#i don't know if Roxy WILL do all of that stuff specifically but i know she would do some of it at least
monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Honestly, Roxy and Vanessa friendship, especially when Vanny and Glitchtrap are a thing, is really interesting to play around with. Roxy has no reason to talk to her and no reason to ever trust her, especially when she knows about Vanny. Vanessa has every reason to tell her to fuck off, to go away and never come back to keep her from getting attached and inevitably caught and virus'd, but can't bring herself to force her away.
Mixing things from my old horse girl Roxy fic with my current setups, Glitchtrap/Vanny and new ideas for their friendship, makes this even more interesting. It puts Roxy in a very vulnerable position, the prime target for manipulation and being taking advantage of, but it also puts her in prime position to give Vanessa hope.
Roxy can tell who's talking to her, she knows when it's Vanessa and she knows when it's Vanny. She's honestly probably the only person that would believe whatever Vanessa says about what she's going through. The illusion disks don't work on her and she can always see them so long as they're in the building. If she figures out the Princess Quest connection? If she starts working on freeing her? Well, Roxy's the first hope she's had in fuck knows how long.
And the thing is, because Roxy can see it all, she has the power to recognise that what's happening to the other animatronics, is what has already happened with Vanessa. Not only that, but Vanessa is an outsider going through it. She knows she can't say anything too important around her, but she's such a lifeline as an outside perspective to her. She can tell her things that Roxy wouldn't otherwise be able to find out about, and has offered suggestions and advice to 'get rid of her' that's actually helped a lot. With how everything is, Vanessa has become one of the few people Roxy can still talk to, even if she has to be careful about what she says with her.
What else is interesting, is the absolute fascination Vanny can have with her. Neither Vanny nor Glitchtrap know what Roxy's deal is. They don't know how she knows who's talking to her. The first time Vanny switched in to try and manipulate her as Vanessa, Roxy asked for her name and it threw them so fucking hard. Roxy vanishes all the time, she mentions things she has no business knowing, she asks about things that have confusing implications, she has higher security clearance than them, she can kill the cameras in an instant, she can't be tracked like the others and weirdly enough, she seems to actually like talking to them. Maybe not Vanny specifically, but Vanessa? Why does she like her so much? Why does she keep coming back? How does she always know where they are? How is she always there to stop them getting up to shit? What's her game and how the hell is she playing it?
She's just different, and Vanny finds it intriguing. She hasn't had many openings to catch Roxy off guard and infect her yet, but she's also never been able to be in control of Vanessa without her knowing. She's clearly been isolated from the majority of the other animatronics for things that Vanny didn't even have a hand in. She keeps sharing little, inconsequential things with Vanessa, and giving her random shit she finds that she thinks she'll like, despite Vanessa trying to push her away. She's openly admitted that she knows what Vanny is trying to do to her and it's somehow still not stopped her. Honestly, she's starting to think she's playing the 'power of friendship' game to try and friendship her way through all of this...
And it would be really funny if she thought it was working. Like Vanny would normally get rid of things Vanessa likes but because Roxy is throwing them both for a fucking loop, she's found herself unable to do it. Vanny fucking hates this horse plushie Roxy very enthusiastically gave Vanessa, but she can't rip it up like she ordinarily would because what the fuck okay?? Why is she like this??? And it's the first time Vanessa has smiled since this all started.
Vanessa is rooting for her. She thinks this is part of her plan. After all, Roxy couldn't possibly actually see her as a friend, right? Vanny's right, it must be part of some master plan to deal with all of this!
And then it's over. The next time Vanessa sees her, Roxy hugs her in tears, thinking the worst had happened after that night. Or if it was Roxy that freed her, she returns to the office, a new horse plushie she found in hand, and is there waiting for her when she clocks in for her shift after a long break away. Turns out, it wasn't part of her plan. She just needed a friend.
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bladekindeyewear · 2 months
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HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2024-08-04
(Previous post - current page 440)
Breaktime's over, it's about time to continue! Expect me to take a handful of days between each posting-day like this just to pace myself, and have time for fun video games and other such. But I've been really enjoying finally reading more HS2 too, especially seeing such hopeful stuff like this last pair of pages really hitting home on the optimism! Let's get back to it.
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Wait did we SEE her keel back over like this? Alt!Callie in this younger/teenage corpse of Jade Harley's body I mean? When did that happen? *thumbs back through old pages...* Let's see here... my browser still glitches the fuck out seizureways at the few pages that were Blacked Out, so i'll use a backup browser for those... no, further back... oh wow I forgot Aradia got such a cool Calliope-supporting outfit to show off she's on their side, literally zero memory of that and that's some FINE drip...
Oh shit wait, so it happened back over here??? (289/290)
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--I figured back then she'd gotten a snap headache because of having to abandon possessing Jade's MAIN body in the struggle Alt!Calliope had with Jade's consciousness culminating around page 168, but these cuts are all so far apart-- and being knocked out of the other Jade's body shouldn't have knocked her out of this CORPSE. So is somethign entirely NEW going on that has to do perhaps with Dirk Strider's plans to maintain control of the narrative when the other kids arrive there?? Hmmm.
Anyway now I know where that bonus panel I'd accidentally glimpsed with "god-tier bodies don't decompose right" that I mentioned last blogging session came from. But why the fuck?
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Gosh I've missed seeing panels like this.
Wait, why are we cutting to CANDY JOHN like that's relevant here? Wasn't he in Roxy's secret lab last we saw him? Does THAT have something to do with this?! Oh shit.
(John: Investigate noise.)
Following Roxy's instructions, you proceed in the direction of the noise to go and meet up with your old friends. You approach where you thought you heard them, but to your surprise you hear an unfamiliar voice grumbling something incoherent.
JOHN: uhhh, rose? jade? JOHN: ... kanaya?
Hm? What was going on upstairs again, Karkat met up with the other liberators right? Okay let me not be so lazy and go back and check again...
Excuse me for a second, I'm going backwards to review and post some older HS2 stuff for a bit:
No they left, then John came from his destroyed old house to his and Roxy's NOT-old house, then they transportalized downstairs to the secret lab buried "hella underground" not directly under the house, where Calliope is wearing... suspiciously the EXACT new outfit that Aradia is wearing, and gives her hints that she enjoys all sorts of alternate stories like watching Roxy be in a relationship with John here in Candy instead of with herself in Meat, and added fuel to our obvious theory suspicions that Meat Alive Calliope is the author-narrator shaping the (Candy) timeline with her wall drawings and Muse of Space powers, and that they are... standing in the location in their reality that corresponds to the exact center of the singularity / black hole they're trying to stabilize? I'd forgotten about that... and then Calliope told John that alt!Calliope and Aradia and such had broken out of the black hole's event horizon for their mission, while Calliope explained that (Candy)'s timeline is so WEIRD because they've been disconnected a little TOO much from the canon of reality, like a fanwork that strays a little too far from the source material, so they need to stabilize it somehow AND NEED VRISKA (to either steal some relevance back from Canon or to get swapped there with something else or, something else we might have theorized?) but I had plumb forgotten that they SPECIFICALLY say that for their plans to work they needed John to leave and do something:
ROXY: this is finally where u come in jegbert ROXY: we gots quests for yous CALLIOPE: hee hee, yes. CALLIOPE: or *a* quest, to be specific. JOHN: oh boy!
ROXY: i mean yeah ur gonna obvs facilitate it in a sense ROXY: but only by going and busting the person who can actually help us outta normal earth jail CALLIOPE: we need yoU to free vriska from the clUtches of oUr misgUided friend jane, and bring her here, to the singUlarity. ROXY: weve been calling it the plot point CALLIOPE: yes, the plot point is a key part of oUr plan. CALLIOPE: as far as we have been able to sUrmise, the only remaining method for escaping oUr grim confinement depends on leveraging the UniqUe properties of this location to create an event of sUch catalcysmic proportions that it simply cannot be contained within the black hole any more. CALLIOPE: something SO dramatic, so hyper-relevant, that it becomes ontologically impossible for anyone to ignore it. CALLIOPE: for that, we need an individUal of sUfficient narrative cloUt, so to speak.
Right, Vriska's constant focus on making herself one of the most relevant characters to Canon and her powerset actually making her perfect TO do that as a Thief of Light (relevance/importance) makes that a good plan. And I fully expected one possibility was that they somehow allow her to break through to the Canon Meat timeline and both (1) influence it some way, and (2) get to a place where she could eventually reunite with Terezi Pyrope finally instead of just having left her a parting message, which may or may not happen if Meat Terezi is going to focus possibly a bit more on her relationship with John(June) once somehow resurrected or such but would definitely be amazing to have them reunited when Terezi spent SO MUCH TIME looking for her that she wasn't even part of the (Candy) timeline of events? Enough re-theorizing let me keep re-reading-- And... oh right,
CALLIOPE: and to liberate her, who better than the embodiment of the aspect of freedom itself?
I'm sure I was happy as hell to see that explicitly spelled out in canon for once instead of implied, because it may have been obvious to those of you who follow theoryblogs but one of the big reasons I'm glad to see these things made more explicit out in HS^2 is so even casual readers can pick up that these aspects always had these additional more important purposes that line up with all the events that happened in the past of the original comic.
But anyway. John's about to go on his bust-Vriska-out-of-prison quest:
And it's not like he has other plans. He may as well do this! It's at least going to get him involved in things again, if nothing else. He turns to go, and then hears a sound. It's the sound of feet and knocking on doors, echoed through stone and digital static.
