#i don't care how many years may pass LOL
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bobokitty · 11 months ago
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Was thinking about my two idiot children (affectionate) and doodled them on my lunch. But ahhh, sticky notes kept curling up so I pinned them to the office wall and um, think I'll just keep them there LOL
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mayordea · 2 years ago
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Happy birthday to the number one princess in the world!! 💖
~from her biggest fans :)
ramble of my scattered thoughts on the piece under cut as usual cuz i love talking 😋
This has been an idea I've been cookin for a while, and it was so cluttered and unlike any other ensemble piece I've made... and I decided I oughta do it anyway. I love Miku, I love Vocaloid, and I wanted to do something really ambitious and crazy for her anniversary. Crazy that she's turning her "canon" age this year TwT
I had the idea floating around since like, May...? And then finally started acting on it around June 18. I'm terrible with deadlines, obvious with how I can never make a silly birthday post in time, so I started wayyyy ahead to make sure I have some room to be lazy lol, especially with an idea as ambitious as this.
This was finished on July 12! So I had to sit on this for an annoying amount of time. Very difficult for someone like me who just wants to talk about everything I'm working on to the masses. But at the very least, that gave me the time to work on the draft for this post.
Here's some ~behind the scenes~ scribbles leading up to the finished piece!
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Left is the chicken scratch plan i made in my handy dandy notebook (whenever things are getting real and ambitious, i always made a rough ROUGH plan in there. Usually I'd do a rough pass of the full thing, but this was too complicated for me to do traditionally. I majorly benefited from digital tools to make this possible). CyberDiva and CyberSongman were considered, but I ended up cutting them cuz I just didn't feel like drawing them sorry-- (just pretend they're off to the side. They gave Ruby and Clara the pizza lol). Right is the "final" completed sketch (before I decided to include Chika mid-way through coloring and VY1 and VY2 near the finish line). I started by drawing the main "groups" separated on a different canvas so I can plop them into the main canvas for easy rearranging and transforming. However I got lazy and ended up drawing everyone in the bottom right corner directly on the canvas since I liked seeing the big picture of everyone's positions. Y'know.
Almost excluded Chika! But I like her design so much that I just felt like including her last-minute. You win this time, Chika fans. VY1 and VY2 were very close to being cut! I added them when I began doing the banner and thought "eh why not". I figured their non-human designs would be pretty easy to include pushed back in the bg. Ik VY1 is more commonly associated with the fan design, but I referenced the hairpin cuz it was simpler and the fan looked very annoying to draw 😭
Sorry to the fans of many Vocaloids I had to cut because this composition was insane enough as is. I promise I wanted to include fellas like CUL, LUMi and Sachiko 😭 I will admit I was a little biased on who I wanted to include over others. Like, I don't normally care for Bruno and Clara, but I wanted to get some more international 'loids in the mix. Also wanted to stick in the realm of official designs and not fan-designs since, as much as I can appreciate those, are just a whole "wait who is that guy supposed to be" situation I didn't wanna deal with. I also did wanna include even more character references through the balloons, but they ended up being kind of ugly and overcomplicated the BG :,) (Oh, and while this was originally planned to be a Vocaloid-only piece, I did end up including Teto, Neru, and Haku 'cuz those are Miku's besties dude!!! They may not be Officially in the club but they're her girls and it would be criminal to not invite them to her birthday).
Anyway, this project marks the first time I've drawn a lot of Vocaloids. Lily, Piko, Rana, Yuki, Yukari, Miki, Maika, and many more lol. All of 'em I've heard or seen in passing, but now I actually drew them, and some have really cool and fun designs!! I got into a habit of drawing Merli after this since I just love her design for example. And I'll probably be drawing more lol!!
Oh and the last thing I'll add for now!! The cake is indeed made up of various song references!! I wanted to reference the "big four" producers, just absolute icons in Vocaloid history. The pink/black checkerboard is "World is Mine" (Ryo), the crescents on the side is "Rolling Girl" (Wowaka), the smiley faces is "Matryoshka" (Hachi), and the three hearts on the side is "The Vampire" (DECO*27, which is sort of a symbol of his whole Mannequin album tbh). I know "The Vampire" is a bit modern but I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head. I'm a fake DECO fan I know 😔 "Matryoshka" was originally going to be referenced in the colors of the candles but believe me it looked like shit so I just went for something else last minute 😭
That's all I have to say!!! Hope you didn't mind the text wall if you made it here. I hope you like it as much as I do!!!! Happy freakin' birthday Miku!!!!
I have to deal with tagging all these characters now for my page,,, in the drafts my tags got cut off after a certain point so I think I'm massively breaching the tag limit 😭 um... I'll figure that out later...
not losing sleep that i can't tag everyone, even for page organization purposes because some characters have pretty generic names and some are a little hard to see in full yknow. If you're one of those people who tag every character in the art piece you reblog... I am very sorry.
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skyeslittlecorner · 4 months ago
Rough timeline of Hell
Tldr: devils are such grandpas.
Has anyone managed to write down the timeline in hell yet? Because for now I'm slowly catching up on what I wasn't there and I have to write everything down so I don't get lost. I've done some math before, trying to figure out how many years have passed since Solomon disappeared. I will quickly refresh this information a bit - Most things haven't changed, but I should mention that we now know that time in Hell and on Earth passes at different times and rates. So today a minute may pass, and tomorrow a year may pass.
For the sake of keeping some data, we'll stick with the average I calculated earlier, because I haven't found a better point of reference yet. So - one year in hell is 6.6 years on earth.
Quick proportions: 365*365/6.6 =~56 days
That would mean MC has been in hell for about two months.
Possible? I guess so. I don't remember MC's exact time in hell being given anywhere, but I haven't read 6Ch yet. Devils believe that for them practically no time has passed, but they are long-lived, there's no point in believing them. This is of course the time of the main storyline.
Now it's time for something worse. Two months is a piece of cake - now we'll be playing with years. Let's start with the order in which the kingdoms were formed.
Tartaros - Definitely the first, judging by little Mammon's event.
Hades - I'm betting on the latter, because when Satan formed Gehenna, Levi was already on the throne. We know this from both Sitri and Amy events.
Gehenna - After these two, I think the third one is Gehenna. When Satan found Sitri (which was during his takeover of Gehenna), the other kings also showed up and had their eyes on him. Mammon and Levi. Beel didn't show up then.
Avisos - Continuing, Beel may not have appeared because he didn't care, or because he wasn't king. I have no information on that. So I'd put him somewhere between Hades or not far after Gehenna.
Abaddon - no information. From Asmodeus himself and his behavior I would think he could have taken power quite early, but who the hell knows.
Niflheim - I haven't gotten to that event yet, but from what I've seen of people's mentions, no one really knows what to do with them. Rather leaning towards one of the younger countries. It makes sense that Belphi simply didn't feel like it lol
Paradise Lost - The last of the countries, what we know from Luci's event.
Why did I present this? So that we could have some first idea - because now comes the math. Again. Yay.
Sitri, Amy, and Levi allow us to roughly (very roughly) count how much time has passed since the founding of Gehenna to the arrival of the MC. Thanks to the fact that events overlap with the main plot. Long live backstories.
311 years passed from the moment Solomon disappeared until the appearance of MC.
Solomon lived in hell from 100 to 150 years.
Sitri spent almost 100 years in Hades studying.
Sitri and Amy met every five years at Gehenna meetings so regularly that they made a fandom. It's quite modern, post-Solomon times. We can assume about 50-100 years. That's not a problem for now, because…
…They have known each other for hundreds of years, which ranges from 200 to 999 years.
All these events create a timeline something something like this:
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We need to assume something to be able to operate on numbers.
For minimum: 100+200+311-50 = 561
For maximum: 100+999+311-100 = 1310
So the average is: (561+1310)/2=935,5
This would mean that somewhere between 561 and 1310 years passed from the founding of Gehenna to the appearance of the MC. With probability leaning closer to 935 years, since we have nothing better than an average.
I think these assumptions are enough for now. Especially since we have no idea what the truth is. As you can see, there are a lot of maybes and ifs. But still, I think it's interesting to at least try to grasp how older our sexy boys are.
Of course if you have something to add, add it! I could be wrong on so many levels that I don't even know if it's worth posting this, but I had too much fun writing it (and maybe I'll learn something more from you!)
Aren't you tired yet? So, I have another funfact. It falls into the category of conspiracy theories are my passion. (They are as you see.)
From the moment Solomon appeared in hell to the moment MC appeared, approximately 461 years passed. If MC lived a similarly long life, that's a total of 611 years. In terms of Earth years, the entire cycle, from when Solomon appeared to when Solomon's descendant disappeared, would take about 4,000 Earth years. (611*6.6)
What's interesting about this, you ask?
Let me quote something: "The chronology [of the Bible] is highly schematic, marking out a world cycle of 4,000 years."
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_the_Bible
That would be an interesting symbolism. Our ancestor started a cycle that began to change hell, and MC, his descendant, would end that cycle, giving hope for a new, better era.
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seriousbrat · 4 months ago
How do you think others perceived Lily and James' relationship once they started dating?
Many people seem to believe the main obstacle was that Lily hated James, but both the author and other characters clarify that this wasn’t true. It’s more likely that she found him too immature at first, but not that she actually hated him.
What I like to focus on, however, is the idea that the real challenge in their relationship may have been tied to blood status and the societal pressure that came with it. I can see how some people who weren’t purists themselves might still harbor biases against Muggle-borns, leading them to distance themselves from them in an attempt to evade the attention of real purists. People might see it as foolish for these two to be together. Others, especially those who had crushes on James, might wonder why he would choose a Muggle-born when he could easily be with someone who is half-blood or pure-blood. The most extreme ones would gossip and say hurtful things that no teenage couple would want to hear.
It’s been mentioned multiple times that Harry, at his core, takes after Lily. We see how he broke up with Ginny to protect her, so I can imagine that, while Lily may not have wanted to break up with James in the same way, she might have been hesitant to enter relationships. During the time they lived in, being friends with a Muggle-born is one thing, but dating one is another.
