#i do feel like the lack of ability to easily tell if a number is a multiple of 3 or 5 is definitely one of octal's downsides
sewi-li-suwi · 2 years
for real though, what's good about base 6? besides that its also called seximal, which is a little funny
i just like having highly divisible bases lol
being able to tell at a glance if a number is a multiple of 3 is nice, which i don't believe octal has the luxury of. i could talk about how seximal's superior to decimal, in that six has a higher percentage of factors below it than ten, or about how there are tricks for telling if numbers are a multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 (6).
but honestly this is ignoring the multiple of numbers higher than six - y'know, 11 (seven), 12 (eight), 13 (nine), 14 (ten), 15 (eleven), 20 (dozen) that ppl generally make fun of base ten for being bad at.
so, idk. i just find it fun. here's a seximal multiplication table. here's an octal multiplication table. compare the two and see which one you prefer, ig!
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Who's ready for some more Earthspark appreciation and Bumblebee simping?
Here's a favorite moment of mine regarding Bee being an absolute badass in episode 18, because I adore how his capacity to be a dork is only matched by his ability to take names.
Spoilers under the cut below, plus a criminal amount of Bumblebee thirst!
So we get RIGHT into it with Bee in the arena, looking pretty worn down already but possibly more determined than we've ever seen him. It's a pretty big shock after his absence for the past few episodes to say the least!!
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He takes a nasty hit to the jaw, yet recovers swiftly, putting his defenses back up even when it's clear he's not doing so good. You can see him forcing himself to focus through the pain and it breaks my heart every time because MY BOY
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But then you get a look at who he's fighting, and everything gets so much worse. Brawl is easily a third taller and at least twice as heavily built, complete with some built in weapons that would only take one solid hit to end the entire fight. It very quickly becomes apparent this is a fight of strength versus speed, but neither side is especially lacking in either.
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Bumblebee dodges effectively, narrowly missing some MAJOR hits while getting in a few of his own, and actually proves strong enough to hold both of Brawl's fists at bay. You can see he's struggling, but if not for a well aimed headbutt from the bigger bot he might have held him off!
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They exchange more hits, with Bee landing quite a few out of sheer athleticism (if someone could GIF these scenes I'd be eternally grateful because pics do NOT do them justice) before he's hurled to the ground and Brawl makes it VERY clear this is a fight to the finish. Bee reacts accordingly.
After dodging a number of near stabbings, he transforms and utilizes his altmode, taking out one of Brawl's legs before transforming back and trying to make use of his Stinger... which he remembers (and we learn) far too late has been disabled. This gives Brawl enough of an opening to grab Bee and CRACK HIM OVER HIS KNEE LIKE HE'S FREAKING BANE. But does that stop our boy?! Not for more than a few seconds, and he picks himself up JUST in time to stop what would have been a possibly fatal hit.
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Then, after enduring all that damage and exhaustion, he manages to end the fight by HURLING BRAWL OVER HIS HEAD AND CRACKING HIM DOWN ON THE CEMENT LIKE HOW???!?!!
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There's no sense of victory though, just Brawl getting hauled away and Bee looking utterly exhausted, his frame seizing up before he collapses from it all... You can tell he's had a rough go of it after having to leave, and the expression he makes when Brawl is hauled off just hammers in the tragedy. He doesn't want to fight any of these bots! Which sucks even more, because his only immediate reward for surviving this fight is to endure another.
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Look at him I know he's three times my height but I need to COMFORT HIM
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Thankfully he's reunited with the Maltos, and after enduring even MORE suffering, complete with a shattered arm and nearly having the literal life drained out of him, what does our Scout need more than anything?
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A nap.
Sleep tight my beautiful prince.
I think of this scene frequently, can you tell? I definitely didn't have a great time watching Bee display a ridiculous amount of athletic prowess or anything, just, you know, appreciating a good character on a good show... Because this may be my favorite Bee and my favorite piece of Transformers media, and the bar is HIGH.
Please feel free to share your Bee thoughts, I have accepted I simply can't get enough, and my inbox is fully open for Earthspark requests.
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chaos0pikachu · 6 months
I am here actually to appreciate your post. I saw a blogger’s post saying The sign would have been ‘successful’ had it got filled with fantasy and romance and limit action to 10%. I wondered why that person, who says BL is all about romance, watched a show whose genre is action. Then I saw your post about people watching many shows to stay in fandom and I agree. Also you are right about dramas with a complex story receiving heavy criticism. Everything (even lack of proper plot or conflict) is exempted in a romance drama. No wonder most BLs are confined to ‘2 boys and their jealous & crying moments, routine conflicts enhanced by Escola or leads explaining how important Nikon printer is for their relationship’
Well damn hit me in the feels with this appreciation I'ma get all shy and shit.
I always wonder if by "successful" people mean in terms of critical acclaim, story telling, or monetarily. When it comes to Thai shows - and some please correct me if I'm wrong - it's difficult to tell how "successful" they are terms of audience reach/monetarily because there's no easily verifiable information. Like, there's Youtube numbers sure, but The Sign as an example, aired on Channel 3 what were it's ratings total on that channel? Idk, does anyone know that? Sincerely asking lol
Personally the way I like to judge a piece of media is what I call the Roger Ebert method; he often judged films based not solely on whether they were "good" or "bad but by how successfully they accomplished their goals.
If you read his review of Space Jam while it's clear Ebert doesn't think the movie is high art, "You can watch the movie on the sports and cartoon levels, and also appreciate the corporate strategy that's involved. [...] It is difficult for an actor to work in movies that combine live action with animation, because much of the time he cannot see the other characters in a scene with him. But Jordan has a natural ease and humor, an unforced charisma, that makes a good fit with the cartoon universe."
Ebert praises that the film, while filled with obvious product placement and banking on both nostalgia for the toons & star power of Jordan, accomplishes it's goal of being a family for that can be enjoyed by adults and children, and also the ability to blend techniques of live action, animation and 3D rendering.
I bring this up specifically b/c when I see "reviews" of shows in BL - the most common form of meta I see in BL fandom as a whole and that's not a knock just an observation - it's usually always about the narrative. Nothing about the filmmaking. And if there is discussion about he filmmaking it's usually misinformed or worse misinforming - no that's not what aperture means, yaoi framing isn't really a thing in film, the t-shirt is really just a t-shirt, etc, etc.
And like I get why. Fandom is more about story, what the words on a page or what the characters on screen are doing and saying. It's easier to talk about the amazing communication two characters have b/c you don't really need a film knowledge to discuss that. Which is a factor in why I think shows with lower stakes, more streamlined and straightforward plots get praised at a higher, less diligent and harsh level, than shows that are a bit more daring. They're less challenging in structure, they take less risks, so there's less to critique, and there's less room for a show to disappoint.
There comfort food, rather than trying something new at the restaurant. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, again, this is just a general observation.
To me, The Sign is miles better than Cooking Crush on a simple technical level. I only watched one episode of Cooking Crush and I found it pretty mediocre at best from all technical points: acting, editing, cinematography, directing, storytelling.
This isn't to say Cooking Crush is "bad" or that even if Cooking Crush was "bad" people shouldn't like it. I don't give a fuck if people like it, good for you chase the things that spark joy! I like lots of "bad" media, have y'all ever watched Jason Takes Manhattan?
For me, The Sign, like Space Jam, accomplishes it's goals and those were ambitious goals. An action fantasy BL that actually lives up to that premise and looks good?? The fight choreography looks great considering the obviously budget??
Like one of my issues with Laws of Attraction - aside from how painfully disinterested those kisses looked - was the fight choreography was bad.
The characters very rarely land hits in a way that looks real, or even marginally real. I can only speculate they didn't hire a stunt coordinator and/or couldn't hire stunt doubles so there was a worry of injury on set (for both reasons).
This isn't a disparagement on the actor(s) either, like stunt work is difficult and it's important to have professionals on set who can walk an actor through the steps so both them and others don't get hurt. Jackie Chan is probably one of the best known actors alive for stunt work, but watch how many times he fumbles and potentially hurts himself to the point where other actors are actively worried for him:
So yeah I'm going to give The Sign it's fucking gold star stickers b/c aside from some missteps in the gun handling - to many one handed gun fights but even then it wasn't all the time and bullets ran out of ammo! Y'all don't know how exciting for me that was to see - the fight scenes look damn good.
I understand the work that went into them, I understand the pre-production time that it took for the crew and cast to learn that and filming them well is another beast too.
There's a couple scenes with shaky cam that I dislike, but god do I love that first long take in The Sign. I love how good the CGI looks overall again, considering what is probably less budget than Black Christmas (2019).
I'm admittedly, fucking picky about what I watch b/c I'm really lazy and prefer watching films in general. I don't really like TV all that much, but if I am watching a tv show I wanna be impressed with more than just the characters talking to each other. Especially if said show is 12 hours or more.
When I'm looking at a piece of media - a comic, a novel, a film, a tv show - I'm thinking about stuff like "what were it's goals, and did it accomplish them? How was the filmmaking? How was the narrative structure? What is the time/place/culture this was made in?"
I'm not sure if people are arguing if The Sign was "successful" in terms of narratively, monetarily, or critically.
In reality we can only really speculate on how successful a Thai BL is based on data that's not not entirely accurate - social media, youtube stats, awards, etc - and even then most of that is based off international audience.
I can glean that 2gether was successful for gmmtv b/c it got a second season and a film, pretty much skyrocketed Bright and Win's individual careers but again, and created a cross country alliance for activism. But even all that is still speculation not facts (except the alliance that's a real thing that happened lol).
[This is all regardless of my own feelings regarding the show which is not kind. But feelings have nothing to do with individual discussion about how monetarily successful or accomplished a show is or isn't.]
Like it might be valid speculation on both shows but it should always come with a disclaimer of - these are not facts. Also, what is "popular" or "successful" can and will be dependent on individual countries too.
Take Cutie Pie for example, I would argue that it wasn't super "successful" here with American fans, but given how overwhelmingly popular Zee and NuNew are in both Thailand and Korea, I would then argue that the show was a success in Thailand and Korea. So was Cutie Pie "successful" or not? I would say yes!
Because "success" isn't and shouldn't be measured only by how western fans receive a piece of media.
In regards to The Sign, I'd argue it appears to be very successful with only the partial data I have at hand - social media which includes places like twitter, facebook, tumblr, the success of their sold out showing for the finale, a special episode, etc. If people argue it was unsuccessful in terms of narrative, well that's debatable and I have no interest in debating why the show is good except in terms of technical filmmaking and storytelling.
And even then it's a pointless debate like or dislike whatever just don't lie or mislead people regarding film terminology and techniques or harass people because they did like A Thing or clog up the tags with annoying posts about how you didn't like said Thing.
Overall, I don't give "reviews" on things I watch either positive or negative cause, well, I'm lazy lol, I don't believe putting how much I hate a show in it's tags and a thorough rating system would be to much work. I actually like how My Drama List rating system works, I just find most reviews on it to be Annoying lmao. Like giving Kinnporsche a 5 or below is absolutely bonkers to me but whatever es lo que es. But I also don't think my thoughts and opinions on shows are that valuable in terms of discussion.
These are mostly my general thoughts on fandom at large and it's not directly at any particular people its just observations at large across various social media platforms.
I think if you like more squeecore shows that's totally gucci, I just wish didn't proposite that 1) those are the only valid shows in terms of BL/queer media and 2) didn't overhype them to such sky high levels
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a-d-nox · 1 year
hi! i love your posts about the matrix of destiny, its a really interesting topic and you explain it so well! could you please tell us a bit about the center number and the ones that are beside the heart? thank ypu very much, hope this finds you well ♡
web of wyrd: the relationship number
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the TERTIARY KARMIC LESSON NUMBER AND THE FLOW NUMBER (ex: my relationship number is 8: 9 + 17 = 26 -> 2 + 6 = 8 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 = 5) and above)). for some reason this is a calculation error in my astro-calc chart - my monetary number and relationship numbers are swapped (don't be afraid to question your numbers and check the math of websites).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents your romantic partners in this lifetime. all partners that you had / have / will have tend to follow a trend - it can be looks, attitude, their life situation, etc. something about this number indicates the romances you will have. with this number you can see the ideal and the toxic side of your partnerships.
so let's talk about some examples:
8 - strength
click here for the card description of strength found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 8 partners are strong and dependable. they are there for you at your lowest point and stay with you despite all things. they help you the best that they can (they often go beyond what you assume they can) given their power and the situation. they will fight for you no matter what is in the way - internal issue (feeling a lack of security or reassurance, etc.) or external ones (physical distance, etc.). they encourage you to do what you want without making you question your capabilities. they make you feel confident about yourself. you won't feel nervous being vulnerable with this partner. your partners are likely to have leo placements.
toxic 8 partners are likely to be flighty - they don't tend to be consistent or dependable. they likely don't comfort you when something is wrong in the connection. they might just abandon you. they might be the type of person to fight you, instead of alongside you. they easily give up in the connection. they might put you down or shame you. they could make you feel apprehensive to leave the connection. they may make you feel weak and uncomfortable with vulnerability.
12 - the hanged man
click here for the card description of the hanged man found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 12 partners are open minded. they are patient and willing to see things from your perspective even though they may initially disagree with you. they are curious individuals who usually enjoy doing research and thinking about things very carefully. they are willing to explore things that are outside of their comfort zone and often they are open to mindfully exploring the things you believe in. your partners often have a neptune heavy chart.
toxic 12 partners are constantly complaining about their life circumstances. they often try to go backwards in time or they rush into a future. they might not be the most respectful of your boundaries - they could push you when you aren't ready. they could also lack the ability to stay calm or quiet in any given moment. they could be abrasive and dismiss your thoughts and ideas without much care.
21 - the world
click here for the card description of the world found in a prior wyrd web post.
ideal 21 partners are always ready for the next chapter in life with you. you want to move in - they are ready, and they have options of where you guys can/should live. you want to travel to a new country - they are in. you want to get married - "when? i need to get you a ring and take off from work." they want to be with you, and they will do whatever it takes to make it happen. they celebrate everything you do - you get a promotion, and they are going to take you out for a special dinner. they don't forget your birthday or holidays that are important to you; they do what makes you feel special. they are often very mature and successful. often your partners have a saturn heavy chart, or you meet them later in life.
toxic 21 partners are stagnate in life they aren't go-getters. they are often not ready when it comes to your relationship - they likely will never be if they are stuck in the past or too focused on their future and not the relationship's future. they could also be the type to be in denial that you are done with the relationship; they might continually come back and try to be "friends," or try to convince you that you are both still meant to be together. they also tend to be forgetful about the things that matter most to you.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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downtofragglerock · 6 months
Now that I've went over basically every animal group and their rahi counterparts (or lack their of) anyone reading these posts might notice that there's a number of rahi I just haven't mentioned, well here we are for the "I don't know what the fuck you're supposed to be" round!
