#i didnt have time to sit and eat breakfast at home so i grabbed some pizza rolls to eat in my car
chewablepebbles · 1 year
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#i got into my car to go to work this morning and everything was fine it was okay#i didnt have time to sit and eat breakfast at home so i grabbed some pizza rolls to eat in my car#and while im driving along and eat i feel something fall just in the collar of my shirt#so i think its a crumb (naturally) and go to swipe it away#and i get STUNG so i bash and smash and mash my collarbone and i get STUNG again but!#afterwards i dont feel anything so i figure ill find out what bug it was when i park and get the corpse out of my shirt#i drive along some more ending up behind a cop car when i feel something. crawling at the base of my neck#so very carefully to not change the position of my head and neck i pull down the mirror and its a YELLOWJACKET#and i cant do anything because my ultraviolence before did not seemingly do anything#and i dont want to get stung anymore#my plan is to make it to work. go inside. ask my coworker to remove it from wherever it has since disappeared to#i get to work without further incident. i speed walk inside. the first person i see is the new guy so i introduce myself#and then go 'i have a really big favor to ask. i think theres a yellowjacket in my hair can you get it out i will owe you fifty bucks.'#he looks and finds no yellowjacket. i believe that it flew off while i walked from my car to the restaurant#i jokingly recount this to my favorite coworker#FIVE MINUTES LATER#i feel the crawling on the side of my neck again. i am slightly allergic to bees so i have been watching for swelling#but it is yet too early to see.#so i feel the crawling again and go to the front where both coworkers are and ask 'is it there again' and they go YES#and then lightly smack at my neck to get it off so they can crush it#i had been awake for an hour.#anyway#the rest of my day was normal this was just insane#jabberjos#Spotify
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murdockcastleslut · 3 months
Could you do anything from the 1st prompt list for Hughie?
im gonna do the "did you eat today?" prompt bc comfort! prompts and characters are here :)
you were having a shit day, you woke up late, didnt have time to eat breakfast let alone get coffee and to top all off, butcher was being as he would say "a cunt" and had blown the mission on neuman.
so when you arrived to your shared apartment with hughie before he had arrived you were kind of disappointed.
you threw you jacket on one of the island chairs and slumped down on the couch. you quickly fell asleep not even five minutes later..
hughie walks in no more than half an hour after you. he notices that most of the lights are still of and your jacket is on one of the seats on the island. he places the bag of chinese food that he bough on the island before he walks over to the living room.
he sees you snuggled up with a couch pillow and doesn't want to wake you but he knows after the long day you've had food would make you feel better.
so he gently shakes you awake. when you slowly open yours confused and see his face you smile.
"hey babe." you cooed.
"hi baby, i bought so food from the chinese place down the street, want some?" he questions.
at the mention of food your stomach gurgles in hunger. you quickly and groggily scramble to your feet and look for the food. you see it on the island and take the chair you jacket sits on.
you move your jacket and break open the bag to find hughie bough your favorite. as you start to crack it open hughie finds his way to you and sits in the chair besids you.
"did you eat today?" he questions
you shake you head no as you grab a fork and dig in. he chuckles and kiss your forehead.
"i thought we talked about this, you gotta eat." he pleads.
"i know. i know but i was late, and the we were working, and then butcher fucking fucked up the mission. came home and fell asleep." you explained after scarfing down some food.
he nods understandingly.
"alright well i'm glad you're eating now, you want some water?" he questions.
"with ice please." you nod.
he nods before he gets up and grabs both of you glasses of water. then he places the cup next you and sat besides you befor eopening his own food.
once you slowed down, you wiped you mouth before planting a kiss on hughie's cheek.
"thank you for taking care of me baby." you smiles.
he returns you smile with a shy grin on his face.
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buckyarchives · 2 years
Dark Night
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part two of night shift! whoo! part one here!
Bruce Wayne x GN! Reader
word count: 3.6k
contains: lots of pining, desc of anxiety attack, badly wrote kiss scene
summary: reader deals with being brought to their first high-profile event, alongside prince of Gotham, Bruce Wayne.
a/n: didnt expect to write this much and take this long but so many of you have asked for a part2 so here it is! will probably write some more to this story on AO3 :) happy reading (also i didnt proof read that well again)
“you know who you kind of remind me of?” it was almost midnight at the diner, your shift was close to being over and your prince visited you once again before tomorrow, when you’d be walking into a big galleria of people you’ve only seen on the news, with thousands of dollars hung to their body’s, and arms linked with Bruce Wayne.
“who?” Bruce popped a fry into his mouth. His full attention had been on you tonight.
“well, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this movie but,” you paused, smiling to yourself. “Edward Cullen from Twilight.”
“twilight? isn’t that the vampire movies that came out a while ago” Bruce was amused. He had never been compared to a vampire.
You heard a ding from behind yourself, quickly rushing over to grab the hot plate of food. As you walked around and served food, you could feel Bruce’s eyes following you. Not the creepy, ‘being watched on your way home” ,more of a comforting presence. He had always helped your long shifts feel more enjoyable.
“It isn't just some vampire movie.”You mocked him sitting at the counter. “it is a masterpiece, and the fact you haven’t seen it really disappoints me, Bruce. “
“whoever Edward Cullen is, why do I remind you of him?”
Giggling to yourself before throwing a wet rag back into a bucket of soap. “you’re only up at night, which is like a vampire thing. You’re quiet and kinda emo. not to mention, you somewhat lookalike.”
“emo? really?” his eyes widened, and an enormous smile was plastered onto his face. “Who knows, I could just be a vampire and you don’t know it.”
“Bruce Wayne, prince of Gotham’s and also vampire.” You dramatically announced, the diner was pretty empty, so no one to bother. “what’s next? Will you turn into a bat?”
Bruce tensed up at the lighthearted comment, laughing it off. “whatever.” 
Bruce finished his plate of food, you had planned to leave for the night. Going to grab the plate and empty cup from him and head to the back to leave them on the rack for the dishwasher.
“I’ll be going.” Bruce told you when you got back to the front, paying his bill and leaving a tip like every night. “Tomorrow, I can send someone to pick you up a few hours before the event.”
“sure.” you smiled. “Oh Bruce, I don’t have an outfit.”
“don’t worry, I have something arranged for you.” 
Bruce sweetly smiled at you. His eyes softened, and he turned around to leave. The ring of the bells above the door echoed in your ears, instantly after Bruce left, and your mind raced with ideas about tomorrow. Anxiety and excitement filled your bones. finishing clean up and seeing your co-worker walk in, that was your sign to clock out.
The next morning, you awoke to a small ray of sunlight shining through your window and landing on your face. You could hear the bustling city below you, slowly coming out of your grogginess. you pick up your phone and look at the time and any notifications.
11:23 am
“Jesus, I slept in.” You thought out loud, throwing the comforter off yourself and walking to your kitchen to eat some sort of breakfast.
You were in the middle of brushing your teeth when you faintly heard the sound of your phone buzzing from the other room. You were about to shrug it off and answer it later when you realized it might be Bruce. spitting out whatever mixture of spit and toothpaste was in your mouth and rushed to the phone, accidentally knocking over something on the way there.
“good morning!” you said as you answered the phone and it brought it up to your ear.
“hey.” Bruce’s soft-spoken voice rang through your phone. It sounded like he had just woken up. “I will send Alfred over to your apartment at  2 o’clock. wear nothing fancy. I have an outfit for you.”
you cleared your throat, “Thank you, I’ll see you then.”
“see you then.” you could hear Bruce’s smile as he talked to you. He hung up the phone, and you sat down on your bed. mind wondering once again. You wondered what Bruce does every day. It seems like he just locks himself in his tower all day. Who lives with him? Does he have any daytime hobbies? you realized you truly knew little about the man. He didn’t know much about your daily life either, besides you working yourself to death at that stupid waffle house.
The time went by anxiously quick; it was almost 2, and you had found yourself running around your tiny apartment desperately trying to find your socks. You were a mess and everything was hitting you. That Bruce Wayne was taking you to a party, why you? Out of everyone in the city, too? Did he do this a lot? Pick up random dates by stalking them at their work and handsomely tipping them. This was stressing you out, and you didn’t need to think of this right now. 
Alfred is in front of your apartment now.
‘Shit’ you voiced out loud before grabbing the rest of your things and locking the door behind you, you mentally prepared yourself for the day ahead of you as you walked down the stairs.
The ride was silent. An older man with a British accent greeted you politely– which you could only assume was Alfred, Wayne’s butler. Bruce would talk briefly about his personal life to you. Filling up the silence and boredom of a long, slow shift, he mentioned Alfred on a few occasions, talking highly of the man who raised him. Though, you couldn’t say the same in your case.
“Master Bruce has told me lots about you.” Alfred’s voice abruptly rang through your ears. His eyes glanced over to the rearview mirror. You gulped down the thought of being talked about to others, unknowing what he may said. “All good things.”
“That’s good to hear.” you chuckled.
“You know,” Alfred paused for a moment, clearing his throat. “I’ve been pushing master Bruce to find a partner, even just put himself out there and I’m quite surprised he went and found one on his own.” 
You couldn’t tell if it was the anxiety leading up to today, the tone in the man’s voice, or simply the expensive ass car you were sitting in, driving to an expensive ass tower. A sudden wave of insecurity ran over you. You were not rich, and you felt slightly out of place. Especially to call yourself one of Bruce’s partners? You felt like a fraud.
“Oh sir, we aren’t together or anything. We’re just friends.” you embarrassingly brushed off Alfred’s statement, hoping he didn’t get the wrong impression.
He hummed in response, “doesn’t sound like that from what Bruce has expressed to me.” he parked the car in an enormous garage, swiftly getting out to open the door for you like it was second nature for him. “We’ve arrived, just follow me.”
They chattered as you two made your way up the tower. You stepped out of the elevator into the gorgeous room. You hadn’t expected something so gothic-inspired; the Waynes had taste for decor, you could give them that. Explained Bruce’s emo-ness.
You slipped out a laugh at that thought, you didn’t mean to do that. Alfred looked over at you with amusement and curiosity in his eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s nothing.” You waved it off and continued to meet Bruce.
“Master Bruce, we’ve arrived.” You were in the kitchen after turning a corner. Bruce was hunched over, looking at the newspaper, dressed in his usual baggy clothing. Your eyes met his shortly, followed by a smile growing on his face before he greeted you.
“You’re here. How was the drive?” Bruce asked you and you quickly reassured him it went smoothly.
“Have you eaten?” Alfred interrupted your small talk. You had a cup of noodles this morning and a couple of glasses of tea, you were okay until later tonight.
“I’m okay. I had a big breakfast.”
“Well then, I’ll send dory in soon to dress you.” Alfred nodded before walking off, leaving the two of you by yourselves. 
You turned to face Bruce. The man you only saw under crappy yellowish lighting and smudgy black eyeshadow, now in front of you and felt like a different person, yet entirely the same. 
“This is the infamous Wayne tower everyone speaks of,” you spoke sarcastically, your eyes scanning the surrounding area slowly. 
Bruce chuckled, “it’s a lot different from the diner.” 
“And you look very pretty in clearer lighting.” Bruce continued, your face grew hot, and you felt embarrassed. You didn't expect him to say that right now.
“So Alfred told me you talk about me.” you brushed away the embarrassment and took a few steps closer to Bruce. “Is that true?”
Now it was Bruce’s turn to feel embarrassed, his head bowed low. He mumbled a confirmation of words, just loud enough for you to hear. A grin grew across your face and you teased the man.
“Really? What do you tell him?” you poked his shoulder slightly. 
“Just normal st– Ow!” he grabbed his shoulder with a smile plastered on his face and his eyes gleaming at you. “Stop that!”
“Oh, come on! That didn’t even hurt, big baby.”
“Well, I told Alfred normal stuff, like how you would tell someone about your day.” Bruce said. You hummed in response, not believing the man’s statement.
“Oh, you must be Bruce’s friend!” Dory’s voice broke through the tension between the two of you, a smile gleaming across her face as she approached the two of you. She grabbed onto your arm, slightly squeezing the muscle and flesh. “Sorry, mister Bruce, I have to take them away for a moment.”
“Thank your dory.” Alfred approached Bruce with some papers as he watched you walk off.
“Alfred.” Bruce turned to his butler. “What do you think?”
“What do I think? You mean of them?” Bruce nervously nodded. “They seem like a lovely person. I’m glad you have found someone to bring you out of your shell, even if it’s platonic.”
Alfred’s voice shifted at the last part of his sentence. It made Bruce tense up and Alfred said it to get more out of Bruce, the butler had been wondering about the relationship growing between you two. Whether it was platonic or romantic, the distinction between the two seemed important in Alfred’s eyes. 
“Is it platonic? Master Bruce,” Alfred questioned the young man.
“I’m not sure.”
“Do you want this to be more than platonic?” 
“Yes.” he hesitated for a moment, but deep inside Bruce knew what he wanted.
Alfred cleared his throat, turning to Bruce. “You know, with that choice comes things you will eventually have to tell them.”
“I know, I’m not worried about that right now.” 
The sound of expensive shoes hitting the hardwood floor interrupted the men’s conversation, echoing through the room and snapping Bruce’s head in the direction of it. And Bruce just saw you, with dory at your side. You looked absolutely stunning, and Bruce couldn’t even croak out a word. He sat there speechless, just looking at you. It was partially weird seeing you out of your dirty waffle house uniform. 
“Do you like?” you jokingly swayed your shoulder and hips, Bruce slightly giggled at the dorky action.
“I like.” he stood up, approaching you. “I like a lot.”
the time came for Bruce to be swept away by dory and be dressed. You were left alone for a moment to sit in the dining room and wait for Bruce. Your hands brushed across the fabric on your body, tailored to fit. Your outfit was a dark blue. Dory told you it complemented your skin tone, she also told you Bruce had hand-picked it for you. 
Alfred called out your name, and you snapped your head to see him standing behind you, appearing almost like some ghost. “You look very good, master Bruce did a wonderful job picking out your attire for tonight.”
“Thank you very much, Alfred.”
“Bruce he–’ he sat down at the table next to you. “He really enjoys your company. It seems you bring out some qualities in him I haven’t seen since he was just a boy, so I hope you plan to stick around.”
Alfred’s statement caught you off-guard. Goosebumps rose on your skin at the thought of staying in Bruce’s life. Being an important person to him felt strange, not bad, just a new feeling.
You smiled warmly at the man next to you. “I hope to stay around for as long as he lets me.”
You looked down at the watch on your wrist,
4:17 pm
You were itching to see Bruce. it hadn’t been long, but you wanted to see him in something else besides baggy clothes and messy hair. You’d seen him on the news and in the paper in his spiffy suits and expensive clothing, but you were sure it had to be different in per–
“Hey.” the familiar soft-spoken voice brought you out of your thoughts.
You saw the handsome man in his glory. A black suit, tailored to fit him perfectly, just enough to hug around his waist and emphasize his broad shoulders. You noticed the golden cufflinks, the Wayne symbol engraved on them. He looked magnificent.