And then,
JOHN: did you hear that? ROXY: wha ROXY: oh yeah uh ROXY: i may have messaged rose and kan and jade to check on them too ROXY: so its prob onea them showin up ROXY: they don't need to know bout all this tho ROXY: we got time to chat with them b4 u go get vriska JOHN: i'll go stall em. ROXY: thx babe ROXY: oh is it 2 soon for that joke or JOHN: no, weirdly enough, that one's fine. ROXY: oh good ok see u up there soon!
And that's where we left off-- wasn't it their kids' team who got back into their house or something? Eh I'm done looking, now I at least know there was A NOISE that was playing through the monitors from the topside of their house above the teleporter that he's running to intercept.
Okay, past catch-up over. Back to present liveblogging. Looks like this isn't Rose and Kanaya like John expects, from the sound of it-- but the way John's running down a hallway makes it look like this is INSIDE OF THE LAB STILL, so the question is who is down here or CAME down here or...
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Oh, Sollux is helping Roxy and Calliope out with their project, playing on Roxy's pink retro consoles. That shouldn't actually be too shocking should it.
Wait, how is he playing video games if he's BLIND? Robo-eyes? It's gotta be robo-eyes.
Sandwich stare
SOLLUX: eating a sandwich.
Brilliant. And yeah he lives here-- but he's actually LOOKING at stuff isn't he, with eyes of some sort? Even though he's still using the 0 quirk? Tell us what's up with that!
John stop thinking this is a relationship between Sollux and Roxy, your divorcee/ex. Unless it is, which would be pretty cool honestly.
SOLLUX: y0u w0rried im m0ving in 0n y0ur ex? JOHN: ...hmm. SOLLUX: ... JOHN: hm. hmm. hm. JOHN: hm? HMMMM. SOLLUX: what is g0ing 0n here. JOHN: sorry, i had an answer but then i started actually considering it. JOHN: am i jealous? JOHN: hmmm... SOLLUX: if i tell y0u straight up n0 we arent h00king up will y0u st0p? JOHN: ...maybe? SOLLUX: g0ddammit.
I'm really enjoying all this for some reason.
JOHN: are you still hanging out with that creepy alive girl? SOLLUX: SOLLUX: 0n a spiritual level. JOHN: cool! JOHN: is ... she also dating roxy? SOLLUX: what? SOLLUX: idk.
I'm pretty sure I get excited at the idea of literally ANY relationship potentially happening between all these characters I love.
Oh no John is offloading his personal problems on him in longform conversation. He doesn't want that! XD
JOHN: and it only changed because i started talking to people again. SOLLUX: (i did this t0 myself why did i ask) JOHN: i guess in gamer terms it's the same as screwing yourself over by not checking every non playable character dialogue box. JOHN: any one of them could have the clues you need.
Feels kind of like we're doing the thing from that Steven Universe: Future episode where Steven is critically upset that important things happened in the lives of his friends offscreen somewhere he wasn't around to be aware of it, when realistically as a person you can't keep up with everything, especially not John who kept to himself in a slump for a decade as he puts it in some of the conversation I'm not fully requoting.
Okay Sollux dunks on John a bit, possibly deservedly... and to some extent, in a misogynist gamer phrasing typical to Sollux, John's lack of agency? Which I think would improve somewhat once the gender issues Roxy alluded to both upstairs and in the lab with him are resolved in part, because he can't be FULLY comfortable swept up in a relationship while he's still considering herself "he"...
SOLLUX: i have n0t been able t0 play this game the wh0le time because s0me0ne was talking 0ver the s0und. JOHN: oh! JOHN: sorry : (
Oh he's been using sound-only and audio assistance to play the game like a speedrunner almost instead of seeing it. That explains that.
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I don't quite understand the shape of that thing to the right of Sollux's head, like there's some sort of watermark over it WAIT THAT'S A DOOM SYMBOL WATERMARK TAKING UP MOST OF THE FRAME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE
SOLLUX: w0rds d0nt mean much. SOLLUX: 0nly acti0ns.
(This is a perfect sort of thing someone for someone on the Life/Doom spectrum to say, which would be MUCH MUCH HARDER for someone on the Light/Void spectrum to say or especially a Light player. Doom being about the consequences of one's actions in part and all.) Is he about to use some Mage of Doom powers visibly onscreen?
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Ohhh. So he was making a dramatic Doom Prophecy that will matter to John's choices in the future if he heeds the right lessons, while also hinting toward the nature of Doom itself as I covered. Got it. That's fun! Also it was a pink cat pillow behind his head, that's the thing I was having so much trouble seeing.
He's gonna ask him to pass him a soda from across the room or something.
SOLLUX: change my game f0r me.
This is so cute.
(Be Vrissy.)
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Vriska the elder has decided to take it upon herself to test if you measure up to the arduous task of being a Vriska. For your first test: find a way to bust out of this dump. What will you do?
Stop judging her on your stupid Vriska standards, Vriska! I hope the way this plays out eventually plays straight into the idea that this very-Vriska-like-but-not-quite-Vriska individual has her own unique strengths. I'm not sure I mentioned it earlier, but when I said that it's possible that Vrissy is a Mind player, I'm actually really excited to see the comic demonstrate that (regardless of whether or not Vrissy is or isn't completely genetically identical to Vriska) because not only would it be a good lesson for the original Vriska that Vrissy has her own value, it's also a great Classpect demonstration of how the difference in their characters and action styles amounts to a different effect on reality in the form of a Hero Title that is different...
...and in fact now that I think about it, even though it may have rubbed me just slightly wrong somewhere inside that Vrissy and Vriska could have different Hero Titles even if they WERE genetically identical, I'm actually gonna turn around and say I've decided I love that, because if Sburb gives the genetically identical Vrissy a different title and she unlocks a different powerset purely because of the unique combination of nature *AND* nurture that resulted in her, that would emphasize much more properly that Sburb isn't FORCING or pigeonholing you into a Hero Title that doesn't suit you, it really is reading into your future and soul to tell you THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY you PERSONALLY would find right to influence reality around you. That makes the lesson of its title assignment and the answer to the Ultimate Riddle that I've long discussed a STRONGER answer, not a weaker one.
And I'm encouraged by the very first thing Vrissy tries being something the original Vriska would NEVER have tried first, which Vriska over here probably is gonna be snide/discouraging about:
(Vrissy: Call for help.)
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Have we SEEN their chumhandles before? I feel like we've seen Vrissy's before at least-- "adamantGriftress" is an awesome chumhandle for her, and I know for SURE I've already seen thespiansGlamor as Harry Anderson's. Who the fuck is glutinousGymnast, is that Yiffy's handle, and what does glutinous mean again?!?? (I had to google it just in case, it's New Tavros's handle. Glutinous is "like glue in texture; sticky.", often referring to sticky rice or baking dough. Ew. Stickiness sort of implies the opposite of Breath doesn't it...? And he's a gymnast?)
Now. Who the fuck is "recidivousGainsayer"? Vrissy didn't know Yiffy existed, so she wouldn't have her in her phone already unless they'd been internet friends without knowing each other personally, which would be... kinda sweet really. And Yiffy is certainly rebellious, but she seems more recalcitrant than recidivous, though I can't rule it out, especially since she's basically grown up at a boarding school; a quick google to see if we'd seen the chumhandle before also highlighted someone commenting that "RG" doesn't follow the ACGT DNA pattern, and even if you switch to RNA it just swaps the T with a U. Could be that this is a chumhandle of one of the characters we had been following over in the Bonus Comics or something.
You're pretty sure that would be an automatic fail on Vriska's test. But even if it wasn't, it isn't like you could message anyone; not anyone worth talking to anyway. There's no service in here, the only bars you've got are the ones on the windows.
Yeah, Vrissy at least knows Vriska well enough to know what she'd approve and disapprove of most broadly, unfortunately. I hope she comes to understand how Vriska should really not be her role model.
Oh not this again--
(Vrissy: Get key.)
Vriska drew this shitty key on the floor "juuuuuuuust in case you need a reminder of what you should be working towards ::::)."
Vriska, you asshole!
(Vrissy: Try the door.)
You fruitlessly pull on the bars. Vriska says it looks like it's still locked. Yeah???????? No shit, you tell her. You're just trying to see if you can get a guard's attention. She says ooooooooh that's a good idea.
If you don't keep complimenting her I'm going to be very cross with you, Vriska.
Hm, it'd be really fitting and interesting if Vrissy Mindgames her way out of this one by putting on a façade of distress and convincing the guard to barge in, maybe saying Vriska's escaped or such.
(Vrissy: Get a guard's attention.)
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One of those guards Jane intentionally had all dress like Dave to taunt Jane about Dave's death or just make them harder for her and Rose to stomach fighting, right.
Maybe you should use some of your SICKNASTY BRAIN EXPLOITABLES on this jabroni.
How much practice does she have with her psychic powers? All Aranea was able to do with Cerulean psychics on humans was get a vague sense of the emotions of people around her toward her like she always does, and Vriska WAS able to put a human to sleep or wake them in another universe but only when trying so hard that her Light symbol flashed in her eye, emphasizing that a Cerulean troll who WASN'T using the powers of a God-Tier Thief of Light wouldn't necessarily be able to do the same to a human. Stealing wakefulness or stealing through wakefulness, wakefulness being a part of Agency and thus Light, where Void is associated with sleep and dreams, et cetera. (Vriska put people (like Jade D:) to sleep FAR FAR MORE OFTEN than she woke them up, and when she woke John that one time it could have been considered "stealing THROUGH Light" because it deprived him of an opportunity in his dreams to meet his Dad as his dreamself just to give Vriska the selfish opportunity to speak with him at the exact time she'd wanted to speak with him.)