There isn’t much information about the Potter family, but James’ black-and-white woldview likely came from them. To him, you’re either opposed to blood purity, or you’re on the wrong side. The Potters have a long history of being open toward Muggles, and there’s some great meta on Tumblr that explores James’ grandfather, Henry, and his support for Muggles during World War I. The theory suggests that if Henry lived in Godric’s Hollow, surrounded by Muggles, he might have formed friendships with them and watched as generations of men he knew were lost to the war. This could explain his disappointment with the Wizengamot’s ignorance to Muggle suffering. That frustration may have carried over to his son Fleamont, who later passed it on to James. Therefore, I think that James's parents were more familiar with Muggles than Weasleys, and that's why they had no problems with Lily
Another thing to consider is that Lily and James were asked to join Voldemort when they came of age, which in wizarding society is 17. This would place them in the latter part of their sixth year at Hogwarts. While it’s harder to pinpoint exactly when Lily was approached (and even more puzzling as to why Voldemort would recruit her), we know from the prequel, set in 1977, that James and Sirius were already being pursued by Death Eaters at that time.
On a subconscious level, James likely felt a sense of security in his status, which would have been completely shattered by the attempt to recruit him, especially since Voldemort had a habit of killing those who refused him. Moreover, it would be a harsh blow for him to realize that the Death Eaters even thought someone like him could be persuaded to join them.
the real challenge in their relationship may have been tied to blood status and the societal pressure that came with it.
I mean, I think this was something that was definitely operating on some level in their relationship, as well as class-- the Potters were very wealthy, while Lily was from a working-class Muggle family. I think these two things caused some difference between them and possibly some friction or argument, but I don't think it was a HUGE challenge in their relationship, exactly.
I had another anon mention recently that they thought Lily would have been very careful around dating purebloods because of her Muggle-born status (and I didn't address it because my reply was long enough lol) but I don't see this as particularly true, honestly. Not for how I see Lily's character-- generally trusting, determined to see the good in others-- but also not for the way I think the general culture at Hogwarts is in canon, even during the first war.
Similarly, I sometimes find it a bit exaggerated in fics when everyone at Hogwarts, including Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs, openly despises and shuns Lily for being Muggleborn and goes around insulting her. Not only do we know she was popular at school, personally I think that's also a bit of an oversimplification of what we see in canon. That's not to say bigotry didn't exist among non-Slytherins; I'm going to try and explain this as well as I can because I think it's quite complex, and also quite complex to portray.
The way bigotry against Muggle-borns functions in mainstream wizarding society appears to be in general quite subtle, largely rooted in apathy and a sort of seemingly "benign prejudice," the "Cornelius Fudge Mindset," if you will. Unless you're in a very particular pureblood supremacist context, it's not socially acceptable to openly call someone a Mudblood, as we see in the Gryffindor team's reactions to Malfoy using the slur in CoS. Your average Hufflepuff is likely not going to be actively hostile towards Muggle-borns-- remember that those three houses include and have always included plenty of Muggle-born students.
Ernie MacMillan and Hannah Abbott, both purebloods, are very fierce in their defence of Justin Finch-Fletchley in CoS. In OotP we learn that Ernie's family, who definitely lived through the first war, has similar views to his, which is where he probably learnt them. I think simply growing up in a house alongside Muggle-born kids helps with this immensely.
Open bigotry has festered so acutely in Slytherin because Muggle-borns are NOT allowed to be sorted into the house (ik people differ on this but I understood it as the Hat physically cannot sort them into Slytherin by design.) Any half-bloods like Snape probably learn quickly to downplay their Muggle side.
As I said, though, bigotry still exists, even among non-Slytherin purebloods, and the subtle nature of it doesn't make things any less difficult for Muggle-borns. I brought this up in my fic when a pureblood girl on the Gryffindor team, who has a crush on James, can't understand why he'd date Lily because 'they don't have anything in common.' But James has to drag this confession out of her, and she's (rightly) very, very ashamed of herself immediately upon expressing it in public. And this sort of prejudice can be much harder to see and combat, because it usually goes unspoken. It exists, though, and it's the reason why anti-muggleborn propaganda was accepted so easily in DH. (though per Arthur, not by everyone- most are just too scared to do anything about it.)
Many purebloods might assume that Muggle-borns are less talented at magic like Slughorn does, but I think most normal people wouldn't generally say this to a Muggle-born's face, and on some level they'd recognise that this belief is shameful (as Slughorn appears to do: "You mustn't think me prejudiced!") Even if they believe it, it would simply be impolite. These people wouldn't consider themselves bigoted, they might even have Muggle-born friends and colleagues. But ultimately they wouldn't do anything to actively address the struggles that Muggle-borns face (especially out of fear during the war,) nor would they stop to question the world around them. They might not question, for example, why Muggle-borns are passed over for job opportunities, because it works in their favour.
After the Ministry coup in DH, Voldemort puts a great deal of effort into a propaganda campaign against Muggle-borns, but this hadn't been done previously, at least not on that level. As I said, he's able to take advantage of existing "mild" prejudice very easily, which is precisely what makes it dangerous. But even during the first war, I don't think Voldemort's or the Blacks' view on Muggle-borns was supposed to have been the mainstream-- not at Hogwarts under Dumbledore, and not wholly at the Ministry either-- and I think expressing such views publicly would be generally considered impolite. Outside of Slytherins, I don't get the feeling that admitting that you think Muggle-borns and purebloods shouldn't date would be very socially acceptable at Hogwarts, even if it's what you secretly believe. Now, obviously Slytherins would be saying this, but at the point that James and Lily got together, they're not setting much store by what any Slytherins think.
James is VERY openly pro-Muggleborn, as is his family, as is everyone he surrounds himself with. He and Lily were both popular, they were Head Boy and Girl, so largely due to social pressure (also knowing how strongly James and Sirius feel on the subject and how jinx-happy they are) I'm not sure that many Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, or Ravenclaws would really dare comment, especially not to their faces.
All this being said, I can imagine certain people, maybe even acquaintances of the Potters, thinking that Lily's 'taking advantage' of James for his wealth and the safety of his pureblood status, especially as she probably wasn't working while in the Order. I will actually deal with this in my fic too, though it appears to have more to do with class than blood status. Of course, we can't forget that those things are in many ways intertwined in the wizarding world, so there is an underlying bigotry there even if it's not intentional. I can definitely see Lily struggling with this a bit, especially because James would be more than willing to support her financially and buy her things, which might make her uncomfortable. And James not really understanding this (because he wants to make her happy and has never struggled with money himself) might be a bit of an issue, but one they can overcome I'm sure.
I know this reply is already incredibly long, but I wanted to say that, like you, the fact of Voldemort trying to recruit Lily has always puzzled me. I've dealt with it in a way that makes sense, I think. Perhaps if Voldemort really wanted James onside he'd realise that James wouldn't join without Lily, so he made a concession, especially since Lily is also a capable witch herself. I've no doubt it would have bothered James to be asked, but his immediate reaction was probably to loudly, clearly, and angrily refuse, and to spit in Voldy's face basically. I had a lot of fun writing that scene actually heehee
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oneandonlysoftie · 3 months ago
silco brainrot is real he's all i think about lol. there's so many ideas i want to draw, refine and paint of him! i'm afraid i won't do him justice, but i'll try.
one of those ideas involves silco adopting and taking care of powder and portraying how she will develop as the jinx we know in s1, it's something i had hoped to see in the show as flashbacks even. another idea is about young silco and vander meeting up in the mines along with felicia and benzo, although i'd like to focus on silco and vander. i like to think that young silco and vander may have been popular amongst ladies and potentially men as well, and there's many ways to go about it. silco could have been described as the "dirty little thing" and he could have been named by the other miners as the twink following vander, but he wishes to not be called by it. in this instance, vander could be the ladies' man, always surrounded by them while silco is off to the side, reading his book perhaps. he's not too fond of being put aside, but he'd still get attention from others; both men and women alike.
and the idea of silco and vander being into one another, but not daring to make a move as to not break their brotherly bond is so fun to think about. after all the line of lovers and such, they always come back to each other, knowing that they can always rely on each other (hah) and that they always care for one another. and thinking about how those not-so-brotherly feelings slowly come up at the forefront, so much so that they can't ignore it anymore. but they don't know how to approach it or they may try to deny it, but all it causes them is suffering. and they yearn for one another while they embrace others. and those feelings may be discussed at some point while they're still young or maybe only much later, when many years have passed when they are at each other's throats, who knows? i do like seeing them suffer, but i also want them to be happy as the zaundads they are in the AU or potentially from a canon divergent timeline.
in any case, i'll be picking some of the ideas i have in my mind, and drawing them. if you have any ideas you'd like to see relating to silco and others, feel free to share! i'd love to know what tickles your fancy
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rei-ismyname · 5 months ago
X-Men: The End - Review
Book 1: Dreamers and Demons
In one of Chris Claremont's many ill-advised returns to the X-books, he set about writing a hypothetical and non-canon end to the series. Set about 15 years in the future, the story travels to every corner of the X universe - if briefly - so if nothing else everyone gets an answer for where their favourite character ends.
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Greg Land did the cover. I hate Greg Land.
I praise it mostly on a conceptual level. Pretty much every long running corner of the MU received a 'The End' mini, but Claremont split it up into 3 separate miniseries. Captain America and Iron Man both got 5 issues, KISS (yes, the band) got 3, the X-Men got 18. As someone who always wanted characters to die, grow and retire but was often foiled or undone by fiat - I respect that he'd want to do it properly. However, more is not always better. It's fun, cringe, and nonsensical at times. A LOT of people die unceremoniously. Don't take it too seriously.
The first few pages sets up that that 15 years have seriously passed. People are dead and retired, some have kids that look exactly like them, the never aging kids grew up. The Shi'Ar are killing X-Men, like a lot of them, except they're doing it in disguise. Jean Grey has returned as the Phoenix and is hanging out with (kidnapped him while he was doing Letterman lol) Nightcrawler, Carol Danvers' hologram, and Aliyah - the child of Bishop and Deathbird.
