingly had nothing better to do than stare at his phone, as his response came seconds later:
Two, if that works for you?
You stare at the text you've typed, still debating on backtracking. Reluctantly, you send it.
That's fine. See you then.
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When you arrive at the cafe, it doesn't take long to seek out Satoru. For a split second, you find yourself feeling almost grateful for the man's unique features. The white hair. the striking blue eyes.
If only to find him more quickly amidst the bustling of the space around you.
Upon your approach to the table, Satoru rises to his feet, shoots you his signature grin. The very same grin that had girls ogling over him throughout your days as a college student.
"Y/N! It's really good to see you," he begins, pulling the mahogany chair out for you. "How've you been?"
He takes his seat across from you, chin resting against his palm. Cerulean eyes meet your own, and you look away immediately, finding sudden interest in the menu laid before you.
You don't fail to notice how his expression drops as you do so.
Satoru clears his throat, an uncharacteristcally awkward gesture. "I already ordered coffee for us, if that's alright? You still like lattes, right?"
Jaw tenses, then releases in time with an exhale. You nod. "That's fine. Thank you."
The man in front of you is back to smiling, coffee arriving just as he pulls his laptop from the leather satchel beside his chair. Oddly enough, he seemed...relaxed? Content? You weren't entirely sure, but it was stark in contrast to the Satoru you dated only a few years back.
"I figured that for now, we could lay out what we want next week to look like?" Satoru questioned, waiting for your go-ahead.
You nod again. "It's syllabus week, for one. Those can be due by the following Monday. As far as lectures, we'll start with the--"
"Basics," Satoru interrupts, finishing your sentence for you. Your cheeks flush, annoyance feeding the crease between your brows as he continues, "That's smart. Scientific method, states of matters. That's the best place to begin."
There he is. That is the Satoru you know.
A forced laugh. "Hm. Well, since you seem to have it figured out already, I'll get going. I'll see you Monday morning."
Satoru's eyes follow your movements, something like disappointment in them as you rise from your chair and smooth out your skirt. "I'll Venmo you for the coffee."
"That's not necessary," Satoru says quietly, standing with you. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? We should plan a bit more--"
You sigh, turn and face him. "I would like to keep our interactions minimal, wherever possible. You have my email if you need to contact me with anything in relation to work. I'll see you Monday."
Your speech was clipped, and part of you deeply regretted it as you watched the way Satoru's face dropped as he sat back down. "That's fine," he relents. "Get home safe. See you on Monday."
You don't reply as you exit, leaving a dejected Satoru and two untouched coffees behind.
The normally short walk from the cafe to your apartment felt like hours, with your mind racing over the last few hours.
Monday was going to be hell. Of that, you were completely certain.
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taglist: @mixzimi @polarbvnny @desihopelessromantic @prettymoonlightsworld @kash77 @bakananya
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L- Lost: /Losing their S/O in a crowd/
A/N: nothing much to say- besides I think I wrote to much for 2d's
Request: open
Edited: no
Pairing: The band x GN!reader
This is apart of my crack alphabet
Tw: Panic, Murdoc acts a bit toxic(and it's not ok don't let people treat you like that), idk if i missed something
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-Bold of you to assume 2D wasn't the one getting lost
-It take's 2D a hot minute to realize S/O wasn't even there anymore
-At first he wouldn't realize it, so he would go about walking around doing whatever you two were doing- when he realized you two aren't holding hands anymore, so he looks back to go grab your hand when he realized S/O wasn't there
-Like Murdoc he comes to a freeze- as the info that his S/O is now gone sets it
-2D snaps back to reality when someone accidently bumps into him
-"oh- sorry didn't mean to-" the stranger was cut off by 2D's unintelligible panic talk before 2D scrambled away leaving the stranger confused
-2D would scramble all over the place looking for S/O panicked, to anyone who was looking from an outside perspective would be sincerely confused- I mean he doesn't look crazy or anything but he looks very lost
-And especially if you guys are on tour in a unfamiliar country or place for the first time
-Because if so- he's panicking get's worse
-Eventually he sees someone with a phone- and the realization that he should check his phone
-2D sighs in relief thinking that you probably sent him a text- in which you didn't and panic sets back in
-He spends the next half an hour looking for his S/O when 2D see's his S/O too busy looking at something to notice 2D
-2D stumbles over to S/O a bit winded and babbling about you being gone
-"Luv- where have you been-?" 2D said pulling you into a bone crushing embrace, "Why didn't you answer da' phone?"
