#hunched over like some creature rn
spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
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PART 2: Outside the Circle Edition
Hiii we're back, I slept and now my hair is bleached. The events are unrelated, but imagine if they weren't. Let's continue <3 This one might be a bit more controversial than the last one, because unlike with the wizard x wizard ships, there are certain ones that I do dislike this time around. I'm not sure to what extent I've said some of these things before, I used to be kinda scared of. Having opinions. It be like that sometimes idk
I'm gonna start with some Black Circle x Major fairy thoughts, because I have those! There's some interesting ones!!
Sibylla x Gantlos has some incredible art, genuinely adorable. I don't mind them at all. Actually I think I've seen Sibylla with a couple of them, but her and Gantlos >> imo. Nebula has been shipped as well, I remember at least Ogron x Nebula and Duman x Nebula, but there might be more idk. It sure is interesting, can't deny that, especially depending on when the relationship happens. Ig that'd be the case with all wizard x terrestrial fairy ships though- There are way more combinations than I'm listing rn, but I just wanna say. Making Anagan specifically someone's ex. Would be extremely funny to me. Bonus points if it's Diana.
Moving on to wizards x specialists. Those have entered my peripheral a couple of times.
I've come across Ogron x Helia, like once. Doesn't do anything for me, but if we're asking what I know? There you go. Add it to the list ig. There's also Riven x Duman (duriven), some of their art serves cunt fr, it has no right to do that. But I once had a joke conversation with someone about them sharing a dad and now I think about that sometimes when the topic of them comes up. Maybe they could have a funny friendship, but I haven't consumed any Riven content in a hot minute so who knows. Another one I actually have something to say about is Anagan x Duman x Timmy?? Terrorised by both of them the whole season, which isn't the dealbreaker, but. I already made this joke in the previous part idc Duman and Anagan really pulled a "My boyfriend and I love your vibe fr" on his ass, that's what this feels like. Intrigued! Timmy’s gonna get eaten alive though. Poor guy.
Anyway! I'm generally not the biggest fan of shipping them with specialists, maybe I just don't know enough idk- However. I cannot move on without mentioning. The dreaded Nabu x Duman (naman). Now, I don't remember who started it, not counting the fics that already existed, but I know who has been actively encouraging and enjoying this in my own social circle. So really it's her fault. The ship is funny to me, I can't say it's not. Just something about Duman going "I'd love a man that could destroy me. Like just straight up kill me lol." and it being TRUE, because mind you, Nabu killing him is a vital part of this ship. It's so stupid fr. 2/10 I do recommend.
Next is the big one. Black Circle x Winx. Ngl I struggle to keep track of all the combinations I've seen at this point, also fear having to make a part 3 so I'm just gonna. Speedrun through a couple.
Least offensive, so to say, is probably Flora x Anagan (floranagan?). I don't ship it, but I get why others might! Flora x Ogron (flogron??) has a fair bit of stuff as well, that one I get slightly less, but Flora slay ig? I don't really like any of Musa's ships, I know she at least has Musa x Gantlos and Musa x Duman, but eh. They're not for me. Neither is Duman x Tecna, I think about that combination sometimes. Also legally cannot move on without at least mentioning Stella x Duman (dumella). Duman gets around for REAL. Still interesting as a duo, but in terms of shipping I could really take or leave them. They're fine, but I'm sticking with a platonic route if any at all.
Most of these I'm just. Not the biggest fan of. Wouldn't say I'm a straight up hater, but you're probably never gonna see content of it from me, y'know??
What I am a hater of, a proud hater, is Ogron x Roxy. Some people say the winx are too young, that's fair, sure- But Roxy?? That is a CONFIRMED teenage girl. Shipped with a facial-hair-having man. At least an adult, possibly centuries old. Same goes for Roxy x Duman as well btw, the points still apply, minus the facial hair. Not a fan at all. It's a shame too, because there's plenty of fun dynamics you can try out with them that don't involve romance. Actually that goes for a lot of Black Circle x whoever outside the Circle ships.
