#i didnt expect so many people to like this one and so quickly too
shescreature · 1 month
thank you so much! thank you!!! of course!🫶🫶🫶🫰🫰🫰 ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
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bellawoso · 5 months
love story
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
description: aitana falling for you despite you being quite nerdy when it comes to shakespeare and art. aitana is helplessly failing english lit, in order for you to tutor her she requests for you to come to her matches each weekend, you end up falling for her too.
(kinda unrealistic as i highly doubt aita would take english lit 😭) + ALSO DIEGO MAKES A RETURN!!!
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at first the move to barcelona had been scary for you, the new language and culture were unknown territory for you, and you couldnt help but feel lonely with not many people to talk to you in english.
until at a party, you overestimated how much drink you could handle and ended up on the brink of passing out, only to be saved by a random spanish boy you had seen around campus and spoke english.
a new friendship stemmed that night, you and diego were inseparable, even though you owed him one two many times after he saved you from people cursing you out in spanish after you accidentally pissed them off.
that was exactly what had happened now.
you and diego also work at the same art museum, although he often complains about the boredom he experiences there, much to your annoyance. he still continued to work there, the pay is good and you are in your happy zone, excited to spend all of your free time surrounded by one of your favourite subjects.
except for times when you managed to irritate random spanish people. in your defence, the piece of work wasnt that good, and the artist wasnt well known, how were you to know that you were speaking to the artist claiming that there were better pieces that deserved a place in the museum.
the man had gone into a fast paced spanish rant, although you knew some spanish after some time of living in barcelona, you were no where near fluent enough to understand the heavily accented, rapid spanish that fell from his mouth.
diego was very quick to intervene and call security on the man who was now jabbing a finger in your direction, the only word you understood was “puta” after hearing the insult many times from diego to people that annoyed him.
seeing him escorted out, you were quick to flee to your favourite part of the museum, at the east wing of the top floor was a small library filled with copies of old literature, with historic renaissance paintings hanging on the walls.
not many people went in there, it was very well hidden from the public eye, and was out of the way of popular artist exhibitions. however, nothing was too hard to find for a certain brunette midfielder, who was bored out of her mind.
today was aitanas day off, when ona gathered her, jana, bruna, pina and patri for a “fun day out” a museum was the last thing she was expecting.
ona was actually enjoying looking around the museum, pina and patri were talking to a group of girls they found “hot”, jana and bruna were raiding the gift shop.
this left aitana bored out of her mind, so she went exploring and ended up on a corridoor that stretched to what looked like a library.
despite english literature being aitanas minor degree, she was actually not that fond of it, much to her parents dismay who had to hear constantly from aitana how she was failing it.
when she walked in, she physically jumped when she saw a girl sat on one of the seats reading some shakespeare play.
if there was one thing aitana despised the most, it was shakespeare, the prospect of learning the plays and writing about them made her want to gauge her eyes out.
she was ready to turn around and beg ona for them to go home, until a soft voice pulled aitana right back to the library.
“hello! can i help you?” upon hearing this, aitana quickly turned back around to match a face to the voice, and was met with you now looking up so she could see your face.
aitana didnt notice that she had zoned out while admiring you, normally she didnt feel this way for anyone. each time pina and patri tried to set her up on a date she was always quick to reject, as in her opinion she had to focus on football. however at this moment, she seemed happy enough to break the no relationships rule for you.
“sorry can i help you?” hearing you once again managed to break aitana from her daze, as she quickly tried to think of a topic that she could strike up a conversation with.
“uhhhh- you like shakespeare?” aitana asked, whilst internally cursing how her voice wobbled as she spoke to you.
“yeah i do! are you a fan of his works? what is your favourite play?”
honestly, aitana had no idea why she chose shakespeare, in fact, she despised the guy who she had to memorise a ton of plays for. however, seeing your entire face light up at the sound of his name could persuade her to talk about him all day.
what aitana hadnt vouched for was you quizzing her on him, i mean, she was failing english lit for gods sake. but if she could just act like she was an expert for long enough for you to be impressed enough to accept her request of a date with you, then it would give her enough time for some quick shakespeare revision before your date.
“i love shakespeare” aitana stated, the link tint of her cheeks only darkening as you smiled upon hearing this, “ i would say that romeo and juliet is my favourite!”
“a classic tradgedy, huh? you like romantic plays?” you asked with a smirk, and aitana tried to rack her brain to figure whether you were flirting with her or not, and made a mental note to somehow improve for the next time she spoke to you.
“yeah, im a massive tragedy fan! another tragedy i love is-“ silence filled the library as aitana desperately tried to think of another tragedy, and felt like hitting herself for not paying more attention in her lectures.
“uhhh- a midsummers night dream?” aitana cringed at how it came out as a question, and blushed fiercely when she heard you giggle.
“although some prospects of the play could be considered a tragedy, a midsummers night dream was actually intended to be a comedy!”, you stated, rambling off about some tragic elements of the play, and aitana never knew that shakespeare could be such a turn on, but maybe it was just the fact that a pretty girl was talking about it, not her old male professor.
after inviting aitana to come sit down with you, and diving into a conversation of plays, both of you hardly noticed how an hour had already passed, although the conversation had mainly been one sided, with you rambling about your favourite plays, aitana enjoyed your company.
that was until ona called aitana asking where she was as they were going, aitana was sad to leave, and noticed you frown a bit as she told you she had to go.
“thankyou for tolerating my rambling about shakespeare, i know you dont actually love it that much.” you said while smiling at the spaniard in front of you.
“huh- what do you mean? i love the guy” aitana argued.
“its fine honestly- i saw your confusion when i was talking about his plays” you laughed.
“okay fine, i might be failing english literature but i definitely learnt some new things while talking to you, so thankyou”
“any time” you responded just as diego ran into the library talking in rapid spanish which you know he only does when hes in a rush, you understood a part when he said “ended 10 minutes ago” which you could only guess he was talking about your shifts. you smiled apologetically at aitana and said goodbye before leaving with diego.
when aitana met up with everyone at the exit, she was bombarded with questions of where she was to which she responded “in the library”
pina was shocked at this answer “the library? you hate books! your failing english for gods sake! what were you doing there?”
“well- there was this girl-”
“a girl! there you have it! little aitana here has a crush! she must really love her if she spent an hour in a library with her!”
“shut up patri!” aitana scowled “ we were talking about shakespeare!”
“shakespeare?! do you feel ill tana, can you go to training tomorrow? ona i think she is ill” patri teased.
aitana only stormed off after shooting one last glare at the group before returning to the car.
the teasing didnt stop there though, as soon as the others got to the car, she was met with relentless bullying the whole way back to campus about how “whipped” she is.
but also she realised something on her was back, she had forgotten to ask for your name and she has also never given you her name, which put her in a grumpy mood for the rest of the night before deciding it was fate, and a sign that she should be focusing on football.
aitana however, was actually wrong that you didnt know who she was. it was part of the reason you knew she didnt actually like shakespeare. diego was a big fan of football and followed the schools girls football team who were quite popular amongst the school.
he dragged you to many of their matches whenever you had the time, and therefore you had seen the brunette midfielder quite a lot.
you werent surprised when diego dragged you to yet another one of their matches a few weeks later, you were both sat down when diego announced he was going to get a coffee, and with promises to get you a tea and some chocolate, he left.
while he was gone, both university teams started doing warmups, and you couldnt keep your eyes away from a certain brunette midfielder, who honestly looked too good today.
“careful, your drooling amiga! i didnt know footballers were your type”
“jesus diego! and theyre not, i was simply looking at number 14, i was talking to her a few weeks ago in the museum.”
“you were speaking to aitana! and you didnt think to call me?!”
the truth was, members of the football team were very popular, they were nice and would greet you if you said hello, but their main friends were in the football team, so you didnt really see them hanging around with other people. lots of students had slight crushes on certain members, much like yours on aitana.
you werent listening to diegos lecture though, as your eyes drifted to aitana again, the extra gym sessions she had been doing really paid off, and when she lifted up her training top to wipe the layer of sweat from her face, you wouldnt be surprised if you fainted there and then.
what you werent expecting were for her eyes to scan the crowd and land on you, seeing her point and wave at you with a smirk on her face made you glad you were sat, you knew if you were stood up your knees would have buckled under you immediately.
seeing you blush and send aitana a wave back was all of the confirmation diego needed to know that aitana just waved at you.
“did she just wave at you? y/n have you pulled aitana? how?! did you recite some shakespeare love quote or something?! do you like her? oh my god- you do! your blushing!” diego was spiralling, aitana was known for not dating or flirting, unlike many of her teammates who were known for flirting and dating a lot. so seeing her waving at you made diego unfocused for the entirety of the match, as he thought of how he was going to get you two together.
however, he didnt exactly need to, as you and him were seated quite close to the pitch, when the match ended both of you saw aitana call you over with a wave of her hand.
you werent sure how it was possible for her to look this good after a match, but as you approached the railing she was leant against you suddenly became very self aware of the blush that coated your cheeks.
“hey, your from the museum, right? i never actually got the chance to ask for your name.” aitana said, her eyes roaming appreciatively over your body.
“yeah, im y/n, you must be aitana, you played very well today, you have been revising some shakespeare?” you laughed as you saw the teasing frown that appeared on aitanas face, “shakespeare in my opinion writes very boring things!” aitana argued.
you put a hand over your heart and gasped in mock offence, “aitana youre hurting my heart, talking about the greatest play writer of all time!”
but before aitana could respond, pina and patri bounded over to her and slung an arm round her neck, they recognised you from the museum, and in their minds came to aitanas rescue to help her ask you out.
“hello! your y/n right? i think you were at janas dorm once doing art, correct me if i am mistaken” patri said, “yes i have been, its nice to meet you!” you replied as diego handed you yet another cup of tea.
“i hear you are very good at english literature? you know, aitana is in desperate need of a tutor!” pina stated while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, making aitana smack her on her arm.
“ignore her! her mum dropped her on her head as a baby!” aitana joked making you laugh and reply “its fine! i dont mind tutoring you if you need it aita?”
upon hearing her nickname fall from your lips aitana couldnt help but smile bashfully and blush like a little girl with her first crush, much to her teammates amusement.
“uh- yes! yes- definately, i would love that, can i have your number? to schedule a time that is! or not- if you dont want to, or if you changed your mind! no pressure y/n- “
you smiled at aitanas almost incoherrent rambling, “aita, i want to tutor you, honestly. can i get your phone to put my number in?”
aitana quickly pushed her phone in to your hands before you could change your mind, and as soon as you typed in your number, sprinted off with a quick goodbye.
you and aitana scheduled your tutor sessions every tuesday and thursday, the days aitana didnt have training or matches. however, the study sessions werent going as planned, as aitana could not concentrate at all. you werent sure why, and obviously aitana would never dare admit that she was daydreaming about you, with you right in front of her.
you felt hopeless, you loved aitana, you really did, she spoke to you as well when she saw you around school, except that was it, you longed for so much more with the brunette, unknown to you that aitana felt the same way.
after a month of tutoring, aitana could still not pass an english literature test, she knew that you would confront her about it soon, you had dedicated a lot of time tutoring her after all.
