#i did this like a month or so ago but i had twenty minutes to post something and i had no other art im so sorry
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ladykailitha · 3 hours ago
Heartbreak in Overdrive Part 5
I'm hoping that last week as glitch, but it seemed like the numbers were down on most of my fics last week. I hope this week will be better.
There is just this disparity from just six to eight months ago until now. I had 200-300 notes a post and now I'm lucky to get over 100.
In this we have their first meeting and we find out why Steve pushed so hard to for it be Eddie in this shoot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Eddie tried to look into the photographer but he appeared to be a ghost the last three years. All his stuff prior to that were all Nat Geo stuff and he didn’t mean pretty pictures of animals and nature. It was hard core stuff.
Wars, famines, plagues. The worst humanity had to offer and he made it beautiful. The man had awards. Plural. Why would the guy be interested in a makeup brand? And how on earth would Ravenscroft have even heard of him to hire him in the first place?
It made no sense.
So since he had to use this guy’s ‘team’ he was going to make life as miserable for them as possible. He deliberately didn’t set his alarm, didn’t shower, and even stopped at Starbucks for a latte. He didn’t even like Starbucks.
He arrived about about an hour late wearing sweats and flipflops and a faded band t-shirt. He slurped loudly on his iced latte as strolled through the doors to the studio. His feet petered to a stop as he took in the scene before him.
The equipment had been setup with a large bed with red satin sheets in the middle of the room. The lights were soft and a warm yellow. Sitting on a simple folding chair just a few feet from the bed was a man setting up his camera.
Eddie looked around. “Aw... did I miss it? Where did everyone go?”
Then the man looked up at him with the most blinding smile. Eddie’s mouth went dry and he was out of drink. He gulped heavily.
The man chuckled and shook his head. He stood up and walked over to Eddie. “I was told that you might be trouble so I booked the studio for two days.”
The cloying nature of the latte seemed to have stuck to his throat because Eddie couldn’t breathe. He swallowed harshly. “You seem to have the advantage, as I don’t know jack shit about you.”
“Steve Harrington,” he said brightly, sticking out his hand to shake, but Eddie just stared at him. Steve shrugged and put the hand in his pocket. “This is my first major fashion shoot and I am super thrilled that you ultimately agreed to my terms.”
Eddie glared at him. “Something I am very much not happy about, by the way. My hair and scalp is very sensitive and the smallest thing can throw it out of wack.”
“So Vickie has been telling Robin and Max,” Steve said, nodding in agreement. “When we found out that you liked to have your own hair and makeup artist, we looked into why. So Vickie has been telling my crew everything they need to make sure everything will go well.”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment as he tried to process that information. “Speaking of your team where are they? I expected this place to be teaming with people.”
“They aren’t here right now,” Steve said softly. “I sent them off for breakfast and they should be back in about twenty minutes. Which will give us plenty of time for us to get to know each other so you can be comfortable doing the shoot. You were told we were doing a couple of nudes, right?”
Eddie nodded. He looked around for a place to sit that wasn’t the bed or the folding chair and spotted a large lounge chair in black velvet. He looked over at Steve suddenly reassessing the other man.
Steve followed his line of sight and smirked. “You can sit there, but I’ve got a better idea. If you’ll just follow me. There’ll even be a garbage to toss your cup.” Eddie stared at him in awe. “Unless you’re planning on using it in the shoot. Which I wouldn’t recommend hawking another brand.” He winked at Eddie.
“Yeah, no,” Eddie said breathlessly. He had been completely turned around and now he was the one off balance.
Steve led him into a side room that had all his changes of clothes and was completely decked out to do hair and makeup, including a sink and yes a small garbage can. Which he used immediately to toss the cup. But there were also comfy seating chairs and even a couch with the beautician’s chair in front of large mirror. It was his dressing room.
Steve sat in one of the large comfy chairs and indicated that he should sit too. He flopped on the sofa and wagged his eyebrows at Steve causing him to burst out laughing. It was a nice sound.
“So I wanted to go over how the shoot will go,” Steve said, broad smile on his face. “We will start you off on the folding chair, completely clothed and in white, but the make up will be dark. Kind of like a devil’s face on angel kind of feel. Then with each change of outfit the clothes will get darker and sexier while the makeup gets lighter. About half way through the transformation we’ll move on to the lounge chair, to really highlight the changes you’re going through. Then the lightest makeup with be with the nudes. Partly to show off your body, and party so I can return those sheets and get my deposit back.”
Eddie burst out laughing himself. Not at the plan but the deposit joke. “Well if I ruin them, I’ll pay the rental fees.”
Steve grinned back. “Thanks. Also, usually I use an assistant but not on nude shoots. My models don’t need an extra pair of eyes ogling them. Ellie will lay out the outfit and then leave. You’ll get dressed and then knock twice on the door when you’re ready for hair and makeup. Then Max and Robin will come in. Max will do your hair and Robin will do your makeup. Then you’ll come out and bring that extra something that Ravenscroft hired you for and then rinse and repeat for the outfits until the nude shots.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. It all sounded too good to be true. So it must be the nude shots that were the catch. “Yeah and what happens with those?” he asked jutting his chin up.
“You’ll come out in a robe,” Steve said not rising to the bait. “And then when you feel comfortable enough to disrobe, you do so. But my team stays in the room next to us until you’re fully covered with the robe.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “God, where have you been my life? Like how is it so easy for you but so hard for everyone else?”
Steve’s smile was tender and a little pained. “Because I’ve seen the worst of humanity and I firmly believe everyone deserves their dignity. No matter who it is. But especially you. I’ve been to a couple of your shoots and you aren’t the big brat people paint you as. You just stand up for yourself because you know your worth and it is immense.”
Maybe instead of being a brat...Eddie thought. He could flirt with this man. Make him crack this facade of civility. Because it had to be that, right?
Steve glanced over Tommy’s shoulder and frowned. There was something wrong with the lighting.
“Hey, can I look at your earlier shots?” he asked, glancing over at Eddie who was becoming more and more irritable with each passing second.
But before Carol could hand him the memory card with another camera to view them in, Eddie erupted about someone blocking the light from the disco ball. Steve winced, because he had knew something was wrong but didn’t know enough about club lighting to figure it out before Eddie blew a gasket.
Tommy turned to Steve and waved his arm the direction Eddie had fled. “Do you see what I have to put with with this guy?!”
“Well, let’s go through the other shots and see if we can’t find who he’s talking about.” Steve steadfastly ignored the comment about Eddie’s behavior because he was close to saying the same thing.
It took them about an hour, but Steve found out that one of the male models in the background was out of frame, but just enough in the way to block out the light glinting off the disco ball. And worse, he had done it on purpose. He had been trying to get Eddie into trouble for the shoot and maybe in fired.
His reason?
The dude was one of five finalists that the liquor company had looked at before deciding on Eddie. He had a friend on the production who snuck him in and with so many extras milling around it was easy to just get fitted for costume and make Eddie’s day as miserable as possible.
So not only was the guy tossed out, his friend was fired too.
After that the shoot went so smoothly that Tommy and Carol took Steve out for dinner as a thank you.
“Man,” Carol said with a sigh as they waited for their food. “Like who the fuck notices that there was someone in their light like that?”
Steve shrugged, bringing his beer to his lips. “Someone who is used to having to fight to be seen. Someone who is so dedicated to their craft that they are so in tuned with his surroundings he can sense something is wrong.”
Tommy chuckled and shook his head. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were describing yourself.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess that makes sense. Probably why he became a model in the first place. What better way to be seen then through the lens of a camera.”
“Shit, Steve,” Carol whined. “You’ve got me kinda liking Eddie!”
Steve grinned up at them. “People aren’t usually assholes for no reason. There are a few, let’s not lie. But most of the time it’s because they’ve been treated like shit and now they’re trying to be shitty first so they don’t get hurt.”
He wagged his eyebrows and Tommy flushed. Because yeah, that was exactly what his deal in high school was.
“Okay, okay,” Carol said rolling her eyes. “We’ll be a bit nicer to the little shit. But he is still a little shit.”
Steve nodded and then raised his glass. “I’ll take that.”
Steve was on his way to crafty to find a water bottle or two, when he saw Argyle outside of a dressing room on his phone.
“Hey, man,” he greeted. “What’s up?”
Argyle looked up at him and then grinned. “Steve! My man! I’m glad you made it, how are you liking the shoot so far?”
Steve laughed and hugged him. “The food is definitely better and the access to clean water, too.”
Argyle patted him on the back and then stepped back. “Always a plus for sure.”
Steve jerked his head toward the dressing room. “You waiting on someone?”
“Huh?” Argyle said and then smacked his forehead. “Yeah. His highn-ass kicked me out when I was just trying to tell him the new direction the brand wanted to go.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve said jerking his head back. “Did he say why?”
“Like I just walked in and apparently he was still getting undressed or whatever,” Argyle replied with a half-shrug. “I don’t see what the deal was, like he’s doing a nude shoot.”
Steve blinked at him in wide mouthed shock. “Holy shit. You just walked in while he was changing? Because he was a dude and doing a nude shoot? Like seriously what? Would you do that to a female model?”
Argyle reared his head back. “No, of course not. I could lose my job, man.”
“But you’re attracted to men, too,” Steve said scratching his cheek. “So don’t you think the same rules should apply to men as they do with women to avoid getting shit for it?”
“Yeah, I guess,” he replied grumpily.
Steve patted him the shoulder. “Just be mindful, okay? I’d hate to see you in trouble because someone accused you of something you didn’t do.” Then he turned on his heel and went back in search of his bottle of water.
Jonathan let out a sigh and turned to Will and Steve. “Well that went as well as come be expected. And for once I’m with Eddie on this one. If I can’t bring him into the shot and have it look natural and not like he’s just tacked on somewhere, I really shouldn’t be doing this.”
Will gave his brother’s arm a gentle squeeze. “I’m struggling to figure it out, too. Like there has to be a way to have the girls in the middle without taking the focus off Henry but not forcing Eddie to the back.”
“They need height,” Steve said shaking his head. “If there was a way to get some height on everyone else then Eddie could be in the frame but still kept from tearing Henry’s throat out.”
Will tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean, Steve?”
“Like if their were tiered like an Olympic podium,” he explained. “But with five of them, and you put Henry on top and Eddie on the bottom, then you get this beautiful affect and everyone is happy.”
Jonathan stroked his chin. “That could work. I’ll send a couple of PAs out, see if they can find something like that. I mean wedding rental places might have something similar enough.”
Miraculously a nearby theatre had used something like it for a recent production and was happy to lend them to Jonathan for a small fee.
They made sure it was safe enough to take the weight of the models and set it up. Then they sent Chrissy to bring Eddie back. It worked like a dream and made for a photo spread that could win awards.
1- @itsall-taken @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @irregular-child @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @chaotic-waffle @steddieislife @oh-no-its-danger-gays @ollieolive @micheledawn1975
10- @little-birch-boy @alfhitchblonde @tartarusknight @chocolateracconlights @spookycollectorcandies
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astadras · 1 year ago
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…howdy lol
i was debating doing an introduction post but instead all you’re getting is a little note under my Ella Malikova sketch instead-
so HOWDY, the name’s Hollis, i’m a queer little fella and a massive nerd, and i’ll probably be posting art mainly of characters from whatever book or show i’m obsessed with at that time (and also Splatoon, which we can blame my friend for)
alrighty that’s all :]
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karinasbaby · 8 months ago
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P. munch!sunghoon x fem!reader (17+) | W. pussy eating (obv), squirting, oral, unprotected sex, cursing, multiple orgasms, munches jakehoon + munchwon , freakseung, subspace, biting, other shit i forgot | WC. 5.7k !! | A,N. this one’s for my babychels ! @ak4e7a ♡ … would anyone like a drabble about heeseung’s experience?
in which… jake convinces sunghoon to join a pussy eating competition with a bet !
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“you want me to join the what?” sunghoon questioned, his thick eyebrows furrowed, plump lips parted in confusion.
“the pussy eating competition, bro!” jake rolled his eyes as he repeated his sentence for the third time already. reaching over to flick a concerned looking sunghoon’s forehead.
“and why the fuck would i join whatever the fuck that is?” he smacked jake’s hand away when the stinging pain rushed in his head. cursing jake more under his breath. “why the fuck not?” he huffed, “heeseung was at it yesterday, he won his stupid bet with jay.”
“they had a bet?” sunghoon closed his laptop, deciding that whatever notes he was about to take from their lecture can wait until he figures out if jake is being serious or not. “yeah, dude. jay bet heeseung fifty bucks if he could make his girl squirt three times in ten minutes.” jake chuckled at the memory.
“and heeseung won?” sunghoon questioned, eyebrows raised in anticipation this time as jake’s smile only widened. “won the bet in eight minutes and twenty six seconds.” he laughed, sunghoon wasn’t surprised or shocked in any way. he was surprised at jay’s idiocy of choosing ‘ten minutes’ when all heeseung has been doing since he got laid was boast about his squirting ability in their group chat.
and heeseung called himself ‘the pussy squirting fairy’ way too often for their liking.
and besides who even came up with this stupid competition in the first place? who even agreed to any of this? why did heeseung and jay join? and why the fuck was jake asking him to join too?
“listen bro it’s nothing serious— you go to the pussy eating competition center and ask to join in for a competition with someone— in that case that will be me, and then we’ll get to eat some fire pussy out for free so it’s really just a huge win situation.” jake rambled, balancing between his two feet as he continued to convince sunghoon to join in with him.
“we could even place a bet like hyung and jay did! ten minutes for three squirts is a good deal you know? it’s just that heeseung is a fucking frea—“ jake’s voice slowly got tuned out of sunghoon’s ear as he thought about this more.
considering all the possibilities of this competition that still sounded pretty unreal to him, was this a stupid idea? yes. should he trust jake? no. did he not believe this idea because it sounded like a dream? yes. was the last time that sunghoon got offered pussy around three months ago? unfortunately, yes. did he currently feel like a loser teenage boy with his pants tightening at the thought of eating pussy? … also yes.
but was this an opportunity for him to live up to his ‘certified munch hoon’ title though? yes. and was sunghoon going to take it? fuck yes.
“you could also tap out at any minute—“ “where can i apply?” sunghoon interrupted jake’s irritating speech. “it’s not tha— huh?” his eyes widened in surprised, “you want to join?” he tilted his head to the side in a puppy like manner, a twinkle of excitement in his gaze. “you said you were going to join too, right?” sunghoon eyed him warily, a wave of relief washing down on him when jake nodded with enthusiasm.
“you also said we could place bets, yeah?” he questioned, “yes! like the ten minutes for three squirts hyung mad—“ “make it five.” jake gaped at him, blinking his eyes in surprise. “what?”
his hand came up to rest on sunghoon’s shoulder as he tried to process his words, “five minutes?” his gaze became conflicted as the younger nodded, “five minutes for three?” jake tried to understand him more, really trying his best.
“five minutes for five squirts.” jake gulped.
“for a hundered bucks.”
well fuck.
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sunghoon was on a mission.
wearing a white, sleeveless shirt along with jeans to make his movements easier, the shirt given to him by jake in order to ‘tell apart who got the more squirts’ according to the wetness that coated the white fabric.
he was now standing in line with jake, the shorter one walking with a slight bounce in his step from his excitement. “are you ready?” he whispered, eyes travelling all over the place where the competition was held.
countless other contestants from both genders aligned in the waiting line, each pair waiting their own turn, some going neck to neck with other friends and placing bets while others threw snarky glances at each other.
truly a competition for some.
“do we atleast get to pick who we get to eat out?” the taller sighed, his ebony locks sticking further to his temples due to his sweat, it was either unreasonably hot or sunghoon was weirdly nervous.
probably unreasonably hot. it was mid july after all.
“i don’t think so.. i didn’t ask hyung—“ “obviously no.” a foreign voice cut off jake, making the two turn around to greet another guy. that was also wearing a white shirt.
“it’s a competition. you don’t get to choose who you get to eat out.” he rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing. god what an obnoxious attitude.
sunghoon rolled his eyes, “pipe the fuck down, jungwon. we get it you practically live here.” jake snapped back. running his fingers through his hair while he turned around. he looked unusually restless for sunghoon’s liking.
i mean, there was a whole hundred dollar bill on the table for this bet.
“park sunghoon and sim jaeyun! you’re up next.” the same guy who jotted down their names in his board, who sunghoon assumed was the manager— called both of their names up to the front.
where sunghoon wasn’t prepared to have his breath knocked out of his lungs so quickly.
as he and jake stepped up the smal staircase leading to the mini stage where two chairs were situated, there sat two girls. very very pretty girls. dreamlike pretty girls. one hundred percent sunghoon’s type. really really pretty gir—
“stop fucking staring like a creep.” jake elbowed him when he realised that sunghoon was basically two seconds away from drooling at the sight of you. sunghoon covered his awkward staring with a strained cough. lowering his head and unknowingly bringing attention to his reddening ears.
which at the sight of, you chuckled.
and sunghoon’s knees almost buckled.
“take your respective positions and be prepared.” the manager, who sunghoon caught a brief glance at the name tag of— mark. ordered them around. sunghoon stepped closer towards you. who stared at him with the most alluring glint in your eyes. you were wearing a pink top with pink lace panties that were covered by a feather light towel. don’t ask how he noticed them.
“hi.. i’m sunghoon.” he spoke awkwardly, extending out his hand towards yours. finding his demeanour adorable, you quickly shook his hand. a smile gracing your features as you introduced yourself to him.
three months shouldn’t be that much time since he got with a girl but it felt like it was centuries ago. especially with the way his heart began to thump thump thump! between his ribs weirdly.
he spared a swift glance to jake, just in time to catch him throwing a flirtatious wink towards his own girl. goodness that dude was a freak himself.
“spare the introductions and get into your positions, what was your bet again?” mark quickly muttered, glancing at the paper in his hand and back at jake and sunghoon. pushing his glasses above the bridge of his nose.
“a hundred bucks.” jake spoke, puffing out his chest in anxiety, “and that’s for ten minutes right? three orgasms in ten?” mark nodded as he wrote down the timing on his paper.
“no actually… it’s five minutes.” jake bit his lips, sunghoon shook his head in slight disbelief and embarrassment at the current situation they were in right now. totally ignoring the fact that there were two drop dead gorgeous girls whispering and giggling right behind them both.
“five minutes for three?” mark questioned, his eyebrows raising in surprise that increased when sunghoon quickly shook his head in denial, “five minutes for five.” mark blinked.
a slight echoing line of ooo’s made their way into jake and sunghoon’s reddened ears, embarrassment crawling up their backs as mark awkwardly cleared his throat and nodded to their words. quickly changing the numbers on the timer and scribbling a few other random sentences on his board.
“we’ll shortly start the timer and the competition will begin.” he stepped back allowing the two to inch back towards the girls, jake spared a quick glance at mark who was now holding onto the alarm clock between his fingers before lowering down to his knees in front of the chair.
sunghoon swiftly followed suit, dropping onto his knees and lifting his head right between your legs to welcome the heavenly view. gosh you looked divine.
“five for five, hm?” you cheekily smiled at him, a sight that made the boy’s heart throb with the sudden need to always make you smile. he nodded shyly, his slightly wavy locks ruffling in his hair in a fluffy manner at the motion. “better not disappoint.” you then discarded the towel to the ground.
“oh i for sure won’t.” sunghoon smirked, a wave of confidence descending on him at the sight of your soaked cunt so close to his face, he could practically taste your leaking essence from the side of your panties.
“on your marks..” the young manager called out, sunghoon skilfully pulled apart your plush thighs, placing your legs on top of his shoulders as jake did the same besides him. you quickly laid back towards the table behind you on your elbows, giving sunghoon full access to anything and everything.
“get set..” mark called out, eyes glued on the button that will start the timer while sunghoon pushed the tip of his nose against your slit, the contact making you hum in delight as his tip pressed against your throbbing clit while your essence soaked through the thin fabric and onto his skin.
he poked his tongue out just slightly, brushing against your sopping hole restricted by the lace fabric that began to slightly irritate him, and sunghoon was gone.
pineapples. cotton candy. cranberries. straight sugar. you tasted otherworldly. it was not surprising that you would taste delicious as you probably do take care of yourself to the best of your ability because of this competition, but for you to taste this dizzying? to have an essence and nectar that melted against his tastebuds like honey?
sunghoon was gone.
“go!” and just like that, sunghoon’s brain was replaced by a horny puddle of mush inside of his skull. unaware of the fact that he pushed and teared your panties to the side, aiming to lick a long, tantalising stripe starting from your hole till he reached your clit where he applied pressure.
the action made your hand shoot towards his head, gripping a handful of his soft hair in your hands as his tongue circled and pushed against your sensitive nub, his large fingers pried your thighs apart when they began to push against him. normally, sunghoon wouldn’t mind getting suffocated by plush and soft thighs like this. yet today, he couldn’t lose a hundered dollar bill against jake. out of all people.
and fucking jake was going at it next to him. making all sorts of wet noises that had his girl throwing her head back in pleasure. while the timer struck twenty five seconds.
fuck, he only had thirty five seconds left for the first minute.
that’s when sunghoon decided to let go of all of his restraints, allowing all the walls he kept to crumble right apart when he pushed your legs around his head, one hand holding your leg to keep your pressed against him as you needed the extra support while the other pushed his middle and ring finger deep inside of you.
a squeal left your mouth when sunghoon attached his plump lips around your clit. sucking and slurping so loudly, obscene noises followed by your moans and the ticking of the timer barely made their way past sunghoon’s ringing ears. he was completely out of it.
he thrusted his finger in and out. quickly in and out. too busy closing his eyes to savour your flavour on his tongue to take notice of the multiple webs of wetness that connected his knuckles and your entrance. his fingers reached so deep, they were so long and the perfect size to cause the most delicious burn in your walls as he stretched them open.
right when the timer hit forty seconds, sunghoon’s fingertip brushed against your sweet spot.
you mewled his name, back arching off of the table as he hummed in delight at the realisation, “found it, didn’t i? it’s right. here.” he accentuated every word with another thrust against the spot that had you seeing stars. you nodded mindlessly as the knot in your abdomen curled on itself the longer sunghoon abused your cunt.
“f-fuck yes! right there, baby. right there.” you encouraged him, moans increasing in volume the harsher sunghoon sucked around your clit, his fingers became even more restless after the sudden petname. baby. that’s right, he was your baby. the only one that will please you from now on.
“yeah, pretty girl? feels good doesn’t it?” sunghoon spoke against your clit, each word sending a vibration right against your spine as pleasure raked through your body in rough waves. it suddenly felt like you were the only two in the world. your surroundings melting in an instant as you gasped his name and praised him for making you feel so good. so ecstatic.
fifty seconds in, and that’s when the coil in your abdomen suddenly snapped.
your climax washed over you out of nowhere, such an intense and speedy build up that you weren’t even able to process anything till you started to shake under sunghoon’s hold. your wetness was dripping down his forearm as he fucked you through your orgasm, each thrust of his finger made your squirt land over his shirt.
first sixty seconds was a complete and easy success.
“first minute is done! one point for sunghoon, and one point for jaeyun.” mark called out. shit, so that fucker also managed to keep up with him then?
he still had four minutes to redeem himself. with the way he was able to easily make you squirt from the first fifty seconds he felt like he knew your body inside out. knew exactly which buttons to push and what nerve to pull to coax out another orgasm out of you. there was no way he was losing.
“minute two starting now!” mark’s voice reached sunghoon’s ears in a muffled manner as he pressed your twitching legs closer to his shoulders, this time sunghoon pushed his long tongue inside of your gushing hole. a lustful glint in his eyes as he reached his slender fingers towards your clit.
rubbing slow, torturous but powerful circles on your aching nub while he licked all over your walls, slurping against your wetness that leaked down his chin and made its way down his neck, fuck he was so addicted to your flavour.
your moans became weaker as your body tried to calm down from your previous orgasm, such a mind blowing climax washing down on your body so suddenly made your head spin. and sunghoon was already overstimulating you as he worked towards another orgasm. fuck. you, yourself were done for under him.
he felt so good. so skilled as he satisfied and pleasured you in ways you’ve never felt before. his strong, muscular arms keeping your legs open as he buried his face so mindlessly between them, diving into your wetness with no other care in the world as if he was born to do this.
he lived to devour pussy. truly suitable for a competition like this.
“gonna give me another one hm?” twenty nine seconds.
“think you can handle another one, babydoll?” he taunted, barely pulling out his tongue to speak before burying it back inside of you, his fingers never halting to a stop as they began to pinch and pull at your clit. the familiar tightening in your lower stomach made your mind reel while your silence began to frustrate sunghoon.
that’s when he landed a harsh slap against your clit. the sudden pain and pleasure making you jolt under his hold as you nearly screamed out his name. “y-yes, yes i can! please, i’ll give you as many as you want!” you cried out, your broken begs rushing directly into his aching cock in the confines of his jeans. exactly what he needed to hear.
“what a good fucking girl, hm? such a good girl for me, aren’t ya?” he mocked, hand resorting back to circling on your clit as he buried himself in your folds, his nose brushed up against his fingers while he thrusted his tongue in and out of you stimulating you in the best ways possible.
thirty seven seconds was all it took for sunghoon to make you squirt on him for the second time. in the span of a minute and a half.
he slapped against your leaking hole while you convulsed beneath him, each slap getting his shirt wetter which signalled mark to announce “minute two half way done, two points for sunghoon and one for jaeyun!”
jake’s noise of surprised went unnoticed by sunghoon, almost half way in. he thought to himself as he lifted your limp legs off of his shoulders and balanced himself on his knees again.
he pressed your legs together, making your swollen, glistening folds puff up one each other while your nectar slipped out of your hole in heavy, clear droplets. sunghoon wanted to do nothing more than to slurp it all up.
without wasting anymore time, he pushed his mouth against your cunt, kissing up against your folds as the timer showcased fifty seconds, as cocky as this might sound but he already knew he won. especially when he inhaled your scent deeply and pushed his nose and mouth onto your entrance again. successful in making you scream his name this time.
he held your shaking legs up with one hand, grip strong and tight as he relished in your flavour running down his throat. so addicted as he ate you out like a drunk man. completely high on your pussy. he sucked and licked and kissed everywhere so noisily.
sucking up your swollen and sensitive folds into his mouth, coating every inch of your skin in his saliva that combined with your own wetness before returning to slurp around your clit. his mind was reeling. becoming a mushy piece of muscle in his head as the only thought that drove him to continue was to make you squirt again.
“minute three starting now, with two points to sunghoon and two points to jaeyun. yet another tie!” fuck, jake was catching up.
but sunghoon for some reason was starting to not mind.. call it the euphoria of getting high off of pussy or anything else. he no longer wanted to do this to beat jake and win a hundred dollars. he wanted to do this because it felt good. you felt good.
and just like that, he began to indulge himself in your cunt entirely. surrendering and making his rational side disappear as he hummed and moaned at your taste. shaking his head from side to side as he slurped you up so well. drooling your essence further down his chin as he pleasured you because it was his own pleasure.
each moan of his sent shocks around you body. your surroundings blurring as the air around you became electrified. goosebumps aligning your skin when you felt another climax building up gradually in your abdomen. the longer he spent humming around your clit and buzzing up your whole body the further you felt your consciousness slipping away from your fingertips.
guess you couldn’t really handle it after all.
it was at three minutes and fifteen seconds when sunghoon made you squirt for the third time.
your hands shot to grip onto the chair that was by now shaking with your body, hot white ecstasy blinding your vision as your climax washed down on your body in violent waves one after the other. and sunghoon just kept going. noisily slurping up everything you offered. he was being so embarrassingly loud as he kept rubbing his face into your cunt, getting your wetness all over his face and jaw. overstimulating you more with each passing second while your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“three minutes and twenty seconds in! three points for sunghoon and two for jake!” mark announced, his voice becoming unusually strained as the sight of the two men on their knees doing their best to pleasure their girls was starting to get to him.
it was his least favourite part of his job when he started to feel a tightening in his pants.