Enter stage left, Black circle x other villains.
Starting off with the Trix, and kinda speedrunning them too, a lot of their ships I’d prefer to keep platonic as well, I think that could be fun. Don’t really get where Ogron x Stormy came from, they’re like the least likely duo to me. Maybe that’s the appeal, maybe I should brush up on my Trix knowledge. Darcy could probably have some fun dynamics as well, but again, not necessarily in a romantic way. I’ve seen her pull both Anagan and Duman though, go off bestie. Actually so has Stormy. At the same time. Icy’s ships are kinda meh to me in this, I’ve seen a couple, they just don’t really click for me. They should all hang out though, the general collab potential isn’t lost on me.
Next up! Valtor. Lots of people out here making them fight, which, valid!! But have you considered. All of them getting brunch. The Black Circle inviting Valtor over for tea. Give the man some wizard friends. Valtor x Ogron is kinda fun, but they lowkey strike me as a couple that would never last long term. If that makes sense. Public apology for Valtor x Duman (dumaltor) btw. One day I’ll explain how that happened and my involvement. Pinky promise, I still have a ship bingo to bring back so I’ll do it there.
Dishonourable mention to ships with Kalshara. Sort of honourable mention to Ogron x Jason, not a villain ship but idk where else to put it. Brought up by a friend, they’re facial hair besties, it’s fun and silly.
I’m leaving it at this for now. Remember! Do NOT underestimate the power of friendship!! Also pls don’t block me byeeeee
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silverskye13 · 8 months
is msh ever getting finished? i got so attached to them…
Hopefully yes. MSH suffered very hard from what RnS is suffering from now: a handful of chapters that, for no good reason, are terribly hard to write. I started and stopped the current chapter of MSH at least 8 times, and will probably do it 8 more times before it stops feeling like an awkward mess.
All that to say I plan on coming back to it, just as soon as it cooperates with me again. In the meantime, here's a snippet of the chapter that'll probably be cut but who knows:
The mist had thinned to a sheer veil by the time they made it to town, collecting in the dips and hollows in the fields like the bustles on a quilt. The sun worked hard to burn it away, but it clung stubbornly to the ground, making the air heavy and leaving dewdrops on every surface in sight. Even the windows of the houses were streaked with damp as though rain had passed over, and the half-clouded sky made the illusion all the more convincing. 
This early in the morning, Haltvale was slow to come to life, but it was. Gardens were being tended, and people walked in pairs or small groups to their errands, rubbing sleep from their eyes and talking quietly. Theirs was the only wagon on the main road, a slow rumbling of solitary and distant thunder, and folks made room for them as though they were a rain cloud passing through. Ren frowned when he noticed it, casting puzzled looks at all the wary glances in their direction. The prickling of eyes watching etched patterns across his spine, and it disturbed him even more when he turned to confront those stares, only the watch as gazes abruptly averted and paces quickened. Doc seemed to sense it too, because he kept his eyes on the road, his expression grave. His normal bright and welcoming greetings were absent, replaced by hunched shoulders and the firm line of his frown. 
"Did something happen?" Ren whispered, biting his lip nervously. "Everyone's on edge."
"Well I don't know, Ren," Doc smiled grimly, "has something happened in the past couple days that might put people on edge?"
Ren winced and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. He let the conversation drop just as quickly as it started, the trundle of their wheels on the rutted road filling the silence. At last, Doc pulled them to a stop by the general store and stepped off.
"Alright," Doc said, "you two stay close. I won't be long."
"We won't get carried off by any creatures in town, Doc," Gem said, poking her head up from the back of the wagon. "Besides, I need fabric, and you suck at picking it out."
"Fabric?" Ren asked, raising an eyebrow. "What in the world would you need fabric for?"
"Because someone keeps getting his shirts shredded by some creature in the woods." Gem answered with a narrow-eyed smile, daring him to argue. Ren coughed awkwardly into his hand and suggested: "My favorite color is red."