Also, if Vrissy DOES refer to her Cerulean mind powers as "sicknasty BRAIN exploitables" that does put Mind more in mind than usual... and exploitables could just be flavor or it COULD be a reference to EXPLOIT, the theoretical Knight/Page action verb?! --Nah that's probably a stretch.
(Vrissy: Use your Sicknasty Brain Exploitables.)
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You apply the focused totality of your psychic power into this douchebag's cranium. Frustratingly, it looks like this guy is resisting your psychic enthrallment so he can get at that donut. Other than occasionally making Tavros dance when he's being boring, you honestly don't do this much.
Holy shit, if she could make New Tavros DANCE, this actually means that Vrissy has more control over human minds than Vriska ever had?!? That or New Tavros is uniquely impressionable, which is ALSO a possibility; the original comic itself emphasized that the "impressiona8le" were more vulnerable to her abilities... those who had less control or agency over themselves.
Also, Vriska had only just met her first humans when her psychic talents were limited to making them sleep-- Vrissy grew up alongside other humans, and that might just be enough for her to understand their minds enough to do some occasional manipulation.
Your mom is always like, "You Need To Listen To Me Vriska Its Important To Keep These Skills Honed In Case Shit Gets Real", but shit so rarely if ever gets real so mom should get OFF your CASE!!!!!!!! Until now, you guess. Wow do you hate realizing your mom was right about shit. ANYWAYS, LAY OFF THE FUCKING DONUTS AND GET OVER HERE ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!
On the one hand, it's unsurprising that Vrissy didn't keep her talents honed for battle or anything, and wouldn't have invested nearly as much energy into exploiting people with psychic powers as Vriska's twisted childhood forced her to; but on the other hand, like I said, this is STILL a bit more direct influence over humans than Vriska ever had, even if it's not working right now!
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Hell yeah!!!!!!!!
Is Vriska going to feel jealous?! Holy shit?!?? Or is this old hat for her now and she's gonna say she could do it all along, or a retcon along those lines or-- gosh just PLEASE I WANNA SEE VRISKA JEALOUS AS FUCK OF VRISSY'S PSYCHIC TALENTS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HAVE ORIGINAL VRISKA GO "WHOA HOW DID YOU DO THAT"
(Vriskas: Exit the cell.)
Damn that felt good. After locking up the guard you turn to Vriska and ask her what next. Vriska says that now it's time to fuck some shit up. You like the sound of that. You ask her if there's any specific shit or place she wants to go fuck up. She says you'll just walk around until you land somewhere cool. You both laugh. You ask her what her real plan is. She keeps laughing as she walks away.
That's definitely her real plan. But anyway-- UGH, missed opportunity here. I guess we're just supposed to take it as a given that if original Vriska had had enough time, or grown up more, she could do the same thing to impressionable-enough humans as she did to trolls too, or the like.
ALARMS BLARING, GUARDS RUNNING-- yeah they didn't cause this, this is some other assault on the Jail, right?
Okay, that's a lot of goons. You suggest to Vriska that you should go the other direction. Vriska says nah this is definitely where we wanna be. She says between the two of you, you've probably got enough luck to take this whole place off the map if you really wanted. You ask her what the fuck she means by that. She says you know like with your Thief of Light powers. You tell her you don't have anything like that. She says huh, weird!
Wait, let's back up a sec.
Vriska is smart enough to know that you CAN tap into your Hero Title powers even if you're not someone who's hit God-Tier. As a gleaner of deep lore about the game, Vriska ALSO would put together that the powers you get in the game are inherent to you even before you PLAY the game if you're skilled enough or high up on your echeladder enough to access them, so even if she never Stole Light directly before she played Sgrub, she technically COULD have. Maybe she figures Vrissy, as a coincidental genetically identical alt-version of her, should have access to the same powers just by virtue of having the same genes and training from her Seer of Light Mom knowing she'd have that potential in her genetically, OR, hear me out--
Vriska has already let us know that she's PLANNING ON STARTING A NEW GAME SESSION which we all figure will include Vrissy and the other kids as the players, and Vriska probably figures those kids will be the players too!
So, and I know this is some 3D-chess assumption-maneuvering here and I might be way off base, just taking so much from this single exchange...
...My guess is that Vriska thinks Vrissy ought to ALREADY HAVE inherent Thief of Light powers deep inside her and untapped, because she thinks Vrissy is going to be a PLAYER and thus ALWAYS WOULD gain her powers! Powers which she, of course, would ASSUME would match hers given their genetic similarity-- she would ASSUME Vrissy would also be a Thief of Light.
Except that none of the way Vrissy has actually behaved has resembled a Thief of Light much at all, and Hero Titles are inherent to your PERSONALITY and its method of action of influencing reality around you... and we already have background hinting that matches MUCH closer to her character and her behavior/actions in dialogue with others that she may be a Mind player.
Vriska didn't scold Vrissy for not having tried hard enough to develop the Thief of Light abilities she ASSUMED were inherent to Vrissy. She instead seems confused that she's never manifested any, and said "huh, weird!". Despite the knots in her psychology, both Vriska's smarts and her hero title are likely hinting to her that there might be some flaw in her assumptions here-- something that's keeping this from being a sarcastic scolding and instead telling her something isn't right about the knowledge she thought she had at hand.
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Vriska says that's perfectly fine as she always prefers a challenge. Vriska Serket, the daring Thief of Light and her imitation kid Vriska sidekick against countless foes. Marquise Spinneret Mindfang leading her Neophyte Bluehair, it's a tale for th- w8 w8 hold the fuck up. You ask her what the fuck does she mean "imitation.
Of course, just because Vriska isn't going to be an asshole in that PARTICULAR direction was never any assurance that Vriska wasn't going to be an asshole. She still views (Vrissy) as the less important version of the original her, and she's still going to frame everything in that light because of course she would, it's still in her nature and she still hasn't fully learned her lesson yet.
I'm at the image limit so I'm gonna hold off on posting Vriska's hilariously condescending greasy expression and Vrissy squinting hilariously absolutely having fucking none of it:
Vriska says to not let it get to you, but she's pretty much figured out that this whoooooooole timeline is phony. You know, inauthentic. Fake. Bogus even. She says it's somehow the off brand equivalent of a universe and she really hopes you kept the receipt. You assure her that both you and this timeline are in fact, real as shit. She doesn't seem convinced. She says it's mostly from the little things she's noticed. You ask like what, she's only been on this planet for like a day and a half. She gestures vaguely and tells you to give her a boost so she can reach that ventilation shaft.
Yeah, the way this version of reality isn't as tethered to Canon means Vriska isn't going to take it seriously-- she shares Dirk's view of the (Candy) timeline in that regard, really. And they BOTH are going to receive their comeuppance and learn their lesson.
Phew-- that image limit was a good sign, I was already hitting the limits of my energy for the day, that was hours of liveblogging and typing. I guess we'll leave off here until another day! As I said at the outset, I'm still going to be pacing myself and only doing liveblogging every few days like I mentioned, but that doesn't mean I'm not VERY MUCH enjoying this and very looking forward to where it's going. If I weren't liveblogging, I'd get there a lot faster, I assure you, but then you wouldn't get to see me go off on random Classpect tangents about stuff you already guessed! :D
See you in a few days!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Anon couldn't be here for the request period so I reserved two requests for them.
Anon said: "I know you said writing self-aware stuff isn’t your favorite thing, but I loved the Self-Aware!Glamrock Freddy thing you've written and now have a mighty need for more self-aware Security Breach, specifically with the other Glamrocks considering they're not only chasing you around the entire game, but they also get smashed up in pretty brutal ways by the player (which I imagine would be painful to go through multiple playthroughs). That said, I feel like Roxanne Wolf would be also be a good ‘character made self-aware’ candidate, as it’s stated in-game that she’s able to see things the others can’t, which would translate well to a character that can perceive the virtual environment they’re in. May we have self-aware hcs for her? Possibly including her being shattered multiple times and how she'd feel/react?"
A/N: I suppose I can, yes! I'll just be rambling about my thoughts on this. Plus, I will also mention Security Breach main game and Ruin in this a bit.
Yandere! Self-Aware AU! Roxanne Wolf Concept
(Mentions Security Breach and Ruin)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Feelings of betrayal, Angst, AI becoming sentient, Fear of abandonment, Violence, Trauma mention, Twisted sense of attachment, Disturbing themes.
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When it comes to the other Glamrocks in FNAF Security Breach, I'd say they're in worse condition than Freddy.
While Freddy appears to have a relatively nice time interacting with the player through Gregory, Roxy does not.
Think about it, Roxy's experience with the player character main game is getting a kart smashed into her face and her eyes removed-
Which is why I feel most of her feelings would develop in Ruin more than the main game.
I think it's an interesting idea to mention Roxy's eyes.
It is mentioned in game that her eyes can see things others can't.
In this case it's not just seeing walls, it's seeing you.
For some reason she's more attuned to your presence than any of the others.
She can sense you/see you using Gregory as some sort of host.
It takes her awhile but she soon realizes your actions are "pre-coded" for the most part.
Certain events in the game have to happen... Roxy learns this as you play the game over and over again.
At first she doesn't understand why you'd hurt her.
Why do you keep putting her through all this pain?
It does hurt her when you have to beat her down and take her eyes.
It does hurt her when you abandon her after that.
She doesn't get it, she wishes it would stop.
However, part of her realizes it's not in your control when she hears you comment on it.
You appear to feel bad for her fate.
Even when she has to suffer through it countless times.
She still hates the fact she's forced to deal with the pain.
Yet she can't bring herself to hate you fully.
She knows you're causing her pain... but you must not mean it, right?
Roxy really does hope she is you favorite....
At first she hates you but can't bring herself to express such feelings.