“so good for me, doll. we only need two more, come on. you can give it to me right?” you nodded with your head spinning. a dizzying sense of pleasure raking through your veins. sunghoon settled down for gentle bites across your thighs, giving you a few moments to cool down as he looked up.
big mistake.
the sight of you had one of his hands shooting down towards his raging boner that began uncontrollably twitching between his boxers. your pretty pink tank top ridden up revealing the underside of the plush skin of your breasts, a sheen layer of sweat coating your body as you breathed in deeply to calm your heart down when it felt like it was seconds away from bursting.
your fucked out expression is what did it for him. eyes hazed and high off pleasure. drunk on the feeling of his plump lips on your swollen cunt that tightened around nothing. sunghoon was so fucked.
“so needy for me isn’t she..?” he whispered only for you to hear, fascinated in the way your gaping hole winked at him. spilling out more of your sweet nectar that became sunghoon’s favourite drug in the matter of a few minutes. you grew flustered at his words, lifting your arm up t cover your eyes while sunghoon blew on your pussy teasingly.
discarding the competition and the fact that there were people around him, sunghoon quickly lifted himself up, leaning his body forward above yours as he began to hover on top of you. your breath hitched at the close proximity while sunghoon smiled adorably, showcasing you his pretty fangs that were sinking down your thighs just a few seconds ago.
“ready to give me another one, little girl?” he whispered. so so close to your face that his wet lips that were covered in your essence brushed against yours with every word. you nodded shyly, slowly getting fucked into subspace as your mind began to shut down. eyes blinking slowly while sunghoon pushed his long fingers back inside of you. gosh you were so cute.
three minutes and thirty two seconds in, and you were gripping onto sunghoon’s bicep that pushed his fingers inside of you deeper.
you were mewling and whimpering his name so prettily. so perfect and delicate under him. under his control allowing him to do anything with your body and it was driving him crazy. he couldn’t hold himself back when he finally pushed his lips against yours.
you moaned so endearingly under him. kissing him back so eagerly as his fingertip massaged your sweet spot making you bite gently on his lower lip. he groaned into your mouth as he fucked his fingers quicker. hitting all your spots with each thrust and making you see stars while he sucked on the tip of your tongue.
he didn’t care that he could be breaking rules right now. did not give a singular flying fuck that mark could be looking around confused wondering if this was accepted. and certainly did not even mind when jake scored his third point. all he wanted and needed right now was for you to cum for him as many times as possible. he needed to feel you tightening as your euphoria made you fall apart in his hold. it was a pleasure that he got addicted to.
“you close baby? feeling good hm?” he didn’t even need you to respond to him. not when your cunt was doing all the talking by clenching and drooling down his wrist. sucking in three of his fingers in so deeply he could only imagine how incredible you would feel around his cock, but in reality he shouldn’t imagine that right now. not when his dick was about to practically rip apart his boxers.
“s’close hoon.. so so close!” you blabbered, brain completely shutting down as you couldn’t tell apart your orgasm and overstimulation anymore. all you could feel and process was the unbelievable amount of pure ecstatic pleasure rushing throughout your whole body so wonderfully that it had you digging your nails into his back. your legs going numb under you as your knot tightened and tightened for the fourth time. almost done.
“come on, babydoll. cum for me like the good girl that you are.” he whispered against your neck and that was enough for you to squirt around his fingers again. he kept fucking into you, riding out your orgasm as your throat was no longer able to produce any noises, only soft whispers of pleads reaching sunghoon’s ear as he scored his fourth point easily.
he kissed along your jawline when he stilled his fingers inside of you, “please what, pretty girl?” he asked, already having a fleeting wild thought in his head that he discarded because he might actually lose his sanit— “i need your cock please. please for the last one, please fuck me.” holy fuck.
“three minutes and fifty six seconds in! four points for sunghoon and three for jaey— why are you taking your pants o?—“ mark’s voice became unreasonably loud towards the end but sunghoon was on a mission.
five squirts is five squirts. a hundred dollar bill is a hundred dollar bill. he’s not about to lose any of this because he didn’t push his cock into a pretty little hole like yours. no he was about to make his win a double win.
sunghoon pushed down both his jeans and boxers down in one go, his leaking cock springing out the tight pieces of fabric with multiple lines of precum dribbling down to his balls, thick mushroom tip that’s a fiery red throbbing in need and desire while your swollen hole gaped at him.
yeah he was gonna lose if he didn’t fuck you for sure.
“you ready, doll?” he asked as if he hadn’t spent the past few minutes stretching you out so nicely. you nodded so eagerly at his words. mouth watering at the sight of his veiny, thick cock pulsating so deliciously in front of you. he was so big. such a perfect size for stretching you out more.
he pushed the head of his cock in and god was he huge. you gasped around his lips when he gave you a few seconds to adjust before pushing his entire length in, bottoming out quicker than anticipated, but sunghoon didn’t care.
he couldn’t care less about the fact that he was fucking you in front of random people right now. why should he care when he knew he was going to bring you home by the end of the day and slither his way into your life after this? in fact, people should be glad because this will be the last time you’ll be seen here.
because he’s planning on having you in strawberry pink lingeries between his silky satin sheets for the rest of his life.
so technically, everyone should be glad they’re getting a show of you both right now. because it’ll be the last one.
“so deep hoon.. so fuckin’ deep..” you mewled, eyes shutting in pleasure when he slightly pulled out, barely by an inch before he thrusted back in. he felt the way your warm walls pulsed around his cock needily. sucking him back in with each movement as if they were not allowing him to pull out at all. so needy and so desperate to have something, anything to plug up your slutty hole.
“feeling good, pretty girl?” he asked, lowering his hand to press on the evident bulge that appeared on your lower stomach. the feeling made the two of you groan in pleasure, sunghoon was fleeting through cloud nine. he couldn’t believe how he went on with his life for so many years without spending each passing inside your cunt. so many time wasted when he could’ve been drunk on the heaven between your legs.
“s’good! so good, hoon.” gasping out the new petname that had his eyes rolling back, he glanced at the timer that was held by a flustered mark, palming his raging boner through his pants and noticed “four minutes and twenty nine seconds.” yeah the game was his. he won.
he switched his position, balancing himself back on his legs as he gripped your thighs, wrapping them around his waist while he sunk his cock in deeper. relishing in the sight of you throwing your head back when he penetrated you so good. the tip of his dick kissing against your cervix harshly. and just like that, he began to pound inside of you.
your unrestrained moans tumbled past your lips at his harsh thrusts. body being lit ablaze with mind numbing pleasure that enlivened every part of you. a different, never felt before kind of thrill rushed through your being. a fervent sensation that you’ve never experienced, one only brought to you by sunghoon as he continued to fuck you. determined on making you crumble completely around his cock.
and his wish was about to be granted with the way your abdomen began to tighten. exhaustion creeping up on you along with an almost scary build up of your climax. you were about to get knocked out with this one and you felt it.
“come on, angel. give me another one. the final one, i know you can do it, doll.” he encouraged, pressing his hand on his bulge that disappeared and appeared with every one of his thrusts, his large hand applying the perfect amount of pressure to have your head spin again. seconds away from cumming on his cock for the first time. his tip pressed and massaged all of your spots perfectly. “it’s right here, isn’t it? this is where you’re weak for me.” he chuckled.
you were slowly losing consciousness at this rate, body burning with euphoria that flashed through your limbs. “f-fuck i’m s’close! hoon— fuck!” you screamed his name as you felt your pleasure crashing down on you for the fifth time. walls tightening and clenching mercilessly making sunghoon hiss in pain while you squirted all over his abdomen.
the pressure from your orgasm made it hard for him to thrust back, but he continued. “and five points for sunghoon! at four minutes and fifty one seconds! park sunghoon is the winner of the pussy eating competition!” a new voice cheered from behind him, one that belonged to a taller manager that appeared since mark had to leave for a quick and ‘urgent’ bathroom break, making his best friend, johnny announce the winner.
but did the winner in question care right now? not really.
ignoring jake’s protests of disappointment and the sounds of his girl comforting him and finding him being upset adorable, also ignoring jake’s yells of shock and disbelief when he looked over and realised that sunghoon was currently balls deep inside of his girl. “i didn’t know you could literally fuck?!” he practically screamed at johnny as his girl tried to hold him back from jumping the taller guy.
yet all of this, went unnoticed by both you and sunghoon. who was now chasing his own pleasure inside of your divine pussy that kept trying to push him out while your back arched in his hold, pushing your chest against his as your body shook with complete overstimulation. he buried himself so deep inside of you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as he hugged you when he pressed his tip against your cervix entirely before shooting his load inside of you.
both of you groaned in pleasure, sunghoon whimpering your name as his climax came down on him with intense ecstasy that coursed through his body. each nerve ending of his blazing with fire while his mind melted. you felt so unreal.
he finally came down from his high, allowing the two of you to catch your breaths as he was rooted still so deep inside of you. “you okay, doll?” he mumbled lowly only for you to hear, panting on your skin while you nodded tiredly, eyes clearly droopy and sleepy making him chuckle. finding all of your expressions so adorable.
“you did so good for me, little girl.” he kissed your lips, savouring the taste of you on his tongue and lips before he gently pulled away. pulling his softening length out and quickly fixing his clothing before grabbing your discarded towel to help clean you up. unaware of the fact that there was a looming, pissed jaeyun behind him like his shadow.
“what the fuck sunghoon!?” he suddenly yelled, making the two of you jump in surprise before you tiredly looked over and sunghoon angrily turned around. “the fuck are you yelling for?” he furrowed his eyebrows, seriously what was this dude thinking right now?
“you cheated!” he pointed his finger, eyes wide with the accusation as sunghoon only glanced at him one more time before returning to assist you. “didn’t he basically cheat?!” the shorter one turned around to face johnny who was too busy flirting with the next contestants, “yeah yeah you could do anything as long as you make the girl squirt, sim” he waved him off.
“why the fuck am i just knowing this?!”
at the end of the competition, sunghoon— as predicted won. he walked out of that place with not only an upset jaeyun and a hundred dollar bill, but also the love of his life.
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a,note. thanks for reading !! (⺣◡⺣)♡
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katsu28 · 3 months ago
through the years
pairing: lando norris x fewtrell!reader
summary: a few glimpses into lando's journey of being in love with his best friend's sister. (5.9k) see request here!
a/n: r is three years older than max and lando. this has been a work in progress for months and was truly so so fun to write <3
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Lando’s tucking his helmet back into its protective case when he hears someone say your name.
He straightens up like he’s been electrocuted, nearly hitting his head on the shelf above him at how fast he looks up. If he had ears like a dog, they’d be perked. 
His eyes land on you chatting with someone he doesn’t recognize, and his heart skips a beat in his chest.
See, Lando has a massive crush on you, probably since before he knew what a crush was. All he knows is that you’re a few years older, his best friend’s sister, and the most perfect person he’s ever known. He’s pretty sure he’d fallen in love with you the moment he met you at one of Max’s and his races. 
But at only sixteen (nearly seventeen) years old, did he even know what love felt like?
Not really, but if Lando was being completely honest, he imagines it was the same feeling he got whenever he climbed into a kart—thrilling, exciting, a little bit of fear that he might puke. 
He hasn’t seen you in a while though. You’ve been off at university for a year now, somewhere far off, but Max had said something (read: complained) about you being home for summer break.
Lando thinks he might be more happy about it than your own brother is. 
“Hey!” Lando calls, raising a hand in greeting. You lift your sunglasses at the sound of another voice, squinting in the bright sunlight to see who’s shouting at you now. When your eyes land on him, you smile, waving back. Lando grins, one that only grows bigger as you start to make your way over to him. 
“Looked good out there today, Lan. You’re getting pretty quick on the straights,” You say on approach.
He’s had a little bit of a growth spurt this past year, so he’s no longer craning his neck to look at you, but you’ve still got quite a bit of height on him as you reach out to ruffle his hair playfully. 
“Thanks! Have you, erm, have you been here the whole time?” Lando’s voice cracks at the end of his sentence, mortifying him, but luckily you don’t seem to notice. You’re too occupied looking around the track for something, or someone. 
“Nah, I just got here, like twenty minutes ago? Mum told me to give Max a lift home.” You shrug. Lando fights the urge to let out a relieved sigh. Thank god you weren’t here to see him nearly spin out into the gravel on the last corner. That would’ve been embarrassing. “Have you seen him, by the way? I need to wring his neck.” 
A surprised honk of laughter splutters from Lando’s mouth. “What did he do now?” 
“Little shit broke one of mum’s good dinner plates and blamed it on me! S’why I’m here playing chauffeur,” You sigh, shaking your head. “Grounded during summer holidays, can you believe it? I’m basically Max’s personal shuttle, so it looks like you’re going to be seeing quite a bit of me for a while. Nightmare, innit?” 
“Not really. It’d be nice to see you around more again.” 
“You’re sweet, Lan. The punishment might be worth it to see your cute face all the time.” You wink at him, pinching his cheek gently. 
He knows you don’t mean it in the way he wants you to mean it. You still see him as just your little brother’s best friend, still a kid. But he’s older now, more mature. His voice is starting to drop, and he’s going places in his racing career by this point. He wonders if you know he’s joining McLaren’s Young Driver Programme next year. He wonders if you’d be impressed by it. 
“Hang on. I’ve got to take this, it’s my mum. Probably demanding I stop off at the shops on the way home,” You sigh, holding up your buzzing phone. “Do me a favor, be a darling and go find my idiot brother, would you?” You answered the call before he could nod, walking a ways away to talk to your mum. 
Lando remains rooted in place, watching you pace back and forth. 
“What’re you looking at?” Max pops up next to him out of the blue, bumping his shoulder rather roughly. It doesn’t phase him though, because he’s used to Max’s antics at this point. 
Instead, he sighs. “D’you think she’d ever like me?” 
Lando nods his head in your direction, looking rather wistful. Max follows his friend’s line of sight until his gaze lands on you, on the phone, looking less than pleased. 
“Are you fucking with me? Please tell me you’re fucking with me,” He asks, wrinkling his nose at Lando. Even though you’re three years older than him, Max was wildly overprotective over you. Lando shakes his head. He is most definitely serious. “Mate, that’s my sister.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
“That’s disgusting.” 
Lando scoffs, giving Max a shove. “You’re disgusting.” 
“So you’re telling me that every time you’ve asked me where she’s been, what she’s been up to, it’s ‘cause you fancy her?” 
“Maybe. Yeah. I think she’s amazing.” 
“I’m gonna throw up. I’m actually going to throw up, oh my god.” 
“Don’t be dramatic.” Lando rolls his eyes, picking up his things. 
“You’re hot for my sister, how am I being dramatic? I think I’m being quite calm about this.” 
“It’s nothing, really. She probably won't ever see me as anything but a little kid.” 
“Oh, you never know. You’re getting bigger, mate. Stacking on the height, packing on the muscle.” He fakes two punches to Lando’s torso, grunting overdramatically when Lando pushes him away with another roll of his eyes. “Soon enough you won’t be able to keep the ladies off you, ya stud.” 
“Thanks? You do know we’re still talking about your sister, right?” 
“Oh. Right. Yeah, still gross.” 
“Oi, Max. Let’s go or mum’ll have my head if we don’t get home by dinner,” You grumble, reappearing behind Max and shoving him upside the head. Your gaze softens when it turns on Lando. “Bye, Lan. See you soon.”
Lando manages to get out a goodbye without his voice cracking again, thank god. He wants to go in for a hug, because part of him thinks it might lift your spirits, but knows Max would never let him hear the end of it. So he just settles for a slightly awkward wave before you turn on your heel and head for the car. 
Max rolls his eyes. Then he smiles deviously, pointing at your retreating figure with one hand and Lando with the other, before smashing them both together, all while making overexaggerated kissy noises. He seems to have forgotten his previous disgust quite easily. 
“Fuck off!” Lando hisses, flipping off his friend. 
“I’ll leave you behind, Maximillian!” You warn, not even turning around to threaten your brother. Max rolls his eyes again, but doesn't hesitate in hurrying after you so you won't leave him stranded at the track. 
Lando manages to catch your eye once as you’re pulling out of the car park and he waves again, trying but probably failing to stifle the goofy grin spreading across his face at the wave you gave him back. 
God, he’s so down bad for you. 
That year, however, the months went on, Lando found himself noticing that you came home less and less often, and not even for school breaks the following year. Max wouldn’t talk about it, but it was obvious it was somewhat of a sore subject, so Lando never pushed.
He’d always wondered what happened, but soon enough, his life became far too hectic to sit around thinking about all the what if’s and the why not’s. All he could do was hope you were doing okay. 
It’s hard to believe Max is turning twenty-one.
So will Lando, later in the year, but for now he remains a very youthful looking twenty years old. 
Max invites a handful of people to a quiet dinner, nothing too flashy, nothing too fancy. Just a nice dinner with close friends and good food. His birthday sits right between race weeks, so Lando is fortunate enough to be able to carve out an evening for his best friend. 
Now he’s sitting at the end of a long table, sipping a lemon sparkling water as the first few of their friends start to trickle in. He’d arrived unfashionably early under the guise of offering to help Max iron out last minute details, set up, things like that.
In reality, the reason why he’d turned up so early was you. 
Lando doesn’t know if Max invited you, and if he did, he doesn’t know if you’d actually come. But on the off chance that you do choose to make an appearance, Lando wants to be the first one to see you. 
Naturally, he spots you the second you walk in, and he’s instantly transported back to when he was an awkward teenager, pathetically pining over his best friend’s sister with absolutely no shot.
Hell, he’s still pining over you. He thought whatever feelings he had for you would’ve faded over the years, but one look at you and everything comes rushing back. 
He thought he’d prepared himself for this, for seeing you again, but one thing that rises above all the other thoughts flooding his brain is that he’s not over you. Not by a long shot. 
He watches you make your way over to your brother and hug him. You lean in close to say something into his ear, and suddenly you’re both looking directly at him.
Lando startles, nearly spilling his drink, but he manages to compose himself quickly. That swoopy feeling he used to get whenever you made your way over to him is back in full swing again. He scrambles to his feet. 
“Hey, Lan!” You greet him keenly, wrapping him in a warm hug. Your perfume washes over him as you do, and he fights the urge to sigh happily. You still wear the same one you always did. He remembers because he’d more or less conditioned himself to associate the nice scent with you. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” 
Lando chuckles breathlessly, praying you’re not able to feel how fast his heart is beating through his shirt. “Too long.” 
You pull away, holding him at arms’ length, studying him with bright eyes. “You’re taller than me now.” 
“I’d hope so. M’not sixteen anymore.” 
“No, you’re not. You look good though, ” You say. You look like you mean it truthfully. 
“How’ve you been?”
“Been better, but I’m…getting by, all things considered.” You shrug, sliding into the chair next to him.
Both of you swing sideways to face each other at the same time, knees knocking into each other as you do. You share an apologetic smile. Your hand blankets his where it rests on the table, squeezing a few times as your eyes light up with excitement. 
You aren’t aware of just how much that one little move affects Lando. 
“But what about you, McLaren’s newest Formula One driver? That’s so amazing. Seriously. I’m proud of you.”  
He’s heard the compliment loads during his rookie year, but hearing it come from you makes his cheeks flush pink. He can feel the comfort of your words spreading from his face into his chest, tendrils of warmth wrapping around his rib cage. You’re proud of him, and it feels like he’s just won the world championship. 
“Thank you,” He squeaks. 
“I always knew you’d do great things.” 
“You’ve been keeping up with my career?” 
“‘Course I have,” You say warmly, nodding like it’s obvious. “It’s not everyday you can say you’ve known one of the up and coming talents of Formula 1 since you were kids.” 
“We’ve come a long way since then, haven’t we?” 
“You, yeah. Me…well, let’s just say I’m still trying to figure things out.” 
“You’re doing the best you can, aren’t you? Shouldn’t that be all that matters?” 
“I suppose you’re right. Thank you, Lan. I needed to hear that.” 
Silence stretches between the two of you, and Lando feels the need to break it. 
“Y’know, I didn't know if you’d come. Since…y’know, whatever’s been going on all this time.” He doesn’t mean to prod, doesn’t mean it as anything other than him drawing a huge blank about why you haven’t been around. 
Your expression still grows somber, brows creasing ever so slightly. “Max hasn’t told you anything?” 
“Seemed like a sore subject, so I never pushed.” 
“You must have a lot of questions then.” You murmur, tracing an idle finger over the pristine white table cloth. “About why I’ve been basically nonexistent for years.” 
“I don't need to know. You’re here now, that's all that matters.” 
“Y’know, you’ve always been so thoughtful, Lando. When we were all kids and Max was being…well, Max, you were always looking out for me, even though you didn’t have to.” 
“I cared about you. Still do.” 
It’s true. Lando cares about you in more ways than one, in more ways than just your little brother’s best friend should, but it isn’t something that he can help. You’ve still got him wrapped around your finger without even knowing it. 
“So sweet.” You smile, squeezing his hand appreciatively, and Lando feels like he’s just been shown a new purpose. He wants to be the one to make you smile like this all the time, something he’s known in his heart for years. “So, tell me more about you. What’s it like in the big leagues?” 
You wind up spending all night glued to each other’s side, filling one another in on what’s been going on in your lives since the last time you saw each other. Granted, it’s a bit more of him doing most of the talking with you on the listening end, but he gets the sense you’d rather have it that way. 
He’ll gladly talk for hours if it meant you looking at him with the pride in your eyes you’ve had the whole night. 
Eventually, the party rolls to an end, as all good nights unfortunately do. Lando wants to stay here, stay with you, but he can’t. He’s got an early morning and a day full of training tomorrow, so he’ll settle for walking you to your car after you’ve both said goodbye to Max. 
You’ve got your arm looped through his as you make your way out of the restaurant with the rest of the dinner guests. 
“This one’s me.” You jut your chin at the car coming up. If Lando isn’t mistaken, you almost sound kind of sad, but maybe he’s just looking too much into things because he doesn't want to leave. You leave his side, putting a little bit of distance between the two of you. “Thank you for keeping me company all night, Lando. It was really nice to see you again.” 
“Likewise. I’ve…” He trails off into an airy chuckle, shoulders creeping towards his shoulders instinctively. For a moment, he wonders if he should even say anything. “I’ve missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” You say softly, giving him a small smile. Lando feels his chest tighten at the sincerity in your tone. Then you step forward and wrap your arms around his neck in a hug and suddenly he’s just about ready to melt as his arms slide around you to return the embrace. 
He isn’t expecting your lips against his cheek, or the way they linger a little longer than to be expected before you step away again. Heat blooms where you kiss him, zipping through his veins like the thrill of pushing the highest speed down the home straight towards the checkered flag. 
“Don’t forget about me when you get to be a big hot shot in the racing world,” You say, only slightly teasing. 
“Don’t think I could.” 
He watches you get into your car and drive away, hands in his pockets, wishing he was brave enough to tell you how he feels about you. Some other time, maybe. One day he’ll muster up the confidence to say something. 
twenty four
No matter how many times Lando comes home to race at Silverstone, the feeling never goes away.
A mix of joy, pride, the unmistakable vice-like grip of anxiety. Lando is excited, no doubt, but all he wants to do is make his home crowd proud. His family is here, his friends are here. Everyone is counting on him to do something amazing.
He’s got a hundred things to do before he has to head down to the garage to gear up, a methodical mental checklist to get through in not a lot of time.
Buzzing with nervous energy, he paces the top level of the motorhome, amping himself up while also trying to calm himself down. He’s barely managed to eat anything all day, as evident by the basically untouched chicken wrap sitting on the table next to him. 
Sure, he’s raced at Silverstone before, but this is the first year he actually has a shot at winning the whole thing. The car has proved to be a speed demon, and he’s been killing it this season, but neither of those help his nerves. 
It makes his stomach twist more than anything. It’s one thing to not win because he doesn't have the facilities to do it, it's entirely worse to know he can win and still let everyone down. 
“Well, if it isn’t little Lando Norris.” 
He freezes at the unexpected voice. Your voice.
His mind flashes back to the last time he saw you, at Max’s birthday party. How you talked all night, and kissed him on the cheek before you parted ways. 
It’s been three years since then, and you’ve stayed in close touch with each other, but you haven’t seen each other in person since that night. It isn’t either of your faults—life got in the way and neither of yours lined up. Nonetheless, he’s grown closer to you these past few years than he ever has, which definitely doesn’t help the massive crush he still has on you. 
Part of him thinks he really needs to move on—he’s been in love with you for so many years he doesn’t even remember the exact number, but his feelings remain the same. Any relationship he’s tried to have, just to see if he could ever love someone else, has never lasted.
Lando thinks he might be stuck on you his whole life, if the entirety of his teenage years and first few of his young adult years have been any indication. 
He’s very prone to wanting things he can’t have, it seems. 
Lando gives his head a shake because it couldn’t be you. You couldn’t be here, because last he heard from Max, you were somewhere out of the country on a work trip and wouldn’t be able to make it to Silverstone for the race. It’s a bummer for sure, but Lando knows you would've come if you could. Max told him you sounded downright upset about it on your check in call earlier in the week to break the news. 
He turns slowly, hesitantly. Hopefully. His fingers tighten on the water bottle he’s got clutched in his hands. 
There you are, looking back at him like something straight out of his dreams. 
You’re older now, as he is too, but there’s something different about you. About how you hold yourself. Like you've finally settled into the person you were meant to be. It isn’t something he could’ve clocked in on through texts and grainy video calls, but he sees it now, clear as day. 
“You’re here,” He breathes, disbelieving. He isn’t able to stop himself from rushing forward, bringing you into a very tight, very excited hug that lifts you off your feet.
You let out a surprised noise at his enthusiasm, barely managing to hook an arm over around his shoulders so you wouldn’t go flailing as he spins you around.
He puts you down soon after, still beaming as he takes you in. “How are you here? I thought—Max said you were on a work trip!” 
“I asked him to keep it a secret,” You chuckle, spreading a palm across his chest to steady yourself. “Wanted to surprise you for your home race. Hope that’s okay?” 
“More than okay! It’s so good to see you again,” He insists, folding you into another, albeit much quicker hug. He holds you at arm's length right after. “You look really good.” 
“I feel good,” You say sincerely. “Think I’m finally getting the hang of this whole life thing.” 
“That’s amazing. I’m proud of you for pushing through, sticking it out,” Lando murmurs, just as genuine. There’s nothing better than seeing you finally find a good place, happy with where you are and what you’re doing. It’s all he’s ever wanted for you. 
“Thank you. But oh my god, look at you!” You exclaim, taking his face in your hands. You pinch his cheeks the same way you used to do, but the way you’re looking at him feels much different than before.
There’s something that isn’t quite the same, like something about what you think of him has changed. The thought burrows its way deeper into his brain when one hand slides down to his chest for a few beats.
“You’ve grown up quite a bit again, haven’t you?” 
He laughs, a little high pitched and a little breathless. “Yeah well, you know what they say about second puberty.” 
“Still got the same cute laugh though.” You smile at him brightly, and it's like the sun has just poked its way through the dreary British fog for the first time in ages. His heart does an involuntary tap dance against his ribcage. “Right, well, I’ll leave you to it then. Sorry if I, like, disturbed your pre-race rituals or anything, I just wanted to pop in and say hi before things get crazy.” 
“No, no, I’m glad you did. I think I needed to see a familiar face. Between you and me, I’m kinda freaking out.” 
“Oh, Lan,” You sigh, squeezing his hand. “You’re gonna do great.”
“Hope so.” 
“You will,” You insist firmly. “Don’t think about the people, don’t think about the crowd. Just trust your gut, and drive like hell.” 
Lando didn’t know it before, but your words are exactly the thing he needs right now. He sighs deeply, letting his shoulders relax just the slightest bit. 
“Anyways, I better go. Max is probably wondering where I’ve wandered off to.” 
He clears his throat, giving his head a little shake. “Yeah, I should—I probably need to get going as well.” 
“Good luck, be safe, all that. I’ll be the loudest one cheering you on.” 
Lando hears himself call out your name when you’re a few steps away from the door. You turn back to him, and he knows this is the moment. He’s about to do something he’s never had the balls to do before, never in the nine years he’s been in love with you. Only today, right here, he’s never felt more sure of himself. 