-"oh sorry Stu... I got distracted, and my phone is dead so I couldn't answer any text-" you say as 2D still didn't let go
-After some reassuring hugs and a kiss and you two go back to whatever your doing- as 2D basically forgetting what just happened
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-He panics a bit but stays in place
-At first he just waits their hopeing S/O wanders back but when two minutes has passed and no sign of you
-Murdocs next checks his messages, and he had zero from you
-So now he's stressed as hell, but he tries to keep calm
-And walks around casually like nothings wrong, while he's sweating bullets and his eyes are darting all over the place looking for you
-every few minutes Mudz takes out his phone checking for a message
-He eventually find you and jogs over to you and grabs S/O by the arm and starts to grumble out frustrated nags
-"The hell- have' ya been, I've been looking all over the fucking place-" Murdoc would snap at S/O, as he drags S/O back to the car
-"Jeez sorry- just got distracted..." S/O would respond
-"Well why didn't you answer yer fuck'en phone?"
"Uh... I left it at home..."
-Murdoc would face palm
- you two didn't get to finish the outing because murdoc was stressed and just wanted to go home and relax
-But the next day you two went back out but this time Murdoc kept his arms around S/O's waist or shoulders
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-She looks around for a second before checking her phone to see if you texted her, and when she see's you didn't she would immediately start searching the area for you
-And Noodle finds you immediately- no joke, she take like a minute and then finds you
-"Hay S/O- where did you go?" Noodle said as she placed a hand on your shoulder as she walks up behind you
-"oh hey sorry Noods, I didn't realize I lost you..."
-Noodle accepted the apology and you two went about your outing but this time Noodle walked behind you to make sure you don't wander off
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-The most rational out of all of them
-Like Noodle, Russel immediately checked his phone and sighed when he saw no texts
- He would calmly look around for you- it took like ten to thirty minutes to find S/O
-And when he found S/O he didn't ask any question, he just walks up to S/O puts a hand on their shoulder and says "Hey baby- come on we have things to do"
-"Oh- hey Rus look what i found.." S/O would point at the thing that distracted them
-"yeah yeah- lets go hon" Rus would hold your hand as you two go about your day- and he would look over his shoulder every once in a while to make sure you're still there
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heliswife · 1 month
jake x a reader who hates him and avoids him because he reminds them of someone they hate but when they are forced to hang out they realize that they actually have a lot of chemistry…..,,. take ur time btw no rush
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TBIS IS A FIRE IDEA ACTUALLY!!! TY POOKIE!!! those following for pjsk fics sorry but the brainrot is taking over <3 plus writing for other fandoms is a nice break from pjsk :3 this is a non-idol au thing ig 🤭
@onthat611beat hope you like it ♡
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Your ex-friend used to have a massive crush on Jake. She would rant about him all the time, saying stuff such as "we were meant to be!" or "he looked at me, he wants me bad!"
You were sick of it, and by the time you cut contact with her, you didn't want to hear anything about Jake again. You avoided him in the halls and in your classes, memories of that friend coming back whenever you looked at him.
"Y/N! There's this guy I'm sort of interested in, and he wants to have a study group with us and some of his friends!" Your best friend and roommate grinned.
"Who is it?" You asked her, secretly praying it wasn't going to be a repeat of what happened with your ex-friend.
"His name is Riki, look!" Your friend showed you a picture of the guy she liked. He didn't seem bad. And your friend seemed normal enough about him.
"Yeah, he's cute. Sure, I'll go to the study group with you."
The next day, when you walked in the café you guys decided to meet up in, you saw Riki, your bestie, and...
"Y/n, this is Jaeyun. He's in the grade above you, right?"
"Mhm, nice to meet you, y/n. You can call me Jake." He flashed a warm smile at you. It made your stomach churn with how nice he was to you.
Memories of your ex-friend and her toxicity flooded your brain, yet you pulled yourself together and held your hand out. "Nice to meet you, Jake!"
His hand was warm. You were sort of understanding why your ex-friend liked Jake now.
The study group went surprisingly smoothly, with you exchanging numbers with the two boys and leaving with a stomach full of sweets.
You explained to your bestie the situation between you and your ex-friend, how she was in love with Jake and how she was a huge asshole towards you.
"Is that why you looked shocked when you saw him?" She asked.
