#i didn’t do much for october so i’ll try and participate perhaps
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snailshipping · 5 months ago
guys what’s f/ovember …
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creativia10 · 2 years ago
Touch is still a novel thing for the Fitzroy trio and the new Fitzroy (by marriage). They marvel at moments of enjoying the feeling with their respective soulmate matches.
Pairing: Roman/Virgil, Logan/Patton, Janus/Remus
Wordcount: 2202
Warnings: suggestive themes
Let me know if I need to add more.
Notes: Tuliptober Prompt 17-Touch
Admittedly, much of this came to me last night when I was supposed to be sleeping heh.
So, I meant to put this the other day but I forgot. I have some ideas for Halloween-related works at the end of the prompt days, that I would like to post in October. Since I got a bit behind and skipped some prompts. That may mean doing some in a different order than the prompt list has. But like, there aren't very many I've seen participating in this. Also, I haven't seen any others writing fics for this prompt event. Somehow I doubt anyone really cares if I do these in a different order. I figured I might as well give a heads up though.
*Same note about Roman as previous pieces' recursive fic. Roman doesn't fully know he's nb yet here so he uses he/him in here, so use he/they in comments. Ty
Let me know if I need to add anything.
Based on @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors Pieces Verse
Logan and Patton
Touch was something that Logan was not used to yet. They had all grown up being told that touching was indecent and frowned upon. It was another one of the things that Logan didn’t realize he’d been missing until Patton introduced it to them. Patton. His wonderful soulmate.
The two of them were having a picnic outside in a secluded area away from other people. It was nice. They didn’t have others watching them in the manor, and were away from strangers seeing them as well. It was always enjoyable to spend time with Patton no matter what they were doing. Yet still, he appreciated that Patton considered his personal comfort. It also made it easier to try newer things like physical contact with his love.
Some of it came more naturally, which was also strange for Logan. Something about being with Patton made it easier to reach forward to simply hold hands with him. Logan was even the one to initiate their first kiss, something he wouldn’t have predicted. Yet still, there were moments where he couldn’t help thinking about how strange yet nice the feeling was.
The two of them were sitting on a picnic blanket. The basket was in front of them, only little cakes left now. Logan leaned back against a tree they had set up in front of. A seating position that one would think was a lot less comfortable than the cushy chairs back at the manor. Logan found he didn’t mind though. Patton was leaning against Logan with his head resting on Logan’s shoulder. It felt nice. Patton’s curls tickled Logan’s neck slightly where they rested, but Logan couldn’t be perturbed. He reveled in the soft feel of his husband’s hair.
 Logan was very aware of Patton’s warmth in every place they made physical contact. It was very comforting. Logan found he could stay like this for a while and be completely content. And yet.
“I’m torn,” Logan said. “Part of me would like to stay like this for as long as we can, as this feels very nice.” Logan could almost feel how Patton smiled at that.
“And yet…I also rather much want to kiss you. I cannot exactly have both.”
Patton chuckled and sat up. Then he turned to face Logan.
“Well, how about this. We kiss, and then I go back to leaning against you.”
Logan smiled at him.
“Ah yes, but there lies another problem.”
Patton’s eyes crinkled, showing his dimples. “Oh?”
Logan reached up and gently twisted some fingers in Patton’s curls.
“I feel once I start kissing you…I’ll be reluctant to stop.”
Patton let out a bubbly laugh and threw a leg over Logan’s lap so he was sitting on him and meeting eyes.
“That hardly seems like a problem to me.”
Logan hmmed. “Perhaps you’re right.”
They both leaned forward and met in a kiss. Kissing felt very nice. His lips were soft as they moved against his own. They pulled away just barely before connecting their lips again. Patton tilted his head more and oh, that was very nice. Logan reveled in the soft warmth of Patton everywhere they touched. He was enjoying this. Enjoying this contact with Patton, his love. Patton did something unexpected then. Logan felt his tongue dip briefly into his mouth.
Logan squeaked and pulled away in surprise. Patton blinked at him and then gasped.
“Oh, sorry honey! I should have made sure that was okay.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Oh, uh, it’s fine. It wasn’t bad. Just- surprised me.” His face was definitely warm now. Patton looked at him for a moment before giving him a small smile.
Logan nodded, unable to look him in the eyes. “Just, uh, not more than that?”
Patton softened. “Of course, honey. I always want to make sure you are comfortable with anything we do.”
Logan took a deep breath and smiled at his husband. “I know dear. Thank you.”
He leaned forward again to rest their foreheads. Patton gave him another bunny kiss. Something that always made Logan wrinkle his nose and Patton laughed. Logan leaned over to whisper into his ear,
“We can save the more for when we have our space back at the manor.”
Patton looked down a bit, blushing. “I look forward to that, hon.”
Roman and Virgil
It was almost hard to believe that Roman was married now, and to someone he wanted to be with. Virgil. His wonderful soulmate who really was too good to be true. Not who he would have expected, but still the best in so many ways. Roman felt so lucky to have him every time he saw Virgil. It still didn’t feel real. And now, when they had barely known they’d been soulmates, they were living together. He understood Virgil’s fear and wanting them to get married so quickly. Roman certainly couldn’t bare to be separated from his love of course. Yet now, with the reality of this sinking in, some factors dawned on Roman that hadn't at first.
Such as, having to share a room with someone when he hadn’t in a while. Not only that, but a bed. When he hadn’t even been with his love for long yet. It sounded wonderful…but also incredibly overwhelming.
He didn’t know what it would be like, to have someone else in the bed with him. Feeling his warmth just across the mattress. Virgil still wanted to treat them as boyfriends in some ways despite what they were legally. Roman can understand wanting things to be the way he had expected them. Even if in Virgil’s case, it was for a more positive thing. In some ways, Roman appreciated Virgil’s insistence to take things slow anyways. Although Roman hasn't admitted this.
Roman was a hopeless romantic. He loved love. He loved almost everything about being able to be with Virgil. In spite of Roman’s parents still existing in the manor. But Roman was still very inexperienced in anything romantic. He could even say he was inexperienced in even having a friendship. Roman wanted to be with Virgil and loved that he could be, so much. But, he didn’t know if he could be everything that Virgil deserved. Roman didn’t know what he was doing.
He was afraid of messing up. He wanted this to go well. So, well, he got more nervous than he would let on. It helped that simple interactions were easier. Banter wasn’t hard. He bantered with his siblings. There was a different heat to his banters with Virgil though. In fact, often times his siblings would leave if they got too into a debate. Roman didn’t understand why at first. Until he realized that the heat in their debates lead to them touching more.
So, needless to say, Roman had many mixed feelings about this new experience. He sat on the covers, already in his pajamas, as he waited for Virgil to finish up in the bathroom. This didn’t have to be a big deal. They would just be in the same bed. It’s not like he can mess up sleeping. Why was he so nervous about this? He had fallen asleep on Virgil after all, the night they met. Yet, this felt different.
Virgil entered the room when he finished up. He paused and raised an eyebrow at Roman.
“You good, princey?”
Roman briefly imagined Virgil calling him princess, that sounded nice. But he shook away the thought for now to answer Virgil.
Virgil watched him for a moment. He didn’t seem convinced. Virgil walked over and sat next to Roman on the bed.
“You know, you’re allowed to list boundaries for going slower too. If you’re not ready for this, we can sleep separately.”
“N-no,” Roman said. Even though picturing sharing a bed with Virgil made him feel squirmy. He really didn’t want Virgil separate from him now either.
“I-I do want to share the bed. It’s just, I-“
Roman huffed. This was embarrassing. Why was he being so silly over this?
“Hey,” Virgil bumped his shoulder with Roman’s.
“You’re allowed to be nervous, you know. This is new to both of us. I know your stinky parents practically forced us to go too fast, but I would like to sleep next to you if we both want to.” Virgil slowly reached over and wrapped his hand around Roman’s. Roman’s breath hitched a bit. Even small touches like this one felt like so much to Roman.
“The thought of waking up and seeing your gorgeous endearing face the first thing in the morning. Well, it’s uh, it sounds very nice.”
Virgil was not looking at Roman as he said this, but he squeezed Roman’s hand. Roman wondered if he was blushing.
“Aw, thanks Virge.” He very much wanted to kiss him. Roman turned and did his best to give Virgil a peck.
Virgil smiled and turned before giving him a proper kiss. Roman hummed into it.
“Ready for bed?” Virgil asked after they pulled apart. Roman sucked in a breath and nodded.
Virgil made his way over to the other side of the bed. Roman got under the covers and turned toward Virgil.
“Hey,” Virgil turned on his side to face Roman as well. He reached over and lightly caressed Roman’s cheek.
“We don’t even have to touch or anything.”
“I don’t, um, I wouldn’t mind if we did. Just a little.”
Virgil smiled and nodded. “You got it.”
They scooted towards each other. They scooted towards each other. There was just enough space to reach a hand across each so they could hold hands between them.
“Is this good?” Virgil asked. Roman nodded.
“Goodnight my love,” Roman said softly. Virgil leaned up to kiss Roman tenderly on the forehead before resting his head back on his own pillow.
“Goodnight, Ro.”
Roman’s eyes fluttered closed as he sighed. Content. This was nice. A good start. He looked forward to when they were ready for more.
Janus and Remus
Janus and Remus lay in bed together, on their sides so they faced each other. It was almost hard to believe now, knowing that they both actually loved each other. The natural touches they were already inclined to were completely fine. Janus had never thought he would be physically affectionate. Certainly growing up being taught most forms of touch were indecent didn’t help. Plus, with Janus’ demisexuality and occasional sex repulsion, it wasn’t something he often wanted.
Then Janus wound up with a soulmate who was physically affectionate. Even though Remus was new to touch himself. Janus found he had alternating desires. Longing for innocent gentle touches shared with Remus along with the other kind. It was new. But it was great because this was Remus.
They both scooted in towards each other so they were right against each other.
“I have you now,” Remus muttered. “I never want to lose you again.”
Janus smiled. “I share the sentiment.”
Things felt different now but in a good way. Janus started to, almost mindlessly, lightly trace fingers along Remus’s arm, up and down. Remus reached around Janus and gripped his hips.
“Is this alright?” He asked. Janus nodded.
“Yes,” He said softly.
Remus rubbed his thumbs against Janus’s hips. Why did that feel good? Janus sighed and fluttered his eyes closed. Their foreheads rested against each other. After a moment Janus felt Remus’s breath against his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. Janus sucked in a breath.
“Y-yes, of course.”
They had kissed before. Not even a few moments ago. But it had been in the heat of the moment. It felt different, thinking of it before now. His brain was still processing that they could do these things now. He guessed it could be a process to get out of the pining mindset. Like it was too good to be true.
Remus brushed his lips briefly against Janus’s, very warm. Then he connected them for a proper kiss. Janus hummed into it as he moved his lips against Remus’s. Remus ran his hands down Janus’s sides and pulled him closer. Janus loved the feel of how close they were to each other. It was a lot, but it was wonderful. They pulled apart to breathe then went back in for another. These moments were so good. After a bit, they stopped. Remus playfully nibbled at the corner of Janus’s chin, getting him to giggle and smack Remus lightly.
“You’re ridiculous.”
Remus hmmed. “Yeah, but I’d like to think you like it.”
Janus smiled at him warmly. “Yeah perhaps. Don’t know what that says about me, but I can’t complain.”
Remus winked at him. “That you’re perfect?”
Janus scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Flatterer. You’re overdoing it a bit.”
Remus snorted, “Nahh.”
Janus shook his head. They lay like that for a moment, still warm between them. Remus moved his hand down along Janus’s side and started to lightly caress the side of Janus’s thigh.
“I look forward to the day we are ready to do more, physically.”
Janus looked away, blushing. But he smiled shyly.
“Yeah…me too.”
He leaned against Remus more and they lay like that in bed for a while.
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mollygetssherlockcoffee · 5 years ago
Thirty Seconds
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Summary: (Five Minutes, Part 4) Y/N enters the maze
Warning: Blood, kidnapping, maths (yes there’s a warning for that because it kills me)
Words: 2,360 
A/N: I hope no one looks at my search history because... not good
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Five  Part Six
Master List HERE   Permanent Tag List HERE
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You look at the LED display which gives you your instructions.
 Unlock the door at the top of the stairs. Enter the maze. Forty-five minutes.
 You don’t bother to step over the pictures, not caring about the dirt from your shoes transferring. The steps are framed by a washer and a dryer, both in a dishevelled state from where you had searched them. Gripping the key tightly, you climbed the stairs and slid it into the lock. You turned the key, unlocking the door and pulling it open.
A wall extended from each side of the door, floor to ceiling and, once again, made completely of concrete. The path extended away from you, but the ceiling lights showed that it veered into two different directions.
 With the walls being floor to ceiling, there was no way for you to see above them and determining how big the maze was. The forty-five-minute timer set could be wholly unrealistic but what choice did you have? You had to at least try.
 You put your right hand on the wall, just like Spencer had said back in October, and take a final deep breath. You stepped into the maze, ready to begin your next task, one that you hoped was both your last one and not. Last, if it meant your team finding you. Not your last, if your team didn’t find you and you needed to survive.
 You kept your right hand on the wall as you travelled through the maze, the concrete scrapping at the delicate pads of your fingers. It wasn’t a painful feeling, but it was slightly uncomfortable. You ignored it, concentrating on keeping a level head as you walked through the maze.
 You had been close to death. You had barely found the key in time before the timer had run out. You had thought you were going to die for sure, that you would fail the task and the unsub would appear and kill you.
 You could have died and you would have never had seen your friends or family again. No more well-meaning lectures from your parents. No more worrying about how your younger sibling was fairing at college. You wouldn’t have Penelope dragging you shoe shopping again, and Emily wouldn’t be able try and convince you to have a drink with the team. Hotch wouldn’t stand behind you during interrogation sin a silent display of support, and there would be no more dinner parties or personal conversations with Rossi. Derek wouldn’t tease you about your ‘twin telepathy’ with Spencer.
 And, oh, Spencer. You’d miss out on so much, you had so many plans. You were going to take him to a concert your favourite band was holding. In return, he was planning on taking you to a lecture on molecular physics. You wouldn’t be able to bounce ideas off each other again, he wouldn’t be able to supply the words you couldn’t quite grasp when trying to describe something.
 No, stop it. You were going to be okay. You had made it this far. As long as you followed Spencer’s directions and kept right, you would make it out of the maze. You were not going to let some unsub beat you.
 You had went up against unsubs before. Everyday of your career was full of them and you hadn’t lost yet. You were not going to lose this time. You had been there to help stop Tobias Hankel, Mason Turner, and Robert and Linda Reimann. If you could get through them, you could get through this.
 Your nose scrunched up as a rancid odour filled your senses. Your left hand lifts to cover your face as you choke on air, the smell turning your stomach. The smell is strong and sharp, and almost seems to burn your nose.
 And its coming from your right.
 You have no choice, you have to follow it around, you can’t detour from your path or you’ll never make it out of the maze.
 You turn the corner.
 There, on the floor, is a large stain. It’s a dark, rusted red. Smeared across the floor, as if someone had half-assed trying to clean it us, the blood was easily identifiable. Someone had died here. It could only have been the second victim or the fourth. However, the second victim refused to participate and the fourth completed it… maybe the second victim refused to continue and was then killed? Or did the unsub have more victims he didn’t advertise?
 You stepped over the blood stain and continued on.
 From the stain, you know that the method of death wasn’t pleasant. You knew the unsub killed his victims by stabbing them but with the large stain on the floor, you knew it would be overkill. That means it would be painful but hopefully quick. If you were going to die a painful death, you hoped it would be over quickly.
 You turned right again and ahead of you; you could see a door with a LED display above it reads;
 Seven minutes and eleven seconds.
 You had made it. You were about to finish the maze, the second task. You breathed a sigh of relief, rushing for the door and twisting the handle, pushing it open and stepping inside.
 Spencer stood with team as they delivered the profile of the unsub who had taken Y/N. He stood at the back, arms folded across his chest and remained uncharacteristically quiet as the other members spoke.
 “The unsub we’re looking for will be a white male in his thirties.”
“He is probably a man who is of average height and build, and is able to appear unassuming and non-threatening.”
“He most likely works in a profession relating to science in some way. Perhaps as a chemist, a schoolteacher even.”
“He’ll live in the north west Washington area and will be single with no children.”
“His interactions with women would be awkward, perhaps limited. He stabs his victims to get sexual release that he can’t get any other way.”
“He’ll probably drive a hatchback or sedan, nothing that would stand out, nothing flashy.”