He’s trusting his gut. 
“Would you wanna grab a drink tonight? Dinner too, if you’re up for it?” 
“Yeah, ‘course! I’ll text my brother, see if he’s free.” 
“No,” He blurts. You arch a surprised brow at his sudden outburst. “Sorry, I just—I meant like, maybe just the two of us.” 
You’re quiet for a few moments, and it feels like the longest couple seconds of his life. But then you nod, breaking into a big grin. “I’d really like that.”
Lando doesn’t want to get his hopes up in fear of possibly jinxing it, but it feels like maybe, just maybe, he might have a chance with you. After all these years, he’s no longer just a little kid to you, no longer just your little brother’s best friend.
The thought of that pumps him up better than a race in front of his home crowd ever could.
twenty five
He’s done it. 
Lando's just won in Abu Dhabi, gotten his fourth win of his career—his fourth win of the season. McLaren has just won the constructor’s championship for the first time in twenty six years, and Lando’s been an instrumental part in making it happen. 
The moment he steps out onto the front of the car, hears the crowd cheering for him, he can barely even believe it. It doesn’t feel real at all. 
He wants to find you. He knows you’re here somewhere, probably with his family in the garage. He also knows he doesn’t have the time to find you, not until after he’s taken care of his post race duties. 
Lando doesn't see you until he returns to the pit lane in front of the McLaren garage.
The whole team is gathered there, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. He can feel the energy buzzing through the atmosphere, the pure excitement and joy of a long awaited championship not only for everyone here, but the whole team of papaya back at the factory too. 
This is their time as much as it is his, if not even more. They’re the reason he’s able to live this dream every single day, and for that, he’ll never be able to say enough thank yous. 
Instead, he’ll work even harder next season, keep pushing and honing his craft until he’s able to truly show his gratitude towards them. 
But for now, he’ll celebrate. After a long, grueling (but fulfilling) season, he’s earned that. 
He breaks into a jog towards the huddle, breaking into a face-splitting grin as he jumps into the team celebrations happily. Person after person clap him on the back on his way to his place beside the giant papaya sign, even after the team photo is taken and he gets doused by champagne from all sides. 
Lando feels like a million bucks. This feeling has been a long time coming, a long time needed. If he could bottle it up and save it forever, he would. 
There’s only one thing that could make this moment even better. 
He turns to the crowd behind the barriers, searching, searching, searching for his loved ones until— 
There you are, standing with his family just as he’d thought you’d be, cheering so hard he thinks you might even be crying. 
Man, are you a sight for sore eyes. You’ve both been busy the past few weeks, him with this triple header and you with your job. You’d barely made it to this race, but he’s happy you’re here. Even happier you were here to see him win. 
He makes his way towards you all, doling out hugs to everyone, not able to wipe the smile from his face as he chats with each of them. 
His parents, his sister, and finally…you. 
You’re beaming just as big as he is when he stops in front of you, flinging your arms around his neck in the tightest hug. He lets out a sigh of content, lifting you off your feet a bit in a hug just as tight, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he does so. 
“Hi, baby,” He breathes, running his hands down from your shoulders to your forearms as soon as he puts you down again. “What’d you think?” 
“What do I think?” You exclaim, taking his face in your hands. “I think you did amazing! I think I’ve cried, like, four times already since the race ended, honestly.” 
He laughs, wrapping his fingers around your wrists. “I made you cry?” 
“Yeah, you made me cry, you muppet! I’m so fucking proud of you,” You tell him, sounding nothing but truly sincere. There’s tears in your eyes again, happy tears for him, and he feels a surge of adoration bloom in his chest. “Congratulations, Lan. You’re destined for so much greatness, I know it.” 
He’s sweaty, sticky, and doused in champagne, but he still feels on top of the world at the joy in your eyes.
“I love you,” He blurts. He couldn’t have stopped the words spilling from his mouth even if he tried. 
Maybe it’s the adrenaline, maybe it’s knowing there’s no better time than the present, but it’s out there now. The past five months you’ve been dating have been absolutely mint, but Lando doesn’t think he could’ve gone another moment without telling you. 
You let out a watery sort of chuckle, sliding a hand into the hair at the nape of his neck and bringing him in for a kiss.
You’ve kissed before—a lot, actually—but this one feels different. Better. The giant secret that he’s been holding in from you for years and years is finally out, and it’s like a weight lifted off his chest. 
“I love you too, Lan,” You murmur, words pressed against his lips like they're something reserved only for him. “God, I love you.” 
There goes his heart right then, the last piece of his heart that he’d saved for the day he wasn’t sure would ever come. The last piece of his heart that belonged to him now belongs to you, and in this moment, you’ve got all of it. 
All of Lando’s heart is now yours. 
Lando didn’t think this day could get any better, but now there’s this. The woman of his dreams, the one he’s been in love with since you were both kids, finally loves him back.
He’s not sure what heaven is like, but Lando imagines it might be something like this.
Here, under the Abu Dhabi sky, he’s gotten the championship, he’s finally gotten his girl. To him, there’s nothing better than it. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new fic :)
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 7 months ago
Request idea:
Your darling, adoring, wonderful boyfriend Jason sits you down And solemnly confesses that he is red hood. He’s been dreading this day for months. If you want to leave, he’ll understand and wait—-
Jason thinks he’s in an angst fic. The reader is in a rom com where her boyfriend has been a ridiculously obvious superhero, but she’ll let him tell her when he’s ready.
Maybe some shaningany flashbacks where you’ve helped to keep his identity secret (stalling so he can change, giving alibis) while he was oblivious.
- Batchilla
To Wait and To Love
Hi Batchilla! Hope you enjoy! ♡ ~1.5k words
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Your boyfriend is a vigilante, Red Hood, to be exact. You know this. He's just not aware you know this.
It's obvious, really, and kind of cute the way he makes excuses to leave. Sure, before you put two and two together, it was starting to seem like he was just dragging you along. But it all made sense when you caught sight of the helmet poorly concealed under his bed.
It makes you wonder if he wants to get caught. Especially when he brings you flowers from the shop you just saw him save from Poison Ivy on TV. Or freezer-burnt cartons of ice cream from your favorite ice cream shop, which was buried under piles of snow courtesy of one Mr. Freeze only twenty minutes ago.
You offer him big smiles and kisses of thanks, and your heart melts a little at how relieved he looks, how baffled he is by your understanding. And you do understand. To tell someone you run around in spandex and leather every night is a big risk, especially for someone who used to run crime in Gotham.
You're no angel yourself, even if he does call you one, and it's endearing to watch him scramble for excuses. It's even more endearing that he tries so hard to make it up to you when he's late, when he has to leave early, when he comes back battered and bruised with flimsy half-thought out explanations.
You'll let him take all the time he needs to tell you, and it's almost funny how easily you've come to cover for him.
"Jason? Oh, he's changing his suit. Someone knocked into me and I spilled my drink all over his jacket. How embarrassing," You laugh out, answering the reporter's question over Jason's absence from the latest Wayne Gala. It's only half a lie, you might not have spilled your drink but he's definitely changing his suit. It's just not the suit anyone would expect.
Once whispers of a break-in at Gotham National Bank started circulating the Gala, it wasn't hard to miss the meaningful glances between your boyfriend and his family. Sometimes you wonder how no one's noticed it before.
You smile brightly at him once he comes back, smelling like gunpowder and leather, and you let him kiss your knuckles while he mumbles apologies over getting caught up with an old friend. You don't imagine Riddler is exactly an old friend, but you teasingly tell him how he owes you a dance for making you wait. He smiles back, his own grin even brighter than yours, as he leads you to the dance floor.
You're opening the door to your apartment, chatting lazily with your friend after a night out.
"Is your boyfriend here? I remember you saying you two were practically living together," they ask, eyes trailing around your living space.
You hum thoughtfully, "We pretty much are. I think he might be sleeping or out looking for the stray cat we saw the other day. It had a bad limp." It's not a hundred percent a lie either, there was a hurt stray. You just know that Catwomen already picked it up, after a text Jason sent to Bruce Wayne's current girlfriend, Miss. Selena Kyle. Which would have been more of a surprise if you didn't already know who Batman was.
But it definitely isn't the truth, because you did catch sight of a red helmet following you and your friend back from the club. (Gotham never felt safer, than when he was watching over you.)
Your friend coos and starts to respond, when a thump sounds from the fire escape. They jolt, "What was that?"
"The cat, probably," You say quickly, letting out a laugh, "it's, uh, pretty big. Has a limp. Hey, did I show you the flowers Jason got me?" You gesture towards the bouquet behind them, and you both focus on the pretty blossoms.
Within minutes, you hear your bedroom door open and close. "Hi, baby," Jason drawls, looping an arm around your waist to pull you to his side, "Sorry, I fell asleep, how was your night?"
You pretend not to notice the limp he's nursing, one you're certain he should be resting, and tilt your head up to kiss his jaw, "It was fun. Missed you."
"I missed you too," he echoes fondly, and the three of you fall into an easy conversation. You distract your friend when you all go to sit on the couch, and if you choose to avoid sitting on his left side, it's certainly not because Red Hood hurt his leg fighting Killer Croc earlier this week.
Jason has never said your name like that before. His eyebrows are knitted together. He's kneeling in front of you, his hands clasped over yours as you sit on the bed.
"I love you and I– I have something to tell you," he chokes out, strained, "please, just– just, hear me out."
It clicks. This is it. He's going to tell you.
You smile and nod, it'll be nice to finally air out this secret. And maybe he could help you work on your excuses? It'll be easier if you're working as a team. You reach out and brush his hair back, unfazed and delighted he's trusting you enough with this, "Of course, Jason. Anything you need to tell me."
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Jason is going to throw up. He's finally gotten his act together enough that he's going to tell his partner he's Red Hood. His stomach is churning, it's agony, knowing he could lose them over this.
They're so good to him. So understanding and patient and kind. He has no idea how he got so lucky. And he loves them. It's scary sometimes, how much he loves them. He wants this to last so badly. So, he has to be honest. Has to tell them he isn't what the world says he is.
He's a vigilante. Was a crime lord. He hurts people to save people. He terrifies the trash that calls themselves human. He's not good for you, but he tries. He wants you to still love him.
He wants you to stay so much. Even if he's not good. He wants you. You deserve so much more than the excuses and lies he gives. Jason's wanted to tell you for weeks, but he chokes on his words every time. He's never been so afraid of doing something. Not when he was a kid on the streets. Not when he was Robin. Not as Red Hood.
You look so perfect, sitting at the edge of your bed and smiling at him. He almost flinches when he thinks this could be the last time you smile at him.
He's on his knees. He's prepared to beg. He would beg to keep you.
He says your name, he tells you he loves you. It might be the last time he gets to say that to you. The thought makes him even more nauseous. He tells you he has something to say.
You brush his hair back and keep smiling. He wants to sob. You don't know. You don't know what he is, what he's done.
"I'm Red Hood," he gasps out, voice ragged.
A beat. You're still smiling, you still look happy, and you're nodding at him.
He blinks at you, "I'm Red Hood," he repeats, "I know that- I know it's a lot. I understand if you never want to see me again, but, baby–"
You lean forward and kiss him. He's more than just a little dumbfounded. "Jason, I love you too. I'm not leaving you. I, um, kind of already knew you were Red Hood?" You say, a sheepish smile coming over your face.
"You– what?" Jason stumbles out. You're still here. Still touching him. You kissed him. You look relaxed. Happy.
"I saw your helmet under the bed. Everything clicked after that," You tell him gently.
"And you're okay with that? You're okay with me?" He asks, tone betraying his desperation.
Concern flashes in your eyes, "Of course I'm okay– I'm more than okay with that, Jason. I love you, tights or not."
He lets out a laugh, and his stomach swoops, the tension dissipating throughout his body, "Yeah?"
You grin at him, cupping his face, "Yeah, but you're going to have to show me how you swing around rooftops."
He gets off his knees to kiss you again, he doesn't think this moment could get any better, "Is that all?"
You giggle, at the pure elation in his eyes, and he grins widely at your joy. Then, the moment does get better, "Well, I'm kinda interested in the car Batman drives around you."
"I could make that happen," he murmurs, and seals the promise with another kiss, "You wanna see the batplane too?"
Your eyes light up, and Jason thinks he might be addicted to the mischievous glint that flickers in your gaze.
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madigoround · 2 years ago
#following tags will discuss a mass shooting don’t read if you’re not in a stable mental place take care of yourselves 💜#yesterday while I was on the way home from work there was a mass shooting down the street from my work/in the heart of the city#this was in the heart of the city in broad daylight at a high school graduation a graduating senior and his father were shot and killed and#others were shot and are in the hospital who knows if they will recover a 14 year old was shot a nine year old boy was hit by a car running#from the shooting trying to protect himself all of those graduating high schoolers and their families had to run for their lives and were#traumatized on a day that should have been joyful and at the time that this happened I was headed home and saw tons of police cars zooming#past and then did teletherapy and before even hearing about the shooting this morning I was crying to my therapist about how it feels like#the world is crumbling apart and there is so much cruelty and there are things happening to my friends and to the people around me and#there’s nothing I can do about it I just feel so powerless and defeated I want to crawl in a hole and not emerge until things have gotten#better and then to come to work and be told that we’re probably going to be assigned this case to defend the shooter and it’s like I don’t#think people should be put in cages right? I don’t think prison is an appropriate or effective solution and it#certainly is modern day slavery and the people that go to prison often come out years later with no options and very little rights and it’s#not helpful to anyone really I’m not saying I want the kid that did this to be locked up forever because it’s not actually going to solve#the issue that being said I’m already investigating a shooting/murder that happened in broad daylight a few months ago on a street I was#walking on twenty minutes before the shooting and I am struggling with it#I don’t know how we can be expected to defend this client who killed people down the street from us in broad daylight who shot at children#and it all makes me feel so utterly powerless#it feels like the world is falling apart and there is nothing I can do#all my irl friends are really going through it right now and I don’t want to put this on them but I need to get it out of my head
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 10 months ago
only you (f.h.) (drabble)
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Wife!Reader
A/N: The last month was pretty busy so I couldn't write much but I had a cute lil thought about this while I was on the bus cuz of all the Five tiktoks on my fyp
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"Honestly Five, your head isn't screwed on straight! No one in their right mind would put themselves at this much risk over and over again!" You shouted, voice almost hoarse and mouth dry as you continued to berate him, as you had since you arrived almost twenty minutes ago.
Your husband continued to ignore you, not even bothering to justify his reckless mission anymore and you continued to shout, waving your hands around in your helplessness and frustration.
Five Hargeeves was a great man but the one thing you absolutely detested about him was how he decided he had to do everything on his own. You were his partner, both in the commission and in his life, but he refused to trust you with his own matters.
To a certain degree, you could understand him. He was so anxious about saving his family, so tormented by their deaths hanging over him that he felt that unless he oversaw every single detail, it would all fall apart.
But just because you understood, didn't mean you appreciated your husband putting himself in harm's way when you could've helped him.
"Are you even listening to me?! Five! Your wife is here yelling at you, and you don't even have the decency to look her in the eye?!"
He didn't reply and you were stuck staring at his broad, blazer-clad shoulders.
Then he shifted, taking a deep breath and you heard the shaky breath he let out.
He finally turned, eyes glistening, cheeks wet and lip quivering and you felt so heartbroken at the sight of him that you felt your own tears prick at your eyes. You immediately closed the gap between you, "Oh, sweetheart."
You sat him down in the armchair, perching on his lap and letting him hide his face into your neck, peppering kisses to the crown of his head as he took some time to compose himself.
"I'm just—so tired." His voice cracked and you felt like your heart did as well, pulling away from him just enough so you could kiss his tears away.
"Shh, it's okay." You whispered, gently running your thumbs over the peak of his cheekbones. His hands were gripping your waist with the strength of a vice, nails digging into the flesh of your hips.
"What do you need, Five? Just give me the word and I'll make it happen." You told him, now more determined than anything to shoulder the pain he was feeling, "I would move the heavens and the earth to make you happy, my love. Tell me what you need."
He slumped over in defeat, pressing his forehead to yours, "You. Only you."
You sighed, now running your fingers through his hair. A part of you was disappointed that he was still unable to open up, another was unsurprised.
"Silly request. I'm already all yours."
Taglist under cut
Forever Taglist:
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sweatervest-obsessed · 1 year ago
Unexpected Visitor
Pairing: Spencer Reid x G!n Reader
WC: 788
A/N: A lil Spencer Xmas Blurb while I figure my shit out. Also! I'm imagining older seasons Spencer for this one.
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"Hi! I'm, uh, so sorry to bug you but, um, do you know where Spe--Doctor Reid's desk is? Or, really, where D-Doctor Reid is?" .
Derek Morgan had to get his shit together because his jaw almost dropped when you walked in. What was some hot piece of ass doing, dressed like that, looking for Boy Genius.
He jumped up from his chair and strolled over to where you had stopped Garcia, who was just as flabbergasted as he was. "Reid is currently in a meeting sweetheart--may I ask what you, uh, want with him?"
You raised your eyebrows at the 'sweetheart', but smiled anyways. "He was supposed to be home about an hour ago and he wasn't answering his phone, so instead of panicking, because I know what you do for work, I wanted to come in and check before I lost my shit."
"Home?" Garcia squeaked out, still baffafled by how gorgeous you looked. It was like you were sent straight from heaven, a literal vision.
You nodded and tilted your head, slightly confused. "Y-Yeah...I'm sorry why is that---"
"We just didn't know Reid was living with anyone, let alone seeing someone."
"Ah." You nodded. "He's private like that, isn't he." Your smile warmed the two of them, and you shifted the coat from one arm to the other.
You turned your head towards the back of the bullpen, and Spencer was walking out of Hatch's office. "What are you doing here?"
"Being introduced to your friends and coworkers since you haven't."
Spencer bit the inside of his cheeks and walked over to you both, placing his hand on the small of your back. You felt how tense he was.
"I'm here because our reservation is in twenty minutes and you said you'd be home over an hour ago." You looked at Spencer, whose eyes went a little wide.
"Shit. I-I didn't realize what time it was---"
"I have your suit in the car, and this is why I made the reservation for eight pm, instead of Seven."
"And this is why I love you." Spencer kissed your head and rushed over to his desk, scrambling to grab all of his papers and his bag and his coat and his scarf and his--
"Hi Y/n." Spencer looked up at the mention of your name, pausing in his frantic nature.
"Hi Aaron." You gave him a quick hug, but a bright smile. "How are you?"
"Well." He laughed a little. "I'd be better if we didn't have to work the day before Christmas Eve since I still need to wrap all of Jack's presents still."
"Oh how is Jack!"
"He's doing well. finally starting to enjoy reading, no thanks to you."
You laughed at his joke, all the while Derek and Garcia just shared an incredulous look. How the hell did you know Hotch? Jack?!? Why does Jack's reading habits connect to you--
"Ready sweetheart?" Spencer appeared at your side and you nodded. "It was lovely to see you Aaron. I'll stop by some time tomorrow to drop off Jack's gifts as well as yours. I got it when Spence I and went to Paris last month. I think you'll enjoy it!"
"That's why you weren't here for two weeks?" Penelope's jaw was on the floor. "I didn't take you to be a Parisian man Doctor Reid."
"W-Well, um--"
"It was for my birthday. My choice. I love art and museums so it made sense. Well, it was lovely to meet you all but we have a reservation to get to." You gave them all a quick smile before taking Spencer's hand and walking towards the elevator, your shoes clicking on the floor with every step you took.
"How long have the two of them been together?" Morgan turned to Hotch after you both had gotten in the elevator.
"I think today is their two year anniversary."
"TWO YEARS." Garcia clutched her hypothetical pearls. "How have I not known? How have WE not known?"
"He's private, and...well. You know Y/n."
"No we clearly do not know Hotch."
Hotch gave them a little smirk and a shrug. "Merry Christmas guys. I'll see you on the twenty-seventh."
As Hotch walked away, Garcia and Morgan just stared at one another. "So we're..."
"Going to spend then next ten minutes in my office finding everything out about this mystery person Spencer has been apparently dating for two years?"
"You read my mind mama. A little Christmas snooping never hurt anyone..."
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chiumii · 3 months ago
rearrange ~ kim sunoo x reader
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inspired by this request ! ౨ৎ - i put a little bit of a twist on it i hope you dont mind ଓ ⋆˙⊹ [ 선우 ] ☆ agreeing to marry sunoo on an arranged contract in order to unify your guys' families company was something you had begun to regret as its been such a long time and he still seemingly hasn’t let up to you despite his lingering soft touches and warm kisses, and with the ushering for a baby has begun to spike - you started to worry until you heard your name drip off his lips in a moan late one night.
word count ; 8.4k
softdom! husband! sunoo x reader , breeding kink , arranged marriage , unprotected sex , nipple play , oral , fingering , overstimulation , multiple orgasms , gentle to rough , possessiveness , hair pulling .
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its been over a year since you and sunoo agreed to be in an arranged marriage full of confusing feelings and soft , lingering touches. the marriage was formed for one reason and one reason only - to combine your families assets in order to create one big , unstoppable multimillion dollar company .
you could have walked away , you had the option - but you owed your mother for all of the things she did for you , her only child . she had built up a thriving company from nothing and it was all to support her baby girl .
so marrying into the Kim family was the one thing that you could do in order to show your mother just how much you appreciate everything she had done for you in your youth .
although the company alone was thriving , the Kim family was friends with your mother and they needed help - especially with the rising economy , it wouldn't be long until your mothers company - soon to be yours - would need help as well .
and what better way to grow bigger than to plan an arranged marriage ? sunoo was someone you had no issue with , he was incredibly handsome , and he has never been short of kind to you in the few times you had met and interacted
so here you were now , at a small party thrown in celebration for your families new perfume launch that you had established - full of family and friends alike - you were hanging on sunoo's arm like a piece of eye candy - a trophy wife as your eyes scan the building , your mind completely zoned out as you feel the rise and fall of sunoo's chest as you stand so close to him .
sunoo has known you long enough to be able to tell when something is bothering you - you're his wife of course he would know . and although the marriage was indeed arranged , he still has his concerns and care about you .
and he can tell by the distant look in your eyes and the purse of your glossy lips that something was in fact wrong , he just has to figure it out.
sunoo always does , he has the ability to figure people out and read them easily.
like the time he had walked into your office a little less than a month ago after getting home from work - and as usual , he entered your office to announce his arrival and there you were ; typing away on your computer with your glasses perched on the tip of your nose , your hair thrown up into a messy bun. sunoo saw the sour look on your face , so he decided to ask you what was wrong . but as per usual ; you denied him for over twenty five minutes that you could handle it yourself .
"y/n , you are not alone anymore . we are a team , your burdens are mine." your eyes lock with his from across the room. you push your reading glasses onto the top of your head , showing off the prominent eyebags that soil your skin, he could tell you were stressed about something in the company .
"sunoo , im just... frustrated there's so much" sunoo walks over and grabs a folder from off your desk , reading the papers that tell how badly the new perfume launch had done in the two weeks it has been out.
"if we discontinue it this early we will make no profits , but if we keep going we wont be making as much money as were spending on making this god damn scent. I thought I had it in the bag..." your voice trails off into a whisper as you cross your arms over your chest.
sunoo sets the paperwork back down before looking at you once more. and even though you were at risk of losing thousands of dollars , he still smiles at you.
"if these people can't see - or smell , how good this new launch is then its their fault , we will take care of it together - this isn't just your issue its ours . that is why we got married... miss Kim." the mention of your last name makes a faint dust of red cross your cheeks . sunoo had kissed you a couple times without any sight of the public eye , and each time he did so made more than just butterflies erupt in your stomach , it was more than even a zoo.
so when he walked over to you and rested his hand on your tense shoulder , you knew what was coming when his head leaned down so your lips could connect.
this time , his lips meeting with yours felt different - it was hot and long. especially when his hands met the slope of your waist in order to pull your body into his.
your hands found his hair quickly , your fingers tangling into his soft locks as his mouth moves against yours in a slow , soft rhythm. your head felt light and your core began to ache. your breasts pressed up against his chest and sunoo's hands moved from your waist to your back, wrapping his arms around your smaller frame.. a warm, safe blanket that has been slowly forming over time - but it was quickly stopped when a soft moan sounded from his lips when you tugged on his hair .
sunoo had muttered an apology before exiting your office, leaving you to feel dizzy and hot.
later that night you pulled out your pink vibrator and fucked yourself in his office . his scent filling the room made your senses go into overdrive .
you were beyond glad that he had an emergency business meeting to attend to shortly after the kissing ordeal, because if he had walked into the unfolding scene in his office - you were convinced he would be utterly disgusted . your legs spread apart on his office couch as your night gown was hiked up passed your hips as your juices seep out of your needy cunt as his name falls passed your lips in a hushed moan that is swallowed by the dark silence of the empty office.
"y/n?" your aunts voice breaks you out of your trance. your arms tightens around sunoo's as he looks over at you , his eyes full of concern at your reddening face at the recent memory.
"yes auntie ? sorry I was a little zoned." you shyly smile at her as she rolls her eyes with a smile . your wine glass tightens in your grip as your eyes scan the room in search of no-one inparticular. you bring your wine glass up to your lips to take a sip.
"so y/n, when am I gonna be getting a pregnancy announcement from you?" you choke on your drink , coughing on your wine as sunoo curses under his breath - his face turning a deep shade of red at your aunts words .
sunoo grabs the wine glass from you and sets it down on a nearby table - trading it for a cup of water . he walks over to your still coughing frame and hands you the glass , making sure you down the whole thing before wrapping an arm around the small of your back.
"are you okay love?" the nickname your husband calls you makes you wanna scream and jump out of the nearest window - but you avert your attention back to your aunt.
"what? why would- auntie I just.. im not getting pregnant" she coos at you , taking your arm in hers before ushering you away from your husband.
"I'm gonna steal her for a moment , excuse us" she says to sunoo before pulling you into a room not far from the main party area. she walks towards a window before opening it , letting the moonlight cascade down into the empty room.
"my love, listen to me" she says before turning to you. you've had talks with your crazy auntie before , but with the way she's looking at you now - this seems different , important even.
you raise your eyebrows at her , ushering her to continue. she takes a deep breath before lacing her fingers together in front of her figure, making sure to speak directly.
"the two of you have been together for over a year now... there has to be something there, love" she says , making you sigh into the chilly room.
"there might be something..." your aunts ears perk up , a smile growing on her lips. you sadly look at her before continuing
"but its not reciprocated... auntie I don't think... I don't think he loves me" the older woman gives you a look of challenge , making you pinch your brows together.
"oh don't pull my strings , ive seen the way that boy looks at you. you mean to tell me that in the year you've been together , you guys have done nothing once so ever , including kissing." you look down at your feet , not giving her an answer .
"see, if he didn't love you , he would not be making an effort" you look at her confusingly , not quite following what she's saying anymore.
"he could have gotten you a cheap ring, but instead he got you one that will stay under his name for life . he could have gotten the two of you an apartment in the city close to his home , but instead he had a custom home made on the outskirts so you could be closer to the country. tell me y/n, do you sleep in separate rooms?" you shake your head no, taking in all of her words deeply into thought.
"he could be sleeping in a different room , but he keeps you warm - in bed next to you" you look at her with focused eyes , keeping up with everything she's pointing out.
"y/n.. do you love him?" you exhale , thinking about your reply before you speak
"I do, auntie.." she smiles at you, walking over and grabbing your hands in hers.
