#i do not care about this one way or another it's just that the idea is very funny to me
transmascissues · 2 days
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i clicked on the original tweet just to see if anyone else felt as weird about it as i did because at this point i’m just tired of seeing people going on and on about trans men dating cishet men who try to convince them not to transition as if it’s a funny joke about a trans man doing something silly and not a manipulative and generally very unhealthy relationship dynamic that can hurt the trans man involved really deeply (as forcing someone back into the closet tends to do.)
did i find anyone else feeling that way? no. there were a few people pointing out that it was weird in general, and plenty saying it’s a weird thing to say about a cis woman, but nothing expressing any sort of concern about the tired stereotype it’s perpetuating.
but you know what i did find? replies like the one in the second screenshot, using the tweet as their chance to tell the world how much they hate trans men and how repulsive they find the idea of ever being compared to us. and replies like the third one, shaming trans men in relationships like that as if the fact that they’ve found themselves in an unhealthy relationship makes them deserving of public shaming, as if their relationship is hurting anyone other than them.
stereotypes like this just feel like yet another way of indirectly calling us stupid little girls who don’t know what’s good for us, and the fact that a picture of a woman is being used (even jokingly!) as an example of what trans men “like that” look like should make the implications of rhetoric like this all the more obvious.
it’s relationships like these that keep us miserable in the closet for so long and drive up our sexual assault rates even more. they’re not funny and if anyone is going to be making jokes about them, it certainly shouldn’t be people who have never been in that situation. if you actually cared about us you’d be looking for ways to support the trans men you know who are in relationships like that instead of hopping on twitter to joke about how stupid they must be.
i don’t care if it’s a joke. if it victim blames trans men for the transphobia we face in our personal relationships, adds to the common idea that we can’t be trusted to make decisions about our own lives, and invites even more blatant transphobia against us by people who unabashedly admit they see all trans men as “disgusting and phony”, it’s not fucking funny.
(i also want to note that the people making these jokes never like to mention that this also happens to trans men in relationships with queer women. they also hate those trans men, of course, and are happy to express that when they get into fights about trans men who date lesbians, but they’ll never talk about it in the context of this particular stereotype. it’s always a man being manipulative in a relationship and pressuring trans men to not transition, as if a woman would never be capable of such a thing.
they also like to conveniently ignore the existence of older trans men who transitioned after already being in a committed relationship with a cishet man and were able to make that relationship work despite their transition, because acknowledging that would require recognizing that trans men can be in seemingly contradictory relationships and genuinely be happy with their partner. who needs nuance when you can simply choose to judge all trans men for our relationships regardless of what they’re actually like?)
do you think they also would call me “a trans man being purposefully misgendered” with this kind of vitriol because i’m still living with parents who don’t recognize my gender instead of moving out before i’m ready to be financially independent? at this point, i’m starting to feel like they might, with the way every decision a trans man ever makes is the subject of a public debate and people have decided that trans men are secretly using being misgendered as a weapon to somehow hurt other trans people.
as a general rule, i’d say the only people who should be making “X looks like a trans man” jokes about literally anyone/anything are trans men, and posts like this show exactly why those jokes being made by anyone else (even by other trans people) just isn’t a good idea.
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starry-bi-sky · 3 days
Clone^2 - Separation Strikes
"Why do I have to go?" Damian asks, surly and accent-thick, it sounds more like a demand and a whine at the same time. Sitting on the kitchen table with his arms crossed, in a green t-shirt that Danny bought him at a whim when he was at a thrift shop, and black shorts, he's never looked more like a kid. There's a little backpack leaning against the table leg, Damian begrudgingly picked it out when they went shopping.
His English has grown in leaps and bounds since Danny found him -- er, or more accurately; since Damian was spat out in front of him. -- and very little did they have to use the translator on Danny's phone these days.
Which meant one thing: Damian can start attending school comfortably now. And 'go' was the Amity Smiles Child Care Center. Danny and Jazz went as kids until they were twelve, and Mom and Dad actually managed to convince the center director to let Damian enroll for the summer.
And it was summer; Damian starts today.
"Because," Danny says, trying and failing to hide the smile pulling on his face, his heart warm and soft, and also laughing at Damian's expense; "being cooped up in the house all day isn't good for you, and you're starting school in the Fall. And, in Jazz's words: you need to have interactions with other kids your age for the benefit of your social development. And besides, it's only for the morning."
Damian's nose scrunches up, and his eyes roll so violently that for a moment, Danny thinks about joking that he'll get his eyes stuck like that. He holds his tongue; his little brother already looks like he's five seconds away from committing an act of violence.
"I don't need social interaction." Damian sneers, his cheek in his hand; a neverend pool of pride. "I am--"
"The Blood of the Demon Heir, better than everyone else." Danny cuts off, waving his hand in dismissive circles, his voice mockingly deep. Damian's brown skin darkens in embarrassment, and he scowls at Danny. "I know, bud. But Jazz is right, -- don't tell her I said that, -- you should be around kids your age."
Especially when he starts First Grade in the Fall. Honestly -- Danny was a little nervous to send him to the center. Damian's long since cut the habit of trying to kill or otherwise maim people, his palms ache-burn with gentle reminder, but his tongue was as sharp and as cutting as his sword. He still struggles with trying to quell it when he's upset. Vicious child-weapon that he once was, and will never be again.
Danny knows that it comes from a place of fear and defense, that Damian lashes out because that's what he's been taught. That at the end of the day, he doesn't really mean what he says, and he's learning to express himself better. But the other kids don't know that, and kids can be unforgiving and cruel.
Danny just...
His slow beating heart sighs, melancholy settles behind his lungs.
He doesn't want Damian to be outcasted. He doesn't want him to be alone.
Not like he was.
Damian sneers again, but says nothing, his shoulders crawling up to hide his ears like a turtle receding into his shell. Danny watches him silently, leaning against the kitchen counter with his own arms crossed. The clock hanging on the wall ticks in their ears -- it's almost time to go.
He watches Damian, careful, and so he sees it when his little brother's stone-shell pride and petulance shudders, and cracks. The darkened furrow of Damian's brows weakens, and for a moment, slants back.
Ah, Danny thinks, his own shoulders slumping. Epiphany washes over him, and his sad-heart soothes in warm understanding. So that's what it is.
His head tilts, and his hair spills over his shoulders, messy and fluffy, tickling his neck. Some of his bangs fall into his face. "Hal 'ant easabiatan ya habibi?" He asks, voice low and soft. Just as Damian's English has improved, so has Danny's Arabic. He still stumbles over himself some days, and Damian says his accent is trash, but they can have whole conversations now in Damian's mothertongue.
(Danny was incredibly proud of himself for it.)
Damian's face darkens, his blush spreading across the rest of his face, and he ducks his head down. Grown-out curls, black-brown and springy, falls over his eyes. "La!" He yells, loud and indignant, and not at all convincingly. "La 'asheur bialtawaturi!"
He was nervous. Danny can see it now, in the hunch of his shoulders and the tightness of his face, and faintly, he can feel it too. In the ecto-rich air of the Fentonworks House, it thrums, barely-there, like a hummingbird behind his lungs.
Danny can't stop the little, fond smile that forces itself across his lips and upticks the corner of his mouth. "It's okay to be nervous, little brother." He says, he sounds like Jazz when he says that. He doesn't think she'll mind him borrowing the nickname.
He pushes himself off the counter, and Damian refuses to look at him, hiding behind his hair and in his shoulders. It takes three long strides for him to reach the table, and Danny turns, plants his hands on the ledge, and hoists himself up. Right next to Damian.
Damian leans into him easily when Danny's arm wraps around his shoulders and tucks him close to his heart. He can feel his ear against his ribs. Danny hunches over him, resting his chin on Damian's head. "It's so okay to be nervous, actually. I was nervous, Jazz was nervous." He tells him, scratching the blunt edge of his nails across his scalp. "Everyone gets nervous."
"'Ana last aljumiea." Damian mumbles, as small and feeble as he was the night on the OPS Center balcony, realizing that his mom and the League weren't coming for him. Realizing that he was replaceable.
Danny's half-working heart squeezes; in grief, in rage, and his faucet eyes sting. He breathes in carefully, and presses his nose into Damian's hair in a loving faux-kiss. "You're right, you're not everyone." He says, steady and strong, because if he's not a pillar for his family, who else is he?
He can feel Damian's eyes flick up to him, and Danny smiles into his black-brown curls. Tilts his head to squish his cheek against him instead, hand dropping to thumb below Damian's lashes. "You're Damian Fenton," Because the adoption went through a few weeks ago, and he's still riding that high, "You're my baby brother. O' Artist Extraordinaire, Kickass with a Sword, Vegetarian and Wonderful Co-Ghost Hunter."
Damian tries to stifle a smile, and fails. Score! Triumph gathers in Danny's gut, his smile grows wider. He squeezes Damian tight, and only releases him so he can look him in the eyes. "And if anyone gives you a hard time at school, and I mean anyone--"
Danny has bad memories of the teachers looking the other way when the other kids were bullying him, all because he was a Fenton.
And Danny, bleeding heart, bleeding hands, loves his family more than he will ever love himself, will never let Damian experience the same injustice. Not if he can help it.
His eyes narrow, and the buzzy-film of ectoplasm covers his eyes, making them glow, "--You tell me. And as your awesome great big brother-and-technically-dad-but-only-biologically, I will handle it."
Damian, wonderfully made, full of light, his little brother Damian, giggles weakly at him. A sound that's worth it's weight in gold. The scary eyes dissipate, and Danny matches the sound with a cock-eyed, impish grin, dragging Damian into a soul-crushing, too-tight hug. The kind that only annoying older brothers can give. "Got it?"
That gets a proper, if short, laugh out of Damian. He wriggles in Danny's arms, trying to break free. But Danny does calisthenics, his arms are as big as Damian's head, so it doesn't work. "Understood, now, daeni 'adhhab ya 'akhi!"
Danny laughs, loud and bright, and loosens his hold just a smidge, only so he can adjust his grip and hop off the table with Damian still in arm.
"Never!" He crows, hoisting Damian slightly. One eye flick at the clock, and in one quick move, he secures Damian under one arm like a football, and hooks his foot under the strap of his backpack. Kicking it up, he tosses it into the air and catches it with his free hand, and slings it over his shoulder. "Now, to the car, my boy! Before we're late and Mom and Dad get charged."
Damian groans, childish and dramatic and long, but his face is all squished up with a wide grin and glee. Danny can taste his joy beneath his tongue.
"And, if my little pep talk didn't encourage you," He says, reaching the door to the garage, flipping Damian up onto his hip instead. "If you have a good day today, I'll make you bal mithai when you get back."
Like all kids at the promise of sweets, Damian's eyes widen and glitter. Danny loves seeing Damian be a kid, it's his favorite thing in the world. "I will!"
#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc au#dpxdc fic#dpxdc ficlet#clone^2#clone danny fenton#MAN I LOVE THIS AU SM#clone danny#danny fenton is a clone#i lomv. them :((( SO MUCH. I'VE MISSED WRITING THEM. i had this idea since talking to purple-goo-writes abt clone danny last week#they mean everything to me. they are the brothers ever. so family coded. don't ask me about the timeline here it doesnt exist#its post-danny's hands getting permanently fucked up and thats it lol.#parent danny is great but 'big brother danny' is SO fucking fun to write. he's silly and goofy and annoying in the way only siblings are#smth about writing danny being so full of love and kindness and protective compassion. bleeding heart that he is. its like doing cocaine#chaotic danny is SO fun and silly but kIND danny is. holy shit its better than getting high. altho ive never been high so i can only guess#there's just smth addictive in writing him being affectionate and loving and caring. he's heartful and heart full.#he's sweet - not like sugar - but like caramel. fulfilling and chewy. a kindness that gets stuck in your teeth and melts on your tongue#he's such an annoying older brother. i love him#bal mithai is a type of pakistani dessert btw. since Nanda Parbat is based off the mountain nanga parbat which is in pakistan. i figured#that the food damian had in the league might've been pakistani-based. or at least heavily pakistani in orign. maybe. i just didn't wanna#look up 'arabic desserts' and pick the first one off the list. felt inauthentic that way alsdh#translations since you wont get it through google translate:#1. 'are you nervous beloved?' 2. 'no! I am not nervous!' 3. 'I'm not everyone' 4. 'let me go brother!'#while i dont usually use 'little brother' or 'brother' as terms of endearments between siblings. Jazz canonically calls Danny that and#i figured if i worded it in a way that sounded natural. it would sound less soul-crushingly cringy. look as someone wit THREE siblings.#i know exactly how siblings interact with one another. but this felt like a special exception. they don't say it often
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firewasabeast · 2 days
no but tommy and buck get into a fight and it's a big one. one that feels like the end and hurts like the end and they haven't spoken in a couple days. tommy is at his place sulking when there's a knock on his door. he opens it and is surprised to see howie there, wanting to check on him. he comes in and they talk for a bit. howie tells him to give buck a little time. they'll figure everything out. he's never been like this with anyone before. it hurts more when you really care about someone.
after howie leaves, tommy only has about ten minutes to himself before there's another knock on the door. bobby this time. he says he's there because he made too much meatloaf and mashed potatoes and was just gonna drop off some extras. but he stays and warms up the food and eats with tommy, making sure he finishes his plate because bobby knows he probably hasn't eaten in a while.
he gets a text from hen a few hours later reminding him that they're both stubborn and one of them needs to stop being an idiot first so they can fix things. tommy texts back that he really screwed up, and she replies that they both said things they didn't mean, and the thing about a mutual screw up is that you can mutually apologize and mutually learn from it and mutually agree to do better.
it's late, like middle of the night late, when he gets a simple text from maddie. it's just a heart, nothing more, and tommy's pretty sure that buck is probably there with her right now spilling his guts to her about their fight. it takes him twenty minutes to gather enough courage to send a heart back.
he doesn't sleep, just like he hasn't for the last two nights, and there's a knock on his door before the sun comes up. it's eddie this time, and he's glaring at tommy with a six pack in his hands. he tells tommy he will not let buck sleep on his couch another night because the snoring is ridiculous and the whining is even worse. he was on the phone with maddie until 3am and he has no idea how to whisper apparently. still, even in his annoyance, he comes in and asks tommy how he's doing. they sit on the couch and talk and drink because even though it's early they've both lost all sense of time.
in all this, tommy admits he is kind of shocked, because everyone from the 118 has checked on him in some way. eddie shrugs, answers simply, "you're family too, man." it's the first time tommy realizes he doesn't have these people just because of evan, he has them because they like him and want him around.
obviously, buck arrives at tommy's place a couple hours later. he's panicked and shaky when tommy answers the door, which immediately worries tommy because he hates to see evan like that. but the panic turns to shock when he sees tommy is actually there and he grabs at his heart as he exclaims, "chimney told me you were dead!"
they end up apologizing, making up and promising to be better. tommy shoots chimney a text. seriously, howie, you told him i was dead?
howie responds: 100% success rate with that one. you can thank me later.
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allaboutnayeli · 2 days
F.T.L | m.leon x reader / i.engen x reader
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summary: you find out mapi is cheating, so you get revenge in the best way possible: getting a taste of her lover.
author notes: figure out what F.T.L stands for :)
contains: mapi leon x reader, ingrid engen x reader, mapi leon x ingrid engen, medical university student!reader, tattoo artist!ingrid engen, this is full of cheating & lying, cheating used as a form of revenge, everyone is sorta a piece of shit sorryyy, tons of angst, this is NOT smut so don't even, toxicity, a prime example of what NOT to do in a relationship, this is very long cause i'm not leaving yall on a cliffhanger, this is very insane so buckle in 🙂🩷
playing B.A.S by megan thee stallion 🎵
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"are you sure she's cheating and you aren't just overthinking?" your bestfriend, daniela, says. the brunette is sitting right next to you on her couch. one arm resting on the back of the couch, her face resting in the palm of her hand and the other hand holding a glass of white wine.
"i wouldn't just accuse her of something this bad if i didn't have a reason to be suspicious," you respond. you take a sip of your own wine to shove down the anger and sadness that's bubbling in your conscience. not that daniela would ever judge you if you did let those emotions show themselves. the woman has been your pillar since you started having these suspicions about your girlfriend, maria.
my name is maria, but everyone calls me mapi. i would rather you call me yours, though, is what the spaniard said the first time you two met. you thought the pickup line was so cringe and dorky, but at the same time, so cute coming from the tattooed brunette.
and that one line led to nearly four years of a loving relationship. what can you say? mapi is one of the sweetest people you know. she remembers small details like how you prefer oat milk than any other kind, so she always makes sure to get it when she does the grocery shopping or the way you used to complain about how tight your hair ties were, so she bought you extra stretchy ones. she's the cutest cat mom with bagheera being absolutely spoiled. mapi was also protective, good with kids, and so many great qualities.
she is also a cheater.
sweet, caring, certified cat lover, super dorky maria is a cheater.
you sat on this suspicion for a short while before booking it to daniela's while mapi is at her favorite tattoo shop getting another inked beauty; that darned tattoo shop.
"after nearly every appointment, she goes out for drinks with her tattoo artist. at first, i thought she just made a new friend, but she always came back home looking messier than usual.. smelling like some perfume.. and when i ask her what they did at the bar, she barely tells me anything," you explain, "and you know how mapi is! she's the type of person who wouldn't be able to stop talking even if it was to save her life."
daniela nods in agreement. anyone who spends even a few minutes around mapi knows how much the spanish woman likes to talk. if there was a guinness world record for the "biggest yapper" mapi would be a record holder.
"okay, i would be suspicious too," daniela says. you let out an exactly that makes her playfully hit your arm. "anyways, back to what i was saying.. what are you going to do about it? even if she isn't cheating, something is going on."
you purse your lips as you take in her question. what are you going to do? confronting her right away feels wrong when you don't have concrete evidence. randomly accusing your girlfriend to her face wouldn't go over well; mapi is a sweetheart, but hates when people say she did something she's sure she didn't.
after some thinking about it, you come up with an idea.
"i need actual proof.." you start to say. daniela gestures for you to hurry up as you trail off.
"i have to get access to her phone."
it's around eight when mapi comes back to you guys apartment. you're feeding bagheera dinner when the spaniard walks through the door.
not wanting to seem suspicious and also just genuinely missing your girlfriend (even if you did suspect she was being disloyal) after a long day of basically not seeing her, you pet bagheera before standing up and going over to the front door. mapi has already slipped off her shoes when you walk over. she's smiles when you come close.