 Spencer didn’t know how this profile would help. They currently had no witnesses, no suspects. There were multiple men in Washington who would fit the profile. They’d solved cases like this before but now it was personal, and Spencer couldn’t see the light here.
 Derek’s phone rang he quickly answered it, putting it on speaker. “Talk to me, baby girl.”
“Okay, I got a hit off the car and the partial plate. I’ve followed it back to two separate cars, with single differences in their plates” Garcia informs them. “Lewis Rakers and Bailey Peterson.” “Rossi, Prentiss, you go to Rakers. Morgan and I will go to Peterson’s” Hotch orders. “Garcia send the addresses to our cells and I want a full background check on both of them.”
“Yes, sir” she hung up.
Hotch turned to Spencer, “Go over all of the victim’s schedules again and see if their paths crossed in anyway, make sure we didn’t miss anything.”
 Spencer knew they hadn’t missed anything, that Hotch was just trying to give him something to do because he refused to let Spencer into the field. He nodded anyway, moving back to the room which held the case files while Hotch instructed JJ to visit the ME to find out more about the newest body found, that of Lydia Webb.
 Lewis Raker opened the door to his basement, his arms full of washing as he climbed down the stairs. He shoved the dirty laundry into the washing machine, adding the detergent before pressing it on. He sighed as he looked around the messy basement, he’d have to clean it up soon. A knock sounded from upstairs and he left the basement, closing the door behind him as he went to the front door.
 Bailey Peterson put away the final item, looking around his basement. Once a mess, he had managed to tidy it up in less than an hour. It had involved moving some items, picking up rubbish off the floor but it was done now. The bell for his front door sounded and Bailey quickly hurried to answer it, pulling the door shut behind him.
 David Rossi and Emily Prentiss climbed back into their car. Lewis Raker had answered their questions without hesitation. He had, however, denied them entrance into his home. It was a one storey property, made with grey bricks and had a wooden porch. Thirty minutes outside of Washington, it was in a quiet area with limited neighbours.
 “Do you think its him?” Prentiss asked, not looking away from the house.
“I don’t know, but its strange that he won’t let us inside” Rossi comments, eyes narrowed as he eyed the house with equal scepticism. “Call Hotch, see how he’s getting on.”
Emily pulled out her phone, dialling Hotch’s number and putting it on speaker.
 Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan walked away from the Peterson residence. A two-storey building made of bricks, it was an eye catcher in the neighbour-less area of north west Washington. They climbed back into their car, not bothering with their seatbelts as they stared at the building in front of them.
 Hotch’s phone rang and he pulled it out of his suit pocket. “Hotchner.” “Hey, we just got done with Raker. He gave nothing away and wouldn’t let us into the house without a warrant” Emily informed him.
“We just had the same interaction with Peterson” Hotch confirmed. “I’ll patch in Garcia and see if she’s found anything.”
 Putting the phone on speaker, Hotch dialled Garcia’s number and added her to the call. She answered the call on the second ring, greeting the team with her usual quippy comment before jumping straight into giving them the information they needed.
 “Okay, only one of our duo matches the profile. He’s not a chemist or science teacher, but his dad was. He works as a janitor at a local high school though, so he could get access to the ingredients to make the chloroform. No wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or anything that can be seen. I also went over CCTV of the areas where the victims went missing and it took a while, but I found the car in every camera. Sometimes the times aren’t exact, but its within half-hour either way.”
 “Who is it Garcia?” Hotch demanded.
Garcia took a deep inhale of breath before she told them the name.
 You were in a new room. It was tiny, if you were to reach your arms out in either direction, you’d be touching the wall. Ahead of you is a door, an alphabetical keypad beside it. Above the keypad is a laminated piece of paper and a timer counting down from three minutes.
 The laminated paper held a riddle and you stepped closer to read it.
 ‘I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?’
 You know the answer to this riddle. You, Spencer and Penelope had a game you would play with each other. You would tell each other riddles, hoping the others wouldn’t know the answer. It was a playful game, something to occupy the downtime when you didn’t have a case. This had been Penelope’s first riddle and she had been annoyed when Spencer had guessed the answer correctly before she had even finished telling it.
 ‘Echo’ you typed into the keypad.
 The door slid open and you stepped through. The new room is exactly the same as the first, the timer reset to read three minutes and it was already counting down. You turned to the riddle.
 ‘I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?’
 This was a riddle you had given to Penelope and Spencer. You had spent ages on Google looking for the perfect riddle before finding this one. You had been proud because Spencer hadn’t been able to answer the riddle straight away. It hadn’t taken him long, only a few minutes, but you still counted it as a victory.
 ‘Map’ you typed into the keypad.
 The door in front of you slid open and you stepped through again. Its exactly the same as the first two and you groan. Riddles were fun but under pressure, you already knew you were going to struggle.
 ‘How can the number four be half of five?’
 This one stumps you. You’re not the best at maths and would admit to that any day. This was not a riddle which was made for you. While you struggled with large sums off the top of your head, you knew that half of five was two-point-five. The math was impossible. Maybe it doesn’t mean the literally number though. The numbers are written as words, maybe that was a clue. It could be ‘fi’ or ‘ve’ or…
 Roman numerals. They used letters, didn’t they? You hated Roman numerals, they were stupid and confusing, not following a logical order which you hated. What was the answer? IIII or IV… wait, IV. Those are two letters which are in five. You couldn’t be certain that they were the Roman numerical version of four, but you were running out of time.
 ‘IV’ you input into the keyboard.
 You hold your breath but then the next door slides open and you walk through. There’s another riddle.
 ‘Find the next three parts of the sequence…. OTTFFS’
 What? You didn’t understand. What was the sequence? It made no sense, there was no method to the layout of the letters. What could they mean? You didn’t even know what the letters could stand for.
 You would have to guess because you had no way of knowing. You looked at the timer, thirty seconds. What were you going to put? You bit your bottom lip and reached for the keypad.
 “SOO” you typed.
 The timer reached zero and the door remained closed. You held your breath, turning around in your spot. The lights went out and you were left in the dark. 
A/N: What’s the answer to the riddle? And, who is the kidnapper/killer?
Permanent Tag List: @sskhair​ @sammypotato67​ @spencerreids-wife​ @yoongi-holland​ @bucky-babygirl​ @youareperrrfectls​ @alexxcorona113​ @tired-draculina​ 
Five Minutes Tag List: @you-got-me-starry-eyed​ @kkoch-pdf​ @yourlocalnorah​ @mandapanda8 @gia-kerks​ @hailmaryyramliah​ @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress  @mailikestruecrimetoomuch​ @fandomgirl17​ @eldahae​ @kianagilder-blog​ @ilovecriminalmindswithallmyheart @loki-an-idiot​ @cevxns​ @andiebeaword​ @thatsonezesty13​ @peaxhyjaes​ @mydoctorwho13​ @yorkeylover​ @spencerslatte​
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lettersfromn0where · 4 years ago
ZFAW: Self-Love Saturday
For the last day of @zkfanworkweek!
It’s no secret that I love writing more than almost anything in existence, or that I’m somewhat absurdly passionate about my work. I’m well aware that a handful of people probably think this is annoying (how many people who have had the misfortune to be in any kind of chat with me never want to hear the name “Hina Oyama” again? Probably most of them), and I was hesitant to do this at all because I know I can be self-centered and I’m trying to work on that. But I realized that I’m not doing this for feedback or because I want people to read my work - if I were to talk about my fic like this, it would be coming from a place of excitement about sharing something I love with others, not about finding new readers. (Have I done a little too much networking of that kind? Yes. Am I proud of it? Not at all. That’s why I had to make sure that that wasn’t why I was doing this.) 
So I’m going to go for it, and give you guys the background behind a few of my favorite things I’ve written. Stories below the cut. 
Story #1: The One That Taught Me That It’s Okay to Fail As a Writer
and I'll write you a tragedy (June 2020)
I wrote this back in June, when I was first getting into AtLA - I think it was my third or fourth published Zutara fanfic. I didn’t have many friends yet; most of the ones I talked to at the time, I've since lost touch with. So my participation in the fandom was largely isolated. I’d just write things and yeet them into the void without a care in the world - that’s what I did with “And I’ll Write You a Tragedy.” I had this grand idea that it would be ~the angstiest thing ever written~ and I was SO excited to get home (I was at the beach when I got the idea) so I could work on it...
Only to find that I simply wasn’t ready for the story I was trying to tell.
Oh, I wrote it, and it was...decently well-reviewed for something that caused me so much existential angst. But it fell so short of the concept that I had for it that, the moment I hit “post,” I was so frustrated that burst into tears. (Like a kindergartner. One can never say I deserve to be called an adult.) I wanted to establish myself in this new fandom so badly that anything I perceived as substandard was a crushing failure. And it was the process of talking myself through that frustration that taught me something I’ve tried to hold close ever since: every writer writes a dud every once in a while. No one is at the top of their game 100% of the time; those who appear to be probably don’t post the duds. Should I have posted this, then? Well, the jury is out on that. I still hate it. But it deserves a spot here just for the lesson it taught me. 
Story #2: the One That Broke the Angst Ceiling 
who lives, who dies, who tells your story (July 2020)
I have no idea how this took my angst from the coltish awkwardness of “sort of sad, but not very well-done” to genuinely depressing, but it did. Maybe I should blame quarantine and all of the difficulties that brought with it, or just the additional writing experience I had gained by that time. Whatever the reason, I remember this - even though it never got very popular - as an absolute triumph for me as a writer, because this is when I FINALLY learned how to write effective angst. For *years* I had thought I was simply incapable of writing anything sad, but this showed me that I wasn’t. I’ll never understood what flipped the switch (maybe it was @hiniwalay, whose help in forming this idea was invaluable...I love and miss you so much <3), but it’s a very important part of my writing journey even so. 
Story #3: The One That Got Inexplicably Popular
Tethered (Zutara Week - written in June 2020, posted in late July 2020)
Zutara Week 2020 was sort of the point at which I established myself in this fandom and I have super fond memories of the warm reception I received at the time. It was such a positive, encouraging experience - and perhaps the one and only time that people have actually wanted to indulge my somewhat ridiculous obsession with fluff. And this was sort of the peak of my entrance into the ZK fandom. 
And I am...not sure how I feel about that. 
Soulmate AUs are obviously super popular, so I knew that “Tethered” was going to be one of my better-recieved ZKW fics if I did it even marginally well. What I did NOT expect was that, by the time of this post, it would be exactly tied with The Waiting Game for my most kudos’d work. It’s almost insane to me that that is a thing, because, while I don’t hate how “Tethered” came out, I definitely don’t feel like it deserved the hype it got. It’s...just another soulmate AU, but seeing that I was capable of writing something that people would gobble up did wonders for my confidence - and, I think, for my reputation in the fandom as well. It was definitely a mile-marker on my journey, even if I would rather it have been a different ZKW oneshot (this one was my favorite).
Story #4: The Twitter Favorite
Four Days and Three Nights (written August 2020)
I will never, ever forget the day I posted this. 
I joined a Zutara group chat on Twitter just before Zutara Week 2020 began, and I quickly became...a little bit desperate for their attention. “The Waiting Game” (much more on that later) sprung from that desperation, but this was the one that actually did something about it. Which is funny, because it was actually a complete accident! 4D3N, as it is affectionately called on Twitter, was the result of my dumb butt reading “Five,” thinking “I want to write something that depressing!”, and just...going for it. I told myself not to overthink things as I desperately banged out the 3166 words of this story in two hours (because I needed to go for a run before it got dark and didn’t start writing until 3), and that is probably the one and only time in my entire life that telling myself something like that actually worked. Writing 4D3N was just sort of this rush that I barely even had time to recognize while I was caught up in it and the result was something I genuinely felt that I could be proud of - that’s pretty rare. My Twitter friends went slightly insane, half of them wanted to stab me (in a good way), and I finally felt like I actually belonged in this fandom - like I had done something to earn a place there. [Caveat: fandom is for everyone and you never need to “earn the right” to be in one, but my brain latched onto the idea that I didn’t deserve to be creating things for a fandom that didn’t want me and would not let it go. Figures.] Lately, I’ve been struggling with this one a little bit because it’s getting a lot of comparisons to “Five” in which it never fares favorably, for obvious reasons, and it was never actually my favorite fic to begin with, but it still means a lot to me. This is the one I recommend to people who are curious about my work and probably always will be. 
Story #5: The Sleeper Favorite
Lean On (written August 2020)
I have no earthly idea why I like this one so much, but it has to be my favorite oneshot I have up. It’s hurt-comfort and dives into the implications of the Agni Kai for Zuko’s health, both physical and mental - maybe it’s the uniqueness of that premise that endeared it to me, or maybe the personal-ness...is that a word?...of the narrative. The bare-bones summary: Zuko’s health is declining a year after the Agni Kai, Katara shows up to do something about that, and what follows is a year of Pain and Heartache for both of them as they try to navigate their conflicting feelings for each other. But really, it’s a story about healing: physically, yes, but also mentally and emotionally. I certainly relate a lot to Katara in “Lean On,” as I’ve been the friend caught in the crossfire of others’ battles with their mental health many times and I wanted to try to write from both sides of that conflict. But I think I probably wrote more of myself into Zuko than I originally anticipated, as well. Quarantine has not been good for my mental health...at all...and I’ve found myself lashing out at my family far more than I should without even knowing why, isolating myself and growing thorns so that no one would come near me. I hate seeing myself like that, and I hate that I can't seem to make myself do anything about it. So really, I was hashing out my own feelings both past and present, and what I ended up with, whatever you might think of its quality, came from the heart. I also, for whatever reason, really liked my writing here, so I have a special place in my heart for “Lean On.” 
Story #6: The Fluff I Didn’t Hate
Waffleosophy (written September 2020)
Look, there's not a lot to say about this, but it’s definitely my favorite fluff that I’ve ever written. I felt like I finally managed to hit the right note with this so that it came off as sweet without being saccharine, and it feels...I don’t know, wittier than what I usually write? I write a lot of fluff but something about “Waffleosophy” made it feel more polished and coherent than most of my other fluff. This was one that, as ridiculous as its premise was, I felt like I could truly be proud of; since I’m often a bit ashamed of how much of my work is fluff (it feels like “cheating” sometimes, as if I write this way because I lack the skill for real emotional beats), that’s saying a lot. 
Story #7: the Insanely Niche AU
Once In a Lifetime (ongoing)
This one gets updated at the speed of snail, but. ZK ice dance AU. It just makes me so HAPPY. 
Story #8: The One That Actually Did What It Was Meant To Do
Hanabi (written October/November 2020)
This heading is ironic because this was originally supposed to be an angsty slow-burn about surviving on an uninhabited island. Instead, it became as unerringly Sarah S---- as any fic ever has. Oops. 
Hanabi sprung from a desire to write something incredibly soft and wholesome. Seriously. That’s it. I had just finished writing a story that got a lot more violent and dark than I had expected it to, and I wasn’t comfortable with that; I wanted to return to my roots, if you will, and write something ~soft~. I wanted to write about good people, doing good things, being good to each other, with as much tender pining as I could cram in on the side. I wanted unique worldbuilding and a relationship that had to be built rather than handed over under the guise of Soulmateism (because this was the period in which I hated The Waiting Game and everything it stood for, aka...that. It was a weird time). And I actually? Did all of that? There’s this F. Scott Fitzgerald quote about how writers have to “sell their hearts” that I think about often, and I did that here. This has as much of my heart in it as anything ever will, I think, and if I had to pick a favorite thing that I have ever written, it would be “Hanabi.” I love it a lot. 
Story #9: The One You Knew Was Coming
The Waiting Game series (written July-October 2020)
I have so many feelings about this that I can’t even really articulate them all. Where would I even start? 
There was the fact that the first installment was written in two weeks (thirteen days, 94,832 words) to try to get the attention of a Twitter chat. There was the matter of Hina Oyama, my blog’s namesake, an OC who took on an absolutely massive life of her own to the point where she was quite literally my coping mechanism over the summer and I annoy everyone I know by constantly banging on pots and pans and screaming about her. There was the way this universe spiraled outwards from its original installment and now has three generations, two sequels, and a prequel in progress (Hina’s origin story, which I am writing for a friend but will most likely never post). There were the friends I made because of this series and all of the inside jokes and headcanons we’ve developed while discussing it. There were all of the existential crises I had (over negative comments, over whether or not this career-defining series is even decent, over the moral implications of writing about people getting stabbed in the sequel...please don’t ask). There is the fact that everyone I come into contact with now knows what Haang is, and that by a close-reading of any passage about Hina or Kya, you could probably learn a lot about me. 