"then speak to him dear. you have nothing to lose"
although you had to think about it , you really didn't have to because the man of the conversation was standing outside the door , listening to everything that had been said.
as you stare outside the window of your spacious living room , you begin to think of all the times sunoo had showed you his care in the year you had been married. all the times he had defended you in meetings , the times you had cried into him at night due to all the stress of taking over the family business , when he had woken you up with breakfast in bed on your birthday despite being late to an early flight , how he would kiss your forehead at the start of every day , and the end of every night . - the small gestures your aunt had pointed out to you made you realize that you did indeed love your husband , it just took a nudge from her to make you realize such a thing.
you especially thought about the few makeout sessions the two of you have had - the one on your birthday when he gifted you a piece of jewelry you had been wanting for months - you pulled him into your lips by the collar of his shirt , and it quickly escalated to him pressing you down onto his lap.
his breath fanned your face as he cupped your cheek , his mouth moving in sync with yours as you smiled into him.
but every time you think things would escalate - he would make up an excuse to walk away - and the truth behind him avoiding any sort of skinship past a makeout session would be how he would never want to force you into anything without you coming to him first - especially since the marriage itself was in fact forced.
he would never , ever want to make you do anything you didn't want to do , especially when it came to any sort of sexual intimacy - but hearing your words as you spoke with your aunt made him question everything
you love him? how? how could you love him when you were forced into an arranged marriage?
"y/n, love im headed out to a meeting, care to join me?" sunoo's voice broke you out of your trance. the leaves were falling from the trees as it was the beginning of fall, the colors changing from green to different shades of red made you feel cozy in your warm house.
you spin around , your pink robe tied around your body with a warm cup of tea in your hands. you smile at him as he walks over , his lean frame coming to stand in front of you.
"do I have to go?" you ask him, your tone of voice already giving away your answer to his previous question. sunoo smiles down at you, taking you into his arms.
"no love, stay here and take a warm bath and order some food for delivery , I left my card on your bed side table . I should be back tonight" you frown at the last thing he said , not wanting to be alone for so long.
"I have errands to run, things to discuss with people and plus - I have to check on the new beauty store that opened - I heard your new perfume is doing quite well now" sunoo winks at you before kissing you're forehead , grabbing his things and heading out the front door.
now it was just you , your thoughts, and the spacious house. you had done what sunoo suggested ; order food (with his card) and took a bubble bath.
it had been a few hours and you still felt alone. the only social interaction being the delivery man dropping off your food and the quick goodbye from sunoo this morning.
"I'm tired" you say to yourself as you sit down on your couch , deciding to watch something on the tv that adorns the wall above the entertainment system.
despite the tv being on , and countless disney movies being shown on the screen - you still felt lonely.
looking down at your nails - you realize you were in need of a fresh set - but before you were able to reach for your phone , you look at the beautiful ring that inhabits your ring finger.
your marriage ring.
it was gorgeous to say the least , and the memory of sunoo showing it to you the day before your wedding replays in your mind. you remember gasping at the gorgeous , shimmering rock that glims in the sunlight , and sunoo had the biggest , most proudest smile on his face at the fact that you were happy with the one he picked out.
and even though the marriage was arranged , you were just happy it was with someone who you already knew , trusted , and were friends with.
suddenly , the words your auntie spoke to you ran through your mind
'he could have gotten you a cheap ring, but instead he got you one that will stay under his name for life'
at the ringing of her words, you grab your laptop and do endless amounts of research , and each website made your jaw drop further than the last one.
"y/n, what's the matter?" your cousin answered your FaceTime, noticing that something was obviously wrong. your hair was a mess and your eyes were even heavier than normal , and your lips were in a full pout.
"'nessa... Sunoo got me a fucking darry ring.." you prop your phone up and rack your fingers through your hair, attempting to massage your scalp. your cousins eyes widen and a small gasp leaves her lips that the microphone picks up
"wait.. did he just get you one?" she asks , and you quickly shake your head no
"no.. Vanessa my engagement ring is a god damn darry ring.. do you know what that means?" before she can answer, you explain it anyways.
"he can only buy this kind of ring once.. a life time commitment. the ring is worth over twenty grand, and probably more because its custom made. I found the receipt for it after doing some digging." you groan and throw your head back, frustration coursing through your bones.
"is that such a bad thing?" the question flows out of your phone speaker, and you instantly sit up , making direct eye contact with the girl on the other line.
"he doesn't even love me. why on earth would he get a custom made engagement darry ring. it makes no sense. we are already connected for life so why the hell would he- Im so confused" you bring your hands into your palms and rub your eyes - tiredness beginning to seep into your mind.
"how do you know he doesn't love you? have you even talked to him?" you shake your head no, your pout reforming on your lips.
"y/n, I think you should talk to him... " you roll your eyes and nod your head , noting your cousins words. after a few more minutes of talking you decide to say your goodbyes and hang up the phone.
its around 7pm now and you have done so much around the house, you begin to feel tired.
you cleaned the whole house, did all the laundry including sunoo's, you made all the beds in the house, wiped down every surface and cleaned every window. all of this you did on your own despite having a cleaner who comes in once a week - you just needed your mind to be occupied , so what better way to do that than to just clean ?
you walk around the house one last time to see if you need to do anything else , but there is nothing left. you huff to yourself as you go to sit on the couch , turning on your favorite show in order to occupy your mind.
a couple episodes in and you were knocked out like a light - fast asleep with the flimsy blanket you keep on the couch while using your arm as a pillow.
sunoo walks in through the front door , his keys jingling the knob as he closes it behind him. the house is oddly quiet as he takes off his suit jacket, hanging it on the rack mounted to the wall. the familiar sound of your keyboard not sounding into his ears as it usually does when he gets home from working at the office makes his eyebrows pinch together in confusion. sunoo walks into the living room and there is where he sees you ; laying on the couch asleep with a thin blanket covering your small frame as your favorite show plays on the tv screen on mute.
sunoo coos as your sleeping face , finding it adorable how cute you look when you're knocked out. tiny snores exit your mouth as you stir slightly. your husband stares at you for a moment before picking up your frame gently , making sure he doesn't wake you while he carries you into your shared room.
sunoo glances at the clock on the wall as he enters the warm room , the arms striking eleven thirty five. he feels bad for leaving you alone for so long , but there was an emergency in the office that required his attendance for later than usual.
sunoo gently lays you down onto the bed and takes off your wedding ring , putting it in your jewelry box in the exact spot you leave it in every night before tucking you into bed. sunoo admires your sleeping face as soft , shallow breaths exit your lungs. sunoo strokes your hair lovingly before he notices the clothes you were in ; jeans and a heavy hoodie of his.
those couldnt be comfortable
sunoo begins to change you out of your clothing, stripping you of the jeans and hoodie you have and before he could reach over and grab your freshly cleaned silk pajama gown, his eyes fixate on your breasts - your nipples are hard due to the chilly air circulating around the house. sunoo contains any thoughts he has as he begins to slip your pajamas over you carefully before tucking you into bed - kissing your forehead and exiting the room as the door quietly clicks shut.
he had decided to make himself a small dinner before stripping his clothes off, turning the shower onto hot as the steam began to fog up the huge mirror that compliments the cream colored walls.
before he could hop in, images began to ran through his mind of you. it was a little routine he had picked up a few months ago; he would lay next to you , pretending to be asleep until quiet snores began to sound from you. he would quietly exit the room and head towards the bathroom down the hallway from your room and take care of himself. the short little night gown you wore to bed was hemmed with lace on the top and bottom on the silk fabric - it was thin and the slightest bit see through. your hardened nipples would create a prominent outline on the article of clothing and sunoo wanted nothing more than to suck on them, play with them, bite them.
he wanted to run his hands up your thighs to the flimsy fabric of your panties to touch you, feel you, finger you, caress you.
unholy thoughts began to cloud his mind more than the steam from the shower, his dick beginning to grow as he stands before the mirror completely naked.
god how you were driving him so fucking insane.
you were absolutely divine to sunoo. the sweetest girl he could ever get his hands on and you were all his. even though it was arranged, he knew that no matter what, one thing was for certain; nobody could ever take you away from him. the rock that adorns your left ring finger being solid- permanent.
he wanted to take you for himself, make you his in every way possible. he wanted you to come to him all bothered and hot, confused and in need of answers.
he knew you liked him- it was obvious. he saw how you fucked yourself in his office. how you moaned his name pathetically as your useless vibrator did close to nothing on your pretty little clit.
you were driving him insane, so why not drive you insane right back?
he wanted you to crave him in the way he craves you.
so as sunoo wrapped his hand around his cock, slowly stroking himself as he imagined his hand was your mouth instead - he smirked to himself as he heard the bedroom door open and close from down the hallway.
you had woken up when you heard the shower begin to run, and the first thing you notice was the change of outfit. you dont remember when you fell asleep, you must have when you began watching your show a few hours earlier - and you had fallen asleep in different clothes.
your face heats up at the fact that your husband had changed you into your gown - your cheeks glowing red in the dim lighting of the small lamp sitting across the room. you stand up and walk out of the room.
your feet pattered on the cold hardwood floor , the sound of the shower running being the only sound you were able to muster throughout the entire house.
it was one AM and the familiar warmth that you feel lay next to you every night was missing , and you had woken up cold due to that fact. you patter slowly down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen for a glass of water as you seem to find yourself parched.
as you pass the bathroom door , you hear a soft moan sound from the other side. you instantly stop in your path without consciousness.
you wanted to make sure you heard yourself right, that you weren't imagining things. but as you stand out in the dim hallway, the bathroom light casting through the cracks on top and below the bathroom door, another moan flows right into your ears - deep and masculine.
your face heats up even more and guilt begins to seep into your veins - but you retrace your steps anyways and face the bathroom door, leaning in closer to hear what you had mere seconds ago.
as you stand outside, every moan you hear begins to make you feel hot, your pussy beginning to wetten second after second.
"y/n.." he calls out in a groan. as sunoo strokes his cock desperately , he has no idea that you're only two feet away , standing on the other side of the door.
but that changes the second your name leaves his lips - a gasp leaving yours as a result.
your jaw drops as you hear your name - realizing that he wasn't just jerking off..
sunoo halts his movements - conflicted with himself for a couple seconds before making a quick decision.
he was jerking off to you.
the door flings open , the light cascading down onto your small figure - your face ten shades of red and your mouth slightly ajar as you gasp even louder at the sight of your husband;
a towel wrapped around his waist , the sweat on his body illuminating a soft glow on the skin of his abs , his hair a mess, and his eyes are half lidded and clouded with lust.
the two of you stare at each other for what feels eternity , the tension thickening every moment you two stand a couple centimeters away from each other.
"sunoo..." his name is breathless as it falls off your pretty lips. sunoo can't help but feel his knees weakening at the sound of his name being called out to him in such a way.
"y/n..." he calls back to you, stepping forward. you mimic his actions, stepping back and into the wall behind you. you hiss at the cold feeling of the sheetrock coming in contact with your skin, but automatically begin to feel hot once more as sunoo corners you against the wall.
sunoo lifts his hand up, the back of his fingers coming into contact with your inner thigh. you shudder under his touch, the feeling of his fingers on your skin relieving.
"lets stop this silly game, my love.." his hand slowly begins to trail up your thigh, tauntinizingly slow as your eyes begin to cloud over. you look up at sunoo through your eyelashes and all you can do is heavily breathe, your thoughts not being able to form into coherent words.
"let me please you, honey.." his words ring through your head, and his voice begins to seep into the core of your being as your clit begins to throb with need. your mouth wont move, but your entire mind is screaming yes. sunoo takes a step closer, his chest almost flush against yours. his hand trails up more, and his index finger is almost touching your clothed heat - but he can still tell just how wet you are.
"please?" his voice begs out to you, a plea that makes his breath fan your forehead. you begin to feel dizzy as your eyes close at the contact of his lips grazing against your skin as he speaks again
"let me touch you, baby." your eyes fly open , making direct eye contact with sunoo for a couple moments before you finally nod your head yes.
a silent split second goes by before the tension in the atmosphere shatters - like a bullet going through glass as you franticlly lace your hands into sunoo's hair.
sunoo wastes no time in using both of his hands to grab the sides of your hips, pulling his body against your front as his lips collide with yours.
the kiss you share is desperate - the months of tension finally disintegrating into the air and melting off of your bodies as your lips move in sync with one another.
your back is flush against the wall as his chest is pressed against yours, his lean frame trapping you.
you stand up on your tippy toes in order to get closer to him, but its not enough. your hands detangle from his hair in order to wrap around his shoulders, your hands clawing at his back to press him up against you deeper.
sunoo's hands explore your body, trailing from your hips up to your waist, from your waist to the small of your back, and from the small of your back down to the back of your thighs.
one of his lingering hands stays caressing your thigh, the other trailing its way to wrap around your back in a hug-like embrace. the two of you move quickly and frantically, your movements turn into grinding into one another sloppily. needy and pathetic as you stand in the hallway against one another.
at the feel of sunoos boner against your heat, you moan into his mouth - to which he more than happily swallowed deep into the depths of his being.
"s-sun.." you whimper into him.
the way you sound is breathtaking as you moan into him.
sunoo groans at your call, and without completely detaching from you - sunoo wraps his arm that was once perched at the back of your thigh to wrap around your ass.
"jump" is all he says before lifting you into the air with one arm. your legs wrap around his waist and the arm wrapped around your back tightens as he carries you down the hallway and towards your bedroom.
sunoo pushes the door open with his foot before walking in. he wastes no time as he walks over to the bed and sets you down, instantly crawling over your goosebump-covered skin as you lay down on your back. his lips never detach from yours, not even once.
your husband hovers over you, one of his arms resting above your head as the other rests high up on your thigh, his hand swallowing you completely.
sunoo trails his hand up your thigh once more, pushing under and passed the lace of your nightgown in order to come into contact with your silk panties that wrap around the skin of your hips.
sunoo breaks the kiss with you, his fingers playing with the material of your soaked panties. he looks into your eyes deeply - a silent question that lingers in the air above your head.
without a second thought, you instantly nod your head. he works quickly to peel your panties off your body, noting the prominent wet patch on them as he sets them on the ground next to the bed.
you reach up to him as he leans back over you, your arms wrapping around his neck while your hands tangle in his hair. he kisses you gently this time, moving his mouth against yours sweetly.
sunoo's free hand reaches up to fondle with your covered breast, groping you through the silk material of your pajamas.
you moan into him as he takes one of your hardened nipples into his fingers, pinching the bud lightly - but still enough to make your back arch off the mattress.
you curl yourself into your husband with a whimper, fingers tugging on his locks as he plays with you like silly putty.
sunoo moans into you at the feeling of his hair being tugged, sending a silent signal. his hands finally trail down once more, his fingers disappearing underneath your article of clothing.
he once again breaks the kiss, his breath fanning your hot face as ragged breaths leave your throat. his eyes scan your expression, and he wants nothing more than to make love to you all night and even passed then.
he admires you for a second, completely awe struck with how beautiful you look as the moonlight casts down onto your body in a faint glow that illuminates your every feature perfectly.
"tell me when to stop" is all he says before his fingers make contact with your wet folds. you whine at the feeling and your eyes squeeze closed. his digits slip through your lips with ease, gathering your juices before focusing on your pulsating clit.
his fingers massage gentle shapes into your bundle of nerves, loosening and warming you up. your hole flutters around nothing as he toys with you.
his eyes never falter his gaze, staring at your face intently. as if he was reading a book.
he changes up, one of his fingers pushing passed your folds towards your entrance, pushing one of his digits into you. the contact makes you sigh in pleasure, completely drowning in sunoo's hands as he picks you apart piece by piece.
your fingers tighten in his hair, moans dancing off your tongue as he begins to finger you.
sunoo observes how your face twists in pleasure, taking note of all the beautiful moans that you make as your lips part. he watches you with so much intensity you can basically feel him burn holes into you.
he watches how his fingers split you apart oh so easily - your back arching as you fold into your lover, hands messily playing with his hair.
suddenly, the thickness inside you increases as sunoo plunges another finger inside your pussy, your walls clenching around his digits as a result.
his pace increases, pumping you from the inside out as squelching sounds come from just below you. sunoo leans down so his lips meet your sweaty forehead, kissing your skin lovingly. he's searching for that sweet spot inside you, and just as he's about to look down to where you suck him in so deliciously, a particular motion he makes inside your walls has you frantically gripping his hair in a tug - a high pitched whimper dragging out of your throat.
"there it is" sunoo taunts at you, making a deeper blush arise in your cheeks. your wet sounds that come from your pussy and the pretty moans that you sing make the perfect harmony that sunoo has started to become obsessed with.
he just can't believe how lucky he is to have the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on fall apart in his hands.
his wife.
"s-sunoo- c-clo... hmmf" you attempt to speak, but all thoughts you attempt to gather just fly right out of your head as fast as they come.
"look at me sweetheart" you obliged to his command; your eyes opening as you look up directly into his.
the way he's looking at you makes a fiery pit form in your lower abdomen , threatening to engulf your entire body up in flames ; his eyes are dark, almost as if he's looking right through you as he fingers your needy cunt, cooing at you before kissing your parted lips that sinfully chant his name.
"you can cum baby. make a mess all over me" with his words, you fall apart. your legs shake in his grasp and your pussy flutters around his fingers that pump in and out of you, bringing you to your orgasm.
every inch of your body yearned for your husband in every way imaginable. endless whines mixed drip sweetly off your tongue like honey, eyes locked and focused on sunoos as you come down from your exhilarating high.
"such a good girl for me, my love" he kisses your forehead again before sitting up on his knees, pulling his fingers out of you. he places his hands on your gown. you sit up slightly in order for him to pull it up and over your head.
you giggle under your breath as he throws it on the ground next to your panties to be forgotten.
sunoo refocuses his gaze onto you, and his breath catches in his throat.
you look gorgeous.
hes seen your breasts once before, earlier that night. but you're under different circumstances now. the way your perky nipples harden thanks to the cool air , and sunoo's hand moves before he can even think; taking one of your breasts in your hand in order to give it a light squeeze that has you shakingly exhale.
suddenly, you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers pinch your bare nipples, tugging and twirling them around as he plays with you. a whimper sounds from you.
your hands instinctually reach up into his air, pulling on his locks. sunoo grunts in your hold. he leans his body down onto yours, his lips meeting yours as he kisses you deeply and passionately.
his lips trail down from your mouth towards your neck, down inbetween your breasts as he brings your free nipple into his mouth.
"sunoo" you breathe into the air as your eyes close, tugging on your husband's hair with every suck he makes to your sensitive nipples that has you curling your back into him.
you cry out in pleasure as he bites your nub - but he quickly lets it go as he begins to trail wet hot kisses down your sternum and towards your abdomen and going even lower, stopping right at the top of your needy clit.
sunoo leans down in order to come face to face with your aching cunt, clenching around nothing just begging to be filled with sunoo's length.
he doesn't say a word as he wraps his arms around your legs, forcing your body down farther onto the bed. you gasp as you feel sunoo's hot breath fan your heat, making you drown in lust just at the feeling of his exhales on your skin.
suddenly, you feel his tongue on you - its quick , just a single stripe up the slit of your pussy. shivering as he does it again, and again, and again before he latches his lips onto your puffy clit, you hiss as he begins to suck down onto the bundle of muscle, slowly eating you out.
his tongue laps at you like you were the last drink of water on earth, the sweetest, coldest crystal water that was handed to him after being held above his head teasingly.
your hips grind into his face and your hands find his hair once more, your fingers entangling in order to push him further into you - and sunoo enthusiastically chuckles at your attempt to fuck his face.
but he quickly shuts down your attempts with one of his hands coming flat against your abdomen , pushing your hips flush against the mattress to still your desperate grinding.
you whine at him, a silent protest. your hands remain tugging in his hair, loud groans shoot up your body in ripples through your core thanks to your lover.
"please pl-please please please" you beg, not knowing what for but doing so anyways. he looks up at you through his eyebrows, watching your face contort into one of pleasure
sunoo truly does find himself getting worked up just by the expressions on your face - he loves observing you - watching you.
he could finger you for hours just to watch all the pretty faces you make as he splits you open.
but that would have to come another night, for as of right how he's a little occupied by the moans increasing in volume from just above him as you frantically shake in his hold, your second orgasm quickly approaching.
he can tell by the way you attempt to buck your hips up into his face, the disgusting mewls that sound from you, and the way you're saying his name over and over again.
"please.. sunoo please... can't - fuck" you squeal as his tongue picks up the pace on your bundle of nerves. your juices mixed with his saliva coat the blankets atop the mattress, but sunoo is completely out of it.
he's lost in the taste of your pussy.. you're too sweet for this world and he could die on that hill. he could stay buried between your thighs for hours and have no complaints. the way you taste is absolutely fucking divine.
and the memory popping up in his head about you belonging to him and only him?
"fuck-" he grunts into you, his teeth scraping along your clit softly, and it has you squeezing your eyes shut- stars prominent on the undersides of your lids.
that makes him feel even crazier.
"cum.. wan' cum please please" you finally burst out, feeling like your breath is caught in your throat as you choke on your own saliva.
sunoo doesn't stop eating you out, instead; he quickens his pace slightly, bringing you to the edge as your orgasm spills over the edge.
you're creaming around nothing as your juices squirt out of your pussy, making a mess all over the mattress and your husbands face.
but he doesn't stop there. he continues, even when your orgasm comes to a halt, even when your pushing his face away- telling him how sensitive you are and how you feel like you're going to die.. because its the truth.
he's shooting you into overdrive as your swollen clit takes on more of sunoos tongue, your abdomen tightening and your legs kicking in his hold.
but fuck does it feel so good.
hes obsessed with you. everything about you.
especially in this exact moment.
you feel the rush of another orgasm quickly approaching, and its close to hitting you like a semi truck.
"sunoo... sunoo sunoo fuck" you scream his name as you thrust your hips into his face, his hand that was once forcing you down onto the mattress coming to wrap around your leg once more in order to pull you down onto his face and keep you there.
you're squirting again, but this time its more intense. your juices are fucking everywhere and the sight would normally be disgusting..
but to the two of you it was delicious.
you were delicious.
much to sunoo's dismay, he lets you come down from your third orgasm; detatching his lips from your abused clit and unwrapping his arms from your legs in order to grip your thighs softly, massaging the skin in order to help you cool down.
after a moment of heavy breathing coming from the both of you, your eyes meet his in a fucked-out trance - one thought behind them and sunoo can read it perfectly.
fuck me.
you didn't even have to say the words sunoo's already read your mind like an open book.
he unwraps the towel from around his waist, letting it fall to the floor to be discarded like all the other clothing he has previously stripped off of you.
his dick is lengthy and so so pretty.. pearly beads of precum leaking from his tip and it makes your mouth water at the sight. his tip was a pale pink and he was well kept. you could help but stare at him, making a prominent blush spread across his face.
before you could say anything, he crawls on top of you, primal and devoted. his face was dark, like he would pounce on you at any given moment.
sunoo cups your cheek in his palm, his fingertips ghosting across your face sweetly, looking at you - his eyes holding nothing but love.
with his other hand, he guides the tip of his cock to your pussy, sliding it up and down your dripping slit before aligning it with your entrance.
without looking away, he stares directly into your eyes as he speaks
"I love you."
your eyes widen only slightly, giving off your surprise as you feel tears sting the back of your eyes that begin to appear glossy.
"I love you so much." he repeats, making a tear fall down your cheek only to be wiped away from your husband. it's been so long since you've wanted to hear those words fall from his mouth, and now that the moment has finally came you feel completely awe-struck.
"I love you" you say back to him, reciprocating his words in a truthful sentence. both of you breathe in unison, breaths fanning one another's faces as he pushes the head of his dick inside your hole.
you whine at the stretch, but don't dare close your eyes.
the two of you keep your eyes on eachother, even as he pushes his length into the depths of your spongy walls, moans sounding from under both of your breaths'.
as sunoo bottoms out inside you, his balls softly press up against the skin of your ass and you've never felt so full. everything around you feels like its disappearing, leaving only you and sunoo in this world as he pulls his dick out of you - only to thrust it back in softly.
your volume increases as do the rhythm of his thrusts, his cock splitting you in half in the best way possible. sunoo's hand on your cheek doesn't disappear, but his other hand snakes its way down in order to grip your thigh, forcing your legs to stay open for him.
his concentrated strokes inside you have you moaning out his name into the chilly air, sweat glistening in the moonlight.
your husband leans down to prep deep, longing kisses along the side of your neck, gently sucking hickeys into your skin. your arms wrap around his neck, holding him in place while his hips snap against yours.
"sunoo" you groan, his teeth biting down on your neck which send you into overdrive. you pull his hair, making him moan above you louder than the previous ones.
"mine.. all fucking mine" his deep voice whispers into your ear, and you nod your head against him
"all yours" you breathe, chests moving against one another as your breasts press up against his front.
"my wife" he says to you, making a choked out moan exit your throat. sunoo's cock kisses your cervix, making you squirm in his hold. he takes note of this and decides to angle his hips in a way to where he does it over again, making you feral.
your nails dig into his back so harshly; you swear you can feel blood underneath your fingernails.
"fuck fuck fu-fuuck close- so cl-close hmm" you say, letting sunoo know that you're about to hit the tip of the iceberg. you buck your hips into him, meeting his every thrust.
your pussy flutters around him like a caged butterfly, such as the ones you feel in your tummy. everything about the way sunoo's fucking you into the mattress makes you feel like such and you've never felt so complete.
"c-cum inside.. in me please, want your cum pretty please" you beg him, making his eyes widen.
that's exactly what he wanted to hear.
a flip switched inside sunoo's mind, and he sits up on his knees and grabs your hips in order to still your body from moving.
and he resumes his thrusts, but only this time its much quicker, meaner, rougher.
and with this newfound aggression, not even three more strokes inside you and you're falling apart all over him, screaming his name as you cream all over his cock.
"fuck oh my god" your eyes squeeze shut and your left being lightheaded and squeamish, your body going limp as you let sunoo take complete and utter control.
"yeah? you want my cum? want me to put a god damn baby in you?" he tilts his head to the side tauntingly, making you shake your head yes without a second thought.
"please" you say in a whisper that only sunoo can hear.
"breed this fucking pussy 'nd make you a mommy. you'd like that hm baby?" you can't stop yourself from screaming yes, his dick repeatedly licking your sweet spot as you claw at your husbands back , shaking underneath his hold.
your pussy squeezes sunoo's cock, almost milking him completely dry.
"you're my fucking wife" he groans under his breath, his hips roughly snapping against yours in a rhythmic pattern that has you seeing stars, feeling as of you were floating up and over the moon
"who owns you, who owns this fucking pussy?" his thrusts dont slow as he asks you, leaning down in order to roughly grab your face in his hand before squeezing your cheeks inbetween his fingers.
"you do... all you s-sun" your eyes roll back into your skull, and before you realize ; sunoo shoot white hot ropes of cum deep inside your abdomen, marking you as his in every way humanly possible.
"that's right baby, I own you" he taunts, throwing his head back in a loud moan as his hips still against yours. his adams apple bobs up and down, his chest heaving.
but his thrusts pick up once more, fucking his cum deep inside your core. you hiss as he does so, feeling your guys's mixed juices leak down your thighs.
"f-fuc... squeezin' me so tight" he hisses. drool begins to pool out of the corners of your mouth and all you can do is lay there and take everything he gives you.
"gonna fuck my cum into you..."
"take it baby... take my cum" his thrusts are now sloppy as he moves against you, your tits jiggling with every rut inside you.
it wasn't long before the both of you cum once more, your bodies united.
"fuck, I love you so much.." and that was the truth. and even though it was only said just that night, the feeling was existent long before then.
bonus ! ;
you and sunoo stare at the bathroom counter, anxiety written on both of your faces.
sunoo has one of his arms wrapped around your waist, fingers drawing gentle shapes on the skin of your hip.
"its been fifteen minutes..." you say under your breath, and your husband kisses your cheek sweetly.
"sunoo im so nervous... what it-"
"it'll be okay sweetheart, I promise. I'm here with you no matter what" he stares into your eyes that hold nothing but love and adoration.
you shakingly exhale, your hand reaching for the test on the counter to flip it over to see the result.
"sunoo..." your back falls against his chest, and it feels as though the world is so much smaller than you remember.
"oh my god" you shove the test in his face even though he had already seen the result of it.
without another word, sunoo spins you around and lifts you up in his arms, a loud laugh roaring from the depths of his chest.
"I love you so fucking much-" he kisses every inch of your face, and you can't help but giggle at his actions.
"I can't believe we're having a baby.."