"You'll get what I get you," Gem sniffed, hopping down from the wagon.
"Am I the only one grounded to the wagon, then?" Ren asked.
"You're not grounded," Doc said, his voice dropping just a hint lower. "I ahm… I don’t want to be in town very long, alright? Meet back at the cart in an hour, two hours tops?"
Ren shrugged, settling back in his seat as comfortably as the wooden bench would allow. “You two have fun.”
“Weren't you just complaining about being grounded?” Gem asked, crossing her arms in feigned indignation.
“Well now that I know I'm not grounded, I'm choosing to stay here and nap while you two go do your errands,” Ren sniffed, pillowing his arms behind his head and reclining in a shaft of weak sunlight that dared to peak out of the clouds. “Go on, shoo.”
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Reader who can’t touch Foul Legacy, searing pain shooting up their body if they even so much as bump into FL,,,Thinking about if they met Ajax first, confused why he would have small burns and cuts near wherever you would touch him, unaware it’s from his connections to the Abyss.
First time you saw Foul Legacy you wanted to cradle his face, gently press his forehead to yours, and you tried! Oh you tried so hard, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you hold Foul Legacy’s face, biting your tongue in an attempt to mask the burning pain shooting down your arms, Foul Legacy trying so hard to leave your grasp, not wanting to hurt you.
even better if Ajax can't touch you, and you can't touch Foul Legacy. like Rex Lapis, you enjoy taking a human form to stroll around Liyue Harbor, being one of the few gods who view mortals as equals. you meet Ajax on one of these walks and become close, both of you eagerly waiting for the hour or so he gets after work each day so you can spend it together... although, for some odd reason, he can't touch you. his skin reacts harshly when met with yours, blistering and burning a bit, so you're both careful to touch each other as little as possible- but that's alright! you're perfectly content to simply sit next to each other on a bench and chat about everything and nothing
then you encounter Foul Legacy, and suddenly everything makes sense. as a Celestial deity, you're supposed to kill any Abyss creatures you come across- but you've always been a softhearted god, so when you see him collapsed in a field you immediately rush to help. but your eyes widen when you get closer, familiarity washing over you as the Abyss creature stares up, whining softly and curling in on himself. you simply smile, reaching to hold your Ajax's masked cheeks
pain sears your fingertips as they brush against his face and you draw back in alarm. Foul Legacy yelps as you jerk away, trying to nuzzle closer until he sees the blood dripping from your hand, the skin there completely melted and burned, and he balks in horror. he cries out sharply and hunches over in shame- of course this would happen, he's from the Abyss and you're from Celestia, how could he be so foolish? but then he feels your arms wrap around him, squeezing him gently, comforting him, and he wants to cry, attempting to struggle out of your grip. it's been so long since he was held like he was something precious, so eventually he weakens and just allows you to hug him, holding him tightly despite the awful pain that burns your flesh
the next time Ajax sees you, your hands are covered in bandages
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vibrates with excitement HERE THEY ARE
I present to you, the current design of my self-insert and his ability, Nebulas
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please please zoom in and look at the details
i had fun with the rendering for both of these!! even tried painting over the lines in the first one, you can kinda see it in his hair. and that green necklace piece has a bell inside it, it's inspired by a green bell ball i actually have, it sounds very pretty!!
Also, i mentioned this in a textpost the other day, but Nebulas wouldn't actually stand up straight like that, he's the more hunched-over-creature type.
a lot of ramblings about Nebulas below the cut. mentions of blood too. you are under zero obligation to read it, its not the main point of the post.