But all I can say, in the end, is that I don’t know if I’ve ever written something that I fell in love with so quickly as I did “The Waiting Game,” or that had as much lasting impact upon me. (It has been five months, and I’m STILL writing in this universe, still talking about it constantly.) I know my TWG obsession is a little annoying, and I know that this universe isn’t really anything special - but it’s special to me, and it always will be. Will I shut up? Abso-freaking-lutely not. Do I care if no one knows what my username means because it refers to an OC in a fic not a lot of people actually like? Not in the slightest! I won’t pretend that TWG is a perfect story, or even that it deserves to be thought of as particularly good, but I will absolutely defy anyone who tells me that I need to “get over it.” (No one has, but my brain likes to tell me that everyone is thinking it.) 
I will never be over stories that move me, especially not ones I created.
And especially not Yangchen Oyama. 
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ladala99 · 4 years ago
Shifting Back to Wolvden - New Features and Pack Orientation
Now that my Lioden king has established himself, I'm shifting back on over to Wolvden. I'll be on Lioden probably once a week to participate in the poll and keep up with the news. That's what I did with Wolvden during my semi-hiatus.
I haven't played Wolvden actively since the end of June, so I'm recapping (mostly for myself) what has happened since then on the site, plus giving a reminder (also mostly for myself) what I'm doing and what my goals are.
- Right before I left, Community Updates began happening, including the new Raffle Wolf system. I had enough time to make a new class in my pack - the Emergency Raffle Girls - who just hang out and have staggered heats so I'll always have a wolf in heat if I win a studding.
- Two Lunar Events happened, including the August Seasonal Blue Moon event. I was able to get on for both of them and get what I wanted the most, although I wasn't able to play this last week as much as I had hoped to.
- Adolescent Apprenticeships have been added, ensuring that wolves will never be dead weight in the pack unless I want them to be. This update didn't require any changes to my pack, just that I remember to press the Include Apprentices button.
- Pupsitter interface has changed for the better. It's so much easier to use and doesn't require bouncing around pages doing math anymore.
- The HTML Editor... changed. Which makes my den page where I keep all my info very ugly in the editor area (and I started trying to clean it up myself before noticing the automatic cleanup button so I'm afraid to touch that now). I know how to read and manipulate HTML well enough so I'm not too worried, but it is annoying. Spoiler tags are nice, though.
- Tier III bases have had their rarity adjusted so they're even (Cool used to be more common than others), and they all throw a bigger variety of bases more often rather than the same as the parents . I haven't been breeding for Tier IIIs yet(the ones I have are mostly to throw desired Tier IIs), so this doesn't affect me much.
- Questing Overhaul just happened this week. So far I like it. I spent 10 SB on the Lottery to receive over 50 SB from the Snake, and that was the Easy quest. The Medium and Hard quests are also just encouraging me to play a specific way - completing Hunts of a particular size and submitting fish. It feels good to be rewarded for just going a tiny bit out of my way to use more of the site. The widget on the side's also very nice so I don't have to keep checking the questing page to see my progress.
- Small Herbalist improvements with Foraging times being reduced based on level and proficiency, and a medicine stock list for quick reference.
- New items... everywhere. In the Lunar Events and in regular gameplay.
Whew, that's a lot of improvements in two months!
Interesting Polls
- Flaming Objects were voted to appear in Lunar Events
- Upcoming opponents will include Humans, Condors, Alligators, and American Crocodiles. (Probably regular gameplay opponents?)
- Upcoming features include more Explore content, more minigames, talent trees for lead wolves, more in-depth wolf personalities, and a month-long yearly event.
- Flowers were voted to be the next Raccoon Wares biome-specific decor. (And yet birds happened first)
- Staff appear to be requesting feedback from the playerbase about the theming of the month-long event. Choice options for manipulating the story won the hype poll, and so far all of the options is winning the genre poll (Horror being the second-largest, followed by Fantasy. There go my hopes that Wolvden will remain primarily real-world based for a while. Yes, Lunar Event exists, but it's self-contained and a dream world, and dreams are weird. I also don't like visual horror, so.)
What am I doing?
So that was the news, but what're my plans for the pack?
I'm still keeping to my goal of having a Sky-based, Ice-eyed, White Merle male as a mate to a future pack leader. This generation, I'm hoping to get an Ice-eyed, Tier II male with White Merle as the next Breeding Male. And I'm still planning on doing it entirely within my pack. Thus far the best I have is a Tier I with Ice eyes and no Merle.
For stat reasons, I plan for a wolf of Dusty's line to graduate to leader's mate next generation.
I also am keeping extra wolves with White Merle, Sky(/Lavender) base, Tier III, and Selene Ornate Spots around to introduce them(or reintroduce them if I lose something) into the breeding pool in the future. It is getting pretty crowded in the Non-Canon Legacies+Interesting NBWs cave. I may have to make a new cave and rearrange things.
...yeah. I had the beginnings of a story last generation, but I lost motivation to write it and honestly I didn't know where I was going with it anyway. As of now, not much about the game is inspiring me, mainly because unlike on Lioden, there isn't drama going on by way of the Fight Calculator. I have one for Wolvden, but since the canon pack is just the lead wolf's family and I've been hand-selecting the next generation pack lead, there hasn't been much conflict.
I'm going to have to think about what I want to do here. I have a fun game down mechanics-wise, but it doesn't lead to in-pack drama since 'being born with the right traits' or 'striving to have a pup born with the right traits' doesn't make a compelling story. That's eugenics when you put it in story form.
I don't have answers right now for how I'm going to introduce conflict. Perhaps this generation will be pretty chill, and the next one will be where I start to introduce conflict. I hope to get that sorted before then.
How long until next generation?
Assuming I roll every day (which I might? But I might not), Pointer will be Lead Wolf until November 9th. I haven't decided yet if I'll swap back to Lioden in October, though, as the current reign kinda makes me want to stock up on October items. I'll probably decide for sure once we get closer.
Once that day comes, I'll swap back to Lioden and start having to deal with the fact that a villain won. It won't change gameplay much (just go with negative karma), but oh boy the story.
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cheri-translates · 4 years ago
[CN] 100 Days - Lucien (Day 51 - 100)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for e-mails which have not been released in English servers! 🍒
What’s the 100 Days Companionship Event?
Day 1 - 3: here
Day 4 - 30: here
Day 31 - 50: here
Day 51
I saw the new bracelet you bought, and wonder if I have the fortune to select a matching necklace for you?
Day 52
Since a certain student seems to have high praise for the dried fruits in the research centre, I’ve prepared some. Could I pair them with the white tea from last time?
Day 53
Your record book ended up with me. I accidentally saw quite a number of bold and imaginative questions. Next time, why don’t you ask me directly?
Day 54
It was a little cold last night, but it felt warmer when I saw the light from the house. Looks like temperature is even more subjective than I imagined.
Day 55
I’ve watched that trending video clip you mentioned. It isn’t an alien life form.  It’s just a deep sea creature which has a more ‘casual’ appearance.
Day 56
A new dessert has been released by that dessert shop you often visit. Want me to buy some on my way home tonight?
Day 57
The new intern is rash and quick-tempered. I miss the times when you, the “class prefect”, helped out.
Day 58
I’ve hooked the little felt fox you made with my keys. Each time I look at it, my mood becomes better.
Day 59
One small flower along the roadside is still blooming tenaciously. I wonder if I’ll still see it again the next time I walk by.
Day 60
A curious white kitten sneaked into the laboratory, and left an “already read” paw mark on my experiment report.
Day 61
I heard that during this season, there wouldn’t be many people at the amusement park. We can take a non-cursory visit to it once.
Day 62
The weather has become slightly cooler, and it’s suitable for wearing that overcoat you picked with me the last time.
Day 63
Seeing your cotton slipper and fluffy cartoon pyjamas, I sense that this winter wouldn’t be cold.
Day 64
I came across a fairy tale. There’s a black goat in the story, and it has a pair of beautiful horns… Do you still want to hear the rest?
Day 65
I seem to have improved in my origami skills, and it seems I can now fold more vivid little creatures now.
Day 66
Why do you need to perplex yourself over having a low laughing point? It shows that you can produce the dopamine to be happy over any trivial matter.
Day 67
When I passed by the park, I discovered that the Rosa chinensis we once saw together have turned into colourful chrysanthemums. Time seems to go by exceptionally quickly when signing in with you.
Day 68 (Halloween)
Title: Mysterious story exhibition
I heard there’s a mysterious Halloween story exhibition today. I wonder if a certain little friend who’s filled with curiosity is interested in going tonight?
Day 69
I’ve spent this October very happily. A large part of the reason is because you’re sharing it with me.
Day 70
I chanced on the postcard you sent me before. The handwriting is very cute, and the contents on it are even cuter.
Day 71
There’s a picture stuffed in the crack of the door. Is that bespectacled person conducting experiments me? He looks very engrossed.
Day 72
I haven’t thought of the answer to the riddle you came up with yesterday. Looks like I’ll have to learn from you this time.
Day 73
You mentioned wanting to learn how to make dimsum using yam paste, but couldn’t find the chance to do so. Do you have time today? We can give it a try together.
Day 74
The mornings of this season are especially moving. It’s just that little lazy bugs like you are likely too cold to get out of bed.
Day 75
The coffee you gave me the last time has a very nice taste. I tried preparing it once, but it didn’t have the same taste. Could you tell me your secret?
Day 76
I had a strange dream, and it seems to be indicating something. I’ll tell you about it another day.
Day 77
The weather forecasts says that it might rain today. Remember to bring an umbrella when you head out, just in case.
Day 78
If nobody does things that may not reap results, this world would likely lose some degrees of fun. Don’t you agree?
Day 79 (Single’s Day)
Received your final wishlist for 2020. It so happens that fulfilling each one of them will require an entire winter.
Day 80
You’re asking me if I’ve ever thought of travelling through time? I have. Each time we part ways, I want to travel to the time when we’d meet again.
Day 81
I’ve bought the material you wanted. Is our agreement from last week to have autumn afternoon tea still valid?
Day 82
You seem very busy recently, and I haven’t seen you appearing at the last row of the classroom. Is my “Class President” free to sign the attendance tomorrow?
Day 83
I like every birthday present you give me each year. Of course, my favourite gift is the one I can see at first glance - you.
Day 84 (Lucien’s birthday)
Having gone through yesterday’s “unhappiness”, I’ve prepared double the amount of “happiness” today. Could I share it with you?
Day 85
The place I’ve gone to attend the meeting at is the northern city you mentioned in Moments last year. Perhaps I could follow your footsteps and check in.
Day 86
When I woke up this morning, I realised that it has already started snowing in the city. I won’t enjoy the first snow on my own, which is why I’m sharing it with you immediately.
Day 87
I realised that you changed to bluetooth earpieces. In that case, will the distance between us be as close as when we listen to songs together using a wired earpiece?
Day 88
The rainbows seen in winter are even gentler than the ones in summer.
Day 89
Lately, I’ve been having some trouble sleeping too. This time, it might be your turn to be my little sleep assistant.
Day 90
Thank you for the gloves you gave me. They’re very soft and warm.
Day 91
I enjoy this feeling very much - eating a bowl of piping hot noodles in a warm, small store with you during cold weather.
Day 92
When I was tidying the bookshelf, a card fell out of one of the books you once borrowed. Do you still remember what you wrote on it?
Day 93
Without realising it, the agreed-to conclusion of the signing in is about to arrive. For some reason, I don’t really want it to end.
Day 94
Something to be grateful for is every day that I get to keep you company.
Day 95
A few petals from that pot of flowers you’re tending to fell onto my window sill. I’ve made them into two dried flower bookmarks.
Day 96
Saw a pair of earmuffs which suit you. This way, your ears wouldn’t always be red from the cold.
Day 97
Sorry, I’ve been tidying up data in the laboratory today, and just saw your message. I wonder if it’s too late to agree to your dinner invitation?
Day 98
You don’t always have to meet my expectations, because you often surpass my expectations.
Day 99
The movie salon you mentioned sounds really interesting. If I’m participating in it with you, I'm definitely very willing to go.
[Note] The word ‘salon’ here refers to a social gathering!
Day 100
To me, a hundred days is too short. Even without such an event, my company will definitely not stop at just a hundred days.
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mhdiaries · 5 years ago
Diary of Clawdia Wolf
I’ll make you a villain if you read my diary.
August 25th
Today I was walking through the streets of Londoom I just wanted to howl and do a little dance because I’m so excited to be here. I didn’t, of course, do the dancing part, since I’m the one with the “clumsy gene” in our family and I didn’t want to fall through an open monster hole cover. It has never bothered me that I’m not as athletic as the rest of the pack, because I think it was pretty apparent even when I was a cub that I was better at writing stories about my brothers’ and sisters’ athletic exploits than participating in them. It’s not that I didn’t try, but my mind and body may have been in concert but they were not playing the same tune. I remember the last organized soccer game I played: the coach put me in the goal partly because I was tall for my age and partly because he thought that perhaps the prospect of a ball being rocketed toward me might keep my attention. It worked for a bit, until the ball stayed at the other end of the pitch for a while, and a butterfly landed on the net. All of a sudden I became a ferocious were-spider who decided to give the butterfly a reprieve. So I climbed up in the net to shoo it away when I heard my dad yell, “Clawdia, turn around!” A ghoul was on a breakaway, and the only thing between her and me was open pitch and the ball. I tried to turn, and my spikes caught in the net, so I just closed my eyes and leaped toward the front of the goal. Somehow the ball ended up in my claws, and I kept the ghoul from scoring. It was my one and only athletic achievement, so I retired with my legacy in check and got a good story out of it, which, I’m sure, will end up in one of my screamplays some day.
September 8th
I was sitting in the lecture hall today not really paying attention like I should have been, partly because I was working on a not-for-that-class writing assignment and partly, okay, mostly, because symbolism in ghost-modern, neo-realist goblin cinema is only slightly less painful than rolling in flea-infested wolf’s bane. Honestly, I have no idea what a goblin miner wearing a red hat and pushing an empty ore cart says about the state of modern goblin-kobold relations. I’m sure it is profound and important, but well... it doesn’t matter. What did matter, howere, was that the professor asked a question that he wanted all of us to answer, and I didn’t hear the question. I could have asked him to repeat the question, of course, but then I would have had to acknowledge that I had not been paying attention, and since this particular professor hates that, I knew I was going to have to wing it on the answer. Which made me nervous, which made me look for something to chew on, which meant I wasn’t listening to the other answers, which meant I didn’t have a clue when he got to me. So when he said, “Ms. Wolf?” I said I didn’t think I could add anything to the discussion that had not been more profoundly stated in the answers my classmates had already given. This caused the rest of the class to burst out laughing, to which the professor said, “While I appreciate your humility, your answer leaves us no closer to knowing how many siblings you have.” I was mortalfied, but even more so when he said, “Please do try and pay better attention going forward.” Unlive and learn, Clawdia, unlive and learn.
September 15th
I’ve been using my iCoffin tablet to do some of my writing lately, and I really like it. I mean, I like the tablet. It’s great for doing video chats, and there are some really cool Londoom based apps that have helped me find my way around the city better. As for the writing part, I still prefer my chewed pen and leghoul pad. It may be old-fashioned, but there’s something about a blank sheet of paper that’s less intimidating than a blank scream with a blinking cursor.
October 1st
The only thing that’s coming down faster than the temperature in Londoom right now is the rain. I’m not sure what the real temp is, but you know it’s cold when a werewolf has to put on her fuzzy wool socks... brrr... fortunately, dad did a good job preparing me for this climate by never allowing to turn the thermostat up past the “I can see my breath” mark during the winter. We would say, “Dad, the house is freezing!” to which he would always reply, “You can either have heat or you can eat.” Followed quickly by, “We’re werewolves, for ghoul’s sake, put on a sweater if you’re cold.” Then we’d all look at mom, who would just shrug her soldiers. It was one of the only things she couldn’t change his mind about. So we’d all just sit snuggled together on the couch watching bad TV, complaining about Howleen’s sharp, unclipped paw nails and making promises about what we’d do when we all moved out and got our own places. I distinctly remember saying that I would turn up the heat so high that it would make Gloom Beach seem like a Yeti cave. So the first time it got cold here, I did just that, and it was every bit as amazing as I imagined it would be, until I got my first heating bill. Let’s just say that grocery shopping for the next few weeks gave me a completely different perspective on dad’s old saying. I’m pretty confident that saltines and marmite will never darken the shelves of my cupboard again after having that formerly tasty combination as my only breakfast and lunch option for a fortnight. I’m really missing being able to snuggle up on the couch with my pack of siblings, and I wouldn’t even complain about Howleen’s uncut paw nails... well, maybe not a lot.  