Before this special truly gets going we do have to discuss that there is a clade of energy being rahi, including the Avohkah, which are made of lightning, and the fire entity, which are made of fire, unsurprisingly
Onto the main event, firstly we have the archives beast and Krahka's species. These are both species of shapeshifters and both are quite fluid with this ability. If either of them truly have and "original" or "default" form, we've never seen it, and so categorizing them is a moot effort
Then there's a whole bunch of rahi that really could either be mammalian or reptilian, and you really wouldn't be able to tell unless it was outright stated either way. This includes the blade burrower, the cable crawler, the crystal climber, the Kraawa, and the Vahki hunter. I think its possible the blade burrower could be like an anteater or something, but there's really no way to tell.
Next we have Klaak and Keetongu's species, who are both questionably mammalian but really there's no way to figure out exactly what they are from appearance alone
Then we got several rahi that only have some physical feature or behavior about them described, with no context clues to really begin to imagine where they fall of the tree of life. These are the devourer, the dust darter, the "kratana", the mud crawler, the sand screamer, and the water wraith.
Now we just have five stragglers left. The venom flyer like has to be some sort of flying insect, but this is never outright stated so for all we know its a reptile or something. Protodites are microscopic creatures, but anything beyond that is unclear, and their weird mutant scaled up versions just look like a lazy combo model so that's no help. The Hydruka kind of look like scorpions, but have no claws and no outright statements regarding what they are other than rahi. The gate guardian is probably also an arthropod of some sort, but it very easily could not be and looking like that, whose to say what it is. and lastly, we have Gadunka. I don't know what Gadunka could possibly be, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to share.
Also an addendum: turns out the terrain crawlers aren't myriapods, they're worms.
And with that we've covered or attempted to cover the taxonomy of every canon species of rahi, it still have a couple other things to cover in this tag, they're just a little outside canon, but not by that much
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Given that, I simply don't understand why people feel like the same lack of limitations as for fic body should apply to the tags. If potentially upsetting content should be warned for, and tags are the place to warn for upsetting content in the fic body, then where is the space to warn about upsetting content in the tags?
you are missing the point, anon.
sometimes, you will be upset by the contents of tags or summary that you read. you do not have a right to go through life never being upset by anything ever! sometimes something will upset you, and it's up to you to suck it up and keep scrolling! that's the answer! if filtering doesn't remove fics with tags/summaries you find objectionable, then the answer is to KEEP SCROLLING.
besides which, there is no rule on ao3 that says 'potentially upsetting content should be warned for'. there are a small number of archive warnings for four types of potentially 'upsetting' content (rape/noncon, graphic violence, underage, and major character death), as well as an option to opt out of using the warning system at all. beyond that, there is no consensus on what 'should' be warned for. incest isn't even included in the mandatory archive warnings! (though as has been pointed out, the vast majority of the time you can pretty easily tell if a fic contains incest if the tagged pairing is, well, incestuous)
and like you keep saying you aren't advocating for a TOS ban or censorship of the archive or whatever, but that is 'logically inconsistent' with the idea that there is anything you just "can't" do that doesn't in some way interfere with the archive's ability to function as intended.
that one mdzs fanfic that had such a massive list of tags that people started 'protest tagging' by putting the entire text of the great gatsby or whatever in their tags, which ultimately led to the creation of a tag limit in the coding? that was interfering with the archive's ability to function.
a handful of overly explicit tags or summaries are not. i'm sorry if you encounter this so often that you felt the need to spend so much time getting so overly worked up by it, but man, it really seems like a you problem. 'suck it up' is the only reasonable response.
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drudeger · 1 year
Beyblade Burst Quadstrike Review
(spoiler warning for the entire show)
ok so let's talk quadstrike.
I think we can all acknowledge the low expectations we had for a hasbro produced season of the anime, and while the season definitely delivered on those expectations in some aspects, it also managed to surprise me with its quality in others.
let's start with the animation. the quality of the animation ranged from abysmal to passable for a large majority of the season, with the only really good animation being reused from previous seasons. that being said, in a couple of episodes, including the first and last, it was actually pretty good. overall, I'd say the quality was most comparable to that of the sixth season with only some episodes ever managing to surpass or dip below that.
Voice Acting
the voice work was great overall. the returning cast from quaddrive maintained a level of voice acting quality on par with that season, which is to say, pretty damn good and it’s a similar story for the returning cast from before quaddrive. you might expect the part of the cast returning from a 2+ year hiatus from their previous roles to need to readjust and settle back into performing their characters, but honestly most of them seemed perfectly comfortable jumping back into it with the only exceptions being xander and kit. both character voices definitely feel just slightly rusty, but considering the massive ~4 year real life time gap, you really can’t blame them and honestly they do a great job getting mostly settled back into their roles pretty quickly.
when it comes to the casting decisions made for quadstrike specifically, kieran regan was a great choice to portray a more grown-up and mature ken and he absolutely nailed the role. keru and besu’s voices were also just right, sounding like characters that are voiced by ken but are still distinct-sounding from him, and the quality of all three performances speaks to kieran’s skill.
anjali kunapaneni was practically perfect as pri, giving her a full voice that matches her character but doesn’t overdo it with shoutiness despite pri’s boisterous personality, balancing it out to accentuate the more cool outward appearance she tries to impress upon other bladers. they really bring a level of depth and nuance to their performance that gives pri a very real and unique voice and it was easily the best voice performance in the season.
darren delfin’s performance as pax is definitely a close second and his ability to portray character depth shows through a lot here with the subtle differences in tone when pax is being disingenuous (e.g. when he pretends to be happy about pri making friends) and when he genuinely wants to show appreciation and admiration (e.g. when he talks about his admiration for red eye.) honestly, I’d be lying if I said I’d caught any of this on first watch. it’s just not the sort of depth I believed I had any reason to look out for. the only reason I say it was the second best performance and not the first is because the accent feels awkward and it doesn’t sound quite right, an unfortunately important skill gap when you’re asked to voice a character with a foreign accent.
the plot itself was. ok. plot points were arranged in a sensible enough order and it almost never managed to feel too forced. except for the part where pax just calls aiga up on his phone and THAT'S how they decided to have pax challenge aiga? and absolutely nobody questions how pax got his number?? I literally laughed out loud when that happened like bro what??? 😭😭 also that one part in the finale where we get a somewhat dramatic shot with some random fucking kid and get absolutely zero explanation????? aside from these (admittedly incredibly weird) oddities, the plot was ultimately unengaging but passable. there really just isn't a lot to say about it due to its overall lack of substance.
but if you asked me to describe what quadstrike is actually about — its story — I'd tell you it's a story about a bunch of kids running around with highly marketable toys. which sounds comically cynical but, despite its best efforts, quadstrike struggles to be much more than that. although that isn’t to say I wasn’t pleasantly surprised by the unexpected amount of depth in some aspects of the writing.
the season has two themes, one of which is executed decently but neither being given the time or care needed to feel nearly as impactful as they could have.
the most prominent and complete of the themes is that of identity, which is explored through the season's secondary (arguably primary) protagonist, pri forsythe/quadra. the season introduces the foundations for this theme when quadra loses to drum in the abyssal tournament after taking off her mask. pax tells pri to keep her mask on in battle because it will increase her elemental power and make her strong and pri begins questioning if he's right. it was also revealed in a flashback that pax made the mask and when pri wears it, pax says she assumes an entirely different persona and becomes quadra. this poses to pri as well as the audience three questions: does pax know what’s best and should pri therefore listen to his instructions, allowing him to control what decisions she makes? are pri and qudra the same or different? if “becoming quadra” makes her stronger, should she be ok with being her when she battles?
the first question takes a backseat for a bit while the second and third questions are explored, although we see it reiterated as pri continues to battle without the mask.
we are introduced to one position for the last two questions when, during a flashback, pax says that pri becomes a different blader entirely when she assumes the identity of quadra during battle. the other position is introduced when pri asserts that it shouldn’t matter if she doesn't wear the mask because it’s still her battling regardless. the second position is built upon when ken’s mom explains to pri that keru and besu are a part of ken’s identity and pri restates the question later that night, asking herself if she’s pri or quadra. after she loses to ken, he gives her some advice — that quadra is her too. then, after her first loss to xander where she doesn’t wear the mask, pri finds a letter to her from ken that says "it doesn’t matter if the mask makes you stronger. you’re you with or without it, it doesn’t define you,” explicitly stating the answer to both questions. with all of this in mind, pri decides she’ll wear the mask for her rematch with xander and from now on will wear it in battle at her own discretion. so at this point in the story, the last two questions have been answered.
having pri’s decision be one that retains her agency is the strongest choice they could have made, but having ken spell out the answer for her, especially not even an episode after he gives her his advice, just feels bad, and it ends up feeling unearned since she’s given such little time to actually struggle with the question and deliberate on his advice or develop as a character before coming to the conclusion she does.
(tw: this section contains discussions of emotional manipulation and generally toxic behavior from a caretaker)
but that’s only two of three questions and now that the last two questions have been answered, we finally get to see the first question being explored — does pax know what’s best and should pri therefore listen to his instructions, allowing him to control what decisions she makes? during the battle camp, we learn that pax was forced to quit blading due to an injury and it was his dream to become a legend like valt. this, combined with previously revealed information as well as pax’s constant use of phrases like “our goal” and “our dream,” makes it clear that pri partially accepts the role of quadra for pax and this sets up another part to the first question: is it really ok that pri/quadra center her identity around a dream that isn’t completely her own? while she does have her own reasoning for wanting to battle, she wants to help pax in his goal to create the ultimate elemental bey which was the entire point of him making and having her use pandora, the mask and the quadra persona in the first place. it’s a driving force behind the question, as we see pri struggling between her want to do things her way and her want to make her brother happy and we constantly see them both grappling with the idea that if pax is happy, pri should be happy too because they're convinced that this is what they both want.
as the story continues, pax begins pushing even harder for pri to do things the way he wants. near the start of the battle camp, quadra uses lightning pandora when pax wants her to use tidal pandora. pax asks why and intuits it’s because of her loss to xander. he says that it doesn’t matter if she loses, everything is going according to “their” plan, and pri lashes out from her frustration that he won’t explain what the plan actually is and he snaps, yelling at her that she doesn’t need to understand everything going on and tells her to just do as he says and she hesitates for a moment before agreeing.
later, pax tries to get wakiya to withdraw pri from the tag-team tournament because he doesn’t like the possibility of bell influencing her. jiji gets pax to allow pri to continue participating in the tournament by showing how happy pri and bell are to be battling and says there’s no doubt the two will help make each other stronger. and while pax gives in, knowing he’d only come off as unreasonable had he protested further, it’s clear pax isn’t happy he wasn’t able to maintain full control of the conversation and therefore make the decision for pri. this scene is meant to show how pax thinks he knows what's best for pri and wants to convince not only pri but the people around her of that too.
later, during the tag-team tournament, pax convinces bell to try and win the next match all by himself and he loses the match for both himself and quadra. pri, having deduced that pax said something to provoke bell, confronts pax and he says pandora should be battling on its own and the tournament is a waste of time. this upsets pri greatly and she runs from him. this scene is meant to establish pri beginning to realize pax might not have her best interests in mind.
then, aiga shows up to hell’s gate and challenges pri and bell to a 2-on-1 battle, and if they win he’ll battle them both individually. before she makes a decision, she calls pax and he says she doesn’t have to accept any team battles she’s challenged to, but she retorts that aiga will battle her individually anyway if she and bell can win. pax, not-so-kindly, tells pri to do what she wants before hanging up. this is actually a common tactic of highly controlling and manipulative people where they basically say “you don’t need me, so do whatever and see what happens when I’m not there to tell you what to do,” usually under the guise of wanting what’s best for the victim so when something does go wrong, the victim feels obligated to go back to them. she battles aiga with bell and without her mask and they end up losing. everything pax has done so far has been to convince pri to give up her individuality for the sake of achieving “their” goal, and quadra losing this battle is exactly what pax wanted to happen so she’d feel obligated to listen to him.
after the first couple of rounds in the champion challenge tournament and the first individual battle is announced as kit vs quadra, pax confronts pri and tells her she must win against aiga and that everything will work out if she just listens to him and she once again agrees. during the match, wakiya and valt explain to aiga pax’s situation and valt posits that pri took up pandora and the identity of quadra to carry on pax’s dream of becoming a legend. aiga restates the thematic question, asking if that’s what quadra wants and explains that he couldn’t ever see himself blading for the sake of someone else’s dream. after quadra loses, pax confronts her and tells her pandora should have won and that the reason they lost was because quadra chose a flawed strategy. aiga goes out of his way to defy pax and tells quadra her strategy was perfect. he declares pax has no say in the matter because it wasn’t his battle to begin with, which of course offends pax. then later, quadra loses to valt, frustrating pax even further and cementing pax’s growing belief that pri does not have what it takes to achieve his goals as long as she has any say in what she does.
later, valt gets a call from shu about the ruins in england and valt plans to leave to see what’s going on. pri talks to pax, saying she knows he’s leaving for england too. she asserts that it has nothing to do with them or their plan but pax responds saying that he’ll be the one to decide that, a clear declaration to pri that he’s the one who knows what’s right. he goes on to tell her that there isn’t any reason pandora should lose to belial and that if she loses, the only explanation is that she’s the problem. pax then admits he doesn’t believe in pri and challenges her to prove to him that he should. while at the ruins, pax declares that “his” pandora is the only bey capable of reaching the highest level of elemental power and pri hopes he meant to say that pandora was both of theirs, again giving pri more reason to doubt pax. aiga approaches pri and tells her she’s her own person and she should do things the way she wants to and reassures her that pandora is her’s as well.
the next day, it’s announced that quadra and bell will battle to determine who will face kit in the finals. pax tells pri to use twister break against bell but pri says bell knows twister break because of how much they used it in the tag-team tournament. pax says it’s the perfect chance to master twister break so she can beat aiga and valt and that bell shouldn’t be of any concern. he reminds her that it’s “their” dream to create the ultimate bey and then reassures her that pandora is both of theirs. for the first two rounds of the battle, she listens to pax but ends up hesitating before the third round, causing pax to insult her and say that if it were him battling, he would have won. this causes quadra to break from pax's plan and battle her own way and while she ends up losing, she finds herself happy in spite of the outcome. at the end of the episode, pax confronts pri demanding she tell him why she broke from his plan when she would have won if she hadn’t. she finally asserts to pax that, even if he would have won, it doesn’t matter because she isn’t him, she is herself — pri and quadra. pax demands pri give back pandora, but before he can take it, bell stops him. pri then proclaims that she’s been the one making pandora stronger, not him, so pandora belongs to her.
