#i didnt stop laughing for a solid five minutes when this happened
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ourg0dsal · 1 year ago
It was only after showing this to my brother that I realized he didn't share my sense of humor
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A work of art truly
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
No Boyfriend’s
Henry comes home to find out his three year old princess has a boyfriend, whats a dad to do?
Warnings: swearing, fluff
A/n: so I had so much fun wrighting this fluff piece! Thank you to @jessevans​ for requesting it.
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No Boyfriend's
You walked up to the preschool to pick up your daughter from her afternoon session. You had to admit when Henry had first sugested moving out of the city You had been a little skeptical. He had been adamant that he wanted your child to have a childhood much like his. Out of the hustle and bustle moving out into 'the sticks' as many londoners would call it. You'd settled in a quaint picturesque little village near Canterbury in Kent the location was perfect for henry's work with the port of dover thirty minutes away and the center of london with all the airports around an hours drive in the opposite direction it was ideal. And best of all it was out of the way and had all the amenities within the village itself a post office, shop,pub, Doctors surgery and pharmacy the local primary school and pre school was literally a five minute walk from your house and the closest secondary schools were a ten minute bus ride into canterbury itself and when the time came you had six to choose from.
The reason for the move? Your now three year old Daughter the apple of her daddies eye. You remebered the day you'd told your boyfriend you were pregnant, you'd been terrified as much as he said he wanted a family you couldnt help that twinge of doubt. But he was exstatic within moments he had darted out of the room when he returned he was clumsily trying to dial his mothers number with shaking hands tears streaming down his face as he kept asking if you were sure even when his mother picked up, you could here her laughs of joy as he told her. He paced the room leaving you to sit on the bed giggling as he refused to sit down whilst on the phone with his family every time he walked past you he move his hand pressing on Your flat tummy asif trying to feel the child already that or he was trying to imagine you with a bump and that grin? You'd never seen him smile like that before it truly melted your heart seeing him so happy. He was always and attentive boyfriend but once you was pregnant he was..Incredible always by your side when he was at home tending to your every need and he somehow managed not to be over bearing.
It was when you went to the first scan that he had proposed some might say it wasn't the most romantic but for you it was perfect! Leaving with the first photos of your little jellybean and a fiance. Fuck yes! You thought that you couldnt get any happier but then came the gender scan. You knew he didnt mind what they were but you also knew deep deep down you both wanted a little girl to coddle over and buhe wanted a daddies girl someone who he could be their knight in shining  armour. He could bearly keep still beside you holding your hand tight watching the screen trying to get a look at your little 'nugget' as he had called them he couldn't keep quiet either with every swipe of the ultrasound  wand he was changing his mind.
"Girl? Is that? I can see? nope Boy definatly boy"
"Henry babe...dont get to excited that's the umbilical cord...I think?" They were being a little bugger crossing their legs making the sonographer work hard to move them around as you had to move again and again trying to get the little one to move. Finally they spoke.
"And you two are about to have... Little....Princess! You have a baby girl on the way congratulations" you both froze looking at the screen seeing your baby...your daughter. Immediately you both burst into tears.
"A-a girl your sure?" Henry asked in a quiet shaky voice the woman smiled nodding handing you both tissues then moved slower over the child showing you exactly what she saw then printed off some of the photos for you. Once home Henry began refering to her as 'little lady' on account of her 'protecting her modesty' by crossing her legs.
It wasnt long after youd began talking about moving seroiusly, the house was big enough sure but now you knew the baby was a girl it all seemed much more real. Sure you'd both spoke about buying a house together on and off as youd moved in to his place earlier in the relationship but this time it was more feasible the idea of raising your precious little girl in the middle of london didn't bode well for Henry he was also concerned about haveing photos of her taken he was an actor hell your relationship was posted all over social media by your third date! He didn't want that attention on his daughter so you both started seriously looking. It only took another nine weeks to find a place you both fell in love with the Georgian detached house it looked like a mini manor with its decorative columns and tall windows had a huge garden to for kal it was perfect.
At six months you had a small private wedding and it was then that he anounced your marriage and baby Cavill, potsing your favourite wedding photo of you in you and Henry facing each other laughing witb your foreheads together, you were wrapped around each other as close as ou could get considering the bumb that had seemingly grown overnight his hand resting on the cute bump you were laughing because she had just kicked him when he had told you he loved you. Almost like 'dont forget about me!', Kal had photo bombed to his head poking out between your an Henry's legs smiling , a part of your flowy dress caught up on the bears ear head tilted the only one looking at the camera and in the same post he added an ultrasound of your baby girl. You got congratulations from many of yours freinds and family. And Henry's freinds and costars each wondering the same thing 'how the fuck did Henry keep it quiet?'. You wondered that as well, the hole pregnancy was just memory after memory. Henry made sure you did everything you could to document your daughters creation, you did the photo of your bump once a week the last one being you in the hospital in the middle of slow labour holding the gown tight around you a mere half hour before she was born. He had made sure you did the belly casting which had been tidied up and trimmed painted pink and was in the cupboard, then the 4d scans expensive tho they were nothing and you mean nothing compared to seeing her little face for the first time, it was then you realised she looked nothing like you! She was all her father although a slightly more feminine and less sharp and it was also there you were told she had lots od hair...Curls you felt like you'd hit the jackpot. At the birth he had been incredibly supportive until he wasn't, well you disagreed  he wanted to film it and not just your face  he wanted to film it you said no but regretted it after as it would have been solid proof of what happened.  You see one moment he was there then mid contraction....you heard quiet 'nope' a huge thump is what alerted you to his fall.... there was an alarm pressed and nurses came running in each giggleing, it was rare now days to have a fainter.
"Are you FUCKING KIDING ME?! HENRY?! OI! HERNY? CAVILL GET YOUR ASS UP!" You had to stop shouting and started breathing heavy as another contraction pulled at you once over you began barking orders to the nurses.
"KICK HIM...KICK HIM IN THE NUTS! DONT WORRY ABOUT STERILISING SUPERMAN HERE! NEVER AGAIN! HE WONT THEM TRUST ME... HENRY GET UP! ARE YOU LISTENING? STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN COS HE FUCKING MISSED IT! LOOKING WHEN I TOLD HIM NOT TO!"  The nurses didn't know what to do it took three of them to place im in the chair each trying desperately not to laugh as you had a melt down screaming at him to 'wake the fuck up' You swore you even heard laugher from outside signaling that his family had heard. Yes your wonderfully supportive husband had fainted through stress? Excitment? Anxiety? Low blood sugar? Each time you asked him it had been different answer but and to quote him 'it was definitely not because I looked' which neither you or his brothers will ever believe or let him forget. Luckily he came to as you finally birthed his daughter. A stunning screaming little dark haired bundle. He sobbed when he held her for the first time leaning over her cradeling her so gently leaning over her kissing her as many time he possibly could he was the first one to hold her, hug her kiss her and change her. The photo of his first cuddle hung proudly in the hallway ,you will never forget that moment, the moment when Henry's whole world changed  you could see then just how much he had wanted this. Your daughter was going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.
Paige had grown into a daddies girl, through and through which made today much better. Henry was coming home from filming man from u.n.c.l.e he had been away for months and you had kept his arrival home a secret. Henry was going to make it home in about twenty five minutes. You stopped just before the colourfull gates unable to go in with Kal, you could see the kids lining up in twos underneath the oak tree in the small garden. You smile moving to stroke Kals ears hushing him as he barked loudly vibrating with exciment his tail thumping on the floor as he sat like the good boy he was. At his bark you could hear the kids all squeal with excitment, they loved it when you brought the 'wolf' to the preschool. It was funny hearing Paige whine to them that 'his name is Kal and he's a bear'. He was quite the spoilt pup when he helped you pick up his sister getting hugs and kisses of all the Paige's class mates. Finally the small class was walked out of the garden one of the teachers holding the gate lettjng them leave to their parents. Paige waited in line pointing to you then was let out you ducked down hugging her kissing between her her curly little pigtails.
"Hey baby! Have a good day?" She nodded passing you her small bag and a small potted plant? You looked at her confused but said nothing. She turned and giggled hugging kal smoshing her face in his chest making him stand up she pulled back and squealed as he latherd her with kisses three hours away from her was apparently to long!
"Oh no Kal! Stop it silly bear!" You laughed watching her push weakly at kal who began to settle down now that his 'pup' was with him. You noticed the other parents hovering there kids all pulljng itching to come get Kal cuddles. You smiled to them nodding suddenly they came over all giving him pets and love which he lapped up. You also used it as a sort of lesson the do's and donts of petting dogs, which did some of the other parents a favour. Kal wagged his tail and droped to the floor he couldnt roll over fast enough directing the tiny hands to scratch his belly mouth open tongue lolling about as he panted one happy little bear. After you were sure all the kids got there cuddles you moved calling kal he huffed at you ignoring you instead wanting more love. You smirked down at him sighing as the children giggled. Finally after much coaxing from the other parents you and Paige managed to heave kal away with promises of chicken and snuggles at home. Soon you was on your way home kal padding beside you happy as can be.
Paige took he spot beside you holding his lead with you she was talking about her 'boyfriend' a little boy who she had taken a shine to. It was really sweet he had just moved to the area a little asian boy who paige had bonded with quickly. Really they were just best freinds but he was the first boy she had made freinds with hence she had opted to call him her boyfriend.
"So then Micah played let me play and-and he let me be a knight!" You smiled at her as she beamed excited.
"Really? A knight?" She stopped at the road with you looking both ways then crossed quickly.
"Yeah! Like in daddy's games!! And he gave me some of the bany tomatoes in his lunch...did you he grew them in his own garden!!" You gasped sown at her.
"Really? Oh my, sound like a little dream boat!" she scrunched up her nose lookjng up at you placing a tiny hand to he forehed sheildjngnher eyea from the afternoon sun
"Wha?" You chuckled shaking your head at her.
"Never mind jummy is just being silly" nodded to you her lightl blue eyes sparkling at you then Continued talking about her day mostly about Micah and the games they played.
When you reached home you watched as kal began barking and whining which could only mean one thing. Henry was home already, you unlocked the gate and released the dog with a quiet 'go get daddy' he tore off whining running to the door scratching and pouncing barking the whole time.
"Mummy whats wrong with kal?" You looked down at her knowingly"I'm not sure why don't you go see to him?" She nodded her head biting her lip then licking it, she looked so much like her father doing that. Then she was off running to the house just as Henry opened the door. She froze then screamed for him quickly falling to pieces with grabby hands wantjng her daddy. You watched all choked up as always she was bawling her eyes out by the time he had jumped the steps to the house scooping her up in his huge arms. He clutched her to his chest shushing and rocking her as she cried into him fisting her small hands in his shirt just calling him over and over. He moved his head kissing her trying to calm her, he hated and loved this. He hated her getting so upset when her returned but secretly loved that she missed him. The first few times he left he was worried she wouldnt remember him but juste as youd promised him she had.
The first time he came home you’d taken her to the airport to meet him...He had ended hup having to sit in the back with her as she refused to let him go getting hysterical  each time he tried to pry her off of him. She had gotten better as she got older understanding that daddy had to work and now she was older she could speak to him on the phone and video chat. Each time after the initial crying and snuggles she would stay stuck to his side weather she was sitting on the sofa between his legs when he was playing games or in the makeshift gym with him useing his reps to practice her counting...even if in five mineuts he managed two hundred by her count they were always together. Hell sometimes he even read a new script as a bed time story, which not even you were privvy to!
You laughed walking up to him winding your arms around them both cuddling your daughter between you he leaned in kissing ou on the lips.
"God its good to be home" you smiled smoothing  one of paiges high pigtails she whined calming down kicking her little legs wrapping an arm around his neck and moved suckling her thumb a little. He moved you all into the house patting her bottom lightly somthing he had done since she was born it always soothed her. You moved to the kitchen opening the back door letting air in it was to hot, you placed the small plant on the windosill by the sinck giving it a tiny bit of water as you noticed the siol had dried out. Henry stayed close behind you wanting to be around you, you moved to the slow cooker flicking it on to warm up the already cooked casserole. He came up behinde you movijng to have Paige on one hip still rocking her slightly even tho she had calmed down.
"Ohh look baby chicken casserole...Did you help mummy with that today before school? " She giggled peering over the pot.
"Yes daddy! I putted in the veggies! And tatoes! Daddy!" He smiled at her gasping.
"You did the veggies and the potatoes?! Such a clever girl making daddies favourite dinner" she giggled at the praise nodding.
"And-and I tasted it to!" he gasped at her as she got all excited
"And what do you think?" She grinned and 'whispered'
"Needed salt" you spun round and gasped at her offended.
"You little!" You chased her and Henry around the kitchen island wriggling your fingers as if to tickle her.
"AHH HAHAHa NOOO! DADDY RUN RUN!" you giggled as he scarperd out of the kitchen hovering by the door and moved all you saw was the tops of their heads peering into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as they made a 'plan of attack' you turned back to the pit placeing the lid back on.
Suddeny Henry had you, arms pinning yours to the sides as Paige 'tickled' you making you laugh.
"Oh my god! Stop I give I give!" Finally Paige relented koala climbing Henry who quickly scooped her up to his hip.You moved in kissing her cheek then henry as he wrapped his free arm around you nuzzling in to your neck giving a quick nip before licking at your skin.You giggled trying to escape yet all he did was grab you around your waist and hoist you up.
"HAHA! I have you both now!" You laughed and Paige squealed as he spun around holding you both before making his way to the living room  you wriggled free pretendingnto run from him making paige call out to you for help as he threw her up in the air holding her with 'slam dunking' paige to the sofa making her laugh and  scream as he followed lifting her littl tshirt blowing rasberries on her tummy makeing her squeal and laugh louder. You smiled at the two, this is what you missed when he was away, the laughter of a full house. You sat down in Henry's armchair as he and Paige 'wrestled' soon attracting kals attention who like the loyal steed he was came to paiges aid pouncing henry making him groan and roll off her givingnher and kal the chance to escape to the garden, you both let them the garden was safe and having  kal around was like a live in nanny he wont let anything happen to her.
Henry rolled over on the sofa lounging back panting crooking a finger at you. You crept over moving to sit in his lap, he tugged you down to him pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He moved sitting up more cupping your ass smirking.
"Soo? Did you think about what I mentioned?" You grinned and pretended to think for a second making him groan leaning in leaving kisses on your neck and jaw.
"I did" you finally replied, you felt him hold his breath as his nose ghosted your ear.
"I stopped them that night~ all back to normal now" he pulled back staring at you
"Really? You mean it?" You nodded them brought you forward for a deep kiss. He had mentioned trying for another child when he came back, youd always intended to give Paige a sibling but not when she aas still a baby baby. Now that Paige was older and going to be in school next year you had felt ready to try again and had be over the moon whne henry had suggested it in a video chat instantly stopping your contraception so eveything would be back to normal and you could start trying asap asfterall you knly had him home for a few months then he was off to play superman again. He smiled lunging forward pinning you below him devouring your mouth you moaned as things got heated.
You felt them. Eyes. Blue eyes to be exact. You both sighed and turned to Paige who was staring unblinking at the two of you from the door. You moved pushing him up.
"Mummy? Wheres my plant I wana show daddy what I grew!" He looked at you and sighed a little, you could tell he was a bit dissapointed but you waved him off as he stood pulling you up with him you moved in whispering.
"Tonight love" he grinned and jumped up a bounce in his step holding his hand out to paige who took it.
"Its on the windowsill in the kitchen" Henry nodded left the room letting you relax for a while already knowing you were picking up your kindle to read. Once in the kitchen he lifted Paige placing her on the counter and pulled over the small plant.
"So whats this then?" She smiled touchingnthe leaves softly
"Its a strawberry plant daddy...I did it from a tiny seed!" He smiled at her looking to the plant it wasnt half bad small but alive which is more then he could say for his when he tried.
"Oh you did this? At school?" She nodded at him and moved the leaves about.
"Yes and it will get bigger and grow pretty flowers...And the flowers will grow a strawberry! Miss bou said we cant pick em till they are a bright red like in the shops... and we can take pictures in to show em off!" He nodded to her
"So your gardening at school now? Is it fun?" She giggled putting the plant down
"Yeah we got lots in our vegetable patch...we got some lettuce and peppers and spinach and and tomatoes! But they not ready yet...Micahs is! Micah grows the at home... can we grow some veggies daddy?" He smiled at her
"We certainly can...Besides we will need to plant your strawberries in the garden...I will make your ownn little growing patch amd we can grow anything you want how does that sound?" She squealed and bounced on her bottom making him smile.
"Lets make a list and we can go get them tomorrow" she nodded in agreement. You walked in the kitchen as henry and Paige leaned over the counter making a list
"Whats going on here then?" Paige quickly riped the paper from under Henry's nose.
"List mummy! Of palnts for my veggie patch! Daddy wants to help!" You smiled peaking over the paper seeing two halves one side had strange 'paige writing' the other a list Henry had written. Compost, tools, string, pots then lots of different fruit and veg. You chuckled shaking your head.
"You missed watering can...maybe we could get a waterbutt? And one of thows plastice green houses to start the seedling off?" He smiled nodding addjng them to the list as you went and checked dinner. You nodded then turned to the other two."Right you tow dinners done wash up then go wait at the table...Had it in the slow cooker all day just needed to be heated up" he leaned over kissing you once again thanking you then helped Paige was her hands leaving to the dining room with Paige.
You did this everytime he came home early dinner meant an early bedtime for Paige and then You could give Henry a proper homecoming. You dished up the dinner home made chicken casserole you moved quickly with the three bowles placing them on the table then sat down ready to eat as Henry began talking about work. you smiled letting him gush about his work, you loved seeing him like this he blushed slightly.
"Any way enough about that, how have my two girls been?" You watched at Paige grinned across the table to him.
"I made a new friend daddy!" You swallowed your mouthfull choosing to keep quiet you knew where this was going you grinned into you bowl. He smiled at her leaning over to wipe her mouth quickly making her giggle at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.
"Oh really? And whats her name?"
"Haha nooo! Daddy its not a girl...I've got a boyfriend!" Henry choked onhis mouthfull paiges face dropped and she looked to you worriedly you smiled reassuringly at her. Henry hit his chest coughing finally getting himslef under control, he looked at you shocked and terrified you nodded at him chuckling.
"A-a boyfriend? Poppet dont you think your a bit err young for that?" She frowned at him shaking her head.
"No daddy! He is really nice! He lets me be a knight! And today we had lunch together and he fed-ed me his tomatoes."
"Gave paige he gave you his tomatoes" you corrected as Henry gaped at her unsure what to make of it.
"So he is just a friend?....he better be"  he grumbled the last part under his breath.
"He is a friend...My boyfriend I love him daddy... he gives me hugs! And Kal likes him to! He's my hero" You giggled as Henry was panicked and at a loss.
"Really....love I thought daddy was your hero?" Creased up he actually looked a bit hurt from her words she gave him a sympathetic look.
"Yes daddy you are...But Micah is to! He is soo pretty and fun and he don't make me be the princess all the time...And he shares his colours"
"Okay so you love this boy Micah?" She nodded pushing her food around in her bowl.
"What do you love about him?"
"His hair! Its black and shiney! And and he is cute!"
"Aha but you do know he isnt your boy friend right? Your not aloud boyfriends yet....No boyfriends untill your older." He said she looked at him wide eyed then you her bottom lip quivering.
"What? But but I love him!" Henry crossed his arms at her she mimicked him scowling
"No absolutly not baby" .she whined and smaked the table in a huff
"NOOO! MY BOYFRIEND!" He raised a brow at her as she had a paddy.
"No boyfreinds untill your 21 and thats final ittle lady"
"No! Micah is mine! My boyfriend! A-and you cant stop us from playing! So there!" Henry rose a brow trying to ignor your quiet chuckles as Paige made huffed and stuck her nose in the air being a right little madame. You watched givjng Henry the stink eye as a grin crawled across his face. Here we go.
"Its illegal...he could get in trouble, daddy could get in trouble" Henry tilted his head at her as she gasped trying to read him, you could see her mind trying to work him out. Is he lying? Or not? but her father was an actor...And a damn good one he had a poker face like no other. You knew where this was going, you knew you should stop it but his was gold! You had a feeling that henry was not gojng to ckme out on top.as she opend her mouth.
"W-well we wont tell..Keep it a secret!" She said holding a finger to her lips Henry tutted shaking his head.
"Oh poppet...Do you know where daddy has been these past months?" You squinted at him trying to see exactly where this was going knowing you were going to have to pick up the pieces. She nodded then shook her head no. He smiled devilishly at her. Oh shit here he goes.
"Daddy has been to spy school" you gasped at him oh hell no he wouldnt...yes he fucking would you could see the twinkle in his deep blues.
"Spy school?" She spoke in a small voice then turned to you looking fro one to the other he nodded at he
"Y-your a spy?" He nodded and she gave him a sa look.
"Yes, and I made friends with lots of spies" she twitched slightly shaking her head.
"And they told me that the spy rules says that a spy's little girl isn't allowed a boyfriend until they are twenty one....If they did find out daddy could get in trouble...You dont want daddy to be in trouble do you?" She shook her head bottom lip trembling as she was torn. She looked like she would explode as she tried weighting up her 'options'.
 Suddenly Henry dropped his smug look and looked more like a deer in the headlights as Paige began wailing moving her arms making grabby hands to you. You sighed and hoisted her into your arms rocking her trying so hard not to laugh.
"W-why is da-daddy mean?....I ju-just want to pl-play with my boyfreind!" You patted her back rocking her.
"No-now D-daddy will get i-in trouble! But I-I just w-wana plaayy!" She cried harder hicupping between her words.
"Oh sweety come here shh shh" you gave Henry a look as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms at you shaking his head. Stubborn and protective of his little lady.
"Nope..Not having it" you hissed at him knowing you had to spell this one out for the big idiot.
"Daddy didn't mean it,he wont get in trouble at all baby girl"
"Yes I did"
"HENRY!" he shut up at your hiss
"Bu-but d-daddy said-"
"Hey look at me...Dont listen to daddy he is an idiot and just jealous of Micah" she sniffled an nodded
"Y-yeah cos he-he's got pretty Shiney hair... D-daddies just got stupid curls!" You giggled as Henry looked aghast at her not believing wht ha was hearing
"Exactly daddy is just being a grump! you can still play with Micah...He is your best friend isn't he?" She nodded sniffling
"and you love his like a friend right?" Henry now realised his mistake blinked at you as you rolled your eyes shaking your head at him like 'what the fuck? Really? Shes three' .oh. She pulled away wipinng her eyes looking to henry's matching blues.
"Really daddy? C-can I still play w-with micah?"
"Yes of course...I'm sorry baby...you and mummy was right I just got jealous...daddy is used to being your only hero." Smooth cavill real smooth. She bought it tho nodding he tilted his head down.