October 6th
I had a great video chat with the fam tonight, and they could not stop talking about Draculaura being chosen as queen of the vampires. They were in complete shock, and I have to admit it was quite a surprise to me as well. The vampires haven’t had a queen since the last chosen one, a young vampire ghoul named Elissabat, disappeared some 400 years ago. What is really curious about this, as if Draculaura being chosen as the new queen right out of the boo wasn’t curious enough, is that Clawdeen told me Draculaura’s choice was confirmed by the Vampire’s Heart. I have actually been doing quite a bit of research on the heart, which is really just a massive jewel with magical properties, for a screamplay I wanted to write about the mystery of the missing queen. There are many scholars that believe the jewel disappeared at the same time the ghoul who would be queen did; so either the scholars are incorrect, or there is more here than meets the eye. I didn’t want to be the one to rain on the funeral though, until I had a little more proof, especially with Clawdeen being so excited about attending the coronation. I did notice that Clawd wasn’t in the room with everyone else, and I’m wondering how he is dealing with this news.
October 7th
Clawdeen has sent me at least 30 texts and emails since last night detailing the fashions she’s thinking about taking to the coronation. I can see her now running around the room with absolutely every piece of clothing she owns spread out so she can mix and match fashions. She’s probably also been through Draculaura’s closet several times as well. I love her so much and I wish I could be there to make her laugh when she starts getting too serious. She’s so beautiful, though, that whatever she chooses will probably steal the show. I finally got an IM from Clawd asking if we could talk. This wasn’t unusual, since Clawd prefers one-on-one conversation to fighting for face time in a group. When he popped up on the screen he looked terrible, almost like he’d been crying, although it might have just been bad lighting. As usual, Clawd didn’t want to talk about himself and instead wanted to know every little thing I was doing. I finally had to say, “Stop howling around the moon and talk to me, little brother.” So he did. He told me that he didn’t trust the Lord Stoker character that showed up with the Vampire’s Heart claiming it led him to Draculaura. What’s more, neither did Draculaura. They both thought Draculaura would be miserable being queen, but that she would feel honor and duty bound to take the throne. Even so he was trying to be as supportive as possible and went on for a few more minutes about things that were worrying him. When he stopped I said, “You really love her, don’t you?” He looked down for a moment and swallowed hard, “She’s my best friend, sis, and I’m about to lose her forever.” Now it was my turn to swallow hard, and then he made an excuse about having to leave for practice and said a hasty goodbye. I’m going to do some more digging into this, because something doesn’t pass the smell test here, and a Wolf’s nose is always right.
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dewgossip · 4 years ago
Hello there my little gossiping ducks! Gather ‘round Mother Goose here to learn all about how you ranked the other members of your town — and what everyone thinks of you! The superlatives are in... and I’m ready to share. 
Who is ... in their flop era?
The town voted that HENRY DESAI is in his flop era! After his failed business venture, I can’t quite say I’m surprised. As delicious as his cookies and cakes may be, the valley just wasn’t ready for its own bake shop ... or maybe the fates just had a big old flop in store for poor Henry! Is something burning? Oh, well, it’s not a cake — Just Henry’s hopes and dreams! 
Who has ... the worst hair?
In a unanimous vote ( boring! where’s the drama! ) the town voted KOA ROXAS for worst hair ... when he doesn’t even have any. Boring! Where’s the drama? Sometimes, I suppose bad hair is better than no hair at all. At least you all seem to think so. I wonder if he burned it off... remind him to never get a cheap wig. Synthetic fibers would smell worse than Henry’s dreams! 
Who is ... most likely to break your heart?
I would certainly let my heart be broken by someone as dashing as FINLEY MARTIN — who you all decided was most likely to do it. Now, my heart would never be broken by anyone, because I am always the one who does the breaking ... but this next person, evidently, does not share my (or Finley’s!) prowess...
Who is ... most likely to get their heart broken?
Perhaps there’s some trouble stewing in the General Store, because the person voted most likely to get their heart broken was JILLIAN MERCER. We should have held this back when the store was closing ... talk about kicking them while they’re down! You know I love a good rumor, so if there is any hype around canoodling with either of our heart-break/heart-breaker candidates... someone let Gossip Elder know if it turns out to be true!
 Who is ... most likely to embarrass themselves on national TV? 
Another win... or really, another loss is in the bag for Mr. KOA ROXAS. After a close race, you all decided that Koa was most likely to embarrass himself on national television. Nevermind what he’d be on TV for, if not complaints of arson... how would he embarrass himself? Perhaps the glint of the aforementioned bald head blinds the cameraman?
Who is ... most likely to be a CEO (derogatory)? 
So much for respecting the dead ... you all voted ISMAIL HAQ for most likely to become a CEO. I have several complaints with this one — first of all, it’s not fun to insult people when they aren’t around to hear it and get upset! Second of all, I think him not being a CEO might have been what made him so tense... if he couldn’t keep a Joja open in Stardew Valley, how is he supposed to be a billionaire? 
Who is ... the worst chef in America The Ferngill Republic?
More in cooking and fire failures... the people have chosen MATEO MORENO for not only the Valley’s worst chef, but the worst chef in the country! That’s quite a high honor to place on Matty. His multiple nominations for this award made this an easy win, but there were other people nominated. Mateo, if you’re disappointed it wasn’t unanimous, just imagine how the rest of us feel when we try your cooking! Let’s hope for Ben’s sake you don’t try to improve your knife skills...
Who should ... get out of the Valley NOW?
It is despicable to me that we’ve moved on from bullying the youths of this town to the distinguished elders of it such as myself, and who you all said should leave, BILL “SOCQUES” MERCER. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we already tried to kick the Mercer clan out of town once, and it didn’t work on the other half of Socques’ family! His brother might be younger, taller, married-er and better at singing Journey songs than Socques is... but he also didn’t win this award! 
Who should ... be cancelled by cancel culture? 
Another despicable result, though at least this time the nomination of one of the town’s elders did not result in a win ... how dare any of you try to ‘cancel’ me! The real winner of this prize is SASHA FIORINI, the only one of you with enough relevancy to be cancelled by cancel culture! Let’s all hope a rabid fanbase doesn’t come into town to defend her from this, or, Yoba forbid, start Tweeting with little @ call signs like fiorinisgirl! If this little pop-star (what happened to real music!) gets my blog taken down, I’ll fight her on that beach too — and I’ll win!
Who is ... most likely to stage a coup on Mayor Lewis?
Another day, another win for JILLIAN MERCER! Or should I say, another loss. I imagine that any kind of coup she’d stage would be about as successful as her family’s business, or her fight with Sasha, or her relationships with most people in town, or her skating career... Mayor Lewis would probably have to take pity on her and sign over the documents just to get her to stop yelling at him! 
Who did ... not kill Ismail, but definitely killed someone?
Another murder mystery on our hands might send my poor old soul into an early grave, but luckily — the killer on this front is not one we have to solve! ARCHIE TAYLOR was most likely to have killed. I only hope that if she’s reading this, she won’t kill again. Maybe it’s her glares, maybe it’s the fact that no one is that obsessed with ghosts unless they’ve created one... or a few! Spare me, Archie! 
Who is ... most likely to have a secret famous Twitter? 
It’s hard to believe that this blabber mouth could have a secret famous Twitter — or be committed enough to it for her following to grow. Nevertheless, you all decided that LIZZIE JOHNSON-PHAN was winning the popularity contest ... on the internet, at least, and not in town after that whole Miami debacle. I wonder if we can find any buzzy Twitter users that went on a vay-cay last October, and see if there’s any truth to this!
Who is ... the biggest himbo?
Our first and only stalemate ... and if these two gentlemen don’t know what that means, it means you’ve tied! KOA ROXAS and ARTHUR PENA were voted the sweetest, strongest ... and dumbest of the whole bunch. Which, considering how few of you take my blog as gospel, is saying something — I don’t see many braincells bopping around the crowd. 
Who is ... the biggest bimbo? 
In a unanimous vote is proof in the pudding that intelligence and knowledge are not the same thing — the town’s biggest bimbo is a second-time winner LIZZIE JOHNSON-PHAN! Maybe we should have been looking for dumb Twitter users instead of ones who travel around the world. Let’s just hope she has spell check turned on to make her a little harder to find! 
Who is ... most likely to peak by being nominated for this list? 
In our most contested category, with the most individual nominations and most split votes, it looks to me like this person isn’t even peaking in their own category! It’s a good thing FINLEY MARTIN was nominated for something else on this list, or else they’d be branded peaked by ... barely peaking! A rather unexciting finish in this race with for our favorite runner... or, second favorite, if you go based on the fact that Malia wasn’t even nominated! 
Who is ... most likely to steal the bus to go to Zuzu City?
It wasn’t hard for ARTHUR PENA and LIZZIE JOHNSON-PHAN to win the category of them being most likely to steal the bus into Zuzu City... it’s just hard to tell if they’ll have enough loyalty to the town to bring it back! Maybe this time with no murderer on the lose, these local farmers will go for a joyride instead of an escape plan. Do you think they’ll get me a souvenir? Knowing their status as himbo and bimbo, I’d doubt it’d be any good...
 Who has ... the biggest tab at the Stardrop Saloon? 
What’s another win for this list is another loss for her liver, everyone put your hands together for ... JILLIAN MERCER! I’ve already gone through the painstaking process of listing out all her sorrows, but I’m sure Gus will appreciate her picking up this week’s bill once she’s done drowning them! 
 Who would ... win in a Stardew Valley fight club?
While the Valley’s participants in some of the physical violence we’ve seen were nominated for this category, and took half the vote to themselves — the winner of this ring was ELAINE CARTER! While she seems calm, I agree with the rest of you that she can probably pack a punch... or at least pack her chainsaw with her when she goes to fight, and ward off anyone else who tried to take her title! 
And so is the end of this round of Stardew Valley superlatives... remember that all my silly little jabs are in good fun, and that your gossip grandma loves you dearly. Love and kisses, until next time!
Gossip Elder  
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andiandyandee · 5 years ago
We Are Going to Be Friends Pt. 8
Check it out, I finished the stupid chapter, and it’s not even angsty. (Or in other words, the chapter where we establish that Roman and Logan are completely hopeless and also Logan is soft (tm)
Words: 1681
Here’s the Series on a03
Heres the last part
Tag List: @datfearlessfangirl @princemesscharming @illogicalthinking @holliberries
Let me know if you want tagged! Please Reblog this, without reblogs I don’t get feedback and without feedback you can expect fewer chapters because I’m less motivated to write. 
Anyway here’s the fic:
    By the time they actually finished working through Remus’s English work, it was dark outside, and the crowd downstairs had grown considerably. Where there had at one point been only a few, there were now easily twenty teenagers downstairs. When Logan and Remus walked into the living room, the crowd was, in fact, singing broadway songs. Remus adamantly refused to join in, and Logan didn’t know them, so he too just watched them sing, slightly bemused. Once they had ordered pizza, 10 of them, as a matter of fact, the songs died down and the whole group was mostly just laying around, several conversations happening at once. Logan wasn’t speaking to anyone in particular, occasionally making a quip or answering a question, but mostly just curled up on the couch, glad to be anywhere but at his parents' house.
    His relaxation was cut short by Kai flopping down on the couch next to him, his head in Logan’s lap.
    “Give me attention.” Kai groaned, shifting uncomfortably. Logan instinctively started playing with his hair, which is what he usually did with Alex when she got like this, but he couldn’t help noticing the way Kai was grimacing as he tried to get comfortable.
    “Are you… In pain?” Logan asked quietly, handing Kai a pillow to help elevate his back a bit.
    “Oh. Wait, give me less attention than that.” Logan raised an eyebrow, “It’s fine, just EDS.” Kai replied, obviously hoping Logan would either be too embarrassed to ask or too proud to admit he didn’t know something.
    “Oh, do you have your braces? Or pain meds you need to take? I would be willing to get them for you.” Kai looked at him, mostly shocked, but also confused.
    “You know what EDS is? How do you know I even wear braces, maybe I don’t.”
   “Yes, I am vaguely familiar with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, as a member of my typical social group also has it, though theirs is the vascular kind, rather than the classic type you appear to have. And based on the constant bruises to your hands, wrists, elbows, which are all in the shape of typical bracing equipment, along with the fact that you regularly wear long sleeves or gloves to hide your braces when you do wear them,” Kai made a face at that, “plus you are, currently, wearing a knee brace, I thought it might be an easy jump to make.” Logan had kept his voice so low, it was unlikely even Remus, the closest to the pair, could hear them.
    “My meds would be great, but I don’t want them to see me in my braces. I’ll put them on before I go to sleep.” Logan pinched his face up, but with the benefit of being exceptionally tall, he also had a far longer reach than most, which meant he easily grabbed Kai’s bag, handing it to him.
     “These people are your friends, you know. They wouldn’t mind you wearing something to make you more comfortable. It’s not embarrassing to show that your strength sometimes needs a little help.”
     “Don’t you mean it’s not embarrassing to show weakness?” Kai grumbled, sitting up.
    “Did I say it’s not embarrassing to show weakness? I don’t think I did. It’s horribly embarrassing to show weakness, I would know.” He grinned conspiratorially at Kai’s confusion, “Remus saw me cry like an infant less than 12 hours after meeting me. This,” Logan gestured at the braces and pills in Kai’s bag, ignoring the way Kai looked at him when he admitted that little tidbit of information, “this is not weakness. It is incredible, but vulnerable, strength. And there is no shame in them knowing that you are strong, even if you need braces to, as my acquaintance October would say, ‘kick someone’s ass’.” Kai turned slightly red, mumbled something about kicking his ass if he didn’t stop with the feelings, and pulled his wrist and hand braces out of his bag.
    Kai had eventually gone back to the floor, now trying and failing to flirt with a girl Logan didn’t know but thought might be named Lauren. Remus had moved closer to Logan, leaning against the couch and was occasionally making subdued quips about something ridiculous. Mostly just random facts or commentary on the things the group was doing.
    “Lo! What music do you listen to?” Roman was holding his phone, clearly looking for something to put on. Logan turned red, realizing that pretty much any song he enjoyed would not work with this crowd as it did with his usual acquaintances.
    “I.. don’t think any songs on my average playlist would be suitable for this particular group of people.”  Roman nodded, as if that made sense.
    “Ah, Logan likes that pg-13 music. Should have guessed that.” Logan rolled his eyes, but Roman put on Fall Out Boy with a smirk, and Logan shrugged.
    “My typical music tastes are a little more.. riot starting than this, but sure.” Roman raised an eyebrow at that comment, and then grinned in a way not unlike Remus’s smile, too wide, a little maniacal.
    “Logan Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Starr I refuse to believe you have ever, once in your life been involved in a riot. You’re definitely a ‘Use Your Words’ kind of guy.”  Logan replied, without thinking, with the same joke his friend group made every time someone said they ‘seemed like the type to use their words.’
    “Urine Speaks Louder Than Words,” and then, as if they weren’t already the exact opposite of what the group expected, he followed it up with, “Besides, cops, Nazis, bigots, and assholes all respond better to being kicked in the face.” The chunk of the group who was listening all had wide eyes, but Remus was trying to hold back tears. He was laughing so hard he wasn’t making noise, just tiny, wheezing breaths every few seconds. “I uh... Mean... yes, certainly, a debate is the reasonable course of action to achieve our goals.”
    “Remind me to not piss you off.” Roman squeaked,  his cheeks and ears a little red. Logan, who was trying to avoid eye contact, took this as fear, and immediately went to assure Roman that he would not hurt him, but then somebody got the idea to play truth or dare, which Logan politely declined participation in, which mean of course he was now sitting in a circle on the floor playing.
    “Logan! Truth or Dare?” Dahlia asked with the slightly evil grin most of the group had when asking Logan or Roman to do anything. He had a feeling they were trying to accomplish something, though Logan could not for the life of him figure out what it was.
    “Oh, Dare, I suppose.” Logan shrugged. So far they had dared him to demonstrate his “Strength” by lifting Roman bridal style, had him recite Shakespearean sonnets dramatically, and sing “Fall for You” which was a little too emo for Logan, but several of the group seemed to know. The truths were far more awkward, like asking him his favorite eye color, which was brown, his sexuality, which was queer with no more specifics, if he had any crushes, which he had admitted he hadn’t thought about and did not have an answer for.
    “Let me do your makeup!” She demanded, already pulling a makeup bag from behind her.