You nodded. "Was it that obvious? God, I really hope I didn't give him a bad impression of me..."
"Don't worry, y/n, it wasn't that obvious." Your friend said before being interrupted by the ding of your phone. An unknown number.
hey y/n this is jake from the study group i just remembered i had your number lol
"It's Jake. Whenever I think of him, I think of my ex-friend and then I start feeling sick. Should I answer?" Your finger hovered above the message icon.
"Yes, duh? Forget about that shitty girl, that's in the past. It's time to move on and forget about her, y/n."
"Hm.. You're right. I'll respond. I know it's been half a year, but it's hard to get over it." Your fingers rapidly typed and backspace until you found a response you would send to him.
hi jake!! dw abt it, im glad you texted me
"I literally can't do this bestie, what if he hates me? Fuck, that message sounded so cringy." The worst case scenarios flashed in your eyes.
"He doesn't. Read the message he just sent, I don't think anyone who hates you would send that."
do you wanna go get lunch with me tomorrow? i wanna talk to you more, you seem chill 😄 also your friend likes riki right? she makes it obvious
"I DO?" Your best friend gasped. When you agreed, your friend threw her head back, landing on one of the soft pillows of your bed. "It's fine, I'll deal with it later. Back to you, y/n~"
"Oh lord."
"You should go with Jake! He's asking you out on a date!"
"He is?" You reread the message. "Oh shit, he is."
"Y/n l/n, you are a total loser. Your life is so boring, like, you've never been in a relationship? You should go. It'll make your life interesting."
"Geez, you're such a nice friend." You rolled your eyes.
yeah ofc!! where & when?
is noon at the pizza place near the cafe alright with you?
mhm, see u there :)
You turned your phone off and let your brain process what was happening.
The only knowledge you've had of Jake prior to this was from your ex-friend, and she looked at him with rose-colored glasses. You were going on a date with the very person your ex-friend was head over heels for.
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Fast-forward to the next day, you put on an outfit you deemed worthy for an outing and exited the house. You hoped your bestie wouldn't blow up the house.
Once you arrived at the pizza place, you spotted Jake waiting outside, scrolling on his phone.
"Jake!" You called, and his head perked up, smiling wide as he waved to you, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!"
"Y/n! Don't worry about it, I just got here anyways, let's go in and order, 'kay?" It wasn't even a sort of anymore. You were definitely understanding why your ex-friend was obsessed with Jake.
Your eyes couldn't leave Jake as he ordered a pizza and drinks for you both, and you didn't even process the question he asked you until he pointed out your lack of response.
"Sorry, I just feel... I don't know, out of it? Could be nerves," You awkwardly laughed.
Jake only cocked his head his face painted with a confused expression before giving you a small grin. "I get it, nerves do that to me too. So, um, what do you like to do?"
"I- I like writing?"
"That's cool, do you think you could ever show me one of your stories?" When he noticed your eyes widening, he laughed, "I'm kidding, you don't have to show me if you don't want to."
The pizza came, and you two chatted about anything you could think of. You talked about your friends antics and he talked about his. He even showed you a picture of his cute dog.
"Y/n, if you don't want to answer this, it's fine, but why did you ignore me before you were forced to see me at the café. Did I do anything wrong?"
Shit. Now you were forced to talk about your past with your ex-friend. "I had a friend who used to like you. You were all she would talk about, and it was getting annoying. She was an asshole too. After we stopped being friends, I didn't want to be reminded of her, and you happened to be one of the things that reminded me of her. I feel bad about ignoring you, since you're a great guy."
"Oh, it was *****, yeah? I remember her." Hearing her name made you feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If it makes you better, I never liked her much."
"Yup, you want to head back to my dorm? I could show you my lego collection?"
"Sure," You giggled, getting up out of your seat in the booth, Jake following suit. You felt a sense of relief knowing that Jake didn't like your ex-friend.
As you two were walking back, gray clouds started to gather. A few rain droplets fell on your face before the downpour began. You and Jake looked at each other before Jake took your hand and started running to his dorm, dragging you along.
Once you guys made it, you were both soaking wet and panting. "I wasn't expecting it to rain, sorry.."
"It's okay. I really enjoyed your company..."
Silence filled the room. Jake's hand was still holding yours. "Y/n... may I..?"
"Please, Jaeyun."
His lips pressed onto yours, and even if it was for a second, it felt like time stopped. It was just you and him in this little world.