You got up, looked him up and down again. “There really is a handsome man underneath the edgy black eyeliner.”
Bruce rolled his eyes at your statement, “uh-huh, whatever you say.”
He walked towards you, closing the space between you, too. Bruce reached out to your hand, grabbed it, and gently brushed his thumb across your knuckles. You felt the warmth in your chest. Your heart had sped up.
Bruce was nervous. He had dated before; he had taken people out on dates. He had swooned, seduced, and won people over before. Yet, it had been a while, and you felt different. He was actually here and slowly was giving himself to you in full. He was close to you, enough to feel your breath. Bruce glanced from your eyes to your lips. He wanted to kiss you. He really wanted to kiss you.
“Ready to go?” you interrupted his thoughts, bringing Bruce back down to reality. 
 The time that Alfred gotten you and Bruce prepared and went over what was going on at the event, it went by nervously fast. The event was held in a museum that was cleared for a ball. There were going to be flashing cameras, good food, reporters, live music, and a bunch of fucking rich people. Here you were, panicking as you were about to pull up to the carpet, with Bruce Wayne. 
“Bruce, I don’t know if I can do this.” your hands were shaking. Bruce cushioned your hand, soothing you back down to calm.
“I will be right next to you the entire night, but if you really don’t want to do this, we can leave.” His hand crept to your face, facing him. Your eyes locked together. “Just say the word.”
You gulped down any last nervousness and nodded to Bruce. “It’s okay, I’m okay. Let’s do this.”
The chauffeur swung the door open, you could hear the shouting of the paparazzi and the sound of the cameras flashing. Bruce held out his hand for you. Your shaky hand took him and he guided you out the car and into the light. 
Instantly you would hear the scream of ‘Bruce Wayne!’ and also a few shouting questions, asking who you were. You both winced at the flashing cameras being pointed at you suddenly. Bruce was the prince of Gotham, after all. Bruce didn't like being in the spotlight either, the quicker you two get through this, the better.
“We’ll get through this quickly, don’t worry,” Bruce whispered into your eye, snaking a hand around your waist and pulling you towards the red carpet. 
You smiled pretty for the cameras, focusing on your breathing and Bruce’s hand around you. In front of those cameras, he never removed his hand from you. His hand felt like a safety blanket, like he was holding you together with just one touch, and if he let go, you would crumble into pieces in front of everyone. 
Bruce wondered what people would say in the news. What they were going to say about his newly assumed partner? Hopefully, nothing bad. 
“Come on.’’ Bruce smiled, grabbing your hand and leading you into the building. Walking through those doors felt like heaven. There was AC and no paparazzi to blind you. Your eyes wandered around the building. It shaped the ceiling like a dome, they painted art all over it. Art was, well, everywhere. It was beautiful. 
Bruce tapped your shoulder, your eyes scanned to him. “Do you want to get food?”
“Is that even a question?” You giggled before grabbing his hand and making your way through the crowd. You set your eyes on the large table of gourmet food, making your way there, hand in hand with Bruce.
A deep voice ran through your ears as he approached you. “Mr. Wayne! It is wonderful to see you again.
A larger older man came up to the two of you, patting Bruce roughly on the shoulder. They started a conversation about Wayne enterprise. The man babbled quickly to Bruce about how much more he could do and told him to stop being a hermit in his tower. Something you had no opinion on since you weren’t very interested in politics. 
“And who is this? Your date for the night?’ his gaze was now directed at you.
“This is my partner during the night. We were just going to drink.” Bruce forced out a friendly smile before cutting off the conversation and pulling you away from the man. You weren’t opposed.
“Finally.” Bruce released a breath as he grabbed a drink from the bar. “Do you want one?”
“No, thank you. I didn’t know you drank.”
“I don’t.”
You scoffed as the man chugged down the drink. “Hypocrite,” you stated jokingly. Grabbing some weird expensive bread and fancy cheese and shoving it into your mouth.
The ambiance of the entire place felt like a fever dream to you. You watched as they talked to each other. It was something you’d only see on some reality television show. Bruce didn’t like it. He felt the judging eyes of all the other politicians or high-profile people that used to work with his father. Bruce tugged at his collar, feeling overwhelmed. 
“Do you want some fresh air?” he asked you, you nodded slowly, putting down the glass of water.
 Bruce grabbed your hand again, and every time it sparked something inside your stomach. He guided you through the crowd of rich people, making sure no one would knock into you or swoop you away from him. 
A wave of fresh air came across your body as you came outside. It was a wonderful garden, with bushes cut into shapes and lights everywhere, illuminating the dark night. The echo of your shoes clacking onto the pavement filled your ears, Bruce’s hand was still wrapped around yours. You giggled at each other as you traveled to the patio.
Sitting down under the roof, fairy lights hung all the way around. Bruce was slightly tipsy, you could tell from his eyes. You two took in the fresh air and make jokes about all the people in there, laughing with each other like longtime friends.
“seriously Bruce, what is up with rich people and tiny dogs and free stuff?” giggling together, reminiscing about the old lady that shoved a bunch of bread in her purse when she thought no one was looking.
“I honestly don’t know.” bruce replied 
“are you going to get a tiny white rat dog and name it something like prissy?” you playfully pushed bruce's chest.
bruce was looking at you, into your eyes lovingly. taking in this moment of seeing your hair messy from the light breeze and the golden lights reflecting off your eyes. “you are so beautiful, I hope you know that.”
Your face cheeks flushed with pink, goosebumps ran over your thighs. All you could do is laugh off the compliment.“I don’t know about that Brucey.” 
you averted eye contact and held your head low. embarrassment taking over your body.
“I mean it.” bruce brought his hand up to your chin, pulling your head up to look at him. “you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
“no, no, I’m sure you’ve met many men and women that surpass my lo—“
bruce closed the gap between you two, crashing his lips onto yours just to get you to shut up and accept the facts he was telling you. you didn’t know how to act besides just complying, kissing bruce back. your lips moved in motion with bruce’s, put together like a perfect puzzle piece. the sparks you felt inside you had now felt like fireworks, and bruce was the match that ignited it.
slowly, bruce pulled away. his hands cupped your face and your hand was placed on bruce’s shoulders and neck. it felt like a burning sensation to bruce, one he enjoyed, something he would get addicted too soon enough. catching his breath, he looked into your eyes, taking in the moment and feeling the atmosphere around him. he had to remember this.
“bruce,” you called out his name, was all you could mutter out at this moment.
“do you believe me?” 
you nodded.
silence filled the air for a few moments, letting your emotions and heartbeat settle. bruce looked at you like you were the entire ocean and sky combined. like you were everything.
“I think I'm in love with you.” bruce broke the silence. confessing what he had been debating in his head the entire day.
“I think I am too.”
bruce felt full at this moment, this was something he wasn’t going to regret.
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heart-cream · 2 years
head-cannons for obey me where mc likes to wander off to see something they like without telling anyone ? you can choose the character/s !
Sure♡ I'll do Lucifer,mammon,beel !♡
God damnit mc
Came into your room around 4am just to find you missing.
'Where is mc?' Is his first thought
Then he sends out his brothers and himself to look for you in the devildom
Only to find you at the starsnartch cliff known for its lovely stars and also found over 2 dozen demons around you like a fan club!!!
Grabbed you and teleported home before the demons could reach to take you back.
Let's just say you have now an extra lock on your door.
You still escaped through the window tho 🤷‍♀️
Came into your room bc of him overthinking your death again and wanted comfort but he'd never admit that
So let me tell youuuuu he was scared af when he went into your room at 4 am only to find you missing.
He ran around the whole house searching for you.
He finally ran out of the house and went searching for you
He found a place called their velvet hand. That he hadn't noticed before and saw you designing some clothing inside with a female demon squealing over hot cute and close you are
Ran inside and hugged you. Which made you almost stab the demon with the needle
After you explained that you cant leave a client here he just sat on your desk and waited for you to be finished before taking you back home
"Next time ask the great mammon to take you! Your a weak lil human!"
Was awake and thought you might want some snacks since he hasn't seen you come down to eat breakfast. And it was 8 am
He went to your room and saw the window slightly opened
He immediately knew that he and you would be punished if lucifer ever found out about this.
So he set out to look for you.
It wasn't too hard since you always used this strong scented perfume /cologne.
He found you in the pool with a mermaid tail behind you. And some demons fawning over it.
He just kinda- sat down on one of the benches and waited till you finished with some snacks and finally once you got bored of the ridiculously big pool you got out and changed back into your human form
You walked back home with your mouths full of snacks.
Now how did you escape barbatos??,,,
You weren't even sure yourself
When he did find out you are missing from your room early in the morning he was this close👌 to send out the entire devildom navy to look for you
Barbatos used his magic and found out you were in a club singing with glow in the dark decorations in your hair
Lowkey upset you didnt invite him :(
Just kinda- like beel sits down and starts throwing grim at your stage while cheering for you. You soon realized who was throwing well over 2 million Grimm on the stage🤷‍♀️
Anyways I got lazy on beels and diavolo's :p anyways first request on obey me
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miraeluc · 4 years
you have an eating disorder
prompt: “you never had issues with food - that is until your boyfriend makes a remark about your weight.”
pairing: katsuki bakugo x female! reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: MAJOR TW!! anorexia, there’s swearing
genre: fluff, angst 
NOTE: this is not proofread at all and it’s kinda short, i was struggling to finish it a lot, sorry :(
you were never one to pay special attention to your diet or anything
life is short, why spend it worrying about how your body looks?
food is food man, and you need it to live 
there was no fun in dieting either, it’s not like you were ever fat anyway - with daily training you were in shape!
sure there were thinner girls, but like i mentioned, you just liked enjoying food without having to worry about losing weight all the time 
your boyfriend, bakugo, just does not know how to express himself 
he’s not the type to really pay any mind to your figure, he finds you pretty anyway 
and its a plus anyway - whenever he feels full he can just push his plate towards you and you’ll gladly finish it for him 
that is until one day
you were sitting with the baku squad at lunch
mina was telling you about a new tiktok trend she had stumbled upon and found hilarious 
denki was currently fighting for his life against bakugo after saying his hair looked like he was just hit by an electricity quirk before he proceeded to zap him lightly 
kirishima was regretting all of his life decisions when he decided to try and help denki 
sero was just sat there,, recording it so he could show them just how stupid they looked afterwards
kirishima finally managed to pull said angry-boy away from kaminari 
you always said he’s like a little angry pomeranian when angry lol 
back to the plot omg i got carried away
after bakugo was calm enough to take his initial seat beside you, he was already too full and just overall not hungry
so he pushed his plate towards you 
“eat up, fatass.” he grumbled out
you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue
it was bakugo, what’d you expect lmao 
you looked down at the plate, suddenly feeling very not hungry anymore, instead pushing the plate away as you grabbed your bag to stand up
“actually, i’ll head up to my room, i feel a bit sick”
you immediately left after that, not seeing the confused glances the table exchanged, mina smacking bakugo’s head
you went to your room and laid down, not knowing why bakugo’s comment had made you feel upset
you never get upset when he makes dumb remarks!!
so why now!!
you realised it when you were stood in front of the mirror, shirt lifted, staring at your own body
you did gain some weight.
you were upset at yourself because you usually didn’t mind!!
you know weight fluctuates, you know the small amount of chub you have will eventually pack it’s little bags and leave again 
but it hurt because you wanted to be pretty for your boyfriend.
how could you be when he says you’re a fatass?
eventually, you ended up scrolling through your phone, looking at thin girls all day
you also looked up a few diets that worked very fast 
by the time bakugo was aggressively knocking at your door you had closed all of the pages you were previously looking at 
as soon as you swung the door open he strutted in, seating himself on your bed
“what was with you running off at lunch today?” he looked at you 
you were still stood at your door like.... mm ok i guess make yourself at home 
“huh? i told you, i felt a little sick.” you mumbled, closing the door again, it was getting late and you were not looking to be beheaded by aizawa
he scoffed “if you say so.” he laid down, kicking your blanket to the side
“i brought you some snacks - incase you got hungry..” he said, his face looking like >:( 
he didn’t get them because he knew you liked them and wanted to make you happy! not at all!!
he just didn’t want to put up with you being whiny
that’s for sure the reason 
you giggled, throwing yourself ontop of him - sounds of protest coming from him but he did wrap his arms around you 
“since when are you so nice, katsuki?!” you teased
lol wrong move 
in 0.01 seconds you were flipped over and held down as he started tickling you 
“i’m not nice!”
the next morning you left extra early to avoid getting breakfast with bakugo
he didn’t seem to be bothered by it, he also has days where he just doesn’t feel like eating early in the morning so 
it does start to bother him when that one day of skipping breakfast turned into every day
his google search bar is like 
‘why does my gf not eat’
‘do girls not eat breakfast’
but this bitch is also too scared to approach you at first because he doesnt want you to know he truly cares 
his ego is still too high for that 
but you know better
you know he cares but sometimes you don’t feel good enough for him
you can’t help but compare yourself to other girls at your school
you distance yourself unknowingly, lost in the counting calories and exercising every day
everyone but you notices that you’re literally spiraling 
you don’t notice that you look sick, skin paling and cheekbones getting more prominent every passing day 
you don’t notice the growing eyebags under your eyes 
all you notice is other pretty girls and how you want to look like them.
at first, your friends decide to give you some space, thinking that maybe you have to fix this within yourself and need space
and you do, but someone needs to snap you out of your little bubble 
that someone is bakugo 
so it goes like this 
during training, he noticed your legs being a little more wobbly than usual 
and he noticed that you were unfocused, not being able to dodge all of the enemies attacks 
but something inside of him snaps when aizawa has to stop the fight because you were not even fighting back anymore
before aizawa even arrived in front of you, your world went black and you collapsed
bakugo was so angry at your training enemy 
didn’t they fucking see your struggle?? 
did they really have to be stopped by their teacher??
would they even have stopped if it werent for aizawa?? 
probably not
but he didnt have time to go and yell at them because he was running towards you 
aizawa let him pick you up
“bring her to recovery girl.”
of course he did 
everyone watching was so shocked 
because bakugo didn’t let out a sound the entire time 
his face was pulled into a frown, as usual, but he wasn’t speaking- no, yelling
he showed past his classmates, walking towards recovery girl’s office
“ribbit, why was he so quiet?”
recovery girl was like ?!?!?! what the fuck happened when was the last time she ate
she had to give you a total parenteral nutrition
(that means nutrition/fluids are delivered into your body via a catheter placed in a vein of your body, usually lower arm)
when you woke up bakugo was sat next to the bed, reading the back of some medicine bottle he found there
when he noticed you awake he perked up a little, shoulders visibly relaxing
“what happened?” 
he narrowed his eyes, wondering for a second if you were serious 
“you’re starving yourself to near death, that’s what happened.”
you immediately grimaced
“did i pass out in front of everyone?”
