jrwifreakzone · 15 hours
Chip having sex w queen and them being in the bed with him while he’s going to bed last night. Ollie sneaking in because he’s a needy little boy and riding chips dick desperately. Chip wakes up and keeps having to shush Ollie because holy fuck if Queen wakes up he’s dead and will kill himself. Ollie being unable top the noises tumbling from his mouth
Queen waking up and staring at her captain with horror. “Chip… la-…”
Chip quickly trying to cover it up, “I- i just woke up like this! He- he was like this when o woke up, i didn’t- Ollie! What are you doing- g-get off!”
Ollie refusing “chiiip I’m not done!” And riding him more until Chip loses it and grabs Ollie’s little hips and thrusting up into his cunt cause he can’t help himself and cumming inside him, and then looking at Queen with horror.
Ollie trying to catch his breath before seeing Queen looking at him, staring with wide eyes because *what the fuck*.
Ollie saying “I-…i think i can go for another round, if you want, queen?” and offering himself up to her .
Let’s just say Queen has a very fun night with two cute boys 💞
The ships little whore đź’•
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jrwifreakzone · 1 day
I’m just saying chip would be such a good apologetic rapist (specifically towards Ollie!!!)
That man should be apologizing and crying a bit and going “I’m sorry i-i need this, i just-“ and comforting him and whining about how it feels so good
And Ollie’s a little confused at first because, i mean, he could’ve just *asked*, but eventually he’s moaning chips name happily because it’s all he’s really ever wanted, and they’re both enjoying it (as much as Chip can enjoy it while feeling the guilt consume him)
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jrwifreakzone · 1 day
Ollie having a crush on Chip and being so so desperate. Silly puppy love. Beggginggg Chip to have sex with him because they’re PIRATES!!! They don’t have to follow the rules!!!
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jrwifreakzone · 1 day
Ollie so wants Chip to fuck him btw and i stand by this
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jrwifreakzone · 7 days
With A Life Like This, Who Needs Hell?
Warning for vivisection, human experimentation, suicidal ideation, temporary character death, and mild exploration of the implications of Viv and Vex just kidnapping gang members.
Fandom: Just Roll With It: The Suckening
Characters: Emizel Tucker, Viv Weylin, Vex Weylin
Relationships: Emizel Tucker & Vex Weylin & Viv Weylin
Word count: 1,670
Emizel Tucker, age 16, goes missing after a night out with friends. He is reported as such 3 days later, when his father, used to his delinquency, gets fed up with what he presumes to be the boy skipping work. This is more than many similar cases of missing adolescents and young adults in Los Angeles have gotten.
The only people who usually notice the disappearances are the friends, fellow members of one of two gangs, the Demons and the Fangs. Of course, anybody involved in gang activity is unlikely to trust the police for help.
Of course, no mortal police force could help with what happens to the missing youths. The Weylin Twins are well above any mortal law, as well as most vampiric ones.
And Emizel Tucker has had the grave misfortune of catching their eyes.
Written for day 13 of @sintember, "Why won't you stay dead?!"
(also posted on AO3 here!)
Emizel Tucker is pretty sure he died at 16 in an alleyway because some Fang got a lucky punch on him. Because the only reasonable explanation for everything that's happened since then is that he's in Hell.
Then again, if he is in Hell, then the fact that he's been “dying” at all seems like a weird amount of mercy, with how peaceful it is right up until he ends up back in this fucking lab. The Adam Sandler movies are annoying, but the ocean of blood is fine, if edgy.
These weird twins definitely aren't human though, that he's sure of. The shit they've been doing to him doesn't make sense.
Illustrating his point perfectly, the one he's gathered is named Viv wedges her hands under his ribcage and just bends it open.
His brain glitches when it tries to process that. It sort of hurts in the same way hitting your funny bone hurts. Probably because your bones aren't supposed to do that.
Whatever, he'd let plenty of Fangs before the motherfucker that landed him here get in a spare hit just for the thrill of the pain. He grits his teeth and breathes through it.
Fuck, he can see his lungs inflating as he does that. He might need to revisit the “being in Hell” thing.
The other one, Vex, starts prodding around his organs, like this is the first time he's seen them.
“You know, Emizel, even beyond the obvious, you are quite the unusual specimen,” he remarks cheerfully, like he's not fondling Emizel's intestines.
He really, really wanted to punch him right now. But that hadn't gone well the last four times he'd tried, so instead, he choked out “You're one to fucking talk” in response. Still, his hands clenched with the urge to break the bastard's nose.
The way they talked to him while they opened him up like he was some sort of particularly interesting toy made him feel…something. Nothing as strong as the feeling of Vex squeezing his guts, but it was still strange.