"Yo-you wont be in tr-trouble" he shook his head at her
"A-and Micah wo-wont be in t-trouble?" Again he shook his head and reached for her.
"No baby daddy was just being silly...Come here Can you forgive me poppet?" She thlught about it then nodded lunging for him cuddling him he mouthed a sorry to you but you just rolled your eyes at him. Idiot.
It was later that night when Henry returned to your bedroom after reading Paige to sleep,. You both flitted about one another getting ready for bed ou was brushing your teeth when he brought it up.
"So who is this micah then?" You rolled your eyes still hearing a little hostility there...To a fucking three year old. You spat out the toothpaste and looked to henry leaning on the door.
"A little boy...He moved to the village just after you left...Paige was instantly taken with him, he is asian so was avoided by the other kids...you know what she's like with hair and shes never seen straight pitch black hair before... she gushed about him for a few days then they became best freinds....And she call's him her boyfriend because he is the first male friend shes made! God henry really shes three! There none of that shit yet...not for a good few years!" You turned away from your sheepish husband.
"So? nothing i need to know? theres nothing going on? whats his parents like?" You blinked at him..
"Seriously? Like are you being serious now?  Ok well fuck it his dad has taken over the doctors surgery and is actually your and my doctor now that dr marsh has retired! His mother is a stay at home wife, they have a cat called fuji; cos he is fat and a gold fish called mino because its a mino...he is a sweet polite boy ...his favourite colour is green he grows fruit and veg in his garden and you know what Henry he fucking loves batman! and whne he batman versus superman comes out he is gonna want batman to kick your ass! there you happy Jesus fucking christ almighty!" Henry smirked moving towards you slowly stalking towards you really.
"Fuck off" he just chuckled quickly wrappjng himself around you.
"God your so sexy when our mad come here~" you blinked at him
"Oh hell no You did not get me riled up to have rough sex.....Henry I!....you little shit!" He laughed knowing you’d caught onto him making you more irritated and dragged you to the bed kissing at your neck along the way.
"Come on love time for number two...A boy to keep and eye on Paige for me when I'm away!" You chuckled relenting as he laid you down on your bed.
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nightlilly0110 · 4 years ago
Prompt: One person is a professor that overshares, the other doesn’t say anything about their personal life, no one realizes they’re together - Shigadabi
Dabi is an ethics professor while Shigaraki teaches philosophy; their courses are co-requisites, meaning they have to be taken at the same time to get a full credit.
No one realizes they’re together mostly because their students usually see them arguing, most likely about Stain and how the hell are you an ethics professor if you condone murder????
The first time they (Class 1A) walk into Dabi’s classroom they are terrified because this man has most definitely killed someone why is he allowed to be around people???
They get used to him later on, as he’s mostly insightful and only raises his voice to makes sure the back of the room can hear him, but they’re still low-key scared about how he looks.
Shigaraki, on the other hand, acts like he’s on crack most of the time. He’s a feral bastard of a man and they’re sure that even though he dresses nicely there’s no way he picked out those clothes himself and he kinda looks like someone wrestled him into them. His attitude is mostly “I don’t give a fuck but I have to be here so I’m here and I guess that means I actually have to teach well”
Plot twist: he’s actually a really well known academic in the community and has won awards and given speeches and shit. He’s really smart but he doesn’t have anything else going for him. Of course, he didn’t tell them that. They found out because quite a few of their course readings mention him by name and of course they went digging to find out he’s highly respected. He tells them nothing. They only know his last name.
The first time anyone sees the two professors together is when Shigaraki bursts into Dabi’s 8am lecture demanding coffee. Dabi keeps a small coffee machine in his classroom because he understands 8ams are terrible and it’s free for his students to use (it’s the cheap instant stuff but no one’s complaining).
Anything said at 8am is jarring but it is even more so when it’s your rat bastard of a professor kicking open a door with the force of god yelling “COFFEE!”
Dabi, of course, does not give him coffee. Tomura says he’ll fight him for it after a solid twenty minutes of arguing. He immediately leaves and no one has ever heard anything about a fight between the two of them occurring but the next day Shigaraki gleefully walks into their 8am and makes himself a cup of coffee. Dabi doesn’t even stop lecturing and doesn’t even stop to even pretend to notice him. Every day after that, Shigaraki comes in for coffee and sits in Dabi’s chair as he drinks it, (creepily) smiling broadly, while Dabi is walking around and teaching.
Dabi overshares very much so and he is very happy to do it. He loves talking about his husband Tomura and all the stupid little things he does and why he’s in love with him and everything. One time he stopped his lecture to draw attention to the bento box his husband made for him and “isn’t that sweet he cooked it all himself and he hates cooking I love him so much”
His students use that as an advantage to stop hearing about what Plato said centuries ago and just hear cute little things about their professor. Dabi can and will rant for hours about his husband if no one stops him. He will also threaten you if you try to stop him.
The reason no one thinks that Shigaraki and Dabi are married, other than the arguing, is that Dabi always describes his husband as cute and adorable and kind and Shigaraki isn’t exactly that (at least not in public). The other reason is that Dabi always calls him by last name or “Mophead” when they’re in public.
Shigaraki will die before his students wrangle any personal information out of him and he will most likely kill you if you bother to ask him.
And yet, they still ask him. Shigaraki only cocks his head to the side, gives them the widest, creepiest smile he can manage and starts cackling for an uncomfortably long period of time.
There are so many wild bets going on based on what Shigaraki does in his spare time. A few people think he’s part of the yakuza. Kaminari is convinced he’s an escaped demon from hell and that’s why he’s so creepy and why he doesn’t give a shit about anything.
Someone once asked him if he was part of the yakuza and he said “hell fucking no Kai was a fucking mental case but he’s in jail so it doesn’t matter” and said nothing else about it. They wonder who Kai is constantly.
Kaminari said he once saw Dabi and Shigaraki civilly eating lunch together and no one believed him until Dabi once knocked on Shigaraki’s door, stuck his head in the middle of lecture and asked “Lunch?” to which Shigaraki bluntly responded “No, busy” and continued his lecture without even taking a breath.
Mina is the one that suggests that they find out whoever Dabi’s husband is because the man sounds like an absolute saint and they need to see this angel of a man. Bakugou unhelpfully chimes in that “the fucker is making it all up” because he’s mad about his own feelings for a classmate (cough Kirishima cough) and is jealous towards his prof’s happy relationship.
Shouto gets switched into both classes and is in for one hell of a trip when Professor “Dabi” calls him down on his first day yelling “SHOUTO I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE IN THIS CLASS HI!!!!” because of course Shouto sits in the back with Midoriya.
There is no class that day as Dabi rants about his fantastic baby brother while Shouto falls asleep (on Midoriya, who is blushing) so he doesn’t have to listen to his brother’s rant. That, and he’s real tired.
Shigaraki just gives Shouto a nod, grumbles something about another Todoroki (he did not sleep the night before and he’s about to fall dead) and proceeds with his lecture as usual.
“Okay listen up I’ve got a head cold and this thermos is full of NyQuil. I’m gonna drink this and start talking but the lecture ends when your heads start turning into colourful squiggles” (from that one tumblr anecdote)
Shigaraki falling flat on his face during lecture is completely normal and it’s about as normal as Aizawa with the sleeping bag and he just continues his lecture from the floor after a small “I’m okay.” He’s not drunk or tired or sick or anything sometimes he just needs a good lie down but instead of lying down like a normal person he just splats like an ungraceful volleyball player diving for the ball. Dabi once came in and just stared at him for a while before asking “you good” which prompted Shigaraki to bolt up and shriek at him to get out of his classroom. After Dabi left he plopped down on the floor again. When he does this, sometimes he’ll start giggling for no reason. It’s like hearing a haunted doll laugh at you.
Every time Dabi mentions going out with his husband he gets extremely flustered. The first time it happened, someone asked him how long he and his husband had been married (expecting him to say a few months) and he responded with five years.
When they find out the two of them are married, shit gets fucking crazy. No one believes it. They think their professors are playing a prank on them for asking too many questions about their personal lives until Shouto is just like “yeah no that’s my brother in law”
“.....was I supposed to?”
Most of their responses to Dabi are “Him????? Really?????”
Yes really because Dabi loves his disaster husband and the next person who says anything about it will fail their final.
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glassartpeasants · 5 years ago
Dead to Me
Neito Monoma x Reader
Warnings: Angst, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, this gets dark so read at your own risk guys
A/N: Like i said this is one of the darker things iv’e wrote on this so blog so far. Not for the faint of heart.
You sat in the cafeteria looking across the head of your fellow classmates to see your boyfriend Monoma sitting with his own class. You tried to catch his attention but it proved to be a failure.
“Well that didnt work...” You saw with a grumpy look on your face.
“Man how did you even end up dating him (y/n)? He’s an asshole to the entire Class of 1A!” Your friend Mina said as she gave you a little pout.
“I dont know he just ended up asking me out and now we’re dating!” You said happily. Even though Monoma could be a bit much sometimes you still loved him with your entire being.
You turn your head again to see to bright baby blue eyes looking at you. You smile and wave at him waiting for him to wave back. You hand slowly went down as you saw him laughing and pointing at you. 
You never head good self esteem so your mind immediately went to thinking that he was making fun of you. Your cheeky smile turning into a small frown as you glanced again to see him still laughing.
‘Maybe he’s just laughing at someone else?’ You thought to yourself, trying to convince your mind that he wouldnt make fun of you. He loved you...
A few days after the cafeteria incident you had begun to notice that Monoma was starting to hang out with you less and less. You wanted to ask him about it but you didnt want to be seen as clingy. So you just suffered in silence as you watched him slowly drift away from you. Your head sending you all the signals to ask him, but your heart wanted to believe that there was a good reason to why he was doing it.
You were walking towards the 1A Class when some upperclassman decided it would be funny to pick on you.
“Wow would you look at this little baby! How did someone so usless get into a school such as UA?” Him and his buddies only laughed as you try to stutter out an insult. You turn your head towards the door and see Monoma walking out, you tried to get his attention, which worked this time but instead of helping you he only turned his head and walked towards his classroom. You turn your gaze back to the upperclassman before getting a quick slap to the face by one of them.
“Speak when spoken to bitch.”
The bullying from the upperclassman had started to really take a toll on your mental health. You would try to do anything in your power to avoid them but they always found you. You wanted to tell the teachers but you were afraid they would believe you. They planted that thought in your brain as you slowly believed them.
You begged Monoma to walk you to class, hoping if he saw the fear in your eyes he would listen. Much to your dismay he didn’t.
You would always come to class with some sort of new bruise on your body. Everyone started to worry about you, they slowly started to think Monoma was abusing you. Which you said wasn’t the case. When asked who did it, you tensed up and froze in fear, worrying that they may be near.
You finally told someone about it when you were hanging out with Jirou. She had asked you what was going and you finally told her what was happening. And everything that has been happening with Monoma. She looked at you and gave you a nice bone crushing hug as she asked you why you didnt tell anyone.
“I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me..”
“Oh (v/n)...were going to report them. Im not standing by and watch as you get hurt!”
A few weeks have passed since then and things were finally starting to be looking up! The upperclassmen who were bullying you had gotten expelled since, ‘bullying is not what hero’s do’. You were finally able to walk the halls with being in constant fear again. Your mental health still wasnt at its peak but it was slowly getting better!
But only one more thing still wasn’t looking brighter. And that was your relationship with Monoma. He kept on acting the same way, maybe even worse then before! As much as you hated the feeling you had started to grow bitter. Why was he ignoring you? What did you do to make him pissed at you?
You finally swallowed your anxiety and went up to talk to him. Taking a deep breath as you went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. You were the only one’s in the hallway.
“Hey Monoma..did i..did i do something wrong?” You said trying to sound confident.
“What do you mean?” He asked. You sense a hint of smugness in his voice.
“Like you’ve been ignoring me all this week...what happened i thought we were doing-”
“Ah ah ah ah, im going to stop your right there. You see my dear our little ‘relationship’ was all but a dare.” Your eyes widen as sadness washed over you like a tidal wave. That couldn’t be tu\rue he said that he had loved you..was it all just a lie?
“W-what? B-b-but i thought y-you-”
“Well you thought wrong dear (y/n).” A snicker after his words. Your eyes swelled up with tears before pushing away from Monoma and running back to the dorms. Not caring if you missed class.
You sat in your dorm, crying your soul out. You had loved him and told him secrets that no one else knew. You thought he truly loved you. The more you thought about it the more it hurt. You felt like your whole world came crashing down. Your tears burning your face as they kept coming.
You looked down at your phone to see a text from Kirishima asking why you weren’t in class today. You could see the text message with it counting as reading it. You have to click on the app to do that. You throw your phone to the other side of your bed before laying back down and crying some more.
Once you woke up from your nap, the thoughts came rushing back again. What if they were just like Monoma? What if they were only your friends because of a dare too? 
All those thoughts running through your head at inhumane speeds, until one stayed still.
What if you just ended it?
Your heart stopped at the thought. Why would your brain even think about that? But no matter how hard you tried to forget the said thought more and more voices plowed there way through your head filling it with horrible thoughts. Slowly picking at your insecurities. Feasting on your every flaw. You slowly get up from your tear stained bed. And you look at yourself in the mirror.
All but a dare
The last thought hit you like a brick as you fall to the floor with your head in your knees.
Your quirk was called Frost. You pretty much had the power to manipulate Frost. Meaning everything you touched would become covered in an a sheet of ice. That why you had to wear gloves, kinda like Shigaraki you needed to have all five fingers on said target for your power to work.
You just stared at your hand, tracing over every curve and looking at it with deep intensity. Before you could do anything else you put all five fingers on your ankle, causing your ankle begin to have a sheet of ice covering it. The frost started to quickly spread around your body and onto the floor. You head you head in your knees as you felt your body heat lower, the Ice completely claiming your body as one. A single tear slipped down your face before your entire body and room was covered in a layer of ice. Your phone buzzing with texts from worried classmates.
After class had ended practically the entire class of 1A ran to their dorms to find you. You never missed a class. 
As soon as they entire the dorms they all shivered. It had to be below zero in there. As they hugged themselves tightly they walked up to your room. As the tried to knock and upon the door they had realized the handle had been frozen solid. Bakugo having enough time worrying blasted the door open with his quirk. Everyone gasped as they saw your frozen form on the other side of the wall. They were quick to grab you out of the ice and bring you to Mr. Aizawa.
Once they reached him, he asked what happened. Which they all replied with i dont know. You were quickly taken to the nearest hospital everyone doing their best to thaw you out of your frozen cocoon.
Once at the hospital your body had been completely thawed out and was ready to be put in EC unit. You body temp was so low that they put every heater they had in the room.
The nurse looked at the class and told them that if they were a minute later you would have died from hypothermia.
Monoma walked into school the next and was met with angry and ugly looks the entire time.
‘They hell did i do?’ He thought to himself. You never once crossed his mind. 
After he said those things to you the look of betrayal and sadness in your eyes shot a spike of guilt through his chest. Before he could say anything you had run out of the building. 
Now here he was the day after you got put in the hospital reciving ugly looks from everyone.
“Hey Kendo do you know what everyone is talking about?” The blonde boy asked his ginger friend.
“Wait, you didnt hear? (y/n) is in the hospital. Apparently they tried to commit suicide. Sad right?” A wave of guilt, sadness, and disgust completely takes over his body.
 How could he live with himself knowing what he did to you? That he made you take that dark path.
News Flash he couldn’t.
The next day the blonde boy walked up the he hospital you resided at and getting ready to see you.
Once he saw your lifeless form he dashed his way to the bed to slowly stroke your hair. Sitting on a chair to get closer to you before hearing you wake up.
You slowly turn to Monoma, your eyes once filled with happiness was now full of hate and disgust.
“What are you doing here?” You snapped at the boy. Disgust evident in your voice.
“i just came to say-” 
“What?” Your words shushed him as he looked at you with wide eyes was he tried to grab your cheek to make you look at him.
“You heard me leave. I never want to see you again you understand Neito Monoma?” You looked him right in those blue eyes you use to love so much and said something you could never go back on.
“Your dead to me.”
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years ago
This is for u @trademarked-but-not-really do with it what you will :D
There is a blood warning, just a heads up!
Also, Hawks platonically calling Tokoyami baby bird gives me serotonin —
"Goodbye, sir." Tokoyami waved from the front door of Hawks's agency. The sun was setting slowly, the sky was a warm orange colour. Hawks grinned and shot a feather to bump his interns shoulder, hands occupied. "Dont forget to text when you get back to the dorms, okay?" Tokoyami let's out a huff but nods and walks out of the building. Hawks sighs, another day done.
The other sidekicks left in an orderly fashion, each getting the paperwork finished relatively easily, so Hawks was left alone after a half hour. He sighed and looked down at the paperwork left unfinished.
It was his, so Hawks had no excuse to not have it done. Plus, the commission had been on his ass recently regarding his lack of monthly check-ins, which annoyed the winged hero. Why should he still have to answer to them? Hawks huffed and sat down, prepared to sit there and get it done.
Until there was a loud bang at the door.
Hawks sprang up. He had just closed up, why was someone there? He left his office and walked down the hall. He was about to tell whoever was there to piss off, but what he was met with made him freeze.
"Tokoyami?! What—?" Hawks walked up to the door, where Tokoyami was hunched heavily over it, clearly trembling. He didnt look up when Hawks approached, which worried him. "Kid? What's going on?"
Hawks opened the glass door, and Tokoyami fell through. Hawks let out a shout of alarm and picked his intern up, and set him on his feet. "Kid...?" Tokoyami still hadn't responded, his hands were clamped down on his beak, shielding it. Hawks couldn't help the confused expression rise on his face.
"What happened? Answer me, kiddo." He went to touch Tokoyami's beak, but the teen jerked out of his grip, and swayed dangerously on his feet. Hawks stared. It was like he couldn't stand straight.
"What happened? Answer me, kiddo." He went to touch Tokoyami's beak, but the teen jerked out of his grip, and swayed dangerously on his feet. Hawks stared. It was like he couldn't stand straight.
"Kid, I need to see your face, can you do that?" Hawks asked softly, moving closer. Tokoyami let out a pained noise in the back of his throat, but moved one hand. Hawks inhaled sharply. There was blood coating his hand, and it looked like the flow hadn't stopped.
Hawks was immediately put on edge. "Tokoyami, who did this." His voice had lost all hospitality, and Tokoyami scrunched up, clearly taken aback by the dramatic change. Hawks asked again, more urgently this time. Tokoyami couldn't get the words out.
"Did— didnt know what to—" Tokoyami shut his eyes tight again, his whole body tensed as another load of pain shot through his head. It was enough to make him stumble again. Hawks caught him easily, and moved him to the couch. Hawks didnt like how slurred and messed up his interns speech had become.
"Right, stay here, I'll go get you a first aid kit, okay? We'll fix this." Tokoyami didnt react. Hawks got worried. "Kid? Open your eyes, kid" Tokoyami's eyes opened slowly. They were glazed over and lidded. Hawks cussed. "Okay, okay. I'll be right back. Try stay awake for me." Tokoyami's eyes shut.
Shit. Did Hawks need to go to the hospital? Maybe? He should ask Eraserhead? No, the last time he asked about bird related things, Eraser said 'Hawks you're supposed to be the bird expert here.' and hung up on him. So no homeroom teacher. Maybe Dark Shadow would come out and give him answers.
Speak of the devil, Dark Shadow came round the corner. He didnt say anything, but turned and went back the way he came. Confused, Hawks followed. Tokoyami had moved from the couch to the ground. Hard, judging by the fact that the tremors had gotten worse.
"Fuck! Okay, I'm back, come on, up you come." Hakws gently moved Tokoyami to the couch again and opened the first aid kit. Tokoyami sank boneless into the plush couch, and his eyes shut again. Hawks slowly moved to peel his interns hands away from his face.
They didnt budge at first. "Come on kiddo, this'll make it hurt less, promise." Hawks coaxed gently. Tokoyami shuddered as both hands were placed on his lap. Hawks stared at the mess. It was hard to see where the blood was coming from, but there seemed to be a nasty gash across somewhere.
Hawks decided to ease his kid into it by starting at his hands. "Do you know what happened?" Hawks asked gently, pulling out a cleaning kit and wiping the red off Tokoyami's hands. His intern tried once again to get the words out, but it came out garbled and wrong. Dark Shadow came out, resting on Tokoyami's shoulder. "He cant talk properly." The shadow explained quietly, and Hawks nodded, shoving his anger down.
"Can you tell me what happened then? I really need answers here." Hawks was only partially frustrated at the lack of answers he was getting. Dark Shadow grew considerably in size. "Some asshole who doesn't like people with animal type quirks jumped us." Tokoyami's hands started shaking violently as Hawks shot up, wings flaring out.
"Are you fucking kidding me—?!" Hawks yelled. The first aid fell to the ground with a clang, and Dark Shadow flared up more. Hawks took a breath, calming himself. He picked the kit back up and silently cleaned the rest of Tokoyami's blood off of his hands. Tokoyami's hands still shook on Hawks's grip, he realised.
They came to the beak. "How much does it hurt? On a scale of one to ten." Hawks tried to gauge the reaction of the teen, reaching out. Tokoyami shifted back, shrugging. Dark Shadow answered before Tokoyami had a chance to. "He wants to tell you it's not that bad, but it hurts a lot. A solid nine point five." Hawks bit his tongue to stop himself from yelling again.
Tokoyami looked betrayed, but nodded in confirmation. Hawks exhaled slowly. "Okay, we'll I'm gonna give you something for the pain, and then I'll treat you. That sound good?" Tokoyami looked uncertainly over at the meds. More specifically, the needle. It took Hawks a second to realise why.
"...You dont like needles?"
A teen shook his head. That's all Hawks needs. He sits quietly, thinking. How was Hawks supposed to do this? Tokoyami starts opening his beak, but immediately makes a noise of pain and closes it. Dark Shadow doesnt translate.
Tokoyami tried again, slower and much more muffled than usual. "You... dont have to worry... I can—" He cuts himself off with a wince of pain, hand flying up to his beak again. Hawks takes his hand away, gripping tight. "Its okay, dont push yourself."
Hawks looks around for a distraction. If he can manage to get Tokoyami's mind off of the needle situation, Hawks might be able to inject him without a problem. He's used those drugs on his sidekicks and himself before, and they work fast, and are completely safe, a bonus. Plus, considering how small his intern is, Tokoyami should be put straight out, the stuff is strong.
Hawks's eyes land on the T.V. and he grins. He turns it on and flicks through the channels. Someone catches his attention. "Hey, isnt that Eraserhead?" He stops on a talk show. There, in all his glory, is the class 1A homeroom teacher. "He doesn't look very happy." Hawks laughs. Tokoyami is staring, seemingly occupied.