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Here she is going for an expository jog down memory lane.
We spend a little time getting to know her, as she's the closest thing to a viewpoint character. She's inexperienced and way out of her depth, but her heroic instincts are sharp. Interestingly she 'doesn't really care about the Shi'Ar.' Aliyah lives on the Starjammer with a pretty impressive holodeck, she's never met her dad, her mum is holding the Shi'Ar empire together and her best mate is holo Danvers. Lilandra is apparently 'mad.'
Immediately Kree slavers approach Chandilar and Claremont begins clearing the board. Madrox and Siryn die for real, Nocturne is a hound and Aliyah manages to knock her out and take her to the ship. Phoenix comes out of nowhere and begins wrecking shit and the Kree do the same.
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Also, WarSkrulls.
If it sounds like confusing nonsense, that's because it is. The first third of the miniseries is about establishing Aliyah and checking in on various X-Men before killing most of them. Seriously, it's easier for me to list who lives rather than who dies. It's confusing but I think it works as front loading the deaths so books 2 and 3 have a more manageable cast of characters. If you plan to stick the landing, it's going to be easier to trim the decades of bloat/worldbuilding the X-books have received.
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We get a brief overview of Earth stuff before they start to die, though everyone in these panels lives (mostly hehe). Kitty Pryde is running for president with Rachel as her campaign manager! Storm and Logan live together and he's her full time caretaker. Emma and Scott have two kids. Cable hunts terrorists apparently.
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Here's the Summerses. A lot of people wear speed dealer sunnies in the future, with Cyclops even saying SPEED right there. Coincidence? Also their children are boring.
You'll note the daughter may as well be a clone of Emma (she isn't but you know what I mean.) The baby is called Alex after long dead Havok, definitely tempting fate there. I'd sooner call my child Omega Red, but I'm not a parent. Chuck pokes his big bald head in and Emma tells him to beat it. Scott checks in with folks all over the globe, many of whom die. He is concerned of course.
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Told you. Rogue and Gambit live and they definitely saw The Matrix. This isn't plot relevant - this is just how they roll apparently.
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Hank and Cecilia McCoy live and they do *something* in Africa. Doctor stuff I think? This book moves so damn quickly. They live but everyone around them dies. Hank is right about the mutant problem. The named X-Men body count is at 18 by book 3.
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Hey Yukio! Come to homoerotically kill Ororo, huh? DW, she wins despite full paralysis. Don't fuck with Storm. At this point we find out ALL these assassins are WarSkrulls sent by the Shi'Ar. Storm's powers have wrecked her body btw to the point Logan feeds her and she kinda wants to die. 😭
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Madeline Pryor, Stryfe, and some weirdo I don't know come for the X-Mansion. Dust dusts Maddie Pryor. That dude getting punched by Not!Stryfe is the son of Colossus and Polaris. Yeah he looks exactly like Colossus. Nice to get confirmation of Polaris' awful taste in men. She does have a dope butch short hair look that slaps, so it's not all bad choices and emotionally stunted communists.
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Nearly everyone else not pictured is dead as a doornail, ash and bone at best. Claremont was pretty damn thorough - 90% of the X-Men and their allies dead. Apocalypse bit the dust too, in a pretty embarrassing way. Of course Sinister lives because he's working with the Shi'Ar but has his own agenda, as usual. They're starting to realise that the Shi'Ar sent the WarSkrulls, but the preemptive strikes were super effective. Book 1 ends on the Starjammer with the passengers realising Cassandra Nova has been Lilandra all this time.
I'm sorry, CHUCKY sends me. No cap. I could write an essay on this panel and invite speculation.
The last page has the Xavier Institute's singularity power core exploding after that lot end up also being WarSkrulls sent by the Shi'Ar - looks like having the school be built mostly from Shi'Ar tech backfired. The school is definitely gone - along with at least the state of New York but I suspect much more - then a smash cut to this masterpiece. Callisto with fucking tentacles for arms saying 'Chucky?' as Chuck is overwhelmed by grief. I'm assuming they're in a polycule with Mags over here, but it must gall him to be the third most dramatic person in a scene. It's just too much to respond without some kind of levity, but if it wasn't clear by now - the stage is being cleared ruthlessly. Northstar was at the school, so maybe some people survived but Claremont is not half arsing it. This is definitely a whole arse situation, maybe even more.
Wait what? Chuck's evil twin, the Mummudrai? Hectic! So we know we've just seen Cassandra Nova send many WarSkrull strike teams after X-Men in the form of people that will hurt them psychologically and it was very successful. Hmm... it's 15 years in the future - does that mean she's been leading Bird Gang this whole time? No Xandra in this timeline but the X-Men interact with the Shi'Ar a lot. That's some wild patience for Cassandra Nova, and the notion that she's been preparing all this time is terrifying. My God, all the X-Men are going to die aren't they? Maybe, though I can't stop thinking about how Lilandra Nova would have handled a booty call from Chucky. Ughh gross.
I think it's worth saying that the high amount of action is a YMMV sitch - I personally can do without no punching at all in a book, and get frustrated when a mandated and arbitrary fight happens just because that's what cape comics do. Just because action has to be special to wow me doesn't mean I don't recognise its value, mainly I believe we can demand more from our comics - as an evolved art form instead of the pulp it began as. What I said earlier about front loading the death applies to the action too. I suspect your enjoyment of this book will come down to your feelings on action or ability to appreciate it ironically/unseriously.
I'll leave part one there, though I want to point out that Sunspot is whitewashed so badly he looks like Shawn Mullins. At least he dies - I love Bobby Da Costa but I'd prefer no Sunspot to dorky white guy Sunspot. Stay tuned for part 2 and thank fuck that's over. Spinning a coherent narrative from a book without one is a challenge, especially with only 10 pictures to work with. I considered counting and listing all the deaths, but I got to 30 and realised I wasn't enjoying it and doubted anyone else would. I'm not a wiki, and hopefully I've done my job while leaving some meat on the bones for folks who still want to read it. Don't worry, Kitty's presidential run is still live and it's implied she won the primaries. Independent? As if. Definitely a democrat, because the X-Men are mostly centrist bitches. Still, I hope she wins and First Lady Rachel and her achieve something.
I haven't been doing much long form lately so I welcome any feedback you might have. 💜💜❤️
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threepoint14art · 8 days ago
Puppet animation :D! i think it turned out cool
Ok so this needs context lmao. For anyone not up to speed. Mai and Puppet's lore in our au is that they were the same kid, they got split into 2, they are 2 opposite extremes and don't work quite right. they both wear an eyepatch because the covered eye is the other twin's eye. "I want to be broken" he's only using one hand to motion in this part, the one on the side of his covered eye, the "real" hand or the one on the side of mai's eye because she's the "real" one. The real daughter the real kid the one thats not a husk. He's saying it all happy because His emotions are all weird and he's mostly just completely indeferent to anything, and because in jitter doll he's saying stuff like "I feel like I'm going to blow up and they'll get rid of my body. They'll kill my foul heart" all smiley. But also being he wants to be broken out of the permanent stupor he's in by virtue of his existence, he wants something to "break" him to get him to feel anything but plain desinterest for most things. "To be broken" is repeated on the next line, and he's crumpling up his eyepatch (idk if thats very clear lol), To be broken break the emotionless machinery in his brain so that flesh may take over. "Thrown away" and shows just his eye. Insane thing to focus on but in the gravity falls cover, while mai and pup are presented as a powerful duo and stuff, when the spread happens Mai gets a full body with an outfit, Pup is literally just an eye. He feels less complete than mai and therefore easier to throw away. "and put to rest" Curse of transness and magic system killing you. Marinette (original kid) is DEAD. She was deadly ill and when they split she literally passed away, their mother mourns a kid that won't come back, and Pup feels like he can never live up to what she was, a full human full of sorrow and pain and happiness and so many feelings. "I'm a complex robot, you see" Talking to Fred while he's in the shadow world. Saying cryptid shit about how he wants Fred to have what he never will because he's just a robot. Basically jitter doll reference lol :P "it kind of feels like I've got a heart" Leon. Who invited him here. This is where I go off the deep end and can't justify myself. Remember how I said he wants to be broken to feel stuff?? Well it happens!!!!
He has never cared at all for much stuff, he does stuff that vaguely amuses him like speaking in riddles or pranking people, but the only thing he ever truly showed REAL interest in was the supernatural, SOLELY because they thought it would be able to explain why they exist and let them fix his head. Villain's plan fucks up shit related to shadows and all the supernaturaleness that his existence held is explained by shadows. So it's not a mystery anymore, plot unravels he gets real answers and the final veredict is that he cannot be fixed! and he's just stuck like that.. So he stops liking that. He stops liking the ONE interest he had because he got an answer and it can't fix him "What about leon" MY FUCKING SHACKLESSS MY SHACKLES MY PRISION UH. Uh They were sort of buddies... Leon got enamoured by Pup existing and followed him around and talked to him a LOT and Pup sort of didn't care for him and didn't really realize he was a human person and stuff because #his emotions are barely there. The villains plan and all of that hinged on shadows, and so Leon knew all about those and just never told him, He has lost the one thing he had and the guy who claimed to be so interested in him never told him and watched him run around like an idiot. He gets pissed, he's FEELING emotion even thought it's really negative and its overwhelming and weird and he's feeling the strongest he has in years because he's full of resent. But it doesn't even last long, he can't win, and it all just starts to look pointless. They have nothing anymore.
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ya-zz · 1 year ago
oou, if ur down for it how about bitter ex!Ram who's realized Genji's trying to ask reader out :0 he still holds this bit of possessiveness towards reader and it's even worse because it's "his brother's pet human" - so like there's this undertone of Genji being a "replacement" in Ram's perspective. you can try to connect this to canon, but this is more of like an imagine, like 'if x and x did this, how would x react-'
also i don't mind if you decide not to write this :b i just like seeing characters i'm currently obssessed with in different situations LOL
happy holidays! (if u celebrate) and a happy rest of your december!
May have went down a little more... possessive route for this...
