#i don't like older percy's look
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tinyslyme · 3 days ago
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Gays that grow old together (or at least, middle aged)
(click for better quality + my favorite details under the cut)
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older Oliver's face
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these hands specifically
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tiny prefect badge
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pain-is-too-tired · 7 months ago
Lee's prettier/hotter than Luke and I stand by that.
Luke has the build of a sword fighter obviously. He can often look like the typical popular guy in movies or whatever.
Lee has somewhat of an athlete building, but is leaner. They also have a much prettier/gentler appearance. Compared to Luke, Lee is lot more laid back. He has a lot more nurturing way of caring for others, and he has a more carefree attitude.
He can have attitude,similar to his siblings, but he doesn't dwell in his anger. He has more patience and playfulness
And with a camp full of kids with mommy and daddy issues? Of course he's gonna be hotter! His motion smoother in a fight, long hair tied back, and quick aim with his bow-
You just know how much the camp was like "can't believe Luke fumble Lee" after he left. Boy could've been dating Lee the whole time but only realized it when it was too late. Meanwhile Lee was unaware how many times he was some kid's awaking XD
(I know there's hcs/jokes of Luke being Percy's awaking or whatever,but Im just now thinking of him finding out Lee was most everyone elses XD)
Also, the rest of the Apollo cabin definitely was getting annoyed with how many were crushing on their brother. "No,we don't want to hear how hot he is, shut up."
But yeah- anyway. Apollo kids being hot/attractive in some way my beloved.
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kurzler · 24 days ago
a quick psa to anyone recently getting into greek mythology and is a victim of tumblr and/or tiktok misconceptions:
-there is no shame in being introduced to mytholgy from something like percy jackson, epic the musical or anything like that, but keep in mind that actual myths are going to be VERY different from modern retellings
-the myth of medusa you probably know (her being a victim of poseidon and being cursed by athena) isn't 100% accurate to GREEK mythology (look up ovid)
-there is no version of persephone's abduction in which persephone willingly stays with hades, that's a tumblr invention (look up homeric hymn to demeter)
-as much as i would like it, no, cerberus' name does not mean "spot" (probably a misunderstanding from this wikipedia article)
-zeus isn't the only god who does terrible things to women, your fav male god probably has done the same
-on that note, your fav greek hero has probably done some heinous shit as well
-gods are more complicated than simply being "god of [insert thing]", many titles overlap between gods and some may even change depending on where they were worshipped
-also, apollo and artemis being the gods of the sun and the moon isn't 100% accurate, their main aspects as deities originally were music and the hunt
-titans and gods aren't two wholly different concepts, titan is just the word used to decribe the generation of gods before the olympians
-hector isn't the villain some people make him out to be
-hephaestus WAS married to aphrodite. they divorced. yes, divorce was a thing in ancient greece. hephaestus' wife is aglaia
-ancient greek society didn't have the same concepts of sexuality that we have now, it's incorrect to describe virgin goddesses like artemis and athena as lesbians, BUT it's also not wholly accurate to describe them as aromantic/asexual, it's more complex than that
-you can never fully understand certain myths if you don't understand the societal context in which they were told
-myths have lots and lots of retellings, there isn't one singular "canon", but we can try to distinguish between older and newer versions and bewteen greek and roman versions
-most of what you know about sparta is probably incorrect
-reading/waching retellings is not a substitute to reading the original myths, read the iliad! read the odyssey! i know they may seem intimidating, but they're much more entertaining than you may think
greek mythology is so complex and interesting, don't go into it with preconcieved notions! try to be open to learn!
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raptorific · 5 months ago
I'm choosing to believe you're doing some sort of unbelievably unfunny bit because the alternative would be to believe you're actually serious about this reply, a reality that, if confronted, would turn me into the joker like from the movie "the dark knight" starring the joker
Or like, to put it in terms that the "read what you like, who cares if you exclusively read kids' stuff" crowd are at a reading level to understand:
In the book "Green Eggs and Ham," the main character insists that he will only eat things he likes, and refuses under all circumstances when presented with an opportunity to try something new. At the end of the novel [spoiler alert] he agrees to Sam-I-Am's request and tries them, and he realizes that he was depriving himself of a favorite food for years, just out of fear of disliking something he ate. He learns a lesson, moving forward, that if he tries new things outside his comfort zone, that he may dislike some of them, but will enjoy many of them, and if he doesn't try new things outside his comfort zone, he will not like anything but the one thing he already eats.
Can you think of any situations in your own life where Sam-I-Am's teachings might be applicable?
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awriterinthenight · 2 months ago
"And How Would You Like to Kiss a Smart Guy?"-Fred Weasley
requested: no
words: 1840
warnings: Molly complaining about the twins, reader is a Gryffindor and Sirius' daughter, also implied that reader is shorter to Fred
summary: When Molly complains about the twins, you defend then, especially Fred, leading to Sirius having old memories of Lily and James.
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You could hear Molly Weasley yelling about something in the kitchen as you approached the door. Recently you, Harry, Hermione, and all the Weasley kids had been living in 12 Grimmauld Place, which is technically your family's house. Your dad had been hiding out there, and you had started living with him to make up for all the time lost while he was in Azkaban.
Grimmauld Place was starting to become your home and even feel like it. Ever since your Hogwarts letter came, the school has only ever felt like your real home. Many of your friendships were made there, your relationships all started there, and almost every happy memory was made at Hogwarts.
It was the place where you met Ron and Hermione on the train to Hogwarts. Then when you got sorted into Gryffindor you met Oliver Wood who was the Quidditch captain, and you became quick friends with him, due to you and Harry being on the team so young. It was also the place where you met the Weasley twins.
Ron had told you all about his oldest brother Bill, who now worked all the way in Egypt, and his other older brother Charlie who was a dragon tamer in Romania. Then he complained about how uptight Percy was. When he got to the twins it was a mix of funny stories and some humiliating ones for Ron.
"Oy, you're going to talk her ear off if you keep telling her about us," a voice yelled out. It was Fred Weasley. He was making his way over to where you and Ron were talking in the common room.
"Yeah, you're also not even telling her the truth," the other twin said, following behind Fred.
Fred came up behind you in the chair you were sitting in, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, bending down a bit so that he could whisper something to you, "We're a lot funnier than that, and way better at pranks than he's making it out to be."
"Uh huh," you said, acting skeptical, "If you say so."
Him and George looked hurt at your words.
"If you say so," George yelled loudly, clutching his chest, "Do you hear this blasphemy?" he said to Fred.
Fred removed his arm from around your shoulders, "Oh, I do, and believe me I cannot stand for this. We didn't get detention for a month to be insulted like this. Now did we?"
You rolled your eyes, as Ron looked bored from having seen this act before, "Don't you two have anything better to do than bother some first years?"
"Well when you insult a man's pranks, one feels rather hurt," Fred said, continuing his dramatic act.
You looked him up and down before you said, "What man? All I see are two cocky gits."
They looked even more insulted, but once again Fred spoke first, "And she's got a sharp tongue. It seems we have our work cut out for us."
"That we do, dear brother," George said to his twin.
"You know what I think we need to do?"
"Of course I do, now off we go," George said before walking away with his twin in tow. That moment was the reason for the twins' further actions towards you. Wherever you went the twins would always do some prank near you to make you laugh. Fred started to take pride in knowing one of his jokes made you laugh, even if it was barely a chuckle or a smile.
The boys did everything they could to get you to crack. Slowly it became their favorite past time, especially for one twin. During 4th year something started to shift in how Fred saw you. You were no longer just his little brother's friend, but you were his too. Except he started to wish you were more.
He watched you get prettier over the years, to the point he caught himself staring a couple of times. Fred loved the banter between the two of you, you always had some sort of retort to everything. You still called his pranks "silly" or sometimes "immature" but that was only when it went wrong. He still did his dramatic act everything you said that, but now it was because he just liked having your attention all on him.
Fred's crush on you wasn't entirely unrequited though. You started to fall for him too. You didn't know if it was because of his charm, or the banter that was the closest you would get to flirting, or even just the way he looked. He was always looking down at you, having to lean in a little closer to hear you since he was so tall.
Being at Grimmauld Place was no different to being at Hogwarts with the way the twins, especially Fred, acted. They still pulled pranks and Fred still had his banter with you. Which was exactly what Mrs. Weasley was yelling and complaining about.
