#i didn't realize that i had that many biases until i did this
allsadnshit · 7 months
What a lot of people don't understand about holistic and natural medicine is that it IS rooted in science. To say that ancestral knowledge passed down is not real because it doesn't have clinical studies run on it completes disregards the systems in which medicine is made. Modern medicine and the idea of something being "proven" to help or heal is based on what is studied and tested, which makes total sense, BUT what is overlooked is that what gets studied is completely dependent on what is funded. There are so many natural remedies passed down amongst all different cultures that utilize herbs and very accessible methods of medical intervention that are commonly seen us "myths" simply because people in power who choose what gets the proper clinical trials have their own agendas for what can be turned into financial gain and to say "there's no proof or study that this herb helps with this" is missing the bulk of information about how much capitalism and classism effects what is recognized given the necessary attention and resources in the scientific community.
I don't understand how so many people can consider themselves politically radicalized and anti capitalist but then flip flop when it comes to just this topic specifically as though knowledge on herbalism and techniques used for hundreds of years that aren't given medically funded backing are somehow just empty words and ignorant. Honestly, it's pretty transparently racist as well because so much of what is overlooked or shot down tends to be cultural knowledge and heritage passed down in oppressed groups and communities who's cultures in general get dehumanized in a lot of ways socially AND systemically!
They didn't even start doing clinical trials including studies on female bodies until extremely recently in the scope of how long modern medicine has been manufactured and yet people want to roll their eyes at the idea that natural medicine has existed for the people by the people for longer than any pharmaceutical can match up against.
So maybe instead of calling anyone who doesn't fully trust these large stock market companies with public health, people should consider the history of who gets an official say in what gets the money necessary for those clinical trials to take place that make that medicine "scientifically proven".
I did not understand the weight of this topic till I had my own diagnoses with a chronic condition that 99% of the time effects women and realized how drastically biased the medical systems care is and how directionless the care is for patients depending on who they are. And I really don't care if people with the privilege of not knowing that system intimately think it's not real till it's on Web MD.
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valtsv · 2 years
last serious post for tonight i promise but i think part of the reason i value critical thinking so much (even though i realize that might come as a surprise if your only knowledge of me as a person comes from here, because tumblr is more of an escape slash stream of consciousness collaborative scrapbook for me than a platform for spreading awareness or teaching and learning tool - no offence to anyone who does use it for that, i just prefer to treat it as a hobby myself) is because i grew up both extremely isolated and controlled and prevented from expressing myself while also watching my parents fall hard down the conspiracy theory pipeline and experiencing the creeping horror of growing old enough to understand that and learning more about the world and being exposed to more people and ideas in it and realizing that my fear and frustration around them wasn't just typical teen angst but an entirely reasonable reaction to their increasing capacity to be very dangerous and untrustworthy people.
and like. i did actually try to pull them back. i wasn't very good at it (partly because i was a kid, and partly because i have my own biases and misconceptions and just plain bad ideas that i'll spend my entire life working on unlearning and trying to be aware and receptive to criticism of) but goddamn it did i fucking try. i tried discussing, i tried debating, i tried arguing back and standing up for myself and others, i tried researching and learning and presenting my counterarguments backed up with actual evidence, i tried to get other people to support me despite lacking much in terms of social skills or confidence or people around me who didn't buy into all the same bullshit, or something equally stupid and harmful. i even read the things they sent me and showed me so i could say "look, i approached this with an open mind and genuine good faith, i reflected on it and i used my critical thinking skills and tried to understand, but this is wrong and it's going to get people hurt. it's going to get you to hurt people."
i grew up knowing that as the closest person to them who hadn't fallen into the same trap of facebook radicalization groups and increasingly deranged and cult-like (and i don't use that word lightly) organizations and communities online i had a responsibility to try to protect people by warning them that my parents have the potential to cause a lot of harm and suffering if nothing else. and i failed. i'm not a trained deprogramming therapist and they probably crossed whatever event horizon ordinary people who aren't professionally taught how to combat that shit could have any chance of pulling them back from long ago. but the one thing i still have the ability to do is not let the same thing happen to me. i refuse to just passively let everything i see and hear fester in my brain until it starts poisoning all my thoughts and interactions with the world and people around me, and i'm still willing to try to encourage others to be aware and critical of everything around them so they don't end up following the same path and ending up unrecognizable to their former selves. i'm not perfect, i've definitely made some very bad mistakes and hurt people in ways i can't and don't want to be forgiven for and have many regrets, but i will never let myself end up like that as long as i have the ability to fight back.
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solarwynd · 4 months
LMAO. I was a Jikooker up until Seven era but I still lurked in Jikook blog spaces, and this person (Beautifulpersonpeach) has been one of those Jokers who are clearly biased towards JK and don't really give a damn about JM (although she was really good at pretending otherwise). Before NLG, she was always all praises for JK, his music and the direction he took with his career. She was one of the many Jokers who were making non-stop excuses for the JM sabotage and how JK was clearly benefiting off of it. This person was basically a diet JJK, I swear, but because she made sure to hype up other members, her "neutral" followers didn't realize that. She, along with Parkparkjeon, another Joker-but-JJK-diet-solo would always cry about how PJms are the worst solos the fandom has ever seen (sure)
But now..NOW she can speak ill about HYBE. Now she can say she doesn't like NLG just because JK also expressed his displeasure with the song. And she's basically saying GOLDEN was mid when she was screaming in text about how JK absolutely ate that November. Best believe had JK not said anything negative about the song that she would have been out here writing essays about how it's an underappreciated masterpiece🥱
Also look at the amount of comments on the post still coddling that joke of man, I can't. And I'm seriously still trying to find this "talent" they speak of😭
Jokers truly deserve the name
Pjms are always gonna be the worst solos to those types of jikookers and armys cause they’re the only set that don’t kiss JK’s ass or think he’s as great as everybody else paints him as. lmao
Using JK giving a disclaimer about how the song isn’t great as a launch pad to finally condemn Hybe is interesting to me though. Pretending to like all the decisions prior to now because they needed to make up for the fact that he intentionally gave up any artistic input in exchange for payola boosted super stardom will always be crazy. But now they’re trying to spin it like Hybe is completely at fault (despite JK having credits on NLG which means he took an active role in making that song bad 🥴) for everything now when they’ve spent a year praising the company for brining their JK being the chosen one fantasies to fruition.
But this is the common theme with all the JK biased/solos I’ve come in contact with. Putting him on a pedestal as the new main pop act while not liking any of the music he puts out. How does that work? Literally defeats the purpose of staning an artist. How do you think so highly of someone who’s below average as an artist but then when it comes to somebody who broke their back making sure their debut was actually quality make them an afterthought to that same person?
Trying to shift blame regarding JK’s disappointing solo run to anybody else but JK is just a way to uphold any semblance of hope that musically, things could turn around so they can give him credit if it turns out good. Nobody forced that man to do what he did, but because he has that image hybe and armys have cultivated for him they have to act like what he puts out matches the hype they’ve built up for him. I’ve said this before I��ll never lie and say that JK doesn’t have talent, but past singing technically well, there’s nothing else about him that goes beyond serviceable to me.
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dangitjm · 5 months
Let's talk about identity for a bit; I saw this tweet that made me think--
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Over the past decade and a half, I've been consistently creating, writing, and having commissions done for wlw and mlm relationships. For most of my life, I had never done enough introspection as to why I always seem to think about these fictional scenarios as often as I did. The first real catalyst for me starting my journey into deciphering my own identity started when I figured out I was bi about a decade ago...
When I (a male) first realized that I had fallen in love with another man, I did not feel shame. I did not feel fear. I only felt what I could only describe to be "euphoria." It was an entire eureka moment for my life. This peeled back so many inconsistencies that I had learned from religious institutions and cyclic familial biases. This made me want to build more bridges with other folk, understand where others were coming from, and I became such a dramatically different person from my teens as a result. That was a decade ago.
Since then, I've continued to create and write about queer people, queer relationships, queer aspirations and ideals. Heading into the 2020s, the concept of being trans became more and more visible in and around my life. And it's been even more recently that I've started to articulate my queer preferences with my own identity. To say that being trans 'crossed my mind' would be an understatement.
I've done the research, I've chatted with trans friends, I've sat and listened to various stories from other individuals, and I would even attempt at great lengths to envision myself as a woman. Yet, I still didn't feel a eureka moment--not a 'click' that made sense. If anything, there was an absence of feeling. This was a strong contrast to when I found out that I was bi so long ago.
What most transfolk have told me was that "body dysphoria" was a key part of the trans experience (and any of y'all can speak up on your experiences as well). It's been described as distress, unease, and a complete unhappiness with how one looks--when they look into the mirror and what they see. It's something much more innate, more intrinsic to a person's being, than many who aren't trans may realize. And yet, I don't think I've felt this. At least, what I have felt is something I haven't quite found the right words for yet.
A trans friend put it into perspective when they talked about "body euphoria" or finding a certain look or identity that gives you validation/confidence/pride in oneself.
In fact, many years ago, a childhood friend drew a female version of my entire friend group, and it got me thinking--
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"Wow! I look cute!" I thought.
"Wait... do I want to be cute?" And suddenly, silence.
The more I contemplate this silence in my head, the more a growing part of me wants to rip out the--sometimes literal, sometimes abstract--constraints that bind down gender identity by its roots. That, or fully leave them behind to find something *else*. Something *other*.
Because, see, I've felt this 'euphoria' some days; letting my hair grow out long, then getting my hair cut, sometimes with facial hair, sometimes fully shaved, I like putting on a suit and being sleek and slim, and other times I might wear nothing at all and simply absorb what I was, skin and all. I compare what I look like, what feels good to me, to what broader society or culture might idealize--perpetuate--in a man and in a woman, and something doesn't connect. Let me clarify, there are things about both genders that excite me, get my blood pumping (this is the bisexual talking), but the qualities that I might like and adore in 'others' are still not quite 'me.' As it stands, that 'euphoria' is a mysterious beast that has continued to elude me.
But who knows. One day, it might all make sense to me, and you will see me as a fully realized man or woman or something else. Something *other*. Until then--
Is this what it feels to be "nonbinary?" If so, this is where I will stay. For now.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
TW: SA / Abuse
There are many characters in the ACOTAR world who deserve to have their story told but for some reason, Lucien's story seems to be treated as less important than others.