“aitana i dont get it! i mean- you say you need a tutor but then you dont concentrate at all, you failed another test! do i bore you during these, what can i do for you to listen?” you said exasperatedly, aitana knew you had every right to be mad at her, to anyone else it looked like she wasnt trying at all.
“no of course your not boring me y/n, you would never!”
“tana, should i change the length of these sessions, are they too long, and making you tired? i understand if its too much?”
“no, no they are fine, i have one idea in mind though”, this was it, aitana planned on asking you something she had been mustering up the courage for a while to do ever since you had stopped accompanying diego to the matches, caught up in studying.
“uh- you could come to my matches each sunday? maybe in my jersey.” aitana asked sheepishly. you however, choked on your water as soon as you heard her request, i mean, was that not a couple thing to do?
“uh- sure aita, if that would make you concentrate on english literature more!” you paused as you quickly thought of an excuse to get out of the library to recollect your thoughts, “can we please cut this session a little short, i promised diego i would go for a coffee with him!”
“oh okay, bye y/n see you on sunday!”
after saying goodbye to aitana, you rushed to diegos room, telling him about aitanas request, although his reaction didnt match your panicked state, as he immediately started laughing.
“finallyyy amiga! i was wondering when one of you would make the first move!”
“diego your not helping! what do i do?!”
“you should probablyy… go to the match and wear the jersey?” diego said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, whilst rolling his eyes.
“everyone will see, its a thing couples do, everyone will think that we are together” you said, “you say it like its a bad thing y/n, if i were you, i wouldnt be mad if people thought i was with aitana bonmati” diego argued.
“whatever” you huffed also rolling your eyes at him “you will come to the match with me though, aitana texted me saying she got front row seats for us”
“obviously im going y/n, i guess now your girlfriend has got us good seats i owe the favour of being your drink refiller?”
“you were going to refill my drinks anyway, and shes not my girlfriend diego!”
“whatever you say”
it was match day, as promised you were wearing one of aitanas jersey which the midfielder had dropped off for you earlier this morning. you had already gotten quite a few dirty looks from people who you could only assume were aitanas “fangirls”. the dirty looks only got worse when during warm ups aitana came over to you, and leant over the railing, holding your jaw to move your head to the side so she could whisper something in your ear.
diego, who had gone to get you a tea when this interaction took place, only saw the two of you from far away, and from a distance, it honestly looked like aitana was kissing your neck.
“woah amiga what was that? you never told me you two had sorted your feelings out, was she kissing you?” diego exclaimed as soon as aitana was called back over to get ready for kickoff.
“what? we werent kissing! she was just telling me something!”
“sure y/n, sure”
the game had started, and a brunette midfielder on the pitch couldnt seem to keep their eyes off you. however, it wasnt aitana. a girl off of the rival team seemed to be flirting with you from on the pitch, as diego said.
it wasnt only the two of you that had noticed too, it was hard for aitana to not notice, especially when the girl scored and pointed at you in the stands.
this only fuelled aitana more to win, but jealousy once again overcame her when she saw the girl blow a kiss to you, so when the girl next had the ball, aitana quickly slid into her, completely taking her out and earning herself a yellow card in the process.
the short lecture that aitanas captain was giving her went in one ear and out of the other, as aitanas eyes had already drifted to you, both of you locked eye contact and you couldnt help but laugh and shake your head at the midfielder, who smiled at seeing your laughter.
in aitanas opinion, if she couldnt injure the girl anymore, she might as well embarrass her on the pitch. the rest of the match was filled with aitana nutmegging, and skilling the poor girl who flirted with you. the spaniard relished in the feeling of dribbling straight past the girl, and ended up scoring two goals, and after each one she pointed at you.
at the end of the match, she ran straight over to you, who was already stood up and leant against the railing.
“y/n i just wanted to thank you again for coming, you dont have to do this again next week, i know that football does bore you a bit.”
“no tana, i enjoyed it really, you played so well and im so proud of you!”
“you will come again next week?”
“of course i will, now you should go celebrate the win with the team.” you said, realising that most of the team were soaking up the glory of winning, and aitana was missing it, “also, would you want to go get a coffee with me next week, theres a new cafe that opened up near campus?”
“i would love to aita, message me the details?”
“i will tonight! bye y/n, and bye diego!” however a poke in your side from diego reminded you of exactly what he wanted you to do, and you knew you would be bullied relentlessly by him all night if you didnt, so you grabbed aitanas arm before she could run to her teammates, and pressed your lips to hers.
as you looped your arms round the midfielders neck, you felt her smile into the kiss, before pressing her tongue to your lips, eliciting a soft gasp from you which aitana silenced with her lips, you pulled away from the kiss when you began to feel lightheaded, and you werent sure if it was due to the lack of oxygen or that you were just kissing aitana.
“bye aitana” you said with a wave before pressing your lips on her cheek, as a more pg way of saying goodbye.
aitana ended up passing english literature.
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issdisgrace · 1 year
Shit I'm sorry I didn't notice the request info-
Okay, can I please request Thomas Shelby x Tall and buff male reader who's the sweetest thing on earth but has one "flaw".
He's too damn handsy. Place, time, people, pffff, suit, shirt, naked, he doesn't care.
He just really loves Thomas man tits and his ass.
Not in a teasing way, it just makes him relax.
Just Thomas's reaction and how he's dealing with it. Whatever.
Thank you~ 💕
WARNINGS: Accidental groping, purposeful groping, swearing, yeah thats about it.
A/N: I hope you like this. I had a fun time writing this, so please feel free to request again.
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Y/n was a tall and buff man. He looked like he could kill anyone without a second thought. But in reality, he was the kindest and sweetest thing to ever walk the earth. He was a gentle giant in all senses of the word. But there was one thing about the man that many would consider a flaw. It was the fact that he was handsy, very handsy when it came to his partner, Thomas Shelby. The man couldn’t keep his hands off Tommy. So here are 4 scenes in which Y/n couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
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Walking down the streets of Birmingham on the way to The Garrison. It was quiet and peaceful; the sun had actually been out. Unlike most other days in Birmingham. Y/n had his arm wrapped around Tommy’s waist as they walked, casually talking. Tommy hadn’t realized Y/n’s hand slipping closer and closer to his ass until the man squeezed it, causing Tommy to yelp in surprise.
“I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t expecting it, that all.”
Tommy says brushed it off, and the two continued their walk.
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The Garrison was loud with hustle and bustle of the man drinking inside. In a corner booth sat the Shelby family and, of course, Y/n. The family talked and drank, Y/n adding in every once in a while not want to interrupt those who were speaking. Y/n threw his arm overs Tommy’s shoulder and continued onto listening to the conversation at hand. Without even realized himself, his hand moved down and now was on Tommy’s chest. It wasn’t until John made a joke about it out that he and Tommy realized.
“Y/n, you done feeling up my brother for the night? It’s a bit distracting.”
Y/n’s face flushed, and he quickly unwrapped his arm around Tommy, covering his face in pure embarrassment.
“Sorry.” He mumbled in his hands as the family had a laugh.
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It was sometime after 10pm when Y/n managed to covince Tommy to call it quits for the night and join him in bed. Y/n sat in bed paeintly waiting for Tommy to be done with his night routine and join him. Eventually Tommy join him and they curled up togeather. They talked for a little bit until Tommy relized Y/ns hands found there way to his chest.
"My prince, can you explain to me how your hands always seem to find my chest."
"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to."
"Shh. It is ok my prince. Im just curious."
"I dont know. I guess touching them grounds me. It makes sure i know that everyting going on is real. But i guess it also calms me. I'm sorry if i make you uncomfortable. I can stop."
"Its fine my prince. I dont mind."
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Tommy was hosting a party for the Peaky Blinders in order to celebrate some of their new achievements. The rowdy men happily drank the beer that was in the house and chatted. Tommy leaned against the bar, talking to Polly when Y/n came up behind him, grabbing his ass gently with both hands. Then resting his head on Tommy’s shoulder. Tommy turned his head slightly to look at you.
“Do you need anything, my prince?”
“No, just a little bored.”
“Ok.” Tommy said, then returning to talk to Polly.
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The Shelbys, minus Tommy, who was nowhere to be seen, were sitting around having a drink at The Garrison
“Is it me or is Y/n really handsy with Tommy? I feel like half the time I see him with him, he’s either grabbing Tommy’s butt or his chest. It’s fucking weird.” Arthur slurs slightly, the alcohol getting to him a bit.
“Oh no, he is. You're definitely not imaging it, Arthur.” Ada says.
“Sometimes I think the poor thing doesn’t even realize he’s doing.” Polly adds in.
“Its fucking funny as hell. Have you seen the way some newcomers react when they see it happening? It’s fucking priceless. Their eyes get all wide and shit and they look like they’ve seen the most traumatic thing in the world.” John said.
“I’ve heard some newcomers people ask around, asking if it was a normal thing.” Finn adds.
“I know it’s also grate to see their reactions when they're told it’s a normal occurrence.” John says. After he says that, out of nowhere Tommy appearing
“What are we discussing this fine evening?”
“Nothing.” The other Shelby boys say at the same time like a kid that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
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blood-grove · 6 months
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//body horror, monster! 141 + reader , death, gn!reader
other; c/n = callsign
a/n: idk how the military works neither do igaf much also this story was not planned this was just something i needed to get out of my system do nto expect it to be good
Shapeshifter!Reader whos always since they were a kid felt itch that there skin was ready to shed and peel like a snake, Who always felt like there body wasn't right had to be perfect flaws and all because that was human.
But they weren't human, weren't hybrid either.
The first time they had ever shifted they were eleven there Father in one of his moods again taking it out on there poor mother.
Something inside them itched at that moment hearing her cries there old dog bite injury felt like it was on fire now as they itched and scratched at it till the skin gave way giving the breathing room for transformation.
The next time they open there eyes they were being kicked there Mother sobbing as she screamed.
Father laid dead mauled beyond recognition.
Did you do that?
Why was she screaming at you?
You were kicked into the foster system the next day narrowly avoiding Juvenile detention your mother had given her last bit of gratitude by explaining to the police that you were defending her you thought she'd praise you after the police left.
You were packing your clothes that night.
You got a DNA test when you arrived due to your mothers alibi to the police.
They figured it too your mother being clearly traumatized and you sudden violent act of self defense could have made her see anything at moment.
Still didnt explain the injuries that only a dog could cause.
You were 15 when you had a good grasp on what you were.
By 18 you were barely you anymore picked pieces from other peoples faces and bodies till you felt like you looked normal.
By 19 your mother had passed the news reached you slow and the grief went slower.
By 21 you've already been in the military for a while now, If that means with a new face and body each time some higher up sticks there nose into your business then so be it.
Shifting from human to human was easy the more you practiced it.
More harder things like non-humans and animals were doable but animals were getting easier and easier.
You've tried been a K9 once didnt work out for long.
You've had a few nice call signs.
Few you quickly forgot.
Thats been nice to be called recently.
You should focus your meeting your new task force.
We should focus.
Its been a few days and wow these guys were something.
Did you mention they were monsters?