You'd walk in to make tea and grab a biscuit when you heard, "And they're always up to something. I can't with those two, one of these days they are going to have to grow out of these pranks and jokes," Molly complained, while cleaning the table.
"Hey, me and James were the same way, and look how we turned out," Sirius said, but Molly just gave him a look, "Alright, maybe not the best example, but look at Remus. He was part of our pranks, and he ended up teaching at Hogwarts."
Remus had now butted into the conversation, "I did end up having to leave due to my furry little problem, though I did enjoy some of their mischief, Molly," he defended, taking a sip of his tea.
"They don't even study. How will they get anywhere if they don't focus on school. For once I wish they would focus on their classes instead of some dumb prank or useless product," Molly continued on.
You'd been at the counter, letting your tea bag sit in your tea, as you listened to Molly rant. At some point you let out an eye roll and huff that did not go unnoticed. Your dad and uncle seemed to pick up on your small gestures.
"You seem to have some thoughts on this matter, why don't you share them with us," Sirius teased, sitting at the dinner table, leaning back in his chair.
You shrugged, annoyed you were being put on the spot, "I have nothing to say really."
"Oh come on, you go to school with them, you must have something to say," Remus interjected, picking up on what Sirius was doing.
Before you could respond, Molly spoke up before you, "It's alright dear, I know everyone is probably annoyed by their childish pranks."
You rolled your eyes again, this time deciding to defend the twins, "They're actually not that childish. They're pretty impressive if anything."
"Oh really? And what makes you say that?" Remus questioned, leaning against the counter.
"They've pulled off really complicated charms before actually," you started, "And they're both really smart, especially Fred. I once watched him pull off a charm during my first year, that not even seventh years could pull off. Whenever they come up with some new product Fred always shows it to me and explains it, and its always bloody genius. I don't think I've seen him come up with an idea that hasn't worked. I think if he did try to study he could be top of his class, especially in charms. He could probably give Hermione a run for her money if he cared enough. I don't see why everyone demeans his pranks so often. He's a bit of a genius when it comes to them," you explained, not realizing when your defense for the twins turned into you rambling on about how smart Fred was.
You turned around to face the three adults who all had a smile on their face, yet also seemed a bit shocked. Sirius started to massage his temples, quietly repeating "not again, not again," which you didn't understand why. While Mrs. Weasley had a knowing smile as she continued cleaning, not saying a word. Finally you turned to Remus, who was shaking his head at Sirius.
"What?" you exclaimed, confused as to why they were acting like this, "What's wrong with him? Why does he keep repeating that?" you asked Remus.
Remus took in a long deep breath before saying, "Because, about 17, maybe 18 years ago, Lily Potter said the same words, unknowingly might I add, about Harry's father all those years ago," he explained.
It took you a moment to connect the dots, but once you did you were quick to react, "Shut it."
"She said the same thing too," Remus teased, as you walked out of the kitchen.
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Fred had heard everything you said. He thought they were talking about something for The Order, but he ended up catching your conversation. He was over the moon to find out you thought of him like that, and he knew the next time he talked to you he would tease you about it for forever.
The next time Fred saw you, you were walking back to your room upstairs when he stopped you.
"What do you want, Weasley?" you asked, knowing he probably had some prank to show you, or a new product.
"I think you mean genius actually," he teased.
It took you a moment to understand what he meant, but once you did you felt a bit embarrassed, "So you heard all of that?"
He nodded his head, "Oh, I heard all of it. How I'm a genius, and my "silly" pranks are actually really impressive, and how you think I'm super smart," he teased, while having the biggest smile on his face.
You shrugged, "And so what if I do?"
Your confidence threw him off a bit, but he went with it. He was silent for a moment before he spoke, "Well, do you like smart guys," he asked, trying to shoot his shot.
"Maybe," you replied, inching closer to him without realizing it.
"That's not an answer, love," he said, the name rolling off his tongue as if it was completely normal.
"Yes, I do," you admitted.
Fred's smile got even wider at your confession, "Good" he said, "And how would you like to kiss a smart guy?"
You shrugged, "I don't know, who is this supposed smart guy?"
"I heard he's quite the genius," Fred said, closer to you now than he was before.
You considered it for a moment, "Then yes, yes I do."
"Even better," Fred said, before connecting his lips with yours. Your hands went around his neck, one of them tangling in his hair. Fred's hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. You both had waited so long for this moment, that it was unbelievable that it finally happened. You didn't know what was next, but you enjoyed the moment between you.
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@almost-gabrielle @scarlett-8 @sarahskywalker-amidala @atashiboba @that1deerpersondownstairs @herondale-lightworm @purplerose291 @mitskiswift99 @crumby-child @rafslytherin @shanksvskidd @yerrmar @oceangirl15
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year ago
hey lovely!!
maybe a luke castellan x fem!reader who’s suuuuper sweet? maybe an aphrodite kid, and jsut super kind and charming overall? nobody expects her and luke to be together, but how different they are ends up working?
thank you!!!
Warnings: fem!reader, small mention of food, PDA, one swear word, lmk if there are any missing
I hope you dont mind this is from percy’s pov<3
luke castellan masterlist part two
“No way,” Percy muttered under his breath, giving Charlie the same disbelieving look he was receiving back. "I don't believe it."
Charlie shrugged.
“Well, you’d better,” the boy whispered back. “Cause it looks like they got something serious, man.”
The pair watched in part disgust and part fascination as they watched the blissful pair across the fire. Luke had his chin rested on her shoulder, whispering something Percy assumed was flirtatious due to her flustered reaction- all pink cheeks and giggles as she reprimanded him playfully, pushing his chest. Luke remained unfazed, lips curling smugly and crossing his arms as he brushed a quick kiss against the plush of her cheek.
Charlie’s eyes widened further. “But how? They’re so-”
“Different?” Silena finished her boyfriend’s sentence, looking up from her charred marshmallow stick. “You’re not one to talk, Charles. Look at us. Besides, she makes him a completely different person. Look.”
The trio turned their heads once again, this time to the nauseating, in Percy’s opinion, sight of her feeding Luke pieces of sticky marshmallow, both of them giggling when it gets everywhere. Luke pokes his tongue out to get the last bits off of her fingers, and she squeals.
Percy’s nose wrinkles, turning to Charlie. “Disgusting.”
“Agreed,” Charlie nods with a grimace of his own. “It’s a miracle he got her, to be honest. She’s so…”
Charlie sighs. “I am happy for him, though. The both of them. Even if they are… terrifyingly different.”
Percy nods in agreement, heart swelling in joy for his first friend at camp. “Yeah.”
The older boy sighs. “They’re too mushy though,” he remarks.
Percy’s eyes narrow at the scene of the lovesick couple, now kissing tenderly with not even the fire casting fluctuating shadows over their faces able to hide the content of their expressions. “Not nice.”
Charlie inhales. “Oi!” he yells over the fire. “Too much PDA, man! Get a room!”
Laughter ripples through the air, and both guilty candidates break away, one unnaturally red- faced and the other tittering, finger hooked around the string of her partner's beaded necklace.
“Fuck off, man,” Luke complains loudly, eyes dancing with glee. “Leave me and my girl alone.” He wraps an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer than deemed possible.
She looked up at him, adoration gracing her soft features as she stared at her lover. “Don’t be mean, Luke.”
“He started it!”
(not proofread- lmk if there are any mistakes)
taglist: @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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storywriter007 · 7 months ago
hi hi hi!! i loved your preferences with the HoO boys! i was wondering if you could do another one, with literally any plot (ex- cuddling hcs, first kiss, or anything you feel like writing) with the same boys (+maybe nico if you write for him?) thank u!!