In a way she's curious about you, even when she's busted and shattered.
You probably don't mean it.
Oh but she hates the pain.
I feel where her obsession really starts is in Ruin.
She's even worse than how she originally was, constantly crying about how she looks and the trauma of it all most likely.
This is when she notices you take a new vessel, Cassie.
As Cassie... you're so much nicer.
The game allows you to be so much softer and Roxy finds himself chasing that comfort.
She's still hurt from the previous events... but in Ruin she feels compelled to help you.
Here... it feels like you've come to make things right.
Roxy fears being alone more than anything.
So with your host being Cassie she'll probably find herself growing attached again.
Her senses would become dulled after her eyes are gone but she still knows you're there.
She remembers what you look like and yearns to see you again.
Roxy develops an unhealthy attachment towards you, due to the fact she feels any attention is good attention I guess.
She tries not to blame you for her destruction but she can't ignore it.
Roxy loves/hates you.
She hates you as Gregory, stealing her sight and smashing her to bits.
Yet she loves you as Cassie, fixing your mistakes by trying to help her.
Roxy knows she can't truly live without you.
That's true in more ways than one, too.
Roxy may be willing to tolerate her destruction if it means she doesn't lose you.
She fears you leaving her, even though you've caused her pain she feels you can fix her too.
In reality she really does feel like some sort of toy to you.
She isn't really sure how to feel.
Would things be better if she wasn't so sentient?
Or would she feel... more alone?
Safe to say Roxy's feelings towards you are rather conflicted due to what Gregory and Cassie do to her.
Between her being shattered and her obsessive nature towards you... she isn't sure what she wants.
Such decisions only make the wolf suffer more, unfortunately.
Even by the end of it all... Roxy can't bring herself to hate you.
In the end... she needs you.
She just hopes you need her too... even if it means she's your toy to break.
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kittykatkatelol · 4 months
★Welcome to my blog lovelies<3
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You can call me Daimon/Daímonas, Val, (Funtime/Fun) Foxy/Fox/F, Roxxas/Roxy, Barty, Max/Maxwell, Makarov, or Jack
My pronouns include (but not limited to) it/itself, loverboy/loverboyself, moth/mothself, ne/nem, he/him, ve/vem, luv/luvself
I'm genderfluid + xenogenders + mspec lesboy ~ oriented aroace ~ physical nonhuman + fictionkin + demonkin + ockin + therian ~ cripplepunk ~ adhd + autism(?) ~ absurdist satanist
I try to keep this blog PG - PG-13 ~ I curse like a sailor and might reblog or write suggestive shit , so please keep that in mind
The main content is shitposts + reblogs + occassional art and/or oneshot/fic update
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My highest kin(s) is currently a Demon (unrelated to Valentino or Hazbin Hotel) Valentino from Hazbin Hotel + Roxanne Afton (OC) from FNaF
My full kin list:
Valentino from Hazbin Hotel
Barty Crouch Jr from Harry Potter
Roxanne Afton a FNaF OC of mine
Funtime Foxy from FNaF
Jack Kennedy from DSaF
Roxanne Wolf from FNaF Security Breach
White Persian Cat therain
Vladimir Makarov from COD MW
Maxwell Roth from Assassin's Creed Syndicate
(this is subject to change at any time)
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My current fixations are currently:
Cooking Companions
Death Note
Heathers (both the movie and musicals)
(this is subject to change at any time)
My favorite music artists are:
Scene Queen
Falling in Reverse
Palaye Royale
Melanie Martinez
Baby Bugs
Olivia Rodrigo
(this list is subject to change at any time)
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My links: A03 ~ Pronouns Page ~ @/kittykatkatelol13 on Roblox for moots
My time zone is US-EST ~ I am active on weekdays + weekends pretty much at all times ~ except Tuesdays , I'm pretty much busy from 11am - 3pm
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I tend to use typing quirks (example: Hello ! / what ? / Hmm , / Huh .) or cursive fonts ~ please tell me if you need me to not use said quirk(s) when replying :)
I use tone tags quite often since I myself have a hard time figuring out other entities tones
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DNI: anti-xenogenders/neopronouns ~ TERF ~ homo/transphobic ~ anti-fictionkin ~ anorexia/ED blogs ~ christian centered blogs ~ Valentino hate blogs ~ just assholes in general
My boundaries are:
no sexual stuff ~ I might be Val but that doesn't mean I like sex
no mouth gore/puke ~ i genuinely hate it and it makes me ill (I'm cool with most gore but mouth stuff just grosses me out)
no weight comments like ever, please
no sending things of dead moths
no sending me stuff specifically about Val getting tortured
no asking me to donate to stuff through asks, especially if I don't know you ~ I'm not financially independent and just don't have the cash even if I wanted to donate ~ any asks asking that will be deleted
I love being tagged in stuff, but if it is a picrew, I request you don't tag me in it IF it the whole game is "make irl you" or something along those lines
Also, I do not support JKR (the creator of Harry Potter) though I am still in the HP and Marauders fandoms - I dislike Harry Potter itself and only engage in the fandom side of things that is also highly against JKR
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User tags:
val's little hellhole (for all general posts/shit posts, never reblogs)
heaven doesn't want me and hell fears me (vent posts)
the summoning circle (asks)
valentino writes (for my writing)
charles tag !! (for my bestie @/anonymoushazard !! (you = bestie sorry not sorry >:3))
CJ tag :3 (for la bestie ~ old tags are #the vox to my val & #the andre to my cal)
moth makes stims (for whatever stim boards I make)
hoarding moth (for identity reblogs 4 my hoard + posts about my genders)
moth val's art (for my art)
fictionkin asks/answers (for any/all asks/questions I get related to fictionkin)
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banner is a free stock image & pfp is made by the picrew ElenaA's Windswept Oc Maker
I'm open to questions about my identity(s) ~ intro may update in the future ~ Other than that, have fun :)
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✨️ to be cringe is to be free ✨️
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Last updated: 9/20/24
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piningpercussionist · 9 months
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"I need some air. The stupidity in here is making me feel faint."
Kim Pine RP and general Scott Pilgrim fandom blog; Asks always open (unless they get flooded, I suppose)
["Current" Event: GAME OVER! RESTART...?]
(Currently answering asks outside of the event and at a staggered rate; apologies for delays.)
Blog should be running on central time, I think, but I sleep at weird hours anyway.
Generally asking that you just be decent people, or make your asks exaggerated/obviously part of the bit you're building if you're going a certain direction. If I catch even a whiff of genuine bigotry, though, you're out pal.
NSFW asks tentatively allowed (until someone is a freak about it) [I need to clarify now that I mean this within the rp context: I will field nonRP NSFW asks without complaint. Stop. Bothering. The. Minors.]
Generally fine running separate continuities for Kim, you just need to specify, otherwise I'm working with my current amalgam of canon Kim stuff + blog canon (like anon shenanigans and stuff) (Bonus points if you can name our tag for me)
Theoretical fine with ship interactions, especially gay ones, but DO NOT ENGAGE ME IN THIS MANNER IF YOU ARE A MINOR! Thank you!
Characters I'm not interested in fielding ship content for: Lucas Lee, Hollie Hawkes*, Jason Kim*, basically any evil ex (aside from Roxie,,, maybe Patel,,,) Julie (...?)
Probably more but I don't expect it to be an issue, really- I don't think I've seen blogs for many of these or other characters
*nothing beyond acknowledging canon for Jason, theoretical cool with Hollie actually, it'd just need to be in a specific font, like some of the ones I am fine with but haven't specified- notably, with an understanding that as I write Kim, she could have feelings for Hollie, but after Jason has no interest in pursuing that (so for SPTO or pre-Jason stuff, specify and I'll consider!)
Reserved Anons/Sign-Offs:
✨️ Sparkles Anon
🐢 Turtle Anon
🐇 Bunny Anon
Crush Guy
⭐️ Anon
Minion King
🧸 Anon
🧠🪱 Anon
💠 Anon
🥚 Anon
🛼 Ramona ["super cool girl anon"] (Flowerspowers)
💥🎶🥁 Noel Welsh (drummer-boywelsh)
In Character tag(s):
Hi, welcome to the blog! When addressing me, just call me Pine; if you want to call me Pine in a RP ask, just note that somehow so I understand. I am 24, so please keep this in mind when interacting! My ooc tags are ooc, txt, and art (which I post my art under, obviously, so it may feature RP stuff.) OOC is sort of the catch-all?
I have an AO3 where you can see what fics I'm working on/have written.
Here's various versions of the media and how Hinged I am about them (answer: not very)
Movie: Least favorite Scott/iteration in general; fuck does it have some good lines though. Damnit. (I really do like a lot of aspects of it, but it IS my least favorite.)
Comics: 2 rereads down, favorite version; currently collecting panels for those with requests or questions relative to them (Starting 6 soon)
Show: Watched twice in full, halfway through a third run! (And set to collect Kim screencaps from episode 3!) Contender for favorite version, but has a lot of flaws, I will admit. (Also, begging for a "They Dated" extended cut from someone, please- I'd draw something for you maybe--)
Game: Very fun actually! Didn't know I could be good at this type of game; I have notes on most of the item stats for anyone that needs them- gonna start labeling every instance of the named NPCs eventually
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valentine-writes · 2 years
How about headcannons for Sun, Moon and Roxy where they’re in a relationship with the reader. The reader gets suspicious of Vanessa and tries to investigate but goes missing for a few days, when they reappear they’re acting…different. When they go to question the reader they realize that the readers eyes are now purple. Basically how they would react to reader getting infected from the virus and how they would try to save their significant other
a mask of my own face
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↳ ft. roxanne wolf, sun/sunnydrop and moon/moondrop
「 gn! reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: anon im frothing at the mouth i lpve this?? TY!!! time 2 write >:] pretty sure this iz corresponding to the vanessa is vanny and also glitched the animantronics in the game thingy so THAT is what i will b goin off of for this prompt! also lemon demon title 4 today becuz. fun. reader is Weird and Offputting and mean after being infected by the virus because honestly idk what else to do. sun and moon's hcs are connected bee tee dubs!! also he/it moon again becuz fav hc ^_^ i accidentally do a little Unserious-ing near the end i am so so sorry i am in a silly goofy mood. anyways, expect spelling errors and grammar errors ahwjehe so soz (´`;) ! <3 def not be my best writing but here we go!!