Not in a negative way of course.
But getting to know them while they were around base was nice.
Gaz you felt was the easier to get to know the harpy felt open, Talked about how they've never had a human on the team before.
Threw Gaz you got to know Soap, You felt like the man was holding back the calm energy around him felt forced at times as the days past both of them seemed to get to know you better and you got to know them better as well.
As for the Captain and Lieutenant you were honestly nervous,
Price had a welcoming aura to him his voice gruff and firm you warmed up to him soon enoug.
You tried.
And shuffled away every time he looked at you.
He noticed.
He noticed?.
You eventually did warm up to Ghost!
You realized he wasn't glaring at you for once and tried to talk to him it was..awkward to many silences but it was a conversation.
So you and him were okay.
Were you okay now weeks later slowly making your place into the team?
You were itching beyond belief this wasn't a good sign—
Actually you didn't even know what kind of sign this was.
You had all just gotten back from a particular rough mission a few more injuries than you all would like you got a few stitches in your arm and every since you could just feel them moving.
Being shifted around stubbornly as if they were a dam in a river.
You couldn't do that here.
You were in the confines of your own room but what if one of them walked in?
Would they report you?
Get you kicked for the military?
Maybe if you could just shift slightly enough to easy the unease under your skin.
The sound of cracking bone was sure to grab attention.
But surely you could just pass it off as stretching?
You could not pass it off as stretching and you were currently hiding in the rafters near sobbing.
Gaz had came in to check on you and caught you half shifted you panicked and lunged at him or the door you couldn't remember you were pretty sure one of your bones were jutting out of your skin as it readjusted into place.
You didn't hurt him.
You were just hoping you could calm yourself enough to shift into something smaller and run away shift into a new person new age try again at childhood maybe?
Maybe you panicking too much?
There also monsters they'd understand?
You didn't mean to lie about what you were.
You just.
The fear of the unknown paralyzed you to afraid of what'll happen what people will think.
You know you could be a threat.
Someone able to take face and shape of anyone?
You could understand if you were saw that way.
But you didn't want to be seen that way.
Every since your mother stared you down in fear not admiration not even shock.
You knew you could never let someone look at you that way again.
Not someone you cared about.
Maybe if you hid away long enough they'd forget.
Memories fade.
Faces fade from recognition.
But that's all what you wished what have happened.
Now you were in a awkward stare off with Gaz not to subtly watched your arm pop and snap back into place along with your head.
"I see I should have knocked.."
"Yeah you should have."
A voice of not your own replied.
You hated when your body was out of sync.
You were using the wrong voice again, rearranging your own brain and vocal cords was odd.
Odder when one of your new teammates watched.
"Are- Are you okay?-"
"No" Ghost's voice replied.
"Oh..I-..Er..Do you..need a medic I.."
"No" Your own voice replied finally.
"Can you please leave..My ribs are still not in place and I doubt you'd want to see how that works."
He left.
Probably to tell Price rather then not wanting to see you basically play with your own rib cage like tuning a piano.
a/n; idk where this was going i did not plan this out i just wrote it on a whim
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ivnxrori · 6 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S2
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: Fighting, arguing
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 7 - Refreshing Tea
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“Have you heard of that tea-house? All of a sudden their tea has been the best in Ba Sing Se!” One of the men said. “Oh then I must try it out! I have been craving tea recently," the woman responded with a laugh. I wasn't the biggest fan of tea outside of the northern water tribe. The only tea that exists was Spirit Oasis Tea which was only used for meditating in the Spirit Oasis to the Moon spirit. Ironic that the water tribe doesn't have a variety of drinks. “Uhm ma’am” I snapped out of me zoning out. I have been doing that more recently. “Sorry…” I said sheepishly as I handed him water tribe money. “You must be hearing about the new tea at the tea-house, I haven't had the time to go there but man I really want to. Sadly I'm constantly stuck at work.” The worker complained. Maybe I should check out the new tea area. “Water tribe money? Wow I haven't seen this currency in a while” The store owner said as I packed up my groceries for today. “Sorry, that's all I'm able to carry” Internally praying he accepts the pay. “Money is money” He shrugs and I let out a sigh of relief. “Have a nice day” he waved off while I smiled in gratefulness, taking Aku by the lead.
  ҉   ☾
Aku and I managed to get there, the sky was dark and the moon was slowly rising up. I really like the night sky because that's the only time I get to see Yue again. I smiled and parked Aku near the entrance. “Stay here buddy” I consoled before going into the tea-house. Once I walked there were still a lot of people, only one table was empty. Is the tea here really that good? Or this is the only tea-house here. I'm here to find out anyway. I was able to sit down at the empty table after making my order, which was just…tea. My mind wanders off thinking my father and Yue would have loved tea, not just specifically from here but in general. “Here’s your tea” a boy said, placing down the cup on the wooden table. I smiled softly “thank you” looking up at him, the realization hitting me. He has a very familiar scar on the left side of his face, it was none other than Zuko himself. Both of our eyes widened from the realization of who each other was. He totally figured out who I was. I immediately got up in fear, preparing to run away however it was prevented by Zuko himself. He grabbed my wrist, softer than I expected. “What are you doing here?” He whispered which made me irritated. “What are you doing here!?” I hissed. I didn't even get my answer due to an interruption made by…Jet?! 
“These two are firebenders!” Jet yelled out, holding two of his swords. How did he figure that out? Did he fight with them? “I saw the old man heating his tea,” Jet continued to yell. “He works at a tea shop,” one of the soldiers defended. He made eye contact with me, I freaked out internally thinking what was he going to do. “He is attacking this girl right here!” He pointed the sword at Zuko and I. We both looked down still seeing Zuko’s hand wrapped around my wrist. Due to this we quickly pulled back, I blushed in embarrassment. “N-No! The tea was too hot so he pulled my hand away before I could get burnt” I explained, my voice going a pitch higher than I wanted it to be. I don't know why I defended Zuko, but he didnt do anything bad to me at that moment. Zuko said absolutely nothing, way to go Zuko. “Drop your swords boy, nice and easy” The soldiers got up but Jet didn't care. “You have to defend yourself, then everyone will know. Go ahead! Show them what you can do.”  Zuko took the sword of one of the soldier’s “You want a show? I'll give you a show!” I grabbed my cub and tea before Zuko moved the table with his leg. I honestly couldn't be bothered with this situation. It doesn't include me and I wasnt that close with either of them to care. I tried taking a sip of the tea made, which was surprisingly still warm and I was even more surprised that it tasted really good. No wonder everyone wants to come here, and father would love this!
I continued drinking until I realized Aku was still outside. I went outside near the door frame to see a crowd of people surrounding Zuko and Jet, who were on opposite sides. “It's true sir, we saw the whole thing, this crazy kid attacked the finest tea maker in this city.” One of the soldiers said, making the old guy blush. Jet's eyes meet mine again making me flinch and look away. “Y/N do you trust me?” He says out loud making all the eyes go on me. My eyes widened and I looked down in embarrassment. What should I say? It's not like me saying anything would make much of a difference, unless if I took my hood down I would be able to use my princess card. “Stop bringing the young lady into this, can't you see she is scared” One of the women said, shielding me. Slowly everyone was defending me. I looked at Jet one last time before turning away. I'm sorry Jet, the person you shouldn't trust is me. He looked at me painfully before getting taken away from the guards. Jet continued spouting out words which slowly went faint and slowly everyone in the circle disappeared. “Some kinda friend you are” I turned around and saw Zuko. “He was not my friend,” I sneered. “Why did you defend me anyways, your the one that actually saw me fire bend”
“I didnt even defend you, I was trying to keep attention away from me” “Did it work?” “What is your problem? Isn't it more beneficial for you than it is for me?” I spat in annoyance. 
“Calm down you two” The old man said, calming the both of us down. “How did both of you recognize me?” I asked worriedly, holding the hood closer to my face. “Your face is quite recognizable once you've seen it, Princess Y/N. Now how about some tea, it will be on the house.” The old man whispered the second part which made me breathily sigh. “I'm good for the day” I glared at both Zuko and the old man. I go outside to take Aku and leave.
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“Sorry Aku, i'm just going to go for a little walk okay?” I patted Aku on the head before I left. I was never allowed to go out at sundown before so I wanted to see what it was like. I stretched my arms over my head before seeing a kid and an adult. The adult had the kids' ball, taunting him. Really? How immature are these adults? “Hey, let the kids have some fun” I stated, defending the kid who turned towards me. His eyes were bloodshot red, tears were streaming down his face. “Hah, what are you gonna do? Hit me?” The guy taunted, shaking the ball. “I might just do that” I get water out of my water pouch, slapping them. “Ow” the guy hissed and let go of the ball “you will regret this!” he yelled running away. I grab the ball and gently hand it to the boy. “You need to be careful at night, who knows what could happen” I wiped the tears that were on his cheeks. He sniffed in response, grabbing a ball. Shakily saying “T-Thank you kind lady” He looked down. I smile softly “No problem, now where are your friends?” I looked around to see no one. “They all left once the scary man came” He sniffled. I patted his head sweetly. “Let's get you home little guy” I smiled as he grabbed my hand.
“Say thank you to the kind lady, who knows what we would do without her” The mom patted his back, ushering him to thank me. “Thank you!” He smiled. Both the mother and the son waved in delight. I waved them back and turned around, away from the house. I should probably go home by now, I'm feeling a bit tired. I yawned in my hand, till I heard something. I turned around quickly, searching for anything but there was nothing. Huh…I guess I'm just hearing things. Then I felt a grasp around my wrist. I immediately flick it away, using my water bending to hit them back. “Who's there?” I said out loud. “I told you, you will regret this” the guy from before said, chuckling evilly. The same guy who stole a kids ball. This time he had two additional accomplices. “Please you're so immature” I laughed mockingly which heated him up furthermore. Before he could strike, a figure barged in, striking them with two blades. My eyes widened at the scene and I quickly took out the figure behind me, whacking him down. I turned around to check out the scene again. I got a better look of the figure who held two swords, wore a blue mask and an all black outfit. “Just who…are you?” I raised my brows, moving closer. Just as I was about to get close enough, he ran, taking the three guys with him. That was awfully weird, man I really need to get home now…
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a/n: Sorry for the late post WOOO Managed to post it on time!! So yeah! Thats literally it LMAO have a nice day and take care fo yourself!!
Taglist: @luvkvni @katovano @karmaswitch @someonesmember @velvet-spider @sh3sa1dwhat @nerdisthenewcool @meiraloves2dmen @fqnfics101 @iluvme547 @leaderwon @yukihatesreoyo @heart4hees @4l3x1s @kkissaku @corpsebridenightamare @newjellis @fatkish
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hwa-ae · 6 months
Golden Retriever —
: ̗̀⇢pairings: shinyu x fem! reader
: ̗̀⇢synopsis: IN WHICH you surprise shinyu by showing up to his first fansign disguised as a fan.
: ̗̀⇢genre: fluff, sfw
: ̗̀⇢warnings: mutual pining, dating in secret, written in lowercase on purpose, written from reader's pov
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"times up! move to the next person!" i heard the staff call out, making the fangirls all move to the next idol. i was currently talking to jihoon, so i had to move to the next idol who so happened to be my boyfriend, junghwan, or shinyu.
