#i don't know if i want to be paul or linda in this because...damn
beatleswings · 2 months
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Wings. 1972.
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Pretty Baby
Chapter Five: Nights in Memphis
Pairing: Elvis Presley x OC Reader
Word Count: 17,773
Warnings: 18+ SMUTSMUTSMUT Oral (f and m receiving), deep throat, fingering, tiny bit of nipple play, some body worshipping, public sex (kinda?), unprotected sex, choking, rough sex (kinda?), dirty talk, daddy kink, use of the word slut, lots of fluff, not really any angst. (I went easy on them this time, lol), typical elvis stuff.
Author's Notes: HI BESTIES. I KNOW IT'S LATE. But I got it done! I don't know how this got so damn long, but here we are. I know the last chapter was filled with so much drama and angst. It was a lot. But I thought I'd give you lots of smut and some cuteness and funny moments. It's Christmas time and Rebecca is heading to Memphis to spend it with Elvis and Lisa. I think this chapter really strengths the bond between Elvis and Rebecca and it's just so cute. I hope you guys enjoy it! Possible spelling errors because I am too lazy to proof read this.
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It had been a long two weeks since the last time Rebecca saw Elvis. After that night with Linda she stayed true to her word and left the next morning on the earliest flight. Elvis tried to make her stay, but she refused. He needed to understand she needed space and time to think. He got her to open up to him and be vulnerable and it felt like a knife in the back when she found out his secret. But in true Elvis fashion he wasn’t giving up, he called everyday since she left. He didn’t bother calling the Elvis phone as she called it,  because he knew she wouldn’t answer, but even before her plane had landed he was calling her apartment and checking in with Abby if she had gotten home. At first Rebecca was ignoring his calls because he was not respecting that she needed space. But after a while Abby and Paul got tired of answering and being her messengers, so she had no choice. Every call was the same, he sounded out of it and sad; begging her to come back and all of his sweet talk. She had to admit she missed hearing that slow southern drawl of his and the way he said her name and called her baby. She missed him. 
Elvis’ world seemed to crumble around him when she left. Rebecca being the light in his life was more than just a sweet sentiment, it’s like his whole world went black without her. Sure he could’ve had any woman he wanted to warm his bed and to keep him company while she was gone. But things were different this time, all he wanted was Rebecca. He couldn’t even stand the thought of another woman beside him. Even his shows were becoming affected by this that he seemed to just ramble for a good portion of the show rather than sing. Which caused a few people in some of the shows to walk out. Some of the guys were getting tired of him moping around over her, but there was nothing they could do. He was in love and for the first time ever he knew for sure that she was the one. 
Christmas was only days away and she had no plans of going home because she and her mother were not on speaking terms at the moment. She would have the apartment to herself because Abby was going home and Paul was spending it with his boyfriend. They had invited her to join either one of them, but she just wasn't feeling in the Christmas spirit. On top of everything happening with Elvis, she was now out of a job after what happened in Vegas with the movie her manager set her up with and Elvis completely ruining it. Harvey was so worried Elvis would come bursting in on another porn set if he put her in anything else. But it didn’t bother because she wasn’t really looking into continuing that line of work now. It pushed her to try to look for actual acting jobs and maybe start what she came to New York to do, become a serious actress. She laid in bed in her underwear, smoking a joint and searching the newspapers for any ads looking for actresses. She was smart enough to know now what was porn and what wasn’t in the ads. She highlighted certain jobs as she scanned each side of the job section. She was suddenly interrupted when the Elvis phone began to ring and it completely stopped her in her tracks and she looked over at the phone, debating if she wanted to answer it. It continued to ring and she sighed knowing it was either Charlie calling for Elvis or it was the man himself. She rolled out of bed, placing the joint between her lips as she grabbed the phone and answered it. 
“Hello?” she mumbled as the joint dangled out of her mouth. 
“R-Rebecca? Honey, that you?” the southern voice on the other end muttered. 
She knew who it was without hesitation and part of her was happy to hear his voice again even though lately the sound of him concerned her. She took the joint out of her mouth and sat it in the ashtray. 
“Yes, Elvis, it’s me. Are you okay? You sound funny.” she said softly. 
“Aw, I’m fine, honey. Just fine.. I-I just wanted to hear your voice..” he mumbled. 
“You heard it this morning and this afternoon because you keep calling. I told you I needed space. How am I supposed to get it if you keep calling me?” she replied. 
“Hell, I told ya I was sorry, baby.” he mumbled. 
“I know you’re sorry, I’ve forgiven you. But Elvis.. It doesn’t make things 100% okay with us. You still lied to me. I’m afraid to trust you.” she sighed. 
Elvis had grown silent on the other end. He didn’t know what else to do and why she just wouldn’t move on from it. He felt she could trust him. He’d been on his best behavior since she left. No other girls, no one because he just wanted her. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he changed the subject. 
“I’m headin’ back to Memphis tomorrow  for few days for christmas because Lisa is comin’ to visit. Then I’ve gotta go back to Vegas to finish up the last of the shows after that.” he hummed. 
She rolled her eyes when he changed the subject instead of talking to her about what was going on. 
“That’s nice, Elvis. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you. I hope you enjoy the holiday.” she replied, now wanting to hang up. 
“Come to Memphis, baby. I wanna see ya.. Please? Do you have plans for christmas?” he asked. 
“I-.. No, I don’t have plans, I won’t be going home this year. But Elvis I’m not coming to Memphis.” she said. 
“Are you spendin’ it with your friends?” he asked curiously. 
“No..” she mumbled. 
“So, you’re all alone? Even more of a reason for ya to come down, baby. Please? We could spend Christmas together and try to fix this.. I’d really like to see ya.. Don’t ya wanna see me?” he asked. 
She sighed softly, he wasn’t going to give up until she said yes and part of her did want to see him because she missed him more than she thought she would. But another part of her was concerned for him and thought maybe seeing him would be best because he wasn’t sounding great. No matter what was going on she cared for his well being. As she continued to think about what she wanted to do, his voice on the other end of the line was still begging for her to come to Memphis. 
“Of course I want to see you. But what about your daughter? Will she be okay with a stranger coming?” she asked. 
“Lisa? Oh, honey, she’s excited to meet you. I’ve told her all about ya. So? Will you come? No point in spendin’ it alone, baby.” he said happily. 
“F-Fine.. I’ll come. But don’t think I’m going back to Vegas with you when it’s all over. I’m coming back to New York.” she said sternly. 
Elvis beamed happily on the other end, feeling so relieved that she was coming that even the sadness in his voice had gone away. 
“That’s fine, baby. I’ll get Charlie or one of the guys to buy the ticket for you and he’ll call you with the details later. You’ll love Memphis, baby. I have so much to show ya. I can’t wait for you to see Graceland.” he said happily.
“Well, I can’t wait to see the place I’ve heard so much about. I should go now, I’ve gotta start packing my things before it’s too late.” she said softly. 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. I love you.” he mumbled. 
She was quiet after hearing those last words of his and she cleared your throat a bit, not really sure of what to say back. She loved him, but she wasn’t sure how to even say it to him; she just felt weird after everything.
“Me too, Elvis. I’ll talk to you soon.. Bye.” she whispered, hanging up the phone. 
Elvis furrowed his brow when she didn’t say it back to him, but he wasn’t going to let that get him down because his girl was coming to Memphis and he was over the moon with excitement. He quickly called down to Charlie’s room and informed him of the plans and told him to purchase her a plane ticket and then call her with the details. Not only was going to see his little daughter, but now he’d spend Christmas with the woman he loved and hoped that he could patch things up. He was even more excited for Lisa to meet Rebecca. He thought the two of them would get along well.  
Rebecca sighed, not knowing how she let him talk her into going down to Memphis, but she didn’t see the harm in it. At least she’d have some sort of plans for Christmas and she could see him again. She put the job search on hold and went to her closet and grabbed her suitcase out and sat it on her bed and then searched through her closet for clothes to wear. She wasn’t sure what the weather was like down in Memphis and New York was freezing. So, she decided to just pack for both climates just in case. The thought of meeting his daughter made her nervous. She wasn’t really great with kids or even knew how to talk to them. But she was going to do her best to try to bond with her in some way. After she had gotten both her suitcases packed she set them aside and plopped back down into her bed and grabbed her joint, taking a big drag from it as she stared at the phone waiting for Charlie to call with the information on her ticket. She was hoping the weed would knock her right out because she had no clue how she was going to sleep tonight. She felt so nervous because she hadn’t seen him in two weeks, she felt so silly feeling that way as if he was some high school crush. After some time Charlie did eventually call and she got all the information for her flight and wrote it all down and then she tried her best to get a few hours of sleep since her flight was leaving in the morning. But she did nothing but toss and turn most of the night. 
The Next Morning 
Morning had come quick and with only a few hours sleep Rebecca had woken up in a daze and she glanced over at the clock on her nightstand and nearly shot out of bed when she saw what time it was. Her flight was leaving in about two hours but with New York traffic who knows when she’d arrive. She quickly ran to the bathroom to shower and once she was done she blow dried and brushed out her hair and then ran into her bedroom, picking out a pair of jean bell bottoms and backless halter top and her boots and she slipped on her afghan suede coat and quickly grabbed her lipstick and put a little on before grabbing her suitcases and running down the stairs and out the door, locking up behind her and she hurried toward the street, flagging down a taxi and when one stopped for her she opened the door and threw her bags in before hopping inside and instructing the driver to take her to JFK airport. 
When Rebecca had left for the airport Elvis was calling only to see if she was home or not and when he got no answer he took it as she probably was at the airport. Elvis was already on his way to Memphis and only an hour out. He was happy to be seeing Rebecca and wanted to stay and wait at the airport for when her flight eventually got in. Lisa was coming the next day so he had some time to get settled with Rebecca and some alone time. Elvis anxiously stared out the window of the plane, his leg bouncing up and down as it did. He just wanted to see Rebecca already, it had been a long two weeks without her and he knew when he saw her he just wanted to pick her up and give her the biggest kiss. 
As he was close to Memphis, Rebecca had gotten to airport in the nick of time and grabbed her ticket from the check in desk and quickly made her way through security and went running toward gate, she hurried as best she could because the plane was boarding to Memphis and she got there out of breath and showing her ticket and she let out a soft sigh of relief as she boarded her plane, and she too was now on her way to Memphis. 
Memphis, TN
Elvis had arrived at the airport in Memphis, he always missed home when he was away. He and the guys had gotten off the plane where a car for the guys was waiting and Elvis’ blackhawk strutz was also waiting, he wanted to ride alone with Rebecca when she had arrived. Elvis made everyone wait and he got into his car with Jerry who waited with him, lighting up one of his cigars. It shouldn’t have been too long before she arrived, the flight was a little over 2 hours. He was just too excited to go home. Up in the air, Rebecca was staring out the window and just staring at the clouds. She had never been to the south, let alone Memphis, but Elvis had talked so much about it that it sometimes felt as if she had. The closer they were getting the more nervous she was becoming. Was she nervous about seeing him again or about meeting his daughter? She was starting to think it was both. She nervously grabbed her cigarettes out of her coat pocket and opened the pack, slipping her lighter out that she had hid inside and she placed a cigarette between her lips and lit it and she inhaled the smoke and immediately felt a calmness come over her as she slipped her lighter back into the pack and then back into her coat. The pilot came over the speaker announcing that they were nearly an hour away from the Memphis airport. She took a deep breath, finishing off her cigarette. 
After sometime Rebecca’s plane had landed at the Memphis airport and she grabbed her two suitcases and headed off the plane. Elvis had stayed in the car to not attract too much attention and he watched closely as everyone was getting off the plane and he smiled widely when he saw her stepping off the plane. Rebecca was looking around and saw Jerry step out of the strutz and she recognized him right away, walking toward the car quickly. As she got closer Elvis got out of the car with the biggest smile on his face which caused her to smile and once she reached him, he didn’t waste a moment to pull her into a hug, making her drop her suitcases as he lifted her off the ground, she let out a soft squeal and he kissed her lips deeply. Rebecca didn’t even hesitate to kiss him back as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, she didn’t realize just how much she missed him, the smell of him, the feel of him. She let out a soft content sigh, almost forgetting what issues they had as his soft lips pressed against hers in the most loving kiss before he set her back down. She smiled up at him and furrowed her brow seeing his appearance, his face was slightly bloated and he looked tired. Rebecca reached up to cup his face in her hands. 
“Are you doing okay?” she asked, concerned. 
He smiled warmly, leaning into her gentle touch. 
“I’m fine, honey. I’m better now that you’re here, I promise..” he mumbled. 
Rebecca didn’t believe him but just nodded anyway, caressing her fingers along his face and she looked toward the cars behind him. “Is your daughter with you?” she asked. 
“No, she’s coming tomorrow, I’ll have to meet her and her mother here tomorrow.” he smiled. She nodded at his words, a bit relieved that his daughter wasn’t there yet. It just felt like too much pressure. “C’mon, I’m excited for you to see Graceland.” he grinned, taking her hand and leading her over to the car and Jerry grabbed he bags, putting them into the trunk before he joined the other guys behind them. Rebecca ran her hand along the black strutz and smiled at Elvis. 
“I’ll say one thing.. You’ve got great taste in cars.” she laughed. 
“You wanna drive it, baby?” he grinned. 
“You’re gonna let me drive it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Sure, why not? Y’know how to drive a manual?” he smiled, tossing her the keys before he got in on the passenger side. 
Rebecca’s face lit up and she nodded as she caught the keys in her hand and she could see the guys in the other car looking confused as to what was going on and why Elvis was letting her drive. She hurried and got into the car, adjusting the seat to her liking, she ran her hands over the steering wheel, looking over at Elvis. 
“You’re really gonna let me drive this?” she laughed. 
“Now you got me thinkin’ I shouldn’t.” he chuckled. 
“Oh, no.. I’ll be careful.” she hummed, putting the key into the ignition. 
Elvis smirked a bit, shaking his head and then began to give her directions on how to get to the road, she began to pull off listening to Elvis’ directions and the guys followed behind them. Once she reached the road Elvis told her where to go from there and they started making their way down Elvis Presley Blvd. 
“Of course even a street is named after you.” she rolled her eyes, laughing softly.. 
“Hey, I never asked for that.” he chuckled. 
Once Rebecca got comfortable she started to pick up some speed and Elvis held onto the door of the car, raising an eyebrow over at her. He didn’t think anyone could drive as crazy as he did, but she was soon to prove him wrong. 
“Alright, honey, we’ll be comin’ up on the house. You can’t miss it.” he said softly. 
“The musical note gates, right?” she replied. 
He furrowed his brow surprised that she even knew that and she glanced over to see his face and she giggled softly. “I told you, my mother is a fan.” she smirked and slowed down as they approached the gates and her eyes widened at the beautiful sight of the house sitting at the top of the hill. It was more beautiful than what she saw in pictures and bigger. Even his Christmas decorations outside were grand. The gates slowly opened and she revved the engine before shooting up the driveway that it even shocked Elvis how fast she was going. She came to a stop when they got to the front of the house and then she put the car in park and shut it off, laughing when she saw his face. “I scared you a little bit, huh?” she smirked. 
“You drive like a goddamn maniac.” he laughed, shaking his head before he got out of the car and Rebecca followed suit and she looked all over with a smile, taking it all in as she took a deep breath. 
“Wow, this is beautiful.” she said softly, looking over at him. 
“Just wait for the tour, baby.” he grinned, taking her hand and excitedly leading her inside like a little kid. 
“My bags, Elvis!” she squealed. 
“The guys will grab ‘em.” he smiled. 
They stopped in the foyer and she was speechless at the size of the place and the beautiful Christmas decor. She just smiled, shaking her head because she knew it would be over the top and very Elvis like his plane. Before she could have a good look around he was taking it to each room and sharing little stories of his mother and when he first bought the house. Rebecca listened the entire time and just smiled seeing how happy this house made him and all the memories he held dear to his heart especially those memories of his mother. It was a different side of Elvis she was seeing. A side that she only got a peek into when they would go on their dates in New York. He was dropping that mask he hid behind when he was around his friends and truly being open and hisself. That reason alone was another push to put aside the issues she still had with him. She was hoping maybe they could fix things between them. As Elvis continued to show her around, one of the guys brought her suitcases in and set them by the stairs. 
Rebecca and Elvis headed outside to the meditation garden and that was probably her favorite part of the tour. It was beautiful and peaceful and she loved the reason behind why he chose to have a meditation garden. Seeing that the guys were staying inside Elvis took advantage of their alone time and he sat down on one of the steps and patted the spot beside him and Rebecca sat down next to him, smiling a bit as she looked over at him. He took her hand into his and intertwined their fingers together and he stared down at their clasped hands before he looked up at her. 
“I know we got some things to talk about..” he said softly. 
“We don’t have to talk about them now, Elvis. It’s okay.” she mumbled, staring down at their hands. 
“No, I-I’d like to, baby. I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt ya or lie about anything.. I just.. I hope you’ll be able to trust me again.” he sighed. 
A small smile formed on her lips and she brought their hands up to her lips and she kissed his hand softly. 
“I know you’re sorry, I told you I’ve forgiven you. I was hurt but you also hurt Linda. I know I shouldn’t feel bad for her because as selfish as it sounds, I’m happy I’ve got you. But I can’t help but feel for her. It was wrong to lie and cheat. If I had known you were with someone I would've stopped speaking to you. But there isn’t much we can do about that now, but work through this.” she said, shrugging. 