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saberlibrary · 2 years ago
weeping dragon
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pairing: neuvillette x fem!reader
summary: neuvillette thinks he isn’t deserving of your love.
content: cliche !!!, reader trapped in his house bc of rain, lil antsy but happy ending
wc: 800
a/n: mm hii!! first fic here! I hope you enjoy it I kind of wrote it in twenty minutes and I’m just publishing it without beta reading bc (we die like men) I’m just too in love with neuv and I want to share it with the world lolol
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Neuvillette couldn’t bring himself to even think about making a move.
He kept many secrets, and every time he faced your bright smile he would remember it was not his place to disturb your peace. After all, how could a young woman like you endure the dangerous claws of a dragon?
You had stopped by his house to discuss the latest trial and his emotions got the best of him, causing a rain to start pouring.
A storm was approaching; lighting was seen through the window and low thunders could be heard. Neuvillette plagued himself under his breath, hoping there would be a day where he could better control his feelings.
“Here,” he said as he handed you the cup of tea. You watched the lighting curiously, “I do not think the storm will pass for a few hours. You should stay. For the night, I mean.”
You took the cup of tea and averted your eyes from the window to Neuvillette’s face. You studied him with caution, as if it was the first time you ever saw the man — even though you worked together for many months.
“Are you okay?” you asked, ignoring completely his offer.
The words got stuck in his throat and, for a few seconds, he really thought he wouldn’t answer. The man sipped on his tea, his mind racing while trying to figure out why you would ask that all of the sudden. “May I ask why are you asking me such a question?”
It was a small gesture, but he saw it all the same; the way you flexed your hand. There was something you wanted to grab?
Something you wanted to hold?
“They say… It rains when the Hydro Dragon weeps. Yeah, that's what they say,” you murmured and once again looked out the window. To the storm. “The Hydro Dragon. That would be you, right?”
Neuvillette almost choked on his tea, every part of his body malfunctioning and leaving him with only one thing for sure: in his entire existence, this was the first time he was left completely and utterly speechless.
Your warm and comforting eyes turned to him, and you grabbed his cup of tea to put it alongside yours on the coffee table. “Neuvillette,” you spoke his name as if it was a piece of poetry you were yet to learn — eager to do so, “Talk to me.”
And then— your hands, so small and fragile if compared to his, touched him. Your fingers traced his, and you embraced his hand between yours. He could feel the warmth of your skin contrasting against his cold one, pulling him closer, closer, closer.
“When did you figure it out?” was the first thing he said, scared it may be recent. If so, there still is time for you to run, for you to escape. To turn your back and never see him again. It’s probably the best for you, he knows, but this little selfish part in him can’t stand the thought of seeing you gone.
“A month ago or so, it doesn't matter,” you’re quick to cut the subject. “I didn't mention it because I knew you didn't want me to. I’m just worried, that's all.”
She is worried.
The realization clicks in Neuvillette’s mind, for the first time in so long acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, he was too, deserving of someone’s concern and care.
“You are saying it does not matter,” he repeats as if to confirm what he just heard.
I pushed you because I cared about you. I pushed you because you made me feel good and comfortable. I pushed you because I thought my true self would frighten you.
Yet, you’re here. And you’re telling me it doesn’t matter.
“It doesn’t. Never did,” you frown. “I just wanna know, no— I need to know why it is raining, Neuvillette. Why would you weep? I’m here with you, talk to me.”
Without giving it a second thought, Neuvillette’s right hand finds your lower back and in a split second you're pressed against his chest, the tightest hug you have ever been given. He’s much taller than you, and you can feel perfectly as he inhales your scent and hugs you tightly.
“I thought I had to restrain myself from you. I thought I was no good,” he finally speaks his mind, distancing himself enough for you to see his face; the weeping Dragon. Oh, the melancholy in his eyes.
The eyes of someone who almost lost something precious.
“Neuvillette,” you whispered. “There’s nothing better for me than you.”
And it was true; so you pulled on his hair just enough to have him connecting your lips, a sigh of relief escaping him as if there was nothing in this world he had anticipated more.
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supernovafics · 1 month ago
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 11.7k words
summary: in which you and steve have the brilliant (and slightly insane) idea to try to get your bosses to date because maybe it’ll make your jobs and lives easier 
warnings: modern!au, explicit language, one too many clueless references, drinking/alcohol mentions (drunk!reader and drunk!steve moment toward the end)
note: i didn’t expect this to become as long as it did but here we are now<3 set it up nation please rise! this is very much inspired by that movie (that is in fact one of my favorites) and i was rewatching it a few months ago and it made me want to do something similar-ish. enjoy<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: i bet you ten bucks my night is going worse than yours 
YOU: that’s definitely impossible so i will happily take that bet and your money 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: remember how i’ve been doing todd’s son’s science project for the past week?
YOU: yeah because the kid sucks at science
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: i finally finished it and gave it to todd today. he hated it and ripped it to shreds right in front of my face (i kinda blame this dumbass juice diet he’s on for him being much more of an asshole than usual). anyway, now i’m gonna have to spend all night doing a new project 
YOU: holy fuck
YOU: you win
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: i would like cash please 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: what bullshit are you being subjected to right now? 
YOU: at 8 kristen said she didn’t want dinner because she wasn’t going to be “staying late tonight.” and then twenty minutes ago she asked me where her dinner was and gave me the most annoyed look when i said i didn’t have it….
YOU: now i’m waiting in the lobby for a delivery guy to get here with pasta :)
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: want some company down there?
YOU: are you just asking that because you want your money?
YOU: evil man!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“The joke’s on you because I don’t have ten bucks right now, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for your money,” You told Steve when he walked into the lobby. 
“I was lying. I don’t care about the money. I really came down here to keep you company,” He said as he joined you by the front door. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. “Oh, whatever.”
He only smiled at you. “So, how much longer until the delivery guy gets here?”
You took another look at your phone and then showed it to Steve. “Less than a minute. His car’s down the street.”
“How annoyed is Kristen?”
“She got pulled into a Zoom call with the team in LA right after scolding me, so I’m ninety-five percent sure she hasn’t noticed I’m gone yet.”
“That’s good.”
“Is Todd gone for the night?” 
You kind of had a feeling that you already knew the answer to your question because Steve looked more relaxed than normal; his white button-up shirt was untucked from his nice black dress pants and the tie that was around his neck and tucked under the collar of his shirt was loosened too. 
“Yeah, he left right after destroying the science project.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe that happened.”
Steve let out a tired sigh that you were certain wouldn’t be his last of the night. “What’s another suitable project for a fifth grader?”
“Sorry, but I’m not brushed up on the current fifth-grade education system,” You joked, giving him a teasing smile. When he didn’t match it, you held up your hands in mock surrender. “Okay, sorry, I’ll save all my jokes for when this is no longer a problem for you.”
His lips twitched upward in the smallest amused smile. “How many do you have?”
“Oh, a full stand-up set pretty much, but I’ll save it for tomorrow,” You said, trying to make your voice sound as serious as possible. 
He smiled wider then and seeing him look at least a little less stressed felt like a success in your book. You knew that he would’ve done the same for you if the roles were reversed in this moment, and there were many times when he had done the same. Made a joke when you didn’t even know you needed to hear one, but it still made your day better, or told you a random story about nothing when you needed a breather from thinking about work. 
This friendship you two had made your job feel a thousand times more bearable, and you were so glad that you met him eight months ago. That abrupt introduction had been another middle-of-the-night lobby situation like this one; when it seemed like everyone in the building was done and gone for the day, except for you two and your workaholic bosses. Both of you were waiting for meals from the same diner, which you didn’t even realize until your separate delivery drivers almost mixed up the orders. It was a mix-up that was luckily fixed before it descended into a bigger issue with your respective bosses. 
You two ended up talking a lot on the elevator ride up to your floors and found out just how much you two had in common— both of you being assistants to insane bosses— and the rest was history. 
“Thank you. That’s very considerate,” Steve said to you now, placing a dramatic hand over his heart, which made you laugh.
Before you could say something to keep this playful banter going, you noticed the car pulling up in front of the building. You met the delivery guy halfway and let out a quick “Thanks” when he handed over the food to you. You did a quick look through of what was in the bag and smiled in relief when you saw that everything was there. 
“How long do you think you’re gonna have to stay tonight?” Steve asked you on the elevator ride back up. 
“No idea,” You took a look down at your phone. “She’ll probably eat this once her Zoom call ends in thirty minutes, and then hopefully want to leave for the night.”
“Nice, then you’ll actually be able to get more than four hours of sleep.”
“Fingers crossed.”
The elevator came to its stop on the fifteenth floor and the doors opened, which marked your cue to leave. 
You took a few steps and then turned around to face Steve again, giving him a quick wave. “Good luck tonight, Harrington.”
“Thank you. I’m gonna need it,” He responded, waving back as the doors finished closing. 
You avoided looking at all of the empty cubicles that took over the space in the office— desks that had been left hours ago— and simply went to your desk that sat right outside Kristen’s office. You could faintly hear her talking through the shut glass door. 
You used the downtime to busy yourself with random work rather than doing anything remotely interesting or simply taking a break and doing nothing. You double-checked what Kristen’s calendar schedule looked like for the next few weeks and made sure that everything was in order, and then you went to your work email although nothing new had come in in the last thirty minutes. 
When the time hit 10:03pm and you heard the door open and then saw Kristen walk out, you stood up from your chair and grabbed the bag with the food off your desk. 
“Hi, I have your dinner here.”
She gave you a confused look and it was then that you noticed that her coat was on and her purse was hanging on her shoulder. “I don’t want that. It was supposed to be an early night, remember? I’ll see you in the morning.”
You nodded immediately at her words instead of doing anything else. You, of course, did not tell her that she had asked you to get her food, and you of course definitely did not ask her if ten o’clock could really be considered an “early night” given that the night was pretty much already halfway done and it was basically Friday. 
Nope, you didn’t say any of that, because even though Kristen was nothing but contradictory at times, which made your job absolutely suck, you still liked having one at the end of the day. 
“Okay, got it. See you tomorrow,” You told her, forcing a smile. 
She nodded at you and then her eyes fell to her phone as she walked off. 
You let out a tired sigh once you were certain she was out of earshot and then sat down once again. You could’ve grabbed your own jacket and bag and followed suit, leaving for the night and getting more than four hours of sleep just as Steve had mentioned and you had crossed your fingers in the elevator hoping it would happen. 
However, you didn’t slip on your coat or reach under your desk to grab your bag. Instead, you pulled out your phone.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
YOU: kristen’s gone for the night
YOU: do you want help with the science project?
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: please yes. definitely. thank you.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
You and Steve stared at the blank tri-fold poster board as you two ate the Alfredo pasta that had been meant for Kristen. 
The idea for the project had already been decided; it was some sort of chemical reaction thing, seeing how food coloring and dish soap react to being put in different types of milk. Steve showed you a video about it and it actually seemed really cool. 
After finishing the pasta, doing the experiment itself took less than thirty minutes because everything you needed for it was luckily spread about both of your break rooms and then it was just a matter of typing everything up and making the poster board look nice. 
“So, where does this situation lie on the worst things Todd has ever made you do? Is it breaking the top three?” You asked as you stood next to the printer on Steve’s desk and he typed away on his laptop. 
“Definitely,” He didn't hesitate to answer. “I think this takes the third spot that was previously held by him making me drive to the airport two hours away to pick up his mom.”
“Fuck, I always forget about that,” You told him. “If we knew each other when that happened a year ago, I would’ve happily gone with you. I love a long car ride.” 
“And I would’ve definitely taken you up on that offer because that was the worst drive ever.”
“God, how did you survive before we knew each other existed eight months ago?” You asked jokingly and hearing his initial laugh in response made you smile. 
“It was really hard, I honestly don’t know how I managed,” He responded playfully, making you smile wider. “Has your top three with Kristen changed recently?” 
“Nope, the third is the cheese incident, the second is the dog thing, and the first is still all of the shit I had to do the day she interviewed her favorite director for the website.”
You still considered that the worst day you ever had being Kristen’s assistant. She had wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for that interview she had been working for months to get with the infamous Matt Scott, so you had gotten stuck with doing a bunch of tedious tasks. It was still hard for you to look at Skittles and not feel immediate disdain because you had to sort through so many packs of them that day since he weirdly only liked the red and yellow ones. 
The only good thing that came out of that day was that the interview went really well and it was what skyrocketed the website into how big it currently was, and it was still growing. 
You remembered when you randomly stumbled upon the website three years ago. It was a mix of reviews, essays, and articles discussing movies and television shows, all of which interested you a lot, and you liked the website so much that you continuously kept up with it. And the day that you found out that the woman behind the entire thing needed an assistant, you jumped at the opportunity. It didn’t take you too long to realize that you hated being an assistant, but you were really good at it and you also really loved being a part of that environment; surrounded by other people who loved movies and TV and were actually making a living out of writing about it. 
“I just learned that Todd loves one of the horror movies that that director did. ‘The Damned’ something I can’t remember the full title of it,” Steve said, not looking up from his laptop and continuing to type as he talked. He was a weirdly good multitasker; you’d learned that early on in your friendship, but it still always really impressed you. 
“The Damned Rabbit,” You told him as you started cutting out the pictures on the pages you just printed. “That’s Kristen’s favorite too. I can usually stomach most horror movies, but that one was way too gory for me.” 
“Do you think I would like it?”
“Didn’t you say that you got scared watching the Goosebumps show when you were a kid?” 
Steve looked away from his laptop and at you then. “I honestly don’t remember telling you that, but yeah that’s true.” 
You shrugged. “I remember all conversations we have regarding any TV shows or movies.” 
His head tilted a bit and he gave you a look that you didn’t take notice of because you were focused on properly cutting out the pictures. “And I’m assuming you’re using that information to judge me and my taste.” 
“No, of course not,” You told him, making your voice sound completely serious, and then you smiled. “I already know you have shit taste in movies, so there’s no need for me to collect any more data about that.”  
He placed an overdramatic hand over his heart. “Ouch, that hurts. Truly. Badly.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you finally looked at him. “Sorry, that was mean.”
“Very much so,” Steve agreed with a nod. “Please take that back and admit that I have the best taste ever.”   
You shook your head as you smiled. “I’d rather not lie to you right now.”  
He playfully rolled his eyes at you and then went back to focusing on his laptop. He finished typing out everything and then printed it all and you helped him cut everything out once you were done with the pictures. You two then set everything up in what felt like good places on the tri-fold and glued it down. The project definitely looked rushed, but it also looked like a fifth grader did it, so in your eyes it was perfect. And by the time one in the morning rolled around, both your and Steve’s tired eyes and lack of sleep thought it was the best thing either of you had ever done. 
“I can’t wait until Christmas comes and he goes to New Jersey to visit his family,” Steve said as you two began the cleanup process. “I think I’m gonna go into hibernation for that entire week.”
You nodded in agreement, balling up scraps of paper and tossing them into the garbage and deciding against reminding him that Christmas was over two months away, and then you remembered something. “Kristen’s also from New Jersey.”
“Small world,” Steve said. “Y’know our bosses are actually really alike. Even aside from them being assholes a lot of the time, they kinda have a lot in common. From the same state, same favorite movie, same favorite food place.”
You nodded along to his words again, thinking about the fact that them both loving that small mom-and-pop diner twenty minutes away was the reason why you and Steve had met in the first place. “Yeah, you’re right.”  
“Honestly, they’d probably be perfect for each other,” Steve joked with a laugh. 
And even though you knew he was joking, you immediately didn’t see it that way. 
“Oh my god,” You stopped what you were doing and looked at Steve, who was now looking at you very confused. “You’re right.” 
His eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head. “I was kidding.” 
“Yes, I know you were, but you’re actually so right. They would be perfect for each other,” You told him. “We should set them up.” 
Steve only shook his head again. “Alright, I think the sleep deprivation is getting to you because you’re saying insane things right now. We’re not gonna get our bosses to date.”
You ignored his words. “I can’t believe we didn’t think of this idea before. It’s just like Clueless.”
“Okay, I have no idea what we’re talking about anymore.” 
“You haven’t seen Clueless?”
“Wow, and you wonder why I say your taste in movies is bad,” You said and then shook your head. “So, there’s this one part where the main girl decides to set up two of her teachers because one of them is a hard grader. And once he’s happy and in love, he starts giving all of the students good grades and whatever, whatever. Anyway, all of that to say, if we set up our bosses and they’re happy and in love with each other then they probably won’t be assholes to us anymore.” 
After a few moments of considering your words, Steve nodded. “Honestly, that’s kind of a good idea.”
“Exactly,” You said and smiled. You were still very tired, but you were now also hit with a random burst of energy at the thought of your job maybe becoming a lot less annoying.
“So, how do we do this?” Steve asked.
You considered his question for a second. “Okay, so as far as we both know they’ve never met each other, which means that we need to get them to meet and we need to give them a good meet cute.” 
“Okay…” Steve started, thinking of something as he sat back down in his desk chair and you leaned back against the desk. He looked up at you. “What about the elevator? Maybe we can figure out a way to get them stuck in it together? That’s a classic ‘meet cute,’ right?”
“That’s good, but it doesn’t feel like enough,” You said, looking away from him and trying to think of romcoms you liked, and then it hit you. “Oh, what if we got them on the kiss cam at like a basketball game or something?” 
The amused look that Steve gave you in response was immediate. “Okay, now I definitely know that the sleep deprivation is getting to you because doing that would be impossible.” 
“Yeah, but maybe not if we…” You trailed off, hoping that the rest of the idea would come to you, but it didn’t. “Shit, you’re right. It would be impossible. Elevator it is.” 
Steve nodded. “I actually know the maintenance guy that works here, so it’ll probably be easy to get Todd and Kristen stuck together.” 
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. “How do you know the maintenance guy?”
“Long story,” He answered and you decided against questioning him further on it right then. 
“If it wasn’t one in the morning, I’d love to hear that,” You said, and then you almost asked him when you two should put this plan into motion, but you realized something. “Wait, shit, we can’t just get Kristen and Todd into an elevator and hope for the best. We need to, like, ‘plant some seeds’ first. Make them aware of each other and these few things that we know they have in common.” 
“Oh, okay, yeah, that makes sense.”
“So we just need to subtly mention to both of them that they’re from the same state and that they have the same favorite movie and food place,” You continued. 
Steve’s confused look returned. “And how do we do that?”
“Great question,” You said and for a second you considered trying to think of an answer right then, but your brain was too tired to come up with any ideas. “I’m not sure yet, but we’ll figure it out.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: todd liked the science project this time
YOU: thank god 
YOU: i hope that means he’ll be extra nice to you today<3
YOU: thanks. i try
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: do you think you’re gonna have to stay late again tonight? 
YOU: i am almost certain of it (sadly)
YOU: kristen’s been extra stressed today which means extra scary which means i live here now
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: have you thought more about how we should do this set up thing?
YOU: no. i’ve had like a thousand things thrown at me since getting here at eight and i haven’t had time to think about anything else
YOU: wow we’re really good at this
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
The printer was on its last few days of life. You were certain of it, but you just needed it to survive a few more minutes before it completely croaked out on you. 
“Please just ten more pages and then I promise you can go into retirement.” 
“Are you talking to the printer again?” Steve asked from where he was currently sitting at your desk. 
After Todd left for the night at ten, Steve showed up at your floor, knowing that Kristen had been gone for the last hour, but you were still stuck in the building and working on preparing everything for a meeting on Monday.
You looked over at him. “Sometimes Jerry needs some words of encouragement.” 
“Got it. That makes sense,” He responded teasingly with a nod. 
“I don’t appreciate the sarcasm tonight, Steven,” You said as you turned your focus back on the printer, and Jerry was printing out the final few pages. 
“Doesn’t me helping you right now cancel out the sarcasm?”
You promptly shook your head. “Not after the science project last night.”
“Alright, that’s fair,” He responded and once you sat down next to him after everything was finally printed out, he looked at the stack of papers in your hand. “How many packets do you have to make?”
“Twenty,” You answered. “And then I need to do the name cards and set everything up in the conference room.”
“Okay. Let me get half of the stack,” He said and you handed over half of the papers in your hand. 
You two easily fell into a routine for the next thirty minutes, a comfortable silence lingering as you focused on the mundane task at hand and let your mind wander a bit. The initial excitement you had toward the “set up” idea had worn off by the morning and instead your non-sleep deprived brain was now thinking about it all from a much more logical standpoint.
“Do you think it would actually work?” You asked once you two were in the conference room, you placing name cards down and Steve setting out the packets. “Us trying to set them up?”
He gave you an amused smile. “You’re second-guessing things already? I thought I would be the one to do that.”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged. “I’ve just started thinking that maybe it will be a waste of time.”
You decided against adding that your reasoning for thinking that way was because your and Steve’s life wasn’t a movie and maybe this idea did sound a bit too good to actually end up working as well as it did when it was a plot point in any film. And the thought of Kristen somehow figuring out what you and him were doing and firing you because of it kind of scared you too. 
“Okay, yeah, maybe it won’t work,” Steve said. “But, why not try, right?” 
You considered his words for a moment before ultimately nodding. It felt a little unexpected, but also completely reassuring, that he was entirely on board with the idea and didn’t seem to have any second thoughts about it. “You’re right. Maybe we’ll at least get a week or two of them being decent to us.”
Steve nodded in agreement. “Yeah, exactly, and that would be great.”
You shook your head and let out a quiet laugh as you thought of something. “Jesus Christ, I can’t believe the bar is so low that the thought of our bosses being nice to us for a week or two sounds amazing.”
Steve laughed too, a quick one that matched your own. “Shit, yeah, that’s actually a little sad.”
It would be a thousand percent sadder if you didn’t have each other through this shitty nonsense, but you didn’t tell him that right then. Instead, you gave him a small smile and placed down the last name card you had in your lap.
“I have some ideas about how we should ‘plant these seeds’ and get them to learn about each other without them knowing that we’re doing that,” Steve said after he set down the last packet. 
You were technically officially done for the night, but neither of you made any move to leave the conference room just yet. You sat down in one of the rolling chairs and Steve took a seat in the one across from you. 
“I kinda love that the tables have turned and you’re the one that’s super into this whole thing and I’m being slightly hesitant,” You told him, the smallest amused smile on your face. 
“Yeah, you corrupted me and now you’re backing out.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how playfully serious his voice sounded. “I promise I’m not backing out. Tell me all of your ideas, Harrington.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: i “accidentally” emailed todd the video of the interview kristen did with the horror movie director guy and he ended up watching the entire thing
YOU: solid work
YOU: and on my side of things, i mentioned the new jersey thing to kristen when she brought up thinking about going home for the holidays and she actually found it a little interesting
YOU: okay kristen said she wants to get food from the diner for lunch. what about todd? 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: he wants it too. it surprisingly took very little convincing to get him to quit the juice diet
YOU: great. i’ll see you in the lobby in 30 minutes
YOU: wait i’m just now realizing how horrible this can go for us if we switch their lunches just for them to learn that they have the same favorite restaurant. maybe we should just say that the lunches “almost” got switched and still make the comment about how the person that it almost got switched with really loves the place too? that’ll let them know that they have the same fave restaurant without them getting mad at us for fucking up their lunches
YOU: or maybe i'm just overthinking this
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: no you're right. that’s a better idea 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: slight change of plans. we have to push the elevator thing to tomorrow 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: the maintenance guy’s not here today
YOU: okay
YOU: i was gonna ask if we should take this as a sign to not do it at all but i’m not gonna say that actually…
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: it’s not a sign 
YOU: good thing i didn’t say it was then :)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
You made it to the maintenance room before Steve. Mainly because you were a little nervous to see how all of this would end up playing out, and being two minutes early somehow helped ease your worries a bit. 
When you walked in, you immediately saw a guy with long curly hair wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans and sitting at a desk with two computer screens; you assumed he was the maintenance guy Steve talked about. 
You gave him a quick wave and then held out a hand. “Hey, nice to meet you.”
His hand shook your outstretched one and quick introductions were said where you learned his name was Eddie and he and Steve went to high school together and were now friends; which wasn’t as long of a story as Steve had initially made it out to be. 
“So, you’re the infamous ‘girl from work.’”
You let out a laugh at Eddie’s words. “Steve’s mentioned me before?” 
Eddie nodded. “Oh, he talks about you a lot.”
Before you could say anything in response to that, Steve walked into the small room.  
“Sorry, I’m late,” He said, even though he was actually right on time. He looked at Eddie and a confused look crossed his face. “Where’s Wayne?”
“He still has the flu, so he wanted me to cover for him today,” Eddie answered. “But, he told me what you guys wanna do, so I got it.”
“Okay,” Steve nodded and then he gestured between you and Eddie. “You two met?” 
“Yes, and I just learned that you allegedly talk about me a lot,” You said and gave him a teasing smile. 
You immediately noticed his face flush at your words, which actually kind of surprised you and for the briefest second you wondered what that reaction meant, but then he was playfully rolling his eyes at you. “It’s only so my friends know that I don’t completely hate my job.”  
“Glad to know that I’m the only one who makes your job somewhat tolerable,” You said, smiling wider at him. “The feeling’s very mutual.”
You looked away from him then and focused on the computer screens. Eddie had now pulled up the video feed of the security camera in the lobby on one side and the hallway where the main elevators were on the other screen. 
“So, Kristen should be getting back from the coffee shop down the street any second now,” You told Steve. “She always likes going right before they close for some reason.”
He nodded at your words. “Okay, and Todd is still in the lobby talking to Martha about getting a new building ID, and they should be done any second too.”
“I still don’t get how you managed to get her to call him down for that.” 
He gave you a smile. “The ladies at the front desk love me.”
“Honestly, that makes a lot of sense,” You responded. “You are the type of person that old ladies would love.”
“I’ll happily take that as a compliment.” 
“Remember how all the moms in town were completely obsessed with you during your lifeguard days?” Eddie chimed in, a grin on his face. 
Steve rolled his eyes in response, and you laughed while saying, “Of course, you were a lifeguard. That makes so much sense too.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “How?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know how to explain it, but just know that it does. And I mean it in a nice way.”
Steve tilted his head and squinted at you. “I don’t know if I believe you.”
“Trust me, I’m your best work friend. I’d never lie to you,” You said, holding a solemn hand to your heart, and he couldn’t help but let out a laugh. 
You looked at the screen again and saw that Todd was still talking to Martha, and Kristen was still nowhere to be seen. 
You tapped Eddie on the shoulder to grab his attention. “If one of them gets to the elevator before the other is there, is there any way that you can not let the elevator come?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Luckily, and surprisingly enough though, it didn’t have to come to that. Because finally Kristen was walking back into the building and heading toward the elevators, and seconds later Todd’s conversation with Martha was coming to an end and he was heading in the direction of the elevators too. 
Kristen pressed the up button and then her eyes went down to her phone in her hand, and Todd joined her in waiting after a few moments. Absolutely nothing was said between the two of them, not even when the elevator arrived and they got on together. Which, honestly, made sense to you because you rarely ever talked to the strangers you ended up in an elevator with. 
“How do you stop it?” You asked Eddie after he switched the camera to the one in the elevator. 
“There’s something to press that stops them for emergencies,” He explained as he got up from his chair and went over to a panel on the wall. “And there’s also an intercom here to talk to them so they don’t freak out or start panicking.”
He then pressed the stop button for the elevator Todd and Kristen were on. “Did it work?” 
You and Steve both responded with a quick “Yeah” at the same time. You noticed the confused looks cross your bosses faces and you saw Todd reach out to press the emergency button, but Eddie was speaking through the intercom before he could. 
“Hey, sorry about that, guys. It’s just an electrical issue and it should be fixed in about fifteen to thirty minutes.” He looked at you and Steve again. “Alright, let’s see if your matchmaking thing works.”
It was quiet at first. So quiet that you couldn’t help but wonder if this was actually the worst idea ever. You and Steve were “playing cupid” for two people who only had a few things in common, and it was all for entirely selfish reasons. 
“I’m just now realizing how insane this whole thing is,” You told Steve, looking away from the screen that showed Todd and Kristen still not talking to each other.  