Feyre's desire and need to get away from Tamlin was a valid one but she had her mate looking out for her every step of the way.
When she left, she left behind collateral damage for Lucien to deal with. Lucien who had no one looking out for his best interests (instead he had two people in his life who had the complete opposite of his best interests in mind) and no where else to turn. Not to mention the loyalty he felt to Spring and it's people, he was the one trying to help the Court recover after Amarantha:
"But now—now we need order, Feyre. We need rules, and rankings, and order, if we’re going to stand a chance of rebuilding. So what he says goes. I am the first one the others look to—I set the example. Don’t ask me to risk the stability of this court by pushing back
"We have this one chance, Feyre, to rebuild and make the world as it should be."
“Don’t ask me to pick.”
Even with his desire to do what was best for the Court as a whole, he still tried to balance Feyre's needs, but who worried about his?
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"Look up I silently beseached him"
"I didn't want to know what was happening in that room, what he'd done to Lucien".
It's not that Feyre should have been required to stand up to Tamlin on behalf of Lucien but I'll never understand why the fandom constantly expected him to stand up for her especially when she made the choice to ignore what was happening to him as a result of the times he did go out on a limb for her.
And that doesn't even account for the horrors he experienced before and after UTM. The loss of his eye, nearly dying twice UTM, being whipped.
And when she left......
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Lucien watched Tamlin execute people who may have been friends of Lucien's.
He begged Tamlin for more time until he saw Feyre and believed Rhys had brainwashed her.
And he spent nearly a year in total, before Feyre left and after her return, dealing with sexual assault from Ianthe:
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Lucien hated Ianthe before Calanmai, was fending off her advances before Calanmai but made the choice to participate in the Rite with his abuser because it was what was best for the Court then was again assaulted after Calanmai. Lucien clearly told her no yet she still held him against his will and assaulted him.
"fear and humiliation"
"He’d fixed his pants, his shirt."
Is it because he's a male that people are so indifferent to his experience? That they forget it was traumatic for him?
Is it because he's still standing, still fighting, etc that they forget he's struggling inside too?
He and Elain are so perfect for one another because they're two characters who everyone assumes to be fine because they don't shout their trauma to the world around them. Neither lashes out or shuts down for an extended period of time and because they've started putting one foot in front of the other, people don't realize they aren't seeing everything that's happening below the surface.
But the fact that both Lucien and Elain are capable of so much more but haven't reached out and grabbed it shows how their traumas are holding them back.
Sometimes those who suffer in silence are feeling the most because there's no outlet for their emotions, they're constantly being held inside and those traumas continue to simmer.
I am biased because I love Elucien but I truly believe they will have one of the deepest connections of any of the ACOTAR pairings we've seen. They may hide the depth of their own trauma from the others but they are not emotionally closed off in how they express their love and when they finally open up to one another, I think it's going to be intense.
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 3 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
"Good morning to all our dear listeners. Alastor is here to give you the warmest welcome to your favorite radio station. I know you all have great fun around here, I do too! It's nothing but laughter and joy on these parts.
But as part of this valuable medium that we all appreciate even today, on this age of fasting moving and gaudy technology, we must also remember to stay informed! The right kind of informed, where we seek to the truth of the matter without any biases or red tinted sunglasses.
In order to honor that, I bring you a bunch of exciting news. One of them is so important that I have it all on a little envelope with the words "Here. Happy now?" scribbled on top with… just about one of the most hideous handwriting I have ever seen.
I haven't looked at it's interior yet, but it's sitting right at my desk as we speak and I plan to share with all of you. That is the power of journalism in action, dear listener.
Before any of that, though, I would be remiss if I didn't relay to you something that our dear resident Rosie just told me when we were having our weekly breakfast together.
You all remember Rosie, don't you? The lovely, charismatic and oh so charming owner of the chocolate boutique not that far away from our station. It's a beautiful place, but it has always been dragged down by one small issue, one irritating factor that unfortunately ruined the perfect picture.
Unrelated to that, tonight the co-owner of the Chocolate Boutique has passed away. If you ever paid attention to the name on top of the establishment, then you will know who I am talking about. I never did so I don't. I think Rosie call them Claire, I want to say? That is probably close enough.
It was so gruesome too, isn't that funny? Whatever raccoon must have slipped inside of her house at night was truly having a creative mood because they spared no section to decorate it with the insides of Clara. Just not lungs anywhere. I guess that one must have been too tempting to let it go to waste. I can't say that I blame them, good lungs are hard to come by, especially for women that age.
Such a tragedy, listener. Clarissa for years has been the business partner of Rosie. They started it out ten whole years ago, after Rosie was coming out from a particularly bad divorc that later turned out in a rather joyful funeral. Rosie was so focused in trying to get her things sorted out properly that she didn't realize that the term of their contract was giving Clarinette a portion of their earnings that was far bigger she would have liked. But there was nothing to do about it because Clady was the one with the connections, the one who knew the right people and the right numbers to supply for their wonderful treats.
Oh, if only Rosie had found the notebook that she had hiding under her pillow before. It could have save her so many headaches and frustrating nights! Oh, she will insist that they were the best of friends, but you don't do business with friends. You get screwed by them and they expect you to tolerate it with a smiling face. Which Rosie had to do, as the lady that she is, until that raccoon slipped in through the open window in library of the second floor.
Not that me or her would know anything about that though!
In any case, don't bother picking up all the pieces you find. There is no point for her. Claennis already made her bed, so it's only time for her to lay on it. A devastated Rosie informed me that she will be having a party service this afternoon in order to celebrate the life of her death friend, Clarine, and of course everyone is invited to come in. It will also be a sort of re-opening with a new sign outside that contains just her name.
Come enjoy a discount of the 5% on their macaroons, they are absolutely to die for. I recommend the strawberry ones, those are my favorites.
Oh, well. Farewell, Clarisse. We will manage to find the will to keep going with your absense, I am sure of it. Rosie is already taking care of everything you left behind.
She told me that last night when we were having dinner at my house. That was at 20:30, for anyone who cares, around the same time that ravenous raccoon was satisfying it's hunger. Sinking it's teeth on those meaty lungs. Rosie was just telling me how much she loved and respected her friend. Isn't that a espectacular lady, dear listener?
You all know I am not much for parties. I prefer a nice evening with a book and some jazz at my side if I get to choose. But I might make an exception for this one ocassion in order to support a friend. It could be fun! So if any of my dear listener goes, we might shake hands there.
Rosie, dear, if you are hearing, the best of lucks as always.
Meanwhile, I did promised you more than one news today. Here it is. Just let me get that enveloped. I am going to be honest, it's lighter than what I expected, but I am sure that doesn't mean that is any less interesting.
This source of mine is shy, he doesn't like the attention, so he has kindly ask me to keep his name away from crediting for these foundings. He also told me there is nothing too interesting here, but let us be the judges of that.
As many of you would know, on our last transmission I had very valid and justified concerns regarding the identity of our newest resident. In my humble opinion, anyone with two braincells capable of rubbing together would have them too. A rich inventor of toys coming to a small humble little town? Having a daughter? With that stupid perfect hair and that pretentious name? To revive an old and abandoned toy store nobody cared about?
All very suspicious behavior, indeed. I could almost have shivers running down my spine just thinking about it. What could be behind that white smile of his? Drugs? Trafficking? Dog fights?
Maybe trafficked drugged dogs? Oh, listener, I just couldn't dream of letting such a potential dangerous criminal running around in our precious little town. Causing power outages and unwanted static. Not on my watch, no, sir!
So I had someone do a little research. Just to be safe, of course, I would never use it for anything else. That is for the police to care about it. Although why they haven't take care of it now is a valid point of criticism that we aren't indulging in right now. Waste of tax money if I ever saw one.
Wait, shoot, I forgot my glasses. Oh, yes, they there are. Alrighty, let's see.
Name… still the same. Still that joke of a awful name. I guess that makes sense, considering people can just change it. Fine, I will allow it, but what else?
He is a inventor that made a pool able to detect if a kid is drowning and from there is that his fortune started.
Well! There you have it, first strike! What a spoilsport! If parents are not paying attention to their children while they are on the pool, maybe they don't deserve an alarm at all! And with such obviously neglectful parent, those poor children are clearly only going to suffer more in the future! This is doing nothing but prolongue the inevitable. How evil is that?
But wait! He used to have his own toy store back where he comes from. HA! THERE IT IS, I KNEW IT! What happened there, mmm? Did it mysteriously go up in flammes? Did the ensurance company was immediately called, one hand on the phone and the other on the gasoline tank? Was the business not going that hot so you had to turn it up?
It says here that he closed it himself after his wife died. Mmm? Did you now? What happened there, dear old pal? A mysterious disease no doctor could verify? A stabbing on a cold case no one could solve? Did you do it yourself or you paid someone to do it?
Of… pancreatic cancer.
Curious. The same thing that took my mother.
God bless her heart, that was 12 years ago. Has it really been that long already? Yes, 12 years.
I still remember how quickly the disease consumed her like it happened just yesterday.
Well, that… is tragic. It says here that after his wife died, he locked himself up on his mansion… did you had to write mansion, couldn't you just say house, who puts mansion in a report… for five months. According to friends of the family, Lucifer just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could before he could do something that he would regret. Maybe getting back to making the toys they both loved would help, he would say to people.
So he picked this town because when pointing at it with eyes closed in a map. It was a complete coincidence that there was a toy store waiting for him at all.
His daughter is named Charlie, is 3 years old and she likes duckies. There is clipping of a picture in which she posed with her dad for an article about some invention of his. I haven't seen her myself yet, but I can see the resemblance. At least we know that we won't ever need a DNA test to prove their relationship.
She has the same big blue eyes. Poor thing.
There is nothing more about her here. I would hope so, with just 3 years on this earth. Not even I would have made a thick report at that age.
There is a picture of the man in front of his new house during moving day. There are surrounded by a bunch of workers moving furniture and boxes. He doesn't look so tiny holding his daughter and smiling to her.
His hair is still so stupid. It's a little messy, some strands are out of place, but still looks… stupidly, ridiculously perfect. I don't trust a man with a hair that can do that.