“is that seriously what you’re worried about?!”
you remained quiet, looking away
“y/n, look at me.” he gently guided your head to face him
“i don’t know what drove you to do this to yourself, but i need you to stop. you’re going to die if you don’t stop. what idiot made you think you need to do this to yourself?! i’ll kill them!”
“you told me i was a fatass”
his jaw dropped
“you know i don’t mean when i insult you! i hide the fucking fact that i WANT you to eat by using insults! i’m so sorry..”
his voice went soft at the end
he truly felt so bad :(
he was the one that was supposed to protect you from others hurting you yet here he was, being the one that caused you to hink you weren’t worthy enough
“i know, but there’s so many much more prettier girls than me, i was afraid you’d lose feelings if i wasn’t thin enough.”
“are you kidding?! you’re the only one i have eyes for! all those other extra’s can fuck off, i don’t give a single shit about them!”
you were kinda tearing up
“do you promise?”
god, he felt so bad.
he sat on the edge of the bed, reluctantly pulling you in a hug 
“i promise”
from that day on he made sure to remind you to eat meals, even if it was just something small
he ripped everyone’s heads off if they made a comment about your eating habits and/or weight
and he made sure you were the only one he loved
the day he saw you collapse something broke inside of him
it opened his eyes that hiding his emotions from you wouldn’t help you in your relationship
so while he supported you to build your feelings of self-worth and eating habits, you helped him start to open up, teaching him that showing emotions wasn’t embarassing
no one else knew how soft he could get with you and it should stay that way
you had a long way to go but it was all worth it in the end
he was your little angry pomeranian <33
requests: open
read rules before requesting.
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falcqns · 3 years
Hi i was wondering if you do like a Chris Evans x reader like chris decided to pull a prank on the reader like hes being mean to her for a whole day like he got the reader her favorite food and when the reader ask why chris didnt get any chris just said hes not hungry and the reader is abt to eat when chris steal her food and said hes hungry and the reader was like “can i get one bite? I didnt eat anything today🥺” and chris said no and the reader was like please and chris still said no and the reader just get an apple and sit there and chris continue to be mean to the reader and the reader cried or something and chris apologizes and said it was a prank. Thank you if you end up doing my request 😩❤️
pairing: chris evans x wife!reader
warnings: angst!! fluff, mentions of divorce
a/n: hope you enjoy!!
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you had no idea what you had done.
your husband had seemed happy last night, but when he woke up, he seemed to be a completely different person.
he had barely said two words to you the entire day, and when he did talk to you, he was short and snappy. he didn’t smile at you, he didn’t give any affection. no kisses, no hugs, nothing.
you’d thought originally that he was just having an off day. and while it doesn’t excuse his behaviour, it would explain it. but, Scott called him just after lunch, and he seemed to be his normal happy self.
you had selfishly thought he was back to normal, but then he muted himself and snapped at you when you asked if he wanted to come on Dodgers walk with you.
when you got home from the walk with Dodger, he was gone. he didn’t even leave a note, he just left.
you knew he wouldn’t do that for no reason, you had abandonment issues from a previous relationship so he knew better than to do something like that. you’d tried calling and texting him, but he didn’t answer. you tried to track his phone, but he turned off the location. he didn’t even leave a note.
you’d just got off the phone with Lisa, who had no idea where her son was either, when Chris walked through the door with your favourite food.
you smiled, thinking everything was fine now, and went to eat your first meal of the day.
he gave you the food, and when you asked if he wanted any, he said no, and walked away, but just as you went to open the bag, he walked back into the kitchen and took his, saying that he changed his mind.
he walked into the living room with it, leaving you standing in the kitchen with tears welling up in your eyes. you willed them away, and once they were gone, went to ask Chris if you could have some.
he said no. you were even more confused. why was he being so mean? you asked again, and explained that you hadn’t eaten anything all day, and he said that that was your fault, and he was hungry.
you sighed, and walked to the kitchen. you grabbed an apple, washed it, and headed to the bedroom. you’d barely made it through the doors, when your tears came back full force, and you sunk to the ground with your apple in one hand.
you sat there, eating your apple, and crying. once the apple was gone, you’d realized that you shouldn’t put up with his bitchy attitude. he was being so nice to everyone, except you, and you had no idea why. if you had done something, why didn’t he just tell you?
you disposed of the apple core, and grabbed your gym duffel out of the closet. you threw your toiletries, electronics, and a few sets of outfits inside before zipping it up.
you slung it over your shoulder, and headed down the hallway.
as soon as you passed the living room, Chris spoke up.
“where are you going?” he asked, and you turned to face him.
“away. i don’t know for how long, but yeah.”
his brow furrowed. “why?”
you scoffed. “why? you’re really asking me why?” you asked, and Chris nodded, still confused. “you’ve been mean to me all day! what have i done to you? you’ve been short and snappy with me, but have been nice to Scott and your mom. you brought home my favourite food, and then ate it in front of me when i haven’t eaten anything because i’ve been wondering what the hell i did wrong to make you so pissed off! so i’m leaving! i’m done with it! i’m not having a repeat of my last relationship!” you exclaimed, and walked out of the house, your husband trialing behind you.
“baby, it was a prank,” he explained, a smile on his face. you flipped around to face him.
you threw your bag in the car and walked around to the other side. you got in and turned it on. Chris grabbed the door handle.
“baby, c’mon. i’m sorry. it was a bad prank, and i shouldn’t have done it. just don’t do this. don’t leave. i need you.” he begged, tears rimming his blue eyes. at least he knows what he did was wrong, you thought.
“Chris. let go of my door. i’m leaving and that’s that. now maybe you’ll know how i felt for 6 hours today when you were gone.” you said and pulled out of the driveway, forcing Chris to let go of the handle.
you pulled onto the street, and glanced back at Chris, who was watching in disbelief as his wife drove away.
you pulled into your favourite restaurant, and ordered the food that was so harshly ripped from you earlier, before parking in a school parking lot to eat. you looked back at your bag, and thought about your options.
you knew you weren’t overreacting, but you couldn’t live without Chris. you were putting your debit card back into your wallet, when you saw one of Chris’s credit cards.
he told you that you needed it, in case you got stranded somewhere, and needed money. he made more money than you did, so it made sense for you to have it. you’d never used it, but there was a good $2000-$3000 on it, and it was only 3pm on a Saturday, so all the malls were still open.
you sighed, and pulled into the lane that would lead to the nearest mall.
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by the time you made it home, it was 9 pm. you walked in the house with the bag you packed, as well as numerous shopping bags. Chris wasn’t on the ground floor of your shared home, and you could hear him talking to his mom in your bedroom, so you made a beeline to the guest room.
you stayed in there the remainder of the night, not answering the door when Chris realized you were home and had barricaded yourself inside the room.
you heard him take Dodger out for another walk, and you decided you shouldn’t have to sleep on the guest room bed, and decided to switch rooms.
you locked yourself in your room, but left your bags in the guest room. you got ready for bed, and had just shut the light off when he knocked on the door, begging you to let him in, which you didn’t.
after about 10 minutes, he gave up on getting you to talk to him, and resigned to sleeping in the guest room for the night.
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when you woke up the next morning, you were on a mission.
the shopping had really cleared your head yesterday, and you knew just what you had to do.
you marched down the stairs to where Chris was making you breakfast, and cleared your throat.
he turned around and was about to walk to you when you held out a hand to stop him before you spoke.
“i want a divorce.” you said simply, and watched as all the colour drained from Chris’s face.
“w-what?” he stuttered, and you repeated your sentence.
“i said i want a divorce.”
Chris dropped the spatula as tears rimmed his eyes.
“please don’t do this. i’m sorry for what i did. i shouldn’t have pranked you like that. i thought you’d figure it out, or you’d find it funny after. i-i wasn’t thinking. i’m sorry. please don’t leave me. i cant live without you.” He begged, his tears spilling over.
you shook your head. “there’s nothing that you can say that will stop this from happening. you crossed a line. i’ve put up with a lot of your pranks, but i won’t put up with this one. it was wrong, and it shouldn’t have happened. i don’t want to be with someone who thinks it’s okay to treat me like that.” you stated. you pulled your wallet out of your pocket, and grabbed his card out. “here’s your credit card. we’re done.” you said, and walked away, leaving Chris dumbfounded in the kitchen.
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Chris hadn’t moved from the spot you left him in.
you wanted a divorce?
he thought you’d never say something like that, but then again, he crossed a major line yesterday. he thought you’d find it funny, but apparently you didn’t.
he eventually sunk to the floor, and remained there, until you entered the kitchen again. he looked up to you, trying to convey all the pain and misery he was feeling at the idea of you leaving him, and was shocked to see a smile on your face.
you crouched to his level, and giggled.
“now you know what it’s like to be pranked like that.” you said simply.
it took Chris a second to realize what that meant, but when he did, he threw himself into your arms, and sobbed in relief.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
child reader (Pt.4)
tommy x child!reader || whys he here??
someone comes to the tundra to fight the blade (also some cute fluff)
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4 pt5
this took so long lmao, part 5 coming soon
This story will diverge from the cannon. Since i cant remember it well im just gonna do my own thing.
The three of them, techno tommy and little (y/n), lived together peacefully for a bit. Techno and tommy would occasionally spar and commit minor terrorism, while (y/n) got to play with tommy and uncle techno. 
(y/n) has grown a bit sense they had arrived there, being a happy kid like they should be.
On calm nights, techno would read to the little kid, stories of gods who ruled over the lands. Stories of himself in his times of adventure. They enjoyed all his stories, for they held a sort of unreachable curiosity that they loved oh so much.
“Im not reading you a story.” techno says. Sitting in his usual arm chair. He had come back from the nether not long before, just wanting to rest after a long day of fighting withers. He didnt expect the kid to want to hang out with him. “Pwease uncle tech!” they said. He shook his head. “I said no.” (y/n) huffed, getting off the arm of the chair, walking to the pile of books that stood in the coroner of the room. 
They looked through it, trying to find the one they wanted. Once they did, they let out a happy ‘aha!’ and stumbled to the grumpy piglin, book in hand. “This one this one! Pleaaaase!!” they said. Showing techno the book. He examined it, realizing that it was the story about himself that philza had given to him as a joke gift. His eyes widened. ‘Why would the brat wanna read about me?’ he pondered. He just sighed, gently grabbing the book from the small hands it was being held in. “Fine, fine, I'll read you the story.” 
(y/n) smiled, climbing up to sit on the piglins lap, wanting to try and read the book along with him. He huffed, not really agreeing to them sitting on him. None the less he opened the book, reading the unfinished tale to the child sitting before him.
“Once centuries ago, there was a young lad cursed to hear ungodly voices…”
Those were nights (y/n) enjoyed the most. They couldn't read, but having techno read to them was much better than reading a book all alone.
On most days Tommy would play with (y/n) outside. Neither of them got bored of the snow, being used to the sunny weather that was logstedshire. It was a nice change of pace that (y/n) enjoyed. 
The two of them usually had snow ball fights, or tried to build towers and mini houses out of the snow. Tommy would build them snowmen, ones that looked like the people they knew. Others were sometimes ones they hadn't seen before, that Tommy would tell stories of when they would go to bed.
“Papa look!” tommy turned to his kid, who was happily standing next to a snow version of himself. It was small and barely looked like himself, but he easily recognized it. He came up to the small child, picking them up happily. “That's me!? It's amazing little (f/i)! You did so well!!” he said, ruffling the young ones hair. They giggled at the action. 
“Wanna see mine?” (y/n) nodded. He walked over to the snowman he had built, showing them to his kid.
They looked familiar, (y/n) thought. These were the people in the storys (y/n) was told, the man with words of wisdom and guitar playing skills that calmed every citizen, who had tragically died in their last battle. The boy who was by papas side, who loved bees and everyone he knew. The young baker who had a kind heart and a smile that could put anyone at ease. Jack manifold.
Tommy spemnt a very long time creating this, purely so he could show (y/n) his old friends at least once. “Whos that one??” (y/n) asked, pointing to the the fox looking one, standing tall next to the leader, wilbur. “That's fundy. He didn't do much in the war, but he was an amazing fighter, and also a furry.`` Tommy replied, setting the child down. They ran up to the snowman. “Furry furry furry!!” they chanted, making the young boy laugh. “Yes furry!”
Most days now were spent with all three of them playing games inside till the late hours. After (y/n) had gotten sick from being outside so much, Tommy decided to just stay inside the warm cabin. They would bug techno alot, but he enjoyed the company some days. It was better than staying inside alone with an enderman who didn't really like him.
Today however, was different. For they had an unexpecting visitor who was very friendly. 
Techno was making breakfast, as usual. He had learned that if he didnt, neither of the innits would eat till dinner when their bodys couldn't handle it anymore. It wasn't good for a young baby like that. Not that techno cared tho.
He was putting the dirty pots and pans in the sink, knowing he'd try and force Tommy to do it later. He started to put the food onto plates when he heard shouting coming from outside. "TECHNOBLADE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!" 
Techno stops for a second. No one could possibly have the balls to fight him, let alone twice. Technoblade put the stuff in his hands down, walking over to the window to try and see who was out there. As he thought, it was none other than Quackity trying to pick a fight with him once more. 
"I CAN SEE YOU PIGMAN! COME OUT HERE AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!" The duck man was actually prepared this time, with enchanted netherite armor and an axe to go with it. It seemed he upped his game sense last time. 
Techno chuckled, going upstairs to grab his things real fast. There's no way someone can try and beat technoblade like that. He came back down to see Quackity opening his door. "Heh!? Why are you inside my house!?" Quackity stood there, axe gripped tightly. Techno reached the floor, grabbing his sword. "Why can't I be in your house techno? Hiding something?" 
Ah shit he's onto us
Kill him
Haha he looks funny
Techno shook his head. "Just thought you'd play fair duck man. That's what you government people love to try and do." Quackity stepped forward. "Why would I play fair with the man whos supposed to be dead? This has been a long time coming," Quackity readied his axe, "get ready blade, cause i'm finally killing you." Techno readied his sword as well. "I'd like to see you try." 
Just as they said this, someone came up from the floorboards. "*yawn* techno are you done with breakfast yet- HOLY FUCK QUACKITY!?" a tired Tommy says, holding a nearly sleeping (y/n). The two men turn to Tommy, seeing him and his child. "Oh? So this is what you were hiding. Haven't seen you sense the exile!" Quackity says, getting closer. Tommy got up from the ladder, shrinking behind technoblade, trying to protect his kid. 
"What are you doing here big q?" Tommy says, hiding his kid. “I could ask you the same thing. What's that you've got there? Technos kid or something?” 
“Well no-” “quackity leave them alone.” techno cuts off tommy, moving more so in front of him. He cant let the baby die, he knows phil would pumble him if he does. “This is between you and me quackity. Leave them alone.” quackity shook his head, pointing his axe at tommy. “Anyone alined with you is an enemy of mine. Even if he's an old friend.” quackity lunged at techno, who blocked the attack swiftly. Quackity tried to get around the man, so he could grab the child from tommys arms. (y/n) was now awake however, and they weren't very happy.
