#i decided to scan every art from now on because they didn't look that good in photos
waterfire1848 · 9 days
What do you imagine would happen if Zuko had been swept away by the current like in the comics and fire fans reactions? Like Ozai does canonically try and swim after him but Zuko just gets swept away.
Hello, @deadlyangelofpurity !!! (BTW love your art)
The fire family loved going to Ember Island every summer and they had never had a problem with the beach before so Ursa and Ozai don't really bat an eye when their three year old son run around on the beach and saves a turtle-crab. Ozai keeps an eye on him while Ursa is more focused on the one year old baby in front of her. When the giant waves comes up and washes Zuko away, Ozai darts into the water to save him and Ursa starts screaming for Zuko. Despite Ozai's best efforts the ocean claims the three year old before he can get to him. The guards arrive and look over as much of the ocean as they can, scanning the water for him, while others stay on land and look over the beaches. Ursa is inconsolable when they have to leave Ember Island without Zuko and holds Azula a little closer while Ozai is too stunned to speak. He could have sworn he was about to grab Zuko. How did he let his own son slip through his fingers? Ozai never made it a secret that he didn't like how weak Zuko's firebending was, but he was still his son. Ozai still cared for him and the thought that his own weakness is the reason his son is dead now is such a blow.
The Fire Nation mourns for the loss of the young prince. Azulon, who didn't care too much for Zuko, uses the opportunity to yell at Ozai and Ursa for failing to watch their son and letting him die. For a moment, he briefly considers removing Azula from their care but Ursa begs him not to and he decides against it. It's not said, but the family seems to understand that Ozai and Ursa aren't going to try and have another child. Ursa because she couldn't bear the thought of losing another child and Ozai because he doesn't want to risk failing a second child. Ursa grows more and more attached to Azula, her baby is now her only child and she showers her with as much affection as a mother possibly could. Ozai trains relentlessly, never letting himself be satisfied with his results. Another unspoken understanding is that they are never returning to Ember Island again. Ursa gives up her love for the Ember Island players and Ozai orders their family beach house torn down and everything sent to them at the palace. It's a very sad time for the family.
Meanwhile, Zuko's not doing so good. He get's swept out to see and survival---amazingly---by the skin of his teeth. While he's out at sea, a familiar group of pirates notice him and pick him up. They help him warm up and give him some food. Zuko's only three at the time, so they have no real reason or want to hurt him. On the ship, Zuko thinks the pirate life is amazing (Zuko: What's that? Captain: Our sail. It's the heart of any good ship. Zuko: What's that? Captain: Crow's nest. It allows us to see what's further out on the ocean. Zuko: Can I see? Captain, laughing: You sure you won't get scared. Zuko: I won't! I promise! Captain: Alright). That being said, the crew does try to ask the boy where he's from and when he says the Fire Nation palace, they come to an issue. On the one hand, they don't want to keep a three year old from his family. On the other hand, they will probably die or be locked up the second they step foot on Fire Nation soil. (Pirate: So we're keeping him. Captain: Of course we're keeping him. Pirate: What about when he asks about his family? Captain: He's three. Give him some time and he'll forget all about them. He'll make a fine pirate.) That's exactly what they do. They train Zuko do be a pirate and to use his bending to help them steal. Zuko becomes incredibly good at sneaking into nobles houses and stealing their stuff to bring back to the ship so the pirates can re-sell it. (Captain: Zuko! Where did you get that? Zuko, holding a ruby dragon statue: I stole it from some rich Earth Kingdom noble who said my outfit *the outfit the captain got for him* was disgusting. Never even knew I was in his house. Captain, shedding a tear: I have never been more proud of you!)
With Zuko "dead" and after Lu Ten dies, Ozai still makes the move to try and get Iroh's position because after Zuko died, Ozai has been pushing himself more and more into just about everything to make himself absolutely perfect (and make up for not saving Zuko that day). Azulon can't order Azula's death because he's running out of young heirs, so he sends Ozai into the war to actually experience what Iroh has gone through. Azula and Ursa remain at the palace where Azula starts her training as the crown princess but remains close to her mother's side (having grown up close to her and since Ursa is the only parent she has left). Azulon takes over Azula's training and puts her through intense sessions to try and make her into the perfect weapon. Ursa does what she can for her daughter, but she can't go against the Fire Lord....or can she? When Azula comes to Ursa one night, terrified because grandfather said he'd kill her if she didn't perfect her lightning strike by tomorrow and Azula doesn't know if she can, Ursa decides enough is enough and kills Azulon and, since no one else is around, she becomes the Fire Lady for the time being.
While that's going on, Ozai is in the war in the Earth Kingdom. He's not on the front lines, he's in the tents with the admirals and commanders but it's still a lot to witness after having grown up in the palace. One night, while some of the soldiers are staying in a coastal town, Ozai is woken up by the sound of someone messing around in one of the tents. Ozai goes to inspect it and, low and behold, it's Zuko (although Ozai doesn't recognize him). (Ozai: Who are you!? What you doing!? Zuko:...Would you believe I'm an inspector? Ozai, holding up fire: No. Zuko: Didn't think so. Catch me if you can, old man!) Ozai does catch him and is about to burn him until he sees Zuko's golden eyes and realizes who the thief is. Zuko is a teenager now so he doesn't really remember Ozai and runs away. Ozai, abandoning his soldiers, run after his son all the way back to the pirate ship. (Ozai: ZUKO! Zuko: I don't know who you think I am! But I'm not your son! Ozai: Yes, you are! Zuko: No! I'm not! I'm a pirate! My mom was some woman from the coastal towns and my dad passed away when I was little. I'm not- Captain: He's your father. Zuko: What? Captain: You....I think we have some explaining to do). Zuko listens to the captain's explanation and hears Ozai's side of the story. When all is said and done, the Captain believes that Zuko should go with his father back to the Fire Nation, so Zuko does (even if it is hard to leave the only family he really knows). Ozai and Zuko head off as soon as they can to return to a palace where Ursa is in charge and Azulon is dead.
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spoiled-fawn · 11 months
CoD Western AU and Mail Order Spouse Trope
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Welcome to my version of a Wild West AU & Mail-Order Spouse Trope. Introduction of the reader scenario will be down below and a little digital art will be added in to show our lovely options of spouses. This is Gender Neutral.
This was my first Au and trope project I’ve worked on. While I learn and decide how I want to upload this, I hope everyone enjoys or just gets a kick out of this!
Introduction & Backstory
Your life wasn’t awful, per se, but sometimes you wonder if you say that to yourself to cope with what you’ve been through. Simply put, you were your family's breadwinner, caretaker, and damage controller. You were poor-ish, where you had to use scraps of fabrics to make your clothes, but yet your father could always afford a bottle to be in his hand, and your mother out on the porch smoking whatever she needed that day to cope and try to be a mom and wife.
Coat of many colors indeed.
You worked, and you have worked from a young age to continuously support your family as you didn't have a choice if you wanted to keep the roof over your head. Although, you were thankful that your mother was adamant you went to the schoolhouse and got at least a good amount of education.
After attending school for a few years until puberty, you were in the working class; your job as a domestic servant included the taste of farmhand, tailoring, and working to cann fruits that were grown on the farm. After a long shift on the warm and humid spring day, you walked back home to hear your father yelling as usual but stopped when you heard your name being spoken.
“As soon as we sell that damn nuisance, we’ll be rolling in dough. I can’t believe that damn bastard politician wants our kin. Said once he’s back from his campaign up north he’ll come meet ‘em.” He laughs before taking another swig of his drink, your mother laughing along with him as she has a lit pipe in the house for the first time in a long time.
Now, you to truly understand the depravity of this; the seriousness of her celebrating with a lit drug inside the house.
Your stomach drops, nausea rolling over you at the thought of them selling you off to the old and decrepit wealthy politician for marriage to get money. Money that they’ll blow through, having never learned to control their vices turned addictions.
A cold sweat breaks out on you as you swallow down the urge to expel the minimal amount of food in your worn-out body, and promptly turn around and walk back into town.
Walking the dark streets, you navigate quietly and hide behind the shadows of the night with only a few dimly lit light posts flickering their oil flame light. While walking the edge of the closed shops, you see a dirty newspaper thrown on the ground and almost step over it until a small headline catches your eye.
Your eyes scan quickly over the matrimony company advertising for men located in the frontier lands, each searching for promising spouses and wanting to marry soon. You read over the information, seeing that the listed men below are located in newly booming towns out west, a few even located in mining towns or having their own company.
Your body zings with a chill of adrenaline at the thought of diving head first into chance and change, but you knew something much better could be awaiting you…
Should you do it?
looking around, the humid and small town looks back at you as you enter a hardened state of mind; What would become if you stayed here? The disgusting politician's new toy just to break? Your parents are already planning on how to drain their funds dry within a month of letting their addictions take over? You don't have friends, your boss is the closest thing to one just because you spend hours each and every day working.
You're gonna fucking do it.
Taking a seat, your eyes quickly scan down the page of advertisements, looking over the small blurbs of descriptions offered. The correspondence cost would be 10 cents, meaning you have one chance to get his attention and get the new life you need.
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Simon Riley Biography, Meeting Simon,
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John Price Biography, Meeting John
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Kyle Garrick Biography, Meeting Kyle
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John MacTavish Biography, Meeting Johnny
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Phillip Graves Biography, Meeting Phillip
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Alejandro Vargas Biography, Meeting Alejandro
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sankttealeaf · 1 year
artistic endeavours
pairing ; arthur morgan x gender neutral!reader
summary ; during a walk around Saint Denis, you find yourself drawing a rather interesting stranger's horse.
other info ; this is completely self-indulgent, because all i want to do is draw with arthur. first time doing any sort of 'x reader' and i had a lot of fun. it's so silly i love it. left the ending open ended because i thought of a part 2 if people are interested <3
word count: 2.5k
psst, part two is here: masterpieces
Finding inspiration for various art projects came easy to you while living in Saint Denis - the city was full of interesting subjects to study and draw, and whenever you found yourself in a creative block it didn't take much to reignite the spark. You had signed up to paint some pieces for a new exhibition at the end of the month, “The Beauty of Saint Denis”, a love letter to the city you currently called home, and so far everything had been going smoothly. Three paintings were complete, with another needing a few finishing touches. The issue was with your main piece, a large oil painting of the Théâtre Râleur at night. Something was missing and you had no idea what it was. With a few days left to go for all submissions to be collected by the gallery, you were running out of time to make this work. You were hoping that some of these paintings would be sold during the exhibitions, and you really couldn’t afford to give up now.
The room you used as your art studio was beginning to feel stuffy and small; the ventilation was poor and you had forgotten to open a window to let some air in when you first started this morning. Perhaps that was why you were pulling your hair out, trying to get something down on the canvas - the oil paint was starting to mess with your mind. You sighed, deciding that now was the best time to go for a walk, find something for lunch and not think too much about how close you were to starting this painting from scratch, not that you had the time to do so. You packed away your sketchbook, grabbing a few charcoal pencils and crayons too in case you saw something that sparked inspiration, and left. Fresh air would do you good, you told yourself. 
The city was busier than usual today as you stepped out onto the street, the midday sun warming you up immediately. Your plan was to walk around for a bit, just to see if anything felt interesting to draw, and then grab some food. The walk and air would do you good, even if nothing was drawn. You walked around slowly, pausing every now and then to take down some notes on people’s outfits, wondering if you should add a crowd outside of the theatre to make it look busy. The more you imagined it in your head, the more you decided it wouldn't hurt to try. You quickly sketched down a few ideas, before moving on, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself from those you were drawing. The last thing you wanted was for someone to get angry that you were doing that - it had happened more times than you liked to admit. You decided to loop around the docks, and then walk back around and stop off at that bakery you frequented a lot.
The docks were busy, but there was no surprise there. People walked about, carrying boxes and bags between places. There was enough going on here to definitely spark some form of creativity, and you hoped that something would be interesting to draw. You took a moment to scan over your surroundings, trying to piece together things that could work with your painting at home when you saw something. A lone horse was hitched outside the general store, and it felt like a perfect thing to draw. 
You took out your sketchbook as you approached the horse, careful not to spook it. The pattern was something you had never seen much of before, and it stood out to you the moment you saw it. Maybe a horse was missing from your painting? You began to quickly sketch out the main shapes of the horse, keeping it loose and soft to get the basic idea of how everything fits together. Once you had filled up a page on quick drawings, moving around to get different angles, you opened to a double page and began a more detailed drawing.
“Ain’t you just the prettiest thing,” you mumbled softly, taking a small step to the side to get a better view of her head. You took more time with this drawing, making sure to capture all the details you could, from the markings to the way her mane fell to the style of the bridle. A quick look at the horse and you could tell that her owner loved her a lot, she was clean and looked well fed, and if you knew what kind of treats she liked, you would definitely give her lots of them.
You found yourself getting lost in the piece, now moving on to giving it pops of colour. Your charcoal pencil was tucked behind your ear, and you switched out between two colours to try and match the shade of its coat. The more you thought about it, the more it would fit well in the painting of the theatre. You were excited to go back home to add her in.
"If you're goin' to steal her, you might wanna be a bit quicker at it next time." A voice spoke, taking you by surprise. You quickly turned around to see the owner of it - a tall, rather rugged looking man. The guns at his side made you weary, and you closed your sketchbook, holding it closer to you.
"Oh, no, I ain't in the horse stealing business, sir," you said quickly, taking a step back to put some distance between you, him, and the horse. "But if I was, your horse would be one I'd steal." The words left your mouth before your mind could tell you that it probably wasn't the best way to compliment someone's horse.
The stranger raised his eyebrow at you, giving you a once over. "Sounds like somethin’ a horse thief would say.” He let out a small chuckle to himself, and then shrugged. “You don’t look like much of one, anyway.”
He wasn’t wrong, you definitely didn't give off the same vibes as a horse thief, though you didn't know many to compare yourself to. You watched as he gave you a nod, walking around to the opposite side of the horse. 
"Definitely not going to steal her." You looked down at your sketchbook, giving it a small wave in his direction. "Just drawing her, if that's alright. She looked really interesting, and I've been facing a real bad block lately."
“Saint Denis seems to have a lot of you artsy folk around, huh?” He asked, as you nodded.
“It’s a unique city. I find that there are a lot of things to draw here,” you replied, opening up back to the page you were just on. “Lots of horses, too. None as good as yours, though.”
“You sure you ain’t trying to steal her?” He raised an eyebrow, and you were quick to shake your head again.
“I promise I’m not!”
“I’m just messing with you.” He gave you a smile. “You're some kind of artist, then?”
You nodded. “It’s one of the only things I’ve got going for me right now. I came to Saint Denis to capture its beauty, and haven’t left since.”
“Beauty is a strong word for this place,” he replied, scrunching his nose up as he spoke, and you tilted your head to the side in confusion.
“You don’t like it?”
“Too crowded. Too… city-like.”
You let out a laugh. “Funny that, considerin’ it is a city.” You turned to a new page, deciding to get a closer sketch of the horse’s head. “I hope I ain’t keeping you or anything.”
“Nah, you’re fine,” he said, and you looked up to see him take out a brush from his bag, giving his horse a quick brush down. “I know how frustrating it can be when the thing you’re drawing leaves too soon.”
“You’re an artist, too?” You stopped, giving him a look up and down. He didn't seem like the artistic type from the outside, but you supposed looks could be deceiving. He looked to be the kind of person you would bump into late at night, looking for trouble. The guns on his sides didn't help with that much, but he didn't appear to be threatening. The way he looked at his horse was anything but threatening.
“I draw. Not a proper artist or anythin’.” He looked at you, and you gave him a small smile.
“I think anyone who draws can be considered a proper artist,” you said, as he shrugged in response.
You watched him for a few moments, before going back to your sketch, smoothing some lines out to give the impression of shadows and depth. It wasn’t your best work, but for a fast sketch, it was decent. The stranger had moved during your sketch session, and was now leaning up against one of the wooden poles that held up one of the various awnings on the store, hat tipped in front of his face. You paused for a moment, your pencil hovering over the page before the horse’s head. With a deep breath, you began to very loosely draw the man. You had drawn other people that day, so there was nothing weird about doing it again. But with the person so close, you could feel your cheeks warm up from embarrassment - all he needed to do was look up and catch you drawing him. But he didn't. 
You kept things simple, using few lines to give the impression of features, smudging other lines to use as shadows. A quick line behind him, and you had a very rough outline. You took a mental note of the colours he was wearing - a dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the well worn jeans, the dark boots. He looked like trouble, and yet here he was, letting you draw his horse without a complaint.
