#i didn't find anything else. all my other bags are empty which i guess i must have done when i moved in 2020
mildmayfoxe · 7 months
i need ONE more quarter to run my laundry dryer so i scrounged around in every single jacket pocket and bag in my possession to find a couple coins in a little crossbody which i pulled out while going "YES!!!" only to find that they were danish kroner from my trip to denmark in 2019
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem! reader Summary: George reads the letters he wrote about you to himself throughout Hogwarts Warnings: mention of have a b0ner, boobs, tears, hinting to masturbation, the use of Y/n is used a few times, I'm sorry
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George bent down on the floor of his bedroom, he looked beneath to bed and pulled out a box that had been left untouched since he and Fred opened up the shop before the war
he sat down and leaned against the side of his bed, opening the box and pulling out the book
he sighed before opening it, turning to the front page, the first day he met you
1 september 1989
Dear diary
it's the first of september, meaning it's the day Me and Fred go to Hogwarts.
Me and Fred couldn't find an empty compartment to sit at, and there was no way we were going to sit with Percy, or Charlie- as his was already full
but we Found one with a boy in our year, Lee. he's cool, he let us sit with us and gave us some candy- which made mine and Fred's nose bleed. I didn't think anybody other than me and Fred would care about jokes and pranks, but i guess I was wrong, cause Lee does too!
the train started moving and we waved to our parents. i think it was about five minutes later when i saw a girl walk past, still holding her bags and stuff, she looked lost
I opened the door and let her inside
she smiled and sat with us, she wasn't that interested in pranks, but she laughed at the stories we told her.
Her name is Y/n, and I have a feeling she's going to stick around for a while.
George smiled and turned to the next page, a year and a bit later.
December 12, 1990
Christmas is coming up soon and our friends are doing a muggle thing Lee told us about- secret santa
not all our friends wanted to do it, but the main ones like Y/n, Angelina, Alicia, then it's me, Fred and Lee, so there's six of us, even
I got Y/n, I still don't know what to get her, there was no money limit or anything like that, but I just don't want to get something too cheap- but that's probably all I can afford
she's a good friend and after the first day of first year, she's stayed by our sides, no one else let her in to sit with on the train but we did, so she stayed
I'm glad she did, she's funny. and as much as she says she hates doing it- she helps me and Fred with pranks a lot, mostly because she's smarter than us
I wonder if she got me for secret santa, the odds of that would be really low, but it's not impossible, i would accept anything she would give me with a smile
George had gotten you some candy from Honeydukes- and you, infact did not get him, instead you had Fred, to which you gave him a bunch of products from Zonko's
George flipped to the next page as he heard noise coming from outside, dinner was probably coming soon and George would have to hurry before he was caught reading these
November 28, 1991
My third year at Hogwarts started a few months ago, the Famous Harry Potter started his first year
my younger brother Ron is his Friend, along with a strange girl, Hermione?
her and Y/n gets along pretty well, i think they go to the library together
speaking of Y/n, we've gotten closer, she would have to be my best friend- other than Fred. Lee is up there but he's been spending quite a bit of time with Alicia, I think there's something going on there, but i don't really know
Y/n decided to try out for the Quidditch team, due to mine and Fred's encouragement, she's really good, she should've been on the team last year, she's a chaser, and she's brilliant!
she's got the latest broom and it goes wicked fast, sometimes in training, we'll just race each other, she always wins though, mostly because I let her but who cares, it's worth it when i see the big smile on her face when she rubs it in
Fred started to tease me about it, saying i'm being soft.
I'm just being nice
October 13, 1992
fourth year started last month, school is getting a bit harder.
Fred Invited Y/n over in the holidays, she stayed at our house for about a week, I was a bit nervous that she would be overwhelmed by our family but she fit in great, Mum loved her and said she should come over for breaks from now on.
so she'll be coming over for christmas this december.
she stayed in Ginny's room, although she snuck into our room to mess around with jokes before she'd actually go to bed, I think mum knew that we did that because she glared at us when we would come down for breakfast the next mornings, she wouldn't say anything, just put her hands on her hips when we yawned
she's really cool, she's really pretty too, i don't think i've ever noticed it before, but she is, and Fred doesn't mind telling her that.
I think he fancies her because they always giggle to themselves
I don't know why but I would always get this pit in my stomach every time I saw them alone together.
He talks about her to me before going to sleep in our dorms, it's starting to piss me off, it was getting annoying because I just want to go to sleep and he'd start talking about something funny she said to him that day and he'd just laugh
i cover my eyes with my pillow every time to try and block him out, though it never really works
George laughed at that entry, looking back on it now, he should've known what the feeling meant
September 5, 1993
we got back from Holidays a few days ago, Y/n couldn't come over because she went over to Italy with her family
she had gotten boobs and the tight low cut shirt she wore to the train station really left little to the imagination, I know I sound weird and like a pervert, I shouldn't think this way about my best friend
but I can barely make eye contact with her anymore without my eyes lowering to her chest.
she's stunning and everything about her makes my heart flutter now.
she also had a slight tan and her hair was longer, she's always playing with it and I can't help the way my mind begins to wonder when i stare at her
she's making my body feel different, the way she bites her lip when concentrating, the way her eyes flutter when she looks up at me to talk
she's using lip gloss too, one that makes her lips look really kissable
I hate to admit it but i sat next to her in class yesterday and my dick decided it was a good time to get a boner, as painful as it was, all i could do was push it down.
she had noticed my uncomfortable state and in her sweet, innocent voice she asked if i was alright
"you ok there, Georgie?" she giggled
I could only nod my head.
and as horrible as it was, later that night, when laying in my bed, I couldn't help but ease the pain to the thought of her.
September 20, 1993
I fancy her, I've completely and utterly fallen in love with her,
it sounds like its just because her body has changed but it's so much more than that
she is kind and funny and sarcastic. and beautiful, like HOT.
too bad she has a boyfriend now, he doesn't deserve her and he wouldn't treat her half as good as I would if I were hers
Fred found out, turns out he never fancied her, but he just cares for her, as friends.
Fred thinks I should tell her, but I can't and I never will
Update- she broke up with him!
George laughed at the update at the end, which was 2 months later and flipped to the next page
December 6, 1994
McGonagall told us about the Yule ball today, a dance
my eyes were fixated on Y/n as she sat down laughing with Angelina across the room as I stood with Fred
Fred told me he liked Angelina a few weeks ago and I'm sure he'll ask her to the ball
Ron got called on to demonstrate the dance and she whistled at him, making him glare at her, to which she laughed
when the class was dismissed, Y/n came up to us and started joking around
I couldn't help but notice the way she has the top buttons of her shirt undone, and her tie a bit loose
it was getting rather chilly and she wasn't even wearing a jumper
I asked her if she was cold and she shook her head with a smile
"I like the cold, George, you should know that" she giggled, nudging me
she was rather short compared to me, the top of her just barely met my shoulder so she always looks up when talking to me
I've also noticed she likes to roll her skirt up, so merlin forbid she bends down to pick something up.
she's also gotten a bit more touchy, not just with me but with the rest of our friend group
her hugs would only happen coming back from breaks and holidays but now she'll hug you almost everyday in the mornings
her hugs have always been nice, but the way I can practically feel her boobs pressing up against me makes it all the better.
December 18, 1994
most people I know already have dates to the ball, Fred had asked Angelina to the ball within the first few days of hearing about it
Y/n has been asked a few times but she's politely declined every one
Fred keeps pressuring me to ask her already and I strictly telling him no, she'd reject me like every other guy whos asked her, and then it would make it weird.
We're also doing another secret santa this year, I got Alicia
Alicia is...nice? she just has a really big flirting problem, and that's not with everyone, just me
she asked me to the Ball a few days ago, and as much as I didn't want to go alone, I still said no
She's not really my type, and as much as i try to make her stop flirting with me, she just keeps doing it, I speak for all of our friend group when I say it's annoying, and I know that because they've all said it
it's nothing against her, but it's just weird
and Y/n doesn't mind talking about it, making jokes and stuff
the only person i have ever felt something for has been Y/n, and I don't want it to be anybody else
George remembers that week like it was all yesterday.
George was sat on the Gryffindor couch, your head in his lap as you told him about your day
"but anyway, why haven't you asked anybody to the ball!?" you sat up, sitting on your knees next to him
"I- I don't know, why haven't you said yes to anybody?" George questioned
"I don't like any of them, barely friends with most of them" you shrugged
"w- well do you? like anybody?" George stuttered
George noticed the small blush rising to your cheeks
"uh- not really" you smiled sheepishly "you?"
George's heartbeat quickened as he grew nervous
does he tell her?
"not really" he responded, copying your words
"you should go with Alicia" you nudged him shoulder, making him roll his eyes
"merlin" he cursed under his breath as you giggled
"only kidding of course..unless you actually want to?" you frowned
"if i wanted to go with her I would've said yes"
you smiled
"it's getting pretty late, i'm going to head to bed" you yawned
George nodded his head
"alright, goodnight"
"night, Georgie" you kissed his cheek before getting up and going to the dormitories
George stared off at the fire as the kiss lingered on his cheek, making his skin feel funny, a good funny
a few days later, Fred pushed George into asking you
"just go talk to her, this is probably your only chance!" Fred whispered before shoving George into you
you stumbled forward and almost bumped into Angie, who had to pause her sentence
you looked back and saw George
"sorry" he apologised
you grinned and gave him a hug "it's fine!"
Angelina saw Fred look at her from behind and walked over to him, leaving you with George
you stared up at George to see what he wanted but he only looked back at you nervously
"is there something you wanted, George?" you chuckled
"I want a date to the ball" he sighs, finally saying it, knowing that Fred would kick his ass if he didn't
"I'm sure Alicia will take you" you smirked
George licked his lips and thought of what to say
"no- no ok um...do you want to go with me? no! I would love if you would accompany me- wait ok. I really want you to go with me to the ball...I- I uh-"
December 20, 1994
I asked her to the ball, after what feels like forever being in love with her, I asked her
Fred pushed me into doing it
so I did, I sounded like a complete fool and I wish I could've said it better, word it so I didn't sound so stupid
maybe if I did that, she would've said yes
better yet- I had also admitted that I loved her, that I have for a long time. I had gotten so nervous that I outed myself
she just stood there in surprise before I ran off in complete and utter embarrassment
December 25, 1994
I went with her, it turns out that she was going to say yes but I ran away before she could've said anything
she told me she loved me too, and she made me the happiest man in all of Hogwarts
it was the Ball a few hours ago, you should've seen her, she was stunning- a type of stunning that when you see her, you can't say anything out of shock on how beautiful she is (which I did)
I can't describe the feeling I get when I'm with her- or see her, but it's overwhelming
i feel faint now every time I see her
she told me she would go with me the day after I had asked her in that stupid way. that was when she told me she loved me
she actually loves me.
I don't know how I can manage to make her love me but I'm grateful- and cautious
what if I mess up?
but that doesn't matter, we're not together
Update: jan 5- I asked her out, she said Yes!
February 19, 1996
Valentines day was 5 days ago, Y/n was obviously my Valentine and we had a great day, I took her to that tea shop in Hogsmeade she's been talking about for a while, if was very...pink and not the type of romantic that I like.
but she enjoyed it so I loved it.
we've been dating for a little over a year and it's great, I am absolutely in love with her and I think she is too
she's mad at me right now though
Today, at Quidditch, I beat up Draco Malfoy for bad mouthing, making Umbridge ban Me, Harry and Fred from the team, which is total bullshit!
anyway, I didn't get badly injured, Malfoy can't punch for the life of him
I only got a cut on my lip but Y/n yelled at me when walking back to the castle
I told her I don't really care I got kicked off but she still told me off, she's cute when she's mad
and I can't be mad at her for worrying about me, especially when she said I looked hot when beating Malfoy up
she let that slip from her mouth and hit my arm when I laughed at her
Merlin I love her, and I never want that to change, so just so you know. you are an idiot if you EVER LEAVE HER.
Fred and I are finalising our plan on leaving Hogwarts to start the shop up
Y/n knows about it, I've reassured her that we'll see each other, but I'm still worried she'll break up with me so I can focus on the shop
but right now I have to make it up to her for getting in a fight so.
April 21, 1996
she told me she wants to break up, she said it wasn't because of us, but because she wants to focus on our futures
I refused, it's the day before me and Fred leave.
I don't want to leave her, it feels like I only just got her and screw anyone who will try to take her away.
I told her I didn't want that and then it turned into a fight
she said she only wants what's best for us, but she is the best for me, and I will try to be the best for her
she left my dorm and I don't know where she went, but I want to see her, to tell her it will work.
I knew this was going to happen, but i didn't want it to.
Update- I found her and I begged her to stay with me, I told her that she should come live with me and Fred when she graduates and she didn't know what to say, she said she'll think about it
June 26, 1996
she moved in with us, she decided to stay with me and live with me, all her things are here now and she's in the bathroom right now, going through it and putting things in there, I couldn't be more happy.
I have the girl of my dreams to wake up beside me and go to sleep in my arms, forever
"George! dinner!" He heard Fred yell out before the door opened
"George..." he heard Fred sigh sadly
George felt the tears start to prickle in his eyes as he thought of you and how much he loved you
"I told her not to go...why didn't she listen?" George asked as his tears met the page from a few years prior, before the war
the same war that took you away from him
Fred walked into the room and sat next to his twin
"come on, I told you not to find this" Fred said, taking the book away.
it's been a while! i'm sorryyyyy
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leafyaa · 5 months
Chapter 17
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"Heizou hurry up! Just bring Maple and blanket and leave the rest in the trunk."
"Okay okay! But Maple is being fuzzy about me carrying him!" Heizou exclaimed while Maple was trying to get out of his grip by trying to scratch his face.
"Ugh I'll carry her just hurry up and open the door!" Sara yelled as she grabbed the blanket and quickly wrapped the cat inside only for its head to stick out.
They both rushed inside the hospital looking for your room.
You just sat there on the bed facing the blank white wall, not saying a single word. Your head was carefully wrapped with bandages.
Kunikuzushi went to buy some water on your request but hadn't returned yet.
You just felt empty.
That letter...
You didn't want to think about it but it kept appearing in your mind as if to taunt you.
It was her exact handwriting too.
Sure she was just a 6 year old girl and sure it had been a while since you’ve seen her write anything. So this was just all a set up... Right?
Okay so if it was faked it still couldn't explain the other thing...
On the bottom of the letter you found another line saying
'She lost her first tooth, aren’t you proud?' It was definitely not written by Hikari, but by someone else.
Right under those words were some red liquid splatters of something you didn't even want to guess..
But the tooth..
The tooth surely was real right? It felt real.. Like a real tooth... Like a kid's tooth..
The tooth was still inside the pocket of your kimono. You had shoved it in there before the police came which was probably breaking the law but whatever you would hand it in later.
But surely everything must have been a prank, right?
More uneasy thoughts filled your head and you felt as if you were about to throw up.
But before that could happen Sara and Heizou stormed inside the room, scaring the shit out of you and your cat out of their grip. She immediately jumped onto your bed and curled into your arms while you looked at your friends.
"Y/n we're so sorry we couldn't be there on time-" Heizou began and Sara continued his sentence.
"They didn't allow us to enter and it took a while to convince them to allow us to pick up Maple." Sara finished with a sigh. The both of them walked over to your hospital bed, sitting on the chair placed next to you and held your hand.
"Y/n, how are you doing..? We've received the news and the investigation has been reopened.." She spoke with a calm voice and watched your blank expression at Maple nuzzling her face into your hands.
"I.. Don't know.." You replied with honesty. Just a minute ago you were interrupted by the both of them bursting inside your hospital room, but now you were staring mindlessly at Maple.
Sara looked hesitant at what to say. She was never good at comforting you about Hikari, after all she never lost a kid before.
Heizou on the hand was somewhat better but still, both of them never had a child they loved. They never felt the feeling of losing complete hope in continuing to live on. And you kept that in mind of course.
"Let's pray for her, okay?" He spoke, trying to break the awkward silence.