Hawks let's him watch for a little longer, setting up the needle. Dark Shadow noticed, but said nothing and continued to watch. Eventually, Hawks finally deemed Tokoyami distracted enough and quickly injected the needle into his interns arm. Tokoyami visible jolted, but the drugs worked fast and Tokoyami fell quiet, and slumped against the couch after a minute.
Hawks sighed. "Sorry kid..." Hawks turned him over, and got to work quietly. Tokoyami's beak was fragile, so Hawks had to work gently. He wiped a considerable amount of blood away and saw it. He wasnt surprised that it hurt. There was a large gash sliced over the right side of his kids beak. It was a messy cut, so obviously Tokoyami had either been moving or the person had shaky hands. Or both.
Either way, Hawks wasnt letting them away with this. He was gonna hunt the fucker down himself if that's what it took. He cleaned it up and was going to bandage it when Tokoyami's hand shot out and gripped Hawks's arm tight. Tokoyami's eyes were barely open and it looked like he was completely out of it.
Hawks chucked. "Alright bud, go back to sleep—" Tokoyami cut him off. "Hawkszzzz. There'sss dis guy. Dis guy and he keepssssss..." he trailed off, mumbling nonsense. Hawks stopped. A guy? He must really be out of it. Tokoyami continued. "He keepsss followin' me! Amd I dont know why... hess freaky dough. I domf like it."
Well, now Hawks was concerned. Before he could ask any questions, Tokoyami had gone slack again, his breathing evened out. Hawks didnt think much of it, and just bandaged him up. Hawks sat back with a sigh, looking at his work. Tokoyami was oddly calm, Dark Shadow no where in sight.
Hawks turned off the T.V and got up. He'd have to call Eraserhead once he was finished up with his interview, and judging by the yelling he heard, it wasnt going very well. Hawks looked down at the sleeping teen. He couldn't leave him on the couch, but he didnt want to risk injuring him further by moving him and fucking dropping him, which, knowing Hawks's luck, was a very real possibility.
Hawks decided it would be safer to just grab a blanket and wrap his intern in it. At least he'd be comfy, right? Hawks grabbed the fluffy one he'd seen the kid eye after a rough patrol. Hawks manoeuvred the kid and wrapped him into a mini burrito. Hawks smiled and decided fuck it, the kid was up, might as well move him. He carefully walked down the hall towards the elevator.
He asked himself where he would put the kid. The simple answer was to put him in Hawks's room, but his office was all the way down at the bottom floor. Would Tokoyami be able to handle the elevator if the drugs are still in his system when he woke up? Hawks sighed and brought the paperwork with him, playing the safe game.
Hawks sets his kid in his bed, and does the rest of his work quietly, feathers keeping a close watch on his kid as he sleeps without a problem. Hawks finishes his work and sits back, eyes closing. He drifts off, his feathers still active.
The next morning, his feathers woke him. Tokoyami is moving. Hawks groans and stands up, stretching and walking to his room. Tokoyami is sitting up, hands touching his beak with obvious confusion.
Hawks laughs and pushes his intern back down on the bed. "Go back to sleep, baby bird. It's still early." Tokoyami nods and curls up, still feeling exhausted. Hawks sits himself on the edge of the bed, watching his intern as his chest rises and falls. Hawks gets bored after a while, leaving as his phone buzzes.
Erasurehead? This should be fun. Hawks leaves and puts it on speaker. The angered shout that greets him tells Hawks everything.
"Hawks! You are aware of what a curfew is, correct?" Aziawa yells. He's in class as they speak. The rest of the class is confused. Bakugo rolls his eyes and Mina pokes at Asui and whispers something.
Aziawa continues without a pause. "Because I know damn well that Tokoyami wouldn't break curfew, so where is he? I swear if you tell me he's in hospital again." At this Hawks winced as the class perks up on the other end of the line. "Again?" Midoryia turns to Todoroki, who shrugs.
Hawks laughs. "Well, you'll be glad to know we didnt have to bring him this time, but—" Aziawa cuts him off. "Then why isn't he in class?!" Hawks sighs. "Some guy jumped him on his way to the train station, okay? They hit him hard, too."
The class grows nervous as Aziawa stays silent. Whatever Hawks had said must have either shocked him or caught him off guard. "Are you serious? Why—?" Hawks answers with a shrug. "Dark Shadow said something about animal-based quirks."
"Really? Just because of his appearance—" the class falls quiet again. Kirishima shakes Denki's shoulder. "They cant attack someone like that, right? Just because of his face?" Kirishima whispers, and Denki shrugs. Shouji's fists clench. He's delt with more than enough of those types of people in his life. Iida was chopping angrily, and Bakugo looked pissed.
Aziawa is still ranting. He's gotten so angry he couldn't hold his phone, in fear of breaking it. So it went on speaker as he went on a tangent. Hawks finds a good place to cut in. His voice rings loudly in the class.
"Hey, I'm just as angry at you. But the kid is trying to sleep. Maybe keep it down?" Hawks chuckles darkly. "Not like he'll be able to voice his complaints, though."
Aziawa immediately regrets it, but he asks why. "The motherfucker slashed his beak. It'll probably scar, it was deep." Hawks peeked into the room. Tokoyami was still asleep, turned away from the door. Hawks closed the door softly and tuned back into the conversation. Aziawa was yelling. There were other voices yelling, as well.
Aziawa's voice rang clear. "Sorry, Hawks. Gonna have to cut this short. Bring him back around when he wakes up, Recovery Girl will help him. Bakugo! Dont you dare—! Fuck!" The line went dead.
Hawks laughed. Looks like the class knew. He turned to go down the hallway, but stopped when something pulled at his jacket. He turned to see Tokoyami standing, albeit wobbly. The blanket Hawks had wrapped around him hung on his shoulders, and Tokoyami's body disappeared under it.
Hawks smiled softly. "Hey there, baby bird. What's going on?" Hawks moved to support him as the teen almost went down. Slowly, they moved to the kitchen. With Dark Shadow's help, Tokoyami sat on the counter, still wrapped in the blanket. Dark Shadow faced Hawks. "He's wondering how to eat. We're hungry."
Hawks blinked. "I hadn't thought about that...." He trailed off. "We'll ask Recovery Girl when we see her. You wanna go now or do you wanna wait?" Tokoyami shrugged. Hawks shook his head. "Well, let's re-bandage your beak first, then we'll go, sound good?"
Tokoyami nodded and moved to stand. It took a minute, but they got there. Hawks took off the bandages. The wound looked as ugly as ever. "Hey, what did the guy look like?" Tokoyami thought about it. He turned towards the T.V and his face dropped. He pointed at the screen.
Hawks looked. Someone had been murdered late last night. Ouch, it looked brutal. There was something familiar about the wounds though...
"That looks like..." Hawks stared at the wound he was cleaning. "Oh. Holy shit." Hawks snapped his head up, looking for confirmation. Tokoyami nodded, a little too hard, and hissed in pain. Hawks steadied him. "Wait. If the wound is so similar, then..." He turned the volume up.
"The only suspects we have at the moment are the league of villains, and that's because of the dust left behind. Also scorch marks left on the victim's back..."
Hawks's phone lit up as a message came through. He checked it. It was from an unknown number, which meant it was from Dabi.
"You're welcome." Was all it said.
Hawks typed out his reply. He asked why the fuck he would do something like that. Dabi responded with: 'Dude was on our hit list anyways. He should learn to think twice before slicing a league member so close to Shigaraki.'
This left Hawks confused. Dark Shadow said that the guy didnt like people with animal-based quirks, so it would have to be their driver, but the last part....
Oh well. He's dead now. That's all that matters.
He took Tokoyami to Recovery Girl, and she did all she could. Within a week it had scarred, much to Tokoyami's annoyance. He could talk properly, which was okay. Before he got used to it though, he had a lisp. Hawks thought it was adorable. A lisp plus head tilts?? Hawks's intern was the cutest, no doubt.
Hawks grinned as Tokoyami waved goodbye two weeks later. "Make sure you get home this time, okay?" Tokoyami sighed and flipped Hawks off, being the last person to leave.
Hawks laughed. Hopefully this time there would be no unexpected attacks on his intern. Hawks walked to his office and stared at the pile of paperwork left unfinished.
"Son of a bitch—"
This ended on a funny note, though I wanted to make a point on quirk discrimination. With everything that's happening in America right now, its important to say
Black lives matter. They have mattered all along, and they will always matter.
But I do hope you enjoyed! If you wanna see anything else, just ask! I'm always open to suggestions :D
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heavenlyevans · 6 years ago
70 Years Too Late Chapter Five
Summary: The reader and Steve dates in the 40′s but when Steven gets frozen she can’t take life without him. So she asks her friend Howard to freeze her until they can find a way to get him back. But what happens when she gets to the future and he’s dating someone new?
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“Y/n? As in Howard’s best friend Y/n? The one that he never stopped loving but just abandoned him that Y/n?” Tony said, his voice increasingly get louder by the minute. So this was Howie’s son. I get he got blessed with good genes the man looked like a goddamn fox. Age was definitely his friend, I wonder if Howie aged as well as his son. Speaking of Howard.
“Yes that’s me. I didn’t want to leave him he’s my best friend. I never meant to hurt him. Where is he? There’s so much he needs to tell me? Did they find Steve?” I rush and try to get up from the table but a as soon as my feet hit the ground a wave of nausea hit me like a truck and I flew to the nearest trash can, spewing out anything that would come out. Not like I had time to eat anything while I was getting a lifetime of sleep.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay just get it out darling,” Tony said as he rubbed my back. Great just what I needed a hot guy watching me spill my guts.
“So where is Howard,” I say trying to get up but loosing my balance but before I could fall I felt two arms wrap around me keeping me from falling. I look up at the face those arms belonged to, and was met with the charming man that is Tony stark the apple didn’t fall far from the tree with the charm.
“You alright there, hon” he chuckled, smiling a smile almost as beautiful as Steve’s.... I said almost. 
“Yeah I’m fine” I said as I get out of his arms. “I just have a lot of work to do. Oh crap I still didn’t check in with the boss, he’ll want to know I’m back and Howard must have work for me. I got to go” I said rushing out.
“Wait I don’t think it’s like you remember! Mama! Y/N!” He shouted as Dr. Banner and him run after me.
“Ashburn! I need those papers on my desk. And Carter I need to see you for the briefing. Smith stop staring at my ass!” I yell walking around seeing as I was kinda the one who ran the building. I stopped after I realized no one was following my instructions. If fact not one of my team mates were even there. Not Carter not Howard not even Smith. It was just a room filled with people in funny suits. Did they make more super soldiers I didn’t know about?
“Who are you people and where is my team! Where is Howard? Carter! What’s going on?” I rush out as I get strange looks from everyone in the room.
“Mrs. L/N, I think you might want to take a seat” a guy with an eye patch said to me as he pointed at an open seat on the couch.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you babe” tony smirked as he led me to the seat. And I was continuing to get weird looks from everyone there.
“Who’s mrs daisy over here?” One of them snickered.
“Excuse me and who are you? I don’t remember giving you permission to talk. And all of you, you look at me you don’t talk to me unless I give you the right to do so I don’t know who let you up here. But I am the high ranking agent here. So I won’t take your bullshit do I make myself clear solider!” I shout in my Lieutenant voice.
“Ah yes sir... I mean mama” he stuttered and sat up straight. And everyone was either too stunned to say anything or trying to keep their laughs in much like tony.
“L/N” eye patch said again “do you know what time period we’re in?” He asked carefully.
“Well judging from the lack of respect and terrible outfit choices im gonna guess we’re not in the 40’s anymore sir” I said with my head held high and looking straight. We were never allowed to look our superiors in the eye, that was a like a big f u to the big man. He wasn’t our friend he was our boss.
“Y/n you can look me in the face. Like you said it’s not the 40’s anymore” he smiled.
“Sorry sir force of habit. We’re not allowed to look our superiors in the eyes it’s a sign of being to comfortable and we can’t risk getting too comfortable” I say.
“Woah she’s sounds like my aunt Peggy” someone said as they walked in and stood next to me looking me over and smiled.
“You know Peggy Carter? I must speak with her this instant she must be worried sick I didnt even say goodbye” I said to her.
“Mama that’s what I wanted to discuss” eye patch spoke slowly.
“Well get on with it sir. And please don’t call me mama that makes it sound like I’m 50. Y/N is fine.”
“Well Y/N were in the year 2013 and Howard and Carter... they’re dead” he looked down.
“What? I... you can’t be serious. I told Howard I would see him again. This isn’t real this is a joke Howard put you up to this didn’t he.. he had to hes always doing shit like this” I say sitting back down shaking my head back and forth I look around the room at all the faces trying to find a hint of doubt on them. But all I saw was pitty.
“It’s okay. Your gonna be okay” tony said as he sat down next to me and rubbed my back. I turned to him and hugged him as hard as I could holding on for dear life and he instantly hugged back whispering kind words into my ear. Everyone kinda looked at Tony like wtf.
“Wait your Y/N L/N? My Peggy talked about u all the time” the girl smiled at me once I calmed down.
“Yeah. She was my best friend. I could tell you so many stories about the shit we got into. She was the best” I smile remembering Peggy.
“Wait your the agent who punched a Nazi omg your like my idol” a red head said and looked at me with admiration.
“Yeah well how could you not punch one of those guys after spending a week under cover. It was hard not to do it sooner” I smiled at her.
After that everyone just kept asking me questions and I learned everyone’s names.
“That’s amazing. No wonder you ran this place back in the day” Clint said.
“Yeah well all the men here were completely useless. Except for Howie he knew what he was doing” I smiled at Tony as he held his head high with pride for his dad.
“Yep I got the smart gene from him.” Tony said sitting back on the couch with a big grin on his face.
“Yeah you also got the cock sure gene too. You know he once bet me 20 that he could get me to sleep with him within the first week we met each other. I won 20 bucks that day.” I laughed at the horrified look on Tony’s face.
“Okay I didn’t need to know about my dads sexual life thank you very much.” He said as everyone laughed.
“Y/N?!?” Someone from the doorway yelled.
“Bucks?!?” I shouted with wide eyes as I ran to him. He picked me up and spun me around a couple times before putting me down.
“So I guess you know Bucky” Rhodey laughed.
“Aye winter boys got a friend” Sam joked as Bucky flipped him off.
“Y/n Babe what are you doing here. I thought you were dead?” Bucky said stunned.
“Yeah well I just couldn’t live without Steve so I had Howie freeze me till they found him” I said still smiling.
“Oh” he said his smile fading and his head hanging low like he knew something I didn’t.
“What? What is it? What aren’t you telling? Is Steve okay?”
“Yeah yeah Steve’s fine. He’s great actually... but there’s one thing...” he begins but he didn’t get a chance to finish because someone interrupted him.
Tag list: @nerdybirdyfiz @koizorahana @japanslostchild @vogueworthy-barnes @thoughtfullyfurryangel @whatiswrongwithpeople @alexfayer @deaniebean@bruisedfaye @basicccbitchhh101 @mcu-is-yess @streetghostfighter07@dottirose
If I missed you in the tags just let me know. Also sorry i haven’t posted in a long ass time. Def more chapters coming just be patient with me guys.
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afewmarvelousthoughts · 6 years ago
Stay Ch. 16
Master List
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: Angst, and fluff, and feels oh my!
A/N:  So yeah I swear I wroth an authors note for this... but idfk what happened. 
ANYWAY! Thank you all for being so patient while I got my life together. This one is also short and sweet (guess that’s the mood I’m in). However, y’all should know me by now. This is just the calm before the storm. 
Hope you enjoy this one my pumpkins! 
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@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree  @breezy1415  @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight@jeromethepsycho  @marvel-randomness  @daniellajocelyn  @katecolleen  @yanginginthere@wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @lesbian-girls-wayhaught @siriuslycloudy2
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March 2007
At some point in the last five months, you’d stopped recognizing yourself. The woman in the mirror wasn’t Y/N. Her hair was different, down to even the eyebrows. Her accent distinctly that of a life long Londoner. She worked for an independent UK couture fashion magazine, chose wine over whiskey, and was distinctly heterosexual.
When the chance to work this job requiring deep cover came up in December you jumped on it. You didn’t want to be you anymore. The you that couldn’t be with the woman you loved. The you that was heartbroken. The you who was beginning to doubt that you’d ever be happy. Fuck her.
Being Charlie Daniels was far better. She was, of course, a real person. Just one who was now living comfortably in the Bahamas courtesy of MI6. Even legit agencies had use of freelance talent every now and then.
Settling into her life had been easy. Not setting her boss on fire or blowing his brains out daily was a different task altogether. Turned out that a magazine was a great front for a crime empire. Lots of international travel, young and beautiful and desperate men and women, money exchanged in countless untraceable ways, on and on. And this fucker was happy to take advantage of every single disgusting avenue it opened up.
You almost had everything you needed to hand to MI6, get your obscenely large payout, and get on to another gig while they threw all of these bastards into cells to rot for the rest of their miserable lives. Just one more trip. After whatever horrible things they lay out in Tokyo you’ll be set.
Tokyo is one of those cities you can lose yourself in. Like New York but better for its interesting balance of vibrancy and grounded reserve. You absolutely love it.
The whole point of the trip, at least on the surface, was to focus on Fashion Week Tokyo. Honestly, there was a part of you that wished this was your world. Nothing but runway shows and after parties. Writing about the latest trends rather than delving into the inner workings of the worlds miscreants
Oh well. It was nice enough to pretend. You had to admit that you’d miss Charlie Daniels once you shed this skin in a couple of weeks.
You’re sitting two people down from your boss at an underground show. The level of security here screams that there are other things going on behind the scenes but it’s still a room filled with a who’s who of the Japanese and international fashion communities.
This was your third show of the day, and you knew there would be a party after where you’d have to schmooze all while plucking information from your unsuspecting fellow guests. You’re exhausted. So rather than pay much attention to the show you let your mind wander.
When she walks out you feel her rather than see her.  Slowly you turn your head to stare dumbstruck at the model walking onto the catwalk. Your heart begins beating against your ribs, your mouth goes dry, your hands shake.
It takes every ounce of control you have to keep your emotions in. To not scream “Natasha!” at the top of your lungs. To not grab her and run for the hills. Charlie Daniels and her easy life be damned. It’s hard but you manage.
As she turns and comes back down, passing now closer to you, her eyes don’t graze  the crowd at all. Head up, shoulders back, she walks the runway like she’d been doing it for years.
The rest of the show is maybe ten minutes but it feels like years. You know the models are all attending the party. Eye candy for the high end guests.
It’s fairly easy to ditch your coworkers in the crowd as you try to find the best vantage point in the room without being too obvious. After a solid twenty minutes, you find yourself planning an escape route. Most of the models are milling about but she’s no where to be seen. You will find her.
But you know you can’t skip out just yet. At the bar, you order a red wine and make yourself seen. Charlie would never miss the whole party after all. You spend a bit chatting with designers and a few models, feigning interest in the whole thing until you hear your boss call out to you.
“Oy, Charlie!” Carl’s voice alone makes you want to put him down. When you turn he’s waving you over to the bar. Sighing heavily you head over.
You’re about ten feet away when you see her, head back laughing at something Carl or his friend had said. Both men are far to close to her for your liking and the hungry look on Carl’s face sets your blood boiling.
He slings an arm around your shoulders and you carefully coach your face to not show disgust. “Charlie here is my best writer. Doin’ some pieces for us on this whole thing,” he waves his other hand around wildly.
“Good to meet ya, Charlie, I’m Dan,” the other man, clearly American says.
“Likewise,” Natasha doesn’t react to the accent at all.
“This here is-”
“Natalie,” Natasha cuts him off, extending a hand to you. Holding her eyes with yours you take it. It’s like touching a live wire.
“Natalie is an American model working here in Japan. May be a good topic for a piece.” He ribs you leaning closer, “And a good piece for the office eh?” Suddenly that MI6 money seems far less appealing.
“I’d love that,” Natasha beams. “Why don’t you guys go mingle and Charlie and I can chat!” The men exchange a glance, but there’s plenty of fresh meat around to sink their teeth into.
Carl flashes you a greasy smile and a wink as he walks away. Thinking clearly that you’re going to snare this woman for him. You, unfortunately, had a few others. Not something you were proud of. Demands of the job you told yourself.
“She’ll take a vodka neat,” you tell the bartender.
“Yes,” Natasha smiles at him, “Whiskey for her. Makers if you have it.” He thinks nothing of it and makes your drinks.
“So, how’s modeling in Japan?”
“Probably about as good as writing for a sleazy jackal.”
You laugh, “That bad? What’s the goal.”
“Getting a cover,” you commend the clever word play.
“That’s a good goal. Long term?”
“Something like that.” She takes a sip of her vodka, “How long are you here?”
“End of the week.” Your skin itches to touch her. The men are rounding back. You hold her gaze and shift your eyes back to them. She catches on.
“Perfect! It’s so hard to have a good interview here, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely. Why don’t you come by my hotel?” You whip out your spare key card. “I’d love to get your story for the mag, maybe do a full feature.”
“A feature would be excellent exposure!”
“Wouldn’t it?” Carl slides up next to her. “We can get you all the exposure you could want Ms. Natalie.”
“Charlie was telling me all about it.” She flashes him a coy smile. “Thank you so much Charlie! I forgot I have a late fitting tonight for another show so I’ve got to run. But we’ll chat soon yeah?”
“Absolutely! It was so good to meet you Natalie.”
“Same! Bye!” She hurries through the crowded room and disappears.
“Busy girl.” Carl quips. “Whiskey?” You look down at the glass by your hand.
“Some guy sent them over,” you gesture to Natasha’s lipstick stained glass. “Seemed rude to refuse. Can’t stand the stuff though.”
“That’s a mans drink,” Carl laughs at his own perceived joke and you force a smile.
Somehow you make it through the rest of the evening. You’d refused to allow yourself to hope that she’d be here, too obvious to come the same night, better to wait. Kicking off your shoes you head straight to the mini bar and crack open a whiskey, downing it in one gulp.
“You really need to be more careful,” Natasha’s voice comes from the bathroom. “I mean not even checking around. Sloppy.”
“Charlie Daniels doesn’t have to check for Russian assassins in her bathroom,” a smile pulls your face so tight it hurts.
“Well, Natalie Rushman isn’t a Russian spy. So…”
You let your real accent resurface as you pull her into your arms, “Natalie Rushman, I don’t know if that’s clever or lazy.” She kisses you hard, tongue sliding over your lips hands gripping your ass.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Kinda like the accent.”
“Oh?” You revert to the clipped posh Londoner sound. “Would you rather be with Charlie? I hate to break it to you, she’s strictly into dick so you may need to get a bit creative.”