OKAY SO. im not gonna say much (this was a lie) because it'd be an essay's worth of poorly pieced together information BUT. i'll do my best. apologies in advance.
i mainly wanna talk about Nebulas, because he's been my pride and joy of creations. he's a sentient ability and very much over-powered. he can do a lot, and his main job currently is to keep his host (my self-insert) alive. that means they can get very injured and be a-okay. why? because all of my self-inserts to ever exist have to be able to be covered in copious amounts of their own blood and survive. not sure what this says about me.
pictured above is when Nebulas has full control over his host's body (ie. the eyes only change when he's in full control. the host's turned arms and Nebulas's arms that come out of their back can be present whenever, but that means the host has to forfeit some amount of control regardless). The nosebleeds occur when Nebulas uses more than just his standard power, lending his arms to his host. The more over-exertion, the more blood, etc etc. When Nebulas is in full control, there will be blood.
The black liquid you see is Nebulas' blood! Or, what's considered his blood from a human standpoint. The host's blood can turn black when Nebulas uses it as his own. His blood and his host's blood are basically one in the same.
Because Nebulas is over-powered, he is nerfed by being in a very weak body. Meaning, my self-insert cannot use Nebulas' power. Nebulas has to grant them his power. So it's kinda consent based. (I'll go into why my self-insert is weak by ability standards some other day when I reveal more about them.) Having a very weak-souled host also means Nebulas cannot use as much of his power as he used to. Since most of his power is used for keeping them alive (for reasons i also won't get into rn), there isn't much he can do without causing harm to his host's body, which is why the nosebleeds occur. They can get very heavy. The wide scar on their back that his extra arms extrude from will bleed on these occasions too, but with black blood.
Now, something that I couldn't portray in a singular drawing is that his arms are pitch black when viewed initially, but the more you look at them, the more stuff you see, like little specks of stars and then colorful dust clouds. It's supposed to look kind of trippy to some people. Sometimes it makes people feel nauseous if they look at it for too long.
He also does have a physical manifestation like Golden Demon, Elise, etc but that is almost completely off the table because of how much power that requires. (also because i havent really designed that. and even once i do it will take AGES to draw because of all the details. since he's universe-themed.)
Him and my self-insert are almost complete opposites, but mainly because of a trait Nebulas acquired from his many previous hosts. That trait is bloodlust. It's foreign to Nebulas, as he used to only kill within reason. However, after being used by humans for a lot of bloodshed for self-serving purposes, he became tainted with what he calls "the cruelty of humanity". It's because of this that he retired from bonding with human souls two centuries ago and developed a distain for humans. He views humans as ants who act recklessly and selfishly. Obviously, he does bond with a human soul again, and is once again prone to sudden violence, but because of how kind-hearted his current host is, it's only really a danger when Nebulas is in (or fighting for) full control, with an exception of when his host is angry enough to lash out. Having genuinely violent thoughts that they mean is dangerous for my self-insert, as this works as a gateway for Nebulas' bloodlust, but this is very rare.
Some general trivia after that long essay, great job getting this far.
Nebulas gives his hosts enhanced senses, which makes my self-insert more prone to sensory-overload. At least it means they can't really get snuck up on.
Because of the taint, Nebulas is often pictured like the image above, with a crazed expression. However, he is actually rather stoic when not over-exerting. He is stern with my self-insert, but also considerate and cares about their well-being. He's like some unwilling parental figure.
He usually minds his own business, but sometimes he'll hang out in the back of my self-insert's mind, being nosy about what's going on around them.
In case it's confusing, his name is pronounced like the word "nebulous".
He likes raw pork cutlets. Sometimes, he can be bribed into being more agreeable.
He's often grumpy. He's also very stubborn, and will give his host the silent treatment.
Something he and my self-insert have in common is their like for cats! Nebulas likes their behavior.
If you have any questions, please ask!! I'd love to answer them, because im insane about my ocs and want to talk about them. There is stuff im leaving a mystery for the time being, though.
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thatslikely · 3 years
lined-paper confessions - s.s.
lined-paper confessions - stiles stilinski x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of fighting (scott and jackson predictably), strict teachers
word count: 1.5k
a/n: head full of stiles rn... requests for our favorite sarcastic boy are open right now so send some in!
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Why is every teacher at Beacon Hills High the absolute worst?