“You’re just now realizing that? That was pretty much the first thing I told you when you suggested this,” Steve reminded you. 
“I know, I know,” You started. “But now seeing it actually happen is making me understand that.” 
Eddie turned around in his chair and looked up at you two. “Do you guys want me to start the elevator back?”
Both you and Steve had the same immediate answer of, “No.” 
You kept going after a second. “This will either be the best thing ever or the complete opposite, but I think we should just see it through, at this point, right?”
In this moment, it seemed like things were leaning more toward the “absolute worst” side of the spectrum, but it didn’t make you entirely change your mind about doing it, and it didn’t make Steve disagree with you either. “Right.”
“Okay,” Eddie shrugged as he turned back around. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think this is that fucked up of an idea.”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. “Okay, cool, so we’re not completely terrible and manipulative people for doing this.”
“Well, I didn’t say that,” Eddie responded and Steve whacked his arm. 
You didn’t say anything and instead looked at the computer screen again. 
“Come on. Talk,” You mumbled. “Talk to each other.”
“They can’t hear you,” Steve jokingly whispered to you. 
Before you had the chance to make a sarcastic comment back to him, there was finally something coming from the computer’s speaker.  
“Hey, you did that interview with Matt Scott, right?” Todd asked Kristen.
She nodded. “Yeah, I did.” 
“I just watched it a couple of days ago. It was really good,” He said, and at that, Kristen smiled. 
From there, it felt like the equivalent to watching a movie; and you could inwardly recognize how weird that sounded. They introduced themselves to each other and then continued to talk about that horror movie director they both loved, and they eventually bonded over the few things that you and Steve had told them about one another too. 
Thirty minutes passed quicker than expected and you and Steve ended up sitting in two folding chairs that were in the small room and sat next to Eddie as you watched your bosses have what seemed like a really good conversation. It didn’t seem as if it was coming to any sort of an end just yet, but you and Steve still had Eddie start the elevator back up again. And before Kristen got off on her floor first, they exchanged phone numbers— which shouldn’t have at all been surprising, but it still kind of was. 
You looked at Steve once the doors closed and it was just Todd left in the elevator. “Woah.”
He nodded, agreeing with your one word that said a lot more than just that. “Wow.” 
Eddie laughed a little. “Nice work playing cupid for these two.”
You felt relieved, but not entirely so. “We’ll see if it actually works.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Steve rarely ever called you. 
It just never made sense with how crazy your jobs were, so you two always settled for texting. Apparently, this moment was different, though. 
However, before you could make any move to answer your phone, you were getting called into Kristen’s office, and your heart was abruptly falling into your stomach because suddenly the timing of Steve's phone call felt like it had something to do with whatever conversation you were about to have with Kristen. 
“Hey,” You said, trying to make your voice sound as normal, and not worried, as possible. “Is everything okay?”
She looked up from her phone and then smiled at you. “Everything’s really good, actually. I’m going to be leaving early today, so you can head out too.”
That wasn’t at all what you were expecting her to say, but you attempted to hide your complete shock. 
“Oh, okay,” You ultimately responded. “Are you sure?”
You regretted asking the question the second you said it, but this entire moment felt like some sort of trick or test, so you felt the immediate need to question it.  
“Yeah, it’s Friday,” She said as if that explained everything, which it did not. “You can have a half day for once.”
You were convinced that this had something to do with Todd, but you still wanted some sort of confirmation. “Special occasion?”
“Remember yesterday when I told you about getting stuck in the elevator for half an hour?” She asked, and when you nodded she continued. “Well, I exchanged numbers with the guy I was stuck with because we had a really nice conversation when we were in there, and five minutes ago, he called asking to go to lunch and then to see this movie that we talked about in the elevator. It’s the last day it’s playing at that small theater on the other side of town.”
You nodded along to her words. “That sounds great.”
“Oh, and funnily enough, it’s the guy that you mentioned a few days ago who works upstairs and is from Jersey, and our food almost got swapped from the diner,” She laughed a little— happily, dreamily— like a woman with a crush. “Isn’t that crazy?”
There was absolutely nothing about how Kristen said those words that should’ve made you think she knew what you and Steve had done, but still, you couldn’t help but think it. 
Which made you force a nervous smile as you once again nodded. “Yeah, so crazy. Small world. Or, well, in this case, I guess small building.” You laughed awkwardly at your non-joke and then immediately kept going. “Anyway, I hope you have a fun time with him today. See you Monday.”
Kristen’s eyes were back on her phone, smiling again as she waved at you in goodbye and you proceeded to quickly leave her office. 
You called Steve back the moment you were at your desk again. He picked up on the second ring and the first thing he said was, “It actually fucking worked. He asked her to go to lunch.”
“I know,” You whispered, even though all you really wanted to do in that moment was let out the happiest sound ever. “Where are you right now?”
“Todd’s letting me leave since he’s leaving, so I’m about to head down to the lobby.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you there. I’m gonna grab my stuff and immediately run away from my desk before Kristen can call me back into her office and tell me that this was all some sort of elaborate prank,” You said and then hung up, stuffing your phone in your pocket and grabbing your bag from underneath your desk. 
You waved happily at Steve when you exited the elevator in the lobby and barely a second later he was pulling you into a hug. Even though that was something that had never happened before, you didn’t hesitate to return the action, wrapping your arms around him too and smiling into his shoulder. 
“You’re a genius for this idea,” He told you, words hitting right at your ear. 
“Technically, you came up with it,” You reminded him when you two pulled out of the celebratory embrace. 
“Okay, in that case, I’ll happily take the credit for all of this then,” Steve said and smiled at you. 
You playfully poked his arm. “What I meant is that we both should get credit for this plan working. You kinda came up with the initial idea and I came up with all the nitty gritty stuff.”
He shook his head. “That’s not entirely true, actually. Who came up with the elevator meet cute?”
You knew that he wanted you to say him, but you refused to give him the satisfaction so you simply shrugged instead. “A shitty Hallmark movie, probably.”
“Ha ha, good one,” He said as he rolled his eyes at you. 
“Thank you, I’ll be here all week. Actually, that’s not true because we finally just got a day off,” You smiled as you and Steve headed into the lobby. “This is the first time I’ve had a Friday off in the past two years of working here, I honestly have no idea what to do now.”
The thought of spending the rest of the day, and then night, catching up on sleep sounded very tempting to you, and it only felt a little sad that you’d be completely sleeping away a Friday when you finally had the opportunity to do something even the tiniest bit fun. 
“Do you want to come to a birthday party for my best friend/roommate tonight?” Steve asked. “We’re having it at our place and I thought I’d have to miss it because I was gonna be stuck here all night, but now I won’t be, and you should come.”
Initially, you smiled at his offer and you felt the urge to accept it on the spot. But then your brain couldn’t help but consider what saying yes would mean. You and Steve had never hung out outside of this building, and the few food spots that were on the same street as this building, before. Although you two were friends, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t pretty much start and end at work; mainly because that was what consumed most of your time. 
“Wouldn't that be kinda weird?” You ultimately asked, deciding against verbalizing exactly what you were thinking about. “I don’t think I’d want a random girl from my best friend’s workplace to be at my birthday party.”
“You’re not a random girl. I talk about you all the time, remember?” Steve said, reminding you of Eddie’s words from yesterday, and the playfulness in his tone made you smile.
Instead of asking more questions— like what it would mean to take your work friendship into normal friendship territory, and whether it would even easily happen— you were simply agreeing and saying, “Okay.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
YOU: what should i bring tonight?
YOU: that feels wrong. it’s literally a birthday party 
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: for someone you don’t know 
YOU: that doesn’t matter
YOU: so what do you need? cups? some sort of side dish? more cake?
UPSTAIRS WORK NEIGHBOR: don’t bring anything
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“I brought alcohol,” You said when Steve opened his door and then you held up the two bottles of tequila you bought on your drive over to his apartment. 
He shook his head at you but still smiled as he pushed the door open further to let you in. Seeing him out of his typical professional work clothes and in a simple white t-shirt and jeans was a nice surprise that honestly shouldn’t have been all that surprising. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s physically impossible for me to show up to places empty-handed,” You looked around the decently sized space as Steve closed the door behind you. There weren’t that many people in the apartment yet, you only noticed two girls leaning back against the small kitchen island and talking. You turned to look at Steve. “Shit, am I too early?”
Your hands were full so you couldn’t pull your phone out of your denim jacket pocket to check the time, but you had a feeling what it would say. After working for Kristen for the past two years, it was pretty much ingrained in you to never be late anywhere, and most times you inadvertently ended up being early. 
“A little bit, yeah. But, that’s fine,” Steve told you with a shrug. “I’m glad you’re here early. It’ll probably make it easier for you to meet everyone.”
He then introduced you to the girls talking in the kitchen; his roommate and best friend Robin and her girlfriend Vickie. 
“Hi, you’re my new favorite person,” Robin told you when she noticed the alcohol in your hands.  
“Thank you,” You laughed a little as you set it down on the counter, joining the other bottles that littered it. “Happy Birthday.” 
“Thanks,” She smiled at you. “How are your karaoke skills?”
The randomness of the question slightly surprised you. “Absolutely terrible, but when I’m drunk I love doing it.”
“Perfect,” She said. “You and Steve have to do a duet when we go to this karaoke bar later. The last time we went, he got so drunk he sang Footloose three times in a row.”
“I will admit, each time was very great,” Vickie chimed in. 
“Yeah,” Robin agreed. “He surprisingly has a really good voice.”
You smiled and tried your hardest not to laugh at the thought of the Steve you’d grown to know over the past eight months getting drunk and singing karaoke. “Please tell me there’s video proof of that.”
“Oh, of course,” She nodded and went to pull her phone out of the pocket of the high-waisted pants she was wearing. 
“Okay, and before things get even more embarrassing for me right now,” Steve reached out to grab your hand and pull you out of the conversation. “Let me give you a quick tour of the apartment.”
You were laughing as you let him drag you away from his friends. “You’re suddenly such an attentive host.”
He pointed out the bathroom and Robin’s room down the hall and then led you to his room. 
“It’s clean,” You said, pointing out the obvious. His bed was made and there weren’t any clothes or other random things littering the floor.
Steve let out an amused laugh at your words. “I’m scared to know what you expected it to look like.”
“I don’t know, honestly,” You shrugged as you leaned back against his dark wood desk that was tucked in a corner. “You definitely wouldn’t want to see my room right now. It’s a complete mess from me trying to decide what to wear tonight.”
You had ended up settling for the first things you had pulled from your closet— a long sleeve black shirt and a brown plaid skirt that was shorter than you had remembered but still really nice— so the clothes that had ended up making your bed a mess and floor a tripping hazard felt like a sad waste of time. And now knowing how early you had shown up to the party, you probably could’ve prioritized cleaning up before you left your home in a rush.  
“You look nice,” Steve told you, and you didn’t expect to feel so affected by his words— which you knew were just a simple compliment by a friend— but you did. “Do you want me to take your jacket?”
“Yeah, sure,” You pulled off the dark denim jacket you were wearing and handed it over to him, and he went to place it on the hook behind his open door. 
“So, what did you do after we were set free?” He asked as he sat at the foot of his bed. You got the sudden urge to join him, but you didn’t, deciding to stay right where you were at his desk. 
“I had the best four-hour nap of my life and then I played really dumb games on my phone while still in bed,” You answered. It had been the most perfectly boring evening. “What have you been up to with your past free hours?”
“I also took a nap, and then I watched Clueless.”
A smile immediately started to tug at your lips. “No, you didn’t.”
“I did,” He nodded. “It felt like good timing.”
“I think good timing would’ve been if you watched it before we did the plan, but better late than never,” You said and then asked the important question. “Did you like it?”
He gave you another nod. “Yeah. A lot more than I expected to, actually.”
“Nice, I knew there was a part of you that had, at least, a kind of good taste in movies.”
“I’m still very offended that you think it’s mainly bad.”
“You told me that one of your favorites is the first Fast and Furious movie, and that was all I needed to know,” You said and then gave him a smile. “It’s honestly funny because an article about the entire series was actually the first thing I read on Kristen’s website.”
“And did it speak highly of the franchise?”
You nodded, holding back a laugh. “For the most part, yes. Surprisingly. I’ll find the link later and send it to you.”
“Thank you,” He said and then a beat of silence lingered before he asked, “Hey, is that why you work for Kristen? Because you eventually wanna write for the website?”
“Yeah, kinda, yeah,” You started with a quick nod. “It didn’t initially start that way. I just loved the website and wanted to be a part of it in any way I could. But, the thought of actually writing has only become more and more interesting to me, and yeah I think I wanna do that sooner than later.”
“You should let me read something you’ve written.”
Your head shake was immediate. “No way.”
“Why not?”
“One, because that’s embarrassing. And two, because I haven’t even finished anything yet because of how busy I always am.”
“Well, we’re gonna start having a lot of free time on our hands, so it’s the perfect time for you to actually finish something,” Steve told you. “And also the perfect time to let me read it once it’s done.”
“I’ll think about it,” You ultimately conceded and then proceeded to shift the subject away from yourself. “What about you, though? Why do you work for Todd?”
“Honestly, I don’t really know. My dad helped me get the job, actually, which is a long story in itself. I initially hated it a lot more than I do now, but I knew that my dad would give me shit if I quit. And he probably still would,” Steve explained. Just from the brief way he talked about his dad, you could sense how tense that relationship was, and you really wanted to know more about it, but you didn’t push further in that moment. “I don’t even like this finance stuff, but I still don’t really know what I really want to do, so I’m kinda okay with dealing with Todd and all of his bullshit.”
You nodded understandingly. “That makes sense. You never once gave me ‘finance bro’ vibes.”
Steve tilted his head at you amusingly. “What does that mean?”
“You’re not an asshole mixed with a huge hint of douchebag.”
He let out a laugh which made you smile. “Thank you. That really means a lot.”
“You’re very welcome,” You told him, still smiling and matching his playful tone. “Okay, okay, enough work talk. We need to use our freedom to its maximum potential.” An idea was hitting you as you stood up from his desk. “Let’s get drunk.”
Another brief amused laugh fell from Steve’s lips, but he still nodded at your words. “Solid idea.”
It had been a long time since you drank so your tolerance was terrible. You felt effectively drunk after just two shots— one with Steve to celebrate being free from work and then a birthday shot with Robin that she made everyone do once more people showed up— and you forced Steve to keep up with you, which he happily did. He was five shots in to your three and both of you were on the same level; a level that also exceeded everyone else at the party. 
You learned that the initial plan was to “pregame” here at the apartment for an hour or two and then head to the karaoke bar that Robin had mentioned earlier and spend the rest of the night there. However, you and Steve took pregaming to an entirely different level. 
You two ended up staying in your own little bubble for most of the night— holed up on a spot on the couch as you talked only about non-work related things for the first time probably ever. You wondered if this bubble was because Steve wanted to make you feel comfortable in this space where you didn’t really know anyone aside from him, and Eddie kinda, but you didn’t question it. 
A friendship that had initially felt as if it had started and ended at work easily shifted into something else as you two learned random things about each other and exchanged silly stories that could be deemed as unimportant nonsense, but it didn’t feel that way coming from a person that you really cared about. And it was when you were laughing and telling Steve about the time you crashed into your childhood neighbor's mailbox just one day after you got your license when you were sixteen— a story that you couldn’t remember the last time you told anyone because of how embarrassing it was— you realized that there was something entirely different about Steve. 
What you and he had wasn’t just a work friendship, and even now in this space outside of work, it also didn’t feel like a normal friendship either. Maybe it was never supposed to be limited to something as simple as that. 
There was an unfamiliar feeling that settled in your stomach as you watched him happily stand next to his best friend and hold the cake that she blew the candles out of moments after everyone loudly sang “Happy Birthday” in the kitchen. You quickly pushed the sudden feeling away because it felt easier to not think about it for the time being.
You and Steve ended up back on the couch again after the cake was cut and you two shared a piece, a corner slice that you both thought was the most perfect thing you had ever seen. 
At some point, you couldn’t tell exactly how much time had passed, Robin came over to the two of you. You noticed the amused smile take over her features as she looked at the close proximity between you and Steve; there wasn't an inch of space between you two because you both wanted the plate to balance equally on your laps. “I think you guys have had more than enough to drink tonight, so you should just stay here.” 
“You sure?” Steve asked, looking up at her. 
She nodded. “Yes, I’m positive. If you puke in the karaoke bar and we get banned I’ll never forgive you, dingus.”
“That’s fair.”
You looked up at Robin and smiled. In a way, it felt wrong that your conversation with her had been so limited earlier, she seemed really nice. “Happy birthday again.”
She smiled back at you. “Thanks again.”
The apartment became empty minutes later and the quietness reminded you of when you had first showed up. There was still music coming from the speaker set up in the living room, but Steve got up from the couch to lower it and then it became a soft hum in the background.
“I’m sorry I suggested the getting drunk idea,” You told Steve as you grabbed the now empty plate in your hand and stood up to toss it in the trash in the kitchen; with your drunkenness, it was a task that felt as if it took forever. “I messed up your night with your friends.”
You saw Steve shake his head when you turned to look at him again. He joined you where you were in the kitchen and grabbed a couple cups off the counter to throw them in the trash can. “I’m happy here with you.”
“Is that because you really didn’t wanna do our duet and because I can help you clean up the mess in here right now?”
You wanted to ask him what he meant by that, because it felt as if there was much more to that one-worded response, and even in your current inebriated state you could see that. Instead, though, you were asking, “Why are we friends?”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the randomness of your question. “Because we met that night in the lobby eight months ago?”
You shook your head. “No, I mean, why are we just friends?”
You weren’t sure why you were suddenly asking this— or even where your abrupt courage was coming from to ask it— but in this moment, with you two standing in his barely lit kitchen, it somehow felt right.
Your question was met with silence, though, and that lack of a response from Steve made you suddenly feel as if you actually shouldn’t have asked that question; because maybe it said way too much. 
“Oh, actually, never mind,” You abruptly said and pulled your eyes away from his, and went to grab the half-full red solo cup off the kitchen counter to toss it in the garbage. 
However, in what should’ve been a short and simple journey to the trash can, you roughly bumped into the side of the counter and spilled the entirety of what was leftover in the cup on yourself. 
“Shit,” Steve immediately echoed, looking at the mess on the lower part of your shirt and the front of your skirt. “Um, let’s grab you something to change into.”
Wordlessly, you nodded and followed him to his bedroom. You weren’t entirely sure what you were more embarrassed about— you spilling a drink on yourself and now smelling so disgustingly like alcohol or the stupid question you asked him that led to this happening.
“You can grab whatever you want from in there,” Steve told you and pointed toward what you assumed was his closet. “I’m gonna get a towel for you.”  
“Thanks, I’m sorry about all of this. I swear I’m not usually this annoying of a drunk person,” You joked because it felt like the only right thing to do in that moment. 
“You’re not annoying,” You heard Steve say from somewhere behind you. 
You wanted to follow up with another sort of playful and witty response, but you couldn’t think of what to say. So instead, you silently pulled a long-sleeved white button-up off a hanger and turned back to Steve, who handed over a towel for you. 
You headed to the bathroom that wasn’t too far down the hall and as you closed the door behind you and were left alone, you refused to think about what happened in the past few minutes. You focused solely on the mundane task of pulling your shirt off and drying your damp skin with the towel and then moving to take off your skirt. 
You weren’t sure where you thought Steve was, but you didn’t think he was standing right outside the bathroom door, so abruptly hearing his soft voice on the other side of the door made you jump as you slipped on the white shirt. 
“I think we’re just friends because…” He trailed off. “I don’t know, honestly.”
You wished that your question could’ve simply been forgotten about, and you wanted to tell him just that; to forget it. However, there was a small part of you that wanted to push the conversation forward and actually talk about it, and somehow that small part managed to take precedence over logical thinking.  
“Maybe we shouldn’t be friends,” You responded, not outwardly saying what you really meant because you knew that you wouldn’t be able to take it back once the words were out in the open and that was a slightly scary thought, even your drunk brain knew that.  
“I think you’re right,” Steve said, and somehow you could practically hear him nodding. “So, what should we be instead?”
It was obvious what he wanted you to say, and even though the words were on the tip of your tongue, you still couldn’t seem to actually say them. You finished buttoning the shirt and then let out a quiet sigh.
“I don’t know…” You ultimately answered. Selfishly, you wanted him to be the one to say it out loud first. “What do you think we should be instead?”
Hearing his soft laugh made you immediately smile. Somehow, this back-and-forth conversation between two half-drunk people who were beating around the bush about their feelings for one another was becoming more and more teasing, and you honestly didn’t mind it because it just felt so typical of you and Steve. 
“I don’t know, either,” He answered, and for a second, you thought that the conversation was going to come to its end there— without either of you mustering up the courage to actually say the words— but then he continued. “But I’ll admit that whenever I see you, it makes me really, really happy.”
You could only smile wider at his words. “Okay, and I’ll admit that sometimes I like when we’re both forced to stay late at work because it means that I get to spend more time with you.”
You didn’t realize just how true those words were until you were saying them. You had long accepted that Steve being in your life made your job a thousand times more bearable, but you were now finally seeing that it was so much more than that. You were suddenly so certain of the fact that you would’ve quit your job long ago if going to work and dealing with Kristen didn’t mean eventually seeing Steve at some point throughout the day, even if it was just for five quick minutes. 
“Honestly, those late nights are kind of my favorite,” Steve responded to your previous confession and you felt yourself nodding in agreement even though he couldn’t see you.
“I like you,” You told him. Your voice was soft but you knew that he could hear you. “And I don’t mean that in a work friend or regular friend kind of way. And I’m just now fully realizing it tonight, but I think deep down I’ve felt this way for a long time.”
“I like you too,” He responded, voice matching your softness and you could hear the smile in his tone. “And I don’t mean it in a work friend or regular friend way either.” 
Things got quiet for a second and then you were opening the bathroom door and meeting Steve’s eyes. Neither of you said anything at first; mainly because it felt as if the contented smiles on both of your faces managed to say it all. 
“I forgot to grab pants,” Were the first words you said after a minute of comfortable silence. Steve’s shirt on you was long enough and its length matched where your skirt had ended, so nothing new was really revealed. 
Steve laughed a little at your random statement because it made it seem as if a huge thing hadn’t just been admitted by both of you only moments ago. 
“We should probably get you those,” He looked down at your new outfit, or lack thereof, for a brief second and then met your eyes again. 
You gave him a quick nod. “Yeah, I guess that would make sense.”
Neither of you made any move to head toward his bedroom again, though. Instead, another handful of moments passed and then you were silently reaching out and letting your hand find his. You pulled him into the bathroom with you and softly shut the door behind him.
With two people now in it, you were realizing just how small the bathroom was, but this closeness felt perfect to you. And you could tell that the feeling was mutual because Steve’s hands were finding your hips, and then you were being shifted around so that you were pressed back against the sink. Your arms reached up to circle his neck and your hands settled in the hair at the nape of his neck; it all felt so instinctive— as if this was something that had happened a bunch of times before. As if this entire moment was something that had happened a million times before.
Your eyes drifted down to Steve’s lips for a quick second because they were only inches away from yours and you wondered who would be the one to close the final bit of distance between you two, or if you’d simply just meet in the middle and the rest would be history. 
Before anything could happen, though, the annoying logical part of you was taking over and you got the urge to ask something. “We’re not just doing this and saying all of this because we’re kinda drunk, right?”
Your words were whispered and your eyes were closed because you knew that your question had the opportunity to be a mood killer and ruin this moment entirely, and for those exact reasons, you immediately wanted to take it back. But, Steve was answering before you could. 
“No,” He whispered back. It was such a short and simple answer, but it somehow managed to say enough. 
Your eyes opened and you could tell that he was about to say more, but you leaned in to kiss him before anything could be said. It was soft at first, soft and tentative, like you both were testing the waters and trying to correctly navigate this uncharted territory. 
But then it was as if the same switch was flipping for you two at the exact same time because, after the briefest second, you both were simultaneously pushing any and all thinking to the side and simply leaning into what felt right. Steve deepened the kiss and you reciprocated immediately, pushing yourself as close as you could to him and closing any and all space between you two. 
Your hands went from softly tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck, to fisting themselves in his white t-shirt. And then, with Steve’s help too, you pushed yourself up so that you were sitting on the sink counter. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but you didn’t entirely mind it right then. Steve settled between your now parted legs and one hand was still on your hip, while the other was playing with the hem of your, his, shirt that was now riding further and further up your thighs due to your new position.  
“I can’t believe out of everything, you grabbed this shirt,” Steve said in between kisses. 
You let out a contented sound when his lips moved to your neck. “Why?” 
“Because you look very, very hot right now,” He didn’t hesitate to answer. “And your outfit earlier was really great too, and honestly you always look hot so maybe this shouldn’t even be surprising to me right now.” 
You let out a soft laugh at his rambling. “I’m hot even when we’re at work and I’m wearing a boring cardigan and jeans?”
Steve nodded and pressed a quick kiss against your lips. “Especially then.” 
It was hard not to feel so affected by the two simple words; your heart quite literally stuttered at how certain he sounded, and you leaned in to kiss him again instead of saying anything in response. Your fingers carded themselves in his hair, eliciting a soft groan from him that made you smile into the kiss. And then both of his hands moved to your hips, pulling you to the edge of the counter so that you were flush against him. 
In a way, it felt a little silly that you two were making out in his bathroom when there was a perfectly good bed right down the hall. But, it was a kind of silliness that made sense for you and Steve and everything you two built over the last eight months of knowing each other. 
There was the friendship side of things that happened so effortlessly following that night you two met in the lobby, and now there was this new side that, weirdly enough, so quickly felt the same way. Kissing him for the first time right here, right now made you wish that you two had been doing this a lot sooner because of how irrevocably happy it made you. 
“We’re stupid for taking so long to do this,” You eventually told him when you two were in his bed. You were moments away from falling asleep, but you felt the need to finally say those words. 
The two of you were under his grey covers and you had traded the button up for one of Steve’s t-shirts and a pair of his basketball shorts that were really comfortable. His warmth enveloped you completely beneath the blanket as he pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and finding your hand to intertwine it with his. 
“Like we were stupid for not getting Todd and Kristen together sooner?”
You nodded, a small smile gracing your lips that he couldn’t see because you were facing away from him. “Yes, exactly like that.”
Steve pressed a kiss against the side of your head and then his lips tickled at your ear. “I agree.”
You hummed in response and finally fell asleep moments later because you were in way too comfortable of a position not to. It was your first time in Steve’s bed, but how at ease you’d felt since you pulled the blanket over you minutes ago didn’t feel new or foreign. It simply felt right. 
And before your eyes slipped shut and you drifted off, you came to the final realization of the night that everything felt right with Steve, it always did, and that was the most comforting thought to fall asleep to.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
let me know your thoughts<333
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firewasabeast · 3 months ago
Fuck tommy, honestly. Shut up and let him fucking go!!
Is this a prompt? I'm using it as a prompt.
"Tommy. Tommy," Buck panted against Tommy's neck, Tommy's skin prickling up at the sensation. "You gotta... You gotta shut up."
Tommy whined, this one louder than the last, as Buck fucked into him. "Can't help it," he breathed out, gripping onto the metal shelving in front of him. "You feel- fuck- so fucking good, Evan."
Buck pressed a wet, open kiss against Tommy's shoulder. "They're gonna h- hear us. You gotta, oh shit, you gotta be quiet."
It was a lot, hearing Tommy like this. Usually, Buck was the vocal one. But now, after being apart less than two months, Tommy was a moaning, whimpering mess. It drove Buck crazy in the best way. And if they were anywhere else, he'd be telling- no, demanding- Tommy to be louder.
However, they were in the supply closet at the 118. Managed to sneak away at a New Year's party that Chimney had informed Tommy, "Buck will absolutely, positively not be at. Get dressed, get out of your house, and come!"
And well, Tommy was right near coming about now. Buck buried deep inside him, one hand wrapped around him, stroking his cock with a firm grip.
Twenty minutes ago, Buck was trying to think of the best way to manage a nonchalant hello to his ex-boyfriend.
