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I'm gay and I write fan service. What more can I say?
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gayfanservice · 2 months ago
I'm late but happy new years to you as well my Christmas was fine got present those being lego sets, a multi tool, a new computer, money and other stuff. Didn't know you play dnd it's interesting to learn that about you glad to here it was fun at your party that was good I hoped you spent a good day during said day but I'm getting ready to go back to college as it starting back again soon so I'm giving a heads up in case I take much longer to answer for like 5 or 6 weeks.
Oof, hope you have fun at college! I’ll probably still be here when you get back lol
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gayfanservice · 2 months ago
That's good I'm glad you doing stuff you like happy to hear that since you a good friend of mine. Happy Holidays to you as well or in other words Merry Christmas I know it's Eve of Christmas not actual Christmas day not even sure if you celebrate it still just have a nice day today and tomorrow if you do that's great I feel happy that you do and maybe you can tell about me I'd like to know if you want you don't have to as for why I said it earlier well I'm might forget or not be able to tomorrow is all so I wanted you to at least have this message so you can see on the day of and feel I'm celebrating with you in spirit.
I had a party with my dnd group and it was pretty fun lol how was your christmas/holiday?
Happy new years!
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gayfanservice · 2 months ago
Who needs Duolingo that's what Spanish class in high school was for really I just gotta fully awaken my Mexican side and boom probably solved. I didn't want to visit it was just I was a kid couldn't stay home alone after all. I don't have all pleasant memories because of all the flies in the house and mosquito bites. I think you knowing ASL is nice skill to have I'm going to focus on learning more languages simply because I don't trust anyone to speak for me expect myself. I'm actually in college right now I'm sure when you do go to college you get the fully experience and it's a good school and you make good friends.
Ach, i hate mosquitoes 😖
It’s pretty fun, i only know the basics/rules, I’ve yet to actually try to have a conversation tho lol
Happy holidays!
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
It's okay you came back that's all that matters I would give you a hug if person were that possible for returning I'm a good mood currently compared to a few seconds ago for some random reason. To not keep you waiting here's my answer to your question I was born and raised in America but my parents are from Mexico and later moved here to the U.S. long before I was born that said I have been to Mexico to before to visit my other family members there so like as long as been places I've been too I can probably good places there in Mexico. And well let's say I can't speak Spanish well I can do just a bit better than before but kid me was way better than current me at Spanish also I went to the whole stereotypical why use this Spanish if I'm not using it at all here.
Eesh, should’ve kept up with Duolingo! lol jkjk, its nice of you to visit your family in Mexico.
I cant speak any other languages but i know a bit of ASL and I’m hoping once i go to college i can take actual classes
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
I really like talking with you everyday we do I feel like our friendship grows stronger that said assuming timelines exist and in a different one if we also friends there I want to beat those versions of us that are better friends to each other than we are currently in a competition sense naturally. And for the record I'm American and Mexican.
Ooo are you originally from Mexico or were you born in America?
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
Really I'd rather not beat up bad guys but that's life honestly normally I'd gone on about my views of life but that's better said in through speaking not text yeah everything fine nothing to drastic has been done yet and hopefully said president isn't able to do so anyway pal buddy Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate or not time for family and friends so I'll think of on the day because we are friends after all stay well and hope you day is well.
Happy (late) thanksgiving! I forgot Americans celebrate it closer to Christmas.
Let’s both have a good day :D
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
Of course I have no intention of kicking the bucket I'm still have my life ahead of me so I won't put my life at risk or in danger or do something that might lead to that unless there's not other choice with the power of bonds or friendship I'll it beat the bad guys and win to make the world a bit better and save the day regardless of how small the victory is.
It’s always fun to beat the bad guys, hope everyone in the US is doing ok
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
Hi, I'm Nevin from Gaza. Please help me and my family escape to safety. Your donation will save my life, my child's life and my parents' life. If everyone donated even 30 euros, of basic necessities, it would help save our lives. Thank you in advance.🍉
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
But my friends are busy some are in the military other have college one already has a family I don't much my life is boring I never done stuff I have never even go out with friends well yeah hmm I don't know I can't help but wonder where's the light but you know what my family didn't raised a worthless helpless pathetic person of a man so I'm going to go out there and win against these people because quite frankly the bother me to no end I'll show them what happens when the furious.