“I know, honey. I never meant to hurt anyone. I-I love you and I swear to ya, I won’t hurt you again” he said softly, cupping her face in his other hand and she stared up at him, getting lost in those deep set sleepy eyes of his and she nodded slowly, leaning into his touch. 
“I believe you and. I love you too, Elvis. I really do. All I ask is for you to be honest with me from now on. Please?” she whispered. 
Elvis nodded at her words and now his eyes couldn’t stop staring at her rosy lips and he leaned in closer and kissed her soft and slow and she returned his sweet kiss, brushing her nose up against his, breaking their kiss. “Promise me..” she whispered softly against his lips. 
“I promise, baby..” he mumbled, crashing his lips against hers and they kissed deeply that every one of his kisses consumed her and now all she could think about was his hands all over her that day he stormed the porn set and the way he man handled her and how he felt inside of her. She reached her hands up and pressed them against his chest and she pulled back from him, licking over her lips and smirking up at him. 
“I want to show you how much I missed you..” she whispered, running one of her hands down from his chest along the soft velvet of his tracksuit until her hand reached the front of his pants and rub slowly over his crotch, she caused a groan to escape him and she began to giggle and continued to rub her hand slowly over his crotch, feeling him growing in his pants and now the groan that left him was even louder. She chewed on her bottom lip, giggling at the sight of the tent in his pants. 
“Shit.. N-Not here, baby..” he mumbled, he knew that if he went inside all the guys would see his hard on along with anyone else that may have been in the house, that was the last thing he wanted. So he looked around seeing the one place they could go. “Let’s go into my daddy’s office over there.” he nodded his head toward it. Rebecca nodded and hopped up eagerly, helping Elvis up as well and eyeing the hard-on in his pants as he led her over to the office that housed tons and tons of his fan mail. Once inside, Elvis locked the door and grabbed Rebecca and pulled her against him, his body smashing against hers. She shook her head at him, pulling away and she walked over to the desk and grabbed the chair, patting the seat. 
“Sit down.” she said. 
Elvis raised an eyebrow at her and walked over to the chair and sat down, a bit confused. She stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them gently as she leaned down to kiss along his ear slowly. “I told you, I wanted to show you how much I missed you. That means you don’t get to touch.. You understand?” she whispered in his ear. 
Elvis inhaled deeply, chewing on his bottom lip and nodding slowly, she was turning him on even more. “I understand..” he mumbled. 
“Good.” she grinned walking from behind him and standing directly in front of him now, staring him up and down as he sat with his legs spread wide open and slightly slumped into the chair. She removed her afghan coat and dropped it on the floor and then untied her halter top from around her neck and tugged it down until her breasts were completely exposed to him. His eyes widened at the very sight of the now topless girl in front of him and it was so unfair that he couldn’t touch her because now he was dying too. He was usually an ass and legs man, which Rebecca had plenty of. But he also really loved her breasts, they were perfect in his eyes. The chill in the room caused her nipples to harden which only furthered his arousal when he saw them. She noticed him staring just at her breasts with a look of awe on his face and she giggled, shaking her head and grabbing a hold of his hands and placed them right on her breasts and he squeezed them tight in his big hands and she let out a soft whimper feeling him grope her breasts and his fingers pinching her sensitive nipples. “Having fun?” she asked, smirking.
Elvis nodded, so turned on now that all he wanted to do was bend her over Vernon’s desk and fuck her just like he did in Vegas, but she had other plans for him. She watched as Elvis leaned forward and dragged his tongue along her left breast and his soft wet tongue hitting against her harden nipple caused a soft whine to escape her and he kissed her small areola slowly and then pressed the warmth of his soaked tongue against it before gliding it back over her nipple and taking it into his mouth as his hand played with her right breasts, pinching and tugging at her nipple. Her soft whines slowly turned into soft moans, his soft lips against her skin felt like heaven that the feeling of him sucking on her nipple caused her eyes to roll back and she tugged at his hair. She was becoming so turned on that she could feel her panties beginning to dampen with her wetness that was until she pushed him back and she giggled softly. “No more touching.” she hummed. 
A small pout formed on Elvis’ lips and he nodded obediently and he watched as she slunk down to her knees between his legs and she placed her hands on his thighs, rubbing and squeezing them in her hands and she stared up at him with a smirk before staring at the hard-on in his pants that she was sure was screaming for her touch. She slowly slid her hands up his thighs and hooked her hands into the waistband of his sweatpants and Elvis willingly lifted his hips and she wiggled his pants down and was met with a surprise because he had no underwear on and his cock came springing out of its captivity. Rebecca’s eyes widened at the beautiful sight and licked her lips when she saw the precum that coated the head of his cock. Elvis was staring right at her and swallowed harshly as his breathing began to quicken from the thought of how her mouth probably would feel around his cock. She wrapped her hand around the shaft of his cock stroking it from the base all the way to the head and using his precum as lube as she began to stroke his cock in her hand, slowly and softly pumping him and he groaned softly. The very sound of his groans was enough to make her cum right in her panties. 
She could feel him pulsing in her hand, his cock so desperate to be milked and she smirked up at him as she leaned forward and stuck her tongue out, dragging it around the head of his cock, licking up every inch of the precum that covered it and she let out a soft, “Mm..” as she licked her lips and then she parted them and slowly wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, sucking slowly. Elvis let out a loud groan and his hips bucked beneath her and one of his hands tangled into her hair. “Fuck.. That feels good..” he managed to mumble out in between all his groaning. Rebecca was so aroused that her panties were sticking to her because of how soaked she had gotten them pleasing him and with her free hand she unbuttoned her jeans and carefully slipped her hand into her pants and into her panties, running her index and middle finger between her wet velvety folds and teasing her fingers along her swollen and sensitive clit and she let out a soft moan around his cock. Elvis raised an eyebrow and glanced down to see her playing with herself as his cock was in her mouth and he was loving it. She slowly took his cock further into her mouth inch by inch until she could feel his cock down her throat and she gagged softly around him and his head tilted back against the chair as his hips thrusted forward into her mouth causing the most obscene sound to escape her as she choked around his cock. “Goddamn..“ he grunted. 
She pressed her fingers harder against her clit as she rubbed even more aggressively till the point that she was humping her fingers while he pumped his cock down her throat, tugging and pulling at her hair. She didn’t mind one bit letting him take control and use her mouth, she welcomed it. She felt both his hands now around her head, brushing her hair back and holding in a makeshift ponytail as he kept his hips still and bobbed her head on his cock slowly, saliva pooling from her mouth onto his cock as she gagged quietly and moaned around his cock and eventually slipping her fingers into her soaking pussy and pumping them at the same pace he moved her head. Elvis moaned softly and his hips bucked and his body tensing as he felt his climax growing and so desperate to cum down her throat he grabbed her hair tight and forced his cock down her throat, holding her there as he pumped himself hard in her mouth. His eyes rolled back and he grunted loudly and his breathing was so heavy by this point and her eyes were squeezed shut, small tears streaming from them as she moaned and gagged and then she felt the warmth of his cum glide down her throat and he slowly removed his cock out of her mouth when he finished, falling back against the chair nearly out of breath as he stared at her and she coughed and gagged, playing with the remnants of his cum in her mouth before she swallowed the rest of it and then showing him with a smirk. While he fucked her throat she had came all over her fingers and slowly slipped them out of her pants and she stood back up with a grin on her face and she straddled his lap and showed him her soaked fingers and he smirked, grabbing a hold of her hand and opening his mouth and sucking every inch of her arousal off her fingers. She bit down on her bottom lip watching him and when he removed her fingers from his mouth, she crashed her lips against his and they kissed sloppily, their tongues slipping into their mouths and tasting each other. 
Rebecca had only planned to give him a blowjob, but much like him she was wanting more. She kissed him once more before pulling back and smirking at him. “I know I said you couldn’t touch me, but I desperately want you inside of me again, Elvis..” she hummed. He grinned at her words and she was caught off guard when he stood up and lifted her up with him in his arms and he carried her over to his dad’s desk and pushed everything off onto the floor and Rebecca gasped. “Elvis!” she laughed. 
“It’s fine, I’ll just pay for whatever broke, baby.” he chuckled as he kissed her lips before roughly throwing her down onto the desk and she whimpered softly. Something about him being so rough turned her on so much that she wanted more. She watched eagerly as he grabbed her shoes and forced them off and grabbed a hold of her pants and tugged them down her legs and practically ripping them off of her and he smirked at the sight of her soaked panties and he happily got rid of those as well, he nearly had to peel them off her because of the way they clung to her pussy. He stared at the delicious sight of her dripping heat that was aching for him. She giggled watching him and sat herself up and unzipped his jacket. 
“I want to see you.. All of you..” she hummed. Elvis nodded and removed his jacket along with the shirt beneath it revealing his hairy chest and his round belly that she loved so much. She spread her legs wide open and he wrapped his arms around her thighs and forced her forward and she gasped softly, smirking up at him and he held onto her thighs and she reached down between her legs, grabbing his cock roughly in her grasp and he groaned lowly, smirking at her and she slowly guided his cock inside of her and she stared up at him, moaning and whimpering softly as his cock entered her inch by inch and her pussy clenching around him that it caused a moan to slip out of him and when his cock completely disappeared inside of her. “Don’t you cum inside of me..” she mumbled as she laid back against the cold wooden desk, running her hands along her breasts and squeezing them in her hands as he tightened his grip around her thighs and he began to slam his hips into her and his cock forcing her walls open around him making it easier for him roughly slam inside of her and she moaned loudly, grabbing a hold of the desk beneath her as he started to increase his speed and pounding into her with each rough thrust that his balls began to slap against her. His groans grew nearly as loud as her moans. She shut her eyes and arched her back against the desk as she began to moan out his name loudly as the passion between them increased and she reached down to grab one of his hands and she made him wrap it around her throat as her thighs wrapped around his waist. He smirked and began to squeeze his hand around her throat tight and she whimpered loudly, feeling every inch of him hitting deep inside of her, filling her up. She loved hearing his grunts in between his heavy pants.
The sexual tension between the two of them was so powerful that it wasn’t going to take much for either of them to cum especially after already cumming, Rebecca placed her hand over his that was still around her throat. “Choke me harder, daddy.” she mumbled and he raised an eyebrow at her words and slowly tightened his grip around her neck even more until she was nearly gasping for air and he slamming so hard into her that he was fucking her into the desk that now it began to creek and skid along the carpeting. Her moans were so loud even with him choking her that anyone was guaranteed to hear if they walked outside. The intensity was building and building between them that it felt like an explosion when they both reached their climaxes at the same time and she came all over Elvis’ cock and he was so aroused and drunk off the feeling of her pussy that he had no time to pull out and he ended up cumming inside of her, filling her up with his seed. When he realized what he had done he quickly pulled out of her and his cock was dripping in cum. It took Rebecca a moment to realize what had happened because she was on cloud 9 from the way he made her feel. But she could feel his cum leaking out of her and she sat up on her elbows, staring at him. 
“Elvis! What did I say??” she said breathlessly. 
“I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You on the pill, baby?” he asked as he tried to catch his breath. 
“Yeah, I am. But still..” she shook her head as she sat up and she let out a soft sigh, she started to laugh softly, sitting up all the way and leaning toward him to kiss his lips. “That was amazing..” she beamed. 
He chuckled softly. 
“It sure was.. We should probably get back before everyone starts to wonder where we are.” he smirked. 
She smiled and nodded and hopped off the desk and grabbed her clothes and she watched as Elvis took her ruined panties and she raised an eyebrow. “What are you going to do with those?” she laughed. 
“I haven’t decided yet.. But they’re mine now.” he smirked as he began to get dressed. 
She shook her head as she put her clothes back on and she started to look around the odd room, seeing a bunch of things from fans. “This is your dad’s office?” she asked. 
“Mhm, and where I keep gifts from fans.” he smiled. 
“I feel a little weird that we fucked on your dad’s desk.” she laughed. 
“Ah, hell, don’t worry ‘bout it. He won’t know, I’ll have everything cleaned up. .” Elvis laughed. When they were both dressed and looking presentable, Elvis took her hand and they both headed out of the office and back into the house where they got inside and the guys were scattered throughout the house doing their own thing. She noticed that Elvis didn’t seem to care one bit.. “Lemme show you upstairs, baby. The last part of the tour.” he beamed. 
Rebecca smiled and nodded and she watched him grab her bags and started to head up and she followed behind him and he stopped at his bedroom first and set her bags down and opened the door, setting her things inside. “This is my room.” he hummed. Rebecca peeked her head inside of his bedroom and she wasn’t surprised at all at the almost vampire-like decor and how cold he kept it. 
“It’s very you.” she giggled, following him as he took her hand and showed her Lisa’s room that was next door. 
“This is Lisa’s room.” he smiled. Rebecca looked inside and was surprised it was just a typical little girl’s room and she smiled at him. 
“It’s cute.” she beamed. 
Elvis nodded and led her back to his room where they both went inside and he shut the door behind them. She turned to face him and they both shared a smile with one another and she moved toward him, wrapping her arms around his abdomen, leaning up to kiss his lips. “Is it okay if I took a shower?” she asked. Elvis wrapped her up in his arms and nodded at her words, returning her soft kiss. 
“Of course, baby.” he smiled. She wiggled out of his arms even though he didn’t want to let her go, he chuckled to himself watching her head into the bathroom and she left the door cracked open, hoping he would pick up on her hint. She glanced over her shoulder to see him sitting down on his bed and she rolled her eyes. She leaned over to get the shower started and then she slowly began to undress, dropping her clothes onto the floor and pinning her hair up and she glanced back to see Elvis was still not taking the hint and she huffed softly. But little did she know he noticed her trying to get his attention and he was pretending not to just to annoy her. She came walking out of the bathroom completely naked and her hands on her hips, staring at Elvis. She cleared her throat. Elvis looked over at her with a wide smirk. “Yes, baby?” he grinned. 
“Are you going to come shower with me or what?” she pouted. 
He laughed and nodded, standing up from the bed. “I was just waitin’ on ya to ask.” he smirked.
She rolled her eyes with a smile as she headed back into the bathroom and he followed behind her, removing his clothes and he watched as she got inside the shower and he followed behind her moments after and she stared up at him with a smile as the water rained over the both of them and she grabbed the soap and a washcloth, lathering it up and then slowly washing his body, running her fingertips along along his soapy, hairy chest and down toward his belly as she continued to wash every part of him. Elvis chewed on his bottom lip, doing his best to not get turned on again but she was making it impossible. She saved the best for last and ran the washcloth along his flaccid cock and slightly pumped it in her hand as she cleaned him and then washed his balls and slightly squeezed them, causing soft moans to slip past his lips. She smirked when she felt him get hard and she pulled away once she finished. He narrowed his eyes at her playfully. “You little tease..” he laughed. 
“What? I was just helping you shower..” she said sweetly, giggling to herself as she glanced down at his hard on before turning to grab the shampoo, but once she did Elvis grabbed her hips and he pressed himself against her, his cock brushing up against her ass and slipping in between her ass cheeks and he cause her to squeal and drop the shampoo bottle. “Elvis..” she gasped. 
“Shhh..” he whispered to her as he pressed up against her harder and he grabbed another washcloth and lathered it up with soap and he began to wash her body, starting with her breasts that he gave lots of attention to and then washing other parts of her body until he finally reached between her legs, running the washcloth between her thighs and she whimpered softly, slightly closing her thighs around his hand as he got closer to her pussy. She inhaled sharply and he dropped the washcloth and then ran his long fingers along her folds and now her thighs closed even tighter around his hand and he forced her thighs back open by slapping his hand against them and she whimpered softly and then he slapped his hand roughly against her pussy causing her hips convulse at each slap, she whimpered and whined softly. 
“E-Elvis..” she mumbled. 
“I don’t wanna hear it..” he whispered, reaching up to unpin her hair and tossing the clip and then he grabbed a hold of her hair and wrapped it around his wrist a few times and he tugged and pulled at her hair, forcing her head back and she let out a soft gasp and his lips kissed along her exposed neck as his hips slowly grind against her and his cock rubbed against her ass and he shoved three of his fingers deep inside of her pussy causing her to squeal cutely, he pumped his fingers knuckle deep inside of her at a steady pace and she began to move and thrust her hips against his fingers, slowly and gradually beginning to ride them and he pulled at her hair again and she was getting so turned on that she was soaking his fingers and now his cock was rubbing against her ass faster and they moaned softly together as their bodies moved against one another. Elvis kissed along her ear and nipped playfully at it. “You like when daddy’s got his fingers deep inside ya, hm? You filthy little slut.” he whispered. Her eyes rolled back at his words and she didn’t think it was possible to become even wetter but it happened. He tugged her hair again and she whined softly. “Answer me.” he demanded. 
“Y-Yes, daddy!” she whimpered. 
He grinned at her words and he began to jackrabbit his fingers inside of her, slipping another finger inside and forcing her pussy to stretch open for him as he got his fingers as deep as he could and she was breathing heavily and crying out his name as she stirred her hips quicker against his fingers and now he was making things worse by pressing his thumb against her swollen clit and rubbing circles along it and she rolled her eyes shut and her body fell against his as she moaned louder than before. His fingers were like magic the way they knew just how to get her going and her toes curled against the bathtub and her hands grasped the shower wall and she was panting heavily as she approached her orgasm and she cried out loudly, moaning and screaming his name, her sounds being muffled by the sound of the shower and she came all over his fingers and squirted all over them, making a mess. To her surprise she felt ropes of his warm cum shooting out onto her ass, he had completely gotten off to her making such an embarrassing mess of herself. When Elvis slipped his fingers out of her, he sucked them clean and turned her around and they kissed sloppily, their wet, hot, naked bodies pressing against each other as they consumed one another. 