(end trigger warning)
and so that’s a wrap on the first question and subsequently pri’s arc as a whole. this particular exploration of the theme was good. it wasn’t nearly as deep as it could have been and the last two questions should have been far more substantial parts of pri’s arc as they have just as much bearing on the outcome of the first question as all of the things in the story that seem more directly related to it. as stated before, it’s frustrating that the last two questions get answered so quickly and require so little struggle or introspection for pri to find the right conclusion for herself, but the conclusions she comes to are those that would be rewarding and feel great if they’d actually allowed pri to earn them. the third question was obviously the most prominent with a very decent build up, though there could have been far more emphasis placed on pri’s struggle with it. we know how much she cares for pax and wants to make him happy and we know she knows to do that she needs to do what he wants, but we also know how much pride she takes in being able to do things her own way and seeing her grappling with the two conflicting motivations is engaging and impactful, but we just don’t get enough of it.
with all this being said, we aren’t quite done with the theme of identity as it is also explored a bit with pax, which makes sense considering he’s as important as he is to pri’s arc dealing with the theme to begin with.
(tw: this section contains brief mentions of emotional manipulation and generally toxic behavior from a caretaker as well as mentions of an ableist trope)
the exploration of the theme of identity through pax is shown with how he projects his identity onto pri. after it’s revealed his injury barred him from blading any longer, we see in flashbacks how devastating it is to him as it was his dream to become a legendary blader like valt and shu and pri sees this too. it’s shown to us how close they are, and that beyblade has helped them bond and so the previously presented information that pax made pandora, the mask and the quadra identity for pri and the constant use of phrases like “our dream” makes it clear that pax has to some degree imparted parts of his identity onto pri so she can carry out his dream and she accepts it because she cares for him. as the story continues, it becomes even more clear how he takes advantage of this part of pri, constantly guilt-tripping her into listening to him by reminding her that this is “their” dream until it culminates in her snapping and asserting her own identity to his face. pax is a character who goes through a devastating loss, becoming disabled which forces him to give up on something massively important to him, something entwined with his sense of self and identity. losing something like that would make anybody feel completely lost, and with pax the grief results in him pushing that part of himself onto pri so he can live vicariously through her. the logical conclusion would then be to have part of his arc be about him finding a new sense of identity, one that doesn’t require pri to subjugate herself to him, but they don’t give him that at all. in the end, pax doesn’t need to do any sort of introspection or search for a new sense of identity because he is simply cured of his disability and he doesn’t have to face any consequences for how he treated pri.
(end trigger warning)
and that brings us to the second theme of quadstrike — grief. this theme is primarily explored through the main antagonist, pax forsythe, although pri has some part of it as well.
as stated before, it’s revealed pax goes through a devastating loss after his injury forces him give up on blading and his dreams and the loss causes him an immense amount of grief. throughout the season, we’re shown through flashbacks how he feels lost without this part of himself and then it’s revealed he finds out about elemental power. he is in denial that his dream is over and he sees elemental power as a means to give pri the power needed to carry on his dream and he becomes obsessed with it and achieving those goals vicariously through her. it also explains his admiration for shu while he was red eye, a time in shu’s life where he had obsessed over power so he could achieve the dreams he had been unable to previously.
later on, after he decides he has no need for pri any longer, he creates a new bey, some sort of mechanical brace for his injured arm, and a mask. the mask actually conceals the vision on his right side, making it so he can’t see his injured arm and during the lodestar battle tournament, shu explains to pri that when pax sees his injured arm, it causes him emotional pain, compounding how much his grief has affected him and showing the extent of his denial.
(tw: this paragraph contains a brief mention of an ableist trope)
and with all of this in mind, you’d think pax’s arc should have been about him learning to accept his disability and the things it prevents him from doing, beginning a long journey of healing, but that isn’t what happens (and, to be clear, that journey of healing wouldn’t have had to have happened during the show. sometimes the end to an arc marks the beginning of another that’s implied to happen after the end of the show, and arcs that end like this can be incredibly powerful). again, he doesn’t have to accept his loss and grief, he is simply cured of his disability. aside from the gross implications of this that I will get into later, it’s just such an awful way to end an arc. no introspection, no emotional compromise, no real consequences for his actions. he’s just handed a conclusion and the conclusion is everything he wants it to be so they can force in a “beyblade is fun, buy our products please” message instead. and it doesn’t end there.
(end trigger warning)
with pri, we're shown how she sees pax grieving for this loss and how it affects their relationship. they’re no longer able to bond through beyblade the way they were able to before and pax can no longer find happiness and meaning through beyblade in the way he wants, which of course hurts pri. she cares for him and so she does what she genuinely believes will help him heal, taking up the identity of quadra and his goal to create the ultimate elemental bey and become a legendary blader for him. through her, we get to see the way grief impacts the people around the grieving person as well.
we know she eventually breaks away from his control, or at least that’s how it starts out. of course after what happens between pri and pax, pri would be going through grief herself. she denies to herself that pax just doesn’t care about her now that she’s asserted her own identity and this could have been taken in several interesting directions, but they simply go for the worst option imaginable. they have her continue to orbit around pax, every decision she makes from this point forward being for him, completely undermining her original arc and practically abandoning this second one. there is no introspection or closure and the only compromise is them compromising her entire character arc.
quadstrike starts out so strong with this theme so I have genuinely no idea how they ended up fucking it up so unbelievably badly. and the mishandling of themes isn’t the only reason quadstrike’s story feels like it lacks much substance.
quadstrike’s use of its characters for its story manages to be impressively refreshing at times, disappointingly safe and boring at others, and infuriatingly incompetent at its worst.
first, let’s talk about the secondary characters. this part of the cast doesn't really have anything all too interesting going on, which is understandable. they’re there for the purpose of serving the plot and the main characters’ narratives and they fulfill those roles perfectly competently. that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been more interesting, but what we got wasn’t bad. a lot of the issues of shallow character-writing with most of the returning characters are things that are rooted in characterization from past seasons, and at this point you can’t really change that without either dedicating way too much time to characters that just aren’t meant to be all that important in this season or completely retconning parts of those prior seasons. if this season had been 51 episodes, maybe we could have gotten some of the former as well as more time to flesh out other parts of the plot and story, but that just wasn’t ever going to be in the cards for quadstrike.
now let’s get into the protagonists. between bell and pri, bell is very clearly the weaker character and it’s not a close competition. while pri’s arc is written to develop a theme as well as to explore her as a character, bell isn’t given an arc at all. well, ok, he gets an “arc” where the conclusion is just for him to upgrade his beyblade again so hasbro has more product to sell and it’s frustrating because they get so close to doing something actually interesting with his character.
throughout the season, bell loses. a lot. yes, he wins a lot too and a large portion of them are not deserved, but he actually does lose more than he wins. in episode 12 in particular, he’s provoked by pax to try and win the tag team battle with pri against hikaru and hyuga by himself. being an egotistical 10 year old, he falls for it and ends up losing the match for himself and quadra. while this moment is mostly used to further pri and pax’s story, bell is shown to be massively affected by this loss, at least at first. but of course, he couldn’t care less after the next episode begins. then, after bell loses the title match against aiga, he’s shown once again to feel incredibly upset and frustrated with the loss, but he simply gets over it immediately when he decides the solution is to evolve belial. and before any of this, bell loses to several other opponents as well, but only ever seems to be shaken by it a minimal amount if at all.
the reason I bring any of this up is because I think it’s such a wasted opportunity. bell loses so much and if they’d leaned harder into bell’s frustration with losing so many battles (and honestly if they’d had him lose more, like his final battle against ken and/or his second solo battle with hyuga) then they could’ve had an actual arc for him. like, have him get super upset and angry with himself that he keeps losing and maybe have him push too hard and end up breaking belial. that’d even give them an excuse to have him evolve belial. yes it would be a very similar arc to aiga in cho-z but at least it’d be SOMETHING. obviously this is only a single idea for the direction they could’ve taken and I have absolutely zero doubt any of you in the audience could come up with something more interesting than what ended up happening in the show.
that aside, bell was mostly just his usual over-confident and obnoxious 10-year old self committing acts of sillay mischief (which to many of you might be a negative but I love him and I like it when he’s obnoxious so this was a win for me<3).
on the other hand, pri was a very strong character for the vast majority of the show and was easily the highlight of the entire season. when it comes to her characterization, I found her to be very enjoyable. she’s kind and incredibly passionate and boisterous and playful but she tries to put on a cooler outward appearance in front of other bladers which she often fails at because of her hot-headed and stubborn nature. she’s caring but prideful which often ends up causing conflict between her and pax since she cares about making her brother happy by doing what he wants but she can’t help but disobey at times because she takes pride in doing things her way. her cocky demeanor in the beginning is par for the course with burst characters, but it becoming more and more a mask (haha, get it) for her decreasing self-confidence as the story went on was a level of depth I hadn’t expected to see in a new burst character at this point in the series. because of all of this, her dynamics with other characters, especially bell, are so much fun and it was an absolute joy to see her relationships with the rest of the cast and it was always fun to see her getting silly with it.
unlike bell, she was written with an arc in mind and the arc in question was pretty good for the majority of the show’s runtime. as stated previously, it wasn’t nearly as deep as it could have been but by burst standards, it was a massive breath of fresh air. seeing pri make decisions that retained her agency felt good and the moment when she stood up to pax and asserted her own identity was great.
so yeah, it sucks how they then managed to drop the ball as hard as they did right at the finish line. having pri be in denial about pax’s behavior towards her is fine, but they never give her the moment of realization she deserves. she never leaves him despite what he’s done and every decision she makes after standing up to him continues to be for him, which is such a monumental moon-jump backwards from the incredibly strong writing they’d done for her before. her identity once again becomes centered around pax and it is infuriating to watch play out, like literally what was the point of her asserting her own identity if this was what was going to happen afterwards. it’s like they just decided to completely drop everything interesting about her after her moment in the spotlight (a very familiar problem they seem to have with every strong girl character in this series hmmmmmmmm 🤔.)
(tw: this section contains discussion of an ableist trope)
and pax. oh boy what to say about pax. well, first and foremost his arc started out as another one of the best in the season. which isn’t really saying that much when there’s only two other arcs and one of those arcs concludes with the character just making more beyblade products, but still. but then they managed to blow it so fucking hard at the end that it easily became the worst of the three.
the setup for his arc centering around his grief and lost sense of identity was good, and the build-up throughout the season was even better. his motivations were understandable, but it became increasingly clear just how unhealthy his obsession with holding onto his dream was, not just for himself, but for pri especially. you want him to accept his disability and what it prevents him from doing so he can finally heal and find something else to live for and you really want him to see that what he’s doing is wrong and for him to apologize to pri. so why does none of this happen and instead he just has his disability cured.
ok, let me make something super clear here. this is a disgustingly and infuriatingly ableist conclusion to a disabled character's arc. pax’s entire arc centers around how he has to give up on his dream because of his disability, a common reality for disabled people in real life. it is an absolutely devastating thing to go through, but something disabled people stress is the importance of coming to terms with their disability so they can find some semblance of peace and continue living their lives to the best of their ability. there is no cure for disability in real life and every attempt to do so has resulted in failure at best and outright eugenics and genocide at worst, and so disabled people have made it clear that the “cured disability” narrative commonly seen in fantasy and sci-fi settings is a harmful trope. in some stories, it’s used as a “reward” for the hero, while in others it’s used as a copout so the creators don’t have to deal with having a disabled character or so the previously disabled character can have a happy ending. curing their disability is used as a conclusion to an arc because able-bodied writers cannot for the life of them imagine a character living a happy life with a disability and that’s very much what it’s used for here. from the beginning, I was hoping so so much that they weren’t going to do this, and I’d gotten my hopes up because of their surprisingly deep and empathetic handling of pri and pax’s characters for most of the season, but they went for the easy option resulting in an insulting and vile conclusion to an otherwise great arc.
