incorrectlegoes · 11 months
Vangelis: Are Pythor and Aspheera having a staring contest?
Corrin: Pythor is, but I’m pretty sure Aspheera is just plotting revenge for something and forgot to blink.
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jrwifreakzone · 1 month
Thinking about bizly being a good whore and taking whatever his friends put in his mouth because he’s high as fuck and doesn’t really know what’s going on
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milfmarine · 3 years
on the fritz
Ceres Fauna/Hakos Baelz/Nanashi Mumei/Ouro Kronii/Tsukumo Sana, polycouncil
sana's inhibitor is on the fritz again, and kronii tries her best to get her in tip top shape for the very important council meeting.
Fluff, powers going out of wack, i just need to post something so i can finish this, this is an attempt at something light hearted because ive been doing angst forever, this will only have minor conflict i swear, or at least conflict that is par for the course with council, Humor, Height Differences
chapter 1 2 3
chapter 2 of 3: pretty picnics and the want to scoop
Bae held onto her nose, trying to will away the sting by biting her lip, a few tears still welling up in her eyes as she let herself rest on the pavement. Sana kneeled down to be at eye level with her, she held onto the side of the rat's face, waiting for her eyes to open fully to face her. As Bae's eyes fluttered, Sana spoke in a hush, "I'm so sorry, Bae, could you move your hand so I can look at it?"
 Bae nodded, easing her fingers off of her nose, and her breath caught in her throat for a moment. Having to look up at Sana wasn't a foreign feeling by any means, but something about how far she had to crane her neck to really look at her face made Bae's insides flip. Not to mention the gentle feeling of Sana's hand against her jawline… were her hands always that big? And was she always so… 
She couldn't ponder much more on it as Kronii and Fauna caught up with them. A few minutes of fussing and scolding from the both of them, after they were sure both parties were uninjured, and they were ready to make the trek up to their picnic spot. There was, however, something itching on Bae's mind, something big, that made her face burn. 
Perhaps it was some kind of illusion? A trick of the light? She guessed that Sana has always been one with many charms, Bae had always felt at ease around her. Their styles of humor always meshed quite well with each other, making it incredibly easy to make conversation, but something about her today set her on edge. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just different. 
Bae had made up her mind, and that was that she had no idea what was going on. So, as any good leader would, she consulted a trusted individual who may have more information than she did. Luckily, Kronii was a few steps behind the conversation between Fauna and Sana (something about Mumei getting both of them lost on their walk here). 
The rat slowed her step to be in time with Kronii, her face lighting up a little at the company, "Hey Kronster," she began, elbowing her playfully, "somethin' up with Sana today? She feels a lil' different," 
Kronii visibly stiffens, looking off to the side, "Uh, I, uh, don't know what you're talking about!" She chuckled, it came out a lot more stilted than she intended, "Uhhh, why?"
Bae's ears flicked, "Oh, it's nothin', just, uh," her tail curled as she fidgeted with her hands, "She just, seems a lot more… hot?" 
Kronii nearly stopped dead in her tracks, "Wh-what?" 
"Do you not think so?"
"What? No! I mean- yes- augh, just- shut up," Kronii slapped Bae weakly on her arm, squeezing a loud cackle out of the rat.
"Oh my god!" Bae could hardly keep the smile off her face as she shoved Kronii gently, "Warden of Time, Ouro Kronii, considers someone other than herself hot? And the Speaker of Space, no less? Get me some popcorn!"
Kronii quickly retaliated, "Hey, you were the one who said it first, not me!" she pauses, "And I don't think she's hot!" it was too late, however, because Bae was already keeling over laughing. 
They approached their picnic spot, speeding up their step to meet up with Mumei. The owl was peacefully laying out little baggies of sandwiches and blueberries on her blanket, she smiled as she saw the council, waving them over. Sana sprinted over to take her seat, butt resting half on the edge of the blanket and half in the grass, her legs criss crossing in front of her haphazardly. Mumei quirked her head to the side at Sana, only receiving a flushed chuckle in response. 
"Hi Sana," she chirped a little bewilderedly, popping open one of the baggies and pulling out a blueberry, "Berry?" she offered it out delicately, as if it were the most precious thing in the world. 
Sana nodded, a more natural smile returning to her features. She took the berry between her fingers and popped it in her mouth. It was incredibly delicious, and also reminded her of how hungry she was. She hummed as she chewed, making grabby hands out for her portion of peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to which Mumei handed to her graciously. 