Elvis reached over and turned the shower off and he broke their kiss and scooped her up in his arms and she giggled softly, throwing her arms around his shoulders as he carried her into the bedroom. “Elvis, you’re getting water everywhere!” she laughed. He didn’t care one bit and he placed her right into his bed soaking wet and he climbed in beside her, the sheets becoming soaked with the water that fell from their bodies and he pulled her into his arms and their lips met once more as she clung to him, kissing him deeply, his heavy, warm body pressing hard up against her as they made out intensely, rolling around his bed that she began to giggle in between each kiss and when they stopped rolling around he laid on top of her and he started to kiss down to her neck, leaving the soft kisses to her skin, she wrapped her legs around him, smiling widely.
“I missed you so damn much, baby. So much..” he mumbled. 
She reached up to cup his face in her hands and made him look at her. 
“I missed you too, Elvis. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself.. I missed you so much.” she whispered. 
He smiled and nuzzled his face into her neck and her fingertips began to stroke the strands of his wet hair before he lifted his head back and kissed her little nose, then he pulled back and climbed off her to lay beside her and they both turned onto their side to face each other, laying so close that their bodies stayed pressed against one another. They laid their staring at each other in silence and she scanned every inch of his beautiful round face and she placed a hand on his cheek and gave it a gentle caress. “Are you sure you’ve been okay?” she whispered. 
Elvis let out a soft chuckle and nodded his head slowly. 
“I told you, honey, I’m fine.. It’s just been work and stress and missing you.. That’s all.” he smiled. 
She nodded, choosing to believe him and pressed soft kisses along his face slowly and he slipped his arms around her waist, holding her close as they just laid there in silence again, staring and smiling at each other. Usually sitting in silence with another person was weird and awkward but with each other, it was the most comforting thing in the world to them.. They were saying so much without saying a single word to one another as they stared into each other’s eyes dreamily. She continued to caress her fingers against his face, brushing some of his hair behind his ear. 
“I’m really happy you’re here, baby.” Elvis mumbled.
“Me too.. Thank you for never taking no for an answer, well most of the time.” she whispered, laughing softly. He laughed, running his fingers along her hip bone. 
“Why didn’t you go home for Christmas?” He asked. 
She let out a soft sigh because that was a bit of a touchy subject but it was Elvis and she never had an issue talking to him. “My mother and I don’t really get along. We used to.. But after my dad passed something just changed. Things only got worse when she found out what I did.” she said softly, 
Elvis was listening to her every word and feeling bad that she didn’t have a good relationship with her mother and that her dad was gone, he reached up to brush her hair out of her face. “What happened when she found out?” He asked. 
“Well, she was disappointed and she never fails to let me know what an embarrassment I am. When we do get along she finds a way to take a dig at me and my work and then it just continues on like that..” she just shrugged. 
“I’m so sorry, honey. It's awful that she treats her own daughter that way. You don’t deserve that.. Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered, combing his fingers through her hair. 
Rebecca shrugged, not feeling like it was that important to share. 
“It doesn’t matter now because I’m spending Christmas with you this year and it’s been amazing so far.” She giggled. 
Elvis grinned and kissed her cheek. “It’ll be even better these next few days. Just you wait, my little doll.” He smiled, snuggling into her. Rebecca smiled widely at his words, wondering what he could be up to as she settled into his arms and snuggled right into the warmth of his body, turning over and pressing her back against him and his arms tighten around her small waist. She had never felt safer than when she was in his arms. They had tired themselves out already that they eventually ended up falling asleep. 
Later That Evening 
Elvis was snoring softly as he slept and his arms still had a hold on Rebecca who was beginning to wake up from their long nap and she turned over to face Elvis and her eyes slowly opened to the sight of him. She smiled tiredly to herself as she reached up to rub her hands over her eyes and then kissed the tip of his nose softly and brushed his hair out of his face as he slept. She thought he looked so cute whenever he slept and she loved his little snores that she couldn’t but giggle softly. She then began to carefully wiggle out of his arms and she quietly rolled out of the bed and went over to her suitcase to grab a fresh pair of panties and one of her Led Zeppelin t-shirts and slipped them on and then she went into the bathroom to gather up their clothes that was on the floor and cleaned it up before climbing back into bed beside Elvis. She could stay in this room all day with him and wouldn’t have a care in the world. She started to look around the room taking in every detail of the decor, shaking her head because he was so extra with everything he did. She glanced back over at Elvis and leaned down to start leaving little kisses to his cheek, trying to wake him up. He began to move and let out a soft groan and then his beautiful dark lashes fluttered open and his sleepy blue eyes staring up at her. “Whaddya doin’, baby?” he chuckled softly, closing his eyes again as he turned over to lay on his back and Rebecca laid back down, resting her head against his chest and staring up at him, pressing kisses to his chin. 
“Wake up! I’m hungry.” she giggled. 
He let out another tired chuckle and he opened his eyes to glance down at her and he slipped an arm around her and brushed his hand along her back and now he was fully awake. “I can call down and get us something to eat. You ever had a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich? ” he hummed. 
Rebecca raised an eyebrow at his words and shook her head. “No, but that actually sounds pretty good.” 
she smiled. 
“It’s delicious.” he smiled as he sat up now and Rebecca sat up beside him, slipping her arm around his as he reached over for the phone and he called down to the kitchen to his cook Mary and asked her to make two fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches with two cokes. Elvis looked at the time and he let out a soft chuckle. “Well, shit, I didn’t think we slept that long.” 
Rebecca laughed. “It was all the fucking.” she smirked. 
He smirked and nodded before he slipped out of bed to put on his silk pajamas and she watched him just smiling to herself. Elvis looked over at her and noticed her shirt. “Y’know, if I didn’t love ya so much I’d be mad you weren’t wearing a shirt with me on it.” he laughed. She glanced down at her shirt and then back at him, rolling her eyes. 
“I thought you liked Led Zeppelin?” she said softly. 
“Oh, I do.” he chuckled, plopping back into bed with her. 
“So, you just have a big ego and want to see me wearing your face.” she said jokingly, laughing as she climbed into his lap. 
“Mhm..” he smirked, slipping his arms around her and kissing her softly.
“Well it’s not gonna happen.” she mumbled on his lips, giggling. 
He narrowed his eyes at her playfully and shook his head. Then he heard a light knock on the door knowing that it was Mary with their food and Rebecca climbed off his lap and let him go answer it and she smiled seeing how sweet Elvis was with her as he grabbed their food and then he shut the door and set the food down and Rebecca wasted no time grabbing a plate and one of the cokes and she sat back against the bed and began to take a few small bites and the sandwich was interesting and she really liked it. Elvis stared at her as he sat down, watching her expression. “How is it?” he asked. 
“It’s good! I like it!” she beamed, taking a few more bites. He was pleased to hear that and he started to eat his own sandwich. Rebecca rested her head against his shoulder as they continued to eat. 
“I can’t wait for you to meet Lisa tomorrow, baby. I’ve told her all about you.” he smiled. Rebecca took a swig of her coke and just nodded and smiled at him. She was excited but also very nervous to meet his daughter. She was afraid Lisa may not like her or worse Rebecca wouldn’t know how to bond with her because she’s never really been around little kids like that. After they finished their food the both of them laid back down and cuddled back up together, neither of them even bothering to venture downstairs for the rest of the night. They were completely comfortable with just staying in his bedroom which wasn’t out of the ordinary for Elvis. Rebecca was laying her head against his chest and running her fingers along his silk pajama shirt and rubbing his belly as he held her close in his arms and they must have been really tired because they ended up falling back asleep for the rest of the night. 
December 22, 1975 - Early Morning
Elvis had to meet Priscilla at the airport to get Lisa and he was up earlier than usual and Rebecca was sound asleep beside him that he didn’t want to wake her as he rolled out of bed and got cleaned up and changed into his dark blue and white sweatsuit and he put his glasses on and before he headed out, he leaned down to kiss Rebecca’s cheek and then made his way out of the bedroom and downstairs where Joe and Vernon were waiting for him and the three of them headed to the airport to get his babygirl. He and Priscilla had become good friends with one another after their divorce and their meetups like this were always a happy one where the two of them took a moment or two to catch up as Lisa clung to him excited to be back in Memphis and with her daddy. Once the two of them said their goodbyes to her mother he helped Lisa into the car where her grandpa excitedly greeted her and she climbed into the front seat and sat between Elvis and Vernon as they were making their way back to the house. 
Rebecca had woken up and saw that Elvis was gone and now her heart was pounding because she knew he went to pick Lisa up. She laid in his bed listening out for his return as she pulled the covers over herself and moments passed and she heard the front door open and the sound of his voice along with two other men and then the small little voice calling out to Elvis and she knew that was Lisa. She hoped that he didn’t bring her into the room; she wasn’t dressed nor ready for their introduction. 
“Yisa, baby, put your things in your room and as soon as Mary gets here we’ll have breakfast and daddy will introduce ya to his friend.” he said softly. 
“Okay, daddy.” the little voice said. Rebecca could hear her little footsteps running upstairs and into her bedroom where she was getting settled and then Elvis started making his way upstairs as well and into his bedroom where he was surprised to see Rebecca awake and he smiled. 
“Hey, honey, when’d ya wake up?” he said softly. 
“Not too long ago.” Rebecca hummed, stretching across his bed. 
It would be some time until Mary arrived and he was a bit hungry himself and he had never asked Rebecca to make him anything, mainly because he was scared she’d slap the shit out of him if he dared ask her to cook. But he’d figured he’d ask anyway. He sat down beside her and smiled. “Baby?” he hummed. 
“Yes?” she smiled at him. 
“Would ya mind makin’ me somethin’ to eat and Lisa as well? Mary won’t be here for another hour or so..” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Rebecca furrowed her brow at him and gave him a look. 
“Is this your way of trying to turn me into some housewife? Because that won’t happen, but sure I’ll make something.” she laughed, rolling her eyes. 
“You? A housewife? Hell would freeze over if that happened, baby. Do ya know how to cook?” he laughed. 
Rebecca reached over and slapped his arm hard as she sat up. 
“Shut up and yes I do know how to cook.” she huffed as she climbed out of his bed and went to put a pair of pants on as he chuckled. 
“I’m just askin’. Ya know what I like, honey?” he smiled. 
“Mhm.. I’ve seen you order it a dozen times, Elvis. Two eggs hard and bacon burnt.” she laughed. Elvis was impressed that she remembered just how he liked his eggs and bacon, he wouldn’t eat it any other way or at all if it wasn’t made right. 
“Thank you, baby. Lisa likes pancakes.” he smiled. 
Rebecca nodded before she headed out of the room and downstairs to his massive kitchen, where she didn’t know where anything was so she was opening cabinets looking for pans and everything she needed. She wanted to make sure that she made the pancakes just right for Lisa, hoping that if she didn’t like her that would make her like her. Lisa could hear the slamming of cabinets and pans clanging from downstairs and she assumed that Mary had come and she always loved whatever she cooked. So she came out of her room and hurried downstairs excitedly and then when she saw the woman in the kitchen wasn’t Mary she furrowed her brow, wondering who this person was. Rebecca was getting Elvis’ eggs and bacon started when Lisa came walking into the kitchen behind her. 
“Who are you?” the sassy little voice said. 
Rebecca raised an eyebrow when she heard the small voice behind her and the amount of sass behind it and she turned to see Lisa standing with her arms folded across her chest. Rebecca was taken aback because she had seen tons of pictures of Lisa and she looked like Elvis, but seeing her in person she could’ve been his twin. Rebecca placed her hands on her hips and decided to give her the sass right back. 
“I’m Rebecca, who are you?” she hummed, acting as if she had no idea who this little girl was in front of her. 
Lisa narrowed her eyes at the young woman because how could she not know who she is? Everyone knew who she was but Lisa knew who she was as soon as she said her name. “I’m Lisa!” she huffed. 
“Oh, that’s right, your daddy has told me so much about you.” Rebecca smirked, the two of them stared at one another and it felt as if Lisa was trying to intimidate her, but that wouldn’t work with her. Lisa looked behind Rebecca and saw the mess she had made in the kitchen. 
“What are you doing?” Lisa asked. 
“Your daddy asked me to make the two of you breakfast. You like pancakes, right?” Rebecca asked. 
Lisa was surprised to know she knew that and she was still suspicious about her as she looked Rebecca up and down and looked around the kitchen. “I like chocolate chip pancakes.” Lisa muttered. 
Rebecca furrowed her brow. “Oh okay, um, I’ll have to see if there’s chocolate chips.” she said softly, now searching around the kitchen frantically as Lisa watched her and began to giggle watching her nervously look around. Lisa went to take a seat at the table and continued to watch her. 
“The chocolate chips are in the fridge.” Lisa chimed in. 
“Oh, I knew that.” Rebecca rolled her eyes as she opened the fridge and found the chocolate chips and then went back to the stove to finish up Elvis’ food. Lisa continued to watch her. 
“Are you daddy’s new girlfriend?” Lisa asked. 
Rebecca glanced over her shoulder at Lisa and smiled to herself, she wasn’t really sure what the two of them were because they never actually labeled it as anything. “Um.. Yeah, I guess I am.” she hummed. 
Lisa nodded, now having to get to know Rebecca. “I liked Linda.” she muttered. 
Rebecca rolled her eyes at the sound of that name and tried her best to not let it get to her. “I’m sure she was nice.” she mumbled, plating Elvis’ food for him and turning to face Lisa. “Do you think you can take this up to your daddy?” she asked. 
Lisa smiled and nodded, carefully taking the plate into her hands and then slowly making her way out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room. Rebecca started on the pancakes and could overhear Lisa calling out to Elvis that his food was ready. Elvis smiled at his little girl and leaned down to kiss her cheek as he took the plate, assuming that she and Rebecca had met. “Thank you, honey. She cooked it just how daddy likes it.” he chuckled. “Why don’t ya go back down and help her with your pancakes, baby.” he hummed. She huffed not really wanting to help Rebecca and she nodded and headed back downstairs and she walked up to Rebecca, peering over at the pancake mix. 
“That’s not enough chocolate chips.” Lisa muttered as she went to grab a chair and sliding it over towards Rebecca and she climbed on top of it. Rebecca gave her a look and watched as she took the bag of chocolate chips and nearly poured the whole bag in. 
“You’re gonna have more chocolate chips than pancakes.” Rebecca replied. 
“So?” Lisa snapped. 
“Okay, they’re your pancakes.” she rolled her eyes, she could tell the two of them were not going to get along already. She began to pour the batter in the pan making her a few pancakes. Once they were finished she plated them and sat it on the table along with the syrup and Rebecca decided to eat one of the extra ones along with some eggs she made for herself and the two girls sat at the table beside each other, not saying a word as they began to eat. Elvis was curious as to how things were going downstairs so once he finished his breakfast he headed downstairs and quietly stood off to the corner as he watched the two of them. 
Rebecca looked over at Lisa determined to get this kid to like her. “So, what kind of music do you listen to?” she asked, taking another bite of her eggs. Lisa looked at her as she shoved another piece of her pancake into her mouth and she looked at Rebecca’s shirt. 
“I like Led Zeppelin.” Lisa mumbled. 
“You do?” Rebecca said, surprised, smiling. 
She nodded. “Daddy can’t stand it when I play their songs.” she laughed. 
“Oh, really? He told me he liked them. He’s probably just mad you aren’t listening to him.” Rebecca teased. 
“I like daddy’s songs, but Led Zeppelin is better.” she giggled. Elvis rolled his eyes and shook his head, he only hated when she played their songs because she’d have it so loud. 
“Robert is cute.” Lisa giggled. Rebecca grinned and giggled along with Lisa. 
“He is cute. But Jimmy is hot. That hair, those curls.. He’s gorgeous.” Rebecca laughed. Lisa giggled and nodded in agreement, she knew Elvis would hate to hear her talking like that. 
Elvis was feeling uncomfortable now listening to their conversation and he just shook his head in disapproval, but he was happy that the two of them had something in common and were getting on fine, even if he was getting a little jealous of the way Rebecca was talking about Jimmy Page.. 
“I’ve seen them in concert a few times. Maybe one time your daddy will let me take you.” Rebecca smiled, feeling the tension between them slowly fading. 
“Really?!” Lisa said happily, continuing to eat her pancakes. 
“Mhm, but we’ll see what he says.” she shrugged. 
Elvis suddenly emerged and made his presence known. “Are y’all done talking about boys now? Yisa, you ain’t old enough to go to a concert like that.” 
“Were you listening this entire time!?” Rebecca laughed, shaking her head. 
“Not the whole time. But I heard enough.” he shot her a playful glare. 
She smiled at him sweetly, finishing up her breakfast. 
“The two of you hurry up and finish and get dressed. I want to show Rebecca Memphis and maybe we’ll do a little Christmas shopping for any last minute gifts.” Elvis smiled. 
Rebecca smiled and cleaned up the plates and the mess she made in the kitchen and Lisa hurried upstairs to get changed, excited to take a ride around town. Elvis came over to Rebecca and slipped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her cheek softly. “She seems to take a liking to you.” he mumbled. 
“Yeah, you should’ve been down here when she first came in here. She’s a little spit fire. Man, she could be your twin.” Rebecca laughed, causing Elvis to laugh because he agreed. She was  finishing up cleaning and then slipping out of Elvis’ grasp. “I’m going to get dressed.” she smiled, kissing his lips before she headed upstairs to quickly change. She sported a mini dressed with some knee high boots and her afghan coat and when she got downstairs Elvis and Lisa were already waiting. Lisa reached out to touch her coat and she smiled up at Elvis. 