You nodded slowly and silently prayed for your daughter to be okay as Heizou took your other hand. You loved her with your whole heart, a heart that could be shattered in seconds if you would receive the news she wasn't here anymore.. You still held hope that she lived even though all the evidence reduced the odds of finding her..
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"I want more information." Kunikzushi stated as he sat beside a man dressed in black. He was outside with a plastic bag with two drinks standing next to a bench while talking to the person beside him who read a newspaper.
"Unfortunately it's confidential information, my friend. I can't just give it away." He spoke calmly, turning the page and continuing to read.
"Then why are you here? Just to mock me??" Kunikuzushi became more agitated with every second passing. What was Ayato doing here if not to tell him about what was going on with you?
"Until my investigation is completed I can not reveal anything. Best is, if Y/n tells it herself." He spoke and stood up, dusting the imaginary dust off his clothes.
"Now then I'll take my leave. Make sure to take good care of her." He spoke as if he too felt a sense of responsibility.
"Wait what if.. I give you more intel? Anything, I'll give you anything you want.. Money if you so desperately need it…" Kunikuzushi spoke with desperation, trying to convince Ayato into giving him information while Ayato walked without turning back or stopping.
"Apologies, unfortunately this time, I can not accept it. You have to ask her yourself about her situation. After all, you still love her even if she does not reciprocate it." Kunikuzushi clenched his fist and angrily glared at Ayato as he walked further away in the parking lot. How dared he to just dismiss him?
There was no way he could ask you about the situation. So he had to come up with something else.
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒ next ⇢
It's safe to say I nearly failed every subject but okay. My update is way too late bc I was too lazy to continue to write this chapter so apologies for that. I hope you enjoyed this and I think I'll have another chapter ready in an hour, day or another week
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyosh1 @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeow @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict @mave-in @sketcheeee @xiaossocksniffer @elernity @ohmyfinggod @luvkvni @kunikissr @meadowofdarts @kaorieee @scaramochies @ekriis @rizakari @xxrexx @lovingveliona @magica-ren @lilybythevalley @theflatdoorkicker @lazy-sanns @reixtsu @fullw0rld @kunikuzushis-darling @childesgingerhair @kochothehoe @mercy-not-merci @ash1
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months
oho? I love playing with character perceptions, so number 11 got my immediate interest!
AND THE LAST ASK for real thank you for sending in so many and another thank you to anyone who sent in any ask at all this was a blast:
Turns out this connected to a different document. I desperately need to clean out my drive ANWAY
11! "A large part of the Steve Harrington lore was that he left his throne, his popularity, childhood best friends, behind for Nancy Wheeler. This was a lie."
A thump as the object rolled out of its bag and onto the floor.
It was a wooden baseball bat, same as one might find anywhere--with one noticeable difference.
"Steve." Eddie said simply, eyes raking over the haphazardly hammered nails, some of which were bent from use, "What the hell is this?" 
Steve at least, had the good graces to look abashed. "Ahhh…" He said, trailing off as he clearly fished for anything other than the truth and came up empty. "A nailbat?"
Spoken out loud it even sounded like a fucking fantasy weapon.
"Is that blood all over it?" Eddie asked, tone amazingly even given the panic that galloped wildly through his chest. 
The fucking thing wasn't entirely covered but there was unmistakable red and black splatter that was either the product of the world's best prop artist, or the real deal.
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think any of the blood is human." Steve said, who overall looked more embarrassed than anything.
Like Eddie has found his porno mags, and not whatever the hell this was. 
"No Steve, that does not make me feel better." Eddie managed to get out, the words a little strangled. "You don't think the blood's human? What the hell do you think it is!?"
Because he had to know. There was no way he could not know, with a literal McGuffin, sitting in between them.  
In fact this entire set up felt like something right of of a D&D scene and once Eddie was done panicking, he kinda wanted to write down a few notes. 
There was a very long, dedicated pause, where once again it became very clear Steve was racking his brain for a lie. 
Eddie let it go on, because he wanted to hear what possible excuse the guy could come up for this. 
Particularly given that Eddie had once shared an English class with him. Steve Harrington was about as imaginative as a child's first chapter book (and frankly, the book probably knew more words.)
"Rabid dogs?" Steve said, sounding more like he was guessing than anything else.  
How he had gotten away with lying to the cops about those house parties of his was a downright mystery.
"Rabid dogs that just might be human." Eddie deadpanned. 
Steve winced.
"I might have swung it at a few people." He admitted.
"No shit." Eddie said, staring at him flatly. It almost felt like he was two people for a moment--a perfectly calm one, demanding answers out of a nervous and clearly spooked Steve Harrington like disappointed mother discovering a baggie of weed--and a person who wanted to fucking book it, immediately.
Before Harrington lost his shit and started swinging the nailbat at him. 
There was no reason for King Steve, richest boy in town and previously its most popular (though given Hargroves penchant for violence, Eddie didn't doubt a lot of people would accept Steve back with open arms so long as the guy stood in between them) to own a clearly used homemade weapon. 
"Okay look, you've caught me in a lot of lies and I'm gonna be real with you, this one came with an NDA." Steve said finally, like that wasn't a wild string of words. "The less you know about it, the better."
And that, Eddie could agree with.
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notsocheezy · 21 days
Brain Curd #176
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
He's gonna be Frank with you. Read the rest of The Frank Program here on Tumblr!
Last time on The Frank Program, Frank caught Daryl watching something on his phone during recording, and he didn't like what he saw.
Daryl exploded out the door to the parking lot, anger in his stride, fear in his posture, and tears in his eyes. Chad, leaning on a car, got up immediately when he saw the kid running off.
“Hey!” He called out. Daryl wasn’t stopping for anything.
Cautiously, Chad poked his head back inside. Frank was stoic, silent in his host’s seat, a lit cigarette in his left hand. He took a drag from it and sighed out a puff of smoke.
“Come in, Mr. Graves. We oughtta finish the show.”
“You alright, bud?”
There were bags under Frank’s eyes that Chad didn’t recall seeing before. “I’m plenty content to finish recording.”
Graves sat down in his chair. The corner behind him was conspicuously empty. The chair which had been there before sat askew and on its side at the other end of the room.
“You know, Mr. Graves -”
“You can just call me Chad.”
“Well, Chad…” Frank took another hit. “I ain’t touched a cigarette in ten years. Kept this one in the studio just to prove to myself I didn’t need it.” He chuckled. “Funny how I keep proving myself wrong, huh?”
“How’s that?”
“Oh, the usual. I think o’ someone as a friend, or a wife, or… or a son. And I come to find they never were, really. They stab me in the goddamn back.”
“I take it that your chat didn’t go too well?”
Frank sneered. “You have no idea.”
“I’m sure he’ll come around. You know teenagers, I mean… I remember when I was a teenager, I got in arguments with my parents all the time.”
“We’re no stranger to arguments, Chad. This is somethin’ else. I’m losing my boy.”
“What exactly happened?”
Frank huffed and smothered his cigarette in the ashtray. “We better get back to my prepared questions.”
“Yeah…” Chad nodded slowly. “Alright.”
Frank shuffled through pages, looking for a question he still felt like asking. “Uh… Do you and your friends ever have creative differences when working on the show?”
“I don’t think we’d be as effective at doing our jobs if we did. Really, all four of us try to stay out of the creative side of things most of the time. Our producer decides what the story is for a given episode. He takes our full night of footage, and our analysis of the findings, and he gives that to his editor to make the pieces fit together.”
“Does the show replicate the experience of actually bein’ there, do ya think?”
“To be honest with you, I don’t usually watch it. Kind of a ‘been there, done that’ situation. But I have been channel surfing before and caught a rerun from a few years ago, and it definitely brought back memories.”
“Well that’s nice. Nice to have something to look back on. I guess I’ve got that too, huh? A little piece of the past… to bring back memories.”
“Yeah, I guess so. The nice thing about the show is it cuts out all the boring bits. The parts where we’re just sitting around, whispering to each other like we’re trying not to wake up the parents at a sleepover.”
“Right,” Frank said, a lump in his throat. “Those are the parts you really miss when they’re gone.”
Chad tilted his head to look around his microphone. “It’s gonna be okay, Frank. He’ll -”
“Mr. Graves, I don’t want another grown man to see me cry. So thank you for being here, but I must be signing off. Go ahead and tell the people where to find you.”
“I’m on all the socials as @GravesGhostVisions, so just search that up if you want to see where we’re headed next.”
“Thank you. This has been The Frank Program…” Frank struggled to get the words out without letting tears come with. “So long.”
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yanderepuck · 2 years
Kinktober Day 19
WELCOME BACK TO KINKTOBER. This event killed me for a whole year and I'M BACK. The prompt list is made by @xxsycamore
If you want to read 2021's Kinktober the masterlist is on my pinned post.
Happy reading sluts. And remember to reblog
19: Aphrodisiacs  |  Dry Humping
The guy you bought this from sounded serious when he was explaining what it was, but to you it just sounded like a gag gift you get at a joke store. Needless to say you bought it.
It is suppose to help "heighten your sexual fantasy". Whatever that means. When you get back to your room in the mansion you take it out of the bag and open the bottle to smell it. Its sweet. Strawberries maybe? Raspberries? The liquid was a light pink color. It seemed thin. Maybe you could bake with it?
You sit on your bed and stare at it and get an idea. He's not doing anything tomorrow, why not put it in his breakfast?
Its the next morning and you get up early to get started before Sebastian has a chance to get everything prepped. You take the bottle out of your pocket as you are making pancakes and pour it into half the batter. You didn't want Vincent to have to deal with the effects of it after all.
"You're up early."
Sebastian's voice scared you and you ended up pouring the entire bottle into the mixture. You shoved the empty bottle back into your pocket and started to mix again.
"Oh, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would get started early!" you sure hopped you didn't seem nervous.
Its not like you truly believed this weird liquid was going to do anything, but you didn't want to put the whole bottle into the batter.
Sebastian just figured he scared you and didn't go on to ask any questions. He got to work as normal. You made sure to keep the two kinds of pancakes separate. To be extra safe you put syrup on Theos as soon as you put them on the plate. Now there's no way to mess them up, and there's no way that anyone else would take one.
Not long later did you started to hear some of the guys come down for breakfast, so with what was done, you took it out to the dining hall.
You set the pancakes in front of Theo. "I hope that's enough syrup for you," you smile and kiss his cheek.
"Hmm, just a little more," he grabs the syrup and puts more on them and you roll your eyes. How does he use so much and his teeth are still intact.
Even though you don't think the liquid will do anything, you still giggle to yourself as you watch him eat the pancakes. It seems like it didn't had another flavor tot he batter which is good. If by chance something will happen, you hope it won't start for another few hours.
It's nearly noon and you started going to everyone's rooms collecting laundry. As soon as you were about to knock on Theo's door, it opened and he was standing on the other side.
"Oh! Hi, Theo. I was coming to get-."
"I was just coming to look for you hondji."
You go into his room and set down the basket you had in your arms. "Is there something you needed?" you began to worry. Maybe the pancakes did have an odd flavor and you just couldn't tell.
"Just you," he kisses you. "Since I don't have any appointments today I was looking forward to spending the day with you."
You smile at the thought of him wanting you. "You might be off but I still have chores to do," you kiss him back and poke his chest with a giggle. You started to walk to grab his clothes but his arm wrapped around your waist and picked you up.
"Why don't you have a short break," he smiled and kissed your neck as he held you in his arms.
Letting out a small yelp as he grabbed you, you then giggled softly. "And what will Sebastian think if he can't find me? Will you get your forehead flicked for me?"
He dropped you on the bed and laid next to you. "I doubt he would flick me. Just say you went on your lunch break," one of his arms wraps around you and immediately goes up your shirt to grope you, massaging one of your boobs.
You're never able to hold back a moan once he starts that. "I guess a short break wouldn't hurt anyone."
"That's my girl," he smirks and starts unbuttoning you shirt. "I don't know if I had a dream or what, but since I woke up I haven't stopping thinking about you," he starts to kiss your neck, his fangs grazing across your skin. "and what I want to do to you."
Within seconds both of you were naked and Theo has your legs spread. Your nails dig into his arms as he slides inside you. With has much as you have sex you think you would remember how big his cock actually is.
Theo didn't waste any time getting deep inside you. He hovered over you as he roughly thrust into you, as if you two haven't had sex in forever.
You gasp as you feel him fully in you. You can almost feel your insides bruising with each thrust, but damn it felt amazing. One of his hands massaged you boob while his lips occupied the other. Taking your nipple in his mouth and sucking on it.
You arch your back, pushing your chest farther into his face. Again his fangs grazed against your skin. This time there was pressure applied, not enough to break skin, but enough for you to notice.
The area is already so sensitive. You wonder. You comb your fingers through Theo's hair and keep his head in place. "I want you to bite me Theo," you moan, trying to push your chest more in his face.
In moments he sank his fangs into your soft breast. You let out a gasp followed by a moan. His hand squeezed your other boob while he drank from you. His hips not skipping a beat, if anything he got faster.
His mouth came off your skin, gasping for air. He licked the last droplets of blood from the wound. "You always taste so sweet, hondji."
Both of your breasts get cold as he takes your hands and holds them above your head. You bite you lip, not wanting to be too loud as you reach your climax. You know the others are still in the mansion and the last thing you want is for everyone to hear you getting railed. Moans still manage to escape from you.
Theo's movements quicken for a moment as he cums inside you. He rides out his high and the both of you look at each other, panting for air. He pulls out of you and lays by your side.
"Damn it," you look over confused. "I'm still hard," he's draped one of his arms over his face while he regains his breath.
You lean over and kiss his cheek. "Keep it hard for me until I've finished laundry," you get up to put your clothes back on. You've been absent long enough. You should have started the laundry already.
"You're leaving me?" he sounded offended.
"I'll come back once I get the laundry started," you start to button your shirt back up. "I won't be long," you lean on the bed and kiss him again.
"And if you are I'll come and find you."
"If that's the case then you better fuck me where I am," you're going to regret that statement, you know it. "I'll be right back."
You pick up your laundry basket and continue through the halls. That liquid definitely did something to him. Now your worried about how sore you're going to be tomorrow
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moku-youbi · 2 years
I am 100% not the sort to believe in ghosts/supernatural stuff, but if I'm not haunted, or being visited by fairies, I'm going fucking crazy. There's this thing in our house, where stuff goes missing and returns in the most fucking conspicuous ways. And I get that's a thing that happens, sometimes you just overlook things, etc.
But a few examples:
Did some baking, cleaned kitchen, stored baking in two containers, one for wife to take to work with her, one for keeping at home to enjoy. Sat them both on the island, which was otherwise completely empty except my laptop. Wife gets up, I tell her to take a container to work, go the bathroom. Come out and she's gone, and both containers are gone. Double checked that she didn't move it to table or whatever. No big deal. I call her to ask that she just make sure to bring one home so our son won't be disappointed tomorrow. As the phone is ringing, I turn back to the island, and there is one of the containers. No way I could have fucking missed it, the island was fucking EMPTY and then there was a container again.
Another time, we had this bag of loose leaf tea we both loved and sadly the place that made it was out of business, so we were slowly savouring it. One day, neither of us could find it. We took all our tea out of its cabinet, looked through all the packages and boxes, moved stuff around, no luck. We gave up. Months later, we relocated our tea collection to a different cabinet on the other side of the kitchen, and organised it all. Several months after that (probably close to 2 years since the tea first went missing), I open the *new* tea cabinet, the one that bag had NEVER been in, and it is sitting in the very front. Like you cannot access anything else in the cabinet without moving the bag of tea. So that night, I excitedly ask my wife "OMG, you found the tea, where was it?" Nope, she sure didn't find it. I have NO WAY to explain how this could possibly happen. This is beyond plausible deniablity.
