#i don't have much experience with food poisoning so it's...scary
greenbirdtrash · 3 months
I reaaally hope that whatever i'm experiencing rn is just an ordinary food poisoning...I threw up a few times in a morning, i actually woke up early because of that, then i took some toxin absorbers, it seemed to do the job and i never threw up again during the entire day , but after i slept a little bit, it started tl feel like every bone and muscle in my body was aching exactly like it was when i had covid. Bruh
I drank lots of water, took some more toxin absorbers, ate a little bit of very "light" food, and stayed in bed the entire time. I don't have any sharp pains, or tummy pain in general, i just feel...limpy and exhausted. And well, there's also a decent fever now. I'f it's not critical, i'd love to just spend my days in bed untill i'm good again, if possible, knowing how our medical system works, but i really have no idea what's going on with me and i'd kill to get some reassurance that it's gonna be okay.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: I should make a fucking...(food) web of connected concepts with panels that connect them...
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I love how Kabru is just part of this friend group, now. He invited himself and no one's questioning it. Laios invited him to lunch later, and that counts.
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I love how everyone is varying levels of "oh fuck" until we get to The Current Party, where it's:
Senshi: thinking intently, a little grimly, about how he could butcher and cook this
Marcille: a dash of 'oh fuck', but also sad, in the way of watching a friend slide down a slippery slope
Chilchuck: incredible dad energy on this line, honestly.
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don't you give my son orders, you piece of shit. you aren't worthy of being lord of anything. you protect nothing, wish to help no one, except your own desires. (The Demon never should've been alive at all. It's not suited to it.)
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This is gonna look sooo cool animated in color.
I might actually be more offended by the demon wearing Kensuke like normal than by the whole wearing of Laios's body? It's so symbolic.
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I want to know how the ancients achieved that - binding the demon such that, while underground, it could only warp reality in service to a living being's desires. Though really, that seems to be how it's always operated - the only desire it ever expressed for itself was to eat the desires of others. Otherwise, it's only shown fulfilling wishes, before it's locked in the dungeon as well as after.
But I wonder if having a physical form gives it the ability to want more? Does it hunger and third and want to rest, now? DOes it really feel a yearning not just for the completion of its plan, but for the open sky and sight of the world which it hasn't seen in so long?
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Needless to say, we love a visual parallel.
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yep, this sure is the Eating Each Other Cyclically chapter! (This is the Eating Each Other Cyclically story, actually. It's called the ecosystem!)
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oh I hate this actually. It's scary in a real way. I do not like being forced to acknowledge that Chilchuck is much, much smaller, weaker and more fragile than Laios. I do not like seeing him curled up and helpless and unable to ever reconnect with his family.
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Freak cubed! Actually, how many times has it gone back and forth, now...?
the lion swallowed all of them
Laios ate hte lion in order to swap bodies (ish)
honestly I feel like the demon being counts as eating him in turn. Making Laios's body part of itself, you know? That's eating.
(monster!)Laios ate demon(!Laios)
demon(!Laios) is now eating (monster!)Laios
...so, Freak^5
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The parallel to Marcille snapping at Laios to drop the plant seeds in Chapter 2... Love how every now and then people resort to yelling at this man like he's a dog. Truly, he is a beagle of all time (eats Things) ('Things' is an unlimited category of which the details are best left unknown)
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And it applies to social structures as well as biomes btw.
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Which is why hunger(/living) is poisonous to this infinite being, btw: the cycle is infinite, sure, but specifically because any single creature within the cycle is finite. To exist as part of the cycle, the world, breaks the infinite being, even as the infinite being inevitably destroys the world.)
But most of all:
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(This is the fucking...Theseus wrestling the Minotaur statue...of this world... People are going to make this statue of King Laios Eating the Demon... It's going to be in museums...and in the palace... The true curse here is that Marcille is going to have to see versions of this motif for her entire excruciatingly long life...)
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weaselle · 1 year
gods, i feel a glimmer of understanding, like i can almost see a universal truth beyond the ken of mortal mind
its about good and evil, and how hatred works
Like pain, error, anger, and adversity, hatred is a normal healthy thing to experience.
But also like many of those those things, an obsession with being Good and Pure and Happy all the time in this culture makes feeling those things Wrong
So we have unexpressed, unprocessed hatred in us, that our social group tells us is Wrong and Shameful. But then! our social group tells us it IS okay to hate this, specifically.
Now sometimes there are good reasons to hate something. Just like it serves a purpose in an individual, it has it's place in societal dynamics. We started hating on Karens to correct the social behavior of, like, calling the cops on children for selling lemonade or yelling at a person for doing their job or whatever. Pretty unfortunate for the many nice people named Karen, but there was a reason for the public jumping on that bandwagon, there was a social correction at play, and it needed a catchy label.
Now. In a large group that doesn't encourage healthy processing of hatred, there will always be a bunch of people feeling hate
But there isn't always an appropriate or understood target for group hate. But there IS always an easy target. So sometimes the target is a random celebrity who had one (1) bad take, or a once-popular fashion trend, or a food combination, or like, black people.
Because while it is true that hate itself is a natural and normal thing to feel, it is just like how you need salt to live but having a high salt diet will kill you slowly and eating a few spoonfuls at once will kill you quick. Injudicious hatred is poison.
So, sometimes our group (whatever we consider that group to be) tells us to hate this, or that, and it gives us permission to do the thing that was previously Wrong, and it's a relief. It feels good.
And if we have a lot of hate in us (there are many understandable reasons this could be) or if there just isn't a lot of feeling good in our life, then we start to seek out that feeling good, that relief. We start looking for things to hate. Building up that hatred on purpose in some unconscious way. For the relief of expressing it at a socially acceptable target. Because in your experience of this scary difficult life, you feel so much like screaming and throwing things and using your strongest language, but your group says it's only okay to do that at sports and this short list of targets.
And the list changes. It changes slowly over hundreds of years, and it changes quickly, in the age of the internet it can sometimes be daily.
And when that mob of hatred moves to its next target, it leaves some people behind, who get hooked on hating that thing specifically, and who even subconsciously teach their children to process their own hatred by hating that thing.
and that's how hatred spreads and grows
and the only way to only process group hatred in a healthy, issue correcting way is to have a group of people who process their personal hatred in a healthy way, so they don't have all this unprocessed hatred sloshing around in the basements of their souls.
Who say, okay, i feel hate toward that, and that is okay. I am allowed to feel and express hatred (not always to the target tho, maybe you paint about it or something). but also, why am i feeling hatred? Is this a real thing to hate, or is this a me issue? does hating this serve a purpose, and if so, can that purpose be served better some other way? How can i resolve this so that i acknowledge my feeling and address it enough to let it go, so i do not feel this negative stressful thing anymore? Can i do it through a reasonable respectful communication? Through an attempt to change the dynamic or via an action addressing the root cause? or is this something i can resolve inside myself, write a letter i never send, climb a hill and wordlessly scream it out, something i handle in just me
anyway, thoughts on hatred, and how trying too hard to never have negativity is itself pretty harmful on both an individual and a societal level
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johannestevans · 1 year
want to write some more non-fiction stuff in the next few months bc like... so well as launching the podcast and also launching merch, i do want to start guesting on more podcasts and doing some non-fiction commentary as well as keeping up my fiction stuff
and i'm just like...
so i have some fashion guides that are in progress - i've got a dive into shoes and another longer piece about developing personal style; i've got some essays that are in progress - a series of essays on disability in House MD, one about martin crieff in cabin pressure, a bunch of movie analyses/reviews
some other sex stuff - i've got a guide to nipple stimulation, i want to write a bit about vaginismus, maybe a personal essay about getting a pap smear with it
i think i'd like to write something about pregnancy and the expectation that one must at some point want to get pregnant, and about the expectations of parenthood
i think i'd like to write about mental health care and awful MH professionals i've seen, with a run-through of the worst experiences and why more MH practictioners need to a) have actual life experience of being marginalised and/or being on the receiving end of MH care b) need to experience actual consequences for medical abuse c) should have guidelines explicitly for trauma-informed care
i was on a podcast released today from Trauma Talks about autism and trauma, and we did discuss that, but i just think i could go more in depth
idk and also just. hook up stuff? talking to men and navigating MLM spaces as a gay man
i think there's also an essay to be found in like... as a gay trans man, i find a lot more solace in older gay works by gay men, and it's to do with the trauma of being seen very explicitly as taboo and the way that your sex and sexual desires are demonised. a lot of modern "representation" for trans men is either by/for lesbians, and not even necessarily for transmasc lesbians or boydykes, or it's by like. fluffier, sweeter people? where it's very cutesy, or at the least, its sexuality is loving and not scary or frightening or complicated? like it's "wholesome"?
and wholesome stuff is very poisonous to me but also like. scares me, bc it always feels like in different ways wholesome stuff is created out of a desire for the eradication of people like me, rape victims who are men who desire etc
i think maybe also i'd like to write about like. food, and enjoying food, and rejecting diet culture and wellness culture
and also maybe write about. disability
like there's just so much personal experience and perspective i don't see written about or represented in people like me, and when it is like... in ways that are quite neutered, or rendered non-threatening or "nice" in a way i'm not?