(end trigger warning)
pax is, however, a great antagonist. as obvious as it may be to the audience, in the story it starts out pretty ambiguous what exactly his role is meant to be in the season, but as the season goes on, his mask begins to slip and his sinister personality becomes more apparent. this is actually a somewhat common trope with antagonists in the burst series, but pax stands out due to the fact that he isn’t even a blader until the last few episodes in the season. most of his time is spent as a coach to pri, using manipulation as his main weapon rather than a beyblade. again, not necessarily completely unique to him but it feels more present and impactful in this season due to his deep history and close ties to one of the main protagonists.
let me elaborate a bit: with drum and gwyn, the slow reveal of gwyn’s manipulation doesn’t feel as significant because, throughout the season, drum isn’t only naive to gwyn’s ulterior motives, but to literally every stranger he meets. we know he isn’t going to see it until it’s too late and we know at the end he’s going to win gwyn over with the power of friendship and beyblades. additionally, he has no previous relationship with gwyn either, so there's no reason to be invested or feel impacted when it happens.
with pri and pax, however, we see that they have a close familial relationship. pri’s trust in pax isn’t just her being naive by nature, it’s because she cares for him and has little reason to do otherwise. yes, she disobeys him early on, but it’s not out of a sense of distrust for him, but because of her own pride. and it’s not that pax just straight up doesn’t care about pri at all, he has thoroughly convinced himself that what he wants is what pri wants too. so as the story unfolds and pax’s selfish, controlling, and manipulative behavior comes through, it has a far more obvious impact on pri and therefore the audience too, and it creates a stronger reason to be invested in the developing story around their relationship.
and speaking of that story, it is easily one of the most interesting aspects of the entire season. pax’s descent and the slowburn reveal that he’s only interested in his own goals and happiness once pri has made it clear she doesn’t want exactly what pax does is paced so well and feels genuinely devastating. which makes it even more frustrating when they fuck it up right at the end. again. one part of this has to do with what I discussed about pri’s arc before. the fact they never give her a moment of realization means the break in their relationship is completely one-sided, which makes any realization pax has about what he’s done/is doing way less impactful. and then the fact he doesn’t even really have that realization, but instead realizes that “beyblade is fun,” a conclusion to an arc that pax never has, is just. what. and then on top of that, the fact he realizes this because of bell instead of pri??? there’s no real closure between them, everything is just fixed all of a sudden at the end. it just feels awful and it makes it clear that the only reason they never had pri leave pax was so they could minimize pri’s writing at the end and have bell fix everything and it is, once again, rage-inducing to watch.
and all of this — quadstrike’s unwillingness to dig deeper into its themes, its baffling mishandling of said themes and its characters, and insistence on derailing every interesting part of its story for a “beyblade is fun, please buy our products” message at the end (a message they could have easily ended with without throwing out every character arc and theme they’d established) — is why quadstrike struggles to be anything more than an advertisement. it’s a story about kids running around playing with highly marketable toys that seems to desperately want to be about a pair of siblings grappling with grief and their own identities after having experienced loss, but can’t be that because the toys need to get advertised.
so yeah. I enjoyed it. ok I know after how harsh I’ve been, you might be a bit confused. let me be clear: I don’t “like” quadstrike. in fact, I fucking hate it. I hate its unwillingness to defy its status as “just a children’s toy anime,” I hate what it represents as a symbol of the compromise and degradation of story-telling as an artform and art as a form of story-telling for the sake of corporate marketing, I hate how it comes so. SO close. to being something more than what it was expected to be just to fall short right at the end. I hate it!
but I also can’t help but love it. I love this series. I love the characters and their stories. I love the ridiculous and stupid shit that happens to and because of them. I love their relationships and dynamics with each other. it’s all so much fun and they all mean a lot to me, which is why I’m so hard on the burst series whenever it fucks it up. because I see so much potential in what’s here and seeing it be wasted constantly, over and over again, hurts. I know beyblade is a kid’s show and none of this is to say that it can't just be dumb fun, but the problem is when it clearly wants to do something more but ends up compromising out of fear, and I can recognize the parts of it that don’t treat its audience like idiots whose sole purpose is to be marketed to and I just wish it would wholeheartedly embrace that part of itself. I want kids to see stories about trauma, identity, grief, communication, etc. because these are real world things that kids are dealing with and are going to deal with for the rest of their lives and they deserve quality stories and art that teach them about these human things and about being human just as much as anyone else. so that's why I ask: why can’t it be that. when it constantly comes so close, why can't it just hit the mark once and be something more than a marketing trick. just once, why can't it be a piece of art instead of a piece of advertising.
with all that said, if I ever decide to do a rewatch of the burst series, you can be sure I'll only be watching quadstrike through episode 19 and then making up the rest in my head, and if you're wanting to watch the season too I'd suggest you do the same.
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amelikos · 11 months
Friede and Amethio's battle in HZ025 parallels their first battle in the first episode (at night, on a rooftop, Lizardon VS Soulblades).
Some observations about their battle because that warrants a post on its own, honestly. Their dynamics and interactions are interesting, and I feel like they both seek different things from their confrontations. Friede battles for fun and fights to protect what's dear to him, while Amethio seems to want to achieve something greater than the actual battle itself when they face each other. So they aren't exactly seeing the same thing.
I think the most intriguing part of the battle was that it highlighted how young and immature Amethio is by having Friede say that he isn't young enough to let words rile him up. This happens after Amethio tells him that it's not like him to lack spirit (which shows that they both really know each other by this point). Amethio wants to be composed and more mature than he actually is, but his facade has been breaking little by little ever since the beginning. Amethio has been shown to be easily riled up by Friede's words or attitude before, even though the latter wasn't necessarily looking to get a reaction out of him?
For example, Amethio thought he was being underestimated by Friede in HZ002 when he sent Cap to battle against Soulblades. We know Cap is a strong opponent, but Amethio thought that sending a Pikachu meant that he was being underestimated. He just made assumptions here, but that wasn't Friede's intention. Another example of Amethio being pissed off by Friede was in HZ003. When Friede and Liko went to him to get Nyahoja back, Friede managed to lure him into accepting his offer to settle this through a battle by asking "are you afraid you'll lose?" and it worked. Amethio immediately told him not to mess with him. This was intentional on Friede's part since he knew that Amethio would probably take the bait after suggesting he could lose.
There has been multiple instances of Amethio being angry towards Friede when he felt like he wasn't properly looking at him and acknowledging him. A recurring line between them has been "don't look away from me" after all, which Amethio told Friede in HZ005 when he was distracted during their battle (and it's not like Friede was distracted for the sake of it either, as the leader of his crew he was worried for Liko and Roy and the others being in danger and checked on them, hence why he looked away). And as much as Friede can be "forgetful", he remembered that specific line from Amethio and uses it back in HZ022 in the Galar Mine during their battle and says he won't look away. And in HZ025, Amethio immediately got pissed when Friede told him he was on the phone.
Other than that, there is mutual respect and honor between them. Friede initially thought that their battle (in HZ025) was going to be 2 VS 1 but Amethio called back Armorga so the battle could be a proper 1 VS 1. Even though he could have the advantage of numbers, Amethio always fights fairly. Which is something Friede knows as well, since he knew Amethio wasn't responsible for Liko's mysterious disappearance in HZ015. Friede knew that Amethio would fight head-on and show himself if he was coming for the pendant, something Spinel didn't do. Even when the tower fell in HZ025, Friede didn't feel worried by Amethio being higher and behind him in the sky because he just knows he won't do anything underhanded or attack him when he cannot see him.
They know each other and each other's Pokemon pretty well too. Friede commends Amethio for being serious, knows he tends to be impatient (he said this in HZ022), praises him for adapting and using the situation to his advantage in HZ025, knows he has to look out for Soulblades's ability in battle which shows that he respects Amethio as a trainer. Amethio also knows Friede and his personality (when he comments on his lack of spirit).
Either way, I feel like they both want different things from their battles and this causes misunderstandings between them. Amethio feels like he wants to prove something (to himself? to someone else?) through their battles and probably feels like Friede never took him seriously until this battle given how he quickly defeated him after using Terastal. But honestly, I feel like it's a bit more complicated than that. Friede could have dismissed Amethio and not given him the time of the day when he was asking to battle in the Galar Mine for example, but he still battles him. Friede takes him seriously, hence why he battles him again and again in the first place.
To me, the key difference is that now Amethio went from "worthy opponent" to "threat to defeat". (And it also speaks of Amethio's skill that he cornered Friede enough to get him to use Terastal, which he only used against Spinel before when it was a 2 VS 1 battle and Spinel had the advantage of numbers)
I feel like Friede genuinely considers Amethio as fun to battle? When he fled from their battle in HZ003, he told him they should do a battle again and he barely met Amethio at the time and yet still told him this. Even in the Dokimeki Diary opening, their scene together where they battle shows Friede with fire in his eyes as they are battling, which to me implies that he just enjoys their battles. Amethio is a fair and respectable opponent, and they more or less match each other in terms of strength (which I don't think is the case with anyone from the Rising Volt Tacklers as Friede is "the battler" of the group, the others have their own fields they specialize in). So battling Amethio is probably the first fun Friede has had in a while.
But now, Amethio became a threat. Friede clearly was battling to protect Liko and Roy in HZ025 and he only had Lizardon with him and if Lizardon was defeated, he wouldn't have any other Pokemon with him. Lizardon being defeated meant immediate danger.
Hence, to me, the shift in Amethio going from "opponent" to "threat to defeat" (to protect what's important to Friede). I think part of Friede was sincere when he apologized to Amethio after defeating him, and said he made him stop holding back. Part of him was probably holding back subconsciously before. The way I see it, Friede wasn't necessarily looking to defeat Amethio before that? He wasn't seeking the same thing as Amethio out of their battles. He could have fun with their battles (especially since now he is starting to openly praise Amethio's skills, so it seems like he sees potential in him).
While Amethio was seeking to defeat Friede and their battles were a much bigger deal to him. He was looking for something else through their battles, and in doing so he became a threat. Hence why Friede resorted to using his trump card.
Anyway, their dynamics is really interesting. I feel like Friede probably doesn't realize how much he is getting under Amethio's skin, and Amethio really feels like he is trying to achieve something specific or prove something whenever they face off. He was looking at the Brave Asagi flying away at the end of the episode, and he seemed affected by his loss in general... I wonder how he'll grow from this. I hope Friede and Amethio will battle just for fun someday.
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swiftscion · 1 year
deep dive character sheet
stolen from: ree and everyone else tagging: you there, all the way in the back!!
height: 160cm / 5′ 3
strength ★★★☆☆ (while not physically built, larcei has strength in her ability to generate momentum. acrobatics and evasiveness are her strong suits, with a body type built on lean muscle rather than overwhelming bulk)
dexterity ★★★★★ (goes hand-in-hand with her streamlined physique. her swordplay is also a honed art, learned by countless failures. she'd be caught dead (quite literally) if her stroke missed an enemy's vital)
health ★★☆☆☆ (in addition to being reckless, larcei pushes herself. her pursuit for power often leaves her lacking in personal care, but at the very least she understands the importance of eating and sleeping)
energy ★★★★★ (high-energy, though quick to burn out. larcei has low stamina and fatigues easily, but when she gets fired up there is little she lets stand in her way. also just generally an active/energetic person)
beauty ★★★★☆ (she does little to maintain it, but according to a handful of others, she is very beautiful. also reminiscent of ayra, who is similarly seen as beautiful by other characters. tell her she looks hot and she'll pull you into a stump but say she looks like her mother? and now you've got her listening)
style ★★★★☆ (laugh at the no pants thing but i think her default outfit and casual fits in some of the manga are quite stylish. the boots and gloves are eye-catching while her outfits as a whole enable her high mobility)
hygiene ★★★☆☆ (perhaps a little stinky. definitely waits a day or two more than she should to wash off the bloodstains after a big battle. she grew up in hiding so this was never exactly a priority for larcei)
perception ★★★☆☆ (in battle, being aware of an enemy's strengths and weaknesses is what allows her razor-edge style to succeed. she does get tunnel-visioned rather easily though, and loses points for being perceptive of little else)
communication ★★☆☆☆ (anger she communicates easily, as well as joy. but feelings of affection or things that otherwise make her feel like a burden fall victim to near-tsundere levels of denial)
persuasion ★★☆☆☆ (the only example of persuasion we find with larcei is her recruitment of the dozel brothers and this poses a few issues. firstly, she only really persuades iucharba to change his mind, as the mere sight of her is enough to convince iuchar. secondly, she cannot convince both to set aside their differences and join together, displaying a lack of this trait. and thirdly, she doesn't even try with any other enemy characters, meaning it's just not in her. she can kick and scream and threaten though )
mediation ★☆☆☆☆ (while threatening to whack both parties across the head could work in some scenarios, the vast majority where they don't and also her failure to resolve the dozel conflict earns larcei another low score)
literacy ★★☆☆☆ (a skill taught to her in group sessions in tirnanog but never anything she received formal lessons in, until coming to the officers academy. even then, she's more of a tactile learner)
creativity ★★★☆☆ (her one art is the art of the sword but she's decently creative with it. scion larcei kind of opened my eyes to her using astra for more than just swordplay so i think that is also kind of like a creative outlet for her)
cooking ★★☆☆☆ (it is edible and it gets the job done. definitely better at doing hard farm labor than cooking what she harvests)
tech savvy ★☆☆☆☆ (honor is big for her and she refuses to touch weaponry that is nontraditional (magic, ballistae, siege weapons) lest she let down the pride of her people)
combat ★★★★★ (it is literally in her blood and not only something she does for its own sake, but for the pursuit of her mother)
survival ★★★★★ (under imperial rule this was number one. calling larcei a survivor is a perfect summation of her character)
stealth ☆☆☆☆☆ (it goes against her personal creed to sneak up on people. combat must be announced and challenges shouted so that victory can be achieved against an opponent at full strength)
street smarts ★★★★☆ (see survival. she's watched one too many girl get snatched up to become, to quote her directly, "dead, or wishing i was..." loses one star for the time shannan had to save her but she has not forgotten that day)
seduction ★★☆☆☆ (is found attractive by some people (including her current partner) but doesn't actually know how to leverage that)
luck ★★☆☆☆ (this one is hard to pin down statistically since her lck base and growth are slightly parent-dependent, but given that she's got the lower stat between her and scathach i'd say she's on the unluckier side of things)
handling animals ★☆☆☆☆ (has yet to obtain a mount and things will stay this way for quite some time)
pacifying children ★☆☆☆☆ (definitely more of a hard-discipline kind of parent. she's the one who gets fed up of kids yelling for mcdonalds and pulls in to order a single black coffee)
intelligence ★☆☆☆☆ (choosing to interpet this as book-smarts, which are an obvious 'no'. she fits the jock archetype fairly well)
happiness ★★★☆☆ (this is a score that's gotten better the more she bonds with people in the group but the tragedy of her family still hangs over her head)
spirituality ★★★★☆ (sort of a big deal for anyone in jugdral, and with multiple quotes revering the sword saint it can be safe to assume she uses him as a measure of strength. definitely more focused on the human-side of the crusaders though)
confidence ★★★★★ (she risks her neck every time she rushes into the fray. to not do so with confidence would spell a quick death)
humor ★☆☆☆☆ (sometimes she does things that can be laughed at but humor isn't really a focus of larcei's character)
anxiety ★★★☆☆(with regards to ayra's whereabouts, specifically. and whether she's been living her life all wrong. the realization that she's been chasing a shadow for nearly 20 years is going to hit her hard)
patience ☆☆☆☆☆ (nope. none. gotta do it now and do it loud!)