Now all he could think was thank God the supply closet is always stocked with lube.
"I gotta, uh, uh, uh, Ev- Evan, I gotta..."
Buck reached up with his free hand and wrapped it around Tommy's tightly gripped fist, tapping until Tommy opened his hand and their fingers intertwined.
Buck kissed up Tommy's neck, stopping at his ear. "Let go," he whispered. He could feel Tommy shaking, knew he was close. "Come on, Baby, let go."
So Tommy did, loudly. A moan that, if Buck weren't two thrusts away from coming himself, he'd be hoping and praying the music was loud enough to cover it.
"Shit, shit, shit," he groaned, biting down onto Tommy's shoulder as he came deep inside him.
It took them both a minute to catch their breath, Tommy still holding onto the shelf, and Buck resting his sweaty forehead between Tommy's shoulder blades.
They stayed there for a while, just feeling one another breathe. Their heartbeats matching in a steady, strong rhythm.
Then Buck was slipping out, and Tommy was turning to face him. "Not how I expected tonight to go," he admitted.
Buck laughed, his head dropping down. "Yeah, uh, m- me either."
Tommy brought a hand up to Buck's chin, gently lifting his head back up so he could look him in the eyes. "Would you like to go back to my place? To talk?"
From outside the closet, they could hear the sound of men and women counting down to the new year. Five, four...
"Yeah," Buck answered with a nod. "Yeah, I- I would."
"Three, two...
"Tommy, will you-"
Tommy leaned forward, kissing Buck so chastely, so carefully, he almost forgot they were still half naked, with come and sweat all over their bodies.
"Happy new year, Tommy," Buck whispered against Tommy's lips.
Tommy smiled. "Happy new year, Evan."
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mickyschumacher · 1 month ago
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: a fake and curated date in italy on valentine's day is no one's idea of fun except a publicist’s. but all it does is take a walk around monza to know the difference between what's real and what's fake.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: fluff, poor humour, fake dating trope, reader is a graduate uni student, lando being a dream boyfriend, kinda suggestive at the end, mentions of horrible fans and privacy invaded, me knowing nothing about italy let alone lombardy at the end as well.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: lando norris x fem!reader
𝐀/𝐍: third fic of my series! i really loved writing this one! fake dating is always such a hit or miss to write about but in this case, it was a lot easier. hope you enjoyed it!♡︎ // as usual, poorly proofread
𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Life’s a funny thing really. Full of mistakes leaving you wondering how you ever got there.  
And as you sat on a bench, looking over at the view of Lake Como in Lombardy, Italy, with ‘hidden’ paparazzi down the street, you began wondering the exact same thing.  
“How long do you think they’ll be here?” You queried, turning your body to face Lando.  
Lando tilted his head, resting his cheek in his hand as he leaned on the top of the bench. His blue eyes briefly raked over you and then where the paparazzi hid. He looked over at his watch. “Give or take twenty minutes. They’ll probably be hungry for actual food soon.”  
You withheld your sigh. How did you get here? Time sure had flown as seven months ago you were just a graduating university student with loan after loan on her shoulders. The very student who still decided to have a sweet treat after handing in her assignment and headed to your favourite cafe. The very student who bumped into Lando Norris and had her bracelet snag on the sleeve of his jacket, landing you in a compromising position as you tried to take it out.  
The very student who woke up the next day with her entire privacy invaded as ‘fans’ hunted you online and seemingly decided not only were you Lando’s girlfriend but the ‘perfect match’. 
That was you.  
Mere hours later, you had Lando’s publicist and underlings knocking at your door with a comprehensive contract and a promise to pay your student loans and pay you. You didn’t think it would last this long. Three months tops... surely. 
So, you signed it. A contract declaring that you were fake dating Lando Norris.  
They said it would help Lando’s image. And help it did. Lando had never looked better to his sponsors. Apparently dating a university graduate makes you look more polished and mature, enough to at least secure a dozen contracts. Most fans seemed to love you. Even the driver’s had taken a liking to you.  
But to you, Lando, and a handful of selectively picked people, this was all fake.  
Every decision was carefully made. The matching jewellery, what he said, what you posted, where you met, the hugs, the arms around the waist, the staring, the kisses... 
And six months later, here you were. On a curated date with the Lando Norris at Lake Como on Valentine’s Day – the third day of your trip. You had both compromised, agreeing to each make a list of things so do in Lombardy, two of which had to be a couple’s activity for the sake of it.  
You had completed most of both of your lists. A visit to Teatro Alla Scala, an opera theatre (your idea, obviously). A guided tour Villa Del Balbianello because Lando needed to see some more real-life scenes of Star Wars (mostly ended up taking photos of you the entire time). An agreed night out from the both of you to Navigli to consume ‘local food.’  
Lando, who desperately wanted to have walk around Lake Como, was sorely disappointed when he spotted the paparazzi hiding around the corner. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, watching your fingers trail the cracks in the wooden bench.  
“It’s okay,” you assured. “It’ll be over soon anyways.” 
Lando knew you were talking about the paparazzi. But he couldn’t help but think about your relationship with him.  
That day at the cafe... the only reason people thought you two were in a relationship wasn’t just because you were barely a centimetre apart trying to remove your bracelet but in all the photos people had captured, Lando was staring at you like it was love at first sight.  
And before he knew it, everything had gone down. The fans, his publicist, the media... it was a shitshow. And then you showed up two days later having signed a contract to be his fake girlfriend.  
Lando hated it. Fuck, he hated it so much. He hated that he dragged you into this. He hated that every moment with you was planned. And he especially hated that he couldn’t like you openly. Not with you thinking it was fake.  
Lando looked down back at his watch. He sighed, leg beginning to shake out of impatience. 
You raised a brow. Naturally, you put a hand on his arm. “Lando... is everything okay?” 
Lando flickered his eyes to your hand and back to your face. He moved his arm from your grasp, grabbing your hand instead. “Come on. We’re leaving,” he stated.  
Your eyes widened as he stood up, bringing you up with him. “W-What? Lan–we’re supposed to leave in thirty minutes,” you murmured quietly, leaving only him to hear your voice.  
“I don’t care,” he started, increasing his walking pace. “Whatever you do... just hold on to me, okay?” 
You furrowed your brows. “Lando, what are-” 
Abruptly Lando paused in his steps. He turned to you, blue eyes staring hard back at you. “Do you trust me?” 
“Do you trust me? Yes, or no?” He repeated softly. 
You gulped nervously, unable to look away from him. “Yes.” 
A look of relief washed over his face as he nodded. “Good. Then hold on. And don’t let go.” 
“Lando, I still don’t get what you–MEAN!” You yelped as Lando began running in no particular direction. You tightened your grasp on his hand while your legs struggled to catch up to him. The problems of having an athlete boyfriend.  
The wind felt serene. The sun was oddly warm despite it being the winter season. It was as though spring was trying to come a little early. All the early architecture you had seen on the way here was beginning to blur into one uniform colour. You weren’t sure where you were going or why but all you knew was that you were going way too fast.  
“Lando! I swear to God, if you get us killed–” 
“You said you trusted me,” Lando yelled back, cautiously looking over his shoulder. He could see the paparazzi struggling to follow the both of you.  
You panted, pushing your legs to keep up. “I do! Breaking into a sprint all of a sudden with no idea in mind, however, begs a slightly different answer.” 
Lando couldn’t help but laugh over the air and God, did you love it. You had heard of people saying that a laugh could sound like music to one’s ears. You never understood it. It was a laugh. A reaction. How could it be musical? But in that moment, you understood. It wasn’t just the laugh. It required the context, the smile, the thought... and only then did it become an orchestrated musical masterpiece.  
Another yelp left your mouth as Lando pulled you to the side, situating yourselves in an empty shaded alleyway. You rested your back as comfortably as you could against the stone while Lando stood in front of you, hand still wrapped around yours.  
You both waited quietly. Turning your head slightly, you could see a small flock of black clothed paparazzi walk by, all ushering and yelling, mystified to how you both had disappeared.  
“Okay,” you swallowed hard, turning back to Lando. “I think they’re...” You seem to have lost your ability to speak as you found Lando staring at you. It had been a common occurrence within the past few months and it never got any easier. “They’re gone,” you confirmed, chest heaving.  
“You should probably start joining me on my workouts,” he mumbled, eyes flickering over you again, absorbing the sight of the thin sheet of sweat across your skin.  
You narrowed your eyes, moving your hand from his grasp to hit him with the side of your bag. A groan fell from his lips. “Ow!” He yelled, making you clasp a hand over his mouth. Your head darted to the side, checking whether anyone heard him.  
“What was that for?” He queried after you removed your hand from his mouth.  
“For being an asshole. And for making me run. Which reminds me... why did you make us run?” You queried with a more than unhappy tone.  
Lando grinned. “We still have one thing on your list to do.” 
You furrowed your brows. “I didn’t add anything else.” 
Lando’s hand rummaged through the pocket of his shorts, taking out a familiar piece of paper – the very one you had written all your activities on. And right at the bottom was an activity you thought you tore off.  
Your eyes widened, hand darting out to grab the piece of paper but Lando was too quick. “Nuh-uh,” he tutted, holding the paper close to him. “I’m getting this framed.” 
You skin burned at his words. You clearly remembered what you wrote.  
Walk the Monza track with Lando (and preferably some gelato). 
“I was supposed to take that off,” you mumbled.  
Lando frowned. “You don’t want to do it? Or did you not want to do it with me?” 
You blinked blankly at Lando. “Are you stupid? Did you read the same thing I did? Obviously with you. I just... we’ll probably get mobbed so it’s a stupid idea.” 
Lando understood what you meant. Visiting in Italy for two days now had proven to be incredibly difficult with a fan asking for a photo every other minute. He was appreciative that you were so understanding but he felt awful. 
“Yeah... I mean it would be crazy if you had a boyfriend who could rent out the entire track for a couple of hours,” Lando yawned, stretching his arms nonchalantly.  
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see your mouth fall open. “Lando... you didn’t.” 
Lando rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand once again. “I did. Now come on. We’re going to be late!”  
You blinked blankly once you arrived to the empty Monza track. You had preoccupied yourself in the car ride here, pointing out all the interesting things you were seeing as Lando drove to the track. You were going to fall asleep if you hadn’t arrived there any earlier. But now that you were... you didn’t think your eyes could get any wider.  
“Is that a...” You turned to Lando with twinkling eyes.  
“Just go pick your flavour,” he narrowed his eyes.  
A squeal fell from your lips and before you knew it, you were hugging Lando tightly. You could feel his arms wrap around your waist, happily accepting your hug. “Thank you,” you murmured next to his ear.  
Lando smiled calmly despite his heart beat pounding in his ears. He was sure he could stay like this forever if he could. “You’re welcome. I... It’s so much less than what you deserve, but it’s all I could think to do given the... circumstances.”  
You stared at the pavement of the track heavily, Lando’s words swirling around your head. Right... the circumstances. You cleared your throat, pulling away from him even though you could’ve sworn you felt him tighten his grasp momentarily.  
“Come on. Pick your flavour or I’m just going to get you all chocolate,” you called out, waking over to the gelato cart he had hired. 
Lando sighed, briefly making a disgusted expression. He followed after you with a small smile. Despite the wind, he could still smell you on him.  
You greeted the cart owner, excitedly eyeing all the gelato flavours. There were so many to choose from... how were you ever going to pick? “Can I get...” 
“She’ll get mango, chocolate, raspberry, and lemon in a cup,” Lando finished, hovering behind you.  
You gaped, snapping your head to Lando. “How did you know?” 
“Better question is,” Lando started, resting his mouth right above your shoulder and near your ear, “why wouldn’t I?” 
You shivered at his words, cheeks burning at the small grin playing on his lips. “I’m not sharing any of mine,” you muttered, moving your eyes to the gelato.  
Lando pouted teasingly. “Please,” he sung, tilting his head so you could see him blink his eyes rapidly. 
You gulped, taking a step away before you succumbed to his wishes. “I think I’m going to throw up.” 
Lando gasped. “So rude!” 
You chuckled taking the cup of gelato while thanking the owner. Lando narrowed his eyes at you, ordering his own combination of pistachio, melon, and orange.  
You made a face at his cup as he walked towards you. “There is something so wrong with you.” 
Lando rolled his eyes, nudging you forwards to the entrance of the track. “Just be quiet and walk.” 
You and Lando walked comfortably at your own pace around the track, eating your gelato while he explained parts of the track or its history.  
“I’m not gonna lie,” you started, finishing your spoonful of raspberry, “Curva Parabolica makes me feel sick. Every time it came on the TV, I thought I was going to throw up.” 
Lando raised a brow, resting his spoon in his cup. “I thought you didn’t watch them?” 
It was always Lando’s assumption you didn’t watch the races. Even when you came to them, if there was a camera, you’d flash a smile, otherwise there was no other reason to be there. You were at the podiums because you had to be, not because you wanted to be. 
You snorted, looking at him incredulously. “Of course, I watch them. Why wouldn’t I? You’re freaking racing! I’m always so proud of you, no matter where or how you finish. You don’t see me next your mum and dad, cheering you on at the end of the race?” 
Of course he did. You were the first person he would look for at a race. And if you weren’t there, he’d look at the camera in hopes you were watching. And all this time... you had been.  
Lando’s mouth dried. “I just thought...” 
You looked at his face and you could read his mind. “You thought it was fake.” 
He blinked, regret washing over his face. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it,” he apologised.  
You took a spoonful of your mango gelato and eyeing his mournful expression. “It’s okay. If there’s one thing you should know, my proudness and happiness for you isn’t fake. Even if this whole thing is.” 
And there it was again. The bitter reminder that this entire relationship was fake. That perhaps the only real thing in your relationship was how you met.  
But this was real. 
This – the track, the gelato, the conversation – this was real.  
Lando sucked in a sharp breath, moving his eyes to the rest of the track as he ate large soon of his melon gelato. He exhaled slowly, trying to remember where he was once again. “Okay... pop quiz! Who was Variante Ascari named after?” 
You cleared your throat, pulling on a thoughtful expression. “Um Al.. Alberto Ascari? The Italian driver, right?” 
“Thank God someone’s been paying attention,” he joked as you neared the named turn.  
You rolled your eyes. “I should thank Fewtrell for that one. Remember that stream he made us join?” 
“Yeah,” Lando laughed softly, all the memories hitting him at once. It was really sweet of Max actually. It was a time when some ‘fans’ were being particularly awful to you. Saying you were using Lando for fame because you barely knew anything about the sport.  
Max then created a poorly made quiz about Formula 1 and got you and Lando to join. Max and Lando pretended not to know much so you were all in the same boat. And any time the right answer was mention, Lando would occasionally squeeze your leg to give you a clue. The stream was flooded with some of the kindest comments, telling you to ignore everyone else and just focus on your health and your relationship with Lando.  
It was one of the moments where you realised how good of a friend Max was. Lando was lucky to have someone who cared for him that much.  
Lando looked down at his cup and let out a dramatic sigh. 
You didn’t even need to bat an eye towards. “I told you I'm not sharing,” you reminded, quickening your pace.  
It didn’t take long for him to catch up. “Please, please. I can see you have like two spoons of mango and lemon. Come on. Sharing is caring.” 
“No–Lando! Stop following me!”  
All of a sudden, you and Lando were running again. But this time, you weren’t worried about some paparazzi or the destination. It was just you and Lando.  
“No offense, but you are not outrunning me,” Lando called out from behind you, running with what you were pretty sure was a smug grin. 
You huffed, trying to push your legs further but you could feel him hovering. You came to an abrupt halt. “You’re right. I can’t outrun you,” you smiled, turning to him. “But I can out-eat you.” 
Lando’s grin dropped as you combined the two flavours of gelato and plopped them in your mouth. He stood there, dumbfounded while you happily ate the rest.  
You replicated his smug grin from earlier and poked your tongue out. “All finished. Sorry,” you shrugged with no sound of an apology hidden in your voice.  
Lando swallowed hard, eyes fixated on your mouth. A step closer to you, his body was pressed on yours. His hand travelled up your neck, the other hand resting on your waist to pull you closer.  
You inhaled slowly, hairs on your body standing straight. You tried meeting his eyes but all you could see was him focus on your lips. Instinctively, your hand fell to his arm around your waist, fastening yourself to him.  
“I... I think I can still taste it,” he said, voice hoarse and dry. He wasn’t sure if he could even recognise himself. 
“Lando... I–we're not on the clock,” you whispered, unwilling to untangle yourself from his grasp.  
“I don’t care.” 
In the blink of an eye, Lando’s lips were smashed against yours and fuck, his lips were soft and pillowy as usual. Your stomach churned upon feeling Lando pushing you closer to him, if that were possible. His fingers were cold against your skin, creeping under the hem of your shirt to rub tingling circles onto your skin.  
A breathy gasp fell from your lips while goosebumps littered your skin. Lando took advantage of this, groaning against your lips as he darted his tongue to explore your mouth. He could feel himself press into you, rubbing his hard-on against you.  
You think now would be an appropriate time to self-implode. You had all the signs. Burning skin, dizziness, and the lost ability to breathe. 
Lando almost buckled under your touch as your fingers scoured his taut torso, lingering dangerously close to his v-line. 
“Holy fuck,” he gasped, pulling away to rest his forehead on yours. His hands had found themselves holding yours, preventing you from undoing him any further. His chest heaved, rising up and down while he stared at your swollen lips and moved his eyes to meet yours.  
“I want this to be real,” he pleaded, moving your hand to his face. “Please.” 
“Lando,” you started but he didn’t want to hear it.  
He shook his head. “I think I’m falling in love with you. I think I have been since we first met,” he sighed out, collecting himself. “I don’t want to do this when it’s fake. I want to be with you because what I feel is real. Because you drive me crazy and I can’t imagine a future without you.” 
You blinked, feeling his hand trail over yours as you caressed his face. Your heart raced loudly in your ears. How were you supposed to respond to that? “I...” 
“Please say something. Anything,” he begged, blue eyes heavily staring down at you. 
“As long as you promise to walk with me on every track. Oh, and get me gelato.” 
Lando let out the biggest sigh of relief, almost collapsing against your hand. His head dipped down, pressing his lips against you once again, taking you into a long kiss. He sighed, pulling away.  
His arms fell around your waist as he grinned at you. “I promise.” 
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cupidkenji · 2 months ago
Slowing Down
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Now playing: slowing down - the backseat lovers whisper in my ear that you need me Pairing: Nam gyu (player 124) x AFAB!Reader CW: smut, drugging, noncon (putting this as noncon but the MC is into it. However, they are under the influence so they cannot consent.), toxic ex bf trope, he's kind of manipulative sorry, p in v, praise, mocking, possessiveness, creampie, this is literally deplorable i'm sorry, kinda ooc, university AU Summary: Four months after breaking up with your boyfriend, your roommate asks you to pick her up. Of course he had to be there. Disclaimer: Reader is always written with a chubby/bigger person in mind but in this she's literally not described. WC: 3.7k part 2
this is disgusting and i'm sorry, please head the warnings. this is also not beta'd or proofread. i am tired and going to bed. sorry if this sucks. i wrote some pre-breakup HC if you want more <3
also check out this PHENOMENAL fanart if you want some visuals
The mildly run down apartment of a random university boy was an unfortunate place to find yourself when you had the option of being anywhere else. The brick walls were cracking and the water from the current rainfall made a sheen over the building that resembled porcelain. The glistening building was taunting and never ending as you stared up at the top floor, a single window open and seeping dim lighting out into the dark streets. Smoke was billowing out of it, bringing the scent of weed and the sound of laughter down into the depths of the road with you. You didn’t know how your roommate knew this guy, or why she came here if she didn’t have a ride planned, but you moved forward regardless. The front door was heavy, greasy and gray but lacking any security measures that were common for entry. There wasn’t even a front desk, just a desolate lobby that sat in front of an elevator. 
She’d told you where to find her in the text she’d sent twenty minutes ago, begging you to come get her and successfully misspelling words that you’d thought impossible to type incorrectly. It wouldn’t have been difficult regardless, even without the guidance. It was midnight, most people who inhabited the building were either out at their own parties or asleep. The only room that harbored audible life was the one she was pointing you to, and you were less than eager to walk into a room with a group of who knows how many intoxicated strangers. You didn’t even know her that well, just that she was keen to partying, and was usually able to find her own way home. You figured she must be truly desperate to resort to you, you didn’t have the heart to tell her no. 
The knocking you did felt like it bruised your knuckles. You hadn’t hit the door hard, but making any noise in the stillness of the hallway felt like a disservice. There was a penetrating calm in the building if you ignored the music leaking from your destination. It seemed wrong. When the door opened, smoke invaded your lungs quicker than you were anticipating, and you fought the urge to cough it up. The owner of the apartment had come to let you in. You recognized him vaguely from campus and knew of him only through stories you’d heard whispered between the girls he’d been with. You just wanted to go home. 
A giggly drawl of your name sounded out from behind him, and he stepped back from the doorway to let you lay your eyes on your roommate. You had no idea what she’d consumed over the past few hours, but she seemed loopy and out of it. You walked through the doorway with your eyes stuck to her, thinking about how the fuck you were gonna get her home in this state. She was practically rag dolling on the small loveseat that sat in the living room. She appeared in her own world, and you really didn’t want to haul her back to the car in front of however many people were in here. You hadn’t looked up, going and leaning over her for a moment. She looked right through you, staring at the ceiling with a permanent uptick of her lips carved on her face. She was giddy, and seemingly glued to the furniture. Her pupils nearly encased her irises and you knew she wasn’t moving anytime soon. How she managed to request your assistance in this state was beyond you. 
You heard the man who opened the door return to his seat behind you. It wasn’t loud, not like a party, you assumed there were maybe three people besides your roommate there. You were now in probably the most uncomfortable situation of your life - alone with three high strangers and a practically incapacitated roommate that was your responsibility. 
“Do any of you know what she took?” It was the only thing you could think to ask, turning around to face the crowd as you said it. If you hadn’t gotten your words out before you spun, you would have choked on them. Of course, among the three people that could have been sitting there, was your ex. Locking eyes with him now was equivalent to letting someone rip the air from your lungs.
You’d met Nam Gyu at the beginning of your freshman year, him being a grade above you. He’d made you feel things you’d never envisioned for yourself. Writing them off trivially as immature and placing yourself above them. For two years you grew intertwined with him, and when he got deep into his problems, you did everything you could to help him. Eventually, it was too much, and you left. The residual devastation had stayed draped over you for the past four months you’ve been apart. You were growing convinced you’d feel gutted forever. He hadn’t taken kindly to the split, pestering and persisting every moment he could spare. He seemed convinced he’d get you back, never failing to remind you of the experiences the two of you had. Just his presence dragged you back to the depths of it, and your knees nearly buckled beneath you. You’d missed his eyes, missed being close enough to see all of him. You did a good job of avoiding him, so he resorted to calling, or texting. You never blocked him, you couldn’t bring yourself to. 
You couldn’t read his face, you could only witness the flick of his eyes over you, feeling too exposed even in your covered state. “Probably something from the bag.” The man sitting to his right spoke, sporting purple hair and painted nails. You’d seen him on campus too. “She’ll be alright.” He didn’t seem fully sober either, something in the nonchalance and slight slur of his words keyed you in. At least he was comprehensible. You didn’t even look at him, caught in the pinpoint gaze that stayed locked on you. 
You took a shallow breath, stomach stumbling slightly at the thickness of the oxygen combined with the abundance of smoke. That was what you told yourself, anyway. “I’m supposed to be taking her home.” Your eyes flicked to the left. A smaller man took up that end of the couch they were sharing, glossy eyes and shy demeanor. He was caved in on himself, he barely seemed to notice you. 
The man of the hour chuckles slightly. “Good luck.” He motions to the girl with his head as he speaks. “She doesn’t seem to be moving any time soon.” 
You took a glance behind you, your roommate fully asleep on the loveseat. You were fucked. 
The purple haired man looked at you. “You can stay here for a minute if you want. She’ll sober up in a bit. Shit’s fast acting.” You were thankful he didn’t seem creepy. He also appeared in his own world, more concerned about his high than the random girls that were there for the ride. “She could always just crash here too, we’re all planning to.” 
You looked at your roommate for a second time, considering the options. You could feel the familiar eyes casting a shadow on you. Regardless of the assumed kindness of the men, you still didn’t know them. You had no idea how well your roommate knew them either. You hated to think about leaving her here and something happening. Technically it would be on your hands, and you didn’t want her to get hurt. “Yeah, alright. I’ll wait her out.” You sunk down in front of your roommate, sitting on the floor wasn’t ideal, but you almost felt like you were protecting her, blocking any harm by keeping her behind you. You heard one of them mumble something about drinks in the kitchen, but you were planning to stay rooted to your spot. Since Nam gyu refused to say a word or steer his eyes away from you, you took out your phone to kill time while you waited. 
When your attention was away from him, he spoke with his friends. You hated how deep his voice cut. It was so indescribably comforting to hear it again. You’d been declining his calls for this very reason, you knew the more of him you had, the harder it would be to stay away. After an hour, your phone was getting low, and your roommate was still passed out. The shy one had ducked away to a different room, presumably going to sleep, just leaving your energized ex and his friend who seemed to be getting drowsier as the minutes passed. You didn’t want to consume anything that might have been in that place, but inhaling nothing but smoke for the past hour had sucked the moisture from your throat. You reluctantly stood, drawing the eyes of only one of the men, and taking begrudging steps into the kitchen. 
Opening the fridge, you grabbed a random carton of tea after your search for water failed. You grabbed a disposable cup from the container on the table, you were grateful - you hadn’t wanted to look for glasses. Leaving your now full cup, you turned to put the carton back in the fridge. He was standing far too close to you when you turned back, resembling a jump scare from some cheesy horror film. You took a shaky breath, grabbing your cup and walking back to your spot. You didn’t want to talk. He followed suit a minute later, a soda can grasped in his palm. He continued his conversation with the man beside him like nothing had happened, and you envied that ability. Your heart was beating like it was going to stop. You drank your tea faster than you even wanted to, just doing something to fight the urge of looking at him. You could have sworn your resolve would be stronger than this. 
His eyes seemed to float to you more than they had been. You felt monitored, stalked, even. It was such a piercing sensation that a mild cold sweat started on your skin. There was something so personal about the way he looked at you. A devoted gaze of a predator, someone intense. It was something that drew you to him in the first place, something that wrestled within you. Fear and want in one. God, you wanted to go home. You spent maybe another twenty minutes on your phone, feeling the world get hazy around you. You hoped the invading mental fog was just a consequence of the late hour, of the smoke around you. You needed to move, so you stood up to throw your cup away. Your legs felt like steel rods, heavy and immovable. You don’t know how you dragged yourself back into the kitchen. Your skin felt like it was buzzing, too sensitive to the air around you.
You heard the couch creak behind you, the sound of confident footsteps as you stumbled and nearly fell. You were an imbalanced scale, tipping to one side when attempting to stand normally. Familiar hands caught you, and the feeling of him on you after so long pushed a small sob out of your dry throat. You didn’t have the strength to suppress it. “Careful.” He spoke low, so close to you that you could feel the vibration of his chest on your back. Your lips trembled as you looked around, things looked like static, marbling patterns blurring around you. 
“What’s happening?” You hated how pathetic you sounded, teary and weakened. “Did you do something to me?” You sounded so small; quiet and choking out your words instead of saying them. His hands felt so heavy on your skin. You despised the inherent recognition that your body held for him. You weren’t stupid, he’d probably drugged you. How fucking deranged did it make you that you were still getting wet for him, even in this headspace. You squirmed a bit in his hold, but all that accomplished was making his hands rub against your skin, getting heavier as his hands tightened to keep you in his grasp. You looked back at the couch, his friend had fallen asleep, and your roommate was out like a light. You were so fucked. 
“No, no. You’re ok.” He started walking towards the door of the apartment as you stumbled to clutch on to him. The world felt like a pool of molasses. “Let’s go back home, yeah?” He was still holding you, dragging you along with him and mumbling out the words like he was talking to a baby. “Not like you wanted to be here anyway.”