and esp given that our communities are currently experiencing HUGE censorship in the name of being "nice" and "wholesome" and all this stuff, i think i'd like more than ever to be writing essays that make people uncomfortable and maybe undergo some growth or introspection in the first place
i think a lot of the problem i have in writing personal essays etc is like... never knowing where to start or where my remit starts and ends, and a lot of that just comes / will come from practice, i think
(with that said, if there's specific stuff you'd like to hear about or questions etc always feel free to toss them in my ask box bc. they are always super useful for me to order my thoughts! i think maybe even that aside i should start trying to think of this stuff in terms of answering a question someone is asking and/or responding to an imaginary essay prompt or thesis statement, bc without that i just. struggle to get started)
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schizosupport · 9 months
Hi Glitch, thanks for everything you do with your blog! My partner and I are parenting a wonderful 1 year old kiddo whose bio mom is living in an assisted living center and has persistently experienced hallucinations and delusions that make her life difficult. She's bounced between diagnoses, making treatment difficult, and because there is no family history of these symptoms we're not sure if it's heritable or not. As a result, it's super important to us to 1) explain the story of where she's living is in the kindest and most loving way possible, and 2) be super on top of things so we can be ready in case the baby does experience symptoms later in life.
I have been trying to read as many first-person memoirs and stories as I can from people, and particularly loved The Center Cannot Hold by Elyn Saks. That's where I learned about the term "prodromal schizophrenia" and the phase of people's lives where they may first begin to experience magical thinking, mood disturbance, or paranoid thoughts before their first "classic" symptoms of psychosis or hallucination arise. May I ask if you experienced prodromal symptoms yourself, or if you have any thoughts on how to best tell the difference between them and the kind of depression, mood swings, and anxiety that can just come with the territory of being a teenager/young adult? I'm trying to figure out what to look for that could be a sign that in addition to depression symptoms, a teen might experience a break from reality soon.
I figure the obvious best bet is "have a great relationship with your kid so that you notice and be there if things get hard in early adulthood", and "prepare him explicitly for things he should look out for and ask him to tell me if he starts having thoughts like being watched, his food being poisoned, or having ideas/images that don't feel like they belong to him appear in his mind." Or do you think that if you had been told as a child that you might have your mind play tricks on you and you should tell someone if XYZ happens that would have made you feel like you were doomed to scary experiences or like there was something broken about you? I don't know the best way to explain to a child that he may or may not experience something far later in life, and how much and what kind of information is helpful as opposed to something that would turn into a source of fear and self-doubt.
Thanks so much for any thoughts you may have!
Hi there anon!! Thank you for reaching out, I think it's awesome that you are doing your best to educate yourself/yourselves about the schizo spec experience as a result of this situation!
Firstly, I'm wondering what y'alls relationship is to the mother? If at all possible, I recommend getting to know the mother. It will first off give you a firsthand secondhand understanding of the type of psychosis she’s dealing with, and hopefully over time, things that have helped her feel better. Second off, hopefully it will demystify psychosis to you guys on some level, so it isn't this scary foreign object that your child might be harbouring. And lastly, it makes it easier to communicate with the kid as he gets older about who his mother is, why she wasn't in a place to raise him herself etc.
If for whatever reasons getting to know the mother is not an option, finding another way to get in touch with adults who deal with psychosis can be good. Psychosis can be very hard to understand for people who never experienced anything like it, but by reading accounts from people who have (as you are doing), and ideally through meeting and getting to know people who struggle with these things, it starts to feel less alien. Or so I believe. The common human response to psychotic people is often dehumanization. Because it's too painful to internalize that this is a real person like everyone else having emotions and experiences that are as real to them as any emotion or experience is to anyone else. So talking to adults who go through life with the veil to the nightmare realm being a bit too thin for comfort, is important, so you don't feel like psychosis = lost child. (Not instigating that you do, just stressing the importance).
So the thing about psychosis and so on is that yeah, so there's some genetic component in here, but as you also allude to, psychosis is many different things. That said, looking at diagnoses, getting a diagnosis of schizophrenia, autism, adhd and schizotypal is more likely if you have a parent with either of those diagnoses. So a schizophrenic parent increases the risk of autism too etc. At lower instances this is true of every psychiatric disorder.
This is all to say, diagnoses are a simplified way to look at a complex reality. But people who go on to develop psychosis, and not uncommonly their direct descendants, often have what could be described as non-specific neurodivergency that can go in different directions. As a result, most schizophrenic people, for instance, relate strongly to autistic and adhd experiences (and some have earlier diagnoses of such).
Kids with this type of non-specific neurodivergency are prone to experiencing bullying etc, which can be a bad feedback loop for developing psychotic tendencies (bc kids with psychotic tendencies get bullied more + bullying causes an increase in psychotic symptoms).
So what I'm getting at is that there's a good chance the kid might face some difficulties in life, and trying to build him a safe base at home and a place to express his emotions and experiences (even if they're weird or concerning!) without judgment, is very important.
To answer your question, yes, I think you'd say that I had a prodromal phase. But in my case it's a bit odd to say, since it happened when I was very young. In kindergarten and early school years, I experienced what would generally be referred to as such. And by middle school I was paranoid and delusional to a classic psychotic degree. In a lot of ways I was lucky that school was very easy to me, and I figured out ways to deal with these symptoms and get through life for the most part until this started falling apart in uni when I was in my early twenties, where I eventually was put in a position where I had to face professional assistance .. This may come across as unusual based on the literature, but I talk to many many psychotic people, and the vast majority of those that I talk to, had paranoid ideation, extreme magical thinking, hallucinations and dissociation as commonplace in childhood. Often it takes years before it gets acknowledged as such, but nevertheless.
So for me, while my dad might qualify for diagnosis beyond adhd (which he has), my (late) aunt was the “big bad schizo” in my family history. My dad told me some frankly quite terrifying stories when I was a child about his schizophrenic sister, about how she behaved, how she was treated (in the 60s and 70s), her beliefs, her suicide attempts and her suicide. As a child I felt a kinship to this aunt who died many years before I was born, but it was equally clear to me that my dad was traumatized by the way he lost his sister, and I was terrified of becoming “like her”. So like. That was not a helpful approach, I can say that much.
That said I enjoyed kinda having her as a weird icon of ‘the other weirdo in the family’ on some level I didn't yet know how to explain. So I think that talking to your kid about his mum is good and important, including her struggles, but I think it's important to do so in an age appropriate manner. I don't think you need to spell out to him that he should look out for these signs in himself, it will come naturally, if he knows his mother was “like that”. If he starts to experience things, he now has words and context to begin to understand what's happening to him. That's the key to building “insight” on a lot of levels. And if you manage to present it as something that isn't a literal death sentence, he may be more willing and feel more safe to talk to you about it too.
On that note, I think that regardless of his mum's condition, it's important to introduce him to the concept of psychosis and associated experiences as a spectrum, so he doesn't assume that there's only one way to be “like that” with one common result. So like, don't specifically tell him to look out for things like whether he is feeling paranoid, bc I don't think that's helpful. But letting him know that his mother struggles with/has struggled with such thoughts and experiences, and it's a type of disorder that has a name/names, and can manifest in many different ways, could be a helpful middle ground.
As for how to tell other teenage difficulties from the prodromal stages of schizophrenia, honestly it's neigh impossible. I would argue that the presence of ipseity disturbance points towards schizophrenia, but I wouldn't recommend asking a bunch of questions related to the experience of self, bc that's triggering as hell if he IS dealing with that .. So I think my best advice is to deal with symptoms as they arise, and don't look for a specific inevitable pattern. There's no real way to know the future, and if you expect Y symptom once you've seen X symptom, you can accidentally push him in that direction. So I think that responding to any given symptom as a standalone experience, rather than as a sign of a specific disorder, is the best approach. The worst thing that can happen is you guys starting to interpret his whole person according to the expectations of a disorder (even if he does get diagnosed with said disorder!). He's always an individual first.
An important note is that it's not like we have any treatment that definitely halts a prodromal phase anyways. People talk a lot about early intervention, but from my perspective it's pretty controversial.
Sure, if you can afford it, it might be great if he has a therapist that he trust during his teenage years, to talk things through with etc. But other than that there's not much to do. I'm not really a proponent of early intervention antipsychotics, and I think the best is to not assume the steps ahead, but just help him wherever he's at. Plenty of people go through what could accurately be described as a prodromal phase without ever developing further, too. Sometimes things just are, and your kid is a bit of a weirdo, and that's fine! :p
On the note of memoirs and so on, I don't know if you read it, but I really liked the book “a road back from schizophrenia” by Arnhild Lauveng, I think it may be a relevant read too. The English translation is lackluster, but it still gets the points across I feel.