"hola mi preciosa," she giggles when you give her a welcome back home peck, "how was your day, hm?"
"good.. but better now that you're here," you say, pulling her into a hug. it's warm and makes your heart flutter like usual. those flutters go away as you smell that unfamiliar perfume on mapi, reminding you of what you talked about with daniela. you hide your frown in mapi's neck.
"aweee. you missed me that bad?" mapi says when you pull yourself out of the hug. still holding onto her as you two move to the kitchen.
you roll your eyes at her sudden cockiness. it's an annoying but charming trait of hers. now you wonder if that same charm is what made another woman fall for her hard enough that she didn't care that mapi was already taken; if the woman even knows.
you push those thoughts away. playfully teasing her as you say, "no, i just didn't want to wash the dishes after eating dinner. now you can do it."
mapi perks up at the sound of dinner and then groans at the talk of dishes. that was her least favorite chore by far.
"cmon, amor. you know you wash the dishes way better than i do," she pouts at you, leaning against the kitchen island. that pout makes you smile (something that you reprimand yourself for mentally) as you get the lasagna out of the oven.
you hear the meow of bagheera as she comes over to mapi. the brunette bends down and picks up the black cat right away. kissing the top of the cat's head like she always does.
"i swear you love that cat more than me," you joke.
mapi shrugs, "can you fault me if i did? just look at her, babe. she's adorable." she holds up bagheera so that the cat's face is facing you. of course, the black cat looks adorable per usual. you might not have been there from the beginning, but you love bagheera just as much as mapi does.
"yeahh.. the cutest one in the house," you say before turning your attention to the lasagna. you make two plates of lasagna and grab both when you finish.
"grab us some drinks, will ya?" you walk from the kitchen to the table in the 'dining room', which is really just open space between the kitchen and living room that needed something to be filled up with.
mapi says a quick okay before setting down bagheera back on the floor (she gives her a kiss before she does, of course) and goes over to the fridge. she grabs a pink lemonade for you and a pepsi for herself. she follows after you, setting the drinks down on the table, then sits down.
"gracias, mi amor," she says when you place her plate down in front of her. once you sit down across from her, you say, "de nada."
you two eat a bit before you bring up the tattoo shop. mapi is rambling on about the meetings she had to attend in the morning,
"-and all he does is go on and on about basically nothing. i don't get how someone can talk so much.." the spaniard says in between bites. you let out a giggle at the irony of mapi, of all people, complaining about someone talking too much. the nice atmosphere sours a little (at least for you) as you think back to what you need to ask; just to confirm, this suspicion of yours isn't something you made it due up to overthinking.
"he sounds annoying as shit," you chuckle, easily sliding into the topic you really want to know about, "beside all that, how was your tattoo appointment?"
mapi visibly gets less chipper than she was while rambling. the change is subtle, she bites her lip and starts to sorta push around the food on her plate as she looks down at it like she's thinking about what to bite next.
your eyes flicker down to her lips. why is she being hot at this moment? the spanish woman really has no right when she's acting like she doesn't wanna talk about something that should be her favorite topic. mapi loves tattoos. everyone knows she loves tattoos, so why wouldn't she yap about her appointments like she does everything else?
she takes a bite of her lasagna before shrugging, "it was alright. i didn't get anything done, but i talked with my tattoo artist about the design i wanted."
you nod, waiting for her to continue on like she usually would with any other topic, but no.
mapi just goes back to eating. obviously waiting for you to reply back to her.
"that sounds nice, baby. what design did you pick?" you ask.
"uh, just a design of bagheera."
"that's adorable."
mapi smiles at you, "i know. i already have a few of her, but i want more, you know. she's getting older."
"yeah, she's becoming a grandma." that makes mapi laugh loudly, going right into joking around about bagheera's age. you join in and don't even say anything when the topic strays away from the tattoo shop.
you two talk about practically nothing, finishing the rest of the lasagna. now both of you are washing dishes instead of it just being mapi's chore. what can you say? you aren't able to resist her puppy eyes even when all you think about when you see them now is if she ever used those on another woman romantically.
"are you ready for our date tomorrow?" you say, drying off a plate mapi handed you.
she smiles, "of course. i have been missing our date days. i'm so ready to spend the entire day with the prettiest woman i know." she turns towards you, puckering her lips for a kiss. you giggle and peck her lips a few times.
"you really think that?" you say. it comes out playful, but there is vulnerability lingering at its edges. in mapi's eyes is some concern, she knows you like the back of her hand. of course she would notice if you sound insecure.
mapi puts down the plate in the sink and dries her hands before pulling you close to her. she kisses the side of your face as her arms hold onto your waist, "why wouldn't i? just look at you. the love of my life."
usually, her words would reassure you right away, but not now. not when you are sure she's cheating on you. if you're so beautiful then why is she fucking around with someone else?
you don't let those thoughts influence your actions, though, as you hold onto her tighter. if you hold on a little longer, maybe you can pretend that mapi just really likes that tattoo shop and isn't doing anything strange. maybe you can pretend she's still all yours.
mapi lets you be the one to pull away, kissing you right away. then when that ends, she smiles, "i'm gonna finish up these plates, then shower. just go relax, okay?"
you nod, pecking her lips again before leaving the kitchen. you go to sit on the couch, bagheera coming over to sit on your lap. a cuddle session starts as bagheera snuggles up to you. the only sounds in the apartment is the tv playing, bagheera's purring, and mapi's humming as she washes the dishes as the woman can't even be silent when doing that.
soon enough, the sound of the water running stops. mapi says, "i'm going to go shower first. i'll be out in thirty. can you put my phone on the charger for me, amor?"
"mhm, sure!" this is finally your chance to check mapi's phone. you kiss the top of bagheera's head before letting her get off your lap, so you can go grab mapi's phone.
you reach the counter where she left the device on. your heart starts racing as you pick it up. just do a quick look, then put it on the charger you tell yourself as you start to type in mapi's password.
it doesn't work.
the password that mapi has been using since you two have been together isn't working.
"what the fuck..?" you murmur, trying the password one more time before just accepting that she changed it. you already have some evidence just from this because why would she change it? this also foils your plans. how can you get in her phone?
you decide you need to call daniela later and figure out a different plan.
right when you set down the phone back on the counter, a text pops up.
ingrid 💕
wish you could have stayed-
only the start of the message shows, and when you try to tap on it to see the rest, it says you have to unlock the phone. your heart feels like it's going to beat out of your chest as you tap on the message again, reading it over and over again. who the fuck is ingrid?
you have to get into her phone and soon.
you realize time is ticking. mapi won't be in the shower forever. quickly, you go and put her phone on the charger. your heart beat is not calming down even when you pick up bagheera from her cat tree and start to cuddle with her again. the contrast of bagheera being so calm and sleepy to your internal panic and hurt is laughable, but the black cat is grounding in a way. in the same way that mapi once was.
you sigh as you think about what this all could lead to. definitely a break-up, but you weren't gonna just leave and let mapi live in peace with.. ingrid. whoever the hell that is.
you are still deep into the mourning the lost of your relationship when mapi comes out of your bedroom. she's dressed in her usual oversized white t-shirt and shorts so short it looks like she isn't wearing any at all.
cute is what you would of thought if this was a week or two ago when you weren't sure that your girlfriend wasn't enjoying the company of someone else behind your back.
however, just because you figured mapi is cheating or doing something wrong doesn't mean all your feelings go away like a switch. you still find mapi very cute with that freshly washed, sleepy look on her face. you still want to get up and go kiss her on your way to the bathroom like you always do,
so you do. when you get off the couch, you make sure to stop and give mapi a long kiss. "you're adorable," you say when you pull away. enjoying the way her lips are slightly swollen. the spanish woman giggles, pecking your lips once more.
"you're even cuter," she says before leaving your side to go to the couch. immediately cuddling up to bagheera just like you were earlier.
you go into your bedroom, grab your pajamas, and then go into the bathroom. whether to shower with cold or hot water is a battle for you. the cold will make you have goosebumps. it'll shock you enough that for a quick second, you won't even think about this. but the hot water will burn your skin and warm up your heart that feel like it's already melting from the outside.
hot it is.
as the first few water droplets fall down onto your body, you let out a sigh. the warmth of the water feels so good but makes your mind feel so hazy, you hate it but you love it and damn you wish this wasn't happening right now.
maybe it wasn't.
maybe when you finish doing this and walk out of this bathroom, mapi wouldn't be a cheater. her password would be the same. ingrid, whoever she is, wouldn't even be in the equation. you would just go out there and cuddle with mapi like you always do, then go to sleep together like you always do then you two would go on a date and everything will be perfect like they always been.
has it always been perfect? how long has this cheating thing been going on? has mapi been cheating on the entire time? is mapi even trustworthy?
and what about ingrid? who is she? is she hotter than you? talks better than you? has a better job than you? is she some fucking bombshell who you can't even compare to?
why? when? how? who? why?
why the fuck would mapi do this to you?
"amor!" the voice of mapi shakes you out of your thoughts. she knocks on the bathroom door. when you don't reply right away, she says, "can i come in? i need to piss."
your mind moves slower than it should as you take in what she said. would it be wrong of you not to want her in here? not when you feel so vulnerable that it's like your skin was stripped off of you.
"uh.. i'll be out quick. can you wait? please?" you say. stumbling to start actually washing your body instead of just standing under the water.
mapi doesn't reply but moves away from the door. concern overtakes her mind as she goes back over to the couch. you two have been together for almost four years now. you have seen her in every way, and she has seen you every way, so what's so crazy about her using the bathroom while you shower? she thinks back to earlier when you asked her if she really thinks you're the prettiest woman she knows. the insecure tone you had didn't escape past her. is it because of that? if it is then why are you feeling insecure in the first place? mapi thinks over the last few months and nothing comes up for why you would feel that way.
unless you knew about ingrid, but you couldn't know about ingrid because mapi has been careful. she still has been the most loving girlfriend towards you, so nothing would be suspicious. of course, mapi hasn't been loving just because she wanted to make sure you didn't catch that she's sneaking behind your back, she genuinely still cares for you.
you definitely don't know about ingrid. this is just one of those times when you need extra reassurance which mapi is fine with giving.
she loves you.
she swears she does.
"you can go piss now," your voice pulls mapi out of the chaos that is currently her mind. in the time of her panicking and being concerned, you had finished showering and changed. now you're standing next to the couch. she smiles as her eyes land on you. "look at youu. all clean and cute," she says after standing up. you slightly flush at the compliment (even though you don't want to. it's a natural reaction, okay?)
"shut up and go piss." you giggle, moving past her to sit down on the couch. mapi playfully blows you a kiss before leaving out of the room. the interaction between you two should make your heart feel fond, but how can it when in the back of your mind is the reminder that mapi is probably acting this way with someone else when you aren't around. you wish you could blow away all of these feelings you have for her, but you can't so you just let bagheera come cuddle you.
and when mapi comes back into the living room, a large blanket in hand, you still cuddle up to her while you two watch cartoons. this is something you will definitely miss when you leave her. the thought of leaving mapi is not one you want to think about right now, so you push it to the side and snuggle up more to the spaniard.
it's easy to pretend everything is the same if you don't think about anything.
an hour later, you're laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling while mapi cuddles you. her head is on your chest, her arm around your waist. you can feel the gentle exhale and inhale of her body.
it should calm you. right now, you should be rubbing small circles on her back under her shirt. you should be kissing the top of her head at random until you let the clutches of sleep take you.
but you can't.
your body feels frozen as you lay there. how many times have mapi been like this with ingrid? the thought fills you up with dread, anger, sadness, disgust. jealousy.
what about her makes her so much better than you?
you haven't been giving mapi all the attention she deserves, but only because you're trying not to fail your classes in pre-med. staying on campus until late doesn't give you the same whimsy feeling as sitting around with mapi doing nothing or going out with mapi or just existing alongside her.
if only you could detach yourself right now.
if only this was one big misunderstanding.
if only this wasn't happening.
you wish you was stuck in a dream right now and all you had to do was shake yourself awake.
maria, why?
you lay there for another hour, just letting your thoughts trample you, then you slip away. the sight of mapi cuddling up to the pillow that's supposed to be you makes you smile and want to cry.
you do cry.
as you step onto the balcony attached to the living room, phone in hand, the sound of ringing joining in the busy sounds of barcelona's nightlife.
"it's nearly one am and i have a eight am class tomorrow so this better be-"
"i saw a text," you interrupt her. you don't mean to, but you have been keeping this to yourself since you saw it.
daniela doesn't speak for a few minutes. you hear the shuffle of her covers and the click of a lamp being turned on. then she says, "from the chick she's cheating with?"
"her name is ingrid. mapi has a contact saved with a heart, a fucking heart. i couldn't see the entire text, right?" daniela says a small right. "so i tried to unlock her phone and she changed her password! mapi changed her password and i swear she has probably had the same password since like high-school because you know she can be forgetful and-"
"slow the fuck down. my brain can't keep up with all that, and you are working yourself up. calm down, y/n," daniela says. you stop talking, allowing yourself to just breathe for a minute, but that doesn't mean your blood stops boiling.
"i am trying to calm down but dani, my girlfriend is cheating on me for fucks sake!" you don't mean to shout at her, but you do. thankfully, you're outside, so mapi couldn't have heard you.
"okay! okay. alright, sorry," daniela sighs, "so you saw a text from some chick named ingrid, tried to see the full text, and couldn't get into mapi's phone because she changed her password?"
"okay, listen. this is what you're gonna do."
the next morning, you wake up to the smell of bacon and the sound of jazz music playing. you slide out of bed and walk out into the living room to the sight of mapi looking pretty in the kitchen as she cooks. she's already dressed, unlike you. instead of immediately saying good morning, you just enjoy the sight for the few minutes that you do. this is something you will miss, so what's wrong with indulging a little?
mapi doesn't notice your presence right away, too distracted with the music, cooking, and her own singing. it's only when she turns to the kitchen island to change the song playing on her phone that she sees you. a smile blooms on her lips right away. "buenos dias, amor. how long have you been there?" mapi moves from in the kitchen to where you are in the living room.
"long enough to hear your horrible vocals," you say as she pulls you into her arms.
"they aren't," she pecks your lips, "horrible."
"i think our neighbors would disagree."
"they should be lucky i'm giving them a free performance. i could be the next-" you shut her up by kissing her. it starts off lazy, but soon you are more forceful; not for the usual reason, though. it's not passion driving you to press against mapi, but anger.
your almost make-out session is interrupted by the slight smell of burning. "shit, the bacon," mapi lets go of you before speed-walking to the kitchen.
she's able to cut off the stove before any of the bacon truly burns. thankfully, the fire alarm doesn't go off. your neighbors would really hate that. you walk over to the kitchen, going to lean against the kitchen island. you watch mapi as she plates breakfast for the two of you. now that you are actually standing in the kitchen instead of looking from afar, you can see mapi has cooked more than just bacon. there are toast and scrambled eggs as well. the warmth that suddenly blooms in your heart irks you and, at the same time, saddens you. this is a domestic scene that mapi and you have been in many times. the spanish woman loves to cook for you, but what's to say she doesn't love cooking for her little secret?
"thank you for all this, babe," you say when she hands your plate to you. mapi laughs off your thanks, saying something along the lines of i'm your girlfriend it's my job inbetween bites of bacon. usually, you two would sit at the dining table and eat, but today, yall opt for sitting at the kitchen island.
your shoulders rub against each other as you eat. of course, mapi yaps in between bites. mostly about all the activities she has planned for you two the entire day, how she hopes you are impressed, and that yall should match since it is a date day today. you keep up with her good enough. she has been your girlfriend for nearly four years now, after all. just responding back from time to time keeps her happy. mapi doesn't really need a reply to continue talking anyway, just your attention.
you finish eating before mapi (to neither of yours surprise), so you go to wash the dishes and let mapi play with bagheera for a bit. that only takes ten minutes or so then you are off to the bathroom to get ready for the day, making sure to kiss both of your girls before you do. bagheera lets out a meow when you leave her eyesight, but soon her attention is redirected elsewhere as mapi starts to rile her up.
when you step into the shower, all the emotions you were putting behind a lovesick mask can show themselves. the bitter taste that feels your mouth, the betrayal that burns your throat, the guilt that grips onto your shoulders. you shouldn't even be feeling guilty right now. not when mapi is the one who betrayed your loyalty. still, the sting of guilt lingers around your skin, burning you. in a perfect world, you would be feeling like shit for even thinking that mapi, your sweet, perfect, mapi was cheating. your bestfriend would shake your shoulders and say, "are you stupid? that woman is inlove with you." instead, you were met with okay, i would be suspicious too. you try to lift that dread that pools in your stomach by thinking about how fun this day is going to be,
and how you should savor it since it's going to be one of the last.
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author notes: this is an lesson on how you shouldn't trust anyone's words.. JK but fr sorry for the cliffhanger, this was just getting way too long. part two coming soon 🩷 (this is not grammar checked bare with me yall)
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kinzis-writing · 1 day
Almost Over You | Joe Burrow
summary: It happened suddenly, you and Joe had broken up and you never understood exactly how it happened. All you know is that his ex-girlfriend was brought up and an argument started leaving to you being heartbroken. Your friends swore to you that they would stop at nothing until you got over your ex-boyfriend, but what if that's harder than you think?
Pairing: Joe Burrow (Bengals/NFL) x Fem! Reader (Joe Burrow x You)
Requested: Yes | No
Warning(s): mentions of heartbreak and breaking up, mentions of Joe x Olivia, mentions of alcohol.
Little note from me: This is the first time I have ever written for Joe Burrow. I usually write for Tee Higgins and Josh Allen. I wanted to give Joe a try because he is starting to grow on me a little bit. I may end up making a part 2 to this if I feel like it. Also I started writing this in Y/N format and then I switched to "You" after like the second paragraph lol. *gif not mine*
Word Count (lyrics not included): 4.5k
*Not Edited*
I also hate how I ended this. I need to work on the ending of my stories but I will work on getting better. May be a part 2 later... I haven't decided yet!
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I've stopped looking for your truck, every time I go somewhere I don't scroll through the past anymore 'cause I don't care I'm finally putting on the shirt I like, tight jeans, big hoops with my hair up high. The least you could've done was give me the bar tonight.