“Can I have a coat like this, daddy? It’s pretty.” she hummed.
Rebecca smiled and looked at Elvis who was smiling down at Lisa and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Sure, baby, if we can find one while we’re out I’ll buy ya one.” he mumbled and Lisa ran out to the car excitedly. Rebecca laughed softly, seeing how much Elvis adored Lisa and would give her anything she asked for. She thought it was the cutest thing. “Damn, you look good, baby.” he muttered, eyeing Rebecca up and down as he took her hand. 
“Thank you, honey. I knew you would like it.” she whispered, kissing his cheek before she let go of his hand and followed Lisa to the car. A smirk formed on his lips and he followed his girls out and hopped into the driver's seat as they both got in the car, Lisa sitting right in the middle of them as Elvis began to drive off and out the gates of Graceland. Elvis showed Rebecca everything, from the first apartments he lived in with his family, to the first real fancy house they lived in before Graceland, along with where he recorded his first song at Sun Studios and where he graduated high school. This was the usual thing Elvis did whenever someone hadn’t been to Memphis he’d show them every piece of history that got him to where he was today. Rebecca loved every moment of it and just getting to know Elvis more and actually seeing these places he always spoke about with her. Then they finally got to a few shops and the three of them went inside. When Elvis tried to hold Rebecca’s hand, Lisa butted in and took his hand before Rebecca got the chance and she glanced down at Lisa who was sticking her tongue out at her, Rebecca narrowed her eyes and she stuck her tongue out back at her, she had thought they were getting along, but it seemed Lisa wasn’t going to be giving in that easily.
As they walked around the store Rebecca ventured off on her own looking for a gift to buy Elvis, but she wasn’t sure what to get him. She wanted it to be special and unique and then she suddenly got an idea when she saw a flier in the store for a local photographer shop that said they take professional portraits and suddenly Rebecca grinned widely, knowing exactly what she was going to do for him, she took the flier and stuffed it into her purse and she saw Lisa walking toward her as Elvis was still looking around buying gifts for everyone he hadn’t bought for yet. 
“Will you help me pick a gift out for my daddy?” Lisa said, looking up at her. 
“Oh, sure, what did you have in mind for him?” she asked. 
Lisa just shrugged, having no idea what to get him. 
“Okay, let’s find him something.” she said softly, as the two of them walked around the store together looking at a few different things until Lisa stopped and saw a few  little bracelets and she pointed at one. 
“What about that?” she asked. 
“That would be cute. We could get it engraved and have it say, ‘I love you’ on the front and then on the back ‘From Yisa’ how’s that sound” she smiled. Lisa liked that idea and nodded her head with a smile. “Okay, go distract him  so he doesn’t come over here.” Lisa laughed and ran over to Elvis getting his attention by trying to show him a few things in the store. Rebecca asked one of the shop owners for the bracelet Lisa picked out and told him how she wanted it engraved and while Elvis was distracted she quickly paid for it and the shop owner told her it would be ready later that day or early tomorrow morning. Rebecca nodded and thanked him before she joined Elvis and Lisa. 
“Ready to go?” Elvis asked. 
“Yes.” she hummed. 
“Okay, let me go pay for this and we can head back to the house.” he said before walking up to the checkout counter to pay for all the things he picked out. Lisa looked up at Rebecca and reached over to hold her hand. Rebecca was surprised when she felt her take her hand and she smiled at the little girl. 
“Thank you, Becca.” Lisa hummed, giving her a nickname. 
Rebecca laughed, because only her friends called her that but she didn’t mind if she did that only meant maybe they were becoming friends. “Anytime, kid.” she grinned. Elvis came back with his hands full of bags. 
“Let’s go, ladies..” he hummed and the three of them headed out to the car and Rebecca helped Lisa inside as Elvis put the bags in the back and then got into the driver's seat. Lisa fumbled around with the radio and Elvis raised an eyebrow at her because he couldn’t keep up with some of the music she listened to but he never stopped her when she wanted to listen to something she liked. She finally stopped it at a station that was playing David Bowie’s Golden Years. Rebecca grinned at Lisa when she started to sing along to the song, she was liking this kid more and more and then she too joined in along with her, clapping along to the song. Elvis shook his head and laughed as he listened to the two of them singing. He didn’t mind Bowie, especially knowing Lisa liked him but he did find him a little strange. 
“Gold, golden years, gold, whop whop whop, come get up, my baby..” Rebecca sang loudly. 
“Run for the shadows, run for the shadows in these golden years..” Lisa sang happily.
“I'll stick with you, baby, for a thousand years.. Nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years!” They both sang together, laughing. 
Elvis was smiling and surprisingly humming along to the song as his fingers drummed against the steering wheel. He was so happy to see the two of them just bonding and finding more things they have in common. He knew it took Lisa time to warm up to people, but he knew she’d love Rebecca the way he did and the breath of fresh air that she was and just how fun she could be. Rebecca just never failed to surprise him or make him smile. 
Christmas Day
Graceland was packed with everyone and their families, Rebecca had never seen such a sight at Christmas with her family. It was always just her parents and her grandmother. But anything Elvis did was grand. Everyone was sitting in the living room by the Christmas tree ready to exchange their gifts. Rebecca was saving her gift for last because she didn’t want anyone but Elvis to see it. Three days prior she had made a plan to get some professional photos taken of her for him personally. She had gotten in contact with the photographer and the photoshoot she was asking for was something he had never done before, but she was a paying customer and he agreed. She had borrowed Elvis’ car and told him she had a few things she wanted to get for Lisa, which she did along with doing her photoshoot. Rebecca was no stranger to the camera clothes on or off. She took some racy photos for Elvis, posing seductively against a sheet and a pillow in her lingerie. She wore lace white panties that hardly covered her ass and a white lace bra that left nothing to the imagination and when they had gotten more than enough photos, she was quite pleased with how they came out. She placed them in a pink envelope and wrote ‘Elvis’ on the front before tying a little ribbon around it. She of course had another gift to give him that was something appropriate to give in front of everyone. Now she was sitting beside him with the little envelope in her purse as everyone began to give their gifts to each other. Elvis handed three to Rebecca, and a few others out to everyone else, Lisa had more than anyone and they all sat underneath the tree. Before she excitedly tore them all open she grabbed her gifts she wanted to give him, two of them being little pictures she had drawn for him and then a little box that housed the bracelet she and Rebecca picked out for him. 
“Here you go, daddy. I got these for you! Becca helped me pick that one.” she smiled, pointing at the box. 
Elvis smiled widely at them both and when he saw the two pictures she had drawn for him, he was nearly tearing up at them as he pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Yisa. I love my pretty pictures. Now let’s see what’s in this little box.” he beamed, tearing the wrapping paper off and opening the box to see the little silver bracelet and he read the engraving that was on it and now his smile was even bigger and he pulled her into another hug and she giggled softly, hugging him back. “It’s beautiful, baby. Thank you.” he hummed, looking over at Rebecca and smiling at her, reaching over to take her hand, thanking her. Rebecca nodded, smiling at the two of them. “Open your gifts, Rebecca.” he grinned. 
Rebecca smiled, opening each one of her gifts. She hated when Elvis bought her anything because he could never do something simple; he had to go above and beyond. He had gotten her a few pieces of expensive jewelry, a matching necklace and earrings set that perfectly matched her style. “Oh my god, Elvis, this looks too expensive for me..” she said softly. 
“Do you like it, baby?” he asked. 
“Well, yeah, but this is too much..” she hummed. 
“It’s a Christmas present. Don’t worry ‘bout it, baby.” he leaned over to kiss her softly. “Now open the last one.” he grinned. 
“Okay, okay. Thank you, Elvis.” she smiled as she opened the last gift that was in a tiny box. She raised an eyebrow when saw it was a key. “Um, what is this to?” she asked curiously. Elvis got up and helped her up. 
“Why don’t ya go outside and see..” he beamed. She furrowed her brow at him and then nervously began to walk toward the front door and everyone followed behind her. The guys already knew what it was but everyone else had no idea. When Rebecca stepped outside a car just like Elvis’ strutz was parked out front. Rebecca looked back at Elvis confused. “It’s yours!” Elvis said happily. 
“W-What?” she mumbled. 
“I saw how much you liked driving mine and well, I figured I’d get you your own, baby. You ain’t gonna be drivin’ like a damn maniac in mine.” he chuckled. 
“Elvis.. A car!? The jewelry is one thing, but now this is way too much. I don’t even drive in New York. What am I going to do with it?” she said, not trying to sound ungrateful. 
“You’ll drive it around here whenever you visit! Don’t ya like it?” he asked. 
“O-of course I do, it’s a beautiful car. But this is way too much as a Christmas gift, Elvis.” she sighed. 
“It’s never too much, baby. I wanted you to have the car.” he smiled, pulling her into his arms and kissing her softly to keep her from saying another word. “Now would ya hush up? Enjoy your new car!” he grinned. She looked up at him and nodded, she was more than appreciative for his gift, but she had never been given something so expensive before. She didn’t feel right for taking it. But she knew he wouldn’t accept no for an answer and that he wouldn’t take it back. “Get in the car and let’s see ya in it.” he grinned. Rebecca went over to the car and Lisa followed behind her wanting to get inside with her, she noticed Lisa following her and opened the passenger side door for her before getting in on the drivers side, running her hands along the leather of the steering wheel and sinking into the leather seats, still unable to believe that he really went and bought her a car. Elvis was smiling proudly seeing his two favorite girls sitting in style in the Strutz. He grabbed the camera from Charlie and took a few pictures of them in it. Now she was feeling a little more comfortable, she and Lisa began to pose for him in the car as he snapped away. 
“Alright, let’s go back inside so Yisa can open her gifts.” Elvis beamed. As soon as Lisa heard that she hopped right out the car and Rebecca laughed getting out of the car and following behind her and everyone else as they went back inside, Elvis slipped his arm around Rebecca and kissed her cheek as they walked in behind everyone and she slipped an arm around him, smiling up at him as they made their way back to the living room and they both sat down on the floor with their arms still wrapped around one another as they watched Lisa open up every single one of her gifts making a mess of the wrapping paper everywhere and she loved every single gift she got. Rebecca looked over at Elvis who was smiling happily because of the happiness on Lisa’s little face. She kissed his cheek several times. 
“I’ve got three gifts for you, but I can only give you one right now..” she whispered to him, giggling softly. He raised an eyebrow wondering what the other two gifts were and he smirked to himself, just nodding at her words. She grabbed the one gift and slide it into his lap and he reached down and smiled, ripping the wrapping paper off and it was obvious it was some sort of clothing because of the box it was in and when he opened it and lifted the shirt up, he narrowed his eyes at her and she started laughing because it was his own Led Zeppelin shirt. 
“Very funny, baby.” he said softly. 
“What is it, daddy?!” Lisa asked curiously. 
Elvis turned the shirt around to show Lisa and she laughed. “I guess I’ll be sporting a Zeppelin shirt like the two of you.” he chucked, shaking his head. Rebecca laughed softly. 
Once everyone had gotten their gifts open and the day was winding down and Lisa was busy playing with her new toys, Elvis and Rebecca eventually snuck away to another room. “Now what are these other gifts? Hm?” he asked. 
“Well.. You’ll have to come upstairs for me to show you, baby.” she giggled, taking his hand and quickly sneaking past everyone and heading upstairs to his bedroom, she locked the door behind her, which caught Elvis’ attention and now he was picking up on what his gift was going to be. She pulled the little pink envelope out and handed it to Elvis. “That’s gift number one. Gift number two will be out in just a second.” she smirked, grabbing her suitcase and heading into the bathroom. Elvis grinned and unraveled the ribbon that was tied around the envelope and then he opened it and slid the photos out and his eyes widened when he realized what they were photos of Rebecca. He grinned to himself as he flipped through them and each one was her in different poses in her bra and panties. It was one hell of a christmas present he thought and now he couldn’t stop looking at them. Beautiful was an understatement when it came to her, she was breathtaking in each photo. He didn’t know how he got so lucky to be with such a gorgeous woman. Just looking at the photos was turning him on. 
Meanwhile Rebecca was in the bathroom getting undressed and she grabbed the lime green stockings she had packed. She wasn’t sure how these few days with Elvis were going to go, but she came prepared for him. She slipped on the soft stockings that went up to her thighs, and then she stood in the mirror and put on some red lipstick and ran her fingers through her hair before giving herself one last look before she opened the bathroom door and stood in the doorway in just those lime green sheer stockings, giggling. “Elvis..” she hummed. When he looked up he nearly dropped all the pictures on the floor when he saw her standing in the doorway naked and the stockings that clung to her thighs. 
“Holy.. Goddamn.. I-Is this gift number two?” he asked, chuckling nervously. 
“Mhm.. Did you like the pictures?” she giggled, slowly walking over to him. He was staring up at her his eyes scanning every one of her naked body, completely distracted by the beautiful sight. He couldn’t form words and he just nodded. 
“I love them..” he mumbled.
“Good.. Because I think you’ll like what I give you next even more..” she hummed, biting her bottom lip. 
He swallowed harshly, watching her move closer to him and she grabbed the pictures and tossed them on his bedside table and she pushed him back against the bed and he let out a soft groan as he laid back, staring up at her as she climbed on top of him and when he went to grab her waist, she grabbed his hands and forced them above his head and she shook her head at him. “No touching.. Not yet, daddy..” she whispered as she climbed further up his body until his head was right between her thighs and her pussy inches away from his face and he licked over his lips staring at the one thing he desired more than anything, she squeezed her thighs around his head which caused a groan to escape him, before she sat right on top of his face, slowly dragging her pussy along his nose and his full lips, she let out a soft whimper. She felt so sensitive already and he hadn’t even touched her yet. Elvis was in heaven as his pussy slid up and down his face and her slick coating every inch of it. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her ass and his hands squeezed her ass tight before he gave it a slap and she squealed softly, smirking at him and he pushed her down more, wanting to be completely buried in her pussy and his wet tongue lapped up every inch of her juices, and circled around her clit before he slid his tongue back down and slip it inside of her and she let out a soft moan.
Elvis began to slowly grind her hips on his face, his nose rubbing right up against her clit and stimulating her even further toward her arousal, he groaned against her pussy as he forced his tongue inside of her deeper and she gasped softly. “Fuck, daddy.. Just like that..” she moaned, grabbing a hand full of his hair with both hands as she began to ride his face slowly, the friction of his nose rubbing up against her clit causing her eyes to roll back and she moaned louder, her thighs squeezing around his head and his groans and moans coming out muffled against her as he tongue fucked her faster. His hands running along her thighs and fingertips circling along the thin fabric of her stockings, squeezing her thighs tight before his hands traveled back up to her ass, slapping it hard. She whimpered quietly, slightly bouncing on his face. Elvis couldn’t get enough of her that he would be willing to suffocate right in her pussy that was dripped in her arousal all over his face. She pulled and tugged at his dark hair, bouncing and riding his face as she threw her head back in ecstasy, crying out his name. She groaned loudly and ate her out like a man starved, she began to pant heavily as her eyes rolled back and nearly lost control of her body when she suddenly reached her orgasm and came all over his face, making a mess over him. He loved it so much that he slipped his tongue out of her and began to lick up every inch of her sweet juices that coated her thighs and dripped from her pussy. She rolled her hips against his face and his arms wrapped around her hips, keeping her still as he licked her clean. She let out soft kitten whimpers, the feeling of his tongue drove her wild. “Mm.. fuck.. Let’s see if little Elvis is awake..” she giggled, reaching behind her and running her hands along his crotch and she could feel just how rock hard he was for her, Elvis’ hips bucked from her touch.. “Mm.. Time to take care of him..” she smirked. 
“P-Please..” Elvis begged, his words muffled from between her legs. She slowly lifted herself off of his face and slid herself back down his body, seeing his face soaked in her juices, he licked his lips wanting to taste more of her. She straddled his lap, unzipping his sweatsuit jacket and practically tearing it off of him and she kissed along his hairy chest slowly and left a trail of kisses all the way down to his belly that she kissed over and over, running her hands along it. He exhaled sharply, watching her kiss every inch of his belly before she tucked her fingers beneath the waistband of his pants and Elvis slightly lifted his hips for her, so needy and desperate for her to release his cock. She slowly slid his pants down and his cock plopped right out hitting up against his belly. She chewed on her bottom lip at the sight of his big cock. 
“You just relax, daddy. I’m going to take good care of you..” she hummed, lifting herself up and grabbing a hold of his cock and slowly guiding it inside of her and she whimpered softly feeling him enter and stretching her out as his cock moved inside of her inch by inch until she made it completely disappear. She let out a shaky moan and he groaned loudly, she placed her hands on his chest and his big hands grabbed her hips and she slowly stirred her hips against him, his cock gradually pumping inside of her with each slow movement she made. Her hands grasped his chest and her nails dug right into his skin as she picked up the pace and now was bouncing on his cock, grinding against him. He was moaning and letting soft grunts escape his lips as he watched her ride him and her breasts bouncing in his face so effortlessly. She looked so beautiful, perfect even the way she bounced on top of him, that he didn’t think it was possible to be more in love than he already was with her. She lifted her hips and slammed right down on his cock and she did that over and over, burying his cock deep inside of her and that drove him crazy. 