Mr. Harris had just rapidly climbed your (highly opinionated) mental ranks to number one: your new least favorite educator. Giving you after-school detention, for doing nothing but watching with horror plastered on your face as Scott McCall, Stiles’ best friend, threw punches left and right at a topless, water-drenched Jackson, who reciprocated every strike as if he were nothing but a reflection. Seriously?
Previously, you had simply been sauntering down the locker-lined hall, Stiles on your right, passionately ranting about some unnamed problem that had him on edge for the past few weeks. You two turned down the empty, cinder-block-walled athletics corridor as he continued to agitatedly let off steam; the setting was decidedly unromantic given the unshakeable scent of overly pungent deodorant and mildew that was all too familiar. 
You clung to every word emitted from his mouth with an almost comical frown like it was a mug of steamy hot chocolate on a bone-chilling winter day. To your disgruntlement, however, his ramblings were stopped mid-sentence when Scott and his wealthy rival Jackson tumbled out from the dingy boys’ locker room, hands clenched in fists and eyes flaming with fury.
Stiles bent down in a rush, poorly attempting to conclude the boisterous brawl with furrowed, concerned brows, but he looked not dissimilar to a toothpick compared to the two burly teammates. 
“Detention for all of you!” Mr. Harris spat venomously as he dashed to the scene, his voice ringing above the grunts and slams that came from the fighting co-captains of the lacrosse team. “Detention now, Stilinski, McCall, Whittemore, Argent, and Y/L/N! Come on!”
You were dragged by the ear to the vacant library, a place which you often resided in whenever you studied with Stiles (often about mythical creatures, to your confusion). Posters that looked commonplace in an elementary school lined the walls, vibrantly encouraging students to pick up a book, or pen works for a writing contest of some sort.
Golden strips of fleeting sunlight peeked through the slatted blinds, and three gum wad-dotted tables were beckoning for the group of you to sit for the next two hours, or until Mr. Harris would finally decide that your soul had rotted away enough to release you.
You were sternly directed to the uncomfortably stiff chair opposite Allison’s, whose eyes shot daggers wherever they glanced. You flashed her an almost unregistrable smile, as if to say ‘hello.’ Slinging the loose straps of your backpack over your seat, your gaze flickering through the pin-drop silent room immediately locked on Stiles’ figure.
Boy, was he perfect.
The unbuttoned flannel over his shoulders speckled with mud from some vaguely mentioned adventure, his soft, tousled hair, that always had a lock out of place, his freckled face, that always bore some goofy expression, all of it. You couldn’t get enough; nothing would satiate your innermost desire for your lips to meld with his’, for your hands to intertwine through the hallways before class, after class, whenever, wherever. 
One eyebrow-cocked, knowing look from Scott in your direction sent Stiles’ umber eyes to meet yours’, an almost confused look swimming through them. He opened his mouth curiously, surely to ask a question, most likely something along the lines of, ‘is there a stain on my shirt?’, but before he could, Mr. Harris seethed, “Take your seats, now.”
Stiles whipped around, not wanting to anger Mr. Harris any further, and he took his seat. The room was quickly conquered with suffocating silence, which the snotty chemistry teacher was bent on ensuring.
You unsheathed a doodled notebook from your backpack, eventually indenting its pages with inky black strokes of various weights and thicknesses. Your habit of penning loose sketches, vague outlines, began one day in math when the clock seemed to tick aggravatingly slow, and every word from the teacher became drawled further and further until they dissolved into the hum of the air conditioning and the chewing of gum: the rhythm of the classroom.
The unconscious lines eventually formed to a familiar portrait: Stiles. Some would be tempted to call him your muse, your kindling of an elegant flame of creativity. You’d always nod your head in complicity more than agreement, for the smart, albeit rebellious boy meant eons more than that to you.  
You had just hit your stride, your wrist’s movements thoughtless and easy, when someone- rather something, hit the back of your head lightly with a small crunch. It was a small, scrunched piece of loose-leaf paper, ripped at the edge. 