First Kiss - HoO Boys x Fem!Reader
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author's note: hey i'm so glad you liked my work!! y'all have no idea how much it means to me omg :) i didn't include nico bc in the comments a valid point was brought up
warnings: kissing, cursing, whiskey is mentioned as a scent (tbh i've never smelled it, it's just vibes)
genre: fluff
word count: 3.2k (all bullet points)
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
percy jackson
you and him would've started off as best friends
and as both of you get older, you start liking each-other
percy would 100% be aware of his crush on you
he knows he has it, but he just avoids acting on it
he kinda just does his best to ignore his feelings
bc even though he's charismatic and charming
he's shy and anxious
he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
and make you never want to talk to him again
he doesn't want to ruin everything you guys have and lose your trust in him
so he undoubtedly tries to pursue someone else
he'll talk about this other girl to you
not to make you jealous
but instead as a weak attempt to make himself feel like he doesn't like you
not a good idea
he makes you unintentionally jealous
you distance yourself from him bc you like him but can't stand hearing abt another girl all the time
but, you don't want to ruin things for him (bc you are convinced he is crazily crushing on her)
so you decide that you've just gotta let him go
percy wonders why his best friend is being so distant
you guys go weeks barely communicating
percy is still trying to convince himself he doesn't like you
but distance makes the heart grow fonder
he realizes and accepts the fact that he is madly in love w/ you (who wouldn't be?)
and that he can't stand this weird distance between you guys anymore
he decides he needs to talk to you
so one day you're just sitting on the deck by the lake with your feet in the water
you're just contemplating your love affair with him
and you see him coming your way
you're trying to avoid him so you get up and start to leave
he literally sprints to you and grabs your arm
you turn to look at him and he asks you why you've been avoiding him
you snatch your arm out of his grip and tell him it's nothing and that you're busy
he doesn't let you leave and keeps asking
so you slide a passive aggressive comment, something like "i bet your girlfriend's thinking about you"
and he realizes that you're jealous
and that he didn't convince himself that he liked this other girl
but he convinced you
he tells you everything
he tells you how much he likes you and that he never even liked this other girl
he was just trying to convince himself he did bc he didn't want to ruin things between the two of you
you confess to liking him too
both of you kind of laugh off your stupid choices
after you're done laughing, you kinda just look into each-other's eyes
both of you are leaning in
until you hear someone coming, and percy just grabs you and jumps underwater
and you guys have your first kiss underwater
your arms are around his neck and his are on your waist
you're like pressed up against one-another
the kiss is kinda steamy bc let's be honest: you've wanted to kiss each-other for five years
but it's a sweet kiss
percy smells like vanilla
you can hear the person saying "i swear they were here a minute ago" and then walking off
you both come up to the surface undeniably blushing/hot and laughing
jason grace
listen, i love jason
that man is STIFF
like you could literally leave him a note that says "i want to kiss you"
and he'd find you and go "that was a pretty good song you suggested. i like this one-direction band"
ok but anyways, you guys are frenemies
you guys started off as rivals
you thought being the son of jupiter would make him arrogant
and you thought he was, but he was really just reserved and serious
he didn't know how to be anything different
he didn't like you because you argued with him about everything
you challenged him constantly
and you weren't as nice to him as you were everyone else
throughout the years, you get to know each-other better
but that doesn't mean you get along
you guys occasionally unite and get along (and typically when you do, it's the best hours of your life)
but otherwise, you two have it out for each other
constant disagreements and fights
you just loose all of your patience when it comes to each other
so you have a love-hate relationship with him
yeah you'd kill for him but you would never lend him an extra pen on tests
yeah he'd die for you but he would never let you look at his notes
you get along when you need to and this exact mentality is what lands both of you together, as praetors
but let's be real: there is so much unspoken tension between the two of you
like yeah you hate each other but you lowkey wanna make out
and you can't lie and say you didn't trust him or didn't like him
he'd proved you wrong on hundreds of occasions
he was capable, kind, caring, smart, loyal
and he couldn't lie and say he hated you either
you were fun, kind, ambitious, intelligent, and loyal too
over the years, both of you projected an "i hate you."
when in reality, you'd grown quite fond of one-another
you've shown your worst selves to each-other, you've lied for each-other, you've told secrets to each-other, and you've just been each-other's constant
y'both know you like each other: that's what makes the hate even stronger
like jason has other feelings for you but he doesn't know what to call them
attraction? a small crush? love? sexual tension? is it getting hot in here?
first kiss happens before you guys head into a huge battle
yes. the possibility of never seeing you again is what makes the man realize he's in love with you
like you guys are standing on a hill, watching the army of monsters slowly march towards camp jupiter
you guys turn to look at each other
you two are thinking the same thing: if i die, it's an honor to have served with you
"you ready?" you'd ask
"always." he'd say (typical roman)
you'd turn to look at him, but he's already looking at you
he grabs you by your arm and pulls you in for a kiss
it's a long kiss
it's passionate, and it's needy, but it's sweet at the same time
he basically lifts you off your feet and you're holding onto neck and his hair
you're pulling him closer into and he's holding you so tightly
you want to remember this
jason smells like fresh clean sheets mixed w/ whiskey
when you guys finally pull away bc you know you have to lead an army, you rest your foreheads against one-anothers
"good luck y/n"
"i'm gonna see you when this is over jason."
"i know you will."
one of the rare times you guys use first names
and yes, you do see each other again :)
leo valdez
you and leo happens when you first get to camp
and instantly his mind short-circuits and he's like DAM
he knows you're probs gonna reject him
but hey you miss 100% of the chances you don't take
so he starts off, as always, making some bold flirty comment
and to his surprise, you return the banter
he has to pause for a second
he stutters and thinks of a witty response
you laugh at how flustered he is
and that's the start of a beautiful friendship
from that day on, you two are partners in crime
your guys' days consist of: making stupid things, playing stupid pranks, sneaking out to get fast food, and making vlogs of all of the stupid things you do (on an old vhs recorder leo rigged)
you guys are a two in one; if you went somewhere, he did too
soon, your friendship evolves into things that aren't just fun hangouts
you often catch him under cabin 9 and talk to him
you guys open up to each other in his little workshop, a lot
he tells you things he's never told anyone and you do the same
what's different about your relationship w/ leo is that you don't make fun of him
you barely argue with him, you respect him, you don't call him scrawny, you don't point out his insecurities, and you never make a joke at his expense
this makes him feel a lot more comfortable around you
and he puts down whatever he's doing if you come to him in an emotionally distressful state
you guys listen to each other, cry in front of each other, and help each other feel better
leo becomes the only person in your life you can rely on
and you're the same for him
so his thoughts evolve from DAM to i think i'm in love with you
and everyday he's around you, he finds himself falling more and more in love with you
and every late night you're with him under cabin 9, you start to like him more too
he's nervous to confess to you bc he doesn't want you to not feel the same way and you end up pushing him away or something
but he can't ignore how deeply he feels for you
he can't stand it when other guys try to hit on you bc all that's going through his head is that's my girl
so after a lot of contemplating, he decides he needs to tell you how he feels
he invites you to his workshop at a really specific time (which is weird bc he just says come whenever)
but you go and this man has cleaned the place up and dimmed the lights
he has a robot that he programmed
it sees you and starts playing some really corny love song
and he confesses that he really really likes you and that it kills him seeing other guys trying to flirt with you
he says the sweetest things ever about why he likes you and he just sounds like a fangirl tbh
he starts rambling abt how much he likes and how it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way and that he doesn't want this to affect your friendship if you don't and etc
you just go up to him and kiss him
the robot starts cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" (he would totally program that change my mind)
he short circuits (like the day you met him)
but he kisses you back, hands around your waist as yours are around his neck
leo smells like burning firewood mixed with cinammon
it's a long and sweet kiss, but you guys have to pull away bc you're laughing too much
why? bc the robot won't stop cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" so he has to take a minute to make it play your favorite song
"sorry." he'd chuckle. "where were we?"
