#i don't even wanna think what the hell web results to these would be
a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
charlie's increasingly frantic hell net searches, since her parents are either physically or emotionally unavailable to help her with GAY
why keep burning things when look at <3 best <3 friend
why girls so pretty
reason why scars look cool??
tips for growing out hair
how to help with back pain
why miniskirts so distracting (am straight)
best sleeping positions for back pain
best sleeping positions for two when one has back pain?
eye patches look cool why
how to relearn dancing
how to not step on feet while dancing
how to stop staring into partner's eyes while dancing
how to sopt staing into DANCE partner's eyes wile dancing!!!!
how to be bi with girl
calculate how long have been dating when don't knwo
what if powerful demon kiss girl what happen
how to check if girlfriend flammable??
how to check if girlfriend flammable WITHOUT SETTING ON FIRE
how kiss girl
how kiss girl GOOD
how to give best most amazing kisses ever
safe to have sex in scary demon form ????
is it safe to have sex in your demon form when you are hell princess
what's so great about spears
why are spears called king of the battlefield
is king rank always higher than princess
how to make heavenly steel rust
how to manage irrational jealousy in relationship
how to manage YOUR irrational jealousy in YOUR relationship
seductions tips and tricks
seduction for when you're already dating
reason hold hands girlfriend feel so good
difference between "i love you" and "im in love with you"
how soon to say "im in love with you"
is it weird to write a song to say i love you and preform for girlfriend
how long can stare at girlfriend without being weird
what mean when girlfriend say she like you weird?
is it ok to be weird around girlfriend??
how long ok to stare at girlfriend if she sleeping
effects of poor sleep
chronic backpain treatments
chromic backpain treatments exclude:sacrifice exclude:soul-selling
basic massage tips for back pain
how to
how to stop web searching for everything at night you need to stop
Charlie go to bed
am in bed!
You need sleep sweetie, and I need my extra pillow
how to buy best pil
Charlie you ARE the pillow
how to be best pillo
h ow ststo wing at pilloaaw fighte
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Yeah, fuck Kuro season 2 demon non-existant relationships. I'm writing a fic and rewriting all their backstories. Some, but not all of the ideas im gonna put/already put in it, so let me know if they suck or whatever: - Hannah and Claude met in Hell. Despite their fundamental differences they created a symbiotic partnership to survive literal hellhole. (not eagerly, more like work together or die horribly situation) - They are not together and never will be involved romantically. But they are platonically married. And with time even dumbass like Claude has to admit that they are friends. - Claude's eyes (all 8 of them in true form) were severely injured in a fight prior, rendering him basically blind. - Hannah acts as his eyes (transferring her vision to him with magic) and also lures other demons into his webs. They share their pray. Before meeting each-other they were both on the brink of starvation. - All demons are cannibals in hell. It's literally like a deep sea situation. Everything is dark, nothing grows and the only way to survive is to eat someone, before someone eats you. (human soles are off limit, they physically can't eat something already dead.) - Claude being a cold fucker, saying "survival of the fittest" is fair, Hannah gets to a lil bit change his mined by offering to kill him right there and then, cause without her, this blinded spider would be long dead. - I'm actually gonna give Hannah some ideology and say she believes that demons deserve to have a meaningful life with emotions and bonds. She also has had a lot of beef with angels in the past. - The demon sword is hers, she uses it frequently in the fights (no, Claude doesn't get his eight grabby hands on in). - It's Hannah's idea to take in three teenage demons (the triplets). Claude absolutely hates the idea, but she forces him to do it. Mainly she reminds him that he saved his life when they first meet. He offers to take one and eat the other two. That doesn't amuse her so he sees a bit worse for the next several hours. Im gonna stop here but like tldr. Triplets and later Alois see Hannah and Claude as their fucked up family. I'll also write about Seb, probably Sebaclaude. Probably in the same "universe" as those idea, but as a separate fic so people who don't want just Gen - won't be forced to sit through a big portion of just found family stuff. A lot more domestic headcanons. Like the fact that Hannah would be the one to teach triplets how to fly in demon form cause Claude doesn't have wings. Or Triplets forming older brothers relationship with Alois, but their perspective of what's good is kinda fucked. So they just teach him really dangerous things. Like how to create a nail-bomb. I'm still gonna write it, but i also wanna know if you guys are interested in something like that.
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dra-aluxe-oldblog · 4 years
I'm moving to another blog, please follow me here:
Definitely, this year has been really messed up for everyone. Personally speaking, despite the quarantine, the first half of the year was okay? But after July, a lot of fucked up things happened to me and right now I'm in a low mood, almost done with everything. Sadly, one of those shitty things concerns this blog. 
Back in August, my laptop started to fail and it was impossible for me to work on it. I took it to the technician, and almost three months later, he hasn't found a solution, so we could say my laptop is technically dead… (and I don't have money for a new one hehehefuckingyear)
The problem is last year I activated the Two-factor authentication option (TFA) for this account. Tumblr sent me 10 security codes I saved in a note on my desktop and nowhere else. When my laptop started to fail, I saved all my documents in a hard drive for safety, but I was stupid enough to forget to save my desktop notes, including my tumblr's security codes 🙃 So when the technician had to format my laptop, the codes were erased too, and without them, I can't access my blog from another device but the app on my phone. I tried to generate more security codes and deactivate the TFA using the app, but it's impossible. You can only do that in a web browser (pc or phone). I also asked tumblr's staff for help, but they told me they can't deactivate the authentication feature for me or send more codes, only I can do it in my dashboard from a web browser. But, how the hell will I do that if I can't even log in??? 
In others words: I can't access this blog anymore.
Only through the app. But, what would happen if I buy a new phone?? Or if it breaks or someone steals it from me?? This is my only access to this blog right now 😥
As a result, the only solution left was to make a new blog.
For now, all my previous art will stay here but I'll stop using this blog from now on, I'll only reblog all the stuff I post in the new blog (don't expect new art soon tho. No laptop=No digital drawings, and I don't feel like drawing anything at all anyway). If I ever change or lose this phone, I'll post all my drawings and comics again in there, and this blog will probably be abandoned/erased forever. 
So, whether you follow me for my art, my X-Hand comic, my Coco drawings, or whatever reason, and you still wanna see more of my work,
Please follow me now on my new blog: Dr-Aluxe
(Yeah, the name is technically the same, I just translated it from spanish to english. It was really hard as you can see xd)
In addition, here's a little advice: if you activated the Two-Factor Authentication, take good care of your security codes and log in via browser on another device, so you could have a way to generate new authentication codes if you ever lose your computer. Sadly I'm not the only one with this problem and Tumblr doesn't have a solution yet (what a surprise 🙄). And in case you don't have TFA activated yet, think carefully about it or try another alternative. 
Or if you have a solution, please let me now. I will thank you forever 🙏
Anyway, this is sad, and I'm a little angry too, but hey! The year is almost over!! Let's hope 2021 be better for everyone :'D
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All in all, follow my new blog, beware of the TFA, wear a mask, stay safe, keep going no matter how awful this year is and don't yell at eggs, cuz that's rude, but more importantly:
Thank you so much for your support!!
Bye ^u^/
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