Y/N browsed her outfits that she had brought over to her friends house. Her and her girls were having a girls night and going to the bar to let loose and have fun. It happened to be her best friends idea, mainly because she had been struggling to get over a recent breakup. Y/BFF/N had insisted that he wasn’t worth it and that she was going to get you over him one way or another. 
“Let me do your hair, Y/N!” One of the girls in your group spoke up. She was the hairstylist and makeup guru of the group, so she was the designated hair and makeup artist for the friend groups and any events that they attended. “I’ll fix your makeup too.” 
Y/N knew arguing would be pointless, so she sat down in the vanity chair and let her hair artist friend have at it. “I need help picking an outfit.” She spoke up looking towards her best friend while the other friend continued doing her hair. “I’m torn between the three on the bed.” She added pointing to the three outfits. 
In less than 20 minutes, her hair was done and makeup was touched up. Her best friend had left her choice on the bed before finishing getting ready and making everyone a pregame shot before heading to the bar. She was finishing pulling up her jeans when her friends came in with two trays of shots. 
“I’m not sure about this outfit.” Y/N spoke up. She usually wasn’t one to feel insecure, but looking at herself dressed in a pair of tight skinny jeans and a blouse, both of them not belonging to her, made her self conscious. “Why didn’t you pick one of my outfits?” She asked her best friend turning around. 
“Girl, you look hot!” She replied not answering your question at first. “You’re freshly single, so we’re gonna act like it today.” She added picking up a shot and handing it to you. 
You hesitantly grabbed the alcohol before glancing around the group of girls you loved so much. They were your best friends and you would do anything for them and they would do anything for you. “To Y/N, for finally taking a large step in getting over the dick.” 
“Cheers to that.” The other girls replied before downing the shot.
“Don’t call him that.” You spoke up softly hating the way her comment made you feel. The night you two broke up was still a blur and was anything but easy for you. More than likely you had blacked it out due to heartbreak, but still it lingered in your mind. 
“Honey, he had his hooks sunk deep in you. So deep that you literally wouldn’t even walk into a shop, restaurant, or anything if you noticed a vehicle that looked like his.” Y/BFF/N reminded you as you threw back your shot in hopes of forgetting about Joe tonight. Your ultimate goal was to finally and fully move on, to get over Joe tonight. 
After a couple more shots, the girls were heading to their favorite bar. Which just so happened to be the bar that Y/N and Joe always went to together. 
Why'd you have to come back in right then right when I was just getting good and gone? 'Cause I was in the wrong place at the wrong time You must've heard I was moving on, Then right out of the blue a quarter past two, I'm all about you. When I was just about, just about over you.
The girls had gotten to the bar around 11:45 or midnight. It was officially 1:42 and Y/N was letting loose. She felt the best she had in forever and to her, it had nothing to do with the guy that she was practically grinding against. The alcohol in her system made her feel a bit more easy-going and less paranoid of running into “he-who-should-not-be-named” at their bar. 
The loud pounding music came to a halt and was replaced with a slower song causing you to turn around and face to mystery bar guy. You weren’t one to just go and have hook-ups with anyone or randomly show pda to guys you didn’t know. In a plan to get over someone… it felt almost right to do it that way.
“You want to get out of here?” The mystery guy asked seductively trying to keep you enticed with him. 
You gave him a look before your eyes caught a group of men walking in together. Your blood ran cold, face turning pale as you seen the familiar dirty blonde locks and perfect smile of your ex-boyfriend. You took a chance to catch your breath when you moved your eyes over and caught Jamarr and Tee already noticing you. You had been close with a few of Joe’s teammates seeing as you were together for a bit. 
Jamarr gave you a quick nod of greeting before avoiding your gaze and Tee flashed you his smile before heading to an area with the boys. “I have to go.” You told the mystery man before leaving towards your group of girls. You were hoping that you could convince your girls to leave and do this another night. Maybe you could fake sick and go home by uber, you weren’t sure what your whole plan was, but you knew something would have to go down to leave. 
Once you reached your group of girls, who were either occupied with boys/girls or chatting with each other while drinking, you put on your best sick face. “Hey, I’m not feeling the best… I think it’s best if I uber home.” 
Your hairdresser best friend gave you a saddened look believing the story that was being told. “Bullshit.” Y/BFF/N spoke up crossing her arms. “I noticed him walk in with his groupies.” She responded raising an eyebrow in your direction. 
You shrugged not really caring if she noticed him, “I’m not in the mood to deal with this tonight.” 
“Y/N, you are not leaving. I promised you that I would help you get over him and with that promise it means not letting you leave all because he came into this bar.” Your best friend stated. With her tone of voice, you knew it was pointless to even argue with her. 
“Isn’t it weird that he showed up after you were fixing to go home with some guy?” Another one of the girls in your group spoke up. 
“I was not going home with that guy.” You objected crossing your arms over yourself feeling a bit uncomfortable. “That’s not who I am.” 
“Maybe that’s what you need for one night.” Another spoke up causing you to roll your eyes. 
You shook your head in disbelief at your friends, “I’m getting another drink.” You mumbled before turning and making your way to the bar. Last call would be announced within the next fifteen minutes, and you were not waiting until then. 
You could've stayed with the guys, acting like you didn't see me It would've hurt a little less if you'd bought some girl a drink but you had to walk up, messing me up I'm drunk, wondering why it's gotta be like this I thought I was moving on, but now I'm starting back over again.
After another drink and a shot, you had simply ordered a glass of red wine. You were already feeling the effects of the alcohol and you were worried that you would do something stupid if you ordered anything other than wine. Part of your friend group had gone home with whoever they had met here, no doubt going to have a fun night. Your best friend and one other girl were the only ones that were left of your group besides you. 
“Can I get another round for our table back there?” His voice spoke up causing a chill to run down your back. You hadn’t heard that voice since the night that it ended. Without paying him any attention, you picked up your glass and took a drink of the crimson liquid. It was easier to pretend that he wasn’t there instead of trying to make everything weird. Joe seemed to have different plans, “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.” He mumbled as he sat down on the seat next to you. 
“I was hoping I wouldn’t see you.” He would never admit it, but your reply felt like a knife. He knew that the whole breakup should had been dealt with sooner and talked about. If not to fix it, then to at least to make it less messy. 
Joe chose to ignore your blunt reply as he waited on their final tray of drinks, “How have you been?” he asked carefully knowing that it hadn’t been easy for him. He would never admit that to you unless you asked him yourself. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked. Finally, you turned to face him noticing the stubble that adorned his face compared to his usual clean-shaven self. There was no point in answering his question because you had not felt your best since your last night with him. “You could have avoided me and let me heal.” You added taking another sip of win after. 
Joe looked exhausted; anyone could tell. You had heard that they were currently not playing their best even if you refused to watch the games. You were his problem, not that he blamed you. He blew up for no reason, mainly due to stress and you felt as if it was a personal attack. “I didn’t mean what I said that night.” He told you. Even if you wanted him to leave you alone, he just knew he had to tell you what he felt after that night. “When you brought up my past… it never compared to us. She never meant as much to me as you did, I get that I was with her longer, but it wasn’t the same.” 
You shrugged trying your best to act like you didn’t care. “I am not talking about this.” You shook your head before finishing off your glass of wine. “If we’re being honest, I shouldn’t have brought up Olivia, but that’s all I’m going to say.” You added before standing up from your seat. You needed to get back to your best friend before your body decided to fully give in to the handsome quarterback right next to you. 
“Y/N don’t do this. Let me in and let’s talk about this.” Joe practically begged as he stood up quickly noticing that you were trying to make your escape. The look on your face was unreadable, why was Joe begging you to talk about it? What would it help and why was it such a big deal to him? 
“Joe, you ended it. I don’t owe you anything.” You whispered as you pushed back tears not wanting them to surface. You were beginning to feel defeated because your heart and your body yearned for the man in front of you. 
“Y/N… please.” He pleaded one last time in a whisper, in the same way that you had answered him. Before you could say anything, the bartender placed the tray of drinks down giving you the chance to get away from Joe before he could continue begging you and you gave in. 
maybe you caught me on a bad night maybe tomorrow I'll be just fine maybe it's the red wine that put you back in my mind
Final call had happened at 2:30, but the bar was still alive with drunk couples, singles, and others. Your best friend had told you that she was going home with the guy that she had been with all night, only she was staying with you until you wanted to leave. Truth be told, she was probably just trying to ensure that you would stay away from Joe the rest of the night. 
“I’m going to the restroom and then I’ll head home.” You promised your best friend before pulling her into a hug. 
Once you two pulled away she gave you a small smile, “want me to wait for you?” she offered. 
You didn’t miss the eye roll from the guy that she was going home with. You internally scoffed and rolled your eyes at the guy who wanted inside your best friends pants before returning the smile, “No, I’ll be fine. Just be careful on your way home.” 
Your bestie nodded before giving you a knowing look, “There’s plenty of people still here. I think you should reconsider what I told you earlier.” She added before locking arms with the guy beside her. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “If you change your mind you have to let me know.” She teased before blowing a kiss and turned to head out with the man that she had met tonight. 
You turned around and grabbed your wristlet before making your way towards the bathroom. In all seriousness you were more than ready to go home, you had been since your conversation with Joe. However, it still made Joe stay in your mind. Flashbacks from the relationship played over and over again. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, Joe Burrow was a huge green flag when you’re in a relationship with him. He may act cocky or arrogant sometimes, but most of the time it’s to hide how he is truly feeling. 
Even if he was a green flag, you still argued some but it wasn’t often. The night you broke up was the only big fight that you had experienced in that relationship. Why did the relationship break after one fight? You just guessed that your relationship was not strong enough to last. 
After you finished in the bathroom you exited (after washing your hands of course) and got on your phone so you could order an Uber for the ride home. You knew it was a bad idea for you girl’s to ride together, but no one disagreed and you weren’t going to be the first one to object. 
“Really? 25 minutes.” You huffed as you leaned against the hallway leading to the bathroom. You wanted to be away from the crowds and try to catch a ride back to your place. “Why did I agree to do this tonight?” you mumbled placing your phone back in your pocket after seeing the wait time. 
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice spoke up. You looked towards the dimly lit hallway and noticed the guy that you had been dancing with before Joe came in. You had been hoping that he had already went home because you didn’t want to see him again either. “I heard you huffing.” He mentioned with a half smile forming on his face. 
You nodded assuring him that you were fine, “Yeah. Just waiting for my ride.” You lied knowing good and well that you didn’t order that Uber that was going to take almost half an hour. 
He nodded, “I could take you home if you’re getting inpatient.” He offered hoping that you would accept his invite.
Your body was overcome with a feeling of dread when you looked into his eyes. You weren’t sure why, mainly because he had been a nice guy earlier. Thinking back, maybe you missed this feeling because of the alcohol and then the fact that you noticed your ex before you could process the guy in front of you. 
You shook your head forcing a fake smile, “No it’s fine. My ride will be here very soon and I don’t want to leave them hanging.” You lied again in hopes that it was believable. 
“Come on.” He urged walking closer and leaning against the wall next to you. 
You opened your mouth to object before a voice beat you to it, “Babe, what’s taking so long?” Joe’s voice rang out down the hallway as footsteps were heard getting closer to you. The mental relief you felt hearing his voice was unreal. No matter how much you didn’t want to be around him, you always knew that you were safe with him. 
“I was just talking to a friend.” You lied knowing that Joe could hear the hesitation in your voice and he definitely noticed your body language. Your body relaxed once you felt his familiar embrace around you. 
“Babe?” The mystery guy from early asked glancing between the two. It was obvious that many people in Cincinatti knew who Joe was, the guy in front of you especially. “You should be aware that your girlfriend lead me on earlier.” He told Joe causing you to tense. 
Joe’s grip around you tightened, probably not liking the chance of you going home with you before he got there. “Well, I’m sure whatever she was doing earlier was just for fun. No strings attached just innocent fun.” Joe muttered making sure to get his point across. 
“Whatever.” The guy mumbled before eyeing you one more time before stepping around the two of you and leaving the hallway. 
You let out a sigh of relief once he was officially out of hearing range, “Thank you.” you mumbled pulling yourself out of his arms. It didn’t take long for you to miss the feeling of him around you, it felt like home. It felt safe. 
Joe shook his head, “Don’t thank me.” He replied noticing how you were calming down now that you were alone. “Was that the guy you were with when I got here?” 
Even though Joe asked, you felt as if he already knew the answer. You just weren’t sure if it was from his comment or if he actually caught you. “How did you… Jamarr and Tee.” You sighed knowing that they told Joe about seeing you with him. 
Joe shook his head, “I actually noticed you first.” He denied your allegations. “I made a comment about the guy you were with which is what made the guys notice you.” He shrugged acting like his comment meant nothing. 
If you were honest, you felt giddy knowing that Joe was looking at you first before you even noticed him. 
why'd you have to come back in right then right when I was just getting good and gone? guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time you must've heard I was moving on then right out of the blue a quarter past two, I'm all about you when I was just about, just about over you. I was just about over you.
You knew that you were going to regret this. It was the biggest mistake and was what your best friend was trying to get you over. The only thing was that you could not argue with how right it felt to be sitting in the passenger seat of Joe’s vehicle. You had accepted a ride home instead of ordering an Uber late, and it didn’t help that the mystery guy from the bar was lounging around almost like he was waiting to see if you were with Joe for real. After feeling uneasy noticing the guy looking at you while you went and visited with your old friends for a moment, Joe secretly proposed for you to stay with him for the night. Just to ensure that you were safe until daylight. Being unsure of the bar and going home alone, you agreed. 
How did you get yourself in this situation though? You promised yourself that this would be the night that you got over Joe, however you felt as if all your progress was thrown out the window. You truly loved Joe and a part of you always would. He was the first person that you truly loved, which is why you knew apart of you would always belong to Joe. You were moving on the best you could, and you were sure that you could have gotten over him. Maybe there was a reason why it wasn’t tonight? Maybe it was protection from someone or something, but all you knew was that sitting in his car made it real that you would in no way be over him. 
“Do you need anything?” He asked more than likely referring to medicine or water due to the alcohol consumption tonight. You shook your head feeling more sober than ever. The house was so familiar, and a warm feeling came over you being back in his home. “I’ll get you a change of clothes before we head to bed.” He mentioned shooting you a small smile before walking towards his room. The room you used to basically live in when you were together.
Without waiting for him to call you, you carefully made your way into his bedroom seeing him lay out the clothes on the bed. “Can I shower before we head to bed?” You asked softly hoping you wouldn’t scare him. 
Joe nodded, “You don’t have to ask.” He mumbled picking up the clothes he sat on the bed and handed them to you. 
You silently thanked him before heading to his private bathroom and locking the door behind you. You knew where he kept his towels and everything so there was no need to make him get everything ready for you. You let the water run for a moment to get warm before stripping your clothes and getting into the shower. You sighed feeling the heat soothing your tense muscles due to the stress you were under tonight. You were trying to rack your brain over every event that happened tonight before noticing the array of products in Joe’s shower caddy. 
Everything you used sat untouched in the corner. Your shampoo, conditioner, exfoliating scrub, shaving items, body wash, and skincare. Everything that you had left here was sitting there looking untouched due to how little you had used them. You had just restocked before you two broke up, meaning that you never wanted to face him to get those items back. You just went out and bought new ones because it was easier… emotionally. 
Instead of crying due to your relationship being over, you pushed it out of your mind and finished showering. You knew how Joe was, and he wouldn’t go to bed until you got out of the shower. Once doing your skincare and haircare, you got out and dried off and got dressed. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror, noticing that Joe gave you his favorite shirt of his and a pair of bengals shorts that he had gotten you. You remember him saying, “If you’re going to be my girl, we might as well give you some gear.” You smiled at the memory before cleaning up the bathroom and heading out to Joe’s room. 
You’d be lying if you said that seeing him lying on his bed in only shorts was a turn off. He was definitely the best-looking guy you have ever seen in your life, there was no doubt about it. The sound of your footsteps caused Joe to lock his phone and turn his attention towards you. 
“Do you need anything before I head to the guest room?” He asked softly getting out of his bed. He waited to see if you needed anything because he knew that you usually had to rack your brain over your nighttime routine.
“You don’t have to go to your guest bed. I’m not taking your bed.” You refused even if you secretly wanted his bed. What could you say? It was so comfortable to the point to where you wanted it in your apartment. “I can sleep in the guest room.” You knew he would deny but it was worth a shot. 
Joe refused, “You know I never let you sleep in the guest room.” He reminded even though she knew. She had practically moved in with him so when they argued, Joe would start the nights in the guest bed and weasel his way back into his bed with you. That’s just how the two of them were in their relationship.  
Instead of playing the back-and-forth game you sat down on the bed and gestured for him to join you. “Can I ask what the real reason is that you are doing this?” You asked softly as you felt the bed dip with his weight, only he was sitting in front of you. “You don’t owe me anything, Joe.” You assured so he didn’t feel as though he owed a debt to you.
“I know.” He replied, “actually I do owe you an apology. I’m sorry about that night, I was stressed about the game, and I took it out on you.” He apologized. 
You gave him a small smile in return, “I think we both said some things that we regret that night.” You whispered worried that everything would come crashing down. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Joe admitted softly his hand coming up to your neck. “I’ll never stop no matter what happens.” He added in a whisper to not spook you too much. 
You bet your lip trying to keep from tearing up at his words. For the last three months you had been wanting to hear those words come out of his mouth, yet it was surreal to actually hear them. 
“I was trying so hard to get over you.” You whispered out, a crack in your voice that did not go unnoticed by Joe. “I still love you so much and it kills me every day.” You added full of emotion due to staring into the blue eyes that you loved so much. 
Staring into Joe’s eyes, you felt the walls that you had built the last three months come falling down. You promised yourself that you would get over him and never fall back into his arms, yet you weren’t going to stop. You knew that even if you two never got back together officially that you would always be safe and have a home around Joe. Your heart would always be his no matter what. 
Instead of overthinking and thinking of the worse possible outcomes, you decided to finally do what your heart and body have been craving. In one quick motion, you had your hands on the back of his neck and pushed your lips on his. It didn’t take him but a second to start kissing you back because it was clear that he had missed you all the same. 