The sudden rumble from your stomach brought you out from your drawing session, and you knew you had enough to use as a reference for your painting now. You did feel a little bad for keeping him waiting, and looked down at your drawing of his horse’s head. You didn't have any change you could give him to thank him for your time, but you did have art… With one quick movement, you ripped out the page. Closing your sketchbook and shoving it back into your bag, you approached where he was leaning.
“Sorry for keeping you around,” you said, as he tipped his hat back, looking at you. He straightened up, giving you a nonchalant wave of his hand.
“Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it’s easier to draw things when they’re still,” he said. “You done?”
“Yes. Thank you. Uh, here-” You held out the drawing for him with a smile. “It’s not much, and you don’t have to take it, but… a token of gratitude, if you will.”
He looked down at the paper, gently taking it from you. You watched as he held it up to where his horse was, looking between them. “‘Ain’t much’? I can’t even tell the difference between the drawin’ and her!” He looked at you with a smile. “Thanks, uh…?”
You told him your name quickly, holding out a hand for him to shake. Between all the art, you had completely forgotten to introduce yourself. 
He took your hand in his, giving it a firm shake. “Arthur Morgan.”
“Thank you, Arthur, for letting me draw your horse,” you said, taking a small step back once you let go of his hand. You wondered if it would be weird to invite him along to the opening night of the exhibition, as you felt pretty confident now that you’d be able to finish the piece. You knew what it was missing now, after all. He carefully placed your drawing in his satchel, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. You rarely share your art with anyone, let alone hand someone a piece for free, and you weren’t too sure what had gotten into you to do that. There was something about Arthur that made you feel like you could share it easily. You stepped aside to allow him to walk by you to his horse.
Arthur gave you a nod, as he walked to his horse, unhitching the reins from the post. He turned to look at you. “There’s a lot of good places outside Saint Denis to draw at,” he said, pulling the reins over his horse’s head. “Lots of animals, too. Even more horses.”
“Maybe I’ll have to branch out one day,” you replied with a laugh. “Take a week long trip out to New Hanover, I’ve heard a lot about the landscape there.”
He seemed like a well travelled man to you, and you could easily see yourself going around to different places to draw landscapes and animals and people. Horses were expensive, so you would have to travel by train, and then find somewhere to stay… Maybe you would take his recommendation. You could always do with new focuses to paint whenever you got bored of Saint Denis.
You hadn’t told many people that your art was going to be displayed yet, and Arthur seemed interested enough in art. It wouldn't hurt to drop the suggestion, right? You searched through your bag for a small card that held the information for the exhibition on it. Your brain was telling you that it was strange to ask him to come along, but you pushed the thought away. It’s a public event, anyone could come, it didn't mean anything if you asked him to drop by. He turned to mount his horse, and you spoke up.
“If you’re in the area at the end of the month-” you started, making him look back at you. You took another deep breath to get you through this, holding out the business card to him, “the gallery downtown is hosting an exhibition, and I should have some art up on display there…” You hoped he understood what you were hinting at, as the thought of asking this stranger to see your artwork was causing a bubble of anxiety to rise in you. “Opening night is when I’ll be there, but it’ll be up for a week after that if you're still in the city.”
He took the business card from you, reading it and flipping it over in his hand. “I’ll drop by if I can,” he said with a smile, and you felt your anxieties leave you. With a smile, he nodded at you, before pulling himself up onto his horse. “Been nice talkin’ to you.”
“You too, Arthur.” You gave him a small wave. “If you ever need a drawing partner, be sure to let me know!”
“I might just take you up on that offer,” he laughed, and you watched as he left, walking off down the street. 
Nothing would come of it, most likely, but the idea of going around with someone and drawing together filled your mind. Especially with the idea of travelling - maybe this was your calling? To travel and paint together with someone. You pushed that thought away, not wanting to get too attached to the idea, however lovely it may be.
You began your walk back home, eager to get out the paints. This was going to be one of your best pieces ever, and you were now looking forward to the exhibition instead of dreading it.
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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Finally finished touching my picture of a re-design for one of my super hero characters! On paper, I used white paint to blend the colors of the markers, and it looked very vibrant... until I scanned it, and the colors were muted. It took a while to fix it in MS Paint, but it is done!
This is one of the character I've had since 8th grade, and has thusly gone through SEVERAL changes; initially I had a character with wind powers and feathered wings as their whole theme. First it was a crow, but then I decided to go with golden eagle feathers. The character evolved as well, and eventually, I thought it was just too type-cast-y to have a Native American character with nature/animals powers... but I didn't want him to NOT be Native American anymore, that wasn't what needed to change. I shuffled around powers between other characters, and finally had something better! Now with energy abilities that projects as physical forms of colorful light, the character became Vivid! The light can change into shapes that work as force-fields for defense, stairs for climbing up high, or simply as energy blasts for attacking (I gave the wings/wind powers to a different character, still golden feathers, but with more of an "angelic" theme for the whole look)
Who the character is, just as himself, is mostly the same, because I love this kid; Rodney is an easy-going friendly guy, a little bit socially awkward, but with an open and kind attitude that makes him easy to relax around. He's sensitive and considerate, and really smart as well. He previously went to a school for gifted kids, but the atmosphere there was too competitive and harsh. He finally convinced his family to let him go to a regular school with the friends he has (a handful of them become super heroes as well), and it is a relief to chill academically, and grow more into who he is. Sometimes Rodney worries too much about being annoying, and tries too hard to be helpful or avoid confrontation by keeping his comments to himself... his friends help reassure him- he doesn't need to be perfect, he deserves to speak-up, and they aren't going to stop liking him over disagreements or because he's "weird". They're ALL weird!
Rodney has the chance to get into different types of art, and he appreciates many things that are surreal, both whimsical and horror. While he was good at memorizing facts for school, he's also incredibly creative, able to figure out complicated puzzles and recognize patterns other people don't notice (he's got a whole galaxy-brain mandala-universe going on in there). In his every-day life, he wears his hair down, but pulls it back for the hero look (during formal occasions, he braids it). Some elements from his super hero outfit comes from different sci-fi sources, but I wanted to keep it simple and easy. I like to imagine the kids made their first outfits from clothes they had, and up-graded to to proper hero clothing later, but it still isn't too complicated. The undershirt and leggings are bright colors- orange/yellow, teal/green, blue/aqua, purple/pink. He has a large short-sleeved shirt with a high collar (but it's loose, not tight around his neck). The shirt is dark, but not quite true-black, and specifically doesn't have too many details with the wrinkles or creases (like an optical illusion, it seems almost like a solid object even where it over-laps). He has matching boots as well. He also has a visor that works as his mask to hide his secret identity (and it's a bit inspired by Garnet's cool look~). Rodney's a bit of a string-bean, but he's not "scrawny", and he has soft shapes to his features
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emeraldzephyr · 1 year
Some Cyberpunk Cowboy Steddie inspired by @trashpocket and their excellent art
The only thing for miles was sand. Rolling dunes, shifting and dancing in the wind, the twin suns scorching the earth and reflecting the heat back into the atmosphere. Luckily, Harrington Model #85 only suffered minor damage when he crash landed on the planet's arid surface. His thermoregulation system sputtered to life as soon as he clambered out of the ship pod's wreckage, perspiration beading on his forehead.
"Birdie, what's our status?" He grunted out, hauling his recon bag over his shoulder.
"Looks like we unceremoniously crash landed on Beta Earth 83, Steve" the navigational matrix chirped out, using the moniker she dubbed him with, "it's an arid but uninhabited planet. Should be safe here assuming you don't fry under these suns. Or get eaten by some creature. Or fall in quicksand. Oh, that reminds me! I should probably scan for quicksa-"
"Birdie" Steve says,"Let's maybe scan for water or food first."
"Says someone completely and blissfully unaware of the dangers of quicksand!"
This draws an eye roll from Steve, who decided that the direction he was facing was a perfectly good way to start looking. He hoisted the bag higher on his shoulder, pulled his wide brimmed hat lower over his eyes, and pulled his handkerchief up around his nose to block the sand and wind.
"Hey Steve?"
"Yeah Birdie?"
"You may want to course correct 15 degrees north. There should be some aquifers we can tap around there."
The sand stretched for miles and miles around him, no relent from the scorching rays. He felt his nose and cheeks beginning to blister, and the servos in his arm were beginning to grind from the sand worming its way into the joints. He flexed his inorganic hand, feeling tightness in the joints, electing to grab his canteen with his organic hand instead. He gave it a shake and upended it into his mouth. A small trickle was all that was left. He savored every bit, swishing the tepid water around in his mouth.
"Birdie, we close to those aquifers yet?" He croaked out, feeling the burgeoning pressure in between his eyes that signaled an incoming migraine.
"I don't understand," the voice trilled out "they should be right here..."
"Well all that's here is sand, so unless you can suddenly make water out of that, we may be out of luck."
Most cyborgs didn't believe in the concept of luck. Outcomes were a consequence of probability matrices and a complex web of cause and effect. Whether it was because he was only half cyborg, having one too many head injuries on recon and rescue missions, or his unceremonious crash landing into the planet knocking some circuits loose, Steve Harrington was not like most cyborgs. And perhaps referencing the Lady Luck was all that was needed to draw her favor as his boot thunked down onto something metallic.
Steve instantly clicked on his own personal range scanners, causing his single inorganic eye to glow blue with light. It outlined a hatch, buried beneath a layer of sand.
"Birdie... Thought you said that Beta Earth #83 was...uninhabited... "
"It's supposed to be! The data is-"
"Rather outdated, and I'd love for it to stay that way" a voice drawled from behind him.
Steve moved to turn but instantly felt the cold iron of a revolver press into his spine between his shoulder blades.
"Now could you do us the honor of dying," the voice crooned in his ear, dark curls falling over Steve's shoulder from the proximity, "That would be splendid, sweetheart."
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Unexpected date in china town (Joseph Desaulniers x Norton Campbell)
Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of food
Story type: fluff
Pairings: D.M./Desire Melodis (Joseph desaulniers) x Ronald of ness (Norton Campbell) Banner art credit: Art of ronald of ness by Koinezu on DeviantArt., Art of Desire Melodis by rarowcunraccoon on reddit. Please go support these amazing artists! Also please ignore how horribly i cut them out to put them on the banner-
(Thank my partner for influencing me in making whatever the fuck this is. it was originally gonna be a crack fic but my brain decided otherwise)
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D.M. sighed as he put a beautifully decorated letter down, looking around for the client who sent it. He scoffed, slightly irritated at the current situation. Today he was supposed to meet with one of his clients in China town, a unexpected location that he rarely visited but still showed too in order to do business. The large amount of people and tourists here didn't help either, loud chatting was going around in every corner as D.M. leaned on the stone barrier surrounding the large tree in the plaza as he looked at the letter again. At the very least he knew his client had ties to the golden rose theater, due to the yellow rose symbol in the corner and knowledge of the theatrics. This wasn't the first time he had gotten letters similar to this. However this is the first time someone from the theater actually wanted to conduct business with him, the other letters sent were from Kroto. A worker at the theater posing to be Bella Donna, or better known as Lady Bella to the theater. That situation happened long ago and soon after the death of the leading lady of the theater died. D.M. quickly scanned over the contents of the letter again, the client didn't specify anything specific they wanted in the letter meaning this may be a harder nut to crack. Just as he was thinking what this client could want he heard the sound of heels clicking against the stone floor of the plaza as a familiar voice called out to him. "Hello there Desire~!" D.M. quickly looked up to see the familiar figure of his boyfriend, Ronald. "R-Ronald?! What the hell are you doing here?!" D.M. shouted out in shock as Ronald laughed at his boyfriends reaction. "I'm the one who sent the letter of course, now c'mon, I got reservations at the diner nearby. I know they got some good pecking duck." D.M. could only stand in shock as he facepalmed at what was going on. "Ronald, you can't just use my business hours to go on dates with me, I have actual clients to deal with." Ronald grabbed D.M.'s hand and started dragging him too the nearby restaurant "Yeah yeah I know, you've just been extremely busy recently. So if I can't find time to go on dates with you outside business time we'll just have to go during it!" D.M. could only shake his head as his face flushed, being dragged into the restaurant by Ronald. --
A few hours passed as D.M. was dragged around china town by Ronald after eating. They stopped at basically every shop and stand that was selling anything to check it out. D.M. sighed as his arms slowly became sore from the amount of bags he was holding. "My rose, are you okay? Do you need me to hold some of the bags?" Ronald asked as he lightly touched D.M.'s shoulder, D.M. looked over, responding to his lover. "No i'm okay Ronald, thank you for asking though. We should get home sometime soon though." Ronald nodded as he linked his arm with D.M.'s, smiling at how flustered D.M. got. "Flustered now are we dear? And i thought you didn't get flustered often?" D.M. looked away in embarrassed. it's true, he never usually gets this flustered. He's usually the one doing all the flirting and romantic gestures. But because of how long it's been since the two have been on a date and how busy D.M. has been he's gotten a bit rusty. It also feels like to be the one being flirted with for once. Ronald chuckled as he extended a hand for D.M. to grab. "Shall we go home now, Desire?" D.M. smiled slightly as he moved all the bags to one arm and grabbed Ronalds hand with the other. "Yes, we shall."
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speedbooster · 1 month
Journey through Archie Sonic - Introduction
I promised this over on webbedphantom, and I'm sticking to my word. I'm going to be reading the entirety of Archie Sonic, from the main book, the original mini-series, and the numerous spin offs (minus Knuckles, I'll be saving him for later), tackling one issue every day I can.
To preface this, I've barely read any of this comic. I checked out a few issues after the reboot, I read the Sonic Adventure adaptation, and I actually bought both issues of Mega Drive when they came out. But it's been so long that I don't remember much. All I do know is what I've learned from lowart's retrospective on the series, which is what got me interested in checking it out again.
I've also barely seen the cartoons it was originally based on. I did see a few episodes of SatAM when it was on Netflix, but I never got very far because of two reasons; I didn't like Sonic's voice and the mohawk was weird. That's it.
I will eventually watch it, especially with the fan-made season 3 around the corner, but for now, I'm just gonna stick to the comic.
With that out of the way, let's get started.
Sonic the Hedgehog Mini-Series #0 - Feb. 1993
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To start off, I'm not going to spend too much time summarizing, because that's kinda boring. Mainly, I just wanna give my thoughts as I read through it, make a few jokes here and there, and give my overall opinion at the end.
First, the cover. It's honestly kinda charming. The colors are nice, the idea of them running out of the tv is creative, and I like seeing the designs from the games... even if it's only for this cover.
Now for the plot. Basically, Robotnik chases Sonic for a bit, he gets away and goes back to base, and that's... honestly it for part one.
Because yeah, it's split into four different parts, telling two different stories, with some little gag pages thrown in here and there. I assume this was done to keep the ads from interrupting the action (I can't say for sure, because the scans I have don't have any ads), which if that's the case I can respect that. As a kid, it was always a little annoying to have the story be put on hold for two pages so I could be shown a photoshopped image of Mr. Fantastic holding a glass a milk.
As for the actual comic, well it's definitely interesting.
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It's weird that he can talk, but at least Caterkiller is introducing himself politely before he tries to commit murder.
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I said up top that I wasn't a fan of the mohawk Sonic was rocking in these days, but... honestly, the art here kinda makes it work for me. Still not my favorite, but it's consistent, it's cutesy but not overly so, and it works well for what they're going for; A comedic book for kids that's combining the premise of SatAm with the humor of... Adventures. Albeit, not as unhinged as that could be-
Here Sonic has gotten back to Knothole, the hidden base of the Freedom Fighters, and we're introduced to the whole gang, including Sally who is... this.
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I have no idea why she's like this. I think it's because her design hadn't been finalized by this point, or the team was only given early production material from SatAM, but either way it's weird seeing this bizarre palette swap of her, and without her jacket. Though I'm aware that wasn't apart of her design for a good while, even in the cartoon.
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Sonic, I don't think that's how that works-
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Oh man, he really ate it there. Though, I gotta admit, it's cute seeing this version of Tails, before he was the kid genius with some confidence issues. He's the little brother of the whole team, who looks up to them all, but especially Sonic, and wants to be like them. It's really endearing.
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... I can't decide if "Trickle Down Technology" is stupid or not. I mean, it sounds stupid but... it's decent wordplay? I think?
Now onto part 2, where the team deals with the leak and stuff. Though we start off checking in on Robotnik and-
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I shocking love his desk. Like... oh my lord, everything about this desk is gold. It's so cartoonishly evil, and the "Rights Violated While U Wait" sign definitely got a chuckle out of me.
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And this is the source of the leak. Weeping Willow Trees... I have no words, I think the concept speaks for itself-
So Robotnik finds them at the edge of the forest and Sonic taunts him to get him to focus on chasing him, which works but... I don't think this art was meant to be seen up close...