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1071
The omnic had been watching for awhile. Too long, almost. He watched you from the sidelines, the way you grew, the way you healed past the relationship he once had with you. It pained him at how well you moved on in the last few months.
When a certain cyborg came along and started flirting with you, however, something began to grow within Ramattra’s circuits. Something dark, hateful… spiteful.
Ramattra still wants you, that he cannot deny no mater how many times he tries to think otherwise. He needs you by his side. You were the only person who was capable of loving him and he just had to fuck things up. 
Back then, he wanted you all to himself. Who wouldn’t? You were the best thing that had ever happened to him and to everyone. You made hearts flutter and smiles warmer. Ramattra, dare he say, was obsessed with you. 
He still is. 
His systems would go back to the nights he shared with you, hands roaming bodies, static moans and cursed whimpers all but filled his receptors. Many nights he would sit and watch everything like it was a movie until it went back to the fateful day you had packed your belongings and left him. 
You wanted no part of his liberation. Despite trying so hard to convince him that there were thousands, if not millions of humans out there who cared for and adored omnics, Ramattra wasn’t convinced and so went ahead with his war.
Years had passed since then and here he was, sitting down in the garden meditating alongside Zenyatta whilst you and Genji were training across the field. 
“Does he always watch over you?” The ninja asks you, peering over to the omnics sitting away from them. 
“No. I think Zen asked him to join him on some meditative stuff.” You shrug. 
“I mean- he’s watching you.” Genji gets a little closer, voice getting quieter. 
“You can tell behind the faceplate?” 
Genji nods. “I picked a few things up from Master Zenyatta.” He picks up on how Ramattra’s hands clench on his knees and he knows exactly what’s going on. 
“Huh.” You look over at the omnics before shrugging the thought off. “He can watch all he wants, I don’t care.” 
The cyborg chuckles, moving his focus back onto you. 
Ramattra couldn’t pick out the conversation as the wind rustled within his receptors, only seeing you and Genji turn to look at him, lips moving but muffled voices. He knew that you were talking about him though, and that only made the anger rise within his circuitry. 
The larger omnic had picked up on several mannerisms with the ninja. The way his face softened when he was with you, the ghost touches, the way he laughed when you told a joke. Ramattra was slowly but surely figuring it out that Genji wanted you. 
Whether or not it was to spite him, he didn’t care. The fact that Zenyatta’s pet human was flirting with you was fuelling this hatred inside of him. 
He found you wandering the halls and stopped you. 
“I see that ninja has taking a liking to you.” He states. 
“That is none of your business.” You spit back, clearly frustrated at the sudden interaction. 
“He is not good for you.” Ramattra crosses his arms over his chest, his tall stature looming over you in an almost hostile way.
“Oh, like you’re any better?” You stand your ground. “At least he didn’t start a fucking war.” 
He vocaliser clicks. “I had my reasoning. You did not listen to me.” 
“I listened. How could I not when that’s all you were going on about for months!” Anger began rising within you. “That was all you focussed on.” 
“I needed you.” 
“No. No you fucking didn’t.” You speak through gritted teeth. “All you wanted-”
“What I wanted was peace for us omnics.”
“By brainwashing them?” You cock your head to the side. “I may not be the fucking brightest around here but I do know that the way you used those poor omnics was not right.” 
Ramattra keeps his optics on you. 
“You used your own people!” Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. “I ended it with you because I couldn’t stand the way you were thinking. You were too wrapped up in that.. that… liberation of yours that you never had any time for me!” 
Something inside of Ramattra begins to hurt. 
“So help me god, if you get in the way of anything, of my happiness, I will fucking end you myself.” The tears finally spill as you storm past the omnic who stands there almost dumbfounded.
Never once had you raised your voice at him, let alone in the hostile tone just seconds before. Ramattra had to take a moment to process your words, to process what you just threatened to him. 
He turns around but by that point, you had long left him. 
The next time you saw Ramattra, he had pinned the ninja against the wall by his throat. His tone was angry, no, he was seething with rage as he threatened to end Genji’s life. 
You didn’t hear how it started, but you certainly ended it by pulling Ramattra away from the cyborg who then fell to the ground gasping for air. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You shout, coming between the two men and staring the omnic down.
“Putting that ninja in its place.” Ramattra scoffs before turning and walking away from the scene. 
“Are you okay, Genji?” You ask, kneeling down and putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” He coughs. “Didn’t think he’d come for me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“He still wants you.” Genji looks up at you. 
“I know, but that does not give him the right to attack you like that.” 
You help the cyborg up, helping him access the damage before escorting him to the med-bay.
Meanwhile, Ramattra was sitting in his room feeling rather content with himself. The jealousy was all but rising within him the more he knew you were hanging around with his brother’s pet human. He still wants you, he needs you. 
The omnic could only sit back and wait as his plan starts falling into place. He will get you back by any means necessary and if that means turning Genji on you, then he will do just that.
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dxy-drxxm · 1 year ago
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SYNOPSIS: Kaeya has a lot of things he enjoyed about you. Or, well, admired, to be frank.
CW/s: tooth rotting fluff, short drabble, kaeya is a hopeless SIMP (/silly), tbh he's just a silly guy who can't confess if his life depended on it (and... It did lol), can be interpreted as platonic or romantic (it's both, but it's a slow transition from platonic to romantic hehe)
NOTE: hi, this drabble is for @ryuryuryuyurboat for @ecrin-de-litterature's "kiss (don't tell)" event! I hope you enjoy a drabble of Kaeya being a hopeless simp because as much as I'd like to write a full blown date with him, I've been busy since college and I want to curl up and pass away. orz.
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Kaeya never says a lot about the person he admires.
For him, the Cavalry Captain had more than enough to take care of. Maybe it was due to the job that kept him busy, or even because of how life gave him a batch of lemons that he needed to deal with.
But when it comes to certain people like who he's seen now, it made him feel as though he became but the same child when Cyrus adopted him all those years ago.
He still remembered the first time you two met—you were one of Lisa's attendants. An assistant, one could say. You're always available whenever Lisa isn't feeling the urge to check in the library, which is often, and Kaeya had decided to try and see what you're like.
Sure, you may have panicked and treated him like a stranger, but it wasn't long for you two to get close. Soon, you're treating him like you two have been friends for years, joking and laughing over certain things.
Kaeya couldn't help but smile. He always liked seeing others express joy when he couldn't.
Though, little by little, the dynamic seem to change. Others pointed out to him that you and Kaeya had been together for quite a while now, always speaking and chatting over the most mundane things.
Petty drama from the knights, Lisa's recent books and those who borrowed arriving late, the many foreigners that came about when the traveler would be busy in another region... You two had a lot to talk about, and sometimes, he didn't notice how much you two could never stop speaking of such things.
It was stupid, he's aware, but he wouldn't lie and say he didn't like it. On the contrary, he enjoyed that time being spent on something he considering to be enjoyable.
You made his days less unbearable. Like he can wake up one day and think that things will be fine.
He admired that charm from you. You make it seem so... natural.
There were even moments that the two of you shared. He remembered your first Windblume festival with him, the first time you've spent working for a year with Lisa (it was your work anniversary, he joked to you once), and even down to when you two travelled to different nations together.
He's seen it all— your highs, lows, and even the turnarounds. He's heard you rant and ramble of the nations, and yet he felt his pride raise when you'd return to Mondstadt, still calling it your home.
It was clear that you have seen that place, out of every nation, as the best. In return, he did his best keeping it safe. Although, there had been moments he would mess up.
He may act confident, but when alone, he'd feel like he's a lost child again. He loathed that feeling.
The first time you've seen him act like it was when you two spoke of each other's pasts. Kaeya has told you what happened between him and Diluc, and he could never forget the way you hugged him for hearing his voice crack.
He cares for Diluc, like how he cares for you. However, how could he say the same for his adopted brother? Would he ever do the same thing you did to him?
... Perhaps. Perhaps not, even.
Still, he couldn't help but think how much he can even handle this feeling. It's a secret he's kept that your actions made him feel like he can be free, yet he kept himself trapped by will.
He was trapped in the feeling of admiration and envy, clashing and fighting against each other. It made his heart soar and ache when things happen, both because of you and because of himself.
He felt envious of you. He wanted to say that to you, but seeing you smile got rid of that envy.
It was a strange conundrum. One that left him sleepless for nights on end... And that's when it clicked.
He realized that it was a form of self-sabotage.
Kaeya didn't want to ruin the relationship you two had as friends, so he kept it under lock and key. He threw the key away, denying that he felt something to you. Denying that he felt as though he loved you that way. He couldn't. He didn't even know the answer.
It was stupid to worry. It truly is.
But now? How could he not worry?
He's done this to himself. Even if others told him to say it, to utter those words he forbade himself from speaking, he kept his mouth shut. You two are friends, and he's far too used to admiring you and your acts from afar.
He's craved to admire someone that would make him feel this way, and he got what he asked. Although, he couldn't bring himself to hate you for charming him like that.
After all, that is what makes you you. And he doesn't want you to lose the only thing that fits you perfectly.
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@.dxy-drxxm | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2024
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 11 months ago
Hi, could I have a Bucky/reader fic where she is the youngest triplet of Wanda & Pietro (they are all legal) and her power is strength. The three of them are already part of the Avengers when The Winter Soldier takes place and the rest of the Avengers know they aren't just siblings but in love but don't care as they realise the three of them grew up with only the other two to depend on. When the Winter Soldier attacks, reader is the only one who can fight and best him. He realises when she is near, he feels less like the soldier and more like the Bucky that Steve claims he is so when Steve offers help, he takes it to be nearer the reader. He makes it obvious he is interested and she is too but makes it clear that if anything is going to happen, he has to be okay with Wanda & Pietro who are fine with it because they know she still loves and will never abandon them. It takes a while but he soon realises that she does care for him and while he only cares and is attracted to/loves her, the four of them become their own little group. Bucky still has moments where he loses control but they are fine as they know as long as reader is with him, things are fine. Hope this was detailed enough for you and thanks.