So this morning, I reach for my adderall. I always take one pill out at night and sit it on my nightstand so I can blindly grab/swallow it while still in bed, then snooze another half hour or so until it kicks in. I pat around, but no dice. I pat around some more. I sit up and turn on the light and move my water cup and humidifier off the nightstand before deciding fuck it, this isn't worth the hassel and go grab another one from the bathroom, and figure I'll find it on the floor later. To be clear, these are BRIGHT BLUE pills and my nightstand is a pale brown, so the pill stands out. I doze off, wake up, grab my water off the nightstand. Still no pill and now the overhead lights are on as well as my lamp. Oh well. Go brush my teeth, pee, come back and the pill is perfectly balanced on the front edge of the nightstand, so that half of it is hanging off. Completely conspicuous, no way to miss this bright blue pill in the very fucking front, and honestly with all the moving shit around, there's no way it wouldn't have just fallen right off when I grabbed my water.
I said thank you, because I don't wanna piss anyone off, and I guess as far as hauntings could go, it could be a whole lot worse. They tend to return shit, at any rate. However there is a container of chestnuts they stole a good 8 years ago that they can keep at this point.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Doing a little mini Vampire AU thing with Izzy and Ed and everyone else. Not sure how many after this one, but we'll see. No titles, just numbering these. Thus far shipwise: stizzy, a hint of potential blackhands, with more to be revealed if I actually get all of this written. No guarantee, but I'm gonna try my damnedest.
TW blood, mentions of violence, sex.
"Well, I asked for the other type, didn't I?" Ed tosses the bag of blood to his feet. A dark red stain crosses the floor with it.
"This was all I could get," Izzy sighs, and picks the bag of O negative off the floor. "I asked for others, but people aren't donating as often-"
"And that's my problem how? There are other hospitals in town, Iz. We've been over this," Ed scoffs, then sighs. "Sorry. Just hungry."
"I know," Izzy says softly, and rolls up the sleeve of his black button up shirt.
"You don't have to do that," Ed says at the sight. "I'm being bitchy because I'm hungry, but you don't have to-"
He gives Ed a fierce look. Ed never asks for it but Ed never has. Never will. That doesn't mean Izzy doesn't know what's expected of him.
He hisses at the slip of Ed's fangs into the thin skin of his wrist. His most preferred spot, which Ed remembered. Easier to hide later, both from others and himself. Two tiny marks, but an enormous reminder that once again he's a walking blood bag, a loyal familiar, but not tasty or loyal enough to drain and finally turn.
He often wonders which of the two factors is the bigger reason why Ed won't turn him. He knows he'll probably never find out.
"I should stop," Ed lifts his head from Izzy's wrist. "Your legs are shaking. Come sit here, at least."
He falls beside Ed on the ornate black velvet couch. "What else needs doing that I've missed?"
Ed frowns, in between the licking of his lips. "We can talk about that later. Let's get you cleaned up first."
Ed yanks the first aid kit from under the couch, but Izzy takes it from him right away.
Ed hasn't done this part for him in years. He doesn't expect him to start again now.
"In a bad mood?" Ed asks testily.
Izzy bites the inside of his mouth. Yes, he sort of is. The whole day has been shit, and the last thing he wanted was Ed angry over this food delivery.
Instead, he shakes his head as he cleans up his wrist. "Sorry, boss. Bit tired, think it's starting to show."
"I think it is too," Ed says. "Don't worry about the rest of the day's tasks. It's almost night anyway, go to bed and sleep the attitude off."
Izzy finishes the last bit of disinfectant, and mentally notes they need more.
"I know, I will," Izzy says. "Thank you, Ed. Sorry again about the blood. It won't happen again tomorrow."
He means it. He already threatened the lab tech this night, and it wouldn't be the first one he's killed and hidden. Won't be the last either.
Before Ed can say anything else, he dips out the bedroom door, careful not to step on the smear of blood.
"Ask him to turn you then," Jack sighs dramatically. "I asked, and he turned me!"
"I'm aware, Jack," Izzy says, working to keep his tone even. He's never liked Jack all that much, but Ed does. And if Ed likes someone, then he'll deal with them being around for the most part.
"I wasn't even a familiar or anything, I was just the guy he was fucking!" Jack laughs hard, the sound on the video call going fuzzy. "And you've been with him for years now!"
"Technically since I was sixteen," Izzy confirms sadly. It's pathetic. Though at first, he didn't understand who the attractive man in the shitty looking house down the road was. But he seemed sad and looked drawn and gaunt often.
So Izzy, after a few days of thinking and watching and guessing, left a bag of captured rats and frogs on his porch. Rang the bell, then ran like hell.
From his hiding place in a nearby hedge, he had watched Ed immediately sink to his knees and drain a few of the creatures. Had it not been night and the street empty except for them, it would have been a disaster for Ed.
He kept that up for a few years after, whenever he snuck out at night to find Ed looking too hungry. Later, he would find out it was because there was a shortage of blood donations at the time, and Ed had lost his contact at the main hospital who usually kept him in blood.
When he was nineteen, the city started to fall apart even more. The second hospital closed, and the first regularly struggled to keep up with the need for blood. Their understaffing meant Ed couldn't keep a steady contact person either.
That was the year he asked if Ed needed or wanted a familiar, and offered himself up to give Ed enough strength to move elsewhere with him.
Ed took barely a sip from him, and instead showed him how it went when the victim was a living human.
Ed wept after, as they packed his things into his car. He didn't like killing. Not like that. Animals or other creatures he could stomach, they knew their nature as potential prey for another.
Humans did not. And even when they did, they did not understand it.
"Get your shit together, man," Jack shakes his head. "Maybe y'all need to move again, if the blood supply is that bad."
"It isn't terrible," Izzy insists. "His favourite types are harder to get, is all it is."
"Ask him," Jack says adamantly. "Worst he can do is say no."
"And what will we do for food then?" Ed scoffs. "Iz, I love you man, but sometimes you don't think!"
He badly wants to be dismissed, to go upstairs and call Jack and tell him to fuck off if he ever thinks to offer advice again in regards to Ed. He should have known better than to listen to Jack.
"I would find a new familiar for us first," Izzy says. "Give me a chance to look for one."
"You're missing the point," Ed mutters. "Izzy, what would I do without you?"
"I wouldn't have to leave you just because you'd have turned me," Izzy protests and he knows he's going too far. "I could stay, and help the new familiar. Wake right as the sun starts to go down, and make sure they have things ready for you."
Ed shakes his head and rolls his eyes, and Izzy can't help but see red.
"What is it then? At least give me a fucking reason why. Am I not good enough for it? You turned Jack, that fucking idi-"
He'd been gesturing with his hands while he talked, and Ed's caught one.
He holds Izzy's hand between both of his, a finger tracing up and down each of Izzy's fingers.
Izzy can hear his heart beating fast. He knows Ed can hear it too.
Ed flashes a grin, then bites down hard onto his hand. A fang goes right into the web by his thumb, and he yelps.
"Thought you wanted to be turned," Ed smirks. "Maybe not yet, eh, Iz?"
He watches Ed wander back upstairs, mouth covered in blood. Then he kicks the stove hard enough to make his foot ache.
He can't sleep, so he goes out. So what if Ed doesn't want a new familiar. Fuck him; Izzy will find him a new one, then find another vampire to turn him.
After that, he isn't sure.
The Revenge is a new bar, technically also a music venue. It's so small though that both bar patrons and concert attendees have no choice but to be one in the same.
Izzy looks up to a chirping, cheerful face. "Hi, s-"
"Roach, let's get him a drinks menu!" the man calls down the bar. A blonde curl falls onto his forehead, and Izzy feels his heart speed up.
It slows a bit, as the exchange goes on. The man, Stede, is very pretty, kind. But he's overwhelming to Izzy right now, and he isn't sure he can handle it.
"Anything strong, very strong, just pour it in the biggest glass possible," Izzy cuts him off mid-drink explanation.
Stede's face falls. "Ah. A night like that?"
Izzy nods.
Roach is the one to slide down a glass of whiskey, then another, and another.
"Roach!" Stede laughs. "Let him finish one fir-oh, well, there went one. We are having a rough night, aren't we!"
Izzy slides the glass back Roach's way and nods. "Work issues. Nothing important."
"I don't know that," Stede says. "I opened this place up due to what some might think are unimportant issues!"
"He got divorced," Roach explains with a clap to Stede's back.
Izzy nods. "Rough nights all around then. Share with me?"
There are two glasses left. He can see the wheels in Stede's head turning. He knows he's asked him to do something unprofessional, maybe illegal in their city, he doesn't know.
Nor does he give a fuck. He wants to drink with this pretty man. He wants to ask him home, and to his bed. Woe be to Ed if he hears anything. Maybe he ought to go out at night too, now and again.
"Izzy, Izzzzzzy," Stede draws out his name and ends it in a kiss. "You taste like whiskey. I like it, but what do you taste like when you're not drunk?"
"You'll have to come home with me to find out," Izzy can hear himself slurring his words. "Unless you'd rather not. Most people don't want to. It's okay; I get it."
Stede kisses him again, hard, pressing him up against the brick wall behind the bar. "I want to find out."
They fumble back inside, to a grinning Roach and snickering house band. After about the third or fourth drink, they'd stopped hiding what they were working towards, and Roach had told Stede to just go sit by Izzy and drink.
From there, it had devolved to more sipping than chugging drinks, and finally the step outside for a breath of fresh air.
Stede was certainly that.
Which made it all the worse that he would be perfect for Ed.
They fall into Izzy's bed half-clothed, fumbling to get the rest off. Stede is unbelievably, adorably, eager.
Izzy can't recall the last time anyone was so eager to be close to him.
The doorknob rattles, and Izzy lets out a frustrated sigh. "In a moment!"
Stede's lips are on his neck and he doesn't want to move an inch, but Ed will not leave the fucking door alone.
He gives Stede a kiss before untangling himself from him and going to the bedroom door. "Ed?"
"You could let me know you were bringing someone home," Ed says tensely. "It'll be sunrise soon."
"I think Stede will wait while I help you get to bed," Izzy smiles. "Stede?"
Stede waves from the bed. "Hello!"
"Hi," Ed replies shortly. "That would be nice, since that's your job."
"This is your boss?!" Stede stumbles from the bed to stand behind Izzy. One hand wraps around his chest, the other slings lower to his waist, fingers playing with the zipper of his leather trousers. "You've been a real asshole to Izzy, you know that?"
Ed stares daggers at Stede. "Have I been? Enlighten me."
"He's live-in help, which most people don't have nowadays," Stede continues. "My family did. Well, they still do. I gave her the money and house and what not in the divorce. Anyway-"
He pauses to press a kiss to Izzy's neck, and Izzy has to fight back a grin.
"He's doing his best. That's all we can ask of each other, of anyone! But you're fussing over the dinner you wanted not being available and blah, blah, blah-"
"I don't think you understand the arrangement Izzy and I have," Ed interrupts him. "I could explain it to you, if you want to step into my room."
"Absolutely not," Izzy spits. He's not letting Ed eat his fucking one night stand. Especially when said one night stand could turn out to be more. "I'll help you to bed, Ed. Stede, you stay here and rest, yeah? If you need water, the kitchen is just downstairs."
"It's my kitchen and my water," Ed says.
"Oh fuck off," Izzy scoffs. "Enough, Ed. Come on, I said I'd get you ready for bed, and I meant it, because when fucking haven't I!"
He's aware he's shouting now, but there isn't enough reason to care.
Ed, however, seems to care a lot. "No. I'll take care of that myself, for now. But tomorrow night, we're having a talk."
"Fine," Izzy fumes. "Can I go get fucked now?"
"Do whatever you fucking want, mate," Ed grumbles and turns away.
"Sorry your sunlight allergy has made you such an asshole!" Stede shouts down after Ed. "We should get you out of here. You could come work for me."
"We can talk about that," Izzy says, dropping his head back onto Stede's shoulder for a moment. "Later, though. If you're still up, for-"
"Very much so," Stede smiles and kisses his cheek and Izzy's heart aches in his chest.
The door is shut and locked again and they fall back into bed, a softer and gentler tangle this time.
Gentle seems to be Stede's most common state of being, frankly. He refuses to rush any part of the experience, from a blowjob that nearly ends things early for Izzy to actually fucking.
"Have you and him ever..." Stede asks softly, mid-fuck, with Izzy in his lap.
Izzy shakes his head. "I'd like it. Wouldn't be very professional of me-"
"He's pretty enough I think anyone would break that veneer," Stede giggles. "I certainly don't blame you."
Izzy shifts his hips more and leans his head into Stede's shoulder.
"Sorry, that's probably not the thing to bring up now," Stede murmurs. "Izzy-"
"It's okay," Izzy cuts him off, lifting his head to kiss him. He runs his hands through the softest curls he's touched aside from Ed's, and moans into Stede's mouth.
There's no more talking, after that. Not about anything other than each other, at least.
In the morning, Stede stays and snuggles a bit. They have breakfast and exchange phone numbers, as well as offers to meet up again in a night or two.
"I know you probably feel you have to stay home tonight to get in his good graces," Stede says before he leaves. "I think you should be able to do as you want, but I'm just coming into all this now-"
"Could stay and do that again with me," Izzy interrupts. He can't help it. He doesn't really want him to go. He wants to be cuddled and kissed and fucked while Stede praises him up and down.
"If I didn't have a bar to get ready for tonight, I would," Stede smiles. "Maybe you can convince Ed to come with you! Then you'd get out, and he'd still have you on hand to pour wine down his throat for him, since I presume Mr. High and Mighty doesn't touch his own glass."
Izzy chuckles. "It's something like that. If nothing else, I'll call or text you, yeah?"
"That sounds perfect."
Izzy watches Stede walk away from the house, waving back when he does.
When he's far enough away, Izzy closes and locks the front door, then slips down it to sit on the hardwood floor.
He shouldn't be crying over someone he just met. He isn't a teenager anymore.
The tears come anyway.
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moniloveland · 3 months
My Pretty nerd
In the story:
Sehun entered the university. He knew Suho wasn't there so went to meet his other friends, which Suho doesn't like at all. They have a group. He is a member of the group but people call him the leader. All of them are kind of jerks and fuckboys. But Sehun is the most famous one.
The visuals Sehun owns, the girls can't resist but look at him at least twice.
His charming smile was fatal. A few of his shirt buttons were unbuttoned and girls were staring at him with their jaws dropped.
He entered his friends classrooms and searched them but found only his friend's bags.
As soon as he was about to enter an empty room, he saw one of his friend Mark was kissing a girl.
Sehun with a weirded out face: Oops sorry to disrupt up but do you not have anything else to do instead of making out in university? Do some studying or something.
Mark broke their kiss.
Mark: Babygirl, let's have fun in break time.
That girl winked at Mark and showed a flying kiss towards Sehun.
That girl: See you daddies...
She left from there.
Mark while wiping his lips and checking the Sehun's temperature by touching his forehead: Are you ok?
Sehun yanked his friend's hand off.
Sehun: What the hell are you doing?
Mark: I was checking whether you had a fever or not! You and studying?!! That's the funniest joke I heard today. You're talking about kissing?! The most popular fuckboy is talking about makeout!! Very funny!! By the way, recently why do stay far from us? Is it for that Suho guy?
Sehun: No I was just busy.
Mark: You and busy, I mean of course busy with fucking those whores. I know.
Sehun: Shut this nonsense! Where is my babyboy?
Mark: I don't know. Maybe I saw him over there reading a book. It's been a long time you didn't ask for him.
Sehun: Ah yeah Suho hyung doesn't like these things and I respect him.
Mark: So he is not here today?
Sehun shook his head as a no.
Mark: Then...
A wicked smirk popped on Sehun's face.
Sehun: It's time to have fun with my babyboy.
They started walking down the hallway when they noticed Renjun and Jeno arguing over something as small as a smile, as usual.
Renjun: That sexy girl smiled at me!
Jeno: You're so delulu! She smiled at me!
Renjun: Do you think I'm blind?! I saw her shy smile! And that for me!
They were continuously argued.
Suddenly, Lucas put his arms around Renjun and Jeno.
Lucas: Hey you two idiots! You guys are arguing over a smile? Look what I got my hands on.
Sehun and Mark came and stood with them.
Sehun: What is it?
Lucas grinned: You know the girl named Sara from the other class?
Sehun: The one who wears revealing clothes all the time and high heels? Also who uses 36B bra isn't it?
The other friends were shocked by Sehun's words.