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I hate this. He's a conehead with no eyes and a moustache that looks like little wings. I hate that I zoomed in on this why did I do this
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... you ever just tell a joke and no one laughs, so you just keep repeating it until someone reacts?
Yeah, I feel this.
So Sonic books it to the well to grab a power ring he hid there, which he then uses to do-
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... I don't even-
Like... why? How? Huh??
This might just be the stupidest thing I've ever seen. And I kinda love it??
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I still hate that the badniks can talk, but like... That buzzbomber is gonna die for that joke. Like there is no way he lets him live after that, right?
... anyway Robotnik gets away, so Sonic and the gang plant new trees to make the willows stop crying. And I will admit-
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This makes me smile. I'm a sucker for puns.
But that's the end of the first half. Now it's time for a few gags before we move onto the next one.
Here Sonic shows off how fast he can go, and... first of all, nice pun.
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But secondly, is he supposed to be winking?? Because it kinda just looks like he got something in his eye, or they forgot to draw a pupil, or color the other eyelid blue or something, because this just looks... wrong.
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Next a page entirely dedicated to this pun. And honestly... it was good until I read Sonic's last line. "OAK-Kay" is pushing it even for me-
Lastly, we have a page showing off the various badniks, but I couldn't help but notice this;
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This is cursed. Why does he have normal eyes?? And look at that face, and his flesh colored bolt-ear thing??? I hate it???
Now onto story 2, where they show how Robotnik took over the world... kinda?
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Oh he's coming.
Also there's something powerful about this image without context. It haunts me.
Anyway, Sonic is heading over to his uncle's chili dog stand, who just got an order for 200 chili dogs that Sonic is going to deliver.
Meanwhile, this is being hung on the wall outside;
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Another Cursed-Botnik, but again I love how cartoonishly evil this sign is. "Have Fun, Go To Jail." If this man even sees you smiling, he's having you arrested. It's so over the top, and I love it.
Speaking of which, that's exactly what happens while Sonic is away. Uncle Chuck gets arrested for smiling, and has... the dumbest revelation.
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If you know him, and you know his voice, then you really should've seen this coming. Heck, the address Sonic is delivering the Chili Dogs to is a Robotnik Inc Factory!! You only have yourself to blame, Chuck-
So Sonic delivers the dogs, and the chicken robot tries to kill him as payment, so he decides to rush back to check on his uncle. And-
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This editor's note got an audible chuckle out of me. That is so clever!
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This... is an expression. I'm tempted to make this a reaction image for the heck of it.
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This is the end of this chapter, but again I gotta point out the signs. Man just decided to dump toxic waste here just because he could, and-
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I wish I could enjoy something as much as this guy enjoys dancing in the flames over here. He is having the time of his life rn
Anyway, Sonic immediately takes them out, including the chill one which... what the heck man??
And decides to rush back to the factory to confront Robotnik, while making a little reference to another speedster.
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Cheap, but it made me smile. Sue me.
Sonic runs into Sally, who introduces herself as a princess and tells him how her father was taken too. And Sonic-
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Doesn't give a damn, wow. That is harsh-
"Sorry Girlie, but I don't believe you, nor would I care if I did, because my problems come first."
Honestly... I'm okay with this. It was jarring at first, but this is the closest we get to an origin story as far as I know. He's not really "the hero" yet, so it's interesting to see him be a bit more selfish.
So Sally convinces him to help out, and we get this little exchange;
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... I can't decide if this is funny or stupid. And yeah, I did kinda reference this on Sonic's bio, but I didn't know THIS is where that came from. Or more specifically, how they introduced that.
... I mean, it's kinda funny out of context, but in context its... I honestly don't know-
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Here we see Robotnik's army of supposedly roboticized townspeople, but I guess the artist didn't get the memo?? Like they're clearly not robots??
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... okay, nevermind. Robotnik actually likes being called fat. Props for the body positivity, I guess.
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... y'know, I think this is the first time I've ever seen a speedster make a tornado... and run on top of it. Like how does that even work??
Anyways, that's it for Issue #0. Overall, it was more enjoyable than I thought it'd be, and actually got a chuckle or two out of me which I did not expect.
Definitely not going to be going THIS in-depth for the rest of these, this was way more work than I thought. I'll just give my brief thoughts, and maybe rank each issue as I go? Idk I'm kinda making this up as I go along.
If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in the replies I guess-
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dark-horse76 · 10 months
Last weekend, I went to my first comic convention! I've been to conventions before (Star Trek ones) but not comic ones.
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I was by myself, and it was a bit overwhelming lol. I'd bought the weekend ticket, because I wasn't sure which day I'd go to and was potentially thinking of both. In the end, I heard the Sundays were quieter and so went on Sunday.
If that was quiet, I'd hate to see what busy was 😂There were sooo many people, and it was so noisy.
I didn't go to any of the panels. That felt like too much for this time, so I spent the few hours I was there walking around all the tables, trying to scan for anything that looked interesting but also trying not to get too close and get drawn into sales pitches and/or conversations I'd not be prepared for (I was only semi-successful at this).
I must've had A Look on my face every time I approached a table, because more than one of the people at the stalls said, "It's okay, you can touch them". 😂Which did not, in fact, make me feel any less nervous about touching the comics on display. 😂
I also went up to a stand manned by a couple guys I'd met previously at my local comic shop's social get together. The guy there when I approached didn't recognise me, and he asked what kind of comics I like. Being already so far out of my element, I didn't know how to bring up that we'd met a couple times before and panicked, so I just said I don't know what kind of comics I like 😂(although, tbf, that is essentially the truth hah, no matter how funny it sounds to anyone hearing it) and focussed on my other reason for dropping by their stand - the other guy was debuting a comic at the convention, which I'd backed on Kickstarter, and was there to pick up.
There were a few other people I've met before there (like, a few people who own/work at my local comic book shop), but there were just sooo many people that I didn't cross paths with any of them, except for a person I recognised, having met at another of the comic book shop's social things, who had a stall for their book(s).
Aside from just generally looking around, my other aims for the day were to visit a few specific tables. I picked up my own copy of Ask for Mercy (and a cool bookmark) from Abigail Jill Harding and, fortunately, no one at the table seemed offended when I said I hadn't thought I'd read the book, because the story was too weird for me but that the art is just soooo gorgeous that I have to read it anyway xd (which is good because I didn't mean it offensively) (Seriously. The art is so incredible. I'm going to also give Parliament of Rooks a go, because I think I really love her artwork. Also the title makes me think of Six of Crows, so... xd)
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Another top priority was visiting Jacob Phillips's table. I picked up a really cool print of The Enfield Gang Massacre issue #1 cover art and a That Texas Blood button. It has joined the other TTB button I had at home. :D
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I'm kind of hoping there will be prints like this of all the covers, because they're interlocking covers, and I'd rather frame the prints instead of the actual comic books.
He was going to sign the poster, but I asked if he could sign something else instead. Last year, before I'd really got into comics but could tell it was a matter of time, I made a little drawing on the subject. And because that represents something for me, how important comics now are to me and how much I love them, I decided I wanted to ask those folk whose work I love and is important to me to sign the back of that (I've actually laminated the drawing and then glued a sheet of cardstock to it). Jacob Phillips's work is very high on that list for me. And he did agree to sign it. He also briefly looked at that terrible awful drawing, so that was embarrassing, but... 😂😂😂
He had some other art for sale, but I was way too nervous to stand there and go through it. It was funny that I already own a copy of almost every single book he had for sale on his table haha. I think there was only one that I don't have, and I think it was one of the Ed Brubaker/Sean Phillips ones that I'm not yet sure I want to try. Although, now that I think about it, if Jacob Phillips was on colours... ngl, that means I do want it. Darn it. My brain was definitely not working by then xd.
I had hoped to come across a couple other people, but did not. One of them is another person whose work is on that "very important to me" list. Next time, perhaps!
There were also a lot of queer tables, which was really cool. I picked up this patch from one of them.
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I don't really know what to do with it, 'cause I don't put patches on my clothes or bags lol, but I love it, so I'll have to find something.
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I haven't really started on the comics I picked up from the convention yet, except for one. That one (not pictured) is (hopefully) the only dud. I'm a bit of a sucker for the setting/topic and was just so nervous that I basically just agreed to buy them without really looking at them or considering what I thought the odds of the topic being handled well by the creators were. That was definitely my mistake. I kinda feel icky having them in the house, so I'm not totally sure what to do with them lol.
Oh, I did read Zac: Death and Admin. That one's cute, and I hope I can pick up any others that may exist. Ambrosia is also technically a gift for a friend, but I'm gonna read it first xd.
Overall, it was a pretty good day. I'm glad I went, though I kind of wish I'd gone to the first day. Next time, I may have to figure out something for my cats so I can perhaps stay in the town overnight (and not travel way too much) and go to both days. I'm also going to go to panels next time.
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mituni-art · 5 years
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Inktober day 6 Duality
I love Akechi’s Phantom outfits
Prompt was taken from Gorotober prompt list made by @ erinrinri and @ miruwuna (on twitter)
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smhtaehyung · 3 years
shy on the sly (jjk)
chapter 1: boys will be boys
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: smut, comedy, summer camp au
warnings: eventual smut, oral sex, awkward kissing and oral sex, horny jk, masturbation, voyerism, inexperienced!kook, awkward conversations. (slowburn?) dirty talk, perverted fantasies, shy jk, maknae line ft. Hobi, summer camp alternative universe, swearing, underage drinking, thigh kink, scent kink, kinks all round, masturbation in shower, public.
wordcount: 4,1k
He could remember it like it was yesterday. Like he promised, he was there, standing at the dock exactly 7 years from that hot summer night. He was much wiser now, that for sure. Had much more money than then and talked more eloquently. However, he still felt like a kid, especially after thinking about her.
It was 2015 and Jungkook was an 18 year old boy, lucky to be on a summer camping trip with his best friends. It was a creative art summer camp, so every year, him and his 3 friends would rule the camp. They were the 4 most popular people there, given their charms and extrovert behavior. So naturally, as they basked into their glory, Jungkook always stayed a little bit reserved, not being too cocky for people to misinterpret because Jungkook really loved making friends. He was just bad at it.
He always imagined his persona was the main character of the whole summer camp reality show. So, just like any other year before, summer camp season 2014 was unique by itself. But Jungkook didn't know that at the time. He didn't know who was going to change his summer completely.
"Wake up, idiot. We're here." Jungkook's friend slapped his shoulder, waking him up from his deep sleep. The bus had arrived to Tear Lake. The smell of pine tress hit Jungkook's nostrils and travelled directly to his brain to the nostalgia chunk. He smiled upon seeing his friends hurriedly rushing out, following after them.
"This is going to be a good year." His friend Taehyung giggled at himself, preparing a smooth player sort of character.
"What?" Jimin laughed at him, his eyes squinting at the same sight.
"Some new fish in the...lake." Taehyung joked, observing how many new girls came to camp. There were about 10, but given Jimin's and Taehyung reputation, amidst 50 people there they scanned them.
Everyone laughed at his joke, including Jungkook who was still kind of clueless but decided not to ask to seem stupid. Once he realized, he decided to keep his comments to himself. He wasn't crazy about chasing girls anyway.
"Let's eat something." Hoseok's final chiming in was enough to make everyone agree and immediately rush to the outdoor restaurant for the dinner.
"Hi Jimin." One of the girls winked his way after the dinner and he almost didn't recognize her for a second, still he waved back. The boys were sitting at the table, feeling full after a good dinner, observing the new and the old faces.
"I only have one question. I think you're a man-whore and you won't know the answer to my question so I'm gonna ask it. My question is... what year did you two fool around?" Taehyung teased Jimin, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
"Shut up. I know. Like 20..2013..no, 2011?" Jimin questioned more than he gave a statement.
"You're a bastard." Jungkook disappointedly chuckled at him.
"Not everybody is a sweet romantic like you. God, I wish I could have your babies, but I think you'd be the one giving birth." Jimin provoked Jungkook, making all of them laugh. Jungkook also laughed, knowing it wasn't intentional.
"I'm not a romantic."
"You're not?" Hoseok now asked a question, rising Jungkook's nerves a little bit.
"I'm not!" Jungkook raised his voice.
"Okay, then I dare you to chat up a girl at the dance today and take her to the cabin." Taehyung dared Jungkook, sticking a spoonful of pudding in his mouth.
"Fine. I'll try." Jungkook sighed and looked down, hating sometimes that he feared peer pressure.
If he only knew back then where she would be standing at that dance everything would be much more simple. Hell, even if he knew the conversation what was going on a few meters to his left.
"Hae, stop it. Why would you invite them to our cabin? It's against the rules."
"So what? We've already invited a few boys." Hae disregarded and went straight to Jungkook's table. Trying to stop it, Y/N ended up standing by her, embarrassing yourself as well, but the truth of the matter was, every boy at the table was more focused on Hae's big breasts in that tight white top than on you. Only one guy didn't seem to be fazed. He just ate his pudding, catching a short eye contact with her friend. With Y/N.
Jungkook looked up, observing her for a few seconds only to get back to his pudding. Y/N chuckled. She was too busy to notice that Hae was really inviting them to the cabin after the opening dance. Jungkook was too busy with his pudding to notice Jimin calling his name.
"Jungkook! Wake up! Do you want to go with us?"
"Sure." Jungkook agreed, not even knowing what he was agreeing to. The amount of how much he trusted his friends impressed you. You giggled at him by accident, but he didn't seem to notice it.
"Great! See you guys then. We're at cabin 014." Hae smiled and bumped into you as she walked away. You turned your back as well and started walking.
"What are we now on, like 11 people? You know I'll kill you if someone messes with my room. And ChiChi will kill you." Y/N talked about their quiet roommate.
"It's fine. It's only for tonight." She giggled, trying to manifest hooking up with some of the cute boys from that table.  
At the table, the boys got their panties into a bunch.
"She is so hot. I want to put my face between those two beautiful things." Taehyung was mesmerized. Hoseok's jaw was still dropped open while Jimin sat in silence, creating a plan inside his mind on how to get her to fool around with him. Jungkook was a cool silent observant like always, and the girls around liked him more for that. They thought that he was playing hard to get, but Jungkook just didn't really care. He wanted to get excited, be intimate with someone, even do a lot more dirtier stuff but the whole chasing thing made him tired before even starting. Still, he would often glare at female attributes here and there. But Jungkook had an unique taste.
She didn't know it at the time, but as she walked away with Hae, Jungkook caught a glimpse of Y/N thighs, and how good and not invasive they looked. That's why he wasn't really a boob guy. Way too invasive and in your face. But he didn't think much of it.
"Why do I have to share a room with Jimin? It's better if Taehyung is with him. You two want to bring girls to your room either way." Jungkook sighed, unpacking his suitcase as his friends were getting ready for the dance.
"Oh c'mon! Last year was fine!" Jimin tried to convince him, wiping sweat off his forehead. "God, we need to get a fan." He whined additionally.
"I slept on the couch for three weeks because of you! I just want to rest." Jungkook's tone was slightly agitative, but Jimin always managed to soften him.
"Listen. I'll try my best to not be loud. For you, I'll even sleep at the girl's cabin. Just, don't be a nag please." Jimin patted Jungkook's head. Jungkook just sighed to himself.
Laughter echoed from their cabin. The infamous 027 and the rumors about the boys circled around the camp as if it really was a reality show. Still, a lot of girls missed dinner in order to get ready for the dance. Just so they would earn a stare from Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin or Taehyung. There were many other cute boys at camp, but the popular ones always have and always will get the most attention from the ladies.
The opening dance was about to start with all the camp counselors and instructors waiting for the teens to gather. But back at 014, stress intoxicated the air.
Y/N was trying to rush Hae. "We're already late. Let's go Hae." She pleaded, hating that Hae spent more than 45 minutes doing her eyeliner - still looking the exact same.
"I want to lock the cabin, can you please hurry." Chichi, the youngest of the three girls, had no patience left.
"Give me the keys. I'll lock up. Go, we'll come after you." Y/N reassured Chichi, who left kind of mad at Hae.
"What? I'm done. Just a little more-" Hae felt the judgement from Y/N, who cut her off immediately.
"No! Let's go."
"You're going like that?" Hae commented on Y/N's oversized hoodie and shorts, mocking her dirty converse shoes.
"Yes I am. And I don't care." Y/N took her phone and opened the door, practically forcing Hae to leave.
"I'm sorry. It's just, you don't get it, I've been watching Jimin all the time last summer and I never made a move. Tonight's the night. I want it to be perfect." Hae finally got up, kind of sulking on her way out.