That’s a good mindset to have, show those fuckers who they have to deal with and pray you live
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
Well yes I do live in the US I mean if I can ride out there next four years then it should be fine right my brother said the president more like a puppet for parties or at least this current president and that there's no way he can actually do what he wants here basically he's going to fail big time if you tries to do so. I just I want a hug a comforting hug is all.
I’d hug you if i could :( im so sorry you have to go through this but youre not alone, there’s tons of support groups and friends to help you out.
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
I wish something happened no I'm just angry and stressed out and bored so I'm fine as per usual it's like that one characters in marvel saying "that's my secret I'm always angry"yeah that's me I'm just good at controlling it but addition I have some fear for the future but I'm going to hold onto hold that we will win and reach that slightly better future. But for being gone for so long I shall now bear hug you until I feel ready to let go.
Oh shit are you in the US? Im so sorry if you are. Even if you aren’t, I know everything is looking like shit right now but it’s important to live through the pain and ask for help even if you don’t want to.
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gayfanservice · 3 months ago
I miss you
Nothing I just miss you but I hope you're doing fine whatever it is your doing and I hope you come back because if you left without telling me I'll never forgive you just kidding I would but still maybe like a goodbye hug or something.
Oh shit im so sorry, I’ve been busy with work and forgot to reply to your ask
How have you been? Anything interesting happen in my absence
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gayfanservice · 4 months ago
Hello my friend 🙏🍉 I am Ahmed. I used to live with my family, my father, my elderly mother, and they suffer from chronic diseases. My mother had open-heart surgery on October 7, the first day of the war. I used to work fishing on a large boat. Everything was destroyed, and now I am injured from the bombing, my house is destroyed, and my children and I have nothing left. Children suffer from diseases due to lack of hygiene and unhealthy food. Please donate and support my campaign and help me and my family escape from the war of extermination. Have mercy on us, please 🙏😭
Donate of you can
Reblog my pin post 😓
You can save our life 💔
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gayfanservice · 4 months ago
I see well as long as you weren't hurt by it then even though reading that makes me want to give a hug. Honestly it's not like I talked with everyone in school they just sort came up to me and befriend me because I was busy focus on school and succeeding however I'm just saying I would've taken notice of you see because I obverse my classmates and everything so I know who they are their names and things I hear about them. I gathered quite a lot of information about them through hearing and seeing alone but it's okay I'll definitely remember you for as long as I live and check up on your making sure your okay and good though speaking of names I don't think either of us knows each other names we'll it's fine I ask just because I'm not sure if your comfortable with tellijg me if you want to know my you can it's like it's a secret or like your instantly know who I am after all I have 100% of never bumming into people I know before it has never happened.
I do try to keep my IRL-life and internet-persona-life separate, since I don’t really want this to come back at me when I’m older lol. I just go by Service on here since that’s how it all started 3 years ago, and obviously because i write gay fan service.
It’s good people went up to talk to you, it definitely makes school fun when you have friends to do stupid shit with.
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gayfanservice · 4 months ago
Hi 👋, My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future.
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤️‍🩹 🔗
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gayfanservice · 4 months ago
That's very kind of you to do think about them I get why though but don't worry I'll be with you until the end or at least your end on this site. And rest assured will still talk with each other afterwards definitely I'm not letting you go much like others anyways I wanted to say this feels like your a senior about to leave campus who I had to become friends with so I'm just spending time with you because everyone know seniors don't do much when it's time to graduate at least I think that's how it feels. I don't know I never made an senior friend because I was that senior and also my schools were so new at the time part of 2 school's founding class and first graduate from said schools so you know that never happened to me and also I didn't much interaction with the other grade levels expected for a few times but was school work stuff. I know I can't fill the spaces for those people but I hope at least me talking with you can help not feel so sad or something.
I’ve never talked to anyone at my school, the first time someone talked to me with no connections (being friends with someone I knew, being grouped together, etc) I was in 12th grade. Legitimately no one fucking talked to me lol
The amount of times someone would say “who is that” when my name was called…
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gayfanservice · 5 months ago
Well okay I'll believe you seeing as don't seem like the type to lie I know at some point you'll leave since you said stay awhile and I have accepted that fact and your free to do so but even so even after that fact after you leave this site I still want to be able to talk with you so we need to work something out for that for now though I'm going to keep as much company in a effort to make the most of your remaining time here a good one.
When i first started i used to be so active with like 7 different people and we’d all chat like all day😭 i miss those days so much
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