At the end of the day there’s no real way to predict if your child will experience these struggles, but hey, that's true for any child! He has a whole life of experiences ahead of him, some good, some bad. And the best you can do is be by his side, and try to give him a safe space where he feels that he can be himself and talk about his experiences, good or bad. And this also includes respecting when he sets boundaries and doesn't want you involved, which can be hard if psychosis is involved. But the best way to keep being a safe person long term is to respect his boundaries, even if they are arbitrary or doesn't seem to make sense based on your understanding of the world.
Just the fact that you are sending this message to this account, I take as a wonderful sign of your investment in this kid and his future. I hope you will love him lots, and he you (and your partner). I hope you have a happy beautiful family ❤️ with or without psychosis.
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deathisararemercy · 2 years
Death and Sleep
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Death Headcanons? Ramble? Death Something.
A/N: I was originally going to make a little one-shot x reader for this but I found that I was really just making headcanons. I needed a break from long writing anyway so here's a quick list of headcanons and thoughts on Death and dreaming/sleeping! This gets sad because apparently it's really hard for me to write Death being happy. I really saw literal Death and said "This bad buy can pack so much guilt and emotional baggage in 'im."
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Death doesn't dream. He can't really fall asleep either. He might curl up for a bit and rest his eyes, but he can't actually sleep. His job kind of keeps him up.
It's so hard to get him to take a break. And his idea of "taking a break" usually involves watching people live their lives on his way to his next soul or things like chasing down Puss (the latter is actually something I don't think he does all that often considering Puss was arrogant and cocky about his nine lives. Other people wasting away their one life is sad to see, but a cat wasting eight of his nine lives? Absolutely infuriating.)
But back to the "Death doesn't dream" thing.
The only way to make Muerte actually fall asleep is through magical means.
And following fairy tale logic, the best candidates this for this would be some sort of cursed spinning wheel, poisoned apples, or poppies like in The Wizard of Oz!
I imagine Death is too wise to get pricked by a cursed object or ingest strange foods. But poppies? Ohohoho.
Stopping to smell the roses is nice. And Death appreciates life.
If this were an 'x reader,' I'd say the reader gifts him flowers without realizing the bouquet has poppies in it.
Death takes one big whiff of those things and he's out cold, curled up on the floor. Unlike most wolves, he snores a bit.
At first he dreams of nothing. Everything is dark and silent and still, and Death is finally at rest.
But when he does begin to dream, he sees spirits who have figuratively haunted him. Children and animals and people taken too soon. Guilt wells up in him. This is his job and it's what he must do, but god, that doesn't mean he's heartless and that it doesn't hurt.
But he also sees things in color for the first time. Wolves don't see the full range of color. (Technically red is one of the colors they can't distinguish but red is a central part of his character design so shhhh he can see red even when awake).
So being able to see all of these colors is also terrifying. How could he even begin to describe it all?
Alternatively, he gets happier dreams. Dreams of particular people throughout time who have meant a lot to him. Dreams that are more fantastical and imaginative.
A dream idea: Death's agility and speed and strength increases 1000x. He runs through a forest and barely feels the ground beneath his feet and at some point he is literally flying, seeing the world from above. The air is fresh and clear and he can feel the thrill of a chase (even though he's not really chasing anything).
A nightmare idea: Death experiences what it's like to die a painful death while facing the most violent and monstrous part of himself. He tries to be kind and gentle with the spirits he has to reap; they recently died, and they need that comfort while they grieve. Bu there's that part of him that loves the smell of fear.
Sleeping Death fights against Death the Big Bad Wolf, and his fighting skills are slow, sloppy, and sad. A sick twist of Fate is Death being slashed by his own sickles. Hearing his own whistle and his own laugh. He knew he was scary but this? Facing his own monster? This is next level.
Eventually he wakes up as the poppy magic wears off. He's never had that feeling of being "well-rested" because he's never rested before. So it's a new and interesting sensation to say the least.
But he's also behind on so many souls. And it was terrifying to see things in full color for the first time.
And he never wants to be near a red flower ever again.
I'm only half-joking. He's a lot more wary about bouquets of flowers or smelling flowers in general. He's really careful about the types of flowers. But this just leads into a really fascinating interest in plants and gardening. He's Death so he doesn't have the biggest green thumb, but he has a lot of respect for life and creation and these beautiful little flowers that seem harmless but absolutely destroyed him.
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brltpop · 1 year
Tag games (x2) ✌️
Tagged by @brettyimages on both, so sorry for taking so long to do the first one ;-; and think you for thanking on me for these ♡
1) Get to know me better
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
- Relationship Status: single 🤘
- Favorite Color: black
- Song Stuck In My Head: Liar by Rollins band, temazo what can i say?
- Last Song I Listened To: Plastic love by Mariya Takeuchi! song of all time!
- Three Favorite Foods: my gothness i love food so much..... how could i even pick.... chorrillanas are life, tacos too, chop suey oh my gothness.......
- Last Thing(s) I Googled: long black boots, i really want some for winter haha
- Dream Trip: i just need to experience liverpool, same with bavaria like i know I'm biased but the vibes that people who go to their respective stadiums give seems so familiar, i need to know how it feels hehe
2) 15 questions 15 mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
- starting with the sensitive questions JAJAJJA yeah i am and it sucks, I've hated my name ever since and can't wait to change it
2. When was the last time you cried?
- i am not a crier BUT a couple of days ago i got berated at a supermarket by their employees over a missing package of mine (literally how is that my fault, they're the ones who deliver it i mean 🤨) and i was getting so frustrated my eyes started to water but i dodged getting emotional so i hope that counts?
3. Do you have kids?
- nope
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
- i don't think so???
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
- absolutely nothing, i'm not a sports person really 🤠
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
- their initial attitude tbh, like sometimes you see them from afar and can pick up right away if they're annoying or not
7. What’s your eye color?
- brown yell heah
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
- man i used to DEVOUR scary movies! that phase basically faded after the pandoodle (i mean we were already living in scary times, i didn't need more of that thanks) so if i had to choose i guess I'll go with happy endings
9. Any special talents?
- does baking count as a talent? if so then idk 😂
10. Where were you born?
- Northern Chile born and raised 🤘
11. What are your hobbies?
- watching movies and sewing! making your own clothes and items is so fun! also i literally watch movies for the most absurd reasons. Saw a cool gifset of it? i watch it, an actress looks stunning? watch it, maybe i saw a funny one liner? watch it, which happened with frankenhooker, poison ivy and life of brian respectively!
12. Do you have pets?
- i don't
13. How tall are you?
- 165 cm or 5'4"
14. Favorite subject in school?
- history!
15. Dream Job?
- i really can't explain why, but i have never ever thought on a dream job? like I'd very much prefer a fun job rather than a standard one like idk, reviewing concerts or sth but it never happened to me while growing up that i thought on a particular job and wished to work on it??? idk why am i wired like that but 🤡
Tagging: whoever feels like doing it! since most people i know already did these haha ♡
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
i have an idea wednesday addams meeting reader who has a melanie martinez, maybe fran bow aesthetic, or this tiktok account's aesthetic https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSedsmvSe/ (because pastels), and reader's family also has that type of aesthetic, addams and reader's family meet? i don't know if you take asks or requests but i just had an idea and i wanted to share it with the class
this is what I call a magnificent contribution !! Thanks for sharing it with the class, you have an A +
Also, thank you so much for letting me write for another fandom!! I hope you like this little fic <3
Devil likes pastel color (Platonic Wednesday x Fem!Reader)
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“Hallo!” you smiled as you approached the black haired girl next to you. 
In the month you have been there, a lot of classmates have approached you, wanting to be your friends and making you feel welcomed, because a new girl in the school was always a rare but awesome thing, and you were so nice and lovely, the kind of person everyone would want around. 
Everyone, except Wednesday Addams. The girl wasn’t rude to you, she just didn’t talk or even see in your direction, which you respected. You find her fascinating, but after the first attempt to befriend her, where she commented on your “utterly horrible and eye burning clothes”, you stopped trying. You laughed it off, of course, but never bothered her again.
Too bad the teacher didn’t care about Wednesday’s wishes at all and paired you with her for the next project. Well, you could always try to make this a pleasant experience for both of you. Which would be easier if the girl would even look at you.
“How are you?” you tried again
She remained quiet. You started to feel a little awkward, but your parents taught you to be patient with people.
“So...what do you think we should do for our project?” you asked and smiled again. 
“We can see how long it takes a wolf to eat a small human” she finally answered. 
You were making progress!! Good! And this was something you actually knew about, so it was amazing! Too bad you didn’t hear the sarcasm in her voice, nor caught the hint about you being the small human. You totally missed her threat.
“Well, it depends. Wolves usually eat 3.3 pounds of meat per day, 22 if they’re starving. So, I’m guessing between 6 and 43 days, depending how angry is it” you smiled. 
Wednesday frowned and finally looked at you. You had listened about how she could make anyone fear her with only looking at them, but to you, it was a victory. If you were honest, she was the most interesting person you’ve ever met. 