Lucas came back to his earth: Yeah her, I found a ' special video 'of her with another guy of this university .
Renjun and Jeno excitedly: Really?!
Lucas: Yeah!
Sehun: Don't tell me someone took my video and the guy of this video is me!!
Lucas: No don't worry boss, it's not you. Well ,so you already fucked her?!
Sehun with a smile: Of course I did. But it was a complete disappointment..
Renjun: True, and Sara isn't even that pretty. It would've been better if it was this gir- Jeno look she smiled at me again!
Jeno: No she's literally looking at me! Are you blind? I guess she's into me!
Sehun: Hey two idiots, shut up! She didn't smile at any of you. Do you know who she smiled at?
Sehun raised his hand and smiled showing his teeth.
That girl looked at him and shyly waved hi slowly. Anyone could tell she was blushing.
Sehun: See?
Mark: That's not fair Sehun! All the girls are always head over heels for you! You always get the best one.
Sehun checked his wrist watch.
Sehun: I know. But what can I do? I am born perfect. Sorry but you guys don't have a big dick unlike me. Now I don't have time.I need to find my babyboy. Let's go, and Lucas, (smirk) Send the video to me.
Lucas: Sure!
Others also smirked.
Sehun: Come on guys.
All of them: Let's go.
They are the members of this group.
When they were walking down the hallway, they saw a nerd boy, Suwon reading a book.
Sehun: Hi babyboy! You were here! I looked everywhere for you.
Shivers ran down the spine of Suwon because of Sehun's voice.
Suwon nervously: Yo- You guys and Sehun?
Sehun: Yeah! You're like the moon, we can't find you very often. That won't do! Did you do what I told you to?
Suwon: What do you mean?
Sehun: I texted you that Suho hyung isn't here and told you to do my homework. Did you do my homework?
Suwon gulped his own saliva.
Suwon: I-I was busy...
Sehun: Do I look like a joke to you?!!
Suwon: So-sorry!
Sehun grabbed Suwon's hair harshly.
Sehun: Did you do your own homework?
Suwon: Y-yeah...
Sehun: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? You deserve to get punched!!
Sehun was about to punch Suwon. Suwon's eyes were shut tight with his glasses almost sliding off.
Sehun's hand just raised when he felt a strong grip preventing him from punching.
He saw it was the other nerd ,very average looking in Sehun's eyes, Byun Baekhyun.
Baekhyun: What the hell are doing Sehun?!
Sehun looked at Baekhyun with surprise.
Sehun: Baekhyun how dare you stop me?!!
Baekhyun: How dare you try to punch him Sehun?!!
Everyone's eyes were widened.
Sehun looked at Baekhyun furiously and said: Leave my hand if you don't want to face consequences.
Baekhyun: What are you gonna do?!!
Sehun: I don't think you will want to know that what I'm going to do. You have no idea about me Baekhyun. You don't know how am I.
Baekhyun: I'm not interested in the slightest. Just get away from him.
Sehun: Baekhyun, I know Suho hyung adores you that's why I don't want to hurt you. Just leave from here.
Baekhyun:What are you gonna do? Punch me?
Sehun came closer to him and his eyes were red in anger: Do you want that? If I hurt you than don't cry like a crybaby you ugly nerd...look at yourself...who the fuck wears these types of clothes now?!
Baekhyun was bewildered by Sehun's words. He knew Sehun is a fuckboy but a bully he didn't expect that, moreover the words he used for Baekhyun and the way he said were really harsh.
Sehun pushed him a bit: Now cat got your tongue or what? Now leave with your fragile body.
Baekhyun was still holding Sehun's wrist.
Baekhyun: No..I was puzzled for a moment for your behavior. Do you really think I am weak? If you want, try me..
Sehun: You will regret Baekhyun! I know you held my wrist because you have no idea about me. Now let go my wrist
Mark: Sehun it's time for us to get to class!!
Sehun tried to free himself but Baekhyun's grip got even tighter.
Sehun pushed Baekhyun lightly enough to set himself free. He looked at his wrist which had red fingerprints on it.
Sehun while rubbing his wrist: Even though I was completely pissed off with you for your disturbances, I didn't have any plan to hurt you. But you didn't realize that you brought trouble upon yourself by doing this today?It will be fun Baekhyun.
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trainingtofreedom · 6 months
December 27, 2023 - Orlando, FL
I can't describe the feeling of leaving home for good. I'd left for college; I'd moved houses; I'd taken vacations; I've traveled with nothing but my car, twice. None of it compared to December 27.
I had two big suitcases, one small suitcase, one backpack, one briefcase. Amtrak said, "Four bags and one carry-on" and I took it seriously. I called an Uber to take me to the Bus Terminal, because the rail system runs through it. Waiting for the Uber was almost painful; I could look back and see where I was living, but I wouldn't ever see that house again.
That was the echo in my head: I'll never see that house again. I won't be going back.
It was almost dark when we got to the bus station, and I rolled myself through the building, out the back, across four lanes of bus traffic, around to the train station. Across two set of tracks, so that I was on the Northbound side.
I could barely carry it all; I recognized that mistake in the bus station, but it was too late to leave anything behind. I didn't know what wasn't important, either; in my mind, every item in every bag was important. So I carried 100+lbs of everything, and I watched the commuter rail go by, thankful that I'd be checking my bags when Amtrak arrived.
I went to the bus teller when I arrived, and asked them about the train. "Train tickets are only purchased at the kiosk. There's a attendant at the track to help you." She had nothing else to tell me. "There's supposed to be an attendant, anyway." She clarified. After I rolled myself to the tracks, I didn't see any attendant. Plus I didn't know what to ask him.
Just a weird guy floating around at the handicap ramp. He didn't look like a train attendant.
The commuter rail rolled by, and that weird guy calls over to me, "Hey, are you taking the train?" I answered him, "Yeah, the big silver one, the Amtrak." He replied, "The Amtrak doesn't come here. It goes to Orlando Health. Also, you can't sit there."
There's a dawning of fear in my mind, now: I'm at the wrong station. I can't walk anywhere, I have too much stuff. How the hell am I going to catch my train in 20 minutes? I was supposed to be heading to Raleigh on the Silver Service. The attendant couldn't help, how would I get there?!?
I caught my breath, but the panic still bounced around in my brain. Call an uber. I called an uber, and tried to drop a pin at my spot on the sidewalk; I couldn't find a good landmark. The first uber says, "I can't drive into the bus station." No, not the bus station, I'm along a downtown city street next to the train tracks. I have twenty minutes to get across town.
That uber cancels. I have 15 minutes.
The next one gets there, and thankfully is clean, comfortable, and prepared. I sent my destination as "Amtrak Station," so now there's no question. I'm watching the tracks the whole drive, praying the train wouldn't beat me to the station. What would I do if I missed it? Sleep in the empty house, I guess.
The Amtrak station is obvious, thank goodness. Big sign on the building, lots of cars and people, nothing related to the commuter rail. (Commuter rail drops off on the same track, about 50m south; I could see it from here.) It didn't matter which side of the tracks anymore: everybody waits on this side.
Checking my bags at the station, I had to walk them back to the cargo area. No one was at the teller. It was an unguided experience, I just got lucky that I met one of the Red Caps at the back. "Where are you heading?"
"Raleigh...well, Charlotte." I answered. They seemed confused, so they asked for my ticket. I showed them I had two tickets: Raleigh, then Charlotte five hours later. "Why is he going to Raleigh instead of Cary?" he wondered aloud. His partner replied, "Must have been a capacity thing."
I remember a few other things he said. "Why isn't there anyone up at the teller? You're not supposed to be staring at your phone!" "Keep the claim tickets." "You don't need them in Raleigh, just Charlotte." He checked my bags to Charlotte, though they would change trains in Cary, NC, even though I went to Raleigh first instead.
(Train stuff: Amtrak's Silver Star usually drops off people in NC at Cary, because it's one stop sooner and has more exchanges, like the Crescent. Raleigh is, uniquely, in between the two Silver-Service routes, and only on the Silver Star route. The only people that ride it to Raleigh are people -specifically- going to Raleigh.)
I still have my backpack and briefcase with me, and I've NEVER left from this station before. There's probably a hundred people here, almost all coach, almost all as confused as I was. Many college kids, many people going many different places. Only a few outdoor benches, and we were all told to line up at the lettered column. I leaned on the bench to help my injured back, and waited amongst the confused throngs.
Boarding was straightforward: they asked where you're going, and they told you which way to go once you got up the stairs. No one checks tickets, even though it's on my phone and ready. Just "Go in to the right, find a seat." I was on the long-distance car, the one that goes past Cary, NC. People were going to NYC, PHL, and all sorts of far-flung stops. No assigned seats, so you just do your best. I found two seats alone (a rare treat), and slumped down.
The train is ROLLING, and they still haven't checked my ticket. This is weird if you're used to planes, where you've been identity-verified and boarding-passed three times before you reach the door. On Amtrak, they don't do any more than count bodies. You're halfway to the next stop before anyone verifies your ticket, and no one ever checks your ID.
Reiterating: You will board the train, and no one checks your ticket or ID. They will never check your ID.
Finally, a conductor comes through and checks the ticket. He writes my three-letter destination on a card, and sticks it on the rail above my seat. Reminds me that my adjacent seat won't remain empty: "This is a FULL TRAIN, there will be no empty seats!"
It's 9pm, I'm exhausted, the train is rolling. I fall asleep to "No empty Seats!" and the sound of the Amtrak train horn, which blows at every single road crossing. All night, toot toooooooooooooot.
Twelve hours to go, then I'll be in Raleigh. Nothing to do but sit and sleep on the dark windows...
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labradorite-skies · 2 years
Junpei Yoshino - Water Fountain
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Water Fountain ~ Alec Benjamin
✧・゚: * Character/Pairing ~ Junpei Yoshino x gn!reader ~
✧・゚: * Content ~ JJK Season 1 Spoilers (I guess? If you know Junpei you probably know what I’m talking about but just to be safe), childhood friends pining, bullying implication, character death ~
✧・゚: * Type ~ Songfic, oneshot, angst ~
✧・゚: * Author’s Note ~ I feel like Junpei has an Alec Benjamin vibe, so this ended up happening. I love him with my whole heart, and we were robbed. ~
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He told me that he loved me by the water fountain
He told me that he loved me and he didn't love them
And that was really lovely 'cause it was innocent
But now he's got a cup with something else in it
“Hey, Yoshino!” Dark eyes looked up at you, the panic in them fading as Junpei recognized you. He nods in acknowledgement, before moving over and motioning at the empty space. Since you started at Satozakura, the two of you haven’t had very similar schedules, but each year you find a break where the two of you meet up near the fountain, and since this semester you have the same free period, you both hang out and work together there. The two of you have been close since middle school, but he’s gotten a lot quieter over the years.
No matter how he seems at school, when the two of you are together he lightens up so much, rambling about whatever horror franchise just came out, or laughing at your stupid jokes. It’s a lot quieter there than the other common areas, which makes it an ideal place for the introverted goth, and he can usually loosen up a lot more when the two of you stay there. But even as removed as you were from the rest of the students, his eyes keep flicking toward any movement or noise, almost as if he was ready to take off at any moment. After a stray cat running by nearly sent him into the fountain, you decide to bring it up “Rough day Jun? You seem pretty jumpy today…”
His hand rushes to adjust his bangs again, before sighing, “Nothing outside of the normal school crap. Nothing to worry about, really. Let’s just focus on the paper, okay?” He says the last part softly, almost to himself more than you. You smile softly and nod, letting a few minutes pass before saying “You know you can talk to me, right? If you ever need anything” A confused expression passes over his face, and he looks away, “I’ll keep that in mind.” You meant to keep the conversation going, you’re worried about him, but he seemed to put a stop to that there.
After working in silence, not unusual for the two of you, Junpei looks up at you, saying “You’re the only one here that I care about, Y/N, the rest of them are worthless.” His face flushes pink when he realizes what he said, but your heart flutters when he does, almost so much you miss the darker tone to the rest of his sentence. You blurt out the first “I really care about you Junpei…” and hearing it come out of your own mouth just makes you blush more, as well as his pink turn cherry red, and so you hurriedly try to cover with a “of course I do, we’ve been friends for so long of course I would. Care about you I mean. It’s only natural after so long, right?” He starts to slide his stuff back into his bag, “Yeah, right. We… should probably start getting to class, so, I’ll see you later.” You put your things away, and start walking across campus, mind racing with the near confession that you just admitted to your best friend.
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It's getting kind of blurry at a quarter-past-ten
And he was in a hurry to be touching her skin
He's feeling kind of dirty when he's dancing with him
Forgetting what he told me by the water fountain
-Hey, I heard about the murder, weren’t you going to that showing? Are you okay?-
-Yes, I’m fine Y/N, it was pretty gruesome, but those assholes deserved it anyway.-
-What do you mean?-
-Nothing, sorry that’s probably too much, respect for the dead and all.-
You get to the fountain first today, which isn’t surprising considering the last few days he’s been showing up late, if at all. About halfway through the reading the two of you were going to do together, you feel a tap on your shoulder and look up to see Junpei staring back at you. “Hey, there’s the legendary Junpei Yoshino, it’s been so long, glad you could grace me with your presence” a dramatic bow where you’re seated, before moving your bags to clear a space for him.
He chuckles a little at your teasing “I know I know, it’s been a crazy couple of days.”
“Yeah, you’re sure that you’re okay? I know the stuff you’re into, but seeing…something like that could really mess with anyone’s head.” A slight smile spreads across his face, before he sets out his own copy, flipping to the section you’re reading “Nah, I’m really doing okay, I even met someone who can help me deal with it all.” This takes you back a little, Junpei doesn’t reach out for help often, but if he’s getting help with all he’s been through you’re more than happy for him.
The two of you spend the rest of the session joking about the awful text you’re supposed to be analyzing, before heading back to your classes. He doesn’t show up at the fountain for a few days after that, and from there he starts missing school altogether.
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And he knows that she shouldn't listen
And that he should be with me by the water fountain
-Hey, Junpei! I know you’ve been busy lately, but can we meet at the fountain today? I gotta talk to you about something.-
-Sure, I’ll be there-
True to his word, you see Junpei at the fountain during the free period, but he’s not in his school uniform, meaning he skipped again. You’re not surprised at this point, he’s missed more days than he’s attended in the last two weeks, but what does worry you is the bags under his eyes. They’re even more pronounced than they usually are, and he seems quiet, but in a different way, “You doing okay? You seem off, and you keep skipping school,”
He cuts you off, “Yes, I’m fine. Just really busy lately. But what did you need to talk about?” He’s more on edge than you thought from texting him. “Just wanted to tell you that the school trip is coming up next week, but since you’ve missed so many days I don’t think you’ll be able to go.” “I couldn’t make it anyway. Why?” you sigh softly “Yeah, I, figured, just wanted to say that I’m going. I’ve always wanted to see the area, so,” His eyebrows furrow as he looks you over, before quickly scanning the school grounds, “So you’ll be gone? How long will you be?” “Two weeks.” “Fine. That’s all you wanted right? Let me know that you’re leaving?”
No, it wasn’t all you wanted, you wanted to catch up, you wanted to check on him, you wanted to tell him- no, you’re not going there now. “Yeah. That’s it” For as abrupt as he shut you down, you could see his eyes starting to water, so you gently pull him in for a hug “I really won’t be long Jun, and I can text you the whole time, yeah?” He stays quiet for a minute, until his breath steadies a bit, “Yeah, sorry, I just, miss getting to spend more time with you. When things were normal.” Your questions can wait, you don’t want to leave on a sour note, and if his erratic behavior continues, pushing for answers might not go well. “I do too Junpei, but once I get back we can get back to normal, okay?” You let go at this, and start to pack up, he nods and starts to walk off, as you suspected, away from the school, while you head to class.
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He couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made him feel alone, but at that time he was too young
I was too young
I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that he told me that he was in love too young
I was too young
You’re on the last few days of your trip, and while he seems to have been too busy to text for the most part, you two have been texting about your days. Well, most of it was just you talking about yours, he doesn’t tell you much of what he’s been doing, but that’s not uncommon anymore.