"hi! im a really huge fan of tws!" i immediately said after seating down, seeing how shinyu's head immediately lifted up after hearing my familiar voice, making him confused as he didn't expect me to be there. i removed my mask slowly, smiling widely as i saw his surprised reaction. i placed a finger on my lips as a way of saying 'shh' to him as i began acting as a fangirl.
"shinyu-ah, could we compare hand sizes?" i said teasingly, holding my hand out, watching as he stumbles upon his words and raise his hand up to match mine. "wahh, your hands are really big! you could curl your fingers over my fingertips!"
"haha, you have really small hands," shinyu laughed out, curling his fingers over my fingertips.
"can we take a photo together? lets do a heart!" i pulled out my phone, doing my best to act as a fangirl.
"ah- of course!"
we both stood up from the chair, facing the camera as we did a heart with our hands. as i continued taking photos, he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer and smiling widely at the camera, shocking some of the fans due to the bold move.
"alright, times up!" i heard the staff call out again, making shinyu's face drop in disappointment.
"looks like the time is up, here, take this bracelet! alright, I'll go now, bye bye!" i quickly gave him the bracelet and went to the next person, dohoon, leaving a wide-eyed shinyu behind at his seat.
after talking to all the members, i sat down at my seat again, watching as the fans interaction with the idols slowly end. i watched as shinyu struggled to put on the bracelet he has acquired from me earlier, almost dropping it a few times, causing his heart to stop everytime it happened.
after his many failed attempts, he kindly asked the staff to help him put it on, smiling widely at me after he finally got the bracelet on, making people snap cute photos of his wide grin.
as the members continued talking and interacting with their fans, shinyu stared at me the entire time, looking at me with anticipation after cracking a joke, like a puppy waiting for praise after doing a trick.
even when he was expressing his love and appreciation for his fans and the support he has received from them, he couldnt help but glance at my direction one too many times for it to be a coincidence.
"shinyu-ah! do a puppy pose please!" i decided to try my luck and yell over the other fangirls who were requesting for the group to do many other poses. although i didnt expect for shinyu to hear my request, he suddenly turned his head towards my direction and stuck his tongue out slightly, holding his two hands up to mimic dog ears as he stared at me with his puppy eyes.
though shinyu and i didnt have much interaction throughout the entire fansign, i could see some fans recording our entire interaction, probably to post on tiktok later.
a few days after, a video of my interaction was seen popping up on my fyp, captioned, 'shinyu must've had favourites! he kept looking at this girl's direction the entire time and even initiated contact with her during her turn to talk to him during the fansign! oh im so jealous of her!! :(('.
i decided to scroll through the comments, seeing most of them saying, ' that shouldve been me!' and 'she was really pretty though, i wouldve done the same as shinyu', making me laugh as i screenshotted all of them, sending them to shinyu to tease him about it later.
oh how i love my little golden retriever boyfriend ♡
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© 2024, hwa-ae ♥︎
do not steal, plagiarise or translate my work on any platforms!
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burnedwriter · 2 years
N.N.N Harbinger special!
A/n:i have had so many problems with this fic i swear,this is a reupload of the fic due to my blog being shadow banned and my post getting community labeled.i will have an ao3 account in a few days so i will also upload all my fics there
A/n:im not responsible for what people read
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💉he would accept the challenge only to experiment on himself.we are talking about dottore afterall.He was curious to see the effects that it had on his body.
💉he will even tell you to tease him a bit to see if the there any diferent effects.
💉this man sees everything as an opportunity for an experiment and suprisingly enough he made it through the whole month
💉until one day,you were approached by a fatui agent.
''lord dottore requests your assistance!''He said monotonely
and with that you got up from your seat and headed towards dottore's office.Knoking the door before entering,you closed the door behind you,he had his chair turned back at the door but as soon as he heard the door close he turned his chair to face you.
you always felt like a deer in headlights to his presence making your whole body freeze in place
''you requested my assistance,how's the experiment going sir?''you said cowardly
making himself comfortable he placed his elbows on his desk as the tips of his fingers touched eachether creating a sophisticated pose
''the experiment went great dear,but there is one last thing i want you to help me with.....how about you show me what that beautiful mouth of yours can do other than talking''
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🐋When you told this man about the challenge,he acceted imediatly without any hesitation.Childe loves challenging his abilities in every way he can.
🐋But what he didnt expect was how hard it would be with you around him
🐋he lasted until day 15 and failed in the most clitche way possible
🐋You heard him call you from the living room,so you quickly threw a towel over yourself as you just came out of the shower and headed to the living room.
''what is it ajax?''you asked confused as you saw him stand still before you
his cheecks flashed red as he continued to stare at your half covered body
''you look really beautiful like this''his voice trembling almost like he fell in love again
coming closer to you he wrapped his arms around your waist closing the distance between you
You saw his gaze turn from soft to a lustful one,as his hands slithered down your ass massaging it softly and earning a low moan from you
"How about we take this to the bedroom hm"
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👿When you told him about the challenge he thought it was stupid but....he accepted it only because hehas a big ego about himself and wants to prove its not that hard
👿So of course you took it upon yourself and decided to tease him a bit just to step up the difficulty for him.
👿Pretending you dropped your pen and picking it up only to flash scara with a glimse of your panties,or another thing you did to tease him was grinding yourself against his crotch every time you sat on his lap and when he confroted you about it,you tried to pay it off as coincidence
That was the last straw for him
"Are you satisfied now slut" he hissed threw his teeth as he pounded into your core as he had you pinned with your legs next to your head
"Trying so hard to get my attention"he said continuing his merciless pace
By that you knew you were in for a long night
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👖 Pantalone is different from the rest of the harbingers.He will agree to participate in the challenge under one condition,if you too joined
👖By accepting the deal you sealed your fate in he worst case possible
👖Pantalone didnt seem to break by your teasing even if it did hes impossible to read under that charming smile of his
👖Pantalone's teasing though...made you wish this month to be over already
👖He would brush his hands with yours everytime he passed you or he will whisper dirty things in your ear every chance he got just to see you cheeks glow red
👖Finally you had enough of his teasing,putting your ego aside you went straight to his office,upon entering you closed the door behind you
Pantalone lifted his head off of the paper work only to realise it was you
"Hello darling,is there anything you need?"
Bitting your lip as your face started to heat up from embarassment
"Oh!i see...you finally gave in,too bad we have to try next year again"he let out a teasing laugh as a sly smile started to form
You were in for a treat
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eclipse-rain · 2 years
Fwel Tsaheylu (Broken Bond)
Reader is part of the Sully family
Lo'ak's younger twin and eldest daughter
This is my first post and first time writing one of these so please be nice ♡
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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The light of the stars shone down onto pandora far below them. The bioluminecent plants glowed many diffrent colors in the darkness of eclipse. The leaves shiffted, moving lightly with the small wind that blew through them. It blew upwind, a crucial piece of knowledge for any hunter to know. Couldn't have your hunt being able to smell you before you caught it. Any movement out of place would lose you your catch. Stay still, stay quiet, make as little movement as possible when you notch your bow in your arrow. Place the bow, pull back, make sure your in the right position, exhale, keep an eye on your target, aim, release. And try not to miss.
Like i just did.
Startled, the animal quickly ran away from the arrow that shot past it.
"That was so off" i whispered to myself, i was glad none of my siblings were around to make fun of me for missing the most simple shot. I was too caught up in my own thoughts. I came out to hunt at night to clear my head when i couldnt sleep and ended up being caught up enough in my own thoughts that i didnt even hit it at all.
It had become some what of a normality for me at this stage, the sneaking out of the village, sneaking out of my hammock where i would sleep near my family at night. At least i had my own hammock when i used to have to sleep with my parents and siblings. Sometimes i needed more time to myself, to sort through my thoughts without interruption and i couldnt do that while lying still as my family slept around me. My mind was far too active, my guard was still up, my tail still forced to silence at my side instead of being able to freely swish back and forth in annoyance or anger or any other emotion it portrayed that i couldnt show to my family without being questioned a hundred diffrent ways of what was wrong.
They ment well, i know they did but that didnt make it any less hard when they looked at you with pity, with anticipation or knowing. When they looked at you like they could see through your lies and into your soul. See through the barrier you put around yourself, that you used to keep people at a safe distance in hopes that that way it would hurt less if you let them down.
It would hurt less if they never had expectations for you at all in the first place but it was impossible for that to be the case with my family. Even if it wasnt the type of expectation that my eldest brother had to mold himself into or even the expectations that my second brother had tried to fit himself to while following in the footsteps of our eldest brother.
No,no. The expectations set out for me were probably the simplest and yet the most impossible thing for me to do. But i guess thats how everyones problems are. They may not seem like all that big of a deal to another person, mabey that person could even find an easy way through that problem. But your problem is a problem because it is tailored to fit you and only you exactly and that creates the feeling of isolation of lonleyness and despair.
Because then you feel like no one else would be able to understand, no one else would be able to help you through the problem so in the end you have to find the correct path on your own. Even if that means you feel those emotions and many more while you try to claw your way back out of that dark pit and back to the light. The problem with this is that while some can accomplish such a feat, many cannot. Even faced with that realisation many still chose to try, because thats all you can do until you can try no more.
"I did it again..."
I mentally hit myself for zoning out once again. I figured that with my latest failure it was time to head back. I ran to retrieve my arrow from where it had landed a few meters away. It was in a very small clearing surrounded by trees with just a patch of grass in the center. A sudden memory came flooding back to me and i got sucked into my thoughts once more.
The memory of laughter, of comfort and happiness a memory i cherished and relished in but also with the passing years felt now somewhat bitter. We used to lie in this place, it was the only clearing in the forest where you could see the stars without them being covered by the thick foliage of the canopy of trees up above. Kiri and i used to come here almost every eclipse just before bedtime . We would lie in the grass and look up at the stars, take in their magnificence. Kiri would tell me about how she could feel the nature all around her, feel the life of the forest.
I slowly lowered myself down to the ground and onto my back to relish in the memory, the stars shone down onto the forest far below. And like it always does that memory that i cherish, the bit i can relish in ends and the bitterness comes creeping in. I loved spending that time with Kiri, we were closer to each other than to our older brothers when we were kids since she was the only other girl my age in the family. But the way she could feel the forest, feel it around her, feel its heartbeat and feel eywa, it couldnt help but make me feel like i was diffrent. It made me feel like an out cast, like an alien...like a human. I thought it was unfair and i'll admit i was even somewhat jealous of her connection to eywa. I still am. Even though i know thats something she struggles with and for that i cannot help but hate myself for being such a bad sister and bad person. Mabey i am more human than id like to admit, i heard theyre selfish and only think about themselves.
See i had and still have the complete oposite problem to Kiri. While she feels a great connection to eywa beyond even the normal na'vi peoples understanding, i barely feel a connection to eywa at all. This was something i learned gradually as i grew up, like when Kiri would talk about what she felt or when my parents, siblings and the other na'vi people could talk about what they felt regarding eywa so easily.