Kronii sat down next, deciding to sit next to Mumei as she was also offered a berry. Sana looked to Kronii nervously with a mouthful of sandwich, directing her eyes to the empty seat next to her and Fauna steadily approaching with Bae in tow. 
Kronii, of course, could understand Sana's signals perfectly, "What?" 
"She's on to me, Kronii-nii!" Sana whispers harshly, not doing anything to prevent Mumei from hearing and sputtering crumbs from her lips.
The owl lifted a brow, "Who's on to you? What did you do?" 
Sana shushed her obnoxiously, swallowing her bite before speaking, "If she sits next to me, she might keep asking questions! She said I was different today!"
Kronii sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Sana, that's because you're being all weird about it, here just-" The warden grabbed Sana's shoulders, "Don't worry about it, you want us to have fun and not worry, then you gotta have fun first," Kronii let her hands slide off of Sana as something seemed to click behind Space's eyes. Kronii inwardly sighed, taking it as a good sign. 
Fauna and Bae sat down just as Mumei had begun to open her mouth, Kronii quickly taking the hint to elbow her side before she could speak. After a quick coughing fit and a few reassurances, everyone began to pass around food. The cool breeze turned their noses pink as they chattered amongst themselves. They had all collected in a little circle of warm conversation, gathering slightly closer because of the beginning of fall chill bumping their skin. 
Fauna and Mumei surrounded Sana's sides, her nerves peaking at the sight of their small frames. Something inside her had the urge to scoop them both up in a warm embrace every time they shivered. It was so distracting that she hardly noticed that Fauna had begun to cling onto her arm in an almost protective manner. She trailed her fingers gently over Sana's skin, making little shivers go up her spine and warmth spread across her face.
"Sana, would you like to go on a little walk with me?" Fauna spoke in her usual hush, but with a bit of a husk held beneath it.
Sana nodded dumbly, a few beats skipping in her heart, "Uh, sure!" Fauna stood, offering her hand out to Sana, which she took gratefully. She looked back towards the group tentatively, before being dragged away by Fauna's insistent hold on her hand. She was only able to catch light smiles from the group as she was pulled into the forest. 
Fauna lead her through the winding trees in relative silence for a few minutes. Sana felt an air of unease slip over her, feeling a distinct lack of even little tidbits of facts of the flora covering the ground. Just as she thought to speak, Fauna slowed to a stop, holding both of Sana's forearms to face her. 
"Sana," She spoke, her name warm and loving on her tongue, she let her hands travel further up her arms, resting nearly at her biceps, not being able to reach much further, "You've grown," She giggled before Sana even had the chance to deny it, "Sorry, I just… wanted to get you alone just to be sure," Fauna looks up at her inhibitor, "It's not broken, is it?"
Sana shakes her head, "No, no, it's just a little touchy right now. Kronii fixed it up, for the most part- I'll be okay," She puts up her hands dismissively, only for them to be held gently by Fauna's own. A warm thump settled in Sana's chest, the familiar feeling taking her breath as Fauna stepped closer.
"Were you trying to hide this from everyone?" she asked, her brows slightly furrowed. Something in her voice rang hollow, her fingers giving a light squeeze to Sana's hands. 
Sana felt the danger in her tone, chuckling at it instead, "You make it sound so serious," her eyes travelled down Fauna's face, coming to stop at her gentle frown, "Hiding isn't really the right word, it's more like 'not mentioning', right?" 
Fauna rolled her eyes, giving Sana a pointed look before tugging her back along the path they came, "You're such a dummy," she huffed, startling the butterflies in Sana's stomach to life, "and don't take that as a compliment! You really should trust us a little more with this kind of thing,"
"It's already too late, Fauna! I'm already at your beck and call-" Fauna gently slapped Sana's arm, the last of her resolve cracking away as they both giggled. Each crack of laughter from Fauna had made the air feel lighter, the trees seeming to sway with more life as Sana elbowed her gently. Fauna had grabbed onto Sana's arm instead, leaning into her side as they walked. Sana's breath hitched, a low buzz of want settling in her lips as they travelled back towards the council.
She thinks she could stand antlers digging into her arm if it meant Fauna was there… 
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yansimheadcanontime · 4 months
My hc of the yansim student council is that basically everyone except Akane is part of the polycule
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milfmarine · 3 years
on the fritz
Ceres Fauna/Hakos Baelz/Nanashi Mumei/Ouro Kronii/Tsukumo Sana, polycouncil
sana’s inhibitor is on the fritz again, and kronii tries her best to get her in tip top shape for the very important council meeting.