"Tomorrow, I'll take you on a real date, when it isn't raining. We could go wherever, just tell me," Jake told you when the kiss ended.
"Let's hope it isn't raining tomorrow, promise we'll go wherever?"
"I pinky promise, dear." He held out his pinky, and you intertwined it with yours.
This was the start of a new chapter, a chapter without her, and you had someone, who although gave you bad memories from the previous chapter, would be by your side.
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sierrrraaawwwwwcgtcvh · 10 months
hai !!! is it cool if i request a
Velvet x GN!Reader
maybe like a ,, worried velvet ? Maybe an interviewer said something about her crush on reader (preferably like reader and velvet are known close friends or known friends and reader is also a popstar?) and it caused Velvet to get pissed off and when she says something, she thinks she said the wrong thing (ex ; she thinks her words were worded wrong so she believes reader thinks she doesnt like reader) So she avoids reader and then reader confronts her and she spills everything ?
Velvet x GN!Reader
Warnings: cursing?
Velvet and Veneer were currently doing an interview, with the interviewer only asking Velvet questions as Veneer sat quietly. 
"So.. Velvet! Some rumors have been circulating the media." The interviewer said, a bright smile on his face.
"And..?" Velvet had an eyebrow raised. 
"Is it true that you really have a crush on (Y/n)? Apparently, some fans seem to think you look and treat (Y/n) in a certain way that's different from others! So, we have to know. Do you like (Y/n)?" 
Velvet held her composure, even though inside she was internally screaming.
"Hmm, well.. I, personally.. think they're just alright." Velvet shrugged. Why did I say that!? She screamed inside. 
"Oh.. so you don't have a crush on them? Ah.. I see. Well, you heard it from Velvet herself everyone! See you next time with the popstar, you know and love.. (Y/n) (L/n)!" Velvet immediately got up and left the interview area, heading over to a dress room designated for her.
Velvet entered the dressing room, groaning as she shut the door behind her. She didn't even want to THINK about opening her phone. She could already think of all the tweets or things that people would say about her and (Y/n). She had already begun to regret what she had said.
She heard a knock at her door, "What do you want!?" She shouted. 
"Um.. it's me, Veneer. Can I come in?" 
"Yeah." She said, loud enough for him to hear. She sat on a couch as the door opened, and then shut. 
"I thought you said you liked (Y/n)? Why the sudden change of heart?" Veneer walked over to his sister and sat beside her on the couch. 
"I do like them! I don't even know why I said that.." Velvet groaned.
"Oh.. well, you probably shouldn't check any social media apps. The fans are going crazy, and not in a good way." Veneer sighed.
"Fuck.. I just.. I do want to tell them how I feel but I'm scared they won't like me." Velvet took the pillow next to her and held it in her lap.
"It's always better to just say it y'know? You shouldn't lie about how you feel." 
"I know. Great, now I'm gonna have to avoid them like the plague.." Velvet groaned, for what.. the 50th time already? 
“You could just talk to them?” Veneer was confused, why couldn’t his sister just confront them?
“But I can’t! Not after that.. It’d be sooo awkward!”
“It’s not that bad, Velvet. I ended up explaining how I felt to my partner and it turned out great!”
“But that’s you! I can’t tell if they even love me like I love them.” She mumbled.
“True.. well, I guess it’s ultimately your decision.” Veneer shrugged as Velvet rolled her eyes.
(Y/N)’S POV:
You’d just gotten back from an interview. You couldn’t believe what Velvet had said. She thought you were just.. alright?
You frowned as you laid on your bed, pulling out your phone from your pocket. You texted Velvet.
“Hey, can we talk..?” 
sent at 08:23 p.m.
You watched as Velvet had read your message, but didn’t respond. You texted again.
“I know you’re seeing my messages Velvet. Please, text me.”
sent at 08:24 p.m.
You huffed as she read your message again, still not responding. You then decided that you’d text Veneer.
“Hey Veneer! I’m trying to talk to Velvet but she keeps leaving my messages on seen. Is she okay??”
sent at 08:29 p.m.
He read your message immediately as he responded.
“Hi (Y/n)!! Velvet’s okay :)) I’m not sure why she’s not responding..”
sent at 08:30 p.m.
“Oh…” You frowned. You then texted him back,
“Oh, okay!! Thank you for letting me know. :D Sorry if I bothered you.” 
sent at 08:31 p.m.