You sighed in content at the kiss, causing Joe to apply a bit of pressure to where his hand was resting on your neck. You could feel the want for him building up, wanting the two of you to make up for lost time. You were unsure of how far you would go but being in his arms, at least for one more night was something that you were okay with. 
It was safe to say that you two did in fact make up for the lost time that was three months. You had texted your best friend telling her that you took her advice about going home with a “nice” guy from the club and that he was full of “green flags”. She was beyond excited wanting to know the details, which you would give her without letting her know that it was indeed your ex. 
Joe woke up the next morning thinking everything would go back to normal. You two had talked a bit, had makeup sex, and even cuddled to sleep. He woke up to an opposing reality, which made him question if you were ever really there. You had left early, not knowing what it meant for you two. Not wanting to have another intimate conversation, you ran saving it for another day. 
Joe’s clothes laying on the end of the bed told him that it wasn’t a dream. You were in fact with him last night and he wasn’t just lost in a drunken dream. Joe knew after last night; he would not be letting you go as easy as he did before. No matter how upset and angry he was, he was going to find you and make you his again. He was sure of it. 
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darlingdaisyfarm · 20 hours
Rainy night (Ford Pines x fem!reader)
minors don’t interact
It's a summer night outside, the air is filled with the smell of rain falling on warm ground, raindrops are running down the window. The rain is not that sharp or scary, rather soft, constant, but it cools the night good enough after hot day. From time to time you hear low rumbles of thunder that come from afar, but they are soft and lazy.
It’s peaceful, almost. Except for the man beneath you.
Stanford sits on the couch, his back slumped against the cushions with you on his laps. His large hands rest on your hips, his touch is so gentle and light. He looks so tired tonight, his usual serious face softened with exhaustion from another long day of research, you feel the tension in his body, like he’s barely holding himself together.
You shift slightly in his lap and his grip tightens for a moment. His glasses are askew and you reach up to adjust them, but he grabs your wrist gently before you can. You swear there’s something in his eyes, something so vulnerable and sad that makes your heart ache.
“Leave them,” he mutters. You’ve seen him like this before, late at night when the weight of everything he’s been through catches up to him, when the need for human touch becomes almost unbearable. Thirty years in another dimension with no one to hold, no one to ground him, he’s starved for this. For you.
You don’t argue. Instead, you slide your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the soft strands of his silvered hair. He leans into your touch, closing his eyes for a brief moment, as if savoring the feeling of you so close. His hands move from your hips to your waist, pulling you just a little bit closer, and you feel the warmth of him.
“Ford,” you whisper softly, leaning in so that your lips brush the edge of his ear. “you’re overthinking again.”
He huffs out a breath, letting out a low chuckle. “It’s what I do.”
You smile, pressing your forehead to his, your hands moving to cradle his face. There’s something so tender about him right now, something almost fragile. You tilt his chin up slightly, forcing him to look at you and the moment your eyes meet, something shifts. You see the need there, something he can’t tell you about. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, his hands gripping your waist tighter. 
You lean in, your lips barely touch his, and you feel him tense under you, it’s like he’s stressed 24/7. “It’s okay,” you whisper. “I’m here.”
And that’s all it takes.
Ford kisses you, but his kiss is demanding, rough even, that desperate it makes your head spin. His hands slide up your back, pulling you closer against him. It’s like he can’t get enough, like he’s afraid you’ll slip away if he lets go. 
His tongue brushes against your bottom lip and you part your lips for him, the kiss deepening in a way that makes you dizzy. His fingers dig into your sides, almost too hard, but you don’t care. You want him like this, needy, desperate. He’s been waiting this for far too long.
You shift in his lap, pressing your hips down against his and he groans into your mouth, his hands sliding down to grip your thighs. He’s hard beneath you and that beautiful moan he makes when you grind against him makes you feel something.
“God,” Stanford breathes against your lips, his trembling hands are everywhere now, pulling you closer, like he’s afraid to let go. “i need this, i need you.”
And you can tell he means it.
You pull back slightly, breathless, just enough to catch a glimpse of his face. His cheeks are flushed and there’s a dazed look in his eyes. Ford is trying to compose himself, but it’s clear he’s already lost in the moment. 
Without a second thought, you press a gentle yet sensual kiss to the hollow of his throat, feeling the warm pulse beneath your lips. He shivers at that and a low groan escapes him. “God, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
You can’t help but smile against his skin. You kiss your way up to his jaw, trailing soft kisses along the way. He tilts his head back slightly, giving you more access, and you take the opportunity to shower him in affection, his neck, his jawline, nose, cheeks, the space between his brows.
“You’re. . . fuck,” he stutters, clearly at a loss for words. His hands, those strong yet delicate hands with their six fingers, twitch nervously against your sides. He looks as if he’s unsure where to place them, obviously nervous.
“Ford,” you whisper softly, pausing to meet his eyes. “It’s okay, just hold me. You won’t hurt me.”
His brows furrowing. “I don’t want to- what if I-“
“Just be with me,” you encourage, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on his forehead. “You’re not going to hurt me, i trust you.” he  hesitates still, but you guide his hands gently to your waist, resting them there, showing him it’s okay. “See? Just like that. You’re doing great.”
“I just. . . I haven’t been close to anyone in so long,” he admits. “I don’t know how to. . . how to do this.”
“Just be yourself,” you answer, wrapping your arms around his neck again, drawing him even closer. “You’re amazing, Ford. You’re smart, strong and so incredibly sweet, just let me love you.”
His cheeks flush deeper at your words, and he looks at you with confusion on his face. “Sweet? Me?” he chuckles again. “You’re joking, right?”
“No joke,” you laugh, kissing the corner of his mouth, watching as his lips curve into a smile. “You are, even if you don’t see it. Just let me show you.”
With that, you return to his neck, kissing him softly, teasingly, feeling the way his body responds, every little gasp, every twitch of his fingers, the way his body tense and shakes a bit. The more you kiss him, the more he lets go, losing himself in the sensation. “God, I’m a mess,” he murmurs. “you make me feel so exposed.”
“Good,” you breathe against his skin. “You deserve to feel this way.”
He grips your hips tighter, his six fingers squeezing just enough to make you look at him. “I’m afraid I’ll”-
“-hurt me? you won’t,” you assure him. “Trust me, i’m right here and i want this just as much as you do.”
The tension in his shoulders eases slightly, and he leans into your touch again, his eyes fluttering closed as you shower him with affection. You kiss his forehead, his cheek, his jaw again. But there’s not a second when Ford can relax.
“I can’t believe this is happening.” you hear him whisper again.
“You’re here with me, this is real. You deserve this, Ford.”
He swallows hard, clearly fighting back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. “I- I need you,” he tells you.
“It’s okay, just hold me, kiss me, love me.”
Ford's eyes trail down, almost unconsciously, lingering on the curve of your chest. And just for a moment, he looks torn, his gaze flickering between your face and the rise and fall of your breasts. You catch that need in his eyes, the desire that he’s trying to keep under control, but there’s something holding him back. 
A small smile tugs at your lips, and you lean in close. “You can touch me there too, Ford,” you whisper teasingly.
He blinks, his gaze snapping back up to meet yours, wide-eyed, clearly taken aback by your boldness. “I- I don’t. . . I mean, I want to, but- It’s been so long. I don’t even know if I. . . if I’ll do it right.”
Your heart swells at the uncertainty in his voice. Stanford — so brilliant, so confident in everything else, especially science and anomalies, was completely lost when it came to something as simple as touch. You notice it in the way his hands hover, unsure of where to go, where to touch, he’s so lost and confused, his fingers twitching nervously. 
“Here,” you take his hands in yours, you feel them trembling, those large hands with their extra fingers that have always fascinated you. Slowly, gently, you guide them up your body, until they rest on your breasts. The moment his palms make contact, he inhales sharply, unable to look away.
“See? you’re not going to hurt me. Just. . . touch me, Ford. Please.”
He’s frozen for a second, there’s so much tension in his hands, the way they grip you so carefully, like he’s afraid he might break you if he holds on too tight. But then, slowly, his fingers start to move, tracing the curve of your breasts with a soft touch as if he’s exploring something completely new. It’s as if touching you like this has awakened something in him, something he’s kept buried for far too long. You feel his arousal growing, the way his body shifts beneath you, his hands tightening slightly on your breasts.
“You’re doing so good, Ford,” you praise him as you lean into his touch, pressing your chest more firmly into his hands. “just like that.” his grip on your breasts tightening just enough to make soft quiet moan slip out of you. He’s completely lost in the moment, in you. 
“You’re so soft,” Ford says as he watches his hands work over you. “I didn’t think. . .” that’s when he falls silent again, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
“You didn’t think what?” you tilt your head, curious about what he’s feeling.
“I didn’t think it would feel this good,” god, the way he looks at you, both amazed and a bit shy, makes your heartrace even faster. You swear you want that man.
“Good, now you’re getting it.”
“Yeah, I can’t believe I’m touching you like this, it feels incredible. I need you,” he repeats again, such painful desperation in his words, the way he’s holding onto you like you’re the only thing keeping him grounded. His hands move more confidently now, squeezing, exploring and every touch makes you whimper softly.
“I’m right here,” you say, kissing the side of his face. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Ford is so desperate, he feels that tightness in his own pants, but he don’t want to take care of that, not yet, only you are his first priority. He’s staring at you like he can’t get enough, his hands, still resting on your breasts, but now squeezing harder, it’s like he’s testing how far he can go. 
A soft whimper escapes your lips when his fingers caress your nipple and it’s like something inside him snaps. Without warning, he surges forward, his mouth crashing against your neck, kissing you hungrily, desperately, like he’s trying to devour every inch of you. His lips are hot as he moves from your throat to your collarbones, sucking and biting, marking you as his.
“F-fuck, Ford!” you gasp, arching into him, your hands threading through his messy gray hair. You grip tight, tugging just enough to make him groan against your skin. He never stops kissing and marking your skin and you can’t help the way your hips press down into his lap, feeling his hardness growing beneath you.
His mouth moving to suck on the sensitive skin of your neck and your breath hitches, a moan slipping past your lips. “Ford, that feels so good-“ you breathe, your fingers twisting in his hair, making it even messier, pulling him closer, urging him to keep going. 
“Does it?” he asks against your skin. You can feel the way his lips curl into a smile, Stanford nips at your collarbone. “Tell me how it feels. I want to hear you.”
“It’s. . . nnhah, yes, it’s amazing,” you pant as his teeth graze your skin. “Don’t stop, Ford, please- just like that.”
His arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you down harder against him, his bulge pressing against your core. “I can’t stop, princess, you’re driving me fucking crazy.”
You’re so happy that Ford starts to show his feelings at least a little more freely now, because you never knew that this scientist was capable of such a thing.
His lips move lower, sucking and biting, leaving your skin red and raw, you’re moaning at his kisses, the heat between your legs growing unbearable. 
“F-Forddd,” your voice breaking as you tug at his hair again, pulling his mouth back up to yours. You crash your lips against his, tasting the desperation on his tongue as he kisses you hungrily, like he’s starving for you. His hands grip your ass, grinding your hips down against him until you’re both panting, both trembling with need.
“Sweetheart, I want you so bad,” Ford mutters against your lips, then he pulls back just enough to look at you. “Tell me what to do. I don’t- I don’t want to fuck this up.”
You smile. “You’re doing everything right,” your fingers stroking through his hair, soothing him. “Just keep going. Touch me, kiss me, make me yours.”
That seems to push him over the edge. You let out a choked moan while his hands are everywhere now, grabbing, squeezing, exploring. Finally, finally he’s opening up. His kisses grow more aggressive, more demanding, as he nips at your skin, his fingers digging into your thighs, your waist, as if he’s trying to memorize every inch of you. 
“You’re so perfect, baby,” he groans and then laughs, looks like his emotions are pretty unstable now and that takes hold of him. “Hahah, I- I can’t believe you’re real.”
“Ford, please,” you arch into him, your body begging for more. “I need you to-“
But before you can finish, his lips are on yours again, kissing you with a hunger that takes your breath away. His hands cup your breasts, squeezing harder now, his fingers pinching your nipples through your shirt, and you gasp against his mouth.
“You feel so fucking good, princess, i don’t even know what I’m doing, but fuck, I want to touch you everywhere.”
And he does.
Ford fucking grips your hips like he’s terrified you’ll disappear. His hands tremble, his movements growing more erratic, like he’s trying to drown himself in you, in your taste, in your touch. 
But even when his body is pressed against yours, you can feel the cracks starting to show. 
Suddenly, Ford pulls back, his chest heaving, his forehead resting against yours. His eyes are squeezed shut, his jaw clenched tight, his lips trembling.
“I can’t- I don’t, i don’t deserve this. I don’t know how to do this.”
You look at him, your heart breaking at the sight. “Ford,” you start, but he shakes his head, his eyes still shut.
“I’ve been gone for so long, thirty years. . . God, thirty fucking years. I’ve been out there, and it’s like I’ve forgotten how to feel anything. This. . . you,” his voice cracks. “I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can be here. Not really.”
His words make your chest tighten, the directness of his confession hits you like a punch in the gut. You literally feel the weight of his trauma, the years he spent lost in other dimensions, fighting things that no one else could even comprehend. And here he is, in front of you, vulnerable, fragile, terrified, touch-starved.
“Ford, look at me,” you whisper, cupping his face gently in your hands. His eyes flicker open and you see the clear pain, the unshed tears that he’s been holding back for far too long. “You’re here now. You’re with me.”
“I still see him. Every fucking night,” he sighs deeply. “that demon, it’s like he’s still in my head. The nightmares, they won’t stop. Sometimes I think I’m still trapped there, that none of this is real.” Ford feels like he’s admitting something shameful so he tries to talk quieter than usual. “I can’t shake it. I can’t shake him.”
You lean in, pressing soft kisses to his forehead, his temple, his cheek. “You’re safe, Ford,” you tell him between kisses. “I’m here. You’re here. He’s gone.”
“I don’t know how to believe that,” Ford’s fingers clench in your shirt, holding onto you like a lifeline. “What if. . . what if he comes back? What if I lose everything again?”
“He’s not coming back. You’re not going to lose me. You’re not going to lose any of this. Not again.”
His body is shaking with overwhelming emotions and before you know it, he pulls you to him, burying his face in your neck. His hot breath burns your skin and then you feel it. The wetness of his tears, the quiet sobs that escape from him, muffled by your embrace. Ford’s body shakes as he lets go, all these nightmares and pain. You cradle him against you, letting him cry, letting him feel the safety of your hug. 
“Fuck,” he sobs, he clutches you to him, his grip almost bruising. “I can’t- God, I can’t do this, i don’t know how to be here, how to be with you. I don’t know how to live without feeling like I’m going to lose it all again.”
The corners of your lips are down, tears pricking at your own eyes as you hold him tight, one hand threading through his hair, the other rubbing soothing circles into his back. “Ford, listen to me,” you whisper, trying to sound okay despite the lump in your throat. “you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to know everything. You’ve been through hell and back and it’s okay to be scared. But you’re here now, with me. You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
Ford is afraid you’ll slip away if he won’t hold you tight enough. “I’m scared,” he admits. “I’m so fucking scared.”
You kiss him again, this time on the lips, soft and tender, tasting the salt of his tears. “You’re allowed to be scared, but you’re not alone. Not anymore.”
He kisses you back, but it’s so messy, a sob escaping him into the kiss, his touch filled with so much emotion it makes you want to cry together with him.
“You’re not alone,” you say again, reminding him, trying to get it into his head as you kiss his tears away. “You’re here, with me. You’ve survived, Ford. You’ve survived so much. And now it’s time to live.”
His fingers digging into your skin like he’s holding on for dear life. “I don’t know how to let go of it, all the fear, the pain. I don’t know how to stop it.”
“You don’t have to let go of it all at once, but you can let me help. You don’t have to carry it alone anymore.”
Ford’s eyes are red from tears. And for the first time in what feels like forever, you see it — a glimmer of hope, even through all that pain and fear.
“Okay. . . Okay. Just don’t leave me.”
“Never,” you whisper, kissing him again. “I’m never leaving you.”
Ford’s body slowly starts to relax as he allows himself, for the first time in years, to feel safe. To feel loved. 
Ford’s breath is still shaky as he clings to you, but there’s something else now, something shifting in the way he holds you, in the way his lips linger just a little too long against your neck, your jaw, your chin. His desperation hasn’t disappeared, it’s just changed. The need to feel, the need to connect, it burns hotter now.
You cup his face, wiping away the last traces of his tears with your thumbs. “I love you, Ford.”
And you kiss him. 
This time, it’s not tentative or gentle, it’s hungry. Because you’re trying to make him understand. You swear you hear his heartbeat, his heart pumps blood like crazy. Ford kisses you like he’s drowning, like he needs you to keep himself afloat, and it’s intoxicating, overwhelming in the best possible way.
Finally, his hands slide under your shirt, fingers grazing your skin. He hesitates for a moment, his fingers trembling as they brush against your ribs and you lean into him, your hands guiding his, encouraging him, showing him it’s okay to want this, to want you. He’s still hard, his length feels painfully tight in his pants, it’s aching, but Ford kisses you again and again, making you moan into his mouth.
“I can’t get enough of you.” 
“Don’t- don’t stop, please.”
His mouth moves lower, trailing down to your breasts, you feel his breath on your skin. Ford takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently, his tongue flicking against the sensitive skin.
“G-God, Ford,” you breathe heavily while his mouth works you over, his hands gripping your hips, holding you in place as his tongue teases you, flicking, sucking on your nipple like he’s fucking starved. Your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, urging him to keep going.
“You still want, right?” he stops and looks up at you. “I’m just-“
You press a finger to his lips, silencing him with a soft smile. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, i want this. I want you.” so you decide to prove your words as you slip your hand into his pants, fingers wrapping around his thick, throbbing cock, feeling him jump at your touch.
“Ford, are you gonna let me make you feel good?”
“Y-Yeah,” he stutters. “Please, don’t s-stop.”
You start to move your hand, stroking him slowly at first. “You’re doing so good for me,” you purr, your thumb running over the tip of his cock, smearing the precum. “such a good boy, Ford.”