“Ah, fuck.. Baby..” he moaned, tightening his grip around her hips and now he held her still and began to thrust his hips upwards, slamming his cock inside her and she squealed and moaned loudly as she leaned over him, her chest pressing against his and his hands grabbed a hold of her ass as she moved against him. Every thrust he made was building the arousal and ecstasy between them. She could never get enough of his cock inside of her. He made her feel like no other man could the way he filled her up and made her body ache in need of him, burned for him, screaming for more as her pussy clenched around him, taking him deeper with each stroke he made that seemed to get harder with each thrust. She liked when he would take charge and remind her of who was the dominant one in their relationship. As she sat herself back up she leaned over him and her breasts ran along his face, he nearly went mad as his hips bucked. The sounds that escaped them were loud and heavy and their bodies hot and slicked in sweat as they moved against each other. Now he was flipping them around and the weight of him consuming her as she wrapped her legs around him and now he pounded deep inside of her, fucking her right into the matteress and she screamed out his name, her nails clawing and scratching at his back. She tried to squeeze him in further, wanting him to just crush her with his body weight.
Their eyes met and sweat gathered at his brow dripped onto her face and she crashed her lips against his as they moaned into each other’s mouths as he thrusted into her deeper, his cock slamming against her walls, she felt sore, but didn’t want it to stop. It felt like the whole room was spinning as her orgasm burned in the pit of her stomach. She could tell he was close because his cock twitched inside of her and his hips bucked and his breathing was so heavy she could feel his breath against her skin. As they continued move as one pushing and pulling at one another and furthering their desire until they reached a breaking point and Rebecca gasped and her eyes rolled back and her body arched against the bed, her body completely giving into him as she came all over his cock and Elvis grunted and heaved with pleasure and when he couldn’t hold back any longer and he knew that he was ready to completely exploded he quickly sat up and pulled out of her, wrapping his hand around his cock and stroking it fast as his cum came spurting out onto her stomach and she could feel the warm substance dripping down her abdomen. He watched her take two of her fingers and run them along her stomach, playing in his cum and then bringing those fingers to her lips and tasting him. He smirked and leaned over to kiss her lips deeply, she returned his deep kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth before he pulled back and laid down on the bed, exhaling sharply. 
She chewed on her bottom lip, giggling as she stared at him before she rolled out of his bed and went to the bathroom to clean his cum off her stomach and then she came back, climbing back into bed with him, laying on her stomach and her legs dangled in the air moving back and forth as she kissed his cheek. “That was amazing. You are an incredible lover.” she giggled. He raised an eyebrow at her and started to laugh, he grabbed the pictures that sat on his nightstand and looked at them again, smirking. 
“Me? You drove me crazy with the things you do, baby. These photos? Hot damn.. Would ya let me take pictures of you like this?” he smirked, setting them back down and running his hand slowly along her body, caressing her hip. She grinned at his words and then reached over him to the nightstand for her purse to grab her cigarettes, which was what she desperately needed as she sifted through the half empty carton.
"Hm, I would.." she smirked.
She looked at Elvis who was giving her a look because he hated when she smoked cigarettes and she let out a soft sigh, tossing the cigarette back in the carton. “What? I didn’t say anything.” he mumbled. 
“No, but I saw the look you gave me.” she said as she set her purse back down and laid her head against his chest as her arm wrapped around him and his hand ran along her back and he tilted his head down to kiss the top of her head. 
“I hate that tonight is our last night together. I’ve enjoyed these last few days with you, baby.” he said softly. 
Rebecca looked up at him and let out a soft, nodding her head in agreement. 
“Me too, Elvis. It’s been such an amazing few days with you and Lisa. I hate that it has to end.” she whispered, kissing his chin. 
“Doesn’t have to.. If you come with me to Vegas..” he sighed. 
“Elvis.. I can’t.. It’s too soon and all I’ll think about is her. You don’t have many shows left there. So, I can always come back here when you’re home again. Or you can come visit me in New York?” she smiled. 
He sighed and just nodded. 
“I know, honey. I just hate being away from you..” he hummed. 
A small silence fell between them, she nuzzled her face into his warm chest. 
“Do you like Memphis?” he asked. 
“Sure, it’s beautiful. Why?” she replied. 
“Would you ever consider leaving the city and moving here… With me.” he mumbled. 
She lifted her head up from his chest and looked at him with her brow furrowed, understanding what he was asking in not so many words.
“Elvis.. I.. Don’t you think moving in together is a bit too soon? We haven’t even talked about what this is.. What we are.” she said softly.
“What are you talkin’ about? You’re my girl, I’m yours. There’s nothing else to talk about. I don’t think it’s too soon at all. Listen.. I-I don’t want us to end on a bad note. Just think about it, baby. Will ya? You ain’t gotta make a decision now. I was just askin’.” he shrugged, kissing her cheek. 
“You’re my girl, I’m yours.” That was one way of saying be my girlfriend. But she knew with Elvis he never actually said things clearly or plainly, but she knew exactly what he meant and that was fine with her. But moving in.. She wasn’t sure about that. New York had been her home for years and she didn’t know if she could leave it for the country. But it would be something she’d think about for him. 
“Okay, Elvis. I’ll think about it, I will.” she hummed, resting her head back against his chest and they laid there in silence again and she listened to the beating sound of his heart as he caressed his hand along her back delicately. Elvis glanced back down at her and smiled, squeezing her in his arms and then he kissed her head. 
“I should probably go check on Lisa and make sure she gets to bed. She’d be up all night if I let her.” he chuckled. Rebecca nodded at his words, letting out a soft yawn, smiling at him as he slipped out of bed and put his clothes back on. She watched him as she got comfortable, pulling the blankets over naked body.
“You’re such a good father.” she hummed. 
He smiled widely at her words, sometimes he didn’t feel like it. But it was always nice for him to hear it. 
“Thank you, baby. I try to be.” he said, leaning down to steal another kiss from her lips before he slipped out of the room and went to go check on Lisa. He had been gone for some time and Rebecca ended up falling asleep. When he finally returned he smiled warmly at the sleeping woman in his bed and he took his clothes back off and slipped into bed beside her, pulling her into his arms and nuzzling his face into the side of her neck and he inhaled her scent, he was going to miss her so much even if it was just two weeks that they’d be apart again. Elvis eventually fell asleep snuggled up with her and held her tight the entire night. 
The Next Day
Rebecca, Elvis, and Lisa were up early because they all had flights and though Rebecca insisted she’d go to the airport on her own because the last thing she wanted was to see another one of the women in his life. Though she had no issues with his ex wife, she just felt odd. Once she had all her things packed and she helped Lisa with her own stuff and the guys took care of things for Elvis, they all hurried out to the car and Joe drove them all to the airport. Priscila was already waiting at the airport and she smiled when saw her mom, but Lisa never wanted to leave Memphis or her dad. It was a hard goodbye for the both of them as Rebecca watched them. She was more surprised when Lisa climbed over Elvis to give her a hug. Rebecca smiled widely as she hugged Lisa tight. “It was nice meeting you, Becca. Remember to put more chocolate chips in your pancakes!” she laughed. 
Rebecca laughed. 
“I’ll be sure to do that. It was nice meeting you too, kid.” she grinned. 
“Alright, c’mon, honey.” Vernon said softly as he helped Lisa out of the car and took her things and she Elvis waved at one another the entire time until she got into the car and when the car was driving away with her in it to the plane she and Priscilla were to board. As if that goodbye wasn’t hard enough, now he had to say goodbye to another important girl in his life. A goodbye neither of them wanted to do. Elvis turned to her and he removed his glasses and she smiled, she loved when she could see those sleepy blue eyes of his. She cupped his face in her hands, kissing him softly. 
“It’s only two weeks, Elvis, that’s all. Then once you finish your engagement in Vegas, we’ll be together again. Whether it’s here or in New York, baby. But take care of yourself, please?” she smiled, Elvis nodded at her words and he pulled her into his embrace, kissing her deep and she slipped her arms around his shoulders as they shared a long passionate kiss that neither one of them wanted to end. But her flight was leaving and she needed to go. She pulled back from their kiss and she smiled warmly at him. “I love you.” she whispered. 
“I love you too.” he hummed, right before she was going to step out of the car where Red was waiting with her bags, Elvis grabbed her arm and pulled her into one more kiss, she smiled against his lips, kissing him softly. 
“I’ve gotta go, baby. Call me when you get to Vegas.” she mumbled on his lips, he nodded stealing one more kiss before she pulled away and hopped out of the car, waving to him and blowing him a kiss before she took her bags and headed to the plane and Elvis watched as she walked over and she looked back at him, giving him another wave and smiling widely and he was waving back with a smile until she disappeared onto the plane. He let out a soft sigh as Joe drove them over to the Lisa Marie, where he boarded his plane, waving to the few fans that awaited his arrival. The last few days had been the best he had in a long time and the happiest he’d been. He couldn’t wait to finish working to get back to it. He was holding out hope that Rebecca would seriously think about what he asked her, because it wouldn’t be the last time he’d bring it up. 
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the-boney-rolls · 6 months
The Great Covid Beatles Binge, Day 2: Give My Regards to Broad Street
Hoo boy, here we go!
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OK so we open with a stern/bored looking Paul stuck in traffic in the rain and it looks like he's spacing out... hey, Paul, are you starting to daydream? Paul? Is this whole movie about to be a dream, Paul? Oh god
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This silly little car! The computer, the carpet, the pool ball gear shift. It's giving the 80's car version of the Beatles house in Help! It's also giving hyper-masculine in a way that is, I'm sorry, not convincing.
This plot is already deeply inscrutable. Something about some missing tapes, a reformed criminal that Paul knows somehow and trusts for some reason, and some ominous business men. Something bad will happen at midnight if the tapes aren't found. OK!
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Ringo looks so cool and hot! That vest over that sick as hell dragon shirt. Yes. This scene is genuinely funny, too -- Ringo spends the entirety of "Here, There and Everywhere" and "Yesterday" searching through his mountains of drum equipment looking for brushes, only to find them too late. Apparently, the reason for this scene is that Ringo just didn't want to re-record old Beatles songs!
And now we have Paul, Ringo, George Martin and Geoff Emerick all together in a scene! Makes me think about how George Harrison apparently was a little miffed Paul didn't just call him to ask for filmmaking advice since it was something he had experience with. What could have been!
“Wanderlust” is such a great song, actually, damn.
“I’m not a bad boy, really. I’m just — er, manipulated” John??
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Now this is more like it! Surprise Linda in drag, hell yes!
I don't know why this scene is happening? It's a rehearsal for... something? But I'll take it. I love "Ballroom Dancing" and I love vaudeville Paul.
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I'm starting to feel like Paul's grandpa in AHDN, "so far, I've been in a train and a room, and a car and a room, and a room and a room." Did Paul's experience on that set define what a movie is to him? "Ah yes, a movie must include lots of transportation from one location to another and then some musical scenes." But dear, it worked because there were jokes! And all four of you to play off each other.
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I.......... what
This is Silly Love Songs, of all things!
Again, I don't know why this scene is happening in the context of the movie. Is it another rehearsal for something? A music video? Television special? Who knows, Yoko! But OK here we go, I sure am having fun! Linda is extremely into it. That slap bass kills. There's a Michael Jackson impersonator for some reason? Sure! It makes no sense but I love this man and his bizarre beautiful mind.
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So now we're doing band rehearsal in some kind of barn? Or abandoned warehouse? Or something? All of the plot of this movie seems to happen in dialog in cars en route to some ambiguous musical engagement.
“Do you think we can get some heat in here or are we practicing to be Canadians?” God bless you, Ringo.
“Should we try Not Such a Bad Boy” “Do we have to?” “Yeah” Bossy Paul bosses around a Beatle, we love to see it.
Is this song about him or John? 
The French horn player coming in late to record "For No One," inexplicably in a bright red motorcycle helmet, so late that he’s preparing up until right before the solo starts. Reminds me of that story of Ringo recording Hey Jude. But it also feels very symbolic of something. There are so many odd inscrutable details in this movie, it could almost be Lynchian in someone else's hands.
“We’re running, and running out of time too” It feels meaningful but I don't know how.
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Hello Mr. Darcy! Wow, can I have an entire movie that’s just this Victorian dream sequence? Can we go back in time and do a Beatles movie period piece, please??
The strings in this which are inspired by but are not quite "Eleanor Rigby" are lovely. Apparently this whole sequence is called "Eleanor's Dream," which implies that Paul is Eleanor. Make of that what you will, I suppose.
I like that Linda is a pants-wearing photographer in this period scene. Linda's gotta Linda.
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This strikes me as very Evil Beatles. Again, make of that what you will.
Barbara and Linda are acting the HELL out of this going over the waterfall scene damn.
I don't know, I could screen grab this entire segment, it's amazing, it's insane.
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But I can't gloss over Paul being horny for Ghost Horse Girl Linda. Incredible.
"That’s it you’re finished. What are you gonna do now?" Well ok at least this one is pretty obviously a reference to the critical reception of his career after the Beatles and again after John.
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"Uncle Jim" Ok so I guess this is supposed to be his dad, but what is the point of this scene? And why the monkey? The further I get into this film the more I feel like I am looking deep into this man's psyche but through the murkiest of windows. I'm here for the weird dream symbolism, Paul, but if you're gonna go that route, again go full Lynch and get even weirder.
Just the straight up original recording of "Band on the Run" feels out of place with all these re-records. I wonder why that choice.
His car license plate is "PM 1" That's right, baby, you're number 1.
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Another little cute but inconsequential day dream (presumably within the dream that is this entire movie). He looks like Roy Orbison here.
Oh ok Harry was just locked in a cupboard this whole time. So the whole "plot" was pointless. Cool cool cool.
Paul and Harry being giddy and laughing together is cute though, and it makes me wish that that relationship was fleshed out more. Who are they to each other, exactly??
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Yup it was all a dream. Love it, love that for us. Thanks, Paul.
OK so this was definitely barely a movie. There could have been something here, but I'll go back to what I said above -- I wish he'd gone weirder with the whole thing! And I wish Paul himself had been weirder. The character Paul is kind of a dud, just plodding along from place to place and only coming alive when he performs. It's like that Hawaiian shirt is supposed to be a stand in for characterization. But worth it for the music video scenes and for getting a tiny glimpse into Paul's psyche.
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Not a hot take but i am curious on your further thoughts about the business side of things. Idk that post you reblogged yesterday about paul calling john to provide indemnity only to be cussed out and told to fuck off when john had already been on the record asking for indemnity. It really felt like Paul could never win, sort of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. And sure, one could say oh well, but he really did care about John and what John thought of him. I really think it tore him up not being able to patch these things up with him. And I think the saddest part is we know from Paul’s pov that this did tear him up, these arguments always left him feeeling hurt, but we’ll never really know, and more importantly, paul will never truly know how John felt about him. I mean yes, he was told by yoko after the fact, but not having the actual person tell you, I’m sure it haunted him for some time. And just in terms of the way he died, I’m sure all the guilt rose up and Paul went straight to all the times John accused him of things. what john thought about Paul really affected him, because he cared so much about what he thought. he and Linda has said as much before.
:/ Yeah.
I find it hard to talk too in depth about the business side of it because I really don't feel I understand it enough to have a clarity on what exactly John's thought process was. I'm wondering if maybe Paul was wrong to still try to go through John though, when my understanding is Yoko was managing John's money. I see why Paul would prefer talking to John, but perhaps that was an extra source of misscommunications?
That's not to say I don't think John lost his shit in a way that was inherently not fair to Paul, but IDK, the quote also doesn't make it clear to me what exactly the source of the conflict was. Probably John's propensity to paranoia didn't help, because Paul may have misunderstood something which John then took as Paul trying to trick him. The whole Klein thing might have left John feeling cheated, like maybe in hindsight he was (probably not really justifiably) resentful towards Paul for not making John understand what the issue with Klein was.
But yes, the most striking thing about that description is Paul saying he was shaking for an hour after the call… He really did still care so much and I feel so terrible for him that he had to lose John before they could fully reconcile again.
He's also often talked about how their calls were good as long as they didn't venture into business talk and he usually frames this in a positive way – and to be clear, I really do not want to deny Paul the joy of his bread and babies calls, I think those are actually generally underrated by the fandom cause they're kind of boring… but cooking and child reering is exactly the type of things people in John and Paul's stage of life enjoy talking about? Like it's really not cold or weird, it's just life – but that also must have been.... really unstable-feeling? If there was this dangerous topic always hanging over them like a damocles sword.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
Glee OCs Masterlist [A-K]
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Name: Alaska Devon
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Noah Puckerman
Quote: And you know damn well, for you I would ruin myself a million little times.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Madison Iseman
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Name: Audrey Clay
Pronouns: she/her
Story: The Band And I
Quote: Love yourself, girl, or nobody will.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Barbie Ferreira
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Name: Benjamin Evans
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
Quote: Any you've got a smile that can light up this whole town.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Kit Connor
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Name: Carina Fabray
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Rachel Berry
Quote: The very idea that you're too kind, too sensitive, too emotional, too enthusiastic, too loving is bat-shit preposterous.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Aimee Lou Wood
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Name: Chrissy Chamberlain
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Tina Cohen-Chang
Quote: I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Peyton List
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Name: Christine Schuester
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Coming Of Age
LI: Finn Hudson; Quinn Fabray; eventual Quinn Fabray & Sam Evans
Quote: I am holding my loneliness and she is a teenage girl with puffy eyes, and I love her more than I have ever loved anyone.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Maisie Peters
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Name: Connie Sanchez
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Edge Of Great
LI: Marley Rose
Quote: It's not what you lost, it's what you'll gain, raising your voice to the rain.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Madison Reyes
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Name: Cosette Chamberlain
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Cooper Anderson
Quote: Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize everywhere.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Tilly Keeper
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Name: Dahlia Jones
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Brittany Pierce
Quote: She was sunshine, I was midnight rain.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: China Anne Mcclain
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Name: Dorothy Berry
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Mercedes Jones
Quote: I'm so tired of being the girl I am.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Emma Mackey
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Name: Dulcie Klempt
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Quote: The seats are empty, the theatre is dark. Why do you keep acting?