Natasha’s head falls back with laughter, “I’m always into a challenge but,” she cups your face in her hands, “I’d much rather Y/N, she’s got a cute accent too.” Your kiss is soft this time, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, honey.” Gently you push a strand of hair out of her face. “Is this smart? Are you gonna get-”
“I’m good. I wouldn’t be here if I thought there was risk.” She pulls away and tugs you toward the bed. “There’s no surveillance on me here, I check in every week, that’s it. This is strictly to build a cover.”
“Cover for what?” She gives you a sideways glance. “Right. National security.”
“Do you really want to talk about work?”
Smirking at her you push her back on the bed. “Maybe later.”
You lean down to her but she stops you by planting a strappy heel in the center of your chest. Trailing your fingers down her leg you snag a knife from her thigh holster. Carefully you slide the blade under the straps, the incredibly sharp edge cuts through the thin suede like it’s nothing.
“Those were very expensive you know,” eyes sparkling with desire.
You slip the shoe off and toss it aside. “I’ll buy you a new pair.” Your lips press against her ankle.  
Everything in your life until her was so fleeting. Even your own name, the sound of your own voice, who you were… But with her, you were grounded. You weren’t anything but her’s, you were Y/N.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed. Caressing her muscular calf you just stare at her eyes. Emerald green, dark liner, lids heavy with lust and exhaustion.
“Natasha…” Your voice cracks and you fight for composure.
“Y/N? What is it?” She shoots up, cradling your face in her hands.
You shake your head, unable to really find the words and unwilling to send this storm of emotions to her. “I just…” You cover her hands with your own. It’s not that you don’t want her, you do. But…
“Can we just… I just wanna hold you…” Her expression immediately softens, eyes sparkling a touch with tears. “Sorry… I… I just…”
“I’d love that, baby.” Tenderly her lips brush yours, then your cheeks, your forehead, your eyelids as they flutter closed.
You shed your clothes and crawl into the plush bed. Holding tight to one another you spend hours drifting in and out of sleep, covering the other with soft kisses. Before the sun rises your hands wander southward.
This time you don’t fuck one another senseless. It feels like you’re trying to memorize every curve, every sound, every subtle thing that marks being together. You both know you many not get to do this for some time. The knowledge aches but it doesn’t make having her any less sweet.
Post Snap
You lean your head back on the wall behind the booth. The crying man from last night is gone, you find yourself hoping that he’s resting peacefully somewhere… even though you know it’s pointless to hope for such things.
There are more people filling the bar than there was before. The TVs are off, radios turned up, reporters frantically trying to determine what happened. It was global, that was clear. All planes grounded, trains stopped, communications spotty due to damaged cell towers.
A man speaks frantically to someone who seems to be a friend that he was heading to Nuremberg from Budapest, how the roads are almost not navigable. He doesn’t know if his family is even still there but he has to find out.
Despite his distress, your lips curl a bit at the mention of Budapest.
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inspired-snowflace · 6 years ago
Prank ( loki×reader )
Loki× Reader fanfic
A/N : Hey !!! I am new to tumblr !! It would be great if you could give me some tips about it !!! This is a loki×reader fic. Please do review it !!! Thanks !!!!
"Hey Sif" you called out as you entered the room. The woman referred to looked towards you and smiled. You and Sif got along well as she had immense respect for your strength, powers and kindness. However, She only disliked your taste in men. Yes. You, a Midgardian, loved Loki, the God of Mischief and was living with him on Asgard for a visit. And It was an understatement to say that she hated him. She could not believe that you would choose Loki over Thor. She even took you to a healer once saying that you need to get your eyesight checked !! Except that, you got along pretty well.
Presently Sif walked over to you and said sweetly "Hey Y/N. Is there something I can help you with?"
"Actually, yes."
She slighty tilted her head giving you an ok for further explanation.
You decided to start carefully. "There is this tradition on Midgard..." and you trailed off.
A twinkle shone in her eyes for she and Thor loved when you mentioned Midgardian traditions.
Last Easter, you all had so much fun until somebody hid the egg in Odins vault and that some one being Loki. Needless to mention the scolding you all got. However, that did not diminish anybody's excitement.
This was reflected in her voice as she asked immediately "What is it ?"
"Well tomorrow on Midgard is 1st April which is All Fools Day. On this day, people pull pranks on each other and have lots of fun."
The corners of her mouth turned slightly upwards at the mention of fun. Even though she was a warrior, She absolutely loved fun.
"So whats the plan ?"
"Well, I plan on pranking Loki"
" Oh...how ?" And then you proceeded to explain your entire idea to her.
"There is no way in Hel I am doing that !!"
Well, you sorta expected this...
So launching convincing plan one- "Pleaseeee Sif... " you said with puppy eyes and pouty lips. "No way." Well this worked better on Loki.
Launching convincing plan two- "Sif ... Imagine the number of times he has pranked you all! This is your chance at revenge !! Come on Sif !!! Wouldnt you like- scratch that-love to see the GOD OF MISCHIEF fail his title for once... the title in which he takes so much pride !!!" You didnt have anything against Loki's title but you knew the exact words that would turn Sifs gears.
At that same time you heard Thor's voice boom " Hello Sif !!"
You both turned to look at the newcomer. Thor shook your hand and said "Hello Lady Y/N". You smiled.
"What were you talking about ?"
"She is planning to prank Loki " Sif said signalling towards you. Thors ears perked up like a dog had just been shown his favourite stick. And you proceeded to repeat the same words to Thor.
At the end of your speech Thor laughed and if you ever wondered why Thor was the God of Thunder, his laugh really proved it. "Sif you should really do it" he added after his laughter died.
"We have tried a million times to prank Loki but to no avail. This might be an amazing chance."
Now convinced when the plan was repeated for a second time and her excuses met with solid replies, Sif huffed "Fine. I will do it "
You exchanged a clap with Thor and said "Let the mischief begin".
The next day in the morning you and Thor crouched behind a pillar and were made invisible (however Sif could see you both and you could see each other ) with your magic.
Sif sat opposite the pillar on a staircase that led to the floor above and the long perpendicular corridor stretched between you. At the end of this corridor was yours and Lokis room. You were sure that in five minutes the puntual Loki will head for breakfast.
And It happened. You heard the door of your room click and Loki stepped outside. You gave Sif a thumbs up and threw a magical strand her way which brought tears in her eyes. You used magic; for Sif had made an excuse that she has never cried and wont be able to.
Presently, She sat there holding her legs in her arms, shaking, sobbing uncontrably and for a split second you thought that your magic had been too strong. Lokis footsteps echoed in the hall along with Sif's sobbing. You couldn't see Lokis expression from your position. But the moment he came into your view you could see the tension on his face. If it would have been a normal day, Loki would have mocked her for crying but you could see his tense shoulders and you understood that he felt compassion.
"Well, why is the bravest asgardian I know crying ?"
You exchanged a look with Thor and he grinned and you guessed he must have thought " the prey fell right into the trap."
Going over to Sif-
She moved her neck so sharply at his voice that you would have believed that she didnot sense his presence. She looked at his face with shock tried to stop the tears with her hands but they kept falling. Wow! You were definitely going to compliment her on her acting.
She continued to snif and Loki sat beside her asking " What happened Lady Sif ? What is wrong ?"
The voice was probably one of the sweetest that rolled off his Silvertongue.
She shot a look of longing his way and he immediately conjured a handkerchief for her and made an attempt to hand it to her. She looked at the handkerchief and looked back at him and wrapped her arms violently around him sobbing continuously. You were definitely going to ask Sif to join the theatre even if that meant risking a sword on your throat.
Loki looked like he was ready to push her away but from one look of her face he decided against it.
Thor whispered in your ear that his newfound compassion was a result of your love. You blushed but prayed that Loki didnt hear it; but Sifs sobs made up well for it, keeping Loki preoccupied.
Loki hadn't reciprocated the affection but Sif said " There was somebody I loved but they are now in love with someone else. " all between sobs. At this point Loki carefully put his arm around her, hesitantly, as if a snake would bite him.
"Who did dare reject you ?"
At this question Sif sobbed further. Yes! You were definitely going to ask her about joining theatre. Who cares for a sword at your throat ?
"YOU !!!" She screamed.
"I loved you so much and yet you fell for that... that stupid mortal !!"
This was your cue. You gave Thor a thumbs up and teleported you both to the other end of the corridor. You took off your invisibility but Loki couldn't see you as the staircase was little further inside.
"What ?" Loki almost whispered but you could tell that it was out of shock rather than secrecy.
"Yes." She confirmed.
"I loved you since we were children and just didn't know how to tell you until you gave your heart to the mortal."
She held his coat tightly in her fist and continued crying and shaking convulsively. You started walking down the corridor towards Loki and Sif. The moment you reached there you saw that Loki was in a trance-like state and Sif looked up to you immediately. You could have sworn you saw a smirk on her face but it disappeared rather quickly.
"Loki !!" you exclaimed, lower lip quivering. You just hoped that your acting was as good as Sif's.
Loki didn't move from his trance till you called his name. He looked up at you shocked but you fixed your eyes rather disgustedly at Sif. He looked from your face to Sif then to his arm that lay on her as his look changed to horror and his face paler than milk as he realised what that must look to an onlooker.
Meanwhile, Sif appeared to be shocked and was switching her gaze between you and Loki every few seconds.
"Y/N Wait! " Loki croaked not as powerful as he had hoped.
You shifted your poisonous glare towards him demanding an explanation which you knew he didn't have... not a logical one atleast.
"Y/N I ...." he trailed off looking down in shame as he tried to find the logic in his explanation.
"Well, If you loved this stupid warrior then why did you pretend to love me ?" You spat at him.
"Y/N I dont lo-"His words were cut short by Sif's scream.
" WELL MORTAL HE DOES LOVE ME. He loves me and I love him."
You pretended to break down and went on your knees as Loki sat there frozen.
"How long has this being going on for ?" You asked with a teary gaze.
"WELL MORTAL HE NEVER LOVED YOU. He only loved me and he has been even sleeping with me."
"What? " - Similar to Loki's from a few moments ago left your mouth.
Loki was shocked to the core. It felt as if someone had told him that Odin was a frostgiant.
At this moment you took of Thor's invisibility and this was his cue His footsteps rang in the hall.
"Y/N no !! That is not true." Loki protested.
You started to sob uncontrably.
"Lady Y/N... Is everything okay ?" Thor ran towards you even placed his hands on your shoulders before looking forth.
He looked at Loki and Sif and the shock was written all over his face as if he had just noticed them. Damn! Did all Asgardians learn theatre ?
"Brother! Lady Sif! " Thor's voice boomed. Thor helped you up as Loki looked on helplessly.
"Thor!" You cried hiding your face in his chest knowing very well what effect it would have on Loki.
Even though you didn't look up you knew that Thor must be glaring at Loki.
"What is the meaning of all this ?"
"Brother, I can explain-"
"Can you now ? Please do explain why you are wrapped around lady Sif and why is lady Y/N crying."
You cut Loki short and said " Thor !!! Loki has been cheating on me ! He has an affair with Lady Sif ! He has also been sleeping with her." Your voice broke at every second word.Thor furrowed his eyebrows in shock.
"I am leaving and I am not coming back" you spat, throwing Loki a spiteful look.
You glanced back at Thor and then back to Loki and said waving your finger at them "look how they are still sticking together like a vice!"
At this realisation, Loki tried to get Sif arms off him while you started running.
You looked back and said "Don't come looking for me."
"Y/N no !!" His voice was laced with immense sadness and a look behind confirmed that he was crying.
By the time he got Sif's arms off him, you had gained a considerable lead. He turned to follow you but was blocked by Thor's huge body. You cast an illusion of you running away while you stood behind another pillar a bit farther away; cloaking your true self in invisibility .
"Brother !! A woman is kind to you, courts you, loves you and that is how you treat her ? I thought you only loved betraying me. Was not even she excluded from your schemes and betrayal ? "
Loki looked at him with eyes from which tears fell smoothly.
"Brother, let me go and stop her ."
"Brother, please." Desperation in his voice.
" I will not allow you to hurt beautiful lady Y/N anymore."
"Well you clearly did, intentional or otherwise."
Loki fell to the ground after making an attempt to push his stone wall brother as he watched your illusion run away, around the corridor, abandoning him forever. His eyes suddenly fell on Sif as he turned around realising her presence just yet.
"WELL LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE !! BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDITY MY BELOVED Y/N THINKS THAT I BETRAYED HER AND ...AND ... AND ... she left " his voice turned into sobs and he turned to face Sif.
A sudden anger took over him and he started to choke her by wrapping his palms tightly accross her neck. Thor thrashed forward and pulled him back before he could strangle Sif.
" For once I had found happiness in the smile of the lovely woman. Why did you take it away from me ?" The words somehow hurt like a wild sword in your stomach. Loki tried to thrash at her again but his energy was drained.
"I dont want to live without Y/N anymore. Brother, please kill me." His words a mere whisper.
All of you were shocked at his words. Did Loki love you so much ? You immediately materialised in front of him. He looked at you but didnt respond.
He finally spoke pointing at you " My magic even cast an illusion of her. Involuntarily."
You and Thor exchanged a look.
"Brother, It is not an illusion. This is Y/N herself."
"Loki... this was all a prank we played on you. But it seems we took it too far." You added.
"Prank ?" His eyes shone with hope.
"Yes, Loki. Today is April Fools day, so we decided to prank you but we clearly went overboard."
You three watched on as Loki put two and two together. You closed your eyes imagining him to storm off or screan his lungs at you. If it did happen you wouldn't blame him, except it didn't. All you felt was a warmth coming from the arms tightly wrapped around you.
"Oh Y/N, please don't do this to me ever again. I...I....I... I thought I lost you.. forever."
The last word seemed to cause him physical pain.
"Loki, I wont."
"You promise ?"
"I promise."
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birdy-rps · 5 years ago
The camera shifts slightly ad her face comes into view. Checking the settings one more time she smiles and waves to the camera,
"Hi! Today we are going to go through the various creatures I own and how I got them! Now, while I own an aviary, many of the birds just visit momentarily and then return home either to their owner or they are relocated to a proper habitat after rehabilitation. I own around 9 different birds, 2 different reptiles, one amphibian, one arachnid and 5 mammals."
She turns the camera around, showing her walking to a door. The door opens to reveal what appears to be a animal paradise, different glass domes showcasing brilliant fauna from different ecosystems. The first dome she walks into appears to be a north American forest, and the camera shows her sliding a thick leather glove onto her hand.
"First up, let's meet Arthur. Arthur is a Male great horned owl, who used to be a pet until his owners got tired of him. Instead of bringing him straight to a place like mine, they just let him out into the wild, leaving him defenseless and vulnerable to predators. He had no idea how to hunt for himself and hardly flew around unless he wanted to perch."
She makes a whistle noise and theres a barely there sound of flapping as a large owl swoops from the trees and lands on her gloved hand. The owl settles himself and preens lightly under the view of the camera.
"He was given to me by someone who found him practically starving to death out in the woods. I taught him how to fly and how to hunt by using treats whenever he did it well, but since he had been a pet most his life he refuses to leave and thus cannot be rehabilitated. He's very friendly and behaves well around all age groups so he is one of my best models for photographs when I go to teach kids about animals"
Raising her hand and making another whistle noise, Arthur flies off into the trees. Moving to another patch of trees, She reaches into a bag at her side and pulls out a small piece of raw cubed beef, clutching it between her thumb and index within the large glove. She makes a high pitched scree noise and a more noticable flapping noise is heard from directly in front. A gyrfalcon swoops down and lands on her hand, quickly gobbling down the beef.
"This is Fawkes, my gyrfalcon. Hes about 8 years old, and came to me about a year and a half ago, suffering from an injured foot. He was given to me by a retired falconer and very quickly got used to being pampered because of his injury and prefers to stay in the aviary where he can stretch his wings whenever he pleases but still get attention."
Raising her hand like she did with Arthur, Fawkes flies off into the trees. Taking the large glove off, she flips the camera to face her again,
"Those were my north American birds, now on to my tropical species"
There's a jump cut and now Sarah is shown standing in an area of lush fauna, two different species of macaws on her shoulders. The one on her left shoulder is a scarlet macaw, the one on the right is a hyacinth macaw. Adjusting the microphone on the small headset, she introduces the pair,
"This is Bow, the scarlet macaw, and Beck, the hyacinth macaw. Both are around the same age, about 4 years old, and I got both from a rescue program after their habitats were destroyed due to logging companies. Both are very friendly and will attempt to take any buttons you happen to have on you, hence why I'm wearing a regular T shirt without buttons on it. They hang out here in the tropical dome with each other and anyone who happens to stop by, so they're never lonely"
The camera now shows her sitting on a low branch next to a toco toucan, the bird walking back and forth along the branch.
"This is Tulio, the toco toucan. He has been with me ever since he was a hatchling, his species being a very popular pet. He was the runt and was gifted to me by a very reliable avian breeder. He's very friendly and loves to eat fruit, and I often let those who pose with Tulio feed him a berry or two as a treat for good behavior."
Another jump cut and now she is standing holding a greater bird of paradise, the bird preening his feathers as he perched on her arm.
"This is Tico, the greater bird of paradise. He is about 3 years old, and loves being in the spotlight. I got him after he was injured in his habitat by some logging crew after he refused to leave. Since being brought to me, he has recovered fully but now thinks I am his mate and consistently performs a display to hopefully get me to accept his proposal."
She visibly sweatdrops as she mentions this before the scene changes to her opening the door to another dome, this one lacking very many trees and instead having tall Savannah grass. As soon as she closes the door, a pair of wings can be heard getting closer, and the moment she turns around, a large African crowned crane is standing in front of her.
"Oh! Hello Majesty, heheh. This is Majesty, my African crowned crane. She was gifted to me by a local zoo after she got involved in a pretty bad spat between her and another of their female cranes. She enjoys attention and pretty much demands the focus be on her at all times, and there has been one or two incidents of her pecking at someone who didnt give her the attention she wanted. Because of this, I rarely have her pose for photos, although she loves having her picture taken."
The scene cuts and now she has the camera pointed to a secretary bird, standing tall with his head feathers moving in the slight breeze. He steps toward the camera and pecks at it before Sarah moves the camera away, laughing softly,
"This is Jaques, my Male secretary bird. He has a habit of pecking at anything he can get his beak on, Haha. Despite that though, hes much more behaved than Majesty and thus I have more pictures of him. He tends to stand on people's shoulders if I have them crouch next to him. He was also given to me by a zoo as they needed more space for different animals they had received and had no where to put him. He enjoys being scratched under the beak and that's usually what he's asking for if he shoves his head in your hand."
The camera cuts again to show Sarah holding a large bearded vulture on her arm. He has bright orange pigment in his feathers.
"This is Steve, my bearded vulture, or lammergeier. Their diet is primarily bones, and they put pigment in their feathers to make them more intimidating. Steve prefers to be left alone and thus keeps to himself when I'm not around. I've had him for about 3 years now, after being injured by a trap someone had set. These fierce birds are captured and poisoned in acts of illegal persecution, and seldom make it out before the person who trapped them comes back to check their traps. And that's all of my personal avians!"
The view changes to being inside a fairly spacious room with terrariums lining the walls. She walks over to the closest one, opening it to show an African fat tailed gecko, carefully reaching her hand inside for the small reptile to crawl into her hand.
"This is Kiwi, my African fat tailed gecko. She's very friendly and her favorite place to sit is on people shoulders or head so she can get a good look around. Kiwi is an oreo morph, one of the rarer ones as this morph type is recessive. She likes to lick things and it feels very ticklish when she does, heheh. I've had her for about 2 years, and I got her for my birthday."
Placing Kiwi back into her tank, she moved down to another one, opening it and carefully removing a piebald python. The snake immediately slithered itself up to rest around her neck, causing Sarah to flip the camera view.
"This is Cookie, my piebald ball python, shes about 3 years old and was probably the best Christmas present I ever received! She enjoys curling around people's necks and she's extremely photogenic, she poses in just about every picture I've ever taken of her. And given how comfortable she is around my neck right now, I think itd be best if she stays there for the rest of the video."
There's a cut and the camera focuses on a black salamander with yellow spots, leisurely resting in a small pool of water.
"This is Mino, my black and yellow spotted salamander. I got him from my college professor who told me she couldnt take care of him anymore because of her new apartment having a strict no pets policy. He prefers to stay in his tank and it's best to not handle him because the oils from human hands could hurt him very badly. So most of the photos I have of him are of him in his tank."
The scene changes to show a large tarantula crawling on her hand. Sarah whispers softly into the microphone to avoid startling the arachnid,
"This is Luna, my rose haired tarantula. She is one of my oldest pets, being 13 years old. I've had her since I was in highschool and she's been with me through pretty much everything. She's very docile and is very okay with being handled but since she's so special to me I only let her take pictures with those I know personally."
Coming up to the last few minutes of the video, the camera shows two ferrets, a cat, and two dogs, playing next to a couch. Of the two ferrets, one is a dark eyed solid white and the other has a standard sable coat, and they seem to be playfully fighting over a toilet paper tube. The cat is a ragdoll and is leisurely resting in a patch of sun coming from the window. The smallest of. the two dogs is a pomsky, the larger being a albernese mountain dog.
"To end my video, I'm going to introduce you all to my five mammalian pets, Jinx and Greg the ferrets, Maria the ragdoll, Skye the pomsky and Kiba the albernese mountain dog. Out of the five, Maria is the oldest at 10 years old, Kiba coming in second at 5 years old. Jinx and Greg came from the same litter, both being 3 years old, Greg being the runt. And Skye is the youngest at 2 years old! I got all of them from reliable breeders and I cherish all of them dearly. And that concludes all my personal pets! Thank you for tuning in, see you next time!"
The video ends with a slideshow of various pictures of the animals with various people.
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kingto-d2 · 6 years ago
A start
So, I’ve always wanted to start a blog a place to put phrases that come to my mind or how I’m feeling that I wouldn't tell the people that know me in real life. I just don’t like people worrying about me, nor do I like having to repeat things I have said already. the username Kingto-d2 is the idea that I’m a king and I’m moving forward seeing that the D2 on the chess board is the spot in front the king piece.
I’m not a confident person in myself though I’m told I should be. I hold myself up that way but I’m not. I’m strong but soft at the same time. I have so much care a love to give that sometimes it gets to me I dont have someone I want to share that with, for its all I want just that someone. I don’t trust people and have a hard time showing my emotions at all. As cliche as it is to day I truly believe I’m not like other guys. I have a sweet, kind, and loving heart, but few will ever know that of me. they will only see me as this goofy, weird guy who’s fun to be around.
So I guess a little background on me.