"They always chase new girls you know that. I don't think they pay attention to us. We've been here for years. You really think you'll manage it?" Y/N's tone provoked Hae.
"They were eyeing me up and down. All of them. Especially Hoseok." Hae nagged Y/N as she locked the cabin.
"You really think I know their names? I only know Jimin. Only because we had to work together on a play last year."
"Shut up! You should know!"
"They're just pretentious idiots who care more about their looks and who they fuck rather than actually enjoying this beautiful summer doing important stuff." Y/N commented, her walk on the way to the lake much more faster than Hae's, as she was too concerned not to get dirt on her outfit.
"And you wouldn't like to, like, fool around with anyone of them?" Hae provoked.
"This hot weather is really frying your braincells. No, I wouldn't. I mean, if one of them is actually nice, then maybe." Y/N helped Hae down the hill, holding her hand.
"Oh, c'mon. Girls like you usually chase the non-chaseble. Like Jungkook."
"Who's Jungkook?"
"The quiet boring one. But he's playing hard to get this summer LIKE ALWAYS. Ugh, he's so hot." Hae's words made Y/N chuckle.
She continued gossiping about Jungkook.
"I heard he is a really good kisser. And that his oral game is a masterpiece." She daydreamed.
"I think they're all bad. No man can have that much cockiness and actually be good at sexual stuff." Y/N spoke more quietly once they approached the crowd. The counselors were already giving their speech about how to behave, what to do and what to learn this summer.
"Well, when I try it out, Imma let you know." Hae removed the hair out of her face, her new stuck up persona poisoning her walk talk and the way she held herself.
And then he came, standing in the back while his friends started to dance. Y/N had wondered if that was Jungkook. Because by now, she only knew him as a pudding boy who didn't seem to be fazed by Hae.
The music blasted at the lake and the counselors and instructors kept their distance by their cabin, observing the improvised dance floor by the dock.
"Hae. Is that Jungkook?" Y/N pointed in a discreet manner.
"Yeah, how do you not know- wait, why?" Hae was caught off guard.
"Nothing. I'm just trying to stay updated."
"You're so awkward. But it's cute." She nudged her shoulder, both of them giggling.
Even though she hated to admit it, Y/N thought Jungkook was attractive. She understood why the girls fell for him, but there was no way on earth she was going to chase him. She hated the chase. Besides, sometimes people are to be judged by the friends surrounding them. While checking him out, Y/N's eyes met his. Naturally, out of panic, she looked away quickly, making Jungkook smile.
He REALLY liked her thighs. The way she dressed casually and her hair was still not brushed given most girls there had a whole evening to get ready. He liked the way he could creep a look at her breasts through her hoodie, given she wasn't wearing a bra. Hell, even his mind hoped for a cold breeze later on so he could see her nipples poke through a little bit. But damn it, he hated those thoughts because they always ended up like this -
"Bro, I don't want to seem gay, but is your dick hard right now?" Jimin pointed a finger at Jungkook, mocking him. Thankfully it was only him there to point it out.
"My mind travelled a bit, shit." Jungkook tried to play it off, sitting down on the tree stump and fidgeting with his arms.
"It travelled under which skirt?" Jimin sat down next to him, trying to make him point where.
"No. Not any of them."
"You into dudes?" Jimin tried to respectfully ask.
"No! It doesn't mind. It's not one of the new girls anyway. I think. I don't know, I don't think I've seen her around. She must be-" Jungkook started to carry a curious monologue with himself only to turn around and look at Jimin who was visibly confused.
"Have some of this." Jimin pushed a drink into Jungkook's hands. Jungkook rolled his eyes in a disappointed manner.
"Did you guys bring alcohol again?"
"Of course we did! Half these girls are drunk as hell right now. Look at them."
Jungkook shoot a look directly her way, no shame present. Just curiosity.
In that same moment Y/N was taking a cup from Hae's hand.
"Who brought booze?" Y/N chuckled.
"The 'pretentious idiots' as you like to call them. What, you're not gonna drink knowing it's theirs?" Hae teased, visibly tipsy.
"To hell with them" Y/N downed the cup, the bitter taste of whiskey mixed with coke sliding down her throat, burning it. Her cheeks immediately reddened. She was never drunk before and hoped she wouldn't get tonight. Maybe she took a bit too much because in only a few seconds she started dancing the same way Hae was, kind of flirty.
Jungkook's tongue played with the inside of his cheek as he observed the situation. Without a thought, he downed it, learning a yell of approval from Jimin.
"Let's go dance." Jungkook stood up, Jimin following after him in complete awe to what alcohol could do to a shy man - boy, Jimin knew. but he'd like to think with all the lady action he was getting that he was much older than 18. That he was a man. But he wasn't.
The sought-after alcohol drinks at the stand behind the rock was in full progression. Counselors and instructors could not see it, so they had a wonderful opportunity to get everyone drunk. Besides, most of them were 18 at that point. Given their counselors and instructors had a gathering of their own, soon all of them were inside the cabin, smoking and drinking, hoping no one would see them. But, most boys always peeked through the windows. Especially through the bedroom windows of pretty counselors and when they would change. He hated to admit it, but Jungkook never minded a peek through a window here and there, blaming it on the hormones.
On the dance floor, Jungkook did his infamous shoulder dance, making his hyungs laugh. He always tried to make them laugh given he saved all his energy when he was being shy and standing behind them. He would really use it to make them laugh. And he did, always. Taehyung chimed in almost instantly, suffering from a slight problem of wanting all the attention for himself. That's why he was so envious of Jungkook when it came to girls. He charmed them by his shyness and randomness whilst Taehyung always had to act a fool.
Everyone was going wild, dancing to the summer hits everyone loved and knew well. The sound of crickets was barely noticeable, only when a person went to pee near the bush or a tree because everyone was so lazy to go up to their cabin.
Some people though were marketing experts. So, the cabin 02, only about 30 feet away from the dance floor, offered their toilet for people's needs. They charged a dollar for peeing and 4 dollars for anything that would take a while. Starting from pooping to fooling around, but that was mostly just for attention. Every guy wanted to get his dick sucked at the 02 toilet. It was some sort of trashy accomplishment to them. Even Jungkook.
"What? 3 dollars? For a pee?" Y/N tried to argue with Skid, the guy who rented the toilets.
"I had to bring the prices up. Look at the line behind you. I'm going to be rich." His blunt low voice made Y/N visibly roll her eyes in annoyance.
"Hae, let's go pee." Y/N grabbed her by the arm, trying to motion her to go to the bushes.
"Y/N, eww. What if something bites me?" She whined.
"I'll bite it back, now, c'mon I'm gonna piss myself."
The sound of the music started to quiet down, promising a peaceful whizz.
"Like right here?" Hae raised her voice. Y/N was sick with her complaining.
"You're right, open your mouth, I have a better way in mind." Y/N mocked her through a loud whisper as she squatted down.
Someone laughed at her joke. "That's funny. Can you wait a sec and then do your thing? I'm still peeing." A man's voice made her slightly scream and get up.
"Jungkook? Oh my god, sorry." Hae giggled in her usual promiscuous manner. And then Jungkook smiled once he shot a look at Y/N, feeling weird his dick was in his hands when he made eye contact with her.
"Sorry." Y/N also spoke, Jungkook's ears hearing better all of the sudden. Her voice was piercing through his mind.
He gave his penis a few shakes and zipped his pants up, taking a cup he left on the stump.
"Are you finished?" Jimin walked towards him, noticing the two girls.
"Whoooa, with two girls? In the bushes? Wow." Jimin tried to gas him up, but Jungkook closed his eyes feeling frustrated.
"It's not like that, fuckface. We just wanted to pee." Y/N couldn't realize whether it was the alcohol, but she would always not talk back at guys like Jimin. This time, it earned a smile from Jungkook, but she couldn't see it given his back was turned to her. Jimin squinted his eyes, chuckling to himself.
"Sorry about my friend. She's drunk. How are you doing? I'm Hae.. I invited you to our cabin-"
"Y/N! Almost didn't recognize you. And of course I remember you Hae." Jimin came closer, flirting with her right ahead. The two sort of observed each other in silence, whispering some things between them. Given both Y/N and Jungkook wanted to be a good friend, they stayed away.
"I'm gonna go."
"Me too." Y/N agreed, rushing in front of Jungkook. He kept his distance, but tried his hardest to avoid eye contact.
As they walked down to the dance floor, both of them could feel some sort of tension piling up on Jungkook's forehead.
"We don't have to walk together down, you know that?" Y/N's words were way too overthought.
"That's so awkward. It's fine. We can walk down." Jungkook smiled, his voice on the more softer side.
"I'm Y/N."
"Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook spoke everything through a smile, even his name. In fact, it was so much that it sometimes seemed a little bit staged.
"Nice to meet you."
"Are you new to the camp?" Jungkook asked, hating how awkward he sounded.
"No. I've been here for years."
Y/N's answer made him furrow his eyebrows. How come he never noticed those thighs? And her, of course.
"No way. I've never seen you before."
"Thanks?" Jungkook realized by her answer that he might have judged her.
"No, not like that. I'm just-"
"I'm joking. Don't be so stressed."
"I'm not stressed." Jungkook answered abruptly.
"Fine." She realized she might have stepped a little bit overboard. In the silence, she tried to find topics. He did as well but everything seemed to be awkwardly constructed in his head.
On their way down, Jungkook would steal a look at her jiggling tits under her hoodie, imagining what they looked like. And there it was, the breeze. Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at her erected nipples through the fabric from the corner of his eye.
As soon as Y/N turned her head he looked down, but that was enough for the half erection in his pants starting to tighten. He needed more booze if he wanted them to stop. And he really took that as a plan.
"You wanna go get more booze?" He proposed a daring question, not even believing it himself.
"Sure." Y/N answered observing the way his hair was scattered all over his forehead. She was now close enough to notice how attractive he really was. His body was quite athletic, his arm muscles looking pretty big, even as he wore the oversized black t-shirt. His eyes were pretty big and round and Y/N wondered why they looked at everything with caution.
"Did you and the boys from your cabin really buy all this alcohol?" Y/N questioned him once approaching the infamous whiskey coke dealers.
"Most of it, yeah. But a lot of people chimed in with some cash." Jungkook quietly spoke, gesturing Y/N to go first, showing good manners.
She took two whiskey cokes and gave Jungkook one. She started drinking it as if it was water, almost finishing half the cup.
Jungkook tried to keep up the same pace, but soon gave up after three small sips.
Jungkook carefully observed Y/N's pretty face as she giggled at something behind him.
"So, you want to get back to your friends? I don't know what are they trying to say to you though."
Jungkook turned around only to notice his friends mockingly encouraging him to finally fool around with someone. Once he took a better look around, almost every girl was staring at Y/N and why she was getting so much intention. It really confused them.
"What?" Y/N asked him, trying to break the painfully awkward silence.
"It's just a dare. They wanted me to find someone to...spend the night, tonight." Jungkook took a sip, trying to ignore all the attention.
"Wow, so you're using me as a bait?" Y/N scoffed.
"No! I forgot about it. I'm just not in the mood to hang out with them." He shyly observed the ground.
"What are you in the mood for?" Y/N tried to flirt a little bit, but Jungkook's clueless mind was way too busy trying to run away from things.
"Probably sleeping. Maybe taking a run. I don't know."
She rolled her eyes. She almost debated being fully direct, but it really was the alcohol making her think that way.
"Well, you still have to stop by our cabin. Unless you want to be nagged by your friends for days." Y/N dared, her arm wrapped around her chest, squeezing it up a little bit. Jungkook noticed it almost immediately.
"I know." He smiled in a disapointed manner.
"But, if you want them to stop being dicks to you, what if I help you out?" She proposed a dare of another kind.
Jungkook's mind travelled to many places. Was helping out a euphemism for stroking that painful boner in his pants? Or was it a preposition for an act because she didn't want to even get near his boner? Those were the only two options that existed in his brain. On a weird level, he hoped for both. Both would bring ease to his mind to some extent.
"We can rush to my room. I don't share it. Make it look like we're going to fool around and then I'll get you a blanket and a pillow so you sleep over on the floor. In the morning I want you gone. You'll have a peaceful sleep and get praised and my friend will stop teasing me about not being able to score. Deal?" Y/N explained in full detail, learning a look of respect from Jungkook. He liked that idea.
But, he liked more the fact that the night offered much more than some sort of plan. Maybe the tables would turn in a way he'd still get some sort of release for the tightness in his pants. Whatever it was, Y/N attracted Jungkook in ways he couldn't explain. And for the love of all great, Jungkook had to see her boobs. He became obsessed.
Was he like the others anyway? Just more awkward and unexperienced. Jungkook tucked his member in his waistband, hoping that the alcohol would kick in. But before taking another sip he almost hesitated. What if you wanted to see his cock? Jungkook's mind really was playing games on him.
heyyy, I posted this fic on my other acc but I cant be bothered with the logins so I'm just gonna update the masterlist and continue this fic on this acc. 
- k
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joyfulexperiment · 2 years
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Joyful Experiment, Day #2: "Vin," charcoal
"I already overthrew one government," Vin said. "I figure that takes care of my 'civic duty' for a while.” - Brandon Sanderson's The Well of Ascension
(Art diary and musings under the cut)
I'm rather proud of this one - there's a lot to work on, but the pose and the hands and feet turned out so much better than usual! I've pictured Vin here around the time of the second book, The Well of Ascension, when her hair has grown out somewhat from her boyish chop. Her shirt looks more uniformly grey on paper - it came out as splotches in the scan. I was trying to be faithful to Sanderson's never-ending reminders that Vin wears "a simple shirt and trousers" (my brother and I joked we should start a drinking game based on every time that phrase is used.) Much fanart embellishes her costume, and I think those looks are really neat, but I also dared not ruin a good thing by overburdening the picture. I chose not to give her the cloak because I was pleased with the pose and didn't want to obscure it.
A couple of years ago I spent a good semester or so (I'm a teacher - we think in semesters long after everyone else stops doing so) completely obsessed with Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy. I think it was mainly the clever plotting and incredible worldbuilding that I fell for, because upon revisiting it I do find that a certain amount of the charm has evaporated now that I know all the secrets, and the flaws are a little more obvious. However, this did not stop me from falling head over heels weeks later with Sanderson's infinitely superior Stormlight Archive, which holds up far, far better. and it's held a a place of esteem in my heart to this day. (The two series also connect in magnificent ways while also standing alone, and there are a few characters whom I still love very much.)
Even though I'm not in love with Mistborn the way I was, one of the first things I decided when I began to plan this art challenge was that I wanted to sketch Vin, the protagonist. What I appreciate about Vin is the way her arc explores the concept of trust and hope being the same thing, which is a concept dear to my heart (Fr. Michael Gaitley has written about it extensively, and it's worth diving into.) I loved seeing the way Vin learns trust is worth it, even if that trust is betrayed, first through her time with Kelsier's crew and later through her relationship with Elend.
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blushinggray · 3 years
tatted and pierced fuckboy sero
idk man i've just been listening to devita's new EP on repeat and it gives me a need to have a crooning reader that catches fuckboy sero's attention
cw // band member!reader, fluff(?)
tracks that seeded this brainrot into me:
devita - bonnie & clyde (there's also a korean version)
devita - superstar
keshi - TOUCH
sero was probably only showing up to this live bar to hang out with his friends that haven't gotten all together in a while. jirou was the one who was coming out with some of the girls to support their friend whose band was performing that night, so she spread word to the group chat and sero figured that he might as well if like three of his other friends were asking him about it and going to show up too.
he hadn't expected much other than to catch up with his buddies, get a drink shy of hammered, and maybe chat up a cute girl if the crowd was good tonight. but when you hit a particular high note that catches not only his and the full room's attention, but practically stops time as everyone holds their breath to listen to you hit it like a chime at the top of a bell tower, he's already decided, "oh, she is so mine tonight."
honestly, he doesn't even care for live music because more often than not, it's not really a genre he's particularly into. even tonight, the band wasn't really playing anything that made him turn his head even as jirou was pointing you out on stage from the table. he had just nodded dismissively and went on with his greetings to everyone before going straight to the bar for a drink.
as sero waited for his shots to be poured, he scanned the crowd and saw plenty of pretty faces in the pool tonight. he figured it would only be a matter of time before found one he liked or someone found him.
while he doesn't have the most unique or handsome face in the world, he's still the one who gets the most action out of all of his friends. it could be his charismatic aura, or his talented wit, or his impeccable sense of humor that draws everyone in.
or it could be all the dark ink drawn into both his arms, hands, chest, and part of his legs. not to mention all the little gems adorning his ears, nose, eyebrows, and -- the most charming of all -- tongue. all the black and swinging metal that he wears over it also probably adds more than it hides.
all the art on his body draws in drunk (or even sober) strangers with curious questions and flirty cooing like a fresh batch of cookies. it's not like he sought it out in the beginning, but once all the attention started coming in, he didn't usually have a reason to turn it away.
before he knew it, he had the highest body count out of all of his friends and he couldn't find it in himself to be sorry about it. he treated everyone well, no matter how casual it was. he did run into an issue every so often when someone would get particularly clingy or upset with him, but for the most part, he's just living out his life with his loud ass ink and aesthetic.
and now he's at a point in his life where if he's interested in something, or someone, he will openly pursue it. with what some might label as a douchey absence of shame. but it's all just a part of the process.
he's well known among his friends now to be the best smooth talker out of the bunch, and have taken their own opportunities to use his silver-balled tongue to finesse a few free drinks or play wingman. so they've long accepted him for who he is, player and all.
but when sero announces his sights set on you the moment you start your final crescendo of the song your band is playing, jirou and ashido throw withering looks his way.