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Kristine Froseth
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Name: Ellie Duke
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Coming Of Age; [Multi]
Quote: When you grow up, you should be just like you.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Abby Ryder Fortson
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Name: Elliott Walker
Pronouns: he/him
Story: True Colors
LI: Rory Flanagan
Quote: I want to be great or nothing.
Pinterest: X
FC: Tom Holland
Dance Team: Charlie Fenlon - Duncan Dayrell - Gigi Collier - Hannah Gloss - Lau Reed - Louis Aster - Midge Beryl - Rosamund Gaulett
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Name: Emmett Dove
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Waverly Jones
Quote: Even in my worst times you could see the best of me.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Nicholas Galitzine
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Name: Garreth Duke
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Coming Of Age; [Multi]
LI: Emma Pillsbury
Quote: Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Paul Rudd
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Name: Honey Hayes
Pronouns: she/her & they/them
Story: The Band And I
Quote: I am bitter. I am seventeen. I am searching for the exit.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Sophie Thatcher
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Name: Jake Berry
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Blaine Anderson
Quote: Be gentle with me. I'm more delicate than I look.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Felix Mallard
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Name: Jean St James
Pronouns: she/her
Story: The Rose Song
LI: Various Shitty Boyfriends; Tilly Mist
Quote: How silly of me to forget that I am the love of my life.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Olivia Rodrigo
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Name: Jennifer Glynn
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Linda Berry
Quote: How can I ask anyone to love me when all I do is beg to be left alone?
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Liz Gillies
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Name: Kathleen Bao
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Artie Abrams
Quote: Just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Lana Condor
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Name: Kaylee Hummel
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Sam Evans
Quote: Gonna find the strength, find the melody, 'cause you showed me how to do it.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Danielle Rose Russell
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Name: Kipp Hudson
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Noah Puckerman; Brittany Pierce; endgame Mike Chang
Quote: Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk. She says I began to sing long before I could talk.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Milo Manheim
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 years
docs google com/ document/d/14TpVRXz0Hj1rbTSsNstaRNbBSQNxRc4SyvQbZQZy5Fc/edit?usp=sharing - Here's chapter 3 of HarlowFic. I really struggled with this one and am not sure if I managed to land it. It's quite light on the main characters and is mainly focused on Tommy's backstory. Could really do with some constructive criticism if you get the chance.
Sorry this is so late but I've been literally dead to the world for the past two days with work and tafe >.>
I'm not really good at constructive criticism, I'd rather just tell you everything I loved about it, but one reccomendation I'd make is maybe adding a couple of details to each section about the setting. Like, where are Tash and Andrew staying (are they in the spare room at 22, have they booked a hotel room at lassiters etc) and where is Harlow googling Lisa (at the Waterhole, in the living room, etc), what bar Tommy is at, I don't want to cramp your style if that's what you're going for, and it doesn't have to be long descriptions of room decor or anything, I think it would just help orient the reader a bit more?
And for the first section with Tash and Andrew, maybe add a little line somewhere about what time of night/morning it is? I like that Tash has found a more direct way to take care of her insecurities with Andrew, after being together for like ten years you'd want to hope they have good communication lol. NGL - I LOVE the sections where Tommy and Harlow are reading websites, can't explain it but I just...Really like reading what the outside world thinks of Robert and using Harlow on the computer looking at linkedin to deliver exposition about Lisa is very creative! Love it!
really good work in the bar sections with Tommy, I love that he and Robert have parallel mindsets about everyone else having just decided that they're ugly and unlovable. But I also think it was very smart to include the line from Tommy wondering if Robert ever wanted to have a girlfriend and a kid and settle down, before dismissing it because...We, the reader, know damn well Robert wanted to run away and start a life with Katya but couldn't because of his own obsession with revenge, and he's now a father to Harlow. Really smart and subtle way to say that Tommy doesn't really know Robert at all.
My only recommendation for these pieces is maybe move the information about Tommy going to the gym and buffing out into the present day segments somehow and allow the flashback to end on he'd show them all? I think it would go well with the times Tommy is talking down to himself in his head and saying that women always think he's gross and see him as just a friend? I feel like where they are now they're a little bit distracting from the flashback and move us too far forward in time? Unless that's what you're going for, please don't listen to me if it's like that on purpose!
I like the way that you're using the same language with Tommy and describing Linda as a distraction, which is the same way Robert described Katya and then implying that Tommy may actually be more dangerous since he's cutting the distraction off at the root, while Rob allowed it to fester and was ultimately his downfall.
I like the visual of Leo sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out. It's fun! Very sweet ending, where Paul canne resist Harlow's puppy dog eyes :") and the little nod to Andrew's accent with the presenter on television also fun!
This chapter feels very 'calm before the storm' in a good way, I like the tension you're building and the Tommy character quite a lot. HIs backstory of finding Rob on wikipedia and becoming obsessed with him is quite unique, and I really like it. I really like the whole thing, if you couldn't tell! I hope my criticisms are not too off putting, it's just a couple of minor things that would benefit the overall structure of the story but don't feel compelled to take them if they cramp ya style.
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Hi, I'm depressed it's almost 1am and I'm gonna blog my Peaky episode watch:
Episode: Series 4 episode 3
Let's go
My dad said Paul walks like a ape, and it's, all I see now... Like with both arms at the same time
Michael gives me so many mixed feelings but it's cute that his, adoptive mum showed up in the hospital
Village Michael was the best Michael
Does the adoptive mum know it was Michael's decision not to go back? She's out here, blaming Tommy, like babe... Tommy wanted Michael to go, he refused
Polly counting the days she's gone without a fuck 😭 legendary behaviour only, you go be with someone unsuitable ma'am, we rooting for you
Hi Ada saying "behave yourself" is lowkey fucking hot
You never behave yourself Pol you go down with legends
Only Cillian could rock Harry Potter glasses with that Haircut and I am here for it
I'll make a post on this, later but Tommy needs a, woman like Linda, a women who gets him away for the Buisness
Im not a fan of Linda but Kate is gorgeous 😍
Why is everyone in this cast so hot though
No but I had to watch the Arthur and Linda, sex scene with my dad 😭😭 there's others but this is by far the worst 😭 I hate every time we get there 😭
"keep his balls empty and his belly full" Linda's mum >>>>
I hate myself for thinking this but I wonder if Helens hair drastically changed to this shorter one because she was going through treatment..it looks similar to my aunts, who went through breast cancer so I'm like 👀
Probably not cuz it's years before but.... Who knows
The paint fight scene must have been so fun to film... I love watching it each time
"I'm here as a lover of theatre" Me introducing my theatre nerd ass
I alwaud forget how good Adrien is in Peaky... Season 4 is one of my least favourite seasons but Adrien kills it as Luca even though I dislike his character in general
Arthur he had a fucking vote because it was planned to have the vote Just because you were getting fucked doesn't mean that stops
Arthur... John shoulda killed his teacher... Its not on you it's on his dumb ass
Kates smile is GORGEOUS
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Arthur and Linda are a toxic relationship on each end and I hate that neither of them are getting happiness
She's trying to help you get out of the life which is damaging you Arthur, don't go Bat shit at her
100% found out that I've developed a new crush on Kate just now...can't wait to rewatch with this knowledge
"you have a lot of enemies" no shit mate... No fucking shit
and your muppet dress
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You cannot say that that dress don't look like it's got muppet on
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Ti's the Muppet dress..
Okay I made a post on this before but Cillians subtle yet heartbreaking acting when Greta gets brought up is a hyper fixation every damn time I watch this episode... Here's, my gif from last time
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He looks so broken and I can't explain how much I love his acting choice there... Whether he even knew he was doing it or not
I'm so angry Jessie isn't coming back next series 😭
Her and Cillian had so much on screen (for lack of better word) chemistry and I'm sad we won't get any more of it 😭
Greta is still Tommys truest love and possibly his ownly love and I will go to my grave thinking that
Jessie/Charlie deserves SO much more love than she got and I'm forever bitter about how dirty she was done
Cillians acting in this scene is heartbreakingly subtle yet beautiful and I'm in awe
Arthur firing the bullet, I'm not a HUGE Arthur fan but he needs to go and get therapy and find happiness
Lizzie is under appreciated as the woman who isn't with Tommy... She is so much more than Tommy's wife
"Tommy said yes, Arthur said yes"
"but did God say yes" - I love Polly 😭
Finn trying to be in charge, bby no
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As someone who has been to Blackpool... That is the happiest look you will ever see... I stayed at a hotel there for a con and it didn't even have a fucking window... We were in a box... I feel Tommy had the same experience
Lizzie, Polly and Linda arranging a girl for Finn gives more proof that he's fruity 🍓
"nice women don't do that sort of thing"
"yes they do, look at you" - we love sweet Tommy one liners 🥺
Hi if tommy wants to take me to the docks Id love that because it's, precious as fuck 🥺
He is fully in his head fucking Greta here but its still a fucking sweet moment and I love it
The way he goes back to talking business straight after having sex 😭 boy, rest dammit
"I don't want it like that ever again Tom" cuz you are interested in the other gender?
This scene woulda been a great one for Finn to come out to Tommy and I'm bitter it didn't happen, Steven recognise he ain't straight dammit
I remember watching the scene where Polly 'betrays" Tommy the first time and being so fucking pissed 😂 Still lowkey stresses me the fuck out
I always think I dislike S4 until I watch it and then I'm like damn... What a masterpiece ✨
Top 3 thinks I've thought:
1. Wow Kate is gorgeous and I hate that I've ignored it this long
2. Tommys romantic side who has his guard down needs to be shown more
3. It's not gonna be the same without Helen, I just pray they do it respectfully 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ahhh that was fun... Hope you enjoyed my commentary 😂
(it's now 2am...oops 🙈)
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star
Warning: talks about addiction
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
June 16th, 1969
I felt a trail of kisses on my neck; with a giggle, I opened my eyes to see Roger hovering over me with his blue eyes sparkling.
"Good morning," I put my arms around his neck.
"Good morning, my Little Wolf," Roger smirked, "Ready to party?"
"Depends," I giggled. Roger moved to my side, looking at me. I moved to my side, and we looked at each other. He started to look around my room with just his eyes rolling.
"I can tell where your side ends, and Star's side starts," Roger looked around as I laughed a bit.
"Yeah... we're a bit different when it comes to decorating," I laid on my back and looked around, "Plus, one was obsessed with Elvis, the other was Beach Boys. One loves photography. The other loves drawing. We always had different interests, and our rooms always showed it."
"When was the first time you didn't share a room with Star?" Roger asked me.
"When we went to Uni. Star and I have been sharing a room since we were born. We shared a room here. We shared a room with George, Paul, and Ringo at the shared flat. We shared a room at Kenwood. The first year, we still shared a room for the holidays... it wasn't until I moved out that we officially stopped sharing a room."
"Do you miss it?" Roger asked.
"Eh, I mean, I got so used to sharing a room with her. It was to the point when I first moved into the flat that Star always slept over because it was weird for the both of us. We eventually got used to it, but her moving in kinda helped," I turned to face him and smirked, "As much as I love being in bed with you, I should get up and help Ness."
"Yeah," Roger sighed, not wanting to get out of bed.
Star and I are getting ready in our old bedroom. We helped set up and let the other three get prepared before us. We both put on the dresses we were given by our father with matching heels that Star and I bought yesterday. We both put our hair in different half-up and half-down hairstyles and are finishing our makeup.
"Ready?" I asked Star. 
"You're showing your scar!" Star smiled as she turned around, "Feeling confident?"
"No, but this dress is an open back, and it is way too hot to cover it," I shrugged as we walked down and tried to see if Venessa needed our help anymore and Venessa was shocked.
"You're showing your scar!" Venessa ran up and hugged me, but I was in no hugging mood. Yes, I am showing my scar. What a big deal?
"Nessa. I love you but get off of me," I smiled, and she pulled away.
"Can you help the boys in the front? They're setting up the firepit for later and helping James cook on the grill," Venessa asked both of us, "I love the guys and all, but I don't trust them with fire."
"I see your point," Star and I said and walked outside. Venessa was right, never to trust the lads with fire. They started to play with fire and laugh. Yoko, Maureen, and Linda were too busy trying not to pay attention.
"Wow, Nessa is right. Never trust you guys with fire," Star looked at them as I started to laugh.
"Hey, twins," They looked at us, then looked at me, and John, of all people, pointed out, "Hey Scar, you are-"
"Showing my scar, I know. Can everyone stop pointing that out?" I snapped.
"Damn, doesn't have to be a bitch about it," John crossed his arms.
"Sorry, just stop pointing it out, okay?" I sighed.
"Alright, jeez," John threw his hands up in defense as Sandy, Payton, Lori, Freddie, and Brian walked in. Meanwhile, Roger and Tim are somewhere around here. 
"Hey guys," Sandy smiled.
"Hey San, how's the baby?" I asked.
"I can't wait for them to be out, and I can hold in my pee. Speaking of, I'll be right back," Sandy rushed inside to use the bathroom.
"There's the short-stacks," Tim walked out with Roger from the house. Roger's eyes quickly spotted me. He walked over, wrapped his arms around me, and gently kissed me.
"You look gorgeous," Roger smirked at me.
"Thank you," I smiled at him.
"Wow, he gets a smile and a kiss, and I get snapped at?" John scolded, "After years of watching your back, this is how I get repaid?"
"Do you want a kiss on the cheek, Lennon?" I rolled my eyes
"For little old me, your dearest big brother-"
"And you ruined the moment," I smiled
"I always do."
John was going to say something, then Julian ran out of Mimi's house and over to we are. Julian ran up to me and jumped onto me.
"Hi," Julian got comfortable in my grasp.
"Hey, little dude," I lifted him to hold him properly.
"Look! I'm matching with dad!" Julian showed me his outfit, which also matched John's outfit: "It was a surprise, and I love it!"
"You two look amazing, Jul!" I smiled. Julian gave me a huge smile, then wished to go to Star.
✌︎︎♡︎Star's POV
Scarlett gave me Julian. He had a somewhat matching outfit with John on and a bright smirk.
"Hi, auntie Star! You look very pretty!" Julian smiled.
"Thanks, Jul," I smiled as I felt a soft gaze on me. I noticed George was gazing at me while talking to James, Venessa's husband. George and I still haven't told anyone besides a select few that we are going out. We will say to the press when we see it's fit, plus I have to tell Pattie since she's been pushing me to date him since she left him.
"Why are you and Uncle Geo looking at each other like that?" Julian asked, "Do you love him?"
Julian is an intelligent kid; he has a sense of aroundness. Julian had to because of John's erratic behavior. He's such a sweet kid; he's becoming like his mother, which is fantastic.
"I do, just like how Auntie Scar loves Rog," I smiled. Julian didn't look so pleased when I mentioned Roger, "Don't like him?"
"No," Julian shook his head.
"Why?" I asked.
"A few months ago, I noticed Auntie Scar was crying because of him. He made her cry. She doesn't deserve someone that makes her cry," Julian told me.
"Julian, she cried because she missed him, but they are together now, and she's happy," I stated, "Will you like him if you see that he makes her happy?"
"Yes," Julian told me. I looked over and saw Roger and Scarlett about to kiss, I told Julian to look at them, and they shared a small kiss.
"See, he makes her happy," I told him.
"Does Uncle George make you happy?" Julian asked.
"Yes, very happy," I smiled. George walked over and smiled.
"What's very happy?" George asked as Julian giggled.
"Jul asked if you make me happy, and I very much," I giggled. Julian signaled he wanted to be put down, and I gently put him down, then he ran in to see the other kids.
✌︎︎♡︎Scarlett's POV (Later...)
The people from London started to come. Star invited her work friends, Aaron and Theo. I asked Kelly, Cordelia, Ella, and Hailey, the publicist whose childhood best friends with Kelly, Jasmine, and Kelly brought her son Danny and one of our models Maddie. Kelly has her inner circle; Cordelia, Hailey, and Jasmine have been her best friends since elementary school and helped her create Kelly's Closet. Jasmine was her first model, Hailey was always the one to bring her work to the public, and Cordelia helped her with the actual work. They met Ella, who is also in her inner circle. Ella managed Kelly and gave her opportunities that made Kelly's Closet a success. Danny, her son, and Kelly are very close. It's always been those two since he was born. If Kelly has to go far distances, she'll bring Danny. I have no clue why Kelly asked if she could bring Maddie, but Maddie is a sweetheart and probably the model I talk to the most. So I, of course, didn't mind. Tim, Brian, and Freddie, mostly Tim, couldn't keep their eyes off Maddie and Jasmine.
"Eyes off," I slapped the three.
"But they're fucking hot!" Tim groaned.
"Tim," I glared.
"Alright, Alright, But they-" Tim started as I narrowed my look, "I'll stop now."
"Thank you," I rolled my eyes.
"Are they single?" Tim asked. I slapped the back of his neck for the response, "So that's a no?"
"You're not dating one of my models," I rolled my eyes.
"But I could," Tim looked at me.