Trial By Fire
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Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Maximoff!Reader, Pietro Maximoff x Maximoff!Reader x Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff x Wanda Maximoff
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Warnings: i kept a lot of concepts from the original requests, but changed a bit of it, implied sibling incest, triplets, mentions of past torture, mentions of past abuse, pietro is alive, polyamorous, jealousy, cheating?, bittersweet, angst, mdni, canon character death mentioned, ooc pietro?, still adjusting to writing for him lol
Words: 3169
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Nothing shocked you anymore. Not after the life you've had.
Living in Sokovia, there was constant political and military strife that wrecked havoc in the city you and your family resided in. While the mortar shell that killed your parents, it was something to be expected. Many of your school friends didn't have parents anymore. Tragic but there was nothing to be done about it. Nothing that ten year olds could do at least. Were it not for Pietro moving fast to pull you out of the way, you would have been hit by the collapsing ceiling above.
Even HYDRA's experimentation on you and your siblings lost its shock value. They'd been experimenting on people for decades prior to the Maximoff triplets falling into their possession.
Maybe nothing shocked you anymore because of the presence of your siblings that who were never far from you. Wanda always told you that nothing bad could ever truly happen to any of you as long as the three of you stuck together. No one else was worthy of your trust except for Wanda and Pietro.
You never did mind how small your world was before the Avengers changed your lives. You had each other and that was more than enough.
Lines were blurred, ultimately erased over time so that you and your siblings weren't conscious of right or wrong.
It was impossible for you to love anyone else. Pietro and Wanda were your everything. Loving each other unabashedly despite the taboo of your relationship. Why should that change who you are as people? In your core, you and your siblings were good people who may have done wrong things in the past but were on the path to redemption.
You don't remember when it started.
Definitely a little before you and your older brother and sister joined HYDRA.
There were vague memories of the orphanage that you were forced to live in after your mother and father's death. Once you were legal and kicked out to live your own lives did all three of you begin your own. . . experiments with one another. With how you grew up, it was difficult to trust anyone else outside of your trio. Uncomfortable even when someone who was interested in either of you made a pass. You were extremely hesitant and Pietro and Wanda were even worse off with their own jealousy.
Originally when the other members discovered the truth, there was tension. Starting with Tony flirting with you and Pietro getting possessive, being the eldest of the three of you. He took the protective big brother role to the next level.
In the blink of an eye he had Tony by the throat. That was when the truth really came out. Even Wanda's scarlet magic flared in the irises of her eyes. Scarlet that glowed and vibrated all around her. She'd placed you behind her outstretched arm. Her eyes illuminated in red as she glared at the Iron Man.
Natasha was the one to become comfortable with the idea first. She was the last one who would ever judge the circumstances in which people fell in love.
Quite a few avoided you and the other two-thirds of your trio. It hurt to see their initial rejection after all of the times you'd saved their lives. Was it not the Maximoff triplets who stopped Ultron? You'd started as villains, that much you would never deny. HYDRA brainwashed you with propaganda at a young age; disadvantaged by your age and subsequent naivete.
In spite of the oddity of your triplet relationship, you were able to make a comfortable home among the Avengers. It felt like the world was your's. You had things that you never had growing up.
So why did your heart skip a beat when the man known as the Winter Soldier was inducted into the group?
There was no such thing as love at first sight but you feel like this was pretty close. Rather, there was an immediate spark of attraction ignited between the two of you. The moment his steely eyes land on you, you were a goner. He was beautiful in a dark, tattered kind of way. Both weapons that HYDRA created. Corrupted by their instruments of pain and given a new, morbid life with fantastical power.
Understandable that you would be wary of potential amorous intent from Bucky's part. You first didn't get why someone other than your siblings would reciprocate your feelings. For so long you'd had just Wanda and Pietro. It felt wrong somehow to even daydream about Bucky.
When someone new joined the Avengers, the atmosphere was always strained. The dynamic of the team having to accomadate another hero. Letting the pressure settle until there was at least a comfortable silence and brief greetings.
You tried not to stare at him. Even tried to ignore his own staring in your direction. If you paid him any attention, your siblings might catch on. And while they shared you between the two of them, they were not quite so ready to share with anyone outside of your family group.
"He's interested in you." Wanda flippantly mentioned when it was just the two of you chilling out in your room. All three of your rooms were connected by adjoining doors, never liking to be too far from the others. Your's was in the middle.
Saying it, Wanda doesn't look up from the tiny brush that paints your nails. You could tell she didn't like it one bit though. Her jaw was tensed and a tendon in her throat juts out. Faint whisps of her scarlet magic lick at her fingertips.
"I'm just friendly to him. That's all. I want him to feel welcome here. He's a lot like us, you know." Tone neutral, your thumb swipes across the screen of your phone. Trying to distract yourself with meaningless social media content. Plenty of pictures of Tony Stark floods your feed making you roll your eyes and finally set down your smart device. "You and Pietro should actually get to know him."
Her eyes immediately flick up to drill into you. "Do you like him?"
She shoves the nail brush back inside of its bottle and tries to gently place it on the table's surface but you can hear it clink slightly as her hand trembled slightly.
You felt the shift in the room, the only notification you got before Pietro stood in front of where you and Wanda sat.
"What was that?"
You groan and shove yourself out of your seat, not even caring if the polish on your nails was still wet. Switching from English to Sokovian "Both of you need to relax." Holding down Pietro's heavy eyes, you feel ridiculous having to justify being nice to someone.
As a child, you'd never mind the sometimes overbearing affection of your siblings. Especially when they fought for your sake. Whether it be bullies or an evil artificially intelligent android.
They feared losing you like one feared death.
Your dynamic was set in stone. For it to come crumbling down was indeed a terrifying thought.
Then came the day of your assigned mission where Bucky was supposed to be your partner. Sam was also assigned with the both of you.
Prior to that day, you'd never personally seen the Winter Soldier in action. You'd seen all the his portfolio had to offer: grainy soviet era videos, black and white photos of him in a military uniform, and old documents with a typewriter-style font.
Honestly, you were horrified when the switch flipped in him- where he momentarily phased into the Winter Soldier. A merciless killer. He'd even turned on Sam in a moment of clouded confusion
By pure instinct drilled into you by the same facility that Bucky came from, your hand immediately struck out to grab Sam's elbow and with the god-like strength you possessed, threw him behind you. Taking on Bucky's brute force as solid as a shield.
You grapple with Bucky, taking him down to the floor so you could put him into a hold of submission. Sam watches wide eyed as you effortlessly knock out the Winter Soldier with a simple squeeze of the arm that was around his thick neck. Slowly, Bucky's wild eyes dull before closing as he loses consciousness.
Both you and Sam sighed in relief that neither of you were harmed in that moment.
After Bucky regained awareness, he couldn't stop apologizing to you.
"It's alright Buck."
"No, it's not alright." The undertone of his words were coated with frustration. "I'm still. . . HYDRA has stained me."
You frown, not liking how he spoke about himself. You can't help but reach out and grab his metal hand. Gray blue eyes widen in disbelief. You'd always thought he had the most beautiful eyes. Thumb smoothing over cold, metal knuckles. What did your touch feel like to him? Did it send the same electric jolt up his arm the way it did with you?
"HYDRA has not stained you."
When your gazes catch the other's, the urge to kiss him damn near fried your mind.
Plaguing you to later in the day, you were even unable to reciprocate a kiss which Pietro was trying to initiate as he leaned down to you on the bed.
When Pietro notices your reaction, he pulls back in confusion. "Are you okay?"
No you weren't. "Sorry. You surprised me is all." You release a weak chuckle before placing your hands on his face to bring his lips back against your's.
Nagging thoughts banged against the barrier of your mind: "How do Bucky's kisses feel?" "What does his tongue taste like?"
That night when you were nestled between them in bed, you stare up at the ceiling. Unable to fall asleep.
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Down the hall, Bucky was going through the same predicament.
Fair that his sleep schedule was in general a mess, now it seemed damn near impossible.
He'd been staring at the same spot on the ceiling for hours. Your touch seared the metal of his arm to where he could still feel its presence.
A lump develops in his throat when he thinks about it again. The pads of your fingers pressing against his knuckles. Something of the old Bucky resurfaced in him. The Bucky that used to take the hand of pretty girls and kiss it with his panty dropping smirk.
When he first met you, Bucky had no explanation for the warmth that flooded his system. Even with you being flanked by your siblings, you shined brighter than either Wanda or Pietro. Perplexingly, he was forced to admit how smitten he was from just that first glance.
Something in the vast and mysterious universe connected the two of you with an invisible tether.
And when he saw you the next morning, hair mussed from sleep and eyes still droopy, Buck thought you were the most spectacular sight.
You skitter to a halt, coffee mug in hand. "Oh! Good morning." Sheepishly, you try to hastily rub the crusts out of your eyes.
He can't imagine how you would look in his bed early in the morning. Like he'd ever get the chance. Not when Pietro glared at him with the fury of a thousand suns. Wanda was no better. Every time she was next to you, Wanda had either a hand or an arm on your persons' as if to send Bucky a message.
Pouring your coffee, his presence over your shoulder is too much to ignore. "I'm sorry if yesterday got a little weird. . ." You murmur, focus on not spilling searing hot coffee all over yourself.
"What do you mean?"
You purse your lips. "Emotions were high yesterday and I may have gotten too. . . familiar with touching your hand. I overstepped the boundary."
When he scoffs, it makes you turn around. He's leaning against the island in the kitchen. Dark hair tied back indicating that he'd worked out prior.
"If it's you, then you're allowed to touch me anywhere."
The mug in your hand nearly falls. "Wh. . ."
His voice has your core waking up in response. Enough to make your knees wobble inward. Bucky received a brief pulse of delight from the rounding of your eyes as you gawked at him.
Standing his ground, Bucky would wait for you to make the next move.
Certainly you were mistaking his playfulness with flirting. That did tend to happen between the two of you. As was the confusing need to feel him close to you.
Steely gray turn a dark, sultry shade as he lifts his chin up a little to look down at you.
You were never one to back down from a challenge.