“How much do you weigh?” she asked and raised an eyebrow.
This time, you understood the meaning and couldn’t help but giggle. She was so cute. 
“Enough to feed a growth wolf, that’s for sure” you said “But I doubt Akela would allow any other wolf near me” 
The other girl blinked and her whole posture changed. She even turned so she was fully facing you this time. Second point to you!
“You have a wolf?” she asked
“Oh yes, he’s such a good boy, always protecting us from people who get too close. I think he still has a hand on the basement. Not sure whom it belonged to. But don’t worry, he’s sweet with the people we like” you finished with a huge smile. 
By the way Wednesday’s face changed from annoyed to interested, you knew you had her full attention now.
“Can I help you?”
You smiled when a lovely tall lady in a black dress greeted you. It had been a month since that project you and Wednesday did and you two became good friends since then. Everyone at school thought it was odd, because you two were total opposites, but for you it only made your friendship even better! Besides, your pastel dresses always looked better with Wednesday’s black ones, you made each other stand out.
Yet, this was the first time you came to her house. At first, she said she’d prefer to work at your place because that way her younger brother wouldn’t bother you (even if the idea of Akela attacking Pugsley was tempting for her), but then it was just that she enjoyed the way you and your family treated her, 
Don’t get it wrong, deep inside she loved her strange family, but being the older (and better) child meant her parents would usually expect too much from her, and you were a single child, which meant you and your parents would give her all your attention. Besides, she discovered your parents were amazing. 
They shared your same pastel aesthetic, but also your creepiness. You weren’t cruel, far from that, in fact, she’d often find your manners and sweet talk too cloying for her taste, but there were times when a darker side of you would come out, usually if you were in trouble or danger, and those, those were her favorite moments. When you’d get all psycho and murder. She found it kind of cute.
There was only so much her parents could teach her, but your parents were still a box of surprises and she loved learning new ways of using knives, chains, poison or raising spiders. But after a month of getting to know you all, she decided it was time for you to meet her family too. 
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Addams” your mother said, with a big smile “We apologize for any inconvenience, we’re just here to leave our little princess”
The woman frowned but before she could say anything, a man with a funny mustache and a cigarette approached her from behind.
“And who are these people with a horrendous sense of fashion, cara mia?” he asked.
Your parents laughed and this time your father presented you all in a better way.
“We’re the Y/L/Ns. Our little princess here was invited to your lovely house” your father said.
“Mother, father” a voice came behind the Addams “I invited her”
You smiled when Wednesday approached you all with a small smirk. She never smiled the way you or your parents did, but her smirk was still a nice touch. It fit her. 
“This is Y/N, and her parents, Y/F/N and Y/M/N” the girl said.
This time, the Addams seemed to understand and opened their eyes in realisation. 
“Oh, so this is the girl you kept telling us about, dear Wednesday” the woman said “Our apologies, we weren’t expecting you to have such...tastes in clothes” she said.
You and Wednesday looked at each other and smirked. You two knew what her parents would think about your family’s aesthetic, it was the same the black-haired girl thought at first, but you had the hope that, just like their daughter, the Addams could see past the pastel color and build a good relationship with them. 
You knew your parents would at least try.
“I think nuts could cover the amoniac” you casually said “Mom could help us bake some cookies”
Wednesday didn’t look up from her book, but you could see her rolling her eyes and smirking. 
You were right, your parents and the Addams quickly got along despite the initial suspicion from the goth family. And now it was common for you to spend days and nights at the Addams mansion or them visiting your place (although this was less common, since they didn’t like to go out too much). It was like having a second family! But despite getting to know them all now, Wednesday was still yours and your parents’ favorite.
That’s why you were a little mad about the current topic. 
It wasn’t rare for people to call Wednesday a freak or other names, but it never bothered her. She knew who she was and didn’t let anyone unimportant affect her. But you were another story. You hated people who judged others only because of their looks, it didn’t matter if they called you pretty or wanted to be your friends only because you seemed nice, if they dared to disrespect Wednesday, they were automatically on your black list. 
But even then, it was a thing to call other people nasty names (which was still wrong, but you could ignore it), and another too different was to try to punch her (thank god she was strong and stopped their hand before it could hit her face). 
You tried to fight them, but Wednesday just picked you up (again, she was really strong) and pulled you out of there. Needless to say, it surprised everyone at school. Nobody thought that sweet Y/N could be so scary or that creepy Wednesday would be the calmed one. 
If only they knew it was like that 60% of the time. 
“Ok, ok, what about a tea party at my house and I accidentally let Akela out?” you asked and smiled when the wolf under Wednesday’s feet looked at you, ready to follow orders.
“We would have to clean the blood from the carpets” she said “besides, that kind of junk food could give him indigestion” she finished, caresing Akela’s head. 
“Fiiiiiiine” you pouted “but I still think the cookie are a good idea”
The black-haired girl didn’t say anything but the smirk was all you needed. Both of you sat down in silence, enjoying the books on your hands, when something hit your window. It wasn’t a mystery who it could be, especially when other water balloons followed the first one. 
“Hey freak! Come show your face!” someone outside yelled.
You looked at Wednesday, but she only rolled her eyes and shrugged. Akela was alert and you could sense the change in the mood. He knew something was wrong, he could feel your anger. 
“Seems like they fell for the beauty and the beast explanation, uh?” she said and you frowned.
You had heard the rumors about her being some kind of witch who put a spell on you to control you, given that there was no other explanation as to why you would like to be friends with her. It was stupid and made you mad that they think you couldn’t make a choice for yourself or that they seemed to think about you as a fragil doll. Were they really stupid enough to believe it?
“Well, let’s show them who the beast really is” you smirked as you walked out, with Akela following you.
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
Hey Momma I could use some advice if that's ok. I'm currently in year 12 (Australia) and I'm kinda terrified about the future. I don't know what I want to do as a career and I'm scared I'll make a mistake and ruin my life. I try and tell myself that I'll be ok but I'm aware that I need to make that happen so the safety of that sentence goes away. I'm 18 and have never had a job (but I'm trying) and can't drive yet. I just feel like a mess I know I like talking to people about their feelings and I don't mind kids so I think maybe I'll go to TAFE and study psychology and childcare and I like history. But I'm not sure if it'll make me happy or not and I mostly just don't want to end up as a deadbeat still relying on her parents. Any Life advice you could give?. Sorry if this made you uncomfortable.
I completely understand the fear of the future. You feel as if life is coming at you too fast, demanding too much and asking questions you have no time to answer.
You're young. You have eighty years or even more in this life, and trust me, the younger years are for figuring out what works and what doesn't. You aren't a "Failure" if you don't find your calling ASAP. Media has poisoned us to believe that if we aren't successful by 25 we should stop trying, when that simply just isn't the case or how life works.
You're right to be concerned, but know that you DO have time, and if that means taking one road and finding out you need to take another, then so be it! Take it one step at a time, and keep moving forward! Even if you fuck up here and there, you'll be alright.
If you think childcare is a path you'd flourish in then by all means! you have my support for it for sure!
And-for the record here- I'm 22, i went to nursing school because it's what I thought my mom would want and I got so sick both physically and mentally that I had to quit.
Relying on your parents at a young age like this isn't a bad thing, hun. I live with my family and rely on them for things such as cars and what not, does that make me a deadbeat?
All over the world, living with family and relying on each other is normal. Having someone have your back doesn't make you a deadbeat. Whomever put that in your head is wrong plain and simple.
I hope this isn't a dumb ramble sksksk I just want you to know that you have time, you're still young, and depending on people doesn't make you a deadbeat unless you refuse to help or just lay around and act entitled.
As for job advice? Well i've had a few but they were fast food and retail, but you learn as you go from my experience. Just be upfront about any questions or concerns and most people are willing to answer, such as "What do we do if this happens?" or "Wait what about this? Do I do that or is that someone else's job?"
If you come to a place where things are too much, and you need a breather, that's A-OKAY as well! Life is scary, but I'm here to help however I can as well as the rest of the bean family!
I hope I made sense lol I talk too much
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mammons-best-boi · 3 years
Can I request a scenario where Barbatos gets told he is a bad influence on Luke by a random angel after hearing they he's giving Luke baking lessons. (Cause you know, despite being a sweet butler boy Barbatos also has a reputation as big bad and scary) But then Luke steps in and actually defends Barbatos as a good mentor!! I love their cute father-son relationship and it's cool how Luke has grown despite being taught to hate demons.
Also sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm dyslexic
(it's totally fine, I'm dyslexic too. Also I too am an avid enjoyer of Dadbatos and our son Luke! I hope you like this!)
Archangel Michael was on an embassy trip to the Devildom. The three angels that were sent had show growth, but the council has yet to determine whether they've grown for better or worse.
What better way to see than to send Michael himself to stay for a while and experience the Devildom! If he thinks that it's no longer a good idea, the council will advocate for the Father to let the three angels fall. To nip another rebellion in the bud.
As important as Michael is, he's sent with four other angels to protect him. Not that he's going to need it.