Fluff, powers going out of wack, i just need to post something so i can finish this, this is an attempt at something light hearted because ive been doing angst forever, this will only have minor conflict i swear, or at least conflict that is par for the course with council, Humor, Height Differences
chapter 1 2 3
chapter 3 of 3: catch a break
Sana approached the council once more, Fauna still leaning against her slightly, only with her shoulder this time. The council all turned to look back, smiling at their companions and ushering them over.
"All back in one piece, I'm impressed!" Bae quipped, snickering to herself as Kronii jabbed at her side. Sana chuckled at the sight, her smile sticking with her as she gestured for Fauna to sit first, "And so gentlemanly! What dirt did she get on ya, Sana?"
Fauna chimed in quietly, kneeling onto the picnic blanket, "Nothing that she would be ashamed of," she grabbed at the remnants of her sandwich, hiding her amusement with a bite.
Sana raised up her hands in surrender, "Guilty as charged," her smile softened as she sat down back in her spot. She jumped at the now ice cold ground, squeaking a bit at the little needles of chill pricking her legs. 
Wordlessly, Mumei unclipped her cape, her expression dripping with neutrality as she held it out for her. Bae stretched her words out long in front of her, "Oooh," she sing songs, "looks like Sana's not the only one being chivalrous!"
"Leave 'em be, Bae," Kronii chided, "Not in front of my sandwich,"
"Oh, I see how it is! You're only caring about your food when Sana's around, huh?" Bae pointed accusingly at Kronii, brows furrowed and tail whipping with the motion, "What about when you were tryin' to smack me with it earlier!" 
Fauna shook her head incredulously, shooting a look towards Kronii, "You what?"
"She's lying!" Kronii yipped, taking a conveniently big mouthful of sandwich-
As the three bickered, Mumei bounced her offered cape back out to Sana. Her face was still devoid of expression, all except for her eyes. They flickered between Sana's own, a silent plea to accept her offer. 
Sana hesitated, her face delving into a pinched smile, "I don't want to sit on your pretty cape," 
Mumei bounced it once more, "Then, wear it," she conceded, the same look in her eyes growing just that little bit bigger.
"It won't do me much good on my arms, my legs are what's cold-"
"It's still better than sleeveless,"
"My gloves can count as sleeves!"
"You have goosebumps,"
Sana opened her mouth to argue, only to receive a gust of wind whipping at her back. It stung as she bit down the quiver in her voice, "You'll be cold too…" Mumei was already leaning over to wrap it around Sana's shoulders. The cape was already warm and pillowy against her skin, bringing with it the smell of down and coconut. 
Mumei lifted herself up onto her knees, looking at her in the same watchful way owls like her were known for. A layer of soft and warm blanket was swaddled around Sana's heart as she spoke, "I have feathers," she stated plainly, a chuckle catching in Sana's throat, before she was given the quickest peck on the lips.
Sana's lips buzzed, watching as Mumei leaned back into her spot, leaving only a light pink dusting on her cheeks as the only evidence of her crime. Sana's heart thumped against her chest, hardly having the time to process anything before seeing the looks of shock sparking off the council. If it weren't for all the emotional turmoil, Sana would've laughed. It was the first time they all had been silent all day, only the shaking of leaves filled the air as Sana shifted.
Of all people, Fauna raised her voice, "Mumei!" The owl shot up at the sound, everyone's eyes on Fauna. 
"What? Didn't you have your turn?" Mumei asked genuinely, her eyes warily skittering away from Fauna's gaze.
"My turn?!" Mumei flinched, watching as Fauna yanked Sana closer, "We were supposed to do it together-"
"What!? What the hell are you two talking about?" Bae cut in, nearly shriveling back in on herself at the sting of Fauna's gaze, "I- uh, I mean-"
Fauna huffed, looking back towards the council, "We just-" She paused, taking a deep breath, "We wanted to ask… with words," Mumei curled in on herself.
Kronii leaned forward, "What did you want to ask?" her words were brittle and quiet, her eyes never leaving her lap.
"I- We just," Fauna wilted, "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have yelled," She looks at Mumei, "I just wanted to do this together…"
Mumei relaxed, tilting her head 
slightly as she spoke, "We still 
A few beats of quiet passed, everyone’s eyes trained on Fauna, "We just wanted to know… if you all wanted to be… more?"
