#i do this to myself and idk why
melodic-haze · 1 month
Okay pals!! It's that time where I close the askbox again❗️❗️❗️❗️ Please don't send reqs or I'll cry 😭😭 oh but feel free to have a chat though :3 always up for that
There's like over 15 reqs I gotta do so I gotta go crunchtime. Well not really cuz I work on my own pace and w the way I (over)write my ass is SLOWWWWW but it's okay quality over quantity (I do both 💀)
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stuckinapril · 6 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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When someone really cool that I’ve followed for a while follows me back I feel like I have to be more normal with my posting habits for a bit because I don’t want to scare them away, as if they were a nervous horse who might run away if I move too suddenly. But eventually I realize that it’s impossible for me to be normal forever so I just go back to being weird regular annoying me and cross my fingers that they stay
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arinmoss · 17 days
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Beautiful trans man for the lads :3
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liauditore · 2 months
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I keep trying to come up with something witty about his rap career but I can't I actually can't
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Doodle that evolved into "ready for Krillin's wedding" maybe 🤔
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fizpup · 5 months
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valentine, you're a horse ❤️
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quinns-art-box · 4 months
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assorted ronpa sprite redraws and such <3 i needed to draw miss danganronpa herself at LEAST once!!! and i love the cast of the first game, i need to stop being busy so i can get back to markatoto's playthrough
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
ok so i dyed my hair and it's giving raggedy ann which is great by itself but how fucking sad is it that i smile in photos so rarely that i'm almost 22 and just learned TODAY that i have a dimple
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shawtuzi · 11 months
oh my gawd i just cannot stop thinking about eren w a tongue piercing rn it’s killing me actually
listen listen just imagine how needy he’d be after like two and half weeks of no kissing you on your pretty, soft lips and sucking on your tongue or being able to make-out with your pussy omfg he’d just about die. he’d be so damn frustrated that he’d have no other choice but to take it out on your poor pussy, the sight of it glistening and squeezing around his dick so mf tight basically taunting him. and when he’s finally able to put that piercing to good use BABYYY HE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!!! his hands are pushing against the backs of your knees to keep you from squirming while he slurps and sucks at your oh so sensitive clit, making sure to run the ball of the piercing over it just to feel you jolt. god and he’s moaning so fucking loud and making the most obscene slurping noises it’s got your cheeks flaming in embarrassment. and when he’s all done he squishes ur cheeks together and gives you sloppiest kiss of you life, his eyes rolling into the back of his head when you suck his tongue into your mouth.
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if you struggle with mental health, one piece of advice i would genuinely give you is learn to knit.
or crochet: something repetitive to do with your hands, assuming you're capable of it. if you're like me and learnt to knit as a kid but let it lie fallow for a long time, it may be that starting a large, simple project (for me it was a cloak, but a blanket could work too) gets you back into it. or maybe doing something smaller, idk. i personally found socks really hard for a while because they felt smaller than my cloak but weren't getting Done quick enough for me. as i've sped up i find it more interesting to knit socks.
regardless, a repetitive task is great for emotional regulation (also see: autistic stimming), and something that you can look at and go hey i've done something, unlike simply using a fidget toy, can also help to pick your mood up when the brain is being cruel.
it's also useful as a conversation starter or distracter if you don't know what to talk about. if you're wanting to talk to older people also you're more likely to reel them in with knitting (i work better with older people, and 99% of people who ask what i'm knitting are older than me). it also gives you the opportunity to not make eye contact because you're busy knitting, even if you're still carrying on a conversation. if you're absolutely stuck for conversation you can count your stitches and people might stop bothering you.
if you have trouble focusing without doing something with your hands, you can knit! i knit a lot in church, and it helps me to focus on what's being said.
i probably have more reasons you should pick up knitting, but i can't recall them right now, so yeah.
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cj-kenobi · 1 year
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a wild otter-wan has appeared!
do you:
- fight! - give him a little pat!
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andy-clutterbuck · 4 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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cheesomancer · 24 days
What are you waiting for? I'm totally ready, I tell you.
Full art (with close up!) is here!
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sysig · 1 month
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You're still standing off to the side. Somehow, center stage has shifted from under your feet without you realizing, and you're standing in the wings, performing to no one.
Starring Role (Patreon)
#My art#ISaT#ISaT Spoilers#Siffrin#Loop#Technically - you know how it goes#Me when I relate to Siffrin: Oh no haha that's probably not great whoops haha#Me when I relate to Loop: Oh. Oh No.#Lenti has such a deathgrip on my ISaT opinions wtf how is she so powerful I thought my fave was Sif?? But I mean well-#Lol#Does this count as vent idk lol#It was fun to write tho :) Very easy! Done all at once!#As was drawing this! Also done all at once! And black and white is still really fun to work with hehe#I got to use some pretty cool outline/lineart tricks for this one yay :D#The original draft of the fic had a different title but ''Starring Role'' is kinda?? too perfect???#To the point where I looked around and I was like#Kinda shocked that there doesn't Seem? to be another fic with the same title?#Which is.........oddly relevantly thematic to this fic actually hahaha#Not to get too exacting about it but the whole thing of Loop feeling replaceable well#It would imply that other someones could do what they do better than them#What an odd refutation. Huh. Weird#Anyway - behind the scenes fun fact!#I actually really love the song Starring Role but I didn't think of it until after writing this#And now that I sing it to myself it's actually kinda perfect what the heck#So that's something to think about as well#Anyway if you're going to listen to it pls listen to the Axiom remix it is The version in my heart <3#The glitches and stutters are perfect.....#And the clock ticking?? Why is this song so ISaT I'm gonna think about this for a while now heck#Animatic in my head shower thought -core lol
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contrappostoes · 2 months
every time I spend too long scrolling on tiktok I get served these seemingly ai generated home design videos and I’m so obsessed with them these are my cocomelon…
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