Not that damn static again. What even is that? Fine, fine! I will put it down now, okay? It's back on the envelope, along with all the completely useless bunch of information. Is it fine now?
Is it?
But wait, that can't be really it, does it? Just some guy with a tragic backstory? That is it?
Not even a speeding ticket? Some accidental manslaughter? I could even take stealing candy from a baby!
Well, that is no fun! That is just so boring! And here I thought, dear listener, that I was about to make a break through that would be the talk for months to come. But this is so mundane and pathetically sad that now I just feel gross. It's weird, it makes me wish I haven't opened it up at all.
I am so terribly sorry for making you waste your time like this, dear listener. Some gossip has never harmed a fly, but this was maybe a little bit much. I just don't understand why I feel like I want to vomit when seeing this guy. Is my gut wrong? That would be a first.
I guess that goes to show, dear listener: do not trust the media with everything and don't believe everything you hear. Stuff can be a lot more complicated than what they seem at a first glance. Like windows that are opened up at night during pleasant dinners with friends in another house. Or impossibly disgusting shiny hair that doesn't want to keep on place.
My source was the Chief Officer Husk, by the way.
Now, the weather…"
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pruneunfair · 1 month
this is probably my most controversial opinion
I didn't really care that Rashta sold Lebetti into slavery.
Now that isn't to say I celebrated and called Rashta a girlboss because selling someone into slavery is absolutely NOT girlboss behavior, but with all of Rashtas other sins I could actually feel that she was going in too deep by attacking characters who did nothing to deserve her Wrath and yes while the people who do deserve it would be bad to target that doesn't give Rashta the right to do what she did to the ones who couldn't fight back, so when it came to Lebetti I at first felt happy that Rashta was targeting someone who deserved it but then it just felt conflicting
All we have seen of Lebetti until this point is that she adores Navier to the point of wanting to seduce Sovieshu and break his heart to vindicate Navier and hurt Rashta and that she views others below her with absolute contempt including her nephew. She doesn't have many appearances and before she gets sold that last appearance she had was a flashback where we see she treated Rashta horribly for minor things like admiring Naviers portrait.
If there had been episodes earlier where Lebetti starts to acknowledge her wrongdoings and try to grow then yes, her being sold by Rashta into slavery would another act I'd call her out on but that never happened.
At that point all I could think was "yeah, she kind of deserves to be in a slaves shoes for a week" it doesnt even need to be forever, just a little while and maybe then she could've had character development and realize how prejudiced she was so that when she becomes Ian's primary care taker, it wouldn't feel so wrong that a slave owner is raising a slaves child that she disliked for his mother's origins. I'm probably just a little biased at this point but Lebetti needed to see what a slaves life was like one way or another
In short: Both women are wrong for what they did. Rashta wasn't in the right for selling Lebetti but Lebetti also needed some sort of beyond scared straight tactic.
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naquey · 1 year
Omg I love Nanbaka! Do you think you could do headcanons with Hajime Sugoroku and him having a crush on a psychiatrist that comes over once in a while?
I'm biased towards this man, and I absolutely love this request. Me personally I think he would like people who like to help people but also won't take shit from the people they help. I'll explain in the head canons!
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Hajime Sugoroku is fucking dense
And oblivious
And most importantly an idiot when it came to having a crush
Or any emotions regarding coworkers and the like
His job almost always comes first, all the time, then his health follows second
Socializing is the last thing on his list, it isn't even important
Man, when the Director hired this psychiatrist he was absolutely floored
He did such a great job helping keep the inmates of cell 13 in check, which decreased the amount of times he had to go get them from somewhere in the building
Obviously when someone decreased his workload he word tolerate them more than Samon Gokuu
He and the psychiatrist never really shared many words together, but he was the type of person that Hajime could just sit with and smoke
The fact they smoked had him over the moon
While going out to get Jyugo who once again escaped, but this time without his cellmates, he wondered just what the psychiatrist was doing at the moment.
He knew the psychiatrist went to the women's prison and other prisons in Japan, hoped that Shin wasn't being as much of a pain in the ass as he always was
Jyugo who had been paying close attention to Hajime and the psychiatrist in hopes to use it as a way to get out of being beaten up, noticed pretty quickly despite being an idiot himself
He tried to make it clear to Hajime
The gorilla just beat him up for it
I mean, who suggests that their prison supervisor just likes someone?
Then Hajime was thinking about how the psychiatrist was doing again
Hoping their workload wasn't too much, wondering if they got their paperwork on time, contemplating if they got days off or were a workaholic like him
The psychiatrist had to be the one to initiate this realization
Laughed too much, talked about work, suggested things to do with cell 13 to keep them out of trouble
Hajime just thought that beating in his chest meant he was alive
Until he saw the psychiatrist smack cell 13 around for something they did during a therapy session
He knew what tv love was but not real life love
It was confusing
It was annoying
Distracted him from work
The gorilla didn't know how to cope
He asked his brother Hitoshi
Poor boy was actually terrified
Hitoshi was never terrified of his brother before!
Hajime will be a bit more aggressive when he finally realizes that he has a crush
Sometimes the psychiatrist will see the inmates come in more bloody than usual
Knowing Hajime he would never confess
Because confessing is for weak people
He is not weak
He will hurt people before he ever confesses
It goes to the grave with him
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
See I both love this and hate it. Love it because it’s very well thought out. And this so many details. But I hate it because realistically I just don’t see the show going to a 10th season so if they don’t actually get together until 9b, assuming the show stays at its 18 episode count, we’d get 9 episodes of them together and that’s it. And after all these years of waiting that is just… not enough time and would start to feel to much like a oh well it was the end of the show so what do we have to lose here ya go.
Maybe I would've agreed with you just after season 6 ended and the announcement of a shift to ABC. I might've thought then they don't have many seasons left but I've changed my mind about that over the last few months since they started heavily promoting season 7. ABC said that they want to keep 911 going as long as they can, and they even said they want to continue making spin-offs like Lonestar (hopefully better than Lonestar) in different cities in the U.S. That doesn't sound like a network that wants to cut 9-1-1 off after season 9.
I'm sorry but a network that approved Grey's Anatomy to have 20+ seasons is ABSOLUTELY gonna approve 9-1-1, their number one money maker right now, to have 10+ seasons. I'm fully expecting to get to AT LEAST season 12, and I'm being so fucking serious.
ESPECIALLY if 9-1-1 actually follows through with the groundwork they're setting up right now with Buck and Eddie. I'm not kidding when I say, if you feed your fanbase they'll keep coming back for more for the rest of time like a feral cat to your house after you feed them. Once people catch wind that buddie went canon, they're gonna be throwing money at ABC so fast that ABC just might approve an additional 3 seasons right then and there.
As for the second part of your question, no. I don't think the show would just throw buddie at us at the end to "throw us a bone" once the show's slated to end for real. If they didn't do that at Fox when they had a real chance of wrapping it up for good, they're not gonna do that with ABC. "What do we have to lose" doesn't feel like the right mindset here. If that was the case, they never would've had Buck come out in early season 7. That was their riskiest first step, and it paid off, and now they have proof that they have SO MUCH to gain if they actually explore these stories organically with enough time to feel satisfied. So, no, I don't think we're just gonna get them shoved into the end with no development.
And I also just think that this fandom and casual viewers/journalists too, vastly underestimate how much these writers care about these characters and the story they're telling here. Yes, I do think that some of the writers have shown biases (KR) and have made some missteps in handling storylines, but again, they're beholden to a whole chain of bosses and external circumstances. BUT I think at the core, this show WOULD NOT EVER have been so beloved by many if the writers did not CARE about these characters deeply. So no, I don't think the writers would just "throw" anything at these characters just to placate viewers unless they really think it's necessary or works for the character arc. Yes, that includes things like Marisol and Natalia or "Shoehorned in" plots. I think the writers do their best to do right by these characters to the best of their ability. And I think that's so INCREDIBLY rare both in the past and currently.
So yeah, sometimes the writers make mistakes or don't handle plots the best in certain circumstances but when it comes to the bigger picture I never once questioned that they care and want to give these characters the best they're capable of.
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icarusbetide · 7 months
there are times where showrunners drop the ball so astronomically it's hilarious, and i'm not talking about when they actively ruin their own characters or story arcs. i'm talking about when they could have grasped some juicy character/actor and they didn't until it was too late lmao.
i am of course talking about two shows: the gilded age and turn washington's spies. i know the gilded age producers were screaming crying once they realized that tom blyth hit it big in the hunger games movie and they had wasted his appearance on a one episode, throwaway role as the would-be fiance of a protagonist's daughter just a year before. they uploaded the singular scene tom blyth had in the show on their tiktok as soon as TBOSAS came out. they knew what they missed out on lmao.
and turn...oh turn. there are so many things i like about you and so many things you could've done better. and yeah i'm biased but not having alexander hamilton be in the show from the get-go was a mistake. he was one of the rare outsiders who actually knew about the culper ring! if there's any aide de camp or figure you want to add to the relationship with ben tallmadge and washington, it's probably him. i need to find a source for it but apparently tallmadge and hamilton stood guard for andre the night before his execution, and they all talked pretty openly - nathan hale was brought up, and hamilton said that tallmadge never talks about hale because it's painful. i don't know, that's some very interesting, potentially historically accurate material right there. in your grasp! the show focused a lot on the french alliance, well who in the aide de camps spoke a lot with the french? hamilton + laurens + lafayette (to some level tilghman though i think he did translation). it was right there.
and the potential comradeship and also conflicting jealousy/contrast you could've elaborated on between tallmadge and hamilton. because lafayette is in the show, very clearly friendly with washington! how nice would've it been to add hamilton, a person who relates more with the show's tallmadge and sees the flaws in washington; and is yet someone who actively rejects/doesn't want washington's affection the way tallmadge does (but perhaps gets it more).
turn premiered in 2014 and i'm wondering if by then the producers had at least heard about a hamilton musical being made. because by mid 2015 (after season 2 premiered) it was a done game and everyone and their cousin knew about the musical. so they added hamilton to the last few episodes of season 3 and gave him some lines in season 4. i wonder if the producers sat there and remembered the conversation they had back in preproduction of season 1, like. "should we add hamilton?" "nah, he'll make things complicated. nobody cares about him anyways!"
ugh. such a waste.