"But you're not," I looked back.
"Star!" Tim groaned, walking over to George and me, "Can you PLEASE tell your sister not to put restrictions on her models! They're hot, but she banned me from doing anything!"
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm planning on dumping her," Tim thought loudly.
"Scarlett does have a good reason to shag-ban her models from you," I shrugged.
"Oh yeah, why's that?" Tim crosses his arms.
"Back in Hampton, didn't you have a group of girls fighting because they swore they were dating you because you shagged them? Not to mention you and Elaina have had an on-and-off relationship since 1965. You've hurt many of her exes and your exes for the last four years because you two end up cheating for the other." I looked at him, "Scarlett probably doesn't want to drag her models into that."
"No one likes a know-it-all Star," Tim crosses his arms like a little child and scoffs.
"Is someone being a child," I mimicked Tim as George laughed at me. Tim scoffed, then walked off.
"Deep down, he loves me," I joked.
"It's you. It's impossible not to love you." George flirted as I blushed, I wanted to kiss him, but we agreed to tell people later and act normal during this party.
"I would kiss you right now if everyone wasn't around us," I bit my lip.
"I would too," George whispers, then kiss my ear, "But I could do that."
"Don't worry, later I can give you all the love I can give," I smirked.
"Can't wait," George smiled, then George noticed Pattie. Those two have been avoiding each other. It kind of still hurts for George, which I understand. George quickly snatched a kiss from me before walking off. Luckily no one saw us. Pattie and Eric walked up to me, and I smiled.
"Hey guys," I tried to calm my blushing.
"Are you two dating?" Pattie slightly jumped with excitement.
"Hi to you too, Pat," I giggled.
"You look much better than the last time we saw you," Eric looked at me.
"Yeah, I was freshly out of withdrawal. I'm doing much better now. I'm one month sober today," I smiled with pride.
"Well, congratulations," Eric smiled, "What about you and George? We caught that quick kiss."
"He asked me right after I graduated," I blushed, "We also had a date on Wednesday."
"He's the mystery man?" Pattie asked as I nodded.
"He's the mystery man," I comfirmed. On the way up here, George, Roger, and I heard this radio celebrity news that I was caught kissing someone on Wednesday, but they couldn't make out the guy. So they called George mystery man. That's why George and I decided not to get flirty during the party.
"I'm so happy for you! Congratulations Star! You two deserve each other," Pattie smiled.
"Thanks, Pat," I smiled.
Roger kissed me, and then my Nana walked over. I felt chills down my back. Nana is Nancy's, my biological mother, mum. She believed everything Nancy had said, and with that, my siblings and I were the black sheep of that family, and she despised my dad. We don't invite her to things. She just shows up since Joyce and her siblings live with Nana after their parents died from an accidental overdose, like all Nana's kids, including Nancy.
"Scarlett, it is nice to see you." Nana looked at me up and down.
"You too, Nana," I fake smiled, "This is my boyfriend, Roger. Roger, this is my Nana."
"Hello, Ma'am," Roger politely greeted himself.
"Well, you finally got away from those boys," Nana looked at Roger, then back at me.
"No, I still hang around the lads. Like I said before, they're my brothers as well," I looked over to the lads looking at me, all wide eyes.
"No, Payton is brother and your only brother. I don't know why your disgrace of a father would let you near those boys," Nana said in her cold tone, "My daughter didn't deserve a man like your father or children like you."
I could feel Roger get angry, but I squeezed his hand to ensure he wouldn't do anything.
"Nana. We didn't deserve the torture your daughter brought us," I took a deep breath.
"Ah, here we go again about how my daughter abused you," Nana rolled her eyes, "Well, maybe she didn't have to if you stopped acting like a little slut and hung around girls for once in your life. Maybe she wouldn't put that hideous scar on your back. You know no one wants to see that. You should really cover it up."
I clenched my jaw, held Roger's hand tighter, and walked away, bringing Roger with me. I let go of Roger's hand and walked up to the lads.
"She's all yours," I walked outside and climbed back into John's treehouse. I put the hair that was up down so I could hide my scar, and all the insecurities came rushing back as the panic attack followed. I put myself in my little bubble and escaped everything around me. I got pulled back into reality when I felt two warm arms wrap around me and a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Are you okay, love?" I heard in my ear. I turned and saw Roger concerned; I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder, "Don't listen to her. Your scar makes you more beautiful than you already are."
I tried to fight back the tears because I promised myself that I would not cry today no matter what Nana said to me. I hugged Roger tightly and stayed there for a couple of minutes until my insecurities and minor panic attacks disappeared. I let go of Roger and faced him. He pushed my brown hair away and smiled, "You look better when you smile."
"You do too," I kissed him, "Well, let's go back to the party, yeah?"
"Yeah," Roger smiled. He helped me down. Star quickly came up and wanted to know what Nana had said to me, and I told her not to worry. We got something to eat and sat out front of Venessa's house. Freddie prayed Liverpool stories out of my siblings and me, and we all shared a few laughs.
"Do you have any stories on why exactly your nana hates you?" Freddie asked.
"Oh, that's simple. She hates all of us," Payton shrugged, "She hates me because I'm walking proof Nancy wasn't so innocent about infidelity."
"She hates me because I tried to get Nancy arrested for years," Venessa said.
"She hates us because we were vocal about what Nancy did to us," I shrugged.
"Plus, your comment at Nancy's funeral was not helping," Venessa looked at me.
"What was your comment?" Roger asked me as I clicked my tongue, looking at Venessa.
"She told an old family friend the truth of Nancy's death." Venessa giggled a bit, "Nana was telling people that Nancy died due to a broken heart from the loss of the love of her life."
"And I finally got enough of it, and I turned around saying: I didn't know you could be broken-hearted for finishing your last bag of meth," I finished the story. Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elaina, Tim, Linda, Yoko, Kelly, and Mo were jaw-dropped and shocked. Meanwhile, George, Ringo, John, Paul, James, Sandy, Joyce, Payton, Venessa, and Star laughed their asses off because they were there when I said that.
"You did not say that!" Elaina gasped.
"I did and didn't regret it one bit," I answered, "She ruined our lives, including my dad's. It was some form of payback."
"Then Nana dragged Scar to the back of the church, calling her a disgrace, and kept slapping her," Joyce said, "In front of everyone."
"I see you saying that too," Mo started to laugh, then all the shocked people began to laugh. Zak, Julian, Heather, Lori, Brenda, Danny, and Eric, Venessa's son, not Clapton, all ran out crying and went to their parents. I got confused and walked over to Zak and Julian since they were closer.
"What's wrong, guys?" I asked.
"This mean old lady made fun of our drawings and shut the tv," Julian sniffed, "Then started to talk about you and Auntie Star badly. We said not to say bad things about you two, and she screamed at us."
"Was she wearing a blue dress and had a hat and gloves to match?" I asked Julian. He nodded. I got up and mumbled, "Fucking Nana."
I started to storm into the house. Walking in, I heard Star, "Scarlett, you're not going to win with her. You are just going to aggravate yourself!"
I got into the house and dragged Nana to the backyard.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" I yelled, "You don't go up to a group of children and tell them their drawings are bad, shut off the tv, then scream at them when they're standing up for someone!"
"Well, if those kids were disciplined enough and taught how to draw, I wouldn't have done that," Nana responded.
"Well, news flash, they're not your children to yell at because you did a terrible job the first time. All your children died from drug overdoses."
"They wouldn't be dead if they had better children and grandchildren. The drawings were an eyesore, their nagging was annoying, and the nagging was just for you and the tramp you call a twin!"
"Do not ever call Star a tramp, and never yell at those kids again!"
"Why do you care about them anyway? Four of them aren't even blood-related to you, and the other three have parents that bring disappointment into this family!"
I bit my inner cheek and clenched my jaw while clutching my fist as I filled with anger. I'm using all my willpower not to punch this old bat into the face, "Well, the disappointments made a family that cares and likes each other can't say the same for you!"
Nana slapped me across the face and yelled, "And this is why you are such a disappointment. Your mother deserved better!"
"My mother deserved fucking shit. She deserved nothing!" I yelled, "I'm glad she's dead because my life has been great without her and you!"
Nana slapped me again, then looked at me with rage and anger. She spat on me and walked back inside. I turned around and punched a wooden board that was out there.
"Fuck," I quietly yelled as I saw the splinters on my hand. I walked back to the front and looked at Venessa.
"Can you help?" I showed my hand, which was bloody and full of splinters.
"You punched through wood, not the old bat?" John looked at me.
"How did you know?" I sarcastically sighed as Venessa walked over with her serious doctor face.
"We heard you scream at her," Star coughed, "And her screaming back."
Venessa looked at my hand, and I winced in pain.
"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Venessa asked.
"Yes," I stated. Venessa brought me inside and took out her doctor's bag. She started to pick out all of the splinters, then soaked my hand in the water and picked out more shards. She put medicine on it, and then she wrapped my hand.
"Sorry I punched your wooden board," I looked down at my hand.
"It's fine. You did stand up for me, my kids, and my husband," Venessa put the last wrap layer on my hand. She gave me my family ring since she had to take it off before she started to do anything with my hand. I slipped it on the other index finger and walked outside. 
"You need that hand when you get back!" Kelly looked at me
"It will be fine just had a lot of splinters," Venessa stated.
Some guests stayed, some left, and Nana gladly left. We cleaned up, the remaining guest went to the front, and we had a bomb fire. Star and I got changed into more comfortable clothes. I'm sitting on Roger's lap. John's old friend Pete Shotton came over after seeing a party. John was having a blast and catching up with Pete.
"Hey Scar, do you remember that?" Pete asked as I was not paying attention and was flirting with Roger.
"Hm?" I tried to figure out what they were talking about.
"See, I told you she was busy flirting with Drummerboy," Payton said.
"Drummerboy? Really?" Pete looked at Payton and repeated Payton's nickname for Roger.
"He's a drummer," Payton told Pete. Pete looked at Roger.
"You play?" Pete asked.
"Yes, I'm in a band," Roger responded.
"You really can't get out of the music business, can you?" Pete looked at me.
"Neither can Star," John joked, "I mean, she couldn't get out of the Beat-"
Before John finished that sentence, Yoko covered his mouth. Star and George looked at John as everyone out there looked at Star.
"Hi," Star innocently smiled as the spot was on her.
"What were you going to say?" One of our family members looked at John.
"Nothing." Star said, "Absolutely nothing."
They didn't believe Star, and they all looked at John, who had an 'oh shit' look on his face. No one knew that George and Star were dating besides our little family circle, Elaina, Roger, Freddie, Brian, Tim, and Freddie. Star told some of her friends today, but no one else. Some of our family didn't even know Star and George's feelings for each other.
"John, what were you saying?" The same relative asked. I saw George whispering something into Star's ear, and she nodded, then whispered something back. John looked like he was about to break.
"Fine, I'm dating Geo," Star finally answered for him. Everyone looked at her and George. She got redder than the day of her graduation, and George turned red too. It was pretty funny in my eyes, but I had to find a way to save them.
June 17th, 1969
I woke up cold. I didn't feel Roger's body heat, I extended an arm out to realize he wasn't in bed, but I heard talking.
"You wake her up," I heard. I rolled over and slightly opened my eyes to see silhouettes of the lads. The four are trying to see who is going to wake me up. I looked over to see Star still asleep. George and Star were practically falling asleep outside. I told them just to crash here since Tim and Elaina left last night. Elaina had to go to York to see her parents, and Tim agreed to go with her. I closed my eyes and listened to the lads' conversation.
"Why don't we poke her?" I heard Paul say.
"Okay, Macca, you do it," I heard John say.
"No, George, you do it," Paul said.
"No, I have to live with her after this!" George backed out, "Ringo. You do it!"
"No, I don't want Lottie to break me finger," Ringo exclaimed.
"Fine, I'll do it," John said. I heard footsteps come closer, and I could sense John was about to poke me. Before he could even touch me, I grabbed his finger.
"Do you want to die today, Lennon?" I opened my eyes, "But poking me? Really? What am I 14?"
I laughed and got up. John was shocked that I caught his finger.
"How did you do that?" John asked.
"Easy, none of you lots are quiet, and I heard your footsteps," I got out of my bed and started to walk out, then turned around.
"If you guys will wake up Star with that method, I suggest Geo. He's her favorite, y'know," I winked and walked out. I went downstairs to see Roger talking to James and holding Eric on his lap, with Maureen, the Starkey boys, Linda, Heather, Yoko, and Julian in the kitchen.
"Morning," I walked to the coffee machine pour myself a cup. I sat down next to Roger and very happy Eric on his lap.
"Where's Nessa?" I asked.
"Work. Ness has a 12-hour day today, 7 to 7," James said; then Brenda came down the stairs, walked over to her father, and climbed on his lap.
"Morning, sleepyhead," James giggled as Brenda shoved her head in her dad's chest. I laughed and turned to Roger talking to the little toddler. I started to drink my cup of coffee, chatting to the other three ladies, then I heard Cheryl crying from upstairs, and James was about to move Brenda.
"I got her if you want?" I offered.
"Can ya?" James asked. I nodded, got up, and walked into Cheryl's room.
"What's wrong little one?" I picked her up to see if her diaper needed to be changed, but she was okay. I started to sway left and right slowly and gently until she stopped crying.
"Are you hungry?" I asked the baby. She looked at me with golden eyes that told me she was hungry. I started to walk the baby to the kitchen and saw if there was a bottle in the fridge; thankfully, there was. I warmed the bottle, shook it, saw if it was the right temperature, and then fed it to the little hungry baby. She let me hold the bottle for her and looked around to see who else was there. Paul, John, and Ringo walked down and came to the kitchen. John took my seat, but I noticed they were not even dressed. They were in PJs. I shook my head, and Star came down and walked over to the baby.
"Hi, pretty eyes," Star said with a babying tone. George then walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with everyone else. Brenda got off her dad's lap and ran to Star; Star picked her up and balanced the toddler on her hip.
"Hi, little one," Star said to Brenda, still tired. Cheryl finished her bottle, and I placed it on the countertop, put a rag over my shoulder, and burped her. After burping, she laughed, and I placed her on my hip. I threw the towel in the bin with the others and walked back.
"Anyways, what are we doing today?" John asked the group.
"I don't know. What do you guys want to do?" I asked.
"Well, I have to get the kids ready because they're spending the day with my mum," James grabbed Cheryl off of me and asked Eric and Brenda to get ready.
"I mean, it's nice out. Why not swim at hatchmere," Paul suggested. Roger's eyes widen, and he mentally sunk in his seat.
"That's a great idea, like the good old days," John stated.
"John, in the good old days, we snuck there at night, and you would bring girls there," Star pointed out, "And most of the time left us with George and Paul to shag these girls."
"She has a point," I agreed, "I'll call Freddie and Brian if everyone wants to go."
"Why not," Linda shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm in," George took a sip of his tea.
"I can go for a swim," Ringo said.
"It's a nice day out," Maureen shrugged.
"Are you in?" I looked at Roger.
"Yes," Roger looked terrified, everyone left, and I called Brian and Freddie to keep them in the loop. James and the kids left soon after the lads, their wives, and kids went to get changed. Star left with George since her suitcase was at the Harrisons. Roger was already changed, and he looked a little on edge.
"Are you okay, baby?" I asked, sitting next to him on my bed.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Roger's voice cracked due to nervousness.
"Because I can tell something is wrong," I started to play with his hair, "You can tell me."
"It's embarrassing," Roger looked at me.
"Well, I want to hear it. I love you, and nothing will change that. Even if it is embarrassing," I held Roger's hand.
"I'm afraid of drowning, and because of that, I don't know how to swim," Roger shut his eyes due to embarrassment.
"That isn't embarrassing, just fear. Everyone has it," I kissed him on the cheek.
"Can we go back for a minute, and you said I love you?" He opened his eyes and kissed me.
"I guess I did," I laughed nervously.
"Well, it's good because I love you too," Roger kissed me, then leaned closer.
"Rog, I got to get changed," I broke the kiss. I picked out my bathing suit and got changed in the bathroom. I put on my top, which had thick straps covering my scar and was more like a sports bra than anything. I put on the bottom that are shorts that started in mid-waist. I walked back into my room, and Roger was wide-eyed and slightly licked his lips, which ended with him biting the bottom of his lip.
"Like what you see?" I teased.
"This is the most skin I've seen with you," He walked over to me, "And I can't wait until I see more, even if it could be our wedding night."
"Are you sure we will last that long? I was told I'm a real nutter."
"Well, you're my nutter, and I'll wait as long as you want," He kissed me, then heard the door down the stairs.
"Scarlett, I'm back!" It was John.
"I better put my cover-up on," I whispered. Roger nodded and walked out. I unwrapped my hand. It looked better than last night but still hurt a bit.
June 23rd, 1969- Star's POV
Today is my first official day as a full-time Bluebird writer. It's also my first day back, with everyone knowing I'm dating George. We were caught flirting during the Liverpool trip, which got the press's attention. I called up my Boss and told him to do me a favor. That was to have Theo and Cecilia write an article about my relationship with George because the rumors are true, and we're dating. Though Cecilia and Theo did a fantastic job in the article explaining it, people still see it as incest. I understand entirely since George and I had to label ourselves brother and sister for years. I also had to prepare myself for that. But since the article came out, the press went wild and annoyed my family with their comments. I walked to my desk to see Aaron sitting at the empty desk, looking at me.
"Hey!" Aaron smiled as I walked past him and sat at my desk, sitting across from Aaron.
"Heyla," I grabbed my glasses from my bag.