and then you guys would kiss again
frank zhang
you and frank are best friends
you first met each other cleaning the weapons room
you were looking at archery equipment and you just kinda mindlessly said "i wish i knew how to use this"
and frank's ears shot up so fast
he offered to help you learn, and you guys came to a deal
you'd help him become a better swordsman and he would help you become a better archer
during your guys' training sessions, you'd talk a lot
frank finally felt like he had a real friend
you guys would share stories about your pasts and your interests
maybe a little bit of gossip too
frank was kinda surprised you hung out with him so much bc in his eyes, he was a loser
you reassured him that having different strengths didn't make him weak
you often traded shifts with other campers so you could spend more time with him
as time went on, frank became more confident in his ability as a swordsman
and you became more confident in your skills as an archer
so during the next war game
you two teamed up and actually led your group to victory
no one expected two kids from the fifth cohort to steal a victory like that but you guys did
you were diligent, effective, and cooperative
you guys were over the moon that night and frank thanked you for helping him become a better soldier
and you did the same
it was after that night you guys both realized you had a serious crush on one-another
after countless hours training, cleaning, and working
after having hundreds of deep conversations
after helping each-other reach their goals
you guys realize that you really liked one-another
so one day, some kid at camp makes fun of frank for being better at archery than sword fighting
he shakes it off now, ever since you told him the people who make fun of him probably miss the entire target during archery
but he got really pissed off when the kid said "i guess that's why you and y/n are friends. you exchange weaknesses"
it made him upset bc you aren't weak
you acknowledged you faltered in one spot and wanted to do better
that's brave, that's strong
so frank might've "accidentally" hit the kid with his arrow
it was nothing serious, but he was pinned up against the wall by an arrow
it was rlly funny
unfortunately, reyna didn't think so, and frank got sentenced with a bunch of chores
you didn't know this, so you switched your shift and visited him in the weapons room
you asked him what he'd done to miss all the camp activites
he wouldn't say at first, but then he'd admit he kinda shot an arrow and a kid ended up pinned against a wall
you'd ask why he did that bc you knew frank wasn't violent in the least
and it just comes out right there
he admits he went a little crazy bc he didn't like how this kid was talking about you
he talks about how incredible you are and it made him angry that some kid tried to minimize you to a weakness you were working on improving
"and i don't know, i guess i get heated when it comes to people i love" he'd say, before pausing and realizing what just came out of his mouth
obviously you're smiling bc you love him too
you tell him that you love him too, and that you didn't say anything bc you were scared of ruining your friendship
so yes, your first kiss is in the weapons room
you just kinda jump on him and kiss him
he bumps into the wall behind him and he wraps his arms around your mid-section
and yours are around his neck
it's a cute, sweet kiss
it lasts a few seconds more than it should
frank smells like sugar mixed with the irony-smell of the weaponry
but afterwards, you help frank with his chores so you guys can go train
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daemonlogical · 1 year ago
To be entirely fair, Greeks and Romans do not have a god of balance, nor do they have a aspect that represents space in its entirety (no Ouranos isn't Space, he doesn't include Earth). It also didn't help that adoptive as he is, Danny fully inherited the one thing Clockwork wanted to pass on: the willingness to be a chaos gremlin at a drop of a hat.
Percy and Billy enjoys this immensely. Annabeth and the Divine Twitch Chat? Not so much.
Grover is in a food coma from all the stress eating.
Prompt 81
Danny blinked at the small children Ellie was holding the hand of, looking quite proud of herself. The small children- between ten and twelve so somewhere similar to Ellie’s age- who both practically stank of magic and Gods. 
He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose even as Dan cackled while opening the door more to let them inside. “Alright, what’s your name, kids?”
“B-billy…um, Billy Batson...” “‘m Percy! Percy Jackson.” 
“Nice to meet you two- any idea where in your family you have a god or two, because one of you definitely smells like Zeus and I’m pretty sure Poseidon and I am not dealing with either of my half-brothers.” 
#prompts#dcxdp#dpxpj#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians#billy batson#Danny was adopted by Clockwork who is the origin behind Kronos#Oh they're both orphans? No one to take care of them?#Goddamnit Clockwork you made sure Ellie found them didn't you#Liminals are hidden from monsters thanks to feeling like them & the dead#CW: If they won't take care of their kids then I'll give the lil demigods to my favorite son :)#The JL finding out Billy is a child: You need a guardian- how could we let this happen#Billy: Actually my older sister has looked 12 for the last 100 years and my younger brother looks 20 so that's very human-ist of you#Percy peering out at some camp people who are trying to see if he's home: MA There's some weird ass cats outside!#Percy: Am I allowed to throw the pool at them 'cause they aren't taking no for an answer#Danny teaching the kids how to use powers: Alright and now we're going to your other dad and moms to learn magic#Danny: And how to shoot a gun in Val's case because I will forget gun safety#Everlasting Quartet#Phantastic Four#“Hey Marvel how do you know that info about Dr Fate he looks so pissed??”#“Oh one of my parents know him and they don't get along so now we always take the chance to call him a lil Bitch but politely”#Percy: Billy if you can summon lightning and I can control water can we combine them#Billy: One way to find out- hey Daaaaan#Camp people trying to find Percy: Wtf wtf wtf#The pantheon: WHAT DO YOU MEAN KRONOS HAD ANOTHER CHILD?! WHERE?! HOW!?#Clockwork: Look at my Favorite Child who doesn't Fuck with the Timeline or are Raging Hypocrites & takes care of his kids#Clockwork curled up with Danny & new grandchildren in his chest like a mother crocodile: Everything is as it should be :)#Marvel: Look at my lil brother isn't he adorable he's a year younger than me but takes more after our other mom#Percy: Hi Mr Aquaman I can control water & talk to fish and was wondering if you have any tips#“Marvel we're going to die-” “No we're not lemme call my big brother- if he can destroy the timeline he can fix it” “If he What”
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nastyc2nt · 5 months ago
Hey, I saw you're taking requests so I wanted to know if you could write something with yandere Percy Jackson and fem reader where they're already in a "situationship" or something and reader decides to be a little cheeky and runs away from Percy in random moments when he tries to touch her, without knowing he's really into this shit because it awakes the worst sides of him and he fucks her mercilessly after he catches her?
I don't know if this makes any sense or if you can really make it work, feel free to change anything if think it necessary. Xoxo
(Sorry if I wrote anything wrong, English is not my first language.)
࿐ Playing Games ࿐
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╰┈➤ Older!Dark!Yan!Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
✦ ──────── ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ──────── ✦
╰┈➤ Warnings: Yandere, 18!Percy, Demi god college dorms, Chasing, Pray kink?, Teasing, Rough Fucking, Chocking, Biting. Tell me if I missed anything.
╰┈➤ Word count: 1.4k
╰┈➤ First requests! So excited, thank you, hope you love it baby!!
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It’s all just a fun game you’d play. Turning away from his kisses or the touch he tries to give you, acting as if nothing happened. Harmless fun.
The whole campus knew how Percy felt about you — the gods themselves couldn’t stop the madness that is his love. And yet you guys weren’t a thing, something he wound change in time but he’s fine with keeping it on the “down low” as you like to call. Be it too kissing in his dorm at night while his hands run down your shirt, feeling your soft skin or ass while you sit nice and pretty on his lap. Or, fucking you in the dead of night not caring if the person next door can hear your moans, his voice or the bed hitting the wall.
Today was the second day you’d been playing that game of yours, and much to his dismay he’s been enjoying it more then he’d care to admit. When he got his hands on your warm figure only for you to turn around and run off, using many excuses to play it off. It was so easy for him to catch on, when you did it the third time on the same day he connected the dots. That cheeky smirk on your lips didn’t help your act either.
So Percy spent no time wondering if you were mad at him or didn't love him. That time was filled with wonders of what he'd do when he gets tired of this little game.
“Come here,” he mumbled when he reached out for you, it was so easy to just grab you from behind and rest his hand on your shoulders. But as soon as he spoke your head ducked while stepping out of his reach. You giggled, eyes looking soft but mischievous. Daring darling you are.
You stepped back slowly, “Catch me if you can, might give you a kiss if you ask nicely.” the next step was to run around to try and avoid him. It was primal instinct for Percy that kicked in when you ran off. You needed him to chase you. Catch you and take what he needed — To fuck the brat out of you and show you that you can play your games, but you’re still a puppet on his strings.
Once his hands wrapped around your frame it was over, for the guy you’ve been seeing was a new beast. One that wasn’t going to show you mercy, you’re it’s pray now and can’t fight back. Percy was rough and his eyes were shot that you swore they changed to black with his dark hair looming over his face.
He tore the clothes off, ripping them open just to show you what he was capable of. His hands pinned you against the wall while the other wrapped around the nice neck he’d been marking for weeks. This was new. Yes you had crazy sex in the past but this was different, he wanted to break you.
“I do love a good chase,” his raspy voice was right next to your ears, “wanted to rile me up just so I would show you who you belong to? Yeah, your pussy is answering when your pathetic mouth can’t.” he grins at your expression. All fucked out, mouth wide open from the moans leaving your lips and eyes rolling back from pleasure. You had given up pushing him away minutes ago so your hands gripped on his shirt to hold onto something.