You turned your head to the direction that the projectile was tossed at, but both Scott and Stiles appeared to be very, very engrossed in a hushed conversation, neither of their postures attempting to suggest anything suspicious.
You smoothed out the paper of the angular fruitwood table in front of you, attempting to read the almost unintelligible handwriting.
Hey :)
(this is from stiles, by the way)
Your mood lightened a smidge, a grin bubbling onto your face. You tore a piece of paper out of your notebook along the perforation.
Before you threw it in an arch in Stiles’ direction, you penned a response to his note.
Hey ;) how’s detention treating you?
(This is from y/n, by the way)
not great, as expected. I think I saw harris pick his nose. do you have any bleach to douse my eyes in by any chance?
You chuckled a little, a small smirk glimmering on your face for the first time this excruciatingly long afternoon.
Sorry, I’m all out. used it all after I saw Jackson shirtless. how do you survive in the locker room every day?
A smile lifted on Stiles’ face, one so inflated with abundant excitement (and hormones), he might have burst at the seams.
“Man, you’re down bad,” Scott simpered, nudging his best friend’s forearm.
“Shut up,” Stiles hissed with an eye roll.
just keep your head down and you should be fine. one time, Greenberg looked at him a little too long and he nearly turned to stone, like jackson’s abs were medusa or something.
“Passing notes, are we?” Mr. Harris queried with a malicious scowl, his knuckles white from asphyxiating a helpless ballpoint pen. He slinked over to the tables you and Stiles rested uncomfortably in, raising his brow in heavy suspicion. 
Stiles’ deep, dark chocolate-colored eyes widened in worry. “No, sir.”
“I’m keeping my eye on you, Stilinski. You too, Y/L/N.” 
As soon as Harris was out of sight, perched back at the desk and typing furiously, another wad of paper tapped your occiput. 
hey, y/n, there’s something i’ve been meaning to ask you for a while.
The note, while its contents wouldn’t usually spark too much concern, was subtly unlike the few ones you had previously received. The lines of each letter were neater, more methodical. The small blots of ink resting at the conclusion of every stroke were larger, deeper, as if the nib of his pen had rested in the liquidly black pool for a second too long.
Your face scrunched with confusion, and upon noticing your shift in emotion, Allison nimbly tapped your wrist and mouthed, ‘Is everything okay?’
You nodded with wrinkled brows while shakily scratching a reply.
what is it?
Your knee bounced up and down reflexively, clicking from your rapidly retracting pen echoed through the idle shelves and arrays of desktops. It felt like years, centuries even, before a reply finally tumbled at your feet.
do you like me?
(circle one)
yes? or yes? 
Your jaw nearly fell to the carpeted floor in shock as if gravity had been multiplied; your speedily thrumming heart was doing flip after flip in the cavity of your chest. Without a second thought, you quickly circled both of the ‘yes’es as if there were no friction under the ink-dispersing tip of your pen. Before cupping the piece of paper, you scribbled out an additional little note.
wanna go out this saturday?
Stiles’ anxious gaze bore into your hunched-over figure as you giddily wrote your reply. What if you rejected him (even though the page lacked a ‘no’ option, meaning that you would have to add one, which was even worse)? Was it possible for him to ask to go to the bathroom and just never return? Are there any secret werewolf abilities that Scott could use to make him disintegrate on the spot? 
But his overthinking was soon alleviated when he received your response, this time neatly folded into a paper heart instead of a crunchy ball. Each crease was crisp and thoughtful; he didn’t have to unfold your expert origami to know which option you circled (or lack thereof).
He grinned goofily like an idiot as his chocolate eyes glazed your response a million times over, taking in every letter, every stroke, the dot in your ‘i’ or the question mark ending your simple but heart-rate-escalating proposal.
stiles stilinski/teen wolf taglist:
it’s a date then. i’ll pick you up at 6? passenger seat’s already reserved for you ;)
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@loulouloueh @when-you-wish-upon-a-starrynight @ronbrokemyheart @dylobilysmomg
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milfmarine · 3 years
on the fritz
Ceres Fauna/Hakos Baelz/Nanashi Mumei/Ouro Kronii/Tsukumo Sana, polycouncil
sana's inhibitor is on the fritz again, and kronii tries her best to get her in tip top shape for the very important council meeting.