As the days grow closer, Luke and Barbatos (with the help of Raphael, Thirteen, Mammon, and Levi) collect various ingredients from the three realms.
Luke and Barbatos make cuisine from the Devildom as Raphael and Thirteen collect things from the celestial realm and Mammon and Levi collect things from the human realm.
The gaggle of fresh faces arrive in the hall as Luke and Barbatos carry out the large five tear cake. The angels that surround Michael start whispering.
"I can't believe that the council would poison our youth like this!"
"I know! Letting them prepare our food is bad enough! But the only reason I'd trust this "food" is because Luke made most of it."
"I bet Luke made all of it and the demon is just taking credit for it!"
Luke whips around, letting go of the cake. "That's not true!" Barbatos shifts to his demon form to keep the cake from hitting the ground. "Barbatos is the best chief I've ever seen! His food is so good! Too good for ungrateful angels like you! Barbatos has taught me so much about, not only the Devildom food, but about being kind, and accepting, and forgiving. He's taught me more in a few years than I've learned in the celestial realm in thousands of years!"
Barbatos, who was fighting to hold not just the cake, but his tears as well, smiles. He sets the cake on the table and walks up to Luke, letting his demon form fall. "Thank you, Luke. You didn't have to do that."
Luke looks up at Barbatos. "I did! You're my friend and I won't stand for anyone treating you..." He looks at his feet.. "like I did.."
Barbatos hugs Luke, uncaring about the lack of professionalism. "Don't forget, you've grown. You're not that same angel anymore. Don't lose your progress just because someone else reminds you."
Luke hugs him back. "Thank you Barbatos, for always being there."
Michael clears his throat. Everyone stands straight. "I've seen enough." Michael moves to the front of the group of angels. "This program has done good, not only for the Devil's realm -excuse me, the Devildom, but for the Celestial realm as well." He smiles at Luke. "I am proud of you, Luke. And you Barbatos, I owe thanks to you. For helping our youth be open in heart and mind. When I return, I will "green light" the continuation of your program."
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deathandmushrooms · 3 years
It's been raining for forever and will rain for the foreseeable future. Great for future-mushroomer me, but it's driving present-me batty. So, here's...
Some non-exhaustive-but-potentially-exhausting maybe-helpful mushroom-foraging guidelines for the curious-but-anxious beginner...
We can assure our readers, whom we wish to preserve, that there are only two facts to bear in mind when selecting fungi:
- Discworld Almanak by Terry Pratchett
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Below, you'll find:
Finding and Identifying mushrooms
Foraging mushrooms
Eating mushrooms
Finding and Identifying Mushrooms
Don't eat anything unless you're so confident with it you would feed it to you favorite writer currently working on the dramatic final installment of whatever you're most excited about. Ask yourself: would I feed this to renowned author and local Tumblr treasure @neil-gaiman? No? Then spit it out, Jeremy.
Mushrooms aren't scary. The more knowledgeable you become, and the humbler you remain, the more confident you'll be. Find people who know mushrooms, and preferably not just on The Internet. Get a guidebook or 3 (ideally local) and learn relevant terminology and identifying features (e.g. different kinds of pore surface: gills, tubes, etc). Find a lot of mushrooms and take them home to ID.
But before you do, take many pics in situ if you can. Environment and ecology can be key to a positive ID. Harvesting mushrooms you don't plan on eating is a great way to practice learning relevant terminology and building up a sommelier-esque mushroom vocabulary. "Ah yes, this coral fungus smells woody, with hints of moss....and a soupçon of string cheese."
Research, forage, and cook with intention. When hunting for a mushroom, learn all its look-alikes, especially toxic ones. Don't just note what the mushroom looks like, but where it's growing, how it's growing, amongst whom it's growing, whom it has beef with. Is it growing saprotrophically off a dead log (I.e. Breaking down dead material)? That's probably not a chanterelle, but it might be a jack-o-lantern and supposedly they're slightly bioluminescent so you should probably take it home, bring it to some dark corner, see if the gills really glow and then not eat it regardless.
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Mushroom identifying apps are a good way to get some ID possibilities to research more thoroughly, but do not rely on them alone.
Set yourself up for success by starting off with mushrooms with no toxic look-alikes, or those with a few key features that clearly distinguish them from their toxic look-alike (morels, chicken or the woods, lion's mane, etc). Research mushrooms in your area, pick a few (seasonally appropriate) varieties to keep an eye out for. The fewer varieties you focus on, the less likely you are to get your wires crossed. And...
... learn their ecology and save yourself a lot of heartache looking for mushrooms in places they could never grow. Do they grow mycorrhizally with a certain type of tree? That is, do they form a symbiotic relationship with certain trees? Or do they grow saprotrophically, breaking down dead wood. Do they prefer certain environments? For example, I started off with black trumpets. They have no toxic look-alikes, and they are usually growing mycorrhizally with oak in mossy areas. I look at my feet for moss and acorns and then I know my chances are fair, weather permitting.
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Foraging mushrooms
Get a knife, maybe a brush, and a breathable container (e.g. Basket, canvas tote) where your mushrooms won't get crushed. It's amazing how fast a plastic bag can speed up rotting. Also...maybe look up local knife laws.
Clean as much as you can in the field. Trim off the dirtiest part of the stem, check for debris.
Before you're confident with field identification, store different species and mushrooms from different patches in different containers. I take a canvas backpack with me with paper lunchbags that I label with a number. When I take pictures of the mushroom and it's environment, I also take a picture of the bag I'm putting them in. Because I am anal.
Just because a mushroom is a member of an edible species, doesn't mean that particular mushroom is good for eating. Mushrooms can get infested with bugs, or mold, or succumb to the ravages of time that come for us all. Give it a sniff, and if it smells off, it is. Check for bugs; especially with boletes. Scrape away the tubes to check (but only after you've gotten a confident ID; after you do this you can't take a spore print). For example, here are some pictures of some black trumpets which are choice edibles.
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The ones on the left are good, but the ones on the right are no good. With black trumpets, I'll smell a bad one before I even see it. It's important to learn how a mushroom's appearance changes over its life cycle, or how weather conditions might change the appearance.
The "real" organism, so to speak, is the mycelium. The mushrooms are the fruiting bodies. So, make note of nice patches of your favorites. Depending on the type of mushrooms, it might fruit several times over a season. I take a screen cap of where I am on Google maps and save it alongside pictures of the mushrooms and selfies of me doing my excited mushroom face. Some mushrooms, like chanterelles, are slow growers. But others might only need a few days after a good rain to pop up.
Eating mushrooms
Don't eat multiple foraged mushrooms in one meal. Wait 1-2 days between varieties. Poison Control has a hard enough job as it is without you complicating things unnecessarily.
Thoroughly cook all mushrooms. Safety aside, that's just good culinary sense. Gotta caramelize those natural sugars, dontcha know. Maillard reaction and all that.
Even if a mushroom isn't "toxic," you might learn something new and upsetting about yourself when you eat it, like an obscure food sensitivity you inherited from that ancestor you never knew you had but now get to secretly resent. So, when eating a new mushroom COOK AND EAT A SMALL PIECE AND WAIT 24 HOURS. Wait for what? Hopefully nothing. But if you start getting stomach cramps, itching in weird places, or visual hallucinations, you may want to toss those mushrooms back into the wild. TBF to mushrooms, this is true of all food. I've yet to experience this with mushrooms, but I have had this experience with fruit! Did that stop me from eating fruit? No: my survival instincts aren't great. My ancestors were very lucky.
Different mushrooms can be stored different ways for the long term: drying, freezing, etc. But in the short term, a paper bag in the fridge is ideal.
When in doubt, butter or olive oil and a little sea salt. Also, cream and thyme are lovely with most mushrooms. Very thin mushrooms (e.g. Craterellus) barely need any time on the heat at all before they're done or past done, i.e. shrivelled up into a small non descript mass in the pan with all the texture of sad dirt jam.
Or just fry them in pancetta. You do you.
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Most importantly: do your own research and a lot of it.
Foraging for mushrooms is hugely rewarding, and learning is a process: in this case, a very enjoyable one.
I mean... unless you poison yourself.
But still,
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fairysmolsxoxo · 5 years
Unwarranted Destruction before Halloween!
It was a quiet evening at the shop,with Al managing the front and the little market while Jade is away on business. It was slow and the caretaker decided to get some new ingredients for the new items  to introduce into the shop. Halloween is coming up after all and the shop itself is pretty empty. The shopkeeper and alpha dragon skeleton bitty agreed that it will be a nice change of pace...And there is hardly any excitement in the front end, while in the back in the her packs and prides is a whole different story.  So Jade gave him the duty of being the Shop Manager for the time being.Though it was getting late, Jade usually comes back around this time yet none have yet to see her. Al was getting worried, he even called up Shy and the other adoption centers that Jade had recently visited but no one had seen her… 
That until... there was an explosion coming from Jade's living quarters...And the sound of a familiar yet eerie scream of pain echoed throughout the shop...It made all the bitties magical essence that all their creators that put the time and love into, to give them life? It felt like all their life had been sucked out of them when they know who's scream it was…
Every submissive and child bitty started to cry confused and scared at the scary scream…
Why is Momma/Missus/Mistress/Jade screamed? Is she okay? She has to be right? Please be okay! 