When I was younger around the age of 5 I was molested by multiple people over the course of 2 years. I didn't know it was wrong I was just doing what I was told and taught. I didn't learn what was going on til I started religion classes at which point I began thinking of myself as this rotten person. I couldn’t turn and tell no one because one I was scared because some were family. Two, I was now this horrible sinner and I’d constantly tell myself its okay I didnt know better. that didnt make it any better, instead I let it eat at me and I harbored this secret for eighteen years til I finally felt comfortable with this girl I loved the first person I truly ever loved and she knew I was always hiding some dark. I had bottled it up and tried to forget it, but it was always there. It still is there the damage is done but I’ve taking measures to help. Back to being young.. my parents divorced around the age of eight. I would hold items my dad got me and cry because I thought I’d never see him again, though that wasn't the case. they tried to keep it together a few months after the separation but it didn't last. this time it didn't hit me nearly as hard. Out of my siblings I like to think im the most level headed kid the better one but no one really knows how I feel or what I think and no one ever bothers to ask me. I guess they just see me as this strong older brother. Fast forward a few years. In high school I was the class clown I liked to just make people laugh I guess in a way if i could make people laugh I wouldn't feel so down or bad about myself. I played for the school soccer team and knew a good bit of people but no one was really close to me and the I also didn't feel like i belonged the my own family. The only place I felt at home was with the soccer team. I talked to girls in high school but never really dated. some girls I’d go after because I heard they were easy but I’d always stop myself before anything happened. It just wasn't in me to be interested and have sex with just anyone. After high school I started dating a girl who I had liked but was always interested in other girls. I dated her for a little bit and broke it off with her. there was no real reason too besides I guess in a way is scared because I never had anything real before. a few months go by some bad times especially between me and her, but in the end we wound back up with each other and I loved her which love is a term I don't use lightly ever. We were together for five years though officially only three. It took two years before I told about my secret and I loved this girl. I thought I’d one hundred percent marry her. Talked about future plans together all the time. The house, how many animals, the kids we’d have, and future travel plans. Though that's not how things work out for me. Her senior year of college just a few weeks from graduation she asked for a break with a promise of getting back together. she was stressed and wanted to be single for a little while since she never really was. I agreed thinking it wouldn't take long before it’d end and she’d be back, but again that's not how things work out for me. Slowly as each day went by it started to dawn on me it wasn't going to happen the way she said. Now we didn't have this fairy tale relationship there was some ups and downs but we always sat down, talked about it, and worked it out. I watched as she struggled in her last weeks and all I wanted to do was be there for her but couldnt she had cut me off thinking it would be easier for me. I watched as she started hanging around a boy who I knew liked her and flirted with her even when he was already in a relationship. Then it was over she was my rock and kept me grounded and when I lost her, her family who I liked more than my own, and myself. Losing her was my greatest fear I’m not scared of many things but I was always scared to lose her. I began to become suicidal though I know I could never intentionally hurt myself. though I prayed for it, did reckless things with hopes it’d go bad, I’d find myself drinking large amounts of zzquil just to fall asleep only to find no escape there because she lived in my head too. This fucked me up. I felt as I had lost everything. I began seeing a psychologist whom I still see to this day just made two years a few months ago. It helps and I will always recommend it to anyone. She is still the only person I’ve truly loved but I’ve moved on since then. I think of her time to time I mean she was my best friend, but we dont talk. since then I talked to some other girls but never slept with them and nothing lasted longer than a month or two. At this point I think they just use me to make themselves feel better because of how nice, kind, and sweet I am. Most recently there is one girl stuck in my head, and she makes me angry I have such a soft heart because she honestly doesn't deserve me. We talked for a month before actually meeting in person I had made a few attempts but she would ghost me. The day we met we watched movies and it was great nothing had changed from texting to being in person. She had a dog and she told me “watch what happens” as she put a pillow in my lap and laid her head down on it. Nothing happened and she removed the pillow and her head. She attempted it again a few minutes later with the same outcome.  Though this time she left her head there longer with prompted me to begin playing in her hair. Which further lead me picking up on signals from her body as I did different things. This lead to a game of anything you can do I can do better which obviously led to us having sex (which apparently I’m really good at. Not just coming from her) It had been a long time since I had done anything like that but thankfully she was fully surprised. One because of how good I was and two because I hold myself in a fashion you could never expect something like that out of me. Continuing on we began seeing each other more often and I’d spend nights at her place. I was happy, because it had been so long since I had really connected with someone and all I want in life is someone who I can fully give my heart to. Someone I can grow, explore the world, and experience life with. Sadly this didnt last for she pushed me away and this last a week. After that week things went back to normal only for her to push me away again which is where we are at not. It’s been about 2 weeks now and shes been so god damn confusing sending mixed signals throughout. Multiple people tell me to leave her alone let her go, but its just not in me. My heart is too soft and I have such a hard time letting anyone I become interested in and begin caring for go. I’ve never even gotten a solid answer of what she want from me. My dumbass sent her flowers today though. She didnt really deserve them the way she’s been treating me toying with my emotions, but something in my head said send them do it.... send them. Nothing came from it though. Not that I really thought anything would I even put a nice little card with a sweet message on it. I put forth the effort all these weeks where she hasnt put any besides once. I should stop and I know I should but I just cant get myself to and It all really messes with my head. I want her, I want to take care of her head and her heart. The chase is real and it needs to end.
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clevernewdimension · 7 years ago
Polaris Part Three
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Parts: Preview, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (Coming soon!)
Genre: Action, drama, romance, sci-fi, etc.
Paring: Jongin x Character
Word count: 7.0K
A/N: Warning for sexual assault and mentions of sex with minors. I know. Just so y’all know, Tribil SUCKS. I obviously do not condone this. Just warning about character past stuff.
I groaned, opening my eyes and move, trying to sit up. I look over, seeing Kyungsoo, who was currently in pants and a sweater sitting as he played a game on his Reader. He glances up, quickly closing the game and moving over. “How are you,” He asks, looking at me with cautious eyes.
“Peachy,” I say, starting to lean up. I hiss in pain, as he stands, helping me. “Thank you. For you know, saving my life and all that.”
“You’re welcome for saving your life and all that,” He says with a smile. “You’re in your room. I just traded with Jongin for a little bit to watch you and make sure you don’t accidentally rip your stitches open.”
“I can picture his pout now,” I say, wincing, holding my side.
Kyungsoo shakes his head, “Actually, he agreed immediately. You probably wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t put his hand over your wound, though I’m not going to tell him that.”
I frown, “Thank you. He’d hold it over me forever.”
“He… Lyra, Jongin hates losing people. He hates people dying, especially if he thinks there’s even a microscopic change he could have done something about it,” Kyungsoo says, pointing at my shirt, “I need to change the dressing of your wound. Lift your shirt.”
“Yes Sir,” I say, pulling it up. I didn’t know how to react to what he just told me about Jongin. For the most part he just gives off this air of confidence and pigheadedness. A lot of people tell me he isn’t like that, and, I suppose, there could be another side to the man who makes my life difficult.
“You don’t have to call me Sir,” He says, “I hate it. Well, except Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They keep picking on me, so I try to intimidate them.”
I smile, watching as he quickly and with care removes the bandage and replaces it easily. I smile at him, as he moves out the room to throw away the used bangade. Sehun slips in the door after he leaves, as he moves, sitting on my bed next to me. His beautiful face marred with red eyes and a look of sadness. “Thank you,” He says, taking my hand in his. Sehun is a very touchy person, though not with everyone. He and I are friends, but he’s never been the type to hug me or touch me like he does with his other friends.
I just smile, “Well, we can’t deny the Milky Way a chance to see your beautiful face, now can we, pretty boy?”
He just smiles, looking up. “Seriously, Lyra, I would have been dead if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
I smile at him, patting his shoulder. The Etherion was older than me, but somehow more… I don’t know… scared. Sehun’s greatest fear is letting those around him down. Knowing him he probably thought he let us all down by getting hit while he was flying. Stupid. I smile, it was growing more into a smirk as I just give him a smug look. “How about you finally admit you have a crush on the Phoenix Captain and we call it even, hm,” I say with a small smile.
His eyes go wide, his face flushing as he just pouts. “Shut up, Lang. That’s an order.”
“Nah,” I say with a grin. It’s been so obvious for ages. Sehun would help him with whatever he needed. Need someone to spar against? Sehun would come back bruised and grinning from ear to ear. Yixing needs someone to run an errand? Sehun would do it even if someone of his rank shouldn’t. He did whatever he could to try and help the special forces member. It was cute. I just smile at his blush as Kyungsoo opens the door, only to have Minseok following him.
Minseok smiles, moving and sitting down on Jongin’s bed. I do a little salute, “Major General, sir.”
“Stop with that,” He says, scolding me. “Lyra, thank you. For saving Sehun. I can’t… He’s like a brother to me, that kid.”
“I mean I wasn’t going to let him die,” I say, earning a laugh from Kyungsoo. The doctor lifts my shirt with ease as I lie down, wincing a bit. He peels the leftover tape off as Minseok looks over.
He hisses, “Ouch.”
Kyungsoo just nods, “The stitches look great. Let me rebandage you and you’ll be ready for dinner.”
“Cool,” I say. It was quick, and with their help, I was able to stand. The pain in my side was sharp, but I pushed through it with a hiss and multiple curses.
As Kyungsoo left the room, he looks to the side, “Jongin still asleep?”
“Sehun went to wake him,” Junmyeon says, from his position in the pilot’s seat.
I move, sitting down in the easiest seat and the end of the bench, groaning in pain as I rest against the table. I sighed, looking up to see Kyungsoo set a glass of water and some pills down for me. I smile, seeing Sehun and Jongin come from the hallway. Jongin looks up, his eyes looking over me with worry. I look at him, taking in how he looks. In sweatpants and a tanktop, hair an unruly mess. He, even if he just woke up, looked exhausted. The type of tired that settles in your bones for a while until you can finally relax a little. I look at his arm, seeing the bandage. I vaguely remember digging my nails into him. The look of absolute brokenness as he watched, glancing down at me as he did what he could to help.
“Sorry,” I say, pointing to his arm. Sure, I didn’t like the man, but having him there really helped. Being able to just hold something in the moment was better than having nothing at all to distract myself from the pain. Even if the distraction was small.
He looks confused, looking down at his arm, “Oh… No, it’s ok. If it helped that’s all that matter.”
Yixing hops over the bench, sliding into the seat next to me, placing a tablet down. “I examined Sehun’s fighter for you. Looks like the thruster on the right is almost completely done for. Probably not worth trying to repair.”
I look it over, pushing a button on the screen that makes a 3D hologram above the tablet. I spin it, looking it over. I sigh, “I’m going to have to make a whole new thruster. Fuck.”
Sehun slides into the booth, pulling Jongin down with him, who lazily followed. “Sorry,” Sehun says, grimincing.
“It’s fine,” I say, “If you want I can take one off the spare so you can use your Fighter.”
“Not like that you can’t,” Kyungsoo says, looking over his shoulder as he put oven mitts on his hands. “It’ll be three days for you to heal completely because of the Evo-DNA.”
“In three days I’ll do it then,” I say, rolling my eyes, quickly picking up the water and pill. It had an awful after taste. “If you’d like, I’m sure Chanyeol could easily move the thruster to Sehun’s Fighter. Super easy to do. Well all had to learn that.”
Chanyeol nods, giving a thumbs up. His grin is huge, “Sure can! They’re the same as bombers, but, you know, a bit smaller.”
Sehun smiles, nodding. “That would be great!”
Kyungsoo sets a bowl in front of me, a soup with some bread to the side. “Eat. You need your strength.”
Junmyeon stands, “Going on Autopilot.” He stretches, looking at us. He moves, pushing Jongin to the table as I grab my spoon. “Eat, and then get back to sleep,” He says, voice stern, but somehow still very tender.
Jongin just nods, not even arguing. Sehun told me that Jongin loves to sleep. Even if he got nightmares, he loved to sleep. I start to eat my soup, watching as each of his three brothers look over him, making sure he was ok. Jongin pouted, whining, “Just because I’m the youngest doesn’t mean to all have to baby me!”
“That’s exactly what that means,” Jongdae says, looking over with worry. “Kid, you almost get killed every time to go out and fly.”
Minseok nods, making taken a seat and eating soup from a mug. It was more like he was drinking it, which was odd. “We can’t do anything when you’re out there. We can’t help you then. So you’re going to let us take care of you when we can.”
I finish my soup as I look, seeing Jongin roll his eyes.
Kyungsoo smiles, having eaten quickly already. Yixing was the fastest eater, practically devouring his bowl in less than a minute. Something about being trained to do that, to eat quickly so he could get back to work. He was sitting next to Baekhyun, playing against him in a game of chess. The reader lying flat made a hologram of a chess board and pieces. It looked solid, hiding the reader, but it had to move on voice commands.
Baekhyun was practically ripping his hair out. He was examining the board with a frustrated gaze as Yixing was leaning against his hand, looking more bored than if he weren’t playing. Chanyeol and Junmyeon both moving the thruster from the other fighter over. From what I hear, it’s going well. Jongin was drawing something on his tablet, Kyungsoo looking over once in a while as he was cleaning his laser pistol.
“Ummm… Oh! Knight to E5,” He says, grinning. The piece moves, flickering as the knight piece turns, using its hind legs to kick Yixing’s queen in the face. Baekhyun smiles, looking at Yixing with a look of huge satisfaction. “Good luck! Today I win!”
Yixing, looking unbothered, as he just muttered, “Rook to F7. Checkmate.”
Baekhyun’s mouth falls as he looks, watching as the castle piece goes to his king, ramming it into pieces. “I… what the fuck?”
“Your king was hidden by your knight. I’ve had that rook there waiting to take it when you finally moved it for five moves,” Yixing says, the smallest of smiles on his face.
Baekhyun just let out a loud yell of a curse. Kyungsoo glared at him, rolling his eyes. I laugh, watching as Yixing just pats Baekhyun’s shoulder.
“Oh,” Kyungsoo says, “You can go back to your room, Jongin. Lyra should be fine unless she decides to do yoga or something.”
Jongin nods, “Alright,” He says, before getting back to his drawing.
I sign, getting up, “I think I’m going to go to sleep, actually. I’m oddly exhausted.”
“Being in pain is very tiring,” Kyungsoo says. “The more rest you get the quicker you’ll feel.”
I look at everyone, “Make sure they don’t completely fuck up the thruster, yeah?”
Jongin gives me a thumbs up, “Trust me, Sehun won’t let that happen.”
I smile, moving and slowly shuffling back to my bed. Sitting down was hard, but the softness of the mattress was wonderful. It was like being on a cloud. I close my eyes, trying to calm down and rest. My memories won’t leave me be, seeing the Kryton again. I haven’t seen one that close ever. The closest they’ve gotten to me was over 10 feet. The worst part was the smell. I thought it was awful before, but, as it turns out, it was worse up close.
I hear the door open as I close my eyes, attempting to pretend to be sleeping. I open my eyes a little bit, to peek out. Jongin sits on his bed, setting his bag on the ground. He sighs, looking back at the picture he put on the wall. The frown grows for a moment, before he sets his reader on the bedside desk. From his bag he takes a pen like thing, clicking it on. He takes something else, a glove, pulling it on. It was the same color as the pen, a black, with chip like things on the fingertips.
He presses it to the wall, moving it and leaving a strand of light in its way. It looked like neon, as he uses the glove touching it. From a menu, he turns the brightness down as changes the color. I was mesmerized, watching him as his pen glides. He changes the colors, carefully placing every line. Soon, it was a face, as he starts to carve out the details. Making the nose the perfect shape, using a very light white for the hair. He spent a long time perfecting it. When he finally moves away for a second, I see the face, clear as day.
She had white hair, bright purple eyes. Her lips were in a smile, looking happy and full of joy. Her lips… they looked like Jongin’s. It clicked. The woman he drew was his mother. They looked so alike. She looked beautiful, as he used the glove to make it smaller, pinching it between two fingers and moving it along the wall, some place where he could see it.
They had the same eyes. The same lips. All of the Kim’s had the same eyes, but apparently the youngest was graced with more of their mother’s features. One thing I couldn’t help but to notice is how… carefree she looked. People as happy as her are usually not involved with the Syndicate at all.
Jongin lets out a loud yawn, before pulling his tank top over his head and tossing it over into his dirty clothes basket. He was under the covers quickly, turning the light off from the bed as he turns, having the wall.
It’s weird, seeing someone who’s such an obnoxious ass be… well, not like an obnoxious ass. He’s backed off, not asking me or taunting me for my mistake. It was confusing. I can’t help but wonder more about him. There’s more to him then just what’s on the surface. Wondering more about him and the woman he drew, my eyes fluttered closed.
The next two weeks went by in a blur after I was allowed to work again. The thruster was built in record time as I threw myself back into work. Then came fixing a few minor dings and such in the metal outer shell. Sehun took the job of painting it himself, as most Fighter pilots do.  The weirdest thing was Jongin not really speaking with me. When he does, it’s one or two words. Granted this is what I wanted for ages, but for it to happen, it feels like something is wrong.
We are expected to get to Ysimir in a few moments, Baekhyun already telling them over comms of out impending arrival. The president, an Etherion by the name of Histor Yssa, told us that he welcomes us and will provide rooms for our stay. He also mentioned General Kim, and how delighted he was to help not only the Syndicate, but the sons of his friend. I could see each of the brothers tense at that, which I found odd but decided not to comment.
“Have you ever been to Ysimir,” Chanyeol asks, watching as we approach the planet. I know a little of the planet. It was mostly purple, as that was the color of the acidic seas there. They’ve managed to turn some of the lakes into fresh and salt water, man made and natural. It allows for some fish from other planets to be shipped over.
“No,” I say, shaking my head, “But I’ve heard some… unsavory things.”
Jongdae laughs, “I assume it’s the saying? Wystria is the planet of love, Ysimir the one of sin?” He says, wearing the same uniform as the other higher in command. The metals on his jacket, a few from fighting but most from fighting for justice in the courtroom. Draping from his shoulder to below the arm was a piece of purple ribbon, noting that he was of the Justice branch. Minseok’s was silver, since he was the commander of EXO Prime. Junmyeon’s was a light blue, same as Beakhyun. Yixing’s was black with single red line through the middle. His suit was covered in metals from his many battles. Kyungsoo’s was green for a medical officer. Jongin and Sehun’s were red, noting that they are Fighter pilots.
Since they are all higher ranks, they wear formal uniforms like that. Chanyeol and I do not have to. We wore our usual underclothes. Pants that are dark blue with a lot of pockets and a simple dark blue jacket of the same material. Under we both wore sleeveless shirts, as they get in the way when you’re working.
On all of our chests were name tags. They were screens, which said out name and would shimmer, changing the letter to say our ranks. It was made into the clothes. Some are even made in clothes for design to shimmer and with moving patterns. They’re costly, which explains my lack of any, but they are really awesome.
We land, letting the door open as we walkout. The air heavily scented with all the flowers that are around. The place we landed had the sea behind us, the purple acid lapping at the force wall that protected the rock. There were some things in the air sailing, people having fun and over by a pool which reaches just a few meters to the left. People from all over the galaxies come here, some are even rich enough to live here. The leaves on the trees are even floral scented. It was like a light, pleasant perfume. Nothing too strong, but just perfect. The music was hypnotic, the building closest to us the metal base. Small, about a hundred times smaller than the one on EXO Prime. To the left was a glittering massive building. It spiraled up in golden spears, like it was reaching for the sky.
“Wow,” I mutter, looking around with my eyes wide.
“You act like you’ve never seen a place like this,” Chanyeol says, smiling broadly.
I shake my head, looking over at him. I see a few people in out group looking over, probably more curious. Jongin does, keeping quiet with no biting remarks for once. “All I’ve ever seen besides space stations is EXO Prime and Tribil.”
Chanyeol nods, smile falling. He pats my back, “No wonder. This place is the exact opposite of Tribil from what I hear.”
He’s right. Tribil was a desolate wasteland where you’re more likely to starve than anything else. All the higher up government officials and rich gold and Quantinium miners are taking all the credits for themselves. The only ways to earn some money are few and far between. One way to make a living is to either run errands for a little that, if you save three days could feed you two meals. Not two days. Two meals. Mostly of bread and dehydrated meat. The other is work in the mines. They’ll feed you and shelter you, but you live in a small house with thirty other people and the food is rationed out. They keep you just fed enough to work but not enough to revolt.
The last way is to sell yourself. If you’re pretty, someone will find a use for you, so long as you stay pretty. Then they will throw you away and you’ll be left to die. Tribil’s laws are awful. Through some loophole they manage to not have to follow the standard Syndicate laws for planets under our protection. That’s not to say sex work is illegal, just safer and… well, usually doesn’t include minors. The Syndicate’s hands are tied, since they need the Quantinum in order to create our forcefields and walls. Since Tribil sells half of what they mine to the Syndicate at a forty percent discount, they don’t want to anger them either.
Yixing’s face get’s a hint of anger on it at the mention of our shared home. Something tells me it wasn’t a fond time for him, either.
That we have in common. Tribil killed the only family I had. I was an orphan, but, growing up, there was someone like a brother to me. He was four years older than me and, in order to survive, he went to the mines. He’d save up the few credits they would get and send it to me. Then, he was killed. Mining accident. Quantinum is very dangerous and explosions are very common.
After that, I was starving and hungry. I’d do odd jobs for people. Every now and then I’d find myself in a fancy hotel on my back, letting someone have their way with me. I didn’t like to think about it, since I was very young. They were rare times, and I was happy when I was accepted into the Syndicate so I could put those days behind me.
I was pulled out of my thoughts from an elbow to the side from Chanyeol. A man in a suit that shimmered like a night sky, his white hair pushed back as his one purple eye glitter. The other was replaced with a robotic one. This eyes are rimmed in black and his lips covered with a deep shade of red. He smiles, smoking a cigar holding a glass out in a cheers motion. The bubbling liquid was a light pink with some fruit pieces. He laughed, “Hello Major General Minseok! I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Minseok steps forward, nodding and shaking his hand. While Ysimir isn’t Syndicate controlled, they allow the Syndicate to have a base here in order to refuel and fix any minor damages. In return, the planets near keep the Krytons away from here and, if they are attacked, the Syndicate quickly responds.
“You look so much like your father,” Histor Yssa says, “Old fuck. One day I’ll convince him to take that stick out of his ass!”
Minseok smirks, nodding, “If you manage it, I will buy your drinks for life!”
Histor lets out a belly aching laugh, putting his arm over Minseok’s shoulder, “So, please, introduce me to this collective you’ve brought with you. Obviously I can tell your brothers, but, since we’ve never met…”
Minseok gestures, “Brigadier General Kim Junmyeon.”
Junmyeon nods, shaking his hand and bowing a little, “Pleasure to meet you, president.”