They were probably just the kind of weirdos who only talked to other people in this kind of situation. Still, it beat having his entire mouth sealed shut, so he tried to respond and keep them interested in what he had to say.
Vex definitely got a kick out of it, giggling at the sharp words like they were a compliment.
“Oh, I'm well aware that me and my sister are unusual, especially to your limited perspective, but you're the man of the hour!”
As he said that, Viv did something that sent a static-y feeling up his spine, his legs twitching.
He hated that they didn't tie him down. He felt like a prey animal, like something so weak and scared that restraining it was a waste of time.
“Lucky me,” he spat with all the sarcasm he could manage.
“I do agree with your assertion, brother," Viv said. “Most of our subjects tend to scream out for somebody when in this much pain, as an instinctual response. Usually, parents.”
She glanced up from Emizel's ribcage to meet his eyes. Her eyes, bright white surrounded by blood red, struck a very rare feeling of outright fear into him. “You haven't the whole time you've been here.”
The absurdity of calling out to Jeffrey to help him mixed the spike of fear into a delirious ridiculousness. He actually might've preferred this to Jeffrey making him earn his keep. At least these two had better taste in music. They even thought he was interesting!
“What, do you guys not catch orphans?” he teased. Maybe the pain was getting to his head. It felt familiar, like the rush he got after a good fight.
Viv broke off a rib from his chest with casual ease, and Emizel shuddered.
As she inspected the marrow, she responded, “Not at all. In fact, the demographics of your gang are proportionally skewed towards parental abandonment.”
With a smile, Vex chimed in, “It does make our jobs much easier if we don't have to worry about Mommy and Daddy trying to track any of you down!”
Oh yeah. They controlled both the Demons and the Fangs, and didn't care about what happened with them.
Emizel had recognized pieces of the gross monsters they made, early on. A hand that felt familiar. Eyes that he'd seen before.
He was always going to end up here. No escaping it. And he had nobody who would care enough to find him except for the friends who'd join him soon.
He's pretty sure he cried about that the first time they revealed it, but he was numb to it now. Maybe Vex pulling out his heart that one time fucked that up.
Regardless, he definitely wasn't numb to the pins and needles feeling of their hands on him. It was agony. It was ecstasy. It was something completely new that he couldn't understand, and it was starting to feel kinda nice.
At least he had one leg up on these freaks. Every time he died, a voice had been counting down from 9, and he hadn't shared that with them. With the way they were studying him, he'd run out of lives soon. He'd die for real, and he wouldn't miss this lab, wouldn't miss the auto shop, and wouldn't miss his lack of a future. He'd flip his life the bird and find some other shit to do.
It was at that moment that Viv paused in her work and asked Vex, “Have you found anything particularly aberrant about his anatomy, brother?”
Vex groaned. “No, it's all small things I've seen before. Have you?”
Viv shook her head. “Aside from past fractures that weren't set, he's perfectly average. He'd make a textbook cadaver if he'd simply stay dead.”
Oh great, he's normal. How comforting.
They both stayed silent, lost in thought. Slowly, a smile crept back onto Vex's face.
“Sister, are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
With a simple look at him, Viv raised an eyebrow.
“If my assumption of what you're thinking is correct, I'd say that it's a worthwhile idea, but we'll have to be logical about it.”
Ugh, twins. Now he had no fucking clue what they were on about.
Vex grabbed Viv by the shoulders, enthused and getting blood on her white lab coat.
“If it all went right, he could be our next masterpiece!”
Emizel started to panic. He'd seen the fucked up creatures Vex called their “artwork”, and he didn't want to be trapped in some kind of fucking human meatball forever.
“I must concur, his true immortality could yield fascinating results in a kindred form,” she said, looking at Emizel with some sort of consideration on her face.
“I'll grab one of the thralls at once!”
“Wait, we should put more consideration into this. I'm unsure that making him a Brujah would be wise, brother. We've already seen how violent his temperament is, wouldn't that be quite the handful?”
Yeah, Emizel officially had no fucking clue what they were on about, but he wanted no part of it. Please, please, just go back to ripping him apart until he'd finally stay a pile of meat on the floor—
Vex looked upset about that comment, though. “Just look at him, Viv! Making him anything other than Brujah would be an insult to our talent! We can't have subpar artwork on purpose!”
Viv's rationality seemed to waver when faced with the potential of this next experiment they could perform on Emizel, like they hadn't done enough already.
“Okay, I concede to your point, Vex. This should make his generation 10th, correct?”
Vex was already rushing out the door with vigor at Viv's approval, leaving with the comment of “We can always find a way to lower it later if we want him to be stronger!”
Viv rolled her eyes. “His impulsivity will find us our final deaths one day,” she muttered to herself.