You then turned off your phone, setting it on your dresser after plugging it into your charger. Hopefully you’d get a response from Velvet soon.
She couldn’t focus on singing at ALL. Velvet was thinking about your messages and what she said earlier. 
How am I supposed to even face them after this? She pondered, as she sang with Veneer. They were singing their newest song, “Watch me Work”.
Her thinking caused her to mess up a move, but she quickly recovered. Fuck, I need to think about this later. Velvet held back a groan as her and Veneer finished the song as the audience roared in excitement. At least their concert was over for the time being. 
Velvet and Veneer walked off stage and headed to their dressing room.
“Sis.. you really need to talk to (Y/n). They’re worried for you.” Veneer wanted to at least convince his sister to talk to them.
“Veneer, you don’t think I know that!?” Velvet snapped at him as they entered their dressing room. 
Velvet sighed, “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m just.. stressed out.”
“It’s okay. But vel you should talk to them, like seriously.” 
“I know, Veneer. I just.. can’t.” 
“Well, why not?” He asked, checking the time on his phone.
“I don’t know what they’re gonna say and I’m scared. I’m mad at myself for what I said! I’m pissed, like seriously pissed. I should’ve said something better! What was I even thinking..” She grumbled, walking over to the couch in the dressing room and sitting on it.
Veneer sat beside her, “It’ll be okay.” 
She scoffed, “Easy for you to say.”
(Y/N)’S POV: 
You walked through the long, longgg hallway of dressing rooms. You were heading to one in particular, Velvet and Veneer’s. You knew they’d be there as they just got done with a concert. Well, you didn’t really have to look for their’s as you knew where it was. You’d been there a LOT before.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood in front of Velvet and Veneer’s dressing room. You hesitated.. but knocked on the door after gaining enough confidence. 
“Coming!” You heard Veneer shout. 
He opened the door and saw you standing there, his face turned into shock. 
“Oh.. I should probably leave you two alone for this. Haha..” He laughed awkwardly as he moved out of the way to let you in. You walked in after he shut the door and left. You saw Velvet sitting on their couch. 
“Veneer, who was at the door-.” She cut herself off as she looked up and saw you. 
“Velvet..” You started as she got up immediately.
“Why’re you here?” 
“You make it sound like a bad thing.” You sighed as walked up to her. “What’s your problem?” You asked.
“I don’t have a problem.” She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.
“It sure seems like it. You didn’t reply to my messages.” 
“So? I don’t have to reply to what you say all the time.” Velvet looked away from you.
“Velvet, what was that about? The interview I mean. You really think I’m just.. alright?” You watched as her face faltered, turning into a frown. 
“No..” She had her head turned, but she finally looked at you.
“Then what? What do you really think of me, huh?” You crossed your arms.
Velvet gave no response as she looked away once more.
“Oh.. I see. You don’t wanna tell me? Fine.” You scoffed as you began walking to exit the dressing room.
“Wait!” Velvet grabbed your arm. 
“What? You made it clear you don’t like me.” You didn’t even turn to face her. 
“I do.. I do like you! I’ve liked you for so long..” You heard Velvet begin sobbing as you turned around, her hand still gripping your arm.
“I don’t know why I said it.. I was scared.. scared you wouldn’t like me.” Velvet held your arm as she cried. 
You frowned as you pulled her into a hug, “How could I not? Your smile is beautiful, I love everything about you Velvet.” You heard her begin sniffling, signaling she’d began to stop crying. She let go of your arm.
“You mean it?” Her voice hoarse from crying.
“I mean it, Vel.” You pulled back from the hug. You held her right cheek with your hand as you smiled.
“Now, please.. don’t ignore me like that. I seriously thought you hated me.” You laughed a little bit.
“I won’t ignore you like that ever again. I’m sorry.” Velvet frowned.
“It’s okay.” She smiled at that. 
You heard the door open as you both turned your heads to look at who had just walked in. Your hand falling from her cheek.
“Are you two together yet or what?” Veneer asked as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You looked at Velvet as she looked at you for a second, before nodding. 
“Yeah, we are.” You replied.
“Ugh, about time!”
(I’ll prob edit this later if I see any mistakes)
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michelleleewise · 2 years
The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x female reader
Warnings: bit of angst, mutual pining, drugging, kidnapping, Amber (she's a whole warning all by herself)
Summary: Thor tries to get information from Loki as you are invited to a movie night....