passion ★★★★☆ (yes but only in the things she particularly cares for. if it's not a contest or chance for her to grow she will not bother)
nice         ☆☆☆★☆ mean (snippy and rude with her nice moments)
brave       ☆★☆☆☆ cowardly (cowardly only in the sense that she cannot accept the truth that is right in front of her)
pacifist   ☆☆☆☆★ violent (incredibly so)
thoughtful ☆☆☆☆★ impulsive (incredibly so)
agreeable ☆☆☆★☆ contrary (constantly ready for fights, conflict, and competition--though she is rather pleasant with similarly-minded folk and those who earn her respect)
idealistic   ☆★☆☆☆ pragmatic (the hope that ayra is alive is the only thing sliding that star to the left. otherwise she is a very realistic person)
frugal        ☆★☆☆☆ big spender (grew up without a lot of money since isaach was not ruled by her family during her childhood. she knows its value well)
extrovert   ★☆☆☆☆ introvert (to no one's surprise)
collected   ☆☆☆☆★ wild (her penchant for violence is only matched by the quickness of her accusations. truly a loose cannon )
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma ★★★☆☆ (she has a kind of plucky charm but is otherwise not remarkable in social settings)
empathy ★★★★★ (an important part of her character, having watched her people suffer at the hands of the empire. she will never forget their pain. never)
generosity ★★★☆☆ (there is a kindled yearning for her to give back to the world and ensure nobody has to grow up parentless but we have yet to see any examples of charitability from her so this one is hard to pin down)
wealth ★★★★☆ (i headcanon that she has a huge lump sum leftover from her participation in genealogy's many arenas that she uses to buy birthday gifts and stuff. she also has a tie back to isaach's throne and can sort of ask for money whenever she wants, though she never does)
honest  ☆☆★☆☆ deceptive (wants to be honest but will be meaner than she wants to if it means not exposing a vulnerability. also can get up to mischief)
leader   ☆☆☆★☆ follower (imagine being told, at like age five, that you have to protect some kid with your life. still dedicated to seliph in a retainer sort of way but also strikes out and does her own thing)
polite    ☆☆☆☆★  rude (most people reading this do not know she is a princess)
political ☆☆☆★☆ indifferent (leaving jugdral has separated her from its politics but if she were in a paired ending or the ending in which both scathach and shannan die and she ascends the throne, this would lean left)
higher power ★★★★★ (the proof of their existence is within her)
fate/destiny ★☆☆☆☆ (more of a believer in everyone making their own fate)
magic ★★★★★ (it is very real to her and she loathes it)
soulmates ☆☆☆☆☆ (she has been called that one too many times by a man she watched die so. nope)
good and evil ★★★★★ (i don't think she got the same spiel about the loptyr cult that lewyn gave seliph so to her, the conflict is very black-and-white)
luck ☆☆☆☆☆ (skill is far more reliable)
family ★★★★★ (ayra quest aside, she cares deeply for her isaachian relatives and the rest of the tirnanog group. her caretakers are loved just as much as real fathers and mothers)
friends ★★★★★ (this was a big moment for her in toa, actually. fighting for those who care about her by choice is equally as important as those who care by birthright)
love ★★★☆☆ (she is taken from a iucharba-recruit timeline but lucina exists so she is questioning this one)
home ★★★★★ (repaying debts to the land, its people, and those who would lend it their assistance, is a cornerstone of isaachian culture)
health ★★★☆☆ (neglects it if she's mad but otherwise tries to be healthy)
praise ★★★☆☆ (kind of. "an admittance that she's better than you" is more apt)
justice ★★★★★ (see repaying debts. extends also to ensuring punishment goes to those who wrong the innocent )
truth ★★★★☆ (she's a little hypocritical in this regard whenever she gets emotional but this is important to her nonetheless)
power ★★★★★ (her pursuit for power is, at times, shonen-esque)
fame ☆☆☆☆☆ (not one bit. if she did care for this, she'd introduce herself with the royal title she technically has)
wealth ★★★☆☆ (enough to survive and enough to make a difference. if she ever does take an interest in raising money, it'd be for the sake of ensuring a better future for someone else)
others' opinions ★★☆☆☆ (of those close to her only. being seen as a child or otherwise helpless blows a quick fuse on her)
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undecidedsoilder · 2 years
WHY PEDOPHILIA IS WRONG @GodVanisher (@pafu015) on Youtube
The original video of which you defended pedophilia was deleted due to the original poster’s channel being deleted, and YouTube wouldn’t let me put all these facts into one comment and post it. I said I’ll disprove you and everything you’ve said easily, and that’s what I’m going to do. Despite the original video being gone, don’t act like I’m putting words into your mouth when I quote what you say and debunk it.
Intentions don’t matter/Children can’t consent/Your individual evaluation (“test”) contradicts everything you’ve been previously saying, Age is NOT just a number, etc:
It’s insane how this goes over your head. “Intentions don’t matter” only doesn’t make sense to someone who lacks a basic understanding of how the world works. To say that intentions matter when they are just thoughts makes you delusional, and that makes absolutely no sense. No it makes complete sense to say intentions don’t matter, and it’s entirely undebatable because that’s factually how the world should and already does work. “Charged as if they were intentional” - You don’t understand that there are certain penalties that vary based on “intention”, but the action itself is the sole reason for the punishment, plus intention is roughly based on what actually happened to determine the thought process of the one being accused. That’s how investigation works. You should know this.
Thoughts and feelings don’t correspond to what actually happened, which is why everybody is judged on their actions alone. I’m not “basically saying that accidents don’t exist”, what does that even have to do with what Im saying? That is genuinely the most smooth-brain takeaway from what Im telling you. For example, if you spilled a glass of water wether on purpose or not, you would still clean it up because there is water on the floor regardless of if you mean to spill it or not. Even for something more subtitle like if someone hit you while coming through the door, you wouldn’t punish them either way because there’s no telling if they meant to hit you or not, only what actually happened. Intentions don’t matter and that is a fact.
“Intentions matter because I don’t want to accept that my actions actually have consequences” is basically what you’re saying and that makes absolutely no sense.
And like said, the thoughts of one person doesn’t make what they did right or wrong/moral or immoral. The thoughts of one person isn’t universal. That’s like saying the slaughter of a family is morally righteous because the person who did the crime thought he was in the right. That’s not exactly how morality works.
By your logic, you should believe that a person who did a crime somehow has a say in what they did was moral, and the people who are on the receiving end don’t get a say in it. If you base your sense of morality purely on the perception of someone else, then you fundamentally lack the ability to decide right and wrong for yourself. You shouldn’t even be speaking on this topic, because you can’t even determine if sleeping with someone who cannot consent (children) is right or wrong.
You have fundamental issues trying to understand concepts, logic, systems, values, morals, and evidence.
And although your test/individual evaluation basically contradicts everything you’ve been saying, and I should be ignoring it, you can’t just act like you never said what you’ve been saying previously. So I’m going to disprove those first before proving why the test is actually worse than redundant:
The concepts and premises that make up your opinion & arguments on this topic make no sense. “Age is just a number, and anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid” - This is wrong. You’re genuinely stupid if think that age is just a number. Age being a huge factor in itself and people developing and maturing with age is proof in itself that age does matter, anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid. Plus it is scientifically proven that the brain goes through stages as people age. That fact alone disproves you and you can’t deny it.
People who think “age is just a number” are fundamentally part of the problem.
You like to act as if age, maturity, and intelligence aren’t related, when that isn’t even true. The reason you used a “shelter” argument, something that doesn’t correspond to reality, is because you needed a parameter that never happens. The shelter argument is a false equivalency, so that means you conclusion that there are kids that can consent and adults who can’t consent is absolutely redundant.
Unless you can prove that someone hasn’t mentally developed since they were a baby, who isn’t disabled, then you just proved that you’re stupid. Which means you can’t even argue against any of my points because yours were baseless off the rip.
An adult doesn’t get to decide whether a kid can mature or not. They don’t get to decide wether they are allowed “wait” or not. A child’s consent isn’t relative to your personal desires.
If you’re 18 and the person you want to be with is 17, you would wait until that person is 18. People do that all the time.
Your problem is that you want the adult to have the option to sleep with them whenever they see fit, which is dangerous.
The individual evaluation will make it so where a 18 and a 20 year old won’t be able to get together if the 20 year old didn’t take a test for something they can already do. That’s ridiculous.
“Children can’t consent” - This is correct. Kids literally being smarter than us, in let’s say, academics doesn’t automatically mean they can consent, nor does it mean their human right to protected via the age of consent law is invalid. Children’s rights and safety being violated is inevitable if there is no AOC law. Even if the adult isn’t trying to manipulate them, they are taking advantage of the fact that they can’t consent and that they are less mature. Manipulation doesn’t have to “start”, because you’re basically grooming them. That fact is inevitable.
“It’s easy to determine consent” is your main issue because you’re pretty lazy when it comes to something as serious as a child’s rights and safety. That self-convenient and biased sentiment is wholly wrong and blatantly evil. The AOC law is the easiest way to determine if someone can consent.
Since age, maturity, and intelligence are proven to be linked due to how our country functions, adults not being able to consent isn’t a thing, but children not being able to consent definitely is.
Logic based of a parameter that never happens makes your logic redundant.
Children legally not being able to consent isn’t stripping them of their human rights, it justifies them.
Your idea of trust is messed up. We should never “trust” adults with children. That in itself is a power imbalance. You’re basically leaving it up to an individual person to decide if someone is “ready”, and wether or not that individual is “good”. That’s not how it works, children not being able to consent doesn’t correspond, nor is it relative, to either of those things. How the hell is trusting an adult comparable to trusting a leader or president? The adult in the situation is fundamentally obscure their intentions for future actions are arbitrary, so how is that comparable to an elected official who has already laid out his intentions to even get in that position in the first place? Not only that, but country leader’s and political figures actions are relatively public, child abuse normally happens behind closed doors. Do you even understand the concept of trust and why we trust people? Obviously you don’t.
“There is nothing wrong with being with someone less mature” - Depends. If someone is 23 and dating a 30 year old that’s okay. But if it goes all the way to minor years then there’s EVERYTHING wrong with it.
“The age of consent law is screwing people over” - That is just an assumption you made. “Inaccurate and arbitrary” is also just an assumption you made. The only logical and unbiased thing about this topic you were able to muster is the hypothesis that there are adults who cannot consent and children who can consent, which is redundant because that NEVER holds true pretty much all the time. Like how you said that 5-7 year old girls mature faster than boys to prove that there are more than a few children that can consent, despite that being wrong and factually untrue, that statistic would mean that most kids do mature around a specific age, which you are against. A little maturity boost isn’t comparable to that of a grown adult. It’s also proven that girls and boys have the same amount of intelligence so that statistic is wholly irrelevant because this arbitrary amount of “maturity” doesn’t matter if they aren’t even more intelligent. If a 16 year old girl and a 18 year old male were raised in the same environment, the 18 year old will always be more intelligent. Factually, girls get abused and manipulated more than boys, so that statistic never holds true and since we’re talking about all genders that statistic doesn’t even apply to everyone making it useless. By the way, the way you structured that response and put it together made it seem like you were saying that 5 and 7 year olds can consent, which was both funny and pretty disgusting.
What even are those implications? Someone who can’t consent being a little more mature than someone who can’t consent doesn’t mean they can consent. Saying there’s a few kids who can consent is purely because there’s at least a minority in every majority, but even that doesn’t take away the several other points about children actually having rights, the power balance, etc.
I also find it funny how you use girls for an example, as girls are usually the primary target for this because they’re perceived as “more mature” by creeps and weirdos. They aren’t “mature for their age”, and that’s that. Looking for maturity in a child/kid is an oxymoron in itself.
It takes a certain amount of intelligence and maturity to consent of which children have neither.
Where are your priorities at? The test/individual evaluation contradicts everything you’ve previously been saying, that’s like confusing 12+3 with 12x3 and calling it the same. You didn’t want any consent law, yet you think the law is supposed to protect everybody? Despite the fact that adults don’t even need that protection.
And you’re putting boundaries on love which you specifically didn’t want there to be. Besides that naive and incorrect notion that love has no boundaries, love will always have boundaries so long as there is a consent law put in place, as there should be. The boundaries society sets aren’t stupid, it’s the narrative and agenda you’re trying to push that is actually stupid. Romantic love does have boundaries besides feelings though, like physical attraction and sexual preference for example. Just a little lesson on how that actually works.
You don’t have the right to take away someone’s freedom, especially not a child’s. Pedophilia is a one-way crime, if you get your life ruined from that it is purely a result of your own actions. That’s why adults are responsible and not children. You’re trying to push the narrative that children are responsible despite their inability to consent, when in reality, it’s adult who are responsible because they can.
Trying to say the minor is at fault too is victim blaming, due to the power imbalance and their entitlement to protection. Adults do not have the right or freedom to sleep with children, to even say that is next-level absurdity.
You want to ruin children’s lives for something so retarded, yet you want adults who prey on children to be free and still keep their livelihood. You make no sense.
You don’t think that “age should be the only factor in this” while completely ignoring the reason why. Your point of view is narrowed down and fundamentally lacks nuance.
Absolutely NO research went into your points. Therefore they are redundant by default.
An age law is such a fundamental BASIC human right of children that literally every country has one, albeit some have it way too low. You even going as far as to say it’s stripping them of human rights while being so off-the-mark and inaccurate is absolutely insane. You don’t even know what their human rights are, because if you did you would understand why people are so strict about this topic in the first place. Human rights aren’t “flexible”, so long as someone is considered a child they are entitled to those rights of protection. You’re against that and it doesn’t make any sense.
You act like protecting children is exclusive to our society, which isn’t even true. I’d even go as far as to say that protecting younglings and offspring is fundamentally human nature.
A lot of people don’t understand this, but if the law assumes that an 17 year old can consent with a 18 year old, then that same logic also applies to any age too, which is dangerous. By saying that a 17 year old and an 18 year old should legally consent to each other, you can basically make the same logic for a 30 year old and a 16 year old. The law doesn’t work around your desires, that fact isn’t ridiculous so much as it is inconvenient for people. By saying that an 18 year old can be with a 16 year old, you’re already saying that the 16 year old can consent, which isn’t true. By saying that you’re also trying to it valid for a 30 year old to be with a 16 year old. The law is strict on this topic for a completely justifiable reason.
“Love is the motivation and people hate that for no reason” - People don’t hate that for no reason, you’ve just been closing your ears screaming “lalalalalalala”, while practically ignoring common sense and morals. The human rights of children aren’t here to work around your motivations.
You don’t understand that love on it’s own has no intrinsic value, as “love” can be a motivation for anything. Domestic abusers have love as a motivation all the time, so we shouldn’t hate that either? Yes, we should.
“Love has no boundaries.” - This is wrong. Love is bound by orientation and preferences, it’s just that the preferences for children is dangerous.
Society’s boundaries aren’t stupid, since age and maturity pretty much go hand in hand with how our society, country, and climate actually works. Animals can’t even consent either, that’s why we have boundaries for them.