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hyunnieshannie · 2 years
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Series: Boundless
Word Count: 2,832
Pairing: Hyunjin x Female Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fantasy AU, Non Idol Au, harsh words (swearing) Dom!Hyunjin, degradation, mentions of anxiety, sex as a dare, self esteem issues, mentions names of other idols. (Anything else I have missed just let me know and will be added in, more warnings will be added with each chapter update)
A/N: this is my first attempt at writing a proper fic with smut included. I hope you enjoy🖤
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The world can be so beautiful. Simple things like the changing of the seasons, to the way the clouds look on a particularly sunny day, how the flowers bloom vibrantly after a beautiful white winter. But the key word for you, was can. To you the world was dull and these days seemed more dull than ever. You had been trapped in your home for two years, during the pandemic and now that it’s finally over the world felt as if it had only gotten worse. People had forgotten how to properly socialize without staring deep into their phones, and due to this people had forgotten what basic human decency was. All your life you had felt the overbearing negativity of this world. Elementary school was certainly the easiest. You had a small group of friends which you played with everyday, but when middle school hit; one by one those friends disappeared. And by the time you were in highschool you had learned that you didn’t need a big group of people around you. You were much more interested in reading, and focusing on yourself and so that's exactly what you did. You had friends in highschool, but not ones you considered close. And as they say, people come and go. This was life. Now that you’ve been accepted to your choice college, you figured maybe this could be a new start, a new school in a new state. Living on your own (with a roommate) of course on campus. Maybe you could reinvent yourself. But in a world of impossible beauty standards and expectations of how to act and be noticed, your attempts to fit in never worked out. Because you are no supermodel, or an extraordinarily social person, you are unbelievably. Ordinary. 
Your roommate would often spend nights away from the dorm, and you found yourself feeling more homesick with each passing day. You didn’t make many friends, as your anxiety would get in the way of talking to new people. You got lonely very quickly, and thus drew back to your favorite form of comfort. Reading. People suck, and often never offer the same type of comfort a good book would. You read anything that caught your eye with a good plot, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, even the occasional romance. You got attached to characters, laughed with them, cried with them and grew with them. And that was more than what you could say for the so called ‘friends’ you had made throughout your life. “Ah he’s such a red flag!” you mutter to yourself, as you sat cozily in your dorm room. “He's just going to hurt you, walk away! Go to Wooyoung! He loves you!” you turn the page eager to read the next chapter, but unfortunately for you, your timer goes off notifying you, it was time to start walking over to your class. You picked yourself up and groaned, disappointed you couldn't continue the next chapter, where the characters would definitely fight for the main protagonist's hand in marriage. You wanted to know if she’d really choose Yeonjun the (in your opinion) selfish prince over Wooyoung, the (in your very biased opinion) wonderful bookkeeper. “Ugh, fuck it” you say as you snatch the book from off your bed, opening it up to where you left off, reading as you walked to class. “I hate to admit it Tzuyu, Yeonjun isn’t that bad,” you say as you flip the page, “But the cute bookkeeper treated you better”. You didn't realize you were speaking aloud until someone behind you whispered to their friend. 
“How strange.” she giggled, 
“See this is why I don’t go back to my dorm often,” the other whispers back, maybe they didn’t know you could hear them, or maybe they intended for you to hear them but still it stung to know they were there literally talking behind your back. The two girls pick up their pace and walk past you laughing as they do. You look to your roommate, who ignores you. You were used to this. Either you were ignored like some sort of ghost that no one noticed. Or they spoke about you with little regard towards your feelings. It didn’t bother you as much as it used to throughout highschool but now you’d have to deal with occasionally seeing your roommate in the dorm knowing how she actually felt about you. 
“Ignore them,” a voice sounds from behind you, you look up to see Changbin walking towards you, “They’re just bitchess with nothing better to do,” he smiles warmly at you, Changbin was someone you met your first year of college during orientation. He was a well built man, with incredibly gorgeous features. Toned muscles from going to the gym often and a beautiful smile. How can anyone be so incredibly good looking you thought to yourself, “So Y/N, are you going to the party tonight?” your heart races as he says your name, you didn’t even know that he knew it. You’ve barely spoken to him, only in passing during class. But that didn’t stop you from having the biggest crush on him. You often wondered what it would be like to have him pick you up and pin you against the wall as he kissed you harshly, a curiosity you would never satisfy. 
“Party?” you say, 
“The one Jisungs throwing.” he smiles, 
“Oh,” you hadn’t been invited but you didn’t want to admit that to him, “No, I have to study for a test.” you force a weak smile at him, 
“Oh come on Y/N come it’ll be fun, I haven’t seen you at any of the other parties so you have to come to this one.” Did he have to make that comment? Of course you hadn’t gone to the others, how could you go somewhere when you weren’t even invited?
“I don’t really like big crowds of people, and I don’t have anyone to go with on such short notice.”  
“You don’t need a date for a party you know?” 
“I don’t know a lot of people, the way you and Jisung do. It’s not really about a date, it’s more less wanting someone familiar with me so I don’t get nervous” you laugh, the two of you continue walking towards the lecture hall with an awkward silence, you sneak a look at Changbin who looks like he’s in deep thought. 
“Okay I got it then!” He says as the two of you walk into the building, Jisung who stood waiting by a vending machine yells for Changbin's attention and he waves to him, then looks back at you “So” you look up at him confused, “you’d go if someone you knew would be there right?” he asks, you nod in response, “Perfect, I’ll pick you up at seven.” he smiles, but before you could tell him that wasn’t what you meant he waves back to you as he runs off to catch up with Jisung and his other friends he turns back to you, and yells “Seven be outside your dorm!” you nod. Changbin invited me to a party, you think to yourself, your heart fluttering. Your crush wanted you to go so badly, he offered to be your date. You smile at the thought.
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After popping out of the shower, you carefully do your makeup, and pick out a short black dress from your closet. And once you’re ready you head downstairs to wait for Changbin. As you walk out the doors you see he’s already standing there looking at his phone, he looks back up when he hears you approach him. “Damn Y/N I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything other than jeans and a hoodie.” he smiles, 
“Is that a good or bad thing?” 
“Well you look good in your hoodies, but you look good like this too, I could get used to it,” he smirks, your heart pounding. He thinks I look good in my usual outfits.. Does that mean he’s looked at you the way you have him? The two of you leave walking off campus and towards Jisungs home which was fairly close. The music booms through speakers, and large crowds of  people who are already visibly drunk dance and talk all around. Changbin guides you through the doors and greets everyone who comes up to him. He doesn’t leave your side until he offers to get you a drink. 
“Y/N?” Jisung says as he walks up to you, “No way Bin actually got you to come!” he says, “You look hot, didn't expect that out of you” he laughs, 
“Thanks?” you say questioning what he meant by that, 
“Fuck off Jisung,” Changbin says as he returns with two drinks, 
“Oh come on I’m just fucking around,” Jisung laughs, as Changbin hands you your drink, “anyways Y/N I need to borrow Bin, I gotta talk to him about this thing we had planned.” he smiles at you cheerfully as he grabs Changbins arm and drags him away. Half an hour passes and Changbin hasn’t returned. Your anxiety begins to get to you as you stand alone in a room full of people. You make your way to the kitchen and stop when you hear a familiar voice, “If you can’t do it Bin you lose the bet, and you know what that means bro” Jisung laughs, 
“The girls never been to a party Ji” Changbin sighs, “It took me giving her no option to come how the fuck am I gonna get her to-” 
“She's probably drunk by now, little miss bookworm probably hasn’t ever drank either so it should be easy,” a girl laughs, 
“Nah thats fucked up if shes drunk im not going through with it,” Changbin says, staringcoldly at the girl,
“Awe don’t tell me you’re starting to rethink the dare Binnie” your roommates voice sounds from another area in the kitchen that you can’t see. 
“I’m not rethinking shit, I’m just not gonna fucking do it if shes drunk. Thats beyond fucked up” 
“I agree with Bin, if she's drunk that's not cool.” Jisung says with a serious face. 
“It’s a little late for fucked up dont you think? You accepted a dare to literally fuck the loser on campus for a measly fifty bucks. Whats fucked up is how far your rep is gonna drop when people find out” the girl laughs, your heart stings hearing her words. He was dared to fuck you. 
“Common Binnie it’s easy poor girls got it bad for you, she’d probably jump at the chance, think of how funny it would be” Because of course how funny would it be if the boy the loser has a crush on fucks her for a dare, wow what a great joke. With that Changbin notices you standing there, you’ve heard everything. You turn around and walk straight out of the party, your chest stings, and tears stream down your cheek. Because who was I to think he’d actually be interested in me. He chases you down the street as you continue to walk faster, wanting nothing more than to get away from him, 
“Y/N! Wait” he yells out, as he grabs onto your wrist, 
“Get away from me.” you hiss, your face heating up with anger and hurt, 
“Y/N please let me explain,” you jerk your hand away from him, he looks hurt and confused by your action how fucking dare he look at me like that. Did he think because you had a crush on him you’d melt to his touch? That you’d let him explain his stupid fucking dare? No.
“Seo Changbin, don’t you ever come near me again,” you turn around walking away from him, you walk back towards your dorm, in tears. Everything that happened tonight was straight out of a drama and you couldn’t believe these things actually happened in real life. As you walk back on to campus you see the light from the library still on, the one place you know you can find exactly what you need. Comfort. You make your way inside where the librarian sits peacefully reading a book, 
“Y/N!” he yells, knowing the library is currently empty, 
“What are you doing here so late Mr. Lee?” 
“I was going to ask you the same question, miss Y/LN, is everything alright?” he asks, 
“Just a bit of heartbreak,” you whisper, his face showing signs of concern, “That book you gave me really tore me apart you know!” you force a laugh, you really weren't ready to explain this situation to anyone let alone, the only person who ever spoke to you as an equal. 