“Papa?” they ask, realizing there was an axe lunging towards them. Quackity got around the blade, and was already trying to get to them. Tommy noticed the axe coming their way, completely ready to take the hit for his kid. 
Techno blocked the attack however. “Tommy get them to safety! I can handle this.” tommy nodded, running as quackity and techno dueld. Wuackity tried to run after tommy, but techno blocked him. “Not interesting enough for you q?” he smirks, swinging his sword at the duck man. Quackity blocks, scolding. “You're really full of yourself aren't you?”
Tommy ran outside, running to the only place he knew big q wouldn't find them, (y/n)s old hut. He ran and ran for so long, it had reached past mid day when he reached the small home he had made so many months prier. He sighed, closing the door behind him. (y/n) had long since woken up, and was very agitated. They had not eaten yet and it's been hours. “Shit shit sorry (y/n).'' Tommy says, laying the child in their old bed. He looked around the old home for anything he had left behind. He found some stuff, but he still had to go out to get food. 
When he was done, he quickly fed the crying child. “I'm sorry kiddo, I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think quackity would wanna harm you. Sh shhh im sorry.” he picks up the crying child, kinda like how they first met. A crying (y/n) and a terrified tommy. 
“Pappa- '' Tommy cuts them off, shushing them. “Just rest, Just rest…” the kid nodded, calming down slightly.
The two of them stayed like that till the sun rose the next day.
The next day Tommy got a message on his communicator by techno. Apparently quackity had won the fight, having threatened to chase after them and kill them. Techno begrudgingly went to get executed a second time. Thankfully he lived however, thanks to ranboo and tubbo stopping it. The two of them were currently at the blades house. 
Tommy didnt wanna deal with seeing tubbo, but he knew he couldn't stay out here for more than an hour. He sighed. “Hey (y/n), how would you like it if you might get to meet new friends?” (y/n) looked at him, smiling. “Yeah new friends!!” he smiled, picking up the excited child. “Let's go back to uncle technos!” “uncle techy!!!” Tommy and (y/n) laughed. Tommy got ready and left for the tundra.
Hopefully tubbo wouldn't be there when he got there.
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worminstuff · 4 years
tbott blurb
techno and y/n babysit tommy, and his new friend tubbo:)
no warnings:)
Techno blinked lazily as he chewed on a piece of toast. y/n had only woken him up about ten minutes ago, and he regrets not staying in bed. Currently, Tommy was standing next to the Technos chair tugging at the bottom of his shirt trying to get his attention. It was far too early to interact with Tommy, so techno was ignoring him.
“Techno he's about to cry.'' Phil said with a slight laugh. He wasn't wrong. Tommy was indeed about to cry.
Techno sighed and looked down at Tommy, “what.”
“I'm gonna have a friend today!” Tommy said excitedly. Suddenly no trace of incoming tears on his expression. Technos brows furrowed and he looked over his shoulder at his father and best friend stood in the kitchen.
“See it was pointless, now I'm just confused.” he said annoyed.Y/n and Phil laughed.
“Or you could ask him what he means?” Y/n said.
Techno sighed again, “what ever could you mean by that thomas.” Techno said sarcastically to his baby brother.
Tommy looked at him slightly confused for a moment.
“Techno..” Phil said, mock disappointment in his tone. “My friend Sam needed help with something today, so he's gonna bring his son over, and i was going to ask y/n to babysit, because Wills out with friends.” he looked to Y/n.
“Sure! Sounds fun.” Y/n said with a soft smile.
Tommy grinned excitedly, he hadn't met sam's son yet, but he was excited anyways.
“Is he the same age as tommy?” Y/n asked Phil.
“A bit older I think, Sam said he's quite shy but he's really well behaved.” he passed her a coffee he'd just made. She nodded and thanked him.
Phil was really glad to have her around so much lately.
Techno looked at Y/n fondly as she made her way over to sit next to him. Tommy climbed into a seat across from her so he could tell her all of the exciting plans he had for the day that he'd thought of moments before.
As techno tuned out the baby babble from Tommy, he stared at his best friend for a bit.
“Are you gonna stick around?” she asked him, snapping him out of his daze.
“Hm?” he asked, not fully hearing the context of the question.
“When sam's son comes.” she said with airy laugh, realizing he wasn't listening whatsoever.
“Oh. Do you want me to?” he usually doesn't even stay around when she's watching only Tommy, so she excitedly nodded. He shrugged, “then I will.”
Y/n was even more excited now.
Y/n listened to Tommy for a little while longer before the doorbell rang and Phil walked quickly from the kitchen to open it.
When he opened the door, Phil embraced him momentarily and they shared some hellos and how are yous before Phil turned and pointed Y/n out.
“Thats Y/n! She watches Tommy all the time and she's amazing at it.” he smiled proudly.Y/n stood and made her way over to shake Sam's hand, “hello!”
“And that one sat at the table” he pointed to Techno who looked over at them, “is one of my other sons.” Techno gave a small wave.
“Does Y/n babysit that one too?” sam joked. Phil and y/n both laughed softly,
“I would say so.” phil said.
Techno glared and Y/n laughed.
“Alright then! We should be off!” Phil said.
“Right! Y/n this is Tubbo, his name is Toby but that's his nickname, he likes it better. He's a bit shy but i'm sure he won't cause any trouble at all.'' Sam patted the shoulder of the dark haired boy by his side.
Tubbo waved up at her shyly, and she offered him a sweet smile and a wave back.
Over at the table, Tommy was practically vibrating in excitement.
Sam nudged Tubbo inside after giving him a hug and a sweet goodbye, so Phil and him could be on their way.
Once the front door was closed, Y/n clasped her hands together.
“Alright! Have you had breakfast yet?” Y/n asked, looking at the small boy in front of her. He shook his head and she nodded.
She pointed to the table tommy and techno were at and told him he could take a seat so she could get started on breakfast for him and tommy.
Once he was seated at the table, Tommy finally decided it was his time to introduce himself.
“Hello! I am Tommy, I like dirt, disks and I like fire. Were best friends now.” he said proudly.
Tubbo stared at him a moment before smiling and nodding.
Techno stared at the pair, almost laughing.
Tubbo caught technos glance, and stared back at him for a moment,
“You have a metal booger.” he said matter of factly.
Y/n snorted a laugh from the kitchen and Techno scoffed looking over his shoulder, “Don't laugh at that!”
“It's the first thing he's said while he's been here!” Y/n said with a snort
“It's a nose ring.” he said, looking at tubbo, resting his arm on the table. Tubbo nodded and Tommy ignored the conversation and started to tell Tubbo his entire plan for the day.
Techno sighed and stood, walking to the kitchen. He walked behind Y/n and rested his chin on her shoulder.
“Can you make me breakfast?” he mumbled.
“Didn't you just eat?” she said.
“...yes,” he said.
“Then no.” y/n laughed techno pouted and she swated her hand at him, he laughed and picked his head up. “Go check on the boys for me?” Y/n asked him sweetly.
He didn't want to, but he did anyway. As he walked back to the dining room, he stood dumbfounded.
Tommy and tubbo, and all of the chairs that were at the table, were gone.
He looked at the living room, and there they were. They had somehow, silently, moved all the chairs to the living room and were attempting to make a fort.
He made his way over to the couch quietly, and crossed his arms.
“This is all wrong Tommy, have I taught you nothing?” he said, a small smile on his face.
Tommy and Tubbo looked up abruptly, startled after not noticing him come in.
Tommy pouted and tubbo smiled innocently.
“Here, let me help.” Techno made his way into the middle of the living room with the smaller boys and started grabbing the couch cushions to set across the tops of the chairs to create a little cubby underneath. The boys watched in wonder. “Okay now we need blankets and-”
“Pillows?” Y/n cut techno off as she stood in behind the couch, a large smile on her face and a hand on her hip.
He looked at her for a moment. And then laughed softly. “Yeah.” he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
On the other side of the fort, Tubbo looked at Tommy, “are they boyfriend and girlfriend?” he whispered.
Tommy looked at him, appalled. “Ew no that's yucky.” he made a disgusted face and tubbo giggled.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the three boys, and turned on her heel, “How about we finish the fort after breakfast?”
The boys nodded excitedly and raced back to the table.
Techno shook his head as he followed behind the boys with a small blush on his cheeks.
He sat down at the table with them even though he wasn't eating.
Y/n placed two plates of cut up waffles in front of tommy and tubbo, and took a seat next to techno across from them.
Subtly, Techno tugged her chair closer to his and she blushed softly.
Tommy and Tubbo were talking about their fort, and techno was listening.
Y/n smiled fondly, Techno claimed he hated kids but he was so good with them. Y/n watched as tubbo reached over at techno, probably trying to grab his nose ring, and Techno laughed and swatted at his hand. Y/n stood, silently going down the hallway to Techno’s and Tommy's bedrooms to gather blankets and pillows.
While she dropped a pile of blankets onto the couch and some pillows next to it, Techno was helping the boys take care of their dirty plates.
The boys ran out of the kitchen to the dining room, excited to get back to their fort. Techno followed smiling happily, grinning even more when he saw y/n.
“Dad texted me saying he and Sam will be back in a bit. Not for the whole day, just to grab some things.” he said, standing next to her. She nodded.
They both watched as Tommy told Tubbo where to place things.
They were currently pretending they were starting a country for themselves.
Y/n bumped technos side, “Thought you hated kids?”
Techno shrugged and smiled at her, “It's nice to see Tommy with someone of his..chaotic level.”
Y/n placed her hands on her upper arms as goosebumps started to raise on her arms. Techno noticed, “Is that sweatshirt you keep here still in my room?” he asked.
Y/n was looking at Tubbo as he crawled out from under the fort, giggling wildly as Tommy chased behind him.
“No, I brought that home to wash and I didnt bring it back.” she said, smiling at the boys in front of them.
Techno nodded and wordlessly disappeared down the hallway, Y/n glanced towards him for a moment before looking back to tommy and tubbo.
Her eyes widened as she watched Tommy drag Tubbo back under the fort by his feet, she would've been more worried but Tubbo was still laughing loudly clearly having fun. She laughed to herself as techno came back down the hallway, a red sweatshirt in his hands.
y/n raised her eyebrows, very surprised. “Seriously?”
Techno shrugged. “Aren't you cold?”
“Well yeah but-” she paused. “Nevermind. Thank you.” she grabbed it out of his hands before he could change his mind.
Y/n pulled it over her head.
Just as she was about to join the boys when suddenly, she heard gasps.
Both boys quickly fumbled out of the fort and down the hall to Tommy's room, Tubbo running after Tommy.
Confused, Y/n and techno stood for a second before Y/n heard techno sniff the air.
“Why does it smell like fire?” he asked nervously.
“Fire? What-” Y/n was thoroughly confused.
With sudden realization Techno quickly made his way around the couch looking into the fort, and only a tad bit surprisingly, one of the blankets inside were on fire.
His eyes widened and he quickly ran to the kitchen to get under the sink,
“What are you-”
Just before she could finish her sentence, the front door opened with Sam and Phil standing on the front steps, just in time to watch Techno run back into the living room to extinguish the fort with the fire extinguisher.
Sam's eyes went wide.
Once Techno had successfully extinguished the fire, he stood up straight, looking to his father.
“Hi..dad..” he said sheepishly.
“Where are Tommy and Tubbo?” Phil asked, trying to keep calm.
“They ran to Tommy's room” y/n said softly.
Sam visibly relaxed.
Phil was silent for a moment. Almost speechless.
“How!?” Phil yelled.
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milqueandsugar · 3 years
hiya love idk your policies on writing c! ranboo stuff but i was hoping you'd write about their S/O (romantic or platonic whatever your comfortable with) helping them with their memory loss. whether it be reminding him of small task, keeping his memory book up to date and accurate or helping him fill the gaps in is memory. that would be awesome thanks!
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready 🏵
Warnings: Memory loss
Genre: angst
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| Sleepover |
You and Tubbo had always gotten along, albeit not nearly as close as he and Tommy were, it wasn't uncommon for you to go on little errands now and then. So when Tubbo and Ramboo got married you got used to seeing the enderman hybrid around, it wasn't long until you were actively seeking the man out, bow after about six months you're the closest friends with the hybrid, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
It had become a habit of yours to baby sit Michael, Ranboo had lots to deal and so did Tuboo, you had all the time in the world, so they often stuck the little man on you. Tonight was no different.
However the evening soon turned to dusk, and the boys were supposed to arrive hours ago. You had begun to worry and it was clear michael had too. "Dada" the toddler murmured, his tail wagging violently as he reached helplessly for your door knob. You were quick to sweep the boy into your arms. "I'm sorry little guy, they're not back yet, I cant let you go out all on you're own" you sigh, holding the child close as tears welled in his eyes. "I'm sure they'll be back soon, if I'm being honest, they might have stopped to gotten some ice cream for you." A cheer escaped the young piglin as he wriggled out of your grasp. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up then huh? Dont want dirty hooves when you're eating your ice cream!"
Neither one of them had come to pick up Michael that night, and as you held the boys body closer to yours, fear began to set into your mind.
Not a moment of sleep was spent that night, the only thing you could muster was to stare, to stare and thing of something other then Ranboo and Tubboo. To hope they were okay and this was one big misunderstanding. But as evening creeped to dusk the sun continued to move, and with it came the morning light.
Sneaking out of the bed that morning you had begun on a sugary breakfast, french toast with extra sugar, to pull the boys mind from his missing parents. You were only whisking the eggs together when your front door burst open, and in came a terrified and guilty looking Ranboo. You had to bite back a few curses and other more harsh words as you set the bowl down.
"You forgot"
"I-I didnt mean too" Ranboo gasped for air, having clearly run here from his own home. "He was terrified! Ranboo you have to-" "I CANT JUST REMEMBER Y/N" he snapped, his lips curling back into a slight snarl before he quickly shut his mouth, "you know that.." he continued, far quieter then his previous outburst.
Both of your attentions snapped towards the piglin, who was wrapped in your bed sheets. "Boo! Boo!" The toddler cheered, tripping over his own feet to reach the ender man. A pained smile made it's way to ranboo's face as he scooped up the toddler, holding him close to his chest.
"Hey, michael" he murmured, nuzzling into the toddler's hands who grabbed at his face. "Did you have a good time at y/n's?" He hummed, his once tense posture practically melting at the touch of the child. The piglins ears excitedly flopped with each nod of his head, turning to give you a big smile and wave good bye.
"Ranboo before you go," you start pulling a note book from your inventory. "Try not to forget next time" you sigh, handing the man the book which he took with delicate hands. "Thank you, for, a lot.. thanks" ranboo stammered through his words, his eyes never meeting your own.
"Anytime, 'boo"
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angsty-omi · 4 years
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bokuto body shaming you
kotaro bokuto x reader
angst, fluff! happy ending, drabble
before you continue to read, please be aware of the following:
tw: eating disorder, eating, food, fatphobia, insecurity, bullying, and uh using the bathroom. LOL. i wrote this at 2 am because i couldn’t sleep. bear with me.
japan’s (and most of asia’s) beauty standards consists of a girl being size 00. obviously it is highly unfair and fatphobic. however, asian girls grow up to these same standards. therefore, when y/n is hurt over the fact that they called her fat, she gets offended. this is fiction and please remember your body is beautiful no matter what size!
now that you have read the precautions, enjoy!