His cock was going too fast for you to take a breath, he was racing with himself to see just how loud and hard it sounded when your bodies met. It started to hurt your breasts with how much they were moving up and down, and your swollen cunt that was get abused by his cock, and clit that was puffy.
His dark eye’s followed each expression you had, how your brows curled up, a scrunch in your nose. Everything was for him. “Such a slut, you know that? That little game was just so you could be used like rag doll?” You screamed when he bottomed out inside you with one hard thrust, hitting so far within you and stayed there for a minute.
He laughed at you. It was pathetic, the tears running down your cheeks was cute but you’re such a cry baby. “Awe, can take my cock girl? You’ve been begging for it but can’t handle it now?” Percy mocked down at your trembling body.
You whined, lips bringing themselves together, and you looked up at him through the soaked eyelashes. “Please— agh~ please, be more gentle.” it was cute that you think you had any authority to beg him right now.
He leaned back, his cock slipping out of you quickly but not as quick as he flipped you around against the wall and wrapped one hand around the front of your torso. “Gentle? We both know that’s not what you want,” his hand rushed down to send a sharp slapping pain to your ass, making you jump in surprise and pain. “you’ve cum about three times now.”
Percy slipped back in and began at the same speed he was before, his balls slapping against your ass, making the cheeks more red as he thrushed against them. You sobbed, going back to pleasure bliss, overestimated once again by his long cock.
“That’s my girl,” he groaned and kissed your neck.
You shook your head violently as his fingers reached down to play with your swollen clit and rubbed you nice and fast. “Percy- Don’t, too sensitive,” you cried again. Sloppy sounds came from your hole that was was being fucked, it was so dirty to hear. Your walls clamped down on him from the growing orgasm building up in your stomach and burning in your core.
“Cum for me, let me feel you pulsing on me again. Be a good girl, cum and then let me fill you up,” he whined finally softer into your neck, his head rested in the crook of your neck. His rhythm started to get messy but never slowed down once— It got rougher. A few seconds later your body gave one last electric shock throughout itself and you released everything you had onto his cock. Your stomach twitched up and down, your pussy tighten as the sticky cum foamed at the base of his cock.
It was now that you had begun to actually sob— Just from being exhausted and overwhelmed. You grip the walls for support and press against it hard to keep yourself up but Percy help with you limp body. “That’s my good girl, thank you baby. Gonna fill you up now,” his voice was back to its soft and gentle tone.
Three thrust, in and out, was all it took before he unload himself into you and pushed it all the way inside you. Filling you up so much it hit your womb and he wondered how to make it stay there afterwards. He panted while you did the same, a few big breaths before hitting your head on the wall to relax.
Percy groaned and stayed inside you, his hands now trailing back up to your waist where bruises formed from his grip on you. “Did so good for me,” he whispered. You hummed and didn’t dare move or anything, probably would fall if you tried to do anything.
“I’ve been trying to stay calm around you for weeks, acting as if we aren’t actually a thing,” he rubbed the painful redness of your ass, his lips kissing your shoulders in affection. “But you’re mine, always have been and always will be. This— This just proves you’re ready to be completely mine.”
His teeth sink into your skin, not as rough as it could have been but it was surprising and painful nonetheless, “I’ll kill for you, make you happy any anyway you want. But you’re never leaving my side, or I’ll just have to put you in your place again.”
He slipped out, his cum and yours mixed while trailing down your thighs, “Just gotta fuck it into your pretty little head, but you don’t mind— Do you baby?”
There was no getting away even if you wanted to. The ends of the earth aren’t even safe from him, no god could save you now. Willing or forced, you’re his girl.
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¡!Don’t repost my posts on other websites, don’t translate them, theses are for me to publish on my own!!
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coldilikeit · 3 months ago
Yandere Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
Part 12
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"is that a ferry?" I ask, the hippocampus got closer and we saw something that said "Princess Andromeda", and the figurehead is a wooden woman tied to it
Princess Andromeda... Who?
The wife of Perseus son of Zeus, she was to be sacrificed to Poseidon but Perseus saved her
How weird of her to have a ship, you personally, certainly won't step foot into the ocean after you were about to be sacrificed to it
A middle aged man scolds his three kids for jumping in the pool and points at a sign, a dog that looks somewhat human that looks like it belongs in the deepest pits of hell is in line for the buffet
You freeze up, is that an empousa?? A monster playing poker with a mortal human?
You look around and see variations of monsters and humans, seemingly happy in the cruise
What is this? Monster human united nations?
Don't get me wrong, you're not racist, it's just that monsters typically eat humans, so it's okay that you find it weird that a snake haired monster with poison blood is gambling with Jeff
(not Medusa, but gorgons)
"Is this a trap? A knockoff Lotus Hotel & Casino?" Percy scoffs
Annabeth holds your hand in a tight grip "Could be... But we don't know what it does, no one eat anything here"
"Lotus Hotel...?" You ask
Percy looks at you "Yeah... It's some magic hotel where time passes really slowly, like so slow, it's different for everyone, I met a guy there from the 70's and when I asked he said he'd only been there for two days, we felt we were only there for a couple of hours but it's actually been five days"
Oh shit.
"is... Is this hotel in Vegas?" You look nervous, Annabeth furrowed her brows "Yes, have you encountered it? It's dangerous and normal people wouldn't know how to get out"
"oh fuck... I may have been, no definitely, I should be older than I am right now, when my family and I were on a mi- vacation, I went inside this hotel, I was only there for like 20 minutes but they claimed I was gone for two years... I- holy shit. I was stuck in a hotel for two years" you exclaim
"how did you not know that was a trap? Have you not read the Odyssey? The lotus island and the lotus eaters?? I thought you were a fan of Greek mythology?" Annabeth asked
You roll your eyes "Well I'm sorry I didn't think a hotel was going to be related to a magical lotus island"
Tyson's face got sad "that scary... How you got out?"
"I don't know... All I remember was a pageant in the hotel, it was an event and- Oh." You stop
"Wow... This place is actually kind of nice" you look around the glistening chandeliers and observe the clamoring people
A servant smiles at you, seemingly ignoring your vigilante costume "Would you like a lotus flower? They're complementary"
It won't hurt you to take one right?
So you did.
"hey.. um where's the way out?" You ask
The smile on the servant's face doesn't drop "Miss it's so late out at night, you should return to your room"
"but I don't have a room-" you feel a key card in your pocket, you did have a room
So you go there, you enter the gigantic room, it was like for royalty, the sheets were so silky, the pillows were so soft, you opened the cabinet to find a set of clothes
Your suit is beginning to feel itchy anyways, you take a shower and put on the clothes, you find on the night stand a platinum card
What were you here for again?
You get out of the room, you hear people laughing
"you should go down there young lady! There is a pageant! There is this beautiful maiden, more beautiful compared to the others!" A man says, he was wearing clothing so old fashioned you'd thought he was from the regency era
Well, a pageant sounds fun!
In the hotel ballroom people were staring... Not at the contestants, well, yes the contestants, but one, one special lady
"Good evening LA!" She laughs
How captivating... , you think
She turns and sees you, she stops smiling "(Name)? What? What are you doing here?"
Did she just call you?
Oh gosh she just said your name!
"you're not supposed to be here!" She floats, yup floats and you're shocked, she grabs your hand and she walks you to the entrance of the hotel, the servants who were eager to help everyone was avoiding her gaze and now staying far from you
At the entrance she gestures you get out of the hotel, so you did
A bunch of guys approach you, you don't know who they are
A few minutes pass by
"guys what happened to the mission?" You ask
Annabeth: why didn't you know the hotel was magic?
You: idk maybe because in the book it was an island?!
@yunloyal @sirenetheblogger @00hellohello00 @spqce-bun @casspen-starlight @eyeless-kun @ghostdoodlen @ratchetprime211 @delias-stuff @sadslasher13 @ellaprime7 @wpdarlingpan @mountvesuvu @chinxinsomnia @nathaly36 @vanessa-boo @bat1212 @ceramic-raven @sweetconnoisseurgardener @dhanyasri @bella-wolf100 @shortnsweetsposts @roseapov @d3sperate-enuf @d3kstar
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thekissofaphrodite · 1 year ago
I Grew this for you, Ives.
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Luke Castellan X Daughter of Demeter! Reader
Summary: Your secret meetup with your boyfriend, Luke, might have been interrupted by Percy Jackson.