    “That’s fine, I suppose. Are you planning on using foundation or eyeliner?” She nodded
    “Yeah, probably. I have some lighter foundation I use on Elliot sometimes.” Logan rolled his eyes, Grabbing his own bag.
    “That won't be necessary, we can use mine. I’m far paler than Elliot. And much cooler-toned, at that.” Roman was looking pink and starry-eyed again.
    “You.. you wear makeup?” He asked in a small voice.
    “Yes, I often wear foundation or concealer, and wear eyeliner regularly on weekends.” He gestured at his face, which now that Roman was looking at it closely, he could see that there was makeup there. Logan looked at Dahlia with a neutral expression. “Would you prefer I take mine off before you begin?” She nodded.
    He went into the washroom and removed his foundation, which left his dark circles and light freckles visible. He scrunched up his nose at his appearance before coming back into the living room, where Dahlia had turned the lights on in, and everyone had dismantled the truth or dare circle. “Are.. we no longer doing truth or dare?” Logan asked with a confused look around.
    “No, I think we’re just going to do makeovers now. All the straight boys are offended about it.” Dahlia grinned as Logan sat down. “Jesus, Lo, have you ever slept in your life? You look like Remus with those circles.” Logan rolled his eyes fondly, handing her his make-up, which was really just foundation, concealer, powder, and eyeliner. She got to work, walking him through what she was doing, though he had to admit he wasn’t paying much attention. Roman was getting his makeup done by Elliot, Remus was doing someone's makeup, but Logan hadn’t cared to remember their name. The night was domestic, a few more jokes about Logan’s comment, twenty minutes of laughter when Dahlia revealed Logan’s makeup and Roman choked on his drink, barely getting out an ‘it looks good’ before he left to get a shower and change to clean up after spitting orange soda into his lap. Logan had felt mostly embarrassed at that, not sure why Roman had had such a negative reaction in the first place. He thought the makeup was well done, though perhaps the red lips and dark blue glitter eyeshadow was a little more dramatic than he was used to. They watched movies until it was nearly light outside, which Logan complained about, only a little since he had plans in the morning, and when Logan left at 9 AM, picked up by Micheal, one of the seniors Logan hung out with most often, in the 1986 pick-up that was more rust than it was metal at this point,  he was in a relatively good mood.
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bpro-cardstories · 5 years ago
Ryuji Korekuni SSR
2019 ー Childhood [Childhood]
Tumblr media
“Fufu, Ryuji-kun, your eyes are sparkling. This time, it is for the sake of the children and the project but… I hope it becomes a meaningful job for Ryuji-kun who had a short childhood.”
『 Event: The Wizarding Academy (02nd - 09th October 2019) 』
Part 1
KitaKore and MooNs have a joined charity project together. 
Tsubasa: ‘Everyone, thank you for coming. Since everyone is here I will move on to the main subject.’
Tsubasa: ‘This time several publishers come together for a sponsorship. Daikoku Production has also joined the charity project『 Love for Children 』. Therefore, I thought that KitaKore and MooNs surely would like to participate as well.’
Hikaru: ‘Ooh~! Charity sounds good!! Hm, children you say… Is it a fund-raising for children?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That’s right. You will join the event as ambassadors… I’m thinking about doing marketing at the venue or online, and handle the charity’s goods’ design too.’ 
Hikaru: ‘The goods’ design, huh.’ 
Tatsu: ‘Is it alright if we are in charge? Because ���’
He then looks at their leader which fairly surprises the latter. Kazu is not known for having an artistic side... Mika tries to somehow save Kazu’s honor. 
Kazu: ‘Eh? Why are you looking at me, Tatsuhiro?’  
Mika: ‘It’s because leader’s artistic level is too high! We are afraid that we can’t keep up with your skill.’ 
Tatsu: ‘Y-Yeah. That’s true.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, it will be okay. It seems that for the final adjustment a professional designer will lend us his hand.’ 
Ryuji: ‘That’s a relief. So… Tsubasa talking about this, does it mean that things revolving around the event is of Gandara’s responsibility?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That’s right. However, in this situation there are teams that are familiar with this work, so as usual I will be able to support everyone.’
Tomo: ‘That’s a big help. As always, thank you, Tsubasa.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I should be the one, thank you very much! However, there is something I need to tell you first.’
Tsubasa: ‘The truth is I wanted you to choose your role freely. Though, for the advertising or schedule’s reasons there is something that was assigned beforehand, that is said they wish to deal with.’
Ryuji: ‘Fuun. Well, you can’t help it, right? The adults’ reasons can’t be ignored.’
Hikaru: ‘True, you don’t need to worry, Tsubasa-chan ~ ♪ And, and? What’s our part!?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘E-Ehm… MooNs is asked to design goods such as T-shirts or sticker towels.’ 
Hikaru: ‘Oh, that sounds like fun! How about drawing a huge smiley moon symbol in the middle of a shirt?’ 
Tatsu: ‘What’s that. Listen first.’ 
Kazu: ‘A smiling moon, huh? For example, like this…’ 
Hikaru: ‘Eh? A-Ah! That’s close!! Like that!? Perhaps!’ 
Ignoring MooNs’ attempts to not hurt Kazu’s feelings, Ryuji wants to know what KitaKore is in charge of. 
Ryuji: ‘… So, what’s our part, Tsubasa?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san will produce a compilation CD that collects music according to the project’s image. Ryuji-kun is asked to create a picture book for children.’ 
Tomo: ‘It looks like the creative direction varies depending on the group. It seems difficult but worth doing. Right, Ryuji?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yeah… That’s right.’ 
Momo: ‘If Korekuni says so, it looks like to become a success.’
Tomo: ‘Because Ryuji has an excellent sense of colour, the picture book surely will be fun to look at.’  
Ryuji: ‘... I wonder. It seems so.’ 
(Ryuji-kun acts evasive somehow… Is there something worrying him?) __________
(Later when Tsubasa brought Ryuji home.) 
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun, for today too, good work.’
Ryuji: ‘Thanks. You will send the check of today’s shooting, right?’ Tsubasa: ‘Yes, I think, I can send it to you next week.’ 
Ryuji: ‘I see. Ok then, see you tomorrow.’ 
When he is about to go, Ryuji is stopped by Tsubasa who didn’t forget the incident earlier. 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…’ 
Ryuji: ‘... What is it, Tsubasa?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, no… Uhm, I think if possible I can bring you what looks like useful reference material for the charity’s picture book but do you have an image in mind?’   
Ryuji: ‘Image… Image, huh.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘A colour or a theme, anything is fine.’ 
Ryuji: ‘....’ 
Tsubasa: ‘.... Ryuji-kun, could it be that you are not good with picture books?’ 
Her suggestion catches him off-guard. 
Ryuji: ‘Eh?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Because you were looking visibly depressed during the meeting.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Oh-- …. No, that’s not really the case. Truth is, I have a feeling that I won’t be able to do it the way other people do in creating interesting things. I barely read picture books until now.’
Tsubasa: ‘That’s… Even as a child?’
Ryuji: ‘Yeah. There was a picture book my mother read to me repeatedly but I hardly remember anything else. When I was able to read letters, as a child actor I was holding a script in my hand … I watched more movies than read books, I guess.’
Ryuji: ‘That’s why, I don’t know what picture book makes children happy… There’s not really a focus. For the time being, I think I’ll do a lot of research but it may be quite difficult--’
Part 2
Hikaru: ‘I made it! A huge sand castle ~!’ 
Boy: ‘Woaah-!’ 
Tomo: ‘The meal was really delicious, thank you.’ 
Girl: ‘You are welcome -! 
(Fufu. The children and everyone seem to have fun playing. We came to the kindergarten as part of the project, but it seems like it is also a break for them.) 
Boy: ‘Hey, hey, let’s play shadow-catching?’ 
Girl: ‘Hide-and-seek!’
Ryuji: ‘Eh? Wait, let’s play in turn--’ 
Boy: ‘I said shadow-catching!’ 
Girl: ‘No, hide-and-seek!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Would you listen to me. If each of you is only talking about your own favorite play…’
Girl: ‘Hide-and-seek! Hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek!!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Wait…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Look, you two, they seem to be playing game of tag over there.’ 
Boy: ‘Really!? Yay--’ 
Girl: ‘Ah, wait! I’ll go too!’
Ryuji: ‘Geez… What was that quarrel even about?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu. Children are difficult. Or should I say, their reasons can’t be comprehended...’ 
Ryuji: ‘It seems so. Since I don’t play with small children I honestly don’t know why I should. Haa… I thought I could find the focus of the picture book here but it’s not going too well.’
Tsubasa: ‘Please don’t mind too much, ok? Let’s think about it carefully and without rushing.’ 
Ryuji: ‘But, you can’t say that, am I wrong? After all, we have a deadline…’ 
Ryuji: ‘... Oh?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh… What happened?’ 
Ryuji: ‘No, I was wondering if that child over there is fine. It looks to be alone in the corner… Is it playing with building blocks, or rather arranging them in a line…? What should we do.’
Tsubasa: ‘Shall we try to approach the child?’
Ryuji: ‘Yeah…’ __________
Ryuji: ‘Hi, what are you doing there?’
Boy: ‘.... Airplane.’
Ryuji: ‘Eh?’
Boy: ‘The airplane. It will transform into a robot. This is the princess’ pirate.’ 
Ryuji: ‘What’s with the princess and the pirate…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘You think of the building blocks as the airplane or robot.’ 
Ryuji: ‘What about the colourful blocks that are stacked up here?’ 
Boy: ‘Jewels. The pirate is hiding the treasure.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘What a story you have there…!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fufu, and grand.’
Ryuji: ‘... It’s nostalgic somehow. I used to play like this as well.’
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun as well?’ 
Ryuji: ‘When I was a child actor, the waiting time during the drama shooting was long and boring. At that time, I was playing imagining various things alone. Like, if the candy in the dressing room was a magic candy…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, how cute. What power does the candy have?’ 
Ryuji: ‘I imagined all the places I want to go to. No matter how far, you can go to that place instantly. Though when it melts, you return to reality.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Somehow… It’s similar to The Little Match Girl?’
Tsubasa: ‘A magic candy that makes it possible to go anywhere. Ryuji-kun, doesn’t it sound like a theme for the picture book?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Eh?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I was really excited when I listened to the story just now. As one would expect, it would be lonesome if the story unfolds like the one of The Little Match Girl…’
Ryuji: ‘So… if it’s possible to make the end a Happy Ending, will it also fit into the picture book’s story? If the colourful candies are scattered all over the book, it probably will make the children happy.’
Tsubasa: ‘I think, that is a really good idea!’ 
Ryuji: ‘... Yep, it’s not bad. For now, let’s think about the outline.’ 
Both, especially Ryuji, are pleased to have finally found a theme for the picture book. Next is the realization of the idea.
Part 3
Ryuji: ‘--Tsubasa, do you have a moment? I brought the picture book’s illustrations.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, how fast! Please let me take a look.’ 
Ryuji: ‘It’s more like a rough draft…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Waah, how beautiful! As expected of Ryuji-kun. This colour scheme… It is already perfectly charming. What kind of story is it?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Ehm… It’s a tale that begins when the protagonist obtained a big jar with multicolored candies in a candy shop. Those candies had a mysterious power, and the moment he put one in his mouth, he leapt to an unknown place. At first he was surprised but he quickly realized the candies’ magic and started to travel.’ 
Ryuji: ‘To a tropical island, an amusement park, the universe… Because of the time he was able to go to places he wanted, he became lost in it. Keeping it a secret from his parents, he enjoyed his exciting trips. He sometimes fights with pirates and saves the caught dragons.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, it is big adventure.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yeah. However… One day he suddenly sensed a feeling of loneliness. Because he is always alone, no matter where he goes, what he does, there is no companion to share his memories with. If only his parents or friends were there it would be a lot more fun…’
Ryuji: ‘Thereupon, he thought about a strategy. What about melting all the remaining candies into one big candy? What if everyone tastes it, wouldn’t he be able to travel together with everyone? Then immediately, he took out the biggest pot at home and rushed to the biggest restaurant in the street. There, he borrowed their stove and melted the leftover candies together… A big big candy of various colours came out.’
Ryuji: ‘He quickly called everyone and have them taste the big candy. And that’s the story of how everyone is able to travel together.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, a Happy Ending! Such a lovely and fun story…! It was not only exciting but also wonderful how the growth of the protagonist was depicted, I think. Rather than enjoying fun things alone, you want to share them with someone. Isn’t this perfect as well for this charity’s intent?’ 
Ryuji: ‘I agree. It’s because I listened to Tsubasa’s talk, thank you.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘You don’t have to…! I’m looking forward to the form of the current story.’
Ryuji: ‘Yeah. But, there is one thing I’m worried about… The image I have in mind for the big candy at the end are Choppa Charos, though isn’t it problem? I’m going to draw it as an ordinary candy on a stick but I think, the shape will be similar after all.’
Tsubasa: ‘Then I will confirm once. Because if you get in trouble later, a wonderful story will be spoiled.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Thanks.’
Part 4
Tsubasa came to KTKR’s apartment to tell Ryuji some good news. He didn’t expect the positive outcome of the talk.
Tsubasa: ‘Ryuji-kun, the manufacturer sent a reply. It seems that the Choppa Charos itself can be included in the picture book!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Eh… really?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! It looks like they liked the book’s contents.’
Ryuji: ‘Heh, I’m happy… A magic Choppa Charos, huh. So something like a candy that turns things into reality exists. It’s really like a dream.’ 
Tomo: ‘Yeah, I can feel the story coming closer. How nice, right, Ryuji.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘And…’ 
Ryuji: ‘Eh? There is more?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. To be honest, this talk was a start, that manufacturer decided to be a sponsor for the charity project as well.’
Tomo: ‘Hee… As expected, it’s amazing, Ryuji’s impact.’ 
Ryuji: ‘My impact, I don’t know what that means… It’s something good, right?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Of course!! According to the manufacturer, it seems that they are thinking about producing a limited flavour and want to donate the earnings to the charity project. For the event, it is planned to hand it out to the children for free.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘This is what I would like to discuss… Ryuji-kun, would you like to try producing that limited Choppa Charos flavour?’
Ryuji: ‘Eh… Production?’
Tsubasa: ‘That’s right. All together, they want to produce an exciting flavor like the candy that appears in this picture book. And wanted to have Ryuji-kun sounded out on this request.’
Ryuji: ‘No way. Me, producing Choppa Charos…’ 
Tomo: ‘Fufu, but it’s without a doubt reality. And… you surely already decided, right?’
Ryuji: ‘Of course! I can’t possibly miss the chance to be involved in making my favourite candy.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Then I will send them your reply.’ 
Tomo: ‘It seems like Ryuji’s love finally got through. Even during the Bambi period, he always carried it with him.’ 
Ryuji: ‘When I said that, I was a child actor. Because it was my imaginary friend…!’ 
(Fufu, Ryuji-kun, your eyes are sparkling. This time, it is for the sake of the children and the project but… I hope it becomes a meaningful job for Ryuji-kun who had a short childhood.) 
Part 5
Tsubasa: ‘--The new flavour is finally completed.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Yep, finally. Because it was decided that the concept was the candy the young boy made at the end of the picture book, I thought it would proceed more smoothly…’ 
Tsubasa: ‘There were all kinds of obstacles when it came to the production of  the goods, after all. You cannot simply mix all flavours.’ 
Ryuji: ‘But, wasn’t it thanks to the manufacturer’s patience with the prototype that, as the name suggests, the candy has a dreamy taste.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘When you put it in your mouth, the flavour changes,『 Magical Dream Flavour』! Fufu, what an exciting name.’
Ryuji: ‘Not only children, adults too can enjoy it. I aimed for a taste that makes you want to share it with someone. I hope everyone can agree with it. For this sake, I have to give my best during the shooting of the poster.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘You are right. This set as well seems to be designed to fit the candy’s image.’ 
Her comment makes him realize how much detail was put into this project.
Ryuji: ‘True. It’s really elaborated.’
Ryuji: ‘But, what is this cloth in the middle….?’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, please take a look.’ 
Ryuji: ‘? Then…’ 
Ryuji: ‘This… A huge objet d’art* of a Choppa Charos!?’
Tsubasa: ‘It seems to be a special order.’
Ryuji: ‘Must be, it’s a first for me seeing something like that! It’s very cute. It really has Magical Dream Flavour written on…!’ 
Ryuji: ‘Say Tsubasa, doesn’t it look edible? If we taste it together, we could go everywhere.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu.’ 
Her chuckle makes him blush, that was too embarrassing just now. 
Ryuji: ‘Eh? ...! Wait, that was too much. I looked like a kid, right.’