"you cannot be serious." jirou deadpans.
"sero, you've slept with like half of all our girl friends that we introduce you to." ashido brings up, "are none of them safe from your bad boy jacket and neck tattoos anymore?"
"safe from me?" sero retorts, "you do know that most of your friends approached me first, right? if i had said yes to everyone, i guarantee you it'd be way more than half of your girl friends."
"okay, stop-" jirou groans
"ew!" ashido protests with a hand extended out.
"will you guys chill?" sero sighs, looking up at you on stage as the band transitions into another song. this time, slow and more melancholic, but the smooth calm of your voice that croons out makes it beautiful to listen to. "i just wanna talk to her. m'not gonna force her into anything if she's not interested, alright?"
"sero. do you hear the kind of song she's singing right now?!" ashido juts her arm out to the stage, as if that'll make him hear the longing in the lyrics and guitar chords any clearer. "she's singing that shit because she's finally getting over the dude she wrote it about. a guy who is just. like. you."
"what do you mean 'just like me'?" sero raises a brow.
"oh come on, sero." ashido raises one back, "do you really think you're the only sexy bad boy with a heart of gold underneath all your badass tattoos and stinky leather jacket around here?"
"my jacket is not stinky--"
"sweet little songbirds like her eat you guys like candy. and then they digest all the feelings you leave them tangled with into songs that take over the world."
"so you mean, i'm like a muse." sero reinterprets cheekily.
"come on, man, just be chill." jirou insists with a sigh, "I know her, and she will definitely not be able to turn you down if you ask her out."
sero wants to feel offended that you apparently have such a specific type that he just happens to fall under the category for. you don't even know him yet but your friends think that you'll fall all over him just because he fits all your aesthetic boxes?
he's privy to believe it when you meet his eyes for a solid few seconds as you sing a few particularly pinning lyrics, as if he was the one who actually hurt you like you sang about. he isn't sure if you're just projecting whoever you're singing about onto him or if this is just your version of flirting with the audience.
and he still doesn't get the answer when, during the band's break, you come down to greet the table of friends and you share a quick but smoldering stare with him before introducing yourself. but one thing he does know, the air is sticky between him and you, and he's not trying to pull away.
he silently offers you one of the shots at the table, and clinks his own with you (and the others) before you down them together, eyes barely leaving one another.
the rest of the night is a bit of a blur. he recalls you had returned to play the rest of your set for the evening, he drank until his brain was sloshing a bit between his ears, and maybe he flirted with you a bit at the end of the night when you had all your stuff packed up.
well something clearly worked out though, otherwise he wouldn't be lying so comfortably in your bed the next morning, watching and listening to you strum out a few chords on your guitar that are laying out the bricks to a new song.
"you suddenly hit with inspiration or something?" sero uses his foot to caress your calf where you sit on the end of the bed. he's lying on his back with his hands behind his head on the pillows, just watching you pluck at strings and notes and ideas while you're draped in just a silk robe.
"yeah. i guess so." your lips come up in a small smile down at your guitar before you look up to meet his eyes, "i like to imagine some of the stories that come with your tattoos. maybe embellish them a bit to make them my own."
"oh?" sero sits up and scoots closer to you on the bed, until he's surrounding you with his body and his ink, letting the stories on his skin touch yours. "tell me more."
he spends the rest of the morning listening to the words, melodies, and stories you come up with as you trace the different lines and shapes and images on his skin. sometimes with your fingers, sometimes with your lips. there comes a break every so often when he interrupts to offer his own input -- or rather, his own lips and fingers. and then some.
and he comes back to listen to all of these stories you come up with and retell in song until you finally have a full version, finalized and rehearsed and played at the same live bar he met you in.
"i'm impressed you've stayed with her this long." ashido commends behind her drink, "s'not like you to stick with one girl after a few nights."
"well, she told me i was just gonna be a rebound but look where we are now." sero shrugs.
"three months later." jirou hums before taking a gulp of her own drink, "what a trip."
sero looks up at you as the band starts playing those familiar chords and you start singing those familiar words that he heard when they were just a skeleton of what they are now. he can't say he expected himself to end up here either, but he isn't upset about it, that's for sure.
and he only finds himself smiling when you lock eyes with him to sing a set of lyrics that sero mouths right back at you with a raise of his glass.
- fin -
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bbyheedeungie · 3 years
Fluttering Machinery | Robot! Sunghoon AU
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Genre: Fluff, mild angst
Pairings: Robot! Sunghoon x Reader
Warnings: Character death, little suggestive content
Synopsis: Sunghoon was a humanoid built by your father, with the sole purpose of taking care of you once he passes away. But it seems like taking care of you came with discovering emotions that wasn't necessary for cooking, cleaning, and keeping you safe. What is this warm fuzzy feeling that resonates deep inside Sunghoon's mechanism?
It's been months. 6 dreadful months since your father has passed away. The doctors have warned you that he didn't have much time left, but that didn't make the goodbyes hurt any less.
You were 4 years old when your mom left you and your father for another guy. A more successful guy. Your father was bright, with an insatiable hunger for discovery and invention. But his field of work didn't always bring food to the table. And so on most days you had to, well, compromise.
But you loved your father so much, and still do. Although you didn't grow up to be a scientist like him, you knew the basics on automation and robotics. You were 11 years old when you first saw it, the humanoid that he worked on for years came to life before your own very eyes.
He had no skin nor face that made him look human yet. Just a chunk of metal with a head, arms and legs that moved mechanically. Nevertheless, you will never forget the joy and pride in your fathers' face as he watched his creation. The humanoid was a work in progress and you knew one day he's going to change the world. Unbeknownst to you, he was going to change your world.
And now here you are, years into the present as you stood infront of the humanoid who had his eyes shut. Yep, he's a he now. He is Humanoid SH-1282. Your father made him for the purpose of serving the community, to help people. But when he discovered his illness, he started making alterations to his design. He made SH-1282 to serve as the perfect companion, but only to you.
He filled the humanoid's hard drive with everything that he'll need to help you and take care of you. He input cooking, cleaning, and even martial arts. You sighed, remembering your father's last words.
"I'm gonna leave him in your care now, err leave you in his care or whatever. Take good care of each other okay? I love you both so much."
You were such a crybaby, holding on to your father's arm as the nurses were ushering you to wait outside because the doctors are about to perform surgery.
"You'll be okay." Your father mouthed as he smiled knowingly in content.
You reach for the humanoid's neck to find the power button, finally deciding to activate him after holding it off for months.
You held your breath as his eyes open, immediately scanning his surroundings. His eyes land on you, a smile forms on his lips.
"Hi, I'm SH-1282. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." He said naturally, offering his hand. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was a normal boy.
You let out a shaky breath as you accept his hand. He frowns, it seems like he is studying your facial expression and posture.
"You seem like you are in distress. Are you alright?" He asks in concern.
"Yeah, I am." You reply weakly.
"Will a hug improve your mood?" He asks. He was programmed to know about the benefits of physical intimacy, but he was also programmed to know consent and so he will not do anything unless you want to.
You contemplated, biting your lip.
"No, thank you." He simply nods, stepping out of his charging port.
"Will you show me around the house?" He asks and you nod.
"Damn this feels so awkward." You think to yourself.
"So here's the living room." You say as SH-1282 takes a good look around the area, his eyes falling to the dirty coffee table with tons of papers stacked messily. The couch looked greasy, with breadcrumbs stuck to the sides of the couch cushions. He scrunches his nose, involuntarily adding a new emotion to his database: disgust.
And as you led him to the kitchen, this emotion intensifies as he sees the containers of Chinese takeouts and cup ramen littered around the counter. He walks to the fridge and finds it empty except for a carton of milk that you put into your cereal for breakfast.
This awakens another emotion for the humanoid, frustration. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he contemplates on what to do with the mess, aka you.
"This won't do. You have been living unhealthily which may reduce your chances of living a long life."
You scoff, "Excuse me?" He gives you a dead stare, an eyebrow raised.
"No, excuse me while I clean up all this. I'll leave you to your own devices, thank you for showing me around today." He says sassily as he goes to find where you hide your cleaning utensils. You stood there dumbfounded.
"Unbelievable." But you let him be anyway. He wasn't wrong, you've been a total mess this past few months but that was all because of the grief. You basically had no family now.
And so for the rest of the day, you lock yourself in your room and do homework. About 5pm, you hear a soft knock at your door.
"Hello, it's me. Can you spare me a minute? I have something to ask of you." You inwardly groan, not really wanting to face the humanoid.
"Can you accompany me to get groceries? I swear this will only happen one time. It is only because I am not yet accustomed to my location. But after I mentally note the directions, you won't have to come with me next time." He didn't really want to bother you, but he knew that going out by himself and getting lost will be much more bothersome for you.
"Sure thing, just let me change into— oh no, you have no other clothes. It's kinda chilly outside today." You mentally facepalm yourself. Why didn't I go shopping for men clothes first before activating him?
"That is fine, I am immune to any temperature." He says as-a-matter-of-fact. You roll your eyes.
"I know that but people will probably get suspicious to see a man walking around in a shirt and jeans when everybody else has coats on. We need you to fit in as much as possible."
You search for your father's old coat that you refused to throw away even months after he's passed.
"Sorry dad, but he kinda needs this right now." And so you dress the humanoid in your oversized university sweatshirt (which surprisingly fits him perfectly) and your father's old coat.
"How do I look? Will I fit in now?" He asks as he scans his appearance in the mirror.
"You look—" absolutely breathtaking. You had every urge to slap yourself. Your father really didn't play around when he made the humanoid's face. He could pass up as an idol. And the cute little mole on his nose was a good addition to his features that made him even more realistic.
"Great. People won't suspect a thing."
The two of you head out. Contrary to your expectations that he would marvel at everything he sees outside, he just casually looks around. You ride the bus together, and the humanoid processes everything that you do, noting how everything works.
What caught you by surprise though, is how he immediately stands up in instinct to let an old lady sit down in his place. He sure was programmed with manners and chivalry. You smiled at the thought.
You made your way inside the grocery store, only intended to grab a basket but the humanoid insisted on a push cart.
"We have so much to buy, I've taken a mental note of everything we'll need." You simply roll your eyes and let him push the cart around as you wandered behind him. You look around as he reads the nutritional facts of every single thing he sees.
"This is definitely going to take a while." You muttered.
"Y/N? Is that you?" A voice squealed. You hissed and attempted to turn away, pretending you didn't see her. The humanoid saw how you reacted and swiftly rushed to your side in a protective stance. The stranger eyes the humanoid, her eyes sparkling at the sight of such a gorgeous man.
"Why hello there. Y/N you didn't tell me you've been busy with your boyfriend, we haven't hung out in a while." Both of your eyes widened at the misunderstanding.
"Oh, no he's not— we aren't—" You tried to explain but she just laughed out loud.
"Look how flustered you are. You know what, it's okay. But we have a lot of catching up to do!" She said, squishing your cheeks in a playful manner.
"So what's your name, handsome stranger?" She asks, turning to the confused humanoid.
"I'm S—"
"Sunghoon! His name is Sunghoon." You blurted out. Sunghoon was the name of your childhood crush when you were like 7 but that'll have to do. Unfortunately, it seems that the humanoid got even more confused.
"I am Y/N's—"
"Neighbor. He lives next door to my apartment. I was just showing him around because he just recently moved into the city." You say quickly. She can't know that you're living with a guy. Even if said guy wasn't human.
"Awww how sweet of you to go shopping with your neighbor." She said, winking at you. She's definitely not convinced.
"I'm Yeonmi, Y/N's friend." She introduced, offering her hand to Sunghoon. He took her hand reluctantly.
"You mean my super obnoxious friend." You roll your eyes.
"Shut up, you love me." She teased. Admittedly, you've been avoiding her for months now. Ever since your father passed, it was as if you didn't want to deal with anyone anymore, with the fear of being left behind again. So you shut everyone out. You know it was a very selfish move and must've made everyone worry, but you have yet to figure out how to fix things back to how it is.
You said your goodbyes not without a long, tight hug from Yeonmi and Sunghoon noticed from his scanners how your vitals greatly improved from it. This made him feel another new emotion: relief. He was very thankful for your friend who made you feel better.
You continue venturing down the aisle of food, and you find the humanoid smiling to himself. He notices your attention on him and he shakes his head, as if shrugging his thoughts off.
"What?" You asked.
"You gave me a name. Although I'm unsure if it is necessary, thank you." He says genuinely as he smiles at you, your heart skipping a beat.
"You're welcome, Sunghoon." You smiled back.
He picked up lots of fruits and vegetables, with you whining the whole time. Your whines unlocked another emotion of his; annoyance.
"No wonder her father thought she is in need of taking care of, she acts like a child." He concludes, running his fingers through his hair as he lets you get an ice cream of your choice. Oddly, seeing a bright smile on your face as you show him what flavor you got seems to put him at ease.
The two of you got home at dawn, with quickly stacking up the groceries into the cabinets and fridge, with you slumping down on the now squeaky clean couch.
It had been quite a long day and you found yourself dozing off. You woke up from the light tap on your shoulder, eyes fixating on Sunghoon with your apron wrapped around his torso.
"I could get used to this." You thought, admiring how adorable the humanoid looked but quickly pushing the thoughts away.
"Sorry to wake you, it's time for dinner." He announces and you lazily nodded, not before yawning and stretching your arms.
"Uhh, what is this?" You asked, eyeing your plate.
"It's your dinner." He says nonchalantly, expecting you to start eating. Your face shows utter disgust at the plate of vegetables.
"Please don't make me eat that." You begged. Sunghoon rolls his eyes; a trait he adapted from spending just a day with you.
"Don't be dramatic, vegetables are good for you." He states, taking the plate from you and attempting to feed you.
"Come on, say ah." He says playfully. After realizing how much you acted like a child, he researched on how to take care of children and downloaded it into his database. You scrunch your nose, leaning away from the food and shooting him a glare.
"Sunghoon, I'm not a kid." You deadpanned.
"Oh, but you won't get your ice cream if you don't eat this." He says, pouting at you teasingly. He's really good at this. With a sigh, you open wide and allow him to feed you.
"Yep, definitely a kid." He thinks to himself as he smiles in satisfaction, another emotion unlocked.
That night, you decided to move his charging port (with his help) from the lab into the spare room of the apartment.
"You know, I'm completely okay with staying at the lab." He reasoned but you quickly hush him.
"Nope. That is no way to treat a person. You deserve your own room, okay? A room that you can fill with your own stuff and decorate with your own preferences. End of discussion." You sassed as you fix his charging port into place. Sunghoon blinked at you, unable to express how grateful he is of how kind you are to him.
"She wants to treat me like a real human being." He thinks, his mechanical heart overwhelmed with gratitude.
Days went on with a routine, with him cleaning all day and you attending online classes. There were occasional bumps in the road, with you getting annoyed with how much of a neat freak he is and him getting irritated with how lazy you are at taking care of yourself. You've also taught him how to watch tv, deciding not to let him use the internet yet because he might gain too much unnecessary information online.
And so on a saturday night, you sat together on the couch as you watched figure skating competitions. Sunghoon was at complete awe the whole time, studying how the skaters moved through the ice.
"I want to skate too." He states absentmindedly, attention still on the television. You smiled, thinking how it was the first time he actually said he wanted something.
"Then let's do it, let's go skating tomorrow." You say, his head immediately shot to you.
"What, really?" Sunghoon asks in disbelief, his eyes widening.
"Yes, really. Although I'm warning you, I don't know how to skate." You laughed, with him chuckling as well.
"Then we'll learn together." He promises.