As i grew i gradually learned how i was diffrent from the others in my village, even in my own family. Nevermind having Kiris connecrion to eywa, i barely had the connection to be one of the people. Of course since i found this all out as i grew older and became more aware of what that would mean for me, i took precautions, you could say. I reclined back into myself and put up a wall.
And when my parents started to give me those looks of pity, anticipaton or knowing, like they could see into my soul, see that something was bothering me, that something was wrong. I learned to calm the swishing of my angered tail, stiffen the annoyed twitches of my ears, the anxious movements my body made. So that even they would not be able to see past my barrier and into my heart. So that they would not question as to why i was suddenly angry or annoyed or anxious. So that they would not find out the truth, so that they would never think of me as one of those demons, as my mother called them. One of the humans.
Instead of letting the bitterness envelop my heart completely i pulled myself back to reality and back to the stars. The one piece of this world that i truly do feel connected to. That i feel myself always being pulled towards instead of the forest like everyone else. Mabey thats why even after i stopped coming out at eclipse with Kiri to star gaze, hoping to completely close that part of myself off, i still could not help, even now, for my gaze to always seemingly be drawn upwards, towards the stars. Towards the sky.
My heart gradually recovered as it always does and as i always expect it to in the future. But that didnt last long. I brought myself up to rest on my arms so i could get a better look at what i was seeing. As if i couldnt believe my eyes, i stared dumbfounded at what i saw before me. A star that was shinning brighter than all the others.
No, a new star.
And all the na'vi people, even me, know that a new star can only mean one thing.
A new star ment a new war.
A war my parents hoped would never come. With their hopes dashed, preparations were made. A hunting party. A war party. With our parents leading it. The plan was to ambush a train that was transporting human suplies. My older brothers and i were also going along with them to observe from up above and keep look out.
Its not like we never had drills for the possibility of the humans returning. We were trained to hunt and to fight so that it was burned into our heads and bodies until it had become a reflex. We trained and trained until we went through our own right of passage to earn our place as a hunter and to earn our own ikran which the four of us had already gone through.
My eldest brother Neteyam was taught by our father. He strived to perfect his hunting skills and became a great hunter to the point that he could rival our parents in the near future.
My second brother and older twin Lo'ak followed in the footsteps of our older brother and had our father teach him how to use a bow and hunt. Although his desire to learn faded as quickly as it came in his finding that he was not as great as Neteyam in that area.
Kiri who was only a small bit younger than Lo'ak and i never wanted to become a hunter and join the hunting party and decided to remain at home and become a healer instead. She was taught by our grandmother, our Mothers mother and the former tsahik of our clan, Mo'at. With Grandmother as her mentor, for guidance, Kiri was steadily on her way to becoming a great healer.
Tuk followed lightly in the foot steps of each of us, observing, while trying to figure out what path she would take in the future.
I however always wanted to become a hunter like my older brothers who i admired since i was a kid. I was also the only one in the family who was taught to hunt by our mother. I guess it had something to do with me being the first born girl in the family. But even if i was not a natural at hunting or using a bow like Neteyam, i would not give up as easily as Lo'ak. My flame to learn would not burn out as quickly and was only stoked, sparking a bigger fire under my small wings.
I would practice and practice in secret until my fingers bled and scabbed and calloused over. So that i could make my mother proud when i was the only child she taught in the family. So that even if i wasnt the best, at least i wasnt the worst. So that i was at least average, i was normal. So that i could blend in, so that i didnt look like an outcast or an alien or a human like my mother and all the other Na'vi people hated.
We flew high in the air on our ikrans, weaving in and out of mountain tops and cliffs. Everyone was armed with weapons and donned in war paint. Our parents lead the attack up at the forefront. My father was armed with a gun, my mother with her fathers bow. They hollared and shouted to boost the moral of the others in the party.
My older brothers and i were higher up and more at the back of the party since we were only there to observe and not get in the way.
We came upon an elivated train track and the train carrying the suplies soon came into view at a fast speed. It was flanked with two aircrafts on either side, probably to protect it in case of an attack like what was about to unfold i thought. My father signaled to the war party on the ground and soon after the track right in front of the train exploded. The train was sent flying and broke into multiple sections, turning over in mid air. It exploded with parts flying in every direction.
The war party on the ground cheered in triumph and my father signaled for our party to move in. The three of us circled around the scene from above and i watched as my father took out one of the aircrafts with his gun while my mother took out the other with her bow and arrow. She cried a war call in triumph while raising her arms, bow still in hand, above her head.
The three of us watched as the rest of the people flocked to the wreckage of the train to raid and distribute the gun supplies of the humans. My father stood to the side, still armed, watching over the situation, urging people not to slow their movements.
And suddenly my twin brother had a bright idea.
"Bro, we have got to get down there!" Lo'ak exclaimed
"No way dad would skin us!" Neteyam countered
"Come on dont be a woose" Lo'ak said calmly while veering down towards the wreckage
"Lo'ak get back here you...!" Neteyam called after him before shouting in annoyance
'I bet he was going to say skwang' i thought to myself observing the exchange from the other side of Neteyam.
"Stay here, dont follow us, just do what dad said" he shouted over to me
I didnt get a chance to reply before he dived after Lo'ak.
I was going to do what dad said even with out Neteyam telling me to. I really hate when he orders me around. I know he means well but does he really think id do something dumb in this situation. Im not trying to get myself killed! Although the same cant be said for my twin so i guess i see where he's coming from at least.
I watched them land on the ground while continuing to circle over head and farther forward toward the cliff side. That was until my attention was shifted to my ikran who started to act weird. It was suddenly swaying left and right instead of straight ahead like i was telling it to.
"Steady girl. Woah! Steady!" I called out to it
I started to panic and began to lose control of my ikran even more. We suddenly started to lose momentum and veered towards the ground. I knew it would be bad if i didnt do something now and i would not come out unscathed if i fell from this height all the way down to the ground.
With what control i had left over my ikran i veered it towards the cliff side. It lurched forward and slammed us against the side of the cliff before latching onto it with its talons. I quickly got over the momentary shock of how hard we slammed into the cliff so i could find out what was wrong with my ikran. I knew what danger i was in if i was not able to fly and more human reinforcements came.
I looked my ikran over as best i could. Did it get hit by something and i just didnt know? Was it injured? If not then what was wrong with it? I could not see anything wrong with it externally. Was it something i did? I was about to focus on our tsahaylu to feel what was wrong with my ikran when i heard a call and more shouts from the party down below.
Seeing them, some of them had scared faces while pointing their guns to the sky and others ran in the opposite directions than the guns were pointing. I turned to look back at the gap between the cliff where i was latched onto and the opposite cliff. I was faced with a human aircraft flying into the clearing not far away from where i was placed on the cliff.
"Great Mother" i said under my breath in shock
I heard my father order a retreat, the war party followed the command and started to fall back. Panic arose in me once again, i didnt know if i could properly fly again to get myself away from the danger. I mentally cursed and thought about contacting my father through the communication device around my throat. I hesitated and cringed back into myself as i knew i would be questioned a million diffrent ways as to what i was doing and why i couldnt fly by both of my parents if i let them know about this.
Both my parents also had other priorities as clan leaders and the leaders of this party. I couldnt just have one of them come rescue me because i suddenly couldnt fly my ikran even though it wasnt injured at all, so there was technically nothing wrong with it. I would be made fun of relentelessly by my siblings as well since this was one of the most basic things to do as a hunter and i had already gone through the right of passage of choosing and getting my own ikran. So why would i be having problems now?
Of course i was pretty sure i knew the answer to this but they didnt have to know.
I opted for the quickest course of action since even if i told my father what was happening he would not be able to get to me quick enough when i was all the way at the top of a cliff. And would most likely just tell me to fly away to a safe place, so i planned to do exactly that. I had to get myself out of the way and out of any possibility of danger on my own.
So that i would not hinder my parents or the war party. I didnt know if i could fly properly again but i had to at least try because thats all i really could do in this situation. It was either that or get spotted by the aircraft and get blown to smithereens. And my problems werent bad enough right now for me to want that to happen so i opted to try to fly the f*ck away instead.
This was all decided in a matter of seconds. Afterall flying with your ikran was all about your tsaheylu, your connection to them on a deeper level. No connection, no flying. So thats what i focused on. I first focused on trying to feel what was wrong with my ikran like i was trying to do earlier before the reinforcement airship arrived.
Of course, i was right when i figured i probably knew what was wrong because this wasnt the first time something like this happened.
Although it was the first time it happened in a place where other people and even my family members could see and of course it also had to be when we were all in a dangerous situation.
I mentally cursed and prayed to eywa to be able to keep my tsaheylu connection a little longer. It was fading again, my tsaheylu connection, like it does sometimes randomly and without warning. I still dont know why this happens and it barely ever happened before but in the last few years it has become more frequent.
Its not just my connection to my ikran but the same thing has happened before with our steeds and my connection to eywa has never been that strong in the first place. Its gotten worse as I've grown older but how could i tell anyone about it? I mean really how could i!
I dont have any human attributes like my twin or my adoptive sister, like having four fingers instead of three or having eyebrows when normal na'vi people dont. But iv seen how it affects my siblings. I hear the infrequent murmurs about them being more human than na'vi compared to Neteyam, Tuk and I. I dont think it bothers Kiri all that much but i know its something that Lo'ak struggles with even if he doesnt want to admit it.
But theyre all wrong, the on lookers, the people who murmur those things. Even if thats how they look in apperance, they have never shown any signs of being anything other than true Na'vi people. They have never acted in any way that is unlike the na'vi because its normal for them to act just like the people. While i on the other hand have the exact opposite problem.
I may look like the na'vi people but i could not feel any diffrent on the inside even if i dont want to admit it. I know deep down that i am diffrent, i guess i am like Lo'ak in that sense. We are twins after all, it would be wierd if there werent one or two things about us that were alike. I remember father once said to us when we were kids that twins run in the family, his side of the family, and that he and his twin brother were not that alike either.
I know how much the people and especially my own mother hate humans. And i dont blame them, how could i! Look at what they've done, not even once but now twice. They're demons. Just like my mother said.
And with that thought i tried to force my concentration to my tsaheylu, to my bond with my ikran and through that connection i told my ikran to fly. To fly away, away from the danger, away from the clearing, from the war zone.
I tried, i really tried but it didnt work, like i had expected it not to deep down. Instead now my ikran seemed to be panicking, scared by the loud explosions and cries from below and without instruction or comfort from our tsaheylu.
It was thrashing around as it became increasingly agitated and my panic spiked once more. I froze not knowing what to do, the sounds of the comotion still rang out far below me. My ikran was scaling the side of the cliff going up a bit and then back down, trying to figure out which way to go on its own.
Our tsaheylu was still not working and suddenly my ikran let go of the side of the cliff and took flight of its own accord. It soared up higher in the air and then circled back down closer to the ground and the fight. All the while i was desperately disconnecting and reconnecting the bond to my ikran hoping against hope that it might actually work one of the times it reconnected.