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today was super stressful, you missed breakfast because of work, clients took up your lunch time by feuding with their now divorced husbands, and you obviously couldn’t eat in the courtroom. you controlled the rumbles of you stomach and couldn’t wait to unlock your burgundy door. as you got home from work, bokuto was already on the couch.
“hey babe” he nonchalantly said.
“hi bubby”
as you walked over to the fridge, it was empty. you cried in agony.
“oooooh sorry i ate all of the leftovers”
your current state, was hangry. it was a clash of words to represent your current emotion. you snuck two middle fingers behind his head.
“i saw that,” he said while still looking at his game footage.
not having food in your system for longer than a day really upset you. so much so, you busted in tears out of frustration.
“literally all the places are closed at this hour, when i get home all i wanted was to ingest something, but you ate it all!” you sobbed.
“y/n, you’re blowing this out of proportion,”
“but i’m not! work has been so hard on me that i didn’t even have the opportunity to eat.”
“surely you had some sort of break, are you sure you’re not starving yourself again?” he laughed to himself.
your face was in shock.
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in high school, you had an eating disorder. you hated the way you looked compared to the thin girls in your class. do you know how hard it is to be a size 4 in japan? thus, led to many insecurities being built up. while not eating, you also exercised quite frequently. and with no nutrients in you, your stomach salvaged itself. soon enough, you were on your road to being a size 2. however, one day you pushed yourself really hard. the girls in class A were talking about your rolls when you sit down. just the thought of that morning made you run faster. until you started to get light headed and pass out.
as you woke up, you were on a bench with a really attractive man at the end of it. you realized that your legs were on top of his lap. quickly, you sat upright, only to feel dizzy again.
“here take this,” the handsome man offered water.
you downed the whole thing, with water dripping out of your mouth. you then took your sleeve and wiped your mouth. for a good five seconds you were calm... until you realized how unladylike you were being. you looked over at the man and he was laughing. like, full on laughing.
“what’s so funny?”
“n-nothing it’s j-just the girls around here do the opposite of what you just did,” he barely spoke, not being able to contain his laughter.
“fine then i guess it’s time to tell you that i’m a dude”
the mans face went straight.
“god, i’m obviously kidding... what’s your name?”
“bokuto, yours?”
you both shook hands.
“now tell me y/n, as an athlete i know the main reasons of someone passing out like that.”
“are you anemic?” he asked.
you shook your head. then his face softened. oh, maybe he is smart.
out of nowhere, you started to tear up.
“are you okay?”
why do people ask that? when they ask that i cry even more.
he was a stranger, so you might aswell vent to him.
“it’s just been so hard keeping up with this body. you know how many times i just wanted to eat? like a fuck ton of food? but i literally couldn’t. i was hungry, yet when i looked at a fry it reminded me of my bullies. it fucking sucks.” you finally sobbed out. you were holding it in for so long, if felt kind of free to let it out. you looked over at bokuto, and he just listened intently. like he actually cared about your well-being.
“if i may, could i help you with that?” he got up the bench and lent out a hand.
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and the rest was history. so when you heard those words out of bokuto’s mouth you instantly cried even more.
“obviously i’m not fucking starving myself.” you sharply stated.
“yeah no trust me y/n it’s pretty obvious that you’re not.”
the room was silent. did he just imply that i was fat?
“wait y/n-”
“have fun sleeping on the fucking couch” you slammed your shared bedroom door.
while it was closed, you immediately took off all your clothing. as you were just in your underwear, you grabbed your stomach. the fact that you could grab a handful of it, made you insecure again. like you were in high school. after a minute, you physically couldn’t look at yourself anymore. once your head hit the pillow you drifted off to sleep. having sleep for dinner feels oddly familiar.
when you slammed your door, bokuto had guilt written all over his face. he didn’t even understand why he said that. was he uncomfortable of how good his life was? and if that was the case, why did he have to jeopardize it this way? he finally realized that the life he had yesterday ago was pure happiness. he respected your wishes into sleeping on the couch that night. but, the next day he was going to make it all up to you.
as the sun just started to shine, he woke purposefully woke up early. hitting the farmers market to buy new ingredients for breakfast. his thoughts consisted of “y/n will like this” and “y/n loves these.” then, when he got home, he started cooking. whilst flipping the pancakes, he made sure to add extra love to it. he stacked the cakes with fresh berries on top, and a dazzle of “syrup goodness,” he likes to say.
as he knocks on the door and turns the knob, you weren’t there. his heart immediately dropped. he put down your breakfast on the dresser and his knees fell. crying for you. praying that you would come back.
his loud sniffles bothered you while you were shitting.
you yelled from the connected bathroom of your master, “BABE WHY ARE YOU CRYING”
you hear loud pattering running up to the bathroom and the door slammed open.
“okay that’s enough i get it.” you frowned.
“bo, this would be more romantic... if i currently wasn’t taking a shit, could you let go of me?”
“no.” he said, with the same face used when you guys met and told him you were a dude.
after you finished your business, you hopped in the shower, and so did he. never in your life have you seen someone so excited to shampoo your hair. while the conditioner soaked, you turned around facing him.
“so, i’m really okay the way i am?” you faintly whispered.
he shut you up with a passionate kiss. clearly annoyed that you would say that. first it was on your lips, slowly down your nape, then to your stomach.
you blushed at the fact that he skipped your boobs. or so you thought. out of nowhere he grips your right one with force and says “hey if i feed you enough, could i possibly make these bigger?” he smirked.
you rolled your eyes and got out. you could hear bokuto solemnly whining in the background. you truly loved this man. with all your heart.
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I Don’t want to lose you
Pairings: Tanaka × Fem!reader
Warnings: none tiny bit of angst it you look really hard and some friendly cuddles
You sigh deeply as you flop onto one of your best friends bed.
“This sucks” you mumble
“What does?” Tanaka asked
“Being in love with someone who I’ll never feel the same” you said
“Oh this again” he said
“Yes this again” you said
This hasn’t been this first time you’ve had a conversation similar to this with your long time friend. He knows of the person you’re so in love with except of who they actually are. But little does he know you are actually meaning him. That you’ve been in love with him for a while now.
“Why don’t you just confess and tell this person you love them?” He asked
“Its not that easy, this kind of confession can go one of two ways” you said
“Which are?” He asked
“One they feel the same and have the same feelings” you said “or two they dont, they completely reject my feelings and they now feel guilty or it ruins the current standing friendship”
“I didnt think about it that way, if you have a current friendship with them that can make things different” he said
You sit up and sigh tearing your hand through your hair. And start getting up.
“Where you going?” He asked
“I’m not leaving the house, I’m just going to try and talk to Saeko” you said
“good luck” he said smiling a little as he turned on his TV
You walk out of his room and knock on Saekos door.
“Come in” she said
You walk in and immediately climb into her open arms and hug her
“What’s wrong?” She asked rubbing your back
“Hes so stupid” you mumble
“Ryu?” She asked
“Yes” you nod
“Well, hes an idiot, but I know you love him” she said “why dont you go out on a date with someone else?”
“Who?” You asked
“Why not with Sugawara?” She asked
“I mean hes cute, and very caring” you said
“I’ll call him, study date?” She asked
“Sure” you said a slight smile on your lips.
She pulls away and grabs her phone she had abandoned beside her when you walked in. She opened her phone and dialed his number.
“Hey Sugawara, its Saeko” she said you take her phone
“Hey Suag” you said
“Oh hey, what’s up?” He asked
“So I was wondering if you wanted to go to this really cute cafe by the school to have a study date, since midterm exams are coming up?” You asked
“Oh sure, I wouldn’t mind a study date with my favorite manager” he said “isnt that one the one with cats?”
“Yes it is I hope that’s not a issue” you said
“No not at all, tomorrow after school?” He asked
“What about practice?” You asked
“Oh didnt you get the text?” He asked
“What text? I’m in Saekos room I must have left it in the other room” you said
“Oh coach sent out a text we aren’t having practice because exams are coming up” he said
“Oh yes then tomorrow after school” you said
“Great, I’ll pick you up from your class” he said
“I’ll see you then, bye Suga” you said
“Bye” he said
You hang up and give Saeko her phone back. She hugged you tightly
“Yay I’m happy for you!” She yelled
“I’m surprised he said yes” you said
“Why?” She asked “you’re so freaking cute, sweet, and caring. Why wouldn’t he say yes?”
“I guess I should’ve known better than try to compete with Kiyoko for Ryu’s attention” you sighed deeply
“Stop that” she scolded you “my brother is an idiot for not noticing you like that, who know you going out with Suga tomorrow might make him notice you that way”
You shrugged a little bit and look at the time.
“Its getting late I should get home” you said
“You can stay if you want” she offered “go to school with Ryu?”
“Fine, I’ll go shower then, will you call my mom?” You asked
“Yeah grab some of my clothes to sleep in” she said
You nod and grab some of her clothes to sleep in, and walk out going to the bathroom. You close the door and undress after turning on the water for it to heat up. After getting in and doing your normal routine you get out and dry off and change. You walk out still drying your hair with a towel when you bump into Tanaka.
“Oh hey” you said
“Hey, you’re sleeping over?” He asked
“Yeah saeko offered” you said
“Nice” he said “wanna come watch me kick noyas ass at video games?”
“Sure why not” you said
You follow him back to his room and lay down on his bed as he sits on the floor with his back against the bed. You watch him for a bit before falling asleep on his bed.
“Did you see that?” He asked excited turning towards you when you didn’t respond. “Oh you’re asleep, Noya I’m getting off she fell asleep on my bed and I dont want to wake her”
He turned off his console and TV. He covered you up and left his room. The next morning you wake up and see you’re still in Tanakas room but hes no where to be seen. You get up and get ready for school putting on some tights since it’s a little chilly in the mornings.
“Morning” you said seeing tanaka
“Hey” he said
“Where did you sleep?” You asked
“Couch” he said
“You could’ve kicked me out of your bed” you said
“Its fine one night on the couch wont kill me” he said “besides you looked too peaceful to disrupt that”
“Oh” you said
You quickly eat breakfast and walk to school with Tanaka.
“Are you going to study with me and Noya tonight?” He asked
“Oh actually I have a study date with Suga” you said “so I’ll be studying with him”
He frowned for a moment “oh” he said nodding
“What?” You asked “it’s just Suga hes not going to do anything weird were just studying”
“Its nothing, I guess I’ve just gotten used to you studying with me and Noya” he said
“Oh, I’ll study with you guys later” you said
You keep walking when you see Suga waiting for you at the gate. You run ahead leaving Tanaka behind with Noya.
“Morning Suga” you said
“Good morning, coffee?” He asked handing you a cup
“You’re too sweet” you said taking it and taking a drink “how’d you know my favorite?”
“I might have asked Yachi” he said scratching the back of his neck “can I walk you to class?”
“Yeah I’d like that” you said smiling
You spend your day going through your classes and spent lunch with Suga, Daichi and Asahi. Enjoying your time spent with them. However not noticing that Tanaka was upset that you weren’t spending time with him.
As promised Suga showed up at your class to pick you up for your study date.
“Are you ready?” He asked smiling
“Yes” you said smiling back “bye Noya, bye Tanaka”
You got up and left walking with Suga. When you get to the cafe with him you get a table and sit side by side each taking up half the table going over your books and notes as you study. After a couple hours you decied to stop and lean back.
“You doing okay?” He asked
“Mhmm” you yawn as you stretch a little bit
“Break?” He asked
“Yeah” you said softly leaning forward laying your head on the table
He reaches over and starts rubbing your back “is this okay?” He asked
“Yes its okay” you said turning your head to look at him smiling slightly.
“Can I be so bold to try something else?” He asked
You nod a little bit sitting back up. He gently touches your cheek and kisses your lips lightly. You close your eyes and kiss him back. When suddenly theres a commotion outside and you turn to look out the window pulling away from the kiss but you don’t see anything.
“Did you see what happened?” You asked cheeks flushed from the kiss
“I thought I saw someone but I’m not too sure” he said
“Oh” you said
“How about i walk you home now?” He asked
You nod and you both start packing up your books and notes. You leave and walk with Suga.
“Thank you for studying with me” you said
“Of course, I should thank your for asking me” he said
“You live two houses down from Tanaka right?” He asked
“Yes why?” You ask and look and see Tanaka sitting on your front steps “oh”
“I’ll text you later” he said
“Okay thank you for everything today” you said
He smiled warmly and left going towards his house. You walk up your steps.
“Hey Tanaka” you said taking a seat beside him
“Are you and Suga dating now?” He asked
“No” you said “we just had our study date today”
“You had spent a lot of time with him today” tanaka pointed out
“Yes I did, he asked me this morning when he walked me to class where he asked me to figure out which subjects I needed his help with. And at lunch we talked about that and some volleyball stuff with Daichi and Asahi” you said
“I saw that he kissed you” he grumbled
Your eyes widened “you caused the commotion outside of the cafe, but I didn’t see you” you said
“I ran off after seeing it” he said
“Tanaka, be honest why are you upset that I spent the day with Suga instead of you?” You asked softly
“I didnt realize it until Noya pointed it out when you left to have lunch with him that I was jealous of Suga” he said “he was getting all of your time and attention, I didn’t like that”
“It was just one day” you said “you have my attention all the time”
“I only want you to pay attention to me” he said
You sighed a little bit and rub your face
“Tanaka what are you saying?” You asked “you’re mad I spent the day with Suga and he got a kiss? But you want me to pay attention to you?”
“Yes” he said
“Let me ask you something” you said “what about Kiyoko?”
“What about her?” He asked
“Nevermind” you said standing up and unlocking door
“Can I come in?” He asked
“Not tonight” you said “I have somethings to think about”
He nodded and kicked a rock as you watched him walk home. You go inside the house and go to your room. After a little while you get a phone call.
“Hello?” You answer
“How’d it go with Suga?” Saeko asked
You tell her what happened and about Tanaka sitting in front of your house.
“That explains him being grumpy when he came home” she said
“What do I do?” You asked
“Well, you’re not dating either of them” she said “but at the same time neither if them have asked you to be theirs”
“Yeah” you said
“Come over” she said
“Okay” you said “I’ll change and come over”
You hang up and get changed into a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. Then run out the house going to Tanakas house. You knock on the door and wait a few minutes before Tanaka opens the door.
“What are you doing here?” He asked
“I only asked Suga for the study date to make you jealous” you blurted out
“Make me jealous why?” He asked frowning
“How stupid are you Ryu?” Saeko asked “should I tell him?”