And it went down the line until he got to Sehun, who was standing next to me. Histor smiles, “One of my own! How much?”
“Half,” Sehun says, nodding. Etherions are always curious about how ‘pure’ the blood is. They, for the most part, are never ‘pure’ anymore. Their planet was taken over a hundred years back by their neighbors. They killed half and then enslaved the rest. Twenty years ago The Syndicate helped the Etherion people take it back. Now it is a melting pot of all different types of people. It’s still recovering from that time under the Victris rule. Half Etherion is the most people ever are, anymore, and they are rare to find. It makes him a little uncomfortable, and for obvious reasons, but that’s how his people are, anymore.
The president’s eyes are wide, “My, it’s rare to see someone so pure!” He says, placing a hand on Sehun’s shoulder, “I’m only a third myself, thankfully my mother was beautiful for a human!”
Sehun just nods, looking cool and calm as the president's eyes look to me.
“Master Sergeant Lyra Lang,” I say, shaking his hand. He smiles, looking me over
“Mrs. Lang, may I ask what it is you do,” He says, taking a sip from his drink after moving his cigar for a moment. His eyes went along my body, which was hard for me not to make a comment about. Etherions, for the most part, are obsessed with beauty and bloodlines.
“I’m the Fighter mechanic,” I say, nodding. Something about him makes me feel a bit weird, but it could be because I’ve never met someone so… ostentatious.
He grins, “Wonderful! I was wondering why you looked so strong!” Before I could say anything he polishes off his drink, handing it to one of the people behind him. “If you would follow Klause, he would show you all to your sweets! We’ve got you staying at the best hotel on the planet,” He says, before bowing, “I must get back to work, but rest assured I will meet you all for dinner!”
The ride to the building was quick. The rest of the city was in the valley below, looking just like jewels surrounded by lush foliage. A large waterfall of acid to the side, which goes through a machine about a fourth of the way down that turned it into water. I look back, seeing the huge hotel. So, we were there, Aurora. Hotel and casino. There are a few from where I come from, but only people who are filthy rich or those who are offering their services are allowed. I walk along, looking around. Tanks filled with sea creatures I’ve never seen before, bright lights and pieces of art that looked magnificent. The floor marble as we walked though. People lining up at betting stations, watching sporting events from all over with anticipation and excitement. I could hear people celebrating in the casino as we pass.  People dressed just like the President. The suits and dresses all with moving patterns of every color. Soon, we’re led to an elevator.
“A whole floor was given to you for your use,” The voice says of the man who led us as the door opens. Klause was tall, his skin a pale orange. He was very human like, save for his eyes, which are reptilian and his tongue, which was thin and forked. He bows, “Choose whatever room you like. Room service is for free for you all. Dinner with President Yssa scheduled at 19 hundred hours, which is in ten hours. Until then you may spend your time however you wish.”
I nod, before moving and picking the closest room to my right. The walls were a lovely shade of light blue. The decor was very… royal, I suppose. Looking like it was fit for a queen. It was a large room. Living room and small kitchen. The bedroom was huge, the bed looking inviting.I open the door to the bathroom, peeking in. A smile, seeing the tub. It’ll be nice to have a relaxing bath. I nod to myself setting my bag down and sigh, falling into bed. I smile, letting out a little laugh as I move, setting my reader to 19 hundred hours Ysimir time. Quickly I take of my boots and throwing my coat onto the chair to the side.This place is known for their late night dinners and their twenty two hour days, I learned having read up on it a little before we got here.
A few moments later, I hear a knock at my door.
I move with a groan, getting up and moving. They knocked again, “I’m coming!”
I throw the door open, before being pushed inside and having the door closed. I didn’t even get a look at the person’s face before they were inside, looking down. Yixing stares at me, before grabbing my wrist and shining a green light down on my skin.
The Tribian triangle mark on my skin glowed. The old tattoo like thing I got when I was nine. There were small roses on either side of the tattoo, along with the Tribian letter which stood for the common letter A. For approved. I pull my wrist back, glaring. No one on any other planet has those lights but Tribians. Only we know about the ‘tattoos’. It’s not a thing we like to talk about. They use the lights to to check people, see if they are an approved sex worker. If you’re not approved, you’ll be rejected by everyone. It costs nothing, all you have to do is be checked to make sure you’re not carrying any diseases. Once a week you get checked if you perform services everyday, but I went about once a month.
The truth was, they are not tattoos. They’re small nano technology embedded into the skin designed to be hidden. It makes us do whatever someone commands of us if they have the Master one. The triangle with a crown and the Tribian letter for M. So long as someone has that mark, we are powerless. When you are hungry, you’ll do anything.
Yixing’s eyes were wide, his hands shaking. He looks up, his eyes holding anger. They started to swell with tears, “How old?”
I look down, before looking back at him with a glare, shoving him. “Why the fuck should I tell you?!”
He pushes his sleeve up, shining the light on his wrist. The same glowing design. “I was six,” He says, the tears of anger slipping down his face. “I remember seeing you… then man who… the one who liked me wanted a new one. A younger one. He cut it off with me and found someone else.” He says, his voice eerily calm. Yixing looked at me, “Sir Ulysl.”
I looked up, my eyes wide. “He… he was the first I ever… I was nine.”
Yixing sighs, taking a moment to wipe his eyes. He looks back to me. “I’m sorry. For doing this. For not asking. I know it’s a sensitive subject.”
“I had to,” I say, shrugging. “It’s wrong, but everything is wrong on Tribil. You know how it is. You do what you have to in order to live.”
I could see the anger held back in his posture. He was tense, glaring at the ground like it killed someone precious to him. It’s something that’s in all of us, the poor Tribians. An unrelenting anger when we think about the past. About how people are still being used like that. Yixing looks up, eyes meeting mine. “I saw Rhys in the casino,” He mutters, looking up. “He will probably be at our dinner tonight. How would the President not invite oldest member of the Tribian monarchy to dinner, after all?”
Those words take my breath away. I remember times, in the highest room of the largest building. Iscar Rhys, the then king of Tribil. My willingness to do whatever he wanted because the pain in my stomach was getting unbearable. Whatever he wanted, I did. At different times in my life. Starting when I was nine. I remember him saying he wanted to teach us how he liked it. My stomach feeling uneasy, thinking about how a man in his mid thirties acted like what he was doing to a nine year old was normal.
“What made you want to tell me that,” I ask, trying not to give away how awful that name made me felt.
“I was one of the highest requested, Lyra… and he only asked for me twice,” He says. “All of the professional ones, we talk. Mostly about how much we hated all the people we were fucking. We see every single one of the people who only did it sometimes, making bets if they were ever going to go full time,” He explains, leaning against the wall. “As long as we had one who was sweet on us they’d give us a place to stay and all the food we could eat. They have grand feasts and not even half would be eaten. So it would be given to us.” He looks up, “I saw you, a couple times. He would always come and get you when you were young.”
I glare at him, “If you say anything-”
“That’s why I told you,” He says, looking up, “No one knows. If I tell, you tell. Insurance, such is the Tribian way.”
I sigh, looking up at Yixing. The strong Phoenix special ops captain, so strong and deadly, looks as if his heart has been ripped out. Like, for a moment, he’s an empty shell of a person who barely exists. Such is the way of Tribil. Ripping people apart and leaving them to wither away.
Yixing pats me on the shoulder, looking up, “If he is at dinner, it’s you and me. We stick by one another to avoid him. Tribil’s ways are not well received. They’re not spoken about. He won’t say anything unless he gets one of us alone.”
I nod, putting my hand on his shoulder too.
As he left, I couldn’t help but feel gross. I move to the bathroom, filling the tub. I wanted to just melt away, forget about everything for a moment. I pour in some of the bubble bath. I undress, getting in and trying to let my mind rest from the bomb that was dropped on me. When I tried out for the Syndicate, I had to prove I could be useful. I was terrified I would fail and be left to rot on a desert city forever. Forgotten. Thankfully they saw the potential and the drive I had. I was petrified of failing. I couldn’t fail.
The Syndicate saved me from a life of screwing people for money and, when that ended, starving to death. When people say that the food is awful somewhere, I can’t help but think about how it’s better than the constant pain from hunger. After a while of soaking, a few hours if my prune like fingers and toes were any indication, I got out and dressed. A message on my phone told me that the ‘dress code was casual’ according to Sehun.
I put on my clothes, wearing my jeans and a sleeveless top. Put my hair up, looking at my reflection. I forgo the make up, no matter how minimal I wear it, I don’t want to draw attention to myself. I mentally try to prepare myself for what was about to come.
I was working on autopilot, practically. Everyone was around but I was just following them. I was looking, on guard, searching.
And then I saw him.
He’s in his late forties, looking more casual than he ever did before. I was use to seeing him in his fully regal attire. His flack hair was greying. His face still clean shaved. His skin still the same pale almost white. The Jurist blood in his veins making his eyes black with a blue iris. He looks over, in a fancy suit that would have on the legs and arms had flowers and vines growing and blooming. He looked over everyone and I could see his eyes widen slightly when he recognizes Yixing to my right. I feel Yixing’s hand on my arm, holding steady. His eyes move, looking and spotting me.
The small smile that grew made me want to punch him. I wanted to make him hurt physically the same way he made me feel emotionally. I wanted to take that glass and smash it across his face. He look over, speaking with Minseok as I was blinded by my rage. He looked down the line, before, like it was clear and there was no other sounds. He looks at me, smiling, showing off his perfect fucking teeth and his perfect smile.
“Who are you, my dear,” He asks, though I could see it. The devious look in his eyes as he patiently waits for me to act on what he wants.
“Lyra Lang,” Yixing says beside me, his voice curt and to the point.
“It’s nice to meet you,” He says.
We were ushered into the next room, and, as I passed by, there were two tiny words he muttered that made me feel uneasy and on edge all over again.
“Hello again, Little Lyra,” He mutters, the smirk on his face grew, his eyes kept on me as I walked to my seat.
I was furious. My blood might as well be boiling as I say down and looked, trying to avoid his gaze. I look around, finally taking the time to see the room we’re in. The walls covered in screens, projecting lush wildlife like the jungles in the valley. I was trying to calm myself as small talk was made.
I just glare at him now.
The dinner went by in a breeze. He’d make comments towards Yixing and myself, and we’d answer curtly. Surely all of our compatriots were noticing how we were acting.
The food was probably delicious, but I wasn’t paying attention. I would look around, noticing Yixing glaring. Sehun was looking at the both of us with a questioning look, and Jongin was curious, whispering to Yixing as he sat next to him. Everyone was catching onto the fact that Yixing and I were not comfortable at all here.
President Yssa smiles, “And now dessert!”
“I’m actually full,” I say, not thinking I can stomach it. I already said something to Yixing, and he was fine with my leaving early. He’d stick by someone he trusts so he won’t be cornered alone. I stand, bowing, “Thank you for the meal and your hospitality. I’m actually really tired, so I think I’m going to go to bed early.”
I turned, leaving the room before anyone could say something.
Truthfully, I was walking in the garden here instead. A huge glass house full of flowers from all over the galaxy. I see a Tribil black rose, the only thing that can withstand our desert conditions. I took a deep breath, letting out a shaky sigh.
“Little Lyra,” A voice says right behind me, hands on my hips. I turn, about to shove him away from me before he just mutters one word.
My body freezes all on it’s own. I fought it, trying to move. He just smiles, shaking his head.
“You've become bitter, my little Lyra,” He says, “Calm down. Lower your arm.”
I do as he says, my eyes filling with tears of rage.
“I was so shocked to see you,” He says, smiling, “My beautiful little flower has flourished.” he smiles, placing his hand on my face, caressing my cheek. “I was so disappointed when you left for the Syndicate.”
“Get away from me,” I say, glaring at him.
He smiles, “Show me your wrists.”
I show them to him, even as I fight against it. The powerless feeling making me more and more scared. Before, I did it because I was starving. I was desperate. It didn’t matter what he wanted from me as long as I could eat.
He takes a small little thing from his pocket, shining the light down on my wrist. He smiles, “Just as beautiful. The best invention in Tribil history, wouldn’t you say so?”
“What is that on her wrist,” I hear a voice ask.
I look past Rhys, feeling elated to see Jongin standing there. He was dressed casually, walking up and seeing the symbol on my wrist.
I wanted to scream at him what it was, but for every Tribil who leaves, we’re told never to talk about it. That’s why no one knows what does on in Tribil. The Syndicate knows of whispers, but no actual proof.
Jongin looks me in the eyes, seeing the distress in them. He smiles, looking at Rhys. “I’m sorry, I hope she didn’t bother you. I was coming out here to check on her because I know long flights make her a little uneasy,” He says, moving close to me as Rhys turns off the light and puts it back into his pocket. Jongin places his arm around me, pulling me into a hug. “I was so worried about you, babe. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“J-just feeling a little sick,” I say.
Jongin nods, “I think I better help my girlfriend to her room. Thank you for coming and checking on her, though.”
Rhys nods, using his charm to hide his true feelings just as Jongin was doing. “I might not be king anymore but I still worry.”
Jongin pulls me with him, “Goodnight, your majesty!”
We walk, our shows making noise on the marble flooring. Once we get to the elevator, Jongin looks at me. “What is going on,” He asks, looking alarmed. “You left, and then he left. Yixing told me to go after the both of you because if he did he would have killed him.”
“I can’t tell you,” I say, leaning against the wall.
“Yes, Lyra, you can. Spit it out,” He says, rolling his eyes.
“Jongin, I really can’t! I want to but I can’t,” I says, shaking my head as tears fell from my eyes. “You’ve heard it. The saying. ‘Seekers of the Secret are met with thorns’.”
“What was that mark,” He asks, looking at my wrist. “I’ve never seen it. There’s nothing about a tattoo on your file.”
I want to open my mouth and scream, but I can’t.
Jongin sighs, running a hand through his hair. The glowing of the blue lights in the elevator making him look sadder, in a way. “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” I say, shaking my head. “All I can say is… think along the lines of our biggest export.”
“Quantum,” He says, nodding. “So… it’s a type of tech?”
I remain silent as I see him trying to search for clues. I take the time to look over him, seeing him in jeans and a tight black tee. His hair a little wet, slowly drying through dinner. His purple irises looking at me, trying to uncover the secret I wasn’t telling. I want to tell him everything but I can’t. He nods as the elevator opens.
“My room is the one to the right of yours,” He says, “When you decide you trust me, I’ll be waiting.” Jongin looks sad, his eyes which are normally full of joy now dull.
Watching him go and close the door behind him was excruciating. Knowing he thinks I’m not just saying it to him. This I would scream at everyone if I could.
But I can’t.
I just have to hope he asks around about the clue I gave him.
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lara-crofts-axe · 7 years ago
four (4) things happened to me at work today and i’m going to list them in order of increasing gayness
1) some lady told me i looked like “the verizon guy from the commercials” which... like... is she talking about gaten matarazzo? the stranger things dude? he does verizon commercials now, right? I can’t think of another verizon guy? but thats not a connection that i would ever make? it definitely caused a strong emotional reaction but i cant tell whether it was positive or negative,,, it just kinda is
2) some dude waltzes up to the window. behind him, a posse of geezers, armed to the dentures and ready to talk to the manager. he wants soft serve. the machine is being cleaned. this is an impossible request. i make this known to him in the politest fashion. immediately, whispers erupt from the posse. fine, he says. I’ll take frozen pudding. we have also run out of frozen pudding ice cream. i inform him of such. well what do you have, he mocks. i grin and bear it, and eventually all him and his unholy, agèd backup dancers are fed. as im ringing up his total, a taunt. “Are you college material?” he asks, accompanied by the giggles of the decaying party behind him. ex-fucking-scuse me? im surprised he cannot see the hellfire in my eyes as i turn to him and list the name of the college i will be attending. internally, i rub his face into my SAT score. he is taken aback. what? a teenager? who is serving food for money? got into a good college. binch. fuck him
3) signs point to a lesbian couple gracing my presence with their child. they were older, probably late 40′s??? i was preoccupied and forgot to check for wedding rings like i did with the last gay couple that came into work. (I have a case study on them. ill post it here later lol) but one of the woman has a shirt that says “dunham” on it. its a normal shirt, but the “dunham” is in that weird 80′s font where there’s like shadows of the word behind it?? but the shadow on the shirt was rainbow?? forced to conclude that she, wearing something rainbow and with a woman of the sameish age, is a married lesbian. the child with them is about 8. he orders rainbow sprinkles on his ice cream. a sure sign of gayness.
4a) it was super dead and my two coworkers started talking about ~girls~ at some point and then started talking about “boobs” and how everyone was into them and then, as it it were some foreign, choreographed hetero dance that i was unaware of, they turn to me in unison and ask “right?” in defiance of their straight gaze, i say “i don’t know about boobs... i’m gay.” they very quickly absorb this information and then one of them starts talking about his gay uncle, who was apparently 50 and married with two kids before he knew he was gay, which, like, im glad he admitted it? but the gay uncle apparently thinks that quote even gay people are obsessed with boobs unquote. i didnt really know how to respond to that lol??? but the conversation moved on. 
4b) THEN, not even 15 minutes later, i needed to get into one of the freezers for ice cream (bonus gay points: it was for rainbow sherbert) and my coworker was in the way. i asked him to move and he whips out an “are you straight?” (i guess that’s something people say when they mean “are you for real?” or something) i stop what im doing, turn to him with mournful, downcast eyes. i confess, “No.” it’s soft, with a hint of reproach, but at the same time factual and confident. the tone you would take with someone who asked your sister about how her cat is doing but you have to inform them that the cat died and shes really not over it so you should probably talk about something else. that tone. his eyes instantly glaze over with panic. i? what? gay? huh? i said? straight? oh no! “No - i didn’t, i didn’t mean it like that - “ he stammers out while i try to keep a straight face and then eventually burst out laughing for a solid five minutes. his face was so funny,,, he really thought i was about to go off on him and it was hilarious,,,,,,
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vattenhaunter · 7 years ago
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THIAM DAY 5 Liam was freaking out, he was in art, now art wasn't his best subject for two reasons, reason one he can't draw for Shit, reason two he still can't see colour. You see, for some fucked up reason you can't see any colours until you first touch or meet your soulmate, which Liam would be fine with if he wasn't the only person out of his friends who still can't see colour. Personally Liam hated the idea of soulmates, he thinks you should fall in love with the person for who they are not just because they're the one that was chosen for you, so if he ever meets his 'soulmate' and they turn out to be an asshole, hes not staying with them. He'd rather not see colours then be with someone he doesn't love. So you see how art can be a little difficult for him, usually he's fine because he's got Mason with him, helping him choose colours. But apparently today Mason was 'as sick as a dog' as he put it. Leaving Liam alone with no help for colours, he was too embarrassed to speak up and say he still can't see them, Because most of the class can already see them, and being the newer kid he didn't want to draw to much attention to himself. So Liam sat there for a solid 15 minutes trying to figure out which shade of grey was blue so he can continue his ocean. He was to busy concentrating he didn't hear the sound of the door swing open. "Mr raeken, you're 15 minutes late not good for your first day" he heard his art teacher say, zoning out again. He jumped when he heard the stool next to him move head snapping up to look the new boy in the eyes, he was taken back, this boy was beautiful, well as beautiful as you can be in black and white, but he was breath taking. Liam snapped out of his gaze when he realized that new boy was talking to him "s-sorry what?" he awkwardly stuttered out feeling his cheeks heat up. The stranger laughed "I said, is this seat taken?" feeling to embarrassed to talk Liam just shook his head, looking back down to hide his face, not sure if the boy could see colours or not he didn't want to risk him seeing his blush. "trying to find a colour?" he heard boy with no name ask, biting his bottom lip, he nodded, looking down embarrassed. The boy took all the pencils from Liam's desk and walked over to the teacher, Liam's eyes widened what was this kid doing? Liam ducks his head down hoping the boy doesn't tell the teacher he can't see colours. This is not at all how he wanted everyone to know. After about five minutes the boy Came back handing the pencils back to Liam, who was looking rather confused, "I told the teacher I couldn't see colours and asked if he could write the names on them" he explained, Liam's eyes widened looking down to see on each pencil was infact the names of each colour. "i-i, thank you.." Liam stopped now realising he still doesn't know the boys name "theo" he answered smiling at Liam. "thank you theo" Liam felt himself smile back. They both coloured quietly chatting about anything and everything, Liam found out that Theo just moved here, after a tough fight with his parents, he didn't say where he lived exactly only that he's got that part covered, he also found out he loves photography and was a really good artist apparently. Liam was too busy concentrating on what he was drawing to notice Theos, occasionally he would look up at the boys face while he was telling a story but never looked at his artwork. Soon enough the bell rang, all students quickly packing their bags and leaving for lunch, Liam and Theo walked out together stopping just outside the door, they awkwardly stood their for a couple minutes before they both spoke "did you want to-" "see you 'round I gue-" they both laughed staring at each other, before Liam could speak his phone started ringing, groaning he mouthed an apology before answering "hello? Mason? What's wrong?" while on the phone he saw Theo motioning that he was going to leave him alone, and before Liam could protest, he was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liam hadn't seen Theo for the rest of the day, which kinda bummed him out because he wanted to get to know him more, he didn't even get the guys number. He didn't know what it was about Theo but he felt drawn to him. It didn't matter if they were soulmates or not he definitely knew he felt something for Theo. Slowly making his way back to his locker, hoping he can see Theo again tomorrow, he opened his locker noticing something fall out, confused he picked up the paper unfolding it, it's safe to say that he was shocked with what was on the paper. It was a beautifully detailed drawing of himself, sure it was just black and white for him but he hoped one day he could see the colours. He noticed writing in the bottom corner reading "I wanted you to have this, hope you like it, Theo" with his number written underneath, Liam's eyes widened, Theo... Drew this? For him? It was amazing! Why would he draw Liam though? With art skills this good he should not being drawing Liam out of all things. He carefully placed it in one of his books in his back, he took out his phone entering Theos number in sending a quick message Liam: hey it's Liam, just wanted to say thank you for the amazing drawing! Liam heard a locker slam shut causing him to jump in surprise, he looked up ready to glare at whoever made the move when he noticed Theo leaning his forehead against the lockers. "Theo? What's wrong?" liam asked walking over to him, Theo sighed not moving "some guy found out I live in my car, he kept making fun about it. So I punched him, and he hit me back" he let out a bitter laugh, turning to Liam. Liam gasped seeing the black eye forming on Theos face, "Theo, your eye" he said placing a hand on his cheek, and That's when everything changed the once grey world burst with colour it was all a bit overwhelming at first, but upon seeing the greys of Theos eyes change to a beautiful hazel-green Liam was mesmerized. "it's you" Liam thought, trying to take in all the colours at once. "what?" Theo asked voiced laced with confusion. And Liam froze had he said that out loud? What if /he/ wasn't theos soul mate, he's heard it happen before, you're soul mate having a different person as their souldmate. It was heartbreaking to think that could be happening to Liam. He pulled back he hand slowly "i-i said its you, you're my soul mate" upon hearing those words Theos face changed from confusion to happiness and a matter of seconds, next thing he knows he's being pulled in for a hug, one of the best hugs he's ever had. Theo pulled back staring into Liam's eyes he whispered "you're mine too, when we met this morning I got a Whole burst of colours when I saw you, I didn't know how to react because I wasn't sure if you could already see colours or if it happened to you too so I didnt want to scar-" Liam cut Theo off by kissing him gently on the lips. "how about" Liam whispered "dinner tonight, at my place and we have a guest bedroom so you don't have to live in your truck" he suggested, he didn't want to take things too fast so he wanted to have a few dates first, "that sounds... Wonderful" Theo smiled down at him, Liam held Theos hand interlocking their fingers as they walked to his car. Now Liam still thought the whole soulmates thing was stupid, you should be with someone you love, and Liam was hoping, god he was praying that Theo was that someone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: and there is another one! It's currently 5:20am here and I'm still going, this one also took longer then expected hopefully y'all like it, I did attempt to make like photo edits up there for it but ye whatever but nooow onto the next one which should hopefully be done soon.