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ROXANNE WOLF headcanons:
▸ "you really think it's worth looking into?"
▸ you have tried, over and over, to convince roxanne that something was suspicious about vanessa. but by the tone of her voice she didn't see very bothered by it at all.
▸ that could not be further from the truth. she was bothered. vanessa's activity around the place was strange, to say the least. however, vanessa was also the only human nightshift security guard, which put her in a position where she meant to be trustworthy. what ulterior motives could she possibly have?
▸ despite that reasoning, she'd never let you try to figure out what shady stuff vanessa could potentially could be up to. roxy wouldn't going to allow you to walk straight into danger
▸ however, curiosity bested you. roxanne's disinterest just meant you had to go alone. without even a quick heads up or goodbye, you took it upon yourself to finally investigate.
▸ she initially tried not to let your sudden absence get to her- you ran off to make some discoveries on your own, knowing her very specific advice of not playing detective.
▸oh, but it does gets to her. it bothers roxy, more than anything ever could. you are gone for almost three weeks- and in those days, she spends what little free time she gets looking for you. on the twentieth day of you being gone, just like nothing happened, you returned. roxanne can't help but feel relieved, worried, and frustrated all at once.
▸ you don't talk to her for a couple days, but are seen strolling around the pizzaplex. the others have noticed your return too, and have mentioned to roxy that you've barely interacted with anyone since your reappearance; the few interactions with the animatonics being incredibly curt, and somewhat distant. like your mind had been off elsewhere as you made little effort to converse with them.
▸ she finally built the courage to confront you after hours. you seemed to be staring out at the automated doors of the pizzaplex. gazing out of glass doors with an absent gaze, your back to roxy as she approached you. turning you around, her grip tight on your shoulder, she is disheartned seeing how you barely even blink at her sour expression. the bitterness fades as she meets your eyes- your eyes, a shade of unnatural violet that makes her feeling sink.
▸ "i really thought you'd be more happy to see me." you remarked, a small teasing grin forming on your lips. your tone almost feels mocking. "didn't you miss me, roxy?"
more hcs under the cut !!
she knew she shouldn't have let you go, never let you do it alone- but she did, and you ended up infected because of her. she failed to protect you. the feeling ate away at her. roxanne would not let this go- she'll remain restless until she can finally save you from what you've become. vanessa will have to pay.
SUN headcanons:
▸ sun doesn't even really say anything when you initially bring it up.
▸ he didn't seem disinterested per se, just... anxious. so terribly anxious, that he took every opportunity to avoid talking about vanessa's suspicious behaviour. sun, instead changed the topic everytime you brought it up or drew attention to other things on your mind, distracting you from vanessa . and man, was he good at that
▸ still, your persistence isn't in vain. in the occassions where you managed to keep your head on straight despite his clear reluctance to make conversation around this topic, you realized that he knew more than he let on. you suspect he didn't have the full story, but he sure didn't want you to go looking for that either.
▸"curiousity killed the cat, you know!- and ah, what a shame,, poor cat,,, it'd really be best not to poke around in other's business." he said, with that static smile of his, which did not fit his slightly-serious-than-usual tone. "aw, don't give me that look, friend- you know it's for your own good." he patted your head with a grin, "you trust me, don't you?"
▸ as much as your trusted sun, you knew he didn't want to help. he would never help if he thought he was marching you straight to your doom. you went alone instead, and when you suddenly dissapear, he assumed the worst. surely, you were out there somewhere discovering a truth much too heavy, somebody must've hurt you, something must've happened- you ended up gone for two weeks.
▸ in those two weeks, the daycare remained open, and it took every bit of his energy to carry on like normal. with you gone at the end of the day, sun was alone. terribly, utterly, alone. it took a huge toll on him, yet still he waited for you. like you'd go through the doors of the daycare any minute.
▸ and then, to his utter delight, you returned. he's overjoyed, estatic, of course he is- and upon hearing that you were back, waited with a smile at the end of every day nearby the doors. this was not without complications, though.
the few human employees who had also worked in the pizzaplex had caught up to the daycare attendant's peculiar behaviour in the last few days- he wasn't less efficient, just... off putting. they had brought it up to management, and it was determined that the daycare would be closed temporarily as they scheduled for the animatronic's software to be checked on by a company expert.
the daycare being officially closed until further notice was an issue for sun, who had really hoped to see you once more, and his reluctance to leave the daycare (even when not working) made it feel even more impossible. and yet, one day you walked through those doors just liked he had hoped you would.
▸ he didn't even question how you unlocked it. the minute you stepped foot into the place, you were swept off your feet, greeted with a big hug as he spun around, clutching you in his arms. perhaps it was a bit much, he assumed, as you pushed him away and struggled out of the embrace. a million apologies are given to you , and he was back to fretting over you. as his hand is cupped your cheek, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, the strange purple colour of your irises catches his eye.
▸ it's an understatement to say he panics. this is beyond what he had expected- and it was all his fault- if he had taken care of you better, if he just took the time to watch your every move, never let you out of his sight- he could've prevented this. but he didn't. sun felt the awful, harrowing guilt, of knowing he had failed someone dear
▸ unsure of what do do or to say, he tries to question you, asking you a million questions of what happened, if you're hurt, what you can recall, how he can help- but immediately freezes as you laugh, smiling at him with an unfamiliar and sickly amused grin. it confuses him and honestly probably scares the hell outta him
this awful guilt, the pain of knowing he could've almost completely lost you- he knows he can't handle this alone. he can't get you back by himself. desperate times, desperate measures. it isn't too late.
he knows he can't save you. but there is a certain someone who can. his grip is firm, but careful as he drags you along by your wrist, over to the light switch.
you watched this, lethargically. he wouldn't ever do this. surely sun wasn't going to- he would never dare- you were certain he wouldn't.
the lights go off with a resounding click.
MOON headcanons:
▸ the minute the lights go out, you watched in disbelief as the face plate spins, sunbeams retracting into the head. staring at you are two pricks of light in the darkness. sun never turned off the lights on his own accord. this was a first. now, moon holds onto you.
▸ it's grip tightened as you struggle. moon was much stronger than he lets on and it's proven as you are hoisted over his shoulder and held securely in place. he was not letting you out of his sight- not after this, and not right now. giving you any opportunity to escape would be stupid.
▸ it didn't matter if you squirmed, or thrashed, or threatened him. you put this poor animatronic through hell as he held onto you, ensuring that there was no opportunity to run. he carried you around in the dark silence of the pizzaplex without much complaining
▸ moon didn't want to talk. didn't even want to scold virus-infected you, as you kicked and clawed at his metal body (with little to no damage actually being done- maybe a couple of dents). truth was, it felt just as guilty and awful as sun, seeing you like this. his determination to get you back to normal outweighed the sinking feeling of potentially losing you. now wasn't the time for remorse.
▸ mm. well. maybe he did a little scolding. it's very passive aggressive, and more out of exhaustion as you refused to cooperate with him. occasionally, your extra stubborness forced him to rear his gaze to you to shush you, head turning more than a human head could, face with red pupils and strange, unfitting smile- sometimes you did end up going silent- to his relief.
▸ the silence is not long lived.
"where are we even going? you got a plan or somethin'?" you asked, tauntingly. "think you've got this all worked out, don't you?"
"yes." moon's cold, metal arms shifted as he spoke, accommodating your squirming.
this earned a huff from you, but quieted your voice. why you ceased thrashing around was confusing- but still no reactions came from him him. the silence was deafening.
"...you will be fixed. just wait." moon's voice was tense. with the tone, you could guess it talking more to itself than you.
▸ he knew the words from your mouth weren't really coming from you- that the virus really took a toll on you and heavily altered your personality- but he couldn't help but feel frustrated. of course, he didn't take his anger out on you. it wasn't your fault that the virus acted like this. still, that didn't stop the apparent agitation in him.
▸ it didn't matter how long the search for vanessa or a cure to the virus takes. moon literally brought you everywhere he went. after being infected, you never left it's sight. the daycare being closed for the following days until sun's maintenance was somewhat of a blessing in disguise. he got sun to do watch over you the same way too, keeping you within arms reach until they sort out how to get the virus out of your body.
▸ on the rare occasions on which moon went out doing whatever they deem necessary to save you- you ended up locked in his room. of course, it's plenty comfortable, and sun and moon ensure to take the propers steps to care of you- and yet it certainly doesn't stop you from erratically tearing the place apart and trying to leave. the virus didn't only change your personality and mannerisms- it clouded your reasonable thinking. you didn't know how unwell you had become.