What a total lie that is. He didn't need to learn, as you watched him move swiftly against the ice, the wind in his hair as he circled around, his focused eyes twinkling in the fairy lights. He looked ethereal. You could have sworn there were tears there as you cheered him on like a proud momma. Ah, they grew up so fast.
People at the park also stopped to watch Sunghoon, whispering about how talented the young man is. His eyes caught yours, and you weren't sure if you were seeing things but you thought you saw him send you a wink and smile.
"The TV been teaching him things." You muttered, blushing but not from the cold. Sunghoon skates towards you, pulling you with him. You're eyes widened in fear.
"N-no Sunghoon I can't—" but he was already leading you through the ice, eyes never leaving yours.
"You can." He whispers, taking you by the waist as he spun you around. You giddily laughed as you threw your arms out, savouring the chilly air. You didn't even notice the people watching and cooing at you as some joined in as well.
That night, Sunghoon felt something he never felt before, and you in a long time. You felt happy.
"Say aaaah~" Sunghoon said as he fed you chicken soup. You caught a cold from skating yesterday and now you're wrapped in a super cozy blanket with Sunghoon worrying about you.
"You know I can feed myself right?" You said, swallowing the food.
"I know, but I just feel responsible because I was the one who wanted to skate. You got sick because of me, and that kinda defeats my purpose because I'm supposed to be keeping you healthy." He rambled. You roll your eyes at him.
"Colds are normal, okay? Besides, I haven't had that much fun in a while. Thank you for that, Sunghoon." You say, reaching up to tussle his hair playfully. He froze, cogs in his mind unable to process as something inside him stirred, but in a pleasant way.
"So you dance while rubbing your body on a stranger?" Sunghoon questions, but he's not sure if he wants to know the answer. Tonight, you wore a simple black dress that teasingly showed a little bit of cleavage and a decent length of fabric that hugged tightly around your upper thighs but had a daringly high slit. Sunghoon approves and disapproves at the same time.
"Yeah, it's kinda like that. But don't worry, I won't be doing that. I'll just stay by the bar the whole time." You reassured as you struggled to put on your strappy heels. Sunghoon kneels down infront of you and helps you clasp the straps around your ankles, handling it very delicately. Your heart thumps as he looks up at you.
"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" He asks for the fifth time as he follows you around the house like a puppy. You sigh, actually considering it. Although it was supposed to be a girl's night according to Yeonmi, you thought maybe having Sunghoon tag along wouldn't do harm.
But it did. It did harm to you, alright. And you wanted to harm those girls who kept on grinding their asses onto Sunghoon as slow, sexy music played. You were fuming, regretting dressing Sunghoon in such fashion that screamed big D energy. Why am I being so possessive? But then again, Sunghoon does look uncomfortable. I should go save him. Yeah, I'll do that.
"Hold my drink." You tell Yeonmi as you made your way to Sunghoon.
"You go girl! Get your man!" Yeonmi cheered drunkly.
Your train of thoughts were blurred by the alcohol as you struggled to walk straight. You had only one clear thought in mind: Sunghoon. I need to get to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon stood uncomfortably, eyeing the girls who rubbed their bossoms and derriere all over him. Is this supposed to be fun? He thinks innocently. He sees you walking towards him, swaying your hips side by side as you strode towards him like a predator.
Girls hovering around him going unnoticed as you were the only one he could see.
Stunning, beautiful. He thought.
"Hey handsome, care to dance?" You asked, pulling him to you before he could even answer. The girls spat at you, telling you to 'get in line' but you just shot them a smug look.
"Sorry ladies." Sunghoon apologized, but his smile told otherwise as he let you pull him away from them.
"You don't know how badly I wanted to get away from—" He froze in his spot as you wrap your arms around his neck, inching closer than ever before. You felt bold, but maybe that was just the alcohol in your system. And as you started moving your body against Sunghoon, you knew it wasn't just you who felt the heat. His large palms go down south, resting on your swaying hips as both of you moved to the sultry rhythm.
His mechanism was going nuts, threatening to malfunction as his sensors detected your very close proximity to him. Whatever you were playing, it was dangerous. But Sunghoon couldn't help but to want more, to desire more.
"Y/N." He whispers, and you look up at him with half lidded eyes. And damn did he find you so sexy right there, under the strobe lights. No girl in the club could ever compare.
"Home?" You suggested.
"Home." He agrees.
As you got in the cab, you immediately find yourself half straddling Sunghoon's lap as you attempt to kiss him. Luckily, Sunghoon can think clearer now and concludes that a drunk Y/N is a very horny Y/N. And though the thought that it was only the alcohol that made you want him made him feel sad, he knew it was wrong to demand such things from you.
And so with your futile attempts to get into his pants, he gently lays your head on his shoulder and hugs you to keep you still. But even that couldn't stop you from squirming to get away from his hold, trying to get some action. He chuckles as he held your hand tightly in his to prevent it from landing into his crotch.
"Now now, you have to stay put. I won't be taking advantage of your state." He scolds gently. And by the time the cab had stopped in front of the building of your apartment, you were fast asleep in Sunghoon's arms.
Times like these were when Sunghoon is glad he was made of aluminum. He scooped you up in his arms like a pillow as he walked up to your apartment. You snuggled up into his chest, looking so innocent as you soaked up his warmth. Sunghoon cooed about how adorable you are, talking to you in your sleep.
He placed you delicately on your bed, contemplating whether to change your clothes or not. He decided not to, noting how your privacy is important to you. You're too drunk and asleep to give him permission right now anyway. He took off your heels and wiped your makeup off very gently, and tucked you in properly.
Long minutes pass as he studies your face, stroking your hair softly as the corners of his mouth lift up unconsciously. He really loves taking care of you. He loves you.
This realization hits him like a truck of overwhelming emotions, but it all makes sense to him now.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before retiring to his own room.
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let-them-read-fics · 3 years
Blackpink HC / One Shots: Enemies to Lovers, College AU (2/2)
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Requested: Yes
Warnings / Misc. -- Bickering, Rivalry, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! This is the second half of the request, featuring Rosé and Lisa. If you want to see the first part, with Jisoo and Jennie, click the link below. I hope you enjoy!
Click for Jisoo and Jennie
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Park Chaeyoung: The girl who hung with the wrong crowd.
Your problem lied more so with the people she associated with than her herself. You couldn't wrap your head around why such a kind person like her would spend time with the class clowns and bullies, and to make matters worse, she would stick up for them as well.
She spent most of her days in either the art or music room, creating the masterpieces that her brain came up with.
But as soon as school was over, she'd be hanging out with them again and getting into trouble. For instance, because of her talents, they would invite her to go with them and graffiti various hot spots around town. She never vandalized any monuments or landmarks of importance -- she typically stuck to bridges or abandoned buildings -- but after getting caught with them multiple times, it was inevitable for her to be held accountable.
She was given a week's detention to make up for her actions
You, coincidentally, had a teacher that absolutely loathed you for no reason at all. No matter how good of a student you were for him, he didn't care; he had a vendetta against you for some reason, and he patiently waited for the opportunity to ruin your day.
You came in literally 10 seconds after the bell rang, putting the breakfast sandwich you stopped to get on the way into your mouth so you could open the door. He was standing at the front with a smug grin on his face, and you already knew what was coming.
You were also given an ungodly sentence of a week's detention.
Turning Point
"If I see you on your phones, I'm taking them." The monitor informs before sitting at the desk, reclining in the chair and putting his feet up soon after. You sigh and lean back in your seat, attempting to find a way to pass the next two hours without getting in trouble. Your eyes scan across the room, eventually landing on Rosé, where she sits a couple rows away from you. Sunlight is streaming in through the window next to her, its golden rays peeking through the breaks in the clouds above to shine on her. She looks gorgeous as she doodles away in her notebook, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear when it falls in front of her face.
After waiting on the monitor to fall asleep and sending one last glance to double check, you quietly stand from your seat and go sit next to her.
You barely know each other, but she's your only hope of remaining sane and occupied.
"Hi," you greet, looking into her eyes.
"Hi," she copies, a tiny smile forming on her lips when she notices your impressed expression upon gazing down at her paper. You have to hand it to her -- she's really talented.
"You're really good," you compliment, still admiring the artistry. Seeing as how you're looking down, you fail to notice the blush that works its way to her cheeks. Coming from you, the simple remark meant a lot to her.
You spend the rest of the day making small talk and getting used to one another, leaving detention later with the hopes of sitting together again.
The Next Day
"Hi again," you whisper, glancing over your shoulder to ensure that the coast is clear. The monitor is out like a light, with his mouth hanging open and an obnoxiously loud snore coming out.
"Hi," she giggles, watching as you dive into the floor for cover when the man shifts in his sleep. You thought he was waking up, and if he finds out you moved seats, he'll definitely have something to say about it.
"The coast is clear, cadet," she nods like a soldier, assuring you that it's okay to move back after a minute.
"That was close," you breathe out in relief, glad to live to see another day.
You share a laugh, though it has to be hidden behind your hands and kept a minimum. It's cute though -- like a little secret between the two of you, only for you to know.
"What're you drawing today?" You ask later, laying your chin in your palm as you gaze down at her work. Her reply comes out stuttered at first when she feels your leg innocently brush against hers under the table.
"D-dalgom. My friend's dog." She manages out, mentally smacking herself for looking like a fool.
You smile, thinking she's adorable. "I bet it'll be great," you encourage. She grins back as her eyes scan over your face, committing the memory of you to heart. She's always had a thing for you, ever since the time you were paired up in Biology last semester, so she's been enjoying detention more than she thought she would. Seeing you makes the time go by faster, though ironically, she wishes it would slow down a bit.
You make her feel appreciated for more than just what she's capable of producing, and the divide between you and her friend group is blaringly obvious. They like her because of the rush she can help them achieve; you like her because of her.
That thought persists in her mind for the rest of detention, and before she knows it, the monitor is releasing you again. She bends down to put her notebook in her bag when a thought pops into her mind: she wants to ask if you want to go to the park with her. When she's done zipping her bag up, she looks back up at you, only to find you on your phone, talking to someone.
"Yeah, mom. I'll stop by on the way home. So milk, cereal, ramen, and paper towels, right?"
She watches as you wait for a reply, tucking the phone into the crook of your neck as you move to write the list down on a spare piece of paper.
"Alright, love you, too. See you later." You hang up before looking back at Rosie. She looks a little down, and you have no idea why.
You pause for a moment, silently psyching yourself up for what you're about to ask. "This is gonna sound really strange, but do you want to come with me to the store?"
Her heart's pace increases at that, happy to know that you want to spend more time with her, just as she does with you.
"Actually, yeah. That sounds like fun."
You grin at her before spinning around and doing a little celebratory dance, which wins you a strange look from the monitor. You stick your tongue out at him before grabbing her hand and rushing out of the room, hearing his disapproval shouted after you.
You nod at her words, now reminded of what you were forgetting. You push the buggy towards the aisle of cereals, gazing around in wonder at the huge selection. Rosé is just the same, eyeing all of the options like a kid in a candy store. After grabbing your mom's favorite kind, you decide on one for yourself and bring it back to the cart. Rosie scoots her leg over, making room for them beside where she sits, reclined in the cart.
You grin when you see her eyeing a box of fruit loops. Huh; fruity. Go figure.
You wordlessly grab the box and hand it to her, feeling your heart melt when she looks up at you like you hold the key to the universe.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"No problem, Rosie." You say, putting your hands on the bar as you begin pushing the buggy again. "Now, I say we see how long it takes to get to the paper towel aisle. My last record was 30 seconds."
She looks at you, clearly impressed, with her eyebrows raised. Without question, she pulls her phone out and gets the stop watch feature ready to go.
"3...2...1... GO!" She shouts, commanding your legs to start pumping as you race down the long strip of store before you. A couple kids dart out of the way just before getting smacked into, quickly turning around and cheering you on as you charge forward.
Her giggles fill the air as you drift around a corner, shouting apologies to the lady you almost bumped into.
"Sorry ma'am!"
A few seconds later, chest heaving and legs sore, you come to a stop in the aisle, dramatically collapsing in a heap next to the buggy. Rosé checks her phone as she reaches down to poke you.
"22.18 seconds, champ," she declares victoriously, smiling when you magically regain enough energy to stand up and celebrate.
"Woohoo! Team Y/S/N (Your Ship Name) for the win!"
She laughs along at that, joining in on your celebration, but she's blushing like crazy on the inside.
The Last Day Of Detention
Ever since your trip to the store, you and Rosé have grown closer and closer. You traded numbers and text occasionally, though nothing beats having her all to yourself for 2 hours straight with no distractions. She feels the same; when she's in class, she can't wait for the bell to ring and signal your reunion. Part of her wants to get in trouble again, just to see you more often.
So, as you'd expect, it's really no surprise that you're sat right in front of her again, telling jokes and asking about her day. You've grown a bit more bold with every step closer you've taken towards her heart, and now you reach down to intertwine your fingers with hers.
She happily accepts, even bringing your hand up to her lips to press a kiss to the back of it. She smiles against your skin after it, making butterflies take flight in your stomach. She's got you wrapped around her finger, and you don't even try to fight it anymore.
The sound of the classroom door opening alerts you, making her lower your hand. She doesn't let go of you, though, and that fact warms your heart for some reason. The squeaky hinges groan out again as the door opens wider, revealing about 4 or 5 people from the friend group that she hangs out with. They motion for her to sneak out with them, but she just shakes her head.
"Come on, Rosé!" They whisper-scream, offering her a way to freedom. Little do they know that she'd take this imprisonment over freedom any day, so long as you're by her side.
"No! Get out before he wakes up!" She whisper-shouts back, eventually convincing them to leave.
"Why didn't you go?" You ask once they're gone, toying with her fingers as your hands rest on the desk.
"Because I like spending time with you." She admits, letting her defenses down.
"I was hoping you'd say that," you smile, letting her know that you feel the same.
The Fallout
After detention, the two of you walked out of the school, hand in hand
"Would you maybe, I don't know... wanna go to the park with me?" She asks nervously, glancing up at you.
"You read my mind, Rosie." You smile at each other and head towards the parking lot.
You started hanging out more, and she distanced herself from her old crowd
You encouraged her to enroll in your school's art program and show her work that way
"You're really talented; it deserves to be seen."
Your support meant the world to her, and she never failed to let you know
"Thank you, Y/N. Having you behind me means the world to me."
At one of her art shows, where she was tasked with unveiling a new piece that she'd been working on for months, you got the biggest surprise of your life.
She created a mural of you, all decked out with every color of the rainbow, utterly gorgeous
She lit up when she saw your reaction
"This piece is titled 'Mine', which I hope the girl in it will soon be." She says into the microphone, looking at you with hope shining in her eyes.
You nod your head with a smile and walk up to her, pressing your lips to hers in a kiss that was long-overdue. She wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you in closer with her sweater-padded hands and kissing you again and again.
The crowd claps for you, happy to see such an ending.
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I couldn't choose between these two gifs so enjoy both for the price of one ^^^
Lisa Manoban: Cocky, smug, and self-assured. The dancer knew she was hot shit, and she wasn't afraid to show off.
You're all for people being confident and happy with themselves, especially when they're talented, but something about Lisa always seemed to rub you the wrong way.
Whether it be her lack of a filter or the arrogant swagger that she naturally exuded, you weren't sure. People wanted to either be her or be with her, but you fell into neither of those categories.
She always left you frustrated in one way or another, whether it be from her teasing or her witty comebacks
The teachers loved her, as did the students. She was the class clown, so her position was pretty sacred in the grand scheme of things
You, on the other hand, irritated her for other reasons. You were the only person she couldn't get to crack; you never gave into her charms, and it infuriated her to no end. She wasn't used to not getting what she wanted (as childish as that may seem) and having you, one of the most attractive girls at school, turn her down? Well that was a massive blow to her ego.
You weren't afraid to say your piece, and that both pleasantly surprised and upset her.
She constantly tried to flirt with you in class, but you knew it was all for the attention. She just wanted to make her friends laugh, which they always did.
"Y/N, come here babe. There's an empty seat next to me," she coos, batting her eyelashes as you walk in the door. It's a free day, so everyone is sitting with their friends, wherever they like.
"I'm good," you decline, deciding to sit against the wall beneath the large window of the classroom.
"Oooo, denied," Lisa's friends laugh at her this time, chuckling harder when she sticks her middle finger up at them.
"Yah, shut up," she says, nursing her bruised ego as she turns around and opens her phone.
You smile as you continue working on the homework you cracked open, scribbling an answer down onto the notebook paper in front of you. Your fingers glide over your textbook in search of the definition of the term you're on, and Lisa secretly watches from afar. Without realizing it, she grins when you light up upon spotting the answer.