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krissewrites · 8 years ago
Coffee Shop!Jungkook - BTS Imagine
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barista!reader vs customer!jungkook: FIGHT!
you’d been working at your local starbucks for almost a year now
and you’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade, including memorization
you’d managed to recognize all your regulars
starting from the ones who came in once a week
to the ones who made an appearance up to twice a day
and you even memorized their orders
and every single one of them appreciated you kindness
and were very gracious
except for a young lawyer by the name of jungkook
you remember the start of the whole turmoil
it was the middle of summer, and your first day on the job
you were only a part-time worker then, due to switching between college classes
and honestly? you were stressed
studying to become a psychologist was exhausting
and now you had to deal with him
“what was your order again, sir?”
“jesus christ.”
he was late for a meeting and grew even more impatient by the minute
and he wanted to make that known
“it’s a simple fucking order.”
“it’s my first day, sir--”
“hopefully, you’re last, too”
and you finally get his coffee ready and hand it off to him
and he, being the dick he was, snatched it from your hands
and left it at that
ever since that day you’ve had it out for him
but you can’t deck a customer in the middle of the shop
oh no
you had to play this his way
it started off benign.
he came in every day, and every day you’d write his name how its spelled
but on the third week, you made a small “mistake”
on purpose, of course
you watched as he looked around the shop
and then it hit him
he stomps up to the counter, putting his newspaper under his arm
and he fucking gives you the look of death
but he didnt say anything about it
in fact, he never did
even though he was clearly displeased with your “mistakes” he never took any action towards them
until last week
you’d successfully pulled out all the names you could think of over the year
one after the other being even more obvious than the first
some of the golden ones being 
and kungjook.
but last week, he came in hoping you’d finally put your childish games behind and give him the pleasure of spelling his name right
he was even fairly nice to you this time
“how’s your day?”
and you played along, a coy smile trailing across your lips
“good. and yours, mr. jeon?”
the minute you saw him enter you prepped his drink and put it off to the side, writing the newest addition to the list of misspellings to the list
at first, jungkook didn’t notice
he happily took his drink and even gave you a small smile
“you look very nice, by the way.”
but as soon as he got into his car, his blood boiled
he immediately storms back into the coffee shop
and you get the biggest fucking grin as you’re cleaning a pitcher
“gockjing? what the fuck?”
he didn’t have court that day, so he was looking boyfriend as ever
a black baseball cap, vintage tee shirt and skinny jeans, and boots
for a small moment, you kind of felt bad
but that quickly faded when he slammed the coffee onto the counter in front of you
“spell my name right.”
“hmm... try again.”
“do it.”
“make me.”
you could cut the tension with a butter knife
and everyone in that coffee shop knew it too
so everyone kept their mouth shut as they watched you burst his ego
he had walked up on you full gait with a puffed out chest, showing his masculinity in an attempt to bully you into it
but it was clear that wouldnt work
because you did the same fucking thing
“listen, baby, i know--”
“don’t call me baby.”
and that was the cherry on top
jungkook pushed himself away from the counter, throwing his hands up in defeat
and his jaw did the fucking thing
you didn’t see him for a solid week after that
and honestly? you were a little worried
did i go too far?
as much as you didn’t want to believe it, you really did feel bad
it had gotten to you so bad it affected your job
and the customers even started to realize it
“hey y/n, you okay?”
“ah... you messed up my order--”
“no, no! it’s okay. i still like it.”
it’d now been three weeks without him in sight
you were about to storm his practice’s secretary with calls for jungkook
you’d been busying yourself, doodling on the napkins
when someone cleared their throat
“sorry, i’m not working right now--”
“that’s good timing.”
there was the cocky voice you’d come to miss
you looked up and saw jungkook glaring at you
with a mischevious grin
and his arms folded over his chest
“i think you owe me an apology.”
just as you were about to get on your hands and knees and beg him for forgiveness, he broke your train of thought
“you’re going to have dinner with me.”
and youre like
hold the fucking phone
who said i was
you were so close to being snappy when you remembered your cruel trick
and you reluctantly agreed to him
honestly you’d expected him to take you to some shifty pizza joint
so he could save money
and tell you he’d never forgive you and leave you there
but you were wrong
you were told to meet him at pierre gagnaire
one of the priciest fucking restaurants in town
tbh you felt a little dressed down
so when you saw jungkook approach you as he walked from inside the restaurant
you wanted to take off running
“you look nice.”
you were a little hesitant to believe his compliment
but ultimately ignored it
you were finally seated in the restaurant
and jungkook pulls out a seat for you
like an actual gentleman
and you’re like... where’s the real jungkook
“why are you doing this? if this is some sick joke--”
“no one has ever stood up to me like you.”
you watched as a look of sincerity took over his features
but he was also intrigued 
“was i really that much of an ass?”
“a royal ass.”
and for the first time
in your entire life
you heard this cranky lawyer laugh
and it
jungkook itched the back of his ear nervously and shied away from looking at you
and played with his wine glass
“i’m sorry about that.” 
you actually ended up enjoying yourself for the rest of the night
you got to see him in a playful mood
and even doing stupid shit with his le coq au vin (chicken in wine sauce)
and by stupid shit i mean launching it across the restaurant floor by his fork into the hair of an elderly man
and promptly telling you to duck when he turns around
he looks... nice?
actually human?
and while you’re watching him smile and let his guard down around you
you almost feel... feelings?
ew no why is this happening
thus ruining your mood for the entire night
every time he told you that you looked nice
every time he tried to make you laugh
every time he offered to buy you whatever you wanted
they would always leave you anxious and red-faced
jungkook finally picks up on your attitude and calls it a night
but refuses to let you walk home alone
so the entire walk home which is almost thirty minutes
you keep your responses to a minimum
“it’s pretty cold out tonight, isn’t it?”
“do you have any siblings?”
you made it about five feet ahead of jungkook before you realize he wasn’t beside you
and turned around and see him looking pretty stressed
“hey? you okay?”
jungkook finally connects back with the real world and nods his head, quickly walking past you
but you grab his wrist, forcing him to stop
“hey, if there’s something--”
“did i do something wrong?”
you’re taken aback by his sudden brashness
“i know i’m hard to deal with, but if you don’t like me--”
“wait, wait; who said i don’t like you?”
“you’re kind of acting like it.”
the entire exchange threw you into a tailspin
what the fuck was he talking about?
i was acting a little distant...
but why the fuck does he care if i like him?
you end up laughing and leaving jungkook bewildered
“is there something on my face?”
you didn’t want to admit that he sparked a little fire in your heart
so instead you decide to tease him
“you like me, don’t you?”
“no. you’re insane.”
“yes, you do--that’s why you gave up so easily!”
“no, i was tired. where do you live again?”
you finally crack his charade when you stand chest to chest, staring at him with a mischevious grin
and press your finger against his forehead
“the big bad boy caught feelings.”
“you’re had too much wine.”
jungkook’s face was honestly the pinkest you’ve ever seen it
there was about one mile left of the walk and the entire time you were clinging to jungkook
trying to make him admit he liked you
but he was a stone cold machine
he had turned on his lawyer mode
so when you finally reached your small apartment complex you had just about given up
“you win--”
“do you want to see a movie sometime?”
insert the cockiest you’ve ever seen jungkook
“i’ll pick you up on monday.”
and he did
he’d take you different places on different “excursions”
or so he liked to call them
you called them dates
but he never acknowledged it
a very shy boy
even once tried to hold your hand
and he did
and you were so close to teasing him but pulled back and just
enjoyed it
he still won’t admit he likes you and you’ve been dating for a year now
“... say you like me.”
“... i like your personality.”
“i want the truth jungkook”
“you can’t handle the truth”
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years ago
Eyyy finally I got it finished! Happy fic number 1! I'll have the other ready as soon as I can, and it probably won't be as long but I do hope you enjoy it anyways!
This one is soft because the boys need a break—
There is an eating disorder and minor self harm is mentioned, so be warned! Other than that it's all fluff!
Aziawa woke to the sounds of Iida and Bakugo yelling. Guess breakfast was being made. Aziawa rolled over and was met face-to-face with a ball of white. Aziawa huffed and pushed Koda's bunny off his bed and it scampered off, no doubt running for Mina or Ochako.
Aziawa stood and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked down at his phone. "Saturday, huh? Finally." Aziawa was sure the students shared the sentiment. He walked out, putting on a shirt and getting into the elevator. The voices grew louder as the door opened.
"Bakugo that's not how you cook that! You're supposed to—" Iida yelled, and was cut off by a pastry getting flung into his face. "Shut the fuck up! They're better than whatever you made, so sit down glasses!" Bakugo shoved Iida onto a stool and started cooking.
Aziawa said nothing and checked the time. "It's half five in the morning." He informed the students. The pair jumped and looked over at their teacher. "Do I even want to know what you're both doing up?" He asked. Iida stood straight and bowed slightly at the hip. "Apologises for waking you, sir!"
Bakugo scoffed. "We only did it 'cause birdie's gonna be gone for the day." Aziawa blinked. "Tokoyami?" Bakugo nodded. "He said Hawks wanted to do some extra training so he's leaving for the day." Aziawa's eye twitched. "That would be the third Saturday this month he's missed."
Bakugo nodded. "Also, he's been tired as fuck. I don't like it." He grumbled, putting pancakes onto a plate. Iida nodded. "Its true that we've been a lot more busy lately, but I've hardly seen Tokoyami the past few weeks outside of class." He said, looking at the plate as it was slowly filled.
Aziawa rubbed his eyes again. "What makes things worse is that, according to Hawks it's not the training that's doing this." Aziawa mumbled. Iida looked up, his worry evident. Bakugo scoffed. "Then what the fuck is his problem?" Aziawa shrugged. Iida opened his mouth to speak, but the elevator opening stopped him.
Tokoyami walked out— well, more like dragged himself out, yawning. He looked wrecked, and Aziawa could tell there were heavy bags under his students eyes. Tokoyami didnt even realise they were there until he quite literally walked into the back of Aziawa. His head snapped up, and he froze.
"Oh, um..." Tokoyami looked at the trio. "Apologises sir." He mumbled, walking around him. Tokoyami was sure no one would be awake. No one was ever awake this early in the morning. Tokoyami assured himself that it was fine, he'd just grab his water and go—
"Birdie, where're you going?" Bakugo snapped. Tokoyami looked up, confused. "I told you, Hawks wants to get extra training in–" Bakugo cut him off. "Yeah and the earliest train to Kushu leaves in three hours." Tokoyami looked at the counter, avoiding everyone's eyes.
Aziawa sighed. "At least eat something before you go." Tokoyami shook his head. If he ate anything he'd be sick. "I ate a little while ago." A lie. "I'll eat once I arrive in Kushu." Another lie. Tokoyami moved past them and walked towards the door quickly. "Where are you going?" Bakugo asked again. Tokoyami didnt answer.
"Tokoyami–" Aziawa called, but he was gone. Bakugo scoffed again and turned away. Iida blinked. Tokoyami left in a hurry, practically bolting around the back of the building. "Alright..." Tokoyami called Dark Shadow to his side.
"Fumi, I dont know about this..." Dark Shadow said this everytime they did this. Tokoyami never listened. "Dark Shadow, I have to do this." The quirk shook its head. "But you know that the school has a training regime for this! You don't have to get me to do this every morning." Tokoyami didnt look convinced.
"Dark Shadow, just do it." And thus, for the next two hours, Dark Shadow sent Tokoyami flying into the walls, trees, and anything solid. "Fumi, this isn't how you build endurance, this is just hurting yourself!" Dark Shadow called after half an hour.
Tokoyami lay on the ground, panting and in pain. "Again." He said through gritted teeth. Dark Shadow sighed, and Tokoyami ran towards him. Growing in size, Dark Shadow swung and Tokoyami gasped, getting hit in the chest. He smacked into a tree and flopped uselessly onto the ground. He panted, knowing he's going to be black and blue later on.
It was worth it. He couldn't afford to fall behind simply because he was weak.
"Let's go. Hawks will be expecting us soon." Tokoyami begrudgingly stopped the self-tourture and made his way to Kushu. His leg was in agony, and he walked towards the agency with a slight limp. As expected, Hawks greeted him with a warm grin.
"Tsukuyomi! How's my favourite intern?" Hawks exclaimed, wings stretching out. Tokoyami sighed. "Sir, I'm your only intern." Hawks laughed and clamped a hand onto Tokoyami's shoulder. "You got me there!" Tokoyami could only focus on the pain the touch brought, and hissed in pain, drawing back.
Hawks's demeanour changed. "What's wrong? You hurt?" Hawks checked him over. Tokoyami shook his head. "No, I'm quite healthy." He lied, trying to avoid eye contact subtlety. Hawks saw straight through the lie. "You sure? It's okay if you wanna skip out today—"
Tokoyami interrupted quickly. "No, sir! I'll be fine, you dont have to do anything like that." Hawks didnt like or understand why his intern was being so adamant about training lately, but he didnt comment on it any further. "Let's go then. We've got a patrol and then we can spend an hour training." Hawks said, leading his intern inside.
Tokoyami was ready, and the pair left. Dark Shadow seemed restless, and was actively searching for something that wasnt there. Hawks spotted a robbery, and the pair flew down. The criminals panicked and a fight broke out. Hawks could immediately tell that Tokoyami had gotten slower, his reactions were delayed and his movements sluggish. His intern was tired.
Hawks easily blocked a blow as one of the criminals got in close. Hawks was shoved aside, and Tokoyami was hit full force with a bright green powder. "Tsukuyomi!" Hawks called, restraining the criminal quickly. Tokoyami was bent over, scrubbing his eyes. "Kid, you okay?" Hawks asked softly. Tokoyami shook his head, then nodded.
He stood. "I'm fine, just a little–" Tokoyami cut himself off with a yawn. Hawks looked at the criminals. "What was that?" He demanded. The criminal in question shook with laughter. The other answered for her. "Its just a chemical our boss's been working on. None of your business, obviously." Hawks sighed, getting irritated.
"What the fuck was it?!" The criminals winced. "It was just a... I dont know, a thing! It'll wear off. Hopefully." Hawks ran a hand through his hair. "I asked what it was, not whether it would wear off or not." He said. The first criminal spoke again. "It's none of you business." He repeated, angry now.
Hawks was angry too. "Tell me what it was!" He spat, just as the police showed up. Hawks left unwillingly. Tokoyami swayed on his feet, feeling unsteady and hungry. He was fine two minutes ago, he couldn't understand what was—
"Tsukuyomi! Careful!" Hawks grabbed his arm and Tokoyami almost fell over. "M'sorry." He mumbled. God, his head was pounding. Hawks looked at him, concerned. "You wanna go back to the agency?" Hawks asked softly. Tokoyami blinked, and his eyes didn't open back up for a moment.
"Please." Hawks nodded and steered them in the direction of home. Once they got there, Tokoyami was practically asleep on Hawks. "Come on bud, nearly there." Tokoyami was sat on the couch. He immediately slumped forward onto Hawks's shoulder. Getting worried, Hawks tapped his interns beak. "Kiddo, you okay?"
Tokoyami had passed out on him.
Hawks sighed, and moved him so he was lying on the couch. Tokoyami looked peaceful for the first time all month. Hawks turned and went to grab a pillow and blanket. Hawks found himself yawning as he walked back. Tokoyami had moved, curled up in a fetal position taking up as little room as he could.
Hawks smiled and picked him up gently, wrapping the blanket around him. Tokoyami shivered slightly at the change, but fell quiet again. Hawks sat next to him and watched him for a little while, content. Even though it was a drug caused this, Hawks was happy that his intern was finally getting som rest.
His phone buzzed. Ahh, Endeavor found out. Hawks told him what was happening, and about Tokoyami getting a face full of green shit. "He should be fine. The criminals seem..." Endeavor trailed off, searching for the right words.
"They're dumb." Hawks laughed at Endeavors blunt words. "Yes, laugh while you can. They claimed these were going to be mass produced once their leader escaped custody." Hawks blinked. "What? We already caught their boss? Nice." Endeavor sighed. "Hawks, be serious here."
"Yeah, yeah. Listen, this looks like a job for number one. And as number two, I'm not doing shit." Hawks grinned as Endeavor snapped at him. "Gotta go!" Hawks pressed the hang up button.
Endeavor scowled at his phone as Hawks pocketed his. Hawks turned towards the kitchen when—
Tokoyami walked past him. He looked absolutely dead. He coughed as he reached for a tissue. Hawks sighed. "What am I gonna do with you? Come on, baby bird. Back on the couch." Tokoyami looked at Hawks, eyes unfocused. When he didnt respond, Hawks got slightly worried. "Kid?"
Tokoyami walked past him again, towards the gym. Hawks followed, curious. Tokoyami let the blanket wrapped around him fall and walked towards the weights. Hawks stared in partial amazement and concern as Tokoyami started exercising.
"Kid? Hey, wait a second—" Hawks had to quickly catch his intern, who could barely hold the weights up. "Kid, I'm all for training hard to be a hero, but this is..." Tokoyami didnt stop, pushing himself even though all he felt was pain. "This is excessive. You need to stop." Hawks used a few feathers to lift the weight and held the kids upper arm.
As soon as it was gone, Tokoyami fell forward. He was tired and sore, but that wasnt an excuse. But he didnt think he could move anymore even of he tried. Hawks knew that, too, and picked him up. "Jesus kid, have you gotten lighter?"
Hawks felt like Aziawa. He felt like a father, and he hated it. He just wanted his kid to take care of himself, for god's sake, was that so hard? Hawks sighed when Tokoyami tried to stand up again, but stopped when he saw him reaching for the blanket he'd abandoned on the floor.
Hawks picked it up and wrapped it around Tokoyami, who instantly curled into it without complaint. Hawks left him on the couch, and went to the kitchen. Could he call Aziawa? Nah, he'd yell at Hawks. Endeavor? Shitty parent, plus he was angry. That left....
"This should be fun, huh, baby bird?" Hawks said softly, hanging up the phone and settling next to Tokoyami again. Tokoyami sniffed. "I'm fine, really." His voice had become scratchy, and it sounded like it hurt to say. Tokoyami swallowed, and it felt like he was eating gravel.
Hawks nodded, not buying a word of it. "Sure. And Aziawa isnt tired right now." He probably was, anyways. "Why're you pushing yourself so much, anyway? It's not like you to be this self-destructive." Tokoyami's head snapped up, and he winced. "I'm not being self—" He dissolved into a coughing fit before he could choke the words out.
Hawks patted his kids back. "Hey, hey, baby bird, relax, breathe for me." He spoke softly, and the coughing stopped after a minute. Tokoyami took in a large breath, and Hawks was worried he'd choke again. When he didnt, Tokoyami tried again. "I'm not being self-destructive." Hawks nodded again. "Uh-huh." He said sarcastically. "Then what do you call training until you cant stand straight?"
Tokoyami paused, not being able to think of an answer. "That's what I thought." Hawks leaned back. "I'm not mad." Hawks lied, reassuring Tokoyami slightly. "I'm just worried. As your mentor and as your older bird bro. This isnt healthy." Tokoyami nodded numbly. He knew it wasnt, but that couldn't stop him.
Hawks was angry, not necessarily because his intern was training so hard, it was the fact that he seemed to be neglecting other aspects as well. According to Aziawa, Tokoyami had been doing better in classes, which would be good. If Tokoyami had been taking care of himself as well. Not once had Aziawa seen the kid eat or drink much in the past three weeks.
It seemed he had stopped sleeping, too. One of the other kids came to Aziawa about it, Hawks couldn't remember who, but they had seen Tokoyami outside at the crack of dawn almost every day before class. Hawks couldn't understand why Tokoyami hadn't stuck with the training regime he had laid out for him.
Tokoyami looked at him. He mumbled something. "Hmm? What was that?" Hawks leans forward. Tokoyami jumped slightly. He was silent for a minute. "You are mad. You're making that face again." Hawks stopped. "What face?!" Tokoyami glanced over at him.
"You always do this thing when your angry, it's hard to miss." Tokoyami explained. "You bite your tongue inbetween your front teeth and one eyebrow goes higher than the other." Tokoyami pointed at his face, though he couldn't show him. Hawks was amazed. He forgot he did that.
"Huh. How perceptive." Hawks laughed slightly. Tokoyami didnt answer. "Yeah, I'm a little angry." Hawks admitted. When he saw Tokoyami's face fall out of the corner of his eye, he was quick to explain. "I'm not angry at you, its just that— well, a friend is supposed to be here right now, and—" Hawks was cut off.
"So I'm taking up your time? Forgive me, I didnt mean to—" Tokoyami stood up shakily. Now both birds were talking over each other, mixing up everything. Hawks was louder, and his voice rang clear. "No! No, your not taking up anytime, sit down!" He gently pushed Tokoyami back onto the couch.
There was the sound of the door banging open, and Hawks sighed in relief. Help was here. "Sorry it took so long. Traffic was absolutely shit. Got some medicine though." Miruko came in, sitting on the coffee table. "Jesus, you dont look so good chick, what's up?" Her voice became soft. Tokoyami shrugged as Miruko ran a hand over his feathers.
Hawks relaxed. "That's why I called you. To help." Miruko nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Hey chicken, let's ditch the hawk and go get some food." She stood up and Tokoyami looked uncertainly over at Hawks. "Miruko, no. I dont think thats a good idea." Hawks said, glancing at the shopping bags. Miruko rolled her eyes and scooped Tokoyami up easily.