“Ahhh, please, just like that, don’t, nnhah, don’t stop,” his lips part in a breathless moan as your hand strokes him, thumb brushing over the leaking tip. “It feels so good,” he groans, his hips bucking up into your hand as you wrap your fingers tighter around him, moving smoothly, gently. You enjoy the way his breath quickens, the way his face twists in pleasure as you pump your hand, feeling his leaking precum as you take care of hun.
"You're doing so good for me, so perfect, Ford." you lean in to kiss him gently, swallowing his moans as you continue to stroke his throbbing cock, your hand moving up and down in perfect rhythm.
His hands, shaking, reach out, nervous at first, before resting on your thighs. However, the way he looks at you. . . God, the way he looks at you, with such adoration, like you’re the only thing that matters right now, makes your heart melt. 
“Y-you're so beautiful," he says, eyes closing as he gives into the sensation of your warm hand around him. He’s so hard, so sensitive. Leaking.
“Just look at you,” his cock twitches at your words. “so needy, so desperate.” he’s leaning into your touch, needing more.
Ford groans and grunts, his hips thrusting up into your hand, seeking more friction, more pleasure. “I- I can’t-! It’s too much!”
“Just feel, Ford,” you move your hand faster now. “let go.” you guide his hand to his own length, showing him how to match your rhythm. You watch him closely as you can’t get enough of his beautiful face, his brow furrowing as you quicken your pace, fingers working faster over him and you can’t help but smile at the sight of him, his mouth falling open in soft gasps and moans. 
“Oh, God. . . Ohh, this is so-“ he whines, his six fingers trembling around your wrist, and you know he’s close. “I- oh fuck, I’m gonna-“ Ford gasps, his body trembling and you tighten your grip, wanting to feel every bit of him release. The wet sound of your hand gliding over him filling the air. You can’t get enough of the way his body responds, the way his hips buck against your grip, the way he gasps and moans your name like a prayer. It’s all so beautiful. 
Ford’s whole body tenses and he cums hard. His cum spills over your fingers in thick, hot spurts, coating your hand. His head falls back again, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he rides out every last wave of pleasure.
"Oh god, I- I didn’t mean to!" his voice breaking with a mixture of shame when he looks down and sees what happened, his release coating your hand in warm, sticky fluid. "I’m sorry-“
“Don’t be," you whisper, kissing his chin. "You’re perfect, Ford, absolutely perfect."
For a moment, Ford just stares at you, like he can’t believe any of this is real.
“I want to be inside you.” you hear him say and you look at him in surprise, not trying to hide your emotions. You definitely didn't expect to hear this, although you really wanted to feel him inside, you needed him to take you and make love to you. But you thought he would be tired after— “I want to feel you.” his voice interrupts your thoughts.
“Yes, yes, please,” you answer him excitedly, your fingers still gently caressing his length as he recovers. You kiss his jawline, his neck, your lips tracing the lines of his body and face. Ford laughs, his lips twitch into smile, his hand comes to rest on top of yours. He kisses your palm, then your fingers, paying attention to each one while his eyes locked on yours. 
“I love you,” he confesses. Your hand slides back down to his cock, already throbbing again. "and I'm going to make sure you know that." Ford grips your hips, guiding you down until you feel the tip of his cock pressing at your wet entrance. You sigh, the sensation sending shockwaves through you, he’s big, thick, and you can already feel how much he stretches you, just by rubbing himself against your wet folds. 
Holding you, he pushes you down, sinking into you slowly. The sensation is delicious, filling you in a way that makes your eyes roll back, a soft cry escaping your lips. You gasp as he fills you completely, the stretch making you feel so incredibly full. He’s so hot inside you, his cock pulsing. He’s deep, so deep inside you.
"You’re so t-tight,” Ford groans, feeling your pussy clenching around him. "does it feel good, princess? tell me, tell me it feels good." 
You can barely find the breath to speak, but you nod, gripping his shoulders as your hips roll. “Y-yes, Ford, ahhnn, it feels so good” your little cries driving him fucking insane and for a second he thinks all of this is just a dream, that he’ll blink and everything will disappear, but no, here you are, right in front of him. Ford wants to hear you cry for him, to feel every inch of you wrapped around his cock. He wants to know all if this is real. 
“You’re so beautiful,” his eyes glued to where your bodies connect, his hands urging you to sink deeper. “Just like that, take me, fuck me”
“Ohh goddd, Ford,” you whimper, leaning forward to press your forehead against his, your breaths mingling. “please, don’t stop!”
“Such a good girl, you’re doing so good for me, just like that.” his fingers find your clit, rubbing in time with his thrusts. 
His control is slipping; it’s obvious by the way his hips are starting to buck up into you, his cock throbbing inside you, stretching and filling you perfectly. “you feel so fucking good. I want you to ride me, princess,” he mumbles. “I need to feel you- all of you.”
His voice breaks on the last word and it makes your pussy pulsate around him once more, but you obey, moving faster, taking him deeper, the slickness between your thighs making each movement smoother. His hands wonder over your body, gripping your waist, your thighs, sliding up your back to hold you as you grind down onto him. And it’s still not enough, Ford thinks he’ll never have enough of you.
“You’re doing so good, princess, s-so fucking good.” the sound of his needy voice makes you melt, and you lean down, pressing your lips to his. His tongue meets yours, hot and eager, as his hands continue to guide your movements, while your moans muffled by him. Ford pulls away to look into your eyes.
“Please, I need to know,” he’s begging, thrusting inside you desperately. “i need to know you’re mine, please”
You grip his face between your hands as you look into his eyes, nearly crying from overwhelming feelings and pleasure as his cock drilling into you. “I’m yours, Ford, im all yours-“
A low moon escapes him at your words, he fucks into you a bit harder, your wetness and tightness drives him crazy and he pulls you down, pushing deeper, until you feel every inch of him, every vein of his cock pulsing inside you, throbbing with need. You let out a soft cry, your hands gripping his shoulders as you ride him. 
Ford watches you lose yourself in the pleasure. “Fuck! I can’t-“ he moans as his hips jerk up into you. “your pussy feels so good, so good, baby, I feel so good-“ 
The sweet tension coiling in your stomach, the pressure building as he thrusts up into you, you throw your head back as every inch of him stretches you. 
“Ford. . . I’m so close,” you whine, feeling him hitting all the right spots inside you.
Ford groans when your pussy tightens around him again and it feels fucking heavenly, he pulls you down for another desperate kiss, you swear your are swollen from so many kisses, but you don’t give a fuck, you want to feel him, every part of him. “Cum for me,” he whispers into your mouth, breathing deeply. “I want to feel you, princess.”
And with one final thrust, you do, your body shuddering as the orgasm crashes over you, your soft walls clenching tight around him. You rock your hips back and forth, never wanting this to end. Ford gasps, hiding his face in your neck to suppress his pathetic, but such beautiful sounds as he finishes inside you, claiming you. You hold him, pulling him even closer as you still roll your hips, feeling his warmth filling you up as he cries out your name, his body trembling.
For a moment, the world is still, the only sound in the room you’re shared heavy breathing as you both come down from the high. Ford’s arms wrap around you, holding you close, his chest rising and falling rapidly beneath you. 
He then presses a kiss to your temple. Ford looks at you like you’re the answer to every question he’s ever had. You’re silent, waiting him to speak because you know he wants to say something. His fingers gently caress your cheek. "You're the only one I want inside my mind. No one else, just you.”
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meanbossart · 17 hours
hello I am so beyond enthralled and inspired by your art that I literally want to open up a whole new acc (this one is from the vault and is simply embarrassing after returning to tumblr after like 7 years) just to post bg3 art and trade art with cool af artists like yourself
The care you’ve put into to DU Drow’s lore is really remarkable and I always look forward to reading about him. Especially since DU Drow feels like holding up a nightmare funhouse mirror to my Tav. They’re so similar yet the absolute antithesis of one another and it has me FASCINATED
I’ve got an insane amount of work to do in the next couple of weeks but I’m hoping when it’s done, ill make a whole piece and build up the courage to post it and formally introduce another Tav into the world.
Anyway, thanks for reading and for sharing your art. If you feel like it, please leave a fun fact you wish people knew about DU Drow
Thank you so much for your sweet message!!! I get so much joy out of rambling on and on about this big, brooding idiot, I'm always glad to hear about it inspiring others to do the same and hone in their storytelling, art, or just have shameless fun with their little guys. Also, I cannot imagine what the antithesis to DU drow is like - is that good? Bad? Worse, better? Either way, you got me curious LOL
DU drow fun fact, as requested: Has no idea that he can ballroom dance. But he can absolutely ballroom dance.
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Wei Wuxian and Narrative Agency – Part One
For Xiantober Day One: Genius… albeit stretching the prompt so it refers to MXTX and MDZS itself, but at the end of the day it’s still about WWX – so no harm done!
The narrative is a very active player in MDZS’ story. How it presents information, what it chooses to show and omit, often reflects important facets of its themes and characters – Nie Huaisang, for instance, is so good at hiding behind his mask that not even the narrative can hold him accountable; the present day’s storyline as a murder mystery and the slow reveal of information about the past both prompt the reader to think critically about the truth of events, when the importance of thinking critically is an important theme; and the dangers not thinking critically (and instead basing conclusions on rumours without much evidence) are shown by tricking unquestioning readers into the very same trap the cultivation world falls into, as the information given by the title, summary and in-universe rumours – which contradicts how we see actually Wei Wuxian act – turns out to be false.
But nowhere do I love this trait more than in its treatment of Wei Wuxian – and, more specifically, in its way of emphasising his agency. We’re not just told how much his active choices define his character, and we’re not just shown this in-universe through his personality, worldview and the events he causes. I’d argue that this aspect goes a step further, and shapes the structure of the out-of-universe narrative as well.
There are two main ways this happens: one, in how the aspects of Wei Wuxian’s life that are shown and hidden directly tell us what’s important about his character (which is good writing but isn’t necessarily tied to this shaping of the narrative), which is what we’ll explore today; and two, how what’s shown and hidden reflects what Wei Wuxian himself prefers to dwell on, resulting in the narrative respecting his own thoughts and feelings on matters (which very much is tied to it). We’ll explore this at a later date.
But as for now – let’s explore my favourite aspect of MDZS.
(Here, narrative agency will be considered the ability of a character to meaningfully influence their events and the story they’re in.)
Tragedy, Circumstance, Choice
If we simply look at Wei Wuxian’s backstory in a vacuum, it seems almost typically tragic. His  parents died in circumstances beyond his control, he was left alone as a child with nobody to care for him, he was forced to grow up fending for himself on the streets, he was faced with abuse when he finally was taken in… as with all typical woobies, everything simply happened to him, and none of it was good. It’s just another example of the lack of agency being used for sympathy points, right?
…Except there’s one problem with that idea. We don’t actually see any of this.
It would’ve been easy to start the flashbacks during these times. We’re telling the story of Wei Wuxian in (largely) chronological order, and these are likely important experiences for him! But instead of starting in his street days, or evenat the moment Jiang Fengmian took him in*, we start at the lectures in the Cloud Recesses. That’s not even something mentioned in, and therefore something that’s able to disprove, the rumours at the start of the novel. So why is this the case? 
Well, there are multiple reasons – the main one being that MDZS is also Lan Wangji’s (and Wangxian’s) story, and having the flashbacks open with their first meeting is very satisfying. But I want to focus on something else.
This period doesn’t have to be shown, because what happens to Wei Wuxian, especially out of his control, isn’t what’s important about his character.
We’re not even at Lotus Pier here, where Wei Wuxian certainly has more agency than he would’ve had as a young child, but where the harm caused by Madame Yu is still completely out of his control. Here, he has agency! Though there are consequences, he is free to act, and what happens to him is a result of those actions and not of circumstance. Yes, he gets punished more than others who also take those same actions (due to classism); yes, it’s not his choice to be picked on by Lan Qiren in class (yet look how he responds, twisting the situation to his advantage and ending up tricking Lan Qiren into letting him leave, which is what he wanted to do. He is not at all helpless here!); yes, these choices have been influenced by his learned mindset from Madame Yu that punishment is arbitrary and will happen anyway, so you may as well do what you want regardless. But there is cause-and-effect here. It’s not circumstantial tragedy.
Therefore, instead of our first impression of past!Wei Wuxian being that of an unfortunate woobie, it’s of someone who has the freedom, ability and will to choose and act (and that’s after these initial tragic events have taken place). This is compounded by the fact that before we see any of his backstory, we get a similar impression of him in the present day.
If the purpose of his tragic past was to earn him sympathy points, to make us pity him due to how much he was influenced by events out of his control, this would’ve been a terrible way of going about it… and it’s this that betrays the true reason for its existence. Because now, the flashbacks instead show us how little these tragedies define who he is! From the very start, Wei Wuxian isn’t someone defined by circumstances out of his control, but rather by who he is as a person and by what choices he makes in the present day (which is both a mindset in-universe, and a nice little out-of-universe detail that lines up! Because out-of-universe, this means he’s not defined by sympathy points from a backstory, but rather by his great character writing… aka, by who he is as a person and what choices he makes). And this refusal to be defined by tragedy is a conscious choice on his part, too – but we’ll explore that more later. 
The important thing is that this idea of Wei Wuxian isn’t because of what exists in his past, it’s because of what parts of his past are shown to us (as well as what he chooses to do, with agency, in the present). 
Now, if this relationship between what’s displayed and what’s omitted was just a one-time thing, I might’ve considered it a cool detail or a nice way to establish a character, but not something the narrative is actively focusing on. But it’s a pattern that continues throughout the flashbacks. What, arguably, are the two other most important times in Wei Wuxian’s life where he doesn’t have enough agency to meaningfully influence his circumstances? His three months in the Burial Mounds (before escaping – he managed to assume some control of the circumstances but not enough to substantially reduce his suffering in his time there), and his loss and death during the First Siege. And we’re not shown either of them! We skip to when Wei Wuxian has emerged from the Burial Mounds and is torturing the Wens, or we skip to the present day – both times he has agency once more, because, again, what he’s like without it doesn’t matter enough to be shown. 
Furthermore, I’d argue this does actually contrast the other tragic events we see in Wei Wuxian’s later life. Things do go horribly wrong, but it’s either due to choices he knows the consequences of (see: rescuing the Wen Remnants in the first place), or instances where he still has some ability to act in the situation and influence it within the limitations. If he’d had no ability to influence circumstances at Qiongqi path, he would have died in the ambush; if he’d been unable to do that at Nightless City, he would’ve died then, too (of course Lan Wangji helped him escape as well). The attention drawn to him losing control of his actions in both instances is very interesting, but intentional or not, it’s still his actions influencing the plot. And that influence happens to be detrimental. The very ability to act and influence, at a base level,  is not taken away (though, of course, that doesn’t make these events any less tragic).
So, so far, the narrative seems to be telling us that the ability to act and choose is key to Wei Wuxian’s character. And it’s doing it through omitting his moments without agency in favour of instead showing us his moments with it. 
Let’s see if this is echoed in the text itself before we go further – because even with this pattern, nothing would end up mattering if Wei Wuxian’s agency wasn’t actually that important to the story itself. But thankfully it is, and that first impression we get of Wei Wuxian in the Cloud Recesses turns out to very much be accurate! Though there are defining circumstances out of his control that occur, such as the massacre of Lotus Pier, the majority of the important events of his life are due to his own choices. He didn’t happen to be forced to cease traditional cultivation and solely use guidao, didn’t happen to lose his Golden Core in a fight with Wen Zhuliu or due to some force in the Burial Mounds, it was his own choice to give it and his spiritual powers away. He didn’t tragically happen to get targeted by the cultivation world, it was a result of him acting on his morals and protecting the Wen remnants (a choice which he was fully aware of the implications of). He isn’t a protagonist to whom things simply occur, and that activeness and agency is my favourite thing about him. 
That’s not to say that the times Wei Wuxian doesn’t have agency, or feels like he doesn’t have any, don’t exist at all, either – but they are rare enough to have attention directly drawn to them in his internal narration:
Or else what could he do? He could do nothing. He was powerless. Lotus Pier had been destroyed, both Jiang FengMian and Madam Yu were gone, and Jiang Cheng had disappeared as well. He was the only one left, alone, with not even a sword in his hands. He didn’t know anything, he couldn’t do anything! For the first time, he discovered how little his power was. In front of something as large as the QishanWen Sect, it was the same as a mantis trying to stop a chariot. - Chapter 59, EXR translation
(And even in this circumstance, note that he still does force himself to act – to carry on searching for Jiang Cheng, to place his faith in Wen Ning – and does accomplish his goal (albeit with the help of others)! So even in dire situations, he isn’t simply passive. This is actually also the case with his time in the Burial Mounds, almost certainly the First Siege, and even his days on the streets as well (Chapter 20: he did actively fight with dogs to get food despite their danger and his growing fear of them, rather than just waiting and hoping to somehow receive some more). He can’t influence or immediately influence his circumstances, but that doesn’t stop him from trying.)
Overall, although they do influence him, Wei Wuxian is very much who he is in spite of his circumstances, not because of them. We’re shown the importance of his agency both in-universe by the major impacts his choices have on himself and the plot, as well as by narrative presentation – important periods where he lacks the ability to meaningfully influence anything are often mentioned but not directly shown, which suggests that such moments and circumstances aren’t as important to understanding Wei Wuxian’s character as moments where he does have this agency are. And I’d argue this works very well. Depending on the version of the story you consume, you may end up having different interpretations as to how much circumstances were at play nearer the end of his life – but nobody comes out of MDZS thinking about Wei Wuxian, the poor bearer of yet another generically tragic backstory.
*We are shown this moment in more detail in Chapter 23… but even then, it’s through the framing of Wei Wuxian remembering Jiang Yanli’s narration, not through a flashback proper or even him remembering the experience itself!