Sometimes her flirting does work, though, and you turn into a blushing mess
*whistle* "Damn, Y/N. You're looking fine today," she exclaims, fanning herself. You worry that she doesn't really mean it, but when her eyes remain on you a second too long to just be friendly, you blush. She's taking in all of you, looking impressed all the while.
"Right back at you, Manoban." You wink, sitting down in your seat across the room. She lightly blushes back, though she does a good job of concealing it.
Considering you share a couple classes and the class sizes are relatively small, it was pretty likely that you'd end up paired together eventually
You weren't happy about it, especially not after the way she had acted that week. Her cockiness had been at an all time high as of late, leaving you frustrated and upset. She was so full of herself; all you wanted to do was wipe that stupid smirk off her face.
"Y/N, you'll be paired with Lisa," your photography teacher informs, pushing her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose.
"But Mrs. Ta--"
"Pairings are final," she cocks her head at you, persuading you to give in. With a sigh, you respond, "Yes ma'am," and attempt to ignore the sound of Lisa's friends high fiving each other in celebration.
The Turning Point
"My parents are gone for the rest of the week..." she says, holding the door open for you as you carry in your equipment. A hint of suggestiveness lies in it; she's alluding to exactly what you think she is, and you push her shoulder upon realizing it.
"Knock it off, Manoban."
"Okay, okay," she chuckles, listening to you for once. The surprise is clear on your face.
She leads you towards the backyard, where you set up one of your highest power cameras and turn it on. You have to create a gallery of different photos, all under the same theme. You both agreed to do a time-lapse of the sunset, and take pictures of the stars after.
Once she makes sure that the timer is set correctly and that the auto shut-off feature is enabled, she motions for you to follow her back into the house. You do, and she leads you into the kitchen.
"Do you want a snack?"
"Sure, do you have any ramen?"
She nods, quickly busying herself by bending down and searching through the cabinets. After she finds it, exclaiming a pleased, "Aha!", she tells you to go get comfortable in the living room.
Three minutes later, from your place on the couch, you begin to smell something burning. You scramble up and rush to the kitchen, only to find Lisa running around like a headless chicken, attempting to put out the small fire she started.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO BURN RAMEN?" You shout, though your tone isn't angry. You're just very shocked, and loud about it. You push her away from the pot, albeit gently, and get the flames to go down relatively quickly. You turn the burners off and put the pot in the sink, leaning against the counter to recover from the adrenaline rush.
"Oops?" She asks more so that says, with a growing smile evident in her voice.
You shake your head and chuckle despite yourself, turning around to face her. "You can order a pizza now to make up for that." You point a finger at her, grinning stupidly when she presses the tip of hers to it.
"Your wish is my command, princess."
Thankfully you're already walking away as she says that, so she doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing you blush.
"Lisa, I can't keep going." You groan out, sweat dripping down your face. The pizza you ate earlier is giving you a stomache ache, paired with the physical activity you're doing.
"Y/N, just a little longer, we're almost there," she huffs out, keeping her movements steady somehow. You're a mess by now, so you don't understand how she's still going.
A couple minutes later, the TV in front of you lights up, saying, "Awesome moves! You win!" as you collapse to the ground in a heap.
Why you agreed to play Just Dance with her after eating is beyond you.
"Good job," she compliments, grabbing your hand to high five herself with it.
"Yeah, yeah," you roll over, catching your breath.
She lays down beside you as you recover, telling jokes to hear that laugh that she loves so much. She prefers yours over anyone elses, so it's always such a reward when she gets you to crack up.
"We should probably head up now," she notes, realizing that the stars will be coming out soon. You agree, and she carefully helps you up.
"Here, I'll carry you," she turns, bending down so you can get on her back.
"Lisa, you can't carry me," you brush off, feeling insecurity bubble up again like it always does when you're offered a piggyback ride.
"Y/N, I promise that I can. Trust me," she reassures, looking into your eyes sincerely.
"Alright," you sigh, standing onto the couch to get on easier.
"See?" She asks, sliding her warm hands up your thighs to keep you secured against her. "I've got you, babe."
You tuck your head into the space between her shoulder and neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume.
"I'm gonna punch you if you drop me," you whisper, feeling her laugh against you.
"Fair enough."
Later, On The Rooftop
"Careful," she instructs, outstretching a hand to help you climb out the window. Her camera hangs around her neck, and she takes the cap off of the lense once you're both safely sitting on the roof.
"Wow," you sigh, gazing up at the sky in wonder. Her house is far enough away from the city that you're rewarded with a gorgeous view of the stars, unburdened by the industrial fog that hangs over the cosmopolis.
"It's beautiful out here," you say, looking back at her. You tense up a bit, not expecting her to already be looking at you.
"Sorry," she laughs at herself, looking away once she gets caught admiring you.
"It's okay," you reach down and gently squeeze her hand, making her blush lightly.
"Let's get started," you conclude, pointing at the camera. She nods, knowing that she'd never get the assignment done if you didn't step in to tell her to (considering she'd rather admire you), and she points the device to the sky.
After snapping a few pictures, she lays back in order to get a better vantage point of one of the star systems. She hands it to you after she's satisfied with her work, and you take your turn with it.
She notices that you keep brushing your hair out of the way when it falls in your face, so she decides to help you.
"Here," she says, saddling up behind you. She gathers your hair up, running her fingers through it to neatly pull it up for you. Thankfully she always keeps a spare tie on her wrist.
"Thanks," you smile, snapping another picture. The simple act warms your heart; she's being selfless for once, and helping you without even being asked. It's a refreshing change of pace.
"You're welcome." She chirps, sitting back down beside you.
Later, In Her Bedroom
"Oh, I really like that one!" She says excitedly, pointing at the TV. Her phone, which is connected via Bluetooth and automatically receives pictures of her choosing from the camera, is displaying some of your best shots.
"Yeah, you did really well with that. I think we might beat everyone else if we use that as our cover piece."
Your compliment makes her momentarily shy, and she quickly realizes how much she loves your praise.
The two of you continue like that, reviewing the different pictures and choosing your favorites. She always finds ways to compliment yours, noting your technique or the filter you used, and it always makes you smile. She's different than you're used to, and it's throwing you for a loop, pleasantly surprising.
Lisa steps out of the room to go to the bathroom a few minutes later, leaving her phone connected to the TV. A ding sounds out across the space, pulling your attention away from the stack of notes laid out before you. Your eyes dart up to the screen, reading the text message that appeared at the top of it.
Austin ⛓: "Dude, did you get into her pants yet? We're literally betting over here 😂"
You blink a few times as their words sink in, making your chest hurt. You were really beginning to believe that you had been wrong about Lisa; clearly, though, your instincts were right.
Feeling betrayed, you shove your folders back into your bag and stand from the chair, willing yourself not to cry. The sound of the sink turning on lets you know that she's almost done, so you hurry your movements and make your way towards the door. She steps out into the hall just as you exit her room, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on?" She asks with furrowed brows, approaching you. One of her hands lands on your arm, and you shrug it off as you brush past her without another word.
"Y/N, did I do something wrong?" She asks from the top of her staircase, watching as you walk towards her foyer.
"Why don't you ask Austin?" You bitterly call over your shoulder as you turn the knob, slipping out the front door. She hangs her head upon registering your words, realizing what must've happened. She makes a mental note to give him hell when she sees him again.
Tears sting your eyes as you exit the house, wrapping your jacket tighter around yourself. You should've known something like this would happen. The chilly night air bites at your skin, stealing more of its warmth away with every step you take. The temperature doesn't change your mind, though; you're upset, and you'd rather freeze out here than be face to face with her right now.
"Y/N, wait!" She calls after you, blasting out the front foor. Her footfalls sound off behind you, announcing her rapid approach, but you don't turn around. Realizing this, she darts in front of you, keeping you from walking any further.
"Please, don't go. He's an idiot, Y/N."
"He might he an idiot, but that doesn't take away what he said," you scowl, clenching your jaw. "Betting? Really, Lisa?" You ask quietly, hurt evident in your voice.
"It was a stupid thing they tried to convince me to do. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop them from talking once you and I were paired up. That's not what I want, though. I'm not just in it for that."
"How am I supposed to believe that? This is your M.O., Lisa."
"It's different with you, I don't know why." That's a lie; she knows exactly why you're different than anyone else she's flirted with in the past.
You stand there before her, silently weighing your options. After seeing the pleading look in her eye, her dark orbs full of sincerity, you relent. "Just take me home. We'll work on it another day," you compromise, allowing her in just enough to take you home, but not enough to stay at her place any longer. You're still weary after a text like that, and you will be for a while.
"Thank you," she breaths a sigh of relief, clasping her hands behind herself as you begin walking back to her house. She notices you shiver on the way, and she slips her jacket off without hesitation to cover you. Neither of you have to say anything; one glance from you is enough for her, and she's content knowing you're warm.
The Fallout
From there on out she was always honest with you and actually spoke out when her friends tried to do something stupid
She still remained the charming class clown that she naturally is, just getting rid of the not-so-nice parts of herself
You slowly let her regain your trust, little by little
She did nice things for you on the daily, whether it be holding the door, carrying your books, or offering to buy you some lunch
"Morning, Y/N. Wanna grab some breakfast?" She asks, moving her head to the side towards the café at the center of campus.
"Sure," you smile, laughing when she celebrates.
She invites you to her dance perfomances
When she goes to championships, you're always first on her list of invites
"I want you there." She declares, handing you the flyer.
"You've got it," you decide, knowing there's no where you'd rather be. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
At said championship, she won the highest title and claimed victory for your school
You joined the rest of the team on the stage to celebrate, congratulating the solo dancer on her achievement.
"I'm so proud of you, Lis--"
She suddenly kisses you, clearly high off her win. She pulls back when she realizes what she just did, a worried look on her face.
"Shit, I'm sorry." She looks between your eyes, attempting to gauge your reaction.
"Get your ass back here," you order, feeling butterflies take flight when she eagerly presses her lips to yours again, wrapping her arms around you to spin you.
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" She mumbles against your lips.
You squint, pretending to think about it. "Maybe... or maybe not."
Her subsequent gasp is quickly muffled by your kiss, which she can't seem to get enough of.
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shootthemessenger · 4 years
the delicate art of a criminal mind [a.m-r. ; b.d.h.]
ally mayfair-richards x fem!reader x billie dean howard
summary: two of the FBI’s most wanted, two convicted felons, and a policeman’s daughter make for one hell of a love story
disclaimer: strong language, sexual nature, brief adultery, short-lived angst
I’m so sorry that this sucks, I had a fucking AMAZING version of it that got deleted due to technical difficulties (me, im the technical difficulty) also this is an edited version of a story I wrote YEARS ago so if some of the names/third person editing are/is wrong I’m sorry
gif belongs to @valenthatgurl
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Billie’s eyes traveled slowly down your body, mind drinking in your figure as a delicate smirk probed at her lips. “Have I ever told you how much I adore you, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that tumbled from your throat or the smile on your face. The blonde moved carefully behind you, letting her hands fall against the curves of your hips where they rested gently. She liked to hold you between her two hands.
“Often.” You replied simply which only caused her to let out a breathy chuckle and press a chaste kiss to the base of your neck. Billie locked eyes with you through the mirror in front of you, eyebrow twitching in amusement as she watched you adjust your earrings carefully.
She had bought you them last week, in a small shop in Miami, refusing to show you the price tag even after she bought them. It was often that she showered you in small, expensive gifts. Afterall, she believed she had to pay you back for kidnapping you in the first place.
It wasn’t planned, necessarily. Your mother was a police chief in the small town you lived in who had been hunting after Billie and her team for months. As crazy as it seemed as you stood there so intimately with her, she was a criminal and had been for most of her life.
It started when she was younger, stashing trinkets into her backpack from stores and gifting them to her friends. Then she moved on to bigger things, clothing and electronics from the mall that she would keep just for the thrill of knowing she had them.
Then came the bank heist. She had gathered her team, team being her good friend Misty and Misty’s girlfriend, Cordelia. They forced their way into the bank and forced the money into the bags as swiftly as they could.
By the time they got outside, they was surrounded with bags upon bags of cash tucked in her team’s hands. Completely drowning under the police presence, they had no choice but to shovel into the police car closest to them and pray they were capable of getting away.
What Billie hadn’t accounted for was the fact that you would be sitting in the passenger seat of the car she rushed, waiting for your mother to return and finish, what had started off as, your ride-along for the day.
Nevertheless, she had no time to think before she was barreling down the road and hoping she could figure out what to do with you once she was out of such traffic.
In the beginning the two of you hated each other but the more time you spent together the more you fell for one another.
Eventually, you started dating and had been growing strong since then. Now you were here, the four of you had been on the run together for 3 years and had covered most of the U.S..
You were the current occupant of an old, run-down hotel in LA. Tonight, you were headed to a new club that had just opened up downtown.
Billie called it “hiding in plain sight” but really it was just an excuse to get you into the black dress she had loved so much and grinding up against her into the late hours of the night.
"I love you so much." Billie’s voice was low and raspy, the way she knew you liked. "I love you, darling." You returned.
Weird looks were shot to Billie from her two partners, they had never seen the woman be so affectionate towards someone so openly.
It was easy to say that Billie had never been affectionate to anyone until you came along.
Billie was the leader of the three; easily the brains of the group. She was cunning and persuasive and intelligent; all things you'd think a criminal would have to be to do the things that they would do. She was damn near a loose cannon and not many people risked getting too close.
Cordelia and Misty were the only friends Billie really had and she didn't mind one bit. She worked better alone.
Never get in Billie Dean Howard’s way; everyone knew that by now.
Misty was what most people would call the muscle of the group, though all three of them could easily take down someone on their own. She was tactically trained and she could easily rough someone up.
She always wore a set of thick leather gloves around her slender fingers, which meant that she was ready to start swinging anytime she might have needed to. It kept people from messing with Billie and Cordelia and it got them whatever they needed and wanted.
Cordelia, on the other hand, was more of the beauty of the group. Not that she couldn't rough someone up if it came down to it, but there was something about her that drew people in. She was incredibly beautiful and she had no problem using that to her own advantage. She could get anything with a bat of her deep brown-colored doe eyes and, of course, her habit of biting her lip didn't hurt when added to the mix.
She was irresistible, especially in the type of clothes she was wearing now; a short black dress that hugged every delicate inch of her body. She had the perfect hips to fill in a dress like that. She was the team's biggest distraction.
“Uh...B?” Misty interrupted, her eyes scanning over her phone screen. “Maybe we should just stay here tonight.” She proposed, glancing up at the blonde.
Billie cocked her eyes, hesitantly pulling away from you to sit on the end of the bed. “Why’s that?” She pulled a cigarette between her lips and lit it, watching glancing between her two partners.
"Ally is in town and by the looks of it, she’ll be in the exact same place we will.” She turned a phone around to display a text sent from her from one of her former accomplices, it read “look who i just ran into” with a photo of the woman attached.
“We need to take her out.” Cordelia piped up, moving to sit on the dresser across from the bed. “Tonight.”
Ally Mayfair-Richards was another criminal, just as the three girls were. She was the only woman or man who had ever dared to step up towards Billie’s authority. When it became two much, the three girls parted ways with Ally and decided to stick together without her.
Since then, they had all been rivals and avoided each other at all costs in fear one party would cause harm to the other or worse; they’d all get caught together.
Billie knew that all she needed was to get the cops and Ally in the same place and let the law do it's job to rid her of her rival. It wasn't like they wouldn't know her from her face, they'd been chasing her for almost seven years now, but it wasn't like they didn't know Billie’s face either.
“How are we supposed to take her out and go unnoticed? That’s fucking impossible without getting our own asses caught.” Billie huffed as Misty began to pace in thought.
It was silent for a moment until Cordelia’s face lit up, a look that had caused Billie trouble since the very beginning. It was never good when Cordelia gave that look. “Y/N!” She suddenly blurted out, face curling into a cunning smirk.
All three of you made a weird face at her, “What about her?” Billie questioned cautiously. “We can use her.” Cordelia answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “shes smoking hot and everyone knows Ally is a sucker for an attractive woman.”
Billie’s eyes widened as she rose to her feet before narrowing at the woman across from her, “Don’t even fucking think about it.” She hissed, hand already balling at her side.
She moved in front of you, blocking you from Cordelia’s view, “Get that thought out of your thick skull because it’s not happening.”
Misty sighed, “Come on B, all she’s gotta do is a little bit of grinding and a lot of distracting and we can handle the rest.” Everything was quiet as Billie glanced between Cordelia and Misty, “No.” She mumbled harshly.