With that comment out, she turned back to Emizel, like she'd just remembered he was here.
She grinned, and Emizel was fucking terrified. She wasn't the one that did that, and he still didn't know what the fuck they were going to do to him.
“He didn't even remember to close you up first,” she said almost sweetly. Emizel went to stutter out some response, but before he could, she grabbed the opened flaps of his skin and crossed them back over his torso. She pressed them back together so forcefully he wheezed, and they messily bonded back together like clay.
“He's going to complain about that later, but I'm sure he's going to fuss over your skin regardless.”
Her smile bared her teeth as she talked, and for the first time, Emizel noticed that they had fangs.
“I must confess, I'm excited to see how you come out of this, Emizel Tucker. Behave yourself, and you might become one of the most terrifying things we've ever made.”
The promise of that statement enticed him, even through his fear. He didn't want to be anything like the monsters he'd seen so far, but the idea of becoming something even scarier than that appealed to him.
She used a hand to hold his head back against the table, and he noticed how cold she was to the touch.
She leaned down, fangs bared, and bit into his neck.
He tensed for a moment, then suddenly relaxed.
He felt calm. Peaceful. If he focused on it, he could still feel a pleasant sting from the teeth piercing his skin.
He was getting lightheaded, like his blood was all somewhere else.
“Oh,” he said dumbly. “You're vampires.”
He felt Viv stifle a laugh at that, still drinking from him.
He was feeling the newly-familiar fade of dying now, but it sounded like his plan of dying forever wouldn't work out.
Maybe he could accept staying here for a while. If anything was made to stay in hell, it would be a Demon.
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
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not pictured is emizel frothing at the mouth <3
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
gc conversation got me hung up on shilo and gabriel again so.
shilo and gabriel play fighting and gabriel manhandles shilo expecting him to yknow, play the role of emizel and fight back
except shilo doesn't, he just goes fully limp instead because of the strength kink he just found out he has<3
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
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hi this totally hasn't been posted before :3
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
Not enough content of shilo getting fucking like the little princess he is. Completely tied up and helpless while his emizel and arthur take advantage of him
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
new freak new freak!!!! Welcome
New freak! Hi! đź‘‹
Hiiii this is so funny im so exited to share the freak finally
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
Can I be so 100% honest rn every time I see someone like freaking out scandalized by sexual elements in horror I'm kind of just sitting here like Yeah dude I love combining the erotic and grotesque it's my favorite pastime. What do you mean "the writer's barely disguised fetish" are we supposed to be disguising it? I think the throat-fuck guy is perfect for directing the new alien movie. Get with it
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
if you call yourself a freak/cringe/problematic/toxic yaoi or yuri enjoyer/horror fan and you have proship dni then you need to have tomatoes thrown at you
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
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absolutely Criminal we never got a scene where shilo was taken to hot topic </3
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jrwifreakzone · 9 days
wait remember that time grefgore had to forcefully feed shilo blood because he had nothing left and couldn't wake up without it? That was crazy haha anyway we all agree that he touched him in his sleep right
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jrwifreakzone · 18 days
i hate the racist incel fucks that ruin the name of proshippers because most of us are NOT assholes
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jrwifreakzone · 29 days
wouldn’t it be so beautiful if there were only two fics about mcs and they were both about me and they were both chase and his dad fucking hard
Nothing. Just chase pining helplessly for his dad . Desperately wanting more than just the masculinity lessons that his father gives him, desperately wanting to be loved. But he knows that his father is terrified of things like that. Terrified of being gay. Terrified of love. But Chase can tell. Chase can tell that even though Richard is afraid of it, he loves. It’s in the way that sometimes, lately, he just wants to hold Chase in his lap. Not for sex, not for anything bad, just to feel his son’s small body in his hands. It’s in the way that he lets his son kiss him. It’s in the way that when Chase crawls into his bed at night, Richard lets him. Does not tell him it is not manly enough. He lets him. Chase hopes that one day his father will stop bringing afraid of loving him
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jrwifreakzone · 29 days
i just really wanna write a sequel to my fic
Nothing. Just chase pining helplessly for his dad . Desperately wanting more than just the masculinity lessons that his father gives him, desperately wanting to be loved. But he knows that his father is terrified of things like that. Terrified of being gay. Terrified of love. But Chase can tell. Chase can tell that even though Richard is afraid of it, he loves. It’s in the way that sometimes, lately, he just wants to hold Chase in his lap. Not for sex, not for anything bad, just to feel his son’s small body in his hands. It’s in the way that he lets his son kiss him. It’s in the way that when Chase crawls into his bed at night, Richard lets him. Does not tell him it is not manly enough. He lets him. Chase hopes that one day his father will stop bringing afraid of loving him
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