#there are three parts to this#part two dwelling on how wwx not dwelling on tragedy is a conscious choice#part three about how that choice and wwx’s preferences are ALSO behind what’s shown and what’s not#i originally wanted to post them all at once but life was very busy and they haven’t been finished yet#and i wanted to release SOMETHING on this day (it is after midnight but i haven’t slept yet and in a lot of timezones it’s not yet)#judging by the current length of it it’s probably better to be posting individual parts anyway…#so here we go#a complete version will br put on ao3 when done#also because i’m not sure where to put it in the meta – i’m aware external circumstances did impact this too#eg mxtx not wanting to write power-up/transformation sequences influencing her not to write wwx’s time in the burial mounds#i’m also aware a lot of this could be writing efficiency and not the deeper meanings i’ll (mostly later) assign to it#ultimately there’s not enough evidence either way to say if this was intentional or not#(i don’t doubt mxtx is an amazing writer but *i* feel i’m overanalysing while writing this which i do tend to do)#but even if it wasn’t it’s still a part of the story#and it still remains one of the things i love it the most#so i WILL explore it (taking the approach of death of the author here – i do believe context is important but i just love this throughline-#-so much)#xiantober#xiantober day 1#mdzs meta#my meta#wei wuxian#wwx#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#魔道祖师#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#gdc
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4pfsukuna · 1 day
Can you write a Terry one shot in which him and reader have a pregnancy scare? Like at one point the condom broke but they were both too into it to realize or stop. They're fwb and after it's revealed she isn't pregnant, they admit they have romantic feelings and maybe eventually having a family together wouldn't be a bad idea. Then jokingly Terry says let's go back to practicing lmao. I guess it's smut then angst and ends with fluff (or more smut if you like lmao)
ooh sistah you ate with this request, ngl i finished it 2 days ago but couldnt find your anon ask but here we go:
Debrief: Terry shows you hes a man in every sense of the word, from how he fucks to how he cares about you.
Hennessy was probably thee worst alcohol you could drink with terry. Now he was a military man and they can drink anybody under the table time and time again but something about the dark cognac turned him into an absolute monster that man wanted nothing more than to claim you on every surface from his apartment to yours across the hall. Your body was marked from neck to ankle in bites and hickeys Terry claiming that you were all his and making sure anybody that saw you knew.
“Show me its your baby” he moans with a fucked out expression as you ride his dick feeling full to the brim. His green eyes dark with lust as he watches you never dropping eye contact obsessed with the glossed over look in your eyes. 
“Come on baby girl you can do better than— fuck” he moans when you get up on your tip toes and tighten a hand around his throat yeah yall were both gone off the henny. The squelching sound getting louder as his thumb comes down to rub your clit and you swear you see his pupils turn into hearts at the sound.
“Tell me its mine and stop fucking playing with me” you snap riding faster as your own hand comes down to play with his balls that were already drenched in your juices and he smirks leaning forward so his forehead is against yours.
“Oooh feeling bold huh? You know better than talking to me like that” he threatens spanking your clit but it does that opposite and instead turns you up making you ride harder and faster pulling matching groans from the both of you. 
“This shit is mine” you moan out and it was suppose to be a statement but the way his tip was kissing your cervix you knew it was a loosing battle but he loved watching you fight back that turned him on more than anything.
“Earth to you bitch, clock back in and tell me what bathing suit you think i should wear” your bestfriend huffs snapping her fingers in your face and you playfully push her hand away before looking at the outfit options she had laid out on your bed. The same one that he had you laid out on. You couldnt even help the sex flashbacks it was just something about fucking that man that had your brain turn to mush even days later.
“Girl this shit is floss, if you dont pick out something in your actual size” you laugh holding up one of the thongs helping her get ready for her pool party that absolutely nobody was going to be swimming at. She shoots you a playful look as she snatches the bright pink bottoms from your hand.
“Let me just try it on and show you” she tells you before running back to the bathroom and you let your mind wander again leaning up against the vanity chair her makeup flat iron and hair tools splayed around. Your eyes catch yourself in your floor to ceiling mirror that you had him carry up a week ago when it finally came in the mail.
“Its yours! F-fuck dont stop baby dont nghhh dont stop” he moans his lips finding a empty spot on your neck to leave another hickey. His hand on your hip tightens as you throw your ass back on him matching his thrust like yall were trying to out fuck another you couldnt even tell how many times yall came let alone you did just that your legs were soaked down to your knees.
Watching him through the mirror you cant help but to admire how fine he looks as his head rolls back and his bottom lip is in between his teeth, from the way his abs clench to his muscles flexing when he raises his arm to take another shot from the bottle giving you the most demonic smirk. 
His left hand wraps around your neck pulling you up so your back is against his chest head tilted up squeezing your cheeks to open your mouth before spitting the shot in your mouth fucked out expression turning soft when he watches you swallow.
“Shit, its yours” he slurs kissing down your neck pushing your hand out the way so he could play with your clit himself. “And this is mine”
For yall to only be friends who fuck from time to time yall loved to play the possesion game. Marking another up, claiming another during sex even right now fucking without a condom was crazy.
“Shit youre so tight, just for me so fucking perfect” he starts rambling and you know hes close everytime he was he would start with his pussy drunk confessions and while it absolutely turned you on it also hurdled you into an orgasm. Your body was starting to feel weak, muscles aching and pussy sensitive. He lets out another groan when you clench your core basically Milking him.
“Fuck fuck fuck im bout to—“ he starts and the henny completely takes over like two evil little demons on your shoulder filling you with wicked whispers in your ears except the demon is you. Terry is confused when you twist in his arms and you're on your back until your legs wrap around his waist pulling him back into you. 
“You going to cum for me daddy? Your dick feels so good when you fuck me like this. Feel so full” oh and does that unlock something in him, you NEVER spoke like this. Atleast not by this point you were too fucked out and only able to let out high pitched whines and moans.
“You are so fucking fine i love watching you, love the way your skin feels against mine, love hearing you moan for me. Love your body” you moan as you fingers trail over his arms slowly pulling him closer watching the way his eyes roll back. Oh you were talking TALKING. He was so far gone he doesnt hear anything else only feels the tight warmth of you wetness and the consistant  thump of your thrust his head finding your shoulder.
Its only when your nails begin dragging down his back causing him to shudder a deeper thrust in you that has you fall just as far as he did and your legs tighten around his hips pulling him so much closer to you to whisper in his ear.
“Cum in me daddy”
“Ok im wearing this, i just wish you werent on your period so you could come with us tonight” your bestfriend returns with a bathing suit top jean shorts and heels. She definitely looked like a baddie—
Hold on, you werent on your period. Now that you think about it you were suppose to come on two days ago.
Oh fuck.
You don’t want your bestfriend to worry, or panic or miss out on the party especially since she spent so much time, effort and money so you nod with a fake pout but adjusting her bikini bottom straps to stick out the top of her shorts.
“If you have to represent us i need your foot on the hoes necks”
Standing in the cvs aisle you look at all the different pregnancy test, this was your fourth time in this aisle you had a different brand pregnancy test for each time you walked down already and a bottle of water. 
What you don't expect is to hear your name being called from behind you and you know that voice you know its the man who's very fault is the reason why you're in this aisle.
“Not right now, i'm not in the mood” you snap looking over the boxes again and again until he steps up behind you watching the nervousness build on you. Your hand was already shaking so any question he had died on his lips the moment he realized this was for you and not anybody else.
“So you wasn't going to call me?” He ask taking the four boxes from your hand and throwing it in his basket with the two boxes of condoms he originally came in for. That was a stupid question, you were already here with your own thoughts brewing of course you weren’t going to call him.
“Why didn’t you call me, you know we’re friends above anything” he tells you looking down at you and you avoid eye contact. That was why; yall was just friends… that fucked. You didn’t want to face reality with him and have that conversation. Didn’t want to do the whole coparenting thing never seen that for yourself you wanted a family not wanting a broken home. You were pro choice but— damn your thought process hadn’t even made it this far. 
You felt nauseous.
“Hey hey hey breathe for me, it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay” he promises, kissing your forehead and holding your face in his hands, his eyes flickering down to your lips so fast you swear you imagined it. 
“Let's just see what it says first okay?” And he waited for you to agree, pulling you into a safe hug, his natural cinnamon scent enveloping you and you never wanted to leave his arms. “Let's be where our feet are, no worrying about the future”
Biting your nails as you sit on the couch your feet tucked under you in silence as every single thought runs through your head of what the outcome is. Hoping for the best, prepare for the worst.
Terry sits next to you, arms resting behind his head and sits in silence as the two of you wait for results though unaware to you, the silence is killing him.
“Is this the part where we talk about baby names?” He asks not expecting your mean glare but it only makes him chuckle. He pulls your feet from under you and into his lap massaging your calves watching the way you physically relax.
“Terry this is serious, i'm scared” you finally admit biting at your nails only stopping when his large hands pull yours into his he looks like he’s about to confess but the timer goes off sending you flying to the Bathroom.
“So are we having twins?” He ask coming around the corner looking at you through the mirror, just like he did last week and that's what got yall in this position in the first place. Wait, twins?
Hold on… We?!
You don't realize you spoke out loud until he begins speaking again eyes never leaving you.
“Yes we, i don't really think me being a single dad of twin girls would be easy so we” he tells you pulling your hand so he could see the negative results before looking back at your face. You are completely lost for words because what? Had he been hoping for positive results?  the fact that even if you wanted to bail he didn’t.
“You wanna be a girl dad?” You finally get out eyes lighting up and he chuckles at your expression picking you up, his muscles flexing up against you as he carries you out the bathroom back to the living room.
“Having 1 or 2 mini versions of you running around in a big yard with a nice house close enough to the city so they could go to a good school i'm thinking private school—“ he starts to ramble and you start to feel like the lady who has all the equations floating around her head because how did yall get here?
“Wait” you blink rapidly before looking up at him, a small smile coming to your lips even though you're still confused.
“I can't see you driving a minivan though maybe those bmw sedans in all black. They are not reliable cars but you a lil boujee so i’ll take care of it for yoh and you so fake stubborn but thats okay just one of the things that made me love you hopefully our daughters don't have that though and just come straight to me. You think they'll—“ his words are cut off when you place a hand over his mouth stopping him and his eyes drop down to your tiny figure in his lap.
Twins? Yard? Big house? Bmw coupe? Well that actually sounded nice? Wait he was speaking so fast your mind was a real soup sandwich after that.
“You love me?” You ask, face scrunched up, not just letting that slide by. You can feel his smirk under your hands and honestly you aren't ready to move them because you're scared for him to repeat that. Your insides were bursting, heart racing and breathing heavier— more nervous than before finding out the results of the pregnancy test.
He can tell you're trying to process and this may be one of the only times he ever shuts you up with his words. You had a slick tongue and never let him have the last word.
Pulling your hands down from his mouth so he can fully confess he holds your hands against his chest making sure to keep eye contact.
“Yes, i love you” he kisses the back of your hands waiting for you to respond. Its not like he told you he just liked you or something nah love was a big thing and maybe it was his fault for this whole friends with benefits situation anyway but he wanted more. He wanted you. 
“You don't gotta say it back just yet but i would like to at least take you out on a date. If you couldn't tell i want you and everything that comes with you… whatever comes with you” Terry gives you that lopsided ass grin shocked when you press your lips against his but he wastes no time kissing back softly. His hands find your face as your lips move against another. Just another thing that turns you into a bigger puddle than you already were.
“Wait twins?” You pull back and he smiles at nothing laying back pulling you down to his chest using the throw on the back to pull over you so youre warm.
“Or 10, we can actually start practicing right now” he casually shrugs making you sit up grabbing his attention. 
“Im not pushing out ten fucking kids terry” you laugh laying back on his chest pushing your hands up his shirt to feel his warm skin choosing to purpousely ignore his comment about practicing now.
“Alright fine 6” he sucks his teeth as if he was the one that had to push out kids and you shoot him a playful glare.
“How we go from twins to 6, you was pushing it with twins” you laugh so hard your vision blurs from the tears building because he was funny as hell if he thought you were pushing out more than 3.
“So is that a no on twins?” He ask as if you can decide if you have twins or not, hes so hellbent on it though you start to actually consider the thought.
“I would like to be married and have a house first” You tell him realistically. Before you have kids you want to be stable and want to have somewhere to have them. Anything built on a rocky foundation is doomed to crumble and you wouldn't set your future let alone your kids up like that. They need a stable and loving environment.
“Silver or gold?” He ask referencing what type of ring you would like before taking note of the tennis chain On your neck with the matching anklet. He doesn't wait for your answer either… he already knew. Just like he knew you'd be confused by him asking that.
“You haven't figured it out by now that i'm crazy about you? You can have anything you want from me all you gotta do is ask”
“Tell me you love me again”
yall omfg imagine terry as a girl dad!! Of twins! Yall think he would be super overprotective and ready to kill or a pushover for them or both? Damn now i kinda wanna write him as a dad🥹
lmfao bitch imagine having a pregnancy scare and he keeps talking about having twins bro id deadass never get pass that
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luvzshy · 3 days
Omggg could u do reader and Billie have been trying for a baby and then reader reveals she’s pregnant in a super cute way
oki so i tried my best, i like this sm, enjoy bb! 💕✨
After All This Time
It’s a routine you’ve gone through more times than you’d like to count. All the careful tracking, the hopeful planning, the tears, and the disappointment. Each time before, that small window has delivered the same heart-sinking news. And each time, Billie has been there to pick up the pieces with her steady reassurance, her gentle optimism. “We’ll get there,” she always says. “It’ll happen.”
But after months of trying, that optimism has felt harder to cling to.
Now, you sit here alone, Billie still out running errands, the seconds feeling like hours as you wait for the result you’ve come to dread. You tell yourself it’s just another test, like all the others. You’re bracing for the worst, preparing to feel the familiar weight of disappointment pressing down on your chest.
Finally, the time comes. You stand, heart pounding in your ears as you inch closer to the sink, your breath catching in your throat. The little stick sits there, face down, as if it too is waiting with bated breath.
You flip it over.
Two lines.
Your hand flies to your mouth, covering a gasp as your eyes widen in disbelief. For a moment, you’re frozen. Staring. The world seems to shift around you as your mind struggles to catch up with what you’re seeing.
Two lines.
A sob breaks free from your chest before you can stop it. Your knees buckle as you sink to the floor, the little stick still clutched tightly in your hand. You’re crying, but this time it’s not from disappointment. It’s joy. It’s relief. It’s the overwhelming realization that after all the heartache, all the times you had to hold Billie in your arms and promise her that everything would be okay, it’s finally happened.
“I’m pregnant,” you whisper to the empty room, as if saying it aloud will make it more real. The words feel foreign, like they belong to someone else, but they’re yours. After all this time, they’re finally yours.
You let the tears flow freely, your heart swelling with a kind of happiness you haven’t felt in so long. It’s been a journey—a painful one. There were moments when you doubted this day would come, when you questioned your body, your worth, your ability to give both yourself and Billie the family you’ve both dreamed of. But now, all of that fades away. The struggle, the sleepless nights, the disappointment—it was worth it for this moment.
You sit on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest, your mind racing with thoughts of the future. You think of Billie—her smile, the way her eyes light up when she talks about having a family with you, the countless times she’s held you close after another negative test. The image of her face when she finds out you’re pregnant fills your mind, and it makes your chest tighten with emotion. You can’t wait to see the joy, the tears, the disbelief.
You have to tell her. But it has to be special. She deserves that after everything.
You wipe your eyes and carefully place the pregnancy test on the counter before standing, legs a little shaky beneath you. You make your way to the bedroom, mind swirling with ideas. The small baby shoes you bought months ago, back when you were still hopeful, are tucked away in a drawer. You pull them out now, holding them in your hands with a sense of awe.
This is real.
You jot down a small note, trying to keep your hands steady: For the three of us. It’s simple, but you know it’ll say everything. You tuck the shoes and the note into a small gift box, heart pounding with excitement.
A few hours later, Billie walks through the door, her usual warmth filling the room as she spots you in the kitchen. “Hey, babe,” she says, dropping her bags by the door. “You’re glowing today. What’s up?”
You smile, trying to keep your emotions in check. “I have something for you,” you say, nodding toward the small box on the counter.
She looks at you curiously, walking over to it. “What’s this? A gift?”
“Something like that,” you murmur, holding your breath.
Billie opens the box, her fingers brushing aside the tissue paper until she reveals the tiny shoes and the note. You watch as confusion crosses her face, then slowly transforms into realization. She looks up at you, her mouth opening slightly, eyes wide and glassy.
“Wait… are you…?” her voice breaks, already trembling with emotion.
You nod, tears welling up again. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment, she just stares at you, her hand trembling as it covers her mouth. Then, in a blink, she’s rushing toward you, her arms wrapping around you in the tightest embrace you’ve ever felt. She’s sobbing now, her tears mingling with your own as she presses her face into your neck.
“I can’t believe it,” she whispers through her tears. “I can’t believe it. After everything…”
You pull back slightly, cupping her face, your thumbs wiping away her tears. “I know. We did it.”
Her eyes flicker down to your stomach, and she reaches out tentatively, placing her hand gently over the small life growing inside you. “You’re really pregnant,” she whispers, awe lacing her voice. “You’re carrying our baby.”
You nod, your heart overflowing with love for her, for the journey that led you here, and for the life that’s now growing within you. “We’re going to be moms, Billie.”
She smiles through her tears, and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. “I love you so much,” she whispers, pulling you close again. “I can’t believe we’re finally here.”
And in that moment, standing there in her arms, you realize that this—this love, this journey, this moment—is everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
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shalomniscient · 2 days
imagine kjsr finds it difficult to take care of wings since no one really taught her and s/o that is an expert with the birds, just the soft intimacy of kjsr being taken care of by her s/o. im a huge fan of scenarios where 'protector' characters get protected or spoiled. kjsr deserves the world!!!!
this is such a sweet ask !! i’ve thought about this before and i love the idea of it sm. i feel like it’d be sweeter if like reader wasn’t exactly an expert on birds but really went out of their way to learn how to do wing care. maybe they import books on ornithology and bird care from sumeru and spend their time at home when sara’s at work just poring over the books and absorbing as much info as they can. when sara gets back she’s locked into an impromptu spa day that she is not allowed to escape. reader is very careful when handling sara’s wings (certain spots along the wing are erogenous zones, after all, and they’re saving that information for later) but by the end of it sara’s wings are fluffier and glossier than usual and she’s also a little stunned by how good they look. she makes sure to wrap reader up in them and kiss them silly as thanks <33
kind of related but another thought i had about kjsr is that what if she doesn’t know how to fly? i haven’t been able to find any lore in game that confirms that she knows how to fly, so this thought has been absolutely haunting me. who could teach her to fly, anyway? takayuki? no, anything that wasn’t important to her position was never of any worth. and sara has never met or found another tengu. it makes me sick wondering if sara longs for the sky, sometimes. how must if feel, to have wings but to not be able to fly? i feel like she’d stand on cliffsides and just spread her wings to feel the wind blow through them and in her hair. kjsr my darling… 😔😔😔
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mariaace · 2 days
So this is love? (Ft. Windbreaker)
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Summary: Cute moments. That's all.