“Oh!” he laughs, “I had the same reaction! Well I’m glad you're here,” he says, “What kind of book are you looking for tonight?” he says, 
“Something that will take me far away from here,” you smile, 
“Well, I may be able to help with that,” he gets up and opens the door to his office, walking out with a small bag, “I was going to save this one for your birthday next week but it seems I’ve broken your heart with my last gift so consider this one to be the one that mends it” he smiles, 
“You didn’t have to mr. Lee,” you say as you take the bag from him, 
“Well I was out with one of your teachers and it caught my eye and I thought to myself, Lee Taemin if you do not bring this book back to your favorite reader you will regret it,” he laughs, “I kid you not, it called out to me as if begging me to bring it back for you” 
“Maybe it was calling out for you!” you laugh, 
“No, it was definitely calling for you,” he smiles, “Now go on, get home.” he smiles, you thank him once again for the gift and begin to leave, “Oh and Y/N” you turn back around to see what he called you for, “The boy who made you cry tonight, never deserved to be blessed with the gift of your heart. Write the story your heart deserves.” he smiles at you, like a brother trying to comfort his heartbroken younger sister. 
“Thank you,” you say weakly smiling at him as you exit the library. 
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You wash the makeup off and change into a comfortable pair of leggings and a large hoodie, sliding into bed and laying down to stare at the ceiling. The events of that night are still eating away at your heart. You turn to your side and stare at the gift from Mr. Lee. you sit back up, turning the lamp on your side table on, opening the bag and staring at the large book that lay within it. The beautifully decorated leather cover that you could tell was handmade, a reddish brown with gorgeous gold details, the pages with gold trimming shone brightly under the light. It was magnificent, and by far the most beautiful book to be added to your collection. Almost like mr. Lee said, you felt a pull from it begging to be opened, to be read. It called out to you. You trace your fingers over the golden indented title, Boundless. You open the book carefully, turning the first page, from its title page, only to find it completely empty. There is no table of contents, you turn to the next page, once again empty. You flip through the whole book and there's nothing. You sit the book down, thinking of how strange it is for a book of this size to be empty, maybe it was sold by mistake? Just then the alarm on your clock on the nightstand goes off, you panic trying to shut it down. Did you accidentally set an alarm? No. You never would’ve set one for eleven pm, nor am. The light on your desk flickers and the room falls into a deep darkness, your heart begins to beat out of your chest and fear sinks in, just then the whispering starts, “Am i going crazy?” you say out loud, the whispers grow louder, and louder until light shines again, but not from your lamp, the book itself glows vibrantly illuminating the dark room around you. “Y/N…Y/N… Y/N!” the whispers chant, the book flies open landing on a page directly in the middle of the book, in a panicked state you jump off your bed wondering what could possibly be going on, but your head spins, or is the room spinning? You couldn't tell, the whispers growing into loud shouting, you drop down into a ball covering your ears, squeezing your eyes shut. You feel something pulling at you, you let out a scream as your body finally gives way and you’re being dragged back onto your bed, “Help!” was the last thing anyone would have heard coming from your dorm.
Tags: @thvjnm @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @mimi-sierra04
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bucketofbugz · 1 year
Okay I have breathed a little bit and I can now actually articulate my feelings about mutant mayhem.
There will be spoilers, and I will put a warning before them.
Okay so I REALLY, REALLY liked this movie I'm !!!!!!
The animation was AMAZING, I loved the story so much
I literally was "KJHFSKJDHF" internally throughout the entire movie. I could not Think for a while after I left the theater I was so excited that I actually got to watch the movie
Alright, onto the spoiler part of this
I freaking loved Raph this entire movie he's so silly he just wants to exist let the boy exist let the boy get therapy.
He wasn't that big in the movie but he was the best. I might be very biased I might be a tiny bit biased because he has always been my favorite character in every iteration, but he WAS the best in this movie I SWEAR!!
He loves his brothers so much, he loves punching people so much, and as much as I would love for him to fulfill his dreams of punching someone so hard they throw up, I think April threw up enough in this movie.
April was definitely my second favorite though because. Like. I love her. I love her design, I love her character, I just love HER. I very much feel for her being terrified to be in front of a camera because I would never want to even look at a camera after that. Could have gone without seeing her throw up 9 times ovER-- but THAT"sS JUST ME IG GUESS
After Raph and April it's hard to figure out what the list of my favorite characters looks like. Because I think I like Leo, Mikey, and Donnie equally. I can't see myself preferring one over the other, at least not yet. Maybe when the show comes out I'll form a better opinion on them, but I loved all three of them so much!!
I think I'll have to wait until the show to form opinions on the other mutants as well. Because as much as I loved all of them, there were so many that we didn't get to see them all that much. But I KNOW that I love Mondo and Leatherhead they're silly <33
Splinter was GREAT. I loved how he was such a DAD in this as opposed to a mentor figure. His realizing how much he sounded like Superfly during that scene was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Because liKE HE JUST WANTS THE BEST FOR HIS SONS. WAAA
"Donnie you should NOT be driving" THANK YOU Splinter, that's what I'VE BEEN SAYING
Uh. WOulda liked it a bit better if he hadn't made out with Scumbug on screen. But. That's,, that's just me... Good for you Splinter I hope you and your bug girlfriend are very happy?? I think?? Splinter needs to stop falling in love with bug women.
I've heard a lot of people say how towards the middle and moreso the end, the plot started feeling weird. Like a lot of the stuff that happened had no impact or it was weirdly paced. And yeah, I get that honestly. Maybe when I get the chance to watch it again (definitely not in theaters sobs) I'll get to pay more attention to the pacing and stuff but I was just too excited to be bothered about that this time around.
That combined with the fact that their shells literally CRACKED later on in the movie??? Like HOW DID THEY WALK THAT OFF?? HOW ARE MIKEY AND RAPH WALKING AT ALL??
The fact that Raph was still the first one that offered to start singing BTS songs for Donnie despite the fact that he was currently being drained of blood by the.. the mega milker 3000.. is adorable. Brains and Brawn duo for the win guys we won in this movie they were great, The Brothers Ever.
The amount of times the turtles (especially Leo) stimmed during the movie is just!!!!!! I LOVE THAT. Autism.
Okay and now I gotta talk about the thing with Leo and April.
I love them. I love them a lot actually.
Leo's such a LOSER and yeah he has NO RIZZ. I was so scared about #1- Leo having a love interest (he doesn't have a great track record, let's be honest) #2- One of the turtles having a crush on April, but I think that they pulled it off very well! He was so stupid about it and I LOVE THAT FOR HIM. It's exactly what I was hoping for with their relationship. I really hope that it continues to be executed properly in the show and sequel and they don't butcher it. And I ESPECIALLY hope they don't have some love triangle thing with Casey again I swear I will have a breakdown (if Casey's still a teenager in MM and they let Raph and Casey have something I will forgive them for having Splinter and Scumbug make out I promise I promise I promise I just want them to be silly please please please please please please please please)
I'd already seen pictures of them without their masks before watching the movie because I stopped caring about spoilers but I still felt that surge of PANIC when Mikey's masked dropped down into the sewers like NO BACK UP PUT THAT BACK ON.
And like every iteration they DO look ugly and stupid without their masks on but honestly I think it works so much better for mutant mayhem than it does for a lot of other iterations. It's probably just the artstyle and how them looking ugly and stupid is half the point but I think they pull it off.
Leo works at best buy now. I don't care if it isn't canon. I will be believing that forever look at this idiot
I have so many more thoughts about Mutant Mayhem and I just wanna KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT but AAAAAAAAAA
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We couldn't just be happy that Haegeum, after all the struggles, debuted at 58 on hot 100. Can we?
Yoongi biased Ot7s tweeting "did that without collabs, remixes, multiple versions….." "Agustd paves the way"…
Who are they shading? Jimin for releasing multiple versions? JK for collabing with western artists?
This whole ot7 is a myth.
How are you shading multiple versions/remixes when the most successful Bts song, Dynamite, that charted for 32 weeks inside hot100 had 11 versions/remixes. One A side and one B side mvs. Had vinyl, cassettes and Cds.
And western collabs are a drag? We have Boy with Luv and MU right there being successful.
My Astronaut didn't have remixes or multiple versions either and it debuted at 51. So Yoongi biased armys, humble down already.
And the person they are shading the most, Jm. SMF p2 with no CDs, remixes and multiple versions debuted at 30 on bb100. If SMF P2 had CDs like Haeguem and The Astronaut, it would have debuted inside top10 for sure. People need to stop being bitter about Like Crazy.
This is what leads to more division in the fandom.
Yoongi is not my bias, I am not into his music. But I bought and streamed for him. We wanted that hot100 debut so bad for him. These kind of talks are so disappointing.
You probably typed this out thinking it's a very normal and sensible thing to say lmao, but all it shows is that you're getting sucked in.
Listen, I understand you feel very passionately about the member you love, and I understand in fandom spaces this can be hard to put into practice, but, just... try to be normal. The fandom isn't filled with people who hate Jimin, he would not have gotten any of his chart accomplishments if that were true, defaulting to thinking a common mindless comment made for many achievements is targeted shade at Jimin is more a reflection of how you think OT7 Yoongi-biased ARMYs view Jimin, it's more a reflection of the siloed environment you're in where you see JM constantly targeted, than based on anything that's actually happening in the wider fandom.
One thing that amuses me about all this, is that people who act like this don't seem to realize they're creating a self-fulfilling prophesy. That they're directly creating the environment they claim they're fighting against. It's the same mentality with shooters, solo stans, and mantis. This isn't to say there couldn't be Yoongi-biased people saying that to shade Jimin, I'm certain his solo stans and the akgaes of other members could say that to target Jimin, but by defaulting to thinking it is targeted shade at Jimin by OT7 ARMYs (when it of course could apply to other groups/people besides Jimin), you're heightening suspicion on regular ARMYs, who to counter that will become ultra defensive and level that suspicion back on Jimin-biased ARMYs, and you're doing all that while needlessly victimizing your bias. You've apparently identified "what leads to more division in the fandom", without realizing that you're inadvertently contributing to that division with all the above.
This is how y'all create the circus that is fandom.
One more thing.
You know, when I say I don't particularly care about charts, I actually mean it. Like, I understand how the charts work, I know what they imply for BTS and I stream, donate, buy so other fans can access their music and to better support fandom efforts, but arguments over chart placements between the members, and how xyz did this at abc, etc, whatever all of that is, I genuinely do not give a fuck.