Besides orientation and preferences, some people have morals and standards that essentially act as boundaries.
Love does have physical boundaries, not feelings alone. For example, some people can’t be attracted to fat people, and because of that they can’t fall in love with them. Decent people like me aren’t attracted to the young bodies of small children.
By saying that love has no physical boundaries, you’re basically saying sexuality isn’t even a thing. That’s like expecting a homosexual person to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex.
“That means they are biased and shouldn’t speak on this topic” - You’re basically saying that you’re more qualified to speak on this topic more than people with firsthand experience of how this pedophilia problem negatively affects people, while simultaneously being biased yourself. Yet you think that people hate it for “no reason”. What the hell is wrong with you?
What’s even more ironic is that your premises and arguments aren’t supported by empirical evidence nor basic logistics that go into this topic.
You don’t know what arbitrary means, a law that has been adjusted and put in place for centuries is arbitrary, but a test that was merely an asspull of a solution isn’t? The test is arbitrary in itself. Besides, minors are proven to actually get abused and manipulated way more than adults have, and the age of consent law has shown to be beneficial for many people, so it is neither inaccurate or arbitrary. We can’t just swap out the number and nothing will change. You just don’t like, and just can’t handle, that the facts don’t actually work in your favor, neither does it work around your morals and bias.
An actual arbitrary number is the game where you have to “guess the number”, because it is vague and can be literally any number. That isn’t the case for the consent law. Just a little lesson on what an arbitrary number actually is.
“This isn’t about me” is a defense/coping mechanism so you can avoid being held to your own ideology. Despite using arguments notoriously used by pedophiles and calling people who disagree stupid simply to get a reaction out of people. Id go as far as to say if it wasn’t about you before it definitely is now because you’re trying to integrate a broken system into our society which will ultimately lead to human rights being violated for both the current and future generations, which stems from a complete misunderstanding of your own rights. And people in this comment section are using our right to suppress and shut you down for advocating and trying to enforce on us such a system, trying to suppress our pride and values for the sake of something that will ultimately make society worse. Just a little lesson on what freedom of speech actually is.
If you’re offended and angry that a system that prevents adults from sleeping with minors is actively being “pushed on you”, despite it not even applying to you because you’re an adult who can consent, then that simply means that you don’t want to be restricted from going after children. Since you believe love isn’t bound by anything physical, meaning you don’t care about the age but rather “if they’re ready”, then there’s literally nothing stopping you from going after a child if you perceive they’re ready.
Since you believe love has no boundaries you would be with a child if your feelings called for it, because you don’t necessarily have a grasp on how age and maturity correlate.
It’s not “making assumptions” about you, it’s essentially putting 2 and 2 together through a logical examination. That isn’t a judgement beyond my reach.
“I did a lot of emotional maturing lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s easy to decide who you want to be with” - No level 1 of emotional maturity is know that this is subjective and it’s not necessary easy for everyone to determine who you want to devote care and time to.
Being with with a child is morally wrong. If the adult shouldn’t “cross the line” that’s power imbalance in itself.
And the reason you say that deciding who you want to be with is like “level 1 of maturity” is because you’re trying to defend the excuse of the minor being “mature for their age” which is disgusting and untrue.
Age not having intrinsiv meaning or value doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any meaning or value at all, the problem is just that your point of view is very, very narrowed down and inaccurate. Sleeping with children is wrong, I just give you both logical, statistical, biological, and real-world evidence why.
You don’t understand that being with a child and being with a less mature adult is completely different, it’s stupid and insane how you confuse the two. No, there is everything wrong with being with a child that’s so drastically less intelligent and immature.
You see a dislike for pedophiles as a dumb “root of hatred” and you think people “don’t like it for no reason” which is just an example of your fundamental bias towards the adult because the foundations for all your arguments including the test will ultimately leave the rights of children in the hands of individuals rather than a beneficial system. It shows how you did little to no research on this topic while trying to give your opinion on it, which is pretty stupid and it makes your root of empathy towards pedophiles even more misplaced, irrational, and dumber.
You don’t even know how the law works, or why we even have laws in the first place. You don’t know what human rights are either.
The law doesn’t just apply to evil people it applies to everybody. You think the law should protect everybody but at the same time it shouldn’t apply to certain people, that doesn’t make any sense. You basically want the law to be convenient for people, that’s just wishful thinking my guy. Someone can’t be an offender or a criminal without breaking a law in the first place, so it doesn’t inherently restrict people with the intention to do evil, only the action itself. For example, just because you won’t shoot up a school, doesn’t mean that you should be allowed to bring weapons to class. That’s why society has boundaries and laws.
Yes, the AOC law does apply to adults who are supposedly “good” because not only does the law apply to everybody, but the children’s inability consent isn’t relative to if the adult is a good person or not.
The AOC law isn’t here to “make sense” for specific individuals who are supposedly “good”, it already makes sense in itself because it prevents adults from being with children who cannot consent. An adult doesn’t have to actively use tactics to manipulate a child, because being with someone who can’t consent is abusive and taking advantage all on it’s own. Adults manipulating children is literally inevitable.
Your freedom and rights end the moment they negatively affect other people or infringe on the rights of others.
-People can’t use their “freedom of speech” to make death threats and use it to create panic.
-The right to have a gun doesn’t mean that you can bring it literally anywhere.
-Your right to sleep with someone is restricted when that other person cannot consent. That’s why forms of “grape” are illegal, which sleeping with a child is a statutory form of “grape”.
“You don’t need to have self control if the child can consent”, basically means, “If I decide the child can consent I can do whatever I want without consequence.” Holy sh!t, that’s messed up.
“Everybody learns differently” - That is just an assumption you made. People learning differently in the history of anything doesn’t stop people from coming to the same consensus. That being, kids being able to consent at 18. You missed the entire point, kids are still learning regardless of how they learn. For example, just because kids learn differently in math, doesn’t mean that all of them don’t pass the school year.
(With the test you’re basically leaving what they previously learned arbitrary while trying to put a roadblock in the middle so they don’t have any time to actually learn it.)
Also, it’s really dangerous for a really small kid to give birth. So it’s wrong to sleep with them, even if they could consent. It’s really dangerous for them to give birth, because them and the baby can die in the process.
There bodies aren’t even developed enough let alone their minds. Consent isn’t “all that matters”.
You’re acting like the AOC system has failed people, when it reality it’s benefited people.
**Age of consent system isn’t broken but actually beneficial/Your test makes no sense, it’s counterproductive, and will run society into the ground:
Look. The age of consent system isn’t broken or is it counterproductive, however your test and individual evaluation is because it is a very, very, inaccurate and arbitrary test that was put together by someone who fundamentally just isn’t smart enough and too lazy to come up with a solution to benefit everyone. For example, if you let soldiers out into a field with full equipment and trained them will every martial art. How is it the teachers fault if they die in battle? That makes no sense.
In this situation, it would actually be your fault if children failed the test, which they ultimately will, because you don’t want to provide their right to a learning system so that they’re prepared for the test. Therefore your test is stripping them of their human rights, because you are, ironically, leaving their beforehand experience to be completely arbitrary. And that is only one example of how your test is fundamentally a giant failure, I can actually list plenty more problems even if your test had a learning system behind it.
The test will ultimately be ran and supervised by someone who lacks the intelligence to provide an environment in which children will succeed, because they’re “for” something that they half-assed and completely made up in their head with little to no thought or care. Your test/individual estimation isn’t flexible, and there’s no such thing as a flexible test that is based on a certain amount of intelligence with right or wrong answers, instead of being flexible your test just leaves the amount of intelligence beforehand openly and completely arbitrary. That is being inflexible. The fact that you don’t “think” the law should be strict and inflexible about a topic so crucial simply means that you do not care. If someone is taught something and they don’t learn, then it is their fault.
Honestly, I don’t think the test is redundant, that would imply that it’s useless. It’s worse than useless, because it strips away the rights of both children AND adults. It’s more that the logic that makes up your overall outlook of this topic is redundant and the system you made up is proof of that in itself. Let me explain:
The age of consent law isn’t inaccurate or arbitrary, that is just a statement you’re making without any evidence. It is proven that minors below 18 are notoriously abused more than adults pretty much all the time so it makes no sense to say that the AOC law is wrong. It makes no sense to say that the estimation of kids having already learned by the time they are 18 is just a mere assumption. You’re going by the logic that you made up in your head but it doesn’t correspond to reality, so the law shouldn’t be changed according to your logic because you are wrong. Deductive and inductive reasoning that is devoid of logic doesn’t count as logical reasoning. That’s the fundamental reason why when you actually try to bring up real evidence it’s always factually incorrect.
The system isn’t broken, you’re just saying that it is despite not having actual evidence of it screwing people over, your logic and the test you made up will fundamentally screw people over by contrast. Having an evaluation with no system behind it so kids can easily be prevented from taking it or being forced to take it due to legal guardians will ultimately strip many kids from the chance of ever being able to legally consent. Or having that put on them way too early. There’s also nothing in place to prepare them for it beforehand. Contrary to the AOC law, this evaluation you want to put in place is ultimately against the human rights of any child. Not to mention you never even specified how it even works, you basically just said “they should take a test that should solve all our problems” while being completely vague without any details. Claiming that adults are “underestimating them” when they call out your “test” proves that you have no idea of how education works and you can’t even help them succeed.
You don’t know what arbitrary means, because the AOC law has been adjusted and put in place for centuries in order to protect children, you pull a fixed half-assed system out of thin air because of your complete misunderstanding of how the law works and claim it will fix everything while disregarding how it will actually work or how the system will adjust, that is the exact definition of arbitrary. By giving children an arbitrary test you are thrusting a responsibility on them that they are not ready for. Your test only arises and worsens problems that were already present, it’s counterproductive and dangerous.
For example, groomers don’t even have to wait for children to get older and they don’t have a time space where the child can actually break away from them before they are too old, the test has the same questions and subject matter so groomers can literally help them cheat despite them not even being ready. Ironically you’re leaving outsiders to decide if a kid can consent despite that not being your intentions, which means you don’t know what you’re doing or what you’re even talking about.
They won’t prove me wrong by “passing” because your system ensures they won’t in itself. You’re trying to equate something that determines an ability to something akin to an IQ test, that line of reasoning doesn’t work.
You don’t have the right to take away a child’s freedom or ruin their lives, especially not for something so retarded. I’m not for an arbitrary, inaccurate, and completely made up test, but for the system that we already have that has no legitimate downsides. It makes no sense that you’re for something that was never fleshed out, for something so half-assed, for something so inaccurate, for something that won’t even exist because of those reasons.
You’re essentially discriminating against children for no reason while using “you’re just underestimating them” whenever someone calls you out on it despite of how dangerous it is, just so you can no avoid all accountability. Preventing such a system isn’t discriminating against children, but advocating it is. You’re pretty much trying to integrate a system in o ur society that will ultimately fail children and adults.
You would also ruin relationships that have been alive for centuries because everybody past 18 wouldn’t legally be able to consent because of some arbitrary test some guy put in place. People would obviously protest to that nonsense and you can’t FORCE them to take part in a test or system that they don’t need. The age of consent law beforehand left their relationship completely fine but you would strip away their basic human rights for no reason.
I’d go as far as to say that it’s a personal violation against me, my values, and my pride because in the eyes of your system I apparently can’t consent because I haven’t taken some arbitrary test, and that I have to conform to such a broken system. Call me selfish, but I’m definitely not for an “individual evaluation” that would basically hinder the relationship that me and my partner have maintained. It’s basically to protect individuals while screwing individuals over, it’s an idiotic and counterproductive system that doesn’t help anyone. You’re essentially doing what you’ve claimed that consent law was doing; you’re basically assuming and making a generalization that everyone that hasn’t taken the test can’t consent. However, the consent law actually has proof and statistics to backup it’s broad generalization, and even that law is incredibly lenient because minors who haven’t even reached 18 can be with each other.
Adults past 18 who can consent, but are not able to due to an arbitrary an inaccurate test, is stripping us of our human rights.
Don’t pretend like you care about the human rights of children. All your arguments are centered around the rationale that adults shouldn’t get in trouble for trying to be with children. Because you’re predominantly saying that the child (the victim in this situation) “knows what they’re doing”, so the adult is without fault. And that the adult not being able to control themselves or their desires automatically means that they should never be held accountable for their actions. You can’t deny this, because you’re trying to pass them as “facts” when they are just excuses.
The only kids you can argue can consent are “gifted kids”, but that doesn’t even mean that they’re stripped of their human rights of protection, nor does that mean excelling academics means that they can consent to sexual relations or a relationship. So actually you can’t even argue that much.
You literally made this up as you went along. I’m not using “literally” as in a hyperbole, you made this up as this thread went on. You basically formed the idea, thought about it a little bit more, then ran with it as if that’s what you’ve been saying this entire time. You’re trying to act as if it will revolutionize or fix society when it will actually damage us, while simultaneously pretending that it somehow validates everything you’ve been saying when it actually contradicts it.
The reason you keep using “arbitrary” is because your argument in itself is devoid of reasons as to why it doesn’t work. The reason you leave your test ambiguous, arbitrary, and “flexible” is because it is inaccurate and arbitrary in itself.
Your test doesn’t just have “downsides”, it’s a giant mess and collapses into itself. There is no benefits.
Your test neither corresponds to reality like the AOC law does, nor does it not correspond to reality. That’s because it isn’t based off of any research or knowledge, but it’s contents and details are left completely obscure.
You don’t realize that by saying that children’s rights are being taken away for not being allowed to do something, you’re also saying that children not being able to vote, drive, buy a gun, or drink is also against their rights. It’s unrealistic and really dumb. Saying someone’s human rights are being violated for not being able to do something, is like saying your right to bear arms is being violated for not being table to take a firearm to a festival. That’s not how human rights work.
Yes, children are children until they are 18. I know, it’s shocking, huh? Regardless if you genuinely convinced yourself and the child that they can consent, it is still within their rights to be protected.
It’s children’s rights to be protected because they are children. Them being children in itself means that they are entitled to those rights. You do not have the right to take that away from them because it suits you.
The law is also obligated to prevent vulnerable people, since kids are impressionable and notoriously susceptible to abuse, it is within their right to be protected. That fact alone disproves you and you can’t deny it.