Everyone was occupied enough with the attacks from the new aircraft that they didnt see my not being able to fly my ikran properly which i was somewhat relieved about. But of course my relief didnt last long. As my tsaheylu was disconnected and i was once again trying to reconnect our bond, i was not holding onto my ikran with my hands.
I had only been holding onto it with my legs while trying to form tsaheylu so when one of the na'vi people took down the aircraft and it fell to the groud creating the biggest explosion yet, my ikran flung me right off its back in fright. Thankfully we were lower to the ground than before so i at least wouldnt die on impact.
I vaguely saw my ikrans retreating form fly higher into the sky and away from the explosion seeming to have finally made up its mind to get the f*ck out of here.
'Wow thats a great idea. I wish you would have thought of that before when i was still on your back!' I thought to myself annoyed
I averted my attention to the bigger problem i was now facing as i was free falling to the ground. I reached out to try and grab a piece of the wreckage of one of the train sections as i was falling. I successfully did so, slicing deep gashes into both palms of my hands in the process but lessening the impact of when i hit the ground.
I layed still for a while after, trying to get over the shock of my fall.
But i knew i could not waste anymore time. I remembered back to something my father made sure to always remind me of. So that it would be ingrained into my mind. So that if i chose to follow in his and my mothers footsteps and become a hunter in the future like my brothers would, even when i was in crisis i would not forget his words.
'You cant hesitate! Because a split second is all it can take to mean the diffrence between life and death. Weather you live or die.'
When i was a kid i thought dad had learned that when he became Toruk Macto and fought in the war against the humans but father said it was something he learned when he was a marine. A warrior of Earth. The humans planet. The place he came from and was born and raised.
And so with that in mind i blocked out the slight ringing in my ears and the streaks of white fading in and out of my vision. I heaved myself into a sitting position before pushing myself to my feet. Ignoring the sting in my bloodied palms and my bruised back. My adrenalin kicking in and putting my body in survival mode.
"I have to try and find cover" i whispered under my breath
'If more human reinforcemnts come and i cant fly away or run away i should at least find somewhere to hide myself. At least that way i will be more protected than if i was out in the open' i thought to myself
I looked around for a split second before deciding on crouching behind a big piece of wreakage that was just a little ways off to my right. I grabbed a bloodstained bow i found inbetween small pieces of the wreakage and a single arrow that was stuck in the ground on my way.
Armed and hidden, crouched behind the wreackage i didnt have time to think any farther ahead before I heard my fathers voice come over the device around my throat.
"Y/n where are you? Are you okay?"
My head finally cleared from the slight ringing in my ears and the streaks of white in my vision as i heard the sound of my fathers voice.
"Y/n respond!" Jake urged with a more forceful tone to his voice
I took a moment to gather myself before i brought my hand up to my neck to respond.
"Yeah, im here. Im fine" i said in as calm a voice as i could manage at the time
"Well where are you then? I dont see you up above. Are you heading back home with the others?" He asked more calmly this time
I didnt know how to respond to that. Mostly because i was embarrased to be in the situation i was in when it never should have happened in the first place. Because i knew better than to do something dumb in the middle of a battle and just couldnt control my ikran, but how could i tell him that? The other part was that i didnt really know where i actually was on the battlefield to tell him my location.
When i didnt respond i heard him call my name again and was startled back to reality by the sound of his voice.
"Y/n, where are you right now" he said with a little more urgency to his voice
I heard who i assumed to be Neteyam in the background of my fathers end mutter something along the lines of "Im sorry, sir".
I slowly raised myself up from my hiding spot to look around to see if i could see any landmarks that stuck out to me that i could possibly relay to my father for him to be able to find me. Thats when i heard that familiar call.
"Its alright i can see mom" i relayed to him
I saw my mother flying on her own ikran around the battlefield. She had probably also noticed her childrens absences and went to search herself.
"Good. Signal to her and ride with her back home" Jake commanded
And i ended up doing just that.
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honeykawa · 1 year
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pairing: dabi x reader
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: reader injuries, cursing
word count: 1.0k
summary: you hadnt expected to get jumped that night but being the resident healer for the lov did have its quirks. you somehow made your way back to the bar before passing out but your comrades werent exactly sure on how to help since you were the one who typically took care of the healing. even after the storm passes and youre sure to be okay, a new one starts to brew with one question in mind: whos going to tell dabi?
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you stumbled around outside holding onto your waist along with staggered breathing. you had been confronted by a couple of heroes who recognized you as someone who works closely with the league and as dabis partner since he tends to burn himself a lot. you wouldnt say you were a villain like the others. all you did was heal those in the organization whenever they needed it. your quirk allowed you to heal others so long as you took all the pain but it didnt really work as well on yourself. you could only imagine the amount of blood youve lost at this point, you dont even know how you got away from those heroes.
you finally got to the hideout and all eyes were on you as you entered the bar. “please…help” you instantly fell over and passed out as soon as you saw your comrades, you trusted that they would get you where you needed to be.
toga was the first one to get to your fallen body. usually blood wasnt a sight she feared but seeing you bloodied was terrifying to her. youd saved her so many times, listened to her whenever she needed someone to vent to. kurogiri tried to push everyone out of the way and immediately started to assign jobs to people. but how do you heal the healer?
twice was instructed to quickly bring you to the back room and lay you in a bed while kurogiri called garaki to make an emergency visit. they did what they could to apply immediate first aid until garaki could get there but the amount of blood terrified all of them.
garaki did what he could and you were passed out the entire time so that made it easier for him to apply stitches. “luckily, their quirk does let them heal a little faster than others so all the major bleeding had stopped by the time i got here. they should be fine when they wake up but don’t let them use their quirk until theyre healed. anymore strain on their body could probably kill them.”
garaki left and now the lov had another issue on their hands.
who was going to tell dabi?
everyone knew dabi was more than overprotective of you. he tried to accompany you everywhere and this only intensified when you started dating. the only reason he wasnt with you tonight was because he was on a different mission with compress elsewhere.
“nose goes”
everyone quickly touched their nose except for twice who hadnt realized what was happening until it was too late.
your head was pounding as your eyes slowly opened. the sun was trickling in through the windows which was the only source of light in the room.
you tried to look around to see if you could make out any shapes in the room you were in as you tried to get up. your head was pounding and your body felt stiff.
“i wouldnt move too much if i were you.”
you look over to see dabi sitting in a chair in the corner. he gets up to walk over to you and handed you some painkillers from the table next to you, followed by some water. you took both out of his hands and thank him quietly as he sat on the side of your bed.
“doll, youve been out for a few days. what the fuck happened?”
he reached for you hand and gently squeezed it. a slight tremble could be felt coming from him. the night he got back twice was waiting for him to deliver the news on what happened. dabi felt his heart stop in that moment, like his entire world was shattering around him. even more so when he finally got to see your still body laying in the bed, the only sign of life being the small rise and fall of your chest. he didnt freak out like everyone thought he would have. no. he was still. he didnt know what to do or how to fix this. he couldnt. and the uncertainty and lack of control was absolutely terrifying.
you gave his hand a small squeeze back before telling him your story. “i was ganged up on by some heroes as i was walking back. i hadnt seen them in the area before so i wasnt expecting to run into them.” you felt some tears rising up. you didnt know why you were crying, maybe it was a delayed reaction as to what happened or maybe it was because you felt so helpless in the moment, only escaping due to dumb luck.
“im sorry, dabi. im sorry for worrying you, im sorry i cant defend myself…im sorry im so useless” dabi could feel his heart breaking. he immediately used his other hand to wipe your tears away from you face.
“sunshine, you are far from useless. youre so capable of things that i cant ever dream of. all i can do is destroy, but you? you have healed so many of us. fuck anyone thats made you feel like that.”
you nodded your head in his hand and he leaned down to kiss you. it was soft and gentle, it made you feel safe. when he pulled away, it felt all too soon. but the atmosphere quickly changed.
“im going to need you to tell me something, doll.” his voice was cold and sent a shiver down your back.
dabi pushed some of your hair back and gently held your face in his hand.
“who did this to you?”
he needed names. he wasnt one to let anyone fuck with those he loved. whoever decided to hurt you better be ready to have the favor returned to them tenfold. you were kind, gentle, and would rather take pain for yourself than let anyone else be hurt. you didnt deserve this. it almost broke dabi seeing you laying unconscious, bandaged beyond recognition. he was going to avenge you. he was going to make them pay.
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facioleeknow · 10 months
Hi! Idk know how that works but i have a request for a fanfic! Or just an ideia :D
I wanted to read an story were you were a university student whos major is in photograph or something like that and lee minho is a dancer. You were a very shy student and yoir photos didn't have movement sooo your teacher assigned you to do a project with a dancer (Lee know) to help you develop your technique. The teacher also wanted that lee know helped you be a little less shy.
He helped you take photos of yourself and be more confident with who you are.
I was thinking that for a while but i didnt know how to write that
(English is not my first language, so i am sorry for any mistake)
Hi, sorry for the delay, I hope you like it, and your English was perfect, don't worry about it!
Art is movement • Lee Minho
Tw: none I think, let me know if I should add something, not proofread as always
“All right class, don't forget about your project with the dance majors. I chose personally the pairings and they cannot be changed or switched in any circumstances,” announced your professor, she looked unenthusiastic as always as she let her eyes roam the classroom.
Your fellow students started muttering, annoyed at her behavior. Everybody wanted to choose their friend, but you didn't mind as you didn't have many friends so you stayed silent and looked around you.
The professor regained silence after a sharp ‘shh’ and a look of pure rage. Each student stood up from their seat and made their way to the board to take down the name of the student theyr were supposed to pair up with and the practice room aside to them.
When it was your turn, you took a deep breath and with a shaky finger tried to search through the miriad of names.
Y/N L/N - Lee Minho room 0325
Lee Minho. You knew virtually nothing about him. You knew he was friends with a very very popular guy on campus, a music major called Chris, you knew he was really passionate about dancing and you knew from your roommate that he was rather cold with strangers. That was it. That was your knowledge of Lee Minho.
God please don't let this be too awkward, you thought.
Room 0325. You were stuck, your feet felt glued to the ground and your breath heavy. Your nails sunk into your palm, the sting shocking you back into reality. A shuddering breath escaped your lips.
The room inside was simple, it had wooden floors and mirrors covered one side of the walls. A very handsome young man was stretching, he had on a simple pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, a cap covered part of his face.
How can he look like a model while dresses like that, you thought subconsciously smoothing the fabric of your skirt. 
The moment you stepped into the room his eyes fixed on you. He was intimidating. Hot.
“Are you Lee Minho? I am Y/N L/N, we are supposed to do a project together,” you felt your face get hot and your heart skip a beat.
“You are the photography major?” 
“Yes,” his eyes on you made you feel way too hot, your skin tingly.
She's cute, Minho thought as he felt his ears get warm.
“Do you have anything in mind?”
Your eyes went wide at his bluntness, you didn't expect him to get straight to business, most people liked to exchange small talk.
“Yes,” you blurted out too fast, “ I would like to get some shots of you while you dance.”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
“I don't like to be on camera,” he quickly explained seeing your baffled look in the mirror.
“You should dance,” he added.