Mumei flushed, hands fidgeting as she yelped, "Wait- weren't we going to do this one by one? I-I mean I guess it doesn't matter now, but answering as a group-" 
"Yeah, alright." all eyes stuck to Bae, her ears twitching as she looked from side to side, "I er- uh- I've kinda been thinkin' about that too, for maybe a, uh, century or so…" She gripped at her tail, the silence etching into Bae's speeding heart, "Someone else talk or I'm gonna explode!"
Kronii tucked her hands in her lap, "Uh… I guess the only fit for someone as perfect as me would be gods, or whatever-" She huffs, confidence not quite reaching her words as the council collectively smiled, "I guess I wouldn't mind…"
Bae grabs ahold of one of the hands Kronii has in her lap, giggling as her face colored two shades darker. Fauna turned to Sana, offering her hand out to her. A moment passed between them, "You don't have to say yes, Sana, we're still your friends either way." 
Sana looked at Fauna's hand, turning her eyes up to her expression. It was so hopeful, a small smile curling her lips, brows raised with glass in her eyes. Sana turned to Mumei, her face was nearly identical. Bae and Kronii were the same, maybe a little less obvious on Kronii's face, but the way she leaned a little too far forward gave her away.
Sana took her hand into Fauna's, the collective relief in her heart and mind washed over her. Even if it was such a relief to not have to hide from her emotions anymore, Sana's pulse rivalled Bae's bombs in her throat. Her voice was hardly able to stumble out of her mouth before she gave up on talking. 
Sana decided that the next best thing would be to just kiss her. A hum slipped out of Fauna's lips before they both closed their eyes. Sana thought that Fauna's lips would taste more like fresh cut grass if she was honest with herself, but the pleasant hint of golden apples and berries hit her more than any lawnmower flavors. It was warm and slow, Fauna was too tentative to give anything more, and Sana was far too happy with what she was receiving. 
They parted, both puffing out little gusts of air as they looked at each other. Sana smiled, goofy, giddy, and full of teeth, and all Fauna could do was laugh. She covered her mouth with her hand and chuckled against Sana's collarbone, Sana rubbed at her back, her heart leaping at the feeling. 
She looked back towards the council, Kronii's hand silently laid onto Mumei's, her lips pursed as she stared down the ground. Bae, obviously, was holding back a cackle to preserve some of Kronii's dignity, while Mumei just turned her hand and squeezed Kronii's. 
Mumei tilted her head at Sana, her expression the exact same as when she had offered her cape, "What were you doing with Fauna out there then?" She asked slowly.
"Um…" Sana hesitated as Fauna leaned back up, "bird watching?" Fauna gave her a soft shove followed by a stern look, "What? I said that we already have a pretty bird at the picnic to watch!" Sana chuckled, Mumei flushing lightly at the compliment, her eyes skittering to the side.
"Save the flattery for later, Sana." Fauna scolded, her eyes flashing with a hint of danger,"Truth, now."
Sana shrugged, "Ah, right… Fauna was checkin' up on me cause I'm just a bit taller than usual." she paused to adjust her inhibitor, "It's, um, just a bit finicky today. Kronii fixed it up earlier today." She smiled at Kronii, watching as she scrunched in at the attention.
She shrivelled even farther as something seemed to click behind Bae's eyes, "KRONII!" she practically squealed, Kronii yanks her hands away from Mumei's and Bae's grip, covering her face with shame, "You said you didn't know what I was talking about-" She stopped… the picnic went near silent as the enevitable turning of gears clicked in Bae's mind. All Kronii could do was sink her head low and avoid eye contact, "AND YOU THINK SANA IS HOT!" 
Kronii snapped up, slapping at Bae's shoulder, "You said it first-!" she yelps as Bae strikes back. 
Bae's face heated, but the grin on her face grew three times as she laughed, "So you admit it!" 
"What- no! I never said that-"
"But you just did-!"
"Girls!" Fauna's voice gave both of them pause, their eyes flickering between the other members, then between themselves. Both of them slowly lowered their hands, folding them neatly in their laps, not unlike a child in time out. Fauna couldn't help herself, she let a giggle cut through her serious façade. it wasn't long until they all succumbed to laughter, letting it ride out until it died. 
Sana let herself feel a little smug, giving Bae and Kronii both a look that they shied away from, "So that's what you two talk about when I'm not around." Both of them fidgetted, almost beginning to argue before Sana cut them off, "I'm kidding! You have to talk about some other beautiful council ladies sometime-" 
This time, Mumei elbowed her side, the feathers under her clothes ruffled up at the praise, making her look like she had put on puffy winter wear, "Shhhut up…" She mumbled. 