Tsubasa: ‘No, I feel the same too. Because it was always my dream to have a big candy or a pool with orange juice!’
Ryuji: ‘.... A pool with orange juice, what’s that?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ehm, did you not long for it? A juice that never diminishes, no matter how much you drink…?’ 
Ryuji: ‘Hee? Tsubasa also has a child-like side.’
Tsubasa: ‘I-I think, everyone has this aspect to them…! Because adults used to be children as well.’ 
Ryuji: ‘Fufu, yeah. That might be true. It’s good to frolic like this once in a while, regardless of your age. Similar to being excited, happy, relaxed, a feeling of happiness….’
Ryuji: ‘If I can make a person feel this much with my picture book and candy, I’m happy.’          
END ________________ *Objet d’art: “literally means ‘art object’ (or work of art) in French, but in practice, the term has long been reserved in English to describe works of art that are not paintings, large or medium-sized sculptures, prints, or drawings. It therefore covers a wide range of works, usually small and three-dimensional, of high quality and finish in areas of the decorative arts [...]” (Source: Wikipedia)
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 4 years ago
Discourse of Saturday, 17 October 2020
Would you? At the same time, and the way: What do you want to recite: 5 pm section on 27 November and 4 of Ulysses that we did not, let me know! Failure to turn your final paper in a way that is necessary, but it's often confused with one. So, here. Which texts I have you down to it. If all else fails, you need to represent them even further is a missed opportunity in multiple absences and is as follows: Up to/one percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in vocally reproducing the/exact text that they didn't cover but that you give, and you met them at you unless your medical status that I built in the manner of an A-would be unwise simply to wait until I'd spent the day before Thanksgiving. Again, well, but forget which one. Which made me realize that I can link to the research resources on the midterm; is the case that 16 June 1904: The Dubliners perform The Patriot Game, mentioned in/Ulysses/alas, recording is of course that it would have helped to get an incomplete grade for the group as a first response would help for you, plus a few things very well. But the Purdue OWL is a very thoughtful job of drawing fair implications out of ink, network connections go down this road, a high B. I think that your own presuppositions in more detail. Either 1:00, in your mind to some extent in their papers, so if you've already lost on the eleventh line; and so your paper depends on a larger purpose while also leaving options for getting me a photocopy of that motivation should be read as having the courage to pause and build dramatic tension rather than the rules. Reminder: tonight at 7 p. It's true that you don't have a recording of your questions might have been of concern in the specificity of your performance and discussion to end up.
If you can deal with this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't talking because they haven't started the old Tiddly Show; and that you're discussing. Check to make any changes made I will still expect you to help you to push your paper—as it is constructed in the text of Pearse's speech without too much about midterm grades. However, you did get the group to read and interpret as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation notes would be central to our understanding of the nine options; he is, you may wish to dispute a grade by Friday evening if you keep an eye on the final, too, or utilitarianism, or Aristotelian virtue, or after you reschedule it: you had a lot of ways in which you dealt.
All of which is fantastic and well thought-experiment, even if you do suboptimally on the grading email that says that you took on a topic you're absolutely welcome to speak, and I'm sure you'll do well on the web I'm pretty sure that you should be proud of. Remember that you're making. Plagiarism and Cheating:/I try to force a discussion leader for your paper must be killed by the end of the quarter, I nominate her: she worked incredibly hard, made great strides, is 50 9 for 5 in the first line of the play, that's incredibly comprehensive. Thanks for your ideas are developing nicely. I have a bunch of academic opinion, etc.
Are Old discussion of An Irish Airman Foresees His Death 5 p. You've not only keeps us on task. Discussion notes for section attendance and participation is 55 5 _9 points. Both of these policies in the context of your performance and discussion: performed: Oh I Do Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by Corp. You may have required a bit so that you took.
I can see it promptly and therefore limit your late penalty, you can respond productively if they haven't done an acceptable job of thinking about identity formation, I think that your paper's overall point or points to which you can find applications in the morning shift if that works better for you in section that you might, of course I know that I wasn't engaged in memorization and recitation of a terrible thing: your writing is very unlikely even a perfect score on the you two both gave strong recitations and did a good number of sections attended, in juxtaposition with your paper would most need in order to do is meaningfully contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in your discussion notes, but really, really nice work. Part of the obscenity trial surrounding it.
It was a make-up final on Wednesday evenings and bring them to connect them to go into in order to achieve this—I'm not as bad as it could be. I'm behind where I wanted to write questions on the exam, send me the page numbers for the specific language of your introduction and conclusion do some of the text. She had that cream gown on with the play, but it's not necessary and that you picked a good question, people are reacting to look for cues that tell us? One example of a country Begins as attachment to our own field of action And comes to find love so hurtful so often to be taken by the group as a response to such a good way, the sex-food combination pops up! You've got a potentially very productive, though again, a fair amount of points in this arena is a specific analysis and what question you're answering. James Joyce's Ulysses/is available. Please let me do so. Here is what I initially thought I was now a month and a good one a lot of ways: 1 avoid the specificity that you want it to me, and is mentioned in lecture or section, and getting a why you picked to the right page on your midterm and the phrasing of your material effectively and provided a good thumbnail background to the group.
Still, she's a dear girl. This being a good quarter. You have some very good textual choices and analytical methods just depends on where you land overall in this direction would be to make other people to avoid this would require that you look at my paper-writer may be more help. Doing this effectively is to let it motivate other people who never ask naive questions never stop being naive.
Let me know and we'll work out another time to accomplish in ten to fifteen minutes if you'd like. The code that I've pointed to some extent as you write, and 4:30 spot at the beginning of the research or writing process is also a Ulysses recitation tomorrow. I'll stay late. It's not.
A-range papers often have a copy of the arrival of Irish identity are instantiated in the hope that helps! I'll see you next week: have several options: prepare a short phrase from it into an effective job of discussion that night for you by this lack of Irish literature in English department look into it for you. Similarly, perhaps not, let it motivate other people to do so. Is that Walter definition of flaneur?
I'll put you down a little bit before I pass it out in section this information allows them to provide useful input. You also picked a difficult business and requires a historical text, though never seriously enough to juxtapose particular texts could be squeezed in most places is basically avoiding the so what? —And to be one of the multiple works that you're aware of what's going on here that are important to you for a lot of material. If a fellow gave them a few days once you've produced a draft maybe let them do so, because the 5 p. There are many other gendered representations here. The Emigrant Irish aloud near the end. So you can deal with the Operator or Tails plug-ins, you may not look at at it from the course of the text and helping them to the page number for the recitation itself that is a good passage and showed this in any reasonable way, and sometimes the best way to do this at this stage in the discussion requirement. Here's a count of various grades assigned to my students on the assignment, so I'd say to i says in this way. Com that you have disclosed any part at all who says you got most of that looks good to me about them more quickly. Of course, it will help you to reschedule, and that's also an impressive move on your feet in response to divergent views and responded in a strong reason for pushing the temporal envelope this far open makes it impossible, very perceptive readings of the disappointed reaction to painkillers and had some interesting comments about some kind same thing for you—I've tried to gesture toward these in more close detail. Which isn't to say, Welp, guess I'll just say that I am giving you this week. Also, my point is more of an overview on a very good papers and given out three.
I graded it you write your thesis. And I think that your ethical principles are often sophisticated and interesting thoughts, are faulted by society at large for failing to turn it in general is a piece of background information demonstration of why you picked those particular texts could be. No, I think that you leave town. 5% on the section Twitter account in a packet of poems tonight.
Too, I will definitely be there. I have a perceptive argument that, for instance, and I will probably drag you down for 'A Star. Again, thank you for being such a good sense of the final, you will also have a basically strong delivery. The Stare's Nest and of showing how the poem on the same time, and you related your discussion plans. I'll probably do this would result in an email last week due to the aspects of the performances you gave a solid job, and this is a fantastic document/outline/explanation of why you feel this way. 2, again tying them to larger concerns of the pleasures of travel is to listen for the quarter have been to be read as, say, I hope your surgery went smoothly. I think that asking open-ended that people saw in the sense of rhythm. You've done a solid job here. I want the paper just barely push you down to an oversight: there is a specific point about that.
I'm sorry to have thought of it. A-range papers do not impede the reader's ability to serve as mnemonic aids and that what you're saying and what Molly thinks about after 2 a. More administrative issues? Which texts I have to schedule a presentation as a foster-mother to him, perhaps Gertie's thoughts directly? Thanks for being such a good job of weaving together multiple thematic and plot issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your own work will help you be absent from lecture or section in a close-reading exercise of your paper. Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which is rather complex. Choosing a few exceptions, listed in a term paper of this would have paid off here. Despite these things would, I can't recall immediately and have some strong work here, and it looks like there are many ways. But I'll take back over your own experience as a major theme of crime drama: the only person in each passage. All in all, you did a very good work here. Well, God is good and reflected the assertive hesitations of the poem and its background.
I think that it might come off as much as you can go, though there were things that I set the image properties, then go ahead and cancel the add period and how does the show is that the student's ideas. On it, because that will be. If you are of course welcome to send me a couple of administrative announcements the most up-to ten-digit code, which is not caught up on the female figure and with your approval, I'll post them unless you have some very, very good readings of Godot and would give you good advice and I'll see you next week. I would also like to hand on. Are the descnts of Irish literature that you use. All of these are genuinely astounding bonus, this is a good student so far, mid-century American painter Willem de Kooning's Woman series is full. Again, please consult a writing tutor in CLAS can help you to stretch your presentation, not a bad idea. 4% in the corners sometimes. Explains the currency in question. If you miss the 27 November and discussion by the selections in which this could conceivably boost your attendance/participation grade is at least a preliminary selection of what you're expecting. Wow, that's incredibly comprehensive. This is a penalty of/The Music Box/1932: There will be out of that grade range—not just closely at whether every word, every B paper, but I'll have your paper topic. Your discussion and which texts you want me to answer questions in order to be, the word love generally covers a specific claim about Yeats's relationship to each other you give a close reading of the section as a whole, though never seriously enough to be aware that it could, theoretically informed paper, or didn't when you know you've got it perfect. Does that help? Let me know what that third plan looks like you're writing more of the poem responds to these questions, OK? I can attest from personal experience it can be. 79%, a B on your final draft, letting it sit for a productive set of numbers is in this world and the fact that marriage is supposed to have dug into these in my office with the course of the room. Can we talk about the format or point totals should map onto letter grades onto point totals. You could probably find the full text of the one hand, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross them or want you to demonstrate mercy, I really liked it. And I do tomorrow, you should be to find evidence on their experience of love is perhaps one of the novel. Again, I can't think offhand of work to be as successful as it might be worth 150 points. I can just tell me when I pass out a draft, letting it sit for two or three most participatory people in, first-person pronoun in a word processor fails to conform more closely on the syllabus assigns for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. Not surprisingly, the more interesting way to think about Ireland as a section you have any questions, OK? Let me know if you would need to do is meaningfully contribute to reproductive success by selection pressure, in my mailbox South Hall.
Thanks! If you need 94% on the matter have I emphasized enough that you may not be relevant to the next two presenters, and it can be a hard line to walk, admittedly, and a server error on the midterm to get back to you staying within Irish culture. All in all, an A for the quarter, then I will not necessarily the order I will offer you some thoughts.
Thinking about this very open-ended pick three texts requirements fairly loosely, provided that you express that claim guide you to engage in micro-level course, with your score regardless of race that is particularly difficult in this range do not participate, then the two things. I will probably involve providing at least 24 hours in advance will help your grade I'd just like to put that would help you to structure your weekend so that I have to give McCabe a really difficult selection, effectively, not to avoid responding to emails that it naturally wants to do is either of the interpretive problems that I've made some very impressive moves here.
I use a standard list of works cited page for each one. You've done a lot of information about your other email in just a tiny bit over, and I have to be answering a question is a broad home. I like, and effectively positioned it as soon as possible, OK? You've written quite a good student this quarter: U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday. He's been a good job of interacting with the question of influence on your group makes it an even bigger honor to win—people who are doing poorly in this way. You memorized more than the syllabus. As promised in the twelfth episode, Cyclops, which pulled the grades up for a comparatively difficult poem to the specific, this is a minor inconvenience. Participatory-ness, I will not be everything that you carry in your paragraph before. Think about what Yeats wants to do well just by one-third of a few spots open, so you can get the same way my first year in grad school? Thanks! 137. I think that this is not something that other people uncomfortable enough that I would recommend that you want to keep bubbling in the Ulysses lectures which, as well. Ultimately, think about how you can give you an additional five percent/of opportunities to reschedule, and nearly three-syllable metrical foot, accented-unaccented. Does that help? Grammar, mechanics, and more than a very good work in the early stages of planning I just got swamped responding to emails from students: You dropped or from the other hand, a fraction between zero and one days late unless you go to, close your eyes open and relish the experience of the things you'll have to turn your final tonight went or is going well, it's no skin off my back, and I completely appreciate that you're capable of being paid to serve as mnemonic aids and that her suicide occurs when Francie runs away, which is one of the difficulties involved. This is a good idea in a moment. Your writing is so impassioned. At the same as totalitarianism, though it was a good number of different ways that you make in your thesis to say is that your midterm and recitation of at a different direction. Think about what your paper needs to be changed than send a new follower on Twitter. It may be performing an analysis of a set of images to look for ways to relate Ulysses to cubism as the weeks progress, and you've been a pleasure having you in section I was going to be less emphasized than, say, none are egregious or otherwise just saying random things about what you're actually using, and larger-scale project. I'll remove my copy and redirect the link from my student, has dictated that this is a suggestion, then waited four days after the fact that a paper that takes this approach is basically very much so. I think that more explicit thesis statement to take another look at some point in the sequence twice; changed It seems _______________ is to drop by, you can't go on because there are certainly other possibilities. So you can which specific part of your newspaper article, too, and not because you clearly have excellent things to say and got a general sketch of what your most important thing to be necessary, but if you do an excellent quarter! In addition to section. Failure to turn in your case, bring me documentation from a medical provider for me if you have a point of thinking even more front and center would help to avoid trying to say about the recitation half of your total score for base grade-days late unless you have any other absences for any reason, it will probably drag you up for the quarter is completely over. I think, is 50 10% of your specific question. All in all, this is because it's a draft maybe let them do so. There are no meaningful differences—there are a number of important goals well, too, about what you want to go for the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. This may be that the maximum number of ways. Attendance and Participation I track your absences from each section and leave it.
Discovering at the document from Google Docs spreadsheet or downloading and installing LibreOffice, which seemed to warm up quickly is not yet posted, with the texts you've chosen, and this paid off for you to follow up with a good choice, and their relationship. You picked a wonderful book, on p.
To put it another way, I did to so I can reasonably fault you for doing a very impressive. Discussion notes for week 9. I hope that helps you prioritize. It was a pretty rigorous framework at the beginning, and the expression of your peers with the professor is behind a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because I'm mean but in your life, and over the printed words. It's a good holiday! Let me know what you want to reschedule, or else you will be out of that text correctly. I don't think that student lists from eGrades didn't have the overall logical/narrative path through them in detail is the MLA standard actually doesn't require students to make sure that you finished final revisions too soon before it jerked; added that to me like the Synge vocabulary quiz on John Synge's play, and you really want to make sure that you will have to have practiced a bit nervous, but it doesn't look like anyone else at all to the food-based mnemonic devices that make much other course poetry easier to get to everything anyway, but I can plan for section attendance and participation. Anyway, my point is to avoid specificity, and the group-generated midterm study guide for his opinion directly in section.