A/n: uhh so like i might do this for also haikyuu and my bestie @dazailoveschuuya suggested an idea for blue lock that i will probably write so stay turned!
Pairings: Sakura, Suo, Kaji, Kiryu
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Warnings, before everyone's part.
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Sakura Haruka
Sakura was never good with affection. This was his first relationship amd everyone knew that. Even after some time in the relationship, even after you showed him what affection is, he still couldn't handle it without blushing like crazy. But he admits, it felt nice, bot that he'll ever say it. The problem is tho, how does he asks for affection?
"Hm? What is it Haru?" You look over at Sakura, who's staying right in front of you at the moment. His arms spread out just for you to fit against his body. He thinks it's obvious, that's how you hug...right? You hugged him a lot of times, that's how you do it. So why are you not getting it?
You look at his confused and flustered face and can't hold back a chuckle anymore. You step a few steps closer to him and just press your self against him, arm wrapping around his neck and resting on his shoulders.
He freezes for a moment, then slowly wraps his slightly shaky arms you. It feels...nice- he thinks.
"You know you can just ask me when you want a hug, right?" ".... I don't know how to.. especially if we're in front of someone.." You thought for a moment. Yeah, Sakura can barely hear the word kiss without blushing like crazy, then an idea pops in your mind. "Then give me some kind of signal. Whatever you feel like will grab my attention so that i know, that way you won't have to say anything."
From then on, every time he felt clingy, he tugged gently at the sleeve of your cloth. You always knew what he meant. (Not that he wasn't still flustered tho.)
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Suo Hayato
(reader implied in another school)
Suo always knows what you need. You don't even have to tell him. But why is that? Because he can read people easily, especially you. He knows you like the back of his hand. So he often does thinks to you before you even ask for them. But how does the Suo Hayato reacts when you do something for him?
His school day just ended after some time on patrol with Sakura and Nirei. The two of them went on their way after the trio said goodbye to each other. Suo on the other hand, decided to stop off by the little café next to your school, since he saw a text from you telling him you've finished.
After he responded back, he started walking, quickly arriving at his destination. He smiled when he saw you on one of the tables with your homework books open. He walked over behind you and lowered his head next to yours. "Homework?" You turned your head to the side, seeing your boyfriend. "Yeah, sit across, I'm almost done and then I'll tell you about my day."
He did exactly as he said, but his eyes narrowed at the cup of tea, covered with a little plate in front of him. "Since when do you drink this type of tea-?" "Oh no, that's for you, i have my own right here." "..oh." Well that was certainly unexpected. The tea was still hot, because of the little plate that you put on top, that he just removed and took a sip of his drink.
Exactly. How. He. Likes. It. He smiled at you, even tho you were concentrated on your notebook. He mumbled a quite thanks under his breath and waited for you to finish.
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Kaji Ren
Flavour of his lollipops? Uhh, he would have usually said that he doesn't care, he just likes his lollipops. But when you asked him? How did this conversation even begin in the first place? Why was he still listening to this? And most importantly, why did he agreed on that? He honestly can't tell, but he's doing it now.
"I never understood how your brain works." Kaji told you. This is what? His fifth lollipop today? And each one was with a different flavour. Why? Because you asked him if the different flavours made him 'taste different'. He thought it was a stupid idea. He genuinely did. But when he saw the look of excitement in your eyes when he said yes...
So here he is now, with a strawberry lollipop in his hand and you kissing him nonstop. "Hm, I think i like this one best." You thought for a moment. "Or maybe the raspberry.." "You haven't even tried the lollipops?" "I don't have to, i have you right here." You gave him a sly smile and went back to your thinking.
"The strawberry one is the best flavour." "But I actually like the raspberry on you." "Because you haven't tried the actual one." You still didn't give up on your assumption tho. That's when Kaji was the one who got idea. He looked over at the lollipop at his hand and the next thing you knew, it was in your mouth.
"See?" He gently pulled his arm, attempting to pull it away from you, when you suddenly didn't let go of it. He raised an eyebrow at you. "I count that as another kiss for your information." He groaned at your words. "But yeah, you were right, it's the better one."
After that, he always got strawberry flavoured lollipops.
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Kiryu Mitsuki (fem!reader)
Kiryu is a gentleman. (Yes, I'll say it every time i post about him.) He knows what a girl wants and needs. And he is confident in his knowledge and experience. But then you decided out of nowhere to surprise him. How did he react on that? Perhaps positive?
Kiryu is known by all for his way of treating girls. At there really is a reason for that. He loves treating with you such respect, always doing things for you, and the way you react to all this? It warms his heart every time. Especially when it's in front of others.
Today tho, was a different say. Because you decided it's time to show him wat it's like, because he deserves it for being such a sweet boyfriend. So today when you two walked into the place of meeting up you opened the door for him. His face was priceless...and very cute in fact. He smiled slyly, thanked you, and walked in.
After that, you kept doing the things that he usually do, payed for the stuff, stood at the out side of the road, fixed the strand of his hair. It honestly felt so new to him, but he loved the way it felt.
At the end of your date (where you walked him to his house), he turned to you and thanked you specifically for all the things today. "I loved that. But i still prefer it to do them for you, because i get to see your cute reactions every time i do something." At that comment you nudged him playfully. "Now that wasn't very gentleman-like from you." You both laughed, and that's how your date ended.
Maybe he liked it a bit too much when you did those...
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works.
@dazailoveschuuya @transmascaraa @nyxypoo
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littlefireball · 2 days
ᴡʏ|ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇʟᴘ ꜰ**ᴋ ᴍᴇ? (ᴍ)
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ᴘʟᴀʏʙᴏʏ ᴡᴏᴏʏᴏᴜɴɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 
ꜰᴋ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɪɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx|ᴄᴀʀ ꜱᴇx|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ|ɴᴇᴄᴋ ᴋɪꜱꜱ|ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ|ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɢᴇᴛꜱ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ|ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ|
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.7ᴋ
Summary: You hate him and he hates you. But what if the alcohol makes you beg for him? Well, that's not good.
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It was a chilly autumn evening, and the streets were painted with hues of orange and red as the sun began its descent towards the horizon. You walked briskly through the familiar alleys, your steps echoing off the cobblestones, each one carrying the weight of a heart heavy with resentment.
"What the fuck am I doing here?" You blamed yourself. The mere idea of encountering someone you despise again later darkened your mood even further─originally, your mood soured because of menstruation. If your friend hadn't begged over and over again, you would never have said yes. "It'll be fun," she said, with a smile that masked the underlying tension in the air. "You two need to let go of your differences and just enjoy each other's company for once." 
"Bullshit." You rolled your eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh. No way could you ever go through with it, especially when it came to Wooyoung. He was a playboy you had known for years—once a friend, now a rival. You chuckled at the absurdity of having ever thought you could be friends or even fall for him. He was charming, handsome, and caring, seemingly the perfect match for you. But on the very day you planned to confess your feelings, you overheard him chatting with his friends—"Y/N? I'm just having fun. Who would actually want her, honestly?" In that moment, your dreams shattered, and all the love was gone, replaced by hatred. 
Of course, you didn't tell your mutual friend the truth. You could never let Wooyoung know. 
"Finally, you're here!" Your friend hurried to swing the door open as soon as the knock echoed through the hallway. "And look, Wooyoung's here too."
"I get it, you don't need to remind me" you replied, managing a strained smile while slipping off your shoes. You deliberately averted your eyes from Wooyoung as you spotted him. "I won't stay long." 
"Why not? I'm heading overseas next week, so just hang out with me a bit longer!!"
The party was a blur of loud music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. People milled around, their faces lit up with excitement and the promise of a good time. You found yourself standing in a corner, nursing a drink and trying to ignore the buzz of conversation around you. 
It was then that you saw him, across the room, standing alone, looking as out of place as you felt. Your eyes met briefly, and for a moment, you thought you saw a flicker of something in them—perhaps regret, or even a longing for better days. But it was gone in an instant, replaced by the familiar scowl of contempt.
The air crackled with tension between the two of you, a storm brewing just beneath the surface, ready to erupt. It happened sooner than you expected. As you headed toward the bar for another drink, he stepped in your path, his voice a dark whisper. 
"What are you doing here?" he spat, his eyes narrowed into slits.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Ugh. If you can't handle your drink, just head home, jerk." 
"Mind your own business, idiot," You countered, your voice spoke up. "Why don't you just leave if you're so bothered? Your face is just grossing me out." 
"That's rich coming from you," He snapped, stepping closer. "I'm here to care for you and you blame me?" 
"Ha!Funny!Is this how you care for others?" You sneered, giving him a scornful look. "Just get out of my face."
"It's no doubt why you have no boyfriend, huh? You period everyday?" 
"So what about you? Did you eat shit everyday so that your mouth is fucking smelly?" 
Once more, the two of you found yourselves caught in a fierce dispute, words slicing through the air like sharp blades. The onlookers around you two blurred into the background, leaving only the two of you engaged in a fierce clash of determination. 
"Hey you two just stop!" Your shared friend finally stepped in, breaking the tension. "Can't you guys just keep in peace for one second?"
"Never." You two yelped at the same time.
"I'm done." You grabbed your things and made your way to the door, ignoring your friend. "I could never talk with this asshole anymore." 
"Me either. Fuck you, asshole." Wooyoung roared, giving you a middle finger. 
"Fuck you, dickhead." You stormed out of the party, a whirlwind of humiliation and fury swirling within you. The cool night air wrapped around you like a brisk embrace, yet it did nothing to calm your frayed nerves. As you meandered through the streets, your mind raced with a chaotic mix of anger and bewilderment. Eventually, you found yourself at a bar, a shadowy refuge where you could immerse yourself in the comforting haze of drink.
The hours passed in a blur of drinks and solitude. you lost count of how many you had consumed, but you knew you were drunk. Your head was spinning. You were not exactly built for it, and even a small amount made your face flush bright red. 
"Damn it…" You placed your palm on your forehead as a wave of dizziness swept over you. A grimace appeared on your face as the throbbing pain intensified, with beads of sweat running down your brow. You were on your period right now, that fierce argument earlier was only going to make things worse. You ended up feeling intense pain, like a hammer pounding on your lower abdomen, leaving you doubled over and unable to stand.
"I need someone to help…" You murmured, struggling to find your phone. 
"Where did she go?" Your friend called you several times but you missed them all. The loud music in the bar completely drowned out your ringtone.
"Hey, Wooyoung. Could you help me to find her?" Your friend asked. 
"What?Me?Nope." Wooyoung took a sip from his drink, not caring for your safety. 
"You're the one who pissed her off, damn it." 
"Tsk, fine." Wooyoung rolled his eyes, reluctantly setting down his glass and dialing your phone. 
In truth, he didn't harbor any real hatred for you, at least not to the extent that you loathed him. He's known as a playboy, notorious for his flings with numerous female classmates, and countless girls have bared their hearts to him. Yet, he turned them all down, unable to feel a spark with any of them—until you came along. Your warmth, your radiant smile, everything about you captivated him. He's convinced that you must have feelings for him too; after all, you wouldn't go out of your way to gather the little tokens he gifted you, nor would you blush so deeply when speaking with him.
But then, everything took a turn.
He confided in his friends about wanting a serious relationship with you, only to be met with laughter from those he called friends. To save face, he brushed it off as a joke. Yet, that single remark shattered all the good moments you had shared. He contemplated making another move on you, but your sudden shift in demeanor ignited a fury within him, leading to arguments every time you crossed paths.
"Tsk…why do I need to find her?" Wooyoung complained, walking on the street aimlessly. He sighed, the cold wind outside made him sober. In fact, he missed the good times you'd shared, the laughter and camaraderie that had once defined your friendship, or even love. He wished with all his might that things could go back to the way they were, but he knew it was impossible.
Out of nowhere, you found yourself reaching for your phone. Your fingers dialed Wooyoung's number almost instinctively, as if your subconscious mind knew what your heart desired. The phone rang a few times before he picked up, his voice sounding distant and wary.
"What do you want?" he asked, his tone guarded.
"I...I need help," You stumbled, your words slurring together.
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then he said, "Where are you?"
You told him the name of the bar, and within minutes, he was there. 
"Why did you drink that much?!I told you just go back home and you come to the bar?" Wooyoung blamed you while helping you out of your seat, but you suddenly hissed in pain.
"What's wrong?" 
"It hurts!" 
"Cunt." Wooyoung nearly let out a shout of astonishment, but quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. He was taken aback by how candid you were in your drunken state.
"I said period ~pain!" 
"Ugh…" He helplessly rolled his eyes, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as he tried to pick you up. But instead of rising, you leaned back, seizing his collar and sending him tumbling onto you. He caught himself with both hands on the back of the chair, leaning in so close that he could feel the warmth of your breath, laced with the intoxicating scent of alcohol, brush against his face.
"Fuck me, Wooyoung." You whispered, barely opened your eyes. You had no idea what you were doing but just followed your inner desire. 
"What the heck are you talking about?" Wooyoung's fist tightened, his heart pounding wildly at the sound of your pleas. He caught a glimpse of your chest, the neckline dipping enticingly from the earlier movement. As he swallowed hard, a rush of desire surged through him, getting an erection. But he tried to keep calm;he didn't want to take advantage of you. 
"I said fuck me!Make your cock inside me!" 
"Fuck you, bitch." He couldn't resist the lust within him anymore, all the rationale faded away as you begged with moan. He wanted to fuck you, fuck you so hard until you ask him to stop. "You beg for it." 
With your legs entwined around his waist, he effortlessly hoisted you up, gathering you close. Luckily, the car was just a short distance from the bar. He fished out the keys, started the engine, swung open the door, and gently set you down in the back seat. He put your gathering on the front seat and took out a condom from the box, climbing over you. 
"I ask you one more time, dear. Do you want me to fuck you, huh?" He tucked your hair at the back, watching your every detail until his hand stopped at your chin. "It's the last chance to say no." 
"I want you, Wooyoung." Emotions surged within you, and tears began to brim in your eyes, leaving you puzzled about their origin. Perhaps it was the weight of finally revealing your deepest emotions that overwhelmed you, making it impossible to hold back. 
Your eyes met in a moment of unspoken understanding, as if the world around you faded into obscurity. "Please, it hurts." Your gaze was hazy with alcohol's gentle embrace, yet it sparkled with a mischievous light that drew him in. 
"Fuck." Before Wooyoung finished his words, his lips pressed against yours. The kiss was nothing you had ever experienced before. It was clumsy, yet passionate, fueled by the reckless abandon that only liquor can bring. Your lips met with a soft thud, then parted, only to find yourselves drawn back together in a desperate embrace. You both tasted of sweet wine and each other, of bitter beer, their flavours mingling in a dance of sensation. 
"I never hated you." Wooyoung said between the kisses, his head divided into the crook of your neck. You arched your neck, feeling his lips trailed up and down along the curve of it.  The kiss became more intense, each passionate press of lips a testament to the depth of your connection.
Sliding down your sleeve to expose your bra, the cold sensation sent shivers down your spine. He buried his head in your chest, his hand grabbed the hem of your bra and pulled it down, wrapping around your nipple with his warm mouth. You opened your mouth for better breathing as his tongue went rough on your nipple, the wet muscle moved in a circle way and tapped your skin at a fast pace, making you moan at shyness. 
Lips parted, he sat up straight to unzip his pants. The tightness underneath made him feel uncomfortable, he needed to release. "Please don't stop." "Hang on, princess. How horny are you? Aren't you in your period?" Before you whined at discomfort, he leaned back to suck you breast, making you squirm as if an electricity passed through your body. 
"You like it?" A soft laugh escaped his lips as he lifted your dress, planting a series of tender kisses that journeyed from your chest to your stomach. Your upper body arched and fell rhythmically, each breath coming in heavy gasps, the thrill he ignited within you sending your mind into a delightful whirl. 
Lifting up your thighs, he pulled down your panties, finding your blood was not that much as he expected. Maybe thanks to the help of alcohol, he didn't feel too disgusted. 
"Maybe we need a towel." He extended his hand to grab a towel from the car trunk, grabbing your thighs up and placing it under both of your bodies. "I'll make you squirt after all." 
Smiled, he wrapped up a condom and positioned himself between your thighs. "Beg me one more time, y/n." "Please, woo─oh fuck!" His big fat cock slipped into your cunt in one go, making you arch your back and moan so loud. The blood was just like a lube, he could move in and out easily without feeling hurt. 
"Woo…oh fuck…" Your hands found their way to your clit, caressing the fold slightly as Wooyoung pulsed into your cunt without mercy. It was so good; the period pain gradually subsided each time his length skimmed your velvet wall, kissed your spot with his hard tip. The sounds of the night—distant laughter, cars passing by—melted into the background, replaced by the thundering of your hearts and the gentle skin slapping sound. 
"Need deeper, honey." He placed your legs on his shoulder, folding you as a mating press, leaning over to go deeper until the limitation. "Shit, hurt…" "Relax, it'll be good." His fingers clutched onto your bare shoulder, grasping it tightly as he collided with your deepest spot. "Here?" He hit it once again, a loud moan flew from your lips instead of a verbal answer. Without a second thought, he aimed at the same place and surged. 
The vehicle trembled violently under Wooyoung's throbbed thrusting; it was likely catching the eyes of passersby, but he was indifferent to their stares. All he wanted was to proclaim to the world that you were finally his. "Fuckkk, slow slow slow….!!" You moaned messily and grasped his arms, feeling he was going to ruin you. Something strange gathered in your stomach, urging you to release it without care. The moan muffled as all the strength gathered on releasing, you squirted hard and wetted all Wooyoung's clothes. 
"Shit, babe. I told you." He felt his ego grow to see you squirt under him, his cock twitched at the time your wall squeezed hard when squirting. "Goodness, wooyoung…" You could sense that your second peak was drawing near; that familiar sensation had returned once more. 
"Wanna cum, huh? Cum for me again, Y/N. I love how you moan out my name when you cum." His dirty words broke your limitation and you came again, arching your back and moaning out the name of the man above you. "Shit." All the heat rushed to the tip, making his cock twitch. His thrusting lost its rhythm;he pumped into you harshly and let out a long-throaty moan as he came all in his condom. The warmth of his seed spread in your cunt and he pulled out slowly to make you feel every vein of his cock. 