Sana smiled, patting her head lightly as she spoke, "Alright, pretty bird, we'll leave you be…" Mumei grumbled, but let herself tilt her head into her hand.
Bae leaned towards the two, "Hey, wait a second-" both of them looked towards the rat, "Mumei, did you know Sana was taller?"
"Oh, yeah, when she sat on the blanket her legs didn't fit all the way." 
Bae threw her arms up into the air, "AUGH! I was the ONLY ONE?!" She let herself go limp on the blanket, groaning as Kronii laughed mockingly. Sana patted her back sympathetically, she's kinda embarrassed herself, honestly. She thought she'd be able to hide it way better than she did.
"She does look cute when she's tall, doesn't she?" Fauna remarked to Mumei, electing to ignore the newly made Bae wall between the two of them. 
Mumei nodded, "She does, I couldn't really help it when I saw her with my cape on-"
"OKAY! That's enough of that!" Sana flailed in front of the two of them, chuckling nervously. She usually would be able to handle all this if she didn't know that they meant every word. 
None of them can catch a break, can they? 
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milfmarine · 3 years
on the fritz
Ceres Fauna/Hakos Baelz/Nanashi Mumei/Ouro Kronii/Tsukumo Sana, polycouncil
sana's inhibitor is on the fritz again, and kronii tries her best to get her in tip top shape for the very important council meeting.
Fluff, powers going out of wack, i just need to post something so i can finish this, this is an attempt at something light hearted because ive been doing angst forever, this will only have minor conflict i swear, or at least conflict that is par for the course with council, Humor, Height Differences
chapter 1 2 3
chapter 1 of 3: whoops
    ‘heyyyy kronii?”
    ‘tiny issue’
    ‘and by that i mean like’
    ‘EXTREMELY HUGE issue,,,’
    ‘but like, only in size and not importance’
    Kronii sighed as she rubbed at one of her eyes, her phone stinging her vision as she suppressed a yawn.
    ‘What are you talking about, Sana’
    ‘oh you're awake! good, so’
    ‘inhibitor is a LITTLE bit on the fritz rn’
    ‘Oh Christ.’
    ‘ok i know how that sounds, and i know youve tried to fix it before’
    ‘BUT! you are, in fact, the only person i can really ask about this.’
    ‘youre the only one that really even gets how it works and like,,,, is available’
    ‘i just need to be somewhat normal for the council picnic!’
    Kronii blinked hard and moved to get out of bed.
'Meet me at my house in 20 minutes, if you're late then I'm not helping you.'
'yes ma'am!'
Kronii heaved a duffel bag of tools onto her workbench, huffing as she inspected some of the stranger instruments she had collected over the years. She laid out a few of the ones she knew she'd need, most of them being needlessly flashy and hard to hold from complexity. 
She'd been given them from Sana herself, considering she hadn't any idea how to use them like her papa did. That and Sana's papa was busy as all hell and couldn't really do many regular repairs, it only made sense to give it to the next most knowledgeable. 
Unfortunately, that knowledge was still limited, and Kronii knows it will be a frustrating ordeal, just like always. This was only enforced by the fact that Kronii's garage door was being dented by some huge booming creature outside. 
She quickly reached at her side for her blade, only finding empty air. A brief vision of it leaning against her bed made her heart sink.
"Oh, uh, oops," Kronii felt the rumbles of her friend's voice, muffled behind the walls of her house. She sighed, a bit of tension leaving her shoulders as she opened up the dented garage door to the best of her ability. She grumbled, the door only opening halfway, as she squatted to get outside.
She saw Sana's legs first, criss crossed in order to take up less space, then Sana's torso, hunched over  and curled up in order to meet Kronii halfway, and finally, her face, almost as large as her garage and nervously looking to the side.
"Hey Kronii-nii…" Sana's voice trailed off, huge hand paused slightly in it's wave. Kronii gaped, if only for a moment, forgetting how much the inhibitor really inhibited before regaining her composure with a cough. 
"Ah… that bad?" Kronii spoke more to herself than to anyone else, moving to grab her tools from inside, tossing the duffel bag out onto the grass. She grabs the rest of the tools on her workbench in a big handful before meeting Sana back outside. 
Sana fidgeted with her hands as Kronii silently tried to find the closest tool akin to a screwdriver. Kronii can feel eyes on her back as she searches, a warm, uncomfortable feeling settling in her stomach, "You're usually bothering me by now," she states plainly.