Sleeping with a child is wrong and it counts as statutory “grape”, therefore not being able to do that isn’t a violation of an adult’s human rights. Unless you wanted to make it so where people didn’t need to consent to sleep with each other. You keep saying that adults aren’t able to consent and that it’s an issue, but there is no evidence for that, therefore it is just a statement/excuse and nothing more.
Just a lesson on what children’s rights ACTUALLY are. The fact that I have to lay it all out for you, and you couldn’t even do that for yourself, proves that you truly don’t have any idea about what you’re talking about or the severity of the narrative you’re trying to push.
Do you even know what consent is?! It’s not a responsibly, it’s an ability. You’re basically giving kids an obligatory responsibility or else they can’t even be in a relationship, even when they are already adults.
You also don’t understand that being with a less matured adult is not the equivalent of being with a child, it’s pretty stupid and insane how you confuse the two.
Looking for maturity in a child/kid is an oxymoron in itself.
You do realize that a test isn’t going to stop people from trying to get with others who cannot consent, right? An arbitrary test/individual evaluation actually makes it easier for that to happen.
You against an age system that protects the rights of children, by saying that we don’t have the right to do that? The AOC law is 18 because people under that age are notorious for being liable to abuse, we’re not just “deciding” it.
You don’t get to decide if kids can consent or not, because you aren’t qualified to determine anything.
Also, there was never a consent test on this topic for disabled people. That’s a lie.
The law “not applying” to certain adults doesn’t make sense because the consent of a minor doesn’t vary on what the adult’s intentions are, because intentions don’t apply or correspond to the reality of minors not being able to consent. So the law does make sense for them.
You do realize that when you have an opinion on something it has to actually be supported by evidence, logic, and reasoning right? You should really stop assuming things and making statements about topics you don’t know anything about.
The solution for this, is to make sex education legal for children in middle school or high school, that way they are prepared by the time they are 18. Teach them how to consent, how to avoid creepy adults, how to prevent pregnancy, etc.
It isn’t purely “I want to have sex”, or “I want to be with you”, that we consider when talking about consent, there are many other factors. That’s why you think it’s easy to determine it, because you lack a broad understanding. If it was purely that, then we wouldn’t even allow kids to be with other kids, but generally kids can’t consent. Even kids wanting to engage in that activity together is entirely discouraged.
A test that applies to kids and adults of ALL ages implies that everybody in America, in a relationship or not, will have to take it to be within “their rights”. Adding a learning system to the test would also mean that everybody would basically have to be put back in school.
An actual issue with the government and the real stupid thing in our system is that they refuse to teach kids about important topics. Cultural exception, racism, topics involving LGBT, sex education, etc.
Many people would have benefited from having knowledge about these topics, especially sex education and consent seeing as how many kids are wronged, from not properly being taught. Hell, sexual abuse of minors even happens between parents and their children, that’s why we shouldn’t even leave those topics for parents to teach their kids.
I’d also make dating minors illegal. It’s essentially the same as grooming if you’re waiting for the kid to turn 18 before sleeping with them.
And child marriage should be illegal too, because that is a violation of their human rights.
**There’s nothing wrong with society/You don’t know how the world works/You don’t know what love is, what it means, how it’s found/You’re the biased one/All the points you’ve brought up were excuses and nothing more; they weren’t facts, etc:
If you are being held to an expectation that is purely relative to how society raises people, and fully applies to you, then how is that an insult to your pride? That makes no sense.
Also, that’s not how pride works. The very concept of pride revolves around being proud of expectations and achievements. Your pride is completely misplaced to begin with.
The is problem is that a law that’s put in place in order to protect the human rights of vulnerable people fundamentally wounds your ego for no reason, that’s it.
We live in a society. There is always a “should”:
-The consent law “is” 18, therefore kids “should” be able to consent by 18.
-There “is” a problem of children being abused, therefore the law “should” be preventing adults from violating the safety of children.
If you fundamentally misunderstood this pattern of reasoning, then you don’t understand how the world works.
You’re not mature enough to understand love.
You do realize that people CAN choose who they love, right? “Deciding who you want to be with” and “choosing who you love” are literally the same exact thing. You confuse the two but they are actually the same. That’s like confusing 2+2 with 2x2. So it doesn’t make sense to say that you can do one and not the other. Choosing to be romantic and emotionally invest your time to build a relationship is literally choosing who you love, anyone who’s trying to say otherwise hasn’t even been in a loving relationship to know that.
Finding or looking for someone with an ability that they should supposedly have will be an inevitability so long as there’s a consent law, which there should be. Finding someone who can consent isn’t “convenient” it’s the moral, ethical, and legal thing to do regardless of how much suppressing your “love” hurts your feelings which is precisely why it isn’t relevant. You’re basically saying nobody should have self control. Ironically, not choosing the right person is actually the toxic and convenient “solution”.
You’re trying to perpetuate the idea that people can choose who they want to be with and that we can’t all the same, which doesn’t really work and makes no sense.
Regardless if you can literally choose what you’re attracted to, everybody who can consent has the choice to emotionally invest in a person. Your idea of love is messed up dude because it’s the mindset of actual offenders and people with no self control who act on personal desires. You would want to be with someone because they are able to mutually consent with you, not because being with someone less mature is more convenient and easier for you.
And to make it even worse you don��t even know how love works, what love means, or what love is. If you did you would know that looking for love is how people have fallen in love since forever and that you can choose who you love. These are fundamentals if you ever want to be in a relationship. It’s like you still believe in “love at first sight”, and “love conquers all”. The fact of the matter is that love actually takes time and you have to look for it. That’s how falling in love works, you should go do that.
“I can’t control who I love” That makes absolutely no sense and that’s not how it works. That is especially dangerous because it’s the mindset of both abuse victims AND abusers. It’s also an excuse used by people who want to be judged for their intentions rather than any heinous crime they did against the person they supposedly “love”.
“If a child loves them back they aren’t being manipulated” - There is everything wrong with that statement. You’re an idiot if you genuinely think that if a child loves someone that they aren’t being manipulated, it is a known fact that loved ones are one the main causes of abuse through bonds, let alone some adult who so happens to “love” them. No one is going to get manipulated by someone they don’t like. Christ, that is such a scummy way of thinking. If you don’t understand this then you genuinely don’t understand how ANY kind of love works.
You do realize that preaching a fixed, opinionated definition of love while simultaneously misunderstanding it means you aren’t emotionally mature in the slightest, right?
Relationships aren’t situational. For two people to love each other there must be mutual power and mutual consent. That is nonexistent with an adult and a child.
All of your points are used to push a biased narrative, all the way down to how you think intentions and love works.
For example, the reason you brung up the point that intentions matter is because you don’t want an adult to be held responsible if they “accidentally” do something with a child that cannot consent.
The reason you think people cannot choose who they love is because you don’t want adults to be decent people by choosing to be with other adults that can actually consent with them. What you are, (or what you were saying), are not facts, they are excuses.
The reason you think that it’s easy to determine consent is because you want it to be convenient for adults to take advantage of a child if they think the child is “ready”.
The reason you think that choosing who you want to be with is easy and “level 1 of maturity”, is because you think adults should get the excuse of certain kids they manipulate being “mature for their age”.
I can’t “poke holes” in your logic because it’s practically a 360 circle. A 360 circle is the perfect analogy for your logic because it’s basically an outer shell with no substance in the middle. The outer shell is your statements, but in the middle it doesn’t actually have any substance within itself. It’s logic that surrounds nothing, that in itself proves that your logical reasoning is completely missing the logical part. The concepts that make up your arguments make no sense.
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amnotaqueen · 2 months
All About Punishment
I recently taught our 7 year old with special needs how to ride his bicycle with no training wheels. I have been working with him for years. Most toddlers can pedal little tricycles around the house, but my son didn't have the motor skill coordination to pedal for a while. When I helped him figure out how to pedal, it was great. Then, I purchased a bicycle with training wheels and a helmet to further develop his ability to one day ride a bike, unassisted.
By the way, my narc husband doesn't buy him toys to play with. In his 7 years, the only thing I can recall my husband buying for our son with his own money was soccer ball nets. He himself is into soccer. I and his grandma and grandpa ( and friends in the congregation here and there)have bought him toys for his development and enjoyment. He learned to pedal the bike with training wheels but could not adjust to riding without the training wheels. He wore out the training wheels and still required me to hold him steady so he didn't fall over.
He out grew the first bike, so I bought another for him, determined to see him ride. He lacked focus, was easily distracted, was prone to fuss and get agitated at any requests that challenged him. He was afraid to fail and often didn't try and was happy to have me push him along as he pedaled. Needless to say, I was ecstatic the first time he balanced himself and rode his bike alone. I always try to keep my husband in the loop when it comes to things that our son accomplishes while with me. I feel like it's the right thing to do and I just want to brag about our son when I can.
So I sent him a video of our son riding. The length of time it has taken, all the work that I put into getting him there, all the difficulties and progress he made, I would have thought my husband would have given more extended praise. He only replied to the video I texted him at work with, 'my boy is growing up! Wonderful.' When he got home from work, he said nothing about it.
If it were me, getting home from work after receiving the video of our son riding his bicycle alone, I would have praised him and made a big deal out of it in our son's presence. This was a cause for celebration and it fell flat with my husband. He doesn't pick up on reasons to praise or upbuild. He picks up on reasons to punish, tear down, insult. He really runs with the punishment and insults.
When I asked him why he had not personally congratulated or praised our son for his accomplishment, he said, 'Oh! Yeah, good job.' 'Oh', like he had forgotten already. You forgot? Of course, he has so many other vastly more important things on his mind, like his business, his own accomplishments, and all other things pertaining to himself.
And in his text, he low-key shaded me as well. He knows how long I alone have been working with our son to teach him to ride. He knows I purchased the bikes and helmet alone. Yet, he attributed my son's accomplishment to his growing up. He didn't even acknowledge the efforts I had made. No, 'you did a good job working with him to teach him something that can bring him enjoyment for decades to come'. No. To have said something like that to me would have indicated that maybe I am good for something, maybe I do some things right after all.
Another recent example of preference to put down rather than give commendation was when I was telling him about how our son played with other kids at the park that day. We had stayed about an hour and he played and rode his bike with other kids while I closely monitored him.
I was happy that it went mostly well until it was time to go. I was pleased that he stayed an hour. Number one, with the cooking, cleaning, feeding, errands,tutoring, and activities I do during the day while my son is with me, it's not easy for me to fit in an hour of play. Number two, it is extra work for me to monitor my son while out in public to make sure he is not doing anything inappropriate, preventing meltdowns, or stopping melt downs already in progress, trying to keep my son and other kids safe, trying to mitigate things my son does that irritates other children. It can be exhausting, nerve-wracking, anxiety inducing, and just plain stressful. Parents with children with autism or ADHD know what I'm talking about.
So, the fact that I managed to have him play at the park and socialize for an hour successfully was an accomplishment. I thought my husband would have been happy to hear he had socialized for an hour, given our circumstances. I don't know why I thought that. When I told him we were out there for an hour, my husband's response was, 'That's it?' As in, that's all the time you could manage, only an hour? Nothing I do is commendable. Nothing I do is worthy of any praise. Put downs are aplenty, but praise is sorely lacking.
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laurarolla · 5 months
So I started Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut finally (was doing some item cleanup in Elden Ring the last few days so I'm ready for the DLC at launch). I'm in an odd headspace about it, and I suppose I should start with talking about other space fighter sim/shooter games I've played and my feelings on the genre.
See, my first of these kind of games was a demo of the first stage of Colony Wars on PS1, which eventually led me to actually play the game itself sometime later. From the beginning, there was a sort of push and pull in regards to how these games play for me compared to how I want to play them. Space fighter games of this kind ask a lot of the player right from the word go, largely because of a limited degree of mercy provided for you doing something stupid early on. There's a progression to a lot of these games where you focus on dogfighting first, then graduate to defending a capital ship, then move on to taking down capital ships, all while learning the handling of your craft and optimizing your various weapon systems. In a game like this, control complexity is a crucial balancing act, and honestly, Colony Wars is the only one of these games I've played that felt like it nailed the sweet spot for me. Strike Suit Zero is close, to the point that literally swapping two buttons might fix my biggest control issue (thrusters should be A, transform should be R3). I haven't checked that option yet. The thing is that part of why Colony Wars worked as best I can tell is the lack of customization meant every stage needed to be crafted for the player's expected skill level and equipment loadout. Later games I've played such as Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception and Strike Suit Zero have the ability to replay stages and unlock upgrades, meaning that your limited arsenal and ship capabilities feel like harder limits. Wanna try taking out the capital ships in the early stages? Too bad, you don't have the firepower, shoot incoming missiles and try to take out fighters instead. When you're done doing what we tell you the first time, you can come back with bigger guns and higher skill and do the stuff you want next time.
Maybe the honest reality is the Colony Wars broke my expectations. With only skill and luck to rely on, you had to learn the stages and figure out specific exploits if you wanted to, say, shut down a capital ship to protect your fleet more easily with a specific type of fighter, or you had to acknowledge that your equipment makes capital ship fighting entirely impossible so you need to focus on fighters while your allies deal with the big guns. Stages felt like puzzles you figured out through retries, and the game even allowed the story to keep moving forward if you failed in many cases, just with worse possible endings. Additionally, stages were far shorter and less intense in terms of enemy numbers and such. I guess my issue really is that I'm just not built for these kinds of games, despite genuinely loving the genre. I have something of an allergic reaction to the idea of crawling before walking, in a sense, and I want to feel like I earn the place of being a hero rather than feeling like I'm jammed into the role of The Ace Pilot Protagonist most of the time. We'll see how this eventually plays out, but there's a decent chance that I just won't end up vibing with SSZ by the end of it.
Fun bit of trivia: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare? Perfectly scratches the space shooter itch in bite size chunks. Very surprising to think about all these years later.
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Day 293,
No school tomorrow due to market day so I’m spending the night back at the house.  I did manage to talk to Vernon before leaving the Village though.
It was about as awkward as I’d imagined it would be.  After engaging in some mild stalking to catch him on his way home in the evening (I didn’t want to interrupt him at work) simply walked up to him and asked if he had a few minutes to talk.  He said that he had all evening and I replied that it shouldn’t take that long.
And then before I could second-guess myself I jumped straight into bluntly stating that it had occurred to me that my reaction to the apparent gossip about us might have been construed as offensive and that I wanted to confirm whether I had inadvertently hurt his feelings and, if so, to make apologies and/or amends.  In particular, I wished to apologize if anything I had said or done had accidentally been the sort of thing that might be classified as leading him on.  And yes, I did actually phrase it all weirdly formal like that.