**this one's gonna feel a bit longer probably because I added text messages 😁😁
Part Sixteen-
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You woke Monday morning feeling anxious, like this bad feeling was hovering over you. You shook it off getting dressed heading to the kitchen for coffee. You checked your phone seeing Loki had text you sometime during the night "Darling, I'm sure your sleeping, or you should be. I only wanted to check in. Remember to call me if you need. ~L~." You smiled reading the text seeing it was from two in the morning you text back "what were you doing up so late? You need sleep too you know. I'm doing ok, I will call if I need to, I promise." You hit send grabbing your purse heading to school.
Your day progressed much like your morning, you felt antsy, on edge..like something was going to happen. "Hey y/n! How are you?" You heard looking up seeing Amber walking over "Oh hey, I'm good, just tired." You said rubbing your eyes. "You look like you need a break, do you have plans tonight? Maybe you could come over and watch a movie." She said smiling. You thought about it a minute, you were a bit wary of her since your coffee date but she seemed pretty harmless "yeah, I do need a break. That sounds fun." You smiled "great, let me give you my address." She said grabbing a pen writing it down. "Say about seven?" She asked handing it to you "sounds great, see you then." You smiled as she walked off.
You cleaned up your station getting ready to head home when your phone went off-
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You couldn't help but laugh making everyone look at you. "Sorry." You said aloud as everyone went back to what they were doing. You responded back smiling wondering who taught him how to use emoji's-
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You put your phone away smiling, his wit was one of the many things you adored about him. You couldn't help wonder what an actual relationship with him would be like. Cuddling on the couch, weekend trips to who cares where...you sighed knowing you would probably never have that with him. You grabbed your purse heading home to get ready hoping that miracles do exist.
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"Who are you speaking to brother?" Loki heard Thor ask as he put his phone in his pocket "no one that concerns you." He said pushing past him "you misunderstand, I only wonder who has made you so.....happy." Thor said following him "you would do good to stay out of my affairs brother." Loki hissed looking at him. "Loki please.." Thor said grabbing his arm stopping him "I know we have not had the best relationship.." he started "that's an understatement.." loki mumbled hearing Thor sigh "yes, well i want to be here for you, I only wish for you to be able to speak to me about things as we once did." Thor said watching him.
Loki sighed crossing his arms "so you wish to pry as Odin did." He said flatly glaring at Thor "no, I only wish to be the brother I should have been." Thor said "I understand I have treated you poorly before, but I only wish for you to allow me to be a part of your life." Thor told him. Loki sighed dropping his arms "well, I do appreciate your honesty Thor, i shall consided it. And as far as who I was talking to.." Loki trailed off trying to decide what he should say "they do make me happy, and i am.....surprised by it." Loki said walking towards the common room. "How so?" Thor asked following him "I have never felt this way, about anyone. You know my past Thor, I am not known for my monogamy." Loki smirked walking into the kitchen.
"Oh I know it well, stories of your exploits flooded the realm in our youth." Thor laughed sitting on the bar stool. "Well i...I cannot think of being with another, nor them. I have this....need to be with them." Loki said setting the kettle on the stove. "It sounds like you are in love brother." Thor smiled "don't be preposterous, me..in love?" Loki snarked grabbing a mug. "Let me ask you this brother, if something were to happen to this person, what lengths would you go to to ensure they are taken care of?" Thor asked watching him. "I would burn all the realms to ash, and kill anyone who stood in my way." Loki said sternly seeing Thor's smile widen. "Do not look at me like that." Loki said filling his cup "my only advice to you brother is don't fight it, you deserve happiness." Thor said standing up.
Before Loki could rebuttle Thor strode from the room leaving him with his thoughts. Did he love you? He knew he wanted to be with you every minute of the day, you haunted his dreams at night...but love? He leaned on the counter contemplating Thor's words, love was never an emotion he was afforded in his life, moving from bed to bed he had always kept his emotions locked away, and could you ever love him in return. "Hey Rudolph? Having an existential crisis?" Tony asked pulling him from his thoughts "Stark...you would do well to hold your tongue lest I cut it out." Loki snapped storming from the room. "Well ok then." Tony said going to the fridge. Loki walked into his room, sitting in his chair he decided to take his own advice, he needed to tell you how he felt and pick up what pieces may fall.....