Warnings: MakeUp...MAKEOUT- I MEAN. Language (Tell me if i missed one!)
Author's note: It might be kinda weird that the title doesn't match the summary but trust me, it's worth reading. + If you saw a fic from another blog the same as this i requested it and decided i wanna make the fic myself.
New kid, New responsibility. You were known as being motherly towards every kid that stepped in Camp Half Blood. And Maybe, Just maybe, Percy Jackson considered you as his Camp Mom, It wasn't new for older campers seeing a new 12 year old boy follow you around and look up at you with big puppy eyes along with Grover's confused look, but oh well.
Ever since your Godly Mother, Demeter has claimed you, Luke has called you Ives since then. It all happened when three years ago, you ended up in Camp Half blood after your mortal father has been killed by a chimera, much to his sacrifice, You might have offered some small offerings to your Brother In Law, Hades, to watch him in the underworld. Your first week into camp half-blood, Chiron had announced that Capture the Flag will be the first game for the day, you were teamed up with the reds (Much to your disappointment) you were near the cabin fire when two boys from the blue team had cornered you (One of them was luke) you raised you hands to cover yourself but then, Two ivy vines sprouted out the soil and blocked them, horror washed over you when one of the vines that you 'accidentally' summoned strangled one of the boys, Luke was able to escape and still..Blue team one.
While they were celebrating, The red team started ranting angrily about how you made them lose, You sat in a corner, your head leaned against an oak tree as you sobbed, then, a bright greenish-yellow light appeared with gold sickle with a few sheaths of wheat above your head, No one was there, not until a group of campers saw you, they ran and moments later, almost dozens of campers were in front of you, including chiron.
"All Hail Y/n Y/L/N, Daughter of Demeter"
Bunch of flowers started sprouting near you, The forest and plants looked much more healthier in your eyes as every one knelt down, Including Luke, Who gave you a mischievous wink.
"....And this is the mess hall, You're always designated to sit with your cabin mates but that depends, most unclaimed kids just sit with their friends" You said, Glancing at Percy, The young boy just nodded shyly and coughed,trying to hide his blushing cheeks.
"Looks like someone has a crush on you" Luke appeared behind you with a grin, Percy's eyes immediately went wide, making you chuckle.
"Crushes don't hurt, it's admiration afterall" You whispered before giving percy a light kiss on his cheeks, leaving luke shocked.
One of you halfsiblings, Althea, called you over. Apparently, another one of your half sibling's EX boyfriend from the Dionysus cabin used a lard grapevine to ruin the bathroom door inside the cabin while you sibling is showering out of rage and jealousy.
Now, As head of your cabin, It's either you spent one whole hour being lectured by Mr. D out of his favoritism or...Plead with one of the Hephaestus kids to fix it for you.
What a day.
Giving Luke and Percy one last smile, You left.
"C'mon Felix! This is the only time that i've asked for a favour out of all the favours i've done for you, You'd do it for me" You pleaded as you followed him back and forth inside his cabin's workshop.
"Look, Y/n, I love you as my friend, but i can't do it, not right now"
"What if i give you a 25$ gift card from burger king and......" You scouried your pocket hoping to find something, Your eyes lit up as you felt a bill in your palms "50 dollars...and...." You then went to pat your bra and pulled out a coin. "A Peso"
You then placed it in his soily hands, Felix's face remained calm, he then took the money.
"It's warm..." He said kinda horrified...You pulled the peso out of your bra for the gods sake!
"Take it or leave it."
He then rolled his eyes and grabbed his toolbox.
"Lead the way"
You squealed and hugged him before pulling him to your cabin.
As you watched him repair the door in silence, Felix broke the silencce by purposely dropping a hammer to the ground, the loud clattering sound made you flinch a little, he smirked "Thinking about Luke?"
You snorted, as if tho you weren't actually thinking about him, "No, i'm thinking about Percy"
"The new kid who broke Clarisse's spear? he's badass"
"mhm, Son of Poseidon"
"Speaking of, How's Luke?"
There was a moment of silence before you replied.
"Just 'fine' ? No ungodly things happening?"
"No" You could've bursted out laughing.
"I don't believe you, C'mon tell me some elaborate details"
You raised your brow, a mischievous glint appearing in your eyes.
"Actually, if you finished that, i'll tell you"
The Hephaestus boy huffed and went back to work
After an hour, Felix finished repairing the door and bid you a goodbye (Along with a side-eye)
It was now 11 pm, the Campfire sing-along ended almost an hour ago, and you were in your cabin, re-arranging your stuffed toys for the 5th time, (Making one plushie lay beside you will cause chaos among the plushies)
"Carrie..You go here and..Princess should be right....here, Done!"
All of your plushies were in order when you heard a knock from the window near your bunkbed. then, you saw luke, still in his usual camp shirt, unlike you who was in your rather inappropriate pajamas.
His eyes first landed on you, he then grinned before groaning and landing on your soft bunk bed.
"Hey ives-"
"Luke, what're you doing here?!" You hissed, afraid that your half siblings might caught you two.
"Can i not see you?"
"You can, but not at this time" You huffed, But he was still grinning before pulling a flower pot, with a rose.
"I grew this for you, Ives" He whispered, His eyes carefully scanning you expression before you chuckled.
"You know i can grow this in seconds?"
"Mhm, But still, I love you 'till the very last rose in this entire world wilt into ash"
A smile graced upon your lips before luke grabbed your cheeks and kissed you, the flowerpot fell into your bed, the soil staining your new bedsheet, You couldn't care less.
You deepened the kiss by pulling Luke by his neck, and a groan escaped his lips, his calloused hands then slowly went up your shorts making you moan a little, His hands became closer and closer and closer until-
You two pulled away, Luke's hands were still in your inner thighs, he took a peak into your window and saw Percy, in his cute pajamas with messy blonde hair.
"Percy" Luke breathed.
"What's up?"
"The Apollo cabin seemed to be having a party, the noise is too loud and i can't sleep, i was wondering if you could go see it "
You then peaked into your window, your cheeks were pressed against luke's
"Y/n? Wait..what are you guys doing? and...why are you in her window?" Percy asked, his drowsiness seemed to have vanished.
Luke couldn't even answer percy himself, he started chuckling softly before burying his face into your neck and smothered it with kisses.
Percy then stood still before realizing, he cleared his throat, but before he could leave you called him.
"You know what? I think Luke could actually take a look at those Sun Brats" Luke immediately groaned and looked at you.
"Seriously. Go help the poor boy"
"Yes Ma'am"
He then got up and just as he was about to climb down your bunk bed you stopped him.
"Nah uh, You can leave where you entered"
The dark haired boy chuckled, and and started climbing down the window, before he could jump back to the ground you kissed him one last time, But this time, the kiss was much more passionate. You could've sworn percy made a gagging face before turning around.
"I love you Ives"
" 'Till the very last rose in this entire world wilt into ash" You said, Luke's eyes soften.
You watched as he and Percy went to the Apollo cabin to resolve the chaos.
The flower potted rose sat in your bed, You took it, and glanced at the beautiful red beauty, You sniffed the fragrance before placing it near your window as you felt Hypnos' warm palm caressing you to sleep.
The next day, The first thing you did was bang into Felix's cabin, Giving him every detail from last night as Luke, along with percy watched you from afar.
Hey Guys! I've been gone for too long and i just watched the new PJO series and i have to be honest, I fell in love with Charlie as Luke so here's a little treat for you guys while i finish my other fics, i do hope you guys like it!
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floatyflowers · 1 year ago
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter One
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You look up at the sign that says camp half blood, exhaling and inhaling, trying to calm your nerves down.
Thoughts of doubt encircle your mind, but you finally decide to step into the camp.
However, the moment you step into the camp, you feel something engulf your body.
But, you don't pay any attention to it, thinking that it must be the camp's atmosphere.
You walk around the camp, trying to search for any adult around to introduce yourself.
After three minutes of searching around, you get tired and before you know it...
...you burst into tears.
After all, it's too much for your mentality to feel such pressure.
You are thirteen, got chased by a monster, your mother barely explained anything to you before she dropped you off at the camp.
She didn't even say goodbye as if she was ashamed that your demigod side started to show.
While crying, you don't notice the figure approaching you until you feel someone pat your head.
"You are new here, I guess?"