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Finally getting to lay in his arms, bare skin against skin, you realize you'd just created a huge problem. Cue your post-coital panic attack.
As you had calmed Bucky down during your mission, he did the same for you. "Hey, deep breaths. Did I hurt you?"
"No. No it's not you." Wringing the bedsheets between anxious fingers, you cast a worried glance his way. Bucky's lips were red and bruised from the force of your kisses. "Bucky. . . There's something I need to tell you. I-It might make you hate me though."
"I could never."
Once the quiet shock passed, Bucky leans against the pillows. "I already knew all of that."
Detecting the signs of infatuation coming from his long time friend, Steve took it upon himself to give Bucky a heads up about you and your siblings. One of those 'company' secrets that everyone knows but pretends it doesn't exist. Steve came off as embarrassed when he told Bucky. While he supported the Maximoff triplets, Steve still thought it was abnormal.
"Your life in HYDRA must not have been easy. For you or your siblings." He's coaxing you back into his arms, the cold metal of his arm helps reduce the burning of your body. Tentatively you release the weight of your head to lay against the muscle of his chest. He felt like home already. You want to bury yourself in him.
"So. . . What now?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"That depends on you, doll."
By the grace of some feminine instinct, Wanda seemed to know the moment you stepped into your room.
You attempt to reassure her that everything was fine before her scarlet magic starts to flare in her eyes.
Desperately you grip onto her hands, refusing to let go as you felt the slight sting of her power against your palm. "I love you. I love Pietro. I always will and I will NEVER leave you. But I also want to give Bucky a shot. He knows about. . . us. He knew even before I told him."
"He's taking you away from us." Her face was starting to redden with the effort it took her to keep her tears at bay.
A meltdown was imminent.
Quick in pleading for Wanda to just listen to you, Wanda simmers down.
Nothing was to be finalized until Pietro was brought in. At the end of the day you were family first and foremost. Pietro didn't take the news any better than Wanda had. You couldn't get a word in above him yelling curses in Sokovian.
Being the protective brother that he was, Pietro insists on having a talk with Bucky. He promised there would be no fighting. That did nothing to calm you as you sat with Wanda and continued to talk to her more about the Winter Soldier.
Bucky was expecting him. He'd felt the tremors of Wanda's magic; a warning. Any other man may think you weren't worth it and give up pursuit. Not Bucky. When the two of you kissed for the first time, Bucky's fate was sealed. He had to keep you in his life. You'd become the shield of his heart, a tender caretaker who'd keep his heart safe and sound from the world outside.
Pietro squares up to him, nearly standing the same height as Bucky. Conceding that Bucky possessed that extra few inches that, Pietro hardens his demeanor. On the silver haired hero's face was almost a disgusted curl of his lip when he looks Bucky up and down. This was the man that was pulling his sister away from the intimate fold of the triplets. An unwelcome interloper.
"It doesn't bother you that she's had relations with both Wanda and I?" Pietro intently watching any sign of discomfort from Bucky but found none.
"If you're trying to scare me off, it's not gonna work." Bucky folds his arms in front of his barrel-like chest. Hating to admit this even to himself, Pietro deflates a bit at the sight of the Winter Soldier's muscles. In a contest of strength it was clear who the winner would be. "Your sister has been the only one in decades to be able to take me down when I get into Winter Soldier mode. If being with her means accepting all of this. . . it's a price I don't mind paying. She's made it clear how important you and Wanda are to her. I don't think she's ready to let either of you go. Not over me."
There's almost a twitch of a smile from Pietro. His steam has evaporated. "We have some negotiating to do then."
You were more than surprised when Pietro and Bucky walk into your room. Wanda shoots confused glances at her brother; bristling when Pietro has Bucky sit next to you on the loveseat.
Your brother ignores Wanda's rueful glares and looks you in the eyes. He spoke in Sokovian. "Are you sure you want to be with him?"
"I want to give him a chance. He's. . ." Helplessly you take a quick peek at Bucky who offers you a warm smile that has fireworks blasting off in your time. Hastily you return back to your brother. "I really like him."
On your other side, Wanda melts when she hears the tender tone of your voice. If she put up anymore of a fight, she may actually lose you forever.
And maybe because you were the baby of the triplets, Wanda felt it impossible to at least try and give this interloper a chance if only for your sake.
She sighs wearily; your happiness was everything to her and Pietro. If you were straying from their protective walls, then that meant you were ready to brave the world by yourself. To try things that might be terrifying for the lot of you. It also meant that HYDRA no longer plagued your memories.
Her palm curls softly against your cheek and you hold it there, closing your eyes. "Alright, imp. If you think this man is worthy of you."
"He is." You beam at Bucky who matches your expression before looking back at Wanda. You bring her close to you so that your foreheads press together. "You'll never lose me. You are my blood. No one can change that."
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thecinematicalgorithm · 1 year ago
Can't Catch Me Now: Lucy Gray and Katniss Story-Tie Analysis
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I have not been on Tumblr much over the past couple of years but with the coming film The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes on its way I knew I'd be dusting this old page off. The Hunger Games series is one of my all-time favorite book series and the films are some of my favorite book-to-film adaptations, so to say I am pumped for this upcoming movie is an understatement. And to top it all, I have been obsessing over Olivia Rodrigo's new song Can't Catch Me Now, which if you've read the prequel, you'll know that it perfectly ties Lucy Gray's story to Katniss' journey. As always I want to warn anyone who might read this that spoilers for the upcoming film and Suzanne Collins' novel lie ahead. Also fair warning, this is super long cause I don't know how to be concise.
In preparation for the prequel film I have re-read TBOSAS and I am currently re-reading the original THG series (I am currently on Catching Fire, if anyone cares to know lol). I am also planning on a movie marathon the week of the prequel release, which I fully intend on subjecting my boyfriend to as he recently admitted he has only ever seen the first (and I simply cannot let him continue living life with no clue on how wonderful Peeta Mellark is). With that said, I have had a few thoughts, which I wanted to share before the release knowing that I will certainly have more thoughts after I have seen the film.
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Honestly, I am going to be ridiculously obsessed for the next several weeks. I also know I wrote a couple of analyses on the differences between Snow and Katniss and the early games vs. the later games, which I will re-post so people can read them if they haven't before.
Enough chit-chat though let's get to it.
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The parallels between Katniss and Lucy Gray are quite extensive and beautiful despite the characters being in many ways polar opposites. There is the saying that "Lucy Gray Baird is a performer made to hunt while Katniss is a hunter made to perform". This is a great summary of their overall character profile, and while I may at some point do a breakdown of Lucy Gray vs Katniss, I first want to write about how Lucy Gray and Katniss' story are far more connected than some might have realized. Part of the realization for me actually came while listening to Olivia's new song.
The chorus of the song reads as:
But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now
Through wading grass, the months will pass
You'll feel it all around
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now
No, you can't catch me now
In terms of Katniss, I think it's been obvious for sometime that Snow particularly despises Katniss because she is a strong reminder of Lucy Gray Baird. She is a girl from District 12. She stood out during her Reaping, and swept the Captiol off their feet during her time in his city. She not only sang in the arena, but she sang a young girl "to sleep" with the very song Lucy Gray sang Maude Ivory to sleep. She used the Captiol's berries to save herself and Peeta, just as Lucy Gray used the Captiol's snakes to save herself. She wears a Mockingjay pin, the very bird which Snow undoubtedly relates to Lucy Gray and rebellion (far before it truly became the symbol of rebellion).
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Katniss may not be like Lucy Gray in personality, but to Snow, Lucy Gray's spirit must seem very much alive in Katniss, and just as he tried desperately to rid the forests surrounding District 12 of mockingjays, this is one Mockingjay he wants to destroy.
The second verse of the song goes:
Bet you thought I'd never do it
Thought it'd go over my head
I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter
Be something easy to forget
Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left
This verse summarizes Snow's mindset at the end of TBOSAS, as we know he thinks he is safe from the threat of Lucy Gray. Her games have been erased, as time passes "there will be a vague memory that a girl sang in the arena" and even that too shall pass. However, where he goes wrong is when he fails to understand the deep connection and love the other Covey share for Lucy Gray. Despite not seeing how the story ends for them, or even having a solid explanation of Lucy Gray's ending, we at least know that Lucy Gray and her songs were not wiped from existance. Whether they believed, as he supposed, that the mayor was responsible for Lucy Gray's disappearance does not erase their connection to her.
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Snow may have chosen never to allow love to control him again, but he did not erase the love those children had for Lucy Gray. Her music became all they had left of her so you can bet they continued singing them and sharing them, even if they had to do it on the down low. (I also share the common fan theory that Maude Ivory is the grandmother to Katniss Everdeen, and I'm hoping the film confirms this). Either way, Katniss clearly learned those songs from somewhere, which for Snow would have been a siren's call from the great beyond that Lucy Gray did not pass with the winter and she was not as forgotten as he had hoped.
Then we go into the bridge of the song where Olivia sings:
You, you can't, you can't catch me now
I'm coming like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down (repeats)
This is my favorite part of the song. Not only is it moving and emotional but it ties so much of Lucy's story to Katniss'. Both girls were like storms in the Capitol, sweeping the people and the nation into their stories so they could not help but be invested. Both were near impossible to control, despite Snow's best efforts, and both had a spirit of hope greater than Snow's ability to crush the highest of hopes. There's also something deeper, which intended by Olivia or not, makes this song perfect for the series. The lines "I'm coming like a storm into your town" and "I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down" is sung from the point of view of Lucy Gray. Both bring to mind images of the rebellion in THG: Mockingjay. The rebels stormed into the Capitol and their hope was higher than the hopes and lives which Snow had already destroyed in an effort to quell the rebellion.
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However, just like Katniss becoming the Mockingjay, or the symbol of the rebellion, Lucy Gray had become her music. She was the anthem of the rebellion. If Katniss inspired hope, Lucy Gray was that hope. The hope of freedom. Dead or not Lucy Gray was finally free and her song reflects that truth and the rebels clung to it. Dead or alive they would be free.