Whatever it was he thought I was going to talk to him about, it wasn’t that.  We ended up finding a nearby bench to sit down and discuss it.  Throughout the whole conversation, and even now, I found myself worrying that I was making things worse by bringing the topic back up instead of just letting it lie buried.
Vernon told me that he’d meant what he said before about having no romantic intentions toward me with prior interactions.  He admitted that the thought of me intending something had occurred to him a couple of times and that he wouldn’t have objected if I’d explicitly confirmed such, but he also figured that since I hadn’t then that most likely wasn’t the case.  So, maybe a tiny bit disappointed, but not surprised, offended, or hurt.
I breathed a sigh of relief at that.  I didn’t want to lose or ruin the friendship we did have and let him know as much.  We agreed to put the whole thing behind us and continue on as we have been, shades take the rumors.  If anything, any more  gossip can be a thing to laugh at together for being wrong.
I did still feel compelled to clarify to him what I meant though when I said I didn’t feel that way about anyone.  It’s not just a matter of not having such feelings for anyone right now, but an increasingly sure feeling that it’s simply not a part of me to have that sort of relationship with anyone ever.  It’s not something I see as a lack or flaw either.  I have a handful of close friendships and that’s all I really need or desire.
To my surprise, Vernon told me that wasn’t all that strange around here.  Sure, it’s uncommon, but I’m not the first, or even third person he’s met that was that way, even in the presence of the Blossom Field.  Now I find myself wondering how much that contributes to the Village’s ability to keep its population mostly constant despite the visible number of large families.  If this entire place was artificially constructed, how much of people’s biology and behavior was engineered back then too?  Everything I know from past life knowledge tells me that humans aren’t normally dependent on the presence of flowers for fertility and that the rates of pairings that couldn’t produce children are higher here than whatever world it was I came from.  If one can be modified, then why not the other?  And if that’s the case, then could the aversion most Villagers seem to have to Cloud Tower have a biological component and not just a cultural one?
It’s a dangerous line of thought to go down, one that could all too easily lead to not viewing this place or the people in it as “real.”  Maybe this sort of thing was more common than I realized in my past life and people are simply more open about it here. 
Oh, also, I told Vernon that I was planning on maybe doing an uncommissioned public telling at the inn tomorrow evening if he wanted to come by for it.  I’ve been toying with the idea for some time now and it feels like every time I go there someone asks if I’m going to do a telling, so I might as well embrace it.  It’s good practice.  For socializing as well as telling.  And letting Vernon know ahead of time means I’m less likely to back out of the plan at the last minute.
I doubt I’ll regret it too much.
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elonasblog · 2 years
1118 Angel number
The persistent numbers, for example, doublet eyes get our eyes and cause us to feel that "it has meaning… ".
In reality, that instinct is right, and at such critical points in time when the holy messengers and awareness are associated.
Holy messengers utilize the number "holy messenger number" to send us a message.
This time, I will make sense of the significance and love message of the heavenly messenger number "1118".
1118 Angel number - What Does It Truly Mean? "Assuming that you need lavishness, it will come in a flash. Have an inspirational perspective and considerations on the monetary side."
The significance of the holy messenger number "1118" is as per the following.
All that you consider turns into a reality.
On the off chance that you need a decent future, have a positive thought of what you want and what you are doing, and center around your desires.
Be positive Be hopeful, particularly with regards to cash, as you lack opportunity and energy to stress over nerves or concerns.
Positive energy deals with a developing instinct, and on the off chance that you follow your inward voice, you can normally go to improve things.
The Genuine Importance And Secret Force Of The Holy messenger Number 1118 The heavenly messenger number 1118 is encouraging you to propel yourself and leave your usual range of familiarity. Knowing that "no gamble, no addition," you should produce an out on strange area to satisfy your profound longings.
You just have to ensure that you work dependably to finish the legitimate work at the appropriate time in light of the fact that the Holy messengers are supporting you.
Since the establishment is the fundamental help for everything, you ought to constantly attempt to lay out serious areas of strength for a for you as well as your friends and family.
Twin Fire Number 1118 And Love This number shows that your affection is creating.
It is the consequence of the bond you have developed and the adoration you have given.
The holy messengers tell you, "Don't stress over anything, have confidence."
Trust in your adoration with a splendid standpoint.
The more sure you are, the quicker you will keep on craving.
Know that you have incredible appeal and ability.
Significance of Holy messenger Numbers 111 and 8 The significance of a heavenly messenger number of 4 digits or not entirely set in stone by the initial 3 digits and the last 1 digit.
The holy messenger number "1118" this time comprises of the numbers "111" and "8", and their implications are as per the following.
Significance of Heavenly messenger Number 111 "How about we raise your mindfulness"
Keep your beliefs high, as the news is that your thoughts will before long turn into a reality.
Importance of Holy messenger Number 8 "We bring you lavishness"
It demonstrates the way that your endeavors can happen as expected and that your award can be rich.
How Would it be advisable for you to Respond Assuming that You Continually See the Heavenly messenger Number 1118? At the point when you habitually see the 1118 Heavenly messenger Number, see yourself as fortunate. You at long last achieved the unimaginable, and your endeavors are starting to prove to be fruitful, on account of the graces of your Holy messengers and Experts.
While performing basic undertakings, have just great contemplations in your mind consistently. Positive reasoning and perspectives can do the unthinkable.
The following time you see the number 1118, give close consideration to your viewpoints since they have the ability to give you thoughts, information, and experiences about the deterrents you will look from here on out.
At the point when new things enter your life, heavenly messenger number 1118 is advising you to step up and be responsive to them. Have total confidence and trust in your own capacities, and realize that you can deal with all that easily.
Acknowledge these impediments, don't surrender, and battle like there's no tomorrow with all that you have. Your Lords and Holy messengers are correct now directing and enlightening your stroll close by.
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almostnoisydonut · 2 years
𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮: 𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓪 𝓜𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝔃𝓮𝓻
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In many parts of the country, winter wreaks havoc on the skin. When the cold, dry air outdoors pairs with the hot, dry heat indoors, Sahara-like conditions ensue. Add to that constant handwashing in hopes of staying healthy from viruses, and it’s a recipe for dry, itchy skin.
A common inquiry from patients in dermatology practice is “Do I even need a moisturizer?” For the majority, the answer is yes. Even though your body has its own natural lubricating system consisting of glands that secrete oil (or sebum) to maintain a protective coating against harsh outside conditions and infections, most of us do need extra hydration after the havoc that sun, weather and harsh chemicals wreak on our skin.
There are also some people who genetically lack the ability to keep the top layer of skin intact and are missing the necessary lipids to seal in moisture. Some medications (namely cholesterol-lowering agents and isotretinoin) can also affect the skin’s ability to adequately maintain hydration. If you happen to be one of those people you would benefit from a daily moisturizer.
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Moisturizer acts as a protective barrier for your skin, keeping it hydrated and healthy. While there tends to be confusion about the need for moisturizer in the first place, most experts recommend using it on a daily basis. In addition to maintaining good diet and managing stress, the Mayo Clinic advises using “a moisturizer that fits your skin type and makes your skin look and feel soft” for an effective skin care regimen.
For most people, dry skin can be easily remedied by adjusting their moisturizing routine. But with hundreds of product options, where do you even begin?
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“There’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all for all skin types,” says Rebecca Kazin, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in Bethesda. Rather, moisturizer — which works by putting moisture into the skin, as well as preventing water from leaving the skin — can describe a number of different products, including lotions, gels, creams, and ointments. There are subtle differences among them. A gel is often water-based and tends to feel lighter on the skin than a lotion. A cream is thicker and has higher oil content than a lotion and gel, making it more hydrating. An ointment is the thickest of all, making it the most effective in remedying dry skin. Emollients in these moisturizers keep your skin soft and smooth.
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Choosing the right moisturizer for you depends on your skin type and the severity of dryness you’re experiencing. Jason A. Clark, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in Atlanta, says that for the most precise, tailored advice for your skin type, it helps to visit a dermatologist. But for general purposes, follow this guide.
Normal skin: If you’re experiencing seasonal dryness in otherwise-normal skin, Dr. Clark says lotion is sufficient for most younger people. With age, however, the skin holds less moisture and needs more assistance. Dr. Kazin says that perimenopausal people and everyone 50 and older should be using a cream-based moisturizer.
Dry skin: If your skin tends to be dry, and cold season is making it even more so, Dr. Clark says to skip the lotion and go for something thicker and more effective. “Creams are going to add more moisture to the skin and preserve more water than lotion, and ointments even more so,” he says. “So, somebody with dry skin is going to want to start with a cream or ointment and bypass lotions altogether.”
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Oily skin: For some people, too much moisturizer can clog pores and lead to acne; in people with black or brown skin, acne can cause discoloration and hyperpigmentation. Dr. Clark recommends considering skipping the moisturizer or opt for a gel, which is lighter than other types of moisturizer.
Combination dry and oily skin: If you have combination skin, your skin is dry in some spots and oily in others — often in what’s called the “T-zone,” which is the T-shaped area on your face that includes your forehead, nose, and chin. Dr. Kazin tells these patients to treat their face as though it’s two faces: moisturize the dry spots and skip the oily areas. “I tell some people never put moisturizer on the center of your face,” says Dr. Kazin. “It’s like a huge revelation that your nose probably never needs moisturizer.”
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Hypoallergenic refers to a product causing less allergic reactions in consumers. Seeing this word on a package, however, doesn’t guarantee a stamp of safety compared with products not marked as hypoallergenic. Since the cosmetic guidelines are not rigid, manufacturers may claim a product to be hypoallergenic—but the Department of Health Services doesn’t require manufacturers to provide support for these claims.
So, what can you do? If you’ve had a reaction from certain ingredients in the past, check the label for these allergic substances—manufacturers are required by the Department of Health Services to list all ingredients on the packaging.
Male and female testers hailed this silky smooth, fragrance-free lotion that also contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide for sunscreen protection. Light enough for sensitive skin, strong enough to block the sun’s rays, the creamy texture blends well for long-lasting coverage.
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Your moisturizer literally will be right next to your nose whenever you apply it, so its scent is important. For that reason alone, it’s worth shopping at an establishment where you can sample different types of moisturizer or at least unscrew the containers to take a whiff. And if you have acne-prone or sensitive skin, try to avoid any scented moisturizers with fragrances or perfumes.
The label on any skin product may seem completely unintelligible, but you can learn a lot from reading it closely. Specifically, look for moisturizers that are labeled “allergy tested” (less likely to cause allergic reactions) and “non-comedogenic” (less likely to clog pores). These labels don’t guarantee that a moisturizer won’t irritate your skin, but they are a solid starting point for most people.
Finding the perfect moisturizer can be a challenge. Oftentimes, consumers will get there with some trial-and-error, which works differently for each individual. 
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andypowell · 2 years
They tell me I’m just like my father in an attempt to correct that I became the man of the house so that I could no longer be his daughter. I got older only to find that blood ain’t always thicker than water. It’s because of him that my temper now runs hotter.
I hate that we share the same smile. Speak in the same style. If we are truly alike, then why is it that I don't have your number to dial? Why won’t you be the one walking me down the aisle? Or holding my first born child? Why do you have to possess a heart that is so vile? And if I’m just like you, does that mean that I too am a narcissist in denial? Better call the authorities and put me on trial.
Now that I’m fresh out of the loony bin I’ve created a new profile. Hopefully one that is more worthwhile, but I feel that after all this trauma, I am destined to go senile.
I despise that I have your deep-set dark eyes. A skill in telling white lies. The ability to easily cut ties. A desire to always own the biggest brightest prize. Choosing women based on their size and only thinking about what’s between their thighs.
I am covered in sin and need to be baptized, but as a poor man I’m afraid that I do not own the right supplies, but I guess that’s no surprise, and so instead I will get down on my knees and pray to god for his forgiveness until I am blinded by the sunrise.
Despite my bad memory, my father's words are song lyrics that I seem to have memorized. Manipulation, like him, is where I specialize. I have tried to sit and analyze his accusatory finger, but his scars weren’t exactly something he cared to advertise.
Father, you are the reason why I carry all of this hatred. Why my personality constantly needs to be updated and upgraded. Why I’m smoking these herbs till I’m far gone and faded. Kissing the glass bottle till I’m fully intoxicated. You are the reason why I feel that I deserve to be degraded. I don’t understand why you had to make your love so complicated or why losing you had me left me so devastated.
I felt the biological disconnect when we separated. You are the one who convinced me that love is overrated. What is affection? I wouldn’t know as I’ve never had it properly demonstrated. No book of positive affirmations and healthy communication to be illustrated. No emotional milestones of mine that were ever celebrated. So now I just live everyday anxious and agitated. Angry and aggravated.
I remember the nights you forced me to sit under your desk. I sat under there for hours silently pleading for you to let me go back to my room and rest. It's was a silent plea because you had trained me to stay quiet and never protest. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t tell my assaulter "no" that night as he started to get me undressed. You taught me not to draw attention to myself so I keep these memories submerged and suppressed, but I have to confess that I remember seeing you making love to a woman that wasn’t very impressed, but you didn’t care, however, as you only cared about keeping your dick wet and drowning our family in serious debt. This is getting hard to talk about; somebody light me a fucking cigarette.
I’m getting stressed out and need a healthier outlet, but the anxiety has me breaking out in a cold sweat. Just pass me the bong so I can get fucked up and forget. Someone help me escape this nightmare and change the fucking subject. These images of him are something I just cannot accept. His lack of attention gave me a phobia of neglect. Every piece of me that was shattered to pieces on the floor, my father would pick up and collect. It was the only thing outside of his music equipment that he would overprotect.
I can recall when he would squeeze my little toes until they turned white. Purposefully leaving marks that were out of sight because he knew that if my mother saw them, the two of them would be sent into an endless fight. It’s getting darker in these recollections now, so can you pass me a flashlight? Let me share the things my father would do just simply out of spite. He is the reason I became a night owl in love with the moonlight. I had grown used to the insomnia he instilled in me during the hours of midnight.
So Go ahead and let them say that I’m just like my father, I’ll just sit there unfazed and unbothered. I’m used to their comparisons and have decided to wear them like a collar with honor. Throw another negative curve ball at me, and give me all you have to offer. It’ll give me something to write about. Hell, maybe it’ll make me a better author and possibly make me an extra dollar.
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