-I met someone new today. He’s really nice, funny too. He pantsed Sotomura when I was going to get in trouble for attendance, and we both ran.-
You chuckle at this, getting eyebrows from your roomates, before you reply:
-He sounds hilarious Jun, that’s awesome that you met someone though! I’ll have to meet him when I come back!-
He’s finally meeting more people, you guess being gone for two weeks can have that effect on someone. You’re happy for him, if not a little jealous, since Ms. Yoshino’s cooking is delicious and you haven’t been over to Junpei’s house in forever.
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And if he ever goes back to the water fountain
The handle will be broken and the rust set in
But my hand, it will be open and I'll try to fix it
My heart, it will be open and I'll try to give it
Now I'm grabbing his hips, and pulling him in
Kissing her lips, and whispering in her ear
You walk up to the fountain, and Junpei is standing there waiting for you, he takes your hand as you sit, and you two talk about your trip, what he’s done while you were gone, cracking jokes, and listening to his laugh. But before you know it, his arm wraps around you, softly pulling you towards him, and you lean into it. Your lips brush his, they’re so soft, and his arms are so warm. You pull him into you, holding each other in a warm embrace as you softly kiss.
Suddenly he pulls back, and looks at you with a worried expression, “I’m sorry”, and your eyes flutter open.
You realize you aren’t back at school, you’re just in a hotel room, and you still haven’t seen Junpei in weeks. Your heart is racing as you push your face into the pillow, blushing deeply thinking about your dream. His lips, his touch, it almost felt real. This isn’t the first time you’ve dreamed about your best friend this way, and it’s not like that’s the only time you think about becoming more. You open your phone to check the time, 4:28am, and you see the stupid selfie you took, your silly face and his smile behind his hands. You put your phone down and sigh, you don’t know how much longer you can keep pining like this, “I’m going to tell him when I get back.”
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And I know that it's only a wish
And that we're not standing by the water fountain
He couldn't be at home in the night time because
It made him feel alone but at that time he was too young
I was too young
-I’m sorry, but I have to do this-
-What for, Jun? You okay?-
-I’ll be home tomorrow, we can talk then, right?-
That message freaks you out, he’s been so on edge lately, so you try to call him. No response. You call again, leaving a quick message about how you’re getting worried, before trying to call his mom. Also no response. That’s when you call him again. As worried as you are, you can’t do much from here. If he’s not picking up, all you can do is wait until you get back to talk to him in person.
You get back into town on monday, so even though you know it’s not likely, you hope to see him back at school on tuesday. At least if he swings by the fountain to let you know he’s alright. But even as you first step in the door, something feels off. Ito even mumbles some sort of apology as you stop by Sotomura’s office to ask if Junpei has been to class. He hasn’t, and Sotomura gives some excuse of him having dropped out or something after some event. He doesn’t want to elaborate.
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I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that he told me that he was in love too young
-I just wanted to say that I love you, I have for a long time Junpei, and I really want to see you again.-
“No, I can’t say that. It’s too much pressure,” you think, trying to decide what to send to your childhood friend after that worrying message.
-I want to see you again, maybe we could go to coffee?-
Nah, that’s too casual, it’s been a month you can’t just, spring it on him like that.
-I hope you’re okay Junpei, I miss you. If you’re ever back around the school, we could meet by the fountain like we used to!-
That will work, you just have to send it. A deep breath before you hit the button, and you slip your phone back into your bag before going back to class.
-Message delivered-
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Requests | CLOSED |
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isletakebarzal · 3 years
I Hope I Never Lose You | 1 | Mat Barzal
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a/n: my first mat barzal fic. my first fic since......... sh*wn m*nd*s. Here is the first installment of a new elementary school au. pLz leave feedback it has been so long since i've written and I am so ✨insecure✨
summary: you teach kindergarten and Mat Barzal is a P.E. Coach at Cornelia Street Elementary School. i don't know just give me validation plz
warnings: literally didn't even read it over. just copy-paste-post. mutual pining idiots to lovers?? some jealousy and angst???
WC: 5.6K
I. “then on a Wednesday in a cafe[teria], I watched it begin again”
You take a deep breath as you inspect your appearance in the teacher’s lounge bathroom at Cornelia Street Elementary. Your kindergarteners will be arriving at your classroom in nearly twenty minutes, so you wanted to get one final look in before starting the school day.
“Who’s the guy?” your friend and co-teacher, Molly, startles you as her figure appears behind you in the mirror.
“What do you mean?” You shake your head, sticking your hands under the sink for the automatic faucet to turn on.
Molly laughs, walking up next to you and leaning up against the counter, “You’re dressing up for someone! You never wore high heels until recently, and you check yourself in the mirror like 6 times a day. Who is it?”
You roll your eyes, pulling paper towels out of the dispenser and wiping your hands dry. “Sniff too much elmer’s glue again, Molly?”
You leave the restroom and lounge with Molly trailing closely behind. Turning into your classroom, you stop in the doorway when you find someone standing in the middle of your classroom, causing Molly to bump into your back.
“There you are!” Mat exclaims when he notices you and Molly enter the room. “I’ve been waiting here for, like, 10 minutes. Why do girls take so long in the bathroom together?”
You let out a nervous laugh. Molly stands at your side, glancing from Mat to you and back to Mat. You can tell she’s connecting the dots as the left corner of her smirk.
“Where else would we gossip about you?” Molly teases, snapping your attention away from Mat. You elbow her in her side, whispering her name scoldingly.
Mat rolls his eyes playfully, “Aww, Molls. Writing our initials in a heart on the bathroom wall again?”
You freeze at his comeback. Is he flirting with Molly? You try your best to remain calm. He’s Mat Barzal, he flirts with everyone.
“What are you doing in here anyway, Barzy?” Molly asks as she further enters the room, setting her briefcase on the desk and leaning up against it. She eyes you, as you haven’t taken one step further into the room. “Don’t you have a PE class to teach?”
Mat stiffens at the question, looking from Molly to you. He fumbles to start his response, “I, uh--” he looks to his immediate left and right, searching for an answer. “I needed a pen.”
Molly barks out a laugh, “a pen?” She turns to you, raising her eyebrows with a pointed look. “Did you hear that, Y/n? He needs a pen.”
You don’t respond to Molly, your body moving on autopilot towards your desk. “Here, I have a pen you can borrow!” You grab the first pen you get your hands on from the container on your desk and hold it out to him, trying your best to keep your hand steady.
Mat’s cheeks grow a rosy tint that matches your own. With a smile he takes the pen, finally looking it over. “Are you sure you won’t miss this one?” The smirk returns to his lips.
You furrow your brows, looking down to the pen he’s holding. It’s a purple glitter pen--your favorite pen. You shrug your shoulders, playing it off as no big deal, “Yeah, no worries. Keep it as long as you need.”
You spare a glance at Molly across the room, and you can tell she’s trying her very hardest not to laugh. The daggers you shoot at her with your eyes fail to get her to control her face.
“Thanks, Y/n, I appreciate it,” he says sweetly, giving you his million-dollar smile that makes all the lunch ladies swoon. “I’ll see you at Lunch Duty?”
You nod enthusiastically, “Totally. See you then.”
Mat stalls for a few seconds, shifting back and forth on his two feet before lifting the pen in another silent thank you. You try not to blush as you give a small wave goodbye, and he leaves the room.
Molly finally blows, erupting into laughter. You turn your attention towards her, a confused expression on your face. “What?”
“I guess that answers my question!” Molly exclaims, wiping an escape tear of laughter from her cheek.
You shake your head, placing your hands on your hips, “What question?”
“Which guy you’re dressing up for,” Molly explains as if it’s clear as day. “Seems to me like you’ve both got it bad.”
You blush again--probably for the 50th time in the last 10 minutes. “That’s it,” you huff. “No more glue for you.”
When 12:30 rolls around, Molly takes your class of kindergarteners to the Music Room while you head to the cafeteria for Lunch Duty. There’s nothing glamorous about watching elementary schoolers struggle to open their zebra cakes and milk cartons, but, for some reason, it’s your favorite time of day.
“Miss Y/n!” A voice cheerily calls out to you as you enter the cafeteria, and your gaze instantly lands on the source. That voice could pull you out of a coma. You could pick out that voice in a filled stadium of a Nickelback concert.
Mat waves at you from across the room, pulling out the chair next to him as if to tell you to come sit. You smile and wave back, making your way to him with your lunchbag in hand. It’s your Wednesday ritual to have lunch together, since it’s the only day of the week you are scheduled for Lunch Duty at the same time.
You sit gracefully in the chair next to Mat and set your bag on the table. Mat instantly reaches for it, spinning it one way then another as he searches for the zipper. You grab the lunch bag from his hands and pull it back to your side of the table.
“Excuse you!” You exclaim, playfully.
“Come on, Y/n, I’ve been waiting a week for this!” Mat whines, no better than one of your kindergarteners.
You peek into your bag making sure you have his treat, “Okay, okay.” You reach into the bag and close your fist around the circular fruit that you made sure to pack in your lunch--just like you do every Wednesday.
Mat shoves his hand in the big pocket of his backpack, then looks at you with an eager smile. “Ready? 1...2…” You both bring your hands out of your bags on 3, holding out the respective items for each other.
In the palm of your hand is a Cutie brand clementine, sticker already peeled off. You never really understood why Mat loves these so much, or why he never just buys them for himself, but you’ve been swapping lunch treats since the beginning of the school year.
You were sitting at the lunch table that was angled perpendicular to the student tables in the cafeteria. It was your first Lunch Duty of the year, so you made sure to get in the cafeteria before any of the students came in.
Now that you and Molly were co-teaching this year, you wouldn’t be on Lunch Duty together like you were last year. You didn’t think you should be nervous, being that it’s just Lunch Duty and you already had a year of teaching under your belt, but still, not having the comfort of your best friend around you made you a little more on edge.
No one told you who was going to be on duty with you, so when the new gym P.E. coach, Mat Barzal, strolled into the cafeteria, you stiffened in your seat. You noticed him a bit last year, but it was your first year with your own class of students, and you wanted to focus on being a good teacher rather than good-looking coaches. Mat was new to the school, too, but he seemed to be quick to make friends, talking to anyone around him. Like, anyone.
Like, even a first grader with a hockey AND a superhero obsession that wanted to know which NHL team each superhero would play for. You had eavesdropped on his answers while you were standing near them in the hallway.
(You remember this, because you had to hold yourself back from interjecting when he told the student that Superman would play for the Islanders. He would obviously be a Ranger.)
When he walked into the cafeteria that day, he strolled over to you and sat right down in the chair next to yours, jumping into conversation. You were munching on carrots when you realized that he had yet to pull out any food for lunch.
“Are you hungry?” you blurted out, interrupting whatever thought he was rambling on about while you were...you wouldn’t say staring...more like analyzing.
He deadpanned, “Yeah, but I’ve got some snacks back in the gym. I’m just going to eat them later.”
You shook your head, finding his answer unacceptable. “Here,” you said, looking into your lunch bag for anything to give him. “Do you like clementines?”
A smile spread on Mat’s face, “My mom used to buy them for me and my sister when we were kids. I haven’t had one in forever.”
You handed the fruit to him before he could protest. He accepted it graciously. “I’m Mat, by the way.”
“Y/n,” you told him.
The next week, you made sure to pack a clementine in your bag just in case he didn’t have a lunch again. You tried to hide the disappointment when you walked towards the table and saw that he didn’t actually forget this time.
That is, until you noticed the silver wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up on the table in front of the empty chair.
“I wasn’t sure what flavor you liked, or if you even like these, but, like, everyone likes these,” Mat explained and you couldn’t hide your blush.
After sitting down next to him, you reached into your bag and pulled out the clementine, sliding it across the tabletop to him. Week after week, this unspoken trade agreement continued, neither one of you having forgotten yet.
You take the Fruit Roll-Up from his hand as he swipes the clementine and starts peeling.
“Oh, it’s the tongue-tattoo one!” You cheer, unrolling the fruit leather from the plastic film. Mat nods enthusiastically, but doesn’t speak, his mouth already full with slices of clementine.
You tear the fruit roll up in half and hold the half with the skull “tattoo” to him.
“No, Y/n, this is our trade. It’s yours,” he pushes your hand back, but you roll your eyes.
“I don’t need the whole roll, and the skull would suit you better,” you persuade him. “Just take it.”
With a smile, Mat takes the half and holds it to the light to find the skull printed in food dye. You hold up your half to tilt the crown “tattoo” to the right angle.
“Okay, ready?” You ask, and Mat nods. “One...two…”
On three, you press the sugary roll to your tongues and hold for a few seconds, making sure it’s long enough for the dye to transfer. You and Mat have done this enough times to know that the sweet spot is around 7 seconds.
Now facing each other in your chairs, you each stick out your tongues to show the other your tattoos. Mat lets out a loud laugh, and can’t help but mirror his reaction. You love this with Mat--getting to goof around with someone and finally laughing again.
Your last relationship ended nearly a year ago, and it left you devastated. You had dated Ryan all through college, and you thought he was going to propose after graduation. Little did you know, he had been applying to medical schools in London, rather than where you were in Seattle. He was never planning forever with you like you were with him.
Needless to say, it’s made you hesitant to start dating again. You don’t trust your instincts with reading people and you definitely don’t trust men.
“Here,” Mat hands his half back to you.
You squish your nose up at him, “Ew, your spit is all over it!”
Mat rolls his eyes playfully and holds the rollup even closer to your face, making you laugh. You try to bat his hand away, but he catches your hand with his free one instead.
“Oh please, it’s just a little slobber. Same as kissing!” He jokes, but the way he’s holding your hand and so easily talking about kissing makes you tense up. You feel like you’re 16 again, developing your very first school-girl crush with the way he’s stirring up dormant butterflies.
You look away, hoping to conceal your now very rosy cheeks, and Mat, thankfully, pretends not to notice. “Fine, mine now,” he shoves the whole rollup in his mouth, and your laughter breaks up the tension in your chest. You fall into easy conversation filled with laughter and banter, and it’s like the room full of rambunctious elementary schoolers doesn’t even exist.
II. “don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw [kickballs] at things that shine”
“Life just makes love look hard, Y/n,” Molly tells you. You came into school this morning looking down bad, and Molly was quick to figure out the root of the issue.
You saw Ryan last night. With a girl. Wearing a ring on her finger. You knew exactly what ring it was too, as his grandmother had showed it to you at Christmas one year and explained that it would be Ryan’s to give to the one he wanted to spend forever with. At the time you could’ve bet your life that his “one” was you.
You mope in your desk chair, “I know. It took him less than a year to meet someone new, fall in love, and commit. Love isn’t hard, but maybe I’m just hard to love.”
Molly gives you a sad look and opens her mouth to respond, but she is cut off by your classroom door opening. Your already glum face contorts into a sour expression when you see who has entered your classroom.
You spare a glance at Molly, who is already glaring at the 4th grade teacher. You try to hold back the chuckle that is bubbling in your throat. Alexa started working at Cornelia Street Elementary at the same time as you and Molly, but unlike you and your co-teacher, you were not fast friends.
Maybe it was her snarky attitude, or the way she told you and Molly to your faces that “kindergarten teachers are glorified babysitters” on the first day you met her. Either way, you and Molly were not fans.
“Hello, ladies!” Alexa screeches in a high-pitched voice.
Molly deadpans, “Whatever you want, the answer is no.”
Alexa’s nose scrunches in distaste, “I don’t want anything, Molls. I’m here to see if you both have signed up for the teacher-student kickball game next Friday.”
Molly winces at the use of her nickname, “Yes, Alexa. If you had just looked at the sign-up Google Sheet, you would’ve seen that both mine and Y/n’s names were already on the list.”
Alexa shrugs, brushing off Molly’s aggressive tone, “Well, good. I hear that Coach Barzal and Coach Beau will be team captains this year.”
Your body has a visceral reaction to hearing ‘Coach Barzal’, like your ears are rejecting the sound of her witch voice speaking his name. Molly flips her gaze in your direction, giving a smirk.