Fluff, powers going out of wack, i just need to post something so i can finish this, this is an attempt at something light hearted because ive been doing angst forever, this will only have minor conflict i swear, or at least conflict that is par for the course with council, Humor, Height Differences
chapter 1 2 3
chapter 1 of 3: whoops
    ‘heyyyy kronii?”
    ‘tiny issue’
    ‘and by that i mean like’
    ‘EXTREMELY HUGE issue,,,’
    ‘but like, only in size and not importance’
    Kronii sighed as she rubbed at one of her eyes, her phone stinging her vision as she suppressed a yawn.
    ‘What are you talking about, Sana’
    ‘oh you're awake! good, so’
    ‘inhibitor is a LITTLE bit on the fritz rn’
    ‘Oh Christ.’
    ‘ok i know how that sounds, and i know youve tried to fix it before’
    ‘BUT! you are, in fact, the only person i can really ask about this.’
    ‘youre the only one that really even gets how it works and like,,,, is available’
    ‘i just need to be somewhat normal for the council picnic!’
    Kronii blinked hard and moved to get out of bed.
'Meet me at my house in 20 minutes, if you're late then I'm not helping you.'
'yes ma'am!'
Kronii heaved a duffel bag of tools onto her workbench, huffing as she inspected some of the stranger instruments she had collected over the years. She laid out a few of the ones she knew she'd need, most of them being needlessly flashy and hard to hold from complexity. 
She'd been given them from Sana herself, considering she hadn't any idea how to use them like her papa did. That and Sana's papa was busy as all hell and couldn't really do many regular repairs, it only made sense to give it to the next most knowledgeable. 
Unfortunately, that knowledge was still limited, and Kronii knows it will be a frustrating ordeal, just like always. This was only enforced by the fact that Kronii's garage door was being dented by some huge booming creature outside. 
She quickly reached at her side for her blade, only finding empty air. A brief vision of it leaning against her bed made her heart sink.
"Oh, uh, oops," Kronii felt the rumbles of her friend's voice, muffled behind the walls of her house. She sighed, a bit of tension leaving her shoulders as she opened up the dented garage door to the best of her ability. She grumbled, the door only opening halfway, as she squatted to get outside.
She saw Sana's legs first, criss crossed in order to take up less space, then Sana's torso, hunched over  and curled up in order to meet Kronii halfway, and finally, her face, almost as large as her garage and nervously looking to the side.
"Hey Kronii-nii…" Sana's voice trailed off, huge hand paused slightly in it's wave. Kronii gaped, if only for a moment, forgetting how much the inhibitor really inhibited before regaining her composure with a cough. 
"Ah… that bad?" Kronii spoke more to herself than to anyone else, moving to grab her tools from inside, tossing the duffel bag out onto the grass. She grabs the rest of the tools on her workbench in a big handful before meeting Sana back outside. 
Sana fidgeted with her hands as Kronii silently tried to find the closest tool akin to a screwdriver. Kronii can feel eyes on her back as she searches, a warm, uncomfortable feeling settling in her stomach, "You're usually bothering me by now," she states plainly.
She can feel the ground shift as Sana does, her eyes shying away once more, "Yeah…" She admitted, letting the air grow quiet before speaking up again, "It's uh, just, y'know," She gestured weakly at herself.
Kronii lifted her head up, meeting Sana's eyes, she quirked a brow as she grabbed a hold of a corkscrew-esque device. Sana just sat up, a flush coming over her cheeks as she shook her head, "Ughhhh, you know what I mean! It's-" she paused, leaning forward again to whisper, "It's embarrassing…"
Kronii nodded, "Ah, yeah, I guess being this big would grab a lot of attention," Sana just covered her face with her hand, heat nearly taking over the entirety of her. Kronii chuckled to herself, patting at Sana's calf sympathetically. It felt a little like patting a truck's hood after working on the engine for a long day, but she pushed through the strange gesture. 