I couldn't tell you where Joon, Hobi, etc debuted on the charts unless I go back to check it, and in about a month I'd probably have forgotten where Yoongi charted. Jimin's #1 will remain top of mind simply because of how rare and monumental it is, but I've forgotten everything else. I read all of what you wrote Anon, and it amuses me that I'm reading this in the same fandom space that until June 2022, prided itself on not caring about charts like those 'crazy chart-obsessed Twitter ARMYs'. Lol. BTS solo era started and suddenly the shippers, who often operate more like solo stans of the people they ship, suddenly care about donating, streaming, buying, chart accomplishments, etc, than they did a mere 6 months ago.
Anon, I've got a few more asks like yours in my inbox (I posted yours because you seem actually coherent). All the asks are people getting up in arms about this or that person saying this/that about Yoonmin's solo debut, promotions, chart placements etc. You and the rest who are talking like this might not realize it now, but you're getting sucked in. There's only one thing you sound like, and only one place you're going to end up with that line of thinking. It's easily one of the most predictable pipelines in fandom. You can call yourself whatever you like, but take it from someone who has been here long enough, keep going on like that and you're only going to end up in one place.
And like I've said before, I have no qualms letting dead weight fall off.
Goodluck to you.
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Hey! Can I give you Lunatic Bee for the ship bingo?
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Anyone who's been following my blog lately will not be shocked that I love this ship like crazy. We've only had a single episode to get to see how the three of them interact with each other, but just that one episode gives me so many emotions and shipper thoughts that Lunatic Bee almost immediately became an OTP for me. Granted, it probably helped that I loved the Loona and Vortex ship from "Spring Broken", so the only thing that kept me from fully just wondering if I could just have a polyship between those two and Vortex's girlfriend was the fact that we hadn't met said girlfriend yet.
.....And then we met Bee and I was pretty much immediately sold on the idea that these three would end up as a poly relationship. I do think there would be some rocky moments at the start, in part because of my headcanon that Vortex doesn't realize he never told Loona he and Bee were poly, so she takes the affection/flirting as her being messed with (either intentionally or not); but ultimately I feel like they'd be an amazing romantic trio. Not to mention imagining the fun scenarios that could come up from the idea of them all being together.
The only real downside I feel is the fact that, while in my own admittedly biased views, it feels like it's perfect to become canon at some point based on so many factors....the fact that I feel like getting Kesha back to voice Bee would be really difficult makes me feel like it's hard to say if Lunatic Bee would ever become official, unless they either did it completely in the background, recast Bee for future episodes, or just didn't give her any dialogue in future appearances. I am still keeping my fingers crossed, but until then, Lunatic Bee is canon in my heart and my (hopefully soon) upcoming fanworks.
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
made by the one and only deepa. thank you for tagging me! i'm not really sure how the format of this tag game works haha but i'll do my best. ):) @fiercynn
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
heyo! i'm atria (pronounced ey-tri-ya), 21, and a college senior struggling studying creative writing in the philippines. i use she/her pronouns and i'm very much sapphic thank you.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
december 14, 2021, when i decided to binge what my twitter mutuals have been hyping about on my tl for weeks.
i had been on a hiatus prior to that, having just been suffering from julie and the phantoms brainrot, that it surprised me that my old fandom mutuals were moving on collectively to another show. so many tweets analyzing and raving about the show caught my attention because i'm all about those, those are my cup of tea, especially the night of episode 5 airing. i watched a clip of the rooftop scene and i wanted to know why they were crying and why one of them walked away, so i had it on my watchlist. i was still busy with schoolwork though so i didn't get to actually start watching until two weeks later, four days after episode 7 aired (hence 12/14/21) at 10 PM with my sheets pulled up. it was me and my phone against the world.
yes i made it worse because that week was my finals—but to my defense, to my defense, i had already finished half of it and was close in finishing the other half of my exams.
joined the fandom like not even an hour later after i binged 1-7 because i came on twitter and was met with a warm welcome.
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa. i have my fair share of liking rare pairs (clary and izzy from shadowhunters tv, riley and farkle from girl meets world, quinn and rachel from glee) but for shows like these, nah. haha the main pairs really do it for me.
favorite character(s)
pat - mans was so relatable. sexually fluid, thought he had a crush on his different-gendered friend but turned out to be in love with someone who is of the same gender who was right in front of him the whole time. became closer to different-gendered friend after confessing to them i'm totally not projecting haha what do you man
ink - ah, ink nolastname my beloved. introduced as a red herring but ended up having her own sapphic love story?? no other girl in a bl could ever.
junior - i thought he'd just be a one-episode side character but him serving the story in multiple ways got to me. he felt like patpran's child which is so cute, but also a representation of the freedom patpran's own kid selves could have had.
favorite episode(s)
3 - falls under the romcom formula of pat just following pran around like a dumb oblivious puppy and while we the audience are attuned to pran's perspective, once you rewatch episode 3, you realize how much pat has not been lying about how he feels for both pran and ink and that his behavior says it all.
5 - do you even need to ask. i'm pat-biased so him speedrunning his sexuality was so funny and so devastating at the same time.
10 - some people have said that i'm a masochist for this one. but in all seriousness when i first watched it (which was via iWant and not YouTube, so i had no interruptions of 4 parts and got to watch all four parts immediately and earlier than everyone else because if you didn't know back when it was airing, the premiering of the parts would have an interval of around 5-15 minutes each) it felt so long and advanced the plot the most. it had all: inkpa getting together, patpran being adorable annoying bfs, and learning about their generational trauma. yikes! i loved the angst of it all.
favorite scene(s)
*cracks knuckles* oh boy, do i have a series of textposts for you. i made commentary post thingies for them detailing the reason why! it was so fun to do.
designing bus stop 2.0
fight in the dorm's ground floor
pran singing the unfinished version of "our song"
inkpa in the darkroom
ming putting the letters in the siridechawat mailbox
one thing you would change about the show if you could
just one??? i mean haha sure...
the whole plot of wai getting mad at pran and how they resolved it. like come on man, the best friend hates when one lies to the other trope is so lame and overused. it's not just pat getting shot, it was the whole thing of the archi gang being unfairly mad without bothering to learn about why he lied. if they didn't feel like side characters then who are just there to put external conflict and less like actual friends who got hurt from the secret, they certainly acted most like it in episode 9.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
i made a fanfic recommendation thread and i have a couple of bbs edits saved in all of tiktok, instagram, and twitter, but if i had to really narrow it down, that'd be tough. hmm.
gif - i search @pranpats' pat breaking silently post every few months to make myself cry whenever i need a good one. my baby boy my baby boy i love him so much. i tuck him in bed and give him nong nao. btw the sharpening of this gif made pat's tears so much clearer and i want to hurl myself off of a balcony thanks.
fic - from the tide by fruti2flutie is a popular fanfic but it deserves the hype. i was blown away by its character dynamics and style of writing that i wrote an original story inspired from its worldbuilding/power system for my fiction workshop class. the river can't go back by unsungyellowraincoat is poetic heaven.
art - last one to propose loses by cubedmango + rooftop wedding by @thatgothsamurai = my our skyy actually.
animatic - Ur SOUL Ur BodY by RENii•EXE has so many shots that made me question my entire existence, namely pran pressing pat's hand into the bedsheets (0:41). it's so good. 10/10.
animation - I am not your ocean anymore by @architectxengineer is incredible. watching this broke my heart in the best possible way. the visual of how pran and pat stumble into their room in episode 11 is such a cute scene to fill the gap of.
edit - mae's safety net is a personal favorite because it was first uploaded on my birthday, i could never get tired of it as i kept watching it for months on end, and then there was that time it was archived on mae's instagram but she was kind enough to unarchive it for me (alongside her other incredible bbs edits!) huhu ily. and then another objectively well-made one is 7 things by mic that is deservedly popular on twitter, not to mention the very intentional use of colors from all of pran's markers/color pencils! HOW. COOL. IS. THAT.
text - In Fair Verona by @shortpplfedup is an analysis/commentary scenepost series that i fell in love with and tuned into as the episodes aired. it details the main romeo and juliet allegory as well as points out its differences. it's so so pretty and insightful and a delight to read. read all of it, guys. please.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
visual edit - among all my photo edits, my untranslatable words one almost made it here but i gotta hand it to my bad idea storyboard. if i could only draw, i would have animated the shit out of this tbh.
video edit - all the stars kind of flopped in reception which was a bummer considering no one knows i spent an embarrassingly long time working on it (...9 hours) but now you do haha.
fanfic - the rest are drabbles anyway so i don't even think this can count as a favorite if it's only one lmao but it's my Teen Wolf AU anamnesis (28k, 4 chapters, fin). really enjoyed the season 6 binge for educational purposes :DD and writing pranink, pranpa, patink, and the jindapat siblings was one of the best parts. my true ot4.
other - i wrote something about patpran that was not prose. it's post velum (which is latin for behind the curtain, the name of the novel) and it's poetry about each episode of bad buddy + our skyy. oh and my patpran as percabeth series that i mostly only did for like,, two people.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
a taylor swift song feels like cheating because every ship can be associated to a taylor swift song but still. daylight is perfect. i once believed love would be burning red? pre-relationship patpran. the rivalry is so fiery that they thought they wouldn't have the space to be soft. but it's golden. established relationship patpran. they are the healthiest teenaged boyfriends ever. their relationship endures for years and glows.
watch this edit, see what i mean.
idk anything else you want us to know?
i don't really agree with thinking bad buddy is the perfect show and that it had the perfect ending. i still understand the direction and the decision to go with those and other more questionable choices, but i like recognizing the show's flaws. tons and tons of it. from the technicalities of production to the actual writing. especially knowing the show's behind the scenes and what happened from the mock trailer's official announcement and the gp's initial (horrible) reception, to this show finally airing and its first four episodes being in the trenches when it comes to ratings (haha the bbs nugu era), to the ending of episode 5 breaking the internet to the point of being recognized in the following gmmtv 2022 presscon, then to the steep rise to the peak.