“Yes, Mat told Y/n the other day that he is going to be a team captain,��� Molly lies between her teeth. He never told you that, but if there’s one thing Molly knows, it’s how to get under Alexa’s skin.
And she does. Alexa’s face pinches before clearing her throat, “It’s a shame none of us can have him, isn’t it?”
You and Molly mirror each other with confused expressions. “What do you mean?” you question.
“I mean, section 34.12B in the School Handbook,” Alexa replies as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Molly rolls her eyes, “And what is section 34.12B in the School Handbook?”
Alexa’s lips curl smugly, “Section 34 is the Teacher Code of Conduct, silly. And rule 12B clearly states that teachers working in the same school are not allowed to intermingle romantically or, well, otherwise. Any infraction will result in one of the teachers being immediately transferred to another school in the county.”
Your stomach drops, and Molly looks at you with a sorrowful expression.
“Didn’t either of you read the handbook when you started?” Alexa asks condescendingly. In truth, neither you nor Molly read that brick of a handbook. If you remember correctly, you think you ended up using it as a doorstop in your old classroom last year. No clue what happened to it after that.
“Of course we read it,” Molly, again, lies. “We’re just not psycho enough to have it memorized.”
Alexa glares at Molly. “I didn’t memorize it. I just recently refreshed my memory after talking to Coach Barzal the other day. He had asked me to get drinks with him, so I wanted to see what the policy was on dating colleagues.”
You whip your head to Molly, a confused expression on your face. Molly takes your reaction in stride and stands from her seat at her desk.
“This has been so fun, Alexa,” Molly walks towards the 4th grade teacher at the classroom door, who takes the hint and starts backing up. “But we have to prepare for a day of babysitting, so if you don’t mind…”
Molly backs Alexa out of the doorway and shuts the door in her face. She leans back on the door to find you sitting with a sad puppy look on your face.
“I’m sure she was bullshitting like she always does,” Molly tells you.
You sigh and slump into your chair. An airy chuckle escapes Molly’s lips and you flick your eyes to her face, wondering what could possibly be funny.
“What? Why are you laughing?”
Molly shakes her head, muffling more laughs.
“Come on, spit it out.”
“It’s nothing,” Molly starts, a smile growing on her lips. “I just fucking knew it.”
You furrow your brows, “Knew what?”
“Knew you had a thing for Coach Barzal.”
You really don’t want to play kickball, if you’re being honest. You always hated gym class growing up, because you weren’t necessarily skilled in hand-eye coordination. The only reason you signed up for this student-teacher kickball game for the upper grades was for Molly. And...someone else.
Mat and his co-coach, Tito, are standing in the middle of the gym giving instructions to the 4th and 5th grade classes. The rules are simple: kick, run, and no cheap shots. You’re not sure if 4th graders were capable of taking cheap shots, but you realize that this rule might not be directed at them. If you’ve learned anything over the last year or so of teaching, it’s that adults are just really big Big Kids.
Once they finish explaining to the students and teachers how the game will work, Mat announces that it’s time to pick teams. The students are counted off by twos for their teams to make sure no kid feels like they’re being picked last--especially by the teacher--but the teachers are to be specifically chosen by the captains.
Tito, the captain of the A team, scans the crowd of teachers for his first pick. “Mr. Kessler,” Tito picks the 3rd grade teacher first. It’s a great first pick, since David Kessler apparently played sports in college.
Mat looks at the group like he’s searching for someone, and his eyes land on you. The right corner of his lips pulls up into a smirk. Your palms start sweating--either due to the nerves of feeling like you’re back in grade school again, or from the way he is looking at you.
“Mr. Peterson,” Mat’s gaze leaves yours as he picks the 5th grade parapro. Again, you don’t think it’s a bad idea to start setting up the team with the best players before moving on to, well, you.
The two coaches go back and forth until all of the seemingly more athletic teachers are assigned teams. When it’s time for Tito to pick again, his eyes land directly on you. You look to your left, then to your right, then behind you, just to make sure he wasn’t looking through you to someone else. But no one else looked like they were paying enough attention to be the one he was focusing on.
A smirk draws up Tito’s lips as he looks at Mat. Mat rolls his eyes and pushes his shoulder, making Tito teeter a bit. “Just pick, man,” Mat urges, and Tito looks back at you.
“Molly,” Tito chooses, and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Molly lets out an airy laugh and nudges you with her elbow, “Damn, they’re splitting us up.”
You roll your eyes, but on the inside your stomach flutters at the thought of being chosen by Mat. He glances your way every so often that you think it might be coming, but you try to keep your cool.
“Umm,” Mat starts, like he’s about to think out loud. “I’ll pick…” Mat’s eyes scan the group and he stops on you for a brief moment, but passes you over. “Alexa.”
Your heart drops into your ass.
You look to Molly, hoping that her usual cool and collected demeanor will level you, but she’s speaking lowly to Tito with furrowed brows.
“Y/n, you’re on my team,” Tito calls out next. You make your way towards the rest of the A team, and, despite the voice in your head screaming ‘don’t look at him, don’t look at him’...you look at Mat, gauging his reaction.
He looks completely unbothered. A smile is even gracing his face. It’s not like you thought he was necessarily interested in you, but, fuck, you at least thought he liked you better than Alexa. And now you’re wondering if there was any truth to her comments in your classroom last week.
Once the teams are sorted out, the captains flip a coin to decide who will kick first. Tito calls heads while the coin is in the air, and sure enough the coin lands on heads. Tito calls a huddle while Mat gets his team organized into positions.
“Alright team, listen up,” he starts, clapping his hands once. “We need a strong offensive start.”
The students jump around excitedly as Tito lines them up along the gym wall behind the designated “home plate”. He orders the team with one teacher kicking after every few students.
Molly is in the front of the line with Thomas, an eager 4th grader ready to play. He walks to the plate, backs up a few steps, and waits for Mat to pitch the ball. Mat winds up before releasing the ball in a (relatively) straight line to Thomas.
Thomas runs up to the ball, going for the kick, and….he misses. Tito jogs up to him, squatting to his level. “It’s okay, bud, let’s try again. You can do it, just keep your eye on the ball.”
The little boy nods and steps back up to the plate. Tito nods at Mat who winds up and rolls the ball once more. A little more cautiously this time, Thomas runs for the ball. He swings back his left foot and propels it forward, making contact with the ball and sending it soaring towards Mat.
Mat lets the ball drop in front of him, fumbling around to pick it up while Thomas runs to first base. Once he’s about halfway there, Mat tosses the ball to one of the fifth graders who is guarding the base. Thomas, unsurprisingly, is safe.
A few more students and teachers take turns kicking the ball, and before you know it, there are two students and Molly on base with two outs on the board. You were hoping that you would be able to linger in the back of the line long enough to avoid taking a turn, but Tito calls you up to the plate.
“Okay, Miss Y/n, bring ‘em home!” Tito encourages, and you roll your eyes at him.
“Doubtful,” you respond. Walking up to the plate, you make eye contact with Mat, waiting for him to roll you the ball. He takes a deep breath and raises his eyebrows to you.
“Ready?” He calls out.
You shake your head, “No, but do I have a choice?”
Mat laughs. ‘You got this!” he tells you, and winds up to roll the ball. Maybe he does it on purpose, but when he rolls the ball, it veers off to the left.
“Come on, Barzy, give her something she can work with!” Tito chirps, as Mat jogs to grab the ball from one of the students that picked it up.
Instead of returning to his makeshift pitcher’s mound, Mat strides towards you, catching you off guard.
“What are you doing, Mat?”
“You looked nervous,” he says. “Thought you could use a better pep talk than Beauvis over there.”
“It’s...elementary school kickball,” you say with a laugh.
Mat rolls his eyes, “This is a very serious game, Y/n. There’s a lot at stake.”
The smirk that forms on his lips sends a ripple down your spine. “Like what? A pizza party?” you joke.
Mat pushes your shoulder playfully, and a shout erupts from the sidelines. You both look to where Tito is standing with his arms raised in question. “Quit messing with my teammate, Barzal!” Tito yells.
Mat waves him off. “Keep your eye on the ball, and I’ll roll it slowly. Kick with the inside of your foot to get more distance, and, for the love of God, take off those dumb sandals.”
You look down at the strappy sandals on your feet. “What? They’re cute and comfortable!“
Mat rests a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. “Cute until you break an ankle. Just trust me and do it, Miss Y/n!”
You roll your eyes and kick your shoes off to the side while Mat backs up to the middle of the gym. You step up to the plate again and Mat winds up his pitch. The ball rolls in a straight line towards you, and you take his advice by kicking the ball from the inside of your foot. It’s a hard kick, too, so the ball soars over towards second base.
“RUN!” Tito yells from the sidelines, urging everyone on base to get moving. The student that was on 3rd base waddles home, scoring a run for your team, while the fielders scramble to get the ball.
There are some mishaps in passing the ball between the 4th and 5th graders in the field, so Molly is able to run home as well as you round first base. You look to Mat to find that he’s yelling at you to run to second, despite being on your opposing team, which coincides with the screams from Tito behind you. Now you're really thankful you took off those sandals.
You take off from first base towards second base, when out of the corner of your eye, you see Alexa grab the ball straight out of a 4th grader’s hands. She winds her arm back and throws the ball right at you, probably as hard as she can by the sting of contact on your left arm.
“Out!” Alexa yells as you slow your pace to a stop. “That’s three!”
The teams start shuffling as they switch from field to kicking and vice versa. You stay in your place, figuring you’ll just linger in the “outfield” anyway, while Molly comes up to you.
“That bitch is a dirty player,” Molly spits, turning to glance at Alexa. “Did you see how she just ripped the ball from a kid? Geez.”
“It’s just the game,” you brush it off, not wanting to seem fazed by how she so obviously was out to get you. You don’t realize Mat walks up to you and Molly until you feel a hand rest on the small of your back.
“Are you okay?” Mat asks, moving his hand to gently brush the red spot on your arm where the ball hit you.
You try not to blush at the contact as you nod and wave him off, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.”
“Tough play, but it was a great kick,” Mat tries to be encouraging. “Who knew Lex could hustle like that.”
You wince at the nickname and look at Molly, who is sporting a scowl.
“Lex could’ve knocked a kid unconscious if she had missed,” Molly retorts, and Mat clears his throat awkwardly and removes his arm.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Yeah, I guess she could’ve.” There’s a brief pause and you hear Tito in the background positioning his students on the field. “So, Y/n--”
“Mat--I mean, Coach Barzal!” Alexa’s voice rings through the gym, interrupting Mat. “Come over here!”
“I think you should get back to your team, Mat,” you tell him. “Wouldn’t want to keep your star player waiting.”
He frowns at you, but nods, “Yeah, guess so.”
You didn’t mean to sound jealous--you really have no right to be. You weren’t even sure why you were so affected by the idea of Mat and Alexa. It’s not like there is a Mat and Y/n.
Well, maybe you do know why. You watch as Mat jogs over to his team, giving each kid a high five and circling them up for a pep talk. You can hear their laughs and cheers at his words of encouragement, and you smile involuntarily. He is so good with the kids and he really cares about them--you can tell that he puts his heart into what he does.
“Ready, team?” Tito’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts. The rest of your team cheers in response and Tito starts the next inning.
The rest of the game flies by with excitement. You all only make it a few more innings before it’s time for the kickball game to end and everyone to finish out their Friday school day. Tito was overjoyed, to put it lightly, when his A Team won the game, and you could tell he was already taunting Mat with it. Mat, though extremely competitive throughout the game, was a good sport about it in front of his B Team.
Since your and Molly’s class would still be in their Music Class for another 10 minutes or so, you two stayed back in the gym while the 4th and 5th grade teachers got their students together.
“Well, ladies, it was a good game,” Tito says to you and Molly, giving you both high fives. “Sorry you got blitzed, Y/n.”
You let out a laugh, “Thanks Beau, but it wasn’t that bad, was it?”
Tito rubs his hand on the back of his neck, “I don’t know. Alexa went for blood with that hit.”
Molly scoffs, “Alexa is going to taste blood next time she pulls something like that.” You bump Molly with your hip, giving her a pointed look, but Tito just laughs at her comment and falls into conversation with Molly.
You eye the way Molly reacts to making Tito laugh, a wave of something resembling pride or satisfaction washing over her. You haven’t seen her look...giddy like this until watching her talk to Tito. Interesting, you think.
After a few minutes, you decide it’s time to pick up your kids from the Music Room, and you tell Molly she can just catch up with you in the classroom in a bit. You make sure to give her a suggestive smirk, glancing back and forth from her to Tito without him picking up on it. She rolls her eyes and waves her hand at you, gesturing to you to exit.
As you’re walking out of the gym, though, Mat calls out to you, jogging towards you before you can leave.
“Y/n! Wait up a second!”
You turn towards him as he slows down in front of you. “What’s up?”
“Um, where are you headed off to?” He asks, almost like he is stalling.
You furrow your brows, but respond, “Gotta pick up our class from Music.”
Mat nods, “Oh, yeah, for sure. Shouldn’t Molls be with you?”
You glance back at your friend, where she is laughing and twirling a strand of her hair while talking to the young coach. “Nah, I can handle it this time. She’s...preoccupied.”
Mat follows your gaze and lets out a snort, “Tito is so hopeless. He’s been gone for her for so long now.”
“Oh yeah?” You question, thinking maybe this could be a chance to set Molly up with a nice guy. If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Molly, it’s that she usually has terrible taste in men. “How do you know? Has he said something?”
Mat shakes his head, “No, but he doesn’t have to. I mean, guys are so much easier to read than girls. Like, if a guy is interested in a girl? You’ll definitely be able to tell.”
You have to keep your shoulders from slumping. You think back to all the times you’ve interacted with Mat, and you can’t recall one instance of Mat acting the way Tito is with Molly right now.
“Yeah,” you sigh, looking back at the pair. “I guess you’re right.”
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valberryy · 4 years
good god, let me give you my life. — kaeya
another converted oc fic!!!! yes i have many kaeya thoughts....... and i missed this oc in particular QAQ anyways please accept this word vomit its like 2k words im sorry idk what possessed me
pairing: kaeya x fem!reader
content warnings: mentions of blood/injuries + alcohol, light swearing (like, three instances max)
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Kaeya had seen that doe-eyed look countless times before, but there was still something about the way your gaze burned almost incredulously into his own that made his smirk grow wider.
"Kaeya, you asshole!" you exclaimed, but your half-exasperated anger just made him laugh—by the Seven, you were even more fun to tease than Diluc! 
"What's the rush?" he laughed, ignoring your hand on his chest to balance herself as you tiptoed to where he was holding your Vision right out of your reach. "Is widdle [Name] so scared of—"
You elbowed him in the gut at that, and his grip on your Vision wavered as he let out a pained oof. You pinned it back to where it normally hung, and a glance at your clothes—the buttoned up coat, the bags placed haphazardly on the ground next to your boots—was all it took for the lucidity to return to Kaeya's eyes.
"The others are waiting," you muttered, gaze downcast and cheeks flushed from the cold. Kaeya nodded. Wordlessly, you grabbed his hands and squeezed, ever so gently.
"I promise we'll come back to visit," you said. "And I'll write a lot."
Kaeya nodded again, a devious grin pulling at his lips but faltering at the edges. "When you do come back I'll ask Master Crepus to throw a party and I'll read out your letters for everyone to hear—"
"...So come back safe, okay?"
A sigh, then, and another light squeeze of his hands. 
"I promise."
With that, Kaeya finally let you go—and already missing the warmth of your palms and the fleetingness of your touch, he watched as your back disappeared off into the horizon.
Kaeya often found himself waiting, those days, to the point that he might have called himself distracted if he hadn't known any better. The smile that graced his lips at each letter—which always started with your and your brother's neat handwriting, with little comments from your sister sprinkled all throughout, and sealed with some local flower or other—never failed to go unnoticed, to the point that even Diluc found himself sighing at the sight.
"You're an idiot," he had said, and nothing else.