It was still raining when you got outside, the feeling of your clothes sopping up the water and molding to your skin was excruciating. The air felt prickly, like a cactus, and it made your poor roofied brain so confused that your body didn’t know how to react. It was bordering on painful as you sat in the passenger seat of your own car - him grabbing the keys on the way out and getting in the driver’s seat like he owned it. He didn’t even seem high. Your body ached, tingling like a shockwave, but your thighs were clenching in direct opposition to the sensation. Wires got crossed in your brain, and you were practically dripping into your underwear as your skin buzzed like you were on fire. You couldn’t sit still, shifting little by little and choking ever so slightly on some of your inhales. The drive was only ten minutes, but it felt like an hour. 
You watched him open the door to your place. You swore you’d taken his key when you left him. Maybe it was yours, you couldn’t remember him taking it out of your pocket. Your apartment was cold, and you heard him sigh as he shut the door. He’d been here a thousand times over the years, something he was clearly remembering as he returned for the first time in four months. You heard the thoughts ring out in your head, bound back and forth with a million different things. Your hand was flat on the wall, looking at him lost like you were waiting for direction, or answers, or just something from him. 
You couldn’t seem to properly catch your breath, chest heaving slightly as he moved towards you, his hands cradling your face to force eye contact. “I’ve missed this, you know?” He looked over the space he could see. It was brief, just enough to take it in without diverting his attention away from you for too long. “You haven’t changed anything.”
He pulled your hand off the wall, turning you around and forcing you to walk in tandem with him as he headed to your bedroom. He was right against your ear, speaking so low and knowing, your brain felt like a puddle in your head, only thinking about him and what he was going to do. “Most people go through breakups and they want to change everything, get something fresh.” Your stomach lurched as he opened the door, your own room causing a new feeling to stir in your gut. It wasn’t comfort, or fear. You couldn’t tell what it was. “What does it say that you left everything the same, huh?” He put his chin on your shoulder, holding you from behind in such a disgustingly intimate way. Your underwear was sticking to you at this point, you felt sick. “Did you really think you could stay away from me?” There was none of the usual malice in his tone, he sounded amused. As if he was scolding you for such a comical belief. 
Your back hit the bed, as gentle as the first time he’d ever laid you on it. The lack of standing was a welcome relief, and you could have wept with the feelings that swept over you as you drank in the sight of him standing above you. You tried so desperately to remember why you’d left in the first place, fighting through the haze to not lose your will. “Wait- you-” You didn’t have a clue what you were even trying to express. “No- I can’t.” 
He was heavy on top of you, hands drawing lines of fire as they dragged your shirt off. That exposed feeling you’d been sitting on all night cranked up severely as he stared at you, tracing his hands over you as he remapped old trails he’d been so familiar with. Nobody had touched you in four months. You’d been reeling so hard from the loss that you’d barely touched yourself. With your already limited capacity to process what was happening, combined with your recent celibacy, you felt like you were going to die, and it just made you all the more wanting.
“No?” He mocked, slipping the pants you were wearing down your legs. “Why’s that?” 
You were breathing heavy, lungs filling with the air that seemed too thick, bearing the weight of the tension. “We’re not-” You stumbled over your words as he kissed down your chest. “We’re not together anymore.” He nipped at you, leaving a stinging feeling that forced quiet groans from your mouth. “And you fucking drugged me-”
“And you’re fucking soaked.” He ran his thumb over the prominent wet patch on your underwear, pushing it aside to make bare contact with you. “You’ve always been easy, honey, but this is something else.” He takes his time sliding against you, making you preen at the contact. You were so caught between right and wrong. He’d touched you a thousand times, dragged the same sounds out of you he was doing now; but he didn’t have the right to do that anymore, he shouldn’t be doing it, not like this. The argument formed and died in your mushy brain, the feeling of the craving you’ve had for months finally being satisfied pushed all reasoning out of sight. It felt so good, and he was barely doing anything. A couple slow lines up and down, and you could practically hear it. He was right, and you were in borderline tears from how much you needed this.
You watched his clothes come off, wishing you could have helped, but rejoicing in the view of his bare skin. It was fucking pathetic how much you reveled in the sight. You felt like a lapdog, some pavlovian response firing up in your brain as you stared at him. Had you truly thought you could stay away? You could have changed the locks, or cut your hair, maybe reinvented your wardrobe. You had been devastated, yes, but maybe the reason you were never heartbroken was because you knew the split wouldn’t last. A dedicated devotee rarely deserts the altar, why would you be different? Why would you want to be different when he felt so fucking good against you?
You choked on a tiny gasp as he started pushing into you, your hands reaching to grasp his shoulders as easy as any instinct is. You hear the small noise that pours out of his parted lips, tightening around him as he bottoms out. You go practically brain dead at the feeling, mourning that specific fullness more than you ever thought you could grieve anything. He seems to sense it. “Don’t you miss me inside you, honey?” Even if you can barely process anything other than the feeling of him, you still pick up on that sleazy tone he can never seem to shake. Mocking and arrogant, always talking down to you somehow. “It was stupid to leave.” He starts moving his hips, calculated and slow - loving in a way that’s out of character for him. “You know you’re fucking made for me.” His words were breathed out in a sigh, audible content in his voice, as if he could stay like this forever. You realized with slight horror that you wanted him to. You wanted to be here forever. 
You were being driven so thoughtfully to the edge that you could barely keep up. The hand that wasn’t holding himself up was rubbing timed circles on your clit, his face finding home in your neck. If he wasn’t leaving marks, he was saying something that was only making you tighten around him more. “I didn’t want to have to do this, you know that.” You nodded, eyes watering from the intensity. “I tried so hard.” You just nodded again as he sucked a bruise into the underside of your jaw. You were scared to look at the damage when this wore off. “If you had just talked to me, we could have worked it out.” You couldn’t pick apart his words right now. Not when you were so close and he said them in that tone that just killed any critical thinking you had in you. 
“I’m sorry.” You could barely hear the words as you said them, whispered hoarsely as you tensed up. Your lips were trembling, a tear running down the side of your face and dripping onto the sheets. 
His hips stuttered at the sight, cursing under his breath. “I know, It’s ok.” He put his mouth on your jaw, mumbling his forgiveness so you could feel the vibrations, etch them into your skin. “Don’t hold it, honey, you can cum.” The permission made you lightheaded, air rushing from your lungs. “Just let me back in, yeah? I’ll forget it even happened.” 
You were so close that it was painful, his motions speeding up. You whimpered, small and meek. Your hands were shaking, hiccupping as a couple more tears streaked down your face. The thought of having him back was so enticing, even through the mild sedation that was still coursing through you, you felt like you were whole again like this. You came hard, so hard that you thought you might black out for a moment as it fully hit you. He followed right after, cumming inside you for the first time in your entire relationship, as if to physically demonstrate his intentions, to emphasize that you were made for him. You belonged together, something that he whispered with various other praises as his hips slowed to a stop. You sat with the weight of what just happened, what was most likely going to happen when you were sober. You couldn’t imagine being away from him anymore. It was hard enough holding out for four months, but after this? It seemed impossible. You realized that it hardly mattered, even if you wanted to leave, after tonight,
you doubt he’d let you.
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starlit-writer · 2 months ago
in sickness and in health, ch. 1 - alpha!simon riley x omega!reader
ah, look at that. have some omegaverse angst inspired by this post here <3 if you want to understand more about my omegaverse au, you can look at my masterpost here, and it'll help explain all of the intricacies that may or may not be explained well enough in these short-form fics!
well, this turned out to be miles longer than i expected it to. there's not really a solid ending, so let me know if you want more! have so much fun getting your heart ripped out <3
word count: 4,764 chapter two masterlist ao3 link
Three years ago, you and Simon got married. It wasn’t anything flashy or big - fuck, how could it have been when you didn’t even love each other? But, military law forbade an unmated omega from joining the ranks, and Simon was seen as a wild-card alpha, too headstrong and violent, too hard to control. So, the brass laid out an ultimatum: mate, get married, or be discharged. Both you and Simon had worked too hard for too long to get where you were, so discharge was entirely off the table. There was no courting, no dates, and the wedding, if you could call it that, was little more than signing papers - three signatures on a thick piece of A4 government paper, one from you, one from Simon, and one from your witness, Captain John Price. You didn’t even exchange rings or vows. It took less than five minutes. 
After all was said and done, you and Simon went back to your lives. Sure, you were respectful to one another, and you spent one or two heats and ruts together, but you both maintained a distance away from each other. Neither of you were thrilled with the idea of being tied down, of being mated. The mating bond between you felt more like the neck of a too-tight sweater than it did a comfort, feeling each other’s emotions more of a chore than something you looked forward to. Sure, you worked well together, fluid and deadly like a well oiled M2 on the field. Always had. But there was a stark difference between working well together, and being mated.
So that’s how you ended up here. You had lost twenty pounds. Your skin was sallow and pale, your eyes sunken in. When you looked in the mirror, you could count your ribs, the knobs of your spine, even when they were hidden under the bruises that bloomed across your sickly skin.
You had thrown yourself into work, and when there was no work, you were challenging any living thing to go for a round with you on the sparring mat. But, you were weak; the bond sickness sapped all of your energy and strength faster than you could ever hope to replenish it. Your scent, which was once a warm and spicy caramelized vanilla, now smelled like sugar burnt to the bottom of a pot - acrid and rotted. You were dying, and you knew it. But your pride was far too great to ever go crawling back to Simon, the very man who caused the sickness to infiltrate every cell of your being. It had been months of this torture. Simon, your alpha, had all but abandoned you. You had been without his touch, his scent, anything and everything that the very base instincts of your omega craved from its mate for far too long. It didn't matter to your omega that this marriage, this mating bond was nothing more than a way to keep both you and Simon in the service. Instincts couldn't be fought with fact, and now you were reaping the consequences of the neglect of the bond. You had thought bond sickness was a myth, a fear-mongering tactic to keep alphas in line. However, you were now aware that there was far more truth than you could have ever imagined to that story that is told. 
You had seen the concerned looks of your team as they watched you haunt the halls of the base like a spectre. Soap had started to bring you chocolates and drinks, anything in hopes to get you to eat. Gaz took a different approach, always being the one to take you up on your sparring requests, the beta knowing that at the very least he could be gentle with you while still giving you an outlet. The Captain had made sure to keep you off any truly strenuous missions and tasks, mainly relegating you to the medbay or to training recruits. If you were any stronger, you would be pissed, but right now you took it as a blessing. At least he hadn’t kicked you off the team for your weakness. But Simon? Simon was nowhere to be found. He continuously was the first volunteer for the most dangerous missions, keeping him away from base for weeks to months at a time. When he came back bloody and bruised, he would avoid the medbay like the plague, only coming in to get fixed up by another combat medic when he knew Soap or Gaz had forcefully pulled you away. If you two happened to be walking in the same hallway, Simon would duck out of your sight without even so much as a word. You had long since given up on running after him. 
So color yourself surprised when you were standing in front of the mirror in your bathroom and the screen of your phone lit up, a text from Simon blaring on the too-bright screen. You had every intention of ignoring it, but your pride was no match for the dying ache of your omega. 
Come to my quarters.
The text was simple. Demanding, even. And all it did was make you angry. 
You quickly tugged on a pair of sweats and forced a tank top over your bruised and feverish skin. You thought briefly for a moment about tugging a sweatshirt on over your mottled skin, but, fuck it, let him see all that he has done to you. Maybe he would give you the one blessing you had hoped for over the last few months of neglect, and finally sever the bond between you. 
You trudged through the hallways of the base, every soldier you passed giving you a wide berth. You were certain you looked like death froze over, and the rage-filled expression set over your brows and your lips certainly did not help. When you reached his door, you didn’t even bother to knock. You just shoved your copy of the key in the door and slammed the door open. 
Simon barely even looked up from where he was lounging on the bed. His shirt was off, a rare sight, even for you, but even more shocking was the fact that he wasn’t wearing his mask.  He didn’t look much better than you - his once-bronzed skin paled, his own scars raised and reddened, and he had a poorly bandaged bullet wound wrapped, the white medical wrapping blossoming with a red mark. Pulled stitches, definitely. 
“Close the door,” came the rough demand as his arms lazily opened in an invitation to lay with him. “And c’mere.”
You, in all of your rage, just stood stockstill in the still-open doorway. Even as your omega side cried to jump into his arms and let his scent and his touch wash away all the pain, you refused with a defiant jut of your chin. You didn’t know why he had called you here, and the only thing your mind could conjure up is that Price, or Laswell, or fuck, even Soap, had sat him down and forced him to do this. And you wanted nothing to do with this or with him if he actually was not trying to change.
“I don’t want your pity. And I sure as hell don’t want your affection just because Price told you that you had to fix me,” you replied, your voice shaking with weakness and pain, even as you tried your damndest to keep it steady, strong. 
Simon growled, the sound of an alpha not used to not getting his way, as he rolled onto his side to look at you more squarely. His arms were still open, but you could see the way his muscles clenched, his own anger rising. “It ain’t about pity. It’s about basic biology,” he bit out, the words short and angry. 
That made you laugh, the sound short and sardonic before it morphs into a cough that shakes your entire, frail being. You brought a shaking hand up to wipe your lips before you fixed him with a glare hard enough to freeze an ocean. “Basic biology?" you mocked. “Yeah, for sure. But it’s also basic biology to not let bond sickness even be a worry for your omega, but looks like you fucked that one right up, didn’t you!?”
Your words made something in Simon snap. Your rage, the vitriol, clenched his hands into fists as he quickly swung his powerful legs over the edge of the bed, crossing the space between you in the space between one of your breaths and the next. He was in your face now, just enough space between you to not be pressing completely against you. You averted your gaze, knowing that if you didn’t, you might continue yelling at him, or worse. 
“Look at me,” he ordered, using the same tone he does on the battlefield. His hands are still clenched into fists, but they are shaking. Why?
That tone made your eyes harden, the instincts of a hard-bred soldier kicking in. Even through the fraying of your bond, your sickness, you knew that voice. You listened when given an order. You allowed your head to loll back to look up at him, but your expression was still set in that same hard glare. You weren’t on a battlefield. You were on base, far away from the acrid explosions and hot gunpowder. How dare he pretend otherwise? “Why?” you bit back in response. “This isn’t some tactical decision, Simon. Don’t treat me like one of your fuckin’ rookies.” 
He took a sharp breath through his teeth, obviously trying to control himself. He knew you were weak, the bond sickness taking so much more from you than it ever did him. But your defiance, your spirit despite the bond sickness was making his alpha go crazy. Even with you glaring up at him, he stared down at you with fierce eyes as his hands gripped your hips, shoving you out of the doorway and pressing you against the wall right beside it. Taking one hand off of your hip, he shut the door with a resounding click before his grip, and his attention came back entirely to you. “I ain’t treatin’ you like a goddamned rookie,” he growled out, his cold brown gaze entirely focused on your own broken one as one hand slams into the wall by your head. Even through your rage, he can see it. Feel it. He had broken you. And that knowledge caused his alpha to writhe in pain. “I’m treatin’ ya like my fuckin’ omega.” 
As he caged you in, growled those words at you, your own expression hardened. Your lips curled up to reveal your smaller omega fangs, a low growl of your own reverberating from your chest as your hands clenched into fists. It’s hard to ignore the sheer size difference between the two of you as he towers over you, his head dipped low to keep your attention. However, that did nothing to stop your rage, in fact, it increased it tenfold. 
“Oh, right. I forgot. Being your omega means less than being one of your rookies, silly me.”
You knew the second the words left your mouth that you just opened a Pandora’s box. You saw it in the way his eyes instantaneously darkened, in the way his hand left the wall before you could even blink, his fingers crushing your jaw between them in a bruising grip, forcing your head back against the wall as he brought his face ever closer to yours. However, as his face got closer, you could see the glint of something else in his eyes. Triumph. His alpha was revelling in watching you snap and get fiery again. It was a victory, in his mind, to see you able to be so angry after the bond sickness had taken so much from you. “Watch it, sweetheart,” he muttered, his voice low and gruff. “I know that attitude of yours will always be there, but careful.”
His words sent another wave of anger through you, and as he forced your head back, you jerked your neck, snapping your teeth at him, your small omega fangs glinting in the low light of his quarters. It was a clear message. Fuck the bond sickness, he had no right to touch you right now. You did not forgive him, and he has to work to even begin to earn that, and if he won’t? You would dissolve the bond without him, whether or not it risked your life. 
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you growled out, glaring up at him even as the bruising grip of his fingers squished your cheeks together, slurring your words. “Not after everything.”
His alpha instincts flared again, the desire to force you into accepting his help clear as his eyes flashed in irritation at your anger. He pressed you further into the wall, his body now flush against yours as he snarled right back. “Then do something about it,” he challenged. “Get mad. Fight me. Let it all out. But, you’re not leaving this room until you let me fix this.”
As much as you hated it, hearing Simon’s permission gave you the ability to let it all out. No matter how much you wanted to pretend that you were unaffected by him, the knowledge that he wanted you to fight, wanted to fix this broken bond between you, allowed you to finally and truly get all of the anger out, and maybe, just maybe, give the bond a chance to heal. 
And so you did. Your body jerked against his, your sallow cheeks flushing red as you bared your omega fangs and growled at him again. Your eyes held the faintest spark of life, a far cry from what they used to have, but there’s something there now. 
When Simon saw that spark, the faintest hint of his omega coming back, he chuckled gruffly, his eyes glinting with a possessive heat. 
“Yes, spitfire. I want you t’ fight me. Hit me, scream, yell at me, tell me how shit of an alpha I’ve been. I don’t care. Just don’t. Hold. Back.” 
As soon as the words left his mouth, the dam inside of you broke. Months worth of anger, agony, grief, pain, and aching sadness flooded your veins like a hot, volatile drug. It felt like a living, breathing thing as the emotions curled around your lungs, your muscles, your heart. Tears pushed at your lash line, the aching pain making itself known through the rage. 
You held his cold brown gaze for a moment, your eyes searching his. When all you saw in return was steely determination, you did the only thing you could think of. Before he could even move out of the way, you shut your eyes and cranked your head back as far as it would go, and drove your forehead straight into his nose. It wasn’t nearly hard enough to break it, but definitely hard enough to hurt and make the blood start flowing. 
He staggered back from you, his hands coming up to cup his nose, but the alpha was far from angry. In fact, he was grinning, the blood pouring from his nose coating his lips and teeth. A low growl of approval rumbled from his chest as he stared at you, approval glinting in his eyes. “Good girl,” he muttered lowly, the praise slipping through so naturally. 
As his praise washed over you, you felt your stomach flip. It shouldn’t feel that good. Not after the months and months of neglect so bad that you were literally dying. But, you couldn’t help the small ember of warmth that bloomed through your chest as that muttered praise of good girl flowed through your veins like a warm blanket settling over you. 
But, you were still angry. And hurt. And countless other emotions that you couldn’t even begin to name, all just culminating into a neverending ache. And as you saw the blood marring the plush flesh of his lower lip, something inside of you snapped. 
He had made his worst mistake. He had let go of you, and now you could truly fight. 
You crouched down, using your smaller stature and power legs to kick your leg out, and you swept it across the ground, knocking the much-bigger alpha off of his feet. You watched as his massive frame hit the ground, shaking the walls, a bloom of satisfaction erupting in your chest. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins now, the only thing allowing you to move, and before he had the chance to become reoriented, you were on top of him, straddling his hips as you punched at his chest. Your tears of anguish were falling freely now, sobs breaking free with your yells. 
“You have broken me! Broken! I used to be so strong, so happy, and you destroyed that! Ripped it away from me! All because you were too fucking caught up in your own shit, your own fucking fear, that you couldn’t even be half of the alpha you needed to be!”
Simon grunted in pain as his back collided with the cold, hard tile of his quarters, his hands automatically coming up to grab at your hips. Not to shove you off, no, but to keep you on top of him. He knew he deserved this. Every punch, every pointed word, every tear. It was his penance for all of the pain and agony he had put you through, even if it was ripping his heart to absolute shreds. 
“I know, I know,” he growled softly, his voice thick with regret. “I know I did.”
You shook your head, tears and snot flying from the force. You were so angry, so hurt, but the adrenaline was quickly running its course, leaving behind only bone-deep exhaustion and pain. Your punches slowly weakened, until you were barely able to lift your hands. Instead, they came to rest on his bare chest, your omega claws digging sharply into the thick muscle that covered his chest, one of your hands digging directly over his heart, needing him to feel a fraction of the agony that coursed through your own. 
“Don’t you agree with me! Don’t you dare! Gods, you do this to me for months, and you… you have nothing to say for yourself!? I tried! Tried to be a good spouse, a good omega! I tried to give you your space, to be unobtrusive, even though that killed my omega! And all I fuckin’ got in return is this fucking bond sickness that is killing me! Tearing me apart from the inside out!” 
His body shuddered as your claws dug into his chest, his skin breaking under the tiny points. It hurt in every way that it could, but the tiny pinpricks of blood that welled around your claws were nothing compared to how he had hurt you. He knew that he deserved this, every inch of your wrath, of your anger, and the pain it brought for him. It was the least he could do - to bear this for you. But, Gods, it didn’t stop your words from tearing into his heart in a way your claws couldn’t even begin to touch. 
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he repeated, his words thick with the guilt that was threatening to choke him. “And I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry.”
His apology broke what little strength you had left. The bond between you was fraying, seconds away from snapping completely, and you had never felt more lost. A sob broke free from your lips, the force of the sound causing your body to lurch forward. But, Simon was there. For once, he was there. His chest caught your head, your tears wetting his skin almost instantaneously as your claws scratched down his torso, leaving thin, raised red lines down his scarred skin. 
He hissed softly in response to the pain, but he made no attempt to move, to shy away from it. You had completely given up on your ego, your omega so desperate for your alpha, no matter what he had done. But, you were still so hurt, your omega so wounded that you had no idea how you were going to come back from this. 
“Just… just tell me why. Why did you do this? Why did you treat me like this?” you sobbed out into his chest, your sour, distressed omega pheromones wafting around him like a shroud of despair. 
His alpha writhed in pain at your scent. It was wrong, so, so wrong, but he had done this. His neglect, his apathy, had taken his once strong, ferocious omega and reduced her down to this. He had never seen you like this. And he never wanted to again. He could feel the bond between you slipping between his fingers like shards of glass digging into his very being, and fear rose to take its place. He wrapped his arms around you, cradling your tiny, trembling form against him, his nose burying into your hair as he pressed a featherlight, shaking kiss into it. He swallowed harshly against the lump in his throat, his heart clenching in fear. In pain. In anger at himself. “I was a coward, love.” 
You sobbed harder against his chest at his admission, shaking your head jerkily. Your body felt like it was freezing and burning up at the same time, as the frayed edges of the bond dug into you like poisonous thorns. You could feel your mind shattering, your heart stuttering as the bond sickness continued to take hold. You were dying, and you knew it. But at this point, you would almost take death over the amount of pain you were in. “That’s not a good excuse,” came your shaking reply, the words thick with tears and agony, but they were strong with conviction. “Tell me why, Simon. Tell me why, or break the godsdamned bond.” 
The words that left your lips felt like they were suffocating the alpha. Break the bond. His arms tightened around you until you were completely pressed against him, and he could feel every shudder, every quiver in your weakening body. A low growl rumbles from his chest, the sound full of pain but also a desperate desire to comfort. He had to try - to even attempt to explain, even if he wasn’t sure it would do anything. But the thought of losing you without even trying made his heart shatter, his alpha howl in protest. 
“Because I was afraid,” he murmured, his voice thick with regret and honesty as his knuckles ran across the knobs of your spine. That caused him more pain than you would ever know, feeling how you had atrophied from his neglect. How his dismissal, his abandonment had caused his once strong, beautiful omega, to waste away before his very eyes. “Afraid of getting caught up in you, in this. Of loving you, of giving you part of my heart. I didn’t know how to keep you safe. I didn’t think I was worthy of having something like that, like you. I still don’t.” 
“Then break the bond,” you whimpered out, the pain of the bond sickness, of your own emotions, and what little of Simon’s you could still feel through the barest threads of the bond ricocheting through your body, reduced you to little more than a husk lying on top of Simon. Your heart was shattering along with the bond, the broken edges of each splintering in a way that made it hard for you to breathe. Your breath pushed and pulled achingly slowly through your chapped lips like broken glass, just another thing ripping your very being apart. 
“If you can’t do this… I’ll… I’ll figure it out. The brass’ll let me stay, at least for a little bit. But, I can’t… I can’t keep doin’ this. ‘M not asking for love. ‘M not asking to be a real marriage, but I can’t be apart of a bond where ‘m not… where ‘m not bein’ taken care of. I can’t.” 
Your words were slurring, little more than a broken and pain-filled whimper against his broad chest, and Simon could practically hear the way his heart shatters beneath you. He did this. He did this. And yet, the selfish part of him couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, no matter how much pain he had put you through. The alpha snarled as he wrapped his arms around your ever-weakening frame impossibly tighter, as if he was afraid that if he didn’t hold you tight enough, you’d slip away from him forever. 
“No, baby, no,” he replied softly, but the words were filled with a growl of conviction, of promise. “I was stupid. I was so stupid, and I hurt you. Let me… let me fix this, okay? Please, baby. Lemme fix you. Just for right now.” 
Simon was begging. You didn’t know if you had ever heard him beg before, but here he was, begging you to allow him the chance to fix you. Your exhausted, wounded omega perked up a bit at his conviction, but you couldn’t help but feel like this was far too little, far too late. “I… I don’t know, Simon. How can you… how can you fix this?” 
The pained gasps between your words drove a stake of fear through Simon’s heart, his alpha whimpering painfully. He swallowed harshly against the ever-growing lump in his throat, as he knew that he had to be the pillar of strength. If he broke right now, there was no hope for you. His lips brushed against the top of your head as he inhaled your sour, rotted scent in despair, his hands running up and down your back in a vain attempt to soothe you. 
“Let me… let me have a chance,” the alpha, your alpha, pleaded. “Please baby, let me fix this. I’ll do better, I promise. Gods, I’ll do anything. Just… just let me get you better,  baby, please. And then, if you still want to break the bond, we can, okay? Just… I can’t lose you. I can’t let you die. Not like this. Never like this.”
You felt, more than heard, his words wash over you. You could feel your body failing, the bond sickness taking what little was left of you. Even with Simon’s touch, with his promises, you had a brief moment of clarity where you just knew that this still might be it, that the bond had been strained too far, the cavernous distance between the two of you still too great, that this bond sickness might still kill you, despite his promises to fix you. 
You were so tired. So, so tired. The pain is too much, your eyelids too heavy, and it felt like what was left of your shattered heart wasn’t pumping nearly enough oxygen through your veins. You were teetering on the edge, and all you wanted to do was sleep. 
“Just… just let me sleep. In here. With you. Please?” you mumbled, the words soft and slurred. Any fight, any pride you had just a few minutes ago was long gone, and if you were going to die, your omega wanted it to be right here, in your alpha’s arms, taken peacefully in your sleep. “I need… just, please, Si.” 
Simon’s resolve shattered at the nickname that fell past your lips. He instantly sat up, gathering your frail, fragile body in his arms as he nodded, his own tears finally breaking free. 
His fault. All his fault. Always his fault. 
He quickly stood up, your body light (too light, too light) in his arms as he carried you to his bed. He was terrified. He could feel how slow your heartbeat was, how weak your body was, how slurred your words were. He shushed you softly, gently, but the sound warbled against his own tears. 
“Shhh, shhh, baby. I got you. I got you. Just… just sleep, okay? I’ll be right here. Right here. Never leavin’ your side again. I promise. I’ll be right here when you wake up. Just sleep.” 
He gingerly laid you on the bed, surrounding you with blankets and pillows, anything he could find that was drenched in his alpha scent, before his body came to blanket you. He couldn’t lose you. And he will keep his promise, even as his own silent tears fell down around your now-unconscious face. What’s that old saying? Oh, right. You never know what you have until it’s gone.
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