...especially knowing those made me love the show more inside out. tldr; i'm a "bad buddy is a very flawed show and i love it" type of person.
tagging bbs tumblr mutuals who might be interested in playing but no pressure though! @dravbn @lurkingteapot @seoperior @pransobrave @rhvmaresh @patpranism @zetteceniza
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annbourbon · 11 months
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Well hello folks! It's that time of the year again! And here's my 2023 movie list, keep on mind I actually made the effort to watch movies I have never seen before, even though they're old... so even if you already watched them because they're classics, I didn't until now.
I actually need to get some books to read but for now binged all these days to watch 31 movies & series in a couple of days.
1. Mask Girl (K-Drama, series)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay this series was amazing. I've been a fan of Orange Caramel even though they're now disbanded, so seeing Nana back on the scene was so cool. But that's not all, honestly:
* Insane plot, made me gasp a couple of times and I've been into K-Drama for a while now so...
* I was actually rooting for Kim Mo-mi the whole time, but also I couldn't find myself to hate the other characters because the actors are so good<3
* Did I mention Nana is there?
* It has so many layers and many points of view which makes it so interesting to watch
I'm not saying anything else because I highly recommend this one.
2. The Platform (movie) ✅⭐⭐
A bit boring at times but quite interesting too. I watched it because someone recommended it to me. I was so disappointed with the ending but at the same time I understood why it finished the way it did. I'm not going to watch it again though. Definitely hated it.
3. Scream (movie, 2023 ver.) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I already watched the original one. This one was awesome. I loved the original cast coming back, and also, Jenna Ortega 😍😚
4. Suspiria (remake)✅⭐⭐⭐
I got bored lol it is aesthetic but not a lot. I prefer the school on the original movie. Like, it's so pretty...
Actually I got, really bored at some parts. I wanted the whole ballet concept to be more... macabre and beautiful. They could have put anything else and the idea would have been the same.
I enjoyed the dance. But it's not classical ballet. I'm giving it an extra star because of the aesthetics. It's not creepy or scary. Just another film. Some parts are awesome but mostly... bland.
5. The Deep House ✅⭐⭐
I think, I was disappointed. It's one of those old school movies, you either love it or hate it. I ended up disliking it a lot because it felt kind of lazy. There was no message behind, there was no reason for me to actually care about them as characters, and BTW, the dude there, he was sooooo toxic. I ended up hating him the whole movie except for his last moments. I really don't recommend this one lol but here you have me, trying to find something different.
Well, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
6. Doctor Sleep ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
I need to be honest, he's still one of my first celebrity crushes. So I might be a bit biased. But I loved the movie. Before you say anything to me, I have watched The Shinning already.
7. Gothika ✅⭐⭐
I might as well be honest. I saw this movie when I was a kiddo. But I had a lot of nightmares about it. Still, now I got to watch it fully. And I realized that it's not as intense as I thought it was. I mean, yes. It has some scenes. But I'm a Hannibal Lecter and Criminal Minds fan now lol it's kind of difficult to get past that.
8. Dreamcatcher ✅⭐⭐⭐
It started pretty average and I was expecting nothing from it. But it got better. And really scary. I hated the bathroom scene but also loved the whole movie.
9. Only Mine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Scary but because it's based on a real story. The movie is pretty decent.
10. Train to Busan ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Was so cool 💕 😢 more than scary it was inspiring me a lot. IDK how to explain it. But I'll be watching it again because *feelings*
I think it's becoming one of my favorite horror movies.
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11. Annihilation ✅⭐⭐
Mmmmm I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. And it was not that interesting. I loved the colors though. If I have to say anything about it lol 💤😴
12. Psycho (1960) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I can't believe it took me so long to watch this one!!! I love this movie I swear. It's such a good one. It's not as scary as I thought it would be but I think that's a "me" problem lol since it seems like I'm so used to scary things nothing really scares me anymore.
However, the suspense was so in point and I can't even believe that I was holding my breath. Like, how? This movie is so old no? It should be boring and all that uh? Well it doesn't matter. Hitchcock definitely knew his way around. It caught my interest and hold me captive till the end of the movie. I didn't even start scrolling my phone or got bored!
Sure there are a couple of plots that can be "fixed" because we now have better phones and technology, but the whole movie it's timeless. It definitely holds. I loved it. A lot. That can't be said of several other movies and tv shows.
13. Constantine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Not really scary. But really cool. I was having a crush over Tilda Swinton the whole time lol sadly she doesn't get to have a lot of screentime but I repeated her scenes for a while before going to the next movie.
14. Beowulf ✅⭐⭐
By now I'm getting tired AF of bloodbaths. Like it's not even scary. It's disgusting and tiresome. I want to see something else. I really did not enjoy the movie. I'm starting to realize that binging on a certain genre can desensitize a person and it certainly feels like I'm way over it. I remember the movie but I can't remember anything that is worth of comment. Except, maybe... that Beowulf is an asshole, so is the king, and apparently the next king will do the same thing and everyone there deserved what happened to them except ofc the people in town and kids. I don't think I liked the story or movie at all. 💀
15. Disturbing Behavior ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay so James Marsden and Katie Holmes are so cute together. And they're literally kids here. It was a bit awkward lol but I enjoyed the movie. It's kind of interesting and definitely talks about how society pressures you on behaving in a certain way. All that while making a scary movie. Which is why I might've ended up liking it a bit more than the others. Interesting how parents were so on board with this behavior too. Anyway, since I'm on a marathon I don't really have a lot of time to analyze it as much as I usually do. I probably won't be watching it again, but it's a good movie to analyze and enjoy for a while. For real.
16. The Exorcist (original) ✅⭐⭐⭐
Now we're getting serious lol or not...
Honest reaction
Before the movie>> I'm so scared of it 😭😿😱
During and after the movie>>> wow... It's so... meh 😑
I was a bit distracted during the whole movie. And it's not that scary. Just sad, long, boring and disappointing. Nothing else to comment.
My brother said that I needed to appreciate it a bit more since it's an old movie, but honestly... I prefer Psycho to the Exorcist. Like, I get it. Old movie. Different type of special effects and all that. But still, the whole thing, even the characters feels kinda flat? Nvm the spoilers. I received a similar amount of spoilers from both movies and I still enjoyed Psycho more. I did laughed a lot. But it's not supposed to be a comedy movie 😭🤣
17. 12 Monkeys ✅⭐⭐⭐
TT~TT okay? I really cried for a while. And I had to take some days off because of this one. I started watching other series, kdramas and stuff that made me laugh and forget about this one.
18. Ghost Ship ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I remember seeing this one everywhere when I was a kid and my parents trying to make sure I didn't watch it. One of the reasons I finally got my hands on it and watch it lol
I really enjoyed it. I was so sad about the girl on the ship. And I usually do not like slashers but somehow I ended up loving this one. Definitely is going to be one of my favorite movies from now on.
19. The exorcism of Emily Rose ✅ ⭐⭐
Boring at the beginning but interesting after 30 minutes into the movie. Which in a way, it's not good lol but let it be. I was thinking to call the Winchesters all the time.
Mmmm I think these two are one of the reasons I stopped disliking horror movies.
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The other one would be Fi from So Weird
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Which TBH is the original reason I stopped disliking ghosts and monsters. I joined Fi team first before Supernatural. Supernatural was me being edgy and sarcastic all the way, especially on my worse days. But Fiona, she's the one I truly aspired to be. Now I think I'm a mix of both and it's okay. I still prefer Fi over the Winchesters because she gives everyone a chance to be. I mean, I love the brothers a lot... okay not the point of this lol sorry... Ummmm I think you can see I got distracted while watching the movie. 💀🤣
Interesting though, a mix of lawyer-ish fight with "medical terms" and all that in a demonic possession case. Different P.O.V. sure. It definitely makes more sense than the Exorcist where the story ends without anyone (no cops, no lawyers, no other authorities) involved despite several people dying.
"Touched by the hand of God" they said. And believe me when I said "ew" during that part 😭🤣 I wasn't even trying to be funny. Seriously though... there's only one thing I despise more than movie slashers. Religion, especially inside movies. And inside books too. I was so disappointed by Susan's problem when I found out what it was about. I also spent almost my entire childhood inside several Catholic and Christian schools. Most of the time being bullied by everyone there. Please lol I can't stand them (I do realize that not everyone is like that but it left a huge trauma on me so I can't stand those things.) The fun part is, I don't have anything against religions. Just against hypocrisy and lack of comprehension. Still, it's okay for a movie. One or two hours of it won't be bothering me so much. Didn't scare me. But made me uncomfortable. I wish I could hear more about Dr. Adani (?) P.O.V. though.... I believe I will have to watch Heroes (series) for a similar take on that.
20. The Barcelona Vamp ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was... triggering. And not about vampires. But about CP and apparently a real case. Obviously Hollywood has its own take on this so I can't say anything about it until I do my research on the real deal. But the whole movie was interesting and also very, very triggering. Really scary. Some scenes were too uncomfortable to watch so I had to pause it several times. Why? These things are so so close to us and people, sometimes people we know, keep hiding these things from us. Maybe the Barcelona Vamp was innocent. Maybe it wasn't. The only thing that it is true is that nothing like this happens without another one getting involved too. Another one keeping silence. Someone refusing to act. That's how bad it is. Not the movie ofc.
I love the use of color and the use of black and white too. It's definitely a good film. The dialogues... they were too realistic. Sadly. I have known people that say things like that. That keep blaming it onto the victims no matter if they're 40 or 6 years old. Don't watch this movie if child abuse triggers you. While it is not graphic it definitely makes you uncomfortable. And it should. Another thing to say about this movie: the original language is in Spanish. And when I saw it on HBO the English subtitles were lacking. So were the subtitles in Spanish. So either you learn/practice your Spanish or you'll need to find CC and the mp4 file too. To make sure you get it otherwise you'll be missing half of the story.
21. Dracula (1979)✅ ⭐⭐⭐
Okay the whole time I was so into the aesthetics. But sometimes I found it funny. Mmmm but I decided to give it a go because it was an old movie. Honestly it wasn't that bad. A bit cringe but kinda okay. The aesthetics were really pleasing tho.
22. Army of the Dead ✅⭐⭐
I started watching it because... it looked fun. Zombieland type of fun.
The OST is awesome. I'm not taking this movie seriously. I don't know why... oh yeah okay... now I kind of understand why.