Looking up, you are met with the sight of a handsome boy with dark brown hair and eyes who looks to be a few years older then you.
"And also your godly parent laimed you it seems"
You look above your head to see a hologram of small pink cherubs flying above your head.
"My godly father is...Eros?" you inquire slowly, amazed by the hologram
Suddenly the hologram switches to a golden sun with 21 rays made of arrows.
"I think it's Apollo"
Luke is confused at what is happening as the hologram changes again and gets replaced with glowing caduceus.
"You are my sister?"
The hologram keeps changing which confused you and Luke more until it stopped at the cherubs.
Once Hermes' son is sure that the hologram is not going to change again before he confirms your parentage.
"You are certainly Eros' daughter"
Luke seems disappointed that you aren't his sister.
"Who are you?" you ask, wiping away your tears.
"I will tell you who I'm once you tell me why you were crying"
You smile at him when you see his warm expression.
He reminds you of your kind stepfather.
"I was crying because I was stressed"
Luke chuckles and guides you further into the camp until you reach the dining pavilion area.
"Don't worry, we are now your family, I'm Luke Castellan, Hermes' son"
Some demigods turn towards you as he pushes you gently to join them.
But someone caught your eyes.
And it seems like the blond demigod also notices you.
His gloomy expression turns into one of shock before smiling brightly.
He walks up to you and hugs you tightly before pulls away with the same lovesick look on his face.
"You are also like me, a demigod?"
"Yeah...hey, Percy"
Percy Jackson, your school stalker, who has a huge crush 'obsession' with you.
You always remember him staring at you.
And bumping into him by accident in many occasions.
"I'm glad you are here with me"
You chuckle nervously and nod your head slowly.
"Yes, me too"
"You two know each other?"
Luke asks, seeming jealous of Percy.
After all, he already considers you his younger sister.
Percy answers with a confident smile, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"She is my girlfriend"
Chapter Two >>>
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lady-ashfade · 1 year ago
Hi, I wanted to request something platonic with Percy, with him meeting his older half-sister after he finds out he's the son of Poseidon.
Sorry for my English, I'm using the translator to write, and sorry if you don't understand my request
Pictures On The Wall
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Percy jackson x older!sister (platonic)
-£ this was the first thing that came to mind and it’s such a cute idea! thank you.
-£ words: 700
-£ warnings: short, nervous percy, cool reader, sassy and kinda grunge reader, siblings bonding, fluff.
the wall across from his bed was covered with many things. pictures of people he didn’t know along with a bed half made and clothes piled up. “that’s y/n’s” a name he never heard but yet was family. his half sister was somewhere on a quest and didn’t know that he was snooping round her things.
he looked at the pictures all the time, liking the smile you had. he knew that smile, a distinct memory in his mind but you wore it with pride. you looked so cool and by all the stories he heard you were one of the most awesome person at camp.
every cabin knew you, it was like he needed to fill some sort of shoe now that you walked in but he didn’t know the first thing.
“percy,” grover peaked into the cabin and looked around for his best friend, when he found him he looked nervous. “I think you should come.” percy jumped up at the sound of his voice that sounded like something horrible had happened.
percy walked along his friend while his heart raced, “what happened?” had another monster attacked the camp, what could have happened that he had to come.
“she’s back.” Grover muttered while sighing, “And we thought you should meet her.” oh,- oh gods. you were back so soon? he didn’t have a clue on what he would say or do. would you like him, would you hate him and somehow kick him out of the cabin? he’s never had a sibling before.
“she’s getting patched up and I’ll warn you,” Grover patted his shoulder with a kind smile, “she’s unpredictable at times.” Yeah, that makes me feel much better Percy thought.
as soon as the walked into the infirmary all they could hear was yelling and arguing making the young boys look at each other. they walked to the door and saw the girl on the bed glare at the other around her age.
he knew you. the picture he looked at every day you seemed to be exactly like that, but you didn’t look happy like all of them. the shirt you wore had rips in it and a bloody bandage wrapped around your arm. the redhead girl in front of you held a spoon up to your mouth but you kept fighter her off.
“I’m fine! It’s just a few scratches, I’m not a child!” it was ironic that you looked like a bratty child that wanted to stomp their feet. your lips pouted slightly. percy didn’t know what to think at the scene.
“take it. you’re just keeping yourself from leaving, so do it so I can leave!” the other girl seemed to knock some sense into you as you huffed and took the spoon in your mouth. if looks could kill then she would be on the ground by now, you looked so angry.
humming the redhead walked out of the door and looked at the boys before rolling her eyes and kept going down the hallway. you didn’t seemed to notice them as you started to take off the dirty bandages.
Grover was the first to speak, “excuse me,” you looked at him quickly but your eyes were now soft and no longer sharp. “Grover, come in!” you invited him over but your eyes soon fell on the boy next to him. and immediately the connection between the two of you went off in your head.
“you must be percy?”
he shifted closer and awkwardly not knowing want to do, “yeah. how do you know?”
“I received letters telling me of the idiot brother I seemed to have,” you chuckle and throw the dirty cloths in your hands on the bed. The cut was gone but dry blood still stayed on your skin, “you have dads eyes.” You pointed to your own.
“really?” he asked quietly as you hopped on the floor and stretched. “Oh yeah, less disappointment in them but I’ll give it time.”
you yawned and picked up the black jacket and your backpack, “I’m starving,” you stood between the two of them and then swung your arms around the two of them.
“Now, tell me what you did to Clarisse!” You smirk at the brother you just met, “my favorite sibling already.”
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aphroditeinthesea · 10 months ago
“ but (brother) i love him ”
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jason grace x daughter of poseidon ⚡️
a/n i saw someone wrote a fic with a super similar premise, i swear im not copying them, i just had bad timing of posting this
⚠️ swearing & references to sex and pregnancy
⋆。˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝 ⋆。˚
When Percy’s younger sister had joined the Seven on the Argo II, he hadn't expected to line up any boundaries. After all, why would any of the guys go after his baby sister. Even if she was only a year younger than him. However, that was until a day that had started like all the rest. Everyone had had breakfast that morning, gone over some plans, but when y/n subconsciously put her hair into a ponytail,
Percy looked up, “what’s that?”
Y/N froze as she locked eyes with her brother, “what’s what?”
He glanced around at everyone else. He raised an eyebrow, “on your neck?”
She nervously laughed, briefly looking towards the bewildered Jason, “oh, that?” she smiled, “I fell out of bed and hit my neck on my nightstand.”
“Really?” Percy crossed his arms, “when? That must’ve really hurt to have left two bruises.”
She nodded, puffing air out of her mouth, “yeah, it was yesterday. Let me tell you, it was a doozy.”
“I’m surprised you didn't mention before if it hurt that much.”
“Well, I, uh, forgot about it.”
“You forgot about it?” he nodded, “did you not, I don't know, look in a mirror?”
“Yeah, I was having a bad hair day, so-”
“Oh my gods,” Annabeth interjected, “you guys are actually painful to listen to.”
Piper agreed, “y/n, who was it?”
She stuttered, looking at everyone. Excuses cluttered her mind, not one seeming good enough to tell her brother. She took a deep breath before speaking again, “myself?”
“What the fuck?”
“It was me.”
Everyone’s eyes turned to Jason. Y/N eyes were torn between the two boys, she started wondering if Jason was actually going to be murdered right there and then.
“You made out with my sister?”
The blond locked eyes with the daughter of Poseidon, “no- technically, yes, but not just that, I- uhm.”
“Percy,” she added.
“What do you mean, not just that?”
Jason shook his head, “I don't mean, you know, I just mean that it wasn't like a one time thing-”
“Not like that, oh my gods,” the son of Jupiter panicked.
“What do you mean by that, weather boy?”
“I’m having his baby!” Y/N finally said. Everyone stared at her in shock. Both Jason and Percy had gone completely silent while the former tried to speak, but was at a loss for words.
“You- what- but-”
She slowly nodded before bursting into laughter, “no, I’m totally not, but you should see your faces.”
Percy held his forehead, “Y/N.”
Jason let out a breath, “that wasn't funny.”
“Come on, Jase,” she smiled, “it was kinda funny.”
“Y/N, that was not at all funny,” her brother responded, trying to stifle a laugh, “as much as I hate to agree with the perv,” he sent a glare towards Jason.