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"Hey! You made it!" Amber said stepping aside letting you in. "Thanks for inviting me, I do need to clear my head." You said watching her close the door locking it. "We all need a break now and then. Come sit, I was about to make popcorn." She said guiding you to the living room. You weren't sure what movie it was, you couldn't focus as your mind kept wandering back to Loki, how he was so caring with you, staying the night, making you breakfast. You sat back thinking about your arrangement, realizing he had broken almost every one of his own rules making you smile.
"Ooo, who are you thinking about?" Amber asked looking at you. "Hm? Oh..no one." You laughed sitting up. "Mm...I don't believe you. That's the look of a girl in love." She smiled eating a piece of popcorn. "Well...ok there is someone, but.." you trailed off looking down "I don't think he would ever feel the same about me." You sighed running a hand through your hair "nonsense your a catch, he would be a total idiot if he didn't." She said making you laugh "thanks, I'm not that great though." You smiled. "Well, I think you are." She smirked making you feel a little uneasy. "Did you want some tea or anything?" She asked standing up. "No, I should probably go, school tomorrow and all." You smiled standing. "Oh come on, just have one cup with me and you can go." She smiled widely "ok, just one." You said seeing her bounce up and down "ok, you sit I'll be right back." She smiled running to the kitchen.
She came back shortly with two cups and some sugar on a tray "here, this ones yours." She smiled handing it to you. You took a sip grimacing at the bitter taste "here, I may not have sweetened it enough." She said sliding the sugar to you. Adding a few teaspoons didn't really make it better but you didn't want to be rude so you hurried and downed it. "Well thank you for the invite and the tea, but I think I should probably head home." You said setting your cup down "aww already? Can't you stay a bit longer?" She asked setting her cup down. "No, I really should get some rest, i had a long weekend." You smiled. You went to stand up feeling light headed "are you ok?" She asked grabbing your arm "yeah, I'm fine. I think im just..." you trailed off, your head feeling fuzzy. "Here, sit down." Your heard her say but it was muffled.
You sat down rubbing your temples feeling your eyelids droop "i...I really...i..." you started when your vision began to tunnel, dark spots appearing at the edge of your vision. "M..my p..phone...call...lo..." you tried, your tongue heavy in your mouth. "Oh, you won't need that." You heard, looking up seeing Amber standing over you smiling "w..what are you.." you trailed off. Trying to stand your legs gave out as you fell to the floor. You watched as Amber kneeled down looking at you "don't worry y/n, I'll take good care of him." She smiled as the darkness enveloped you.
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Loki sat in the common room reading, looking up seeing it was past midnight he pulled his phone out to make sure he didn't miss your message when Thor walked in "Brother, what are you doing awake?" He asked but Loki kept looking at his phone "is your device working Thor?" He asked suddenly looking up at him. "I believe so. Let me see." He said pulling it out he dialed Loki's number hearing it ring. "Hmm...odd." loki said setting his phone down. "What troubles you?" Thor asked sitting down. "Well, the..person we spoke of earlier was supposed to text me when they returned home and they have not, it's not like them." Loki said looking at Thor. "Maybe they were tired and fell asleep? Try calling them tomorrow, I'm sure all is well." Thor said smiling. "As much as I hate it you are probably right. I shall try tomorrow." Loki sighed setting his book down.
He got up heading to his room "and loki, I meant what I said earlier, I am happy for you, and if you need to talk i am here." Thor said as Loki nodded and left the room. He made it to his floor opening his door he pulled out his phone again, still seeing nothing from you. He sat on the bed deciding to text you "Darling you have probably fallen asleep but I wanted to check in. Message me when you get this. ~L~" He typed setting his phone on the nightstand lieing down. It wasn't like you to not check in with him, you were diligent about it. Remembering what you had told him earlier about feeling anxious made him a little uneasy but he was confident you would call if you needed him. He closed his eyes trying to rest hoping he would hear from you soon....
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @bbmommy0902 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mcufan72 @glitterylokislut @tjellisworld @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @huntress-artemiss @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12
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gayfanservice · 1 year
How Ushijima, Bokuto and Kenma would help comfort a ftm reader on a bad dysphoria day? 🖤 (you can just pick one if you don't want to do all three! 😁)
This took so long im so sorry Pom-nom 😭
Chose Ushijima cuz why not (my iPads about to die and I really want to finish this lol)
TW; Dysphoria, reader over-binds, a little internalized transphobia, sad boy hours
He had been in bed all day; his ribs hurt and there was a hard, uncomfortable felling in his torso, like his organs were being squeezed out of his mouth like toothpaste. It was uncomfortable to breath, but anything is better than getting up, than looking in the mirror, than looking down, if even for a second. (Y/N) couldn’t handle that. School had ended for the week only yesterday, and even than he couldn’t take it off. He knew the consequences would catch up at some point, but who cares? He needed to feel flat. He needed to make sure it was flat. No bumps, no worry. Was it stupid? Only a little. It’s just a body. Who cared about how it looked in the comforts of your own home? Or dorm, in this moment.