Each year your visits had become a staple of summer, and for days on end Master Crepus' manor was filled with foreign music and dance. Kaeya never read out your letters like he said he would, but you two would always sneak out of the party with a bottle of champagne, and you would whisper gossip to each other like you always used to, conspiratory and scheming.
(Once, just as a laugh was about to spill from his lips, you placed your palm over the lower half of his face and kissed the back of your hand. "I thought you were bolder than that," he teased, and with a scoff you plucked the bottle from his hands.
"Oh? I'd like to see you do better, lover boy.")
One year the letters stopped, and you never came to visit. Winter came all too soon. The calla lilies in your last letter had begun to wilt.
The next year, he and Diluc parted ways. As their swords clashed for the last time, he wished it was your flames that had scorched him instead.
Two years hence, the Knights of Favonius found a young woman, half-conscious and all but bleeding out, under the tree at Windrise.
Kaeya had stopped in his tracks when he heard, his silver tongue going dry behind the calm smile he put on. "Thanks for the news," he told his subordinate. "I'll check it out."
As soon as he was alone, he let the panic sink in.
His walk to the cathedral was exceedingly brief, and Kaeya wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing. As he walked towards the infirmary he heard Barbara's voice—
"...but do you remember anything else?"
A pause, then a blunt, "No."
—And as he walked inside he saw the deaconess with her tome, and a little ways behind her was...you. You seemed a little pale and worse for wear, but when you looked at him with the same doe-eyed look as before, Kaeya couldn't help but feel the slightest bit relieved.
"You really worried me back there, love," he said smoothly. "How are you feeling now?"
You glanced almost unnoticeably at Barbara, who seemed to mouth something along the lines of, "Later."
"Alive, I guess," you responded, then paused for a good moment as you glanced at him fully. Kaeya raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry…" you said, "It's just that I've heard so much about you, but—"
But what? he thought, and felt his blood run cold again.
"—I have no idea who you are."
Kaeya thought it the worst of cruelties for you to be so similar to your old self, yet so wholly, horribly different. You walked with the same languid grace, spoke with the same haughtiness and pride, still tapped your teaspoon against the rim of your teacup—three times, every single time, with a resounding chime.
But you no longer looked at him the same, no longer laughed at his old jokes, no longer called him by his name. It was always captain or sir, and never what he so desperately longed to hear.
"You Knights are always so ineffective," Diluc sighed, and for the first time in years the Ragnvindr brothers finally found themselves in agreement.
Kaeya laughed self-pityingly, running one hand through his hair and using the other to swirl the contents of his half-empty glass. Another sigh, and just as he was about to speak again, the door to Angel's Share opened to the sound of laughter.
"Venti, I said no—"
"Oh, come on! All you've been doing is reading that journal of yours! I thought you—"
There was an indignant, ungraceful sounding yell, and the rest of Venti's words were muffled by what Kaeya assumed was your hand. You two whispered together some more—he even thought he heard you threaten him, if he wasn't mistaken—and with your defeated sigh, Venti began to tune his lyre.
Ah, you was going to dance, then. 
Kaeya turned in his seat to the point where he could watch them from the corner of his vision, taking another drink from his steadily-emptying glass. With gentle hands, the bard began to pluck at his lyre strings, and with the same practiced, precise movements he committed so dearly to memory, your body began to sway.
He knew this one—it started off slowly, gently, only to speed up as the music did as well. One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three-four, went your heels against the wooden floor, and as the song ended and you bowed with a haughty flourish, Kaeya had abruptly stood up and left the tavern.
Your steps were light against the cobblestone when you caught up with him, that same night.
"Captain," you said, "you've been avoiding me."
He turned around to face you, a practiced smile on his lips. He couldn't look you in the eyes, though, no matter how intensely your gaze burned into him. "Oh? What might you be doing out so late, Miss [Surname]?" 
You sighed, placing a hand on your hip. "You knew me before, right? That's why you keep running away?"
Kaeya's tongue went dry as he heard you speak. Ah, what does he say to this? He watched you sigh again, but this time you brought out the musty old journal that he knew hung from your waist.
You held it out to him expectantly, but he didn't take it.
"...We knew each other," he eventually replied, soft and without any of his normal bravado. "We were…close."
Your face remained impassive, but there was a glint in your eyes that gave your suspicion away. "...I see," you said. "Then…I want to start again. I can't be the person you knew before, but…"
It was Kaeya who sighed this time, endearingly. "You really haven't changed," he said, before holding out a hand for you to shake. "Allow me to reintroduce myself, then. Kaeya Alberich, at your service."
You smiled, and he felt his heart flutter and ache alike at the sight. Taking his hand, you said, "[Name] [Surname]…a pleasure it is to finally know you, Kaeya."
Whenever dusk fell, Kaeya would often find you at one of the many taverns littered throughout the city, but your favourite seemed to be the Angel's Share, of all places. If you weren't dancing along to whatever tune the bard was singing, you were often talking with Diluc from the opposite end of the bar, sipping from your glass of wine. 
And whenever Kaeya would walk in you would turn to him and raise your glass in greeting, crowing something or other about coincidence, and he would say something or other about fate; and then you would drink together as his brother grew increasingly exasperated at the volume. 
One evening, he had lost track of how many rounds he had when his head began to grow fuzzy. He was only half-conscious of Charles' sigh, and you saying something along the lines of, "I'll bring him home."
With practiced ease—likely from your time hanging around with that drunkard bard—you lifted him up and slung his arm around your shoulders, struggling a bit from his height. "C'mon, captain, let's get you home," you said, to which he merely nodded and buried his face in the warmth of the crook of your neck.
"Y'know, it was always you getting wasted like this," he drawled. "Master Crepus used to—! He used to always scold us for stealing wine, but you were always half passed out so you never heard any of it."
You looked down, seemingly deep in thought. "It sounds like we were very close," you said, and he chuckled and hummed in the affirmative. 
He began rambling again as you made the short walk to his house, continuing even as you dug through his pockets for his keys. How he still reads your letters, how you made fun of his eyepatch the very first time he wore it, how you two used to climb the tree at Windrise, hoping always, in vain, to somehow reach the highest bough. If he were less shitfaced and more sober perhaps he would have found it in himself to stem the waterfall of words spilling from his lips—honest and raw in a way neither of you were used to—but as it stood, all he could have done was bare his heart to you like this.
You were silent as you laid him down on his bed, mumbling more to yourself than to anyone else, "You need to drink water, Kaeya."
The silence between you hung heavy like a body on the gallows. 
"I really loved you, you know."
Another pause, then, and then the soft caress of your palm against his cheek, and the lightest brush of your lips against his forehead.
"...Good night, Kaeya."
The next day, Kaeya woke up with the worst bitch of a migraine he's ever had in his life. As he rose to get a glass of water, he suddenly became aware of several things: firstly, the fact that he was a fucking idiot; second, the fact that he needs to get black-out drunk less often; and third, the fact that you were lying asleep on his couch, your journal in one hand and your other arm hanging off the side.
He sighed, placing down the empty glass, and walked over to you—and with your same gentleness from the night before, Kaeya brushed aside your bangs to press a kiss to your forehead.
"Snrk—you what?"
"Oh, yes, and then after that Jean said—"
You cut off the rest of his story by shoving a piece of meat in his mouth, and when Kaeya managed to swallow it he was met with the sight of your smug smile and your eyes still bleary from laughing. 
"There's no way all of that happened because of a rabbit," you said, to which he laughed good-naturedly, followed by a sip from his glass of wine.
"You'd be surprised what kinds of things Klee can get herself into."
You laughed again, and he took another drink of wine. Ah, he missed this, he thought. Missed the way the breeze here at Windrise smelled of asters, missed the way the moonlight trickled down through the leaves of the giant tree. 
(Most of all, he missed the little way your nose would crinkle when you laughed, but he'd prefer not to say that aloud, lest he be hit over the head with the wine bottle he brought along today—amnesia or not, he knew very well it was still within your strength to do so.)
Kaeya watched as you closed your eyes to enjoy the evening breeze, your hair like a wildfire in the breeze. You looked at him then, your eyes heavy with a certain lucidity that he couldn't name, but still managed to shake him somehow.
"...I'm in love with you, Kaeya."
When he smirked and said, "So I get to brag that I made you fall for me twice?" he was met with the same indignant, doe-eyed glare from all those years ago.
"I'm being serious!" you exclaimed, but he only laughed again, and covered your mouth with the palm of his hand. Before you could protest again, he kissed the back of his own hand and pulled away, a cheeky grin on his lips.
"Where'd all that bravado go, Mr. Casanova?"
Kaeya was hit with a pang of nostalgia, then. He looked at you, cheeks lightly flushed from the cold breeze and embarrassment alike, and his smile only widened further.
"Hmm? Think you can do any better, dearest?"
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After All This Time || Chapter Five
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 2,146
Chapter Summary: Anger. And harshness, maybe feelings. I haven't decided yet so I guess you'll have to just read to find out.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: angst?, asshat hotch again, sad feels
A/N: Guys, I'm like legitimately so sorry that this chapter took so long. It's not even that I've been all that busy. I definitely did go to California for two weeks, but after that I think I just got lazy? Had writer's block? I don't know. But New chapter is UP.
@kingofthetwats @wanniiieeee @uwu-sebastianstan @piggyinthesea @yoshigguk @thatisthemagic @errorcosplay67 @ivebeenthinkingboutu @big-galaxy-chaos @rynfoxsleeps @phoenixsnape1 @mojofun @pachiibatt @enjoymyloves @thenewnormalforensicator @word-scribbless @zezezena @chelseyjoyce @ellyhotchner @lora21 @flipperpenguins @illegal-brains @sunnysaysbookreviews @anti-zippy-snoot @kya-li
You come to eleven hours later, the first thing that you hear being the steady beep of a monitor.
The hospital.
It smells... white, the cleanness of it making you scrunch your nose. Still not having opened your eyes, you sense the brightness, almost making you not want to at all.
However, you knew how hospital visits work. When Reid was injured, the whole team was there waiting for him to wake up. With that push, that you had people waiting for you to wake up, you opened your eyes.
Everything was too bright at first. You felt your lips fall into a grimace and joked aloud, "You guys don't need to be so quiet, she lives."
There was no response, and as your vision cleared up, the wind was knocked out of you like a punch to the gut.
The whole room was empty. Aside from you and the TV, there was no talking. There were no people.
For a moment you thought that you were dead. Or maybe dreaming, because who wakes up from a seemingly severe injury with no support system? With no friends.
You hear your heartbeat speed up before you feel it, but boy do you feel it when it hits.
The monitor must send an alert to the nurses' station or something because shortly after, a small, black-haired woman rushes into the room.
"Agent L/N? Are you alright, is there any-,"
"I just- where- did my- wh-where is my team?" The stutter surprised you and you sat up fast, not realizing how prominent the pain in your abdomen was until it was too late. You let out a soft gasp, but looked at the nurse to hear an answer.
"Oh, uh, honey... I asked as they left and the tall, broody one said that there was an emergency." She walked up to you and turned a dial on your IV machine, gently asking you to lay down again.
You complied, not fully paying attention. Your mind was somewhere else; thinking about the harshness of your team, but you had to assume that this was Hotchner's doing.
"You alright, sweetie," the kind nurse asks, her name is Monica.
You nod slowly, your head feeling a lot lighter than it had when you woke up. "Yeah. I'm okay. Um, before you go can you hand me my phone?"
She nods, looking at you for where, and you gesture to the bag that's slightly out of your reach. Monica hands you both the phone and its charger, pointing to an outlet on the wall behind your head.
Nodding in thanks, you plug the charger into the wall and watch the kind nurse leave before unlocking your phone. You see immediately that you have five missed calls from your mother, and after further searching, you notice messages from Emily, JJ, and Penelope. JJ's was the most recent, so you open hers first.
JJ (BAU) 43 minutes ago.
Hey Y/N, In case you wake up before we get back, Hotch called our debrief meeting, so we all went back to the precinct. Sorry, hon.
xoxo JJ and the Girls
You didn't register the tears until they were falling down your cheeks. You sighed a bit and replied to JJ's message with a short, 'got it'.
As soon as you pushed the 'send' button, the door to your room opened again and your entire team rushed in.
Well, most of the team.
Really, everyone except one person.
You were quick to wipe your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you had been crying. JJ walked to the chair beside your bed and sat down, giving you the most gentle hug as she did.
"Did you get my message? Are you feeling okay? Do you need a nurse, any water?"
"JJ, you're momming her," Derek joked as he bent to give you a hug. "For real though, you feelin' alright, lil mama?"
You nodded, sending him a tight-lipped smile as Emily walked over to the other side of your bed, bringing Penelope with her on a video call.
Spencer even came by, but he looked relatively uncomfortable and stayed by the door.
Waving at him a bit, you say, "You can come in you know. I won't bite."
"I know, Y/N. I was just worried. Statistically speaking, you survived on an off-chance. The ratio was close to 83:17, and the bullet entered your abdomen in-"
"I get it Spence. I should be dead," you pause slightly seeing everyone's wide-eyed look at your bluntness, "BUT I didn't die, so everyone can stop looking at my like I'm going to break and just settle." You chuckle a bit and sigh as you see the rest of the team besides Spencer nod their heads or visibly relax their shoulders.
"You're right, kiddo," Rossi says quietly, "You're okay, and we can celebrate that."
"Thanks, Rossi." Smiling, you lean into his hand, which was cradling the side of your face for a moment. "Can someone get Hotchner please? I had some words that I'd like to have him hear."
JJ places her hand on your arm then and says, "Y/N, maybe that's not the best idea right now."
"No," you shake your head and make eye contact with her, "That's exactly what I need right now."
"Spencer, can you go get him please? He's just sitting out in the lobby, correct?" You snap a little harsher than you meant to.
The boy stutters a bit, but eventually nods his head and walks out of the room. The rest of the team shares a look before also walking out, giving you space for when your boss comes in.
Sitting up straighter in the bed, you even your mouth into a thin line just as Hotchner walks in the room.
"Am I off the clock right now, sir?" You don't miss the way his eyes flash to your lips but you choose to ignore it.
He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, "Say what you need to say, agent."
"Who the hell do you think you are? Calling the debrief not only at a time where one of the team members can't make it, but when the team member is in the hospital with a GSW wound." Your voice rises steadily as you continue talking, but you have more to say. "Not only that, but you couldn't even be bothered to make sure I was okay when the debrief was over?" Subconsciously, you recognize the switch from a third-person mindset to a personal one, but you pay it no mind.
"Agent L/N, you-"
"No. You will call me Y/N, and I will be calling you Aaron. We aren't on the clock right now and you don't deserve my professionalism," the heart monitor spikes in tempo, and you throw the blanket off of your lap.
He quirks an eyebrow at you as you command him, but nods his head slightly, letting you be in control for the moment. "Go ahead, Y/N. You get whatever irrational anger you have towards me out in the open and we can deal with the consequences later."
"I left EVERYTHING for this job, Aaron. I left my mom, who never stopped grieving a lost son, I left my job there thinking this would be better, and I lost friends and people who actually cared about my well-being. People who wouldn't leave one of their own in an unknown hospital to wake up by themself, not sure if they were even actually alive since there wasn't anyone with them." You saw Aaron flinch with everything that you listed, but you didn't care. He needed to hear it. "So yeah, Aaron. I get to be angry, and you don't get to tell me it's irrational, because this is the most rational I think I've been this entire year."
"Y/N. You put not only yourself, but me, and the rest of the team in danger yesterday. Excuse me if I don't want to see you and be around you while you're in the hospital." Really, if burned Aaron to his core that he couldn't reach over and tuck the stray piece of hair behind your ear, because right now that's what he wanted to do. Except it's inappropriate and he's not sure you'd let him within three feet of you.
"NO! You see, that's not how it works. Are you telling me that if you saw a little boy with a gun trained on them, you wouldn't have done the exact same thing?" Hot tears fill your eyes, but you don't wipe them. You almost hope that him seeing you cry will make him feel bad, if even just a little.
Glancing at the way his jaw was set and how he clenched his fists in his lap, you knew he was struggling to keep his cool, so of course you pushed harder.
"What if it was Jack, Aaron."