Her smile dropped, “I was just trying to get you to listen to me,” she defended, “have you even considered how I feel about this?”
“I’m just looking out for you,” he responded, “as your older brother, I know what’s best.”
“Oh my gods,” she exclaimed in disbelief, “you're ridiculous, I’m leaving.” She shook her head before running off to her room. She frowned as she thought about how her brother could be ignorant to her feelings. She crawled into her bed, wrapping herself in the covers. She tried to hold in tears as her anger grew. She wanted to scream and yell at her brother about how much the son of Jupiter meant to her.
The door creaked open, followed by a soft, “hey.” She didn't look up as she pretended to be asleep, “I know you're awake.”
She grumbled, “go away, Perce.”
“I overreacted about you and Jason,” he admitted, “I’m sorry.”
She sat up, “you don't get it.”
“I don't,” he nodded, “but, it’s not like dad’s around a lot, I’m the one who should be protecting you.”
“You can protect me,” she added, “but not from the boy I love.”
Percy raised his eyebrows, “you love him?”
She sighed, “I really do.”
He looked away for a second, not speaking, “you should be with him, y/n.”
“You mean that?”
He nodded, “of course, but if he hurts you, I’ll make his shroud myself.”
She laughed, “okay, but I trust him not to.”
“Good,” he smiled, “I’ll leave you alone now.”
Seconds after he left, a blond boy walked in, “y/n?”
She looked up at her boyfriend, grinning, “hi, baby.”
His cheeks turned pink at the nickname, “what did Percy say?” He asked as he sat down on her bed.
“He's okay with us, as long as you don't hurt me,” she giggled.
He softly chuckled, “I won't,” he slowly moved a piece of hair behind her ear, “I love you.”
“That's what I told him.”
The door opened again, “time’s up.”
They both looked up, “what?” she spoke.
“I’m okay with you two dating,” he turned his attention to Jason, “but you still screwed my sister.”
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cynthiav06 · 9 months ago
I can Almost imagine how Impressive you have to be To Pull THE percy Jackson. Like pulling any Demi-God is great but PERCY?!? The son of posiden?!? THE SAVIOR of Olympus?!?
I headcanon that Percy is really just out of Anyone's League And You gotta be Pretty damn Special to be able to Pull him
Like imagine Fumbling him or breaking his heart
Like come on Rick you are telling me Percy the greatest demigod of all time Jackson has to be paired up with someone who has nothing in common with him, frequently condescends him, literally forces her own views on him, hates his father, has a mother who tried to kill Percy, is controlling and toxically possessive of him and most importantly someone who has completely different life goals than him?? It doesn't even make sense when you look at it rationally.
I think Rick himself was trying to put Percy down in post Son of Neptune books by making his personality all about Annabeth.
We are talking about the Savior of Olympus, the bearer of Achilles Curse, the strongest demigod, the man who denied immortality from the King of Gods, Poseidon's favorite son, the only demigod to have been approached by other Pantheons first and well respected among their demigod equivalents, the only male demigod to have respect of Artemis, only one to be favored by so many Gods on the Olympian Council and that's only pre-Heroes of Olympus.
The Survivor of Tartarus, the demigod whose blood even Gaia wanted to wake to due to his power, the first and only Greek to be made a Praetor and now two times savior of Olympus. This is all without mentioning his singular and unique feats, and he has many.
Had Rick not been so obsessed with shoving Percabeth down our throats, he could have totally made Seafam Arc, and all our fics would have not been fics. We wouldn't even have needed headcanons for seafam cause Amphitrite and Triton and all of Atlantis would have absolutely loved him cause come on, it's Percy. It's impossible not to love him. So let's assume that's exactly what happened.
So the whole of Atlantis, Seafam, and most of the Olympian Gods love Percy and not to mention Sally and Paul, who are also very protective of Percy.
The new Lord of the Wild is his best friend, The Lieutenant of Artemis is his other best friend and cousin, both the children of Hades/Pluto are his best friends/cousins, the only other demigod to be blessed by Poseidon with a rare gift is also his very close friend not to mention other members of the Seven also respect him greatly and owe him quite a bit.
Hestia, Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis,Hades, Hepheastus, and even Dionysus and River gods either openly favor him or have much respect for him. (Poseidon and the Seafam are implied, Bob and Damasen as well).
This isn't even taking into account all the pegasi and nymphs and sea creatures who love him and that he has a literal hell hound.
Percy not only has friends in high places and the favor of literal gods on top of being Poseidon's favorite son as told by Poseidon himself, all the people with special abilities are all close friends with him.
In Riordanverse, Percy is like the only person you don't want to cross like ever.
So you know logically if anyone needs an explanation as to why Annabeth isn't a good match for him and someone like Rachel would have fit much better. A mortal blessed with sight much like his Mother later turned Oracle of Delphi, the girl who saved his life in literally the very first two encounters they have, a girl under protection of Olympians and blessed by Apollo?
Apollo could have definitely waived the celibacy rule as there have been mentions of married women later becoming oracles in Greek mythology( May Castellan too if you count the books) and that the rule is only to prove devotion to the God nothing more. And if Apollo can't, then Delphi, who is a spirit older than Gods themselves, could just change allegiances. She once belonged to Poseidons' domain, so there's that.
But since I am biased in favor of Rachel, literally any other ship but Percabeth would have been logical and fitting and better off compatibility wise.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 8 months ago
[ Will be updated in time, so be sure to check / refresh ] Some will not have links as they are not posted yet.
Want to know where else you can find me? Here.
Tips and tricks for baby writer's. Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10
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"The only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was itself.." [ Mix of HOTD and Modern AU ]
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Aegon II Taragaryen - "The Upsurger King"
"Let the ravens fly that the realm may know the pretender is dead, and their true king is coming home to reclaim his father's throne."
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The History Book on the Shelf. ( Complete )
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
Promise not to drop me? Only a fool would drop you. ( Complete )
Pt 1 Pt 2
Wanna wrap my hands around your neck. ( Complete )
Pt 1
Pt 2
Will you pray for me? ( Complete )
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Like real people do. ( Complete )
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Small council, cherry tarts and dragon dreams.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
In the dark of the night.
Run rabbit, run run run.
A glimpse of us.
Oh, who is she?
From my blood, comes your ruin.
The worst guy to share a blunt with.
Money, Money, Money, must be funny in a rich man's world.
So, do I look like him?
May this kind of love never find me.
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Aemond Targaryen - "The One Eyed"
"Do not mourn me, Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon."
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The Baratheon Curse. ( Complete )
Pt 1 Pt 2
Small council, cherry tarts and dragon dreams.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
A game I couldn't lose.
Don't touch what is mine.
Either way what bliss.
I was gone for five fuckin' minutes.
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Helaena Targaryen - "The Dragon Dreamer"
"It is our fate, I think, to crave always what is given to another. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away."
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Small council, cherry tarts and dragon dreams.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
You have so much to do, and I have nothing ahead of me.
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Alicent Hightower - "The Green Queen"
"The city is yours, Princess. But you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone, but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood.."
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I hope the guilt kills you.
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Jacaerys Velaryon - "The Lord Strong"
"For my mother, for my family, I will fight till my last breath.."
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I don't want to be his Queen, I want to go home.
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"Twas' a tangled web Roselyn Hightower found herself in. Weaved so intimately with Aegon and Helaena Targaryen."
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Chapter / Excerpts.
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Book Info.
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Book Art.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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"In every other universe, Roselyn Hightower would find Helaena Targaryen and Aegon Targaryen. And in every other universe, it does not end well for them."
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Chapter / Excerpts.
1 2 3 4
Book Info.
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Book Art.
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Wednesday [ TV Show ]
Watch my heart burn. ( Complete & Discontinued )
Pt 1 Pt 2
House of the Dragon.
Burn. ( Complete & Discontinued )
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
By your side. ( Complete & Discontinued )
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Six of Crows. [ TV Show ]
When your older. ( Complete & Discontinued )
Pt 1 Pt 2
Haven't I given enough?
Percy Jackson.
I just died in your arms. ( Complete & Discontinued )
Pt 1 Pt 2
Old enough to understand.
Close your eyes.
The Boys.
Doin' Time.
A leap of faith.
The other woman.
The Walking Dead.
5 stages of grief.
The Hobbit.
Never trust a spell.
Tell me if you see any errors and I'll fix them asap!
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