Sana still hadn't cooled off much, despite Kronii's comforting. She sighed into her palm before looking at Kronii properly again. She stood with a tool awkwardly shoved into her hand, parts poking and prodding at her skin as she tried to adjust it. 
"It's too small, Kronii-nii," she reached out her hand, "Here, I can fix it," Kronii grumbled a little before handing it over, something about 'Of course it needs size manipulated…' Sana giggled, before willing the tool to change. The use of her power made a warm feeling swell up in her chest, along with the feeling of something rising in her throat, something powerful...
"Ah…" Dropping the now perfectly Kronii-sized tool, Sana looked up at Kronii, grass acting as a jungle to her vision. She stood, finding that each blade only went up to her waist. She sighed to herself at that.
    “This is gonna be a long day…” Kronii picked up the tool, moving to unscrew the now tiny panel off of Sana’s inhibitor.
    Sana shuffled in the passenger seat once more, curled in on herself in order to not hit her head on the roof of the car. She attempted to crush her limbs into a more comfortable fashion as she spoke, “Do you think- ah-” she put her foot back down, effectively un-kneeing herself in the nose, “they’ll notice?” 
    Kronii shrugged, turning the wheel with the motion, “To be honest, they’re not really the most perceptive…” Sana nodded to the best of her ability, thinking of all the missed signals and hints even just over the past couple days, “Besides, you’re, like, already taller than all of them normally,”
    “Yeah, but I’m not taller than you normally! They have to notice that, at least!” Sana retaliates, waving a hand over herself, “Seven foot tall isn’t exactly a very human height,”
    “It’s the closest we can get you to stay at for right now, and none of us are really human either, so just- don’t worry about it,” Kronii finishes, a little harsher than she had meant to. She  stopped at a red light and listened to the car hum, heart prickling with guilt as she sighed, “Why are you so worried about it anyway? We’ve all had times where powers go haywire for no reason, y’know?” 
    Sana stilled for a moment, before twiddling with her fingers, “Ah, yeah… It’s just- uh,” She pauses, heat flowing to her cheeks, “Everyone was so excited for this, I just didn’t want them to get all worried about me instead of, y’know, screwing around, having fun.”
    “So, you throw me under the bus instead?” Sana sputtered at Kronii, panic stabbing both of them in the back, “THAT WAS A JOKE! THAT WAS A JOKE!” Kronii flailed her hands, attempting to calm Sana quickly, receiving a hearty laugh in return. Kronii's shoulders relaxed at the sound, resting her hands back on the steering wheel and pressing down on the gas as the light flashed green. 
"You're right though, sorry about that, Kronii…" Sana shuffled in her seat, Kronii turning a corner into the parking lot. Kronii pulled on the parking break as Sana unbuckled herself to the best of her ability, "You did a lot of work on such short notice, it was really sweet of you, I wasn't really expecting you to be so nice to me,"
Kronii unbuckled herself, her voice shaking awkwardly as she spoke, "Hey, don't get too sentimental on me, I know how great I am," Sana laughed, a bright jingle among the stuffy air of Kronii's Jeep, a part of her felt a flutter at the sound before clearing it out of her throat, "Anyway,"
"Kronii! Sana! Hey, over here!" the familiar squeaks carried from over the hilltop, accompanied by the sight of Bae swinging her arms over her head. Her tail swung wildly, swatting at Fauna's side as she took off toward the car. 
Kronii looked over at Sana, the blonde's eyes scrunched with a smile that sat the slightest bit crooked, "Well, here goes nothing," Sana mumbled as she reached for the door handle. She promptly swung the door into Bae's face.
The screaming only lasted for a few minutes this time, at least…
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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