▸ and then one day, you found yourself groggily waking up on a makeshift bed of daycare pillows in sun and moon's cluttered room.
your memory is a blur as your mind attempted to recount all that happened. moon's face hovers inches above yours, watching you wake. you push him away, startled- only to laugh nervously, asking what had happened.
none of it felt real, as he tried to explain. it was just like floating through a hazy feverish dream. for so long- too long- you were in the backseat of your mind as someone else took the wheel.
before you can apologize for your recklessness, or for all the trouble caused, moon pulls you into a sudden embrace, burying his metal faceplate into your shoulder. your heart sinks. he seemed to want to say anything. all you could hear was a faint "...sorry."
how stupid to know he still blamed himself.
it's your turn to say sorry, holding onto him and trembling softly as you try to express your regret. you put yourself in danger and sun and moon had to clean up your mess. it only brushes your apologies off. seemed like he was just happy to have you back.
there's a long pause, before he springs the question on you.
"are you going to leave?.."
of course. he still needed to know if you wanted to stay with him and sun. after all you discovered about the place you resided in, the place where they were bound to- you had every reason to leave if you wanted.
you know it will never be the same. nothing about this place will ever even feel the same. so, slowly, you pulled away, taking his hands in yours.
"...i want to stay." moon stares at you unblinkingly, as you slowly form the words. "who knows- maybe we can make this place better. if we can't- let's runaway and never look back. we'd be like- undercover and on the run! or.. something... doesn't that sound,, exciting?"
the weak smile on your face makes moon's demeanor change instantly. you were back. in that instant, it seemed that he was too, being quick to retort on your suggestion of being on the run.
"you've had too much excitement."
"...mm well, i liked the parts where you carried me everywhere."
moon frees one of his hands, playfully flicking your forehead. "don't expect it to be a regular thing."
you laugh, and for a second, it feels like everything could go back to normal, in spite of what you've just uncovered. "glad to have your usual attitude back, moon."
"...welcome back to you too."
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hakidra · 1 year
Earth fairies and earth in general
After rewatching winx club, (specially seasons 4 & 5) I just have to say. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH EARTH!?? Like you dedicate a whole season to bringing back magic to a place so different that didn't have it since like centuries and then we don't see what happened after??
Some points to take into account....
• The government
How did all the governments took the news that "oh, fairies are real, there are different dimensions, magic is real!" I'm pretty sure there would be chaos on earth. What about the new magic people being born or people getting magic?? Earth doesn't have the structure and technology to maintain a magic society, there would be havoc, with kids or adults accidentally using magic and destroying stuff or people using magic for their own gain. You know powerful people would want fairies and magi. There could be actual fairy traffickers like in the comics.
• The infrastructure and technology
Compared to the magix dimension, earth is so far behind... they are not ready to suddenly house magical beings running around freely with their magic. I mean, they could shoot them if someone gets crazy and attacks people. But they don't have prisons or specific gear to fight off magic. And the infrastructure.... magic beings would definitely affect buildings, some may be stronger to resist earthquakes or storms, but some fairies could pull a diana o Aurora and start doing crazy things.
The only people prepared to deal with this are the fairies of Tir Nan Og, but they would be too busy rebuilding their own society that they can't handle all the world pressure just like that, not to mention that, they also are far behind in technological advances.
• Schools
Where would the new fairies go?? I mean yeah, in season 6 nebula made the castle a school but like... How did she even get all those new girls to go there? Do the fairies of Tir Nan Og just go looking for new earth fairies and go like "You have magic come to this school!" I'm not sure all parents would be ok by sending their daughters to some random school. It might be the best but also it's just so new... Not to mention that there's definitely very religious people that would treat horribly their child if they saw magic. Not to mention that the government would want to have a close eye in this school, after all "What if they do something to these girls?" Aurora and Diana already attacked humans before, they may have reverted their spells, but I'm sure they didn't leave a good first impression.
Let's also take into account that there's no way that the castle could hold all of earth's magic population, schools should be built around the world. Maybe there aren't many magic beings right now, but there sure will be jn the future. And it's better to be prepared than sorry.
In a good timeline, the governments of the world and the fairies could try to come to an agreement to secure the magic beings in there so they can learn their magic in order to not cause havoc. But I just know stuff isn't going to be so good in the real world...
• The other realms????
After season 4, we don't see any of the winx or anyone mention how is earth doing. Like what happened? Are humans and fairies just coexisting peacefully? Are they having conflict?? Tell us!! It's as if that plot didn't exist and it's probably due to the Nickelodeon takeover....
The girls could have at least said something like "oh yeah the council has sent a lot of help and resources in order to help earth re-adapt to magic" at least a small hint or something.
Did anyone ever even helped earth? Or they were just like "Welp you're on your own bye!" Roxy could have a place as maybe being an earth mediator or something, she's the princess of earth fairies after all. Maybe a sub-plot of season 5 could have been showing the fairies coming back to earth? Giving roxy and her whole people more time to shine.
• The end
In the end... I feel more could have been done with the whole earth and Roxy topic but sadly they did nothing with it.
Hope you liked this, this is probably my first post of many more talking about earth and winx club, so stat tuned for more stuff. ^^
(P.S. Sorry if something seems messy or badly written :()
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snapshot-culture-is · 7 months
Hello! Welcome to Snapshot Culture Is! Below I'm gonna list a few things about this blog regarding boundaries and stances and a bit about me but for now I want to talk about the blog itself.
"Snapshot Culture Is" is a blog I was encouraged to make by my partner system since we both always see system blogs about roles or being a system in general but I can never really find one about snapshots. Which brings us to the next point!
What is a snapshot? Snapshot is a role in a system which just essentially means you are a former version of yourself of a person. Think of like if you went to go talk to a past version of yourself, that's like 13. They have the same thoughts, same interests, same personality, same general way they hold themselves that might not apply to you today. That's what we call a snapshot and the most important thing about snapshots is that many of us don't change past that point in time but not like truamaholders do. Many people consider snapshots and traumaholders the same thing but some snapshots, myself included, actually don't have anything to do with truama I'm simply stuck in the past with an attitude some of my headmates don't associate with anymore and beliefs they also don't believe in. Some snapshots are hosts and some hosts become snapshots but its kinda a minor role some people don't have and that's okay but this blog is here for the people that do and people that don't get posts they can relate to.
This includes snapshots with no truama, snapshots who are also truamaholders, snapshots who have truama but not the main truama, and snapshots who are hosts.
I was gonna see if snapshots had a flag but it seems like we don't so maybe in the future I'll make one if I get the change or if someone finds one let me know!
Under the cut I'm gonna be talking about boundaries/DNI/BYI things and a bit about myself
Edit: BTW I'm like dyslexic and autocorrect saves me more then I like to admit but just a warning I will mess up words in spelling and reading and I'm sorry if I read your asks completely wrong
While I am 19 I don't want NSFW asks on this blog since I'm allowing minors to interact. Please be respectful about that.
If you wanna send in an ask that isn't about snapshot culture but just want to talk about something interesting like a fun fact about yourself go right ahead it just won't be tagged as snapshot culture, we can have fun here.
If you send in asks about general system stuff I probably won't submit it since this is a role specific culture blog but if you are questioning I'm perfectly okay with that too just remember this is a specific subrole blog.
I do not have a dni. Straight up I don't care what you do in your free time as long as it's not on my blog. I'm not going into your house and telling you to take down your decorations because I don't like it. I don't want NSFW, discourse or hate on my blog but if your a heater in your free time I'm happy for you just don't come harassing people through my blog.
I'm EXTREMELY Anti Harassment of all kinds. I don't care you have no right to tell someone to kill themselves. Ever. Again not my house not my problem.
This blog doesn't care for syscourse or shipcourse or anything else discourse in the slightest. Anyone can interact forever. I've done my fair share in discourse and frankly I'm already done I'm a grown adult I got no time for that when I have bills to pay.
About the Owner:
So as you know my name is Rubik collectively and I'm a system myself as well as a snapshot host. As I've said I'm 19 as well as Nonbinary Transfem who's too pamsexual for her own good. My pronouns are She/It and we have a special interest in minecraft! We are specifically in love with Minecraft Story Mode and will talk about it all day if you give us a chance.
Some of our frequent frontiers are as followed
Jasmine - Ageless - Snapshot Host
Rewind - Ageless - Optimist Sponge
Roxy - 24 - Ex host Jack of All Trades
We have more frequent frontiers but these are our main trio. We do not identify with a system origin. System origins are unnecessary to us for many reasons we wish to not get into.
Thank you for reading this far I hope you have a great day and send in some asks! We love you systems of all types and hope you find our blog enjoyable at least!
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fatherbearfreddy · 9 months
Author>> this may go quiet mostly for a bit.
Finals are kicking me very hard. I honestly need a second dad as Freddy at this point. I think I need three parents to shoulder this level of stress. Keeping As when you have Autism and ADHD and not very many accommodations because most of the needed ones are at home?
Not easy. Plus i need to keep my grades above a D in all classes for a 10k scholarship I've been working towards for now 3 years and fumbling the bag now would be heart shattering.
I have As now but semester tests I am historically bad at.
My Grey hair is starting to come back and I'm only 18.
But this blog does make me a little happier, and since this stuff is happening in real time I don't want the story to go stale.
But I don't think I can put the same effort in this week.
I'll answer asks, I can do that.
And if you want to know more about specific characters you can ask them too.
I love you guys, you got me writing again. That's special.
But I'm so tired. I have a test tomorrow, an essay to finish, a rubgoldburg machine to build by Friday, and none of those are my final projects.
I have a monolog to memorize and perform by next Monday, the math final, the physics final, AP comp +lit, government, and choir finals.
I've been working until 9pm almost every night on just homework, not studying. But the paperwork homework for over a week. And I still don't get everything done. But my meds wear off and I get to the point in the night I can't take any more without risking the total loss of sleep for the night.
I love you guys. I love freddy.
If anyone has ideas for a William and Henry springbonnie Fredbear duo opening day song?
Let me know I need to write that for chapter 3.