"Wait," He brushed his lips against yours in a tender peck before carefully taking off his condom and tidying up the both of you. With a gentle touch, he assisted you in getting dressed, his demeanor always soft and considerate. You had already drifted into a deep slumber, overwhelmed by the intensity of the night and the effects of the alcohol, sleeping peacefully. 
The back seat offered just enough room for him to spoon you; he slid his arm beneath your shoulder while the other wrapped securely around your waist, inhaling the sweet fragrance that lingered around you. "Let me drive you home tomorrow; I can't do it right now." He pressed a soft kiss to your neck, his eyes tracing the curve of your back, lost in a sea of contemplation. He pondered how you might react if the truth came to light; perhaps you would loathe him even more or wish him harm. A chill of fear coursed through him, the anxiety that you might abandon him again, even though you had never truly belonged to him. Regret washed over him like a tide, and he tightened his embrace, feeling the weight of his emotions.  
The dawn slowly crept in, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, yet you remained unaware, nestled in his warmth. He gazed out the window, the city waking up around them, as he contemplated the path ahead. His heart was heavy with last night, but he cherished these stolen moments, knowing they could be fleeting.
He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek, as if trying to memorize every detail. As the sun fully rose, casting a golden glow on your peaceful face, he decided to cherish this moment, letting go of the worry for a while. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to absorb the scent of you, the feeling of your body pressed against his, and the warmth that seemed to radiate from you, soothing his troubled soul.
But the reality of the situation loomed, and he knew he couldn't keep hiding forever. The thought of facing the consequences, of losing your trust, sent a shiver down his spine. 
With a heavy heart, he gently disentangled himself from your embrace, leaving a kiss on your forehead before slipping out of the car. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the convenient shop to buy some breakfast, only to find that he had already woken up and stood in front of the car door when he came back. 
"You wake up?" He said, trying to hide his nervousness. 
"Is it truly how you care for others?" You complained slightly, but your voice was not harsh at all, it was soft. 
"Ugh…I brought some food, hangover medicine, and also a pad…I think you need it." He stammered, making you let out a soft chuckle. 
"Thanks." You managed to say.
He didn't reply, but he handed you the food, your favourite bread. You couldn't believe he still remembered your love. You ate in silence for a while, the only sounds were the chewing and the distant hum of city life. 
The silence between you was comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding. He watched you eat, a small smile playing on his lips. He was grateful for these simple moments, even if he still didn't know what you thought after last night.
As you finished your breakfast, he spoke up, his voice gentle. "Are you still hurt?" 
"No." You looked up at him with no smile, your expression guarded. 
"I know what I did was wrong. I never meant to hurt you. I was just…lost."He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I'll take responsibility, I promise." 
You were surprised at his words, expecting he would say 'Let's pretend nothing happened' and drive away. Maybe you misunderstood him? 
"Then how?" You met his gaze, your eyes softening.
"Can we start over?" He approached you, his voice firm. "I never really hated you… it's just that I get really frustrated whenever you say something mean to me. I know I fucked up, and it makes sense that you'd be upset with me. Can you forgive me?" 
Your gaze softened further as he spoke, the weight of his apology hanging heavily in the air. You hesitated, not wanting to let go of the hurt so easily but also recognizing the sincerity in his eyes.
"It's not just about last night," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's about you wooing me just for fun. That's what you said."
"No, Y/N." He denied immediately, feeling nervous. "It was just a lie. I never meant to play with your feelings. I'm not wooing you just for kicks; I really do like you. I'm sorry for what I said to cover my tracks. Please, can we try again? Together?" 
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within you. Forgiveness wasn't something that came easily, but the way he looked at you, with such earnestness and vulnerability, made it harder to resist.
"Okay," you said, finally. "But only if you're not lying." 
He smiled, relief etched across his face. "I promise. Let me make up for you, babe."
"Who is your babe?" 
"What?Aren't you to be my girlfriend?" 
"Who said that?" 
He pouted, acting like a child. 
"Not now." 
"So in the future?" 
"I don't know. Just give me some time." 
"Okay then. I'll wait for you." He reached out and took your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. 
And just like that, you began to rebuild your relationship, one small step at a time.
(little side story)
(several months after that night)
"It's good to hear you two finally reconcile." Your mutual friend said happily. "So what did you do, wooyoung?" 
"Ugh…nothing. Just apologize and drive her home. That's it." Wooyoung said nervously. 
"You're lying, Wooyoung." 
"No!I didn't!" 
"Hey, babe. Who're you talking with?" You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pecking at his lips and leaning on his chest. The kissing sound and your voice rang in the phone, making your friend gasp in shock. 
"Not your business." Wooyoung smirked, hanging up the phone before flipping you over to draw you into a passionate kiss. 
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tag list:@angelsaway, @yeosangcutie0615
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psychedelic-pebble · 12 hours
I've been having classical music brainrot so I thought of this request: Bill Cipher x Reader where they're both playing the piano (kinda like a duo type thing) and as they play Bill just suddenly has the "Oh. Oh no" realisation that he cares a bit more than he should about this person he first considered nothing but a maybe friend
Very much inspired by Rachmaninoff's Poano Concerto No. 2
hi there!! thank you for your ask!! i absolutely love this idea, and had fun writing this little oneshot!! also i must say, your taste in classical music is impeccable (^▽^) hope you enjoy!!!
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Warnings: None!!
Pairing(s): Bill Cipher x GN!Reader
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It was another one of your meetups with the dream demon that you call your friend. The two of you had formed somewhat of a bond, with you being nearly as powerful as he is, he finds enjoyment in your company. You weren’t like the other beings he’s met - not at all. You were entertaining, and more so in a way that was infatuating than amusing.
The two of you had been meeting for a good while now to bask in each other's company, drink a bit and play piano occasionally. Tonight was one of those nights.
You take a seat gracefully at the grand piano in the center of the room, Bill moving up right next to you and sitting. It takes a minute for the two of you to get comfortable with your positioning, but once you do, you waste no time to delve into the piece.
“Ready?” You smile warmly at the demon beside you, and he looks back at you with what looks like a grin, although it’s a bit hard to tell with his lack of mouth.
“As always.” Bill responds casually, cracking his knuckles in an almost comical manner.
You were playing from sheet music, and Bill was improvising next to you. Something you did frequently. You start off by playing the first few notes a bit unsteadily, before you focus a little more and the melody comes naturally to you. This was a new piece, as you usually switched them up to keep things interesting, but that didn’t mean music was entirely foreign to you. You made it up as you went in some parts, and in others, you went with the sheet music.
Your hands move delicately over the piano keys, and you smile warmly to yourself as notes flow freely from the piano. Bill is seated next to you, beginning to play along and focus on improvising off of your part. The melody seeps from the strings beautifully, filling the room with music so vibrant you swear you could see the warm hue emanating from it.
“You’re not too bad at this, Cipher.” You shoot a glance at him and he looks back at you. It looks like he’d be smiling if he had a mouth.
“Not so bad yourself.” He compliments right back, continuing to listen and build off what you play. He knows where the keys are and doesn’t have to necessarily look at the piano, so he instead focuses his attention on you. Your eyes flutter shut as you continue playing, hands dancing over the keys and getting dangerously close to brushing up against Bill’s every so often.
The minutes seem to be passing you by as you delve deeper into the music, sweeping you away with them as you get more and more entranced with your playing. Bill keeps up very well, the combination of your notes playing beautifully together to form somewhat of a new song.
You look so serene, as if you were falling asleep. For some reason, the only thing Bill could focus on was your face. The way your soft features look so focused yet so at ease. You have pretty hair too, he finds himself wanting to run his hands through it. You look so beautiful, and he doesn’t realize he’s completely stopped playing to focus on you. His hands hover above the keys, he finds himself with the strange feeling of… yearning? He wants to hold you, take your hands and…
It hits him all too suddenly. Oh. Oh no. He didn’t - no, he couldn’t feel this way. He shouldn’t care about you like this. Not this much.
You stop playing, noticing him staring at you and not playing along with you. “Everything okay, Bill?”
He snaps out of his trance immediately, looking away.
“Yup.” His voice is uncharacteristically quiet, almost seeming sheepish. You look at him and he seems to shrink a little. “Everything’s fine over here. Lets, uh, get back to playing.”
“You sure?” You tilt your head and he mentally berates himself for finding it somewhat cute. “Is something wrong?”
“Nope!” He puts his usual persona right back on, shoving these unwelcome feelings down as far as he possibly can. “Keep playing, I’ll catch up.”
You nod, a bit unsure at first but getting back into the rhythm of the song eventually. He picks up where he left off after a bit of hesitation, and the two of you get right back into the melody, although he can’t keep his mind from wandering time and time again.
He’s screwed.
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tysm for reading!! hope you all enjoyed <3
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sickwhispers · 19 hours
helloo!! could i request a twisted astro x a very sleepy toon reader? :3 like they just have habits of falling asleep everywhere no matter what even during chases with other twisted?
of course no pressure with writing! ^_^ have a good day or night !
Don't worry it's no pressure at all! You astro fans understand me deeply. (Also dw I got your other ask as well, the standard format for x reader requests are headcanons unless someone specifically asks for something else like a one-shot)
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Pairing: (Twisted) Astro x reader
Relationship: romantic
Warning: he might sound a little stalker-ish, reader isn't fully comfortable with his twisted form yet
Type: headcanons + drabble
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Twisted Astro no longer wears that same signature cornflower blue blanket anymore
It's not that he doesn't like it or that the ichor had ruined its quality beyond repair
It's just that he was better things to use it for now
He always kept it wrapped around your figure, practically covering every aspect of your body besides a little pocket that allowed you to breathe comfortably
he always made sure to keep you hidden
he knew how dangerous the other twisted could be, and because of that, it had become his number one priority to keep you safe and sound
although before he had gotten used to your sleepy nature, there was a lot of concern surrounding how many times he had found you passed out somewhere on the floor
at first, he had debated if you had some kind of sleeping disorder like narcolepsy
but after a while, he had found out it was just how you were
that didn't reassure his worries completely, though
part of him was thankful you were always sleeping
despite how guilty he felt about that tiny little pleasure
he knew he was scary
he's seen the fear in your eyes
it had been so long since you've smiled his way
but when you were asleep, it was almost like you trusted him again
he's no longer the same Astro you've known all those years
a voice in the back of his head keeps trying to convince him that if you just see how much he cares for you
how many times he's wrapped you up in a blanket and shielded you from the world outside your dreams
that you'd realize just how much he truly loves you
you'd finally realize that he'd rather face a brutal death than ever allow anything to harm you
maybe he's just too shy to outright say that
but part of him can't help but hope that he wouldn't have to
that everything would fall into place, and you'd come to that realization yourself
It didn't take too long before the twisted had lost their interest in you. The blaring sound of an airhorn had captured its attention quick enough to leave your resting body unharmed. And, with the sound fading into nothing, he made sure to be gentle when holding you close. You had been lucky enough to run into a twisted with a low attention span, and he had been lucky enough to get to you in time before your death could become a possibility.
Your chest rose and fell in an almost rhythmic motion, and if his mind still hadn't been panicking from the idea of losing you this floor, he would've taken the time to admire just how soft your snores were. But, there were still threats on this floor. As much as he would have loved to sit there and watch you sleep, he knew it was only a matter of time before another twisted came along and threatened your safety.
So, in the gentlest fashion, he wrapped your body up in the cornflower colored blanket he always did and wisked you off. He didn't know when you'd wake up from this little nap of yours, and despite how guilty it made it him, he wished it wouldn't be until a few hours. He found comfort in holding you close to him. A comfort he hadn't felt in a long time.
It was cute with how tired you always were, and he was thankful it gave him an opportunity to hold you do tenderly in his two upper arms. He knew if you woke up you'd be terrified. It's happened before. It hurt him having to watch the way your eyes widened, the sound of your hasty breathing had been almost deafening as you tried to bite back a scream.
But for now, he'd have to take it slow. He'd have to ease you into this new form of his. He'd have to teach you that despite how grotesque the view of ichor dripping down from his eyes was, he could be gentle. He could be the same Astro you had loved before. You just needed time, He'd tell himself over and over. You just needed time.
And, until that time came, he'd continue to stay a silent savior. One unbeknownst to you as you slept soundly against him. You could sleep as long as you wanted on these floors. As long as he was with you, he'd protect you. He'd keep you safe.
He's almost too shy to give away the possibility of you knowing how you managed to survive so many floors for this long
With how many times you had just dropped to the floor mid-chase, the others would have assumed you'd be long gone
And yet, you continue to stay alive
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siddyyyyyyyy · 22 hours
!original idea: @dollishbabess
Week 1: Dick Grayson (1 Oct - 7 Oct)
↳Day one: Haunted House Date You and Dick visit a haunted house attraction, but he's more scared than you are, clinging to you the entire time.
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wc: 1.1 K warnings: none, no y/n used, fluff a/n: I'm tired of kinktober so here is romtober (divider: @saradika-graphics)
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It‘s not like Dick hates horror movies, he actually enjoys some medium-core scary movies. Especially when he gets to use the excuse to cuddle up under a thick blanket beside you and cuddle. The more chilly weather, the warm colours, and the cool dates you can go to is his favourite part about autumn.
Like now, you are both on your way to your current date, hand in hand. Even wearing matching scarfs, it couldn‘t get more perfect. The sun is already setting as you enter the small gate to the wooden house, that could be mistaken for a simple cabin. ‚Simple‘ if it wasn‘t for dead trees and broken fence around it. Studying the area briefly to make sure nothing could go wrong, you finally step inside.
He thinks you don‘t notice but the grip on your became tighter once you stepped inside. Still, he wears his care-free smile on his face. Of course, you won‘t comment on it and just follow him around. The house is definitely abandoned, no sounds beside the wind going around outside.
»Well, this isn‘t as bad as I expected it to be.« He shrugs lightly and steps closer to one of the drawers, looking through the framed pictures.
There were what looks to be a family from the early eighteen-hundreds. Old gothic clothing, blank faces and of course the familiar black and white filter. Well, not really a filter as they just didn‘t have colourised photographs back then.
»Do you think they are ghosts now that watch over this house?«
Dick‘s poor attempt to scare only resulted you in giving him a stoic expression before you scare him back.
»No, they would most likely be poltergeists or other spirits. Maybe even transform into other creatures,« taking a step closer, you presss a small kiss onto his cheek, »just don‘t piss them off.«
With a playful wink, you let go of his hand and explore more of the house, roaming around freely.
He gets out of his trance and follows you quickly, taking your hand into his again.
»Yeah, I uh… I won‘t.« Dick mumbles back while glancing around the house once more before focusing on you.
It‘s quiet for a while before something seems to fall in the house. Probably next room. Dick gets in front of you, seeming tense as he carefully peeks around the corner and makes sure there isn‘t any danger for the both of you. However, you are not having any of it. Scoffing lightly, you nudge his arm a bit.
»C‘mon, it was probably just a wind.« Now Dick is a little annoyed and glances back to you.
»How can you say something like that? We‘re in a haunted house, remember? Haunted.«
He is really trying not to sound like a concerned parent, but you can still see and hear the hint of worry in his tone. Still, it‘s actually amusing to see him this riled up just because you‘re in a ‚haunted‘ house.
Eventually, he relaxes again but keeps his hand in yours. The room that you heard the thud coming from was just a normal bedroom. Judging by the pale pink curtains and dirty, pastel pink sheets, it probably belonged to the young girl in one of the pictures you saw earlier. With no fear, you stride in quietly and just take a look around, picking up some small things to examine them further. Dick does the same, but not without glancing over to you frequently; ‚just to make sure you‘re alright‘.
And that‘s definitely why he didn‘t jump up when another thud was heard from the room you came from. It didn‘t make things any better that the sun was almost completely down by now, making it dim inside. Naturally, Dick reached for you hand and continued to look around the house like this together.
He was more alert than normally, probably because he didn‘t want anything to happen to you. And probably because he was slightly paranoid now. Some ravens are yelling nonsense outside as he tries his best it just get along.
But it doesn‘t help, it‘s way too many coincidences at the same time.
»Are we sure we took a harmless haunted house? This doesn‘t seem like it...«
He mutters to you, but it only makes you more amused.
»Yeah, we would be dead by now if it wasn‘t. Trust me, supernatural has thought me that much.«
The casual shrug you give him is only making him a more paranoid. It might seem like you know much about paranormal stuff, but he has watched too many horror movies in the past few days to just be relaxed about it. There‘s always some person who says nothing will happen, and then the worst thing happens after all.
Not that he would say that to you.
»Right, yeah… anything else they thaught you? Like, being more cautious?«
You didn‘t even have time to answer before the window of the kitchen suddenly opens up, blowing fresh breeze inside.
He shreeks and wraps his arms around you in a death grip, way more surprised than you.
»See? I told you it was a bad idea!«
»It was your idea!« You argue back and huff out lightly at him. His hug is almost squishing you together at this point and it actually feels a it suffocating.
»Could you… let go?« Dick doesn‘t get what you mean until he looks down at you, letting go with a sheepish expression.
»Right, sorry...« Intertwining your fingers with his, he makes his way to the exit, having to drag you out.
»Wait, what are you doing? Are we leaving already?« You ask rather confused and in disbelief, looking back to take in the house again.
»No, we‘re just going home. This place is weird.« Dick answers back less amused and gets out of the old house finally, pausing once he sees a black cat cross the damn street in front of you.
»Seriously? It was just getting fun...«
You mumble back which makes him snap back into reality. He shakes his head briefly before walking out, leaving the small property.
»You thought this was fun? Well… it… it was fun but ot fun like an amusement park, you know? How about we go there next?«
You stay quiet for a small moment, just studying him before you just accpet it. He seems a bit spooked, so why not?
»I won‘t mind, sure«
He finally smiles more easily at you, his arm going around your shoulders to let you stay close. After that quick trip to the haunted house, you arrive at the amusement and play a few games, you went to a ride together and ended the night with two slushies. All in all, it was pretty fun for both of you. N matter how hard Dick held onto your hand before that, it was entertaining.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed this! i'll try to make the other parts more intersting and fluffy, i'm actually very excited to be part of this small challenge!! let's see how i'll hold up though >"<
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