Your eyes, wide open from before, now threatened to almost pop out of your head.
“I will teach you,” Minho quickly replied.
And teach you he did, or at least he tried to teach you. He was a great teacher, everything he said was clear and he knew exactly how to break down the steps to make the simple even for the absolute beginners, but you were embarrassingly bad at dancing and everything that included moving to some kind of rhythm.
You looked through the pictures, they were terrible, well the subject was. Too stiff, too awkward. Tears started to fill up your eyes.
This is a disaster.
Minho looked at you from a distance, he could see the tears glisten in your eyes.
“What if we danced together?” 
“You said you didn't want to be on camera,” you blinked trying to suppress the tears.
“You could blur our face with some cool effect,” he mumbled with his cheeks pink.
Minho took you in his arms and started dancing. Your bodies gracefully swayed to the rhythm, you waltzed around the room with ease. You feel light and happy. Minho’s cheeks were brighter than ever and your heart was beating furiously. You could get used to this.
The line to your professor’s desk kept moving and moving, the pictures held tightly in your hands. Minho was at your right, he looked at you with little stars in his eyes.
“The pictures are beautiful,” he simply said. Those four words did wonders for your confidence and you straightened your back.
“Miss Y/N, your project please.” 
Your newfound confidence was quickly destroyed by your professor that was looking at you with an annoyed and tired expression. You handed her the pictures. Her eyes carefully examined everyone of the portraits.
“Good work.”
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alicentsgf · 2 years
I want to like Rhaenicent but I feel like Alicent protects Rhaenyra and cares for her way more than Rhaenyra does for her. Adult Rhaenicent seems rather one sided to me ngl. One way Rhaenyra betrayed Alicent was by marrying Daemon, a man who absolutely despises the Hightowers and who wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter Alicent’s children. Does Rhaenyra really not realize how ruthless Daemon is? Daemon is arguably the biggest threat to the Green kids who are Rhaenyra’s own siblings. It just kills me that Alicent stood up to her abuser for Rhaenyra’s life in 1x09 and Rhaenyra has never done anything of that severity for Alicent. And Rhaenyra will likely never know how much Alicent fought to save her. Idk, I just feel like Alicent deserves someone who will love her completely. I can’t see Rhaenyra being that person with the way she’s disregarded Alicent’s worries and feelings.
I'm going to be totally honest and I say this with love... a lot of it becomes easily justifiable for me when i acknowledge that Rhaenyra is just a bit dense. like shes always been sheltered and naive, to the point of genuine stupidity sometimes. she isnt inherently so but her father stomped all over her developing any kind of critical mind early on and she did nothing to overcome that mistake. she became far too comfortable with Viserys waving his crown and magic-ing her problems away and its just a fact shes never managed to see things from alicents perspective... but that doesnt mean alicent isnt as equally important to her as she is to alicent. please bear with me because i promise i will explain this fully.
but first of all, to answer your question 'does rhaenyra not realise how ruthless daemon is?' I mean, giving her the benefit of the doubt ...maybe not? shes pretty much always always seen the best side of daemon. with viserys. with her. with their children. what does she know of daemons genuine ruthlessness? we cant say for sure. once again, giving her the full benefit of the doubt, we dont even know if rhaenyras aware that daemon murdered rhea. like daemons not exactly gonna bring it up and who else would dare suggest that to her of all people? sure shes seen him fight at tourneys she knows hes capable of killing but thats a controlled enviroment where its expected. and she clearly feels safe enough with him personally otherwise she wouldnt have laughed in his face after her grabbed her neck.
its going to be very interesting to see what they do with B&C for this reason. because if rhaenyra isnt involved, at least in the Details... will she be shocked by what daemon is capable of? depends on what version of rhaenyra we get post-luke i suppose. but i dont know if i believe they're likely to have her go That dark so quickly that she'd agree to B&C. (sorry. tangent.)
imo you have to try and see her perspective - rhaenyra is deeply Confused. she thought for many years alicent just suddenly Hated her on the basis of her /loose morals/, like purely hated her, the girl she loved is Gone overnight right when they'd begun to reconcile, and she couldnt really understand why. she just does not understand alicents perspective and she cant begin to fathom alicents situation. and in a way, how could she? shes never faced similar limitations theres an argument to be made she wouldnt be able to even conceptualise it without alicent taking her by the hand and walking her through it. even when they were friends i doubt rhaenyra thought about the privileges she held over alicent (after all, she was a child, it was just what she knew and as far as she could see alicent got to do everything she did so there was no visual imbalance). from rhaenyras point of view, all those years alicent was being unnecessarily antagonistic over something that didnt effect her. this girl she loved and in rhaenyras eyes she is betraying her again and again and again. and rhaenyra thought all that because she couldnt see the bigger picture. how could she begin to understand 'alicent fears what my reign could mean for her children' when viserys actively disencouraged her political interest - her opinion on that point would likely only be 'well obviously i would make sure nothing happened to them', not understanding that That isnt the reassurance she thinks it is.
so yeah. rhaenyra truly doesnt understand what went on or whats going on. but alicent Does (and this imbalance is perfectly demonstrated by the dialogue in the knife scene because, lets be honest, alicent pins down the situation and how rhaenyra fits into it kind of perfectly... whereas rhaenyra incorrectly attributes alicents rage to 'righteousness', not fear.). and personally i think thats why it seems unbalanced or one sided, especially in episode 8. alicent could afford to be genuine, rhaenyra isnt hard to read, whereas rhaenyra still had her guard up because she was just so fucking confused lmao. she briefly saw the gentle, beautiful, kind girl she was in love with in alicents treatment of a dying viserys at the dinner table - and upon realising alicent actually Does still have that side to her rhaenyra doesnt know what to do except subtlety apologise for perhaps not truly Seeing alicent and for accusing her of trying to harm viserys. she thought the alicent she knew was long dead until that moment - the girl has got emotional whiplash. so its not that rhaenyra loves alicent less. her reactions in episode 10 make it very clear there is still A Lot going on there for her (and we know emma d'arcy's pov on it was that rhaenyra genuinely considers conceding the throne with the hope of alicent 'taking her back'). shes just very very Very muddled about whether the current version of alicent is Still the person she loves...
and i think maybe 'love' is the wrong word for what they have when theres so much piled on top but its definitely a devotion. its this constant need to reconcile and be close that they just cant shake because a part of them will always desire the other.
tl;dr rhaenyra is just... kinda dumb god bless. and their imbalance is in their ability to understand the situation, not in the amount of love thats held.
(besides they were never exactly going to be a healthy equal deserving love thats not the point of them imo. they are a missed opportunity. a greek tragedy. starcrossed lovers. etc)
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razzmothazz · 6 months
wxs physical build headcanons for me to draw later!!
before and way later on after joining wxs edition
cw: mention of a lot of different eating habits and small mentions of body image issues
before: a bit underweight, i imagine he got a bit too into eating "healthy" at times and would refuse a lot of foods he deemed unhealthy, which caused him to not get certain nutrients at times even tho he needed them, add to that his forgetfulness especially when it comes to taking care of himself and you can see why hes skinny like that. i also imagine he would often burn more calories than he consumed in a day with all his practicing and just running around in general, which is definetly not that good when youre already underweight. he would often wonder why he seemingly just cant gain any muscle and assumed its just kinda how he naturally is, tho he didnt mind much since his build was similar to a lot of his idols
after: he gained some healthy weight!!!! yippieee!!! with wxs constantly reminding him to take care of himself + with emu bringing some food/snacks nearly everyday he gained some healthy weight, hes now pretty average with maybe a bit of chub in some places. he also finally started building some muscle thanks to all the practice and ruis "training"? if you can call it that? he does get a bit insecure about it at times, wishing he would be back to his build that was like his idols, but wxs are quick to remind him that the best star is a happy and healthy one!! his natural state definitely wasnt skinny, at least not as skinny as he was before
before: you already know she was malnourished and looked like she barely saw the light of day... she had a very weak appetite and her horrible sleep schedule didnt help. she tried to eat well but she struggled with it a lot, tho she never exactly knew why, she would just very quickly feel full and wouldnt feel hungry untill way too many hours later. she would eat like. 2 small meals a day and maybe some snacks in between.
after: you guessed it she gained weight and is chubbier!!!!!! yayayyaa!!!! i think she would hear others motivate tsukasa to eat better and seeing him want to improve on that motivated her to do the same. because of the low appetite thing she struggled pretty hard at first but with time she managed to figure it out and now eats more and is feeling good!!! this is thanks to mostly emu who would love to bring foods and snacks nene loved so they can share it any time the 2 would hang out, but also thanks to the practices and stamina building she was able to kinda feel like she was burning the unnecessary calories? i imagine she struggled pretty hard when she realized how much weight she put on thinking its a bad thing, but with a lot of support and care from wxs she realized this is way healthier for her than wherever she had going on before!!! she doesnt gain muscle easily tho, so not much of that going on + she does focus more on stamina itself rather than gaining muscle and physical strength
before: chubby, obviously. fat even!!!! definetly overweight and not bothered by it at all! she definetly thinks it makes her look cuter :3 my girl loves foods and snacks and nobody can ruin her mood for those. she also had a fair bit of muscle and liked that its not visible so shes strong but nobody can tell, and she can suprise them with it for funsies
after: still pretty much the same!! tho since she started training and working out even more i imagine a bit of her weight turned into more muscle, so shes even more muscle now!!!! she loves it!!! its still not visible unless she flexes, which makes the muscles pretty prominent and she LOVES jumpscaring people with that because nobody expects it for some reason, despite how athletic she is. besides her arms i imagine her legs are pretty built as well seeing how much she runs, especially from one school to another in a matter of minutes to visit her friend. what can i say my girl loves to eat and run around!!! her love language is soooo sharing a meal with her friends btw. its canon i just know it.
before: barely eats doesnt sleep much, just a mess honestly. he doesnt rlly have friends atp and yet still he takes care of others more than he does himself..... needless to say hes tall, lanky, underweight as hell and palest of them all despite not staying inside all that much. lives off of whatever his parents make him if he remembers to eat it and random store bought/school cafeteria foods. malnutrition for sure too like fym u eat no vegetables and ur fine??? bro doesnt even take any vitamins atp to make up for it
after: gained a bit of weight!! hes still skinny because thats just kinda how he naturally is, but hes getting tricked into eating veggies or at least stuff that can replace veggies with the needed nutritions otherwise. he also started taking some vitamins to make up for that too, and despite being naturally pale he did tan a bit!! he still forgets to eat way too often but wxs make up for it with tsukasa always being willing to share his food with him [at times even bringing bigger portions just in case rui needs it] and emu often bringing food to share with them all!!!!
can u tell im a little bit obsessed with gaining weight as a sign of healing. because i am and i love that trope. with the power of love you will stop being underweight and malnourished god bless.
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Villain took in a deep breath. They never imagined that entering a gym would be that... scary....
But they had to. Recently, hero has been way too close to them during fighting. And we'll...Villains physical strength was...lacking. They realized that they couldn't only rely on their gadgets anymore, since hero has already figured out how to disarm most of them and there were only so many gadgets villain could create.