"So, how was the rest of your trip?" Aaron asked.
"Amazing," I started to open my file for my project. 
"Walker, welcome back," Boss walked up, "When are you going to the Coffee Lounge for that interview?"
"Right. That. Um... Today, I want to get that article done as soon as possible," I snapped into my work persona.
"Good, I want that on my desk as soon as possible to go in the paper by the end of the week," Boss told me, then walked off.
"Um, Star, not to add onto your load, but you said you'll give us the answer today," Cecilia coughed.
"Right. Yeah. Why don't we all meet up and bring the new guy... to the Coffee Lounge tonight? To just hang like old times," I smiled.
"Alright, I'll set it up. Just Sie can't go; she's at someplace until late July/early August," Cecilia coughed.
"Alright," I grabbed my things. 
At the Coffee Lounge...
 I walked into the nightclub part and got to the floor.
"Sorry we're close," a man with brown-haired, a bit pale, and a flirtatious smirk said. I can tell he's the bartender, "The restaurant is open."
"Is your Boss here? That's who I'm looking for," I walked up to the bar.
"Why are you looking for Ron?" The bartender asked.
"Star Walker, writer for Bluebird journalism. I want to write an article on this fine establishment," I looked around.
"Do I leave out the Beatles twin part?" The bartender asked.
"Up to you," I shrugged. The bartender walked off. I looked around and saw a flyer for Val and the Valentines. Seems like an exciting band. I turned to see the light brown skin, wild shoulder-length black hair, watery dark brown eyes man with a trim goatee and an ear piercing.
 "I'm Ronny Butler, owner of this fine establishment." The guy walked up to me.
"Star Walker, a journalist for Bluebird," I walked over to him and put my hand out; he shook it and looked at me.
"Also, a Beatles Twin, you're like legendary," Ronny gave me a smirk.
"Yeah, I'm just a journalist right now," I shrugged.
"Alright, then let's go to my office," Ronny led me to his office. He sat down and started to play with a stress ball.
"So, what brings you in?" Ronny asked.
"I'm doing an article about the Coffee Lounge. I have a few questions, if you don't mind?" I looked at him.
"Ask away," Ronny said.
"Okay, what made you want to do the Coffee Lounge?" I asked, "Why make a bar for sober people when most don't care."
"I want to be different," Ronny shrugged as I noticed a AA chip around his neck.
"How long have you been sober?" I asked.
"I don't think that's important," Ronny said.
"Let me redo my introduction, Star Walker, recovering alcoholic and drug user, 38 days sober," I looked at him.
"Newly recovered," Ronny played with his chip, "NA or AA?"
"Neither, don't know where I belong," I shrugged.
"Rehab usually sends your ass to one," Ronny looked at me.
"Never been to rehab. Did it all at home," I shrugged.
"Damn, well, congrats," Ronny looked at me.
"What's your story?" I asked.
"What makes you think I have one?" Ronny looked at me.
"You are a recovering addict of something, and now you own a bar for sober people," I looked at him, "Everyone has a story."
"Alright, my friends and I bought this place. We all were high out of our minds. One night we got into a crash. Ten turned into eight on sight; then, eight turned into five when we got into the hospital." Ronny sighed, "Soon as we got out, five turned into four, she felt so guilty that she lived and the others didn't... out of the four, two went to rehab, two didn't. The two that didn't overdose less than a year apart from each other, the two that went to rehab, only one made it through."
"You are the one?" I sighed.
"His body couldn't handle the detox," Ronny sighed, "Lost any of your friends?"
"No, just lost everyone else," I sighed, "But I did have my friends drop me along the way if that counts."
"Well, after going to nine funerals and nine readings, all the shares went to me. I was going to sell it, but I sat on it. Sitting on it, I realized there was nowhere for a sober person to have a night out." Ronny explained, "So I researched and made a place for sober people to come and have a few drinks with friends."
"Then why the restaurant?" I asked.
"Multiple reasons. The first one is I met this chef in rehab. We clicked; after my last friend died, she became my rock. We're not dating or anything, but she's like my sister. I didn't know what to do with the upstairs, so I gave her a restaurant. The second reason was to get more people to come. They come during the day for lunch, see a flyer for the night club and come at night for fun," Ronny shrugged.
"Smart," I looked at him.
"Come, I'll have you meet Maya." Ronny stood up as I followed. We went upstairs and headed to the head chef's office. I saw this Filipino woman with brown eyes and brown hair wrapped in a bun while taking notes from a cookbook.
"What are you making now?" Ronny looked at her.
"Trying to expand the menu to make it more culturally diverse," The woman said, then looked at me. She pointed at me, not breaking her chill vibe, "Beatles Twin."
"Journalist," I corrected.
"Star is doing an article on us," Ronny looked at her, "Star Walker, Maya Torres. Maya, this is Star."
"Heyla," I put out my hand.
"Hi," Maya leaned forward and shook my hand.
Once we walked into the Coffee Lounge, Scarlett's friend group was at the bar, and Elaina talked up a storm with the bartender I saw earlier today. At the bar, I noticed Ronny and Maya just scoping the crowds. Aaron and Theo are also here. Theo set up a date with Scarlett's Model, Maddie, and Aaron just came because he doesn't have friends besides Theo and me.
"Scarlett!" Elaina turned around, then tried to hook an arm around the bartender, "This is my high school friend Thomas! He, our friend Milo and I were the main group!"
"You had guy friends? I thought that would be impossible," I laughed.
"Says the girl that shags anything with two legs," Elaina rolled her eyes as a man with dark skin, blue eyes, and a shaved head with a bit of hair stubble walked over. He looks roughly our age, "Milo!"
"El?" The guy now named Milo hugged Elaina, and Tim did not look so happy.
"Milo is the guy I get the bifters off of," Elaina explained.
"Oooh," Scarlett and I said as I noticed Ronny looking at me. I excused myself and walked over to the two.
"Got a bit of a friend group," Ronny laughed.
"They're my sister's friend group, not mine," I said, then Aaron and Theo spotted me and walked up, "These two are friends."
"Ahhh," Ronny said.
"Cute trio," Maya looked at us.
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Oh my god, queen, your dress is gorgeous," Aaron looked at Maya's dress, "It looks like you have a night out."
"Nah, I have all those dresses now, but I don't go out anymore, so I wear them here," Maya shrugged.
"Ronny, Maya, these are my friends Theo and Aaron," I said, "Theo, Aaron, these are the masterminds of this place, Ronny and Maya."
"Hi," Maya threw a hand up and waved.
"Welcome," Ronny smiled as I looked at the entrance and saw Cecilia with my old friend group, Xavier, Ryder, Jasper, Jade, Davina, and Brielle. The new member walked in, and I noticed it was my fucking brother-in-law, Kit. You must be kidding me. My old friend group walked over as Kit looked at me. 
"Your Spark?" Kit pointed at me.
"You're the newbie?" I pointed at him.
"You two know each other?" Xavier pointed to Kit and me.
"Her brother impregnated my little sister, married her, then moved her to the UK," Kit scoffed.
"And my brother is a fucking moron. We told Sandy to leave when she had the chance. She's the one still with that moron," I shrugged.
"Anyways," Jade coughed, "Who are these four?"
"Aaron, Theo, Ronny, and Maya," I coughed, "Theo and Aaron are my friends. Ronny and Maya are the owners. I talked to them earlier today."
"Hi," Ronny and Maya looked at my group.
"Hello," Brielle checked out Ronny. We all sat down in a booth, Ronny and Maya got invited to join us, and Aaron and Theo came with us.
"So, how's it been?" Brielle asked.
"Eh," I shrugged, "It's been hectic."
"How Hectic?" Davina asked.
"Lads and I stopped talking for a bit. We went to India; Pattie and George got divorced; Paul and John got married to some strangers; Scarlett had amnesia. I got sober, and now I'm dating George," I listed as everyone looked at me.
"That's a lot," Jasper coughed.
"Yeah," I took a sip of my root beer.
"Wait, wait, wait, the you dating Geo is a true thing?!" Brielle smiled.
"Yeah... we officially started to date when I graduated. Geo asked me that night," I smirked.
"Where is he?" Brielle asked.
"Well, he and Pattie agreed to sell the house during the divorce. They split everything equally, and the house was the only thing they couldn't split, so they both decided to sell. Very peaceful divorce," I said, "So right now, he's packing his things."
"Where is he moving to?" Cecilia asked.
"My flat, Well Scarlett's flat. Elaina, Scarlett, and I agreed to let Geo live with us. He and I are going to share a room," I explained.
"John's okay with it?" Ryder asked.
"Eh, he's being a bit of a pain in the ass, but once he realized there was nowhere else George could go, he was fine with it," I explained.
"I see Scarlett got a new boyfriend," Jade looked over at Scarlett.
"Yeah, that's Roger. He's chill. He's been helping my sister a lot, for which I'm grateful. He drove me here because I let Geo take my car for moving purposes," I looked over to see Roger and Scarlett hugging and cuddly. It's nice to see Scarlett happy. 
The night went surprisingly, really well. I officially have a friend group again. Ronny, Theo, Maya, and Aaron were welcomed at the night's end. Kit warmed up to me, realizing I was not Payton. Theo hit it off with Maddie. It looked like Scarlett had also got some new friends in her tiny ass group. Scarlett and Roger went to his place, and Aaron agreed to drive me home. As we pulled up to the flat, I noticed my car wasn't back, guessing Geo was still at Kinfauns.
"You alright?" Aaron looked at me.
"Yeah, just Geo isn't home yet," I shrugged.
"Want me to drive you to where he is?" Aaron asked.
"If you don't mind," I shrugged as Aaron drove me to Kinfauns. I thanked him before walking inside and saw George jamming out with his Gretsch I replaced. I leaned against the wall and just admired him. 
"Why are you still here?" I coughed, which brought his attention.
"Umm... Pattie and Eric stopped by. I was talking to Eric while Pattie got more things then they left. I started to pack my guitars, but then I got sidetracked, forgetting I had some of them, then started to play them," George coughed as I looked at my watch and noticed the time.
"You forgot about your curfew, didn't you?" I asked.
"Yes," George childishly looked down at his feet. I laughed and walked over to him, then hugged him.
"Luckily, Aaron agreed to take me here when I noticed my car wasn't there," I giggled.
"Yeah," George moved a piece of my hair and kissed me, "Pattie and Eric did say they were coming back... guessing to make it less awkward."
"Yeah... do you want to leave?" I asked.
"I should probably start putting my things in the car," George coughed as I broke from the hug and looked at him.
"You haven't put anything in the car?!" I looked at him.
"Well, you see, I find things. I look at them. Get distracted, then start to go back on task, then repeat," George explained, "You of all people should know. You get distracted all the time."
"..." I clicked my tongue in response, "I'm not admitting you're right, just not that far wrong."
"Also, I should get the records out of the jukebox," George looked at his jukebox.
"Getting rid of it?" I guessed as he shook his head.
"Storage," George scratched his tiny whiskers, "But some records is Patties."
"Want help?" I asked.
"Yeah, if I tell you the record, can you look in that box for the cover?" George asked as I nodded. George and I started to empty the jukebox. Still, George gave a devilish smirk before closing the jukebox and pressing on a song. It was our song, Can't Help Falling In Love, by Elvis. He hugged me from behind and gently swayed me, humming the tune. I turned around and started to slow dance with him as we sang the song, having our foreheads touch. We began to dance outside, and we shared a kiss at the end of the song. We leaned in the same direction, lost our balance, and fell into the pool. I swam to the top, and George and I looked at each other before laughing.
"Midnight swim?" I joked.
"Sure," George chuckled, then swam over to me. He gave me a short kiss, he tried for another, but I teasingly started to swim backward with him following. I also swam to the shallow end so I could stand. George got closer to me and cornered me to the pool wall. He wrapped his arms around me with our foreheads and noses touching. I bit my lip as he smirked, softly saying, "Gotcha."
"I know," I wrapped my arms around him, "Gotcha too."
We shared a kiss before it got more intense. I let go of George and tried to get myself to sit at the end of the pool. George grabbed my hips, lifted me, and put me on edge without breaking the kiss. We kissed until he started to try and escalate the kiss. As much as I would love to have sex in a pool, I'm still not ready after Asshat, he did things to me, and I've been putting it off telling George. I broke the kiss before it got any further, and a trigger happened.
"You alright?" George asked.
"Yeah, it's just..." I looked into George's soft eyes, "... I can't do it sober with guys... after what Asshat did to me... I can't have sex with guys sober, or a trigger happens. Before the fun part."
I looked down. I heard the water and then felt a cold, wet but warm, soft hand on my face. George led my eyes to his and softly looked at me.
"It's alright. I'll wait until you feel comfortable doing it again." George kissed my nose, then softly but cheekily added, "It's probably the best if I take a break."
"Yeah," I giggled, then kissed him again.
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underthecitysky · 3 years
Then John's response in December 1971 Melody Maker
John: Dear Paul, Linda et all the wee McCartney's,
Thanks for your letter.
1. We give YOU money for your bits of Apple.
2. We give you MORE money in the form of royalties which legally belong to Apple (I know we're Apple, but on the other hand we're not.).
Maybe there's an answer there somewhere, but for the millionth time in these past few years I repeat, 'What about the TAX?' It's all very well, playing 'simple honest ole Paul' in Melody Maker but you know damn well we can't just sign a bit of paper.
You say, 'John won't do it.' I will if you indemnify us against the tax man! Anyway, you know that after we have OUR meeting, the ****ing lawyers will have to implement whatever we agree on, right?
If they have some form of agreement between THEM before WE meet, it might make it even easier. It's up to you, as we've said many times, we'll meet whenever you like. Just make up your mind! Eg. two weeks ago I asked you on the phone, 'Please let's meet without advisors, etc. and decide what we want,' and I emphasized especially Maclen (Lennon and McCartney's songwriting company) which is mainly our concern, but you refused, right?
You said under NO CONDITION would you sell to us if we didn't do what you wanted, you'd sue us again and that Ringo and George are going to break you John, etc. etc.
Now I was quite straight with you that day, and you tried to shoot me down with your emotional "logic." If YOU'RE not the aggressor (as you claim) who the hell took us to court and shat all over us in public?
As I've said before, Have you ever thought that you might POSSIBLY be wrong about something? Your conceit about us and Klein is incredible. You say you "made the mistake of trying to advise them against Klein and that pissed them off" and we secretly feel that you're right! Good God! You must know WE'RE right about Eastman.
One other little lie in your "It's only Paulie" MM bit: Let It Be was not the first bit of hype on a Beatle album. Remember Tony Barrow? And his wonderful writing on "Please Please Me" etc. etc. The early Beatle Xmas records!
And you gotta admit it was a 'new-phase' Beatle album, incidentally written in the style of the great Barrow himself! By the way, what happened to my idea of putting the parody of our first album cover on the Let It Be cover?
Also, we were intending to parody Barrow originally, so it was hype. But what is your LIFE article? Tony Barrow couldn't have done it better. (And your writing inside of the Wings album [Wild Life] isn't exactly the realist is it?) Anyway, enough of this petty bourgeois fun.
You were right about New York! I do love it; it's the ONLY PLACE TO BE. (Apart from anything else, they leave you alone too!) I see you prefer Scotland! (MM) -- I'll bet you your piece of Apple you'll be living in New York by 1974 (two years is the usual time it takes you -- right?)
Another thing, whadya mean BIG THING in Toronto? It was completely spontaneous. They rang on the Friday, we flew there, and we played on Saturday. I was sick because I was stone pissed. Listen to the album -- with no rehearsal too. Come on Macka! Own up! We'd never played together before! Half a dozen live shows with no big fuss. In fact we've BEEN DOING what you've said the Beatles should do. Yoko and I have been doing it for three years! (I said it was daft for the Beatles to do it. I still think it's daft.) So go on and do it! Do it! Do it! E.g. Cambridge 1969, completely unadvertised! A very small hall. Lyceum Ballroom, 1969, no fuss, great show -- thirty piece rock band! "Live Jam" out soon! Filmore East, 1971, unannounced. Another good time had by all -- out soon!! We even played in the streets here in the Village (our spiritual home!?) with the great David Peel!! We were moved on by the cops even!! It's best just to DO IT.
I know you'll dig it, and they don't even expect the Beatles now anyway!
So you think 'Imagine' ain't political? It's 'Working Class Hero' with sugar on it for conservatives like yourself!! You obviously didn't dig the words. Imagine! You took 'How Do You Sleep' so literally (read my own review of the album in Crawdaddy.) Your politics are very similar to Mary Whitehouse's -- 'Saying nothing is as loud as saying something.'
Listen, my obsessive old pal, it was George's press conference -- not 'dat ole debbil Klein' -- He said what you said: 'I'd love to come but...' Anyway, we basically did it for the same reasons -- the Beatle bit -- they still called it a Beatle show, with just two of them!
Join the Rock Liberation Front before it gets you.
Wanna put your photo on the label like uncool John and Yoko, do ya? (Aint ya got no shame!) If we're not cool, WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?
No hard feelings to you either. I know basically we want the same, and as I said on the phone and in this letter, whenever you want to meet, all you have to do is call.
All you need is love
Power to the people
Free all prisoners
Jail the judges
Love and peace
Get it on and rip 'em off
John Lennon
P.S. The bit that really puzzled us was asking to meet WITHOUT LINDA AND YOKO. I thought you'd have understood BY NOW that I'm JOHNANDYOKO.
P.P.S. Even your own lawyers know you can't "just sign a bit of paper." (or don't they tell you?)
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