Starling and Bonnie and Monty and Roxy and Chica are all important to me.
Goodnight Superstars, me and Freddy are both pretty proud of you all.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
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PART 2: Outside the Circle Edition
Hiii we're back, I slept and now my hair is bleached. The events are unrelated, but imagine if they weren't. Let's continue <3 This one might be a bit more controversial than the last one, because unlike with the wizard x wizard ships, there are certain ones that I do dislike this time around. I'm not sure to what extent I've said some of these things before, I used to be kinda scared of. Having opinions. It be like that sometimes idk
I'm gonna start with some Black Circle x Major fairy thoughts, because I have those! There's some interesting ones!!
Sibylla x Gantlos has some incredible art, genuinely adorable. I don't mind them at all. Actually I think I've seen Sibylla with a couple of them, but her and Gantlos >> imo. Nebula has been shipped as well, I remember at least Ogron x Nebula and Duman x Nebula, but there might be more idk. It sure is interesting, can't deny that, especially depending on when the relationship happens. Ig that'd be the case with all wizard x terrestrial fairy ships though- There are way more combinations than I'm listing rn, but I just wanna say. Making Anagan specifically someone's ex. Would be extremely funny to me. Bonus points if it's Diana.
Moving on to wizards x specialists. Those have entered my peripheral a couple of times.
I've come across Ogron x Helia, like once. Doesn't do anything for me, but if we're asking what I know? There you go. Add it to the list ig. There's also Riven x Duman (duriven), some of their art serves cunt fr, it has no right to do that. But I once had a joke conversation with someone about them sharing a dad and now I think about that sometimes when the topic of them comes up. Maybe they could have a funny friendship, but I haven't consumed any Riven content in a hot minute so who knows. Another one I actually have something to say about is Anagan x Duman x Timmy?? Terrorised by both of them the whole season, which isn't the dealbreaker, but. I already made this joke in the previous part idc Duman and Anagan really pulled a "My boyfriend and I love your vibe fr" on his ass, that's what this feels like. Intrigued! Timmy’s gonna get eaten alive though. Poor guy.
Anyway! I'm generally not the biggest fan of shipping them with specialists, maybe I just don't know enough idk- However. I cannot move on without mentioning. The dreaded Nabu x Duman (naman). Now, I don't remember who started it, not counting the fics that already existed, but I know who has been actively encouraging and enjoying this in my own social circle. So really it's her fault. The ship is funny to me, I can't say it's not. Just something about Duman going "I'd love a man that could destroy me. Like just straight up kill me lol." and it being TRUE, because mind you, Nabu killing him is a vital part of this ship. It's so stupid fr. 2/10 I do recommend.
Next is the big one. Black Circle x Winx. Ngl I struggle to keep track of all the combinations I've seen at this point, also fear having to make a part 3 so I'm just gonna. Speedrun through a couple.
Least offensive, so to say, is probably Flora x Anagan (floranagan?). I don't ship it, but I get why others might! Flora x Ogron (flogron??) has a fair bit of stuff as well, that one I get slightly less, but Flora slay ig? I don't really like any of Musa's ships, I know she at least has Musa x Gantlos and Musa x Duman, but eh. They're not for me. Neither is Duman x Tecna, I think about that combination sometimes. Also legally cannot move on without at least mentioning Stella x Duman (dumella). Duman gets around for REAL. Still interesting as a duo, but in terms of shipping I could really take or leave them. They're fine, but I'm sticking with a platonic route if any at all.
Most of these I'm just. Not the biggest fan of. Wouldn't say I'm a straight up hater, but you're probably never gonna see content of it from me, y'know??
What I am a hater of, a proud hater, is Ogron x Roxy. Some people say the winx are too young, that's fair, sure- But Roxy?? That is a CONFIRMED teenage girl. Shipped with a facial-hair-having man. At least an adult, possibly centuries old. Same goes for Roxy x Duman as well btw, the points still apply, minus the facial hair. Not a fan at all. It's a shame too, because there's plenty of fun dynamics you can try out with them that don't involve romance. Actually that goes for a lot of Black Circle x whoever outside the Circle ships.
Enter stage left, Black circle x other villains.
Starting off with the Trix, and kinda speedrunning them too, a lot of their ships I’d prefer to keep platonic as well, I think that could be fun. Don’t really get where Ogron x Stormy came from, they’re like the least likely duo to me. Maybe that’s the appeal, maybe I should brush up on my Trix knowledge. Darcy could probably have some fun dynamics as well, but again, not necessarily in a romantic way. I’ve seen her pull both Anagan and Duman though, go off bestie. Actually so has Stormy. At the same time. Icy’s ships are kinda meh to me in this, I’ve seen a couple, they just don’t really click for me. They should all hang out though, the general collab potential isn’t lost on me.
Next up! Valtor. Lots of people out here making them fight, which, valid!! But have you considered. All of them getting brunch. The Black Circle inviting Valtor over for tea. Give the man some wizard friends. Valtor x Ogron is kinda fun, but they lowkey strike me as a couple that would never last long term. If that makes sense. Public apology for Valtor x Duman (dumaltor) btw. One day I’ll explain how that happened and my involvement. Pinky promise, I still have a ship bingo to bring back so I’ll do it there.
Dishonourable mention to ships with Kalshara. Sort of honourable mention to Ogron x Jason, not a villain ship but idk where else to put it. Brought up by a friend, they’re facial hair besties, it’s fun and silly.
I’m leaving it at this for now. Remember! Do NOT underestimate the power of friendship!! Also pls don’t block me byeeeee
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a-tale-of-legends · 22 days
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Bringing this image up cause I was Wrong™ in my previous tags BUT
The mental image of Roxie n Cheren going to the salon together is very amusing. I'm pretty sure they mean like. Pokemon salons, but STILL
I'm not over the fact that Elesa " likes women" Marlon "likes men" and Drayton " likes everything". I know they meant who's running the business but come on guys. COME ON NOW.
Going back to Roxie and Cheren bc they both like cafes, I think whenever they aren't busy they would hang out at cafe's together and just talk about
Burgh just liking Cafes, Florists and antiques is just on brand for him I think
I also think that there's something sweet about him and Clay sharing an interest in antique shops. I don't remember much from Lenora's memory link, but thanks that and honestly rotomblr, I've seen these two having a good relationship with each other. Maybe it's just something they share lol. And maybe Clay is a bit of sentimental type with the antiques he gets.....or he's trying to sell em. Who knows
I can see Skyla having those old airplane miniatures lol. Also I think bc of the berry patch near the airport - or whatever you call it - is possibly why she takes interests in florist shops.
All of this is like. Me going over stuff from memory bc I know these things have specific roles and items, but I'm just focusing on the potential character dynamics that can come from it. This was just gonna be about Cheren and Roxie, cause they're besties TO ME, but I thought it would be fun to do everyone else.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Anyway, I've been thinking about things lately and I wanted to ask...
*'Something to show' as in, drawings, fic, posts explaining new concepts, ask games, whatever. Ya know, something more substantial than a random post about a random thought about a random thing*
I'm mostly just curious. I understand that this may not be very interesting anymore and it sure does feel boring to even me now sometimes, so I was wondering what people were thinking. I won't be offended or anything, don't worry! As I said, I'm just curious
This mostly just apply to things from before the years surrounding security breach so things like former animatronics, discontinued attractions, and things about Roxy discovering all that old stuff. Things like my most recent DJ post about the cut Hive map wouldn't count unless I'm referring to the Hive's place in the Plex history, because ya know... It's a map that does exist in the game and can have nothing to do with that's stuff. On that note, the Carnival WOULD count because all it was in Ruin was grey terrain and placeholders, I've made that area entirely my own so it's pretty far removed from whatever canon decides to do with it.
Make sense? Cool! Let me know what you think I should be doing with it! I'm super curious!
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
The Roxy plot was really stupid but I'm thinking about how Violetta never could have pulled it off alone.
No matter how much Fran didn't like it, there was several times in which she actually was the one prompting them to go. I remember specifically when she had been mad at Vilu over this, and Violetta had ALMOST come to her senses, and she was about to go tell Fran "hey sorry for this let's not do it again" and right then Fran goes "Violetta, you know what. I love you. I have Fausta in my bag." And THUS, Violetta gets back into it again.
Camila also helped by putting on the wig randomly when Leon looked for Roxy. She could have just... not done that. Roxy could have been completely gone by the time Leon came and they could have been like "oh what noooo Roxy's not here?? I don't even know her??"
Same when Fran randomly put on the wig at the café so it looked like Violetta talked to her. Doing stuff like this just further helped the madness.
Of course, all of this is MOST OF ALL Violetta's fault. But I can't help myself to forgive her no matter how stupid it was. I guess it's because I'm just a Vilu apologist, mixed with being a Franletta shipper so I appreciate the content the two have together, kinda liking the concept of Roxy and Fausta but not the execution (cause the characters themselves are REALLY FUNNY), and seeing how there were times where Violetta herself were ready to stop it, and then something prompted her to get back in there. Also, by the end, she really really TRIED to make Leon forget her, saying that she was going and that it was no use. And Leon didn't give up. You gotta hand it to him, he was dedicated... although, IF Roxy was a real person and not an alter ego I would have not liked how pushy he was lol (she literally tried saying goodbye and that there wouldn't be anything between them and he kissed her in the middle of that speech). Although, due to all the layers I don't think it's fair to blame Leon in this situation when Violetta did the most damage.
Although, I wanna slightly more blame Gery for existing because Violetta literally only did this because of HER. Also Germán because maybe Roxy is Violetta's way of coping with Jeremias because she never truly got a closure to that. Soy mi mejor momento may have solved it in the moment but that's gonna leave some damaged effects.