Okay it has a lot of tits and a lot of blood in the very beginning. If this is how's gonna be... or not. Oh... it gets better after the first minutes 😜 A bit of character development...
I like this idea of zombies being strong and somewhat more fast. Like Korean zombies.
I fell asleep. Again... *sighs* this is ridiculous. I'll have to rewatch just... I'm not sure...
I'll be back. Let me do a quick rewatch.
Zombie tiger Valentine was awesome. Smart zombies? Cool!!
I think I'm bored...
I mean, it's a cool movie. But I prefer Zombieland.
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They're supposed to be great at shooting, so why do they spend so many bullets on killing one zombie if they already know to aim for the head?
I'm rooting for the king. He actually seems decent.
Ohh no they killed his baby 😭
They should pay for it.
Okay... okay, wait a second lol I'm getting an idea...
Why there are no movies with zombies as main characters where the humans are the bad ones?
I mean, we have all what it takes: Usually someone, a doctor, trying to play God, and making a human turn into zombie. The whole zombie apocalypse goes on because they kill the family of subject Zero and all that.
This movie deserves another star just cause the OST is really awesome. Seriously. I'm not going to give it one more though lol the whole thing was quite disappointing.
23. The Fall of the Usher House (Netflix series) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay I saw this whole series in what? Two days? The adaptation was incredibly well done. I'm aware that the story on the book is different but I quite enjoyed the show. Although it's quite graphic. So there's my trigger warning ⚠️ if anything lol honest question, do we need trigger warnings for horror movies?
Carla Gugino's still one of my unexplained crushes, she is still as beautiful as the day I saw her for the first time, does she have a fountain of eternal youth hidden somewhere? Anyway, it surprised me how good she's within the horror genre. To be honest I haven't followed her in years but now she captured my attention so I definitely will be paying attention from now on.💕
I actually screamed during Tammy's death. Her acting is truly on point. It made me feel everything that the rest of the Ushers couldn't. Considering how tired and how much I've disassociated these weeks to be able to watch horror movies every day, I think you can say she's the best of the best.
Ironically, she wasn't even my favorite character but Aunt Madeleine and Camille who I felt they were so alike. And in a way I kept admiring them. And also Lenore but for different reasons. Still I felt captivated by the whole series. Aunt Madeleine monologue is wow! But Tammy's death and the way it was presented to us, I truly felt like I was inside with her. Grieving and feeling all that. I couldn't stop watching despite how much I wanted to.
24. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein✅⭐⭐⭐
It made me jump several times 😭🤣 but I can't quite put my finger on why... maybe because it was raining while I was watching the movie. Maybe because the timing was so on point every time the lightening strikes inside the movie, the same thing happened here...
Anyway this is my first time watching Frankestein and the aesthetics are so good 😍💖 also.. Helena Bonham Carter is there!? And considering how good Kenneth Branagh was playing Gilderoy Lockhart I really found hilarious and on point sawing him play Victor Frankenstein too.
25. #Alive✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐
What a movie! I wonder if this is tied to Train to Busan and All of us are Dead. I mean, technically it's not. But the fandom can always take upon it and make it a thing. It has happened before lol right?? Please someone needs to make it a thing 😭 even if it's just a fanfic or something. I'll be so happy.
It keeps reminding me of coronavirus 😭
The guy is a good person but... why is he eating such a big ramen? He should be breaking it into small portions lol he really does not know anything about survival. Poor thing 😕 I shouldn't be laughing so much about it but... he's really stupid at times. If he survives it'll be a miracle lol
Oh... she's cute 🥺 kind and smart. She's going to die lol
They are so lucky to have each other. 🥺😭
Okay... let's start counting how many times he actually screwed it off lol
Every time I think he's about to screw it off, he saves her lol and I like their dynamic so much 🥺😭 like, not really shipping them. Just, rooting for them and loving their friendship. That's a friendship right?
OMG she's so cool...
No way... see? This is why I enjoy Korean movies so much... their plot twists are insane...
26. Freaky✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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O.M.G. it's definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Scary but original. And funny. I loved it. Great characters. Awesome development. Good acting. Made me laugh a lot and I was rooting for the heroine. But also... aw 🥺🤧 that ending... And the beginning! 😱💕
27. A nightmare on Elm Street ✅⭐⭐⭐
It's a great movie. Seriously. But I had to pause it several times because I felt sleepy... really sleepy. Which is so weird because I usually don't feel like that while watching a horror movie.
Anyway I found odd watching Johnny Depp as a kid 🤣 but I was rooting for Nancy's character all the way.
28. The Wizard of Oz ✅ ⭐⭐
Aw... cute singing...
Toto what!? 😱 Well...
I'm not sure I liked the movie lol it felt like.... why are they singing so merrily about the death of the witch!? I feel like they're so mean 😭💀
.... Did Glinda just decided to make Dorothy part of her beef against Elephie? (Ignoring the musical plot ofc) they're so mean lololol
Pretty sure lions and tigers are not part of the forest 😭🤣 okay maybe there are tigers on the rainforests. But pretty sure you won't find one... in middle of the forest. Nvm. I realize it's supposed to be a movie... sorry about that lol
Ohhh that last part when they are all together, facing their worse fears together. It's so cute.
I love the hourglass. It's red!! 😍 so pretty.... the movie is cringy lol but the songs are catchy. The red shoes are marvelous too 😍
And that's it. I don't like this movie lol but the songs are awesome.
29. Cirque du Freak ✅⭐⭐
Ken Watanabe!? Josh Hutcherson, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek and William Dafoe!? How come I didn't watch this first!? 😭😱 looks so cool...
The intro is so long... but kind of interesting lol
I was eating... lucky me, I don't really get nauseous or sick of watching gross things. I used to watch Dr House or Hannibal when I was a kid while I was eating. That's how strong my stomach is lol
... Is it just me or Evra looks a bit like Ross Lynch here? I love Ross Lynch.... maybe that's why lol
Being honest it was below average. But I also liked it. So... the stars do not say how much, because then it'd be a 3 or 4 but the movie deserves only two.
30. Suspiria (original)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
The aesthetics are so 😍💕
Did I mention I'm a Dario Argento fan? Okay, I'm a new fan lol like, I'm barely starting with his movies and all that, but still, he's the only one who has actually made me feel so excited and terrified at the same time. Like actually screaming and keep me horrified for several minutes. I loved Phenomena with Jennifer Connelly. Suspiria seems like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
She looks like Lily Collins 😳
God... the aesthetics... that blue, and those walls... 😍💖
It's actually ballet! 😭😚
The music gives you an actual headache...
Are they trying to drown her!? That diet seems so... lol still... I wish there was a school like that. Minus the bloodbath ofc
lol I like how Susy prefers to sleep before spying on the teachers. I'd be pissed irl because there's nothing better than a mystery but... the movie's making me laugh a little with that. I think they're putting something on her food though.
Okay Susie's definitely taking pills to sleep, you do recognize the signs after a while... I'm surprised I didn't notice before... but Sara keeps shaking her so much it's impossible for her not to be awake unless she's on drugs 😭
Okay... the ending was a bit disappointing. But also good? Still, that makes me like the remake a bit more. Ummm... I think I like both movies now. I'm keeping this on first place because the aesthetics and music. Some parts are dark but nothing big if you're into horror movies. Still... I think I want to watch it again because of the aesthetics. *sigh*
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31. (No title. I'll be watching a movie with a friend 😚💕)
🦇✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🦇
My take: I'm usually a person who likes horror movies. A lot. But... I'm so tired of them RN so I definitely took some horror movies out to make it a bit more light and that's why I ended up watching The Wizard of Oz and Cirque du Freak. And I still ended up hating them lol that's how tired I am. I'm about to puke already. Seriously. Someone please get me something else to watch lololol
I am now looking for the original books of Oz after watching Return to Oz and The Wizard of Oz (which tbh I never saw the original one until now, but several animated ones, and I always found them so creepy I could not even.)
I'm definitely not going to watch horror movies in a while. I'm so done with it. Also, this is why I was struggling so much and couldn't find another movie to make it 31 to the point I almost fall asleep with most of them. I can't feel a thing with most of them. And I love Suspiria. I'm not going to watch anything else after this movie. Not right now at least.
I did enjoy the movie with my friend. I think it's one of the best things. Just because I spent almost 2 hours with that person. That already makes everything 1000% better.
Things that I've learned:
* I hate slashers, unless they're really good or do not have so many gory details. Or it's a bit more "elegant" lol idk how to explain it, except for me liking more Hannibal than a random freak with a knife. You guys get it no?
* My favorite Halloween movies are with ghosts, but I prefer psychological thriller movies.
* I can endure religions on movies but I hate them with passion.
* Monsters are not my thing because they usually are so brainless and so are the people around them trying to kill or run away from them. Use your brain! (This is why I'm a Ravenclaw -.-)
* American zombies suck. They're slow and boring. Please do not mention to me War Z. Korean zombies are awesome and they're the only reason I started watching zombie movies 💀 I like them fast.
* I will root for the brainy and most sassiest person in the room. If this one is killed I will root for the killer.
* I don't think I'll be celebrating Halloween with horror movies next year lol but who knows right?
* The winner of this list would be: Psycho. And in second place I'd be picking Freaky cause I really enjoyed that movie.
* I'm growing less and less fond of Halloween the more time it passes (not the idea itself, death and undead will never scare me but the whole horror show puts me a bit.... off now. I'm starting to understand my own roots a bit more too like being fond of this time of the year because it ends but not because of the horror, ya know what I mean? I'm getting old I think. Or maybe I'm coming back to the person I used to be.)
* Most horror movies and series lack of character development or something that makes it attractive and lets the audience feel compelled to root for them. That's why many people started rooting for the monster. It lacks humanity. They're just bloodbaths. It's boring.
* It took me so many hours to think of my costumes, design something somewhat decent, pull all the pics and watch movies at the same time 😭 🤣 it was fun but I won't be doing this again.
* I love autumn 🍂🍁🍂
* Somehow I'm more in touch with my feelings right now.
* Some movies and series actually made me feel inspired to go back and write!
* I really, really love autumn 🍂 it's just this cozy, nostalgic feeling. I'm trying not to cry whenever I see the sunlight through the leaves. 🍁
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