Every  calm minded bitty quickly was set on alert as they went around to keep the rest of their pack safe and ready for the word of the alphas on their command… Some even started to patrol that area.
Every aggressive bitty that was kept away from the rest of them in their own started to claw their cages their doors was crawling their prison…The scent of blood and the scream made them have even more need for violence...
All the leaders of the packs and pride let out a snarl their body and soul screamed in the most primal way…
 Al teleported just a few feet away from the closed door of Jade's Room and He was soon joined up with the leaders of each pack and lone pride.
Navy, Jade's Alpha Sans "Prince"  bitty and the Head of The Night Wind Whispers Pride was the second to appear before Al… He usually stoic and cold expression and personality that he had shown toward bitties that isn't in his pride and the other alphas is replaced with tense irritation and concern toward his caretaker as he nodded at Al in acknowledgement. Both Marigold, Jade's Alpha Papyrus " Stray" bitty who is in charge of the Blood Venom Sky Pack and Ramil, Jade's Alpha Grillby bitty, head of Golden Sun Burst Pride was sprinting quickly toward the room. Marigold was snarling as he charged through and slammed the door open, followed by his Alpha Leads. All of them cried out their fairy caretaker name to be greeted by the sight of her room in shambles and abominations in what was left of her room…
They did not see the fairy but a sobbing  voice of the fairy made it clear...They need to defend...They need to protect...They need to kill…!
The Aftermath
It took awhile for the Alphas to get rid of the monstrosities but they made quick work, leaving a big mess behind...They were tired and tried to listen for the fairy but the sobbing stopped halfway during the battle...They calls out the fairy's name…
But no one answered…
That til a few moments of silence later, a pile of destroyed piles of rumble started to shift and shake as a figure started to get out and under it. It was Jade, clearly hurt with cuts but that wasn't the only thing that was different about her...She looked a little nightmarish than her usual self...She seems relieved for some reason but also annoyed as she tried to morph herself back toward her more friendly form...but it deemed useless...She was injured in a way that she can't control her magic to shift back to her usual form...It would take some time to heal and it is a little annoying...At least no one saw her true form when she was injured from earlier by the beasts...She never want anyone to see her like that...at least her appearance is much preferred and it matches with Halloween. She seems calm now and the Alphas quickly mothered her as soon as she stood out of the rumble...She whined at the attention as she eyed the remains of the abominations in what used to be her room and her doorway toward her lab…
Hours later… Jade appears with her more Halloween theme appearance with still a gentle smile on her face. 
Jade: Hello my favorite dreamers…It is your friendly bitty loving dream fairy...I must apologize for my current appearance… It seems like my encounter with the unsavory sort, have made my magic glamour gone all haywire...So instead of taking off my glamour or overexerting myself with no desired results,I have managed to make a different appearance for the time being...just until my magic get sorted all out… Thank goodness for my adeptness in all sorts of dreams and illusions...So bonus points being a jack of all trades with that…
But worry not after all this experience, Al had made it his goal to keep me coop in the safety of the shop and quarantine my room and portal doors to the Realms...Just until things calm down I hope..
That being said… I hate being here… bored...with nothing to do...So I have some exciting news! 
We got some new companions to add to the shop! Along with some amazing new staff who will be introducing these delightful yet spooky treats and exclusive items for the month of Halloween and The Days of the Dead!
Please come and introduce yourselves everyone!
Monty: Ello' I am Montgomery Duvall...Please call me Monty… I am human?At least from what I know…I used to have a business of my own...that I had to close down because…*He cleared his throat.* of my personal problems..I will be taking over as a part-time caretaker for Ms. Jade bitties at the store and would be taking care of the delicious confectionery and delights of the store… I have a bit of experience with management and done some cooking as a hobby… I also worked at a bitty center recently. So I have some experience in that department as well...
Jade: *pushed the old gentleman aside* He is much too humble I swear! He is going to be the entrepreneur who is going to help start up better alternatives for our bitties nutrition! So what you are going to see in our food display is going to be from his amazing mind!
Monty: *blushes* Ms. Jade please...no need to praise an old man like me…
Jade: Nonsense! You are an amazing human…
*Another figure stepped before them, a small timeless young Japanese woman stepped in a kimono. She look like any normal girl if only it weren't for  her hair that seems to move around like it was a part of her...Like her hands…This was Mina, she was monster from where Jade was from. She was close acquaintances of Jade she still lived there...She was a Futakuchi onna...a yokai..Japanese spirit or monster… Even her hair was pulled up in a loose bun, what is hidden underneath will show you why she is a monster...*
Mina: Konnichiwa...I am Mina it is a pleasure to be here and be in presence… I am going to be Monty-san partner in the food department. I am the person who is going to help his ideas come to life in the things we cook. I am quite the expert when it comes to making food and tasting it. It will be quite desirable...I specialize magic infused food though I have experience in some human cuisine as well...
*Monty let out a sigh, having to deal with Mina quite well at this point, he knows of her sneaky eating habits… He could see the hungry glint in her eyes*
Monty: Ms. Mina...please refrain from eating our examples… We had to do several tiring and time consuming replacements, over the course of several accidents...
Mina: *Pouts* I have been good, what sort of person you think I am? * Both her and her new elderly acquaintance started to head back toward the small cafe located near the front desk of the bitty shoppe*
*Monty and Mina started to get the future item for this month in big trays…*
This irresistible sweet is great for all humans and monsters all alike who like a little sweetness in your day or night. 
This mildly buttery smooth,light  yet creamy delight is excellent for this time of year when welcoming the autumn weather and scenery. Don't eat too much of this though, it may be good for the heart and soul but too much of this addicting sweet, will cause the bitty or humans get plump in certain areas like the stomach, chest, hips and rump…
This delicious sweet yet sour treat is literary borderline poisonous to make.One wrong move, this treat can be down right deadly. But if done right, it can be quite refreshingly sweet and have healing properties, especially toward other infections and heal terminally sick humans and bitties. Make sure that your chef is well versed in with their ingredients and a well educated doctor is nearby, just in case. Must sign a waiver if it just for the thrill or taste these delight. So are you are willing to take the risk and sign your death wish?
This pastry literary came from the abyss! Don't ask how our dreamy fairy  got her hands on these rare ingredients to make these but do know it is quite a pain to get them. But it is the number one item back home that the majority females,  foodie, health and fanatics sought for. This is a strudel not only it won't cause you to gain weight from eating it, but also eat your weight away. Well technically not eat away but store it elsewhere. Don't worry it effects are quite safe. It is all different for everyone but know this after a couple of days  will stop it effects. Get it while it lasts!
This treat comes in sweet and savory fillings that makes you come back hungry for more. It's just that you need to have the speed and determination to catch it. Prefect for your more active bitties and humans that wants a little challenge catching their food or bitties have the need to hunt something “live”. As of right now for the month of halloween the bun buns will have a little more monstrous appearance and more of a spattering filling when bitten into. 
Inspired by the different fairies back home and words from another bitty caretaker that Jade looks up to , these little delightful creations are certainly fun to catch and eat. Having different various set of wings and fruits, these are perfect for staying in a healthy diet while having fun at the same time as you dance with these fluttery snacks. Ideal with bitties that want a little change in their meaty diet and have something sweet with still the fun of being the hunter. Great for baby bitties and beginners.
A savory tasty pie for all races, the fog fowl is quite hard to catch due to is shapeshifting way of hiding and avoiding beings, but true a delicacy back home for Jade. And a luxury item to make, once you eat this fowl beast, it will provide a sharpness of the mind and improvement of stamina and energy. This is great for those sluggish days off for both humans and monsters. You will have energy and stamina for days Get it now for a limited time only. These fowls are hard to come by after all. Side effects include a sudden lightheadedness, nausea, lack of sleep, and sudden fatigue out of nowhere. Basically crash and burn out of energy ten-fold. So heed this warning...
 Just decent stacked  sandwiches made and shaped as your favorite skeletons of your choosing with witch/wizard hat or riding a broom. Made by human hands, Monty’s specifically. Safe for everyone...Monty works so hard on these...Don’t shame him...