“I’ll do it” you said
“What are you talking about?” He asked
“God, I’m in love with an idiot” you mumble “I’m in love with you, I have since our first year”
“The guy I’ve listened to you whine about is me?” He asked
“I really like you more than friends but I don’t want to lose you” you said looking down
“Dont look down” he said tilting your up
You met his eyes and he leaned down kissing your lips his other hand going to your waist pulling you close. This kiss felt different than the one you shared with Suga. This one you felt his fiery passion you saw on the volleyball court when he played. He slowly pulled away. And pressed his forehead against yours.
“I have feelings for you too” he said “I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out. I dont want to lose you, will you please be mine?”
“Yes” you whispered nodding
He grinned and kissed your lips again. This time picking you up and having you wrap your legs around his waist as he took you to his room. Once in his room he laid you down and cuddled with you resting his head on your chest. And you run your hands over his shaved head and his back.
“I’m sorry it took me getting jealous and thinking I was going to lose you to realize how much I need you” he said
“You aren’t going to lose me” you said leaning down and kissing his head
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doyumacy · 4 years
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*gif not mine
PAIRING: donghyuck x reader bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of yuta. swearing, blood (gunshot to the head) guns, shooting, death of a character (not important), violence, angst, smut; unprotected sex, shower face.
The sun was shining through the window and the beige curtains gave the room a yellow hue. You slowly woke up to the feeling of a hand on your hip and a warm body against your back. Donghyuck. You put your right hand on his and casually caressed his fingers before lacing them together. Donghyuck responded by moving closer and snuggling his face into your neck. You could feel him smiling, and you could also feel something poking your ass.
"Again?" You whispered a bit hoarsely. Donghyuck chuckled and hummed and moved his arm around your torso and hugged you tightly. "How do you even have the energy to keep fucking me? You kept me awake until 4 am." You teased.
"I never heard you complain about it," he said kissing your neck. "In fact, I remember you screaming 'give me more, Hyuck!'"
You giggled and bit your lip. "Shower sex?"
"Your wish is my command," Donghyuck kissed you. He stood up and you smiled at him. He was all bare in front of you and he wasn't ashamed of it. "You like what you see?"
"Very," you winked at him and he chuckled.
"Come here, baby," he pulled your legs, lifting you up and walking towards the bathroom.
Streams of hot water washed the exhaustion off of your body from last night while Donghyuck massaged the stiffness of your neck away. You hummed in appreciation when he pulled you against his chest and lips took the place of his hands.
You turned to capture his lips in a kiss, soft at first as your arms wrapped around his neck. He groaned as you tugged on his wet hair, strong hands going around the back of your legs to pick you up.
You were pressed up against the tile-covered wall whilst the kiss deepened. Tongues dancing in harmony, tasting and exploring each other. Hot traces over your body sent your senses to overdrive; carnal needs long pushed away were resurfacing with every passing second.
He pushed his erection against your dripping core making you gasp. One hand found your bundle of nerves while the other held you up with ease.
He plunged two fingers inside while his thumb slowly circled your clit, making you whimper in pleasure. The cascading water subdued the sounds you were making.
“Donghyuck please.” You cried out, desperate to have him inside you.
"Someone is eager," Donghyuck teased you, biting your lip.
He removed his fingers and aligned himself to your entrance, equally eager to be one with you, he pushed in gradually making you shudder. He remained still for a while, cherishing the feeling. "I guess I didn't fuck you enough last night. You're so tight," he groaned against your lips.
Heavy pants and gasps filled the shower as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. You clenched around his cock as you felt your orgasm approaching. His thumb returned to rub your clit in fast circles as his own hips faltered, losing their rhythm.
Both of you reached your climax together, your eyes rolled back as you cried out in bliss. He groaned loudly as his hips stilled and you felt his cum spill into you.
You slumped in his arms, body going limp, as you caught your breath. He held you against his chest as he recovered from his high all the while pressing soft kisses to your skin.
Carefully he pulled out of you and carried you out of the shower after cleaning you up. Wrapping you in a fluffy towel he began drying your hair with a smaller one. "I'm starving," you pouted.
Donghyuck chuckled. "And what does my baby want to eat?"
"Whatever is good, I'm not picky," you smirked and gave him a peck.
After you two finished eating breakfast, Donghyuck and you were washing the dishes and you thought you could get used to that. But then you realised maybe it was too soon to start thinking like that.
“(Y/N)?” Donghyuck called you.
“Mmmh?” You hummed, drying the dishes.
“I don’t want Yuta near you,” he looked at you.
“Is this you being jealous again? I told you, he’s in the past.” You told him.
“I’m not being jealous and I know you don't see him like that anymore. I simply don't trust him.” He confessed.
“There must be a reason why you dont trust him.Is there something i need to know about him?” You inquired.
Donghyuck bit his lip and then pressed his lips against each other. If he gave Yuta away, then he would go down as well and the last thing he wanted was to break your heart. He needed to find a way to protect you from your father and Yuta, and needed to do it fast.
“So?” You stared at him.
He sighed. “Fine, I'm jealous.” Donghyuck lied.
You chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Can I confess something to you?
He nodded. “You fucked me way better than him.”
Donghyuck rolled his eyes and his tongue went to his cheek. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him. “I know. The way you react to my touch pretty much says so.”
You smirked and planted a kiss on his lips. “If I didnt have a meeting in 10 minutes I would let you fuck me right here.”
“I can definitely make you cum in 10 minutes, baby,” he kissed you back.
“I know, but I don't want other people to see my face after I get fucked,” you laughed
“Right,” Donghyuck chuckled. “I’m gonna go outside and talk to Soungho, okay? If you need me just call me.”
You nodded. “Donghyuck?” You called him.
“Yes, baby?” He turned to you.
“I’m glad you came into my life,” you smiled at him.
He smiled sideways and cupped your face gently in his hands giving you a kiss. “I’m glad I walked into your life.”
A week passed and you were cleared to come back to the office since the police did not find evidence nor the person who had sent you the letter. However, two men were now standing out of your office and two in the parking ground watching your car. Donghyuck thought it'd be a better idea to stay inside of your office with you.
After a long day, you finally told Lia to go home and get some rest since Yuta would go to your office and discuss the arrangements for the contracts. And the next morning, after an almost three hour meeting, you and Yuta finally reached an agreement and on Friday you would sign the contracts.
Donghyuck asked you, no, begged you to not sign those contracts and when you asked why he simply told you he didn't trust you, but you couldn't call off everything just because he didn't trust him. And on Friday, you signed the contracts and Yuta had a toast with you. You were thrilled.
On Monday, you were still inside your building in the computer lab with Yuta and the robotic engineers that were working with you two. Yuta left to catch a break along with the engineers, leaving you alone in your office.
“Not again.” You groaned, sliding down your chair.
“The mouse again?”
You perked up. “You're still here?”
Donghyuck smiled for a second. “I told you I'd stay. And I asked you if you wanted food. You went ‘hnuh’ so I knew you were busy working.”
You pushed your keyboard away and turned around in your office chair. “If you kissed me, I would have snapped right out of it.”
“I doubt that. Let's go home, it's late."
"I can't," you pouted. "We're still working on the prototype and we're a bit behind. Why don't you go home?"
"I'm your bodyguard, wherever you go I'll go."
"Yuta can give me a ride home, don't worry," you grabbed his hand. "You look tired."
"I wouldn't be tired if someone hadn't been distracting me this morning and let me sleep," he glanced at you. “And no, you’re not going anywhere with him.”
You rolled your eyes. “Back to jealousy.”
“Let's go home, (Y/N)."
You groaned. "I can't. You go home."
He shook his head. "I'll wait for you here."
“You’re so stubborn,” you giggled and put your arms around his neck. “But I like you.”
“I like you, too,” he kissed you.
Back to your house that same night, you changed into your pajamas and went to your bed and after rolling for a couple of minutes, you sighed sitting on it. You and Donghyuck had been sleeping in the same bed for only a week, how come you got used to him so quickly? You couldn't sleep without him. But you didn't want to wake him up. He seemed tired and you wanted him to have some rest.
You gave up and went downstairs making your way into the kitchen. A cup of warm milk might help you to sleep.
The sound of the microwave startled Donghyuck who had just fallen asleep. He got up quickly and went to your bedroom knocking two times with no response. He opened the door and frowned when he didn't see you in your bed.
He went downstairs and spotted you adding sugar to a blue cup. "I highly doubt you'll be able to sleep."
You startled and whined looking at him. "Don't do that!"
“I’m sorry,” he giggled and walked to you. “What are you doing awake?”
“I couldn't sleep,” you shrugged.
“Oh? I’m so sorry this happens to you. Is there anything I can do?,” he said sadly.
“You did last night.”
“Ah. Looks like you’ll have to sleep in with me every night then,” Donghyuck smiled.
“I will,” you smirked.
"But you’re going to have to stop rubbing up against me during the night.”
“I… What…?” you stuttered as you got nervous.
“I’m joking!” he laughed, seeing your face turn a bright shade of red, “please keep doing it,” he added with a wink.
“Wasn’t going to stop anyway,” you smiled, looking up at him shyly. His eyes widened at your sudden baldness, and he grabbed the opportunity to push you further.
His smile grew wider now that he could see your face again and he finally leaned down and kissed you, his lips landing gently. Your embrace suddenly tightened as you gripped harder onto each other, pressing as much of your bodies together as possible.
“Bedroom,” he mumbled against your lips, walking you backwards to the stairs.
“Your place or mine?” you asked as your lips parted again, your feet stumbling blindly towards the general direction of the stairs. You both smiled as you tried to keep your lips pressed against each other, then he quickly pulled back to see which one you were closest to, and pushed you up against his door once you were upstairs.
“Mine,” he whispered, fumbling for the handle beside your hip. You moaned at his low tone of voice and you pressed your hips into his.
“Easy,” he chuckled, finally opening the door and pushing you inside. You twirled around the room, he kicked the door shut behind you both, then he started to shrug his shirt off his shoulders as your kiss turned messy and wet, missing each other's lips as you tried to undress as quickly as possible.
“Oh man, you're so hot” you gasped as you wriggled your pajama shirt over your head.
"So I've been told," he said as he hurriedly undid your bra. His eyes skimming over every inch of your skin. As soon as he had rid himself of his own clothes, he stepped towards you and leaned his lips towards your ear.
"Get in,” he smiled, his eyes darting to his bed. You did as he said, slipping in underneath the covers as you watched him do the same on the other side, your bodies meeting in the middle as they had done the previous nights.
He started to kiss you, your bodies automatically pressing against each other and your legs tangling underneath the duvet, then his hands wandered over your body, one along the side, feeling your curves from the perfect angle, and one gently squeezing your breasts in turn. He rolled back, causing you to now lay on top of him and your hands ran through his thick hair as he now ran up and down your back, grabbing a hold of your butt and pushing you against him with every downward motion. You felt his erection on your hip, then changed your position and started to rub yourself against it as you moaned into his mouth through the kiss.
“Donghyuck,” you exhaled as you started to trail kisses down his jawline and neck.
He flipped you over so that you were beneath him, then duvet bunching up underneath your body a little at the sudden movement, and you let out a giggle as he looked down at you with dark lusting eyes. He grabbed onto your hands and pinned them either side of your head as he leaned down again to capture your lips, and he moved his hips around, his cock brushing against your pussy as you widened your legs as far as they could go. One of your legs hooked around the back of his thighs, pulling him into you in an attempt to get him inside you and he chuckled against your lips at your move.
“Cheeky,” he smiled, letting go of one of your hands and sliding it between your bodies as he lifted himself a little to guide his length into your entrance. With every inch that filled you, a moan escaped your lips, and his hand soon returned to yours, your fingers now interlinking as he started to move on top of you. He watched your face as your eyes closed in ecstasy, your mouth opening into an O shape as he filled you, and he gritted his teeth as your walls enveloped him in a slick warmth. His hips started to move, making you inhale sharply, and his tongue licked along your collarbone, then he started to suck at your skin, finding the perfect spot on your neck when you let out another moan.
“There?” he asked with a smirk.
“Right there,” you pant.
His pace quickened, then slowed, bringing you near to your high then back down again to enjoy the feel of him inside you, and it drove you crazy, your head starting to spin as his teasing rhythm got the best of you. He moved his head to the other side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at your shoulder as his grips got tighter on your hands. With every thrust inside you, your hips now moved with him, your hidden sweet spot now finding some much needed friction against his length, and he too enjoyed the feeling of sliding in deeper. The room suddenly filled with moans, grunts, and heavy breathing as you both got nearer and nearer to your release, then with one almighty guttural groan, Donghyuck held himself still as he let go, his legs shaking against yours. After a few seconds to recover, he started up again, your hips moving along with him, and the as the friction built against your clit, he lifted his head to watch you come undone, a cry of his name signalling your orgasm, then he let you ride it out until you became still and catch your breath.
“Oh,” you sighed, “oh my goodness.”
Donghyuck smiled then pulled out and finally let go of your hands, rolling over to lay on his side next to you and sorting out the mess of the duvet around you both. Once your breathing has returned to normal, you propped yourself up on your side as well, both of you facing each other with a smile, and your hand comes up to stroke his back, the soft skin beneath your fingers feeling familiar already.
"I wish we could always stay like this," you said.
"Me too," he kissed your hand and looked at you. "Now get some sleep, love."
"I love when you call me 'love'," you smirked.
"I know," he kissed your forehead and put his arms around you.
The next morning, Donghyuck opened the door for you and greeted you by winking at you. When you were inside the car, he closed the door and went to the copilot’s seat and spoke into the mic, “Sunflower's on the move.“
And with that, the car advanced and behind you the black Range Rover with the rest of the security team. You made a quick stop at Yuta's office and then went to the Prime Minister's office.
By 11am, you were on your way to your office. The traffic was a little heavy, so Donghyuck and Soungho decided to change the route so you could get faster since you had to attend a video conference with the CEO of an important company in France.
You were focused on reading some papers when you remembered you had plans for tonight with Lena. “Donghyuck, I’ll be b…“ A gunshot interrupted you.
A gunshot on the pilot’s window made you scream. Donghyuck and the driver got down, while the driver tried to keep driving.
“Down, down! Go!“ Donghyuck turned -still down- to you.
Another gunshot hit the same window and blew the driver’s head. Donghyuck and you were covered soon in blood.  “Fuck!“ Donghyuck took the wheel, trying not to crash.
The engine reved and the tires squealed but eventually crashed with a parked car. The gunshots continued on and Donghyuck was breathing heavily. He tried to calm down since he couldn't have a panic attack, not at that moment. Not when you were in danger. Your screams got him back to reality, he turned to you again.
“Stay down, (Y/N)! The bullets can pierce the windows but not the armored metal.“
You got down and Donghyuck spoke to the mic, “Nine-four control. Lee Haechan. Status zero, Daehangno street. Sunflower is TA. Repeat, Sunflower is TA.“
“Nine-four, Control, received. All call signs proceed to Daehangno street urgently.“
Donghyuck fixed the rear-view mirror and saw the security’s team Range Rover a couple of meters away, “Seven-Nine. Nine-Four back to back on two,“ Donghyuck spoke.