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Can I ask for Ingo and Emmet for that newest ask game? :3
you most certainly can!! (send me a character ask game)
First impression: i actually had skipped the battle subway in bw so when i played pla, my first impression on meeting ingo was "this guy is coded like a cameo from another game. not sure which one tho. anyway he looks like a stuffed animal that went through the washing machine by accident and i just know there is a certain sect of lesbians on tumblr who are going to want to put him in a bug jar." and i was right on all counts. i'm ngl my first emmet impression was probably largely based on fan content before i actually went back to see the canon stuff so it was mostly "damn, giratina (arceus?) should Not have separated these two"
Impression now: DAMN, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE SEPARATED THESE TWO. ingo is my special lil guy who is duty oriented until it kills him and very competent and unreasonably polite which are all character traits that do in fact make me, personally, wanna put a dude in a bug jar. emmet is. my guy my man he's me he's my everything i'm incapable of talking coherently about him.
Favorite moment: gotta be the only time i have ever bothered to go through the hassle of exporting a whole video clip from my switch when ingo loses to the protag in your first battle. he is so happy about it... when else does he smile that genuinely... waaaahh...
Idea for a story: uh hmm the problem here is all my story ideas are in my pinned or my pitches tag lmfao. i guess one thing i've been rotating is it would be fun to do something else with the oop-canon thing where neither of them fully remember each other but also don't have a ton of spare time to interrogate the situation, bc i think it's a fun take. some other scenario where emmet doesn't even remember that they're twins, they're just both like, "alright, you look exactly like me, that's goddamn weird, but fuck it, we've got bigger problems so let's just work together for now." i like how quickly they fall into lockstep without knowing why. i think it's fun
Unpopular opinion: i know i've said it before but LET THEM KICK ASS! for real! they are hypercompetent pokemon trainers who also manage the cat herding business that is a subway system that doubles as legal wrestling tournaments. they're probably stronger than most gym leaders, if not the elite 4, just by virtue of how much battling they're constantly doing against such a variety of opponents. they're clever and capable of very quick thinking in a wide range of situations and very capable of both reading/understanding and guiding/managing others. they should not be losing to FUCKING WILD POKEMON in basically any scenario. they should be so hard for anyone in hisui to rattle bc none of this is NEW to them. they're just built different. also let emmet specifically be a competent adult i am on my knees begging you
Favorite relationship: can i say each other, is that cheating. i feel like that's a given. it's just good. they are on the same wavelength and ready to back each other up basically all the time and not even getting smote by god itself can change that. OTHER than that i'm a big fan of them w/ the surveyfam. lav and cyllene specifically i think they would all make a fun squad together. fuck, this is what i shoulda said for the story idea section. i want to expand on that like, 5 sentence thing from a while back where they were both in jubilife together along with the protag in a similar situation, bc i think that's a fun idea. kamado's headache is never going away ever again
Favorite headcanon: hmmmmm shit i have too many to choose. does asj qualify as a single headcanon or is that too expansive. oh, this is a random thing, but i still really like the idea that they're like, roxie's uncles or cousins once removed or something, through their birth family that they largely avoid interacting with other than a few people who are mostly chill. they're VERY different wrt personality but roxie's got this unexpected responsible streak when she's arguing with her dad, i think it makes for a fun connection.
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strawberry-barista · 5 months
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NAME : Kohitsuji PRONOUNS :She/Her PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : Honestly, if we're mutuals I generally prefer discord because it's something I will be notified on regardless of whether I'm on my computer or not or even which account I'm on. But I also don't mind using tumblr ims or whatever is best for my partners. NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Sanae Hanekoma (@strawberry-barista), Wataru Koketsu, Megumi Kitaniji, Ryoji, MKN/Mikan, Yodai Higashizawa (@networkscrambled), Haruto Abe (@falseapostle), Aku (@mystical-strawberry-sheep), Souan Awaki, Kaoru Rindo (@enchantedbrew), Mr. Saguaro (@sweetlesson), Director Cyrano (@blueskilled), Byron Rosfield (@phoenixcoin) EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : Lord, I don't even remember. For a really long time, since I was in grade school. There's at least over 10 years in there somewhere. BEST  EXPERIENCE : Oh man. I don't think I could really make a decision like that. I have so many fond memories here already. I've loved every moment I've spent writing with Dusty and Morty and Willow and J and Alex and Egg and Katee and Roxy and Seb and Kellin and Ruby and and... I love everyone. I have had so much fun and I love everyone. RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : The more I experience callouts and cancellations and things like that, the less okay with it I am. I think I will never make it a rule for my partners to not participate in that stuff because I know everyone is going to have a line where they feel like it's necessary, but I'm legitimately never going to participate or even listen to it myself. I used to sit on this line of "if someone is legitimately dangerous, I should not interact with them", but oftentimes the information I get to inform me that someone is dangerous just does not seem very well put together and reads a lot like yellow journalism in which things are cut and edited in such a way that the full context is totally missing. It feels misleading and purposefully made to start drama, and I really don't feel good about it. I don't think I can even stand by that previous standard I used to have anymore. I just straight up don't believe them, and if someone is legitimately dangerous, I guess I'll have to learn that for myself.
Especially when someone used to be problematic and are trying to apologize and make up for it and grow as a person. I don't feel like it's fair to force people out of a community because of past grievances that they are actively trying to grow past and not repeat. I understand past victims have no obligation to try to reach out again, but I still don't feel like that's reason enough to make sure no one ever gives them another chance.
I think this is the first and only post in which I'm going to go this in-depth about this, because I feel like someone is going to start calling me out just for having this stance. 😂 MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : Smut is almost never gonna happen with me. I will use it strictly to explore the potential of emotional exploration through the medium of physical touch and it's gonna be a whole thing if it does happen. Fluff and angst are loved tremendously and equally, however, I try not to write angst on this blog anymore because there was a time in which I was upsetting a lot of people with those kinds of posts. PLOTS  OR  MEMES : I am so terrible at plotting I run my blog almost entirely on memes. However, for folks that prefer plotting I will absolutely do my best. I just have a really hard time imagining specifics for my characters and have come to understand that I likely don't even really know how to plot properly? Because I thought it was sitting down to form a reason for characters to interact and like, a story arc and how we were going to get there and all that. But I've recently discovered it's mostly just independently talking about your muses to each other and their personal experiences...? I don't really know how to do it. LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : The only thing that really matters to me is that there is something to respond to. Multiple replies in a row that are all just one line, however, makes me really uncomfortable. It feels like I'm not worth the time to respond to. I can have really short maybe 2 paragraph responses myself most of the time, but I can enough anything as short as just one paragraph to multiple paragraphs, as long as I have somewhere to go after that. BEST TIME TO WRITE : Generally I have the most time to do so from 6:30 am-ish to like 2:50 pm-ish. I might write after this on mobile, but usually after that time folks are home and I have things I have to do with them. And even then, my writing times can vary wildly and I will come on and off sporadically. I do the housework in my family unit so I have both all the time in the world and no time whatsoever at the same time. ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : The only muse I'm even remotely like is Aku, who is a self-insert character. I try to play all of my muses the way I think they would in their canon universes and try really hard not to break the canon already established for them. If you can see me in any muse besides Aku, I'm doing my job poorly and I need to be informed.
tagged by: @charlotte-liddel
tagging: Anyone that wants to steal from me!
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emdotcom · 1 year
I like that Security Breach Ruin has so many hoaxes, rn. It's like a 90's game, in here -- every copy of Ruin is personalized
"If you get under-par/a specific score in each hole/a hole in 1 in Gator Golf AR-cade, you can get Monty's Claws" You cannot ever get this item. I've heard people say that you can get a trophy/achievement for going under par, too, but I didn't get either? Also, I stg, there is at least 1 hole that is literally impossible to hole-in-1. I can accept that my inability to do it on hole 1 is a skrill issue, but I refuse to believe ANYONE can hole-in-1 the big spinny thing.
"There's a bowling arcade game in Bonnie Bowl" There is no bowling minigame -- they didn't finish it.
"You can collect animatronic parts/repair animatronics/get all items/etc for an alternate ending" There's just 3 endings, the only thing that decides which you get is whether you find the secret cams or go left or right on the 3rd series of turns at the end
"There's a 6th faztoken in Bonnie Bowl" I legit don't know if this is true or not, I have heard it several times but never seen the token, & it seems like Mr. Candy Cadet's story finishes after the 5th token, as he makes his air horn sound. Hard to imagine what a 6th coin would glean.
"There's a secret 4th ending" There's a 4th ending in the files, listed as "None," & it's most likely just a placeholder/to indicate a lack of ending (? My grasp on game development is too limited to properly describe this. In short -- no actual 4th ending)
"You can spare Roxy/you can press Esc instead of old yellering Roxy" To my knowledge, I don't think the game lets you leave that view until you hold E to do the deed? Even if it did, the game railroads you into offing the dog. Also, no previous actions/any objects in the room allow you to spare her. Door stays closed until you kill Rox'.
In general, Chica's Voice Box exists in the debug menu, but there's no Monty's Claws or Roxy's eyes. There's apparently a Monty's Photo, but nobody has been able to find it in-game? It seems as though repairing Chica is just an Easter egg that goes nowhere.
People seeing the leaked Funko merch (thanks again, Funko....) & thinking it would be for the DLC, which is par for the course, but is obviously untrue.
"If you get to the Bonnie room, you can revive him/give him Chica's Voicebox to fix him" You can only choose wether or not to deactivate the 4 Wet Floor bots.
I think this is fun stuff. Hoaxes are neat-o, especially bc they're a good vehicle to talk about the actual functions.
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