Another Monty idea but infused with Mina magic, this scary horror pastry topped with your favorite cereal shaped into a little murderous killer that will come after you. But worry not, due to their squishy insides and their less than intimating "weapons", they will kill you with their cuteness instead. Little angry muffed yells and grunts as they try to kill you with their pretzel pitchforks… Will definitely make you scream in laughter instead. Though hurry and eat them while they are fresh, before they figure out that their weapons are stupid and look for stuff they can use to actually hurt you… 
Normal coffee...Were expecting more?...Of course you were! The coffee beans are potent! These beans were carefully harvested from the Land of Nightmares.These are for those who want to stay up a few days before during the days of the dead or planning something big that requires no sleep? This is the coffee for you, for experienced coffee drinkers that needs more oomph than the plain normal human coffee. Must drink one cup a day and no more! If drink more than 1,it effects will last for more than a week depending on how many cups you drunk...You will develop hallucinations and maybe see an entity that follows you around...waiting for the moment you finally crash...and well sweep your soul away...Not before scaring you and cause the most horrible nightmares you have ever faced…It is advised that you seek the local dream fairy, Jade(despite her constant warnings and the waiver you signed) as soon as you see them so their hold on you aren't strong…Your local dream fairy will try her best to deal with the situation but keep in mind...This is a dangerous situation that you could have prevented if you had only listened, so be prepared to trade something of equal value… Something that will cause you utter despair and can not live without can't not replace… Don't lie because both local dream fairy and the entity knows… Make the right decision or it will murder your soul one way or another… Please don't let your bitty have a sip of this since they are more prone to this and these entities would love little morsels like them...
If you need that coffee pick-me-up as you pass out candy on Halloween but aren’t a huge fan of pumpkin flavor, you may love the homemade dirty chai latte. If you want to make it extra dirty for those legal adults out there we will offer some pick me up concoctions from your friendly fairy to add to delicious drink.
This creamy cold delight was made with the crushed teeth of ice wraiths...And of course being magical they will make the ice cream enchanted to stay cold for a long time. And it will scream as you take a bite out of them. Not in pain but just because they wish to not interact with anything. The screams are small, squeaky and quite exaggerated. Like " Ahh!.... Ahh!..." like it was trying to process what their next word should be...Don't worry if you think the screaming is annoying, just scoop where their screaming mouths would be and there no more screaming and you can enjoy the treat. It comes in common human flavors and new ones that Jade that bring back from home...
Enchanted little candy mice that has three layers. A candy coat, a chocolate coat, nougat center. . You saw right there are mice in the kitchen but don’t  fret, health inspectors or lawsuits won’t hit these store anytime soon.  these It is so good that will make all you chocolate lovers want some even though the scurry around and those who are a bit afraid of their counterpart reconsider. 
*Monty let out a soft smile as both him and Mina finished introducing those new treats.*
Monty: These are the items we order in the cafe as of right now… But we also cater to all our customers needs...So of their any item you want, we shall make it our goal to provide it for you…
Jade’s Medical Counter 
These magical wraps will help heal lacerations or scratches more quickly than any normal bandage. These are soaked from plants from Jade's home and is high with magical healing properties.
These chews will brighten anyone's day with a smile or fresh breath. Eating these will help your bitty teeth glow and grow strong and bright with minty freshness that is out of this world. Beneficial for skeleton bitties.
Citrusy and ginger mixed together to help with that sore throat or rasp. But these bites back, well more like gumming since they are gummies and it doesn't hurt you when it bite. Those who likes gimmicks and enjoy the soothing sensation of their sore throat melting away.
            *Jade smiles sheepishly at her stock. * 
Jade: This seem to be the only items I can provide at the moment but I will come up with new ones I promise! And unfortunately, we still need a tailor but it is okay...*She grins excitingly as her wings fluttered* Now the main event! You see during the mishap with the abominations destroying my room...They possibly... well... got into my lab and my bitties samples got well...contaminated with these dark creatures… They are still amazing mind you and I love them all the same! 
*She went into the back and brought out a basket that is covered with a blanket. She had a mischievous look on her face as she pulled the blanket away.*
Sugar Bites: ( a zombie candy-gore candied  dragon skeleton. A monster kid variant.)
This precious one was going to be part of the angelic series of her bitties but the dark magic got to him first. He is made from candy and from his ectoplasm, horns,  bones made from strong sugar and accessories. He is candy. Though he is a zombie as well...He is a zombie that likes eating candy...so you get the picture what he does to himself since he is close proximity to himself… To prevent from the bitty eating itself you need a durable muzzle to put on this sweetie and feed them candy daily. Don't take the candy away from his ectobelly please he needs it. Baby will cry. Don't eat the baby, he already knows he is delicious. Besides that he is a healthy bitty that tries to get along with everyone, if not a little hyper from his sugar intake.
BC: ( bad luck shadow cat skeleton. A sans variant.)
This bitty oozes bad luck, not like he wanted to...it was just how he is made. And it took him and his creator a few cuts and bruises to get his magic under control. He is aloof bitty with a permanent grin on his face and bones as black as the night. He loves to be in the shadows and often hangs around those younger and innocent...Not because they are cute and needs protecting...he likes to tease them and give them a little bad luck. He loves scaring them too...Though he means no harm...Don't be alarm when bad luck suddenly happens to you for the first few days of keeping this bitty. He is cautious and always will always know that he has a loving place to return to if he deems the owner unsuitable for him. Though once he realizes he is here to stay and you actually care about him, expect this mischievous feline to wake you up with him laying on your face and him constantly meowing for food, when you know well that he could talk...He also your personal stalker...He goes everywhere with you as long you have a shadow. He will be there...no buts and if about it...He won't be upfront with confrontation but he is vindictive...and has a quiet fury when it comes with the people he cares about...So if your bully suddenly gets pooped on by seagull then suddenly gets a thousand more seagulls droppings...You know who did it...He won't stop either...even if you tell him to stop...he will feel bad and make sure that he torture your bully more selectively and quietly when you are not around...as I said he is a vengeful thing…
Omen: ( Voodoo Doll...Nice Cream Guy variant )
 This bitty is bigger than most nice cream guy  bitties and more plush than most but you best not to underestimate him. This fluffy bitty can curse you if you ever look at him wrong. He is jaded to most of his emotions due to the fact he is a doll for curses and he could always transfer his pain somewhere else to the person he decided to curse...He is an amazing addition to the family and can easily be mended up. He has his own soft toy soul that he usually keep it away from his body. He will only hand it to the person who he trusts and those who his soul get to control him...Though I recommend not to...Let him be your plush buddy and let him keep his soul close to you can see the bae give you those rare happy buck tooth smiles. He comes in different varieties from the brownish coloring with X button eyes to the typical pure black with skeleton markings...We also have the original coloring… Though we have different varieties of "skins" that if you want to change his looks available. It is like changing clothes for the Omen bitty and won't hurt him. If remove his outer layer, he will disappear momentarily. Don't fret though, as long you let him know that you want him to change into a different layer. And leave the "skin" you want him to change into where he disappeared... He will disappear where his soul is (which is always nearby)...
Make you compliment him on his new look when he appears again afterward because he will love you for it…
*Jade smiles gently as she pet them affectionately.* 
Jade: As of right now they are available for the month of Halloween! So get them while they last...the merged magic that made them could only made them last for so long…
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x07 Craving
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where Today We Are Continuing Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 7 Of Season 1, Craving...
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This Episode Is About A Girl Named Jodi Melville (Played By The DCEU'S Future Lois Lane, Amy Adams) Who Is A Overweight Teen Obsessed With Losing Weight Who Begins A Diet Plan Of Vegetable Shakes (A Solid Regimen, Right) But What If I Told You That These Vegetables Were Grown In Meteor Rock Contaminated Soil?
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That's What I Thought...
Anyway These Contaminated Vegetables Are Causing Her To Lose So Much Weight That Regular Food Isn't Satisfying Her Anymore But Unfortunately The Fat Of Other People's Are. Meanwhile, Lex Becomes Interested In Chloe's Wall Of Weird Theory That He Begins Funding The Research Of A Controversial Mineralogist (Played By Terminator 2's Joe Morton)
So, Let's Dive Into Craving To See If Clark Can Stop This Fat Sucking Vampire?
The Episode Starts At The Melville House As We See Jodie (Played By Amy Adams) Picking Vegetables That Are In Meteor Rock Soil While Her Father Talks About Dinner That Night But Jodie Has No Interest On Eating Anything That He's Eating As She Wants To Lose Weight By Eating Just Vegetables...
Watching Jodie Place Her Head On A Bunch Of Magazine Supermodels Chloe And Pete Talk With Jodie About Helping Them With Algebra As Clark Is Busy Helping Lana With Her Party Accepting Despite Them Offering To Buy Her Lunch They're A Little Grossed Out By What She's Drinking...
But Then 2 Jocks Come By To Ask Pete To Join Their Game While Making Fun Of Jodie...
Oh, I Get It Her Name's Melville And Herman Melville Wrote Moby Dick, Ha Ha Ha When Did Bullying Become A History Lesson?
With Pete Telling The One Jock Dustin To Back Off, Dustin Ends Up Throwing His Ball Into Jodie's Drink Which Goes All Over Her Shirt...
Embarrassed About What Happened At School, Jodie Continues To Drink Vegetable Shakes Despite Her Father Telling Her That She's Beautiful The Way She Is But All Jodie Cares About Is Losing Weight And Nothing Else...