“Received, Nine-Four,“ said, over radio.
“We’ve lost Soungho. We’ll wait for backup,“ Donghyuck spoke to the mic in his jacket, “I suggest you do the same.“
You were sitting on the aisle between the passenger's seat and the copilot. He groaned when gunshots hit the car again.
“It’s okay, (Y/N)!“ He tried to calm you and handed you his hands, “the bullets can’t get through the armor plating!“
You grabbed Donghyuck’s hand and squeezed it,you were breathing heavily “it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here,“ Donghyuck squeezed back your hand. “Control. Lee Haechan, Nine-Four. We need armed support and air ops to the scene as operational priority,“ Donghyuck spoke to his mic.
“The NIS’s deploying to the scene. Area being cordoned off and unarmed held back. ARVs en route. ETA two minutes.“
“Control, Nine-Four, received.“
Donghyuck looked at you, “two minutes, love. Sit tight. You’re gonna be fine. You’re doing really well. I won't let anything bad happen to you.“
You were so shocked you couldn’t articulate words. More gunshots hit the car and you screamed, getting more down, breathing even more heavily.
“It’s okay! It’s okay. It’s alright, trust me,“ Donghyuck squeezed your hand.
He went to the passengers seats and grabbed your face in his hands, “stay down, okay? I’ll be back“ and before you could say something, Donghyuck got out of the car.
He glanced very carefully quickly but couldn’t see anything, he pulled his phone out his pocket and took a photo from the building behind him. A shot hit the car again, making him get down. He examined the picture and saw the shooter.
“Control. Lee Haechan, Nine-Four,.“
“Go ahead,“
“Shooters located on the roof the Mal of Instant Architecture. Single shooter only. Where are those ARVs?“
“Area lockdown going. ETA two minutes.“
“You already said two minutes!“ he exclaimed, angry at the mic.
Donghyuck opened the pilot’s door and carefully laid the driver’s body on the floor and turned the car on, he looked at you, “I’ll get you out of here,“ he promised. “Seven-Nine. Nine-Four back to back on two,“ He spoke.
“Go ahead, Nine-Four.“
“We’re sitting ducks here. Sunflower in the movie,“ Donghyuck said.
“Shit, what?“
“Follow, close formation.“
His ballistic vest would have withstood around at about ten meters, sustaining several more at twenty. Would have redistributed the force of the bullet instead of allowing it to pierce through. Such a distance would’ve merely knocked him off his feet, caused some serious bruising, maybe cracked a rib or two in the process.
But the gunman had been less than five meters away. The calibre of his round was much too significant at that distance to be deflected. And so he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his vest would fail.
The engine riveted and went reverse swiftly. The shooter kept shooting at them while they were going on reverse.
“Stay down, (Y/N),“ He asked, “the roof armor will protect us. He won’t have a line of sight.“
He kept driving on reverse for a couple of seconds until you were under a roof and the shoother couldn’t see you. Donghyuck grabbed a bigger weapon and looked at you, “you’re safe now, stay here.“
“No, no, no, no!“ You screamed.
“Take care of her!“ Donghyuck gave directions to the security team.
He entered the Mal of Instant Architecture and went to the roof where the shooter was.
Time slowed. Donghyuck caught a quick glance of the sniper’s eyes and cold and narrowed. Set deep within a middle-aged, flushed face bathed in sweat. The shooter’s hand barely shook as he raised the rifle, aiming it directly at Sehun even as those deadened eyes widened at the sight of the rifle aimed right back at him. His finger moved to squeeze the trigger.
"One week." The shooter told him.
Donghyuck didn’t hesitate. Exhaled hard. Aimed for his skull, right between the eyes, and pulled the trigger immediately.
Donghyuck felt the impact of no less than three bullets striking his bulletproof vest just as he saw the back of the shooter’s head blown to pieces. Heard the lifeless body hit the floor just before his own did. Nothing braced his fall. Donghyuck landed hard on his back, gracelessly, on gritty concrete. The pain seized him then, fierce and unrelenting; he gasped for air in desperate heaves, unable to breathe as the fall served to knock the wind out of him and the pressure on his lungs felt unbearable.
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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simpsiren · 4 years
about the roommate
park seonghwa x reader
main masterlist
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description. you talk about your weird relationship with the roommate you’ve been with for so long yet still dont know much about
genre. roommates au, fluff, seonghwa hinting at reader that they like them
warnings. nonee
a/n. hihii so i wanted to try writing for ateez since ive been doing a lot of nct ff already. its my first time so i doubt that it’ll be accurate but i got the idea from this post by @darling-akaashi so i hope it will be decent. i never thought that it would be this long but oh well HAHA enjoyy :D
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how did you even become roommates with someone like him? you dont even know. all you knew was that you were finding someone to share the apartment rent with and it just so happens that your friend at college, wooyoung, has a friend who was looking for an apartment.
and now here you are. a year and a half of sharing an apartment with seonghwa yet the two of you are in your separate rooms. the only interaction you ever made today was at breakfast where seonghwa cooked for you scrambled eggs and toasted bread.
there’s wasn’t much you knew about him at first. but as you slowly but surely try to accomplish your mission of getting to know seonghwa (since you didn’t like being awkward with people all the time), you start to learn a thing or two about him.
you were glad that after a year and a half of staying with him, you got to know more about him, despite the fact that the interaction between the two of you still needed some work.
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[ONE] : he’s a clean freak.
you were feeling tired from a long day of school and all you thought of doing while walking home was to sit on the couch and resume your anime marathon.
you unlock your door to find seonghwa mopping the floor. you nod your head slowly as you close the door and take off your shoes before taking any step further.
“didnt you mop the floor yesterday?” you ask, placing your keys on the kitchen counter along with your bag on the chair of the dining table.
“yeah.” was all you heard from seonghwa as you pour yourself a glass of grape juice. “you dont have to mop again-“
“its a habit.” seonghwa replies simply. with your cup in hand, you make your way to the living room, where seonghwa is currently mopping. you take a seat on the couch and grab the controller to turn on the tv. “hey wanna watch attack on titans with me?” seonghwa was mopping the floor in between the couch you’re sitting on and the coffee table and stops in front of you, raising an eyebrow.
“i dont watch anime?” you furrow your eyebrows and frown. “come on its fun! stop your cleaning and at least watch one episode.” you grab seonghwa’s arm and pull him down to sit next to you, making him flinch a little and quickly placing the mop beside the couch.
“how am i suppose to watch when i dont know what happened before?” you roll your eyes.
“if you find this episode good then you can watch it from the start in your free time.”
seonghwa sighs and and stands up, walking away to keep the mop before taking a seat beside you again and getting comfortable. “this better be worth it. im suppose to clean the toilet right now.”
“that can wait.” you nudge your arm into his chest, making him let out another long sigh before watching the show silently.
it was a saturday morning as you went to sleep at 4am. hence, making you wake up at 11am in the morning. however, you have always been laying around in your bed for about an hour or so before getting out of your room. when the clock striked 12, you thought that it would be a good idea to get out of your room and have lunch. gathering up all your energy, you brought yourself out of bed and lazily walk out of your room.
as you walked down the hallway, the first thing you saw was seonghwa cleaning the counter top of the kitchen. you clicked your tongue and walked over to where seonghwa was.
“did you make lunch yet?”
seonghwa looks up at you and shakes his head. “its a saturday so im spring cleaning the house.” you rolled your eyes and shake your head.
“you do that every single day!” you whine. seonghwa raises his eyebrow. “i like to keep the house neat unlike you.” you let out a soft ‘tsk’.
you have to admit, you were not a clean person at all. the only reason why the apartment is clean is because of seonghwa’s habit of being well organised and meticulous. basically everything in the apartment but your room is squeaky clean. although you see seonghwa staring at your room and looked like he’s holding back the strong urge to clean it for you, he doesn’t really do anything about the fact that you are the complete opposite of him. you dont know why but you only shrug it off.
“ill help you today, alright? then you can quickly cook something up for us. im hella hungry right now.”
seonghwa lifts his head up from the table and scoffs with a slight smile. you furrow your eyebrows and frown. “what’s that face for, huh?”
“this is the first time you offered to help. id say thank you but i know you’re only doing it because we both know im the only one that can cook.” seonghwa says confidently. you purse your lips and nodded your head.
“you’re right. but i’ll still help. so, what should i do?” seonghwa tosses the cloth that he was using to clean the kitchen counter. you took a step back as you quickly got a hold of it.
“wash it and wipe the bookshelf.” you let out a long sigh before flashing him a bright smile and headed over to the bookshelf. while you were wiping the sides of the bookshelf, you could have sworn that you saw seonghwa looking at you with a smile and a light blush of pink on his cheeks. you pretended not to notice though, and shrug it off.
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[TWO] : he’s a great cook.
you still remember the first day you came to the apartment. the first thing you see your new roommate doing was cleaning. like intense cleaning. it was late at night and you didn’t bother to even greet the stranger since you felt awkward and wanted to rest for the night.
however, at about two in the morning, you were laying down in your room when you felt the need to have a night snack. you stepped out of your room and went to the kitchen. the whole apartment was dark except for the dimly lit lamp at the kitchen. you jumped a little when you hear seonghwa’s voice coming from the living room.
“y/n?” you turn around to see seonghwa chilling on the couch with his phone. the living room was completely dark and you could only see his face from the light illuminating from his phone.
“i was just getting a snack to eat.” you said as you opened the fridge to look for something to eat. unfortunately, there wasnt anything that looked like it would fill your midnight appetite. you hear seonghwa standing up from the couch at the back and walking towards you. you tilted your head to the back and see seonghwa standing behinf you. you tale a step back.
“i can cook something if you want.”
“no no its fine i just need a simple snack.” seonghwa kept quiet for a moment as you went back to the fridge to look for food again, as if something might magically pop up. but of course nothing did.
“well i didnt think of getting any snacks when i moved in. ill make something.” seonghwa walks over to the fridge and nudges your arm, making you move to the kitcen counter and leaning your hip against it as you watch seonghwa get to work.
you were looking through your phone, distracted when you heard the noise of two bowls being olaced on the table. you lift your head up and noticed that seonghwa made yoghurt with cherries and raspberries. it wasnt your idea of a midnight snack but at this point, anything could go in your stomach.
“thanks.” you whisper softly as you drag the bowl near to you. seonghwa only hums in response as the two of you take a bite at the same time. your mouth gapes open as your head slowly tilts up from your bowl to look at seonghwa. he was casually eating when his raises an eyebrow at your weird expression.
“how.. how does this taste so good? what did you do it? did you poison it?!” seonghwa blinks at you a few times and shakes his head slowly. your forehead creases as you look at him suspiciously. “i never really liked yoghurt but holy shit.” you quickly take another bite.
“i think you’re just hungry. it tastes fine to me.” seonghwa says in a monotoned lazy manner and grabs the bowl and taking a seat at the dining table. you purse your lips into a straight line and grab your bowl as well and walking down the hallway to your room. before you open your door to go in, you quickly turn your head to the dining table.
“thanks for the yoghurt! ill wash the bowl later.” seonghwa doesnt react, keeping his eyes on his phone. you gave a weird look before heading inside. you sigh.
he’s going to be hard to talk to.
“its your birthday, right?” your jumped in your seat when seonghwa suddenly appeared beside you on the couch. “uhuh.. how’d you know?” you say softly, nodding your head.
“wooyoung told me. lll make you a cake or something. anything you want to eat?” you blink at him a few times, your mouth still gaping open as you were shocked about a few things. 1. he talking to you in a more open matter and 2. he actually want to make you something for your birthday.
“make me mac and cheese, please! i love the way you cook it!” you smiled brightly. seonghwa smiled back and coughed, only to return to his monotoned face. you laugh softly. you found it cute somehow.
“i wouldn’t have allowed it since its unhealthy but since its your birthday-”
“thank you!” you leaned in to hug seonghwa. the didnt hug you back, so you quickly pulled away. you noticed him blushing again, this time it was more obvious. you shook it off, despite knowing you felt butterflies in your stomach. “ill go out to get groceries then.” seonghwa stands up from the couch and heads inside his room to get ready.
you smiled to yourself constantly as you waited for seonghwa to finish making the mac and cheese. you sigh in satisfaction as the smell of the delicious food fills the air in the apartment. you tapped your feet excitedly as you had your eyes glued onto seonghwa with the pan in his hands. your face lit up the moment the starts walking towards you. you clap your hands as he places it down on the dining table.
“fuck it smells and looks to good.” you moan out. seonghwa lets out a soft laugh, making you blush just from hearing him do that. “if i made this any other day, i would’ve asked you to pay for the groceries.” you roll your eyes.
“come on dont be rude to me.” you grab a fork and spoon, bringing your plate near the pan and cutting out a slice for yourself. “thanks for the mac and cheese.” seonghwa only nods his head and took a slice for himself before the two of you ate together slowly, indulging the savoury and amazing taste of one of seonghwa’s best dishes he has ever made dor you.
you appreciated times like thae with seonghwa. alrhough not much interaction was made during meal times, you really felt that he cared for you. making meals you like on special occasions, and he’s always asking you what you want to eat, despite the fact that he might not be comfortable with the idea, he doesn’t fail to whip up a great meal. you liked that about seonghwa.
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[THREE] : he’s a great listener.
you basically the worse day that day. for some reason, everything just had to go wrong. the only thing you felt the whole day were anger and sadness, more so towards anger. it was late at night yet you were still fuming in anger, only wanting to let it all out the moment you stepped into the apartment.
you unlocked the door and dropped your bag beside you and slammed the door shut. of course the piercing sound of the door made seonghwa lift his head up in an instant. you notice him laying down on the couch with his phone and usual.
stomping over to the kitchen, you pour yourself a glass of cold water. you chugged the whole cup of water fast and forcefully place the cup on the counter. you clearly felt seonghwa’s eyes on you. you look up from your cup and notice him looking shocked, his mouth gaping open slightly.
“what?” you said, running your hand through your hair in frustration.
“you okay...?” you hear seonghwa ask. “does it look like im okay? today felt as if i entered a shit hole.” you huff. you made your way over to the couch, leaving your empty cup on the counter.
“move your ass.” you hiss at seonghwa. he raises an eyebrow and gets up from his laying position, proceeding to sit up and let you take a seat beside him.
you sit down and let your body sink into the couch, laying your head back as you sigh to calm yourself down. “what happened?” seonghwa whispers, putting away his phone and turning his attention to you.
you purse your lips into a thin line and slowly looked up at him. his eyes were filled with concern and his voice was gentle too. he hasn’t been this concerned about you before.
“apparently i got my best friend to dress up all cute and fancy so that she can have a date with my boyfriend behind my back.” you scoff in disbelief, shaking your head. you see seonghwa licking his lips nervously as he nodded his head.
“a shit show if you ask me. i saw him waiting for her in front of the shop i was working at.” you grab the pillow behind you and hug it close to your chest with you digging your face into it. “just how cruel can people get?” your voice was muffled but you knew seonghwa heard you loud and clear. you felt his hand resting on your back, patting it gently.