Furthermore, Lucy Gray's song not only led to the freedom of Panem, but it also led to the freedom of Peeta's mind from the lies and brainwashing inflicted on him in the Capitol. Remember, Katniss always associated Peeta with hope until Snow brainwashed him. And if you'll recall, Peeta's first true breakthrough in regaining his memory of Katniss and his love for her was when he heard her rendition of "The Hanging Tree". Lucy Gray not only stormed into the Capitol but she stormed into Peeta's muddled memory, and her music was higher than the hope Snow had brought down. Lucy Gray's song led Peeta and Panem into freedom, and it helped to restore Peeta as the hope and love of Katniss' life.
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Lastly, the ending of the song greatly foreshadows Katniss' journey:
There's blood on the side of the mountain
It's turning a new shade of red
Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don't burn the way you'd expect
Yeah, you thought that this was the end
Of course, we all know the end is far from over for Snow. As Lucy Gray told him once, "The Capitol show isn't over until the mockingjay sings". Katniss' story ends with her singing Lucy Gray's lullaby to her children. Katniss was the fire founded by Snow, and despite his best efforts, it didn't burn out or even burn the way he expected it to. The line "the fire you founded" is also perfect to describe Snow and Katniss' dynamic because in many ways Katniss was only a threat because Snow threatened her. It's the same dynamic as Harry and Voldemort's. If Voldemort had left Harry and his family well alone, Harry never would have been the perfect enemy to thwart him. In the same way, if Snow had left Katniss and her friends and family well alone, she may never have come for him the way she did or joined the rebellion.
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Interestingly enough, if Prim's name had never been called not only would the rebellion most likely have been avoided, but Lucy Gray's music may very well have been truly forgotten. Assuming Katniss is the only one left who actually remembers the songs, we know from reading the books that Katniss does not like or want to sing simply because they are painful reminders of her father. If Prim had never been threatened and Katniss had never been a contender in the games she would have been subjected to a life of mining and may have let the songs fade from memory as she lived out her miserable slave life in District 12.
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But as we know that's not what happens, and instead the memory of Lucy Gray and her music is forced from Snow as Katniss is forced onto this journey proving the memory of Lucy Gray is very much still alive except this time Snow can't catch her now.
Thank you for reading if you made it this far! Please share your thoughts if you'd like!
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6leggedhorse · 27 days ago
Imbolc: How to do it Your Way w/Loki
Imbolc has finally hit us! And as I type away on this old crusty dusty humble laptop, I thought I'd share some ideas with you all about how to celebrate it with a Lokean vibe. But if that doesn't fly n' vibe with you you can find something that works best for you. So get comfortable, grab your favorite snack and drink and grab your pet to cuddle up with and let's get into this. Also remember, some companies are no longer supporting DEI, shop at your own peril and do your research as to who you want to support at this time. Also sorry for the late post, husband got sick and needed to be babied.
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What is Imbolc?
Imbolc is the very first few inklings and sensations of spring coming; it is also when the Goddess Brigid is celebrated. This time is based upon purification for farmers.
Cool, how do we celebrate it?
🪴Gardening🪴:Research what plants you can start growing since places such as Ace Hardware or grocery store, etc. have begun to bring out the gardening supplies (Now you don't HAVE TO shop at these places given the DEI incidents) you can even go to your local Nursery and pick up some supplies like seeds, gardening kits, tools, soil etc. Be sure you garden safely and something that benefits YOU.
How can I tie this into Loki?
Loki, although not a picky god, they do have their floral meanings. Lavender for example ( If I recall correctly is tied to Loki) is one you can do as an offering. But decorate the pot, enchant the pot, or purchase a fun vase. When your planting the seeds, you can say a prayer for what projects you want to come to fruition. Beware that Loki is fast, and they find something better suited for you so be ready to try something new or find something better!
🧼Cleaning🧹: Got a dirty room? Altar need TLC? Closet needs to be reorganized? Well this would be like pre-gaming for the big spring cleaning. Now, you don't have to make it a huge task, break it down, take breaks, REST. SELF CARE. EAT. DRINK. SOME. WATER. even if you're just sweeping your floor it will work. Or if you want to deep clean your room and door dash food to celebrate the holiday, that works too!
How can I tie this into Loki?
When you clean, you move stagnant energy around. So if you haven't tended to his altar, perhaps you can freshen it up a bit. whether it's flowers, candles (battery-powered or not) spring related crystals, sprucing up their space is not only shifting energy, but bonding with him too. It's simple, easy, and perhaps you can throw some divination in there too. Loki isn't picky, but they do like to feel pretty, and what not better way to celebrate Imbolc than to bring in spring with Loki than to give them a spring themed altar.
📽️Setting Goals/Projects📚: It doesn't have to be a big project, it can be something small. For me, it's writing. A lot. Loki recognizes and sees that I have a knack for writing, I always have lol. I would like to write a book, finish it, and perhaps publish it. Now your goal/project may be different than mine and that's okay. If your goal is to pass your classes, re-do your entire kitchen, save for a car, etc. that make steps towards that goal!
How can I tie this into Loki?
Loki isn’t a slow paced god, he will move fast. They’re known for making sure you meet your goals, or creating/knowing/suggesting goals. They’re quite creative on a godly level so be ready to face what he has in store for you. They can help you reach your goals and achieve so many things on your path it’s amazing. But remember that he is a FAFO deity, they will put you in your place and be straight up with you. You can tie this into him by sorting out your goals for this year and bringing to them and plan on how to proceed with pursuing your goal. Whether you pray, provide offerings, or simply do something towards your goal, he will help you, just be ready for him to come into the picture.
😌resting💤: Self care. That’s it. That’s the whole sentence. Sleep in, everything showers, tea/coffee, binge a TV show or two, etc. whatever feels right to you, do it. Just remember, you deserve it; you can rest, take your time. What is important is that you’re not driving yourself to burnout.
How can I tie this into Loki?
They will make you rest. They’ll do it, he won’t hesitate; they know when you’re burnt out. Self care is, in my opinion/belief, an offering in of itself. They don’t want to run you into the floor, they want you to vibe at your own pace and frequency. Loki won’t be mad at you, he would give you the cold shoulder, they understand. Plus winter makes can be tiring, especially if you get rain or snow. Perhaps you invite them into your dreams or watch a show/movie with him. Coloring books, YouTube (something healthy and positive and or funny or creative) works too. Take yourself on a date, or go out with Loki 😉😏.
Either way, celebrate Imbolc the way YOU want to! What ever FEELS right and that you feel called to do, do it. These are just some ideas, not originally mine but their open source on the internet. BUT that doesn’t mean I won’t give you more resources!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small n short post. Again, sorry for being late, my husband got sick at work. He needed to be babied and loved babying him lmao, luckily he’s feeling better! Alas! Until next Monday!
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iamthebestquality · 4 months ago
ive been a kpop fan for a hot minute, and back when i got into it, i thought it was gonna be just some passing hyperfixation-a phase. spoiler-it wasn't a phase lol, and being part of kpop fandom changed my life. it broadened my horizons, and, as weird as it may sound, taught me many important lessons about media literacy, critical thinking, and forming my own opinions about a subject after meaningful reflection.
but, i just can't shake off this persistent ick that i've been feeling down to my bones with kpop ever since all the riize drama started to unfold over the past year or so. witnessing the supercilious entitlement of these insipid, and pathetically delusional "fans" has been hard to stomach, but not because this is something new.
this attitude has never been new to kpop, and it's come in different forms that i've see with tvxq, 2pm, exo, bts to name a few. although, there are many more similar examples of people, "fans," who are so strongly attached to a delusion because they have nothing of substance within their lives, or to offer the world, that they forget that the characters of their tepid fantasies are real people who exist, and operate outside of the shockingly strange, make-believe, mental-illness-manifested prison they've housed these idols, and themselves, in. it's beyond parasocial, it's parasitic. these "fans," these attitudes, these sentiments, have always existed in some way, shape, or form. and not just in kpop. it can be found anywhere, and everywhere.
however, those funeral wreaths were deplorable. the act itself was heinous, and cruel. but the people behind it, and their intentions just reeked so strongly of insecurity, i could smell it through the layers of self-preservation, and deep-seated low self-esteem. it's been hard to reckon with the impact those wreathes must have on seunghan, and the gravity of the entire situation, when i can't muster enough energy to care about, or even pity, the existence of those who waste their money, and capacities on these nugatory moral offences, who don't even live in reality.
the most jarring thing about this entire situation is that, as years pass, these "fans" who were once so steadfast, and committed to upholding their fantasies that they disregarded the humanity of another person in the process, slowly but surely, all the albums on their shelves, the posters on their walls, the merch, and other paraphernalia they've collected, find their way into boxes that sit in the back of a closet. they don't know it, but it's the last time they turn on their lightstick before it goes into the same box. the number of concerts, and fanmeetings they attend dwindle because they have other plans now. maybe they have partners, a family, other priorities. their intense, manic love has evolved into nostalgia, and fondness. their life has moved on. their age has afforded them wisdom to look back on their lives, and wonder what the big deal was, while blissfully ignoring their involvement in the matter. they're gonna grow up, live their lives, and detach themselves from the kpop group comprised of living, breathing people that they used as a half-baked coping mechanism to make their menial lives more bearable. these "fans" will grow up, and move on, while seunghan carries the weight of the insecurities that they unfairly projected onto him for longer than they can comfortably make sense of.
this rant is just a projection of how i feel about everything going on in the world, not just kpop, but this ick has been hard to ignore. it's even changed the way kpop sounds to me. all my favourite kpop songs just unpleasantly nag at me, and all im reminded of are rows, and rows of those stupid fucking flowers covering blocks of seoul. and i don't even stan riize lol
i hope these "fans" grow up well, and i hope their lives develop meaning beyond some kpop group. after seeing those wreathes, i don't think i can stomach kpop anymore unless something changes. one thing's for sure, the relationship between riize, and briize is undoubtedly changed, and possibly the relationship between all idols, and their fans, as well.