Going To The Bathroom, Jodie Goes On The Scale To See That She Has Lost Some Weight And Her Body Is Getting Thinner Then She Looks In The Mirror To See Her Face Get Thinner, Getting On The Scale We See She's Lost A Little Bit More Weight...
Meeting With A Doctor, Lex Discovers That He Has A Highly Elevated White Blood Cell Count But Lex Says That That's Not Possible As He Doesn't Get Sick, Asking Him Various Questions (If He's On Any Medication, If He Has Any Allergies, Any Childhood Illnesses To Which He Says Asthma)...
Saying That If This Was Anywhere Else, He'd Order Of Battery Of Tests, Wanting To Know Why Not, The Doctor Tells Lex That Some People Believe That The Luthorcorp Plant Is Poisoning The Environment...
Meanwhile At Lana's House, Lana And Clark Talk While Nell Works On Her Birthday Party Which Is Going To Be At The Luthor Mansion, But Lana Says That It Stopped Being Her Birthday Party A Long Ago And That If She Had It Her Way It Would Be Just Pizza And Loud Music With Her Friends...
Well, It's Your Birthday, Why Don't You Tell Nell This Instead Of Clark, I'm Sure She'd Understand...
But Turns Out Lana Is Giving Nell This Because They've Been Through A Lot In The Past Few Months, Which Is In This Reviewer's Opinion The Most Poorest Reason Ever...
Anyway, Whitney Comes By With Some Good News Turns Out He Has An Audition For Kansas State, Bad News Is He'll Have To Miss Lana's Party But Of Course, She's Fine With It...
Talking With Chloe And Pete, Pete Sees Whitney Being Gone As Clark's Opening With Lana But As They Continue Talking Jodie Says Hi To Pete Which Is When They Notice How Much Weight She's Lost...
Saying That She Looks Great, Jodie Thanks Pete For Sticking Up For Her Yesterday And Asks Him Out To Lana's Party To Which Clark Says Yes For Pete As He's Speechless But Chloe Is A Little Confused On How Jodi Lost All That Weight...
Stopping By The Kent Farm After School, Lana Gives Jonathan And Martha The Produce Order For The Party Saying That Nell's Planning This Like A Royal Wedding...
Well, If She Is Then Does Make You Meghan Markle, Because If You Are Boy, Do I Have A Few Things To Say To You...
Start Following The Royal Way Of Life Instead Of Doing Things Your Way...
Stop Acting Like A Disney Princess
Come Up With Better Baby Names...
Coming In With 2 Things Of Apples, Clark Talks With Lana Who Tells Him That All This Attention Is A Little Unnerving Which Leads Clark To Ask If He Could Be Her Escort On Saturday To Fend Off Her Fans So To Speak To Which Lana Says That She'd Like That But He Wants Him To Promise Her That This Time He'll Make It To Which He Does...
Making Another Vegetable Shake, Jodie Tells Her Dad About Her Date With Pete To Which He's Thrilled However He Wants Her To Eat A Little More Than Those Vegetable Shake Which She Does However Despite Eating Everything In Her Fridge Including Chicken, Hot Dogs, Chocolate Cake Etc... Nothing Satisfies Her...
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Going To Pick Up Food, Jodi Accidentally Hits A Deer, Which She....
I Didn't Know Giselle From Enchanted Was A Cannibal....
Actually, She Didn't Eat The Deer, She Just Sucked The Fat Out Of Him But Still It's Scary Enough To The Point I Nearly Crapped My Pants...
Clark Watches Lana And Whitney As Whitney Gives Lana Her Birthday Gift But Chloe Interrupts To That Authorities Found The Deer That Jodi Hit Last Night, But Worried About More Important Things Than Deer Carcasses Chloe Says If She Helps Her She'll Him With His Lana Gift Dilemma...
Agreeing Clark Gets Chloe In To Which Clark Says Looks Like Jerky But The Report Says That The Deer Lost About 80% Of It's Body Fat...
Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Looks At The Smallville Torch Website While Jodi's Father Talks To Her Saying That He Has To Leave Town For A Few Days To Talk To A Client And Wants To See Jodi Before He Goes But Saying That He Can't As She's Indecent Has Him Worried That His Daughter May Need Professional Help...
But Turns Out The Reason He Can't Enter Is Because There's Food On The Floor That Didn't Satisfy Her...
Visiting The Torch, Lex Sees Chloe's Wall Of Weird Which Clark Explains To Him. Believing That It's An Interesting Theory Lex Talks With Clark About The Meteor Shower And What Happened All Those Years Ago With His Father...
With Chloe Returning, Lex Says He Likes Her Theory And Asks If She's The Only One Who Believes That The Meteors Are Behind Everything And Not The Luthorcorp Plant As Everyone Else Believes Which Leads Chloe To Suggest For A Mr. Hamilton..
Running Into Jodi In The Hallway, Pete Asks Why She Wasn't In Class With Her Saying That She Had Stomach Flu But She'll Be Fine. With Pete Telling Jodi If She's Not Up For Tomorrow He'll Understand, Jodi Tells Him That There's No Way In The World She Would Miss It...
Feeling Hungry Again, Jodi Runs Into Dustin Who Made Fun Of Her Earlier And Decides To Use Him To Slate Her Hunger...
Running Into Lana At The Football Field, She Tells Clark That She Told Nell To Make The Final Decisions Without Her Which Leads Clark To Ask If She's Ever Had A Happy Birthday Which Leads Her To Talk About One Time She Went To A Drive In With Her Parents...
Hearing A Noise After Talking To Lana, Clark Uses His X-Ray Vision To See Jodi Feeding On Dustin But By The Time Clark Gets There Jodi Is Gone And The Only Thing He Finds Is Dustin Barely Alive...
Finding This Mr. Hamilton (Played By T2's Joe Morton) Lex Talks With Hamilton About His Latest Condition And On How It May Be Connected To The Meteors And How He Would Like To Fund His Research But He Has No Intention Of Working For Lex Saying That His Research Is Private However, Lex Leaves The Door Open If He Wants To Change His Mind..
Back At School Chloe Tells Clark That Dustin Is In A Coma Which Leads Them To Come Back To The Idea Of A Fat Sucking Vampire, Sitting Down With Jodi For Their Study Group They Notice Her Eating A Lot But Just Says That She's Starving. With Chloe Thinking What They Saw Was Weird, Clark Takes Off To Deal With Lana's Birthday Gift...
Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Set Up For Lana's Party Is Underway But Lex Knows That It's Not Her In Anyway While Also Giving The Hint That He May Have Set Up The Kansas State Audition For Whitney...
But As Clark Gets Ready For The Party, Chloe Comes In Saying That It Was Jodi's Car That Hit The Deer And What's Worse Her House Is Built Near One Of The Meteors Hit...
Getting Dressed For The Party It Seems Like A Fairy Tale...
But Then Jodie Gets Hungry, And Decides To Back Off Because She Doesn't Want To Hurt Pete...
(Start At 0:08, End At 0:13)
Finding Jodi In The Kitchen, She Attacks Pete And Tries To Suck His Fat But Luckily Clark Arrives Causing Her To Run It Into The Greenhouse...
With Clark Weakened By The Meteor Rocks, Jodi Attacks Clark With A Shovel Which Leads To A Fight Between The Two. But Looking At Her Reflection, Jodi Realizes What She's Become And Decides To End It..
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With The Greenhouse Blown Up, Clark Saves Jodi As Pete Wakes Up...
Meanwhile At Her Party, Lana Feels Like This...
But A Talk With Lex About His Experience At Luthor Christmas Parties Which Makes Everything All Right?
Returning To The Kent Farm, Clark Tells Jonathan And Martha That Besides Pete Having A Headache, Jodi's On Her Way To Metropolis To Be With Her Father But None Of That Matters Right Now As Clark Is Too Upset Over Missing His Date With Lana. But He Realizes That Not Everthing Is Ruined...
Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Finds Out That He Has A Clean Bill Of Health And Decides To Tell Hamilton About It But He's Like Do I Give A Damn About Your Health? Finding Out Why Hamiton Was So Resistant To Him, He Tells Lex To Get Out But Still He Gives Him A Check To Fund His Research...
Oh, Wait He's Not Carrying A Stereo, My Bad...
Visiting Lana, Clark Apologizes For Missing The Party But He Wants To Make It Up To Her By Giving Her Her Birthday Gift Which Turns Out To Be A Drive In Movie...
However It Turns Out That They Were Shrunk By Ant-Man And The Wasp!
No, Just Kidding But Still Wouldn't It Be Funny If That Actually Happened But That's Craving And It's All Right...
The Entire Episode Is All Right I Don't Really Have A Problem With The Episode In General. However I Do Have A Problem With The Villain, Jodi, When She's In Movies I Like, I Love Amy Adams However Though I Didn't Mind The Character Of Jodi It Just Felt Like The Writers Were Walking On A Deadly Tightrope When Writing This Character Cause In The Wrong Hands The Character Could Definitely Send A Bad Message But Despite My Logical Implications On Sending A Good Or Bad Message I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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