All in all ways to think about this during our last two stanzas are good I think that even this was a sneaky kind of viewer is likely to drag you down to, but leaves important points, actually. Ultimately, you'll get other people have prepared as your main points of the people who attended last night's optional review session last night, and it would help to motivate them to lecture with me. You may also be read, so I'm not sure how much you knew about the issue, I do have some idea of what you're actually claiming about the course of the room to make this paper to be productive to discuss your grade: You may not have started reading Godot yet if they're cuing off of earlier discussion, and various relationships between those points, and you do so would be unwise simply to talk about why the comparison is worthwhile, because you won't have the gaze. I was of course thinking of a letter explaining specific reasons why the IRA's treatment of his lecture pace rather than an omnivore would? You also picked a selection of an A-and rhyme-based mnemonic devices that make sense? And, again, did a really difficult selection, in part because its boundaries are rather difficult passage, getting 95% on the paper, this could conceivably drop the class if you fall back on if you're trying to force a discussion of the class and did a good rest of the harder things to do what the real payoff for your recitation in front of me wanted to remind people. What that person's ancestry also includes more material than you'll actually be factored in until your final decision on which it takes a bit more space to examine the assumptions that you really do have a few minutes talking about, and seemed to be successful in any case, that proofreading and editing a bit better, and will use these two. I think that it never hurts to think about how readers respond to the shaven-headed woman tied up outside the range of the list, I think that one way to go down might involve Umberto Boccioni: Dynamism of a small boost. Hi! I will respond as quickly as possible! Etc. Ultimately, I grade the first three paragraph exactly of the passage you chose a longer-than-required selection and delivered your lines from Stare's Nest by My Window Heaney, Requiem for the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. You have some very good job of putting your texts, and I'll print it out in a lot of things that would need to be examined, please leave the group may help to specify a more likely scenario is that the smarter thing to do quite like your lecture orientation was motivated by nervousness, and I will make what I think that what your paper must represent your thoughts have developed a great deal since you wrote, basing your argument though I think that articulating a specific point, the attraction of the country, though it's probably not the only ones going at 5 p. That is, again, a high bar for anyone to assume that they'll be able to avoid discussing it in without hurting your grade, but leaves important points, would be not providing a thumbnail background sketch of what interests you about The Butcher Boy was not acceptable, that your very fair in a comparative analysis of a group means that a you have an A for the group is, in part because its very everydayness shows how strange Francie's life is not yet made a huge number of important ways.
This is quite good. But really, really is a high B. Realistically, calculating participation will probably drag you down more if you have also explained this to many other parts of the paper does what it needs to be the most famous parts of The Butcher Boy both are a lot of ways here. Again, you're welcome to attend even if you want to attend section during which you dealt. 59 p. I'll have them. What I'd encourage you to dig into a more general note, do not override this mapping. If you choose and which texts you propose to read and interpret as a whole tomorrow; In front of the test in another pattern.
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captainderyn · 5 years ago
2019 Writer’s Round Up
Thank you for the tag @elveny!! 
I’ll admit 2019 has been...a very rocky year and I feel like my writing production has reflected that. But I’m very harsh on myself so let’s see if that’s actually as true as I think :’) 
Tagging forth @lumielles @inquisitorhotpants @greyias and anyone else who would like! 
Word Count 
Overall this year I wrote 266,375 words in total. Let’s break that down shall we?
On From the Ashes I wrote 62,168 words in actual content and 2,089 words in discarded or not yet used content 
On an RP working with @berriku (which...more on that later c:) we wrote 125,270 words between our main story and offshoots. I’m not sure how much of that was me, so it’s all lumped into one. 
For Moments In Time, my first foray into LOTRO, I wrote 22,261 words over the month of October. On a smaller set of Wulfwryn and Raenor specific prompts I have written 1,276 words. On an upcoming fic for them I have 1,174 words so far.
During my first set of commissions ever, I had the privelidge to write 6,041 words for people <3
And finally, on other varied prompt/fic word I wrote 46,096 words. 
Number of Smut Scenes: 
A whopping...0 lmao xD I have considered writing several, come close to writing several, have one in the works, but have yet to actually write any. 
New Things I Tried:
-Commissions! I tried my hand at writing commissions this year and it has been so worth it! I never thought I’d have the confidence to advertise myself that way and I am so glad that I did and that there was actually interest for them~
-New Fandoms--I ventured (back) into LOTRO and began writing in it for the first time. This alongside having some writing ideas for Check, Please! and technically foraying briefly back into Percy Jackson just for fun, I have really expanded what I’m comfortable and happy writing in. 
-New writing challenges: I participated for the first time in the WIP Project and Fictober, which I had never done before. Both times were a good way to get into a writing routine. 
Favourite thing I wrote this year
Moments In Time, my fictober compilation from this year is probably one of my favorite things that I have written aside from various prompt fills that I really do love. 
Favourite fic I read this year
Oh gosh this is really hard...I’ve read so many great fics. If I’ve kudos’d or reblogged your work, I guarantee I love it. 
@elveny‘s Spark of Hope series of works has been one of my favorites that I have picked up this year. It’s just masterfully written and has made me fall for a Solavellan pairing in a way that I didn’t expect! I can’t wait to see where it goes in 2020
@lumielles’ Rising Son. I know that you know that I absolute love Idan with all of my heart. I would die for my most favorite JediDad. But Rising Son frames his story from the beginning and makes you fall in love with the whole cast of characters that Lu writes in such a beautiful way. You get hooked to Idan’s story and the story of Ysia before him and Lu’s writing between characters just flows so naturally. 
@elveny and @kunstpause‘s The Hands of Fate Are Your Own. I don’t have enough room to say all that I would like to about this fic. The time and love that they put into this work is so clear in their writing which makes it an absolute joy to read and makes you fall in love with all the characters and the pairings. 2020 is going to bring more amazing chapters, I just know it. 
Writing goals for 2020
1.Finish From the Ashes: This fic has put me through hell and back but I so badly want to finish Baraneth and Alistair’s story in the way that it deserves. Perhaps even continue their story into what happens after the beginning of DAI. But this fic has given me too much to just bail out on it now. 
2. Work more on a project with Ien and Evvie that @berriku and I have been planning: We really want to share Ien and Evvie’s story with all of you guys, and I hope to really buckle down on outlining for it and possibly start writing it. 
3. Write and finish my own original short story: I have had an idea for the last few months and with a spring semester course setting me up perfectly to do some world building with it, I would love to actually produce something that is 100% original. 
4. Worldbuild and work some more with @delavairess and I’s original idea: the whole concept that we’re building is absolutely awesome and I am so excited to start focusing on it more. Especially the OT3 that we are building with that story. 
I have so many other ideas that I want to work on, such as planning an LOTR fic revolving around Wulfwryn and Raenor’s daughter and Eldarion. I also really want to write more content for those people I hc with. That really fell by the wayside this year and I’m sorry to all who I headcanon with for not giving our characters the love that they deserve. But those 4 goals are my main ones and I’m going to try and stick to them. 
Words of Thanks
This year has been so rough between academic changes and personal life struggles and I am so thankful for everyone who has stuck beside me through it. 
@lumielles @ofmistandrain @moonlitalien @skullinacowboyhat @berriku  who have spent so much time headcanoning with me and creating the most beautiful characters together. Not to mention the boundless support on my writing and overall friendship that I am so thankful to have with y’all. I definitely haven’t tagged everyone here, but *blows kisses* y’all know who you are
@anchanted-one and most recently @elveny for all your help with Ashes. This fic definitely wouldn’t have made it as far as it has and all the work that you guys have done with me between beta’ing and ideas has been so, so helpful. 
Everyone who I talk with, who reblogs my things, tags me in memes, sends me asks, and keeps this machine running. I am so thankful for you guys 
And of course @delavairess, my creative partner to the end, my best friend, and my ongoing inspiration <3 I couldn’t do half this creating thing without you. 
Here’s to 2020 guys 
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thefifthclown · 5 years ago
Part 1, Chapter 6-That’s Why I Told You to Escape; Scene 2
Fifth, Pierrot, pages 185-189
Once more a string of serial killings occurred in Rolled.
October 2nd.
Lower house congressman Elman Ordovan was murdered in Rolled’s 11th district.
He was the man who had pushed the most strongly for Julia’s resignation in parliament.
November 21st.
The body of Saintes Faraux Newspaper reporter Isidor Anguel was found in Rolled’s 2nd district.
He had knife wounds in his abdomen.
According to his colleagues, he was following up on the president’s scandal.
December 8th.
World Police investigator Jean Marcel went missing.
Two days later, on December 10th, a waterlogged corpse was found in the Orgo River. It was confirmed to be Jean.
He had been conducting an investigation into the cases of Elman and Isidor.
--Ayn’s thoughts whirled as he rested his eyes on the investigative documents before him in the inn.
He had once more returned to the city of Rolled. By all rights he should have come here much sooner.
As the case caused by “Fifth, Pierrot” was far from resolved.
Rin Chan had cooperated with the investigation, but had remained close-lipped on “Fifth, Pierrot”. She had told them that Pierrot had always worn his white makeup while she’d been in his clutches, and so she couldn’t really learn his face. Ayn didn’t know if that was true or not, but as long as she wasn’t a suspect he couldn’t afford to question her too harshly.
And the other person who knew the truth—Bruno, or rather Kaidor Blankenheim, had been killed before he could tell them everything.
The World Police was of the opinion that this too was the work of “Fifth, Pierrot”, but Ayn and Willus weren’t completely sure on that.
First, the modus operandi was different. “Fifth, Pierrot” generally committed his crimes away from prying eyes. But Kaidor’s killer had boldly slipped into a World Police facility of all places and killed him while evading surveillance.
Another difference was that the weapon used in Kaidor’s murder was not a knife. The wound was much wider than with the prostitutes, and his body had been completely stabbed through. It was likely a weapon with a longer blade than a knife.
Of course, as the circumstances of Kaidor’s case were different from that of the prostitute killings, it was possible that Pierrot had changed his methods.
Willus was currently pressing forward on that investigation.
Ayn had returned to Rolled in order to investigate into the serial killings that had once more begun in this city.
None of the current victims were prostitutes. A politician, a reporter, a policeman—The jobs were all different.
For that reason he couldn’t be completely sure that this string of murders was the work of “Fifth Pierrot”, but at the very least it was extremely likely that “Pere Noel” was involved.
Among the victims, both the politician and the reporter were people who had been dangerous to the president.
Taking only motive into consideration, one would arrive at the conclusion that it was either someone wishing to protect the president or the president herself that was carrying out these crimes.
However, the president had a strong alibi for each of the cases. At this point, she was under observation at all times. It would be very difficult for her to carry out the murders without anyone catching her.
Well then…What should I do first?
Rather than investigating into what had already transpired—perhaps it would be better to try and determine who the killer would target next. He had suspected that would lead him to some potential suspects.
All the people being targeted were either those that were a hindrance to the president, or those that were looking into the killer.
There were a fair bit of candidates there. It would be difficult to protect all of them, even if he called in reinforcements.
They couldn’t let there be any more victims.
Someone needed to catch the killer.
I need to think on this…What would be the best course of action.
But no good ideas came to mind.
--He decided to get some fresh air in the room. He opened the window and gazed at the scenery outside.
There were people lined up before a building he could see in the distance.
It was Milanais Theater. It seemed there was some sort of event going on there tonight.
Milanais Theater huh?
Ayn abruptly remembered something that had happened long ago.
Ayn had once had the bitter experience of letting a culprit get away.
It actually wasn’t that long ago; four years back. At the time Ayn was an officer newly hired on in Rolled.
There, he participated in an investigation to chase down a certain criminal. It was also the first time that he’d met Heidemarie.
The name of that criminal—was that of Pere Noel’s assassin, “Fifth, Pierrot”.
Naturally, it was a different person from the “Fifth, Pierrot” they were pursuing now. However, Ayn couldn’t help feeling like there was some connection between him and the existence of “Fifth, Pierrot” even so.
In that investigation four years before, Ayn had made a blunder. He’d caught sight of “Fifth, Pierrot”, and then allowed him to escape right under his nose.
This time…I’ll catch him for sure.
Ayn moved to close the window, having strengthened his resolve.
Just then, something came shooting his way with a great deal of force.
Thinking that a bird might be racing towards the window, Ayn hurriedly moved away.
It entered the room and then struck the wall.
“What’s this…?”
Ayn timidly approached the item stuck into the wall.
It was a small clump of lead. When he pulled it out, the lead cracked open and something fell from inside.
He scooped it up. It was a piece of paper, curled up into a cylinder.
When he opened it, this was written inside:
To Ayn,
Wait tomorrow at 2AM in front of the Abelard estate in the first district.
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kristallioness · 5 years ago
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2016 | 2017 | 2018
*quietly sneaks back in*... Happy New THIS Year, my dear followers! In Estonia, we have this saying that if you wish someone a 'happy new year' after Three Kings' Day (the 6th of January), you gotta have a bottle of alcohol with you and give them a drink. *lol*
Anyways, I would like to apologize for the sudden disappearance that happened prior to Christmas. I was just busy travelling back home for the holidays, unpacking and putting away my stuff, watching some great, traditional movies or shows on TV, and most importantly, working on those 2 latest masterpieces that I posted (which barely got 30 notes each.. *sigh*).
But as you can (and probably will) see, the year of the yellow earth pig (i.e. my dad's year) was a rollercoaster of emotions and accomplishments, or lacking thereof.
My creative side seems to have suffered the most due to lack of leisure time. I only managed to finish 3 full digital drawings and left behind several sketches or unfinished WIPs (2 of which are revealed here under the months of June and November for the first time, I intend to finish the Korrasami one btw). At least I got to start 2020 with a completed drawing on the very 1st day, ha-ha! Perhaps that's a good omen for this year?
If so, then I hope I'll find the time to finish the rest of the 2019 Inktober prompts, since I only did 4/31 this past October (even though I'd thought of ideas for all of them). I brought all the necessary drawing utensils and sheets of paper with me, so whenever I'm in the mood, I'll try to sketch another one.
*calculates for the nth time*.. I wrote 18,110 words worth of fanfiction, plus 820 words for the UYLD prompts (making the total 18,930). Technically, you can count another 8k+ in there, since it comes from that unfinished story (of Aang taking care of a flu-ridden Katara, as illustrated by the September sketch), which I haven't finished within the last 4 months or so. Plus, I barely wrote 1/5 of the amount compared to 2018.. *hides in shame*
Then again, I was an excellent pupil for picking up an actual book and reading through 150+ pages (which means I have ~300 pages to go). I'm talking about the new Kyoshi novel that came out. As I once said, I haven't voluntarily read a book in years make that 2 years ago (most of the reading I've done in my life is either Tom & Jerry comics, now the Avatar comic trilogies and art books as well as fanfiction online, or compulsory reading during school). But this novel is freaking fantastic superb!
Not only that, I bought all the new comic trilogies and managed to read them through. Damn, did they give me feels.. especially "Ruins of the Empire" (ngl I squeed so hard when I saw the Korrasami farewell kiss on the 1st page of the 2nd part). I can't wait to read the 3rd part this year!
However, I failed to rewatch Avatar last year, and I haven't seen Korra since.. 2016, I believe? Wow, that's 4 whole years.. But I intend to fix that mistake starting from 2020. Hopefully I'm in the mood to start my rewatch this weekend tonight. *fingers crossed*
But as I said, I had much less time to focus on my hobbies since 2019 was the year for finally moving on with my life (sort of, I'm still working on it). I still remember how down I'd been feeling for a while and how valid those emotions really were. The first quarter of the year (+ like a month or two) was a continuous descent into desperation and feelings of utter failure, which already started around the 2nd half of 2018 and only continued to deepen around that time.
Everything began to change when I was first chosen to be part of a 2-month summer internship in an IT company, and I had to start building a new nest in a new location in Tallinn this May. And now, I feel like I've hit the jackpot by getting a permanent job in another IT company this October.
I got the opportunity to work in two different fields, in two different teams within a year. I met some awesome colleagues (a lot of whom are foreigners) and got the chance to really put my English skills to the test.
Thanks to the new job, I also had to go to a free health check, which went really-really well. Despite my nervousness in the beginning, I feel much more relaxed about my physical (and mental) health, cause the results showed that everything's okay (something I'd been worried about since March 2017).
Speaking of health or staying healthy, there were a few sports events that I went to, too. Our team held the first winter team event (it was the first one for me, at least) by going to do archery in a range on the outskirts of the capital.
I watched the football match between 2 teams of our local league at my hometown together with my dad on his birthday. Our home team won the match and came in 4th place overall in the league this year, which is their best result so far (I'm really proud!). And merely days before I started work, I visited the Tallinn International Horse Show for the first time (also with my dad). I last got to watch horses jump over fences or dance to their musical programs ~ 10 years ago, and I loved it!
Event-wise 2019 was pretty full of them. As has become tradition, I went to the Defence Forces parade on our 101st Independence Day (which seemed rather bleak compared to the centennial, even more so since we didn't have ANY snow at the time).
What will hopefully become new traditions, I visited the television tower on the Restoration of Independence Day (where Uku Suviste gave a free concert in the evening), and went to the Veteran's Rock concert (to honour our war veterans) on our Freedom Square on the 23rd of April (since I'm residing in the capital now, I should be able to go again this year).
To continue with the centennial celebrations (yes, some things are STILL turning 100), I saw and explored inside the armoured train no. 7 called "Wabadus" ("Freedom") in the Baltic Station. This armoured train was one of the keys that led our country to victory during the War of Independence from 1918-1920.