“its fine. rant all you want.” you took a deep breath and slammed the pillow onto your lap. you felt that it made seonghwa jump a little but he never fails to keep his composure in check. you could never be like him.
the night, all you did was talk, cried and screamed your heart out. and seonghwa was there to just listen to you. he didn’t react much, but he did nod a few times hear and there to let you know that he understood what you were saying. he wasnt so affectionate that he would hug you when you cried, but it felt good to just have him sit there with you while you let out all your anger and frustration. you figured that having him as your listener was his way of showing comfort for you.
it was 4am. you and seonghwa have been drinking since 2am. why? you had a bad day and you felt rhe need to destress with some alcohol. seonghwa wouldn’t have allowed you to get drunk but he was apparently having a bad day too and felt like he wanted to get a little drunk to forget everything that day.
“dont you know how fucking stupid that is? it only happens to me. why?!” you groan as you take down another shot. seonghwa fills up your cup again.
“just forget them. they’re being idiots.” seonghwa whispers. you gap your mouth open and roll your eyes. “how can i forgot something like that?!” you shout angrily, slamming your hand on the table. seonghwa laughs in a lazy manner.
“you’re cute when you’re mad.”
“excuse me?” you tilt your head to the side, wondering if you heard seonghwa’s words clearly.
“nothing.” you shrug it off and shake your head.
“by the way..” you started off. seonghwa lifts his head up from the table and lets out a ‘hm?’
“why arent you telling me why you’re drinking? you don’t normally do this. you dont even let me drink unless its a special occasion. i rarely see you drunk.”
seonghwa raises both his eyebrows and sigh. “i had a bad day. but yours sounds worse so ill let you do all the ranting.” seonghwa starts playing with his shot glass, circling his index finger around its rim.
you clicked your tongue. “but its always been about me. you cook me my favourite meals, you do all the cleaning and you’re always here for me when im pissed. i feel bad about it..” you quickly glance at seonghwa. its the blushing again. you started to accept the fact that you had an effect on him, instead of avoiding the fact that he might have feelings for you.
“i guess im always doing those things because...” he leans forward over the table, getting close to your face. you start to grow nervous and your heart started beating quickly. you held a fist to your chest, breathing slowly to calm you down, but it failed. its the first time you’ve seem seonghwa like this. he looked... hot?
“do you know the answer?” seonghwa asks, tilting his head to the side as you watch his eyes glaze over you whole face as if he’s admiring every inch of it.
“no?” your breathing stopped for a moment when seonghwa gets even closer. this time, your noses were touching. seonghwa chuckles lowly. why did that sound so good all of a sudden?
“i know that you know. i wonder why you’re shying away.” seonghwa’s lips immediately connected with yours. you blinked your eyes rapidly as you tried to process the situation. you couldn’t hold back. his lips felt great against yours. its like all the worries that have been piling up in you have been washed away from a simple kiss.
who knew you’d get this close to your mysterious roommate? its a drastic start to a good relationship nonetheless.
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 4 years
Career Day At Pre- school
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Ok y'all can blame @my-fangirling-outlet for giving me the this fuffy cute idea when she talked about doing a fic involving the boys as dads, which I can't wait for🥺🥰 so keep an eye out on her blog for that(shameless plug for my bby😌) so obviously I chose Chris to write about because the boy owns my heart💕
This is my original writing, please do not copy it, changing the boy is still copying, if I find out you plagiarized my writing I'll report your sorry ass✌🏼😗
You and Christopher woke up to your four year old daughter Amada jumping up and down on the two of you, she was especially excited as today she got to bring her daddy to school today because it was career day, you were invited too of course, but Chris was the one she decided to show off today, he was a little nervous, as some of the other parents were a little judgy about his job. You weren't really surprised your daughter had decided to show off Chris, you carried her for nine months and she came out being a daddy's girl, go figure.
After you had finished getting dressed you walked into your daughters room, to see her all flustered "¿Qué pasa bebé?" She looked at you and your face softened, her eyes were getting teary, "I want to look nice for daddy today but can't find anything to wear" she croaked out while rubbing her eyes, you held back a soft giggle "what about your grey sweater, your dark blue jeans and your white shoes with the yellow Daisy's on them" she looked up at you with the same big brown eyes and the same adorable smile Christopher has "thank you mommy" she said while hugging your leg.
After getting Amada dressed you all sat down for breakfast, christopher turned to Amada "well don't you look beautiful as always baby" Amada gave him a big toothy smile, she then sat eating her cereal, you asked her if she was ready for career day and she explained that she already knew what she was gonna say and she couldn't wait to tell all her friends at school how awesome her daddy's job is. After cleaning up after breakfast, you put Amada's coat on her and grabbed her school bag "have you got everything before we leave amor?" You asked her, she stood there tapping her small little foot thinking, she suddenly started running towards her room yelling "oh oh oh oh" Chris looked at you with a big smirk on his face "she got that from you, the tapping her foot and the forgetting stuff" he laughed "Cállate" you said while swatting his arm. Amada ran back out of her room holding a piece of paper "what's that" you asked her with an eyebrow raised "its for school today, can you put it in my bag please and don't look at it, its a surprise" she told you. You then got Amada in the car and drove to her to pre school.
As you walked in you could see all the other children with their parents getting settled, you took Amada's coat off and put it in her cubby along with her school bag.
Amada sat down at her table, Chris sitting beside her in a tiny little chair, you had to stop yourself from laughing at your giant husband sitting on a child size chair, you took a picture of them to always remember the moment. You then made your way to stand at the back of the room with the rest of the parents who'd also come along to watch career day.
One by one each child got up with one of their parents and explained what they did for the rest of the class and the kids got to ask them questions. By the time the teacher had got to your daughter she was bouncing in her seat with excitement waiting for her turn, you softly giggled, she'd gotten that from Chris, her excitement and inability to sit still, you thought it was absolutely adorable.
"Amada would you and your daddy like to come up now and tell everyone what he does" she excitedly nodded her head "yes Mrs Rodriguez" she got up and grabbed ahold of Christopher's big hand with her small, dainty one, pulling him to the top of the classroom, "oh silly me, I forgot my paper" she giggled while hitting her hand against her forehead, she scurried back over to her table to get the piece of paper and stood back at the top beside Christopher "hey everybody, this is my daddy" she said pointing at Chris, he flashed his charming smile and waved at the class saying hello "my daddy is the coolest person in the whole world and he sings in a band with my four uncle's, zabdiel, richard, Erick and Joel" she told everyone, Christopher listened to her contently with a big smile on his face "he has the most beautiful singing voice ever and me and my mommy think he's the most talented person in the WHOLE WORLD" she emphasized the last part, spreading her arms apart to gesture the whole world, Chris looked like he was gonna cry listening to his daughter talk so proudly and fondly of him. All of the kids were so engrossed listening to your daughter talk about Christopher's job and they had so many questions, being interested in his job, Chris took his time answering all the questions, your daughter looking up at him with pure adoration in her eyes.
After career day was finished and you were on your way home in the car, Amada fast asleep in her car seat softly snoring, something she also got from Chris, the two of you softly made conversation. You shifted the conversation in the direction of career day, Chris turned to you "you know I hate being away from the two of you, I hate how sometimes I have to miss important things in both of your lives, but knowing I can give her a better life with my job and knowing how proud the two of you are of me and how much you support me, it makes it much more worth it" you looked at him you couldn't believe how wonderful of a man your husband is and he was all yours, of course you had share him with Amada but you didnt really mind that. When you got to the house Chris carefully carried your daughter in out of the car, holding her snug to his chest, he carried her into her bedroom, gently tucking her into her bed and kissing her on her forehead. He then made his way out to you on the sofa cuddling up next to you watching TV thinking about how lucky he was to have such an amazing little family.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 9.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word Count: 1,487
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
‘It’s my child...’ he kept thinking after he rushes to his room. He was a dad! He was quick to be happy but it disappears when he remembers you hid it from him for almost eight fucking months. Honestly how no one else but him was suspicious about you being bigger than what a normal 5 month pregnant woman looks like.
“Can’t fucking believe she lied for that long” he says out loud to himself.
You and kiri are finished talking and walk to your room. Before you go to your room you knock softly on Bakugo’s door and wait for his response.
He freezes when he hears the knock and stays quiet still pissed at you. You don’t hear a response so you say loud enough, “Good night Bakugo...” You look at the door a bit sadly but walk away to find kirishima waiting for you in bed smiling softly at you.
“Come on baby, lets go to bed so you and my baby can rest.” He says and you smile.
“Alright kiri-babe” You walk over to him.
He shifts to face you once your in bed.
“Do you think I should tell Bakugo he is the baby’s real dad?”
Kiri stays quiet thinking about it for a while before finally answering,
“I don’t know babe, the answer is honestly up to you because after all you are the one carrying the baby.”
You chew you lip thinking about it. “I just- just don’t want that to change anything between us.”
“It won’t baby, we will just have to adjust to having Bakugo as a part of our family we are creating. I won’t rob him from being a father. No, I can be a second dad” he looks at you and gives you the most loving smile you’ve ever seen.
You look at him and smile. “I am so lucky to have you Kiri.”
Bakugo lays there in the dark unable to sleep. How will he fucking confirm that the baby you are carrying is his? Why did you lie? Then he remembers the day you caught him with the girl we shall not name, he remembers seeing a gift bag that was white but had blue and pink tissue.. No- you were going to tell him then! He cannot believe he did that on that day. The day was supposed to be special to you, but he ruined it with his infidelity. Without realizing it hot and angry tears spill.
The next morning he avoids the both of you by leaving early to work.
As you finish making breakfast you ask Kirishima to wake Bakugo up so he goes but returns a while after empty handed.
“Where’s Bakugo?” You ask him
“He wasn’t in the room. I think he may have gone early to work.” He says unsure so he texts him just in case.
Both of you sit down and eat when Kirishima finally gets a short answer back
‘At work. Left early.’
You frown and finish your food, “Do you think he will get hungry?”
Kirishima nods, “Yeah... he will probably forget to eat.”
And as if it were a silent agreement, a couple of hours after breakfast you both begin to pack him a bento box for lunch and find yourself heading to his agency.
None of you speak about what you do and it seems like a natural thing to do. You confuse yourself because, ‘Why DF are you packing his lunch and walking over to his agency like a wife and why the hell is your boyfriend helping you.’
You stop thinking to much into it, because honestly? You were afraid of the answer.
When you find yourself at the entrance of Bakugo’s agency you stop along with Kirishima and both take a breath in before entering. It had been a really long time since you last went in there. You look around and tighten your grip on Bakugo’s bento and kirishima’s hand when the secretary asks you in a cheery voice,
“Hi! How can I Help you today?”
Kirishima speaks up since you are unable to speak,
“Hey, we are looking for Ground Zero?”
“Ah yes! He is currently in his office doing some paper work. Would you like me to tell him to come down?”
“No, we can walk up there” He smiles at her and leads you to the elevator.
“You okay y/n?”
You nod, “Y-yeah, its been a while since I was last here.”
He nods, “I understand”
As the elevator makes it to Bakugo’s floor you both get out and walk to his door. Kirishima and you knock at the same time and wait for his response.
“Um. Its Y/N and I” Kirishima answers.
You hear shuffling and step back when the door flies open.
“What are you both doing here?” He asks suspiciously.
You raise the bento box up and say,
“We brought you a bento, we were afraid you might not eat so we made one for you” You smile shyly. ‘WHY DF are you acting shy’ you think
Bakugo looks taken aback but grabs the box mumbling, “Thank you”
“What was that?” Kirishima asks with a grin on his face
“I said thank you shitty hair!” He says louder and annoyed
Kirishima just laughs and pushes past Bakugo to lounge on his couch he has in his office.
You blush at Kirishima’s actions and quickly say,
“I’m so sorry about Kirishima... Kirishima! Get up-“
“No, no its fine... Do you want to come in as well?” Bakugo says looking at the floor blushing.
You stammer, “Y-yeah, sure.” You walk inside as Bakugo moves out the way and stand there awkwardly. Bakugo walks back to his desk and sees you standing.
“Kirishima- move out the way and let Y/N sit you dumbass!” Kirishima looks at you and instantly sits up so you can sit and pats on the empty space.
“Come on baby, sit down”
You continue to blush and quietly shuffle to Kirishima.
Bakugo is about to eat when he notices neither of you have food.
“You guys didn’t bring any for yourselves?” He asks startling you.
“UH- no we didn’t...”
He grunts before pushing it towards both of you.
“Bakugo, we brought the food for you!” Kirishima says
“No, you guys will share with me then.”
“Bakugo, seriously we made it for you. So you wouldn’t get hungry, not to share.”
“Y/N.” He says in a stern voice, “You’re pregnant. You have to eat.”
You gulp and lie, “Kirishima and I already ate,”
“No we-“ you interrupt kirishima by pinching his side, “No, we really did eat before we came here” he rubs his side and glares at you and you glare back.
“You’re both lying.” He says and puches the box further.
You sigh and grab a small bite and push it towards Kirishima. He also eats a small bite and pushes it to Bakugo.
After swallowing the food you speak up, “There we ate. Now you eat.”
“Fine.” He grumbles, “But next time you guys come bring food for yourselves too.”
Kirishima has a big grin when Bakugo says next time and you just blush.
Deep down you begin to feel your heart flutter at his words and freeze. No no no no no. Oh god please no...
Kirishima looks at you and notices you look conflicted, “Is everything okay, babe?”
You jump and nod, “yeah, yeah” oh no. You can’t be falling for Bakugo.... No you love Kirishima! There is no way you like both.
Bakugo looks at the interaction you both have and frowns slightly. The two people he loves are together and he should be happy they are happy with each other but he isn’t.
‘Well shit, look at you in love with two people who don’t love you, just pity you.’ He thinks to himself as he remembers you lying about the baby and looks at his bento box while eating it in order to avoid anymore of your interactions.
After Bakugo finishes his lunch, you and kirishima say good bye to him and head out. You Both are silent on the way home knowing there was something you both needed to talk about. Once you get home you grab something small to eat and sit down in the living room. Kirishima sits beside you in an uncomfortable silence. That lunch with Bakugo really changed something.
You stay in silence before taking a deep breath
“We should talk” you both say in unison.
You look at each other and chuckle nervously.
“You go first” you both say again.
You take a deep breath.
“We should talk about this Bakugo situation... and I have something to say about that...”
“I was going to say the same thing. You tell me first.” He says shakily.
You look sad and take another deep breath.
“I think I still love Bakugo.”
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A/N- sorry I didn’t post yesterday lol, I was busy procrastinating on tiktok avoiding my college work. Hehe. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter and tell me what you think.
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :)
Secrets taglist- @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69 , @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008 , @sam-i-am-1025 , @purple--nebula , @curiouslilbeast , @httpswwwtbhkcom , @setup-the-ace , @kit-kat428 , @thatonefangirl722 , @fxirylightsx , @katsuki-bakubae , @sakurakatsuki
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