She can feel the ground shift as Sana does, her eyes shying away once more, "Yeah…" She admitted, letting the air grow quiet before speaking up again, "It's uh, just, y'know," She gestured weakly at herself.
Kronii lifted her head up, meeting Sana's eyes, she quirked a brow as she grabbed a hold of a corkscrew-esque device. Sana just sat up, a flush coming over her cheeks as she shook her head, "Ughhhh, you know what I mean! It's-" she paused, leaning forward again to whisper, "It's embarrassing…"
Kronii nodded, "Ah, yeah, I guess being this big would grab a lot of attention," Sana just covered her face with her hand, heat nearly taking over the entirety of her. Kronii chuckled to herself, patting at Sana's calf sympathetically. It felt a little like patting a truck's hood after working on the engine for a long day, but she pushed through the strange gesture. 
Sana still hadn't cooled off much, despite Kronii's comforting. She sighed into her palm before looking at Kronii properly again. She stood with a tool awkwardly shoved into her hand, parts poking and prodding at her skin as she tried to adjust it. 
"It's too small, Kronii-nii," she reached out her hand, "Here, I can fix it," Kronii grumbled a little before handing it over, something about 'Of course it needs size manipulated…' Sana giggled, before willing the tool to change. The use of her power made a warm feeling swell up in her chest, along with the feeling of something rising in her throat, something powerful...
"Ah…" Dropping the now perfectly Kronii-sized tool, Sana looked up at Kronii, grass acting as a jungle to her vision. She stood, finding that each blade only went up to her waist. She sighed to herself at that.
    “This is gonna be a long day…” Kronii picked up the tool, moving to unscrew the now tiny panel off of Sana’s inhibitor.
    Sana shuffled in the passenger seat once more, curled in on herself in order to not hit her head on the roof of the car. She attempted to crush her limbs into a more comfortable fashion as she spoke, “Do you think- ah-” she put her foot back down, effectively un-kneeing herself in the nose, “they’ll notice?” 
    Kronii shrugged, turning the wheel with the motion, “To be honest, they’re not really the most perceptive…” Sana nodded to the best of her ability, thinking of all the missed signals and hints even just over the past couple days, “Besides, you’re, like, already taller than all of them normally,”
    “Yeah, but I’m not taller than you normally! They have to notice that, at least!” Sana retaliates, waving a hand over herself, “Seven foot tall isn’t exactly a very human height,”
    “It’s the closest we can get you to stay at for right now, and none of us are really human either, so just- don’t worry about it,” Kronii finishes, a little harsher than she had meant to. She  stopped at a red light and listened to the car hum, heart prickling with guilt as she sighed, “Why are you so worried about it anyway? We’ve all had times where powers go haywire for no reason, y’know?” 
    Sana stilled for a moment, before twiddling with her fingers, “Ah, yeah… It’s just- uh,” She pauses, heat flowing to her cheeks, “Everyone was so excited for this, I just didn’t want them to get all worried about me instead of, y’know, screwing around, having fun.”
    “So, you throw me under the bus instead?” Sana sputtered at Kronii, panic stabbing both of them in the back, “THAT WAS A JOKE! THAT WAS A JOKE!” Kronii flailed her hands, attempting to calm Sana quickly, receiving a hearty laugh in return. Kronii's shoulders relaxed at the sound, resting her hands back on the steering wheel and pressing down on the gas as the light flashed green. 
"You're right though, sorry about that, Kronii…" Sana shuffled in her seat, Kronii turning a corner into the parking lot. Kronii pulled on the parking break as Sana unbuckled herself to the best of her ability, "You did a lot of work on such short notice, it was really sweet of you, I wasn't really expecting you to be so nice to me,"
Kronii unbuckled herself, her voice shaking awkwardly as she spoke, "Hey, don't get too sentimental on me, I know how great I am," Sana laughed, a bright jingle among the stuffy air of Kronii's Jeep, a part of her felt a flutter at the sound before clearing it out of her throat, "Anyway,"
"Kronii! Sana! Hey, over here!" the familiar squeaks carried from over the hilltop, accompanied by the sight of Bae swinging her arms over her head. Her tail swung wildly, swatting at Fauna's side as she took off toward the car. 
Kronii looked over at Sana, the blonde's eyes scrunched with a smile that sat the slightest bit crooked, "Well, here goes nothing," Sana mumbled as she reached for the door handle. She promptly swung the door into Bae's face.
The screaming only lasted for a few minutes this time, at least…
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milfmarine · 3 years
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