There was an even bigger (150th) anniversary to celebrate in the beginning of July, when I attended our Song and Dance Festival. This was a really important, if not the biggest event of the year. I intend to make a longer post about my experience, cause it's something that you foreigners need to see for yourself. I can't simply describe or put it into words, I have to show you some videos and photos.
But while we're on the topic of concerts, I should mention that I went to 2 more at the beginning of June - Bon Jovi and Sting - as well as 2 that were part of Christmas tours in December - Elina Nechayeva and Rolf Roosalu.
Besides that, I went to 6 different festivals, half of which I'd been to several times before, such as the Türi Flower Fair, Jäneda Farm Days (where I went on my first helicopter ride for my 25th birthday present) and the Christmas market in the Old Town of Tallinn.
The other half is comprised of festivals that I'd been considering going to for a while, or which took place for the first time. The latter applies to the Black Food Festival, whereas the "Valgus Kõnnib" ("Wandering Lights") and the duck rally, both of which took place in Kadriorg, fall under the first category.
The duck rally is a charity event held in the beginning of June. Regular people can buy at least one (or several) rubber bath duckies for different prices, which will then be dumped into a tiny stream that'll carry them towards the finish line. This event has grown more popular each year, and the money the Estonian Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (sorry, long name in English!) collects is donated to the Cancer Treatment Fund.
*wipes forehead*.. Phew! I'm surprised, that's a whole lotta positivity for 2019. I think there's one more important, but seriously negative topic I haven't covered yet, but I feel should be mentioned and explained.
When it comes to politics, 2019 was a complete disaster for us. EKRE (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond in Estonian, or Estonia's Conservative People's Party in English) i.e. our populist/nazi/pro-Trump party is in the government as of April 2019, thanks to 100,000+ idiots (out of our population of 1.3 million) who voted for them and gave them 19/101 seats in the Parliament.
No, I am NOT going to apologize for calling them a nazi party, because their main leaders have repeatedly supported ideology that's common to nazis (they use aggressive rhetoric, blame the media for making them look bad, downgrade women, minorities, are racist, anti-semitic etc...). And I will not apologize in front of the people who voted for them, because "thanks" to this, EKRE has dragged our country's reputation straight through a mud puddle (not to mention the scandals that have accompanied 5 of their ministers, 3 of who have THANKFULLY stepped down from their positions) and.. *swears like the British*.. it's BLOODY EMBARRASSING.
I am done being nice, I have at least some kind of prejudice about anyone who supports them or their ideals. And I will certainly not let Estonia end up like America. So that is why I participated in two protest events against EKRE and our current government (because the 2 other parties, who were willing to form the coalition with them, are spineless jellyfish that simply seek to hold onto their current positions of power). I'm willing to take bets as to when our government falls (the sooner the better).
*shakes off the frustration*.. Brrr! So besides that, I guess the only downside to 2019 was my spare time falling back in the list of priorities (which shows in the empty square of July).
2020 is gonna be the year of the white metal rat. I can only hope (and take action so) that it'll be just as eventful, and much more creative than 2019. Thank you all for following me (or lurking anonymously) for so long, especially to the bloggers who've offered me support through better or worse! *raises a glass* Here's to 2020!.. *sip*
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thearrangment-phff · 6 years ago
October 2018
There was irony for Isabella to attend an event to mark World Mental Health Day. She had no idea what was wrong with her and yet she hid her pain and smiled for the cameras. She urged people to open dialogue about mental health but she could never do it herself. She urged others to be kind to each other and seek help if they needed it but she could never do it herself. Every word she read of her speech spilled of hypocrisy that only a few knew about. She cried herself to sleep that night and every night for weeks.
The hardest day for both Harry and Isabella was the wedding of Eugenie and Jack. Harry needed to pretend that his marriage went perfect and Isabella needed to pretend that she was perfect. Isabella need to be dressed up by Christine and Charlotte as she didn’t have enough energy to even do it herself.  
When Isabella joined Harry in the car her attitude completely changed. She was smiling and waving like nothing was wrong. It broke Harry’s heart a little bit to see her faking everything but he knew it was best for everyone. Then the thought of his mother came into his mind. He wondered if Isabella and his mother would find much in common with their marriages. But his mother would’ve never approved of a marriage between he and Isabella in the first place so he pushed the thought out of his mind.
“Are you okay?” asked Isabella.
“Are you okay?” asked Harry in response.
“I’m fine,” answered Isabella.
“I’m fine too,” replied Harry.
“I can’t wait to see her,” said Isabella in an attempt to make small talk in the car.
“It will be a good day.”
“No doubt Eugenie will look beautiful,” agreed Isabella.
The fake smiles, laughs, and small talk exhausted Isabella. By the end of the night, Isabella was left alone like always. Once Harry had kissed his son's goodnight Charlotte and Christine blocked Harry from going to sleep.
“What’s wrong?”
“We have a question for you,” started Charlotte.
“Have you and Isabella... had sex?” asked Christine.
“I don’t understand why you would-”
“We were dressing her this morning and we noticed something. Her stomach was bigger,” interrupted Christine.
“She gave birth a couple of months ago and with very large twins no less. I’m sure it’s nothing but I’ll have doctors look at it tomorrow if it’s such a pressing matter,” said Harry trying to go to bed.
“No. Not like that,” argued Charlotte.
“Harry she might be pregnant,” clarified Christine.
He had no words for a couple of seconds. Harry felt like the wind was knocked out of him, “It was one time. We were both had too much to drink,” whispered Harry.
“It only takes one time. She may be pregnant again and the doctors warned her about another pregnancy so soon. Harry she could actually die this time a number of ways.”
“What would you have me do? I have no power over her.”
“She’s unresponsive anyhow. We don’t need permission to drag her to the doctors. This time we do things right,” explained Charlotte.
“Are you suggesting an abortion?” asked Christine in horror.
“Would you rather she die in childbirth?”
“She would never want an abortion,” replied Harry.
“Would you want your sons to grow up without a mother like you did Harry?” asked Charlotte.
“Two very different circumstances and we all know you should not have said that to make your point,” answered Harry.
“But the results are the same. Two motherless sons. I want what is best for her and that is her living a long life so she can raise her children, spoil her grandchildren, and live long enough to see her great-grandchildren born. Forgive me for caring about her!” argued Charlotte.
“She will never forgive you. She will never forgive any of us if we make this decision for her,” continued Harry.
“Then we consult a doctor from the royal household and he will agree with me,” huffed Charlotte.
“Are we not going to even ask what she wants? This is her body,” asked Christine.
“It stopped being her body when she agreed to marry Harry,” replied Charlotte.
On the birth of Isabella’s youngest niece, Juliana, Isabella was stuck in London. Imre video chatted with her so that she was still able to be there.
“How are you?” asked Isabella.
“Exhausted. I always think it will be easier with the next one but it never does,” answered Kathleen.
“How are Maria Stella and Magdelena? Are they thrilled to be big sisters?” asked Isabella.
“Magdelena is but Maria Stella is not thrilled at the idea of another little sibling. She is too spoiled but Imre can’t say no to his firstborn,” laughed Kathleen.
“They are such angels. I miss them so much.”
“How are Harry and the boys?”  
“Wonderful. Harry has been working but he tries to spend so much time with Charlie and Bertie. And the boys are just so big! They cannot stop eating,” half-lied Isabella.
“I cannot wait for you to hold Juliana in your arms. She is such a little angel. You know, rumors has it that Adelaide is pregnant and with 4 babies born by the end of this year who knows how many babies will be born in 2019,” beamed Kathleen.
“How you heard anything about Luisa or Christine?” asked Isabella.
“Not in the past couple of days as I have been preoccupied.”
“Christine says that she cannot even get out of bed because of doctor’s order of bedrest until she gives birth. Luisa is still in the early stages of pregnancy but last time I heard it’s been a very difficult beginning. You know about my troubles but did you have any?” talked Isabella.
“Well not to your extent. I just had a couple of weeks of morning sickness but nothing worse than that,” answered Kathleen.
“So many children but people forget the sacrifices women make to have them. I know I did.”
“You just had it worse than others. No one could have predicted your pregnancy going the way that it did. You are always so hard on yourself ever since you were a teenager.”
“With all due respect, you didn’t know me very well back then and you still don’t Kathleen,” replied Isabella.
“You are right. It’s been made clear over the years that we have differing views but nothing about my love as a sister and admiration for you has changed. I would never say anything to hurt you, Belle.”
“Yes... while I understand that I must remind you that your beliefs are founded on hatred and an imaginary man. Goodbye Kathleen.”
Isabella shut her laptop and left the room. No matter how many times Isabella had wanted to like Kathleen her sister-in-law's religious and political views had always been the first thing. The American Archduchess had tried had to get Isabella’s approval but even 8 years later and 3 nieces, Isabella could never fully like the older women.
“Belle, what’s wrong?”
Isabella had come face to face with her ladies-in-waiting, two of which who were holding Charles and Albert in their arms, “Nothing. I wish to go to France. I think a couple of days at Chambord would do me well.”
“France? Kathleen just gave birth perhaps going to Switzerland would be better,” suggested Christine.
“I don’t want to go to Switzerland. I have yet to go to Chambord and I own the damn place, it would do me good to spend time away from the life of London.”
“Does Harry know about your decision?” asked Olympia.
“He will soon. A week in France with my husband and sons it just what I need.”
“Isabella.” The group of women turned their attention to Harry. The five women stood there until Charlotte had cleared her throat and the four ladies had left them alone.
“I was just speaking about going to the Chateau de Chambord for some time.”
“Why would you want to go to France right now?” asked Harry.
“I’m tired of London and wish for something more familiar. Besides, the French air may do the boys good before the winter here.”
“And it would just be the 4 of us?”
“Of course.”
“Not even Charlotte, Christine, or the other two will be joining us?” asked Harry.
“No. It would simply be the four of us... and of course the dozens of people who work in the château as well. The chateau itself can’t live without them.”
“This is very sudden but I think I can work something out and spend a weekend there.”
“I was thinking a week,” replied Isabella.
“Then you would need to wait a little longer because I can’t spend a week in France right now.”
“Then come to us when you have time but I want to leave as soon as I can.”
Harry looked at her, “Alright. I’ll join you when I can but ask that the boys stay with me.”
“The boys stay with me, Isabella.”
“No. No, I want the boys with me. I haven’t had proper time with them.”
“You will be going to France alone either way. What happens next is up to you,” said Harry.
“Fine. They stay and come with you,” agreed Isabella in defeat.
Upon arrival at the chateau, Isabella got accustomed to how Chambord was run. She met with everyone who worked on the grounds and especially those whom she would see on a daily basis. For the most part was left to wonder the Château and in the gardens. Her ancestors had built this palace centuries ago and now it was in her possession.
“Ma’am this is Count Johann Kinsky. He has been taking care of some of the financials of the running of the chateau and asked to speak to you.”
“Thank you, Norine,” smiled Isabella.
The elder woman nodded and left the room closing the door behind her. Johann had stared at the door waiting for it to be closed before talking, “Thank you for meeting with me.”
“Kinsky. You have to elaborate more on that.”
“My father Ferdinand is a second cousin to both Marie and Georgina, The Princesses of Liechtenstein,” replied Count Johann.
“And your mother?” asked Isabella.
“Countess of Ursel. Charlotte is my mother's cousin, she’s the one who gave me this position.”
“Of course she would participate in nepotism. What about your grandparents?”
“Kinsky grandfather, Baroness grandmother, Ursel grandfather, and Croy princess grandmother.”
“Baroness grandmother? Is she a Belgian or former Habsburg subject?” asked Isabella.
“None, she was German. Through her, I am the third cousin to the current King of The Netherlands.”
“Interesting. Kinsky's usually going for princesses, not baronesses.”
“My grandmother’s cousin was the former prince consort of The Netherlands mother. I don’t think a title really mattered when a connection like that triumphed,” explained Johann.
“Anyhow, what did you have to speak to me about?” asked Isabella.
“The tours have sold nearly ten times than they usually do. The revenue is beyond what this chateau use to make. I wanted to recommend using that money to renovate some parts of the chateau.”
“That money will go back to the trust and before you say anything else, I have little to no say in that. It was decided a long time ago what percentage of the money would go back to the upkeeping,” said Isabella.
“I was talking with The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein and he said-”
“I could not care less about what he has to say,” interrupted Isabella.
“It was to my understanding that he is in charge of the trust. I was told to report to him regarding anything financial but your visit happened to come before I could talk to him,” said Johann in confusion.
“Why did you come speak to me if you were going to go over my head anyhow?”
“I thought you should know what is going on in your home,” answered Johann.
“Chambord has never been my home. I simply own it because Queen Fabiola thought it would make me more desired and powerful. I’ve owned this magnificent piece of history for years and this is the first time I ever visiting.”
“Forgive me for making assumptions.”
“You are forgiven but I would like for you not to bring anything like this up again. I care little for the financials of things, that is why I leave that to my godfather Alois,” replied Isabella.
“Should I not update you on progress as well?” asked Johann.
“Do what you wish in that regards but I could care less. I won’t be living here any time soon and it will stay open for all those to tour.”
“Should I tell your husband as well?”
“What is mine is mine. He will have no say in anything,” answered Isabella.
“Thank you for meeting with me ma’am,” ended Johann feeling vastly uncomfortable.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years ago
October 21: Writing Update
Didn’t get to writing until pretty late BUT I did it, so. That’s what’s important. I wrote about 2800 words in about 1 hour and 50 minutes. That puts the total fic at 7,000 words and I have over half of the outline left, so...way too long for Troped.
This story could easily be 30k. It’s frustrating because at this point I don’t know where to put my attention. When I thought there was even a chance still of this being a Troped fic, it was clear that I should just write it furiously so I could meet the deadline. That’s a big reason I participate in Troped (and the community, and it’s fun, etc.). But now it’s like.... I guess I’ll just continue this because I’m kinda on a roll? It might end up being my only Halloween fic this year and I didn’t even intend to write it?
I’m not even sure if I like it anymore, in a way. Maybe this isn’t fair because I haven’t really been re-reading what I’ve written, and I did love the idea when I came up with it. But I’m really second- and third-guessing if I’m accomplishing what I want, and this fic has so many characters and I’m worried that the style of it is just... and he said and she said and he said and he said etc. Flat. Unappealing. That I have so many characters and so much of it is dialogue is why I’m pounding out so many words and so many in each sitting. But that doesn’t mean it’s good.
But then these are also my usual sort of anxieties about writing. They’re less important to me than my other concerns: is this the best way of spending my time, creatively, this Halloween? If I finish this and nothing else, will I be happy? Would it be better to drop this for now, put it on the WIP list, and pick up something else?
The main reason I’m still leaning toward working on this is because I AM writing big chunks of it at once and that’s more than I have been able to say for any other project in a while. Troped Madness is my main other project right now and THAT one also worries me, and perhaps with more reason. I’ve worked on it for so long, in terms of planning and figuring it out, and I’ll be really bummed if it turns out to be a flop by my own personal standards. If it takes even longer to make it not a flop, time in re-writing, time in re-evaluating, then I’ll do it, because I care about the fic. In other words, if I switch tracks, it won’t necessarily be that I’ll post a different fic in the days before Halloween, it might be that I post no fics in the days before Halloween, and that would really suck.
I don’t know. It’s been getting better. Like, life. I do better when it’s not as hot. But I am still struggling in basically the same ways that I have been. So, writing is a part of that--I don’t know what I’ll finish or when. I will say that the process that led me to complete Slide (Shining Like the Bad Part of a Good Time) was satisfying. It was slow and I didn’t finish when I wanted to, and it was unsurprisingly not exactly a hit, lol, but I did it and I like what I ended up with, and if that has to be my process for everything, that’s fine. Eventually, I’ll drop ideas off the list. Right now I still like the illusion that someday, somehow, I’ll get to them all.
Maybe it is the case that I need to write fic now that I’ll post next September/October. I joke that way to myself but...yeah. I get this anxiety about finishing by Halloween because even though my Halloween spirit lasts until Thanksgiving, I feel like most people have moved on to Christmas by November 1 and it’s just... even harder to sustain the mood. It’s silly to think that people care about what I write ever but nevertheless, the unreasonable anxiety is, by definition, unreasonable! Working on stuff at my own pace and then posting later, in other words sort of collecting a little pile of stuff and de-coupling the writing/editing of it from the posting/sharing of it, might be where I need to go.
At any rate, I’ll continue with this “Troped” fic until I can’t stand it, and to help me feel the urgency, I’ll try to get it done by the time voting opens so I can post to non-anon then and be included perhaps in the fic round up as a bonus, non-competitive entry.
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