She seems to understand then. She blinked down at the kid, and then at Hawks. "Birdie, hate to be a helicopter parent here, but..." She sat down, Tokoyami still in her arm. Hawks tuned them out, and took out a thermometer. He looked up, and Miruko was poking Tokoyami's beak. "You gotta take care of yourself, or you'll fall apart, got it?"
Tokoyami nodded. He felt like he was being babied. He hated it. Yeah, sure, he hadn't eaten a lot, or slept, but he was fine. He didnt need Miruko to look at him like he was made of glass, or Hawks to worry over him like he was helpless. He wasnt helpless.
Tokoyami moved away. Miruko held an arm out, and Hawks tried to get him to sit back down. "I'm fine." Tokoyami walked away. Hawks stared after him. Tokoyami walked down the hallway before turning a corner and breaking into a run. This was a mistake. He was going to get sick. Where was the bathroom? It was all blurring together.
He got to a door and walked in. Thank god he chose the right door. Doubling over, he emptied his guts into the toilet. "This is so unfair..." He groaned, before ducking his head into the basin again. His stomach was empty, what was he puking?! The lights were so bright, they hurt his eyes.
He slumped uselessly against the rim, feeling drained. From what? Puking? He really was weak. His eyes slipped shut, and Tokoyami felt sleep tug in the back of his mind. He shook himself and tried to get up. The world span and Tokoyami fell, smaking onto the tile harshly. There was a loud bang, which he hoped wasnt something important. His eyes fell closed again, and the world faded out.
Hawks and Miruko were talking. "I don't like it. You sure this was intentional?" Hawks nodded. "There's no way he accidentally forget to feed himself." Miruko let down a forced laugh, and nodded. "Speaking of, where is he? It's been a few minutes—" There was a crash from down the hall. Hawks stood up quickly and took off, Miruko was right behind him. "Oh shit..." Miruko saw Tokoyami passed out on the floor.
Hawks knelt beside him. "Baby bird? You okay?" Tokoyami let out a puff of air, but didnt react. Hawks sighed. "Fucking hell, kid..." Hawks picked him up. Miruko led them back to the main office. Hawks went for the elevator. "Grab the bags." Miruko nodded, and in no time they were up on the top floor.
Hawks put Tokoyami into his room, knowing the couch wasnt as comfortable. Miruko checked his temperature. "That's a high number Hawks, I'm really starting to hate this." Hawks nodded along. "He should learn a lesson from this, but I'll beat self-care into him if I have too." Miruko cracked a laugh at that.
They ended up ordering food, making sure to order extra for Tokoyami. Hawks went in every once in a while to make sure nothing bad had happened. Other than a small fever dream, Tokoyami slept peacefully. Miruko and Hawks settled, when Aziawa called.
"Care to tell me why my student hasn't returned yet? Can't he go one day without you doing something stupid?" Aziawa snapped over the line. Hawks explained what happened over the day. "I honestly cannot say I'm surprised." Aziawa sighed. "Though I will have to scold him about poor health management." Miruko joined in, swallowing her food. "No need, we already beat him up."
Aziawa rolled his eyes over the line. "Whatever. I'm his teacher, I should have been able to prevent this." Hawks nodded along, his feathers sensing movement. "You keep Eraserhead busy." Hawks whispered, and disappeared down the hall. Hawks's bedroom door was open, and Tokoyami had rolled over, staring at the ceiling.
He looked like shit. "Hey baby bird, you doing okay?" Hawks approached carefully. Tokoyami looked over at him and sat up. He looked ready to cry. Hawks sat on the bed, wings splayed around them both, shielding them. "What's up?" Hawks asked quietly.
Tokoyami shook his head, and tears gathered in the corner of his eyes. He felt tired and sick, and suddenly the tears wouldn't stop. Panicking, Hawks threw his arms around his kid, embracing him tightly. Tokoyami gripped Hawks's jacket, burying his face into Hawks shoulder. His entire frame shook and he tried not to make any noise.
Hawks rubbed his back softly. "Its okay, you're okay. I'm here." Hawks wasnt sure what caused this, but he was concerned to say the least. Tokoyami hiccuped and studdered out apologises. "Why are you sorry? You didnt do anything wrong, baby bird." Tokoyami shook his head. "M'didn't mean t'make you worry, just wante' t'be better..." Hawks looked down at his kid. "Oh, kiddo..." It made sense now. It still made his blood boil, but it made sense.
"Baby bird, this isnt how you get stronger, okay? This is how you hurt yourself." Hawks said gently, and Tokoyami nodded, apologising again. Hawks hushed him. Tokoyami stilled after a while, breathing returning to normal. "You feeling better?" Tokoyami shrugged. Hawks laughed softly.
"You wanna try eating?" Tokoyami looked up. No, he didnt. But it would be rude to deny something offered to him. Tokoyami nodded, and Hawks brought him in. Miruko gave them a knowing grin and turned back to the phone. "He's here, Eraser! You can beat him up now."
Tokoyami froze. "Mr. Aziawa...?" The phone was passed to him. "Tokoyami." Aziawa began. "You should already be aware of this, but—"
The phone was snatched out of Aziawa's hands. "Fucking bird! I'll kill you!" Bakugo was running as he yelled. "We heard what happened from Earphones, and when you get back, I'm gonna fucking—"
Iida came into view. "Bakugo, behave yourself!" Tokoyami sighed. "Thank you Iida-" Iida glared at the phone. "Tokoyami, as class president, I'll have to scold you too." Tokoyami let his head fall back as Iida started yelling. Hawks snickered and Miruko laughed loudly.
"Iida, Bakugo! Get back here— Yayorozu I've already told you, you and Shouji cant leave! No, I dont wanna hear it— Bakugo Kasuki!" Aziawa was screaming over the line.
Hawks covered Tokoyami's ears as Aziawa let out a spew of curse words. Miruko laughed again, and added her hands. Aziawa came into view again and stared at the three. He shook his head. "Tokoyami lives with Bakugo. He's heard much worse, I assure you."
Hawks gasped dramatically. "My intern? My Fumikage listening to curse words? Never!" Tokoyami couldn't help the laugh that escaped him, and his shoulders shook. Hawks gasped again, but it was genuine. "Did I just get my dark and edgy intern to laugh?" Hawks looked up at Miruko, amazed. Miruko grinned wide.
Tokoyami laughed louder at the sight of Hawks's face. Miruko joined in, and Aziawa decided fuck it, and let them laugh. He could give out shit later. The laughter didnt die down until Tokoyami started coughing his lungs up. Hawks steadied him while Aziawa spoke.
"It seems you're already aware of the absolute hell that awaits you when you get back." Tokoyami winced and nodded. Aziawa continued. "However, I will be asking you to start taking care of yourself. I know how this sounds, but you shouldn't prioritize an 'A' over your health. Yes, you should try do well, but I'm not asking for you to ignore your needs to do that."
Aziawa sighed. "I apologise if we made you think that your grades were more important." At this, Tokoyami's head snapped up. "Sir, you didnt make me— this isn't your fault!" Tokoyami couldn't grasp the concept. Nothing about this was Mr. Aziawa's doing. Aziawa raised a brow, but didnt comment. "Now, as punishment for refusing to preform self-care, you wont be participating in training next week." Tokoyami nodded.
"Instead," Aziawa explained. "You and a few others I have caught will be resting in the dorms during this time. I expect you to catch up on all the sleep you missed, and you're to eat regularly." Tokoyami nodded, confused. "As in if you dont eat, it'll be shoved down your throat." Tokoyami gulped and his grip on his shirt tightened. He didnt enjoy the image of having food shoved down his throat.
"We'll make sure he does! And we'll get the others that havent been taking care of themselves too!" Mina yelled from offscreen. Hawks snorted and Aziawa sighed. "Well, that's all from me. Get some sleep, you can come back tomorrow." Tokoyami nodded. "Thank you, sir." Aziawa looked at him.
"Anytime, problem-child." Aziawa hung up. Hawks leaned back. "Well, that went okay." He commented. Miruko shrugged, and Tokoyami fell back against the couch. Miruko took some chicken out of the takeout bag and presented it to Tokoyami. "Eat up, chick. This'll help make the pain go away." It wouldn't, they all knew. But it was a start.
Tokoyami chewed slowly, almost afraid to swallow. He didnt want to puke again. Hawks encouraged him, and Tokoyami swallowed. Immediately, he doubled over, having something in his system for the first time all month was a lot more painful than he thought it would be. Hawks patted his back as he heaved.
"Easy, easy, baby bird. You can do it. Try again for me, okay?" Tokoyami shook his head. Miruko bent low. "Come on chick, you can do it." Tokoyami took it slow, and ate some more. He didnt keep it all down, but eventually something stayed in his stomach. Hawks wrapped an arm around him. The three ended up watching a movie together.
Around halfway through, Miruko brought out ice-cream, and Tokoyami found that to be a lot easier to eat, as it was kind of melted. Tokoyami managed to keep it down, and he conked out at the most important scene of the movie. Hawks was disgusted, but Miruko slapped him before he could wake Tokoyami up.
Hawks used his feathers to clean up, and he and Miruko fell asleep on the couch two hours later, Tokoyami wedged in the middle. Endeavor stopped by, and saw them sleeping peacefully. He scoffed at first, but decided against waking them up. He left the paperwork and disappeared.
The next morning, Hawks woke up to Tokoyami's spot abandoned. "Baby bird? Where'd you go?" Hawks stood up, Miruko shifted, but didnt wake. Hawks heard something from the bathroom. Hawks walked in to find Tokoyami, puking up last nights meal.
"Baby bird? Why didnt you wake me up?" Hawks sat next to him and rubbed his back. Tokoyami finished, and fell slack against Hawks. "Didn't wanna..." Tokoyami sighed, eyes closing. "How much did you sleep?" Tokoyami didnt answer. "Fumika— oh." Hawks stared down at the sleeping teen. So he hadn't slept much, then. Hawks sat there for a moment, before moving and picking Tokoyami up.
He left Tokoyami in his room, and Tokoyami grabbed his sleeve. Hawks sat down again, and Tokoyami drifted off. Hawks scrolled through his phone, when Aziawa called again. "What's up?" Hawks asked, holding the phone to his ear. "I said bring him back tomorrow, does that mean nothing to you?!" Hawks blinked.
"What?" Aziawa sighed, angry. "Hawks it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon. I called you at ten last night." Hawks suddenly laughed. "Sorry, kids still sleeping. I'll bring him over in a while." Aziawa huffed, but hung up. Hawk sighed and dropped the phone as Tokoyami shifted against him.
Hawks ran a hand through his kids feathers. "You are gonna be the death of me, baby bird." Tokoyami didnt respond. Hawks looked at the ceiling, smiling.
Hawks couldn't bring himself to care.
Hawks sent Tokoyami on his way, and he got yelled at. A lot. Also he was fed, which was good. He, Midoryia and Shinsou ended up not going to training the next week, dedicating the week to 'self-care'. None of them really wanted to, but it was this or have Iida, Bakugo and the rest of 1A on their asses, so they went with self-care.
Tokoyami drifted off to sleep, a fresh cup of tea drank and his lunch eaten. He gave Dark Shadow skriches, and the shadow purred happily and curled up. Tokoyami looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, content and healthy.
These kids need to take care of themselves or I will—
Also I lied this was kinda sad, sorry—
Hope you enjoyed! The next one will be out ass soon as I can get it out, sorry for any delay!
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Real feel: mother fucking wear your gloves!!
So 36 cars all sweept in most with red Xs
19 cars altogether got pulled over
2 cars got arrested I saw one being towed away. Almost 3 did but he self soothed himself and calmed down.
My dad (uncle) came and every car left in the parking lot took off in flight.
Denise the clone also came. She can't jump stsrt a car so she expected me to wait for her then wait for a tow truck and my dad knew we were gonna get in a fight cause ita too dam cold for that and she's on her rape cycle and I refuse to get in a car with her. Because it's annoying and I don't want her feeling satisfied she can breathe the same air as me.
It's 5 minutes, 10 at most to jump. 45 minutes to wait for a man and its like 20 minutes to the store.
And i learned how to jump start without lighting the cables on fire, now. Lucas says "oh please! That's the best way!" But not really. It doesn't actually work...
I have no circulation... So I was ice cold in like 10 minutes. So it would had warmed me, tho.
But yeah dad pulls in and suddenly everyone acts like they're escaping jail.
.... I know i should just went in and stared at that super hottt clone hottie that was super super hot and stocking water... But that IS kinda creepy even if he is Just a clone... I was all driving by in my Wal-Mart wheelchair cart and I was all whoa... Is he..? Wait i gotta see l.. Because he squatted down with his hot warm balls beneath him and so I was all lets stop right here in the middle of life and discuss what's on our shopping list until he comes up from behind the pallet...
"Oh my God. Now i see why I was so in love with you William" while my heart literally leaps from my chest bounces back and goes out of rhythem while pounding through 2 shirts.
So then we laughed at my reaction for half hour
Dam he was rugged and hot...
One time I picked up William early for work and I seen him and he ducked behind some concrete shelving used to block off the street from traffic...
And oh my God...
I was walking and I seen him and I was all "oh does he loo--" and he looked at me, i swear and ducked and so i was all "well I'm gonna go see. I don't think William will mind.. Its not like i totally think hes sexy but he might be... I'll just go see... Is it William..?"
Because he was waaaay sexier at work than home... Like there it's all comfy and fun and sexy but this was outside and he looked all sparkly and God like like yum
Now he claims he saw me and saw "a woman on the prowl way too sexy to be at the job site for any work related reason" so to be safe from a kidnapping situation he decided to hide
And hide he did
I leaned over to peek and he kept hiding and hiding and asked some guys at the truck "is she gone?"
One asked "why are you hiding from your wife?"
"Man! I got one at home! Well i am engaged. Man is she crazy? Does she look it?! Fuck man! Im gonna be so busted! I need to get home! I can't get kidnapped! Fuck this!"
And my eyes got real wide and the guy at the truck just shrugged cause i was all what do i do?!?!
So i kinda jumped and leaned over real far over the cement shelving. "Well HI!!"
I was gonna ask him if he thought i was a psycho bitch then to my face but i slid on the plastic and unfortunately I was wearing a shorter dress than usual.
So he stood up "ma'am I'm just checking the paperwork ill be right back" and ducked again.
"Baby! Uh hi! Baby I don't want to yell but I think i just showed everyone my thong!!"
"What?! Okay i have to finish the uhh paperwork. Man my wife ain't even here shes at home finishing up supper or something"
"Uhm baby! There's a lot of men here which one do you want me to go home with?!"
"Uh any!! Just not me!!"
Mind you everyone is looking at me and him and listening. This is outta control and m6 husband does not say that shit to me, i tried being solid now it was fight time. So i leaned over the other end of the cement wall he loved more than me and lowered my voice "hey psst yeah. Psst William man that crazy bitch is gone now. Jump in the truck and we will take you home!!"
"Really?!?!" He lowered the clipboard he hid behind. "Oh... No.., see.., no i got a ride already!"
"Yeah with me you dumb goon"
"No in here see!" And he jumped in the back of the truck. "I finished the paperwork. Alright let's go!"
So i started to walk over and he jumped way far back in the truck
"Can you please help me? Are you the one i called?" I asked the guy laughing painfully through the whole ordeal.
He looked me up and down real hard "you sure you dont want me to take yoh home?!"
"Am i even at the right construction site?!?!"
"Yes you are. Here hand him this piece of paper." Then he yelled over "HEY WILL she called a little before lunch and left a note and asked if it was alright if she came up and surprised you and i said yeah.. I didn't know you would go a little crazy..."
"She ain't my wife!! Shes too sexy!"
"No fuck you bi-atch!!! Wait... Honey? Is that you? I recognize your fingernail because you smashed it the other day"
"Oh it's alright. Just come down" i pleaded.
"With the hammer..." He began walking towards me "let me see it" he looked at it. "Miiiiike if you ever do that again I'm beating the shit out of you." And he sat at the end of the tail gate "well i already got a ride home, with him."
"Okay fine"
"Wait let me see what you have in your hand. These are our keys!! These are mine you're not having them and not allowed in my house Like that... Dressed like a... A... Skank!!"
"Well what do you want me to do? Stay here and get gang raped?!"
"Jesus Christ okay babe prove to me you're my wife"
"Okay fine but don't tell me your sorry" i went around the truck and took off my panties wadded them up and stuffed them in his hand "they're your favorite"
"Yeah but everyone knows that!"
"Who do you tell? Who the fuck do you tell about your favorite panties?!" Like im beyond mad. And I am yelling.
"Yeah well where did you get that dress?! Whose money did you use to buy it??! Hmm?"
"Ive had enough of me" i tried to get MY csr keys back and he wouldn't let me take them "being mother fucking nice to you" he was stronger than me So i tried to armpit trick
"Fuck you being mean to me! Come here!"
"You'll tear my dress! No! My shoe!"
"I think she's really upset at me. I think I've upset her" I bent to fix my shoe and my dress didn't cover ... Anything... Back there. "Hey quit it will you?!"
"Just give me back the key to my car and keep every thing else. Fuck it. Im tired of you anyway. I cook i clean and i come to surprise you and this is what i get and I REFUSE TO CRY HERE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE SO GIVE ME BACK MY SHIT!!!" and i threw the paperwork in his face and busted his nose.
"I,understand you're my baby but did you need to hit me in the face and make my nose bleed?" He said calmly snd slowly
"Youre not bleeding, oh yeah you are. Use the panties"
So this bastard stands up in the back of the truck with my panties to his face and says "Hey Everyone, I'd Like You To Meet My Wife!"
"We've seen a whole lot of her already"
I turn around and there's not 5 or 6 guys anymore. There's 30.
"Oh shit" and I pull my dress down. "Can we just leave?! Please?!?"
"Yeah!! Lets go!!"
So he picked me up and rushes to the car with me and a bunch of dudes come around the corner and i tell him to put me down cause I can feel his hand on my bare ass.
So hes all "goddang it why did you dress so sultry?!"
"For my husband!!! who is apparently a God dang Ass Hole!!!!!!! when hes at work!!"
"Oh honey i didn't mean anything by---"
"Come on let's go!!!" As we rush around the corner there's like 50 construction workers staring hard. "I am never doing this again!!"
"Hurry and please open the door!!" He reached across and unlocked it
I covered my face with my hands "oh my god oh no you're insane!"
"What? What are you saying to me?!"
"Don't you know you have PTSD? Male trauma? Because I Didnt!!"
"Well yeah I was kidnapped when i was like five!!"
"But you didn't even know me!?!"
"You never wear makeup and not dresses that short!"
"I do all the time!! I walk around partially naked all the time!!!" I looked at traffic "its just the lipstick here let me wipe it off"
"Thats better you could did that at the construction site!"
"Well i just put it back on in the car and I didn't know that's why you were freaking out and going insane on me!!"
"Put it back on?! Why the Hell?!
"I ate a biscuit"
"Why did you put it on in the first place?"
"Have you seen in my caboodle? I have a ton of it! When you get home, look!!"
"Okay alright i will"
"Where are we going? I thought we would go to Tulsa"
"Not now! I gotta go home to make sure you are --- you!!! Now come on!!
"You're the one driving"
"Its my car!!"
"No! Its mine and my dad's see the registration?!?!"
"That's it I'm gonna pull over. Let me see the mole that's on your thigh"
"Its not a mole! Its a freckle!"
"Fine let me see it And you drive!!"
"Okay Okay fine I'll let you see it"
He looks "ok you're you then!"
"Who else would i be?!?"
"A clone!"
"From the freezer?!? Come on! Not me! Let me drice then!"
"You're losing your cool and you never do!"
"Omg Jesus Christ are you kidding me?!?"
"Uhm no"
"I need to start smoking pot. We need to get our own place and we do then this happens."
"Smoking pot?! Uhm no! I do not think so! Here you drive then!! You're a nervous wreck. You need control"
"No i need sex but my husband is INSANE!! I try a nice surprise to be unspoiled and then this happens!"
"Who calls you spoiled?!"
"YOU DO!!"
"Jesus Christ! Do you want a hotel?!"
"What?! No we got dishes at home. They will get me unstressed"
"I'm getting in the back seat PULL OVER!!"
"Now I'm talking! You think i want you to come all this way to go home?"
As soon as the back Windows fogged a truck of his co-workers drove by honking.
When we finished he said
"We are going home because you NEVER do that to Me!!"
"It was a surprise!! And no im not driving! Im staying in the back seat!"
"You NEVER do that to Me either!!!"
"Well it's a surprise!!!"
I wanna cry he upset me so much so I'm,all screaming from my throat and it sounds all shrill and out of control and hes like trying to calm me down and I don't want to be upset and feeling like life is out of control but he really showed me shit i hadn't seen and I was scared to be at home because what was next? I used a different sauce because I was pregnant and so he throws me out into the street? Barefoot and all because i look different? So i just cried myself to sleep in the back seat of my own car because I didn't know what else to do and it was the only thing i could accomplish that day,
I heard the car door open and close...
He didn't go around the other side to open and get me out... It was dark and cold already.
"There's no one upstairs. Now what do you want to do?" He sat in the car
"I'll just go to my parents. I'll come get my clothes later"
So he yanked open the car door, jumped out, threw the seat forward, yanked me out of the car, threw me over his shoulder, put his hand over my bare ass and carried me up 3 flights of stairs.
Put me in the single comfy chair we had and made dinner.
He sat on a pillow on the floor next to me and fed me.
"What are we going to do if i get pregnant and my body starts to change?"
"Ill just take pictures. I'll use my Polaroid"
I had found out I wss pregnant that morning... Feeling sick like crazy... I took a test in the gas station bathroom. Wrapped it in my purse and went and bought a new dress and shoes and went home, took a bath did my hair and thought I had the whole day still so i should go surprise him at work and go out in Tulsa and make it special... Not days later after the whole town had to come over and seperate us from fighting cause I'm kinda crazy pregnant... And after 2 weeks of couple's therapy and he says "oh baby you're sick a lot i think you may be pregnant. You think?"
"Oh yeah i am. Check my purse."
He did take me out to Tulsa... And I was a bit sad... Because we had been through a lot since that day.. And i wanted telling him to be really special... Turned out he was.
I had taken Polaroid of myself that morning before i got dressed and one from the side and then one after. And wrote "oh!" "Baby!!" "Surprise!" And the date.
Cause I learned how to set the timer and take one of myself
So he went and got them abd said "okay im sorry i shouldn't yelled at you for taking naked Polaroids of your self. Now I see why you would take them. Okay?"
"I guess."
He got up like he was fuming mad and circled me like a vulture i Put my arms up and he circled me 2x more then stopped in front of me and I put my hands on his neck
"Are we going to bed? Ill cook dinner after"
"Mmhmmm I'll help!"
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