(Y/N) couldn’t help it.
Wakatoshi hasn’t seen him all day, not in the cafeteria, not at practice, not even hearing anything from his phone. Satori caught his gaze, “Oh, loverboy! What’s wrong?” He teased, head propped onto his hand as he sat beside Wakatoshi, lips ducked up. Wakatoshi hummed, phone in his left and water bottle in his right.
“It’s nothing, (Y/N) just hasn’t been answering me.” Practice was almost over at this point. Satori took a sneak-peak at Wakatoshi’s phone, seeing a simple ‘Are you OK?’ In his text messages.
“I’m sure (L/N) is fine, but why don’t you check up on him after practice?” Wakatoshi hummed, already planning on it. At least Satori tried.
Practice went by; Wakatoshi was dressed in normal clothing and started to make his way to (Y/N)’s room. He knocked one, then twice, and on the third knock he sent a text. ‘Are you on your room?’ Wakatoshi saw his message was read, having a little debate whether he should just try the knob. He decided he would, knowing it was rude, but his boyfriend wasn’t answering and Wakatoshi was worried. The door was, surprisingly, unlocked.
Inside, Wakatoshi saw (Y/N) cuddled into a blanket cocoon, back towards him. “(Y/N)?” He saw (Y/N) jump.
“Hey, ‘Toshi,” He didn’t turn around; his voice was strained, as if crying for years, and he sniffled every once in awhile.
“You didn’t answer my text, are you okay?” Wakatoshi sat at the side of the bed, shoulders hunched as he laid his elbows on his knees.
(Y/N) felt horrible. He was such a shitty boyfriend. As if.
Shut up.
No, you.
Fuck you.
He didn’t even respond to his own fucking boyfriend. What a joke, (Y/N) thought. I bet he hates you.
I bet he isn’t even into you.
I bet he isn’t even gay.
“(Y/N)?” Wakatoshi was worried, (Y/N)’s lack of responses gave him creeping anxiety.
“… no.” (Y/N) started shaking, fresh tears coming out and falling down into the soft mattress below him. He couldn’t take it. The feeling of… everything was too much. It hurt. It all hurt. Why? Why did it have to happen to me? Why? “I hate,” (Y/N)’s voice cracked as he sobbed, “everything!” Wakatoshi rubbed (Y/N)’s back; he had no idea what to do, but he tried his best to comfort his boyfriend. He listened to (Y/N) cry, “I don’t like this body, I don’t like this face, I don’t like anything about this!” He sobbed. Anger, sadness, embarrassment, all clouding his mind.
Wakatoshi let him cry, a little awkward but trying his best. “I just… I just wished I was born like you! I wish I was born a real boy!” Wakatoshi never liked it when (Y/N) talked like that, letting the deep, internal thoughts of doubt into the light. It was never fair to him.
Wakatoshi laid beside him, wrapping his arms as best as he could around the sad cocoon, “(Y/N), you are a real boy. Why do you think I like you?”
“No, (Y/N). Don’t listen to whatever it if your mind tells you,” Wakatoshi tightened his grip, holding (Y/N) closer, “I like you for who you are and you are a man, okay? You deserve to be happy and if being in a cocoon helps then so be it. I will be with you through it all. I know I’m not… good… at this, and that I don’t completely understand how you feel, but I swear I will always be with you, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) sniffled again, slowly worming his way around until he was facing Wakatoshi, “Thanks, ‘Toshi.” He smiled, cuddling up into him.
“Now, how long have you been wearing your binder?” He was still concerned, not letting his guard down to make sure (Y/N) was comfortable.
“… Awhile,” He answered, shamefully looking away, even though Wakatoshi couldn’t see his face.
“We’ll take it off, then I can go get some snacks, okay?” He smiled, although (Y/N) couldn’t see.
“Okay…” He still felt terrible, but knowing Wakatoshi was with him made everything better.
Pulled all of this outta my ass lol
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