They had decided to go to the gym and a little stronger, so they could at least defend themselves a little in battle.
But now, standing Infront of the big building, they felt small and weak. Everybody in there was probably ripped and could probably lift the villain with one finger. They were probably super scary and mean and listened to loud music and we're probably tattooed from head to toe and drove motorcycles-
They noticed very quickly that they were overthinking. There were no motorcycles in sight, and the person who talked to them on the phone yesterday had been very kind. It couldn't be that bad.
They pulled at the door and entered, already shaking. At the end of the hallway was another door, behind that was the reception. They could see a young lady sitting at the desk through the glass door.
The lady greeted them with a warm smile, pointing to the hallway with the changing rooms. "Villain, yes? Please go get ready. Your coach will be here in a minute.'
Villain could only nod, going to the changing rooms. When they got out, another person was standing at the reception.
The guy turned around, scanning villain over. "Hello, your here to build up some strength yes?"
Something about that guy seemed familiar, but after they introduced themselves to each other and they went to the gym hall, the feeling eased a little.
Their coach, however, figured villain out immediately. Hero hadn't expected to see villain at a place like this. They usually kept their distance. Maybe they were planning to fight?
Well, that didnt matter right now. All that mattered was how adorable villain looked while trying out the exercises hero had given them. How they looked so shy and uncertain and how they looked up to hero, asking if they were doing the exercise right.
They looked so innocent. They just couldn't believe that this was the villain. But well, it was.
Villain didn't try to hide their identity as much as the hero did, since they never entered the battle field where people could see them.
But hero had gotten very close to them the last time they fought and had seen their face pretty clearly.
After an hour the villain was done. They let out a sigh of relief. "That was exhausting."
The hero laughed. "It's supposed to be. But after a while it gets better, don't worry."
Villain took a big sip out of their water bottle. They were proud of themselves. Their coach was so nice, even though they had looked at home oddly at first. "Are you gonna be here on Tuesday too?", they asked quietly. Was is an appropriate question? It wasn't weird right?
"Yup. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday on the afternoons. And then in the morning on Saturday."
Villain felt a sudden surge of confidence. "Well, then I'll see you next Tuesday then!" They smiled and started to go to the changing rooms, one hand in the air, waving.
"See you then", the hero smiled back. Maybe they should come a bit closer to their nemesis in a fight in a few weeks, just too see if their strength improved.
That was the only reason, of course.
I was so scared of the gym the first time i went lmao
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rimupon · 5 months
Youjo Senki proves that morally bankrupt women are in fact the greatest character type ever
Listen, I know we're tanya connoisseurs here, but. if youre interested in morally bankrupt women can i interest you in my other dearest blorbo: Alina Gray from the Madoka spin off
She is everything to me. She's an artist. She speaks exclusively in third person. She's Italian Sort Of. She tried to kill herself as an art piece. She wants to destroy the world. She makes witches feed on each other and become stronger bc she wants to make art out of them. She's Gay and Homicidal. She's perfect. I love her. 11/10 no notes.
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I drew her very quickly with Tanya once upon a time but i should do it again bc if they ever met it would go horribly.
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im putting this under a cut bc i suddenly got passionate
one thing I do want to say is that i personally believe the anime adaption did her dirty and kind of stifled her character a bit compared to the game. when the anime was airing, i saw a few posts claiming it was unfair to criticize and rag on the anime bc it didnt have the time to adapt Every Single Bit Of Content from the game, that would be impossible. and yknow i get that to an extent.
but she's literally a main antagonist. the LEAST they could do was try to show a portion of her background to explain the reason she is the way she is.
the way they present her just feels like it boils her down to the 'Insane Artist' trope whos fucking around for funsies, which yknow can be fun, i fw it whatever. BUT SHE HAS SO MUCH MISSED POTENTIAL D:
also shes barely relevant until last minute. also also they didnt even show her with karin at all, and only included her as a 2 second cameo after the credits.
this devolved into a rant. im sorry. I have so many issues with the magireco anime's ending. point is, her game backstory + the game backstory for holy alina too are required reading if u feel up for it. or u could read the wiki thank you for listening.
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autisticlee · 1 year
I know I need to "just do things by myself" like literally everyone tells me, but I really wish I had someone I can always ask to go places with me even if it's just to one store for one quick thing.
I barely have the ability to function enough to take care of myself daily. leaving the house for any reason is basically impossible most days. I don't have the energy and ability to drive, find the thing I need at a store, interact with people, and do the checkout dance, then drive home, all while acting "normal" (or appropriate/presentably human enough) in public with the added bonus of sensory overload. for most people, going to the store is one single task. that's all it is. for me, it's hundreds of simultaneously occurring steps I need to remember to do and maintain the entire time....
it's so hard to explain this to people. no one gets it. but i need someone else to do the human-ing for me and I just follow along. they drive, answer or ask questions and let focus be on them, lead me to the thing I need, let me copy them so I dont stand out with my weirdness...so many times i'll go to a store to get a few things alone. the sensory cacophony of everything hitting me at once makes me forget what I'm looking for, tunnel vision on the offending sensory input and can't see where i'm going, can't find things even if they're in the same place they've always been, i've run into people and things, knocking stuff over, because my body disconnects from my brain and it's hard to control. if people talk to me, I can't process their words or respond. I can't ask questions if I need to. i'll wander lost for way longer than I want to be there.
this whole time, i'm trying my best to put on a mask and appear "normal" so I can blend in, but i'm struggling and it's probably obvious because idk how to act "normal" or as expected when alone. so many times I come home without one or more of the things I needed from a store even if I had a list in hand.
I completely space out and dissociate way more often than i would like. not even stores when i need to go in and out quickly, but anywhere. if I try going to a thing that's supposed to be fun, like say a festival or aquarium or anything else, and I go alone because I don't have a friend to go with, I spend the whole time in a sensory overloaded, dissociative state, while being required to perform "normal human" rituals and masking. then get home, realizing I didn't enjoy it or retain much of it because my brain was overworking and i got exhausted as soon as i got there. i didnt get to relax and enjoy any of it because it was so much work and my brain shut down while there to try protecting itself. it's a whole brain exercise that exhausts me beyond belief. this whole time. i'm trying my best to put on a mask and appear "normal" so I can blend in, but i'm struggling and it's probably actually very obvious because idk how to act "normal" when alone and don't have someone to copy and follow.
if I have someone familiar with me, especially someone comfortable who i dont have to lead or entertain, I can ground myself better and focus more on them. I follow and copy them so I dont have the try as hard to be a human and think about doing human things. it's easier to copy someone doing the things than to try to think of the hundred steps you probably forgot and perform them alone. they always answer people so fast before I even processed half the words that were said to me.
it always surprises me when people do that. they'll answer a question before I even processed it was a question! I always need someone to be there for me to answer for me because i'm too slow, they get impatient, and/or I answer incorrectly, if i'm able to speak at all being semi-speaking. at least half the time if I do get words out, they don't hear me or mishear me. for example, just yesterday, I made my mom go to a new sushi restaurant with me. the waiter apparently asked if I was ready to pay, my mom was gesturing to me ans asking if im ready or something and the waiter was looking at me, but my brain couldn't make any of it out at all. I was staring between them like ???????? and gave up and just shook my head no. my brain was trying to figure it out and process anything at all, but i got incredibly confused and completely froze up. my mom answered "not yet" and they left. I was like, what was that about ? She said "they wanted you to pay now. you're ready to go right? now we have to wait again." I didn't get any of that, and if I was alone, that would have been even worse because I wasn't able to figure out anything or even say words. I need someone with me at all times to cover my perpetually lost and confused ass lmao
but it's also a struggle when the other person is like this too, puts too much attention on me, or expects me to lead us both. it causes the same effects as if i'm alone, plus the added bonus of needing to entertain and/or advocate/answer for and lead THEM, when I can't even do it for myself! I had a friend like that and it was annoying and immediately exhausting every time we hung out.
I don't know if any of this is making sense. i'm sure at least one person's gets it, though, right? how it's hard to consciously and appropriately act human in public when alone, but copying or hiding behind another person makes it easier than thinking about it all yourself, while sensory overload! if i can I just exist along with them and the focus isn't all on me like it is when i'm alone, it's a lot easier.
acting "normal" like a human, or basically what's "appropriate" in public spaces around others takes so much brain power that most people don't have to even think about! because it's automatic for them. so they can't fathom how much i'm struggling and it's so easy for them to say "just do it/you don't need help/you don't need someone to do it with or for you/you're being lazy!" plus adding on sensory overload you can't ignore, while everyone else is able to completely tune out and ignore the horrible lighting, the squeaky cart wheels, the crying babies and screaming kids, the 50 different conversations, the loud phone ring tone a few aisles over, the annoying music playing, someone dropping a box of something, crinkling of wrappers, the cash register beeps, the air being a bit too chilly, the annoying seam on your socks, the scratchy material of your jacket, the overly bright display of products, etc. everything all at once in great intensity. people who can ignore this don't know how lucky they are. they also don't understand what it feels like. it's exhausting.
i'm like a cave gremlin seeing light and the world for the first time ever, every time I leave my room. everything is confusing and overwhelming, but because i'm human shaped, everyone expects me to have the expected human behaviors and they freak out when i dont meet those standards. they don't care how difficult it is for me and how much i'm struggling. they won't help or accommodate me. it has to be my fault I made them uncomfortable.
exposure doesn't make it any better and arguably makes it worse because more sensory overload and more need to use my brain to overthink every word and movement I do, leading to a very deep exhaustion immediately 😫
this is why functioning labels or comparing me to my "good" days/experiences sucks and shouldn't happen. I often need help/support and people expect me to ~do it myself~ and refuse to help me so I struggle and fail to exist correctly.
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fulltacs · 3 months
im sure im not the first in your inbox to say it, but the past week made me delete my old blog and decide to only ever write on ao3.
the situation has left me more than a bit repulsed. at first i defended myka, but as her lies came apart it left me feeling disgusted and ashamed that i was so gullible.
it sucks, i did really enjoy writing on tumblr. but the near constant discourse over dark fics and now this, it just feels like more trouble than its worth. i dont want to worry my writing will land me in a shit talking discord.
my blog wasnt big and didnt get a whole lot of interaction, so it wasnt a massive loss, but im sure it was one of many.
hopefully you get to wash your hands of this and move on. im sure it wasn’t fun to get so deep in this shit. i wish you nothing but the best :)
ao3 is the BEST place <3 i hope i’ve already found you there (probably have lmao, we’ve established my insanity)
tumblr is so nice for drabbles and shitposts and easily bouncing off of others, we can find our people so quickly. just because you think your blog was small doesn’t mean it was to us- i see someone in my notes twice and i could kiss them, and i’ve heard a lot of our “big” bloggers feel that way too.
i’m devastated by the number of anons saying they’ve deleted their blogs because of the bullshit. but I’m hopeful that things will get better from here on out, and maybe some of you will even return
and thank you 💖 i was honestly expecting to get a LOT of pushback but the amount of love that people have shown is just mind blowing (although it shouldn’t be! the power of friendship prevails!!)
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