"Dammit, L/N, it wasn't Jack. It was just some boy that we couldn't save. We shouldn't have been able to save him. You didn't use the training you had, and you didn't use the rational part of your brain. As terrible as that sounds, and trust me, I never want to lose a victim, if you had used the training from the bureau, we wouldn't have saved him. " Aaron stands up and paces the length of the bed then, feeling your eyes following him the whole time.
You shake your head as you let your gaze fall to your lap. "I wasn't going to let him die again... I wouldn't have been able to live with myself."
Aaron's eyebrows furrow a bit and he looks at you with angry curiosity in his eyes, "Again? What do you mean by that?" That's when Hotch remembered earlier when you mentioned her mother who lost a son. "Y/N, did your brother... No. Actually, I'm sorry, just forget I said anything,"
There was a dark anger in your eyes as you shook your head. "No, Aaron. Ask me. Ask me this one question, and then reassess your profiling of me."
His gaze turned steely as he squared his shoulders again, showing no emotion in his voice as he spoke. He almost felt like the best way to approach you right now was as if you were the unsub.
"Was your brother murdered, Y/N?"
Dropping your head, you feel the tears burning in your eyes again and you nod. "He was only five. He had his whole life ahead of him. You'd think a child would be safe with a group of nuns or a priest, but no. Not even them. He was branded with a cross before he was killed and it's just unfair."
Aaron starts to walk closer to your bed, seeing the devolving pattern of your breathing, "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I-"
"No. Aaron, just, please go. I'll catch a flight home when I'm allowed to fly again, so you guys just go home and I'll figure it out. I mean, that's what I did when I was waking up by myself, right? Go ahead and fire me if you need to, suspend me, I don't care anymore, but I'll come back when the hospital says it's safe." You take a deep breath and watch as he turns away.
He gets all the way to the door before he turns back around and says, "What was his name."
Hotch nods and walks out of the door, remembering that the final victim, the one that you saved, was named Joseph.
After the encounter with Hotch you fell asleep. The heavy medication and the anger in your head knocked you out easily. You were asleep for a few hours, but you woke up when your pain medication wore off.
You noticed that your work phone had a few notifications, so you sat up a bit and looked through them.
There were two that stood out to you. The first one was a notification that read "Hotchner (Asshat) has added you to the group 'BAU Team'". The second was his message in that group chat.
Hotchner (Asshat) 2 hours ago
Hey team, change in plans. We will be staying here until Y/N gets cleared to fly. It should only be a couple of days and I know we were planning on flying out tonight. Sorry, Thanks.
As soon as you liked his message, your texts were blowing up from Emily. She was saying stuff about how "he totally likes you", and about, "you had a rough time on this case".
Also, apparently Derek saved all of his sarcasm for when Hotch got back, and the thought made you smile.
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the shrooms cafe
part 1- watermelon tea with strawberry boba
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hello everyone 🥺 this is the first series i've ever done so i'm a little nervous but i'm so excited because I really like this story!!!
this is the first part, and I have literally no idea how long it will be because I don't have a solid plan/outline yet! so feel free to send little concepts or things you would like to see included 🥺 i can't guarantee they will be added but i'll definitely try my best :)
shrooms cafe masterlist
my masterlist
warnings: none
word count: 2k
"Stella, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" You called up the stairs. "Come down so you can eat breakfast!" "Yeah Stella, hurry up!" Seraphina yelled from her spot at the dining table. She was finishing up her fruit loops with a grin on her face. "You're going to make us late!" As the youngest, she often liked to bother her sisters. She was only five, just starting kindergarten, but she was already a master at getting under their skin.
"Sera, don't antagonize your sister, please," you reminded her. "She's not going to make us late." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Seraphina, you're so immature." Despite only being 11, Sophie was clearly the mother hen. You sometimes joked that the girls didn't even need you; Sophie would take on the role of their mother with no problem. "Besides, you were the one who made us late yesterday." "It's not my fault I couldn't find my purple socks. What was I supposed to do?" "Maybe wear different socks?" Sophie suggested smugly. "You know I need my purple socks, otherwise I can't write my words!" Sophie rolled her eyes again. "You don't need a certain color socks to write." "Yes I do!" You smiled to yourself, turning back to the fridge as the two bickered. You pulled out the ingredients you would need to make their lunches, then reached up on your tiptoes to get their lunch bags from the top of fridge. "Okay girls, what kind of sandwiches do you want today?" "Peanut butter and jelly!" Seraphina said excitedly. "Why did I even ask?" You smiled. "And Sophie?" "Turkey please, but I can make it myself," She said, sliding off her chair and bringing the breakfast dishes to the sink. "Thank you, love," you said, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You are such a big help in the mornings, I don't know what I would do without you." "You would have a real handful dealing with those two," She said matter-of-factly. "That I would," you laughed, handing her a butter knife. "Stella!" you called again. The 8 year old came running down the stairs, carrying her backpack and another bag. "Did you forget I have dance today?" "I did not forget," you reassured her. She liked to plan things, and got worried quickly if she wasn't kept in the loop. "I'll pick you up at the door by the playground, does that work?" "Actually, I was wondering if I could walk today? A bunch of my friends do, and I feel kind of weird having my mom drop me off." "That should be fine," You nodded. "But stay with the group, don't go off by yourself." "I won't," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're so overprotective." "Oh yes, I'm so sorry for trying to keep you safe," you laughed. "Now what do you want for lunch?" Once everything was ready, the four of you made your way out to the car. Stella climbed into the back, and Sophie helped Seraphina get buckled. Even though the three of them bickered a lot (as sisters often do) it wasn't hard to see how much they loved each other. "Everybody buckled?" You asked, looking behind you. When you heard a chorus of confirmation, you started your playlist and smiled when the opening notes of Adore You filtered through the speakers. It was easily one of your favorite songs, and the girls liked it just as much as you did. It wasn't a long drive to the cafe; it took about 15 minutes if traffic was good. The girls' school bus stopped about a block away, so they walked there together every morning. Then after school, they would come back to the shop and read books or finish homework until it was time to close up and go home. You parked in the lot behind the shop, helping the girls out of the car and making sure they had all their things. Seraphina held out her hand, and Stella grabbed it to help her jump over a puddle on the sidewalk. Sophie gasped excitedly. "I think that was the biggest jump you've ever done!" The girls promptly launched into a discussion about who could jump farther as you unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, they made their way over to the mushrooms to find some books for the day. Their voices filled the shop as they chatted about school and the cute boy Stella liked and the kitten they had seen outside their house the other day. You went about your morning duties, flipping on the lights and starting up the coffee machine. You also turned on the oven, preparing to bake the muffins. (They were frozen- who has the time to bake them fresh? Certainly not a mother of 3.) Once the kitchen was ready, you went over to the radio and tuned it to a familiar station, the soft
music adding some pleasant background noise. "Okay girls, it's time to get to the bus stop," you said, leaning over the counter to speak to them. "Don't forget, I'm walking to dance," Stella said, pointing at you as she walked to the door. "I won't forget," you said, pointing back at her. "Have a good day!" "Bye mom," Seraphina waved her small hand at you. "Bye honey, bye Sophia," You smiled, blowing a kiss to the three of them. "See you later!" Once the three of them were gone, you went around to the shelves and straightened up, getting ready for your first customers.
After the lunch rush had dwindled down and the shop was nearly empty again, you were getting ready to go on your lunch break. You had just leaned down to grab a sandwich from the deli case when the bell above the door jingled, alerting you that a new customer had come in. You straightened up, your eyes going wide when you realized who it was, but you quickly fixed your face and smiled. "Welcome to the Shrooms Cafe!" "Hello," the man smiled back, speaking in a deep British accent. "I saw your sign for boba tea, and I've been looking everywhere to find some. You're the third shop I've been to today, so I'm really hoping you're not sold out like everywhere else," he grinned, coming closer to the counter. "No, we're not out! What kind did you want?" You asked. "Um... probably should have thought about that before I came in," he laughed nervously, looking at the menu above your head. "Oh, don't worry about it, we're not busy right now," you said reassuringly. “Take all the time you need.” He smiled gratefully, stepping off to the side while he read the menu. Meanwhile, you fidgeted with towels and wiped off the work surfaces and tried to pretend you weren’t staring at him. Who could blame you, really? Harry Styles had just walked into your coffee shop. Who wouldn’t stare? “I think…” he spoke again, breaking you out of your trance. “I’ll do the watermelon tea, with strawberry boba, please.” You nodded, laughing lightly. He quirked one eyebrow, smiling along with you. “What’s funny?” “Oh, no, it’s just… of course you would order the one with watermelon.” “Oh,” he smiled, and you thought you detected a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “I guess I do have a bit of a reputation with fruit, don’t I?” “Just a little,” you grinned. “One watermelon tea with strawberry boba, coming right up.” After ringing up the order, you quickly got to work. Instead of his real name, you wrote “watermelon man” on the sticker on the cup. Hopefully he would appreciate your little joke. “Here you are,” you smiled. “I hope it’s good, seeing as you worked so hard to find some.” “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he laughed, grabbing a straw from beside the cash register. You also noticed he had dropped a generous tip into the jar, probably while you had been busy making the drink. “Have a nice day,” you smiled. “You as well,” he said with a small wave before he made his way out the door, sipping his drink as he went. You sighed, shaking your head with a small grin as you grabbed the sandwich from earlier and went to a table for your lunch break.
“Hi mom!” Sophie yelled, holding open the door for Seraphina. “Hi girls!” You called from the back corner of the shop. “I’m by the mushrooms!” The girls quickly found you, Seraphia hugging you and Sophie situating herself on one of the short stools. “How was your day?” You asked. “Good! I gave my report on monarch butterflies and guess what Mrs. Wilson said?” Sophie asked, leaning forward. “What did she say?” “She said it was the best report she had heard all day. She waited until the other kids left so they wouldn’t feel bad, but still,” she said proudly. “Oh wow! I’m so proud of you,” you said, moving over to hug her. “What did I tell you? You can do anything you put your mind to,” you smiled. “Including writing the best report in the whole class, hmm?” She nodded happily before turning away from you to pull a book off the shelf closest to her. “Which one are you starting now?” You asked, leaning over her shoulder to see the book she had. “Anne of Green Gables,” she said. “Oh, I loved those books when I was your age,” you smiled. “I think you’ll really like them.”
She nodded, already immersed in the book. You turned back to Seraphina, who was pulling her folder out of her backpack. “And how was your day, miss Seraphina?” “It was so good, look!” She handed you a paper with two gold stars at the top. “My teacher gave me two gold stars. She said my writing was very good!"
"All that practicing we did must have worked, then!" you said, beaming as you looked at her letters. They were still wobbly, but a huge improvement over how they had been at the beginning of the school year.
She nodded. "And then I colored this picture for you!” She handed you another page. This one had a drawing of you holding hands with her, Sophie, and Stella. The three of you had big smiles and lots of adorable little details. Stella had her hair in a bun and was wearing ballet shoes. Sophie was holding a book in her free hand. Seraphina had drawn herself wearing a shirt with a cat (her favorite animal) on it, and she was wearing her purple socks. Lastly, there was you, holding a cup of coffee and wearing a shirt with a big red heart on it. “Since you like coffee so much,” she explained. “It's beautiful,” you smiled, hugging her. “We’ll hang it on the fridge when we get home, okay?” “Okay,” she agreed. “Why don’t you find a book and read with Sophie for a little bit? We have just over an hour, then we have to go get Stella from dance.” She nodded, handing you the papers and her backpack before running over to the shelves. She grabbed a picture book, settling into the red cushion in the tree and beginning to flip through the pages.
----- “Alright girls, it’s time to pick up Stella,” you said as you wiped off the counter one last time. You had already turned off all the machines and packed up everything else for the day. You flipped the lights off on the way out, smiling a bit when you saw the hand painted sign for boba tea in the window. Harry came into your mind again, with his easy smile, his kind words, and his blushing laugh. You really hoped you would see him again, even though you knew you probably wouldn't. Your shop wasn't very big or well known. How likely was it for him to come to the same little shop in the middle of London again? Still, it didn’t hurt to hope. Maybe he would decide to try the other flavors and stop in again. Your smile spread even further when you started your playlist and Lights Up was the first song to come on. Apparently, it was going to be hard to forget about him.
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lyjikyu · 3 years
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really long !! and some words might be repetitive ??
whenever you would stay behind for cleaners you would always hear someone playing the piano from the music room upstairs. now your school wasn't known for all that paranormal stuff but of course the spreading of rumors couldn't be helped. you've heard about the popular story of a ghost haunting the 3rd floor girl's bathroom. sure the concept of it might've scared you, but that doesn't mean you believe in it.
the reason why you thought of this was because no one was allowed to go inside that music room, unless they ask permission from the principal himself, who was barely in the school anyway. it has been unused for years now since the previous members of the club were complaining about having to transport the heavy instruments up and down the stairs. so the school had to move the music room downstairs and abandon the old one, which was planned to be renovated for something else. and strangely they left the piano inside the room and never went back to get it. which may have been because of the reason that its heavy. but a rumor did circulate in your classroom that the school principal's wife owns the piano and didn't want anyone to move or touch it.
yet of course you didn't believe them. it was childlike and your classmates probably just wanted to mess with the transferees. though, you were curious to find out who played the piano every afternoon. and so you decided to pay the person a visit.
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"y/n are you coming? jeongwoo said his waiting outside the gate" haruto, one of your best friends, asks as he types something on his phone. presumably texting jeongwoo. "no, you guys can go early. I have something to investigate" you say as you zip your bag close. haruto looks at you and chuckles. "alright then. but don't stay too late. just text or call me if you're leaving" he ruffles your hair and you nod. "jeongwoo's waiting hurry!!" you shoo him off and he pouts looking back at you.
you watch as he goes down the stairs and eventually disappearing. alright! well now is your chance. you walk up the stairs and already noticed the dusty door, which made you speed up your steps. "well this surely needs some dusting" you mumble while examining the old door. it had a glass where you can, barely, see inside. you wiped it and saw the piano inside. the rest of the room was empty though, but it wasn't dirty as you imagined. just then, as you where trying to look at more of the stuff inside, a voice behind you spoke "hey do you need anything? not that there's something inside really" you turn around, startled by the person's sudden appearance. "uh..no I didn't need anything I was just.." your eyes trail down from their face to their hand which was holding a key. it must be the person you're looking for!
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"so you're the person playing the piano every afternoon..?" you say quite unsure. he chuckles and nods afterwards "my name is doyoung. and i'm at the same class as you are actually" he extends his hand out. you look at him and his hand again, before taking it and shaking hands. "im y/n, nice to meet you doyoung. i'm sorry about not really knowing you that much" you smile at him feeling bad. he returns your smile and shakes his head "its alright, but now that you're here maybe we can befriend each other?" he asks as he opens the door and motions you to come inside. "sure!" your smile grew bigger as you step inside the room. somehow his presence didn't really seem bad to you.
"I'm guessing you want me to show you how I play the piano?" he questions, brushing the dust of the seat before sitting down. you nod feeling quite excited. "you can sit down next to me. only if you want to though." he pats the empty space next to him. doyoung was being very kind to you so who were you to refuse? you sit down next to him and watch as he places his hands on the keys before turning to face you. "do you have anything in mind? any piece you want me to play?' both his hands move away from the piano and he gestures while speaking, as if he was doing a speech. which you found quite adorable.
"well there is this one piano piece that my dad loved playing for my mom. I think it was Nocturne Op.9 No.2?" you smile awkwardly. "so your dad's the romantic type huh?" he jokes which made you snort. "good thing I still remember this. alright so just sit back and relax?" he says before he starts playing the first few notes.
you weren't gonna lie this was your first time, since you were a kid, sitting beside someone as they played the piano. you didn't know where you should be focusing but the music was very pleasant to hear.
and after that day, he would sometimes play the piece just to let you know that he was accompanying you in the music room.
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this turned out longer than I anticipated, sorry about that guyss. the stories I've been uploading these days have been very very lengthy (T _T) but i'll try to minimize them !! thank you all for readingg <3 happy birthday to hyunsuk again (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
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