Misty huffed, “It’s our only option, B. Ally doesn’t know what Y/N looks like and by now, she’s grown so much she could easily hide from the cops. It’s perfect!”
“It’s Ally to prison or us, you choose Billie.” Cordelia added, causing Billie to huff and glance at you.
“I don’t mind.” You finally spoke, playing with Billie’s fingers gently. “I’ve always wanted to help.” You pouted, knowing Billie had a weak spot for your eyes.
After a moment of silence she sighed and stepped towards the two women across the room, “Anything happens to her and I’ll send you both to prison myself, whether I have to join you or not.” Cordelia and Misty both grinned as they murmured their enthusiasm and disappeared down the hall to their own room.
Billie turned to you as soon as the door clicked closed, pinning you against the mirror you had been getting ready in. You offered a sheepish smile to which she shook her head, “ That’s not going to work this time. Anything goes wrong and I swear you’ll never get to help us again, do you understand me?”
Her eyes watched you, fueled with fire. You gulped and nodded as she pressed her lips to yours firmly, gripping your hips with a new kind of power she had not had a few minutes ago.
By exactly eight-thirty, the four of you rolled up to the club. Lights and loud music from inside were already screaming at you and you could feel the music vibrating against the concrete. Billie was starting to get nervous, all thought she’d never openly admit it.
Cordelia turned from her place in the drivers seat and glanced at you in the back, “Alright chica, all you’ve got to do is dance. There’s a cop down the street and we’ll get him on Ally’s trail. We’ll all be keeping an eye on you. You’ve just got to keep her attention long enough. Just be sexy, that’s all you have to do.” Billie huffed in protest at the last part, her grip on your leg becoming tighter.
Once Misty and Cordelia had scurried out of the car, Billie turned to you and pressed her lips against your ear, “I’ll be watching you, little one.” She watched the shiver rack your spine before jumping out of the car and disappearing into the club.
You let out a heavy breath before getting out and making your way inside. Immediately, you were met with the sexual tension suffocating the room as bodies moved against one another.
You located Billie across the room, settled at the end of the bar and the other two women situated in a booth across the room.
You locked eyes with Billie and winked descretely before settling into an open seat and ordering the strongest drink you could find; you were going to need it.
No more than ten minutes past before you could feel someone standing behind you, a hand brushed against your hip as they sat down and you jumped slightly.
“Didn’t mean to scare you.” The woman mumbled softly as she settled into the seat next to you with her arm rested on the bar. “Let me get you another drink.” She offered.
Her voice was quiet and thick as she leaned into you, a strand of her hair brushing against your shoulder.
Looking up, you locked eyes with her and caught a blush that began to spread across your face. You nodded softly, regaining composure as you stuttered something along the lines of “sure” and allowed her to lean into you as she laughed, “No need to be nervous, beautiful.”
“I saw you from across the room, no woman as beautiful as yourself should sit alone.” Mentally, you rolled your eyes at her cheesy confidence, watching closely as she licked her lips before ordering two drinks.
You were so caught up in staring at her that you couldn’t even catch what she was talking about. That was, until her fingers snapped in front of your face and you had to force yourself into reality, “Huh, what?”
She shook her head and laughed, “I asked you your name.” She repeated, leaning in so that you could hear her better. “Y/N. Yours?” You answered softly, taking a sip of your drink.
She licked her lips once again, “Ally.” Your eyes widened before you quickly corrected your face. She propped her elbow on the counter as you glanced at the clock nervously. Now that you knew it was her you were talking to, you were growing nervous.
“Would you like to dance?” You questioned, shaking of the nervousness that probed at your stomach. She simply smiled and pushed herself onto her feet, allowing you to stand. She followed you out onto the dance floor, waiting until you were situated before letting her hands find the dip in your waist and pulling you to her closely.
As you started to roll your hips into her, she leaned in until her mouth was lingering against your ear, “You really are a sight for sore eyes. You were having trouble concentrating as her lips began to trail down your neck.
“T-thanks.” You let your eyes flutter closed, almost finding yourself enjoying the feeling of her lips on your skin until the thought of Billie popped into your head and your eyes snapped open again.
Ally was surely leaving a hickey on your neck, and the eerie feeling of someone watching you was bubbling in your chest though you couldn’t figure out which direction it was coming from.
One again, you let the feeling of Ally pressed against you and the base rattling your tipsy brain take oven. “You’re enjoying this just as much as I am.” Ally mumbled from behind you, fingers digging into your skin.
You couldn’t deny it. You had Billie, you would never be able to deny the love you had for her. But in that moment you craved Ally.
And you couldn’t stop it. It was eating you up inside but you let the alcohol pumping in your veins control you and simply nodded and turned to face her.
You couldn’t help but notice she smelled like honey. As you took a deep breath, a fire ignited somewhere within you. It was very different from the strawberries and cream smell you were used to with Billie.
Your little bubble with Ally was burst as the door to the club swung open and a cope stepped in, his eyes glancing around the room as if he was already looking for someone.
You felt Ally tense beside you, before your eyes met and her face spread into a mischievous grin. “You’re coming with me.” And with that she was tugging you out the back door.
Billie felt a heaviness in her chest, one that made it heard to breathe and made her heart feel as if it was beating so hard in on her chest that it was rattling her bones.
Her eyes had turned a violent black color as her fingernails dig into her palms so persistently that she created crescent shapes in her skin.
She could have killed someone right in that moment.
She was only brought out of her state by someone clearing their throat from beside her and turned to meet her partners, who both look d so nervous they could faint.
“We lost her.” Misty squeaked out, they had all taken their eyes off the dancing girls for a split second and by the time their narrowed their attention, they were gone.
Billie’s eyes visibly darkened and Cordelia gulped nervously as Billie backed the two of them into a wall, “Find her. Or so help me God, you’re dead.”
Back outside, you and Ally slowed down next to a car you assumed to be hers. You could see the outline of two bodyguards through the tented windows.
Ally smirked, pressing you against the passenger door as her lips ghosted against yours; neither of you leaning in enough to fill the small gap.
“I-uh-“ you mumbled underneath the taller woman, who let her eyes open again and pushed back slightly. “Come with me.” She stated quickly, taking your hand into hers, “we can travel all around the world and stay in fancy hotels; honeymoon suits for just the two of us everywhere we go. I can spoil you and make you mine. I can care for you. I want to.” She was rambling.
She took your silence as a cue to continue on, “I know you just met me and there are so many things you don’t know about me. There are so many things you deserve to know about me. I want to learn about you and let you learn about me.” She talked so quickly that she was having trouble catching her breath.
You took your bottom lip between your teeth, “Ally, I can’t.”
You were thinking about Billie.You were thinking about all of the memories you shared. All the moments you shared. The moments filled with hatred, the moments fueled by love, the times you went wild in towns you’d never traveled to before and probably never would again, the words you’d exchanged, the intimate moment where the whole world melted and it was jus the two of you. There were the times you made love, when Billie really took her time worshiping you and your body. Then there were the more rough times, usually fueled by anger or Billie’s raging jealousy. Just an hour ago you couldn't have fathomed the thought of doing any of those things with anyone else. But here you were, possibly going to run away with a woman you’d not even known for a full half hour.
“I have someone and I love her, I really do. She’s given me everything I’ve ever wanted and I can’t possibly betray her. She’s my soulmate.”
"You can't. Not if it's not me. I want you...I crave you...I need you." Ally’s voice was weak and she looked like she was ready to cry. Her chest heaved as she spoke, her voice wavering. "Please."
Your eyes locked with her, lip quivering as you a pressure in your chest.
A voice broke the two of you from your staring contest, "What the hell is going on here?" You could see Ally’s jaw lock as she turned towards the woman. "What do you want, Howard?" Ally moved between you and Billie, squaring her shoulders.
"I want what you took from me." Billie furrowed her eyebrows, training her eyes on you. You started to panic; on one hand you wanted to leave with Ally. Because you were attracted to her the moment you started talking. You couldn’t explain it, like you had known her forever and you were only catching up. It was like those cliché movies with the high-school sweethearts that loose touch and then reconnect. But on the other hand, you had been with Billie for so long and you loved her with your whole heart. You loved Billie so much it scared you. Billie was the type of first love that never went away. So you just stood there, looking between the two in agony.
"I haven't taken shit from you." Ally huffed, her eyes shooting daggers at the three girls in front of her. Misty and Cordelia stood tall at Billie’s sides, their eyes fixated on Ally.
Ally’s eyes flickered to you then back at Ally and you could see Ally tense even more. As Ally turned around, you could see the tears starting to pool in her eyes. "She's your..." Ally let out a deep sigh as you nodded.
Ally was sure you could hear her heart breaking in her chest. "Darling, come here." Billie said gently, motioning you to come to her. You hesitated for a second before slowly making her way over to her. You could just barely feel Ally’s hand brush against her wrist.
Billie quickly pulled you into her arms with a tight squeeze, "Thank God, you’re okay.” She breathed into your hair. You nuzzled your face in Billie’s neck and let the tears fall.
You had chosen Billie, you had chosen your home. You knew that, even if you had left with Ally, Billie would always be on your mind. You were in love.
The sound of Ally’s car pulling away caused both of you to let out a breath. Billie pressed your lips together before the sound of rapid footsteps and policemen shouting broke your moment. Billie pulled away, her face breaking into a wicked grin. "Run."
Taglist: @mssallymckenna , @proudnlittle , @coxmicbabygirl , @sapphicpaulsxn , @its-soph-xx , @fand0m-obsess3d-g33k , @paulsonix , @madamevirgo , @saucy-sapphic , @kikaykimkim , @billiedeansbottom
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qianoir · 3 years
After Midnight 2 - Rhiannon
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college dropout!Ten (WayV) x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, angst with fluff on top
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 13+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing (censored), lying, family problems, mentions death of reader's father, romance, this part determines the reader’s age but feel free to ignore
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2
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𝟏𝟎:𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐌
Should I call him? No! What if it wasn't meant for me? Idiot, there was no one else in the café of course it was meant for you! What if it's a prank? It's probably the number to a McDonald’s or something. And if it's not..? What if he never comes into the café again?
You woke up in a freezing cold room with an acquainted boy named "Ten Lee" on your mind, contemplatively staring into his napkin before finally deciding to text him.
You typed the 11 digits into your phone.
Ok... now what do I say?
Hi Ten, this is Y/N from Décalcomanie.
Hi Ten, this is Y|
Why do I even care about this so much? It's just a text and for all I know this kid could be some kind of siren-vampire trying to seduce me with song lyrics at nighttime.. is that even possible?
Hi Mr. Lee this is Y/N from Décalcomanie.
Why so formal? Oh God I sent it..
It’s done.
You grabbed a towel and prepared a quick shower before continuing the rest of the morning. Intruding thoughts about Mr. Lee fill your mind under the water.. like.. why does he only visit the café at night? Your prior superstitious suspicions about him being a vampire fall back in mind.
At least if I get to be a vampire I can live this timeline as a doctor and make my mom happy, then be a dancer for eternity.
As much as you did not know about Ten, you still knew quite a bit about him. His favorite combination at the café is an iced Americano with pandan cake, his favorite color is black— you assume since it's the only color his outfits consist of, and he has a younger sister, which you found out after hearing him say 妹妹 over the phone one night.
The loud text notification sounds throughout the bathroom and you nearly slip trying to quickly finish your shower to check the new message.
Mom (Work)
My daughter! Your grandmother is sick, I am going to Incheon to bring her medicine and groceries so I need you to open the café today. I should be back to take over at 2 o’clock. Be careful on your own!
Unwrapping your body of your towel to dress into a nice outfit, you sighed knowing your Saturday would be another day spent on your sore feet. The café opens at 11 AM so you would only be working an extra few hours, but you hoped your mom would let you take a slice of delicacy home for the filial overtime.
Another loud notification tone beamed from your phone, forcing your name brooch to prick at your fingertip. The screen luminated with an unknown number.
Contact Not Found
hihi Y/N! no need to be so formal with me! I'm only from ‘96 :)
Contact ‘TEN’ Added
are you free today? I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and ice cream, if you're not sick of the smell yet ;p
You frowned remembering the plans your mother made for your day.
I'm so sorry Ten my mom wants me to work opening for the café today :(
Figuring that was your ending, you packed a bag full of necessities for the day and walked to Décalcomanie.
why don't I come over there? the café serves bingsoo this time of year right? it’s barely the afternoon, not many people will be dining. we could still hang out if you’re down?
Butterflies soared in your stomach just like they do every night at 11:59 PM.
Yeah that sounds perfect :)
okk see you soon!
It felt so weird to think of seeing him in the daytime, especially after just mentally accusing him of being a bloodsucker.
Upon your entrance, the café was soon bright with morning light and you patiently awaited Ten’s arrival. Nearly an hour had gone by and there was no sign of him. You didn't think he would flake out, but you barely know each other so why wouldn't he?
Ten was right; it was pretty empty here this morning. You bent forward to hand one of the regular old women her tea in the Décalcomanie’s prettiest teacup upon your mother’s request of the best service for all of her regular customers.
The bell chimed with an open door. Your eyes blinked to the woman's upturned phone by her saucer.
𝟏𝟏:𝟓𝟗 𝐀𝐌
Could it be? You laughed at the irony in the thought, but when you looked up from the woman’s table, a rice cake cheeked boy stood across from you.
"I'm here!" He announced to the entire floor.
You bowed a greeting like you do for every customer and ushered him to the bar, "Sit down over here." where he sat in front of your standing form. "What type of bingsoo have you come in for, sir?" You teased.
"Coconut with vanilla ice cream! And.. two spoons?"
You blushed at the thought of sharing subtle intimacy with the fine young man before your eyes. You had only just met him, but you saw no harm in sharing a dessert with him as you would do with friends.. if you had them.
Nodding and running off to make the icy dessert, you heard the ripple of a writing pen. From the corner of your eye, peeked Ten orchestrating an English poem onto a stray napkin, his brown bangs falling on the bridge of his nose. These little actions made your heart jump; his passion for various styles of music felt so endearing to you.
You paid for the grandiose bowl of sugar and presented it to Ten. His phone lit up with a notification and you took notice of his wallpaper: Him with a disgusted looking boy that he was French kissing on the cheek. I'm not judging but.. whomst?
"Who's that?" You asked, handing him a spoon, taking another for yourself.
He glanced at his phone and blushed, breaking out in quiet giggles.
"That's my friend, Yangyang. We really enjoy our time together."
You hummed and smiled. They seem to have a good friendship, but you were still curious to know more about this Yangyang guy.
"So you attend university?" Ten asked before shoveling a high spoon of ice flakes into his mouth.
"I'm a sophomore at SNU." You replied, mirroring his bold eating style.
Ten spoke with surprised eyes, "Really!? That's a fancy school. Wow~ you must be really smart."
"Not really.. I'm studying dance. All I do is move my feet."
"I'm a dancer, too! It's a really hard and beautiful art, you shouldn't sell yourself short for being a part of it." He genuinely advised.
You looked down after thanking him for his kind words, suddenly feeling very bashful. "How old are you, by the way? You calling me Mr. Lee this morning is all I've been thinking about." You both laughed.
"I'm 20, turning 21 this year.” He nodded. "You're from ‘00? Yangyang is the same age as you!"  He exclaims.
"I’ve never met someone my age! How many friends do you have?"
"I have a few, but I’m closest to a specific six and we all live together."
"It must be nice to have so many friends. It’s been a little difficult for me to make friends this semester.." You stirred some melted ice cream around your side of the bowl, suddenly feeling very lonely in Ten’s personal presence.
"You should come over sometime! We love new friends!" He was pleading with his eyes for you to agree.
"Oh.. I don't want to intrude-" "No really! We would love to have your company. Here..." He flipped over the napkin he was previously writing on and scribbled a short address on it, sliding it over to you.
"You should come by tomorrow evening. 5 o'clock if it works for you." Ten says before finishing off the last bit of flavored dairy in the bowl.
You scanned over the inked napkin in your hand.
97 Saemunanro, Sinmunno 1 il-ga, Jongnogu, Seoul
"It's apartment number 117. Just call me when you get there because we may not be able to hear your knocks over the screaming." You looked at him in slight concern, but he only smiled in return.
Ten took out his card to pay for the bingsoo, but you stopped him. "Oh I already paid for the both of us!"
"Aww you didn't have to," Ten frowned, but handed me $20 anyways, "Here take this at least. A tip for my favorite barista." He winked and ran out of the café before you could protest.
Ten shouted, bumping into a man, who cursed at him, profusely bowing on the way out. You shook your head at his silliness and flipped the napkin over to a pretty poem.
She is like a cat in the dark and then
she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark
and when the sky is starless
To Be Continued…
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
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