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dunmesh · 8 months ago
falin/marcille for the ship ask game 😌
yessss the one and only dunmeshi ship 🥹 loved them since ever theyre the only ones i truly care abt besides chil and his wife ig lol. i was always a sucker for the childhood best friends to lovers trope so they won me over easily. with that said... i feel like i haven't paid enough attention to their relationship in canon? idk how to explain it but it's really easy to kinda assign farcille certain tropes or label them in certain ways and then not think much deeper abt them. i think the first time i started to really Get it was when i thought a lil more abt marcille blaming laios for falin leaving and infantalizing her during their reunion. sure, we know she has a problem with understanding how much falin has grown, but what if there's a part of her that simply refuses to direct her anger towards falin because she can't believe falin would ever choose to hurt her like this? she's the first real friend marcille ever made besides her dad, so it's understandable why she put her on a pedestal. and if falin knows about her father- which i bet she does after over a decade of friendship- then it becomes even more painful. because she's supposed to understand, right? how marcille doesn't want to be left alone? how fucked up it is to leave in a hurry, without any regard to marcille's feelings, without a word, without even the knowledge that falin is alive and well? i mean, do you think falin even thought about sticking a note on her desk before rushing out the window? so then, how many days had passed until falin sent her a letter? how agonizing it was for marcille to wait for some sign that her best friend is still out there? so of course it can't be falin's choice. it's that brother of hers that made her do this, made marcille go through this terrifying experience.
but it was falin's choice. she did this of her own accord, even if only because she had to prioritize her own brother at that moment. and when falin died in the first chapter, leaving marcille behind again- she hurt her worse than ever, and marcille refused to accept it again. but at some point she had to- she had to realize it was falin's choice to leave her like this, and she had to accept how much pain that caused her. she had to, in order to also accept that because of this, she found joy and meaning in things and people she otherwise would've never thought could become so dear to her. and it's a step in the direction, i think, of separating falin from her own idealized viewpoint. she's her everything, the person marcille always dreamed of having by her side and maybe didn't even believe she could actually find after losing her dad. but she's also just meat and skin and bones, and a soul that may never come back. she's not bound to her. but she'll always be a part of her, from the memory of rearranging her bones to the taste of her flesh in her mouth. in short, i think farcille would be pretty similar to marcille's parents in the way it would take a few more years until they can fully understand and appreciate one another. falin needs to grow on her own, marcille too. and they will have to discover each other again, learn and accept these versions of themselves they don't know as well as they used to. loving again and again. anyways yeah i love them
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miru667 · 11 months ago
How do you manage to stay in a fandom for so long? I'm always mario jumping from fandom to fandom every 3-6 months
Oh, so many reasons. I think I've answered this before but in a much more concise way so idk what happened here when I tried to answer again from scratch but uhhh I wrote a lot lol?? Long ramble time. 😂
I found this fandom at a point in my life when I really emotionally needed it, so I got really attached to it. I stayed because of the friends I've made in it and because of the OCs I got invested in, both mine and other people's, and every so often something invigorated my interest like a new roleplay I got to join or new concept art that got discovered.
I'm also just a really dedicated person (for better or worse) and I still have ideas that I want to get out there creatively. I don't get a lot of free time, and I rarely have energy for hobbies after work so my time passes slowly in the sense that I may still be in the middle of appreciating a thing, meanwhile everyone else has already sped through and processed it and moved on.
So I've gotta be really careful about choosing what to spend my limited time and energy on. It sometimes takes me a whole month to draw a piece of art that I'm proud of. It would be a huge waste of my time to spend so much energy on a fandom that after 3 months I think I might not care about anymore.
And like, if it's going to take me a month to draw 1 thing, what am I going to choose? Fanart of a character from a show that I just finished that I might possibly move on from in 3 months? Or art of my darling Audrey OC that I've been developing for years and whom I know will always bring me joy for the rest of my life? It's not a hard choice! Like I'm sure it's obvious by now but I really love my oc. It's gotten to the point that I look for her in every media I consume. I like characters because they remind me of her, and I like plots because they remind me of her. When I watch a movie and end up loving it, I'm not going to be drawing fanart for that movie, I'm more likely going to be drawing Audrey Grace in some way that's consciously or subconsciously inspired by that movie. I'm sure other people with beloved ocs can relate to that, too.
Back to media consumption: I'm constantly watching new things, shows, movies, letsplays, and I'm able to love them just fine, but I never participate in their fandoms (unless you count reblogging fanart as participation. I personally don't). I just don't feel motivated to and I feel like it's unnecessary. I shouldn't need to prove anything. You can appreciate media without engaging in fandom. In fact, I encourage it, because a lot of what I see in fandoms these days is just stressful, at least to me. And I don't want that stress. I'm much happier as a person when I don't have to read other people's opinions, discourse and drama over some show's themes or ships or whatever. I can just quietly revel in my own enjoyment of the show without being tainted by anything else, and my love for it is not any less valid than the person who's livetweeting their loud emotions while watching the same show and putting out fanart 1 hour after every episode. Bless them, though.
And I guess that's mostly what I do these days with the Onceler fandom, too. Appreciating it more quietly these days, I mean. It's just that...I have a fandom related oc so I draw her. And I have friends here so we do stuff together and we reference fandom inside jokes no matter what activity we're doing. If I encounter art that deeply moves me personally, I reblog it, just like I reblog art for other media on my sideblog. When anyone has a fandom history related question, I'm eager to answer because I don't want the past to be misrepresented or misunderstood. And also, since it's been over a decade, this fandom has long ago become my daily normal. I can do whatever I like but I can't really "leave" this fandom unless I delete all my social media and cut off all my online friends. And delete my memories of the past 12 years of my life as well. Just become a completely different person.
So I guess I can reverse the sentiment: I can't relate to people who hop fandoms every 3 to 6 months. 😭 All the power to you, but that's just not the way I happen to live my life, nor the way I engage with the media I consume! The Once-ler fandom was the one exception. It was special.
But who knows, anything can happen in the future. I'm not so proud that I'm purposely blocking myself from looking at other fandoms or anything. I just go with the flow! Right now I'm slowly making my way through jjba, an omori playthrough, a Plague Tale playthrough, and urusei yatsura season 2 (the new anime). Probably nothing will come out of any it except for a bunch of Audrey inspos, but again, who knows. XD I'm also going to an idkhow concert soon, and I've bought merch from their store already. Does that count as participating in a fandom? Maybe not. But now that I think of it, even if I "join" another fandom, it doesn't necessarily mean I'd leave the onceler fandom either, so maybe it wouldn't matter haha.
Thank you for the ask and thank you to anyone who's read my entire answer!
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thistlecatfics · 3 days ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! ❤️
Thank you so much! <3
(also going to take the time to say that you write some of my absolute favorite metas of all time -- I've been a big fan for a while <3)
I've been in a pretty dark mood, and so here are five fics which are some of my favorites, all of which deal with sexual trauma and child sexual abuse and patriarchal violence and generational trauma and reenactment in some way. (maybe I should make a collection of my fics around this theme because there are way more than just these five lol.)
Waxing Gibbous, October 1981 (6k, E, Remus/Fenrir, Remus/Sirius)
Remus cuts his soul open for monsters.
Angsty canon compliant first war fics were my favorites when I first started reading fics 20 years ago, and I'm proud of my addition to the genre.
Alphard’s Favourite (5k, M, Peter/Sirius, past Alphard/Sirius)
Peter tries to find out why Sirius is so upset over Alphard’s inheritance. Then he tries to make sure Sirius doesn’t fall off the roof. Then he tries to ensure Remus doesn’t hear them.
Whenever I write Sirius POV he just utterly takes over and drives the plot in ways I never expect. This was one. And was a way for me to process my own complicated feelings about inherited wealth and incest and how crazy making it feels when you have these giant feelings about family things which on the outside are seen as good/positive/neutral/loving.
you will burn right now but then you won’t regret it (32k, M, Fleur/Tonks for @hpwlwbigbang)
Eight years after Voldemort’s defeat, as the illegal potions trade ravages England and the government intensifies lycanthropic restrictions in response, Fleur and Tonks join forces to uncover corruption in the Ministry. As they discover a scandal deeper than they could imagine, Fleur contends with her complex legal status, Tonks contends with her mother, and they do their best to avoid contending with their feelings for each other.
I worked so hard on this fic, and I just adore it. It's by far my most 'fuck jkr' fic (the villain is transparently a jkr stand in), and I loved exploring rape culture and identity and power through anti-Veela prejudice. And, like all my fics pretty much, how scary it is to try to be in intimate relationships in this kind of fucked up violent context.
Merry Christmas, Please Don’t Call (25k, E, Sirius/Regulus) (part 1 of Folgers Coffee, Black, 55k+ WIP)
The Black family has plenty of secrets, and Sirius has his own – like how he really got the concussion derailing his fall semester at Hogwarts University. When Regulus surprises him on campus during winter break and a sudden snow storm forces him to stay for Christmas, the secrets Sirius has been hiding from himself are revealed.
Sirius!! He just decides things for me. I've never had a fic go off the rails so completely before from the first draft to the final. This series has become such a little weird place for the darkest parts of my psyche and my deepest fears, and I have so many more sequels planned.
Turns out writing muggle AUs is very fun. (and writing them as Americans so I stop having that voice in my head that's like 'you don't understand the nuances of the british class system well enough to explore class dynamics in that context!!')
Nymphadora, Nymphet (20k, M, Bellatrix/Tonks)
Dear Nymphadora, I’ve been informed of a temporary Defence professor this year, and you may have gathered she is (was) my sister. Be careful. If she attempts to harm you in any way, report straight to Professor Sprout. We shall talk more at Christmas; it may be time for you to learn more about my side of the family. Please watch your potions work – I know you can do better than last year. -Mum
As soon as I finished 'My Dark Vanessa,' I knew I wanted to take it as inspiration for a fic. This fic has almost a comical amount of classic trigger warnings (incest! underage! teacher/student!), but, in my opinion, it never feels gratuitous, and I think every character behaves in ways that make complete sense -- even if as a reader you just want to scream at anyone to stop it.
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